Мануал на санг енг рекстон

Сайт закрыл ))
перезалью, но позже.

Здравствуйте, кто скачал залейте будте добры куда нибудь, и ссылку дайте, Пожалуйста.

Добрый день перезалейте ссылку или скиньте на почту Спасибо.

А не могли бы Вы перезалить ссылку или скинуть на почту? Буду благодарен.

Здравствуй. А можешь перезалить или на почту сбросить литературу

Щас как раз сучий болт крепления вентилятора сорвался, ищем обходные пути ахах)))

Вискомуфты или сама крыльчатка?

Сама крыльчатка, а возится снимать муфту не охота, закрутили оставшиеся на обычные болты. Потом разберемся)

Помогите скачать. Если кто может скиньте на почту раздел по затяжке гбц на 2.7 моторе. Bimerm@rambler.ru заранее спасибо за помощ!

можно на почту скинуть ссылку на скачивания. И подскажите какой момент затяжки гайки ступицы?

Я почту не знаю. А так там прямая ссылка на тематический сайт и там же ссылка для скачивания. Драйв 2 удалял темы, потому сделал так.

Ступицу тянул без момента. Затянул, покрутил колесо, подтянул. Затягивать грубо говоря до упора, когда колесо хуже крутится и чуть назад. Колесо не должно болтаться и должно свободно крутиться.

Помогите Не получается скачать мануал.

Переходите по ссылке, жмёте сказать, открывается реклама и тикает таймер (издержки), таймер дотикал и появилась кнопка в правом верхнем углу «пропуститьрекламу».


SsangYong,Ssang Yong,Rexton,Actyon,Kyron,кайрон,рекстон,актион,спорт, ссанг ёнг,санг ёнг,сангёнг,ссангёнг,ссанг енг,санг енг,ссангенг,сангенг,ссангянг,сангянг,ссанг янг,санг янг,австосалон,салон,ссанг йонг,санг йонг,ссангйонг,сангйонг,официальный дилер в Москве,АТЦ Маршал,диагностика,сервис,обслуживание,гарантия,техническое,гарантийное,ремонт,сход-развал,замена масла,тормозных колодок,дисков

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Actyon

SsangYong,Ssang Yong,Rexton,Actyon,Kyron,кайрон,рекстон,актион,спорт, ссанг ёнг,санг ёнг,сангёнг,ссангёнг,ссанг енг,санг енг,ссангенг,сангенг,ссангянг,сангянг,ссанг янг,санг янг,австосалон,салон,ссанг йонг,санг йонг,ссангйонг,сангйонг,официальный дилер в Москве,АТЦ Маршал,диагностика,сервис,обслуживание,гарантия,техническое,гарантийное,ремонт,сход-развал,замена масла,тормозных колодок,дисков

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Kyron

SsangYong,Ssang Yong,Rexton,Actyon,Kyron,кайрон,рекстон,актион,спорт, ссанг ёнг,санг ёнг,сангёнг,ссангёнг,ссанг енг,санг енг,ссангенг,сангенг,ссангянг,сангянг,ссанг янг,санг янг,австосалон,салон,ссанг йонг,санг йонг,ссангйонг,сангйонг,официальный дилер в Москве,АТЦ Маршал,диагностика,сервис,обслуживание,гарантия,техническое,гарантийное,ремонт,сход-развал,замена масла,тормозных колодок,дисков

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong New Rexton

SsangYong,Ssang Yong,Rexton,Actyon,Kyron,кайрон,рекстон,актион,спорт, ссанг ёнг,санг ёнг,сангёнг,ссангёнг,ссанг енг,санг енг,ссангенг,сангенг,ссангянг,сангянг,ссанг янг,санг янг,австосалон,салон,ссанг йонг,санг йонг,ссангйонг,сангйонг,официальный дилер в Москве,АТЦ Маршал,диагностика,сервис,обслуживание,гарантия,техническое,гарантийное,ремонт,сход-развал,замена масла,тормозных колодок,дисков

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Actyon Sports Q

SsangYong,Ssang Yong,Rexton,Actyon,Kyron,кайрон,рекстон,актион,спорт, ссанг ёнг,санг ёнг,сангёнг,ссангёнг,ссанг енг,санг енг,ссангенг,сангенг,ссангянг,сангянг,ссанг янг,санг янг,австосалон,салон,ссанг йонг,санг йонг,ссангйонг,сангйонг,официальный дилер в Москве,АТЦ Маршал,диагностика,сервис,обслуживание,гарантия,техническое,гарантийное,ремонт,сход-развал,замена масла,тормозных колодок,дисков

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Rexton

SsangYong,Ssang Yong,Rexton,Actyon,Kyron,кайрон,рекстон,актион,спорт, ссанг ёнг,санг ёнг,сангёнг,ссангёнг,ссанг енг,санг енг,ссангенг,сангенг,ссангянг,сангянг,ссанг янг,санг янг,австосалон,салон,ссанг йонг,санг йонг,ссангйонг,сангйонг,официальный дилер в Москве,АТЦ Маршал,диагностика,сервис,обслуживание,гарантия,техническое,гарантийное,ремонт,сход-развал,замена масла,тормозных колодок,дисков

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Actyon Sports/Actyon

Ремонт и сервис SsangYong

Как выполнить ремонт Сан Енг, если дилеров в Москве не осталось? Конечно, можно довериться местному гаражному умельцу. Но лучше обратиться к специалистам.
ААРОН АВТО имеет опыт в ремонте и обслуживании корейских внедорожников Саньенг с 2011 года.

Service Manual SsangYong Rexton II.

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + схемы электрооборудования автомобиля SsangYong Rexton второго поколения.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: SsangYong
  • Год издания:
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  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 1,1 Gb

Service Manual SsangYong Rexton.

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + схемы электрооборудования автомобиля SsangYong Rexton первого поколения.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: SsangYong
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 589,4 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и ТО SsangYong Rexton 2002-2012 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобилей SsangYong Rexton 2002-2007 и SsangYong Rexton II 2007-2012 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2015
  • Страниц: 590
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации SsangYong Rexton с 2001 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей SsangYong Rexton с 2001 и SsangYong Rexton II гс 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 370
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Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Rexton I.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля SsangYong Rexton с 2002 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: MoToR
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 270
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Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Rexton II.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля SsangYong Rexton второго поколения.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: SsangYong
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 322
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Rexton W.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля SsangYong Rexton второго поколения после рестайлинга.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: SsangYong
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 363/28
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,7 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации SsangYong Rexton.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля SsangYong Rexton первого поколения.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: SsangYong
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 269
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту SsangYong Rexton с 2002 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей SsangYong Rexton/Rexton II с 2002 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Третий Рим
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 435
  • Формат: DjVu
  • Размер: 55,5 Mb

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Да Нет

3 голоса

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2246)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (689)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (588)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (540)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (505)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (303)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (198)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (163)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (148)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (121)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (119)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (117)

Руководство SsangYong Rexton (2008)

  • Contents

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Related Manuals for SSANGYONG REXTON

Summary of Contents for SSANGYONG REXTON

  • Page 3
    When it comes to service, remember that your SSANGYONG dealer knows your vehicle best and is interested in your complete satisfaction. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing REXTON and assure you of our continuing interest in your motoring pleasure and satisfaction.
  • Page 4: Important Notice

    Non-Ssangyong Genuine parts and accessories have not been examined or approved by Ssangyong. We can not certify the suitability or safety of non-Ssangyong Genuine parts and accessories and are not liable for damage caused by their use.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents


  • Page 7: Before Driving Your Car


  • Page 8: Running-In Period

    Ensure that windows, outside rear view • Be sure you understand your car and your new Rexton. However, following a few mirrors and lights are clean, undamaged its equipment and how to operate it simple precautions for the first few thou- and unobstructed.

  • Page 9: Remote Keyless Entry System (Rekes)

    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–3 REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM (REKES)* Two keys are provided which fit all key cyl- LOCK button: Locks all doors. Battery Replacement inders. Keep one of the two keys as a Tail lamps will flash twice. If the LED fails to illuminate, the transmitter spare.

  • Page 10
    • Check with local authority or new, reprogram the code from our To open the door, pull the door handle while Ssangyong Dealer for safe dis- service networks. the door is not unlocked. posal facilities. The life of battery will be reduced a…
  • Page 11: Door Lock Button

    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–5 AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCKING DOOR LOCK BUTTON SYSTEM Automatic door locking WARNING All the doors will be automatically locked Never leave children or animals un- when you drive over 50 km/h while the doors attended in the vehicle. are unlocked.

  • Page 12: Immobilizer System

    When the ignition key with integrated tran- sponder is turned to the ON position, ECU (Engine Control Unit) checks the crypto code of key and, if correct, allow your Rexton to start the engine. If you can not start the engine, have the system checked by Ssangyong Dealer.

  • Page 13
    If the indicator remains flickering, To prevent the vehicle from being stolen by have the immobilizer system checked lost keys, contact our service networks. by Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation. When the transponder has damaged When the transponder has damaged, you…
  • Page 14
    Ssangyong Dealer. And the only authorized personnel in Ssangyong Dealer could work on it. • When you erase the code or regis- ter an extra key, please attend on the site.
  • Page 15: Opening The Tailgate

    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–9 OPENING THE TAILGATE CHILD SECURITY DOOR LOCKS WARNING Exhaust gases are poisonous. Do not drive with the tailgate open to avoid exhaust gas in passenger compartment. To open the tailgate, lift the tailgate handle Child security locking helps prevent rear upward.

  • Page 16
    1–10 BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR WINDOW SWITCH (DRIVER’S SEAT) Driver’s window WARNING The driver’s window switch operates in two Children in rear seats can open rear stages. doors. When the front of the switch is lightly • Move child security door lock pressed (stage 1), the window will be low- latch to lock position.
  • Page 17: Power Window Lock Switch

    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–11 POWER WINDOW LOCK SWITCH WINDOW SWITCH (EXCEPT (ON DRIVER’S DOOR PANEL) DRIVER’S SEAT) WARNING Accidental closing of the power win- dow can result in serious injury. • When carrying children on the rear seat, press the rear door win- dow lock switch to make the rear door switches inoperative.

  • Page 18: Tailgate Window

    1–12 BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR TAILGATE WINDOW* WARNING Always remove the ignition key when leaving the car to avert the risk of injury arising from unattended chil- dren operating the windows. To unlock the tailgate window, pull the left To open the tailgate window, hold the outer tailgate lever with tailgate unlocked.

  • Page 19: Engine Hood

    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–13 ENGINE HOOD WARNING An open engine hood with engine running exposes moving parts which can crush, cut or entangle. • Do not wear loose clothing. • Keep hands and hair away from moving parts. WARNING 1.

  • Page 20: Fuel Filler Door Release Lever

    1–14 BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR FUEL FILLER DOOR RELEASE LEVER WARNING The vehicle can still move from an stationary position while the engine hood is open. Before releasing the engine hood latch; • Remove ignition key. • For manual transmission place gearshift in 1st or reverse.

  • Page 21: Power Sun Roof

    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–15 POWER SUN ROOF* Sliding the Sun Roof WARNING 1. To open the sun roof automatically, press Fuel may be under pressure. OPEN on the switch for 0.5 second. • Unscrew fuel filler cap slowly. 2. If you press the switch again during the •…

  • Page 22
    1–16 BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR Tilting Up the Sun Roof CAUTION WARNING To tilt up (vent position) the sun roof, press • The sunroof will operate when Parts of the body protruding from CLOSE on the switch with the sun roof the ignition key is ON position the vehicle can be struck by passing closed.
  • Page 23
    BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR 1–17 WARNING Debris on the sun roof can damage operation. • Clean the sun roof before opening. • Remove water drops, snow, ice or sand from on top of the sun roof before opening. • Do not place heavy objects on the sun roof or surrounding area.
  • Page 25: Starting And Operating


  • Page 26: Fuel Recommendation

    Operation in Foreign Countries CAUTION suitable. Fuel quality has a decisive influence If you are going to drive your Rexton in an- Engine and exhaust system will be on the power output, driveability and life of other country, be sure to : damaged.

  • Page 27: Ignition Switch

    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–3 IGNITION SWITCH ACC Position START Position The engine can be turned off without lock- This position activates the starter motor, ing the steering wheel. starting the engine. Some electrical accessories such as the Release the key when the engine starts, and radio and cigarette lighter can be operated it will be returned to the “ON”…

  • Page 28: Before Starting The Engine

    2–4 STARTING AND OPERATING BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE STARTING THE ENGINE • Make sure the area around the vehicle 1. Apply the parking brake. CAUTION is clear. 2. Manual transmission : To help prevent the start motor dam- • The maintenance items in this manual Move the gearshift lever to Neutral po- age;…

  • Page 29
    Never take the vehicle out of gear and coast down a hill. The manual transmission in your Rexton has 5 forward speeds and 1 reverse speed. To change gears, fully depress the clutch pedal. Then, move the gearshift lever.
  • Page 30
    2–6 STARTING AND OPERATING DRIVING WITH AN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* WARNING WARNING The vehicle could move unexpectedly To help prevent transmission when shifting. You could lose control damage; and hit people or objects. • Do not depress the accelerator Always depress brake pedal firmly pedal while shifting from “P”…
  • Page 31: Selector Lever Positions

    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–7 SELECTOR LEVER POSITIONS Starting the Car • After starting the engine, fully depress the foot brake pedal before shifting the selector lever to the “R”, “D”, “3”, “2” or P: Park N: Neutral “1” position. Be sure the vehicle has completely stopped before attempting to Use this position when the vehicle is parking, It indicates neutral position and use this po-…

  • Page 32
    2–8 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING If you touch the selector lever unex- pectedly while driving, the shiftable — D + : Drive gear may be changed. It can make the vehicle unstable. Be carefule not (5-speed automatic transmission to touch the selector lever while equipped vehicle) driving.
  • Page 33
    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–9 • The gear is automatically downshifted to lower gear according to the vehicle speed and the accelerator pedal position while The drive position for maximum braking D: Drive (4-speed) pushing and holding the lever to (-) direction. effect, e.g.
  • Page 34
    2–10 STARTING AND OPERATING Shift Lever Operation (5-speed automatic transmission) WARNING The vehicle can move suddenly when unattended. 2: 2nd Gear (4-speed) • Turn off the engine, apply the park- The drive position prevents the transmission ing brake fully and remove the ig- from shifting into third or fourth gear.
  • Page 35
    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–11 MODE SWITCH 5-speed automatic transmission (4-speed automatic transmission) S: Standard mode Shift lever moves without • Press the “S” portion of the mode switch depressing the brake to select “STANDARD” driving mode. pedal. • Use the STANDARD mode for your nor- mal driving.
  • Page 36
    2–12 STARTING AND OPERATING 4-speed • 2nd reverse gear starting off in WINTER Power Mode mode For increased power, improved acceleration or driving up long slopes, press the “P” por- If you start off the vehicle with 2nd reverse tion of the mode switch. gear, the slipping between tyre and road sur- The transmission will shift into the power face on the slippery road can be eliminated.
  • Page 37: Automatic Transmission

    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–13 KICKDOWN FUNCTION (BTRA: SAFETY MODE (5-SPEED 4-SPEED) AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION) When the transmission has electric or me- NOTE chanical fault, the transmission operates in Kickdown? safety mode to maintain minimum driving If you need to accelerate rapidly, cinditions and to prevent the transmission depress the accelerator pedal com- from being damaged.

  • Page 38: Automatic Transmission Emergency Shifting

    Authorized Service Operation. 4. Have your vehicle repaired by The gear may be fixed at 2nd forward Ssangyong dealer or authorized service gear in “D” position or 2nd reverse gear operation as soon as possible. in “R” position.

  • Page 39: Driving Tips For Automatic

    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–15 DRIVING TIPS FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* Engine Braking Maneuvering the Car Starting the Car In order to utilize the engine braking effect To maneuver the car back and forth during After starting the engine and before shifting when driving downhill, select drive range attempts to park or in garage entrances uti- into a drive range, depress the brake pedal…

  • Page 40
    2–16 STARTING AND OPERATING 4-WHEEL DRIVE SWITCH — 4-WHEEL DRIVE SWITCH — PART-TIME* FULL-TIME (TOD)* ‘4H’ (4-Wheel Drive, High) Use this for driving on wet or slippery roads such as roads with snow, mud or sand. This position provides greater traction than 2-wheel drive.
  • Page 41: Wheel Drive Operation

    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–17 4-WHEEL DRIVE OPERATION ‘2H’ or ‘4H’ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ‘4L’ ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ ‘4H’ (Part-time only) ‘2H’ ↔ WARNING To shift from ‘2H’ or ‘4H’ to ‘4L’, the vehicle Depending on the road conditions, select the In case of part-time 4WD, do not use should be stopped.

  • Page 42: Esp Off Switch

    2–18 STARTING AND OPERATING CAUTIONS IN 4-WHEEL DRIVE OPERATION ESP OFF SWITCH* • Changing from high speed modes (2H, ESP System* 4H) to low speed mode (4L) during driv- The ESP system is an electronic vehicle sta- ing is very dangerous, so the self con- bility control system and driving safety trol system controls not to happen (avail- supplementary system that helps to avoid…

  • Page 43
    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–19 Stopping ESP Function with ESP OFF ESP & ABS* CAUTION Switch* The ESP system is activated unless you • The ESP system deactivates when press the ESP OFF switch. However, the stopping the engine. It will be re- If the driving wheels are slipping on the ABS system operates only when the tyres sumed when the engine is started…
  • Page 44
    • Do not coast down hills with the vehicle at the nearest Ssangyong Dealer or out of gear. This may be extremely haz- Ssangyong Authorized Service ardous. Keep the vehicle in gear at all Operation.
  • Page 45
    In the event of a defect in ABS, the trac- tion control system (TCS) is shut off as well. Have the ABS checked by Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation as soon as possible.
  • Page 46
    2–22 STARTING AND OPERATING Braking with ABS WARNING CAUTION Don’t pump the brakes. Press the brake pedal Stopping distances can vary greatly Driving too fast, particularly in cor- hard down regardless of the road surface depending on the road surface and ners, aquaplaning and driving too (dry, wet, slippery, etc.), hold it down and conditions.
  • Page 47
    5. Lock all doors and tailgate. holding the button in. 6. Be sure the vehicle is not moving. Ensure the parking brake is fully released before driving off. See your Ssangyong Dealer if adjustment of the parking brake is required.
  • Page 48
    2–24 STARTING AND OPERATING Parking Brake Warning Light and Buzzer CAUTION CAUTION If the vehicle is driven for over 2 seconds Things that can burn could touch hot Under cold weather conditions, the (over 10 km/h) while the parking brake is exhaust parts under your vehicle and parking brake can freeze in the en- applied, the parking brake warning light…
  • Page 49: Parking Aid System

    STARTING AND OPERATING 2–25 PARKING AID SYSTEM* • Each end side sensor and two center Tips on Parking Aid System portion sensors will activate the alarm The alarm will not work or improperly work when the distance between your vehicle under following cases: and the obstacle is around 120~80cm A.

  • Page 50
    3 seconds, check and repair your 2. When the bumper height is changed due can be hit before the sensor opera- vehicle at Ssangyong Dealer or to the heavy load. tion, so check with outside rear- Ssangyong Auyhorized Service 3.
  • Page 51: Economical Operation

    Start gradually and accelerate gently. gases are entering the vehicle, have the to the manufacturer’s specification. • Avoid excessive and unnecessary vehicle inspected and repaired immedi- idling. ately by a Ssangyong Dealer or • Keep your engine properly tuned. Ssangyong Authorized Service •…

  • Page 52: Hazardous Driving

    2–28 STARTING AND OPERATING HAZARDOUS DRIVING When hazardous driving is encountered • Do not operate the engine in confined ar- because of water, snow, ice, mud, sand or eas such as garages or other closed similar hazard, follow these suggestions. areas any more than needed to move •…

  • Page 53: Instruments And Controls


  • Page 54
    3–2 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS GASOLINE ENGINE EQUIPPED VEHICLE* (BLACK-FACE TYPE) 1. Speedometer 10. Defogger indicator 19. Tachometer 2. Auto shift indicator (A/T) 11. Low fuel level warning light 20. EBD waring light 3. Odometer/Trip odometer 12. Fuel gauge 21. SSPS warning light 4.
  • Page 55: Black-Face Type

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–3 DIRECT INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE EQUIPPED VEHICLE* (BLACK-FACE TYPE) 1. Speedometer 11. Glow indicator 20. Turn signal indicator (left) 2. Auto shift indicator (A/T) 12. Water separator warning light 21. ESP warning light* 3. Odometer/Trip odometer 13. Defogger indicator 22.

  • Page 56: Direct Injection Diesel Engine Equipped Vehicle

    3–4 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS DIRECT INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE EQUIPPED VEHICLE (GENERAL TYPE) x1000r/min 1. Speedometer 10. 4WD LOW indicator* 20. EBD waring light 2. Auto shift indicator (A/T) 11. WINTER mode indicator (A/T) 21. ABS warning light* 3. Odometer/Trip odometert 12.

  • Page 57
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–5 INDIRECT INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE EQUIPPED VEHICLE (GENERAL TYPE) x1000r/min 1. Speedometer 10. WINTER mode indicator (A/T) 19. ABS warning light* 2. Auto shift indicator (A/T) 11. 4WD HIGH indicator* 20. Aigbag warning light* 3. Odometer/Trip odometer 12.
  • Page 58: Odometer/Trip Odometer

    3–6 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SPEEDOMETER ODOMETER/TRIP ODOMETER RHEOSTAT (BLACK-FACE TYPE)* Black-Face Type Black-Face Type General Type General Type The speedometer indicates the vehicle When the reset button located in the right Press and hold the Trip odo meter reset speed in kilometers per hour (km/h) or mile and lower area of odometer is pressed button/Rheostat button to adjust the instru- per hour (m/h).

  • Page 59: Temperature Gauge

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–7 TACHOMETER TEMPERATURE GAUGE FUEL GAUGE General Type Black-Face Type Black-Face Type General Type Black-Face Type(Diesel) Black-Face Type(Gasoline) The tachometer indicates engine speed in The temperature gauge indicates the tem- This gauge indicates the level of fuel remain- revolutions per minute.

  • Page 60: Warning Light

    If the oil level is normal, have the lubricating • If the belt is OK, there is a problem some- system checked at the nearest Ssangyong where in the charging system. The prob- Dealer. lem should be located and corrected as soon as possible.

  • Page 61: Engine Check Indicator

    If the light stays ON, inspect your vehicle by curely fastened. Also the seat belt warning Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized chime will sound for about 6 seconds when Service Operation. the ignition switch is in the “ON” position unless the driver’s seat belt is secured fas-…

  • Page 62: Power Mode Indicator

    Use this mode if you need more power dur- may continue to drive. soon as possible. ing abrupt acceleration, driving on steep hills. However, you should consult a Ssangyong At this time, gear shifting time delays than Distributor or Ssangyong Authorized Service normal to get more traction power.

  • Page 63: Winter Mode Indicator

    (IDI Engine), or “4WD CHECK” warning light stays on, have the 4WD system checked at NOTE Ssangyong Dealer or Ssang Authorized In winter mode, vehicle starts with Service Operation. 2nd gear so the power could be a…

  • Page 64: Wd High Indicator

    3–12 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 4WD HIGH INDICATOR 4WD LOW INDICATOR (FOR PART-TIME 4WD) DEFOGGER INDICATOR This indicator comes on when the 4WD LOW This indicator comes on when the 4WD HIGH The indicator comes on when the tailgate mode is selected by pushing 4L switch. mode is selected by pushing 4H switch.

  • Page 65: Glow Indicator

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–13 LOW FUEL LEVEL WARNING GLOW INDICATOR DOOR OPEN WARNING LIGHT LIGHT (FOR DIESEL ENGINE) This light comes on when a door or tailgate This warning light indicates that the fuel will This indicator comes on when the ignition is either opened or not closed completely.

  • Page 66: Esp Warning Light

    At this time, the indicator lamp goes out. If the ESP function operates while driving, the If this light comes on, have the SSPS indicator lamp flickers and the alarm sounds. system checked by Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service CAUTION Operation.

  • Page 67: Ebd Warning Light

    ABS tion is switched on or if this light doesn’t go system is also abnormal, it comes on with out, contact your nearest Ssangyong Dealer ABS warning light. or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation.

  • Page 68: Air Bag Warning Light

    Have the air bag system checked longer according to road conditions, without delay by a Ssangyong Dealer or so keep the safety distance. Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation. ABS is auxiliary system for safety.

  • Page 69: Brake System Warning Light

    Low brake fuel level may increase ing brake is applied with the ignition on and safe speed to the nearest Ssangyong the stopping distance and require goes out when the parking brake is released.

  • Page 70: Turn Signal/Hazard Lasher Indicator

    3–18 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS TURN SIGNAL/HAZARD LASHER WATER SEPARATOR WARNING INDICATOR HIGH BEAM INDICATOR LIGHT (DIRECT INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE EQUIPPED) When the turn signal switch is turned on, This indicator illuminates when the headlight this indicator flashes to indicate operation of high beam is switched on.

  • Page 71: Drain Water

    CAUTION • Drain the water from fuel filter im- mediately after the warning light comes on. If you cannot do that by yourself, visit nearest Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation. • For the draining procedures, please refer to “How to drain the water from fuel filter”…

  • Page 72: Cruise Control Indicator

    3–20 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CRUISE CONTROL INDICATOR* (FOR GASOLINE ENGINE) 6. Engage the connector under the drain This indicator illuminates when the cruise plug and press the primimg pump until it control is switched on. becomes rigid. 7. Close the engine hood and start the engine.

  • Page 73
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–21 MULTI-METER* The multi-meter indicates the vehicle’s cur- rent direction, atmospheric pressure and altitude. 1. Barometer 6. Adjustment switch 2. Electronic compass 7. Down switch 3. Speed sensing indicator 8. Power switch 4. Relative altimeter 9. Up switch 5.
  • Page 74
    3–22 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Electronic Compass NOTE • You can turn to any direction, left or right. • When the calibration is completed, the compass does not flash anymore. • If the compass continues to flash, turn again slowly until it goes off. 1.
  • Page 75
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–23 SPEED SENSING INDICATOR CAUTION • Warning for turning occurs if the abnormal signals has been re- ceived more than 5 minutes continuously, however, it is not the malfunction of the vehicle and re- turns to normal condition if the ex- ternal magnetic field becomes to normal.
  • Page 76
    3–24 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS ALTIMETER (ABSOLUTE ALTIMETER) BAROMETER How to erase the calibrated altitude value Press the UP and DOWN switches simulta- neously for more than 1 second then the calibrated altitude value will be erased and the current altitude will be indicated after showing –0000 for 2 seconds.
  • Page 77
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–25 RELATIVE ALTIMETER Use this to see the specific area’s altitude; • To see the difference of the altitude • To see the destination’s altitude it shows the specific area’s relative altitude Set the vehicle’s altitude to 0 by press- 1.
  • Page 78: Light Switch

    3–26 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS LIGHT SWITCH Coming out order of the road signs CAUTION • If the vehicle stops, the currently turned • Fog lamps will turn on according off area of the signs will remain as it is. to lights switch positions when the •…

  • Page 79: Light Switch Warning Chime

    • You may turn the tail lamp on by posi- • Ssangyong recommends you to use tioning the ignition switch on or turning this device restrictively in only a the light switch off then turn on again.

  • Page 80: Passing Light Switch

    3–28 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS PASSING LIGHT SWITCH TURN SIGNAL SWITCH HIGH BEAM SWITCH To turn on the high beam headlights push the To flash the high beam, pull the lever to- Move this lever up to the stop position to lever towards the instrument panel with the wards the steering wheel and release it.

  • Page 81: Headlight Leveling Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–29 HEADLIGHT LEVELING SWITCH* WINDSHIELD WIPER SWITCH CAUTION Wiper operation on dry windshield can scratch glass and wear the blades prematurely. Do not operate wipers when wind- shield is dry. CAUTION Wiper operation with obstructions, such as snow, can damage wiper With the low beam switched on, adjust the To operate the windshield wipers, move the motor.

  • Page 82: Automatic Wiper Control Switch

    3–30 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS AUTOMATIC WIPER CONTROL SWITCH AUTO Position Recognition Function CAUTION • When you start the engine with the wiper • Auto position recognition, espe- switch “AUTO” position, the wiper will cially in winter, may reduce the operate once to remind you that the life span of the wiper blade.

  • Page 83: Windshield Washer Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–31 TAILGATE WINDOW WIPER WINDSHIELD WASHER SWITCH SWITCH CAUTION In freezing weather, washer fluid can form ice on windshield, blocking for- ward vision. Warm windshield before operating washer. CAUTION The washer motor can be overheated and damaged. To spray washer fluid on the windshield, pull The tailgate window wiper and washer •…

  • Page 84
    3–32 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS TAILGATE WINDOW WASHER SWITCH CAUTION CAUTION Replace the blade when it is worn or In cold weather, washer fluid can when it no longer wipers properly, to form ice on rear window, blocking avoid loss of vision when in use. your vision.
  • Page 85: Outside Rear View Mirror Control Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–33 OUTSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR FRONT FOG LAMP SWITCH REAR FOG LAMP SWITCH* CONTROL SWITCH To turn on the front fog lamp, push this To turn on the rear fog lamp, push this Adjust the outside rear view mirrors with the switch while the light switch is placed in switch while the light switch is placed in adjusting switches so that you can see not…

  • Page 86
    3–34 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1. Select the mirror as you want to adjust OUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR CAUTION by using the left/right switch located in- The outside rearview mirror on the All round vision can be impaired, side the mirror adjustment pad, to the left passenger’s side is convex if it says “OB- increasing potential for accidents.
  • Page 87: Foldable Outside Rear View Mirror

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–35 FOLDABLE OUTSIDE REAR OUTSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR OUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR & TAIL- VIEW MIRROR FOLDING SWITCH* GATE GLASS DEFOGGER SWITCH If necessary, the outside rearview mirror can To fold the outside rearview mirrors, press To demist or defrost the tailgate window or be folded flat to the rear by pushing them the switch for more than 0.5 second.

  • Page 88: Cruise Control

    3–36 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CRUISE CONTROL* Setting a Desired Speed CAUTION When cleaning the inside of tailgate window, be careful not to scratch or damage the defogger wires. Do not clean inside of tailgate win- dow with sharp instruments or win- dow cleaners containing abrasives.

  • Page 89
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–37 Accelerating with Cruise Control System Decelerating with Cruise Control System • While cruise control system is running • While Cruise control system is running • Tap up while cruise control system is running 1. Push up the ACCEL.SET. switch of a 1.
  • Page 90
    3–38 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Recovery of Set Speed Normal Cancellation of Cruise Control The cruise control system will be canceled • Tap down while cruise control system when one or more items of the following is running conditions is applied; 1.
  • Page 91
    But if the cruise con- creases too much, turn off the trol system isn’t recovered, you should con- cruise control. tact Ssangyong Dealer for diagnosis of the cruise control system. CAUTION Abnormal changes of the selector lever can damage the engine.
  • Page 92
    3–40 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS SEAT POSITION MEMORY SETTING AND OPERATION* Storing Memory Settings Operating Memory Settings 1. Place the selector lever in “P” position 1. Place the selector lever in “P” position (Automatic transmission) or apply the (Automatic transmission) or apply the parking brake with the ignition switch parking brake with the ignition switch “ON”.
  • Page 93: Digital Clock

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–41 HAZARD WARNING FLASHER SWITCH DIGITAL CLOCK WARNING • Never adjust the seat and side rear veiw mirror positions while the ve- hicle is moving. • Set and operate the seat and side rear view mirror position memory function only when the vehicle is stationary.

  • Page 94: Front Cigarette Lighter

    To reset the time by the time signal, press have the problem corrected by the SET button using a pointer, such as Ssangyong Dealer. ball-point pen, with the ignition on. For example, if this button is pressed To operate the cigarette lighter, press it in…

  • Page 95: Rear Cigarette Lighter

    • If the lighter does not pop out within 30 seconds, pull it out and have the problem corrected by Ssangyong Dealer. To operate the cigarette lighter, press it in The steering wheel can be adjusted up or NOTE all the way when the ignition switch is in down to the desired position.

  • Page 96: Inside Rearview Mirror

    3–44 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS AUTOMATIC DIMMING INSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR* INSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR CAUTION Maintain rearward vision from driver’s seating position. • Select day position and adjust to obtain best view. • Select night position to reduce night glare. • Selecting night position may re- duce rearward clarity.

  • Page 97: Horn Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–45 HORN SWITCH SEAT WARMER SWITCH* FRONT ROOM LAMP To sound the horn, press the center of the Warm your seat in the cold weather for your 1. ROOM Position steering wheel (without driver’s air bag), or comfortable driving.

  • Page 98: Courtesy Light

    3–46 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS REAR ROOM/LUGGAGE ROOM LAMP COURTESY LIGHT GLOVE BOX 1. OFF Position The courtesy light is located on the driver’s Open the glove box by pulling the release The lamps will not come on if you place the and passenger’s door to illuminate the space lever and the indicator lamp comes on for switch in this position.

  • Page 99: Front Cup Holder

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–47 FRONT CUP HOLDER REAR CUP HOLDER REAR CONSOLE BOX Use this for holding cups or beverage cans. Use this for holding cups or beverage cans. Insert your finger into the cover hole and pull If you press the front of the cover, the cup If you press and pull the knob located in the out the console box to store some goods.

  • Page 100: Luggage Cover

    3–48 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS LUGGAGE COVER (EXCEPT FOR 7-SEATER) CENTER ARMREST CONSOLE SUN VISORS You can use it as an armrest or a console To block out glare, the main sunvisor and When Unrolling the Luggage Cover box to store some goods. auxiliary sunvisor can be swung down or Pull the handle of the luggage cover at the to the left (right), if necessary.

  • Page 101: Overhead Console

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–49 OVERHEAD CONSOLE STORAGE BOX (FOR 7-SEATER) NOTE Store the luggage cover separately to use the luggage room of the ve- hicle wide. CAUTION Don’t put anything on the luggage cover. Press the upper portion of the cover to open Flip the lever from each side and lift up the the console and hold the sunglasses onto cover.

  • Page 102: Assist Grip

    3–50 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS ASSIST GRIP WARNING Do not hang anything on the assist grips, unless they are equipped with a coat hook. Hanging items on your vehicle’s as- sist grips can obstruct the driver’s view. Obstructing the driver’s view can lead to an accident resulting in per- sonal injuries and damage to your vehicle or other property.

  • Page 103: Front Electric Socket

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 3–51 FRONT ELECTRIC SOCKET REAR ELECTRIC SOCKET CAUTION Do not park the vehicle with any electric appliance plugged-in. It can cause the battery discharge or a fire hazard. Make sure that electrical appliance is plugged-out after usage. There is an auxiliary power outlet in the front There is an auxiliary power outlet in the rear (left side) of the passenger’s seat for the…

  • Page 104
    3–52 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS CAUTION Do not park the vehicle with any electric appliance plugged-in. It can cause the battery discharge or a fire hazard. Make sure that electrical appliance is plugged-out after usage.
  • Page 105: Seat And Restraint


  • Page 106: Front Seat Slide Adjustment

    4–2 SEAT AND RESTRAINT FRONT SEAT BACK RECLINING FRONT SEAT SLIDE ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT (MANUAL SEAT) (MANUAL SEAT) WARNING Control of vehicle can be lost. Do not adjust seat back when vehicle is moving. WARNING Occupants can slide under seat belts. •…

  • Page 107
    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–3 DRIVER’S SEAT HEIGHT FRONT SEAT BACK RECLINING ADJUSTMENT (MANUAL SEAT) ADJUSTMENT (POWER SEAT)* WARNING Control of vehicle can be lost. Do not adjust driver’s seat while ve- hicle is moving. WARNING Excessive seat belt slack could re- duce effectiveness of seat belts.
  • Page 108
    4–4 SEAT AND RESTRAINT FRONT SEAT SLIDE DRIVER’S SEAT HEIGHT DRIVER’S SEAT TILT ADJUSTMENT (POWER SEAT)* ADJUSTMENT (POWER SEAT)* ADJUSTMENT (POWER SEAT)* To move the seat forwards or backwards To adjust the driver’s seat height, move the To adjust the front and/or rear portion of the electrically, slide the control lever forwards control lever upwards or downwards.
  • Page 109: Front Seat Warmer (Power Seat)

    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–5 FRONT SEAT WARMER CAUTIONS IN THE POWER (POWER SEAT)* SEAT OPERATION CAUTION CAUTION • Control of vehicle can be lost. Loose objects can interfere with seat- • Do not adjust driver’s seat while slide mechanism. vehicle is moving. •…

  • Page 110
    4–6 SEAT AND RESTRAINT DRIVER’S SEAT LUMBAR FRONT SEAT BACK STORAGE PASSENGER’S SEAT SIDE SUPPORT POCKET STORAGE POCKET To adjust driver’s lumber support, move the The front seat back storage pocket is pro- The passenger’s seat has side storage lever until the desired angle is achieved. vided to store small items.
  • Page 111: Front Head Restraints

    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–7 SEAT UNDER TRAY* (FOR PASSENGER’S SEAT) FRONT HEAD RESTRAINTS To remove the head restraint 1. Pull it up to the stop position. While pushing the release button 3. Lift the head restraint from the guide sleeve. WARNING Removed or improperly adjusted head restraints can result in serious…

  • Page 112
    4–8 SEAT AND RESTRAINT RECLINING REAR SEAT BACK REAR HEAD RESTRAINTS (SECOND SEAT) (SECOND SEAT) To remove the head restraint 1. Pull it up to the stop position. 2. Lift the head restraint from the guide sleeve while pushing the release button. WARNING Removed or improperly adjusted head restraints can result in serious…
  • Page 113
    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–9 CENTER ARMREST FOLDING SECOND SEAT (SECOND SEAT) (FROM REAR SIDE) WARNING When folding the seat back, hold the seat back or head restraint by hand and fold forward slowly. If you fold abruptly, there could be injuries in you face or other body parts due to seat back forces or shocks.
  • Page 114
    4–10 SEAT AND RESTRAINT UNFOLDING SECOND SEAT (FROM REAR SIDE) 3. Pull up the lever from under the left and 4. Completely contact the seat to the front 1. Unhook the strap and put into the bot- right seat to release the lock and fold the seats and take out the strap from the tom box.
  • Page 115
    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–11 FOLDING SECOND SEAT (FROM OUTSIDE) WARNING When folding the seat back, hold the seat back or head restraint by hand and fold forward slowly. If you fold abruptly, there could be injuries in you face or other body parts due to seat back forces or shocks.
  • Page 116: Cautions In Second Seat

    4–12 SEAT AND RESTRAINT CAUTIONS IN SECOND SEAT FOLDING OPERATION WARNING • Do not stack luggage or other cargo higher than the front seats. • Do not allow passengers to sit on the folded seatbacks while the ve- hicle is in motion. •…

  • Page 117: Folding Third Seat

    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–13 FOLDING THIRD SEAT THIRD SEAT* (7-SEATERS) (MAKING A LUGGAGE ROOM) The third seat in the 7-seater model is for 2 persons and you can make luggage room as in the 5-seater model by removing the head restraints and folding the seat.

  • Page 118: Seat Belt Precautions

    4–14 SEAT AND RESTRAINT SEAT BELT PRECAUTIONS FULL FLATTING THE SEAT To protect you and your passengers in the event of an accident, it is compulsory that the seat belts are worn by all occupants while the vehicle is in use. Seat belts should be worn correctly.

  • Page 119
    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–15 WARNING WARNING CAUTION • Seatbelts are designed to bear • It is essential to replace the entire Improper use of seat belt can cause upon the bony structure of the assembly after it has been worn in more serious injury.
  • Page 120: When Using The Seat Belts

    No replacement is required after ing where seat belt passes through • Never wear the shoulder belt un- a minor collision if a Ssangyong Dealer or the trim panel. der your arm. Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation • Shoulder belt should be positioned…

  • Page 121: Pregnant Women

    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–17 PREGNANT WOMEN CHILD RESTRAINTS CAUTION Damaged seat belts can cause more serious injury. • Inspect seat belt assemblies periodically. • Inspect seat belts and other con- stituent part after every collision. • Replace seat belts if webbing be- come frayed, contaminated or damaged in any way.

  • Page 122
    Use the child restraint anchorage If you have any queries regarding the instal- for designed purpose only. lation of a child restraint, consult a yyyy Ssangyong Dealer. NOTE WARNING • Front seat (with Passenger Air Bag) Child restraint system placed in the “It is possible to the forward facing…
  • Page 123
    30 mm is used to attach the anchor fittings Exhaust gases could enter the vehicle to the vehicle anchorage. interior. Cover the unused anchor holes with For fitting advice, please contact your au- the supplied plug or suitable bolts. thorized Ssangyong Dealer.
  • Page 124: Three Point Seat Belt

    4–20 SEAT AND RESTRAINT THREE POINT SEAT BELT Each Ssangyong vehicle is equipped with Example (in driving position) WARNING three point seat belts with automatic retrac- • When installing a child restraint tors, allowing freedom of body movement system, follow the instructions pro- when driving at even, constant speeds, al- vided by the manufacturer.

  • Page 125: Lap Belt

    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–21 LAP BELT Using the Belt Pull the belt evenly out of the retractor and To remove the belt, depress the red push- Insert the metal latch plate into the buckle guide it across the body, making certain that button on the buckle.

  • Page 126: Seat Belt Height Adjustor

    4–22 SEAT AND RESTRAINT SEAT BELT HEIGHT ADJUSTOR CAUTION Damaged or incorrectly fastened seat belt could cause serious injury. Do not fasten the metal latch into in- correct buckle by force. NOTE When fastening the rear seat shoul- der belt or the center rear lap belt, make sure the metal latch plate is The buckle and metal latch plate of the cen- The seat belt height adjustor is provided for…

  • Page 127: Air Bag

    • The air bag system must only be tensive visible damage indicate that the car disposed by Ssangyong Dealer. absorbed much of the crash energy, and the • The air bag system must only be air bags were not needed.

  • Page 128
    • NEVER INSTALL A REAR-FACING • Repairs to instrument panel • Do not stick anything on steering CHILD RESTRAINT IN THE FRONT should only be done by Ssangyong wheel and instrument panel. SEAT. Dealer. • Do not cover steering wheel and…
  • Page 129
    You could be injured by abrupt in- abrasion or burn during airbag tem in other than Ssangyong flation. inflation. Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized • Air bag components will be very •…
  • Page 130: Driver’s Air Bag

    Repairs by unauthorized persons and head lining. could cause injury. Because others who operate your Rexton • Repairs to steering wheel, steering may not have the opportunity to read this in column and air bag should be advance, the visor and head lining label must done by only Ssangyong Dealer.

  • Page 131: Front Passenger’s Air Bag

    SEAT AND RESTRAINT 4–27 FRONT PASSENGER’S AIR BAG* SIDE AIR BAG* Head Lining Side WARNING 1. This vehicle is equipped with a driver air bag. The air bag is a supplemental system of seat belt. You must wear seat belt. 2.

  • Page 132: Front Seats

    Have the system checked and repaired im- rear impacted (over 30 degrees of angle chest. mediately by Ssangyong Dealer or from straight ahead direction). Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation. NOTE 2. When the vehicle is rolled over.

  • Page 133: Ventilation, Heating And Air Conditioning


  • Page 134
    5–2 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* GENERAL You can set the proper temperature accord- ing to seasonal conditions and operate the air conditioner or heater by operating the switches. Properly operate the air conditioner and heater to keep the comfortable driving condition.
  • Page 135: Volume Control

    VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 5–3 VOLUME CONTROL DIRECTION CONTROL VENT You can control the volume of the airflow You can control the direction of airflow by Front Left and Right by rotating this dial type lever. moving the lever position. You can control the volume and direction of the airflow through both adjustable side vents toward either side of the front pas-…

  • Page 136
    5–4 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 1. Volume Control Front Center Rear Seat 2. Direction Control You can control the direction of the airflow You can control the direction of the airflow through both adjustable center vents toward through adjustable side vents toward side Center Console the center of the front passenger area.
  • Page 137
    VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 5–5 AIR CONDITIONER CONTROLS 1. Temperature control switch 2. AUTO switch 3. Fan speed control switch 4. Rear air conditioner switch 5. AMB switch 6. OFF switch 7. MODE switch 8. Air conditioner switch 9. Defroster switch 10.
  • Page 138: Temperature Control Switch

    5–6 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* TEMPERATURE CONTROL SWITCH AUTO SWITCH FAN SPEED CONTROL SWITCH Press the switch to turn on the system. On You can adjust the temperature between The fan speed can be adjusted in 6 stages. the VFD, the AUTO indicator will be comes 18°C~32°C.

  • Page 139: Rear Air Conditioner Switch

    VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 5–7 REAR AIR CONDITIONER SWITCH* AMB SWITCH Press the switch to operate the rear air When the switch is rotated, the fan speed If you press the switch, it will show you the conditioner. will be controlled in 3 stages. ambient temperature for 5 seconds.

  • Page 140: Off Switch

    5–8 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* OFF SWITCH AIR CONDITIONER SWITCH DEFROSTER SWITCH Press the switch to turn off the air condi- When you press the switch, the indicator When you press the switch, the airflow di- tioning system and displays on the VFD. light ( ) comes on and the air conditioner rection will be changed to windshield and…

  • Page 141
    VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 5–9 MODE SWITCH By pressing the switch, the air flow mode Position Position changes as shown in order. When the switch is operated, the AUTO in- dicator goes out. Position Position Position…
  • Page 142: Ventilation System

    A/C system is not be- from Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Au- ing used regularly. thorized Service Operation. By pressing the switch, outside air intake…

  • Page 143: For Getting Maximum Cooling And Heating

    VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 5–11 FOR GETTING MAXIMUM MANUAL OPERATION OF EACH SIDE VENT — SIDE BLEED COOLING AND HEATING FUNCTION FUNCTION If you press the AUTO switch and set the By operating the relevant switch of the au- Side vent has side bleed function that blows temperature to LO with temperature control tomatic air conditioner, you can control the…

  • Page 144: Replacing Air Conditioner Filter

    5–12 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* SUPPLEMENTARY HEATING DEVICE (DIRECT INJECTION ENGINE REPLACING AIR CONDITIONER PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) EQUIPPED VEHICLE) FILTER • The DI engine equipped vehicle has the This supplemeatary heater is an electrical air Replace the air conditioner filter at every 10, supplementary heating devices to in- heating type and installed on the heater out- 000 km of driving.

  • Page 145
    VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 5–13 1. Open the glove box and remove it from 2. Unscrew the filter cover bolt inside 3. Pull in the primary air conditioner filter to dash panel by pushing both holders to glove box and remove the cover. remove it.
  • Page 146
    5–14 VENTILATION, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING* 4. Pull up and in the secondary air condi- CAUTION tioner filter to remove it, Replace both air conditioner filters 5. Install new air conditioner filters in the at a time and pay attention to the reverse order of removal.
  • Page 147: Turbo Charger System


  • Page 148
    6–2 TURBO CHARGER SYSTEM CAUTIONS IN USING THE TURBOCHARGER What is the turbocharger? Turbochargers are based on gas turbine engine technology, but operate under con- siderably greater pressure. The turbo- charger consists of two turbo elements, a turbine and a compressor, both of which are driven from the main center shaft.
  • Page 149: Preventive Maintenance

    TURBO CHARGER SYSTEM 6–3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE What is the intercooler? The inter-cooler cools down the com- The vehicle owner should be encouraged to CAUTION pressed air temperature to increase the observe the following precautions to ensure • At low ambient temperature, or engine power by increasing the air density.

  • Page 150: Turbocharger Inspection

    6–4 TURBO CHARGER SYSTEM TURBOCHARGER INSPECTION Good maintenance practices should be ob- NOTE served, particularly regarding air filtration The most defectives in turbocharger and oil quality and filtration. are turbine blade damages or com- These areas are important because of a pressor bearing sticks due to lack of turbocharger’s speed of operation.

  • Page 151: In Case Of Emergency


  • Page 152
    Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Opera-tion for the service. • If the oil level is low, check for oil leaks. If oil leaks, contact Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Opera-tion for the service. 1. Turn on the hazard warning lamps and…
  • Page 153
    ABS vices and inspect from Ssangyong Dealer level is low, so stop driving and contact system or TCS system, if equipped TCS or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation.
  • Page 154: Cannot Start The Engine

    Engine), or warning light stays on, have CAUTION When this warning light comes on, the 4WD system checked at Ssangyong the engine driving force may be de- On vehicle equipped with an auto- Dealer or Ssang Authorized Service creased or the engine may stall. These matic transmission, the engine will Operation.

  • Page 155: Starting The Engine With Jumper Cables

    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 7–5 STARTING THE ENGINE WITH JUMPER CABLES Before jump starting with an another battery: CAUTION WARNING 1. Apply parking brake. • Do not try to start vehicle by push- (Continued) ing or pulling it. 2. In a vehicle with automatic transmission, •…

  • Page 156
    10. If this discharge condition recurs, con- the jump start. Attempts to start the en- sult your Ssangyong dealer or an autho- gine of the vehicle with the discharged rized Ssangyong Service Operation.
  • Page 157
    • Switch off engine. If the fan is not operating, turn the ignition • Allow engine to cool. off and consult your Ssangyong Dealer im- • Open engine hood when steam is mediately. no longer visible. If the fan is operating and if steam is not •…
  • Page 158
    7–8 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY WHEN THE SELECTOR LEVER DOESN’T MOVE 5. Have your vehicle repaired by Ssangyong WARNING Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service If you pour cold water suddenly into Operation as soon as possible. the overheated engine, the engine could be damaged.
  • Page 159: Towing A Disabled Vehicle

    If it is necessary to tow your vehicle, If not available to use car acrrier, use a forget to disconnect the front/rear contact a Ssangyong dealer or a profes- towing dolly. propeller shaft from the transfer sional tow truck service.

  • Page 160: Emergency Towing

    7–10 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY EMERGENCY TOWING • Set the ignition in the ON position to re- lease the steering column lock and to permit the operation of brake lamps, horn and windshield wipers. • Only the driver should be in the towed vehicle to steer it and operate the brakes.

  • Page 161: Trailer Towing

    When towing vehicle is fitted to your vehicle. specified values. with automatic transmission, use Your Ssangyong Dealer will help supply and The maximum permissible trailer ball weight flat bed or wheel lift equipment. install towing equipment to suit your is 140 kg.

  • Page 162
    7–12 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY WARNING Total gross vehicle weight with trailer must not exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of the vehicle. The total gross vehicle weight is the weight of the vehicle, driver, passen- gers, luggage or cargo, plus the weight of the hitch and the trailer tongue weight.
  • Page 163
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 7–13 Trailer Brakes Brake Fluid Towing Tips If the trailer brakes are used, you should Change the brake fluid every 15,000 km When towing a trailer, your vehicle will follow all instructions provided by the (9,000 miles) under the following conditions. handle differently compared with normal manufacturer.
  • Page 164
    7–14 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Parking on Hills • Allow adequate stopping distance. • If someone removing the blocks stands You really should not park your vehicle, with Stopping distance is increased when you directly behind the trailer, he could be a trailer attached, on a hill.
  • Page 165
    IN CASE OF EMERGENCY 7–15 When You Are Ready to Leave After Maintenance When Trailer Towing Your vehicle will need service more often Parking on a Hill when you’re pulling a trailer. See the main- 1. Apply your regular brakes and hold the tenance Schedule for more on this.
  • Page 167: Service And Maintenance


  • Page 168: Service Precautions

    • Keep smoking materials, flames, and ing of them. • Use only Ssangyong Genuine Parts for sparks away from the battery and all • If it is necessary to check beneath the service and maintenance.

  • Page 169: A Note On Safety

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–3 A NOTE ON SAFETY DRIVER’S CHECK LIST To avoid the possibility of injury from the The following checks are recommended 7. Check the operation of the door locking mechanism. cooling fan, carry out all engine checks with before driving to maintain safe and depend- the ignition switched off so that the fan is able vehicle operation.

  • Page 170
    8–4 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ENGINE COMPARTMENT Direct Injection Diesel Engine Equipped Vehicle (D27DT) 1. Coolant surge tank 2. Air cleaner 3. Engine oil filler cap 4. Engine 5. Priming pump 6. Fuel filter 7. Brake fluid reservoir 8. Clutch fluid reservoir (for manual transmission) 9.
  • Page 171
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–5 Indirect Injection Engine Equipped Vehicle (D29ST) 1. Coolant surge tank 2. Air cleaner 3. Engine oil filler cap 4. Engine 5. Fuel filter 6. VIN plate 7. Fuse box 8. Clutch oil tank (Manual transmission) 9. Battery 10.
  • Page 172
    8–6 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Gasoline Engine Equipped Vehicle (G32D) 1. Coolant surge tank 2. Air cleaner 3. Engine oil filler cap 4. Engine 5. VIN plate 6. Washer fluid tank 7. Battery 8. Fuse box 9. Brake fluid tank 10. Engine oil level dipstick…
  • Page 173
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–7 Gasoline Engine Equipped Vehicle (G23D) 1. Coolant surge tank 2. Air cleaner 3. Engine oil filler cap 4. Engine 5. VIN plate 6. Washer fluid tank 7. Battery 8. Fuse box 9. Brake fluid tank 10. Power steering fluid tank 11.
  • Page 174
    8–8 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ENGINE OIL When replenishing, use the same specifica- tion of oil as used at the last oil change. WARNING Prolonged and repeated contact with engine oil may cause skin disorders. • Avoid excessive skin contact. • Wash thoroughly after contact. WARNING To check the oil level, pull out the dipstick, Checking procedure…
  • Page 175
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–9 Change of Engine Oil and Oil Filter CAUTION Model Specification Service interval Capacity (L) In order to ensure sufficient lubrica- Indirect tion of the moving parts, select en- Injection 6.0 ~ 8.0 gine oil viscosity (SAE grades) ac- Approved by MB Initial change: 5,000 km, Change Diesel Engine…
  • Page 176: Engine Oil/Filter Change

    Operating when outside temperatures at the same time with engine oil. If a fluid leak occurs the vehicle should be remain below freezing and when most taken to your Ssangyong Dealer or trips are less than 16km. CAUTION Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation to •…

  • Page 177: Manual Transmission Fluid

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–11 MANUAL TRANSMISSION FLUID The fluid and filter do not require changing. WARNING But, if the vehicle is mainly driven under any After driving, the transmission oil of below conditions, the fluid and filter should temperature may be high enough to be changed every 60,000km.

  • Page 178: Clutch Fluid

    • Do not dispose of used clutch fluid If frequent top up is required, have with household waste. The clutch fluid level in the master cylinder system checked by Ssangyong Dealer • Use your local authorized waste should be checked when other underhood or Ssangyong Authorized Service disposal facilities.

  • Page 179: Transfer Case Fluid

    1. Filler Plug clutch system. 2. Drain Plug Use only Ssangyong recommended To ensure proper functioning, efficiency clutch fluid. and durability of the transfer case, it is of importance that fluid is always kept at the CAUTION proper level.

  • Page 180: Brake Fluid

    MAX mark. If the level falls below the MIN mark, add the fluid to MAX mark. Do not overfill. Low fluid level can indicate a leak in the brake system. Have the system checked at nearest Ssangyong Dealer.

  • Page 181
    • Use your local authorized waste system. WARNING disposal facilities. Use only Ssangyong recommended The brake fluid can irritate hands • Have the brake fluid changed by brake fluid. and eyes. Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong •…
  • Page 182: Front And Rear Axle Fluid

    8–16 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE FRONT AND REAR AXLE FLUID WARNING After driving, the axle oil tempera- ture may be high enough to burn you. Wait until axle oil and filler plug are cool before checking oil level. Check the oil level only when the engine is Service Interval, Specification and Capacity off, the vehicle is level and the axle is cool Inspect frequently…

  • Page 183: Power Steering Fluid

    • If frequent top up is required, have tem and must therefore not be replaced by system checked by Ssangyong Use only specified fluid as given in the lu- plain water even in summer.

  • Page 184
    60 Vol% 40 Vol% • If frequent additions are required, area water. contact Ssangyong Dealer for cool- • If irritation persists, consult ing system check. doctor. CAUTION Use of non-recommended coolant and anti-freeze could cause damage to the cooling system.
  • Page 185
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–19 Coolant Change Service Interval and Capacity Before replenishment, turn off the engine and Model Service interval Capacity wait for until engine cool down. Indirect Injection Diesel Engine 10.5 ~ 11.0 L 1. Open the coolant surge tank cap slowly. 2.
  • Page 186
    8–20 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE AIR CLEANER If the vehicle is operated in very dusty or sandy areas, replace more often than at the usual recommended intervals. If it is dirty, shake the element to remove dust. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing and cover with a damp cloth.
  • Page 187: Washer Fluid

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–21 WASHER FLUID WARNING • The washer fluid includes flam- mable materials prevent freezing. There could be a fire when directly contacted with flames. When checking the washer fluid, avoid the flames near to washer fluid tank. •…

  • Page 188
    8–22 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE SPARK PLUGS (FOR GASOLINE WIPERS ENGINE) If the blades are not wiping properly, clean G32D G28D both the window and the blades with a good cleaner or mild detergent, and rinse thor- oughly with clear water. Repeat if necessary.
  • Page 189: Fuel Filter

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–23 FUEL FILTER BOSCH : F8DC4 (G28D) BERU : 14F-8DU4 Specification CHAMPION : C11YCC 0.8 + 0.1 mm (G32D) NGK: BKUR5ETZ-10 Specification 1 ± 0.1 mm CAUTION • When replacing the spark plugs, Indirect Injection Diesel Engine Equipped Direct Injection Diesel Engine Vehicle disconnect the negative terminal Vehicle…

  • Page 190
    8–24 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE WATER SEPARATOR Water Separating Function If the water in fuel gets into the engine and fuel system, it may cause serious damage in fuel system. The fuel filter offers the water separating function to block the inflow of water.
  • Page 191
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–25 Location: CAUTION behind fuel filter (between fuel filter and • Replace the water separator ac- dashpanel) in engine compartment (engine cording to the specified mainte- intake side) nance schedule. • Drain the water from water sepa- Draining The Water From Water Separator rator whenever replacing the en- Drain the water from water separator when-…
  • Page 192: Drive Belt

    If the free play is more or less than specified, have the brakes adjusted by a Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation. Gasoline Engine…

  • Page 193: Clutch Pedal

    Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized than specified, have the parking brake ad- accelerate the reduction and/or oxidation of Service Operation. justed by a Ssangyong Dealer or toxic components. Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation. On vehicles with a catalytic converter for unleaded fuel, lead fuel will damage the cata-…

  • Page 194: Ovm Tools

    Have all maintenance work carried out by a Screw jack • Lift up the cover lever located at left side Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized 2. Driver (+, -) of the luggage room to open the cover. Service Operation. You can then be certain 3.

  • Page 195: Wheels And Tyres

    WHEELS AND TYRES Factory-fitted tyres are matched to the chas- sis and offer optimum driving, comfort and safety. Consult your Ssangyong Dealer or Ssangyong Authorized Service Operation before changing over to different tyres or rims and obtain their advice as regards tech- nical possibilities.

  • Page 196
    • The tread wear indicator appears, Check rims for damage. In the event of dam- indicated by markings on the tyre side wall. age or abnormal wear, consult a Ssangyong For safety reasons, it is recommended that • Tyres have been damaged.
  • Page 197
    5,000km. After rotating, adjust the tyre pressure and be sure to check wheel bolts tightness. WARNING Using of tyre chains could adversely affect safety and handling of the ve- hicle. If necessary, consult your Ssangyong Dealer.
  • Page 198: Removing The Spare Wheel

    8–32 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE REMOVING THE SPARE WHEEL HOW TO CHANGE A FLAT TYRE 1. Insert the spare wheel handle into the If a tyre goes flat, follow these safety in- hole above the rear bumper. structions before you change the tyre: 2.

  • Page 199
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–33 Changing a Wheel 8. Use a wedge, block of wood, or rocks in front of and behind the tyre that is di- agonal from the tyre you plan to change. Failure to follow these safety precautions can cause your vehicle to slip off the jack possibly causing serious injury.
  • Page 200
    8–34 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Rear Jack up point 14. Tighten the wheel nuts firmly according CAUTION to sequence No. of above figure. 12. Replace and lightly seat the wheel nuts • If over tightened, the wheel nuts 15. Check and adjust tyre pressure. by turning clockwise.
  • Page 201: Battery Maintenance

    • As soon as possible, take your car hicle and other traffic. to a Ssangyong dealer or Ssangyong When the battery charge warning • Use jack only for changing wheels. Authorized Service Operation and light on the instrument panel comes •…

  • Page 202
    8–36 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Check the battery terminals for corrosion (a For best battery service, do the following. WARNING white or bluish powder). To remove it, cover 1. Keep battery securely mounted. Used batteries can be a hazard to the terminals with a solution of baking soda 2.
  • Page 203
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–37 FUSE Fuse Change Pull out the blown fuse by using the fuse WARNING puller from the fuse box and insert with the The use of different types or differ- same ratings of fuse. ent rating fuses could cause damage to the electrical system and even start CAUTION a fire.
  • Page 204: Interior Fuse Box

    8–38 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE INTERIOR FUSE BOX The fuse box is located at the left side of instrument panel. To access into interior fuse box, open the driver’s door and remove the fuse box cover.

  • Page 205
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–39 FUSE BOX IN ENGINE COMPARTMENT IDI (Indirect Injection) Diesel Engine The fuse box is located at the left side of engine compartment. To access into this fuse box, open the hood and remove the fuse box cover.
  • Page 206
    8–40 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Direct Injection Diesel Engine PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient)
  • Page 207
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–41 Gasoline Engine…
  • Page 208: Cautions In Replacing Bulbs

    8–42 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE CAUTIONS IN REPLACING BULBS BULB SPECIFICATION Bulbs Rating Number CAUTION Low Beam/High Beam 55W/55W • Before replacing the bulb, turn the 2 each Head lamp ignition key to LOCK position and Position lamp turn OFF the relevant switch. Tail lamp •…

  • Page 209
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–43 LOCATION OF LAMPS 1. Headlamp – Low beam 6. High mounted stop lamp 11. Reverse lamp 2. Headlamp – High beam, Position lamp 7. Tail and stop lamp 12. Rear reflector 3. Position lamp 8. Tail lamp 13.
  • Page 210
    8–44 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE HEAD LAMP 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery 5. Separate the head lamp from the vehicle 7. Rotate the dust cover counterclockwise cable. body. to remove. 2. Remove the radiator grille. 6. Disconnect the head lamp connector. 8.
  • Page 211: Turn Signal Lamp And Fog Lamp

    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–45 TURN SIGNAL LAMP AND FOG LAMP REAR COMBINATION LAMP 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery 5. Remove the bulb by turning it cable. cable. counterclockwise. 2. Puling down the bulb service cover of 2.

  • Page 212
    8–46 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE SIDE REPEATER LAMP LICENSE PLATE LAMP HIGH MOUNTED STOP LAMP 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery cable. cable. cable. 2. Remove the lamp body by pushing for- 2.
  • Page 213
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–47 REAR ROOM LAMP FRONT ROOM LAMP 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery 1. Disconnect the negative (-) battery cable. cable. 2. Remove the cover with driver. 2. Remove the cover with driver. 3. Install new bulb with same rating. 3.
  • Page 214
    8–48 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE SERVICES (DIESEL ENGINE) Maintenance service and record retention are the owner’s responsibility. You should retain evidence that proper maintenance has been performed on your vehicle in accordance with the scheduled maintenance service chart. Kilometers (miles) or time in months, whichever comes first MAINTENANCE x1,000 km INTERVAL…
  • Page 215
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–49 Kilometers (miles) or time in months, whichever comes first MAINTENANCE x1,000 km INTERVAL x1,000 miles MAINTENANCE ITEM Months CHASSIS AND BODY Exhaust pipes & mountings Brake / Clutch fluid (3)* Parking brake / Brake pads (Front & Rear) (4)* Brake line &…
  • Page 216
    8–50 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Kilometers (miles) or time in months, whichever comes first MAINTENANCE x1,000 km INTERVAL x1,000 miles MAINTENANCE ITEM Months CHASSIS AND BODY Chassis & underbody bolts & nuts tight / Secure (6)* Tyre condition & inflation pressure Wheel alignment (7)* Inspect when abnormal condition is noted Steering wheel &…
  • Page 217
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–51 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE SERVICES (GASOLINE ENGINE) Maintenance service and record retention are the owner’s responsibility. You should retain evidence that proper maintenance has been performed on your vehicle in accordance with the scheduled maintenance service chart. Kilometers (miles) or time in months, whichever comes first MAINTENANCE x1,000 km INTERVAL…
  • Page 218
    8–52 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Kilometers (miles) or time in months, whichever comes first MAINTENANCE x1,000 km INTERVAL x1,000 miles MAINTENANCE ITEM Months CHASSIS AND BODY Exhaust pipes & mountings Brake / Clutch fluid (3)* Parking brake / Brake pads (Front & Rear) (4)* Brake line &…
  • Page 219
    SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 8–53 Kilometers (miles) or time in months, whichever comes first MAINTENANCE x1,000 km INTERVAL x1,000 miles MAINTENANCE ITEM Months CHASSIS AND BODY Chassis & underbody bolts & nuts tight / Secure (6)* Tyre condition & inflation pressure Wheel alignment (7)* Inspect when abnormal condition is noted Steering wheel &…
  • Page 220: Lubrication Chart

    8–54 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION CHART Lubricant Capacity Classification API : CG grade or above, IDI Engine 6.0~8.0 L Quality ACEA : B2, B3 or B4 class** Diesel MB sheet : 229.1/3 (preferable) DI Engine 6.8~8.3 L MB sheet No. 224.1 Viscosity Engine oil API : SJ grade or above,…

  • Page 221
    ALVANIA EP#2 Properly * Please contact Ssangyong Dealer for approved alternative fluid. ** In only case not available MB 229.1 or 229.3, API or ACEA oil may be accepted, however it would rather recommend to shorten the change interval around 30%.
  • Page 223: Vehicle Care


  • Page 224: Care And Cleaning Of The Interior

    9–2 VEHICLE CARE CARE AND CLEANING OF THE CLEANING AGENTS INTERIOR GLASS SURFACES Follow the manufacturer’s advice whenever With the use of modern trim materials, it is Glass surfaces should be cleaned on a regu- cleaning agents or other chemicals are used, very important that you use proper cleaning lar basis.

  • Page 225
    Ssangyong vehicles are designed to oper- ate under normal environmental conditions and to withstand the natural elements. How- ever, unusual conditions, such as high pres- sure car washes, may cause water to en- ter inside the vehicle.
  • Page 226: Corrosion Protection

    When using chemical cleaners, be sure they be loosened before being flushed. If desired, ance, strength and reliable operation. Some are safe for use on painted surfaces. your Ssangyong Dealer can do this service for you. parts which normally are not visible (such Finish Damage…

  • Page 227: Specification And Service Data


  • Page 228
    10–2 SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA DIMENSIONS ) : Gasoline engine equipped vehicle.
  • Page 229: Engine Number (Gasoline)

    SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA 10–3 ENGINE NUMBER ENGINE NUMBER (IDI DIESEL ENGINE) (DI DIESEL ENGINE) ENGINE NUMBER (GASOLINE) IDI Diesel Engine DI Diesel Engine Gasoline Engine The engine number is stamped on the upper The engine number is stamped on the lower The engine number is stamped on the lower area of cylinder head.

  • Page 230: Certification Label

    10–4 SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA CERTIFICATION LABEL CHASSIS NUMBER The certification label is affixed on the bot- Chassis number is stamped on the front tom of driver side B-pillar. right-hand side front wheel of the frame member.

  • Page 231
    SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA 10–5 SPECIFICATIONS ) : Gasoline engine equipped vehicle. Systems Items Indirect Injection Diesel Direct Injection Diesel Gasoline ← ← General Overall length (mm) 4,730 (4,795) ← ← Overall width (mm) 1,870 ← ← Overall height (mm) 1,760 (1,865) Gross vehicle 2,415(2,470) [2,315(2,370)]…
  • Page 232
    10–6 SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA Systems Items Indirect Injection Diesel Direct Injection Diesel Gasoline Type Manual Semi-Remote control, ← transmis- floor change type sion 4.007 Gear ratio 4.007 4.315 2.365 2.365 2.475 1.473 1.473 1.536 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.872 0.872 0.807 Rev.
  • Page 233
    SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA 10–7 Systems Gasoline Direct Injection Diesel Items Indirect Injection Diesel ← ← Power Type Rack and pinion ← ← steering ° 17’ Inner Steering angle ← ← °40 ’ Outer ← ← Front Drive shaft type Ball joint type ←…
  • Page 234
    10–8 SPECIFICATION AND SERVICE DATA ENGINE OIL SAE viscosity classes Engine The SAE classes (viscosity) should be se- The viscosity should be selected according to outside temperature. Do not switch to a lected in accordance with the average sea- different viscosity in the event of brief temperature fluctuations. sonal air temperature.
  • Page 235: Index


  • Page 236
    11–2 INDEX 4-wheel drive operation …… 2-17 Automatic wiper control switch ..3-30 Chassis number ……..10-4 4-wheel drive switch — full-time (TOD)* .. 2-16 Child restraints ……..4-17 4-wheel drive switch — part-time* ..2-16 Child security door locks ……. 1-9 Battery charge warning light ….
  • Page 237
    INDEX 11–3 Digital clock ………. 3-41 Engine compartment ……8-4 Front head restraints ……4-7 Dimensions ………. 10-2 Engine exhaust gas caution Front passenger’s air bag* ….4-27 Direct injection diesel engine equipped (carbon monoxide) ……2-27 Front room lamp ……..3-45 vehicle (general type) ……
  • Page 238
    11–4 INDEX License plate lamp ……8-46 Outside rearview mirror & tail-gate glass Light switch warning chime ….3-27 defogger switch ……..3-35 Hazard warning flasher switch ..3-41 Light switch ……… 3-26 Overhead console ……. 3-49 Hazardous driving ……. 2-28 Location of hydraulic jack ….
  • Page 239
    INDEX 11–5 Rear room lamp ……..8-47 Spark plugs (for gasoline engine) ..8-22 Turn signal switch ……3-28 Rear room/luggage room lamp ….. 3-46 Specifications ……..10-5 Turn signal/hazard lasher indicator ..3-18 Reclining rear seat back (second seat) ..4-8 Speedometer ………
  • Page 241
    150-3, CHILGOI-DONG, PYUNGTAEK-SI GYEONGGI-DO, 459-711 KOREA TELEPHONE : 82-31-610-2740 FACSIMILE : 82-31-610-3762 NOTE: All rights reserved. Printed in SSANGYONG Motor Co., Ltd. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of International A/S Team.

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