Мануал kawasaki eliminator zl400 eliminator

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Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

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  • Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

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Kawasaki Eliminator 400 (ZL400)Мануал к Kawasaki Eliminator 400 (ZL400) (микрофиша)
Двигатель аналогичен спорттурерам серии ZZR.

Длина 2,245 мм
Ширина 720 мм
Высота 1,090 мм
Высота по седлу 705 мм
Сухой вес мотоцикла 195 кг.
Емкость бензобака 13 л
Покрышка передняя 100/90-18 56H
Покрышка задняя 150/80-15M/C 70H

Ходовые данные
Максимальная скорость 180 км/ч
Разгон до 100 км/ч 4,5 сек.
Тип привода карданный
Коробка передач механическая 6-и ступенчатая
Сцепление мокрое мульти диск
Тормозной путь 12,5 м. при скорости 50 км/ч
Минимальный радиус разворота 2,9 м

Данные двигателя
Тип — 4-клапана на цилиндр, 4-цилиндра рядные, DOHC, водяное охлаждение
Объем 398 cc
Система охлаждения — жидкостное
Ход поршня мм 56,0 x 40,4
Степень сжатия — 11,0
Мощность 53л.с.(43кВт)/12.000
Крутящий момент Нм 35,3/10.500
Система зажигания — TCBI
Система опережения зажигания — электронное
Смазывающая система — Принудительная смазка (с мокрым отстойником)
Система запуска — стартер
Карбюраторы — Keihin CVK30 x 4
Расположение цилиндров — слева на право 1-2-3-4
Порядок зажигания — 1-2-4-3
Охлаждающая жидкость 2 л.

Компрессия в цилиндрах кПа 880-1.070, при 530 об/мин
Установка времени открытия впускного клапана (BTDC) 37°
закрытие (ATDC) 67°
продолжительность 284°
Установка времени открытия выпускного клапана (BTDC) 72°
закрытие (ATDC) 32°
продолжительность 284°
Зазор впускных клапанов (холодные) мм 0,13-0,18
Зазор выпускных клапанов (холодные) мм 0,18-0,23
Установка опережения зажигания (BTDC) Измерение угла 17.5°/1.200 — 40°/7.000
Допустимый зазор цилиндр/поршень мм 0,043-0,070

Смазывающая система
Вязкость SAE 10W-40, 10W-50, 20W-40, или 20W-5
Объем 3 л.

Топливная система
Данные вакуумной синхронизации 2,7 кПа
Холостые обороты 1.000 — 1.100 об/мин (1.200 — 1.500 об/мин)*

Тип аккумулятора — YB12AvAK
Емкость аккумулятора — 12В 10А.ч.
Тип свечей зажигания — NGK D9EA или ND x27ES-U
NGK D8EA, или ND X24ES-U
Зазор свечей зажигания мм 0,6 — 0,7
значение на полюсах 14В / 2А, при 4.000 об/мин
Значения генератора 14В / 20А, при 10.000 об/мин

* — допустимые значения оборотов х.х.

Скачать мануал (1.57Mb)

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Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

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Для Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) для Kawasaki ZL600 Eliminator

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  • Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator


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  • Kawasaki документация

Kawasaki Eliminator 400 (ZL400)Мануал к Kawasaki Eliminator 400 (ZL400) (микрофиша)
Двигатель аналогичен спорттурерам серии ZZR.

Длина 2,245 мм
Ширина 720 мм
Высота 1,090 мм
Высота по седлу 705 мм
Сухой вес мотоцикла 195 кг.
Емкость бензобака 13 л
Покрышка передняя 100/90-18 56H
Покрышка задняя 150/80-15M/C 70H

Ходовые данные
Максимальная скорость 180 км/ч
Разгон до 100 км/ч 4,5 сек.
Тип привода карданный
Коробка передач механическая 6-и ступенчатая
Сцепление мокрое мульти диск
Тормозной путь 12,5 м. при скорости 50 км/ч
Минимальный радиус разворота 2,9 м

Данные двигателя
Тип — 4-клапана на цилиндр, 4-цилиндра рядные, DOHC, водяное охлаждение
Объем 398 cc
Система охлаждения — жидкостное
Ход поршня мм 56,0 x 40,4
Степень сжатия — 11,0
Мощность 53л.с.(43кВт)/12.000
Крутящий момент Нм 35,3/10.500
Система зажигания — TCBI
Система опережения зажигания — электронное
Смазывающая система — Принудительная смазка (с мокрым отстойником)
Система запуска — стартер
Карбюраторы — Keihin CVK30 x 4
Расположение цилиндров — слева на право 1-2-3-4
Порядок зажигания — 1-2-4-3
Охлаждающая жидкость 2 л.

Компрессия в цилиндрах кПа 880-1.070, при 530 об/мин
Установка времени открытия впускного клапана (BTDC) 37°
закрытие (ATDC) 67°
продолжительность 284°
Установка времени открытия выпускного клапана (BTDC) 72°
закрытие (ATDC) 32°
продолжительность 284°
Зазор впускных клапанов (холодные) мм 0,13-0,18
Зазор выпускных клапанов (холодные) мм 0,18-0,23
Установка опережения зажигания (BTDC) Измерение угла 17.5°/1.200 — 40°/7.000
Допустимый зазор цилиндр/поршень мм 0,043-0,070

Смазывающая система
Вязкость SAE 10W-40, 10W-50, 20W-40, или 20W-5
Объем 3 л.

Топливная система
Данные вакуумной синхронизации 2,7 кПа
Холостые обороты 1.000 — 1.100 об/мин (1.200 — 1.500 об/мин)*

Тип аккумулятора — YB12AvAK
Емкость аккумулятора — 12В 10А.ч.
Тип свечей зажигания — NGK D9EA или ND x27ES-U
NGK D8EA, или ND X24ES-U
Зазор свечей зажигания мм 0,6 — 0,7
значение на полюсах 14В / 2А, при 4.000 об/мин
Значения генератора 14В / 20А, при 10.000 об/мин

* — допустимые значения оборотов х.х.

Скачать мануал (1.57Mb)

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Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

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Для Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

  • Каталог запчастей (микрофиши) для Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) для Kawasaki ZL600 Eliminator

Обзор модели

  • Kawasaki ZL400 Eliminator

Источник — «https://bikeswiki.ru/index.php?title=Kawasaki_ZL400_Eliminator:_мануалы&oldid=9728»


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В разделе материалов: 12
Показано материалов: 1-12

отличаются от других моделей не многим… в частности рулём, тормозами, седлом, ну и всё в таком духе.

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Дата: 24.04.2007
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Запланированное обслуживание
должно быть сделано в соответствии с этой диаграммой, чтобы держать мотоцикл в
хорошем техническом состоянии. Начальное обслуживание очень важно им нельзя

Микрофиши. в адобАкробатРидер.
весит 1,5 метра

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Пользовательский ман на ZL900
весит 7,6 метров

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Краткое описание различий и некоторых параметров мотоциклов на базе двигателя ZX900, точнее их моторов.

GPZ900R, GPZ1000, ZL900, ZG1000concours.

Чисто внешне мотор кажется одинаковым а по начинке там оч существенные отличая

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Kawasaki ZL400 Microfiches

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Kawasaki is a global brand specializing in the production of various equipment. In addition to the usual motorcycles, the company produces aircraft, ships and other large
equipment using the most modern technologies. The Kawasaki company, whose history has long roots, remains one of the prominent players in the market for the production of various equipment.

Kawasaki company began to produce motorcycles quite late, skipping the 50s of the last century, when the entire industry in Japan began to increase its pace of development. It
was during this time period that the transition began not only to the Asian market, but also to the countries of Europe and America. The initial goal of all firms in Japan engaged in the
production of various equipment was the desire to provide the population with the equipment that could be some kind of alternative to public transport. Obviously, in the early years, the results
could hardly have been high, but the growth trend, of course, was outlined.

The refinement of technological processes, and then participation in various world competitions, laid the foundation for the formation of future success.

The founder of the company is Shozo Kawasaki, who comes from the family of a simple kimono seller. The beginning of Shozo’s career was not at all connected with motor vehicles, he started with
the job of a seller, later got a merchant ship. 1876 in the life of Shozo was marked by the fact that he opens his own shipyard and begins to occupy a leading position in the sugar trade.

The history of kawasaki dates back to the shipyard that was founded by Shouzo Kawasaki. Gradually, this company expanded, starting its activities in other industries, including civil and railway
construction. In 1911, the company focused on organizing shipping, and then the company began building aircraft and its components. The Chinese-Japanese war gave a new impetus Kawasaki’s business
development, making it possible to provide repairs to all military vessels and other equipment. After the war, Shozo Kawasaki decides to make Kozhiro Matsukata, who became the first president of
the Kawasaki concern, as manager. This position was assigned to him for thirty-two years, during which time he introduced an 8-hour work week, which was an innovation in those days.

Since the moment when Japan began active hostilities, Kawasaki became the main supplier of various equipment for the army. The situation changed radically after the war, then the
company experienced a real decline in its production. The first gaps of the upcoming progress appeared in 1950, when the first engine was designed at one of the plants. In 1951, production
technologies for 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines were installed, which were installed on bicycles from the Noriz company.

1954 — More than two hundred Bikescooter KV-2 scooters were released. The next step of the company was the joint production of Meihazu 60 — a bicycle with an outboard engine.

Bikescooter KV-2

Bikescooter KV-2

1957 — during this period, mass production and production of motorcycle equipment begins. Initially, they went under the Meihazu brand, but since 1961, the Kawasaki brand was finally approved.
1966 — expansion begins on the American market, however, this does not bring definite success. And in 1975 this process was slightly stopped and the company decided to return to the Japanese

In 1966, the first Samurai kawasaki motorcycles appeared, equipped with a special dual pipe system located at the rear. The motorcycle had an engine of 90 cm3 and a 5-speed gearbox. This model
was a true leader for five years, until Honda began to produce motorcycles of this type.

Kawasaki Samurai 1966

Kawasaki Samurai 1966

1968 — this date became the moment of mass production of Mach III motorcycles, samples of which immediately began to be delivered to European countries. This model was a real discovery among
motorcycles of this type, having engines with a volume of 500 cm3. 1973 — The company launches the H2 750 Mach IV with an improved design.

Kawasaki Mach III

Kawasaki Mach III

Following the success of the MachIII, the company launches the new Z1 motorcycle, which is widely recognized. Without stopping at this, the designers begin to work on the continuation of the
series and release the Z2. There are no special differences between them, except for the engine, which was reduced to 750 cm3.

Kawasaki Z1

Kawasaki Z1

1977 was marked by the fact that the production of Z1000 and Z1000LTD, having a volume of about 1016 cm3, was started. The production of the Z650C begins, which is distinguished by titanium
wheels and an engine capacity of 652 cm3. 1978 — The Z400 was equipped with a 6-speed gearbox, and Z650SR motorcycles were also produced. 1979 — Kawasaki launches the ZI3000, which has a 6-speed
gearbox and a 1286 cm3 engine. Being a rather bulky machine, this model nevertheless aroused considerable interest among buyers.

Kawasaki Z400

Kawasaki Z400

1983 — release of the AR 125 model begins, having a volume of 125 cm3. A 6-speed gearbox and a liquid-based cooling system make it one of the most popular models of the time. In 1985, continued
growth in the production of 4-stroke motorcycles. So, the LTD450 based on the Ninja engine was born. 1988 — the engine is increased to one thousand cm3, resulting in the appearance of the ZX10
model, which has an aluminum frame in the design. The end of the 80s was marked by an increased interest in “retro” models, when the nostalgic design was combined with the latest technological

Kawasaki AR 125

Kawasaki AR 125

At this time, production work focused on sports types of motorcycles began to develop rapidly. On the basis of Kawasaki, the ZZ-R appeared, which belongs to the class of machines with a volume of
up to one thousand cm3. Along the way, the retro style in the development of motorcycles developed, for example, the ZXR bike was released, combining the original design and powerful
technological “stuffing.” 1992 — the Estrella bike belonging to the category of motorcycles up to 249 cm3 was born. This model has become very popular in Japan, as evidenced by the high sales
figures recorded at that time. 1998 — a model with a volume of 125 cm3 and a 4-stroke engine is produced. At the same time in the United States, Vulcan Nomad, a motorcycle with a 2-cylinder
engine, was in full swing. 1999 — release of the Drifter model, which has the design of past years. In general, the end of the century for the company Kawasaki was marked by the release of models
based on the improvement of already released motorcycles, thus practically stopping the serial production of new models.

Kawasaki ZZR1100 1992

Kawasaki ZZR1100 1992

Big victories began in 1969, when the first competition was won. This success belonged to Dave Simmonds, who defeated his rivals on a 125 cm3 Kawasaki motorcycle. From 1978 and for four years,
Kawasaki showed quite decent results in races, which, however, did not lead to any triumph in competitions. In 2002, the first race was carried out as part of the MotoGP competition. However,
neither this race nor its subsequent ones led to the expected victories and successes, which led to the fact that in 2009 it was decided to withdraw from the competition. The company was more
successful in superbike competitions.

If you want to accomplish fixes to your Kawasaki ZL 400 Eliminator then it will always be a great idea to have access to a Workshop Manual to use as personal reference if you want to know methods to remove a certain part including Wheel Bearing and fit it again the right way.

Kawasaki ZL 400 Eliminator Workshop Manuals are able to offer unique diagnostic information for your car or truck therefore if something is broken it helps you find out what the issue is and the best way to fix it. You will be able to analyse if this can be done by yourself or if ever the job is just too big you can actually book your ZL 400 Eliminator into a suitable friendly mechanic.

Kawasaki ZL 400 Eliminator manual

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