Элементы двухкамерного карбюратора Weber 84 HF и 85 HF
А – крышка карбюратора, В – корпус пускового устройства, С – крышка пускового устройства с биметаллической пружиной, D – жиклер холостого хода II камеры, Е – вакуумный регулятор второй камеры, F – шаговый двигатель регулировки холостого хода (только Weber 85 HF), G – винт регулировки состава смеси холостого хода (содержания СО), Н – диафрагма ускорительного насоса, J – диафрагма обогащающего устройства полной нагрузки (полной мощности), К – диафрагма обогащающего устройства средних нагрузок, L – поплавок, М – эмульсионная трубка I камеры, N – жиклер холостого хода I камеры, Р – игольчатый клапан, Q – сетчатый топливный фильтр, R – эмульсионная трубка II камеры
Установка шагового двигателя регулировки холостого хода карбюратора Weber
А – толкатель шагового двигателя,
В – ограничительный болт рычага дроссельной заслонки смеси
Регулировка холостого хода карбюратора Weber 85 HF
Стрелкой показан винт регулировки состава смеси холостого хода.
В двигателе 1,6 дм3 типа LSD применяется двухкамерный карбюратор Weber 84 HF 9510 CA.
С модели 1985 года в двигателе 2,0 дм3 типа NET применяется карбюратор Weber 85 HF 9510 CA (в автомобилях с механической коробкой передач) либо Weber 8 HF 9510 DA (в автомобилях с автоматической коробкой передач). Конструкция основных элементов этих карбюраторов идентична карбюраторам Weber 83 HF, применяемым ранее в двигателях 2,0 дм3.
Карбюраторы Weber 84 HF и 85 HF содержат следующие новые элементы:
- дроссельная заслонка смеси II камеры управляется вакуумом, образуемом во впускном коллекторе;
- автоматическое пусковое устройство имеет электрический подогрев (только 85 HF – двигатель 2,0 дм3);
- число оборотов холостого хода регулируется при помощи электрического шагового двигателя, приводящего в движение дроссельную заслонку I камеры. Этот двигатель получает управляющие сигналы от модуля управления зажиганием ESC II (только 85 HF – двигатель 2,0 дм3).
Проверка и регулировка карбюраторов Weber
Ниже приведена информация, касающаяся только проверки и регулировки холостого хода, а также снятия и установки шагового двигателя управления дроссельной заслонкой смеси 1-й камеры на холостом ходу карбюраторов Weber 85 HF 9510 CA и DA, применяемых в двигателях 2,0 дм3 типа NET.
Снятие и установка шагового двигателя и основная регулировка холостого хода – двигатель 2,0 дм3 типа NET
Снятие и установка шагового двигателя регулировки холостого хода не представляют особых трудностей.
1. После установки следует провести основную регулировку следующим образом.
2. Прогреть двигатель до нормальной рабочей температуры, выключить все потребители тока и два раза увеличить число оборотов двигателя до величины около 2500 об/мин.
3. Вставить пластинку щупа толщиной 1 мм между концами толкателя (А) (см. рис. Установка шагового двигателя регулировки холостого хода карбюратора Weber) шагового двигателя регулировки холостого хода и ограничительным болтом (В) рычага дроссельной заслонки смеси. Число оборотов холостого хода двигателя должно составлять 875±25 об/мин.
4. Если число оборотов имеет несоответствующую величину, то следует ослабить контргайку ограничительного болта (В) и, вращая этим болтом, добиться необходимой величины числа оборотов холостого хода двигателя.
5. Извлечь пластину щупа и увеличить по крайней мере два раза число оборотов двигателя до величины около 2500 об/мин.
6. Снова установить пластину щупа на соответствующем месте и проверить, правильное ли число оборотов холостого хода двигателя.
7. Извлечь пластину щупа, проверить и в случае необходимости отрегулировать содержание СО в выхлопных газах.
Регулировка состава смеси (содержания СО) на холостом ходу – двигатель 2,0 дм3 типа NET
1. Прогреть двигатель до нормальной рабочей температуры.
2. Подсоединить тахометр и анализатор выхлопных газов.
3. Удерживать в течение около 30 секунд число оборотов двигателя на уровне 3000 об/мин и отпустить педаль акселератора.
4. После стабилизации показаний обоих приборов прочитать содержание СО на холостом ходу.
5. В случае необходимости отрегулировать содержание СО при помощи винта регулировки состава смеси холостого хода (см. рис. Регулировка холостого хода карбюратора Weber 85 HF).
6. Установить пломбу на винт регулировки состава смеси холостого хода.
Внимание! Число оборотов холостого хода регулируется электронным модулем управления зажигания ESC II, который управляет шаговым двигателем, поворачивающим дроссельную заслонку смеси на холостом ходу. Этот узел не подлежит регулировке.
Регулировочные данные карбюраторов Weber
Карбюратор |
84 HF 9510 СА (1/ 2 камера) |
85 HF 9510 СА (1/ 2 камера) |
85 HF 9510 DА (1/ 2 камера) |
Диаметр камеры (мм) |
28/ 30 |
30/ 34 |
30/ 34 |
Диаметр диффузора (мм) |
21/ 23 |
25/ 27 |
25/ 27 |
Главный топливный жиклер |
97/ 110 |
112/ 135 |
110/ 135 |
Главный воздушный жиклер |
185/ 190 |
165/ 150 |
160/ 150 |
Эмульсионная трубка |
F59/ F22 |
F22/ F22 |
F22/ F22 |
Топливный жиклер холостого хода |
50/ 40 |
45/ 45 |
45/ 45 |
Установка поплавка – от верхнего края (мм) |
6,0 ± 0,5 |
8,0 ± 0,5 |
8,0 ± 0,5 |
Отклонение пусковой воздушной заслонки при работе вакуумного регулятора (мм) |
6,25 ± 0,25 |
9,0 |
8,0 |
Число оборотов ускоренного холостого хода (об/мин) |
1700 ± 100 |
– |
– |
Число оборотов холостого хода (об/мин) |
800 ± 25 |
800* |
800* |
Содержание СО (%) |
1,0 ± 0,25 |
1,0 ± 0,25 |
1,0 ± 0,25 |
* Число оборотов холостого хода двигателя регулируется электронным модулем управления зажиганием ESC II.
Регулировка только для версий двигателя 1.6 … 159А3.000
Карбюратор Weber 32/34 TLDE 23/151
По этой информации я сам отрегулировал карбюратор.
Работает на много лучше чем было!Доволен результатом!
Двигателя работает ровно без провалов.Не дергается не троит.
Когда нажимайте на педаль газа резко…никаких провалов и опознаний на реагирование!
Было сделано как написано в мануале.
Информация с мануала только там разбросанные статьи .
Я сделал по порядку.
Вот здесь как я начал регулировку и уровень поплавковый камеры!
Всем удачи на дорогах!
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы писать комментарии, задавать вопросы и участвовать в обсуждении.
Ремонт и настройка карбюратора Вебер
Просмотров: 15163
Здравствуйте! Я уже делал материал, касаемый настройки карбюраторов, но он достаточно обобщённый, поэтому решено сделать 3 отдельных статьи по ремонту и настройки известных карбюраторов: «Вебер», «Озон» и «Солекс». Сегодня, на повестке дня у нас «старичок» под названием «Вебер». Данный карбюратор уже давно не выпускается, но на рынке некоторые фирмы всё же изготавливают аналоги, но это уже не тот Вебер, который был раньше. Они встречались на ещё первых моделях марок советских автомобилей: Москвич, Ваз, и т.д. Карбюратор настолько прост, что даже новичку не составит труда его отремонтировать и настроить, если всё сделать правильно, как я сейчас подробно расскажу. Поехали!
Итак, у нас на столе представитель первого семейства карбюраторов с двумя камерами. Чтобы снять его с автомобиля, нужно отсоединить все подходящие к нему шланги и открутить 4 гайки крепления к впускному коллектору.
При этом есть два важных момента — отсоединяя топливоподводящий шланг, готовьтесь к тому, что из шланга польётся бензин. В случае, если игольчатый клапан поплавковой камеры плохо держит — из карбюратора топливо может политься тоже. И последнее — это подогрев дроссельных заслонок и системы холостого хода (если этот патрубок у вас есть). Он соединён одной стороной с карбюратором и системой охлаждения двигателя. При снятии шланга польётся охлаждающая жидкость: вода или тосол.
Начинаем разборку с крышки — откручиваете 5 винтов, отсоединяете телескопическую тягу, потянув вверх и вывел из зацепления, и снимаете крышку.
Крышку откладываете в сторону, снимаете тягу привода первичной камеры пускового устройства, вытащив шплинт, и снимаете пружину рычага первичной камеры. Затем, отвинчиваете два болта крепления нижней крышки от корпуса.
Пожалуй, начнём с нижней крышки. У нас крышка с обеими дроссельными заслонками и их система привода, состоящая из осей, пружин и рычажков.
А с торца виднеется особо неприметный винт качества смеси, который нужно выкрутить. На нём есть уплотнительное кольцо. Зачастую оно рвётся или твердеет, то есть теряет свою эластичность. В таком случае его нужно будет обязательно заменить.
Заслонки снимать может оказаться проблематично, так как оси закисают и приходится их выбивать… советую хотя бы открутить заслонки от осей, вывернув по 2 винта на каждой. Если привода заслонок визуально нигде не погнулись, не проржавели до дыр (что очень редко), от руки без заеданий открываются и возвращаются, то можно их не разбирать. НА ЗАМЕТКУ! Закрытыми считаются заслонки, которые лежат чётко горизонтально, а когда открыты — вертикально. Правильная работа привода дроссельных заслонок: сначала начинает открываться заслонка первичной камеры, а при 50% открытии первичной заслонки, начинает открываться вторичная. В конце концов обе заслонки одновременно должны принять вертикальное положение.
Заранее подготавливаете ванночку из любой тары — металлический поднос или обрезанная канистра по размеру, кладёте туда крышку и заливаете жидкостью для очистки карбюраторов. Подождите несколько минут и попробуйте отмыть все части крышки жёсткой щёткой. Средство должно хорошо всё отъедать, но если не помогает, повторите процедуру снова или залейте и дайте постоять сутки.
Сами заслонки проверьте на плоскость, чтобы они были правильной круглой формы и не кривые. Также очистите их в карбклинере и можно для лучшего визуального эффекта полирнуть очень мелкой наждачкой. ОЧЕНЬ ВАЖНО! При полировке или выравнивании любых частей карбюратора, под наждачку кладите стекло, так как оно всегда идеально ровное, и у вас получится сделать правильную плоскость.
Собрав нижнюю крышку, хорошенько продуйте сжатым воздухом все отверстия — это каналы, по которым проходит топливо. Убедитесь, что они не забиты и при необходимости промойте. Направьте крышку на свет и посмотрите на заслонки. Они не должны пропускать через себя свет. Но при этом хочу обратить внимание на то, как они лежат. У каждой заслонки с боку карбюратора выходит лапка привода, которая упирается в винт. Вращая его, можно регулировать упор или по-другому сказав, просвет заслонок.
Закручивая понемногу упорный винт каждой заслонки, найдите положение, когда она еле-еле начнёт пропускать свет, а затем понемногу закручивайте винт до тех пор, пока этот просвет не исчезнет. Это делается для того, чтобы заслонка упиралась чётко в регулировочный винт, а не в стенку канала, иначе со временем, когда вы будете нажимать на газ, в этом месте образуется ямка, которая будет пропускать лишний воздух при нормально-закрытой заслонке.
С нижней крышкой закончили, переходим к корпусу. Шлицевой отвёрткой выкручиваете все жиклёры и распылитель ускорительного насоса. Поддев отвёрткой, вынимаете оба диффузора. Под воздушными жиклёрами, сидят эмульсионные трубки — их желательно вытащить. Для этого аккуратно забиваете туда саморез подходящего диаметра и пассатижами достаёте.
Сбоку от корпуса находится жиклёр холостого хода (отмечен на фото), закрытый либо заглушкой под шлицевую отвёртку либо электромагнитным клапаном, который откручивается гаечным ключом. В нашем случае, это заглушка, которая удерживает жиклёр. И есть ещё регулировочный винт добавочного воздуха, а с обратной стороны под заглушкой жиклёр переходной системы вторичной камеры.
Также сбоку находится ускорительный насос, который при нажатии на педаль газа, подаёт в первичную камеру через распылитель порцию топлива. Откручиваете 4 винта и снимаете крышку. Внутри диафрагма с толкателем и с обратной стороны пружинка. Сверху, со стороны ускорительного насоса есть регулировочный винт производительности данного насоса, под шлицевую отвёртку — откручиваете.
Все части тщательно отмываете и продуваете. Некоторые каналы, например такие как канал распылителя ускорительного насоса, его ещё называют слоник, можно прочистить при помощи одной тонкой медной жилки из-под провода, так как иголкой туда не подлезть. Обратите внимание, что у обоих диффузоров одна сторона плоская, а другая имеет 2 канала, которые должны совпасть с отверстиями каналов корпуса карбюратора. Учитывайте это при сборке, иначе карбюратор не будет работать. Не лишним будет восстановить плоскость с каналами наждачкой. В случае, когда при сборки диффузор неплотно входит в канал корпуса, аккуратно по боковинке постучите молотком, слегка его приплюснув, и он будет становиться плотнее.
Ускорительный насос собираете в обратном порядке с заменой диафрагмы. Советую крышку ускорительного насоса прочесать мелкой наждачкой для лучшей плоскости и закручивайте болты крышки крест-накрест, чтобы диафрагму не закусило и она легла равномерно, исключая подсосы воздуха. Все жиклёры и трубки проверьте на просвет, чтобы они не были забиты! Закручиваете назад жиклёры и распылитель. Главное не попутайте их местами! Жиклёры следует подбирать в соответствии с заводской таблицей. На корпусе указана маркировка модели карбюратора в соответствии с которой, вы находите в таблице свою модель и подбираете жиклёры. Их номер можно разглядеть под увеличительным стеклом. Но обычно на какие жиклёры стоит обращать внимание, это на топливные, воздушные и жиклёр холостого хода. В основном устанавливают жиклёр холостого хода 55, топливные жиклёры 112 (первичной камеры) и 150 (вторичной), воздушные жиклёры 170 (первичной) и 150 (вторичной).
Корпус закончен, осталась крышка. Ключом окручиваете заглушку тонкого фильтра и вынимаете его. Советую его заменить, поэтому старый сразу выбрасывайте, уж поверьте. Наше топливо итак не отличается качеством, а долгая работа карбюратора зависит от качества очистки этого топлива, ведь каналы очень маленькие и они быстро забиваются.
Аккуратно выбиваете оську поплавка, снимаете поплавок, убираете старую прокладку, и выкручиваете ключом седло игольчатого клапана. Сбоку крышки находится пусковое устройство, крышка которого крепится на 3 болтах. Внутри одна картонная прокладка и диафрагма.
Крышка полностью разобрана, теперь всё в тару и отмывать. Сборка в обратном порядке с обязательной заменой прокладки с диафрагмой пускового устройства (поправьте плоскость крышки наждачкой) и прокладки между крышкой и корпусом карбюратора. При сборке крышки карбюратора, следует проверить работу старого игольчатого клапана, путём всасывания ртом воздуха через топливоподводящий штуцер. Принцип работы системы такой: когда в поплавковой камере уровень топлива низок, поплавок опущен вниз и соответственно игольчатый клапан открыт и в камеру поступает топливо. С ростом уровня топлива, поплавок постепенно всплывает, перекрывая клапан, пока он при максимальном уровне, полностью не закроется и перестанет пропускать топливо. Во время проверки, вы всасываете ртом воздух, который при открытом клапане должен спокойно проходить, а если вы нажмёте на него, то при исправном клапане, воздух не должен пропускаться.
Перед установкой поплавка, наденьте на крышку карбюратора новую прокладку, а старый поплавок полностью погрузите в резервуар с водой. Если он всплывает — поплавок исправен. Теперь устанавливаете поплавок на место. Расположив крышку карбюратора вертикально, замерьте расстояние от крышки до поплавка, оно должно быть в пределах 6-7 мм. Данный зазор выставляется путём аккуратного подгибания рычага поплавка. Добейтесь данного зазора. О его дальнейшей настройке поговорим позже, так как её мы сделаем после установки карбюратора на автомобиль.
Что по итогу мы сделали? На данный момент были прочищены все каналы, по которым идёт топливо и приготавливается горючая смесь. Также заменены диафрагмы ускорительного насоса и пускового устройства и поправлена плоскость их крышек. То есть вся система прочищена и устранена первая причина неправильной работы карбюратора. Вторая причина это подсосы воздуха, которые могут возникать между всеми тремя частями карбюратора. Поставив каждую часть на стекло или металлическую линейку (убедитесь, что она ровная на том же стекле), проверьте плоскость. При её искривлении, это будет хорошо видно невооружённым глазом. Чаще всего искривлена плоскость на фланце корпуса карбюратора в месте крепления его к впускному коллектору (отверстия для шпилек). А всё потому, что люди перетягивают на них гайки и фланец ведёт. В большинстве случаев именно из-под фланца идёт подсос воздуха, и дополнительная прокладка не спасает ситуацию. Небольшое искривление прокладка ещё возможно исправит, а вот сильное — нет.
Искривления плоскости убираются, помещая часть карбюратора под пресс, предварительно нагрев деталь, что я считаю более правильно, либо небольшие искривления можно снимать наждаком. Это никак не повлияет на характеристики и работу карбюратора, но толщина становится тоньше. В любом случае, перетягивать гайки крепления нельзя и всё будет долго служить. Лично я выравниваю прессом. При помощи газовой горелки, которую можно приобрести за 500 рублей, я прогреваю часть карбюратора, снизу и сверху кладу ровную стальную плиту, придавливаю прессом (главное не перестараться) и оставляю на 15-20 минут, чтобы металл остыл и принял форму.
Главное убедитесь, что с части карбюратора, которую вы будете выравнивать не торчала трубка, иначе её сплющит и придётся покупать новую. Заранее вытащите их, а потом вернёте назад. И после выравнивания плоскости, рекомендую на мелкой наждачке немного прочесать части карбюратора, чтобы сделать плоскость идеальной.
Когда плоскость на всех частях карбюратора исправлена, можно переходить к его сборке. Между нижней крышкой и корпусом, прокладку обязательно устанавливайте новую и обращайте внимание на правильность её установки, иначе поставив её не той стороной, вы можете перекрыть один из топливных каналов и карбюратор не будет работать.
Крышку пока прикручивать рано, так как нужно проверить работу ускорительного насоса. Для этого наливаете в поплавковую камеру бензин. Много его не нужно, достаточно, чтобы уровень доходил до центра отливки в корпусе поплавковой камере — это кстати требуемый уровень топлива в камере, который поддерживается правильной работой поплавка.
Вращая до упора рычаг привода дроссельной заслонки первичной камеры, с обратной стороны оси заслонки, эксцентрик воздействует на рычаг в корпусе ускорительного насоса, внутри которого диафрагма толкает бензин и выпрыскивает его через распылитель над заслонкой. То есть при каждом вращении рычага привода заслонки, распылитель должен подать дополнительную порцию топлива. Обратите внимание, чтобы струя попадала не на саму заслонку, а в сам зазор в момент её открытия, то есть непосредственно во впускной коллектор. Если этого не происходит и струя попадает на заслонку, можно аккуратно подогнуть носик распылителя и добиться точного попадания в зазор.
Теперь проверим качество дозировки этого топлива. Под карбюратор подставьте чистую ёмкость и сделайте вращением рычага привода заслонки 10 впрысков. Собравшееся в ёмкости топливо, наберите в 10-ти кубовый шприц и проверьте, чтобы объём составлял 7-8 кубиков бензина. Если набранного объёма слишком мало, возможно забит жиклёр ускорительного насоса или он стоит меньше требуемого для данной модели карбюратора. В случае, если топливо вообще не выпрыскивается из распылителя, то не работает или загрязнён клапан ускорительного насоса. Его следует ещё раз промыть-продуть или же через наставку выбить заглушку, которая удерживает шарик клапана и также промыть-продуть с заменой шарика. Оставшееся топливо в поплавковой камере после проверки слейте.
Можно устанавливать крышку. Крепления крышки закручиваются крест накрест, для равномерного распределения прокладки — не забывайте об этом! И хочу отметить, что на старых карбюраторах, используется телескопическая тяга пускового устройства закрытого типа. Она очень не надёжная, так как со временем в движущиеся элементы попадает грязь и сам «телескоп» перестаёт двигаться. Поэтому советую установить тягу открытого типа, которую можно найти в ремкомплектах данной модели карбюратора.
Ваш карбюратор собран! Переходим к его настройке. Итак, разберёмся с пусковым устройством. Если посмотреть сбоку, то мы видим, что пусковое устройство соединено телескопической тягой с рычажком привода дроссельной заслонки первичной камеры. Если вы не знаете как работает пусковое устройство, то всё достаточно просто: при запуске холодного двигателя, требуется богатая смесь. Перед пуском вы полностью вытягиваете «подсос», который тросиком из салона соединён с воздушной заслонкой в крышке карбюратора. Заслонка полностью перекрывает воздушный канал первичной камеры, так как на холостом ходу и малой нагрузке на двигатель, открывается только первичная камера.
Поворачивая ключ зажигания, стартер начинает вращать двигатель, внутри карбюратора создаётся разрежение, которое воздействует на диафрагму пускового устройства, а та в свою очередь через шток и тяги приоткрывает воздушную и дроссельную заслонку на нужный угол так, чтобы в камеру сгорания поступила богатая смесь и двигатель завёлся. Думаю вы не раз замечали, что если на рабочем двигателе вытащить «подсос», обороты будут составлять почти 3 тыс. Так вот, регулировка пускового устройства, заключается в настройке правильного зазора открытия дроссельной и воздушной заслонки. У дроссельной это зазор в пределах 0,7-0,9 мм, а у воздушной — 5,0-5,5 мм.
В качестве измерительного инструмента, понадобится 2 сверла, подходящего диаметра. Так как зазоры заслонок активируются при вращении стартером, но можно их открыть и вручную, как бы сымитировав разрежение в диафрагме пускового устройства. Для этого сначала нажмите на рычаг привода воздушной заслонки, чтобы она полностью перекрыла канал первичной камеры, а затем на шток пускового устройства. Теперь вы можете увидеть оба зазора. Сначала их проверьте и при отклонении отрегулируйте.
Зазор дроссельной заслонки, регулируется подгибанием тяги при помощи пассатижей — главное не перестарайтесь с этим. Подогнули тягу, сымитировали пусковые зазоры, проверили сверлом, если не соответствует — ещё раз подогнули и проверили.
Для регулировки зазора воздушной заслонки, в центре крышки пускового устройства, есть заглушка под шлицевую отвёртку. Выкрутив её, внутри также под шлиц есть регулировочный винт, при вращении которого меняется зазор заслонки. Вращайте его как раз во время имитации пуска, чтобы было удобнее следить за изменениями.
Регулировка пускового устройства закончена, теперь заменив прокладку между впускным коллектором и самим карбюратором, устанавливаете его на автомобиль. Между карбюратором и коллектором прокладка состоит из трёх частей: две прокладки и одна текстолитовая проставка! Только не перетягивайте крепёжные гайки, иначе снова погнётся фланец и будет лишний «подсос воздуха»! Затягивайте от руки до небольшого упора, не переживайте, что вдруг недотянете – прокладка всё уплотнит.
Накидываете тягу привода дроссельных заслонок, проверьте, чтобы при полном нажатии педали газа они открывались полностью, и при необходимости отрегулируйте тягу привода, путём откручивания/закручивания тяги, отпустив предварительно контргайку. Также проверьте привод воздушной заслонки (подсоса), чтобы при вытягивании «подсоса» из салона, воздушная заслонка полностью закрывалась и открывалась.
Остаётся настроить уровень топлива в поплавковой камере. При его несоответствии, карбюратор будет плохо работать. Как я уже говорил, уровень выставляется путём подгибания кронштейна поплавка, таким образом, вы регулируете на какую высоту он будет подниматься, найдя оптимальное положение, чтобы поплавок перекрыл игольчатый клапан при правильном максимальном уровне топлива.
Сначала проверим какой уровень будет на данный момент. Для этого надеваете на штуцер топливоподводящий шланг и при помощи ручного привода топливного насоса накачиваете топливо в карбюратор. Сколько именно нужно сделать качков я вам не скажу, так как производительность насосов может быть разная, но в быстром темпе, примерно одну минуту придётся покачать.
Откручиваете крышку карбюратора и аккуратно снимаете. Уровень топлива должен визуально быть в центре отливки корпуса поплавковой камеры карбюратора. По идее, то что мы до этого добились правильного зазора между поплавком и вертикально-расположенной крышкой, должно быть достаточно для нужного уровня топлива. А при проверке мы в этом убедились. Небольшое отклонение уровня в 1 мм допустимо, однако если же уровень сильно не соответствует — исправьте это подгибанием рычага.
Прикручиваете крышку обратно, накидываете все шланги и электромагнитный клапан (если он у вас есть) и можно запускать двигатель. Для начала расскажу о настройке холостого хода, которую вы будете сейчас делать. Так как на карбюраторах Вебер нет привычного для нас винта количества оборотов, это количество регулируется упорным винтом дроссельной заслонки первичной камеры, то есть её приоткрытием, так как прям на её уровне в воздушном канале находится отверстие системы холостого хода, через которое подаётся топливо. На деле дроссельная заслонка меняет просвет этого отверстия. Винт качества, как вы уже знаете есть и его нужно вывернуть на 3 полных оборота.
Попробуйте запустить двигатель с «подсосом». Если мотор не запускается или когда вы убираете «подсос» глохнет — немного приоткройте дроссельную заслонку вращением упорного винта и повторите попытку. Добейтесь запуска двигателя и его работе без «подсоса». Когда он прогреется до рабочей температуры, можно приступать к регулировке холостого хода. Винтом положения дроссельной заслонки первичной камеры, выставляете 900-1000 об/мин. По мануалу нужно использовать тестер уровня вредных веществ на выхлопе и выставлять 800 об/мин. Но по своему опыту лучше 900 или 1000 так как и зарядка АКБ будет лучше и мотор будет работать ровнее. Далее вращая винт качества, добейтесь устойчивых оборотов двигателя, но при этом нужно найти такое положение винта качества, при котором и обороты устойчивые и при вращении на пол оборота данного винта в обе стороны, обороты не меняются. То есть находим «золотую середину», что будет свидетельствовать о правильной и точной настройке смесеобразования системы холостого хода.
Кому понимание этого даётся слишком сложно, приведу пример и кстати можете для лучшего усвоения материала сами попробовать попрактиковать. Главное внимательно слушайте за тем как работает двигатель и следите за его реакцией. Сначала немного теории. У нас есть 2 регулировочных винта: винт количества оборотов и винт качества смеси. Винтом количества оборотов мы регулируем количество топлива, которое подаётся системой холостого хода в пространство за дроссельной заслонкой. Не путайтесь, так как при холостом ходу, заслонка закрыта и топливо через специальный канал под ней подаётся для работы мотора на холостом ходу. А когда водитель нажимает на газ, заслонка открывается и уже начинает работать переходная система с режима холостого хода на режим эксплуатирования двигателя под нагрузкой, то есть обогащения смеси. А винтом качества регулируется количество воздуха, которое подаётся в систему холостого хода и которое будет смешиваться с топливом, которое мы регулируем винтом количества.
Итак, не трогая винт количества оборотов или как в нашем случае регулировочный винт дроссельной заслонки, если закрутить винт качества до упора, мотор станет работать неустойчиво, то есть то количество воздуха, которое мы подаём винтом качества недостаточно для полного сгорания того объёма топлива, которое мы задали винтом количества. Теперь выкручивая винт качества, мы увеличиваем зазор воздушного канала и подаём больше воздуха. В этот момент слышно как двигатель начинает работать устойчиво, это так называемая «горка». Когда мы продолжаем дальше выкручивать винт качества, воздуха становится больше чем достаточно и мотор снова начинает работать неустойчиво. И вот наша с вами задача найти именно «вершину» этой «горки», то есть самое оптимальное положение винта качества, при котором мотор будет работать максимально устойчиво. По законам физики, а в нашем случае это горение топливо-воздушной смеси, при слишком богатой смеси (больше бензина-меньше воздуха) и при слишком бедной (меньше бензина больше-воздуха) не может достигаться полное и своевременное воспламенение и мотор будет работать неустойчиво. Я на этом делаю акцент, так как многие считают, что неустойчивая работа может быть только при бедной смеси. Как видите это далеко не так.
Хочу сделать замечание! Перед настройкой холостого хода, убедитесь, что по зажиганию, топливному насосу и двигателю нет проблем, иначе настройка не сработает! Более подробно об этом я напишу в отдельном материале, и расскажу как всё вышеперечисленное настраивать. На этом материал подошёл к концу. При чистых каналах и правильно отрегулированных системах карбюратора, двигатель будет заводиться в любую погоду, без нажатии педали газа, будет ровно работать и обладать отличными динамическими характеристиками. Я очень надеюсь, что вам было интересно и понятно. До скорых встреч!
Карбюратор WEBER 2V Ford Scorpio
Общие сведения
Карбюратор Weber 2V
Карбюратор Weber 2V с вертикальным потоком и автоматической заслонкой. Открытие дроссельных заслонок последовательное.
Двухкамерные карбюраторы Weber устанавливаются на двигатели OHC и DOHC.
В карбюраторе имеются главные дозирующие системы в первой и второй камере, система холостого хода первой камеры, переходные системы первой и второй камеры, экономайзер мощностных режимов, ускорительный насос, автоматическое пусковое устройство и электроподогреватель всасываемого воздуха.
Дроссельная заслонка второй камеры управляется вакуумом, создаваемым в первичной камере.
Обогрев автоматической воздушной заслонки только электрический. Вакуумное возвратное устройство приоткрывания заслонки является единым целым с корпусом.
Отличительной особенностью карбюратора является шаговый двигатель, управляющий положением дроссельной заслонкой. Этот двигатель управляется модулем электронного контроля зажигания МК II (модуль ESC II) и поддерживает стабильность холостого хода, а также управляет положением дроссельной заслонки при уменьшении оборотов, запуске и остановке двигателя. В результате достигается оптимальный расход топлива и низкий уровень СО.
Видео про «Карбюратор WEBER 2V» для Ford Scorpio
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Форд Сиера Вебер 30-34 DFTH
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The Haynes Weber Carburetor Manual by A K Legg LAE MIMI, Don Peers, Robert Maddox and John H Haynes Member of the Guild of Motoring Writers Models covered: Weber carburetor types: DAF, DCD, DFA, DFV, DFD, DFE, DFM, DFT, DGV, DIF, IDA, IDF, IDS, IDT, DCNF, DCOE, DFAV, DFTA, DGAS, DGAV, IDAP and IDTP Zenith Stromberg carburetor types: CD, CDS, CD-2S, CDSE, CD-2S E, CDST and CDSET SU carburetor types: H, HD, HS, HIF (includi ng electron ic) and auxiliary starting devices ABCDE , FGHU Haynes Publishing Group Sparkford Nr Yeovi l Somerset BA22 7JJ England Haynes North America, Inc 861 Lawrence Drive Newbury Park California 91320 USA Acknowledgments We are indebted to Martin Goodall of Weber Carburettors (UK) Limited, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, for supplying technical material and for being helpful with advice and the supply of carburretors used during the compilation of this Manual. We are also indebted to the Zenith Carburretter Company Limited of Honeypot Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex HAl 1EG, the manufacturer of Stromberg carburettors. for publishing their technical material. Thanks are due to Hobourn SU Limited of Wood Lane, Erdington, Birmingham, and to Burien Fuel Systems Limited of Spitfire House, Castle Road, Salisbury, for the supply of technical data. Special thanks go to Plowman Motors of Yeovil, for supplying one of the project vehicles. Sykes-Pickavant supplied some of the workshop tools. We also wish to thank a number of people who where kind enough to lend us vehicles, carburetors and supply us with technical information and assistance, they are: Garry Pollard of Long Beach, California; Josh Sadler of Autofarm, Amersham, Bucks; Terry Batchelor of the Crewkerne Tyre Company, Crewkerne, Somerset; Pete Wareham of Corville Auto Engineers, Babylon Hill, Sherborne, Dorset; Graham Briginshaw of Western Services, Bristol; Jonathon Evans of IIminster Motor Company, IIminster Somerset; Tony Bishop of Autoconti Limited, Southwick, Trowbridge, Wiltshire; Ford Motor Company (BG) Limited; Messers Derringtons of Kingston, Surrey; Wincanton Garages (Yeovil) Limited of Addlewell Lane, Yeovil, Somerset; 'Steptoe' of Market Place, Wincanton, Somerset; Alelc Rollo, (Vauxhall Chevette); Martin Penny, (Saab 99); Hot VW Magazine; Bill Hart of Bill Hart's Street Rods, Ventura California; Martin Hudson; John Haynes, our chairman; Jay Storer, Newbury Park; all the people at Sparkford: Brian Horsfall, Les Brazzier, Terry Davey, Tim Parker Chris Rogers and Stanley Rudolph © Haynes North America, Inc. 1995 With permission from J.H. Haynes & Co. Ltd. A book in the Haynes Automotive Repair Manual Series Printed in the U.S.A. AI! rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. ISBN 1 56392 157 X Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 95-077793 While every attempt is made to ensure that the information in this manual is correct, no liability can be accepted by the authors or publishers for loss, damage or injury caused by any errors in, or omissions from, the information given. 95-352 Contents Introductory pages About this manual Conversion factors Safety first! Part 1 Introduction Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Part 2 1 2 3 4 5 Basic carburetion Carburetor fitting Maintenance and servicing Overhaul Converting to Weber carburetors Weber Carburetors Chapter 6 Type 28/36 DCD Chapter 7 Type 32 DFD, 32 DFE, 32 DFM, 32 DIF, 32 DAF, 32 DGV, 32/36 DFV, 32/36 DGV, 32/36 DFAV, 32/36 DGAV Chapter 8 Type 46 IDA, 48 IDA, 40 IDA 3C, 40 IDS 3C, 40 IDT 3C,46 IDA 3C, 40 IDAP 3C, 40 IDTP 3C, 40 IDTP 13C Chapter 9 Type 40 DFA, 40 DFAV, 34 DGAS, 38 DGAS Chapter 10 Type 32 DFT, 32 DFTA, 32 DFTA 1 Chapter 11 Type 38 to 48 DCOE Chapter 12 Type 40 IDF, 44 IDF, 48 IDF Chapter 13 Type 36 DCNF, 40 DCNF, 42 DCNF, 44 DCNF Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapter 14 Series CD, CDS and CD-2S Chapter 15 Series CDSE and CD-2SE Chapter 16 Series CDST and COSET Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 Type H Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 18 19 20 21 0-4 0-5 0-6 1 2 3 4 Type HD Type HS Type HIF Auxiliary starting devices Part 5 Appendix Appendix 1 Original equipment jet setting list for Weber carburetors Appendix 2 Conversion equipment jet setting list for Weber carburetors Appendix 3 Applications list for Zenith Stromberg carburetors Appendix 4 Metering needles charts for Zen ith Stromberg carburetors Appendix 5 Metering needles cross-reference chart for Zenith Stromberg carburetors Appendix 6 Applications list for SU carburetors Appendix 7 Needle charts for SU carburetors Appendix 8 Needle cross-reference chart for SU carburetors Appendix 9 Jet identification information for SU carburetors 5 0-4 About this manual This is a manual written for the do-it-yourself car owner whose vehicle is fitted with a Weber, Zenith Stromberg or SU carburetor. Because the carburetor is a fine precision instrument, the book has to assume the reader has a basic familiarity of carburetors. For example it assumes that the owner has a basic understanding of the mechanical systems of a vehicle, where the carburetor is fitted and how to adjust the ignition timing (if the owner does not possess this knowledge, it can easily be obtained from the Haynes Automotive Repair Manual for the particular vehicle in question). This manual discusses the operation of the carburetor, isolating it from the remainder of the automobile, explaining its function in detail and relating it to other systems when necessary. This is a comprehensive manual for the indicated types of Weber, Zenith Stromberg and SU carburetors. A great deal of mystique surrounds the carburetor, its function and tuning. This manual explodes that mystique and guides the owner through theory, maintenance, overhaul and tuning, using only the necessary tools any reasonably equipped home workshop will possess. It does not over-complicate the issue by giving superfluous information which is of no practical use. By definition it is not possible to dictate to you when to service your carburetor, nor whether the law allows you to alter any settings (in some locations environmental agencies specifically forbid it). This manual simply provides a guide and the needed information should servicing the carburetor become necessary. Every effort has been made to ensure that this manual is up-todate. However, it should be noted that modifications in design and production are often an on-going process and differences in your carburetor may exist. While extreme care is taken to ensure that the technical information in this manual is correct, no liability can be accepted by the authors or publishers for loss, damage or injury caused by any errors in, or omissions from, the information given. 0-5 Conversion factors Length (distance) Inches On} Feet (tt) Miles X 25.4 X 0.305 X 1.609 = Millimetres (mm) = Me tres (m) X X X X X X X X = Cubic centim etres (co; em s) Litres (I) Kilom etres (km) X 0.0394 X 3 .281 X 0 .621 Inc hes (in) Feet (ft) Miles Volume (cap acity) 16.387 0.568 1.137 1.201 0.9 46 4 .546 1.201 3.785 0 .06 1 1.76 0.8 8 0.833 1.0 57 0.2 2 0.833 0.264 = C ubic inch es (eu in; in3) Litres (I) US qua rts (US qt) Litr es (I) Litres (I) US ga llons (US gal) = Litres (I) X X X X X X X X X 28 .35 X 0.454 = Grams (g) = Kilograms (kg) X 0.035 X 2.205 = O unces (oz) X 0.278 X 4.448 X 0.1 = Newtons (N) = Newt o ns (N) = Kilog rams- force (kgf; kg) X 3.6 X 0.225 X 9 .8 1 = Ounces-force (ozf; az) X 0.070 = Kilog rams- force per square X 14.223 = Poun ds-fo rce per sq uare inch inch X 0.068 centim etre (kgflc m2; kg/cm2) = At mospheres (atm) X 14.696 = Pounds -fo rce per square inch inch X 0.0 69 Bars X 14.5 inc h X 6.8 95 Kilo pascals (kPa) X 0.145 X O.D1 Kilog rams-force per sq uare ce ntim etre (kgf/cm2; kg/cm 2) Pasca ls (Pa) Pounds-force per sq uare inc h (psi ; Ibf/i n2; lb/in2) Mil limetres of me rcury (mm Hg) Inches of water VnHzO} X 98 .1 Cubic inc hes (eu in; in3) Impe rial p int s (Imp pt) Imperial q uarts (Imp qt) Imperial qu arts (Imp qt) US quarts (US qt) Impe rial gallons (Imp gal) Imp erial ga llons (Imp gal) US gallons (US gal) Imperia l pints (Imp pt) Imperial qu arts (Im p qt) Imperial quarts (Im p qt) US quarts (US qt) Imperial gallon s (Imp gal) Imperial gallons {Imp gal) US gallons (US gal) M ass (w eig ht) Ounces (oz) Po unds (lb) = Pound s (lb) Force Ounces-f orce (ozf; oz) Pounds-force (lbf; Ib) Newtons (N) Pounds -force (lbf; Ib) Newton s (N) Pressure Pounds - force per square (psi; lbf/inz; Ibo n2) Pound s-fo rce per sq uare (ps i; lbf/in z: Ib/i n2) Pounds-for ce pe r squar e (psi; Ibf/in2; Ib/ inZ) Pounds-force per squa re (psi ; Ibf/i n2; Iblin2) Kilo pas cals (kPa) inch Millibar (mbar) Milli ba r (mbar) X 100 X 0.0145 = = Milli bar (mbar) Millibar (m bar) X X X X = = = Inches of water (inH 2O) = Po und s-fo rce pe r squ are inch M illimetres of m ercury (mmHg) Inc hes of wate r (inH2O) 0.7 5 0.401 0 .535 0.036 (ps i; Ibflin2; lb/in2) X 0.01 X 68 .94 7 X X X X 1.333 2 .49 1 1.868 27 .68 (psi; lbf/inz: lb/ina) Pounds-fo rce pe r sq uare inch (psi; Ibf/in2; Ib/ ln 2) Pou nds -f orce per SQ uare inch (psi ; lbf/ in2; Ib/in2) = Kilo pas ca ls (kPa) Millibar (mba r) Millibar (mbar) = Milli bar (mbar) Milli bar (mbar) = M illim etres of m ercu ry (mm Hg) = Inches of water ~ n H20) (ps i; Ibflin2; Ib/i n 2) Torque (momen t of force) Poun ds-force inc hes (lbf in; Ib in) Pounds-force inch es (Ibf in; Ib in) Pounds-fo rce inches (Ibf in; Ib in) Pou nds-f orce f eet (lbt It ; Ib tt) X 1.152 Pound s-force feet (lbl ft; lb tt) New ton metres (Nm) X 1.356 X 0 .102 X 0.113 X 0.OB3 X 0. 138 = Kilograms-f orc e centim etre (kgt em ; kg em) Newton metres (Nm) X 0 .868 Pounds-fo rce feet (Ibf ft; lb tt) X 12 Kilog ram s-f orce metres (kgf m ; kg m) Newton metr es (Nm) Kilograms -torce me tr es (kgf m; kg m) X 7.233 X 8 .85 X 0.738 Pounds-force (Ibt in; Ib in) Pounds-force (Ibf in; Ib in) Po unds-force (Ibf in; Ib in) = Pounds-force inches inch es inches feet (lbf 11; lb ft) X 9.804 Pound s-fo rce teet (Ibf ft; Ib ftl Newt on metres (Nm) X 0.0013 Horsepower (hp) Power X 745 .7 Horsepower (hpj = Watts CN> Velocity (speed) Miles per hou r (mileslhr; mph) X 1.609 Kilometres pe r hou r (kmlhr; kph) X 0.6 21 Mi les p er ho ur (mileslhr; mph) X 0 .354 Kilometres per litr e (km/l) Kilo metr es per litre (km/l) X 2 .825 X 2.3 52 Miles per gallo n, Imperial (mpg) Miles per gallon , US (mpg) Fuel consumption ' Miles per ga llon, Imperial (mpg ) Miles per gallon , US (mpg) X 0 .425 Temperature Deg rees Fahrenheit = (~ C x 1.8) + 32 Deg rees Cels ius (Degrees Centigrade; "C) = (OF ~ 32) • It is common practice to convert from miles per gallon (mpg) to Iitresl1 00 kilometres (1/100km), whe re mp g (Imp erial) x 11100 km = 282 an d mpg (US) x 1/100 km = 23 5 x 0.56 0-6 Safety first Regardless of how enthusiastic you may be about getting on w ith the job at hand , take the time to ensure that your safety is not jeopardized. A mo ment 's lack of attent ion can result in an acc ident, as can fail ure to obse rve certain simple safety preca utions . The possibility of an acc ident will always exist , and the followi ng points sho uld not be co nsidered a comprehensive list of all dang ers. Rather. they are intended to make you awa re of the risks and to encourag e a safety conscious app roach to all work you carry out on your vehicle. Essential DOs and DON'Ts DON 'T rely on a jac k w hen wo rking un der t he vehic le . Alwa ys use app roved jac kstands to suppo rt t he weight of the veh icle and pl ace them under the recomm ended lift or support point s. DON 'T att empt to loosen extremely ti ght fasteners (i.e. w heel lug nuts) whi le the vehicle is on a jack - it may fall. DON 'T start the eng ine w itho ut first making sure that the transmission is in Neutral (or Park w here applicable) and the parking brake is set. DON 'T remove the rad iator cap from a hot cooli ng system - let it coo t or co ver it wit h a c loth and release the pressure gradually. DON 'T attempt to drain the engine oil until you are sure it has coo led to the point that it w ill not burn you. DON 'T t ou ch any pa rt of the engi ne or exh aust sy stem until it has cool ed sufficiently to avoid burns. DON 'T siphon tox ic liquids such as gasoline, antifreeze and brake fluid by mouth , or allow them to remain on your skin . DON 'T inhale brake lining dust - it is potenti ally haz ardous (see Asbe stos below) DON 'T allow spilled oil or grease to rema in on the floor - w ipe it up before so meone slips on it. DON 'T use loose fitt ing w renc hes or ot her to ols whi ch may slip and cause injury . DON'T push on wrenc hes when loosening or tightening nuts or bolts. Alwa ys try to pull the w renc h t oward y ou. If the si tuation ca lls for pushing the wrench away, push with an open hand to avoid scr aped knuc kles if the wren ch should slip. DON 'T att empt to lift a heavy co mponent alone - get someone to help you. DON 'T rush or take unsafe shortc uts to finish a job. DON 'T allow chi ldren or animals in or around the vehicle wh ile you are wo rking on it. DO w ear eye pr ot ecti on when usin g po wer tools su ch as a dr ill . sander, bench grind er, etc. and when work ing under a vehicle . 00 keep loose clothing and long hair well out of the way of m oving parts. DO mak e su re th at any hoist used has a safe wo rk ing load rat ing adequ ate for the job. DO get someone to check en you periodica lly wh en wo rking alone on a vehicle. DO carry out wo rk in a logical sequence and make sure that everyth ing is co rrectly assembled and t ightened . DO keep c hemica ls and fluids tightly capped and out of the reach of children and pets. DO reme mber that your vehic le's safety affects that o f yourself and others. If in doubt on any po int, get profess ional adv ice. Fire Remembe r at all tim es that gasoline is highly flamm abl e. Never smoke or have any kind of o p en flam e aroun d when work ing on a vehicle. But the risk doe s no t end there. A spark c aused by an elect rica l short circuit , by two met al surfaces contacti ng each oth er, or even by stati c elect rlc fty built up in your bod y under certain con ditions, c an ignite gasolin e v apo rs, wh ich in a co nfi ned spac e are high ly exp losive. Do not, under any circ umstances, use gasoline for cleaning part s. Use an approved safety solvent. Alw ays d isc onnect th e batte ry ground H ca ble at the b att ery before w ork ing on any part of the fuel system or elec trical syste m. Never risk spilling fu el on a ho t engin e or exhaust co mpo nent. It is stron gly reco mmended that a fire extinguisher suitable for use on fuel and electrica l fir es be kept handy in th e garage or w orks hop at all times. Never try to extinguish a fuel or electrical fire with water. Fumes Ce rt ain fumes are highly toxic and can qu ic kly c ause unconsci ousn ess and even death if inhaled to any ext ent. Gaso line vapo r falls int o th is cat egory, as do th e vapors from so me cleaning solvents. Any draining or pourin g of such volatile fluid s should be don e in a well ventil ated area. When using cleaning fluids and solvents, read t he instructions on the container carefully. Never use materials from unmarked containers. Never run the engin e in an enclo sed space , such as a garage. Exhaust fu mes contai n ca rb on monoxid e, w hic h is ext remely poisonous. If you need to run the engine, always do so in the open air, or at least have the rear of the vehicle outside the w ork area. If you are fortunate enough to have the use of an inspection pit, never drain or pour gasoline and never run the engine while the vehicle is over the pit . The fumes. being heavier than air, w ill co ncentrate in the pit with possibly lethal results. The battery Never create a spark or allo w a bare light bulb near a battery . They norm ally give off a certain amount of hydrogen gas, wh ich is highly explosive. Alwa ys di sc onnec t th e ba tt ery grou nd (-) cable at th e ba tt ery before working on the fuel or electrica l systems . If possibl e, loosen the filler c aps or c over wh en chargi ng th e batt ery from an extern al sourc e (this do es not apply to sealed or m ain te nan c e-free batteries). Do not charge at an excessive rat e or the battery may burst. Take care w hen add ing wat er to a non maintenance-free batt ery and when carrying a battery. The electrolyt e, even when diluted , is very co rros ive and should not be allowed to co ntac t cloth ing or skin. Always wear eye protecti on wh en cleaning the batt ery to prevent the caust ic deposits from entering your eyes. Household current When using an elect ric power too', inspec ti on light. etc.• wh ich ope rates on household cu rrent, alw ays ma ke sure th at the tool is co rrect ly con nected to its plug and that. where necessary, it is property grounded . Do not use such items In dam p conditions and. again , do not create a spark or app ly excess ive heat in the vicinity of fuel or fuel vapor. Asbestos Secondary ignition system voltage Certain frict ion, insulating, sealing, and other produ cts - such as brake linings. brake bands, clutch linings, torque converters, gaskets , et c. - c ont ain asbes to s. Extreme care mu st be taken to avoid inhalati on of dust from suc h pro ducts, since it is hazardous to health. If in doubt, assume that they do co ntain asbestos. A severe elect ric shock can result from touching certain part s of the ignition system (such as the spark plug w ires) when the engine is running or being crank ed, particul arly If co mpo nents are dam p or the insulation is defective. In the case of an elect ronic igniti on system, the secondary system voltag e is much higher and could pro ve fatal. 1·1 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Basic carburation 1 Co ntents Section Air/fue l ratio variati on •..••......... .__.•.••••...•••........_.__ .__....••••..••...•.__ 2 Function of a carburetor •......................•....•••...... ......••••............ 1 T amperproof carburetors .. .. 9 The simp le carbureto r . ", ...... 3 The SU carburetor " " " " ....... 6 1 Func t ion of a ca rb uret or The m odern int ernal combu stio n engi ne ha s b een de veloped co nsiderably from its original concept in a number of ways. including increased power outpu t . greater flexibility and mor e efficient combustion of fuel. As a direc t result of this , the role of the carbu retor has bec ome an increasingly important factor, requiring freq uent modific ation an d the Introductio n of m any previ ou sly unh eard of devices to improve its funct ion. Carburetor techn ology is, of cour se, a vast subject , and to cover all aspect s would require a volume of books : howe ver, it will be helpful for the rea der to be acq uainted with the ba sic fac tors con ce rning ca rburatio n. It will then be easier to understand the functi on of th e various co mpo nents w hich make up the Weber carburetor . The prime objective of any carbu retor is to meter a mixt ure of fuel and air to th e engin e in a form th at ca n be bu rn t quic kly and completely. In prac tice thi s is rarely ac hieved , although the mo dern carbur etor is much imp roved on its original counterpart and there is every indicat ion of fur ther ad vancement . Ide ally, for complete combustion, the air/fu el mixt ure must be supplied to the engi ne in vapor form. This leads us to the secondary objective of the carburetor, wh ic h is to break up or ato mize th e fuel and disp erse It into the air passing into the engi ne. The effi c iency with wh ic h the c arbu retor carries cut this pro cess largely det ermines the eff ic ienc y o f combustion withi n the engine. The third objective of the carburetor in the aut om ot ive field is neces sary . owi ng to the c onstant cha nge of engine sp eed resulti ng from the vehicle ac celerating and de celerating. The carburetor must be able to vary the am ount at fuel supplied to the engine in ord er to cope with the differen t speed and po wer requirements encountered . This also requi res that the quantity of air be varied. alone w ith the fuel, to pro vide a combustible mixture. Section The Weber carburetor _.._............................................. ................... The Zenith Strombe rg carbu retor _._.._ Thermostatica lly controlled air cleaner USA carbureto rs....... . Weber By-Pass idle carbureto rs 2 4 5 8 10 7 Air/fuel ratio vari ation The theoretic al air/ fuel ratio for complete comb ustion is c alled the stoichiometric AIF ratio and under labo ratory co nditions is in the region of 15:1 by weight . Whe n the fuel is fUlly vaporized, the ratio by volume is bet ween 50:1 and 60: 1 because fuel vapor is de nser than air. Howev er, fuel will tolerate a wid e range of mixtu re ratios varying from about 8:1 to 22:1 by weight. The st oichiometric AJF rat io doe s not give maximu m power or m inimum fuel co nsumption. thes e two requirements bei ng ob tained w ith AJF rati os of 12.5:1 and 16:1 respectively, as shown in Fig. 1.1. The curve s of the graph are important with regard to the tuni ng of a I I -- N I I S PECI F"l C FUE L CON SU MPTION H P·h i- ~L ----~ I I r-..I ! '0 --., '< I I ra _ - 0 ptim .. m P OWE R HP Poor ,~ -of'~ I I ra ,g eor re ct Fig. 1.1 Curves show ing the effect of th e variat ion 01 the air/fuel ratio on power output and fuel consumption 1-2 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Fig . 1.3 The principle of fuel flow into a venturi. Large arrows indicate air flow, small arrows indicate fuel flow Fig. 1.2 The principle of the venturi ca rb ure to r, as they enable t he operator to tu ne the engine for maxi mum power or maxim um economy wit hin defined limits. It should be obse rved that an engine w ill run w it h AJF rat ios out side the 12.5:1 and 16:1 limits, such as when sta rting (1:1 N F ratio weakeni ng to 4: 1 N F rati o. but unde r nor mal co ndit ions th e rati o should be w ithin the limits In order to obtain optimum power or fuel consumptio n. There are additional ad verse effec ts w hich occur as a result of AlF ratios outside the limits. A weak mixtu re bum s considerably slower within the combustion chamber and as a result may still be burning when the piston reaches the end of its power stroke . This leads to overheating and . in extre me cases. burnt valves and piston crow ns. A ric h mi xt ure w ill cause c arbo n to form rapidly on the combustion chamber and piston crown surfaces. This w ill necessitate a prema ture de- car bonizing pr ocedure on t he pis to ns an d valves. Spark plug perform ance will be impaired and exce ss fuel will con taminate the engin e lubricating oil and cause rapid wear of the cylinder walls . Exc essively ri ch or lean mixt ures also inc rease the am ount of toxic emissions in the exhaust gases. In some countri es this has led to th e des ig n and intr odu c tion of emission contro l systems. It wi ll theref ore be appre ciated that mixture control is extremely critical over th e comp let e range o f engine speed s and lo ads. and the correct func tioning of the carburetor is therefore an important if not essential factor. The mixture co ntent of a particular engine can be tested by using an exhaust gas analyzer to determine the amount of ca rbon monoxid e (CO) present. The instrumen t is partlcularty helpful wh en adjust ing idle Cutaway view of a typical eCOE Weber carburetor mixture sc rews in order to supply the correct AJF mixture necessary for good co mbustion. Exh aust gas ana lyzers are ava ilab le from special tool companies and their use may very well become compulsory in t he fut ure in view of the tre nd tow ards tigh ter regulations regardi ng air pollution. 3 The simple carburetor All mod em carburetors are designed around one basic princ iple. This is illust rated in Fig. 1.2 which is a cross -sectlon of a tube havlnq a curved restricti on within it. The restrict ion In a ca rburetor is termed a venturi . If air is drawn throug h the co mpo nent it w ill increase in speed in proportion to the cross-s ectional dia meter of the venturi. Since the air dens ity de creases progressively to a poi nt w here its velocity is greatest, the air pressure at the smallest section o f the venturi will be co nsiderably less than atmospher ic. In the carburetor, this pheno meno n is expl oited by Inserting a fuel out let or nozzle into t he vent uri, this being suppli ed by a reservoir or float chamber (Fig. 1.3). Note that under static conditions, the fuel level in the float chamber is jus t below the nozzle outlet in order to prevent fu el fro m leaking into the noz zle ; also th e air pr essure in the f loat chamber is identic al to that at the nozzle, i.e. atm osph eric. When air is drawn through the venturi arrangement it w ill be observed that. due to the difference in air pressure at the float chambe r and outlet nozzle, the fuel will flow out of the nozzle and mix with the air. On an engine, the resu lting m ixture is drawn into th e cylind ers and c ombustion takes place. 1-3 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 IIII I 2 5 ( 5 Fig . 1.5 The Weber idli ng speed system Fig . 1.4 The Weber air bleed c orrecti on system 1 2 3 4 Nozzle Air bleecJ jet Emulsion tube Reserve wef! 5 6 7 8 Main fuel jet Float chamber Venwri Throttle valve In order to maintain the lev el of the fuel just below the nozzle outlet, a float controlle d inlet valve is incorporated into the flo at c hamber. As the fuel flows out of the nozzle its level drops and the float opens the valve; when the correct level is reached the valve shuts. To regulate the amount o f mixtu re adm itt ed to the engine. the ca rburetor is pr o vided with a thro tt le va lve w hich. w hen c los ed , completely seals the engine side of th e venturi. Unfortunately, the simple carbur etor has one fault which renders it unsuitab le for use in the road vehicle where the engine is operated at variable spee ds and loads. In its present form , the air/fuel mixtur e will be cons istent provided the air flow remains at a constant speed . If the air flow is increa sed , its density will de crease in tar great er proportion to the liq uid fuel, with the result that the mixture becomes progressively richer. If the air flow is dec reased the mixture will progressi vely weak en. Anoth er fault is t hat the sim ple carbureto r makes no provision for engine idling , accelera tion . or co ld starting. It is therefore ob vious that additional modi ficati ons must be made in ord er to adapt the carburetor for automotive use. 4 The Weber carburetor Carburetor manufactu rers have overcome the defi ciencies of the sim ple carbureto r in various ways. With the use of sophisticated test eq uipment , Weber has develope d t heir carbu reto rs to a very hig h st andar d and have pro ved to be leade rs in th e fi eld o f carbu retor manufacture. To overcome the mixture enrichening phenomenon mentioned in Section 4, the Weber carb uretor is equipped with an air bleed system. Reference to Fig . 1.4 shows that as the fue l flo ws from t he float chamb er to the nozzle in the venturi, it passes a tube called the emul sion tube), w hic h is vente d to atmospheri c pr essure and add itionally has a num ber of hol es drilled throughout its length. The effect of the depression act ing on the nozzle will not only draw fuel int o' the carburetor but also air through the air bleed jet and into the fuel via the holes in the emulsion tube . As t he engine sp eed increases, the fuel level inside the emu lsion t ube low ers with th e result that mo re air is released into the fuel. The fact that the fuel becomes emulsifi ed also results in better atomization at the nozzle. In the Weber carburetor the emulsion tube is removable and by varying its diameter, location of holes and diameter of the air bleed jet. the mixture strength for a parti cu lar engin e ca n be adju sted to fine limit. At engine idling spe ed there is insuff icient vacuum in the vent uri 5 4 5 6 1 2 3 Air jet Fuel jet Main fuel jet 4 . Idle spe ed mixture ori fice 7 Progre ssion orific e Idle mix ture adjusting scre w Throttle idle speed adjusting screw to dra w any fue l fro m the nozzle: so a separate supply o f fuel is channelled to the engine sid e of the thrott le valve where there will be greater vacu um, since the thro ttle is clo sed. Rg. 1.5 illustrates a typical idl ing speed circ uit an d it will be obse rved that a fuel jet and air corrector jet is inco rporated to pro vide a combust ible mixture; the air jet also prevents a syphoning effect throug h the circuit. A volume of mixture adj ust ment is also incorp orated , so that it is possible to vary th e mixture strength as necessary in cooperation with the throttle valve adjustment screw , which con tro ls the amo unt of air allowed pas t the t hrott le valve at idlin g. It should be noted that the idle circuit is supplied from the low er regi on of the emulsion tube. This arrangement ensures that the idle ci rcuit cease s or is in so me instances reversed w hen the main fuel system is in operation. Th e Weber car buretor also inc lude s w hat is termed as a progression func ti on. When the throttle valve is open slightly atter be ing in the idling position, there is a tendency for the mixture to leanout and t hus cause the engi ne to misfi re. To overco me this prob lem, on e or mo re transit ion orific es are drill ed into the idling circui t on the inlet side of the thrott le valve and in the carbu retor barrel. Reference to Fig . 1.6 wi ll show that the vacuum on the engine side of the throttle valve is progr essively introd uced to the tran sition orifi ces and ext ra fuel is thus provided to cove r this stage of increasing engine speed. When the engine reaches sufficient speed to draw fuel from the main nozzle, t he prog ression functi on will cease. Wh ere t he th rottle valve is ope ned fully and quickly, even th e progression orifices are insufficient to enric hen the mixtur e enough . In Fig . 1.6 The Weber progression syst em Idle spee d mixtu re orifice 2 Progression orifice 1 1-4 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 2 - 9 I 10 11 II! .'"'D I , 9 i--- 8 2 I ro·;.;, I~ I I 3 4 6 Fig. 1.7 Th e Weber piston type acc el erator pump 1 2 Operating rod Spring Control lever Throttle valve Intake valve 3 4 5 6 7 Pump p iston Discharge jet 8 Ffoatcharnber 9 10 Delivery valve Pump jet when the throttle is closed, because this action lifts the pump ope rat ing rod by way of a lever. When the throttl e is ope ned , the operating rod is free to move the piston down its bore under t he action of the accelerator pump spring . Fuel is channelled past a one-way ball valve, thro ugh the pump jet, and thus mixes with the air being drawn into the engi ne. The fuel is prevente d from re-enterlnq the fl oat chamber by a ball and seat in the intake valve, but in order to calibrate the amo unt ot tuel injected, a disch arge hole aI!ows a certain amount of tuel to return to the float chamber. The disc harge hole also prevents fuel being injected during slow throttle movement. The diaphragm type pump operates in a similar manner, except that a spring tens ioned diaphragm is used instead of a piston. The final failure of the simp le carbu retor co ncems col d start ing. In th is respect there are two ma in methods employ ed in the Weber carburetor . 1- ~~~~~:; :;; - 3, fJ ,,;,,;, ,... ~l" Operating lever 2 3 Pump spri ng Diaph ragm spring Cam fever Rolle r ThmNle valve 4 5 7 . Discharg e je t 8 Diap hragm 9 10 11 The first method employs wh at is b est descri bed as a separate carburetor within the main c arburetor. Fig. 1.9 shows the system in basic for m, It w ill be observed that the system ca n be introduce d or regulat ed by means of a manually contro lled valv e, The system is design ed to give the necessary enrichment of mixture for starting with the throttl e valves in the idli ng position . The second met hod is shown in Fig . 1.1 0 and is te rmed th e strang ler or shutter valve type. With this syst em, an offset valve is pos itioned in the carburetor inlet and by restr ict ing the amount of air admitted to t he ca rburetor. the quantity o f fuel emerging from the nozzle is increased, thus enriching the mixture for starting. Once the engine has started, the mixt ure must be weakened and this is automat ically taken car e of by the off set design of th e stra ngler valve. As soon as the vacuum below it reaches a pred etermined level, th e larger area of the valve w ill b e dr aw n do wn wards aga inst t he tension of a calib rated spring and add itional air will thus be admitt ed. The strangler valve may be ope rated manually or automatically, bu t in either case must be returned to its fully open position as soon as the engine reaches its norma l op erating temperature. The range of Weber c arbureto rs includ es variations of the fun cti on s so far desc ribed. Where necessary the re wil l be further descriptions in detail in th e relevant Chapters of t his manual dealing with t he individual carburetor types. F=-::..- - -- -.? ~ "-~===~=-:: 1 f'' 5 • 4 6 Fig . 1.10 Th e Web er strangler type choke 1 2 l 7 3 4 5 Ch oke valve Nozzle Venturi Throttle valve Calibrated spring -·-==< ,j, 1 11 . Fig. 1.9 The We ber je t type chok e Starting mixture chann e' Starling air j et Valve 4 5 6 7 Reserve well Thro ttle valve Starting fuel je t Float chamber - -1 ..._1 JI I I J I 2 3 Intake valve Deli very valve Pump jet F-:::-__- -=-_-.:: - -- - - - 2--- 5 Fig. 1.8 The Webe r diaphragm ty pe accel er ator pump 1 6 this case an accelerator pump must be used. Figs. 1.7 and 1.8 show the two types of accele rator pump used on Weber carburetors . With t he piston type pump. fuel is drawn from the float cham ber 4 I !, . I 3 1-5 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 On e of the most sophisti cated St romberg CD ca rbure t ors. the COSET ven t Equally so phist icated b ut with o ut the thenno static starter, th e eDSE da mpe r assem b ly cover sprang sucti o n chamber lJ.I lde rod diaphragm air va lve vent to under5kte of diaphntgm ;:3;.!8 Fig . 1.11 Th e ba sic Stromberg CD c arbur etor body m.xon, c namber throttl e pla te air flow b ridge ------- l...~ .. ~ c:i> ------t:;;:::;::;=:::;:;:::;::7."'f -----or. .: ~ . 1/ ~ ; ....~..~:;::~ -, », needle ~v~ Hcet chamber cOIltainin 9 inlet valYi! a nd float lomined fo r claritv) -;:.-: .: . s, 5 The Zenith Stromberg carburetor Z enith Stromberg ca rb ureto rs are eng ineered w ith a new ap proach t o the basic fundamenta ls of carburet or design . If the airfl ow can be increased w ithout Increasing the depression and the fuel flow can be co ntr olled by automaticall y varying the size of th e jet, then the mixtu re ratio can be mai ntained con stant over a large range of airflow ch aracteristics. The air valve pr esents a co nstriction in the bore of the bo dy and forms a "venturi" . It moves in a ci rcu lar hol e in the top of the bore which is ma chined t o gi ve a very c lose fit on th e air valve wi th o ut actu ally touchin g it. The air valve has a central extension, the guide rod w hich slides in a sleeve in the cover . A flexible diaphragm , trapped at its outer edge betwee n the top of the bod y and the cov er and secured at center to the air valve. forms a suct ion chamber with the cover. The suction chamber is in co mmunicat io n with the downstream (engine) side of the air valve via a vent hol e in the base of th e valve. A circular thrott le plate hinges in b earing s at each sid e of the ch o ke bore do wn stre am of the air valve. A float chamber cont aining the inlet valve and float mechanism below th e body , supplies fuel t o a jet fix ed in th e bott o m of th e c ho ke bore at the ra is ed b ridge. The jet receives th e lower end of a tapered needle fitt ed to the unde rsid e of the air valve (refer to Fig 1.11 ). A vent pa ssage co n nect s t he area be low the 1 1-6 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Rod guide Piston rod Su ct ion chamber Suct ion disc Piston Air rectifier Indu ction pipe flange hOle--1~~~~W Suct ion air entra nce to suction cham ber • Taper needl e J et F loat cha mber o Fig. 1.12 The basic SU carburetor in si m plified cross-section diaphr agm wit h atmosphere. Airflow pas t the air valve creates a red uced pre ssure in the mixing c ham ber (the pa rt of the choke bore between the air valve and the throttle) wh ic h is se nsed in the suction ch ambe r. The air valve rises to a height which is gove rned by the magnit ude o f the depression in the suc tio n cha mb er ba lanced by the weight of the air valve (and the expansion forc e of the spring. when fitted). These forces (upward and downwa rd) m ust always be in balanc e. Because the air valve is free to ris e or fall it will hunt fo r a posi tion w here the two forc es are in equili brium. If the airflo w is increased. (by open ing the throttle), the suct ion deve loped in the mixing chamber w ill be sensed in the suct ion ch am ber. As thi s suction forc e is great er than the weight of th e air valve (plus the sp ring load) the valve will lift , increasing the area of the choke. This allows more air to pass but as the choke area is larger the velocity remains t he s am e and th e depression is unchanged. Movement of the air valve causes the tapered needle attac hed to it to be withdrawn fro m the jet , thu s increasing the annu lar area around it and permitting more fuel to pass. The rate of increase of fuel flow with need le lift is determined by the tape r of the needle. This description of the operation of the const ant depression (CD) carburetor appli es for norma l running (engine co mp lete ly warm) and running at part or full throttle 6 The SU carburetor SU carburetor s are engineered with a new app roach to the basic f undam ent als of ca rb ureto r design. If t he airflow c an be increased without inc reasing the depression and the fuel flow can be con troll ed by autom atically varying the size of the jet. then the mixture ratio can be maintained co nsta nt over a large range of airflow charact eristics. The practica l expres sio n of this co ncept takes the form show n in Fig. 1.12. The piston present s a constriction in the pipe and forms a v enturi. It slides within t he ch amber whi ch is in commun ic ati on w ith the dow nstr eam side of the piston, throug h a port in the pist on. Airflow past the piston creates a reduced pressure in the mixing chamber (the part of the pipe down stream of the pisto n), w hich, is sense d in the suction chamber. The piston rises to a height which is go verned by the magnitude of the depress ion in the suct ion cha mber balanced by the wei ght of the piston. These two values must always be in ba lance. As the pisto n is free to rise or fall it will hunt for a pos ition where the two fo rces are in equilibrium. If the airfl ow is increased , (by opening the throttl e), the suction developed in the mixing chamber w ill be sensed in t he sucti on cham ber. As this suction force is greater than the weig ht of the piston. the pist on w ill rise, increasing the area of the choke. This allow s more air to pass but as the ch ok e area is larger the velocity remains the same and the depression is unchanged. Movement of the piston causes the tapered needle attached to it to be withdrawn from the jet , thus increasing the annular area around it and permitt ing more fuel to pass. The rate of increase of fuel flow with needle lift is easily regulated by the desig n of the taper of the need le. This is t he principl e of operation of the SU c arburetor and it is termed a constant depression, or variable choke , instrument. The four ty pes of SU ca rburetors dealt w ith in this manua l - H, HD, HS an d HIF - are all of horizontal typ e, i.e. the bor e of t he ca rbur et or is hor izon tal, and the ax is of t he pi ston and suct io n chamb er is therefore vertical , when mounted on the engine Som e vehicles w hich have very restrict ed engine bay space may have the carburetor mounted at an angle, w hen viewed from the side of the unit, to facilitate install ation andlor servicing. The angle. normally 20° or 30°. is achieved by th e u se of an adapte r o r curved intak e manif old, the carburetor being basically a horizontal type . (The flange face s are still at rig ht angles to t he bore. ) This type of installation geome try is termed 'semi- downdraft' . Ca rburetor s may be right - or left -handed accord ing to the po sit ion of the choke and thr ottle interconnection. The unit is righthanded if the linkag e is on the riq ht -hand side w hen looking into the inlet, and vic e versa. Note that on type s Hand HD the float chamb er may be on either side. and th at its position is not rele vant in t he hand ing of the unit. 1-7 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 LEFT HAND INT ERCON NECT ION ~ Plan view engiOt' f lall{l l! "',, ... Series onlvl LOO KING INTO INLET. I " LOO KING INTO INLET Fig . 1.13 Float c hamber position s on the SU carburetor s The float ch amber is normally mo unted In front of the ca rburetor. In this pos ition. floodi ng at the jet when go ing downhill, and starv ing the jet wh en going uphill, is prevented (refer to Fig 1.13). 7 Weber By-Pass idle ca rburetors A mo re recent Weber development is the bypass idl e ca rburetor whic h has been int rod uc ed as a resu lt of leg islatio n c oncerning atmospheric polluti on. Weber carburetors eq uipped with th is funct ion have t wo ind epend ent idl e systems: th e first is th e basic idle system whi ch is fitt ed to all c arbu retors an d the sec ond is t he by pass idl e system. Reference to Fig . 1.14 w ill show the operation of the bypass idle system . Fuel from the float chamber is drawn through th e secondary main jet (A) to the second ary idle jet (R) where it becomes emulsified w ith air drawn t hro ugh t he calibrated orifice (e). The m ixture is then drawn th roug h interr.al channels and a cal ibrated drilling and m ixes w it h air sup p lied th rough the dri lling (0) in the pri mary c hoke . Th e by pass idle adj ustme nt screw (E) co ntrols the amou nt of m ixture adm itte d to the disch arge ap ert ures (F and G) w hic h t hen is draw n th rough the inlet manifold and into the engi ne. On some by-pass idle carburetors there is a fuel return syste m to prevent the fue l in th e float c hamber from be ing heated excessively, whic h co uld otherwise enrich the idle mixt ure. With this system t here is a con tinuous flow of fuel fro m the fuel tank to the carb uretor inlet and back to the fuel tank . Another feature inc luded on bypass idle carburetors is the ant istall or low vac uum en richment de vice, w h ic h is normall y fitt ed to vehlcles with automatic transm ission w here there is a tendency for the eng ine t o stall w hen m oving th e se lector. Th e d evi ce comp rises a sp ring tensioned dia phragm and c over, usua lly loc ated in the vicin ity of the float c ham be r op posite the accelerato r pu mp . Und er normal operati ng conditions, engine vacuum hold s the diaphragm against th e sp ring pressure and fuel is drawn into the c hamber of the device . If the engine tend s to stall , the vac uum will decrease and the spring tension wil l c ompress the di ap hragm and eject fuel fro m th e chamber. The de v ice is c onnected by intern al channels to the acc elerat or pump d elivery valve and jet, and th e fuel is injected int o the primary barrel thus pro viding mixture enrichment in or der to overcome th e stall. 8 Therm osta t ica lly controlled air cl ean er This type of air c leaner ensures a constant tempe rature o f the intake air so that fuel atomization in the carbureto r takes place using air at the correct tempe rature. The air cleaner incorporates tw o inlets; one w ith fresh air at amb ient temperature and the oth er w ith air heated by the exhau st manifold . An internal flap determines the q uanti ty of heated or coo l air to admit to the carburetor and is co ntro lled by a heat sensor and vac uum assista nce . Whe n th e engine is co ld, heated air is directed fro m t he exhaust manifold into the air cleaner, but as the engine warms up . cold air is progr essively mixed with this heated air. At high amb ient temperatures the hot air intake is closed off co mpl etely. 9 Tamperproof ca rburet o rs A further recent development as a result of atmosp heric pollution co ntrol, is the tamperpro of ca rbu retor on whi ch va rio us adj ust ment screw s are sealed with plastic plugs. The ty pe of tamperproo fing varies acc ord ing to t he carburetor and in some instances spec ial tools are required in order to remove the seals. Howe ver before removing them , t he owner is advised to b e awa re of any leg islat ion which may be contraven ed by removing the seals and making adjustments. In some temtori es a co lored seal, only availab le to gara ges , must replace the remo ved sea l. In this instance, it is recom mend ed that the owner ent rusts his c ar to a suitab ly equip ped te c hn ici an to c arry out any . adjustments to the carburetor. 10 USA carburetors Carb ure to rs used in the USA ma y have some or all o f the following items fitt ed to them; the exact line-up will dep end on local legal requ iremen ts : Deceleration valve During d ec elerati on th is va lve su pplies an ad dit ional flow o f air/fuel mixture into the inlet manifold in order to improve combustion w it hin the engine; this in turn lowers the hydroca rbo n emission in the exhaust gase s. The valve is mou nted on the inlet manifold and consist s of a spring loaded diaphragm , a co ntrol valve, and tw o po rts. Under all dr iving conditions exce pt deceleration , the spring holds the valve shut, bu t du ring d ece leratio n the additional vacu um open s the valve and extra mixture is supplied to the engine. To prevent over-enric hme nt duri ng the engi ne warm-up period whe n th e cho ke is in operation, the cont rol valve, whi c h is temperature sensit ive to the cooling system . on ly op erates th e d ec eleration va lve w hen no rmal op erat ing tem perature has been reached . Evap orative emission control Thi s sys tem prevents unburnt hydrocarbo ns in th e form of fu el vapor from escapi ng from the vehic le fuel syst em into t he atmosphere. 1 1·8 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 1 I H iii c:=> OU - . vii=:> Fig . 1.14 The Webet" bypass id le system (1) AIr supply (if) Fuel SIJPpIy Ai,tf wl mll(furo Secondary main jet S eeondafy id le je t (iiI) A B G D E F Plain air SlJppfy Bypass idle adj ustment SCf8W Fixed dISCharge aperture G H Seco ndaty emulsion tube Bypass dIscharge aperture Air bJHcJ The fuel syst em is sealed and t he carburet or is vented internally so that th e fuel vapor cannot escape when the vehicl e is stationary. The build up of vapor in the fu el tank and carburet or is channelled via pip es t o e canister co nt aining act ivated car bon parti cles which absorb th e vapor, wnen the engine is running, me activated carbo n releases the vapor which is then draw n lnto the air cleaner from whe re it passes into the en1lne. E)(haust Gas Recirculation (EGR» syst em This sys tem eeoc ces the em is sion of nitrogen o xid es fro m the vehicle exhaust pip e by int roducing a sma ll amoun t of inert exnauet gas into th e inJet manifold . The eff ect at this is to red uce th e pe ak temperat ures reac hed in th e comb ust ion cha mbe rs , whic h are respon sibl e forthe em ission of nitrog en oodes. The EGR valve is lJSuaity operated by vacuum from the carburetor and sometim es uses ttl e same vac uum tax e-ctt port as that used tor the distributor advance . althoug h no rmally a separate port is pr ovtaed , Ignition advan ce and retard ports On some engi nes the ignit io n is advanc ed and retarded by vac uum fro m the carburet or and inlet manifold. On so me car bu retors bamtake-off port s may be incorporated into the c arburetor. Dashpo t This device can be fitt ed to most carbu retors as a bolt -on extra. Its purpose is to ret ard the action of tile throttle lever" as it retcms to ree idling posi tion after releasing th e thrott le. This prevents an ave!' we ak mixt ure, parti cul arly d uring dec elerat io n and therefore red uce s th e em ission of certain harmful gases from the exhaust system . Idl e speed step-up valves On vehicles tnteo w ith air cond il io ning eq uipment , a valve is usually incorp orated into the ce rb uretcr to Incr ease th e engine Idle speed sett ing d uting the period wh en the air cooditloning compressor Is in operation. This is necessary because the additional load on the oogine wouid normafly cause n to stall. The adjustment of lh ~ var.e will de pend o n t he type at engine i1 is fitted t o and th erefore th is Info rm at ion shou ld be obt ained from thO! vehicl e m anufact urer. However, the overall effect of the step-up valve is to retain I he original eng ine id le speed wh en the air condit ionin g compressor is in operat ion. A smner type o f st ep-up v alve i s so m eti m es fitt ed to li ehlcies equ ipped wi th aut o mat ic: t ransmissio n. In ord er to pr event stallin g whe n th e selector lever is moved . Idle cut-off valve Th is valve st ops th e f low of fuel or fu el/air m ixture in the id le c irc uit immed iately th.. ig niti on is sw itchlKl o ff, thus elim inating any tendency fo r the eng in e 10 run- o n or 'di esel ' . T his is pa rt icularly imp ortant where low oc tane lead free fuel is used. because the rUl'Kln cb eractenstce are mer e prom inent witI1 nus type at llIe! . 2-1 1 ... .:. Part 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Carburetor installation Co ntents 1 5 4 2 6 Introduction Due to the mo rtt noe of application s incorporatlng We ber, Zenith St ro m oet g and SU carbu retors , no attempt w ill be ma de in t his Chapter to detail all the poss ible arrangements. An out line of the mo re comm on arrangements of a particular carbu reto r is to be found in the re levant cre pter of this manual cov ering the c arbu retor in quesuoo. In this ch apter we will consider the g eneral installation req uirements of W eb er carburetors, wh ich will already have been ca tered for if t he carburetor is standard eq uipment on a particular eng ine. Th e information Will be of speci al interest to those wishing to install a Weber carbu retOf as a roo-etarcero component. 2 - Introduction ,,,... The intake manifold Vacuum take-o ff points - -- - ---- --- ----- . . ,,,,,, . . ,." .., . 3 7 Consi derin g d ownd raft caronetcrs. it is im portal'lt that lt1ey are Instal led wittl the barrels vertical, even on engines wh ich are inclined (beca use of hood hoeight for instan ce) The flo at chamber should lace the trent of th e ve hic le wit h the flo at fulc rum pin axis across the vehicle; this wi ll dimin ish t he eff ect of acc elerat ion, brakin g and hili , I--~ ,, I C a rbu reto r posit ioning The ca rburet or must be positioned so that air w ill have unim paired access to the Intake and , to prevent t urbulence aff ecting mixt ure ratios, it is pr eferable for th e air to have as d irect a path of entry as Is pos sible. With ecedran ca rburet ors. such as the Weber DCOE range. it is permissible for the cartxaetc r to be inclined upwards by 5 degrees from hor izo ntal (refer to Fig . 2.1); th e ang le being measured from t oo engme side flange face t hrough the cem er-li ne of th e ba rrels. Where two or more sidedraft carburetors are installed , rub ber fuel proof d istanc e p ieces sho uld be inst alle d between th e fta!1gfl faces of the carburetor and intake man ifold. The out er ends of the carb uretors should be sup ported with a support rod and bracket, also With rubber mount ings. The support rod should be attached to the carburetor at one end and the engine block at the other end . , Section Sec tion Accelerator and ch oke co ntrols . . Air cleaners and air horns........ . . CarbtJretor positioning •••••••••••.•..•••.•.......•••••••••••.••...••..•....•.•••••••••••• Fuel lines and hoses . I / 1-.J I (----. I-..- , I ----- -- , Fig. 2.1 Typ ical Webe r sidedraft carburetor 1 2 3 4 Cylinder head Anti- vib!atIOtl flange Support rod Rubber mounting 5 6 AdjusUJb/e rhrott.le conuaroa A uxiliary shaft and oearings 2-2 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 2 o ,, ,, .: Fig. 2...2 CorTect location of a single ca rb ure tor feeding fo ur cyl inder$, showing th e position of the th ro ttle sp in d le cl Imbing on the fuel levIurefors ! e , ,! , I i lr-- J 1 I I ~ Downdraft carburetors ( i 1 ; :" I v - '.,; J ~ I, Vacu um ta ke- off po int s On w eb er cartaeetcrs no! installed wi th a vacccm take oN point 1 (J c - ( , i '~ _~ __ 10 r: 1/ i: ...... _ ~_.-- Fig. 2.6 Typi cal ca bl@ and rod throttle c ontrol ? , ,~ l 2-4 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Notes 3-1 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 3 Maintenance and servicing 1 Content s Section 6 Sec tion Air cl eaner ......•..•..•..•.•... ....•..•.•.••... ......•..•..•.•..•..• ....•..•.•....•• 3 Engine co ndition............................................ Fuel line s and hoses.............................. ......................................... 10 4 Carburetor body .............. Cleanin g 5 8 Introduction Maintenance and 3ervi cing proced ures for all Weber, Zenit h Stromberg . and SU carburetors are Identical and are of a straight forward natu re. Eng ine malfu ncti ons are com paratively rare as a res un of carburet or faults and wh en they are trac ed t o the carburet or. there is oft en an outside fact or at w ork, ie. sedim ent in the fuel. It Is th ese fac tors which w ill be m ainly cons idered in this c hapter; any sp ecif ic points in connection with a particula r carbur etor being detai led in the relevant chapte r cr.tbrs manual. The object of th e procedures is to main tain the carbu renon equipment in first class cond rtion, whic h wilt also result in good engine perfo rmance . 2 Intake manifold Intervals ........................ Introduction Thrott le and Chok e controls Tuning : . . . 4 7 9 Fuel lin es and hoses f Che ck all fuel line unions for sec urity and any signs of leaking, which , If present, will necessitate th e fitting of new seali ng washers (refer to Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2) Intervals Cleaning This is one of the major req uirements of the fue l and carb uretion system. Befo re an ending to any other c omponent it Is essential to clean the exterior of the air cleaner, carbu retor, inlet man ifold and . if necessary, the engine. To do thi s, brush on a deg reasing agent such as Gunk, but wnere an air cleaner is not inst alled, seal the carbu retor apertures with masking tape before applying tile agent. If the eng ine is . . . being cleaned, place a polythene bag over the distributor and seal any apert ures with mas king tape . The deg reasing agent can be washed away With dean water, together With the dirt and oil deposlts. Remove all mas king tape when cleaning is completed; then, on non-air cleaner types, wipe around the air intakes with a clean lint free cloth. Wh er e th e carbu reto r is standard equipm ent , servicing and ma inte nance should be ca rrie d out in acc or da nce with the ma nufa ct ure r' s recommend ations: in th e abse nce of this, th e proc edur es should be made every 6,000 mil es (9600 krn). Howev er, if the engine is op erated at high speeds for long period s or in adverse ccoomons such as dusty terrain, the procedures must be made more frequently. 3 , 2 . Fig. 3.1 Check ing the fuel supply hose on a SU carburetor 3-2 Part 1 Introduction Chapte r 3 Fig. 3.2 Chec king th e fuel co nnections on a Stromb erg carb uret or Fig. 3.3 Check that the air fi ll er is cl ean and there are no leaks into the carbu reto r (Stromberg ca rb uretor shown) Fig. 3.4 Checking the air filter elem ent in a SU ca rbu ret or Fig . 3.5 Check the carburetor mounting bol ts f or the correc t tor que ob jects or cont act any hot surf aces, such as th e exhau st syste m. 4 Where fitted, the fue l pump filt er and carbu retor fuel inlet fill er should be removed and brus hed cle an using clean fuel. 5 Air cleaner 1 W here install ed, th e air filter should be rem oved from t he air cleaner and cleaned. The fire resistant foam type are best cle aned in a household liq uid dete rgent and water solution and left to dry without th e use of any additi onal heat. The paper type shou ld be shaken to remove any accumulated dust and d in (ref er to FIg . 3.3 and Fig. 3.4). Clean the interior of the air cleaner with a fu el mo istened doth, 2 then wi pe dry with a further lint free doth. 3 Check the security of th e air cleaner and air duct if fitted . making sure that there is no indicatiOn of leaking gaskets. 4 Wh6i'"e a cr an kcase b reather hose com mu nic ates with the air cleaner. it snou ld be cleaned. together with the breather valve. FIQ. 3.6 Checking the carburetor mounting bolts on a SU carburetor 6 2 Chec k all flexib le hoses for deterioration and chafing and renew them if necessary . Check the sec urity o f all reta ining clip s an d if any appear to be seized, renew them. 3 Check that all fuel lines and hoses do not rub against any sharp Intake manifold 1 Ch eck the sec urity 01 the carb uretor mou nting nuts and th e inlel man ifold mounting nuts on the cy linder head (refer to Fig. 3.5 and Fig. 3.6). 3-3 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 3 ___ .~"" Fig . 3.7 Ch eck that all carburetor contro ls are free and work through th eir full field of travel Fig . 3.8 On Stromberg carbu retors , check that the damper is proper oil and tig hten the cap sec urely Fig. 3.9 Make sure the vacuum conn ecti ons on the carburetor are sec ure and th ere are no leaks Fig. 3. 10 Check ing the Ignition advanc e vacuum line on a SU ca rburetor 2 Examine the inlet manifo ld for fractures and for signs of leaking gaskets. wh ic h w ill often show up as stains on the adjacent metallic s urfaces. To de tect minor gaske t leaks , profess ional mechanics sometim es use a can of are0801 carb uretor cleaner. With the eng ine idling, a small quant ity of the c leaner is sprayed aro und inlel manifold joints and th e carburetor throttle s pind le exterior loc atio ns: il a leak ex ists, th e eng ine wi ll spee d -up as a result of t he mi xt ure bei ng enrichened. Extreme care must be exercised when using this method in the interests of fire safety and In any ca se, the procedure must be carried out in an open space. 3 If th e inlet manifold is heated by the engine coolant, check the ccoemcn and security of the wat er hoses, tightening the retaining clips as necessa ry. 7 8 tun of the C arbure t or body Check the security of all fittings and the tig htnes s of all nut s and screws. 2 Check the damper oil on Strom berg carb uretors. (refer to Fig. 3.8). 3 Wh ere an automatic choke is fitted, ch eck the condition and secu rity of the water hoses and tighten the retaining clips as necessary. Also check that there are no signs of water leakage: If there is, the gasket must be renewed . 4 Check tI1at ignition vacuum coonections where fitted , are secur e and tha t the rubber tube is not perished or cracked (refer to Fig. 3.9 and FIg . 3.1 0). 5 Examine the underslde of the carburetor for fuel leaks. Throttle and cho ke controls 9 1 Check all co ntrol s for smooth and complete action and renew any control rod s or frayed cab les as necessary (refer to Fig . 3.7). Check all balljoims and ball-bearings for signs of deterioration or 2 seizure as well as excessive c learanc es. 3 Check the tightness of all mounting pedestal nut s and balllotnt retaining nut s. 4 Lubricat e all bearing surfac es of the complet e throttl e and c hoke control lin kages, inc lud ing any car bu retor accessory devices w ith mov ing parts. Tuning Tuning is probably th e most talked about aspec t of ca r maintenance, yet it so often misund erstood and misinterpreted. For instance. carb uretors are oft en spo ken of as going 'out of tune ', but thi s is not usually the case , as there are few moving parts which co uld alter the funct ion of the carb uretor to warrant regular 'tuning-up' . Only at hi gh mil eages is there sign ificant wear in a ca rb uretor and at this time a co mplete overhaul must be made. What in fact happens is that the mechanica l conditi on of the engine deteriorates or alters and the 1 ii 3-4 Part 1 Introdu ction Chapt er 3 carburetor, be ing a very sensitive instrument, is adversely affect ed . As shown in Chapter 1, even a ch ange of fuel could influ ence a carburetor's performance due to an incorrect M mixture ratio bein g del ivered. It is not always appreciated that a d'lange of ambient t emperature or ai r density wi ll influence the operation of the carbu ret or. For this reason the carburetor may req uire more frequent tuning than th e 6000 mile (9600 km) interval recommended In 5ectiorl2. Wh en tunin g a carburet or, the comp lete procedure should be earned out as given in th e relev ant chapter of this manual and , particu !arty with multi pl e fitti ngs, it is not advisabl e to cut short th e procedure by trying to guess the correct settings. 10 Eng ine c ondition Carbu reto r performance dep ends to a g reat extent on the conditio n of the engine. Carburet or adjustm ents and tuning are only accurate if th e general condition o f the eng ine is good. However th e average serviceable engine will resp ond w ell t o carburet or luning . as this comp ensates for general wear of the en gine compon ents. For example, w orn valve gu ides w ill ad mit ad di tional air to the inlet valves and this can be com pensat ed fo r by adjust ing the carburetor sligh tly richer . Uneven w ear in the engine cyl inders may res ult in uneven idling ch ara cteristics an d th is ca n be cor rec t ed b y slig htly inc reasing the id ling speed adjustment . The eng ine components responsible for 'breath ing ' are of course most important from the po int o f view of carburetion. These inc lude the cyl inder head , valves and valve gu i& cleaners Foot-operated tire pump Ught tla mmer Center punch Smallfiles, flat and round Hand drill Flat metal scraper Wh ere nec essa ry, the fo llowing tool s shou ld be ob ta ined from a spec ialty tool shop; set of jet gauges Thread tap and tap holder Thread die and die holder 4·2 Part 1 Int rod uction Chapter 4 H 11075 Fig. 4.1 Flat metal scrape r Fig. 4.4 Typica l th re ad die Fig . 4.2 Set of micron p lug jet ga uges Fig . 4.3 Thread t ap and tap holder Fig . 4. 5 Ty pic al Stromberg CD carburetor FIQ. 4.6 Checking the carburetor flange with a body straightedge It Is Im po rtant th at all tools are in fi rst cla ss or der to preve nt damage t o the carburetor components. This Is particularly relevant to screwdrivers which shou ld be ground flat and square before us e. Always enter sc rewd rivers fully into sc rew slots and s imilar ly fully engage wrenches before attempting to tum them. 3 Materials Bel or e com mencing the overhau l p roced ure it is advisable to obtain the following materials: Degreasing fluid (paint stripper or thinners will do) Gasoline Clean lint -free cloth Eme ry clo th (fine) Eng ine oil (SAE 1OW-30) Uthium based grease Fine gri nding paste Uqu id locking agent Metal polish Hand cleanser 4 Spare parts The t otal amount of spare parts required for the overhaul wi ll not be apparent until th e carburetor has been completely dismantled . but at the m inimum a gask.et set should be obtained prior to commencing wO ~ zur > z " ~ •• ., " " MAIN FUEL JET DIAMETER " " - 5.1 This main jet selection chart select s the co rrect size main jet acco rd ing to the main venturi diameter and the air correction jet (2 .00 mm standard). Where one choke feeds two cylinders, multiply the main jet size by 0.90. Where one c hoke feeds a single cy linder, multi ply t he jet size by 0.75 Weber, unless. of cours e, the vehicle is going to be raced on d iff erent track s, race events or c hassis arrangements . It is a good idea to write down all the sizes of the main jets, emulsion tubes, air co rrect ion jets and any other importan t ca rburetor specifications and retain t hem for your records. 5 In s t a llin g a W e b er dual c a rbu reto r kit o n a VW engine Installing du al Weber 44 IDF Carbure tors The following article involves a complete step-by-step installation of a Weber carburetor kit (44 IOF) on a 1971 Voikswagen Beetle. The article is courtesy of Ho t VW magazine and appears in the Novem ber and Dec ember issue s of 1995. The conversion may appear simple to many fIN owners , but patience during the installation , and mechanical understanding are paramount for smooth, trouble-free operation. Altho ugh this Weber conversion installation is spec ific to this style and size VW eng ine , t here are many similar ities t o all Web er conversions that can be drawn from this article. Follow the instructio ns carefully and organize the workplace to the point where every part and tool is acco unted for. Don't force any bo lts or nuts into or ov er an incorrect thr ead pitc h and make sure ali gasket surfaces are clean and free of old material. Techn ically, installing a well-engineered dual Weber carbureto r kit on your Volkswagen Bug is not all th at compli cated. In most cases, the kit s hav e all th e nec essary co mpo nents and hard ware requi red to complete the co nversion, eliminating any inconvenient extra t rips to the auto part s stor e during th e pro cess. This mak es th e p roc edure relatively simple due to the fact that detailed instructions are generally included in the box, along w it h all the co mponents. Sounds like it' s a straight forw ard and simp le op eration at th is po int . But, lik e many things these days, there are a few surprises waiting around the co mer for unsuspec ting VW ow ners taking this route. And , th e unexp ect ed pro of surfaced, as it usually do es. when many of our readers decided to send us feedback claiming it' s a lot more complex to install a dual Weber carbureto r kit than it' s crac ked up to be. This coup led with the fact that we'v e received word from several Weber carburetor dealers Part 1 Introduction C hapter 5 5.2 layout of a com plete 44 IOF "PLUS" Weber duaJ ca rburetor kit 5-5 5.3 Use a brass T-sect ion in place of the plastic part 1 "-= 5.4 The project engine is a mostly stock VoN 1600 engine with dual po rt heads 5.5 Remove the coo ling tin breast plate c laiming th e main Weber distributo r has sub stant ially improved th e dua l 40 and 44 IOF kit s and th at th ey now have a bette r lin kage sys tem . This necessitated a cu rren t inst all ation feat ure in ou r magazine, prom pt ing us to probe deeper into the subject. What we d id next was co ntact one of Calif orni a's largest Weber deale rs, Fast Freddy's, located at 2604 Harbor Bivd ., Santa Ana, CA 927 04; (714) 540-3801, and made arrangements to take delivery of t heir 44 IOF XE "Plus" kits (refer to Fig. 5.2), along with an STE synchromeler carburetor flow meter, a mandatory tool needed fo r tun ing the carburetors. This wo uld be a goo d tim e to add th at if yo u're loo king fo r a drastic increase in horsepower by simply bolting a dual carbureto r kit onto your stock 1600 cc VoN engine, you've got another think coming. Keep in mind that a profess ionally-assembled perform ance engine has a "b uilt-In" balance betw een cy linder heads, cam pro file, exhaust system and carbu retion. In othe r words , if you're looki ng for the best results fro m a dual Weber carburetor kit, w e' d reco mmend that t he eng ine d isplaces at least 1700 co, has a mild profile cam and so me degree of head work , along with an aftermarke t header system, and, of co urse, you'l l need a mechanical advance d istr ibutor On our case we 'll be usin g a Bosch OOg), as opposed t o a vacuu m ad vance system that' s used on stock fIN engines. The best way to begin is by laying out all the parts in the kit and take account of everything. At thi s po int, you w ill immed iately notice that you need a few more parts , as we d id. That' s when we head ed do wn to Kymco Motorsport s, in Costa Mesa, CA, to round up some extra parts as well as pick their brains as to any add itional sugges tions they had for improving the installation. At this point you will also need to make the de c ision of whether yo u wa nt to reta in the stock fu el pu mp, or switc h over to an elect ric pum p. If you choose to use an elect ric pump. Facet offers an electric fuel pump rated in different fuel flow increments. Weber carburetors require 1-1/2 to 3 PSI of delivery, maximum. Therefore, the Facet UN 750-06 14 is the choice part , and you will also need four 1/8-inch NPT fitt ings with 114-inch hose barbs to complete the conversion. An electric fuel pump should be mounted as c lose to the fuel tank as possible, and beneath if as well, and should be mo unt ed using some sort of rubber insulated padd ing. It just so happ ens that a pair of fIN Rabbit radiator mounts (part # 171 121 275E) work well and will make the pump appea r to run much quieter from inside the car. If you dec ide to retain the stock fuel pum p, which is perfect ly fine, you w iil need a mech anical fuel pressu re regulator stabilized betwee n 1-1/2 and 3 PSI for optimum results. While we were at Kymco we also picked up a brass T-f itt ing and about S feet of stock fuel line, in addition to a see-thro ugh fuel filter, which doubles as a juncti on for the smaller 5mm f uel line and the larg er 5/ 16-inc h lin e to the ca rbureto rs. Th e Weber kit inc ludes a plastic T-section, but after a short period of use, they are notorious for c racking ; we all know how dangerous a fuel leak is near the VoN engine, wh ich is why we opted fo r a brass unit (refer to Fig.5.3). Now that you have everyth ing you need, you can begin working on the car (refer to Fig. 5.4). The previous mentioned order of operation is very important, especially if you happ en to be working on your only form of transportation and otherwise have no way of retrieving needed parts. Begin by removing the gas cap , and disconnecting the battery cab les as well as the t hro tt le cab le. The next orde r of b usiness is removi ng the air filter and co oling t in breast plate (refer to Fig. 5.5). 5-6 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 5 5.6 Unbolt the heat risers from the muffler and . 5.7 . . . remove them from the intake manifold 5.8 Loosen the boot clamp from the end casting sect ion of the intake manifold 5.9 Remove the distributor cap and ignition wires from the engine compartment 5.10 Remo ve the nuts that retain the end sections to the cylinder heads 5.11 Remove the end cast ing from the engine Now, depend ing upon whether you have a stock or afte rmarket intak e man ifold (ours was a two-p iec e atterrnarket versio n), remo val of th e intake manifo ld and carburetor assem bly will vary. If you have a two- piece asse mbly, you can unbolt th e heat risers from the header system (refer to Fig . 5.6) and remov e them from the main center sect ion (refer to Fig. 5.7), allowing you to unbolt t he end cast ings from the head s and remove them from the ma nifol d cent ersection without having to remove the generator or altemator and fan housi ng first (refer to Fig. 5 .8 through 5.11). At this point you should disconnect the vac uum lines and fuel line from the fuel pump, plug ging it to keep gas from leaking out . As state d, if you have a stock intake man ifold y ou wil l need to loosen th e side bo lts on the fan ho using , disconnect t he wires fro m ge nerato r, remove th e strap an d lift th e generator and fan housing far enough to remo ve the intake manifold 5.12 Remove the intake manifold center bolt and . . . and carburetor as a complet e unit (refer to Fig . 5.12 and 5.13). Then, thoroughly clean the int ake mountin g surfaces using a gasket sc raping too l. Go ahead and re p lace th e fan shrou d and generat o r in t heir ori ~nal position, repiacing the generator pulley, strap, nut and fan belt . Replac e the rear coo ling t in, or br east pl at e, and then you will need to reloc at e the co il and mount ing b rac ket so t hat it doesn 't interfere with the dual carburetor linkage cross bar and arms. The dual carburetor kit co mes w ith a bracket that allows you to mount it off the base of the fuel pump, sec ured to the engine case . How ever, in our case we decided to sec ure the brac ket to one of the fan housing sheet metal sc rews . As per th e W eber installati on instructions , if you use their bracket, you will need to place the coil adapte r over the rear fuel pum p stud and reinstall the fuel pum p nut and case nut to secure the br acket . To rq ue the case nut/bolt to 15 tt.-ro s. Reuse the original 5.13 . .. lift the carburetor/ intake m anifold assembly from the engine 5.14 Remove the stock distributo r from the engine 5- 7 Part 1 Introduction Chapter 5 "5.15 A mech anical advance ignition system is preferred over the vac uum advance system originally equipped on these engines 5.16 Insta ll custom plat es over th e heat riser ports left on the stock mutner 5.17 Double nut t he studs for removal a good tim e to remove your stock vacu um advanc e d istr ibutor and install the new mechanica l advance igniti on system (refer to Fig. 5.14 and 5 .15). Then, reinstall th e dis tributor cap and ign ition wir es. If you find th at wor king In the engine co mpa rtment is a litt le tight, it may help to rem ove th e dec klld as this wi ll provide extra work ing space. last but not leas t, install th e custom p lates ove r th e heat riser port s on th e muffler (refer to Fig. 5.16), Use a sma ll amo unt of heat applica ble silico n sealer betw een th e tw o surfaces . 5.18 Each carburet or is ident ical from Weber therefo re it will be necessary to cha nge seve ral components on one t o be ab le t o mount it to the opposite side sc rews to in sta ll the co il on th e adapter, lacing the w ire te rm inals to wa rds the number 3 and num ber 4 cylinde rs . Recon nect the co il w ires, and if you choose to do so , install new spar k pl ugs at this t ime as it is most convenient to access them no w . And wh ile you're at it, massage some grease or Vaso line int o the intake manifol d gaskets, and install them on th e cylinde r heads. Do not use the stock sta mped metal OEM gaskets. Anot her thi ng you will need to do is be sure th at yo ur cy linder heads do not have the locating dowel by the intakes, othe rwise thi s wil l int erfer e wi th inst all ati on of t he Weber ma nifo lds . If the dowe l is present, remove it with a pair of vise grips or pli ers. This would also be 5.19 Reverse the throttle stop and linkage arms on the left carburetor Carburetor bench assem b ly For th e m ost part, the general instructi ons that acc ompany the kit are fairly comp lete, but it' s at thi s point th at certai n procedures need to take place which are not mentioned in the Weber installati on instructions. For instance, you will need to remove the air horns, or velocit y stacks , and double nut the threaded studs (refer to Fig. 5.17), removi ng all eig ht from the pair of carburetors as th ey are not long enough to exte nd throu gh the lin kage bracket, vel ocity slacks and air c leaner base. However, new hardw are is supplied w ith th e kit to hand le th e assembly, wh ich occurs later on . As you will notic e by looking at th e carb uretors, they are identic al, with fuel inlets, linkage arms and etc . allan th e same side (refer to Fig. 5.18). To install them on a IfW Bug, you will need to set th em up as a right and left side unit . Thi s is done by keepin g th e fuel inlet to t he outsid e position. In ou r case , it was the left carbu retor that needed to be modified. The fu el inlet and plug locations need ed to be swapped, as do th e th rott le stop and linkage arm pieces (refer to Fig. 5.19 and 5.20). Then , inst all t he thro tt le lever spacers and loc k nuts on eac h carb ureto r. Inst all the threaded studs into th e m anifolds us ing th e supplied loc king compound, or l octite if you prefer (refer to Fig. 5.21), and t ight en the stud into the manifo ld flange. Next, you ca n bolt the carb uretors to th e m anifold s us ing th e wavy washers and nu ts supplied in the kit (refer to Fig . 5.22). 5.20 Make sure the fu el inlet locations face th e same d irection to ease fu el line installation 5.2 1 Apply Loctite onto the lower threads of the stu d before installi ng th em into the intake m anifol ds 1 5-8 Part 1 Introducti on Chapter 5 5 .22 l1ghten the carburetor-t o-i ntake manifo ld bolts 5.23 install the left side carburetor first 5.24 Tighten the manifolds onto the cylinder heads using a speed wr ench and extensions The instructions tell you to assemble the c ross bar bracket, flange gaskets, air filter base and air horns at th is ti me, but due to lim ited spac e in th e eng ine compartme nt we'd sugg est do ing that aft er th e carbu retor and manifol d assemb ly are installed . Our sugg estion is in alignment with the Weber instru cti ons, as they mention the fact that d ue to the length required for the crossbar to seat prop erly in the brack et , the right and left side parts can not be assemb led sim ultaneou s ly . We simp ly assemb led th em in the ca r and enc ountere d no problem whatsoever. Final assembl y When it com es t ime to insta ll th e carb uret or assemb lies on t he motor, the left , or d river's side unit, should be installed fi rst (refer to Fig. 5.23). Installation is made easy by using a ratchet wit h a 10- to 12-inch extension and universal swivel conn ector between the extension and socket (refer to Fig. 5.24). Secure the manifold in place, then install the right side manifold and carb uretor in the same manner. Next , hoo k up th e fuel lines from the fu el pum p to th e c arburetors , being sure to tighten each hose clamp. Now, slide the center pull lever and the left and right extens io n arms o nto the c ross-bar so there is a eo o angle betw een the centerline of the compo nents (refer to Fig . 5.25). Install the jam nuts onto the ball ends and thread the ball-ends into each end of the cross- bar shaft . This is a good time to install the comp lete air hom assemblies, as mentioned earlier and shown in the exp loded view in the instructi ons, leaving the right side semi-loo se as to allow you to Install the cross-bar shaft . Then, install the cross-bar self- centering spring in the left bracket bushing, and insert the left hand ball-end into the left bracket bushing and spring , first , then do the same for the right side, before tightening everything down (refer to Fig. 5 .26 through 5.28). Once the c ross-bar has seated in th e bu shings , secure the air horn ass emb ly (refe r to Fig. 5 .29). Make sure th ere is 1/32 -inch 5.26 install the air horn assemb ly ont o the left side carb uretor, . . . 5.25 Install the exten sion arms with a so-eeq ree angle to each oth er c learance betw een th e bush ing flange and ball flange. Now you can inst all th e ca rbureto r linkage rods to eac h of th e exten s io n arms , c hecking to be sure that they are as c lose to vert ical as possible and that the o peration of the linkage is totally smooth and not bind ing in any way at all (refer to Fig. 5.30 through 5.32). Tuning Before starting the engine to sync hronize the carburetors, be sure th e c arb uret or linkage is movin g f reely and the ig nit io n w ires are installed in the correct firing order. You can now replace the gas cap 5.27 . . . install the cro ss bar self-centering spring into the left brac ket bushing and . . . 5.28 . . . finally install the right side air horn assemb ly gasket 5-9 Part 1 Introduction Ch apter 5 5.29 Afte r the linkage has been co mpletely installed, tighten the right side air hom 5.30 Install the link age arms to the extension arms 5.31 Tighten ing the upp er linkage ann adjustment nut 1 5.32 Last, tighten the extensio n arms to the cross bar 5.33 Use a spec ial tool available from Weber to sync hronize the ca rburetors and hook up the batt ery c ables. Reset the ti ming o n the mechanical distribut or using the static method to get the t iming close before initiai sta rt up . Sta rt the engine and check for any vacuum leaks. if none seem to be present, use a timing light to properly set the total advance. Sy nc hronize and set the idle mix tu re using t he Weber instructi ons (refer to Fig . 5.33). A simplified method can be perform ed by removing the linkage rods, and synchronizing the idle speed screws . Install and adjust the linkage rod s, and then adjust t he bac k barrel air bypass to match flow of front barrels. If they need more fine tuning, or if problems see m to be affec t ing performance , co nsult w ith th e Weber 5.35 Tighten the union piece to allow maximum linkage travel 5.34 Install the thrott le cable into the union piece troubieshooting guide . With the synchronizing process co mplete, tum t he engine off and proceed with the thrott le cable installation (refer to Fig. 5.34 and 5.35). Depending upon the type of cable yo u have, the kit co mes with tw o different union pieces which should work for most ap plications. If you need to c ut you r cab le, be sure the ca ble is allow ed to mov e freely thro ugh the entire linkage travel, and tha t you have allow ed enough cable to fit through the shorter piece and it is securely in place. Then. co mp lete the installation of t he air clea ner elements, bott om breast plate and top plates (refer to Fig. 5 .36 and 5.37). Have an assistant 5.36 Install the breast plate into the engine comp artment Tighten the mounting hardware 5-10 Part 1 Introduct ion Cha pter 5 5.38 Using an assistant, depress the acc elerato r pedal and make sure the carbu retor linkage reach es wide open thr ottle with out bind ing or hesitation 5.39 The Directory pub lished by Driven by Design, lists complete information on parts suppliers, restoration shops, upholstery outlets, etc . co nceming Porscbe mco ets depress th e acce lerato r and c hec k for b ind ing linkage {refer to Fig. 5.38). Also , c heck fo r ade quate hood clea rance bef or e c losi ng the decklid. If everyth ing looks goo d, head down the road for a test drive. Cons id ering th e di ff icu lty fin din g the co rrect parts , labor and inf orm ation for yo ur resto rati on , Driven by Des ig n Pub lic at ion s in Carmel, Califo rnia has created a co mp lete list of all the W eber spec ialty shops on the west coast. This book lists anyt hing from Weber c arburetor suppliers to restorati on ex perts. The titl e, Th e Directory (refer to Fig. 5.39), lists specialty shops , distributors, expe rts etc. for the resto rat ion of Por sc he modeis. This co mp lete listing direct ory is available th rough Driven by Design 1-4 08-625-9342 . 6 Weber carburet or tips The do-it -y ourselfer wi ll always hav e q uestions c oncerning his/ her Weber carb uretor installation and it is best to know a shop and tec hnician that is knowl edgeable conc ern ing your partic ular ty pe of vehicl e. Refer to the list at the end of this Section for a co mplete list of t he W eber repr esent atives in your area. For examp le, Alfa Rom eo racing enthusiast s should discuss their carburetor id iosyncra sies with a tr ained Alfa Rom eo tec hnician who has mu ltipl e hou rs experienc e with installation and tunin g Weber conversions. These spec ialty shops have knowledge and access to many of the carburetor and manifold parts that are necessary for the complete job . M any of th e early model Pors ch e 911s ca me with origina l eq uip me nt W eber ca r buretors and a large perc entage of t he CIS mechanical injection mo dels are converted to Weber carburetion. PMO in Santa Mon ica , Californ ia has tech nica l expert ise co ncern ing Porsc helWeber in stall at ion s . Ques tions arise suc h as "w hy do the spark plugs foul quickly wit h my particular size idle j ets r . ~What typ e of fuel additive is best for the Weber conversion on my Porsche 91 1?". "What are the b est main je t, air jet, idle j et , emulsion tub e, choke com binations for my size engine using the Weber 40 IDA 3C(1) setup ?" All these questions require a trained expert who has come across the problems and solved them many ti mes before. Don't be afraid to learn as much as possible about your c arburetor set-up espec ially if you plan to race the vehicle or drive it for performance. Weber Carburetor company has moved its aftermarket carburetor operations to Spain and is now co nc entrating on produc ing fuel inject ion syste ms. Alth ough the Weber co mp any conti nues to build quality carb uretors, the bulk of the producti on is being shifted into fuel inject ion. Eventually many of the three barrel Porsche carburetors w ill be p hased out. As a res uit of t his c hange in po lic y, PMO in Santa Monica will soon start pro duction of its own three barrel carbu retor for Porsche 911 engines . Co ntact PMO (1-310-393-5423) for co mpl et e details. W eber carburetor c onvers io ns have gathered its own gro up of speciaity shops and organizations tha t handle anything dealing with this perio rmance equipment. These businesses range from V8 hotrod shops to rac ing and speed testing facil ities for Ferrari and Porsch e. It is a good id ea to iocate many of th ese spe c ialty sho ps by loo king through magazines and advertisements to gather as much information possible about your "cu stom or Classic automobile". Weber carburetor sup pliers and in stallers AL FA RICA MB I 6644 San Fernando Road Glendale, Ca. 91201 1-81 8-956-7 933 Weber ca rburetors for Alfa Romeo DRIVEN BY DESIGN 8440 Carmel Valley Road Carmel, California 93923 1-408-62 5-1393 Publishers of directory information on Pors che and Weber suppliers OTTO'S 41 Venice Beach Blvd . Venice Beach, Ca. 1-310- 399- 3221 Weber perform ance installations and testing FAST FREDDY'S 2604 South Harbor Blvd . Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 1 ~714-540-3 801 Weber kits for foreign and domestic engine con versions WORLDPACK (REDLINE) 303 West Art esia Blvd . Compton, Ca. 90224 1-3 10-604-8200 Fact ory d istributors for Weber carburetors A DVANCED ENGINE MANAGEM ENT 15606 South Broadway Center Gard ena, Ca. 90248 1-310-327- 9336 Performance dyno testing, conversions and installation P.M.O. 135 17th street Santa Monica, Ca 90402 1-310-393-5423 Porsche Weber and custo m carburetor specialists Part 1 Introduction Chapter 5 PRECISION M OTORWORKS 930 East Orangethorp Avenue Anaheim, ce. 92801 1· 714·879-9072 Porsche Weber carbu retor performance special ists PERFOR MANCE PARTS 150WlI"eIess Blvd . Hauppauge. N.Y. 11788 1- 801).654--2778 Weber kits and parts supplier GREENFIELD IMPORTED CAR PARTS 335 High Street Greenfield , Mass. 0 1301 1· 413·774- 2819 Weber kits and parts supplier . Expert technicians available INTERCO 150 Wireless Blvd. Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 1· 516· 434-1 818 1-800 -64 5-74 88 Weber kits and parts supplier M OTORSPORT AUT O 1139 West Col lins Avenue Orange , Ca. 92667 , -800-633-6331 1-714-639-2620 Weber DGV kits for Z cars EU ROPEAN RACI NG 2899 West 190th Street Redondo Beach , 90278 1·31().37().-3815 Weber kits and parts suppHer specialiZIng in VW and Porsche ce. 5 ·11 JA M ENGINEERING 886 Abrego Str eet Monterey, Ca. 93942 1-408-372-1787 1-800-431-3533 (outside C8Jifom ia) Weber kits for BMW and Mercedes Benz PIERCE MANIFOLDS Mike Pierce owner 8901 M urray Avenue Gilroy , Ca 95020 1· 408-84 2--{j667 Largest distributor of Weber carburetors and manifolds. Spec ialiZing in overseas and Canad ian production models NA R.W. 7355 Canby Road Reseda , Ca. 1-81 8-8 81-1 222 Web er installations and perform ance tuning on Porsches CENTERLI NE PRODUCTS 4715 Nort h Broadway Boulder, Co. 80302 1·303-447-0 239 Weber kits for Alta Romeo MOTORSPORT AUT O 1139 West Collins Avenue Orang e. Ca. 9266 7 1-800-633-6331 Weber con version kits for teseen Z cars 1 6-0 Part 2 Weber Carburetors Chapter 6 Type 28/36 DCD Co nte nts Section Assem bly . Con struct io n 7 2 Disassembly Fault di agnosis 5 Introdu ct ion t 9 Ope ratio n Removal and refittin g Special overha ul procedur es ..... .. ... .... •. . Tunin g . Adjustment data Float le vel setting dim en sion s in (m m) Closed po sition 0 . 197 15.0) 0 ,53 1 (13. 5) Ope n pos ition S troke . 0 ,3 3 5 (8 .5 ) Section 3 4 6 B Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 6 6-1 I ntToduetlon The Webe r 28/3 6 carburettor is of the down draught type and has two bar rels 10 supply the primary and secon dary funclions; Ih e primary barre l i s of 28 .0 m m dia meter at the th rollie valve Iocalion and l he secon dary barre l is of 3.60 mm dia me te r. Eaen throttle valve is mounted on separate shahs and Ih e valves are of the differentiel Of progressive choke type . The linka ge bet w een the I WO t hrottle valv es is arranged so th aI t he secon dary thrott le valve does net com mence to op en unlil the primary I hrottle valve Is open. The carbu renor is normally fined 10 t he engin e as a single unit with both barrels feeding a common inlet manifold . th e most oommon arr angem ents being as follows: t 1 One unit on II four-cyfinder in ...Jine eng ine 2 On, unit on II $ix -cyli nder in-fine engine 0 000 - Fi g. 6.1 Single cerburettor fittod to a fo ur--cylinder in-line eng ine (Sec 1) The carbu retlOf iden tifi cat ion marl<. is Iocaled on the lower frange oute r surfac e. The main body ar'd cover of the W eber 28/36 OCO ce rbure nor are made of die-ca st aluminiu m or zinc alloy (M al akl . the mou nting nange being machined n at for fining on the inlet manifold . The upper face of th e cov er is also machin ed flat and inco rpo rates fou r th readed ho les fo r the fining of an air cleaner (pho lol. The hrottle valv es and shah s are of brass and th e shahs ron directly In the carburenor body. All fu el and air jet s and emulsion l ubes are of bras s construct ion and are screw fittings into the mai n body . Internal channels of the mai n bo dy and cover are mostly drilled and are sealed wit h lead plugs w here necessary. The fu el float assembly compri ses two sem i-floats which are each of two halves soldered toget her: th ey are made of thi n brass sheet . 3 cco- cco Fi g. 6.2 Single carburettor f itted to a six-cyl inder in-lin . engine [S ec 11 Operation Cold starting The ta rt!ng device titted to Iy pe OCO carburetto rs opera tes Independ ent ly of the main circuit and may be cons idered as a separate carb lJrellor w it hi n the main carburettor. W hen the cho ke cable is pulled. th e sta rting dev ice op arat lng lever turns the cont rol shah wh ich lifts the start ing valve off of Its seat . Reference to Fig. 6.3 wi ll show th at fu el from the float Chamber (7) Is driven t hrough th e channel (53) to arrive at the starter fuel Jel (52) . Air ent ering th rou gh t he air correcti on Jet (5 1) and the bypass channe l emu lsifie s th e fu el as it i drawn th rough the staning jet ernutsrcn ho les and th e byp ass channe l. The mixture is the n drawn through the channel (4 8) and pest the starter valve (501 where add it iona l air from the channel (4 9 1 weakens the mix ture. The fi nal mixture i s drawn t hroug h the channel 154 1 and into bot h the pri mary and secondary carburettor ba rrels al t he en gine side of the throttl e valves. Once the engine starts. the vacuum in the channels (54 ) and (571 inc reases t o such an ext ent that the starter plunger (56) is pulled against spring pressure from the seat (5 5!. Addi tional air is t hl,ls adm itted to th e mix ture to allow the engine to continue running. The starting device has a prog ressive act ion made possible by the tapered shape of th e valve head. Low erin g th e valv e w ill reduce the amou nt of mixtl,l re admitted to th e engine. The sl,lpply w i g cease when th e valve is complet ely shut. Idling and progression Refer to Fig. 6.4 and note th at wh en the eng ine is idling th e SO!l cond ary th rottle valve (37) is complete ly shut . but th e primary 2 .0 Typical air clean er with th e cover removed th rottle 1131 is slightly open . accordi ng to th e throttle idli ng adjl,lstment screw setting. Fuel is drawn from t he floa t chamber hrough an internal chan nel to l he fu el jet in th e id ling jet (34!. On passin g th rough the fu el jet. air is introd uced to th e fu el from t he calibrated bush 13 51 and the ho les in the idling jet tube . The fuel then becomes emu lsifi ed. The mixture then Pl SSlS through the channel (321. past the id ling mixture adjust ment screw (201. thrtllJgh th e id ling feed ho le 13 1) and into th e pri mary carbu rett or th roat at the eng in e side of the th rottle valve. The idl ing adjustment screw (201 has a tapered end and can th erefore be adju sted to adm it more or less fu eVa'r mixtl,lre as necessary. 2 6-2 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 6 B I I ' ''~r'~~ ' [ i 4~ 49 51 ~'=d-""'50 52 7 54 "n.. 55 56 Tr';'!-!- 57 Fig . 6 .3 Co ld sta rting de vice ope ratio n 15 K 3 1 7 Float chtlmbef 48 Channel 5' A lrc orrectionjer 52 Stt/rtlng jet 49 Air channel 53 Fuel channel 50 Starter valve 54 Emu lsion channel Wh en t he primary throttle valve (13) Is ope ned slig ht ly to inc rease th e engine speed, the prog ressiOfl t ore (3 6) is bro ught into action to pro vide add itional fuel. Th is is nec essary 10 prevent a fl at spot occu rri ng before the m ain prima ry fu el supp ly s yst em co mes intOopera tion . When the pri mary throttle valve (13 1 is 8pp rol(ima te ly i open , th e secondary thro ttl e valv e (3 71 w in commence to open. This actio n causes the secondary progression hole (3 8) to be blougtl t under engine vacuu m. Fuel is the n drawn from th e float chambe r to t he seconda ry idling ;e tI2 71. where air is introduced from th e calibra te d bush (26 ). The m ilrture passes th roug h the chann el (29 ) and thus em erges from the progression hol e (3 8). With either thrOltl e valve fully open, the prog ression system for th e part icular carbuee tt c r barrel ceases. Norm al running Under full throttle and high speed cruising cond itions. th e throttl e pl ate s w ill be suffici ently fer fro m the id ling and progression hol es to prevent them fro m adm itting fu el and the ma in fue l supply c ircuit s w ill be bro ught into acti on. Refer to Fig. 6 .5 and not e that fu el from the flo at chambe r 171 passes throu gh the main jets (8) and Channe ls (9) to the 5 5 S tarter ~ir v~/ve seat 56 Starte r air valve 57 Transfe r channal A Cold s tarting pos ition B W arming up p osition C Closad p osition em ulsion tub e w ell s (11). At the same ti me. air is drawn throu gh th e air corrector jets 0 1. throug h the centre of the emu lsion tubes (12) and via th e emulsion tube holes to the fue l. The fu el the n becomes emulsified and Is dra wn t hrough the no zzles (17 j ll nd aultili ary ventu ria (161and thu s mixes with the main air supply as it i s drawn throu gh t he chokes {l SI and into the engine. Under static cond it ions t he level of fue l in the float chamber and emu lsion tube wi ll be identical: however. as the engine speed increases and t he fu el fl ow is faster, the fu el level in the emu lsion tube dro ps. 8y providing addi tional holes in the lower part of the emu l sion tube. th e necessary air correction is made possible at t he higher engine speeds. The main fu el suppl y circuit s of t he pr imary and secondary carburatt or barrels operate progr essively and there is a certain amou nt of overlapp ing as each circuit is brought into action. Acceleration To provide the engine with a rich mixture w hen accelerating . the cerbarertcr is equipped with an accelerati on pump which is operated bv the prim ary throttle of th e carbu rettor and injects only jnto th e pri mary venturi. Reference to Fig. 6.6 will 6-3 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 6 31 30 13 2 Fi g. 8 .4 Carburettor id li ng and progressi on phase I Sec 3) 12 Prim ary emu lsion wbe 13 Prim llry throttle villve 20 I dling msaare control screw 26 Secondary air j et 2 7 Secondary idling j et 28 Secondary emulsion tu be 29 Secondary progression chltnne l 29 30 Primary barrel 3 1 I dle feed orifice 32 34 35 36 37 38 Pri mll ry idlin g and progression channel Primll ry idling jet Prim ary air j er Prlm ll r y progression hoie Seco ndary throttle valv e Secondary progression hole slww that whe n th e primary thro ttle valve is closed. the lever (4 51 lift s the operating rod (441 und er the act ion of the coil spring. The piston (42 1 is pu lled up th e pi st on bore against th e pressure of t he spring (4 1) and fuel is drawn from lhe float chamber (71through th e int ake valve (4 7). Whe n th e primary thrott le valve is opened . the lever (4 5) moves away from th e opera ti ng rod (44) and allows the piston (42 ) to mov e down the bo re unde r the act ion of the spr ing (4 1I. The ball In th e int ake valve (47) preven t s fuel retu rning to the float cha mber {7) and the fuel is fo rced along the Intern al chann el (43 ), past th e delivery valve (4), through the pump jet (39) and Into the primary ventu ri. The inlet valve (4 71 mayo r may not inc orporate a disch arge orifi ce accor ding to th e app licat io n. but wh ere th ere Is one . II cert ain amount of fue l is di scharged back int o th e float chamber during th e ecceleration pump pIston stroke. By fi ne calibrati on of th e discharge orifice . it is po ssibl e to det erm ine t he exact Quantity of fue l injected by the acceleration pump. 4 Rem oVlil and refitting No te : Thll foff owing prOClldurll gives II generlll (lither thlln a specific me thod of removing and refirting the carbure tt or. as milch will depend on the 'ocation within the vehiclil. Unscrew and remo ve the reta ining nut s and w ithdraw th e air cleaner cov er and filter gauze. Unscrew the air Cleaner retaining screws, being very careful not to drop them int o the cerburen c r barrels. 2 Loosen the fuel supp ly hos e cl ip and pu ll th e hose fro m the inlet pip e. 3 Slacken th e choke cable retaining screws on the startin g devi ce and pull th e cable clear . 4 Disconnect the throttle control rod from th e th rott le lever. 5 Pull the ignition advan ce tube from th e vacu um pipe on th e side of the carbur ettor. 6-4 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 6 18 19 20 -r-r "'' " ,.+-' , 12 , 2 3 •5 6 7 Fig . 6. 5 Cllrborenor norma l ph ase (S ec 31 A ir co"~cror jet Needle valve seet Needle valve Spring hook Fulcrum pin Floa t Float cfl amber 8 Main jet 9 Chen nel ' 0 Thro ttle shaft 15 16 17 18 19 Throttl e valve 14 Throt tle lever 20 Idling mixture adjustm ent screw "'3'2 Emulsion tube Em ulsion tube well Choke A u"cifiafy venturi D ischtlrge rou te Thro ttle sect or I dling IIdJustm ent screw 2' 22 23 2. 25 S lot S ector lug Unk s ector Secondary fever Secondary throttle shaft 4',1++~ 42 47 10 46 45 44 25 Fig. 8.6 Carburettor acceleration phue (Sec J l 7 Float ch ambe r 10 Prim ary th ro tt le shaft 25 Secon dary thro ttle sh aft 4 0 De llI/Sty !FaN e 4 7 A ccelerator pum p s pring 42 Pump piston 43 Fuel channel 44 Ope ratin g rod 4 5 Le ver 4 6 OparlJting cam 4 7 IntlJ/(aand discharge ,.he 39 Pum p /et 6 Whe re fitt ed , disconne ct t he a utomat ;c tra ns miss io n controls fro m the cerburettcr. 7 Unscrew and remove tha carburettcr mounling nuts I hen withdraw the unit over the mounling studs. 8 Remov e the inlet m ,' Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 6 6 Sp ec ial overhaul procedure s After carrying out the gene ral overhaul procedures given in O1apter 4. th e follo w ing special procedures should be made : 1 Using a hand chuck and W eber tool no 98005 900. reform th e id ling jet seatings In t he carbu rett or body by carefu lly rotating th e tool in alte rnate dir ecti ons. Finish the seatings by Inserting W eber too l 98 0 10 500 and gently tapp ing the cent re pin whi lst rotati ng it. 2 U sing th e same procedu re as described in parag raph 1, reform th e starter valve seat and bush. using W eber too ls nos 98004100 and 98002 6 50. 3 Using the same procedure as described in paragraph 1. refor m th e starting jet seal. using W eber too l nos 98006 300 and 980 10 600. 4 If th e emulsion tube bores are disco loured and show signs of sedimen t bui ld up, ream them clear again using W eber tool no 98005 300 . Rotate t he tool slowly w ith a hand chuck unt il it ' mov es quite free ly, th en remo ve it wh ilst still rotating It. 5 If. on disassembly, the th rott le shaft s (4 9 and 54 ) are a t ight fit in the cerbu rettor body (77) and they are of or ig inal diameter (8.0 rnml, use Webe r tool no 9 8003 600 to ream the shaft bores cl ear wi th the aid of a hand chuck. Should the shaft bores be excessively worn, oversize shafts of 8. 5 mm di amete r mu st be fitt ed and the bores should be reamed using Webe r tool no 98 00 3 500. Note that norm ally the shaft itself will wear quicker tha n it s bore. in which ease it w ill on ly be necessary to renew the shaft . 6 Using a small file. remove any burr s th at have formed at the end of the shaft bores as a result of reaming. 7 Check th e intem al channel s of t he carburettor bo~t- - 21 • .~ , 21 , 18 Fig. 8 .4 Id ling ,"" prog ression 12 We /Is 14 A ...compen sation jet ,. '5 Progr ession hofes Adjustment scr ew 17 Channel 18 Throttle valve phas. (tri ple choke typesl (5 "c 31 " 20 21 22 23 24 I dling feed hol es Idling mixture screw Channel Chertnel FIg . 8 .5 Normal phase 14& I DA end 48 IDAI {Sec 5 1 1 2 3 4 Float Fulcrum pin N eedle valve 5 Jdlingje l s e Needle valve seat A ir corrector jet C"librated bush 7 Auxiliary venturi the ai r corrector [et s (5) and is then d rawn th rough the nozzle s (61and chok es (9 1and into the engine. Tr ipl e cho ke types Refer 10 Fig. 8.6 and note that unde r full thrott le and cru ise Noule 8 s '0 Em ulsion tube Choke w. n 11 Main i et ' 2 C/ulnne l 13 Flo af ch am ber condi tions. fuel is drawn from t he float chamb ers (5} through the main jets (10) and channels (1 1) to the emu lsion tu be we lls (12). The fu el becomes emulsified with air dra wn in through th e air cor rector jet s (3 ) and, aft er leaving th e emul sion tubes (4 1. is drawn th rough the nozzles (2 ) and cho kes (t 3) into t he eng ine. 8-3 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 ,, ,/ / , -,, -_ . ~- - - - -~ '.:' ,;, I 1l 10 Fig. 8 .6 No rmal phase (t rip le choke types) (Sec 3 1 1 2 3 4 Auxiliary ve nturi Nozzle A ir corrector jet Em ulsion tube 5 6 7 Float Float ch am be r Needle valve se /If 21 n Needle valve Fulcrum pin 10 Main jet 8 9 1 1 Channel 12 W elf 13 Choke 2 22 / 26 l~l~W2728 .~. _u-- :,.':.:-: ' , ...:," .... ... . ' . . .. . ' ' / 23 24 25 Fig. 8 .7 Acceleration phasa f46 IDA and 48 IDAI ISIfC 3 ) 13 Float chamber Delivery valve 22 Pump jet 21 23 Inle t and discharge valw 24 Chan nel 25 Channel Accelera tion 48 IDA and 48 IDA types Refer to Fig. 8. 7 and note that when the throttl e velv ea are clo sed, th e lever (29) under the action of it s spring. lift s the accelerat or pump operating rod (2 6 ). Fuel Is th en drawn from 26 Ope rating rod 2 7 Sp ring 28 Piston 29 Lever 30 Cam th e f loat chamber 11 3 } throu gh th e inlet valve (23) Int o the pum p chamber. Wh en th e throttle valves are opened. the cam (30) moves the lever (29) aw ay from the bottom of the operat ing rod (2 6) and the pisto n (28) mov es down the pum p bore under th e action of t he spr ing (2 7). The inlet valve ball the n 8-4 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 vehir:!e. On some applications for instance, the retaining nots m ay no t be ,ccessib/, without removing surrounding com pon ents. 16 " 1 Disconnect all hoses from the air cleaner, if fitted. Remove the air cleaner cover and edract the air cleaner ele ment . 2 Detach the air cleaner base from the carbu rett or. if fitted. 3 Disconnect the th rcttte linkage from t he th rottl e lever. 4 Disconnect the fue l in let hose or pipe (w ithdraw the fil ter on triple choke type s). 5 Unscrew and remo ve the Carbur eltor retainin g nuts and spring wash ers and withdraw the earburettor com pl ete over th e mounting stuos . 6 Remove Ihe gaskets from Ihe inlet manifo ld and clean all traces of gasket from th e contact face s of the manifold and carburertor . 7 Protect th e inlet man ifold from ingress of for eign matter whilst the cerbcrettor is removed by sealing it wi th maskin g tape. 8 Refining is a reversal of remov al bu t the follow ing addit ional points should be noted : f.} A lw a ys fit new gaslt:ers and tight en the ret aining nurs I1Vl1nly in di.gonal sequl1nce fb} The idling I1djustm ent scre ws should be set as dl1scribed in S Ktlons 8 .nd 9. and finally tun ed as described in S ection TO ., is )4 5 D i sassem bl y (46 I DA and 48 IDA types} Fi g. 8 .8 Ac ce lenl1ion ltriple choke types } ts ec 3 J e 25 2. 27 2. 2. F/(u l( Chamber Pump jer De livery vtJfva Rtlltn' se plate D iaphragm Spring 30 Di/,phragm 31 32 33 34 35 3. 37 Op erating fe ver Cern Lin k8ge l e ver Channel Inler and discharge valve Channel closes and fuel is forced t hro ugh t he ch ann e ls (2 4 and 25), through the deli very valves (2 1/ end pump jets (22) into the barrel s in the vicinity of the tHIXi liary venturis. The i nlet val ve (23) may Incorpo rate a calibrat ed disch arge ho le wh ereby some fue l ret urns 10 the float chamber; by varyi ng the size of the disc harge hole accord ing to th e applicat ion, the amount of fu el injected by the purnpiets 122) can be varied. Tri p le c ho k e ty pes Refer 10 Fig. 8 .8 and note th at w hen the th rottle valves are clo sed, l he sprint! (29) pushes the diaphragm (3 0) outwards and fuel is drawn from the float wa shers 16t through the inlet valves (36), alont! the channels (35 ) and int o the pump chamb er. Wh en th e throttle valves are opened, th e lever (34 ) pul ls the li nkage (33) and the cam (3 2) causes th e leve r (3 1) to depre ss the diaphragm (30) against the tension of the spring (2 9). Fuel is forc ed past the release diaphragm 128 ) w hen th e plate (2 7) moves against the reacti on sprin g and th en travels through the channe ls (37) to the delivery valves (26). It is then inject ecl tIl rough the pump jets (2 51 into th e carburettcr barre ls in the vicinit y of the au~ iria rv venturis. The in let valve{s) (23) may incor porate a cali brated di scharge hole w hereby some fue l ret urns to the float chambers; the size of the hole clepend ing on the partiCular appl ication . IDS type carburett crs are equipped w itll boo ster jets located at th e mouth of each auxiliary ventu ri. Their purpose is to provide mi)(1ure enrich ment during high speed conditions. 4 Rem ova l ancl ref itting No te : The following !Noce dure give s a general rather th8n a spedfic m e thod of rem oving ,nd refitting the carburettor, as milch Wl71 depend on the location of the carburettor with in the Thoroughly clean the caeberertcr elrterior and wi pe dry. 2 Referring to Fig. 8.9. unscrew and remove the retaining nuts (6 1) and w it hdraw the fitter gaUl e (64 ) (phot o). 3 Unscrew and remove th e ret ainin g nut s (60). remove t he plat es (59l and withd raw the air Intake horns (58) . 4 U nscrew and remove the fi lter inspect ion plug {571. remove the w asher (56l and extract th e fuel filter (5 5) and reta in ing bush (6 3) (phOto). 5 U nscrew and remove the ca rbu retto r cover retai ning nuts (62) and carefully 11ft the cover from the carburettor bod y (6 5). making sure that the gasket (14 ) is not brok en (photo). 6 Lift the gasket (14) from the carburettor body ( 6 5~. If it is necessary to retain tha gasket for any reason and it has become shrunk . it is recom mended that the em ulsion tube hold ers (4 8) and idling jet holders (50 ) are removed before removing t he gasket . 7 Invert the carbure ttcr cover (1) and unscrew the needle valve {l 21. then remove the wa sher (13) (photo), 8 Remo ve the locking wire from the float fulcru m pi n screw head (17), then unscre w and remo ve it toge ther w ith t he wash er (16) (photos l. 9 Lit! the uoet (15 ) from the float chamber. 1D Unscrew and remove t he teet chamb er drain pl ug (23 ) and w asher (22) (photo). 11 Unscrew and remove the accelerator pump in let and discha rge valve {111 from the bott om of th e float chamber (pho to) . 12 Unscrew the emulsion tube hol ders (4 8) from the carburettor body (65) and lit! out the em ulsion tub e assembl ies (pho to ). 13 Separate the emu lsion tubes (4 61from the holders (4 81and then pull the main Jets (4 5) and air correcto r jets (4 7 ) from the em ulsion tubes (4 6 1. Take care not to damage th e jets whe n removing them and if pliers are used , interpose a piece of paper or card to prevenllhe brass being scratched (phol o). 14 U nscrew the idli ng jet holders and air cor rector jets (50 ) from the ca rbcrertor bod y (6 5) and th en separate th e idlin g jets (49) (photos). 15 Unscrew and re move the accelerator pum p delive ry valv es (8) together w ith th e pump jet s (lO l and washers (9) . the n separ,te the washers and jets from th e valves (photos). 16 lift th e accelerator pump operating rod (4) against the tension of th e spring (6 ) until the retainer (51 is released from the earburettor body (65 ), th en w ithdra w the com plet e 5.2 Removing the filter Qill.lze (twin choke type ) 5.4 Removing the rue! fi lter (tw in choke rvpel 5.5 Removing the carbu rettor cover (twin cho ke type) ~ · '"-"· f "" ' ':~iM-, ' ' .t ~":!it;}!:,:) ~~(':: -"':;;.~ . I ; L. : ...>' / ~ » 1/1) .~ > 5.7 Remo ving the needle valve Itwin cho ke type ) 5.8b Removing the float fu lcrum pin (twi n choke type ) _. 5.10 Removing th e fl oat chamber dre in pll.lg (twin choke type ) 5.11 Location of the pump Inlet lmd di scharge val ve (twin choke type) 5.12 Remov ing sn ernulslon tube (twin chok e type ) 5.13 Em l.llsion tube compo nent s (twin choke typel 5.14a Removing t he Idling Jets (twin cho ke type) 5.14 b The Idling Jetand holder (twin choke type) 2 8-6---------------- 1 5~r- 6 2 63 'iiit" ~ 55 '5 - --"---:"'''' (?£c 5 6,'-_ , t:t-'66 lllA L . -----.--- - -~" --' . ' ", 65 3e'A 8- 7 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 5.15. l ocati on of the a c cele rato r pum p delivery valvehw in cho ke type l 5.15 b Pump delivery valve and Jet compon ents Itw in choke ty pe l 5.17 Accelerator pump compon ents l twin choke type ) 2 5.19 Removing the auxili ary ventu ris (twin choke t ype) Fig . 8 .10 Auxiliary venturi removal tool I sec 51 accelerato r py mp "sembly. 17 Lift the acceler ator pump piston 17) against the spring (5) and di sconn ect it from the operating rod by turning it thro ugh 90 ° . Remove the pi ston (7). spring (5) and retain er (5 1from the operatin g rod (4) (photol . 18 On 46 IDA types , remove the accelerator pump operating rod bush (B81. 19 Note the location of the auxllia rv vent uria (18) and mark them , If necessary, with a pencil to ensure correct refitting, then withdraw them from the carburet tor body (6 51 (photo). If necessary, use a wood en or plasti c dow el rod insert ed from the throttle valve end of the barr el. to tap the auxil iary ventuns free. If they are excessively tight, it will be necessary to obtain Weber too l no 95 10 150 0035 , 20 Remove the chokes (1 9). noting th at the end with the 5.20a Removing the chokes [twin choke type l sma ller intern al diame ter is uppermost (photos). If th ese are excessively tight it wi ll be necessary to obta in Weber tool no 96 101 500034. 21 Uns crew and remo ve the id ling mix ture adjusting screws (20) and springs (2 1) from the carbu rettor body (65) (photo) . 22 Unscrew and remo ve the idling adju sting screw (3 9 or 39 A) and spring (38 or 38A) from the cerbur ettcr body (65 ). 23 Bend back the tccktabs (26) on each end of the t hrot tle spindle (32) and unscrew the nuts (2 5) Iphotol. If the nuts are tight, use Weber too l no 98023 70 0 to hold th e spindle wh ile the nut is loosened; if this precauti on is not take n, the spin dle (32 ) may become buckled. Note: Under no circumstances should the nvts be loosen ed or tighten ed with the throttle v/I!v~s bBing forced aglJinst the barrel walls. 24 Remove the nuts (2 5). tab w ashers (2 6). spacer (27 or 2 7A ) Fig. 8 .9 Exp loded view of th e 46 1DA and 48 10 A cerburettor ISec 5) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 Cover S tud Stud Pump roa Retainer Spring Piston De livery valve 9 W.tSh~rs 25 N u< / 2 3 4 5 , e / 0 Pump jet /I Inlet and disc/Illrge valvt! / 2 Needle valve /3 W asher /. / 4 Gasket / 5 J:loat Wllsner 17 J:utcrum pin Auxiliary venturi Choke Mixfllre adjus tment scr~w Sp ring Washer Pilig Progression hole inspe ction plu g 2 6 Tab washer 27 and 27A S paur 28 Spring 29 Lever 30 Clip 3 1 Rollpin 32 Throttle $pind/~ 33 S crew 34 Throttle valve 35 Sprin g 36 Cam 371lnd37A L~v~r 38 Ilnd 38A S pring 39 and 39A Idling Ildjus tment scre w 40 Retainer 4 / Spring 42 Dust seal 43 8 atlring 44 Stud 45 M/I!n j~t 46 47 48 49 Emulsion tll~ A ir correcror jet Holder Idling j~ t 50 Holder 8," 5/ 52 Washer 53 Union 54 Washer 55 Fuel filter 5' Washer 5 7 Plug 58 A ir intake hom 59 Plate 60 Nut 6 1 Nut 62 Nut 63 8 l1sh 64 Filter ga uze 65 Car!xJrettor body 66 8 l1sh Fig . 8 .11 Choke remova l tooll Sec 51 5.20b Cho ke diame ter s ize loca tion ltwi n cho k.e type ) 5.21 Idling mixt ure s cre w lo catio n ltwin choke type) 5.23 Thro tt le spi ndle stop leve r location 5.25 Thronle va lve retainin g sc rew lo cation Itwin cho ke type ) [twin cho ke ty pe ) 5.27 Rem oving a thrott le va lve {tw in 5.28 Accel er at or pump leve r loca tion cho ke ty pe ) (twin cho ke type) 5.3 0 Re mov ing the 5p4"ing reta ine rs (twi n cho ke type ) 5.3 1 Re movi n g the th rottle shaft springs Itwi n cho ke type ) Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 and lever (3 7 or 37 A) from th e thr ottle spindle (32) . 25 Un sc rew a nd re move th e throttle va lve reta ining s cre ws (3 3 ). be ing carefu l not 10 e xert e xcess ive press ure o n th e spind le (3 2) (photo). 2 6 Note t h e po sition of the thrott le va lves in rel at ion to th e barr els. and if ne ce ssa ry mark them wit h a pe nc il. 2 7 Turn th e sp ind le to the fully open position a nd w ithdraw th e two t hrottle valve s (3 4 1fr o m t he i r lo cat io n slots (phot o} . 28 Usin g a small screwdriver, pr ise the C-ellp (30) from th e acce lerator pump lev er pivo t then w it hdraw t he lev er (2 9 1 and spring (2 8 ) Ip ho to }, 2 9 Using a suitable pin punch . drive the roll pin (31) thro ugh th e ca m (3 6 ) and spi nd le (3 2) . To ensure co rrect refitting, m ark the cam and sp ind le i n relation to eac h other. 3 0 Rem ove the spring retai ne rs (40 ) from ea ch end of t he th rott le s pind le by inse rt ing two seif-ta pp ing scr ew s into t he ho les and pu ll ing t he m w ith p lier s (pho to). 3 1 Remove th e spri ngs (41 ) and dust sea ls (4 2) (pho to). 32 U sing a pl astic o r woo den ma llet, tap one end of the sp ind le (3 2 ) until t he be aring (4 3 1eme rges from t he o pposite end of the c arb uretto r body (6 5~ . 3 3 Continue t o drive the spi ndl e out with a leng t h of dowel rod , at th e sa me time reco ver th e cam (36 ) a nd spr in g (3 5 1. 3 4 Mount the sp ind le loo sel y in a so ft jaw vice. th en ta p th e spin d le (3 2f t hro ug h th e bearing (4 3). 35 T empora rily reinse rt the sp ind le (3 2) into t he c arb uretto r body and remove th e remaining bearing ( 43~ using th e metho d d escribed i n paragraph s 32. 3 3. and 34. 3 6 If th e bear ings are exce ssiv ely w orn , it is po ssib le for the inner race t o separate f rom th e outer race leav ing the latt e r in th e ca rburettor body. If thi s h appens, gently heat the bo dy with a gas blow lam p until the race ca n be removed . On no acco unt use exce ssive h eat. oth erwi se the main body may be per m anent ly di stort ed. It i s not po ssible to obtain this component as a spa re. 6 8-9 D isassembly (tri p le choke ty pe s) Thorough ly cl ean th e carbu rettor exte rio r and wi pe dry. 2 Ref err ing to Fig. 8 .12 , un hook the thrott le le ve r return spri ng (w here f itt ed). then unscrew and remove the c arbu rett or cover ret ai n ing nut s (4 A ) and spring plate (w h ere f it ted ) (photo ). Lift the cover ( 1) from th e c arbu reltor body, being ca ref u l 3 not to br eak the gas ket (11 ) Iphc t cl. 4 On 46 IDA 3 C ty pes, remove the screw s (77 ) and lift off t he gauz e fi lters (7 6 ). 5 Un screw and remove th e ret ainin g nu t s (4) and withd raw the three air intake horns (3 ) and gasket (w here fitted) (photo). 6 Carefu lly lif t the ga sket (11) from th e ca rburettcr body. 7 Un screw both fu el in let uni on bo lt s (1 4 ) and w ithdraw th e unions (9 and 10) f rom t he co ver (1) . Sepa rate th e sealing w ash er s (8 and 13 ) from t he unions and bo lts and with draw t he f ue l fi lt er gauz es (12) . 8 Pull th e inte rmediate ho se fr om th e i n let uni on s (9 and 10 ). 9 Un screw and remove t he needl e va lv e hou sing plugs (7 ) and washe rs (6) (p hot o). 10 Unscrew and remove the needle v alv es (5 ). no ting t he quantity of w a shers (7 5) f itte d to th em (p hot o). 1 1 Remove th e locking wi re f rom th e f lo at fu lcrum pin scre w h ead s (1 8). th en remove th e f ulcrum pin s to gether w ith th e w ash er s ( 17) [photo ). 12 Lift th e two f lo at s (1 iI) from th e f loat c ham b ers. 13 Un screw and remove th e drain p lug s (6 4) and wa sh ers (6 3) {pho to). 14 Un screw and remove the main je t ho ld ers (6 1) and w ashers (5 9 ), th en un screw the m ain jet s (6 0) from th e ho ld ers (61) (pho to s). 15 U n screw and remove th e id ling jet ho lde rs (6 6). th en pull out th e id lin g jets 165 ) (ph ot o s). 16 Un screw and re m ove the air co rrec to r je t s (74), th en in vert 6 .2 Throttl e lever ret urn spr i ng lo cat ion (t rip le choke t ype ) 6 .3 Removing the c arbu rettc r co ver (t ri p le choke type) 6.5 Removin g the air intake horn s (t rip le c ho ke ty pe) 6.9 Removing the ne edie va lv e hou sing p lug (trip le cho ke type) 6. 10 Removi n g th e n eed le valve s (t ripl e choke type ) 6 . 11 Removi ng th e float fulc rum pin (trip le cho ke type ) 2 8-10 - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -..., 45 IDA 3C Fig . 8 .12 Exploded vie w of the 4 6 IDA 3 C catburettor (S e c 6) 1 2 Co ver S tud 3 A ir horn 4 and4AN ut 5 Needle valve 30 Co ver 3 1 Cover 32 Spring w asher 6 Washer 33 Nut 7 8 9 10 11 Plug 34 S crew Washer Union Union Gasket 35 Linkag e 12 13 14 15 File /filter Washer Bolt FloBt 16 S tud 17 Washer 18 FuJcrum pin 19 Spring 2 8 S pring 29 Diaphragm 36 Washer 3 7 Nut 38 Thro ttle sp indle 39 Clip 40 Ph-or 4 1 A rm 42 Cam 43 Un k/!!ge 44 Roff pin 4 5 Thro ttk valve 20 Thro ttle sp indle 21 Thro ttle sp indle 22 and 23 S tud 24 S pring 25 Plate 46 47 48 49 50 51 26 Diaphr agm 52 Spring 2 7 Accelerator p um p housing S crew Nut Tab wash~ l.ever Lever Space, 53 and 53A Spr ing 54 Idling adjustment screw 55 Progression hole in spe ction plug 56 Locknut 57 A ir compensating adju stment screw 58 Choke felilining screw 59 Washer 60 Mainlef 61 Holder 62 Mixll/fe lIdlu$tment screw 63 Washer 54 Dr8in plug 65 IIdinglet 66 Holder 6 7 Choke 68 Auxiliary venturi 69 Washer 70 Pump l et 7 1 Delivery vellf e 72 I nlet and discharge Ifalve 73 Emu/sion tube 74 A ir coracu»:jet 75 Washer 76 Filt er gauze 77 Screw 8-11 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 I::A .. j 6. 13 Remo ving the dr ain plug s Itriple choke type ) 6. 14a Removing a main jet (triple cno ke ",,,,, ) 6 .14b A ma in je t an d ho lder (tr iple cho ke type) 2 6.158 Re mo ving a n idling jet {triple cho ke type l 6.15b An idlin g jet a nd ho lde r (triple choke type l 6. 16 a Re mo ving th e a ir corrector je ts (triple choke type ) 6 .16b Rem oving an emu lsion tube (triple cho ke type l 6. 17 Locat io n of an a cce le ra tor pump inlet and discharge val ve !triple c ho ke type ) 6.18 location of a n a cce lerator pump d elive ry va lve (triple choke rvce l li~;:: the carburettor body a nd extract the emu ls ion tubes (7 31. If the y a re a lig h l fit du e 10 overt ightening of the air jets. careful use of a se lftapp ing s crew ma y be ne cessa ry to extract the e mu lsion tu bes (photos). 17 Unscrew a nd remove the acce lerator pu mp inlet valves 172 1 from the bonom of the flo at c hambers (p hot o). 18 Unscre w the ecceleretoe p ump delivery valves (7 1) a nd re mo ve them together with t he w ashe rs (6 91 (Pho tol. 19 Withdrew th e wa shers (6 9 1 and p ump je ts (70 1. th en , on lOS types, re mo ve the re ta ining screws a nd withdra w the booster jet asse mblies. 2 0 Un screw t he accelera tor p ump reta ining n uts 13 31 an d remove Ihem together .....ith the s pring washers (3 2) (p ho to ). 2 1 Withdre w th e eccereretc- pum p cover (3 01 a nd body (2 7) over the location studs; at th e sa me time recove r the rea ct ion sp ring f2 4l e nd plate (2 5 ) (pho to). __ 22 Caref ully remov e the re lease d iaphrag m (2 6) from th e body (2 7l. 2 3 Separate the co ver (301 from the body 127) and re mo ve the return s pring (281. 24 Carefully pe el the pu mp diap hra g m (2 91 from th e cov er {3 0 1. 25 Re mo ve th e locking .....ire from th e c ho ke re ta ining screws (S8l then unscre..... and remove t hem. 2 6 Note the location of the a uxiliary ve nt uria (6 81 a nd marie them with a pencil it nece ssary to e nsure correct refin ing; th en .....ithdraw them from the ca rbur ettor body Ipho to al. If necessary _ us e a wood en or plastic do .....e l rod inserted from the thrott le valve end of the barr el to tap th e aux iliary ve nturi s fre e but. it they are excessively t ight, it will be ne ce ssary to obtain Weber tool no 9 6 10 15 0 003 5 . 27 Remove th e cho kes (6 7), notin g th at th e e nd w ith th e 8-12 Fig . 8.13 Location of the booster je t s on lOS types (S e c 51 6.20 Acce ler ator pum p cove r lo ca tion 6. 2.1 Remov ing t he pum p react ion plate (tri pl e choke type ) and spring (t ripl e c hoke tvpe } 6.26a Removing an a uxilia ry vent uri (t ri pl e choke ty pe) 6.26b Auxilia ry vent uri and size id e ntificatio n (triple choke type l 6.27a Re moving a ch o ke (triple choke type l 6 .27b Choke and size ide nt ifica tio n (tri ple cho ke t ype ] Part 2 Weber ca rburetors Chapter 8 sma ller intemal diameter is uppe rmost (p hot o s). If t hese are excessivel y tigh t it w i ll be necessary to obta in W eber t ool no 96 10 150 0034. 28 Un screw and remove th e t hro t tle valve ret aini ng screws (4 6), be ing carefu l not to exert excess ive pressu re on th e spind les (20 and 381 (phot o). 29 Turn th e spind les to t he fu liy op en posi t io n and w it hdraw th e t hree t hro ttl e val ves (4 5) fr om their loc at ion slots (pho to s). 30 Slac ken t he int ermediat e li nkage screws (34) and wi thdraw th e sho rt spindle (2m from th e carbu rettor body (photo). No te t hat on some types t he li nka ge in corporates grub screws inst ead o f nuts. 31 Remove t he ret urn spri ng (1 9) from th e sp ind le (201. 32 Remove the linkage (3 5) from th e lon g sp ind le (3 8). 33 Extra ct t h e spring cli p (3 9) f rom th e lin kage (43) th en detac h t he lin kage f rom th e lever (41)l wh ere appli cabl e). 8-1 3 3 4 Extract the spri ng clip (3 9} and unscrew the pivot (4 01 then withdraw t he acce lerator pu m p cam 142l (phot o). 35 Usi ng a suitab le p in p unc h, driv e t he roll pin (4 4) through th e sp indle (3 8), at t he same ti me mark th e lever (41 ) and spindle (3 8) in relation to e ach ot her to fa cil itate refi tt ing. 36 W ith a su itable leng th of dow el rod , careful ly t ap t he sp ind le (3 8l out of th e carb urettor bo dy and throu gh t h e lever (41). 37 Be nd bac k t he lockt ab (4 8) and un screw th e nut (4 7). If necessary, mount th e spi ndle in a soft jaw vi ce during th is operat ion. 38 Remo ve th e nut (47). tab w asher 14 81. lever (49), spacer (5 1) and sp ring (5 2) f rom th e spi ndle (3 8), noting th e relat ive pos ition of th e lever. 39 On some ty pes th e locati on of t he sho rt and lon g th rottle spind les is reversed and it is t herefore im por t ant to not e th e 2 6.28 Th rottle va lve ret ainin g screw lo cati on Itri ple choke ty pe) 6.29 a Remo ving a thr ottl e valve (t ripl e choke typ e) 6.29b A t hro ttle valve (t rip le chok e typ e) 6.30 Int erm e diat e lin kage (tr iple chok e typ e) 6 .34 A ccelerat or pump cam locati on (tri ple choke ty pe) 6 .4 0 Rem ovin g th e air co mpe nsat ion adj ustment scre ws (tri ple chok e type) 6.4 1 Removing th e idlin g m ixture screws [t riple choke ty pe) 6 .4 2 Remov ing th e pro gressio n hol e in spection plu gs (tri ple cho ke type ) 8-14 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 correct fitted position of these ite ms. 40 l oo sen th e lo ckn uts (56 ) th e n unscrew and remove th e air compe nsa t ion ad justment screws (57 ) (ph oto ). 4 1 Uns crew and re mo ve t he idling mixtu re ad just men t s c rews (6 2l and spr ings (53 A ); on so me mod els a p lain w asher and seal are f itt ed to t he screws (photo). 42 Un screw and re mo ve t he pro g ress ion ho le inspect io n pl ug s (5 5 ) (photo ). 43 U nscr ew and re mo ve th e id ling adjust me nt scre w (5 4 ) and sp rin g (5 3). 7 S pe ci a l o verhaul procedures Afte r ca rry ing out th e ge neral ove rha u l procedu res gi ve n in Chapter 4 , th e fo llow ing spec ial proced u res s ho uld be fo llow ed : 46 IDA and 48 IDA types 1 U sing a hand chu c k an d th e spe c ial W eber too l, reform t he main jet seatin gs at th e bo tto m of t he em ulsio n t ube hou sin g w ell s by ca refu ll y rotat ing t he t oo l in a lterna te direction s. Fin ish th e seati ngs by in sertin g t he furt her W eb er tool and gently tappi ng t he to p of th e tool w hilst rotat in g it. Using t he same procedu re as describe d in parag raph 1 2 reform t he i dlin g je t seats. Triple choke t ypes 3 U sin g a hand ch uck and W e ber t ool no 9 6 00 32 5 0 7 67 . refo rm th e id lin g jet seats b y ca ref u lly rota ti ng th e too l in a lte rnate direc tio ns. Fini sh t he seat ings by insert ing Webe r to o t no 96 10 3 15 08 16 and gentl y t app in g t he to p o f the too l w hi lst rota t ing it . 4 If th e em u lsio n tub e we l ls are discolo ure d and co nsid erabl e sed iment has accu mu lated, th e bo res m u st b e ream ed usin g We be r t oo l no 960 0 325 0 7 6 2 an d a hand Chuc k , Turn t he too l ca refu lly un til it m ov es fr eely t he n co ntin ue t urn ing it whi lst remo vin g it . 5 If o n d isasse m bly. t he t hrottle spi nd les are a tig ht fi t in the ca rburett o r bo d y and th ey are of or i9 ina l di am et e r (8.0 mml. use W eber t oo l no 9600 0 3 5 0542 to ream the sp in d le bo res cl ear wi th the aid of a hand ch uck. Sho uld th e spi nd le bores be exce ssively w o rn , o vers ize sp in d les of 8.5 mm d ia meter m ust be f itt ed . Th e bo res shou ld be ream ed using W eb er to ol no 9600 0350556. 6 U sin g a sma ll fil e. re move any burr s w hic h hav e been formed as a resu lt of rea min g as described in p arag rap hs 4 and Fig. 8.14 Overhauling the id li n g jet seats (t ri p le cho k e typ es) (Sec7 ) 5 A ll t ype s 7 Chec k th e int e rn al channels for b loc kage by inj ectin g f ue l f ro m a syri nge and obse rving w he the r it e me rges f reely fr om th e pa rti cu lar ch ann el bei ng teste d , If any are bloc ked , it w ill be necessary to dri ll ou t th e lead pl ugs as shown in Fig . 8. 15 . 8 . 16 Fig. 8.15 Lead plug lo c a ti o n points (S ec 7 ) e-ca.tz. 8 Th e c han ne ls are of t h e dia me ters vi z 1.0 mm, 1,5 m m and 2 .0 m m . Th e W eber t ool no s 962 0 1 75 18 4 6. 9 6 2 0 17 5 18 4 7 and 9620 175 18 4 8 shou ld be used to check that the ch anne ls are cl ear fro m th eir fu ll le ngth s. 9 Th e carburettor bo dy sho u ld be t horoug h ly c leane d afte r ov erh au l t o re mov e any swa rt an d dirt. prefe rab ly using cle an fu el and air p ress u re. The lead plu g s shou ld be renew ed and ret aine d in po siti on by u sin g th e W eber too! no 96 10 3 15 0823 as a punc h untit t he plu gs are exp ande d int o th eir bores. 10 Che ck t he t hrottle spind les fo r h igh spots wh ich co u ld ca use t hem to seize and if necessary. clean th e sp in dl es with fin e emery t ape . 8 A sse m b ly {4 6 IDA and 48 IDA type s! N ot e : AI! componen ts sroota be clean and dry be fore s tarting th e assembl y p roce dure. 1 U sing a sui ta b le di am et e r lengt h of tubin g, drive o ne Fig. 8 . 16 A c c el erat o r pu m p ch ann e l lead p lug lo c at i on poinu (Se c 7 ) Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 Fig. 8.17 800ster jet c ha n ne l lead plug locat ion points (IDS types) (Sec 7) Fig. 8.18 Method of retaining the lead plugs (Sec 7) be a ring ( 43~ fully into th e c a rbure tt o r body ( 6 5~ (Fig. 8 .9 ). 2 Mount th e sp ind le (3 2) in a soft ja w vice an d d rive the re ma in in g bea ring (43) onto th e s pind le (3 2) w ith tubi ng lo cate d on the inne r diamete r. Make s ure th at it is fitted to t he correct en d so tha t the roll pin hole is towa rds the ie ve r (2 9) en d of th e carbureno r. 3 If a new cam (3 6) o r s pind le (3 2) is being fitt e d , re a m t he ca m as necessary so th at it is a firm s liding fit on the s pind le. 8.4 Fitt ing th e thro tt le s haft (twin choke type ) 8-15 4 light ly lubr ica te the s pind le (3 2) and bearings (4 3) with engi ne 011. t he n ins e rt the s pind le into t he carb urettor body (6 5) a nd th rou gh the spri ng (3 5) and cam (3 6). Ma ke s ure that t he sp ring and cam are lo ca te d corr e ctly so t hat they will o pe rat e t he le ve r (2 9) (pho to) . 5 Drive th e bea ring 143) into th e carburetto r body us ing tub in g lo c at e d o n t he o ute r d iame te r; if nec ess a ry support t he o ppo s ite bea ring during th is ope rat ion to e ns ure tha t bo th bea rin gs a re fully ente red (ph oto). 6 Fit th e dust seals 14 2} a nd sp rings (41) ove r eac h e nd of t he s pind le (32), the n tap th e s pring ret aine rs into the ca rbure tto r bod y (6 5). 7 If the o riginal sp ind le (3 2) and cam (3 6) a re bei ng refitt ed , a lign t he previous ly ma de mark s a nd dr ive the roll pin (31) into th e s pindle unt il it is in a ce ntral po sitio n. then locate the s pring (3 51 (phot o). 8 Tu rn the sp ind le (3 2). against the te ns io n of th e spring (3 5) if a lrea d y fitted, unt il the th rott le va lve s lots c an be seen fro m th e flan ge end of th e carburetto r; th en ins e rt the thro tt le va lves (3 41. e nt e ring t he ind e nte d ends first . a nd c lose the sp ind le. Ma ke sure th at the t hrott le va lves a re fitt e d the correc t w ay ro und so th a t th e a ng led pe rime ters s ea t in the bo res an d the ind e nta tio ns a re ad jacent to th e ba rrei p rog res sio n holes. 9 Sna p the va lves s hut s e ve ra l t ime s in order to ce ntra lise th e m. th e n insert a nd t ighten the va lve reta in ing s cre ws (3 3) wit hout e xe rting exc essive press ure on the sp ind le. It is re co mme nded t ha t ne w sc rews a re a lwa ys fitte d, as it is qui te easy to cross-threa d pre viou sly peened sc rews , Lock the sc re ws (3 3) by pe enin g wit h Webe r to o l no 980 10 900 w h ilst support ing th e s pindle with a le n gth of wood. Alte rnat ively, coat the th re ad s wit h a liqui d lo cking a ge nt (f uel res istant ) prior to ins e rting them . 10 If a ne w s pindle (3 2) o r ca m (3 6) is be ing fitt ed , bot h mus t be drilled wit h a 0. 078 in (2.0 mm ) dri ll to a ccommodate th e roll pin (31). To do th is it is esse nt ia l to obtain th e specia lW eb e r fixture. Drive in th e roll pin when comp leted until it is in a ce ntral position , th en lo cate t he s p ring (3 5). 11 Fit th e sp ring (28) to the acce lerato r pu m p le ver pivot. followed by th e le ver (29) wit h th e lug uppe rmost. Press the Cc lip onto the pivot a nd then c heck tha t the le ver move s free ly w he n th e th rott le spind le is tu rne d. 12 Fit the thro tt le leve r (3 7 or 37Al, s pa ce r (2 7 or 27Al. ta b w as he rs (2 6 1 an d n ut s (2 5) to th e ir res pe ctive en ds of the s pind le (3 2). Tig hten th e nu ts a nd loc k th e m by ben d ing the lo ckt a bs (2 6 ) Ioh oto ). Do not overt ighten t he nut s a nd und er no circ ums ta nces for ce th e thrott le va lves a ga inst the ba rre l wal ls. 13 Fit t he spring 13 8 or 38A) to the id ling adjustmen t s c rew (3 9 o r 39A) an d fit it to the ca rb urettor bo dy. 14 Fit t he s pring s (21) to t he id ling m ixture ad justment screws l20) and fit t hem to the carburettor bo dy. 15 Ins e rt t he choke s 0 9) into the barrels w ith th e smaller d iameters an d cho ke re fe ren ce nu mb er s uppermo st . 16 Fit th e a uxiliary ventu ris (18 ), ma king s ure th at t he loca tio n sp ring s e ngage w ith t he groo ves in the barre ls a nd that th e 8.5 Fitt ing the throttl e shaft be a ring (tw in choke typ e) 8.7 Correct lo ca tio n of the acce lerator pum p ca m (twin choke type I -2 8-16 8. '~2~F~;~U~;"·9-'~'~h'·O~U~'.~'.·,-er~twin choke type l Part 2 Weber carburetors ChapterS Fig . 8. 19 Fitt ing t he accelerat or pump (twin cho ke type ) 8.20 Fitting th e acceler a tor pu mp delive ry va lves (tw in choke type) .---' 8.26 Fitting t he f loat (tw in choke type ) 8.27a Usi ng a rub be r w e d ge to set th e float (twin choke type) supp ly cha nnels are in alignment with those in the ca rburettor body (6 5). The extended vent uris must also be uppermost . 17 On 46 IDA types. fit the accelerator pump operat ing rod bush (6 6). 18 Fit the spring (6) to the operating rod (4 ) fo llow e d by Ihe piston (7 }; engage the piston with the rod by t urni ng it th rou gh 90°. 19 Fit the reta iner (5) ove r the sp ring (6) with the tab facin g the operating rod, then low er t he assemb ly into the carburetto r body (65) and press the retainer into its locat ion with the fl at side of a screw driver (phot o). If t he retainer refuses to hold. it shou ld be gently prised apart to give it th e oeceeserv tension . 20 Fit a w asher (9) to the accelerator pump delivel)' valves (8) fo llowed by the pump jets (10) and a furt her w asher (9) , t hen fit and tig hten t he assemb lies in to the carbure ttor body (65) (photo). 21 Press t he idling jets (4 9) int o the holders (50) and tighten the holders into the carburetlor bod y (6 5). 22 Press the main jets (4 5) and air corrector jets (47 ) into each end of the emu lsion tubes (4 6) , then press the emu lsion tubes (46) into the holders (4 8 1. 23 Insert the emu lsion tube assembl ies into the carburet tcr body (6 5) and tighten them. 24 f it and tighte n the accele rator pump inle t and discharge va lve (11 ) to the bottom of the float cham ber. 25 fit t he washer (2 2 ) to the drain plug (23) and tig hten the plug into the carburettor bod y (6 5). 26 Lower the float (15) into the float chamber with the opera ting tube faci ng upwards. then fit and tighte n the ful crum pin (17) together wit h the was her (16) (photo) . l ock th e pin w ith locking w ire threade d th rough the adjacen t ho les in th e body. 27 The float level adjustment must now be checked in th e follow ing manner : Ob tain a rub ber or p last ic w edg e approximately 0 .25 in (6.4 m m) thick (t ubing is ideal for the 8.27b Checking t he float level (twin choke type ) procedure). Insert th e wed ge betw een the fl oat and t he outer carburettor body , th en ntt th e fl oat unti l t he di stance from t he carburet tcr uppe r face to t he fl oat tab is 0 .953 in (24.2 m m ) (photo). If a depth gauge is not available. use verni er cali pers and a feeler gauge as sho wn in photo 9.33b but ma ke allowance for th e th ickness of t he feeler. With th e float held in t his posit ion by the we dge. check th at th e di stance from th e carb urettor upper face to t he top of t he flo at is between 0 .21 6 in and 0. 23 6 in (5.5 mm and 6.0 mrnj. M ake th e check at th e highest point of the fl oat perim eter but not on th e annular seam (phot o). If th e dim ension obta ined is incorr ect. caref ully band the flo at tab as necessary and remo ve the wed ge when th e checki ng is complete . 28 Screw th e needle valve (12 ) Into th e carburetto r cover (1) w ith out any washers. Check the di stance from th e cover face to th e needle ball apex w it h the needle valve in th e closed position and w ithout the needle ball being depressed . M ake the check w it h vernier calipers and deduct th e result from 0 .984 in (2 5.0 mm) to give the thi ckness of was hers requi red. 29 Fit the wash er fs] (13) to the needle valve (12) and ti ghten it into t he carburettor cover {1). Check th at the dimension described in paragr aph 28 is sti ll 0 .984 in {2 5.0 m rn). 30 Place the gasket ( 14 ) onto the top face of the carburettor bod y (6 5). 31 Lower th e carbu rettor cover (1) onto the main body and over th e studs. th en fit the retaining nu ts (62) and ti ght en them a litt le at a time in diagonal sequence . 32 Insert th e fu el fi lter (5 5) into the carburettor cover (1), followed by th e ret ain ing bush (63), washer (56) and f ilt er inspecti on plug (57); ti ghten the plug into th e cover. 33 Fit th e air int ake horns (58) to th e cover (1). Fit the plates (59) and tig ht en th e reta ining nuts (60 ). 34 Locate t he fi lt er gauze (54 ) over th e cover studs (2) and fit and t ighten th e ret aining nuts (61). 8-17 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 5 3 .1 !l .J .; s ~ 4 Fi g. 8 .19 Float level adjustment dim ensions on 46 I DA and 48 ID A types (Sec 8 1 1 Nee dle valve 2 Cover 3 4 Needle bafl Flo at 35 Wi th th e carbure tto r co mpletely assem bled. t he idling adjustme nt screws should be turn ed to their prelim inary sett in gs. To do this. fi rst screw in th e throttle id ling adjustment sc rew until it just tou ches th e th rott le lev er . th en co ntinue t urn i ng fo r a further 2 turn s. W o rking o n th e idling m ixtu re volume sc rews in turn, fully sc rew t he m in until th ey are in firm contact w it h th e ir se ats, t he n ba ck them off 2 co mp lete t urn s. Final adjustments will be necessary wh en th e cerburet tor is fitted on th e engine (refer to Section 10l. 9 Ass e m bly (tr iple cho ke t ypes ) No te : A ff comp onents sr outa be clean and dry before st arting t he assembl y procedure. 1 Fit th e s pr ing (53) (Fig. 8 .1 2) to th e idling ad justme nt scre w (54) a nd fit the s c re w to th e ca rburetto r body, turning it on two o r t hre e thr e ad s o nly. 2 Fit and tight en th e prog ression hol e ins pe c tio n plu g s (5 5). 3 Fit th e sp rings (5 3A) to the idling mixtur e a djus tme nt scre ws (62) togeth e r with th e pla in wa sh e rs a nd seals wh ere fitte d , t he n fit t he sc re ws into the carburettor body. 4 Fit th e a ir com pe ns at ing adjustme nts s c rews (57) fully. th e n fit an d tighte n the locknuts (56) . 5 Fit th e s pring (52) to the sp ind le (3 8) fo llo we d by th e spacer (51), lever (49 ). t ab wa sh er (48) a nd nut (47). Make s ure th at the lev e r is in it s corre ct po sition as p revio us ly noted a nd tig ht en t he nut with the s pind le mounted in a so ft jaw vice. Lock the nut by bendi ng th e tab w as her. 6 If a new lev er (41) o r s pind le (3 8) is bein g fitt ed. re am the le ve r as ne cessary so t hat it is a firm s liding fit on th e s pind ie. 9 .7a Fitt ing the (ong throttle s pind le (triple cho ke type) 5 Gauge 6 Tab 7 li ghtly lubrica te th e throttl e sp ind le (3 8) wit h en g ine o il, th en insert it into th e c arburettor body, a t th e same t ime locating th e lever (411 be twe e n t he two ba rre ls. If the ori ginal leve r (41) is bein g refitted. mak e s ure that it is t he co rrect w ay round as previou sly noted, the n inse rt th e roll pin (4 4) and d rive it t hro ugh th e leve r and spi nd le until it is in a ce nt ral positi o n (photo s). 8 Fit th e a c cele rator p um p c am (4 2) to th e pivot (40). Fit t he pivot a nd ins ert th e sp ring clip (3 9J. On IDAP a nd IDTP types, it wil l first be necessa ry to e ngage th e linka ge to th e leve r (41) but, if a new leve r (41} o r s pind le (3 8} is being fitt ed , del ay fitting th e cam (42) until th e roll pin hole has be en dr illed . 9 Fit the lin kage {3 5} to the lon g sp ind le (3 8) but do not tighten th e sc re ws at this stage. 10 Fit th e return s pring (1 9) to the s ho rt s pindle (20) a nd lu brica te th e s pin dle with a little e ngine all. 11 Ins ert the s ho rt s pindle (20) into th e carb urettor bod y and locate it into t he lin kag e (3 5}. 12 Make sure tha t the retu rn spri ngs (19 and 52 ) are co rrec t ly loca ted (pho to). th en turn each sp ind le in turn to t heir fully op en po sition s and insert th e t hrottle va lves (4 5) into the ir loca tion s lots. Close th e t hrottl e va lve s a nd a llow them to ce nt ra lise within the barre ls; mak e s ure th a t th ey a re fitt ed the co rrec t way round s o tha t th e a ng led perimeter s se at in th e bores. 13 Inse rt and tighte n t he valve ret ainin g s crews (39) without exe rting excessive pressure on th e s pind les. It is re comme nd e d that new sc rews ar e always fitt ed as it is quite easy to c ross thr ead previou sly pe en ed sc rews. Lo ck th e scre ws (3 9) by pe ening with W eb e r tool no 98 0 10 9 00 whilst s uppor ting th e s pind le with a length of wo od . Alte rnatively. co at th e thre ad s with a liquid loc king age nt (fuel res ista nt ) prior to ins ertin g them. 9.7 b Co rrec t lo cation of th e throttle leve r (triple cho ke typ e) 9.7c Ins erti ng th e roll pin Int o th e spi nd le (triple ch oke type) 8-18 Part 2 Weber carburwtors Chapter 8 9 .12 Correct lo ca tio n of th e s ho rt throttl e spind le return spr ing (t ri p le c ho ke ty pe ) 9 . 14 Fitting th e intermediate linkage (t rip le c ho ke type ) Fig. 8.20 Drilling the throttle spindle (t riple cho ke types ) A Gauge (Sec 9 ) B Driff C Ann 14 With th e t hrott le va lves (4 5 ) fully c losed, tighten t he inte rm ediat e link age screws (34) (photo}. 15 If a new le ver (41 ) or sp ind le (3 8) is being fi tted , t he sp in d le mu st be drilled with a 0 .079 in (2 .0 mm ) d rill to accom moda te th e roll pin (44 ). To d o thi s it is ess ential to obtain t he W e ber ga uge no 9620 17 5 2949. Fit the gau ge to the cent ral barrel flange wit h t he lever (41 ) atta c he d to th e lo ca tio n peg . then dri ll t hro ugh the leve r an d sp ind le w hilst hold ing the thrott le va lves fully shut. 16 Ins e rt the roll pin (44) and d rive it through the le ve r and sp ind le un til it is in a cent ral po sition. 17 On DAP and IDT P ty pe s, e nga ge t he c a m and linka ge to th e lever (41) , fit th e cam to t he pivot (40~, t ighten th e pivot and fit th e retaini ng spri ng clip (3 9 ). On a ll o the r types , engage the lin kage {43} to th e lev e r (4 1) then connect the re maining end to th e ca m (4 2 ) a nd fit th e ret ainin g spring c lip (3 9). 18 Ins e rt th e c hokes (6 7) int o th e ba rre ls with t he s ma ller inside diamete rs an d c hoke referen ce numbers uppe rmost. Make s ure th at the lo ca t io n drilling s coincide with the re tai ning sc rew (5 8) hole s (pho to) . 19 Inse rt an d tigh te n th e cho ke re ta ining s crews (5 8L then lo ck the m wit h loc king w ire th readed throug h the ho les in the carbu retlor bo dy (photo) . 2 0 Fit t he aux ilia ry ventu ris (6 8L making s ure that the s up ply cha nnels a re in a lignment w ith tho se in th e carbu rettor bod y a nd a lso th at th e c ut a wa y sections of th e nozzles face the throttle valves. 21 W ith the carburettor body on its sid e , lo ca te the reac tio n spri ng (2 4) into t he ac ce lerator pump chamber and lo ca te the pla te (2 5) on to the sp ring, concave s id e towards th e body (pho to) . 22 Place the release d iaph ra g m (2 6 ! onto the plate and the ac cele rat o r pum p bod y (27) onto the d iaphragm wit h t he s p ring lo cating pegs fac ing o utw a rds as s ho w n in Fig. 8.1 2 (pho to s) . 23 Fit th e retu rn sp ring (2 8) over th e pegs, followed by the d ia phragm (2 9) a nd cove r (3 0) (phot o s). 2 4 Ma ke s ure th at th e acce lerator pump le ve r roller is sea te d on th e ca m (42). then de pre ss the cov e r and fit the reta ining nut s (3 3) an d spring washe rs (3 2) (p hoto ). Tighten the nut s (3 3) in diag o na l se que nce t hen c heck the operation of the pump by op e rating th e throttle leve r. 25 On IDS types, fit th e boo ste r je t ass emb lies a nd tighten the ret ainin g sc re ws. 26 Fit t he pump jets (70) to the a ccelerato r pump delivery valv es (71) followed by th e washe rs (6 9L then fit and tighten t he assemblies into th e carburettor bod y. 2 7 Fit and tigh ten th e acce lerator p um p inlet vefve ts l (7 2) to t he bottom of th e flo at c ha rnbe rts }, 28 Inse rt th e em uls ion tu bes (7 3 ) into th e ca rburettor body then fit and tighte n th e air co rrector jets (74 ). 29 Press th e idling jet s (6 5) into their ho lders {6 6! a nd t ig hten th e holde rs into t he ca rburettor body, 30 Tighten th e main jets (BO) into the holde rs (61) and tighte n th e holder s into th e carbu rettor bod y. 3 1 Fit th e w ash er s (6 3) to the d rain plugs (64). then tig hten the plugs into the ca rburett c r body. 32 l ow e r t he floats (15 ) into t he float chambe rs with the ope rating tabs fa cin g upwards. then fit an d tig hte n the fulc rum pin s (1 8 ) to geth er with washers (17). lock th e pins with lo c king wire t hrea ded throug h t he adjacent ho les in th e body (pho to). 33 The flo at lev e l adjustmen t mu s t now be checked in t he follow ing ma n ne r: obta in a le ngth of rubber or a plastic wedge approxima te ly 0 .25 in (6 .3 5 mm ) thick (t ubing is idea l for the proce du re ). Ins ert the ru bber o r plastic between the flo at a nd the outer carbure ttor bo dy. the n lift the float unt il the d istan ce from th e ca rburettcr upper fa ce to th e float tab is 0 .709 in (18 .0 m m) [photo s }, If a d epth g au ge is not available, us e vern ier ca lipe rs and a fee ler ga uge as shown in photo 9 .3 3b but m a ke al lowance for the th ickne ss of th e feeler. With the float he ld in this position by th e w e d ge . check that the distance from t he ca rburetto r u ppe r fa ce to the top of the float is between 0 .492 in a nd 0 .5 12 in (12 .5 mm and 13 .0 mm ) (photo). Do not take into co nsidera tion the float seam and make the c he ck at th e high est point of the flo at perimeter. If th e dimension ob tai ned is incorre ct, ca ref ully ben d th e flo a t ta b accord ingly (Fig. 8 .21). 3 4 Chack and adjus t t he flo a t level adjus tme nt s of both floats us ing th e pro ce dur e d es cribed in pa rag raph 33. 35 Scre w the ne e d le va lves (5) into the c a rb ure tt or cov e r III 9.18 The choke and locating hole (triple cho ke type) 9. 19 Lockinq wire att ached to the choke retaining sc rew (triple cho ke typel 9.2 1 Correct locati o n of t he acce lerator pump reaction spr ing (triple chok e typ e) 2 9. 22a Fitting the acc elerator pump release dia phra gm . 9.22 b ... and body (triple choke ty pe) 9.23a Fitting th e acce lerato r pump ret urn s pring (triple chok e type) 9.23b Fittinq th e acce lerator pump dia phragm (triple choke ty pe ) 9.24 Correct location of th e ac celer at or pump lever and cam (triple choke type l 9.3 2 Float fulcrum pin locking w ire location (triple cho ke typ el 9.33a Us ing a rubb er wedge to set the float height (triple choke type ) 9.33b Che cking t he float tab heig ht with a verni er and feeler gauge (triple choke type ) 9.33c Chec king the float hei ght (triple cho ke typ e) 8-20 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 F ig. 8.21 Flo a t level adjustment dimensions on triple choke types (S e c 9 ) Float s 2 Tab 3 Gauge 4 Ca ver 5 Needle valve (wh ere fitt ed). Tigh ten t he nuts a litt le a t a time in diago na l seq ue nce. 4 3 Wh ere filled, lo cat e th e gaske t ove r th e co ve r (1I, 44 Fit th e ai r int ake hor ns (3) and t ighte n the reta in ing nut s (4). 4 5 On 4 6 IDA 3C types , fit t he gau ze filters (7 6) and tig ht en t he retai ning s cre ws (7 7). 46 Hoo k th e thr ottle lev er return sp ring to th e th rottl e leve r a nd spr ing plat e (wh e re fitt ed). 47 With the ca rburettc r com pletely asse mbled , t he idlin g adjus tment scre ws s ho uld be turned to th eir prelim ina ry se ttings, To d o this, first s crew in th e throttle idling adju stm ent sc rew until it jus t tou ches the throttle lever , th e n co nt in ue turnin g for a furt he r 2 turn s. Working o n the idling mixture volume sc rews in turn, fully screw th em in until t hey are in lig ht conta ct with the ir sea ts th en ba ck th em off 2 turn s. Fina l a djus tments will be ne cessa ry w hen th e ca rbu rettor is fitt ed on th e e ngin e (refe r to Sectio n 10) . 10 Tuning 9 .3 5 Checking th e ne e dle valve height (triple choke typ el without an y wa s her s and chec k th e distan ce fro m the cov e r fa ce to th e ne e dle ball a pex with the ne edl e valves in th e closed po sition and without the needl e ball s being d ep res sed. M ak e th e ch eck w ith verni er calipers an d d edu ct th e resul t from 0.709 in (1 8 .0 mrn] to give th e thi ckn ess of w ashers requ ired (photo). 3 6 Fit th e wa sh ers (7 5) t o th e needl e v a lv es (5) an d t igh te n th em into t he ca rburetto r co ver (1) . Check th at t he dim e nsions described in paragraph 35 are now 0.709 ± 0.004 in {1 8 .0 ± 0 .1 m m }. 37 Fit th e w ashe rs (6) to th e need le valve hou sin g plugs (7) and tigh ten th em into th e carburettor cov e r (1). 38 Conn ect th e inte rmediate ho s e to t he fue l inlet un io ns (9 and 10). 39 Fit th e wash er s (13} to th e inlet union bo lts (' 4) follow e d by t he filte r ga uzes (12), then fit the bo lt asse mblies to th e unions (9 a nd 10) a nd fit th e sealing was he rs (8). 40 Loca te t he fuel union s to th e c a rbure tto r cove r (1} and tighten th e u nion bolts (14}. 4 1 Ca refully lo ca te the gas ket (t t} to th e carbu rettor bod y ove r the s tuds (16). 42 Lowe r the ca rtiurat tc r cover (1) over th e lo ca ting stud s a nd onto th e gas ket , th en fit t he ret ain ing nuts (4 A) a nd sp ring pla te Not e: Refer to Chapter 3 for general notes on tuning. 1 The idling a djus tment scre ws s ho uld be se t to t he ir preliminary po sition s as des c ribed in Sections 8 a nd 9 . 2 Connect a tacho meter to the e ngi ne in ac co rda nce w ith t he m a nuf acture r's instructions. 3 The carburettors mu st be sync hro nized in orde r to de liver e qual amo unts of air/fu el mixture to ea ch individual cylind er. To check the a djust me nt it will be nec essary to ob ta in a length o f tubing of app roxima te ly 1 metre in le ngt h and of ab out 5 mm to 1D m m (0.2 5 in to 0 .0 5 in} intern a l diam eter. Altern ativ ely a nd prefer a bly, a sync hron ize r may be us ed lp hc tcl. 4 Re mo ve th e air cle an er ts l if fitt e d , th en s tart the eng ine and run until normal o pe rati ng te mpe rat ure has be e n reac he d Ile the th ermost at has opened ). To e ns ure tha t the e ng ine is re ally hot eno ug h, drive it hard over a t le as t a 5 mile d ist a nce. 5 Switc h off th e e ng ine a nd disconne ct th e ac cel e rato r rod co nn e ctio ns f rom each cerbu rsttor. 6 Sta rt the e ng ine and if ne ce ss ary, adjust ea ch idling speed adjusting s crew by equ a l am ou nts until th e e ng ine is id ling a t the ap proximate rec ommended idling speed (usu ally be tween 600 and 800 rpm for tou ring mod e ls a nd a pp roximately 1000 rpm for spo rts ca r mo del s). 7 On tr iple cho ke t ypes o nly, loo s e n the th re e co mpe nsa tio n a djus tme nt scre w loc knuts an d scre w th e adjus tme nt screws in until th ey a re in light co ntact with th eir seats, If the eng ine fa lte rs as a result, tum t he idle speed adjus tme n t sc rew on each carb urettor by eq ual amou nt s until th e e ng ine run s even ly 8-21 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 METER SYNCHROUJW METER CAflBtlfl ETTOfi F 10 .3 W eber caebu rettor synchronizer again. Place one end of the synchronizing tube in the middl e of one air intake and listen at the other end to the amo unt of hiss present. Alternati vely, use the synchronizer to record the air flo w of the air inta ke. Check each air int ake of the carbur ettcr to det ermin e which one is passing th e greatest volum e of air. th en adjust th e remaini ng carburettor barrels to give identi cal volumes and fin ally tighten th e adjust ment lo cknut s. Carry out thi s procedure ind ependently on each carcurettcr fitted to the engine, 8 On al! carcurettor typ es, each carbur etto r mu st now be synchroniz ed with the remaini ng carburettors. To do thi s, allow th e engine to idle and check th e volume of air flo w ing through one air intake of each carburettor using t he length of tube or the sync hronizer. Determin e the carburettor whi ch is passing the . ..!.............. .........•.•.•..•••.. .....•••.... ., ., ..... 3 medium volume of air and adjust the idle speed adjustme nt screws of the remaining carbur ettors until they also pass identica l volumes of air. Whe re t he t hrott le linkage lserranqed from a common shaft , t he individual throttle levers will have to be adjusted by loo sening th e locknut s. 9 If necessary. turn each idling speed adjustment screw by equal amounts to bring t he engine speed within the recommended idling limits. 10 The mixture screw adju stment s on each carbu rettcr must now be set and synchronized. Since each screw wa s turned to it s preliminary sett ing, w e must assume tha t they are reasonably synchro nized to start with. Wi th the engine idling, turn each screw by equal amounts (t a turn initially) and observe wheth er the engine speed falls or increases. M ake several adjustments in a simi lar manne r until the engine runs at the high est speed comm ensurate with even firi ng. 11 If necessary. again turn each idling speed adjustm ent screw by equal amounts to bring the engine speed within the recom mended idling limits. 12 The final mixture screw sy nchronization can be dete rm ined by allow ing t he engine to idle, then to remove each spark plug lead in turn and observe the reduction in engine rpm on th e tachom eter. The reduction should be identical for each cylind er, th en proving that the mixture strength is also id enti cal fo r each cylind er. A further check can be m ade by removin g th e spark plugs aft er the engine has been idli ng for approximately 15 minutes, th en checking tha t they are all in identical cond ition. A ny with bl ack sooty deposits indi cate that the particular cylind er is runni ng rich. 13 If necessary, adjust the idling speed screws on each carburettor by equal amoun ts to bring the engine speed within th e reoomm ended limits. 14 Not e that on some applicati ons it may be advisable to fit 'hot ter' spar k plugs whil e adjus ting t he carburetto rs to prevent mi sfirin g, but the original plug s must always be refitted after completing the adjust ment. 15 Sw itch off the engine and reconnect the throttle link ages, making adjustm ents as necessary to prevent the carburettor sett ings from being affe cted. 16 Remove th e tachome ter from the engine and refit t he air cleanerts] if fitted. 1 !~ .. II 5 2 • {!g , 3<£ 76' Fig. 8 .22 Typical th rottle li nkage arran gement fo r a four-ca rbu rettor f itting (Sec 10) Adjuster 2 Rod 3 S pring Not a: Dimensions A and lever angles must all be id entical 4 A djuster block 5 Locknuts 8-22 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 8 11 hult diegnosis S ymp t om Ren onls Engine will not start Bloc ke d fue l filter or je ts Flooded eng ine as a result of d ep~ssing acc elerato r ped al Uneven Idling Leaking manifo ld or carbur ettor fl ange gaskets Loose idling je ts or a uxilia ry ve nturis ellcessive sedimen t or w ater in ca rburettor Th rottle spin dl e du st cov ers broken (46 1OA and 48 IDA) Throttl e spind les w orn In co rrect tunin g adjus t me nts Carbu retlor flood s W orn needle valvels l Leaking or dam aged ftoat lal Incorr ect float level adjus tm ents Excessive sediment in fuel Engine tacks performa nce In co rrec t tun ing a dju stmen ts In corre ct fl oat level adjustm ents Excessive sedim ent in fuel Thrott le va lve s not fully o pening Ac ce ler ator pump fa ulty Acce ler ato r pump leaking (triple choke ty pes) r xcess ve fue l co nsu mption Needle valv e not seating leaking Of dam a ged floatlsl Incorrect floa l level adjustme n ts Choked air filte r ( if fin ed ) 9- 1 2 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 9 Type 40 DFA, 40 DFAV, 34 DGAS, 38 DGAS Cont ents secnon Assemb ly (40DFAand40DFA.V type s) Assem bly (34 OGAS and 3 8 OGAS type sl a . • • • • • • • • .. 9 D isassembly 140 DFA and 40 DFA.V type sl .... • • •• • •. D isassembly 134 DGAS and 38 OGAS ty pes) Fault diagnos is •.••• .• . ••••.• ••. . . . . .•.• ••.. . 5 6 t1 Con st ruction 2 Introduction ••••• ••• . . . .•••••• . Ope riltion .. . . . . .. . ... .. . . . . ... Removal and refitting .... • • • • • • • .. Speci al ove rhau l procedures . •• • •• •. Tunin g SectiOn . . . . . .•.• • . . . t .. •. . . . • . •... 3 .... . • • • • • • . . 4 . . ....• • • • • . • 7 10 9-2 Part 2 Weber ca rb ureto rs Chapter 9 A dj ustm ent data Fast id le t hro ttle va lve ope ni ng lnlmm) High cam position : 40 0 FAand40DFAVtypes •.•........ . 34 OGA.S and 38 DGAS types: 0 .02 9 to 0.031 10 .75 tc O.SOI 38 OGAS 1A 380 GA5 7A . . 38 OGAS 3 A. and 34 DGAS ••••••••• . 3 8 0GAS 4A . ... ... • . l ow ca m position: 380GAS 4 A 0 ,026 to 0 .025 to 0 .02 7 to 0 .02 9 to 0.0 2 8 10 .6 5 0 .0 27 (0 .6 5 0.0 2 9 (0 .70 O.0 3 1 (0 .7 5 to to to to 0 .70 1 0 .70 ) 0 .75 ) 0. 80 1 0 .08 0 to 0.100 (2 .0 5 to 2 .55 ) 0 .08 0 eo. roo (2 .0 5 to 2.55) 0 .100 to 0 .120 (2 .SS to 3 .05 ) 0 .100 to 0. 120 12 .55 to 3.05 ) 3 8 DG A.S 7A 38 OGAS 1A 38 DGAS 3A Choke valve pull down clea rance In{ m m) 3S' DGAS typ es: Minimum: A lltypes . M SKim um : 38 D GA.S 4A. and 7A 38 OGAS 1A and 3A 0 ,112 to 0.124 (2 .85 to 3 .15 ) . . • • . •. •.•. . . . . . . . . • . .. . .• •••• •.• . • • . • . . Float lev el setting dimension 4 0 DFA and 40 DFAV type s •• •••••••••... . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 DG A.S and 3 8 DG AS types (b rass float) ...... . •. . •. • . 34 DGAS and 38 DGAS types (plasti c floa t) . 1 0 ,177 to 0. 21 6 (4.5 to 5.5) 0 .19 6 to 0.2 3 6 (5.0 to 6.0) Closed position 0 .2 3 6 in 16. 0 mm } 1,5 7 in (4 0 .0 mm ) 1,3 5 in (3 4. 3 mm) Open po sition 0 .55 1 inI 14,O m m) 1.9 68 in l SO.O m m) 1.744 in 144 .3 mm } Stroke 0 .3 15 in 18. 0 mm l 0. 39 3 in 11 0_0 mm) 0 .39 3 in 110. 0 m mJ Introd uction The cerber ettor types covered in th is Chapt er are of dual downdraught design. Each throttle valve is mounted on 1I separate shaft . but th e shaft s are linked by toothed sectors and the ir act ion is synchronised . Semi-automatic choke controls are fitted to all carburettor type s included in thi s Chapter. The cerburert c r is normally fitted to the engine as a single uni t, the most com mo n arrangement' bein g as foll ows: , One unit on 8 six-cylind~r in-line engine, itt each barrel fee ds three cylinders seplIrlltely 2 One unit on a six-c ylinder V-engIne, ie each barrel feeds on , bank of three cylin ders 0 00000 Fig. 9 ,' - Single cerbu rettcr fitted t o II six- cy li nder in-line eng ine (Sec 1) The carburett or identification mark is located on t he low er flange outer surfa ce. 2 Co nstru ction The main body and cover of the ce rbc rettor type s covered in this Chapter are of die cas t alum in ium ccnstructton and t he mou nt ing fl ange i s machined fl at for fitting purposes. The cover incorpo rates a mounting fl ange for the air cleaner assem bly and is equipped with lou r mounting studsThe th rottl e valves are of brass and the throttle shafts are of ste, l. The t hrottle shafts run o n Teflon {PTFEI bearing s mou nted In the main body. The choke valv es are cadmium plated steel and the choke shaft is of st eel on DGAS types and brass on DFA and DFAV types. A U fue l and air jets are of brass constructi on and are screwed into th e main body. The emu l,ion tubes are also constr ucte d of brass. Internal channels of the main body and cover are mo stly drifted and are sealed wi th lead plugs wh ere necessary. The fue l float assemblies are of brass constru ction ; DFA and DFAV types have a single flo at and DGAS type s have two semi ·fl oats . 000 -- Fig , 9.2 Sin gle cereuretto r fitted to It six- cy linder V- engine (Sec 1) 9-3 Part 2 We ber carbureto rs Chapter 9 3 the vacuum will cease li nd the cho ke valves I SS) will close. how ever th e passage of air will open the choke valves IIgainst the acti on of the bt-meeemc spring (511 due to the offset construction of t he choke valves (55). On OGAS typ es. th e action of the shaft (50) is modulated by an tr ueenat spring (4 91. As th e eng ine wa rm s up. the bi -metallic sprin g (51 ) prog ressively open s and th e choke val ves (55) , until at normal operati ng temperatu re th ey are held fully open. The fast idli ng screw (5 2) doe s not now rest on th e fast idlin g cam { 5 9 } since th e latter has been rot ated b y t he bi- me tallic spring and therefore the thronle valv es (12 1are free to return to the norm al Idl ing posit ion. Operation Cold starting Refer to Fig. 9.3 and note that wh en th e engine is col d and t he throttl e pedal has been depressed once, t he bi -metall ic spring (51) rotat es th e spindle (52) and closes the choke valv es (55). At the same time the fast idle cam (59) prevents th e t hroll ie valves (121from complete ly closing. W hen the engin e is cranked. a rich mixture is d rawn fro m the l'IOu le (9 ) to facilitate starting. As soon as the engi ne fi res, vacuum from below the throttle valve is relayed through th e channel (53) to th e diaphragm [47). The shatt lSOl then moves and parti ally opens the cho ke valves (5 5) against the action of the bi-metallic spring (5 1). If the thro llie is open ed at this sta ge, Idlin g an d p r o g r e ssion Refer to Fig. 9 .4 and note that wh en th e engine i s idl ing. th e . 2 Fig . 9 .3 Automatic choke oparatlon (D GA S type shown) (Sec 31 12 Thro ttle valves 50 Rod 5' 8 i-me ta llic spring 4 7 Diaphragm 48 Bush 49 M odt:/ating 52 Shaft 53 Channel 54 Lever 9 No zzle!> 32 55 Choke vaNe!> 56 57 58 59 Lever Lever Spring Cam 60 Linkage 61 LeYer 62 A di usting scraw 63 Lever 64 Housing 22 " ":~ " " " '2 Wefls ' 4 Throttle valves 2 2 Calibrate d hole 23 Idling jet 33 Fi g. 9 .4 Carburetto r idling and progruslon ph.,. (Sec 3 ) 24 Channel 25 Channel 26 M ixt ure screw 2 7 1dling fee d hotes 28 29 30 31 ClIm Lever Rod Vent and air bleed con rrof . ", 32 Channel 33 Progression feed holes 9-4 Part 2 Weber carburet ors Chapter 9 throttle VIM S (1 4) 8re sh ut. Fuel Is drawn fro m the flo at chamber through Int em al channels to t he emulsio n tube we lls (12) and the n passes :i1iary ventu ri, (17). The m i>:l ure then com bines whh t he main air supply as ~ is drawn th rough the chokes U 61and Into th e engine. At higl'l engine speeds with the throttle valves (141 open, the overfeed enrichm ent circuit is brought int o act ion lnot 40 DFA types ) lind additional fu el is supplied through th e calibrated tubes III via th e calibrat ed bushes (4). DGAS type cerbu ret tcrs are also equipped w it h a full power valve w hic h operat es imm ediatel y the throttle valves are opened quickly. Refer to Fig. 9.6 and not e that under th ese condit ions the vacuum thr ough the channel 171 is insuffici ent to dr aw th e dia pilragm (4) against the spr ing (6) . The opera tintl rod (51 therefore opens th e fu ll power valve (17). The fu el level in th e emcrstcn tuba w ells (141 immediately rises and the mixture dra wn from the nozzte (9) is enrichened. When the throttle valves (12) are partialiy open, the vacuum th rough the channel (7) overcomes th a tension of the spr ing (6) and the fu ll powe r valve shuts. A cceleration To provid e the eng ine with a rich mbc ture w hen accelerating. the carburett or is provid ed with a diaphrag m type acceleration pum p which is operat ed by th e primary throttle shaft but 3.2 Location of the Idling and prog ression holes 140 DFAV type} 2 3 4 L' ~ ! , 11 - - iSc--, 1 e " '.~. '" " 1 2 3 4 5 6 Enrichment tub e A ir corrector !et Channel Calibra red bush Ne edle valve seat ing N eedle I I I 13 12 11 Fi g. 9.5 Carburettor nor ma l phase l DFAV types) ISec 3 ) Fulcrum pin Float Ftoll t cham ber 10 Mainjet 11 Throttle shaft 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 Well Emulsion tub e Throrrle valve Lever Choke I. 17 18 '9 20 21 Auxiliary ventl.lfi No zzle PrimiJry sector Secondary sector Throttle shaft 9-5 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 9 :2 3 4 e 'U ,;,.'- 0 ,0 C ~ , ! ;<7 - 1. I:IIi ~ ae , " " ~ -. ~ ~ " . " Fig . 9 .6 Ca rbu retto r no rmal phase IDQAS typesllS ec 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Needle ve tve sea ting N eedle 8 stoet 10 9 1I Diephrtlgm Rod S pring Chtlnnel 12 13 14 A ir corrector jet N ozzle Auxiiiary ven turi Choke Throttl e valve Emulsion tu be W ell 15 Meinjer 16 Cellbrtlted bu sh T7 Full po wer valve 18 Float chamber 19 Hook 20 Fulcrum pin 2 1 Prima ry s ector " Fig. 22 Secondary sector 23 Throttle shaft 24 Lever 25 Throttle shaft 26 Calibrate d bu sh 27 Channe l 28 Ell£ichm ent tubtl 9 .7 Carbur ettor acce leretion phese (Sec 3 1 18 Float cham ber 36 Cam " 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 I, ,.:...-J I ,.~ " "~- ...... " . Lever Diaphragm Cha nnel Delivery valve Pum p je t Spring Return spring S tili Blanking needle DischfJrge jet " inj ect s into both ventu rts, Reference to Fig. 9 .7 will snow that when the thron le valves are closed. the accelerator pump diaphrag m (38) draws fuel fr om the float chamber (18). through the ball valve (44) into the pump chamber. Wh en the throttle varves are opened, the cam (36) moves the lever{3 7j and fuel is forced along the channel (39). t hrough t he delivery valve (4 01 and out of the pump jet (4 1). The spring (42) absorbs the initial mo vement of the lever (37) and prol ongs the tuer delivery period. Excess fuel and any accumula ted air is discharged into the fl oat chamb er (1B) throu gh the Channel (4 5) and calibrated bush (4 6 ). OGA$ typ es are fitted w ith a discharge bl anking needle wh ich determines the amo unt of fuel return ed to the float chamber l181. OFAV types are equipped with an accelerato r pump lever incorporating t wo pivot hol es whe reby the pump stroke can be varied. 4 Removal and refi ning Note : The following procedurtl gives a general rathe r th tm a spe cific method of removing and refitting the cerburetto r, as much will depe nd on the location within th e vehicle. 1 Unscrew lin d remove the retain ing nuts and w ithdrew the air cleaner cover (screw s are fined to som e mode ls). 2 Lift out the air filter element. 3 Band back the Iockt abs and unscrew t he air cleaner body retaining nuts. 4 Unscrew and remove the mou nting bracket bolts and 2 9-6 Part 2 Webe r carburetors Chapter 9 remove t he a ir c lea ne r together w ith the reinforcemen t pla te and gasket . S Part ia lly drain the cooling s yste m and d isconnect the two water hoses. 6 Di scon nect the fue l supp ly pipe and return pipe (w here fitted) and release t he vent tube from the top of th e floet chamber. 7 Relea se t he di stributo r a utom at ic adv ance pipe from the side of the cerburettcr. S 9 Discon nect the throttle co ntro l shaft fr om t he t hrottle lever. Disconnect the cra n kcase ve nti lat io n pip e f ro m t he heat insul ato r s pace r, If fitted. 10 Unscrew and remove the carburett or moun ting nuts then with d ra w the un it over the mounting studs. 1 1 Remove the Inlet manifold gasket and spacer li f fitted) and clean all traces of gas ket from th e in let manifold and ca rbu rettor f lang e. t 2 Prot ect the inlet m anifold from ing ress of forei gn matte r by sealin g it w it h mas k-ing tape. 13 Refitting is , reversal of removal, but th e fo llowi"'g ,ddit io"' al po ints sho uld be noted: (aJ A lwltrs fir new gaslrets and tigh ten the mOllnting no ts in diago nal u qlle nce (b) Note rhar on some fittings the lo wer gaslret hit s two m etal V-no tc hes w hich must focate w ithin th e infet m anifo fd (c) Refifl the cooling system in eccorasnce with the manufaCfllrer 's tnstru ctions (d) The idlin g adj ustm ent scr ew s should be set as described in SectIons 8 and 9 find fina lly tllned as described in Sectio n 10 5 D isasse m bly 140 OFA and 40 D FAV ty p8S) Tnoroughly clean the carbcre ttce exte rior and wipe dry . 2 Referring 10 Fig. 9 .8 . un screw a,.,d remove th e fu el filter inspect io n plug (41 and eetr act the filter (5 1(phot o). 3 Disco nnect the cho ke plat e operating rod (16) tra m the laver (3 9) by removIng the split pin 115). 4 Unscrew and remove th e carberett or co ver retaining screws f3 ) toget her with t he spring washers. th en carefully lift the cover (11 from t he main body (pho t o). 5 Invert the carburettcr cov er (11 so that the flo at assembly Is uppermost. then extract t he float fu lcrum pin (14) and withd raw the fl oat assembly (1J ) togeth er wit h the need le of the needle valve (12). If necessa ry, use a suita ble diame ter pin punch to tap the pin from the two po sts. but on no accoun t prise the slotted po st apart (photo) . 6 Unhook th e need le from the flo at assembly (13 ). 7 Uft the gasket (9) from th e cov er (1). 8 On 40 DFAV types only. unscrew and remo ve the vent and power valve (92) from the cover 111(pho IO). 9 Un screw and remove th e need le valve (1 2) seating and 5.2 Remo ving t he fue l filte r (OFAV type} remove th e gasket l 11 1(ph ot o). 10 Un screw th e tw o main j et s (1 71 and remove them fro m the bottom of the float cham ber in the main bod y (phot os' 11 Unscrew the idling jet ho lders (831 from each side of the carburertcr body. then separate th e idling jet s (84) fro m their ho lders (photos). 12 Unscrew and remove the air corr ector Jets (8S) from the carburettor body (ph010S). 13 Inv ert the body and ext ract the emu lslon tubes (89) . If these are ti ght due to overtightening of the air correct or jet s, use a selft appin g screw to remove them but take care not to damege the tubes (photcel. 14 Unscrew and remov e th e idling adj ustIng screws (8t) and springs (82 ) from the body. 1 5 Un screw and remove th e throttle id ling adjustment screw (28) and spring (2 7). 16 Unscrew the accelerator pump delivery valve (67 ) and rem ove it to gethe r w it h the pump jet (861 and gasket (S5). then separat e the ga sket and jet fro m the valve (pho to s). 17 Unscrew and remove the eccelereto- pump disch llrg e blank.i ng plug 118 1(photo). 18 Unscr ew th e fou r screws (2 6) and w ithdraw th e accelerator cov er (2 5) together with the di aphragm (24 ) and spring {2 J). If necessary. peel th e di aphr agm assem bly (24) from the cove r (2 51 (photo s). 19 W or king on th e cerbu rett or co ver ( 11, ext ract th e spli t pi" (lSI and deta ch th e ope rating rod ( 161 1rom th e choke spind le arm . 20 Pull th e rod { 15 1 th rou gh t he seal (' OJ. th en prise the plug (10 1) and seal (10) from the cover (1) (photo). 2 1 Note the iocation of each choke valve (7) and if necessary, mark th em wit h a pen cil. 22 Un scre w the retaining screw s (5} and remove the choke valves (7 ) from the shaft (8). then remove th e shaft (8 ) from the cover Lt ]. 23 W orking on the carbu rettor body. unscrew th e automatic choke w at er housing ret aining bolt (58) and remo ve it together w ith the gasket l 571. 24 Remove the cover (56) and gasket (541; cut th e gasket from th e th ermost at assembly (53) if it is stuck . 25 Unscrew and remove th e reta ining screws (59) and lift tha aut om atic choke thermo stat assem bly (53) from th e body (4 71. then remove th a retai ning ring (5 5) (phot o). 2 6 Remove the disc gasket (52) . th en unscrew and remove the three ret aining screw s (511 and spring wa shers. Withdraw th e automatic choke body (4 7) at th e same t im e dis engage the fast id lin g control rod (6 1) from the ttvottte lever (71) by extracting th e split pin (60) (photos). 27 Disconnect the rod (6 1) fro m the fast id le lever (29) by extracti ng th e split pin {50L if fitted. 28 Not e the 10C8tl00 of the Individ ual com ponent s on the automatic choke bod y (47) before di smantling th em. 29 Prise the O-ring sea! (3 5) fro m the sid e of th e carbu ret tc r (photo). 5.4 Removin g the carbu rettor cover (DFAV type) 5.5 Withdra w i"'g the floa t fulcrum pin (DFAV type ) ,."., 5. 10 a location of th e main jet s I OFAV 5.8 location of the vern and air bleed valve I DFAV typel 2 5.11 b Idl ing jet and holder (D FAV type ) 5. 10 b Location of the ma in jet size I DFAV ",pel , ty pe ) 5.12 a Remov ing 1he aIr con nector jets (DFAVtype) 5. 12b Air corrector jet sire locat ion (OFAV t ype) 5. 13 a Removing the emul sion tu bes (DFAV tyoe) 5. 13 b Emul sio n tu be si ze lo cetion (D FAVtype) 5.1 6e Removing th e acce lerator pu mp delivery VIIiv'!!( DFAV type! 5. 11c Idllng jet sire location (DFAV 9 - 8 - - - - I Fig . 9 .8 ExpkJ ded view of the 40 DFAV carburetto r h ypic.1)(See 51 , 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 '0 tt /2 /3 /4 /5 16 " /8 '9 20 2/ 22 23 24 25 2' Car buretr or co ver 8ss8mb fy Cerburett or to air detlner ' /li d Cover screw and W 8 $he, S trainer in spection p lug Fuel inle t st1"iner assy Choke plate screw Cho ke plate Cho ke shaft and le ver SUI' Co ver to thro ttle bo dy gtlsket Air clean er dust seel Fuel int ake v81ve ga sket Fuel inlet needle valve assy Float assy Floet le ver shaft A uto- cho ke control ro d spli t pin Auto-c ho ke operat ing rod M8I'nje t A cce lerator plug dis charge plug Thrott le le ft-han d sha ft Throttle righ t-han d shaft assy Throt tle plate Thrott fe pla te scre w Acceleretor pump se ff-/oading spring Accelerator pump diaph rag m aS3'f A ccelerator pump cover IISS 'f A ccelerator pu mp co ver scre w end washer 27 28 29 30 l ever 31 Spring 32 33 34 35 3' 37 38 Screw 39 40 4/ 42 43 44 45 4' 47 48 49 60 Idling adjusting screw s prln.Q Idfi ng adju stm ent scre w Fast idling adju sting lever ass!' A Ul o-choke sh aft spring Auto-c hoke sha ft specer A ut o-c ho ke body O-rfng seel A ura -choke lever fixing nu t Spring wa sher Fast Idle le ver p ivot screw and washer A uto -chok e le ver Right-han d shaft s~cer Fast idle lever spring Fast idle lever w asher Auto -choke co ver screw (lnd washe r A utQ-choke cover Auto -choke vacu um diapllr/Jgm spring AUla-cho ke vacuum diaphragm and shaft ass y Auto -choke bo d y assy A uto -c hoke sha ft an d le vflr oss y Auto -cboke sha ft adjust ing plate S cre w 5' 52 53 54 Auto-choke bo dy to rhrott/fJ bo d y screw an d washer 76 Geared sect ors co ver Geared secfor (le ft -h/md) A Ulo-choke thermost ll l ll SSy 78 79 Waf er chambe r to therm os/llt 80 A uto- cho ke bodr gtlSke/ ass y 55 56 57 58 59 60 ./ 62 '3 .4 65 •• .7 .8 '9 70 "7273 74 75 Throttle she f t bearing 77 Lock ing ,ing Water Cha m ber W ash er Boll S crew Fast idle ro d split pin Fast idle rod Thrott le sha ft nut Lockwasher Throttle le ver Geared se cto r co ver s crew S pring washer Geared se ctor adju sting screw Ex ternal too th w asher Wash er Geared sector (right-hand! Fast idling 1eVeT ThroUIe sha ft bushing Wa ve washer Full throttle stop leve r W (lsher Geared sector adjus tin g lever Thrott le conlro/ return spring ( le ft -hand) /dle adjus tm en t needle !Jcrew Spring Idling jet holder Idle je t Nozzle bar gaske t A ccelerato r pump jet Accelerator pump v/lIWJ /lSSY A ir corrector jet Em ulsion tube Auto -ch ok e w ave washtlr Fast idling adju stin g lever bush Po wer valve Le ver fixin g s crew Bushing Valve co ntrol le ver W asher Spring S p fit pin Valve con trol rod 100 Return spring fright shaft) 10 1 Dus t seel plug 8' 82 83 84 85 8. 87 88 89 90 9' 92 93 94 95 9. 97 98 99 'f' CD I) 5.1 6b Acceler ator pump jet size locati on (DFAVtyp e) 5.17 Removing th e ac ce le rato r pum p disch arge plug (DFAVtype) 5. 18 a Accel erator pump loca tion (DFAV type) 5.18 b Rem oving the accelerator pu mp coverlDFAVtypel 5.20 Rem ov ing the cover dust seal (DFAVtype l 5.25 Wi thd ra w ing hou sing (DFAVtype l 5.26 a In5Ulatio n gasket location IOFAV ,,,,,I 5.26 b Loca tio n of tile fas t Idling con trol rod (DFAV type l 5.29 Aut o ma tic choke O-ring sea l loc ation IOFAV type ) 5.3 3 Remo ving t he au tomatic Choke shaft (DFAV type l 5.34 Removing the stop plat e (OFAV type l 5.3 5 Remo ving th e diaph ragm cove r (OFAV type) the th ermostat 5.36 Withdraw ing the diaphragm rod (DFAV type l 5.3 9a Removing the auxiliary vent uri (DFAV type ) 5.39 b Auxiliary vent uri size location (DFAV type) 2 Fi g. 9.9 Tool tor ho ld in g throttle shaft I OFA and OFAV types) !Sec 51 5.49a Removing a throttte val ve (DFAV typel 5.46 Vent valve operating arm location (DFAVtype) 5.48 Throttle valve retain ing location (DFAV typ e) 5 .4 9b Thrott le valve showing the idle bleed hole (OFAV type) farrowed) 5.50 a Removing a throttle shaft (DFAV type) 5.50b Removing 8 Tefl on bush (OFAV and fu el is forced along a channel and through the delivery valve and pump jet (87) . A spring in the diap hragm assembly {7l} absorbs the in itia l movement of the lever an d extends the fuel de Uvery per iod. Excess fuel and any accumulated air is discharged into the float chamber through a channe l and calibrated bush. A Carburetror intake 8 and C Vap our movement with ignition on o Valve seat p osition with igniti on off E Val ve seat F Float G Vap our movement with H J ignition off Canister tube connec tion Solenoid Idle cut-off valve operation As soon as the ignition is switched off , th is valve stops t he flow of fuel mixt ure from t he idle circu it. Wi th the ignition sw itched on, th e idle circuit ope rates nor mall y. The valve elimi nates any tendency for the engine t o run on w hen t he i gnit ion is sw itched off. Float chamber vent valve operation (USA types only) The valve controls two separate vent circu its. W hen the ignit ion is on and the engine runn ing , the fl oat chamber is vent ed t o th e air cleaner through an int ernal channel. In this condition the val ve sole noid is energ ised and the rubber seating i s pu lled against the t ension of t he return spri ng. W hen the igniti on is sw itc hed off , the solenoid i s de-energised and t he spring then pu shes the seatin g to shut t he air cl eaner vent passage and ope n the passage to the evaporative em ission carbon caniste r. Dashpot operation (USA types only) W hen the throttle valve is released, the dashpot retards the actio n of the throttle as it approaches the id ling pos ition ; this prevents an over weak m ixt ure and therefore reduces the emission of certa in harmful gases from the exhaust system. 4 Rem oval and ref itti ng Not e: The fo llowing procedure gives a general rather than a specific method of fBmoving and refitting the carburettor, as the fitting may vary with different vehicle mode ls. 10-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 3 ~ 10 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 10 Diaeonnect the battery e' M 1.11ecessary to diseng age the lev er (5 3) from the retu rn spring {54} (pho to]. 40 Remove Ihe spring (54) and spacer ISS). then remove the stop le llef IS S) whil st t e nsion ing it ag a inst the spring (5 7) (ph oto). 4 1 Disengage the stop lever (56) then withdr aw the spring (57) and space r (4 5) . 42 Mark the p rima ry throttle va lve 1591 w ith a pe nc il so that it can be refi tted in its or iginal pos ltlOfl , th an unscrew and remove th e ret aini ng screws (501 (pho t o), 43 Fully open the primary thrott le and remove the valve (59 ) from the shaft (58) whil st holding the shaft against the tension of the 5prln g (7 3). 44 Check t het th e throttle shaft (6 8 ) is not d am ag ed w he re Ihe retaining screws have been pee ned; if it is. cerefunv fi le th e shaft w ith a fin e fi le. If th is precau tio n is not tak en, the Teflo n bushe s (431 may be damage d w hen the shaft is removed. If t he reta in ing screws (60) are tight due to previous peening. use a fil e to remo w the end s of the screws complet ely; thi s w ilt also prevent damage to th e shaft (581. 4 5 Carefully withdraw th e primary thr ottl e shaft (581 from the main bod y, at the same ti me release the tension on t he spring (7 3 ). 46 Remo ve the retu rn spring 1731. th en prise the out er Tef lon seals (40) and wa shers (3 91from the main body. 47 U sing a screwd river, extract the Tef lon bushes (43) fro m the main body; identify them for refitting. 4 8 Mount the prim ary th rott le shaft (58 ) in a shaft Jaw vice and note th e po sition of the accelerator pump cam. 49 Bend back the tab wa sher (51) and unscrew the nut (50). 50 Remove the nut (50 ). tab washer (5 1). pump cam (74) and spacer washer (4 5). 5 1 U nscre w Ind re move the seeondery t hrottle shaft nut f79} and remove the spring w asher (80 1and space r /8 11Iphoto). 52 Close the secondary throt tl e and mark it wi th a pencil so that It can be refuted in it s original position, th en unscrew and remove the reta ining screws (60) (phot o). If they are ti ght, remo ve the peened ends of th e screws with a fi le. 53 FuliV open th e seconda ry thro ttle and remove t he valve (59) from the sha ft 14 2}. 54 Check the seconda ry thrott le shaft 1421 for dama ge In the vicin ity of the retaining screw boles. Use a fin e fi le to remove any irregularit ies. 55 Wit hdraw th e secondary throttle shaft (4 21 fr om the main bod y, then prise out the outer Teflon seals (401 and wash ers (3 9). Remove the spacer (41) (photo). 56 Usin g a screw driver, ext ract th e Teflon bushes 143) from the secondary shaft bor e in the main body . Ident ify them so th at th ey can be refitted in t heir origina l locations {photo}. B Specia l overhaul procedure. Aher carryi ng out th e general cverneur procedures given in Chapter 4. the fo llowing special procedures shou ld be made : 1 Reform th e idlin g jet seats using th e special W eber tool , carefully rot ating it in alternate directions. Finish the seali ngs with the further W eber tool by gently tappin g t he tool wh ilst mtating it. 2 Reform lh e main jet seats at the bottom of t he emulsion tube bores using the same procedure described in paregreph 1. 3 Check the Teflon bushes and seals of the ch ok e and th rottle valve shaft bores for det eriorati on and w ear and renew them if necessary. 4 Check th e choke and th rottle shafts for disto rtion (as a result of peening) in th e area around the valve retain ing screw s. Use a small fi le to remove any irregul ariti es. 5 Check the int ernal channels of the main body and cover for blocka ge by injecti ng fu el w it h a syrin ge l;9- - n I a " " Flei. 12.3 Normal phase lSec 31 1 2 3 4 Fulcru m p in Flotl ! chll mber F/ost Ret llf'fl hook 7 8 9 10 5 Neild!. , 1 AuxHisry venturis 6 N.edl. valve sesting 12 Chokes M ixture enrichmflfll lubes C.libr sfed ho~$ A ir correctorJets Noules Normsl running Refer to FIg. 12.3 li nd MOte thet under full thro ttl, end high $peed cruise conditions, fue l I, drawn from th e f10et chember (21 through the main jet. I1S1to the em ulsion t ube well.1 17} and the" pu t the nole. In the emu l.ion tub• • 11 81. The fue l become. emu lsified with air dl1lwn t hrough the e lt corrector jets (9) and II the n drawn t hrough the noule (101. lIuxlli. ry ve" w ris 13 Thro trfe lever 14 Thro ttle sh8ft , 5 Thl'(Jt tle villve s 16 Emulslon rubes 17 Emulsion tu be we lls 1S '9 20 21 22 Mainiets CrtlnkcaSBemissiOil rube Clllibrated hole Crankcase em ission VIIM slot Rotary blanking disc (11) and chckes (12) into the engine. Tne carburettor also Incorporat es a nign speed mixture enrichm ent svstem . Fuel from th e fl oat chamb er 12} is drawn through t ne calibrat ed orifi ce (8) and spray tu be s (7 ) Into the air hom s of the cerb urettcr. The crankcase emission cont rol syste m is Incorpo rated into on. of the carbu rettor barr els and consists of a rotary blanking 12-4 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 12 33 1 'Nhete fitted, rel1'llJYe the . Ir cle, ner . SMm bly from the CIt-burettor. 2 Disconnect t he throttle li nk ege wh ere nece ssary. 3 Disconnect th e inner and out er cho ke cable fro m the st art ingdevice. 4 Disconnact the fu al inlet hose; and return hoses wh are fitted . 5 Remove th e crankcase em ission ho se from the cerburert cr. 6 Unscrew end rem ove th e carbu rett or reta ining nuts and spri ng w ashers and w ithdraw t he ce rburen oe complet e over the mounting studs. 7 Remo ve th e gasket s from th e inl et manifokl and clee n all traces of gas ket from th e cen tect fa0ll8 of the manifold and carbu rettor. 8 Protect th e inlet manifokl fro m ingress of for eign m'tter wh ilst th e carburettcr is removed , by se,ling It w ith mu lling tape. 9 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but th e following ad d itlonal po ints shou ld be not ed : 34 a (a) Always fit new g.sk.ts lind tight.n the retaining nut$ in diagona f $aquence t b) Th. idfing a djustm~nt screws shoul d be set as described in Section 7 and finally tuned a$ de$cribe d in e ,,~nly S~ctlon8 t c} Wh en rermin g the choice (sta rting devic e) cabl e, first the outer cable to the support then insert th~ i" ne' cabl. Into th e oP8,.ring fever screw .nd pU$h tM instrument panel control knob fu lly in. Tighten th e inner c.bf. re taining nut with tfw OPMating ~ver fu lly r . "Msed. s~cu'e I J7 J6 15 Fig. 12 .4 Accele ration ph".. 15K 31 2 15 33 34 35 Float chamber Throt tle val ves Oaf/very vil/ ves Jet n(Ju les Channa' 36 C. m 37 Lever 38 In/tit and discharge valv. 5 39 Reliction spring Tho rough ly clean th e cerburett c r exte rior end w ipe dry. Refer ring to Fig. 12 .5 , lift th e air horns II I and gasket 121 fro m the carbu rettor t op co ver !photol . W here fitted ext ract the two spilt pin s and re move the sta rte r device co" tro l rod and con trol lever fro m the carbure tt or t op cover (82) , 3 Unscrew and remove the ret aining screws (8 5) and washers (84) in diagon al seque nce and lift the carburettOt" top cove r 1821 from th e Clrburettor body 14 91. meklng sure tha t th e gasket 18 11 is not bro ke" (phot o). 4 Uft th e gask et (8 1) fro m t he carburettor body (4 9) . 5 Invert t he carburettor cover (82) end un screw the filter cover plug Ie) using a 19 mm ri ng spanner end socket. Remove the washe r (5) (phot o). 6 Remova the filter gauze 131 and , if necessary, extract the base (4). 7 Using a suitab le diame te r meta l dr ift. lip th e ful crum pin 01 fro m the sup port post s. Do not atte mpt to prise th e split post apart (phot o). 8 Note wh ich wa y round the needle v,lve return hook Is positioned, then lift the float assembly (n) end need le from the cove r lphot ol. Unt'look the need le from th e f1o,t atm. 9 Unscrew and remo ve the needle valve ( 8 ) and w asher 0 9 1 (photo). 10 PIIOII the cerbu rett cr co ver 1821 to one sid e, taking cartl no t to dam, ge the high spe ed enrichment t ubes. 1 1 Unscrew and remove t he retaining screw s (40 A) and w ashers (7 11. Remove the starter devi ce 1591 fro m th e earburettcr (photo). 12 Dismant le th e starter devi ce by unscrew in g t he nut Ie 1I from the sheft 1691 tog et her with th e w asher (6 21.th en cartlfully remo ve th e eve' (6 5) and spring (671. Unsc rew the cable clamp n ut (64) and scre w (6 61. t hen remove the shaft (6gl and fil ter gaul e (70) . 13 Unscrew and remove t he accelerllt or pump in let , nd di schlltge velYll (17) from the bo ttom of th e float cha mbe r Ipho t o). 14 Unscrew the emulsion tube ho lders 18 1from th e carburettor body (4 9 1and lift out the emu lsioo t ube assem blies (photo1l1. 15 Sep,r'te the emulsion tubes 110) fro m the hold ers (81 then 40 Rerum spring 4 1 Diaphragm 42 CalibrlJttJd dischiJl'fltl hoI. disc (221. 'Mth th e throttle va ~ s (1 5) closed. crankcase blowby gall Is m etered through th e calibra ted hole (201. Aa the th rottle valve s ere progr essively open ed. the slot (2 1) admits I'T"IOfe g,lS to t he e ng ine . A cceleration Refer to Fig. 12.4 end not e th at when th e throttl e valves are closed, t he spring (40) push es t he di aphragm (4 1) outwards and tu el il drawn fro m the f loat chambe r (2). through the inlet valva (3SJ Into the pum p chamber. W hen the t hrottle valves are opened . t he cam (3 6} operates the lever (37 ) end the diaphragm (4 1) is dllpressed against the te nsion of tM spring (40 ). Fuel Is forced elon g the channe ls (3 5 1to the delive ry valves 13 31limd i, inject ed throug h th e pump lets 134 1 int o t he cerbu rettor baf'T'els in the vi ci nity of the auldliery venturia, The spring (3 91 dampens any sudd en openin g of the throttle valves and pro long s th e fu el deliYllry. The calibra ted di scharge ho le (42 ) det erm ines the maJdmum preasure of fu el injected into the carbu rettor end also allows eny accumu lated , ir and vapo ur to escape int o the fIo8l chembe r. The inlet valve (3 81 may also inco rporate a calib rated discharge rete. wh ereby e further amoun t of fue l ret urns t o th e float cham ber. By fin e calibration of thi s hole It is possibla t o determine the exact Quanti ty of fue l injected by the acce lerator pump. 4 Removal and refitting Note : Th8 follo win g pro C8dure give s a gener al ra rhe, rhan a specific m ethod of ' emoving (lnd refi tting r/l6 carburettor, (1$ m uch win depend on the loc(ltion of the C(lrbrJ,.ttor within the vehic le. On som e applications for inst ance, the retaining nulS m ay not b6 acceS$/'ble without ,ema"ing surro unding com· pon ents. 2 Di sallembly • 5.2 Ft emo vir'lQ th e air horns 5.3 Remo ving the carbure tt or lOp cover 5 .5 Re mo ving t he fue l filte r a nd p lu g 2 5.7 Removing the float fu lcrum pin 5.8 Position of the needle valve on the flo at assembl y 5 . 1 1 Re mo ving the Starter d e vice 5 . 13 Acce lera tor pump di scharge valve loc atio n 5. 14 b The emulsio n tu be assembly 5.15 Com ponent pa rts of the em ulsion tube a ssembl y ~ lnle l lln d 5 .9 Needle valve seating loc a tio n 5 ,14 3 Em u lsion t ub e ho lders lo cat ion 5 .16 11 Removing th e idling je ts 12-6 / -- 40-" - 71 - - 2 -~ - 2. 3. Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 12 pull the main jet5 1111 end air ameetor jet!! IS} fro m th e emul sion tubes I ' O} l phol o}. Take care not to dam age th e jets wh en removing th em and, if pliers are used. interpose a piece of paper or card to prevent the brass being scratched. 16 Unsc rew the idlin g jet holders (34) fro m the side of the carbcrettoe body (49 l. remove the rubber O-rings (33), th en separat e th e id ling jets (32) (photos) . ' 7 Whil st depressing the sta rter valve sprin g retai ning gu ides (75) in tum. prise the spring was hers (76) from the carburett or body . then release the guides (751and extract the return sprin gs (74 1 and start er valves f731 (photos). Note from which bore each valve is taken so that th ey can be refin ed in the ir original locations. Do not force th e lalves ~ th ey will not com e out fr eely ; occassrcoeuv a burr may eltist al Ih e lap of the bore. thi s must be removed with a fin e fi le. 18 Unscrew and remove th e starter jets (72 1(photo). 19 Un screw and remove the accelerator pump delivery valves "41 together with the pump jets (16) and w ashers I' 51 (photo), then separate th e washers and jets from t he valves. 20 Unscrew the retai nin g screw s and w ashers (40 ) and carefully pr ise the pump cover (39 ) from t he ca rbur ettor body (photo). Take care not to dam age the diaphragm and if necessa ry. use a blunt knife to release it . 12-7 2 1 Remov e the di aphregm (38) and sprin g f371. 22 Not e the location of th e aultil lary venturi s (131 and mark thern if necessary with a penc il to ensure cor rect refining . th en withdraw them from th e carburertcr body (4 9) (photo). If necessary. use a wooden or plast ic cower rod inserted from th e throttle valv e end of I he barrel to tap th e auxili ary ventu ris free. In the unli kely even t of their being excessively tight. It wi ll be necessary to obtain the speciai Weber tool no 96 1 0 150 00 3 5. 23 Loosen th e lo cknu ts (57) w ith a 9 mm ring spanner and unscrew the lo cking screw s (58) (photo). 24 Note th e locations of each choke 1121 then remo ve them from th e carbcrertcr balTels (photo!. Note that the ChOke ends with I he sma ller internal diameter are uppermost. If th e chokes are excessive ly tight. it wi ll be necessary to obtain W eber tool no 98 009 100. 25 Un screw and rem ove the Idli ng mixture adjust ing screws (4 ') together wit h the spring s (4 31. washe rs and rubber O-rings (42 ) tphotol. 26 Unscrew and remo ve the idle speed screw (3 6) and sprin g (351. w here fitt ed . 27 Unscrew and remov e the blanking screw s l44) (photo) , 28 Loosen t he locknuts (4 71 with an 8 mm ring spann er. th en unscrew and remove the air bypass screws (4 8) (photo!. 2 5.16 b Separating an idling jet fro m it s holder I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 76 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 5.17a Removing a sta rte r valve spring. retai ning guid e and spring wa sher 5.17b Removing a starter verve Fig. 12 .5 Exp lo ded view of the 40 IOF cerb urettor (ty pica l) ISec 51 30 End washar 58 Choke locking screw Gasket 31 BaH-bearing 59 Starter devic e assembly Ffrter geula 3 2 Idle je t 60 Lock scre w Base 33 a-ring 61 Nut Washer 34 Idle jet holder 62 Sp ring washer Plug 35 Sprin g 63 Leve r assembly Fulcrum pin 36 Idle speed screw 64 Nut Em ulsion tube holder 37 Sp ring 65 Lever A ir correctorje t 38 Diaphragm 66 Screw Em ulsion tube 39 A ccelerator p ump co ver 67 Spring Mainjet 40 S crew 68 Housing Cho ke 4 1 Idle mixture scre w 69 Sector shaft A UJcifiary II'Bnturi 42 O-ring 70 Fflter gauze Dellvery va/ve 43 S pring 71 W eshtlr COPPo/ washtlrs 44 B fanlcing screw 72 S t8fter jet Pump je t 45 eou pin 73 Starter v8fve Inlet valve wirh exhaust orifice 46 Acceleretor aump cam 74 Spring Stud 4 7 Locknut 75 R etaining guide Spacer 48 A ir b ypass screw 76 R etaining wesher Throrr/alever as sembly 49 Carburetror bo dy 77 Floet assembly Throttle lever 50 Emission control valve 78 Needle valve ass embly Split pin 5 1 Throttle valve 79 GUket S pring 52 Ret ilining scrtlw 80 A lremative fue l inltU Pressure pin 53 Throttte shett 8 1 Gulcer S pring 54 Link arm 82 Carbureftorco ver Adjus ting scre w 55 Retum spring 83 S rud Nut 56 Carburetror body 84 Washer Tab washer 5 7 Lockn ut 8 5 Retaining screw Wave washe r Air horn s 12-8 -------'------~ { 48-.@: ~ . .... .. 47 - ., 5.1B Removing a starte r jet 5.19 Removing the accelerator pump delivery valve and jet 5.2 0 Withdrawin g the accelerator pump cover from the carburettor 2 5.2 2 Remo ving an auxiliary vent uri 5.23 Choke loc king screw locati on 5. 2 4 Remov ing a choke, showing location indentation Fig. 12.6 Exploded view of the 40 and 44IDF carburenor [..ries 28. 29 and 26. 27 1(Sec 5) 1 2 3 4 5 Screw 8 ush Starter cantrot 'ever Gaskllt Needla vetve assembfy 6 Emulsion tube holder 7 Auxffiary venturi 8 A ir COm!! ctor j et 9 Choke 10 Emulsion tube 11 Ma in jet 12 FufCflJm pin 13 DeiNery lIalve 14 Pump j er 15 Copper washers 16 Stud 17 Inlet valve with emaust Orifice 18 Idle j et 19 a -ring 20 Idle jet hofder 21 8 aft-bearing 22 Endwasher 23 Wave washer 2-«A Throttfe fe ller 24 8 SpaCBr 2 5 Tab washer 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Nut 1dfe speed screw Sprin g Diephragm A ccelerator pump caller Scre w Cam Rolf pin Bfanking screw O-rin g Washer Idle mixture screw Spring A ir bypass screw Locknut Cerlwrenorbody Throttle plate Retainin g screw Washer Anchor pfate Throttfe shaft Washer Return spring 49 Emission con trol vafve 50 Locknut 51 Choke ' m;king screw 52 WUher 53 Screw 54 Staffar dellice (40 ID F 28 and 441DF 2 6) 55 Fifter gauze 5 5 Staffer device (40 ID F 29 and 44 IDF 27) 57 Starter j et 58 Staff er valve 59 Spring 60 Rt1teining guide 6 1 Re t~ning wash er 62 Float assembly 63 Plug 64 Washer 55 8 ase 66 67 68 69 70 71 12 73 Filtsr gauze Gasket Carburetfor cover Stu d Spring w asher Retaining screw Cable focknut Sp fit pin 74 Staffer control rod 12-10 5.25 Re mo ving Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 12 an id ling mix t ure 5.2 7 Removing a blanking scre w 5.2 8 Re moving an air byp ass sc rew adjusting screw 5.29 Throttle spind le end nut locati on and loc lctab 5 .3 3 Remo ving a throttle v alv e 29 Bend btIc k the locktabs (2 81 on one or both end s of the throttle spindle (53 1 depending on the application, then unscrew ,mel re mo V9 the nut s (2 7) [photo). If th ese life very ti ght. use We ber tool FlO 9802 3 700 to hold the sp ind le whirst th e nut is lOO $ened. If th is preCllut ion is not taken. th e spindle (5 31 may beco me bu ck led . Do not loosen I tight nu t w ith t he throttle v alve s bei ng forced against the barret w all s. 30 Remove th e nutls ] (2 7). t ab wesbertsl (2 81, spacer ( I S) and th rott le le ve r (2 1J a s a pplicab le to t he ce rburettor. 3 1 Unscrew and remo ve the thro tt le valve ret aining screw s (52). being careful no t to exert excessive pr essure on th e spindle (53 l (photol. 32 Note the posit ion of th e throttle spindle and valves in relat ion to the barrels and if necessary, mark the valves w ith a penci l. 33 Tum the spindle to the fu lly open position and w ithdraw the two thro ttle valves (5 1) trom t heir location slots (photo). 34 Y sing a suit able pi n punch. drive the roll pin (4 5) through • 5 .34 Accelerator pump cam roll pin removal the cam (4 6) and spindle 1531. To ensure corr ect refitting. m ark t he cam and spind le in relation to each oth er (pho to). 3 5 Using a plastic mallet. drive the spindle (53 ) from the carburettor. Before doing th i s, chec* t het t he spindle is f ree of any burr s and use a fin e file if necessary. to remove th em. 36 Recover the w ave w asher(s) (29) and beari ng end walherl s) (3 0) ttl e accelerator pump cem 14 6). 37 Drive the remaining bearing (3 11 from the carbur etto r body (4 9). Wh ere th e thr ottle lever (54) Is swage d onto th e spindle. use a suitable diameter length of m eter dowe l rod to remove the bearing. Wh ere ret ain ing nuts are located on each end of the t hrott le spin dle, remo ve the bearing and washe r and use the spind le to remove the bearing. 38 Wh en f itt ed. rem ove t he return spring (65) from the th rottl e spindle {54). 39 When fitted. remove the cra nkcase emission rot ary disc (SO) from th e throttle spin dle. 40 If necessary, un sCNIw t he id le spee d SCNIW (2 8) ,md spring Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 12 (2 5 ) fro m the throttle lever (2 1). t hen remove the split pin (221. pressure pin 12 4) and $prin g (2 3) . 6 mm. 7 The carbu rettor body should be thorou ghly cleaned etter overhaul . preferably u5ing claen fu el and air pressure . Th e leed plugs shou ld be renewed end retained in pos itio n by using the W eber tool nos 9801 0 700 or 980 10 BOO as a punc h until th e plug 5 are expanded Int o their bores. a Check the float assembly tor dam age and leakage. Shake Ihe float s to det ermine w heth er fu el has ent ered. If the fIoa l s are damaged or fu el is present . the assembly m ust be renewed . 9 Check t he acce lerator pum p lever and diap hragm fo r we ar and dama ge and renew th em as necessary. Assembly Note: All componen ts shou ld be clean and dry before starting rht! assembly pro cedura. 1 Fit the spring (2 3) and pressu re pin (24) to the throttle rever (21 ) and secure with the split pin (22 ). 2 Fit the idle &peed screw (261 and spring (2 51 to the th rottl e lever 12 11. 3 Whe n fitted slide Ihe crankcase emission rotary disc (50 1 7.3 a Crankcase emission rotary di sc locating pe g . onto the throttle spind le, making sure that the loca ting pi n Is fully engage d with the slot IphotosJ. 4 W hen fitted, locate the return 5pring (55) over the throttle spindle 1541 and engage the hook.ed end on th e throttle lever arm. Speciel overhau l procedurel After carrying out the general cveraul procedure5 given in Chapter 4, the fo llowing special prcceccre s muld be com plet ed: 1 Using a hand chuclt and the special tool availab le from W eber r a tool hire agent. reform the main jet seati ngs at the bottom of th e emul sio n tube ho using we lls by c;arefu lly roUiting the tool in alternate directions. Finl5h the seati ngs w ith the addition al sce ctet too l by tapping it gent ly wh ilst rolating it at the same ti me. 2 Usin g th e same procedure as descri bed in paragraph 'l , refo rm the idling jet soat$. 3 Using th e same procedure as described in paragraph l , refo rm the starter valve seats. 4 Using the same procedu re as described in paragraph 'l , refor m the starter Jet seats. 5 If t he emulsi on tube we lls ere di scolo ured and cc nelde rabre sediment has accumulated. the bo res mu st be rem ovad using the appli cable Weber tool and a hend chuck. Tum the t ool carefull y until it moves freel y, then continue turning It Whilst removing it. 6 Check the internal Channels of th e carburettor body end COVf!r by inj ect ing fue l from a syri nge and observing w hethe r it emerge s free ly. It any c;hann els are blocked , it will be necessary to drill out the lead plugs and use W eber tool nos 9 80 14 3 00. 9 801 4400 and 98 0 14 500 t o clear the m. These tool numbers rf er to the t hree channe l dieme t ers of 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm and 2.0 7 12-11 7.3 b . . . and slot 5 U sing a suitable diameter length of tubing, drive the bearing 13 11 fully into the carburettor body (4 9) . M ake sure that the inner be aring w a5her ia insen ed in to the body. where fi tted. 6 It a new am 146 1 Of spindle (53 1 is being fined . rum the cam as necessa ry so that it is a firm sliding fit on the spind le. 7 On throttle spindles fined with two end nuts, place the remain ing ba ll-bearing on an open vice and gently tap the spindl e into it. Where nece ssary, the inner washer must be located on the spind le fir$t. 8 Insert th e throttle spindle (53) into the carburettor body {4 91. at the same time locate t he accelerator pum p cam (4 6 1 between the two barrel s w ith Its shoulder as show n in Fig. 12.5 (phot o). Also insert th e reurm spring (55) in the location hole where applicable. 9 Using a length of tubing. support the bearing (3 t 1 In the main body then tap the spindle (531 fully into position (photo). 10 Fit the bear ing end washerls) (30) and wave wa shed s} (291 after lubri cat ing the bearin gs w ith e Httle grease. 11 Tum th e throttle spind le (53) t o its appro xim ate closed po sit ion th en, with the accel erator pump cam (4 6 ) facing away fro m th e di aphra gm face, a11gn th e ho les in the cam 1461 and 5pindl e 153 1 and drive In the roll pin 14 5 ) until it is in a cen tral position. 12 Tum the spindle 1531 l aQllinst the tension of spring 55 if alread y fined ) unt il t he throttle valw slots can be seen from the flange end of the carbu rettor. then insert one throttle valve (5 1) in th e location pre viou sly noted and close the valve. Make sure that th e t hrott le valva i s fitted the eoerect way round so tha t the angled perimeter seaUi in the ~rrel. 13 Snap th e valve shu t several times in orde r to centra lise it , t hen i"l sert and tigh ten the velva ret ain ing llCreWS (52 ) w ithout exert ing excessive pressure on th e spindle. It is recom mended that new screws are always fitt ed li S it is QUite easy to CTOSSt hread previously peened SCI'fIW5. lock the screws by peening with W eber tool no 98010 900 w hil st supporting the spindl e w it h a length of wood . Alternativ ely. coat the t hreads with a liquid lock ing agent (fu el resistant) prior to inserting them. 14 Repeat the procedure described in parag raphs 12 and 13 for th e rem aining thrott le valve. 15 If a new spindle (53 ) or cam (4 6) is being nn ee. both must be drilled with a 0.078 In 12.0 mm) drill to accom mod ate the roll pin (4 5). To do t his. it is essentia l to obtain the special W eber fixture. 16 Fit th e thro tt le lever (2 1). spacer (19). t ab w ashedsl (28) and nutls} (2 7) and lock the m to th e carburettor. 17 Tighte n th e nulls) 12 7) and lo ck them by bending th e lockt abs (28) . Do not overtighten t he nut s oth erwise the spindl e may be di storted. 18 Insert th e air bypa. ss screws (4 8) and scre w them In until 7 .8 Fin ing th e throttle spind le th rough t he aCCelerator pu m p cam 2 12-12 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 12 7.9 Fitting th e th ronle spin dle bea ring 7.3 1 Fitting a starter valv e spri ng. reta iner and spring washer the y e re fully seated , the n tighten th e loc kn uts (47). 19 Insert and lig hte n th e blankin g screws (4 4 ). coil spring (67) w it h it s end in the locati on jere. Fit t he lever (6 5) over the shaft (591 and at the seme tim e hook th e end of t he spring (6 7) Over t he lever, then locate th e w asher {52) and nut {5 1) and tig hten the nut. 37 Check t he ope ratio n of t he sta rte r device, t han fi t the cab le securin g nut (6 41 and screw (66) and fil t er gauze (70 ). 3 8 Offer the startet dev ice up to th e cerburen c r bod y and make sure th at the sector lugs locate in th e starter valve grooves, th en Insert the reta ining screw s (40A ) and w ashers (7 1) and t ighten the screws. Check that the sta rt er device operates smoo th ly. 39 Tighte n the needl e valve seating (78 ), tog eth er w ith It new gask et (79 1,int o th e carbe rertce cove r (821, 40 Hook th e needle (781 onto the flo at erm 177) then lower the needle into th e Sl ating. Insert t he fu lcru m pi n {7 1 through th e posts and float assem bly (77 ). If necesury, gently pinch t he split po st to seOJre the pin usi ng a pa ir of pliers. 4 1 The float level adju stm ent must now be checked In t he foll owing manner: Hol d the carburettor cev er v ertical so that th e flo at s are hang ing fro m th e fu lcrum pin w it h th e float level arm in li ght contact with th e need le ball lie w ithout th e ball being depressed]. Using a vernier caliper, check t hat the di sta nce from the float t o t he cover face as shown in Fig. 12 .7 is 0 .3 94 in ( 10 .0 m m) w it ho ut th e gasket in place (photo). If not. bend t he tab retaining t he needl e hook as necessary . 42 Tilt the co ver so tha t the floats move awa y fr om the cov er a~ th e tab m akes contect with the need le valv e seat ing. Now. using th e same method as described in paragr aph 4 1, cheCk that th e needle valve full y open di men sion Is 1.280 In (3 2.5 mm ) (phot ol . If not . be nd the t ab wh ich contact s th e needle vefve seat ing as necessary. 43 The differe nce between th e dimensi on s checked in paragraph s 4 1 aod 42 is th e needle vaive stroke wh ich shou ld be 0. 8 86 in (22. 5 mm ). 44 Rt the base (41 to th e fi lter ga u~e 131. With t he carburettor co ver (8 2) Invert ed, press th e fi ltar gau ze Into the inlet cavity. 45 Fit the washer (51 to the fi lt er cover plug (e ), then tighten the plug into t he cover (8 2) . 4 6 Place the gasket (8 11 on t o the top fece of th e carburettor body 14 9) . 4 7 lower th e carbu rett or cov er (82) ont o the main body (49 ) over the st uds , the n Insert t he rete lnlng screw s (8 51 and washers (84 1 and ti ghten th em It little at a t ime in dia gonal sequence. 4S Fit th e starte r device control rod and lever (w here fi tte d) using new split pins. 4 9 Locate th e gasket (21 and air horns (1) over the st uds and on t o th e carburettor co ver 182 ). 20 21 the 22 Fit th e idle speed screw (3 6) and spring (3 5) , wh ere fitted. Fit th e idling mixture adjust ing screw s (4 1) together with rubber O-rings (421. washers and springs (4 3). Insert the chok es (12} int o the ba rrels with the smalle r inte rnal d iameter ends up pe rmo st. 23 A lign the indent at ions in the chokes (12 ) w ith th e ho les in the ca rbur enor body (4 9), then lightly tigh ten t he loc king screws (58) int o pos it ion and t ighten the locknu ts (571. 24 Fit the auxili ary venturis (13) in their orig ina l location s. m aking sure that the locat ion spring s engage w ith th e grooves in the b arrels lind th at t he supp ly of ch anne ls are in alignme nt w ith t hose in th e cerbc rett or body. TIlIt extend ed ve ntu rls mu st elso be uppermo st. 2 5 Suppo rt th e carburettcr body (4 9) wit h t he pum p diaphr agm face up permost, t hen locate the spring (3 7) on the face in a centr al position . 26 Place t he diaphrag m (38) aga inst th e pump co ver (39) and ret ain with the fingers and thumb, then Insert the retaining screw s and washers (4 0) thro ugh t he di aphrag m . 27 locat e th e di aph ragm and cover on the carburett or and engage two or three t hreads of the retaini ng screws. Operate the pump lever severeI tim es th en hold it SO that the di aphragm Is not t ension ed. TIghten th e ret ainin g screws (4 0 ) evenly in di agonal sequence. Check th e opera tion of th e pump by opera t ing th e thro ttle lever. 28 Assem bla the accelerator pu mp jet s (161 t o th e delivelY valve s 114) with the copper washers 1151. the n tighten the m into th e carburettor body {4 91. 29 Insert and t ighten t he starter jet s (721 into th e carburettor body (4 9) . 3 0 Fit th e starte r valves (7 31 into th eir respectiv e bo res. foll ow ed by th e return spring s (74 1end retainers (7 5). 31 Depress the reta iners 175) in tu m and locate th e spring w ashers (76) In the carbu rettor recess es (photo!, fu lly pre"ing them in w ith t he fl at blade of a screwdriver. 32 Press the id ling jets (32) Into th e holders (341. fit the rubbe r a -r ings (3 3 1, then tigh ten t he hold ers int o t he carburettor body . 33 Press t he air correct or jet s (9) and m ain jet s (1l} into th e em ulsion t ubes {l Ot, then pres s the holders (81 onto the top of th e emulsion tub es (10 ). 34 Insert and tighten t he em ulsio n tube assernblles into the cerburett c r bo dy (49), 3 5 Insert and tight en the acceler ator pu mp inlet and discharge valv e (17). 3 6 Asse mb le the shaft {69 1 to the sta rt er devi ce so tha t the align m ent li nes on each sector are facing each other, then fit the Parl2 Weber carburetors Chapt er 12 12-13 5 3 ~ " 2 , 1 j 6 ~ I O.O m ~ 3 2.5 m'~~---: 7.41 Checking th e flo at level closed position Fig. 12.7 Float Ievaladj us trne nt di mensions (Sec 7 ) r 2 3 4 Carbure t tor co ver Ne edle valve assembly S troke adjusting tab Fulcrum pin 5 6 7 N eedle and r eturn hook Height adju sting tab Float assem bly 2 . 11 50 With the carburettor comp letely assembled, the idling adjust me nt sc rews sho uld be turned to their prelim ina ry sett ings . To do th is. first scre w in t he throttle idling adjus tme nt sc rew (wh ere fitted ) unti llt ju st t ou ch es th e throttl e lev er, t hen continu e turning for a further 2 turn s. Working on th e idl ing mixture volum e screw s in turn, fully screw th em in unti l they are in contact with th e ir seats. th en back t he m off 2 co mplete turn s . Final adjustm ent s will be necessary wi t h th e carburettor fitted on the engine (refer to Sect ion 8 ). 8 Tuning N ot e : Refer to Chap ter 3 f or general no t es on tuning. 1 Set th e idli ng adjustment screws to their prelimina ry position s as descri bed in Section 7. 2 Connect a tachometer to t he engine in accor dance wi th th e manufactu rer' s instructions. 3 It is now important to underst and th at each barrel of each carbu rett or mu st be synchronized in order to deliver equal amounts of air/fu el mixture to each individual cylind er. To check this. it wil l be necessary to obt ain a length of tu bing (approximately 1 metr e) of about 5 mm to 10 mm (0 .2 5 in to 0 .50 in) internal diam et er. Altern ativ ely a avnchrontser as illu strated in Chapter 8 may be used. 4 Remove the air cleanertsl if fitted, then run t he engine until norma l ope rating temper ature is reached. To ensur e th at th e engine is really hot eno ugh. drive it hard over a 5 mil e di stance. 5 Switch off the engine and di sconnect th e accelerato r rod connections from each oarbur ettor. 6 Where two carburettor thr ottle spindles are link ed, turn th e adjustment screw on the li nk 2 turns from th e fui ly shut position. 7 Start the engin e and adju st each idling speed adjusting screw (except link adjust ments) by equal amoun ts until th e engine is id ling at the approximate recomm ended speed. Thi s will vary accord ing to th e applicat ion and state of tune of the engine but an average wi ll be around 800 rpm. 8 The barr els of each indi vid ual carburett or mu st now be synchronised to pass identical quantitie s of air during id ling. To do thi s, loosen th e locknuts and check th at th e byp ass screws are 7.42 Checking the flo at level ope n position both in light conta ct w ith their seats. Place one end of th e synchron ising t ube in th e middl e of one air int ake and listen at the oth er end to th e amount of hiss present . A lternatively, use th e synchroniser to record th e air flow through th e air intake. Check both air intak es of the carburett or to determine wh ich one is passing th e great est amount of air, th en adjust th e remaining barrel to giv e an ident ical volume . Finally, ti ghten t he adjustment locknut s. Carry out thi s procedure independently on each carburettor fitt ed to the engine. 9 Each carburettor must now be synchroni sed with t he remaining carburettors. To do thi s. allow th e engi ne to idle and check t he volume of air flowin g through one air intake of each cerbc ret tc r. using t he length of t ube or th e synchroniser. Determine th e carbur ettor which is passing th e medium volum e of air and adjust t he idle speed adjustment screws of the remaining cam urett ors unt il they also pass identical volum es of air. Whe re the thrott le link age is arranged from a common shaft, th e individua l throttle levers wi ll have to be adjuste d by loosening the locknuts. 10 If necessary. from each id ling speed adjustment screw by equal amo unts to bring the engin e speed with in the recommended idl ing limits. 11 The mixture screw adjustm ent s on each carbu rettor must now be set and synchronised. Since each screw was turned to 12-14 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 12 It. pt1lliminary se tt ing . it can be '$$u med that they a re re asor'lably s ynchron ised to start with. With th e engine id ling , turn ttl e screw s by equ al i1mounts It a tum initially l and observe wheth e r th e e ng ine speed te lls o r inc re ases. Ma ke sever,l adju stm en t s in a sim ilar manner until the eng ine run s at tn e highes t speed commensurete with even firing. 12 tf ne ce ssa ry, aga in t um e a ch idling speed adjustment screw by equa l amoun ts to bring the engine speed within th e recommended idling limits. 13 The fin al mixture screw synchronisation can be determin ed by allow ing th e eng ine to idle , the n to remove e a ch spart plug lead in tum and observe the reducti on in engine rpm on th e tachometer. The red uction sh o uld be iden ti ca l fo r ea ch cyli nd er . .1. t hus pro vin g that th e m ixture st ren gth Is also identical fo r ea ch cylinde r. A. funher ch eck cen be meoe by re mo ving t he spa rk plugs aft er the engine has be en Idling for approx imately 15 9 minutes. Any w ith black sooty deposits ind ica te that the pa rticular cylind er is run ning rie:tl. Normally if th e m ixture screw has not been se t co rrectly. weak ening It by half a tum during idling will cut the releva nt cylinder. 14 If I'lece ssary adjus t the idling speed serews on ea ch carburenor by equ al amo unt s to obtain the corr ect eng ine idling s pe ed. 15 Note that on some applicat ions It may be adv isa ble to fit ·ho n er spark plug s whilst lIdjust ing the ClI rbur eMors to preve nt m isfiring_ However th e or igina l plugs m ust alway s be re fin ed after completing th e adjust ment. , 6 Swit ch off th e e ngine and recon nect the t hrottle linkages, mak ing adjus tments as neeesSllry to prevent th e ca rburett or seltings from be ing affe cte d. 17 Remove the tachometer from the engine and refit the air creenensl. if fitted. Fa ult diagnosis Symptom Reason Engine w ill no t start Blocked fuel filte r or jets Flooded a ngine as a result Of depressing accelerator pedal Uneven Idlil'lg Leaking ma nifold o r carnureMor flange gaskets l oose idling je ts or auxiliary ventu rrs Exce ss ive se diment o r water in cerbc rertoe Worn throMlespindle Inco rrect tuning adjustme nts Carbureltor flood s W orn needle valve Laakil'lgor damaged fIoatls) Inco rrect float level adjustme nts Excessive sedimen t in fu el Engine lac ks perform ance InCOITect tuni ng adjustments Incorrect float level adjustments Excessive sedime nt in fue l Thro tt le valve s not fully o pe ning Acce ler ator pump faulty Ot lea king Exce ss ive fuel consumption Needl e valve not seating Leaking or dam aged Iloat ls ] Incorrect float level adjus tments Choked air filter (if fitted ) 13-1 z Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 13 Type 36 DCNF, 40 DCNF, 42 DCNF, 44 DCNF Contents Assem bly Construction Sec tion 7 section Ope ration ..•.. ..... ....... .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . 3 ..... ..•. ..• .. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Remo val and refining •.• .... . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . ... 4 Disassemb ly ••.•••••.•. .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Fault diagnos is ••.•. • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 5 9 Spe ci, 1ove rhau l proced ures 6 Tu ning B Introduction 1 ... ...•...... . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. . ... . . 13-2 1 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 13 Introduction The carbu rettors covered by thi s Chapter are of vertica l downdraught type and each barrel of the cerburertc r is of id e ntical dia meter. The throttle valves are of t he synchronised , simu ltaneous operation type and are lo ca te d on a sing le s haft. The identification mark is located on t he main body on the outer face of the fi oat chamber wa ll. 2 31 Construction The main body and cover of the Weber DCNF carburettor are of die-cast alum inium or zinc alloy (Mazak) constr uction. The mounting fl ange is machined fl at for fi tt ing on the inlet manifold. The throttle spindle is made of steel and t he thrott le va lve plates of brass. All fuel and air jets and emulsion tubes are of brass construction and are secured to the m ain body by screw fi nings. The inte rnal channels of the maln body are mainly drilled and where necessary, sealed with lead plugs. The throttle spindle is supported by two ball-bea rings mounted in the main bod y. Washers are located at each end of the spindle to prevent air being drawn t hrough the bearings. The fuel f loat essemblv isccn stru cted of thin brass sheet end comprises two halves soldered together. The accelerator pum p is of the diaphragm type and the operating lever is actuated by a cam plate attached to the end of the t hrottle shaft . f----ttt- 32 33 35 Fig. 13.1 Cold stert ing phase (Sec 3 ) 3 Operation Cold starting The starting device fi tt ed to type DCNF carbu rettors operates independently of the main circuit and m ay be considered as a separate carburettor with in the main carb urettor. Refer to Fig. 13.1 and note that wh en the chok.e cab le is pulled, the start ing device operating lever turns the contro l shafts wh ich lift the starting valves off their seats. Fuel from the float chamber (8) is drawn through channels (34) into the starting [eta (32 ) where it is emu lsified with air entering t hrough Ihe top of the atartinq jet s (32). The mixture is then d rawn through channe ls (33) where lt is further emu lsified w ith air from the hole (3 1). After passing the starter valves (3 7) wh ere additiona l air from holes (36 ) weakens the mix ture, the fi nal mixture is drawn through channels (3 5) Into t he engine below the t hrottle valves (14}. The starting device has a progressive action made possible by the tapered end of the valve heads and lowering the valves will reduce the amount of m ixtu re admitted to the engine until. whe n comp letel y shut, the supply w ill cease. Idling and progression Refer to Fig. 13.2 and note thai when the engine is idling with the throttle valves (14) closed, fue l is drawn through the main jets and emulsion tu be w ells (6), along channels (1 8) 10 the idling jets (19) where lt becomes emu lsified w ith air ente ring thro ugh the calibrated bushes (20). The mixture then trave ls through the channels (17), past the adjustab le mixture screws (1 6). through the idlin g feed holes (15) and into the carburettor throats at the engine side of the throttle valves (14} . The idling mixture screws (16) have tapered ends and can t herefore be adjusted to admit more or less mixt ure as necessary. When the throttle valves are opened slightly to increase the engina speed. the pro gression holes (13) are bro ught into act ion to provide additional fuel and to enab le th e engine to reach the speed when the maln system starts to fu nction. In order to ensure that each carburettor barrel passes 8 Float cham ber 3 1 Air holes 34 Channel 35 Channel 36 Channel 32 S tartingi et s 37 S tarting valves 14 Throttle valves 33 Channel identica l amounts of air. in parti cular wh en the engine is idl ing. the m ajority of DCNF carburett ors incorporate elr compensati on screws in each barrel. wh ereby air can byPClSS th e Ih rottl e valves (14) via the startlnq device ducts (3 5). This system ensures identi cal vacuum below each t hrottle valve and therefore ensures ident ical mixtures d uring idling and progression. N ormal running Refer to Fig. 13, 3 and note that under fu ll throftle and high speed cruise conditions. fuel is draw n from the float chamber (8), t hroug h t he main jets (7) to t he emulsion t ubes (6). The fuel becomes emul sified with air drawn through the air corrector [ets (1) and is then draw n th rough the nozzles (2). auxllla rv vent uris (3) and chokes (4) into the engine. Acceleration Refer to Fig. 13.4 and note t hat wh en the throttl e valves are closed. the spring (24) pushes the diaphragm (28) outwards and fuel is draw n fro m t he flo at chambe r (8). throug h t he ball valve (3 0) into th e pum p chambe r. Wh en th e throttl e valves are opened . the cam (2 5) operates the lever (261and t he diaphragm (2 81 is depressed aqelnst th e tension of the spring (24). Fuel is forced along the channel (23) t o the delivery valve (22) and is injected thr ough the pump jet s (21 } into t he carburettor barrels in the vicinity of the auxiliary vent urls. The spr ing (27 } dampens any sudden openin g of the throttl e valves and prolongs the full deliv ery. The calibrate d discharge hole (2 9) allows excess fuel and any accumula ted alr and vapour to escape into the floa t chamber. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 13-3 13 i A g . 13.2 Idling and pro g ression phese (Sec 3 1 6 Emulsion tube wells 18 Channel 13 Progression hok s 15 Idle feed holes 16 Idle m;xtUIfJ screw 19 I dfejers 14 Thro rt1e v(lfves 17 Channel 20 Calibrated bushe s 2 12 3 o '4 • 9 I 7 Fig . 13.3 N orma l ptul se (Sec 3) 1 2 3 4 A ir CO"ector jets Norrfe! A UIC/7illlY venturis Chokes 5 Em u/sion tubes 6 7 Em ulsion tube wells Meinjet$ 8 Floar chembe, 9 10 11 '2 FJof1l Fulcrum pm N eedle Needfe lIaWesearing 2 Part 2 W eber cwburetars Chapter 13 13-4 21 22 29-_ 25 24 8 23 Fig. 13 A AcceJeratjon pha_lSee31 8 Float chamt¥r 14 Throttle YaMS 2' Pump jer . 22 DeI;ve,y VB~ 4 27 Reli ct ion spring 28 Diaphragm 29 Calibrated disch8rge hole 23 Cha" r* Z4 Rtdum I{Jrlng 25 c sm 26 O~ing ~ Aemow l and refitting Note : The fo llowing procedun glw. B gt!fl~' rather than B specific method of removing lind refitting the cBrburettor. BS much will depend on thlfJ loeli rion of the Cll rb ure ttof within the "ahlcle. 0" some applfcarfons fo r Instance, the retaining nuts may not be accessible without removing surrounding com- ponents. t Where fitted. remove the air cleaner assembly from the carburettcr. 2 Di sconnect th e throttle linkage and choke cable. 3 Unscrew the fuel inlet union and recover the two gaskets. 4 U nscrew and remove the carburettOl' retaining nuts and spring washe rs and wit hdraw t he carburettor co mplete ove r the mo unting stud s. 5 Remove the gasket fro m the inlet man ifo k:l and clean all tr ates of gasket from t he contact fa ces of the ma nifold and carbura n Ol'". 6 Protect th e inl et manifold from ingress of fore ign mattllf whilst the carbc rettcr is removed by sealing ft with masking tape . 7 Refi tting is a re~~ l of remova l but the following additional poi nts should be noted: (II) AlwllYs fit II n~w g8$1(et end tighte" t~ retaming mJU evenly in diagonal sequen~ fb) Th~ idling adjustment screws should be ut liS described in Section 7 li nd f",1I11y tuntteJ Btl deS(;fi~d In Section 8 (c) When refitting t he Choke (st8fTing devke) cab/e, first secure th e out er cab'~ to the supp ort then insefT t/¥ inner cable into the operifting lever nut and push the instrume nt pan el control knob full y in. Trghten the inner cilble retain ing screw with th e operating lever fully released. 30 Ba" Vil/ve :.--=0:"... - ..... - -.".. - - -- - - - - - -- Thoroughly clean the carbure tt or exteriOf" and w ipe dry . 2 Where 8ir horns are fitted. remov e th e retain ing screw s li nd w asher. and withd raw the air hom assemblv. 3 Referring to Fig. 13 .5. unscrew and rem ove th e retaining screws (861and wash ers (8 5) in diagonal sequence end lift th e carburettor top cover ( 1J from th e eere urettcr body (5 1), mak ing filre th at the gasket (3) is not bro ken (photo). 4 Uft the gasket (3) from the cerburencr body (51 ). 5 IrMlrt the carburettor cover (1) and unscrew th e filter cover plug 1781, using a 19 mm ring spanner or socket (photo). Remo .... the washer (79 ). 6 Remove the filter gauze (8 11 and extr act the b ase (BO). 7 Using a filitable diameter metal dr ift. ta p t he fu lcrum pin (9) from the suppo rt posts (photo). Do not att empt to prise th e spl it post apart. 8 Uft the float assembl y (1 8 ) from t he cover and extract the nHdIe from the needle valve luting (1 1) (photo). 9 Unscrew 8M remove the need le valve seating (11) and lt OI. 10 Unscrew aM remove the retain ing screw 171 and rem ove wa sher the wilner and bush (8 ) (photo). 11 Lift the operating arm (1 3) and disengage th e rod (4 Ol'" 6 ) from the m rter dsvice. 12 Extract the sprrt pin (5 1.nd ramove the rod from th e operatIng arm (141 (photo). Remove the clamp screw (151 if ne08 uary. 13 Unsaew and remove the reta ining screw s (6 9) and w ashers (70) and remove the starter device (6 1) from the car burenor (photo) . 14 Dismantle th e sterter device by unl crew ing the nut (58) from the shaft (62) tog ether with t he washer (67). then carefully . Part 2 _ 13-5 carburetors Chapter 13 .~ 5 .3 Removing the carburettor tOp cover 5.5 Removing the fuel filter and plug 5. 7 Aemov ing the flo at fulcrum pin 2 ~ 5.8 Removing the need le valve seating 5.13 Removing t he starter device ;. -, 5.12 Sta rter device operating rod split pi n locat io n 5.15 Removin g an emu lsion tu be 5.16 Separating the maln jet and air corrector jet from the emu lsio n t ube remove th e lever {66) and spring (6 5). W ithdraw the shaft (62) a nd filter gauze (6 4) . 15 Unscrew and remove the air corrector jets {l2} fro m the carburettor body (51 J and lift out the emu lsion tube asse mblies (photo). 16 Separate the emulsion tubes (17) fro m t he air corrector jets (12) and main jet s (2 S1 (photo), Take care not to damage t he jets whe n remo ving them and. if pliers are used, interpo se a piece of paper or card to prevent the brass being scratched. Alternative ly, insert a small d rill through the em ulsion tube holes to retain it w hilst the jets are turned off each end. 17 Unscrew th e idling jet holders (2 S) fro m the sioos of the carburettor body (5tl. remove the rubber O-rings i2n then separate t he idlin g jets (26 ) (photos). t 8 Whilst depressing the starter valve spring fetaining guides (7 5) in turn, prise t he spring w ashers (74) from the ce reueertc r body, then release the guides (75) and ext ract the return springs (76) and starter valves (77 ) (photos). Note from wh ich bore each valv e is t aken so that th ey can be refitted in t heir ori ginal locations.. Do not terce the valves if th ey w ill no t come out freely ; if a burr exists at the top of th e bore, remove it with a fi ne fil e. 19 Unscrew and remove t he starter j et s (73) {phot o). 2 0 Unscrew and remove the accelerat or pump delivery valve 116) together with th e pum p jet (23) and copper w ashers (24) (photo), t hen separate the was hers and jet from the valve. 2 1 Unscrew th e retaini ng screws and w ashers (31 ) and wit hdraw the pu mp cover (22) fro m th e carburetto r body (phot o). Take care not to damage the d iaphrj' 7. ·of 31 37 ft: ~~ 34-A 36-A 5.17a Removing the idli ng Jets 5.1 7b An idling Jet end holder 5.1Sa Removing co mponents the starter spring 2 5.19 Removing a starter jet 5.18 b ... and starter valves 5.20 Removing the accelerator pump de livery valve and jet Fig. 13 .5 Explo ded v iew of the 36 DC NF carbureno r (tYpica l) (Sec 5 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '0 " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Top cover Stud Gaske t Operating rod S plit pin OperatIng rod link Screw Bush Fulcrum pin Gaske t Needle valve assembly A tr corrector jat S tarting device leve r assembly Stertlng device lever Clamp screw Delivery velve Em ulsion tube Float A cceleretor pump cover assembly Pivot pin Lever Cover Pump / elS Washers Mein jet Idlejet RubbarO-ring Idle je t holder Return spring 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Diaphu/gm Screw Nut Tab washer S plicers Cam Spacers Wave washer Specer End washer 8 all-bearlng Throttle leve r assembly Lever Adjustment scre w Spring Pressure pin Spring Spfitpin Throttle valve Re taining screw Throttle $pind/# Caroorettor body Re turn spring Throttle lever Spring Idle s pee d scre w S pring Washer Idle m ixture scre w 59 Air bypass scre w 60 Locknut 6 1 Sta rting device assembly 62 S hah and sector 63 Housing 64 Filter gau;ce 65 R eturn spring 66 Lever 67 Washer 68 Nu t 69 S crew 70 Wash er 71 Choke 72 Auxifiaryven tur! 73 Starterjet 74 Retaining clip 75 Retflining guide 76 S pring 77 Starter valve 78 Plug 79 Gflsket 80 8ase 81 Filter 82 Fuel inlet bolt 83 Gasket 84 and B4A Inlet union 85 Washer 86 Screw 5.21 Withdrawing the accelerator pump cover 5 .22 Accele rator pump diaphragm return spring location 5 .2 6 Removi ng adjust ing screw 5.27 Idle speed screw locatio n an idling rnlxt ure 5.25 Removing a choke :..§.; 5.28 Remov ing an air bypass adju st ing screw 5.30a Throttle lever and end nut with locktab 5.30 b Ac celerator pump cam and end nut w ith lcc kteb 5.32 Throttle return spring location 5.33 Accelerator pu mp cam and sector 5.36 Removing a throttle valve 5.39 Removing the throttle spindle ~ Part 2 Weber carburetora Chapter 13 was her and cl evis pin . 24 Note the location of. th e auxlllarv venturis (72 ) an d mark th em if nece s s ary, with a pencil to e ns ure corr e ct refitti ng . Th e auxiliary v enturis (7 2) ar e lig htly staked int o the ca rbu rettor body and to re move them , it w ill be nec essa ry to ins ert a wooden or p la sti c do w el rod t hroug h th e throttle va lve e nd of th e b arr e ls to tap th em free . If they are exces siv e ly t ight it w ill be ne ce s s ary to obta in the sp ecia l Weber to ol no 9800 9 200 . 2 5 Using a fin e file , remove the staking from th e t wo barrels, th en no te the lo catio n s of ea ch c ho ke (71 1a nd s lide th em out of th e barr e ls. Not e that th e choke e nds with the s ma ller int erna l di am et ers are uppe rmost (photo}. 26 Un s crew a nd remove th e idling m ixtu re a djus ting s crews (58 ) to ge the r with th e sp rings 15 6 ) a nd washe rs (5 7 ) w here fitt ed (photo). 27 Unscrew a nd remove the idle s peed scre w (5 5 f, s p ring (54) an d s lee ve , wh e re tlrted (pho t o}. 28 l oosen the lo ckn uts (6 0) with a n 8 mm rin g s pa n ne r, the n un s crew and remove th e a ir by pa s s sc rew s 159) (pho to ). 2 9 Where fill ed , unhook the thrott le return sp ring from the a cce lerat o r pump e nd of th e throttle sp ind le (50 ). 3 0 Ben d back the loc kta bs (3 3) o n e ac h e nd of th e t hrottle sp ind le (50 ). th en un s crew a nd rem ov e the nuts (32 ) (photos). If th e s e a re very tight, us e W eb er to o l no 980 2 3 700 to ho ld th e s pind le whil st they a re loo s ened; t his will prev ent th e s p ind le from being bu ckled. 00 not loos en a tight nu t with th e throttle va lve s bein g forc ed again st th e barre l wal ls; instead, us e a s crew d rive r to ho ld the thrott le lev e r {53) In the op en po siti o n. 3 1 Remove th e nuts (3 21, tab w a sh er s (3 3) and s pace r (34) from t he throttle s pind le (Sot tog eth e r w ith th e throttle return s pring le ve r where fitted. 32 Turn th e t hrott le lev er {5 3) a ga ins t th e ten sion of th e co il s pring (52) th en ea se it from t he th rott le s p ind le (5 0 ) a nd remove th e coi l s pring (photo ). Remove th e w ave wa sh er (37 ) to geth e r with w a sh er s (34A a nd 36A) where fitt ed , 33 Us ing a sc rewd rive r, pri se th e ac ce lerato r pump cam a nd sector 135J fro m th e th rottl e s pind le (5 0 ), to g eth er with th e s pace r (3 6 ) wh en fitt ed (photo). Remove th e wave w a sh er (3 7). 34 Un screw an d remove the throttle va lve ret aining sc re ws {4 9 ). being c a re fu l not to exert excessive pre s su re on t he s p ind le (50). 3 5 Not e th e positio n of th e t hrott le s pindle and valve s in re latio n to t he barrels a n d if nece s sary, ma rk the va lve s with a pencil. 3 6 Turn th e s pind le to the fully op en po sition an d withdra w th e two th rottle valv e s (48) tram th e ir lo ca tio n s lots (p hoto ). 37 Ma rk on e e nd of th e thrott le s pin d le (50) in re lat ion to the c arbu rettor body (5 1I to e ns ure corr e ct ref ittin g. 13-9 38 Check tha t th e spindle (50 1is fre e of a ny burrs in t he vicinity o f the valv e retaining screw ho les an d if nec e ss ary, remove t he m with a fine file. 39 Using a pla stic ma lle t, driv e th e s p indle (50) from th e car bur ettor {photo). 4 0 Rem ov e th e s pace rs (3 8) a nd e nd wa sh er s (39) fro m th e s pind le a nd carburettor body {phot o), 41 Tap th e s p ind le (5m throu gh the bearing (4 0 ) with th e bearing pla ced on a vice. 42 Re-in s er t the s pind le 150) a nd d rive t he rema ining bearing (4 0) from th e c arbu rertor body (5 1). Remov e the be a ring fro m th e s pind le . 43 W her e fitt ed, unscrew th e idle s pee d sc re w {43 ) a nd sp ring (4 4 ) from th e th rottle lev er (4 2). th en remove th e s p lit pin 147 1. pre s sur e pin 145) and sp rin g (4 6). 6 Special overhaul procedures Afte r ca rrying out th e ge ner a l ove rha ul pro ce dur e s given in Chapter 4 , th e follo win g spec ial proce du res s ho u ld be co mpleted: 1 Using a hand ch uc k a nd the s pe c ial too l a va ilable from We ber or a too l hire age nt, refor m the ma in jet s e at ings a t the bottom of th e e mulsion tube hou sing w e lls by caretullv rot atin g th e tool in a lternate di re ct ions. Finish th e s ea tings with th e s pe cia l drift by t a pping it ge ntly whi lst rot ating it at th e s a me tim e. 2 Using the sa me p ro cedure as d e s crib ed in par a graph 1, reform th e idlin g jet sea ts. 3 Usin g th e sa me p ro cedure as d e scribed in paragra ph 1, reform th e sta rter valv e se ats. 4 Usin g th e s a me procedure as de scribed in paragr aph 1, reform the st a rte r jet seats. 5 If the e m ulsion tub e w ells a re discoloured and con s ide rabl e se diment ha s acc umu lated , th e bore s must be re am ed using th e s pe cia l We ber tool an d a h an d c huc k, Turn the tool ca refu lly until it move s fre e ly, th e n co ntinu e turn ing it whil st removing it. 6 Che ck th e intern al ch ann els of th e carbu rettor body cov e r by inje cting fuel f rom a s yringe a nd o bs erving w he the r it em erg e s freely. If any ch an ne ls are b lo c ked , it wi ll be necessa ry to drill ou t th e lead p lugs and us e W eber too l no s 98014 300 . 9 801 4400 a nd 98014 50 0 to c lear th em . These too l numbe rs refe r to the thre e ch a nne l di am e ter s of 1.0 mm , 1.5 mm an d 2.0 mm . 7 Che ck th at th e a ccelerat or pum p b a ll va lve is free by s ha king th e carburettor bod y a nd list e ning to th e ba ll movement, 8 After ov e rhau l, th e carburet tcr bod y s ho uld b e t horough ly clean ed, pre fe ra bly usin g cle an fuel a nd a ir pr es sure. The lead plu gs sho u ld be ren ewed a nd re ta ine d in po sit ion by us ing th e W eb er to ol no 9 8010 700 or 9 8010 800 as a punch unti l th e plugs are expanded into thei r bor e s. 9 Che c k th e flo at a ss e mbly for dam a ge a nd le a kage: s h a ke the float to d et erm ine wh e ther fue l ha s e ntered . If th e float is da ma ge d o r fue l is pre s ent, it must be re ne wed. 10 Check a nd renew if ne ce s sary, th e ac ce lerato r pump lev er and dia phra gm. 7 Assemb ly No te: Aff co mponen ts should be clean an d dry b efore starting the assembly p rocedure. 5 .4 0 Throttle s pind le wave w a sh er, s pa ce r and bearing washe r 1 Wh e re fitt ed, fit th e s p ring (4 6 ) a nd pre s sure pin (45) to the thr ottle le ve r (4 2 ) and secure w ith th e s p lit p in (47). 2 Fit th e idle s pee d s cre w {4 3 ) and spring (44) to th e throttl e lever (42 ), wh en fitt ed . 3 Using a s uitab le d iam ete r le ngt h of tubing , drive on e b e a ring (4 0 ) fu lly int o th e ca rbure tto r body (5 1) at th e a c ce lerator pump end. 4 Place the rem aining ba ll-bea ring (4 0) o n a n op en vice and gent ly ta p t he sp ind le (5 0) into it, entering th e en d with t he 2 13-10 Part 2 Webe r ca rbu retors Chapter 13 short flf reCllss first. S Insert th e throttle sp ind le (50) into the carbcrettcr body 15 '1. th en m a ke sure th at the be a rings (40) are fully seated o n the spindle by supporting on e In a suita ble di am et er length of tubing and usi ng a fu rther length of t ubing to tap t he op posite be aring. S Fit the end w ashers (3 9) and space rs (3 81 over th e ends of the spindle (50) after lubri cat ing the bnrings with a ' little grease. 7 Tum th e throttle spi ndle (50 ) so that t he t hrottle vefve ret aini ng screw head rece sses are faci ng the cerburettor moun ting flang e. Place the cercu eettcr body (5 11 on the acce lerator pump end then locat e the wa ve washer (37) over th e sp indle. tog eth er w ith the w ashers (3 4 .4. and 36.4.) wh ere fitted . 8 Locate th e retu rn sp ring (5 2) in the ho le on th e body an d ho o k. th e rem(linin g e nd over th e fla t edge of th e throttle lever (53). Tension th e sp ring and press the throttl e lever (53) fully onto the sp indl e (50) . 9 Fit t he tab washer (33) and nut (32). th e n tight en the nu t and lock. it by bending the tab onto a flat; do not overtig hte n the nut. 10 Turn th e throttle leve r (53) fu lly open sa th at th e th rottle valve slots can be seen from the flang e end of th e carburettor. th en in sert one throttle valve (4 8) in the loc at ion previously noted and close the valve. Make sura that the throttle valve is fin ed t he corre ct wa y rou nd so t hat t he al"lgled perimeter seats in the barrel. 1 1 S r'I8 p the valve sh irt severa l ti mes in ord er t o centr alise it. then in sert and ti ghten t he valve ret ainin g $Crew s 14 9 ) witho ut exerting excessive pressure on the sp ind le. It is reco m me nded that new screws are always fitted as it is quite easy to crossthread previo usly peened screws. Lock tbe screws by pee ning with W eber tool no 98 0 10 900 wI1ilst supporting the spind le with a length of wood. Altern atively, coat the t hreads w ith a liqu id locking age nt (fuel resistantl prior to inse rt ing them. 12 Repeal the procedu re describe d in paragraphs 10 and 11 f or the rema ini ng th ronle valve. 13 l ocale the w ave washer (37) ove r the spind le 150) and fit the spacer 13 6 1w h en fin ed. 14 Press t he sector int o t he nylo n eccereretcr pump ca m (3 5). then flt the cam ov er th e spindle w ith th e low est cam con tour upp ermo st. 15 Fit the spacer (3 4) th rottle retum spring lever wh ere fin ed. tab washer (33) and nut (32). TIgl1 t en the nut (32 ) w hilst holding th e th rottle lever (53) open with a screwd riv er, then lock it by bendi ng the lo c ktab: do not overtight en the nul . 16 W here fitted, hook. t he th rottle return spring onto the leve r on the end of the spin dle (SOl. 17 Insert the air byp ass screws (59) and screw th em In until thay are fu lly seate d. then tigl1ten the loc knuts (60). 18 Fil t ne idle speed screw 1551. spring (54) end slee ve wh ere fitte d. 19 Fit the idli n g m ixt ure adjusting screw s (58) together with the spri ngs (561and w ashers (57 1. w here fi n ed . 7.2 1a Fittin g an au xiliary show ing Ih e locati on sprin g vent urt, 20 Insert the chokes (7 11 Into the barrels w ith the sma ller k'ltem al diameter end s uppermost. 2 1 Fit t1e auxniary venturis (72) in Ih eir origina l loca tions. making su re th at t he locati on spri ngs eng age w ith t he grooves k'I the barr els and th at t he sup ply channels are i n alig nme nt w ith tho se in th e cerb urerroe body. Th e extended venturia must also be uppermo st (phot os). 22 WJth the auxil iary venturia 0 2 1fu lly seated , ligh tly st ake the earbu ren or upper f ace t o ret ain them . Use a bl ade pin ch and not a cen tre pun ch to do thi s. 23 As semble t he lever 12 1 J to lhe acce lerator pump cove r (22) in it s previou sly not ed po siti on, the n drive t he pin (20) th rough the cover and lever unt il fu lly entered. Where a clev is pin Is fitted , in sert it throug h the cover and lev er and retai n it with the w asher and spl it pin. 24 Support t he cerburet tcr body ( 5 1) w ith the pum p diaphragm face uppermost , t hen locat e the spr in g (2 9 ) on th e face in th e central posi ti on. 25 PIIICtl t he dlaphraqm (30} over tl1e spring {2 9}. then locate t he pump cove r (22) over the diaph ragm (30) . 26 Insert th e ret aining screw s and w ashers (3 1) and t igh len t hem evenlv in di agonal sequ ence. Operate th e throttle lever and make sure th at th e pum p lever run s srncothlv and is in con ta ct w ith th e cam. 2 7 Assemb le th e accelerat or pump (23) t o th e delivery valve 1161 with a copper w asher 124 1 eithe r side, th a n ti ght en the assembl y into t he carburen or body. 28 Insert and t ight en t oo st arter jets (73 ). 2 9 Fit th e starter valv es 07 ) int o th ltir respe ct ive bores fol lo we d by the return spri ngs 17 61 and retai ners (75). 30 Depress th e reta iners (751 In tum and lo cate the sprin g washers (74) in the carbu ren or rec esses, pressing th em fu lly In with the fl at blade of a screwd rive r (ph ot o). 31 Press th e idling jets (2 6) lntc the holders 12 8), fi t th e rubber O-rings 12 71. th en ti ght en the hol dera into th e ca rburenor bod y. 32 Press the ll mu lsio n t ubes 11 71 onto the main jet s (2 51 and inl O the air corrector tats (121. Insert and ti ght en the air co rrect or jets (1 2 ) i nt o the cerbc rettcr body to gethe r w it h th e emulsion tubes. 33 Assem ble th e shah (62) to Ih e st art ltf device bod y so thaI l he alignment l ines on each sector ere faci ng each other, then fit the coil spring 165) with it s end In the loca tio n hol e. Fit the laver (6 6) ever th e shah (52) and at t he same time hoo k th e end of th e spri ng (65) over th e lever, then locat e the wa sher (6 7) and nut (68 ), and tight en t he nut. 34 Fit th e fil t er gauze (64) and check that the starter dev ice operat es smooth ly. 35 Offer the starter device (6 1) up 10 the cerb urettor body and make sure th at th e sect or lugs locat e in th e sta rt er v alve grooves. then insert the retainin g screws (69) and w ash ers (70 ) end l ightlln th e s crew s. Check that the sta rter devi ce op erates smoothly. 36 Fit the clamp screw ( 151 to the st arter device opera ting arm 114). 7.21 b Show in g the auxiliary vent uri channel which must face the emul sion lube we I! 7.30 The starter valves fltt ad in th e main body Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 13 37 Insert the operating rod (4 or 6) into the arm (14) and screw w ith the split pin (5). 38 Insert the rod int o the starte r device arm (66 ), then assemb le the bush (8) and washer and tighten the reta ining scre w (7) into the carburettor bod y. 39 Tighten t he needle valve seat ing (1 1) together with a new gasket ( 10 ) into the carburettor cover (1). 40 Lower the needle int o the needle valve seating ( 11), tape red end first. 41 Lower the fl oat assem bly (18) onto the cover (1) and insert t he fulcrum pin IS) through the support posts and fl oat arm. If necessary, gent ly pinch the spi lt po st to secure the pin using a pair of pliers. 4 2 The float leve l adjustment m ust now be checked in the foll ow ing manne r : Hold t he carburettor screw vertical so that t he floa t is hanging fro m t he fulc rum pin wi th the f loat level arm in light contact w it h the needle ball Ile w ithout the ball being depressed ). Using a vern ier calipe r, check that th e distance from the cover face (w it hout gasket ) t o the top of the float as shown in Fig. 13 .6 is 1.8 90 in (4 8 mm ) for 42 DCNF models and 1.969 in (50 mm ) for other DCNF models (photo), If not, bend the needle operating tab as necessa ry. 43 Tilt t he cover so tha t the fl oat moves awa y fr om the cover and the tab makes contact w ith the needle valve seating. Now, using the same method as described in paragraph 42, check that the need le valve fu lly open di mension is 2 .224 in (56.5 mm ) for 42 DCNF mode ls and 2.303 (58 .5 mm ) for other DCNF models (phot o). If not . bend the tab wh ich contacts the needl e valve seat ing as necessa ry. 44 The difference between the d ime nsions checked in paragraphs 42 and 4 3 is t he needle valve stroke which sho uld be 0 .335 in (8 .5 m m). 45 Fit the base (SO) to the fil ter gauze (8 1). With the carburettcr cover ' 1) invert ed, press the filter gauze into the inlet cavity. 46 Fit t he washer (79) to t he filter cove r p lug (781. then tighten the plug into the cover (1). 47 Place the gasket (3) onto the top face of the carbureuor body (51). 48 Lower the carburettor cover (1) onto th e main bod y {51), t hen insert the retaining screws (8 6) and was hers (85) and 5 2 13-11 tighten them a little at a time in diagonal sequence . 49 Fit the air hom assembly, w here fitted. Insert t he reta ining screws and washers and tighten th em evenly in diago na l sequence . 50 With the carburettor completely assembled, the idling adjustment scre ws shou ld be tu rned to the ir prel imin ary settings. To do t his, first scre w in t he idli ng speed adjustme nt screw until it just t ouches the throttle lever, the n con tinue tum ing for a fu rther t turn. Working on the idling m ixtu re vol um e scre ws in tu rn, full y screw them in unt il they are in contact with their seats, th en back them off 2 complete turns. Final ad justme nts will be necessary wit h the carburettor fitted on th e engine (refer t o Section 8 ), 8 Tuning Note: Refer to Chapter 3 for gener81notes on runing. 1 Set t he idli ng adjustment screws to their prelim inary posit ion s as described in Section 7. 2 Connect a tachometer to the engine in accordance w ith t he manu fac turer's instructions . 3 It is now im po rt ant to understand that each barre l of each carbure ttcr mu st be synch ronised in order to deliver equa l 3 4 7.42 Checking th e float closed posit io n w it h verni er calipe rs 6-~ , , ,, I,,, I" - " 7 A B Fig. 13,6 Float level edjustment dimensions (Sec 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A B Spring loaded ball Stroke adjusting tab Needle valve assembly Carbure ttor cover Fulcrum pin Height adjusting tab Float Needle valve fully closed dimension Needle valve fully open dimension 7.43 Checking the float ope n position w ith vern ier calipers 13-1 2 Part 2 Weber carburetors Chapter 13 amounts of air/fuel m ixtu re t o each Individual cyl inder. To check this, it will be necessary to obta in a length of tubing (approximately 1 metre) of about 5 mm to 10 mm (0.25 i n t o 0.5 in) intemal diameter. A1ternat ivelv. a synchroniser as illustrated in Chapter 8 may be used. 4 Remove the air cleaner(sl if fitted. then run the engine un tit normal operating temperature is reached. To ensure that t he engine is re811y hot e no ug-. , drille it hard over a 5 mile dis tanc e. 5 Switch off the engine and disconnect the accelera tor rod connections from each carourettor. 6 rYhef9 two calbtJrettor throttle spind les are linked, tum the adjustment screw 00 the link a tum in from the fully shut posi- t t ion. 7 Start me engioe and adjust each idling speed adjusting screw (except link adjustments) by equal amounts until the engine is Idling at the a pproximate recommended speed. Th is win vary according to the application and state of tune of the engine but on average will be around 800 rpm . 8 The banels of eacn individual carbu rettor m ust now be synctmmised 10 pass identical Quantities of air during id ling. To do this, loo sen the 10000lrts and check that the bypa ss screws are both in light contact with their seats. Place on e end of th e syn chronising tube in one air intake and listen at the oth er end to the amount of hiss present. Attematiwly, use th e synchroniser to record the air flow through the a fr intake. Check both air intilkes Dfthe carburettor to determine wh ich one is passing the greatest amount of air,1hen adjust the remaini ng barrel to give an identical IIOluTTlB i1nd finally t ighten the adjustment locknuts. Cany out the procedure independently on each cerourettor fitted to the engine. 9 Each caTburettor must now be synchronised with the remaining cerburettcrs. To do this, allow the engine to idle and check. the volume of air flowing through one air intil ke of each carburettof. using the length of tube Of the svnctrronlser. Determine the carburettor which is passing the medium vol ume of air and iKljust the id le speed adjustment screws of the remaining 9 F..atcS carbtJrettors until they also pass identical volumes of air. 10 If the engine idling speed is not now within the recommended limits, tum each idl ing speed adjustment screw by equal amounts as necessary. 11 The mixture screw adjustments on each carburettor must now be set and synchronised. Since each screw w as turned to its prel iminary setting, it can be assumed that the y are reasonably synchronised to start with. Wit h the engine id ling. tum all the screws by equal amounts (f a tum in it ially) first in one d irection, then in the reverse direction. Observe whethe r the engine speed falls or increases and make severa l adjustments unt il the eng ine runs at the highest speed commensurate with even firing . 12 If necessary . again tum each idling speed adjustment scre w by equa l amounts to bring the eng ine speed with in th e recornmended limits. 13 To check whether the f inal mixture screw synchronisation is correct, allo w the engine t o idle, then remove each spark. plug lead in tum and observe the reduct ion in engine rpm on the tachometer. The reduction shou ld be ident ical for each cyl inde r, thus pl"oving that the mixture strength is also identical fo r each cyli nder. A further chec k can be made by removing t he spark plugs after the engine has been idling for approximately 15 minutes. An y with black sooty depos its indi cate that the particular cylinder is running rich. Normally. if t he mixture screw has been set correctly, weakening it by ha lf a turn during idling will cut the relevant cylinder. 14 Note that on some app lications it may be adv isable to fit 'hotter' spark plugs w hilst adjusting the carburettors to prevent m isfiring. However, th e original plugs must always be refi tted after completing the adjustment. 15 Sw itch off the engine and reconnect the throttl e linkages, making any arfjustments as necessary to prevent the cerburettor idl ing settings from being affected. 16 Remove the t acho meter fro m the engi ne and refit the air c reenerts ). if fitted. II~ Rea so n Engine w ill l'lD1: start Blocked fuel fi lter or jets Flooded engine as a result of faulty needl e valve or depressing accelerator pedal Uneven Id ling Leaking man ifold or carburetto r flange gaskets Loose idling jets or auxilia ry venturls Excessive sedi ment or water in carbure ttor Incorrect tun ing adjustments W orn need le val ve Leaking or damaged float Incorrect float leve l adjustments Excessive sedimen t in fue l Incorrect tuning adjustments Incorrect float level adjustments Excessive sedi men t in fue l Throttle valves not fuliy open ing Accele rator pump fa ulty or leaki ng Needl e valve not seating Leaking or damaged float Incorrect float level adjustments Choked air filter {if fitted ) 14-1 Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapter 14 Series CD, CDS and CD-2S Content s Introduction . Construction Air valve assembly and suction cham ber Damper assembly St arter ba r (Series (CD) .._._ Cold-start valve (Series CDS and CD-2S). . , Sec t ion 1 2 3 . .4 5 . 6 I nt rocluction The series CD cerbu rettor is the ear liest of the "''' ';OUI ser ies de sc ribed in thi s miilrlual. Fo r t he pu rpose of in str uc t io n it may be considered as II'Ie basic; form of S trombe rg co nstant depre$Sio n carbu renor, since all later se ries are large ly refined ve rsion s and all u_ the lame basic e lem en ts . Its connru<;tion and operat ion wil l be deKribed fully in this chap te r, and th is w ill se....e f o r a bas ic und e rst and ing of lat er ser ies T he seri e s CDS and CD ·2S d iffer from th e CD in t ha t they incor p o rate a separate COld-start d .....ice. None of these carbu retto rs have an y em ission contro l features. T he uamp le uSild to illu st rat e t h is t e" t is f ro m a 1971 SAAB 99 , 1709 cc (carbure ttor refere nce 3302 ). 2 Co nstr uct io n T he u nit con sists o f a d ,e .cast a lum in ium bod y in w h ic h is Section Operation ' Disassemb ly Special overhaul procedures Assembly ,............... . Tuning . _ 7 8 _ _.......... 9 10 11 formed the cho ke bore, a $Uct ion ch am be r and air valve asse mb ly mounted ver t ica lly above it , a jet assemb ly mo unted co-a xia lly wi t h the su ct io n chamber b elow- it . and c losed at the base b y a 1I0at chambe r co ve r. The bod y has a f lange at each end, dri lled for bol ts t o mou nt th e unit to t he in let manifold at o ne end . and fo r t he attac hm ent of an ai r clea ner o r intak e system at the o ther. An inve rted . bell·shaped e"tens ion at the t op of t he body hou se s t he air ...a lve and d i aphr8~ assemb ly . A cir cul ar grOO/e is mach in ed at the rim of the bell to accomodate a be ad moulded on th e ed ge of the d iaphragm . The in ternal contou rs of the be ll a-etes ea st' , ie $ITlooth wit h no mach ining. The int e rio r is in communication w ith the ou ts ide via a USI- in pas~ge-way which Ierminate s at t he inlel flange . F ou r tapped holes ar e provided at the top of the bell for t he suc tion ch am be r t op cover retaining Kfli!Ws. A large barr in the cent re inl e rce p ts the chok.e b ore at right ilng les and accepts the air valve assemb ly . Th e unders ide of tne body has a la rge int erna lly threaded boss in t o w h ich is scr:;f.-- - - - - - - jet edlu ste r petro l in let Fig. CO2 Th e mllia r external componen ts of th" Se ries CDS carbu rertor damper assemb ly d iaph ragm,- t "<.', hollow guiderod;;;-- - - ¥i'!'-!.. throttle d isc petro l inlet _-;--'" jet armee inle t need le valve assem b ly needle 58a t ing float F ig. CD3 CI'OSS-seetion of the in let valw of the Ser!8$ CD carbu retto r jet adjusting screw Fig. C0 4 Cross-section th rough the Se ries CD jet assemb ly Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapt er 14 hin ge p in are cast to'Nard th e f ront of th e bod y, and a tapped hol e , co mm un icating via inte rnal passages to a st ub pipe p ressed in to th e body, is provided fo r fitting th e in let need le valve. T hese f eat u res ar e enc lose d within a ski rt the bottom of whi ch form s a sea ti ng surface fo r th e f loat ch ambe r, secu red t o t he body by sc rew s and is sea led by a gaske t . The chambe r has a ho le in the ce ntr e t h rough which proje cts the jet asse mb ly , sealed by a rubbe r O-r ing. Ot he r cas t fe ature s of t he body in clude bosses bo red to form t h ro tt le sp ind le bearings, a throttl e stop, bearings for a sta rter bar (Series CD) or a raised fa ce, machined fo r mo u nt ing a co ld-st art valve assembly (Seri es CDS and CD -2Sl. Air valve asse mbl y and suc t io n cham be r 3 The air valv e assem bly co ns ists of a r::.; lin drica l air varve, an d integral ho llow gu ide rod , clamp ed to the inside of a conical, synt heti c rubbe r d iaph ragm by a p last ic di a ph ragm f orme r, a plat e and fo u r scre ws. A fuel mete ring ne ed le is f itted into a socket at th e bottom of t he gui de rod and retain ed by a locking screw. T his assembly is f in ed into the vertica l bore in the u nit body. The needl e e nte rs t he jet asse m b ly and t he pe rip he ral bead of t he diaph ragm locat es in th e machin ed groove at the to p of the be ll of th e body . The top cover is fitted to th e top o f t he body and secu red by four sc rews. Th e ole -cast aluminium cove r, tog eth er with th e d iaph ragm, forms a sea led suct io n cha m be r. The cha m ber is ve nted via th e t ra nsfer ho les o n t he dow nst ream (throttl e plat e o r engi ne l side of t he air va lve base , T he to p cove r has a ce nt ral guide tube fitted with a ha rd en ed stee l slee ve bear ing whi ch sup ports t he ai r valv e gu ide rod. (Note th at t he ai r valve does not touch t he insid e of its base). The guide t ube is ex ten ded at th e t op of the cover a nd int ern ally th readed f or attac hme nt of a hydraulic damper. 4 Damper assembly T he damp er co nsist s of a cy lindr ical, non -return valve assembly reta ined on the end of a rod by a c irclip , The rod is serrated at t he top a nd pressed int o a scr ewed p lasti c cap by which it is secu red to th e to p COVeL Th e caps may b e drill ed to vent th e gu ide tube. The valve deta il is immer sed in th e oi l in th e h ollow air valve guide rod an d is so arranged t hat oil c an p ass fre e ly t h rou gh it in a downwards d irec t ion (ai r valve falling) but pr esents a h igh resista nce to upwards f low (ai r valve r ising}. 5 Sta rte r har (Series CO l T he se ries CD has a mechanical devi ce lor co ld -starting . A boss at each s ide of t he body is bo red (sim ila r to the throttl e spindle bo sses) to accept a Shaft which pa sses ac ro ss t he cho ke bore underneath the front of the a ir valve Iie.. up stream 01 th e bri dge!. The bore is mach ined into the f loor of th e Choke thu s fo rm ing a semi -circu lar c hannel in wh ic h th e sha ft is a c lose f it . The starte r bar is mach ined f lat at t he ce ntr e , and in its no rmal pos iti o n t h is flat f ollows th e slope of th e ent ry to th e br idge . and a sma ll gap exists b etween it and the underside 01 the a ir valve . Rotat io n of t he bar raises o ne edge of t he machined f lat until it is in co ntact wit h th e ai r va lve. thu s clo sil1g the gas-way . Fu rth er ro ta t io n lif ts th e ai r val ve an d hen ce th e attac hed fuel mete ring ne edle out of t he jet, thu s incr easing t he annular fu el flow a rea , wh ile mainta in ing th e gas-way ctosoc. A ca m· shap ed lever at o ne end o f th e sta rt e r has be ams upon a tapp et scre w a ttac hed to th e t hro ttle reve r a nd thus provides a mech ani cal inte rco nnecticn. 6 14·3 Cord-start va lve (Ser ies CDS and CD-2S ) Th e ser ies CDS and CD·2S have a di ffere nt p re vision fo r cold-starting from the seri es CD, in t hat a sep a rate met er ing valve is fitt ed , A di sc with a number of diff er ent size ho les d rilled on a p itc h c ircle is rotated t h ro ugh a lim ited a rc within a hou sing to align with a kidn ey· shaped inlet port in a br ass va lve pla te . The valve p late is c lamped to a machin ed la ce on t he body by t he housi ng which is secu red with scre ws. The hou si ng provides a be ar ing for th e valve di s.c operat ing sh aft and a manifold lor t h e p assage of fue l, whic h issues from t he body, t hro ug h th e mete ring holes in th e valve di sc , a nd pas ses back through anot her kidney -shap ed hol e in t he valv e di sc into th e body, an d then into th e mi x ing chambe r of t h" carbu retto r. The inn er end of t he operating shaft is mach ined to aD sec t io n to pr ovide posit ive lo cat ion an d drive fo r t he valve d isc Which has a similarly shaped hole . A circlip f itted to th e sh aft pro vid es a register for a coil spring vvIli ch loads t he valve d isc towards th e va lve plate. It is reta ined by sta king at the Inner end of t h e Shaft. Th e Shaft ru ns in a stee l sleeve bea ring pressed into the housing. 7 Operat io n Refer to Part 1, Chapt er 1 - Operat ion, fo r general account of op eration of the Strombe rg Constant Depression Carburetlor. 1 Cold-starting Ser ies CD (Ref er to Fig.) T he rich mixture nec essa ry to sta rt a c o ld en gine is produc ed by raising th e ai r valv e bv ro tati on of t he sta rter bar. t hus liftin g t he met ering needle out of th e jet o rifice and inc reasing the annu lar f uel f low area. The edge of th e sta rt er bar, bein g in contact with th e und erside of the air valve, also clo ses the air supp ly duct SO that. init ia lly . t he fu ll depression in the mi xing cha mber is se nsed at t he jet. A n intercon necting cam and lever arrangemen t outside t he carbu rettor p rov id es the correct de gree of t hro ttl e opening for sta rt ing, without d epressing th e acce lerato r. When the eng ine f ires and runs, th e h igh man ifold dep ression is tran sm itted to t he suct ion chamber and th e a ir valv e lif ts. With t he e ngine ru nn ing the choke control is used to set the fast-idle speed nec essa ry t o ensure rapid warm-up . Series COS and CO·2S Opera ti o rl of th e vehicle's 'c hoke' control rot at es t he cold -starr valve d isc. With t he contro l pull ed full y out th e la rgest hol e in t he valv e dis c is a ligne d with th e kidn ey-shape d ho le in th e va lve p late giving t he maximum fu e l flow are a. Petrol flow s up a vert ical dr illing in th e float cha m be r, throu gh th e cold-start valve por ts, and is di scha rged via a st ub br ass pipe dir ect into t he mix ing ch amber. An inte rcon necting ca m a nd leve r arrang ement outtid e th e carburelto r provides th e co rrect degree of th rottle opening f or starti ng. T he accelerato r p edal shou ld not be depr essed . When t he e ngine first an d runs, t he 'c ho ke ' cont ro l ma y b e pushed in slightly to weaken th e mi xture bu t ma inta in a fast id le speed. (Rotat io n of t he c o ld-start valve lever a ligns a sma ller here in the valve di sc wit h th e p ort in t he val ve plate; an d t he last -idl e cam lift is not so gre at, giving a smaller thr ottl e ope ning!. The vehicle may be dr iven im med iate ly wi th t he c hoke c ont ro l partly out. 2 Normal running, full throttle and cruise condi tions As t he engin e war ms t hro ugh, th e degr ee of mixt ure e nrichment is gradu ally redu ced by retu rn ing th e Cho ke con t ro l to its f ully home p ositio n The ope ration of th e car bur etto r is now und er t he co ntrol of th e th rott le on ly. At cr uise c o nd it ion th e th rott le plat e wi ll be partl y ope n wit h th e en gine ru nn ing fast . The ob stru ction p re sent ed by th e t h ro tt le red uces t he depr ession in the mi xing chambe r. a nd 3 14-4 Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapter 14 thence in the suction chamber and the air valve falls u ntil the f o rces (weight , spring l oad and pneumatic) act ing above and be low it an~ in balance. The h igh m an ifo ld depressi o n w ill be sensed at the edge of the th rottle plate at th e vacuu m tapp ing Iaut o-t tmm q con nection} o n units so fitted a nd tra nsmitted t o th e ignit ion distributor to advance t he ign itio n t im ing, with b enef ici al effects on fue l econcmv. At fu ll throttle condition th e t hro ttle p late prese nts only slight obstruction, man ifo ld depression is sensed in th e suction chamber and the air valve lifts to its lim it . The depression al the jet is as before but more fue l is drawn ou t due t o the with d rawa l of the tapered need le. which creates a greater an nula r area. To prevent mechanical damage (b urn t valves an d p isto n c rowns. mainly ) which wi ll occur if the mi xture is to o weak at full throttle, it is usua lly arrange d that the m ixture strengt h is slightly richer at the 'top end' t han at part thrott le c ond itions. Th is is achieved by t he taper of the metering needl e . 8 Disassembly Unscrew and remove damper assembly. Do no t disassem ble at this stage. Invert carburettor and dra in o il f ro m a ir valve gu ide rod reservoir . 2 Remove fou r Phi llips-head screws and spri ng was her s sec uring diaphragm chamber cover. Collect bras ident ity tag and ta ke ca re not to lose it. Discard sp ring washers. 3 Mark periphery of cover an d body to ensure correct alignme nt o n reassembly (there is no locat ing device and co ve r cou ld be re-fitte d in any of fou r diffe rent posi tions ) and remove caref u lly. Remove spring and air valve complete with meteri ng needle, d iap hragm, diaphragm fo rmer and retaining p late. Note that th e example illustrated he re has a sp ring load ed meter ing need le which is not co·ax ial wit h t he air valve guide rod but is biase d to one side . 4 Remove needle loc king screw and needle asse mbly. Do not disassemble. For un its fitted wit h adjustable need les, refe r to Series CDSE , Disassembly, paragraph 3. 5 Remove the four Phi llips·head screws fro m t he a ir valve, remove steel diaph ragm reta ining plate, p lastic d iaphragm former and diaphragm . Note t hat diaphragm has lo cat ing registe r on underside of periphery which engages in a slot in th e recess in body. It is therefore un necessary to mar k it for reassem bly . Th ere is a similar arrangemen t on th e inner rim and and air valve. 6 Remove nut from non ·dri ve end of t hrottle sp ind le (Y. in BSF span ner) . Remove a nd discard star washe r. Disengage th rottle ret urn sp ring (lo ng tall] fro m top of extension ca rry ing thro tt le stop scre w least integrally with body ). Remove spec ial wa she r (wit h beam-shaped ho le!. Remove thrott le lever. Do no t remove fast-idle ca m sc rew or loc knut . Remove spring. 7 Remove nut f rom other en d of sp ind le. Remove an d d iscard star washer. Remove spec ial washer with beam's hape d ho le (thi nner and larger diamete r than p revious one ) a nd f lexible drive co upli ng comp lete with steel plate. Carefully remove stee l plat e f rom groo ve in end of coupling. Note th at OUT is stamped on side of plate fac ing away from carburettor. It has fou r equi -spaced pr ojections which engage in recesses in the groove at th e end o f t he d rive coup ling. S Remove shouldered b rass washer. N o te that f lange is n ear est 10 unit. Remove special steel washer (same as th at descr ibe d in paragraph 6 ), lever (with square to ngue which e ngages in slo t in steel drive plate facing outwards a nd a t 10 o'clock wh en viewed on end of sprind le, carburettor upr ight) , a nd leve r, (on e square tongue facing uni t body at 9 o'c lock a nd one stra ight p roje ction at 3 o'ctcckl. Note that all specia l washers and levers may b e very tigh t on the spindle an d may req uire force to remo ve th em . Be very car eful no t t o lever agains t any part of the unit excep t the b od y. no t to bend the spind le, o r damage t he threads. If the last leve r (paragraph above ) is very t igh t do no t leve r betw een it an d th e machined face at the end of the tta t on th e sp ind le, but pr oceed to t he next operat ion (parag rap h 9 ) an d remo ve the sp indle by tapping it through t he lever f rom the e nd , whe n th e lever will be f reed . 9 Re move a nd discar d th e copper scre ws secu ring t he bu tterfl y p late in th e sp ind le. Open th e throttle and withd raw the p late. Note that th ere are tw o sma ll ' pips' on the face of th rottle plate (fac/nil o utwa rds, below t he sp ind le wh en th e t hrottle is closedl. Using a'v ery f ine file re move bu rrs arou nd screw hol es to p reven t damage to bea rings a nd sea ls as spind le is withdra wn. Withdraw sp ind le, not ing th at ex te nsio n with sho rt er length of thread and lo nger p o rtion with flat s is o n dr ive side. 10 Unscrew an d re move jet adjusti ng sc rew. Rem ove end disca rd O·rin g. Unscrew jet asse mbl y (5/8 in AfF span ne r). Remove and disca rd O-ring. 11 Re move six screws and sp ring washe rs secu ring float chamber t o un it body . Note th at t wo screws a rc sho rte r. Discard sp ring washers. Remove float chambe r base . If tight, tap gently o n t he bolt bosses with a wood en- o r plast ic-ha nd led screwd river . Remove and d iscard gasket . 12 Rem ove jet assemb ly. Withdraw jet an d remo ve sp ring from it . Separate tw o brass bea rings and rem ove sof t a luminium washer . Rem ove and dIsca rd C·ring. 13 Rem ove fl oat assem b ly by pr ising f loa t hin ge pi n out of sp ring steel clip . Remove h inge p in f rom lever a rm. Unscrew inlet needl e valve assem b ly (5/ 16 in BSF spanned and disca rd soft a lum inium washer. 14 Rem ove nut fr om co ld·sta rt valve spi ndle (Y. in BSF spa nner ). Re move and di scard interna l star washer.. Rem ove specia l wa she r (w ith beam -shap ed ho le l. With valve close d, d isen gage short tail o f return spri ng f rom act uat ing leve r/fast-id le ca m a nd remove lever and spr ing . 15 Rem ove two countersu nk-hea d scre ws (slac ken off p ro gressively ; cotc-sran valve is sp ring load edl. Re mo ve sc rews. remo ve and d iscard star washers . Remove the co ld -sta rt valve body a nd brass valve port p lat e. No te that a bras sp igot pressed into car b u retto r body locates in a cu t-o ut in valve plat e, p reventing incorrect fitt ing. Remove the valve d et ail fr om h ou sing . Remove the cli p from th e sp ind le and co llect th e sp ring. Th is allows th e two circu lar valve di scs to be loose on t he sp indl e. Thei r rem oval is p revented by stak ing o f th e sp indle end. 16 Remove the throttle stop screw and sp ring. Remo ve th e brass vacuum t appin g uni on . Do not attempt any fu rthe r disassembly. 8 .1 Thi s is how the damper is re moved • 8. 2 We halle put the damper back: this indicates the scrlrN$. 5.3 Watch t he sp r ing when you lift t he erver ao.'."'V 8 .311 00 not d Ismantle the die phnlgm sti ll in t M body 8.4 Great care is needed here so that 8.4a Never use more t ha n 'finger' fo rce 8.5 A dumpy screwdriver is a ll t hat sho u ld be necessary nothing is demaged 3 8.6 Try to record th e o rd er, for easy reeet th rottle wim;les 14·11 loosen the throttle interco nnect ing lin kage clamping bolu . Chet;k t hat t he damps ere free on the spi ndles and t hat ope rat ion of one th rottle sp ind le does not affect the other. 4 Set slow-ru nn ing sc rews Unscr ew eac h slQW-i"unning screw 10 , trow t he thrnttlll p1l t e to fu lly close , screw in until end o f senw just contacts th ll casting and screw in _ f urth.r 1% turns to open the th rottles by eq ual amo un ts . Check th.at the fast-i dle sc rews a re c lea r of the fast· idle cams. 5 Synch ron ise throttles _rid set idle speed . Start engi ne and warm up to narm8l wo rking tlllfTJPlK'a1ur• . Sy ndl ro nise the throttle OPllnings by list llning to the hils at the air intak e 10 eac h u nit . A $ho n length of 0.25 in 16 mm l bOre rubbing tub ing. on e end he ld to t IM ear and t he ot he r en d he ld ju st inside t he inta ke, is idea. fo r t his. Adjust th e slow-ru nn ing so;rllWS unti l the hiss is ttl, same fQr eec b un it . T ighten the clampi ng bo lts on the thrott le spi ndle int erco nnec ting link age. Adj ust the slow-ru nn ing sc rews by exactly eq ual amou nts t o gille the desired id ling speed. 6 Set mix tu re st rength Adj ust the jet adjustin g screws (screw in to weaken, ou t to en rich mixture! by e;>[8ct ly eque l amou nts u nt il the fas test idling speed co nsistent wit h ev. n run ning is ob tained_ 7 Check mf x rure st rength and re-adjust id le speed Chec k th e mixture stren gth as d etailed in tu ning p rocedu res fo r ~ ngl e ca rburetto~ . a Set fast-idle screws Set the filSt-id.le screws 3$ de tail ea in tun ing p rOl:edures for single ca rbu re tt ors . 9 L.oc k so;rews lind f ill dlWnPltrs as detailed in tu ning p rocedu res fo r singl. ca rbu renors. ... 3 -.£' Fig. CD7 The .ir 1111.,. lifting p in R C E n g ine r pm Fig. COS Mixture st rength as w - to o wwk I fu nction of ex haust smoke c ' j U$r righ t r : to o rich Time Fig. COO Mixturl strtngth on' lIf'ph 14-12 - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f ig. C0 10 Tw in carb ure ttor rnu ltip ll! con nectio.... tte=Oi- - - - /10 II -If ~I Fig. CDl1 Tuning multip le carburntor set-u ps. Adj ult t h e throttle nop screws to eq ua lise ' h i$$' in ea ch eereu -en c r ....... "t & , , ,- Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburet ors Chapter 15 Series CDSE and CD-2SE Con t ent s Section Int rod uction Construction _ ..1 2 " J et and needle arra ngement. ....................................... . 3 Adjustable need le assembly ....4 Special cvemeui procedures............. ....5 Intr od uc t ion T hi5 eevejcpm eot of t he CO carburetto r has been specific ally de sig ned to ml! l! l exh auH emi ssion control appli catio ns, and accord ingly featu re s seve ral soph is t i ca ~d d evices to ena ble the se st r ingent requi rem ents 10 be m et . The pr inc ipa l featu re s are a temperaluf' cornpen sat o r, thrott le by-pa5$ "alve. idle tr imm ing screw a nd leak ba lanci ng sc rew or manufactu rin g to lera nce compen sator. T he e..ample used to illustr ate this tex t is fro m a J agua r V1 2 E·t y pe 5.3 litn! (carbure nor n!fl!r" n~ is 3578A2J. It is o ne of a mul tip le (tour! ca rb ure ttor install at ion and doe s nOI have a cOld-sta rt valve . 2 Cons truc t ion The uni t con sin s of a comple " die·c ast alum In iu m body closed at the top and bottom respllc tillely by a suc t ion c hambe r Section Dissasemb ly __ Special tool for adjustable needles Special 10 0 1for adjustable je ts Assembly ...... .........•..•..•..._ ......•..•.•..•.. Tun ing _ _.. __ 6 ...•7 . ••.••.••.•.. 8 __ 9 _ 10 eove r and a flo at chamber cove r and con tainin g an airvalYe assemb ly and lIariab la ja t assemb ly . T he em issio n control device s are separate sub-assemb lies mo un ted e"ternalfy o n the body. T he design and dis.posi tion of the main elemen ts (ait lIallll! and di ap hragm assembly , da mpe r, f loat and inlet nee dle lIallle mechan ism) is simila r to t he Ser ies CO (ref e r to ap p ro priate section for a full de sc rip tio n) . The mete ring needle and je t d iffe r fund amentally , in that t he jet is fi"ed , and th e fi xed need le is pre -set at the co rreet he ight. Some un its h ....e adju stab le nee d les f ittad in conjunc t ion with spec ial a ir valw s. Note that not a ll of the emi ssion control features are nece ssa rily f itted to all uniu. Cold-start valve T h is is the same as that used in the Se rie s CD. A detai led descr ipt io n is rnctc oee In th e app ropr iate sectio n o f t his man uel. Temperature compensator A ho rizontal pa ssage at one side o f th e cerbcrence b ody 3 15-2-------- - - -- ----------_ damper cap suction chamber top cover ootl et flange id le trim m ing ICrew temperatu re compensator petro l i nl et flOllt cham be r cover Fig. CDSE2 Th e major ex te m " co mponents of the Series COSE carbunlttor orifice b ridge throttl e prete air fl ow Q . '. "." .-.-. ,, ;,: ~ •..- inlet - _ c_ • •' • .-- .. " fl~" _ b i-metall ic blade plu g ~ d id le tr imming by pa5s varve ~ffiW Fig. CDSi3 Hor izontal cross ·sec tlon th rough th e ch o ke bo re, show ing t he a rrange ment of th e tem per atu nI co mpe nsa to r id le tr imm ing se rew and by. pass n ln Part 3 Zenrth Stro m berg carburetors Chapter 15 forms. channel ""hich by.pa s.sel th.ili r valve. one end termin.t· ing in the milting ch am ber and the other end ope n to .tmosphe~ vi• • d rilling in the inta ke flange. A cir cul ar rece ss in the "".11 of the un it body at t he mi lting chamber end of the passtge accommodates the regu lating valve of a te mpera hl re c ompensa tor dev ice .nached to t he b od y by $Crews. T he te m peratu re c om pen sa tor consists of a rectangul ar housing closed by a p last ic cover . It con ta ins a b i-metallic b lad e, one e nd of Which is rive n ed to the insid e of the hous ing, with an adju sting scr ew part-way alo ng its leng th . The o t he r end of t he blade en gages a cylindr ica l pl ug wi t h . conical end, Which slides in a cyl ind rical exte nsion of th e ho u sin g, form ing a rllgu llt ing valve . Varia tion in tempe ra ture of t he bi-metall ic b tade cau te S it to ne.., mo ving t he p lug in its bore an d regu lati ng the an nu lar area around the cone, t hus control ling the by-pass air bleed . The ad ju u ing screw en ab le s a d a nJm position to be se t on in itial bu ild _It mu st not be ad ju sted in .!Vice. Thrortte by -pa ss valve The by-pass va lve provides a means of limiting the very high manifold depression which occurs when the engine is in the ov er -run condition. (Re fer to Part 1, Chapter 1 for an explana tio n of thi s d evice). It con siS1$ 01 a d iap hr agm clamped to a mec hina d fa ce o n t~ wall of thll uni t by a COWlr. At t he cen t re of the di .phragm il a combin ed metal vatve p late and spr ing register , into wh ic h f its a compression spring lo cated at tlla othe r end over a spigo t in t he cover. Th e sp ring loads th e valve piatt to the c losed posit ion . Th e cove r also fo rms a diaphragm co ntrol c ham ber , be ing co nnec ted to t he engi ne in ta kll manif o ld by a small bore pipe. D@pl'8u io n,sensed in the d iap hr agm ch am ber, w ill tift the valve at. pre-de te rmined value (IOrm ally 22 to 2 3 in HgJ, dietatecl by the comp ression spri"1l p re-load . a nd adm it air fro m the mixing chambe r in to the in llt man ifold th u s by-pass,nll the 15-3 throttle pla te an d lim;t ing the d ep ressi on. The max imu m b1l:1d flow is contrOIJeod b y an OI"ifice f itted in the b y-p8 Sl1 passage . T he by-pa ss valve is p reset and no attempt may tw made to adjust it in se rvice . A rep laceme nt uni t (for the pa niOollar appl ica t ion I shou ld be fitted, if it is SU IP'CU"d of ma lfu nction_ Idle tr imm ing screw T he idle t r imm ing sc rew prOllides fo r very f ine ad ju nnwnt to t he id ling mi xt ure rBlio to com pe nsa te for t he d ifference be twee n a new engine that is ' t igh t' and la te r when it is ru n-in . Th is is ach il Vi!d by regu lat ing an ai r b ll!ll d w hiCh by-passes th e air v.I Vi! , t hus wlakening ttlll mlxture rat io . A nlw I nlline may be ru n wi t h' comparatively weak m ixt u re, Whe" th l idle t r im mi ng scr ew will be full y u nscrew ed, t he max im um b leed bei ng cont ro lled by t he size of th e dr illing (iln e xtllnsion o f the passage to t hll tem pe ratu re compensa to r). As the engine ' f rees off' during th e ru nn ing-in pe riod the screw may be p rogressively screwed in until it is seated and the ai r blee d is b lanked off , givin g a rich er mi xtu re. A ny adjust men t of t his $Crew should be ca rrieod o ut in con ju nction ""ith an exhau st llaI .... " ly ztr to measu re the ca rbon monoxide ICOI e mission , ~ tet it to the e'llline manu fac tu rer's recommended va lue fo r id ling. Leak balancing screw A$ explained in Part 1, Chapter 1. the a ir val ve is a c lose fit in its bore in th e b od y . T he very sm a ll ann u lar clea ran ce aroun d th e air varve pe rm its a leak be tween the amb ien t p reuu re ,,"ion be low t he di ap hragm and t he low pressure regio n in th e ch ok e bor e an d m ix ing chamber, wh ich lowers t he de press io n . It is e ssent ia l t hll all carburenors fo r a specific applicatio n are ma t ched ex ac tly in respect of f low. T o compensate f or thll very smalt variat ion s in co mp o nen t sizel (a ir va lve d iamll ter . nd body bo re d iame te r! d ee to m.nufac tu ring to lera nces, an acljust.b1e screw is incorp orate d to p rovide an addit ional air b illed twtween t hese two regions. Bv adjustment of thi s screw the total leak ma y be he ld to a control Jeod vatue , irrespective of the 'u nk nown' dashpot ve nt to sucti on cha-nber ilir valve whl n spri ng .' llir valva gu id e rod ::I L / " XI leak b alanci ng Erew flO" suc tio n c hrnbe r 3 15-4 Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapter t 5 spu riou s leak. OI"lCe the screw is SlIt, on ini tial bu ild , it mu Ul'lot be altered and t o pfe'V'lInt tamper ing, th e bore int o w hich it f iu is sealed w ith. plu g. T h'" bod y, a ir valve and cover become a matched set a l'ld ne it!ler part may be re placed independently of jet ori f ice bear ing on a seating in the bush. T he bottom of t he bush p roj ects through the fl oa t chamber cover ..... here it is sea led by an O-ring, and is citStellat ed to accept a spec ia l ad justi ng tool. A sh ielding cap is clipped over the bo ttom o f the bu sh. the o ther. The suction cham be r cover is w ired t o t he body. iIfld may o n ly be removed after a sea l has been bro ken, thu s revea ling that the unit has be, n ta m pered with . Adjuste blll n.-dle as ...mbly 4 3 J et and need le Irrangllm &nl One of t hree a lt em at ive arrangeme nts of jet a nd need le asse m blies may be fitted to thi s instru men t. In each case the needle asse mbl y is biaSlild to on e sid!! of the Jn orifi ce by an in t egral sp ring. Fix ed j et and fixed (p~se t) needle T he jet n sem bly is p ressed in to the body end is not adj ust ab le or removable . The needle asse mb ly is fitted to the socket in t he a ir valve gu ide rod in a p re-set po sit ion and loell.e d b y a eonven t ion ,lloclr.ing screw. T he po$ition should not be altered . Fixed jet and adjustable needle T he jet anembly is pressed int o t he body and is no t adjust able or removable. T he need le assemb ly he igh t is adj ustabl e t hrou'ilh a lim ited range b y an adj u stin g sere ..... f itted in a spec;a l a ir vewe guide rod . A ke y.....ay and peg ar ra nge me nt rep laces the co nven t ion al need le lock ing screw and pe rmi ts IIIlrtica l m ovemen t of t he needle assembly While p reve nt ing its rotat io n in t he soc ke t, t h us m ai nt a in ing t he correc t angula r re lat ion sh ip w ith t he jet. Adjustable je t and fix ed (pre-set) needle T he need le assemb ly is f itted to t he SO(:ket in t he a ir valve QUide rod in a pre·set posit ion and locked by . co nven t ional locking screw . Its posit ion sh ould not be ellered. T he jet orifice slides in;ll bore in the earburettor b r id ge and is spring-loaded dow nw ard s, simil ar t o tM essembly in the Series CO instrument. It is reta ined by a b ush SCf'eWed into t he th re~d sl....... ve sulTou nd ir'lg the Je t, a shou lder and skid wash er on the All uni ts are f itted wi t h fi xed jets. Som e un its h ave pr e-set sp rin g-load ed (bi ased) need les; o t he rs have ediustable biased need les. f itte d in conjunc ti on w it h a specter air valve . T he ad just ab le ne ed le assem b ly c omi n s o f a mete ring needle hel d in a cy lind rica l b ra ss ho lde r. The t ub u lar hOlder is int ern a lly threaded at t he top to acce p t the needl e ad ju st ing screw f it te d in the air valve gu ide rod . T he low e r end is in te rn ally fl anged t o form a seating for a light . he lica l com pren io n $pring. The need le is provided with an e nl. "ied head an d has a flex ib le washe r f itled to I groove near the tOp. T he needle is load ed t oward s the top of t he ho lder by the $pring acting on t he underside of the held. It is re t ained by a p in f itled aCfO$$ t he b ore of th e holder. T he pin is n ot at a r ight angle t o t he ce n tr e· line of t he ho ld er , but is in clined t o it at a sl ight ang le. T he sp rin g. p ress ing the head of th e needle in contact w ith t he pin , tilts th e needle b y a pre-de term ined amou nt in a certain d ire ction (norm ally tow ard s t ha c arb u ret t o r inlet!. T he needle type n um be r is st am ped on the shan k and is revea led by pulling it ou t of t he holder aga inst t he sp ring load . T he low er portion of t he ho lder has a keyway cu t in a parti cul ar p osition re lative t o t he p in, which e ngages wi th the spring load ed retai ning screw fitted in th e air ~al~e , thus ma inta ini ng the me te rin g needle t ilt in the corre ct d ire cti o n. Th e adju sti ng sc rew in th e air valve gu ide rod is loc at ed by a shoul de r beneath it an d a sp r ing stee l retaining cli p f ined above it. T he screw is fit ted w it h an O -ring on its d iame ter to $eal it and prov ide fr ietion loc k ing. and ha s a hell.gonal recess in t he top to accept an ad justing tool (refe r to S pecia l Overhaul Proced ure s). T he screw is no t re movable . ' - - -- air valv e guide rod re t ainin'ilc lip (3 ) " O- rin g -, ----Tc,.y-~~[j needle ad just ing screw III ~r i ng lo aded r1ltai n ing scre w delri n was her me tering need le assemb ly F ig. COS ES Adj ustlblol m etering needl. asse m b ly Part 3 Zenith St ro mberg carburetors Chapter 15 5 Special ove rhikll p ro cedu res PiIrt No . Desc:ript io n 8 18 175 15 0 ~rjes CDSE (ttmission) 150 ~ries CDS E 175 Series CD ·2S E 175 ~ries CD-2S E 820924 Ol1erhau l limitations It is stro ngly ntcom me nded that owrt1au l of t his uni t is restr ict ed to d isassem bl y, cle... ing and re-assem b ly _Damaged parts should be rep laced (e xcep t fo r match ed asse m b lies, as noted in Construc tion l and no a tt e mp t shou ld be maje to rep;l ir a lty item which has a regu lat ing o r me~r ing fu nctio n. The uni t , d espite hav ing the ap pearance of pre viou s ty pes il incompa rabl y mOrl! IOph isticaled and may no t be satisfactor ily dea lt with by t h8 methods detailed in th is manual. It has twt.n speci fica lly de velope d to meet the req u ireme nts of to xic em issio n reg u lat ions and is man ufactu red to fa r f iner di man Slon al tole rance s t han p reviou sly em p loyed. A damaged uni t ma y be restored to a serviceab le con di t ion by rep lacem ent of def ect ive items b ut it is unli ke ly that th e o riginal pe rfo rman ce, w ith regard to the ext raordinar y pre cisio n of em ission contro l of which t h is unit is cap able. w ill be restored. Recon d itio n ing of a ~nerally worn u n it is n ot fea sible an d it shou ld b e re turned to t he manufacturer fo r ove rhau l, o r for repl acement with a ne w un it , Refer to Part 1, Chapt er 4 Overhaul 3 Replacement parts - Stromberg part num bers Needle valve aS$embly comp le te with a lterna tive Cod e Ref. Pil " No . Descr ipt ion AY 8 20687 AZ 8 2 1344 822424 1.75 mm (fi l tert!d) 2 .00 mm (fil tered) 2. 2 5 mm (f il tered) ABA 8 17421 8 19420 4 Gasket prls - Strom tHtrg IMIT.nu mbe rs Ref. No. Descripti on 2<5 244 242 150 ~ries CDS E 175 ~ries CD -2SE 175 Series CD-2SE ( Volvo) 5 Hydrau lic dam per o il Can of Zen ith Lube Oil part No . B 18 562Z. 6 Disassembl y Unscrew and re move d am pe r nsem bl y . Do not d isassem b le t h is stage . I nse rt th e carburettor lind dra in the o il from t he air valve guid e rod reserv oi r, 2 Rem ove f01J r Phi llip s·head screws and sp ring wasns rs $E! curing d iaphragm chamber caver. Co llec t the br ass identity ta g and ta ke ellfe not to lose it. D iscard spr ing washers. 3 Carefu lly rem(M! the co yer , If very tigh t , twin sligh tly to bre ak the sea l be tw ee n it ..d the di ap hragm . RemOl~ t he $pring . RemOlf! th e air va l", complete w ith me tering need le. d iaphr agm . d iaphragm former and rec",n ing p late. Note that th e needle i. not eo-ni al w ith the air valla gu ide rod. bu t is b iased to th8 carbu re n o r inlet by the influence of a sp ring in the me le ring reed te $lib-assembly. Do n01 remow th e sp ring lOo!ld ed need l, retaini ng sc..-. In. " a 0. 125 in . A/ F Allen ke y (or spy further di18uem bl y of t he te mp era tu re compen sator. 13 Do not attempt any furthe r di sessemb ly of th e unit. 6 .1Oa Note t he felt washer 6 .11 Note th e posit io ni ng and t h e gas ket 6 .1 1b T he correct p osi ti o n ing is obvious here 6 .12 A ll the f iKing scr ews ar e obviou s here too . Never t ouch t he l'Iyl ol'l nut 7 Soecial tool for ad justable need les For tuning carbu re tto n with non- ad jun ab le jets and ad justab le metl!rin g need les, special t ool B 2 0 379Z is required. The tool con sists of tu bu lar sleeve con t ai n ing an Allen key w h ich pr ojects trom both t op and bottom. T he t op of the sleeve has a pa ir of w ings an d th e bo ttom has a loca t ing P'9In use. the red uced d iame tl!r nose of t he too l is inserted in the hollow a ir valve guide rod (damper essemb ly removed fr om ca rb ur ettod and th e loc at ing Pl'9 e...gage d in t he m achined slot et the top of the rod . The A llen key is pushed d own and enga ges w ith the h. Kagon a l socke t in the needle adj uUing screw (refe r to Conn ructio n. of th is 5ection of the manual. t or a detai led de!ICr ipt ion o f th e needl e assemb ly l, Rotat ion o f t he A llen ke y will raise o r low.r th e nee dle , the outer sleeve being firm ly he ld to p reven t rotation o f the air valve arid damage to the diaphragm. fi=;'== A llen Key Fig. CDSE 9 The ~111 t ool f or edj ustilble needles loca ting peg 15-9 Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapt er 15 the inlet needle va ll/l! lIS2 mb ly IIOd screw into iu tap ped 8 the underside of th e body. F it the h inge p in t o th e f lO3t assembl y and spring in to posit io n in th e spr ing steel di p, ta k ing ea re not Fo r t u n ing ca rbu nm ors w it h non-adjust ab le metering needles to d am age e ith er pa rt . Note th at the float leve r arm shoul d appear uppermost wi th t he carb o rert cr inve rted . Check that t he high"'t pain t of th e floa t above the fa ce of the body with the inillt need le varve c losed is 0.725 10 0.787 in . (16 to 17 mml, an d ttl at th e leg o n the ar m contacts the need le at a r ight an gle. Check t hat the float hin ges f ree ly o n its pi n . 2 If the pla st ic flo at cham ba r p lug ha s be en re move d , fit a new O- ring to t he groo ve end push t he pl ug in to t he hole un til all th e ba rbe d tongue s ere op en o n t he inside of th e co ver. 3 F it a new gasket (d o not use gask et ce ment ) t o th e ttc et cham be ' base an d sec u re m il base wi th Six scre ws ilnd new sprin g washe rs. T ighte n th e With engine cold d1ec::k th8t compensat or cone is seated. and free to move . If any d oubt ,"i1IS replace unit w ith new auembly Aepl au $pinelle sea ls or top up, re-chec k damper operat io n by ra ising by hand , resistance s.ho uld be fel t Chec k grade o f spring and refit Use correct grade of o il o r Zen ith l u be O il. Part No. 8 .18~2.Z . R efer to Ap pencHl< II for correct sp ring, d o not attem pt to et t er the sp r ing rate, Check and rese t Check ope ration Replace gaskets and '0' rings jo l nn o r se l ling p lug '0' r ings Low engine brak ing Probably ca u1ed by three m ain f ktor s: Fau lty by-pass valve Repl ace by-pass valve Nora: No atte mp t s.hou ld be made to adjust th ese un its Chee k t hrottl e operatio n, Stic king t hrottl es reset Lo w Engine Powe r Inoperative ignition reta rd Check igniti on setting at idl e and e nsu re functio n ing o f retard $ystem and that reta rd man if o ld p rltSsure ta ppi ngs a re fr ee f rom obstrucacn in the t h rottle fla nge o f th e tarburettor Damege d d iaph ragm In spe-ct an d rep lace Chec k di scharge f rom fuel p ump , Inspect need le va lve seat ing Low f uel f to w Consu lt manufacturer's da ta. No te: To en sur e rhar all legal exhev at em missio n requ irements are met, th e following ite ms m ust no t be ch anged o r modi fied in anv way : 1 the fuel jet asse mb ly , 2 th e air verve , 3 the de p ress io n chamber cover, 4 The foll o wing items mu st no t be adju st ed bu t sh oul d be repla ced co mpl ettl y by factory set un its : 1 th e temperat u re compensator, 2 t he ai r valve return spr ing, 3 the by p ass uni t, t he positio n of t he fue l metering needl e , 4 the It erter assem b ly. Part 3 Zenith Stromberg carburetors Chapter 16 16-9 Notes 3 17-0 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 Type H Contents Section Assembly , 8 Constructio n 2 Disassembly ....................................•..., Float chambe r and its operation Int roduct ion 7 4 1 1 "..... ................................ Introduction The Type H (H orizontal) carburett or is the earliest of th e fou r ty pes described in t his M anual. For the purp ose of instruction it may be cons idered as th e basic fo rm of SU instrument since all later ty pes are largely refi ned versions and all use the same basic elements. It w as most popu lar in the early 19 50 s, and was fi tt ed as standard t o many prod uction saloon and sports cars. and as a 'p erfo rmanc e modi fi cation' t o ot hers. It is often t o be foun d fitted wit h a th ermostati c carburett or on larger cars w it h a mul tiple installat ion. Jet assemb ly Operation . Special overhaul proce dures Tunin g . . ,_ Section 3 . 5 6 9 2 Construction The unit consist s of a di e- cast aluminium bod y in wh ich is formed the ch oke bore. a suction c hamber and pist on assembly mounted vert ically abo ve it, a jet assembly mou nted co- axially with the suction chamber below it, and a float chamber assembly attac hed by an arm to th e body. The body has a fl ange at each end, dr illed fo r bo lts t o mount the un it t o th e engine and for t he attac hment of an air cleaner or intake system. A circular, machi ned platf orm on the upper side mounts th e 17-1 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 Damper rod Sucti on chamber Hyd raulic damper ~~ o Su ction disk Fast-idle scre w o Piston Throttl e stop ad just ing screw ~1JZZZ2j:D1t Needl e reta ining screw Th rottl e valve Jet gland Jet Jet adjust ing nu t Cor k sealing washer Jet locking screw Fig . 5.1 Cross -section through th e t ype H carburettor ( Sec 2 ) 4 suct ion c hamber, w it h a large bor e intercepting the choke bore at right angl es in which the piston mov es. The underside of the body has an internally thr eaded boss for attachm ent of the jet assembly, and a similar boss for attac hment of the f loat ch amber arm. They are linked to each oth er by a drilling thr ough th e cast w eb between th em. Othe r cast features on the body incl ude bosses bored to form throttle spindle bearings. a lug with a hole to accept th e tail of a j et return (tension) sprin g, a housing for a pi ston lifting pin, tapped hole s for vacuum connect ions. and bosses for t hrott le/c hoke interconn ecti ng linkage bearing s. The suction chamber is a die -c ast alum in ium cylinder w it h a cent ral gu ide tub e fitted with a hardened steel sleeve bearin g. The gu ide tube is extended at the top of the chamber and int ernally thread ed for attachment of 0 hydrau lic camper. l ugs are provided at the chamber base for attachm ent to th e unit body with screws . A piston slides in the bearing in the sucti on chamber, th e smaller, low er diameter protruding into the bore of th e carburettcr bodv . The pi ston consists of two ports; th e pi ston rod and th e piston disc wi th inteqral suct ion disc, The piston rod is hollow, to act as an oil w ell for th e hydraulic damper (w hich is secured to the suct ion chamber). The piston has two port s drilled from the top and emerg ing on the downstream (throttle plate or eng ine) side of the pi ston . A tapered needle is fitt ed to th e base of the pi ston assembly and secured by a locking screw . 3 J et asse m b ly Refer to Fig. 5.3. The jet assemb ly consists of th e jet (1) whi ch slides in upp er bearings (13 ) and low er bearing (7). J et glands (12), con ical w ashers and w ashers (11 ) are fi tt ed to th e bearing and loaded to their respective ends by co mpression spring (1 0 ). The assembl y is fitted to th e unit body w ith nut (4) sealed wi th was her ( 5) and cork w asher (6) . The bearing is a loose fi t in t he nut. thus permitt ing slight radial movement of th e j et assembly to centre it relati ve to t he needle, The assembly is held to th e body by th e clamping acti on of the nut against th e flange at th e top of the lower bearing . The soft (copper) w asher (5 ) form s a seal between th e low er jet bearing (7) and t he body . The maximum height of th e j et is determined by t he posit ion of the jet adju sting nut ( 2), the jet being held in contac t wi th it by th e spring lo ading on the external jet co ntrol lever linkage. The jet size is identified by a code numb er stamped on one face of the steel fork . """" 17-2 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 0 0 0 1 0 r I B A C H. ~ ~2'1 Fig . 5.2 T he t h ree type s of jet ~ Sta ndard (A). The rm ost at ic ( B). and Invieta (el (S e c 3) 1 J et size stamp ed on jel J et sizes: 9 = O.G9in 1 = 01 in, 125 = 0.125 in Jet sp ring Cap ....,. nut J et adju sting screw Fig. 5 .4 C ross -sec t io n o f th e t her mostatic carburettor jet ( S ec 3 ) 3 2 1 •" Fig . 5.3 Explod ed v iew of the Sta ndard jet co m po ne nts ( Sec 3) 1 Jet 2 J et adjusting nut 3 S pring 4 Fitting nut 5 Cop per wash er 6 Cork washer 7 -- Lower jet bearing 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Jet gland Washer Spring Wash er Jet gland Upp er bearing Wash er When a thermostatic carburettor is used in conjunction with Type H unit/so the jet is not required to be manually operated and is therefore fi xed in a simpl er, leak-proof manner. Th e assembly is referred to as 11 sea led jet base. Acc ess to the jet, for adjustment, is gained afte r removal of the cap nut . The damp er con sists of a cylindrical. non -return valve assembly retained on t he end of a rod by a circl ip. The rod is serrated at the top and pressed int o a screwed brass cap, by whi ch it is secured to the suction chamber. The valve is immersed in the oil in the hollow piston rod, and is so arranged that oil can pass freely through it in a downwards direction (piston fall ing), but presents a high resistance to upwards flow (piston rising) . 4 Float chamb er a nd its o pe r ation The flo at chamber assembly consists of the chamber, a detachab le lid incorporating the inlet valve. and a float. 17-3 Part 4 SU carburetors Ch apter 17 The chambe r is a d ie-cast alum inium cy li nder fi tted wi th a central fl oat guide rod. An exten sion arm at the bottom of t he chamber is enlarged at its oute r end. and drilled fo r a banjo bolt whi ch secures it to the uarburettor bod y. Fuel is supp lied to the carburertcr t hrou gh a drill ing in the arm. The detachable lid in corporates lugs which carry th e float lever hinge pin. The inlet valve cons ists of a brass seating screwe d into the lid, in wh ich slides a steel needle. The position of the needle is con tro lled by the float lever mov ement Fuel inlet to the valve is from an external banjo un ion, secured with a banjo boit to a tapped hole in the lid. A t himb le -shaped fi lter is retain ed in the inlet by the banjo bolt. th e open inlet end being lo aded to wards it (to seal the periph ery) by a co nical spring surround ing the fi lter. The inlet assembly is sealed w ith soft fi bre w ashers. The top . threaded porti on of the float gui de rod projects thro ugh a cent ral hole in t he lid and retain s it with a cap nut. A cover cap is fitted under the cap nut to protect the annular vent from the ingress of dirt. The lid is located in the ch amber by a machined spigot at th e rim. The fl oat consists of two brass spinnings soldered toge ther, with a brass tu be run ning throug h the cent re. The flo at slides vertically on th e gu ide rod fi xed to th e float c hamber base and operates the inlet valve via the hinged lever. Fuel, supplied by an external mechani cal or electr ic pump, enters th e float chamber inlet and passes thro ugh the f ine mesh fi lter. As t he fu el level in t he chamber rises, the fl oat rises and operates the inlet valve, reduc ing the fl ow and stop ping it when a previou sly determ ined level is attained. Petrol flo ws from the base of th e chamber thro ugh the drill ing in the arm to th e jet assembl y, and rises to th e same level {ju st below th e top of the jet w hen in its fUlly raised position }. 5 Operation Cold start ing To start the engine fro m co ld, the external, facia-mounted mixture control (choke) is pulled out, which lowers the jet assemb ly in tts bearings and glands. With the piston seated on the bridge of the carburettor, this lowering of the jet increases the annular area between the needle and the orifice at the top of th e jet. The throttle plate is partly op ened by the mechanical interconnection betw een the mixture control linkage and the thrott le lever, See Chapter 1 for explanation of the constant-depression co ncept. With the eng ine turning over by hand cranking or by th e starter mot or, th e depression generated in the inlet manif old is sensed in the suct ion ch amber via the passages in the base of the piston. The result ant upw ard load on the piston assembly. du e to the different ial pressures sensed above and below th e suction disc, lifts the pisto n against the spring load. The depression created by the flow of air between the underside of the piston and bridg e lifts fu el from the jet. The fuel is atormsed in the mixing cham ber (th at part of th e c hoke bore between t he piston and the th rottle plate) and passes to th e eng ine, when it should start and run. N ormal running, cruising and full throttle With a co ld eng ine, the mixture must be enric hed to compensate for the effects of fu el condensat ion on th e co ld surfaces of the indu ction system, w hich has the effect of w eakening t he eff ectiv e mixture delivered to th e engine combu stion chambers. This is achieved by lowerin g th e jet assembly. th us incr easing the annu lar area around th e needle at any position of the needl e, and permittin g more fuel to fl ow. As t he eng ine w arms thro ugh. the mixtur e strength is weakened by progressivel y raising th e jet assembly unti l, when normal w orking temperature is atta ined, the jet is at its high est positi on, dictated by th e posit ion of the jet adj usting nut whi ch will have been preset (see Section 9 ). Under cru ise condit ions, the throttl e pl ate will be partly open with th e eng ine runn ing fast. The obstruction presented by the th rottl e red uces th e depression in the mixing c hamber, and thence in th e suct ion cham ber, and th e piston fall s until the forces act ing above and below the suct ion disc are in balance. The depression at the jet will be the same as before, but as the jet has been raised the mixture will be w eaker. The high manifold depression will be sensed just downstream of the throttle plate at the auto -t iming conn ection (on units so fitted ) and transmitted to the distribut or to adva nce the ignition timing, w ith benef icial eff ects on fuel economy. At fu ll throttl e. the thrott le plate presents only a slight obstructio n: manifold depression is sensed in th e suct ion chamber and the piston lifts to its maximum limit. The depression at the j et is as before, but more fu el is drawn out d ue to t he wi t hdrawal of th e tapered needle, w hich creates a greater annular area. The mixture strength remains constant. A cceleration A richer mixture is req uired for smooth accelerat ion. This is ach ieved by in creasing the depression at the jet for any given piston position by retarding the rate at w hich the pi ston lifts, thu s temporaril y increasing the air velocity. The hydraulic damper, in conj unction with the oi l-filled pi ston rod . co ntrols the rate at which the piston rises. Not e th at the damp er does not limit or reduce th e height to whi ch the pi ston rises, it merely controls th e speed at wh ich it rises, causing an im mediately richer mixtu re to be delivered wh en the t hrottle is snapped open, whi ch gradually w eakens as the piston lift s to its correct position. As th e damper is on ly effect ive for upward movement of the piston, the pisto n falls immediately the th rottl e is cl osed, preventing an over- we ak mixture being prod uced. 6 Special ove r ha u l procedures Refer to Chapter 4. 2 The SU part numb ers for gasket and overhaul packs are as foll ow s: 1 Car bu r ett or mode l HI H2 H4 H6 Throttle diameter n« 1 / /4" 1 //2" 13/4" Gasket pac k AVE 8005 AVE 8005 AVE 8015 AVE 80 15 Overhaul pack AVE 850 AVE 850 AVE 85 0 AVE 85 0 N ote: Overhaul pack s may be difficult to obtain. The '5' suffix on the gasket pack part numb ers indicates that throttle plate screws al e included Di sassembly 1 Clean th e out side of t he carburettcr th orough ly. Remove the banjo bolt, banj o union and fi bre was hers. Extract the fil ter and spring assembly from inside th e uc at ch amber lid ( phot o) . 2 M ark the relative positi on of the suctio n c hamber to the body. 3 Remove the damper and its was her. Un screw the ch amber retaining screws. Lift the chamber straight off ( photos) . 4 Remove th e pi ston spring and washer (if fitt ed), lift out the piston assembly carefull y and empt y out the dam per oil from the piston rod. S Undo th e needle locking screw and remove th e needle. If the needle sticks in pl ace, fir st tap it inwards and then pull it out; do not bend it (photo). 6 Unhook the lever return spring . Remove th e split pin s and clevis pin s (phot os) . Remove the fast idle cam piv ot bol t. Not e the position s of th e alum inium spacing w asher and th e spring w asher. If a thermostatic starti ng carb uretto r is fitt ed, refer to Chapter 9. 7 Undo th e li nkage assembly. Press in th e piston lifting pin, extract the circlip from its gro ove and with draw th e pin and its spring downwards. 8 Withdraw the jet and take off th e jet adj usting nut and spring. 9 Unscrew the jet iocking nut and carefully w ithdraw the assembly. Lift off the up per jet bearing and co pper w asher. Extract the gland and brass gland w asher (photos) . 10 Remove the gland spring and extract the lower jet bearing from the jet locking nut. Extract th e gland and brass glan d w asher from the bearing . Do not touch th e jet lo cking nut cork w asher. 11 Mark th e position of the lid to float chamber. Un screw the central nut and remove th e overfl ow pipe and w ashers; the stay, w asher and cover cap, or the cover cap alone. Record the positi ons of the w ashers and other co mponents. Lift off the lid, note the gasket. Remov e the float (photos). 12 Pull out th e hing e pin fo r the hinged lever and detach th e lever ( photo). 4 7.1 Removi ng th e f ilter and spring assembly 7.3A Removing t he damper 7.3 B Lifti ng th e suction chamber away fro m the base 7.5 Removing the needle from th e pi ston 7 .6A Jet control lever and return spring 7.6B Remov ing the lever clevis pin 7.9A Removin g t he jet locking nut . 7.9 B ... and upper jet bearing 7.11A Removi ng the fl oat chamber lid . . 7.12 Removi ng the needle valve hin ge pin and lever 7.13 Needl e and needle valve seatin g (arrow ed) • 7.11B ... and flo at r - - - - - - -- - Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 7.14 Removing the float chamber 7.15A Remo ve the screws n. 7.156 •.. and with draw the th rott le d isc ... 7.1 5C ... and spindle 17-5 4 13 L.ift out th e need le from its seating ( photo) and unscrew the seating from the lid using a spann er 0 .338 in (8.58 mm) across fl ats. Do not d is tort the seating . 14 Remove the sc rew reta in ing the s la y to the c a rburettor body (if titled). Remove the fixin g reta in ing the float c ha mber to th e body ( phot o). Record th e posi tions of the fibr e w ashers and the brass washer. 15 Remove th e two disc retaining SCIllWS and mark the d isc for loca tio n. Tw ist the th rottl e and ease out the cnsc fro m its slot in the spi ndle . Pull out t he spind le from the bod y ( phot os) . 16 Loosen the return spr ing clip bolt and remove too clip, spring. and return $pring plate ( if fined ). If a clam ped o pe ra ting lever is lin ed , lo osen the clamp ing bo lt and remo ve the lever. 17 For Instructions on cl eaning, inspection and repair, refer to Chapter 4. 8 A ssem bly N ote: Ensure that all parts ar8 clean and dry before assembly. 1 Fit the spindle t o the body, ensuring that the fixed lever is in the co rrect positi on . Slide the throttle disc into the siot in the spind le and f it two new reta in ing screws . Do not t ighten at this slage. Close the t hrottle, w hen the d isc will centre itsel f in the bore. Check vi sual ly that contact is made between the disc and the bore throughOut its circumference . Tigh ten the screws and spread t he spi n ends suffi ciently t o prevent th e screws unscrew ing . 2 Fit the jet assembly in the reverse order to d isassembl y. using new gland pack ings . Ensure tha t the washer is un der tbe shoulder of the low er jet bearing. that t he coned faces of t he gland w ashen race toward the gland pack ing s, and that the copper washer is fi n ed w ith the sharp edge towards the upPer jet bearing. Fit tne assembly to the body, but do not tighten the jet lock ing nut at this stage ( phot os) . 3 Fit the needle t o lne piston . The relat ive pos it ion of the two parts is critical. and may be eit her of two arrangerTW:Ints acc ord ing to the contour of the needle at junction of the taper and th e shank [ie scuere or radiused shou lder ) . Fit and tighten a new l ocki ng screw. 4 Fit th e piston assembly to the bod y. taking care no t t o damage the needl e. Fit the wash er (if pro vided ) and pist on spring to the piston rod. lightl y oil the outside of the piston rod and fi t the suction cham ber. Fit and tigh ten t he securing screws . 5 Remove th e jet, jet locki ng nut. and spring . Refit the adjus ting nut and screw it up as far as it will go. Refit th e jet and ensure that it is in the correct relative posi tio n (check positi on of fork). With t he jet Part 4 SU ca rburetors Chap te r 17 17-6 Fig . 5.5 Co rr ect fitted po s it ion of t he t w o types of piston ne ed l e ( Sec 8 ) Fi g . 6.6 Needle va lve adj ust m ent f o r float level setti n g ( Sec 8 ) IOGking nut loose, ch eck that the underside of the pisto n is in contact w ith the top of the jet, w h ich w ill protrude into the bore. The je t is now accurat ely centred. Tighten the jet locking nut. remove the jet and adjusting nut. tit the spring and refit the adjusting nu t and jet. 6 Fit the float c ha mbe r valve seatIng to the floa t cha mbe r lid. Fit the needle. hinged lever and hinge pi n. With the hinged lever resting on the seated needle. check thilt a 0.44 in (11 mm) diam eter tw ist drill can be inserted between the forked lever and the lip of the fl oat chamber lid (photo). If there is a gap. or if the bar lifts the fork ed lever clear of Ihe needle. adj ust by bending the lever w here show n in Fig . 5.6. 7 Fit a new flo at chamber lid gasket (do not use jo inting compound) , the fl oat ( check that it is the correct way up ) and the float chamber lid . Ensure th at th e lid is in the position marked on disassembtv. Fit the cover cap and central nut . Of drainpi pe, was hers and nut (alternat ive detail ). Use new fibre w ashers. Do not overt ig hten th e nu t (photo ). 8 Fit the float chambe r assembly to the carburettor body using new f ibre w ashers or rubb er grom mets (alternative detail). 9 Insert the fuel inl et filter assembly (spring end innermost) and fit th e banjo and bol t w ith new fi bre wa shers. Note that the recessed fac e of the banjo fits tow ard the hexago n end of the bolt. 10 Fit the return spring plate. retu rn spring and retu rn spring clip to the t hrottle spindl e. Tension th e sprin g by turning the clip on the spindle and tighten t he clip pinc h-bolt [ pho to ). Fit the linkage assembly using new split pins. Ensure that t he distance washer and double-coil spring washe r are in th eir correct positions in relation to the fast -i dl e cam. 11 Top up t he pi ston rod with oil as described in Section 11. then fit and t ighte n t he damper rod . 8.2A J et assembly 8.28 Refitt ing t he jet assembly 8.7 Refitting th e float chamber lid 8.6 Check ing the tloat level setting w it h a 0 ,44 in (11.0 mm) d iameter twist dr ill 8.10 Thrott le return spr ing (arrow ed) 17-7 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 9 Tun ing Note: Refer to Chapter-3 for notes on tuning, with particular teference to p relim inary procedures. If a the rmo sta tic st arting carb urettor is fitt ed, refer also to Chapter 2 1. S ingle carburettor installations 1 Set the throttle adju stin g screw . Warm up th e eng ine t o oper~ll i ng temp erature, then switch off. Unscrew th, throttl e adj ust ing screw unt il it is just touch ing its stop, and the thr ottl e is closed. Set th e thrott le adju sting screw 1 1/2 tu rns open . Ensure that the fast idle screw is clear of th, fast idl e cam. 2 Set t he jet height. M ark: the components for co rrect reassembly, and remove the piston and suct ion chamber un it. Disconnect th, mi xt ure co ntrol w ire ( if fined), or remove the jet cap nut (t hermo type). Screw t he jet adjusting nut/screw until the jet is just flush w it h the bri dge of the cerbc rertcc or fully up if this pos ition cann ot be obtained. 3 Set the jet adjusting nut. Replace tl'le piston and SlJction Chamber un it into its original pos ition. Cneck that the piston falls free ly onto the bridge when tna lifting pin is released. Tum down the jet adju sting nut/screw two complete tu rns. 4 Set the idl e speed. Start the engine and adjust the th rottle adju st ing screw to g ive the desired id le speed . Turn the jet adjusting nu t/screw up t o we aken . or dow n t o nchen , until the fastest idle speed, consistent w ith even running, is obt ained . Re-adjust the thr ottle adj ust ing screw t o g ive the corr ect idle speed, it necessary. Refi t th e j et cap nut on the thermo -ty pe carburettc r. 5 Check the mixt ure streng th ( CO content) . Th e mixt ure streng th affects t he co lour of t he exhaus t gases, and th e idle quality - see Figs. 5.9 and 5.10, and th e follow ing tabl es. ( w) (c) (r) Too weak Correct Too rich P ISton lift mg p;n J et odjUJllng nu l Fig . 5.7 Type H cerbu re t t o r tuning point. ( Sec 9) Colourless, irreg ular note, splashy misfire Regular and even no te Blackish. regular or rh ythmical misfire Check for correct mixtu re by slowly pus hin g t he lift ing pi n up about 0.03 1 in (0.8 mm ) aftltr free movement has been taken up. The graph ill ustr ates t be effect on engine rpm indi cati ng th e mixture strength. (r) ( c) (w ) Rich mix ture Correct mixture Weak mixture as the lifting pin raises the pist on, rpm increases cOfJ$iderably rpm increases very slightly rpm imm ediattlly decreases 6 Connect and set t he mixture con tro l wire (except on thermo -ty pe carburettor ) . Connect the mixtu re contro l wi re and adju st with about 0.06 25 in (1.6 mm ) free movement befo re it starts to pu ll on th , jet lever. Pull the choke knob at the fac ia unt il t he link age is about to move the carburett or j et, and adju st the fast idl e screw to give an eng ine speed of about 1000 rpm w hen the engin e is hot. 7 Fill the damper. Finally top up the piston dampe r with engine oi l. unt il t he level is 0.5 in (13 mm) abo ve the t op of the hollow pist on rod . On du st -proofed carbu rettors (identifi ed by no vent hole in the damper cap, and a transverse hol e drilled in the neck of th e suc tio n chamber). th e o il level shou ld be 0.5 in (13 mm) below the top of the hol low piston rod . Fi g. 5.8 I n iti al Jet he ig ht setting ( Se c 9) w -- R C W Fi g . 5.9 D iagram at effect on ex h aust of mixt u r e strengths at i dle speed ( Sec 9 ) Time • Fig . 5.1 0 Graph sho w in g effect o f pisto n lift ing p in o n idle spe ed at differen t m ixtu re stre ngths ( S ec 9 ) 4 17-8 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 17 Multiple cetborenor installations Before th e att empted luning of any cerburertoe msteneucn. it is essential to mak e sure th e valve clearances. poi nts gap and spa rk plug gaps are correct. Succ essful tun in g can not take place if anyone of these is 'our. Mult iple cerburertce set- ups have th eir problems compounded if th is is not strictly observed. 9 Remove the air cleaner (s) and check for thronle li nkage ad ju stment , smoothness of action and that the das hpots are t opped up properlV_Run the engine to norma l oper ating temperatu re. th en sw itch 8 off. 10 Slacken a clamping bolt on one of t he thr ott le spindl e interconnecti on couplings between the cerburetto rs. 11 Unscrew both thr ottl e stop adju sting screw s unti l they are both j ust t ou ching their stop s with the throttle Closed. Turn bo th screw s clock wi se 1 1{2 t urns exactly. 12 Remove th e pistons and suction chambe rs. 13 Disconnect the jet co ntr ol int erconnect ing rods and cab les on the non-mermc cerbur errors, or remove the jet cap nuts on thermo-type carbu renors. Turn the jel adju sting nuts or screws until each jet is flu sh wllh the bridge of it s carburettor. 14 Refit th e pistons and suct ion chambers. Top up t he piston rods with o il, refit and tighten the damper rod s. then check th at eac h piston falls freely by pressing th e small lift ing pin upwards and letting th e pistons fall onto th eir bridges . A distinct 'click' should be heard. Tum dow n the jet adj usting nuts or screw s 2 turns exact ly . 15 Restart the engine, and tu m the t hrottle stop adjusting screws by equalamounls to giv e the deslred idle speed. To make sure that both carburett ors are synchronised. use a length of tu bi ng placed between the carburettor intak e and the ear. and adjust the throttJe screws fracti onally until the hiss from both un its is the same. Alternatively, use a bal ancing device (fl owmet er) in accordance w it h its manufactur er's instructi on s. 16 W ith the cerburettors correctly synchron ised, tum the jet adju sting nut s or screws up or down by equal amou nt s unti l the fastest idle speed is obtained , consistent w it h even runn ing. If necessary. re-adjust the thrott le st op adj usti ng screw s by equal amo unts unt il the correct idl e speed is re-cbtein ed 17 Now check the mi xtur e strengt h on eac h carburettor seperetetv. using the proc edure described in paragraph 5. Stop the eng in e. 18 Rel it the jet cap nuts on ther mo -type carb urett ors. 19 W ith bot h th rottles cl osed. tighten the cl ampi ng bolt on th e interconnection coupling wit h the pin of the lin k pin lever resting against t he edge of the pick-up lever ho le. Wh en forked levers are fitted. set the crank ed levers so that the pin is 0.006 in (0.15 mm) from the low er edge of the fork. This makes sure that both (all) carburettor thrott les operate simultaneously. 20 Wh ere cold start co ntrol ( choke) cables are fitted. recon nect them. tog ether w it h the intercon necti ng rods. and adju st th em with referenc e to paragraph 6. making sure th at both oper at ing arms move simultaneously. 21 Refit the air cleaners and re-chec k for cceeet mixture strength. Fig . 5 .12 Co ntr o l couplings on m u ltiple ca r b ur en o r in st al lat i o ns ( S ee 9 ) Fi g . 5.11 Balan cing twin carburettcre (Sec 9 ) 1 Throttle stop adjustme nt screws 2 Throttle spindle coupling 3 Choke control coupling Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 18 Type HD Contents Section Section 7 Assem bly •.......•.•..•..•..•.••.•..•..•..•..•.•........ Constr uction . DisaSS&mbly Introduction 2 . . , 1 Jet assembly . Operat ion . Spec ial overhaul proced ures . Tun ing . ______________ 3 4 5 8 Introduction The Type H 0 ( D iaphragm ·jel ) carbur ettor wa s introduced after the Type H. It was manufactured in larger sizes on ly - 1'/2 in, 13/4 in and 2 in. being models H04, HD6 and HOB respect ively. and w as there fo re generally fitled to larger and heavier cars. The c haracterist ic fu tures of Ih e Type HD are t he method s of metering f uel fo r idling. and 01 sealing th e jet base. 2 Construction The pis ton and suction ch amber assembly is of the sa me ge neral design as that of the Type H. The dashpot bo re may be eith er dustpr oo fed or noo -du stproofed . alld may therefore have uri -d rilled or drilled piston damper cap s respect ively. Th e jet slides w ithin a bearing. secured t o the un derside of the body. by the same method as in the Type H. and is surrounded by an open -ended cyl ind rica l ho using. cast integrally with the body. The hous ing is closed by a jet hou sing. incorporating t he jet act uat ing lever assembly hinged in integrally -cast lugs. and an exte nsion of t he float -chamber. th e pans being secured to the body by four screws . A fl exib le d iaphragm (fixed t o t he base of the je t assembly ) is clamped bet ween the fl oat chamber extensioo and the und erside of the jet hou sing. and d ....ides the hous ing cavity int o two cha mbers The uppe r chamber conta ins the jet actuating (low ering) mechanism and the lower chamber is linked t o th e float chamber vi a a dri lling in t he ------ exte nsion, and is th erefor e fl ooded with fu el. The fu el flows up throu gh the holl ow jet to the orifi ce et the top, A helical compression spring. fitted between a cup at th e base of the jet assembly li nd a locati ng spi got in t he float chamber exten sion. lo ads the jet upwards. All H 04 and H 06 unit s al e fin ed w ith thrott le spi ndle sealing gl ands. w hicl'l minimise inwar ds air leakage wh en the spindle bearings beco me worn , Some H OB unit s ale also so equ ip ped, w hile others have no sealing gl ands an d are fined w ith replaceabl e PTFE bus hes. The gl ands have ta pered faces. and are fitted int o con ical-ended counterbores in the un it body. A helical compr ession spring. retain ed by a steel sleeve pressed intO th e end of th e co unt erbo re. compresses the gland so thatthll bor e closes on to th e th rottle spind le and fo rms a seal. The gla nds do not require servic ing. and no pro vision is mad e for their easy remova l. PTFE bushes are inserted int o ccu nt erbor es in the un it body from inside the bore of the un it . They are retained in pos it ion by circular spring clips f Itted to t he thrott le spind le. The underside of the body has cast ribs . and th ere is a cast pro ject iol'l at each side of the main bo re. Th e ribs are int ernally -drilled to form a passage wh ich bypasses the throttle plate w hen it is ctcseo. One of the side prOJect ion s houses a screwed needle valve. the end of w hich inlercepts the drilled passage. and fu nc ti ons as a slow runnin g volume screw . The Other side pro jectio n has a vert ical bore in whic h slides a cam rod . formin g part of the cold stan enrichment/thrott le opening inter connection mechanism. The to p end of th e cam rod is fitted w ith a plate, carry ing an adjusting screw w hic h bears on th e th ron le spindle 4 Part4 SU carburetors Chapter 18 18-2 Aut o ign ition union Feu-/dle edjustin g screw J ot Throttl e sp in dle glan d o Gland spring Je' screw clamping Jot ~1~~~~5~~ LJ lit actuating lever Jot ," p Diap hragm ~""-,,,Je t spri ng ,"p Jet ad jus t in g 0l ixtu re) screw Idling by-pass passage -, Jot spring J et contro l leve r Fi g . 6.1 Cutaway v iew of the Ty pe H D c arburettor ( Sec 2 ) arm . Th e bottom end is rivetted to an arm, at the end of w h ic h is a ro ll er. The roll er bears on a cam at the end of th e jet actuating lever spindle. Th e f loat ch amber assemb ly is o f similar d esign to Type H, in th at it hou ses a brass flo at slid ing on a central spindle. and the inlet valve is A 8 clo se d by a hinged leve r mo unted in the d etacha ble tloat c ham be r top. An ignition timi ng vacuu m tapp ing is provided in the roo f of th e bore. the fi ne hol e emergi ng at Ihe edge of th e throttle plate when in the closed posi tion. The hole is bor ed through from a flat pro ject ion beh ind the suct Ion chamber. Connection is made by an adapter plate w ith a stub pipe. secured to the body w ith two screws. A gasket is fitted between the body and the plate. 1 3 Jet assembl y The jet assembly consists of a brass jet tube . a flan ged co llar on w hich the jet act uating lever bears. a spring cup and a synthet ic rubber diaph ragm . The component parts are assembled by cl amping and pressing and cann ot be separated. The diaphr agm has a mould ed ctrcumterennat rib on its uppe r surf ace, which locates in a similar annu lar groo ve in th e underside of the jet housing and form s the sealing face. Four ho les or cut -ou ts on the periphery accommod ate the tet hou sing securmg screws. The jet sil e is identified by a cod e number stamped on th e upper surface of the flanged coll ar. 4 Operation The oper ation of the un it tor accelerat ion. full thrott le and cruise conditi on s is simi lar to t hat of the Type H. The idli ng con ditio n is d iffe rent as the th rottl e disc is not used for idli ng mi xt ure volu me regu lation . When idling (eng ine hot) , the t hrottl e plat e is fu lly closed in the carbu rettor bore. Mi xtu re fl ows from th e jet [ upstream of the thro ttle) th roug h the bypass passage. past the slow fJnning volume screw and retu rns t o the bora through a drilling downstrea m of th e th rottle plate. This gives mo re prec ise contro l of metering small quantities of mixture. and eli minates the eff ects of irreg ular flow aroond w orn th rottl e plat es, bores and spind les. Note that the idl ing mixtu re strength is still determined by the position of th e jet. and that the slow run ning vo lu me screw o nly regul ates the volume of mixture, Fi g . 6.2 S t an da rd (A) and Ro lls Ro yc e ( e ) j ets for the HD c a r b ur etto r (Sec 3) 1 Jet si~e code location JelSlz es; 9 .. OOS/n. 1 = 0.1 in. 125 = 0. 125 ;n At co ld -start condition. the j et is lo w ered (by operation of the jet co ntro l lever) and the th rottle in terconnection mechani sm ope ns th e throttle slightl y to a preset amount (determin ed by' adj ustment of th e fast idle screw) . A rich mi xtur e of increased vol ume is therefore sup pli ed to the eng ine through both the mein throttl e vallie end th e bypass passage. As the engi ne wa rms th rough, th e jet is raised and the throttle is autom aticall y cl osed by t he interaction of the throttle intercon nect ion mechan ism. wh en th e 'cho ke' co ntrol is pus hed home. Due to lhe con struction of the linkage in the jet ho using , it is poss ible to obta in a fast- id le condition by pu lling out th e 'choke' control sligh t ly fr om its fu lly closed pos itio n. This has the eff ect of opening the throttl e before the jet ectu atinq lever starts to low&!"t he jet. 5 Spec i al overha ul p ro c ed ures Refer to Chap ter 4 . Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 18 2 The s u part numbers for gasket and overh aul packs afe 1$ follows: Carburettor model H04 HD6 HDB Throttle d iameter 7112· 13/r r Gas ket pack AUE 805S AVE 805S AVE 806S O ve rha ul pack AVE 855 AVE 855 AVE 857 Note: Overhaul pads may be difficult to obtain. The'S' $uffi}( on the gilsket pack part numbers indica te s tha t th rottle plate screws are inclu ded 6 Di sassembl y 1 2 3 Clean t he ou tsi d e of t he car b ueett c r tho rou ghly. U ndo and remove th e damper and washer. Remove the suction chamber retaining screw s and remove the c ha mber stra ig ht UP ( p ho to) . 4 Lift off the piston spring. Carefully lift out the piston and needle assembly ( p hot o). Empty out t he damper 011 from t he piston rod. S Remove the needle locking screw and w ithdraw th e needle ( photos) . If it sticks in plac e, tap the needle inwards first and then pull outwards. Do nOt bend it. 6 Record the positions of the float chamber. jet housing. and cerbur etto e body. Unscrew th e fl oat chamber screws. holding the float Chamber against th e pressure of the jet spring. Carefully detac h the float ch amber (photos). If a th ermostat starting carburertor is fitted. refer to Chapt er to. 7 lift out the Jet spring. mark the jet diaphragm opposite one of the screw holes in the jet housing and w ithdraw th e jet assembly ( photo). 8 Remove th e screw from the to p of the fast idle pushrod, and lift off the plate (wit h fast idle adjust ment screw) and th e return spring (ph oto) . 9 W ithdraw the fast idle pushrod . the; 1 remove th e jet housing . 18-3 co mplete with the jet actuat ing levers ( photos). 10 Slacken and remove the jet locking nut toget her with the jet bearing ( photo). 11 Record the position s of th e float cham ber and lid . Remove th e centra l nut retain ing the float chamber lid tog ether with th e vent tu be banjo and fibre washer. or cover caP. as applicable. 12 Where a banjo inl et is fined. unscrew the banjo bolt fro m th e float chamber and remove t he bolt banjo and fi bre washers. Pull out th e filt er and spring assembly from the float chamber lid inlet (phot o). 13 Remove the lid and gasket (photo). Pull out the float lever hi nge pin from the serrated end. Detach the lever. 14 Extract the f ioat needl e from its seati ng. and unscrew th e seati ng from th e lid using a spanner 0.338 in (8.58 mm ) across flats (p hoto). Do not distort the seat ing. 15 Remove the flo at from the ch amber (photo). 16 Shut the throttl e and record the position s of the throttle disc and the carbcr etto- flang e. 17 loosen and remove the disc retaining screw s. The ends of the screws will be split to retain them securely - cl ose the split before attempt ing to remove th e screws. Wit hdraw th e disc from Its slot in the throttle spindle ( photos) . The disc is oval. and can jam . Talle care to make sure it does not. 18 Slide out the spindle from its bearings ( photo). 19 Do not remov e th e t hrott le spindle sealing glands. Note: Some Type HO B carburettors ~re fitted with plastic spindle bushes and have no spindle sealing glands. 20 Loosen and remov e the slow running volume screw. complete w ith spring . seal, and brass w asher (phOIO). 21 Remove the two screw s and washe rs holding th e vacu um ignition take-o ff plate and uni on. Lift off the plate and gasket. 22 Remove t he pi ston lifting pin by extracting th e c irclip from its groove with t he pin pressed upwards. Wit hdraw th e pin and spring dow nw ards. 23 For instructions on cleaning. inspecti on and repair. refer to Chapter 4. 4 6.3 Removin g the suction chambe r 6.4 Removing the piston 6.5A Extract the lock.ing screw ... 6.58 ... and withdraw t h-e needle 6.6A Remove the screws ... 6.6 8 •••and hh off t he float chamber 18-4 Fi g . 6 .3 Type HD je t housi ng co m po ne nts ( Sec 6 ) 1 Plate retaining screw 9 2 3 Plille Spring 4 ShaAep ro of w ash er 10 Floa! chamber screw 11 Jet spring 12 Jet dillphragm 5 6 Marks for replacement Fast idle pu shrod 13 J er assembfy 14 J et fock in ,q nul 7 Fl oat ch am b er lid 15 J et bearing 8 Jet housin g CIHburetlor body 6 7 4 riI ~10 I ---- , 2 _. . 3~ Fig . 6.4 Piston and need le compone nt s ( Sec 6) 1 2 Piston fod Vacuum transfer holes 3 Needle 4 Locking sc re w , 6.7 Withd raw ing tbe jet assembly 6.9B J et housing and levers 6.8 Removing t he fast idle adjUStment scr e w plate 6.9A Fast idle pushrod an d jet housing 6.10 J et locking nut and bea ring removal 6.12 Removing the ban jo inlet and filtel fro m the float cha mbe r lid removal 18-5 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 18 6.13 Removing the hose co nnection type float chamber lid 6.14 Floa t needle (arrow ed) 6 .15 lifting the flo at fro m the floal cham ber 6 _17A S how ing the spl it ends of the throttle d isc reta ining screws (a rro w ed) 6.178 Extrac t the screws ... 6.17C ... and w ithdraw the thronle d isc 4 6.18 Throt tle spind le removal 7 Asse mbly Fit the spindl e in its bearings. 2 Fit th e thrott le disc to the slot in the th rott le spind le in the position marked previously (o n di sassembly) . Not e that the countersunk enos of the screw ho les in th e spindl e must face outw ards. ie towards the intake flange of the carbur ett or bod y. rosen two new retaini ng screws, but do not tigh ten . Adj ust the disc in the slot until it closes lully in the bore of the cerb ueencc and tighten the screws . Spread t he split ends of the scre w s just e noug h to prevent t hem turning. 3 Fit the slow runn ing vo lume screw. taking care that the b-ess washer is fined w ith its concave face loward the seal. 4 Fit the gasket and vacuum ig nition take- off plat e. with screw s and 6.20 Remov ing t he slow running vol ume screw new shakeproof w ashers. Do not use j ointing compo und on the gasket. 5 Fit the piston lifting pin. spring . new ru bber washer . plain w asher and circli p. 6 Fit the needle to the pisto n assemb ly. The low er edge of the groo ve mUSI be level with t he low er face of t he piston rod. Fit a new needle locking screw and t ighten. Inv ert the suction cha mber and turn the pi ston assembly inside it to ch eck for conc entricity of th e needle. 7 Check Ihe piston key for security in the carburertor body (photo) . 8 Fit the Jet bearing and jet lock ing nut Leave the nu l w ith j ust enough slack to allow th e bearing to be moved fro m side to side 9 Temporarily fit too jet assemb ly in tile jet beanng in the previou sly -noted position, and push it fully upw ards. Carefully tecate the piston and needle in the upper end of the bod y. and push 18-6 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 18 do w nw ard s. Th is w ill ce nt ral ise the jet, and the jet locking nut ma y then be t ightened. Rem ove both th e p isto n and jel. 10 l ocate th e le I housing , complete with th e jet actu ating levers , on the body in its peevio us jv-n ot ed positio n. t he n lit the fasl id le p ush lod and lower it onto the cam ( p hOt o) . me 11 Fit the jet. Jet spring and flo at chambe r in same relative positi ons as recorded on dismantling (photos). Fit and tighten I he securi ng screw s evenly. 12 Fit the fast id le pu shrod spring, pla te a nd plate reta in ing sc rew w ith a shakeproof wa sher on eit her side of the plene. M ake sure the plat e is positi oned so that the fast id le ad justm ent screw stri kes squarely on the lug of the Infonle spind le o pe rati ng arm . , 3 Smear a liule o il on the piston rod, then fi t the piston to t he suction chamber w ithou t the spri ng. With the pist on fully in serted, seal the transfer holes (with plasticine or Similar product), then invert the assemb ly and allow the suction chamber to fall from the piston . Check the tim e th is takes. It shou ld be between 5 and 7 seconds If th e t ime taken exceeds that t he cause w ill be th ick oil on t he piston rod, or an oil fil m on t he piston or insio. the suction chamber. Remove the oil 7.7 Piston key loc ati on (arrow ed ) 7.10 Refitt ing the jet housing 7.11 B Top view of t he jet ( 1) and jet bearing (2) 8 Tuning Note : Refer to Chap ter 3 for no tes on tuning. with pa rticular refe rence to prelim inary p ro cedures. If a thermost atic starting csrcoreuor is fitted, refer-also to Chapter 2 1. Single ca r b u re ttOI ins t affa ri ons Set the ini tial fast idle and slOw running volume screw s. Run the engine up to a normal running temperature. SWitCh off th e engine. Un screw the fast idle adjusting screw w here fin ed to c lear t he mr enre spind le arm w ith the thrott le closed. Screw down the slow runn ing vol ume screw onto its seating, then unscrew it 31f2 turns. 2 Set the jet heig ht. Remove the piston and suct ion chambe r un it. Turn the jet adju sting ( mixture) screw unt il the Jet is flu sh with t he bridge of the cerburett or. t from the pa int s suggested and re-test. 14 Fit the pisto n assembly to the body . and locat e the piston sprin g on the piston rod . Fit the suction chamber and retaining screws . Tighten the screw s evenly. 15 Fit the needle seating and needle to the 1I0at c hamber lid 16 Fit the Ilcat lever and press in the lever hinge pin to secure Check the ucet level as described for th e rvce H carburett or in Chapter 5. Section 8, paragraph 6 ( photo). 17 Refit the flo at to the flo at chamber. 1B Fit the gasket to the lid, and refit the lid on the float cham ber in the same posItion as recorded on dismantlinq. Fit the fi bre washer, vent tube came. plain washer, and nut or cover cap and nut. as applica ble. Do net overtighten tne nut. 19 Where a banjo inlet is fitted . in sert the filter, spring end first fo llow ed by the banjo. fibre washers. and ben. The recessed side of the banjo must face outwards ti e abutting I he bo lt head). 20 Top up the piston rod w ith oil as described in Sect ion 8, then fit and t ighte n the damper rod . 7.11A Refitt ing the float chamber 7.16 Checking t he fl oat level 3 se t the jet adj usting (mixture) screw . Ref it t he piston and suction chamber unit . Check t hat the piston falls freelv onto the bridge wh en the lifting pin is released. Lowe r the jet bV turning the jet adjusting screw clockw ise 2 1/2 tu rns. 4 Set the idle speed. Start the eng ine and adj ust the slOw runni ng vo lume screw to give the desired idle speed. Turn the jet adjusting screw enn- ctockwise to weaken, or clockwise to ncnen, until the fastest id le speed, con sistent w ith even runnin g, is obt ained. Re-adj ust the slow running vo lume screw to giv e the correct id le speed. if necessary. 5 Check the mixt ure strength ( CO cont ent ) as descnbed In Chapter 5, Section 9 6 Connect and set the mixture cont rol w ile (except on thermo-rvpe cerb ueencr). Connect the m ixture con trol w ire w ith about 0,0625 in (1.6 mm) free mov ement before it starts to pull on th e jet lever. Pull the cho ke knob at t he facia until t he linkag e is about to move the Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 18 cartl urett or jet OPerted hole in t he body. the hole in the nut is consid6fably la rger than the externa l d iameter of the jet holder. thus pemlin 'rlg sideways adjustment of the jet assembly to centre it relat ive 10 th e need le . A helical compression spring a nd long nut are fined to th e t hre ad ed portion at the bottom of Ihe je t holder. Th e underside of the n ut is in contact w ith the metal collar on the jet assembly moulding. t hus the venca t positio n of the jet is con trolled by screwing the nut up or down. The je t is held in cont act with th e nut b y spring loa di ng on the extern al (choke) l inkage. On type HS4C and HSB cerbueettcrs. the jet hol der is retained w ith 11 bra c ket lind tw o sc rew s, and the jet posi tio n is ad jus te d by a lin kage an d adju stment screw . The jet may be any of th ree sizes, accord ing to the size and applica ti on of t he carcuret tc r. The size denotes the diameter of the bore and is 0 ,0 9 in. 0.1 0 in or 0. 125 in. This is id entified by the number of machined gro oves at the top of the jet. being non e. one. and two. respectively. If replacing a jet. ensure l!at the replacement has the same numbe-r of grooves , the same colour of jet head (the presnc mou lding). and the same number ( one. two or three) and colour of pl astic sleeves on the fleJ( ible feed pipe as the original one. Each ret has a separate part number, and its ecctceuce is d ictated by the fonow ing features: ... (~) Angle 01 float ch~mber ( b) Cafbufetlor siu ( c) tmercormection (fight_ Of left -hand) ( d) Jet size 3----1 On mo re recent models the jet adjusting nut may be tamperproof ed. to discou rage unaut horized adj ustment, by fitt ing a plasti c clamp over both the adjusting nut and the jet locking nut . The clamp is designed to break when it is removed, so that a new one must be filted after mak ing an adju stment. The thro ttl e adj usting screw may be tamperproofed by fitti ng a metal cap over it. The cap may be levered out using a pointe d instrument. and should also be renewed aft er making an adju stment . 3 The float chamber is of different design from the previous Types H and HD, due to the d ifferent design of jet assembly. and a Slmphfication and improvement in construction and operation. The chamber is attached to th e cerburettcr body by a single bolt screwed into a tapped boss cast on t he side of the chamber. This enables the chamber to be rotated . w ith in lim its. to suit either horizonta l or semi- d ow ndraught installation . therebv eliminating the need for different casting s, A.n adapter bush with locating tongu es, inter posed betwee n the chamber and t he body. ensures correct orientat io n for any particular installation. The fuel outlet from t he chamber is arranged so that there is a sedim ent -w ell surrou nding it, Whe re the out let emerges from the chamber, the boss is tapped to accept the union nut of the jet connect ion pipe, The det achable float Chamber lid incorporates lugs which carry the float lever hinge pin. The fuel inlet is a stu b (brass pipe ) for conn ect io n 10 a push-on fle xible pipe. and the vent is a horizo ntal drilling immedia tely below it. the outlet being shielded by a baffl e plate 10 prevent the ent ry of d irt and to prevent fuel being ejected fOfcibly from it should th e inlet valve stick OPen. The inlet valve may be either the brass type w ith a steel needle. as on Types Hand HD, or may be a plastic-bod ied. spring-load ed type. This latter ty pe was introd uced on the Type HS to overcome the effects of eng ine vibration . w hich tends to affect the seating of the inlet valve. To further assist in reducing the effects of Vibratio n. th e float chambe r may be flexibly mou nted by the inclusion of rubber bushes betwee n it and the cerburettcr body. The float is termed by two plastic moul di ngs - on some types a steel arm is fitled to the float for adjustment purposes. 4 3- --tt- Flo at cham ber asse mbly Pisto n an d need le On some applications, the needle is spring -load ed in the piston , and biased toward the eng ine side of t he jet. This provides more accurate metering of the fuel . A. spring seat is fitted inside the piston rod . and a flanged collar is lined to the top of the needle. The spring Fig . 7 .4 Tamperproof cap and cl a m p fi tted to later m o d els (See 2) 1 2 3 4 Thr ottle adjusting screw cap t tvotue adjusting screw showing cap in p osition Plastic clamp Jet adjusting nut presses the needle collar onto a gu ide. Which is clamped in tne piston by a locking screw . tM upper surface of the guide is machined at an angle to prov ide the bias to the needle 5 Operation The operation of the carbur ettor fo r cold start. idling. acceleration and crui se conditions is the same as for the Type·H. 6 Specia l overhau l proc edures Refer to Chapter 4 . 2 Service and repair kit s are available under SU part numbers accord ing to vehicle mod el. Gasket packs are available under the following part numbers: Carbu rettor mod el Th r o ttle d iameter HS2 HS 4 1' // 1' /2- Gasket pa c k AUE 810S AUE 8115 19-3 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 19 HS6 HS8 AUE812S AVE 8 13S Note : The 'S ' suffix on gasJ<.et pack parr numbers indicates that throtrle plate screws are included 7 Disa ssem b ly 1 Take off the haff le plate from the vent pipe and thoroughly clean the outsi de of the carberettcr 2 Record the relative positions of the suct ion chamber and the cerburertor body. 3 Unscrew and remove t he damper and its w asher. Whele a retaining cli p is fin ed. g ive the damper a sharp tug to release the cli p from the piston rod ( photos). :1 4 Unscrew the suction chamber retaining screws and lift ott me cham ber without ti lting it (pnot o) . Take off the piston sprillg and washer (if fitted ). 5 lift out the pisto n assembly carefully. and empty the oil from the piston rod 6 Undo the noodle loc king screw and w ithdraw th e needle ( phot os) . If it sticks, tap the noodle inwards first and then pu ll outwards. Do not bend the needle. Where fined . recover the gu ide and spring. 7 If a piston lift ing pin wi l h a external spring is fi n ed. remove the spring retaining c irclip and spring. t hen push the lifting pin upwards 10 remove it . For the co ncealed - spring type , press the pin upwards. detach the c irclip. and withdraw the pin and spring downwards. 8 Support the mo ulded base of the j et, and 100s&l1 the screw retaining the jet pick-up link. 9 Believe the tension of the pick -up lever return spring. and remove screw and brass bush (if fined ). 10 Undo th e brass un ion nut retaining the fl exibl e jet feed pipe to the , L-----' 4 Fi g . 7 .5 Expl od ed v iew of twin H S4 carburettor installat ion ( Sec 7 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bo d y - front Cdrbur,ttor Bod y - rear carburettor Pin Spring Circlip Chamber and piston ass embly Scr ew CilP and damp ers aSlSembly Wash er Sprin g Screw Jet assembly - front carburettor Jet assembly -rear carburettor Jet be aring Wash er S cre w 17 S pring 18 Screw 19 Needle 20 Float chamber 2 1 Washer 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Grommet _ front carburettor Grommet - rear carburettor Washer Plain wilsher Bolt Hoet assem bly Pin Lid - front carburettor Lid - rear carbutettor Wash er Needle ilnd seat assembly Scre w Wilsher Throttle spindle 36 Throttle disc 3 7 Screw 38 Lever - front carburet/o r 39 Lever - rear carburetror 4() Lever 41 Washer 42 Nut 43 Washer 44 Screw 45 Spring 46 Lever and link assemblyfront carburet/or 47 Lever and link assembly rear carburet/or 51 S crew 53 Le ver - front csroorettor 54 Lever - rear certnnenor 55 Spring - front carburet/or 56 S pring - rear carburet/or 57 Spring - front carburettor 58 Sprin g - rear c"rburettor 59 Bolt 60 Tube 61 Wash er 62 Washer 63 Rod 64 Lever and pin aSlSembly front carburettor 65 Lever and pin aSlSemb/y rear carburettor 66 Bolt 67 Washer 68 Nut 69 Lever 70 Bo lt 71 Sp ring washer 72 N ut 19·4 6 31-':::::~J"". 4 5 c nn- 6 Fig . 7 .6 Exploded v iew of HS8 carburettor ( Se c 7 ) 1 Damp er 5 Body 2 3 Suction cm mbfN Sp ring 6 7 Floet cha m ber lid Float 4 Piston 8 Nee dle valve seating 9 Ne edle 10 Float chamber 11 Throttle vaflle spindle 12 Throttle valve 13 Spindle nut 14 Jet IJssemb ly 15 Flexible feed pipe 16 Je t forlc 19-5 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 19 r 7.3/1.. Removing a dampe r fined wit h a retainin g cl i p (arro w ed) 7 ,36 Standard damper 7.4 Removing the suctio n chamber 7.6 A Und o th e lock ing screw ._. 7.68 ... an d w ithdra w the needle 7 ,6C Removing th e spring- loaded type need le 4 7.10 J et feed p ipe remova l from the flo at c hamber 7.1 1A Float chamber remove r floal cham ber ( ph ot o) . 11 U nscrew the bo lt retain ing the floa t cham ber to the ce rbu rertce body. and w it hdraw th e fl oat enamber. Note the locati on of th e adapter bu sh and ( w here fitt ed ) th e fl ex ible rubber mountings (ph ot os) . 12 Slid e the jet from its bear ing ( p hOto) . 13 Unscrew and remove the jet locking nut. together w ith the adj usting nut ( ph ot o). Un screw the adj usti ng nut and separate the sprin g and jet bearing . On HS4C and H$8 carburettors. un screw me clamp screws . 14 geccre the seating po ints of the two ends of the pick -up level retu rn sp ring. Unscrew the lev81 pivot bolt. tog eth er w ith it s do ubl e-c o il spring washer. or space r. Take off th e lever assembl y and retur n spr ing (photo ) . 15 Record th e seati ng of the two ends of th e cam lev er spri ng, and push cut me piv ot bolt tube or tubes. Take care no t to lose the spring . Lift off the cam lever, noting the washer between the two levers. , 6 Reco rd the location of the float chamber lid. U ndo the lid retaining 7.11B Float chamber adapter bush location (arrow ed) screws and take off the l id and its gasket. co mplete w it h flo at assembly ( photo) . 17 Pull out the f loat hinge pin from th e serrated end . and detach the floa t [ p ho to). 18 Extract the float needle from its seat ing and unscrew the seating from the l id , u sing a spanner 0 .338 in (8.58 mm ) across fl ats. 1 9 Shut the thron le and l eeo", th e relative pos ition s of the thron le disc and the cerbure rtor flange. 20 U nscrew t he two disc reta ining screws . Open and ease out the disc from it s slot in the th rottle sp ind le ( ph ot os). The di sc is not round but ov al. and will jam if cere is n ot t ake n. 21 Bend back the tabs of the was her securing the spind le nut. Note the location of the lever arm in relat ion to the sp in dle and carburenor bod y: remov e the nut end arm (p hoto) . 22 Withdraw the spindle (phot o) . 23 For i nstru ction s on cleaning. in specti on and rep air, refer to Chapt er 4 . 19-6 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapte r t 9 7.12 Removin g the jet assembly 7.13 Removing the jel loc king and adjusting nuts 7.14 Pick- up lever removal (except HS8 ) 7.16 Re mov ing the floa t chamber lid 7.17 Float removal '.2 0 A Rem o ve the s c re ws ... 7.20 B ... and lift out th e throttle disc 7.21 Spind le nul removal 7.22 Removing the throttl e spindle 8 Ass e mbly 1 Oil the spindle. then fit it to th e body. Fit the lever arm, new tab washer and spindl e nut . Check that wh en the stop on the lever arm is againsl the abutme nt on the body, the cou ntersunk ends 01the ho les in the spindle face tow ards th e intake end of the carbu rettor. Tighten the spindle nut. and lock with one of the t w o pointed tabs. This enables the tab wa sher to be re -used. Bend th e square tab over t he lever arm. 1 Slide the thro tt le disc int o the slot in the spind le in the same relat ive position marked on d isassembly, and fit two new thrott le screw s. Do nOI l ighten at th is stage. Close the throttle, when the disc w ill centre itself in the bore. Check visually that contact is made between the disc and the bor e throug hout its circumf erence. Check w ith the throttle closed that th ere is clearance betw een the throttle and th e carburertor body_ W ithout moving the disc in th e slo t, t ighten the screw s Bnd spread t he split ends sufficiently to prevent the screws coming und one ( photo). 3 Scr ew the needle valve se a ting into the flo at ch am be r lid. Do not ove rtig hten . Ins e rt the ne edl e into t he seating, and c hec k that the spring -loaded plunger in t he needle opera tes freely. Fit the floal assembly and retem w it h t he hinge pin. Check th at t he float hinges freely. Wit h the float assembly rest ing on the needle valve. check that the gap between th e float lever. or fl oat itself. and the rim of the fl oat chamber lid is between 0 .126 and 0.189 in{3.1 and 4.8 mm) . Use a tw ist drill or length of metal bar to milk e t he check (photo). W tlefe a steel arm is fittl:lCl. adjustment is possible by carefully bend ing t he arm. How ever. where an all-plastic float is finl:lCl. it w ill be necessary to increase or decrease the w asher th ickness un der the needle seat ( photos) . Part 4 SU ca rburetors Chapter 19 19·7 Fig . 7 .7 Floet level setting - $t eel arm type (S ec 8 ) 8.2 Spread ing the throttle disc screw spl it ends Ifll~ Fig . 7 .8 Flo Bt lev e l sett ing - all - plastic t ype (Sec 8) 4 Fit a new f loat chamber lid gasket (do not use joi ntin g compo und) and fit the lid to the tto et Chamber in th e same relati ve position marked on d isassembly . Fit and evenly tig hten the securing screws , Fit the identi ty tag under one of these screws. 5 Fit the float chamber assembly to the carbur etto r body, w ith spacers between the tw o as necessary, Ensure that th e registers on the body and the chamber engage correctly. If the chamb er is flexibly mo unted . te w ith rub ber spacer{s). use new items. Fit and tighten the retain ing bolt but take care ne t to overtighten. 6 Fit Ihe piston lifting pin. spring, new rubber sealing washer (if applicable) end ci rclip to the bod y. 7 Fit the needle to t he piston. Refer to Chapter 5. Fig 55. (where a rigid needle is lined) and ti ght en the screw to secure. Where a spri ng-loaded needle is fined. locate the spring on the needle collar and insert them in the pis ton . In sert the g uide so that it is flu sh wi th the lowe , surface of the pislon, and wi th the slot aligned w ith the locking screw hole. The small elc h-mal1c. must also be located between the two vacuum transfer holes Insert end tig hten the lock.ing screw. 8 Check the pisto n key for security in the carburettcr body ( photo ). 9 Fit the jet bearing. washer and loc king nut. Do not tigh ten th e nut . 10 Temporarily fit the jet assembly in the jet bearing . with the fl exibl e feed pipe locat ed in the flo at chamber o utlet. Push the j et full y upwards (photo). then carefully loca te the pisto n and needle in th e upper end of the body . and push downwards. This w ill centralise the jet. and the jet locking nut may then be tig htened. Remov e both the pisto n and jet. 11 Fit the spring and jet adjust ing nut to the j et bearing . Fit the gland. washer and ferrul e to the flexible pipe ( ii remov ed). Check that the end of the tube projects at least 0.188 in ( 4.8 mm) beyo nd the gland. 83A Checkin g the float level 4 ,. 8 _3 B Bencll ng t he steel fl oat ann 19·8 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 19 '" - = 8.3C All-pla stic fl oat. needle and float cha mber lid 8.8 Piston key (arrow ed) 8.10 Top view of t he jet (1} and jet bearing (2) 8.12 Fitting th e suction chamb er Lightly smear petrol eum jelly on the ol,ltside of the jet and insert into the bearing. Insert the feed pipe into th e fl oat cham ber outl et. and tighten the union nut until the neopr ene gland is compr essed (w hen the pipe will be held fir mly in the outlet ). Do not overtighten. as th is can cause leakage il nd possibly stripped threads in the fl oat chamber. 12 Fit the pisto n assem bly to the body. laking care not to damage the need le. Fit the piston s pring to the pist on rod. Ughtly o il t he o utside of th e piston rod. and fit th e suctio n chamber in the same relative posit io n as malt ed on d isassembly (photo). Fit and evenly tighte n the re taining screws . 13 Top up th e piston rod with oil as dEl$C1"ibed in $e(:tion 9. paragrap h 7. then tit and t igh ten th e damper rod . Wh erl a retainin g cli p is tin ed . hol d the piston in its raised position whi le inserting th e damper rod. and press the cli p firm ly into the top of the pisto n rod. 14 Assemb le th e pick-u p lever. cam lever. cam lever spring, w ash&!" and pi vot bo lt tube (s). Place the lever return spring in position over the boss , and fit the link age assembly to the carburertor body with the pivo t bolt. Ensure th at t he d ouble-co il spring washer or speeee (alternative part) fit s over th e pro ject ing end of the pivot bolt tube. Register th e angl ed end of th e lever ret urn spri ng in th e groove in th e pick-up lever, and hook the oth er end of the spring around the mo ulded peg on the carburett cr bod y. Fit the brass ferr ule to t he hole in the Ind of th e pick- up lever. Relieve the torsio n of t he return spring, and fit the link to the jet wi th its retaini ng screw. Fit the baffle pl ate to the float ch amber vent pipe. Fig . 7.9 Damper reta in in g c lip fitted in the p iston rod ( Sec 8 ) 19 -9 Part 4 SU carb uretors Chapter 19 9 Tuning N ot e; Refer to ChiJp ter 3 for notes on l unin g, with particular reference to preliminary procedures Single carburettor installations 1 Set the throttl e adju sting screw . Warm th e eng ine up to norm al operating temperature, th en sw itc h off. Unscrew the throttl e adjust ing screw un ti l it is j ust touching its stop. and the t hrott le is shut Set th e throt tl e adj usting screw 1 1/2 turn s open. Ensure that th e fast id le screw is clear of th e fast idle cam. 2 Set th e jet height. M ark the components for correct reassembly, and remov e th e suction chamb er and piston. Disconnect th e mixture control w ire. Screw up th e jet adj usting nut (or screw on HS4C carburett ors) until th e jet is flush w ith th e brid ge of the carburetto r (or fully up if t his posruon cannot be atta ined) . Refit the piston and suction ch amber, Check that th e piston fall s freely onto the bridge wh en th e li ft ing pin is released. 3 Set th e jet adj usting nut/screw. Screw down the jet adjusting nut/ screw t w o turn s on non -t amperproot type carburett ors. or thr ee turns on tamperproo fed oarbc rertors. 4 Set t he idle speed. Start the engine. and adjust t he thr ottle adju sting screw to g ive the desired idle speed. Turn the jet adj usting nu t/screw up to we aken, or down to nchen, unti l the fastest id le speed, con sist ent w ith even running, is obt ained. Re- adju st th e throttl e adju sting sc-ew to give t he correct idl e speed if necessary 5 Ch eck the m ixtu re str engt h (CO content ). as describ ed in Ch apter 17, Sect ion 9. 6 Connect and set the m ixtu re contro l wir e. Connect th e mix ture control w ire w ith about 0.0625 in (1 .6 mm) free movem ent before it starts to pull on the jet level. Pull th e choke knob at th e facia until th e li nkage is about to move the carburettor jet op erating arm, and adju st th e fast idle screw to give an idle speed of about 1000 rpm wh en th e eng ine is hot, Return t he chok e knob, and check that th ere is some clearance between the fast idle screw and the thrott le stop. 7 Fill the damper. Finally top up the pisto n damper with the engine oil. unt il the level is 0 .5 in (1 3mm) below the top of th e hollow piston rod. On no n-dustproofed carburettors (i dentif ied by a vent hol e in the piston damper top ). the oil level sho uld be 0.5 in (1 3mm) above th e top of the hollow piston rod. Multiple carburettor installations 8 Refer to Chapter 17, Sec tion 9, bu t ignore references to thermosta t ic carbur et to rs. O n H S8 c arb urettor s, a jet adjusting sc rew is provided instead of an adjustmen t nut. Throttle adjusti ng screw Piston lifting pin Jet loc king nut Fast idle adjust ing screw Jet adjusting nut Fi g . 7.11 Jet height adj ust ment ( Sec 9 ) In sets show cross-section of upp er oert of Jet. and Jet adJusting nut Fig . 7.10 H S c erburetto r adjustme nt po i nt s ( Sec 9 ) 4 Fig. 7 .12 U si ng an airflow balancing meter on a tw in H S c arb u re tto r inst allati o n (Sec 9) 20-0 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 Type HIF Contents Sec tion Sec tion Assembly ,", . Aut omat ic stilrting unit (ASU - tw in cerburettc-s) - testmq. remover. overhaul and ref illing .....................•... Cold start enric hment dev ices . D isassembly . . . Floal chamber assemb ly Full y automatIc start ing device ( FASD - tw in carbur ettors ) c hecking and adjustment ......................•..•.••.•.•••.••••....... 1 '0 11 5 9 . 2 ~ 12 Introd uc t ion The Type HIF (Ho rizo ntal Integral Float Cha mber ) c.arburenor is the most recent development of t he SU instrument w orking o n tbe constant-vacuum princ ip le. It has been designed primarily to meet the requi rements of exhaust emission control carburat io n systems. Functionally similar to previou s types . the Instrument uses th e variab le choke/ constant depression princip le 10 achieve the precise mixture ratio required to contr ol th e toxic elements of exhaust emissio n to w ith in statutory requ irements. It diffe rs from previ ous ty pes in tha t add itiona l mixture requi red for cold starting is sup plied separately to that from the main jet. It is manu factu red in the larger sizes only; HIF4, HI F6 and HIF 7 being 1.5 in. 1.75 in and 1.875 in throttle bore di ameters, respecti vely. Metr ic eq uivalents of the ' .5 in and 1.75 in Fully automati c starting device ( FA.SO - tw in carburettors ) removal. overhaul and refin ing Introd ucti on . J et assembly . . M ixture control Operation . _ PiSlon and needle . Special overhaul procedures Tuning , 13 4 3 . 7 . 6 . 8 . 14 diameters are 38 mm and 44 mm respectively. hence th !! HI F38 and HI F44 types. The oth er characteristic feature of the unit is the absence 01 a separate float chamber. The f loat and inlet valv e mechanism are COnt ained in a hou sing underneath th e carbur ettor body. giving the unit a d istirn.:tive appearance. This housin g also conta ins a temper ature- sensitive dev ice w hich alters the main jet position in relation to the metering needl e. th ereby automatically adj usting Ihe mixtu re rat io to com pensate for changes in fu el viscos ity due to chan ges in f uel temperatu re (see Chapt er 1). This enables the carb urett or to maintain a very accurate mixture ratio con trol over a range of operat ing condit ions . A.n overrun valv e is incorporated in the th rottl e d isc on some versions, to lim it th e depression wh en the thr ottl e is closed dur ing decelerati on. 20-1 Part 2: Chapter 8 Type HIF 2 Fl oat chamber assembly The float cham ber, incorpo rated in the body cast ing below the choke bo re, is sealed by a remov able cover plate and rubber gasket . It ho uses 'it mou ld ed plastic float hinged upon a pivot screwed int o the w all of the hous ing , a spring-loaded needle valve assembly, and the jet operating mechanism . On ASU versions , t he cov er plate form s the lin k base for t he ASU . On FASD versions, a plastic pic k-up tu be cha nne ls f uel from the fl oat chambe r 10 the FASD . 3 Mixture contro l The mechan ism consists of a right- angl ed adj usting lever riveted t o a bi -metal blade, the end of wh ich engages w ith t he base of the jet assembly. The lever is fl exibly secured 10 the bod y by a spr ing - loaded screw. and is adj usted by the jet adju stin g screw in contact wi th one of its limbs . Screw ing in and out (from ou tsi de) of the jet adjusting screw lowers and raises the jet respectively. g iving a fine degree of mixt ure control. At any posit ion of th is lever, t he bi -m etal assembly has an overr id ing control functi on. and will com pensate for variation in fuel viscosity due to temperature changes. No te that Ihe height of the jet is not adjus ted far cold start cond itions. I his function bei ng performed by a separate device. Once the jet he ig ht has been set, no fu rther adj ustment is necessary and to frustrate attempted tampering , provis ion is made far fining a sealing pl ug in the adl uSlIflg screw t apped hol e. , Fig . 8 .1 H IF ce rbu re rr c r f l oa t chamber layout ( S ec 2 ) 1 2 3 4 5 Bi 'fmn aflic assembly Floaf Je t head Je t ddjvsting (mixtvre) screw Jet assembl y The [et assembly differs from prev ious ty pes ch iefl y in respect of it s redundancy in co ld start co nditions. It also differs considerably in construction, being of alumi niu m allo y and not brass. and has a separate pressed -in brass ori fice fo rmi ng the jet proper Th e integral plastic moul din g at its lo w er end forms an inl et for fuel , an articul ated con nection fo r th e end of th e bi -m etal jet lever (w hich con trols its height) , a step to limit its upward movement and a means of ident ifica tion (of right or left -hand interconnecti on, see Fig . 8 .2) . The size of t he jet (0 .090 in or 0.10 in) is giv en by the absenc e or presence of a machined groove at the to p of th e jet tube. The length of th e jet elsa varies according to the carb urett c r ty pe. The jet assembl y is not rep airabl e, and must be replaced by a new part complete if damaged. 5 c over - - -N 2 Fi g . 8 .2 Jet identification ( Sec 4 ) Jet head - blaCk/ right ·hand conn ection. whitelleft ·hand connection 2 J et assembly 3 Jet size identification - no gr oove/ 0 09 in, one gr oo ve/ O 70 in Dimens ion X - ' .5 in lor HI F 416 cerburettots, 7.3 in for HI F 7 cafbufettors u {), G Co ld sta rt enrichment d evi ces Add it ional mix tur e requir ed for co ld starting is sup plied by a separate cold start valve and is independent of the main jet. The cold start valve consists of a starte r valve body. a valve spindle w hich rota tes thro ugh a lim ited arc w it hin it and an O-ring and v . sear to seal the valve body in its ho using . and to seal th e valve spindle in the valve bod y, respect ively. A met al seal cover is fitted to prevent damage to the v - seer. The assembly is fi n ed into a bored- out housing in the side of the ceeburertcr, and is oper ated by a lever and a retu rn spring . The valve body has a hole drilled th ro ugh its w all which is linked, vi a th e annular space in th e housing bore, w ith a fuel supply passage. A n air bleed hole breaks Into this passage abov e the fue l level (controll ed by float). The spind le is holl ow. and is linked to th e passage w hic h term inates in the cerburettor m ix ing Chamber at the back of the br idge. A hole in the wall of the spindle corresponds with that in the valve body w hen the spind le is in a certain position. At each side of the ho le is a tape ring . mach ined groove. Th e varying depth of this gro ove gives a progress ive thr ott ling effect as the spindle is turn ed to different pos it io ns. On manua l choke versions , the cold start device is ope rated by cab le, and increased engi ne speed is obta ined by a fast id le cam, wh ich part ially opens the throttle valv e. On th e later electronic ty pe carbur en c -s. the col d start device is opera ted electrically by a stepper motor, in con junction w ith a computerised con trol unit. On some twin carbu ren or eng ines. th e previou sly - described cold 9 6 3 4 7 8 Bi -meta/fic assembly fetaining SCfew Float pivot SCfew Fvel inlet Needle valve z jjj 4 " Fig . 8 .3 Co l d start en r ic hm ent dev ice ( S ec 5 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 End sedl cover End sui Starter valve body a ·ring Valv" spindle Fuel svpply Air bleed 8 9 Fuel delivery to j et bridg e Comm encement of enrichment 10 Maximum enrichment 11 Enrichm ent out let 12 Fuel flo w throvgh valve 20-2 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 start device is not fined to either carburettor, but a separate device , I 1Il!IY'~ , supplies a rich mixture eutometicenv dur ing the engine starting and warm- up period . 6 ~, Piston a nd need le 8 The spt'ing-loaded needle assembly is secured in the piston by the needle lock ing screw . A flanged collar at th e lOP of the need le bears against a protrusion on th e needle guide. wh ic h tilts it under t he action of the s pring . Th e need le is thu s biased towards a parti c ular position in the jet either tcew erds Of backw ards dependi ng upo n design 01needle guid e (location of prol rusion ) . An erched alignment mali; on th e undersid e of the needle guide ensu res correct assembly. The mark must be between t he transfer holes. 7 " "" " Opera ti o n Cold starting W ith the choke control ( on th e car's instru ment panel) pulled fully out, the cold start valve is rOtated to its fully open posit io n. w hen th e hol e in the inner spindl e align s w ith the hole in the valve bod y. provid ing a mall imum free area for fu el flow . The fuel level in the feed passeqe is below th e air bleed. and t here is no fl ow of fuel until a depression is generated in th e m illing chamber of the carburettc r. - Fig . 8 .4 Pist o n and needle compon ent s ( Sec 6) , 2 3 4 Piston rod Transfer holes Jet needls N ee dle spong 5 6 7 8 Needle g uide Locking screw Nee dle biased in jet Etch -mar* Fig . 8. 5 D iagram of HIF ca rbu retto r operati on ( Sec 7 ) 1 2 3 4 Damper and oil rsservoir Atmosphere pressure POrt Needle end jet Bi-metal jet le ver 5 6 7 Piston Vacuum transfer holes Midure enrichment port 8 Throttle valve 9 B yp ass idle port 10 Flo Bl A Atmospheric pressure B Continuous depression C Manifold depression 20-3 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 W hen t he depression Is gen enrted by t urni ng over the eng ine (on the starter meter). fu el is drawn up o ut of the feed passage. and mixes w ith air drawn through the air bleed to form an emulsion in the ann ulus surrounding the valve ecev. The mixt ure fl ows throug h the port in the valve bod y. throu gh th e co rrespo ndi ng ho le in the inner spind le. through the hollow spin dle. and is discharged in to the mixing chamber of the cerberertce. Gradual return of the choke co ntrol to its fu lly home posit ion results in a eorrespond ing progressive reduct ion in rich- mi xtu re Quantity delivered. As the main air valve ( piston) w ill also have ope ned when the e ng ine tired . the net mixt ure str ength w ill a lso weaken. On electronic type cil rburettors (denoted ev an T suffix ) . the col d start device is operated electrically by a stepper motor. A co mpu te rised co ntr ol unit ( ECU - electronic control unit) receives sig nals from t he eng ine coolant thermistor. air tempera tur e senso r. accelerator pedal and ig nition con. and from this information comput es the corr ect choke pos ition. Using electrical impulses. the stepper motor is moved t o its co rrect position w ithin a 12 0· arc. the first 40" opera ting the fast idl e cam only. Th e system also incorporates a vac uum valve to furtl"ler enrich th e mixture on eccelecauc n during eng ine w arm-up. On some twin cerburenoe installati ons. as FASD ( ful ly auto matic start ing dev ice) is attached to the sid e of one of the carburenors. and draws its fuel from the cerburettor float cham ber. A ir is supplied t o th e top of the unit from the air Clean er mounted on t he carburettors. A start er jet w ith tapered mete ring need le supplies the fu el. A sprin g- loaded a;r valv e is located in th e air inlet. and rna.,. be opened by man ifold vacuum through a delay valve . The bi·metall ic vacuum delay valve is fi ned between the FASD and carbu rettor. It prevents the air valve open ,ng during eng ine crank ing . and so provi des a rich mixture fo r starting . When the eng ine starts. a com puterised co ntr ol module supplies Current t o the vacu um del ay valve. w hich then opens the air valve to supply suffic ienl air for the eng ine to run . The air/ fuel mixture through the FA SD is controlled by the shut-off valve and starter jet, al"ld since the valve is connected di rectl y to the tapered mete ring needle. th e mi xture volume may be prog ressively reduced by moving the two components downwards. The valve move ment is con troll ed by a wax capsule in con tact w ith the engine coo lant, and in addition. th e vacuum on the eng ine sid e of the FASO helps t o close t he valve. Whe n norma l eng ine tempera t ure is reached . the shut- of! valv e wi ll have complete ly shut. and norma l air / fuel mi xt ure will be supp lied by th e twin carburettors al one. An alternative to the FASD is the A SU (aut orneuc starting un it ). whic h is also fined to one cerbu rett or of a twin carb urettor installati on. Th is uni t fu nctio ns in a sim ilar manner to the AE D [ automatic enr ic hmen l device ) described in Chapter 9. except th at it is attached to the bo ttom of the carb urertcr instead of be ing separate with it s own fuel supply. FuJI throttle With the eng ine at normal runnin g t emperature and the cold start valve (w here f ,tt ed) out of act ion . the carhurettcr w ill funct ion as a no rmal H· Type unit mixt ure Quantity and strengt h delivered being dependent upon the interacti on of th e th rottle opening, the man ifold depression an d the fu el needl e jet relati onshi p. A cceler8tio n Tempor ary enrichment for accelerat ion is pro vi ded by the resistance to upward movement of th e pist on, caused by the hy draul ic damper. It is sing le-acting , and has no eff ect on downward movement allowi ng th e p,st on to respo nd immedia tely duri ng dece leration. Overrun An overrun COndit io n occurs wh en the vehicle is 'driv ing th e englOe', lor example. when descen ding a hill w ith the throttle closed. In this condition, ~ry high manifold depress ion is produced. w hich is not con ducive to efficient 'clean' com bustion. The maximum depression is gove med on some versions by the operat ion of a spri ng- loaded pla te velve in th e throttle d isc. wh ich opens at a predet ermin ed value to admn air into Ih e mi xing chamber. and thus li mit the depressio n. Idling Wh en idl ing . the mixture is conducted throu gh a small bo re passagew ay belo w the 'fl oor" of the main choke bore , to emerge at a poi nt adjacent to t he bott om edge of th e t hronle plate. where a cut - out ... 6 4. eee (') 0 0 Fig . 8.6 Diagram o f typi c al e lectronic tY pe H IF ce rburett o r ( Se c 7 ) 7 2 3 4 Carbvre tror Fvel Shift -off valve M TJt1vre control stepper motor Vacvvm switch 5 6 7 Electronic control vnit Igniti on coil Ambient air temperatvre sensor 8 9 High engine tempefiltvre wern ing lamp Engine temperatvre ga vge 10 A ccelerator p edal switch 11 Coolant temperatvre th ennistor 20-4 IJ-lJ=TY-7 1 2 5 8 H ,12842 Fig. 8 .7 Cross -sec t ion o f t he FASD ( Sec 7 ) 1 Vacuum controlled air valve 2 Shut- off vafve 3 4 Start er jet Tape/ad m etering needl, 5 Vacuum delay valve 6 Bi· m elallic strip 7 8 Needle carrier vecuom.ooeatea acc elerator pump Fig . 8 .8 BVp ass idle system ( Sec 7 ) -/-----(3 Outlet st throttle valve 3 Cold start enriChmen t outlet 4 Jet br idg e Slot in piston 20-5 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapt er 20 is formed. This results in the mixture velocttv being considerably higher than if it were ind uced normally, due to the much smaller cross sectional area, wit h more complete atom ization of the mixture, particul arly at the local hig h depression at the thrott le plate cut-out. may be fitted . This screws into the float chamber, and should be removed periodically for cleaning. 9 Disassembly Fuel temperat ure variation At all phases of c peraton described above, the precise m ixture ratio is a lso s u bject to th e heigh t of th e ma in jet, wh ich is controlled by the fu el temperat ure compensator. W ith increasing fuel temperature the jet is raised, and with decreasing temperature it is low ered. Thus the var iati on in fu e l flow whi ch w o uld no rmally ensue as a result of the c hange of v iscosity is compensated for by an inverse and proport ional cha nge of annular fuel fl ow area, and the actua l flow is mainta ined at a con stant value. 8 Specia l overhau l p roc ed u r es Refer to Chapter 4. 2 Service and repair kits are gene rally availab le under SU part num bers, accor ding to vehicle model. One gasket pack is available for all HIF oa rburettors, under the part number A UE 82 1S. The'S' suffix ind icates th at thr ottl e plate screws 'are incl uded. 3 The t hrottle dia meters app licab le to the carbu rettor models are as foll ows: Carburettor model HIF4 HIF6 HIF7 HIF38 HlF 44 Throttle diameter 1 1/2" 13/4" 1 7/8" 38.0 mm (1 .50 in ) 44 .0 mm (1.73 in ) 4 On some HI F carburettors . and in part icular on the HI F38 fitt ed to some Aus tin M etro 1.0 H LE models, a carburettor vent filter assembly Thoroughly clean the exter ior of the cerburertor . 2 On electronic type cerbu rettcrs, remove the vacuum sw itch by leverin g it from t he moun t ing bracket. Remove the sealing washer from the short stub pipe ( photos) . 3 On electronic type carburettors. unscrew the three retaini ng screws and remove the fuel shut-off valve and soleno id assembly ( photos) . Recover t he gasket. 4 Unscrew the damper rod from the suction chambe r (photo). On Turbo versions, first unscrew t he securing clamp. On some versions it w ill be necessary to pull the gu ide clip fr om the top of the piston rod ( Fig. 8.11 ). Drain the oil from the piston rod. If necessary. the valve may be removed fro m the damper rod after extract ing the spr ing clip (ph oto). 5 Unscrew th e three retaining screws and raise the suction chamber. At the same time. lift the piston and w ithdraw the assembly from the carburett or bod y, tak ing care no t to damage the meteri ng needle (photos). 6 On the ball -bear ing ty pe suct ion chamber. push up the pisto n, then extract the c irclip from the top of the piston rod (p h oto) . 7 W it hdraw th e piston and spring from the suction chamber ( photo) . 8 Unsc rew the need le gu ide lock ing screw and w ithdraw the need le, guide and spring from the pi ston ( photos) . 9 If necessary. remove the screw and piston guide from the carbure rtcr body (photo) . 10 W here applicable, remove the FASD from the side of the carburettor, w ith reference to Sect ion 13. 11 W here applicable, remove the AS U from t he bottom of the ca rbu retto r. with reference to Section 11. 12 Except on ASU versions, mark the relations hip of the float chamber 4 9 .2A Using a screwdriver to prise the vacuum sw itch. 9.28 ... from the mou nting bracke t 9.3A Extract the screws. 9.3 8 ... and remove the fue l shut-off valve and solenoi d assemb ly (gasket arrowed ) 9.4A Removing th e damper rod 9.48 Dismantled damper rod valve 20-6 Part 4 SU carbureto rs Chapter 20 cover to the carb uretto r bod y. Unscre w the four retain ing screws and lift off the cover, then remove the O-ring seal ( photos). 13 Unscrew the jet adjust ing leve r retain ing sc rew and w ithd raw the jet and adjusting lever assembly. Disengage th e j et from th e lever ( ph ot os). 14 W here an FASD is fitted, t um the pick-u p elbo w awa y from the fl oat ( ph oto). ' 5 Unscrew th e floa t pivot screw and lih out th e fl oat ( photos). Discard the screw seal. 16 Remove the float needle, th en unscrew the need le valve seal from the base of the carb urettcr. Wh ere applicable. separate th e fi lter from the seat ( ph oto s) . 17 Unscrew the j et bearin g locking nut and w ithdraw th e jet bearing. Recover th e was her {ph ot os) . 18 Remove the circlip from the low er end of the piston lifting pin. recover the spr ing and wi thdraw the pin. 19 Note t he locati on of th e thr ottle return spring and levers, Unscrew the nu t after bend ing up the tabs, and remove the w ashers. levers and return spring ( phot os). 20 Note wh ich way round the throttle disc is fitted , then carefully unscrew the retaining screws . Slide t he disc from the slot in the spindle (ph oto) . 21 Remove t he thrott le spind le and the spindle seals (ph otos) . 22 Thi s com pletes th e d ismantli ng proced ure on all but manual choke versions. On th e electron ic t yp e carburett or. do not atte mpt to remove th e mixtu re con tro l steppe r moto r as it is set dur ing manuf acture. and may not operate cor rectly if d istur bed. Note also t hat the steppe r mot or is a low-voltage un it. and mu st not be con nected to a 12 -v olt supply. It is not possib le to obtain a new stepper motor, so if it is proved faulty, the comp lete carburettor must be renewe d. 23 On manual choke carburertcrs , note ho w th e spring is attac hed to the fast idl e cam lever ( photo ). Bend back the locktebs, th en unscrew the nut and remove th e w asher. 24 Ho ld th e ret urn spring against th e main bod y. and use a screw driver to prise the cam lever from th e end of th e co ld start spi ndle. Remove th e spring , 25 Remove th e end cover and sp indle seat. 26 Remove th e two screws and w ithdraw th e retain ing plat e, co ld 9.5A Extract the screws . 9.58 ... and wi thdraw the suctio n chamb er and p isto n assembly 9.6 Removin g th e clrcuc from th e top of th e pi ston rod on th e ball -bearing type suct ion cham ber 9.7 Separating th e pi ston and sprin g from the suct io n c hamber 9.8A Un screw the needl e gui de lock ing screw {arrowed } . 9.8B ... and withdraw th e needle. gu ide and spring 9,9 Pisto n gu ide (arrow ed) 9.12A Remov ing th e fl oat chamber cove' screws IYVflf 1AI UIIIV VVU ===b = # --~C . •• 9.8C Piston and suctio n chamber components 9.12 8 O- ring seal (arrow ed) on the ftl;)at chamber cover 9.13A Remove the screw and sprin g ••• 9.138 ... and w ithdraw the jet and adjusting lever assembly 9.13C J et seoereted from the adjusting lever 9.14 Pick-up elbow (arrowed ) fin ed to an FASD-eq uipped carbur ettor 9.15A Unscrew the float pivot screw ... - .,. 9.158 ... and litt out the float 9.16A Remov ing the float needle 9.16 8 Removin g th e needle valve seat 9.16C Needle valve seat and ftOilt needle 9.17A J et bearing and lock ing nut locati on. Note inner tip of m ixt ure adjustm ent screw ( arrow ed) 9.17 8 Remov ing t he jet bearing and locking nut 4 9.17C Locking nut separated from jet bearing 9.19A Thrott le return spring (arrowed) 9.19 6 Throttle lever components 9 ,20 Thrott le disc removal --""""~ • 9.21 B Throttl e spind le and seal (arrowed) • .-J. 20-9 ---t " - 8' 23- 25----- . :~--1 , 5- - " - - .....,. ~ - 39 38 ij 7 I " "'I I "," ,I I I $ I I @~ t)~~~ '------'i ., ( .. " 46 _ 4 Fig . 8 .9 Explo d ed v iew of manual choke HI F cerburert c r fo r t win ca rbu rettcr installation ( Sec 9 ) t Jet bearing wa sher ' 5 Float n eedle 30 Needle guide 2 Jet bearing 16 Flo at 3 1 Piston spring 3 Jet bearing nut Jet Bssembl y Lif ting pin Lifting pin spring Circ/ip 77 Float pivot 4 5 6 7 32 Needle retaining screw 33 Needle spring 8 A dj usting screw Jell l 9 Jet ad;usting screw 10 S i· metallic je /lever 11 J et spring 12 Jet retaining screw 13 NHdla se, t WISher (if required) 14 Float needle 18 Pivot seal 19 Float chamber covet seal 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Float cham ber covel S pring washer Cover screw Piston damper Damper washer S uction chamber Chamber screw Iden lfly tag Piston J et n eedle 34 Throttle sp indle seil{ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Throttle disc screws Throttle sp indle Throttle disc Throttle sp indle seal Throttle ac tuating le ver Fut idle screw and nut Throttle lever Throttle adju sting screw ilnd nu' 43 Tab washer 44 Ret aining nut 45 Throttle spring 46 Bod y 4 7 Cold stert seal 48 Cold start sp indle 49 O-ring 50 Cold stsn body 5 1 S p indle seal 52 End cover 53 Retaining plate 54 Cold start spring 55 R etaining screw 56 Fast idl e cam 57 Tab w asher 58 Retaining nut 20-10 , _. ~ I - 3 '- ·- 1 4 I I ' ,_ I I~~ ~9 D '_I! ~ 7 8 i If I- Slt--{5 ~ r: I - -' O ® , ~~i""",,'-- 5l i 11 I 37 Fig . 8 .1 0 Exp loded v iew o f e le ctron ic t ype HI F car b urettor (S e c 9) 1 Piston damper 2 Ci,cfip 3 Suction chamber 4 Pi ston 5 Pisto n spring 6 Locking screw 7 N eedle bias spring 8 Me tering n eedle 9 Needle guide 10 Throttle adju sting screw 11 12 13 14 15 16 G-ring Mixture adjusting screw Fuel shut-off valve housing Fue! sh ut -oft valve solenoid Throttle return spring Throttle spindle seal 17 Throttle disc 18 Throttle spindle 19 Cerburettor body 20 Vacuum tub es 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bracket Vacuum switch Mixtur e control st epper Stepper motor O-rings J et bearing J et bearing nut Jet assembly Needle valve seal Needle Bi-metal Jet lever 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Fl oat J et retaining screw O -ring Float chamber co ver Throttle return spring Lost motion link Throttle fev er adjustment screw 38 Throttle fever 39 Fast idle adJustment screw 20-11 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 H.1U 40 Fi g . 8.11 Pi ston damper g u id e c lip position ( Sec 9 ) start body, and gasket ( pho t os). 27 Remo ve the O·riny fro m the end of th e cold start spind le, and w ithdraw the spindle from th e mai n body. Remove the col d start seal ( photo) . 28 For instructions on cleaning . inspe<:tion and repa ir, refer to Chapte r 4. 9.23 Fast idl e cam -> 9.26A Remove the screws ( arrow ed) ... 9.26 B ... and withdraw the col d start body assembl y 9.27 Dismantled cold start assembly 10 Assembl y M anual choke cerborettors 4 1 On manu al choke cartcrencrs. tcce re the col d start seal in the main bod y w it h the cut -out uppermost. 2 Insert the col d start spind le with its hole uppermost. then fit the new O -ring. 3 Fit the cold start body w ith t he cu t -o ct uppermost followed by the retain ing plate with the slotted flange facing the thr on le spindle location. Use a new gasket, then insert and tig hten th e retain ing screws. 4 Fit the spin dle seat and end cove r, fo llowi ng by the spring, cam Fever, loc kwas her and nut. Ma ke sure that the spring is cor rectly engaged, the n tighten th e nut and bend over the Iocktabs to lock. All carburett ors 5 On all carbu rett or types. fit t he seal t o the throttl e spi nd le. then lig htly oil th e spindle and insert it into the main bod y. Press th e outer seal into th e recess in th e main body. 6 Slide th e thrott le d isc into the spindle slot in its previously -noted pos it ion ( pho l o ) . Close th e th rott le and insert the screws . hOWllVlIf do not ti g hten the screws at this stage. 7 Fit the throttle return spring. Ievl:mi and w ashers in t heir Pfeviously·noted pcsuons. and tig hten the nut . Bend the tabs oYllf th e nut to lock it. Make sure th at the return spring is correctly located . 8 Slightly open the throttl e. and allow it to snap shut several times in order t o cenneuse the disc. Also move the spind le laterally, t o 10 .6 Inserting th e t hrottle d isc 20-12 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 10.14 Checki ng the float lev el dimensio n determi ne its central posit io n. Fit new thr ottle disc screw s and tighten them , t hen open the th rott le and spread the screw ends sufficientl y to lock the m. 9 Inse rt th e piston lih ing pin in the main bo dy. locate th e sp ring, a nd fit the cim' ;p. 10 l ocate the wash er on the jet bearing , in sert t he bearing in the main body, and secure by tig htening t he loc king nut '1 Fit the filt er 10 the needle valve seat. Insert and tighten th e needle valve seal in the bas e of the cerburettor. locate t he float needle in the seat. 12 Locate t he fl oat in t he carburertor; then fit a new seal to t he pi vot sc rew, and insert an d tig hten th e sc rew . 13 wnere fitted . turn th e FASD pick -u p elbo w towards too float. 14 With the cerbu rerto r inverted, allo w t he troet to close the needle valv e under its ow n w eight. M eaure the di stance from the centre of the ucet to the face of th e main body, as shown in Fig. 8_12. The distance shoul d be 0 .04 0 to 0.060 in (1 02 to 1.52 mm) . A steel ru le and vern ier cali pers may be used to check the d istance (p hoto) . No te that it wi ll be necessary to reco rd th e width of the rul e and ded uct th is from the overall d istance. If adju stment is necessary, carefully bend the brass co ntact arm on t he float as required. 15 Engage the jet w it h the cut -cut in th e adjusting lever, ensuring t hat the jet head moves freely Position the jet in the jet bearing and , at the same time, engage the slot in the adjust ing lever with the protr ud ing ti p of the mixture adj ustment screw. Secure the assembly with the retai ni ng screw and spring. 16 Except on ASU ver1Iions, frt a new O-ring seal to the float chamber cover. Fit the cover with th e previo usly · made marks aligned, and secure w it h the four retain ing screws. 17 Where applicable. refit the A SU to the bottom of the cerburencr. w ith reference to Section 11. 18 Where appli cable. relit th e FASD to the side of t he ca rb urettor; w ith reference to Sect ion 13. 19 Refit the pisto n guide , and secure w it h the screw . 20 Refit th e piston needle, spring and gu ide to th e piston , ensurin g that the guide is fl ush w ith the underside of the piston , and the guide slot alig ned w ith the locking screw location. Wh ere appl icab le. t he triangu lar etch- mark on the gu ide should be between the two vacuum transfer holes in the piston . Refit and t ighten th e lock ing screw. 2 1 Temporar ily refit the piston and suctio n chamber to t he carb urettor bod y w ithout the spring. Engage the piston in its guide . and. w ith th e suct ion chamber in its co rrect posit ion relative to th e retain ing screws, marl<. the piston-to-suction chamber relatio nship w ith a penci l. Remove the piston and suction chamber. 22 Fit the spring to the piston, aiign the previo usly-ma de marks, and slide th e sucti on chamber over th e pi ston and spring. Avoid t urni ng th e piston in the suction ch amber, oth erw ise the spring will be wo und up. 23 On the ball -bearing type sucti o n chamber, push t he piston up and refit t he circnp to t he piston rod. 24 Refit th e piston and suction chamber assembly, tak ing care no t to damage the metering needle. Insert and tigh ten the three retaining screw s. 25 Assemble the valve to the damper"rod , and fi t the spring cli p. 26 Fill the pisto n rod With o il. On standard suction chambers (i e without a damper rod guide clip , or upper circli p on the piston rod ). the level must be 0. 5 in (13 mm) abo ve the top of th e hollow pisto n rod. On ball -bearing suct io n c hambers w it h a dam per rod guide clip, the level should be at the bottom of the guid e clip. On ball -bearing suction chambers w ith a circ lip on the top of the piston rod, th e level should be 0.2 5 in (6,5 mm) below th e top of th e hol low piston rod , 27 Insert and tighten the damper rod and, w here applicable, press th e guide cl ip tntc th e top of the piston rod at th e same time. On Turbo version s. ref it and ti ghten the damper securing clamp. 28 On the electronic type cerburetror, fit the fuel shu t -ott valve and solenoid assembly. together with a new gasket Insert and tigh ten th e three retain in g screws . 29 On the electronic ty pe carburettor . fi t the sealing washer to the short stub pipe on the vacuum sw itch . Press the sw itch into position on the mounting bracket . 11 Automatic st art in g unit (ASU - twin carbu r ettors) testi n g , rem ov al . overhau l and r efitting Tesc;ng 1 Should it be suspected that th e ASU is not operating correctly, carry out the following test 2 Remove the air cleaner, and check thaI the A SU outlet hose is A / H.12841 Fig . 8.12 Check ing the float le vel d i m ens io n ( Sec 10 ) A .. 0,040 to 0.060 in (1 .02 to 1,52 mm ) Fig. 8.1 3 Pi st o n damper oil l evel ( Sec 10 ) A Stenderd suction chamber 8 8 al/ h earing suction chamber 20-13 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapte r 20 secure and that the fu el level in the carburenor with the ASU ettecbed is correct. 3 Remove the A SU air filler and intake hose aft er loosening th e tw o clips. 4 Wit h the eng ine cold . start t he engi ne for five seconds. th en sw itch off. 5 Disconnect the outl et hose and chec k that th e A SU cc uet port is mciet w ith fuel. If not. refit the out let hose. partially block the inlet POrt. and start t he engine for a fu rther fiv e seconds on ly. 6 Disconnect th e outlet hose and check again th at the A5 U cutter port is mo ist with fue l. If it is now. th e intern al thermostatic un it is proved faulty. and th e ASU shou ld be replaced . 7 Run th e engine to normal operat ing tem peratu re. then check t hat the ASU inl et pon is cl osed. using a strip of paper to detect any suct io n thro ug h th e po rt. If it is open, the unit is faulty. 8 Refit t he intake hose and special air filte r, and ti ght en the two cuc e. 9 A further test may be made if diffic ult hot start ing is experie nced. W ith th e engine hot. remov e the ou tl et hose and bl ank off the po rt in the in let man ifold . If the eng ine now starts better, th e ASU is proved defect ive. Check that t he outlet hose is fir mly secured . and is not deteriorated . Rem oval 10 First remove the carburettcr with the ASU attached . On some models. it may be po ssible to remove the A SU w it hout removin g the carbu rett or, alt hough this is not reco mmended . 11 Loosen t he clips and d isco nnect the in let and outlet ho ses. if not already removed . 12 Remove the sere..... securing the AS U to th e upper support bracke t ( phot o). 13 Extra ct the screws w hich ho ld the spacer plate and AS U adapt or plate to th e caeburettce ( photo). Remove the ASU from the carburettce. 14 Remove the upper a·ring . spacer plate . and lower D-ring (photos) . Overhaul 1 5 Pull the plastic cov er from t he top of the ASU (ph oto) 16 Remove the screws. and lift ttl e A SU from ttle adaptor plate ( phot o) . 17 Remove the diaphrag m. location dow el. spring, and plu nger from the top of the adaptor plat e ( phot os). 18 Turn the adap tor plate over. and remove the bott om co ver. di aphrag m, and locati on dow el ( pho t os) . 19 Remove the c lamp screw and c lamp. the n pull out the air in let stub and remove t he O- ring (p hot os) . 20 Remove th e screw s. and separate the cov er from the valve body ( phot o). The bi-metal urut 1000ding spring w ill probably remain in the top cover . 21 Remove th e gask et. N ote ho w I he bi -m etal unit is loca ted , then lift it from the cut -outs in the valv e body (phot o). 22 Prise out th e O-r ing from the top of th e f uel metering needle assembl y ( ph ot o) . 23 Remove t he screw s, and lift the valve body fro m th e AS U body ( phot o). 24 Remove the gasket. Note the location of th e air val ve. then remo ve it from the ASU body ( phot o) . 25 Thoroughly clean all the components. and examine th em for w ear and damage. C heck the diaphragms for splits and pin hol es. Blow cl ear all internal drillings using low air pressure. 26 Commence reassembly by locating the air valv e in the AS U body. Wi t h the sprin g co rrectly pos it ioned. c heck that t he valve clos es properly. 27 Ref it th e valve bod y t og ether w ith a ne..... gasket, th en insert and ti g hten the screw s. 28 l ocate a new O· ring over th e fuel metering needle assembl y. 29 l ocate a new gasket on the valv e body. and refit the bi- metal unit in its previously-not ed pos it io n. 30 Chec k th at the bi -metal unit loading sprin g is in the top cover. Refit th e top cover and tighten the screw s. 31 locate a new O·ring on th e air inlet stu b. Refit th e air inlet stu b. and secure with the clamp and screw. 32 Press the locat ion dow el in the bottom of the adaptor plate. and refi t t he diaphragm and bottom cover. 33 W ith the adapt or plate up rig ht, insert the plunge r. and ref it t he 4 11. 12 Remov ing ASU upper support bracket screw 11 .13 Removing the A SU-t o- carburen or adaptor plate screws 11 .14A Removing the upper O -ring ... 11.14 6 ... spacer plat e ... 1 ' .14C ... and lower O-ring 11.15 AS U top cov er remo val 11.16 Remov ing the ASU from the adpator plate 11.17A Remove the diaphragm •.. 11.17 B ... spring ... 11.17C ... and plu nger 11.18A Remove the bottom cover ... 11.188 ... d iaphragm, and locati on dow el 11.19A. A ir inlet stub and clamp removal 11.19 B A ir inl et stub O-ring removal 11.20 Valve body cov er remov al 11.21 Bi- metal unit (arrow ed) 11.22 Fuel metering needle D -rin g removal 11.23 Valve bod y securing screws 20-1 5 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 Adjustment 7 To carry out adjustment . it w ill be necessary t o obtain a means of determ in ing when airflow through the FASD has eeesee. A circle of 100 gram we ig ht paper 2.64 in (67.1 mm ) in diameter. w it h a centra l 0.5 in (13.0 mm ) di ameter ho le may be used for this purpo se. A means of accurately measuring the temperature of th e FASO water jacket is also required. and fo r thi s pur pose, temperat ure-sens it ive adhesive labels should be ob tai ned. 8 Remove the air cleaner or in let duct from the cerburett c rs. 9 Prise out t he rubber plug fro m th e end of the adj ustment tu be. and insert a 1.5 mm All en key so that it engag es t he adjuster ( phot o). 10 Wi pe cl ean the wa ter jacket and atta ch a 6S"C (1 50 "F) temperature-sensitive label as shown in Fig . 8. 14 . 11 Start th e eng ine (cold) and allow it to idle. If the engine w ill no t start turn the Alle n key two turns cl ockwi se and try again. 12 With th e engine id ling . loca te the pape.- etrtto ..... detector over the FASO air intake. so met the passage of air ho lds it in place (photo) . 13 As soon as the water jacket tem peratu re reaches 6S"C (1 SO"F). turn the All en key clockwise slcwlv until the paper airflow detector from t he air int ake. ind icating that the fl ow of air has ceased. Should the de tect or fall before 6S"C ( l S0"F) is reached. t urn the All en key anti -clockw ise on e turn, th en reposit io n t he detect or. The adju stme nt must be comp leted wi thin 30 seconds of the 6S"C (1S 0"F) temperat ure being reached, otherwise the engine must be allowed to coo l fo r at least one ho ur before starting again . 14 Remov e the Alle n key. and refit the rub ber plug. Ref it the air cleaner or in let duct. taus 11.2 4 Ai r valv e location (arrowed) spring. location dowel and diap hragm. 34 Press th e cov er and adaptor pl ate onto the ASU. then insert and tig ht en the screws . 3S Press the plastic cover o n the t op of the AS U. Refitting 36 Refitt ing is a reversal of removal, but fit new a - rings either side of the spacer plat e. M ake sure that the associated air hoses are in go od cond iti on. 12 Full y aut o m atic starting d evice ( FA SO - t wi n ca rbu r ettors ) - check ing an d ad justment Che cking 1 Check that fu el is being delivered to the cerbu rett cr w ith the FASD attached . by temporarily disconnect ing the feed pipe. and switching on the ignition for a few second s. 2 If the cooling system has recently been drai ned and refilled. mak e sure Iha! all air has been pu rged fr om th e coolant . The presence of air around th e wa x capsul a inside the FASD will redu ce th e movement of the shut -off valve during th e warm-up period, resulting in an over- rich mix tur e, 3 To che ck th at the FAS D cut s o ut cor rectly, run the engi ne 10 normal ope rating t emperatur e. then con nect an exhau st gas analyser to th e exhaust t ail pipe. Record t he CO perc entage at id le speed. D isco nnect th e FAS D ou tl et hose at th e inl et manifold . blank off the man ifold apertu re. and check tha t me CO read ing remains as previously recorded. or drops very slightly. Th e FA SO is pro ved fau lty if the CO read ing drops sign ificantly. Of fluctu ates. StOP th e engine. re-connect th e outlet hose. and d isconnect th e exhaust gas analyser. 4 It is poss ibl e for a fau lt to occur in the FASD control module (osuenv located beh ind the instrument panel ) or its assoc iated wi ring. wh ich prevents th e vacuum c erav valve opening. In such a case. the engine w ill start we ll from cold. an d w ill fu n w ell w hen ho t. but in the intervenin g pe riod w ill show symptoms of excessive ric hness (eg lumpiness and bl ack smoke). Thi s con dit ion is conf irmed if battery volt age is no t present across t he delay valve term inals when the engin e is run ning , 5 If start in g is satisfact ory. but the FASD seems t o stay on 100 long. check that the cool ant is cirCulating frl:lBlv past the wax. caps ule. On some models. there is a restnctor in the hose between the FASO and th e rad iator. w hich may become blocked. Furthermore, on some models ( notably RovBf 2300/26(0 ) it is possibl e for the coolant feed to be blocked by the fi tti ng of an inc orrect (early paner n) inlet manifold gasket. 6 Reluct ance t o start and run when cold may be d ue to fuel starvation. Remov e the FASD adaptor (acc essible afte r removi ng th e float chamb er cover on th e cerburet t or}. and Check that th e non -return valve ball is not d islod ged. 12 .9 1.S mm Al len key in serted in Ih e FASO Fig . 8 .14 Adj usting t h e FA SO ( S ec 12) 1 2 3 Rubber plug Affen key Paper sh ut -off indicator 4 5 Temperature indicator Control module 4 20-16 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 3 Drain the cooling system. th en loosen the clips and d isconnect the coolant hoses fro m t he FASD water jacket ( pl'oto) . Alternatively. fit hose clamps to the hoses before disconnecting them. 4 On some models it may be possib le to remove th e FA-SO leaving the ce rbu rertor in posi tio n. Ot herwise, discon nect the fuet hose. vacuu m 1'1 0 $0(5) , accelerator cab le and linkage, then unscrew the mounting nuts and remove th e carc uren or from th e inlet manifold. 5 Unscrew th e throug h-boit s and w it hdraw the FA$ D from the cerburettc r ( phot os). Be prepared for fue l spilla ge. 6 Remove th e delay valve from t he carburettor. Peel th e gaskets from the cerburertoe and del ay valve (photos). Overhaul ea r bu r en ors ) - remov al. o v er haul and r efittin g 7 Clean th e external surfaces of the FASD . 8 Extract th e screw s. and remov e the cover from t he accelerator pum p d iaphragm (photo) . 9 Remove the d iaphragm. and lift the spring from the plastic gu id e/valve (pnoros]. 10 Release th e plastic guidelvalve from the spring clip and remov e it (photos). 11 Clean and examine the parts for wear and damage ( photos) . Check th e d iaphragm for pin holes or splits. Renew th e parts as necessary. Note that it is not possible to remove the air inle t cover, as it is rivetted in positio n. 12 Commence reassembly by engag ing the plasti c g uide lvalv e w ith the spring cli p. 13 Insert the spring through the plastic gui de/v alve, then fit the diaphragm w ith t he square tab align ed w ith th e vacuu m hole in the main body. 14 Fit the cov er. and hold it down against th e spring tension. mak.i ng sure the screw holes are align ed _Insert and tig hten the screw s evenly. Removal Refitting 1 Unbolt and remove th e air cleaner assembly from th e cerburettcrs. 2 Disconnec t the FA SD air inlet and outlet hoses. and also th e delay valv e w iring (photo). 15 Refitt ing is a reversal of removal, but clean the mat ing surface s and fit new gaskets. Ref ill the cooli ng system. 12.12 Locating the paper airflow det ector over the FASe air intake 13 Fu lly au t omatic starting device ( FAS O 1356 ... and w it hdraw the FASD twi" 13 .3 FASD wa ter jacket 13.SA Remove Ihe thro ugh -bolts ( arrow ed) 13.5C The FASD removed l3.SA D elay valv e remov al 20 -17 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 13.6 8 Peel the gasket fr om the car burettor t 3.6e Delay valve loca tio n face on the cerburertcr 13.8 Accelerator pum p d iaphragm cover removal 13.9A Remove the accelerator pump d iaphragm ... 13.60 Removing the gasket from t he delay valv e 13.9 B ... and spri ng 4 13.10A Remov ing the plasti c gu ide/ valve 13 .106 Plastic guide/ valve retaini ng spring 14 Tu n in g Note : Refer to Chapter 3 for no tes on tu ning. w ith particular reference to p reliminary ptocedut es. Single cerburettor installations 1 Set the th rott le adjusting screw . Run the engine to w orking temperature, th en sw itc h of f. 2 Whe re nec essary, remov e th e air cleaner or plenum chamber. 3 Un screw the thr ott le adj usting screw until it is ju st touching its stop with th e thrott le valv e shut (photo). 4 Where applicable. check t hat the cold start lever is fully c losed (c old -start device out of acno n ). and that the fast idl e adluStln9 screw 13.11 Acce lerator pum p diaphra gm components is w ell clear of th e cam . Failure to observe this may result in the mrcttte be ing he ld o pen w he n. by ext ernal examination, it ap pea rs cicseo. 5 Turn the throttle adjusting screw 1 1/2 turns cloc kwise to set the th rottle to its init ial posit ion. 6 Set the jet he ight . Remov e the suc tion cham ber lind piston wi'lh reference to Section 9. 7 Check. that the needle guide is Hush w ith th e bott om face of the pi ston . 8 Turn the mix ture adju stment screw until t he top of the jet is flu sh w ith the top of th e jet gu ide. Now tum the screw 2 turn s clockwise (photos). If the mixture adjusting screw is cove red by a small blue or red tamperproof plug . hook this out w ith a smalt screwdriver and d isca rd it . 20-18 - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - 1 11 8 7 2 f ig . 8.15 Ma nual choke H rF earbu rettor t u ning po ints (Sec 14) t Suction chamber 2 3 Mixture adjusting screw Ffoil f chamber 4 Throttle adjusting screw 5 6 7 fast idl e adjusting screw Piston lift ing pin Fuel infet 14.3 Throttle adjusting screw location ( arrowed) 8 Vent rube (alt ernative positions) 9 Ignition vacuum sdvance connection 10 Cold start fast idle cam n Crankcase ventilation connection 14.8A MIxture adjusting screw locat ion (arrow ed) - 20-19 Part 4 SU ca rburetors Chapter 20 14 .86 U pper vi ew of the jet (arrowed) 14.14 Coo lant therm istor w iring plug (arrow ed) 9 Refit th e pist on and suct ion chambe r. tog ether w ith the damper, with reference to Section 10. 10 Set th e idl e speed and mix ture. Refit the air cl ean er or plenum chamber. N ote th at where th&$e items co nceal the cerburencr adjus tment screw s. do not refit there , bu t position them near the ce rbu rett o r and re-connect the vacuum hoses. 11 Connect a tachometer to th e eng ine. and a CO exhaust gas analyser to the ex haust ta ilp ipe . If an exhaust gas analyser is not availab le. it w ill not be possible to adjUStt he mixture sett ing accu rately , although a reasonabl e adjustment may be possibl e. 12 Aun the eng ine at a fast idle speed until it reaches its normal operating temperatu re. Where an electnc cooling fan is fitted , this must have started and stopped at least once. Continue to run the engi ne for a futher five minutes before commen ci ng adj ustmen t. 13 Increase th e engine speed to 2500 rpm fo< 30 seconds, and repeat this at three- minu te intervals d uring th e adj ustment pr~ ure . This is necessary to cle ar both the inlet man ifo ld and exha ust system . 14 On elect ronic type carbu rettors fitted with a stepper mot or (eg HI F44 E). disconnect the wiring plug from the coolant t hermistor (phot o). and jo in the two plug termin als toge ther with a suitable length of w ire. Th is wi ll ensure that the stepper motor mixture control remains fu lly off. Turn the thrcttte adju stin g screw to reduce th e idle speed to 900 rpm. 15 If the cooling fan is running. wait until it stops. then turn the 2 4 7 3 6 --1 r __ B --j H.2015 5 ~==+--' Fig . 8 .16 Elect r o n ic type H IF c arburettor tuning points (S ec 14 ) 1 2 3 Piston damp er oil level Idle sp eed adjus ting screw Progressive type throttle "m 4 5 Throttle fever adjusting screw Fast idle adjustin g screw 6 7 8 Fils t idle push rod Mixtur e adiusting screw Los t motion adjusting tag A Lost motion gap 8 Fast idle gap C Ttno ttte le ver and linkage 20-20 Part 4 SU carburetors Chapter 20 th rott le adjusting screw to g ive the desired idl e speed. On elect-erne type ca rbu rettoes. it is recommended that the desired idle s peed be a p proached from 8 higher s peed. because if the speed dro ps more than 100 rpm below the reco mmended speed, t he thrott le j aGki ng system will be ac tiva ted . II thi s occurs. increase the idle speed on the t t ecme adju stin g screw, and wa it 2 minutes for cond ition s to stab ilise before repeating the adjustm ent. ' 6 On e le ctro n ic typ e ca rbu retto rs. switch off the engine a n d chec k the cl earance between the fast idl e pusbrod and t he adju stment screw ( Fig . 8.16 ) u sing feeler gauges. If necessary. tum the adj ustment screw to obt ai n a minimum clear ance of 0 .00 5 in (0 .13 mm ). A lso check that the throne lever lost motion gap is 0 .07 ± 0.01 in ( 1.8 ± 0.25 mm) . If necessary, turn the adjust ment screw or, on models w ith a thro ttl e cam, bend t he tag to obtain t he correc t cle arance. 17 With the eog ine idli ng. slowly tum the jet adjusting ( milcture) screw clock.wise (to enrich) or ant i -clockwise ( IO weaken). until the fast est idle speed which is consistent w it h even running is obtained No w slo w ly tu rn the screw ant i -c loc kwi se until th e eng ine speed just beg ins to drop. If an exhaust gas analyser is bei ng used. adj ust th e screw to obta in the desired CO percentage reading (t ypically 2 .5 ± 1.0%). t 8 Reset the id le speed if necessary. then sw itch off th e eng ine. 19 Set the fast id le speed (manual choke carbu rettors). Pull out t he cho ke con tro l knob un til th e arrow on t he fast id le cam is aligned w ith the fast idle adlusting screw. 20 Start the eng ine. and check mat the fast id le speed is as des ired (typically 1100 to 1300 rpm ) . If necessary, turn the fast idle adjusting screw to obta in the correct speed. 21 Sw itch off the engi ne. and push in the choke co ntrol knob. Make sure that the m ixture control lever is fully returned. and the choke cab le cor rectly adjusted . 22 Set the fast id le speed (electronic ty pe cerburertoes ). Remove the brid gi ng wire fined to the coolant Ihermi sto r w iring plu g in paragraph 14, however leave the plug disconnected. 23 Disco nnect the two w ires fr om th e ambi ent air temperature sensor. located in th e front of the engi ne compartment. Remove the sensor, and join the two w ires together using a strip of metal. 24 Start th e engin e. The stepper motor shou ld move the fast idle push rod to the fast id le position, and the engine should run at the desired fast idle speed (ty pical ly 950 to 1150 rpm ) . If necessary. turn the fast idle adj usting screw to obta in th e correct speed . 25 Switch off the eng ine, and check that th e rrummum clearance st ill exists between the fast idle pushrod and adj ustment screw, as descr ibed in paragraph 16 . 26 Re-connect the ambient air temper ature sensor and the coolant thermi stor w iring plug . 27 On all models. refi t the air c leaner or plen um chamber where appl icable, t hen make a fina l check th at the idle speed and mixture are co rrect. 28 Remove the tac hometer and exhaust gas analyser. Multiple carburettor insta llations 29 Set th e jet height. Run the engi ne to w onting te mpe ratu re, then sw itch off. Make sure that the man ual choke, w here fitted, is fully off . 30 Remove the air cl eaner or plenum c hamber as appl icable. 31 Work ing on each carburettor in tum, remove the suction chamber and pi ston w ith reference to Section 9, th en tu rn the m ixture adjustment screw until th e jet is flush with the top of th e jet guide. Now tu rn the screw 2 tu rns clockwise to set the jet at it s initi al positi on. If the screw is cov ered by a tamp erproo f plug, hook thi s ou t and disc ard it. Refit the suction chamber and pisto n, w ith reference to Sect ion 10. 32 Set the th rottle adju stin g screw s. Slacken th e clamping bolt on the throttle spi ndle interconnecti on cou pl ing between the cerburett c rs. 33 Unscrew both throttle sto p adJl.lsting screw s un til they are both just t ouch ing their stops w ith t he th rott les c losed. Turn bot h scews clockwise 1 1/ 2 tu rns exactly, and tighten the locknuts w hEM"e applicable. Check that th e fast idle adjustment screw is clear of th e throttle open ing mech anism . 34 Set the idle speed and milcture. Connect a tachometer to the eng ine, and a CO exhaust gas analyser to the exhaus t ta ilpipe. If an exhaust gas analyser is no t avaIlable. it will ne t be poss ible to adjust the mixture setting accurately. allhough a reasonab le adj ustment may be poss ible. 35 Re-tighte n the clamping bolt on the thrott le spindle interconnect ion coupl ing , t hen run the eng in e at a fast idl e speed until it regains it s normal oper ating temperature. Whe re an electric coolin g fan is fitted, th is must have started and sto pped l . 1·55 1· 50 1-45 1·35 1-35 ' ·3 5 0· 5 5 1'6 O-SO 1'6 0· 50 1'6 0-55 0 ·55 0· 5 5 ro C BS VB EufOlll' e ,,.,, D8 S V8 lJSA 8 5340 ,,, 177 3 1573 1766 , sse 45 40 40 40 1125 40 OCOE 70/71 2 30 4-50 1·10 36 DeN F 15 36 DCNF I U I8 3 8 nC NF2 1 3 6DCNF2 4 36 DeNF 33;'34 36 DCNF49·501100 1 28 2 29 I 28 I 28 2 28 2 29 3 -SO 3SO 3 · 50 3 50 4 ·50 3-50 1·55 1-20 '·55 1-6 5 40 DCNF I 3·20, 1312)·2 0(1) 40 DCNF1 9 34 DCNF 53/54/ 55/ 88/ 100 40 DCNF 35/3 6/3 7/38 40 DCNF57f58/5 11/60 40 DCNF 57f58/U/6OIl 50 40 OCNF4 5/46/47/48 40 DCNF64,'65166/87 38 OCOE 59 -60 38 DCOE 59N60,I, 38D COE " OM/ll l,1 38 DCOE 11001111 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 32 32 29 32 32 32 32 32 30 30 30 30 4 · 50 450 3·50 450 4·50 4·50 450 4·50 4 ·5 0 4 ·50 e .oc 6 .QO 1·2 5 1-2 5 1·20 1-30 1· 30 1· 30 1-3 5 ·2 5 1·2 5 1·25 40 44 40 40 2 2 3 3 32 36 32 32 4·50 4-SO 4 ·50 4 ·50 ·2 5 145 1· 25 1 25 0·50 0 -50 "'" 1·1 5 1·1 5 1·20 1·2 5 2 36 4 50 145 0·60 23 24 21 22 21 24 21 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 23 24 450 4 · 50 450 4 ·00 350 4 ·50 3-SO 4 ·50 3 · 50 450 3·50 450 3 ·50 4 ·50 350 4 ·50 3 ·50 4- 50 3·50 450 3 ·50 4-SO 450 4-50 350 3·500 120 0· 40 0 -50 0- 55 0 ·50 0-4 5 26 27 26 27 4·50 450 4·50 4 ·50 ' MW 1800T1 /SA 1600 Alpinl 18 00 Alpin l 2000 Alpint CH RYLSER UK A""""",T'9'I' , , CH RYS LER FRA NCE l 1 00 S~ H lHXlTl 110D SpeciIII ..... SUi.I 1100 SI:>itCiaI ll00SpedoI 4 4 4 4 4 1100 11/1 30 7 5 4 " . 1294 1294 1294 1294 129 4 DcDE H/I 6 DCOE 84/8 5 DeDE 66/87 a CDE68/8 9 1·1 0 1·10 0·4 51'9 0 · 501' 8 0·5 5 1'8 0·55 1'8 , .ec 1-25 6 2 418 308 GT4 1w~ ..I" 36 5 GTe. 6 8 B 8 8 8 8 12 24 18 1991 291 8 292 6 2926 2926 2926 4390 36 5 GTe '. uSA 12 4 390 400 GT('ulol 12 4823 Dino 20B GT4 '75 0 ln0 308 GT4 Dino 308 GT4 ' 75 308 GlB iGT4 ' 71 308 GT4 U $A eco cr FIAT 124 Sport 1600 124 SpOlt /R l lly Dino Caup6 Spj,,-, Di na Coup6 Sp ider 12 4823 , ieoe 4 6 6 199 7 2418 2416 101'13·1 5 IOF 2Q!200!211200 0 CNF12 DCNF22123 , .", ' ''' '·80 0 ·40 0 ·35 0 ·35 0 ·40 ., .'" 0· 4 5 '''' 0 ·45 0·45 0· 4 5 '''' ", '"m ,' ''' '" m · 65 1·8 5 1·8 5 1· 65 1· 75 2·00 o.ec 1'1 2 ·20 2·20 2 -10 2· 10 1· 90 1-90 0 ·601'8 0 -50 0 60 1'6 0 · 50 0 ·80 1'5 0 ·4 5 0 ·6 0F60-4 5 lOOF8 0· 4 5 '·00 1'60·45 0·60 1'8 0 4 5 HlOf8 0· 4 5 0·6 5 FS 0 -3 5 0·651'5 0 -35 0-65 f 5 0 ·3 5 0·6 5 FS 0-3 5 FII 1'9 1'2 4 1'2 4 2·10 '· 90 2 ·20 2 ·2 0 0·80 1'6 0-40 0 -90 f 5 0·40 0·7 5 F5 0· 45 0 ·7 51' 5 0 ·50 1· 15 1'9 1·90 0 ·90 1'5 0-40 '·00 0-7 0 "" "" .'" "" '" .'" 2 ·3 0 '· 80 1·00Fl 0· 55 ·30 .", 1-3 5 1·3 5 FER RARI Dino 2 48 GT Dino 2 46 OT US A '· 25 1·2 5 0·50 1·20 0·55 1·20 0,45 1-80 0 45 1·60 0·50 1-50 1·50 0 5-0 0 ·55 1·70 0-55 1-60 0-60 1'6 0· 55 1'9 0· 45 1'24 '1 -55 0· 4 5 1'2 3 1·2 5 0 ·55 ." '" '" '"'" '·00 '" 'a.oo00 ." '" '"'" ' ''' '"'" '" 2 -20 2 ·2 0 0·40 0· 70 1" 00 -40 0801'1 0 ·40 0·80 1'1 0 -40 0·llOF4 0·40 0701"00·40 ~ D·'" , .ec ,.eo '''' ''''' ·00 ~ ~ ~ r-eo r-sc -- 0· 40 1· 75 ' .7 5 1·75 ' .7 5 '· 75 1· 75 0 ·40 0-40 0· 40 0 -40 0· 40 0 -40 0·70 0 ·40 1· 75 1· 75 1·75 1·75 1·75 ' ·7 8 1·75 ' ·7 5 "'" ~ - ~ ~ ~ r.sc , .eo ', .sc''' D·" 0 80 0 ·40 040 1· 75 1·7 5 1.75 1,75 0 ·3 5 · 75 FIAT - AS A RTH 44 10 F 20. 2 1/200 12 4 Spo rl/ lh llV FORD Angll. 4 Escort LlG L 4 Escort GT 4 '" 28!.36OC D4 1 "" "'" 32 DGV' 6 8 28.'30 OGV14A 32 DGV16C/un Escort GT 4 Esco rt GT SlIO'l 4 Esco rt GT 4 1599 32 DGAV5C Esco rt GT 4 1599 32 DGAV6C Escort GT 4 1599 32 DGAV 50 escort GT 4 1599 32 DGAV 60 E. con: GT 4 1599 32 OGAV 5E "" 32 OGAV6E 298 32 DFE2 '29 8 32DGV7A Cortina Specia l GT 1298 32 OGV15C , "00 28 /3 6 DCD23 4 28/3 6 DCD 36 1500 r.ac 1-15 1·05 roe '· 15 r.oe 1-15 1·2 0 '" '· 20 1·15 1-15 1·20 1 20 1· 15 1· 15 1·20 1·20 ' · 15 1-15 1·20 1-20 1· 20 1-25 t-ao c.ac 0· 4 5 "'" 0 ·45 0 ·45 0·45 0·4 5 0, 45 0· 4 5 0 ·4 5 0· 45 0 ·4 5 0 ·45 0· 4 5 0· 4 5 0· 4 5 0· 4 5 0 50 0· 4 5 0 55 .'" , .ec 0 -10 i.sc ,. ", ' ''' ,.", 1-65 t-eo ·85 '''' 1·6 5 1·50 1· 95 1· 50 1· 95 ' '''5 1·8 ." ." ..'" "" .." '" "'" D·'" ' ·00 1·10 1· 70 1·70 r.so , .ec '''' 0·30 0· 50 0-30 0· 4 5 0-30 0 -30 '''' 1·20 1· 50 1-20 1·80 1·20 1·60 . 1·20 0 ·45 0 ·4 5 050 ' 00 ' ·00 ' ·00 , .cc 0-3 0 '00 0 ·3 0 2, 0 0 0 ·30 ' ·00 0· 30 a-co '" '''' ' ·00 ,.,><) 1· ' 0 ''· ''' 20 '''' 1·20 '''' 1· 85 0 -45 0·45 0-10 '''' r.ec 0·5 5 ' ·00 .'" '''' .'" ' ''' .'" " r.se " "'" 1· 65 '''' "'" 0- 70 0·55 '·00 070 0, 70 0 -70 1· 55 1-40 1· 55 '"sse '" "" '''' .'" ." '·00 '1·70 ·00 '·00 1'30 1'3 0 F30 1'30 2 ·30 · 80 2·30 t-ao "'" ' ·00 2·05 Fl 0 ·70 0· 50 1·15 2 ·0 5 Fl 0 ·7 0 0·60 0·6 5 A1-3 Part 5 Appendix 1 • A c c 28/36 OCO ) 8 CottinI 1600 GTE .. 1 5ge 32 DB,II. Coh 1BOO 45 D COE 9 2 3245 1·20 FIB 1-80 0· 50 0 ·4 0 0 ·50 343 ·5 1·45 F2 1-8 5 0 -55 05 0 050 225 32 4-5 1-25 F16 1-80 0 ·50 "ss 0 ·40 0·50 ' 00 32 5 ·0 1·2 5 F20 1·60 0 50 0 -4 5 0 ·50 '00 0 ·50 0·50 0 ·50 ' 00 Oatso n 6 110 40 DCOE2 2 7 4· 5 1·10 F7 1·6 5 Oats unB2 10 f l0 40 DeOE 2. 33 4 -5 1· 30 Fl 1 1·80 OlOtSlIn 5 10 45 DCOE 13 33 4· 5 1-30 F15 90 O.t.un 510 4 0 DCDE 12 32 4·5 1·35 F15 Oat.un6 10 45 CCOE 13 Dats un 61 0 40 DeOE 2 O"ts un 71 0 45 DCOE 13 Oalsun 7 10 400 COE 2 Datsun 240Zand 2802 40 DCOE 16 Oa,.un 52 1 PU (159 5 eel 45 DCDE 13 ss sa rs 0·50 se 0 ·6 0 closed 2·00 0-50 0 -50 0· 5 5 2 ·25 1· 70 0· 55 0-40 0· 55 34 3 ·5 1·30 FI B 1· 80 0·50 ciosed '2 ·25'''' 33 4·5 1·50 FI B 2· 00 ra se 0 ·50 0 ·50 0 ·45 0 ·55 34 3 ·5 1· 30 F16 1·80 0 ·50 0 ·50 closed '2·25'''' 2 33 4 -5 1· 50 F16 2 ·00 0· 50 " 0 ·4 5 0· 55 ' ·00 3 30 4 ·5 1·3 0 F2 1·7 5 0 -50 0 ·4 5 0·55 33 4 · 5 1·30 F16 1·90 0 ·50 0 ·5 0 0 ·55 2 ra rz se rs ra Oe!>;un 52 1 PU (159 5 eel 40 DCOE 2 DalSun 620 PU (1 5 9 5 eel 45 DCO e 13 Oatsun 620 PU (1 5 9 5 eel 40 DCOE 2. Oats un 62 0 PU (1 77 0 ccar>d 19 5 2 cc) 45 DeO E 13 Oltsun 62 0 PU (1 77 0 cc er>d 19 52 2 eel 40 ceO!, 2 2 2 2 32 4 ·5 1·3 5 F15 2·25 1·70 0·5 5 0· 40 0 · 55 33 4-5 1·30 FI B 1·90 0 ·5 0 0 ·50 0·55 3245 1-35 F15 0· 55 0· 40 0 ·55 34 35 1·30 FI B I ·BO 0 ·50 0 ·50 closed 2 -25 334-5 1· 50 FIB 2 ·00 0· 4 5 0 ·5 5 ' 00 2 84 -5 1·7 5 1· 70 rz sa ra ra 0· 50 se Fiat 12 6 GruppoZ 40 DCOE 102 10 Fll 2· 50 0· 4 5 0 ·45 1·00 Fiat 12 4 Sport/R ally GR4 48 1DF 1· 2/100 2 40 4·5 1· 55 Fl l 1-90 0 ·5 5 0 ·40 ' ·00 '00 Ford eoo1ina 1500 40 DCOE 2 2 33 4·5 1·2 5 F15 1·70 0· 4 5 0 -35 closed '00 Ford COo1ina 1SOO (cross flow) and Pinto' SOO 40 DCOE 2 2 32 4·5 1·20 F15 1·80 0 ·5 0 0·40 0 -50 '00 Ford Pinto 2000 45 DCOE 13 34 3 -5 1·4 5 F2 1·85 0 ·55 0· 50 0 -50 2 -25 Ford Pinto 2000 42 DCOE8 2 32 4 -5 1·25 FIB ' ·80 0 · 50 "ss 0· 40 0·50 ''''' Hondl Civic (except CVCCI 40 DCOE 2 33 4 ·5 1·4 0 F2 I ·B5 0· 4 5 0·45 0 ·55 ' 00 38 3 ·5 1·55 F2 1·90 0 ·55 0 ·40 0· 50 35 4 -5 50 Fl 1 1·80 0· 5 5 0 ·40 0 -80 1·7 5 343·5 50 F2 1-80 0· 45 0 -4 0 0 · 50 2 ·25 30 4 ·5 1·3 5 F2 2·00 0 ·5 0 0 ·4 5 closed 1 · 75 J aguar XKE(3 ·8 Ind 4 ·2 ) 45 DCDE 9 3 Lancia Strl tos 44 10 F 26(21-27 3 Lotus Europa (Renault engine) 45 DCDE 13 Me,ce du B.", 190 S L 40 DCOE 18 2 sa rs rs sa ea se rs MG Midget Mk 1 end 2 45 DCOE 9 32 5·0 1·40 F18 1·80 0 ·4 5 0·40 0 ·5 0 2· 00 MG Midge t Mk 3 45 De DE 13 34 3·5 1·30 F2 1· 75 0 · 50 0· 50 0· 50 2·25 re ss A2-3 Part 5 Appendix 2 , A c o , , , , L 0 ·4 0 0 50 '00 0-60 clo sed 225 0-60 cios ed ' '''' 0·3 5 0 ·56 '00 H MG 1100 Sa loo n 4 5 DCDE 9 325·0 1· 4 0 F16 MGA (. xc.pt tw in cam) 45 DeD E 13 34 3 ·5 1 ·60 F16 · 70 MGB .nd MGB GT 45 DeDE 9 36 4-5 1-65 F16 -60 Ope l Kadene a nd Rallye (to 19 7 0 ) 4 0 DCOE 2 2 33 4 ·5 · 15 F16 ·50 0 ·50 Ope l Kaden., Rally. a nd Manta {t 97 l o n l 400eDE 2 2 33 4 ·5 15 F16 ·50 0 ·5 0 0 ·3 5 0· 55 Qpe l GT 1900 4 0 DCOE 2 2 33 4 ·5 · 15 F16 ''''' · 50 0· 50 0 ·3 5 0 ·5 5 '00 48 1DA4 a 3 7 4 ·5 1· 3 5 F7 1-2 0 0 -70 0- 50 0· 50 ' 00 Rena ult R12 Gon:llni 4 5 OCOE S8/S9 z 34 45 1-3 5F9 2 -00 0-55 0- 45 0 60 TOY01a Co rolla 1 100 and 12 0 0 400COE2 2 7 4·5 ·0 5 F7 1·55 0 ·60 0 ·5 0 0·50 TOY01a Corolla 1600 InC ! 40 DCOE 18 3 0 4 ·5 1 10 Fll 2·00 0 ·45 '" rs 0 ·50 0·50 To y01a Corolla 1600 (2TC! 40 DCOE18 To yo1a Carina 16 0 0 (n C! 4 0 DCOE18 Toyo1a C.rin. 16 0 0 (2TC! 40 DCOE 18 Toyot. Ce llca 18 RC 8 00 18 RC) 40 OCOE 2 Tovot a Gellca 18 RC 8 00 18 RC) 400COE2 Toyota Coron a (SRC a nd 18RC I 40 DCOE 2 Toyot o Corono {8RC . nd 18 RCI 40 DCOE 2 Toyot o Coron o Mk2 {8 RC ond 18 RCI 40 DCOE 2 1 ·80 0 -45 se 0 -50 re 0 -50 ra ss Po rs o ~e 356A, B. C an d 912 Toyot. Coro na MI<2 {8 RC ond 18RC I 40 0COE2 Toyot a Hi-Lux PU (SRC a nd 18 RC) 4 0 DCDE 2 Toyo ," Hi_Lux PU (8 RC a nd 18 RC! 40 DCOE 2 a z z z z , st sa rs ,W ee 30 4 ·5 · 15 t 2·00 0 ·50 0 ·40 0 · 50 30 4 · 5 · 10 Fll 2 ·00 0-45 0· 50 0·50 304·5 ·1 5 Fl l 2 ·0 0 0 ·60 rs rs 0 ·40 0·50 33 4 -5 1·6 0 F2 1-65 0-40 0 -60 closed 33 4 -5 1-4 0 F2 1 ·7 0 0 ·4 5 0·35 close d 33 4·5 1· 6 0 F2 ·6 5 0 ·40 "rs 0 ·60 clos ed rs ss ''''' 33 4 -5 1-4 0 F2 -70 0-4 5 0 -35 closed 2 ·0 0 33 4 -5 1· 6 0 F2 1 ·6 5 0 ·40 "ss 0· 60 closed 2 ·0 0 33 4 ·5 1·4 0 F2 ·7 0 0·45 0 ·35 closed 2 ·0 0 33 4 ·5 ·6 0 F2 ·65 0 ·4 0 0 -60 closed '00 33 4· 5 1 ·4 0 F2 ·7 0 0·45 0· 35 closed '·00 ·60 F2 1 ·6 5 0·40 0·60 clo sed 2·00 re rs se Toyo t. PUI 18 RC) 40 DCOE 2 Toyo taPU 118 RC) 40 0COE 2 z 33 4 ·5 1·40 F2 1· 70 0·45 0·3 5 closed 2· 0 0 Triumpl1 Dolomita Sp rint Triumph GT6 48 aCOE 40D COE 2 a z 4 2 4 5 1- 65 F16 29 4· 5 1· 20 F16 1 75 1 ·9 0 0 -60 0·45 0 -4 5 0·40 040 closed ''''' '00 33 4· 5 a sa se " '" rz Trium ph GT6 + Mk 2 .nd GT6 Mk 3 400CO E2 1·3 0 F2 ·6 0 0 ·50 0 ·45 closed ' 00 42 DCOE S , 27 4·5 Triumph TR2 . 3 . 3 A. 3 B. 4 ond 4 A 32 4-5 1·4 0 F15 ·50 0· 50 0·50 0 · 50 ' 00 Triump h TR 2 50 an d TR6 40 DCOE 2 a 2 7 4 ·5 1 ·3 0 F2 1·60 0· 50 0· 45 closed 2-00 Volvo 122 5, 14 4 a nd P 180 0 42 OCDE S a 32 4·5 1 ·2 5 F15 1 ·60 0 ·50 0 -50 0 -50 ' 00 Vo lksw ag en 12 00 Vo lk. w ' gen 1600 Volkswagon 2000 VOI>.sw ag e n Sa loo n 1600 (dua l port! s tock Vo lk. w og. n S oloon 16 0 0 (d ua l po rt! 1800 co modifica t ion Vo lk. w a gon Sa loon 16 0 0 ( d u~ 1 port l ~ 1800 co mod ificat ion Volk,w'go n S.ioo n 16 00 (du81 port l _ 1800 co mod ificat ion Volk.wage n Tranoporter 1600 {d u.1 port! _.toc k Volkswage n Transporter 1600 (dua l port ) ~ 18 00 co modifi ca t ion Vol>.swa ge n Transporte r 1600 {du a l port! ~ 18 00 co modjlicatton Vo lksw a gen Tran spo rte r 1600 (dua l po rt! ~ 18 00 oc mo difica t iDn Volksw age n Transport. r 17 0 0 (type 4 ) Vo lks w8ge n 5 8 10 0 n a nd Tra ns porte r 1600 ~ i g h l y mo dified 36 40 44 40 z 27 4·5 284 ·5 36 4 5 3 2 4 ·5 1·10 Fll 2 ·15 0·50 0 ·40 1 -1 5 Fl1 1 ·7 0 Fl 1 1 ·6 0 F24 '00 0-50 0- 50 1 ·7 5 1-7 5 1 ·7 5 1-7 5 32 4 ·5 Volksw ag en F••t bac k and 5Qu. reba ck 1600 {d ua l po rtl Vo lksw a ge n Fa.t book ond SQu are bac k 16 0 0 (d ua l port! Volkswagen 4 11 a nd 4 12 1700 ond 18 0 0 1DF 16f 17 1DF 18 / 19 IDF3B/39 DCNF 12 40 DCNF 12 42 DCNF 9 40 lDF 19 400CN F 12 ,a , t 2 ·00 2·20 '" ra 0 -50 0·55 0 -5 5 0 · 50 0·50 0-50 0-80 no ne ·5 5 F24 2·20 0·55 0 ·4 5 no ne 1 ·7 5 344 ·5 1 ·4 0 F25 1·8 0 0·60 0 ·40 no no '00 , 2845 11 5 Fl l 32 4·5 1 ·6 0 F24 2-00 2 ·20 0· 5 0 0 ·55 0 -50 0· 50 0·55 none 1 ·7 5 1· 7 5 z z 4D OCNF 12 a 3 2 4· 5 1 ·5 5 F24 2 ·20 0 ·55 0· 45 none 1 75 400CN F9 a 34 4 · 5 1·40 F2 5 1 -8 0 0 ·60 0 ·40 no ne '00 40 lDF 19 40 IDF 19 z z z 2845 1 -1 5 F1 1 2-00 0- 50 0 -50 0- 5 5 28 4 ·5 1 15 Fl l 2 ·0 0 0·50 0 ·50 0 ·55 1 -7 5 1 ·7 5 3 7 4 ·5 48 1DA4 1·3 5 F7 1 ·20 0 ·70 0·50 0 · 50 ' 00 1·75 'W 40 DCNF 12 2 32 4·5 · 5 5 F2 4 2·20 0 ·5 5 0 ·45 no ne 4 2 DCNF9 40 lDF 19 2 2 34 4·5 1 ·4 0 F25 284 -5 1 -1 5 Fl l 1·80 200 0·60 0-50 0 ·40 0- 50 non e 0·55 5 A3 -0 Part 5 Appendix 3 Applications list for Zenit h Stromberg carburetors T hi. lin give. outline details of Stromberg CD carbu rettors fitted as st andard equ ipmenllo passenger and lig ht commercial Ifflhicle s. It is p rese nt ed in tabu la r f orm , a nd t he entr ies are arra nged in alp ha be ti ca l order aecording to t he na me of t he ve hi cle man ufactur e r. T he lill is con clu ded w ith the m o re popu lar app licat io ns of t he co nvarsi on ki ts wh ich have bee n off ered by va rio us specia list firms fo r f itt ing to veh icles orig in all y equi pped w it h ot her tv pes of ca rburenors . T heSII are sim ilarl y arrange d in a lphabe t ica l o rder. A full y detai led sp are pan s sc hed ul e is ava ilable f rom t he manufac tur er fo r any specific applica tion . In add ition to II compl et e illu str ated parts list, this also giv es sta ndar d sening data. ie fl oat hei ght, fan·idle interconnection sett ing dime nsion , lIInd 1II1te rnliltive meteri ng nee dle fo r operat ion at e lev"ted a ltitude~ lw he n app licab le ). T he columns lIIre self-eKplanatQry but it shQu ld be noted th at the ca rb ur ettor reference lcr) , meterin ; needl e m ar king (mnm), a nd air valve re t urn spri ng co lour Ievrsc}, are inclUd ed fQr ide nti ficat ion on ly of t hese parts. as t hi. i. th e evide nce actually foun d on the u nit. T he det ails de oct con stitu t e pa rt num be rs and sh ou ld no t be q uo te d wh e n orde r ing repl acem ent par ts. Part nu m be rs co rr esp ond ing w ith m et eri ng needle co de m arking wi ll be fou nd b y eron-reference t o Appe ndix 2. Part numbers fo r air valve re turn sprin gs wi ll be found by cross -refer en ce to Part 2. Mod e l detai ls Yea" " T,po mom ""rsc .. . ALFA·ROME O 17 50 Ber lin a. GT V, Spider v etcce 197 0 3291 2x175CD-2S E 81AW No t fi n ed 1969 /70 3212F 3212M 3212 A 3x.17 5CD-2 S E .,U .,U .,U Natu '1II1 Nliltura l Natural HA Van. G PO 1974 o n aeaaa 150CDS EV BRITISH ANZ ANI 40 bh p. 2· . u oke 1966/ 67 3090 150CD H ILLMA N Imp SpOrts 1974 Imp S por ts 196 6/ 74 3653 A H 365 3L H 306 1 F 306 1A 3068 12 5C D·3 125C D-3 12 5CDS 12 5C DS 2xl50CD 150CD-3 150CD-3 150CD -3 l5OCD·3 150CD-3 150CDS 150CD-3 150CD-3 l5OCD-3 1SOCD-3 l5OCD-3 1SOC DS 1SOCDS 150eD·3 150CD· 3 150 COS 15 0CDS ASTO N MA RTIN DSS BEDFORD Ra lly Im p, C a m p Dept. Avenger SC,1300 & 1600cc Avenger T C, 1300 & 1600 cc 19 6 5 On 19 7 3/ 74 1974 AI/enger , 1250cc AI/enger , 12 50 cc AI/enger, 1250 cc AI/enge r. 1250 cc T w in ca rb Ave nge r, 1500 cc AI/linge r, 1500 ce Avenge r, 1500 ec Avenger. 1500 cc AI/eng er , 1500 cc AI/enge r. 1500 cc T w in carb AI/enger GT , 1500 cc 1973/74 1972 173 1970172 1972 173 1972173 1973174 19 72 173 1972 173 197 1/7 4 197 0 / 72 19 72 / 74 19 72 /74 19 70 / 7 1 3607 3625LH 3625RH ,.2. 3636 32<8 34S8 LH 34S8RH 3635 3609 3377 344. 3249 3389LH 3389RH 3278 L 32 7BR • A ner spring colour in dic81eJ th ll l co lo u r is at both ends. • • Gaps in th is column assume th ill/he sam e model, bu l under ano th~r nam e is also lis ted •• Natu' al 8 50 N B50N 5K 5K 5' 85 DK 850 M 850M B5CJ .SCJ see .se u B5 CU eeeJ 868 J 868J 55 5AG 85CO B5 CD ,., 5.' Natur al N atural Red ' Blue ~ Natu ra l Natu ra l Rod • Rod • Red' No t fitted No t fi tted Red· Red · Red ' Rod • Rod • Blue' Blu e · Blue · Blue ' Part 5 Appendix 3 A3-1 Mod_I dlltllll, Vll ars " Typo m"m Avenger, 1500 cc Twin carb (Argentine) Hi llman GT, 1725 cc 1972/73 3473R H 3473LH 3163F 316 3R 150 CDS 150 CDS t 50 CDS 150CDS 6Z 6Z 6R 6R 316 1 3198 362 3 L H 36 23R H 345 2R 3452L 60 3182 3162 3554 150 CDS t 50 CDSE 150C[).3 150 CD-3 150 C[).3 150 CD·3 150 CD-3 150 CD-3 150 CDS 150 CDS 150 CD·SET 19 70 171 32 75 t 50 CDSE B5BD 1971 19 72 /7 3 1972/73 3417 35 55LH 3555R H 150 CDSET 150 CDSEV 150 CD SEV B6BD B5DD B5 DD 1971 /72 1971/72 3442L 3442R 150 CDSEV 150CDSEV B5CC B5CC 1971 1972 1972 340' 3470 3470 150 CDS 150 CDS 150 CD S 6AM 6AM 197 1f72 197 1f72 3547 6D 6D 19 70 ! 7 1 1970/71 3380 3381 t75C D-2S 3x175C D-25 150C DS t50C DS HUMBER Sceptre, 1725 cc 1971f73 19 6 7/7 1 150CO-3 150 CD-3 2xt50CDS B5CK B5CK Scep t re, 17 25 cc 3452R 345 2L 3163F 3163R 30 75 F 3075R C1866F C1866R Minx, 1500 cc and 1725 cc CI head M inx, Cl head , emission carb Hunter GT, 1725 cc T w i n carb s Hu nt er GT , 1725 cc Hu nt er, 1725 cc CI head Hunter, 1725 cc Hu nt er, 1725 cc Export Hunter, 1725 cc Chrysler Cric ke t 1500 cc Chrysler Avenger (Plymou t h Cricke d , 1500 cc emission carb, USA Chrysler Avenger (Plymouth Cricket -Auto }, 1500 cc emissi on cerb, USA Chrysler Cr icket, 1500 cc twi nemis sio n carb Ch rysle r (Plymouth Cricket Spo rt s), 1500 cc emission carbs, USA Chrysler Arrow, Iran CI head, 1500 cc & 1725 cc, p lastic air cleaner Chrysler Arrow, Iran, 1725 cc, T w i n carbs HOLDEN Holden,6 cyl , 20 2 CI Ho lden 6 cy 1, 3 cares Ho lden H ol den 1969 /70 19 6 7/72 1969/70 1973/74 1971/73 1972174 1971/74 1968/70 196 6/ 72 1972/73 Super Snipe V, 3 li t re & I m peri al 1966/67 Super Snipe IV & Impe ria l 1965 JAGUAR E T y pe, 4 .2 lit re, em issio n carb 1969/70 E T ype, 4.2 litr e, emissio n carbs 1967 /68 XJ6, 4. 2 li tre (Federa l) XJ6, 4 .2 li tre water heated jacket, emi ssion carb XJ6, 4 .2 li t re, emission carbs XJ6, 4. 2 l itre, em issio n carbs 1974 1974 19 72!74 1972/7 4 19 7 1/ 72 19 71/72 1969170 3489 3453 352 1 330 5F 3305 R 3165F 3165R 3627R H 3627LH 3598 RH 3598LH 3496RH 3496 LH 3304F 3304R 2x175CD- t 2x17 5CD -1 t75CD-2SE 175CD-2SE 175CD-2 SE 175CD·2SE 175CD·2SE t75CD-2SE 175CD-2SE 175 CD·2SE t 75 CD·2SE 175 CD·2 SE 175 CD-2SE 17 5CD·2SE B5AP B5CK B5CK B5CK B5CK B5C M B5C L 6Z 6P avrsc •• R ed Red ~ ~ Blue * Blue ~ Blue ~ Blue * Red * Red * N atura l Red * B5DC Red ~ 5CO 6E 6E 6R 6R 2K 2K 4A 4A Blue ~ Blue * Blu e Blue Blue Bl ue B1AR B1AR B1E 61E Natura l Nat ural B1CG B1CG BtCG B1CG B18T 8 1S T S t AR SlAR Natural Nat ur al 5 Part 5 Appendix 3 A3-2 Mod e l d at ails Vears " Ty pe mom av~ "· XJ6 , 4 .2 litre, em i$Sioo carbs 1969 f 70 3234' 175CD·2S e 3 234 R 175CD·2SE B 1A E B1 AE Natura l Natu ral 3527 A I 3527A2 175CD·2S E 175CD·2S E V12. 5.3 litre, au to matic t ra ns 1973/74 352861 3 528 8 2 V12. 5.2 lit re, manual tra ns 1973/7 4 3567AI 3567 A2 356860 356862 V12, 5.3Iltr. , e utc and man ua l 197 3/74 t.ans, USA 3629AI 3629A2 36 3081 363082 V12, 5.3 111" , auto-tu ns. Eu rope ... V 12. 5 .3 lit re, XJ 25 . man·trlllrno 1973/74 197 1m 197 1 V12. 5.3 litre , autO-trans 19 71 LAND ROVER Range·R over 1973174 Range-Rover 1971 1970 R e n ~·R ov e r u md Lend Lend Lend Rover, Rover, Rover, Rover, 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.6 lit re litre (European} litre lit re L.OTUS 1.6 litre Elan, 1558 ec. adjust able n"'e d!e (Ho me) Elan. 1558 ce. Expo rt, emiuion 19 73174 19 73/ 74 197 1172 196 7/7 0 197 3/7 4 197 0/72 19 71172 wb Elan, 1588 ec, Export . emission 197 1/72 ~,b 2 litre 1974 2 litre 1973174 Elan and Elan+2. adjustable needle (Home) 196 9/7 0 175CD-2SE 175CD-2S e 175CD-2SE 175Co-2 SE 175C D- 2Se 175 CD-2 SE etco B1CO B1CO ercc B1e N 81 CN 357 982 175C D- 2Se 81CN 35 10A I 351 0 A 2 175CD·2Se B 18 H B1 BH B1BH B1BH 175 CD- 2SE 175CD·2S E 3500B2 339 1Al 339 1A2 33928l 339 2B2 34 02A2 3402Ar 340 3 BI 340382 175 CD·2 SE 175CO·2SE 175CD-2SE 175CD-2SE 175C D·2SE 175CD-2S E 175CO·25 E I 75CO·25 E 175CD·25E 175CO·2S E 175CD-2SE 175CO·2S E 175CO·2SE 33 18RH 3318LH 3394R 3394L 3293 RH 3293L H 36 18 3539 34 13 3 136 175C O-2SE 175CO·2S E 175C O·2S 175CO·2S 175CO·2S 175CO-2S 175CO·2S 175CO·2SE 175CO·2S 175CO·2S 3517RH 3517LH 3322 L 3322R 3367L 3367R 336 6 L 3368A 37 13R H 37 13LH 3548AH 3548LH 3 296 ' 3296R 175CO·2SE 175CO·2SE 175CO·2SE 176C O·2SE 175CO·2SE 175CO·25 E 175C O·2SE 175CD-25 E 175CO·2SE 175CD-25 E 175CO·2S E 175CO·25 E l 75CO·2S E 175CO·2S E 3499AI 3499A2 35006 ' V12. 5.3 1itre 175CD-2SE 8 1CK B 1CK B1CK B1CK 175C D-1SE 3511 8 1 1971/72 175CD-2$ E 175CD·2 SE etc e 3578 A I 3578A.2 357981 3511 8 2 V12. 5.3 litre. XJ25. auto-tnllns 175 CD -2SE 17 5CD·2S E 175CD·2S e er ce atce erce Bl e N B1BH B1BH B1BH B1BH BIBH B1BH BI BH BIB H BlSH BIS H B1BH B1BH B2AS B2AS ' AQ 'AQ 'AQ 'AQ 4J B2AU 4J 4J BI G BIG a 2AR B2AR BI G BI G BI G BI G 8 10K B1DK B1CM 8 1CM BI V BI V R.d aeo R.d R.d Blue Blue Blue Blue Part 5 Appendix 3 A3·3 Model details VUB er Ty," m"m avrsc"· Elan and Etlln+2 (H o/TW) 1969/70 3236F 3236R 3175F 3175R 175CD-2SE SlY SlY Natura! N at ural Elan an d Elan+2 , Expor t emission SAAB 99, 2 litre , 820 99, emi ssio n ca rb o1854 cc 991854cc 991709cc 99, emissi on cere 99 1709<;c 991709 cc 99 1709cc 1968/69 175C D-2SE 175CD-2SE 175CD-2SE BIG BIG Rod 175 CD-2S 175CD·2SE 17 5CD-2S 175CD-2S B1B R 175CD -2SE t75C D-2S SlAG BIW BIW Ble 125CDS 125CDS 6K 6K 3161 3182 3162 150CDS 6Q 6Z 6P Red N atu ral 3557 1971 /72 197 1{74 1969/71 1969/71 196 9 346 4 3465 1969 3210 175C D·2S 175CD-2S 1968 /69 3169 1966 on 3061F 3302 3301 3282 S lAG BI W BI W R,d Rod R,d R,d R'd SI NG ER Chamo is Sports 3 06 1R Gazelle. 1500 cc and 17 25 cc., CI Head Vogue, 1725 cc Expo rt Vogue, 1725 cc 1968170 196 6/7 1 SUN BEAM St iletto 1966 o n J06 (F) 306 nu 2 x125CDS 6K 6K Rap ier, 17 25 cc 1971 /73 1967/7 1 150CD -3 15OCD ·3 2x15OCDS B5CK B5CK Rap ier , Mkl, 172 5 cc A lpine, 1725 cc Alpine, 1725 cc Alpine GT., 1725 CC , emission carb Alpine GT., 1725 CC, emission carb A lpine V. 1725cc 1971 /74 1969/7 1 1969/70 3452R 3452 L 3163 (F ) 3163(R } 3453 3 162 3306 (F ) 3306 (R) 32 1 1{F) 321 1{R ) 3059( F} 30 59 (R ) 3470L 3470R 15 0CD -3 15 0CD S 150CDSE 150CDSE 150CDSE 150C DSE 150CD 15 0CD 150CDS lSOCDS B5CL 3054 HOC D 6' 33 20 3 16 6 l SOCD S 5B' 150CD 15OCD·3 15OCD·3 15OCD-3 6' Sunbeam Arrow, I ran, 1725 cc TRIUMPH . 1.300 13 00 (SIII/l!den, co ld cl imate) 1967/71 1969 1966/68 1971/72 Herald 13/60 DOlo m ite 1654 cc 4 cy l 1966/ 71 1970 1967/ 71 1973/74 Do lomite 18S4cc4cyl 1972/73 Dolomite 1854cc 19 7 1/ 73 Vitesse M k I I, em ission carb 197 1/72 Vitesse, 2000 cc IIl k II 1969/70 V itesse, 2000 cc 1966 /68 Vi te sse, 1600 cc 1965/66 TR6, emiss ion c8rb 197 4 TR6 . em ission carb 1972/73 3634RH 36 34 L H 3582RH 3582LH 3334L 3334R 3335R 3335 L 3224(F } 32 24 (R ) 3 137 {F } 3 13 7{R ) 3027 (F I 3027 {R ) 3613RH 3613LH 3508RH 3508 L H 150CDS 150CDS 15OCD-3 150CDSE V 150CDSEV 150CDSE 150CDSE 2x150CDS 2x 1SOCD 2 x 15OCD 175C D-SEVX 175CD·SE V X 17 5CD -SEV 17SCD-SEV 6R 6R ~ Nat u ral Blue * Blue * 6P BSBC BSBC B5AU B5AU 5M 5M 6AM 6A M B5 DH B5DH B5DH BSDH B5B W B5B W B5BT B5BT 6AC 6AC OJ OJ 7B 7B B1 AF B1AF B 1AF B1A F Bl ue' Blue ' N atura l N at u ral Not fitted N ot fi tted Blue * B lue ' 5 Bl ue' Bl ue * N aturai N atural N ot fitted N ot f itted Part 5 Appendix 3 A3-4 Model cMu ib VR~ T R6. emission curb 197 1/72 Ty.. m~ ~ 33 37R 175CD ·2SE 175CD·2SE B1AF Blue Blue 3337L TR6, emtssson c arb TR 6 , em issio n cerb 19 71 /72 19 70 338 5 L 3385R 1968/69 TR 250, em ission eerb 1967/68 YR4A 1965 TR4 196 3/6 5 2496 cc, 6 cyl , European 197 3/7 4 249 6 ec. 6 cvt, Au srrette '973 175CD-2SE 8 1A F B1A F 8 1A F B1A F 3 t131FI 3 1731RI 2x17 5CO-2SE 3 15Q(F I 2.1175C O-2S E B'V B'V B'V B' V 33651F) 3 150(R I 3069 IF ) 3069(A } C 18251Fl C 1825 (R ) 36 50 RH 3650 L H 3604RH 3604LH 2000, 6 cy t, Euro pean 1973/74 evr. Eu rope en 1972173 2000 Mk II, Home and Euro pe 1971 174 2000 Mk II 19 70/ 71 20 00 Mk II 196 9 / 70 2000 19£6/ 69 2000 1964/6 5 1496 cc 4 c:yl Spitf ire, 14 96 teA c:yl Sp it fire 4. em ission ClIrb Spitfire 4 , emission cerb Sp itfire, e missio n c erb 1974 19 72174 1972 1971172 1969170 GT6 19721 74 GT6 1972/7 4 GTS, USA, em ission 197 1/72 2000, 6 3633RH 3633LH 358 1AH 3581 LH Spjtfi ~ , cere GT6 Mk Ill , e mission cerb 1971 /72 GT6 , USA & Sweden, e missio n ca rb GT6 . Mk III, e mission ca rb 1971 1970 GT6 . Ste ge II. emi ssion carb 1969/70 GT6 . St ege II 196 9/70 GT 6.200 0 1965 /6 8 GTG. 2000 e mission C8rb 1968/69 Stag VB, European. emission earb 1974 Sta g V8 , ohc 19 73 / 74 alA F 17 5CO·2SE 2x 17SCD..2SE 336 5 l R l T R250, emission cerb .. a 3471 l. 3471 R 3372R 33 72l. 328 1( F) 32 81(Rl 3 116 (F ) 3116(R ) C1854 IF ) C 1854IR I 3612 3506 34 2 7 3336 3277 3507R H 3 50 7l. H 34 3 2 RH 343 2 l.H 342SR 342SL 3335A 3335L 33B4R 3384L 3369R 3369L 32 25 (FI 3225(R) 322 3 (F ) 3223 lR ) 3 09 21F) 3092(R ) 3 172 (F I 3 172 (RI 3662 AH 3662LH 3509A H 3 509LH 2 x175CD 2x175CO 15 OCQ·3 '" '" 2A 2A 8 50G 15OCO·3 t 5OCD·3 6 50 G l5OC O.J l5OCD -3 B50G B50G 15OCD·3 B50G B5CB B5C B B5 BU BSBU 2xlSOCD 2x 15OCD 2xlSOCOS 2x l SOCO 2x 15OCD·SE Blue Blue Blue Naw rot Neturlll BSOG 5AW 5AW 6J 6J 7A 7A 1SOCD-SEVX l SOCD-SEV 15 0CDSE 150C DSE l50C DSE 15OCD-SEV 15OCD·SEV 15OCD·S E 15OCD·S E 15OCOSE 15 OCOSE l 5OCOSE l5OC OSE 15OCOSE l5OCO S E l50CDSE 150CDSE 2x15OCO-S E Blue Blue Blue Blue B50G 85 0 G l5OCD-3 15OCD·3 15OCOS E 15 0CDSE 15 OC D-3 15 OC D-J 2x 150CDS Blue BSCH B5C" B5C" B5AV B5AV 85CF 8 5CF B5CF B5C F Blue ' Blue · Blue · Blue· Blue · Blue· Blue · Blue· Natural Na tu ral Netural Netu ral Blue· Blue · Blue· Blue· B5CF B5CF 858T 8 58T B5AJ B5AJ B5AJ B5AJ 8 5AJ B5AJ 6AC 6AC 6J 6J 6W 6W 175C D·2S EV 175CO·2S EV B1AQ a lAQ 175C O·2 SEV 175C D·2S EV 81 AQ 81 AQ Blue 8 lue Blue Blue Blue · · · · · awe' Nat u tel Neturlll Blue· Blue · -- Part 5 Append ix 3 A3-6 y~ Typo m_ 3213 A l 50CD OAB Blue · 311SA ' 5OCD 6N Blue · 3342 150CD 6N Blue - 3062A 3393 359 2 3593 150CD 150C DSETV 60 85 AY Blue· 175C D-2SE 81C Y R'" 175CO-2SET 81QU 3<04 34046 175Co-2S 175CD-2S 175CD-2ST 175CD-2S 175CD-25T 175CD-2S 175CD-1S Sl BW Viva. HB2 3. 1160 cc Borg- Warner t ra ns. and Fr a m p last ic 1969 air clea ne r Viva, HB23 , 1160 ee 90 & S L90 Late 1966/ 69 Viva, HB23, 1160 ec 90· SL90, Late BO'lrWarner 1966/69 Viva , H A 90 & S L.90, 1057 cc Late 196 5/66 Viva, He 1159 cc, Ca nada 1971 172 Vict or. 2.3 lit re, F E 1913174 Victo r, 2.3 Iit.e. F E. auto t rans 1973/74 Vietor, 2.3 litre. FE 19 72173 Vietor. 2.3 L it r. , F E. Eu rope 19 72/73 Victor. 2.3 Lit re. F E, auto t rans. 197 2/7 3 Victor, 2000 cc F o Victor. 2OClO ce F0 auto 19 71/7 2 1971 /72 19 70171 175C D-2S E 32 7 1 175CD-2ST 2AM Blue 3272 175CD·2SEr B2AP 3383 3599BR 3599BL 175Co-2SE 175C O·2S 175CD-2S B" 3587R H 3587LH 3411 L 3411R 34 118L. 3411BR 175CD-2S 175CD-2S 17SC D-2S 175CD-2S 17 5C D-2S 175CD-2S 81CL B1C L B18 Z 8 1BZ 3800BR 175CE-2S ET B1DC 3600BL. 175C D·2S ET Bl OC 1973 3588RH 358BL.H 175CQ-2ST 175CD·2ST B1CL. B1C L 1972 3412R 34 12l 175 CD·2ST 17 5CO-2ST 17SCD-2S 175C D-2S 17SC D-2ST 175CD-2ST 17SCD-2S 175CO·2S 175CD-2ST 175CD-2ST 2X 17 5C D·2S 8 18Z 81 BZ 197 3174 a nd FE , a uto t rans VX4 90 and FinmZl, 2 .4 lit re, FE auto t rans. VX4 9O, FO 2000 ex: VX4 90, FD 2000 cc au t o tr an s VX490, FD , 2 000 c:c: 19 7 1/72 3438R 1971 /72 3438L 3439L 3439R 1970/71 VX4 90, FD 2000 cc a uto t rans .... X490, 19 75 ee rhd 1970171 VX4 90, 1975 cc Ihd 1969/70 VX4 9 0 , 19 75 <;;1: r hd a uto t rllns VX4 90, 1975 cc lhd , auto trans SlBW >AM Blu. and F E, au to t ra ns. Dome stic and Eu rop ea n VX4 90 and Fi rllnZl , 2,3 lit re, HC 3405 3434 3472 3328 3259 32 7. R'" SlaW 2AM 2AM 2AM B2AP Victor . 2000 F 0 Victor, 2000. 2000S L and Super 1969170 Victor 2000, em issio n ca rtl 1969170 Victor, 2000 FD , a u to t ra ns. th e rmo-start 1969170 Vict or 2000. F D au to t rans . thermo-start, em issio n carb 196 9170 Victor F D. 1600 cc a uto emrssian ca m 1970/71 VX4 90 and Fire nza , 2.3 lit re HC 1973174 a nd F E. ma n-t ra ",,, Do mestic and EutopWn VX4 90 and Fi renzl, 2 .3 lit re, HC1973 an d FE , ma n-t ran s VX4 90 and F irenz a, 2 .3 lit re, HC1972 an d PE VX4 90 and Fi renza 2 .3 lit re , HC1972 an d P E, Europe VX4 90 and F ire nza , 2.3 lit rto , HC -" ~ 1969/7 0 1969/7 0 1969170 3378R 33 7BL 3379R 3379l 329 5 (FJ 3295(R I 3297{F) 3297{R 1 3312!F I 33 12 !R J 33 13!FI 33131AI 2X1 75CO·2S 2X 17 5 CD-2S 2 X175CO·2S BWC Bl OC Blue Blue Blue Blue BIBZ B1BZ IBJ 'BJ IBJ ' BJ 'BJ 'BJ 'BJ 'BJ l AS l AS l AS lAS l AS l AS ' AS ' AS Rod • R'" • Aed· Rod • Part 5 Appendix 3 Vun ~ T y,," mom ~ 164, 6 cy l 1972173 3580RH 3S80LH 164 1971172 3375L 3375R Blue B lu8 Blue Bl ue 2 litr e, 4 cvl, 8 20 8 197 3/74 2 litte , 4 cY' , 8 208 , Ja pan 1973/74 3668RH 3668LH 3629R H B1BE B 1SE 81BE 81SE SlD A B1DA Model details .. A3-7 VOLVO 3573 11 5CD-2SE 17 5CD- 2SE 175CD-2SE 17 5CD-2SE 17 5CD-2S E 175CD-2S E 175CD-2SE 175CD-2S E 17 5CD-2SE 3574R 3574 L 175Co-2SE 115CD-2 SE 3285 17 5CD-2SE 2X 175CD-2s e 3629 LH 144, 4 cy l 1445, 145S 1972/74 1971 /73 144, 145, 4 cyl, emission eerb, Ho me and E:o:p o rt 1968171 1425,1445 and 14SS, 4 cyl 1968n1 emi ssio n car b, Horne & Export 3286 (F) 3286( R ) 3287( Fl B1CC S IB l 8 18l Blue B1A N 81AP S l AP SlAM SlAM Blue Blue Slu e 3019 175 CD-2S 4F Blu e Blue BluR F6003 125CO SA Blu e ' F6011 125C D 58 Nat ural F6012 2 X 125C D 6e Natura l Foo14 125CO 5E Natural 1961/66 FOOlS 125CO 5D Natural 1963 /66 1959/6 2 Foo16 12 5CD 5E Natural 19 59 o n 19 59 on 1961163 1961/62 F5029 150CD 15X Natural F6032 F6033 2X 125CO 2Xl50CO 5H 7A Natural N atu ral F6037 2Xl50CD 7A N at ur al F6051 2X 12 5C D SA Natural F6052 2X 15OCD 7A Natural 'SOCD 15X Natural 164 and 1645 , 6 cvr. emrssian carb , H om e and Exp ort 19 68/70 12 1, 131 a nd 144 1966/68 2X 175CO-2Se BIDA B1 DA 32 87( AI CO N V E RSI ON S BR IT ISH LE Y LA N D CONVERSIONS Austin seve n !It Mini, 850 cc 1959 on MorriS Mini M inor. 8 50 ce 1959 on Ri ley en.aeo ec 1961163 Wo lse!ey Horne t , 850 cc 1961 /63 Austin/Morris,1 100 ec 1963 on Au..t in A40, 1098 cc 1963 on Morris M ino r, 1098 ec 19 62 on 196 1/6 4 A ustin H ealey Spri t e. M k II MG M idget. 948 ec 1961 /64 Austi n A SS Morris O xford, $er;e.s V 1959 /61 Wo'$lli ay 15/60 Austin A60 Mof"ris Oxford, Ser ies VI Wolseley 16/6 0 A ustin A 4 0, Mk 11 ,948 cc Morr is Minor, 948 cc A ustin Seven and Mini 850 cc Fo< Morr is M in i M inor. tu ned 850 cc engines on ly Ri ley El f , 8 50 cc Wolsel ey Hornet , 850 ~ A l ....nder Engi _ ing Co Ltd BMC A Series 1098 cc BMC B Ser ies 1622 ee M o rris/A ust in M ini Cooper MG1 100 Vandam Plas 1100 M G Mi dget Au stin Healey Sprit e Cer blolreibar S.A . Outfits A ust in Seven and Mini Morris Mini MinOt' Al,lS1in/MOt'ris 1100 Austin seve n and M ini Morris Mini M inor 5 F5053 A3 -8 Model d et. ils Ty,. m= orIrsc •• F6007 125C D 6T Na t u ral F6036 2X150CD 7A Blu e' esoee 2Xl 5OCD 7C Nat ural >603' 2X l 50CO 7A Naru ral >6002 2X17 5CD ,X Natural F6030 2 X 12 5CD 'H Natural F6039 2X l5OCO 14X Natura l >6025 >6001 2 X125CO 'C !A Natural 2X 175CO 2 X125CO 2X15QC O '0 12X Nat ural Natu ra l F6 04 7 150CD (pl us existi ng u n itl 78 Not fitt ed >6030 2X125CO 'H Natural 60 7. Natural Blue · llX Blue' T- FORD CO NVERSIONS Fo rd Ang lia. l OSE. 991 cc Fo rd Anglia . 123E , 1200 cc For d Cort ina, 11 3E , 1200 ee Ford SO cwt Van, 307 E. 997 cc A LEXAN D ER E NG I NEE RING CO l TO 997 cc and 1200 cc an d 1500 cc Ma rcos Ca rs Lt d Marcos 1500 f o rd H I L L M A N CO NVERSIONS ALEXA NDER E NG INE ERING CO LTO Minx. 1500 IX and 1800 ec JAGUAR CO NV ERSIONS Jaguar, Mk VII 1951157 OPEL CONVERSIONS A LEXAN D ER E NG INEER ING CO LTD Opel Kaden SUNB EAM CONV ER SIONS Alex ..nder Engin" ,lng Co. Ltd Alpine Alloy he1ld Rapier TRIUMPH CON VERS IONS vrtesse 6 T R3 . 3 A and 4 1962/65 1960/63 A lexander Engineering Co Ltd Heral d 12 /50 vttesse SAH Acc essories Ltd 13 00 F60 34 >6038 Natura l VA UXHALL CO NV ERSIONS Alex~nder Engineer Ing Co Ltd Viva J ack Brabham Co ..... rsions Lt d Viva HA, 1057 cc Viva HA90, 1057 ee Viva HB90 . 1 159 cc >6041 2Xl25CO >6044 !SOC D (p lus e"isting un it! >6049 l SOCO ' plus exi n ing unit} VO LKSWAG EN CONVERSI ONS Alla rd Mo to r Co Ltd Vo lkswagen 12 00 F6027 150CD 48 Natural Speedwell Perfo rma nce Conversions Ltd Volkswagen 1200. 1300 an d 1500 >604 ' 2Xl 50CD 5E Natural M -1 Part 5 Appendix 4 Meteri ng needles f or Zenith Stromberg carburetors T he metering needl ' c!etail ",d fo r iiIl spe cific i1ppliCiltion in Appendix 1 is th at fit ted as original equ ip ment a nd can be reli ed upon as be in!il th ' most satisfactory f or all nor mal r un ni ng. Howevec, whe n it;$ desi red to mak e a chan ", ' tom standa rd to ak. ca re of some spec ial ' I'q uirement. a s.u'U1 ble re placement ca n usually be determi ned by re ference to the ,,"die dimensio n cham. Need les sh ould be o rdered by the pa r t n u m ber rat her tha n by t he refe re nce st a mpe d on th e shank of th e need le. A q u ick er on -refer1! nce chart is in cluded for th is. Neeenes mark ed wi th a refere nce commencing w ith the let ter B a re bia..ed or ad jus t ab le as sem blies i1nd cetl onl y be fined to llpp.-op.-iate carbu ren o rs. On no accou n t shou ld an y c hange be made to t he need ~ fit ted as origina l eQl,lipmen t in .min'on contro l ca rbu renorl . Needle dimensions are taken at 1/8 in . intervals from t M s houl de r lunde rside of sha nk], Main meter ing needles to .09O jets Need le 02082 1 020888 020903 0209 08 81 62422 81640 4 2 8 16 4052 8165612 8168 24 Z 8 168672 816961Z P.rt 5H 5K 5A 5. 5C 50 5E SF 5G .0880 .0809 .0786 .0765 .0745 .0730 .0722 .0714 .0705 .0697 .0687 .067 7 .06 77 .0880 .08 4 ' .08 06 .078' .076 1 .0742 .0718 .0880 .0823 .0795 .0784 .0777 .0760 .0740 .0715 .0692 .0668 .0645 .062 3 .0623 .1)880 .082 7 .0792 .0779 13 .0880 .0831 .1.1802 .0788 .0775 .0759 .0744 .0726 .0708 .0686 .0664 .0646 .064 1 .0880 .()840 .08 73 .0792 .0775 .0757 .0740 .072 0 .077 0 .0690 .06 70 .0670 .067 0 .0880 .0835 .0815 .0785 .0777 .076 5 .0750 .0730 .0710 .0690 .0670 .06 70 .06 70 N.... . 8 168522 817 10 1Z 8 172972 8 17298Z B1n 49 2 8 1n53l B1775 02 8 177512 817752 Z 8 18 1522 8182 18 Z No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .0693 .0668 .0642 .06 17 .0593 .0593 .0 7(;2 .0742 .0729 .0723 .0705 .0683 .0663 .0642 .0642 .0880 .0844 .0798 .0787 .0769 .0747 .072 7 .07 07 .0693 .0670 .0656 .0635 .0635 5J .0885 .0840 .08 17 .079 7 .0783 .0773 .0758 .0735 .0722 .07 02 .068 / .0659 .0659 .0879 .0840 .0823 .08 00 .0775 .0758 .0747 .073S .0723 .07 11 .0700 .0630 .0630 5L .0880 .0847 .0821 .079 1 .0762 .0739 .0714 .0887 .0660 .0633 .06 06 .0578 .05 78 P. rt N o. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5. 5N 5P 50 5R .0880 .0835 .0805 .0184 .0760 .0735 .0705 .0693 .0677 .0644 .062 1 .0598 .0593 .088 0 .0844 .082 1 .0791 .0760 .0732 .0700 .0656 .0630 .0616 .0592 .0575 .0571 .0880 .0834 .0812 .0793 .0768 .0146 .0716 .0703 .068 1 .0656 .0630 .0600 .05 7 0 .0880 .0834 .08 19 .08 04 .0782 .0760 .0732 .0718 .0698 .0672 .0645 .0615 .0590 .0881 .08 44 .0824 .0800 .0772 .0739 .0700 .064 4 .0636 .06 13 .0611 .0609 .0609 55 5T .0883 .0883 .08 44 .08 35 .08 11 .0792 .0761 .0728 .0697 .06 74 .0653 .0650 .065 0 .0650 .0845 .0824 .0797 .0765 .0730 .0687 .0647 .06 15 .058 7 .0585 .0584 .0584 5U .0884 .0842 .0832 .0806 .0768 .0738 .070 1 .0663 .0639 .0639 .0639 .0637 . 06.16 5V .0882 .0844 .0842 .08 16 .0788 .076 / .072 9 BSW" .0880 .0839 .082 1 .0798 .0762 .071 7 .06 71 .0698 . 0625 .0674 .0674 .0674 .0672 .0671 .0625 .0625 .0625 .062 5 .062 5 5Y .08 61 .0846 .0827 .0797 .0756 .0715 .0665 .06 11 .0584 .05 53 .05 35 .0535 .0535 5 M-2 Part 5 Appendix 4 Main me te ring ne«llei for.09O jets N..... 8 182502 81 83022 8 1842 12 8184232 8184242 8 187252 8187262 8187272 8 190702 8191012 8 19 134 2 Port No. , a 3 4 5 5Z . 08 8 0 .0842 ,082 6 .0796 .0 758 6 7 8 . 0636 9 . 06 10 'A .0586 .0583 .0580 .0580 11 ta 13 Need le Part No. , a 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 'A 11 tz 13 .0720 .0678 8 5 .0..0.' · B5A B H .088 0 .0836 .0876 .0845 . 082 0 .0825 .0796 .0759 ,0713 .0660 .0792 .0762 .0722 .0880 .06 15 .0613 .0613 .061 3 . 06 14 .0613 .0613 .0592 .058 ' .0666 .0650 .0633 SAC .08 79 .0842 .0825 .080 1 ,0718 .0758 .0742 .0725 .07 11 .069' .0699 .069 ' .069' SAO 5A E 5AF 5AG .0880 .0880 .0840 . 08 15 . 08 0 0 . 0778 .075 3 .0736 .0720 .0695 .0880 .0848 .0826 .0813 .0795 .0772 .0757 .0743 .0880 .0854 .0775 .0710 .0763 .0693 .0722 .0745 .0682 .0682 .0682 .0682 .0710 .071 0 .071 0 .071 0 .0735 .0735 .068' .0667 .0650 .0735 .0735 .0639 .0639 .0043 .0836 .08 16 .0792 .0776 .0762 .0748 .0736 .0724 . 0724 .0724 .0724 .0835 .0825 .08 08 . 0788 B5AH ·· 8 5AJ·· B5AK " .08S0 .08 64 .0847 .0825 .0786 .0755 .0732 . 084 7 .08 16 .080 1 .0768 .0743 .0855 .084 3 .082 9 .0800 .0766 .0737 .0709 .068 3 .0671 .065 7 .0644 .0635 .0635 . 071 8 .077 1 .0652 .0633 .063' .0630 .063 0 8 191352819 173 28 191 9 328192 282 8 19 37 0 Z 8 19 398 2 81 9432Z 81951 9 2 81961 62 819622 Z 8199472 5 AL B5AM-- .0883 .0845 .0823 .0790 .0764 .0730 .068 ' .0846 .0843 .0825 .0801 .0768 .0732 .0695 .0645 .0663 .0614 .0630 .0587 .0600 .058 3 .0590 .058 2 .0880 .058 1 .0580 5AN " .0883 .0844 .0824 .0791 .0760 .0729 JJ679 .0643 .06 96 .0554 .0549 .0549 .0549 BSAP· · B5AC " " B5AR " " 8 5AS" BSAT H B5AU ' " 85AV H .0857 .0847 .0834 .08 08 .0778 .0736 .069 5 .0652 .06 13 .05 73 .0568 .0845 .0832 . CX324 .0862 .0838 .0826 .0786 .0753 .0729 .0720 .071 1 .0655 .0636 .0632 .063 1 .0631 .0846 .0844 .0833 .0807 .0776 .074 1 .0704 .0671 .0638 .0608 . 0868 . 0868 .(>JOO .0773 .0704 .0673 .0670 .0619 .0619 .0619 .06 19 .0619 .0882 .0867 .0834 .08 79 .0785 .0756 .072 6 .069 7 .0679 .0666 .0653 .0641 .064 1 .0862 .0842 .0826 .0786 .0753 .0729 .0720 .07" .0655 .0636 .0632 .0631 .0631 .0593 .0883 .0583 .0883 .0840 .0824 .0808 .0772 .0736 .0685 .0638 .060' .0553 .0545 .0552 .050 9 SAW .088 3 .0845 .0820 .0792 .0765 .0734 .0705 .0683 .0664 .064' .0623 .0596 .0573 Need le Port 819965 Z 8 199S8 Z 82 0 378Z 820386Z 820388Z 820471Z 820493 Z 820577Z 820578Z 820579 Z 820580Z No. B5 A Y" 1 .0863 .0837 .0827 .0798 0168 .0709 . 0683 .0667 .0661 .0661 .066 1 .066 1 .066 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 8 10 11 tz 13 5AZ .08 62 .0835 .08 09 .0792 .0760 .0699 .0675 .0673 .0671 .0666 .066 1 .0658 .0658 B5BA " · .0846 .0845 .08 37 .08 ' 2 .0783 .0748 .0712 .0678 .0645 .0614 .0596 .0585 .0583 • Oe"'011l1 biased ...""dle assemblies 588 .0879 .08 44 .0820 .0789 .0756 .0724 .0693 .0657 .0632 .0607 .0600 .0600 .0600 BSSe.... 8580· ' .0859 .0850 .0837 .08 ' 2 .078 1 .074 1 .0704 .0671 .0638 .0608 .0593 .0583 .066 3 .0866 .0856 .0836 .0809 .0782 .0741 .069' .0647 .0607 .0569 .0530 .0492 .0483 58E 5 SF 59 G 58P .(>J6J62 13 .0604 .0600 • Den ot es biased nee dl e asse m blies .0834 .098 0 .0907 .0888 .08 70 .0840 .08 12 .0782 .0751 .072 0 .0688 .0656 .0625 .0625 .0644 .0964 .0938 .09 74 .0875 .0839 .0798 .0763 .0 722 .068 4 .064 7 .060' .0505 .0569 .05:12 .0574 .0 55 1 2E 2F .0980 .0925 .0898 .0876 .0847 .08 1S .0781 .0 740 .0705 .0670 .0636 .0597 .0597 .0980 .0543 .0906 .0878 .0850 •• Denotes adjUSlable bias ed need le assem blie s .0828 .08 04 .0790 .0782 .0774 .0765 .0765 .0765 M -7 Part 5 Appendix 4 Main rnetllf"ing needles for . 100 j'b Needle Port No. 8 19061Z 8 190582 8 19 1642 6 1842 62 8184362 Bl85 10Z 818580Z 8 18 7392 8 187 44Z 8 18 9262 B1U· · S2V " BW" S2 Y" 82Z' • 'AA F2AB" .0959 .0923 4 .0867 .0835 .0803 .0942 .0929 .0908 .0872 .0844 .0805 .0 714 .0740 .0700 .0666 .0623 .0580 .0580 .0938 .0896 .0967 .0932 .0905 .0890 .0848 .0978 .092 7 3 .0959 .0926 .0899 .0871 .0840 .0953 a .0898 .08 70 .0812 .0905 .0872 .084 0 .0803 .079 1 .077 T .0779 .0770 .0710 . 0667 .0 697 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .0769 .0748 .0728 .0708 .0689 .0671 .0671 .0807 .0773 .0750 .0730 .0710 .0691 .06 73 .0673 .0943 .091 4 .08 79 .0840 .0804 .0768 .0731 .0693 .0615 .058 0 .0562 .0562 .081 6 .0779 .0155 .0735 .0715 .0695 .0677 .0677 .084 0 .075 1 .0742 .0726 .0710 .0694 B2IoC' • 82 AD " .0953 .0923 .0895 .0865 .0837 .092 5 .0803 .0665 .0634 .0634 .0 6 15 .060 6 .0578 .0578 .0578 .0 551 B2AE" 82 A F " • .0953 . 0932 .0953 .0898 .0868 .0840 .08 04 .0898 .0868 .0840 .0804 .0770 .0 700 .0770 .0668 .0636 .0508 .0 580 .0553 .0932 .0700 .0668 .0636 .0608 .0580 .0 553 N_ . P.rt 8192222 8192482 8 1931 22 8 193622 8 196652 8 197432 81 99532 8201542 820521 2 B20S27Z 8 160392 N~ 82AG" ,, 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 " " 13 .0979 .0931) .0910 .0880 .083 7 .0797 .0759 .0 721 .0683 .0645 .0607 .0569 .0 530 8 2 AH" B2AJ o • .0987 .0976 .0951 .0926 .0893. .0860 .0826 .0793 .0755 .0703 .0661 .0632 .0625 .0625 .0940 .0905 .0887 .0855 .08 15 .0775 .0736 .0595 .0663 .0634 .06 14 .06 70 B2AK" 'AL 'AM a2 A N" B2AP " ' AQ Bl AR " 3A .098 7 .0980 .0912 .0896 .0876 .0838 .0800 .0755 .0733 .0674 .0631 .0599 .0572 .0572 .09 70 .0923 .0905 .0878 .0842 .0801 .0762 .0 7.13 .06 78 .0648 .06 18 .0585 .0585 .0978 .0928 .0959 .093 1 .0902 .0875 .0849 .0825 .0797 .0765 .0 74 1 .0720 .0691 .0668 .0668 .0980 .0936 .0897 .0858 .0821 .0789 .077 1 .075 1 .0716 .0685 .0663 .0640 .0604 .0940 .0901 .0880 .0848 .0808 .0768 .0729 .0687 .0653 .0622 .0600 .0595 .0980 .0915 .0905 .0876 .0838 .0800 .0755 .0733 .0674 .0631 .0599 .0572 .0572 .. Needle P.rt No. 8 176462 8182632 B189462 8200062 8 2001 02 820 1572 021061 3B 3C 3D B3 E · · B3 F " 83G B , .0980 .09 18 .0888 .0857 .0820 .078 7 .0775 .0765 .0752 .0728 .0700 .0675 .0675 .0983 .0929 .0893 .0867 .0825 .0177 .0732 .0684 .0542 .0626 .0610 .0593 .0570 .0980 .0918 .0888 .0857 .0820 .0780 .0765 .0750 .0720 .0710 .0685 .0665 .0665 .0957 .0944 .0915 .0884 .0849 .0815 .0767 .0 723 .0688 .0655 .0622 .0618 .0618 .0939 .0932 .09 10 .0882 .0847 .08 10 .0 765 .0 725 .06$1 .0655 .0621 .0586 .0586 .0949 .0930 .0918 .0894 08 62 .08 12 .0773 .0735 .0692 .0652 .0618 .0600 .0570 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "" 13 .0980 .0931 .0887 .08 5 1 .08 15 .0784 .0760 .0755 .0750 .0744 .0737 .0730 .0730 .098 0 .0929 .09 11 .0885 .0855 .08 14 .077 6 .0726 .0687 .0654 .0621 .06 /5 .06 15 .0904 .0880 .0853 .0827 .0797 .0762 .0724 .0705 .0677 .0666 .0655 81 61692 8 166512 8 171762 81 73032 4' 4C 4D 4' .0980 .0927 .0890 .08 63 .0825 .0785 .0740 . 0595 .0650 .0500 .0555 .0600 .0600 .0980 .0922 .08 76 .0835 .0805 .0757 .0 708 .0656 .0599 .0550 .0505 .046 4 .0464 .0980 .0880 .0866 .084 1 .08 15 .0787 .0752 .0 717 .0661 .0608 .0 565 .0 525 .0525 .0980 .0922 .0896 .0858 .08 11 .0775 .0744 .0594 .0650 .06 77 .0587 .0 560 .0560 5 A4-8 Part 5 Appendix 4 Needle P. rt 8181372 a 178672 8 183622 9 188512 8195842 Bl i585Z B19S86Z 8 195872 B19588Z 8 195892 9195902 8 195912 No. 40 4H 4J 4< 1X 1 . 09 58 . 09 13 . 08 71 .0964 .0964 .089 7 .0980 ,0918 .088 5 .0888 .085 1 . 0820 . 0787 . 0772 .0160 .0745 .0720 .0695 .0675 .0675 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .0897 .083 6 .0885 .085 1 .0783 .0817 .0850 .0808 .0 737 .0693 .0638 .0773 .0756 _0721 .0 11 0 .0669 .0 580 .0 5 18 . 0455 .0 4 15 . 04 15 .0677 0645 .0645 .0619 .0 6 19 .0593 .0562 .0593 .0524 .0524 .0 562 • Denotes biased need le 8sll!mbl ies 2X 3X 4X SX 6X 7X 6X .0981 .0979 .098 1 . 09 42 .0980 .0973 .0979 .0939 . 0983 .0942 .098 0 .094 1 .091 9 .0935 .09 34 .093 1 .093 1 .091 3 . 09 10 .08 78 . 08 48 . 090 5 .0898 .0870 .0861 ,089 1 .085 2 .088 7 .0846 .0897 .0876 . 0855 .0835 . 08 14 .0791 .0769 .0748 . 0730 .0730 .09 14 .0888 .0864 .0839 .08 17 .0 790 .0765 .0 740 .0885 .0858 .0830 .0803 .077 6 . 0 71 4 .0 749 .0 72 1 .0594 .0595 .069 0 .0558 .066 6 . 08 17 . 0787 . 0 7 56 .0 726 .0695 .0564 .0642 .0633 .0837 .0805 .071 3 .0742 .0710 .0676 . 0640 .06 rD .06 10 .0824 .08 13 .0803 _0788 .0 753 .0 71 6 . 0679 .0 774 . 0734 . 0695 . 0718 .0655 . 0676 .0635 .0644 . 0605 .0573 .0573 .06 16 .0593 .0578 .0 543 . 0543 .05 10 .0505 . 0 760 .0550 A5-1 Part 5 Appendix 5 Metering needles cross-reference chart for Zenith Stromberg carburetors No.2 Series No.1 Ski. IA IB Ie ID 0 19672 8 .17296 8.18128 B.ICe B. tCE- e.tcetee - 8 ,22330 8.22355 8.224 15 8 . 18330 8. 8.22693 1L B. 18722 B.TeL IAA lAS 'A T IAU IAV 'AY 8.19504 e.t cu- 8 .20353 B. TeN" 8 .20460 8.20461 8 .1 CP· B.ICO" 8.20462 B.1CU B. 1CW B. fC Y 8.22536 8 ,2 2290 8.22609 8.22645 8.22658 0 .23083 8.23 139 8 .20560 8 , 1E B. IG · 8,1G B. 18394 8 .20672 B. 1CZ B. 18564- B. IR B.IS a. TU 8. 19000 8 . 18999 B. IDA H.1De B.WE 8. 1DF B.1W 8.1OG s.iv- 8.19982 a lY B. 19 4 19 B. 1DH· B. 1DJ S.IA F ~ 8.1AF S. I A G B.fAM S. f A N 8./AP 8. fA O ~ afAR 8. fAR· 8. fA W B. f BE B. IBF" 8. 18 H ~ B. fBK 8.1 8 L B. 1BM B.18P B.IBO B.I8R B. I BS ~ 8. 19619 8 .20376 8. 19699 8. 19773 8.2000< 8.20091 8.20194 B.2 f 2 17 B.20287 8.2 1848 8.20524 8.20799 8.20816 B.20958 8.21442 8.21666 s.ter- 8.21750 8.21790 B.2 1792 8. 2 1890 B.2 19 19 B.21989 8.1BW 8.1BZ 8.22242 8. 22261 02010 1 020714 020965 2J 2K 2L 2M 2N 2P B.1 9 147 8 .194 17 B. IA E 8 .2314 1 8.23200 2< 2B 2C 20 2E 2F 2G 2H a. 1OK "' S.IDL ~ 8. 1DO 8. 105 ~ 8. IDS 8. 1DT B.1DV 8. 1ES B. IECB. I ED B. I EE 8 .23230 8.23428 8.2348 1 8.23969 8. 23523 8.2356 1 8.23600 8.23619 8.23655 8 .2399 1 8. 25265 2S 2", A35 VI " A35 VI " oo, ~ 94&. M&' ~" m;M t .' 1 10 ~, ~ \'MI mi.. " . Al 10 Polio . 2912<:< ." 310',. 291 210. 1622c<: ID e...... Van ~"' Mt'" A u'omllUC Mon. AulO""'''. "'' n, "'' ' II Mo", tolk II Aut~tOc Mon, loOk II ,. ,,; ... ~ II ....."""'. ic: "",,; IEe EI ""n, V.... (G PO I ....1.i n Mini VM1 (GUS] M;ni I E.C. EJ Mini M ~ M; NM ~ .....amatic: M;ni M~ Mo n; M ~ ""'a"""~ Mini M ~ Au.a"",.ic: Monl M ~ MIn; M ~ Ay . a "",. ;" M,ni M~ Au.arno';" Moni M~ (E.C. E.I WOni M ~ Man/Aula ( Ee E) M;n i V.n (GPOI M;n i ICon. ""! M,n i ICo""';"! M,,, j ICon.do! M,n i Mk II Ma,,/Au. a (ECE! E.potl a nly WOnl ClYb"",n Mi"1 Club""''' Aula"",.;c Mini Clu b......". IEe E) "" n; Clu btno " Man / Au.a IEC El M,ni Oubmon Au'Ol'I'la. ie ""nI O u _ I n S GT " nl Oubmon I n S GT U, n i O ubmanl:nSGT I ECEl M;n; c-< Mlo; I a Mk II " no, M" M" M" M" -.... M&' M&, ..M&, M" ~ 00" 00. « 998 ee ,,&, 00&, 00. . 00. . 00&' 99 8<:< ,,& , .. 99 8<:( 9 98<:( ,"' ,,&, ese« ~& e on. . 1275« on.. 00. . M;ni~ S " .... ""n i e a - S 1011 « ""niC-< S M;n, Coo_ S "'" 1100 Au'a....... ie 1 100 ~~ ~ II 1. 00 "' . II Au . a ..... ;c 1100 M. II Aytam.o.,c ll 00M '1I 11 0010.1 . II I 1 100 Mk III Au 'D",",,;e l 100Mk IlI IEC EJ ,,,,, l J OO Au , o""" ie ,, ~ "'" 196 1/6 2 1962163 ,~ A UO 124 A VO 124 AUST IN '" ,- v_ • •• • •• •• e • • ••• •• •• • •• •• •• •• ••• ••• ••• •• •• •• ••• • •• • • ,,~ 196 1162 196 1162 '''' 196 1 /68 196 1f1O 1911m 1962168 19651'67 196 7168 "'''''' 1969m 1969/74 197 1/7" 1971/7" 197 " / 19 n 1 1969/7 1 19 1 1m '9721 AUD "UD "UD "UD AU D A UO .. ,~ rssa.. 127 5cc 197001 109&e 1962/67 1965167 1967/71 1967/68 1969/7 1 197 1/72 19 71/74 19 7 1/74 1971/74 1967/68 . 96 7/68 .. 1098<:( 12 75c ( 12 75cc 5(; 7 I04 L I04R IS 1L 15 1R 99L AUO_ " UD l'I6l AU D I'16R AUD'I4Ol " UD 4 40R AU O 13 AUD 18 5 AUD '3 AUD 25 ' AUD 3 70 AUD 368 AUO 368 AUO 371 AUO 508 A UD 186 AU O 2 71 R;ch HOOT' HOO HOO HOO '0 ' 0 ' 0 ' 0 0' 0' 0' ~ ~ H" HDO "" HDO "" UH ~ ~ ~ H" H" '" H" H" H" H" H" HV HV HV ~ "" '" '" -e '" "a " a a a H" H" VU '" H" "" """ "" H~ "" H" H~ AUO ' " AUO "" AUD679 AU0450 AU O 317 AU 04S' VV~ H" A UO 360 AUO 608 AUO 363 AUD393 AUO 509 ,,.. ,, AUO 299 19 73 1969/71 19 70/74 19 71 /74 '''''''' "" "'" ,, ,, AUO~ 19 70171 19 70174 19 11)/74 1971/74 19 74 / 197'1/ 19 72 /73 1973/ 197 4/ 197 " / 19 7" / 1967,'68 1967}68 '~no .. 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GV AC GV AC AC G' AC AC ~V ~G ,~ AO" AO" H~ AO" H" ""' H~ '" '" H" H" H" "" '" '" "" H" H" H" H" GV AC AAV ....... ~G '0 0' HA HA C'W " W GG GG GG "GG " " ,~ Vellow Yl lio w V. llow Y ellow Yel low V"lIow Y ellow Yel low ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ R~d GG HA '" '" ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ cr ,~ ,~ ,~ ,,,,- ,~ "" "" OC H" ' 0 .0 oz cz "cr '" ,~ ,,' '" ,,' A"' A"' " H2 A"' ~V ,~ ,~ ,."' H~ ,~ "' HA '" H~ ,~ ,~ ""OC H" ,~ ,~ "" "" " """ "eo OC V. lIow GG HA GG HA HA GG eo "eo ""eo H~ Red IG ...... ,~ .OC H~ ,~ ,~ '" a'" a AH ,~ ,~ AH AH '0 ,~ ,~ ... " ...•••• H~ H" G,_ "ee "" GG "HA HA GG GG ...... G<_ ,~ GV GV "" Pm"" GG GG AOV H~ H~ OH OH AOV AOV '" H~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ..... ,~ H" '" '" w_ ,~ ~V H~ H~ H" - ,~ ,~ ,~ -,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ '"' '"' ,~ ,~ A6-3 Part 5 Appendi x 6 No. N_ . 0' Modol o.ullt CoJ*';ty "., 1300 A~, ....... , ;c 1300 GT "., '''''''' OM ' 1275<:<: 0 0 0 1969 n l "'~ 17150;: 0 0 19 71 19 71 1275cco 0 0 1911m 1911m 1275c<: 127Scc: "., taecer <,' ' 2 75c<; ' 969f1O 1969170 "'~ 12150;- 0 0 1300 ..... ' &Ill IECEl "'~ 1300Mktll IECEI "'~ l30QMkIII IECEI 1175c<: l30QMklrr reC EI "'~ 1300Mk til Aut omatiC racer ,Tl5a: 1300Mk III Au' omMiI: l e CEl l 275cc: ......d1 HMIev Slln '1 MI.; I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,,, ....' in - . . , $Qtil1 "'" II 0 196 1162 0 196 2/63 0 ,~ 1300 MIt I " lll lECEI 1300GT IEeEI Aultin ......., $llr ite Mk 11 ""«in MuI.... $pl.", Mit II I ""filII HNI.... Spnte MIt IV Aurit. IUSA) "'u n i~ A...... ~. Au'O.... 'iC A U lti ~ Amo' i<=. AUI, in A,..., i<=. Au' O...., ic A~ l tin A.... ,~. AUI, in A mo '~ 1 Au, om" ie AUl , ln A"", lc. A~ lll n Ma,in. IUSA) A~ lli n Marin. AuIO","I;e (USA) Austin Ma'in . (USA) A~ S! l n Ma'in. Auo ....tle (USA) AUIUn Ma,in. (Cenado) AuS!;n M"i nl AUIO matie (Ce...do) Aulli n 7 OWl Van A ~ I I ; n 7 eWl Vln (ECE) Austin 10 eWl Van ( ECEI AuS!; n 10 eM GPO Vln Alll gro 1100 (ECEI Alll gro 1300 (ECEI Alll gro 1300 Au,O....' ;" IECEI Alll gro I!tOO IECEI Allogro 1&00 AuIOf'l' iC (ECEI AII'gro 1750 IECEI AlI.gro 1750 Au' Of'ItiC (ECEI A1logro kUSc>o250 SpOrt. VB sa loon A"c o molic va Saloon Man....1 va Mojestic M.;or va Mojatic va Mejeotilo Moio< U_ U_ne U_ no Sover";gn ••'" • •• •• • •• ,•• • • • • • • • •• • •• • y- '- ""'''' AVO 280 AUO 291 A VO 315 AVO 31. AU O 111LH A UO l 11 R H AUO 524 A UO 525 AU O 35 5 ''''''''' ''''''''' 1969n2 1961In i ' ''71n2 1971n4 19 7, n 2 1973/ 1973 / 1972nJ 1912/73 19nn4 19n n 4 '''''''' rsee "" 196 9 n l 18 nm 18 72m 18 73n 4 19 74/ 1973n4 19 731 '"'''' '"'''' "'&, AU D~ F AU O~lF HH AUO 26 9 A UO 389 AUO 389 AUO 3B7 A UO 387 '" ' H se-e- ' B' ' A' 'B' ' A' ' B' • • • .,,"" , 4 56 1<:<: .,,"" .,,"" 2792cc .. 186 7/68 " " ,"'- ,,,om , , • 19 Un S le73n 4 1968 n l ,m" e 1971n 2 19 71nJ So.e reign 4235c<: Sovo'eign .,,"" e e e Sower";!J" .,,"" Sooeni9" ezasee "''''' s , s , OH HH '" ' H '" H" H" H" e, cr W_ " COW COW rz rz ," ," 'H " ." ." ". HI F6 ". ". ". HIFa HIFlI HIF6 os "" "" H" H" "' U' U, WU UYU OA ' HO' HO. HO. HO. HO' HO' ." ." OA' ..,, "" H'" Aue ,"", ,~ ." ." "" "" "" H" "" H" H" m H"e H'" H"" A U0 572 A UO S72 ..... .... .'",. .'" ... ." ,~ ACA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 19&7/68 1&6Sn1 19 7 1m 19J1m 1973 '"'' AU O 180 L AUO 180R AU O 190 L A UO 180 A AUO 139L AU O 139A A UO 139 1. AUD 139A A U'D 18 11. A UO 18 1A AUO 3S 7F A UO 3S 7R A UO &l 7F AUO &l7A AU06&7 F AU0 6&7R AUO J2 1F AUO J 21R AUD 53 7 F AUD 537'" A UD 4 15F A UD 4 15R A UD 245 F AUD245R AU D J S7F A UD J S7 R AUO 53 8 F AUD 538'" AUO J97 F A U0 397R AU06l7 F AU0 6l7R A U'D653 F A UD 653R ,H HH ,H HH ,H '" HH OH ,H ,," , ,• H ,H ,H ,H ,,H , H , ,H ,• ,H H H"" "" """ """ "" "" "" H" H" HO' H09n 2 HO' IotSlI AEoJ HSSA EO HSSA E03 HSS AEO H08Th2 " CO H58 AED" HS8 AEO H58 AEO' HSB AEO HOS Tn2 HO' HDS Tn2 HO. HSS AE03 HSS AEO HSSA EoJ HSSA EO HSS AEoJ HS8 AEO HSB AEoJ H58 AEO 'n, 'n, n, n, Vellow Yell ow Vel' ow Vel low • elw e ," crw CO W H~ ,~ Vell ow Vellow Yellow Yellow Vellow V ellow Vellow H~ H~ H~ H~ H~ RedlB l... Rodl8l..- R..,/8,.,. R«II8 I... Red lll l... Red/BI" . Red /ll l"e Red/B I" . R.d/BI". Reel/ll l" . G__ Gr..n YeI' ow H~ m AAU "'- "" ".0" .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .0 .~ " Yellow ze ze 0 ", 0 ", ,- Y. ... 18 59 /64 ""'''' 279 2<:0 42J 5c<: H" H sev." ei ll" Sr:Ne4A AUD AVO 111 'A ' AVO 177 "S' A V O 2fi 9 'A ' • 4561<:<: HH , •, H , H , s..-eign (LHDI -.... A U0568 AU D4 e "M XK I 4 0 C 7 : 1 an d 8 : ~.~ (C Ty pe h• • d) ,.. ~ XK I4OC 7 : 1 andS'10, (C Type head) (di sc oleane,,) XK 14 OC8 : 1 an d9 :1 or 'M~ .i, , , ( CTypeh ~ a d) XKI4OC 7 : 1 . nd B : l cr OI H COUp" and.um oo , d XKI 4OC7 : 1 . ndB RH O F I H Co u p" XK I 40C 7:1.n d8; LHO F I H Cou p" XKI 4 0 7:1. nd8 : L HO FI H Cou p" XK I 407 : 1 .nd8 : R HO FI H Coo p" XKI40 7 :1a nd B : Bo' ll'-Wame, tr . n, . XKI 40 7 : I .nd 8 : 1c r BoWlr.n , . R HO FIH Co u p" XK 14 0 7 : 1 . ndB : l c, B-W Iran'. LH O OIH Co up" XK l407 : 1 a nd B : lc r B·W "a n, . RHO OIH Co upe XK ' 50 S ,'"'" ' "' ' "' ,,, 1952 ,, ~ "M 34 42<:<: s 344 20< s 19 55 34 42<:<: e 19 55 s 19 55 'M~ 'M~ , ,, ~ 19 55 3 442« s 19 5 5 3442cc e '''' 344 2<:< 3442<:c 37 81 0< , , , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" e" , ,,e ,, ,, , ,e e , ,e ,e ,e ,e e ,,, ,e e , e ,,, ,, e , ,,e , ,, ~ ,,~ 19 59/62 ,, ,, ,e 0 XK I50J.4 Iitr e 3442<:< s , XK l 50J .8 Iitr " 37S1« E Ty pe J .B litr e 37S1« E Ty pe 4 .21ilre 4235c< 3781« , ,s 37 B10< , , • , , 420 ..... tomohc8: 1 . 9, I "r eAC P'oo_ clu ....... 1 U35<" , , , 4 200 Mtnu.IS; , . 9 : "r lAC P'oo por cloa ne,.) 4 23 Scc 420C; Au' o. 8, I and 9 : ,r l AC Pdper ole. nod 4235<0 e Tv PO 3 78 1"" 30'0 8 : 1.9 : lerMan. ....... l AC P'oope r c _J 4 20 Mon.... S ;1 . 9:1 cr eAC 1'1_ cleonerl E Tv P0 8 :l ond 9 : e Type 5.3 litr. XJ I 25.3 Ii'.. 2.8 XJ6 2.8 XJ6 2.8 XJ6 eLHOI 4 .2 XJ6 4 .2 XJ6 1l. HOI 4 .2 XJ6 4 .2 XJ6 4 .2 XJ6 ,« ~.>o< 4235<" 4 235JF AUD l !i3R AUO l S4 F AUO 1S4 ~ AUO 243 F A U0243 ~ 1967168 1967168 1967168 Aoo 2 4 1F AUo 2 4 1~ AUO 2 4 2 F AU0 2 4 2A AUOn9 F AU0 239R 1967168 AU0245F AUO 245R e 1967/68 , AUO 15 7 F AUO 157 C A UO I S7 R 19 5 7/6 S AUO AUO AUO AUO AUO AUO AUO AUO AUO • , 196 3164 1967168 """ "'''' "'>0< 18 72 m 1968nl 27921;(: 1971m 2792cc "nm ,"" , , , "''''' , :I7A AU03 57F AUO 3 57R AUO S38F A UO 538R A UO J97F A UD 39 7R A UO 64 7F AUO &l 7R AUo 6!>:1 F AU0 6 53R , ,, ,C, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,C , ,,C C ,, ,C ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, e' "elBlack BI""lBlKk n, n, n, n, n, ,~ ,~ ,~ n, n, n, ,., ,., ,., ,., ,., n, n, n, "" ,., ,., ,., 'n, ,~ 'M ,~ '" ,~ ,~ n, n, HDllT h 2 '00 HD6Th 2 HO' HD6Th 2 HO' HD6Tll l HOO HD6T h2 HOO ,., 'n, 'n, ,~ HOOTh2 HOO CO CO ,~ H06Th' HOO TC TC ,., HD6T h 2 HOO '" '" HD6T h 2 HOO HDBTh 2 H~ ,~ ,~ .... ,~ CO ,~ Q ,~ "" Bl.../ B*-<:k BI.../ Bl...k U" UN R od/G ree n Re OA> ' 0 '0 "" 0' 0' GY GY 0' '". '". a, sr sr sr va va GY GY .N .N 'N 'N 'N ' N .. ... '"'" "' .~ "SO R'" R'" R'" R'" R'" '" '" G' '0 '0 " ."0 "" ... "'" R'" R'" "'" R'" R'" ......... ... R'" 8r". Blu. "'" R'" V. llo.-. VeliOw VtllOw Vl liOw VeliOw Vello.-. Vello.-. Yello.-. Blue ,, ~ ,, ~ GO ,,~ GO ,, ~ GO GO ,, ~ GG GG GO ,,~ ,,~ ,, ~ ....... ,, ~ R'" .~ ,~ ••• ••• .~ .~ .~ .. ... 0' cs ee ee " 0' OY OY ,, ~ R'" R'" G< AA' AA ' AA' ' N 'N AA' AA' AA' AA' cz Blut GO ,R'" ,,~ '" ." "~ " SO .~ R. , . .0 . .0 .~ .'" .'."" "" G" '" 0" G, sr .~ " SO e- "' NO ~ ."' ."' ." .'" ..."... Gre, n AA' AA' "RO RO ~ 8 hJ' 8 1u. AAV 'AV ~ "DO "DO V..ll o.... xs 'CA ~ ...... ""' Vi llow «s xv .'" "' "' R'" Y. .... v.n_ R'" R'" OAN OAO OAO .CA st, st, "" "~ ~ ,, ~ AOV ~, ~ ... ,, ~ ... .~ ,R ,R ,R ,R ,R 0- ," "a ." ." ." ." ." ." ." .'" .'" .'" .'" ... R'" Blul V.. I..... .CA "" ssa "" "" .'" ...... Slu. OAN .~ R" cs GY GY .~ .~ e- a, - ._, A6-7 GO GO cs GO 00 "'" "'" R'" 81u. 81u. "'" 81ue 81ue 5 Part 5 Appendi x 5 A6-8 . o. Modool e.uo. c._ rtv "'0 13OOMl< II m~ "'013OO "'kll m~ MG 1300M:Ic III ECEI m~ MG. 17 9 8c:c ,,- MOS t USAI MOB tolk II l USA) """" """" MGS Ml< II (USAl MOB lAic lI eUSA) 1798ce 1798c ~ MGB "'. II IUSA I 1798cc H" MOS IU SA) 1798cc MOB Compeli ti o ~ 1798<. MaS & GT 1798<. MOB & GT ""'"' HG. """" HG. 1798<. MG B IEe EI 1798a: MGB teen "'OS GT VS1 ECE] "'<>01' (Somes III olow _I air Minor 1000 lRu _ ' ' * li.,.1 Mi ~ or 1000 l R u~ 'uel lilllnd PI_lir c l _1 Mi ~ or 1000 ISlleileYon) Mi ~ or 1000 IStoel l.....n I~tl PI_,i, . I.. ~ er) Mlni M i~ ... Mino, looo Ml no, "~ d I1 00 Mino, Oxfo ,d Mini Mini Aulom.,ic Min! AUlo"",'ic Mini MIni ""'0,"" ,1<: MIni M~ II Mi~ 1 ( ECEI Mini Von (GPO) Mi " iM ~lI Mini M ~ II Au,o Mini M ~ II Mini M~ II """'0 Mini Mk Jl Mini loll< II Au'o Mini ... 11 ......10 Mnl ECE Mi~j Mk II IECE] MinlOu_ Mi~i 0 .. _ Au l" Mini Out>m.n IECEl Mini O .. t>n.n Au'" Mo~; O .. bmon """"Men I ECEI MIni Vo,. (GPO) Irdlnl Mlc II AuWMan leCEI h P I. ""Iy Mj! j 0 .. _ 127 5 GT ""'Ii 0 .. bmonl 275GT (ECEl Mini C .. b.....n 1 27 5 GT Au,,, racei Mi~1 Coope, Mini Co"per S 191 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,,,,- • MORRIS "'1 Of' 1000 "'nor 1000 (_ ,"" • """" """ """ """ """ ~"" ~'"' ~&, •• • • •• •• • ,""', •• ""'"' ••• •• •• """ • """ """ ••• ~&, 162 2<:. ~ &, ~&, ~&, ~&, ~& , -"'" -eeaee "'''" "'''" "'''" "'''" - "''"' '''''" 127Scc 127Scc 127 Sc. "'&, 970e. •• ••• •• • ••• •• •• • •• • 1871n2 ' 8 71m .."'"'' -- AUD 4 J 1L A,UC 43 1A A UD454LH A UD 4S4AH A UD 496L AU0496A 196 2,I6J " 1970171 1971 19 72 19n n 4 Aue 26!>F AUD 26 5 A A UDJ:l'SF AUD 326 A AU0405F AU D 40SR AUD 46 51' AlID 465A AU D 4931' A UD493R AUD 5 50 1' AUD 550 R 1974/ A UD S3 0F A U D BJOR 1963/64 AU D 129 1' A UD 129A AUD 1351' A UD 135 R AUD 2781' AUD 278R AlID 32SF A UD 3251'1 A U0434f 196 5 /66 1967/68 1969 nt 19 72 AUO 4341'1 19 73114 AUD 6161' A U0616 R 1914/ 19n 1 FZX ll10 1F FZ:c;10011'1 AUO 613 l AU0 6 13R 19 S3!S6 1957 ...'H 'H H" H" U< ~, 'H 'H 'H "" H" , ,• ,• ,• ,• ,• ,• •, •, •, •, •, •, ,• •, • "' CH 1957 .. 19 57 HISSI59 1959/62 1960162 1962/63 1962nO 196 1n1 196 2/68 196 5 /66 ---H~ H~ H~ .~ ~ , .~ '" AAU .~ AO> AO> .~ .~ .~ ." ." ." AO> U'O WO •• ox '"ox ox ~U ~U Blu e/B li ck Bl ue/BIIIC:k " at G' G' G' G' AAU .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ ... ... .~ .~ .~ ~U .~ ACD ACO .~ nu nu ,.~ Yel low .~ AM' H .~ " "" • " ~, ~, ~, AUO 451 H~ 1972/ 1964 /69 AUO 56 7 AUO 10<1l AUO 1041'1 AUO 161l AUO 1511'1 ~, s AM' H A" ~ ~ ." ." .. H ~ AN AN H H~ ~ ", ee " " AO ~, AAV H" ~V -"" "" ~, H~ HM ~, ~, H~ H H' H H' H H' ., H HI ~, AC G' AC AC ee ee AC DZ GG HA GG HA OG HA HA "" G' AN AN .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ .~ GG HA .~ .~ .~ ... .~ .~ ., .~ C> .~ .~ AU " ,~ Yollow .~ AA> H H .~ " AS' .0 .~ .~ ~V ex ,~ GG .. H~ ~, ex GG GG .., , H~ ~, G' AC ea ~V ~O H~ ", .~ ea AU H" H~ ee ee ~ ~, .~ AN H~ • .~ " H~ .~ NO GO H ex ~, NO H H ~, • .~ NO 1971n2 ,,~ s .~ HOW " ,, , .~ "" ." rsss tees .~ ~, ox ox GO H~ 1970 1970174 1971n4 19741 ~, AAE ,, ~ aa s AU0608 AU0317 tsee ,• Blu e Blue Blue Blue "" 1973 / rses e ~ ...... ... H' H' AOO e s -.... ,,~ AAO ~U HI F4 HIF4 HI F4 HI F4 HIF.. Hlf .. Hlf6 HIF6 AUO 679 AUO 706 ,.,.'" GG GG ... «o a 19 74/ 19 74/ "" 1969 n 2 19 n n .. 19 n n 3 1967168 1967/68 •e HI F4 HI F4 HI1'4 Hl F4 HI F4 H~ G' ~. H I 1'4 H~ av .... ~. H~ '", --."W H~ 19 7017.. 1971 n .. 197 2/ 1968 n l • H H~ AUO 13 AUO 40 AUC9 76 AUO 170 AUO 250 AUO 299 AUO 360 AUO 359 AU0449 AUO 581 AU086 AUO 184 AU0298 AU0366 AUD 363 AU0 36 7 AUO 393 ,",UO 509 'UO 679 AUO 36J AUO 39J AUO 509 AU0 45/) "" .~ ~, " 1957 " "~ GG GG BI... BI... " .~ ee ,~ A6-9 Part 5 Appendix 6 ...... - "- No. o' "" '- 196 3 /64 AU099L AUO 99Ft AUO 146 L AUO 146 Ft AU044DL AU044DFt AUO 185 CootloIr S 1071<:<: • Miftl Coope< 5 "'~ 0 "'~ 0 191Dn , ,~- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,~ Mi "'; Mini Cool>tt 5 1100 ""10 1100""10 l 100 MI l 09W8llCl 2.6109 W8 1LHDI RELI ANT Slt...·F ord ........ 5c"niW COn 1...1 ""'" se , ""'" ""'" '"'''' "'""'" • 0 e t, •, ,• • AUO~l AUO 13 A U0 310 AU O 186 AU0711 AU0 314 AUO 316 A UO~ L AUO 344Ft 0 0 "'~ "'~ "'~ "'~ tzrsee .... Y- AU04n A UO ..:l l L Aoo ..:l l Ft A= _ AUO 525 AUo 355 AUO 564 AUO 565 AUO 568 AUO 356 AU0 409 F AU0409 Ft AUO S46F AUO 546R AUO 58 IF AUO 581Ft "~ ." ." ." ", ", ", , • • t, ,~ a a "0 "0 A.' A. ' AN> AN> '0 '0 "0 ec "" .SO '0 '0 ", Aoo 453 AUO 559 AUO 58 5 AUO 590t Aoo 595 A UO ..a6 AUo 561 AUo 3 504 AU0436 AUO 54 1 Aoo 54 2 A UO . 28 AUO .79 AlID 445F AlID 445R A UO,·F;..e . /72 Sa loon 1622cc Ell M~ II Ell M~ III K.. tr el '''' , ~"" K• • tt ll K80tal Mk II 12]5<:<: 12 15<:<: 1215c<: Koos. ... Mk II 111!icc l 09l1cc Kost,,, ""'10 ROLLS-ROYCE ••• '" • •• • •• • • ,• • Y'~16 ' 19'61162 1957/64 196 1169 AUC B64F AUC 864 R AUD " IF AUD .l R 1963/64 1965/69 196 5/66 AUD AUD AUO AUD 1967/68 AUO 186 AUO 271 1967 /68 86 :.?98 G9l 69f1 ieee AU0318l 1968/69 AU0 3 .... l AUD 318R A,UD 344Fl 861 """"",, Un it ~~ e 19&1169 86 1 Po- . Unit - ,~ s 197 A UD 4n F A UD 4n R AUD646F A UD6*R ... 00 !i51' AUD 55A 8 6 1 Po- . Uni' -,~ e 1974 / Phan.omV ""'" .,""" e "" A UD 3$lA 1971172 AU D . 1.... AUO 4748 1971 172 A,U D 4-461, ","ntom VI .,""" I'I'IIntom VI a a AUO 3&18 AUD 4468 Phanlom VI 6230cc a 19 731 83 V8 62JDcc 1963/64 Silv..- Shadow ,,,Go< Silvt. st-low tU SAI .,""" e a a s '''' A UD 656A AU D 6568 AUD 54 A AUD 54B AUD 117A AUD 117 B AUD 269A A UD 269B AU D 38!;JA AUD 3lIl1l a 196 9/7 1 " lID 387" Silver Shodow {USA } ......., ......., '''''''' SiI-.e< Shodow 1USA. " .,~ rsee " 00 3878 Silvt< Shodow IUSA " Silvt< Shadow l""mt UN ... ! l!I Eu. opel Silv..-S_ 196 5/6B ,,~ a ,on ., ~ a 197 3 " UD 5 26" " UD 52611 AlJO 5 26 A AUD 5 268 ICo . nM::"- tuSAl ,,~ a 19 13 Sill••• 5hlodow U"pon l ,,~ a 19 131 Silv.... S~. dQwICO. n i c ~ . IUS AI 675000 a 19 74 Corniche 6 75000 a 1971 ., ~ a 197'21 AU D 5JOA AUD 5JO B 197" AUD 702A AUO 102B liM3164 AU< "'" CO. nic ht l Home " Europel ~ ~tt ,- SiIwf ShadowJCor niC"- RO VE R 3 1itrt Coupt PS 3 litrt PS 31itrt zoe accc """ xoo 1000 IEC E) zoe 'rc , ,, """" , """" """" • • ,,~ H175cc 19 75cc 19 75cc 1975cc 1975cc 19 15cc acoc ro acoc r o aooc rc 19 1500 1000 IUSAl 2000 TC t USAl 197!icc: l !il7!cc 2000 TC 1USA} l !il7 Sa; 2000 TC [USA ECE'I 1915a: 19 75cc 19 7 5a: • •• • • • • •• • • '''''''' '''''''' 1963164 1963164 1965 /68 1969/7 1 19 1 1 ieee 196 7166 1969/11 1971 173 1967/68 196 7168 ,,.. 1969/74 AUD 5 74A AUD 574B AUD 671A A UD 6 718 A UD 64BA AU D 64BB A UD 47 4 ... AU D 4 74 8 , ...tic>n , • , ,• • '" '" '" '" '" '" , ,• •, • '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '"'" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .'" .'" '" ". ~ .'" .'" ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." "" .'" "" .'" .'" .'" ." ." '0" '0" '0" '0" '0' .0' '0' .0' .0' .0" ' 0" 0" .' 0" AU<,," , •, ,• ," • , •, •, • .~ .. " •" 'u 'u •• oe oe '' 0 ec •• •• ow ow ..... ,~ ,u 'u " ae "' ax AO AO G' ca ca 0' 0' sa " GY GY -rv rv ow ow .. ". "vs vs ". ". us us "" us "" U' U, U' ~U ~U ."" '" , A< ' 0" ."" '" "'" ,A<, ." ."" '0" ' 0' ' 0" '0" .0' '0" '0' '0' ' 0' '0' ' 0' ."" ." ." «oee .os' «oee AUD 1 14 AU O 1 15 AU o 14 1 AUO 111 AUD 4 01 AUD 4 75 AUD 91F A UD 91R AUD 264 F AUD 164R AU D 330F A UD J30R AUO S3JF AUO 5JJR AUO 261 AUO :254F AUO :2541'1 AUO 3 :l9F AU0 32i;1R A UD4 11F AUD 4 11R Yy~ .'" .'" .'" .'" .'" '0' '0' .'" .'" .'" .'" .'" ." .'" .'" .'" .'" "" "" .'" / ,A< '" aas ees "'" "" SO" "'" ". ". - ..- " '"'- .~ GG "A "A .~ .~ .~ "GG GG GV GV .~ .~ .~ 61u. 6 1.. e 00- .~ GG GG GG GG 8 1... 8 1... .~ ,, ~ BI.. e -_10_ G_ G_ G_ Red /G. - RMlI8"'. Red!8I... RedlB lul ReclfBlu. RedIBlul RedlBtu, RedlB lul RedlBlue Red /B lu. RedlBlue RtdlBl u. RedfBl u. RedfBtl>t Red!BI", FledIB1'" Redf9 'u. ."""~ _ffi ~ RedIB lue RedlBlue "'I"~ RedlB ll>t Red/Blu, RedlB lu. Red/B lu. R ed /8I u . R ed /BIUt Rod /B lu t R od/B lut Rtd/Blue ". ". Rtd/Blue RodJB lu. SOO SOQ RtdIB "' t R0d/8 "' t u. U' ~ '" "KU .. ON " U, U, AYA YAA YAA YAA YA. AA. " AAA AAA AA' AA' AA' AA' _10_ .~- -~ -G_ G,_ Sl u . /8 1tc: ~ Bl u . /B IK ~ Blue/Bltek 8 lue /'Blte k Blut /'BIK k Blut /'BIK k Blut/'B ltC~ Slut/ BIICIt G,_ BlutlB...,k 81.-l8l..:k BlutlBl..:k BlutlBltek B....IBltci< BIutIBLacl< A6- 11 Part 5 Appendix 6 - ~. ~ ...... zxc sc e-;" """" • """" "'" rc 3.5 l itr~ VII 3.5 l i tr~ VII P5 '" • .. ~ 3. 5 litr, VII P6 3SOO V8 P6 3SODSva P6 ( USA) ,,""' ", ,,""' ,,""' ,,""' 3SOOS P6 (USA) 352&c asoevs 3S28cc P6 • • • • • • • y- "- 1973 / 1973 1 A U 0 63 1 196 7/68 rssaes rssa AU0632F A U06J2R AU O 233 L A UO 233R AU O 27tH. AU O 21Ol'l AU O 3 13 L A UQ J 13 ~ rssa AUD350L AU0 350R 1969170 AUOJ llL AUO 312R 1969170 AUO. ' 21. A U04 12R 19 71/7 2 A UO 467L AUO 467R 3500 V8 P6 (Ee E) ,,""' • 1972/7 3 AU O 408L AUD408R 3!SOO V B P6 3528cc 1972/7 3 AUO 6211. AUO 521'" 1973/7 6 AU06..11.. A UO a 2JR 3500 V B ss tsce & 3SC!OS VB P6 (Ee E) 3528ce :lSOO (Japon) STANDA RD 8 h. p. ..,d 10 h .p . ..a« ..eee . .. T FUUhIIPH ...., YO, 11191e<: T Al , T RJ A _ T I« TA .... TR"" (US>! sP tf i ~ M~ I 80 II $Q;tr. ,.. Mk II I $p; 1!;,.e Mk 1II 1USA) $pili,.. Mk III Sp;tfi... Mk III (USA} Spi.li' ~ 352&0 Mk IV Spi, ti' . Mk I V ( Ee E) Spitl i' . Mk IV SpO tli'. Mk V I ECEI Spoll i.. 1500 IECel v_ v._ 1300TC TOII«l IECEJ T_TS """ """ I SOO IECEI I SOO TC IEc el l SOO1ECEI 1500 TC 1 SOO TC ( EC EI """ OoIomi.. t ECE) Oo IOI'niI. Spr int OoIomil. Spr int l EC£ f 199 1a: n_ n_ ""'" """ ,,"" ",'« rasee """ ""'" ""'" ""'" 1493« "'''' """ ""'" ""'" '49h . "" ' ''93« 149h aSh 1.93cc a 9h 14 9 Jcc a • • •• • • • • • 1955/5 6 1955 /56 1953/f>5 1959161 19 56/6 2 • rses A Ue 251 R A U e 295 1' • 1961 /68 • • • • • • • • •• •• •• • • •• • • .... • • • 24981:c ,• $I'~ VB Z991c c e 1965.166 rsea 1962166 A Ue 285FI AUe 27SF A U O 27!i Fl 1967168 AUO 2SOI' 19 7017 1 AUe 290R AUO •• !' 1972 19 73 1973 / 197 4 ' 1951 168 AUe 441F! AUe 5 17F A U e 51 7R A Ue 5801' A U Q SlKlR A U O 6241' AUO 6241'1 AUO 6651' AUe 665 A A U e 2 571' A UO 2 57 A 19 1fl/1 1 AUD392 19 72 19 12174 AUDS" 19 74 / A UO 66!iF A U O $16 A U D 665 R 1970/71 19 72173 19 72!74 A UO 392 A UDIS 1S AUD578 19 72173 auc 5 191' euc 5 19R 19 73 1973 AUO S79 A UO 5821' AUO 582R 19 JJ / H 1974 / A U0625F A U 0 6 25R AU0666F AU 0666~ 19 74 / A U 0 6aJ F 19 73/74 AUO AUO AUO A UO AUO AUO A UO AUO A U 0 6aJ ~ 1974 19 74 1 19 741 197 0/ 74 , • " ."" " ." ." '" ." ""'" """ """ """ """ """" ,"" • , ,• ,• 1961/70 • 2500 TC 2000 A UO 669 L AUD~R AUO 209 1' A UO 209R AU e 2&t F AUe 2&tR AUC983F A UC983R A UO 25'1' .."" """ """ ", ", 1973/76 ....... v_ .... 545F 545 ~ 66 1F 661 1 604F 604Fl 607F 607R ,• ,• ,• ,• ,• ,• ," ,• ,• ,• •, •, ,• • , • , ,• ,• •, ," •, •, •, ,• • - - ..-...., ,~ . ~ ..w Ii lF6 HIF6 HI F6 - eex Vol' ow y. . . y. . . y. . . .0< ess V. llow ess "' "' .0 "' ' 0 HS6AE05 HS6A ED ' 0 .0 Vtll _ "" "" "" "" HS6Ae08 HSSA EO • AC .AC .AC .AC H IF6 HIF6 HI F6 HI F6 "0 "0 "0 "0 ~AED5 HS6" ED ese H I F6 "' "' "' ese ass ~ ass "', = "', = = "', "', "~ "~ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "~ "~ "" "" "~ "~ "~ "~ "~ "~ "~ "~ "" "" "~ = "" "" "" "~ "~ "~ "~ "" "" "" "" "~ "~ "~ "~ Ye llow Yellow Vell ow Voliow V.llow Yellow V.llow V.lI ew Yellow Yellow Yellow Ye llow "V "V . OV HI F6 ~ y. .. y ltll_ aav HIF6 ~ Yel low Y ellow y. .. ...... HIF6 "' "' Yell ow 0' 0' G" 0" sv sv OR OR "" "" "" '" '" cv ,.,. Ov OA OA R VW VW CO. CO. ~ ~ .. si, aN aN .0 .0 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... RR' RR" RR' RR' RR ' RR' eer '" .0 .0 RR' RR' '" '" '" RR' RR ' " 0 RR' RR. "0 'RR RR' ' AR 'AR ." ." '" ." ." ." ". ". AVe ," C " U ,"U "" ...... ............. ........'". ......'"... ......... ...........,,.. ............ ......... ............ ......... ......... ............ ......... ...'" y ell ..... Y. IIY. Ii _ Y.Ii_ Y. II..... Yel lo w Yo llow Yel low 5 A6-12 .."". Pa rt S Appendix 6 ~ Model Det ails Capacity UNIVERSAL POWER DRIVES ssecc Unii>O_' VANDEN PLAS Pri""... 4 IiI.... DM4 Prine... 3 l itre He & L C Pri""... 4 litre R V•• 0 ,e ,,"'" , 2912. 4 lit r. R (Sorvice ",placement! aaosce e 1964/66 Prine.... 1100 ''''''' 0 PrjnCO'$' 1300 Prince .. Au." Prince.. 1300 127 5<:0 "" 1215cc 0 0 0 Prince" 1300 127Sco 0 1969/71 Prince.. 1300 m", 0 1971 Fh nc... 1300 (Ee E) 1275 IiI t er) 178&0 0 1965/66 8180 (Sil enoer IiI l er) 178 & c 0 19 66 167 S180 144 (Panca'e l ilter) 820A 142/144 8208 144S 19 9O<:c 8208144 lUSAl 19 90<:0 , AVO 200F AVO 200R A VO 202 F AUO 202R AVO 232F A U O 232R A UO 400 AUO 33 tF AVO 3 31R AVO 3S8F AVO 3S8A B2081441LHO) 199O<:c 0 1971172 8208 144 Au to l LH O) 19 9 Clcc 0 197 1172 8200 144 l L H O) 19 9O<:c , 19 7 1 8200 144 ( LH O) 199O<:c 0 19 72 8208 (L H OI 19 9 Clcc 820S 144 Auto (U1 0) 99O<:c BWs 144 (ca nada l , ~~ 1788c c , 1967168 '''''" 0 0 1969170 1969170 • , 0 197 1 19 72 173 19 72173 1973174 8208 144 Auto ICanada) 199000 0 1973/7 4 820A 1441 LH O) B20A 144 (LHO) 19 9O<:c 0 0 19 74 1974/ """" AVO 23 1F A UO 23 1R A U03C6F A U o 3C6R AUO 252F A VO 252R A U033 1F A U0331A AV0 499 F A VO 499R AU05 11F A VO 511A AUO 433F A VO 433 R AUO 522F A UO 522 R AUO 599F A V O 599R A VO 600F AVO BOOA AVO 666F AV 0 6 55R AV 0 6n F AU0 6 55R AU0 466 A VO 699 Position ,- Rich '" "" "" "" " " , "' "' "'" "" "'" "" ,, , ,, ,, '" "" '" "" '" "" '" "" '" "" '" '" ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,," ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" "" "" "" "" "" Hl F6 H I F6 H1F6 H1F6 H1F6 HIF6 H l F6 HI F6 HIF6 Hl F6 HIF6 H IF 6 H lF6 H lF 6 HI F6 HI F6 HI F6 H I F6 Iil F6 H1F6 ,, .~. w_ GV GV GG GG ., ., UV UV UV os oe '0 '0 M "" "" M "' "' ....M ...~ Blue Blue Yellow Yellow RodIBlu e UV RodlSlu e RodlBI" e Rod/Blu e UV UV RedlBlu e RedlBlu e oa "ozoz GV GV cs ee ee "GG GG GV GV GV GV GG GG GG GG ... ,., Me AA' ," '" '" '" Blu e Blu e ,~ ,~ Blu e Blue Blu e Bl ue Blu e Blue Blu e Blue Blu e Blu e ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ '" '" ,~ KO KO ,~ K> ,~ K' ,~ KO KO ,~ K' K' K' K' ,~ ox ox K' " ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ "~ ,~ ,~ ,~ '" '" K' ,,' K' KD KG ,~ '" ," "K' K' " '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" "" eee eee '" '" '" '" ,~ ,~ ,., ,~ Gr ... n '" ,~ '" ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ "~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ '" '" Gr een Gtf,.n A6 -13 Part 5 Appendix 6 No. 0< Model Dowl1 WOLS ELEY Wolstlley 1500 Hornet Mk I & Mk 11 Hornet Mk III "00 CI~ty "',. ,,""" ,, , '00"" , sseee ssaee Yu, 196 2/6 4 A UC979 19 6 3/ 6 8 1968/6 9 1965/66 AUOS6 6/110 the & Ie) zstzce s 1961164 6/110 29 1200 s 1967 "'00 lJOOAuto "'00 127 &cc 127!>cc 1300M. II 127 Sco 127 50. 1300 Mk II 12 75<:0 1300 Mk II 1275<. 1300 Mk II 127Sco 18/85 Auto 18/85 Mk II Auto 18/85 Mk II S 179&0 1798<:0 17 9 ~ Sj~ Wolsele" 222700 WoIIOI. .. Six IEeE) 2227ce Wol•• ley Six Auto IECEI 2227<:c ,,, , , , , ,, , s s e N. ..n. -. 196 7168 1967/68 1968169 AUO 69l A VO A VO A UO A VO A VO B9R 43F 43R 240F 240R AVO I SS A V O 271 A U DJ18L 1969/71 AVO 344L 19 7 1/74 A V O 344R A V O 431L AVO 4J1R 19 7 1/74 A VO 454 L 971 /74 A V O 454R A UO 496 L A VO 496R 1967 1969 /7 1 19691 71 AVO 273 AVO 29 1 AVO 171l 1912/ 1972/ ,,~ eN eN "" ." ." ." AVO 298 A V O 318R 1972/7 4 Position AVO AU O A UO AUO A UO A UO ,> ,> eN eN eN eN eN eN eN eN eN eN eN 171 R 409F 400R S46F S46R 5S 1F 'N AUO 5a l R eN eN eN CN eN CN ." NO NO NO NO '" '" '" '" '" ." '" ." Rich M M M M GY oe ce a a a a 'a ,a M M M M M M '" '" '"'" '""~ "~ "~ N~ sw "crcr N" ax ax oa oa "" "oz "oz su ea OY OY GY GY AAe .... GG GG GG GV GV NO NO NO 'A 0> 0> GG GG GG GG GG GG Sprinv ,~ ,~ ,~ Blue Blue V eil "", Vellow Vellow ,., ,., Y ellOW Blue Blue Blue Blu e 8 1ue ely. Blu e m 8 1ue AAe Bl ue ", 'W vz '" -rz ,eo ,eo "W "W "W "W 8 1ue Vello w Vellow ,., ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ '" "N '" H IFe !-lIF6 HI F6 !-lI F6 Pi$lon ,~ 'M ,~ '" Speciol con• • mons: Thi . c. nno, be . complete list ing, It co • • " 'he majo'itv o f th e mOre p 0 !>'JI. , 'p roduction' con • • ", io n, with ,poc l/ ie.,10m whir. av.;rable. a"",," , 2 .6 19 50164 e uc 7 12F A ve 7 12R SPf it e 948<0 948<0 Spr ite Sobr ing ~&, S~ite 10 9 See , , • • , , • •, • , Formu la Junior BMC 99 7« , Mini Cooper TP>ermoJets 99k. , Hooloy 3000 BN7 Competition 9 , 1 e r 29 12<:e e BMt end BRITISH LEYLA ND Minoc MM end Seri.. II • Derri ngton ' 00" o. f",d MO Seri ... II /Ill • Derr ington 1489cc Minor· Po",", dr ive and Ale.ondo' ~&, MG Elve tsea« Mi nor 1000 Spooed_1I ~&, BMC A Se,ie. Turn er ~"" BMC A Ser i.. T um., ~&, Mini-WHMB Mangolel si Remi . Mini Co mpe t ition 84&. Spr ite Speed_II 100See Mini Cooper S Gro u p II 97Oc. Mini Cooper S Gro up II 10 71« M ni Coo.,.., S G,o uP II 127Sce FO""J I. II I Coo.,.., BMC Morris (D o""" IOn) 1100 99 7ce 109 & e BlMC Mil. i ISpe . ia' Tun ingl 1485cc FORD E93A 11 72ce • , , • , , • , • 1950/6 7 19 57 AUC892F AUCS92R 1959/61 1959 /61 19 59 / 61 A UC9 19F AUC9 19R AUC9 11F A Ue 9 11R A Ue 927F AU e 92 7R 1959/7 1 19 60 A UO 489 1960 AUC 930F AUC 930R AUC989F AUC989R AUC951 AUC951 A UD 25F AU D 25R A UD 59l H A UD WR H 1960 1960 196 1163 196 1/63 "'" 196 2/63 196 2/6 3 1964/68 196 4/6 8 196 4 /68 196 4 /68 19 64/6 8 196 9/71 1949/53 AUD A UD AUD A UD A UD A UD AUD A UD AUD AUD AUD AUO AUO AUO AU D AUO 19 F 19C 19 R l 06 lH l 06 R H l 03 F l 03 R 164 lH 164 RH l OSl H l OSRH 16 5lH 165 RH 143 l J7l l J7R AUO 43B l AUO 43BR H4 Th 2 NO ,, ,, ,, ,, , U", U", > 19 48 / 5 6 1959161 > n , ,"> , ,"> ,> ,> eN eN , , c eN eN "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' NO NO "ea NO NO NO' NO' NO' > NY> NV' ,,' "~ "~ ,~ '" ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ G' G' M' M' ,~ Blu e Blue ,~ ,~ Blue Blue Blu e Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue GX AM AM AM AM M' M' MM' MM' Blue Blue UN UM UM MM' B lu ./B lae ~ B lu e/B lae ~ B lu e/B lae ~ Blue Blue MME Aa xa ,~ '" ". ". Blue Blue Blu e Blue Blu e Blue MM' MM' 'G ' G UYO AM AM N" " "' GG "' GG " "' "' N~ "" MOW MaW MO MO MOW MOW "GX NO NO N~ cs M' M' Aa NO NO CN cr '" sx "' eN ". ex "' NO NO CN cr NO NO eN eN eN eN eN eN ~ NO eN , M' '" "'"' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO > MM, MM ' '" Blue Blue ,~ '" '" M' M, e« " ,~ MOW MOW 15 A6-14 Pa rt 5 Appendix 6 .... ,... No. ~ ~- £9 3 4 - D.llo,," JO hp W 1 ~ .dap ..rJ eo-"r IS-1ft 11 ConwI (&ria 11 7:lee "'n« C>' , V • • ""'" ""'" , "''''' 1) z..prryr ISootion I I ,""" Consu l lSerioes 1) DtI10 w • • T_ 19 52 tssa "" "" 1112cc 100E Pre''' ' & "ngli. 1 11:kc V l00e '''' 1112"" V 1954/60 teoeee ,• ,• CQn.u l · Aquaplane 1Seri•• 1) z.p ~vr · ISo'in 1) Zephy r ' Ravmond (Strit . I I Z' P"Y' 22ti2<:e Aq ..apl.M Mav. :l2 6 2cc o.ll ow "''''' 1001; Prel K I &. An gl"· 1172cc (s.ti.. 1). eon...., WH MB Zept>y. WHM B Cono.>I A. o-n lSerla 21 • port r-d ConIu r A. 0 (Sot'ies 21 6 pon _ l05 E ~ J lOO EAQu~ IOS E/I 07 E ...." ""pI.... 19 54 /5 1 1954/56 ,,~ ""'" , "''''' V 19S5/s1 '''''''' V 19 58/60 V 19 S11/S 0 ,""'" '''" V 117 h V '''" V • 1960/62 loN. For d l OSE 99 7« V 196 1/6 2 Tu,nl r/O...ic Fo,mul, 3 '"IclbtV· Fo rd E,cc(l 1100 & 1300 11'97 cc 99700 ''''''' •• • 1961/6 2 1964 1968/ l390cc V 1956/&8 ""'" V 19 59/61 V '''' '''' "'''' e """" ,-, e V •, ,• ,• 19 55/5 7 """" 25S:k<: ,• •, ,, c ,• •, c 1954/57 '''' 119 8c:c Conoul R. o -n (Series 21 .. pon ......d Zeplw, RovtnOnd May. 19&3/51 V 0.110* '''' '''' .... UD J8 F AUD 36 Ft AUD 57 .. Al. U " ..... Mi" x ~ ''''''" 'm, " x. J AG UA Ft E Ty po V I ] ~"" V " 19n1 A UC82!F AU C 8 2! A A UC923 F A UC 9 23Ft A UD 145 F AUD 145Ft A UO 14Of' A UO l 40R AUO 5047 H" AUO 5047 "'. "'. AUO 5047 OS ~ AUOS47 TRI UMPH Allundo, .... ... ld ..& . • Sp;" ". 114 7cc • G 1"l.! SPO'l I" l.ISpon. ~ 1 75O Allew<> 17 &0 AIIeo,o 17 &0 ~ 1 7&O I" _ 1976 1975 1975 975 1976 19 76 ' 976- 77 1980 ' 981 ' 98' 976 1975 1975-76 1975 97 6 1976 9 79 19 79 1976 197 6 1976 1976 1976 197 6 197 6 197 5 AI...,., 1750 I" l/Spon. 1976 M;ox, 15OO ,",u i 1500 ~ x, 1500 Auto Mu , l500 "'.x, 1750 M..; 17&0 Avla Mu,175O Ma ,; 1750 Hil; ne 1976 19 75 19 76 19 76 1976 19 76 1975 1975 M a, ; 1750 H L 1976 M. " , 750 A uto M.1 '000 1000 I"lE 1000 HL E 1000 Van 1000 H lE 12 75 1275 Aut<> _ 1 2 75 SPO'l M etro 127 5 _ 1215 HI.E Metro 12 75 I"lE Aut<> M eaoT",bo Meao Turbo M ,ft, 850 M tn, 850 M ,fti 85 0 M tft, ' 000 M ,ft,looo Mi ni 1000 Min, 1000 Mm , looo Mm , 1000 {Swod en) M in; 1000 (Sw eden ) Mm , ' l 00 Mm t 1100 Mi n' 1100 M,n, 1100 {A uto ) "'etnJ "" ,sec-a, 19a0..82 "" ,....., "" "" "" "" "" '''' "" "" 1915 1975 19 16 1978 1975 1976 "" 19 75 1977 19 /5 1978 1978 1976 1978 FZ)[ Fz)( If IF38 1 31 1 ." ." ." ." ." 1022 FZX 1067 FZX 11 70 FZX 1023 AUD 594 ....U O 567 AUD 595 ......... ...... ." ...... " UO 451 FZX 1176 FZX 1068 FZX 108 6 FZX 1172 FZX 117 4 FZX 110 5 FZX 1312 FZl'. 136 6 FZX 1313 A UD 556 AUD 6 28 FZX 1074 FZX 107 6 FZX HI78 FZX 1180 FZX 1302F FZX 1302R AUD 55 7 AUD 619 ....U D 539L A UD 539R FZX 1077 FZX 108 7 = ,= FZX 1093l. FZX 1093l. FZX 1183l FZX 1183 R ....U D 556 FZX 1076 FZX " 80 FZX 1178 AUD 557 A UD 61!1 FZX 1077 FZX 1093 L FZX 10 93 R AUO 539 L A U O 539 R FZX 10B7 FZX 1207 FXX 120 9 FZX 121 1L FXX 1211R FXX 213 l FXX 1213 R FXX 1410 FZX 1270 FZX 1279 H IF44 I" IF44 I" IF44 U< '" U< '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ,.'"'" '" ." ." ." ." ." ." Hl F4 I" I F4 ." ." ." ." "" ." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ." "" "" ." "" "" "" "" ." "" "" "" "" "" ." ... I" IF38 rzx rzae .I"I"F38 aa rzx raoe HIF38 HI F3l! rzxtseo FVl 1413 FVl1 41.& rzx rzeo FZX 128 1 =,~ FZX 1412 FZX 1.&29 FZX 146 2 FZX 1.&11 FZX 14 35 FZX 1043 =,~ FXXl142 =,~ FXX 1065 FXX l U I> FZX 141 8 AU D 679 FZX 1094 FZX 111 5 FZX 104 5 FZX 1066 F2X 1160 FZX 1162 . '" HI F36 HI F" I"I F« HIF44 I"I F HIF44 HI F44 « "' ~ ...".,..""" HI F « .,. .,. .,. ",. .,. ." .,. .,. "" ._.",,"', ceo 1037 evo 1037 Pinon 'M AUD 4355 AUC a3ll7 AU C 4387 l.ZX 1027 AUO ~5' tZX 1111 lZXl111 AUo &-76 '976-79 1979 1979 1979 1979 ' 975-76 1916-19 ' 97!>-16 1916-19 ,,~ 1979 1919 1979 1915 1975 22 00 M.n...1 1976-77 2200 M onual 1971-78 2200 M . nu.] 1979 IoI1r6 HI F6 HI F6 FZX 1241 197 6 1976-79 19 75 1976 1976· 79 1976 FZX 1285 FZX 1322 l'ZX1286 FZX 1323 AUD 684 I'D; 12'5 AUD 635 szx 1319 I'ZX , 108 FZX 1311 FZX 1272 szx 131 9 AUD 89 71' AUD 6S7R FZX 108 81' FZX ' 085R FZlt 1219 F I'ZX ' 219R FZX 1304 F FZX '304R FZX 1328F F2X 1325R ,~ "~ "ffi FZX 1271 fZX 13 18 A U O S03 FZX 1099 1 75 0 Aul D 17&0 M .n ( 5. Africa) ~iO" szx 13 15 197 5 197 !>-76 1977 197 :'-76 175 0 Man ( 5. A frico ) 17SO Man (5. Alflea ) Part 5 Appendix 6 ,, ,, ,, ,, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ~"'" ~ ,, ~ ",,- NZX 9034 ~CUD 1,12 CUD " 3' CUD 1131 Spn"'ll ... AUO 4381 lZX 111 0 AUO 43 $6 AU O 43 55 AUO 4355 AUO 4355 AUe 438 7 lZX 1029 Pict on CD< " ,,, lZX 1029 l,.ZX 1029 AUO 9148 AUe 4387 AUe 4387 AU e 4397 AUe 4397 Aue 116 7 AU e 116 7 AU e 1167 AUe 1167 AUC 1167 AUC 1167 AUe 1167 AUC 1187 AUe 1187 AUe 438 7 AUe 438 7 AUC 438 7 AUe 4387 AU C 4387 AUC 4387 AUC 4387 AUC4387 AUC 1170 AUe 438 7 AUC 1170 AUC 1170 AUC 1170 AUD 9148 AUD 9148 AUD 9148 UX 1028 tzx ' 028 AUD 9141 AUD 9142 AUD 9141 AUD 9142 AUD 9al AUD 9142 AlJ D 9141 AUD 91(2 AU D 9148 AUD 9148 lZX 138 3 AUD 9148 LZX 1363 ~ "" CUD "61 CUD 1161 CUD " 6' CUD 1161 CUD 116' CUD 116 1 eUD "8 1 CUD 1161 cu o "81 CUD "6 1 ~ """ A UD 435 5 A U e 43 85 AUD 4358 A UD 43 85 AUC 1181 A UC 1187 AUC 1181 A UC 1161 AUD 4398 A UD 4398 AUD 4398 A UD 4398 A UD 43$5 AUD 4355 AUD 4355 AUO 4355 AUD 4355 AUD 4355 AUD 4355 A UD 4358 AU D 43S6 AU O 4385 lZX 1029 LZX 1029 lZX 1029 LZX 1029 A UD 9148 lZX 1114 AU D 9148 LZX 1114 lZX 1023 LZX 1029 lZX 1029 LZX 1029 lZX 1028 LZX 1029 LZX 1028 LZX 1029 LZX 1028 LZX 102 9 LZX IOZ8 LZX 1029 lZX 1028 I.ZX 1029 '" '" '" '" '" '" e UD 1002 CUD 1002 eUD t017 CUD 1040 e UD tO l l NZX 4026 AUC 4387 AUC 4387 AUC 438 7 AUe 438 7 AUC 438 7 AUe 438 7 AUD AUD AUD AUD AUD AUD '" '" '" "'" "'ffi "" "" "" '" CUD 1107 CUD 1107 cu e 1129 CUD 1129 c ue 1129 CUD 1129 NZX 8004 NZX 8004 NZX 8029 NZX 8004 NZl( 8004 NZX 8024 NZX 8024 NZX 8004 AUC 4826 A Ue 4826 a u c 4826 euc 4826 "UC 1170 AUe 1170 A Ue 4818 A UC 4818 A UD 4386 A UC 481 8 AU C 4818 AU D 4388 AUD 4388 ..uu 4818 AUD 4818 AUD 4355 A UD A Ue 4818 A UD4.8'8 A Ue 4818 A Ue 4818 A UD 4355 AU e 4355 CUD 3176 CUD 3177 c ue 3176 CUD 3' 77 LZX 1029 I.ZJ( 1028 CUD 263 7 CUD 26 37 LZX 1068 CUD 263 7 CUD 2637 LZX 1068 LZX 1068 CUD 2637 CUD 2637 LZX 1068 LZX ' 06 8 CUD 2637 CUD 2637 CUD 2637 CUD 2637 HI F6 ,"11'6 ,~ "" "~ "" "~ "~ "~ "~ '" "" "" "" "" ,"11'6 HIF6 ,"11'6 HIF6 "" "" "" "" "'" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .... , "'ffi "'ffi "'ffi "'" ," 11'6 ",ffi "'ffi "'ffi ," 11'6 HI F6 ," 11'6 HIF 8 ," 11'6 CUD 113 1 CUD 1131 CUD 11 16 CUD 1116 CUD 116a CUD I HiS e UD CUD eUD CUD eU D CUD eUD CUD eUD CUD CUD CUD CUD eU D CUD CUD CUD CUD 1116 1168 1168 1138 1'38 10S2 1052 1052 1052 1052 '052 1052 ' 052 1148 1131 1148 1148 148 NZX 8035 NZX 8038 NZX 8035 NZX 8008 CUD 1129 CUD 1129 CUD 1129 CUD 1129 eex eeao ~ "" AUO 9 148 lZX 1363 AU O 914 8 l.ZX 136 3 AU O 9 14 8 AUO 9 14 8 AU O 9 1 48 AUO 9148 RELIANT Krllen. K,nen. Krtten. l ,mn. Krnen. Kmr n. Rol>in Roton Robin Robin RoOin Robon 19 75 ' 976-77 1975-7 6 '977-79 1979-83 FIX 1027 F2X 1253 rzx 1278 1292 I'D: l 35t I'D: 144 2 86' """,... UM 1975 86 1 _ Unn 197 5 661 _ Unn 1976 Co9 lZX 1059 izx ieee lZX 1059 izx rcea lZX 105 9 izx rosa lZX lZX lZX lZX lZX LZX lZX LZX LZX lZX lZX LZX lZX lZX lZX lZX LZX lZX 1029 1059 10 58 10 59 1058 1059 10 58 1029 10 29 1029 102 9 1029 1029 1028 102 9 1028 1029 1029 lZX 1028 czx "" 1028 lZX lZX lZX lZX 1029 1028 1029 czx"'" lZX 1029 lZX 1029 lZX 1029 LZX 1029 lZX lZX lZX lZX 1029 1028 102 9 1029 TRIU MPH _ m l500 -..,"'" -.. ,,"" -..."'" -..,"'" "" "" 1916-77 rsoc 1918-19 1979.eD 1176-77 reco 19 77- 79 rscc 1919 ·80 18S4<;c 1975 1854<;c IS75 18S4cc 1 9? ~ 1854<:c 1977. 80 75 rzx tesc .. , F44 E nzx ecec 41,10 <1.355 lZX 10 29 FZX 1269 FZX 1121 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" CU D I C29 NZX 4012 4 Ue alomada) (S_ ) (C&nad& ) (C&nad.o ) 82 7.1.P-... Unit 82 711. Po_ Un it B2eA Pow.. Unit Snow W. . ..I Sno w W....I 1975 1.975-76 1976-77 1976-77 .on ,on 1977 1975 "" t set Hl 76 197 6 AUO 669 197 5 S.. (Auto) 1975 1300 M~ II 1975 _n "n "' F« ~ HI HIF « HIF« HIF44 I-IIF44 HIF44 HIF44 HIF44 "". "'~ rzx ",,, "'~ "' ~ "'~ "'~ HIF6 FZX 11$9 FZX1 2l17 "" " so FZX 1291 A VO 546 F A UO 546R A Uo 581F AU O sa lR AU o 431t AUO 43 1R "" "" "" "" "" "" "'~ FZX 12M FZX 106 7 ,, ,, WOLS ELEY 5,. ( Man) "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "', "" """" "" "" 'l IF6 "" ''''' FZX 1293 FZX 1(l!59 FDl I205 FZX 1349 FZX 1238F Fll( 1238R szx 1284F FIX 1284R "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" VOLVO 820A P".... Un;1 (l HO) "~ '" '"'" '" '" '" HIF6 HIF8 HIF6 HIF6 "" "" "" "" HIF6 "'~ HIF6 "'~ "n "n N-.cll. -- Spri "ll CUDHMl cue 10011 ....ue 0&387 Au e 4387 AUO 90(51 A UO 9450 CUD l00t1 Aue 4381 Au e 4381 " UD 4355 lZX 1323 NZ)( 4013 A UO 4355 AUO 4355 AUO 4355 LZX 1330 LZX 1331 LZX 1330 cue CUD 11)(1 NZX .t.OI3 "12)( . 013 NZX 4013 en taza lZX 1331 1029 ave 4387 A U O 9103 1041 Au c 4387 " UD 9451 CUD 1041 "lZX 8012 NZX 8012 NZX 8012 auc 4387 x uc 4387 AUO 9450 A UO 9100 A UO 9105 LZX 1121 cue NZX eon Aue 4387 Aue UST Au e 4387 lZX 1120 NIX 8Ot5 raJl: 801 5 Auc 1161 Au e ' 1$ 1 LZX 112 1 LZX 1120 CUD 10011 a uc 4387 AlI D 945 1 AlJ O !M5O .= CUDHMl Aue 4387 NZX 4013 «zx4013 A.UO .lJ55 AUO .l3 55 LZX 1331 CUD 1030& euc llf17 AUO 118 7 a u c llfi7 s u e 116 7 A u c 1167 e u c 1167 A u c " 67 A ue " 67 Aue l1 S7 Au e 1167 A ue1 187 A u e11 67 A u e 1167 A u e 1167 A UO 4396 A UO 4396 A UO 4396 AU O 4398 AU O 9451 A UO 9450 AU0 9106 A UO 9105 lZX 1121 lZX 1120 A UO 945 1 AUO 9450 AUO 9106 A UO 9105 lZX 1121 lZX 11 20 AU O 9106 AU O 9105 lZX 105 9 AU O l aBS AV O laBS AUe 4 ~ AUO 9141 AUO 9U2 "" ecec "" eoso AUO 43!i13 AU O 43 98 AU O 4355 AU O 435 5 AU O 4355 AU O 435 5 AU O 435 5 AU O 4355 AU O 435 5 AUO 438 7 eU0 1 ~ CUD 170 CUD 11 70 CUD 1170 CUD 1 70 CUD 1042 CUD 1042 NZX 8002 NZX 800 2 NZX 800 2 NZX 900 2 NZX 6002 """"" NZX 801 9 NZX 8019 "".,,, NZX 8019 NZX 8050 Nll( 8060 azx 8041 NlX 8041 NI Jl 8011 N2Jl 8033 NZX 80 33 CUO " 18 CUD 1166 NZX 8007 CUD 1166 "" eoos "" """ "" """ "" "" """ """ ' U """ 'U NlX """ 8010 AU e 4W Au e AUe Aue A Ue AUe Au e 1170 11 70 1170 1170 1170 1170 = AU e ."" 11 70 = ."" A Ue 11 70 .rzx rose NDl 80I O NZX 8010 AU O 149() AU O U9() AU O 1499 A UO U99 JZX 1088 JZX 1088 Auc 4387 A Ue 4387 auc 4387 AU e 4387 c ue CUD CU O eve A UO AU O AU e AU e euc Aue Au e e uc 1136 1136 1136 1136 1468 1458 438 7 4387 4387 438 7 45$ 7 4587 en en tosa en toea lZX 105 9 lZX 1028 I.Z)( 1029 I.Dl 1028 en tozs izx 102 9 L.ZX 1029 LZX 1019 tzX 1029 I.Dl 1019 AUO 9105 LZJ( 1029 lZX 1029 en tcaa lZX 102 8 lZX 1028 en ,= lZX 10 28 lZX 102 8 lZX 102 8 LZJ( 1028 LZX 102 8 LZJ( 1028 I.Z)( 1028 AU O 9148 AUO 9149 AU O 9148 AUO 9149 en 1029 "" lZX en en ,= ,= AU09Ul AU O 9142 A7-1 Part 5 Appendix 7 Needle charts for SU carburetors N ot es on needles Needle selection Th e applications list (Append i~ 1, list A) details three eltenenve n~ les - Ric h. St a nda rd. Weak - for ea c h application of cerbur encr to iI parti cular CiI'. These recomme ndatio ns apply only to the installation as designed by th e relevant vehicle ma nufactu rer. The standard needle should norm ally be used except in specia l circumstances. The ric h needle g il/9$ a riCher mixtu re ratio , and therefore greater po w er, th rOlJg hout its range. The w eak needles fOf carbun!ttor specif icat io ns fitt ed wtlh flxlld needl es are not economy needles - they are to compensa te for operation at high altitudes. There is no gu arantee that greater economy will result from their use at normal alt itud es. 0.090 Jet needles ,,, ,,• , ,• """ " ,,, ,• •, ,• rc " "" ...,.,."" ~ ."" ... A' AO AC A. AI ... ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" .""" ."'.oeo" ."'.018" ,0186 .""" .""" .0162 .0135 .0 183 .0 113 .0180 .Dl 63 .016' .0165 .0 11 .015 .0 154 .0165 .0765 .«;ti .01U .014$ .07#; .0 140 .0 145 .0 14$ .,.., .0 13 1 .073 .0 13 .0 13 .0 120 .011' .~, . ~, . ~, .0<26 . ~, .~ , .~, .tJlt11 .- .- ... ..-.. .....- ... .,~ .0711 .0102 .011 .011 .«; " .066 .. .089 .oe . 0/114 . 07ll .0758 .0727 .011 ." . . "" .oes .063' .(M11 .0651 .066 .066 .066 . .."".. .."'".. A' .0795 .0 145 .0 702 .066 ' .063 ."" ."'" ."" .""'" .066' .0"' ."" ."'" .,," .,," ."'" .06 14 ."" ."'" .,," .,,' A. .«;, .0 12' .0 111 •0 11 .0"' A.' A~ A' .... .089 .089 .089 . .OSl1 .08 ' 5 ." .0765 .075 .073 .011 .077 .0 748 .0726 ... ."'" ."'."" " .'" ."" ."" .,,,. .O,,*, . .'n ."'" . Am .G13 .b115 .07~ ... .0733 .01 11 .«; , .«;, .«;, .«; , .«;, .oer .,,' .063 .«;, ." .0"" .066' .0 75 .0 132 .0 112 . <>69> .oer .0615 .0"" .oeer .... .06' .06" .0 145 ~ 123 .0"" 06,. ... .Cn '" ~ co CC .- CO .,," ."''' ."'" ."'" '" ."" .,,' .,,' ."" ."" ."" ."" .,,' ."" .""" ."" .m .,," .ou .m .08" .0182 .0 161 .0 16 . 0156 .0152 . 0141 . 0143 .0738 .0133 . 013 .0195 .0115 .016 1 .014 1 .0134 .012 .0705 .0692 .0611 .'"" .... ."'" ."", .""" .,," .0813 .0 193 .0175 .0151 .014 .0135 .013 .012$ .012 .0 115 .<08 . 019 . 0757 .0125 .c<;, .c<;" .c<;, .019 .0115 .011 .0166 .0162 .0151 .0153 .0149 .0 145 .014 CD . 08T . 08T' .0825 .0198 .0 168 .0131 .0106 .0616 .0 116 .015 .0 146 .OU2 .013 1 . 0133 .0128 .0724 .0 12 .0 116 .07111 '''' .0685 . 0812 . ~, .- ./J18 1 .015 .~ ."'" ."" .c<;, .0652 .0635 .c<;, .c<;" .06<' ."58 ."" .0165 .OU I .on .0125 .012 .0111 .0714 .0 11 '" "" ."" .,,' ."" ."" .ou "" ."" ."'" .0805 .0 18 .0 1Sf .0125 .0691 .0 11 .073 080 '" .0B9 . ~, .0822 .0792 .0765 .0725 .0706 .0 8 1 .Oll .013 . ~, .c<;, .,,' .c<;, ."'" .c<;, .c<;n .c<;' ."58 .""" ."" .00" .,, " .""" ."'" .'"' .""" ."" .c<;, ."" C<; , ."" .,,' ."'" .'"'" '" ."" .OMS .~ .061 5 . 06 15 .05 55 .0613 .OMS .0556 .lU15 ,, a • ,,• ,• "" "" , ,a ,•,• ,, "" " ,,, , ,•• ,• """ " , ,,, ,,• ,• "" "" ,, , ,,•• ,• " """ CT CU co CX .'" ."'" ."'.o.." ."''' ."'" . .08T .~, .08T ..., ."" .08T '<>82< ~, .11775 .0735 . 0i l S .077 . 0 10 .01 54 .- .c<;" .c<;" .c<;" .0145 .0736 ,OlS . 077 1 .0763 . 0155 . 0148 .0727 .074 .071. .013 D' ca '" DO .0855 . 0825 .0855 . Ol~ .018 .0785 .0178 . 0172 . 0164 ,0151 .()'~ .0161 .015 . 0156 .0 1. 5 .0133 .0 12 1 .0 11 .0176 .011 .0164 . 07$9 .D15 2 . 0148 D' DC DD .011 . 0138 .01(16 .0616 .,,' .c<;," .'" .0541 .MIS .0630 .018 ,0163 ."". ,(JIBS .0610 ."" .'" ."'" ."" .,,' .ou .ou, ."""" .""" ."'" .""' " .m .,,"" .08T . 08 15 .~ , .0195 .0766 .0780 .0715 . 0 110 . 0765 .0160 D' .0 193 CY C, D' ."'" ."m ."'" .,," .,,' " .,,'" .""', .0B9 .~, .- . .0B9 .08T . ~, .082 ", .0115 .0695 .oee .oer .""' .c<;" .c<;, .0145 .0127 .011 .0 785 .0675 .0759 .0651 ,0 752 .0148 D' 00 .oese ."" ."'" ."'" "' . 080 . 0855 .08 11 .0195 .0185 .0118 .Oll .0 16$ .0159 .0 176 .011 ., ~ .,,' ."" .080 .."'''.0852 .081 ' .0785 .0 161 .0 76 . 0 75 .014 "" .0162 . .m .0147 .014 .077 . 0 70 D, D' .0825 .0 19 1 .0 118 ,0 75 .<>"• .0 123 .on .c<;" '" .'" .'" ."'" .'" ."'" ."" ."'" .'* .'* ."" .ou, ."" .ou .ou . ~" .'" .oeo .""" .""" .""" ."". .""'" .08T .01. . 0184 .0180 .0116 .0173 .0169 .018 .0 753 ,011' ..0674 .c<;, .,,'" ."" .= .016' D' . 05 51 DC ..07!U ,0 19 2 ,0 790 .0 18 7 .0785 . 0 183 . 0180 D. .0811 .07U .01112 . 0761 . 0152 .0 740 .0730 .0 120 .0710 D' .08T .~" .0172 .0' ''5 .0734 .0129 .0723 . 0 175 .014 .012 .0 11 .,,'" .0'" .c<;, .0112 _010 1 D' ."" Dn D' .0886 .~ .c<;, C<;, .,'" .c<;, ~ .08 15 .08.1 .0195 .011 .OU 5 .0715 . 070 . 0685 .c<;, . .0655 .c<;, ."" DT .0 19 1 .0 180 . 0115 .0llO .0166 .0160 .0155 .0 150 .0145 .0182 .011 .016 .016 .OU .0128 .0711 .0 705 .0111 .015 .0135 .0123 .0715 . 071 . 0703 .""" .~ .0688 au .013 .071 .~ .<08 C<;, .c<;, .c<;, DY ~ . 08T .~, .08T .0115 . 0159 .014 .0125 .071 . 0192 .0'" .0 18 .018 . 081 5 . 0195 .0180 . 0165 .0752 .014 .0 14 .0 115 "' ..., .'" ."'" ."'" .,,' ."" ."'" ."" .""'" .'" ."", ."" ."" .,,' .,,'" .'" ."", .,,= ."n ."'" .c<;, .'" .c<;, .c<;, .,,'" .'" .'" ."'" ."'" .0B9 . 078 . 076 . 074 .0723 .0112 .0109 .0105 .0703 .0701 .070 .Oll5 .0755 .014 .013 .012 . 011 . 010 .'"<2 .01S .01S .01' .c<;, .c<;, .c<;' .c<;, .c<;' .~, .08 11 .0181 .0 155 _012 . 010 ,0 195 .0765 .0 13 .011 .010 ..~ .,,' ."'" .", .,,' ."'" .,,' .", ."" .,,' .ou .", .", .,, .""" .,,"' " .,,'" .c<;, .089 .08T .0114 . ~, . <00 .08' .08' .080 .0 168 .013 5 .0105 .06 16 .c<;, .'"" '()6 21 .06 18 .0608 .c<;" D' ."'" .'" .ou' .0 195 .017 .0145 .0115 ....,,'", .0U5 .c<;" ."" ."'" Part 5 Appendix 7 ,,, ,•s, , s ro ""ta ,, , •s ,, ,• tu """ , ,,, ,,, , , "" "" ,,, ,, ,,• , . 0 11' .oJS . 0725 .0 10 .0615 .016 .0715 .0 136 .0 14 1 .012 ,Ol D .~ .06 15 .06D .058 .066' .063 ' .015 .0 118 .0695 .,,~ .oeo .oss .0582 .051 re .063 .".oss, .051 .0815 .0 195 .0171 .01!1 .014 .0 13 .012 .011 .0545 " '" " " " " .... ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" ."" .06' .06 ' .06' .06' .06' .'", .'" .... .""" ."'" ."'" .'m ."'" .. ."" .,"" . 0175 .0 740 . 010$ . 0615 .- ..0785 .016 .014 .012 .010 .0171 .075 .0135 .arr .0115 .010!1 .0103 .017 .0'" .012 .011 -..07" .0 11 .066' .," .,,' .,," .,," .'" .'" .058' .", .oes .'" .oer .., .'" ."'" .063 ' .066 .0510 .0555 " .," .,," .'" .,,' ...."" .'" ."" .", .,"" . D80 . 016 .0115 W .", " .D80 .066 " .D80 .", .08' .D115 .".0192, ."'" .0141 _012 .0111 _010 .,'"' , .015 .0827 .015 .015 .015 .0 15 ... .'" .... .'" ."" ."" '"O8S .", .06' .078 .0763 .OU I .013 .0125 .012 .0115 .071 .0105 . D60 ," .,so .085 .0813 .0118 .01'- ... ."'".. ..., .0 115 .0 13 .0115 .0 17 .0 11 .011 .011 .011 .011 .D11 ao ..063 ' .o... .058 .oer " .08' .08' .08S .0D5 .0 173 .OU 6 .012 .OS' 5 .0195 .0 115 .0 155 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .0 15 .015 "" ."'" ., >06 .,,' ..." .", .,," .,,' .065 1 .~ .0611 .0668 .~ .,,' .'" .063 .". ,u " .063 .. ,w " .06' ."" ."'" .'" ."" ."" .'" .08' .08' .,," .,,' .,,' .,,' ."'" .... , .08' .""', .08' .0817 .0 185 .0 16 .07f .010 1 .0698 .. .0D5 .0838 .0198 .0715 .015 1 .0 13 1 .0126 .011' .0 106 .017 .", .", .063 . D60 .,'" .05 16 .0161 .0129 ...""" .,".," ...," ..,,'.".., ."'" ." , .0 11 .08~ .066 ' .",. .,"" .,,' .,," .,,' .0561 .066 ,, a •s , e a a ro ""ra ,, a •, s ,, .. , "" , ,, ,•,, , , """ " '0 " " ."" ."" ."" .06" ."" .06' .06' ."", .'" .." .018 .0" ."" .,,'" .,,' .- .0 175 .0' 4 .DD .016 .015 . 074 .013 .012 .075 1 .0700 . 06D5 . 0678 .0671 .06/ 2 . 0651 .063' . 0622 .0 11 .0651 A7- 5 ..."" .015 " " ."" ."'" .'" .'" .06' ."'" .o" .'M .," .oa .,= .,," .0 74 •0 13 .0 12 .".oa• '" ."" .'" ."" .'" ."'" ." .019:5 .015 .011 .0678 .,,' .oeo ..'58 ," .0625 .,'" . 0 18 .071 . 0 76 .052 .0 11$ .0 14$ .. .0682 .oer .oes .- ".", '" ," ' 0 " ."'" .,," ."" ."" .... .", ."'" .'" ."" .'" .06' .""" ."" ...,'"''" .'M .arsr .,,' .... .'" .'no .,,' ..,,'.. ."'" .".058, .o", .o= .o= .. " . 08 ' 2 . Ol lJl6 .01'" . 0712 . 016 . 014a •013$ . 0124 .0112 " .079 .0765 . 074 . 0175 . 066' " . D80 .08' .,," . 06D . 0115 . 0135 .M21 .08' .0185 .076 .075 .07. .013 .072 .011 .070 .- . 0 121 .OM H su .oso .ces . D1S5 .0112 .0153 .0 138 .012a .0 12'f .072 .072 .072 .0778 . 0745 .0612 .06D .08' .08' . 0 18 5 .066 .063 .0651 .08' .08' ."" ."'" ."', .OB18 .0121 .0703 .D80 . 018 .016 .0728 . 0705 .0196 .0172 .015 ", .0121 .085 .,= .'no .'m .0 71'- .0120 .,,' .cos' .,,' 'Q ."'" .",. .0820 .0 195 .0114 . 0158 . 0745 .0 135 .,,,, .0115 .,'" .,," ,w " " ."'" .", .0855 .", .", .M 21 .06' .D80 ."'" .'" .'" .'" ~" .0163 .015 .OU .0754 .0 150 .0143 .0 125 .011 .0 10 . 0713 . 07'-5 . 0115 .0 115 .0 15 .0725 .. .060 .0115 . 075 .0116 " ."M .,,' ."'" ."" .,," .,," ."" ."" .om ."'" ."" .."" .. ."" ."" . 0625 . 06 1'- .0668 G, G. " GG GO ,, ."'" " ."'" .'" .""', ."" ' .", ."'" .", .,,' .", .,,' .,,' ,, • .08 .08' .,"' ."', ."" .08' ,, .,'" .,,' ,,, .,,' .'" .,,' ."'" "" .'" ."', .""" .'" .,,' .,'"' "" .'" .", ."" OY .0 115 .015 . 0135 . 012 . 011 .070 .066 , ,, ,•,, , , """ " G, .08f3 .0 189 .011 . 0156 .01'-8 .0 14 .0735 .073 .0125 .012 . M 75 .0185 .0 16 5 .OU5 . D125 . D1D5 .06U .066 .0795 .011 .074 .0115 ... .063' .0105 .0 111 .0 1'-8 .013 .0 112 .D8D .0113 .0740 ..066' .~ .0685 .,,~ .019 .016$ .0153 .0743 .0138 .0138 .0138 .013a .0660 G, '" .'" ."" .'" .'" .'" .'" .'" .08 ' .06' ."" .'" .."".,'"'.. .,,'."" ."', .... ."'" .," .,'"' .'m .,.on .""', .", ."", ... . 013!J . 0112 G' " . 0195 .016 .0125 G' .0795 .017 .OU5 .073 .072 .0116 .011 . 0103 .", .,,'" ." 58 .". ."'" ..",., ."" .." .cos .0621 .M 2! .M2! .06 ' 6 GG ..0 18 .077 .0158 .0145 .0132 .0 12 G" .0D5 .0811 .0 186 .0 153 .015 .0115 .0 110 .OU6 .0711 .,'" .",. .,,' .0665 .06 15 .0510 .0565 .0565 .0565 .0665 ."" .,," .,," .063 ' .MIt .059 S Part 5 Appendix 7 A7 -6 , a a •e •, •• """t a . ... G, GM .- css ."'" ."'" ."'" ."' ."'" ."' ."' ."'" . "'" . ... ."", .""' ."'" ."'" .czs ."" ."'" .,,' " SO .on ..... .,,' ."'" ."" .,,' .0112 .-.... .015 .012 7 .0106 , .0621 .oeo cr ,• a •• ,• •• "" "ta ON Ge ... .ces .G82 .0195 .011 ,0145 .on .oss .oa 00 .081' .0] 82 .0770 .0 ] 58 .Dl SO .014 5 .078 .0155 .0125 .D] O .0615 .0]92 .0515 .0717 .0765 .0]55 .0 150 .0145 .0740 .0135 .01 30 OY ~ "' .,,' .- ... .0185 .oes .os, .0515 .0 76 .0725 ..oeoe ,," .011 .07 5 ,0 115 .0 11 .06 ] 5 ." so •0625 .ao . ., ., ... ........ .... ."'"........ .....,,'" ..... .. ..-.. ,0740 ,0735 .0 73 0 GU .oeso .06 25 .oeo .0571 .0 5 5 .", .083 .oeos .01l5 .0745 .0105 ."" .oe .oer .0196 ..... .0 193 . .oer .oes ."' GX ."'" . 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" ~, " .m .,~ .•n . t~ ~o . 119 .t t r . 113 .". .112 .. ,11 9 , 113 , 1087 ~. """ .m . "un .. _"... '5 ..."., ~ .11 18 . 117 .1I J ." 2 .• ",. lOSS . 112 , t OO t . 10 2 1 .~ .08 ' .08' .~ . 101 . 1022 .08 08 .08 " . ~, .... .- .." ., A7- 15 uo, .m . 123 . 1115 .'''5 " . t '" .,,' . .. .", "" ."'" ."'" .oer .'" .om .'" .0'" .... ." .'" .'" .'" . .08' ...., '" .", ."'" .oer .... .08' .". .'" . 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Pe r-t Ne edle Port N umber Marking Number Ma rking Numbe r AU 0 1228 AU01229 GER G2 HA HB HC HO HE HF HV2 HV3 HV. HI H2 H' H' JM K KI KT KW KTA KWR KWI KWZ l LS lBI lB2 lBA LFN LSI l l1 l 12 M MA MO MW MME MOW MI M2 M' M' M7 M' A U0 130 1 Rl S R3 R6 R32 RM RMO RM I RM2 RM3 RM' RMS RM6 RM7 RMB RM9 S SA SB SC SO AU 0 13 74 AU 01375 AU 0 137 6 AU 0 1377 AU 01 378 AU 0 137 9 .4.U0 1230 AU01 231 AU0 1232 AU01233 AU 01234 AU0 1235 AU01236 A U0 1237 AU 01 238 AU01239 A U0 1240 AU01241 AU 01242 AU 01243 AU01 244 A U 01245 A UD 1246 A UD1247 AU D1248 A UD1249 AUD1250 AU D1251 A UD1252 AU D1253 A UD 12 54 A U0 1255 AU 01256 AUD1257 AUD 1258 AU D1259 AUD 1260 AU D1261 AUD1 262 AUD1263 AUD 1264 AU D1265 AU0 1266 AU0 1267 AUD1268 AU0 1269 AU D1270 AU0 1271 AUD 1272 AUD 1273 AU0 1274 AU D1275 AU01 276 A U0 1277 AU D1278 AU01279 AU D1280 AU D128l A U0 1282 AU D1283 AU 01284 AU 01285 A UD1286 A UD128 7 A UD1288 A U01289 A UD1290 AU D1291 AUD 1292 AUD1 293 AU 01 294 AU 01295 AUD1296 AUD1 29 7 AU 01 298 A UD1299 AU D1300 M9 01 07 OA' OA7 OA, PJ P4 PO P61 OA OW RA RB RC RO RF RG RH RJ RK Rl RO RP RS RU RV RlB AU 0 1302 AU01 303 AU 0 1304 AU01305 AU01306 AU01307 AU 01308 AU 01309 A U 0 13 10 A U01311 A U01312 A U 0 13 13 A U0 1314 A U01315 A U01 316 A U0 1317 A U01318 A UD1319 A UD1320 AUD1321 AUD1322 AUD1323 AUD1324 AUD1325 A UD1326 AUD1327 AUD 1328 A U0 1329 AU D1330 AU D1331 AUD1332 AU D1333 AUD1334 AUD1 335 AUD 1336 AUD133 7 A U0 1338 AUD 1339 A U0 1340 A U0 134 1 A UD1342 AU D1343 AUD 1344 AU0134 5 AUD 1346 AUD134 7 AU0 1348 AU0 1349 AU0 1350 A UD135 1 AUD1352 AUD1353 AU 0 1354 AUD1355 AUD1356 A UD 1357 AU D1358 A UD 1359 AUD1360 AUD 136 1 AUD1362 AUD 1363 AUD 1364 AUD136S A UD1366 AUD1367 AUD1368 A UD1369 A UD 1370 A UD 1371 A UD 1372 A U0 1373 SE SF SG SH SJ SK st. SM SN SO SP sa SR SS ST SV SW SY SZ 54 55 S6 TA TB TC TO TE TF TG TH TJ TK Tl TM TN TO TP 'R TS TT TU 7W TX UA UB UC UO UE UF UH UJ UK UVA AUDl 380 AUOI 381 AU01382 AUDl 383 AU01 384 AU 0 1385 AU OI386 AUDl 38 7 AUDl 38S AU01 38 9 AU 01390 AUD 139 1 AU D1392 AU D1393 A UD1394 A UD 1395 AU D1396 A UD1397 AU D1398 AU D139 9 A UD1400 A U0 1401 AU01 402 A UD 1403 A U0 1404 A U0 1405 A U0 1406 AU 0 1407 A UD1 408 A U0 1409 A U0 1410 AU014 ll AUD14 l2 A U0 1413 AU014l4 AU 0 14l5 A U0 14 l 6 AUD1 4l7 AU 0 14l8 A UD 14 l 9 AUD1420 A U0 1421 AUD1422 AUD1 423 AU 01424 AUD1 425 A U01426 A UD14 27 AUD 1428 AU D1429 AUD14 30 AUD1431 AU D1432 AUD14 33 AUD1 434 AU D1435 AUD 1436 AUD143 7 A UD1438 AUD1 439 AUD1440 AUD 1441 AU Ol442 A UDl443 AUD 1444 AUD144S A UD 144 6 N eed le Marki ng UVB UVC UVO UVE UVF UVG UVH UVI UVJ UVK UVl UVM UVN UVO UVP UVR UVT VA VB VC VO VE VF VG VH VI VJ VK Vl VM VN VO VP VR VS VT V2 V3 WX WXI W02 W03 WOO W3 WA WB we WO WE WF WG WH WI WJ WM WN XB XC XO XE XF XG XH XI XJ XK Xl XM XN XO XO XR XS Part Needl. Number Marki ng A U 01 4 47 XT AU 0 1448 AU 0 1449 XU XV XW AU 0 1450 AU 0 1451 AU 01452 AU01453 A U01454 A U01455 A U01 456 A U0 14 57 AU 0 1458 AU 0 14 59 AU0146 0 AU01461 A U01462 AU 01 463 A UD1464 A UD1465 A UD1466 A UD1467 AUD1 468 AUD1469 AUD1470 AUD14 71 AU D1472 AUD14 73 AU D14 74 AU D147 5 AUD1476 AU01477 AU 01478 A U0 14 79 AUD1480 A UD1481 AUD1482 A U0 1483 A UD1484 AUD1 485 AUD1486 AUD148 7 AUD 1488 AU01489 AU01490 AUD 1491 AUD 1492 AUD1493 AUD 1494 AU01495 A U01496 A U0 1497 AU 01498 AU01 499 A U0 1500 A U0 150 1 AU01502 AUD1503 AUD1 504 A UD 1505 AUD1506 A UDl507 A UDl508 AUD1509 AUD1510 A UD1S1 1 AUD151 2 AUD1S13 AUD1S1 4 AU01S1S AUD1S16 AU01517 A U01518 A UD1519 XX XY X2 YA YB YC YO YE 2A ZB ZC ZO ZE 2F ZG Ul UM GY TZ KA TV UO GZ UN SU SX KB AN BB CA UG UP MB UR US UT RE RI MC ZH RN UU UV RR KH HG UW UX TV KC KO KE UY UOI U25 U3' U45 U50 U69 U60 U7. U14 U75 U76 U7B U79 UZ KF KG 5 A8-2 PArt Numblu AU0 152 0 AUD 1511 AU Q1522 AUD 15 23 AUD1514 AU D1525 AUD1526 AU0151 7 AUD 1528 AUD1529 AUD 1530 AU D1531 AUD1532 AUD1533 AU Q1534 AUD 153 5 AUD1536 AU OtS3 7 AUQ 1539 AUDl54l AUO l548 AUO l 549 AU01550 AU D1552 AU D1553 AU D1554 AUD l583 AU Dl58S AU Ol644 AUD168l AU 01682 AUD 1683 AU D1684 AU0168 5 AU016 86 AUD1 687 CU 01 000 CUD1 QOl CUD1 002 CUD1003 CUD1004 CUD1005 CU D1006 CU01007 CUD1008 CUD 1009 CUD 10l0 CU D10l l CUD1 012 CU 010l3 CUD 10l4 CU010l5 CU010 l6 CU010 17 CU D10l8 CUD 1019 CU01020 CUD102 l CUD 1022 CU01 02 3 CUD1 024 CU 0 1025 CUD 1026 CU D102 7 CU01028 CU010 29 CUD 1030 CU 0103l CU0103 2 CU01033 CU01034 CU 0 1035 CU01036 Part 5 Appendix 8 N.edle Marking KJ UI DL DB NA OX BQ AAA DZ KK FX DO UVU BB2 BB3 BB4 KL KM KD KP UW UVW KQ KA KS KU KV UVX KX NB KY KZ HH HI HJ HK AAA AAB AAC AA D AAE AAF AAG AA H AAJ AAK AA L AAM AAN AA P AAQ AAA AAS AAT AAU AAV AAW AAX AAY AAZ ABA ABB ABC ABO ABE ABF ABG ASH ABJ ASK ABL ABM ABN PArt Number CUDi 037 CUD1038 CU 01 039 CU01040 CUD 104 1 CUD104 2 CUD1043 CUD1044 CUD1 04 5 CUD 1046 CUD1047 CUD1048 CUD1 049 CUD1 0SO CUD t OS' CU D105 2 CUD 1053 CUD1054 CUD1 QSS CUD10S6 CUD 10 57 CUD1058 CU D10 S9 CUD 1100 CUD ll0l CUD ll02 CUDll03 CUDll04 CU01 105 CUD ll06 CUDll07 CU D1108 CUD 110 9 CUD ll10 CUD11 11 CUDl l l2 CU Dl l1 3 CU D111 4 CUD11 15 CUD1 1l 6 CUD1 117 CUDll 18 CUD11 19 CUD1120 CUD11 2l CUDll 22 CUD11 23 CUD11 24 CUD1125 CUD1126 CU01127 CUD 11 28 CU Oll 29 CU01130 CU0113l CUD 1132 CUD1 133 CUD1134 CUD1l35 CU Dl l36 CUOl 137 CUOl l 38 CU Dll 39 CUD ll40 CU Dl l41 CU D1 142 CUDll 43 CU Ol l44 CU0 114 5 CUDll46 CU01 147 CUD1148 CUDt 149 Needle Marking PArt ABP ABQ ABR ABS ABT ABU ABV ABW ABX ABY ABZ ACA ACB ACC AC D ACE AC F ACG ACH ACJ ACK ACL ACM BAA BAB BAC BAD BAE BAF BAG BAH BAJ BAK BAL BAM BAN BAP BAQ BAR BAS BAT BAU BAV BAW BAX BAY BAZ BBA BBB BBC BBD BBE BBF BBG SBH BBJ BSK BB L BBM BB N BBP BBQ BB R BBS BBT BBU BBV BBW BBX BBY BBZ BCA BCB CU0 1150 CUD11 51 Numbe r CUD1152 CU D1153 CU D1 154 CUD115 5 CUO"56 CU011S7 CUDl158 CUOl159 CUD l1 60 CUOllS1 CU01 , 62 CV0 1163 CUD1 164 CU0 1165 CUD1 166 Needle MarkIng BCC BCD BCE BCF BCG BC H BCJ BCK BCL BCM BCN BCP BCQ BCR BCS BCT BCU BCV CUOl 167 CUDl168 sew CU01169 CUD l 170 CUD l 17l CUD 1200 CUD 120l CU01 20 2 CU01203 CUD 1204 CU 01205 CU01206 CUD1 207 CU D1208 CU D1209 CUD1 2l 0 CUD12l1 CUD12 l2 CU0 1213 CU012l4 CU0 1216 CU D12l 6 CU01 217 CU012l8 CU 01219 CU01 220 CU D1 22l CUD 1222 CU D1 223 CUD 1538 NZX4001 NZX400 2 NZX400 3 NZX4004 NZX400 5 NZX4006 NZX4007 NZX4008 NZX4 009 NZX4010 NZX401 1 NZX4012 NZX40 13 NZX401 4 NZX401 5 NZX401 6 NZX4017 NZX401 8 NZX40 19 NZX402Q NZX40 21 NZX40 22 NZX4 023 NZX4 024 NZX40 25 NZX40 26 BCX BCY BCZ CAA CAB CAC CAD CAE CAF CAG CAH CAJ CAK CAL CAM CAN CAP CAQ CAR CAS CAT CAU CAV CAW CAX CAY COl KN ADA AD B ADC ADD ADE ADF ADG ADH ADJ ADK ADL ADM ADN ADP ADQ ADR ADS ADT ADU ADV ADW ADX ADY ADZ AEA AEB PArt Number NZX4027 NZX 4D2 8 NZX40 29 NZX4030 NZX 40 3 1 NZX4032 NZX4033 NZX40 34 NZX40 35 NZX4{l36 NZX4037 NZX40 38 NZX40 39 NZX4040 NZX4041 NZX404 2 NZX4043 NZX4044 NZX404 e: NZX404 6 NZX 4Q47 NZX404S NZX404 9 NZX40 50 NZX40 51 NZX4052 NZX40 53 NZX40 54 NZX40 55 NZX4CS6 NZX40 57 NZX4058 NZX4059 NZX4060 NZX40 61 NZX4062 NZX4063 NZX4064 NZX40 65 NZX40 66 NZX40 67 NZX4068 NZX4069 NZX4070 NZX4071 NZX40 72 NZX8 00 1 NZX800 2 NZX8003 NZX8004 Nz x 800 5 NZX8006 NZX8007 NZX8008 NZX8009 NZX80 10 NZX8 0 11 NZX801 2 NZX8 013 NZX801 4 NZX801 5 NZX801 6 NZX80 17 NZX8 018 NZX80 19 NZX8020 NZX8021 NZX80 22 NZX8023 NZX8024 NZX8025 NZX8026 NZX8027 N eedle M arking AEC AED AEE AEF AEG AEH AEJ AEK AEL AEM AEN AEP AEQ AER AES AIT AEU AEV AEW AEX AEY AEZ AFA AFB AFC AFD AFE AFF AFG AFH AFJ AF< AFL AFM AFN AFP AFQ AFA AFS AFT AFU AFV AFW AFX AFY AFZ BOA BO B BDC BO D BD E BDF BOG BDH BDJ BOK BDL BDM BON BOP BOQ BOA BDS BOT BDU BDV BOW BOX BOY BDZ BEA BEB BEC Part 5 Appendix 8 P.rt N_ dl. P.rt Num be r Marking N um ber NZX80 28 NZX 80 29 NZX8030 NZX80 3 1 NZX8032 NZX8033 NZX8034 NZX8035 NZX80 36 NZX8037 NZX8038 NZX8039 BED BEE BEF BEG BEH BEJ BE. BEL BEM BEN BE' BEO BER BES BET BEU BEY BEW BEX BEY BEZ BFA BFB BFe NZX8052 NZX8053 NZX8054 NZX8055 NZX8056 NZX8057 NZX80 58 NZX8059 NZX8040 NZX8041 NZX8042 NZX8043 NZX8044 NZX8045 NZX8046 NZX8047 NZX8048 NZX8Q49 NZX80S0 NZX8051 NZX8D60 NZX8061 NZXSQ62 NZX80 63 NZX8064 NZX8065 NZX8066 NZX806 7 NZX8068 NZX8069 NZX8070 NZX80 71 NZXS072 NZX80 74 NZX8075 A8· 3 Needle Marking BFD BFE BFF BFG BFH BFJ BF. BFL BFM BFN BF' BFa BFR BFS BFT BFU BFV BFW BFX BFY BFZ BGA BGB 5 A9 -0 Part 5 Appendix 9 Jet identification information for SU carburetors Flo a t Cha m b er Angle 30' H H H H 202030' 30' H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 20"30' H/ l 0' H/ 10' '0" ' 0· ' 0· 20·/ 30' 20·/ 30· 20·/ 30· H/1 0· H/ 10· H{1 0· 20·/ 30· 20·/ 30· Id ent ificati o n Info rm ation Jot Carb Ty pe Int e rPO" connectio n Nu m ber Sleeve Co lo u rs (i) (ill (iii) J et S ize H H H H H H H AUC41S5 AUC8182 AUC8183 AUC8188 AUC81 89 AUCB 186 AU Ca 187 01 25~ .09" .10· .OS" .10· .09" .01· HD HD HD HD HD HD A U C81 54 AUC8155 .OS" .10· .125" AUeS' 56 AU 09030 AU 09 825 CU02637 HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS RH RH lH RH lH RH lH lH lH RH lH lH RH RH lH RH RH RH RH lH RH lH RH RH RH RH lH RH lH RH RH lH RH lH RH RH RH lH RH RH lH RH lH HIF HIF HIF HIF HIF lH lH RH RH lH LZX1 027 LZX1029 LZX1026 LZX1028 LZX1068 AU09098 AU091 03 A U D9104 .4.U091 05 .125" .125" .125" Black Black Wh ite .OS" Black Brown .09" .OS· Rod Rod Rod Rod G,., Orange A U09141 ,4,U09142 Green Pink Yellow AU09148 Orange A U 09149 AU 0 9451 .4.U 0 94 80 A UD9481 AU0 9596 White Black White Black G,,,, A.UD9815 Rod Rod AU09879 While AU DS883 AUD9888 AUD9889 AUD9971 CUD2697 CUD2698 CU D2708 CUS2709 CUD2752 CU02 753 CU0 3176 CU031 " LZX1052 tZX1058 LZX1059 lZX1110 lZX1111 tZX 1112 lZX11 14 lZX1116 lZX11 17 LZXl l 1B lZX1120 LZXl 121 LZX1 126 LZXl 127 Black: W hi te Blue Blue Orange Green Whit e White Yellow Blue Wh it e White Vio let Vi ol et Vi ol et AU09814 .10" .10· .09' .09 ' .10· .10" .09" .09" .125" .125" .OS" 09 " .OS" Yellow AU0 9106 AU09450 J et H ead Bl ue Pink Oran ge Orange Bro w n Brow n Rod Pink: Pink Rod .10Bl ue .125.125" .10" Brown .10' .10'" . 0 9~ Bl ue Gree n Pink G,., Pink Pink: W h it e Wh it e ,09 ~ R,d R,d 09 ' 09 ' Bl ue Yellow Rod Rod Wh ite Whit e Bl ack: Black: Black: Black: Black: Black: Black: Black: Black: . 1 0~ G,,, Black Black .09~ .O9~ Pink: Bla c k Rod Rod B lack: Blac k: . 12 5~ Rod Blocl< Black .09" .09" .OS" .09" .1 2 5~ Grey Grey Blue Yellow Grey Grey Black .10" .10' .10' . 1 0~ Grey Bro w n Orange Green .1 0~ . 1 0~ . 1 0~ . 10~ .09· .10~ .09 ~ . 1 0~ .1 0' Whi t e W hi t e Black: Blac k Wh ite Haynes Automotive M anuals NOTE: New manuals are added to this list on a periodic basis. If you do not see a listing for your vehicle, consult your local Haynes dealer for the latest product information. ACURA 1 2 02 0 Integra '86 thru '89 & Lege nd '86 Ihru '90 1202 1 Integra '90thru '93 & Lege nd '91 Ihru ' 95 AM C Jeep CJ - see JEEP (50020) 14 02 0 Mid _s ize models '70 thru ' 83 14025 (RenaUlt) Allia nc e & Encore '83 Inru '87 AUDI 1502 0 4000 a ll models '80 Ihru '8 7 15025 5000 all models '77 thm '83 15 02 6 sooo a ll mode ls '84 tnru '88 AUSTIN-H EALEY Sprltll- See MG Midget (660 15) BM W " 8020 3/5 Series not including dleset or all-wheel drive models ' 82 ttl .... '92 18021 3-Se rlIlS incl. Z3 mod els '92 thru 118 18025 3201 all 4 c yl models 75 thru '83 18050 1500 thru 20 02 except Turbo ' 59 thru 7 7 BUICK " 90 10 Buick Centu ry '97 I nru '02 century (fro nt- wh8fl1 dri ve) - _ GM (38005) "9020 Buick, Oldsmobile & Pontiac Full -size (Front-wheel drivel '8S thru ' 02 Buick Electra, LeSalxe and Pan.:Avenoe; Old smobile Delta 88 Royale, Ninety Eight and Regency; Pon t iac Bonneville 19 02 5 Bu ick Oldsmobile & Pontiac Fu ll-slze (Rear wh ee l d rive) Bu lek Estate '7(l thru '90, E1ectra'70 thru '84, t es eere 7 0 thru ' B!.>, Umited '74 thru'79 Old smobile Cust o m Cruiser '70 th ru ' 90, Delta 88 ' 70 thru 'B!.>,Ninely -eight 70 tIlru '84 Pontiac Bonnev ille '70 thru '81, Catal ir>a'70 thru ' 81, Grandv ille '70 thru '75, Paris oenne ' 83 thru '86 19030 M id -eize Reg al & C entury all rear -drive models wi th va, va and Tumo '74 t hru '87 Reg al - see GENERAL MOTORS (38010) Riviera - see GENERAL MO TORS (38030) Roadmaster - see CHEVROLET (2404 6) Skyhawk - s ee GENERAL MOTORS (380 15) Skylark - see GM (38Q2O, 38025) Somerset - see GENERAL MOTORS (38025) CADILLAC 21030 Cadillac Rear Wh e el Drive all gasoline models '70 th ru '93 Cimarron - see GENERAL MOTORS (380 15) DeVille - see GM (38031 & 38032) Eldorado - see GM (38030 & 38(31) Fleetwood - see GM (3803 1) Seville - see GM (38OSQ, 38031 & 38032) CHEVROLET ' 24 010 Astro & GM C Safa ri M in i-van s '85 thru ' 03 24015 C amaro V8 al l models '70 thru '81 24016 Camaro all models '82 th ru '92 240 17 Camaro & Firebird ' 93 thru '02 Cavalier - see GENERAL MOT ORS (38016) Ce le brity - see GENERAL MO TORS (38005) 24020 Ch evelle, Ma li bu & EI Camino '69 th ru ' 87 24024 cneveee & Pontiac T1000 '76 thru '87 Citation - see GENERAL MOTO RS (38020) 24032 CorsIca/Beretta all mod els '87 thru ~6 24040 Co rvette al l V8 mod els '68 thru ' 82 24041 Co rve tte all models '84 thru '96 10305 Che vrolet Eng in e Overhau l Man ual 24045 Full -size Sedan s Caprice, Impala, Biscayne, Bel Air & Wagon s '69 t hru '90 24046 Imp ala SS & Caprice a nd Bu ic k Roadm alrter '91 thru '96 Im pa la - see LUMINA (24048) Lu m in a ' 9O thru ' 94 - see GM (380 10) ' 24048 Lumina & Monte Cario '95 thru ' 03 Lum ina APV - see GM (38035) 2 4050 Luv Pic k_u p all 2WD & 4WD '72 th ru '82 Mali b u ' 9 7 Itoru '0 0 - see GM (38026') 24055 Mo nte Ca rlo all mod els '70 thru '88 Monte Carlo '95 thru '01 - see LUMINA (24048) 24 059 Nov a all V8 mod els '69 thru '79 24060 Nova and GeD prtzm '85 1hru '92 24064 Pick-ups ' 6 7 t hru '8 7 - Chevrolet & GMC, all V8 & in-line 6 cy l, ':!WD&4WD '67thru '87; Suburban s, Btazers & Jimmy s 'ff? thru '91 24065 Plck_ups '88 thru ' 98 - Chevrolet & GM C, fu ll-size p ick-ups '88 th ll '98, C/K Ctassic '99 & '00 , Blazer & Jimmy '92 thru ' 94; Suburban '92 thru '99; Tahoe & Yukon '95 thru '99 '24066 Pick-ups'99 thru '03 - Chevrol et Silverado & GMC Sierra fu ll-size pick-ups '99 thru ' 02, SuburoanlTahoeJYukonIYuko n XL ' IJO th ru '02 24070 5-10 & 5-15 Pick-ups ' 82 tIlru '93, Blazer & Jimmy '83 thru '94, ' 24 0 7 1 5-10 & 5 _15 Pick_ups '94 th ru ' 01, Blazer & Jimmy '95 th ru '01, Hombre '96 tIlru '01 ' 24 0 72 Che vrolet TrailBlaze r & TrailBlazer EXT, GMC Envoy & Envoy XL, Oldsmobile Bravada '02 and ' 03 24075 sonm -es thru '88 & GeD Metro ' 69 th ru '01 24080 Vans - Chevrolet & GMC '68 t hru '96 CHRYSLER 25015 Ch ry sle r CIrrus, Dodge stratus, Pl ymouth Breeze '95 ! hru '00 10 310 Ch rysler En9ine Overhaul Ma nual 25 020 Fu ll _size Front_Wh eel Drive '88 th ru '93 K _Cars - see DODGE ArIes (30008) Laser. see DODGE Daytona (30030) 25 025 Chrysler LNS, Concord e , New Yo rke r, Dodge Intrep id, Ea9le Vision, '93 thru '97 ' 25 02 6 Chrysler LHS, Concorde, 300M, Dodge Intrep id, '98 thru '03 25030 Chrysler & Pl ym outh Mid-siz e front wheel d rive '82 tIlru '95 Rear -wheel Dri ve - see Dodge (30050) · 2 5 035 PT Cruiser all mod els '01 th ru '03 · 2 50 4 0 Chrysle r Sebring, Dod ge Avenger ' 95 tIlru '02 DATSUN 28005 200sx all models '80 th ru '83 28007 B-21 0 all models '73 th ru '78 28009 21 0 all models '79 thru ' 82 28012 240Z, 260Z & 280Z Coupe '70 thru '78 2801 4 280ZX Coupe & 2+2 '79 th ru '83 3OOZX- see NlSSAN (7201 0) 2 8016 310 all models '78 thru '82 2801 8 510 & PL521 Pick-up '58 thru '73 28020 5 10 all models '78 thru '81 28022 620 Se r ies Pick-up all models '73 thru ' 79 72 0 Se ri es Pick_up - see NISSAN (72030) 28025 8 10JMaxima all gasoline models, 'n thru '84 DODGE 30003 3 00 10 · 3 001 1 3 00 12 3 00 16 3 0020 '30021 30025 30030 ' 3 0034 3 00 35 30040 "3 0041 3 004S 30 050 30055 30 060 ' 30 06 5 400 & 600 - see CHR YSLER (25030) Aries & Plymouth Reliant '81 th ru '89 Car avan & Plymouth VOYllg er '84 thru ' 96 Carav an & Plymouth Voyage r '96 th ru ' 02 ChaliengerlPlym o uth Saporro '78 thru '83 Colt & PIyrnouth Champ '78 thru '87 Dakota Pick-Ups ail models 'ff? tIl ru '96 Durango '98 a ' 99, Dakota '97 thru '99 Dart, De mo n, Plymouth Barracuda, Ouster & Vali ant 6 cyI models 'ff? t hru '76 Daytona & Chrysler Laser '84 thru '89 Intrepid - see CHRYSLER (25025, 25026) Neo n all mod els '95 thru '99 Omni & Plymouth Horizon ' 78 tIlru '90 Pick-up s all fu ll-size models '74thru '93 Pick-Ups all full -size models '94 thru ' 01 Ram 50/D50 Pick-ups & Raider and Plymouth Arrow Pick-ups '79 tIl ru '93 DodgelPlymo utltlChryslet' RWD '71 thru '89 Shadow & Plym outh Sundance '87 Itoru '94 Sp irit & Plymouth Acclaim '89 ! hru '95 Va ns _ Dodge & Plymouth '71 th ru '03 EAGLE T alo n _ see M /TSU B/SHI (68030, 68D31) Vi sion _see CHRYS LER (25025) FIAT 34010 124 Sport Coupe & Spider ' 68 thru '78 34025 X1I9 all mod els '74 thru '80 FORD 10355 Ford Automatic Transmission Overhaul 36004 Aerostar MIn i-va ns al l mode ls '86 thru ' 97 36006 Contour & Mercury Mrstique ' 96 Itoru 'OO 36008 Cou rier Pick-up all models '72 thru '82 ' 36012 Crown Victoria & Mercury Grand Ma rq uis '88 th ru ' OO 10 32 0 Ford Eng ine Overhaul Man.... 1 36016 EscortIMercury Lyme all mode ls '81 th ru '90 36020 Escort/Mercury Tracer ' 91 tIl ru '00 36022 Ford Escape & Mazd a Tribute ' 01 1to",'03 36 02 4 Explore.- & Mazd a Navajo '91 Ito'" ' 01 36025 Ford Explorer & Me rc ury Mountaineer '02 and '03 36028 Fainnont & Mercury Zephyr '78 th ru '83 36030 Festlva & Asplre '88 tnru ' 97 36032 Fiesta all models 'n th ru '80 ' 3 6 034 FOClJS all models '00 and '01 36 03 6 Ford & Mercury Full-size '75 1toru '87 36044 Ford & Mercury Mid-size ' 75 Itoru '86 36048 Mus ta ng V8 al l mod els ' 84-112 tnru '73 36 04 9 Mustang 114cyI , V6 & va model s '74 thru 78 36050 Mu stang & Mercury Capri all models Mustang, '79 thru ~3; Capri, '79 t hru '86 '36051 Mu sta ng all mod els '94 thru '03 36054 Pick-Ups & Bronco ' 73 thru '79 36058 Pick-u ps & Bronco '80 th ru '96 '36059 F-150 & Expedition '97 tIlru ' 02, F-260 '97 itoi'll '99 & U ncoln Navi gato r '98 thru '02 '36060 SlI per DlIty Pick-up s, Excu rsion '97 thru '02 36062 PInto & Mercury Bobcat '75 thru 'SO 36 066 Pro be al l models '89 thru ' 92 36070 RangerlBtonco II gasoline models '83 thru ~2 · 3 60 71 Ranger '93 thru '00 & Mazd a Pick-ups '94 thru '00 36074 Taurus & Me rcury sable '86 thru ' 96 · 3 60 7 5 Taurua & Mercury sable'96 th ru '(}1 3 6078 Tempo & Mercury Topaz '84 th ru '94 36082 Th underbird/Mercury Couga r '83 thru '88 36086 Th un de rb ird!Me rcury Couga r '89 and '97 36090 Van s all VB Eco noline models '69 thru '91 '36094 Vans lu ll size '92 thru ' 01 "36097 Wlnd star Mi n i-van '95 thru '03 GENERAL MOTORS 10360 GM Automatic Transmission overhaul 38005 Buick Century, Chevrolet Celebrity, OldsmoOlJe cutlass Cleta & Pontiac 6000 all models '82 th ru '96 "38010 Buick Regal, Chevrolet Lu m ina , Old amobile Cutlass Supnme & Pontiac Grand Prix (FWD) '88 thru '02 38015 Buick Skytoawk, Cad illac Cimarron, Chevrolet Cavalier, Oldsmobile Flrenza & Pontiac J-2000 & Sunbl rd '82 thru '94 "38016 Chevrolet Cav alier & Pontiac Sunflre '95 th ru ' 04 38020 Buick Skylark, Chevrolet Citation, Olds Omega, Pontiac Phoenbl '80 thru '85 38025 Buick Skylark & Somerset, Old am obUe Achle va & Calais a nd Pontiac Grand Am all models '85 thru '98 ' 38 0 26 Ch evrolet Malibu , Olds A1ero & Cutlass, Po ntiac Grand Am '97 th ru '00 38030 cadillac Eldo rado '71 t hru '85, Sev ille '80 thru '85, Oldsmobile Toronado 71 thn,J Buick Riviera '79thru '85 '38031 Cadillac Eld ora do & Seville '86 thru '91, DeVille '88thru '93, Fle etwood & Okls Toronado '86thn,J '92., BlIlok RI'Il&l'll'86 thru '93 38032 Cad illac DeVI lle '94 thru '02 & Seville - '92 thru '02 36035 Chevrolet lumina APV, Olda Silhouette & PontIac Trans Sport all models '90 thru '96 "38036 Chevrolet Ventu re, Olds Silhouette, Pontiac Trans Sport & Montana ~ 7 thru '01 Gen era l Motors Full-eize Rear_ wheel Drive - see BUICK (19025) 'as. GEO Metro - see CH8IROLET Sprint (24()71;;) Prizm - '65 thrv '92 see CHEVY (24060), '93 tnns '02 See TOYOTA Coro lla (92036) (Continued on other side) " Lis ting s s ho wn with an asterisk ( ") indicate model CQvera ge as of this priming. These lit/es will b e periodically upda ted to include la ter modet yea rs - consult your Hayn es dealer for more in fomra tion. Hayn es North Ameri ca, Inc., 861 Lawrence Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320·1514 · (805) 498·6703 Haynes Automotive Manuals (continued) NOTE: New manua ls are added to this list on a pe riodic basis. If you do not see a listing for your Vehicle, consult you r local Haynes aeeter for the latest producf information. 40030 Storm " models '90 Itvu '93 TrKker - see SUZUKJ SMnurlIi (90010} GMC Va",, " P'lek ... ps . see CHEVROLET HONDA 4 2010 "!>Cord CVCC all mode~ '16 tnru '83 4 2011 42 0 12 4 2013 ' 42 0 14 42020 42021 4 20 22 42023 4 2024 ' 4 202 5 ","orG all mode~ '84 tIl ru '89 Accord all mod els '90 thru '93 Accord alIlTIOdels '94 thru '!17 Accon:I .. models '98 ttvu '02 CMc 1200 .. models 73 thru 79 CIwi<:1300 " 1500 CVCC 'SOtIYv '83 CMc 15 00 CVCC all models 7 5 thnI79 CIvic aI modttIs '84 tIlru '9 1 Civic: .. eMl Sol '92 ttlru '95 C ivic ' 96 th ru ' 00, CR·V '91 thru '00, Ac ura lnttlgra '94 th ru '00 42026 ClYte ' 01 thnJ '04. CA.V 112 thru '04 42040 ......ud e CVCC all models 79 thru '89 HYU NDAI ' 430 10 ElMtra aI rnoclels '96 thru '01 43015 Excel & ~ aI models'86 thnl '98 IS UZU JAGUAR 49010 XJ& al 6 q1 models -e8 tlwu '86 4901 1 l(J6 allTI(>(kl$ '88 th ru 'io4 49015 XJ 12 " XJS all 12 cyl models 7 2 thfU '85 J EEP 50 01 0 Cherokee, Coman che & W~r UnIited all mod els '84 th ru ' 01 50020 CJ aI models '49 thN '86 ' 50025 Qnnd Cherokee aIlll'lOMls '93 thfU 114 500211 GI'WId Wav- & Picll_ 72 thfU '91 Grand Wagone« '8411WU '91, ct-olpa 3 1800" 1800 all model$ '63 thru 73 ~ Vanagc>n AI air..::ooled models ' SO thru '83 VOL VO 9 701 0 12 0. 130 series" 1800 Sporta '$1 thru 73 9 70 15 140 Serl" all models '68 thru 74 9 7020 240 Se rl " all modele 76 thru '93 97040 740 &. 7 80 Series al l models ' a2 thru '88 9 70150 650 Sarln aU mod els '93 thru '97 1020S 10210 102 15 10220 10226 10230 10240 103015 10310 10320 10330 10340 1~1 RENAULT · 8401 0 ' 9 208 2 RAV4 all models '961hru '02 9208S Ten;eI all models '87 thru '94 TECHBOOK MANUALS PONTIAC Turbo 7 9 thru '88 SATURN UNCOLN 81035 a.- SAAB LEX US 61030 68020 CordIa, Tradia, Galant. Precis &. Mirage ' 83 Itnl '93 68030 Ec Hpsa, lagla Talon & Ply, '901hru '94 '68031 Ec lipse '951l'111 '01, b illa Talon '95 11vu'96 68035 M itsubish l Galant '94 tIvu ' 1)3 68040 Pick_up '83 thru '96 &. Montero '83 thru '93 CHEVAOL£T or GENERAL "'OTMS listing, Hombre · see CHEVROLET 5- 10 (24()11) '47017 Rode o '91 thru '02; Am Igo '89 tIlru '94 and '98 thru '02; Hooda Passport '95 thru 112 47020 T rooper & Pick...p '81 thru '93 810 10 8 1011 61 015 · 81018 81020 MITSUBISHI "8 70 10 Satum all models '91 thru '02 8 7020 Satum " L- e mogine Repair ........1, 5 HP &.Less Sma n Eng ine Repair Manual, S.s _ 20 HP Suspension, Stearlng & Drivellne Manu81 Ford A utoma t ic T ran smissi on OVarhaul GM Automatic T ran sm ission Ove rhaul Automotlve 80dy RelN"r" Pa inting Automotive Brak a Manual Automotlve Anti-lock Brake tA8Sl 5 ptems AIltomot!'H Detaiinv Man.... 10355 10380 10406 10410 1041 1 10418 104 20 AIltomot!'H ~ Manual 10425 Automottve HeatIng & Air Conditioninll 10430 Automollwa ~ Manual &. Oictionary 10435 Automotive T ool s Ma nual 10440 Used Car Buying Guide 10445 Wel dIn g Ma n ual 104!50 ATV Bas ic s SPAN ISH MANUALS 98903 98905 98910 98815 99040 99041 99042 99058 99075 99077 99088 990111 99095 991 00 991 10 991 18 99125 Reparacl6n de ~ &. PiIrtl.lra COcligos Autornotric. . de la ComPllbKlonl Frenos Automotrtz Inyeeel6n de Combustible 19M 81 1999 Chevrolat & GM C Camlonetal ' 67 al 'a7 lncl uye Sub Urban, Blazer &Jimmy '67 al '91 Chevrolet &. GMC Camlonetas '88 aI '98 lrocluye Subu rban '92 al '98, Blazer &. Jimmy '92 al "94, Tahoe "f Vukon '95 aI '98 CheYnIlet & GMC Ce mlonetea Camtdas '68 aI '95 Dodge &. I'I7mouth VO"f8ll8l" 'A4 III ~ Ford e-alonetas y Bronco ' SO al '94 e- Ford Ce mlonetas Cemtdas ' 69 aI '91 Ford Modalos de Tlmafto Mediano 75 aI '86 Ford Ta unJs" Me rcu ry Sabl e '88 aI ' 95 GM Mc dalos de Tam, tio Grande 7 0 aI '00 OM Modale s da Tam. 1ID Mediano ' 70 aI '88 Hissan camkwseta '80 II '96. Patld'indar '87 III '95 Ni$$an8entra '82 a1 '94 Toyota Cemionetasy4Ru...... 79a1 '95 Ovllr 100 Hayne& motorcycle tnlInuals -.0 available Haynes North America, Inc., 861 Lawrence Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320-1514· (805) 498-8703 Common spark plug conditions NORMAL Symptoms: Brown to grayish-tan color and slight electrode wear. Correct heat rang e for engine and operating condit ions. Recommendation: When new spark plugs are inst alled. replace with plugs of th e same heat range. TOO HOT WO RN s ymp toms: Aoo.nled electrodes Wltl'l a smaI il!TlO
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