Korg i5s инструкция на русском бесплатно

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1) All intellectual property contained in this library — including owner’s manuals and product literature — is the sole property of KORG Inc. Duplication of contents of owner’s manuals and/or product literature in part or in whole without the permission of the Company for the purposes of sharing, mass-producing, posting online, or personal gain of any kind is prohibited by copyright law. Users are permitted to create one (1) copy for their personal non-commercial use.

2) Materials such as owner’s manuals and related product information are intended for the use of customers who purchase and use the product (End User). The Company assumes that this material is utilized by the End User. Please be aware that the Company may not be able to respond to inquiries regarding owner’s manuals made public in this library from anyone other than customers who have purchased the products.

3) This library does not provide owner’s manuals and product information for all of the products sold by the Company. Owner’s manuals or product information may not be available for all products indefinitely or at all, and may be permanently discontinued at the Company’s discretion.

4) Contents of owner’s manuals and content as found on korg.com may differ. Information on korg.com may be updated as necessary based on changes to the product specification, operating system, included contents, and so on. Additionally, owner’s manuals may be updated to reflect these and other changes with updated production of the product.

5) Company takes no responsibility for any loss including but not limited to loss of data, financial loss, or personal loss) that might arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the manual library or the specified software.

6) Please be aware that this service may be modified or terminated at any time by the Company without specific notice.

7) Contacts for questions regarding the product, as well as other addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses listed in the owner’s manuals are current as of the date the manual was produced. For the latest contact information, please refer to the Korg.com website.

8) Cautions regarding the use of the product are stated at the beginning and end of each owner’s manual. Because these cautions were based on the laws and societal understandings at the time when each manual was produced, they might not be appropriate for the present time. It is advised that End User review and strictly adhere to these Cautions.

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