Требуются инструкции по сборке из вашего набора ЛЕГО set 70642 Ninjago Киллоу против самурая X? Ниже вы можете просмотреть и загрузить бесплатно инструкции по сборке в формате PDF. Кроме того, приведены часто задаваемые вопросы, рейтинг изделия и отзывы пользователей, что позволит оптимально использовать ваше изделие. Если это не то руководство, которое вы искали, – свяжитесь с нами.
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В наборе нет одного элемента Lego, где можно заказать запасной? Проверенный
В компании Lego работает служба, где можно заказать отдельные элементы или куда можно обратиться в случае нехватки элементов в наборе. Дополнительную информацию см. на веб-сайте.
Это было полезно (4125)
Как предотвратить изменение цвета игрушек Lego? Проверенный
Цвет пластиковых игрушек Lego меняется по двум главным причинам: длительное воздействие солнечного света или сигаретного дыма. Постарайтесь минимизировать воздействие этих факторов на ваши игрушки Playmobil.
Это было полезно (1384)
Как лучше всего чистить детали конструктора Lego? Проверенный
Lego советуют чистить детали вручную с помощью воды (не выше 40°C) и щадящего чистящего средства. Никогда не мойте детали Lego в посудомоечной или стиральной машине. Оставьте детали сушиться на воздухе. Очищайте электрические детали исключительно сухой тканью.
Это было полезно (1269)
Каждый раз после сборки нового набора Lego у меня остается несколько маленьких деталей. Я забыл(-а) ими воспользоваться? Проверенный
Нет, во многих наборах Lego есть запасные детали для мелких элементов.
Это было полезно (1027)
Как лучше всего наносить наклейки на детали Lego? Проверенный
Чтобы наклейки можно было переклеить, рекомендуется обработать место нанесения наклейки средством для очистки стекол. После размещения наклейки дайте ей высохнуть, чтобы она держалась на месте.
Это было полезно (910)
Где я могу найти список деталей моего набора Lego? Проверенный
Многие современные инструкции Lego включают список деталей в конце буклета. В случае нескольких буклетов список можно найти в середине PDF-файла.
Это было полезно (865)
Можно ли использовать детали Lego и Duplo вместе? Проверенный
Да, детали Lego и Duplo совместимы. Детали Lego устанавливаются на детали Duplo с полыми шипами. Детали Duplo лучше всего устанавливаются на более крупные детали Lego, на мелких деталях они могут держаться хуже.
Это было полезно (796)
С какого возраста можно играть с Lego? Проверенный
Большинство наборов Lego предназначены для детей от 4 лет, поскольку содержат мелкие детали. Специальная серия Duplo предназначена для детей от 1,5 лет. Возрастные ограничения всегда указываются на коробке.
Это было полезно (779)
Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для конструктора Lego
70642 Killow vs. Samurai X (Киллоу против Самурая Икс), описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.
Производитель настойчиво рекомендует перед включением конструктора Lego
внимательно изучить настоящую инструкцию.
Инструкция для конструктора Lego
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Но если открыть инструкцию все же не удается, то необходимо установить на компьютер программу для чтения PDF файлов, например, Acrobat Reader. Если у вас возникли сложности с открытием инструкции на смартфоне под управлением Android, нужно установить, например, Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Lego Киллоу против Самурая Икс — LEGO NINJAGO № 70642 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
Вы можете скачать инструкцию к Киллоу против Самурая Икс — LEGO NINJAGO № 70642 по ссылке ниже, если не хотите ждать загрузки. Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.
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Face-off against mighty Killow with Samurai X and Jay with this exciting LEGO® NINJAGO® 70642 Killow vs. Samurai X set! Leap into the cockpit of the Samurai X Mech and fire the stud shooters at Killow’s Oni Chopper. Stay clear of the Oni Chopper’s spinning saw blade and flip-out blades. Attack with the mech’s own spinning blade, but watch out—Killow has jumped onto his skateboards and is firing his booster pack’s stud shooters. Dodge his spiked baseball bat and fight back with Jay’s nunchucks. Together you must take down Killow and claim the Oni Mask of Deception!
The Crystal King Temple
Climb to the top of the temple to reclaim the ninja’s stolen elemental weapons. But watch out – it has been packed with dangerous traps to stop you! You must make your way past the traps and grab the weapons from The Crystal King on his throne before defeating him and his Vengestone Guard in a final battle. It is up to you to thwart their plan to conquer NINJAGO® City!
Nya’s Water Dragon EVO
Ride into battle with Nya and her water dragon to take on the evil Bone Guard in a thrilling showdown! Lloyd is there to help too. Watch out as the Bone Guard uses his swords as wings to launch a flying attack with his bone shuriken. Upgrade the dragon with golden wings to make it bigger and win the battle. For completing your mission, you will be rewarded with a collectible Generosity banner.
Lloyd’s Spinjitzu Ninja Training
Team up with Lloyd to help him master his Spinjitzu skills with this amazing action toy spinner. Place him in the spinner, pull the rip cord and watch as he quickly spins around. Set him challenges by seeing if he can dodge through the 3 burning bombs placed in front of him. It is your job to get Lloyd battle-ready!
Ninja Dragon Temple
Swoop into battle with Nya and her Ninja Dragon against a pair of pesky snake warriors! These enemies are desperate to grab the dragon’s egg Kai is protecting at a ninja temple. Sneaky Snake is ready to give chase on his superfast motorbike, while Cobra Mechanic is armed with a spear and primed to fire his powerful catapult at you. It is essential you triumph to save NINJAGO® City!
Kai’s Spinjitzu Ninja Training
Help Kai master his Spinjitzu skills with this amazing ninja action spinner. Place him inside the spinner, pull the rip cord and watch as he furiously spins round and round. It is essential he perfects his balance. Set him challenges by making the training tower higher and higher! It is your job to get Kai ready for battle and help him reach his true potential.
Zane’s Ice Dragon Creature
Descend from the skies with Zane and his awesome Ice Dragon to take on 3 evil green bone warriors. Attack with the dragon’s sharp ice claws, horns, tail and ice-breath! When you have won the clash, rebuild the model into an imposing dragon warrior on 2 legs wielding a large golden blade. You have the choice between 2 amazing battle-ready creatures to protect NINJAGO® City from attack!
Kai’s Ninja Race Car EVO
Help Kai transform his supercool Ninja Race Car for fast-paced, thrilling adventures in NINJAGO® City! Jump in the cockpit and take a ride in the off-road vehicle with mega tires and a golden wing spoiler. When you pull over, swap the wheels and upgrade it to an even more powerful and rapid street racer ready for some exciting showdowns! Can you help Kai get up to top speed and triumph?
Creative Ninja Brick Box
Work on your skills with Nya, Kai and Master Wu at the Ninja Dojo. Develop your strength and agility at the training area on the obstacle course, but stay alert because Bone Hunter wants to break in! Get ready to race off in the ninja car or on the motorbike to confront him. You can also use the 530 pieces from the brick box to build the new ninja models and builds suggested in the instructions.
Kai’s Fire Dragon EVO
Soar into the sky with Kai and his Fire Dragon to combat two evil snake warriors – but be careful! One is controlling a shooting drone, while the other has a jetpack and a chain gun. Upgrade the dragon twice to make it bigger, stronger and quicker, for this must-win battle to protect NINJAGO® City. For completing your mission, you will be rewarded with a collectible Courage banner.
Kai’s Mech Rider EVO
Roar into battle with Kai in a mech suit on the back of his powerful motorbike. He and Nya need to take down the green bone warriors! Bone King is armed with a sword and Bone Hunter has a bone mattock and a sword. You can seize victory by upgrading the ninja bike with golden elements. For succeeding in your challenge, you will be rewarded with a collectible Focus banner.
Jay’s Lightning Jet EVO
Soar into the sky with Jay in his supercool Lightning Jet to protect NINJAGO® City! Keep an eye out for villains as you patrol the airspace above the ninja’s home. When you land, upgrade the jet to make it bigger and more intimidating by adding golden blades, a rudder and 2 powerful stud shooters, before zooming back into the clouds. Now, at the first sign of danger, you can fire the shooters!
Jay’s Titan Mech
Get ready for an epic battle as Jay in his most powerful-ever mech and his fellow ninja warrior Nya take on 3 dangerous green bone warriors. Look out! Bone King, Bone Knight and Bone Hunter are ready to take them both down with a fast-firing double crossbow loaded with 4 darts and mounted on a wagon. Fight back with the mech’s large dragon blade, 2 katanas and 2 shooters. You must save NINJAGO® City from attack!
The Most Wonderful Dream!
It’s another day at the Monastery of Spinjitzu in NINJAGO® City.
Nya rises from her bed with a massive smile after a wonderful dream.
She was running through colorful fields alongside magical deer and mushroom people!
This all happened…on what appeared to be a flying island!
The ninja do dream. But these dreams were different. Something foreign to the NINJAGO world …
Something wonderful is coming: a world of your wildest dreams. Stay tuned!
The Weirdest Dream!
It’s another day at the Monastery of Spinjitzu in NINJAGO® City.
Kai wakes up late and remembers his very, very weird dream!
He was flying through the sky on the back of a massive blue bunny.
He wants to tell the others…but is too afraid it will sound silly when he says it out loud.
The ninja do dream. But these dreams were different. Something foreign to the NINJAGO world …
Something weird is coming: a world of your wildest dreams. Stay tuned!
The Most Outrageous Dream!
A day at the Monastery of Spinjitzu in NINJAGO® City starts like any other.
Until Master Wu wakes in a trance after having the most outrageous dream.
He was surrounded by a massive turtle and crocodile with vehicles on their backs.
Then suddenly, a giant purple chicken appeared at his side!
The ninja do dream. But these dreams were different. Something foreign to the NINJAGO world …
Something outrageous is coming: a world of your wildest dreams. Stay tuned!
Read a NINJAGO book!
Have you ever thought about picking up a NINJAGO book? They are a great way of engaging with more stories and getting inspired when the show is on a break. Watch this video to hear what NINJAGO fan DuckBricks has to say about the latest book release.
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Even old villains can go from darkness to light when there’s a shared purpose! Who would’ve guessed Cyrus Borg would one day create powerful mechs for Ultra Violet and Fugi-Dove?! Let’s hope they learn to pilot them in time to step in and support the other allies! Grab your bricks and build the mech you’d give the fugitives.
Here are DuckBricks’ favourite NINJAGO books
Watch this quick video by DuckBricks to see how the new book Quest for Lost Powers compares to his older favourites. What’s your favourite NINJAGO book? Tell us in the comments below!
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DuckBricks’ exclusive book review!
Want to dig into a new book? Have a look at NINJAGO fan DuckBrick’s quick review of NINJAGO Quest for Lost Powers.
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What’s the timeline for your story?
In your #NINJAGONXT story, how much time has passed since the finale of NINJAGO® Crystalized? Is it the next day, the next week, or sometime in the next 50 years!? A good starting point for any story is deciding WHEN things happen.
Let this story about the ninja many (many) years later inspire your entry! Did you imagine this much time passing or none at all?
Skylor vs. Pythor? What an epic showdown!
Skylor, the Master of Amber, steps in and saves the ninja AGAIN! This time it was a duel with the incredibly powerful Pythor. Thanks to her ability to absorb elemental powers from anyone she touches, Skylor hit Pythor with Earth and Fire. BOOM!
Tune in to the NINJAGO book club!
Need inspiration for your next ninja story? Watch this exclusive video podcast featuring a panel of fellow NINJAGO fans discuss the latest book, Quest for Lost Powers.
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Help Jay and Kai defeat Unagami by collecting Key-Tanas! Use the Cyber Dragon or Mech Jet and beat the bad guys along the way.
Enter the NINJAGO® world. Join the heroic young ninja battling against evil.
Run for your life and collect the Golden Bricks to defeat the evil Master Chen!
Play the new LEGO® NINJAGO® Prime Empire game! Help Jay to overcome obstacles and fight off enemies in the dangerous world of the Prime Empire video game. Can you make it to the last level?
LEGO® NINJAGO®: Shadow of Ronin™ mobile
There is a new threat in the NINJAGO world, and he goes by the name of Ronin. With help from his army of dark samurai, Ronin steals the ninja’s memories using an ancient weapon called the Obsidian Glaive.
In LEGO® NINJAGO®: Shadow of Ronin™, it’s up to players to help the ninja regain their memories and reclaim their powers before Ronin completes his plan and releases an even greater evil on the NINJAGO world.