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Fondital minorca rc Installation, Use And Maintenance Manual

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  6. Installation, use and maintenance manual

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KC — KR — KRB 24



Translation of the

original instructions (in



Related Manuals for Fondital minorca rc

Summary of Contents for Fondital minorca rc

  • Page 1
    MINORCA KC — KR — KRB 24 INSTALLATION, USE AND MAINTENANCE Translation of the original instructions (in Italian)
  • Page 2
    Dear Sirs, thank You for choosing and buying one of our products. Please read these instructions carefully in order to properly install, operate, and maintain the product. WARNING • We inform users that: • Boilers shall be installed by an authorised company under the requirements set forth by the prevailing rules, in full compliance with the prevailing regulations and standards.
  • Page 3
    General notes for installing and maintenance technicians, and users This instruction manual is an integral and essential part of the product. It shall be supplied by the installer to the user who shall keep it carefully to consult it whenever necessary. This document shall be supplied together with the equipment in case the latter is sold or transferred to others.
  • Page 4
    DANGER With gas fired boilers, take the following measures if you smell gas: • Do not turn on or off electric switches and do not turn on electric appliances. • Do not ignite flames and do not smoke. • Close the main gas cock. •…
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Instructions for the user …………Control panel …………………………………

  • Page 6
    Fig. 1 Control panel ………………….Fig.
  • Page 7
    Tab. 1 Adjustment specifications KC-KR-KRB 24 …………….. Tab.
  • Page 8: Instructions For The User

    1. Instructions for the user Control panel RESET RESET Fig. 1 Control panel A. DHW setting (+/- DHW). B. Operating status selection and parameter confirmation. C. Alarm reset and back to the starting page during parameter selection. D. CH water temperature (+/- CH) and parameter settings. E.

  • Page 9
    Ref. Description Steady on Flashing Temperature, parameter values and Alphanumeric indicator Not used. fault indication. Indication of «parameter» inside the Parameter indicator Not used. parameter menu. Flame lighting indicator Lit flame indication. Not used. Display of CH temperature set-point Central heating indicator CH function activated.
  • Page 10: Interpreting Boiler Status From Display Indications

    Interpreting boiler status from display indications 1.2.1 Normal operation Boiler in STANDBY mode Boiler in SUMMER mode No active function Flow temperature displayed Boiler in WINTER mode No active function Flow temperature displayed Boiler in CENTRAL HEATING ONLY mode No active function Flow temperature displayed Boiler in SUMMER mode Domestic hot water withdrawal…

  • Page 11: Boiler Operation

    Boiler operation 1.3.1 Switching on DANGER It is presumed that the boiler has been installed by a qualified installer, it has been commissioned and is ready to operate correctly. • Open the gas shut-off cock. • Turn the master switch installed ahead of the boiler to ON. •…

  • Page 12
    1.3.4 DHW function The DHW production function is enabled on the KC model and on the KR/KRB models with external water heater (optional). DHW production function is enabled in one of the following operating modes: SUMMER or WINTER. Such function has always priority over CH water supply. To set the domestic hot water temperature, press DHW +/- buttons.
  • Page 13 Water heater freeze protection function (for models KR/KRB with external water heater). On KR/KRB models with external water cylinder (optional) with NTC probe (10 kΩ @ ß=3435; refer to water cylinder technical specifications), the frost protection function also protects the water heater. When water heater probe detects a water temperature of +5 °C, the boiler switches on and stays on at its minimum heat output until the temperature of the water heater water reaches +10 °C or 15 minutes have elapsed.
  • Page 14: Boiler Shut-Down

    1.3.10 Operation with external probe (optional) Boiler can be connected to a probe measuring the external temperature (optional — not compulsory, supplied by the manufacturer). Once the external temperature value is known, the boiler will automatically adjust the heating water temperature: increasing it as the external temperature decreases and decreasing it as the external temperature increases.

  • Page 15: Fig. 2 Filler Cock

    1.4.2 Shut-down due to overheating Fault code E02 is shown on the LCD display in the event of flow water temperature overheating. Contact a service centre or a qualified service engineer to carry out the maintenance. 1.4.3 Shut-down due to incorrect air/flue gas system draught The boiler is equipped with a safety device for flue gas exhaustion check.

  • Page 16
    1.4.5 Alarm due to temperature probe malfunction The following fault codes are shown on the display in the event of burner shut-down due to a temperature probe fault: • E05 for the central heating water probe; iIn this case, the boiler does not work. •…
  • Page 17: Maintenance

    Maintenance WARNING The boiler must be serviced periodically as indicated in the relevant section of this manual. Appropriate boiler maintenance ensures efficient operation, environment preservation, and safety for people, animals and objects. Boilers must be maintained by qualified personnel only, under the requirements set forth by the prevailing rules. Notes for the user WARNING The user may only access parts of the boiler that can be reached without using special equipment or tools.

  • Page 18: Technical Features And Dimensions

    2. Technical features and dimensions Technical features This boiler is equipped with a fully pre-mixed gas burner. The following models are available: • KC condensing boiler with sealed chamber and forced draught, supplying CH water and instant DHW production; • KR condensing boiler with sealed chamber and forced draught, supplying CH water only.

  • Page 19
    2.1.3 Operating features • CH electronic flame modulation with timer-controlled rising ramp (30 minutes, adjustable). • DHW electronic flame modulation (mdoels KC and KR/KRB with optional water heater). • DHW priority function (model KC and models KR/KRB with optional water heater) •…
  • Page 20: Dimensions

    Dimensions 152,5 66 60 Fig. 3 Dimensions KC/KR Trap inspection cap CH system flow (3/4”) Domestic hot water outlet (1/2”, only KC) Gas inlet (1/2”) Cold water inlet (1/2″) CH system return (3/4”) Technical features and dimensions…

  • Page 21: Fig. 4 Dimensions Krb

    152,5 66 60 Fig. 4 Dimensions KRB Trap inspection cap CH system flow (3/4”) Water heater secondary flow (1/2″) Gas inlet (1/2”) Water heater secundary return (1/2″) CH system return (3/4”) Technical features and dimensions…

  • Page 22: Boiler Layouts

    Boiler layouts Condensate drain CH system flow Gas inlet Cold water inlet CH system return Fig. 5 Model KR wiring diagram Condensate trap 20. Circulation pump Modulating gas valve 21. System unloading cock. Safety thermostat on CH flow 22. Automatic by-pass CH flow water probe Modulating fan Main condensing heat exchanger…

  • Page 23: Fig. 6 Model Kc Wiring Diagram

    Condensate drain CH system flow DHW outlet Gas inlet Cold water inlet 26 25 CH system return Fig. 6 Model KC wiring diagram Condensate trap 21. System unloading cock. Modulating gas valve 22. DHW flow rate limiting device Safety thermostat on CH flow 23.

  • Page 24: Fig. 7 Model Kr Wiring Diagram

    Condensate drain CH system flow Gas inlet Cold water inlet CH system return Fig. 7 Model KR wiring diagram Condensate trap 21. System unloading cock. Modulating gas valve 22. Automatic by-pass Safety thermostat on CH flow 23. Motorised 3-way valve CH flow water probe Modulating fan Main condensing heat exchanger…

  • Page 25: Operating Data

    Operating data Burner pressures reported in the following page must be verified after the boiler has been operating for 3 minutes. Gas category: II2H3P Fuel Gas mains pressure [mbar] Diaphragm diameter [mm] Flue CO2 value [%] Natural gas G20 9.0 ÷ 9.6 Propane Gas G31 9.7 ÷…

  • Page 26: Tab. 3 General Specifications Kr/Krb

    KR 24 Description KRB 24 CH nominal heat input 20,0 Minimum heat input Maximum heat output (80-60°C) — CH 19,5 Minimum heat output (80-60°C) — CH Maximum heat output (50-30°C) — CH 21,0 Minimum heat output (50-30°C) — CH Minimum CH system pressure Maximum CH system pressure Electric power supply –…

  • Page 27: Erp And Labelling Data

    Annual electricity consumption Annual fuel consumption Contact details: FONDITAL S.p.A. — Via Cerreto, 40 I-25079 VOBARNO (Brescia) Italia — Italy (*) High-temperature regime means 60 °C return temperature at heater inlet and 80 °C feed temperature at heater outlet. (**) Low temperature means for condensing boilers 30 °C, for low-temperature boilers 37 °C and for other heaters 50 °C return temperature (at heater inlet).

  • Page 28
    Sound power level, indoors Contact details: FONDITAL S.p.A. — Via Cerreto, 40 I-25079 VOBARNO (Brescia) Italia — Italy (*) High-temperature regime means 60 °C return temperature at heater inlet and 80 °C feed temperature at heater outlet. (**) Low temperature means for condensing boilers 30 °C, for low-temperature boilers 37 °C and for other heaters 50 °C return temperature (at heater inlet).
  • Page 29: Instructions For The Installer

    3. Instructions for the installer Installation standards This boiler must be installed in compliance with the laws and standards in force in the country of installation, which are herein considered as entirely transcribed. To find out about the gas category and technical specifications, refer to operation data and general features specified in the previous pages. DANGER Accessories and spare parts for installation and service procedures are to be supplied by the Manufacturer.

  • Page 30: Fig. 8 Paper Template

    PT RU NL DE GB GR RO CZ HU TR Salida agua Sortie eau Wyjście ciepłej Saída de Έξοδο Uscita acqua Выход ГВС Uitgang warm Ieşire apă cal- Sıcak su caliente sani- chaude sani- wody água quente (Auslauf War- θερ ού νερού Výstup TPV calda sanitaria tapwater…

  • Page 31: Installing The Boiler

    Installing the boiler DANGER Before connecting the boiler to CH and DHW networks, clean the pipes carefully. Before commissioning a NEW system, clean it to remove any metal chips due to machining and welding, and any oil and grease that might negatively affect boiler operation or even damage it in case they get inside it.

  • Page 32: Air Intake And Flue Gas Venting System

    Air intake and flue gas venting system Flue gas discharge into the atmosphere and air intake/flue gas venting systems must comply with applicable laws and standards in the country of installation that are considered as fully transcribed herein. DANGER The boiler is equipped with a safety device for flue gas exhaustion check. It is strictly forbidden to tamper with and/or prevent operation of such safety device.

  • Page 33
    3.6.1 Possible configuration of air intake and flue gas venting ducts Type B23 Boiler intended for connection to an existing flue system external to the boiler room. Combustion air is taken directly from the boiler room itself while flue gas is conveyed to the outside. The boiler is not to be fitted with anti-wind gust device;…
  • Page 34: Fig. 10 Type C13 — C33 Coaxial Ducts

    3.6.2 Ø 100/60 mm and Ø 125/80 mm air/flue gas coaxial duct system WARNING The information given above is with reference to air intake/flue gas venting ducts made from smooth, rigid pipes approved and supplied by the manufacturer. C13/C13X installation type •…

  • Page 35: Fig. 12 Split Pipe Kit 0Kitsdop00

    3.6.3 Air intake and flue gas venting via 80 mm split pipes WARNING The information given above is with reference to air intake/flue gas venting ducts made from smooth, rigid pipes approved and supplied by the manufacturer. Installation types C43 — C53 — C83 •…

  • Page 36: Checking Combustion Efficiency

    Checking combustion efficiency 3.7.1 Flue cleaning function • The boiler features a flue cleaning function which must be used to measure combustion efficiency during operation and to adjust the burner. • To activate the flue cleaning function, press and hold the buttons — DHW and RESET simultaneously for 5 seconds. The flow temperature and the symbol are shown on the LCD.

  • Page 37: Connection To Gas Mains

    Connection to gas mains Cross-section gas pipe size must be chosen depending on its length, layout pattern, gas flow rate. Gas supply pipe cross-section must be equal or greater than boiler gas pipe. DANGER Comply with installation standards enforced in the country where the boiler is installed which are considered as fully transcribed in this booklet.

  • Page 38: Fig. 17 Condensate Drain

    3.9.2 Prior to installing the boiler, the hydraulic system is to be cleaned in order to remove impurities; they could be present in system components and damage the pump and the heat exchanger. Model KC Cold water inlet and DHW outlet shall be connected to the boiler through the dedicated 1/2″ F and C fittings. Hardness of water supplied to the boiler may increase the plate heat exchanger cleaning/replacement intervals.

  • Page 39: Connection To Electrical Mains

    3.10 Connection to electrical mains The boiler is supplied with a three-poled power cable, already connected to the electronic board and it is provided with a safety clamp. The boiler is to be connected to a 230V-50Hz electrical power supply. When connecting it to power mains, follow correct phase / neutral polarity sequence.

  • Page 40: Installation And Operation With Open Therm Remote Control (Optional)

    3.13 Installation and operation with Open Therm Remote Control (optional) WARNING Only use original Remote Control Units supplied by the manufacturer. The correct operation of the Remote Control itself and of the boiler is not guaranteed if non original Remote Control units not supplied by the manufacturer are used.

  • Page 41: Installation Of The (Optional) External Probe And Sliding Temperature Operation

    3.15 Installation of the (optional) external probe and sliding temperature operation The boiler can be connected to an (optional) external temperature probe (optional, provided by the manufacturer) for sliding temperature operation. If an external probe is installed, then it will not be possible to install an ambient probe. WARNING Only original external temperature probes supplied by the manufacturer must be used.

  • Page 42: Fig. 18 Thermoregulation Curves

    Fig. 18 Thermoregulation curves indicates flow water temperature in °C indicates external temperature in °C Instructions for the installer…

  • Page 43: Tsp Parameters

    3.16 TSP parameters The boiler operation is controlled by several parameters. To display the parameters, press and hold the buttons + DHW and — DHW simultaneously for 3 seconds. The LCD display shows alternatively at intervals of 3 seconds the number of the parameter (e.g. P03) and the parameter value (e.g.

  • Page 44: Tab. 9 Limits To Be Set For Tsp Parameters And Default Values In Relation To Boiler Type (Tsp0) — Ii

    Parameter Settable values Default values Notes P16 — TSP16 0 ÷ 199 sec. 0 sec. Ambient thermostat/remote control reading delay P17 — TSP17 0 ÷ 30 sec. 10 sec. Anti-seize function timer P18 — TSP18 0 ÷ 255 days 15 days Anti-legionella function timer P19 — TSP19 35 ÷…

  • Page 45: Tab. 10 Limits To Be Set For Tsp Parameters And Default Values In Relation To Boiler Type (Tsp0) — Iii

    Parameter Settable values Default values Notes With P34 = 0: PWM=100% pump stopped and PWM=0% pump at maximum operation. 0 ÷ 1 PWM circulation pump control With P34 = 1: PWM=100% pump at maximum operation and PWM=0% pump stopped. 0 ÷ 1 0 = user parameters;…

  • Page 46: Tab. 11 Limits To Be Set For Tsp Parameters And Default Values In Relation To Boiler Type (Tsp0) — Iv

    Parameter Settable values Default values Notes Shut-down code Display of most recent boiler shut-down display of number of days since last shut-down Shut-down code Display of penultimate boiler shut-down display of number of days since second last shut-down Shut-down code Display of third last boiler shut-down display of number of days since third last shut- down…

  • Page 47: Filling The System

    3.17 Filling the system Once all boiler connections have been completed, CH system can be filled. The procedure is to be cautiously carried out, following each step: • Open the bleeding valves on all radiators and verify the boiler automatic valve operation. •…

  • Page 48: Available Head

    3.19 Available head The boiler is equipped with a high-efficiency circulation pump with variable speed. Circulation pump speed is automatically managed by the electronics, according to the settings of boiler parameters. It is possible to choose between two pump working modes: 1 1 “Constant ΔT”…

  • Page 49: Wiring Diagrams

    3.20 Wiring diagrams 230Vac 50Hz SEXT/SAMB PWM P PWM V Fig. 20 Wiring diagram KC Instructions for the installer…

  • Page 50
    Internal connections P: ….boiler pump V:….brushless fan VG: .
  • Page 51: Fig. 21 Wiring Diagram Kr

    5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 230Vac 50Hz SEXT/SAMB PWM P PWM V Fig. 21 Wiring diagram KR Instructions for the installer…

  • Page 52
    Internal connections P: ….boiler pump V:….brushless fan VG: .
  • Page 53: Fig. 22 Wiring Diagram Krb

    5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 230Vac 50Hz SEXT/SAMB PWM P PWM V Fig. 22 Wiring diagram KRB Instructions for the installer…

  • Page 54: Tab. 12 Relationship Between «Temperature And Nominal Resistance» For Temperature Probes

    Internal connections P: ….boiler pump V:….brushless fan VG: .

  • Page 55: Adaptation To Other Gas Types And Burner Adjustment

    3.21 Adaptation to other gas types and burner adjustment WARNING This boiler is built to run on the type of gas specified on the packaging and on the boiler rating plate. Any later transformation is to be exclusively carried out by qualified personnel, using manufacturer designed accessories and following the procedure and adjustment instructions for an accurate boiler setting-up.

  • Page 56: Fig. 24 Adjusting Co2 Value

    3.21.1 Gas valve setting Maximum heating output adjustment • Make sure that the ambient thermostat (optional), if fitted, is set to ON. • Select boiler operating mode «CH ONLY» by pressing the «Operating mode» button on the control panel until symbol is shown.

  • Page 57: Testing The Boiler

    4. Testing the boiler Preliminary checks Before testing the boiler, it is recommended to check the following: • the flue gas venting duct and the relative terminal are installed in conformity with the instructions: there must be no leakage of combustion by-products from any of the gaskets.

  • Page 58: Maintenance

    5. Maintenance WARNING Any maintenance (and repair) work must only be carried out by qualified personnel. The user is strongly advised to have the product serviced and repaired by a service centre or qualified personnel. Appropriate boiler maintenance ensures efficient operation, environment preservation, and safety for people, animals and objects. The boiler must be serviced at least once every year.

  • Page 59: Decommissioning, Disassembly And Disposal

    6. Decommissioning, disassembly and disposal Warning If you decide to definitively decommission the boiler, have decommissioning, disassembly and disposal procedures carried out by qualified personnel, only. The user is not authorised to carry out such operations. Decommissioning, disassembly and disposal operations must be performed with boiler cold and disconnected from gas and power mains. The materials the boiler is made of can all be recycled.

  • Page 60: Malfunctions, Possible Causes And Solutions

    7. Malfunctions, possible causes and solutions Troubleshooting BOILER STATUS MALFUNCTION PROBABLE CAUSE USER’S TASKS QUALIFIED PERSONNEL’S TASKS Check gas supply. Gas supply failure. Check gas supply cock or gas network safety valve intervention. Gas valve is disconnected. Contact qualified personnel Reconnect it.

  • Page 61
    BOILER STATUS MALFUNCTION PROBABLE CAUSE USER’S TASKS QUALIFIED PERSONNEL’S TASKS Water heater probe fault (KR/ Probe is disconnected. Contact qualified personnel Reconnect it. KRB with external water heater, E12** optional and NTC probe, Probe is faulty. Contact qualified personnel Replace it. optional for Kr, standard for KRB).
  • Page 63
    Page left intentionally blank…
  • Page 64
    Fax +39 0365/878.304 e mail: info@fondital.it www.fondital.com The manufacturer reserves the right to modify his/her products as deemed necessary, without altering the basic characteristics of the products themselves. Uff. Pubblicità Fondital IST 03 C 972 — 01 Aprile 2016 (04/2016)

Характеристики Котел настенный Fondital Minorca Plus CTN 24 CU: технические характеристики и инструкция по применению



Материал теплообменника


Тип установки


Тип котла


Подключение к контуру ГВС

1/2 дюйма

Подключение к газу

1/2 дюйма

Напряжение питания, В


Диаметр дымохода, мм

60/100 мм

Объем бака, л

6 литров

КПД, %


Количество контуров

двухконтурный (отопление и ГВС)



Площадь обогрева, кв.м

на 250 кв,м

Камера сгорания


Подключение к контуру отопления

с подключением 3/4 дюйма

Встроенный расширительный бак

с расширительным баком

Встроенный циркуляционный насос

с циркуляционным насосом

Расход сжиженного газа, кг/час


Расход природного газа, м3/час


Мощность, кВт


Глубина, мм


Настенный котел с закрытой камерой сгорания и принудительной тягой с проточным нагревом горячей воды

Продукт доступен пока есть запасы


  • Монотермический aлюминиевый теплообменник
  • Компактный котел глубиной всего лишь 250 мм
  • Жидкокристалический дисплей с автодиагностикой
  • Регулировка температуры внутри помещения с помощью датчика температуры комнатного воздуха
  • Датчик комнатной температуры в стандартной комплектации

на 104 м2

Minorca AL PLUS CTFS 9

Fondital ★ CMKR02CA09

  • Мощность

    7 — 10.4 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 100.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 123 м2

Minorca AL PLUS CTFS 11

Fondital ★ CMKR02CA11

  • Мощность

    7 — 12.3 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 110.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 130 м2

Minorca AL PLUS CTFS 13

Fondital ★ CMKR02CA13

  • Мощность

    7 — 13 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 140.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 150 м2

Minorca AL PLUS CTFS 15

Fondital ★ CMKR02CA15

  • Мощность

    7 — 15 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 150.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 200 м2

Minorca AL PLUS CTFS 18

Fondital ★ CMKR02CA18

  • Мощность

    7 — 20 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 200.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 255 м2

Minorca AL PLUS CTFS 24

Fondital ★ CMKR02CA24

  • Мощность

    11.5 — 25.5 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 240.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 104 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTFS 9

Fondital ★ CMKR02CG09

  • Мощность

    7 — 10.4 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 100.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 123 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTFS 11

Fondital ★ CMKR02CG11

  • Мощность

    7 — 12.3 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 110.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 130 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTFS 13

Fondital ★ CMKR02CG13

  • Мощность

    7 — 13 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 140.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 150 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTFS 15

Fondital ★ CMKR02CG15

  • Мощность

    7 — 15 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 150.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 200 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTFS 18

Fondital ★ CMKR02CG18

  • Мощность

    7 — 20 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 200.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 255 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTFS 24

Fondital ★ CMKR02CG24

  • Мощность

    11.5 — 25.5 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 240.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


на 255 м2

Minorca CU PLUS CTN 24

Fondital ★ CMKR02CH24

  • Мощность

    11.5 — 25.5 кВт

  • Отапливаемая площадь

    до 240.0 м2

  • Антифриз


  • Камера сгорания


  • Кол-во контуров


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