Мануал для вольво хс60

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Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Volvo?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Volvo требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Volvo?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Volvo XC60 (2020) доступно в русский?

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Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2244)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (688)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (588)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (540)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (505)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (303)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (198)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (163)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (148)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (120)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (119)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (117)

После замены шин мой Volvo выдает ошибку. Это почему? Проверенный
Это может произойти после смены шин. Откалибруйте систему контроля давления в шинах. Если это не помогает, обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (47)

Руководство Volvo XC60 (2010)

Volvo XC60 Owner's Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Volvo Manuals
  4. Automobile
  5. XC60 — ANNEXE 541
  6. Owner’s manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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Related Manuals for Volvo XC60

Summary of Contents for Volvo XC60

  • Page 1: Owners Manual


  • Page 3
    DEAR VOLVO OWNER THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING VOLVO We hope you will enjoy many years of driving pleasure in your Volvo. In order to increase your enjoyment of the car, we recommend that The car has been designed for the safety and comfort of you and your you familiarise yourself with the equipment, instructions and mainte- passengers.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    00 Introduction 01 Safety 02 Locks and alarm Important information……… 8 Seatbelts ……….18 Remote control key/key blade….50 Volvo and the environment……. 13 Airbags…………21 Battery replacement, remote control key/ PCC*…………55 Activating/deactivating the airbag*… 24 Keyless drive*……….57 Side airbags (SIPS bags) ……

  • Page 5
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure 05 Infotainment system Instruments and controls……72 Menus and messages……144 General information on infotainment..224 Volvo Sensus ……….. 81 Menu source MY CAR……146 Quick start……….226 Key positions……….82 Climate control……..154 General infotainment functions….231 Seats…………
  • Page 6
    Table of contents 06 During your journey 07 Wheels and tyres 08 Maintenance and service Recommendations during driving… 284 General ……….. 308 Engine compartment……. 324 Refuelling……….287 Changing wheels ……..312 Lamps…………. 331 Fuel…………288 Tyre pressure ……… 315 Wiper blades and washer fluid….337 Loading………..
  • Page 7
    Table of contents 09 Specifications 10 Alphabetical Index Type designations……..362 Alphabetical Index……..392 Dimensions and weights……364 Engine specifications……367 Engine oil……….368 Fluids and lubricants……. 370 Fuel…………372 Wheel and tyres, dimensions and pres- sure …………374 Electrical system……..376 Type approval………
  • Page 8: Introduction

    Important information Reading the Owner’s Manual In the event of uncertainty over what is stand- lighted in the owner’s manual by means of the ard or an option/accessory, contact a Volvo text being slightly larger and printed in grey. Introduction dealer.

  • Page 9
    Introduction Important information warning is ignored, may result in serious per- Information Procedure lists sonal injury or fatality. Procedures where action must be taken in a certain sequence are numbered in the owner’s Risk of property damage manual. When there is a series of illustrations for step-by-step instructions each step is numbered in the same way as the corres- ponding illustration.
  • Page 10
    If the car has Volvo On Call and there is a or others who may assert a legal right to have so that Volvo can fulfil legal requirements and change of owner, it is very important that these access to it.
  • Page 11
    Divergence (horizontal x verti- 28° × 12° out by a qualified workshop — we rec- cal) ommend an authorised Volvo work- shop. • To avoid exposure to harmful radiation, do not carry out any readjustments or maintenance other than those specified here.
  • Page 12
    Introduction Important information • The laser sensor’s connector must be unplugged before removal from the windscreen. • The laser sensor must be fitted onto the windscreen before the sensor’s con- nector is plugged in. • The laser sensor transmits laser light when the remote control key is in posi- tion II and also with the engine switched off (see page 82 on key positions).
  • Page 13: Volvo And The Environment

    Introduction Volvo and the environment Volvo Cars’ environmental philosophy Environmental care is one of Volvo Car Corpo- Fuel consumption many cases the exhaust emissions are well ration’s core values which influence all opera- below the applicable standards. Volvo cars have competitive fuel consumption tions.

  • Page 14
    Interior • If the car is equipped with an engine block The interior of a Volvo is designed to be plea- The owner’s manual and the heater*, use it before starting from cold — it sant and comfortable, even for people with…
  • Page 15
  • Page 16
    Seatbelts ………………..18 Airbags………………..21 Activating/deactivating the airbag*…………24 Side airbags (SIPS bags) …………… 26 Inflatable Curtain (IC) …………….28 WHIPS ………………..29 Roll-Over Protection System — ROPS…………. 31 When the systems deploy …………..32 Safety mode……………….. 33 Child safety………………… 34 Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 17
    S A F E T Y…
  • Page 18: 01 Safety

    WARNING The seatbelt locks and cannot be with- drawn: Never modify or repair the seatbelts your- self. Volvo recommends that you contact an • if it is pulled out too quickly authorised Volvo workshop. • during braking and acceleration If a seatbelt has been subjected to a major •…

  • Page 19
    01 Safety Seatbelts Seatbelts and pregnancy and steering wheel). The aim should be to posi- Rear seat tion the seat with as large a distance as possi- The seatbelt reminder in the rear seat has two ble between abdomen and steering wheel. subfunctions: •…
  • Page 20
    01 Safety Seatbelts Certain markets An acoustic signal and indicator lamp remind the driver and front seat passenger to use a seatbelt if either of them is not wearing one. At low speed, the audio reminder will sound for the first 6 seconds. Seatbelt tensioner All the seatbelts are equipped with belt ten- sioners.
  • Page 21: Airbags

    Defective work in the airbag system could tem, SIPS, the IC system or some other fault cause malfunction and result in serious per- in the system. Volvo recommends that you sonal injury. contact an authorised Volvo workshop immediately.

  • Page 22
    01 Safety Airbags Passenger airbag NOTE The car has an airbag to supplement the pro- The sensors react differently depending on tection afforded by the seatbelt on the passen- the course of the collision and whether or ger side. It is folded up into a compartment not the seatbelts on the driver and passen- above the glovebox.
  • Page 23
    01 Safety Airbags WARNING Never place a child in a child seat or on a booster cushion in the front seat if the airbag is activated. Never allow anybody to stand or sit in front of the front passenger seat. No one shorter than 140 cm should ever sit in the front passenger seat if the airbag is activated.
  • Page 24: Activating/Deactivating The Airbag

    Visit a workshop as soon as possible. Volvo WARNING passenger seat, but never persons taller recommends that you contact an author- than 140 cm.

  • Page 25
    01 Safety Activating/deactivating the airbag* A text message and a symbol in the roof panel WARNING NOTE indicate that the airbag for the front passenger Activated airbag (passenger seat): When the remote control key is turned to seat is deactivated (see preceding illustration). key position II or III the warning symbol for Never place a child in a child seat or on a the airbag is displayed on the combined…
  • Page 26: Side Airbags (Sips Bags)

    • Volvo recommends the use only of car seat covers approved by Volvo. Other seat covers may impede the operation Driver’s seat, left-hand drive.

  • Page 27
    01 Safety Side airbags (SIPS bags) the sensors and the side airbags are inflated. The airbag inflates between the occupant and the door panel and thereby cushions the initial impact. The airbag deflates when compressed by the collision. The side airbag is normally only deployed on the side of the collision.
  • Page 28: Inflatable Curtain (Ic)

    This could compromise the intended pro- tection. Volvo recommends that you only ever use Volvo genuine parts that are approved for placement in these areas. WARNING The inflatable curtain IC (Inflatable Curtain) is a Do not load the car higher than 50 mm under part of SIPS and the airbags.

  • Page 29: Whips

    Never modify or repair the seat or WHIPS system yourself. Volvo recommends that WARNING you contact an authorised Volvo workshop. Do not squeeze rigid objects between the rear seat cushion and the front seat back- WHIPS system and child seats/booster rest.

  • Page 30
    WARNING If a seat has been subjected to extreme forces, such as due to a rear-end collision, the WHIPS system must be checked. Volvo recommends that it is checked by an authorised Volvo workshop. Part of the WHIPS system’s protective capacity may have been lost even if the seats appear to be undamaged.
  • Page 31: Roll-Over Protection System — Rops

    01 Safety Roll-Over Protection System — ROPS Function Volvo’s Roll-Over Protection System (ROPS) has been designed to reduce the risk of the car overturning and to provide the best possible protection in the event of such an accident. The system consists of a stabiliser system,…

  • Page 32: When The Systems Deploy

    Recovering the car. Volvo recommends that Whiplash protection In a rear-end colli- you have it conveyed to an authorised Volvo WHIPS sion workshop. The bodywork of the car could be greatly deformed in a col- lision without airbag deployment.

  • Page 33: Safety Mode

    Even if the car appears to be towed. It must be transported from its loca- driveable, hidden damage may make the car tion. Volvo recommends that it is transpor- impossible to control once moving. ted to an authorised Volvo workshop.

  • Page 34: Child Safety

    In the event of questions when fitting child Volvo recommends that children travel in rear- Look in the installation instructions for the child safety products, contact the manufacturer facing child seats until as late an age as pos- for clearer instructions.

  • Page 35
    01 Safety Child safety Label Airbag WARNING WARNING Never place a child in a child seat or on a Booster cushions/child seats with steel booster cushion in the front seat if the airbag braces or some other design that could rest (SRS) is activated.
  • Page 36
    Weight Front seat (with deactivated air- Outer rear seat Centre rear seat bag) Group 0 Volvo infant seat (Volvo Infant Seat) — rear-facing child seat, secured with the max 10 kg ISOFIX fixture system. Group 0+ Type approval: E5 03301146…
  • Page 37
    Centre rear seat bag) Group 1 Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) — rear- (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) — rear- 9-18 kg facing child seat, secured with the facing child seat, secured with the car’s seatbelt and straps.
  • Page 38
    Group 2 Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat Volvo rear-facing/turnable child seat (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) — rear- (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) — rear- (Volvo Convertible Child Seat) — rear- 15-25 kg facing child seat, secured with the…
  • Page 39
    Front seat (with deactivated air- Outer rear seat Centre rear seat bag) Group 2/3 Volvo booster seat with backrest Volvo booster seat with backrest Volvo booster seat with backrest (Volvo Booster Seat with backrest). (Volvo Booster Seat with backrest). (Volvo Booster Seat with backrest).
  • Page 40
    01 Safety Child safety Integrated two-stage booster The booster cushions are specially designed to Raising the two-stage booster cushion provide optimum safety. In combination with cushions* Stage 1 the seatbelt they are approved for children who weigh between 15 and 36 kg and who are at least 95 cm in height.
  • Page 41
    WARNING Volvo recommends that repair or replace- ment is only carried out by an authorised Volvo workshop. Do not make any modifi- cations or additions to the booster cushion. If an integrated booster cushion has been subjected to a major load, such as in con- junction with a collision, the entire booster cushion must be replaced.
  • Page 42
    01 Safety Child safety ISOFIX fixture system for child seats Consequently, there is a size classification for Press down with your hand in the centre of child seats using the ISOFIX fixture system in the cushion in order to lock it. order to assist users in choosing the correct child seat (see the following table).
  • Page 43
    Never place a child in the passenger seat if Volvo recommends that you contact an the car is equipped with an activated airbag. authorised Volvo dealer for recommenda- tions about which ISOFIX child seats Volvo recommends. NOTE If an ISOFIX child seat has no size classifi- cation then the car model must be included on the child seat’s vehicle list.
  • Page 44
    01 Safety Child safety Type of child seat Weight Size class Passenger seats for ISOFIX installation of child seats Front seat Outer rear seat Infant seat, rear-facing max 13 kg (IL) (IL) (IL) Child seat, rear-facing 9-18 kg (IL) (IL)
  • Page 45
    IL: Suitable for specific ISOFIX child seats. These child seats may be intended for use in a special car model, limited or semi-universal categories. IUF: Suitable for front-facing ISOFIX child seats that are universally approved in this weight class. Volvo recommends rear-facing child seats for this group.
  • Page 46
    The upper mounting points are primarily intended for use with front-facing child seats. Volvo recommends that small children should sit in rear-facing child seats to as late an age as possible. NOTE For cars with folding head restraints on the…
  • Page 47
    01 Safety…
  • Page 48
    Remote control key/key blade…………..50 Battery replacement, remote control key/PCC*……..55 Keyless drive*………………57 Locking/unlocking………………. 60 Child safety locks………………66 Alarm*…………………. 67 Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 49
    L O C K S A N D A L A R M…
  • Page 50: 02 Locks And Alarm

    — an authorised confirm that locking/unlocking was correctly Volvo workshop is recommended. The remain- ing remote control keys must then be taken to performed. the workshop. The code of the missing remote Only in combination with power driver’s seat and power mirrors.

  • Page 51
    If the fault per- sists the recommen- the windows and sunroof* simultaneously. Panic function dation is to contact an authorised Volvo WARNING workshop. If the sunroof and windows are closed using the remote control key, check that no one is For starting the car, see page 115.
  • Page 52
    02 Locks and alarm Remote control key/key blade Press and hold (at least 4 seconds) to open all 5 seconds. Otherwise the function switches off Unique PCC functions* windows simultaneously. automatically after 2 minutes and 45 seconds. The function can be changed from unlocking Range all doors simultaneously, to unlocking the driv- The remote key’s functions have a range of…
  • Page 53
    100 m. Detachable key blade elled around on the PCC), contact a work- shop — an authorised Volvo workshop is rec- If the car does not verify a button being pressed A remote control key contains a detachable ommended.
  • Page 54
    02 Locks and alarm Remote control key/key blade • access to the glovebox can be blocked. 2. Lightly press the key blade. You should hear a «click» when the key blade is locked • the airbag for front passenger seat (PACOS)* can be activated/deactivated, see page 24.
  • Page 55: Battery Replacement, Remote Control Key/Pcc

    02 Locks and alarm Battery replacement, remote control key/PCC* Replacing the battery Battery replacement Closely study how the battery/batteries are The batteries should be replaced if: secured on the inside of the cover, with • the information symbol is illuminated and regard to their (+) and (–) sides.

  • Page 56
    02 Locks and alarm Battery replacement, remote control key/PCC* IMPORTANT Make sure that you dispose of old batteries in an environmentally-friendly way. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 57: Keyless Drive

    02 Locks and alarm Keyless drive* Keyless lock and ignition system (only the car door handle or tailgate. This means that reactivated. It is therefore important to handle the person who wishes to lock or unlock a door all PCCs with great care. must have the PCC with him or her.

  • Page 58
    02 Locks and alarm Keyless drive* Locking Unlocking 1. Press the key blade approx. 1 cm straight up into the hole on the underside of the Unlocking takes place when a hand grasps a door handle/cover — do not prize. door handle or the tailgate’s rubberised pres- sure plate is actuated — open the door or tail- >…
  • Page 59
    02 Locks and alarm Keyless drive* B shall drive, the settings can be changed in Antenna location WARNING three ways: People with pacemaker operations should • Standing by the driver’s door, or sitting not come closer than 22 cm to the keyless behind the steering wheel, person B system’s antennae with their pacemaker.
  • Page 60: Locking/Unlocking

    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking From the outside From the inside WARNING The remote control key can lock/unlock all Be aware of the risk of being locked in the Central locking doors and the tailgate simultaneously. Different car when it is locked from the outside using sequences for unlocking can be selected, see the remote control key — it is then not pos- «Unlocking with the remote control key»…

  • Page 61
    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking • Pull the door handle once and release — the Glovebox Tailgate door is unlocked. Pull the door handle Manual opening again to open the door. Locking • Press the central locking button after the front doors have been closed. Press and hold (at least 2 seconds) to also close all the side windows and the sunroof* simultaneously.
  • Page 62
    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking armed. The alarm’s level and movement sen- Locking with the remote control key IMPORTANT ± sors and the sensors for opening the tailgate Press the remote control key’s button for • Minimal force is required to release the are disconnected.
  • Page 63
    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking • Pinch protection Long press on the button in the lighting NOTE panel — hold the button depressed until the If something with sufficient resistance prevents • If the system has been operating con- tailgate starts to open. the tailgate from opening/closing then the tinuously for a long time, it is switched pinch protection is activated.
  • Page 64
    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking Manual tailgate operation the deadlocks function can be temporarily WARNING switched off. This is carried out as follows: The system is disengaged if the opening/clos- Do not allow anyone to remain in the car ing sequence is interrupted in accordance with 1.
  • Page 65
    02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking > The next time the engine is started, the system is reset to zero and the instru- ment panel display shows the message Full guard at which the deadlocks function and the alarm’s movement and tilt detectors are re-engaged.
  • Page 66: Child Safety Locks

    02 Locks and alarm Child safety locks Manual blocking of the rear doors 1. Start the engine or choose a key position NOTE higher than 0. The child safety locks prevent children from • A door’s knob control only blocks that opening a rear door from the inside.

  • Page 67: Alarm

    In which partment. A red LED on the instrument panel indicates case, contact a workshop — an authorised the alarm system’s status: Volvo workshop is recommended. • LED not lit – Alarm not armed NOTE •…

  • Page 68
    02 Locks and alarm Alarm* Deactivating a triggered alarm Reduced alarm level ± Press the remote control key unlock button To avoid accidental triggering of the alarm — or insert the remote control key in the igni- e.g. if a dog is left in a locked car or during tion switch.
  • Page 69
    02 Locks and alarm…
  • Page 70
    Instruments and controls……………. 72 Volvo Sensus ………………81 Key positions………………82 Seats………………….. 84 Steering wheel………………89 Lighting………………..90 Wipers and washing…………….99 Windows, rearview and door mirrors………… 102 Compass*………………..107 Power panorama roof* …………….. 108 Alcoguard*……………….. 111 Starting the engine…………….115 Starting the engine –…
  • Page 71
    Y O U R D R I V I N G E N V I R O N M E N T…
  • Page 72: 03 Your Driving Environment

    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Instrument overview Left-hand drive.

  • Page 73
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Function Page Function Page Menus and messages, Control for infotainment 146, 277 direction indicators, 93, 144, and menu control main/dipped beam, trip Control panel for climate computer control Cruise control 173, 177 Gear selector Horn, airbags 22, 89 Controls for active chas-…
  • Page 74
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Right-hand drive.
  • Page 75
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Information displays Function Page Function Page Display for infotainment 146, Parking brake and menus 227, 277 Bonnet opener Ignition switch Steering wheel adjust- START/STOP ENGINE ment Menus and messages, Cruise control 173, 177 direction indicators, 93, 144, main/dipped beam, trip…
  • Page 76
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Meters Indicator, information and warning If the engine does not start or if the functionality check is carried out in key position II then all symbols symbols go out after 5 seconds except the symbol for faults in the car’s emissions system and the symbol for low oil pressure.
  • Page 77
    Instruments and controls checked. Volvo recommends that you Information, read display text Symbol Specification seek assistance from an authorised Volvo When one of the car’s systems does not workshop. Main beam On behave as intended, this information symbol illuminates and a text appears on the informa- Rear fog lamp on tion display.
  • Page 78
    • If the symbols remain illuminated, check Alternator not charging to have the system checked. Volvo recom- the level in the brake fluid reservoir, see mends that you seek assistance from an page 329. If the brake fluid level is nor-…
  • Page 79
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls atory text message in the combined instrument Display for trip meter WARNING panel. Stop the car in a safe place as soon as Controls for switching between trip meters If the brake and ABS symbols are illumi- possible and close the door, bonnet or boot lid, nated at the same time, there is a risk that , as well as resetting the trip…
  • Page 80
    03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls Clock group MY CAR, for more information see page 146. Clock and setting knob. Display for showing the time. 1. Locate Settings System options Controls for setting the clock. Time. 2. The cursor is located in the first box for Turn the knob clockwise/anticlockwise to set Hour: Press OK — the box is activated.
  • Page 81: Volvo Sensus

    Park assist camera — CAM*, see page 210. Climate control, see page 154. Volvo Sensus is the car’s operating system, the heart of your personal Volvo experience. Volvo Sensus combines and presents many func- tions in several of the car’s systems on the centre console TV screen.

  • Page 82: Key Positions

    03 Your driving environment Key positions Insert and remove the remote control Key position I IMPORTANT With the remote control key fully inserted into Foreign objects in the ignition switch may the ignition switch — Briefly press START/ jeopardise the function or destroy the lock. STOP ENGINE.

  • Page 83
    03 Your driving environment Key positions Posi- Function tion Odometer, clock and tempera- ture gauge are illuminated. The audio system can be used. Panorama roof*, power windows, 12 V socket in the passenger compartment, RTI*, phone*, ven- tilation fan, ECC and windscreen wipers can be used.
  • Page 84: Seats

    03 Your driving environment Seats Front seats Lift the catches on the rear of the backrest WARNING and fold it forward. Adjust the position of the driver’s seat 4. Push the seat forward so that the head before setting off, never while driving. Make sure that the seat is in locked position in restraint «locks»…

  • Page 85
    03 Your driving environment Seats Power seat* trol key without the key in the ignition switch. 2. Hold the button depressed to store set- Seat adjustment is normally made in key posi- tings while depressing one of the memory buttons. tion I and can always be made when the engine is running.
  • Page 86
    03 Your driving environment Seats door is opened, the driver’s seat and also the unlock button on the remote control key. The Adjust the head restraint according to passen- door mirrors automatically adopt the positions driver’s door must then be open. ger height so that the whole of the back of the stored in the key memory.
  • Page 87
    03 Your driving environment Seats Lowering the rear seat backrest Raising takes place in reverse order. NOTE IMPORTANT When the backrest has been raised, the red There must be no objects on the rear seat indicator should no longer be showing. If it when the backrest is to be folded down.
  • Page 88
    03 Your driving environment Seats 1. The remote control key must be in position I or II. 2. Press the button to lower the rear outer head restraints to improve rearward visi- bility. WARNING Do not lower the outer head restraints if there are any passengers using of the outer seats.
  • Page 89: Steering Wheel

    03 Your driving environment Steering wheel Adjusting Horn WARNING Adjust and secure the steering wheel before driving. With speed related power steering* the level of steering force can be adjusted, see page 172. Keypads* Adjusting the steering wheel. Horn. Lever — releasing the steering wheel Press the centre of the steering wheel to signal.

  • Page 90: Lighting

    03 Your driving environment Lighting Light switches The intensity of the instrument lighting is Main/dipped beam adjusted with the thumbwheel. Headlamp levelling The load in the car changes the vertical align- ment of the headlamp beam, which could daz- zle oncoming motorists. Avoid this by adjusting the height of the beam.

  • Page 91
    Volvo recom- tory text and a further illuminated symbol. mends that you contact an authorised Volvo workshop. Applies to certain markets. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 92
    The function can be deactivated/activated in behind. The rear fog lamp consists of one rear lamp and the menu system MY CAR under My XC60 can only be switched on in combination with Active bending lights or under Settings main/dipped beam.
  • Page 93
    03 Your driving environment Lighting The rear fog lamp is switched off automatically automatically when the car is driven off again Continuous flash sequence when the engine is switched off. or the button is depressed. For more informa- Move the stalk switch up or down to the tion on Emergency brake lights and automatic outer position.
  • Page 94
    03 Your driving environment Lighting All lighting in the passenger compartment can Lighting, cargo area be switched on and off manually within The lighting in the cargo area is switched on 30 minutes from when: and off respectively when the tailgate is opened or closed.
  • Page 95
    03 Your driving environment Lighting • the engine is started Adjusting headlamp pattern settings Light settings Home safe light • duration. For a description of the menu sys- the car is locked. tem, see page 147. The passenger compartment lighting comes on and remains on for two minutes if one of the doors is open.
  • Page 96
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Active Xenon headlamps* 2. Transfer the template to a self-adhesive waterproof material and cut it out. The car must be stationary with the engine run- ning when the headlamp pattern is shifted 3. Position the self-adhesive templates at the between right and left-hand traffic.
  • Page 97
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Aligning the templates Upper row: masking left-hand drive cars, templates A and B. Lower row: masking right-hand drive cars, templates C and D.
  • Page 98
    03 Your driving environment Lighting Templates for halogen headlamps…
  • Page 99: Wipers And Washing

    03 Your driving environment Wipers and washing Continuous wiping the rain sensor can be adjusted using the Windscreen wipers thumbwheel. The wipers sweep at normal speed. When the rain sensor is activated a light in the The wipers sweep at high speed. button the rain sensor symbol is shown in the right-hand display in the combined…

  • Page 100
    03 Your driving environment Wipers and washing The rain sensor is automatically deactivated Washing the windscreen Wiper and washer, rear window when the remote control key is removed from Move the stalk switch toward the steering the ignition switch or five minutes after the wheel to start the windscreen and headlamp engine has been switched off.
  • Page 101
    On cars with rain sensor, the rear window wiper is activated with reversing, if the sen- sor is activated and it is raining. This function (intermittent wiping when reversing) can be deactivated. Visit a workshop. Volvo recommends that you contact an authorised Volvo workshop.
  • Page 102: Windows, Rearview And Door Mirrors

    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors General Heat-reflecting windscreen* windscreen with no heat-reflecting film (see the highlighted area in the above illustration). Laminated glass The windscreen and panorama roof Power windows have laminated glass. It is reinforced which provides better protection against break-ins and improved sound insulation in the passenger compart-…

  • Page 103
    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors All power windows can be operated using the Operating with auto WARNING control panel in the driver’s door. Each control Move one of the controls up/down to the end Make sure that children or other passengers panel in the other doors can only control its position and release it.
  • Page 104
    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors Door mirrors Retractable power door mirrors* Angling the door mirror when parking The mirrors can be retracted for parking/driving The door mirror can be angled down for the in narrow spaces: driver to view the side of the road when parking for example.
  • Page 105
    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors The function can be activated/deactivated in Rear window and door mirror . For a description of the menu sys- defrosters tem, see page 147. the menu system MY CAR under Settings Car settings Side mirror settings Fold…
  • Page 106
    03 Your driving environment Windows, rearview and door mirrors Automatic dimming* Bright light from behind is automatically dimmed by the rearview mirror. The control is not available in mirrors with automatic dim- ming. The compass* can only be specified for rear- view mirrors with automatic dimming, see page 107.
  • Page 107: Compass

    03 Your driving environment Compass* Operation should be calibrated if the car is moved across 4. Hold the button on the underside of the several magnetic zones. rearview mirror depressed approx. 3 seconds. The number of the cur- 1. Stop the car in a large open area free from rent magnetic zone is shown.

  • Page 108: Power Panorama Roof

    03 Your driving environment Power panorama roof* General Closing, manual WARNING The panorama roof is divided into two sections. Closing, automatic Children, other passengers or objects can Only the front section can be opened — hori- be trapped by the panorama roof’s moving The panorama roof and curtain can be oper- zontally or vertically at the rear edge (ventilation parts.

  • Page 109
    03 Your driving environment Power panorama roof* Manual operation Ventilation position Closing using the remote control key or 1. To open the curtain — press the control central locking button rearward to the point of resistance for man- ual opening. The curtain moves towards maximum opening as long as the button is depressed.
  • Page 110
    03 Your driving environment Power panorama roof* Wind deflector The panorama roof has a wind deflector that is folded up when the panorama roof is in the open position. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 111: Alcoguard

    03 Your driving environment Alcoguard* General information on the Alcolock 1. Nozzle for breath test. NOTE The function of the Alcolock is to prevent the 2. Switch. Store the Alcolock in its holder. This will car from being driven by individuals under the 3.

  • Page 112
    — only starting with the Bypass func- until indicator lamp (6) is green. An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 113
    Bypass or Emergency function is selected as the bypassing option. This setting can be Alcoguard Blow Blowing too hard — changed afterwards at a workshop blow more gently. softer An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 114
    03 Your driving environment Alcoguard* Display text Meaning/Action Alcoguard Blow Blowing too weak — blow harder. harder Alcoguard wait Heating not finished Alco- Preheating — wait for text guard Blow 5 sec- onds Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 115: Starting The Engine

    03 Your driving environment Starting the engine Petrol and diesel engines 2. Hold the clutch pedal fully depressed Keyless drive . (For cars with automatic gearbox — Depress the Follow steps 2–3 for starting petrol and diesel brake pedal.) engines. For more information on Keyless drive, see page 57.

  • Page 116
    03 Your driving environment Starting the engine Steering lock A mechanical noise can be perceived when the steering lock unlocks or locks. • The steering lock unlocks up when the START/STOP ENGINE button is depressed. • The steering lock locks when the driver’s door is opened after the engine has been switched off.
  • Page 117: Starting The Engine — External Battery

    03 Your driving environment Starting the engine – external battery Jump starting 4. Connect one of the red jump lead’s clamps IMPORTANT to the donor battery’s positive terminal (1). Do not touch the crocodile clips during the start procedure. There is a risk of sparks IMPORTANT forming.

  • Page 118: Gearboxes

    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes Manual gearbox Look at the actual gearshift pattern imprinted Automatic gearbox, Geartronic* on the gear lever. • Depress the clutch pedal fully during each gear change. • Take your foot off the clutch pedal between gear changes.

  • Page 119
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes , which is equivalent to the gear that is Geartronic — Sport mode (S) IMPORTANT engaged just then, see page 75. The Sport programme provides sportier cha- The car must be stationary when position racteristics and allows higher engine speed for •…
  • Page 120
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes The gearbox «winter mode» means that the car engine reaches its maximum speed in order to Keep your foot on the brake pedal when mov- moves off with a lower engine speed and prevent damage to the engine. ing the gear selector to another position.
  • Page 121
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes Deactivate automatic gear selector sion, this can be verified by checking the des- Automatic gearbox, Powershift* ignation on the decal number (5) under the inhibitor bonnet — see page 362. The designation «MPS6» means that there is Powershift trans- mission — otherwise it is Geartronic automatic transmission.
  • Page 122
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes hitched. The transmission cools down when wait another moment with your foot on the For important information regarding Powershift the car is stationary, with foot brake depressed brake pedal. transmission and towing — see page 302. and the engine running at idling speed.
  • Page 123
    03 Your driving environment Gearboxes between engine and gearbox is temporarily halted in order to prevent the clutch from malfunctioning — the car then loses drive and is stationary until gearbox temperature has cooled to an acceptable level. For more possible display messages with their respective proposals for solutions concerning automatic transmission, see page 144.
  • Page 124: Eco Drive

    Eco Start/Stop DRIVe Quieter and cleaner General information on Start/Stop Environmental care is one of Volvo Car Corpo- ration’s core values and it influences all of our The MY CAR menu system in the car includes operations. This target-orientation has resulted…

  • Page 125
    03 Your driving environment Eco DRIVe* • allowing the engine to «auto-stop», whenever Depress the clutch pedal — the engine NOTE starts. appropriate. After starting with the key and each auto- stop the car must first reach 5 km/h before Function and operation the automatic Start/Stop function is re-acti- •…
  • Page 126
    03 Your driving environment Eco DRIVe* The driver is assisted by an indicator which Limitations In the following cases the engine auto-starts notifies the driver when it is most advanta- even if the driver has not depressed the clutch The engine does not auto-stop geous to engage the next higher or lower gear pedal in order to engage a gear: Even if the Eco Start/Stop DRIVe function is…
  • Page 127
    03 Your driving environment Eco DRIVe* • The driver’s seatbelt buckle has been Symbol Message Info/ Symbol Message Info/ opened — a display text prompts the driver Action Action to start the engine normally. • A gear is engaged without declutching — a Eco DRIVe Illuminates Depress…
  • Page 128
    03 Your driving environment Eco DRIVe* be contacted — an authorised Volvo workshop Symbol Message Info/ Symbol Message Info/ is recommended. Action Action AUTO- Engine The engine Auto Start- Eco Start/ STOP is ready to Stop DRIVe Auto-Stop- Stop serv.
  • Page 129: All-Wheel Drive — Awd

    03 Your driving environment All-wheel drive – AWD* All Wheel Drive is always available All Wheel Drive means that the car is driving all four wheels at the same time. The power is automatically distributed between the front and rear wheels. An elec- tronically controlled clutch system distributes the power to the wheels that have the best grip on the current road surface.

  • Page 130: Foot Brake

    03 Your driving environment Foot brake General may be felt in the brake pedal when this is Cleaning the brake discs engaged and this is normal. Coatings of dirt and water on the brake discs The car is equipped with two brake circuits. If may result in delayed brake function.

  • Page 131
    If the level in the brake fluid reservoir is nor- mal at this stage, drive carefully to the near- est workshop and have the brake system checked — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. If the brake fluid is under the MIN level in the brake fluid reservoir, do not drive further before topping up the brake fluid.
  • Page 132: Hdc Hill Descent Control

    03 Your driving environment HDC Hill Descent Control General gear position 1 must be selected, which is WARNING shown with the figure in the trip computer HDC can be compared to an automatic engine HDC does not work in all situations, but is display, see page 119.

  • Page 133
    03 Your driving environment HDC Hill Descent Control • with the on/off button on the centre con- sole • if a gear higher than 1 is selected on a manual gearbox • if a gear higher than 1 is selected on an automatic gearbox, or if the gear selector is moved to position D.
  • Page 134: Parking Brake

    03 Your driving environment Parking brake Handbrake Applying the parking brake the accelerator pedal is depressed the braking is interrupted. NOTE In the event of emergency braking at speeds above 10 km/h a signal sounds during the braking procedure. Parking on a hill If the car is parked facing uphill: •…

  • Page 135
    The parking brake can also be released 2. Start the engine. manually by depressing the clutch pedal instead of the brake pedal. Volvo recom- 3. Press the foot brake pedal down firmly. mends the use of the brake pedal. 4. Move the gear selector to position D or R and depress the accelerator.
  • Page 136
    A fault is preventing the parking brake from being released — Try to apply and release the brake. released If the fault persists after a few attempts: Visit a workshop — an authorised Volvo workshop is recom- mended. NOTE: A warning signal sounds if you pull away with this error message.
  • Page 137
    Parking brake not applied A fault is preventing the parking brake from being applied — Try to release and apply the brake. If the fault persists after a few attempts: Visit a workshop — an authorised Volvo workshop is recom- mended.
  • Page 138: Homelink

    03 Your driving environment HomeLink * General NOTE WARNING HomeLink is designed not to work if the car If HomeLink is used to operate a garage is locked from the outside. door or gate, ensure that nobody is in the vicinity of the door or gate while it is in Save the original remote controls for future motion.

  • Page 139
    03 Your driving environment HomeLink * The particular distance that is required ess is repeated for approx. 20 seconds Programming individual buttons and indicates that the device has a «roll- between the original remote control and To reprogram an individual button, proceed in ing code».
  • Page 140
    03 Your driving environment HomeLink * • Constant glow: The indicator lamp illu- 7. Depress the programmed button on minates with a constant glow when the HomeLink , while the «programming but- button is kept depressed, this indicates ton» is still flashing, keep it depressed for that the programming is complete.
  • Page 141
    03 Your driving environment…
  • Page 142
    Menus and messages…………….144 Menu source MY CAR…………….146 Climate control………………154 Fuel-driven engine block heater and passenger compartment heater*……….. 164 Additional heater*……………… 167 Trip computer………………168 DSTC – Stability and traction control system……..170 Adapting driving characteristics…………172 Cruise control*………………173 Speed limiter ………………
  • Page 143
    C O M F O R T A N D D R I V I N G P L E A S U R E…
  • Page 144: 04 Comfort And Driving Pleasure

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Menus and messages Combined instrument panel be acknowledged with READ for the menus to Message be shown. Menu overview Some of the following menu options require the function and hardware to be installed in the car. —- km to empty tank —.- l/100km average —.- l/100km instantaneous…

  • Page 145
    Part of message, shown together with information on where as possible. message clears the problem has arisen. An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Read the owner’s man- See manual If shown repeatedly — For more messages concerning automatic transmission, see page 122.
  • Page 146: Menu Source My Car

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Menu source MY CAR General information on MY CAR Operation Short and long presses also produce varying results. Many of the car’s functions are handled Centre console controls in this menu source, such as setting the •…

  • Page 147
    5. Scroll to Doors unlock and press the down among the menu options. thumbwheel — a submenu of selectable • My XC60 Press the thumbwheel to select/tick in the functions opens. • DRIVe highlighted menu option or to store the 6.
  • Page 148
    All doors tems. My DRIVe* Driver door, then Parts of Volvo’s DRIVe concept are described Setup — menus here, amongst other things. Shown here are the 4 first menu levels under Keyless entry •…
  • Page 149
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Menu source MY CAR Reduced Guard p. 64 p. 95 Steering wheel force p. 172 Home safe light duration and 68 Activate once 30 sec Ask on exit Medium 60 sec High 90 sec p. 104 Side mirror settings Fold mirrors Reset car settings…
  • Page 150
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Menu source MY CAR Lane Departure Warning p. 204 Distance Alert p. 187 Screen saver p. 146 Lane Departure Warning The TV screen’s current content p. 201 Driver Alert fades out after a period of inac- On at start up tivity and is replaced by a blank screen if this option is selected.
  • Page 151
    Selects the unit for the display of Phone call con- mands — only with Volvo’s navi- outside temperature and setting tact gation system RTI* installed. of the climate control system. Phone dial num-…
  • Page 152
    A number of phra- Menu option Voice POI list ses are presented on the screen only shown if Volvo’s navigation for the driver to read aloud. When system RTI* is installed. For more Automatic rear defroster the system has learnt how the…
  • Page 153
    50 VIN number p. 362 DivX® VOD code p. 244 Bluetooth software version in p. 250 Map and software version * Only in cars with Volvo GPS nav- igator — see separate manual. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 154: Climate Control

    Volvo recommends that you con- The system includes a sun sensor which Misting windows tact an authorised Volvo workshop.

  • Page 155
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control the work. Volvo recommends that you contact the remote control key. The fan fills the and easy to remove and clean. Use cleaning passenger compartment with fresh air. The an authorised Volvo workshop.
  • Page 156
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Air distribution Air vents in the dashboard Air vents in the door pillars Open Closed The incoming air is divided between a number of different vents in the passenger compart- Closed Open ment. Lateral airflow Lateral airflow Air distribution is fully automatic in AUTO…
  • Page 157
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Electronic climate control, ECC* Temperature control, left-hand side Air distribution — air vent instrument panel Temperature control, right-hand side Electrically heated front seat, left-hand Air distribution — defroster windscreen Recirculation side Rear window and door mirror defrosters, AUTO Max.
  • Page 158
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Electronic Temperature Control, ETC Recirculation Electrically heated front seat, left-hand Electrically heated front seat, right-hand side side AC – – Air conditioning on/off Temperature control Max. defroster Air distribution — ventilation floor Air distribution — air vent instrument panel Air distribution — defroster windscreen Rear window and door mirror defrosters, see page 105…
  • Page 159
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Operating the controls Press the button three times for the lowest heat Press the button once for the highest heat level level – one orange lamp illuminates in the TV – three lamps illuminate. Heated seats* screen.
  • Page 160
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Fan knob for ETC figure shows the air distribution that is when AUTO is pressed. The TV screen shows selected. For more information on air distribu- AUTO CLIMATE Turn the knob to increase or tion, see page 163.
  • Page 161
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control The following also takes place in order to pro- NOTE IMPORTANT vide maximum dehumidification in the passen- Heating or cooling cannot be hastened by If the air in the car recirculates for too long, ger compartment: selecting a higher/lower temperature than there is a risk of misting on the insides of the…
  • Page 162
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Cars with Eco Start/Stop DRIVe* settings Interior air quality system. For a With an auto-stopped engine certain equip- description of the menu system, see ment has its function temporarily reduced, e.g. page 147. climate control fan speed.
  • Page 163
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Climate control Air distribution table Air distribution Air distribution Air to windows. Some air to remove ice and misting Air to the floor and win- to ensure comfortable flows from the air vents. quickly. dows. Some air flows conditions and good The air is not recirculated.
  • Page 164: Fuel-Driven Engine Block Heater And Passenger Compartment Heater

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Fuel-driven engine block heater and passenger compartment heater* Fuel-driven heater Refuelling Battery and fuel If the battery has insufficient charge or the fuel General information about the parking level is too low, the parking heater will be heater switched off automatically and a message The parking heater heats the engine and pas-…

  • Page 165
    Symbols and display messages workshop for Service leaving the car — When one of the timer’s settings or repair. Volvo rec- required the engine and Direct start is activated, the infor- ommends that you passenger com-…
  • Page 166
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Fuel-driven engine block heater and passenger compartment heater* A display text clears automatically after a time Setting the timer Set the alternative time in the same way as or after one press on the indicator stalk Park heat timer 1 The time when the car shall be used and heated READ button.
  • Page 167: Additional Heater

    I — any adjustments must therefore be made before starting the engine. An authorised Volvo dealer has information regarding the geographical areas concerned. An authorised Volvo dealer has information regarding the engines concerned. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

  • Page 168: Trip Computer

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Trip computer General Functions NOTE There may be a slight error in the reading if NOTE a fuel-driven supplementary and/or parking heater* has been used. If a warning message appears when the trip computer is used then the message must first be acknowledged before the trip com- Km to empty tank puter can be reactivated.

  • Page 169
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Trip computer 2. Press and hold RESET for approx. 1 second to reset the selected function. If RESET is kept depressed for at least 3 three seconds then Average speed and Average are reset simultaneously. Current speed* The instrument panel display changes to show current speed in mph (miles per hour) if the…
  • Page 170: Dstc — Stability And Traction Control System

    The function is deactivated if the driver and search in the display screen’s menu the car. selects Sport mode. system and locate My XC60 DSTC. (For information on the menu system, see Spin Control page 146). The function prevents the driving wheels from…

  • Page 171
    Stop the car in a safe place, switch off the engine and start it again. • Visit a workshop if the message remains — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. «Message» There is a message on the speedometer’s display — Read it! Constant glow for System check when the engine is started.
  • Page 172: Adapting Driving Characteristics

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adapting driving characteristics Active chassis — Four-C* Operation Steering wheel force and select Medium High Active chassis, Four-C (Continously Controlled Chassis Concept), regulates the characteris- For a description of the menu system, see tics of the shock absorbers so that the car’s page 146.

  • Page 173: Cruise Control

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Cruise control* Operation Temporary deactivation — standby mode The cruise control is then activated with Press to temporarily disengage the cruise , after which the current speed is stored in control and set it in standby mode — set speed the memory — the display text (—) km/h is shown in brackets in the display (5), e.g.

  • Page 174
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Cruise control* Deactivate The cruise control is switched off with the steering wheel button or by switching off the engine — the set speed is deleted from the memory and cannot be resumed with the button.
  • Page 175: Speed Limiter

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Speed limiter General information on the speed Activate and adjust the maximum speed When stationary (each press gives +/-5 km/h). limiter 1. Press the steering wheel button A speed limiter (Speed Limiter) can be regar- Stored maximum speed (in brackets = switch on the speed limiter.

  • Page 176
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Speed limiter ± ± Depress the accelerator pedal fully. Press the steering wheel button > The display shows the stored maximum > The display’s symbol for the speed lim- speed in brackets (5) and the driver can iter and the set speed (5) are cleared.
  • Page 177: Adaptive Cruise Control

    Maintenance of adaptive cruise control control system and a coordinated spacing sys- components must only be performed at a tem. workshop — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Automatic gearbox Cars with automatic gearbox have enhanced functionality with the adaptive cruise control’s Queue Assistant, see page 181.

  • Page 178
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* The adaptive cruise control aims to follow the If the car needs to be braked more heavily than WARNING vehicle ahead in the same lane at a time interval cruise control capacity and the driver does not Adaptive cruise control is not a collision set by the driver.
  • Page 179
    Time interval — On, during adjustment. press is stored in the memory. Time interval — On, after adjustment. Cars with Speed limiter. Cars without Speed limiter. A Volvo dealer has updated information about what applies in each respective market. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 180
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* The adaptive cruise control allows the time Temporary deactivation — standby mode NOTE interval to vary noticeably in certain situations Press the steering wheel button to tempo- If any cruise control button is held in order to allow the car to follow the vehicle in rarily disengage the cruise control and set it in depressed for more than approx.
  • Page 181
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* • Automatic standby mode Automatic activation parking brake. NOTE Adaptive cruise control is dependent on other Note that the lowest programmable speed for A significant increase in speed may arise systems e.g. stability and traction control the cruise control is 30 km/h — even though the after the speed has been resumed with (DSTC).
  • Page 182
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* control is set in standby mode. The driver must Change of target Automatic standby mode with change of then re-activate the cruise control in one of the target following ways: Cruise control is disengaged and set in standby mode: •…
  • Page 183
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* Automatic activation parking brake WARNING WARNING In some situations the cruise control applies The driver must always be observant with Adaptive cruise control is not a collision the parking brake in order to keep a stationary regard to the traffic conditions and intervene avoidance system.
  • Page 184
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* Examples where the cruise control does Sometimes the radar sensor is late at detecting vehicles at close distances, e.g. not work optimally a vehicle that drives in between the car and The radar sensor has a limited field of vision. In vehicles in front.
  • Page 185
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Adaptive cruise control* Cause Action The radar surface in the grille is dirty or covered with ice or snow. Clean the radar surface in the grille from dirt, ice and snow. Heavy rain or snow blocking the radar signals. No action.
  • Page 186
    Cruise control disengaged. required • Contact a workshop — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Press Brake To hold The car is stationary and the cruise control will release the foot brake to allow the parking brake to acoustic alarm take over and hold the car, but a fault in the parking brake means the car will shortly begin to roll.
  • Page 187: Distance Warning

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Distance Warning* General Some combinations of the selected equipment NOTE leave no vacant space for a button in the centre Distance Warning (Distance Alert) is a function Distance warning is deactivated during the console — in which case the function is handled that informs the driver about the time interval time the adaptive cruise control is active.

  • Page 188
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Distance Warning* Different time intervals to the ing system. For more information on the radar NOTE vehicle in front can be sensor and its limitations, see page 183. The higher the speed, the longer the calcu- selected and shown in the lated distance in metres for a specific time display as 1-5 horizontal lines…
  • Page 189
    Read about the limitations of the radar sensor, see page 183. Collision warn. Service Distance Warning and Collision Warning with Auto Brake fully or partially disengaged. required Visit a workshop if the message remains — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 190: City Safety

    30 km/h and it helps the driver by automatically Safety™ components must only be per- braking the car in the event of imminent risk of formed by a workshop — an authorised Volvo collision with vehicles in front, should the driver workshop is recommended.

  • Page 191
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure City Safety™ If the difference in speed between the vehicles Using MY CAR on the centre console display Low-hanging objects, e.g. a flag/pennant for is greater than 15 km/h then City Safety™ may screen with its menu system, search and locate projecting load, or accessories such as auxili- not prevent the collision on its own.
  • Page 192
    (see the illustration for sensor location, page when City Safety™ has stopped the car, unless gestions for appropriate action. 190) — an authorised Volvo workshop is rec- the driver manages to depress the clutch pedal ommended. beforehand.
  • Page 193
    Remove the object blocking the sensor and/or clean the windscreen in front of the sensor. Read about the limitations of the laser sensor, see page 191. City Safety Service City Safety™ is not operational. required • Visit a workshop if the message remains — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.
  • Page 194: Collision Warning With Auto Brake & Pedestrian Detection

    Collision Warning – Warns the driver of a components must only be performed at a potentially imminent collision. Warnings and brake interventions for workshop — an authorised Volvo workshop pedestrians are switched off at vehicle • Brake Support – Assists the driver to is recommended.

  • Page 195
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Collision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian detection* Function Brake support Operation If the risk of collision still increases after the Settings are made from MY CAR via the centre collision warning then the brake support is acti- console display screen and menu system.
  • Page 196
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Collision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian detection* Activating/deactivating warning signals Limitations NOTE The warning lamp is activated automatically The collision warning system is active from and When the adaptive cruise control is in use when the engine is started if the system is including approx.
  • Page 197
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Collision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian detection* why the system does not intervene in situations WARNING NOTE where the car is approaching a vehicle in front Warnings and brake interventions could be Keep the windscreen surface in front of the very slowly, e.g.
  • Page 198
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Collision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian detection* • Detection of pedestrians (Pedestrian In order for a pedestrian to be detected he/ In turn this means that the Collision Warning she must appear full-length and have a with Auto Brake, Lane Departure Warning and detection) height of at least 80 cm.
  • Page 199
    — an authorised Volvo workshop is recom- mended. Symbols and messages in the display Symbol Message Specification Collision warning system switched off.
  • Page 200
    Read about the limitations of the radar sensor, see page 183. Collision Collision Warning with Auto Brake is fully or partially disengaged. warn. • Visit a workshop if the message remains — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Service required Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 201: Driver Alert System — Dac

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Driver Alert System – DAC* General information on Driver Alert General information on Driver Alert intended for major roads. The function is not intended for city traffic. System Control — DAC The Driver Alert System is intended to assist In some cases driving ability is not affected drivers whose driving ability is deteriorating or despite driver fatigue.

  • Page 202
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Driver Alert System – DAC* Operation Thumbwheel. Turn until the display shows The display shows a level mark with 1-5 bars, Driver where a low number of bars indicates incon- Some settings are made from the centre con- sistent driving style.
  • Page 203
    Read about the limitations of the camera sensor, see page 197. The system is disengaged. Driver Alert Sys Service required • Visit a workshop if the message remains — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 204: Driver Alert System — Ldw

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Driver Alert System — LDW* General information on Lane Departure Operation and function If the camera can no longer detect the carria- geway’s side markings the display shows Warning — LDW Lane Depart Warn Unavailable If speed decreases to below 60 km/h then the function resumes standby mode and the dis- play shows…

  • Page 205
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Driver Alert System — LDW* NOTE The driver is only warned once each time the wheels cross a line. So there is no acoustic alarm when there is a line between the car’s wheels. Symbols and messages in the display Symbol Message Specification…
  • Page 206
    Read about the limitations of the camera sensor, see page 197. Driver Alert Sys Service The system is disengaged. required • Visit a workshop if the message remains — an authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Personal preferences Increased sensitivity – This option increases sensitivity, an alarm is triggered earlier and Settings are made from the centre console’s fewer limitations apply.
  • Page 207: Park Assist Syst

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Park assist syst* General Function Parking assistance is used as an aid to parking. An acoustic signal as well as symbols on the centre console’s display screen indicate the distance to the detected obstacle. Parking assistance sound level can be adjusted during the ongoing acoustic signal using the centre console’s VOL knob or in the car’s menu system MY CAR — see page 146.

  • Page 208
    P mode Rear parking assistance is deactivated is selected in a car with an automatic gear- automatically when towing a trailer if Volvo box. genuine trailer wiring is used. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 209
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Park assist syst* Cleaning the sensors IMPORTANT NOTE When fitting auxiliary lamps: Remember that Dirt, ice and snow covering the sensors may they must not obscure the sensors – the cause incorrect warning signals. auxiliary lamps could then be detected as obstacles.
  • Page 210: Park Assist Camera

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Park assist camera* General When reverse gear is engaged two unbroken lines are shown graphically which illustrate The parking camera is an assist system and is where the car’s rear wheels will roll with the activated when reverse gear is engaged (can current steering wheel angle, this facilitates be changed in the settings menu, see…

  • Page 211
    • The parking camera is deactivated Park assist lines automatically when towing a trailer if a The system’s lines. Volvo genuine trailer cable is used. Boundary line, 30 cm zone backwards from the car IMPORTANT Boundary line, free reversing zone Bear in mind that the screen only shows the «Wheel tracks»…
  • Page 212
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Park assist camera* Cars with reversing sensors* Limitations Colour / paint Distance (metres) NOTE Yellow 1.5– A bike carrier or other accessory mounted on the rear of the car could obscure the Orange 0.3–1.5 camera’s view. 0–0.3 Pay attention to the possibility that, even if it Settings…
  • Page 213: Blis* — Blind Spot Information System

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System General information on BLIS If necessary, the system can be switched off WARNING temporarily, see the section Activate/deacti- The system is a supplement to, not a vate. replacement for, a safe driving style and use of the rearview mirrors.

  • Page 214
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System Activate/deactivate When BLIS is deactivated, the lamp in the but- Daylight and darkness ton goes out and a message is shown in the In daylight the system reacts to the shape of instrument panel display.
  • Page 215
    Repair of the BLIS system components must only be performed by a workshop — an Blind spot syst. The BLIS camera is authorised Volvo workshop is recom- blocked by dirt, Camera blocked mended. snow or ice — clean the lenses.
  • Page 216
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System Own shadow on large light smooth surface, e.g. noise barrier or concrete road surface. Low stationary sunlight shining into the camera. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 217: Comfort Inside The Passenger Compartment

    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Comfort inside the passenger compartment Storage spaces…

  • Page 218
    Otherwise they may injure peo- Inlay mats* objects in the cup holder as such objects could ple in the car in the event of sudden braking Volvo supplies specially manufactured inlay or a collision. accidentally trigger the alarm*, see page 67. mats.
  • Page 219
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Comfort inside the passenger compartment 12 V socket socket to supply current, the remote control WARNING key must be in at least key position I, see Before setting off check that the inlaid mat page 82. in the driver area is firmly affixed and secured in the pins in order to avoid getting IMPORTANT…
  • Page 220
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure Comfort inside the passenger compartment Electrical socket in cargo area* For more information, see page 292. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 221
    04 Comfort and driving pleasure…
  • Page 222
    General information on infotainment…………. 224 Quick start………………… 226 General infotainment functions…………. 231 Radio………………… 234 Media player………………241 External audio source via AUX/USB* input……….. 245 Media Bluetooth * …………….248 TV*………………….251 Remote control* ………………. 254 Bluetooth handsfree*…………….256 Voice recognition* mobile phone…………264 RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* ……….
  • Page 223
    I N F O T A I N M E N T S Y S T E M…
  • Page 224: 05 Infotainment System

    05 Infotainment system General information on infotainment • General AM/FM radio Made under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby, Pro Logic and the double-D symbol are • The infotainment system in your car has one of CD/DVD trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. the following four levels: •…

  • Page 225
    05 Infotainment system General information on infotainment key being in the ignition switch by pressing the On/Off button. When the car is being started the infotainment system is switched off temporarily and contin- ues when the engine has started. NOTE Remove the remote control key from the ignition switch if the infotainment system is used when the engine is switched off.
  • Page 226: Quick Start

    05 Infotainment system Quick start Overview, Infotainment Operating the system Source buttons Control panel with buttons for source selection. A/V-AUX input* Short press starts the system and long RADIO — Select, for example, AM, FM1, press switches off. Briefly press to mute Steering wheel keypad* FM2, DAB1*, DAB2* the sound (MUTE) or restore the sound if it…

  • Page 227
    05 Infotainment system Quick start Basic functions, Infotainment OK/MENU — accepts selections in menus. The views have different appearances depend- Lead to submenus in selected source (e.g. ing on the source, in-car equipment, settings, etc. RADIO or MEDIA). EXIT — leads up in the menu system, inter- rupts the current function, rejects calls and deletes input characters.
  • Page 228
    This then leads to the desired source (e.g. RADIO A long press on EXIT leads back. NAV — Volvo’s navigation system (RTI)* Example of parent view (Radio). RADIO – Radio Sources (e.g. RADIO, MEDIA, etc.), see table.
  • Page 229
    05 Infotainment system Quick start Keypad with thumbwheel tion (OK) in the menu system, and accepts press leads to the highest menu level phone calls. (parent view), see page 228. MUTE — switches off the sound Thumbwheel — turn up/down to scroll up and down in the menu system.
  • Page 230
    05 Infotainment system Quick start Limitations NOTE The audio source (e.g. Disc etc.) being played back through the speakers cannot be controlled from the rear control panel. NOTE In order that an audio source can be selected with MODE and listened to it is required that the audio source is available VOLUME –…
  • Page 231: General Infotainment Functions

    05 Infotainment system General infotainment functions • FAV — store a preset Bluetooth* INFO — shows additional information • • It is also possible to select and store a favourite for TEL*, MY CAR, CAM* and NAV*. Favour- ites can also be selected and stored under MY CAR.

  • Page 232
    05 Infotainment system General infotainment functions • Surround — Can be set to the On/Off posi- Advanced audio settings For general information on menu navigation tion. When On is selected, the system and menu structures, see page 277. Equalizer selects the setting for optimal sound repro- Audio volume and automatic volume The volume level can be adjusted separately duction.
  • Page 233
    05 Infotainment system General infotainment functions 2. Press OK/MENU and then turn TUNE to able to adapt the sound reproduction accord- AUX input volume ing to personal taste. . Confirm with OK/ MENU. 3. Turn TUNE to adjust the volume for the AUX input.
  • Page 234: Radio

    05 Infotainment system Radio Radio functions, general Station list NOTE The radio automatically compiles a list of the If the car is equipped with a steering wheel strongest FM stations whose signals it is cur- keypad* and/or remote control* then in rently receiving.

  • Page 235
    05 Infotainment system Radio in the area when you turn TUNE (see the sec- NOTE NOTE tion «Station list», page 234). When the station • The preset from the factory is that the radio The list only shows the frequencies of list is shown, press the button in the cen- automatically searches for the stations in…
  • Page 236
    05 Infotainment system Radio • time and returns when the station is stored. Automatically switches to a stronger trans- rupted audio source, press the OK/MENU to mitter if reception in the area is poor. The preset button can now be used. clear the message.
  • Page 237
    05 Infotainment system Radio ± ± Activate/deactivate in FM mode by select- Resetting and removing PTY are performed Go in FM mode to FM menu News ing one of the options under FM menu under FM menu Advanced settings settings Set news favourite to change.
  • Page 238
    05 Infotainment system Radio ± Radio text The reset is carried out in FM mode under Service and Ensemble • Service — Channel, radio channel (only Some RDS stations transmit information on FM menu Advanced settings audio services are supported by the sys- programme content, artists, etc.
  • Page 239
    05 Infotainment system Radio Navigation in channel group list Scanning can also be selected in DAB-PTY A preset contains one channel but no sub- mode. In which case only channels of the pre- channels. If a subchannel is being played and (Ensemble) selected programme type are played.
  • Page 240
    05 Infotainment system Radio quickly than if both Band III LBand have gory. This information is shown on the TV NOTE screen. been selected. It is not certain that all channel Show radio Only one of the functions » groups will be found. Wavelength selection The function is activated/deactivated in DAB text Show presets…
  • Page 241: Media Player

    05 Infotainment system Media player The media player supports and can play the Starting playback of a disc CD/DVD functions following main types of discs and files: Repeatedly press on the MEDIA button until Disc is shown, release and wait a second or •…

  • Page 242
    05 Infotainment system Media player back. Press EXIT to cancel and exit the playlist. the current folder have been played back. The DVD video discs A long press on EXIT leads to the playlist’s root system automatically detects and changes For playback of DVD video discs, see setting when a disc containing only audio files level.
  • Page 243
    05 Infotainment system Media player has been played out, playback of the first file Navigation in the DVD video disc’s menu Scan starts again. This function plays the first ten seconds of each disc track/audio file. To scan: 1. Press OK/MENU 1.
  • Page 244
    05 Infotainment system Media player Press OK/MENU to activate the selection and Picture settings CD audio, mp3, Audio format return to the start position. Use EXIT to cancel You can adjust the settings (when the car is the selection and this leads back to the original stationary) for brightness and contrast.
  • Page 245: External Audio Source Via Aux/Usb* Input

    05 Infotainment system External audio source via AUX/USB* input The text Reading USB is shown in the TV AUX, USB and external audio source NOTE screen when the system is loading the storage If the car is equipped with a steering wheel General media’s file structure.

  • Page 246
    05 Infotainment system External audio source via AUX/USB* input the player continues to play back the previous Audio sources Playback and navigation file type. Turn TUNE to access the playlist/folder struc- USB memory ture and navigate in the list/structure. Use OK/ To facilitate the use of a USB memory stick, Fast forward/reverse MENU to either confirm selection of subfolder…
  • Page 247
    05 Infotainment system External audio source via AUX/USB* input device is made in mode under USB menu Audio format mp3, wma, aac, Select USB device. MP3 player divx, avi, asf Video format Many MP3 players have their own file systems that are not supported by the audio system.
  • Page 248: Media Bluetooth

    Volvo recommends that from the device. you contact an authorised Volvo dealer or visit www.volvocars.com for information on To play back the audio the car’s media player compatible phones and external media Centre console control panel.

  • Page 249
    05 Infotainment system Media Bluetooth * 4. Check that the external device is searcha- nect a new external device, see «Change to NOTE another external device» below. ble/visible via Bluetooth , see the manual If the car is equipped with a steering wheel for the external device.
  • Page 250
    05 Infotainment system Media Bluetooth * Remove the connected device tion in Bluetooth mode under Bluetooth menu 1. Press Bluetooth mode on OK/MENU. Scan. 2. Turn TUNE to Remove Bluetooth Cancel scanning with EXIT. device and confirm with OK/MENU. Version information Bluetooth 3.
  • Page 251
    05 Infotainment system IMPORTANT NOTE A TV licence is required for this product in If the car is equipped with a steering wheel General some countries. keypad* and/or remote control* then in many cases these can be used instead of NOTE the buttons in the centre console.
  • Page 252
    05 Infotainment system • Turn TUNE, a list of all available channels Searching TV channels/Preset list NOTE in the area is shown. If any of these chan- 1. Press TV mode on OK/MENU. If the country of residence has changed, a nels is already saved as a preset then its 2.
  • Page 253
    05 Infotainment system Save the available TV channels as EXIT, then the channel that you just watched can sometimes be displayed, such as start and continues to be shown. Scanning does not end times and a brief description of the current presets programme.
  • Page 254: Remote Control

    05 Infotainment system Remote control* Remote control* The remote control can be used for all func- NOTE tions in the infotainment system. The remote Do not expose the remote control to direct control’s buttons have the same functions as sunlight (e.g. on the instrument panel) — oth- the buttons in the centre console or steering erwise problems may arise with the batter- wheel keypad*.

  • Page 255
    05 Infotainment system Remote control* Function Function Stop Information about the current programme, song, etc. Also used when there is more information Scroll/fast forward, change available than can be shown in track/song. the TV screen. Menu Selection of language for sound- track To previous, cancels function, deletes input characters…
  • Page 256: Bluetooth Handsfree

    NOTE Only a selection of mobile phones are fully compatible with the handsfree function. Volvo recommends that you seek assis- tance from an authorised Volvo dealer or visit www.volvocars.com for information on compatible phones. Menus The menus in TEL are controlled from the cen- System overview.

  • Page 257
    > The audio system searches for mobile handsfree function is active. 4. Select My Volvo Car in the list of units phones in the vicinity. The search takes detected in your mobile phone. Connect mobile phone approximately 30 seconds.
  • Page 258
    05 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree* screen. Now the mobile phone can be con- When the mobile phone has been discon- In call menu trolled from the audio system. nected an ongoing call can be continued by Press OK/MENU during an ongoing call to using the mobile phone’s built-in microphone access the following functions: To call…
  • Page 259
    05 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree* More on pairing and connecting menu Phone settings Sounds and NOTE A maximum of ten mobile phones can be volume Mute radio/media. Certain mobile phones show a list of the last paired (registered). Pairing is performed once dialled numbers in reverse order.
  • Page 260
    05 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree* Quick search for contacts Version information Bluetooth NOTE In normal view turn TUNE to the right to obtain The car’s current Bluetooth version can be Changes made from the car to a record in a list of contacts. Turn TUNE to select and seen in phone mode under Phone menu the mobile phone’s telephone book will…
  • Page 261
    05 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree* Character table keypad in centre NOTE Function console There is no text wheel for High Performance, + 0 p w Function so TUNE cannot be used there to input characters: only the digit and letter buttons Space .
  • Page 262
    05 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree* New contact 1. When the Name row is selected, press Change between letters and OK/MENU to reach the input mode (illus- numbers with OK/MENU. tration above). More Change to special characters 2. Turn TUNE to the desired letter, press with OK/MENU.
  • Page 263
    05 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree* speed dial number then an option is shown to Change between letters and save a contact to the selected speed dial num- numbers with OK/MENU. ber. More Change to special characters Receiving a vCard with OK/MENU. It is possible to receive a vCard to the car’s phone book from other mobile phones (other Save and go back to…
  • Page 264: Voice Recognition* Mobile Phone

    The sys- tem will then display commonly used com- Only applies to vehicles equipped with Volvo’s navigation system — RTI (Road and Traffic Information System). Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

  • Page 265
    05 Infotainment system Voice recognition* mobile phone mands in the TV screen in the centre con- Help functions for voice recognition To skip a lesson and go to the next one, press sole. • the button for voice recognition and say Instructions: A function that helps you get «Next».
  • Page 266
    05 Infotainment system Voice recognition* mobile phone Using voice commands commands . For a description of the menu the last spoken group of numbers) or «Delete» (which deletes the whole spoken system, see page 146. The driver initiates a dialogue with the voice phone number).
  • Page 267
    05 Infotainment system Voice recognition* mobile phone play in the numbered rows and the system prompts you to select a row number. • If there are more rows in the list than can be displayed simultaneously, saying «Down» allows you to scroll down in the list (and saying «Up»…
  • Page 268: Rse — Rear Seat Entertainment System

    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Overview TV screen General However, only one disc at a time can be played in the media player. It is possible to play back The RSE system is a system for rear-seat Headphones socket music from e.g.

  • Page 269
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* USB while a CD or DVD disc is being played Wireless headphones NOTE back. For prolonged use (more than 10 minutes) with the engine switched off, the capacity of IMPORTANT the vehicle’s battery may fall to such a low level that it is not possible to start the When loading luggage and large objects in engine.
  • Page 270
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Battery replacement in wireless Headphones socket Connection of A/V-AUX input headphones It is possible to connect external headphones The headphones are powered by two batteries via the headphones socket (3.5 mm) on the of the AAA model.
  • Page 271
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Playing back audio/video via the A/V- Settings from the front TV screen and wait a second and the selection is accepted automatically. AUX input 1. Switch on the rear TV screen by means 2.
  • Page 272
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Audio off Normal — The image is shown in its normal TV screen settings rear TV screen mode (normally 4:3 or 16:9 format). It is possible to mute the two rear TV screens When playing back video files and displaying from the front TV screen.
  • Page 273
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Menu settings from the rear TV screen TV settings* 1. Switch on the wireless headphones, select CH.A for left-hand screen or CH.B for For general information on menu navigation Searching TV channels/Preset list right-hand screen.
  • Page 274
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Watching video warded/rewound at one speed, while video 1. Switch on the wireless headphones, select CH.A for left-hand screen or CH.B for files can be fast forwarded/rewound at four dif- It is possible to watch video from disc tracks/ right-hand screen.
  • Page 275
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* RSE menus front TV screen Pop-up menu RSE RADIO To access the menu must first be Press on the remote control when a selected under MEDIA via the front TV screen. video file is being played back or the TV* is Menu valid for DAB1…
  • Page 276
    05 Infotainment system RSE — Rear Seat Entertainment system* Day/Night mode RSE AUX menu Display off AUX menu Display off Reset Bluetooth settings AUX input volume Reset settings for disc RSE TV menu* Day/Night mode TV menu RSE DVD Video menu Display off Select country Disc menu…
  • Page 277: Menu Navigation, Infotainment

    05 Infotainment system Menu navigation, Infotainment To navigate in the menus Controls in the centre console Audio settings Equalizer, which requires that the following is carried out beforehand: The infotainment system’s functions are con- trolled via the system’s menus. Each source in 1.

  • Page 278
    05 Infotainment system Menu navigation, Infotainment Reset all FM settings Menus MEDIA Audio settings Audio settings Sound stage Main menu CD Audio Disc menu Equalizer Main menu DAB1*/DAB2* Random Volume compensation DAB menu Scan Reset all audio settings Ensemble learn Audio settings PTY filtering Main menu FM1/FM2…
  • Page 279
    05 Infotainment system Menu navigation, Infotainment Main menu DVD Video Main menu USB Audio settings Disc menu USB menu Main menu AUX DVD disc menu Play / Pause AUX menu Play/Pause/Continue Stop AUX input volume Stop Random Audio settings Subtitles Repeat folder Audio tracks Select USB device…
  • Page 280
    05 Infotainment system Menu navigation, Infotainment Change phone Source menu Remove Bluetooth device DVD root menu Phone settings DVD disc TOP menu Discoverable Sounds and volume Menus TEL Phonebook download Main menu Bluetooth handsfree Bluetooth software version in Phone menu All calls Call options All calls…
  • Page 281
    05 Infotainment system…
  • Page 282
    Recommendations during driving…………284 Refuelling………………..287 Fuel………………….. 288 Loading………………..291 Cargo area……………….. 293 Driving with a trailer…………….296 Towing and recovery…………….302…
  • Page 283
    D U R I N G Y O U R J O U R N E Y…
  • Page 284: 06 During Your Journey

    — tow the car from the water consumption. brake servo. to a workshop — an authorised Volvo work- • Avoid driving with open windows. shop is recommended. Risk of engine breakdown.

  • Page 285
    06 During your journey Recommendations during driving • If the text message High engine temp Open tailgate least 15 minutes — battery charging is more Stop engine Coolant level low, Stop effective during driving than running the engine is shown then the engine must be engine at idling speed while stationary.
  • Page 286
    • Use washer fluid to avoid ice forming in the washer fluid reservoir. To achieve optimum roadholding Volvo rec- ommends using winter tyres on all wheels if there is a risk of snow or ice. NOTE The use of winter tyres is a legal requirement in certain countries.
  • Page 287: Refuelling

    06 During your journey Refuelling Refuelling Opening the fuel filler flap manually Opening/closing the fuel cap Opening/closing the fuel filler flap The fuel filler flap can be opened manually A certain overpressure may arise in the tank in when electric opening from the passenger the event of high outside temperatures.

  • Page 288: Fuel

    Fuel of a lower quality than that recommended Mixing different types of fuel or the use of intended to reduce emissions and improve fuel by Volvo must not be used as engine power fuel not recommended invalidates Volvo’s economy. and fuel consumption is negatively affected.

  • Page 289
    — if the car is tilting there is a fuel designed for low temperatures around damage that is not covered by the Volvo risk of air pockets in the fuel supply. freezing point is available from the major oil warranty.
  • Page 290
    06 During your journey Fuel or if you suspect that the car has been filled When the filter has become approximately Fuel consumption and emissions of with contaminated fuel. 80% full of particles, a warning triangle on the carbon dioxide instrument panel illuminates, and the message Fuel consumption figures may change if the car Soot filter full See manual…
  • Page 291: Loading

    61. WARNING designed by Volvo are recommended. The protection provided by the inflatable WARNING Carefully follow the installation instructions curtain in the headlining may be compro- supplied with the carriers.

  • Page 292
    06 During your journey Loading Lowering the rear seat backrest Bag holder* 12 V electrical socket* To simplify loading in the cargo area, the rear seat backrest can be folded down, see page 86. Load retaining eyelets Bag holder under folding hatch in the floor. Lower the cover to access the electrical 1.
  • Page 293: Cargo Area

    06 During your journey Cargo area Safety net Take care to press forward the rod’s retain- WARNING ing hooks for each respective roof moun- Loads in the cargo area must be firmly ting’s front end position. secured, even if the safety net is correctly fitted.

  • Page 294
    06 During your journey Cargo area Break the rod in the centre, fold it together IMPORTANT and roll up the net. If the seat/backrest is pressed hard back- The folded safety net can be stored under the wards against the safety net then the net and/or its roof mountings could be dam- cargo compartment floor.
  • Page 295
    06 During your journey Cargo area ± Fitting/removal Pull the cargo cover over the load and hook it Pull the sealing disc back gently, free from into the recesses at the cargo area’s rear posts. its support shelves, and lower. The safety grille is normally permanently instal- led in the car because it can easily be folded up in the roof and so be out of the way if a…
  • Page 296: Driving With A Trailer

    364. NOTE • Avoid driving with a trailer on inclines of If the towing bracket is mounted by Volvo, then more than 12%. The stated maximum permitted trailer the car is delivered with the necessary equip- weights are those permitted by Volvo.

  • Page 297
    • In the event of a risk of overheating the 3. Move the gear selector to position P. If the car is fitted with a Volvo detachable optimal speed for the engine is 2300-3000 towbar: 4. Release the foot brake.
  • Page 298
    06 During your journey Driving with a trailer Storing the detachable towbar Specifications Towbar storage space. Dimensions, mounting points (mm) 1013 IMPORTANT Always remove the towbar after use and store it in the appointed location in the car, firmly fastened with its strap. Side member Ball centre…
  • Page 299
    06 During your journey Driving with a trailer Attaching the towbar The indicator window must show red. The indicator window must show green. Remove the protective cover by first press- ing in the catch and then pulling the cover straight back Insert the towbar until you hear a click.
  • Page 300
    06 During your journey Driving with a trailer Check that the towbar is secure by pulling Safety cable. Push in the locking wheel and turn it it up, down and back. anticlockwise until you hear a click. WARNING WARNING Be sure to attach the trailer’s safety cable to If the towbar is not fitted correctly then it the correct place.
  • Page 301
    06 During your journey Driving with a trailer • Car with trailer subjected to a sudden and NOTE powerful side wind. TSA function is switched off if the driver • Car with trailer drives on an uneven road selects Sport mode, see page 170.
  • Page 302: Towing And Recovery

    06 During your journey Towing and recovery Towing order to receive sufficient lubrication. If towing WARNING still has to take place, the route must be as Find out the highest legal speed for towing The brake servo and power steering do not short as possible and then with very low speed.

  • Page 303
    06 During your journey Towing and recovery Jump starting Screw the towing eye right in up to its flange. Turn in the towing eye firmly e.g. Do not tow the car to bump start the engine. using the wheel wrench. Use a donor battery if the battery is discharged and the engine does not start, see page 117.
  • Page 304
    06 During your journey Towing and recovery Recovery Call a recovery service for recovery assistance. IMPORTANT Note that the car must always be transpor- ted with the wheels rolling forward. • An All Wheel Drive car (AWD) with raised front suspension must not be towed at speeds above 70 km/h.
  • Page 305
    06 During your journey…
  • Page 306
    General ………………..308 Changing wheels ……………… 312 Tyre pressure ………………315 Warning triangle and first-aid kit*…………316 Emergency puncture repair (TMK)* …………317 Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 307
    W H E E L S A N D T Y R E S…
  • Page 308: 07 Wheels And Tyres

    07 Wheels and tyres General Driving characteristics Tyres with the greatest tread depth should New tyres always be fitted to the rear of the car (to Tyres greatly affect the car’s driving characte- decrease the risk of skidding). ristics. The type of tyre, dimensions, tyre pres- sure and speed rating are important for how the NOTE car performs.

  • Page 309
    A suitable dis- able wheel bolts. tance for the first change is approx. 5000 km and then at 10 000 km intervals. Volvo recom- Tools mends that you contact an authorised Volvo workshop for checking if you are uncertain about tread depth.
  • Page 310
    Only single-sided snow chains are permit- cranked together to the correct position in NOTE ted. Use Volvo genuine snow chains or sim- order to have space. ilar that are properly suited to the car model, The legal provisions for the use of studded tyre size and wheel rim size.
  • Page 311
    07 Wheels and tyres General Wheel (rim) dimensions NOTE Codes for the maximum permitted Wheels (rims) have a designation of dimen- tyre load, tyre load index (LI) It is the maximum permitted speed that is sions, for example: 7Jx16x50. stated in the table. Speed rating for maximum permitted speed, speed rating (SS).
  • Page 312: Changing Wheels

    The towing eye must be screwed into all NOTE threads in the wheel bolt wrench. Volvo recommends only using the jack* that belongs to the car model in question, which 6. Loosen the wheel bolts ½-1 turn anticlock- is indicated on the jack’s label.

  • Page 313
    07 Wheels and tyres Changing wheels jack down so it is pressed squarely on the 2. Put on the wheel. Tighten the wheel bolts ground. thoroughly. 3. Lower the car so that the wheels cannot rotate. Check that the jack sits in the anchorage as illustrated and that the foot is positioned vertically under the anchorage.
  • Page 314
    07 Wheels and tyres Changing wheels WARNING IMPORTANT Never crawl under the car when it is raised Never drive faster than 80 km/h with a spare on the jack. wheel on the car. Passengers must leave the car when it is raised on the jack.
  • Page 315: Tyre Pressure

    07 Wheels and tyres Tyre pressure Tyre pressure Fuel economy, ECO pressure At speeds under 160 km/h, the general tyre pressure is recommended (applies for both full load and light load) in order to obtain optimum fuel economy. Checking the tyre pressure The tyre pressures must be checked every month.

  • Page 316: Warning Triangle And First-Aid Kit

    07 Wheels and tyres Warning triangle and first-aid kit* Warning triangle Lift the floor hatch and take out the warning triangle. Take the warning triangle from the case, fold out and assemble the two loose sides. Fold out the warning triangle’s support legs.

  • Page 317: Emergency Puncture Repair (Tmk)

    Bottle holder (orange cap) after the emergency tyre repair kit has been fluid bottle must be replaced before its expira- used. Volvo recommends that you visit an tion date and after use. Protective cap authorised Volvo workshop for inspection of…

  • Page 318
    07 Wheels and tyres Emergency puncture repair (TMK)* Sealing punctured tyres WARNING WARNING The sealing fluid can irritate the skin. In the Do not leave children in the car without case of contact with skin, wash away the supervision when the engine is running. fluid with soap and water.
  • Page 319
    Inhaling car exhaust fumes can result in • If it is below 1.3 bar then the tyre is Volvo recommends that you drive to the near- danger to life. Never leave the engine run- insufficiently sealed. The journey should ning in sealed areas or areas that lack suf- est authorised Volvo workshop for the replace- not be continued.
  • Page 320
    07 Wheels and tyres Emergency puncture repair (TMK)* Replacing the sealing fluid canister WARNING Replace the bottle when the expiration date Do not leave children in the car without has passed. Treat the old bottle as environ- supervision when the engine is running. mentally hazardous waste.
  • Page 321
    07 Wheels and tyres…
  • Page 322
    Engine compartment…………….324 Lamps………………..331 Wiper blades and washer fluid………….. 337 Battery………………..339 Fuses………………… 344 Car care………………..355…
  • Page 323
    M A I N T E N A N C E A N D S E R V I C E…
  • Page 324: 08 Maintenance And Service

    NOTE illustration. IMPORTANT Volvo recommends only using the jack that For the Volvo warranty to apply, check and belongs to the car model in question. If a Opening and closing the bonnet follow the instructions in the Service and jack is selected other than the one recom- Warranty Booklet.

  • Page 325
    Check that the bonnet locks properly when Radiator closed. Filler opening for engine oil Brake and clutch fluid reservoir (left-hand drive) Battery Relay and fuse box, engine compartment Volvo recommends Castrol oil products. Engines with electronic oil level sensor have no dipstick (5-cyl. diesel).
  • Page 326
    If the car is driven in adverse con- because the oil has not had time to flow down service life, starting characteristics, fuel ditions, Volvo recommends using an oil of a into the oil sump. consumption and environmental impact.
  • Page 327
    08 Maintenance and service Engine compartment 5 minutes to allow the oil time to run back Engine with electronic oil level sensor to the sump. 2. Pull up and wipe the dipstick. 3. Re-insert the dipstick. 4. Pull it out and check the level. 5.
  • Page 328
    08 Maintenance and service Engine compartment > You will then see information displayed Coolant NOTE about the engine oil level. The oil level is only detected by the system Checking the level and topping up during driving. The system cannot directly detect changes when the oil is filled or drained.
  • Page 329
    • The engine must only be run with a well- before topping up the brake fluid. Volvo rec- filled cooling system. High tempera- ommends that the reason for the loss of tures may occur, causing a risk of dam- brake fluid is investigated by an authorised age (cracks) to the cylinder head.
  • Page 330
    08 Maintenance and service Engine compartment Filling Power steering fluid The fluid reservoir is located on the driver’s side. IMPORTANT The fluid reservoir is protected under the cover over the cold zone in the engine compartment. Keep the area around the power steering The round cover must be removed first before fluid reservoir clean when checking.
  • Page 331: Lamps

    On cars with Xenon headlamps, the replacement of Xenon lamps must be car- Do not pull the electrical cable, only the con- ried out at a workshop — an authorised Volvo nector. workshop is recommended. Working with Xenon lamps demands extreme caution 3.

  • Page 332
    08 Maintenance and service Lamps switched on or the remote control key is Dipped beam, halogen At the same time, guide out the con- inserted into the ignition switch. nector with your other hand. 4. Lift out the headlamp and place it on a soft Removing the cover surface to avoid scratching the lens.
  • Page 333
    08 Maintenance and service Lamps Main beam, Halogen Extra main beam, ABL headlamps* Direction indicators/flashers 1. Detach the headlamp. 1. Detach the headlamp. 1. Detach the headlamp. 2. Remove the cover, see page 332 2. Remove the cover, see page 332. 2.
  • Page 334
    08 Maintenance and service Lamps Side marker lamps Rear fog lamp Location of rear bulbs Lamp lens, right-hand side Before starting to replace a bulb, see The rear fog lamp is accessed behind the Position (LED)/side marker lamps page 331. bumper Side reflector, rear 1.
  • Page 335
    08 Maintenance and service Lamps Brake light and reversing lamp Number plate lighting Lighting, cargo area Both the brake light and the reversing lamp 1. Remove the screws with a screwdriver. 1. Insert a screwdriver and gently prize so bulbs are replaced from inside the cargo area. that the lamp housing comes loose.
  • Page 336
    08 Maintenance and service Lamps Vanity mirror lighting 2. Then press the three lower lugs back into Lighting Type position. Removing the mirror glass Cargo area Socket SV8.5 lighting Length 43 mm Specification, bulbs Number plate C5W LL Lighting Type lighting Dipped beam, H7 LL…
  • Page 337: Wiper Blades And Washer Fluid

    08 Maintenance and service Wiper blades and washer fluid Wiper blades Replacing the wiper blades Lift up the wiper arm. Press the button located on the wiper blade mounting and Service position pull straight out parallel with the wiper arm. Slide in the new wiper blade until a «click»…

  • Page 338
    08 Maintenance and service Wiper blades and washer fluid Replacing the wiper blades, rear window IMPORTANT Check the wiper blades regularly. Neglected maintenance shortens the serv- ice life of the wiper blades. Filling washer fluid 1. Fold out the wiper arm. 2.
  • Page 339: Battery

    08 Maintenance and service Battery Operation NOTE IMPORTANT The service life and function of the battery is The life of the battery is shortened if it If the following instruction is not observed influenced by factors such as the number of becomes discharged repeatedly.

  • Page 340
    08 Maintenance and service Battery Symbols on the battery Replacing the main battery Avoid sparks and naked flames. Use protective goggles. Removal First of all: Take the remote control key from the ignition switch and wait at least 5 minutes before any electrical connections are touched — this is because the car’s electrical system Risk of explosion.
  • Page 341
    08 Maintenance and service Battery Release the rubber moulding so that the Fitting rear cover is free. Remove the rear cover by screwing one quarter turn and lifting it away. WARNING Connect and remove the positive and neg- ative cables in the correct order. 1.
  • Page 342
    A workshop should be contacted in Size 278×175×19 150×90×106 the event of questions or problems — an author- L×W×H ised Volvo workshop is recommended. (mm) Capacity (Ah) The values do not apply to the standby battery in cars with D3 engine and automatic gearbox.
  • Page 343
    08 Maintenance and service Battery IMPORTANT NOTE If the following instruction is not observed If the battery has become so discharged then the Start/Stop function may temporar- that everything is «black» and in principle ily cease to work after the connection of an the car does not have all the normal electri- external battery or battery charger: cal functions and the engine is subsequently…
  • Page 344: Fuses

    If the same fuse fails repeatedly then there is a fault in the circuit. Volvo recommends that you visit an authorised Volvo workshop for checking. Changing 1. Look in the fuse diagram to locate the fuse.

  • Page 345
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Engine compartment…
  • Page 346
    Fuses 16-33 and 35-41 are of the «Mini Fuse» type. Engine control module, Trans- PTC element, air preheater* mission control module, Air- Headlamp washers* bags Heated washer nozzles* Windscreen wipers An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 347
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Function Function Function Relay coil, relay, vacuum pump Relay coil, relay, compressor A/ Compressor A/C (5, 6-cyl.), (5-cyl. petrol) C (not 5-cyl. diesel), Relay coil, Engine valves, Engine control relay, coolant pump (5-cyl. die- module (6-cyl.) Solenoids (6-cyl. Headlamp control sel Start/Stop) without turbo), Actuator motors,…
  • Page 348
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Function Cooling fan (4-cyl., 5-cyl. petrol) Cooling fan (6-cyl. petrol, 5-cyl. diesel) Electro-hydraulic power steer- For cars with the Start/Stop function this fuse location is empty — see instead page 353.
  • Page 349
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Under the glovebox Positions Box A Function Box A Function On the inside of the cover is a label that shows the location of the fuses in fuse box A. Control panel, rear passen- ger door, right Box A Function Control panel, rear passen-…
  • Page 350
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Box A Function Box A Function Box B Function Folding head restraint* Parking assistance*, Park- Central locking system, fuel ing camera*, Towbar control filler flap Infotainment control module module * Rear window washer AWD control module* Audio control module* Windscreen washers Digital radio*, TV*…
  • Page 351
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Box B Function Brake light Sunroof* Immobiliser Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 352
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Cargo area The fuse box is located behind the upholstery on the left-hand side. Positions Function Function Function Power operated tailgate* Electric parking brake, left Electric parking brake, right Trailer socket 1* Rear window defroster Trailer socket 2* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 353
    Fuse 12 is of the «Mini Fuse» type. compartment with fuse box A For more information on Start/Stop — see under the glovebox, central page 124. electrical unit in cargo area PTC element, air preheater* An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended. Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
  • Page 354
    08 Maintenance and service Fuses Function Function Primary fuse for the central elec- Support battery tronic module (CEM) with fuse Central electronic module box B under the glovebox (CEM) (Reference voltage Primary fuse for central electri- standby battery) cal unit in passenger compart- ment with fuse box A under the glovebox Primary fuse for central electri-…
  • Page 355: Car Care

    Outside lighting such as headlamps, fog During the first few months a new car must lamps and rear lamps may temporarily have Volvo workshop is recommended for the only be handwashed. This is because the condensation on the inside of the lens. This removal of any discoloration.

  • Page 356
    However, the car can be A special cleaning agent available from Volvo waxed during this time. Do not polish or wax Take care when cleaning so as not to damage dealers is recommended for the cleaning and the car in direct sunlight.
  • Page 357
    (or more if A special fabric cleaning agent, available from Only use cleaning agents and car care prod- necessary). The Volvo Leather Care kit is avail- authorised Volvo dealers, is recommended to ucts recommended by Volvo. Clean regularly able from your Volvo dealer.
  • Page 358
    Do not scrape or rub stains. Never use strong tened sponge and neutral soap. stain removers. A special cleaning agent avail- • able from Volvo dealers can be used for more Leather needs to breathe. Never cover the leather steering wheel with protective plas- difficult cleaning.
  • Page 359
    08 Maintenance and service Car care Colour code Before work is begun, the car must be clean and dry and at a temperature above 15 °C. 1. Apply a piece of masking tape over the damaged surface. Then remove the tape to remove any loose paint.
  • Page 360
    Type designations…………….. 362 Dimensions and weights…………… 364 Engine specifications…………….367 Engine oil………………..368 Fluids and lubricants…………….370 Fuel………………….. 372 Wheel and tyres, dimensions and pressure ……… 374 Electrical system………………. 376 Type approval………………377 Symbols in the display…………….389…
  • Page 361
    S P E C I F I C A T I O N S…
  • Page 362: 09 Specifications

    09 Specifications Type designations Label location…

  • Page 363
    NOTE identification and engine numbers can facili- The labels shown in the owner’s manual are tate all contact with an authorised Volvo dealer not provided as exact reproductions of regarding the car and when ordering spare those in the car. The purpose is to show parts and accessories.
  • Page 364: Dimensions And Weights

    09 Specifications Dimensions and weights Dimensions Weights Dimensions Dimensions Kerb weight includes the driver, the fuel tank Wheelbase 2774 Rear track 1586 90% full and all fluids. The weight of passengers and accessories, Length 4627 Load width, floor 1090 and towball load (when a trailer is hitched, see Load length, floor, folded rear Width 1891…

  • Page 365
    09 Specifications Dimensions and weights Towing capacity and towball load NOTE The documented kerb weight applies to NOTE cars in the standard version — i.e. a car with- out extra equipment or accessories. This The use of a stabiliser hitch on the towing means that for every accessory added the bracket is recommended for trailers heavier loading capacity of the car is reduced cor-…
  • Page 366
    09 Specifications Dimensions and weights Engine Gearbox Max. weight braked trailer (kg) Max. towball load (kg) 0–1200 2.0T Automatic, MPS6 1800 (Certain markets) Automatic, MPS6 1800 3.2 AWD Automatic, TF-80SC 1800 T6 AWD Automatic, TF-80SC 2000 DRIVe Manual, M66 1600 Automatic, TF-80SC 1600 D3 AWD…
  • Page 367: Engine Specifications

    09 Specifications Engine specifications Engine specifications NOTE Not all engines are available in all markets. Engine Engine Output Output Torque (Nm/ No. of Bore Stroke Swept Com- (kW/rpm) (hp/rpm) rpm) cylin- (mm) (mm) volume pression code ders (litres) ratio 2.0T B4204T6 149/6000 203/6000…

  • Page 368: Engine Oil

    +40 °C and environmental impact. Volvo Car Corporation disclaims all war- ranty liability if engine oil of the prescribed grade and viscosity is not used. Volvo recommends that oil changes are car- ried out at an authorised Volvo workshop.

  • Page 369
    09 Specifications Engine oil Engine oil grade Engine Engine code Recommended oil grade Volume, incl. oil filter (litres) B6304T4 Oil grade: ACEA A5/B5 approx 6.8 Viscosity: SAE 0W–30 B6324S5 approx 6.8 D3 / DRIVe D5204T3 approx. 5.9 D3 AWD D5244T17 approx.
  • Page 370: Fluids And Lubricants

    DOT 4+ Power steering fluid Power steering – WSS M2C204-A2 or equivalent product. Washer fluid Cars with headlamp Use a washer antifreeze recommended by Volvo, mixed with water. washing Cars without headlamp washing Fuel Petrol engine approx. 70 Petrol, see page 288 Diesel engine approx.

  • Page 371
    09 Specifications Fluids and lubricants NOTE Under normal driving conditions, the gear- box oil does not need to be changed during its service life. However, this may be nec- essary under adverse driving conditions, see page 370.
  • Page 372: Fuel

    09 Specifications Fuel emissions and fuel consumption 11.3 T6 AWD 15.2 10.7 3.2 AWD 13.8 DRIVe D3 AWD D3 AWD D5 AWD D5 AWD A = urban driving : gram/km : litre/100 km B = extra-urban driving…

  • Page 373
    09 Specifications Fuel • C = combined driving High speed results in increased wind resis- See further information and more advice on tance. pages 14 and 284. NOTE • Fuel quality, road and traffic conditions, See page 288 for general information on fuel. weather and the condition of the car.
  • Page 374: Wheel And Tyres, Dimensions And Pressure

    09 Specifications Wheel and tyres, dimensions and pressure Approved dimensions shows all approved combinations of wheel drive (AWD) and the type of transmission is rims and tyres, and the lowest permitted load needed to read the table. For information with In certain countries not all approved dimen- index (LI) and speed rating (SS).

  • Page 375
    09 Specifications Wheel and tyres, dimensions and pressure Approved tyre pressures NOTE All engines, tyres or combinations of these are not always available in all markets. Engine Tyre size Speed Load, 1 — 3 persons Max. load ECO pressure (km/h) Front Rear Front…
  • Page 376: Electrical System

    09 Specifications Electrical system Electrical system The battery capacity is dependent upon the IMPORTANT equipment level in the vehicle. The car has a voltage-regulated AC alternator. If the battery is replaced, replace it with a The electrical system is single-pole and uses battery of the same cold start capacity and the chassis and engine casing as a conductor.

  • Page 377: Type Approval

    09 Specifications Type approval Remote control system Radar system Country Country Country A, B, CY, Singapore CZ, D, DK, Delphi hereby certifies E, EST, F, that this remote control key FIN, GB, system conforms to the IDA: Infocomm Development GR, H, I, essential characteristic Authority of Singapore.

  • Page 378
    09 Specifications Type approval Bluetooth Declaration of Conformity (Declaration of Conformity) Country Countries in the EU: Exporting country: Japan Manufacturer: Alpine Electronics Inc. Type of equipment: Bluetooth device For further information visit http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/rtte/faq.htm #informing…
  • Page 379
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Czech Alpine Electronics, Inc. tímto prohlašuje, že tento Bluetooth Module je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými Republic: ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES. Denmark: Undertegnede Alpine Electronics, Inc. erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr Bluetooth Module overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
  • Page 380
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Estonia: Käesolevaga kinnitab Alpine Electronics, Inc. seadme Bluetooth Module vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele. Hereby, Alpine Electronics, Inc., declares that this Bluetooth Module is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
  • Page 381
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Poland: Niniejszym Alpine Electronics, Inc. oświadcza, że Bluetooth Module jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. Portugal: Alpine Electronics, Inc. declara que este Bluetooth Module está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
  • Page 382
    09 Specifications Type approval Country China: • • • • •…
  • Page 383
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Taiwan: CCAB10LP0230T7…
  • Page 384
    09 Specifications Type approval Country South Korea: Volvo Car Korea Alpine Electronics, Inc Made in Japan Volvo Car Korea http://www.volvocars.com/kr…
  • Page 385
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Singa- pore: The Uni- ted Arab Emirates: Jordan: The product that contains the Bluetooth module is approved with the following certification number. BT module certification number: TRC/LPD/2010/4. BT module name: IAM2.1BT PWB EU…
  • Page 386
    09 Specifications Type approval Country South Africa: Uruguay: This product contains URSEC approved transmitter [module name and model name (IAM2.1 BT PWB EU + BVJG905A, BVVE905A, BVLV905A)]…
  • Page 387
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Jamaica: Approved for use in Jamaica SMA EI: IAM2.1 Thailand: This telecommunication equipment conforms to NTC technical requirement. Nigeria: Mexico: Warning «Este equipo opera a titulo secundario, consecuentemente, debe aceptar interferencias perjudiciales incluyendo equipos de la misma clase y puede no causar interferencias a sistemas operando a titulo primario.»…
  • Page 388
    09 Specifications Type approval Country Bot- swana: Croatia:…
  • Page 389: Symbols In The Display

    09 Specifications Symbols in the display General Symbols in the display Indicator and information symbols in the combined instrument panel There are a variety of different symbols in the Indicator and warning symbols in the display in the car. The symbols are divided into Symbol Meaning Page…

  • Page 390
    09 Specifications Symbols in the display Symbol Meaning Page Symbol Meaning Page Symbol Meaning Page Information, Adaptive cruise 185, 188 Start/Stop*, Adap- 127, 185 read display control*, Distance tive cruise control* text Warning* (Distance Speed limiter Alert) Main beam on 76, 91 Adaptive cruise 185, 188…
  • Page 391
    09 Specifications Symbols in the display Information symbols in the roof console Symbol Meaning Page display Parking brake Symbol Meaning Page Seatbelt reminder Rain sensor* Airbag, passenger 24, 25 Driver Alert System* seat, activated Airbag, passenger Driver Alert Sys- 202, 205 seat, deactivated tem*, Lane Depar- ture Warning*…
  • Page 392: 10 Alphabetical Index

    10 Alphabetical Index Air conditioning, AC……… 161 Audio system……….. 224 functions……….231 Air distribution……..156, 163 A/V-AUX input………. 270 overview……….226 Air quality system IAQS ……161 ACC – Adaptive cruise control….177 Audio volume ………. 227 Air vents……….. 156 phone……….

  • Page 393
    10 Alphabetical Index Bag holder ……….292 emergency brake lights……92 Catalytic converter……..288 filling brake fluid……..330 recovery……….303 Battery……….339, 376 symbols in the combined instrument headphones……..270 CD …………241 panel……….. 131 maintenance……..339 Centre console……..146 Remote control ……..
  • Page 394
    10 Alphabetical Index Cleaning controls Display lighting………. 90 automatic car washes……355 centre console ……227, 277 Distance Warning……..187 car wash……….355 Controls Dolby Surround Pro Logic II….224 rims…………. 356 centre console……..146 Door mirrors……….104 seatbelts……….358 Cooling system……..
  • Page 395
    10 Alphabetical Index Electrical socket……..219 filter…………. 325 Fluids and oils………. 370 cargo area……….. 292 oil grade……….368 Fog lamps front seat……….219 Engine specifications……. 367 rear…………92 Electric parking brake……134 Environmental labelling, FSC, owner’s Foot brake……….130 low battery voltage……134 manual…………
  • Page 396
    10 Alphabetical Index Headlamp pattern adjustment Active Bending Lights ……96 Gearbox……….. 118 IAQS – Interior Air Quality System… 155 Headlamps……….331 automatic……….118 IC – Inflatable Curtain…….. 28 Headphones manual……….118 battery replacement……270 Ignition keys……….82 Gear selector inhibitor……120 wireless……….
  • Page 397
    10 Alphabetical Index Interior rearview mirror……105 direction indicators……333 automatic dimming……106 main beam, Xenon lamp….. 333 Labels…………362 main beam halogen……333 Intermittent wiping……..99 number plate lighting……335 Laminated glass……..102 iPod , connection……..245 side marker lamps……334 Lamps, see Lighting……..
  • Page 398
    10 Alphabetical Index Messages and symbols MY CAR……….. 146 Collision Warning with Auto Main/dipped beam, see Lightning….. 90 Brake………. 193, 199 Distance Alert……..188 Maintenance Driver Alert Control……202 rustproofing……..356 Lane Departure Warning….. 205 Oil, see also Engine oil……368 Making calls……….
  • Page 399
    10 Alphabetical Index Parking assistance……..207 Polishing……….356 Rear bulbs parking assistance sensors….209 location……….334 Position/parking lamps……92 Parking brake……….. 134 Rear control panel Power panorama roof……108 audio system……..229 Parking heater………. 164 Power seat……….85 battery and fuel……..164 Rear-seat entertainment……
  • Page 400
    10 Alphabetical Index Remote control ……..254 Soot filter……….290 battery replacement ……255 Soot filter full……….290 Safety grille……….294 Remote control, HomeLink Spare wheel……….314 Safety mode……….33 programmable ……..138 temporary spare……… 314 Safety net……….293 Remote control key……..50 Spin control……….
  • Page 401
    10 Alphabetical Index information symbols……76 Towbar, see Towing equipment….297 Tyres warning symbols……..76 dimensions……… 374 Towing…………. 302 direction of rotation……308 Symbols and messages towing eye………. 303 driving characteristics……308 Collision Warning with Auto Towing capacity……..364 maintenance……..308 Brake……….
  • Page 402
    10 Alphabetical Index Volvo Sensus……….81 Washers Winter tyres……….310 rear window……..100 Wiper blades……….337 washer fluid, filling……338 changing……….337 windscreen……… 100 cleaning……….338 Water and dirt-repellent coating….102 replacing, rear window……. 338 Warning lamp service position……..337 Water-repellent surface, cleaning….
  • Page 404
    Volvo Car Corporation TP 136 (English), AT 112 , Printed in Sweden, Göteborg 2011, Copyright © 2000-2011 Volvo Car Corporation…

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Volvo XC60 с 2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомбиля Volvo XC60 с 2008 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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  • Издательство: Монолит
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Volvo XC60 с 2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомбиля Volvo XC60 с 2008 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 558
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Руководство по эксплуатации Volvo XC60 2009-2015 г.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомбиля Volvo XC60 2009-2015 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Volvo Car Corporation
  • Год издания: 2008-2014
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  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 56,6 Mb

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