Jehiel (Sunday, 14 May 2023 18:11)
Can someone help me with a name of a front-top part of the Scania P200 tipper body
Chip Spikes (Wednesday, 10 May 2023 21:41)
I have a Linde H25T which needs a part.
Samson (Friday, 05 May 2023 11:18)
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Wayne (Tuesday, 02 May 2023 14:15)
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Hajj (Friday, 21 April 2023 20:18)
Please i have fault code 0157 and 0158 on my iveco tector 260e30 and cant find the meaning
kevin musa (Tuesday, 28 March 2023 23:00)
Hi Sales Team,
Hope you are doing well.
We would like to request a quote for the following items for our federal customers.
Please help us on this matter. Thanks!
Solicitation no.: 36C25623Q0703
The items and specifications are listed below:
Item no. Item description Qty Unit
001 AUSA All terrain Forklift C400H as per specifications 01 Each
Item no. Specifications
Rough Terrain Forklift C400 H or Equal
Engine: DEUTZ
Model: TD3.6
Engine: 74.2 hp
Cylinders: 4
Torque: 330@1600 RPM
Load Capacity: 24” 8000 lbs,
Transmission: Hydrostatic with continuous speed control
Front: 18-19.5
Rear: 10.0/75 – 15.3
Minimum 1,000 hours or 12 months and 3 years extended warranty
A. CO — Contracting Officer
B. COR — Contracting Officer’s Representative
C. SOW- Scope of Work
3. Delivery Schedule. FOB-Destination
Facilities Management Service Line
Energy Control Building 103
2002 Holcombe Blvd
Houston Texas 77030
Kindly provide a formal quote with best prices which include the shipping cost, ETA and payment terms.
Looking forward to hear back from you.
Delivery Location: Houston TX 77030
Bid Expiration Date: Apr 11, 2023
Ivan (Tuesday, 28 March 2023 13:48)
Hello fault code DTC 1274?
РАФИГ (Monday, 27 March 2023 06:22)
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Henry Gamboa (Thursday, 23 March 2023 23:38)
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Paul (Monday, 20 March 2023 03:30)
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Angi (Friday, 17 March 2023 19:49)
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JAMES (Friday, 17 March 2023 08:29)
asif (Saturday, 11 March 2023 13:24)
Harish (Saturday, 11 March 2023 05:23)
Lucia (Saturday, 11 March 2023 03:54)
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Ben (Thursday, 09 March 2023 22:49)
Looking for service and operator manuals for 2014 7060 Mahindra tractor
Paul (Wednesday, 08 March 2023 23:27)
Hi I am looking for a manual on the old Baoli CPC/QD18F
Enrique (Tuesday, 07 March 2023 04:40)
Hello, I am looking for a service manual for a 1990 Nissan UD1800 6.9L diesel 6 speed manual transmission
Paw (Sunday, 05 March 2023 19:14)
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Is it possible to get one from you
Thanks psw
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#604 (Friday, 03 March 2023 08:33)
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Anil (Thursday, 02 March 2023 06:22)
Volvo (Wednesday, 22 February 2023 06:16)
benjamin.bamana@yahoo.fr (Tuesday, 21 February 2023 12:34)
EMS P047700
ليبيا (Sunday, 19 February 2023 02:21)
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Metرمز ميت (Sunday, 19 February 2023 02:05)
Godfred (Saturday, 18 February 2023 00:05)
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“Sel” light is not showing up again and it can’t start again. Please help me
Piglis (Friday, 17 February 2023 19:49)
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Hassan khamisi (Friday, 17 February 2023 18:43)
Thank u so much
Kheyre (Wednesday, 15 February 2023 23:49)
I have tis code MID 216 PSID 33 FMI 12 Count 42
Shedrack (Wednesday, 15 February 2023 10:51)
My truck has a problem with gears GS 17 and 21
رقا ني (Tuesday, 14 February 2023 13:58)
Idun (Monday, 13 February 2023 14:53)
Sangat membantu
giedrius (Sunday, 12 February 2023 15:51)
Giedrius (Sunday, 12 February 2023 15:49)
codes MR10310 ?
Madalin (Thursday, 09 February 2023 20:34)
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Robert (Thursday, 09 February 2023 13:12)
EDC lights flashing RED,
Loose power to 40kmh
Engine faults 060 062
Brake failure
ESP/ASR function flashing YELLOW
ABS failure Light flash once
Brake failure 014
Please help if you’ve had similar problems
Thank you
Luke mukuka (Thursday, 09 February 2023 08:34)
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21-7F20E.05 (Wednesday, 08 February 2023 14:40)
pprasong2111@gmail.com (Tuesday, 07 February 2023 00:21)
Tadano tl-251
Samuel (Monday, 06 February 2023 14:56)
Scania code 14110 gms
Abebe Teshager (Monday, 06 February 2023 12:03)
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Muhammad shoaib (Monday, 06 February 2023 08:40)
I want to injection diagram
Wardman Muyambo (Monday, 06 February 2023 03:42)
May I have fault codes on Renault 460 Dxi premium trucks
Augis (Sunday, 05 February 2023 11:08)
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Thank you in advance.
Jeff Schwab (Saturday, 04 February 2023 15:25)
On a JCB 512-56 error code WIF.
What is wrong with it?
Daniel Deloso (Saturday, 04 February 2023 14:41)
Repair manual howo 380
Bob (Saturday, 04 February 2023 04:11)
hermenegildo (Monday, 30 January 2023 15:26)
HI, im needing some help, we have a volvo FM4 EURO6, WITH THIS FAULTS, U114E00, U114E00, U114300, U10B600, U010E00 AND U114A87 IF SOMEONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX PLEAS EMAIL ME hermenegildopedro51@gmail.com
Akachat abdelhak (Thursday, 26 January 2023 10:30)
Инструкция по эксплуатации MAN TGS/TGX.
Руководство по эксплуатации + каталог запчастей грузовых автомобилей MAN TGS и MAN TGX.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Диез
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 512
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- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО MAN TGX/TGS с 2007 г.
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту грузовых автомобилей MAN TGS и MAN TGX с 2007 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Арго-Авто
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 1136
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
1 изображение
Информация о файле
Руководство по эксплуатации TGS c обычным рулевым колесом
Что нового в версии 1 Просмотр изменений
Размещено 19 апреля, 2019
Для этой версии изменений нет.
- 1
26 января, 2019
Инструкция по эксплуатации MAN TGS/TGX.
Руководство по эксплуатации + каталог запчастей грузовых автомобилей MAN TGS и MAN TGX.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Диез
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 512
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО MAN TGX/TGS с 2007 г.
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту грузовых автомобилей MAN TGS и MAN TGX с 2007 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Арго-Авто
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 1136
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
2. Органы управления
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Приборная панель («Евро-2/3/4»)
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- Кнопка долговременной индикации на дисплее/переключения индикации при нескольких индикациях на дисплее/меню автомобиля (вавтомобилях без мультифункционального рулевого колеса).
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Приборная панель («Евро-5»)
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- Выключатель передних и задних противотуманных фар/фонарей.
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- Дисплей.
- Контрольные индикаторы.
- Датчик автоматической регулировки яркости внутреннего освещения.
- Спидометр.
- Одометр/счетчик суточного пробега.
- Индикатор максимальной скорости.
- Выключатель светового теста.
- Регулятор угла наклона оптической оси фар.
- Указатель уровня топлива.
- Кнопка подтверждения «желтых» сообщений на дисплее/изменения индикации «км/ч» или «миль/ч»/меню автомобиля (в автомобилях без мультифункционального рулевого колеса).
- Кнопка долговременной индикации на дисплее/переключения индикации при нескольких индикациях на дисплее/меню автомобиля (вавтомобилях без мультифункционального рулевого колеса).
- Указатель уровня восстановителя AdBlue.
- Индикация блокировок дифференциалов.
- Указатель температуры охлаждающей жидкости.
- Кнопка подсветки приборов/выбора языка.
- Кнопка переключения индикации времени и температуры снаружи.
- Указатель давления в тормозном контуре I и II.
1—5. Кнопки меню автомобиля/автотелефона/аудиоустановки.
6—9. Кнопки системы круиз-контроля/частоты вращения двигателя на холостом ходу/вспомогательных агрегатов.
10. Кнопка системы круиз-контроля и ограничителя скорости.
В 2000 году концерн MAN Truck & Bus AG начал производство грузовиков TGA поколения Trucknology Generation. Вместе с этим появилась и новая система идентификации грузовиков. В настоящее время принято три варианта маркировки автомобилей MAN:
Краткое обозначение, нанесённое на дверь кабины;
Описание варианта исполнения для торговой и технической документации;
Код модели (номер модели);
Краткое обозначение автомобиля MAN
Краткое обозначение модели отображается на двери кабины грузового автомобиля. Формула включает в себя название модельного ряда, разрешённую массу в тоннах и мощность двигателя, округленную до 10 л. с.
Например, TGS 41.430, где
Название модельного ряда TGS является сокращенным от Trucknology Generation S,
Разрешённая масса составляет 41 т.,
Мощность двигателя достигает 430 л. с.Модельный ряд Разрешённая масса Мощность двигателя
Manuals, maintenance manuals, repair manuals, operating instructions, repair books, repair literature. Catalogs of auto parts, manuals on the device and driving cars, reference books and educational literature for MAN 19, MAN F90, MAN F2000, MAN L2000, MAN M90, MAN M2000, MAN TGA, MAN TGL, MAN TGM, MAN TGX, MAN TGS.
MAN D 2876 LF 12_13 Service Manual.pdf
MAN D2842 Diesel Engine Operating Instructions.pdf
MAN D2842 repair manual.pdf
MAN D2876LUE repair manual.pdf
MAN F2000 PDF Repair Manual.pdf
MAN F90 PDF Repair Manual.pdf
MAN L2000 M2000 F2000 construction period 1992-2005.pdf
MAN L2000 Repair Manual.rar
MAN M2000 Repair Manual.rar
MAN TGA Baseline Owner’s Manual.rar
MAN TGA Guidelines to fi tting bodies Manual.pdf
MAN TGS TGX Service Manual.rar
MAN Truck Edc Troubleshooting Manual PDF.pdf
MAN Wiring Diagrams
MAN TG-A Wiring Diagrams.pdf
MAN TGA – Schematic diagram of the instrument panel type HIGHLINE (TGA).pdf
MAN TGA FFR component list.pdf
MAN TGA Wiring diagrams K 90 (2nd edition).pdf
MAN TGS-TGX Wiring diagrams Electrical System K100 (2nd edition).pdf
MAN F90 PDF Repair Manual
MAN F2000 PDF Repair Manual
MAN L2000 M2000 F2000 construction period 1992-2005
MAN L2000 Repair Manual
MAN M2000 Repair Manual
MAN Parts catalog, 12-2014
MAN TGA Repair Manual
MAN TGA Baseline Owner’s Manual
Fault codes PDF
EDC7 MAN fault codes list PDF.pdf
MAN ECAS 2 Fault Codes PDF.pdf
MAN ECU EDC7 Engine Fault Codes List.pdf
MAN Fault Messages PDF Manual.pdf
MAN Fehlercodes PDF.pdf
MAN FFR Fault Codes List PDF.pdf
MAN FFR Onboard Computer Fault codes list.pdf
MAN is a German engineering company specializing in the production of trucks, buses and engines. Formed in 1758, formerly known as Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG. The headquarters is located in Munich.
The lineup of MAN trucks
Starting in 2013, restyled versions of the entire MAN TGX, TGS, TGM, TGL range are presented:
- TGA – the model was discontinued since 2008, was replaced by more modern models of TGX and TGS
- TGX – tractors and classic «singles» with the maximum level of comfort for the driver, payload from 15 to 70 tons (de facto) and engines from 360 to 680 hp.
- TGS – truck tractors, classic «singles», dump trucks and various construction equipment on the MAN chassis with a payload of 18 to 70 tons (de facto) and engines from 360 to 680 liters. from.
- TGM – medium-tonnage trucks, including classic «singles» and dump trucks with a payload of 7 to 20 tons (de facto) and engines from 240 to 380 liters. from.
- TGL – low-tonnage trucks for local urban transport with a payload of 5 to 7 tons (de facto) and engines from 150 to 250 liters. from.
In the 1990s. MAN switched to a new range of «2000», including numerous models with a gross mass from 6 to 50 tons, and in the structure of road trains – up to 180 tons. This family consisted of light, medium and heavy families «L2000», «M2000» and «F2000» respectively, replacing the series «G90», «M90» and «F90». These trucks are widely used electronic devices to regulate the engine, air suspension, the position of the driver’s seat, the operation of the air conditioner, as well as anti-lock and traction control systems, etc. All cars have front disc ventilated brakes, steering gear with hydraulic amplifier, pneumatic 2- contour brake system, brake lining with wear sensors.
Since the end of 2000, a new «high-tech» heavy family «TGA» or «Trucknology Generation», corresponding to the norms of «Euro-3», is being manufactured. It consists of numerous models with new diesel engines (11,9-12,8 l, 310-510 hp), a mechanical 16-speed or automated 12-speed box with electronic control, all disc brakes, three computer systems and five variants of cabins with an internal height of 1880-2100 mm. This scale was awarded the title «Truck of 2001». At the same time, the IAS started the introduction of a new simplified marking, in which the «L», «M» and «F» series in the «Evolution» version received «LE», «ME» and «FE» indices with a digital pointer of the rounded engine power.
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Engine variants
In-line six-cylinder Diesel engines (R6) of the D20/D26 Common Rail range are installed in the TGS and TGX (= 1st – 3rd digitsof the engine designation). The engines are available in Euro 4 with cooled EGR and PM-Kat plus Euro 5 with SCR technology.A newly developed V8 Common Rail engine from the D28 family supplements the TGX range. In accordance with European regulations the engines are fi tted with on board diagnosis, including a NOxanalyser (with engine torque limitation in the event of NOx analyser failure).
National and international regulations take priority over technically permissible dimensions and weights if they limit the technically permissible dimensions and weights. The following data can be obtained from the quotation documents and documents contained in MANTED at www.manted.de:
- Dimensions
- Weights
- Centre of gravity position for payload and body (minimum and maximum position for body)
for the production standard chassis / tractor unit. The data contained in these documents may vary depending on what technical features the vehicle is actually fi tted with upon delivery. The critical factor is the vehicle’s actual confi guration and condition at the time delivery. To achieve optimum payload carrying capability the chassis must be weighed before work starts on the body.
Calculations can then be made to determine the best centre of gravity position for payload and body as well as the optimum body length. As a result of component tolerances the weight of the standard chassis is allowed to vary by ± 5%, in accordance withDIN 70020. Any deviations from the standard equipment level will have a greater or lesser effect on dimensions and weights. Changes in equipment may result in deviations in the dimensions and weights, particularly if different tyres are fi tted that then also lead to a change in the permissible loads.
Wheels, rolling circumference
Different tyre sizes on the front and rear axle(s) can only be fitted to all-wheel-drive vehicles if the difference in rolling circumference of the tyres used does not exceed 2% or 1.5% if the MAN HydroDrive®system is installed.The basis for calculation is always the circumference of the smaller tyre. Every change of tyre type requires approval from the manufacturer. Enquiries can be made by completing the form “Request forcertifi cation”, available to download from www.manted.de or via the online certifi cation form. Any associated parameterisationwillbe carried out at the same time as certifi cation.
Calculating the axle load and weighing procedure
It is essential that an axle load calculation be completed in order to ensure correct design of the body. The weights given in the sales documents only apply to production standard vehicles. Weight differences can be caused by optional equipment or manufacturing tolerances. Manufacturing inaccuracies (within tolerances) may occur. Achieving optimum compatibility between bodywork and truck is only possible if the vehicle is weighed before any work on the body is commenced. The weights thus obtained are then taken as a basis for an axle load calculation. The vehicle must be weighed subject to following conditions:
- Without the driver
- With a fully fi lled AdBlue®tank and fully fi lled fuel tank
- With the handbrake released and the vehicle secured with chocks
- If fi tted with air suspension, raise the vehicle to normal driving position
- Liftable axle(s) must be raised to the normal driving position (as in loaded condition)
- • Do not actuate any moving-off aid.
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1 изображение
Информация о файле
Руководство по эксплуатации TGS c обычным рулевым колесом
Что нового в версии 1 Просмотр изменений
Размещено 19 апреля, 2019
Для этой версии изменений нет.
- 1
26 января, 2019
- Brands:
MAN Trucks - File Size:
8MB - Total Pages:
191 - File Type:
Engine variants
In-line six-cylinder Diesel engines (R6) of the D20/D26 Common Rail range are installed in the TGS and TGX (= 1st – 3rd digitsof the engine designation). The engines are available in Euro 4 with cooled EGR and PM-Kat plus Euro 5 with SCR technology.A newly developed V8 Common Rail engine from the D28 family supplements the TGX range. In accordance with European regulations the engines are fi tted with on board diagnosis, including a NOxanalyser (with engine torque limitation in the event of NOx analyser failure).
National and international regulations take priority over technically permissible dimensions and weights if they limit the technically permissible dimensions and weights. The following data can be obtained from the quotation documents and documents contained in MANTED at www.manted.de:
- Dimensions
- Weights
- Centre of gravity position for payload and body (minimum and maximum position for body)
for the production standard chassis / tractor unit. The data contained in these documents may vary depending on what technical features the vehicle is actually fi tted with upon delivery. The critical factor is the vehicle’s actual confi guration and condition at the time delivery. To achieve optimum payload carrying capability the chassis must be weighed before work starts on the body.
Calculations can then be made to determine the best centre of gravity position for payload and body as well as the optimum body length. As a result of component tolerances the weight of the standard chassis is allowed to vary by ± 5%, in accordance withDIN 70020. Any deviations from the standard equipment level will have a greater or lesser effect on dimensions and weights. Changes in equipment may result in deviations in the dimensions and weights, particularly if different tyres are fi tted that then also lead to a change in the permissible loads.
Wheels, rolling circumference
Different tyre sizes on the front and rear axle(s) can only be fitted to all-wheel-drive vehicles if the difference in rolling circumference of the tyres used does not exceed 2% or 1.5% if the MAN HydroDrive®system is installed.The basis for calculation is always the circumference of the smaller tyre. Every change of tyre type requires approval from the manufacturer. Enquiries can be made by completing the form “Request forcertifi cation”, available to download from www.manted.de or via the online certifi cation form. Any associated parameterisationwillbe carried out at the same time as certifi cation.
Calculating the axle load and weighing procedure
It is essential that an axle load calculation be completed in order to ensure correct design of the body. The weights given in the sales documents only apply to production standard vehicles. Weight differences can be caused by optional equipment or manufacturing tolerances. Manufacturing inaccuracies (within tolerances) may occur. Achieving optimum compatibility between bodywork and truck is only possible if the vehicle is weighed before any work on the body is commenced. The weights thus obtained are then taken as a basis for an axle load calculation. The vehicle must be weighed subject to following conditions:
- Without the driver
- With a fully fi lled AdBlue®tank and fully fi lled fuel tank
- With the handbrake released and the vehicle secured with chocks
- If fi tted with air suspension, raise the vehicle to normal driving position
- Liftable axle(s) must be raised to the normal driving position (as in loaded condition)
- • Do not actuate any moving-off aid.
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