Мануал honda cbr1000rr 2013

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Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR250R/CBR250RA.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 137
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 2,5 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR600F/CBR600FS/CBR600F4i/CBR600RR.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2001/2005/2006
  • Страниц: 160/152/259
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,5 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR900RR Fire Blade.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1997/2001
  • Страниц: 128/160
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1000F.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1994
  • Страниц: 128
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,2 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1000RR Fire Blade 2006-2009 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2005/2005/2008
  • Страниц: 166/263/285
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,6 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1100XX.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 156
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,4 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR250R/CBR250RR.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 471
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR400RR 1988-1999 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 257
  • Формат: JPG
  • Размер: 36,9 Mb

Руководство на испанском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR450SR.

  • Издательство: Moto Honda da Amazonia Ltda.
  • Год издания: 1989
  • Страниц: 180
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 7,1 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600F1/CBR1000F 1987-1996 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 2000
  • Страниц: 123
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 34,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600F2 1991-1994 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1993
  • Страниц: 471
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 53,2 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600F3 1995-1996 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1994
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 141,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600F4 1999-2000 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1999
  • Страниц: 361
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 27,2 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600F4i 2001-2003 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 492
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 41,8 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600FM.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1990
  • Страниц: 220
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 21,1 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR600RR.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 529
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 83,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR900RR 1992-1999 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: JPG
  • Размер: 100,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR900RR 1996-1998 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1995
  • Страниц: 407
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 42,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR929RR.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 488
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 41,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR954RR 2002 года выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2002
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 74,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR1000F 1992-1995 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1992
  • Страниц: 421
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR1000RR 2008-2014 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 912
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 91,4 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR1100XX 1997-1998 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 463
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 95,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту мотоциклов Honda CBR1100XX 1999-2002 годов выпуска.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 1998
  • Страниц: 559
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 142,9 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR250R/CBR250RA.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2013
  • Страниц: 114
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR300R/CBR300RA.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2014
  • Страниц: 118
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 2,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR500RA.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2013
  • Страниц: 125
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 1,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR600F.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 147
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 2,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR600F.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 125
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 10,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR600RR/CBR600RR ABS.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 166
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 4,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR650F.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2014
  • Страниц: 130
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1000R/CBR1000RA.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Страниц: 161
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 18,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1000RA/CBR1000RR.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 141
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1000RR/CBR1000RR ABS Fire Blade.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 171
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию мотоциклов Honda CBR1100XX.

  • Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 152
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 1,7 Mb

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MOM 16398 (1706)



Related Manuals for Honda CBR1000RR

Summary of Contents for Honda CBR1000RR

  • Page 1
    Contents Motorcycle Safety P. 2 Operation Guide P. 18 Maintenance P. 114 Troubleshooting P. 178 Information P. 199 Specifications P. 223 Index P. 227 31MKF610 MOM 16398 (1706) CBR1000RR/RA/S1/S2…
  • Page 2
    When service is required, remember that Honda motorcycle. Your selection of a your Honda dealer knows your motorcycle Honda makes you part of a worldwide family best. If you have the required mechanical of satisfied customers who appreciate “know-how” and tools, you can purchase an…
  • Page 3
    A Few Words About Safety Your safety, and the safety of others, is very DANGER important. Operating this motorcycle safely is You WILL be KILLED or SERIOUSLY an important responsibility. HURT if you don’t follow instructions. To help you make informed decisions about safety, we have provided operating WARNING procedures and other information on safety…
  • Page 4
    Motorcycle Safety This section contains important information for safe riding of your motorcycle. Please read this section carefully. Safety Guidelines ……….P. 3 Safety Labels…………P. 8 Safety Precautions……….P. 10 Riding Precautions ……….P. 12 Accessories & Modifications……P. 16 Loading …………..
  • Page 5
    Follow these guidelines to enhance your safety: focused and free of alcohol and drugs. Perform all routine and regular inspections ● CBR1000RR/RA specified in this manual. Check that you and your passenger are both Stop the engine and keep sparks and flame ●…
  • Page 6
    Safety Guidelines Take Time to Learn & Practice Ride Defensively Even if you have ridden other motorcycles, Always pay attention to other vehicles around practice riding in a safe area to become familiar you, and do not assume that other drivers see with how this motorcycle works and handles, you.
  • Page 7
    Never Carry a passenger CBR1000S1/S2 Keep Your Honda in Safe Condition There are no handholds, seat, or footrests to carry a passenger. It’s important to keep your motorcycle properly maintained and in safe riding condition.
  • Page 8
    Safety Guidelines If You are Involved in a Crash Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery Personal safety is your first priority. If you or CBR1000S1/S2 anyone else has been injured, take time to If you smell an unusual odor coming from the assess the severity of the injuries and whether it lithium-ion (li-ion) battery, park your motorcycle is safe to continue riding.
  • Page 9
    Safety Guidelines WARNING Carbon Monoxide Hazard Exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide, a Running the engine of your motorcycle colorless, odorless gas. Breathing carbon while in an enclosed or even partially monoxide can cause loss of consciousness and enclosed area can cause a rapid build- may lead to death.
  • Page 10
    Safety Labels Safety Labels If a label comes off or becomes hard to read, contact your dealer for a replacement. Safety and information labels on your motorcycle provide important safety information and may warn you of potential hazards that could cause serious injury. Read these labels carefully and don’t remove them.
  • Page 11
    Safety Labels CBR1000RR/RA CBR1000S1/S2 CBR1000RR/RA CBR1000S1/S2…
  • Page 12
    Safety Precautions Safety Precautions Protective Apparel CBR1000RR/RA Ride cautiously and keep your hands on the ● Make sure that you and any passenger are handlebars and feet on the footpegs. wearing an approved motorcycle helmet, eye CBR1000RR/RA ● protection, and high-visibility protective Keep passenger’s hands onto the seat strap…
  • Page 13
    CBR1000S1/S2 Transportation) certification label on any helmet WARNING you buy. Not wearing a helmet increases the CBR1000RR/RA chance of serious injury or death in a WARNING crash. Not wearing a helmet increases the chance of serious injury or death in a Make sure that you always wear an crash.
  • Page 14
    Riding Precautions Riding Precautions Exercise caution on low traction surfaces. ● The tires slip more easily on such surfaces and braking distances are Break-in Period longer. During the first 300 miles (500 km) of running, Avoid continuous braking. ● follow these guidelines to ensure your Repeated braking, such as when motorcycle’s future reliability and performance.
  • Page 15
    Riding Precautions Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) Engine Braking Engine braking helps slow your motorcycle CBR1000RA/S1/S2 This model is equipped with an Anti-lock Brake down when you release the throttle. For further System (ABS) designed to help prevent the slowing action, downshift to a lower gear. Use brakes from locking up during hard braking.
  • Page 16
    Riding Precautions Slowly lean the motorcycle to the left until its Parking weight rests on the side stand. Park on a firm, level surface. ● Turn the handlebars fully to the left. If you must park on a slight incline or loose ●…
  • Page 17
    Torque Control may not compensate for rough Honda selectable torque control road conditions or rapid throttle operation. When the Honda selectable torque control Always consider road and weather conditions, (Torque Control) detects rear wheel spin during as well as your skills and condition, when acceleration, the system will limit the amount of applying throttle.
  • Page 18
    We strongly advise that you do not add any seriously hurt or killed. accessories that were not specifically designed or approved for your motorcycle by Honda or Follow all instructions in this owner’s make modifications to your motorcycle from its manual regarding accessories and original design.
  • Page 19
    Loading Loading CBR1000RR/RA WARNING CBR1000S1/S2 ● Never carry a passenger. Your motorcycle Overloading or improper loading can was not designed to carry a passenger. cause a crash and you can be seriously Carrying extra weight affects your ● hurt or killed.
  • Page 20
    Parts Location Tool kit CBR1000RR/RA (P.113) Document bag (P.113) Main fuse/FI fuse (P.198) Fuse box (P.197) Battery (P.137) Front brake fluid reservoir (P.149) Front brake lever (P.163) Throttle grip (P.161) Rear brake fluid reservoir (P.149) Engine oil drain bolt (P.145) Engine oil filter (P.145)
  • Page 21
    Clutch lever (P.157) Front suspension rebound damping/compression damping adjusters (P.165) (P.166) Fuel fill cap (P.111) Front seat (P.139) Rear seat (P.140) Rear suspension compression damping adjuster (P.169) Rear suspension rebound damping adjuster (P.168) Coolant reserve tank (P.147) Rear suspension spring preload adjuster (P.167) Drive chain…
  • Page 22
    Parts Location (Continued) Tool kit CBR1000S1/S2 (P.113) Document bag (P.113) Main fuse/FI fuse (P.198) Fuse box (P.197) Battery (P.137) Front brake fluid reservoir (P.149) Front brake lever (P.163) Throttle grip (P.161) Rear brake fluid reservoir (P.149) Engine oil drain bolt (P.145) Engine oil filter (P.145)
  • Page 23
    Clutch lever (P.157) Front suspension spring preload adjusters (P.171) Fuel fill cap (P.111) Front seat (P.139) Single seat cowl (P.141) Coolant reserve tank (P.147) Rear suspension spring preload adjuster (P.173) Drive chain (P.153) Shift lever (P.109) Side stand (P.152)
  • Page 24
    Instruments Street mode Clock (12-hour display) Speedometer To set the clock: (P.70) Tachometer red zone (excessive engine rpm range) Tachometer NOTICE Do not operate the engine in the tachometer red zone. Excessive engine speed can adversely affect engine life. Display Check When the ignition switch is turned to the ON position, the opening symbol will show on the display.
  • Page 25
    Gear position indicator Shows 1st to 6th gear positions. “-”appears CBR1000RR/RA when the transmission is not shifted properly. Quick Shifter indicator Displays the current status of the Quick Shifter. : Quick Shifter system is disabled. : Quick Shifter upshifting is enabled.
  • Page 26
    Instruments (Continued) Circuit mode To change to the circuit mode : Press and hold the button with your motorcycle stopped. ● To return to the street mode display, press and hold the button. Select the “CIRCUIT” menu on the “DISPLAY” screen. ●…
  • Page 27
    Multi-information display Multi-information display can display the coolant temperature gauge, riding modes, INFO 1, INFO 2 and INFO 3 displays. Coolant temperature gauge ( CBR1000RR/RA (P.26) INFO 3 display (P.39) INFO 2 display (P.31) INFO 1 display (P.28) Riding mode (P.101)
  • Page 28
    Instruments (Continued) Coolant temperature gauge ( Display range: 94°F (35°C) to 269°F (132°C) 93°F (34°C) or less: “—” is displayed. ● Between 251°F (122°C) and 268°F (131°C): ● High coolant temperature indicator lights. Coolant temperature digits flash. Above 269°F (132°C): ●…
  • Page 29
    To switch the multi-information display (up) button To select the display area, repeatedly press the button. MODE Can not select the INFO 3 display while pop-up information displayed. (P.90) (down) button If the button is not pressed within 10 MODE seconds, the display returns to the riding mode button MODE…
  • Page 30
    Instruments (Continued) INFO 1 display You can select the following: • Odometer [TOTAL] TOTAL (P.29) • Tripmeter [TRIP A/B] Changing the INFO 1 display Select the INFO 1 display. (P.27) TRIP A (P.29) Press the (up) or (down) button until the desired indication is displayed.
  • Page 31
    Odometer [TOTAL] Tripmeter A/B [TRIP A/B] Total distance ridden. Distance ridden since the tripmeter was reset. When “——” is displayed, go to your dealer When “—-.-” is displayed, go to your dealer for service. for service. To reset the tripmeter: (P.30) Continued…
  • Page 32
    Instruments (Continued) To reset the tripmeter B, press and hold the To Reset the Tripmeter and Tripmeter button with the tripmeter B displayed. A Fuel Consumption MODE To reset tripmeter A and tripmeter A fuel consumption together, press and hold the Tripmeter B button with the tripmeter A or MODE…
  • Page 33
    INFO 2 display You can select the following: • Numerical tachometer display [REV] • Current fuel mileage [INST. CONS.] • Average fuel mileage [AVE. CONS.] • Tripmeter A fuel consumption [TRIP A CONS.] • Average speed [AVG. SPD.] • Elapsed time [ELAPSED] •…
  • Page 34
    Instruments (Continued) Numerical tachometer display (P.33) Current fuel mileage (P.33) Average fuel mileage (P.34) Tripmeter A fuel consumption (P.35) Average speed (P.35) Elapsed time (P.36) Available riding Press the (up) distance (P.36) button Amount of remaining Press the (down) fuel (P.37) button Only when reserve fuel mode:…
  • Page 35
    Numerical tachometer Display [REV] Current fuel mileage [INST. CONS.] Displays engine revolutions per minutes. Displays the current instant fuel mileage. Display range: 0 to 15,400 r/min (rpm) Display range: 0.0 to 99.9 MPG (mile/L, L/ Above 15,400 r/min (rpm): “15400” is 100km or km/L) ●…
  • Page 36
    Instruments (Continued) Average fuel mileage [AVG. CONS.] To Reset the Average Fuel Mileage Displays the average fuel mileage since the Press and hold the button with the MODE average fuel mileage was reset. average fuel mileage displayed. Display range: 0.0 to 99.9 MPG (mile/L, L/ 100km or km/L) Average fuel Above 99.9 MPG (mile/L or km/L): “99.9”…
  • Page 37
    Tripmeter A fuel consumption [TRIP A Average speed [AVG. SPD.] CONS.] Displays average speed since the engine was Displays the tripmeter A fuel consumption started. since the tripmeter A was reset. Display range: 0 to 186 mph (0 to 299 km/h) Display range: 0.0 to 300.0 GAL (gallon) or Initial display: “—”…
  • Page 38
    Instruments (Continued) Elapsed time [ELAPSED] Available riding distance [RANGE] (Only Displays operating time since the engine was reserve fuel mode) started. When the low fuel indicator lights and the Display range: 00:00 to 99:59 (hours:minutes) low fuel pop-up information appears, the Above 99:59: returns to 00:00.
  • Page 39
    Amount of remaining fuel [REMAIN] (Only reserve fuel mode) When the low fuel indicator lights and the low fuel pop-up information appears, the estimated amount of remaining fuel can be selected. Display range: 0.9 to 0.2 GAL (gallon) or 4.0 to 1.0 L (liters) Below 0.2 GAL (1.0 L): “-.-”…
  • Page 40
    Instruments (Continued) Reserve Fuel Mode Low fuel pop-up information When the low fuel indicator lights and the low fuel pop-up information appears, the available riding distance is indicated, and the amount of remaining fuel display can be selected. You should refill the tank as soon as possible. Remaining fuel amount turned to the reserve Available riding fuel mode:…
  • Page 41
    INFO 3 display Changing the INFO 3 display Select the INFO 3 display. You can select the following: (P.27) Press the (up) or (down) • CBR Logo button until the desired display is displayed. • Shift indicator set value [REV IND NE] Press the button.
  • Page 42
    Instruments (Continued) CBR logo Throttle grip angle [GRIP ANGLE] Displays the CBR logo. Displays the throttle grip angle during operation. Shift indicator set value [REV IND NE] When “—” is displayed, go to your dealer for Displays the shift indicator set value. service.
  • Page 43
    Date [DATE] User letter [USER LETTER] Displays the today’s date. Displays the characters of user’s choice. Display range: Day of the week: MON to SUN DAY: 1 to 31 Month: JAN to DEC To set the USER LETTER: (P.64) Year: 2010 to 2099 Blank display Display the blank.
  • Page 44
    Instruments (Continued) Setting mode GENERAL ● (P.69) Setting the date and clock You can perform the following: Setting each meter unit FUNCTION ● (P.45) Resetting to factory default settings CBR1000S1/S2 SERVICE ● (P.79) Setting the Quick Shifter Checking the next inspection schedule CBR1000S1/S2 CBR1000S1/S2 Setting the suspension…
  • Page 45
    Select a menu by pressing the (up) To Shift to the Setting Mode (down) button and press the Press and hold the button and MODE button. (up) or (down) button until main MODE Press and hold the (up) or menu screen is displayed with your (down) button to move the menu quickly.
  • Page 46
    Instruments (Continued) Press the button MODE Ordinary display Press and hold the button MODE (up) or (down) button FUNCTION (P.45) Press the (up) button Press the (down) button LAP TIME (P.55) To end the setting DISPLAY (P.58) Select the “EXIT” menu on the main menu screen, or press and hold the button MODE…
  • Page 47
    FUNCTION «FUNCTION» is selected FUNCTION To Set the FUNCTION Menu Select the “FUNCTION” menu on the main QUICK SHIFTER CBR1000S1/S2 (P.46) menu screen. (P.43) Select a menu by pressing the (up) SUSPENSION A1 (down) button and press the (P.51) CBR1000S1/S2 button.
  • Page 48
    Instruments (Continued) To end the setting QUICK SHIFTER Select the (return) on the menu screen. CBR1000S1/S2 The display returns to the “QUICKSHIFTER” You can change the setting of the Quick menu on the “FUNCTION” screen. Shifter. To use the Quick Shifter •…
  • Page 49
    Select “ON” (activate) or “OFF” (deactivate) You can select “ON” (activate) or “OFF” using the (up) or (down) button. (deactivate) for upshifting with the Quick Shifter. Select the “UP” using the (up) or (down) button, and press the button. MODE Press and hold the (up) or (down) button to move the menu…
  • Page 50
    Instruments (Continued) DOWN Select “ON” (activate) or “OFF” (deactivate) You can select “ON” (activate) or “OFF” using the (up) or (down) button. (deactivate) for downshifting with the Quick Shifter. Select the “DOWN” using the (up) (down) button, and press the button.
  • Page 51
    UP LVL Select one of the three levels using the You can select the shift pedal load level for (up) or (down) button. Press and hold the (up) or activating the Quick Shifter when upshifting. (down) button to move the menu Select the “UP LVL”…
  • Page 52
    Instruments (Continued) DOWN LVL Select one of the three levels using the You can select the shift pedal load level for (up) or (down) button. Press and hold the (up) or activating the Quick Shifter when (down) button to move the menu downshifting.
  • Page 53
    BRAKE, ACC (SUSPENSION A1 only), SUSPENSION A1, A2 and A3 CORNER (SUSPENSION A1 only) and CBR1000S1/S2 GENERAL You can change the levels of OBTi support You can select the “DEFAULT” or one of the items. ten suspension damping levels for damping Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC system characteristics of the suspension.
  • Page 54
    Instruments (Continued) Select the “DEFAULT” or one of the ten SUSPENSION M1, M2 and M3 suspension damping levels using the CBR1000S1/S2 (up) or (down) button. You can adjust the compression and Press and hold the (up) or rebound damping of the front and rear (down) button to move the menu suspension electronically.
  • Page 55
    FR COMP, FR REB, RR COMP and RR REB Adjust to one of the 21 damping levels using You can select one of the 21 different (up) or (down) button. Press and hold the (up) or damping levels for the front and rear (down) button to move the menu suspension.
  • Page 56
    Instruments (Continued) Preset settings are as follows. Front Rear Compression Rebound Compression Rebound FR COM FR REB RR COM RR REB Press the button. The selected the MODE item setting is set, and then the display returns to the upper level hierarchy.
  • Page 57
    LAP TIME «LAP TIME» is selected To Set the LAP TIME Menu LAP TIME Select the “LAP TIME” menu on the main menu screen. (P.43) Select the menu by pressing the LAP DATA (P.56) (up) or (down) button, and press button.
  • Page 58
    Instruments (Continued) angle and maximum right bank angle LAP DATA information, press the button. The history of recorded lap time and To end the display of lap time history, press information are displayed. button. The display returns to the To display the other lap information, press MODE upper level hierarchy.
  • Page 59
    CLEAR DATA Select “NO” (not clear) or “YES” (clear) using (up) or (down) button. Press the button. The display returns MODE to the upper level hierarchy. To use the Lap Timer (P.86) Continued…
  • Page 60
    Instruments (Continued) DISPLAY «DISPLAY» is selected To Set the DISPLAY Menu DISPLAY Select the “DISPLAY” menu on the main menu screen. (P.43) DISPLAY MODE (P.59) Select the menu by pressing the (up) or (down) button and press the button. MODE SHIFT INDICATOR (P.61) To end the setting BRIGHTNESS (P.62)
  • Page 61
    DISPLAY MODE When the “MECHANIC” is selected Press the button. The mechanic MODE Select “STREET”, “MECHANIC” or “CIRCUIT” mode ends, and then the display returns to using the (up) or (down) the upper level hierarchy. button. The display mode returns to the previously selected mode.
  • Page 62
    Instruments (Continued) Mechanic Mode Throttle grip position Displays the current information of the Tachometer Gear position motorcycle. Displays the following information: Tachometer ● Gear position ● Throttle grip position ● Coolant temperature ● Battery voltage ● Battery voltage Coolant temperature…
  • Page 63
    SHIFT INDICATOR You can change the setting of the shift indicators. Select the “OFF” (deactivate) or an engine revolution at which the shift indicators start blinking using the (up) or (down) button. Information of the Shift Indicator: Press and hold the (up) or (down) button to move the menu (P.96)
  • Page 64
    Instruments (Continued) BRIGHTNESS You can adjust the backlight brightness to one of the eight levels or select the auto adjustment. Automatic brightness control (P.203) Select the “AUTO” (auto adjustment) or brightness level using the (up) or (down) button. Press and hold the (up) or (down) button to move the menu quickly.
  • Page 65
    BACKGROUND You can change the setting of the background to one of the four categories or select the auto adjustment. Select the “AUTO”, “WHITE”, “BLACK”, “METALLIC” or “CARBON” using the (up) or (down) button. Press and hold the (up) or (down) button to move the menu quickly.
  • Page 66
    Instruments (Continued) USER LETTER You can select any 10 characters you like. Select the first character using the (up) or (down) button until a desired character appears. Press and hold the (up) or (down) button to move the menu A list of characters that can be selected quickly.
  • Page 67
    To end the setting FAVORITE Select the (return) on the menu screen. You can change the indications on the INFO The display returns to the “FAVORITE” menu 1, INFO 2, and INFO 3 to the following on the “DISPLAY” menu screen. information by pressing the button while the street mode is displayed.
  • Page 68
    Instruments (Continued) INFO 1 Select the “TOTAL”, “TRIP A” or “TRIP B” You can select the “TOTAL”, “TRIP A” or “TRIP using the (up) or (down) button. B” for INFO 1. Press and hold the (up) or Select the “INFO 1” using the (up) or (down) button to move the menu (down) button, and press the…
  • Page 69
    INFO 2 Select the “REV”, “INST.CONS.”, You can select the “REV”, “INST.CONS.”, “AVG.CONS.”, “TRIP A CONS.”, “AVG.SPD.” or “ELAPSED” using the (up) or “AVG.CONS.”, “TRIP A CONS.”, “AVG.SPD.” or (down) button. “ELAPSED” for INFO 2. Press and hold the (up) or Select the “INFO 2”…
  • Page 70
    Instruments (Continued) INFO 3 Select the “CBR LOGO”, “REV IND NE”, “GRIP You can select the “CBR LOGO”, “REV IND ANGLE”, “VOLTAGE”, “DATE”, “USER LETTER” or blank display using the NE”, “GRIP ANGLE”, “VOLTAGE”, “DATE”, (up) or (down) button. “USER LETTER” or blank display for INFO 3. Press and hold the (up) or Select the “INFO 3”…
  • Page 71
    GENERAL «GENERAL» is selected GENERAL To Set the GENERAL Menu Select the “GENERAL” on the main menu screen. (P.43) Select a menu by pressing the (up) DATE & TIME (P.70) (down) button and press the button. MODE UNITS (P.71) To end the setting RESTORE DEFAULT (P.76) Select the (return) menu on the menu…
  • Page 72
    Instruments (Continued) Press the button. The cursor moves DATE & TIME MODE to the indication of month. Press the (up) or (down) Press the (up) or (down) button until the desired tens digit of the year button until the desired month is displayed. is displayed.
  • Page 73
    Press the button. The cursor moves MODE UNITS to the indication of minute. You can change the speed and mileage, Press the (up) or (down) temperature, and fuel mileage meter units. button until the desired minute is displayed. Press the button.
  • Page 74
    Instruments (Continued) The unit of coolant temperature gauge and To end the setting information of temperature (lap data history Select the (return) on the menu screen. mode and mechanic mode) is changed by The display returns to the “UNITS” menu on “TEMP.”…
  • Page 75
    Speed and mileage unit [SPEED] When selecting the “mph” Units of the speedometer and average Select the “mph” or “km/h” using the ● (up) or (down) button. speed show “mph”. Press the button. The speed and Units of the odometer, tripmeter A/B and MODE ●…
  • Page 76
    Instruments (Continued) When selecting the “km/h” Temperature unit [TEMP.] Units of the speedometer and average Select the “°F” or “°C” using the (up) ● speed show “km/h”. (down) button. Press the button. The temperature Units of the odometer, tripmeter A/B and MODE ●…
  • Page 77
    Fuel mileage meter unit [FUEL CONS.] When the “mph” of the “SPEED” menu is selected Select the “MPG” or “mile/L” using the (up) or (down) button. When the “km/h” of the “SPEED” menu is selected Select the “L/100 km” or “km/L” using the (up) or (down) button.
  • Page 78
    Instruments (Continued) When selecting the “L/100 km” RESTORE DEFAULT Units of the current fuel mileage and The set value can be returned to default ● average fuel mileage show “L/100 km”. setting. Units of the tripmeter A fuel consumption Select the “NO” (not restore) or “YES” ●…
  • Page 79
    Select the “NO” (not restore) or “YES” Select the “EXIT” by pressing the MODE (restore) using the the (up) or button. (down) button on the confirmation screen. When the “NO” is selected Press the button. The set value is MODE maintained, and then the display returns to the “RESTORE DEFAULT”…
  • Page 80
    Riding mode: USER 1 and USER 2 setting ● ● BRIGHTNESS: AUTO value returns to initial setting values. ● BACK GROUND: AUTO ● (P.102) USER LETTER: CBR1000RR ● FAVORITE: TOTAL, REV, CBR LOGO ● SPEED UNIT: mph ( km/h) Canada ●…
  • Page 81
    SERVICE «SERVICE» is selected To Set the SERVICE Menu SERVICE Select the “SERVICE” menu on the main menu screen. (P.43) Select the menu by pressing the MAINTENANCE (P.80) (up) or (down) button and press the button. MODE SUSPENSION (P.83) Press the button MODE QUICK SHIFTER…
  • Page 82
    Instruments (Continued) To end the setting MAINTENANCE Select the (return) on the menu screen, You can check the next inspection time and and then the display returns to the “SERVICE” change the setting of next inspection. menu on the main menu screen. Next engine oil change Next periodic inspection To return to the upper level hierarchy, press…
  • Page 83
    Display range: When reaching any of the following, the DISTANCE: pop-up information is appears in the Next periodic inspection: ordinary display. (P.90) -8000 to +99950 mile “-300 mile” or “-500 km” from the next ● (-12000 to +99900 km) periodic inspection Next engine oil change: “-60 mile”…
  • Page 84
    Instruments (Continued) Next inspection setting Select “ ” (periodic inspection ) or “ ” (engine oil change) using the (up) (down) button. Press the (up) or (down) button until the desired distance value is displayed. Available setting range of periodic inspection: Press and hold the button until the…
  • Page 85
    Press the button. The cursor moves MODE SUSPENSION to the indication of month. CBR1000S1/S2 Press the (up) or (down) “EQUIPMENT” is displayed but not selectable. button until the desired month is displayed. Press the button. The cursor moves MODE to the tens digit of the year. Press the (up) or (down)
  • Page 86
    Instruments (Continued) QUICK SHIFTER You can check for a current problem with the CBR1000S1/S2 “INITIALIZE” and “EQUIPMENT” are displayed PGM-FI system. but not selectable. CBR1000S1/S2 You can check for a current problem with the ÖHLINS Smart EC system. If your motorcycle has a problem, the DTC index is displayed.
  • Page 87
    Reduce speed and have your motorcycle SPORTS KIT ECU inspected by your dealer as soon as possible. “SPORTS KIT ECU USAGE” is displayed but not usable. DTC indexes To return to the upper level hierarchy, press button. MODE To return to the upper level hierarchy, press button.
  • Page 88
    Instruments (Continued) Lap Timer You can check and clear the recorded lap time data in the setting mode. You can record lap time in the circuit mode. (P.55) (P.56) (P.24) Stopwatch/ Best icon difference with the best lap (Displayed when the fastest lap time displayed.) Lap number Lap time…
  • Page 89
    The lap time data includes lap time, maximum Maximum vehicle speed: vehicle speed, maximum engine revolutions, 0 to 186 mph (0 to 299 km/h) maximum coolant temperature, maximum acceleration, maximum deceleration, maximum Maximum engine revolutions: left bank angle and maximum right bank angle. 0 to 20000 r/min (rpm) (P.56) Maximum coolant temperature:…
  • Page 90
    Instruments (Continued) To record lap time, press the button at To Measure the Lap Time each lap. Press and hold the button or select the The stopwatch changes to display the “CIRCUIT” menu on the “DISPLAY MODE” difference with the best lap. menu screen.
  • Page 91
    To restart the measurement Previous lap number Press the button again. The stopwatch restarts measuring. Measurement starts from the next lap. To Check or Clear the Lap Time Select the “LAP TIME” menu in the setting mode. (P.55) (P.57) Previous lap time To end measurement, press and hold the button.
  • Page 92
    Instruments (Continued) Pop-up information If your motorcycle has a problem with the PGM-FI and ÖHLINS Smart EC system, the In the following case, the INFO 3 display or failure information is displayed in priority to the INFO 3 display and coolant temperature other information.
  • Page 93
    Maintenance Information Indication Explanation Remedy When the periodic inspection Have your motorcycle inspected time of your motorcycle is by your dealer. approaching. When the oil change time of Change the engine oil. your motorcycle is approaching. (P.145) Helpful Information Indication Explanation Remedy When the side stand is down.
  • Page 94
    Instruments (Continued) Failure Information Indication Explanation Remedy When your motorcycle has a Reduce speed and have your problem with the PGM-FI motorcycle inspected by your system. dealer as soon as possible. Reduce speed and have your CBR1000S1/S2 When your motorcycle has a motorcycle inspected by your problem with the ÖHLINS dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 95
    Indicators If one of these indicators does not come on when it should, have your dealer check for problems. Torque Control OFF indicator Comes on when the Torque Control is turned off. Shift indicators (P.96) Comes on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position.
  • Page 96
    Indicators (Continued) High coolant temperature indicator Comes on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position. If it comes on while riding: (P.180) ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) indicator CBR1000RA/S1/S2 Comes on when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position.
  • Page 97
    HESD (Honda Electronic Steering Damper) indicator Comes on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position. If it comes on while engine is running: (P.182) PGM-FI (Programmed Fuel Injection) malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) Comes on briefly when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position with the engine stop switch in the (Run) position.
  • Page 98
    Indicators (Continued) Shift Indicators Example set value: 11,600 r/min (rpm) The shift indicators light or blink by the 0 to 10,800 r/min (rpm) engine revolutions. The first indicator lights All indicators go off when the engine revolutions reach 800 r/min 10,800 r/min (rpm) (rpm) below a preset revolution number.
  • Page 99
  • Page 100
    Switches button Operate the lap timer Horn button Hazard switch Turn signal switch Switchable when the ignition switch is on. Can be Pressing the switch turns turned to off regardless of the ignition switch the turn signal off. position. The signals continue flashing with the ignition switch is OFF or LOCK after the hazard switch is on.
  • Page 101
    Ignition Switch Turns electrical system Switches the electrical system on/off, locks on for starting/riding. the steering. Key can be removed when in the OFF or LOCK position. Turns engine off. LOCK Locks steering. Engine stop switch/ Start button Should normally remain in the (Run) position.
  • Page 102
    Switches (Continued) Steering Lock Locking Turn the handlebars all the way to the left. Lock the steering when parking to help Push the key down, and turn the ignition prevent theft. switch to the LOCK position. A U-shaped wheel lock or similar device is Jiggle the handlebars if the lock is also recommended.
  • Page 103
    Riding mode You can change the riding mode. Current riding mode The riding mode consists of the following parameters. P: Engine output level T: Torque control level EB: Engine brake level CBR1000S1/S2 S mode S: Suspension mode EB value T value P value When “-”…
  • Page 104
    MODE 1, MODE 2 and MODE 3 USER 1 and USER 2 MODE 1 is suitable for track riding. MODE 2 is suitable for winding roads. CBR1000RR/RA MODE 3 is suitable for street riding. Each value can be changed. CBR1000RR/RA CBR1000S1/S2 Each value can not be changed.
  • Page 105
    P value (Engine output level) EB value (Engine brake level) P value has five setting levels. EB value has three setting levels. Available setting range: 1 to 5 Available setting range: 1 to 3 Level 1 has the most power. Level 1 has the strongest engine braking Level 5 has the least power.
  • Page 106
    Riding mode (Continued) Selecting the riding mode MODE 1 Stop the motorcycle. Select the riding mode display. (P.102) Press the (up) or (down) MODE 2 button with the throttle fully closed. (up) button MODE 3 USER 1 USER 2 (down) button button MODE Press the…
  • Page 107
    Setting the riding mode Press the button until T value is MODE selected. CBR1000RR/RA Press the (up) or (down) You can change the P, T and EB values on button until the desired value is displayed. the USER 1 and USER 2 of the riding mode.
  • Page 108
    Riding mode (Continued) CBR1000S1/S2 Press the (up) or (down) button until the desired mode is displayed. Press and hold the button until MODE ordinary display is displayed. You can stop setting the riding modes at any time by pressing and holding the MODE button.
  • Page 109
    Press the button MODE Press and hold the button MODE CBR1000RR/RA CBR1000S1/S2 Press the (up) button Press the (down) button Press and hold the (down) button CBR1000S1/S2…
  • Page 110
    Starting the Engine Start your engine using the following Make sure the engine stop switch is in the procedure, regardless of whether the engine (Run) position. is cold or warm. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Shift the transmission to Neutral ( indicator comes on).
  • Page 111
    Shifting Gears Your motorcycle transmission has 6 forward Recommended Shift Points gears in a one-down, five-up shift pattern. Shifting Up From 1st to 2nd 12 mph (20 km/h) From 2nd to 3rd 19 mph (30 km/h) From 3rd to 4th 25 mph (40 km/h) From 4th to 5th 31 mph (50 km/h)
  • Page 112
    Shifting Gears (Continued) Quick Shifter The Quick Shifter can be individually ● turned ON (active) and OFF (deactivate), CBR1000S1/S2 This system enables very quick up and down also the shift pedal load level for shifting without clutch and throttle activating the Quick Shifter can be operations.
  • Page 113
    Refueling Opening the Fuel Fill Cap Ignition key Level plate Open the lock cover, insert the ignition key, and turn it clockwise to open the fuel fill cap. Closing the Fuel Fill Cap After refueling, push the fuel fill cap closed until it locks.
  • Page 114
    Storage Equipment Helmet Holder WARNING CBR1000RR/RA Riding with a helmet attached to the The helmet holders are located on the holder can interfere with your ability to underside of the rear seat. safely operate the motorcycle and could lead to a crash in which you can Helmet holder be seriously hurt or killed.
  • Page 115
    Tool Kit/Document Bag CBR1000RR/RA CBR1000RR/RA Removing the Rear Seat (P.140) The tool kit and document bag are located CBR1000S1/S2 under the rear seat. Removing Single Seat Cowl CBR1000S1/S2 (P.141) The tool kit and document bag are located under the single seat cowl.
  • Page 116
    Please read “Importance of Maintenance” and “Maintenance Fundamentals” carefully before attempting any maintenance. Refer to “Specifications” for service data. An optional larger tool kit may be available. Check with your Honda dealer’s parts department. Importance of Maintenance ……P. 115 Drive Chain …………P. 153 Maintenance Schedule……..
  • Page 117
    Importance of Maintenance For information about the exhaust emission and Importance of Maintenance noise emission requirements of the U.S. Keeping your motorcycle well-maintained is Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the absolutely essential to your safety and to California Air Resources Board (CARB), and the protect your investment, obtain maximum Environment and Climate Change Canada performance, avoid breakdowns, and reduce air…
  • Page 118
    Importance of Maintenance Maintenance Safety Always read the maintenance instructions before you begin each task, and make sure that you have the tools, parts, and skills required. We cannot warn you of every conceivable hazard that can arise in performing maintenance.
  • Page 119
    Maintenance work should be performed in accordance with Honda’s standards and specifications by properly trained and equipped technicians. Your dealer meets all of these requirements. Keep an accurate record of maintenance to help ensure that your motorcycle is properly maintained.
  • Page 120
    Inspect (clean, adjust, lubricate, or replace, if necessary) you have the necessary tools and are mechanically skilled. Replace Procedures are provided in an official Honda Service Lubricate Manual (2 P. 217). : Technical. In the interest of safety, have your motorcycle…
  • Page 121
    Maintenance Schedule Frequency Regular Refer to Items × 1,000 mi Replace page × 1,000 km 12.8 19.2 25.6 32.0 38.4 Every 600 mi (1,000 km): Drive Chain Brake Fluid 2 Years Brake Pads Wear Brake System Brake light Switch Headlight Aim Clutch System Side Stand Suspension…
  • Page 122
    Maintenance Fundamentals Pre-ride Inspection Check the following items after you get on your To ensure safety, it is your responsibility to motorcycle: perform a pre-ride inspection and make sure Throttle action moves smoothly without ● that any problem you find is corrected. A pre- binding.
  • Page 123
    Maintenance Fundamentals Also, check the odometer reading against the Periodic Checks Maintenance Schedule and perform all You should also perform other periodic maintenance that is due. P. 117 maintenance checks at least once a month regardless of how often you ride, or more often if you ride frequently.
  • Page 124
    Maintenance Fundamentals Replacing Parts Always use Honda Genuine Parts or their equivalents to ensure reliability and safety. When ordering colored components, specify the model name, color, and code mentioned on the color label. The color label is attached on the inside of the left duct.
  • Page 125
    Always confirm local regulations for proper battery. P. 125 battery disposal instruction. CBR1000RR/RA Your motorcycle has a maintenance-free type What to do in an emergency battery. You do not have to check the battery If any of the following occur, immediately see electrolyte level or add distilled water.
  • Page 126
    Maintenance Fundamentals Electrolyte splashes into your mouth: Cleaning the Battery Terminals ● Rinse mouth thoroughly with water, and Remove the battery. P. 137 do not swallow. If the terminals are starting to corrode and are coated with a white substance, wash WARNING with warm water and wipe clean.
  • Page 127
    Bump starting is also not 30 days using a charger designed specifically for recommended. your Honda, which can be purchased from your NOTICE dealer. Read the information that came with Installing non-Honda electrical accessories can…
  • Page 128
    Maintenance Fundamentals What to do in an emergency WARNING If any of the following occurs, immediately see The battery contains flammable organic your doctor. solvent as electrolyte. Electrolyte splashes into your eyes: ● Wash your eyes repeatedly with cool water for at 15 minutes. Using water You can be burned or seriously injured under pressure can damage your eyes.
  • Page 129
    Maintenance Fundamentals Cleaning the Battery Terminals The battery has a limited life span. Consult your dealer about when you should replace the Remove the battery. P. 137 battery. Always replace the battery with another If the terminals are starting to corrode and lithium-ion (li-ion) battery of the same type.
  • Page 130
    Bump starting is not recommended. 30 days using a charger recommended by your lithium-ion (li-ion) battery manufacturer. NOTICE Installing non-Honda electrical accessories can Contact your dealer before charging the overload the electrical system, discharging the battery. battery and possibly damaging the system.
  • Page 131
    Selecting the Engine Oil Blown fuse For recommended engine oil, see “Specifications.” P. 224 If you use non-Honda engine oil, check the label to make sure that the oil satisfies all of the following standards: NOTICE JASO T 903 standard : MA ●…
  • Page 132
    The SAE standard grades oils by their viscosity. The API classification specifies the quality and Recommended brake fluid: performance rating of engine oils. Use SG or Honda DOT 4 Brake Fluid or equivalent higher oils, excluding oils marked as “Energy Conserving” or “Resource Conserving” on the WARNING circular API service symbol.
  • Page 133
    Recommended lubricant: Also inspect the drive sprocket and driven sprocket. If either has worn or damaged teeth, Pro Honda HP Chain Lube or equivalent have the sprocket replaced by your dealer. Normal Worn Damaged…
  • Page 134
    Do not use a steam cleaner, a high pressure Recommended Coolant cleaner, a wire brush, volatile solvent such as Pro Honda HP Coolant is a pre-mixed solution gasoline and benzene, abrasive cleaner, chain of antifreeze and distilled water. cleaner or lubricant NOT designed specifically…
  • Page 135
    Maintenance Fundamentals Inspecting for Damage Tires (Inspecting/Replacing) Checking the Air Pressure Inspect the tires for Visually inspect your tires and use an air cuts, slits, or cracks that pressure gauge to measure the air pressure at exposes fabric or least once a month or any time you think the cords, or nails or other tires look low.
  • Page 136
    Maintenance Fundamentals Inspecting Tread Depth WARNING Inspect the tread wear indicators. If they Riding on tires that are excessively worn become visible, replace the tires immediately. or improperly inflated can cause a crash For safe riding, you should replace the tires in which you can be seriously hurt or when the minimum tread depth is reached.
  • Page 137
    Always use the size and type of tires and load range. recommended in this owner’s manual. Have the wheel balanced with Honda ● Genuine balance weights or equivalent after the tire is installed.
  • Page 138
    Maintenance Fundamentals Tire Identification Number (TIN) Tire Service Life The tire identification number (TIN) is a group The service life of your tires is dependent on of numbers and letters located on the sidewall many factors, including, but not limited to, of the tire.
  • Page 139
    Removing & Installing Body Components Battery CBR1000S1/S2 Positive terminal Negative terminal CBR1000RR/RA Positive terminal Negative terminal Battery Battery Rubber strap Rubber strap Continued…
  • Page 140
    Removing & Installing Body Components Battery Removal Installation Make sure the ignition switch is in the OFF Install the parts in the reverse order of position. removal. Always connect the positive + Remove the front seat. P. 139 terminal first. Make sure that bolts and nuts Unhook the rubber strap from left side.
  • Page 141
    Removing & Installing Body Components Front Seat Front Seat Removal Remove the mounting bolts and washers, Mounting bolts and then pull the front seat back and up. Installation Washer Install the front seat while inserting the Front seat tabs into the recesses. Tabs Install the washers and mounting bolts.
  • Page 142
    Removing & Installing Body Components Rear Seat Rear Seat Removal Move the seat strap forward. CBR1000RR/RA Insert the ignition key into the seat lock. Turn the ignition key clockwise, then pull Rear seat the rear seat forward and up. Recess Installation Insert the tab into the recess.
  • Page 143
    Removing & Installing Body Components Single Seat Cowl Single Seat Cowl Removal Insert the ignition key into the seat lock. CBR1000S1/S2 Turn the ignition key clockwise, then pull the single seat cowl forward and up. Single seat cowl Installation Recess Insert the tab into the recess.
  • Page 144
    Removing & Installing Body Components Under Cowl Under Cowl Removal Remove the pan screws and under cowl Under cowl bolts bolts. Remove the under cowl carefully by releasing the guides from the hooks of Under the middle cowl side as shown in the cowl illustration.
  • Page 145
    Engine Oil Checking the Engine Oil Oil fill cap If the engine is cold, idle the engine for 3 Upper level to 5 minutes. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position and wait for 2 to 3 minutes. Place your motorcycle in an upright position on a firm, level surface.
  • Page 146
    Engine Oil Adding Engine Oil Adding Engine Oil Securely reinstall the oil fill cap. NOTICE If the engine oil is below or near the lower Overfilling with oil or operating with insufficient level mark, add the recommended engine oil. oil can cause damage to your engine. Do not mix P.
  • Page 147
    Changing the oil and filter requires special tools. We recommend that you have your Drain bolt motorcycle serviced by your dealer. Use a new Honda Genuine oil filter or equivalent specified for your model. NOTICE Using the wrong oil filter can result in serious damage to the engine.
  • Page 148
    Engine Oil Changing Engine Oil & Filter Remove the oil filter with a filter wrench Install the new oil filter and tighten. and let the remaining oil drain out. Make Torque: 19 lbf·ft (26 N·m, 2.7 kgf·m) sure the prior seal is not stuck to the engine.
  • Page 149
    Coolant Checking the Coolant Reserve tank cap UPPER level Check the coolant level in the reserve tank while the engine is cold. Place your motorcycle on a firm, level surface. LOWER level Hold your motorcycle in an upright position. Reserve tank Check that the coolant level is between the UPPER level and LOWER level marks on the reserve tank.
  • Page 150
    Coolant Adding Coolant Adding Coolant WARNING Removing the radiator cap while the If the coolant level is below the LOWER level engine is hot can cause the coolant to mark, add the recommended coolant spray out, potentially scalding you. P. 132) until the level reaches the UPPER level mark.
  • Page 151
    Brakes Checking Brake Fluid If the brake fluid level in either reservoir is below the LOWER level mark or the brake lever and pedal freeplay becomes excessive, Place your motorcycle in an upright inspect the brake pads for wear. position on a firm, level surface. If the brake pads are not worn, you most Check that the brake fluid reservoir is likely have a leak.
  • Page 152
    The pads need to be replaced if a brake Rear Always replace both left and right brake pads pad is worn to the indicator. at the same time. Front Rear Pads CBR1000RR/RA CBR1000S1/S2 Pads Wear indicator Wear Wear Wear indicator Wear indicator…
  • Page 153
    Brakes Adjusting the Brake Light Switch Adjusting the Brake Light Switch Check the operation of the brake light switch. Hold the brake light switch and turn the adjusting nut in the direction A if the switch operates too late, or turn the nut in the direction B if the switch operates too soon.
  • Page 154
    Side Stand Checking the Side Stand Start the engine, pull the clutch lever in, and shift the transmission into gear. Lower the side stand all the way. The engine should stop as you lower the side stand. If the engine doesn’t stop, have your motorcycle inspected by your dealer.
  • Page 155
    Drive Chain Inspecting the Drive Chain Slack Check the drive chain slack at several points along the chain. If the slack is not constant at all points, some links may be kinked and binding. Have the chain inspected by your dealer. Shift the transmission to Neutral.
  • Page 156
    Drive Chain Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack Lock nut Adjusting bolt Adjusting plate Adjusting the chain requires special tools. Have the drive chain slack adjusted by your dealer. When adjusting the drive chain slack, be careful not to damage the wheel speed sensor and pulser ring.
  • Page 157
    Drive Chain Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack Turn both adjusting bolts an equal Tighten the rear axle nut. number of turns until the correct drive Torque: 100 lbf·ft (135 N·m, 13.8 kgf·m) chain slack is obtained. Turn the adjusting bolts counterclockwise to tighten the Hold the adjusting bolts and tighten the chain.
  • Page 158
    Drive Chain Adjusting the Drive Chain Slack Checking the Drive Chain Wear Check the chain wear label when adjusting the drive chain. If the front edge of the adjusting plate enters the red zone on the label after the chain has been adjusted to the proper slack, the chain is excessively worn and must be replaced.
  • Page 159
    Clutch Checking the Clutch Check the clutch cable for kinks or signs of wear. If necessary have it replaced by your Checking the Clutch Lever Freeplay dealer. Lubricate the clutch cable with a Check the clutch lever freeplay. commercially available cable lubricant to Freeplay at the clutch lever: prevent premature wear and corrosion.
  • Page 160
    Clutch Adjusting the Clutch Lever Freeplay Adjusting the Clutch Lever Upper clutch cable adjuster Freeplay - Upper Adjustment Attempt adjustment with the upper clutch cable adjuster first. + Turn the clutch cable adjuster until the freeplay is 0.4 — 0.8 in (10 — 20 mm).
  • Page 161
    Clutch Adjusting the Clutch Lever Freeplay Lower Adjustment Under cowl If the upper clutch cable adjuster is threaded bolt out near its limit, or the correct freeplay cannot be obtained, attempt adjustment with the lower clutch cable adjusting nut. Turn the upper clutch cable adjuster all the way in (to provide maximum freeplay).
  • Page 162
    Clutch Adjusting the Clutch Lever Freeplay Loosen the lower lock nut. Lower lock nut Adjusting nut Turn the adjusting nut until the clutch lever freeplay is 0.4 — 0.8 in (10 — 20 mm). Tighten the lower lock nut and check the clutch lever freeplay.
  • Page 163
    Throttle Checking the Throttle With the engine off, check that the throttle rotates smoothly from fully closed to fully open. If the throttle does not move smoothly, close automatically, have the motorcycle inspected by your dealer. Throttle…
  • Page 164
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the Headlight Aim Screws You can adjust vertical aim of the headlight for proper alignment. Turn the screw in or out as necessary using a Phillips screwdriver. Obey local laws and regulations. Left side Right side Raise Lower Raise Lower…
  • Page 165
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the Brake Lever Adjusting the Brake Lever Index mark You can adjust the distance between the tip of the brake lever and handle grip. Adjuster Adjustment method Forward Turn the adjuster until the numbers align with the index mark while pushing the lever forward in the desired position.
  • Page 166
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the Front Suspension Adjusting the Front Suspension Spring Preload CBR1000RR/RA You can adjust the spring preload by the adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. The spring preload adjuster has 15 turns. Adjuster Turn clockwise to increase spring preload (hard), or turn counterclockwise to decrease spring preload (soft).
  • Page 167
    Adjusting the Front Suspension Rebound Damping NOTICE Do not turn the adjuster beyond its limits. CBR1000RR/RA Adjust both left and right forks to the same You can adjust the rebound damping by the rebound damping. TEN adjuster to suit the load or the road surface.
  • Page 168
    Adjusting the Front Suspension Compression Damping NOTICE Do not turn the adjuster beyond its limits. CBR1000RR/RA Adjust both left and right forks to the same You can adjust the compression damping by compression damping. the COM adjuster to suit the load or the road surface.
  • Page 169
    We recommend that you have your motorcycle serviced by your dealer. Spring Preload Adjuster CBR1000RR/RA You can adjust the spring preload by the adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. NOTICE Turn the adjuster using the pin spanner.
  • Page 170
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the Rear Suspension Rebound Damping CBR1000RR/RA You can adjust the rebound damping by the TEN adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. The TEN adjuster has 4 turns. Turn clockwise to increase rebound damping TEN adjuster (hard), or turn counterclockwise to decrease rebound damping (soft).
  • Page 171
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the Rear Suspension Compression Damping CBR1000RR/RA You can adjust the compression damping by the COM adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. The COM adjuster has 4 1/2 turns. Turn clockwise to increase compression COM adjuster damping (hard), or turn counterclockwise to decrease compression damping (soft).
  • Page 172
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC The front and rear suspension constantly determine riding conditions as the SCU System receives signals from the different control units on the motorcycle. As a result, the CBR1000S1/S2 optimum rebound and compression This model is equipped with the ÖHLINS…
  • Page 173
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System Front Spring Preload Make sure the ignition switch is in the OFF position. P. 99 You can adjust the spring preload by the Slide the connector cover, and then adjuster to suit the load or the road surface. disconnect the front suspension connector from the coupler clip.
  • Page 174
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System Turn clockwise to increase spring preload Connect the front suspension connector (hard), or turn counterclockwise to to the coupler clip and then install the decrease spring preload (soft). connector cover. The standard position is the 4 turns from the full soft position.
  • Page 175
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System Rear Spring Preload You can adjust the spring preload by the Adjuster adjuster knob to suit the load or the road surface. Turn clockwise to increase spring preload (hard), or turn counterclockwise to decrease spring preload (soft).
  • Page 176
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System Damping Adjustment “OBTi” allows the rider to affect the characteristics. You can select A-mode which automatically adjusts damping according to the riding Adjustable OBTi support items and riding situation and MANUAL mode which allows situations for each A-mode are as follows.
  • Page 177
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System BRAKE: ACC (A1 only): By adjusting the brake support objective it is By adjusting the acceleration objective it is possible to increase (+) or decrease (-) the possible to increase (+) or decrease (-) the pitching resistance during initial braking.
  • Page 178
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System CORNER (A1 only): GENERAL: By adjusting the corner objective it is possible By adjusting the firmness objective it is to increase (+) or decrease (-) the agile possible to increase (+) or decrease (-) the movements of the while turning.
  • Page 179
    Other Adjustments Adjusting the ÖHLINS Smart EC System MANUAL mode Each MANUAL mode allows the following The suspension setting can be fixed at a damping level to be adjusted as desired: certain value on compression and rebound FR COM: Compression damping for front damping of the front and rear suspensions.
  • Page 180
    Low Oil Pressure Indicator ……P. 181 PGM-FI (Programmed Fuel Injection) Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)….P. 181 ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Indicator ..P. 182 HESD (Honda Electronic Steering Damper) Indicator …………P. 182 Torque Control Indicator……… P. 183 Tire Puncture ………… P. 184 Electrical Trouble……….
  • Page 181
    Engine Will Not Start Starter Motor Operates But Starter Motor Does Not Engine Does Not Start Operate Check the following items: Check the following items: Check the correct engine starting Check the correct engine starting ● ● sequence. P. 108 sequence.
  • Page 182
    Overheating (High coolant temperature indicator is on) The engine is overheating when the following Check that the radiator fan is operating, occurs: and then turn the ignition switch to the High coolant temperature indicator OFF position. ● comes on. If the fan is not operating: Suspect a fault.
  • Page 183
    Warning Indicators On or Flashing Low Oil Pressure Indicator If the engine oil level goes down rapidly, your motorcycle may have a leak or another serious problem. Have your motorcycle If the low oil pressure indicator comes on, inspected by your dealer. pull safely to the side of the road and stop the engine.
  • Page 184
    Indicator comes on or starts flashing while ● riding. Indicator does not come on when the HESD (Honda Electronic ● ignition switch is in the ON position. Steering Damper) Indicator Indicator does not go off at speeds above ●…
  • Page 185
    3 mph (5 km/h). riding. Indicator does not come on when the ● ignition switch is turned to the ON position. CBR1000RR Indicator does not go off at speeds above The Torque Control indicator come on when ● 3 mph (5 km/h).
  • Page 186
    Tire Puncture Repairing a puncture or removing a wheel WARNING requires special tools and technical expertise. Riding your motorcycle with a We recommend you have this type of service temporary tire repair can be risky. If the performed by your dealer. temporary repair fails, you can crash After an emergency repair, always have the and be seriously injured or killed.
  • Page 187
    Tire Puncture Removing Wheels Removing Wheels CBR1000RR/RA Brake caliper Follow these procedures if you need to remove a wheel in order to repair a puncture. Wheel speed Mounting When removing and installing the wheel, be sensor bolts careful not to damage the wheel speed sensor and pulser ring.
  • Page 188
    Tire Puncture Removing Wheels On the right side, remove the mounting CBR1000RR/RA bolts and remove the brake caliper. Right side collar On the left side, remove the mounting bolts and remove the brake caliper. Support the brake caliper assembly so that it doesn’t hang from the brake hose.
  • Page 189
    Loosen the left axle pinch bolts. CBR1000S1/S2 On the left side, withdraw the front axle Axle pinch bolts Left side collar shaft, and remove the side collars and wheel. CBR1000RR/RA Axle pinch bolts Left side collar Front axle shaft Front axle shaft Continued…
  • Page 190
    Align the end of the front axle shaft with the surface of the fork leg. CBR1000RR/RA End of front Surface of axle shaft fork leg Tighten the left axle pinch bolts to hold the axle.
  • Page 191
    NOTICE the mounting bolts. When installing a wheel or caliper into original position, carefully fit the brake disc between the CBR1000RR/RA pads to avoid scratching them. Torque: 33 lbf·ft (45 N·m, 4.6 kgf·m). Lower the front wheel on the ground.
  • Page 192
    Tire Puncture Removing Wheels Rear Wheel Remove the drive chain from the driven sprocket by pushing the rear wheel Removal forward. Place your motorcycle on a firm, level Remove the rear axle shaft, adjusting surface. plates. Support your motorcycle securely and raise the rear wheel off the ground using a Collar Drive chain…
  • Page 193
    Tire Puncture Removing Wheels Remove the brake caliper bracket, rear Installation wheel and side collars. To install the rear wheel, reverse the Support the brake caliper assembly so removal procedure. that it doesn’t hang from the brake Take care to prevent the brake caliper hose.
  • Page 194
    Tire Puncture Removing Wheels Make sure that the lug on the brake Adjust the drive chain. P. 154 caliper bracket is positioned in the slot on Install and tighten the rear axle nut. the swingarm. Torque: 100 lbf·ft (135 N·m, 13.8 kgf·m). Brake caliper After installing the wheel, apply the brake bracket…
  • Page 195
    Electrical Trouble Battery Goes Dead CBR1000S1/S2 Battery charging is needed. A battery charger recommended by your CBR1000RR/RA Charge the battery using a motorcycle lithium-ion (li-ion) battery manufacturer is battery charger. needed for battery charging. Remove the battery from the motorcycle Contact your dealer before charging the before charging.
  • Page 196
    Electrical Trouble Burned-out Light Bulb Burned-out Light Bulb Headlight All light bulbs on the motorcycle are LEDs. If there is a LED which is not turned on, see your dealer for servicing. Headlights The headlights use several LEDs. If there is a LED which is not turned on, see your dealer for servicing.
  • Page 197
    Electrical Trouble Burned-out Light Bulb Brake light/Taillight Front Turn Signal Light Front turn signal light Brake light/Taillight The front turn signal light uses several LEDs. The brake light and taillight uses several If there is a LED which is not turned on, see LEDs.
  • Page 198
    Electrical Trouble Burned-out Light Bulb Rear Turn Signal Light License Plate Light Rear turn signal lights License plate light The rear turn signal light uses several LEDs. If there is a LED which is not turned on, see The license plate light uses a LED. your dealer for servicing.
  • Page 199
    Electrical Trouble Blown Fuse Blown Fuse Fuse box cover Before handling fuses, see “Inspecting and Replacing Fuses.” P. 129 Fuse Box Fuses Remove the front seat. P. 139 Remove the fuse box cover. Pull the fuses out one by one with the Spare fuses fuse puller in the tool kit and check for a blown fuse.
  • Page 200
    Electrical Trouble Blown Fuse Main Fuse & FI Fuse Remove the front seat. P. 139 Remove the starter magnetic switch Starter magnetic cover. switch cover Main fuse Pull the main fuse and FI fuse out one by one and check for a blown fuse. Always FI fuse replace a blown fuse with a spare of the same rating.
  • Page 201
    Vehicle Identification Number….. P. 210 Emission Control Systems ……P. 211 Catalytic Converter ……… P. 215 Oxygenated Fuels……….P. 216 Authorized Manuals ……..P. 217 Warranty Coverage and Service ….P. 218 Honda Contacts ……….P. 220 Reporting Safety Defects ….. P. 222…
  • Page 202
    Keys Keys Ignition key Key tag Ignition Key This motorcycle has two ignition keys and a key tag with a key number and a bar code. Store the spare key and the key tag in a safe location. To make a duplicate key, take the spare key and the key tag to your dealer or a locksmith.
  • Page 203
    9,999.9. Do not turn the key while riding. Document Bag Engine Stop Switch CBR1000RR/RA Do not use the engine stop switch except in an The owner’s manual, registration, and insurance emergency. Doing so when riding will cause the…
  • Page 204
    Use only MA classification engine oil for your motorcycle. Using engine oil other than MA HESD classification oil could result in damage to the The Honda Electronic Steering Damper (HESD) assist-slipper clutch system. automatically controls the steering damper characteristics in accordance with vehicle speed Throttle by Wire System and acceleration.
  • Page 205
    The backlight brightness of the meter will be Frequent cleaning and polishing is important to controlled automatically when “AUTO” is ensure the life of your Honda. A clean selected on the brightness setting. motorcycle makes it easier to spot potential Ambient brightness is detected by the problems.
  • Page 206
    Caring for Your Motorcycle Avoid directing water into the air cleaner, Washing Precautions muffler, and electrical parts. Follow these guidelines when washing: Thoroughly rinse your motorcycle with Do not use high-pressure washers: ● plenty of clean water and dry with a soft, High-pressure water cleaners can clean cloth.
  • Page 207
    Caring for Your Motorcycle Do not use wax or polishing compounds on CBR1000S1/S2 ● ● Do not direct water under the single seat matte painted surface: cowl: Use a soft cloth or sponge, plenty of Water in the under single seat cowl water, and a mild detergent to clean compartment can damage your matte painted surfaces.
  • Page 208
    Caring for Your Motorcycle Aluminum Components Windscreen Aluminum will corrode from contact with dirt, Using plenty of water, clean the windscreen with mud, or road salt. Clean aluminum parts a soft cloth or sponge. (Avoid using detergents regularly and follow these guidelines to avoid or any kind of chemical cleaner on the scratches: windscreen.) Dry with a soft, clean cloth.
  • Page 209
    Storing Your Motorcycle Storing Your Motorcycle Exhaust Pipe and Muffler The exhaust pipe and muffler are titanium and If you store your motorcycle outdoors, you stainless steel but may become stained by mud should consider using a full-body motorcycle or dust. cover.
  • Page 210
    Towing your motorcycle can cause serious from your dealer. damage to the transmission. For more information about storage, Canada visit our website at www.honda.ca and look up “Storage Tips” under the “Honda Warranty” in the Warranty tab for your Model.
  • Page 211
    You & the Environment You & the Environment Recycle Wastes Put oil and other toxic wastes in approved Owning and riding a motorcycle can be containers and take them to a recycling center. enjoyable, but you must do your part to protect Call your local or state office of public works or the environment.
  • Page 212
    Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle Identification Number The VIN and engine serial number uniquely identify your motorcycle and are required in order to register your motorcycle. They may also be required when ordering replacement parts. You should record these numbers and keep them in a safe place.
  • Page 213
    Your motorcycle engine emits combustion Compliance with the terms of the byproducts, including carbon monoxide (CO), Distributor’s Warranties for Honda Motorcycle oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and hydrocarbons Emission Control Systems is necessary in order (HC). Gasoline evaporation also emits to maintain a valid emissions system warranty.
  • Page 214
    Emission Control Systems Noise Emission Requirements Ignition Timing Control System The ignition timing control system adjusts the The EPA requires that motorcycles built after ignition timing to reduce the amount of HC, January 1, 1983 comply with applicable noise CO, and NOx produced. emission standards for one year or 3,730 miles (6,000 km) after the time of purchase when Secondary Air Injection System…
  • Page 215
    Emission Control Systems Crankcase Emissions Control System Noise Emission Control System The engine is equipped with a closed crankcase TAMPERING WITH THE NOISE CONTROL system to prevent discharging crankcase SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED: emissions into the atmosphere. U. S. federal law prohibits, and Canadian Blow-by gas is returned to the combustion provincial laws may prohibit, the following acts chamber through the air cleaner housing and…
  • Page 216
    Emission Control Systems AMONG THOSE ACTS PRESUMED TO Problems Affecting Motorcycle Exhaust CONSTITUTE TAMPERING ARE THE Emissions FOLLOWING ACTS: Have your motorcycle inspected and repaired Removal of, or puncturing the muffler, ● by your dealer if you experience any of the baffles, header pipes or any other following symptoms: component which conducts exhaust gases.
  • Page 217
    A defective catalytic converter contributes to air riding and turn off the engine. Have your pollution and can impair your engine’s motorcycle serviced as soon as possible. performance. A replacement unit must be an original Honda part or equivalent.
  • Page 218
    Oxygenated Fuels Oxygenated Fuels If you accidentally fill your fuel tank with an oxygenated fuel containing higher percentages, Some conventional fuels blended with alcohol you may experience performance problems. To or an ether compound are available in some resolve the problem, have your dealer drain the locales to help reduce emissions to meet clean fuel tank and replace with the correct fuel.
  • Page 219
    Authorized Manuals Authorized Manuals can help you prepare your Honda motorcycle, scooter, ATV, and SxS for winter storage. The Service Manual used by your These Honda manuals are written for the authorized dealer is available from your Honda professional technician. However, if you possess dealer or Helm, Inc.
  • Page 220
    Service workmanship of your Honda. Your warranty coverage does not apply to the normal wear Coverage and deterioration associated with use of the Your new Honda is covered by the following motorcycle. warranties: Motorcycle Limited Warranty ● Your warranty coverage is not voided if you Emission Control System Warranty ●…
  • Page 221
    If you believe you have a problem with your dealership or their designated representative. motorcycle, call the service department of your Honda dealer. Make an appointment for an inspection and diagnosis. You will be asked to authorize that inspection, and your dealer will return the results of the inspection.
  • Page 222
    Dealer name and address ● Motorcycle Division, American Honda Motor Co., Inc., We will likely ask your Honda dealer to respond, P.O. Box 2200, Torrance, or possibly acknowledge your comments CA 90509-2200 directly. Mailstop: 100-4C-7B, Telephone: (866) 784-1870.
  • Page 223
    The sales department offers the Honda Protection Plan to extend almost all of your warranty coverage. Your Honda dealer can also supply information about, riding events, and information about safety training available in your local area, and the Honda Rider’s Club of America (USA only).
  • Page 224
    However, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
  • Page 225
    55.3 in (1,405 mm) Recommended: 91 PON or higher Minimum ground Tank capacity 4.28 US gal (16.2 L) 5.1 in (130 mm) clearance CBR1000RR/RA Caster angle 23.3° YTZ7S 12 V-6 Ah (10 HR) Trail 3.8 in (96 mm) Battery CBR1000S1/S2…
  • Page 226
    Recommended tire SUPERCORSA SP SAE 10W-30, JASO T 903 standard MA, Pro engine oil BRIDGESTONE S21R E Honda GN4 4-stroke oil (USA & Canada) or CBR1000RR/RA DUNLOP D214 Y Honda 4-stroke oil, or an equivalent BRIDGESTONE RS10R N motorcycle oil…
  • Page 227
    Oil filter 19 lbf·ft (26 N·m, 2.7 kgf·m) Front wheel axle 58 lbf·ft (79 N·m, 8.1 kgf·m) bolt Front wheel brake CBR1000RR/RA 33 lbf·ft (45 N·m, 4.6 kgf·m) caliper mounting CBR1000S1/S2 30 lbf·ft (40 N·m, 4.1 kgf·m) bolt Front wheel axle 16 lbf·ft (22 N·m, 2.2 kgf·m)
  • Page 228
    Information Record Engine No. Color Label & Code Owner’s Name Address City/State Phone Dealer’s Name Address City/State Phone Service Manager…
  • Page 229
    Index ABS (Anti-lock Brake System)……. 13 Caring for Your Motorcycle ……203 ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Catalytic Converter……..215 Indicator ……….94, 182 CBR Logo …………40 Accessories …………16 Circuit Mode …………. 24 Clear Data …………57 Clock …………..22 Background…………
  • Page 230
    Favorite ………….. 65 Hazard Switch……….. 98 Flooded Engine ……….108 Headlight Aim ……….162 Front Seat …………139 Headlight Dimmer Switch ……98 Front Suspension ……..164, 170 Helmet Holder……….112 Fuel HESD (Honda Electronic Steering Recommended……….111 Damper) ……….95, 182…
  • Page 231
    Clear Data …………57 High Coolant Temperature Lap Data…………… 56 Indicator ……….94, 180 Lap Timer…………. 24, 86 Honda Contacts ……….220 Left Turn Signal Indicator ……93 Horn Button …………98 Lithium-Ion Battery……..125 Load Limits …………17 Loading Guidelines………. 17 Ignition Cut-off System Low Fuel Indicator ………..
  • Page 232
    Quick Shifter Indicator ……..23 Odometer……….29, 201 ÖHLINS Smart EC System……170 Rear Seat…………140 Engine …………129, 143 Rear Suspension ……..167, 170 Overheating ………… 180 Recommended Oxygenated Fuels………. 216 Coolant…………… 132 Fuel…………..111 Oil ……………. 129 P Value …………. 103 Refueling …………
  • Page 233
    Speedometer ………… 22 S Mode …………. 103 Sports Kit ECU ……….85 Safety Labels …………8 Start Button ……….99, 108 Safety Precautions……….. 10 Starting the Engine ……..108 Service Stopping Engine ……..99, 201 DTC……………. 84 Storage Maintenance …………80 Equipment …………
  • Page 234
    Tires Rear Removal………… 190 Air Pressure …………133 Puncture…………. 184 Replacing……….133, 184 Torque Control Indicator ……. 93 Torque Control OFF Indicator……. 93 Transporting Your Motorcycle ….208 Tripmeter……….. 29, 201 Troubleshooting ……….178 Turn Signal Switch……….. 98 Units…………..71 User Letter………..
  • Page 235
    California Proposition 65 Warning WARNING Operating, servicing and maintaining a passenger vehicle or off- road vehicle can expose you to chemicals including engine exhaust, carbon monoxide, phthalates, and lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.

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Отправлено 10 Июль 2013 — 17:07

Сервис мануал для CBR1000RR 08-12 включая версии с АБС.
Ссылка для скачивания на яндекс диске.


  • Наверх of the page up there ^


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Отправлено 10 Июль 2013 — 18:12

По моему такой мануал был в теме *Мануалы?


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Отправлено 10 Июль 2013 — 19:06

Просмотр сообщенияDarkzone (10 Июль 2013 — 18:12) писал:

По моему такой мануал был в теме *Мануалы?

12-го года нет


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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 18:01

Просмотр сообщенияГПОВЕР (10 Июль 2013 — 19:06) писал:

на восьмой год без АБС,есть?
Сылки не рабочие


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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 18:31

Просмотр сообщенияZyr (27 Апрель 2016 — 18:01) писал:

на восьмой год без АБС,есть?
Сылки не рабочие

В этом мануале и 08-11 и 12 год есть и с АБС и без него. Ссылка у меня работает.


  • Наверх of the page up there ^


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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 18:54

Просмотр сообщенияTed (27 Апрель 2016 — 18:31) писал:

В этом мануале и 08-11 и 12 год есть и с АБС и без него. Ссылка у меня работает.

Да спасибо разобрался,с мануальной
А вот с восемью морганиями не получается(


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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 19:13

Просмотр сообщенияZyr (27 Апрель 2016 — 18:54) писал:

Да спасибо разобрался,с мануальной
А вот с восемью морганиями не получается(

В этом мануале написано, что 8 морганий — это неисправность мозгов АБС. Надо бы проверить заменой.


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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 19:16

Просмотр сообщенияTed (27 Апрель 2016 — 19:13) писал:

В этом мануале написано, что 8 морганий — это неисправность мозгов АБС. Надо бы проверить заменой.

Дело в том что ABS нету на моем мотоцикле
Щитаб как обычно,моргает с одной интенсивностью восемь раз!


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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 19:37

Просмотр сообщенияZyr (27 Апрель 2016 — 19:16) писал:

Дело в том что ABS нету на моем мотоцикле
Щитаб как обычно,моргает с одной интенсивностью восемь раз!

А я тебе по АБС советую. :))) Ты написал no abs, а я с телефона прочитал, как по АБС. Ошибки FI одинаковые, что для АБС версии, что для безАБСной. Тогда написал бы уж «без АБС», а то выпендрился — по английски написал. :))))
Думал, на этом форуме уже все знают, как с обычными ошибками бороться — http://www.cbrclub.r…?showtopic=8177
8-я ошибка — это датчик положения дроссельной заслонки. Кстати, в этом мануале ошибки FI тоже есть.


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Пользователь офлайн

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Отправлено 27 Апрель 2016 — 20:29

Просмотр сообщенияTed (27 Апрель 2016 — 19:37) писал:

А я тебе по АБС советую. :))) Ты написал no abs, а я с телефона прочитал, как по АБС. Ошибки FI одинаковые, что для АБС версии, что для безАБСной. Тогда написал бы уж «без АБС», а то выпендрился — по английски написал. :))))
Думал, на этом форуме уже все знают, как с обычными ошибками бороться — http://www.cbrclub.r…?showtopic=8177
8-я ошибка — это датчик положения дроссельной заслонки. Кстати, в этом мануале ошибки FI тоже есть.

Большое спасибо)


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