Мануал ниссан датсун пикап

Owner`s Workshop Manual Datsun Pick-Up 1968-1973 г.

Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Datsun 510 серии и Datsun PL521 Pick-Up 1968-1973 годов выпуска.

  • Автор: J.H. Haynes
  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 1974
  • Страниц: 250
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,0 Mb

Service Manual Datsun Pick-Up 1974-1977 г.

Подборка руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Datsun Pick-Up 620 серии.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
  • Год издания: 1974/1977
  • Страниц: 438/537
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 69,6 Mb

Service Manual Datsun Pick-Up 1981 г.

Подборка руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Datsun Pick-Up 720 серии.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
  • Год издания: 1981
  • Страниц: 564
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 45,1 Mb

Service Manual Datsun Pick-Up.

Подборка руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Datsun Pick-Up 520 серии.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 27,7 Mb

Service, Repair, Handbook Datsun Pick-Up 1968-1972 г.

Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Datsun 510 серии и Datsun Pick-Up 1968-1972 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Clymer Publications
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 252
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,5 Mb

Инструкция NISSAN Pickup (1985-94гг) на русском языке в формате pdf для устройства: внедорожник.
Прочитайте инструкцию для ознакомления с функциями и условиями эксплуатации, характеристиками и способами исправления неисправностей. Данное руководство пользователя поможет использовать весь функционал изделия и увеличит срок службы при условии соблюдения всех правил изложенных в документе.

Описание к файлу:

Тип устройства: внедорожник

Фирма производитель: NISSAN

Модель: NISSAN Pickup (1985-94гг)

Инструкция на русском языке

Формат файла: pdf, размер: 15.98 MB

Обслуживание, устройство, ремонт

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    Вы можете задать вопрос посетителям сайта по модели NISSAN Pickup (1985-94гг). Если Вы являетесь её пользователем, то пожалуйста оставьте, по возможности развёрнутый отзыв:

    В общем, задумался я о приобретении полезной книжки для ремонта. Но цены на новые смутили, полез на авито. Там тоже люди не стесняются в ценах за б/у. И тут попалось объявление, что дяденька отдает такое руководство бесплатно. Правда живет он в Нижегородской обл. Списались, оказался пожилой дальнобойщик. Он посетовал, что рейсов нет в мою сторону, поэтому, в итоге, он просто сходил на почту и отправил мне книжку. Расходы он оплатил сам — все на полном доверии.

    Фото в бортжурнале Nissan Datsun (D21)

    Полный размер

    Книга 97 года, но состояние неплохое.

    Через несколько дней я ее получил. Отправил ему 300 за отправку и 300 сверху. Книга обошлась мне в 600р., но засада была в том, что книга для авто с бензиновыми движками)). На авитовском фото этого было не разобрать и я не уделил этому внимания.

    Фото в бортжурнале Nissan Datsun (D21)

    Полный размер

    Издательство ПОНЧик)

    Но зато по ходовке и прочему мне подходит.

    Фото в бортжурнале Nissan Datsun (D21)

    Полный размер

    Перевод нормальный, иллюстрации четкие.

    В общем, если кому че отсканировать (в пределах 2-3х страниц) обращайтесь…

    Цена вопроса: 600 ₽

    Техническая документация по ремонту автомобилей Nissan Datsun ( все годы выпуска) Бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС

    Автозапчасти для автомобилей СКАЧАТЬ АВТОАКСЕСУАРЫ

    Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Nissan Datsun

      — полные технические характеристик

     -особенности эксплуатации

     — устранение неисправностей Nissan Datsun

      — цветные электросхемы Nissan Datsun

    Руководство по эксплуатации Nissan Datsun
    — полные технические характеристики Nissan Datsun
    — особенности эксплуатации

    — устранение неисправностей

    — цветные электросхемы


    Руководство по ремонту Nissan Datsun в фотографиях
    — полные технические характеристики

    — особенности эксплуатации Nissan Datsun
    — устранение неисправностей
     в фотографиях своими руками
    — более 1980 фотографий процесса ремонта


    Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц Nissan Datsun
    — таблица взаимозаменяемости деталей автомобилей

    — предназначен для работников СТО и владельцев автомобилей Nissan Datsun
    — каталог деталей Nissan Datsun


    Подробная электросхема Nissan Datsun
    — полное описание электрооборудования Nissan Datsun , подробная интерактивная электрическая схема Nissan Datsun
    — подробно описан алгоритм поиска неисправностей электрооборудования (стартер, генератор, система зажигания, впрыск, инжектор)
    — подробная схема электрооборудования ( электро схема ) Nissan Datsun
    — распиновка разъемов электрических, распиновка электро проводки Nissan Datsun


    Руководство по ремонту двигателя Nissan Datsun
    — полные технические характеристики двигателя Nissan Datsun
    — особенности конструкции и ремонта двигателя Nissan Datsun
    — подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки двигателя с фотографиями, ГРМ


    Руководство по ремонту коробок передач Nissan Datsun
    — полные технические характеристики КПП
    — особенности конструкции и ремонта КПП Nissan Datsun
    — устранение неисправностей КПП трансмиссия, валы, шестерни, ШРУС
    — подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки КПП  с фотографиями

    а вот здесь можно заработать на новую машину, и тогда старую не придется ремонтировать!!!

    Nissan Datsun

    Мой сайт. Ниссан датсун пикап устройство и ремонт

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    Ремонт в фотографиях Nissan Datsun








    Электросхема Nissan Datsun

    Схема электрооборудования Nissan Datsun

    Подробная электросхема Nissan Datsun








    Каталог деталей  Nissan Datsun

    Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц Nissan Datsun

    Каталог деталей Nissan Datsun






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    Техническая документация Nissan Datsun


    Nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт. Советы, отзывы, фото

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    Содержание статьи:

  • Фото
  • Инструкция по эксплуатации и руководство по ремонту Datsun Pick-Up
  • Видео
  • Похожие статьи
  • Владивосток. 1988 год, 2400 куб. см., Дизель, Коробка, Полный привод.  В салоне тепло. До этого владел пикапами Датсун 94 г.в с и Хайлюксом 98 г.в. с дизелем 2,8. В них зимой  Отзывы владельцев Nissan Datsun о своих машинах.

    Руководства по эксплуатации, обслуживанию и ремонту Datsun Pick — Up.  Автор: Издательство: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd Год издания: Страниц: Формат: PDF Размер: 69,6 Mb.

    ФАКТ! Nissan – третий в японском рейтинге автопроизводителей (после Toyota и Honda) и 8-й в мировом рейтинге. Самым популярным автомобилем считается Nissan Qashqai. Название «Кашкай» взято от названия племени, живущего в Иране.

    Паспортные данные.

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    Мучаю их постоянно, ни одного толком не замучил. Агрегаты не доставляют хлопот. В каталоге нет его квалификации. Содержание Габаритные размеры Технические характеристики Коробка передач и тормозная система Последняя модель двадцатого века Фото.

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

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    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт
    nissan-datsun пикап 1988 год ремонт

    1996 Datsun/Nissan pickup 2.7L turbodiesel


    MAХИНА — Nissan DATSUN

    Электронные книги Nissan DATSUN для автомобилистов бесплатно

    Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Nissan DATSUN    СКАЧАТЬ  194 Мб(Руководство по ремонту Nissan DATSUN полная версия)

    Руководство по ремонту Nissan DATSUN в фотографиях                                                       СКАЧАТЬ  116 Mб(Ремонт Nissan DATSUN в фотографиях)

    Секреты ремонта Nissan DATSUN                                                                                           СКАЧАТЬ  51 Мб(подробное описание особенностей ремонта Nissan DATSUN )

    Подробная схема электрооборудования Nissan DATSUN                                                    СКАЧАТЬ 72 Мб ( электросхема Nissan DATSUN )

    Каталог деталей Nissan DATSUN                                                                                            СКАЧАТЬ  101 Мб( Nissan DATSUN Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц )

    Руководство по ремонту двигателя Nissan DATSUN                                                             СКАЧАТЬ 73 Мб(ремонт двигателя Nissan DATSUN своими руками в фотографиях)

    Руководство по ремонту трансмиссии Nissan DATSUN                                                      СКАЧАТЬ 104 Мб(ремонт КПП и дифференциала Nissan DATSUN своими руками в фотографиях)

    Коды неисправностей Nissan DATSUN                                                                                   СКАЧАТЬ  15 Мб( Nissan DATSUN коды ошибок инжектора, распиновка, самодиагностика )

    Мультимедийное Руководство по тюнингу Nissan DATSUN                                                    СКАЧАТЬ  115 Мб(тюнинг Nissan DATSUN своими руками с фотографиями)

    ТЕГИ: Руководства по ремонту Nissan DATSUNбесплатно, без регистрации и СМС  Nissan DATSUN Бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС   Nissan DATSUN

    Nissan DATSUN


    loveavto — Nissan Datsun

    Техническая документация по ремонту автомобилей Nissan Datsun ( все годы выпуска) Бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС

    Автозапчасти для автомобилей СКАЧАТЬ АВТОАКСЕСУАРЫ

    Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Nissan Datsun

      — полные технические характеристик

     -особенности эксплуатации

     — устранение неисправностей Nissan Datsun

      — цветные электросхемы Nissan DatsunСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА    

     Руководство по эксплуатации Nissan Datsun- полные технические характеристики Nissan Datsun- особенности эксплуатации

    — устранение неисправностей

    — цветные электросхемыСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА       

    Руководство по ремонту Nissan Datsun в фотографиях- полные технические характеристики

    — особенности эксплуатации Nissan Datsun- устранение неисправностей в фотографиях своими руками- более 1980 фотографий процесса ремонтаСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА          

    Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц Nissan Datsun- таблица взаимозаменяемости деталей автомобилей

    — предназначен для работников СТО и владельцев автомобилей Nissan Datsun- каталог деталей Nissan DatsunСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА      

    Подробная электросхема Nissan Datsun- полное описание электрооборудования Nissan Datsun , подробная интерактивная электрическая схема Nissan Datsun- подробно описан алгоритм поиска неисправностей электрооборудования (стартер, генератор, система зажигания, впрыск, инжектор)- подробная схема электрооборудования ( электро схема ) Nissan Datsun- распиновка разъемов электрических, распиновка электро проводки Nissan DatsunСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА  


    Руководство по ремонту двигателя Nissan Datsun- полные технические характеристики двигателя Nissan Datsun- особенности конструкции и ремонта двигателя Nissan Datsun- подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки двигателя с фотографиями, ГРМСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА     

    Руководство по ремонту коробок передач Nissan Datsun- полные технические характеристики КПП- особенности конструкции и ремонта КПП Nissan Datsun- устранение неисправностей КПП трансмиссия, валы, шестерни, ШРУС- подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки КПП  с фотографиямиСКАЧАТЬ  /  СКАЧАТЬ С ЗЕРКАЛА 

    а вот здесь можно заработать на новую машину, и тогда старую не придется ремонтировать!!!

    Nissan Datsun


    Смотрите также


    Запись на тест-драйв

    • Aet tO


      MODEL 320







      HONU I 211 5281


      fi 11t





      Book Sale

    • MODEL 1IO U





      ThIS manual has been comphes for purpose

      of asslstmg DATSUN dIstnbutors and dealers

      for effectIve serVIce and mamtenance of the

      Model P L 320 U Each assembly of the major

      components IS descnbed 10 detaIl In addItIOn

      comprehenSIve mstructlOns are gIven for com

      pIete dlsmanthng assembImg and mspectlOn of

      these assembltes

      It IS emphasIsed that only genuine DATSUN

      Spare Parts should be used as replacements






      1 6








      General SpecIftcatlOnsCOOLING SYSTEM


      ServIce OperatIOns wIth EngIne In PosItionRocker Mechamsm

      Removmg RefittIngOperatIOn WIth the Engme Removed


      The GasolIne TankFuel StrainerFuel PumpAdjustment and Inspection
      of EngIneCarburetor


      DlstnbutorAdjustIng the Igmtlon TImIngCheckIng the Spark



      Descnptlon of Clutch Control



      DIsassemblIng the CaseAssembhng the TransmISSIOnSelector Inner
      Operatmg Lever Cross Shaft


      Propeller Shaft Umversal jomts



      Front Axle

      Settmg of TenSIon Rex




      qit0 t















      106 l114

    • uc


      REAR AXLE 117

      Rear Axle 118AssemblIng Adjustment 122

      BRAKE 138

      IGNIfI0N SYSFEM 147


      Starter Motor 164

      Battery 171




      For Model 320 U


      Length overall approxWIdth overall approx

      HeIght overall approxWheelbaseTread Front


      Mm road clearance


      Intenor lengthlntenor wIdthlntenor height


      Dry vehIcle weIght emptySeating capacItyMax cargo weIght

      Model 320 UModel 320 UN

      Model 320 UP


      Max speedGrade ablhty Sm 6Mm turnmg radIUs



      Cyhnder No and arrdngementCyclevalve arrangementBore x
      StrokeTotal piston dIsplacementCompressIOn ratioMax powerMax

      FInng order

      4 185 mm 164 8 m1 515 mm 59 6 m1 50S mm 59 3 m2 470 mm 97 2 InI
      170 mm 46 1 In1 187 mm 46 7 m

      177 mm 7 0 In

      I 850 mm 72 8 m1 427 mm 56 2 In

      406 mm 16 0 In r

      945 kg 2 080 lbs 12

      225 kg 500 lbs500 kg 1 000 lbs910 kg 2 000 lbs


      120 KPH 75 MPH

      t385 2 m 17 ft

      Model E 1

      Gasohne engme4 cvls m lme

      4 cycleValve m head

      73x7l mm 2 875 m x 2 796 m1 189 cc 72 5 cu m

      8 2

      60 HP at 5 000 r P m SAE

      9 3 kg m 673ft lb at 3 600 r p m1 3 4 2

      ir f

    • rValve tlmmgInlet opemngInlet closmgExhaust opemngExhaust

      Valve clearance Both m1et and exhaust Hot


      19mtlon tlmmgSpark plugsSpark plug gap


      CarburetorThrottle valve dlaVentlro dlaMam Jet dla

      t Slow Jet dla

      PQwer Jet dlaSlo economlzerSlow aIr FIrstSlow atr Second

      Float levelFuel tanJlcapaclty


      OIl pan capacity



      Coolmg water capacIty




      Termmal grounded


      CapacityVoltage current regulator


      14 deg B T C50 deg A B C52 deg B B C

      12 deg A T C0 35 mm 0 014 m

      10 deg B T C 600 rpmNGK Model B 6E 14 mm

      0 7 0 8 mm

      Pnmary28 mm

      21 8 mm




      Secondary30mm25 14 7 mm


      19mm35 htres 9 3 U S gal

      3 1 htres 0 86 U S gal

      5 4 htres 1 4 U S gal

      CF3 12K 14M2 M39 1212 volts2 SMS

      40 amp hr 20 hr50 amp hr 20 hr

      posltlve sIde

      0 2 KWCarbon ptie type


      Voltage and power 12 volts 14 hp


      TypeOperating systemMaster cyhnder mSlde dlaOperatmg cy1mder
      mSlde dza

      Dry smgle plate typeHydrauhc

      15 85 mm 5 8 m19 05mm 3 410


      Type Four forward speeds and one reverseSynchromesh on 2nd 3rd
      and top gears

      For 320U320 UN For 320UP

      3 94 4 942 40 3 01149 1731 00 1 005 16 6 46

      2 0 lures 0 53 U S gal

      Gear ratIOs

      1st speed2nd speed3rcl speed4th speedReverse

      all capacIty


      TypeGear ratIo

      all capacIty

      Semi floatIng4 875 39T 8T for 320 U 320 UN 5 143 36T 7T for 320

      for other 320 senes as potIonalO 85 htres 0 22 U S gal


      Gear mechamsm

      Gear ratIO

      Warm and roller

      17 3 I


      Toe mCamberCaster

      Kmg pm mchnatIon

      2 3 mm1 deg 30 mm4 deg 15 min6 deg



      Type Foot brake FrontRear

      Hydrauhc umservo typeHydrauhc duoservo type

      Mechanical rear wheels brakedHand brake


    • Brake drum dla front and rearMaster cylmder boreWheel cyhnder

      Front wheelsRear wheels

      254 rom 10 1019 05 mm 0 77 10

      19 05 mm 0 77 lD19 05 mm 0 77 lD


      Front suspensIOnFront spnngsDimensIOn Ola x LengthRear
      spnngs111lckness number

      Wishbone type Independent suspensionTorsIOn bar spnng

      20 5 x 604 5 mmParallel semlelltptic leaf spnng

      7 mm x 2f 320 U

      6 mm x 1or

      6mm 412 mm 1


      215 mm 212 mm 1for 320 UN

      for 320 UP With

      helper rubber

      Shock absorbers FrontRear

      smgle actionsmgle action


      Model Front Rear

      320 U 5 60 14 6PL T 24 lb 5 60 14 6PL T 30 lb

      320 UN 5 50 14 6PL T 22 lb 5 50 i4 6PL T 36 lb320 UP 6 00 14 6PL
      T 22 lb 6 00 14 8PL T 60 lb



    • FOT

      RUNCH SEDAN U320 Double Seat 2 DOOR ST WAGON V320N320 Single


      U320 V320 N320

      Length overall 4 285 mm 4 155 mm 4 155 mmapprox 168 7 m 163 6 m
      163 6 m

      WIdth overall 1 497 mm 1 497 mm 1 497 mm

      approx 58 9 10 58 9 m 58 9 m

      HeIght overall 1 520 mm 1 515 mm 1 530 mmapprox 59 8 m 59 6 m 60
      3 m

      Wheel base 2 470 mm 2 470 mm 2 470 mm97 2 10 97 2 m 97 2 m


      Intenor length 880 mm 2 1 555 mm 1 560 mm34 6 m 61 2 m 61 6 m

      Intenor wIdth 1 245 mm 5940 mm 1 254 mm49 m 1 180 10 49 4 m

      tIntenor heIght 420 mm 905mm 430 mm

      16 5 m 35 6 m 16 9 m


      VehIcle weIght 1 000 kg 1 020 kg 955 kg2 200 lbs 2 255 lbs 2 100

      Seatmg and loadmgcapacIty 5 400 kg 2 SOO kg 2 500 kg

      880 lbs 1 100 Ibs 1 100 1bs5 300 kg

      660 lbs


      Gear tram HIgh gear 4 forward1 reverse

      Gear ratIO Low 3 94 2nd 2 40 3rd 1 49 Low 3 94 2nd 2 40

      hIgh 100 reverse 5 16 3rd 1 49 4th 1 000Reverse 5 16



      Gear ratIO 5 143 36T 7T 4 875 39T 8T


      Front Wishbone type IndependentsuspensIOn wIth torsIOn bar

      Rear thickness andnumber of spnngleaves 6 mm 4

      12 mm I6 mm I12 mm 1

      Supplemental Sp 108 mm 80 mm

      Shock absorbers Front Single actingRear Single acting


      Single actionSingle action



      Rear5 50 l4 6PL T 22 lb5 50 14 6PL T 46 lb

      5 50 14 6PL5 50 14 6PL


      iT Max speedGrade abilityMin turning


      110 KPH 70 MPH0 30

      120 KPH 74 6 MPH0 30

      5 2 m 17 ft 5 2 m 17 ft

      NOTE Other speclftcatlOns are same as Model 320 U


    • ENGINE







    • ENGINE

      The engme IS of monobloc construction and IS fitted with

      operated by rockers and push rods from the camshaft 011 seals
      are fItted to thevalves Three steel backed beanngs support the
      camshaft whIch IS cham dnven

      The OIl pump and dlstnbutor are dnven from the camshatt each

      havmg Its own dnve shaftThe pIstons are each htted with two
      compressIOn rmgs and a slotted


      control nng Beanngs of the thm shell preformed type are fitted
      to the connect109 rod bIg ends and to the malO beanngs A counter
      blanced crankshaft IS fittedThe end thrust on this component IS
      taken by specIal washers at the center malO

      beanng The centnfugal water pump and coolmg fan are dnven by the


      No of Cyhnder 4

      Bore 73 025 mm 2 875 m

      Stroke 71 mm 2 796 m

      Volume 1 189 cc

      Max brake horse power 60 HP at 5000 r p m

      Torque 9 3 kg m at 3600 r p m

      Flnngorder 1 3 4 2

      Valve arrangement Overhead valve push rod type

      CompressIOn pressure 163 lbs per sq m 11 5 kg cmat 350 r p m

      CompressIOn ratio 8 2 1


    • 1Engine Rightside

      Engine Leftside



      An effIcIent coohng system IS of major Importance to ensure the
      satisfactoryrunmng of the engIne and It IS therefore necessary to
      pay patlcular attention toIts maIntance

      DescriptionThe coohng system IS maIntaIned by water pump
      CIrculation combIned wIth

      an effIcient fan cooled radIator and thermostat

      The system IS pressunsed and the rehef valve Incorporated 10 the
      radIatorfIller cap controls the pressure at approxImately O 4 kg
      per sq cm Do notremove the ftller cap If the temperature of the
      coolant IS above IXJhng poInt or

      If the engIne IS runmng ToppIng up should only be requIred
      occasIOnally to replace water lost through the overflow pIpe Top up
      when the engIne IS cold andIf pOSSIble use clean soft water



      Fig 1 Rmliator

      FIll to wIthIn 1 2 of the bottom of the fIller plug well
      OverfIlhng when the

      engIne IS cold may cause water to flow through the overflow pIpe
      The capacItyof the system IS approxImately 5 2 htres


    • In order to ensure maxImum effIcIency It IS essential to keep
      the engineoperating temperatures within certain hmlts To assist
      this a bellows typethermostat IS fttted being located In the water
      outlet at the front of the cyhnderhead The deVIce consIsts of
      metalhc bellows fIlled WIth a volatile hqUledwhIch controls a
      mushroom valve When the engine IS cold thIS valve IS closedand on
      starting the engine the flow of water to the radiator IS temporanly

      Due to thiS the temperature of the water In the cyhnder head and
      cyhnderJackets wIll qUIckly nse thus ensunng rapid warnllng up The
      heat so generatedwill gradually expand the bellows so opening the
      valve and ultlmatelly permittinga full flow of water to the

      The thermostat Itself IS detachabletherefore should the occasIOn
      anse Itcan be removed from ItS housmg and thehose reconnected to
      aVOId laYing up thecar Should the thermostat be tightthere are two
      tapped holes on the topwhIch may be utlhzed to ease It from

      casting When the system has been com

      pletely emptied It IS essential to allowaIr to escape through
      the thermostatvalve and then fmally top up The thermostat opening
      IS set by the manufacturerand cannot be altered It open at a

      perature of 71 5 74 5 C Dunng decarbomslng It IS pohcy to test
      thiS openlng by Immersing the thermostat In waterraIsed to the
      reqUIsite temperature The

      t lQ valve should open under these conditIOnsAr but If It fads
      to open a new umt should befitted Fig 2

      Therm ostat


      r lt ffr i itl


      J II


      4Y 2Jr


      J tc


      nlustTahng the Removelof the Thermostat fromits Housing

      Overheating may be caused by a slack fan belt excessIve carbon
      depoSItIn the cyhnders runmng WIth the Igmtlon too far retarded
      Incorrect carburetoradjustment falhre of the water to CIrculate or
      loss of water

      Fan Belt Adjustment

      The fan IS dnven from the crankshaft by a V belt thIS also
      dnvlng thedynamo

      A New belt can be fitted by ftrst loosemng the clamp bolts FIg 3
      whIchhold the dynamo m posltJon llld moving the dynamo towards the
      engine Shdethe belt over the fan and onto the fan pulley


    • Adjustment IS then made by bnngmg thedynamo away from the engme
      The belt shouldbe sufftclently tight to prevent shp yet thebelt
      should have 15 to 20 rnm 5 8 3 4 slack

      between the generator and crankshaft pulleywhen the mIdspan IS
      pushed ftrmly

      As the dnve IS taken on the V of the

      pulleys It IS not necessary to have the fan belttight to do so
      may cause excessIve wear tothe dynamo and water pump beanngs
      Afterthe correct tensIOn has been obtamed securelylock the dynamo m
      pOSItiOn agam

      FIg 3 Fan Belt AdjustmentI Generator hmge bolt2 AdJustmg lmk

      Frost Precautions 0

      Freezmg may occur ftrst at the bottom of the radIator or m the
      lower hose

      connectionsIce m the hose wIll stop water cIrculation and may
      cause bOllmg A muff

      can be used to advantage but care must be taken not to run wIth
      the muff fullyclosed or bOlhng wIll result When frost IS expected
      or when the car IS to beused m a very low temperature make sure
      that the strength of the solution ISm fact up to the strength
      adVIsed by the manufacturers The strength of thesolution must be
      mamtamed by toppmg up WIth anti freeze solution as
      necessaryExcessIve toppmg up with water reduces the degree of
      protection affordedSolution must be made up m accordance WIth
      mstructlons supphed WIth the

      contamerRelations of freezmg temperatures of alchol water and
      glycenne mIxtures























      10 lOYJ 4Q 50 601lI a1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

      Glycenne Water mIxture roAlcohol Water ro


    • Top up when the system IS coldIf the coolmg system has to be
      dramed run the mIxture mto a clear contamer

      and use agam

      Protection by Draining

      On cars where antI freeze IS not used the followmg precautions
      must betaken dunng frosty weather to obvIate any damage due to
      freezmg of the coohngsystem

      When heavy frost IS Immment the coohng system must be completely
      dramedIt IS not suffIcient merely to cover the radiator and engme
      wIth rugs and musksThere are two dram cocks one on the left hand
      SIde of the cyhnder block and theother at the base of the radiator
      block Both taps must be opened to dram the system and the car must
      be on level ground while drammg

      The dram taps should be tested at frequent mtervals by lOsertlng
      a pIece ofwIre to ensure that they are cleare Tlus should be done
      immedIately the tapsare opened so that any obstruction freed by the
      wIre may be flushed out by thewater The drammg should be carned out
      when the engme IS hot

      When completely dramed the engme should be run for a tImed mmute
      to ensurethat all water has been cleaned from the system

      A SUItable notice should be then affIxed to the radIator
      mdIcatlng that thewater has been dramed

      I Flushing the Radiator

      To ensure effICIent CIrculatIon of the coolant and to reduce the
      fonnatIon of

      scale and sedIment m the radIator the system should be
      pencxhcally flushed Withclear runnmg water preferably before puttmg
      m antI freeze m the wlOter andagam when takmg It out m the spnng
      The water should be allowed to run throughuntIl It comes out clear
      from the dralO taps At mtervals a stIff pIece ofWireshould be
      mserted mto the taps durmg drammg to ensure that they are not
      becommgclogged with sedIment

      Tlus rnethod of radiator flushmg may serve well but m cases
      where the fur

      rlOg up is excessIve the operator Will find it more effiCIent
      practIce to removethe radIator completely and flush m the reverse
      way to the flow turn the radIatorupSIde down and let the water flow
      m through the bottom hose connectIon and out ofthe top


      After drammg the water from the radIator remove the pump unIt
      from thecylInder block by takmg off the fan belt and releasmg the
      setbolts WIth spnnpwashers and hmge bolts to dynamo




      Removing the Pump Shaft Assembly

      DIsconnect the fan blades pulley and coverThe shaft and ball
      beanngs IS combmed with one umtPut the pulley hub on the benchFIrst
      press or knock the shaft

      end WIth a dnft hard bar and drawout the pulley hub on the U

      Take out the set pm from thesht whIch locked the shaft
      assemblyto the pump body See Fig 1

      Next turn the body upsIde downand press out the shaft
      assemblyfrom the vane SIde on the U typebench



    • The shaft and ball beanng assembly can be drewout from the
      bodyThus take out the vane floatmg seal and seal whIch remamed the
      pump body

      Reassem bly

      The reassembhng of the pump IS a reversal of the disassembly
      procedurebut a care should be taken to ensure that the shaft
      assembly IS fItted correctlyfor a slIt a hole of set nng wIth a
      groove of shaft so as to msert and set the saId

      nng correctly


      Pulley hub

      Set bol t

      Shaft WJ thbearIngs

      21035 OOO

      Set rlDg plD

      SPrIng washer




      Fig 1 Sectional View of the Water Pump


    • Adjusting the Clearance the Vane End and BodyFIrst press down
      the shaft fIttmg wIth a groove lme to msert the set pmInsertmg
      thIckness gauge fhlckness O 4 0 5 mm between the vane end on

      the U block bench Take out the thickness gauge and fmd out good
      condmonScrew up wIth the cover and cork washer


      Shaft bear1llgsassembly

      Set p1ll 0Yf VaneFloatl llg seal

      Insert herethlckness

      gauge0 40 5 mm




      Pressure lubncatlon IS used throughout the umt and IS provIded
      by gear 011pump The 011 pump IS bolted mto the left hand sIde of
      the crankcase and IS dnven from the camshaft gear by a short
      vertical shaft

      OllIS drawn mto the pump vIa the filter and IS dehvered through
      mternal 011way The rehef valve dIrectly IS situated m the 011
      filter body

      From the rehef valve the 011 passes Into the mam 011 way If
      caused the elementfml to pass rhe 011 The flow then passes vIa
      connectmg 011 ways to the mam bIgend and cam shaft beanngs through
      dnllmgs m the crankshaft The connectmg rodends are dnlhng m the
      cyhnder block and the rear rocker shaft bracket to lubncate the
      rockers and then drams back Into the engme sump vIa the push rod
      apertures all from the center camshaft beanng enters a gallery on
      the left handsIde of the engme and lubncates the tappets through
      mdlvldual dnlhngs As thecamshaft rotates two grooves m the front
      Journal regIster WIth a small hole mthe camshaft thrust plate thus
      allowmga small amount of 011 to pass mto the

      tlmmg case tWIce dunng case revolution of the camshaft to
      provIdelubncatlOn for the tlmmg cham andgears From the tlmmg case
      the011 returns VIa a dram hole back to

      the engme sump The ftlter therefore forms part of the mam oJ

      gallery and as such IS fIlled withoJ under pressure

      The full of 011 enters the element through holes m the casmgand
      passes through the element mtothe annular space round the

      boltThIs space IS sealed top and

      bottom so that the 011 can only escape through the hole mto the
      hollow center bolt and from thIS pomtback Into the mlet passage
      throughthe element

      Flg 1 Checkmg the Oil FlUt


    • Draining the Sump Oil Pan

      The sump IS a metal pressmg with the dram plugOne new and
      reconditiOned engmes the sump must be dramed and refilled with

      new 011 after the first 1000 km and subsequently atmtervals of
      5000 km

      Dram the 011 when the engme IS hot smce warm Oil flows freely
      and takeswith It any sludge or sediment whIch may have

      Never use petrol or paraffm for flushmg purposes Such cleamng
      medlUmsare never completely dIspersed from the engme lubncatiOn
      system and wIll remam to contammate any fresh Oll ThIs may cause
      premature beanng faIlure

      Oil Pressure

      The normal operatmg OIl pressure IS 60 lb per sq m

      The warmng lIght whIch IS emboclted 10 the mstrument panel hght
      If the Oilpressure drops below 8 lbs sq m under these cIrcumstances
      do not attemptto run the engme or serIOus damage may result


      When refllltng the sump do not pour the OIl m too qUIckly as It
      may overflowfrom the fIller orifIce and mIslead the operator as to
      the quantity of lubricant 10

      the engmeBefore testing the level of the Oil ensure that the
      vehIcle IS as near level

      as pOSSIble Always WIpe the dIp stick clean wIth a non fluffy
      cloth before talangthe readmg It should be remembered that time
      must be allowed for new 011 toreach to sump before readmg the

      Check for Low Oil Pressure

      Check the level of OIl m the engme sump by means of the dip
      stIck and topup If nece sal v If the warnmg Itgiit IS still on
      after reftllmg the sump switchoff and ascertam that the gauge
      stramer m the ump IS clean and not choked

      with sludge ale that no aIr leakage eXIsts at the strainer uniOn
      on the suctionSide of the Oil pump bemg defectIve remove the umt
      and rectify the fault


    • Removing the Filter

      A new hlter element should be fitted every 6 000 km

      The fIlter forms part of the mam 011 gallery of the engme To
      remove thehlter It IS only necessary to unscrew the center bolt
      when the bowl can be removedfrom the cylinder block complete wIth
      the element For full flow type E1 engmeIt IS neceE sary to cover
      wIth some of rugs to prevent from flow 011 on the generatorwhen
      remove the body Take care not to lose the rubber seahng nng Remove
      theelement and note the assembly of the components

      Wash out the bowl WIth pettol so that It IS clean It IS
      Important to thoroughlydry the bowl to obVIate any contammatIon of
      the lubncatmg 011



      Flg 3 Components of Oil Rlter

      Replacing the Filter4

      Put the element WIth seat of It on the bracket Cover with the
      filter body after

      puttmg the element retamer spnng andthe gasket 10 posltlon
      Insert the center

      shaft mto posltlon and screw up Itwith ughtmg torque 2 2 5 kg m
      and secure mto

      posttJon by means of the center bolt


    • Removing the Oil Pan0

      The sump capacIty IS 3 1 htres Dram the 011 and replace the dram
      plugRemove the set screw bolts whIch are mserted from the undersIde
      of the se

      cunng flange and the lower bolts from the bottom edge of the
      bell housmg Lowerthe OIl pan from the engme takmg care not to
      damage the Jomt washers m theprocess

      moviDg the StrainerJ


      l t

      WIth the sump lowered It IS possIble to remove the OIl stramer
      through whIch011 IS drawn mto the 011 pump To remove the stramer
      unto the umon connectingthe 011 pIck up to the pump and unscrew the
      secunng bolts

      The stramer may be dIsmantled for cleamng purpose by removing
      the dehvery pipe flange bolts

      Notice that there are the dowel pinS to the cover whICh must be
      posItIOnedcorrectly when reftttmg

      Removing the Oil Pump

      Remove the 011 pan and pIck up strainer Three of the ftve bolts
      secunng theOIl pump bottom cover are long enough to secure the pump
      to the crankcaseFIg 4 Illustrates the pump In explosed form Unscrew
      the long bolts and removethe pump with ItS dnve shaft

      Dismantling the Oil PumpRemove the setscrews and spnng washers
      whIch secure the cover to the b6dy

      and take off the cover On tlltmg the body upSide down the Inner
      rotor with ItSdnve shaft and the outer rotor wIth shde out

      Refitting the Sump

      Clean out the sump by washing It In paraffin the care to remove
      any tracesof the paraffm before reflttmg the OIl pan to the engme
      Pay patlcular attentIOnto the 011 pan and crank case JOint faces
      and remove any traces of old Jomtlngmatenal Examme the JOint washer
      and renew It If necessary The old JOintwasher can be used again If
      It IS sound but It IS adVIsable to ftt a new one

      Smear the faces of the JOint WIth grease and ftt the JOint
      washer Lift the OIl panInto positIOn and Insert the setscrews Into
      the flange tlghtlng them up evenly

      Reassembling the Oil Pump

      The outer rotor FIg 4 has a chamfered edge It IS of great
      Importance that

      tills chamfer be towards the base of the body ftlure to assemble
      In thIS way Willresult In the cover IS tightened down Insert the
      slotted end of the dnve shaft Intothe body and brmg the rotors Into


    • Oil strainer ass y

      Oil pump dnve spmdle 01l pump plalnwasher

      Lock washer

      Oil pump bolt

      Oil pump gearshaft

      ass y


      eJV Dowel pinl Oil pump



      f i

      Fig 4 Oil Pump





      Removing Starting Nut and PulleyRemove the radIator Slacken the
      dynamo attachment bolts and remove the

      fan beltBend back the tab on the startmg dog nut lockmg washer
      Unscrew the start

      mg dog nut by usmg Heavy duty Shock type spannerA few sharp
      blows m an ant1 clockwlse d1reCtIOn WIll slacken the nutPull off
      the crankshaft pulley

      Removing the Timing Cover

      The tImmg cover IS secured by set screw bolts each havmg
      ashakeproofwasher and a special plam washer Note that the specIal
      washer IS of elongatedshape and IS f1tted next to the tImmg cover

      The spnng washers are Imme

      dIately below the bolt headsTake out the set screw bolts

      remove the cover and Its Jomt twasher Care should be taken notto
      damage the washer when breakmgthe Jomt If damage does occur fita
      new washer cleanmg of the facesof the JOint surfaces beforehand

      Fag 1 Heavy Duty Shock TypeSpanner

      Removing the Timing GearJI

      The tImmg cham IS endless and It 1S necessary to remove both the
      crankshaft and camshaft gears together Before domg thIS notIce the
      tImmg markson both gears and theIr relatIonshIp to each other

      Draw off both the gears a httle at a t1me hrst removmg the
      crankshaft gearretaining nut

      As the gears are w1thdrawn care must be taken not to lose the
      packmgwashers from behind the crankshaft gear Between the camshaft
      gear teeth IS arubber nng Wh1Ch acts as a tenslOner and ensures
      SIlent operatIon of the chamdnve Examme the felt washer and renew
      It If 011 has been lost be seepage

      Refitting the Timing Gear

      ReplaCing the components of the tlmmg gear 1S largely a reversal
      of the dISmantlmg process but spec1al attentlon should be pa1d to
      the follOWing pomts


    • FIt the crankshaft and camshaft gears mto theIr respective
      shafts Ensurethe tlmmg marks are opposIte and mime

      Turn the engme crankshaft until the keyway IS at T D C and the
      camshaftWIth Its keyway m approximately the one 0 clock

      Place the gears mto pOSitIOn ensunng that the keys are present m
      keywayson the shafts Ensure that the tJmmg marks on the gears are
      opposite to eachother and mime Dnve the gears home

      The same number of packmg washers taken from behmd the
      crankshaft gearmust be replaced unless a new crank or camshaft has
      been fitted In thIs case thealIgnment of the gear faces and
      measuremg the alIgnment wIth a feeler gauge Toadjust the alIgnment
      It Will be necessary to vary the number of packmg washers

      FIt the 011 thrower behmd the crankshaft gear so that Its
      concave face It towards the front of the car and check that the
      felt washer IS In posJtJon

      Valve Rocker Cover Removal

      Remove the aIr cleaner Unscrew the cap nuts secunng the engme
      IIftmgbrackets Remove the rocker cover and the cork Jomt washer

      Removing the Rocker Assembly

      Dram the coolmg system If anti freeze IS m use use a clean
      contamerfor the flUId If It IS to be used agam

      It IS necessary to dram the system and slacken the cylmder head
      nutsbecause four of the rocker shaft ftxmg nuts also secure the
      cylmder head

      If the cylmder head nuts are not slackened dlstonatlOn may
      result and allowwater to find ItS way from the coolmg system mto
      the cylmders and pump

      Notice that under the nght hand rear rocker stud nut IS a
      speCIal lockmgplate Completely unscrew the rocker shaft blacket
      nuts and remove the rockerassembly Complete with brackets and

      Dismantling the AssemblyTo dIsmantle the rocker shaft assembly
      ftrst remove the grub screw and

      lockmg plate from the rear rocker bracketRemove the split pms
      flat washers and spnng washers from each end of the

      shaft SlIde the rockers brackets and spnngs from the shaft
      Unscrew the plugfrom the end of the shaft and clean out the OIl

      The two end rockers may be dIsmantled without the whole rocker
      assemblybemg drawn out ThIS may be achlved by turmng the engme by
      hand untIl No Ipush rod reacher Its lowest pOSItIOn

      Unlock the tappet adJustmg screw and screw It back as far as It
      WIll goWithdraw the split pm flat and spnng washers and slide the
      rocker off the

      shaftSometimes the valve spnng WIll have to be slIghtly
      compressed by levenng

      a screwdnvel under No 2 rocker thus allOWing the end rocker to
      slIde off theshaft eaSily Repeat the procedure for No 8 rocker


    • Frg 2 Rear Locking Plate 1 Plate 2 Locatmg Stud

      Reassembling the Rocker

      On reassembly tIghten the pedestal bracket secunng nuts a httle
      at a timeworkmg dIagonally from nut to nut left nut of No 1
      pedestal bracket nght nutof No 2 left of No 3 and so on returmng
      from the left nut of No 4 bracket and

      repeating the process until they are all tight If the rocker
      assembly has beencompletely stnpped down and rebushed the OIl holes
      wIll have to be rednlledand the bushes reamed down to sIze before
      assembly on the shaft

      The rockers and spnng must be replaced m theIr ongmal pOSJtJon
      on theends of the shaft Remember to replace the rocker shaft
      locating screw andlock plate

      Replace the spnng and flat washers wIth the spht pms on the ends
      of theshaft Replace the rocker cover and gasket The vent pIpe
      should be at thefront of the engme Secure the cover by means of the
      two cap nuts ensunngthat the rubber bushed and engme hftlng plates
      are m positIOn If the rockercover gasket or the rubber bushes are
      found to be faulty they must be renewedotherwIse OIl leaks will

      Push Rod Removal

      If the valve rocker assembly has already been removed all that
      remamsIS for the push rods to be hfted out They may on the other
      hand be taken outWIthout detaclung the rocker assembly

      Remove the aIr cleaner and rocker cover

      Slacken all the tappet adJustmg screws to their full extent then
      usmg ascrewdnver with the rocker shaft as a fulcrum depress the
      valve sprmg


    • sltde the rocker sIde ways and Itft out the push rodAll but the
      end push rods can be withdrawn In thIs way These wIll have to

      withdrawn after the removal of the two end rockers from the
      shaft When replacingpush rods ensure that the ball ends regIster In
      the tappet cups From here onwards reassembly IS a straIght forward
      reversal of the dIsmantling process

      Adjusting Valve Rocker Cltarances

      Remove the aIr cleaner and rocker coverThere should be a
      clearance of O 014 In 0 3S mm fbetween the face of the

      rocker and the base of the valve stem Whtlst checking the
      clearances It IS lmportant to maintain pressure wIth a screw dnver
      on the tappet adjusting screw todIsperse the fIlm of 011 from the
      push rod cup Fallure to follow thIs procedureWIll result In a wrong
      reading being taken

      Turn the engine over by hand Starting handle untll the push rod
      stops fallingthe valve IS fully closed

      Fig 3 Adjusting the Rocker Clearance


    • To adjust FIg 3 msert a screwdnver m the adJustmg screw slot and
      slakenthe lock nut Then msert 014 m feeler gauge between the face
      of the rocker and

      the valve stem RaIse or lower the adJustmg screw until the
      correct clearanceIS obtamed

      TIghten the lock nut and recheck the clearanceIt IS Important to
      note that whIle the clearance IS bemg set the tappet of the

      valve bemg adjusted must be on the back of the cam opposite to
      ItS peak




      Rocker shaft

      LengthOuter dIameter

      Rocker arm bush

      TypeOuter dIameter before

      mountmgInner dIameter Reamer

      flntshed dImensIOn after

      mountIngThIckness before reamer


      Rocker arm


      Lever ratIo

      355 63 mm 14 1 32 m15 850 15 875 mm 0 624 0 625 m

      WhIte metal wIth steel hnmg

      19075 19 101 mm 0 751 0 752 m

      15 888 15 901 mm 0 625 1 2 0 626m

      1 644 1 727 mm 0 065 1 2 0 068 m0 013 0 051 mm 0 0001 2 0 002

      19012 19 037 mm 0 7481 2

      0 749 1 2 In25 003 to 35 719 mm

      63 64 to 1 13 32 m


      Removing the Cylinder HeadDram the coohng system by openmg the
      radIator and cylmder block dram

      tapsOne IS sItuated mlet tube at the backSIde of the radIator
      and other at the

      rear nght hand SIde of the engme If antI freeze mIxture IS m use
      It should bedramed mto a SUItable contamer and retamed for future

      DIsconnect the negatIve cable from the battery be extractmg the
      termmalscrew and removmg the lug from the battery term mal post

      Slacken both the retammg chps on the hose connectIng the
      radIator to thethermostat housmg and remove the hose

      Extract the termostat housmg securmg nuts and remove the housmg

      Remove the alrcleaner carburetor rocker cover and the mlet and

      Detach the Iugh tensIOn cables and remove the sparklOg plugs
      also dISconnect the water temperature gauge connectIon from the
      thermostat housmg

      Take off the rocker assembly not forgettmg to slacken the
      external cyhnderhead nuts at the same tIme

      Withdraw the push rods keepmg them m the order of removal




    • The cylinder head can now be lifted off the cylinder block To
      facIlitatebreadmg the cylmder head omt tap each sIde of the head
      wIth a hammer usmga pIece of wood mterposed to take the blow Do not
      use excessIve force Whenlifting the head a dIrect pull should be
      gIven so that the head IS pulled evenly upthe studs Remove the
      cylinder head gasket

      Remove the cylmder head WIth the valves still m posJtJon remove
      thecarbon from the combustion chambers and the valve faces Leavmg
      the valvesm positIOn for thIs operation ensures that damage cannot
      be caused to the seatsby the wIre brush whIch should be used for
      the removal of carbon

      If the exhaust valve heads are coated with a very hard deposit
      thIs may beremoved by usmg a chIsel shaped pIece of hardwood

      Remove the valves and usmg the wIre brush clean out the carbon
      from the

      mlet and exhaust portsBlowout all traces of carbon dust with
      compressed aIr or type pump and

      fmally clean the ports with gasolme and dry them out The carbon
      should nowbe removed from the pIston crowns Rotate the engme until
      the pIston to be

      worked on IS at T D C Protect the other cylinder bore from the
      entry ofcarbon particles by pushmg a non fluffy rag mto them

      Usmg a chIsel shaped pIece of hardwood Carefully remove the
      carbon fromthe pIston crowns A nng of carbon should be left round
      the penphery of eachpIston and the deposIt round the top of the
      cylinder bore should not be touchedAn mdlcatlon as to when
      decarbomsatlOn IS requIred IS generally gIven by an allround loss
      of power Cars used mamly on short runs WIll reqUIre thIS
      attentIOnmore often than those used for longruns


      Removal and Replacementof a Valve

      WhIlst the cylmder head ISremoved the valves can be taken

      out To do thIS compress thevalve sprmg WIth the specIal
      valvespnng compressor as shown m

      FIg 4


      Remove the two cap retammgcollets Release the valve sprmgthe
      valve spnng cap valve 011 seal

      Inlet valve only and ItS retamerWIthdraw the valve from the

      Keep the valves m theIr relative posJtJons when removed from

      the engme to ensure replacementm theIr ongmal valve guIdes

      r 1


      p t4T l



      irlAf 1h




      1 h



      oyt t 5 r jL I r i4ldl

      Fig 4 Valve pring Compressor


    • ReplacementNote that the dIameter of the exhaust valve heads are
      smaller than the mlet

      valve To replace the valves msert each valve mto Its gUIde and
      replace thesprmg OIl seal and retamer FIt 011 seal chamfered sIde
      down wards The 011seals are more easIly fItted If they have been
      soaked m engme 011 for a shortpenod before use The 011 seal IS used
      for the mtake valve only

      Replace the valve spnng and compress the valve spnngRefIt the
      cap retamers and secure them by means of the valve cotters

      Remove the compressor

      Free length mmLength m use and loaded

      mm kgTurnmng Nos of COIlEffectlve turn of COliDIa of COli
      wireDIameter of COlI

      Inner Sp50mm

      Outer Sp52mm

      36 9 13 1 t O 78 56 55 6 tO 2 mm24mm

      38 9 29 t1 56 54 58 510 2 mm33 7 mm



      i x0






      O132j4 0 IOO

      10N EH

      00 I1320 o Jcj1 t f r

      Fig 5 Valve Spring Valve Ass y


    • Valve GrindingBefore replacement of the cyhnder head the valves
      and theIr seats should be

      exammed for SIgnS of pitting or burnt patches and dIstortionIf
      these condItIOns are present the valve seats must be recut before

      109 to gnnd m the valves whtlst dIstorted valve heads should be
      trued or the valverenewed Only the mmlmum amount of metal should be
      removed 10 the turmngprocess

      When gnndmg a valve onto Its seahng the valve face should be
      smeared hghtly WIth gnndmg paste and then lapped 10 WIth a suction
      type gnndmg tool Thevalve must be ground to ItS seat WIth a semI
      rotary motlron A ltght COIl spnngmterposed between the valve head
      and the port WIll assIst consIderably when ltftmgthe valve m order
      to rotate the face to a dIfferent posJtJon ThIs should be done

      frequently to spread the gnndmg compound evenlyIt IS necessary
      to contmue the gnndmg process until an even matt surface IS

      produced on the seatmg and the valve faceOn completion the valve
      seats and ports should be throughly cleaned WIth

      gasoltne soaked rag and dned and the subjected to a compressed
      aIr blast Thevalves should be washed 10 gasoltne and all traces of
      gnndmg compound removed


      Valve head dIameter

      Intake valveExhaust valve

      Valve seat WIdth

      Valve stem outer dIameter

      both mtake and ex

      Overall lengthIntake valveEx valve

      34 7911 34 935 mm 1 370 1 375 m30 023 30 150 mm 1 182 1 187

      1 6310 015 mm

      8 6805 8 6932 mm 0 341 3 4

      0 342 1 4 m

      109 54 mm 4 5 16 m108 74 mm 4 9 32 m


      f r

      Length Intake valveExhaust valve

      Outer dIameter both mtakeand exhaust

      Inner dIameter both mtakeand exhaust

      Inner dIameter at guIdemlet to msert both mtakeand exhaust

      Clearance of valve stemand guIde both mtake andexhaust

      47 63 mm 1 7 8 1057 94 mm 2 9 32 m

      14 313 14 440 mm 0 5635 0 5685 m

      8 733 8 860 mm 0 3438 0 3443m

      14 3 mm 0 5634 m

      0 0394 0 0648 mm 0 0015 0 0025m



    • Refitting the Cylinder Head

      Ensure that the cyhnder head and cylInder block Jomt faces are
      cleanThe cylInder head gasket IS marked Top so that It wIll be
      placed head

      m correctly Place the gasket mto posltJon and lower the cyhnder
      head mto placeFit the cylInder head securing nuts fmger tIght

      Insert the push rods replacmg them m the posltJons from whIch
      they weretaken

      Screw back all the tappet adJustmg screws Replace the rocker
      assemblyand screw down the securing nuts finger tIght Evenly
      tIghten the eleven cyhnderhead nuts a lIttle at a tIme m the order
      gIven m FIg 6 fmally pullmg them downwith a torque wrench set to 45
      Ibs 1ft

      5 7



      D 10

      8 4 2 6

      Fig 6 The Order of Tighting the Cylinder Heag Nuts


      Reset the valve clearances and fmally check them when the engme
      IS nothot or cold The cyhnder head nuts may pull down shghtly more
      after the engmehas attamea Its normal workmg temperature 10 whIch
      case the valve clearances

      t will have to be checked agam and reset If necessaryRefit the
      mlet and exhaust mamfoldsFIt the craburetor and reconnect the
      control hnkage Reftt the IgmtIon advance

      suctIon pIpe to the connectIon on the carburetter but do not at
      thIs stage refit theair cleaner or It WIll have to be removed later
      to check the valve clearances Re

      place the rocker cover takmg care to ftt the cork gasket
      correctlyPlace the thermostat and Its housmg m posltJon and secure
      wIth the three nuts

      Reconnect the water temperature gauge wIre and fIt the radIator
      hose to the thermostat housmg Connect the cables to the battery
      Ensure that the radiator andcyhnder block dram tapes are closed and
      reftll the radIator

      Clean and adjust the sparkmg plugs and reftt them chppmg on the
      hlghtenslOnleads The flnng order of the engme IS 1 3 4 2 Replace
      the chp wluch secures parr of the electrical whlnng harness to the
      SIde of the head

      The IgnltJon can now be switched on and the engme started When
      the normal

      operatmg temperature has been reached sWItch off and remove the
      rocker coverso that the valve clearances may be rechecked Replace
      the rocker cover and fitthe atr cleaner when the fmal check has
      been made

      Whilst the engifie IS runmng check that the water hose
      connectIOns and fuelline umons do not leak TIghten them If


    • Removing and Refitting Valve Guides

      Remove the cyhnder headRemove the appropnate valve and

      spnngRest the ylmder head with Its

      machmed face downwards on a cleansurface and dnve the gUIde
      downwardmto the combustion space wIth a dnft

      ThIS should take the form of a hardened steel punch See Fig

      When fIttmg new valve guides theseshould be dnven m from the top
      of the

      cyhnder head


      Fig 8 Hardened Steel Punch

      Renewing a Valve Spring in Position

      Fig 7 Renewmg a Valve Glade

      In an emergency a new valve spnng can be fitted wIthout removmg
      the cyhnderhead When domg thIS the apphcable pIston must be brought
      to ItS T D C posltJonto ehmmate any posslblhty of the valve falhng
      mto the cylmder

      Remove the spark plug from the cyhnder concerned Hold the valve
      onto Itsseahng WIth the aId of a sUItable tool such as a bent
      screwdnver WhICh WIll passthrough the sparkmg plug onftce and
      locate on the valve head By usmg the rockershaft as a fulcrum pomt
      the spnng can be compressed WIth two screwdnvers or afork ended

      WlthClraw the valve cotters and renew the valve spnng


    • rr

      O ilt





      tI 1







































































    • rJ

      11 1

      A [email protected]



      tJ 3

      @ Q

      [email protected]

      eflelt o



      Frg 9 Cylinder Head

      I Engine slln2 011 fIll

      g brdcket

      1 Valver cap

      4 was eercover

      over JOint

      n Thermostat6 JOint washer7 Cylmder head











    • Jrit

      Removing and Replacing the Tappets

      Remove the carrWetor and therocker cover then tak off

      DIsconnect the hIgh tensIOnleads from the sprkmg plugsremove the
      rocker assembly andwIthdraw the push rods keepmgthem m theIr
      respective pOSItIOnsso that they wIll be replaced ontothe same

      Remove the tappet covers andhft out the tappets also keepmgthem
      m same locations FIg 10

      New tappet should be fitted byselective assembly so that they
      fallmto the gUJds under theIr ownwdlght when luorlcated

      Assembly IS a reversal of theabove procedure but car should
      betaken to see that tappet cover JOIntSare 011 tight and that the
      rockersare adjusted to gIve the correctvalve clearance Fig 10
      Removing a Tappet


      Piston and Connecting Rod Removal

      Dram the coohng water from the engme and radIator Dram and
      removethe sump from the engme then dIsconnect and remove the od
      strainer Takeout the set screws and rock washers from the bIg ends
      and WIthdraw the capsIt WIll be noted that the caps are off set
      When used parts are replaced afterdlsmantlmg It IS essential they
      are fItted mto theIr ongmal posltJons To ensure Qorrect refIttmg
      mark the caps and connectmg rods on the SIdes to Identify them
      together The pIston and connecting rods must be WIth drawn upwards
      through the cyhnder bores

      Release the connecting rod from the crankshaft and slowly push
      the pIstonand rod upwards through the cyhnder bore


      It may be necessary to remove the nng of carbon or hp from the
      topof the cyhnder bore WIth a hand scraper to aVOId risk of pIston

      Remove the assembly from the top of the cyhnder blockCheck the
      crankpms for ovahty WIth a paIr of mIcro meter caltpers

      and examme the beanng surface for scoring eIther defect WIll
      necesSItate the removal of the crankshaft for regnndmg




      DIstance between center of

      large end and small end

      Large end beanng


      Overall lengthThICkness

      Outer dIameterWidth of large endEnd play of large end

      Fmlshmg dimensIOn of mnerdIameter of small end bush


      1441 0 03 mm

      Coppensh metal with steel llnmg upperSIde

      WhIte metal with steel lmmg lowerSIde

      25 273 25 527 mm 0 995 0 005 mI 8288 1 8352 mm 0 072 0 0725 m51
      346 mm 2 015 m26 8 mm 1055 m

      o 203 0 305 mm 0 008 0 012 m

      17 450 17 462 mm 0 6870 0 6875 m


      Clearance of beanng penphery to cyhnder block hole


      Clearance of beanng mnerdtameter and crank Journal

      DIameter of mam Journal

      End play of crankshaftCrank pm dIameter


      DIfference of crank pmdIameter

      End play when flywheel wasmstalled

      0 013 0 050 mm

      Forged steell

      o 0127 0 0508 mm 0 0005 0 0020 m i

      50 183 50 825 mm 2 0005 2 001 m

      o 051 0 076 mm 0 002 0 003 m

      47 640 47 652 mm 1 875 1 876 m

      Less than 0 012 mm 0 00048 m

      Less than O 05 mm 0 002 m

      The shell beanng are removable by hand The beanngs are reqUIre

      beddmg m It IS bemg only necessary to ensure that the hOlsmgs
      are scrupulously clean and dry and to place the beanngs mto
      posltJon with the tangs locatedm theIr correspondmg slots Always
      renew beanngs If they are scored or dam

      aged m any way or followmg the regnndmg of the crankshaft beanng
      surfacesIn the latter case underSIze beanngs Will be requIred and
      the bnds of sIzes avaIlable are 0 010 0 020 0 030 and 0 040 etc


    • ri II








      I Ir



      Jc t

      i t


      7 8Jr1t












    • ILI J

      Fig 11 Crank Shaft


      PI STON

      Replacing Pistons and Connecting Rods

      Insert each pIston and connecting rod assembly Into the cyhnder
      from whIch Itwas taken It IS essential that the splIt In the skIrt
      of the pIston IS pObltJOned towards the camshaft

      Compress the piston rings WIth inserting pIston uSing tool FIg
      12 and gentlytap the crown of the pIston With the wooden end of

      a hammer handle until the pIstonIS clear of the pIston nng


      Fig 12 PIston Adapter



      t 1itJf J


    • Now push the piston down the cylmder block until the big end of
      the connectmgrod Just protrudes through the bottom of the cylmder
      bore then posItIOn upper halfbeanng shells

      NOTE Each upper lower beanng has two OIl holes there by
      ensunngsuffIcient and It IS of the greatest Importance that the
      correspondmg 011 hole m thebeanng shell regIsters with the 011 way
      to provide an unobstructed passage

      Pull the connecting rod onto the crankpm takmg care not to
      injure the beanngsurface Insert the shell mto the connecting rod
      cap posltlon the cap and the lockmg washers Insert the setscrews
      and tighten with a torque wrench to 21 7 24 6lbs ft

      Fmally knock back the lock washersCheck the connectmg rod bIg
      end for side clearance 1 1000 m and see that

      the shell beanngs are not bmdmg on the crankpm when rotatmg the
      crankshaftIf It IS dIffIcult to turn undo the bIg end and examme
      the shell and seat for dIrtor grit

      Before reassembhng always apply a httle clean Oil to the pIston
      surfaces andmto the cyhnder bore Never ftle the connectmg rod caps
      or theIr matmg surfacesas thiS creates ovallty m the beanng

      Removing a Piston

      Remove the clampmg bolt from the small end of the connectmg rod
      and push outthe gudgeon pm The gudgeon pm IS a push ftt m pIston at
      70 F 21 1 C

      When reassembhng ensure the gadgeon pm IS posItIoned m the
      connectmg rodso that ItS groove IS mime with the clamp screw hole
      Check that the spnng washerfttted under the head of the pitch bolt
      IS not damaged




      10 1000 m

      17 447 17 452mm0 6869 0 6871 m

      17 574 17 579 mm0 6919 0 6921 m

      17 701 17 706 mm0 6969 0 6971 m

      17 828 17 833 mm0 7019 0 7021 In

      64 20 64 45 mm2 568 2 578 m

      Degree to be able to push It byfmger at 200C

      o 003 0 010 mrn0 0001 0 0004 m

      Over SIze 5 1000 m

      2tt 15 1000 m


      Clearance of pm and pm hole

      Clearance of pm and connectmgrod bush hole



      There should be a clearance of O 0010 0 0016 m 0 025 0 040


      The pIston nng gap should be O 008 0 013 10 0 203 0 330 mm when
      checked10 the cyhnder bore The clearance of tne compressJOn rlOgs
      10 theIr groovesshould amount to 0 0015 0 0035 m 0 038 0 089 mm and
      the 011 control nngo 0016 0 003610 0 041 0 092 mm

      Hecause the pIston nngs do nor travel to the end of the cyhnder
      bores a hpIS eventually formed due to wear

      ThIs may be checked wIth a dIal gauge and must be removed If
      thIs IS notdone there wIll be a tendency to nOIsy operation or a
      fractured nng caused bythe top pIston nng stnklOg the hp

      PIston and nngs are avatlable 10 0 OlD 10 0 254 mm 0 020 10 0
      508 mm0 030 10 0 762 mm and 0 04010 1 016 mm overslzes The pIston

      should always be htted from the crown of the pIston and never
      pushed upwardsover the skIrt Before httmg the nngs remove any
      carbon deposit from thegrooves 10 the pIston When httIng note that
      the second compressIOn IS taperedtype and 011 control nng IS slat
      type processed by chromIUm platIng



      Experience has shown that It IS much easIer to remove the engine
      and transmISSIOn as a smgle umt than to detach the engme by

      To remove the engme and transmISSIOn upwards proceed as
      followsCompletely dram the coolmg system and the transmIsSIOn
      dIsconnect and

      remove the battery and ItS supportmg trayRemove the upper and
      lower radIator hoses by undonng the retammg clIpSDIsconnect the
      capacitor lead at the dlstnbutor also the hIgh tenSIOn and

      switch wIres at the COIlTake off the dynamo lead and dIsconnect
      the starter motor cable at the motor


      Remove the 011 gauge and water temperature gauge leads from
      theIr termmalson the engme

      Engine Transmtsswn Assembly bemg ltfled from ChasSlS

      The throttle and choke controls must be dIsconnected from the
      carburetorDIsconnect the fuel pIpe from the fuel pump

      Next remove the exhaust pipe from the mamfoldFrom below the
      vehIcle remove the gear change selector rod from the lever

      on the transmISSIOn casmgDIsconnect the earth strap from the
      starter motor Remove the hand brake

      control rod supporting from transmISSIOnDIsconnect the speed
      meter cable from the transmISSIOn Uncouple the pro

      peller shaft pmIOn franges at rear axle and draw the shaft out
      of the transmIssIonTo allow the engme and transmISSIOn to be drawn
      forward the radIator must

      be removed by undomg the four secunng bolts



      The followmg operations are best performed wIth the engme
      removed fromthe car

      Although Itmay be found possIble to carry out cerram attentlons
      wIth theengme m posItIOn It IS more convement to do the work on the

      Withdrawing Camshaft

      The camshaft IS pOSJtJoned by a locatmg plate held by three
      screws andshakeproof washers Note the posJtJon of the small
      lubncatlng 011 hole m the

      locating plate when replacmg should be to the nght of the
      engmeEnd play of O 003 0 007 m 0 076 0 178 mm IS controlled by the

      of the locating plate and can be checked WIth a dIal mdlcator
      set agamst the camshaft gear

      Before wlthdrawmg the camshaft the dlstnbutor and ItS dnvmg
      spmdle pushrods and tappet WIll have to be removed Remove the 011
      pump and ItS dnve

      shaft and take off the tlmmg cover and gears The engme front
      mountmg plateIS now accessIble and may be removed by wlthdrawmg the
      setscrew and lockmgplates The dynamo swmgmg Itnk must be

      Take out the setscrews secunng the camshaft locatmg plate when
      the camshaft can be WIthdrawn from the cyltnder block


      Wlute metal beanngs with steel lmmg are used for the camshaft
      They canbe taken out renewed when necessary It bemg usual to do
      thIS when the cyltnderblock IS bemg recondJtJoned

      The beanngs can be removed by dnftmg them out of theIr
      hosmgsWhen fitting new beanngs care must be taken to lme up the 011
      holes WIth the

      correspondmg holes m the cylmder blockTap the new beanngs mto
      pOSItIOn and ream them to gIve a runmng clearance

      of O 001 0 002 m 0 025 0 051 mm

      Refitting the Camshaft

      Tlus IS a reversal of the lOtroductlons for removal Care should
      be taken

      however to ahgn and engage the dnve pm m the rear end of the
      camshaft WIth

      the slot m the 011 pump dnve shaft


    • Main Bearing Caps

      Remove the flywheel and clutchTake off the tJmmg cham the sump
      and stramer and the engme rear mount

      mg plate Unlock and remove the bolts secunng the mam beanng caps
      to thecyhnder block also the two bolts secunng the front cap to the
      engme front bearerplate

      Note that a thrust washer IS fitted on each sIde of the centre
      mam beanng totake the crankshaft end thrust These thrust washers
      each consIst of two semIcIrcular valves one half havmg a lug whIch
      IS located m a recess m the detachable half of the beanng the other
      bemg plam

      When flttmg new beanngs no scrapmg IS reqUIred as they are
      machmed togIVe the correct runmng clearance of 0 0005 0 002 m 0
      0127 0 0508 nn

      Ensure that the locating tangs are properly engaged m theIr
      recessesHandle the new beanngs carefully so as not to damage the
      fme surface ftmshRemove all traces of dIrt and 011 from the housmgs
      and throughly dry them

      WIth a non fluffy rag Make sure that the Oil ways are clear When
      flttmg thebearmg caps ensure that they are replaced the nght way
      round Each cap IS punchmarked and the marks should face the
      camshaft SIde of the engme



      Engine Rear Slde


    • CautionNever file the beanng caps to take up excessIve playas
      thIs wIll cause

      ovalttyAlways cover the beanng surfaces wIth engine OIl when
      they are replacedThe main beanng caps are held In posJt1on by set
      screws and lock washers

      Pull the set screws up tight WIth a torque wrench set to a
      loading of 75 80Ibs ft10 36 11 05 kgm

      When refItting the mam beanng caps tIghten the center one ftrst
      after eachcap IS tighten rotate the crankshaft to ascertam that It
      revalues freely

      If It IS tight remove the last cap tightened and examme the
      beanng and ItSseating for foreIgn matter

      Check the crankshaft end play by means of a dIal gauge ThIS
      should be 0 002m 0 051 mm

      If a beanng has run It IS essential to clean out all OIl ways m
      the crankshaft and block Wash out the engme sump and the

      The OIl pump sho lld be dIsmantled and cleaned Ensure that no
      particles ofbeanng metal are left wlthm the engme lubncatlon

      FIg 15 Remarmlg a Mcnn Bearing Cap Extractor





      16119 08100

    • The fuel tank has a capacIty of 31 0 Ittres and IS sItuated at
      the rear of the

      luggage compartmentThe fuel pump operated off the camshaft draws
      fuel from the tank and forces

      It mto the carburetor float chamber A large and effIcIent air
      cleaner fIlters theaIr supply to the carburetor


      Drainin the Tank and Fuel Gauge

      The fuel tank IS dramed by tummg the wrench operated dram

      Fuel Tank Gauge Unit

      Fig 1 Fuel Tank Securing

      SItuated on the top face of the tank IS the gauge unIt To remove
      wIthrawthe set screws whIch secure the Unit to the tank not
      forgettmg to dIsconnect theelectncallead beforehand Care must be
      taken not to stram or bend the float

      lever as thIS may serously effect subsequent gauge readmgs
      Remember thISalso appltes when eftttmg the Unit

      Examme the Jomt washer to ensure that It IS m pOSItion and
      undamageThIs IS essential as the JOInt between the tank and gauge
      Unit must be fuel tight


    • o2



      i coOg




    • Troubles and Repairs of Gasoline Tank

      A When Fuel Leaks from Gasoline Tank

      When a crack dIstortion or damage IS found In the tank repaIr or
      replace ItTo make repaIrs put marks with chalk at the leakIng
      pOInts and even after

      the fuel In the tank has been draIned out blow with compressed
      aIr through thetank to force out stagnant gasolIne vapor completely
      RepaIrs should be done onlywhen the tank IS completely dry

      Leakage IS ordInanly mended by soldenng When weldIng IS
      necessary theabove precaution must be stnctly observed OtherWIse
      there WIll be danger ofexploslOn

      B When Gasoline Fails to Reach Gasoline Strainer

      If the fuel fatls to reach the gasohne strainer when there IS
      some fuel left Inthe gasoline tank and the operation of fuel pump
      IS known to be satisfactory checkthe follOWIng pOints

      When It IS dlfftcult to confIrm the dehvery of fuel at the
      strainer loosen theconnector at the fuel Intake of the

      1 Check to see If gasohne pIpe ISclogged with dust and dIrt ThIS
      canbe eastly checked by dIsconnectingthe connector of the pIpe and

      Ing WIth compressed aIr toward thedIrection of the tank Then
      from thetank end blow the pipe again andclean the pIpe

      In many cases the tip of gasohneIntake pIpe of tank umt IS
      cloggedwith dust and water

      Therefore together with cleaningof the pIpe the Intenor of the

      should be cleaned by removmg thedrain plug at the bottom of the

      Check to see If the gasohne pIpeof the tank umt IS so bent as to

      to reach the fuel surfaceThe standard posJtJon of the bottom

      end of pIpe IS about 3 4 m apart from

      the bottom m order to prevent ItS

      suckIng up sedIments on the tank bottom

      If not normal remove tank umtand adjust the bend of the pIpe

      Check too seelf the vent hole of the

      ftller cap IS clogged WIth dust and dIrtnot supplymg aIr to the

      AccordIng to the degree of vacuumwlthm the tank fuel cannot be

      up even by the operatlOn of fuel pump


      Fig 2 Wtring of Fuel Gauge1 Umt Gauge 4 19mtlon Switch2 Fuse 5
      Ammeter3 Fuel Gauge 6 Battery


    • So be sure to clean the aIr vent of the capIf you should lose
      the cap and substitute a wooden plug for It a measure

      whIch is sometimes wirnessed the condItIOn mSIde of the tank
      becomes the sameas though It were sealed up Always use only the
      standard cap

      Operation and Repairs of Fuel GaugeAs shown m FIg 2 the fuel
      gauge consIsts of the dash Unit and tank UnitThe dash Unit whIch is
      mstalled on the mstrument panel has two cotls that

      cross each other at nght angles whose magnetic forces control
      the movementof a keeper iron pIece with a hand mdlcator

      On the tank Unit a contact arm shdes over a resIstance m
      response to thefloat level

      As shown m FIg 2 If the IgnJtJon switch IS turned on when the
      tank IS emptyelectnc current WIll flow from the battery through the
      ammeter mto COIl A andthen through the contact arm to the

      Cotl A IS then magnetized attracts the Iron pIece and the
      mdlcator pomtsto E

      As the float IS raIsed and the contact arrn moves tank unit
      mcreases resIstance m the CIrcuit and thus the current wluch
      traveled through COIl A then flowsthIs time both contact arm and
      COIl B and fmally to the ground

      As both A and B cils are so wound as to have theIr magnetic
      poles m the samedIreCtiOn the iron pIece wtll rotate to the
      directIOn where the magnetic power ofthe two COIls can be balanced
      WIth the mdlcator deflectmg m the dlrecnon of F

      That IS this IS a gauge of electnc resIstance control type E
      sIgnifIesEmpty level and F Full level

      Troubles with Fuel Gauge and their Remedies

      When somethmg IS wrong with the readmgs of the fuel gauge fIrst
      diSconnect the wlnng at the Unit and turnm on the IgnitIOn SWItch
      ground and unground the termmal end of the saId wlnng to the body
      of the car

      If the mdIcator of the dash Unit swmgs acnvely between E and F
      the wIrmgbetween the dash Unit and the saId termmal end IS m good
      condltJon WIth the defect eXlstmg either m tank Unit Itself or m
      poor ground of thIS Unit

      In the test mentIOned m the preceedmg secnon If the mdlcator
      does not swmgbut Itmoves moves to E when the dash UDlt end of the
      wlnng from the tank UnitIS grounded the wlnng between the dash Unit
      and tank Unit IS def ctJve

      Therefore rewlnng or repalrmg is reqUIredIf when mdlcator flals
      to swmg but sparkmg is observed when the wlnng

      connectmg the battery with the termmal on the dash Unit IS
      dIsconnected at thedash Unit end and grounded It proves the wlrmg
      IS satisfactory and the troubleIS m the dash Unit Itself

      If sparkmg does not occur the wlrmg whIch IS thus mdlcated to be
      out oforder should be repaIred or replaced

      Incorrect readmgs of the mdlcator probably means that the heIght
      of the floatof the tank Unit is m error

      In thIS case adJust the heIght of the float by bendmg the
      rodTroubles with the Unit are dIffIcult to repaIr so it should be
      replaced by a new



    • In checlang the tank Untt be sure to Insert a fuel gauge In the
      CIrcuitbetween the battery and the unit


      Instruction for Disassembly

      To remove the bowl from the body loosen the strainer nut and
      remove the

      wIre to a SIde Take off the bolt nut and washer from the wIre
      and remove bowl

      gasket and screenThe strainer body IS made of aluminum alloy
      Take good care not to break

      threads of each connectIOn

      Pay attention not to tighten the strainer nut so excessIvely
      that the gasket andbowl are broken

      When mstalhng the stramer assembly the strainer bracket should
      be cleaned

      suffICIently Dust and dIrt on the bracket surface prevent plug
      from keeping aIr

      tight1Il I




      lUOl 5GOOO


      Fuel stromer Assembly




      Hand pnmerlever rod

      i Cap boltcap screw washer

      Fuel pump capFuel pump cap gasket

      Angle connector

      Rocker arm

      slde spacer

      Rockerarm pln

      Lower body gasket sheet

      Rocker arm slde spacel

      rRocker [email protected] ass yRocker arm plnRocker arm slde spacer



      TypeMethod dnven

      DIaphragm spnngFree legnthLength m use and tenslOn

      Rocker arm spnng

      Free lengthValve spnng

      Free length

      ThIckness of valve


      Max quantIty dIscharged

      Max pressure dIschargedMax degree of suctlOn


      Hand pnmer quanty


      DIaphragm purnp

      Dnven by camshaft

      36 5 O 1 mm

      18 mm 1 6 O 1 kg



      1 6mm

      1300 cu cm per mmute at 1000 r p m

      of cam 500 mm m suction heIght110 130 mm m mercury column

      More than 400 mm m mercury column

      80 cu cm at 20 strokes

      The fuel pump whIch IS of the dIaphragm type IS mechanIcally
      dnven bythe

      eccentnc part of the camshaft of the engmeIt draws gasohne from
      the tank and dehvers It under pressure to the carbure


      Even when the engme IS not runnmg fuel can be dehveredunder
      pressure by

      movmg the hand pnmer up and down

      By the rotation of camshaft rocker arm IS pushed and pullrod of

      IS pulled downAt the same time dIaphragm goes down agamst
      dIaphragm spnng and then IS

      pushed up agam by ItS spnngBy the movements of the dIaphragm and
      functIonmg of the valves at

      the mlet

      and outlet of the pump chamber gasohne IS drawn up from the tank
      to the carburetor

      If the float chamber of the carburetor contams enough gasolme
      and the needlevalve IS closed gasohne IS not allowed mto the

      Thus gasolme IS stored m the pump chamber and due to ItS

      dIaphragm IS kept down and cannot returnUnder thIs condltlOn the
      rocker arm works m vam as the rod

      remams low

      The rocker arm spnng serves to prevent nOIse keepmgthe rocker

      pushed agamst the eccentnc of the camshaft


    • Disassembling Inspection

      Checkmg wIth fuel pump mstalled on engmeSwitch off and stop the
      engme Disconnect the fuel pIpe at the mlet umon of

      the carburetor and then turn the engme with the crank handle

      Now the gasohne should be ejected vlgorounsly from the tip of
      the pIpe onceevery two rotations of the crankshaft

      To test the functIOn of the pump alone operation of the hand
      pnmer and

      checkmg the fuel ejection IS enough

      Removal from engmeFuel pump can be easIly removed by
      disconnecting the mlet and outlet umons

      and loosenmg the 2 attachment nuts

      Inspection pnor to dlsassembhngPnor to dlsassembhng of the
      removed pump measure the distance between

      the rocker arm and flange of the lower body by means of a scale
      and see If therocker arm rocker lmk and pms are worn

      Method of dlsassembhngfirst wipe dIrt off the outer surface of
      the pump and put marks on both the

      upper and lower bodies to make their reassemblmg easyIt IS
      eaSIly separated mto two when the fIve screws around the upper

      are loosened

      Take great carenot to damage the diaphragm dunng thiS

      Checking Repaires of Parts

      Wash the dIsassembled parts well m gasohne then mspect
      themIReplace the dIaphragm If any damage ImpregnatIOn by
      gasohneReplace a valve assembly If any wear or faulty operation IS
      detectedEven If repaIrs are unavoIdably reqUIred the hmlt for
      repaIrs of warp or

      wear of the valve IS 0 001 In

      When the surface of the valve seat or valve IS found Irregular
      remove thevalve seat of the outlet and dress the surface with a fme

      In case of Irregulanty of the seat surface of the mlet valve
      which cannotbe taken off from the body recondItion ItwIth a cutter
      and gnndmg tool

      When the surface of the valve IS faulty place some very fme
      gnndmg corn

      pound on the surface of a flat pIece of glass plate and gnnd
      Ithghtly wIth the tipof a finger The standard thIckness of tbe
      valve IS 1 6 mm

      The hole of the jomt parts of diaphragm shaft and lmk may be
      worn to someextent ThIS IS not senous but when senous eccentnc wear
      crack or break

      age IS found the part must be replacedAs a remedIal measure such
      wear can be compensated for at the time of

      dlsmanthng and reassembhng of the body by msertmg a packmg made
      of thIck

      paper between the lower body and diaphragm to raise the relative
      pOSition of

      dIaphragm shaft WIth respect to the lower bodyThe rocker arm
      should be replace when ItS contact face WIth the cam and

      that WIth the hnk and ItS pm hole are senously worn1


    • When ItS re employment by recondmomng IS unavoIdable add matenal
      tothe rocker arm and lmk by weldmg and flmsh them wIth a file but
      thIs cannotlast long and IS no more than a temporary measure

      Renew the arm pm when It IS found worn excessivelyThe dIaphragm
      spnng arm spnng seldom become faulty but when weakened

      replace them always with standard onesIf the dIaphragm spnng IS
      too stron It results 10 overflow of the float cham

      ber of the carburetorThe tensIOn of the spnng must not be
      strengthened or weakened arbltranly

      by handCheck to see If there IS any warp on the Jomt surfaces of
      the cap and body

      and after dlsassembltng IS over renew the gasket to keep Its alr

      Reassembling Installing

      Employ standard spnngs for the vanous uses as stated
      beforeInstall valves preCIsely for close contact wIth theIr
      respective seatsIn screwmg 10 of upper and lower bodIes and
      dIaphragm fit them together

      accordmg to the marks WhClh were put before the dlsassemblmg and
      altgn onescrewmg hole to Its mate and then screw 10 at the

      where the dIaphragmIS fully pulled down with the rocker arm
      pushed towards the SIde of the body byand pressure

      Do not screw 10 tight one by one smce It causes warpmg Instead
      clamp allthe screws ruund loosely and umformly

      Then tighten them dIagonally and lastly re tlghten all of them
      10 order to makesure

      As a general rule gaskets should be replaced by new
      onesInstallation on the engme IS done 10 the reverse order to

      that for dIsassemblyBe sure to set the rocker arm so that It IS
      contacting the eccentnc of camshaft

      properly not the rear SIde or to one SIde Replace the gasket
      between the cyltnderblock and pump with a new standard one

      Checking Function

      When repaIrs of the pump IS over or before It IS mstalledon the

      make a check to see

      When a vacuum gauge IS connected to the pump mlet portand the
      pump IS

      mounted on a tester the rocker arm IS activated by the eccentnc
      of the camshaft

      revolvmg at 1000 rpm Then the gauge pressure should nse to
      hIgher than 400mm of mercury column and even If operation IS

      thIS condItion

      should remain for more than 3 secondsWhen a gauge or tester IS
      not avatlable test

      10 the followmg wayClost the mlet port and outlet port wIth
      ftnger tips Then after operating

      the rocker arm several times suddenly release the ftngers The
      pump IS 10 goodcondltlons If 3 to 5 seconds thence there can be
      heard strong mlet

      and outlet

      nOIse respectivelyThe pump IS mechamcally fIt for use when by
      connectmg a hose to the mlet

      port It IS able to draw up gasoltne from a heIght of more than O
      5 m After

      mstallmg the pump test Its functlons dunng operatlon


    • A Connect the gasohne pIpe on the mlet post sIde only Leave that
      on theoutlet port sIde as It IS and turn the engIne 6 to 7
      rotatIOns by means of the crankhandle and make sure that there IS
      sure outflow of gasohne from the outlet port

      8 Connect the gasohne pIpe to the outlet port sIde and tighten
      all the plpmgomts Then turn the engme agam several times to see If
      there IS any leakage

      of aIr or gasohne from each connection



      The engme must always be operated m the best possIble condItIon
      and forthIS purpose pencxhc mspectlon and adjustment must be
      mamtamed m a certamorder whIle m use as well as after overhaul

      Order of Inspection and Adjustment of Engine1 Check the coolmg
      water water level and extent of ftlthmess2 Inspect the battery all
      connections level of electrolyte speclftc gravItyof electrolyte and
      voltage3 Inspect the 011 amount fIlthmess clasSIfICation and
      vIscosIty4 Cleaning of spark plugs and adjustment of theIr gaps5
      Measurement of compressslOn pressure of cyhnders The standard

      pressIOn pressure of the engme IS approx 163 lbs per sq m at 350
      r p mMeasurement of pressure IS made m the followmg manner see FIg
      1 Firstwarm up the engme temperature of coolmg water 70 80 C Then
      remove allspark plugs and pull out the throTtle knob all the way
      that IS m the carburetortne throttle valve and choke valveare fully
      opened press a compresSIOn gauge agamst each spark plughole and
      runmng the startermotor with a fully charged batteryread the
      maxImum pressure obtamed wIthm 5 8 rotations of xhemotor ThIS
      measurement mustbe made as qUIckly as pOSSIble

      It the compressIOn pressureof anyone cyhnder differs by 10lb jsq
      In or more from that ofanother the cause must be m

      vestlgated6 Check and adjust the dlstn

      butorIf the breaker contact pomts

      have defective contact surfacesdress them and adjust the gapto O
      45 0 55 mm

      Also turn the cam of the dlstnbutor clockwIse and check tosee If
      the governor can carry out advancmg functIOn7 Adjust IgnItIOn tlmmg

      By utJhzmg a power tlmmg hght the function of the governor can
      be checkedtogether WIth the IgnitIOn tlmmg tilummatlon of carnk
      pulley Will enable to mspect the condItIons of runnmg and advancmg
      of the tlmmg B T D C 208 Inspection of fuel pump and gasohne
      stramer9 Adjust the slow settmg of carburetor

      Fig Compression Gauge1


    • 10 Checkmg operatIOn of generatorCheck the generating conditIOn
      and functlonmg of the cut out relay by means

      of mdlCatlOnS of the ammeter11 Adjustment of slack m fan

      12 Adjustment of valve tappet clearance13 Road test

      WhIle dnvmg m 3rd speed at about 25 km hr suddenly step on
      theaccelerator If only a sltght knockmg results the IgnItion tlmmg
      IS correctSlow speed adjustment IS made so that the speed IS about
      15 km hr whendnvmg m 3rd speed

      Diagnosing of Engine by means of VacuumGauge and Combustion

      In dlagnosmg the engme the condmon of eachcyltnder can be
      assumed by measunng ItS compressIOn

      For employment of a vacuum gauge connectIt to the engme mtake
      manIfold and refer to FIg2

      The use of a master motor tester as shownm FIg 2 IS

      When a combustion tester IS used mstall a

      speCIal mtake pIck up m the exhaust tube andafter the engme has
      been started analyze bymeans of a speclal gauge the combustIOn
      gaswhIch flows through the connectmg hose mto thetester and Judge
      the combustion condmon accordmg to the mIxture ratio of fuel and
      aIrWhen measurement IS to be made m ramyor coldweather use an
      auxlltary condenser between thepIck up and the meter otherWIse the
      excessIvemOIsture m the exhaust gas WIll damage the functlonmg of
      the meter If permitted to enter It

      Fg 2 Motor Master TesterAva lable for 4 6 and 8

      When a SUN tester IS to be used make adjustments accordmg to the

      Condmons Without load SUItable WeIght RatIO of MIxture

      Low Speed RunnIng 70 t 2600 r p m

      HIgh Speed Runnmg 5852 000 r p m 2


    • Engine Trouble Shooting

      FIg 3 IS mtended to be of assIstance m the systematic analysIs
      and IsolatIOn of symptoms of engme troubles so that the defective
      pomts may be accuratelytraced and economIcally repaIred


      Normal condItIOn

      Settles between 18 20 In


      Normal condItiOn

      When IndIcator fluctuates

      between a range of 0 251D

      as engme IS raced rings

      and valves are In good



      Even If Indicator settles

      If read mg IS low rmgs or

      011 arc ID faulty condition


      When above 3 condItIon

      eXists Indicator Will sWing

      to 0 In 1f engIne IS raced


      When Indicator sometimes

      drops by 4 In or so valve

      sticking eXists



      When mdlcator drops by

      several Inches at certalOtime alves are burnt


      When Indicator drops Jy

      about 2 m valves leak

      Faulty sllatmg of valves


      When IndIcator OSCIllates

      actIvely between 14 and18 In valve stem gutde ISworD out


      When wIth a shght speedIng up mdlcator movesbetween 10 22 m
      andwIth Increase of speed the

      range becomes largervalve sprIngs are weak


      When mdlcator remamsstIll between 8 15 m It15 because either

      timIng IS retarded or valveclearances are notcorrect


    • Io



      When indIcator settles bet

      ween 14 7 In IgnItion

      tIming s retarded


      When IndIcator moves

      slowly between 14 16 mIt s because eIther electrode gaps of
      plugs are toonarrow or breaker pOIntIS defectIve


      When md cator polOts to5 m or below there IS

      leakage at mtake manlfoldor gasket of carburetor

      Faulty clampmg of gasket


      When indIcator oscIllates

      regularlybet een 5 19 Inthere IS leakage at cy lInder head
      gasket Faultyclamping of gasket


      When indIcator first rises

      hIgh drops down to zeroand then returns to 16 In

      muffler IS clogged


      When IndIcator moves

      slowly between 13 17 In

      carburetor IS poorly ad


      FIg 3 IAagnosmg Engme by means of a Vacuum Gauge

      No gasolme In carburetor

      Batter dlschaq ed or connections poor

      Tlmmg poorl adjustedIrbemg sucked In

      lPlugspark Plug sparking weak

      il Sparking at termlnalS Tr


      Immg mcorrect


      PI dShort m CirCUIt

      ugs 0t3 not spark

      LIgmtlOD COil or condenser defective

      No sparkIng at ter contact pOint dirtymmals Breaker POtnt
      contact poordefectIve

      Break r arm m ulatlOn defective

      Rotor shorted

      asohne to tunk

      Stramer defective

      PIpe cloggedFloat vah e stiCkmgNo aIr can enter tanh

      Fuel pump not operatmg


    • tl










      Plugs donot spark

      10 ga olIne or ga olm supply stopped

      Carburetor EEngmeseIzed

      free of Lubrication msuffiClenttrouble

      Compres AII bemg sucked InSlon good Jet or pipe clogged

      Carburetor Float sunkdefective Float m hIgh positIOn will not

      Carburetor attachment not secure

      EPlstonf1ng or vahe sticky

      Piston or connectmg rod broken

      alve seatmg poorBreaker arm sprmg defectIve

      No spark

      reontaetpomt poor

      mg from Rotor shortedcOli hne

      Breaker Igmtlon coil or condenser defectivearm good Dlstnbutor

      Cap insulatIOn defective

      Cord shorted or connectIOn poor

      CVlnng shorted or cut

      Sparkmg form coil hne Plugs dirt orbroken

      ompreSSlOn poor

      A Trouble Shootmg Chart

      Compression weak

      Valve clearance Incorrect

      Valve spring weakValve deformed

      Muffler cloggedContinuous

      lack of power Valve tlmmg Incorrect

      lgOltlOn retarded too much

      Carburetor adjustment poorGasolIne supphed InsuffiCIentlyarbon
      deposits exceSSive

      Gasolme of poor grade

      Intermittent carburetor defective

      lack of power Valves slickIngPre Ignition

      gives off abnormal nOIse I verheatlngBearIng wornPlugs dirty

      Sparkmg Breaker pOint defectIveIrregular Intermittent

      Mlsfirmg Mixture too rtch

      Insuffielent gasolIne supply to carburetorSparkmg normal Water
      In gasoline

      Nozzle clogged

      Power weak

      Engine operatIOndefective darmg


      B Trouble Shoohng Chart




      20 30C Type Pnmary Secondary

      Bore dIameter 28mm 30mm

      Ventun dIameter 21 8 mm 25 14 7 mm

      Mam Jet 98 115

      Mam aIr breed 60 60

      Slow Jet 48 48

      Slow AIr FIrst 100 160

      Slow AIr Second 220

      Slow EconomIzer 145

      Power Jet 40

      Power valve Begms to open when the pnmary throttlevalve IS at 48

      Float level 19 mm below the upper surface of thefloat chamber


      The carburetor has the functIOn of atomIzmg the fuel mlxmg It m
      sUItableratio to aIr mId supplymg the mIxture to the engme

      It IS therefore an Important parr whIch can mfluence the
      performance of theengm

      The Model 2D 3OC carburetor IS a hIghly effIcIent carburetor of
      two barreltwo step and down draft type havmg the followmg specIal


      ll Construction and Operation



    • Secondary SIde Pnmary SIde Seconcary SIde

      I Ikxlv a embly2 VenturI

      rloat chamberI Throttle shaft5 MaID Jet6 MaID Jet carrier

      7 Float chamber clver8 Float9 Ma ID aJ r bleed

      Ill AIr bent pipeII Choke valve

      12 Choke control 11l1k

      11 Conneclng rod11 Choke wIre blacket

      15 Throttle Wlre blacker

      16 Lower body

      17 AUX 1l Y throttle valve

      18 Throttle valve19 Bv pass hule20 Iow Jet21 VentUri22 Auxlharv
      valve hdft21 MaID Jet24 MaID aIr bleed

      25 Pump IDJecler20 Out let valve27 Inlet check valve28 Power

      29 Pump pl ton10 AIr vent hole

      11 Pump pl ton return pnng12 Connecl ng rod


    • Main Carburetting SystemThe fuel flowing out of the passage at
      the bottom of the float chamber passes

      through the pnmary main Jet and then mIxed WIth the aIr commlng
      from the mainaIr bleed to be minute drops and inJect Into the
      ventun through the main nozzle

      When the throttle valve IS WIdely open and the engine reqUIres
      dense mIxturegas the acceletlng pump opens ItS power valve from
      where the fuel also flowsInto the main system

      The power valve beginS to operate when the throttle valve opens
      48 fromfull closed posJtJon

      Slow Speed SystemPassing through the main Jet the fuel passage
      separate from main line and

      flows through the slow Jet slow aIr bleed fIrst slow economIzer
      slow aIrbleed second and Inject from the by pass holes and Idle

      Accelerating SystemMechamcal accelerating pump synchromzed WIth
      the throttle valve IS adapted

      When throttle valve IS open the pIston rod IS pushed up with the
      hnkage wluchpushed up the pIston through the dumper spring When the
      pIston IS commlngdown the Inlet check valve closes the out let
      check valve opens and the fuel within

      the pump IS blown out from the pump Jet by the compressed dumper
      spnng andhIts against the SIde wall of the small ventun to be
      minute drops compensatingtranclent sparseness of the fuel A Jetting
      amount of the fuel can be vaned WIththe two holes provIded on the
      pump arm that IS the inserting posmons of theconnectIng rod

      r Starting Systemhe choke valve IS provIded with the spnng and
      Installed eccentncally on the

      normal carburetting deVIce and synchromzed with the throttle
      valve When thechoke IS fully closed the throttle valve opens about
      14 from a full close ThIsIS the best condItIOn to start operation
      The synchromzatlon of the choke valveand the throttle valve can be
      exactly maintained often the engine has started fIrIng


    • 12 Choke conrrol lmkI3 Connectmg rod14 Choke wIre blacket15
      Throttle WIre blacket33 Sta rung con rod34 AUXIliary lever35 Stanmg
      throttle lever36 Sprmg37 Throttle adJustmg screw38 Con rod

      39 Throtrle wIre clamp40 Throtrle lever

      41 Scale42 Idle adjust screw

      0 0

      000 6


      Main Carburetting SystemSame as the normal carburettIng function
      the fuel flowmg out of the passage

      at the bottom of the float chamber passes through the secondary
      mam Jet and become mmute drops mlxmg with the aIr commg from the
      mam aIr bleed and ISblown mto the ventun through the mam nozzle

      Fig 12 Carburetor

      1 Float level2 Float

      Model NJkkt 2D 30C

      3 Needle valve4 Needle valve carner

      When the throttle valve of the normal carburetor IS WIdely
      opened and theengme produces hIgh power the throttle valve of the
      power carburetor begmsto open by the sunchromzed Itnkage

      However at the top of the power carburetor throttle valve IS an
      auxlltaryvalve whIch IS not open at a slow speed with a heavy load
      due to the load of the


    • counter weIght connected to the valve shaft even when the
      throttle valve IS openWhen the engine change to sull hIgher
      revoluuons the auxlhary valve openagainst the loat of the counter
      weIght and the power carburetor stans operauonfor high power When
      the normal carburetor throttle valve IS In a full open thepower
      craburetor throttle valve IS also to be In a full open

      Float Chamber

      The float chamber IS provIded cover of whIch IS made of glass of
      faCilitatefor inspecting inSide condItIon through the marked line
      of cover of It Adjustmentof the float level can be done from
      outSide by adding or subtracting the needle valvecarner gasket
      after removing the float needle valve Installed at the Inlet

      As venulatlon within the float chamber IS of a aIr vent method
      and pressurewltlun the ventun and the float chamber IS always
      constant no matter how sucuonal

      reglstance of the aIr cleaner vanes fuel consumption can be
      always economIcallymaintained


      Float Chamber

      Adjusting Fuel Level

      3 Pump armFloat valve sheet gasket

      45 Float yalve sheet6 UnIOn bolt

      7 BanjO Union48 Needle vdlve49 Spnng retdmerSO Needle valve
      spnng51 Choke wIre clamp

      Float level IS shown on the float chamber cover With the hne 19
      mm belowthe body top to whIch fuel IS to be adjusted Adjusting the
      float level IS done byadding or subtracting the gasket of float
      valve seat needle valve carner

      AddJt10n or subtraction of 2 numbers gasket make the float level
      up ordown about I mm





      19mtlon timing standard

      Apparatus of automatic advance

      Advance starting vacuum pressure

      Advance angle by vacuumpressure of 340 mm HgNumber of revolution
      at the

      start of advance angleMax advance angle at crankshaft

      Rotating dIrection of cam

      Flnng orderPOint gap

      Dowel angleContact arm spnng pressure

      Condenser capacity

      HItachI 0406 01

      10 before top dead centerat 600 r p m

      Governor type

      100 120 mm Hg

      120 18 Crankshaft6 9 DIstnbutor

      450 r p m

      11 15 at 2400 r p m


      1 3 4 2

      0 45 0 55 mm 0 018 0 022 In

      50 55

      O 5 O 65 kgO 20 O 24 mfd

      InsIde the dlstnbutor IS a braker pOint as shown In FIg ThIS
      braker makesand brakes contact several thousand times In one minute
      Each time thIS brakerbrakes contact a spark IS generated In one of
      the spark plugs Therefore themaintenance of thIS braker must not be
      treated Itghtly Also because the timedunng whIch the IgnItlon COIl
      current flows vanes with the gap between thesebraker pOints see
      that thIS gap IS maintained at the standard value WhICh IS 0 45mm 0
      018 to 0 022 In

      The braker pOints must be kept free of grease and 011 If the
      pOints shouldbecome burnt or blackened they are cleaned With a fine
      honing stone or croucuscloth after WhICh they should be wIped clean
      WIth a pIece of cloth whIch has beendampened WIth gasoltne

      If the pOints are badly burnt they must be replaced Braker
      points mustalways be replaced as sets

      Adjusting the Braker Points

      To adJust the braker pOints turn the engine crankshaft with the
      crank handleuntil the braker IS fully open Then loosen the braker
      pOint ftxlng screw Nextby turning the adjusting screw move the
      plate until a feeler gauge of O 45 to 0 55





    • mm 0 018 to 0 022 ms thIckness shdes easily between the braker
      pomtsThen tighten the Flxmg screw securely

      fmally check the gap once more then remstall the rotor The
      Intenor andextenor of the cap IS wIped clean with a soft dry piece
      of cloth extra attentionbemg paId to the areas between the termmals
      Clean the center electrode on themSlde of the cap also

      Whether or not the

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    Datsun Pick-Up Model 521 Service Manual

    Datsun Pick-Up Model 521 Service Manual

    Datsun Pick-Up Model 521 Service Manual.

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    Datsun Truck Model 320 Service Manual

    Datsun Truck Model 320 Service Manual

    Datsun Truck Model 320 Service Manual.pd

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    Some Datsun Truck Service Manuals PDF shown above.

    Look above — DATSUN 320 & 521 Trucks Service Manuals PDF.

    Datsun (originally named Kaishin Sha Motor Works) was founded in 1911 in Tokyo by the Japanese engineer Masujiro Hashimoto, and in 1914 the first car was
    launched under the brand name DAT (abbreviation from the names of investors), it received the name DAT Go.

    Until 1931, the company changed its name several times until it came to the modern. From that moment on, Datsun brand cars receive a new emblem and are produced only under that
    brand name.

    Until 1981, when the leadership of Nissan Motor Co., which had acquired Datsun at that time, decided to
    introduce a single Nissan brand for all of its automotive products. The process lasted five years, until 1986.

    In March 2012, President Carlos Ghosn announced plans for Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. as part of a strategic development plan, revive the Datsun brand, and already in
    July 2013 he introduced a new model — Datsun Go.

    Datsun cars are designed for the fastest growing markets in India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa.

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