Мануал для фольксваген амарок

Volkswagen Amarok — документация по ремонту

VW Amarok (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

VW Amarok (S1B) 2013 — 2016

VW Amarok (S7A, S7B) 2017 —

VW Amarok (S6B) 2017 —

Быстрый переход по разделам:


Система охлаждения, отопления и кондиционирования

Системы впрыска, зажигания

Топливная система

Передняя и задняя подвеска

Тормозная система

Рулевое управление

Коробки передач, сцепление



Общая документация

Общая документация по автомобилю

VW Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance (eng.)
Workshop Manual. Редакция 01.2011

Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Фольксваген Амарок.

Дизельные двигатели CDBA и CDCA.

Содержание: 1 — Engine list, 2 — Service work, 3 — General, 4 — Descriptions of work 5 — Exhaust emissions test, 6 — Glossary.

155 страниц. 2 Mb.

VW Amarok 2017 — Maintenance (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok с 2017 года выпуска.

Описание сервисных работ Фольксваген Амарок (S7) с бензиновыми двигателями: CFPA и дизельными двигателями: CDBA, CDCA, CNEA, CNFA, CNFB, CSHA, DDXA, DDXB, DDXC, DDXD, DDXE. Редакция 02.2021

Heading: Engine list, Service work, General information, Descriptions of work, Exhaust emissions test, Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI).

138 страниц.

Volkswagen Amarok 2010 (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Пособие по программе самообразования 463 VW/Audi.

С пикапом Amarok подразделение Volkswagen Коммерческие автомобили становится игроком сегмента
пикапов среднего класса. Amarok представляет собой не только четвёртый по счёту модельный ряд под маркой
Volkswagen Коммерческие автомобили, но и первый европейский пикап в классе грузоподъёмности до одной
тонны. В новой модели необходимые пикапу мощность и надёжность объединены с инновационными
технологиями, высокими стандартами безопасности и превосходными характеристиками топливной
эффективности, комфорта и эргономичности.

Содержание: Кузов, Системы пассивной безопасности, Двигатели (буквенные обозначения двигателей: CDCA, CDBA, CFPA), Коробки передач, Ходовая часть, Отопитель и климатическая установка, Электрооборудование, Головное устройство и навигационная система.

Volkswagen Amarok (rus.) Техническое обучение VW.

Содержание: Маркетинговое описание, Оснащение, Двигатели, Трансмиссия, Электрооборудование и электронные компоненты систем комфорта, Система безопасности пассажиров, Технический сервис.

Volkswagen Amarok 2017. Введение (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 565 VW/Audi.

VW Amarok 2017 продолжит созданную почти 6 лет назад концепцию «прочность и надёжность в сочетании с инновационными технологиями». Новый дизайн передней части кузова и передней панели подчёркивает энергичность облика Amarok и вместе с новыми эргономичными сиденьями переводит его в более высокий класс.
Для успеха в сегменте с такой интенсивной конкуренцией, как сегмент пикапов, требуется современный автомобиль с мощным двигателем. В странах ЕС для двигателей действует экологический класс Евро-6. В Фольксваген Амарок 2017 двигателем этого класса является двигатель 3,0 л V6 TDI. Повысившийся крутящий момент передаётся через усиленную 8-ступенчатую автоматическую коробку передач или через 6-ступенчатую механическую.
В VW Amarok 2017 устанавливаются головные устройства нового поколения, с навигационной системой или без неё. К этому добавляются вспомогательные системы для водителя и системы безопасности. Новыми являются, например, функция автоматического торможения при аварии и система контроля давления в шинах.

Содержание: Введение, Конструкция кузова, Силовые агрегаты (буквенное обозначение двигателей: DDXA, DDXB, DDXD, DDXC, CNFB, CNEA, CSHA, CFPA) , Трансмиссия (6-ступенчатая механическая коробка передач: 0F6, 0C6, 8-ступ. автоматическая коробка передач 0CM, 0DR,), Ходовая часть, Электрооборудование, Отопитель и климатическая установка, Аудиосистема, навигационная система, телефон.

Общая информация по сервисному обслуживанию

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi



Двигатели для автомобилей Volkswagen Amarok (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Рассмотрены двигатели 2.0 TDI 90 кВт (CDBA), 2.0 TDI 120 кВт (CDCA), 2.0 FSI 118 кВт (CFPA).

4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) Engine ID: CFPA (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

Руководство по ремонту двигателей. Редакция 02.2011

Двигатель с буквенным обозначением: CFPA устанавливался на автомобили:

VW Amarok (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

VW Amarok (S7A, S7B) 2017 —

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 10 — Removing and installing engine, 13 — Crankshaft group, 15 — Cylinder head, valve gear, 17 — Lubrication, 19 — Cooling, 20 — Fuel supply system, 21 — Turbocharging / supercharging, 24 — Mixture preparation — injection, 26 — Exhaust system, 28 — Ignition system.

259 страниц. 8 Mb.

4-cylinder diesel engine (2.0 l engine, common rail) (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

VW Amarok 2011 ➤ Engine ID: CDCA, CDBA, CNEA, CSHA, CNFA, CNFB.

Руководство по ремонту дизельных двигателей с буквенным обозначением: CDCA, CDBA, CNEA, CSHA, CNFA, CNFB. Редакция 04.2013

Эти двигатели устанавливались на автомобили:

VW Amarok (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

VW Amarok (S1B) 2013 — 2016

VW Amarok (S7A, S7B) 2017 —

VW Amarok (S6B) 2017 —

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 10 — Removing and installing engine, 13 — Crankshaft group, 15 — Cylinder Head, Valve Gear, 17 — Lubrication, 19 — Cooling, 20 — Fuel supply system, 21 — Turbocharging / supercharging, 23 — Mixture preparation — injection, 26 — Exhaust System, 28 — Glow plug system.

00 — технические данные, 10 — снятие и установка двигателя, 13 — группа коленчатых валов, 15 — головка блока цилиндров, клапанный механизм, 17 — система смазки, 19 — система охлаждения, 20 — система подачи топлива, 21 — турбонаддув / наддув, 23 — приготовление смеси, впрыск, 26 — выхлопная система, 28 — система свечей накаливания.

419 страниц. 8 Mb.

Информация по ремонту двигателей VAG / Engines repair

Данная информация по ремонту двигателей подходит ко всем автомобилям VAG. Для того чтобы быстро найти документацию по Вашему двигателю просто нажмите на клавиатуре Ctrl-F и наберите буквы своего двигателя. Например: 2E или BSE (только на английском языке!)

Система охлаждения, отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования

(Cooling, Heating, Air Conditioning and Climate Control Systems)

VW Amarok (2H) 2011 ➤ Heating, air conditioning (eng.)
Workshop Manual. Редакция 04.2013

Руководство по ремонту систем отопления и кондиционирования на Фольксваген Амарок.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 80 — Heating, 87 — Air conditioning system.

79 страниц. 8 Mb.

VW Amarok — Auxiliary heater (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok с 2011 года выпуска.

VW Amarok с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту систем дополнительного отопления Фольксваген Амарок (код модели: 2HA, 2HB, S1B, S7A, S7B, S6B). Редакция 12.2020

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 82 — Supplementary heating.

Technical data, Supplementary heating, Auxiliary/supplementary heater, Coolant circuit with auxiliary/supplementary heater, Fuel supply, Regulation of auxiliary/supplementary heater, Other controlling and regulating components.

75 страниц.

Дистанционное управление дополнительным / жидкостным отопителем Eberspächer / Webasto

Значение мигания контрольной лампы пульта ДУ дополнительного отопителя.

Общая информация по системам охлаждения, отопления и вентиляции

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Много информации по системе охлаждения, относящаяся к конкретным типам двигателей, находится в разделе «Двигатели»

Системы впрыска, зажигания

(Injector, ignition system)

Системы впрыска и зажигания

Данная информация по системам впрыска подходит ко всем автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi.

Общая информация по системам зажигания

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Топливная система

(Fuel System)

Общая информация по топливным системам

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Передняя и задняя подвеска

(Front and rear suspension)

VW Amarok — Running gear, axles, steering (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

VW Amarok 2011 ➤

Руководство по ремонту ходовой части, мостов, рулевого управления Фольксваген Амарок (2HA, 2HB). Редакция 01.2013

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 40 — Front suspension, 42 — Rear suspension, 44 — Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry, 48 — Steering.

00 — Технические данные, 40 — Передняя подвеска, 42 — Задняя подвеска, 44 — Колеса, шины, углы установки колес, 48 — Рулевое управление.

134 страницы. 9 Mb.

Общая информация по подвеске

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Тормозная система

(ABS, EDS, ESP / Brake system)

VW Amarok: Brake system (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска,

VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту тормозной системы Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7). Редакция 12.2020

Repair Group: 00 — Technical data, 45 — Anti-lock brake system, 46 — Brakes — mechanism, 47 — Brakes — hydraulics.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Технические данные, 45 — антиблокировочная система тормозов, 46 — тормоза — механика, 47 — тормоза — гидравлика.

146 страниц.

Общая информация по тормозным системам, ABS, EDS, ESP и др.

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Рулевое управление


VW Amarok — Running gear, axles, steering (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

VW Amarok 2011 ➤

Руководство по ремонту ходовой части, мостов, рулевого управления Фольксваген Амарок (2HA, 2HB). Редакция 01.2013

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 40 — Front suspension, 42 — Rear suspension, 44 — Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry, 48 — Steering.

00 — Технические данные, 40 — Передняя подвеска, 42 — Задняя подвеска, 44 — Колеса, шины, углы установки колес, 48 — Рулевое управление.

134 страницы. 9 Mb.

Общая информация по рулевому управлению

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Коробки передач, сцепление

(Transmission, clutch)

8-speed automatic gearbox 0DR (eng.)
Repair Manual.

VW Amarok 2017 ➤

Руководство по ремонту коробки передач 0DR. Редакция 08.2020

Identification code: RMK, RUP, SZG, SZH, SZZ.

Engine 3.0 l — 150 kW turbo diesel

Engine 3.0 l — 165 kW turbo diesel

Engine 3.0 l — 190 kW turbo diesel

Repair Group: 00 — Technical data, 32 — Torque converter, 37 — Controls, housing, 38 — Gears, control,

89 страниц.

VW Amarok — Трансмиссия и концепция привода (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Пособие по программе самообразования VW 464.

Содержание: Введение, История полного привода в коммерческих автомобилях Volkswagen, Схема привода в Amarok, Трансмиссия, Органы управления, Программа для движения по бездорожью, 6-ступенчатая механическая коробка передач 0C6, Конструкция и работа коробки передач, Коробка передач в разрезе, Схема передачи крутящего момента, Привод рычага переключения передач, Механизм переключения передач в картере КП, Раздаточная коробка с подключаемым приводом передней оси 0C7, Раздаточная коробка с самоблокирующимся межосевым дифференциалом 0BU, Привод задней оси 0CC, Привод передней оси 0C1.

Amarok 6-ти ступенчатая механическая коробка передач 0C6 (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Коробка передач 0C6 разработана по заказу Volkswagen компанией ZF (выпускает завод в Бразилии). Буквенные обозначения MQU, MQV и др.

Технические характеристики, Устройство, Схемы передачи крутящего момента, Внешний механизм переключения, Внутренний механизм переключения, Выключатель фонарей заднего хода, Техническое обслуживание.

Amarok 2012 8-ступенчатая АКП 0CM (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения по технике

Автоматическая коробка передач Amarok представляет собой абсолютно новую 8-ступенчатую АКП, при разработке которой максимальное значение придавалось эффективности, комфортабельности переключения передач и скорости переключения, небольшой массе и надёжности Переключение передач происходит без разрыва потока мощности, а скорость переключения передач находится на уровне коробок передач DSG

Содержание: Введение, Трансмиссия, Раздаточная коробка, Конструктивные особенности, 8-ступенчатая АКП 0CM, Новый двигатель TDI 2,0 л 132 кВт, Селектор, Модуль селектора, Переключение селектора, Блокировка извлечения ключа зажигания, Аварийная разблокировка селектора, Конструкция коробки передач, Схема, Гидротрансформатор, Система подачи масла, Планетарная передача, Система управления коробки передач, Блок Mechatronik, Датчики, Исполнительные элементы, Работа коробки передач, Гидравлические устройства сопряжения, Система Старт-стоп, Гидравлический импульсный энергоаккумулятор HIS, Техническое обслуживание, Специнструмент, Адаптация коробки передач

8-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач 0D5 (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 584 VW.

На VW Touareg 2019 устанавливается 8-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач с гидротрансформатором 0D5 производства ZF. Она уже зарекомендовала себя на VW Amarok и на различных моделях Audi.

Эта 8-ступенчатая АКП оснащена гидротрансформатором с маятниковыми гасителями крутильных колебаний. Такая концепция обеспечивает при замкнутой муфте блокировки гидротрансформатора плавное движение при низкой частоте вращения.
А заметное сокращение времени переключения и реакции позволяет двигаться и в спортивно-динамичной манере. Дополнительные функции, такие как размыкание в неподвижном состоянии, система старт-стоп и режим движения накатом, сокращают расход топлива, а значит, и выбросы CO2.

Технические характеристики:

Производитель: ZF Getriebe GmbH,

Обозначение в службе сервиса: 0D5

Обозначение компании: ZF 8HP-65A

Обозначение в системе VW: AL552-8Q

Тип коробки передач: 8-ступенчатый планетарный редуктор с электрогидравлическим управлением

Гидротрансформатор: Со встроенными маятниковыми гасителями крутильных колебаний и блокировкой с регулированием по проскальзыванию

Масса, включая масло: Примерно 141 кг.

Диапазон передаточных чисел: 7,03

Макс. крутящий момент: До 700 Нм.

Содержание: Введение, 8-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач 0D5, Селектор, Определение положений селектора, Блокировка селектора, Конструкция коробки передач, Основные особенности, Гидротрансформатор, Насос ATF, Масляные контуры, Охлаждение масла ATF, Планетарный редуктор, Система управления коробки передач, Блок Mechatronik, Датчики и исполнительные механизмы, Схемы передачи крутящего момента на отдельных передачах, Размыкание в неподвижном состоянии, Функции коробки передач, Импульсный гидроаккумулятор, Блокировка трансмиссии на стоянке, Аварийная разблокировка трансмиссии на стоянке, Техническое обслуживание, Буксировка.

Volkswagen Amarok, концепции привода (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Управление, Полный привод, Раздаточная коробка Part Time (Offroad), Привод передних колес, Задний мост, Структурная схема полного привода, Раздаточная коробка Torsen (Onroad).

Информация по ремонту коробок передач VAG / Transmission repair

Данная информация по ремонту коробок передач подходит ко всем автомобилям VAG.



Volkswagen Amarok 2011 ➤ Body Repairs (eng.)
Workshop Manual. Редакция 10.2010

Руководство по ремонту кузова Фольксваген Амарок.

Размеры кузова, контрольные точки, геометрия кузова, сварка, ремонт, замена кузовных деталей и пр.

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 50 — Body — front, 51 — Body — centre, 53 — Body — rear.

259 страниц. 8 Mb.

VW Amarok: General body repairs, interior (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска, VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту кузова (интерьера) Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7). Редакция 03.2021.

В документации рассматриваются: внутреннее оборудование, защита пассажира, подушки безопасности, ремни безопасности, внутренняя отделка, каркасы сидений, обивка сидений / чехлы.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 68 — Interior equipment, 69 — Passenger protection, 70 — Trim, insulation, 72 — Seat frames, 74 — Seat — padding, covers.

309 страниц.

VW Amarok: General body repairs, exterior (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска, VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Кузов / экстерьер Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7) подробное руководство по разборке и ремонту. Редакция 12.2020.

Рассматриваются разделы: 50 — Кузов — перед, 55 — Капот, крышка багажника, 57 — Передние двери, компоненты дверей, центральный замок, 58 — Задние двери, компоненты дверей, 60 — Люк в крыше, 61 — Откидная крыша, жесткая крыша, 63 — Бамперы, 64 — Остекление, 66 — Наружное оборудование.

Содержание: 50 — Body — front, 55 — Bonnet, rear lid, 57 — Front doors, door components, central locking, 58 — Rear doors, door components, 60 — Sunroof, 61 — Convertible roof, hardtop, canopy, 63 — Bumpers, 64 — Glazing, 66 — Exterior equipment.

464 страницы.

Монтажные кузовные работы на VW Amarok 2011 (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Кузов, передний бампер, поперечина рамки радиатора, капот, крыло, расширитель колесной арки переднего колеса, передняя дверь, задняя дверь.

Body builder guidelines Amarok (eng.)
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VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска

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Руководство по ремонту электрооборудования Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7). Редакция 12.2020

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Группы ремонта: 00 — Technical data, 27 — Starter, current supply, CCS, 90 — Gauges, instruments, 92 — Windscreen wash/wipe system, 94 — Lights, bulbs, switches — exterior, 96 — Lights, bulbs, switches — interior, 97 — Wiring.

275 страниц.

Volkswagen Amarok — Fitting Locations (eng.)

Расположение всех электронных блоков, предохранителей и реле, места установки разъемов. Номинальная величина предохранителей и за что они отвечают. Распиновка всех разъемов для Фольксваген Амарок (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

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VW Amarok — Current Flow Diagram (eng.)
Wiring Diagrams

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2.0l diesel engine, CDBA from December 2009

2.0l diesel engine, CDCA from December 2009

2.0l petrol engine, CFPA from December 2010

2.0l diesel engine, CNEA, CSHA from September 2011

2.0l diesel engine, CNEA, CSHA, CNFA, CNFB from June 2012

8-speed automatic gearbox with Tiptronic, (G1G)

1041 страница

VW Amarok 2016 — Current Flow Diagram (eng.)
Wiring Diagrams

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Полные цветные электросхемы для Фольксваген Амарок (код модели: S7A, S7B) с 2016 года выпуска.

2.0l petrol engine CFPA

2.0l diesel engine, CNFB

2.0l diesel engine, CNEA, CNEB, CSHA

2.0l diesel engine with start/stop system, CNEA, CNEB, CSHA

3.0l diesel engine, DDXA, DDXB, DDXC, DDXD, DDXE

8-speed automatic gearbox with Tiptronic

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Summary of Contents for Volkswagen Amarok 2011

Volkswagen Amarok 2011 Workshop Manual

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Amarok 2011 ➤

4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection

engine, turbocharger)

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Edition 02.2011

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Related Manuals for Volkswagen Amarok 2011

Summary of Contents for Volkswagen Amarok 2011

  • Page 1
    Service Workshop Manual Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) Engine ID Edition 02.2011 Service Department. Technical Information…
  • Page 2
    In addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a matter of course, be observed. All rights reserved. No reproduction without prior agreement from publisher. Copyright © 2011 Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg D3E8037FAC2…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Contents 00 — Technical data ……….. .

  • Page 4
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 2.10 Renewing balancer shaft for inlet camshaft ……..
  • Page 5
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Releasing pressure in high-pressure area ……..161 Fuel pump .
  • Page 6
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Check fuel holding pressure upstream of high-pressure pump ….. . 229 Checking intake manifold change-over .
  • Page 7: Technical Data

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 00 – Technical data Technical data Engine number Engine data Engine number New four digit engine codes have been introduced since model year 2008. The first 3 digits refer to the mechanical configuration of the engine.

  • Page 8
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 1) If petrol with a RON rating of less than 95 is used, reduced power output and torque must be expected. Rep. gr.00 — Technical data…
  • Page 9: Removing And Installing Engine

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 10 – Removing and installing engine Removing and installing engine Removing engine Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Lifting tackle -2024 A- ♦ Support bracket -10 — 222 ♦…

  • Page 10
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1332- ♦ Engine and gearbox jack — V.A.G 1383 A- ♦ Socket set 1/4″, 22-piece — VAS 5528- ♦…
  • Page 11
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist -VAS 6208- ♦ Step -VAS 6292/4- ♦ Hose clip pliers -VAS 6340- ♦ Hose clip pliers -VAS 6362- ♦ Retainer -T10014- ♦…
  • Page 12
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Caution When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compart‐ ment, pay attention to the following due to the cramped condi‐ tions: ♦ Route all the various lines (e.g. for fuel, hydraulics, acti‐…
  • Page 13
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Detach clip -1- of charge air hose -3- from connector nozzle -2- of turbocharger. – Remove poly V-belt ⇒ page 22 WARNING ♦ The fuel and the fuel lines in the fuel system can become very hot (danger of scalding)! ♦…
  • Page 14
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew nut -2- of battery positive cable -1-. – Unhook clips -1- and -3-. – Uncover cable harness -2-. – Unscrew shear bolts -1- and remove bow -3-.
  • Page 15
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Carefully cut through cable ties -arrows-. – Lay wiring harness on engine and secure. – Release clip -2-, disconnect water hose -1- from radiator -3- at bottom right and allow water to drain.
  • Page 16
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – To do this, release circulating pump V 51 -2- from bracket -1- in order to access bolt. – Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 207 –…
  • Page 17
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -1- from right engine mounting -A-. – Install support bracket -10 — 222 A- . – Secure hook -10 — 222 A /10- and adapter -10 — 222 A /20- to support bracket -10 — 222 A- .
  • Page 18
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Hang up lifting tackle -2024 A- as shown in figure, using hole 1 -arrow A- and hole 7 -arrow B-. – Unscrew the two upper bolts -1-.
  • Page 19: Securing Engine On Engine And Gearbox Support — Vas 6095

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Check needle bearing -arrow- in crankshaft. If it is damaged or has turned blue, it must be renewed ⇒ page 44 – If it is not damaged, lightly grease with high-temperature grease -G 052 133 A2- .

  • Page 20: Notes On Installing

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Attach lifting tackle -2024 A- as shown and lift from engine and gearbox jack -VAS 6100- using workshop crane -V.A.G 1383 A- . Caution Use securing pins arrows on hooks and locking pins to avoid damage to engine.

  • Page 21
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – When raising and lowering engine, make sure that neither vacuum hose -1- nor connection -2- on vacuum pump are damaged. – Guide vacuum hose -1-, connection -2- and vacuum pump past plenum chamber when raising and lowering.
  • Page 22
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Tighten new bolts -1- for left engine mounting -A-. – Tighten new bolts -1- for right engine mounting -A-. – Install catalytic converter ⇒ page 240 –…
  • Page 23: Assembly And Gearbox Mountings

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Assembly and gearbox mountings Left and right engine support to crankcase Caution • Nut -2- must not be loosened. • If nut -2- is loosened, engine mounting must subsequently be renewed.

  • Page 24
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Right engine mounting to engine support – Bolt new engine mounting -3- to engine support -2- with nut -1-. – Always renew nut -1- and tighten to 90 Nm + 90° (1/4 turn).
  • Page 25: Crankshaft Group

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 13 – Crankshaft group Cylinder block (pulley end) Assembly overview — poly V-belt drive 1 — Poly V-belt ❑ Check for wear. ❑ Do not kink.

  • Page 26
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Caution Risk of damage to en‐ gine. ♦ To avoid disturbing valve timing, do not turn crank‐ shaft out of „TDC“ posi‐ tion when vibration damper is removed.
  • Page 27: Removing And Installing Tensioner For Poly V-Belt

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Bracket for ancillaries — tightening sequence – Fit bracket for ancillaries (first tighten bolt -4-). – Tighten bolts in the sequence -1 … 5- in 3 stages as follows: Tighten bolts hand tight.

  • Page 28: Removing And Installing Poly V-Belt

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Locking tool -T40098- Removing Caution If a used belt runs in the opposite direction when it is refitted, this can cause breakage. ♦ Before removing, mark direction of rotation of poly V-belt with chalk or felt-tipped pen for re-installation.

  • Page 29
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing Caution If a used belt runs in the opposite direction when it is refitted, this can cause breakage. ♦ Before removing, mark direction of rotation of poly V-belt with chalk or felt-tipped pen for re-installation.
  • Page 30: Removing And Installing Ancillary Bracket

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Turn tensioner in -direction of arrow- and withdraw locking tool -T40098- . – Release tensioner. – Check that poly V-belt is properly seated. – Start engine and check that poly V-belt runs properly.

  • Page 31
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Lock tensioner with locking tool -T40098- . – Remove poly V-belt. – Remove bolt -1- and take off tensioner for poly V-belt from bracket for ancillaries.
  • Page 32
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Disconnect electrical connector -1- for magnetic clutch on air conditioner compressor. WARNING Risk of injury caused by refrigerant. ♦ The air conditioner refrigerant circuit must not be opened.
  • Page 33: Removing And Installing Vibration Damper

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove bolt -arrow- for dipstick guide tube. – Unscrew bolts -1 … 5- and detach bracket for ancillary units from coolant pump housing. Installing Installation is carried out in the reverse order.

  • Page 34
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Counterhold tool -T10355- Removing – Remove poly V-belt ⇒ page 22 – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ;…
  • Page 35: Cylinder Block (Gearbox End)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Cylinder block (gearbox end) Assembly overview — sealing flange and drive plate 1 — Cylinder block 2 — Sealing flange with oil seal ❑ Removing and installing ⇒…

  • Page 36: Removing And Installing Drive Plate

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Sealing flange at gearbox end — tightening sequence – Tighten bolts -1 to 8- in the sequence shown: – 1. Screw in bolts hand-tight. – 2. Tighten bolts to 9 Nm.

  • Page 37
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Preparing counterhold tool -VW 558- : – Tighten hexagon bolt M8x40 -A- with hexagon nut on clutch counter-hold tool -VW 558- . Loosening and tightening drive plate: –…
  • Page 38: Removing And Installing Needle Bearing In/From Drive Plate

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 If specification is not attained: – Remove drive plate again and fit shim -A-. Tighten bolts -3- again to 30 Nm. – Repeat measurement. If the specification is not reached, re‐…

  • Page 39: Removing And Installing Sealing Flange On Gearbox Side

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Procedure • Gearbox removed. – Remove drive plate ⇒ page 30 – Place support -40 — 103- under drive plate when removing or installing it.

  • Page 40
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove bolts -1 … 8-. – Remove sealing flange at gearbox end. Installing • Specified torques ♦ Silicone sealant: ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue Note Observe use-by date of silicone sealant.
  • Page 41
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Apply silicone sealant onto clean sealing surface of cover, as illustrated. ♦ Thickness of sealant bead: 2 … 3 mm. Note The sealing flange must be installed within 5 minutes after ap‐…
  • Page 42: Pistons And Conrods

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Pistons and conrods Assembly overview — pistons and conrods 1 — Conrod bolt ❑ 45 Nm + 90° further ❑ Renew. ❑ Oil threads and contact surface.

  • Page 43
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ❑ Mark installation position and cylinder number. ❑ Arrow on piston crown points to belt pulley end. ❑ Install using piston ring clamp. ❑ Piston and cylinder dimensions ⇒…
  • Page 44
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Checking piston – Measure approx. 10 mm from lower edge, offset 90° from pis‐ ton pin axis. ♦ Difference between actual and nominal diameter max. 0.04…
  • Page 45: Separating New Conrod

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Separating new conrod On a new conrod, it is possible that the breaking point has not fully separated. Procedure if conrod bearing cap cannot be re‐…

  • Page 46: Crankshaft

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Crankshaft Assembly overview — crankshaft Note Secure engine to repair stand using engine and gearbox support -VAS 6095- when dismantling/assembling engine ⇒ page 13 1 — Cylinder block…

  • Page 47: Allocation Of Crankshaft Bearing Shells (Classification)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 7 — Bolt ❑ 10 Nm + 90° further ❑ Renew. ❑ Always renew sender wheel if securing bolts have been unscrewed. 8 — Sender wheel ❑…

  • Page 48: Crankshaft Dimensions

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Marking on bearing shell for cylinder block: Note The marking on the cylinder block can be found engraved either in the sump sealing surface or in the front end (gearbox side) of the cylinder block.

  • Page 49: Measuring Axial Clearance Of Crankshaft

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 No provision has yet been made to recondition worn crank‐ shafts. Measuring axial clearance of crankshaft Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Universal dial gauge bracket -VW 387- ♦…

  • Page 50: Pulling Needle Bearing Out Of And Driving Into Crankshaft

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove main bearing caps and clean bearing caps and jour‐ nals. – Place a length of Plastigage corresponding to the width of the bearing on the bearing journal or in the bearing shells.

  • Page 51
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Pull needle bearing out using commercially available internal puller, e.g. KUKKO 21/2 and KUKKO 22/1, -A-. Installing Note The lettering on the needle bearing must be visible when installed.
  • Page 52: Cylinder Head, Valve Gear

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 15 – Cylinder head, valve gear Cylinder head Assembly overview — cylinder head Note Renew cylinder head bolts. ♦ During fitting work, renew self-locking nuts, bolts which have ♦…

  • Page 53: Amarok

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 7 — O-ring ❑ Renew. ❑ Lubricate with engine oil 8 — Plug ❑ 5 Nm ❑ With ball head for engine cover panel 9 — Cap ❑…

  • Page 54: Removing And Installing Cylinder Head

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 32 — Bolt ❑ 9 Nm 33 — Hall sender -G40- 34 — Partition Crankcase breather system — tightening torque Note Bolts are self-tapping. When renewing cylinder head, only ♦…

  • Page 55
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Removal tool -T10352- and removal tool -T10352/1- ♦ Counterhold tool -T10355- ♦ Locking pin -T40011- ♦ Assembly pin -T40196- 1. Cylinder head…
  • Page 56
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Engine bung set -VAS 6122- Removing Note ♦ Fit cable tie in same place when installing. Always seal open channels of intake and exhaust system with ♦…
  • Page 57
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release and remove clip -2- for fuel return line -1-. – Release clip -2- for fuel pressurisation line -3- and detach from high-pressure pump -1-.
  • Page 58
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release hose clip -arrow- from throttle valve module -J338- . – Unscrew bolt -1- from pressure pipe -2- and remove pressure pipe -2-. – Unplug following electrical connectors.
  • Page 59
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove intake manifold support (remove securing nut -1- and bolt -2-). – Disconnect coolant hose -arrow-. – Release connectors -arrows- and simultaneously detach all connectors from ignition coils.
  • Page 60
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Disconnect crankcase breather hose -1-. – Unscrew bolts -arrows-, remove crankcase breather system and detach from hose -2- for crankcase breather system in -direction of arrow-.
  • Page 61
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove support for turbocharger. – Unscrew bolts -arrows- on oil return line. – Unscrew nuts -arrows- and remove catalytic converter ⇒…
  • Page 62
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -1 to 5- and detach top cover for timing chain. – Turn vibration damper to „TDC“ position -arrow- using coun‐ terhold -T10355- .
  • Page 63
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Turn vibration damper to „TDC“ position -arrow- using coun‐ terhold -T10355- . • Notch on vibration damper must align with arrow marking on cover for timing chains (bottom).
  • Page 64
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove bolt -1- and guide tensioning rail -2- downwards. – Use screwdriver to release catch and press off top guide rail -3- forwards. – Remove camshaft timing chain from camshaft sprockets.
  • Page 65
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -arrows-. – Unscrew cylinder head bolts in the sequence -1 … 5- with special wrench, long reach -T10070- apart from 2 bolts.
  • Page 66
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Note Renew bolts that are tightened with specified further tightening ♦ angle. Renew gaskets, oil seals and self-locking nuts. ♦ Please note different sealants for sealing surfaces, bolts and ♦…
  • Page 67
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Turn vibration damper to „TDC“ position -arrow- using coun‐ terhold -T10355- . • Notch on vibration damper must align with arrow marking on bottom cover for timing chains.
  • Page 68: Checking Compression

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Checking compression Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Spark plug socket and extension -3122 B- ♦ Puller -T40039- ♦ Compression tester -V.A.G 1763- Test procedure Note Engine oil temperature min.

  • Page 69: Removing And Installing Vacuum Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release connectors -arrows- and simultaneously detach all connectors from ignition coils. – Remove ignition coils using puller -T40039- . – Unscrew spark plugs using spark plug socket and extension -3122 B- .

  • Page 70
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unbolt earth cable -1- and remove bolt. – Remove vacuum hose -3- from vacuum pump -2.- – Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove vacuum pump.
  • Page 71: Chain Drive

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Chain drive Assembly overview — timing chain cover 1 — O-ring ❑ Renew. ❑ Lubricate before instal‐ ling. 2 — Dipstick guide tube 3 — Bolt ❑…

  • Page 72: Removing And Installing Inlet Camshaft Control Valve 1 N205

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Timing chain cover (top), tightening sequence – Tighten bolts -1 to 5- in the sequence shown: Tighten bolts to 9 Nm. Timing chain cover (bottom), tightening sequence –…

  • Page 73: Removing And Installing Upper Timing Chain Cover

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing upper timing chain cover Removing – Detach connector from inlet camshaft control valve 1 -N205- -1-. – Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove inlet camshaft control valve 1 -N205- .

  • Page 74
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Counterhold tool -T10355- ♦ Thrust piece -T10368- Removing Caution If a used belt runs in the opposite direction when it is refitted, this can cause breakage.
  • Page 75
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Turn vibration damper to „TDC“ position -arrow- using coun‐ terhold -T10355- . • Notch on vibration damper must align with arrow marking on bottom cover for timing chains.
  • Page 76
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Lever off timing chain cover (bottom) (start at points -1 and 2-). Note To prevent damaging the timing chain cover, apply tool only at the bolt holes.
  • Page 77: Renewing Oil Seal For Vibration Damper

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Check that both dowel pins are fitted in cover -arrows-. – Cut off nozzle on tube at front marking (∅ of nozzle approx. 3 mm).

  • Page 78
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Locking tool -T40098- ♦ Counterhold tool -T10355- ♦ Thrust piece -T10368- ♦ Thrust piece -T10354- Rep. gr.15 — Cylinder head, valve gear…
  • Page 79
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Puller hooks -T20143- Removing Caution If a used belt runs in the opposite direction when it is refitted, this can cause breakage. ♦ Before removing, mark direction of rotation of poly V-belt with chalk or felt-tipped pen for re-installation.
  • Page 80
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove vibration damper and screw on thrust piece -T10368- in its place. – Pull out oil seal using puller hooks -T20143/2- . Installing •…
  • Page 81: Camshaft Timing Chain — Exploded View

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Camshaft timing chain — exploded view 1 — Bolt ❑ 9 Nm 2 — Chain tensioner ❑ Is spring-loaded ❑ Before removing, lock in place using locking pin -…

  • Page 82: Removing And Installing Camshaft Timing Chain

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Crankshaft chain sprocket — installation position • The two sections -arrows- must be aligned. Removing and installing camshaft tim‐ ing chain Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 83
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Locking pin -T40011- Removing – Remove timing chain cover (top) ⇒ page 67 Caution The timing valve has a left-hand thread. – Depending on model, remove regulating valve using removal tool -T10352- or removal tool -T10352/1- in -direction of arrow-.
  • Page 84
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Turn vibration damper to „TDC“ position -arrow- using coun‐ terhold -T10355- . • Notch on vibration damper must align with arrow marking on bottom cover for timing chains.
  • Page 85
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove tensioning rail for timing chain -2-. – Remove guide rail for camshaft timing chain -1-. – Remove timing chain. Installing • Specified torque ⇒…
  • Page 86: Assembly Overview — Balancer Shaft Timing Chain

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Attach bearing saddle and screw in bolts -arrows- hand-tight. – Remove locking pin -T40011- . – Tighten bolts -arrows- for bearing saddle ⇒ page 75 –…

  • Page 87
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 10 — Bolt ❑ Renew. ❑ 9 Nm 11 — Washer 12 — Bolt ❑ If bolt has been loosened, intermediate shaft sprocket ⇒ Item 9 (page 80) will need to be renewed.
  • Page 88: Removing And Installing Balancer Shaft Module

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Intermediate shaft sprocket — tightening sequence Caution The intermediate shaft sprocket must be replaced. Otherwise no tooth backlash is set, engine damage. The new intermediate shaft sprocket is coated with a solid film lubricant that wears off after a short period and thus the tooth backlash is automatically set.

  • Page 89
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove chain tensioner for balancer shaft timing chain -1-. – Remove tensioning rail -2-. – Remove guide rail -3-. – Remove guide rail -4-.
  • Page 90: Renewing Balancer Shaft For Inlet Camshaft

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Check adjustment again. – Check markings on intermediate shaft sprocket/balancer shaft -arrow-. Note For illustration purposes, the markings on intermediate shaft sprocket/balancer shaft are shown with the chain removed.

  • Page 91
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Puller -T10055- Removing Note The balancer shaft for the inlet camshaft must always be renewed after removing. – Remove toothed belt for coolant pump ⇒…
  • Page 92
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Insert shell half -T10394/1- from puller -T10394- and turns up‐ wards in direction of arrow. – Insert puller -T10394- and push locking collar in -direction of arrow-.
  • Page 93: Renewing Balancer Shaft For Exhaust Camshaft

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Renew O-ring -1- and lubricate with engine oil. – Lubricate bearing mounting with engine oil and install; dowel pin -arrow- for bearing mounting must engage in bore in cyl‐…

  • Page 94
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Puller -T10394- ♦ Puller -T10055- Removing Note The balancer shaft for the inlet camshaft must always be renewed after removing. – Remove timing chain cover (top) ⇒…
  • Page 95
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Insert shell half -T10394/1- from puller -T10394- . – Insert puller -T10394- and push locking collar in -direction of arrow-. – Screw puller -T10055- into puller -T10394- and force out bal‐…
  • Page 96: Checking Valve Timing

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Install balancer shaft for exhaust camshaft. – Before tightening bolt -1-, check that balancer shaft rests flat against crankcase. Note If the balancer shaft does not rest flat, the pipe for balancer shaft must be inserted again.

  • Page 97
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – If the specified value is achieved, measure the distance be‐ tween the marking on the inlet camshaft -B- and the marking on the exhaust camshaft -C-.
  • Page 98: Valve Gear

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Valve gear Assembly overview — valve gear 1 — Exhaust valve ❑ Do not rework. Only lap‐ ping in is permitted. ❑ Valve dimensions ⇒ page 94 ❑…

  • Page 99
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 13 — Plug 14 — Inlet camshaft ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 94 ❑ Check radial clearance with Plastigage (roller rocker fingers removed). ❑ Radial clearance: 0.024 … 0.066 mm.
  • Page 100: Removing And Installing Camshafts

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Valve dimensions Note Inlet and exhaust valves must not be reworked. Only lapping-in is permitted. Dimension Inlet valve Exhaust valve ∅ a 33.85 ± 0.10 28.0 ±…

  • Page 101
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Locking pin -T40011- ♦ Thrust piece -T10174- ♦ Assembly pin -T40196- ♦ Spacers -T40191- 3. Valve gear…
  • Page 102
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing Note Sealing surfaces at bottom of cylinder head cover and top of ♦ cylinder head must not be machined. Camshaft bearings are integrated into cylinder head and cyl‐…
  • Page 103
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove ignition coils using puller -T40039- . – Disconnect crankcase breather hose -1-. – Unscrew bolts -arrows-, remove crankcase breather system and detach from hose -2- for crankcase breather system in -direction of arrow-.
  • Page 104
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -1 to 5- and detach top cover for timing chain. Caution The timing valve has a left-hand thread. – Remove regulating valve using removal tool -T10352/1- in di‐…
  • Page 105
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Use a waterproof pen to mark drive chain at marks on chain sprockets -arrows-. – Remove sealing plug -arrow-. – Insert scriber or suitable screwdriver in hole of chain tensioner in direction of -arrow 1- and lift locking element for chain ten‐…
  • Page 106
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Note Inlet camshaft will move in direction of engine rotation. – Remove bolt -1- and guide tensioning rail -2- downwards. – Use screwdriver to release catch and press off top guide rail -3- forwards.
  • Page 107
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Undo and remove cylinder head cover bolts in the sequence -1 … 6-. – Remove cylinder head cover. – Detach camshafts. Caution Danger of soiling lubrication system and bearings.
  • Page 108
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 WARNING Risk of eye injury. ♦ Wear safety goggles. – Lock camshaft with spacers -T40191- as shown; if necessary, slide forked sleeves into correct position.
  • Page 109
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Apply silicone sealant onto clean sealing surface of cylinder head cover, as illustrated -arrows-. ♦ Thickness of sealant bead: 2 … 3 mm. Note The cylinder head cover must be installed within 5 minutes ♦…
  • Page 110
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Fit camshaft timing chain: the drive chain/sprocket markings must align -arrows-. – Use spanner to turn inlet camshaft in direction of -arrow- and fit timing chain.
  • Page 111: Renewing Valve Stem Seals With Cylinder Head Installed

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Renewing valve stem seals with cylinder head installed Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Spark plug socket and ex‐ tension -3122 B- ♦ Valve stem seal puller -3364- ♦…

  • Page 112
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Secure guide plate for 2.0 ltr. and 3.0 ltr. FSI engine -VAS 5161/19B- with knurled screws -VAS 5161/12- to cylinder head as shown. – Set piston of respective cylinder to „bottom dead centre“.
  • Page 113
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Pull off valve stem seals using valve stem seal puller -3364- . – If valve stem seal puller -3364- cannot be used on account of restricted space, knock out pin -arrow- with a punch and re‐…
  • Page 114
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Inlet side Exhaust side Note If the valve cotters have been removed from the installation ♦ cartridge, they must first be inserted into the insertion device -VAS 5161/18- .
  • Page 115: Renewing Valve Stem Seals With Cylinder Head Removed

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Renewing valve stem seals with cylinder head removed Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Valve stem seal puller -3364- ♦ Valve stem seal fitting tool -3365- ♦…

  • Page 116
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Use lever -arrow- to slide air cushion under combustion cham‐ ber from which valve stem seal is to be removed. – Allow compressed air to flow into air cushion until it lies against valve disc.
  • Page 117
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Pull off valve stem seals using valve stem seal puller -3364- . Installing valve stem seals Caution Risk of damage when installing valve stem seals.
  • Page 118: Checking Valve Guides

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Note If the valve cotters have been removed from the installation ♦ cartridge, they must first be inserted into the insertion device -VAS 5161/18- .

  • Page 119: Checking Axial Clearance Of Camshafts

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Test procedure – Insert valve in guide. Valve stem end must be flush with guide. On account of differing stem diameters, only use inlet valve in inlet guide and exhaust valve in exhaust guide.

  • Page 120
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Test procedure – Take measurements with retaining frame removed. – Fit camshaft to be tested in retaining frame. – Attach dial gauge -VAS 6079- with universal dial gauge holder -VW 387- to cylinder head.
  • Page 121: Lubrication

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 17 – Lubrication Parts of lubrication system Draining engine oil ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet 11 Engine oil ⇒ page 115 Assembly overview — oil pump, sump ⇒…

  • Page 122: Assembly Overview — Sump, Oil Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Test procedure – Pull out dipstick, wipe off with a clean cloth and insert it again to stop. – Pull out dipstick again and read oil level.

  • Page 123
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 14 — Bolt ❑ 9 Nm 15 — Seal ❑ Renew. 16 — Coarse oil separator ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 118 17 — Bolt ❑…
  • Page 124: Removing And Installing Coarse Oil Separator

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Tightening sequence for sump (top section) – Tighten bolts in sequence -1 to 13- in 2 stages as follows: – 1. Tighten bolts to 15 Nm.

  • Page 125: Removing And Installing Oil Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release hose clip -arrow- from throttle valve module -J338- . – Unscrew bolt -1- from pressure pipe -2- and remove pressure pipe -2-. – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ;…

  • Page 126: Removing And Installing Lower Part Of Sump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove oil pump. – Pull chain tensioner back using assembly tool -T10118- and have oil pump removed by a second mechanic.

  • Page 127
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Support bracket -10 — 222 A- ♦ Hand drill with plastic brush ♦ Eye protection ♦ Silicone sealant -D 174 003 A2- Removing Note To remove the sump lower part the engine has to be supported and raised by approx.
  • Page 128
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -1 … 20-. – Remove sump; if necessary, loosen using light blows with a rubber-headed hammer. Installing • Specified torques Note Observe use-by date of silicone sealant.
  • Page 129
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Apply the bead of silicone sealant -D 174 003 A2- to the clean sealing surface of the sump (lower part), as illustrated. Note The sump must be installed within 5 minutes of applying sili‐…
  • Page 130: Removing And Installing Upper Part Of Sump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing upper part of sump Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Assembly tool -T10118- ♦ Brake lining wear gauge — VW 136- ♦…

  • Page 131
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove bolts -1 to 14- and lever off upper part of sump. Caution Lever off upper part of sump on gearbox side first. When lev‐…
  • Page 132
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Cut off nozzle on tube at front marking (∅ of nozzle approx. 3 mm). – Apply silicone sealant -D 174 003 A2- onto clean sealing sur‐…
  • Page 133
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Pull brake lining wear gauge -VW 136- out of guide rail -arrow-. Spring now jumps back to installation position. Assembly is performed analogously in the reverse order of re‐…
  • Page 134: Oil Filter Bracket, Oil Pressure, Engine Oil Cooler And Oil Supply Line

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Oil filter bracket, oil pressure, engine oil cooler and oil supply line Assembly overview — oil filter, engine oil cooler 1 — Bracket for ancillaries ❑…

  • Page 135: Removing And Installing Engine Oil Cooler

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 14 — Bolt ❑ Tightening sequence Removing and installing engine oil cool‐ Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist -VAS 6208-…

  • Page 136: Removing And Installing Oil Pressure Switch F22

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Install engine oil cooler -3- with new seal -2-. – Install bracket for ancillaries ⇒ page 24 – Replenish coolant ⇒ page 133 Removing and installing oil pressure…

  • Page 137
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Oil pressure tester -V.A.G 1342- Test prerequisites • Oil level OK. • Engine oil temperature at least 80 °C (radiator fan must have run once)
  • Page 138: Cooling

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 19 – Cooling Cooling system General notes on cooling system ⇒ page 132 General notes on cooling system WARNING Steam may escape when expansion tank is opened. Wear eye protection and protective clothing to avoid eye injuries and scalding.

  • Page 139: Draining And Filling Coolant

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Draining and filling coolant Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Refractometer -T10007- ♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist -VAS 6208- ♦ Hose clip pliers -VAS 6340- ♦…

  • Page 140
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Open filler cap -2- on expansion tank -1-. – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ; Engine guard .
  • Page 141
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove spring-type clip -2 and detach bottom coolant hose -1- from radiator -3-. Note Observe environmental regulations for disposal. Filling Note G 13 is used as the anti-freeze in series production.
  • Page 142: Checking Cooling System For Leaks

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew filler cap -2- from expansion tank -1-. – Detach coolant hose -3 from expansion tank -1. – Fill expansion tank -1 to capacity and reconnect coolant hose –…

  • Page 143
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Adapter for cooling system tester -V.A.G 1274/9- Test prerequisite • Engine at normal operating temperature Test sequence: WARNING Hot steam may escape when expansion tank is opened. Place cloth over cap and open with caution.
  • Page 144
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Join connection piece -V.A.G 1274 B/1- to cooling system tester -V.A.G 1274 B- using connecting hose supplied. – Operate hand pump. • The pressure relief valve should open at a pressure of 1.4 ……
  • Page 145: Coolant Hose Schematic Diagram

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Coolant hose schematic diagram Coolant hose schematic diagram for vehicles with heat exchanger 1 — Heat exchanger for heater unit 2 — Cylinder head connection…

  • Page 146: Coolant Hose Schematic Diagram For Vehicles With 2Nd Heat Exchanger

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Coolant hose schematic diagram for vehicles with 2nd heat exchanger 1 — Connecting pipes for 2nd heat exchanger 2 — Heat exchanger for heater unit…

  • Page 147: Parts Of Cooling System, Engine Side

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Parts of cooling system, engine side Assembly overview — coolant pipes and continued coolant circulation pump -V51- 1 — Coolant hose ❑ To expansion tank.

  • Page 148: Removing And Installing Continued Coolant Circulation Pump V51

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 19 — Coolant pipe 20 — Bracket for continued coolant circulation pump -V51- . 21 — Coolant pipe ❑ Return line 22 — Seal 23 — Coolant pipe ❑…

  • Page 149
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing Note Place a cloth under coolant pipe to absorb escaping coolant. – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ;…
  • Page 150: Coolant Pump And Thermostat — Exploded View

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Coolant pump and thermostat — exploded view 1 — Bolt ❑ Tightening sequence ⇒ page 145 2 — O-rings ❑ Renew. 3 — Connection 4 — Retaining clip ❑…

  • Page 151: Removing And Installing Coolant Temperature Sender G62

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 18 — Centralising pin 19 — O-ring ❑ Renew. 20 — Connection 21 — Bolt ❑ 9 Nm Coolant pump — tightening sequence – Tighten bolts for coolant pump in the sequence -1 … 5- to 9 Removing and installing coolant temper‐…

  • Page 152: Removing And Installing Toothed Belt For Coolant Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove support for intake manifold (remove nut -2- and bolt -1-). – Disconnect electrical connector -1- at coolant temperature sender -G62- . – Detach retaining clip (press release tabs -arrows-).

  • Page 153
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Socket -T10360- Removing – Remove short coolant pipe ⇒ page 141 – Release long coolant pipe and lay aside ⇒ page 141 – Disconnect coolant hoses -1 and 2- and move clear to one side.
  • Page 154: Renewing Oil Seal For Coolant Pump Drive

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Use torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- and socket -T10360- to re‐ move bolt on coolant pump drive sprocket -1- (counterhold at vibration damper. – Detach drive sprocket -1- and toothed belt -2-.

  • Page 155: Removing And Installing Coolant Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Lubricate sealing surface of balance shaft -2- with gear oil. – Fit oil seal -1- onto balance shaft. • The marking „Luftseite“ („Outside“) -arrow- should be legible from the outside.

  • Page 156
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Disconnect coolant hoses. To do so, raise retaining clips -1- and -2- and lay coolant hoses to one side. – Remove bolts -1 … 5-.
  • Page 157: Removing And Installing Thermostat

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing thermostat Removing – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ; Engine guard . – Drain coolant ⇒ page 133 –…

  • Page 158: Parts Of Cooling System, Body Side

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Parts of cooling system, body side Assembly overview — parts of cooling system, body side 1 — Radiator upper mounting 2 — Radiator ❑ Renew coolant after re‐…

  • Page 159: Assembly Overview — Air Ducting With Radiator Fan V7

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 17 — Bolt, 4.5 Nm 18 — Continued coolant circulation pump -V51- 19 — Coolant hose ❑ Coolant hose schematic diagram ⇒ page 139 20 — Retainer 21 — Radiator outlet coolant temperature sender -G83- ❑…

  • Page 160: Removing And Installing Cowling With Radiator Fan V7

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing cowling with ra‐ diator fan -V7- Removing – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ; Engine guard .

  • Page 161: Removing And Installing Radiator

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Disengage cowling -2- at left and right. To do this, press re‐ taining lever -1- forwards using a screwdriver and raise cowl‐ ing -2- slightly.

  • Page 162
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing – Undo and remove bolts -2- that fasten radiator to lock carrier -1-. Only for vehicles with air conditioning – Remove lock carrier ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep.
  • Page 163
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Note If the radiator -1- is to be replaced, undo bolts of charge air ♦ cooler and remove it from radiator. Undo and remove bolt -2- on right and left (not shown in illus‐…
  • Page 164
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – When installing the radiator, make sure that the catches -1- of the radiator mounting on the left and right at the top have en‐…
  • Page 165: Fuel Supply System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 20 – Fuel supply system General notes on fuel system General notes on fuel system ⇒ page 159 Observe safety precautions ⇒ page 160 Observe rules for cleanliness ⇒…

  • Page 166: Safety Precautions When Working On Fuel Supply System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Safety precautions when working on fuel supply system Caution When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compart‐ ment, pay attention to the following due to the cramped condi‐…

  • Page 167: Releasing Pressure In High-Pressure Area

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Releasing pressure in high-pressure area WARNING The injection system consists of a high-pressure section (max‐ imum approx. 120 bar) and a low-pressure section (approx. 6 bar).

  • Page 168: Fuel Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Fuel pump Checking fuel pump Note When replacing fuel delivery unit, check fuel tank for heavy soiling and clean if necessary. Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 169
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 • Fuel pump control unit -J538- OK. Test sequence: Note Function of fuel pump is checked using final control diagnosis. – Connect vehicle diagnostic tester as follows: –…
  • Page 170: Checking Fuel Pressure

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – First ensure that 5-pin wiring connection -1- is secure by pull‐ ing the connector without pressing the catch. If connector was not inserted correctly, repeat functional check of fuel pump.

  • Page 171
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release clip -2- and detach fuel pressurisation line -3- from high-pressure pump -1-. Collect escaping fuel with a cloth. – Connect pressure tester -VAS 6550- to fuel supply line with adapter -VAS 6550/1- and -VAS 6550/2- .
  • Page 172
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – After pressure has built up, cut-off tap -B- of pressure tester immediately. Lever is then at right angle to direction of flow. If the pressure does not drop now: Note Leak must be sought on engine side.
  • Page 173: Fuel Tank

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Fuel tank Assembly overview — fuel tank ⇒ page 167 Removing and installing fuel tank ⇒ page 169 Removing and installing fuel delivery unit ⇒ page 172 Removing and installing fuel gauge sender -G- ⇒…

  • Page 174
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 17 — Slotted pan head screw 18 — Rear securing strap 19 — Hexagon bolt 20 — Protective cover ❑ For bottom of fuel tank.
  • Page 175: Removing And Installing Fuel Tank

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing fuel tank Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Union nut tool -3217- ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1332- ♦…

  • Page 176
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Thoroughly clean area around filler neck -1- on fuel tank -4-. – Loosen clamp -2- for connecting hose -1- of filler neck on fuel tank -4- and pull connecting hose off.
  • Page 177
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew bolts -arrows- for securing straps -2- for fuel tank -1-. – Only lower fuel tank with engine and gearbox jack -V.A.G 1383 A- until filler neck and breather line can be removed.
  • Page 178: Removing And Installing Fuel Delivery Unit

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Push hose -1- of filler neck onto connection on fuel tank -3-. Position clamp -2- at assembly markings -arrows- using hose clip pliers -VAS 6362- .

  • Page 179: Removing And Installing Fuel Gauge Sender G

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew union nut with union nut tool -3217- . – Take fuel delivery unit out of the fuel tank. Installing Install in reverse order. In the process, note the following: –…

  • Page 180: Removing And Installing Filler Neck

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing filler neck Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Hose clip pliers -VAS 6362- ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1410- Removing – Remove fuel tank ⇒…

  • Page 181
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew nuts -2- from filler neck -1- at top of tank flap unit cut- out. – Remove filler neck -1- from below; filler neck must be turned when doing this.
  • Page 182: Assembly Overview — Fuel Filter With Attachments

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Push on breather line -3- and engage securely. ♦ Connections for breather and fuel lines must engage audibly when joined. ♦ Clip fuel lines onto fuel tank.

  • Page 183: Removing And Installing Fuel Filter

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 9 — 3 Nm 10 — Retainer ❑ For fuel filter. ❑ Secured to fuel tank. Removing and installing fuel filter Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 184: Removing And Installing Fuel Pump Control Unit J538

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Installation position Pin -2- on filter housing must engage in notch of guide -1- in filter bracket. Specified torque: Component Retaining clamp for fuel filter Removing and installing fuel pump con‐…

  • Page 185: Electronic Power Control (Epc)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Electronic power control (EPC) Assembly overview — accelerator module ⇒ page 179 Removing and installing accelerator module ⇒ page 179 Assembly overview — accelerator module…

  • Page 186
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Installing – Installation is performed in the reverse sequence. Specified torque: Component Accelerator module to body Rep. gr.20 — Fuel supply system…
  • Page 187: Activated Charcoal Filter System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Activated charcoal filter system 1 — Breather line ❑ Check for secure seat‐ ing. 2 — Activated charcoal filter ❑ Location: on fuel tank, left.

  • Page 188
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Adapter set -V.A.G 1318/17- Test prerequisite • Ignition must be switched off. • Fuel tank must be lowered. Test procedure – Detach bleeder line ⇒…
  • Page 189: Turbocharging/Supercharging

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 21 – Turbocharging/supercharging Charge air system Safety precautions WARNING When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compart‐ ment, pay attention to the following due to the cramped condi‐…

  • Page 190: Instructions For Hose Connections With Screw-Type Clips

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Instructions for hose connections with screw-type clips Caution The screw-type clips on the charge air lines must always be tightened to 5.5 Nm. If the torque is too low or too high, the charge air hose may slip off the charge air pipe during vehicle operation.

  • Page 191
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 1 — Charge air cooler ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 186 Note 2 — Seal 3 — Hose clip ❑ Reinforced. ❑ 5.5 Nm 4 — Pressure hose ❑…
  • Page 192: Removing And Installing Pressure Pipe

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing pressure pipe Removing – Detach connector from charge pressure sender -G31- . – Release clip -3- from charge air hose -4-. – Loosen bolt -1- of pressure pipe -2-.

  • Page 193
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Socket set 1/4″, 22-piece -VAS 5528- Removing – Remove engine guard, if fitted ⇒ Body, front; Rep. gr. 50 ; Engine guard . – Drain coolant ⇒…
  • Page 194
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Squeeze left and right catches -2- together and detach con‐ denser -3- from radiator -1-. Caution • Do not bend or stretch the refrigerant lines excessively –…
  • Page 195: Checking Charge Air System For Leaks

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Insert radiator mounting into lock carrier -2- at bottom -1-, do‐ ing so transversely to the direction of travel, and then turn it 90″.

  • Page 196
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Charge air system tester -V.A.G 1687- – Release hose clip -1- and detach pressure hose -3- from tur‐ bocharger -2-. – Depending on hose diameter, insert adapter -1687/10- , -1687/11- or -1687/12- in air duct -1- and secure with hose clip.
  • Page 197
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Connect charge air system tester -V.A.G 1687- to compressed air -1- via commercial adapter. Note If there is water in inspection glass, drain via drain screw -6-.
  • Page 198: Turbocharger

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Turbocharger Note Secure all hose connections with hose clips comparable to ♦ production standard Hose connections and hoses for charge air system must be ♦…

  • Page 199
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Part IV ⇒ page 196 1 — Turbocharger ❑ Can only be renewed to‐ gether with exhaust manifold and vacuum unit as one unit ❑ Removing and installing ⇒…
  • Page 200
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Part II Part I ⇒ page 192 Part III ⇒ page 195 Part IV ⇒ page 196 1 — Turbocharger ❑ Can only be renewed to‐…
  • Page 201
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 20 — Oil return line 21 — Seal ❑ Renew. Part III Part I ⇒ page 192 Part II ⇒ page 194 Part IV ⇒ page 196 1 — Seal ❑…
  • Page 202
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ❑ Coat exhaust manifold studs with high-temperature paste; high-temperature paste ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue 14 — Clamping rail Tightening sequence — turbocharger – Tighten bolts in sequence -1 to 5- in 4 stages as follows: Tighten bolts to 5 Nm.
  • Page 203: Removing And Installing Turbocharger

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Further specified torques Component Right air duct to sump Air duct to bracket Removing and installing turbocharger Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Hose clip pliers -V.A.G 1921- ♦…

  • Page 204
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Detach intake hose -4- from turbocharger. – Remove air filter housing ⇒ page 207 – Remove catalytic converter ⇒ page 240 – Disconnect coolant hose from turbocharger.
  • Page 205
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release hose clip -1- and detach pressure hose -3- from tur‐ bocharger -2-. – Unplug electrical connections -1 and 2- and lay wiring to one side.
  • Page 206: Checking Vacuum Unit For Turbocharger

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove nuts -arrows-. – Remove turbocharger with exhaust manifold upwards. Installing Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing, note the following: •…

  • Page 207
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Procedure: – Connect hand vacuum pump -VAS 6213- to vacuum unit -arrow-. – Move slide ring -1- on hand vacuum pump -VAS 6213- to po‐…
  • Page 208: Mixture Preparation — Injection

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 24 – Mixture preparation — injection Safety precautions and rules for cleanliness General notes on self-diagnosis ⇒ page 202 Releasing pressure in high-pressure area Safety precautions ⇒…

  • Page 209: Injection System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Injection system Overview — fitting locations ⇒ page 204 Assembly overview — air filter ⇒ page 205 Removing and installing air filter ⇒ page 207 Removing and installing air filter element ⇒…

  • Page 210: Overview Of Fitting Locations

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Overview of fitting locations 1 — Intake manifold pressure sender -G71- 2 — Air mass meter -G70- ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 209 3 — Lambda probe -G39- and…

  • Page 211: Assembly Overview — Air Filter

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 20 — Turbocharger air recirculation valve -N249- ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 192 21 — Charge pressure control solenoid valve -N75- ❑ Removing and installing ⇒…

  • Page 212
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 15 — 1.6 Nm 16 — Screw-type clip, 5.5 Nm Caution The screw-type clips on the charge air lines must always be tightened to 5.5 Nm. If the torque is…
  • Page 213: Removing And Installing Air Filter Housing

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Water drainage pipe on lower part of air filter – Water drainage pipe -1- is clipped into lower part of air filter -arrow-. Removing and installing air filter hous‐…

  • Page 214
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Disconnect electrical connectors -1 and 3-. – Loosen screw-type clip -4- and remove intake hose from air mass meter -G70- . Note Item 2 can be disregarded.
  • Page 215: Removing And Installing Air Filter Element

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing air filter ele‐ ment Removing – Disconnect electrical connector from air mass meter G 70 and intake manifold pressure sender G 71 -1 and 3-.

  • Page 216
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Hose clip pliers -VAS 6340- Removing – Pull off connector -3- for air mass meter -G70- . – Loosen screw-type clip -4- and remove intake hose from air mass meter -G70- .
  • Page 217: Assembly Overview — Intake Manifold

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Assembly overview — intake manifold 1 — Screw for intake air temper‐ ature sender -G42- ❑ 9 Nm 2 — Intake air temperature sender -G42- — Activated charcoal filter sole‐…

  • Page 218: Assembly Overview — Fuel Rail

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 217 15 — Intake manifold support 16 — Bolt for intake manifold support ❑ 23 Nm 17 — Nut for intake manifold support ❑…

  • Page 219: Removing And Installing Intake Manifold

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 5 — Roller tappet 6 — Fuel pressure regulating valve -N276- 7 — Bolts for high-pressure pump ❑ 20 Nm 8 — Connection for fuel pressurisation line to fuel rail ❑…

  • Page 220
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Assembly tool -T10118- ♦ Hose clip pliers -V.A.G 1921- ♦ Special wrench, long reach -T10347- Removing Note The injectors can only be accessed after removal of the intake ♦…
  • Page 221
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Disconnect battery from negative terminal. – Remove pressure pipe ⇒ page 184 – Remove throttle valve module ⇒ page 223 – Disconnect coolant hose ⇒…
  • Page 222
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Detach vacuum hose -1- at disconnection point -2-. – Remove crankcase breather hose -3-. – Detach vacuum hose -3- from vacuum pump -2- and brake servo.
  • Page 223: Removing And Installing Injectors

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Release oil filter with Hazet securing strap -2171-1- or with oil filter tool -3417- and remove oil filter. – Unscrew bolts from intake manifold using socket -T10347- .

  • Page 224
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Rework puller tool T10133/2 to make puller tool T10133/2 A . – File out a semicircle as illustrated. The recess allows the tool to be pushed further onto the injector so the contact surface is increased.
  • Page 225: Renewing Teflon Seal On Injector

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Insert puller -T10133/2A- into groove in injector. – Then position removal tool -T10133/16- and pull injector out by turning bolt -1-. Note The combustion chamber seal must always be renewed prior to reinstallation of the injector ⇒…

  • Page 226
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Push Teflon ring with assembly sleeve -T10133/6- further on to assembly cone -T10133/5- until Teflon ring engages in seal ring. No lubricants whatsoever may be used.
  • Page 227: Cleaning Injectors

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Note The injector must insert easily. If necessary, wait until the ♦ combustion chamber seal has contracted sufficiently. Ensure the injectors are correctly seated and positioned in the ♦…

  • Page 228: Removing And Installing Fuel Pressure Sender -G247

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Dip injectors together with mounting plate for injection mod‐ ules -VAS 6418/1- into cleaning fluid. – Set a temperature of 50 degrees with rotary knob -4-.

  • Page 229: Removing And Installing Throttle Valve Module J338

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing WARNING The fuel system is pressurised! The fuel pressure in the high- pressure part of the injection system must be reduced to a residual pressure prior to opening; for procedure see ⇒…

  • Page 230: Cleaning Throttle Valve Module J338

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew 4 bolts -arrows- of throttle valve module -J338- and remove throttle valve module -J338- . Installing – Install in reverse order. – Clean sealing surface for O-ring.

  • Page 231: Assembly Overview — High-Pressure Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 2.15 Assembly overview — high-pressure pump WARNING Fuel system is under high pressure! It is essential to reduce fuel pressure before opening system. For procedure, please ⇒…

  • Page 232: Removing And Installing High-Pressure Pump

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ❑ Connection: 40 Nm ❑ Specified tightening torque for union nut of fuel pressurisation line: 27 Nm ❑ Fuel pressurisation line must not be under tension when installed (ensure cleanliness) 2.16…

  • Page 233: Removing And Installing Engine Control Unit

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove 2 bolts -arrows-. – Carefully pull out high-pressure fuel pump. Sleeve can remain inserted in vacuum pump. Installing – Renew high-pressure pump O-ring.

  • Page 234
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1410- Removing – Before removing engine control unit, read the control unit iden‐ tification and, with it, the coding of the control unit used up to now ⇒…
  • Page 235: Checking Components

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Checking components Check fuel holding pressure upstream of high-pressure pump Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ K-Jetronic pressure tester -V.A.G 1318- ♦ Measuring container, fuel-resistant ♦…

  • Page 236
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Connect double connection -V.A.G 1318/23- and adapter adapter set -V.A.G 1318/17A- to K-Jetronic pressure tester — V.A.G 1318- . – Attach adapter adapter set -V.A.G 1318/17A- to detached fuel pressurisation line.
  • Page 237
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Close pressure tester shut-off valve. • Lever is at right angle to direction of flow -arrow-. – Connect vehicle diagnosis tester. – Select „Engine electronics“ in the self-diagnosis program.
  • Page 238: Checking Intake Manifold Change-Over

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Reconnect fuel pressurisation line -3- to high-pressure pump -1- and attach clip -2- (ensure cleanliness). Note Check fuel system for leaks. Checking intake manifold change-over Perform check only if there is a loss of torque.

  • Page 239
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Remove vacuum hose -1- leading to actuator for intake mani‐ fold valve flap -N316- from intake manifold flap valve -N316- -2-. – Move slide ring -1- on hand vacuum pump -VAS 6213- to po‐…
  • Page 240: Checking Fuel Pressure Sender G247

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Checking fuel pressure sender -G247- Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Assembly tool -T10118- ♦ Deep hexagon socket, 27 mm -VAS 5301/7- ♦ Pressure sensor tester — VAS 6394/1- ♦…

  • Page 241
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew plug -2- and screw fuel pressure sender -G247- into tester -VAS 6394/1- . Specified torque 27 Nm. – Connect pressure line of tester -VAS 6394/1- to adapter -VAS 6394/2- .
  • Page 242: Checking Double Non-Return Valve

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Switch on tester -VAS 6394/1- by briefly pressing the -A- but‐ ton once. Note Press button -A- for 2 seconds, then light will be switched on ♦…

  • Page 243
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Hand vacuum pump -VAS 6213- ♦ Auxiliary measuring set -V.A.G 1594C- Test prerequisite • Activated charcoal filter solenoid valve 1 -N80- has been checked with vehicle diagnostic tester and is OK.
  • Page 244
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Connect hand vacuum pump -VAS 6213- to activated charcoal filter solenoid valve 1 -N80- . – Connect contacts of solenoid valve to battery using auxiliary leads -1-.
  • Page 245: Exhaust System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 26 – Exhaust system Assembly overview — parts of the exhaust system 1 — Seal ❑ Renew. 2 — Catalytic converter ❑ Protect catalytic con‐…

  • Page 246: Removing And Installing Catalytic Converter

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ❑ Tighten bolted connections evenly. Installation position of front clamp – Install clamp in illustrated angle position. • Bolt connections point to the right. •…

  • Page 247: Removing And Installing Exhaust Manifold

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Unscrew securing bolts -1- for catalytic converter -2-. – Unscrew bolts -2- from bracket -1-. – Release clip -2- between catalytic converter and centre si‐…

  • Page 248: Removing And Installing Centre Silencer

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing and installing centre silencer Procedure Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Engine and gearbox jack -V.A.G 1383 A- – Support gearbox with engine and gearbox support -V.A.G 1383 A- .

  • Page 249: Removing And Installing Rear Silencer

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Install double clamp so that end of bolt -arrow- does not extend beyond lower edge of double clamp. • Threaded connection faces to rear.

  • Page 250
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Torque wrench (5…50 Nm) -V.A.G 1331- • The exhaust system must be aligned when cold. Procedure: – Loosen bolts of double clamp -3-. – Tighten bolts hand tight.
  • Page 251: Installation Position And Specified Torque Of The Clamp

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Installation position and specified torque of the clamp Note Gradual introduction of clamp with continuous clip. Specified torque and mounting dimensions of clamping sleeve. Clamp -A- with 2 individual clips.

  • Page 252
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Installation position of rear clamp – Install clamp so that end of bolt -arrow- does not extend be‐ yond lower edge of clamp. • Threaded connection faces to rear.
  • Page 253: Ignition System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 28 – Ignition system Repairing ignition system General notes on ignition system ⇒ page 247 Safety precautions ⇒ page 247 Assembly overview — ignition system ⇒…

  • Page 254: Assembly Overview — Ignition System

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 possibility that the person sitting in this seat may receive serious injuries when the airbag is triggered. Assembly overview — ignition system 1 — Knock sensor 1 -G61- ❑…

  • Page 255
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Puller -T40039- ♦ Lubricating paste -G 052 141 A2- Removing Note Observe safety precautions ⇒ page 247 ♦ Assembly overview — ignition system ⇒ page 248 ♦…
  • Page 256: Removing And Installing Spark Plugs

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Apply a thin line of lubricating paste -G 052 141 A2- around the ignition coil sealing hose -arrow-. The bead must be 1…2 mm thick.

  • Page 257
    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 ♦ Spark plug socket and extension -VAS 3122B- ♦ Puller -T40039- Removing – Pull all ignition coils approx. 30 mm out of spark plug recess using puller -T40039- .
  • Page 258: Removing And Installing Knock Sensor 1 G61

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 – Align ignition coil plus final output stages with connectors -arrows- and push on simultaneously. Note Do not strike with a hammer or similar tool.

  • Page 259: Test Data, Spark Plugs

    Amarok 2011 ➤ 4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) — Edition 02.2011 Removing – Detach connector -2- from engine speed sender -G28- at right below coarse oil separator -1-. Note To release electrical connector without assembly tool -T10118- , press connector on engine speed sender -G28- in with a screw‐…

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Volkswagen Amarok 2011: List of Available Documents

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Guidesimo.com webproject is not a service center of Volkswagen trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Volkswagen Amarok 2011 equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Volkswagen company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Volkswagen Amarok 2011 device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.

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