Мануал ktm exc 300 2020

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Manuals and User Guides for KTM 300 EXC TPI 2020. We have 1 KTM 300 EXC TPI 2020 manual available for free PDF download: Owner’s Manual

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250 EXC Six Days TPI
250 XC‑W TPI
300 EXC Six Days TPI
300 XC-W TPI
300 XC-W Six Days TPI
Art. no. 3214131en

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Congratulations on your decision to purchase a KTM motorcycle. You are now the owner of a state-of-the-art
sports vehicle that will continue giving you pleasure for a long time if you maintain it properly.
We wish you good and safe riding at all times!
Enter the serial numbers of your vehicle below.
Vehicle identification number ( p. 14) Dealer’s stamp
Engine number ( p. 14)
Key number (All EXC models) ( p. 14)
The Owner’s Manual contained the latest information for this model series at the time of going to print. However,
minor differences due to further developments in design cannot be ruled out completely.
All specifications contained herein are non-binding. KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH specifically reserves the right
to modify or delete technical specifications, prices, colors, forms, materials, services, designs, equipment, etc.,
without prior notice and without specifying reasons, to adapt these to local conditions, as well as to stop produc-
tion of a particular model without prior notice. KTM accepts no liability for delivery options, deviations from fig-
ures and descriptions, misprints, and other errors. The models portrayed partly contain special equipment that
does not belong to the regular scope of supply.
© 2019 KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH, Mattighofen Austria
All rights reserved
Reproduction, even in part, as well as copying of all kinds, is permitted only with the express written permission
of the copyright owner.
ISO 9001(12 100 6061)
KTM applies quality assurance processes that lead to the highest possible product quality as
defined in the ISO 9001 international quality management standard.
Issued by: TÜV Management Service
KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH
Stallhofnerstraße 3
5230 Mattighofen, Austria
This document is valid for the following models:
250 EXC TPI EU (F7303T7)
250 EXC Six Days TPI EU (F7303T2)
250 XC‑W TPI US (F7375T4)
300 EXC TPI EU (F7403T7)
300 EXC Six Days TPI EU (F7403T2)
300 XC‑W TPI US (F7475T3)
300 XC‑W Six Days TPI US (F7475T2)

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1.1 Symbols used ……………………………… 6
1.2 Formats used………………………………. 6
2 SAFETY ADVICE…………………………………….. 7
2.1 Use definition – intended use………….. 7
2.2 Misuse………………………………………. 7
2.3 Safety advice………………………………. 7
2.4 Degrees of risk and symbols……………. 8
2.5 Tampering warning……………………….. 8
2.6 Safe operation …………………………….. 8
2.7 Protective clothing ……………………….. 9
2.8 Work rules………………………………….. 9
2.9 Environment……………………………….. 9
2.10 Owner’s Manual …………………………. 10
3 IMPORTANT NOTES……………………………… 11
3.1 Manufacturer and implied warranty…. 11
3.2 Fuel, auxiliary substances…………….. 11
3.3 Spare parts, accessories ………………. 11
3.4 Service ……………………………………. 11
3.5 Figures ……………………………………. 11
3.6 Customer service………………………… 11
4 VIEW OF VEHICLE ……………………………….. 12
4.1 View of vehicle, front left (example) … 12
4.2 View of vehicle, rear right
(example)…………………………………. 13
5 SERIAL NUMBERS ………………………………. 14
5.1 Vehicle identification number………… 14
5.2 Type label ………………………………… 14
5.3 Key number (All EXC models)………… 14
5.4 Engine number ………………………….. 14
5.5 Fork part number ……………………….. 15
5.6 Shock absorber article number ………. 15
6 CONTROLS…………………………………………. 16
6.1 Clutch lever………………………………. 16
6.2 Hand brake lever………………………… 16
6.3 Throttle grip ……………………………… 16
6.4 Switch-off button (All EXC models)…. 16
6.5 Switch-off button (All XC‑W
models)……………………………………. 17
6.6 Horn button (All EXC models)………… 17
6.7 Light switch (All EXC models) ……….. 17
6.8 Light switch (All XC‑W models)………. 17
6.9 Turn signal switch (All EXC
models)……………………………………. 18
6.10 Emergency OFF switch (All EXC
models)……………………………………. 18
6.11 Start button………………………………. 18
6.12 Map switch (All special models) …….. 18
6.13 Overview of indicator lamps (All EXC
models)……………………………………. 19
6.14 Overview of indicator lamps (All
XC‑W models)……………………………. 19
6.15 Opening the fuel tank filler cap ……… 19
6.16 Closing the fuel tank filler cap……….. 20
6.17 Opening 2-stroke oil tank cap………… 20
6.18 Closing 2-stroke oil tank cap …………. 21
6.19 Straps (All ERZBERGRODEO) ……….. 21
6.20 Cold start button………………………… 21
6.21 Idle speed adjusting screw……………. 22
6.22 Shift lever ………………………………… 22
6.23 Foot brake lever …………………………. 23
6.24 Side stand………………………………… 23
6.25 Steering lock (All EXC models) ………. 23
6.26 Locking the steering (All EXC
models)……………………………………. 24
6.27 Unlocking the steering (All EXC
models)……………………………………. 24
7.1 Combination instrument overview …… 25
7.2 Activation and test ……………………… 25
7.3 Setting the kilometers or miles………. 25
7.4 Adjusting combination instrument
function…………………………………… 26
7.5 Setting the clock………………………… 27
7.6 Viewing the lap time……………………. 27
7.7 Display mode SPEED (speed)………… 28
7.8 Display mode SPEED/H (operating
hours)……………………………………… 28
7.9 Setup menu ……………………………… 28
7.10 Adjusting the unit of measurement …. 29
7.11 Display mode SPEED/CLK (time)……. 30
7.12 Setting the clock………………………… 30
7.13 Display mode SPEED/LAP (lap
time) ………………………………………. 30
7.14 Viewing the lap time……………………. 31
7.15 Display mode SPEED/ODO
(odometer) ……………………………….. 31
7.16 Display mode SPEED/TR1 (trip
master 1) …………………………………. 32
7.17 Display mode SPEED/TR2 (trip
master 2) …………………………………. 32
7.18 Setting TR2 (trip master 2)…………… 32
7.19 Display mode SPEED/A1 (average
speed 1) ………………………………….. 33
7.20 Display mode SPEED/A2 (average
speed 2) ………………………………….. 33
7.21 Display mode SPEED/S1 (stop
watch 1) ………………………………….. 34
7.22 Display mode SPEED/S2 (stop
watch 2) ………………………………….. 34
7.23 Table of functions………………………. 35
7.24 Table of conditions and menu
activation…………………………………. 36

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8 PREPARING FOR USE…………………………… 37
8.1 Advice on preparing for first use …….. 37
8.2 Running in the engine …………………. 38
8.3 Starting power of lithium-ion
batteries at low temperatures ………… 39
8.4 Preparing the vehicle for difficult
riding conditions………………………… 39
8.5 Preparing the vehicle for riding on
dry sand…………………………………… 39
8.6 Preparing the vehicle for riding on
wet sand ………………………………….. 41
8.7 Preparing the vehicle for riding on
wet and muddy circuits ……………….. 42
8.8 Preparing vehicle for high
temperatures or slow riding…………… 42
8.9 Preparing the vehicle for low
temperatures or snow ………………….. 43
9.1 Checks and maintenance measures
when preparing for use ………………… 44
9.2 Starting the vehicle…………………….. 44
9.3 Starting off……………………………….. 45
9.4 Shifting, riding ………………………….. 45
9.5 Braking……………………………………. 46
9.6 Stopping, parking……………………….. 47
9.7 Transporting……………………………… 47
9.8 Refueling …………………………………. 48
9.9 Adding 2-stroke oil……………………… 49
10 SERVICE SCHEDULE ……………………………. 50
10.1 Additional information…………………. 50
10.2 Required work …………………………… 50
10.3 Recommended work……………………. 51
11 TUNING THE CHASSIS …………………………. 53
11.1 Checking the basic chassis setting
with rider’s weight………………………. 53
11.2 Compression damping of the shock
absorber…………………………………… 53
11.3 Adjusting the low-speed
compression damping of the shock
absorber…………………………………… 53
11.4 Adjusting the high-speed
compression damping of the shock
absorber…………………………………… 54
11.5 Adjusting the rebound damping of
the shock absorber……………………… 55
11.6 Measuring the dimension of the rear
wheel unloaded………………………….. 55
11.7 Checking the static sag of the shock
absorber…………………………………… 56
11.8 Checking the riding sag of the shock
absorber…………………………………… 56
11.9 Adjusting the spring preload of the
shock absorber ……………………….. 57
11.10 Adjusting the riding sag ……………. 58
11.11 Checking the basic setting of the
fork ………………………………………… 58
11.12 Adjusting the compression damping
of the fork ………………………………… 59
11.13 Adjusting the rebound damping of
the fork……………………………………. 60
11.14 Adjusting the spring preload of the
fork (All Six Days models) …………….. 61
11.15 Handlebar position……………………… 62
11.16 Adjusting the handlebar position …. 62
12.1 Raising the motorcycle with a lift
stand ………………………………………. 65
12.2 Removing the motorcycle from the
lift stand ………………………………….. 65
12.3 Bleeding the fork legs………………….. 65
12.4 Cleaning the dust boots of the fork
legs ………………………………………… 66
12.5 Removing the fork protector ………….. 66
12.6 Installing the fork protector…………… 67
12.7 Removing the fork legs ……………… 67
12.8 Installing the fork legs ……………… 68
12.9 Removing the lower triple clamp
(All standard EXC/XC-W models)…….. 69
12.10 Removing the lower triple clamp
(All special models)…………………….. 69
12.11 Installing the lower triple clamp
(All standard EXC/XC-W models)…….. 70
12.12 Installing the lower triple clamp
(All special models)…………………….. 73
12.13 Checking steering head bearing
play ………………………………………… 75
12.14 Adjusting the steering head bearing
play …………………………………….. 75
12.15 Lubricating the steering head
bearing …………………………………. 77
12.16 Removing front fender…………………. 77
12.17 Installing front fender………………….. 77
12.18 Removing the shock absorber …….. 78
12.19 Installing the shock absorber ……… 78
12.20 Removing the seat ……………………… 79
12.21 Mounting the seat………………………. 79
12.22 Removing the air filter box cover ……. 80
12.23 Installing the air filter box cover …….. 80
12.24 Removing the air filter ……………… 81
12.25 Installing the air filter ………………. 81
12.26 Cleaning the air filter and air filter
box ……………………………………… 82
12.27 Preparing air filter box cover for
securing ……………………………….. 82
12.28 Removing the main silencer ………….. 83
12.29 Installing the main silencer…………… 83
12.30 Changing the glass fiber yarn filling
of the main silencer …………………. 83

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12.31 Removing the fuel tank …………….. 84
12.32 Installing the fuel tank ……………… 86
12.33 Checking the chain for dirt……………. 87
12.34 Cleaning the chain ……………………… 88
12.35 Checking the chain tension…………… 88
12.36 Adjusting the chain tension…………… 89
12.37 Checking the chain, rear sprocket,
engine sprocket, and chain guide …… 90
12.38 Checking the frame …………………. 93
12.39 Checking the link fork ………………. 93
12.40 Checking throttle cable routing………. 93
12.41 Checking the rubber grip ……………… 94
12.42 Adjusting the basic position of the
clutch lever ………………………………. 94
12.43 Checking/correcting the fluid level of
the hydraulic clutch ……………………. 95
12.44 Changing the hydraulic clutch
fluid …………………………………….. 96
12.45 Removing the engine guard (All
special models)………………………….. 97
12.46 Installing the engine guard (All
special models)………………………….. 97
13 BRAKE SYSTEM ………………………………….. 98
13.1 Checking the free travel of the hand
brake lever ……………………………….. 98
13.2 Adjusting the free travel of the
handbrake lever (All EXC models) …… 98
13.3 Adjusting the basic position of the
hand brake lever (All XC‑W models) … 99
13.4 Checking the brake discs ……………… 99
13.5 Checking the front brake fluid
level ……………………………………… 100
13.6 Adding front brake fluid ………….. 100
13.7 Checking the front brake linings …… 101
13.8 Changing the brake linings of the
front brake …………………………… 102
13.9 Checking the free travel of foot
brake lever ……………………………… 104
13.10 Adjusting the basic position of the
foot brake lever …………………….. 104
13.11 Checking the rear brake fluid
level ……………………………………… 105
13.12 Adding rear brake fluid …………… 106
13.13 Checking the brake linings of the
rear brake……………………………….. 107
13.14 Changing the brake linings of the
rear brake ……………………………. 107
14 WHEELS, TIRES ………………………………… 110
14.1 Removing the front wheel ………… 110
14.2 Installing the front wheel ………… 111
14.3 Removing the rear wheel …………. 112
14.4 Installing the rear wheel ………….. 113
14.5 Checking the tire condition …………. 114
14.6 Checking tire pressure……………….. 115
14.7 Checking spoke tension ……………… 115
15 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM …………………………. 117
15.1 Removing the 12-V battery ………. 117
15.2 Installing the 12-V battery ……….. 119
15.3 Charging the 12-V battery ……….. 120
15.4 Changing main fuse ………………….. 122
15.5 Changing the fuses of individual
power consumers ……………………… 123
15.6 Removing the headlight mask with
the headlight…………………………… 125
15.7 Installing the headlight mask with
the headlight…………………………… 125
15.8 Changing the headlight bulb ……….. 126
15.9 Changing the turn signal bulb (All
EXC models)……………………………. 127
15.10 Checking the headlight setting …….. 127
15.11 Adjusting the headlight range………. 128
15.12 Changing the combination
instrument battery…………………….. 128
15.13 Diagnostics connector ……………….. 129
16 COOLING SYSTEM ……………………………… 130
16.1 Cooling system ………………………… 130
16.2 Checking the antifreeze and
coolant level……………………………. 130
16.3 Checking the coolant level ………….. 131
16.4 Draining the coolant ………………. 131
16.5 Refilling with coolant ……………… 132
17 TUNING THE ENGINE…………………………. 135
17.1 Checking the throttle cable play …… 135
17.2 Adjusting the throttle cable
play …………………………………… 135
17.3 Setting the characteristic map of
the throttle response ………………. 136
17.4 Adjusting the idle speed ………….. 137
17.5 Programming ambient pressure ……. 138
17.6 Ignition curve plug-in connector …… 139
17.7 Changing the ignition timing map
(All standard EXC/XC-W models)…… 139
17.8 Checking the basic position of the
shift lever……………………………….. 140
17.9 Adjusting the basic position of the
shift lever ……………………………. 140
18.1 Changing the fuel screen …………. 141
18.2 Checking 2-stroke oil level ………….. 142
18.3 Priming oil pump ………………….. 142
18.4 Cleaning the oil screen in the oil
tank …………………………………… 144
18.5 Checking the gear oil level ………….. 147
18.6 Changing the gear oil ……………… 147
18.7 Adding the gear oil ………………… 148

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19 CLEANING, CARE ………………………………. 150
19.1 Cleaning the motorcycle …………….. 150
19.2 Checks and maintenance steps for
winter operation……………………….. 151
20 STORAGE…………………………………………. 152
20.1 Storage ………………………………….. 152
20.2 Preparing for use after storage……… 153
21 TROUBLESHOOTING ………………………….. 154
22 TECHNICAL DATA………………………………. 157
22.1 Engine …………………………………… 157
22.1.1 All 250 models…………………….. 157
22.1.2 All 300 models…………………….. 157
22.2 Engine tightening torques …………… 158
22.3 Capacities ………………………………. 160
22.3.1 Gear oil………………………………. 160
22.3.2 Coolant………………………………. 160
22.3.3 Fuel ………………………………….. 160
22.4 Chassis ………………………………….. 160
22.5 Electrical system………………………. 161
22.6 Tires……………………………………… 161
22.7 Fork………………………………………. 162
22.7.1 All standard EXC/XC-W models,
All ERZBERGRODEO……………… 162
22.7.2 All Six Days models……………….. 162
22.8 Shock absorber………………………… 163
22.9 Chassis tightening torques ………….. 163
23 SUBSTANCES …………………………………… 166
25 STANDARDS …………………………………….. 170
26 INDEX OF SPECIAL TERMS ………………….. 171
27 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………….. 172
28 LIST OF SYMBOLS……………………………… 173
28.1 Red symbols……………………………. 173
28.2 Yellow and orange symbols………….. 173
28.3 Green and blue symbols……………… 173
INDEX ……………………………………………………. 174

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1.1 Symbols used
The meaning of specific symbols is described below.
Indicates an expected reaction (e.g. of a work step or a function).
Indicates an unexpected reaction (e.g. of a work step or a function).
All work marked with this symbol requires specialist knowledge and technical understanding.
In the interest of your own safety, have these jobs performed by an authorized KTM workshop!
Your motorcycle will be optimally cared for there by specially trained experts using the auxiliary
tools required.
Indicates a page reference (more information is provided on the specified page).
Indicates information with more details or tips.
Indicates the result of a testing step.
Indicates a voltage measurement.
Indicates a current measurement.
Indicates the end of an activity, including potential rework.
1.2 Formats used
The typographical formats used in this document are explained below.
Proprietary name Indicates a proprietary name.
Name® Indicates a protected name.
Brand™ Indicates a brand available on the open market.
Underlined terms Refer to technical details of the vehicle or indicate technical terms, which
are explained in the glossary.

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2.1 Use definition – intended use
(All EXC models)
This vehicle has been designed and built to withstand the normal stresses and strains of racing. This vehicle
complies with the currently valid regulations and categories of the top international motorsports organizations.
This vehicle is only authorized for operation on public roads in the homologated (restricted) version.
The derestricted version of this vehicle must only be operated in closed off areas away from public
highway traffic.
This vehicle is designed for use in offroad endurance competition, and not primarily for use in
(All XC‑W models)
This vehicle has been designed and built to withstand the normal stresses and strains of racing. This vehicle
complies with the currently valid regulations and categories of the top international motorsports organizations.
This vehicle is not approved for use on public roads.
This vehicle is designed for use in offroad endurance competition, and not primarily for use in
2.2 Misuse
The vehicle must only be used as intended.
Dangers can arise for people, property and the environment through use not as intended.
Any use of the vehicle beyond the intended and defined use constitutes misuse.
Misuse also includes the use of operating and auxiliary fluids which do not meet the required specification for the
respective use.
2.3 Safety advice
A number of safety instructions need to be followed to operate the product described safely. Therefore read this
instruction and all further instructions included carefully. The safety instructions are highlighted in the text and
are referred to at the relevant passages.
Various information and warning labels are attached in prominent locations on the product described. Do
not remove any information or warning labels. If they are missing, you or others may not recognize dangers
and may therefore be injured.

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2.4 Degrees of risk and symbols
Identifies a danger that will immediately and invariably lead to fatal or serious permanent injury if the
appropriate measures are not taken.
Identifies a danger that is likely to lead to fatal or serious injury if the appropriate measures are not
Identifies a danger that may lead to minor injuries if the appropriate measures are not taken.
Identifies a danger that will lead to considerable machine and material damage if the appropriate measures are
not taken.
Indicates a danger that will lead to environmental damage if the appropriate measures are not taken.
2.5 Tampering warning
Tampering with the noise control system is prohibited. Federal law prohibits the following acts or the causing
1 The removal or rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of servicing, repair, or replace-
ment, of any device or element of design incorporated into any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control
prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or
2 the use of the vehicle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by any
Among those acts presumed to constitute tampering are the acts listed below:
1 Removal or puncturing of the main silencers, baffles, header pipes or any other components which conduct
exhaust gases.
2 Removal or puncturing of parts of the intake system.
3 Lack of proper maintenance.
4 Replacing moving parts of the vehicle, or parts of the exhaust system or intake system, with parts other than
those specified by the manufacturer.
2.6 Safe operation
Danger of accidents A rider who is not fit to ride poses a danger to him or herself and others.
– Do not operate the vehicle if you are not fit to ride due to alcohol, drugs or medication.
– Do not operate the vehicle if you are physically or mentally impaired.
Danger of poisoning Exhaust gases are toxic and inhaling them may result in unconsciousness and death.
– Always make sure there is sufficient ventilation when running the engine.
– Use effective exhaust extraction when starting or running the engine in an enclosed space.

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Danger of burns Some vehicle components become very hot when the vehicle is operated.
– Do not touch any parts such as the exhaust system, radiator, engine, shock absorber, or brake system
before the vehicle parts have cooled down.
– Let the vehicle parts cool down before you perform any work on the vehicle.
Only operate the vehicle when it is in perfect technical condition, in accordance with its intended use, and in a
safe and environmentally compatible manner.
The vehicle should only be used by trained persons. An appropriate driver’s license is needed to drive the vehicle
on public roads.
Have malfunctions that impair safety promptly eliminated by an authorized KTM workshop.
Adhere to the information and warning labels on the vehicle.
2.7 Protective clothing
Risk of injury Missing or poor protective clothing presents an increased safety risk.
– Wear appropriate protective clothing such as helmet, boots, gloves as well as trousers and a jacket
with protectors on all rides.
– Always wear protective clothing that is in good condition and meets the legal regulations.
In the interest of your own safety, KTM recommends that you only operate the vehicle while wearing protective
2.8 Work rules
Unless specified otherwise, the ignition must be turned off during all work (models with ignition lock, models
with remote key) or the engine must be at a standstill (models without ignition lock or remote key).
Special tools are necessary for certain tasks. The tools are not a component of the vehicle, but can be ordered
using the number in parentheses. Example: bearing puller (15112017000)
During assembly, use new parts to replace parts which cannot be reused (e.g. self-locking screws and nuts, seals,
sealing rings, O-rings, pins, and lock washers).
In the case of certain screws, a screw adhesive (e.g. Loctite®) is required. Observe the manufacturer’s instruc-
If thread locker (e.g., Precote®) has already been applied to a new part, do not apply any additional thread locker.
After disassembly, clean the parts that are to be reused and check them for damage and wear. Change damaged
or worn parts.
After completing a repair or service work, check the operating safety of the vehicle.
2.9 Environment
If you use your motorcycle responsibly, you can ensure that problems and conflicts do not occur. To protect the
future of the motorcycle sport, make sure that you use your motorcycle legally, display environmental conscious-
ness, and respect the rights of others.
When disposing of used oil, other operating and auxiliary fluids, and used components, comply with the laws and
regulations of the respective country.
Because motorcycles are not subject to the EU regulations governing the disposal of used vehicles, there are no
legal regulations that pertain to the disposal of an end-of-life motorcycle. Your authorized KTM dealer will be glad
to advise you.

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2.10 Owner’s Manual
It is important that you read this Owner’s Manual carefully and completely before making your first trip. The Own-
er’s Manual contains useful information and many tips on how to operate, handle, and service your motorcycle.
Only then will you find out how to customize the vehicle ideally for your own use and how you can protect yourself
from injury.
Keep the Owner’s Manual in an accessible place to enable you to refer to it as needed.
If you would like to know more about the vehicle or have questions on the material you read, please contact an
authorized KTM dealer.
The Owner’s Manual is an important component of the vehicle and must be handed over to the new owner if the
vehicle is sold.
The Owner’s Manual is also available for download from your authorized KTM dealer and on the KTM website.
International KTM Website: http://www.ktm.com

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3.1 Manufacturer and implied warranty
The work prescribed in the service schedule must only be carried out in an authorized KTM workshop and con-
firmed in the KTM Dealer.net, as otherwise all warranty claims will be void. Damage or secondary damage caused
by tampering with and/or conversions on the vehicle are not covered by the manufacturer warranty.
3.2 Fuel, auxiliary substances
Environmental hazard Improper handling of fuel is a danger to the environment.
– Do not allow fuel to enter the groundwater, the soil, or the sewage system.
Use fuels and auxiliary substances in accordance with the Owner’s Manual and specification.
3.3 Spare parts, accessories
For your own safety, only use spare parts and accessory products that are approved and/or recommended by KTM
and have them installed by an authorized KTM workshop. KTM accepts no liability for other products and any
resulting damage or loss.
Certain spare parts and accessory products are specified in parentheses in the descriptions. Your authorized KTM
dealer will be glad to advise you.
The current KTM PowerParts for your vehicle can be found on the KTM website.
International KTM Website: http://www.ktm.com
3.4 Service
A prerequisite for perfect operation and prevention of premature wear is that the service, care, and tuning work
on the engine and chassis is properly carried out as described in the Owner’s Manual. An incorrect suspension
setting can lead to damage and breakage of chassis components.
Use of the vehicle under difficult conditions, such as on sand or on wet and muddy surfaces, can result in signif-
icantly increased wear of components, such as the drive train, brake system, or suspension components. For this
reason, it may be necessary to inspect or replace parts before the next scheduled service.
It is imperative that you adhere to the stipulated run-in times and service intervals. If you observe these exactly,
you will ensure a much longer service life for your motorcycle.
The relevant mileage or time interval is whichever occurs first.
3.5 Figures
The figures contained in the manual may depict special equipment.
In the interest of clarity, some components may be shown disassembled or may not be shown at all. It is not
always necessary to disassemble the component to perform the activity in question. Please follow the instructions
in the text.
3.6 Customer service
Your authorized KTM dealer will be happy to answer any questions you may have on your vehicle and KTM.
A list of authorized KTM dealers can be found on the KTM website.
International KTM Website: http://www.ktm.com

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4.1 View of vehicle, front left (example)
1 Hand brake lever ( p. 16)
2 Clutch lever ( p. 16)
3 Light switch ( p. 17) (All EXC models)
3 Switch-off button ( p. 16) (All EXC models)
3 Turn signal switch ( p. 18) (All EXC models)
3 Horn button ( p. 17) (All EXC models)
4 Ignition curve plug-in connector ( p. 139)
5 Air filter box cover
6 Side stand ( p. 23)
7 Shift lever ( p. 22)

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4.2 View of vehicle, rear right (example)
1 Fuel tank filler cap
2 Throttle grip ( p. 16)
3 Vehicle identification number ( p. 14)
4 Foot brake lever ( p. 23)
5 Level viewer for brake fluid, rear

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5.1 Vehicle identification number
The vehicle identification number 1 is stamped on the right side
of the steering head.
5.2 Type label
Type label 1 is fixed to the front of the steering head.
5.3 Key number (All EXC models)
The key number 1 for the steering lock is stamped onto the key
5.4 Engine number
The engine number 1 is located on the left side of the engine
over the engine sprocket.

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5.5 Fork part number
The fork part number 1 is stamped on the inside of the axle
5.6 Shock absorber article number
Shock absorber article number 1 is stamped on the top of the
shock absorber above the adjusting ring towards the engine side.

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6.1 Clutch lever
Clutch lever 1 is fitted on the handlebar on the left.
The clutch is activated hydraulically and adjusts itself automati-
6.2 Hand brake lever
Hand brake lever 1 is fitted on the right side of the handlebar.
The front brake is engaged using the hand brake lever.
6.3 Throttle grip
Throttle grip 1 is fitted on the right side of the handlebar.
6.4 Switch-off button (All EXC models)
Switch-off button 1 is fitted on the left side of the handlebar.
Possible states
• The switch-off button is in the basic position – In this
position, the ignition circuit is closed and the engine can be
• The switch-off button is pressed – In this position, the igni-
tion circuit is interrupted, a running engine stops, and a non-
running engine will not start.

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6.5 Switch-off button (All XC‑W models)
Switch-off button 1 is fitted on the left side of the handlebar.
Possible states
• The switch-off button is in the basic position – In this
position, the ignition circuit is closed and the engine can be
• The switch-off button is pressed – In this position, the igni-
tion circuit is interrupted, a running engine stops, and a non-
running engine will not start.
6.6 Horn button (All EXC models)
Horn button 1 is fitted on the left side of the handlebar.
Possible states
• The horn button is in the basic position
• The horn button is pressed – The horn is operated in this
6.7 Light switch (All EXC models)
Light switch 1 is fitted on the left side of the handlebar.
Possible states
Low beam on – Light switch is in the central posi-
tion. In this position, the low beam and tail light are
switched on.
High beam on – Light switch is turned to the left.
In this position, the high beam and the tail light are
switched on.
6.8 Light switch (All XC‑W models)
The light switch 1 is located to the left of the combination
Possible states
• Light off – Light switch is pressed in up to the stop. In this
position, the light is switched off.
• Light on – Light switch is pulled out to the stop. In this posi-
tion, the low beam and tail light are switched on.

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6.9 Turn signal switch (All EXC models)
Turn signal switch 1 is fitted on the left side of the handlebar.
Possible states
Turn signal off – The turn signal switch is in the cen-
tral position.
Left turn signal, on – The turn signal switch is turned
to the left.
Right turn signal, on – The turn signal switch is
turned to the right.
6.10 Emergency OFF switch (All EXC models)
The emergency OFF switch 1 is fitted on the right side of the
Possible states
Ignition off – In this position, the ignition circuit
is interrupted, a running engine stops, and a
non-running engine will not start.
Ignition on – In this position, the ignition circuit is
closed, and the engine can be started.
6.11 Start button
Start button 1 is fitted on the right side of the handlebar.
Possible states
• The start button is in the basic position
• The start button is pressed – In this position, the starter
motor is actuated.
6.12 Map switch (All special models)
The map switch 1 is fitted on the right side of the handlebar.
Possible states
• Map switch in position I – The ignition timing map Perfor-
mance is active in this position.
• Map switch in position II – The ignition timing map Soft is
active in this position.
The engine characteristic can be altered with the map switch.
The map switch has no function in the homologated
(restricted) condition of the motorcycle.

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6.13 Overview of indicator lamps (All EXC models)
Possible states
The high beam indicator lamp lights up blue – The
high beam is switched on.
Malfunction indicator lamp lights up/flashes yellow
– The OBD has detected an error in the vehicle elec-
tronics. Come safely to a halt, and contact an autho-
rized KTM workshop.
The fuel level warning lamp lights up yellow – The
fuel level has reached the reserve mark.
Turn signal indicator lamp flashes green – The turn
signal is switched on.
The oil level warning lamp lights up red – Oil level has
reached the MINmarking. Ride for no more than until
the remaining fuel in the tank is depleted and at the
next opportunity refuel with 2-stroke oil.
6.14 Overview of indicator lamps (All XC‑W models)
Possible states
High beam indicator lamp – inoperative
Malfunction indicator lamp lights up/flashes yellow
– The OBD has detected an error in the vehicle elec-
tronics. Come safely to a halt, and contact an autho-
rized KTM workshop.
The fuel level warning lamp lights up yellow – The
fuel level has reached the reserve mark.
The oil level warning lamp lights up red – Oil level has
reached the MINmarking. Ride for no more than until
the remaining fuel in the tank is depleted and at the
next opportunity refuel with 2-stroke oil.
6.15 Opening the fuel tank filler cap
Fire hazard Fuel is highly flammable.
The fuel in the fuel tank expands when warm and can escape if overfilled.
– Do not refuel the vehicle in the vicinity of open flames or lit cigarettes.
– Switch off the engine for refueling.
– Make sure that no fuel is spilled; particularly not on hot parts of the vehicle.
– If any fuel is spilled, wipe it off immediately.
– Observe the specifications for refueling.

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Danger of poisoning Fuel is poisonous and a health hazard.
– Avoid skin, eye and clothing contact with fuel.
– Immediately consult a doctor if you swallow fuel.
– Do not inhale fuel vapors.
– In case of skin contact, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
– Rinse the eyes thoroughly with water, and consult a doctor in case of fuel contact with the eyes.
– Change your clothing in case of fuel spills on them.
– Keep fuels correctly in a suitable canister, and out of the reach of children.
Environmental hazard Improper handling of fuel is a danger to the environment.
– Do not allow fuel to enter the groundwater, the soil, or the sewage system.
– Press release button 1, turn the fuel tank filler cap counter-
clockwise, and lift it off.
6.16 Closing the fuel tank filler cap
– Mount the fuel tank filler cap and turn it clockwise until
release button 1 engages.
Route fuel tank breather hose 2 without kinks.
6.17 Opening 2-stroke oil tank cap
– Fold loop 1upward.
– Turn the 2-stroke oil tank cap counterclockwise and pull it up.

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6.18 Closing 2-stroke oil tank cap
– Put the 2-stroke oil tank cap on and turn it clockwise.
– Fold loop 1down.
The 2-stroke oil tank cap engages.
6.19 Straps (All ERZBERGRODEO)
The straps are located at the front 1 and rear 2 of the vehicle.
The vehicle can be recovered from difficult terrain using the
6.20 Cold start button
The cold start button 1 is fitted on the side of the throttle valve
If the engine is cold and the ambient temperature is low, the
electronic fuel injection system extends the injection time. To help
the engine burn the increased fuel quantity, it must be supplied
with additional oxygen by pulling the cold start button.
If the engine is warm, the cold start button must be deacti-
Possible states
• The cold start button is activated – The cold start button is
pulled out all the way and turned by a ¼ turn.
• The cold start button is deactivated – A further ¼ turn returns
the cold start button back to the basic position.

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6.21 Idle speed adjusting screw
The idle setting of the throttle valve body substantially influences
the vehicle’s starting behavior, a stable idle speed, and the vehi-
cle’s response when the throttle is opened.
An engine with a correctly set idle speed is easier to start than an
engine with the idle speed set incorrectly.
The idle speed is adjusted using the idle speed adjusting
screw 1.
If the idle speed is high, the engine is slow to run, the
engine brake is low and the throttle response is aggressive,
the adjustment screw must be turned clockwise.
If the idle speed is low, the engine is running fast, the
engine brake is high and the throttle response is not clean,
the adjusting screw must be turned counterclockwise.
6.22 Shift lever
Shift lever 1 is mounted on the left side of the engine.
The gear positions can be seen in the photograph.
The neutral or idle position is between the first and second gears.

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6.23 Foot brake lever
Foot brake lever 1 is located in front of the right footrest.
The foot brake lever is used to activate the rear brake.
6.24 Side stand
The side stand 1 is located on the left of the vehicle.
The side stand is used for parking the motorcycle.
When you are riding, side stand 1 must be folded up and
secured with rubber strap 2.
6.25 Steering lock (All EXC models)
Steering lock 1 is fitted on the left side of the steering head.
The steering lock is used to lock the steering. Steering, and there-
fore riding, is no longer possible.

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6.26 Locking the steering (All EXC models)
Danger of damage The parked vehicle can roll away or fall over.
– Park the vehicle on a firm and level surface.
– Park the vehicle.
– Turn handlebar as far as possible to the right.
– Insert the key for the steering lock into the steering lock, turn
it to the left, press it in, and turn it to the right. Pull out the
key for the steering lock.
Steering is no longer possible.
Never leave the key for the steering lock in the steering
6.27 Unlocking the steering (All EXC models)
– Insert the key for the steering lock into the steering lock, turn
it to the left, pull it out, and turn it to the right. Pull out the
key for the steering lock.
The handlebar can now be moved again.
Never leave the key for the steering lock in the steering

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7.1 Combination instrument overview
– The button is used to select menus and make settings.
– The button is used to select menus and make settings.
When the vehicle is delivered, only the SPEED/H and
SPEED/ODO display modes are activated.
7.2 Activation and test
Activating combination instrument
The combination instrument is activated when one of the buttons
is pressed or an impulse comes from the wheel speed sensor.
Display test
To enable you to check that the display is functioning properly, all
display segments light up briefly.
WS (wheel size)
After the display function check, the wheel circumference WS is
displayed briefly.
The number 2205 equals the circumference of the 21″
front wheel with standard tires.
The display then changes to the last selected mode.
7.3 Setting the kilometers or miles
If you change the unit, the value ODO is retained and converted accordingly.
The values TR1, TR2, A1, A2 and S1 are cleared when the unit of measure is changed.
The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until H appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds.
The Setup menu is displayed and the active functions are
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until Km/h/Mph flashes.
Adjusting the Km/h
– Press the button .
Adjusting the Mph
– Press the button .

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– Wait 3 — 5 seconds.
The settings are stored.
If no button is pressed for 10–12 seconds, or if an
impulse comes from the wheel speed sensor, the
settings are automatically saved and the setup menu is
7.4 Adjusting combination instrument function
When the vehicle is delivered, only the SPEED/H and SPEED/ODO display modes are activated.
The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until H appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds.
The Setup menu is displayed and the active functions are
If no button is pressed for 10–12 seconds, the settings
are automatically saved.
If no button is pressed for 20 seconds, or if an impulse
comes from the wheel speed sensor, the settings are
automatically saved and the setup menu is closed.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until the desired func-
tion flashes.
The selected function flashes.
Activating the function
– Press the button .
The symbol continues to appear in the display and the
next function appears.
Deactivating a function
– Press the button .
The symbol disappears in the display and the next
function appears.

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7.5 Setting the clock
The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until CLK appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds.
The hour display flashes.
– Adjust hour display with the button and/or button .
– Wait 3 — 5 seconds.
The next segment of the display flashes and can be set.
– You can set the following segments in the same way as the
hours by pressing the button and the button .
The seconds can only be set to zero.
If no button is pressed for 15–20 seconds, or if an
impulse comes from the wheel speed sensor, the
settings are automatically saved and the setup menu is
7.6 Viewing the lap time
This function can only be opened if lap times have actually been timed.
The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until LAP appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Briefly press the button .
LAP 1 appears on the left side of the display.
– The laps 1 — 10 can be viewed with the button .
– Press and hold the button for 3 — 5 seconds.
The lap times are deleted.
– Briefly press the button .
Next display mode
When an impulse is received from the wheel speed sen-
sor, the left side of the display changes back to the
SPEED mode.

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7.7 Display mode SPEED (speed)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until SPEED appears on
the left side of the display.
The current speed is displayed in the SPEED display mode.
The current speed can be displayed in Km/h or Mph.
Make the setting according to the country.
When an impulse comes from the front wheel, the left side
of the display changes to the SPEED mode and the current
speed is shown.
7.8 Display mode SPEED/H (operating hours)
• The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until H appears at the
bottom right of the display.
In display mode H, the operating hours of the engine are
The operating hour counter stores the total traveling time.
The operating hour counter is necessary for ensuring that
service work is carried out at the right intervals.
If the combination instrument is in H display mode when
starting off, it automatically changes to the ODO display
The H display mode is suppressed during the journey.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
The display changes to the setup menu for the
combination instrument functions.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function
7.9 Setup menu
• The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until H appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds.
The Setup menu displays the active functions.

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Repeatedly press the button briefly until the desired
function is reached.
If no button is pressed for 20 seconds, the settings are
automatically saved.
Briefly press
the button .
Activates the flashing display and changes to
the next display
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
Deactivates the flashing display and changes to
the next display
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Wait 3 — 5
Changes to the next display without changes
Wait 10 — 12
Setup menu starts, stores the settings, and
changes to H or ODO.
7.10 Adjusting the unit of measurement
• The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until H appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until Km/h/Mph flashes.
In measurement unit mode, you can change the unit of measure-
If no button is pressed for 5 seconds, the settings are auto-
matically saved.
Briefly press
the button .
Starts selection, activates Km/h display
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
Activates Mph display
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Wait 3 — 5
Changes to the next display, changes from
selection to the Setup menu
Wait 10 — 12
Stores and closes the Setup menu

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7.11 Display mode SPEED/CLK (time)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until CLK appears at the
bottom right of the display.
The time is shown in display mode CLK.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
The display changes to the Setup menu of the
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function
7.12 Setting the clock
• The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until CLK appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Increases the value
Briefly press
the button .
Increases the value
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Reduces the value
Briefly press
the button .
Reduces the value
Wait 3 — 5
Changes to the next value
Wait 10 — 12
Closes the SETUP menu
7.13 Display mode SPEED/LAP (lap time)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until LAP appears at the
bottom right of the display.
In the LAP display mode, up to 10 lap times can be timed with the
stop watch.
If the lap time continues running after the button is
pressed, 9 memory locations are occupied.
Lap 10 must be timed using the button .

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Press the but-
ton for 2–3
The stop watch and the lap time are reset.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Stops the clock.
Briefly press
the button .
Starts the stop watch or stop the current lap
time measurement, stores it and the stop watch
starts the next lap.
7.14 Viewing the lap time
• The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until LAP appears at the
bottom right of the display.
– Briefly press the button .
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
The stop watch and the lap time are reset.
Briefly press
the button .
Select a lap from 1–10
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
View the next lap time.
7.15 Display mode SPEED/ODO (odometer)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until ODO appears at the
bottom right of the display.
The total traveled distance is shown in display mode ODO.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function

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7.16 Display mode SPEED/TR1 (trip master 1)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until TR1 appears at the
top right of the display.
TR1 (trip master 1) runs constantly and counts up to 999.9.
You can use it to measure trips or the distance between refueling
TR1 is coupled with A1 (average speed 1) and S1 (stop watch 1).
If 999.9 is exceeded, the values of TR1, A1 and S1 are
automatically reset to 0.0.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Displays of TR1, A1 and S1 are reset to 0,0.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function
7.17 Display mode SPEED/TR2 (trip master 2)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until TR2 appears at the
top right of the display.
TR2 (trip master 2) runs constantly and counts up to 999.9.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Clears the values TR2 and A2.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Reduces value of TR2.
Briefly press
the button .
Reduces value of TR2.
7.18 Setting TR2 (trip master 2)
• The motorcycle is stationary.
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until TR2 appears at the
top right of the display.
– Press the button for 2–3 seconds until TR2 flashes.
The displayed value can be set manually with the button and
the button . This is a very practical function when riding using
the road book.

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The TR2 value can also be corrected manually during the
journey with the button and the button .
If 999.9 is exceeded, the value of TR2 is automatically
reset to 0.0.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Increases value of TR2.
Briefly press
the button .
Increases value of TR2.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Reduces value of TR2.
Briefly press
the button .
Reduces value of TR2.
Wait 10 — 12
Stores and closes the Setup menu.
7.19 Display mode SPEED/A1 (average speed 1)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until A1 appears at the
top right of the display.
A1 (average speed 1) shows the average speed calculated using
TR1 (trip master 1) and S1 (stop watch 1).
The calculation of this value is activated by the first impulse of the
wheel speed sensor and ends 3 seconds after the last impulse.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Displays of TR1, A1 and S1 are reset to 0.0.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function
7.20 Display mode SPEED/A2 (average speed 2)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until A2 appears at the
top right of the display.
A2 (average speed 2) shows the average speed on the basis of the
current speed if the stop watch S2 (stop watch 2) is running.
The displayed value can differ from the actual average
speed if S2 was not stopped after the ride.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode

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Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function
7.21 Display mode SPEED/S1 (stop watch 1)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until S1 appears at the
top right of the display.
S1 (Stop watch 1) shows the riding time based on TR1 and contin-
ues running as soon as an impulse arrives from the wheel speed
The calculation of this value starts with the first impulse from the
wheel speed sensor and ends 3 seconds after the last impulse.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Displays of TR1, A1 and S1 are reset to 0.0.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
No function
7.22 Display mode SPEED/S2 (stop watch 2)
– Repeatedly press the button briefly until S2 appears at the
top right of the display.
S2 (Stop watch 2) is a manual stop watch.
If S2 is running in the background, the display S2 flashes.
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
The displays of S2 and A2 are set to 0,0.
Briefly press
the button .
Next display mode
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
No function
Briefly press
the button .
Starts or stops S2.

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7.23 Table of functions
Display Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Briefly press
the button .
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Briefly press
the button .
Wait 3 — 5
Wait 10 — 12
Display mode
SPEED/H (oper-
ating hours)
The display
changes to
the setup
menu for the
Next display
No function No function
Setup menu No function Activates
the flashing
display and
changes to
the next dis-
No function Deactivates
the flashing
display and
changes to
the next dis-
Changes to
the next dis-
play without
Setup menu
starts, stores
the settings,
and changes
to H or ODO.
Adjusting the
unit of mea-
No function Starts selec-
tion, acti-
vates Km/h
No function Activates
Mph display
Changes to
the next dis-
play, changes
from selec-
tion to the
Setup menu
Stores and
closes the
Setup menu
Display mode
The display
changes to
the Setup
menu of the
Next display
No function No function
Setting the
Increases the
Increases the
Reduces the
Reduces the
to the next
Closes the
SETUP menu
Display mode
The stop
watch and
the lap time
are reset.
Next display
Stops the
Starts the
stop watch or
stop the cur-
rent lap time
ment, stores
it and the
stop watch
starts the
next lap.
Viewing the lap
The stop
watch and
the lap time
are reset.
Select a lap
from 1–10
No function View the next
lap time.
Display mode
No function Next display
No function No function
Display mode
SPEED/TR1 (trip
master 1)
Displays of
TR1, A1 and
S1 are reset
to 0,0.
Next display
No function No function

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Display Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Briefly press
the button .
Press the but-
ton for 2–3
Briefly press
the button .
Wait 3 — 5
Wait 10 — 12
Display mode
SPEED/TR2 (trip
master 2)
Clears the
values TR2
and A2.
Next display
value of TR2.
value of TR2.
Setting TR2
(trip master 2)
value of TR2.
value of TR2.
value of TR2.
value of TR2.
Stores and
closes the
Setup menu.
Display mode
SPEED/A1 (aver-
age speed 1)
Displays of
TR1, A1 and
S1 are reset
to 0.0.
Next display
No function No function
Display mode
SPEED/A2 (aver-
age speed 2)
No function Next display
No function No function
Display mode
SPEED/S1 (stop
watch 1)
Displays of
TR1, A1 and
S1 are reset
to 0.0.
Next display
No function No function
Display mode
SPEED/S2 (stop
watch 2)
The displays
of S2 and
A2 are set to
Next display
No function Starts or
stops S2.
7.24 Table of conditions and menu activation
Display The motorcycle is
Menu can be acti-
Display mode SPEED/H (operating hours) •
Setup menu •
Adjusting the unit of measurement •
Setting the clock •
Display mode SPEED/LAP (lap time) •
Viewing the lap time •
Display mode SPEED/TR1 (trip master 1) •
Display mode SPEED/TR2 (trip master 2) •
Setting TR2 (trip master 2) •
Display mode SPEED/A1 (average speed 1) •
Display mode SPEED/A2 (average speed 2) •
Display mode SPEED/S1 (stop watch 1) •
Display mode SPEED/S2 (stop watch 2) •

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8.1 Advice on preparing for first use
Danger of accidents A rider who is not fit to ride poses a danger to him or herself and others.
– Do not operate the vehicle if you are not fit to ride due to alcohol, drugs or medication.
– Do not operate the vehicle if you are physically or mentally impaired.
Risk of injury Missing or poor protective clothing presents an increased safety risk.
– Wear appropriate protective clothing such as helmet, boots, gloves as well as trousers and a jacket
with protectors on all rides.
– Always wear protective clothing that is in good condition and meets the legal regulations.
Danger of crashing Different tire tread patterns on the front and rear wheel impair the handling charac-
Different tire tread patterns can make the vehicle significantly more difficult to control.
– Make sure that only tires with a similar tire tread pattern are fitted to the front and rear wheel.
Danger of accidents An unadapted riding style impairs the handling characteristic.
– Adapt your riding speed to the road conditions and your riding ability.
Danger of accidents The vehicle is not designed to carry passengers.
– Do not ride with a passenger.
Danger of accidents The brake system fails in the event of overheating.
If the foot brake lever is not released, the brake linings drag continuously.
– Take your foot off the foot brake lever when you are not braking.
Danger of accidents Total weight and axle loads influence the handling characteristic.
– Do not exceed the maximum permissible overall weight or the axle loads.
Risk of misappropriation People who act without authorization endanger themselves and others.
– Do not leave the vehicle unattended if the engine is running.
– Protect the vehicle against access by unauthorized persons.
When using your motorcycle, remember that others may feel disturbed by excessive noise.
– Make sure that the pre-sales inspection work has been carried out by an authorized KTM workshop.
You will receive a delivery certificate when the vehicle is handed over.
– Before riding for the first time, read the entire Owner’s Manual carefully.
– Get to know the controls.
– Adjust the basic position of the clutch lever. ( p. 94)

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(All EXC models)
– Adjust the free travel of the handbrake lever. ( p. 98)
(All XC‑W models)
– Adjust the basic position of the hand brake lever. ( p. 99)
– Adjust the basic position of the foot brake lever. ( p. 104)
– Adjust the basic position of the shift lever. ( p. 140)
– Get used to handling the motorcycle on a suitable surface before undertaking a more challenging trip.
When off road, it is recommended that you are accompanied by another person on another vehicle so
that you can help each other.
– Try also to ride as slowly as possible and in a standing position to get a better feel for the motorcycle.
– Do not make any off-road trips that exceed your ability and experience.
– Hold the handlebar firmly with both hands and keep your feet on the footrests when riding.
– If you carry luggage, make sure you secure it firmly as close as possible to the center of the vehicle and
ensure even weight distribution between the front and rear wheels.
Motorcycles react sensitively to any changes of weight distribution.
– The maximum permissible overall weight and the maximum permissible axle loads must not be exceeded.
Maximum permissible overall weight 335 kg (739 lb.)
Maximum permissible front axle load 145 kg (320 lb.)
Maximum permissible rear axle load 190 kg (419 lb.)
– Check the spoke tension. ( p. 115)
The spoke tension must be checked after half an hour of operation.
– Run the engine in. ( p. 38)
8.2 Running in the engine
– During the running-in phase, do not exceed the specified engine performance.
Maximum engine performance
During the first 3 operating hours < 70 %
During the first 5 operating hours < 100 %
– Avoid fully opening the throttle!
– Check the idle speed regularly.
Idle speed 1,400 … 1,500 rpm
The idle speed may change during the run-in time.
» If the idle speed changes:
– Adjust the idle speed. ( p. 137)

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8.3 Starting power of lithium-ion batteries at low temperatures
Lithium-ion batteries are far lighter than lead batteries, have a low
self-discharge rate, and have more starting power at temperatures
over 15 °C (60 °F). At low temperatures, however, the starting
power of lithium-ion batteries drops to below that of lead batter-
Multiple starting attempts may be needed. Press the start button
for 5 seconds, and wait 30 seconds between attempts. The pauses
are necessary so that the heat created can distribute through the
lithium-ion battery and the 12-V battery is not damaged.
If the charged lithium-ion battery is unable to actuate the electric
starter when temperatures are below 15 °C (60 °F), the battery is
not faulty, but needs to be warmed up internally to increase its
starting power (current output).
The starting power increases as the battery warms up.
8.4 Preparing the vehicle for difficult riding conditions
Use of the vehicle under difficult conditions, such as on sand or on wet and muddy surfaces, can lead to
considerably more rapid wear of components such as the drive train, brake system, or suspension compo-
nents. For this reason, it may be necessary to inspect or replace parts before the next scheduled service.
– Seal the air filter box.
– Clean the air filter and air filter box. ( p. 82)
Check the air filter approx. every 30 minutes.
– Check the electrical connector for humidity and corrosion and to ensure it is firmly seated.
» If humidity, corrosion, or damage is found:
– Clean and dry the connector, or change it if necessary.
Difficult riding conditions are:
– Rides on dry sand. ( p. 39)
– Rides on wet sand. ( p. 41)
– Rides on wet and muddy circuits. ( p. 42)
– Rides at high temperatures or slow riding. ( p. 42)
– Riding at low temperatures and in snow. ( p. 43)
8.5 Preparing the vehicle for riding on dry sand
– Check the radiator cap.
Value on the radiator cap 1.8 bar (26 psi)
» If the indicated value does not correspond to the setpoint

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Danger of scalding During motorcycle oper-
ation, the coolant gets very hot and is under
– Do not open the radiator, the radiator hoses
or other cooling system components if the
engine or the cooling system are at operat-
ing temperature.
– Allow the cooling system and the engine to
cool down before you open the radiator, the
radiator hoses or other components of the
cooling system.
– In the event of scalding, rinse the area
affected immediately with lukewarm water.
– Change the radiator cap.
– Mount the air filter dust cover.
Air filter dust cover (79006920000)
Observe the KTM PowerParts fitting instructions.
– Mount the air filter sand cover.
Air filter sand cover (79006922000)
Observe the KTM PowerParts fitting instructions.
– Clean the chain.
Chain cleaner ( p. 168)
– Mount the steel sprocket.
– Grease the chain.
Universal oil spray ( p. 169)
– Clean the radiator fins.
– Straighten the bent radiator fins carefully.
Regular use in sand
– Change the piston every 10 operating hours.

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8.6 Preparing the vehicle for riding on wet sand
– Check the radiator cap.
Value on the radiator cap 1.8 bar (26 psi)
» If the indicated value does not correspond to the setpoint
Danger of scalding During motorcycle oper-
ation, the coolant gets very hot and is under
– Do not open the radiator, the radiator hoses
or other cooling system components if the
engine or the cooling system are at operat-
ing temperature.
– Allow the cooling system and the engine to
cool down before you open the radiator, the
radiator hoses or other components of the
cooling system.
– In the event of scalding, rinse the area
affected immediately with lukewarm water.
– Change the radiator cap.
– Mount the air filter rain cover.
Air filter rain cover (79006921000)
Observe the KTM PowerParts fitting instructions.
– Clean the chain.
Chain cleaner ( p. 168)
– Mount the steel sprocket.
– Grease the chain.
Universal oil spray ( p. 169)
– Clean the radiator fins.
– Straighten the bent radiator fins carefully.
Regular use in sand
– Change the piston every 10 operating hours.

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8.7 Preparing the vehicle for riding on wet and muddy circuits
– Mount the air filter rain cover.
Air filter rain cover (79006921000)
Observe the KTM PowerParts fitting instructions.
– Mount the steel sprocket.
– Clean motorcycle. ( p. 150)
– Straighten the bent radiator fins carefully.
8.8 Preparing vehicle for high temperatures or slow riding
– Check the radiator cap.
Value on the radiator cap 1.8 bar (26 psi)
» If the indicated value does not correspond to the setpoint
Danger of scalding During motorcycle oper-
ation, the coolant gets very hot and is under
– Do not open the radiator, the radiator hoses
or other cooling system components if the
engine or the cooling system are at operat-
ing temperature.
– Allow the cooling system and the engine to
cool down before you open the radiator, the
radiator hoses or other components of the
cooling system.
– In the event of scalding, rinse the area
affected immediately with lukewarm water.
– Change the radiator cap.

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– Adjust the secondary drive to the road conditions.
The transmission oil heats up quickly when the clutch
is operated frequently due to an excessively high sec-
ondary drive.
– Clean the chain.
Chain cleaner ( p. 168)
– Clean the radiator fins.
– Straighten bent radiator fins carefully.
– Check the coolant level. ( p. 131)
8.9 Preparing the vehicle for low temperatures or snow
– Mount the air filter rain cover.
Air filter rain cover (79006921000)
Observe the KTM PowerParts fitting instructions.

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9.1 Checks and maintenance measures when preparing for use
Before every trip, check the condition of the vehicle and ensure that it is safe to operate.
The vehicle must be in perfect technical condition when it is being operated.
– Check the gear oil level. ( p. 147)
– Check the electrical system.
– Check the front brake fluid level. ( p. 100)
– Check the rear brake fluid level. ( p. 105)
– Check the front brake linings. ( p. 101)
– Check the brake linings of the rear brake. ( p. 107)
– Check that the brake system is functioning properly.
– Check the coolant level. ( p. 131)
– Check the chain for dirt. ( p. 87)
– Check the chain, rear sprocket, engine sprocket, and chain
guide. ( p. 90)
– Check the chain tension. ( p. 88)
– Check the tire condition. ( p. 114)
– Check tire pressure. ( p. 115)
– Check the spoke tension. ( p. 115)
The spoke tension must be checked regularly as incor-
rect spoke tension will strongly impair riding safety.
– Clean the dust boots of the fork legs. ( p. 66)
– Bleed the fork legs. ( p. 65)
– Check the air filter.
– Check the settings of all controls and ensure that they can be
operated smoothly.
– Check all screws, nuts, and hose clamps regularly for tight-
– Check the fuel level.
– Check 2-stroke oil level. ( p. 142)
9.2 Starting the vehicle
Danger of poisoning Exhaust gases are toxic and inhaling them may result in unconsciousness and death.
– Always make sure there is sufficient ventilation when running the engine.
– Use effective exhaust extraction when starting or running the engine in an enclosed space.
Engine damage High revving speed with a cold engine negatively impacts the lifespan of the engine.
– Always run the engine warm at a low speed.

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– Take the motorcycle off side stand 1 and secure the side
stand with rubber strap 2.
– Shift the transmission to neutral position.
Ambient temperature: < 10 °C (< 50 °F)
– Pull the cold start button fully out and turn it by a ¼ turn.
If the engine is warm, the cold start button must be
– Press the start button.
Do not open the throttle.
Press the start button for a maximum of 5 seconds.
Wait for 30 seconds before a further attempt at start-
At temperatures below 15 °C (60 °F), several attempts
at starting may be necessary to warm-up the lithium-ion
battery and thereby increase the starting power.
During the starting process, the malfunction indicator
lamp lights up.
9.3 Starting off
Switch on the light before riding the vehicle. You will be seen earlier by other motorists.
When you are riding, the side stand must be folded up and secured with the rubber strap.
– Pull the clutch lever, shift into first gear, release the clutch lever slowly and at the same time open the throt-
tle carefully.
9.4 Shifting, riding
Danger of accidents If you change down at high engine speed, the rear wheel blocks and the engine
– Do not change into a low gear at high engine speed.
Engine failure The engine will not be lubricated unless there is 2-stroke oil in the oil tank.
If the oil level warning light lights up, the 2-stroke oil is sufficient for the remaining tank of fuel.
– As soon as the oil level warning light lights up, ride for no longer than until the remaining fuel in the
tank is depleted.
– At the next opportunity add 2-stroke oil before you refuel.
– Time the oil pump if the 2-stroke oil hose has been removed or the 2-stroke oil tank has been fully
depleted in error.

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If you hear unusual noises while riding, stop immediately, switch off the engine, and contact an autho-
rized KTM workshop.
First gear is used for starting off and for steep inclines.
– Shift into a higher gear when conditions allow (incline, road situation, etc.). To do so, release the throttle
while simultaneously pulling the clutch lever, shift into the next gear, release the clutch lever and open the
– If the cold start function was activated, deactivate the cold start button after the engine has warmed up.
– After reaching maximum speed by fully opening the throttle grip, turn the throttle back so it is ¾ open. This
will barely reduce the speed, but fuel consumption will be considerably lower.
– Always open the throttle only as much as the engine can handle – abrupt throttle opening increases fuel con-
– To shift down, apply the brakes and close the throttle at the same time.
– Pull the clutch lever and shift into a lower gear, release the clutch lever slowly, and either open the throttle or
shift again.
– Switch off the engine if running at idle speed or stationary for a long time.
≥ 2 min
– Avoid frequent and longer slipping of the clutch. This causes the gear oil, engine and cooling system to heat
– Ride at a low engine speed instead of at a high engine speed with a slipping clutch.
9.5 Braking
Danger of accidents Excessively forceful application of the brakes blocks the wheels.
– Adjust application of the brakes to the respective riding situation and riding surface conditions.
Danger of accidents A spongy pressure point on the front or rear brake reduces braking efficiency.
– Check the brake system and do not continue riding until the problem is eliminated. (Your authorized
KTM workshop will be glad to help.)
Danger of accidents Moisture and dirt impair the brake system.
– Brake carefully several times to dry out and remove dirt from the brake linings and the brake discs.
– On sandy, wet or slippery surfaces, use the rear brake.
– Braking should always be completed before you go into a bend. Change down to a lower gear appropriate to
your road speed.

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9.6 Stopping, parking
Risk of misappropriation People who act without authorization endanger themselves and others.
– Do not leave the vehicle unattended if the engine is running.
– Protect the vehicle against access by unauthorized persons.
Danger of burns Some vehicle components become very hot when the vehicle is operated.
– Do not touch any parts such as the exhaust system, radiator, engine, shock absorber, or brake system
before the vehicle parts have cooled down.
– Let the vehicle parts cool down before you perform any work on the vehicle.
Material damage The vehicle may be damaged by incorrect procedure when parking.
Significant damage may be caused if the vehicle rolls away or falls over.
The components for parking the vehicle are designed only for the weight of the vehicle.
– Park the vehicle on a firm and level surface.
– Ensure that nobody sits on the vehicle when the vehicle is parked on a stand.
Fire hazard Hot vehicle components pose a fire hazard and explosion risk.
– Do not park the vehicle near to materials which are highly flammable or explosive.
– Allow the vehicle to cool down before covering it.
– Apply the brakes on the motorcycle.
– Shift the transmission to neutral position.
(All EXC models)
– Press and hold the switch-off button while the engine is idling until the engine stops.
(All XC‑W models)
– Press and hold the switch-off button while the engine is idling until the engine stops.
– Park the motorcycle on firm ground.
9.7 Transporting
Danger of damage The parked vehicle can roll away or fall over.
– Park the vehicle on a firm and level surface.
Fire hazard Hot vehicle components pose a fire hazard and explosion risk.
– Do not park the vehicle near to materials which are highly flammable or explosive.
– Allow the vehicle to cool down before covering it.

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– Switch off the engine.
– Use tension belts or other suitable devices to secure the
motorcycle against falling over or rolling away.
9.8 Refueling
Fire hazard Fuel is highly flammable.
The fuel in the fuel tank expands when warm and can escape if overfilled.
– Do not refuel the vehicle in the vicinity of open flames or lit cigarettes.
– Switch off the engine for refueling.
– Make sure that no fuel is spilled; particularly not on hot parts of the vehicle.
– If any fuel is spilled, wipe it off immediately.
– Observe the specifications for refueling.
Danger of poisoning Fuel is poisonous and a health hazard.
– Avoid skin, eye and clothing contact with fuel.
– Immediately consult a doctor if you swallow fuel.
– Do not inhale fuel vapors.
– In case of skin contact, rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
– Rinse the eyes thoroughly with water, and consult a doctor in case of fuel contact with the eyes.
– Change your clothing in case of fuel spills on them.
Material damage Inadequate fuel quality causes the fuel filter to quickly become clogged.
In some countries and regions, the available fuel quality and cleanliness may not be sufficient. This will result in
problems with the fuel system.
– Refuel only with clean fuel that meets the specified standards. (Your authorized KTM workshop will be glad to
Environmental hazard Improper handling of fuel is a danger to the environment.
– Do not allow fuel to enter the groundwater, the soil, or the sewage system.
– Open the fuel tank filler cap. ( p. 19)

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– Fill the fuel tank with fuel up to level A.
Level A 35 mm (1.38 in)
Total fuel tank
capacity, approx.
9 l
(2.4 US gal)
Super unleaded
95/PON 91)
( p. 167)
Do not refuel using pre-mixed fuel.
– Close the fuel tank filler cap. ( p. 20)
9.9 Adding 2-stroke oil
Engine failure The engine will not be lubricated unless there is 2-stroke oil in the oil tank.
If the oil level warning light lights up, the 2-stroke oil is sufficient for the remaining tank of fuel.
– As soon as the oil level warning light lights up, ride for no longer than until the remaining fuel in the
tank is depleted.
– At the next opportunity add 2-stroke oil before you refuel.
– Time the oil pump if the 2-stroke oil hose has been removed or the 2-stroke oil tank has been fully
depleted in error.
– Open 2-stroke oil tank cap. ( p. 20)
– Fill the 2-stroke oil tank up to the lower edge A of the filler
Only use 2-stroke oil which is appropriate for separate lubri-
2-stroke oil tank con-
tent approx.
0.6 l (0.6 qt.) Engine oil, 2-stroke
( p. 166)
– Close 2-stroke oil tank cap. ( p. 21)

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