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Network Terminal User’s Manual

Network Terminal User’s Manual


Getting Started

Requesting Information

Override Control

Commanding Objects

Changing Alarm and Warning Limits

© June 16, 2006 Johnson Controls, Inc.

Overview of the Network Terminal



About This Manual

Communicating with Metasys

Establishing a Connection

Talking to Metasys

Introducing Yourself to Metasys

Listening to Metasys

Alarm and Override Summaries

Status Summaries

Limit Summaries

History Information Summaries

Hold Summaries

Using the HELP Command

Disabling/ Enabling Objects

Overriding Objects

Overriding Lighting Control Groups

Commanding Binary and CS Objects

Commanding Access Controller and Card Reader Objects 38

Changing Alarm Limits

Changing Warning Limits































Summary of Contents for Johnson Controls METASYS

Настройка контроллера Johnson Controls серии DX-9100 с помощью инженерного ключа. Часть 3

Настройка контроллера Johnson Controls серии DX-9100 с помощью инженерного ключа. Часть 3

Опубликовано: 01.02.2021

Видео обзор контроллера Johnson Controls серии DX-9100 — настройка с помощью инженерного ключа.

Видео обзор контроллера Johnson Controls серии DX — DX9100. Часть 1

Видео обзор панели управления контроллера DX9100 от Johnson Controls. Часть 2

Диагностика исправности контроллера Johnson Controls серии DX-9100. Часть 4

Настройка контроллера DX-9100-8454 с панели управления осуществляется только при наличии инженерного ключа AS-LCPKEY-0. Аналогичная настройка для контроллеров Version 1 (DX-9100-8154), Version 2 (DX-9100-8454 or FA-DX9100-8454) и Version 3 (DX-912x-8454).

Можно выполнять — настройку даты и времени, изменение аналоговых и дискретных уставок, перевод контроллера в ручное управление аналоговыми и дискретными выходами. К аналоговым уставкам относятся задание температуры поддержания требуемой температуры подающего воздуха, горячего водоснабжения, обратной воды калорифера. К дискретным уставкам относится задействование того или иного функционала –включение или отключение определенных режимов работы.

Назначение уставок необходимо смотреть в прошивке контроллера, если нет описания. Среда разработки GX-9100 Graphic Configuration Software Tool (GX Tool) позволяет получить прошивку из контроллера и представить её в понятном для человека виде.

Язык программирования FBD (Function Block Diagram) — графический язык программирования покажет связи аналоговых и дискретных уставок с аналоговыми и дискретными выходами контроллера.

Контроллеры сняты с производства и заменены на новую линейку контроллеров FEC/FAC с модулями расширения IOM. В каждом конкретном случае необходимо выполнить свой подбор сочетания контроллера и модулей расширения. Чаще всего используется сочетание MS-FAC2612-1 + MS-IOM4711-0, т.к. часть входов/выходов не задействована. Полным аналогом будет сочетание MS-FAC3613-0 + MS-IOM2711-2. Дополнительно необходимо приобрести дисплей для управления системой MS-DIS1710-0.

Есть вопросы – задавайте! Всегда рады помочь! Пишите комментарии, подписывайтесь на канал, чтобы не пропустить новые видео. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас.

ООО «Центр управления»

Тел. +7 495 255 54 71

Metasys® SCT Help — Johnson Controls

Metasys® SCT Help
Code No. LIT-12011964
Software Release 11.0
Issued June 2016
Refer to the QuickLIT website for the most up-to-date version of this document.
Summary of Changes.........................................................................................................................7
Related Documentation......................................................................................................................7
System Overview................................................................................................................................8
SCT Overview.......................................................................................................................................9
Prerequisite Software Checklist for SCT Installation ...................................................................11
Metasys System Software Upgrades..............................................................................................13
Metasys System Modes of Operation.............................................................................................14
Metasys Modes...................................................................................................................................15
Access Types....................................................................................................................................16
Basic Access.......................................................................................................................................17
Standard Access.................................................................................................................................17
Tenant Access.....................................................................................................................................17
Launcher ...........................................................................................................................................17
Launching the SCT User Interface......................................................................................................19
User Interface....................................................................................................................................21
Working in the SCT UI........................................................................................................................21
Object Help........................................................................................................................................37
Object Help Concepts.........................................................................................................................37
Common Object Attributes..................................................................................................................42
Object and Feature Tabs.....................................................................................................................44
Item Menu.................................................................................................................................80
New Archive.......................................................................................................................................80
Creating a New Archive Database......................................................................................................80
Populating an Archive Database.........................................................................................................80
Site Discovery.....................................................................................................................................85
Open Archive.....................................................................................................................................89
Opening an Archive Database............................................................................................................90
Close Archive....................................................................................................................................90
Copy Archive.....................................................................................................................................90
Copying an Archive Database............................................................................................................91
Delete Archive...................................................................................................................................91
Deleting an Archive Database............................................................................................................91
Import Item.........................................................................................................................................91
Export Item........................................................................................................................................92
Edit Menu..................................................................................................................................93
Paste Item Wizard...............................................................................................................................94
Delete Items.......................................................................................................................................94
Deleting Objects or Items....................................................................................................................94
View Menu.................................................................................................................................94
Tailored Summary Viewer................................................................................................................94
Tailored Summary Viewer Introduction...............................................................................................94
Metasys® SCT Help
ActionQ ...........................................................................................................................................114
ActionQ Overview.............................................................................................................................114
ActionQ Steps...................................................................................................................................115
Change Results Viewer..................................................................................................................116
Change Results Viewer Overview....................................................................................................116
Change Results Viewer Steps..........................................................................................................118
Extended Labels..............................................................................................................................119
Product Version Labels..................................................................................................................120
Validation Labels/Settings.............................................................................................................120
Panel Layout....................................................................................................................................120
Display Frame Layout.......................................................................................................................121
Changing the Display Panel Layout..................................................................................................121
Action Menu...........................................................................................................................121
Action Menu Introductions............................................................................................................121
Action Menu Items............................................................................................................................121
Action Menu - Feature Specific.........................................................................................................124
Modify Dialog...................................................................................................................................125
Modify Dialog Box.............................................................................................................................126
Global Modify Dialog Box..................................................................................................................127
Modify Attributes...............................................................................................................................129
Modify Dialog Steps..........................................................................................................................130
Alarm Extensions..............................................................................................................................133
Totalization Extensions.....................................................................................................................152
Trend Extensions..............................................................................................................................162
Load Extensions...............................................................................................................................171
Resource File Extensions.................................................................................................................179
Averaging Extensions.......................................................................................................................181
Extensions Steps..............................................................................................................................185
Extension Wizard............................................................................................................................187
Insert Menu.............................................................................................................................187
Site Object.........................................................................................................................................188
Supervisory Device.........................................................................................................................195
Engine Device Object.......................................................................................................................196
Metasys Server................................................................................................................................208
ADS Device Object...........................................................................................................................209
Open Data Server (ODS) .................................................................................................................213
BACnet Integration Object................................................................................................................227
MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object..................................................................................................229
LON Integration Object.....................................................................................................................236
N1 Migration Object..........................................................................................................................239
N2 Master Datalink Object (N2 Trunk)..............................................................................................242
Generic Integration Object................................................................................................................244
VND Integration Object.....................................................................................................................246
Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object...............................................................................................247
P2000 Integration..............................................................................................................................248
Ethernet IP Datalink Object...............................................................................................................248
XL5K Integration Object....................................................................................................................249
Field Device.....................................................................................................................................250
BACnet Protocol Engine Object........................................................................................................251
BACnet Device Object......................................................................................................................254
MS/TP Field Device Object...............................................................................................................258
LON Controller Object.......................................................................................................................260
N2 Controller Object.........................................................................................................................262
NCM Object.......................................................................................................................................264
VND Controller..................................................................................................................................265
Wireless Receiver Object..................................................................................................................266
Wireless Sensor Object....................................................................................................................266
XL5K Controller Object.....................................................................................................................269
Field Point........................................................................................................................................270
Analog Input Object..........................................................................................................................271
Analog Output Object........................................................................................................................272
Analog Value Object..........................................................................................................................273
Accumulator Objects.........................................................................................................................274
Binary Input Object...........................................................................................................................280
Binary Output Object.........................................................................................................................283
Binary Value Object...........................................................................................................................284
Calendar Object................................................................................................................................285
Event Enrollment Object...................................................................................................................286
Group Object.....................................................................................................................................291
IEIEJ BACnet System Objects..........................................................................................................292
Life Safety Point Object....................................................................................................................292
Life Safety Zone Object....................................................................................................................292
Multistate Input Object......................................................................................................................293
Multistate Output Object...................................................................................................................296
Multistate Value Object.....................................................................................................................301
Notification Class Object...................................................................................................................304
N1 Pulse Counter Object..................................................................................................................371
Schedule Object................................................................................................................................310
Control System................................................................................................................................315
Program (Control System) Object.....................................................................................................315
Logic Connector Tool (LCT)..............................................................................................................317
Auto Shutdown Object......................................................................................................................351
Data Broadcast Object......................................................................................................................352
Demand Limiting/Load Rolling (DLLR) Object..................................................................................353
Global Data Sharing Object..............................................................................................................360
Loop Object.......................................................................................................................................364
Multiple Command Object.................................................................................................................366
N1 PID Loop Object..........................................................................................................................368
N1 Pulse Counter Object..................................................................................................................371
Optimal Start Object..........................................................................................................................372
Pulse Meter Object...........................................................................................................................381
Signal Select Object..........................................................................................................................383
Solar Clock Object............................................................................................................................384
Graphic Object..................................................................................................................................385
XAML Graphic Object.......................................................................................................................386
User Graphics Tool (UGT)................................................................................................................395
Trend Study.....................................................................................................................................416
Trend Studies....................................................................................................................................416
New User View.................................................................................................................................425
Summary Definitions......................................................................................................................425
Tailored Summary Concepts.............................................................................................................427
Tailored Summary Steps...................................................................................................................446
Tailored Summary Troubleshooting..................................................................................................452
SCT Summary Definition................................................................................................................452
Summary Definition Wizard..............................................................................................................452
SCT Summary Definition Attributes..................................................................................................453
Tools Menu.............................................................................................................................455
User Profile......................................................................................................................................455
Change Password...........................................................................................................................455
Configure Preferences...................................................................................................................455
All Items Organizer.........................................................................................................................462
Select Ethernet Adapter.................................................................................................................463
Create Backup..................................................................................................................................463
Restore Archive................................................................................................................................463
Import Database...............................................................................................................................464
Export Database...............................................................................................................................467
Rapid Archive..................................................................................................................................470
Rapid Archive Field Controller Wizard..............................................................................................470
Room Schedule Population in the Rapid Archive Wizard ................................................................472
Creating an Archive with the Rapid Archive Feature and Room Schedules.....................................473
Equipment Definitions and Rapid Archive.........................................................................................474
Controller Templates.........................................................................................................................474
Importing Controller Templates.........................................................................................................477
Exporting Controller Templates.........................................................................................................477
Adding Extensions to Controller Template Points.............................................................................477
Replacing Resource Files in Controller Templates...........................................................................481
Populating Existing Controller Templates with .caf Files...................................................................481
Rapid Archive Tips............................................................................................................................482
Rapid Archive Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................484
Manage Archive..............................................................................................................................484
Archive Database..............................................................................................................................486
Patch Device.....................................................................................................................................513
Field Device Tools...........................................................................................................................518
Passthru Wizard................................................................................................................................519
HVAC PRO........................................................................................................................................520
GX-9100 Tool....................................................................................................................................521
XTM Configurator..............................................................................................................................521
DX Commissioning...........................................................................................................................521
N2 Device Loader.............................................................................................................................521
Controller Configuration Tool (CCT)..................................................................................................521
Security Copy..................................................................................................................................522
Security Copy Wizard.......................................................................................................................522
Archive Reports................................................................................................................................528
Archive Log.......................................................................................................................................534
Device Discovery..............................................................................................................................535
Device Debug...................................................................................................................................536
Displaying Diagnostic Data...............................................................................................................536
Renaming a Computer in an Out-of-Place Upgrade....................................................................536
Facility Menu..........................................................................................................................538
High-Level Workflow for Facility Menu Features.........................................................................538
Spaces Overview............................................................................................................................538
Configuring the Metasys UI with SCT 11.0 Overviews.....................................................................540
Spaces Prerequisites........................................................................................................................541
Planning for Spaces Configuration...................................................................................................542
Download Archive on Site Director for Spaces Tree...................................................................542
Edit Spaces Tree.............................................................................................................................542
Using the Spaces Tree Editor...........................................................................................................542
Creating a Spaces Tree Using the Spaces Tree Editor....................................................................543
Creating a Spaces Tree Using a Spreadsheet.................................................................................548
Adding Spaces to the Spaces Tree Using User Views.....................................................................549
Editing an Existing Space Object......................................................................................................550
Exporting Spaces..............................................................................................................................552
Importing Spaces..............................................................................................................................552
Insert Equipment Definition...........................................................................................................553
Using Equipment Definitions.............................................................................................................553
Equipment Definition Object Attributes.............................................................................................553
Creating Equipment Definitions........................................................................................................554
Creating and Modifying Equipment Definitions through Drag and Drop...........................................557
Adding Display Data to the Equipment Definition.............................................................................557
Importing Equipment Definitions.......................................................................................................559
Exporting Equipment Definitions.......................................................................................................559
Discover Equipment.......................................................................................................................560
Using Equipment Discovery..............................................................................................................560
Defining Equipment or Space Serving Relationships.......................................................................561
Assigning Served By Relationships during Equipment Discovery....................................................563
Assigning Spaces Served By Equipment Relationships...................................................................564
Assigning Equipment Served By Equipment Relationships..............................................................565
Auto-Discovery Serving Relationships..............................................................................................565
Find and Replace to Assist Auto-Discovery Serving Relationships..................................................565
Auto-Discovery Tips and Workflow...................................................................................................566
Exporting Equipment ........................................................................................................................566
Importing Equipment.........................................................................................................................566
Changing Equipment's Equipment Definition....................................................................................566
Find and Replace in Equipment Discovery.......................................................................................567
Tips for Using Equipment Definition with Equipment Discovery.......................................................568
Deleting Points from an Existing Equipment Definition.....................................................................568
Adding Points to an existing Equipment Definition...........................................................................571
Graphics Association.....................................................................................................................573
Associating Graphics+ Graphics ......................................................................................................573
Associating Standard Graphics.........................................................................................................574
Enabling Advanced Auditing.........................................................................................................575
Query Menu............................................................................................................................575
Global Search..................................................................................................................................575
Global Search Overview...................................................................................................................575
Query Menu Procedures...................................................................................................................578
Help Menu...............................................................................................................................581
Metasys Graphics Help..................................................................................................................581
Metasys Help...................................................................................................................................581
SCT Help..........................................................................................................................................581
About Metasys ................................................................................................................................581
Printing the Help...............................................................................................................................582
SCT Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................583
Welcome to the Metasys® System Configuration Tool (SCT) Help. This Help system contains information on how
to use the Metasys SCT software. This section describes the organization of the Help system and offers tips for
using it effectively. It also provides an overview of SCT, its modes, and access types. If you want an overview of
the components that make up a Metasys system, see System Overview.
Summary of Changes
The following information is new or revised for Release 11.0:
Improved user credential encryption and security modifications for all Manage Archive Wizard processes. For
more information see the Manage Archive complete section.
Enhanced Graphics Association configuration for efficient Metasys UI setup.
Effortless object searching in the navigation trees with the Locate in Tree feature in the Working in the SCT UI
New Auto-Discovery Serving Relationships workflow through the Equipment Discovery window for faster Metasys
UI and navigation trees configuration.
Enablement of Advanced Auditing for equipment activity information. For more information see the Enabling
Advanced Auditing section.
Simplified archive configuration workflow with the Rapid Archive feature.
Advanced system searching capabilities through Select Column Attribute: User Definable Attribute IDs and Child
Item Field Syntax for Summary Definitions.
Related Documentation
Table 1: SCT Related Documentation
For Information On
See Document
System Configuration Tool (SCT) Features, Benefits, and
System Configuration Tool Catalog Page ( LIT-1900198)
SCT Installation and Upgrade
SCT Installation and Upgrade Instructions (LIT-12012067)
Daily Use of the SCT, Metasys® System, and Database
Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793)
Daily Use of the SCT, Metasys ODS System, and Database ODS system Help (LIT-12011942)
SCT Interaction with the Application and Data
Server/Extended Application and Data Server (ADS/ADX)
ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645 )
SCT Interaction with the ODS
ODS Commissioning Guide (LIT-12011944)
SCT Interaction with the Network Automation Engine
(NAE)/Network Integration Engine (NIE)
NAE Commissioning Guide
SCT Interaction with the NIEx9
NIEx9 Commissioning Guide (LIT-12011922)
Backing up and Restoring Driver and License Files Before NIEx9 Driver Manager Application Note (LIT-12011919)
Updating the NIEx9 Image
Security Issues, Including Adding Users and Roles to the Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528)
General Network and Information Technology Concepts
Network and IT Guidance for the BAS Professional Technical
Bulletin (LIT-12011279)
Metasys Configuration
Metasys System Configuration Guide (LIT-12011832)
Metasys System
Metasys System Extended Architecture Overview Technical
Bulletin (LIT-1201527)
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
System Overview
The major components of the Metasys system are:
Engine: The term engine is used in the Metasys system to describe a family of devices, including the NAE, NIE,
and Network Control Engine (NCE):
The NAE is a web-enabled, Ethernet-based supervisory controller that monitors and supervises networks of
field-level building automation devices that typically control HVAC equipment, lighting, security, fire, and building
access. The NAE provides features, including alarm and event management, trending, archiving, energy
management, scheduling, and password protection through its embedded Site Management Portal. Different
models and options support various communications protocols, including BACnet® over IP, BACnet
Master-Slave/Token-Passing (MS/TP), N2 Bus, N2, and LONWORKS® network devices. The NAE55 Series supports
a comprehensive set of supervisory features and functions for large facilities and technically advanced buildings
and complexes. The NAE35 and NAE45 Series extend the power of the NAE to the smaller buildings (or small
areas of larger buildings) and enables the wider distribution of supervisory functions in larger facilities. The NAE85
supports large BACnet/IP integrations.
The NCE combines the network supervisor capabilities and IP network connectivity of an NAE with the Input/Output
(I/O) point connectivity and direct digital control capabilities of a Metasys Field Equipment Controller (FEC). The
NCE provides a cost-effective solution designed for central plants and large built-up air handler applications. All
NCE models provide IP Ethernet network connectivity, the Site Management Portal, and the network supervisory
functions featured on network automation engines, including the BACnet IP integration. Depending on the model,
an NCE supports either a BACnet MS/TP trunk, an N2 Bus trunk, or a LONWORKS Network trunk.
The NIE is a web-enabled supervisory controller for integration of Metasys N1 Networks. The NIE is a specialized
version of the NAE and is designed to provide for the migration of existing N1 networks into the Metasys system.
The NIE provides the same Site Management Portal as the NAE. Unlike the NAE, the NIE does not support
integration of BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP, N2, and LONWORKS networks. Two models of the NIE are available.
The NIE55 supports smaller N1 networks, while the NIE85 supports larger N1 integrations.
The NIEx9 is a web-enabled supervisory controller for integration of building control devices that communicate
over the Modbus®, MBus, or KNX protocol. The NIEx9 also communicates over the BACnet MS/TP, BACnet
IP, N2, or LONWORKS networks. This specialized version of the NIE is designed to provide for the migration of
these existing third-party networks into the current generation Metasys system. The NIEx9 provides the same
Site Management Portal UI as the NAE or NIE. Several models are available: NIE29, NIE39, NIE49, NIE59, and
Application and Data Server (ADS)/Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) (Server): The Application
and Data Server is a software package that provides long-term storage of alarm and event messages, trend data,
and user transactions. The ADS/ADX typically coordinates multiple user access from web browsers to the network.
The Extended Application and Data Server provides extended user access and historical data storage capabilities.
An ADS/ADX provides access to the user interface and may serve as the location for user graphics.
The ADX can also be installed in a split configuration with the ADX software/user interface on one computer (the
web/application server computer) and the historical trend data on another computer (the database server computer).
ODS (Server): The Open Data Server is a BTL-Listed BACnet Operator Workstation that conforms to the B-OWS
profile and is BTL-Certified in Europe. To differentiate between the user interface of an ODS and ADS, the ODS UI
window and minimized icon have green shading. Three ODS configurations are available: BACnet Workstation, Site
Manager Workstation, or a combination of both.
The BACnet Workstation is a computer with an operator UI you use to monitor and control the Metasys or general
BACnet system at your facility. In this configuration, BACnet communication occurs directly between the ODS and
the networked BACnet devices. BACnet integration maps in NxEs to the ODS. NxEs are treated the same as BACnet
devices. The BACnet Workstation does not serve as a Site Director.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
The Site Manager Workstation is a computer with an operator UI you use to monitor and control the Metasys system
at your facility. In this configuration, the ODS acts similarly to an ADS/ADX. For example, like an ADS/ADX, web
services communicate to the supervisory devices. The BACnet integration allows communication with BACnet
devices. The ODS serves as the Site Director.
In the combined configuration, the ODS serves as a Site Manager Workstation and a BACnet Workstation. In this
configuration, the NAE reports to the ODS as its Site Director and BACnet devices can be directly mapped to the
ODS through the BACnet integration.
SCT: The System Configuration Tool assists in all phases of engineering, installing, and commissioning of devices
that make up the Metasys system. The SCT can be used offline to create archive databases that can be downloaded
to an Engine or Server. The SCT also allows you to upload and archive databases that were created or edited online
from an Engine or Server. Using the SCT, you can view and configure multiple sites in one archive.
SCT no longer requires the Site Director to be of an equivalent release version as the tool. The SCT also allows you
to maintain a variety of engines from Release 5.2 and later. The Site Director must now be at an equivalent or greater
release version than the highest versioned engine. For example, if you have a 6.5 engine and a 5.2 engine in your
archive, your Site Director needs to be greater or equal to Release 6.5.
The SCT has the same look and feel as the Engine and Server Site Management Portal. The SCT also provides a
Simulation feature, which allows you to simulate a functioning Engine and test the database’s control logic before
you download it.
Metasys system configuration requires that you define a single device as the Site Director. The Site Director device
may be a network engine or server, and its primary role is to coordinate multiple-user access from the web browser
to the network. If an ADS/ADX/ODS exists in the system, it is defined as the Site Director automatically. When
communicating directly to Metasys system servers or network engines, you are in the online mode. For information
on the online, offline, and simulation modes of operation, see the modes section.
SCT Overview
SCT is used for offline configuration of Metasys system engines and ADS/ADX/ODS . The SCT assists in all phases
of engineering, installing, and commissioning of devices that make up the Metasys system. The key features and
functions that SCT provides include the following:
The NAE/NIE Update Tool is now bundled with SCT. When you install the SCT software, the installer also installs
the NAE/NIE Update Tool in the background. Separate menu items are created for both SCT and the NAE/NIE
Update Tool under Start > All Programs > Johnson Controls > Metasys. The SCT installation program creates
a Metasys SCT icon on the computer desktop, but does not create an icon for the NAE/NIE Update Tool.
Note: Uninstalling SCT also uninstalls the bundled NAE/NIE Update Tool. However, because the tool is bundled
with SCT, you cannot separately uninstall the NAE/NIE Update Tool without also uninstalling SCT. The
NAE/NIE Update Tool has no separate entry under the list of installed Windows programs. For more
information on the NAE/NIE Update Tool, refer to the NAE/NIE Update Tool Help (LIT-12011524).
SCT uses the same user interface format as the Site Management Portal UI. This similarity makes the transition
between online and offline access intuitive.
SCT creates and restores site archive backups. Site archives with supervisory controllers and servers at Metasys
Release 5.2 or later can be managed with SCT Release 10.0 and later.
Multiple site archives can be managed in one local instance of SCT.
SCT can fully manage a mixed-release site with supervisory devices at different versions. You can add and
manage supervisory devices at Metasys Release 5.2 and later.
Note: To perform a code download for site devices, you need to have the appropriate release version of device's
image stored on the SCT computer. The device being updated through download must be at an equal
or lower release than the Site Director.
The Manage Archive function lets you upgrade a device from a previous release to a later release. Once you
upgrade a device, Manage Archive coordinates the upload, download, upgrade, and synchronization of the
devices on a site.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Note: When using the Open Archive Wizard, we recommend to only upgrade archives to the desired release
through the new Upgrade Archives capabilities. Perform individual supervisory controller or server upgrades
instead of the Open Archive Wizards Upgrade Archives and Devices functionality. See the Manage
Archive section for more information.
As part of the upload function, SCT provides the ability to upload the Controller Application Files (called .caf files)
from field controllers attached to the supervisory device into the archive database. The supervisory device must
be at version 6.0 or later. During the upload process, SCT creates or updates the Resource extension for the
field controller.
Note: As a prerequisite to uploading .caf files, the SCT computer must also have CCT version 10 or later
installed, because SCT uses a CCT service to manage the .caf upload process. In addition, the upload
process is only compatible with computers that are running Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or
Windows 7 operating system.
SCT provides import database and export archive database functions. These capabilities eliminate the need for
vTools for different Metasys releases at version 5.2 or later that were created against different versions of
Microsoft® SQL Server® software. SCT can import archives that were created with any supported version of
SQL Server software (that is, SQL-independence). For archives created prior to Release 5.2, continue to use
vTools as a resource when working with Metasys systems. (Note that you should not use the export database
function as a substitute for backing up the archive database periodically.)
SCT also provides a Site Discovery feature that lets you create the archive database from an online system
when the archive is not readily available or corrupt, the existing archive is outdated, or the archive has not been
maintained. For devices at Metasys Release 5.2 or later, the Site Discovery feature creates the archive at the
SCT release version and discovers the devices as their physical device release version. For devices earlier than
Release 5.2, the devices are treated in the archive as 5.2 version devices.
SCT can update the software disk image of a supervisory engine, offering a convenient alternative to the NAE/NIE
Update Tool. As a prerequisite to this option, the images of the supervisory engines that you want to update
must be stored on the SCT computer.
SCT can also download software patch files to NxE55-2, NxE55-3, and NIE59 supervisory engines that are
currently at Release 6.5 or later. The NxE55-0, NxE55-1, NxE3x, NxE4x, NxE55-3,and NxE2x engines require
a full image download using the Download Code option built into the SCT to deliver complete image files.
As a configuration step for downloading an image or patch for an NxE, you need to select which Ethernet adapter
the SCT computer uses to perform the operation using the Tools > Select Ethernet Adapter menu item.
Once you have uploaded the .caf file from a field controller, you can use the Export CAF File option in SCT to
export this file from the SCT archive database to your computer for use with the Controller Configuration Tool
(CCT). An option is also available to export every .caf file from all field controllers on a single Field Bus.
A logic simulation capability is available to test custom processes created. This simulation environment is only
available when using SCT on your local machine.
SCT allows you to create and manage the User Security System database for a site. The security databases for
all the devices on a site are optionally uploaded and downloaded as part of the manage archive functionality. A
selection called SCT Security is available under the Security Copy feature that lets you copy the existing set of
SCT users to all supervisory engines on the site.
Starting at 7.0, installations that have SCT installed on the same machine as the Metasys server have separate
security databases for user access credentials for SCT and the Metasys SMP.
Diagnostic features are available to review the upgrade process logs, assess if an archive has points that have
been created that are no longer used or unbound, and summarize the makeup of the features and objects that
have been created on each engine in a site's archive.
Multiple users can access a single database at once, enabling simultaneous updates. However, keep in mind
that simultaneous database updates exhibit a last user wins behavior. For example, User A and User B open
the same focus view for an engine. User A makes an attribute change and saves the change. User B makes an
attribute change and saves the change. User A's changes are gone, superseded by User B's changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
SCT in a Metasys Network
Figure 1 shows SCT as part of an overall Metasys network. The SCT is installed on, and can be accessed by, a
computer on the building network.
Figure 1: SCT as Part of a Metasys Network
Prerequisite Software Checklist for SCT Installation
The computer operating system that you want to use for SCT software must have the proper components installed.
SCT software does not install or function correctly if any of these components is missing. The SCT Installation wizard
verifies that the computer has these prerequisites, but make sure you carefully review the software requirements
listed in Table 2 before you install SCT. The table also indicates where you can obtain each software component.
For detailed information about installing the SCT software, refer to the SCT Installation and Upgrade Instructions
Note: If you are installing SCT 10.0 or later on a computer that also has the NAE/NIE Update Tool installed, you
must uninstall the earlier version of the NAE/NIE Update Tool before installing SCT. As of SCT Release 10.0,
installing SCT also installs the NAE/NIE Update Tool.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 2: Prerequisite Software Checklist for SCT
Software Component
Where to Obtain
Operating System (select one)
Windows® 10, 64-bit, x64 Platform
Microsoft Corporation
(Professional or Enterprise Edition)
Windows 8.1, 64-bit, x64 Platform
(Professional or Enterprise Edition)
Windows 7 with Service Pack (SP) 1, 32-bit, x86
(Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate Edition)
Windows 7 with SP1, 64-bit, x64 Platform
(Professional, Enterprise, or Ultimate Edition)
Windows Server® 2012 R2 with SP3, 64-bit, x64 ADX/ SCT
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Windows Server 2012 with SP3, 64-bit, x64
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP3, 64-bit, x64
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Windows Server 2008 with SP3, 32-bit only, x86
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Operating System (OS) Components (select all)
Internet Information Services (IIS) (included with ADS/ADX/ SCT
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)
OS media
Miscellaneous (select all)
Daylight Savings Time (DST) Patch for OSs
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or 3.5.1
Microsoft Silverlight® 5.0 or later
Database (select one)
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express with SP1, ADS/ SCT
ADS/ADX or SCT media
(Runtime Only Edition)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express with SP3,
(Runtime Only Edition)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with
SP3, 32-bit or 64-bit
(Runtime Only Edition)
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 2: Prerequisite Software Checklist for SCT
Software Component
Where to Obtain
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 with SP1, 64-bit
Microsoft Corporation
ADS/ADX or SCT media
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with SP3, 64-bit
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 with SP3, 32-bit
or 64-bit
(Standard or Enterprise Edition)
Database Tools (select if required)
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 with SP1 is installed as a separate component for Windows Server 2008. For Windows 8.1,
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008 R2, the required version
is 3.5.1 and is built into the operating system and installed as a Windows component.
Required for viewing Graphics+ files on Site Management Portal software clients.
If installing SQL Server software on a customer-owned computer, you may select any of the supported SQL Server software
editions. If installing SQL Server software on a computer owned by Johnson Controls, we recommend you install SQL Server
2008 Express R2 software found on the product media under the folder called SQLTools (For Johnson Controls® branch
computers only), as other Johnson Controls branch applications may require this version.
A software database management tool for SQL Server Express software editions without management tools. This tool ships
bundled with the Standard and Enterprise editions of SQL Server software.
Metasys System Software Upgrades
Keep in mind this information about upgrading the Metasys system software:
If you upgrade only the archive database to Release 11.0, you can continue to manage the site and its devices
at Metasys Release 5.2 and later.
With the Site Director and SCT at Release 11.0, you can add supervisory devices at Metasys Release 5.2 and
later. For example, if you upgrade your Site Director to Release 6.5, you can add and maintain any mix of
supervisory engines beginning at Release 5.2. However, keep in mind that you cannot add or maintain supervisory
engines that are at a later release than the Site Director. For example, if your Site Director is at Release 6.1, you
can add engines at Release 5.2, 6.0, and 6.1 but cannot add engines at a release later than 6.1.
You can configure your Metasys site into logical representation of spaces and equipment. However, you cannot
edit spaces and equipment in the SMP UI.
Note: Only a Release 7.0 or higher release version of SCT can be used to upload and download the Site Director
once it is configured with the new Metasys UI software.
You can upgrade devices to the latest release at any time.
If you are upgrading SCT from Release 6.5 or earlier to Release 7.0 or later, you must uninstall the older release
of SCT before installing.
If you are upgrading SCT from Release 7.0 to a later release, you can upgrade the older release of SCT.
If you are upgrading SCT from a release earlier than 5.2, you must first upgrade to Release 5.2 and then upgrade
to any supported release later than 5.2.
As part of upgrading network engines, use SCT to download their archive databases after the upgrade is complete.
The download also restores the Security System database. After the download completes, issue the Archive
Device command to each downloaded N40-class device (NAE35, NIE39, NAE45, NIE49, NCE25, or NIE29s)
to ensure that the security database is archived to non-volatile memory. This step is new for Release 8.0, but is
not required for N50-class devices (NAE55s and NIE59s).
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
You can view the upgrade logs with the SCT Site Management Portal (SMP). To view the upgrade logs, use the
Upgrade Log option under the Diagnostics menu.
Metasys System Modes of Operation
With Metasys software, you can access and operate specific system features in the online mode or the offline (SCT)
In online mode, you can perform tasks with the Metasys UI such as monitoring and commanding a network of
field devices or configuring a security database by using an Internet browser connected to an engine or
In offline mode, you can perform system configuration tasks, such as building an archive database or configuring
point objects and features when using a computer with SCT. You can configure your Metasys sites into spaces
and equipment. The configuration for spaces and equipment allows you to display your site in the new Metasys
In Simulation mode, you can simulate and test the system logic offline on a single engine using SCT.
Table 3 shows some key differences in functionality between the online and offline modes.
Table 3: Using Metasys System Features and Functions by Mode of Operation
Features and Functions
Offline Mode
Online Mode
(Via Browser to a Site Management
Back up, Restore, and Index Archive
Manually Create a Site, Metasys
Server, and Supervisory Devices
Simulate a Single Engine
Auto-Create a Site Archive from a Live
Site (Site Discovery)
Rename Site or Engine Devices
Upgrade, Upload, Synchronize, or
Download Configuration Databases
Create or Import Integrations, Objects,
and Items Supported by an Engine,
Import and Export Archive Databases
Export .caf Files from Field
Download a Software Disk Image for
an NxE
Patch NxE55 Engines Originally
Loaded with Release 6.5
Automatically Discover and Create
Field Devices and Field Points on a
Network Connected to an Engine
Create a User-Defined Navigation Tree
Copy or Paste Items and their
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 3: Using Metasys System Features and Functions by Mode of Operation
Features and Functions
Offline Mode
Online Mode
(Via Browser to a Site Management
Create Spaces and Equipment for
Spaces Tree (ADS/ADX only)
Create UGT Graphics
Integrate Graphic Generation Tool
Create Diagnostic Archive Reports
Create a System Using Logic
Connector Tool
Create or Edit Summary Definitions
for Tailored Summaries
Full capability when SCT is installed on
ADS/ADX/ODS. Otherwise, only User Add
and User Delete functions are available.
Full capability
Copy Security Database (Security
Support N2 or MSTP Passthru Mode
View and Edit Items Displayed in the
All Items Navigation Tree
View User-Defined Navigation Trees
(User Views)
View Tailored Summaries
Query, Report, and Global Search
Administer Site Security
Metasys Modes
Metasys software can operate in three different modes: online (Site Management Portal UI), offline using the SCT,
and Simulation (SCT). When you are connected to the Engine or ADS/ADX/ODS , you can perform online mode
operational activities such as monitoring and commanding. When you are connected to the SCT only, you can
perform offline mode system configuration tasks such as configuring point objects and features. The SCT has the
ability to simulate custom logic programs in the Logic Connector Tool (LCT) in Simulation mode.
Offline Mode
SCT is a standalone software program installed on a computer, including the ADS/ADX/ODS server, that allows you
to configure the servers and network engines without being connected to the live Metasys system server and network
engines; this function is called the offline mode. In offline (system configuration) mode, use SCT to set up the system
database. You must load configuration changes created in offline mode to the Engine for the settings to take effect.
Two features are available only with SCT: ActionQ and Manage Archive. You can only add servers and network
engines in offline mode. Simulation mode can be started only using SCT.
The offline mode is available to users with the Access Type of Standard Access. See the Access Types section.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
You must be running the System Configuration Tool (offline) to use Simulation. You cannot run Simulation on the
same computer as an ADS/ADX because the ADS/ADX is part of the online system. You must also be logged in
locally to the SCT. If you are logged into the SCT on a different PC, the Start Simulation menu option will be grayed
out. Simulation supports the simulation of one Engine on one site, and if you attempt to start a second simulation,
the first simulation must be stopped.
In Simulation mode, you can perform tasks including:
viewing a control system created using the Logic Connector Tool (LCT)
simulating Inputs/Outputs (I/O)
Simulation offers menu choices different from those available in other modes (the Edit, Insert, and Tools menus are
not available). Simulation does not support moving logic or items from within the simulated system to the archive
database or online system.
Simulation runs in a new browser window labeled Metasys Simulation in the title bar of the browser. Only the
information for the simulated device appears in the simulation session (not the entire site).
In Simulation, you can manually override and command the simulated I/O objects. Typically, the I/O objects are
integrated into a Logic system, Program (Control System) Object, or a Graphic.
When you make changes to a simulated device, the changes become part of the simulated device immediately,
without the need for a refresh.
Simulation Steps
Note: For proper simulation testing, first ensure that SCT and your engine are updated to the same Metasys Release.
Starting a Simulated Session
1. In the All Items Navigation Tree, select the Engine you want to simulate.
2. On the Action Menu, click Start Simulation.
Right-click the Engine you want to simulate in the All Items navigation tree and select Start Simulation from the
Note: When you start a simulation session, a new web browser window opens that can be closed immediately while
the user interface for Simulation loads.
Stopping a Simulated Session
To stop a simulated session, click the Exit button in the upper-right corner of the Simulation screen.
Note: Be sure to also exit the web browser window that was used to start Simulation.
Access Types
Metasys system administrators determine the type of access a user has to the Metasys system through user accounts
in the Security Administrator tool. The three access types are Standard Access, Basic Access, and Tenant Access.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Basic Access
Basic Access provides users with access to a limited set of user interface capabilities based on their assigned
permissions. Basic Access allows the Metasys local system user, RADIUS, or Active Directory® service user to
access only authorized features of the online Site Management Portal (SMP) UI. Typically, a Basic Access user is
not allowed to make any configuration changes. Metasys system administrators can also assign the Basic Access
type to Active Directory or RADIUS service users who have been added to the Metasys system. Basic Access meets
the user interface requirements for most building operators.
Standard Access
Standard Access allows the Metasys local system user, RADIUS, or Active Directory service user to access all
authorized features of the online Site Management Portal (SMP) UI and the SCT.
Note: If you have Standard Access and the Advanced Reporting privilege, you can use the Metasys Advanced
Reporting System.
Tenant Access
Tenant Access allows the local user to access a single dashboard view as defined by a system administrator in the
Ready Access Portal UI.
The Metasys system relies on a private internal Java® Runtime Engine (JRE) that is installed when you download
the Launcher application. This private JRE is not exposed to the same security risks as the public version of the
The Launcher manages a list of all supervisory engines, ADS/ADX/ODS servers, and SCT computers at your facility.
You can also add the Metasys UI, Ready Access Portal, Metasys Advanced Reporting System, and any web address
to its managed list of websites. You can access any release of the Metasys system with the Launcher, but opening
the SMP or SCT UI at Release 5.2 or earlier requires the public JRE on the client computer.
To install the Launcher application:
1. Open your web browser and enter the URL for the Site Management Portal. Examples:
The Windows Launcher Download screen appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Figure 2: Windows Launcher Download Screen
2. Click Full Launcher Installer if you need to access SMP or SCT, and you are allowed to install applications on
your computer.
Click Single Site Connection if you only need to access Metasys servers or engines of a specific release version
or you are not allowed to install applications on your computer.
3. Refer to the Launcher Installation Instructions (LIT-12011783) for completing the installation of Launcher.
4. After installation, close the web browser. By default, the Launcher screen appears after installation if you install
the full version of the Launcher (Figure 3). If you installed the Single Site Connection of the Launcher, the Metasys
Launcher screen appears (Figure 4) when you double-click its icon on the computer Desktop.
5. Refer to the Adding a New SMP or SCT Device Profile and Adding a New Other Profile sections of the Launcher
Help (LIT-12011742) for instructions on how to manage a list of all engines, ADS/ADX/ODS , SCT, Ready Access
Portal, Metasys Advanced Reporting System, or any generic website links that require a login.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Figure 3: Full Launcher
Figure 4: Single Site Connection Launcher
Launching the SCT User Interface
You use the Launcher application to start SCT. The Launcher provides easy and convenient access to any release
of the Site Management Portal (SMP) or SCT user interfaces.
Launching and Logging in to the SCT UI
Note: If you are defined as an Active Directory user, you do not need to manually log in to the SCT. This process
occurs automatically.
To launch and log in to the SCT UI:
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
1. On the SCT computer, double-click the Launcher icon on the computer desktop, or go to Start > Programs >
Johnson Controls > Launcher. The Launcher application appears.
2. Click the SCT tab.
3. Select the device you want and click Launch. The Welcome screen appears.
Note: If the device is not listed, click Add to add the device that you want to use.
4. Type your user name and password.
5. If the Login to list box appears, choose your domain.
Note: The Login to list box appears only if the Microsoft Active Directory service is enabled. Refer to the Security
Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528) for details.
6. Click Login.
7. If more than one archive database is available, the Open Archive window appears. Select the desired database
and click OK. The SCT screen appears.
If only one archive database is available, the database automatically opens and the SCT screen appears.
If an archive database has not been created, the Create New Archive wizard starts. See Creating a New Archive
Database in this document.
Logging Out
Save your changes before you log out. Logging out closes the Alarms window and all other open windows except
the login screen and Help. If your system is configured with a timed logout, the system times out after a specific
period of inactivity. For more information on exiting, see Exiting.
To log out, click the Logout button in the menu bar.
If you are an Active Directory service user who accessed the Metasys system by using an automatic login and want
to access the Metasys system again in the same manner, close the login screen and navigate to the Metasys URL.
Alternatively, you can regain access to the Metasys system by entering your Active Directory service user name
and password and selecting your Active Directory service domain at the login screen.
If you are a RADIUS user, you can regain access to the Metasys system by entering your RADIUS user name and
password, and selecting your RADIUS domain at the login screen.
Note: If you are editing an item in a display panel, the Metasys software cancels the logout process and notifies
you that you cannot exit or log out while in Edit mode. You must exit Edit mode by saving or cancelling your
changes before you can log out of the application.
Save changes before exiting. Exiting closes all open windows (except the Help) associated with the session, including
the Alarms Window and login screen. For more information on logging out, see the Logging Out topic.
To exit, click the Exit button in the menu bar.
Note: If you are currently editing an item in a display panel, the Metasys software cancels the exit process and
notifies you that you cannot exit or log out while in Edit mode. You must exit Edit mode by saving or cancelling
your changes before you can exit the application.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
User Interface
Working in the SCT UI
Objects in the SCT user interface are now easily searchable in the navigation trees through the Locate in Tree
feature. The Locate in Tree feature displays the expanded Equipment, Spaces, or All Items tree location for an
object selected from your focus window.
To use this search feature, right-click one of the following object name locations and select Locate in Tree:
• Global Search table rows
• Object focus window title bars
Figure 5: Locate in Tree - SCT UI Functionality
Note: Locate in Tree search feature is not compatible with User Views and the Unlicensed Item trees.
User Interface Object Icons and Class IDs
The SCT user interface shows object icons in the All Items tree based on class IDs and use cases. For example,
some class IDs display differently if the device is a site director. If a class ID does not have a designated icon, the
default icon
is used. The following table contains all class ID icons.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
Object / Class ID
BACnet Analog Input / 0
N2 Analog Input / 147
XL5K Analog Input / 202
Lon Analog Input / 351
N1 Analog Input / 417
VND Analog Input / 428
BACnet Analog Input Mapper / 500
Analog Input Mapper / 599
BACnet Analog Output / 1
N2 Analog Output / 149
XL5K Analog Output / 203
Lon Analog Output / 352
N1 Analog Output / 419
VND Analog Output / 429
BACnet Analog Output Mapper / 501
Analog Output Mapper / 600
BACnet Analog Value / 2
JCI Analog Value / 165
BACnet Analog Value Mapper / 502
Analog Value Mapper / 601
BACnet Binary Input / 3
N2 Binary Input / 148
XL5K Binary Input / 204
Lon Binary Input / 353
N1 Binary Input / 418
VND Binary Input / 430
BACnet Binary Input Mapper / 503
Binary Input Mapper / 602
BACnet Binary Output / 4
N2 Binary Output / 150
XL5K Binary Output / 205
Lon Binary Output / 354
N1 Binary Output / 420
VND Binary Output / 431
BACnet Binary Output Mapper / 504
Binary Output Mapper / 603
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
BACnet Binary Value / 5
Binary Value / 168
BACnet Binary Value Mapper / 505
BACnet Calendar / 6
JCI Calendar / 161
N1 Calendar / 423
Calendar Mapper / 762
BACnet Event Enrollment / 9
JCI Event Enrollment / 190
BACnet Event Enrollment Mapper / 509
BACnet File / 10
Resource File / 357
BACnet File Mapper / 510
File / 554
BACnet Group / 11
JCI Group / 191
BACnet Group Mapper / 511
BACnet Loop / 12
Proportional, Integral, and Derivative Loop / 252
JCI Loop / 264
BACnet Program / 516
BACnet Multistate Input / 13
N2 Multistate Input / 151
XL5K Multistate Input / 206
LON Multistate Input / 355
N1 Multistate Input / 421
VND Multistate Input / 432
BACnet Multistate Input Mapper / 513
JCI Multistate Input Mapper / 605
BACnet Multistate Output / 13
XL5K Multistate Output / 207
LON Mulstiate Output / 356
N1 Mulstiate Output / 422
VND Multistate Output / 433
BACnet Multistate Output Mapper / 514
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
BACnet Notification / 15
JCI Notification / 313
BACnet Notification Mapper / 515
JCI Notification Mapper / 763
BACnet Schedule / 16
JCI Schedule / 263
BACnet Schedule Mapper / 517
JCI Schedule Mapper / 761
BACnet Multistate Value / 19
JCI Multistate Value / 141
BACnet Multistate Value Mapper / 519
JCI Multistate Mapper / 606
BACnet Accumulator / 23
N2 Program Control / 153
XL5K Program Control / 208
Flex Accumulator / 209
BACnet Accumulator Mapper / 220
N1 Program Control / 245
BACnet PE / 129
Subscription Server / 135
Subscription Client / 661
DLLR / 137
IEIEJ Electric Demand Monitoring / 214
IEIEJ Electric Demand Control / 215
IEIEJ Generic Load Control / 216
BACnet Load Control / 225
BACnet Electric Demand Control / 228
BACnet Generic Load Control / 245
Load / 138
Multiple Control / 144
BACnet Command / 507
Interlock / 146
Trend / 155
BACnet Trend Log / 520
Trend Mapper / 760
Analog Alarm / 156
Multistate Alarm / 172
Optimal Start / 174
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
Container / 176
User View Folder / 2000
Controller Folder Template / 2006
SCT Summary Definition Folder / 2011
Container / 176
Container / 176
Reference / 176
Global Data / 177
Signal Select / 178
Pulse Meter / 181
BACnet Pulse Converter / 221
N50 / 185
NAE 45 / 192
NCE 35 / 193
BACnet Router / 219
Gateway / 282
N50 Integration / 358
NAE 35 / 613
Site Director N50 / 185
Site Director NAE 45 / 192
Site Director NCE 35 / 193
Site Director BACnet Router / 219
Site Director Gateway / 282
N50 Integration / 358
Site Director NAE 35 / 613
Auto Shutdown / 186
Field Bus / 195
XL5K Integration / 200
WRS Class/ 210
N2 Integration / 290
MSTP Integration / 307
N1 Integration / 346
LON Integration / 349
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
Field Device / 197
XL5K Controller / 201
Controller / 278
NCM / 347
LON Controller / 350
VND Controller / 427
BACnet Device / 508
REM Device / 597
RIOM Device / 598
Fire Control Device / 199
Wireless Receiver / 211
Fire Control Device
Wireless Sensor / 212
Supervisor Status Primitive / 213
Net Sensor Device / 627
IEIEJ Electric Demand Monitoring / 214
BACnet Electric Demand Monitoring / 227
BACnet Trend Log Multiple / 224
Trend Log Multiple / 300
Solar Clock / 249
Diagnostic / 255
Analog Totalization / 274
Runtime Totalization / 275
Event Totalization / 276
ODS Workstation / 283
ADS Workstation / 425
ADS Lite E / 752
ADS Lite A / 753
Initial Device Configuration / 2004
Site Director ODS Workstation / 283
Site Director ADS Workstation / 425
Site Director ADS Lite E / 752
Site Director ADS Lite A / 753
Cloud Integration Engine / 284
Site Director Cloud Integration Engine / 284
Site / 286
Ethernet IP / 292
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
Data Broadcast / 319
System Class / 336
BACnet Integration / 343
Graphic / 344
Trend Study / 345
Navigation Tree / 348
P2000 Server / 377
P2000 Host Engine
P2000 Panel / 378
P2000 Portal / 379
P2000 Door / 380
P2000 Report
Standards Table / 585
BACnet Averaging / 518
Averaging / 677
BACnet Life Safety Point / 521
BACnet Life Safety Zone / 522
Input Float Block / 526
Output Float Block / 527
Input Enumeration Block / 528
Output Enumeration Block / 529
Input Boolean Block / 530
Output Boolean Block / 531
Summer Winter Compensation Primitive / 532
Control Activity / 536
Float Constant / 551
Boolean Constant / 552
Control Point / 555
Sensor Primitive /556
Comparison / 560
Math Primitive /561
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 4: User Interface Object Icons
ABH Primitive / 563
DP Primitive / 564
Enth Primitive / 565
RH Primitive / 566
WB Primitive / 567
Flow / 570
Enumeration Constant / 568
Sequence / 575
Variable Speed Drive / 632
NCE / 651
Site Director NCE / 651
Summary Definition / 699
Xaml Graphic / 717
Legacy Equipment / 805
Space / 806
Equipment Definition / 807
BACnet Character String / 820
BACnet Integer / 825
BACnet Positive Integer / 828
Archive Object / 2000
Controller Template / 2008
SCT Summary Definition / 2010
Navigation Tree
The navigation frame can display several navigation trees in offline mode (the All Items tree, the Equipment tree,
and the Spaces tree). The All Items tree is generated during system configuration and represents the network layout
of your system. You can add additional user-defined navigation trees (also referred to as user views) that provide
navigation capabilities for viewing particular parts of your system.
Note: The navigation trees that appear for a particular user, including the All Items tree, are defined by the system
administrator when the user's access permissions are created.
Navigation trees support standard browsing concepts such as the plus sign (+) for expanding items in the tree and
the minus sign (-) for collapsing or hiding items in the tree. The maximum number of items that you can nest under
an item in the All Items tree is 7. User-defined trees have no restrictions on the number of nested items.
To see more details on an item in the navigation tree, drag and drop the item or double-click the item in the navigation
tree. The navigation frame also supports scroll bars and both right-click and left-click options.
You can display user views as either a set of tabs (default) or a drop-down list. This interface helps with large jobs
that have many user views, as the tabs can occupy a large percentage of the viewable navigation screen area.
Configure the default navigation display in the General Display Settings on the Display Settings Tab of the Metasys
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Click the
button to detach the navigation frame. You can minimize and maximize the navigation frame, but if you
click the X button, the frame is restored to its default position.
Drag and Drop
Beginning at Release 7.0, you can drag items into various content areas of the SCT. The following table summarizes
the source items and their destinations.
Table 5: Drag and Drop
Source Location
Navigation Trees
All Items Tree, Equipment
Tree, and Spaces Tree
Global Search Viewer
Types of Items Valid for Destination To Drop Notes
If the view has an edit mode, the view must
be in edit mode in order to drag an item
Equipment Definition: Points or User View folder into a field.
Equipment Discovery: Engines or Devices
Global Search – Search Locations: Various
Global Search – Search Results: Various
Note: Dragging an item in to the search Results
table adds the item to the table. You can then
save the results as an Object List for scheduled
Interlock Object
Interlock Object Action Tables
Interlock Definition Table
List of Attribute Reference field: fully qualified
List of Object Reference field: fully qualified
Multiple Command Object (MCO) Action Tables:
Object Reference field: fully qualified reference
Served By Fields: Space Object or Equipment
Object into
Spaces Tree: Spaces Object, User View folder,
or other folder
Search Locations field: Various
Note: Dragging an item in to the search
locations field adds the item to the locations for
the search query.
Search Results table: Various
Note: Dragging an item in to the search Results
table adds the item. You can then save the
results as an Object List for scheduled reports.
Tailored Summary Viewer: Global Search
Results Object
Attribute Reference field: fully qualified reference
Navigating to an Item
To navigate to and select an item, click the plus (+) and minus (-) signs in the Navigation Tree to expand and collapse
folders until the desired item appears on the tree.
Note: Use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple items.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Pop-up Menus
Pop-up menus provide an efficient way to quickly access important item information. Pop-up menus are also referred
to as right-click menus. To access pop-up menus, right-click an item in the Navigation Tree. Content of the menu
depends on the type of selected item and your level of authorization. For example, point object pop-up menus usually
show the options View, Command, Modify, and Show Extensions. For Engines, pop-up menus usually show View,
Event Viewer, Audit Viewer, Command, Modify, Show Extensions, Alarm Report, Offline Report, Disabled Report,
Operator Override Report, Supervisory Override Report, Trouble Report, Out of Service Report, and Remove from
Screen Layout and Frames
The screen contains four frames and provides a consistent look and feel in every mode (online, offline, or simulation).
Your access to certain features depends on the mode in which you are operating and your assigned access type
and privileges.
Note: If the navigation frame or a display frame is active, the header bar of the active frame or pane is highlighted.
The Menu and Status frames are not highlighted even when you click in them.
Figure 6: Basic Screen Layout
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Figure 7: System Configuration Tool (SCT) UI Screen Frames
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 6: System Configuration Tool (SCT) UI Screen Frames
Displays the menu bar and the first three characters of the logged-in user name. Active Directory
service user names display as the fully qualified user name (for example,
[email protected]).
Log out or exit from the system using buttons in the menu frame.
Presents data or information in the user-selected Panel Layout. In the example in Figure 6, the
Display Frame contains two Display Panels. See the Display Frame Layout section for more
information on the Display Frame.
Displays navigation trees that organize items in the system. The All Items tree generates
automatically when you configure the system database. You can create one or several user
navigation trees (also referred to as user views) for defining your own navigation concept.
For more information on the navigation tree, see the Navigation Tree section.
Displays information about current user actions and the current time/time zone of the server
that you are logged into (supervisory device or Site Director).
The Metasys system uses the term item as a generic reference to an object or selection in the navigation tree. Items
in the All Items navigation tree include the site, devices, control systems (logic), graphics, objects, integrations,
schedules, files, trend studies, field points, user-defined navigation trees, and other system data. Each item can
have another item under it, and so on as the system hierarchy continues. Items have right-click pop-up menus that
provide commanding and viewing options. A symbol represents each item in the navigation tree, and status symbols
indicate the status of each item.
Status Indicators
Status indicators show the status of items in the system on the user interface. For example, these status indicators
appear in the navigation tree, in a column on Summary views, and in a column on the Global Search Viewer’s Search
Results table. The following table shows examples of the status indicators and the mode in which they may appear.
Table 7: Status Indicators
Green Arrow
Item has been edited since it was last loaded to the Engine.
Blue Triangle
Local Site Director: Device is the Local Site Director.
In Simulation mode, status indicators only appear in the Summary views in the display frame. The indicators do not appear
in the navigation tree in this mode.
User-Defined Navigation Trees
User-defined navigation trees (also referred to as user views, user navigation views, and user-defined trees) allow
you to organize items and folders for specific users or functions.
Display Panel Tabs
Each display panel contains tabs that vary depending on the item displayed.
For example, most of the point objects, such as the outdoor air temperature (OAT) contain the following tabs:
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 8: Tabs
Becomes available when you define an Alarm Extension for a point. The New and Delete buttons allow you to
add or delete Alarm Extensions for the point. The Basic and Advanced radio buttons allow you to filter the
attribute display in this tab. The Edit button allows you to change configurable attributes.
Becomes available when you define a point object. The Focus tab shows operation attributes available for the
object type to which the object belongs. Please note that the Basic and Advanced radio buttons allow you to
filter the attribute display in this tab. The Edit button allows you to change configurable attributes.
Becomes available when you define a point object that has a reference to a physical input or output. The
Hardware tab shows hardware-related attributes available for the object type to which the point object belongs.
BACnet Alarm Becomes available when you define a BACnet instrinic alarm for a point. The Intrinsic Alarming Defined attribute
is explained in Trend Extension Attributes section. The BACnet Alarm tab shows BACnet Alarm-related attributes
available for the object type to which the point object belongs. The Basic and Advanced radio buttons allow you
to filter the attribute display in this tab. The Edit button allows you to change configurable attributes.
Becomes available when you create a Totalizator Extension. New and Delete buttons allow you to add or delete
Totalization Extensions for the point. The Edit button allows you to change configurable attributes.
Becomes available when you create a Trend Extension for a point object. New and Delete buttons allow you
to add or delete Trend Extensions for the point. The Chart view allows you to view data samples in a graphical
format and retrieve new trend data. The Table view of the Trend Extension allows you to view the trend’s data
samples in a table format. The Definition view of the Trend Extension allows you to view and edit the attributes
of the trend extension object.
Becomes available when you create an Averaging Extension for a point object. The New button allows you to
add Averaging Extensions for the point.
Becomes available when you create a Load Extension for a point object. The New button allows you to add
Load Extensions for the point.
Other items may contain fewer or more tabs. For example, the item representing the Engine or ADS/ADX/ODS
contains the following tabs:
For information on the tabs available in the system, see the Object and Feature Tabs section.
Display Panel Buttons
Table 9 shows the display panel buttons.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 9: Display Panel Buttons
Allows you to edit attributes for the displayed item. The values you can edit vary depending on the
displayed item. Click Save to save your changes.
• This button does not appear in Simulation mode.
This button does not appear if the user has Basic Access mode permission. It appears dimmed if
the user has Standard Access mode, but does not have Modify Items permission for the object being
The term edit refers to changing items using the Edit button. See the Modify section. The term modify
refers to changing items using the Modify menu item and the Modify dialog box. See the Modify
Dialog section.
Displays the content previously displayed in that panel. Each panel can have a display history of up to
five items.
Displays the content of the next panel saved in the history.
Locks the selected display panel (prevents another item from being dropped in this panel and overwriting
it). A locked panel can be resized. This button toggles between locked and unlocked.
Maximizes the active panel to the full size of the Display Frame. You can also maximize the pane by
double-clicking the header bar. The other panels reappear if you click the restore button.
Restores the panels to their original size and position. You can also restore the pane by double-clicking
the header bar.
Closes just the currently displayed view in the display panel.
Closes all of the views in the display panel (including views stored in history).
Displays commonly used information about the displayed item.
Displays all the information the system contains pertaining to the displayed item.
Working with Items
Displaying Information About an Item
To display information about an item you selected in the navigation tree:
Do one of the following and click the desired tab:
Drag and drop the item from the navigation tree into a display panel.
Select an item in the navigation tree, open the View Menu, and click Selected Item. The data displays in the
default display frame.
Double-click the item in the navigation tree; it displays in the default display panel.
Right-click an item in the navigation tree or a feature in the display panel (such as Global Search or a Tailored
Summary) and select View.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Note: •
When you display information in a panel that already contains data, the older data is replaced and added
to the panel history. To access up to five previously displayed items in the panel history, click the back
button in the display panel.
If all available panels are locked and you try to display information about an item, a message appears
stating that all panels are locked. Click OK and unlock a panel to display other item information.
Wizards make complex tasks easy and guide you through creating and configuring objects and features. A wizard
typically consists of a series of steps, each corresponding to a screen presented to the user.
A wizard may appear when you select an option from the Insert menu and when you prompt certain actions such
as copying and pasting an item in the Navigation Tree. For example, a wizard appears when you select Object from
the Insert menu. Wizards that are available in different modes (for example, any combination of online, offline, or
simulation) appear the same.
Wizards Concepts
Wizard Navigation Buttons
The buttons in Table 10 are common to most of the wizards and allow you to move through wizard screens.
Table 10: Common Wizard Navigation Buttons
Closes the wizard without saving any data. This button is always active.
< Back
Takes you back one screen in the wizard. This may not be the last screen viewed, since you can move between
screens. This button is active on all screens except the first.
Next >
Takes you to the next screen in the wizard. If the current screen requires user input or you are on the last screen
in the wizard, the Next button is disabled.
If available, presents a summary screen for the wizard. If your input is required in any previous screen, the Last
button is disabled. The Last button takes the user to the last wizard screen, which is the summary screen. Once
the summary screen is displayed, the Last button is replaced by the Finish button.
Exits the wizard and saves the data. Selecting Finish is the normal method of exiting a completed wizard. If any
prior screens require your input, this button is disabled. If a wizard has a summary screen, the Finish button is
not available until the summary screen is displayed.
Wizards Steps
Creating Items with Wizards
1. Select the item to create. The corresponding wizard appears. If more than one type of item is available, select
the desired type. Click Next.
• Select Action menu > Show Extensions to launch the Extension Wizard to create extensions to objects
that support them.
• Select Tools menu > Manage Archive to launch the Manage Archive Wizard within SCT. The following
options are available within the archive databases: Upload from Device, Download to Device, Synchronize,
and Upgrade Device. The Upload function has an option to upload the CAF files of connected field controllers
into the archive database. The Download function has an option to download the code of the supervisory
device. The Upgrade Device function has an option to patch the supervisory device.
• Select Tools menu > Security Copy to launch the Security Copy Wizard within SCT.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Select Tools menu > Database to launch the Restore Archive Wizard in the SCT.
Select Insert menu > Site, Supervisory Device, Metasys Server, Integration, Field Device, Field Point,
Folder, Control System, Object, Graphic, Trend Study, User View, or Summary Definition to launch
their respective wizards
2. Complete the information on the wizard screens, using the navigation buttons to move through the screens. The
screens vary depending on the item you are creating. See the Using Wizards section for information specific to
each wizard.
Note: All items appear in the wizard, not just valid destinations. When you click an item that is not a valid
destination for the item being added, an error message appears on the right side of the wizard and the
Next button is disabled.
3. Select Finish on the summary page to create the item. If an error occurs, a message displays and the wizard
returns to the summary page. If the item supports extensions, the Extension Wizard displays after the item is
successfully created.
Using Wizards
Browse the following Menu Topic chapters for more information on using wizards, including:
selections for accessing each wizard
related information
Right-Click Menus
The contents of the menus vary depending on the item or feature selected. The contents are either feature-specific
based on the active panel or item-specific based on the selected item in the navigation tree.
For details on how to access right-click menu items using the equivalent menu bar selection, see Right-Click Menus
and Menu Bar Equivalents.
Right-Click Menus and Menu Bar Equivalents
The following table shows the menu items that may appear in a right-click menu and their equivalent in the menu
Table 11: Right-Click Menus and Menu Bar Equivalents
Right-Click Menu Item
Menu Bar Item
Audit Viewer
View > Audit Viewer
Action > Command
Action > Modify
Edit > Copy
Edit > Paste
Delete Items
Edit > Delete Items
Show Extensions
Action > Show Extensions
Export CAF File
Action > Export CAF File
Export CAF Files
Action > Export CAF Files
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 11: Right-Click Menus and Menu Bar Equivalents
Right-Click Menu Item
Menu Bar Item
Action > Refresh
Refresh All Tabs
Action > Refresh All Tabs
Refresh Current Tab
Action > Refresh Current Tab
View > Selected Item
Action > Rename
Remove From Site
Action > Remove From Site
Add Annotation
Action > Add Annotation
View Annotations
Action > View Annotations
Import Integration
Action > Import Integration
Import Definition
Action > Import Definition
Locate in Tree
Action > Locate in Tree
Object Help
The Object Help describes each object in the system, the attributes of the objects, and the characteristics and
functions of each attribute. The Object Help provides detailed information to aid in creating objects, entering values
for configuring attributes, understanding how to read attributes, and defining the interaction between objects via the
Object Help Concepts
Objects are self-contained functional items in the Metasys system that contain processes to manage building
automation system components. Objects appear as items in the Navigation Tree that shows the hierarchical physical
or logical relationship between the objects as created by the user. These objects are generally referred to as items
in the Metasys user interface.
Each object that exists in a system is based on a specific object type. There is an object type to manage the functions
of the site, object types to manage the operation of the various device types installed on the site, object types to
manage the physical input/output points of each field device, and others.
Examples: Site Object, Engine Device Object, Analog Input Object, Program (Control System) Object
Objects communicate with the rest of the system and with the user through their attributes. The object type defines
the basic function of the object, but the actual behavior of each object also depends on the values assigned to its
configuration attributes and received by its input attributes from other objects. The object writes its status conditions
and the results of internal processes to its output attributes.
When an object type has an equivalent BACnet Object Type, the attribute list includes the BACnet Properties required
by the BACnet protocol specification and some of the optional properties. These objects may be accessed from a
BACnet network. For detailed information on BACnet objects and properties, refer to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
135-2008 - A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Object Extensions
Object extensions provide additional features to objects and include Alarm, Trend Log, Totalization (Analog, Runtime,
and Event), Load, Averaging, and Resource File. Object extensions do not appear in the navigation tree. The
attributes of Object Extensions are displayed under specific tabs when viewing object details. You may define object
extensions when the object is first created using the configuration wizard or add them later.
For more information on extensions, see the Extensions section.
Attributes contain data that an object exposes to the system. The data in some attributes is set by the user or by
other objects and features in the system and is used by the object to perform its function. Other attributes contain
data produced by the object itself. The Attribute table for each object lists the characteristics of each attribute to help
you configure the object.
There is a set of attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These attributes are described in the Common
Object Attributes section. Each object attribute section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to that object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of the object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects and the Email tab appears on Engine and Server objects). The attributes listed in the
tables appear in alphabetical order.
The column headings in the Attribute table are defined as follows:
Attribute Name
Gives the name of the attribute as it appears on the user interface.
Example: High Limit
See the Status and Display Attribute Location topic.
Data Type
Lists the data type of the attribute value. The following table defines the various data types used in the Metasys
Table 12: Data Types
Data Type
Formal Name
Attribute Reference
Attribute Reference
Reference of an attribute from which data is read or to which data is sent.
The format is <Object Reference.Attribute Name>
Day of week, day, month, year
Example: Wednesday, February 19, 2003
List of attributes or properties of other objects that is created or used by a
particular function of this object.
Number from 0–255 with no decimal point. Allowable range appears in
column headed Values/Options/Range
Unsigned Integer
Number from 0 to 65,535 with no decimal point. Allowable range appear in
column headed Values/Options/Range.
Unsigned Long
Number from 0 to 4,294,967,295 with no decimal point. Allowable range
appears in column headed Values/Options/Range.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 12: Data Types
Data Type
Formal Name
Signed Integer
Signed number that is also an integer with no decimal point. The value may
be positive or negative. Allowable range appears in column headed
• DLLR: Shed Pending, Shed Lost
Accumulator: Scale As Integer
Object Reference
Object Reference
Item Reference of an object to which a command is sent
One State/Type/Node
from a Set
Discrete state/type/mode taken from a set of numbered possible values and
normally represented on the user interface by text.
Real Value
Number with a decimal point to show required precision
Example: 24.5
Set of Related Values
A set of values of mixed data types representing one physical entity
Series of True or False
Bit String
Series of true/false states that each have an independent meaning but
together define the overall state of an attribute or object
Set of Values
A set of a specified number of values of the same data type
A line of characters (letters and numbers)
Hours, minutes, seconds
Example: 12:30:56 AM
Each Time data type has a time chooser for graphical time selection, where
True or False
Data that can only be true or false
The Notes column lists specific characteristics of the attribute and its value. The characteristics (or flags) in Notes
specify how the attribute is used in the object and how it can be set within the Metasys system.
Table 13: Notes
C - Configurable
Indicates if the value of the attribute is defined by the user when first creating the object and cannot be
changed by the object itself. Configurable (C) attributes that are writable (W) can be changed by the
user online or by a process or feature in the running system after the object has been created.
D - Default Attribute Indicates that this is the primary value of this object, and is used when the user interface needs to display
for Display
a single value from the object. For example, this attribute is displayed in the header bar of the display
panel for an object.
N - Value Not
Indicates that this configurable attribute may contain a blank value. (Other configurable [C] attributes
without N must contain a valid value for the object to function.) For example, a value for a high or low
limit attribute is not required and a blank value indicates that the alarm processing is not required.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 13: Notes
R - Affected by
Object Reliability
Indicates that the reliability of the value of this attribute is dependent on the object being in a reliable
W - Writable
Indicates that the user can edit the value of the attribute online or by a process or feature in the running
system or network. A write to a configurable (C) attribute replaces the existing value. A write to other
attributes is handled as an override to the value calculated by the object or as a command for some
action by the object.
BACnet Notes
The BACnet Notes column specifies if the attribute is exposed as a standard BACnet property and if it can be modified
from a BACnet network.
Table 14: BACnet [System] Notes
B - Exposed as
Standard BACnet
Indicates that the attribute can be accessed as a standard BACnet Property of the equivalent BACnet
Object Type from a BACnet network.
W - Writable
Indicates that the value of the attribute can be modified by a message from a device on the BACnet
The types listed in Table 13 may also appear in the Note column, as applicable.
Initial Value
A configurable attribute takes the initial value when the object is being created if the user does not enter another
value. Other attributes take the initial value on startup and until the object calculates a new value.
Based on the attribute’s data type, this column may show the range of valid values or a reference to the set of
possible values for this attribute. If the complete set of values for the attribute is small, all possible values are shown
in this column.
Status and Display Attribute Location
The Status and default display attribute (typically the Present Value) of objects appear just below the header of the
Display Panel displaying the object.
Object Naming Attributes
Every object can be identified by one of three naming attributes.
Name - a freely definable user name for the object
Item Reference - a fixed name used internally by the system
BACnet Object Name - the name exposed to a BACnet network based on the Item Reference; or the name based
on the User Name Is BACnet Obj Name common attribute setting
See the Object and Feature Tabs section for more information on these attributes.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
The Commands table for each object lists the commands that the object supports. Commands allow you to perform
an action on an object, such as Start or Stop. The user executes these commands through the user interface. If an
object does not support any commands, the Commands table does not appear in the Help. For a description of each
command, click the command name in the Commands table.
The column headings in the Commands table are defined as follows:
Command Name - Gives the name of the command as it appears in the user interface.
Parameters - Gives the parameters required in the command along with some descriptive information.
State, Mode, and Type Sets
State, Mode, and Type Sets provide the source of readable text for the user interface when the displayed value can
be one of many states, modes, or types. For example, the Status attribute of every object is displayed as one of the
texts listed in the Object Status (Set 505).
References to specific sets appear throughout the Object Help, usually in the Values/Options/Range column of the
object’s attribute table.
Common Object Attributes
The Object and Feature Tabs are used by most of the object types in the Metasys system. Each particular object in
the object list contains a reference to the use of common object attributes.
Object List
The entire list of objects that are available in the Metasys system appears in the table of contents in the Help system
and PDF. Also see the Extensions section for object extensions.
Object Creation
Objects can be created offline in the system database on the SCT and later downloaded to the host device as part
of the edited database. You can also create objects online with a browser if you have the Access Privileges to
configure objects using the Security Administrator System. The user interface screens and procedures are similar
in either case. Creating an object involves placing it at the desired position in the Navigation Tree and defining all
the attributes that are required for it to operate. The procedure begins with the Insert Menu, and a wizard guides
you through all the necessary configuration steps.
See the Creating Items with Wizards section for the steps to create objects/items.
Object Deletion
Objects can be deleted offline in the system database on the SCT and later downloaded to the host device as part
of the edited database. You can also delete objects online with a browser if you have the Access Privileges to
configure objects using the Security Administrator System. The user interface screens and procedures are similar
in either case. Deleting an object involves selecting it in the Navigation Tree and using the Delete Items command.
See the Deleting Objects or Items section for more information.
Note: Before deleting an object, you should delete all references to the object within other objects and reconfigure
any objects that are referenced in the object to be deleted. If the references are not edited or deleted, the
referenced objects may not operate correctly. See the Engine Device Object for an example of how to locate
incomplete references.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Common Object Attributes
The Common Object Attributes are used by most of the object types in the Metasys system. Each object type also
has specific attributes that apply only to that object type. A reference to the use of Common Object Attributes and
a description of specific object attributes are given under each particular object in the Object List.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the Common Object Attributes, see Common Attributes.
Common Attributes
This section lists the attributes that are common to Metasys system objects.
Note: For detailed information on BACnet properties, refer to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2008 - A Data
Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks.
Table 15: Common Metasys Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Name -- Object
2390 W C
Contains a freely definable user-friendly Name for the object that is independent of the
Item Reference or the location of the object in the physical network. The Name is used
as the label in the All Items navigation tree. The Name is shown in alarm reports, the event
and audit viewers, and in summaries. The Name does not need to be unique to the site
unless the name is used as the BACnet Object Name. When the name is used as the
BACnet Object Name, it must be unique among the BACnet Object Names in the device
(if it is not a Device object) or unique among the other device objects (if it is a Device
The Name defaults to the object identifier you used during manual object creation, but
can be edited later. For integrated BACnet objects, the name defaults to the BACnet Object
Name in the remote BACnet device. For integrated N1 network objects, the name defaults
to the System.Object Name in the Network Communication Module (NCM).
Example: ConferenceCenter-Room2-SpaceSetPoint
For devices, both the Computer Name and Name attributes default to the object identifier
you used during manual object creation. But do not confuse the Computer Name attribute
with the Name attribute. Changing the NAE Name attribute does not impact the object
references or network communication with other devices on the site.
Changing the Computer Name online breaks any existing references between the NAE
object and other objects on the site, and may break the existing network connection to
other devices on the network. We do not recommend changing the Computer Name online.
If you change the Computer Name attribute in the SCT (right-click the NAE in the navigation
tree and select Rename), both the Computer Name and Name attributes are changed to
the new name you select. The Item Reference then updates to show the new Computer
Description -- Object
28 W C
Contains a user-defined description of the object or, for some integrations, the device
description. After the description is defined by the user, the description is not read from
the device again.
Enabled -- Object
673 W C
Indicates whether the object is set to execute/enabled (True) or not execute/disabled
Authorization Category -- Object
908 W C
Classifies the object by the category of system or equipment that it monitors to aid in the
determination of user access privileges and alarm routing.
Examples: HVAC, Fire, Security
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 15: Common Metasys Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Object Type -- Object
79 W C
Indicates the Object Type as displayed in the Metasys software and as exposed to a
BACnet network.
Example: AI (Analog Input)
Archive Date -- Object
Indicates the date of the last successful archive of object instances. The value of this
attribute is valid if a valid archive exists and during the archive download process. The
value of this attribute is 0xFF at all other times.
Object Name -- BACnet
77 W C
Indicates the Object Name as exposed to a BACnet network. This attribute is equivalent
to the Item Reference without the site identifier. You cannot edit this attribute, but it changes
when the Item Reference attribute updates.
In addition, you can change the Object Name attribute by editing the User Name attribute
and setting the User Name Is BACnet Obj Name attribute to True.
Example: NAE3/N2 Trunk1.AHU4.Supply Temp
Object Identifier -- BACnet
75 C
Indicates the instance number of the Object Type used in the BACnet Object ID as exposed
to a BACnet network. The object ID must be unique within the host device. The object ID
of the Device object must be unique within the BACnet network.
User Name Is BACnet Obj Name -- Controls whether the object’s User Name attribute is also the Object Name attribute. The
Object Name attribute is not writable, so the only way to change the Object Name attribute
is to edit the User Name attribute and set the User Name Is BACnet Obj Name attribute
1092 W C
to True.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 15: Common Metasys Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Firmware Version -- Engineering
Displays the version number of the object software code. As the functionality of objects
is enhanced, the version numbers are incremented.
Item Reference -- Engineering
32527 C
Contains a unique reference name for the object that is the full path name of the object
through the All Items navigation tree using the unique identifier you specified when you
manually created the object. The Item Reference begins with the site and device identifiers
(separated by a colon), followed by the identifiers of any parent objects, such as an
integration object, field device, or any nested folders, and ends with the identifier of the
object itself.
Example: 3.1 where 3 is the major revision and 1 is a minor revision
You define the identifier of each object as it is created and the system builds the Item
Reference automatically. Once the object is defined, the Item Reference cannot be changed
directly. But the Computer Name attribute of a Site Director or device is the object identifier.
If you change the Site Director or device Computer Name attribute, the Item Reference
then updates to show the new Computer Name.
If a device has a domain specified in the Domain Name attribute, the name for the domain
appears in the Item Reference after the Computer Name:
Computer Name.Domain Name
The following characters are not allowed in references:
Figure 8 shows an example for a field point object in an N2 integration.
Figure 8: Example of Item Reference
Object and Feature Tabs
This section describes the tabs of the display panel for the objects and features in the system. Each display panel
can contain different tabs depending on the item being viewed, and each tab shows different information.
Note: This section contains detailed information about the tabs used by multiple objects/features. When a tab only
appears for a specific object/feature, the details of that tab are defined in that object/feature section. However,
this section includes a brief description of such tabs and provides links to the detailed object/feature sections.
Action Tables Tab
The Action Tables tab appears on Interlock and Multiple Command objects. See the Interlock Object and Multiple
Command Object sections for details.
Alarm Tab
The Alarm tab appears on an object that has an alarm extension. See Alarm Extensions in the Extensions section.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Associated Graphic Tab
The Associated Graphic tab appears when a graphic is referenced from the object using the Graphic attribute. Refer
to the User Graphics Tool section in the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793) for details on working with this tab.
Averaging Tab
The Averaging tab appears on an object that has an averaging extension. See Averaging Extensions in the Extensions
BACnet Alarm Tab
Attributes associated with the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming for an object are shown under the BACnet Alarm tab of the
display panel. This tab appears when the site is defined as a BACnet site and the object has intrinsic alarming
enabled (that is, Intrinsic Alarming Defined set to True).
Table 16: BACnet Alarm Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Acked Transitions
Series of True or
False states
Alarm Message Text Text
To Offnormal, To Fault, To Normal
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Maximum 256 characters
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Alarm Values
One value from a
list (see Values/
Inactive, Active
States Text attribute identifies the value set for this
Applies to binary input (BI), binary value (BV), MI,
and MV objects.
For MI and MV objects, you can select multiple
values from a list, unlike the other objects that are
limited to one value.
BACnet Deadband
Real value
Error Status
One state from a
Event Enable
Series of True or
False states
Event State
Event Time Stamps
Applies to analog input (AI), analog output (AO),
and analog value (AV) objects.
Applies to the binary output (BO) object.
To Offnormal, To Fault, To Normal
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
One state from a
Set of values
Normal, Fault (unreliable), High Limit, Low Limit
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
BACnet formatted Time Stamps
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Fault Values
List of numbers
(see Values/
Numbers: 0–65,535
States Text attribute identifies the value set for this
The list of numbers come from a list of the Alarm
Applies to MI and MV objects.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 16: BACnet Alarm Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Feedback Reference Object reference
Applies to BO and multistate output (MO) objects.
Feedback Value
Inactive, Active
One value from a
States Text attribute identifies the value set for this
Applies to BO and MO objects.
Object reference
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Graphic Alias
Maximum 256 characters
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
High Limit
Real value
Life Safety Alarm
List of
Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
Uses BAC LifSfty State (BACnet Lifesafety State)
(Set 186).
Applies only to Life Safety Zone and Life Safety
Point objects.
Limit Enable
Series of True or
False states
Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
Low Limit
Real value
Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
Notification Class
This is the BACnet Object Identifier of the
Notification Class Object used for routing.
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Notification Object
Object reference
Notify Type
One type from a set CW
Set to Notification Class: 1
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Alarm, Event
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Pulse Rate
Time Delay
Applies to the Accumulator object.
Units = seconds
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
B - Exposed as Standard BACnet Property, C - Configurable, W - Writable
BACnet Alarm Tab Attribute Details
Acked Transitions
Displays three states that independently indicate the receipt of acknowledgments for To Offnormal, To Fault, and
To Normal events. Transitions to High Limit and Low Limit Event States are considered Offnormal events.
These states are set to False when the corresponding event occurs and an acknowledgment is expected as defined
in the Notification Class Object referenced by the Notification Class attribute of this object.
The states are set to True upon receipt of the corresponding acknowledgment.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Alarm Message Text
Specifies the body of the alarm messages.
Alarm Value (Alarm Values)
Specifies the value (or list of values for multistate objects) that Present Value must reach before an event generates.
If the object supports intrinsic reporting, this attribute is required.
A To Offnormal event generates under these conditions:
The Present Value maintains the value(s) specified by Alarm Value(s) for a minimum period of time, specified
in the Time Delay attribute.
The To Offnormal flag is enabled in the Event Enable attribute.
Once equal to the Alarm Value(s), the Present Value must become not equal to Alarm Value(s) before a To
Normal event is generated under these conditions:
The Present Value remains not equal to the Alarm Value(s) for a minimum period of time, specified by the Time
Delay attribute.
The To Normal flag is enabled in the Event Enable attribute.
BACnet Deadband
Defines the value by which the Present Value must change below the High Limit or above the Low Limit before the
object generates a To Normal event.
Error Status
Indicates whether the Present Value was successfully written to the object defined by the Feedback Reference. The
Error Status displays Ok if the object was able to send its latest Present Value to the feedback object. Otherwise,
the Error Status displays the error of the first failed command.
Event Enable
Contains three states that independently enable To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal events. Transitions to High
Limit and Low Limit Event States are considered Offnormal events. An unreliable condition generates a Fault event.
Event State
Indicates the active alarm state of the Intrinsic Alarming feature if enabled for the object. In BACnet terms, High Limit
and Low Limit states are Offnormal.
Event Time Stamps
Indicates the times of occurrence of the last To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal event transitions. Time and Date
time stamps are shown as * if no transition of that type has been generated. Sequence time stamps are 0 if no
transition of that type has been generated. If intrinsic reporting is supported by the object, this attribute is required.
Fault Values
Specifies any states the Present Value must equal before a To Fault event issues. If Present Value becomes equal
to any of the states in the Fault Values list, and no physical fault is detected for any inputs represented by the Present
Value attribute, then the Reliability attribute has the value Multistate Fault. If the object supports intrinsic reporting,
the Fault Values attribute is required.
Feedback Reference
Indicates the object reference of the feedback object.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Feedback Value
Indicates the status of a feedback value from which Present Value must differ before an event generates. The amount
Present Value differs from Feedback Value to generate an event is locally determined. This attribute is required if
the object supports intrinsic reporting.
A To Offnormal event generates under these conditions:
The Present Value differs from the Feedback Value for a minimum period of time, specified in Time Delay.
The Event Enable attribute enables the To Offnormal flag.
Once equal to the Feedback Value, the Present Value must become different from the Feedback Value before a To
Normal event generates under these conditions:
The Present Value remains not equal to the Feedback Value for a minimum period of time, specified by Time
The Event Enable attribute enables the To Normal flag.
Indicates the graphic associated with the alarm extension.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this object
or the controller containing this point.
High Limit
Defines the high limit that the Present Value attribute must exceed before an event is generated.
The object generates a To Offnormal event when the Present Value exceeds the High Limit for a minimum period
of time, defined in the Time Delay attribute; the High Limit Enable is True in the Limit Enable attribute; or the To
Offnormal is True in the Event Enable attribute.
The object generates a To Normal event when the Present Value falls below the High Limit minus the Deadband
for a minimum period of time, specified in the Time Delay attribute; the High Limit Enable flag is set in the Limit
Enable attribute; or the To Normal flag is set in the Event Enable attribute.
For the Accumulator object, this attribute indicates the upper limit of the range.
Life Safety Alarm Values
Specifies any states that the Present Value must equal before the point generates a To Offnormal event and enters
the Life-Safety-Alarm event state.
Limit Enable
Contains two flags that independently enable and disable reporting of High Limit and Low Limit events and their
return to Normal. This attribute is required if the object supports intrinsic reporting.
Low Limit
Defines the low limit that the Present Value attribute must fall before an event generates.
The object generates a To Offnormal event when the Present Value falls below the Low Limit for a minimum period
of time, defined in the Time Delay attribute; the Low Limit Enable is True in the Limit Enable attribute; or the To
Offnormal is True in the Event Enable attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
The object generates a To Normal event when the Present Value exceeds the Low Limit plus the Deadband for a
minimum period of time, specified in the Time Delay attribute; the Low Limit Enable flag is set in the Limit Enable
attribute; or the To Normal flag is set in the Event Enable attribute.
For the Accumulator object, this attribute indicates the lower limit of the range.
Notification Class
Defines the notification class for handling and generating event notifications for the object. This attribute implicitly
refers to the Notification Class Object that has a Notification Class attribute of the same value.
Notification Object Reference
Allows selection of a Notification Class object. When the Notification Object Reference is written, the value of the
Notification Class attribute is updated to reflect the referenced object’s instance number. The value of the Notification
Object Reference attribute is restricted to Notification Class objects on the same device as the Alarming object.
Notify Type
Defines whether the transitions generated by the object are Events or Alarms.
Pulse Rate
Indicates the number of input pulses received during the most recently completed period specified by the Limit
Monitoring Interval. This value is monitored by the Intrinsic Alarming logic for this object. This attribute is writable
only when the object is out of service.
Time Delay
Defines the minimum number of seconds that the Present Value must remain outside the range defined by the High
Limit and Low Limit attributes before the object generates a To Offnormal event.
Also defines the minimum time the Present Value must remain within the range defined by the High Limit and Low
Limit attributes, including the Deadband attribute value, before the object generates a To Normal event.
When used with the Feedback Value, this value specifies the minimum number of seconds that the Present Value
must remain equal to the Feedback Value before a To Offnormal event generates or different from the Feedback
Value before a To Normal event generates.
For the Accumulator object, this value defines the minimum number of seconds that the must remain outside of
the range defined by the High Limit and Low Limit attributes before the object generates an event or alarm.
Calendar Tab
The Calendar tab appears on Calendar objects, which are used behind the scenes by the Scheduling feature.
Communications Tab
The Communications tab appears on Engine Device objects.
Configuration Tab
The Configuration tab appears when you define an object in the SCT or in a Wizard. The Configuration tab shows
operation attributes available for the object type to which the object belongs. The attributes displayed on the
Configuration tab vary by object type. For example, the Analog Input object’s Configuration tab has different attributes
than the ADS/ADX/ODS object’s Configuration tab. See the specific object section for details on its Configuration
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Note: This tab is called the Focus tab in the online Site Management Portal.
Diagnostic Tab
The Diagnostic tab only appears for objects containing diagnostic data. The attributes displayed on the Diagnostic
tab vary by object type. For example, the Diagnostic tab of the BACnet Protocol Engine Object has different attributes
than the Engine Device Object. See the specific object section for details on its Diagnostic tab.
Email Tab
The Email tab appears on Engine or Server objects. The Email DDA Attributes appear on the Shared Configuration
section of the Email Tab. The Email DDA Destination Configuration Attributes appear when you edit a specific Email
destination on the Email tab.
Note: At Release 7.0 Email Tab Destinations and all DDA communications feature alphabetical sorting. Clicking
icon sorts destinations in alphabetical order. Clicking the
icon sorts destinations in reverse
alphabetical order.
Table 17: Email DDA Shared Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
SMTP Server Host
Specifies either a host name or IP address of a server. A host name can be specified only if a domain
name system (DNS) is available to the device. This attribute is used in conjunction with Email DDA
attribute. If no Email DDA destinations are configured, this attribute is ignored.
Signifies the TCP port on which Email DDA should connect to deliver an email message. By default,
this field is set to 25 (SMTP); however, some internal SMTP servers may be set up to non-standard
ports which require that this field be changed to match the listening port of the mail exchanger. If no
Email DDA attribute exists, this attribute is ignored.
Authentication Type
Specifies the type of authentication used to send and receive emails. Depending on the selection
you make, the fields on the Email tab become enabled or disabled to help you fill in only the fields
required for that authentication type. If you select SMTP, the SMTP User Name and SMTP Password
attributes become enabled. If you select POP-before-SMTP, the POP User Name and POP Password
attributes become enabled.
SMTP User Name
Specifies a user name for the SMTP server. This attribute is ignored if the SMTP Server Host is
empty. This attribute applies only when using SMTP authentication. If no Email DDA destinations
are configured, this attribute is ignored. See SMTP Password.
SMTP Password
Specifies the password for the SMTP user name. This attribute is ignored if the SMTP Server Host
is empty. This attribute applies only when using SMTP authentication. If no Email DDA destinations
are configured, this attribute is ignored. See SMTP User Name.
POP Server Hostname
Specifies the hostname for the POP server. This attribute applies only when using POP authentication.
If no Email DDA destinations are configured, this attribute is ignored.
POP User Name
Specifies a user name for the POP server. This attribute is ignored if the POP Server Hostname is
empty. This attribute applies only when using POP authentication. If no Email DDA destinations are
configured, this attribute is ignored.
POP Password
Specifies the password for the POP user name. This attribute is ignored if the POP Server Hostname
is empty. This attribute applies only when using POP authentication. If no Email DDA destinations
are configured, this attribute is ignored.
From Email Address
Specifies the email address from which all emails are sent. The From Email Address is a required
field. If this attribute is not populated, the Email DDA does not attempt to send an email message.
SSL Email Enabled
When enabled or set to True, emails attempt to send over an SSL encrypted connection. If SSL is
not supported, the email sends unencrypted unless SSL Email Ignoring Errors option is set to False.
This attribute is disabled by default.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 17: Email DDA Shared Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
SSL Email Ignoring
When True, the email is still sent even if the email server certificate appears to be invalid. When
false, the email is sent only if the operating system can verify that the server sent a valid SSL
certificate. The feature is only enabled if SSL Email Enabled is True.
Email Diagnostics
Displays diagnostic information regarding the communication between the Email DDA (SMTP Client)
and the SMTP Server. This attribute displays both successful and unsuccessful email message
Table 18: Email DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Identifies the user-friendly destination name in the list of Email DDAs. Maximum characters: 80
Email Address
Specifies the email address of one or more recipients. You must use valid email addresses set up
on an email server for the device to successfully send the email alarms. When entering more than
one email address, separate the addresses with a comma (for example,
[email protected],[email protected]).
to select email addresses defined by the user accounts in the Security Administrator
system. See the section for more information on the Email DDA and selecting email addresses.
Maximum characters: 256
Specifies the priority of the outbound email message. This attribute defines the X-Priority field within
the email’s MIME header. X-Priority is one of several ways to define the significance of an email.
Not all email clients interpret it the same way. Please refer to your email client’s documentation for
more information.
You can choose from the following values:
• High
• Low
See the Hi Normal Low (Set 100).
Specifies the user-defined text that appears in the subject field of the email message.
Maximum characters: 256
Specifies the number or attempts made to send a message if there is a failure before the system
discards it.
Range: 0–10
Defines whether or not the destination is enabled. When this attribute is False, the Engine or Server
does not deliver alarms to the configured recipients.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 18: Email DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Specifies the rules to filter alarms. This attribute uses Alarm Value (Set 108).
See Filters for more information.
Defines the format of the message, indicating which fields are present in the received message.
The following fields are optional:
• Acknowledge Required (not an option for pager)
Item Category
Item Description
Item Fully Qualified Reference
Previous Status
Site Name
See for more information on this DDA.
Refer to the Event Message Routing, Filtering, and Destinations section of the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793)
for more information on this DDA.
Defines the rules used to filter alarms. This attribute appears on the Email, Pager, Printer, and SNMP tabs. See in
the section for more information on filtering.
Table 19: Filter Parameters
Operators Allowed
Acknowledge Required
== or !=
True or False
Current Status
== or !=
Object Status Set
Start Day of Week
<, <=, >, >=, ==, or !=
Day of the week.
Any value from Monday to Sunday
Start Time
<, <=, >, >=, ==, or !=
End Day of Week
<, <=, >, >=, ==, or !=
Day of the week.
Any value from Monday to Sunday
End Time
<, <=, >, >=, ==, or !=
Item Type
== or !=
Object Type Set
Item Category
== or !=
Authorization Category Set
Previous Status
== or !=
Object Status Set
<, <=, >, >=, ==, or !=
Number value
Note: If you specify a filter
with a value of >10, you
receive only alarms with
priorities between 11 and 255.
If you define multiple filters for a destination, the Destination Delivery Agent (DDA) combines all the criteria with an
AND condition (all filter criteria must be met).
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Engineering Tab
The Engineering tab appears on integration objects in the system. This tab allows you to view and edit attributes of
items such as devices and points on an integration.
To use the Engineering tab to view and edit attributes:
1. Right-click the integration object on the Navigation tree and select View. The Integration object appears.
2. Click the Engineering tab, and navigate to an item in the Integration Tree.
Note: You may need to click Relearn to discover the integrated devices and points on the network and populate
the Integration Tree with the data.
3. Double-click the selected item. The Details screen for the selected item appears.
4. Click the Edit button.
5. Make the desired changes and click Save.
Event Tab
The Event tab appears on Event Enrollment objects.
See the and in the section.
Focus Tab
The Focus tab appears when you define an object in the online Site Management Portal. The Focus tab shows
operation attributes available for the object type to which the object belongs. The attributes displayed on the Focus
tab varies by object type. For example, the Analog Input object’s Focus tab has different attributes than the
ADS/ADX/ODS object’s Focus tab. See the specific object section for details on its Focus tab.
Note: This tab is called the Configuration tab in the SCT or in a Wizard.
Graphic Tab
The Graphic tab appears on a device object that has an associated Graphic defined. See the for details on working
with this tab.
Group Tab
The Group tab appears on Group objects.
Hardware Tab
The Hardware tab shows hardware-related attributes associated with the hardware source of an integration, device,
or a point (for example, when an object has a reference to a physical input or output).
Note: Each Hardware attribute table is organized and divided into sections of Integration Hardware attributes,
Device Hardware attributes, and Point Hardware attributes (calling out when attributes are shared between
these object types). These sections are indicated by headings that span across the table.
BACnet Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. These attributes are not exposed to a BACnet network.
Note: Each Hardware attribute table is organized and divided into sections of Integration Hardware attributes,
Device Hardware attributes, and Point Hardware attributes (calling out when attributes are shared between
these object types). These sections are indicated by headings that span across the table. Attributes marked
with the letter C are configurable and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 20: BACnet Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
BACnet Device Hardware Attributes
Disable Automatic
True or False
BACnet Device and Point Hardware Attributes
Instance Number
Remote Device DDR
Remote Object Name
Series of
BACnet device address
BACnet Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Disable Automatic Alarming
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute
only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming
attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X.
Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Instance Number
Contains the number of mapped BACnet objects that are being polled on a periodic basis or are part of the BACnet
Object Identifier (along with the Object Type). The BACnet Object Identifier is used to establish communication with
the object.
Remote Device Addr
Contains the BACnet address of the remote BACnet device where the integrated BACnet object resides.
Remote Object Name
Contains the BACnet Object Name of the integrated BACnet object as defined in the remote BACnet device.
LONWORKS Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. These attributes are not exposed to a BACnet network.
Table 21: LONWORKS Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Maximum Length = 12
LONWORKS Integration Hardware Attributes
Domain ID
Category = Default
Hex bytes of length 0,1,3, or 6
Driver Name
Maximum Length = 30
Category = Default
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 21: LONWORKS Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
File Filter
Initial Value
Maximum Length = 40
Category = Default
LNS Database Name
Maximum Length = 30
Category = Default
Resource File
Maximum Length = 3
Category = Default
Status Launch Interval Number
Range = 0–10,000 milliseconds
Temporary Status Item Number
Expiration Time
Range = 0–65,535 seconds
Immediate (0), Never (65,535)
LONWORKS Device Hardware Attributes
Alarm Event State
True or False
Device Class
Maximum Length = 40
Category = Default
Device Subclass
Maximum Length = 40
Category = Default
Disable Automatic
True or False
Maximum Length = 30
Category = Default
Maximum Length = 30
Category = Default
Location Label
Maximum Length = 30
Category = Default
Maximum Length = 40
Category = Default
Message Retry Count Number
Program ID
Range = 0–15
Number of Elements = 40
Category = Default
Maximum Length = 40
Category = Default
XIF Present
True or False
LONWORKS Integration and Device Hardware Attributes
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 21: LONWORKS Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Neuron ID
Initial Value
Fixed Length = 6
Category = Default
LONWORKS Point Hardware Attributes
Command Status
Mapping Table
Applies to BI, BO, MI, and MO objects only.
Custom Scale/Offset
Applies to AI and AO objects only.
Enable Polling
True or False
Field Units
One unit of
measure from a
Interface Value
One from a set
or Number
Manual Control
True or False
True or False
True or False
Target Reference
True or False
Update Interval
Applies to AO, BO, and MO objects only.
Uses Unit Set (Set 869).
This attribute is for AI and AO objects only.
Applies to AO, BO, and MO objects only.
Applies to BI and BO objects.
Units = Seconds
Applies to AO, BO, and MO objects only.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
LONWORKS Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Alarm Event State
Specifies whether Node State changes will cause alarms. The value of True allows Node State alarms to be processed
by the NxE. The value of False masks Node State alarms from the NxE.
Command Status Mapping Table
Limits or modifies the mapping to the field states/commands used by the object. This string refers to one of the
conversion identifiers in the CommandStatusMap.xml file.
Custom Scale/Offset
Provides a customs scaling function for converting the field data to the defined units of the object. This attribute is
for AI and AO objects only.
Device Class
Indicates the class of a device. The LONWORKS network server is responsible for populating the Program ID (which
includes the Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, Transceiver, and Model). If no standard Program ID
exists, the value is n/a.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Device Subclass
Indicates the device subclass usage of a device. The LONWORKS network server is responsible for populating the
(which includes the Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, Transceiver, and Model). If no standard Program
ID exists, the value is n/a.
Disable Automatic Alarming
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute
only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming
attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X.
Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Domain ID
Defined by Metasys system Connectivity to LONWORKS network (MCL) software for the particular LONWORKS network
trunk. The validation code checks for proper format (zero, one, three, or six hexadecimal bytes).
Driver Name
Displays to the name of the installed LONWORKS network driver.
Displays the native LONWORKS network address (in Domain-Subnet-Node format). DSNs must be unique on the
LONWORKS network. DSN 1 is required. Use the format xx/xx/xx.
Displays the native LONWORKS network address (in Domain-Subnet-Node format). DSNs must be unique on the
LONWORKS network. DSN 1 is required, but DSN 2 can be left blank. Use the format xx/xx/xx.
Enable Polling
Indicates whether polling is enabled or disabled when the Engine is in complete control of this item.
Field Units
Lists the engineering units that pertain to the LONWORKS network data. This attribute is for AI and AO objects only.
File Filter
Lists the types of files that can be used as file extensions to the LON Integration object. The list includes:
File Filter can be edited for alternate languages and must be in the xxx file format.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Interface Value
Indicates the current value from the hardware interface. The Interface Value updates when the hardware is read or
when the hardware’s current value changes.
Location Label
Describes the location of the controller.
LNS Database Name
Displays the name of the LONWORKS® Network Services (LNS) database used to build the LONWORKS network trunk.
Manual Control
Indicates that an Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switch on the referenced item is set to Hand or Off.
Indicates the manufacturer of a device. The LONWORKS network server is responsible for populating the Program
ID (which includes the Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, Transceiver, and Model). If no standard
Program ID exists, the value is n/a.
Message Retry Count
Indicates the number of retry attempts to use when communicating with this controller.
Indicates the model number of a device. The LONWORKS network server is responsible for populating the Program
ID (which includes the Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, Transceiver, and Model). If no standard
Program ID exists, the value is n/a.
Neuron ID
Displays the Neuron ID of the local LONWORKS network interface board or contains the Neuron ID of the remote
LONWORKS network controller. The Neuron ID must be unique to the LONWORKS network.
Indicates whether the connected LONWORKS network hardware is online or offline.
Indicates if the hardware is overridden (if supported).
Indicates the Priority (1–3) at which to poll this item.
Program ID
Displays the Standard Program ID for the device in hex characters. The LONWORKS network server is responsible
for populating the Program ID (which includes the Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, Transceiver, and
Model). If no standard Program ID exists, the value is n/a.
Resource File Language
Defines the language extracted from the resource file.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Status Launch Interval
Indicates how often the LON integration launches a status request to the field. A value of 0 means as often as
needed. This attribute limits the LON bandwidth usage for the LON integration.
Target Reference
Defines the path into a controller for the data being mapped by the object.
Temporary Status Item Expiration Time
Indicates the time to poll the temporary objects in the status list.
Indicates the transceiver type for a device. The LONWORKS network server is responsible for populating the (which
includes the Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, Transceiver, and Model). If no standard Program ID
exists, the value is n/a.
Indicates whether the hardware device is currently under a trouble condition. Applies to BI and BO objects.
Update Interval
Specifies how often (in seconds) to repeat the last command. This attribute provides a heartbeat for controllers
needing it. Use this attribute sparingly.
XIF Present
Indicates whether a external interface file (XIF) file matching this controller’s Program ID was found.
MS/TP Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable.
Table 22: MS/TP Hardware Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
One state/type/
mode from a set
Uses MSTPDL Baud Rate
MS/TP Integration Hardware Attributes
Baud Rate Selection
Network Address
See the attribute description.
0 = Local network
65,535 = Reserved for broadcast
Trunk Number
MS/TP Device Hardware Attributes
Disable Automatic
True or False
Instance Number
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 22: MS/TP Hardware Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
MAC Address
Initial Value
MS/TP Point Hardware Attributes
Device Type
FC Bus MAC Address
True or False
SA Bus MAC Address
This attribute applies to AI, AO, BI, BO,
and Accumulator objects.
This attribute applies to AI, BI, and
Accumulator objects.
Slot A
This attribute applies to AO and BO
Slot B
This attribute applies to PAO and BO
MS/TP Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Baud Rate Selection
Indicates the baud rate of the NAE FC bus.
Table 23: Baud Rate Options
Baud Rate
Use baud rate of running network. This value is the recommended setting for everything on the FC bus except
the bus supervisor port.
Use 1200 baud only. This value is not recommended and may not be allowed on some devices.
Use 9600 baud only. This value is the lowest standard MS/TP baud rate.
Use 19200 baud only. This value is not recommended.
Use 38400 baud only. This value is the recommended baud rate for bus supervisor ports.
Use 76800 baud only.
Device Type
Indicates the type of device. This value comes from Controller Configuration Tool (CCT).
Disable Automatic Alarming
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute
only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming
attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X.
Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.
FC Bus MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of the device on which the object exists (if the object physically resides on a device on
the FC bus) or the FEC/VAV Modular Assembly (VMA) field controller MAC Address that the point is connected to
(if the object physically resides on the Sensor/Actuator (SA) bus).
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Instance Number
Displays the Instance Number of the object on the remote field device. The Instance number, along with the object
type, defines the remote object’s BACnet Object Identifier. The BACnet Object Identifier is used to establish
communication with the object.
MAC Address
Indicates the MAC address of the device on the field bus.
Network Address
Contains the network number of the MS/TP bus used for BACnet message addressing. A value of 0 indicates a local
network (the device is not intended as a router). Do not change this number after you start device mapping or
discovery because it may invalidate the devices that have been found.
Specifies whether or not the point is offline.
Trunk Number
Displays the trunk number where the device (on which the point resides) is located.
SA Bus MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of the device on which the object exists (if the object physically resides on a device on
the SA bus).
Defines the physical location of a point data source on the device.
Slot A
Defines the physical location of a point data source on the device.
Slot B
Defines the physical location of a second data point source on the devices (if present). Only a position adjust output
(PAO) would have Slot B defined.
N1 Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. These attributes are not exposed to a BACnet network. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable
and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable.
Table 24: N1 Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
N1 Point Hardware Attributes
Interface Value
One from a set or
NCM Name
8 characters maximum
Network Name
8 characters maximum
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 24: N1 Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
True or False
True or False
Remote Object Name Text
8 characters each maximum
N1 Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Interface Value
Indicates the current value from the hardware interface. The Interface Value updates when the hardware is read or
when the hardware’s current value changes.
NCM Name
Contains the name of the Network Control Module (NCM) where the integrated N1 object resides, as defined in the
N1 network. Read from the NCM.
Network Name
Contains the network name of the NCM where the integrated object resides as defined in the N1 network. The
network name is obtained at startup via the N1 Migration Object.
Indicates whether the object is online or offline as determined by the communication status to the NCM.
Indicates if the point is overridden in the NCM.
Contains the name of the hardware object in the format of system.object, that the N1 object is associated with in
the NCM.
Remote Object Name
Contains the name of the integrated N1 object in the format of system.object, as defined in the N1 network. If this
name is changed in the N1 network, the object goes offline.
N2 Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. These attributes are not exposed to a BACnet network. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable
and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable. The writeable attributes in the N2 Master Datalink object are
writeable only if the UDP Port attribute is not zero. If the UDP Port attribute is zero and you attempt to write these
attributes, an error message appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 25: N2 Hardware Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
N2 Integration Hardware Attributes
Error Log
One type from a list W
Message Timeout
Poll Delay
Trunk Number
UDP Port
N2 Device Hardware Attributes
Controller Type
One type from a list C
Disable Automatic
True or False
Host Name
Net N2 Address
Online Point Delay
Range = 0–8
Units = Minutes
N2 Point Hardware Attributes
Interface Value
One from a set or
Net Point Address
One type from a set
Net Point Type
One type from a set
True or False
True or False
True or False
Offline (True), Online (False)
Applies to BI and BO objects.
Table 26: N2 Errors
Error Number
Controller has reset and is waiting for the Identify Yourself command
Undefined Command: command not understood by addressed controller
Checksum Error detected by controller
Input buffer overflow detected by controller
Invalid ASCII character detected by controller
Data field error: size of message not correct for command type
Invalid Data: one of the fields contains a value that is out of the expected range
Invalid command for data type: command not appropriate for this field or record
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 26: N2 Errors
Error Number
Command not accepted due to problems with the controller, the command is ignored
Device at address is the wrong type
No additional records are available (end of search)
Controller not ready
Data not matching the item or function type
Nonexistent item or function
Temporarily impossible to access the item
Not a programmable item
Table programmed with illegal item
Trend programmed with illegal item
Invalid Function Module
Exceeding Addressing Range
Password Not Enabled
I2C bus communication error (see I2CE)
Hardware not available (see OPMO)
Illegal item number
Counters unreliable
Power supply unreliable
Checksum Error detected by NxE
Block Checksum Error detected by NxE
Controller type does not match NxE database
Controller revision is less than C03
Controller revision is less than B03
Controller revision is less than A03
Controller revision is less than C05
VMA change of value (COV) error
VMA BAC error
VMA FMT error
Retry error not due to a NAK
Unknown NAK error
N2 Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Controller Type
Defines the N2 controller type assigned to this object.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Disable Automatic Alarming
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute
only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming
attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X.
Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Error Log
Lists up to 100 error log entries. Each entry contains the N2 Controller Type, N2 Address, Error Description, and a
Timestamp (time error occurred). Logging stops once the 100th entry is added. This list is stored in memory only.
The Clear Statistics command clears the Error Log.
Host Name
Indicates the host name of the Ethernet (or wireless) converter. When a host name is given, the system attempts
to resolve the Host Name and IP Address using DNS/Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) (assuming that
the installer assigned a host name to the converter and enabled DHCP). If the device can be located using the ping
hostname command, the system can resolve the host name to an IP address. After resolving the host name, the
system updates the IP address.
Interface Value
Indicates the current value from the hardware interface. The Interface Value updates when the hardware is read or
when the hardware’s current value changes.
Message Timeout
Specifies the delay in milliseconds between the last character going out and the first character received. The timeout
for VMA devices is three times this value. The actual timeout can be extended dynamically when at least one
character of a response message is received before the timeout.
Note: The Message Timeout attribute is writable only if is not zero. If User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Port is zero
and you attempt to write Message Timeout, an error message appears.
Net N2 Address
Defines the host controller Address (1–254) on the N2 bus.
Net Point Addr
Defines the hardware address associated with the point.
Net Point Type
Indicates the type of point (for example, AI or BI).
Indicates whether the hardware device is currently communicating with the system (True = Offline; False = Online).
Online Point Delay
Indicates the number of minutes that must elapse before bringing an N2 Controller online. This attribute allows
integration devices, such as the MIG or Vendor Device (VND), to gather status from their many field points before
being reported online by the engine. With no delay, the N2 Controller reports unreliable and causes nuisance alarms.
This timer is ignored when the Controller Type is not MIG or VND.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Indicates whether the hardware device is currently overridden.
Poll Delay
Specifies the time to wait in milliseconds for a response to an offline poll.
Note: The Poll Delay attribute is writable only if UDP Port is not zero. If UDP Port is zero and you attempt to write
Poll Delay, an error message appears.
Specifies the number of message retries allowed when the device is online, including the initial attempt. Only one
retry is attempted to an offline device.
Note: The Retries attribute is writable only if is not zero. If UDP Port is zero and you attempt to write Retries, an
error message appears.
Indicates whether the hardware device is currently under a trouble condition. Applies to BI and BO objects.
Trunk Number
Specifies the number of the trunk on which the object resides.
UDP Port
Indicates the Ethernet UDP Port used for N2 communication over the IP network. The recommended UDP Port for
N2 Trunk 1 is 4096 and for N2 Trunk 2 is 4097. Only valid on NAE5512 and NAE5513 models.
VND Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable.
Table 27: VND Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
VND Integration Hardware Attributes
Disable Automatic
True or False
Protocol Description
Protocol Revision
Protocol Revision Date
Protocol Review Time
Temporary Status Item
Expiration Time
Vendor DLL
Units = Seconds
Vendor Integration Size Number
Vendor Revision Date
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Units = bytes
Table 27: VND Hardware Tab Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Vendor Revision Time
Initial Value
VND Integration, Device, and Point Hardware Attributes
Vendor Configuration
Vendor Reference
Maximum characters = 80
Maximum entries = 128
VND Point Hardware Attributes
Field Value
Applies to only AI, AO, BO, MI, and MO
Interface Value
One from a set
Applies to only AI, AO, BO, MI, and MO
Max Value
Real value
250.0 deg F
Applies to only AO objects.
Min Value
Real value
-50.0 deg F
Applies to only AO objects.
True or False
Applies to only AI, AO, BI, BO, MI and MO
True or False
Applies to only AI, AO, BO, MI, and MO
True or False
Applies to only AI, AO, BO, MI, and MO
Applies to only BI and BO objects.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
VND Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Disable Automatic Alarming
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute
only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming
attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X.
Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Field Value
Indicates the current value of the field point. Applies to only AI, AO, BO, MI, and MO objects.
Interface Value
Indicates the current value from the hardware interface. The Interface Value updates when the hardware is read or
when the hardware’s current value changes. Applies to only AI, AO, BO, MI, and MO objects.
Max Value
Defines the highest reliable value for the Present Value. Applies to only AO objects.
Min Value
Defines the lowest reliable value for the Present Value. Applies to only AO objects.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Specifies whether or not the point is offline. Applies to only AI, AO, BI, BO, MI and MO objects.
Indicates whether the hardware device is currently overriden. Applies to only AI, AO, BI, BO, MI and AO objects.
Specifies the priority for polling the vendor point. Applies to only AI, AO, BI, BO, MI and MO objects.
Protocol Description
Indicates the protocol supplied by the Vendor DLL.
Protocol Revision
Indicates the revision of the protocol for reference purposes.
Protocol Revision Date
Indicates the date the Vendor DLL protocol was compiled.
Protocol Revision Time
Indicates the time the Vendor DLL protocol was compiled.
Temporary Status Item Expiration Time
Indicates how long a point remains in the polling list.
Indicates whether the hardware point is currently under a trouble condition. Applies to only BI and BO objects.
Vendor Configuration Data
Contains data for proper configuration of the integration.
Vendor DLL
Specifies the name of the vendor DLL to load at startup.
Vendor Integration Size
Indicates the size, in bytes, of the vendor integration.
Vendor Reference
Specifies the address of the vendor device.
Vendor Revision Date
Indicates the date of the Vendor integration revision.
Vendor Revision Time
Indicates the time of the Vendor integration revision.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
XL5K Hardware Tab
Attributes associated with the hardware source for object data are shown under the Hardware tab of the display
panel. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable.
Table 28: XL5K Hardware Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Values/Options Ranges
XL5K Integration Hardware Attributes
Baud Rate
Data Bits
One value from a W
Driver Name
One type from a
Protocol Revision
Stop Bits
Trunk Number
Uses Databits
Uses Parity
One value from a W
Uses Stopbits
Range = 0–6
XL5K Device Hardware Attributes
Device Configured OK
True or False
Device Database OK
True or False
Device Health
One state from a
OK or Fault
Device Type
Disable Automatic
True or False
Download Date
Download Time
Firmware Version
Hardware Version
Reset Date
Reset Time
Maximum Length = 18 characters
XL5K Integration and Device Hardware Attributes
Device Number
Range = 1–30
XL5K Device and Point Hardware Attributes
Remote Name
Honeywell device name
XL5K Point Hardware Attributes
Remote Object Type
One type from a
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
XL5K Hardware Tab Attribute Details
Baud Rate
Indicates the baud rate of the integrated Honeywell® XL-5000 field device. Baud rates typically encountered include:
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 76800.
Data Bits
Indicates the data bits used by the XL-5000 equipment. The valid data bits/ value for Honeywell protocol is 8/1.
Device Configured OK
Indicates if the Honeywell field device is fully configured, ready to run, operational, and if its database has objects.
Device Database OK
Indicates if the Honeywell field device has a fully populated database containing no errors, corruptions, or missing
Device Health
Indicates if the Honeywell field device is fully operational, running, and has correct operations.
Device Number
Indicates the number assigned to the NIE (as a Honeywell field device on the C-bus).
Device Type
Indicates the type of Honeywell field device. For example, the XL-5000 family: XL-10, XL-20, XL-50, XL-80, XL-100,
XL-300, XL-500, XL-600, Zone Manager.
Disable Automatic Alarming
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute
only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming
attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X.
Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Download Date
Displays the Date stamp returned from the Honeywell field device (if extractable, otherwise displays the date when
the object was defined).
Download Time
Displays the Time stamp returned from the Honeywell field device (if extractable, otherwise displays the time when
the object was defined).
Driver Name
Indicates the protocol DLL driver name for this integration (for example, XL5Kdrvr).
Firmware Version
Indicates the firmware version of the receiver module.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Hardware Version
Indicates the hardware version of the receiver module.
Indicates the parity used by the XL-5000 equipment. The valid parity for Honeywell protocol is Even.
Protocol Revision
Indicates the current version number of the XL5K Protocol Engine (PC104).
Remote Name
Indicates the existing name of the Honeywell field device.
Remote Object Type
Indicates the type of remote object (for example, Analog Input, Digital Output, and Pulse Input).
Reset Date
Indicates the date of the last Clear Statistics command.
Reset Time
Indicates the time of the last Clear Statistics command.
Stop Bits
Indicates the stop bits used by the XL-5000 integration. The valid value for Honeywell protocol is 8/1.
Trunk Number
Indicates the trunk number used for the integration. This number is typically 1.
Input Category Tab
The Input Category tab appears on generic integration object (GIO) objects and includes the status, description,
and value of the items in the category. See the Generic Integration Object section for details.
Interlock Definition Tab
The Interlock Definition tab appears on Interlock objects.
Load Tab
The Load tab appears on an object that has a load extension.
Load Summary Tab
The Load Summary tab appears on demand limiting/load rolling (DL/LR) objects.
Logic Tab
The Logic tab appears on Program (Control System) objects, which are used for the LCT feature.
Members Tab
The Members tab appears on Life Safety Point and Life Safety Zone point objects.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Network Tab
The Network tab appears on Engine Device objects.
Options Tab
Attributes associated with the default state, control source, and restart options for an object are shown under the
Options tab of the display panel. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable and attributes marked with the
letter W are writeable.
Table 29: Options Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Auto Restore
True or False
Applies to AO, BO, and MO objects.
Ignore Relinquish Default True or False
Applies to AO, BO, MC, and MO objects.
Local Control
Applies to AO, BO, and MO objects.
True or False
Ignore Relinquish Default Real value
Range = Min Value - Max Value
Applies to AO, BO, MC, MO, AV, BV, and
MV objects.
Restore Command
Set of values
Operator Override Uses Restore Priority
Applies to AO, BO, MC, MO, AV, BV, and
MV objects.
Options Tab Attribute Details
Auto Restore
When True, the point restores the last command on field device online/offline transition. Applies to AO, BO, MO,
AV, BV, and MV objects.
Ignore Relinquish Default
When True, the Relinquish Default attribute is not used and has no effect. Applies to AO, BO, MC, MO, AV, BV, and
MV objects.
Local Control
When True, the point is under local control and the Present Value can be commanded only with an operator override
command. Applies to AO, BO, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.
Relinquish Default
Used as the default value for Present Value when all command values in Priority Array are Null. Applies to AO, BO,
MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.
Restore Command Priority
Allows you to select which commands (at a selected priority) persist through a supervisory device restart. When the
bit is set, the command (at the selected priority) is saved at shutdown and restored at startup. Applies to AO, BO,
MC, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.
Output Category Tab
The Output Category tab appears on GIO objects and includes the status, description, and value of the items in the
category. See the Generic Integration Object section for details.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Pager Tab
The Pager tab appears on Engine or Server objects. The Pager DDA Attributes appear on the Shared Configuration
section of the Pager Tab. The Pager DDA Destination Configuration Attributes appear when you edit a specific Pager
destination on the Pager Tab.
Table 30: Pager DDA Shared Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Values
Connect Using
One from a list of
See Modem Type
Access Number
Redial Attempts
Internal Modem (0)
Be sure to check the Access Number and Password
after an upgrade. In some cases, these values are
not maintained after upgrade.
Minimum Value = 0, Maximum Value = 32767
Range Check = Use Limits
Time Between Redial
One from a list of
1 Second (0)
See the Redial Delay (Set 565).
Idle time Before Hanging
One from a list of
1 Minute (1)
See the Idle Time (Set 566).
Redial if Line is Dropped
True or False
One from a list of
See the Pager Databits
One from a list of
See the Pager Parity
One from a list of
See the Pager Stopbits
Supports alphanumeric and special ASCII characters.
000000 is the standard default password for the
Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol used by the pager.
Pager Diagnostics
Displays the communication between the Pager DDA,
modem, and customer's paging Service. It displays
both successful and unsuccessful attempts to send
a page.
Table 31: Pager DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Identifies the user-friendly name for a pager destination in the list of Pager DDAs.
Pager Phone Number
Specifies the phone number for the user’s pager.
Max Characters
Specifies the maximum number of characters supported by the pager service provider.
Specifies the number or attempts made to send a message if there is a failure before the
system discards it.
Range: 0–10
Defines whether or not the destination is enabled. When this attribute is False, the Engine or
Server does not deliver pager messages to the configured recipients.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 31: Pager DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Specifies the rules to filter pager messages.
See Filters for more information.
Defines the format of the message, indicating which fields are present in the received message.
The following fields are optional:
• Acknowledge Required (not an option for pager)
Item Category
Item Description
Item Fully Qualified Reference
Previous Status
Site Name
See for more information on this DDA.
Refer to the Event Message Routing, Filtering, and Destinations section of the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793)
for more information on this DDA.
Parameter Category Tab
The Parameter Category tab appears on GIO objects and includes the status, description, and value of the items in
the category.
Printer Tab
The Printer tab appears on Server objects. The Printer DDA Destination Configuration Attributes appear when you
edit a specific Printer destination on the Printer tab.
Table 32: Printer DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Specifies the name of the printer where reports are routed.
The Printer DDA can send alarms to one or multiple printers.
Note: If you are uncertain about the proper printer name to use, print a test page from the printer
and look for the Printer name line in the test printout. Copy the name and syntax exactly.
Font Face
Specifies the font used by the printed report.
Font Size
Specifies the font size used in the printed report.
Defines the orientation of the printed report (landscape or portrait).
Line Out
Defines how many lines of data are required before the Printer DDA routes reports to the printer.
Setting this value to 0 enables tractor-feed/line printing. See the topic in the section.
Range: 0–60
Timer (in minutes) that begins when the first alarm is stored in the DDA line out buffer (Line Out).
Upon expiration, the contents of the line out buffer prints.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 32: Printer DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Printing Priority
Specifies the priority for printing alarm messages. You can print multiple alarms in a normal priority
range at once using the Line Out and Timeout attributes. You also can set the Printing Priority
Threshold to print the contents of the line out buffer immediately when a higher priority alarm (such
as a fire alarm) is detected. You can set the Printing Priority Threshold to a value from 0 to 255.
When an alarm is received that has a lower priority number than the Printing Priority Threshold (lower
priority numbers have a higher alarm priority), the contents of the line out buffer print immediately
when the higher priority alarm (such as a fire alarm) is detected, thus printing the high priority alarm
in addition to the contents of the line out buffer.
For example, if the Printing Priority Threshold is set to 20, alarms with a priority number of 20 or
greater are buffered using the Line Out and Timeout attributes. Receiving an alarm with a priority
number of 19 or less forces an immediate printout of the currently buffered alarms plus the new high
priority alarm.
This functionality applies when the Line Out attribute is set to 1 or greater. Also see the the topic in
the section.
See the Hi Normal Low.
Specifies the number or attempts made to print a report if there is a failure before the system discards
Range: 0–10
Defines whether or not the destination is enabled. When this attribute is False, the Server does not
deliver reports to the configured printer.
Specifies the rules to filter messages.
See for more information.
Defines the format of the message, indicating which fields are present in the received message.
The following fields are optional:
• Acknowledge Required (not an option for pager)
Item Category
Item Description
Item Fully Qualified Reference
Previous Status
Site Name
See for more information on this DDA.
Profile Tab
The Profile tab appears on DLLR objects.
Recipient List Tab
The Recipient List tab appears on Notification Class objects.
Resource Tab
The Resource tab appears on an object that has a resource file extension.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Schedule Tab
The Schedule tab appears on Schedule objects.
Site View Tab
The Site View tab appears on Site objects.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) tab appears on Engine or Server objects. The SNMP DDA
Attributes appear on the Shared Configuration section of the SNMP Tab. The SNMP DDA Destination Configuration
Attributes appear when you edit a specific SNMP destination on the SNMP tab.
Table 33: SNMP DDA Shared Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
SNMP Enabled
Specifies whether the SNMP feature is enabled. Once this attribute is enabled, the
ability to send and receive messages (Traps and Gets) can be enabled or disabled on
an individual basis using the other SNMP DDA attributes.
SNMP Trap Version
Specifies the version used to send SNMP traps. The versions are v1, v2c, and v3.
SNMP Management Device
Specifies an IP address or Host Name on which to filter Get requests. SNMP only
responds to requests from the device listed in this attribute. If this attribute is,
SNMP responds to all requests.
SNMP Request Port
Specifies the port on which SNMP communication occurs. Setting this attribute to 0
disables the Get feature of SNMP.
Contact Person
Specifies the IT person who is responsible for managing SNMP communications.
Public Community Name
A case-sensitive string used to authenticate v1 and v2c Get and Get Next messages.
This attribute contains the community string used by the Network Management System
to edit data in objects maintained by managed devices.
SNMP Trap Message Format
Defines the message format used for generating SNMP Traps, including the startup
Trap. The options are:
• String Based (default) - SNMP Traps are sent as a string of characters
MIB Based - SNMP Traps are sent using the object identifier (OID) defined in the
Johnson Controls MIB (called, JCI MIB).
Table 34: SNMP DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
The name of this destination when it appears in the Destinations list.
Trap Community Name
A case-sensitive string used to authenticate v1 and v2c SNMP Traps. This attribute
contains the community string used by the Network Management System to edit data
in objects maintained by managed devices.
IP Address
Specifies the IP address or host name of the system that receives the traps.
Destination Port Number
Specifies the port number from which the destination machine is expecting to receive
Specifies whether this SNMP destination is enabled or disabled.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Table 34: SNMP DDA Destination Configuration Attributes
Attribute Name
Specifies the rules to filter alarms. This attribute uses Alarm Value (Set 108). See Filters
for more information.
Allows you to select which attributes of a Metasys event are in the SNMP Trap.
The following fields are optional:
• Acknowledge Required (not an option for pager)
Item Category
Item Description
Item Fully Qualified Reference
Previous Status
Site Name
See for more information on this DDA.
For detailed information on SNMP, refer to the SNMP Agent Protocol Implementation appendix located in the
following documents:
Network and IT Considerations for the IT Professional Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201578)
Network and IT Guidance for the BAS Professional Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011279)
Syslog Tab
The Syslog tab appears on Engine or Server objects. The Syslog DDA Attributes appear on the Shared Configuration
section of the Syslog Tab. The Syslog DDA destination Configuration Attributes appear when you edit or create a
new Syslog Destination on the Syslog tab.
Syslog has one Share Configuration attribute—Syslog Reporting Enabled. When the Syslog Reporting Enabled
attribute is set to True the feature is active and your error logging is forwarded to your destination server.
For more information on Syslog and configuring other DDAs, see the Configuring Destination Delivery Agents (DDAs)
section in Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793) .
Table 35: Syslog DDA Destination Configure Attributes
Value / Description
Destination name
Syslog Server
IP Address for the destination server
UDP Send Port
The designated port on the device for error transmitting to your server.
UDP Receive Port
The designated port on your server for receiving the error transmits.
Event Filters
To add or remove Events from displaying.
Audit Filters
To add or remove Audits from displaying.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Summary Tab
The Summary tab provides summary data for items in the navigation tree. For example, the Summary tab of the
MSTP Field Bus object shows summary data for the devices on the field bus. The Summary tab shows the status,
icon, item, value, and description information of the items. You can view and edit items on this tab using the right-click
menu options.
Note: Data appears in the Status column of the Summary tab when the status is not Normal (for example, High
Summary Definition Tab
The Summary Definition tab appears on Summary Definition objects used by the Tailored Summary feature. This
tab allows you to view and edit the Summary Definition object.
Tailored Summary Tab
The Tailored Summary tab appears when you view the folder containing the Tailored Summary in the associated
User View. This tab allows you to view the Tailored Summary you defined using the User View and the Summary
Definition tab.
Totalization Tab
The Totalization tab appears on an object that has a totalization extension.
Tree View Tab
The Tree View tab appears on User Navigation Tree objects, which are used by the User Views feature.
Trend Tab
The Trend tab appears on an object that has a trend extension.
Trend Study Tab
The Trend Study tab appears on the Trend Study feature.
User Defined Enumeration Editor Tab
The User Defined Enumeration Editor provides the user interface for the quick modification, creation, or deletion of
User Defined Enumerations on a Metasys Site. Authorized users can modify one or more User Defined Enumerations.
This tool provides a solution for various change requests, and satisfies requirements for new and future Metasys
system features that need to provide the user with the ability to define the displayed text for multiple User Defined
Enumerations. The User Defined Enumeration Editor is available in both the online (runtime) and offline (SCT) modes
of the Metasys system supervisory user interface. Access the tool by selecting the Custom Enumeration Tab of the
Site Object.
• For Release 5.2 and later, the Rediscover Text Strings operation generates custom enumerations from all mapped
BACnet and MS/TP objects. These custom enumerations are backed up when the site director is uploaded in
the Release 5.2 database. During the upgrade process, a restored, upgraded, or downloaded Release 5.2
database maintains these custom enumerations during the upgrade process.
• For Release 6.5 and later, the User Defined States Text attribute is set to true whenever an object has a custom
enumeration set assigned to it.
• Engines at Release 8.0 and later automatically read custom state sets text created in CCT and display them in
the SMP user interface, instead of the generic State 0 to State X text.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Figure 9: User Defined Enumeration Editor
Table 36: User Defined Enumeration Editor Areas
Add and Delete Custom Enumeration Add new or Delete existing User Defined Enumeration Sets.
Edit OR Save and Cancel Buttons.
When you select the Custom Enumeration tab there is an Edit button here,
upon selecting edit the button is replaced by the Save and Cancel buttons.
Name of the new or selected Enumeration set - limited to 32 characters.
Enumeration set size. This is the number of values within the selected
enumeration. You may not see optimal performance if this exceeds 5
Enumeration Entries
Entries within the selected enumeration. Cannot be blank or white space.
You may not see optimal performance if this exceeds 10 characters.
List of existing user defined
enumeration sets.
Displays the current list of User Defined Enumerations. This list is limited
to 256 entries.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT StartUp Chapter
Item Menu
New Archive
Menu Selection: Item > New Archive
Creates a new archive database in the SCT.
Tip: The Create Site dialog box appears after creating the new archive asking if you want to create a site in the
new archive. Selecting Yes invokes the Insert Site wizard.
See Site.
Creating a New Archive Database
1. On the Item menu, select New Archive.
The New Archive wizard screen appears.
2. Type a name for the new archive. Note the following restrictions:
Archive names are not case sensitive. All archive files are created in the same directory.
Archive names cannot be longer than 120 characters.
The first character can only be an alphabetical character from a to z.
No special characters can be in the name. For example, ! @ # $ % . and & are not allowed.
Archive names cannot include spaces.
• HVAC PRO controllers have name restrictions. See HVAC PRO Naming Recommendations.
3. Click Create.
A new archive is created. You are prompted if you want to add a site to the new archive. See Adding Sites to an
Archive Database in this document for more information.
Note: You cannot create a new archive database if another archive database is already open. You are prompted
to close any open archive database before creating a new archive database.
4. Go to Adding Sites to an Archive Database.
Populating an Archive Database
The following procedures can assist you in configuring an archive database for a Metasys system. The steps appear
in the order in which they should be performed when creating a new archive database. For example, to add a
supervisory device to a database archive, you must first have a site defined in the archive. In addition to the following
procedures, you can speed up your work by starting with copies of archive databases, by importing previously
exported portions of databases, by importing an entire database, and by copying and pasting items within an archive
database. Importing and exporting portions of databases, and importing entire databases, are described later in this
These instructions are written from the point of view of building an archive database for an N2 network. Perform the
same procedure for an MS/TP network but select the appropriate MS/TP trunk. See Figure 10 for an example.
To populate an archive database:
1. Add a site to an archive database. In the example (Figure 10), the archive database is MyArchive1 and the site
is Site1.
Note: Do not create multiple sites in an archive. The SCT does not allow multiple devices to have the same
name under different sites in an archive.
2. Add Metasys servers to an archive database if applicable. In the example (Figure 10), the Metasys server is an
ADS labelled ADS1.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
The Authorization Category list box shown in the right panel allows you to select a category for the object.
Permission to view or act on different object categories is assigned to users or roles.
3. Add supervisory devices to an archive database. The example shows supervisory device NAE551. An NIE is
required to add an N1 Integration object to an archive database.
4. Select an N2 trunk from the (default) engine archive database. The archive database in Figure 10 shows two
N2 trunks (N2 Trunk 1 and N2 Trunk 2) added to NAE1.
5. Add N2 Field Devices to an archive database. Visible field devices in Figure 10 are AHU-1 and TC-2.
6. Add N2 Field Points to an archive database. See ZN-T under the Analog inputs folder of TC-2 in Figure 10 for
an example of an added N2 field point.
Figure 10: SCT with Archive Database
Adding Sites to an Archive Database
You must have at least one archive database defined. See Creating a New Archive Database for details.
To add sites to an archive database:
1. With the Archive Database open, select Site. The Insert Site Wizard’s Destination screen opens.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Figure 11: Insert Site Wizard - Destination Screen
2. Select an archive database and click Next.
Note: You must already have created at least one archive database to populate.
3. Follow the prompts on the screen to configure the site in the archive. See the following table for details.
Table 37: Insert Site Wizard Screens
Type or select the archive database to which you are adding the site.
Type a unique name for the site.
Set the editable attributes of the Site object you are configuring, including Connection type
and Site Time Servers. Clicking Advanced on this screen allows you to access the BACnet
system features of the Site object.
View the basic parameters of the site just added.
4. Click Finish. A site is created with the parameters you have selected, and you are prompted to create a supervisory
device or a Metasys server in the new site.
5. Go to Adding a Metasys Server (ADS/ADX/ODS) to an Archive Database or Adding Supervisory Devices (Engines)
to an Archive Database.
Adding a Metasys Server (ADS/ADX/ODS) to an Archive Database
When an ADS, ADX, or ODS exists on a site, it is automatically the Site Director. If multiple ADSs, ADXs, or ODSs
are added to a site, the first ADS, ADX or ODS added is the Site Director by default.
To add an ADS, ADX, or ODS to an archive database:
1. With the Archive Database open, on the Insert menu, select Metasys server. The Insert Metasys Server Wizard
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Figure 12: Insert Metasys Server Wizard - Select Object Type Screen
2. Follow the prompts on the screen to configure the Metasys Server. See the following table for details.
Table 38: Insert Metasys Server Wizard
Object Type
Select the type of Metasys server you are adding and the version number (5.2 or later).
For example, ADS or ODS at Version 7.0.
Select the site where the Metasys server resides.
Type a unique name for the Metasys server. A unique name is required for each Metasys
server in an archive. By default, the name of the object has a number appended to keep
it unique. Therefore, if adding an ADS to a site for the first time, the default name is
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Table 38: Insert Metasys Server Wizard
Access features of the Metasys server, including:
Email - SNMP and Post Office Protocol (POP) destinations. Add email addresses for
the Metasys server to send messages.
Pager - Enter phone number information for sending messages to a pager.
SNMP - Enable SNMP and add destinations.
View the basic parameters of the Metasys server just added.
3. Click Finish.
Adding Supervisory Devices (Engines) to an Archive Database
1. With the archive database open on the Insert menu, select Supervisory Device. The Insert Device Wizard
Select Object Type screen appears.
Figure 13: Insert Device Wizard - Select Object Type Screen
2. Select the model of the supervisory device and its version.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Beginning with Release 6.5, you may add supervisory devices at different versions beginning at Release 5.2.
SCT can fully manage a mixed-release site for supervisory devices at Release 5.2 or later. For example, if you
add an NAE55 at Release 6.0 and an NAE45 at Release 5.2, SCT manages the NAE55 at Release 6.0 and the
NAE45 at Release 5.2.
3. Follow the prompts on the screen to configure the supervisory device. See the following table for details.
Table 39: Insert Device Wizard Screens
Object Type
Select the type of supervisory device you are adding and its version (release) number.
Select the site where the supervisory device resides.
Type a unique name for the supervisory device. A unique name is required for each
supervisory device in an archive. By default, the name of the object being entered has
a number appended to keep it unique; therefore, if adding an NAE55 to a site for the
first time, the default name is NAE551.
Access engine features, including:
Configuration - If Basic is selected, you can edit parameters such as name and
description. If you select Advanced, you can configure additional parameters such as
engineering values, alarm snooze, audit trail, and site.
Communications - Configure the serial port, internal, and external modems.
Network - Enter the LAN settings and configure dial-up settings for accessing the
network over dial-up connections.
Email - Set up SMTP and POP destinations. Allows you to add email addresses for
the engine to send messages.
Pager - Enter phone number information for sending messages to a pager.
SNMP - Enable SNMP and add destinations.
Refer to Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793) or the Open Data Server Help
(LIT-12011942) for the Engine Device object for a description of the attributes on these
screens, including default values and ranges.
View the basic parameters of the Supervisory device just added.
4. Click Finish.
Site Discovery
The Site Discovery feature automatically inserts objects and attributes uploaded from an online site to your SCT
archive database.
Note: •
To ensure the efficiency of the process, .caf files from field controllers are not uploaded during Site
Discovery. Use the Include Field Controllers option when uploading a supervisory engine to upload the
.caf files separately. See Upload.
For Release 10.0 or later, the site discovery process has changed. Site Directors at a release before 5.2
must be added to the archive at Release 5.2 for proper discovery. Site Directors after Release 5.2 must
be defined at the same software version as the physical device. Version 5.2 and later devices discovered
through Site Discovery are added to the archive as their physical device release version, regardless of
the release version within the archive. Devices at a release before 5.2 are added as 5.2 devices. Existing
Site Director devices must match the physical device, or the upload and discovery will fail.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
To perform a Site Discovery:
Log in to SCT and select Item > New Archive to create a new archive database.
Click Yes to the question about creating a new site for the archive.
Figure 14: Create New Site Question
Select a destination for the new item and click Next.
Figure 15: Insert Site Wizard - Destination Screen
Specify a unique name for the site and click Next.
Figure 16: Insert Site Wizard - Identifier Screen
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Click Next on the Configure screen, then click Finish on the Summary screen. The Create Device prompt
Figure 17: Create Device?
With Site Discovery selected, click OK. The Site Discovery Wizard-Destination screen appears.
Figure 18: Site Discovery Wizard - Destination Screen
Click Next. The Site Discovery window appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Figure 19: Site Discovery Wizard - Site Discovery Screen
Specify the host name or IP address of the Site Director. Keep the Communicate via Site Director check box
9. Verify that you can communicate with the Site Director by entering a valid User Name and Password that is
defined in the Site Director's security database. The user must have administrative privileges on the Site Director.
Click Test Login. If communication is established, Login ID is OK appears.
10. Click Next on the Configure screen, then click Finish on the Summary screen.
The ActionQ window opens with the Completed tab selected. Click Actions in Progress tab to view the current
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Figure 20: ActionQ Window
For each supervisory engine discovered on the site, SCT performs two steps: Security Database Backup and
Upload. ActionQ indicates the progress of these steps. Depending on the size of the site, the discovery process
takes from several minutes to over 30 minutes to complete.
Note: Do not perform any other SCT actions until the Site Discovery process has finished.
Upon completion, the Site Discovery command moves to the Completed Actions tab and the parent site populates
with the same objects and attributes uploaded from the online site.
11. After the site discovery process is complete, verify that the Completion Status column in the ActionQ window
reports OK and the Navigation tree is refreshed to show the site contents.
Figure 21: Site Discovery Completed Successfully
12. Close the ActionQ window. You can review that Tools / Diagnostics / System Log for more details.
Open Archive
Menu Selection: Item > Open Archive
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Opens an existing archive database in the SCT.
Archives appear locked when someone else is accessing that archive. If a user has an archive open and closes the
UI incorrectly (by not clicking the Exit or Logout button), the database appears locked to all users with a different
username/password. To reverse the lock, a user with the same username/password as the user who closed the UI
incorrectly must open that archive, then close the UI properly.
Opening an Archive Database
Note: If an archive has been restored but not yet upgraded, the action of opening an archive initiates the upgrade
For archives prior to Release 5.2, the Open Archive process automatically upgrades the archive database,
ADS/ADX, and engines to match the installed release of SCT.
For archives starting at Release 5.2, the Open Archive process provides an upgrade selection that gives you a
choice to leave the ADS/ADX devices at their current release. The archive updates are then compatible with the
release of the installed SCT. For example, with the SCT at Release 6.5, you maintain the Site Director at Release
6.5 of SCT, but manage supervisory engines in the archive at Releases 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, and 6.5.
To open an archive database:
1. On the Item menu, click Open Archive. The Open Archive wizard appears.
2. Select an archive from the list and click Open.
If an archive database is already open, you are prompted to close it before the selected archive database opens.
An archive database may be used by only one user at a time. An open archive database locks out additional
The open archive database appears on the Open Archive list with a locked lock icon next to it, and the user name
of the open archive database user appears.
3. If you open a Release 5.2, 6.0, or 6.1 archive, the Upgrade Archive screen appears and two choices appear.
Do one of the following:
Select Upgrade Archive and Devices to promote the archive to the latest release of SCT and upgrade all
the devices to the latest release. If you select this option, you must manage the entire site at the current
release of SCT.
Select Upgrade Archive to promote the archive to the latest release of SCT but leave all the devices at their
current release. If you select this option, the latest release of SCT manages the devices at their current
release (both uploading and downloading).
Close Archive
Menu Selection: Item > Close Archive
Closes an open archive in the SCT.
Copy Archive
Menu Selection: Item > Create Archive Copy
Creates a copy of the existing and currently open archive database in the SCT.
The copy is intended as a second backup in case the original backup file is deleted. Do not rename the backup file
because the file does not restore properly using a different name (it is case sensitive). If you want to rename a
backup file, create a copy of the archive and give it the new name before you create a backup. You cannot rename
the backup after it is created.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Copying an Archive Database
The Archive copy must have a unique name. By default, the new archive has the same name as the one you are
copying with a number appended to the name.
To copy an archive database:
1. With an archive database open, select Create Archive Copy from the Item menu. The Copy Archive wizard
2. Select the archive to copy from the list.
3. Type a name for the new Archive database copy in the right pane of the wizard.
4. Click Copy.
5. Click Yes when prompted to close the current database. The new Archive copy opens.
Delete Archive
Menu Selection: Item > Delete Archive
Removes (deletes) an existing archive database from the SCT.
Deleting an Archive Database
Only one archive can be deleted at a time. An open archive can be deleted.
To delete an archive database:
1. On the Item menu, select Delete Archive.
The Delete Archive wizard opens.
2. Select the archive to delete and click Delete.
3. Confirm the deletion.
Import Item
Menu Selection: Item > Import Item
In the SCT, imports a previously exported archive file, to overwrite the selected item and its child objects displayed
beneath it in the navigation tree into the currently open archive database. See the Export Item.
1. Select the item and its child objects displayed beneath it the navigation tree in the Site Management Portal UI,
select Item > Import Item.
2. The Import Wizard dialog box appears; select the file to import and click Import.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Figure 22: Import Item Wizard
An exported data file must be stored in C:ProgramDataJohnson ControlsMetasysIIIDatabaseFiles.
Click the Details button for the Notice Information dialog box which displays the Reference, Class, Class Version,
Parent Exists and Objects Exists information.
3. A Verify Overwrite dialog box appears to confirm overwriting the selected item and its child object in the navigation
Note: Importing a Site Director device into a database with existing User Views is not supported and may cause
loss of User View data.
Export Item
Menu Selection: Item > Export Item
In the SCT, exports the selected item and its child objects displayed beneath it in the navigation tree in the source
selection. The items can be imported into another archive database, see the Import Item section for more information.
1. Select the item in the navigation tree in the Source selection.
2. In the File Name selection, add a new file name or select an existing file name for the file you are exporting and
check the Overwrite check box.
Metasys® SCT Help: SCT Items Menu
Figure 23: Export Item Wizard
The exported data file is stored in C:ProgramDataJohnson ControlsMetasysIIIDatabaseFiles.
Click the Details button for a Notice Information dialog box which displays the Reference, Class, Class Version,
Parent Exists and Objects Exists information.
3. In the Summary Selection click Finish to confirm the export configuration information.
1. Select the navigation tree or display panel you wish to print.
Note: You must select either the navigation tree or a display panel to enable Print. If you selected a display
panel, the entire contents of the visible display panel prints out. If you selected the navigation tree, all
visible parts of the tree print out (even parts of the tree that you need to scroll to view). Collapsed parts
of the tree (not visible in the tree) do not print. You cannot print the contents of the Alarms Window.
2. Select Page Setup from the Item menu if you wish to change the paper, orientation, or margin size. Click OK
when done.
3. Select Print Preview from the Item menu to see what the printout looks like. Click Print or click OK and go on
to Step 4.
4. On the Item menu, select Print.
Note: If the panel you selected is not printable, Print is disabled.
Edit Menu
Menu Selection: Edit > Copy
Copies the selected item to the clipboard in the SCT.
For details on copying and pasting items, see Paste Item Wizard.
Metasys® SCT Help: Edit Menu
Menu Selection: Edit > Paste
Pastes the clipboard contents to the user-specified location in the SCT.
For details on copying and pasting items, see Paste Item Wizard.
Paste Item Wizard
Menu Selection: Edit > Copy, then Edit > Paste
Copies an item from the navigation tree such as an AV object, field device, or supervisory device and pastes it into
another location in the navigation tree in the SCT.
Tip: You can copy an item and paste it into another equivalent node in the navigation tree or you can copy an item
and paste it into the same node on the tree, but you must select a new name for the item. For example, you
can copy an NAE from Site 1 and paste it into Site 1 or Site 2 if you rename it NAE 2. You cannot paste an
NAE under an NAE, field device, or object (you must paste it under a Site).
Tip: When you copy and paste a field point, the new point automatically receives a unique hardware address.
Tip: You can copy a user view and paste it into another site. For example, use this option when adding an ADS/ODS
to a site that previously had an engine defined as Site Director.
Delete Items
Menu Selection: Edit > Delete Items
Deletes (removes) one or more items selected in the All Items navigation tree from the site.
For details on deleting items, see Deleting Objects or Items.
Deleting Objects or Items
To delete objects or items:
1. Select the object or item you want to delete in the All Items navigation tree. This option is not available in user
2. On the Edit menu, select Delete Items.
Note: •
You cannot select an object or item in the display frame and delete it from the system. You can only
delete objects or items by selecting them in the navigation tree.
After deleting objects or items in the online mode, perform an upload to store the updated system
configuration in the archive. Perform a download of your site to verify that the changes are visible in
the Metasys UI. After deleting objects or items in offline mode using SCT, perform a download to
update the online configuration of the device.
View Menu
Tailored Summary Viewer
Tailored Summary Viewer Introduction
The Tailored Summary Viewer allows you to view and modify large quantities of similar data in a tabular format.
The Tailored Summary Viewer uses SCT Summary Definitions (Insert > SCT Summary Definition) in SCT to define
how the similar data is displayed. Once created, the SCT Summary Definitions are located under the Configuration
Data object in the All Items Tree in SCT only.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
You can use one of the following two workflows for the Tailored Summary Viewer:
• In the All Items Tree, select the desired objects. Click View > Tailored Summary Viewer. In SCT, you can select
the SCT Summary Definition of what and how the information for the selected objects is displayed.
Click Query > Global Search. Select the search location, enter the desired criteria, and click Search. From the
search results, select the desired objects. In SCT, you can select the SCT Summary Definition of what and how
the information for the selected objects is displayed.
In the SCT , you can use the Tailored Summary Viewer much like you use the Tailored Summary to view and modify
large quantities of data. Once data is presented in a Tailored Summary View, you can select data in the view,
right-click the data you wish to modify, and select the Modify function to edit the data pertinent information. After
modifications are made to data in the viewer, you must refresh the screen by right-clicking the header of the view.
Note: The factory-provided Summary Definitions Templates are not automatically installed. These templates are
provided on the SCT Installation media and can be imported into the SCT Summary Definitions folder. To
import, right-click the SCT Summary Definitions folder and use the Import Definition selection to add the
templates to a site's archive.
Factory Supplied SCT Summary Definition Templates
The following table describes the pre-built SCT Summary Definition Templates, including the definition name, default
columns (in English only), and overview description indicating typical rows, key data, and other useful information
that can be imported into the SCT Summary Definition folder. These definitions can be re-named and edited if desired
using the SCT Summary Definition editor.
A set of pre-built Summary Definitions are provided on the SCT installation media and the Johnson Controls Branch
Purchase Package (BPP). You can save these files to your computer or access them from the SCT installation
media or BPP DVD. To use the pre-built Summary Definitions, import the pre-built Summary Definition files into your
site. For details, see Importing a Summary Definition.
The pre-built Summary Definitions are designed to meet the needs of the users based on common tasks and
functions. The Summary Definitions fit into the following main categories: Configuration, Diagnostics, and Monitoring
(HVAC). The Device and Network Diagnostics definitions are intended for Site Administrators. Mechanical Equipment
definitions with links to graphics and Key Point definitions are useful for Service Professionals.
Note: The factory-provided Summary Definitions Templates are not automatically installed. These templates are
provided on the SCT Installation media and can be imported into the SCT Summary Definitions folder. To
import, right-click the SCT Summary Definitions folder and use the Import Definition selection to add the
templates to a site's archive.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Default Column
Engine Config and After you select Engine Devices in the All Items Tree, all Description
Diagnostic Tabs
of the configurable attributes of the selected devices in
Firmware Version
the Configuration and Diagnostic Tabs appear in the
Max message Buffer
Attribute ID
Internode Comm Timer
Alarm Repository Size
Alarm Snooze Time
Event Action When Full
Ack Forward Enable
Audit Repository Size
Audit Forwarding
Audit Action When Full
Audit Generate Alarm
When Full
Enabled Audit Level
Power Sampling Interval 32550
Power Consecutive
JCI Exception Schedule 2573
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
ADS Repository
ADS Connection Type
ADS Priority Threshold
ADS Delivery Time
Network Tolerance
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Engine Config
Engine Email Tab
Default Column
After you select Engine Devices in the All Items Tree, all Description
of the configurable attributes of the selected devices in
User Name is BACnet
the BACnet Tab appear in the columns.
Object Identifier
Attribute ID
BACnet IP Port
Process ID List
Restart Notifications
Time Sync Recipients
UTC Time Sync
Time Sync Interval
Align Intervals
Interval Offset
IEIEJ A Period
After you select Engine Devices in the All Items Tree, all Description
of the configurable attributes of the selection devices in
SMTP Server Host
the Email Tab appear in the columns.
Authentication Type
SMTP Username
POP Server Hostname
POP Server Username
From Email Address
SSL Email Enabled
SSL Email Ignoring Errors 64591
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Engine Network
Default Column
After you select Engine Devices in the All Items Tree, all IP Address
of the configurable attributes of the selection devices in
IP Mask
the Network Tab appear in the columns.
IP Router Address
Obtain DNS Address
Attribute ID
DNS Server IP Addresses 32534
ADS Dialup - Connect
ADS Dialup - ISP
ADS Dialup - Enable
ADS Dialup - IP Address 1135
ADS Dialup - Obtain DNS 32533
ADS Dialup - DNS Server 32534
Engine SNMP Tab
BACnet Routing - Mode
BACnet Routing Integrated Objects
After you select Engine Devices in the All Items Tree, all Description
of the configurable attributes of the selection devices in
SNMP Enabled
the SNMP appear in the columns.
SNMP Trap Version
SNMP Management
SNMP Request Port
Contact Person
Public Community Name 32555
SNMP Trap Message
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Default Column
Extension - Analog After you select Alarm Extensions from the Global Search Item Reference
results, all of the configurable attributes of the extension
appear in the columns.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Attribute ID
Event Enable
Report Delay
High Alarm Limit
Low Alarm Limit
Single Setpoint Ref
Warning Ref
Cooling Setpoint Ref
Heating Setpoint Ref
Occupancy Ref
Unoccupied State
High Warning Offset
Low Warning Offset
Reference Delay Time
Alarm Ack Required
Alarm Priority
Warning Ack Req
Warning Priority
Normal Ack Required
Normal Priority
Alarm Message Text
Graphic Alias
Object Identifier
User Name is BACnet
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Extension Multistate Alarm
Extension Totalization
Default Column
After you select Alarm Extensions from the Global Search Item Reference
results, all of the configurable attributes of the extension
appear in the columns.
Event Enable
Report Delay
Normal State
Reference Delay Time
Command Reference
Capture Changes
Alarm Ack Required
Alarm Priority
Normal Ack Required
Normal Priority
Alarm Message Text
Alarm Values
Graphic Alia
BACnet Object ID
User Name is BACnet
After you select Totalization Extensions from the Global Description
Search results, all of the configurable attributes of the
Object Type
extension appear in the columns.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Attribute ID
Item Reference
Totalize Limit
Display Precision
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Extension - Trend
Extension Checker
Default Column
After you select Trend Extensions from the Global Search Item Reference
results, all of the configurable attributes of the extension
appear in the columns.
Start Time
Attribute ID
Stop Time
Repository Enabled
Transfer Setpoint
Buffer Size
Client COV Increment
Sample Interval
Stop When Full
A selection of points from a device in the All Items Tree Point Description
of the result set of a Global Search can be viewed to
Number of Extensions
check if Alarm, Trend, Totalization, Average, or Load
Alarm Extensions
extensions have been setup for the points.
Note: Child Item
Trend Extension
Note: Child Item
Average Extension
Note: Child Item
Totalization Extension
Note: Child Item
Load Extension
Facility Equipment
Note: Child Item
Point Reference
After you select the Equipment Definitions Templates
under the Definitions Folder, you can view all of the key
Object Type
attributes of the definitions to ensure consistency between
Authorization Category
all the definitions.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
System Subtype Set
System Subtype
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Default Column
Facility After you select Equipment objects from the Equipment Equipment Definition
Equipment Serving tab, you can view all of the serving relationships for a
piece of equipment to ensure that the proper relationships
Equipment Served By
have been created.
Authorization Category
Attribute ID
Facility - Spaces to After you select Space objects from the Spaces tab, you Space Type
can view all of the serving relationships for a Space to
Equipment Serving Space 6049
ensure that the proper relationships have been created.
Field Controller MSTP
After you select MSTP devices from the All Items Tree, Item Reference
all of the configurable attributes of the devices appear in
the columns.
MAC Address
Disable Auto Alarming
Model Name
Firmware Version
Fixed Boot Version
Last Upload Date
Last Upload Time
Graphic Alias
BACnet Object ID
User Name is BACnet
Manual Time Sync Type 64030
Field Controller N2
After you select N2 devices from the All Items Tree, all Item Reference
of the configurable attributes of the devices appear in the
Controller Type
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Net N2 Address
Host Name
Disable Automatic
Online Point Delay
Graphic Alias
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Integration - LON
Default Column
After you select LON Integrations from the All Items Tree Item Reference
or from a Global Search result set, all of the configurable
attributes of the integration appear in the columns.
Hardware - Neuron ID
Attribute ID
Resource File Language 32596
Domain ID
Temporary Status Expire 3510
Integration - MSTP After you select MSTP Integrations from the All Items
Tree or from a Global Search result set, all of the
configurable attributes of the integration appear in the
Status Launch Interval
Item Reference
Hardware - Trunk
Hardware - Baud Rate
Hardware - Network
Object Type
Max Master
Max APDU Length
APDU Time out
APDU Segment Timeout 10
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
APDU Retries
Periodic Update
Page Size
Poll Delay
Sync Time
Sync Time Zone
Discover All As Gen
Requested Vendor ID
Internode Comm Timer
Execution Priority
Object ID
User Name is BACnet
Table 40: Factory Supplied Default Summary Definitions
Description / Use Case
Definition Name
Integration - N2
VAV Box Point
Default Column
After you select N2 Integrations from the All Items Tree Item Reference
or from a Global Search result set, all of the configurable
Trunk Number
attributes of the integration appear in the columns.
UDP Port
Attribute ID
Poll Delay
Message Timeout
After you select VMA controllers from the All Items Tree Description
or from Global Search result set, common VAV mapped
points appear in the columns based on point name
Using a Tailored Summary
Note: You can perform this task in the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director. For information on
using a Tailored Summary in the Ready Access Portal UI, refer to the Ready Access Portal Help.
1. View the Tailored Summary as described in the Viewing a Tailored Summary section.
2. Work with the Tailored Summary table as follows:
To issue commands, select one or more items (that is, select the table cells), then right-click and select
Command. To command all items in a column, right-click the column header and select Command. For
example, use this process to send an operator override command to multiple items.
To make modifications, select one or more items, then right-click and select Modify. To modify all items in
a column, right-click the column header and select Modify. See the Modify Dialog section for details. For
example, use this process to change the Authorization Category for multiple items.
To view an item, select an item and right-click and select View. The item appears in the display panel.
To resize a column, place the cursor between the column headers so that the cursor has double-sided arrows
). Click and drag the column to the desired width.
To sort the column data alphanumerically, click a column header. Click the column header again to sort in
the reverse order.
To rearrange the order of the columns while viewing the Tailored Summary, select a column header and use
drag-and-drop functionality to move it to the desired location.
To keep a snapshot of the Tailored Summary’s data for later comparison, select and copy the table data.
Then paste it into a program such as Microsoft® Excel. Use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
To view a graphic associated with field controller, double-click the graphic icon that appears in the second
column of the table (by default). The graphic appears in the display panel.
Figure 24: Viewing a Graphic from a Tailored Summary
To link a graphic to multiple field controllers, select the field controllers, then right-click and select Modify.
The Global Modify dialog box appears. Edit the Graphic and Graphic Alias attributes as desired and click
Send. This procedure applies only to field controllers. See Performing a Global Modify in the Modify Dialog
section for details.
3. Work with the Key Data table as follows:
To issue a command, select one item and right-click and select Command.
To make modifications to an item, select one item and right-click and select Modify. See the Modify Dialog
section for details.
To view an item, select one item and right-click and select View. The item appears in the display panel.
To resize a column, place the cursor between the column headers so that the cursor has double-sided arrows
). Click and drag the column to the desired width.
To rearrange the order of the columns, select a column header and use drag-and-drop functionality to move
it to the desired location.
To view a graphic associated with a field controller, double-click the graphic icon that appears in the first
column of the table (by default). The graphic appears in the display panel.
To link a graphic to a field controller, select the field controller, then right-click and select Modify. The Modify
dialog box appears. Edit the Graphic and Graphic Alias attributes as desired and click Send. This procedure
applies only to field controllers. See the Modify Dialog section for details.
Note: You cannot perform global commands/modifications or sort the data in the Key Data table.
Tailored Summary Viewer User Interfaces in SCT
Tailored Summary Definition Editor
On a Site Director, the Summary Definition Editor allows you to define and edit an SCT Summary Definition object.
The SCT Summary Definition Editor appears when you view an SCT Summary Definition object. In the SMP user
interface, you view large quantities of live data in a tabular format. SCT Summary Definition objects always reside
on a Site Director in the Configuration Data > SCT Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree (that is, you
cannot put a SCT Summary Definition object in another location).
Summary Definition Tab
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
The SCT Summary Definition Editor's Summary Definition tab allows you to define the table that appears in the
Tailored Summary Viewer.
Figure 25: SCT Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab
Table 41: SCT Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab
Defines the label to display in the first column (that is, the row header column) in a Tailored
Summary. The label is limited to a maximum of 50 characters. This field also can be left
Allows you to add a column at the end of the column configuration table. To select a column,
click the column heading.
Note: One column is created by default when you create the definition. You must define a
minimum of at least one column. There is no limit to the number of rows or columns, but
performance is resource-dependent and may be affected by large queries.
Allows you to remove the currently selected column from the column configuration table.
To select a column, click the column’s header.
Note: One column is created by default when you create the definition and the user interface
will not let you remove the last column. You must define a minimum of at least one column.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 41: SCT Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab
Column Configuration Table
Lets you configure the columns that appear in the Tailored Summary:
• Column Heading - Defines the name of the column heading. The name can have a
maximum of 50 characters.
Child Item - Indicates the item for which the column data is retrieved based on its item
name attribute. You can use the Select Item dialog box to pick a name, or type in the
text box. The name must match a user-specified pattern (such as ZN-* or ZN-T, Zone-T).
You can define an unlimited number of wildcards. The first item found that matches this
item name pattern appears in the Tailored Summary view column. To display an attribute
of the row item, leave this field blank. Otherwise, specify the name of the child item to
Note: To mass search child-item strings, separate your search criteria with commas.
For example, ::classid:156,172,155.
Attribute - Defines the attribute information for the column. To display the default
attribute, no change is required (that is, leave the Attribute box set to Default). The
attributes are grouped into categories for easy selection. To specify an attribute, select
a category in the Attribute Filter section of the Select Column Attribute dialog box, and
then select the desired attribute from the list.
User Definable Attributes
Note: To change the order of the columns, select a column and drag it to the desired
Note: When you display a Tailored Summary, the system searches for data within all levels
of a field device (VMA, for example). For all other objects (NAE, for example), the system
searches for data only one level down (not subsequent levels).
Browse (Child Item)
Opens the Select Item dialog box where you can specify the item name.
Note: This dialog box provides an easy way to fill in the item name of a child item. It does
not mean that the selected item displays in that column.
Browse (Attribute)
Opens the Select Column Attribute dialog box where you can select the attribute to display
in the column of the table. This process is necessary only when selecting an attribute other
than the default attribute.
This dialog box has two list boxes to aid in selection:
• Attribute Filter - Allows you to filter the items appearing in the Attribute list using
common attribute categories. If you filter on Alarms, for example, the supported alarm
attributes appear in the list for selection.
Attribute - Lists the available attributes for selection.
Note: To display the default attribute of the row item, leave the Attribute box set to Default
(Attribute Filter: Common Attributes and Attribute: Default).
SCT Summary Definition Configuration Tab
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
The SCT Summary Definition Configuration tab allows you to edit the configuration data for the SCT Summary
Table 42: SCT Tailored Summary Definition - Configuration Tab
Allows you to enter a name for the SCT Summary Definition object. There is a plain text limit
of 400 characters.
Allows you to enter a description of the SCT Summary Definition object. There is a plain text
limit of 40 characters.
Object Type
Indicates the Object Type.
Authorization Category
Lets you choose the Authorization Category for the SCT Summary Definition object. The
default Authorization Category for the SCT Summary Definition object is General.
SCT Summary Definition Wizard Descriptions
Use the Create New SCT Summary Definition Wizard to create an SCT Summary Definition object from scratch.
Access this wizard using the SCT Summary Definition option on the Insert menu.
Table 43: Create New SCT Summary Definition Wizard
Displays the save location of the new SCT Summary Definition. You can only save files in the
Configuration Data > SCT Summary Definitions folder.
Allows you to enter a name for the SCT Summary Definition object. There is a maximum of 32
Allows you to define the data of the Summary Definition and Configuration tabs.
Displays the summary data of the SCT Summary Definition object.
Tailored Summary Viewer Workflows
The following tables are high-level workflows for creating and using SCT Summary Definitions in the Tailored
Summary Viewer. These workflows assume a desired SCT Summary Definition exists.
Table 44: Tailored Summary Viewer Workflow - Using the All Items Tree
In the All Items Tree, select the objects you would like the SCT Summary Definition to apply to in
the Tailored Summary Viewer.
Click View > Tailored Summary Viewer. The Tailored Summary Viewer appears.
Select an SCT Summary Definition to apply to the objects.
Select an SCT Summary Definition to apply to the objects.
Table 45: Tailored Summary Viewer Workflow - Using Query > Global Search
Click Query > Global Search. The Global Search Viewer appears.
Click Add to select the Search Locations. You can select multiple locations.
Enter the search criteria. You can enter an object name, object type, include child objects, and
include search locations in the search criteria. For more information, see Global Search.
Click Search.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 45: Tailored Summary Viewer Workflow - Using Query > Global Search
Select the rows you would like the SCT Summary Definition to apply to in the Tailored Summary
Click View > Tailored Summary Viewer. The Tailored Summary Viewer appears.
Select an SCT Summary Definition to apply to the objects.
Column Attributes for SCT Summary Definitions
When creating or editing an SCT Summary Definition, the Select Column Attribute dialog box allows you to select
the attributes to display in the Tailored Summary Viewer.
The following table lists examples of the attributes available for display in the Tailored Summary feature according
to the attribute filter. Click an attribute in the table to view its description. For information on other attributes that do
not appear in this table, search within the PDF of the Help system, or see the PDF index.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 46: Example Column Attributes for SCT Summary Definitions
Attribute Filter
Example Attributes
BACnet IP Port
Instance Number
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
Object Name
Common Attributes
Authorization Category
Field Devices (General)
Disable Automatic Alarming
Field Devices (LON)
Neuron ID
Program ID
XIF Present
Memory Usage
Object Count
Trunk Number
Device Status
NCM Name
Object Count
Poll Delay
Controller Type
Trunk Number
Device Type
Max Value
Min Value
Out of Service
Command Status Mapping Table
Interface Value
Target Reference
Update Interval
APDU Retries
Buffer Overflow
Bus Health Index
Bus Performance Index
Missed Messages
Transmit Errors
Transaction Timeouts
Transmits Per Minute
Integrations (N2)
Command Count
Served By
Field Devices (MSTP)
Field Devices (N1)
Field Points (N2)
Field Points (General)
Field Points (LON)
Field Points (N1)
Integrations (MSTP)
Integrations (LON)
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 46: Example Column Attributes for SCT Summary Definitions
Attribute Filter
Example Attributes
Supervisory Devices
ADS ODS Repository
IP Address
Model Name
Object Count
Buffer State
Sample Interval
Transfer Setpoint
Creating a New SCT Summary Definition
1. Click Insert > SCT Summary Definition. The Create New SCT Summary Definition Wizard appears.
2. On the Identifier screen, enter a name for the SCT Summary Definition. Click Next.
3. On the Configure screen, define the data of the SCT Summary Definition tab and the Configure tab.
Note: One column is created by default when you create the definition and the user interface will not let you
remove the last column. You must define a minimum of at least one column. There is no maximum limit
to the number of rows or columns, but performance is resource-dependent and may be affected by large
4. Click Next. The Summary screen appears.
5. Click Finish. The new SCT Summary Definition appears in the Configuration Data > SCT Summary Definitions
Editing an Existing SCT Summary Definition
1. In the Configuration Data > SCT Summary Definitions folder, double-click the SCT Summary Definiton. The SCT
Summary Definition appears in the display panel.
2. On the Summary Definition tab, click Edit.
3. To edit the attributes of the SCT Summary Definition, use the following table.
Table 47: Editing the SCT Summary Definition Attribute
How to Edit:
Enter the text to display as the label for the row header column (that is, the
first column).
The label is limited to a maximum of 50 characters. This field also can be
left blank.
Add, Remove, or Rearrange columns in the •
Column Headings
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
to add a column at the end of the table.
Click a column header and then click
the table.
to remove the column from
To change the order of the columns, select a column and drag it to the
desired placement.
Enter the text to display as the label for the column header column
(maximum 50 characters).
Table 47: Editing the SCT Summary Definition Attribute
How to Edit:
Child Item
Leave this field blank to display an attribute of the row item.
Or, add a child item name using any of the following methods:
• enter the name of the child item to display
Note: The child item is just an item name, not a Fully Qualified
Reference (FQR).
select an item from the All Items Tree and drag it to the Child Item text
Note: This functionality is not available in the Create New SCT Summary
Definition wizard.
and the Select Item dialog box appears. Select an item and
click OK.
Note: You can define an unlimited number of item names in a
comma-delimited list.
Note: You can define an unlimited amount of wildcards. The first item found
that matches this item name pattern is displayed.
Select the attribute to display (only when selecting an attribute other than
the default attribute):
a. Click
. The Select Column Attribute dialog box appears.
b. In the Attribute filter list box, select a filter category. The attributes of
that type appear in the Attribute list box.
c. In the Attribute list box, select an attribute.
d. Click OK.
4. Click Save.
5. On the Configuration tab, click Edit.
6. Click Save.
Defining Key Data
Note: • You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
See the Focus Tab and sections for information on the Key Data attribute of the Summary Definition.
1. In the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree, right-click the Summary Definition and click View. The
Summary Definition appears in the display panel.
2. On the Focus tab, click Edit.
3. In the Key Data list box, click the browse button. The Modify List dialog box appears (Figure 72).
4. Add Key Data as follows:
a. Click Add. An undefined item appears in the list.
b. Click the Browse button of the item. The Select Item dialog box appears.
c. Select an item.
d. Click OK.
Note: •
You also can type in the text box and use wildcards (asterisks * only) to search for the item within
the user view folder.
• You can define up to four Key Data items.
5. Select an item and click Remove to delete the item from the Key Data list.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
6. Select an item and click Move Up or Move Down to rearrange the order the items appear in the list.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Save.
Exporting a Summary Definition
Note: You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
1. In the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree, right-click the Summary Definition and select Export
Definition. The Export dialog box appears.
2. Browse to the location on the computer to store the Summary Definition.
3. Click Export. The Notice dialog box appears, indicating the results of the export.
Figure 26: Notice Dialog Box
4. Click OK.
Note: You can now share the Summary Definition with others and import it to other sites as desired. If you import
the Summary Definition to another site, you may need to update the key data references.
Importing a Summary Definition
Note: You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
1. In the All Items tree, right-click the Summary Definitions folder and select Import Definition. The Import dialog
box appears.
2. Browse to the location on the computer where the Summary Definitions are stored.
Note: •
The pre-built Summary Definitions are provided on the SCT installation media and the Johnson
Controls Branch Purchase Package (BPP). You can save these files to your computer or access them
from the SCT installation media or BPP DVD.
You also can import Summary Definitions that were previously exported. See the Exporting a Summary
Definition section.
3. Select one or more Summary Definitions to import.
4. Click Import. The Notice dialog box appears, indicating the results of the import after all imports complete.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Figure 27: Notice Dialog Box
5. Click OK. The imported Summary Definitions appear in the Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree.
Viewing a Tailored Summary
Note: You can perform this task in the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director. For information on
viewing a Tailored Summary in the Ready Access Portal UI, refer to the Ready Access Portal Help.
1. Click the desired user view tab in the navigation pane.
2. Double-click the user view folder containing the Summary Definitions and referenced items (for example, the
Summary Definitions folder). The Tailored Summary appears in the display panel. See the Viewing a Tailored
Summary section for a description of the Tailored Summary View user interface.
Note: If the user view does not contain a Summary Definition, only the standard Summary appears.
3. Click the Tailored Summary you want to view from the Available Tailored Summaries list box if more than one
Summary Definition appears in the list. By default, the first authorized Summary Definition in the list is automatically
4. View the key data and the table data.
5. Use the right-click menu options to command, modify, or otherwise work with the data. See Using a Tailored
ActionQ Overview
The ActionQ (pronounced Action Queue) receives time consuming commands such as an upload or download from
wizards, allows you to edit and monitor the commands, and sends the command information to the SCT for scheduled
execution. You can only access the ActionQ from the View Menu in SCT.
ActionQ Operation
The ActionQ shows the status of commands and allows you to monitor, enable or disable, delete, and reschedule
commands. See the ActionQ Interface section. The ActionQ receives a command from a wizard and executes the
command based on the date, time, and other specified parameters.
The order of operation is as follows:
1. The ActionQ receives a command from the Manage Archive Wizard.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
2. The ActionQ initiates the command (for example, starts the upload process).
3. The ActionQ interface displays the progress and final status of the command.
Note: •
The final status remains on the ActionQ screen until you delete it or it is automatically deleted after a
user-defined number of days (1–30).
At this time, the ActionQ only supports upload, download, upgrade device and synchronization commands
from the Manage Archive Wizard.
Do not schedule an ActionQ report to run near the same time that password updates and information
transfers are scheduled or ActionQ reports will fail.
ActionQ Interface
The ActionQ contains three main screens.
Table 48: ActionQ Screens
Allows you to view active, scheduled, and completed commands. This screen is the main screen
of the ActionQ interface and has three tabs:
Actions in Progress - Allows you to monitor, enable/disable, delete, and reschedule commands
that are in progress or pending.
Scheduled Actions - Allows you to view, enable/disable, delete, and reschedule upcoming
scheduled commands.
Completed Actions - Allows you to view the status of completed commands, reschedule
commands, and clear them from the screen.
• A command is pending when it has not been issued because the recipient device is busy as a
result of too many incoming commands.
ActionQ Reschedule a
Command Dialog Box
Once a command is issued, it may be complete before a command to disable, delete, or
reschedule reaches it.
Allows clicking the Reschedule button from the Action in Progress, Scheduled actions, or
Completed Actions tabs of the ActionQ main screen.
Allows you to edit the scheduled start date and time of a command.
Note: If you schedule multiple commands to occur at the same time, not all commands may begin
at the specified time because they are waiting for other commands to complete.
ActionQ View Status
Dialog Box
Appears after clicking the View Status button from the Completed Actions tab of the ActionQ
main screen.
Allows you to view the completion information of a command, such as destination, start time,
end time, final status, error status, and any additional information.
ActionQ Steps
Launching the ActionQ
Note: You must be in offline mode (SCT) to access the ActionQ. The ActionQ automatically launches after the Load
Wizard completes.
To launch the ActionQ Interface, select ActionQ from the View menu.
Enabling/Disabling a Command
1. Launch the ActionQ and select either the Actions in Progress tab or the Scheduled Actions tab.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
2. Click the command.
3. Click Enable or Disable on the Scheduled Actions tab or Disable on the Actions in Progress tab.
Rescheduling a Command
1. Launch the ActionQ and select a tab.
2. Click the command.
3. Click Reschedule. The ActionQ Reschedule a Command dialog box appears.
4. Edit the date and time using the drop-down menus.
5. Click OK.
Viewing the Status of a Command
1. Launch the ActionQ and select the Completed Actions tab.
2. Click the command.
3. Click View Status. The ActionQ View Status dialog box appears.
4. Click OK to return to the ActionQ screen.
Deleting a Command
1. Launch the ActionQ and select a tab.
2. Click the command.
3. Click Delete.
Automatically Deleting Completed Commands
1. Launch the ActionQ and select the Completed Actions tab.
2. Enter the desired amount of days in the Number of days after which entries will be automatically deleted
(1–30) text box.
Change Results Viewer
The Change Results Viewer allows you to view, save, and print the results of global commands and global
modifications sent using the Global Commands and Global Modify features. See the Modify Dialog sections for
information on these features.
Change Results Viewer Overview
The Change Results Viewer displays the result entries for the global commands and global modifications sent during
the current user session. You can access the Change Results Viewer by selecting Change Results from the View
Note: The Change Results Viewer screen is available for global commands and global modifications only. Single
object commands and modifications do not appear in the Change Results Viewer.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Figure 28: Change Results Viewer Screen
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Table 49: Change Results Viewer Screen Components
Change Results Table
Displays the results of all global commands/modifications sent during the current user session.
If you select an item in the table and place your cursor over it within each column, tooltips appear
providing more information, if available.
Any data that does not fit within the columns is identified by an ellipse (...). You can resize the
column or place your cursor over the table cell to see its tooltip text.
If you send another global command/modification at a later time during the current user session,
the result entries are added to any existing result entries from prior commands/modifications sent
during the session.
The most recent entry appears at the top of this table by default. If desired, you can sort the
See the Working with the Change Results Viewer section for more information on manipulating
and using the table data.
Displays the date and time the command/modification was sent.
Displays the name of the object to which the command/modification was sent. The object’s full
reference identifier appears in a tooltip when you place the cursor over the name.
Change Type
Displays the type of command/modification sent.
Displays the list of parameters for the command/modification that was sent. For example, for a
Release command, an attribute and priority such as Present Value, 15 (Scheduling) appear in
the Parameters column.
Displays the status of the command/modification that was sent (for example, OK or an explanation
of failure).
• An OK status for a command indicates the supervisory device validated and accepted the
command, but does not necessarily indicate the command executed successfully. There may
be cases where the command is accepted, but fails execution. For example, a Route command
to a trend extension may be accepted by the supervisory device with a status of OK, but if
the actual routing of the trend data fails due to the ADS/ODS offline or other error, the failure
is noted in the Audit log at that point in time.
An OK status for a modification indicates the modification executed successfully.
Clear Results Viewer
Deletes all the entries from the Change Results Viewer and adds an entry to indicate when it
cleared those entries.
Copies the selected change results to the Clipboard for pasting into other applications such as
Microsoft Excel or Word.
Save to File
Saves the current content of the change results table to a text file.
Change Results Viewer Steps
Working with the Change Results Viewer
Displaying the Change Results Viewer
To display the Change Results Viewer, select Change Results from the View menu. The Change Results Viewer
appears in the display panel.
Note: If no global commands/modifications were issued during the current user session, the Change Results Viewer
appears with a message stating No global commands or modifications have been issued within the
current session.
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Selecting Entries in the Change Results Viewer
To select entries in the Change Results Viewer, click an individual entry in the change results table or use the Ctrl
or Shift keys when clicking to select multiple entries.
Note: You also can click and drag your cursor over entries in the change results table to select entries that appear
consecutively. With an entry in the change results table selected, you can press Ctrl+A to select all entries.
Sorting Change Results in the Change Results Viewer
To sort change results in the Change Results Viewer, click the heading of the desired column in the change results
table. The results sort and a small arrow appears indicating the order of the sort (ascending or descending). Click
the column heading again to change the sort order.
Reordering Columns in the Change Results Viewer
To reorder the columns in the Change Results Viewer, drag the heading of the column to the desired location.
Printing the Change Results
To print the contents of Change Results Viewer, follow the Printing Specific Help Topics section instructions.
Saving Change Results to File
To save the contents of the Change Results Viewer to a file:
1. Click Save to File. The Save dialog box appears.
2. Specify the desired location to save the results.
Note: The default name for the text file is ChangeResultsLog.txt. You can change the name as you wish to
further identify these results, or to prevent overwriting previously saved results.
3. Click Save.
Copying Change Results to the Clipboard
To copy change results in the Change Results Viewer to the clipboard:
1. Select the desired results according to the Selecting Entries in the Change Results Viewer section.
2. Click Copy.
Note: You also can use Ctrl+C to copy the data.
3. Open the program to paste the results (for example, Microsoft Excel or Word).
4. Paste the results according the program’s conventions (generally, Edit > Paste or Ctrl+V).
Clearing the Change Results Viewer
If the size of the results log becomes too large, the Global Command or Global Modify feature prompts you to clear
the change results.
To clear all change results in the Change Results Viewer:
1. Click Clear Results Viewer. A dialog box appears asking if you want to permanently clear all command results.
2. Click Yes.
Extended Labels
Menu Selection: View > Extended Labels (select the check box)
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
Toggles the display of the item labels in the All Items navigation tree or user navigation tree from standard to extended.
An extended label shows the BACnet object name that was defined when the object was initially created in braces
next to the standard label. This is the name used in the object's Fully Qualified Reference. The Metasys object name
may be the same as the BACnet object name, or it may have been edited as a label that is more recognizable to
the user.
Standard Label = N2 Trunk1
Extended Label = N2 Trunk1{N2-1}
Product Version Labels
Menu Selection: View > Product Version Labels (select the check box)
Toggles the display of the item labels in the All Items navigation tree or user navigation tree from standard to product
version. A product version label shows the software revision of servers and engines in parentheses next to the
standard label.
Standard Label = NAE-Building-1
Extended Label = NAE-Building-1 (6.0)
Note: Starting at Release 6.0, SCT allows you to maintain Release 5.2 or later engines in the site's archive. At SCT
11.0, the site director can be at any release between 5.2 and 8.0. It can be upgraded from any release 5.2
or later to any later release between 5.2 and 8.0, but all non-Site Director engines for the site can be left at
their current release and can still be modified offline in the SCT and downloaded at their particular release
level (Release 5.2 or later).
Validation Labels/Settings
Menu Selection: View > Validation Labels (in the online UI), View > Validation Settings (in the SCT UI) (select the
check box)
In the SCT, this setting toggles the display of the item labels in the All Items navigation tree or user navigation tree
to show extra label information for Metasys for Validated Environments (MVE). When selected, this menu item also
displays the Validation Settings attribute section for objects on the Focus/Configuration tab.
This setting has no effect in the online UI (the validation labels are always visible).
Panel Layout
The Display Frame can be divided into up to four display panels. When viewing an item in a display panel, the name,
status, and default attribute (usually the present value) of the item you display appear at the top of the display panel.
Each display panel can contain different tabs, depending on the item selected from the navigation tree, and each
tab shows different information. Dynamic attributes displayed in a panel automatically refresh when changes are
The default display panel is the first empty panel or last unlocked panel if all displayed panels are filled. Display
panels are locked while in Edit mode, or may be locked using the Lock button of the selected display panel. If all
available panels are locked, you cannot display an additional item in any of the display panels.
You can resize each display panel by dragging its borders, or using an available splitter bar. With some items, an
Edit button appears (except in Simulation mode), allowing you to edit the item’s configuration attributes. Editing in
online mode with Basic Access is limited to Schedules and Calendars, and no Edit button appears for any other
Metasys® SCT Help: View Menu
You can drag and drop items into a display panel and navigate among them using the Back and Forward display
panel buttons. The display panel holds a maximum history of five items.
If you run any of the predefined reports found in the Query Menu, the result of the query appears in an available
panel in a spreadsheet format. Sort the report results by clicking the column heading, and resize columns by dragging
column borders. When you scroll down through the column, the headers remain visible.
The data presented in a report comes from a snapshot of the system at the time you request the report. The displayed
data does not automatically refresh and does not support an Edit mode. You can manually refresh the report through
the Action Menu.
Display Frame Layout
The user interface allows you to define your own display frame layout. Six options are available:
Figure 29: Panel Layout Options
To change the way the panels are arranged, see Changing the Display Panel Layout. If you have a multi-panel
display and you change to a layout with fewer panels, the locked items/newest items in the view stay, depending
on how many panes are available in the new layout. The other panels close (they do not reappear if you switch back
to the multi-pane view).
To resize the panels, drag the borders of the panel until it reaches the desired size. To make one panel (in a
multi-panel arrangement) take up the entire Display frame temporarily, click the maximize button. To restore a
maximized panel in a multi-pane view, click the restore button. A panel can also be maximized/restored by
double-clicking its header bar.
Changing the Display Panel Layout
To change the Display Panel layout, on the View menu, select Panel Layout and choose one of the six layouts.
Action Menu
In addition to the four modes of operation that determine the items appearing in menus, the Action menu is context
specific. Different item specific options appear in the Action menu based on what is currently selected in the navigation
tree. Also, different feature specific options appear in the Action menu based on the active panel or feature displayed
in the selected display panel.
Action Menu Introductions
Action Menu Items
Note: Many Action menu features are also accessible through the All Items tree. For more information see Right-Click
Menus and Menu Bar Equivalents.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Import Definition
Menu Selection: Action > Import Definition
Imports the pre-built summary definition that is stored on the computer and is only available when the Summary
Definitions folder is selected in the All Items tree. After importing a definition, the imported Summary Definitions
appear in the Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree.
Note: You also can import Summary Definitions that were previously exported.
Export Definition
Menu Selection: Action > Export Definition
Exports the summary definition that is stored in the Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree to a location on
the computer. You can now share the Summary Definition with others and import it to other sites as desired.
Note: If you import the Summary Definition to another site, you may need to update the key data references.
Menu Selection: Action > Rename
Renames the selected Engine device in the SCT.
Note: •
When renaming an ADS/ADX/ODS , the name must match the host name of the computer on which the
ADS/ADX/ODS is installed.
This rename option may take a while to complete because it changes the database references to the
Menu Selection: Action > Discard
Discards the selected events currently displayed in the Event Viewer. Discards selected entries from the audit log
when the Audit Viewer is displayed.
Menu Selection: Action > Refresh
Refreshes the data displayed in the active frame or panel in the Event Viewer, Audit Viewer, Trend Viewer, and
Scheduled Reports.
Refresh All Tabs
Menu Selection: Action > Refresh All Tabs
Refreshes the data displayed in all tabs of the active display panel or the navigation frame.
Refresh Current Tab
Menu Selection: Action > Refresh Current Tab
Refreshes the data displayed in the current tab of the active frame or panel.
Menu Selection: Action > Ack
Acknowledges the selected event(s) currently displayed in the Event Viewer.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Import Integration
Menu Selection: Action > Import Integration
This command is only available when an Integration under an engine is selected in the All Items tree. After adding
an Integration, you can select the integration in the navigation tree and use this menu selection to add existing
devices and points under the integration.
Export CAF File
Menu Selection: Action > Export CAF File
Exports the Controller Application File (.caf) file that currently resides in the field controller. The .caf file contains all
the logic components needed to represent a system. You can save the exported .caf file anywhere on your computer.
The name of the .caf file matches what is defined in the File Name field on the Resource screen. This command is
only available when a field controller under an engine is selected in the All Items tree.
Export CAF Files
Menu Selection: Action > Export CAF Files
Exports the Controller Application File (.caf) file that currently resides in each field controller under the field bus. For
example, if 10 controllers are defined under the field bus, 10 individual .caf files are exported. Each .caf file contains
all the logic components needed to represent a system. You can save the exported .caf files to any location on your
computer. The name of each .caf file matches what is defined in the File Name field on the Resource screen. This
command is only available when a field controller under an engine is selected in the All Items tree.
Remove From Site
Menu Selection: Action > Remove From Site
Removes (deletes) the selected engine, ADS/ADX, or Open Data Server (ODS) from the Site. The selected engine
or ADS/ADX/ODS must be offline to use this option. You also can remove a device from the site in a Tailored
Summary with Engine device data.
Site Discovery
Menu Selection: Action > Site Discovery
Creates the site's archive database by accessing object data from all Metasys devices on the building network. This
function is helpful if the archive database has not been maintained by Johnson Controls or the customer. For sites
at Release 5.2 or later, the archive is automatically created at the released version of the site. For sites earlier than
Release 5.2, the site archive is created at the version of SCT currently installed. The Site Discovery option is available
when a Site object is selected in the All Items tree.
For the ODS, Site Discovery works best when the ODS is used in the Site Manager Workstation configuration. When
the ODS is used in the BACnet Workstation configuration, the Metasys engines are discovered, but any database
content in and under the engines is not discoverable.
Note: To ensure Site Discovery performance, the local application (Controller Application File, .caf file) for any NCE
is not uploaded during the process.
Note: Discovering objects within a device that contains a large number of objects can require several minutes to
After Site Discovery, immediately perform an upload of the engine to ensure the archive database is current with
the online database.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Action Menu - Feature Specific
The following table describes the different menu items that appear in the Action menu based on the active panel or
feature displayed in the selected display panel. Click each active panel or feature for a description. For more
information on the modes of operation, see Metasys Modes.
Table 50: Action Menu - Feature Specific
Contents In Mode
Active Panel/Feature
Online (Standard
Event Viewer
Audit Viewer
Online (Basic
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Offline (SCT)
Global Search Viewer
Change Results Viewer
Clear Audit Log
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Clear Audit Log
Tailored Summary
Simulation (SCT)
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Show Extensions
Remove From
Import Integration
Add Annotation
View Annotations
The Refresh, Refresh Current Tab, and Refresh All Tabs menu items appear in the Action menu for all other features or
active panels.
The menu options available are item-specific (that is, they depend on the type of item selected in the Tailored Summary table
and Key Data table).
Available for an Engine only.
Available for a Tailored Summary with trunk/integration data (for example, trunk diagnostics).
There are no Action menu options for this feature.
Action Menu - Item Specific
The following table describes the different menu items that appear in the Action menu based on what is currently
selected in the navigation tree. Click each item for a description. For more information on the modes of operation,
see Metasys Modes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Table 51: Action Menu - Item Specific
Contents In Mode
Online (Standard
ADS Device Object
Site Object
Offline (SCT)
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Remove From Site
Add Annotation
Show Extensions
Show Extensions
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Import Integration
View Annotations
Show Extensions
Import Integration
Export .caf files on
a MSTP Field Bus
Site Discovery
Add Annotation
Add Annotation
View Annotations
View Annotations
Add Annotation
Show Extensions
Show Extensions
Add Annotation
View Annotations
Start Simulation
View Annotations
Show Extensions
Remove From Site
Show Extensions
Show Extensions
Add Annotation
Add Annotation
View Annotations
View Annotations
Show Extensions
Supervisory Device (Engine) •
All Other Objects
Online (Basic
The Refresh Current Tab and Refresh All Tabs menu items appear in the Action menu for all of these items.
Available for only Schedule and Calendar objects.
Modify Dialog
Note: The term edit refers to changing items using the Edit button. See the Modify section. The term modify refers
to changing items using the Modify menu item and the Modify dialog box as described in this section.
The Modify dialog box allows you to modify attributes of a single item (single modify feature) or multiple items at
once (global modify feature). You can open the Global Search Viewer or a Tailored Summary, for example, in a
display panel and select one or more items from the table to modify. For example, you could send a modification to
change the Authorization Category of all VAV boxes in your facility from General to HVAC. Only attributes common
to all items being modified appear in the Global Modify dialog box.
The single modify feature uses the Modify dialog box. The global modify feature uses the Global Modify dialog box
for sending modifications and uses the Change Results Viewer for viewing, saving, and printing the sent global
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
For information on the Change Results Viewer and how to use it, see the Change Results Viewer section. The
Change Results Viewer is used by both the Global Modify and the Global Commands features.
See Using Global Modify with Global Search in this section for steps on using the Global Search and Global Modify
features together.
Note: •
In online mode with Basic Access, you can edit only the Schedule and Calendar objects.
The term edit refers to changing items using the Edit button as described in this procedure. The term
modify refers to changing items using the Modify menu item and the Modify dialog box. See the Modify
Dialog section.
To edit items in the User Graphics Tool (UGT), refer to the User Graphics Tool section in the Metasys
SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
To edit the attributes of an item:
1. View the details of the item in a display panel.
2. Select an item tab (for example, Focus).
Note: Some items contain an Advanced radio button. If you select this button, additional attributes appear.
3. Click Edit.
4. Edit the attributes as needed.
Note: If you place your cursor over an edit field, the ToolTip provides information about the valid format or range
for that value. ToolTips also appear for strings.
5. Click Save.
For information on using the Modify dialog box to modify single or multiple items, see the Modify Dialog section.
Modify Dialog Box
The Modify dialog box allows you to modify attributes of a single item in the Metasys system. You can access the
Modify dialog box for the selected item by selecting the Modify menu option from the Action Menu or the right-click
menu. The attributes shown in the modify box are different for different object types.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Figure 30: Modify Dialog Box
Table 52: Modify Dialog Box Components
Screen Area/Item
Instructions Area
Provides tips to help you send a modification.
Attributes Table
Displays the list of attributes available to modify for the selected item. Unauthorized modifications
are disabled. Attribute value fields appear after the attribute name.
The check box next to an attribute is automatically selected when you make a modification in its
value field. Modifications are sent for only the selected (checked) attributes.
Sends the selected modifications to the object/item.
Closes the Modify dialog box without sending the changes.
Global Modify Dialog Box
The Global Modify dialog box allows you to modify common attributes of multiple items in the Metasys system. You
can access the Global Modify dialog box for the selected items by selecting the Modify menu option from the Action
Menu or the right-click menu.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Figure 31: Global Modify Dialog Box - Attributes Tab
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Figure 32: Global Modify Dialog Box - Items Tab
Table 53: Global Modify Dialog Box Components
Screen Area/Item
Instructions Area
Provides tips to help you send global modifications.
Attributes Tab
Displays the list of common attributes available to modify for the selected items. Unauthorized
modifications are disabled. Attribute value fields appear after the attribute name.
The check box next to an attribute is automatically selected when you make a modification in its
value field. Modifications are sent for only the selected (checked) attributes.
Items Tab
Lists the selected items in table format and indicates:
• if you are authorized/unauthorized to modify the items
the number of items to be modified
Sends the selected modification to the objects/items listed in the Items tab.
Closes the Global Modify dialog box without sending the changes.
Show Modify Results
Displays the Change Results Viewer in the display panel after clicking Send (when this box is
Modify Attributes
The following table lists the attribute groupings and examples of the attributes available for modification.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Table 54: Modify Attributes
Attribute Grouping
Example Attributes
COV Increment
Display Precision
Authorization Category
BACnet Deadband
High Limit
Low Limit
High Alarm Limit
Low Alarm Limit
Alarm Ack Required
Alarm Message Text
Alarm Priority
Event Enable
Graphic Alias
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming
Alarm Values
Alarm Setup
Graphic Setup
Modify Dialog Steps
Modifying a Single Item
This procedure is for modifying a single item. To modify multiple items, see Performing a Global Modify.
For information on editing an item using the Edit button in the display panel, see the Modify section.
You can modify an item from the navigation tree, display panel view (for example, Tailored Summary view), or Global
Search Results table.
To modify a single item:
1. Select and right-click a single item in the navigation tree, display panel view, or global search results. Select the
Modify menu item. Or, select a single item and select the Modify command from the Action menu. The Modify
dialog box appears.
2. Make changes to one or more attributes as desired.
3. Click Send.
Note: You cannot use the modify feature to modify items that reside on a Release 2.2 or earlier device. If you
attempt to modify Release 2.2 or earlier items, one of the following errors appears: Object does not exist
or One or more attribute modifications failed error appears.
Performing a Global Modify
This procedure is for modifying more than one item in a single operation. To modify a single item, see Modifying a
Single Item.
For information on editing an item using the Edit button in the display panel, see the Modify section.
You can globally modify items online and in the SCT.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
You can perform a global modification on items from the navigation tree, display panel view (for example, Tailored
Summary view), or Global Search Results table.
Note: Once sent, you cannot undo a global modification; however, you can send another global modification to
readjust values as needed.
To perform a Global Modify:
1. Select multiple items in the navigation tree, display panel view, or global search results. Right-click the items
and select the Modify menu item. The Global Modify dialog box appears.
Note: The Items tab lists the selected items and your permissions to modify them.
2. On the Attributes tab, make changes to one or more attributes as desired.
Note: You can easily enter each controller's Fully Qualified Reference (FQR) by entering an asterisk (*) in the
Graphic Alias field.
3. Select the Show Modify Results check box to display the results of the modifications, if desired.
4. Click Send. If you selected to view results, the Change Results Viewer appears in a display panel. The Change
Results Viewer has options to copy the results, save the results to a file, and clear the results.
Note: If you are not authorized to send a global modification to one or more objects, a dialog box appears stating
the modification can not be sent to unauthorized objects. Click Yes to continue to send the modification
to the authorized objects. Click No to return to the Modify dialog box without sending the modification to
any objects. Click Cancel to close the Modify dialog box without sending the modification to any objects.
Your system access and category-based privileges set in the Security Administrator System determine
your authorization.
Note: On an MVE site, you are prompted to authorize this action (only once) with the defined annotation and/or
electronic signature requirements.
After the modification has been sent to all selected items, the Global Modify Completed dialog box appears
the attributes that were modified (appears in a comma delimited list)
the date/time the modification started and completed
the number of successful/failed modifications
if any modifications were not sent because they were unauthorized
the total modifications attempted
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Figure 33: Global Modify Completed Dialog Box
Note: The Succeeded value in the Global Modify Completed window reflects the number of objects modified,
not the number of object attributes modified.
5. Click OK.
Note: You cannot use the modify feature to modify items that reside on a Release 2.2 or earlier device. If you
attempt to modify Release 2.2 or earlier items, one of the following errors appears: Object does not
exist or One or more attribute modifications failed.
See Working with the Change Results Viewer in the Change Results Viewer section.
Using Global Modify with Global Search
To use Global Modify with Global Search:
1. Perform a global search according to the Performing a Global Search procedure in the Global Search section.
For example, search for alarms that you plan to modify.
2. Save the object list if this is a common search (for example, you plan to modify the alarms or review their status
often). See Working with Search Results in the Global Search section.
3. Select the items in the search results and send a global modify according to the instructions in the Performing
a Global Modify section.
Extensions add features, such as trending, alarming, and totalization, to an item.
Click one of the following for more information on extensions:
For information on searching for extensions, see the Global Search section.
For information on commanding extensions, see Commanding Extensions.
For more information on managing extension attributes as part of a tailored summary, see the section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Alarm Extensions
Alarm extensions monitor an attribute of an object and send alarms using the Alarm and Event Management feature.
There are two types of alarm extensions, Analog Alarm and Multistate Alarm. Use the Analog Alarm extension to
monitor attributes with real values. Use the Multistate Alarm extension to monitor attributes with True or False, or
Multistate data types.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Alarm Extensions Concepts
Analog Alarm Extension
The Analog Alarm extension adds the alarming capability for attributes with real values, such as the Present Value
of an Analog Input Object. This extension detects an alarm based on up to four limits and can be configured to report
that alarm. It also sets the Alarm State attribute of the object to which it is added. The Analog Alarm Extension is
also used in conjunction with the Graphic Setting Preferences which are used to establish color choices for alarm
conditions in graphics.
For example, you can configure the Analog Alarm extension to issue an alarm if the temperature in a room falls
below 15.6˚C (60˚F).
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the Analog Alarm extension, see Analog Alarm Attributes.
Multistate Alarm Extension
The Multistate Alarm extension adds the alarming capability for an attribute with True or False, or Multistate data
types, such as the Present Value of a Binary Input Object.
The Multistate Alarm extension detects the alarm with respect to a difference from a defined normal state and sets
the Alarm State attribute of the object to which it is added. In addition, you can configure the Multistate Alarm extension
to report alarms and True or False and/or Multistate events.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the Multistate Alarm extension, see Multistate Alarm Attributes.
Normal State
Normal state occurs when the alarm extension is in an acceptable, expected condition, as indicated by the attribute
point to which it is added.
Warning State
Warning state occurs when the analog alarm extension transitions from Normal into the high or low warning conditions.
Alarm State
Alarm state occurs when the extension transitions into the high alarm, low alarm, or unreliable conditions.
AO/BO Feedback
The Alarm extensions provide feedback in points to prevent the detection of alarm conditions that are really false
alarms. For the Analog Alarm Extension, this feedback is done through the configuration of the Setpoint Reference
attribute. For the Multistate Alarm Extension, this feedback is done through the configuration of the Command
Reference attribute. When you reference other attributes using the Setpoint Reference or Command Reference
attributes, the alarm analysis works differently.
Analog Points:
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
For example, add an Analog Alarm extension to an Analog Input Object (zone temperature). Define the Present
Value of the Analog Input Object as the Input Reference and define the Define the Present Value of an Analog
Output Object (setpoint) as the Setpoint Reference of the Analog Alarm extension.
If you edit the Setpoint (Define the Present Value attribute of the Analog Output Object), the Warning Reference
attribute of the Analog Alarm extension of the Zone Temperature Analog Input Object changes to the same value.
The Reference Delay Time of the Analog Alarm extension resets at this same time, preventing a false alarm condition
from being detected.
Binary or Multistate Points:
For example, add a Multistate Alarm extension to a Binary Input Object or Multistate Input Object. Define the Present
Value of a Binary Input (fan status) or Multistate Input as the Input Reference, and define the Present Value of a
Binary Output Object (command state) or Multistate Output Object as the Command Reference of the Multistate
Alarm extension.
If you edit the Command State (Present Value attribute of the Binary Output Object or Multistate Output Object), the
Normal State attribute of the Multistate Alarm extension of the Fan Status Binary Input Object or Multistate Input
Object changes to the same value. The Reference Delay Time of the Multistate Alarm extension resets at this same
time, preventing a false alarm condition from being detected.
Delay Timer Interaction
There are two timers used to delay the analysis or reporting of an alarm. These timers are used to allow normal
functions to occur before an object’s behavior appears abnormal and generates an alarm. The first timer is the Alarm
State: Reference Delay Timer, which allows a preset amount of time to pass between commanding an object and
making sure that the commanded object has obeyed the command before considering an alarm condition to be
present. The second timer is the Alarm State: Report Delay Timer, which prevents the analysis of an object’s
condition until the preset time has passed after that object has appeared to obey a command.
The length of the reference delay time is a combination of the reference delay time and the report delay time settings.
If you change the warning reference, both delays go active and if the reference delay time is greater than or equal
to the report delay time, then the total delay is the sum of both timer settings; however, if the reference delay time
is less than the report delay time, then the delay is equal to the report delay time setting.
The delay timers of the alarm extensions interact as follows:
Note: If no Warning Limits are defined, the Reference Delay Time and Reference Delay Timer Active attributes do
not apply.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Figure 34: Delay Timer Interaction
Table 55: Delay Timer Interaction Description
Callout Name
User Action
Warning reference
Commands the Warning reference to change, moves the setpoint and the corresponding
High and Low warnings.
Reference Delay Timer Interval starts when the Warning Reference changes.
Report Delay Interval
Starts if high of low warning is exceeded.
After Report Delay
Input reference is analyzed for alarm conditions.
See the Multistate Alarm Delays Examples section.
See the Analog Alarm Attributes and the Multistate Alarm Attributes for more information.
Multistate Alarm Delays Examples
When attaching alarm extensions to Binary objects, we recommend that the Alarm extension be attached to a Binary
Input Object (BI). When the Binary Output Object (BO) is commanded On, the command is seen by the command
reference of the BI. This triggers the Alarm State: Reference Delay Timer and changes the Normal state of the
associated BI. The Reference: Input of the BI should change to match the new Normal state during the time set by
the Alarm State: Reference Delay Timer. If it does not, the BI immediately goes into Alarm upon expiration of the
Reference Delay Time. If the BI Reference: Input does change to match the new Normal state, then the Alarm State:
Report Delay Timer starts. The Alarm State: Report Delay time does not delay delivery of a previously generated
report. It delays the analysis of the BI object for an alarm condition until the Report Delay time has passed. Once
the Report Delay time passes, the BI is analyzed for Alarm conditions.
For example, with a BO controlling a fan and a BI with an Alarm Extension set using the BO as an Input reference,
two possible conditions are affected by the Alarm State delay timers:
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
1. Fan On and Operating Normally - In the following figure, a fan has been commanded On and is operating
normally. In this case, when the BO commands the Fan On, the Normal State of the BI changes to On and the
Reference Delay Time starts. Within the interval set by the Reference Delay Time, the Input Reference of the
BI changes to On and the Report Delay time starts. After the Reference Delay Time and Report Delay Time have
passed, the BI is analyzed for Alarm conditions.
Figure 35: Fan On and Operating Normally
Table 56: Fan On and Operating Normally Example Description
Callout Name
User Action
BO Command
Fan is commanded On from BO.
BI Normal State
BI Normal State switches to On.
Alarm State: Reference Reference Delay Timer interval starts when BI Normal State switches to On.
Delay Timer
BI Input
BI Input switches On during the Reference Delay Timer interval.
Alarm State: Report
Report Delay interval starts when BI Input switches to On.
After Report Delay
BI is analyzed for alarm conditions.
2. Fan Is Commanded On but the Fan Is Not Working - In the following figure, the fan is commanded on but
does not turn on due to a problem. In this case, the BO commands the Fan On, the Normal State of the BI
changes to On, and the Reference Delay Time starts. However, the Input Reference of the BI never changes to
On because the Fan does not turn on. Therefore, the Alarm State: Report Delay Timer never starts. After the
interval set by the Alarm State: Reference Delay Time, the BI goes into an Alarm condition.
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Figure 36: Fan Is Commanded On but the Fan Is Not Working
Callout Name
User Action
BO Command
Fan is commanded On from BO.
BI Normal State
BI Normal State switches to On.
Alarm State: Reference Reference Delay Timer interval starts when BI Normal State switches to On.
Delay Timer
BI Input
BI Input does not turn On during the Reference Delay Timer interval due to problem with
Alarm State: Report
After Reference Delay Timer interval. BI is analyzed and goes into Alarm.
Analog Alarm Attributes
The Analog Alarm Extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common
Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Analog Alarm extension. The list of Attribute names are displayed
in the Focus Window of the Site Management Portal view of the Alarm Extension. Click the attribute name in the
table for a description of the attribute.
Note: Also, see Status.
Table 57: Analog Alarm Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Tailored Global SCT
Options/Range Summary Modify3 Configuration
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Maximum 400
Table 57: Analog Alarm Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Object Type
One value from a
Present Value
One value from a DR
Tailored Global SCT
Options/Range Summary Modify3 Configuration
Maximum 40
characters before
Release 8.0.
Maximum 64
characters at
Release 8.0 and
Low Warning,
High Warning,
Low Alarm,
High Alarm
Real value
Alarm State
Event Enable
True or False
Report Delay Active
True or False
Report Delay
True or False
Error Log
Uses Reliability
Unreliable (Set 503).
Alarm/Warning Thresholds
High Alarm Limit
High Alarm Limit
Real value
Cooling Setpoint
Heating Setpoint
Low Alarm Limit
Real value
Setpoint Reference
Warning Reference
Real value
Single Setpoint Mode
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Table 57: Analog Alarm Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Tailored Global SCT
Options/Range Summary Modify3 Configuration
Heating/Cooling Setpoint Mode
Cooling Setpoint
Heating Setpoint
Occupancy Reference Attribute
Unoccupied State
Set redirected to
Engineering Values
Item Reference
Input Reference
Real value
Positive value
High Warning Offset
Real value
Positive value
Low Warning Offset
Real value
Positive value
Reference Delay
Timer Active
True or False
Reference Delay Time Number
Ack not pending,
Ack pending
Ack not required,
Ack required
Alarm Setup
Alarm Ack Pending
True or False
Alarm Ack Required
True or False
Alarm Time
Alarm Date
Alarm Priority
Warning Ack Pending True or False
Ack not pending,
Ack pending
Ack not required,
Ack required
Warning Ack
True or False
Warning Time
Warning Date
Warning Priority
Normal Ack Pending True or False
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Ack not pending,
Ack pending
Table 57: Analog Alarm Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Tailored Global SCT
Options/Range Summary Modify3 Configuration
Normal Ack Required True or False
Ack not required,
Ack required
Object Type =
Maximum 256
Normal Time
Normal Date
Normal Priority
Alarm Message Text
Object Reference CNW
Graphic Alias
Object Name
Username is BACnet True or False
Object Name
Object Identifier
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable
Y - Can be used in the Tailored Summary User View. See the Defining User Views with Summary Definitions section for
information about recommended groupings of Summary Definitions in a Tailored Summary.
Y - Can be mass edited from a Tailored Summary or Global Search Results.
Y - Viewable in SCT Alarm Extension Focus Window.
Analog Alarm Extension Attribute Details
Alarm Ack Pending
Indicates whether an event concerning a transition into the Alarm state is waiting for acknowledgement.
Alarm Ack Required
Indicates whether a transition into the Alarm state creates a message that requires acknowledgement.
Alarm Date
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this date is updated.
Alarm Message Text
Indicates the text you assigned to give further information in the event of an alarm. Only status changes to an alarm
state add the alarm message text reference.
Alarm Priority
Indicates the priority assigned to the Alarm state.
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Alarm Time
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this time is updated.
Cooling Setpoint
Indicates the actual monitored Cooling Setpoint value based on the Setpoint Reference mapping. You can either
define the Cooling Setpoint and High Alarm Limit or the Setpoint Reference.
Cooling Setpoint Reference
When specified, indicates the Above Setpoint limit. You must define both the Cooling Setpoint Reference and
Heating Setpoint Reference, or leave both blank. If the Cooling Setpoint Reference is defined, the High Warning
Offset is added to the Cooling Setpoint Reference value to calculate the High Warning Limit.
The Heating and Cooling Setpoint References are typically mapped to the Actual Heating and Cooling Setpoints
created for all FEC based VAV and Terminal Unit control applications. The High and Low Warning Offsets are added
to these references to calculate the High and Low Warning Limits. These reference points are used in conjunction
with the Room Control Module Graphics Symbol to provide indication of above and below setpoint conditions.
Indicates the date of the last change in the Present Value or Reliability reported by this extension.
Specifies a deadband range used for analog object state transitions from High Alarm Limit, Low Alarm Limit, High
Warning Offset, and Low Warning Offset. If the Differential is applied to an object in High Alarm, the object remains
in the state until it changes to a value less than the High Alarm Limit minus the value of the Differential.
When the Cooling Setpoint and the Heating Setpoint are configured, the Differential specifies:
The deadband range for transitions to the Above and Below Setpoint states.
The deadband range for transitions from Above and Below Setpoint states to return to a Normal state. In this
case, half of the value specified for the Differential is used. This allows the value to return to normal in cases
where the control algorithm controls to a value close to the setpoint, but may not achieve or cross the setpoint.
Event Enable
Determines if an alarm condition is reported back to the event viewer and if alarm pop-ups are created.
Indicates the graphic associated with the extension.
Note: Do not set the Graphic attribute for an alarm extension to an aliased graphic. Aliased graphics do not display
properly when displayed from the Alarms Window or Event Viewer.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this extension
or the controller containing this extension.
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Heating Setpoint
The Heating and Cooling Setpoint References are typically mapped to the Actual Heating and Cooling Setpoints
created for all FEC based VAV and Terminal Unit control applications. The High and Low Warning Offsets are added
to these references to calculate the High and Low Warning Limits. These reference points are used in conjunction
with the Room Control Module Graphics Symbol to provide indication of above and below setpoint conditions.
You can either define the Cooling Setpoint and Low Alarm Limit or the Setpoint Reference.
Heating Setpoint Reference
Indicates the value of the Below Setpoint limit. You must define both the Cooling Setpoint Reference and Heating
Setpoint Reference, or leave both blank.
High Alarm Limit
Specifies the actual High Alarm Limit. If blank, the limit is not used.
High Warning Offset
Indicates the value added to the Warning Reference or Setpoint Reference variable to determine the actual High
Warning Limit. If blank, the offset is not used and warning analysis is disabled. Both the High Warning Offset and
Low Warning Offset must be defined, or both must be blank.
Indicates the last value received from the Input Reference.
Input Reference
Specifies the object and attribute monitored by this alarm extension. The reliability of the Input Reference is monitored
and sets the Reliability attribute of this extension. It also can be reported in an alarm message.
Low Alarm Limit
Specifies the actual Low Alarm Limit. If blank, the limit is not used.
Low Warning Offset
Indicates the value subtracted from the Warning Reference or Setpoint Reference variable to determine the actual
Low Warning limit. If blank, the offset is not used and warning analysis is disabled. Both the High Warning Offset
and Low Warning Offset must be defined, or both must be blank.
Normal Ack Pending
Indicates if an event in transition to the Normal state is awaiting acknowledgement.
Normal Ack Required
Indicates whether a transition into the Normal state creates a message that requires acknowledgement.
Normal Date
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Normal state.
Normal Priority
Indicates the priority assigned to the Normal state.
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Normal Time
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Normal state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this time is updated.
Occupancy Reference
When mapped, provides a specific graphic preference color indication of a zone’s occupancy status. When the
reference is in an unoccupied state, warning states are not displayed; only alarm states are displayed. This capability
is typically used in conjunction with the Room Status symbol graphic floorplan.
Present Value
Represents the current value of the extension.
Reference Delay Time
Specifies the amount of time that the Input has to move within the Warning Limits after a Warning Reference change
before the object reports the warning. The Normal state is reported until the Reference Delay Time expires. If the
Reference Delay Time is changed, any current timer is cancelled and reset to the new Reference Delay Time.
Reference Delay Timer Active
The Reference Delay Timer Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the Input value to respond to the
Warning Reference change.
Indicates the Reliability of the Analog Alarm extension. Reliability changes due to communication errors between
the Analog Alarm extension and the Input Reference or Setpoint Reference. When unreliable due to communication
problems, any further execution of the main logic of the Analog Alarm extension is cancelled and no report is issued.
The reliability also indicates when the Input or Setpoint Reference becomes unreliable. When reliability changes
due to the Input being unreliable, an event is issued if reporting is enabled. The exception is Comm Loss reliability,
which results in the same behavior as the communication problems described above.
If a Setpoint Reference, High Alarm Limit, and Low Alarm Limit are defined, and the setpoint’s value is outside of
the range defined by the limits, then the Analog Alarm becomes unreliable and an event message is generated (if
reporting is enabled).
Report Delay
Indicates the number of seconds that the extension waits before generating a warning or alarm after the Input value
moves outside of the Heating or Cooling Setpoint or warning limit. After this time, the Input value is reevaluated. If
the value is still outside the limit, a report generates. Report Delay applies only to changes from the Normal state
to the Alarm state. High or Low Alarms returning to the Normal state are reported immediately.
Report Delay Active
The Report Delay Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the alarm or warning to stabilize.
Setpoint Reference
A Setpoint Reference or Warning Reference is established for controllers that only provide a Single Setpoint value.
The value established by either one of these references is used in conjunction with the High Warning Offset and
Low Warning Offset to establish the High Alarm Warning Limit and Low Alarm Warning Limit.
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The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. Of the three states that can be assumed by this attribute
(Disabled, Unreliable, and Normal), two of these, Disabled and Normal, are managed outside the scope of this
extension. A complete list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical order from highest to lowest):
Disabled: Enabled attribute value is False.
Unreliable: Reliability attribute is not reliable.
Normal: Expected operating condition.
Indicates the time of the last change in the Present Value or Reliability reported by this extension.
Unoccupied State
Indicates the value of the Occupancy Reference (if defined), that is considered the Unoccupied State.
Unoccupied State Set
Indicates the set used to select the Unoccupied State. If Occupancy Reference is defined, the Unoccupied State
Set uses the same value.
Warning Ack Pending
Indicates whether an event concerning a transition into the Warning state is waiting for acknowledgement.
Warning Ack Required
Indicates whether a transition into the Warning state creates a message that requires acknowledgement.
Warning Date
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Warning state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this date is updated.
Warning Priority
Indicates the priority assigned to the Warning state.
Warning Reference
A Setpoint Reference or Warning Reference is established for controllers that only provide a Single Setpoint value.
The value established by either one of these references is used in conjunction with the High Warning Offset and
Low Warning Offset to establish the High and Low Warning limits.
Warning Time
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Warning state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this time is updated.
Analog Alarm Extension Examples
The Analog Alarm extension adds the alarming capability for attributes with real values, such as the Present Value
of an Analog Input Object. This extension detects an alarm in two different modes: the Single Setpoint method, or
the Cooling/Heating Setpoint Method.
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Single Setpoint Mode
The Single Setpoint Mode uses up to four configurable limits to report an alarm. This method also sets the Alarm
State attribute of the object to which it is added. You can configure Single Setpoint Mode using either a mapped
setpoint reference or a fixed number set in the warning reference. For example, you can configure the Analog Alarm
extension to issue an alarm if the temperature in a room falls below 15.6˚C (60˚F).
The Analog Alarm Object determines its new alarm state based upon receipt of a change. The new alarm state is
based on the following:
Newly reported value and reliability
Current alarm state (present value)
Defined alarm and warning limits.
Once you set the High and Low Alarm Limits, the High Warning Limit is calculated by adding the High Warning
Offset to the Cooling Setpoint Reference Value. The Low Warning Limit is calculated by subtracting the Low
Warning Offset from the Heating Setpoint Reference Value.
Value reported by the Setpoint Reference (if defined) written to Warning Reference Value
Delay Timer Active
Reference Delay Timer Active
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Figure 37: Single Setpoint Mode
Figure 37 shows the Present Value of the Analog Alarm as it changes.
The Delay Time period begins when the Warning Reference changes. The Input Value is not calculated during this
time. The Input is normal at the end of the Reference Delay Time, so the Present Value stays normal.
The Report Delay period begins when the Present Value transitions to any state from the Normal state, or the value
of the Command Reference changes. Transitions to and from states other than Normal are reported immediately.
Cooling/Heating Setpoint Mode
Using the Cooling/Heating Setpoint Mode, the object calculates up to seven different statuses based on the Cooling
Setpoint Reference and the Heating Setpoint Reference. You can also define an optional Occupancy Reference to
suppress the status of the extension and display an unoccupied status indication color unless there is a high or low
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Figure 38: Cooling/Heating Setpoint Mode
Figure 38 shows the Present Value of the Analog Alarm as it changes.
The Delay Time period starts when the Cooling Setpoint Reference or Heating Setpoint Reference value changes.
Since at the end of the Reference Delay Time the Input is in Low Warning state, the Present Value is in a Low
Warning state.
The Report Delay period starts when the Present Value transitions to any Alarm or Warning state from a Normal,
Above Setpoint or Below Setpoint state, or if the value of the Command Reference changes. All other State Transitions
are reported immediately.
Multistate Alarm Attributes
The Multistate Alarm Extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see the Common
Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Multistate Alarm extension. Click the attribute name in the table
for a description of the attribute.
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Note: Also, see Status.
Table 58: Multistate Alarm Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Ack not pending, Ack pending
Ack not required, Ack required
Alarm Ack Pending
True or False
Alarm Ack Required
True or False
Alarm Date
Alarm Message Text
Alarm Priority
Alarm Time
Alarm Values
Capture Changes
True or False
Command Reference
Attribute Reference CW
Event Enable
True or False
Object Reference
Graphic Alias
Real value
Input Reference
Attribute Reference C
Normal Ack Pending
True or False
Normal Ack Required
True or False
Normal Date
Normal Priority
Normal Time
Normal State
See Command Reference.
Object Type = Graphic
Maximum 256 characters
Derived from Input Reference, the object
to which the Multistate Alarm extension
has been attached.
Ack not pending, Ack pending
Ack not required, Ack required
One type from set
State 0
Derived from Input Reference, the object
to which the Multistate Alarm extension
has been attached.
Present Value
One value from a
Normal, Alarm, Hold
Reference Delay Time
0–65,535 seconds
Reference Delay Timer Active True or False
Input Unreliable See Reliability. Uses Reliability (Set 503).
Report Delay
Report Delay Active
True or False
Alarm Time
0–65,535 seconds
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable
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Multistate Alarm Extension Attribute Details
Alarm Ack Pending
Indicates whether an event concerning a transition into the Alarm state is waiting to be acknowledged.
Alarm Ack Required
Indicates whether a transition into the Alarm state creates a message that requires acknowledgement.
Alarm Date
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this date is updated.
Alarm Message Text
Indicates the text you assigned to give further information in the event of an alarm. Only status changes to an alarm
state cause the alarm message text reference to be added.
Alarm Priority
Indicates the priority assigned to the Alarm state.
Alarm Time
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Alarm state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this time is updated.
Alarm Values
Associates an alarm state with a specific priority and text. Multiple states can be defined for each alarm, but each
state must be unique and no state can be set to the current alarm extension normal state. The text and priority are
customizable. Alarm Priority and Alarm Message Text are used as defaults when custom text and priority values
are not defined.
Capture Changes
If True, this attribute forces an event notification to be generated for each change of the object input state. If the
input goes from one alarm state to another alarm state or back to normal, an event notification is generated.
Command Reference
If specified, the value of this referenced attribute is treated as the normal state by the alarm extension. The normal
state then follows a feedback value.
For example, define the Present Value of a Binary Input Object (fan status) as the Input Reference and define the
Present Value of a Binary Output Object (command state) as the Command Reference.
For more information on how this attribute works with regard to AO/BO point feedback, see AO/BO Feedback.
Indicates the date of the last reported condition.
Event Enable
Indicates that this value must be True for the extension to report a warning message.
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Indicates the graphic associated with the extension.
Note: Do not set the Graphic attribute for an alarm extension to an aliased graphic. Aliased graphics do not display
properly when displayed from the Alarms Window or Event Viewer.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this extension
or the controller containing this extension.
Indicates the multistate value processed for alarms by the extension as defined by the Input Reference. The value
of the Input is compared to the Normal State.
Input Reference
Specifies the object and attribute monitored by this alarm extension. The last value received from Input Reference
is written to the Input attribute. The reliability of the Input Reference is monitored and sets the Reliability attribute
to this extension. It is also reported in an alarm message.
Normal Ack Pending
Indicates whether an event concerning a transition into the Alarm state is waiting to be acknowledged.
Normal Ack Required
Indicates whether a transition into the Normal state creates a message that requires acknowledgement.
Normal Date
Indicates the last date this extension transitioned into the Normal state. Each time this transition occurs, a message
is created and this date is updated.
Normal Priority
Indicates the priority assigned to the Normal state.
Normal Time
Indicates the last time this extension transitioned into the Normal state. Each time this transition occurs a message
is created and this time is updated.
Normal State
Indicates the attribute value to which the Input is compared. If the Input value is different from the Normal State, an
alarm state occurs.
Present Value
Represents the current value of the extension.
Reference Delay Time
Specifies the feedback delay in seconds. The purpose of the Reference Delay Time is to allow time for equipment
to start or stop before the status is compared to the command.
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When a Binary Output Object (BO) (supply fan command) is commanded On, the Normal State for the associated
Binary Input Object (BI) (supply fan status) alarm extension is also On. After the Reference Delay Time, the current
state of the BI is compared to the Normal State. If the BI is still Off, an alarm is detected. The Reference Delay Time
is also used when the BO is commanded Off.
Reference Delay Timer Active
The Reference Delay Timer Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the equipment to start or stop.
Indicates the reliability of the Multistate Alarm extension. Reliability changes due to communication errors between
the Multistate Alarm extension and the Input Reference or Command Reference. When unreliable due to
communication problems, any further execution of the main logic of the Multistate Alarm extension is cancelled and
no report is issued.
The reliability also indicates when the Input or Command Reference becomes unreliable. When reliability changes
due to the Input being unreliable, an event is issued if reporting is enabled. The only exception is Comm Loss
reliability, which results in the same behavior as the communication problems described above.
Report Delay
Indicates the delay between detecting an alarm and actually reporting the alarm. The purpose of this delay is to
make sure that the alarm is stable. If a status feedback device is fluctuating, an alarm is detected numerous times.
The alarm must be True at the end of the duration of the Report Delay before the alarm is reported.
Report Delay Active
The Report Delay Active is True while the alarm extension waits for the alarm to stabilize.
The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. A list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical
order from highest to lowest):
Disabled: Enabled attribute value is False.
Unreliable: Reliability attribute is not reliable.
Normal: Expected operating condition.
Indicates the time of the last reported condition.
Alarm Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the Alarm Extensions feature.
Table 59: Alarm Extension Commands
Command Name
Cancel Delay Time
Cancel Report Delay
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Alarm Command Details
Cancel Delay Time
Cancels Reference Delay Timer if active. Cancelling the delay time on an Alarm extension causes a warning if the
value is in this state.
Cancel Report Delay
Cancels the Report Delay Timer if active. Cancelling the report delay time on an Alarm extension causes a warning
or alarm if the value is in this state.
Totalization Extensions
Totalization Extensions track an attribute over time. There are three types of totalization extensions:
Analog Totalization - Tracks and records analog attribute values over time.
Event Totalization - Tracks the number of events/transitions of an attribute over time.
Runtime Totalization - Tracks the total time that an attribute resides in a specified state.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For more information on managing time in the Metasys system, see the NAE and ADS or ODS commissioning
documents listed in the Related Documentation table in the Welcome section.
Totalization Extensions Concepts
Analog Totalization
The Analog Totalization extension tracks and records the usage of any consumable monitored through an analog
attribute. Some examples of consumables include electricity, gas, steam, and chilled water.
These three essential parameters determine the Analog Totalization extension’s mode of operation:
the Input Reference to be monitored
the Timebase on which the computation is based
the Low CutOff Value that the input must meet or exceed
Use the Analog Totalization extension to determine the usage of the given consumable. For example, you can
determine the amount of gas or steam used by the facility for a given month. Also, use Analog Totalization to
determine how many kilowatt/hours were used in a week or to totalize a calculated value (for instance, degree days).
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the Analog Totalization extension, see Analog Totalization Attributes.
Event Totalization
The Event Totalization extension tracks the number of binary events or pulses over time, meaning it counts the
number of transitions that occur at an input reference. Unlike other types of totalization, event totalization increases
the value each time the event occurs, instead of calculating the value once each minute.
These three essential parameters determine the Event Totalization extension’s mode of operation:
the Input Reference to be monitored
the types of Transitions or events to be recorded
the Value Per Pulse (event) to be recorded
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You can use this extension to determine the number of changes in an input value, which may be helpful in maintaining
and monitoring equipment. For example, use Event Totalization to determine how many times a motor started, how
often a sensor was in alarm, or how many cars entered a parking lot.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the Event Totalization extension, see Event Totalization Attributes.
Runtime Totalization
The Runtime Totalization extension tracks the time that elapses while a designated input, such as a binary or
multistate value, matches a specified state.
These two essential parameters determine the Runtime Totalization extension’s mode of operation:
the Input Reference being monitored
the Reference (state) that identifies active runtime
Use this extension to track the amount of time that a piece of equipment, such as a fan or a pump, is operational.
This extension also determines the amount of time a point is in alarm or the runtime of fixed loads (such as lighting)
for energy consumption and tenant billing.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the Runtime Totalization extension, see Runtime Totalization Attributes.
Analog Totalization Attributes
The Analog Totalization extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common
Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Analog Totalization extension. Click the attribute name in the
table for a description of the attribute.
Note: Also, see Status.
Table 60: Analog Totalization Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Display Precision
One value from a set
Uses Display Precision (Set 0)
One type from a set
See Executing.
Totalize Limit
Input Reference
Attribute reference
Low CutOff Value
Real value
Present Value
Real value
One value from a set
True or False
Uses Reliability (Set 503)
Reset Date
Reset Time
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Table 60: Analog Totalization Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
True or False
Rollover Count
Scale Factor
Real value
One type from a set
Minimum Value > 0
Totalize Limit
Real value
Limit > 0
One value from a set
Value Before Reset
Real value
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Analog Totalization Extension Attribute Details
Display Precision
Indicates the rounded position and the number of decimal places to display for this extension.
Reflects the status of this extension.
Active: The extension is calculating and has not reached the Totalize Limit.
Totalize Limit: The extension has reached the limit and has stopped calculating because Rollover is set to
Inactive: The extension is unreliable or disabled and is not calculating.
Input Reference
Specifies the object and attribute monitored by this extension. If this attribute is unreliable or falls below the Low
CutOff Value, totalization is temporarily suspended.
Low CutOff Value
Defines a minimum input value: Values beneath this minimum input value are not totalized. This attribute eliminates
sensor errors associated with the low readings of flow sensors.
Present Value
Represents the current value of the extension.
Represents the reliability of the Present Value. If the Input Reference becomes unreliable, the totalization extension
monitoring the input becomes unreliable.
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Forces the extension into a reset condition. (Terminates any ongoing calculations, restores the Present Value to
initial state, and for each triggerable attribute, forces a COV report.)
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Reset Date
Represents the date of the last Reset condition of the extension.
Reset Time
Represents the time of the last Reset condition of the extension.
Defines the special action the totalization extension must take when the Present Value reaches the Totalize Limit
value. If the Rollover attribute is set to False, the Analog Totalization extension ceases further operation when the
Present Value equals or exceeds the Totalize Limit value. If it is True, it resets the present Value to 0.0 and resumes
a new cycle of totalization.
Rollover Count
When the Rollover attribute is True, this value increases each time Present Value reaches a value equal to or
greater than the Totalize Limit value.
Scale Factor
Indicates the value used to scale the totalized value to either a larger or smaller value than otherwise results.
The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. Of the three states that can be assumed by this attribute
(Disabled, Unreliable, and Normal), two of these, Disabled and Normal, are managed outside the scope of this
extension. A complete list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical order from highest to lowest):
Disabled: Enabled attribute value is False.
Unreliable: Reliability attribute is not reliable.
Normal: Expected operating condition.
Establishes the time frame on which the calculated totalization value is based.
Totalize Limit
Defines a threshold value that the Present Value must meet or exceed for the totalization extension to take special
action. When the Rollover attribute is set to False, the totalization process ceases further operation. When it is set
to True, Present Value is cleared to 0, and the totalization process starts over.
Indicates the measurement units of this extension.
Value Before Reset
Indicates the value of the Present Value at the time of the last reset operation.
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Event Totalization Attributes
The Event Totalization extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common
Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Event Totalization extension. Click the attribute name in the
table for a description of the attribute.
Note: Also, see Status.
Table 61: Event Totalization Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Display Precision
One value from a set
Uses Display Precision (Set 0).
One type from a set
See Executing.
Totalize Limit
Input Reference
Attribute reference
Present Value
Real value
One type from a set
One value from a set
True or False
State 0
States Text attribute identifies the
enumeration set for this attribute.
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
Reset Date
Reset Time
True or False
Rollover Count
Scale Factor
Real value
Minimum Value > 0
One type from a set
See States Text.
Totalize Limit
Real value
One type from a set
Entering State
Entering State
States Text
Count All
One value from a set
Value Before Reset
Real value
Value Per Pulse
Real value
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
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Event Totalization Extension Attribute Details
Display Precision
Indicates the rounded position and the number of decimal places to display for this extension.
Reflects the status of this extension.
Active: The extension is calculating and has not reached the Totalize Limit.
Totalize Limit: The extension has reached the limit and has stopped calculating because Rollover is set to
Inactive: The extension is unreliable or disabled and is not calculating.
Input Reference
Specifies the object and attribute totalized by this extension. If this attribute is unreliable, totalization is temporarily
Present Value
Represents the current value of the extension.
Defines the value that is processed for totalization by the extension as defined in the Input Reference attribute.
Represents the reliability of the Present Value. If the Input Reference becomes unreliable, the totalization extension
monitoring the input becomes unreliable.
Forces the extension into a reset condition. (Terminates any ongoing calculations, restores the Present Value to
initial state, and for each triggerable attribute, forces a COV report.)
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Reset Date
Represents the date of the last Reset condition of the extension.
Reset Time
Represents the time of the last Reset condition of the extension.
Defines the special action the totalization extension takes when the Present Value reaches the Totalize Limit value.
If the Rollover attribute is set to False, the Runtime Totalization extension ceases further operation when the Present
Value equals or exceeds the Totalize Limit value. If the attribute is set to True, it resets the present Value to 0.0 and
resume a new cycle of totalization.
Rollover Count
When the Rollover attribute is True, this value increases each time Present Value reaches a value equal to or
greater than the Totalize Limit value.
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Scale Factor
Indicates the value used to scale the totalized value to either a larger or smaller value than would otherwise result.
States Text
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. A list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical
order from highest to lowest):
Disabled: Enabled attribute value is False.
Unreliable: Reliability attribute is not reliable.
Normal: Expected operating condition.
Totalize Limit
Defines a threshold value the Present Value must meet or exceed for the totalization extension to take special
action. When the Rollover attribute is set to False, the totalization process ceases further operation. When it is set
to True, Present Value is cleared to 0, and the totalization process starts over.
Describes the behaviors of the transitions to be counted. If the value is 0, it counts the transition of entering a given
reference. If the value is 1, it counts all state transitions.
Indicates the measurement units of this extension.
Value Before Reset
Indicates the value of the Present Value at the time of the last reset operation.
Value Per Pulse
Indicates the unit value of the Input Reference for pulse totalization. For the event totalization, the value is 1.
Runtime Totalization Attributes
The Runtime Totalization extension contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common
Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Runtime Totalization extension. Click the attribute name in the
table for a description of the attribute.
Note: Also, see Status.
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Table 62: Runtime Totalization Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Display Precision
One value from a set
Uses Display Precision (Set 0).
One type from a set
See Executing.
Totalize Limit
Input Reference
Attribute reference
Present Value
Real value
One type from a set
One value from a set
True or False
State 1
States Text attribute identifies the
enumeration set for this attribute.
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
Reset Date
Reset Time
True or False
Rollover Count
States Text
One type from a set
See States Text.
Seconds, minutes, hours, days
One type from a set
Totalize Limit
Real value
One value from a set
No Units
Value Before Reset
Real value
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Runtime Totalization Extension Attribute Details
Display Precision
Indicates the rounded position and the number of decimal places to display for this extension.
Indicates the execution status of this extension:
Active: The extension is calculating and has not reached the Totalize Limit.
Totalize Limit: The extension has reached the limit and has stopped calculating because Rollover is set to
Inactive: The extension is unreliable or disabled and is not calculating.
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Input Reference
Specifies the object and attribute totalized by this extension. If this attribute is unreliable or changes from the
Reference (state) to another state, totalization is temporarily suspended.
Present Value
Represents the current value of the extension.
Defines the value that is processed for totalization by the extension as defined in the Input Reference attribute.
Represents the reliability of the Present Value. If the Input Reference becomes unreliable, the totalization extension
monitoring the input becomes unreliable.
Forces the extension into a reset condition. (Terminates any ongoing calculations, restores the Present Value to
initial state, and for each triggerable attribute, forces a COV report.)
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Reset Date
Represents the date of the last Reset condition of the extension.
Reset Time
Represents the time of the last Reset condition of the extension.
Defines the special action the totalization extension takes when the Present Value reaches the Totalize Limit value.
If the Rollover attribute is set to False, the Runtime Totalization extension ceases further operation when the Present
Value equals or exceeds the Totalize Limit value. If it is True, it resets the present Value to 0.0 and resumes a new
cycle of totalization.
Rollover Count
When the Rollover attribute is True, this value is incremented each time the Present Value reaches a value equal
to or greater than the Totalize Limit value.
States Text
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
The Common Object Attributes section details this attribute. A list of relevant states follows (listed in hierarchical
order from highest to lowest):
Disabled: Enabled attribute value is False.
Unreliable: Reliability attribute is not reliable.
Normal: Expected operating condition.
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Establishes the time frame on which the calculated totalization value is based.
Totalize Limit
Defines a threshold value the Present Value must meet or exceed for the totalization extension to take special action.
When the Rollover attribute is set to False, the totalization process ceases further operation. When it is set to True,
Present Value is cleared to 0, and the totalization process starts over.
Indicates the measurement units of the Present Value, Totalize Limit, and Value Before Reset attributes.
Value Before Reset
Indicates the value of the Present Value at the time of the last reset operation.
Totalization Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the Totalization Extensions. Click the command name for a
description of the command.
Table 63: Totalization Commands
Command Name
Reset Rollover
Access level = Supervise
Totalization Extension Command Details
Locks out all outputs and prevents functionality of the Totalization extension and temporarily suspends totalization.
Forces a Reset on the Totalization extension and returns it to normal operation.
Terminates any ongoing calculations, restores the present value to its initial state, creates a reset date and time
stamp; and for each triggerable attribute, forces a COV report.
Reset Rollover
Resets the Rollover Count attribute.
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Trend Extensions
The Trend Extension monitors and records the changes in the behavior of an individual attribute over time, thereby
assisting you with diagnosing various system-wide behavioral characteristics. The Trend extension collects sample
values at timed intervals or only upon changes in the given value. Trend data is still collected if the object is unreliable.
The Trend extension continues to log data using the previous value preceded by ???, which indicates an unreliable
For example, use a Trend extension to collect data from the Analog Input object of a controller on the N2 Bus, which
reports information such as outdoor air temperature or room air temperature.
Trend extensions are different from Trend Studies because Trend Studies query both the ADS/ODS and Engine for
historical data (Trend Extensions query only the Engine).
Note: Although multiple trend extensions can be added to an object on an NxE, these extensions are combined as
a single trend if sent to a Historical Data Repository. This may not yield the expected result. To use multiple
trends on a single object in a Historical Data Repository, create duplicate AV or BV objects that map to the
point in question, then create a new trend on the parallel AV or BV.
For trend performance information, refer to the Metasys System Extended Architecture Overview Technical Bulletin
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Trend Extensions Concepts
There are three views in the Trend Extension: Chart View, Table View, and Definition View.
Table 64: Views
Chart View
Allows you to view trend data in a chart format.
Table View
Allows you to view trend data in a table format.
Definition View
Allows you to view the trend extension attributes.
Trend Extension Chart View
The Chart view allows you to view data samples in a graphical format and retrieve new trend data. You can zoom,
unzoom, and pan within the Chart view. You can also specify the X-axis and Y-axis ranges.
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Table 65: Chart View
When initially displayed, the Trend Extension view shows the data samples
currently in the local trend buffer. Click the Update button to retrieve and
display new data samples (for example, any trend buffer data later than the
currently displayed samples). The Update button adds the new samples to
the display without removing the old samples.
Note: Gaps may appear in the data if the trend buffer has rolled over since
the last update. If you wish to clear the Trend Extension view and re-display
only those samples currently in the trend buffer, use the Refresh Current Tab
menu option (right-click or Action menu).
Toggles the mouse behavior for the chart between zoom mode and normal
While in zoom mode:
drag the mouse over an area of the chart to zoom in on that area.
click Zoom to exit zoom mode and restore the mouse to normal mode.
left-click to zoom out one level.
When you exit zoom mode, the chart remains at the current zoom level. Use
the Restore button to fully zoom out on the chart.
• You cannot pan while the mouse is in zoom mode.
You can also zoom and unzoom in normal mode by using the Shift key
and the mouse. To zoom, hold the Shift key down while dragging the
mouse across the chart. To zoom out one level, left-click the mouse while
holding the shift key down.
Allows you to return to an unzoomed view and switches the mouse back to
normal mode if the chart’s zoom mode is active.
Allows you to pan the view of the chart vertically or horizontally by dragging
the mouse across a zoomed chart. Panning is not available for unzoomed
charts or when zoom mode is active. To pan left or right, drag the mouse over
the X-axis. To pan up or down, drag the mouse over the Y-axis.
Points Line
Displays the data using lines and point markers. This is the default.
Displays the data using an area chart.
Displays the data using a bar chart.
Note: Only use the bar chart when the number of data samples can reasonably
be expected to display as bars. If too many data samples exist when you click
this option, the display becomes unstable and fails to properly update the
screen. To recover, select any other display option.
Displays the data using markers, with no lines.
Displays the data using lines, with no markers.
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Chart Right-Click Menu
You can access a right-click menu from the Chart view. Place your cursor in the chart and right-click in the panel to
display the menu.
Table 66: Chart View Right-Click Menu
Menu Item
Background Color
Opens the Select a Color dialog box and allows you to configure the background color.
Allows you to select what type of gridlines to appear on the chart. You can choose: None, X and
Y, X Only, and Y Only.
Chart Type
Allows you to select what type of chart to display. You can choose: Points Line, Area, Bar, Points,
and Line.
Trend Extension Table View
The Table view of the Trend extension allows you to view the trend’s data samples in a table format. You can copy
the trend data to the clipboard for pasting into other applications such as Microsoft Excel.
Table 67: Table View
When initially displayed, the Trend Extension view shows
the data samples currently in the local trend buffer. Click
the Update button to retrieve and display new data
samples (for example, any trend buffer data later than the
currently displayed samples). The Update button adds
the new samples to the display without removing the old
Note: Gaps may appear in the data if the trend buffer has
rolled over since the last update. If you wish to clear the
Trend Extension view and re-display only those samples
currently in the trend buffer, use the Refresh Current tab
menu option (right-click or Action menu).
Copy to Clipboard
Allows you to copy selected trend data to the system
clipboard for pasting into other applications such as
Microsoft Excel.
You can also use Ctrl + C to copy data.
Trend Extension Definition View
The Definition view of the Trend Extension allows you to view and edit the attributes of the trend extension object.
For more information on the Definition view attributes, see the Trend Extension Attributes section.
Trend Buffer
The trend buffers reside in the NAE and store the trend samples for the NAE. The number of samples stored in each
individual trend buffer is user-configurable (see Trend Extension Attributes). When the buffer gets full, you can
choose to have the new trends overwrite the old ones or to have the trending stop. Whether the trends are overwritten
or trending stops, you can configure the system to issue an alarm when the buffer gets full. You can also configure
to transfer samples to a configured ADS or ODS .
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Table 68 shows the relationship between the buffer size and the sample interval. Determine the sample interval, in
seconds, by converting minutes to seconds. Determine the buffer size by examining the interval, in seconds, against
the desired time period size to retain data.
Table 68: Buffer Size and Sample Interval Relationship
Interval Interval
Buffer for Previous Time Period
1 Hr.
2 Hrs.
4 Hrs.
8 Hrs.
16 Hrs.
1 Day
2 Days
3 Days
Trend Sampling
Trend sampling for the trend buffer occurs periodically (samples taken after a set time expires) if you set the Sample
Interval to a value higher than zero. To sample based on COV reporting of the object, set the Sample Interval attribute
to zero. You can stop or start sampling manually (using the Enable or Disable command) or control the start and
stop with Interlocking a Trend Extension or scheduling. With interlocking, the trend samples are taken when a defined
event occurs. If you use the scheduling feature, trend samples are taken at certain times on certain days.
Trend Extension Attributes
Alarm Extensions contains attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common Object Attributes.
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Trend extension. Click the attribute name in the table for a
description of the attribute.
Table 69: Trend Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Acked Transitions
Series of True or
False states
False, False, False
Buffer Size
Buffer State
One state from a set
Operational, Buffer Full
Client COV Increment
Real value
COV Resubsc Interval
Units = Seconds
Event Enable
Series of True or
False states
True, False
Event State
One state from a set
Event Time Stamps
Set of values
Input Reference
Attribute reference
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Normal, Fault
Table 69: Trend Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
True or False
Last Notify Record
True or False
Logging Type
One type from a set
Log Interval
Notification Class
Polled, COV, Trigger
Units = 100ths of a second
Notification Object Reference Object reference
Limited to Notification Class on the
same device.
Notify Threshold
130 (90% of Buffer
Notify Type
One type from a set
Record Count
See Record Count.
Records Since Notify
Repository Enabled
True or False
Sample Interval
Units = Seconds
See Sample Interval.
Samples Not Sent to ADS
Start Time
Status Flags
Series of True or
False states
Stop Time
Stop When Full
True or False
Total Record Count
Transfer Setpoint
See Stop When Full.
130 (90% of Buffer
True or False
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, W - Writable
Trend Extension Attribute Details
Acked Transitions
Conveys three separate flags that each indicate if the most recent To Offnormal, To Fault, or To Normal event
transitions have been acknowledged (if the transition requires acknowledgement).
Buffer Size
Specifies the maximum number of records the buffer may hold.
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Buffer State
Indicates whether the buffer is full or operational when the Stop When Full attribute is set to False.
Client COV Increment
Specifies the increment used to determine that a change of value occurred (when this trend object collects data by
COV). If the referenced object and attribute support COV reporting, then this attribute may have a Null value. In this
case, the value of the trended object for COV increment is used. This value only applies to trended values of the
real value (floating point) type.
COV Resubsc Interval
Specifies the number of seconds between COV resubscriptions (when this trend object collects data by COV). This
attribute is only used when the trended object is a BACnet Integration point on the IP network. The Subscribe COV
requests specify twice during this interval for the actual subscription. The first subscription is issued when the trend
object begins operation or when enabled.
Event Enable
Determines whether notifications are enabled for To Fault and To Normal events. A To Normal transition occurs
when the value of the Records Since Notify attribute is equal to or greater than the value of the Notify Threshold
attribute. A To Fault transition occurs when an attempted COV subscription fails. The To Normal transition must be
enabled and set by default. The Read and write methods ensure that this value cannot be set to False.
Event State
Determines whether an active event state is associated with this extension. The value is set to Normal when there
is no intrinsic alarming defined for this object. If intrinsic alarming is enabled (Enable Intrinsic Alarms = True), then
this value is either Normal or Fault (problem occurred with the object subscribing for Change of Value [COV]s). This
attribute appears on the view when the site is defined as a BACnet site.
Event Time Stamps
Conveys the times of the last event notifications for To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal events. Time stamps of
type Time or Date have FF if no event notification of that type has generated since the object was created.
Input Reference
Defines the attribute of the object being sampled. This attribute is used for consistent references to an object or
attribute. The Input Reference and the name of the object and attribute you want to trend must match exactly.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
Enables (True) or disables (False) BACnet intrinsic alarming for this object. When disabled, writing to any of the
intrinsic alarming attributes returns a Write_Access_Denied error. When disabled, reading the intrinsic alarming
attributes returns the default value of each attribute.
Last Notify Record
Indicates the sequence number associated with the most recently collected record whose collection triggered a
notification (that is, it caused the value of the Records Since Notify attribute to be equal to or greater than the value
of the Notify Threshold attribute). If no notification has occurred since logging began, the value of this attribute is
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Indicates and controls whether logging is enabled (True or False).
Logging Type
Specifies the method for which the referenced property is logged (Polled, Change of Value [COV], or Trigger).
Log Interval
Specifies the periodic time in seconds for which the referenced property is logged.
Notification Class
Specifies the notification class used for handling and generating event notifications for this object. Notification occurs
based on the value of the Records Since Notification attribute. The Notification Class attribute implicitly refers to a
Notification Class object that has a Notification Class property with the same value. If the class number references
a non-existent Notification object, no Notification occurs.
When the Notification Class attribute is written online, the Notification Object Reference is updated to the Object
Reference of the Notification Class object with that instance number, if found. If the Notification Class object for a
Johnson Controls proprietary object is not found, the reference is left blank.
If both the Notification Object Reference and the Notification Class attributes are written simultaneously online (or
both are configured and downloaded), the Notification Class attribute value is set to the value that was written to
the Notification Object Reference, and the Notification Class value in the write message is ignored.
Notification Object Reference
Specifies the Notification Class object used to route alarms for the object being configured (via tree selection). When
the Notification Object Reference is written, the value of the Notification Class attribute is updated to reflect the
referenced object’s instance number. The value of the Notification Object Reference attribute is restricted to Notification
Class objects on the same device as the alarming object. Validation only occurs during a write, not during a create
(the download does not fail).
Notify Threshold
Indicates when notification occurs based on the value of the Records Since Notification attribute.
Notify Type
Conveys if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms. This attribute is required if the object
supports intrinsic reporting.
Record Count
Represents the number of samples recorded since the creation of the trend extension or the last time the buffer was
cleared, when the Stop When Full attribute is set to True.
Represents the position of the next sample recorded, when the Stop When Full attribute is set to False.
A value of zero for this attribute deletes all records in the log buffer and resets Samples Not Sent to ADS and Total
Record Count to zero. If the buffer overflows, the Record Count resets to zero.
Records Since Notify
Indicates the number of records collected since the last notification occurred or since logging began if no notification
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Repository Enabled
Enables transferring of the trend sample data to the ADS/ADX or ODS when this attribute is set to True and the
buffer fills to the level specified by the Transfer Setpoint attribute.
Note: If you create multiple trend extensions on a single point and send it to a Historical Data Repository, then
setting Repository Enabled to true causes the Trend Viewer and/or Trend Study to display a combination of
15-minute and 1-minute samples. If Repository enabled is set to False then the Trend viewer displays only
the data from the selected Trend Extension. To use multiple trends on a single object in a Historical Data
Repository, create duplicate AV or BV objects that map to the point in question, then create a new trend on
the parallel AV or BV.
Sample Interval
Specifies the periodic time in seconds for which the referenced property is logged. If this attribute is zero, samples
are recorded using COV reporting.
Note: •
If you want to take samples on a COV, set the value of this attribute to 0 seconds.
Otherwise, configure the Sample Interval at 60 seconds or higher to prevent loss of trend data and
reduction in performance of the Engine and ADS/ADX or ODS devices that receive samples from the
configured trend.
Samples Not Sent to ADS
Represents the total number of samples requiring delivery to the ADS/ADX or ODS repository during the next transfer.
Start Time
Specifies the time and date to enable logging when the Enable attribute is set to True. If the Start Time contains any
wildcard values, then the conditions to enable logging based on time are ignored. When the Trend object is inactive
due to the current time being outside of the Start Time or Stop Time, the Status attribute reflects this state (assuming
it is the highest priority status). If you define a Stop Time that is before the Start Time, the Trend object is disabled.
Status Flags
Indicates the general status of the object in BACnet terms and contains four independent states.
The four flags are:
In Alarm - False if the Event State attribute value is Normal; otherwise, the In Alarm flag is True. (Set only by
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming.)
Fault - True (1) if the Reliability attribute is not reliable; otherwise, the Fault flag is False.
Overridden - Overridden flag is True if the Present Value is overridden from the hardware source level.
Out of Service - Out of Service flag is True if the Out of Service attribute value is True; otherwise, the Out of
Service flag is False.
Stop Time
Specifies the time and date to disable logging. If the Stop Time contains any wildcard values, then the conditions to
disable logging based on time are ignored. Logging is disabled if the Stop Time is prior to the Start Time. When the
Trend object is inactive due to the current time being outside of the Start Time or Stop Time, the Status attribute
reflects this state (assuming it is the highest priority status). A change in the active/inactive state due to the Start
Time/Stop Time value has no impact on the Enable attribute. If the Trend object was disabled due to the Stop Time,
the Trend object attempts to send the trend samples to the server. If you define a Stop Time that is before the Start
Time, the Trend object is disabled.
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Stop When Full
Specifies whether logging ceases when the buffer is full. When set to True, logging ceases and all accumulated
samples remain in the buffer.
When set to False, logging continues. If the Repository Enabled attribute is set to False, the previously recorded
samples are overwritten. If the Repository Enabled attribute is set to True and the buffer fills to the level specified
by the Transfer Setpoint attribute, the previously recorded samples are sent to the ADS/ADX or ODS . The buffer
must be cleared for logging to continue.
Total Record Count
Represents the total number of records collected by the Trend Extension since creation. When the value of Total
Record Count reaches its maximum possible value of 0XFFFFFFFF, the next value it takes is zero. Once this value
has wrapped to zero, its semantic value (the total number of records collected) is lost, but its use in generating
notifications remains.
Transfer Setpoint
Represents the amount of buffer memory (in number of samples) that must fill before the trend extension requests
a transfer of the current samples to the ADS/ADX or ODS for permanent storage. The value cannot be greater than
the buffer size when Repository Enabled is true.
Causes the collection of data when changed from False to True, Enable is set to True, and the trend is within the
Start/Stop times. When data collection completes, this attribute resets to False. This attribute does not trigger
Johnson Controls COVs.
Trend Extension Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by Trend Extensions. Click the command name for a description
of the command.
Table 70: Trend Extension Commands
Command Name
Trend Extension Command Details
Clears all samples in the buffer.
Stops collection of samples.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Resumes collection of samples.
Takes a single sample.
Routes all trends that have not been previously sent to the ADS/ADX or ODS , if defined.
Load Extensions
The Energy Management feature consists of two major components: one DLLR object, and one or more Load
extensions. A Load extension is added to an output object (only one load extension per object) to specify that the
object should be controlled by Energy Management. Each Load extension object is configured with the load (energy)
rating of its output, and the attribute value or state to write to its output object when the Load object is shed.
The DLLR object determines how much energy needs to be reduced, based on its configuration and the energy rate
from a meter, if the demand limiting strategy is defined. The DLLR object orders as many Loads as needed to shed
to reduce the energy usage by the required amount. The Loads can be on the same supervisory device as the DLLR
object, or on another supervisory device, but must be within the same site. Each shed Load writes its configured
Output Shed Command attribute value to the Present Value attribute of its output, which decreases energy usage.
For information on the features and operation of DLLR, refer to the DLLR Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011288).
The Demand Limiting/Load Rolling (DLLR) Object chapter contains information relevant to the DLLR Object.
Load Extension Attributes
There are three types of Load Extension objects: Binary, Multistate, and Analog. The following table describes the
attributes of these objects.
Table 71: Load Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Active Timer set
Active Timer
One type from a set
Actual Shed Level
Alarm Reference for
Object Reference
Comfort Override
One type from a set CW
Comfort Override set
Display Precision
One value from a
Uses Display Precision (Set 0).
Display Reference
One value from a
Duty Window
One type from a set
Load Eligibility set
Event State
One state from a set
Normal, Fault
Expected Shed Level
Current Available Energy
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Synchronized to the output object’s
Display Precision.
Table 71: Load Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Input Reference
Attribute reference
Last Shed Date
Last Shed Time
Load Locked
True or False
Load Priority
Load Rating
Array of structures
True or False
Maximum Shed Time
Initial Value
Undefined = 65,535
Units = Minutes
Minimum Release Time
Units = Minutes
Minimum Shed Time
Units = Minutes
On Release
One type from a set CW
Output Shed Command
One type from a set
Present Value
One state from a set
Uses BACnet Shed State set.
Rate Units
One type from a set CW
Units set
One value from a
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
Requested Shed Level
Shed Command
One type from a set W
Shed Command set
Shed Duration
Shed Level Descriptions
Shed All Load
Uses Shed Level Descriptions set.
Shed Levels
Shed Status
One type from a set
Shed Status set
Shed Ineligibility
One type from a set
Shed Strategy
One type from a set CW
Time Remaining
Start Time
Status Flags
Series of True or
False values
One value from a
Comfort Override Type set
Set is specified by output’s States Text
Load Ineligibility set
Shed Strategy set
BACnet Date Time structure
False, False, False, In Alarm, Fault, Overridden, Out of
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Load Extension Attribute Details
Active Timer
Indicates which Load timer is in effect: Minimum Shed, Maximum Shed, Minimum Release, or None. The Time
Remaining attribute indicates how much time remains for the active timer.
Actual Shed Level
Indicates the level of power shed when a shed request is active. When the Present Value attribute value is Shed
Compliant, the Actual Shed Level equals the value of the Shed Levels array element; otherwise, it equals zero (0).
Alarm Reference for Ineligibility
Prevents the Load from being shed if the reference is in alarm. This is an optional reference to an object that can
be set to any object, including the output object. For example, if the referenced object is a room temperature sensor,
and the object goes into alarm (a room becomes too warm), it prevents the supply fan (the Load object) from being
shed. If the Load object is already shed when the referenced object goes into alarm, the shed expires as it would
normally but cannot be shed again until the referenced object exits the alarm state.
Comfort Override
Configures the Comfort Override command behavior for this load. From time to time, you may need to override a
load to turn on lights in a normally empty conference room or provide more airflow to a zone. The Comfort Override
command is meant for this purpose. You can issue this command directly from DLLR’s Load Summary to release
loads if they are shed, and prevent them from being shed. The load cannot be shed again until the Release Comfort
Override is issued.
This attribute can be set to the following values:
Inactive - No comfort override is in effect.
Override And Release Immediately - Comfort overrides the Load immediately and prevents it from being shed.
If the Load is currently shed, the output write is immediately released.
Override But Release After Timer Expires - Comfort overrides the Load immediately and prevents it from
being shed. If the Load is currently shed, the output write is released after the Load’s Minimum Shed Time
expires. If the Minimum Shed Time has already expired when the command is issued, the output write is
immediately released.
This attribute is synchronized to the Comfort Override/Release Comfort commands.
Current Available Energy Savings
Indicates how much energy would be saved if the Load were shed now.
Display Precision
Indicates the rounded position and the number of decimal places to display for this extension.
Display Reference
Indicates the current display precision of the load’s output object.
Duty Window
Indicates the time window for determining shed compliance.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Indicates to DLLR whether the Load can be shed and identifies for which strategy or strategies (DL, LR, or both) it
can be shed.
Event State
Determines whether an active event state is associated with this extension. The value is set to Normal when there
is no intrinsic alarming defined for this object. If intrinsic alarming is enabled (Enable Intrinsic Alarms = True), then
this value is either Normal or Fault (problem occurred with the object subscribing for COVs). This attribute appears
on the view when the site is defined as a BACnet site.
Expected Shed Level
Indicates the level of power that the Load object expects to shed when a shed request is active or pending. When
the Present Value attribute value is Shed Request Pending or Shed Compliant, the Expected Shed Level equals
the value of the Shed Levels array element; otherwise, it equals zero (0).
Input Reference
Specifies the object and attribute monitored by this extension. The reliability of the Input Reference is monitored and
sets the Reliability attribute of this extension.
Last Shed Date
Indicates the date on which the Load was last shed (since download).
Last Shed Time
Indicates the time at which the load was last shed (since download).
Load Locked
Specifies whether the Load is locked. A Load that is locked while released cannot be shed until the Load lock is
released. A Load that is locked while shed remains shed until the Load lock is released. This attribute is synchronized
with the Lock/Unlock commands.
Load Priority
Indicates how critical the Load’s output is and determines the order in which loads are shed. You can define up to
10 load priorities: Priority 1 through Priority 10. Loads at Priority 10 are first to shed; loads at Priority 1 are the last
to shed. The configured Load Priority is shown with the load on the DLLR object’s Load Summary. The shedding
order is from top to bottom as listed in the Load Summary when the Load Priority column is sorted with the lowest
priority loads listed first.
Note: Even though the capacity for 10 priority levels is provided, you can implement fewer than 10 levels; for
example, Priority 1 through Priority 4, with Priority 4 loads shed first, and Priority 1 loads shed last.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Load Rating
Defines how much energy is saved when the Load is shed. This attribute specifies the information that DLLR needs
to control the load. This includes a Shed to value, the value to which DLLR commands the output when the load is
shed. Also required is at least one Shed from/Energy Savings pair, which indicates the amount of energy that
would be saved when the output is commanded from the Shed From value to the Shed To value. For binary outputs,
only one Shed From/Energy Savings pair is needed, since it can have only two possible states (Shed To and Shed
From). For multistate and analog output objects, there can be multiple Shed From/Energy Savings pairs, since they
can have many possible values, and differing amounts of energy might be saved depending on the value the output
had when the shed occurred. The option for adding multiple load ratings helps improve the accuracy of the shed
Note: Enter Energy Savings amounts in decreasing order, with the highest amount listed first. Enter the same Shed
to value in all rows.
Consider an example of a fan that should be shed to 60%. The first Shed from entry is 100%, because the most
energy would be saved when shedding from this state. The second Shed from entry is 90%, the third entry is 80%,
and so on. The entries might look like this:
Figure 39: Define Load Rating
Also, consider an example of a three-speed fan that can have the following states: High, Medium, Low, and Off. The
operator decides to set the fan to Low when the Load is shed. In this case, the first Shed from entry is High because
the most energy would be saved when shedding from this state. The second Shed from entry is Medium. A Shed
from entry for Off is not required because no energy is saved by shedding from Off to Low. The entries might look
like this:
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Table 72: Load Rating Entries
Shed From
Shed To
Energy Savings
5.0 kW
3.2 kW
Indicates whether the Load object responds to shed requests.
Maximum Shed Time
Specifies the maximum number of minutes that a load can be shed before it is automatically released. If the Maximum
Shed Time value is not defined, the default value of 65,535 is used. The range is 0 to 65,535 minutes. It is possible
for the Load to be released before this time. A Load does not remain shed longer than the maximum shed time
unless the load has been locked shed.
Minimum Release Time
Specifies the minimum number of minutes that a load must be released from shed before it can be shed again.
Although DLLR does not shed a load before this time expires, a load can be manually shed before this value expires.
Minimum Shed Time
Specifies the minimum number of minutes that a load must be shed before it can be automatically released. A load
can be manually released before this value expires.
On Release
Specifies how soon the Load should be released when a Release Load command is issued or when the Shed
command attribute is set to Release. If this attribute is set to Release Immediately, the load releases immediately
even if its Minimum Shed Timer is active. If this attribute is set to Release After Timer Expires, the load remains
shed until the Minimum Shed Time expires. If a release is issued but the Load remains shed until the Minimum Shed
Time expires, the Load’s Shed Status attribute indicates this using one of the following states. The state that is used
depends on whether the Load was shed for demand limiting or load rolling.
Shed For DL - Release Issued
Shed For LR - Release Issued
Output Shed Command
The state that is written to the output’s Present Value attribute when the Load is shed. DLLR does not shed the Load
if the output’s Present Value equals the Output Shed Command value, as no energy would be saved.
Present Value
Indicates the current Load shedding state of the Load object.
Rate Units
Specifies the energy units used for the Load Rating Energy Savings display.
Represents the reliability of the Present Value. If the Input Reference goes unreliable, the extension monitoring the
input goes unreliable.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Requested Shed Level
Controls the desired level of Load shedding for one shed. Specifying a value greater than the value configured in
the Shed Levels attribute sheds to the Shed Levels value. Specifying a value less than the value configured in the
Shed Levels attribute (such as zero) cancels a shed.
The DLLR object writes this attribute to one, and sheds the Load object. Once the shed completes, the Load object
resets this value to zero.
If the Load object sheds via a non BACnet method, such as the Shed command, the Load sets this attribute to one,
and returns it to zero after the shed completes.
Shed Command
Indicates the current shed/release state of the Load. This attribute also offers the option of shedding or releasing a
Release - Releases the Load. The On Release attribute determines when the Load is released. If the Load is
already released, there is no change.
Shed - Immediately sheds a released Load regardless of its Minimum On Time. If the Load is already shed,
there is no change.
Shed Duration
Indicates the number of minutes to shed the Load. Writing this attribute to a value less than the current time minus
the Start Time attribute value cancels a shed.
The DLLR object sets this attribute to shed the load. After the shed completes, the Load sets it to zero.
If the Load object sheds via a non-BACnet method, such as the Shed command or Shed Command attribute, it sets
this value to the Max Shed Time and returns it to zero when the shed completes. If no Max Shed Time is defined,
the Load sets this value to its maximum value (0xFFFF), which is the maximum number of minutes that a Load can
shed without being locked shed.
Shed Level Descriptions
Provides a description of the shed level supported by the Load object.
Shed Levels
Specifies the shed levels used for the Requested Shed Level attribute. Set this attribute to a value of one (1) for the
DLLR to automatically shed the Load. If this attribute is set to another value, the DLLR does not shed or release the
Load; although the Load can be shed and released manually or by another feature, and is automatically released
upon expiration of its Maximum Shed Time, unless the Load is locked shed.
Shed Status
Indicates if the Load is shed or released, and, if shed, which strategy was used to shed the Load (DL or LR).
Shed Ineligibility
Indicates whether a load is eligible to be shed at the current time, and, if ineligible, the cause of ineligibility.
Shed Strategy
Indicates which strategy is permitted to shed the Load (DL, LR, or both).
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Time Remaining
Indicates how much longer a Load timer is in effect. The Active Timer attribute indicates which timer is in effect.
Start Time
Indicates the date and time that the Load sheds. Writing this attribute to a wildcard releases a shed load.
The DLLR object sets this attribute to shed the Load. Once the shed completes, the Load object sets the value to
date and time wildcards (NONE_FFFF).
If the Load object sheds via a non-BACnet method, such as the Shed command, it sets this attribute to the current
time, and returns it to NONE_FFFF after the shed completes.
Status Flags
Indicates the general status of the object in BACnet terms and contains four independent states.
The four flags are:
In Alarm - False if the Event State attribute value is Normal; otherwise, the In Alarm flag is True. (Set only by
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming.)
Fault - True (1) if the Reliability attribute is not reliable; otherwise, the Fault flag is False.
Overridden - Overridden flag is True if the Present Value is overridden from the hardware source level.
Out of Service - Out of Service flag is True if the Out of Service attribute value is True; otherwise, the Out of
Service flag is False.
Indicates the measurement units of this extension.
Load Commanding
Objects with a Load extension and intended for use with the DLLR feature permit the following operator or scheduled
Table 73: Commands Available to Load Objects
Percent, Level, or Amount
New shed value
Release Load
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Sheds the load immediately. The output is written at priority 13
(LR) if the load’s Shed Strategy is set to Load Rolling Only.
Otherwise, it is written at priority 11 (DL). When this command is
issued, the output is commanded regardless of whether DLLR is
in Shed or Monitor Only mode.
Select only the Level command and use the default value of 1.
The Percent and Amount command options are intended for future
Releases the load, which releases the command at the priority at
which it was previously written by the shed command (11 or 13).
The On Release attribute defined in the Load object determines
whether the release occurs immediately when the command is
issued, or waits for the Minimum Shed timer to expire.
Table 73: Commands Available to Load Objects
Comfort Override
Release Immediately
Release After Timer Expires
Releases a shed load that is resulting in occupant discomfort. This
command releases the shed and prevents a future shed until the
Release Comfort Override command is issued. You can either
select to release the load immediately when the command is
issued, or only after the Minimum Shed Timer expires. If no
parameter is selected, the default is to release the load
Release Comfort
Releases the Comfort Override command and allows the load to
be shed.
Locks the load in its current shed or released state. The load
remains in this state until an Unlock (or Disable) command is
Releases a Lock command. If the load was locked shed and its
Maximum Shed Time expired, it now releases.
Disables the load, which causes it to release its output command
immediately if it is shed, and clears any Lock or Comfort Override
commands that have been issued. While disabled, the load is not
eligible to be shed.
Enables the load, which permits it to be controlled by DLLR.
Load Command Interactions
Table 74 illustrates command interactions that pertain to Load objects.
Table 74: Load Command Interactions
Load Command(s)
Load Command Not
Currently in Effect
Load cannot be shed because it is already shed.
Shed + Locked
Comfort Override
Lock must be removed with Unlock command.
Release Load
Comfort Override
Comfort Override must be released with Release Comfort Override
Released + Locked
Lock must be removed with Unlock command.
Released + Locked
Comfort Override must be released with Release Comfort Override
Comfort Override
Lock must be removed with Unlock command.
Resource File Extensions
The Resource File extension represents an actual physical file that gets placed in the System Configuration Tool’s
database or in the file system (Flash Memory of an Engine device). The resource file is an extension of another
object called the parent object. The parent objects for Resource File extensions can be field devices.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
After completing the Field Device, the wizard prompts you to add a resource file extension. The resource file extension
allows you to define the attributes representing a defined resource file and allows you to populate resource files for
integrations. For example, you can define a set of resource files to support communication with field devices. The
resource file notifies its parent object when any changes are made to the extension.
Note: When using an HVAC PRO file as a resource file, be sure you use the long print file format because it provides
the Metasys system with more information than the short print file format. For example, the long print file
format imports the units of measure while the short print file format uses defaults based on the HVAC PRO
units setting. For analog values, it uses the default units of Deg F or Deg C (based on the Metric versus
English units specified in the PRN file). If you use a short form PRN file, the User Interface displays a warning
message stating that you have selected a short format PRN file that does not contain units information. The
warning message indicates that the Metasys system uses the default setting which may not match the original
For more information on resource file extensions, see Resource File Attributes.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Resource File Attributes
Resource File Extensions contain attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common Object
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Resource File extension. Click the attribute name in the table
for a description of the attribute.
Table 75: Resource File Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
File Name
Set of related values C
Initial Value
Category = File
See the File Name section.
File Size
Units = Bytes
Size = 80
Category = Default
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Resource File Extension Attribute Details
Indicates the modified date as read from the selected file.
File Name
The following table Indicates the file containing resources located within the host computer. Click the element name
in the table for a description of the element of the File Name attribute.
Table 76: Resource File - File Name Elements
Element Name
Data Type
Initial Value
True or False
Available in a future release
Object References
Object reference
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Table 76: Resource File - File Name Elements
Element Name
Data Type
Initial Value
True or False
Relative Path
Size = 100
Category = Default
File Name: Exportable
Indicates whether you can export the file. If True, you can export the file. If False, you cannot export the file. This
element of the File Name attribute is to be available in a future release.
File Name: Object References
Indicates the object references embedded in the file.
File Name: References
Indicates whether the file has references. If True, the file has references. If False, the file has no references.
File Name: Relative Path
Indicates the file name of the file relative to the directory containing the MOI file for the device.
File Size
Indicates the size, in bytes, as read from the selected file.
Indicates the text you assigned to provide further information about the resource file. This attribute can be written
to from an integration server after reading the resource file.
Indicates the modified time as read from the selected file.
Averaging Extensions
The Averaging extension calculates the average, minimum, and maximum value of an attribute over a specific interval
(for example, space temperature over 24 hours). The extension is able to sample Boolean, Integer, Unsigned,
Enumerated, or Float attribute value types for any extendable objects within a BACnet device.
For more information on averaging extensions, see Averaging Attributes.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Averaging Attributes
Averaging Extensions contain attributes common to Metasys system objects. For details, see Common Object
The following table lists the attributes specific to the Averaging extension. Click the attribute name in the table for a
description of the attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Table 77: Averaging Extension Attributes
Attribute Name
Data Type
Average Value
Attempted Samples
COV Increment
Initial Value
Real value
Units of the extended attribute
Real value
The only acceptable value that can be
written to this property is zero using
the Clear command.
Any value > 0
Floating point value of the Display
Display Precision
Input Reference
Maximum Value
Max Value Timestamp
Minimum Value
One value from a
Uses Display Precision (Set 0).
Attribute reference
Real value
Units of the extended attribute
Invalid DateTime
If Average Value, Minimum Value, or
Maximum Value is Unreliable, the
timestamp is Undefined.
Units of the extended attribute
Invalid DateTime
If Average Value, Minimum Value, or
Maximum Value is Unreliable, the
timestamp is Undefined.
One value from a
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
One value from a
No Units
Units of the extended attribute
Units = seconds
Date and time
Real value
Min Value Timestamp
Date and time
Object Property Ref
Set of related values
Valid Samples
Window Interval
Range: 900–360,060
Window Samples
Range: 2–200
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, W - Writable, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability
If any of these variables are Unreliable and a BACnet read is performed on these attributes, the values returned are NaN,
-INF, and INF for Average Value, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value. If these values are Unreliable and a BACnet read
is not performed, the attributes return zero.
If written or changed, all samples in the sampling buffer become invalid (set to zero, NaN, -INF, or INF), which makes them
Undefined for the UI.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Averaging Extension Attribute Details
Average Value
Indicates the sum of all valid samples in the sampling buffer divided by the number of samples in the buffer. This
attribute is set to NaN with its Reliability set to Unreliable until a sample is taken and Attempted Samples, Window
Samples, or Window Interval is written.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Attempted Samples
Indicates the total number of samples in the buffer. The only acceptable number that can be written to this attribute
is zero. After Window Samples or Window Interval is written, until a sample is taken, this attribute is set to zero.
COV Increment
Specifies the minimum change in Present Value required for the object to report a change in the Average Value,
Minimum Value, and Maximum Value attributes.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Display Precision
Defines the decimal rounding and the decimal places to display for the Present Value and associated attributes.
Average Value, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value use the same display precision.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Input Reference
Defines the object and attribute pair to be sampled. The sampled object must be on the same device as the Averaging
Maximum Value
Indicates the highest value of the valid samples in the buffer. After Attempted Samples, Window Samples, or
Window Interval is written, until a sample is taken, this attribute is set to -INF with its Reliability set to Unreliable.
Max Value Timestamp
Indicates the date and time that the Maximum Value has changed in the sampling buffer.
Minimum Value
Indicates the lowest value of the valid samples in the buffer. After Attempted Samples, Window Samples, or Window
Interval is written, until a sample is taken, this attribute is set to -INF with its Reliability set to Unreliable.
Min Value Timestamp
Indicates the date and time that the Minimum Value has changed in the sampling buffer.
Object Property Ref
Designates the particular object and attribute referenced by the Averaging object. This is a BACnet Device Property
Reference structure type attribute that specifies bind information from the object/attribute defined by the Input
Reference attribute. The binding information consists of the Device Identifier, Object Identifier, Array Index, and
Property Identifier of the trended property. An on-box object returns nothing for the Device Identifier. The Device
Object configures this attribute during object creation. Changing Object Property Ref may change Input Ref, and
changing Input Ref may change Object Property Ref. Since Object Property Ref is based on Input Ref, and Input
Ref does not support Array Index, Object Property Ref does not support Array Index either.
Indicates whether the Average Value, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value attributes are Unreliable. After Attempted
Samples, Window Samples, or Window Interval is written, until a sample is taken, this attribute is set to Unreliable.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Indicates the units of the mapped attribute of the extended object. Average Value, Minimum Value, and Maximum
Value use the same units.
This attribute does not appear in a view, but may be scheduled, trended, and so on.
Valid Samples
Indicates the number of samples in the sampling buffer that are valid. A sample is marked invalid if a read error
occurs when reading requested attributes from the host object. The number of invalid samples can be determined
by subtracting Valid Samples from Attempted Samples. If the difference is greater than zero, it indicates an error
during sample collection. After Attempted Samples, Window Samples, or Window Interval is written, until a sample
is taken, this attribute is set to zero.
Window Interval
Indicates the period of time in seconds over which the Minimum Value, Maximum Value, and Average Value are
calculated. Samples are taken at a specific sample rate, which cannot be less than 4 seconds. The sample rate is
calculated by dividing the Window Interval by the number of samples as defined in the Window Samples attribute.
The default value is 3,600 seconds.
Window Samples
Indicates the number of samples to be taken during the Window Interval and saved to the local sampling buffer. A
maximum of 200 samples can be saved. After reaching the limit, the oldest samples in the buffer are overwritten
with the newest samples. If the sampling rate is not a whole number, it is rounded up to the nearest integer.
Averaging Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the Averaging Extensions. Click the command name for a
description of the command.
Table 78: Averaging Extension Commands
Command Name
Averaging Command Details
Clears the sampling buffer and restarts the sampling process. This command has the same effect as the Clear
Stops the sampling process.
Writes zero to the Attempted Samples attribute, clears the sampling buffer, and restarts the sampling process. This
command has the same effect as the Enable command.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
Extensions Steps
Creating Extensions
Note: You cannot create an extension in online mode with Basic Access.
You can add only one load extension to an object.
To create extensions:
1. Select the item from the Navigation Tree and select Show Extensions from the Action menu.
Note: Alternatively, you can create extensions when prompted upon completion of a wizard, or when the item
is in the Panel Layout by selecting the tab for the extension and clicking new.
2. Select New for the type of extension that you want to create. The corresponding Extension Wizard appears.
3. Select the attribute that you want to associate with the item.
4. Complete the information on the wizard screens. The screens vary depending on the type of extension you are
5. Select Finish on the summary page to create the extension.
Viewing Extensions
To view extensions:
1. Drag and drop the object into the Panel Layout.
2. Click the tab along the top for the desired extension.
Editing Extensions
Note: You cannot edit an extension in online mode with Basic Access.
To edit extensions:
1. View the extension.
2. Select the tab for the extension.
3. Select the extension you want to edit.
Note: For trend extensions, make sure you select the Definition View button to display the trend’s attributes.
4. Click Edit.
5. Make your changes.
6. Click Save.
Copying and Pasting Extensions
Note: You can perform this procedure only in the System Configuration Tool (Offline Mode). You must first create
extensions before you can copy and paste them from one item to another. See Creating Extensions for details
on how to create extensions.
To copy and paste existing extensions:
1. Select the item from the Navigation Tree that contains the existing extensions that you want to copy, and select
Show Extensions from the Action menu. The Extension wizard appears.
Note: Alternatively, you can right-click the item in the navigation tree and select Show Extensions from the
menu that appears.
2. Select the check box for one or more of the existing extensions that you want to copy.
3. Click Copy Checked Extensions.
4. Click Done.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
5. Select the item from the navigation tree that you want to receive the copied extensions, and select Paste from
the Edit Menu.
Note: Alternatively, you can right-click the item in the navigation tree and select Edit > Paste from the menu
that appears.
When you paste an extension, the extension retains the name of the copied extension and appends it with a
Deleting Extensions
Note: You cannot delete an extension in online mode with Basic Access.
Note: For a trend extension that is configured to automatically transfer data to an ADS/ADX or ODS (Repository
Enabled = True), be sure to route unforwarded data to the ADS/ADX or ODS before deleting the trend
extension. If you do not, unforwarded trend data is lost.
1. To delete extensions (using the Navigation Tree):
a. Select the item from the navigation tree and select Show Extensions from the Action menu.
b. Select the check box of the extension you want to delete.
c. Click Delete.
2. To delete extensions (when the item is in the Panel Layout):
a. View the extension.
b. Select the tab for the extension.
c. Select the extension.
d. Click Delete.
Searching for Extensions
You can search for Alarm, Trend, or Totalization extensions using the Global Search feature. This allows you to find
up to 100 extension objects and view their current values.
Commanding Extensions
You can command Alarm, Trend, or Totalization extensions from an Extension View or from the Global Search
Viewer. You can also command Trend extensions from a Trend Viewer or Trend Study view.
Single Extension
To command a single extension object:
Right-click the extension object you wish to command.
Select Commands from the right-click menu. The Commands dialog box appears.
Choose the command to send.
Click Send.
Multiple Extension
To command multiple extension objects together (Global Commanding):
1. Use the Global Search feature to find the extension objects (Alarm, Trend, or Totalization). You may also open
a saved Object List containing extension objects. See Interlocking a Trend Extension for more information.
2. Select the extensions you wish to command (must be of the same type).
3. Select Commands from the Action menu. The Global Commands dialog box appears.
4. Choose the command to send.
Metasys® SCT Help: Action Menu
5. Click Send.
Interlocking a Trend Extension
To interlock a Trend Extension:
1. Create a trend extension. See the Creating Extensions and the Trend Extensions sections for information.
2. Create an Insert Object - Interlock that references the trend extension. See the Insert Insert Object - Interlock
Extension Wizard
Note: You cannot add or delete extensions in Simulation mode.
Menu Selection: Actions > Show Extensions (menu option is available only when an item that supports extensions
is selected)
Adds features, such as trending, alarming, averaging, loading and totalization, to an item. Extension types include:
Resource File - Adds a resource file to a field device or integration, if supported.
Trend - Adds trending capabilities to an item.
Totalization - Adds totalization capabilities to an item.
Note: Select either the Event Totalization or Runtime Totalization radio button if they appear on the right
side of the Select Attribute screen of this wizard. If these selections do not appear, the attribute you
selected uses Analog Totalization.
Alarm - Adds attributes for generating alarm and event messages to an item.
Averaging - Adds averaging capabilities to an item.
Load - Adds the load capability of the Energy Management feature. You can add only one load extension to an
See the Extensions section.
Insert Menu
Menu Selection: Insert > Site
Inserts a site into the archive database in the SCT.
Tip: The Create Device? dialog box appears after inserting a site asking if you want to create a device in the site.
Selecting Supervisory Device and clicking OK invokes the Insert Device wizard. Selecting Metasys Server
and clicking OK invokes the Insert Metasys Server wizard. Select None and OK if you do not want to add a
device at this time.
See one of the following sections for more information:
Related Documentation
Site Object
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Site Object
The Site object defines the attributes that represent the characteristics of a site. If the Site object exists on a device,
that device is considered a Site Director. Starting at Release 6.5, the Remote Services Connection tab of the Site
object provides the capability to connect and communicate with the cloud-based platform.
Note: •
In SCT, a Site object may exist without a Site Director. In this case, you can open the edit window and
make changes to the custom authorization category; however, you cannot save any changes until you
add a Site Director.
When promoting or demoting a Site Director offline in SCT, the custom categories are rebuilt using their
default settings.
If you need to change the name of the Site object, make sure you first close all user views. This action
ensures that all object references throughout the site reflect the new Site object name.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Site Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
For information on the Custom Enumeration tab, see User Defined Enumeration Editor Tab.
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
All Items Update in
Annotation Alarm Priority CW
Indicates when the cache update completes after executing an Update
All Items Cache command. Starting at Release 5.0, the All Items navigation
tree in the Metasys UI depends on the data cached in the Site Director,
called the All Items cache. The All Items cache automatically updates for
engines at Release 5.0 or later. The cache does not automatically update
for engines at a release prior to 5.0 after making changes when the UI is
logged directly into the engine (that is, not through the Site Director), or
when downloading an engine from the SCT (not via the Site Director).
For these scenarios, you must use the Update All Items Cache command
to update the All Items cache on the Site Director. This attribute appears
only in the online UI.
Specifies the value that represents the range of alarm priority thresholds.
The default value is 140. This attribute is checked when determining
whether an event requires annotation on an ADX MVE installation. If the
Event Priority value is below the threshold, annotation is required. This
attribute appears only when you have MVE installed.
For more information, refer to Metasys for Validated Environments,
Extended Architecture Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011327).
Annotation Exclude
Specifies a list of editable reference strings (fully qualified references)
that allow wild card notation at any location in the string. If an item
reference appears in this attribute, an event for this item does not require
an annotation on an ADX MVE installation. This attribute appears only
when you have MVE installed.
For more information, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments,
Extended Architecture Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011327).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
Annotation Include
Specifies a list of editable reference strings (fully qualified references)
that allow wild card notation at any location in the string. If an item
reference appears in this attribute, an event for this item requires an
annotation on an ADX MVE installation. This attribute appears only when
you have MVE installed.
For more information, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments,
Extended Architecture Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011327).
BACnet Encoding Type
Unicode Specifies the type of string encoding to use in BACnet messages. Unicode
should be specified unless third-party BACnet devices are employed on
the site. In this case, specify the BACnet encoding type supported by the
third-party BACnet devices. This attribute is automatically distributed to
the site devices.
For information on how to set up an NAE as a BACnet system integrator
in a Metasys system network, see the Related Documentation table in
the Welcome section.
BACnet Site
False (0) Specifies whether specific information from the BACnet device for each
Metasys object is shown in the UI. When true, BACnet information
integrates into the UI for objects. When false, the information is omitted.
Internally, the BACnet protocol is used at a certain level regardless of this
attribute. This attribute is distributed automatically to site devices.
For information on how to set up an NAE as a BACnet system integrator
in a Metasys system network, see the Related Documentation table in
the Welcome section.
Broadcast Disabled
Default Language
Specifies if broadcast messages are sent by the device. When false
(default value) or no Broadcast Management object exists, the device
sends broadcast messages as defined by BACnet communication. When
the Broadcast Management object is configured and this attribute is true,
the device does not send network broadcast messages. This attribute
appears only in the Snapshot Focus view.
Specifies the site's default language. All devices on the site have a
dictionary using this language. This attribute appears only in the Snapshot
Focus view.
DNS Refresh Period
Specifies the time in minutes between DNS lookups to update the IP
address of BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)s referenced
by host name. If an IP address is changed within a DNS server, the BBMD
system automatically obtains the new IP address upon the expiration of
this period. A value of 0 is used to disable periodic DNS lookups.
Default ADS Priority
Allows you to specify the priority of an event that triggers the Engine to
connect (dial-up or LAN connection) to the defined ADS/ADX or ODS and
deliver the event messages from the Engine local event repository to the
event repository of that ADS/ADX or ODS. This attribute is used for Alarm
and Event Management only.
For example, a value of 20 for this attribute means that any event having
a priority of 20 or higher (1 is highest) forces a connection to the ADS/ADX
or ODS and forwards event messages from the Engine local event
repository to the event repository of that ADS/ADX or ODS.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
Default ADS Connection CW
Specifies whether the ADS/ADX or ODS (identified in the Default ADS
Repository attribute) is connected via a LAN or dial-up connection. This
attribute is distributed automatically to the site devices.
Default ADS Delivery
Specifies the time of day when a connection should be established to the
ADS/ADX or ODS (identified by the Default ADS Repository attribute). A
connection is attempted at least daily at the specified time to deliver audit,
alarm, and trend data to the ADS/ADX or ODS. This attribute is distributed
automatically to the site devices.
Note: All Metasys devices that are part of the Site use the time zone they
are located in.
Default ADS Repository CW
Specifies the resolvable host name or IP address of an ADS/ADX or ODS.
The ADS/ADX or ODS is the device to which local audit, alarm, and trend
data is delivered. Repository refers to the files in the ADS/ADX or ODS
in which this data is stored. A host name may be specified only if a DNS
server is available to the device. This attribute is distributed automatically
to the site devices.
The Default ADS/ADX or ODS Repository of the Site is intentionally left
blank and must be updated by the user (online or offline). If the user does
not populate the Default ADS/ADX or ODS value and leaves the Default
ADS/ADX or ODS Repository value for all devices at, the ADS/ADX
or ODS does not receive any audit, alarm, or trend data. The SCT does
not automatically populate the Default ADS/ADX or ODS Repository value
because of the many different possibilities that could exist during archive
creation, including multiple ADS/ADX or ODS on a site or no ADS/ADX
or ODS for a site. In these cases, it would not be immediately clear which
ADS/ADX or ODS should be the Default ADS/ADX or ODS under the Site
Default Time Zone
Specifies the site’s default time zone. The Site object determines and
updates the UTC offset from this value. Once set in the Site object, the
time zone is propagated to the other devices on the site.
(US and
Canada) Note: All Metasys devices that are part of the Site use the time zone of
the Site Director, even if some of those devices are physically located in
a different time zone.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
Device Time Servers
This attribute is used only for Windows time synchronization. Leave this
attribute blank if you are not using Windows time synchronization. Specifies
a list of resolvable host names or IP addresses of Simple Network Time
Protocol (SNTP) server devices that the devices on the site (except the
Site Director) use as their time server.
Periodically, each device on the site (except the Site Director) attempts
to sync time from an SNTP server from this list. Contact with an SNTP
server is attempted one at a time in list order until one successful contact
is made.
A host name may be specified only if a DNS server is available to the site
server. If the site server is also an SNTP time server, the site server may
be specified in this attribute. This attribute is distributed automatically to
the site devices.
• The NxE, ADS, ADX, or ODS designated as the Site Director is the
device time server for the site and provides the time management for
all other engines/servers on the site.
Dynamic Broadcast
The Engine accepts BACnet Time Sync messages only if no SNTP
server is defined for that Engine.
Configures the Metasys system with BBMDs automatically when a Metasys
system includes more than one IP subnet so that BACnet protocol
broadcasts reach all Metasys system devices. The feature automatically
determines the number of IP subnets and ensures that each IP subnet
has exactly one BBMD. The feature uses the Third Party BBMDs List
attribute when determining the list of devices to be BBMDs.
When True, the selection of broadcast management devices occurs
automatically as devices are added or removed from the site. When False,
the selection of devices occurs only when the Update Broadcast
Management command is issued to the site.
Enum Set Memory Used
File Name
Indicates amount of memory used by the created auto and custom sets.
Specifies an XML file containing site organization data within the file
system of the host computer. This attribute appears only in the Snapshot
Focus view.
Multicast Group Address CW
Specifies the IP address used to multicast the SNTP message. The
RFC-2030 defined standard address is The address is
configurable to allow site-specific use.
Multicast Heartbeat
Specifies the number of minutes between forcing a multicast time
synchronization message.
Multicast TLL
Specifies the Time-to-Live for a multicast message. The value indicates
the number of router hops allowed before the message is not sent. Routers
must be configured to pass multicast messages to allow the time sync
message to pass.
Multicast UDP Port
Specifies the UDP port on which multicast time synchronization polls and
listens for messages. The RFC-2030 defined standard port is 123.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
Poll Rate
Specifies the frequency at which the Site Director checks its
communication status with site devices. This setting affects the detection
time of offline NxEs, and the amount of network bandwidth needed to
support this detection. At the default setting Fast, the detection time is
short, but the network bandwidth use is high. At a Slow setting, the
detection time is longer, but network bandwidth use is low. The calculated
Detection Interval is shown in the NxE.
This setting only affects communications with devices at Release 5.2 or
Remaining Auto Sets
Indicates the number of remaining auto sets available.
Remaining Custom Sets
Indicates the number of remaining custom sets available.
Security Level
Medium Specifies the security level to be used by this device. This attribute is
distributed to the site's devices automatically.
This attribute appears only in the Snapshot Focus view. Valid options
Signature Alarm Priority CW
Low [0]: Login required.
Medium [1]: Low plus authorization.
High [2]: Medium plus signatures.
Specifies the value that represents the range of alarm priority thresholds.
The default value is 140. This attribute is checked when determining
whether an event requires electronic signature on an ADX MVE installation.
If the Event Priority value is below the threshold, a signature is required.
This attribute appears only when you have MVE installed.
For more information, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments,
Extended Architecture Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011327).
Signature Exclude
Specifies a list of editable reference strings (fully qualified references)
that allow wild card notation at any location in the string. If an item
reference appears in this attribute, an event for this item does not require
a signature on an ADX MVE installation. This attribute appears only when
you have MVE installed.
For more information, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments,
Extended Architecture Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011327).
Signature Include
Specifies a list of editable reference strings (fully qualified references)
that allow wild card notation at any location in the string. If an item
reference appears in this attribute, an event for this item requires a
signature on an ADX MVE installation. This attribute appears only when
you have MVE installed.
For more information, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments,
Extended Architecture Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011327).
Site Director
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies a resolvable host name or IP address of the Site Director. A
host name may be specified only if a DNS server or other means of name
resolution is available to the device. A Site Director may have more than
one host name. The host name specified here must be resolvable to an
IP address on the LAN or WAN on which the site’s devices exist.
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
Site Time Servers
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies a list of resolvable host names or IP addresses of SNTP server
devices that the Site Director uses as its time server. Periodically, the site
director attempts to synch time from an SNTP server from this list. Contact
with an SNTP server is attempted one at a time in list order until one
successful contact is made. A host name may be specified only if a DNS
server is available to the site server.
• The Site Director provides the time management for the site.
On the NAE35/NAE45/NCE25, only the first listed address is used.
An error message appears when you have configured one or more
Site Time Servers and attempt to change the time and date using the
Set Time and Set Date commands.
The Engine accepts BACnet Time Sync messages only if no SNTP
server is defined for that Engine.
The Site Time Servers attribute must be set to an SNTP server to
facilitate synchronization when in Multicast mode. Only the first Site
Time Server is used if more than one is specified in Multicast mode.
Table 79: Site Object Attributes - Site View Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Description
Third Party BBMDs
The Third Party BBMDs attribute is used by the Dynamic Broadcast
Management feature to help determine the placement of BBMDs.
BBMDs are used in the BACnet protocol to eliminate broadcast messages
sent across multiple subnets on an IP network. A single device on each
subnet, referred to as the BBMD, receives messages from other BBMDs
and broadcasts them locally on its own subnet.
If one or more third-party BBMDs exist, this attribute should specify the
complete list of IP addresses of third-party BBMDs and Metasys system
devices that should act as a BBMD. Each IP subnet should have exactly
one BBMD, either a third-party or Metasys system device. To function
properly, each third-party BBMD must be configured with the list of all
other BBMDs within the system as well.
If the Metasys system does not include any third-party BBMDs, then this
attribute typically should be left empty. A possible exception would be if
you want to designate a particular Metasys system device as a BBMD,
then that device could be added to the Third Party BBMD list. If no device
is specified by this attribute for an IP subnet, the Dynamic Broadcast
Management feature automatically assigns a Metasys system device. Do
not specify more than one Metasys system device per IP subnet.
The devices are configured in the Third Party BBMD list in the following
Address-UDP Port: Use the BACnet UDP Port address. The default
is 47808.
Address-IP: Use the IP address of the device.
Ip Broadcast Mask: Use the BACnet Broadcast Mask as defined by
BACnet standard 135-2004, section J.4.3.2. Specify
if messages should be directly sent to remote BBMDs using a unicast
IP address or broadcast messages are not allowed through the IP
router to the remote subnet. Otherwise, specify the subnet mask of
the remote subnet if broadcast messages are allowed through the IP
router to a remote subnet.
Note: In most cases, IP routers do not allow broadcast messages to
be passed to a remote subnet; therefore, the mask should be set to If the IT department knows that broadcast messages
are allowed to the remote subnet, then set the mask to the subnet
mask that the BBMD resides upon.
Time Sync Method
Determines which mode is used to synchronize time. The available modes
are Windows or Multicast. Windows mode uses the Microsoft W32Time
service. Multicast mode uses a specific implementation of the standard
SNTP, which includes periodic multicasting of system time to maintain
better time synchronization across devices.
Time Sync Period
Specifies the interval at which the Site Director polls the defined site time
server (STS) (for example, the Atomic clock) for the time. We recommend
leaving the default value for this attribute. This attribute applies only to
the Engine.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
This attribute appears only in the Snapshot Focus view.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 80: Configuring Metasys System Devices in the Third Party BBMD List
Address-UDP Port
Use the BACnet UDP Port address. The default is 47808.
Use the IP address of the device.
Ip Broadcast Mask
Use the Subnet Mask of the Metasys system device.
Important: This is not the broadcast mask for Metasys system devices. Metasys system devices
automatically use for the broadcast mask.
Note: The changes made to labels on Authorization Category in the Site object are shown in the Security
Administrator screens. Refer to the Authorization Category Assignment section of the Security Administrator
System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528) for more information on changing Object Categories labels and
how these changes affect the UI.
Table 81: Site Object Attributes - Object Categories Tab
Authorization Category
Display Text
Standard Object Categories
Critical Environment
Critical Environment
Air Quality
Air Quality
Custom Object Categories
Custom 1 - Custom 150
Custom 1 - Custom 150 (default)
Note: Devices at a release earlier than 5.2 are limited to 12
Standard Object strings cannot be modified.
Display text can be modified.
Supervisory Device
Menu Selection: Insert > Supervisory Device
Inserts a supervisory device: NAE35, NIE39, NAE45, NAE451L, NIE49, NAE55, NIE59, NAE85, NIE89, NCE25,
NIE29, NIE55, or NIE85 into the archive database in the SCT. You can insert a device at a previous Metasys system
release, beginning with Release 5.2 and later.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Note: Some products or models mentioned in this document are available only to specific markets. Refer to the
Application and Data Server (ADS) Lite for Europe (E) Product Bulletin (LIT-12011690) and the Application
and Data Server (ADS) Lite for Asia (A) System Product Bulletin (LIT-12011694) for availability.
On the Configure screen of this wizard, click any tabs that may appear for further device configuration.
See one of the following sections for more information:
Related Documentation
Engine Device Object
Engine Device Object
The Engine object defines the attributes that represent the externally visible characteristics of an
NAE/NIEx5/NIEx9/NCE controller. One Engine Device object exists per controller. The Johnson Controls Engine
object functions differently from the BACnet Device object.
Note: •
This chapter applies to the NCE25/NIE29, NAE35/NIE39, NAE45/NIE49, NAE55/NIE55/NIE59, and
NAE85/NIE85/NIE89. In this chapter, Engine refers to all NCE25/NIE29, NAE35/NIE39, NAE45/NIE49,
NAE55/NIE55/NIE59, and NAE85/NIE85/NIE89 models.
In this chapter, references to the NAE45 encompass hardware versions NAE45-1 and higher. References
to the NAE55 also describe the NAE45-0.
The Object Type for this object is labeled Device in the software.
This object allows you to see data about the controller, such as the IP address and the current date and time.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Engine Concepts
Flash Memory
A type of nonvolatile memory within the Engine device. The Engine stores the operating system, software, and
archive within this memory. This memory is not used during normal operation of the Engine device, except when a
new graphic is added and the new image is uploaded and stored. The flash memory is mostly used during shutdown
and system restart.
Operating System
Engines use a Microsoft Windows operating system (specific operating system (OS) depends on the model), which
is shipped preinstalled on the Engine. In general, the operating system cannot be modified by adding or deleting
programs or drivers, although provisions are made to install factory-authorized patches and upgrades.
The software is the Johnson Controls programs used in the Engine, also preinstalled at the factory. This includes
graphics, trending, logic, alarm, and other programs. Provisions are made for both the software and the operating
system to be upgraded at the job site when new revisions of Metasys Engine software are available.
The database is the collection of objects and their parameters as defined by the user. Each database is unique to
the job. A database can be created or edited (with appropriate user authority) either online using the Site Management
Portal UI, or offline using the SCT. SCT can also be used to download a database or upload and create a backup
copy of the database.
A copy of the database, called the archive, is kept in each Engine’s flash memory. This happens automatically once
a day or on operator command. Following restoration of power loss to an Engine, the archive is copied into main
memory to restore normal operation.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Engine Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Ack Forward Enable
When this attribute is enabled and a server repository is configured, all events
acknowledged or discarded at a site NxE are forwarded to the ADS/ADX/ODS repository.
This includes:
• Events and BACnet intrinsic alarm notifications generated by the NxE and
acknowledged by a user logged into the NxE SMP.
BACnet intrinsic alarm notifications received by a site NxE that are acknowledged
at a BACnet device and acknowledged by the NxE without a user id and forwarded
to the repository.
Acknowledgments are not forwarded to an ADS/ADX/ODS repository on a dial-up
When BACnet event notifications are acknowledged, events are annotated with the
source of the acknowledgment, typically the name of a user that acknowledged the
event or name of the device where the event was acknowledged. If an event notification
from an NAE is acknowledged at a third-party BACnet workstation, the event annotation
at both the NAE and the site include the source of the annotation. If, however, an event
notification from a third-party device is acknowledged from a third-party workstation,
any NAE that also receives the event notification does not include a source for the
acknowledgment. When that event acknowledgment is forwarded to the site director,
the user is specified as Metasyssysagent.
When this attribute is not enabled, events acknowledged at site NxEs are:
• not forwarded to the ADS/ADX/ODS repository. All events must be acknowledged
at the site director.
locally acknowledged at the NxE. This acknowledgment includes sending a BACnet
alarm acknowledgment for alarm notifications received by a site NxE.
Regardless of whether this attribute is enabled, when events are acknowledged or
discarded at the site director, the site director attempts to forward the acknowledgment
and discards it to the NxE that initiated the event.
The Ack Forward Enable attribute must always be false on NxEs configured for validated
environments, that is, whenever signatures are required when acknowledging events.
The behavior for Ack Forwarding is not well defined when an NxE is configured both
as a site device and as a BACnet integrated device at the same site. Although an NxE
can be configured both as a site device and as a BACnet integration device, this
configuration is not recommended.
ADS Connection Type CNW
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies whether the ADS/ADX/ODS (defined in the ADS Repository attribute) is
connected via a LAN or dial-up connection. If a value is specified, it overrides the value
of the Default ADS Connection Type attribute. If no value is specified, the value of the
Default ADS Connection Type attribute is used (Default ADS Connection Type is a site
level setting sent to the site’s devices). ADS Connection Type is ignored if no
ADS/ADX/ODS is defined for this site.
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
ADS Delivery Time
ADS Priority Threshold CW
Specifies the time of day when a connection should be established to the ADS/ADX/ODS
(determined by the ADS Repository attribute). A connection is attempted at a minimum
of once a day at the specified time to deliver audit, alarm, and trend data to the
ADS/ADX. If a value is specified, it overrides the value of the Default ADS Delivery
Time attribute. If no value is specified, the value of the Default ADS Delivery Time
attribute is used (Default ADS Delivery Time is a site level setting sent out to the site’s
devices). ADS Delivery Time is ignored if no ADS/ADX/ODS is defined for this site.
This attribute is used for alarm and event management only. The ADS Priority Threshold
attribute allows you to specify the priority of an event that triggers the Engine to connect
(dial or LAN connection) to the defined ADS/ADX/ODS and delivers the event messages
from the Engine local event repository to the ADS/ADX/ODS event repository without
waiting for the ADS Delivery Time.
For example, a value of 20 for this attribute means that any event having a priority of
20 or higher (events of higher alarm priority have lower alarm priority numbers) forces
a connection to the ADS/ADX/ODS and forwards event messages from the Engine
local event repository to the ADS/ADX/ODS's repository.
ADS Repository
Specifies the ADS Repository device. The ADS/ADX/ODS is the device to which local
audit, alarm, and trend data is delivered. Repository refers to the three files in the
ADS/ADX/ODS that store this data. If a value is specified, it overrides the value of the
Default ADS Repository attribute of the site. If no value is specified, the value of the
Default ADS Repository attribute is used (Default ADS Repository is a site level setting
sent to the site’s devices).
Note: If the Engine uses a dial-up connection to transmit data to the ADS/ADX/ODS,
then the ADS Repository must be the first IP address listed in the range specified when
configuring the ADS/ADX/ODS to Allow Incoming Connections (see External Modem
The Default ADS Repository of the Site is intentionally left blank and must be updated
by the user (online or offline). If the user does not populate the Default ADS value and
leaves the Default ADS Repository value for all devices at, the ADS/ADX/ODS
does not receive any audit, alarm, or trend data. The SCT does not automatically
populate the Default ADS Repository value because of the many different possibilities
that could exist during archive creation, including multiple ADS/ADX/ODS on a site or
no ADS/ADX/ODS for a site. In these cases, it is not immediately clear which
ADS/ADX/ODS should be the default ADS/ADX/ODS under the Site object.
Alarm Repository Size CW
Specifies the maximum number of alarms that can be maintained on the local device.
Alarm Snooze Time
Specifies the amount of time to delay after an operator temporarily ignores, or snoozes
an alarm before re-announcing the alarm.
Align Intervals
APDU Retries
Specifies whether clock-aligned periodic time synchronization is enabled. If periodic
time synchronization is enabled and the time synchronization interval is a factor of an
hour or a day (that is, the value divides without remainder), then the beginning of the
period specified for time synchronization aligns to the hour or day, respectively.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates the maximum number of times that an Application Layer Protocol Data Unit
(APDU) (as specified by the BACnet device) is retransmitted. If the device does not
perform retries, it is set to zero. If the value is greater than zero, a nonzero value appears
in the APDU Timeout attribute. If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset
the Engine for the new settings to take effect.
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
APDU Segment
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of an APDU
If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings
to take effect.
APDU Timeout
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of an APDU
requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment has been received.
If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings
to take effect.
Appl SW Version
Identifies the version of the application software installed in the device. The content of
this string is locally defined (date-and-time stamp, a programmer’s name, a host file
version number, and so on).
Archive Date
Indicates the date of the last successful archive of object instances. The value of this
attribute is valid when a valid archive exists and during the archive download process.
The value of this attribute is *.*.*.* at all other times.
Audit Action When Full CW
Specifies the operation of the audit trail feature when the audit repository is full. If the
value is Stop, additional audit entries are discarded. If the value is Rollover, additional
audit entries replace the oldest audit entries.
Audit Forwarding
Specifies the size limit of the audit repository (as a percent of the audit repository size)
at which the system attempts to deliver audit entries to the ADS/ADX/ODS. This attribute
applies only if an ADS/ADX/ODS device has been defined for the site. When the Audit
Forwarding Threshold is reached, all audits in the Local Audit Repository that have not
been forwarded are forwarded to the defined ADS Repository.
Audit Generate Alarm CW
When Full
Specifies whether an alarm is generated when the audit repository is full.
Audit Repository Size CW
Specifies the maximum number of audit trail entries that can be maintained on the local
Provides password protection of BACnet services, such as DeviceCommunicationControl
and ReinitializeDevice. Third-party workstations may send these services and must
provide the password for the Engine to execute the services. The default password is
jci_bacnet_comm. Third-party workstations cannot read or write this password.
Specifies the UDP port number used to communicate with other BACnet devices over
the IP network. This value allows multiple BACnet networks on a single IP network and
prevents communication between the multiple BACnet networks.
BACnet IP Port
If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings
to take effect.
BIOS Version
Specifies the BIOS version in the Engine. The format of the basic input/output system
(BIOS) version is <V><major release>.<minor release>. For example: V2.02.
For NAE55/NIE55, if the BIOS version is earlier than V2.02, update the BIOS using the
BIOS Update Utility. This update significantly improves overall product performance.
For information on the BIOS Update Utility, refer to the BIOS Update Utility Technical
Bulletin (Part No. 24-10110-42).
Database Revision
Specifies a logical revision number for the device’s database. Database Revision is
incremented when an object is created or deleted, an object name changes, or a restore
is performed.
DST Status
Indicates whether daylight saving time is in effect (True) or not (False) at the device’s
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Duplicate References
Lists references that are duplicated in the system. Entries in this list are object references
that exist on more than one device within the system.
Enable Application
Generated Audits
When this attribute is enabled, audits of commands performed by Schedule objects,
Multiple Command objects, and Interlock objects tied to equipment configured to the
Metasys UI display in the Equipment Activity widget of the Metasys UI.
Note: If Display Object Generated Objects is set to true, these audits will appear in
the audit viewer of the Engine/ADS, increasing the number of audits generated.
Enabled Audit Level
Specifies which level of audit entries are added to the Audit Repository. Only audit
entries of type Level 1 through (and including) the specified level are included. All other
levels are not stored in the audit trail. Level 1 and Level 2 audit entries are always
stored in the audit trail.
• Level 1 and 2 (1): Stores all user action and system error audit messages.
• Level 3 (2): Stores application audit messages in addition to Level 1 and 2 auditing.
• Level 4 (3): Stores system audit messages in addition to Level 3 auditing.
• Level 5 (4): Stores diagnostic audit messages in addition to Level 4 auditing.
Event Action When
Firmware Version
Specifies the operation of the Alarm and Event Management feature when the event
repository is full. If the value is Stop, additional event entries are discarded. If the value
is Rollover, additional event entries replace the oldest event entries.
Represents the release of firmware installed in the main code section of the device.
The first digit in the revision number is advanced on major releases. The second digit
is advanced on minor releases.
IEIEJ Function A List
Provides a list of structures with the following elements: Network Number, Device ID
High Limit, and Device ID Low Limit. The first set of Who-Is messages is broadcast
once the device reaches the Enable Field Commands phase of startup. At this time, a
timer starts running that calls a method to send the Who-Is messages at the period
specified by IEIEJ Function A Period.
IEIEJ Function A
Sets the period at which the IEIEJ Function A List sends the Who-Is message
broadcasts. Clearing the value of this property disables the function A feature. Each
destination is guaranteed to get a Who-Is message within the period specified by this
property; however, if the list contains multiple destinations, the object attempts to spread
out the Who-Is messages so that they are not all sent out at the same instant.
Internode Comm Timer CW
Controls the frequency of communication with remote Ethernet devices. This value is
used by the Ethernet IP Datalink object. Among other communications, this attribute
defines the frequency of the heartbeat to monitored devices (monitored at a rate of two
times the Internode Comm Timer). A change to this attribute does not take effect until
the next Engine restart (cold or warm).
Interval Offset
Specifies the offset, in minutes, from the beginning of the period defined for time
synchronization until the actual time synchronization requests are set. Interval Offset
has no effect when Align Intervals is False.
Is Validated
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
JCI Exception
Indicates how long exception schedules are kept after the exception date has expired.
The default value is Auto Delete 31 days, which is the same behavior prior to this
release. New options are Auto Delete 7 days and Manual Delete.
Note: The NAE (using SCT and online UI) and FAC (at CCT) allows selections for
Manual Delete, Auto Delete 31 days, and Auto Delete 7 days.
Note: Manual Delete is needed for locations like Japan where the local standards state
that only the BACnet workstation can delete exception schedules.
Indicates the reasons for the last device restart.
Last Restart Reason
The possible reasons are:
• UNKNOWN: The device cannot determine the cause of the last reset. This may
occur due to a startup error, shutdown error, crash, or pushing the hardware reset
button. The state is UNKNOWN if the device is powered without the battery or if
the Device Manager service is stopped.
Local Date
COLDSTART: A ReinitializeDevice request was received with a Reinitialized State
of Device of COLDSTART or the device was made to COLDSTART via the user
WARMSTART: A ReinitializeDevice request was received with a Reinitialized State
of Device of WARMSTART or the device was made to WARMSTART by some
other means. WARMSTART also occurs after a download from SCT.
DETECTED_POWER_LOST: The device detected that incoming power was lost.
This state occurs as the result of a normal power down (with battery).
DETECTED_POWERED_OFF: The device detected that its power switch was
turned off.
HARDWARE_WATCHDOG: The hardware watchdog timer reset the device.
SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG: The software watchdog timer reset the device. This
state is reported when Device Manager cannot communicate with the control engine
for any reason.
SUSPENDED: The device was suspended. How the device was suspended or
what it means to be suspended is a local matter.
Indicates the date to the best of the device’s knowledge. The Date type is a series of
four one-number elements.
The first number is the year (for example, 2005); the second number is the month (1..12,
1=January); the third is the day of month (1..31). To maintain compatibility with BACnet
protocol, a fourth number contains the day of week (1=Monday). A value of FF *
(asterisk) in any of the elements indicates the value is not specified.
Local Site Director
Specifies a resolvable host name or IP address of the Site Director. A host name may
be specified only if a DNS server or other means of name resolution is available to the
device. A Site Director may have more than one host name. The host name specified
here must be resolvable to an IP address on the LAN or WAN on which the site’s
devices exist.
The Local Site Director attribute is based on the Computer Name attribute, not the
Name attribute. When you change the Site Director device’s Computer Name attribute,
its Local Site Director attribute automatically changes to match its Computer Name.
When you change a non-Site Director device’s Computer Name, its Local Site Director
attribute remains unchanged.
For information designating an Engine as the Site Director, refer to the NAE
Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201519).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Local Time
Indicates the time of day to the best of the device’s knowledge. The Time type is a
series of four one-number elements. The first number is the hour (0..23); the second
number is the minute (0..59); and the third number is the seconds (0..59). A fourth
number has been added to maintain compatibility with BACnet protocol and contains
the hundredths of second (0..99). A value of * (asterisk) for any number indicates the
value is unspecified. This value would be used, for example, when the hundredths
value is not important.
Max APDU Length
Max Message Buffer
Indicates the physical location of the device.
Indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be contained in a single, indivisible
application layer protocol data unit. If you write the value of this attribute, you must
reset the Engine for the new settings to take effect.
Specifies the largest piece of data that can be sent to a device at one time, excluding
all communications headers. Some applications need to perform segmentation of data
outside the communications system. This value is used to size the data in those
Max Segments
Indicates the maximum number of segments of an APDU accepted by the device.
Model Name
Indicates the device model, the hardware revision associated with the firmware, and
the code file name used to download the device.
Specifies the BACnet network address. A change to this attribute takes effect after the
next Engine restart (cold or warm). If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset
the Engine for the new settings to take effect.
Power Consecutive
Specifies the number of consecutive AC line status samples (indicate a power loss)
must be received before the device concludes that a power failure has occurred. When
the device concludes that power has failed, the device begins an orderly shutdown
process. The process used for determining whether a power failure has occurred
protects the device from shutting down during short power failures or certain brownout
conditions. Using default values, a power failure of less than 5 seconds does not prompt
a device shutdown.
Power Sampling
Specifies the period at which the AC line status is sampled to determine whether a
power failure has occurred. This attribute is used in conjunction with the Power
Consecutive Samples attribute.
Process ID List
Contains a list of unsigned 32-bit numbers used to compare the Process ID sent with
the BACnet events. If the event Process ID is not found on this list, then the event is
ignored. An empty list or a list containing only one entry with the value of zero allows
all events to be processed.
Network Address
Protocol Obj Support
Indicates which standard BACnet object types the device’s protocol implementation
This attribute is a bit string that uses the Object Type (Set 508). Each bit represents a
BACnet object type in that set. For example, bit 0 represents the BACnet AI object type,
whereas bit 17 represents the BACnet schedule object type. If the bit is true (1), the
object type is supported. If the bit is false (0), the object type is not supported. The
BACnet object types supported can vary between device models.
Protocol Revision
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates the minor revision level of the BACnet standard the device supports.
Table 82: Engine Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Protocol Ser Support
Indicates which standard BACnet protocol services the device’s protocol implementation
supports. For more information on the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
(PICS) and BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBBs) of the Engine, see the
Related Documentation̍section. This object now supports both the BACnet
UTCTimeSynchronization message and the BACnet TimeSynchronization message
(non-UTC version). Third-party devices now have the ability to send the
TimeSynchronization message to an Engine.
This attribute is a bit string that uses the Protocol Ser Support (Set 136). Each bit
represents a BACnet service in that set. For example, bit 0 represents the Acknowledge
Alarm service, whereas bit 12 represents the Read Property service. If the bit is true
(1), the service is supported. If the bit is false (0), the service is not supported.
Protocol Version
Restart Notification
Represents the BACnet protocol the device supports. Initial releases are Version 1;
subsequent releases increase the number by one.
Controls the restrictions on which devices, if any, are notified when a restart occurs.
The value of this attribute is a list of BACnetRecipients. When the length of this list is
empty, the device cannot send a device restart notification.
The default value of this property is a single entry representing a broadcast on the local
network. If the list has one or more entry, the device sends a restart notification, but
only to the devices or addresses listed.
Indicates if the device supports segmentation of messages and (if so) if it supports
segmented transmission, reception, or both.
Site Director Online
Indicates the communication status of this device with the Site Director. This value is
kept current by a command sent by the Data Refresh COV Monitor task whenever the
status changes. The COV Monitor task performs this check every 80 seconds. This
attribute is triggered so it can be used for an alarm.
System Status
Reflects the current physical and logical state of the device.
Time of Device Restart
Indicates the time at which the device was restarted.
Time Synchronization CW
Specifies the periodic interval, in minutes, at which TimeSynchronization and
UTCTimeSynchronization requests are sent. When set to zero, then periodic time
synchronization is disabled.
Unbound References
Lists references that are not bound in the system. This attribute indicates that a process
cannot find an object either because the device on which the object is located is offline,
the object has been deleted, or the object reference is incorrect.
UTC Offset
Contains the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The UTC Offset attribute indicates
the number of minutes (-900 to +900) offset between local standard time and Universal
Coordinated Time. The time zones to the west of the zero degree meridian are indicated
by positive values, and those to the east are indicated by negative values. The value
of the UTC Offset attribute is derived from the Default Time Zone attribute of the site.
Vendor ID
Distinguishes proprietary extensions to the protocol using a unique vendor identification
code assigned by ASHRAE. The Johnson Controls Vendor ID is 5.
Vendor Name
Identifies the manufacturer of the device.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, Q - BACnet Required, W - Writable
If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings to take effect.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 83: Engine Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Audit Rate
Specifies the number of audit messages destined for the Metasys server in the last
hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Average Intermittent
Failure Period
Specifies the average number of seconds devices in the transport layer are offline
(for diagnostic purposes). Only times less than one minute are used in this average,
to eliminate device resets. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there are
no failures.
BACnet Broadcast
Receive Rate
Indicates the number of BACnet broadcast messages received by the device in the
previous minute. BACnet broadcast messages are generated as part of the normal
BACnet operation, but are also generated when a BACnet device searches for another
device that does not exist, such as when a device has objects with references to other
nonexistent objects (called unbound references). This number increases when the
number of unbound references increases on network connected devices. If this number
gets too high, it indicates possible performance problems.
BACnet Routed Messages
Indicates the number of BACnet messages received by the device on the IP network
in the previous minute. If this number is high, it indicates that the performance of the
MS/TP field bus network is affected by broadcast transmit traffic.
Battery Condition
Specifies the current battery condition. It is updated every 60 seconds. For the
NAE55/NIE55, a value of Fault implies the battery is missing or defective and a value
of OK implies there is no known problem with the battery.
For the NCE25/NAE35/NAE45, the values are:
• Good - Battery is operating at normal specifications. Provided the battery is fully
charged, it should supply backup power to the engine three times a day for 6
minutes each time.
Service - Battery useful life is predicted to end soon. We recommend you replace
the battery. Backup power lasts less than 72 hours.
Replace - Battery useful life is over. Replace the battery. Backup power may fail
if the battery is not charged fully.
Defective - Battery is either missing, disconnected, incorrectly installed, or the
battery is internally shorted or otherwise defective. Take corrective action. Backup
power is not provided for any duration.
After a line power failure, the battery is used to supply power to the device so the
device can perform an orderly shutdown without losing data. After the device shutdown
process finishes, the device discontinues its use of battery power. Valid data is provided
only on the Engine hardware. Under device simulation, the value is Fault.
Battery Charging
Specifies the current battery charging state in an NCE25/NAE35/NAE45. A value of
False indicates the battery contains at least 80% of full charge capacity and is not
currently recharging. A value of True indicates the battery contains less than 80% of
full charge capacity and is currently charging. If the Battery Charging value is True
and the battery is charging, the battery stops charging when it is 100% charged.
Trend this attribute value to determine the current battery charge cycle time. In
Simulation, this attribute is False.
Board Temperature
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies the current printed wire board (PWB) temperature in degrees Celsius. It is
updated every 60 seconds. It is obtained from a temperature sensor built onto the
PWB. The device is designed to run reliably with a PWB temperature at or below 67
degrees Celsius. If this temperature is exceeded, appropriate measures should be
taken to cool the device. Under device simulation, the value is 0.
Table 83: Engine Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
COV Rcv Rate
Specifies the number of COV messages the Engine receives from other supervisory
devices or field controllers per minute. This attribute value updates every minute. Each
COV message represents one object reporting a value change.
COV Tx Rate
Specifies the number of COV messages the Engine sends to other supervisory devices
per minute. This attribute updates every minute. Each COV message represents one
object reporting a value.
CPU Temperature
Specifies the current CPU temperature in degrees Celsius for an NAE55/NIE55. It is
updated every 60 seconds. It is obtained from a temperature sensor built into the
CPU. The CPU is designed to run reliably at or below 77 degrees Celsius. If this
temperature is exceeded, appropriate measures should be taken to cool the device.
Under device simulation, the value is 0.
CPU Usage
Specifies a running average of CPU usage over the last 50 minutes. The value is
updated every 30 seconds. The running average is calculated by adding or subtracting
1% of the difference between the current and average CPU usage. The value may
not be meaningful until 50 minutes after a system restart. A value of 0% means the
CPU is 100% idle. A value of 100% means the CPU is 0% idle. A value of 50% or less
is considered OK, although other performance indicators should also be assessed.
Under device simulation, the value is 0.
Detection Interval
Indicates the time, in seconds, determined by the HTTP transport mechanism based
on the Poll Rate and Network Tolerance settings. This value determines how fast a
site detects a device going offline.
Estimated Flash Available
Specifies the estimated flash memory available within the device for use by the user’s
database and applications.
This value can be used to determine whether additional use of flash can be
accommodated; however, other performance indicators should also be assessed.
This property’s value is calculated at the same time as the Flash Usage attribute. A
negative value suggests that the flash usage should be reduced. Also, a negative
value can affect system reliability now or in future releases of software.
Event Rate
Specifies the number of event messages destined for the Metasys server in the last
hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Events Lost
Specifies the total number of events which failed to be forwarded to the configured
repository and which were deleted from the NxE's local repository. This count does
not persist through an NxE reset, and reflects the number of lost events since the last
Flash Usage
Specifies the estimated percent of flash memory currently in use. The percentage is
based on the portion of flash that is designated for use by the user’s database. The
value is updated on device startup, after a database archive, sync or download from
the SCT (offline mode), and by manual command (Update Flash Usage). A value
greater than 100% can affect system reliability now or in future software releases. No
restrictions are in place to prohibit use of flash over 100%.
If you are simulating an NAE/NIE, your computer’s hard disk must be formatted for
NTFS. If your computer’s hard disk is formatted to use FAT32 (32-bit File Allocation
Table), the simulated value for the Flash Usage attribute is not accurate.
Maximum Intermittent
Failure Period
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies the maximum number of seconds a device was offline at the transport layer
(for diagnostic purposes). Only times under one minute are recorded, to eliminate
device resets. The value of this attribute does not match the offline times determined
from generated alarms. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there are no
Table 83: Engine Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Memory Usage
Specifies the percent of system RAM that is currently in use.
It is calculated as follows:
Total commit charge x 100
Display Precision = 0.01
COV Increment = 0.1
Network Tolerance
Sets the timeout tolerance of the flexible polling feature (that is, changes the lower
level communication timeouts). When edited by a user, this attribute is sent to the
HTTP transport layer and determines how long the device waits to connect, send, and
wait to receive HTTP Post responses. The setting options are LOW, MEDIUM, and
HIGH. LOW is the default and matches the current behavior. The MEDIUM or HIGH
setting increases the tolerance by adding longer timeouts and more retries and should
be used for poor network connections. Note that it takes longer to detect an offline
device as the tolerance gets higher.
Object Count
Indicates the number (count) of all of the object instances within the device. Objects
of all classes are included.
Object Memory Usage
Specifies the percent of the object database that is currently in use. Each object
created consumes memory within the object database. This attribute can be used to
help determine the device’s capacity for additional objects; however, other performance
indicators should also be assessed. Generally, the number of objects you define
determines the object memory usage. This attribute is valid on the Engine hardware
and under device simulation.
Note: If you have a large number of objects, the object memory usage increases and
the file size increases also. The file is stored in flash memory.
Also, an attempt to create an object known to require X bytes of object database may
fail even if more than X bytes are available in the object database. This is because
the object database is composed of multiple blocks. If the free space of each block is
fewer than X bytes, the request for X bytes fails even though the sum total of free
space from all blocks is greater than X bytes.
Outgoing Event Rate
Specifies the number of event messages destined for the Metasys server in the last
hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Pager Dial-up Status
Specifies the current status of the pager dial-up connection.
Registration Usage
This attribute indicates the number of registrations used by the Metasys Time Series
Data feature in the cloud-based platform. It is the total usage of all clients of this
feature. Each registration is a sign-up for an attribute of an object. The feature supports
up to 1,000 registrations per fully loaded field bus per site device. This feature is only
used by a site director and is updated every 1 minute. See Site Object and Remote
Services Connection for additional information on the Metasys system connection to
the cloud-based platform.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 83: Engine Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Repository Status
Indicates the status of the communication between the device and the
trend log sample repository (for diagnostic purposes). This attribute
uses the Repository Status set.
Uses Repository Status set:
0 = Offline
1 = OK
2 = Undefined
3 = Dialup
4 = RAP
5 = Incompatible Release
Samples Lost
Specifies the number of trend samples lost because the Metasys server did not retrieve
them fast enough (for diagnostic purposes). This value resets only when the device
Sample Rate
Specifies the number of trend samples destined for the Metasys server in the last hour
(for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Note: The sample rate at the NxE is calculated based on the actual raw samples
taken by every trend object. The sample rate at the ODS is calculated once every poll
cycle and is based on the number of samples received from all the NxEs and the time
it took to poll them. Most NxEs do not forward all the samples taken between polls
because the ODS transfer setpoint is usually not set to 1 (that is, forward on every
sample). The result is that the sample rate at the ODS is less than the sum of the
samples taken at all the NxEs. The total ODS sample rate is 60,000 and the total NxE
sample rate is larger than 100,000.
Time Between Buffer
Indicates the time, in minutes, between Engine trend consolidation buffer readings
from the Metasys server (for diagnostic purposes).
Transfer Buffer File
Indicates the percentage full of the Engine trend consolidation buffer (for diagnostic
Transport Fail Rate
Specifies the number of transport failures per day (for diagnostic purposes). This
number represents how often HTTP posts from this engine failed when they were sent
to another device that is considered online. Failures include the inability to open the
connection, to send the message, or to receive the reply. This value represents failures
over the last 24 hours and is updated hourly, but does not correlate directly to the
number of offline alarms generated by your system. Ideally, this number should be
zero, indicating there are no failures.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, Q - BACnet Required, W - Writable
Table 84: Engine Device Object Attributes - Communications Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
External Modem Config
Set of mixed values
Internal Modem Config
Set of mixed values
Serial Port Cable Config
Set of mixed values
Initial Value
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, Q - BACnet Required, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 85: Engine Device Object Attributes - Network Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
ADS Dial-up Config
Set of mixed
BACnet Integrated
One from a list of C
Completion Domains
List of text
For the NAE55/NIE55/NAE85/NIE85 only.
See attribute description.
True or False
Computer Name
DHCP Enabled
True (1)
0 = DHCP disabled
1 = DHCP enabled
DNS Server IP
Domain Name
List of numbers
List of IP addresses.
Ethernet MAC Address List of numbers
IP Address
List of numbers
IP Mask
List of numbers
IP Router Address
List of numbers
Obtain DNS Address
True or False
Routing Mode
One from a list of CW
Any valid IP address
True (1)
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, Q - BACnet Required, W - Writable
If you change the value of this attribute, the Engine automatically resets.
Metasys Server
Menu Selection: Insert > Metasys Server
Inserts a Metasys server ( ADS/ADX, ADS-L-A, ADS-L-E, ODS ) into the archive database in the SCT, beginning
with Release 5.2 and later.
Note: Some products or models mentioned in this document are available only to specific markets. Refer to the
Application and Data Server (ADS) Lite for Europe (E) Product Bulletin (LIT-12011690) and the Application
and Data Server (ADS) Lite for Asia (A) System Product Bulletin (LIT-12011694) for availability.
Tip: •
The first Metasys server you add to the site becomes the Site Director. The Site Director coordinates all
Web browser communication to the Metasys network. You can only have one Site Director per site. Any
subsequent Metasys servers are primarily used for archiving historical data.
On the Configure screen, select each tab for further configuration options.
See one of the following sections for more information:
Related Documentation
ADS Device Object
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
ADS Device Object
The ADS Device object defines the attributes that represent the externally visible characteristics of an ADS/ADX
device. One ADS Device object exists per ADS/ADX device. This object allows you to see data about the ADS/ADX,
such as the name of the current POP server host name or information on printer destinations. For general information
on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
ADS Concepts
ADS Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Beginning with Release 2.2, the attributes shown on the ADS/ADX Focus tab (when viewed from the Site Director)
do not refresh automatically. To refresh the Focus tab, either close and reopen the tab or issue the Refresh command.
Table 86: ADS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
ADS Repositories
Lists the ADS/ADX device host names or IP addresses to
which incoming trend and Alarm/Event data forwards. An
ADS/ADX cannot have its own host name or IP address in
this field. Refer to the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide
(LIT-1201645) for details on configuring repositories.
ADS Repositories Status
Offline, OK
Indicates the status of the devices listed in the ADS
Repositories attribute.
Note: When forwarding data to a secondary ADS/ADX (that
is, data forwarded to an ADS/ADX is forwarded to another
ADS/ADX), the status does not calculate. This attribute
shows only the status for the initial forward.
Alarm Snooze Time
Specifies the amount of time to delay before re-announcing
an alarm.
Units = Minutes
DHCP Enabled
0 = DHCP disabled,
1 = DHCP enabled
Indicates whether the DHCP protocol should be used. The
device may run in three modes:
1. DHCP is enabled and a DHCP server exists on the
network. The DHCP server assigns network
configuration information. The DHCP server assigns
the IP Address attribute.
2. DHCP is enabled and no DHCP server exists on the
network. Using the Automatic Client Configuration
feature, the device automatically defines the network
configuration. The DHCP server assigns the IP Address
3. DHCP is disabled. You must manually assign the
network configuration. The values from the DHCP are
assumed to be more current than the tool interface.
When DHCP Enabled is True, the UI ignores the IP
Address attribute and should not attempt to write to it
Note: This attribute only appears in the ADS object in the
SCT and is used by the SCT during a download or upload
of the ADS database.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 86: ADS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
Enabled Audit Level
See the attribute
Specifies which level of audit entries are added to the audit
description for details on repository. Only audit entries of type Level 1 through and
the Enabled Audit Level. including the specified level are included. All other levels
are not stored in the audit trail. Level 1 and Level 2 audit
Range = 1–4 with 5 Audit
entries are always stored in the audit trail.
• Level 1 and 2 (1): Stores all user action and system
error audit messages.
Level 1 (N/A) User Action
Level 2 (1) Critical
System Events
Level 3 (2) Application
Level 4 (3) Non-critical
System Events
Level 3 (2): Stores application audit messages in
addition to Level 1 and 2 auditing.
Level 4 (3): Stores system audit messages in addition
to Level 3 auditing.
Level 5 (4): Stores diagnostic audit messages in
addition to Level 4 auditing
Level 5 (4) Diagnostic
Host Name
IP Address
Indicates the host name of the NxE whose value appears
in the Transfer Buffer Full Worst NxE attribute.
Represents the IP address of this ADS/ADX. The IP
address identifies the ADS/ADX on the network and assists
in the routing of messages. Each ADS must have a unique
IP address for the network to operate properly. A write to
this attribute is ignored because configuration is completed
through the Windows network configuration. A read of this
attribute returns either the user-specified value or the value
determined from DHCP.
Certain IP addresses are invalid and cannot be written
successfully. The network address portion of the IP address
is computed by including all bits in which the corresponding
bit from the IP mask is 1. The device address portion of the
IP address is computed by including all bits in which the
corresponding bit from the IP mask is 0. Neither the network
address nor device address can be all zero bits or all one
bits. For example, if the IP mask is, the
following IP addresses are invalid: and
The IP Address attribute can be set explicitly, or it may be
automatically set using the DHCP server. Using the DHCP
server, you can change this attribute even if you set it up
explicitly. See the DHCP Enabled attribute.
Note: This attribute only appears in the ADS object in the
SCT and is used by the SCT during a download or upload
of the ADS/ADX database.
Is Validated
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
True or False
Enables the MVE feature at the device, which includes
reauthentication with electronic signature and required
annotation when the user makes a change to the system,
such as commanding an object, acknowledging an alarm,
or changing the value of an attribute. This attribute can be
set to True for MVE sites only. This attribute is writable only
with the SCT, and is read-only online.
Table 86: ADS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
Local Data
Displays the date on the ADS/ADX.
Local Time
Displays the time on the ADS/ADX.
Model Name
Contains the name of the device model. In this case, it is
Number of NxEs Reporting
Specifies the number of NxE devices that registered this
ADS/ADX as their trend repository.
Service Time
Units = Seconds
Displays the amount of time in seconds that it takes for the
ADS/ADX device to poll all NxEs on the site for trend
Transfer Buffer Full Worst
Units = %
Indicates the buffer fullness, in percent, of the NxE with the
fullest trend buffer of the trend poll cycle.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Table 87: ADS Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
Average Intermittent Failure
IP address and
Units = seconds
Specifies the average number of seconds devices in the
transport layer are offline (for diagnostic purposes). Only times
less than 1 minute are used in this average, to eliminate device
resets. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there
are no failures.
Data Collection Rate
Units = Per Minute Indicates the data value collection rate of the Ready Time
Series Data feature. It represents the rate of data values
Maximum value =
collected, not the rate of data values delivered to the clients.
The feature buffers data values when the data collection rate
is within the maximum expected rate (83,333 data values per
minute) and the client is unknown or offline. In the event of a
remote connection failure, a minimum of 60 hours of data is
buffered locally for automatic delivery when the error condition
is resolved. This feature is only used by a site director and is
updated every 1 minute.
Data Usage
Units = %
Indicates the number of data values currently locally stored by
the Ready Time Series Data feature as a percentage of the
maximum allowed. Typically, data samples are routinely
delivered to an online client and the data usage remains small.
When the client is unknown or offline, data values continue to
accumulate in local storage until limits are reached. This feature
is used by a site director and is updated every 1 minute.
For the ADS, data values are accumulated in memory and
stored in batches in a disk-based queue limited to 10,000
entries. This attribute is based on the worst case queue usage
of all clients of this feature.
Incoming Event Rate
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Units = Per Hour
Specifies the average rate of events, per hour, received from
other devices (NxEs or ADS/ADXs) during the previous hour.
The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. This rate
only includes events generated by devices at Release 5.2 or
Table 87: ADS Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
Maximum Intermittent Failure
IP address and
Units = seconds
Specifies the maximum number of seconds a device was offline
at the transport layer (for diagnostic purposes). Only times
under 1 minute are recorded, to eliminate device resets. The
value of this attribute does not match the offline times
determined from generated alarms. Ideally, this number should
be zero, indicating there are no failures.
Outgoing Event Rate
Units = Per Hour
Specifies the average rate of events per hour, sent to other
repositories (ADS/ADXs or Ready Access Portal). This value
of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. This rate only includes
events generated by devices at Release 5.2 or later.
Registration Usage
Units = None
This attribute indicates the number of registrations used by
the Ready Metasys Time Series Data feature. It is the total
usage of all clients of this feature. Each registration is a sign-up
for an attribute of an object. The feature supports up to 1,000
registrations per fully loaded field bus per site device. This
feature is only used by a site director and is updated every 1
Transport Failure Rate
IP address and
Specifies the number of transport failures per day (for
diagnostic purposes). This number represents how often HTTP
posts from this server failed when they were sent to another
Units = Failures Per
device that is considered online. Failures include the inability
to open the connection, to send the message, or to receive
the reply. This value represents failures over the last 24 hours
and is updated hourly, but does not correlate directly to the
number of offline alarms generated by your system. Ideally,
this number should be zero, indicating there are no failures.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
ADS/ADX Features
The ADS/ADX runs on a computer platform and is installed within the Metasys network. With an ADS/ADX, you can
provide a location to install the SCT and a location to send trend logs (Trend Studies), event logs (Alarm and Event
Management), and audit trails (Audit Trail). The ADS/ADX can also be configured to take the role of the Site Director
to coordinate system access and present data to the user in a web browser running on the same computer or
connected over the LAN, WAN, Internet, or telephone line via a dial-up connection.
Note: Online/offline modes as explained here do not apply to the ADS/ADX. However, the ADS/ADX can be online
and offline in the same sense as any other device on the network can be connected or disconnected from
the network.
Note: You may need to change the Windows® Defender tool settings on your operating system (OS) when using
an ADS/ADX. Windows Defender is a spyware identification and removal tool that is part of the OS. For
Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7, this tool is on by default. For Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows
Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008, this tool is off by default. Windows
Defender scans the OS for spyware every night at 2 A.M. If you expect heavy use of the ADS/ADX at this
time (for example, due to trend collection), reschedule the scan to a time when the ADS/ADX is not as active.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Note: You may need to change the Disk Defragmentation settings on your OS when using an ADS/ADX. Disk
Defragmentation is scheduled to run by default every Wednesday at 1 A.M. If you expect heavy use of the
ADS/ADX at this time (for example, due to trend collection), reschedule the scan to a time when the ADS/ADX
is not as active.
Trend Repository Database
The trend repository database resides within the server that stores the trend data. For more information, click one
of the following:
Trend Studies
Trend Extensions
Event Repository Database
The event repository database resides within the server that stores the event data. For more information, refer to
the Alarm and Event Management section of the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
Audit Repository Database
The audit repository database resides within the server that stores the audit data. For more information, refer to the
Audit Trail section of the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
ADS/ADX Computer Name
For information on ADS/ADX computer name guidelines and changing the computer name, refer to the Appendix:
Changing the ADS or ADX Name and the Computer Name in the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645).
Open Data Server (ODS)
ODS Features
The ODS runs on a computer platform and is installed within the Metasys network. With an ODS, you can provide
a location to install the SCT and a location to send trend logs (Trend Studies), event logs (Alarm and Event
Management), and audit trails (Audit Trail). The ODS can also be configured to take the role of the Site Director to
coordinate system access and present data to the user in a web browser running on the same computer or connected
over the LAN, WAN, Internet, or telephone line via a dial-up connection.
Note: •
Online/offline modes as explained here do not apply to the ODS. However, the ODS can be online and
offline in the same sense as any other device on the network can be connected or disconnected from the
You may need to change the Windows Defender tool settings on your operating system (OS) when using
an ODS. Windows Defender is a spyware identification and removal tool that is part of the OS. For
Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7, this tool is on by default. For Windows Server 2012 R2,
Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008, this tool is off by default.
Windows Defender scans the OS for spyware every night at 2 A.M. If you expect heavy use of the ODS
at this time (for example, due to trend collection), reschedule the scan to a time when the ODS is not as
You may need to change the Disk Defragmentation settings on your OS when using an ODS. Disk
Defragmentation is scheduled to run by default every Wednesday at 1 A.M. If you expect heavy use of
the ODS at this time (for example, due to trend collection), reschedule the scan to a time when the ODS
is not as active.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Trend Repository Database
The trend repository database resides within the server that stores the trend data. For more information, click one
of the following:
Trend Studies
Trend Extensions
Event Repository Database
The event repository database resides within the server that stores the event data.
Audit Repository Database
The audit repository database resides within the server that stores the audit data.
ODS Computer Name
For information on ODS computer name guidelines and changing the computer name, refer to the Appendix: Changing
the ODS Name and the Computer Name in the ODS Commissioning Guide (LIT-12011944).
ODS Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
ADS Repositories
Specifies a list of ADS (ODS) Repository devices. The ODS is the device
to which local audit, alarm, and trend data is delivered. Repository refers
to the three files in the ODS that store this data. If a value is specified,
it overrides the value of the Default ADS Repository attribute of the site.
If no value is specified, the value of the Default ADS Repository attribute
is used (Default ADS Repository is a site level setting sent to the site’s
The Default ADS Repository of the Site is intentionally left blank and
must be updated by the user (online or offline). If the user does not
populate the Default ADS value and leaves the Default ADS Repository
value for all devices at, the ODS does not receive any audit,
alarm, or trend data. The SCT does not automatically populate the
Default ADS Repository value because of the many different possibilities
that could exist during archive creation, including multiple ODSs on a
site or no ODS for a site. In these cases, it is not immediately clear which
ODS should be the Default ADS under the Site object.
ADS Repositories Status
Alarm Snooze Time
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates the status of the devices listed in the ADS (ODS) Repositories
Specifies the amount of time to delay after an operator temporarily
ignores, or snoozes an alarm before re-announcing the alarm.
Units = Minutes
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Align Intervals
APDU Retries
Specifies whether clock-aligned periodic time synchronization is enabled.
If periodic time synchronization is enabled and the time synchronization
interval is a factor of an hour or a day (that is, the value divides without
remainder), then the beginning of the period specified for time
synchronization aligns to the hour or day, respectively.
Indicates the maximum number of times that an APDU (as specified by
the BACnet device) is retransmitted. If the device does not perform
retries, it is set to zero. If the value is greater than zero, a nonzero value
appears in the APDU Timeout attribute. If you write the value of this
attribute, you must restart the ODS for the new settings to take effect.
APDU Segment Timeout
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of
an APDU segment. If you write the value of this attribute, you must
restart the ODS for the new settings to take effect.
Units = milliseconds
APDU Timeout
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions
of an APDU requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment
has been received. If you write the value of this attribute, you must
restart the ODS for the new settings to take effect.
Units = milliseconds
Appl SW Version
BACnet Communications
Identifies the version of the application software installed in the device.
The content of this string is locally defined (date-and-time stamp, a
programmer’s name, a host file version number, and so on).
BACnet Integrated Object
jci_bacnet_comm Provides password protection of BACnet services, such as
DeviceCommunicationControl and ReinitializeDevice. Third-party
workstations may send these services and must provide the password
for the Engine to execute the services. The default password is
jci_bacnet_comm. Third-party workstations cannot read or write this
Specifies whether integrated objects are displayed in the object list. The
values are:
Include in Object List - Makes internal integration objects visible
to BACnet devices. This is the default value.
Exclude from Object List - Makes internal integration objects
unavailable to BACnet devices.
When this attribute is set to Include in Object List and Routing Mode is
set to Enabled, the same third-party object appears in the list twice (as
a native object on the actual device and as an integrated object within
the Engine); therefore, this setup is not recommended. When Routing
Mode is set to Enabled Without Broadcasts, it prevents third-party
devices outside the network from discovering devices on a routed
network using broadcast data.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
BACnet IP Port
Specifies the UDP port number used to communicate with other BACnet
devices over the IP network. This value allows multiple BACnet networks
on a single IP network and prevents communication between the multiple
BACnet networks. If you write the value of this attribute, you must restart
the ODS for the new settings to take effect.
Database Revision
Device Addr Binding
Specifies a logical revision number for the device’s database. Database
Revision is incremented when an object is created or deleted, an object
name changes, or a restore is performed.
DHCP Enabled
Contains a list of BACnet Object Identifiers of an Engine Device object
and a BACnet device address in the form of a BACnet Address. Entries
in the list identify the actual device addresses that are used when
accessing the remote device via a BACnet service request. The list may
be empty if no device identifier-device address bindings are currently
known to the device.
Indicates whether the DHCP protocol should be used. The device may
run in three modes:
1. DHCP enabled and a DHCP server exists on the network. The
DHCP server assigns network configuration information. The DHCP
server can assign the following attributes:
IP Address
IP Mask
IP Router Address
DNS Server IP Addresses (when Obtain DNS Address
Automatically attribute is True)
2. DHCP enabled and no DHCP server exists on the network. Using
the Automatic Client Configuration feature, the device automatically
configures the network configuration. The following attributes can
be assigned:
3. DHCP disabled. You must manually assign the network
• IP Address
IP Mask
When DHCP Enable is True, the UI ignores the following attributes and
should not attempt to write to them. The values from the DHCP are
assumed to be more current than the tool interface:
• IP Address
IP Mask
IP Router Address
DNS Server IP Addresses (when Obtain DNS Address Automatically
attribute is True)
DST Status
Indicates whether daylight saving time is in effect (True) or not (False)
at the device’s location.
Duplicate References
Lists references that are duplicated in the system. Entries in this list are
object references that exist on more than one device within the system.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Enabled Audit Level
Audit Level
2 (1)
Specifies which level of audit entries are added to the Audit Repository.
Only audit entries of type Level 1 through (and including) the specified
level are included. All other levels are not stored in the audit trail. Level
1 and Level 2 audit entries are always stored in the audit trail.
Range = 1–4 with 5 Audit Levels
Level 1 and 2 (1): Stores all user action and system error audit
Level 3 (2): Stores application audit messages in addition to Level
1 and 2 auditing.
Level 4 (3): Stores system audit messages in addition to Level 3
Level 5 (4): Stores diagnostic audit messages in addition to Level
4 auditing.
Ethernet MAC Address
Displays the Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) address of this
Firmware Version
Represents the release of firmware installed in the main code section
of the device. The first digit in the revision number is advanced on major
releases. The second digit is advanced on minor releases.
Host Name
Specifies the name of the supervisory engine with the trend consolidation
buffer that was the most full during the last buffer transfer scan (for
diagnostic purposes). This buffer is filled to the percent indicated by the
Transfer Buffer Full Worse NxE value.
Provides a list of structures with the following elements: Network Number,
Device ID High Limit, and Device ID Low Limit. The first set of Who-Is
messages is broadcast once the device reaches the Enable Field
Commands phase of startup. At this time, a timer starts running that
calls a method to send the Who-Is messages at the period specified by
IEIEJ Function A Period.
IEIEJ Function A List
IEIEJ Function A Period
Sets the period at which the IEIEJ Function A List sends the Who-Is
message broadcasts. Clearing the value of this property disables the
function A feature. Each destination is guaranteed to get a Who-Is
message within the period specified by this property; however, if the list
contains multiple destinations, the object attempts to spread out the
Who-Is messages so that they are not all sent out at the same instant.
Intermode Comm Timer
Controls the frequency of communication with remote Ethernet devices.
This value is used by the Ethernet IP Datalink object. Among other
communications, this attribute defines the frequency of the heartbeat
to monitored devices (monitored at a rate of two times the Internode
Comm Timer). A change to this attribute does not take effect until the
next Engine restart (cold or warm).
Interval Offset
Specifies the offset, in minutes, from the beginning of the period defined
for time synchronization until the actual time synchronization requests
are set. Interval Offset has no effect when Align Intervals is False.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
IP Address
Represents the IP address of this Engine. The IP address identifies the
Engine on the network and assists in the routing of messages. Each
Engine must have a unique IP address for the network to operate
properly. A write to this attribute is ignored because configuration is
completed through the Windows network configuration. A read of this
attribute returns either the user specified value or the value determined
from DHCP.
Certain IP addresses are invalid and cannot be written successfully.
The network address portion of the IP address is computed by including
all bits in which the corresponding bit from the IP mask is 1. The device
address portion of the IP address is computed by including all bits in
which the corresponding bit from the IP mask is 0. Neither the network
address nor device address can be all zero bits or all one bits. For
example, if the IP mask is, the following IP addresses are
invalid: and
The IP Address attribute can be set explicitly, or it may be automatically
set using the DHCP server. Using a DHCP server may change this
attribute even if you have set it up explicitly.
Last Restart Reason
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates the reasons for the last device restart.
The possible reasons are:
• UNKNOWN: The device cannot determine the cause of the last
reset. This may occur due to a startup error, shutdown error, crash,
or pushing the hardware reset button. The state is UNKNOWN if
the device is powered without the battery or if the Device Manager
service is stopped.
COLDSTART: A ReinitializeDevice request was received with a
Reinitialized State of Device of COLDSTART or the device was
made to COLDSTART via the user interface.
WARMSTART: A ReinitializeDevice request was received with a
Reinitialized State of Device of WARMSTART or the device was
made to WARMSTART by some other means. WARMSTART also
occurs after a download from SCT.
DETECTED_POWER_LOST: The device detected that incoming
power was lost. This state occurs as the result of a normal power
down (with battery).
DETECTED_POWERED_OFF: The device detected that its power
switch was turned off.
HARDWARE_WATCHDOG: The hardware watchdog timer reset
the device.
SOFTWARE_WATCHDOG: The software watchdog timer reset the
device. This state is reported when Device Manager cannot
communicate with the control engine for any reason.
SUSPENDED: The device was suspended. How the device was
suspended or what it means to be suspended is a local matter.
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Local Date
Indicates the date to the best of the device’s knowledge. The Date type
is a series of four one-number elements.
The first number is the year (for example, 2005); the second number is
the month (1..12, 1=January); the third is the day of month (1..31). To
maintain compatibility with BACnet protocol, a fourth number contains
the day of week (1=Monday). A value of FF * (asterisk) in any of the
elements indicates the value is not specified.
Local Time
Indicates the time of day to the best of the device’s knowledge. The
Time type is a series of four one-number elements. The first number is
the hour (0..23); the second number is the minute (0..59); and the third
number is the seconds (0..59). A fourth number has been added to
maintain compatibility with BACnet protocol and contains the hundredths
of second (0..99). A value of * (asterisk) for any number indicates the
value is unspecified. This value would be used, for example, when the
hundredths value is not important.
Max APDU Length
Max Message Buffer
Indicates the physical location of the device.
Indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be contained in a
single, indivisible application layer protocol data unit. If you write the
value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings
to take effect.
Specifies the largest piece of data that can be sent to a device at one
time, excluding all communications headers. Some applications need
to perform segmentation of data outside the communications system.
This value is used to size the data in those situations.
Max Segments Accepted
Indicates the maximum number of segments of an APDU accepted by
the device.
Model Name
Indicates the device model, the hardware revision associated with the
firmware, and the code file name used to download the device.
Network Address
Number of NxEs Reporting
Process ID List
Specifies the BACnet network address. A change to this attribute takes
effect after the next Engine restart (cold or warm). If you write the value
of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings to take
Displays the number of NxEs reporting to your server.
empty list
Contains a list of unsigned 32-bit numbers used to compare the Process
ID sent with the BACnet events. If the event Process ID is not found on
this list, then the event is ignored. An empty list or a list containing only
one entry with the value of zero allows all events to be processed.
Maximum 64 elements, values limited by range of unsigned 32
Protocol Obj Support
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates which standard BACnet object types the device’s protocol
implementation supports. This attribute is a bit string that uses the Object
Type (Set 508). Each bit represents a BACnet object type in that set.
For example, bit 0 represents the BACnet AI object type, whereas bit
17 represents the BACnet schedule object type. If the bit is true (1), the
object type is supported. If the bit is false (0), the object type is not
supported. The BACnet object types supported can vary between device
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Protocol Revision
Indicates the minor revision level of the BACnet standard the device
Protocol Ser Support
Indicates which standard BACnet protocol services the device’s protocol
implementation supports. For more information on the PICS and BIBBs
of the Engine, see the table in the section. This object now supports
both the BACnet UTCTimeSynchronization message and the BACnet
TimeSynchronization message (non-UTC version).
Third-party devices now have the ability to send the TimeSynchronization
message to an Engine. This attribute is a bit string that uses the Protocol
Ser Support (Set 136). Each bit represents a BACnet service in that set.
For example, bit 0 represents the Acknowledge Alarm service, whereas
bit 12 represents the Read Property service. If the bit is true (1), the
service is supported. If the bit is false (0), the service is not supported.
Protocol Version
Restart Notification
Represents the BACnet protocol the device supports. Initial releases
are Version 1; subsequent releases increase the number by one.
Controls the restrictions on which devices, if any, are notified when a
restart occurs. The value of this attribute is a list of BACnetRecipients.
When the length of this list is empty, the device cannot send a device
restart notification. The default value of this property is a single entry
representing a broadcast on the local network. If the list has one or more
entry, the device sends a restart notification, but only to the devices or
addresses listed.
Sample Rate
Specifies the number of trend samples destined for the Metasys server
in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute
updates every 5 minutes.
Note: The sample rate at the NxE is calculated based on the actual raw
samples taken by every trend object. The sample rate at the ODS is
calculated once every poll cycle and is based on the number of samples
received from all the NxEs and the time it took to poll them. Most NxEs
do not forward all the samples taken between polls because the ODS
transfer setpoint is usually not set to 1 (that is, forward on every sample).
The result is that the sample rate at the ODS is less than the sum of the
samples taken at all the NxEs. The total ODS sample rate is 60,000 and
the total NxE sample rate is larger than 100,000.
Indicates if the device supports segmentation of messages and (if so)
if it supports segmented transmission, reception, or both.
Service Time
Displays the amount of time in seconds that it takes for the ODS device
to poll all NxEs on the site for trend samples.
System Category
The System Category attribute classifies the object by the category of
system or equipment that it monitors to aid in the determination of user
access privileges and alarm routing.
Examples: HVAC, Fire, Security, Services, Administrative, General,
Lighting, Refrigeration, Critical Environment, Air Quality, Power, Energy,
System, Custom 1–150
System Status
Reflects the current physical and logical state of the device.
Operational, Operational Read Only, Download Required, Download in
Progress, Nonoperational, Backup in Progress
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 88: ODS Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Time of Device Reset
Indicates the time at which the device was restarted.
Time Sync Receipts
Time Synchronization
Defines how automatic BACnet time synchronization updates are
transmitted. If the list is of length zero, a device is prohibited from
automatically sending a Time Synchronization request. If the list is of
length one or more, a device automatically sends a Time Synchronization
request but only to the devices or addresses listed. If it is present, this
attribute is writable.
Specifies the periodic interval, in minutes, at which TimeSynchronization
and UTCTimeSynchronization requests are sent. When set to zero, then
periodic time synchronization is disabled.
Transfer Buffer Full Worse
Indicates the percentage full of the Engine trend consolidation buffer
(for diagnostic purposes).
Transport Failure Rate
Specifies the number of transport failures per day (for diagnostic
purposes). This number represents how often HTTP posts from this
engine failed when they were sent to another device that is considered
online. Failures include the inability to open the connection, to send the
message, or to receive the reply. This value represents failures over
the last 24 hours and is updated hourly, but does not correlate directly
to the number of offline alarms generated by your system. Ideally, this
number should be zero, indicating there are no failures.
Unbound References
Lists references that are not bound in the system. This attribute indicates
that a process cannot find an object either because the device on which
the object is located is offline, the object has been deleted, or the object
reference is incorrect.
UTC Offset
Contains the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The UTC Offset
attribute indicates the number of minutes (-900 to +900) offset between
local standard time and Universal Coordinated Time. The time zones
to the west of the zero degree meridian are indicated by positive values,
and those to the east are indicated by negative values. The value of the
UTC Offset attribute is derived from the Default Time Zone attribute of
the site.
Vendor ID
Distinguishes proprietary extensions to the protocol using a unique
vendor identification code assigned by ASHRAE.
The Johnson Controls Vendor ID is 5.
Vendor Name
Identifies the manufacturer of the device.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, Q - BACnet Required, W - Writable
If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings to take effect.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 89: ODS Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Average Intermittent Failure
Specifies the average number of seconds devices in the transport layer
are offline (for diagnostic purposes). Only times less than one minute
are used in this average, to eliminate device resets. Ideally, this number
should be zero, indicating there are no failures.
BACnet Broadcast Receive
Indicates the number of BACnet broadcast messages received by the
device in the previous minute. BACnet broadcast messages are
generated as part of the normal BACnet operation, but are also
generated when a BACnet device searches for another device that
does not exist, such as when a device has objects with references to
other nonexistent objects (called unbound references). This number
increases when the number of unbound references increases on network
connected devices. If this number gets too high, it indicates possible
performance problems.
BACnet Routed Messages
Indicates the number of BACnet messages received by the device on
the IP network in the previous minute. If this number is high, it indicates
that the performance of the MS/TP field bus network is affected by
broadcast transmit traffic.
COV Rcv Rate
Specifies the number of COV messages the ODS receives from other
supervisory devices or field controllers per minute. This attribute value
updates every minute. Each COV message represents one object
reporting a value change.
COV Tx Rate
Specifies the number of COV messages the ODS sends to other
supervisory devices per minute. This attribute updates every minute.
Each COV message represents one object reporting a value.
CPU Usage
Specifies a running average of CPU usage over the last 50 minutes.
The value is updated every 30 seconds. The running average is
calculated by adding or subtracting 1% of the difference between the
current and average CPU usage. The value may not be meaningful
until 50 minutes after a system restart. A value of 0% means the CPU
is 100% idle. A value of 100% means the CPU is 0% idle. A value of
50% or less is considered OK, although other performance indicators
should also be assessed. Under device simulation, the value is 0.
Data Collection Rate
Indicates the data value collection rate of the cloud-based platform Time
Series Data feature. It represents the rate of data values collected, not
the rate of data values delivered to the clients. The feature buffers data
values when the data collection rate is within the maximum expected
rate (83,333 data values per minute) and the client is unknown or offline.
In the event of a remote connection failure, a minimum of 60 hours of
data is buffered locally for automatic delivery when the error condition
is resolved. This feature is only used by a site director and is updated
every 1 minute. See Site Object and Remote Services Connection for
additional information on the Metasys system connection to the
cloud-based platform.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 89: ODS Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Usage
Specifies a running average of CPU usage over the last 50 minutes.
The value is updated every 30 seconds. The running average is
calculated by adding or subtracting 1% of the difference between the
current and average CPU usage. The value may not be meaningful
until 50 minutes after a system restart. A value of 0% means the CPU
is 100% idle. A value of 100% means the CPU is 0% idle. A value of
50% or less is considered OK, although other performance indicators
should also be assessed. Under device simulation, the value is 0.
Detection Interval
Indicates the time, in seconds, determined by the HTTP transport
mechanism based on the Poll Rate and Network Tolerance settings.
This value determines how fast a site detects a device going offline.
Event Rate
Specifies the number of event messages destined for the Metasys
server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes).
The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Events Lost
Specifies the total number of events which failed to be forwarded to the
configured repository and which were deleted from the NxE's local
repository. This count does not persist through an NxE reset, and reflects
the number of lost events since the last reset.
Incoming Event Rate
Specifies the number of event messages destined for the Metasys
server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes).
The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Maximum Intermittent
Failure Period
Specifies the maximum number of seconds a device was offline at the
transport layer (for diagnostic purposes). Only times under one minute
are recorded, to eliminate device resets. The value of this attribute does
not match the offline times determined from generated alarms. Ideally,
this number should be zero, indicating there are no failures.
Memory Usage
Specifies the percent of system RAM that is currently in use.
It is calculated as follows:
Total commit charge x 100
Display Precision = 0.01
COV Increment = 0.1
Network Tolerance
Object Count
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Sets the timeout tolerance of the flexible polling feature (that is, changes
the lower level communication timeouts). When edited by a user, this
attribute is sent to the HTTP transport layer and determines how long
the device waits to connect, send, and wait to receive HTTP Post
responses. The setting options are LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. LOW
is the default and matches the current behavior. The MEDIUM or HIGH
setting increases the tolerance by adding longer timeouts and more
retries and should be used for poor network connections. Note that it
takes longer to detect an offline device as the tolerance gets higher.
Indicates the number (count) of all of the object instances within the
device. Objects of all classes are included.
Table 89: ODS Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Object Memory Usage
Specifies the percent of the object database that is currently in use.
Each object created consumes memory within the object database.
This attribute can be used to help determine the device’s capacity for
additional objects; however, other performance indicators should also
be assessed. Generally, the number of objects you define determines
the object memory usage. This attribute is valid on the Engine hardware
and under device simulation.
Note: If you have a large number of objects, the object memory usage
increases and the file size increases also. The
file is stored in flash memory.
Also, an attempt to create an object known to require X bytes of object
database may fail even if more than X bytes are available in the object
database. This is because the object database is composed of multiple
blocks. If the free space of each block is fewer than X bytes, the request
for X bytes fails even though the sum total of free space from all blocks
is greater than X bytes.
Outgoing Event Rate
Specifies the number of event messages destined for the Metasys
server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this
attribute updates every 5 minutes.
Pager Dial-up Status
Specifies the current status of the pager dial-up connection.
Registration Usage
This attribute indicates the number of registrations used by the Metasys
Time Series Data feature in the cloud-based platform. It is the total
usage of all clients of this feature. Each registration is a sign-up for an
attribute of an object. The feature supports up to 1,000 registrations
per fully loaded field bus per site device. This feature is only used by a
site director and is updated every 1 minute. See Site Object and Remote
Services Connection for additional information on the Metasys system
connection to the cloud-based platform.
Repository Status
Indicates the status of the communication between the device and the
trend log sample repository (for diagnostic purposes). This attribute
uses the Repository Status set.
Uses Repository Status set:
0 = Offline
1 = OK
2 = Undefined
3 = Dialup
4 = RAP
5 = Incompatible Release
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 89: ODS Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Sample Rate
Specifies the number of trend samples destined for the Metasys server
in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute
updates every 5 minutes.
Note: The sample rate at the NxE is calculated based on the actual
raw samples taken by every trend object. The sample rate at the ODS
is calculated once every poll cycle and is based on the number of
samples received from all the NxEs and the time it took to poll them.
Most NxEs do not forward all the samples taken between polls because
the ODS transfer setpoint is usually not set to 1 (that is, forward on
every sample). The result is that the sample rate at the ODS is less
than the sum of the samples taken at all the NxEs. The total ODS
sample rate is 60,000 and the total NxE sample rate is larger than
Samples Lost
Specifies the number of trend samples lost because the Metasys server
did not retrieve them fast enough (for diagnostic purposes). This value
resets only when the device restarts.
Time Between Buffer Reads
Indicates the time, in minutes, between Engine trend consolidation
buffer readings from the Metasys server (for diagnostic purposes).
Transfer Buffer Full
Indicates the percentage full of the Engine trend consolidation buffer
(for diagnostic purposes).
Transport Failure Rate
Specifies the number of transport failures per day (for diagnostic
purposes). This number represents how often HTTP posts from this
engine failed when they were sent to another device that is considered
online. Failures include the inability to open the connection, to send the
message, or to receive the reply. This value represents failures over
the last 24 hours and is updated hourly, but does not correlate directly
to the number of offline alarms generated by your system. Ideally, this
number should be zero, indicating there are no failures.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, Q - BACnet Required, W - Writable
If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the Engine for the new settings to take effect.
ODS Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Table 90.
Table 90: ODS Device Object Commands
Command Name
Archives the object instances to the nonvolatile memory.
Change Audit Enabled Class Level
Changes the Audit Enabled Class Level attribute.
Integer (1-4)
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 90: ODS Device Object Commands
Command Name
Route Samples
Routes all Trend samples to the Metasys Server. Use this command before
performing an engine upgrade to minimize the risk of losing any trend samples.
Rediscovery Text Strings
Resets the States Text across a supervisory device by rediscovering text strings
from all mapped BACnet objects.
Note: When the Rediscover Text Strings command is sent from the Site Director
device UI to another supervisory device and the UI is running on the supervisory
device, you must close and restart the UI on the supervisory device in order for
the text to appear correctly.
Menu Selection: Insert > Integration
Integrates the following types of buses or networks into the NAE, NIEx5, NIEx9, or NCE :
BACnet IP - Inserts a BACnet integration into the NAE, NIEx9, or NCE .
Field Bus MSTP - Inserts an MS/TP network integration for the NAE, NIEx9, or NCE .
LON Trunk - Inserts a LONWORKS network into the NAE, NIEx9, or NCE.
N1 Migration - Inserts an N1 Migration trunk into the NIEx5.
Note: Be sure to configure the Network Name attribute of the N1 Migration. Once you insert the N1 Migration,
you cannot edit the Network Name attribute. The workaround is to delete the existing N1 Migration and
insert a new N1 Migration ensuring you enter the desired Network Name before completing the Insert
Integration Wizard.
N2 Trunk - Inserts an N2 trunk into the NAE, NIEx9, or NCE.
VND Integration - Inserts a vendor integration into the NAE, NIEx9, or NCE .
Wireless Supervisor - Inserts a Wireless Sensor System integration into the system. (You can have only one
Wireless Integration per NAE, NIEx9, or NCE.)
XL5K Integration - Inserts a Honeywell® Excel 5000 (XL-5000) network integration for the NIEx5. (You can
have only one XL5K Integration object per NIEx5.) - Inserts a Honeywell Excel 5000 (XL-5000) network integration
for the NIEx5. (You can have only one XL5K Integration object per NIEx5.)
Tip: Select the Hardware tab (if it appears) on the Configure screen for further configuration.
After adding an integration, you can select the integration in the navigation tree and click Action > Import Integration
to add existing devices and points under the integration.
See one of the following sections for more information:
Related Documentation
N2 Master Datalink Object (N2 Trunk)
BACnet Integration Object
MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object
LON Integration Object
N1 Migration Object
VND Integration Object
Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object
XL5K Integration Object
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
BACnet Integration Object
The BACnet Integration object manages the communication with a BACnet network. All integrated BACnet devices
and objects appear under the BACnet Integration object in the Navigation Tree.
The BACnet Integration object serves as the root for all integrated BACnet objects on an Ethernet trunk. The BACnet
Integration object is a direct child of a supervisory controller and integrates BACnet devices using the Ethernet trunk.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the BACnet Integration object, see BACnet Integration Attributes.
BACnet Integration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 91: BACnet Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Notes Values/Options/Range Description
Device Discovery Range
Indicates the number of BACnet objects defined for this
Structure elements:
Discover All as General
BACnet Device
Contains the destinations for the Who-Is message sent during
the device autodiscovery process. When the list is empty,
network number (see
the object sends a global broadcast in the form of the Who-Is.
attribute description)
Adding entries to the list limits the scope of the Who-Is
high limit device
broadcast to only the networks and device instance ranges
instance (Range:
specified. Multiple entries to this list cause the object to send
multiple Who-Is messages sequentially.
Table 91: Device Discovery Range Network Number
low limit device
instance (Range:
Broadcast Type
Network Numbers
0 (locked for editing)
65,535 (locked for editing)
1—65,345 (editable)
Toggles the integration between pure BACnet mode and
BACnet with proprietary messaging. When set to True,
proprietary messaging is disabled. This may be useful for
special cases where customers do not want Private Transfer
messages on the BACnet trunk. This attribute must be set
before devices are added to the Integration.
Also, if you used device discovery prior to the change, restart
the supervisory device to complete the change in the attribute
value. You can do this after the change or after you have
added devices to the integration. The default value is False.
Note: When this attribute is True, proprietary Objects,
Attributes, and Services on Johnson Controls devices (such
as FECs, FACs, and VMAs) are not available.
Page Size
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Determines how many points are discovered per page. The
default number is 1,000.
Table 91: BACnet Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Notes Values/Options/Range Description
Periodic Update
Units = seconds
Poll Delay
Preserve Discovered
Request Vendor ID
Specifies how frequently integrated BACnet objects update
their attribute values. Every period, the BACnet Integration
object prompts each integrated BACnet object that needs to
update its attribute values. Also see the Execution Time
Specifies the time in milliseconds between BACnet object
polls for attribute values. The polls start at the time specified
in the Periodic Update attribute. As the Poll Delay increases,
the overall time in the Execution Time attribute increases. It
is useful to specify a Poll Delay on sites where the rate of
reading the remote objects causes too high a burden on the
Metasys network or third-party device. The initial value of
the Poll Delay attribute is blank (zero).
Controls the behavior when field device discovery is started.
When this value is True, any devices which were previously
discovered or already mapped remain in the list of discovered
devices, without any attempt to reestablish communication
with them. If this value is False, an attempt is made to
reestablish communication with all devices, and devices
which do not respond are not shown in the list of discovered
devices. Set this value to False to rediscover devices which
have been re-addressed on the network.
Specifies a Vendor ID when discovering new devices to limit
the device list displayed to that specified Vendor ID. The
default value of this attribute is Null (stored as zero) which
allows all vendors to be discovered and displayed.
The current list of Vendor IDs can be viewed at
Note: If you do not want to display devices already
discovered or mapped, then set Preserve Discovered Devices
to False.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 93: BACnet Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Notes Values/Options/Range Description
Duplicate Device
Execution Timer
Lists any duplicate BACnet Device Object Identifiers found
after an auto-discovery of BACnet devices is performed.
The list contains the instance number of the BACnet Device
Object Identifier and the network address (represented in
hex notation) of each device with the same identifier
instance number as another device on the network. The
devices in this list are not included in the list of
auto-discovered devices in the integration tree under the
Engineering tab of the BACnet Integration object. The
physical locations of BACnet devices with duplicate device
identifiers must be determined, and their object identifiers
changed to make them unique network-wide.
Units = seconds
Polled Object Count
Records the amount of time taken for the last periodic
update of all integrated BACnet objects. The value for this
attribute can be used to tune the Periodic Update attribute.
If the Execution Time is greater than the Periodic Update,
attribute values of integrated BACnet objects are constantly
being updated over the network.
Indicates the number of mapped BACnet objects currently
being polled on a periodic basis. The polling is limited to
those mapped BACnet objects which are currently being
accessed either by a feature or the UI (the Instance Number
is typically smaller than the total Count).
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object
The MS/TP Field Bus Integration is the root for all Field Devices and BACnet objects on the MS/TP Field Bus in the
Metasys system. When you add a Field Bus integration to an NAE or NIEx9, you create an MS/TP communication
link on a specified hardware port. The MS/TP Field Bus Integration object offers diagnostic data related to the MS/TP
network. Once a Field Bus integration has been created, BACnet devices and associated BACnet objects can be
added to the trunk using the Insert Field Device and Insert Field Point wizards within SMP. The integration wizards
support both Automatic Device and Point discovery or manual object creation. The Field Bus integration supports
third-party BACnet MS/TP devices and all FEC family BACnet MS/TP devices.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects). Attributes that are marked with a letter C are configurable, attributes marked with the
letter W are writeable, and attributes marked with the letter N indicate values not required.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 94: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
APDU Retries
Indicates the maximum number of times the device can retransmit a data
frame. If the device does not perform retries, it has a value of 0. If this value
is greater than 0, a non-zero value appears in the APDU Segment Timeout
attribute. We do not recommend changing this attribute value from the default
value without a strong reason.
APDU Timeout
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of a
complete data frame requiring acknowledgement for which no
acknowledgement has been received. This attribute applies to smaller data
messages where the entire message fits within a single frame on the MS/TP
bus. We do not recommend changing this attribute value from the default
value without a strong reason.
APDU Segment Timeout
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of a
data frame segment requiring acknowledgement for which no
acknowledgement has been received. This value is not 0 if the device supports
segmentation of transmitted data frames. We do not recommend changing
this attribute value from the default value without a strong reason.
Baud Rate Selection
Indicates the baud rate of the NAE FC bus.
Table 94: Baud Rate Selection Descriptions
Device Discovery Range
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Use baud rate of running network. This value is the recommended
setting for everything on the FC bus except the bus supervisor
port. See Active Baud Rate.
Use 1200 baud only. This value is not recommended and may
not be allowed on some devices.
Use 9600 baud only. This value is the lowest standard MS/TP
baud rate.
Use 19200 baud only. This value is not recommended.
Use 38400 baud only. This value is the recommended baud rate
for bus supervisor ports.
Use 76800 baud only.
Contains the number of FEC series and non-FEC series BACnet objects
mapped on the field bus.
Specifies the destinations for the messages sent during the device auto
discovery process. This list is empty by default. When the list is empty, a global
broadcast message is sent. Adding entries to the list limits the scope of the
broadcast message to only the specified networks and device instance ranges.
If multiple entries appear in the list, the messages are sent sequentially. This
attribute appears only in the snapshot view.
Table 94: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Discover All As General
BACnet Device
Toggles the integration between pure BACnet mode and BACnet with
proprietary messaging. When set to True, proprietary messaging is disabled.
This may be useful for special cases where customers do not want Private
Transfer messages on the BACnet trunk. Note that when this attribute is True,
proprietary Objects, Attributes, and Services on Johnson Controls devices
(such as Field Equipment Controllers (FECs), Advanced Application Field
Equipment Controllers (FACs), and VAV Modular Assemblies (VMAs)) are
not available. This attribute must be set before devices are added to the
Integration. If you change the value, restart the supervisory device to make
the change effective. You can restart immediately or after you have completed
the mapping process. The default value is False.
Execution Priority
Indicates the order in which any given object within a group of objects is
allowed to run or change data within a system. This attribute should not be
changed for this object.
Internode Comm Timer
Controls the frequency of communication with MS/TP devices. Among other
communications, this attribute defines the frequency of the heartbeat to
monitored devices (monitored at a rate of two times the Internode Comm
Max APDU Length
Indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be contained in a single,
indivisible application layer protocol data unit. This value should not be changed
during normal installation or operation.
If you write the value of this attribute, you must issue a Reset Device command
to the NAE for the new settings to take effect.
Max Master
Specifies the highest possible address for devices on this network and is less
than or equal to 127. This attribute is present if the device is a bus supervisor
device on an MS/TP network. Do not change this value from the default unless
you have a strong reason because incorrect values may cause devices to
lose communications.
Page Size
Determines how many points are discovered per page. The default number
is 1,000.
Periodic Update
Specifies how frequently integrated BACnet objects that do not support COV
subscription update their attribute values. Every period, the MS/TP Field Bus
Integration object prompts each integrated BACnet object that needs to update
its attribute values. This attribute applies only to non-FEC series devices. See
the Poll Delay attribute description for information on how these attributes
Poll Delay
Specifies the time in milliseconds between BACnet object polls for attribute
values. The polls start at the time specified in the Periodic Update attribute.
As the poll delay increases, the overall time in the Execution Time attribute
It is useful to specify a Poll Delay on sites where the rate of reading the remote
objects causes too high of a burden on the Metasys network or third-party
device. The initial value of the Poll Delay attribute is blank (zero).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 94: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Preserve Discovered Devices
Controls the behavior when field device discovery is started. This attribute
exists for historical reasons and is ignored by the MS/TP Field Bus Integration
object for FEC series or non-FEC series devices. The value of the attribute is
shown in the snapshot view. If an auto discovery has been completed since
the last device restart, a complete new auto discovery is performed for all FEC
Series or non-FEC Series devices for each subsequent auto discovery in
which Restart is selected.
Requested Vendor ID
Used as a filter when discovering new devices to limit the device list to
whatever is specified as the Vendor ID value. The default value of this attribute
is Null (stored as zero), which allows all vendors to be discovered and
displayed. Note that this filter applies only to non-Johnson Controls devices.
Johnson Controls devices are always included in the discovered device list.
The current list of Vendor IDs can be viewed at
Note: If you do not want to display devices already discovered or mapped,
then set Preserve Discovered Devices to False.
Synchronize Time
Broadcasts time synchronization to all devices on the field bus when the field
device comes online or when the time changes by a significant amount. When
changed from false to true, a time synchronization is sent immediately to all
devices on the field bus.
Synchronize Time Zone
Enables and disables time zone synchronization messages to devices (such
as FACs) on a trunk that support real-time clock capabilities. When this attribute
is set to True, time zone synchronization messages are broadcast to devices
on the field bus. The broadcast occurs either when individual devices come
online or to all devices when any of the time zone related attributes change
(Default Time Zone, UTC Offset, Standard Time Offset, Daylight Savings Time
Offset, Standard Time Start, and Daylight Savings Time Start). When changed
from false to true, time zone synchronization is automatically sent to all devices
on the field bus.
C - Configurable, W - Writable, N - Value Not Required
Table 96: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Active Baud Rate
Displays the actual data rate on the wire for transmitting and receiving. When set to Auto,
the port is waiting to synchronize with the network.
Broadcast Receive Rate
Indicates the number of BACnet broadcast messages received on the MS/TP field bus
network of the device in the last minute. If this number is high, it indicates that the
performance of the specific MS/TP field bus network is affected by broadcast receive
Broadcast Receives
Indicates the number of broadcast messages received.
Broadcast Transmit Rate
Indicates the number of BACnet broadcast messages transmitted on the MS/TP field bus
network for the device in the last minute. If this number is high, it indicates that the
performance for the specific MS/TP field bus network is affected by broadcast transmit
Broadcast Transmits
Indicates the number of broadcast message transmissions.
Buffer Overflow
Indicates the number of data frames lost at this MS/TP device because there was no buffer
available to which to save it. This number includes outgoing and incoming messages.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 96: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Bus Analysis Date
Displays the date when the last full MS/TP field bus scan finished. The Analyze Field Bus
command initiates the network scan.
Bus Analysis Time
Displays the time when the last full MS/TP field bus scan finished. The Analyze Field Bus
command initiates the network scan.
Bus Analysis Progress
Indicates the progress of the full MS/TP field bus scan initiated by the Analyze Field Bus
Bus Device Configuration List
Lists MS/TP devices that either have been detected on the FC bus or have been configured
on field devices existing under the MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object.
The Bus Device Configuration List provides configuration information for each device,
including which devices are responding, which devices may have been configured
incorrectly, and the addresses of all devices. Only bus supervisor devices provide all this
information. This object creates the list when you issue an Analyze Field Bus command.
Bus Health Index
Indicates the overall health of the MS/TP field bus based on the number of errors occurring
at the NAE. The most desirable value is 0. The higher the number, the worse the bus
health/higher the number of errors. The Bus Health Index is re-evaluated every 30 seconds
and gradually returns to zero if no new errors occur.
This object derives the value for the Bus Health Index from periodically reading the Header
CRC Errors, Data CRC Errors, Framing Errors, and Lost Token attribute values to create
a moving average of total errors. The Weighted Bus Health Constant attribute determines
the responsiveness of the Bus Health Index.
Bus Performance Index
Indicates the responsiveness of the bus supervisor device on the MS/TP field bus. The
most desirable value is 1. Values from 2.5 to 6 are marginal and updates to devices on
the bus may be slow. If the value is greater than 6, the performance is poor and may
indicate offline conditions.
The device derives the value for the Bus Performance Index by comparing the measured
token loop time at the NAE and the predicted token loop time calculated when the MS/TP
Field Bus Integration object is first created or when the NAE device count changes. This
object uses the difference as input for determining the weighted moving average of the
token loop time. The Weighted Bus Performance Constant attribute determines the
responsiveness of the Bus Performance Index.
Bytes In
Indicates the number of data bytes received by this device. This number includes all
messages from all devices.
Bytes Out
Indicates the number of data bytes sent by this device. This number includes all messages
to all devices.
Data CRC Errors
Counts errors detected in the data portion of data frames sent to the device. Many data
frames are used only for protocol control and do not contain a data portion, and thus cannot
have Data CRC Errors. The Header CRC Errors check must be successful before the
device attempts a Data CRC check. This attribute supplies an error count for the Bus
Health Index attribute.
Data Expecting Reply Frames
Displays the number of data frames received by the device that require an immediate
reply. This value includes proprietary frames that have been received and are expecting
a reply.
Data Expecting Reply Frames
Displays the number of data frames sent by the device that requires an immediate reply
from the destination device.
This value includes proprietary frames that have been sent and are expecting a reply.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 96: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Not Expecting Reply Frames Displays the number of data frames received by this item that do not require an immediate
reply. This value includes proprietary frames that have been received and are not expecting
a reply.
Data Not Expecting Reply Frames Displays the number of data frames sent by the device that do not require an immediate
reply. This value includes proprietary frames that have been sent and received a reply.
Duplicate Device Identifiers
Lists any duplicate object identifiers found after an auto-discovery of MS/TP BACnet
devices finishes. If any devices are listed, then the list of automatically discovered devices
may be incomplete. The list contains the instance number of the Object Identifier and the
network address (represented in hex notation) of each device with the same identifier
instance number as another device on the same bus. MS/TP devices with duplicate device
identifiers may be integrated without problem, but should be physically located and their
object identifiers changed to make them unique network-wide.
Execution Time
Records the amount of time taken for the last periodic update of all referenced mapped
BACnet objects. The value for this attribute can be used to tune the Periodic Update
attribute. If the Execution Time is greater than the Periodic Update, attribute values of
referenced BACnet objects are constantly being updated over the network. This attribute
applies only to non-FEC series devices. See the Poll Delay attribute description for
information on how these attributes interact.
Framing Errors
Counts the number of errors detected in the individual data bytes received by the device.
A framing error occurs when the device receives a stop bit in the wrong state. This attribute
supplies an error count for the Bus Health Index attribute. Framing errors are usually
caused by electrical noise on the bus, message collisions, incorrect baud rate settings,
bus wiring or termination errors, or devices that are not operating within the BACnet
specified timing. Framing errors generally cause CRC errors since the frame has been
Header CRC Errors
Counts the number of errors detected in the header portion of frames received by the
device. Many frames are only used for protocol control and only contain a header portion.
This attribute supplies an error count for the Bus Health Index attribute.
Internal Errors
Indicates the number of internal MS/TP driver operation errors resulting from an incorrect
state, insufficient memory, errors from the serial port driver, incorrect internal state
transitions, and other error states.
Lost Token
Indicates the number of times the device detects a lost token. A lost token indicates that
the bus encountered a serious network disruption. Serious disruption may occur when the
bus first starts up or when wiring changes are made. This attribute supplies an error count
for the Bus Health Index attribute.
Max Output Queue Used
Displays the largest number of outgoing frames the device has held in a queue for
transmission. The largest possible value for this attribute depends on the capabilities of
the engine. Generally, the maximum value is reached during device startup, but is not
reached during normal operation.
Maximum Token Loop Time
Indicates the maximum time in milliseconds last seen at the device for the token to complete
one circuit of the MS/TP field bus (go from the originating bus supervisor device through
several other devices and return to the original bus supervisor device). The value is reset
when the statistics are cleared. Maximum loop time is closely associated with the worst-case
performance encountered since the last time the value was reset.
Overrun Errors
Displays the number of times the MS/TP port hardware loses received data because the
device is too slow in reading the data. An overrun error occurs when the hardware receives
a byte before it moves the prior byte to a buffer.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 96: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
PFM Frames Rxed
Displays the number of Poll For Master (PFM) frames received by the device. On a clean
network, this should only count the first PFM frame received when the device (or another
with a MAC address below that of the device) comes online. These frames are used to
discover other devices on the network and should be seldom received.
PFM Frames Txed
Displays the number of PFM frames sent by the device. In normal operation on a clean
network, only the bus supervisor (MAC address 0) and the highest numbered master
device on the network should be sending PFM frames. These frames are used to discover
other devices on the network.
Packets Timed Out
Counts the number of data frames expected by the device that did not arrive within the
time allowed.
Packets Too Long
Counts any attempts to transmit or receive a data frame that is longer than allowed by the
device or by MS/TP.
Polled Object Count
Indicates the number of mapped BACnet objects that are currently polled on a periodic
basis. This attribute applies only to non-FEC series devices.
Port Status
Indicates the state of the port.
Predicted Token Loop
Indicates the theoretical time in milliseconds needed for the token to complete one circuit
of the MS/TP field bus.
The object derives this value from the defined bus baud rate, number of devices on the
bus, and an estimate of the type and amount of messages transmitted on the bus during
this time. This object compares the value of this attribute with that of the Token Loop Time
attribute to help calculate the value of the Bus Performance Index attribute.
Reply Postponed Frames Rxed
Counts the number of data frames sent at the device that requires an immediate reply
where the destination device requests additional time to prepare the reply. This may happen
normally if the reply involves a large amount of data. It may also indicate that a device on
the network is overloaded.
Reply Postponed Frames Txed
Counts the number of data frames received at the device that requires an immediate reply
where this device requests additional time to prepare the reply. This may happen normally
if the reply involves a large amount of data. It may also indicate that this device is
Reply to PFM Frames Rxed
Counts the number of Reply to PFM frames the device receives. On a clean network in
normal operation, the device receives only one Reply to PFM frame when either the device
comes online or the next higher numbered device comes online during normal operation.
These frames announce the presence of this device on the network.
Reply to PFM Frames Txed
Counts the number of Reply to PFM frames the device transmits. On a clean network
during normal operation, only one Reply to PFM frame needs to be sent when the device
first comes online. These frames are used to announce the presence of other devices on
the network.
Reply Too Slow Application Errors Counts the number of data frames received at this device that requires an immediate reply
where the device cannot assemble reply data within the time allowed and cannot internally
detect the need for additional time. These errors generally indicate an overloaded device
if they occur frequently.
Reply Too Slow Datalink Errors
Counts the number of data packets sent by the device that requires an immediate reply
from the destination device, but do not receive any reply within the time allowed. This
number does not include Reply Postponed responses. The affected frames likely require
a retry and bus performance is reduced when this happens.
Reset Date
Contains the date of the last Clear Statistics command (when the statistics for the device
were last reset).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 96: MS/TP Field Bus Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Reset Time
Contains the time of the last Clear Statistics command (when the statistics for the device
were last reset).
Displays the number of times the device tried to pass a token as the next node did not
start using it within the time allowed by BACnet protocol.
Test Request Frames Rxed
Displays the number of Test Request Frames the device receives. Test Request Frames
are a normal part of bus analysis, but should not be received during normal operation. A
Test Response Frame should be sent in reply to each Test Request Frame received.
Test Request Frames Txed
Displays the number of Test Request Frames the device transmits. Test Request Frames
are a normal part of bus analysis, but should not be sent during normal operation. A Test
Response Frame should be received in response to each test Request Frame sent to an
online device. Test Request Frames may also be sent to offline devices where no response
is received.
Test Response Frames Rxed
Displays the number of Test Response Frames the device receives. Test Response Frames
are a normal part of bus analysis, but should not be received during normal operation. A
Test Response Frame should be received in response to each test Request Frame sent
to an online device.
Test Response Frames Txed
Displays the number of Test Response Frames transmitted by this MS/TP port. Test
Response Frames are a normal part of bus analysis, but should not be sent during normal
operation. A Test Response Frame should be sent in response to each test Request Frame
Token Frames Rxed
Displays the number of Token Frames the device receives. In MS/TP, each master device
passes a logical token to the next device during normal operation. Only the master device
currently holding the token is allowed to initiate a message; thus, the number of Token
Frames sent or received should be large. Normally the number of Token Frames received
should be almost the same as the number of Token Frames transmitted.
Token Frames Txed
Displays the number of Token Frames the device transmits. In MS/TP, each master device
passes a logical token to the next device during normal operation. Only the master device
currently holding the token is allowed to initiate a message, thus the number of Token
Frames sent or received should be large. Normally the number of Token Frames received
should be almost the same as the number of Token Frames transmitted.
Token Loop Time
Indicates how much time passes between the periods when the device allows initiation of
messages on the network. This time is a strong indicator of network performance and is
associated strongly with the amount of traffic or errors on the network. Shorter times
indicate a more responsive network. Longer times indicate an increasingly busy and slow
The object compares the value of this attribute with that of the Predicted Token Loop Time
attribute to help calculate the value of the Bus Performance Index attribute.
Unexpect Frames Rxed
Displays the number of data frames of an illegal type the device receives. During normal
operation, only certain kinds of MS/TP data frames are allowed to be sent during each
phase of operation. If the device receives some other kind of data frame (other than the
allowed types for the current phase of operation), the device counts the data frame as an
Unexpected Frame. The device may often detect Unexpected Frames when connecting
running devices to a live MS/TP bus.
LON Integration Object
The LON Integration object defines LONWORKS network integration for the NAE. The object contains pertinent
attributes and holds a list of LONWORKS network-related configuration resource files.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
For general information on Microsoft system objects, see the Object Help section.
LON Integration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 97: LON Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Bind Retry Count
Indicates the number of objects for which the LON Integration code is still
verifying with the field controller that it has the correct type information.
Displays the number of LONWORKS network point object defined for the trunk.
Device Offline Polling Cycle Number
Indicates how often all offline devices are polled.
Device Online Polling Cycle Number
Indicates how often all online devices are polled.
Error Log
One value from a
Shows the error log according to the last standard LONWORKS network Query
Status message.
LON Integration DLL Date
Displays the current date stamp on the LonIntegration.DLL.
LON Integration DLL Size
Displays the current size of the LonIntegration.DLL.
LON Integration DLL Time
Displays the current time stamp on the LonIntegration.DLL.
Lost Messages
Shows the number messages lost according to the last standard LONWORKS
network Query Status message.
Missed Messages
Shows the number messages missed according to the last standard
LONWORKS network Query Status message.
Neuron Model
One state from a
Shows the Neuron model according to the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
Node State
One state from a
Shows the state of the node according to the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
True or False
Displays the offline or online status of connected hardware. The LONWORKS
network server updates this attribute value.
Permanent Status Item
Displays the number of items polled as a result of COV signups.
Point Scan Time
Displays the calculated number of seconds the server takes to read all defined
Priority 1 Poll Item
Displays the number of items in the Priority 1 list.
Priority 2 Poll Item
Displays the number of items in the Priority 2 list.
Priority 3 Poll Item
Displays the number of items in the Priority 3 list.
Priority 1 Poll Time
Indicates how often the items in the Priority 1 list are polled.
Priority 2 Poll Time
Indicates how often the items in the Priority 2 list are polled.
Priority 3 Poll Time
Indicates how often the items in the Priority 3 list are polled.
Receive Transaction Full
Shows the number of times the transaction full message appeared in the last
standard LONWORKS network Query Status message.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 97: LON Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Reset Cause
One cause from a Shows the cause of the last reset according to the last standard LONWORKS
network Query Status message.
Reset Date
Contains the date stamp of the last local Neuron statistics reset command.
Reset Time
Contains the time stamp of the last local Neuron statistics reset command.
Status Cache Hits
Displays the number of READATTRIBUTE calls that occurred while the object
was already being polled.
Status Cache Misses
Displays the number of READATTRIBUTE calls that occurred while the object
was not being polled.
Temporary Status Item
Displays the number of items polled as a result of READATTRIBUTE calls.
Transaction Timeouts
Shows the timeouts that appeared in the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
Transmit Errors
Shows the number of transmit errors that appeared in the last standard
LONWORKS network Query Status message.
Transmits Per Minute
Displays the calculated number of transmissions per minute.
Version Number
Shows the version number according to the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
XIF Present
True or False
Indicates whether the XIF is present. The XIF is a resource file required for
the NAE to understand a particular device type. This attribute is not used in
the SCT.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
LON Integration Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the LON Integration Object.
Table 98: LON Integration Object Commands
Command Name
Clear Statistics
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Resets the statistics for the integrated LONWORKS network. The contents of the
Query Status message reflect these statistics:
• Transmit Errors
Transaction Timeouts
Receive Transaction Full
Lost Messages
Missed Messages
Reset Cause
Node State
Version Number
Error Log
Neuron Model
Disables the entire LONWORKS network integration. No requests are made to
the field trunk and no data broadcasts to the network are processed.
Table 98: LON Integration Object Commands
Command Name
Allows the integration to function normally.
Latch Statistics
Updates the displayed statistics with the current values. The following attributes
reflect the statistics:
• Transmit Errors
Transaction Timeouts
Receive Transaction Full
Lost Messages
Missed Messages
Reset Cause
Node State
Version Number
Error Log
Neuron Model
N1 Migration Object
Note: This object is for use with the NIEx5 only. For more information on N1 migration, see the Related
Documentation table in the Welcome section.
The N1 Migration object contains all the necessary information to communicate with points on an existing Metasys
network. Add the new Metasys system hosting the migration server to the existing Metasys network as an operator
workstation (OWS) at a fixed IP Address. All existing Metasys networks are defined as N1 Migration objects in the
host NIE. Many of the existing point objects are defined as mapped devices to the NIE.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
N1 Migration Concepts
Migration Overview
When you add a new Metasys system N1 Migration object, the N1 migration component establishes communication
with the N1 network. The N1 Migration object is only an object on the new Metasys system controller to which it was
After the N1 Migration object establishes communication with the existing Metasys system, the N1 Migration object
creates 2 new calendars that are a portal to the existing NCM calendar. One calendar is a list of alternates, and one
calendar is a list of holidays.
Note: An Ethernet connection is the only method for the NIE to connect to the N1 network. ARCnet jobs must use
an Ethernet router.
See the N1 Migration Attributes section for more information on N1 migration attributes.
Mapped Points
Existing features of the Metasys system are supported by moving their functionality to the host NIE. These features
are: trend, totalization, point history, and scheduling. When possible, existing objects maintain their configuration
parameters in the new Metasys system. For example, alarm limits, alarm state, and units. The table below lists points
specific to the Metasys system.
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Table 99: Mapped Points
Existing Metasys System Object
New Metasys System Mapped Object
Accumulator Object
N1 Pulse Counter Object
Analog Input
Analog Input Object
Analog Output
Analog Output Object
Analog Data
Analog Output Object
Binary Input
Binary Input Object
Binary Output
Binary Output Object
Binary Data
Binary Output Object
Control System
Generic Integration Object (GIO)
Multistate Input
Multistate Input Object
Multistate Output
Multistate Output Object
Multistate Data
Multistate Output Object
Multiple NIEs
Migration can be split across multiple NIEs with the following constraints:
Only one N1 Migration object can exist per NIE per N1 network.
Multiple NIEs can reference the same N1 network.
Only one NCM object can exist per NCM per N1 Migration object.
Multiple NCM objects can reference the same NCM as long as they exist on different NIEs.
Only one point object can exist per NIE per N1 object.
Multiple point objects can reference the same N1 object as long as they exist on different NIEs.
N1 Migration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 100: N1 Migration Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Discovery Gate Number -Engineering Values
2559 W C
Displays the defined NCM Gate address on the existing Metasys system. Use for self
discovery of the existing Metasys system. You need at least 1 NCM in the existing N1
network that the NIE can talk to, to find the other N1 devices and get N1 points.
Discovery Node Number -Engineering Values
2560 W C
Displays the defined NCM Node address on the existing Metasys system. Use for self
discovery of the existing Metasys system. You need at least 1 NCM in the existing N1
network that the NIE can talk to, to find the other N1 devices and get N1 points.
Discovery IP Address -Engineering Values
2561 W C
Displays the defined NCM IP address of the existing Metasys system. Use for self discovery
of the existing Metasys system. You need at least 1 NCM in the existing N1 network that
the NIE can talk to, to find the other N1 devices and get N1 points.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 100: N1 Migration Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Network Name -- Engineering
2555 C
Displays the defined network name.
Device Name -- Engineering
907 W C
Displays the defined case-insensitive device name. The device name is required for the
existing Metasys system to detect the On-Line status and Off-Line status of the NIE. This
attribute must match the name of the NIE in the existing N1 network.
Gate Number -- Engineering
2556 W C
Displays how the NIE is defined in the existing N1 network. This attribute is read from the
Node Number -- Engineering
1378 W C
Displays how the NIE is defined in the existing N1 network.
Migrate Object Configuration -Engineering Values
32611 W C
When True, this attribute displays the basic object configuration from the existing Metasys
system object used to write basic configurations for newer Metasys objects. For example,
units or descriptor. This attribute (when True) tells the new Metasys system to bring alarm
setup information from the existing N1 network and creates Alarm Extensions (Analog
Alarm and Multistate Alarm) for new objects that are added.
Migrate Trend Configuration -Engineering Values
32613 W C
Displays the trend configuration from the existing Metasys system object used to create
the newer Metasys system Trend Extension when an existing object is mapped to a newer
object. This attribute creates one or more trend extensions for existing N1 network trends.
Note: Be sure to configure the Network Name attribute of the N1 Migration. Once you
insert the N1 Migration, you cannot edit the Network Name attribute. The workaround is
to delete the existing N1 Migration and insert a new N1 Migration ensuring you enter the
desired Network Name before completing the Insert Integration Wizard.
Migrate Totalization Configuration Displays the totalization configuration from the existing Metasys system object used to
-- Engineering Values
create the newer Metasys system Totalization Extensions when an existing object is
32614 W C
mapped to a newer object.
Migrate Schedules -- Engineering Displays the attached existing Metasys system schedules used to create the newer Metasys
system Schedule. The schedules that appear in the new Metasys systems are portals to
32615 W C
the schedules in the existing N1 network. Schedules appear in the new format and offer
the same functionality. Changes made to the schedules in the new Metasys system are
also made to the N1 schedules in the NCM.
Synchronize Time -- Engineering Displays whether the NIE is the master time keeper for the existing N1 network system.
Time updates are sent to the existing system once daily and when the time changes.
32616 W C
Enable Polling -- Advanced Setup When True, this attribute causes the integration in the NIE to place any system into a 20
second fast polling table being viewed. This attribute also places a system into this table
3531 W C
on an object’s Focus view. This provides faster updates to objects being viewed in any
Metasys system UI. When viewing points from several systems, the Service Time for the
NCM increases. Take care when enabling this fast polling feature as it may affect the
service times.
• To prevent delays in event reporting due to the fast scan operation, follow the existing
report routing guidelines.
Do not set this attribute to True when for NIEs used with validated environments (that
is, when Trend data must be collected within 2 minutes).
Duty-Standby -- Advanced Setup Displays whether the existing Metasys system is a Duty/Standby network. The NIE has to
2557 W C
know if the existing N1 network is a Duty/Standby.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 100: N1 Migration Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Broadcast Address -- Advanced
2045 W C
Edits the address to use directed broadcasts. The user typically does not edit this attribute.
UDP Port -- Advanced Setup
2558 W C
Displays the UDP Port as defined in the existing Metasys system.
Retry Wait Time -- Advanced
625855 W C
Contains the time between communication retries (in seconds). This attribute is the time
the NIE waits for a low-level Ack from the NCM. The user typically does not edit this attribute.
Retry Counter Limit -- Advanced Contains the number of retry attempts made. The NIE waits for the Message Timeout,
then retries sending messages the number of times defined in this attribute.
63854 W C
Message Timeout -- Advanced
1165 W C
Displays the reply timeout in seconds. The reply timeout is how long the NIE waits for a
reply from an NCM. The user typically does not edit this attribute.
Poll Delay -- Advanced Setup
1163 W C
Displays the polling time for non-triggerable attributes in milliseconds. The poll delay is the
time between NIE polls to the N1 network points.
N2 Master Datalink Object (N2 Trunk)
The N2 Master Datalink object creates the communication link between the N2 controllers and the supervisory
controller. The N2 Master Datalink object is the root for all N2 objects in the Metasys system. When you add an N2
Trunk to an engine, you establish communication with the specific N2 controller network. The N2 Master Datalink
object offers diagnostic data related to the N2 controller network. This object allows you to see N2 Bus communication
Note: The Object Type for this object is labelled N2 Trunk in the software.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
N2 Master Datalink (N2 Trunk) Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects). The writable attributes in the N2 Master Datalink object are writable only if the UDP
Port attribute is not zero. If the UDP Port attribute is zero and you attempt to write these attributes, an error message
Table 101: N2 Master Datalink Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
Buffer Overflow
Checksum Errors
Indicates the number of input buffer overflows.
Command Count
Indicates the number of checksum errors.
Indicates the number of N2 user or process commands.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies the number of N2 point objects defined for this trunk.
Table 101: N2 Master Datalink Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Values/Options/Range Description
Indicates the number of Changes of Value/Changes-of-State since the
last reset.
Data CRC Errors
Indicates the number of System 9100 checksum errors.
Framing Errors
Indicates the number of UART framing errors.
Hardware Overflows
Indicates the number of UART hardware overruns.
HP Point Scan Time
LP Point Scan Time
Indicates the calculated number of seconds the N2 master takes to scan
high priority N2 point objects, such as those used in alarming and
Indicates the calculated number of seconds the N2 master takes to scan
low priority N2 point objects (all N2 point objects that do not fall in the high
priority category).
Message Receives
Indicates the number of messages received from the N2 controllers.
Message Transmits
Indicates the number of message transmissions to the N2 controllers.
NAK Errors
Indicates the number of negative acknowledge errors. A NAK is returned
by an N2 device to indicate that it received
and decoded a command correctly, but the command did not make sense
or could not be carried out. An example
of a NAK is an attempt to read an Analog Input beyond the range of the
Offline Occurrences
Indicates the number of offline occurrences by the N2 controllers.
Offline Polls
Indicates the number of offline polls to the N2 devices.
Online Polls
Indicates the number of online polls to the N2 devices.
Parity Errors
Indicates the number of messages that contain invalid hexadecimal
characters (hexadecimal characters are 1-9 and
Poll Scan Times
0–65,535 Seconds
Indicates the calculated number of seconds the N2 master takes to poll
all defined N2 devices.
Reset Date
Indicates the date of the Clear Statistics command.
Reset Time
Indicates the time of the Clear Statistics command.
Retry Attempts
Indicates the number of message retry attempts.
Transmits Per Minute 65,535
Indicates the calculated number of message transmissions per minute.
VMA BAC Errors
Indicates the number of VMA BACnet errors
VMA COV Errors
Indicates the number of VMA Change-of-Value errors.
VMA FMT Errors
Indicates the number of VMA Format errors.
N2 Master Datalink (N2 Trunk) Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the N2 Master Datalink Object (N2 Trunk).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 102: N2 Master Datalink Object Commands
Command Name
Clear Statistics
Allows the user to clear the N2 statistics.
Latch Statistics
Updates the displayed statistics with the current values.
Generic Integration Object
The GIO is a single software representation of the hardware/internal data points from a device that has been integrated
into your Metasys network. One GIO can represent one or more control strategies (for example, temperature control
or static pressure control). Up to 256 data points can become attributes of the GIO and each attribute of the GIO
works with Metasys features, such as historical data management, alarm and event handling, and basic monitoring
and commanding capabilities.
You can map data points to the GIO in either online or offline mode. When you map the data points, you define their
label, units, display precision, category, and whether or not the data point should be commandable. You can command
points from the GIO using Generic Integration Attributes commands.
The GIO is useful when you have multiple hardware/internal data points from an integrated device and it logically
makes sense to view them as a single entity rather than individual Metasys objects (that is, AI, BI, AO, BO, an so
on). While you may be able to browse to each device, there may only be a few data points you need to see on a
regular basis. The GIO lets you group the data points you need to see in one place and organize them in the following
When the GIO appears in Metasys software, the attributes are organized by tabs bearing the names of the three
categories (Input Category, Output Category, and Parameter Category tabs). Each tab includes the status, description,
and value of the items in that category.
Note: Currently, the GIO supports N1 Migration Object and LON Integration Object. You can no longer manually
add a GIO to a LON trunk; however, the GIO is still supported in existing databases, even after upgrading
to the next software release.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Generic Integration Concepts
N1 Integration and the GIO
For N1 integration, use the Control System object from your existing Metasys network. Hardware and internal points
are already defined in the Control System object so there is one to one mapping between a Control System object
and the GIO. N1 point mapping is one to one and the Metasys system restricts which characteristics of the GIO (for
example, label, display precision) can be edited once they are added to the system.
LONWORKS Network Integration
Note: You can no longer manually add a GIO to a LON trunk; however, the GIO is still supported in existing
databases, even after upgrading to the next software release.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
In LONWORKS network integration, the GIO presents multiple LONWORKS network variables (with their individual data
elements) and/or NexSys controller points of an integrated LONWORKS network controller as a single Metasys object.
During the configuration of a GIO for an integrated LONWORKS network controller, the user is presented with the
internal network variables and NexSys controller points in a tree structure which then allows the user to add these
data points as attributes of the GIO object. The characteristics of the GIO attributes (label, units, display precision,
field units, category) and the commandability of the GIO attributes can be edited.
Generic Integration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. Attributes that are marked with a letter C are configurable, attributes marked
with the letter W are writeable, attributes marked with the letter D are default display attributes, and attributes marked
with the letter N indicate values not required.
Table 103: Generic Integration Object (GIO) Attributes
Attribute Name
Display Reference
Target Reference
Attribute Info
Represents the label of the Display Attribute. The Display Reference is not stored in
the object, but read when requested.
Identifies the source that provides the data elements linked to the individual attributes
of the GIO.
Contains a list of structures that store data about each attribute defined within a GIO.
The elements listed in this table appear as columns on the Hardware tab of the
Configure screen of the Insert Point Wizard - GIO.
Table 103: Hardware Tab Configuration Columns
Element Name
Adjust Allowed
Indicates whether or not this attribute supports the Adjust
Specifies the attribute category (input, output, or parameter). 0
- Input, 1 - Output, 2 - Parameter
Display Precision Specifies the display precision for an attribute with a real value
(floating point).
Element Ref
Specifies the element within the target reference associated with
this attribute to provide it data for value/status/reliability.
Field Units
Represents the units that can be used for the attribute. Uses
Unit Set (Set 869)
Contains the user label for the attribute name. This is the name
used whenever you view the attribute in Metasys software.
Override Allowed Indicates whether or not this attribute supports the Override
Units or Enum Set Specifies the units for an attribute that is a real value (floating
point). If an attribute is one value from a set, this attribute sets
the states text from the sets listed in the Alphabetical Set List.
Use Unit Set (Set 869) to set the units of a real value.
Display Attribute
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies the attribute that represents the value of the GIO. The value of this attribute
is used as the Present Value of the GIO. For example, for a GIO representing a
temperature control strategy, you might choose the attribute representing room
temperature to be the Display attribute. Then, the room temperature appears as the
GIO Present Value.
Table 103: Generic Integration Object (GIO) Attributes
Attribute Name
Remote Object Name CW
Contains the name of the object in the format of system.object.
GIO 1 Attr. . .GIO 256
Represents user-definable attributes that can be part of a GIO. Each attribute
represents a potential entry in the Attribute Info attribute which in turn represents a
physical or logical piece of data within an integrated device.
These attributes only appear on the Hardware tab of the Configure screen of the Insert
Point Wizard - GIO.
VND Integration Object
The VND (Vendor) Integration object defines a vendor integration for the NAE.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
VND Integration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 105: VND Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value
If True, allows the use of the vendor integration. If False, prevents
the use of the vendor integration.
Displays the offline or online status of connected hardware.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Table 106: VND Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value
Displays the number of vendor device and point objects defined
for the trunk. This count does not include extensions.
Errors In
Indicates the number of field communication errors (bad format,
for example) received. The Clear Statistics command resets this
Errors Out
Indicates the number of field communication attempts that failed.
The Clear Statistics command resets this value.
Function Time
Indicates the number of functions to the Vendor DLL that took
longer than 100 milliseconds to execute. The Clear Statistics
command resets this value.
Message Receives
Indicates the number of messages received field devices. This
value resets to zero at midnight. The Latch Statistics command
updates this value.
Message Transmits
Indicates the number of messages sent to field devices. This value
resets to zero at midnight. The Latch Statistics command updates
this value.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 106: VND Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value
Permanent Status Item
Displays the number of items polled as a result of COV signups.
Priority 1 Poll Time
Indicates how often the items in the Priority 1 list are polled. Units
= Seconds
Reset Date
Contains the date stamp of the last Clear Statistics command.
Reset Time
Contains the time stamp of the last Clear Statistics command.
Temporary Status Item
Displays the number of items polled.
Transmits In
Indicates the rate of transmissions received by the integration.
Transmits Out
Indicates the rate of transmissions sent by the integration.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object
The Wireless Receiver Supervisor object is the root of the Wireless Sensor integration. The Wireless Sensor
integration allows the NAE to communicate with the wireless sensing system over the Ethernet network. The Wireless
sensing system consists of wireless receivers and wireless sensors.
Each integrated wireless field device (Wireless Receiver Object) and field point object (Wireless Sensor Object)
appears under the Wireless Receiver Supervisor object in the Navigation Tree. Only one Wireless Receiver Supervisor
object can be configured in each NAE or NIEx9.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Wireless Receiver Supervisor Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 107: Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
UDP Port -- Setup
2258 W C
Retries -- Setup
1162 W
Poll Delay -- Setup
1163 W
Indicates the UDP Port on the NAE used to communicate to the Ethernet to RS-485 converter.
The port must be 1024 or higher, but cannot be equal to the BACnet UDP Port, the N2 Trunk
UDP Port, or 9999.
Displays the number of times the device tried to pass a token as the next node did not start
using it within the time allowed by the protocol.
Specifies the time in milliseconds between BACnet object polls for attribute values. The
polls start at the time specified in the Periodic Update attribute. As the poll delay increases,
the overall time in the Execution Time attribute increases.
It is useful to specify a Poll Delay on sites where the rate of reading the remote objects
causes too high of a burden on the Metasys network or third-party device. The initial value
of the Poll Delay attribute is blank (zero).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 107: Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Message Timeout -- Setup
1165 W C
Low Battery -- Status
Alarm State -- Status
Specifies the delay in milliseconds between the last character going out and the first character
Note: The Message Timeout attribute is writable only if is not zero. If User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) Port is zero and you attempt to write Message Timeout, an error message appears.
Indicates if any wireless sensors defined as children of the Wireless Receiver Objects have
a low battery. The Low Battery status is an advanced warning that can occur many days
before a wireless sensor ceases to function. You can configure an alarm for this attribute
to allow the building operator time to locate the sensor and change the battery.
The Alarm State attribute indicates that the object transitioned into alarm or unreliable
conditions. This attribute does not appear in the SCT UI.
P2000 Integration
The P2000 system integration enables you to view access control objects in the P2000 security system from a single
user interface, the Metasys Site Management Portal UI. You also can view the objects from other building systems
controlled by the Metasys system. The integration leverages Web Services technology to integrate the P2000 system.
The P2000 integration provides many features, allowing you to:
see P2000 objects in the navigation tree.
perform door and output point control tasks.
see P2000 events in the Metasys Event Viewer.
use P2000 events to initiate actions on the Metasys system.
For information, refer to the P2000 Metasys System Extended Architecture Integration Manual (Part No. 24-10618-82).
Ethernet IP Datalink Object
The Ethernet IP Datalink object manages the Ethernet communications bus and the messages transmitted on it. By
working with this object, you can access Ethernet card statistics.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Ethernet IP Datalink Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects). Attributes that are marked with a letter C are configurable and attributes marked with
the letter W are writeable.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 108: Ethernet IP Datalink Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name Notes
Address Length
Indicates the number of octets for the device address (Data Link Address).
APDU Retries
Indicates the maximum number of times that an APDU is retransmitted. If the
device does not perform retries, it is set to zero. If this value is greater than
zero, a non-zero value appears in the APDU Timeout attribute.
APDU Segment
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of an APDU
segment. This value is non-zero if the device supports segmentation of
transmitted APDUs. Units = milliseconds
APDU Timeout
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of an
APDU requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment has been
Units = milliseconds
BACnet IP Port
Indicates the IP Port number that the device uses to transmit and receive
Broadcast Address
Indicates the address used when sending broadcast messages. Maximum
length = 6 octets
Device Address
Indicates the address of the device (Data Link Address). Maximum length = 6
Max APDU Length CW
Indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be contained in a single,
indivisible application layer protocol data unit.
Units = bytes
Network Address
Indicates the BACnet network address of this data link.
Table 109: Ethernet IP Datalink Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Broadcast Receives Number
Indicates the number of broadcast messages received.
Broadcast Transmits Number
Indicates the number of broadcast message transmissions.
Discarded Frame
Indicates the count of received messages discarded due to critical low resources (that
is, the System Memory Resource, Object Engine Queue Resource, or Protocol Engine
Input Queue Resource).
Message Receives
Indicates the number of messages received.
Message Transmits Number
Indicates the number of message transmissions.
Reset Date
Indicates the date of the last Clear Statistics command.
Reset Time
Indicates the time of the last Clear Statistics command.
Retry Attempt
Indicates the number of retry attempts.
Transmit Failures
Indicates the number of message transmit failures.
XL5K Integration Object
The XL5K Integration object defines Honeywell Excel 5000 (XL-5000) network integration for the NIEx5. The object
contains pertinent communications attributes and statistics. Only one XL5K Integration object can be configured in
each NIE.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
XL5K Integration Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects). Attributes that are marked with a letter C are configurable and attributes marked with
the letter W are writeable.
Table 110: XL5K Integration Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name Notes
Initial Value Description
If True, allows integration between the XL5K system and the Metasys system
extended architecture.
Indicates the offline/online state of the connected hardware.
Table 111: XL5K Integration Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name Data Type
Indicates the number of scannable points for all XL5K Controller objects defined for this
Point Scan Time Number
Indicates the total amount of time to scan for point data.
Reset Date
Indicates the date of the last Clear Statistics command or due to automatic midnight
Reset Time
Indicates the time of the last Clear Statistics command or 12:00:00 if due to automatic
midnight rollover.
Indicates the number of transmissions (packets) since the last Clear Statistics command
where no response data was obtained and the transmission was retried.
Transmit Error
Indicates the number of transmissions (packets) since the last Clear Statistics command
that have errors (for example, bad data was returned).
Transmits Per
Indicates the calculated number of transmissions per minute.
Transmits Today Number
Indicates the number of transmissions (packets) since midnight.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Field Device
Menu Selection: Insert > Field Device
Inserts one of the following types of field device objects under the selected integration:
BACnet Integration - BACnet Integration Object (Non-FEC BACnet Device)
MS/TP Field Bus Integration - MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object (FEC Family BACnet Device) BACnet Device
Object (any other BACnet Device)
LONWORKS Network Integration (LON Trunk) - LON Controller Object
N1 Migration - N1 Migration Object
N2 Integration (N2 Trunk) - N2 Controller Object (for example, AHU and VMA)
VND Controller (Vendor) - 3rd party vendor controller, offered through Systems Integrations Services (SIS)
Wireless Supervisor Integration - Wireless Receiver Object
XL5K (Excel 5000/XL-5000) Integration - Honeywell XL5000 Controller Object
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
To insert a field device select the menu selection:
1. In the Destination selection, select the parent item for your new item.
2. In the Definition selection:
a. Select Assisted Device Definition and click the Invoke Auto Discovery button to discover existing controllers
or devices on the network. This is available in the Site Management Portal (SMP) only.
Note: In the Wizard Auto Detect Utility window, if Results are from a previous discovery appears next to
the Close button, the displayed results are from the last time a discovery was run. These cached
results may not reflect all items currently on the network. To clear the old results and perform a new
auto discovery, click Restart. Click any column header to sort discovered devices.
b. Select Manual Device Definition and select the desired address from the menu.
3. In the Identifier selection, enter a unique identifier.
4. In the Configure selection, click any tabs that may appear for further device configuration.
5. Click Finish to confirm the field device configuration.
Note: If the navigation tree does not automatically update for defined points after adding a field device using
Auto Discovery (+ sign appears next to device in tree) select Refresh All Tabs on the Action Menu to
See one of the following sections for more information:
Related Documentation
N2 Master Datalink Object (N2 Trunk)
BACnet Integration Object
MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object
LON Integration Object
N1 Migration Object
VND Controller
Wireless Receiver Object
XL5K Integration Object
BACnet Protocol Engine Object
The BACnet Protocol Engine object maintains diagnostic statistics on communications with the BACnet devices on
the network.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
BACnet Protocol Engine Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 112: BACnet Protocol Engine Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type Notes1
Abort Rcv
Contains the number of abort messages received. Aborts occur in
response to a number of situations, such as communication or
memory problems.
Abort Tx
Contains the number of abort messages sent.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 112: BACnet Protocol Engine Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type Notes1
Ack Rcv
Contains the number of complex acknowledgment messages
Ack Tx
Contains the number of complex acknowledgment messages sent.
Allocated Record Count
Indicates the number of state machines that have been allocated.
Conf Req Rcv
Contains the number of confirmed request messages received.
Conf Req Tx
Contains the number of confirmed request messages sent.
Error Rcv
Contains the number of error messages received. An example of an
error is an attempt to rite to a read-only attribute.
Error Tx
Contains the number of error messages sent.
Local Abort Tx
Contains the number of application layer abort messages generated
locally (for example, messages that used up
all allowed retries and did not get an acknowledge from the remote
Net Messages Rcv
Contains the number of messages received at the network layer.
Net Messages Tx
Contains the number of messages transmitted at the network layer.
Net Rejects Rcv
Contains the number of reject messages received at the network
Net Routed Messages
Contains the number of messages routed through the network layer
from one network (for example, IP) to another (for example, MS/TP).
Net Routes Busy
Contains the number of messages not sent because the network
route is busy or not initialized.
Net Unknown Message Rcv
Contains the number of unknown messages received at the network
Net Unknown Routes
Contains the number of messages not sent due to unknown route
Peak Pending Queue Count
Indicates the largest number of client requests that were queued for
Peak Unknown Queue Count Number
Indicates the largest number of client requests the unknown queue
contained at one time.
Pending Queue Count
Indicates the number of client requests currently queued for
Rcv Messages Discarded
Indicates the number of messages received from the network that
were not processed due to lack of resources or because there were
too many requests for the Metasys Engine to process.
Rcv Message Rate
Indicates the number of messages received in the last minute.
Rcv Record Count
Indicates the number of active state machines currently in use for
receipt of requests from other BACnet devices (that is, the number
of requests being processed at this moment).
Record Count
Indicates the number of active state machines holding information
on pending messages.
Reject Rcv
Contains the number of reject messages received. Rejects occur in
response to a variety of communication problems much like aborts
and errors.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 112: BACnet Protocol Engine Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type Notes1
Reject Tx
Contains the number of reject messages sent.
Req Retries Tx
Contains the number of confirmed request messages re-sent due to
Reset Date
Indicates the date of the last Clear Statistic command.
Reset Time
Indicates the time of the last Clear Statistic command.
Seg Ack Rcv
Contains the number of segmented complex acknowledgement
messages received.
Seg Ack Tx
Contains the number of segmented complex acknowledgement
messages sent.
Seg Conf Req Rcv
Contains the number of segmented confirmed request messages
Seg Conf Req Tx
Contains the number of segmented confirmed request messages
Seg Retries Tx
Contains the number of segmented confirmed request messages
re-sent due to timeout.
Segment Ack Rcv
Contains the number of segment acknowledgment messages
Segment Ack Tx
Contains the number of segment acknowledgment messages sent.
Segment Rcv
Contains the number of segment messages received.
Segment Tx
Contains the number of segment messages sent.
Simple Ack Rcv
Contains the number of simple acknowledgment messages received.
Simple Ack Tx
Contains the number of simple acknowledgment messages sent.
Transaction Timeouts
Indicates the number of MS/TP Postpone messages sent due to a
late reply to a received Confirmed Request message (that is, this
device’s applications could not process the request before a low-level
MS/TP answer was required).
Transmits Per Minute
Displays the calculated number of transmissions per minute.
Tx Messages Discarded
Indicates the number of client requests aborted due to lack of
resources. Usually, this situation occurs due to memory issues in
the controller.
Tx Record Count
Indicates the number of active state machines currently in use for
transmission of client requests.
Unconfirmed Rcv
Contains the number of unconfirmed messages received.
Unconfirmed Tx
Contains the number of unconfirmed messages sent.
Unknown Queue Count
Indicates the number of current client requests that need network
address resolution.
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
BACnet Device Object
Note: •
The Johnson Controls NAE Device object includes attributes and methods not required by the BACnet
Device object. For information on the NAE Device object, see the Engine Device Object section.
The Object Type for this object is labeled Non-FEC BACnet Device in the software.
The BACnet Device object defines a standardized BACnet object with attributes that represent the external, visible
characteristics of a device. Only one Device object exists in each BACnet Device.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
For detailed information on the BACnet Device object, see BACnet Device Attributes.
BACnet Device Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 113: BACnet Device Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Description
APDU Timeout
See next
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions
of an APDU requiring acknowledgement for which no
acknowledgement has been received. This value is nonzero if APDU
Retries is nonzero.
In order to achieve reliable communication, the values of the APDU
Timeout attributes of the Device objects of all intercommunicating
devices should contain the same value.
The default is 6,000 milliseconds for devices that permit modification
of this attribute. The default value is 60,000 milliseconds for all other
Active COV Subscriptions
Contains a list of BACnet COV Subscriptions, each of which consists
of a Recipient, a Monitored Property Reference, an Issue Confirmed
Notifications flag, a Time Remaining value, and an optional COV
Increment. This attribute provides a network-visible indication of those
COV subscriptions active at any given time. Whenever a COV
Subscription is created with the Subscribe COV or Subscribe COV
Property service, a new entry is added to the Active COV
Subscriptions list. Similarly, whenever a COV Subscription is
terminated, the corresponding entry is removed from the Active COV
Subscriptions list.
If the device supports execution of either Subscribe COV or Subscribe
COV Property service, this attribute is required.
Active VT Sessions
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies a list containing a Local Video Terminal (VT) Session
Identifier, a Remote VT Session Identifier, and Remote VT Address.
This attribute provides a network-visible indication of those VT
sessions that are active. When a VT session is created with the
VT-Open service, a new entry is added to the Active VT Sessions
list. When a VT session terminates, the corresponding entry is
removed from the Active VT Sessions list. If either VT Classes
Supported or Active VT Sessions is present, then both are present.
Both are required if support of VT Services is indicated in the PICS.
Table 113: BACnet Device Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Description
Appl SW Version
Identifies the version of the application software installed in the device.
The content of this string is locally defined (date-and-time stamp, a
programmer’s name, a host file version number, and so on).
Configuration Files
Identifies the files within the device that determine what device image
can be backed up. The contents of this attribute are only required to
be valid during the backup procedure. If the device supports the
BACnet backup and restore procedure, this attribute is supported.
Database Revision
Specifies a logical revision number for the device’s database.
Database Revision is incremented when an object is created or
deleted, an object name changes, or a restore is performed.
Firmware Version
Contains a number assigned by the vendor to represent the level of
firmware installed in the device.
Indicates the graphic associated with the object.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including
the name of the folder containing this object or the controller containing
this point. Maximum 256 characters
Interval Offset
Last Restore Time
List of Session Keys
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Specifies the offset, in minutes, from the beginning of the period
defined for time synchronization until the actual time synchronization
requests are set. Interval Offset has no effect when Align Intervals is
False. Units = Minutes
Specifies when the device’s image was last restored. If the device
supports the BACnet backup and restore procedures, this attribute
is supported.
Contains a list of the cryptographic keys used to communicate with
other security-conscious BACnet Devices. This attribute is not
readable or writable by any device except a device designated the
Key Server. A session key consists of a 56-bit encryption key and a
BACnet Address of the peer with which secure communications is
Table 113: BACnet Device Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Description
Manual Time Sync Type
Configures the type of BACnet Time Synchronization to send to a
BACnet device.
• UTC: UTC time synchronization message is sent.
Local: A local time synchronization message is sent.
None: No message is sent.
Auto: The mapper object's Protocol Services Supported attribute
is used to determine which type of time sync is supported, and
- utcTimeSynchronization is set, the code functions as if Time
Sync Type is set to UTC.
utcTimeSynchronization is not set and timeSynchronization
is set, local time is set.
neither utcTimeSynchronization nor timeSynchronization is
set, an error is returned.
Specifies the maximum number of octets contained in a single,
indivisible application layer protocol unit. Underlying data link
technology constrains the value of this attribute.
Max APDU Length
Greater or equal to 50
Max Info Frames
10 (FEC)
20 (NxE)
Max Master
Specifies the maximum number of information frames the node may
send before it passes the token. This attribute is present if the device
is a node on an MS/TP network. If Max Info Frames is not writable
or otherwise user configurable, its value is one.
Specifies the highest possible address for master nodes and is less
than or equal to 127. This is present if the device is a master node
on an MS/TP network. If Max Master is not writable via BACnet
services, its value is 127.
Max Segments Accepted
Indicates the maximum number of segments of an Application Protocol
Data Unit (APDU) accepted by the device.
Model Name
Contains a name assigned by the vendor to represent the model of
the device.
Displays the offline or online status of connected hardware.
Profile Name
Contains a string of characters that represents the name of the object
profile to which the object conforms. A profile name must begin with
a vendor identifier code in base-10 integer format, followed by a dash.
The vendor identifier code indicates the organization that administers
the remaining characters of the profile name, and publishes and
maintains the profile document identified by the profile name. The
vendor identifier does not need to match the vendor identifier of the
device in which the object resides.
Protocol Obj Support
Indicates which standardized object types the device’s protocol
implementation supports. This attribute reflects the minimum set of
object types, but implementation often supports additional standard
and non-standard object types with their own set of attributes. (The
list of attributes supported for a particular object may be acquired by
use of the Read Property Multiple service with an attribute reference
of All.)
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 113: BACnet Device Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Description
Protocol Revision
Indicates the minor revision level of the BACnet standard. This starts
at 1 and increases for each subsequent release.
If the Protocol Version attribute changes, this number reverts to zero.
This attribute is required for all devices with BACnet Protocol Version
1, Protocol Revision 1 and above. If this attribute is not present, the
device is Protocol Version 1, Protocol Revision 0.
Protocol Ser Support
Indicates which standardized protocol services the device’s protocol
implementation supports. This attribute reflects the minimum set of
services, but implementation often supports additional standardized
Protocol Version
Represents the BACnet protocol the device supports. Initial releases
are Version 1; subsequent releases increase the number by one.
Restart Notification
Controls the restrictions on which devices, if any, are notified when
a restart occurs. The value of this attribute is a list of BACnet
Recipients. When the length of this list is empty, the device cannot
send a device restart notification. The default value of this property
is a single entry representing a broadcast on the local network. If the
list has one or more entry, the device sends a restart notification, but
only to the devices or addresses listed.
Indicates if the BACnet device supports segmentation of messages.
If so, it supports segmented transmission, reception, or both.
Segmented Both, Segmented Transmit, Segmented Receive, No
System Status
Time Synchronization
VT Classes Supported
Reflects the current physical and logical state of the device.
Operational, Operational Read Only, Download Required, Download
in Progress, Nonoperational, Backup in Progress
Specifies the periodic interval, in minutes, at which
TimeSynchronization and UTCTimeSynchronization requests are
sent. When set to zero, then periodic time synchronization is disabled.
Contains a list of BACnet Video Terminal (VT) Classes that indicate
a particular set of terminal characteristics. A device often supports
multiple types of behaviors for differing types of terminals or differing
types of operator interface programs. If either VT Classes Supported
or Active VT Sessions is present, then both are present. Both are
required if support of VT Services is indicated in the PICS.
Vendor ID
Distinguishes proprietary extensions to the protocol with a unique
ASHRAE vendor ID code.
Vendor Name
Identifies the manufacturer of the device.
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, W - Writable
If segmentation of any kind is supported, this is required.
If the device supports execution of either the Subscribe COV or Subscribe COV Property service, this attribute is required.
If either Video Terminal (VT) Classes Supported or Active VT Sessions is present, both are present. If the Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) indicates support for VT Services, both of these attributes are present.
If the device supports the backup and restore procedures, this attribute must be present and writable.
If the device supports the backup and restore procedures, these attributes are required.
If the device is an MS/TP master node, these attributes are required.
If PICS indicates the device is a Time Master, this is required. If present, this attribute is writable.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
BACnet Device Object Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the BACnet Device Object.
Table 114: BACnet Device Object Commands
Command Name Parameters
Rediscover Text
Resets the States Text across a supervisory device by rediscovering text strings
from all mapped BACnet objects.
Note: When the Rediscover Text Strings command is sent from the Site Director
device UI to another supervisory device and the UI is running on the supervisory
device, you must close and restart the UI on the supervisory device in order for
the text to appear correctly.
Reset Field Device Type: Cold Start or
Resets the BACnet device.
Sync Field Device None
Sends a high-priority time synchronization command to child devices, based
on the device mapper object's Manual Time Sync Type.
MS/TP Field Device Object
The MS/TP Field Device object is used to represent FEC family MS/TP devices on the MS/TP Field bus. The MS/TP
Field Device object appears as a child of an MS/TP Field Bus Integration object.
Note: The Object Type for this object is labeled FEC Family BACnet Device in the software.
MS/TP Field Device Concepts
Supported Controllers
The Field Device object supports these MS/TP controllers:
Input/Output Modules (IOMs)
Field Equipment Controllers (FECs)
MS/TP Field Device Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 115: MS/TP Field Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Description
End of Line
If True, allows communication between the Metasys system and
the MS/TP controller.
Indicates whether the device is at the end of the bus.
Firmware Version
Indicates the version of the Main code in the field device.
Fixed Boot Version
Indicates the version of the Boot code in the field device. The Boot
code is responsible for loading the Main code.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 115: MS/TP Field Device Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Description
Indicates the graphic associated with the object.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and
including the name of the folder containing this object or the
controller containing this point.
In Test
Displays True when a Control Sequence in the device is currently
in a test mode. When True, the device is marked offline, although
communication with the device is acceptable.
JCI System Status
Reflects the current status of the system.
Indicates the physical location of the device.
Manual Time Sync Type
Configures the type of BACnet Time Synchronization to send to
a BACnet device.
• UTC: UTC time synchronization message is sent.
Local: A local time synchronization message is sent.
None: No message is sent.
Auto: The mapper object's Protocol Services Supported
attribute is used to determine which type of time sync is
supported, and if:
- utcTimeSynchronization is set, the code functions as if
Time Sync Type is set to UTC.
utcTimeSynchronization is not set and timeSynchronization
is set, local time is set.
neither utcTimeSynchronization nor timeSynchronization
is set, an error is returned.
Model Name
Indicates the product code for the device.
Indicates whether the MS/TP controller is offline.
Displays the device orderable product code.
Protocol Obj Supported
Indicates which standardized object types the device’s protocol
implementation supports. Protocol Conformance Class reflects
the minimum set of object types, but implementation often supports
additional standard and non-standard object types with their own
set of attributes. (The list of attributes supported for a particular
object may be acquired by use of the ReadPropertyMultiple Web
method with an attribute reference of All.)
Protocol Ser Supported
Indicates which standardized protocol services the device's
protocol implementation supports. Protocol Conformance Class
reflects the minimum set of services, but implementation often
supports additional standardized services.
Startup Code Version
Specifies the version of the Startup code running in the controller.
The Startup code is responsible for initial power up operations.
Vendor ID
Identifies the unique manufacturer’s identifier, as defined by
ASHRAE. For Johnson Controls, this value is 5.
Vendor Name
Identifies the manufacturer of the device (should be Johnson
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 116: MS/TP Field Device Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Initial Value Values/Options/Range
CPU Usage
Specifies a running average of CPU use. The value is updated
every minute.
Flash Usage
Specifies the estimated percent of flash memory currently in use.
The percentage is based on the portion of flash that is designated
for use by the user’s database. A value greater than 100% can
affect system reliability now or in future software releases. There
are no restrictions in place to prohibit use of flash over 100%.
Has Unbound References
Indicates that a process cannot find an object either because the
device on which the object is located is offline, the object has
been deleted, or the object reference is incorrect.
Memory Usage
Specifies the percent of field device RAM currently in use.
Object Count
Indicates the number (count) of all of the object instances within
the device. Objects of all types are included.
Object Memory Usage
Specifies the percent of the object database that is currently in
use. Each object created consumes memory within the object
database. This attribute can be used to help determine the device’s
capacity for additional objects; however, other performance
indicators should also be assessed.
Also, an attempt to create an object known to require X bytes of
object database may fail even if more than X bytes are available
in the object database. This is because the object database is
composed of multiple blocks. A free space block of at least X
contiguous bytes available for allocation may not exist, even if the
total free space is more than X bytes.
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, W - Writable
LON Controller Object
The LON Controller object defines attributes that represent the external, visible characteristics of a device residing
on a LONWORKS network.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
LON Controller Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 117: LON Controller Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Initial Value Description
Graphic Alias CW
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
If True, allows integration between the Metasys system and the LON controller.
Indicates the graphic associated with the object.
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of
the folder containing this object or the controller containing this point.
Table 117: LON Controller Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Initial Value Description
Displays the offline or online status of connected hardware. The LONWORKS network
server updates this attribute value.
Displays the communication status of the object.
XIF Present
Indicates whether a XIF file matching this controller’s Program ID was found.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Table 118: LON Controller Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab
Attribute Name
Command Count
Displays the total number of commands sent to this controller.
Error Log
Shows the error log according to the last standard LONWORKS network Query
Status message.
Lost Message
Shows the number messages lost according to the last standard LONWORKS
network Query Status message.
Missed Messages
Neuron Model
Shows the number messages missed according to the last standard
LONWORKS network Query Status message.
Neuron_3150 Shows the Neuron model according to the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
Node State
Shows the state of the node according to the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
Offline Poll Count
Displays the total number of times this controller was sent a poll while offline.
Receive Transaction
Shows the number of times the transaction full message appeared in the
last standard LONWORKS network Query Status message.
Reset Cause
Shows the cause of the last reset according to the last standard LONWORKS
network Query Status message.
Reset Date
Contains the date stamp of the last local Neuron statistics reset command.
Reset Time
Contains the time stamp of the last local Neuron statistics reset command.
Total Messages to
Displays the total number of messages sent to this controller.
Total Single Message
Displays the total number of failures for single messages sent to this
Transaction Timeouts
Shows the timeouts that appeared in the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
Transmit Errors
Shows the number of transmit errors that appeared in the last standard
LONWORKS network Query Status message.
Version Number
Shows the version number according to the last standard LONWORKS network
Query Status message.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
LON Controller Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the LON Controller Object.
Table 119: LON Controller Commands
Command Parameters Description
Resets the statistics for the integrated LONWORKS network. The contents of the Query Status
message reflect these statistics:
• Transmit Errors
Transaction Timeouts
Receive Transaction Full
Lost Message
Reset Cause
Node State
Version Number
Error Log
Neuron Model
Disables the entire LONWORKS network integration. No requests are made to the field trunk and
no data broadcasts to the network are processed.
Allows the integration to function normally.
Resets the statistics for the integrated LONWORKS network. The contents of the Query Status
message reflect these statistics:
• Transmit Errors
Transaction Timeouts
Receive Transaction Full
Lost Message
Reset Cause
Node State
Version Number
Error Log
Neuron Model
N2 Controller Object
The N2 Controller object defines a physical device such as a DX-9100, VMA, or Unitary (UNT) controller on the N2
Bus of the NAE and is required for mapping data from the controller into the system. The N2 Controller object
monitors the device and reports online/offline transitions. This object also allows you to access information about
the N2 controllers.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
N2 Controller Concepts
Supported Controllers
This table lists all N2 controllers supported by the system.
Metasys Integrator units, VAV, UNT, and Air Handling Unit (AHU) controllers are supported at all revision levels.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 120: Supported Controllers
Device/ Controller
Protocol Type
Rev 1.x - 2.x
Room Controller
Rev 2.x
Room Controller
Rev 1.x - 2.x
Plant Controller
Rev 1.x
Digital Optimizer
DX-9100 (V.1)
Rev 1.x
Digital Controller
DX-9100 (V.2)
Rev 2.x
Digital Controller
Rev 1.x - 3.x
Temperature Controller
Rev 1.x
Extension Module
Rev 1.x
Extension Module
Rev 1.x
Extension Module
Rev 1.x
Extension Module
Revs all
Lab and Central Plant Controller
Metasys Integrator Unit Revs all
N2 Open
Metasys Integrator Unit
N2 Open
Unitary Controller
Revs all
Revs all
N2 Open
Variable Air Volume Controller
Revs all
N2 Open
Air Handling Unit Controller
Revs all
N2 Open
Phoenix Interface Module
Revs all
VAV Modular Assembly
N2 Open
Metasys Compatible Vendor Devices (by others)
N2 Other
Intelligent Lighting Controller
N2 Controller Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 121: N2 Controller Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Notes Description
Indicates the graphic associated with the N2 controller.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including
the name of the folder containing this N2 controller.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 121: N2 Controller Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Notes Description
True or False
Indicates if the NAE is or is not currently communicating with this N2
Present Value
One value from D
a set
Represents the current communication state of the object.
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
N2 Controller Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the N2 Controller Object.
Table 122: N2 Controller Commands
Command Name Description
Puts the controller offline and leaves it offline (Comm. Disabled).
Brings the controller from the offline state to the online state (Comm. Enabled).
NCM Object
Create NCM objects by adding NCMs to the system Navigation Tree. The attributes of the NCM object are read
from the NCM device. The NCM object attributes update periodically based on the poll delay attribute of the parent
N1 Migration Object. The NCM object can only be a child object to the N1 Migration object. Add more NCM objects
with the Field Device.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
NCM Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 123: NCM Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
NCM Name -- Engineering Values Represents the defined name of the NCM as it appears in the existing N1 network.
2562 C
Poll Delay -- Engineering Values
1163 W C
Disable Automatic Alarming -Engineering Values
1396 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Displays the polling time for non-triggerable attributes in milliseconds. The poll delay is
the time between NIE polls to the N1 network points.
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or
enabled (False). This attribute only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped
objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming attribute set to True suppress the
alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X. Alarm
extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Table 123: NCM Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Graphic -- Graphic Association
Indicates the graphic associated with the NCM.
32581 W C
Graphic Alias -- Graphic
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the
folder containing this NCM.
32623 W C
NCM Commands
The table below lists the command specific to the NCM Object.
Table 124: NCM Object Commands
Command Name
Number of Parameters
Clear Statistics
Command Description
Resets the statistics at the NCM. The Message Errors, Message
Receives, and Message Transmits attributes reflect these
VND Controller
The VND (Vendor) Controller object defines a physical vendor device on a bus of the NAE and is required for mapping
data from the controller into the system.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
VND Controller Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 125: VND Controller Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
673 W C
Enabled -- Status
673 W C
Offline -- Status
If True, allows communication to the vendor device. If False, prevents communication to
the vendor device.
If True, allows communication to the vendor device. If False, prevents communication to
the vendor device.
Displays the offline or online status of connected hardware.
Graphic Alias -- Graphic
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the
folder containing this vendor device.
32623 W C
Graphic -- Graphic Association
Indicates the graphic associated with the vendor device.
32581 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Wireless Receiver Object
The Wireless Receiver object is the field device of the Wireless Sensor integration. The Wireless Receiver object
establishes communication with the wireless receiver hardware.
All integrated wireless field devices (Wireless Receiver objects) and field point objects (Wireless Sensor Object)
appear under the Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object in the Navigation Tree.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Wireless Receiver Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 126: Wireless Receiver Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Network Address -- Setup
875 C
Host Name -- Setup
750 W C
IP Address -- Setup
Indicates the network address of the wireless receiver. You can define only up to 50 wireless
receivers per Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object.
Indicates the host name of the wireless receiver. When a host name is given, the system
attempts to resolve the Host Name and IP Address using DNS/DHCP (assuming that the
installer assigned a host name to the wireless receiver and enabled DHCP). If the device
can be located using the ping hostname command, the system can resolve the host name
to an IP address. After resolving the host name, the system updates the IP address.
Indicates the IP Address of the wireless receiver.
1135 W C
Max Data Life -- Setup
3428 W C
Disable Automatic Alarming -Setup
1396 W C
Low Battery -- Status
Alarm State -- Status
Graphic -- Graphic Association
Indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds that the wireless receiver module waits
for a transmission from a wireless sensor before generating a report that tells the NAE that
the Wireless Sensor Object is unreliable due to Data Life Timeout.
Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or
enabled (False). This attribute only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped
objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming attribute set to True suppress the
alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X. Alarm
extensions are not affected by this attribute.
Indicates if any wireless sensors defined as children of the Wireless Receiver object have
a low battery. The Low Battery status is an advanced warning that can occur many days
before a wireless sensor ceases to function. You can configure an alarm for this attribute
to allow the building operator time to locate the sensor and change the battery.
Alarm state occurs when the extension transitions into the high alarm, low alarm, or unreliable
Indicates the graphic associated with the object.
32581 W C
Graphic Alias -- Graphic
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the
folder containing this object or the controller containing this point.
32623 W C
Wireless Sensor Object
There is a Wireless Sensor object in the field point object for each wireless temperature sensor mapped to the NAE.
The Wireless Sensor object receives communications from the wireless sensor.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
All integrated wireless field points (Wireless Sensor objects) appear under the Wireless Receiver Objects (field
devices), which appear under the Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object in the Navigation Tree.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Wireless Sensor Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 127: Wireless Sensor Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Occupancy Time -- Control
2193 W C
Min Value -- Control
69 W C
Indicates the time in minutes that the Occupied Output (if defined) is overridden to the
Occupied state after pushing the Temporary Occupied button on the Transmitter.
Indicates the minimum value allowed for the Setpoint. This is the value of the Setpoint
attribute when the Setpoint adjust dial on the wireless sensor is in the fully counterclockwise
If the Min Value is greater than the Max Value, the Setpoint is forced to the Min Value.
Otherwise, these attributes are all used to compute the Setpoint with the following formula:
SP = [(Max Value - Min Value) x (dial position x 0.01)] + Min Value
Max Value -- Control
65 W C
Indicates the maximum value allowed for the Setpoint. This is the value of the Setpoint
attribute when the Setpoint adjust dial on the wireless sensor is in the fully clockwise position.
If the Min Value is greater than the Max Value, the Setpoint is forced to the Min Value.
Otherwise, these attributes are all used to compute the Setpoint with the following formula:
SP = [(Max Value - Min Value) x (dial position x 0.01)] + Min Value
Reliability Action -- Control
630 W C
Time Remaining -- Control
Units -- Setup
117 W C
Offset -- Setup
956 W C
Transmitter Id -- Setup
623 W C
Property Code -- Setup
624 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates the action taken on the three output references ( Zone Temp Output, Setpoint
Output, and Occupied Output) when the wireless sensor object goes Unreliable. The actions
are No Action or Release commands.
Indicates the time remaining before the Occupied Output (if defined) is released from the
Occupied state.
Indicates the engineering units displayed on the user interface (Deg F or Deg C). All
temperature and Setpoint values convert to the proper units.
Indicates the offset value that is added to the zone temperature reading before updating
the Present Value, forcing the Present Value to match a calibrated temperature measured
at the wireless sensor.
Indicates the sensor transmitter Id address of the wireless sensor. This setting must match
the transmitter Id address switch setting of the wireless sensor.
Indicates the Property Code address of the wireless sensor. This setting must match the
Property Code address switch setting of the wireless temperature sensor.
Table 127: Wireless Sensor Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Setpoint -- Status
Indicates the Setpoint based on three variables: the Setpoint Adjustment reading (the
setpoint adjust dial position) at the wireless sensor, the Min Value, and the Max Value.
The wireless sensor model determines the Setpoint Adjustment. Options include:
Warmer/Cooler (Range = +/- 5 Deg F)
Remote Setpoint (Range = 55 to 85 Deg F/13 to 29 Deg C)
If the Min Value is greater than the Max Value, the Setpoint is forced to the Min Value.
Otherwise, these attributes are all used to compute the Setpoint with the following formula:
SP = [(Max Value - Min Value) x (dial position x 0.01)] + Min Value
Occupancy Status -- Status
Low Battery -- Status
Alarm State -- Status
Zone Temp Output -- Outputs
634 W C
Changes to Occupied after pushing the Temporary Occupied button on the Transmitter, if
supported by that model. The Occupied state is held for the minutes defined by the
Occupancy Time attribute, or until cancelled by a release command.
Indicates if any wireless sensors defined as children of the Wireless Receiver Objects have
a low battery. The Low Battery status is an advanced warning that can occur many days
before a wireless sensor ceases to function. You can configure an alarm for this attribute
to allow the building operator time to locate the sensor and change the battery. The sensor
sends a low battery signal when there is 30 days of battery life left.
The Alarm State attribute indicates that the object transitioned into alarm or unreliable
conditions. This attribute does not appear in the SCT UI.
Provides an optional reference to a temperature input object located anywhere on the
Metasys network. The temperature input object is commanded when the wireless sensor
reports an updated Present Value.
Note: The Present Value attribute of the referenced object at the Priority Scheduling OST
priority writes to the output commands.
The Present Value attribute of the referenced object at the Priority Scheduling OST priority
writes the None Data Type value to the release commands.
These operations assume that the referenced object is an output object that has a Present
Value that can be written to. Keep this in mind when mapping objects from controllers. You
would normally map these points as input points (AI, BI, MSI), but for proper operation you
must map the points as output points (AO, BO, MSO).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 127: Wireless Sensor Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Setpoint Output -- Outputs
638 W C
Provides an optional reference to a temperature Setpoint object located anywhere on the
Metasys network. The temperature Setpoint object is commanded when the wireless sensor
reports an updated Setpoint value.
Note: The Present Value attribute of the referenced object at the Priority Scheduling OST
priority writes to the output commands.
The Present Value attribute of the referenced object at the Priority Scheduling OST priority
writes the None Data Type value to the release commands.
These operations assume that the referenced object is an output object that has a Present
Value that can be written to. Keep this in mind when mapping objects from controllers. You
would normally map these points as input points (AI, BI, MSI), but for proper operation you
must map the points as output points (AO, BO, MSO).
Occupied Output -- Outputs
640 W C
Provides an optional reference to a binary object located anywhere on the Metasys network.
The binary object is commanded to Occupied/Unoccupied when the Occupancy Status
attribute changes states.
Note: The Present Value attribute of the referenced object at the Priority Scheduling optimal
start (OST) priority writes to the output commands.
The Present Value attribute of the referenced object at the Priority Scheduling OST priority
writes the None Data Type value to the release commands.
These operations assume that the referenced object is an output object that has a Present
Value that can be written to. Keep this in mind when mapping objects from controllers. You
would normally map these points as input points (AI, BI, MSI), but for proper operation you
must map the points as output points (AO, BO, MSO).
XL5K Controller Object
The XL5K Controller object (Honeywell Excel 5000 [XL-5000]) maps a C-Bus field device to the Metasys system.
The object contains pertinent addressing information.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
XL5K Controller Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 128: XL5K Controller Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
If True, allows the controller to be integrated into the Metasys system.
673 W C
Enabled -- Status
If True, allows the controller to be integrated into the Metasys system.
673 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 128: XL5K Controller Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Offline -- Status
Indicates the offline/online state of the connected hardware.
Graphic -- Graphic Association Indicates the graphic associated with the object.
32581 W C
Graphic Alias -- Graphic
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder
containing this object or the controller containing this point.
32623 W C
Field Point
Menu Selection: Insert > Field Point
Inserts one of the following types of field points into a field device under an integration:
N2 Trunk
Analog Input Object (AI), Analog Output Object (AO), Accumulator Objects, Binary Input Object (BI), Binary
Output Object (BO), Multistate Input Object (MI), Multistate Output Object (MO)
All field points listed for the N2 trunk plus Analog Value Object (AV), Averaging Extensions, Binary Value Object
(BV), Calendar Object, Electric Demand Control Object, Electric Demand Monitoring Object, Event Enrollment
Object, Generator Load Control Object, Group Object, Life Safety Point Object, Life Safety Zone Object, Multistate
Value Object (MV), Notification Class Object, Schedule Object, Trend Log
MS/TP Field Bus Integration
Accumulator Objects, Analog Input Object (AI), Analog Output Object (AO), Analog Value Object (AV), Binary
Input Object (BI), Binary Output Object (BO), Binary Value Object (BV), Multistate Value Object (MV), Calendar
Object, Schedule Object, Notification Class Object, Trend Log
LON Trunk
Analog Input Object (AI), Analog Output Object (AO), Accumulator Objects, Binary Input Object (BI), Binary
Output Object (BO), Multistate Input Object (MI), Multistate Output Object (MO), Generic Integration Object (GIO)
Note: You can no longer manually add a GIO to a LON trunk; however, the GIO is still supported in existing
databases, even after upgrading to the next software release.
N1 Migration
All field points listed for the N2 trunk plus Generic Integration Object (GIO) and N1 PID Loop Object.
VND Integration (Vendor)
Analog Input Object (AI), Analog Output Object (AO), Accumulator Objects, Binary Input Object (BI), Binary
Output Object (BO), Multistate Input Object (MI), Multistate Output Object (MO)
Wireless Supervisor Integration
Wireless Sensor Object
XL5K (Excel 5000/XL-5000) Integration
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
XL5K Integration Object
Tip: On the Select Definition Mode screen, select Assisted Point Definition to automatically discover existing points
on the network. Or on the Select Definition Mode screen, select Manual Point Definition.
Tip: Specifying the Instance Number for a field device point is different depending on if you are defining the point
online or offline with SCT. If you are inserting the point online, you specify the Instance Number on the Select
Data Source screen. If you are inserting the point offline with SCT, the Select Data Source screen is blank,
and you define the Instance Number on the Configure screen under the Hardware tab, which is two screens
later in the Insert Point Wizard.
Tip: When adding a LONWORKS point manually, the Target Reference appears blank. Manually type the path for
the Target Reference (path into the controller for the data being mapped by the object) in the text box on the
Select Data Source screen.
Tip: Select the Hardware tab on the Configure screen for further configuration.
See one of the following sections for more information:
Related Documentation
N2 Master Datalink Object (N2 Trunk)
BACnet Integration Object
MS/TP Field Bus Integration Object
LON Integration Object
N1 Migration Object
VND Integration Object
Wireless Sensor Object
XL5K Integration Object
Analog Input Object
The AI object processes data from a physical analog input point that resides on a field device and presents the data
to the Metasys user interface in a consistent format that is independent of the source. Analog Input Objects appear
under the field device object in the All Items navigation tree.
When the source of the data is an analog input in an N2 controller on the N2 Trunk, an Network Communication
Module (NCM) on an integrated N1 network, or an integrated BACnet device, the Analog Input Object exchanges
data with the native analog object in the source to synchronize attribute data that are common to both. The source
is identified under the hardware tab of the Analog Input Object.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Analog Input Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 129: Analog Input Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Display Precision -- Display
661 W C
Defines the decimal rounding and the decimal places to display for the Present Value and
associated attributes.
Units -- Display
117 C W
Indicates the engineering measurement units used by the object.
COV Increments -- Display
22 W C
Defines the minimum change in the Present Value required for the object to report a
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -BACnet
569 W C
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related
attributes. For detailed
Use Remote Alarming -- BACnet
853 W C
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for
the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating alarms,
then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object to accept
alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the remote integrated
object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults
to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When Use Remote Alarming
is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are ignored at the NxE. If the value
of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the NxE may be required to assure correct
operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Device Type -- BACnet
31 W C
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
Min Value -- Engineering Values
69 W C
Defines the lowest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
Max Value -- Engineering Values
65 W C
Defines the highest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
information, see BACnet Intrinsic Alarming.
Analog Output Object
The AO object’s attributes represent the external, visible characteristics of an analog output. This object integrates
N1, N2, and BACnet controllers into supervisory controllers, resulting in:
a consistent interface to point objects for all controller types, so they appear as a homogenous set to the user
flexibility in point mapping
permanent update of setpoints in controllers. The user has the ability to write to the permanent memory of some
support for all Metasys controllers
For example, this object allows you to command a damper to a given position from a supervisory controller.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Analog Output Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 130: Analog Output Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Min Value -- Engineering Values
69 W C
Defines the lowest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
Max Values -- Engineering Values
65 W C
Defines the highest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
Relinquish Default -- Engineering
104 W C
Specifies the default value to be used for the Present Value attribute when no
commands are currently controlling this object. If this attribute is configured to any
value other than None, the object sends commands for the value immediately.
Units -- Display
117 W
Indicates the engineering measurements units used by the object.
COV Increment -- Display
22 W
Specifies the minimum change in Present Value required for the object to report a
Display Precision -- Display
661 W C
Defines the decimal rounding and the decimal places to display of the Present Value
and associated attributes.
Use Remote Alarming -- BACnet
853 W C
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms
for the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating
alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object
to accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the
remote integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use
Remote Alarming defaults to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms.
When Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object
are ignored at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of
the NxE may be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to
BACnet integrations.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -- BACnet
569 W C
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related
attributes. For detailed information, see BACnet Intrinsic Alarming. For more
information, refer to the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming section of the Metasys SMP Help
Device Type -- BACnet
31 W C
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object
Analog Value Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > AV
Analog Value (AV) objects have similar software characteristics and capabilities to Analog Input Objects; however,
Analog Value objects are not associated with any physical hardware and are the result of a control process or
operator entry. This object allows you to hold an analog value for other objects to reference. For example, an Interlock
can reference and base its operation on an analog value such as Outdoor Air Temperature Low Limit.
For general information on Metasys objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Analog Value Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 131: Analog Value Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Display Precision -- Display
661 W C
Defines the decimal rounding and the decimal places to display of the Present Value and
associated attributes.
COV Increment -- Display
22 W C
Defines the minimum change in the Present Value required for the object to report a
Units -- Display
117 W C
Reflects the Units attribute of the object referenced by the Present Value Reference
Use Remote Alarming -- BACnet
853 W C
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for
the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating
alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object to
accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the remote
integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote
Alarming defaults to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When
Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are ignored
at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the NxE may
be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -BACnet
569 W C
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related
attributes. For detailed information, refer to the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming section of the
Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
Max Value -- Engineering Values
65 W C
Defines the highest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
This value is not writable for Analog Value objects in the FEC.
This value is writable if the AV is the ZN-SP on a Net Sensor. This method is the only
way to set the range for the Net Sensor.
Min Value -- Engineering Values
69 W C
Defines the lowest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
This value is not writable for Analog Value objects in the FEC.
This value is writable if the AV is the ZN-SP on a Net Sensor. This method is the only
way to set the range for the Net Sensor.
Relinquish Default -- Default
104 W C
Specifies the default value to be used for the Present Value attribute when no commands
are currently controlling this object. If this attribute is configured to any value other than
None, the object sends commands for the value immediately.
Accumulator Objects
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Accumulator
The accumulator object allows you to count pulses, which are often provided by energy meters. The accumulator
objects can feed their Present Values to the Pulse Meter Object.
Note: The Accumulator’s Interface Value updates when the hardware is read by the Pulse Meter Object or when
the hardware’s current value changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 132 describes the types of accumulator objects and how to add them to the Metasys system. The Integration
(Device) Type column indicates the type of integration and device in which the accumulator object resides.
Table 132: Accumulator Types
(Device) Type
Steps and Tips
To add an accumulator from a BACnet device on an IP
BACnet integration:
(BACnet Device)
Provides integration of BACnet controllers with
supervisory controllers via a BACnet
accumulator mapper. This object provides
information on the UI (including Present Value
and Scale) from a BACnet integration with an
accumulator that exists in a BACnet device.
1. From the SMP UI or SCT UI, add a BACnet
2. Add a BACnet device type compatible with the field
device that contains an accumulator.
Note: A BACnet accumulator is mapped at the
3. Map the accumulator at the engine (that is, add the
engine via the Insert Point Wizard.
Accumulator point to the mapped BACnet device
using the Insert Point Wizard).
MS/TP Field Bus
(BACnet Device)
Provides integration of BACnet controllers with
supervisory controllers via a BACnet
accumulator mapper. This object provides
information on the UI (including Present Value
and Scale) from a BACnet Integration with an
accumulator that exists in a BACnet device.
Note: A BACnet accumulator is mapped at the
engine via the Insert Point Wizard.
MS/TP Field Bus
(FEC Family
BACnet Device)
Provides integration of pulse meters integrated
to the Dry Contact Pulse (MISC-MTR) binary
input of an FEC family BACnet device. CCT
creates an Accumulator object for the pulse
meter input of the FEC family BACnet device.
This FEC accumulator is shadowed by the
Note: An FEC accumulator object is mapped
at the engine via the Insert Point Wizard.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
To add an accumulator from a BACnet device on an
MS/TP field bus:
1. From the SMP UI or SCT UI, add an MS/TP field bus.
2. Add a BACnet device type compatible with the field
device that contains an accumulator.
3. Map the accumulator at the engine (that is, add the
Accumulator point to the mapped BACnet device
using the Insert Point Wizard).
To add an accumulator from an FEC family BACnet device
on an MS/TP field bus:
1. From the SMP UI or SCT UI, add an MS/TP field bus.
2. Add an FEC family BACnet device compatible with
the field device that contains a visible accumulator
(defined by CCT).
3. Map the accumulator at the engine (that is, add the
Accumulator point to the mapped field device using
the Insert Point Wizard).
Table 132: Accumulator Types
(Device) Type
N2 Trunk
(N2 Device)
Steps and Tips
Provides integration of the wide variety of N2 To add an accumulator from an N2 device on an N2 trunk:
controller binary input/pulse counters, resulting
1. From the SMP UI or SCT UI, add an N2 trunk.
in a consistent interface for point mapping any
2. Add an N2 device type compatible with the field
N2 controller types.
Note: An N2 accumulator or pulse counter is
3. Map the accumulator (Accumulator or Pulse Counter
mapped at the engine via the Insert Point
type) at the engine (that is, add the Accumulator point
to the N2 device using the Insert Point Wizard).
4. Define the Rollover Limit:
You must set the rollover limit in the N2 accumulator
to match the rollover limit of the N2 field device
selected. For example, AHU or UNT devices have a
rollover limit of 4,294,967,295. A DX-9100 CNT point
has a rollover limit set by the GX-9100 configuration
tool. An XT-9100 or XTM CNT point has a rollover
limit set by either the GX-9100 configuration tool or
XTM configuration tool.
Map BI7 or BI8 for an AHU, BI4 for a UNT or VAV, or
analog data integer (ADI) network point types for a
DX-9100 or XTM.
Other Integrations Allows you to monitor the increasing pulse count
from any attribute that has an incrementing
(For Example,
value. This provides greater flexibility for
creating accumulator objects.
and XL5K Devices)
Note: An object with an attribute that has an
incrementing value is mapped at the engine via
the Insert Object Wizard.
To add an accumulator from a device on other
1. From the SMP UI or SCT UI, add the desired
2. Add a device type compatible with the field device.
3. Map the accumulator at the engine (that is, add the
Accumulator object using the Insert Object Wizard).
4. Reference a value that continually counts up until the
value wraps back to zero when it passes the Rollover
Limit value defined in the accumulator object.
Figure 40 illustrates the interaction between the different types of accumulators and the accumulator in the engine,
showing the key attributes and functionality.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 40: Accumulator Interaction
An FEC family BACnet device that resides on the MS/TP field bus has a binary input with a Dry Contact Pulse signal
(MISC-MTR) created in CCT. This provides an FEC accumulator. A BACnet device that resides on either the BACnet
integration or the MS/TP field bus has an accumulator. Both the FEC accumulator and BACnet accumulators have
BACnet Prescale, Units, and Limit Monitoring Interval attributes that interact with the accumulator in the engine via
the prescaled Present Value.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
An N2 controller resides on the N2 trunk, and has an attribute that counts. Similarly, other devices that reside on
other integrations (for example, a LONWORKS device on a LONWORKS integration) that have attributes that count may
take advantage of the accumulator functionality. The accumulator in the engine uses the count value.
The accumulator in the engine uses the prescaled Present Value or counts from the devices with the key engine
accumulator attributes listed in the figure. For details on the calculations used by and functionality of these attributes,
see the Accumulator Attributes section.
The accumulator’s prescaled Present Value is used by the Pulse Meter, DLLR, or IEIEJ objects. You can trend the
prescaled Present Value, which may then be used by Energy Essentials. You also can trend the accumulator’s Pulse
Rate, Scaled Present Value, or Value Before Change attributes.
Note: The prescaled Present Value, as well as its associated commands and attributes (Preset Value, Value Before
Change, Max Value, Value Set), do not necessarily have the same units as Scaled Present Value or the
Units attribute.
The header of the focus window shows the Scaled Present Value after the scale factor has been applied to the
Present Value, as well as the units that apply to the Scaled Present Value.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Accumulator Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Table 133: Accumulator Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Input Ref -- Engineering Values Identifies the attribute reference to the object property that is the pulse count input for the
545 C
Accumulator object (for the Other integrations type: LONWORKS , N1, VND, and XL5K, for
example). This must be a continuously increasing positive numeric attribute of another object,
such as the present value of a totalization extension to an analog meter.
Max Value -- Engineering Values Indicates the maximum value allowed for the Present Value. The Present Value is not allowed
65 W C
to exceed this value, and wraps back to zero when this value is passed. Accumulation does
not stop.
Note: If the present value of the Accumulator object is being trended and its data is sent to
the ADS/ODS repository, change this value to 32,767 so that the historian database
(JCIHistorianDB) can properly store its value.
Limit Monitoring Interval -Engineering Values
182 W C
Specifies the monitoring period in seconds for determining the Pulse Rate. The Pulse Rate
is the number of pulses received during the previous Limit Monitoring Interval period.
Rollover Limit -- Engineering
823 W C
Represents the actual rollover value of the input pulse counter. This attribute applies to N2
and Other Accumulators. This value is used to compute a change rate, which is added to the
Accumulator property to calculate the Pulse Rate and Present Value.
You must set the rollover limit in the N2 accumulator to match the rollover limit of the N2 field
device selected. For example, AHU or UNT devices have a rollover limit of 4,294,967,295.
A DX-9100 CNT point has a rollover limit set by the GX-9100 configuration tool. An XT-9100
or XTM CNT point has a rollover limit set by the either the GX-9100 configuration tool or XTM
configuration tool.
Units -- Display
117 W C
Contains the engineering units for the Scaled Present Value attribute.
Internal Units -- Display
3432 W C
Contains the engineering units for the Present Value, Value Set, Max Value, and Value Before
Change attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 133: Accumulator Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Display Precision -- Display
661 W C
Determines how many decimal places to display in the Scaled Present Value.
Anti Spike -- Filter Setup
722 W C
When True, causes the object to use the first good input count value received after previously
being unreliable as strictly an initial value. Any archived or last known value for input count
is ignored. If the input device resets or loses power, uncontrolled changes to the input count
value are filtered out and do not result in a spike in accumulator values. Use this setting in
cases where the input device is not known to preserve its count value over a power loss (for
example, in a LONWORKS integration an LN-PRG20 GPI, and in an N2 integration a UNT).
When False, causes the object to use the first good input device count value received after
previously being unreliable as a valid change from the archived or last known value for input
count. This means the first good input device value is used to catch up on any counts that
were missed while the input device was unable to communicate due to either an NAE restart
or communication loss. Do not set this value to False unless the input device is known to
preserve its count value during a power loss (for example, in an N2 integration, an XTM-105
with a XPB-821 or in a LONWORKS integration LN-PRG300-2, LNPRG400-2, LN-PTRG500-2,
LN-PRG600, or in a vendor integration BTR Netcom GmbH device LC14 [Model #
11045013-US], an IDEC SX5L-SBCN081, or an WATANBE Electric Industry
• Any mapper object used to deliver a raw count value to the Accumulator must provide
an unreliable value during startup if the value was not updated from the field controller
at the time it is read by the accumulator. For example, a LON counter mapped as an AI
point object reports as unreliable until it reads a value from the field controller. If the LON
counter is mapped as an AO point object, it reports as reliable even if the value is not
initialized, causing improper values to be recorded at the accumulator. This may occur
regardless of the value of Anti Spike.
Any mapper object used to deliver a raw count value to the accumulator must be allowed
to count up without disruption from manual commands, schedules, interlocks, or any
other function that may change its value outside the normal counting process. Any such
changes may cause the Accumulator to record improper values regardless of the value
of Anti Spike.
When replacing the input device, set Anti Spike to True before the replacement is brought
online for the first time. This setting prevents the accumulator value from spiking upward
due to an uncontrolled count value change at the input device. Failure to set Anti Spike
to True can upset the accumulator value. You can use a manual preset to restore the
correct value after the new device is online.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -BACnet
569 W C
Indicates whether intrinsic alarming is enabled when the site is defined as a BACnet site.
When intrinsic alarming is defined for accumulators on the MS/TP field bus, the pulse rate
of the accumulated point can be monitored.
Device Type -- BACnet
31 W C
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 133: Accumulator Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Use Remote Alarming -- BACnet When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for the
853 W C
object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating alarms, then
Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object to accept alarms
from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the remote integrated object
does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to
False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When Use Remote Alarming is
false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are ignored at the NxE. If the value of
Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the NxE may be required to assure correct
Scale As Integer -- Scale
4692 W C
Indicates the power of ten to be multiplied with the value of the Present Value attribute to get
Scaled Present Value. This attribute only applies if Scale As Float is zero. For example, when
Scale As Integer is set to two, the Present Value is multiplied by 100; while setting Scale As
Integer to -1 multiplies the Present Value by 0.1. When zero (the default value), the Present
Value and Scaled Present Value are equal (see Scaled Present Value).
Scale As Float -- Scale
4693 W C
Indicates the floating conversion factor to be multiplied with the value of the Present Value
attribute to calculate the Scaled Present Value for the chosen units. If set to zero (the default
value), the Scale As Integer value is used and Scale As Float is ignored.
JCI Logging Object Reference Indicates the object (Johnson Controls proprietary reference) that resides in the same device
as the Accumulator object which, when it acquires Logging Record data from the Accumulator
-- Logging
object, causes the Accumulator object to acquire, present, and store the Logging Record
4696 W C
data (that is, snapshot) from the underlying system. When the object specified by the Logging
Object Reference issues the Get Monitor Data command, the Logging Record is acquired
and updated.
Binary Input Object
The BI object’s attributes represent the external, visible characteristics of a binary input. As a binary input, this object
can be in either an Active or Inactive state. The Polarity attribute allows for normally open relays that are Active
when energized and normally closed relays that are Inactive when energized.
The Binary Input object integrates N1, N2, and BACnet controllers into supervisory controllers, resulting in:
a consistent interface to point objects for all controller types, so they appear as a homogenous set to the user
flexibility in point mapping
support for all Metasys controllers. See the N2 Controller Object section.
For example, this object allows you to map a fan status into a supervisory controller.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Binary Input Concepts
BACnet Polarity Relationships
The relationship between the Present Value of an object and the physical state of the object is determined by the
Polarity attribute.
The table below describes this relationship as defined by BACnet standards. Johnson Controls Polarity is always
Normal. Johnson Controls N2 protocol does not support changes to the Polarity attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 134: BACnet Polarity Relationships
Present Value
Physical State of the Hardware Physical State of the Monitored
Off or Inactive
not running
On or Active
On or Active
not running
Off or Inactive
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Binary Input Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 135: Binary Input Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Elapsed Active Time -- Engineering Represents the accumulated number of seconds Preset Value is Active since the Elapsed
Active Time attribute was most recently set to zero. This attribute value updates
33 W C
automatically a minimum of once a day.
Active Time Reset -- Engineering
Represents the last date and time Elapsed Active Time was set to a zero value. If either
Elapsed Active Time or Time of Active Time Reset is present, all are present.
State Count Reset -- Engineering
Represents the date and time the COS Count attribute was most recently set to a zero
value. If COS Time or Change of State Count is present, both are present.
COS Count -- Engineering Values
15 W
Represents the number of times the Present Value attribute changes state since the
COS Count attribute was most recently set to zero. A change of state is any event that
alters Present Value. This attribute persists in the archive.
COS Time -- Engineering Values
Represents the date and time at which the most recent change of state occurred. A
change of state is any event that alters the Present Value attribute. When Out of Service
is False, a change to the Polarity attribute alters Present Value and is considered a
change of state. When Out of Service is True, changes to Polarity do not cause changes
of state.
States Text -- Display
931 W C
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
Device Type -- BACnet
31 W C
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
Use Remote Alarming -- BACnet
853 W C
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms
for the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating
alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object
to accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the
remote integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use
Remote Alarming defaults to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms.
When Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are
ignored at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the
NxE may be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -- BACnet Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related
569 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Binary Output Object
The BO object’s attributes represent the external, visible characteristics of a binary output. As a binary output, this
object can be in either an Active or Inactive state. The Polarity attribute allows for normally open relays that are
Active when energized and normally closed relays that are Inactive when energized. This object integrates N1, N2,
and BACnet controllers into supervisory controllers, resulting in:
a consistent interface to point objects for all controller types, so they appear as a homogenous set to the user
flexibility in point mapping
support for all Metasys controllers. See N2 Controller Object.
For example, this object allows you to start or stop a fan from a supervisory controller.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Binary Output Concepts
BACnet Polarity Relationships
The relationship between the Present Value of an object and the physical state of the object is determined by the
Polarity attribute.
Note: The table below describes this relationship as defined by BACnet standards. Johnson Controls Polarity is
always Normal. Johnson Controls® does not support changes to the Polarity attribute.
Table 136: BACnet Polarity Relationships
Present Value
Physical State of the
Hardware Input
Physical State of the Monitored
Off or Inactive
not running
On or Active
On or Active
not running
Off or Inactive
Binary Output Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 137: Binary Output Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Min Off Time -- Engineering Values Represents the fewest number of seconds Present Value remains in the Inactive state
66 W C
after entering the Inactive state.
Min On Time -- Engineering Values Represents the fewest number of seconds Present Value remains in the Active state
67 W C
after entering the Active state.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 137: Binary Output Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Heavy Equip Delay -- Engineering
516 W C
Indicates the amount of time that this output point adds to the Accumulated Delay attribute
of the Heavy Equipment Controller (HEC) object when this point is started. The next
output point is delayed by that amount of time of the HEC Accumulated Delay is not
already decremented to zero.
The NAE device’s five internal Heavy Equipment Controller objects time their delays
independently of one another. For example, HED 1 and HED 4 can count down their
delays at the same time.
HED Controller -- Engineering
517 W C
Identifies the Heavy Equipment Controller (HEC) object managing the delays.
The NAE device has five internal Heavy Equipment Controller objects for use by BO and
Multistate Output (MO) objects. The BO and MO objects reference the heavy equipment
delay (HED) controller objects by number (1-5).
All BO and MO objects on an NAE share the five internal HED controller objects. For
example, if BO1 and MO3 on NAE-1 reference HED controller 1, they are using the same
HED controller.
States Text -- Display
931 W C
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
Use Remote Alarming -- Object
853 W C
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms
for the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating
alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object to
accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the remote
integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote
Alarming defaults to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When
Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are ignored
at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the NxE may
be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Device Type -- BACnet
31 W C
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -- BACnet Enables the definition of the intrinsic alarm related attributes.
569 W C
Binary Value Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > BV
BV objects have similar software characteristics and capabilities to a Binary Input Object; however, Binary Value
objects are not associated with any physical hardware and are the result of a control process or operator entry. This
object allows you to hold a binary value for other objects to reference. For example, an Interlock can reference and
base its operation on a binary value such as duty/standby.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Binary Value Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 138: Binary Value Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
States Text -- Display
931 W C
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value. For BACnet compliant objects, if
no States Text is specified when the object is created, the Inactive Text and Active Text
are used to derive the equivalent States Text if possible.
Use Remote Alarming -- Object
853 W C
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for
the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating
alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object to
accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the remote
integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote
Alarming defaults to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When
Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are ignored
at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the NxE may
be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -BACnet
569 W C
Enables the definition of the intrinsic alarm related attributes.
Min Off Time -- Engineering Values Represents the least number of seconds Present Value remains in the Inactive state after
66 W C
entering the Inactive state.
Min On Time -- Engineering Values Represents the least number of seconds Present Value remains in the Active state after
67 W C
entering the Active state.
Restore Command Priority -Restart Options
721 W C
Selects which commands (at a selected priority) persist through a device restart. When
the bit is set, the command (at a selected priority) is saved at shutdown and restored at
Relinquish Default -- Default State Specifies the default value to be used for the Present Value attribute when no commands
104 W C
are currently controlling this object. If this attribute is configured to any value other than
None, the object sends commands for the value immediately.
Calendar Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Calendar
The Calendar object is used behind the scenes by the Scheduling feature by maintaining a list of dates designated
as exceptions to the normal schedule. Exception Schedule days are days when you do not want the Schedule to
operate, such as holidays. They can be defined as specific dates or ranges of dates. Typically, a Schedule object
references a Calendar object, which lists the days the weekly schedule should not operate. A Schedule object
working from a chosen Calendar reads the Present Value of the Calendar object, which indicates if the current day
is within the Date List (Entry Detail) of the Calendar.
A different set of activities from those in the weekly schedule can be defined in the Schedule object to occur on these
exception days. Multiple Schedule objects can reference a single Calendar object so that only the Calendar object
needs to be changed to affect all schedules.
This object allows you to accommodate for a special day or days, like a holiday, in which the building controls should
run differently from usual, in accordance with the change in the number of people and the amount of activity in the
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
For more information on the Scheduling feature and how to create a calendar, refer to the Scheduling section in the
Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793) or Metasys ODS Help (LIT-12011942). For more information on Global Calendars
reference the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793). For detailed information on the Calendar object, see the following
Calendar Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 139: Calendar Attributes - Calendar Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Date List (Entry Detail) Date/Time
Global Calendar Object Attribute
Global Calendar Update Date/Time
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, W - Writable
Date List (Entry Detail)
Lists dates defined as entries to the Calendar object. Each entry is either an individual date, range of dates, or
month/week-of-month/day-of-week specification. If the current date matches any calendar entry, the Present Value
is set to True. Also, individual fields of an entry can be left unspecified, thus acting as Wilcards, or include all options.
If a device allows writing to Date List, all date choices are permitted.
Global Calendar Object Reference
Specifies a globally referenced calendar (if any) used as the master calendar for the site. Specifying a global calendar
allows a site to synchronize many calendars so that only a single calendar (master calendar) needs to be changed.
If you are using calendar references, you usually set up field controllers that reference a calendar on the engine,
and engines that reference a calendar on a single supervisory engine, which is designated as the master calendar.
Global Calendar Update
Specifies a time and date when the local calendar date list was last updated from the master calendar. If no calendar
is referenced by the device, then the global calendar update remains unspecified.
Note: If a calendar references a master calendar, the date list is not writable and the Edit button within the SMP
UI is unavailable.
Event Enrollment Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Event Enrollment
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The Event Enrollment object’s attributes represent and contain information for managing events. Events are changes
in the value of an object that meet specific criteria. The Event Enrollment object defines the event criteria and provides
a connection between an event and a notification message sent to recipients. A recipient device is enrolled for
notification if:
it is one of the recipients in a Notification Class Object referenced by the Event Enrollment object
a Notification Class object is not referenced and it is the recipient of the Event Enrollment object
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Event Enrollment Concepts
Event Relationships
Event Types, Event States, and Event Parameters are interrelated attributes:
Table 140: Event Relationships
Event Type
Event State
Event Parameters
Change of Bitstring
Time Delay
List of Bitstring Values
Change of State
Change of Value (COV)
Time Delay
List of Values
Time Delay
COV Increment
Command Failure
Floating Limit
Time Delay
Feedback Property Reference
Time Delay
High Limit
Setpoint Reference
Low Limit
Low Diff Limit
Hi Diff Limit
Out of Range
Time Delay
High Limit
Low Limit
Low Limit
High Limit
Any Event Type generates a Fault Event State if the object referenced in the Object Property Reference becomes unreliable
and the Object Property Ref attribute is linked to Reliability.
Only one of these parameters is used.
Event Parameters
The table below lists the parameters in the Event Parameters attribute. For a description of the algorithms to which
these parameters apply, refer to ANSI/ASHRAE BACnet Standard 135 - 1995.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 141: Event Parameters
This parameter applies to the Change of Bitstring event algorithm and the Change of Value event
algorithm in the special case where the referenced attribute is a Bit String data type. It represents a
bitmask that is used to indicate which bits in the referenced attribute are monitored by the algorithm.
A value of one in a bit position indicates that the bit in this position in the referenced attribute is
monitored by the algorithm. A value of zero in a bit position indicates that the bit in this position in
the referenced attribute is not significant for the purpose of detecting this Change of Bitstring or
Change of Value. A Bitmask must contain 4 bits.
These parameters apply to the Floating Limit and Out of Range event algorithms.
High Diff Limit
Low Diff Limit
High Limit
Low Limit
Feedback Property
This parameter (BACnet Object Property Reference) applies to the Command Failure algorithm.
Feedback Property Reference identifies the object and attribute that provides the feedback to ensure
that the commanded attribute changes value. This attribute may reference only object properties
that have lists of true and false values.
List of Bitstring Values
This is a list that applies to the Change of Bitstring event algorithm. This list defines the set of states
for which the referenced attribute is Offnormal. Only the bits indicated by the Bitmask are significant.
If the value of the referenced attribute changes to one of the values in the List of Bitstring Values,
then the Event State attribute of the Event Enrollment object makes a transition To Offnormal and
sends the appropriate notifications. This list must contain 4 bits.
List of Values
This is a list of BACnet Property States that applies to the Change of State event algorithm. This
event algorithm applies to referenced properties that have discrete or lists of values. The List of
Values is a subset of the possible values that the attribute may have. If the value of the referenced
attribute changes to one of the values in the List of Values, then the Event State attribute of the
Event Enrollment object makes a transition to To Offnormal and sends the appropriate notifications.
COV Increment
This parameter applies to the Change of Value event algorithm. It represents the increment by which
the referenced attribute must change in order for the event to occur.
Setpoint Reference
This parameter (BACnet Object Property Reference), applies to the Floating Limit event algorithm.
Setpoint Reference indicates the setpoint reference for the reference attribute interval.
Time Delay
This parameter applies to all event types and represents the seconds that the conditions monitored
by the event algorithm persist before an event notification is issued.
Referenced Property
This parameter represents the increment by which the referenced property must change for an event
to occur.
Event Enrollment Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 142: Event Enrollment Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name Flags1
BACnet Description
Conveys three separate flags that each indicate if the most recent To Offnormal,
To Fault, and To Normal event transitions have been acknowledged (if the transition
requires acknowledgement).
Alarm Message
Contains the user-defined text included with the event notification.
Event Enable
Conveys three flags that determine if notifications are enabled for To Offnormal,
To Fault, and To Normal transitions. When a flag is set, this means that the
corresponding transition causes notification to be sent to all enrolled devices. When
a flag is cleared, this means that the corresponding transition is not reported. The
object’s Event State continuously updates, regardless of the value of the Event
Enable attribute.
Event State
Indicates the current state of the event. The permitted values for Event State are
specific to the Event Type. The value of Event State is independent of the Event
Enable flags.
Event Time
Conveys the times of the last event notifications for To Offnormal, To Fault, and
To Normal events. Time stamps of type Time or Date have * in each octet. Sequence
number time stamps have 0 if no event notification of that type has generated since
the object was created.
Execution Priority CW
Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object within the
Indicates the graphic associated with the object.
Graphic Alias
Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name
of the folder containing this object or the controller containing this point.
Specifies the notification class used when handling and generating event
notifications for the object. This attribute implicitly refers to the Notification Class
Object that has a Notification Class attribute of the same value.
Conveys if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms. This
attribute is required if the object supports intrinsic reporting.
Process Identifier CNW
Determines the numeric handle of a process within the recipient device that is
enrolled for event notification when a Notification Class object is not used.
Designates the recipient device that is enrolled for event notification when a
Notification Class object is not used.
Object Reference
Notify Type
C - Configurable, W - Writable
The Notification Class attribute is used if the Recipient attribute is not used. We recommend using the Notification Class
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 143: Event Enrollment Object Attributes - Event Tab
Attribute Name
BACnet Values/Options/Range
Event Parameters
Event Type
Determines the method used to monitor the referenced object. This attribute
provides the parameter values used for the algorithm. See the Event Parameters
section for descriptions of the parameters.
Indicates the type of event algorithm used to detect events and report to enrolled
devices. See the BACnet standard for more information on algorithms. See
Event Relationships for more information on the event types.
Table 143: Event Types
Change of Generates an offnormal transition when the value of the
referenced property is equal to one of the user-defined Bitstring
Values (List Elements after applying the Bitmask) and the values
are equal for the amount of seconds defined by the Time Delay
attribute you’re using. The Bitmask defines the bits important for
Change of Generates an offnormal transition when the value of the
referenced property (Input Reference) is equal to one of the
values in the List of Values (List Elements) and the values are
equal for the number of seconds defined by the Time Delay
attribute of the object you’re using.
Change of Generates a normal transition when the value of the referenced
property (Input Reference) changes by an amount equal to or
greater than the referenced property increment (Change of Value
[COV] Increment) for the number of seconds defined by the Time
Delay attribute of the object you’re using.
Command Generates an offnormal transition if the values of the referenced
property (Input Reference) and the Feedback Reference are not
equal for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by
the Time Delay attribute of the object you’re using.
Object Property Ref
(Input Reference)
Generates a transition to high or low limit alarm if the value of
the referenced property (Input Reference) is higher or lower than
the range of values determined by the current value of the
Setpoint Reference, High Limit, Low Limit, and Deadband for a
time greater than the number of seconds defined by the Time
Delay attribute of the object you’re using.
Out of
Generates a transition to high or low limit alarm if the value of
the referenced property (Input Reference) is higher or lower than
the range of values determined by the High Limit and Low Limit
for a time greater than the number of seconds defined by the
Time Delay attribute of the object you’re using.
Designates the particular object and attribute referenced by the Event Enrollment
object. This attribute applies the algorithm specified by Event Type to the
referenced attribute to determine the Event State.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Group Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Group
Note: • Click the Add button to select the items belonging to this group from the Select Item dialog box.
• Click the item in the group list and use the up and down arrows to move the item in the list.
• Click the item in the group list and click Remove to remove the item from the group.
Do not add a Group object to an equipment definition for the Metasys UI. The Metasys UI does not support
the Group object.
The Group object’s attributes represent a collection of other objects and one or more of their attributes. This object
provides the user with the ability to customize the organization of objects within the site. The Group object simplifies
the exchange of information between objects by calling all members of the group at once. A group consists of any
combination of object types. For example, you can use the Group object to monitor the temperature in different
rooms throughout a floor of a building.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
For detailed information on the Group object, see Group Attributes.
For more information on the wizard used to create the Group object, see Insert Object - Group.
Group Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 145: Group Object Attributes - Group Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
List of Group
Set of types
Present Value
Set of values
Initial Value
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Group Attribute Details
List of Group Members
Contains the references (Input References) that define the members of the group. These group members are
referenced during a transaction. The List of Group Members consists of two parts:
Object Identifier (Object ID)
List of Property References
All members of the group are objects that reside in the same device that maintains the Group object. Nesting is not
Present Value
Lists the values of all the attributes specified in the List of Group Members. This is a read-only attribute; it cannot
be used to write a set of values to the members of the group. The Present Value list reconstructs each time the
attribute is read by fetching the member attributes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
IEIEJ BACnet System Objects
IEIEJ BACnet System Objects comply to the Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan (IEIEJ) Standard
Protocol based on BACnet specifications. Use these objects to comply with these guidelines.
For more information on IEIEJ BACnet System Objects, click one of the following:
Electric Demand Monitoring Object
Electric Demand Control Object
Generator Load Control Object
IEIEJ BACnet System Object Descriptions
Electric Demand Monitoring Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Electric Demand Monitoring
The Electric Demand Monitoring Object is a specialized object that monitors the power consumption in a fixed
30-minute window. This object uses an accumulator or analog input and calculates the demand every minute. The
object calculates a projected demand for the end of the 30-minute window, and compares that demand value to the
target demand. If the projected demand value exceeds the target demand value, the object triggers an alarm
notification. A graph of the demand values is the default view of the object.
Electric Demand Control Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Electric Demand Control
The Electric Demand Control Object interacts with the Electric Demand Monitoring Object to control electrical loads
so the actual demand stays below the target demand. The present value is a value (1–16) that indicates the level
of shed activity needed to stay within the target demand. External logic must be used to interpret this value and
switch on/off loads.
Generator Load Control Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Generator Load Control
This object is similar to the Electric Demand Control Object but specifically controls the loads on a backup generator.
A given generator can supply a fixed maximum amount of power. A reference to the current load on the generator
and the value of the maximum generator output are configured in the object. This present value is a value (1–16)
that indicates the level of shed activity needed so the demand does not exceed the maximum power output of the
generator. External logic must be used to interpret this value and switch on/off loads.
Life Safety Point Object
The Life Safety Point object’s attributes represent the state of smoke detectors, fire detectors, security alarms, and
similar devices. As a Life Safety Point, the state of this object can be one of 24 states.
The Life Safety Point object is a standardized object that represents a BACnet Safety Point Object as defined in the
2008 BACnet specification.
Life Safety Point Attributes
This object only contains the common Metasys system object attributes. These common attributes are described in
the Common Object Attributes section.
Life Safety Zone Object
The Life Safety Zone object represents a grouping of Life Safety Points. The Life Safety Zone can also represent a
grouping of Life Safety Zones.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The Life Safety Zone object is a standardized object that represents a BACnet Safety Zone Object as defined in the
2008 BACnet specification.
Life Safety Zone Attributes
This object only contains the common Metasys system object attributes. These common attributes are described in
the Common Object Attributes section.
Multistate Input Object
The Multistate Input object’s Present Value attribute represents results of an algorithmic process within the device
in which the object resides. For example, the Present Value of the Multistate Input object could be either the result
of a combination of multiple binary inputs, the threshold of one or more analog inputs, or the result of a mathematical
computation. Present Value is an integer representing the state of the object. The State Text attribute associates
a description with this state.
Note: Do not confuse the Present Value state with the Event State attribute, which reflects the Offnormal state of
the Multistate Input.
The Multistate Input object integrates N1, N2, and BACnet controllers with supervisory controllers, resulting in:
a consistent interface to point objects for all controller types
flexibility in point mapping
support for Metasys N2 controllers. See the N2 Controller Object.
For example, this object allows you to display the speeds of a multispeed fan at a supervisory controller.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Multistate Input Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 146: Multistate Input Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Device Type
Limit: 20 characters
Intrinsic Alarming
True or False
Not Supported
Number of States
Minimum Value = 2
Maximum Value = 16
Out of Service
True or False
Present Value
One value from DNRW
a set
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
States Text attribute identifies the value
set for this attribute.
Table 146: Multistate Input Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
One value from W
a set
State Text
Set of Values
States Text
One value from CW
a set
Status Flags
No Fault Detected (Reliable), No Sensor,
Over Range, Under Range, Open Loop,
Shorted Loop, Multi State Fault,
Unreliable Other Uses Reliability (Set
Off Low
Med Hi
Series of True or
False states
Use Remote Alarming True or False
In Alarm, Fault, Overridden, Out of
Service Uses BAC Status Flags (Set 9).
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Object’s Reliability, W - Writable
This attribute is required to be writable if Out of Service is True.
Multistate Input Attribute Details
Device Type
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related attributes..
Number of States
Defines the number of states Present Value can have.
Out of Service
Used to decouple the object from the physical input that feeds its Present Value and Reliability. When out of service
is True, the object does not read the Present Value and Reliability from the hardware.
In addition, the Reliability attribute and the corresponding state of the Fault flag of the Status Flags attribute is
decoupled from the input when Out of Service is True. While the Out of Service attribute is True, Present Value and
Reliability may be changed to any value either as a means of simulating specific fixed conditions or for testing
purposes. Other functions that depend on the state of the Present Value or Reliability attributes respond to changes
made to these attributes while Out of Service is True, as if those changes had occurred in the input.
Present Value
Reflects the current value of the input as one of n states, where n is the number of states defined in the Number of
States attribute. When Out of Service is True, Present Value is writable.
Indicates if the Present Value is unreliable and why. When Out of Service is True, the Reliability may be written
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
State Text
Represents descriptions of all possible states of Present Value. The number of descriptions matches the number
of states defined in Number of States. Present Value (an integer) serves as an index into this attribute.
States Text
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
Status Flags
Contains four true or false flags that indicate the general health of the object. Three of the four flags are associated
with the values of other attributes within the same object. By reading these attributes, you get a clearer picture of
the object status. The four flags are:
In Alarm - In Alarm flag is False (0) if the Event State attribute value is Normal; otherwise the In Alarm flag is True
Fault - Fault flag is True (1) if the Reliability attribute is not reliable; otherwise the Fault flag is False (0).
Overridden - Overridden flag is Logical 1 if the Present Value is decoupled from the hardware output because
operator intervention provided a different value.
Out of Service - Out of Service flag is True if the Out of Service attribute value is True; otherwise the Out of Service
flag is False.
Use Remote Alarming
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for the object originate. If the
remote integrated object contains attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True,
causing the local mapper object to accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If
the remote integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults
to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from
the remote integrated object are ignored at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of
the NxE may be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Multistate Input Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Multistate Input Object.
Table 147: Multistate Input Object Commands
Command Name
Disable Alarms
Enable Alarms
In Service
Out of Service (Command)
The value to be written to the Present Value attribute.
Multistate Input Command Details
Disable Alarms
Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Enable Alarms
Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.
In Service
This command cancels the affect of an Out of Service (Command) command and returns the Out of Service attribute
to False. The Present Value and Reliability will revert back to the values obtained from the physical input.
Note: For BACnet objects, support of this command is dependent on the ability to write the Out Of Service attribute.
Out of Service
This command allows a user to override the object's hardware input for simulation or other purposes. The Out Of
Service command changes the Out of Service attribute to True, write the Present Value to the value of the command
parameter and write the Reliability attribute to Reliable. The Present Value and Reliability will no longer track the
physical input.
When an Out Of Service command is issued, the NxE does not communicate subsequent changes (operator or
system) to the field device.
For BACnet objects, support of this command is dependent on the ability to write the Out Of Service attribute.
Multistate Output Object
The Multistate Output object’s attributes represent the desired state of one or more physical outputs or processes
of the device in which the object resides. The actual functions associated with a particular state are determined
locally (not part of protocol). Present Value represents the state with a number, and State Text associates a
description with each state.
The Multistate Output object integrates N1, N2, and BACnet controllers with supervisory controllers, resulting in:
a consistent interface to point objects for all controller types
flexibility in point mapping
support for Metasys controllers
For example, this object allows you to command the modes of an access control device from a supervisory controller.
Note: The N1 migration Multiple Command object maps to this Multistate Output object.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Multistate Output Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 148: Multistate Output Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name Data Type
Initial Value Values/Options/Range
Device Type
Limit: 20 characters
Heavy Equip Delay Number
Not supported 0
Range: 0–255 Seconds
HED Controller
Not supported
Intrinsic Alarming
True or False
Not supported False
Number of States
Out of Service
True or False
Present Value
One value from a set DRW
Priority Array
Set of values
One value from a set
States Text attribute identifies the
value set for this attribute.
No Fault Detected (Reliable), Open
Loop, Shorted Loop, No Output,
Unreliable Other
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
State Text
One state from a set
Off Low
Med Hi
States Text
One state from a set CW
Off Low
Med Hi
Status Flags
One value from a set
In Alarm, Fault, Overridden, Out of
Uses BAC Status Flags (Set 9).
Use Remote
True or False
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Object’s Reliability, W - Writable
Multistate Output Attribute Details
Device Type
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
Heavy Equip Delay
Indicates the amount of time that this output point adds to the Accumulated Delay attribute of the Heavy Equipment
Controller object when this point is started. The next output point is delayed by that amount of time of the HEC
Accumulated Delay is not already decremented to zero.
The NAE device’s five internal Heavy Equipment Controller objects (see HED Controller) time their delays
independently of one another. For example, HED 1 and HED 4 can count down their delays at the same time.
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HED Controller
Identifies the Heavy Equipment Controller object managing the delays.
The NAE device has five internal Heavy Equipment Controller objects for use by Binary Output and Multistate Output
objects. The BO and MO objects reference the heavy equipment delay (HED) controller objects by number (1–5).
All BO and MO objects on an NAE share the five internal HED controller objects. For example, if BO1 and MO3 on
NAE-1 reference HED controller 1, they are using the same HED controller.
Also see Heavy Equip Delay.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
Enables the definition of the intrinsic alarm related attributes.
Number of States
Defines the number of states possible for Present Value.
Out of Service
Used to decouple the object from the physical output. When Out of Service is True, the object decouples Present
Value and Reliability from the hardware. The Reliability will be writable when Out Of Service is True. Not all devices
support setting this attribute to True.
Present Value
Indicates the current value of the output as one of n states, where n is the number of states defined in Number of
Priority Array
Lists object commands in level of importance.
Indicates if the Present Value is unreliable and why. When Out of Service is True, the Reliability may be written
State Text
Represents descriptions of all possible states of Present Value. The number of descriptions matches the number
of states defined in Number of States. Present Value (an integer) serves as an index into this attribute.
States Text
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
Status Flags
Contains four true or false flags that indicate the general health of the object. Three of the four flags are associated
with the values of other attributes within the same object. By reading these attributes, you get a clearer picture of
the object status. The four flags are:
In Alarm - In Alarm flag is False (0) if the Event State attribute value is Normal; otherwise, the In Alarm flag is True
Fault - Fault flag is True (1) if the Reliability attribute is not reliable; otherwise, the Fault flag is False (0).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Overridden - Overridden flag is Logical 1 if the Present Value is decoupled from the hardware output because
operator intervention provided a different value or local override is active.
Out of Service - Out of Service flag is True if the Out of Service attribute value is True; otherwise, the Out of Service
flag is False.
Use Remote Alarming
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for the object originate. If the
remote integrated object contains attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True,
causing the local mapper object to accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If
the remote integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults
to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from
the remote integrated object are ignored at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of
the NxE may be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Multistate Output Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Multistate Output Object.
Table 149: Multistate Output Object Commands
Command Name
Disable Alarms
Enable Alarms
In Service
Operator Override
The value to be written to the Present Value attribute.
Out of Service
Release Operator Override
1. Attribute name
2. Command priority
Release All
Attribute name
State0. . . StateN
Note: For the Override Release, Release, and Release All commands, if all Command Priorities have been released
and a Relinquish Default is not defined, the supervisory controller gives control over to the actual hardware.
Multistate Output Command Details
Disable Alarms
Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.
Enable Alarms
Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.
In Service
Cancels the effect of an Out of Service command and returns the Out of Service attribute to False. The Present
Value and Reliability will revert back to the values obtained from the physical hardware output.
Note: For BACnet objects, support of this command is dependent on the ability to write the Out Of Service attribute.
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Operator Override
Updates the Present Value at Command Priority Operator Override (8).
The Operator Override command sends the specified command to the internal NxE object, which is then only sent
to the field device when one of the following conditions is met: a) NOT Local Control and NOT Out Of Service, or b)
NOT Local Control and after issuing the In Service command.
Out of Service
Allows a user to override the object's hardware output for simulation or other purposes. The Out of Service command
changes the Out of Service attribute to True. The Present Value and Reliability no longer track the physical output.
No commands are sent to the actual hardware. When the Out of Service attribute is set to False, the current Present
Value is sent to the actual hardware.
When an Out Of Service command is issued, the NxE does not communicate subsequent changes (operator or
system) to the field device.
For BACnet objects, support of this command depends on the ability to write the Out Of Service attribute.
Releases the identified command priority from the specified, writable attribute, and allows it to be controlled by the
next highest priority.
Release All
Releases Command Priorities 3 through 16 (Default) from the specified, writable attribute. Command Priorities 1
and 2 remain.
Important: The Release All command may not cause an immediate return to automatic operation. The Release
All command clears all command priorities, including those that come from applications and features.
When this release happens, the output point goes to its Relinquish Default condition. In some cases,
the application or feature may have sent a command that does not match Relinquish Default. In this
instance, the output point does not end in the state that the applications or features intended. This
situation can cause unexpected operation to occur; for example, a space might overcool or overheat,
a fan might run longer than expected, and so on.
If an operator has overridden an input, use the Release Operator Override command.
Release Operator Override
Releases Command Priority Operator Override (8) from Present Value.
State0. . . StateN
Releases Command Priorities 9 through 15 (Scheduling) and then writes to the Present Value at the Default (16)
command priority. If this is the highest priority, it is sent to the controller. Both the state command names and the
number of commands are dependent on the States Text and Number of States attributes.
Important: Be aware that an operator state command releases the actions of any processes running to the object
in the NxE or FEC controllers that use Priorities 9 through 16. Consider this behavior when creating
control strategies.
If Local Control is True, this command is rejected.
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Multistate Value Object
The Multistate Value object’s attributes represent the desired state of one or more physical outputs or processes of
the device in which the object resides. The actual functions associated with a particular state are determined locally
(not part of protocol). Present Value represents the state with a number and State Text associates a description
with each state.
Multistate Value objects have similar software characteristics and capabilities to a Multistate Input Object; however,
Multistate Value objects are not associated with any physical hardware and are the result of a control process or
operator entry.
The Multistate Value object provides a means to map up to 32 different states to an object.
This object allows you to hold a multistate value for other objects to reference. For example, a specific multistate
value can be available for the Interlock object to reference and to base its operation on this value.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Multistate Value Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 150: Multistate Value Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Intrinsic Alarming
True or False
Number of States
Out of Service
True or False
Present Value
One value from a DRW
Priority Array
Set of values
One value from a W
Always False
States Text attribute identifies the value
set for this attribute.
No Fault Detected (Reliable), Multistate
Fault, Unreliable Other
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
State Text
Set of values
States Text
One value from a CW
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 150: Multistate Value Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Status Flags
Series of True or
False states
In Alarm, Fault, Overridden, Out of
Uses BAC Status Flags (Set 9).
Use Remote Alarming True or False
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, R - Affected by Object’s Reliability, W - Writable
Not writable through the MS/TP integration. Must be configured through CCT.
If Present Value is commandable, then it must be writable. If Out of Service is True, this attribute is True.
If Present Value is commandable, this attribute is present.
The Reliability attribute is always present in NAE implementations.
Multistate Value Attribute Details
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related attributes.
Number of States
Defines the number of states possible for Present Value.
Out of Service
Indicates the offline/online state of the connected hardware. This attribute exists for compatibility with BACnet protocol
and indicates whether the physical input that the object represents is in service. When out of service, the object
does not read the hardware. This attribute is always False.
Present Value
Reflects the current value of the multistate value object as one of n states, where n is the number of states defined
in the Number of States attribute. The Present Value is equal to the last value corresponding to the States Text
attribute. Present Value is optionally commandable. If Present Value is commandable for a given object instance,
then Priority Array and Relinquish Default are also present for that instance. If Out of Service is true, Present Value
is writable.
Priority Array
Contains prioritized commands that are in effect for this object. See the BACnet standard for a description of the
prioritization mechanism. If either Priority Array or Relinquish Default is present, both are present. If Present Value
is commandable, Priority Array and Relinquish Default are both present.
Indicates whether the Present Value is reliable and why. If Fault Values is present, Reliability is also present. A To
Fault event generates under these conditions: Reliability is not equal to No Fault Detected, and the To Fault flag is
enabled in Event Enable.
State Text
Represents descriptions of all possible states of Present Value. The number of descriptions matches the number
of states defined in Number of States. Present Value (an integer) serves as an index into this attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
States Text
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
Status Flags
Contains four true or false flags that indicate the general health of the object. Three of the four flags are associated
with the values of other attributes within the same object. By reading these attributes, you get a clearer picture of
the object status.
The four flags are:
In Alarm - In Alarm flag is False (0) if the Event State attribute value is Normal; otherwise, the In Alarm flag is
True (1).
Fault - Fault flag is True (1) if the Reliability attribute is not reliable; otherwise, the Fault flag is False (0).
Overridden - Overridden flag is Logical 1 if the Present Value has been overridden by some mechanism local
to the BACnet device or because the operator provided a different value.
Out of Service - Out of Service flag is True if the Out of Service attribute value is True; otherwise, the Out of
Service flag is False.
Use Remote Alarming
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for the object originate. If the
remote integrated object contains attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True,
causing the local mapper object to accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If
the remote integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults
to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from
the remote integrated object are ignored at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of
the NxE may be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations.
Multistate Value Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Multistate Value Object.
Table 151: Multistate Value Object Commands
Command Name
Disable Alarms
Enable Alarms
Operator Override
Release Operator Override
1. Attribute name
2. Command priority
Release All
State0 . . . StateN
Attribute name
The MS/TP Multistate Value supports an equivalent Set State command which takes State0-StateN as parameters.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Multistate Value Command Details
Disable Alarms
Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.
Enable Alarms
Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.
Operator Override
Updates the Present Value at Command Priority Operator Override (8).
The Operator Override command sends the specified command to the internal NxE object, which is then only sent
to the field device when one of the following conditions is met: a) NOT Local Control and NOT Out Of Service, or b)
NOT Local Control and after issuing the In Service command.
Releases the identified command priority from the specified, writable attribute, and allows it to be controlled by the
next highest priority.
Release All
Releases Command Priorities 3 through 15 from the specified, writable attribute. Command Priorities 1 (Manual
Emergency) and 2 (Fire Application) remain.
Important: The Release All command may not cause an immediate return to automatic operation. The Release
All command clears all command priorities, including those that come from applications and features.
When this happens, the output point goes to its Relinquish Default condition. In some cases, the
application or feature may have sent a command that does not match Relinquish Default. In this instance,
the output point does not end in the state that the applications or features intended. This situation can
cause unexpected operation to occur; for example, a space could overcool or overheat, a fan might
run longer than expected, and so on.
If an operator has overridden an input, use the Release Operator Override command.
Release Operator Override
Releases Command Priority Operator Override (8) from Present Value.
State0 . . . StateN
Releases Command Priorities 9 through 15 (Scheduling) and then writes to the Present Value at the Default (16)
command priority. The state command names and number of commands are dependent on the States Text and
Number of States attributes.
Important: Be aware that an operator state command releases the actions of any processes running to the object
in the NxE or FEC controllers that use Priorities 9 through 16. Consider this behavior when creating
control strategies.
Notification Class Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Notification
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Note: •
On the Configure screen, click the Recipient List tab for further configuration.
Click the Add button to add a BACnet device as a recipient item to the list. The Notification Recipient
dialog box appears. See the Tips for the Notification Recipient section that follows.
Click the check box next to an item in the list and click Remove if you want to remove the item from the
Click the check box next to an item in the list and click Details to view that item’s Notification Recipient
dialog box information.
Select an item in the list and use the up and down arrows to change the order of the item in the list.
Tips for the Notification Recipient:
• To send a notification to a specific BACnet device, select the OID radio button and enter the object identifier for
that device in the Device OID box. Enter the Process ID.
• To send a notification to a specific address, select the Address radio button and enter the IP Address, Network
Number, UDP Port, and Process ID. See the Recipient List attribute of the Notification Class object for details.
• Select the check boxes for the days that the notifications should be sent. To define the times when the notification
is active, slide the arrows on the time bar to define Start and Stop times.
The Notification Class object provides a means to send alarm messages (Event Notification Messages) that are
generated by other objects to any BACnet device. Typically, it is used to route alarm messages to third-party BACnet
devices. Notification Classes are useful for event-initiating objects that have identical needs in terms of how their
notifications should be handled, what the destinations for their notifications should be, and how they should be
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
For more information about the wizard used to insert a Notification Class object, see Insert Object - Notification.
Notification Class Concepts
Notification Class
A notification class defines how event notifications are prioritized according To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal
events; whether these categories of events require acknowledgement (nearly always, by a human operator); and
what destination devices or processes receive notifications.
Prioritization provides a means to ensure that alarms or event notifications with critical time considerations are not
unnecessarily delayed. Priorities may be assigned To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal events individually within
a notification class.
Acknowledgement provides assurance that a notification has been acted upon by some other agent, rather than
received correctly by another device. In most cases, acknowledgements come from human operators. To Offnormal,
To Fault, and To Normal events may, or may not, require individual acknowledgement within a notification class.
You can send event notifications to multiple destinations or to different destinations based on the time of day or day
of week. Notification Classes specify a list of destinations, each of which is qualified by time, day of week, and type
of handling. The Recipient List attribute describes how the destination parameters relate to the Notification Class
object. If an event that uses a Notification Class object occurs, the day is one of the days of the week that is valid
for a given destination, and the time is within the window specified in the destination, then a notification is sent to
the destination defined in the Recipient List. You can qualify destinations by any combination of the three event
transitions: To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The destination also defines the recipient device that receives the notification. The recipient device is specified by
either its unique Device Object Identifier or by its Network Address and MAC Address. In the latter case, a unicast
address or a broadcast, local/remote, or global address is used. The destination information specifies whether the
notification is sent using a confirmed or unconfirmed event notification.
The Ack Required attribute of the Notification Class object and the type of event transition determine whether the
event notification message requires acknowledgement.
Notification Class Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 152: Notification Class Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name Data Type
Initial Value Values/Options/Range
Ack Required
Series of True
and False
To Offnormal
To Fault
To Normal
Uses BAC Event Bits (Set 525).
Notification Class Number
List of numbers CW
To Offnormal
To Normal
To Fault
Range = 0–255
Route to Metasys True or False
Not supported True
True, False
Send Notifications True or False
to Supervisor
Not supported True
True, False
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Table 153: Notification Class Object Attributes - Recipient List Tab
Attribute Name Data Type
Initial Value Values/Options/Range
Recipient List
List of value
See Recipient List.
Uses BAC Day Bitset (Set 176), Recipient
Choice (Set 526), and BAC Event Bits (Set
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Notification Class Attribute Details
Ack Required
Conveys three separate flags that represent whether acknowledgement is required in notifications generated for To
Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal event transitions, respectively.
Notification Class
Indicates the numeric value of this notification class and equals the instance number of the Notification Class object.
Event initiating objects use this number to reference a specific Notification Class object.
Conveys the priority to be used for event notifications for To Offnormal, To Fault, and To Normal events, respectively.
A lower number indicates a higher priority.
Recipient List
Conveys a list of one or more recipient destinations to which notifications are sent when event-initiating objects using
this class detect the occurrence of an event. Each destination structure contains the following:
From Time, To Time (Start and Stop Times) - The window of time (inclusive) during which the destination
may be used. To specify all times, use 00:00:00 for Start Time and 23:59:59 for Stop Time.
IP Address - The 4 byte IP Address of the destination if routing by IP address. This value is ignored when
Network Number is set to 65,535. When set to IP Address or the broadcast IP Address,
notifications are broadcast based on the Network Number. A value of 0 sends a local broadcast. A value of
1–65,534 sends a remote broadcast.
Issue Confirmed Notifications (Confirmed, Unconfirmed) - Indicates whether to send Confirmed or Unconfirmed
event notifications via radio button selection. This selection is ignored when using global broadcast notifications.
MSTP Address - The MS/TP address of the destination if routing by MS/TP address.
Network Number - The network number for the destination if routing by IP or MS/TP address:
0 designates the address of the local network
1–65,534 identifies a destination address on the specified network
65,535 specifies the use of global broadcast notification (note that the IP Address is not used and the
notifications are unconfirmed)
Process Identifier - The process ID within the recipient device that receives the event notification messages.
Recipient (Device Object ID) - The destination devices to receive event notification messages.
Recipient Choice (Object ID or Address) - The choice of whether to use an Object Identifier or the Address
of the destination to route the notifications. If set to Address, the notification is sent either to the specified address
or broadcast. See IP Address and Network Number descriptions for details.
Transitions (Off Normal, Fault, Normal) - Three flags which indicate the types of transitions (To Offnormal, To
Fault, or To Normal) sent to the destination.
UDP Port Number - The UDP Port number used to send the notification message to the destination if routing
by address. When the port is set to 0, this value when written is replaced with the port used by the supervisory
device on the IP network.
Valid Days - The days of the week on which notifications may be sent to this destination during the value of
From Time, To Time (Start and Stop Times).
Route to Metasys
Determines whether or not the Notification Class object routes alarms to the Metasys alarming system.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Send Notifications to Supervisor
Determines whether or not the Notification Class object routes alarms to the supervisory device.
Notification Class Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Notification Class Object.
Table 154: Notification Class Object Commands
Command Name
BACnet Supported
Add Recipient
See Recipient List.
See Recipient List.
Remove Recipient
Only supported by the BACnet Notification Class
Notification Class Command Details
Add Recipient
Adds the Metasys device hosting the BACnet integration (for example, the NAE) to the Recipient List attribute.
Prevents distribution of event notifications.
Allows distribution of event notifications.
Remove Recipient
Deletes the device hosting the BACnet integration from the Recipient List attribute.
N1 Pulse Counter Object
The N1 Pulse Counter object aids in the integration of N1 controllers with supervisory controllers, resulting in:
consistent interface to N1 point objects for all controller types, so they appear as a homogenous set to the user
flexibility in point mapping
This object allows you to read pulses from an electric or gas meter at a supervisory controller.
Note: The Pulse Counter object may feed its Present Value to the Pulse Meter Object.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
N1 Pulse Counter Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 155: N1 Pulse Counter Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration
Data Type
Initial Value
Attribute Name
Present Value
One value from a
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, R - Affected by Object’s Reliability, W - Writable
N1 Pulse Counter Attribute Details
Present Value
Actual value of the Pulse Count the last time it was read.
Indicates whether the Present Value is reliable and why.
N1 Pulse Counter Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the N1 Pulse Counter Object.
Table 156: N1 Pulse Counter Object Commands
Command Name
Preset Counter
Enable Alarms
Disable Alarms
N1 Pulse Counter Command Details
Preset Counter
Defines a preset value in the counter. This command is available only if you have the Supervise Access level
command priority.
Enable Alarms
Enables alarms for the N1 pulse counter.
Disable Alarms
Disables alarms for the N1 pulse counter.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Schedule Object
The Schedule object works behind the scenes of the Scheduling feature. The Schedule object updates attribute
values of objects according to the time of day. These times can be specified for days of the week and as exceptions.
For more information on the Scheduling feature or the steps it takes to create one, refer theScheduling section in
the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Schedule Object Attributes
The display of the Schedule object uses two tabs, the Schedule Object Schedule Tab and the Schedule Object
Focus/Configuration Tab. If you add extensions, see Extensions for information on the extension tabs.
Schedule Object Features
Table 157 shows the icon of the Schedule object. The key words are included in the table to help users who may
search the help system using a description of the icon to find this chapter.
Table 157: Schedule Object Icon
Key Words
Stopwatch, Pocket Watch, Clock
Display Frame Attributes
Figure 41: Schedule Object Display Frame Example
The name or label that appears in the Navigation Tree.
The Present Value or the Value indicates the current value of the Schedule object. This value is written to each of
the scheduled items.
The status of the Schedule object. The possible statuses include:
Inactive - Today is not within the effective period
Unreliable - Data in Schedule is not consistent. This is a rare occurrence.
Out of Service
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Schedule Object Schedule Tab
Operation and Display Attributes
Effective Period
The Effective Period attribute defines the range of dates within which the Schedule object is active. By default, these
dates are unspecified, causing the Schedule object to be active for all days. When the Schedule is not within the
Effective Period, the Schedule is considered Inactive and the Schedule’s status is set to Inactive. Wildcard may be
used in the date fields. For more information on using wildcards, refer to the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
Schedule Output Type
The Schedule Output Type attribute indicates the value type of the Schedule object’s Present Value, Default Schedule
Command, and all scheduled events.
Table 158: Schedule Output Type Options
Select this option to set the schedule’s Value type to Binary (one of two states, such as Off
and On).
Select this option to set the schedule’s Value type to Analog (for example, 72.0).
Select this option to set the schedule’s Value type to Multistate (one of a set of states, such
as Off, Low, Medium, and High).
Derived from Key Item
Select this option to set the schedule’s Value type to match the Value type of the attribute
scheduled for the Key Item. For example, all values are Boolean (True/False) if the Key
Item’s Enabled attribute is scheduled.
Derived from Value
This type is only set by the system - it cannot be manually selected. This type indicates that
the current schedule type matches preexisting values.
Default Schedule Command
The Default Schedule Command attribute indicates the command of the Schedule object when no event is in effect,
due to no scheduled command or a conscious gap in the schedule. The Default Schedule Command is executed
every midnight unless another event is in place to begin at midnight.
The Default Schedule Command also supports the Release command. The Release command releases the Scheduling
function’s control of the scheduled objects. Setting the Default Schedule Command to Release is the only available
method to release the schedule’s control of scheduled objects through the Schedule object. Release should only
be used for the Schedule Default Command if the scheduled items support the Release command.
States Text
The States Text attribute indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value when the Schedule Output Type is
either binary or multistate. This attribute allows you to change what states the Schedule’s Present Value displays if
you want it to be different from the key item.
Display Units
The Display Units attribute indicates the displayed units of the Present Value when the Schedule Output Type is
analog. This attribute allows you to change the units displayed with the Schedule’s Present Value if you want them
to be different from the key item.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Display Mode
The Display Mode drop-down menu allows you to select what is displayed in the lower panel of the Schedule Tab.
Refer to the Scheduling topic of the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793) for more information on the Display Modes.
Today’s Schedule
Contains the schedule timeline for the current day. The timeline displays the projected schedule output that will be
written to the scheduled objects for the current day, combining the default Schedule Command with events from
both the Weekly Schedule and Exception Schedule. Today’s Schedule also displays a table of times and values,
which details the changes in the schedule’s output for the current day.
Note: Today’s Schedule does not display in the SCT. It also does not display for mapped third-party schedules.
Weekly Schedule
Contains a timeline of events for each day of the week - Monday, Tuesday, . . . Sunday. Each event has a time and
value that the Schedule writes to the scheduled objects. An event ends at midnight, but it can be ended earlier by
specifying an end time or by scheduling another event to start. Events in the Exception Schedule override times and
values in this Weekly Schedule. If the Weekly Schedule has no events defined on a particular day and time, and
there are also no exception events scheduled, the Default Schedule Command takes effect.
Note: Weekly Schedule does not display for third-party schedules that do not support a weekly schedule.
Exception Schedule
Contains a list of exceptions to the weekly schedule. The times and values in the exception replace anything that is
in the weekly schedule. If more than one exception is scheduled on the same day, the highest priority (precedence)
exception takes effect. If all exceptions are of the same precedence, they are executed in time order. Exceptions
override the Weekly Schedule only when events are scheduled for the exception. Any time that an exception event
is not in effect, such as when an event is ended before midnight (or no exception events are defined), the Weekly
Schedule takes effect. If the Weekly Schedule also has no scheduled events at that time, the Default Schedule
Command takes effect.
Note: •
By default, exception schedules which have already occurred are deleted after 31 days. You can disable
automatic deletion of exception schedules or change the number of days until the exception schedules
are deleted to 7 days by configuring the JCI Exception Schedule attribute. For more information, see JCI
Exception Schedule in the Engine Device Object section.
Exception Schedule does not display for third-party schedules that do not support exceptions.
Scheduled Items
Contains the list of items to be commanded by the schedule object. If empty, the Schedule does not directly command
objects but its Present Value can still be used as an input to other logic, such as an Interlock or Control System.
The online display also includes a Status Log that shows the status of the schedule’s attempts to control each of
the scheduled items. If no objects are scheduled, the Schedule Output Type determines what type of command may
be scheduled.
Schedule Object Focus/Configuration Tab
The online UI displays the Focus tab. The SCT displays the Configuration tab.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Object Attributes
The Name attribute contains a freely definable user-friendly Name for the object that is independent of the Item
Reference or the location of the object in the physical network. The Name is used as the label in the All Items
navigation tree. The Name is shown in alarm reports, the event and audit viewers, and in summaries. The Name
does not need to be unique to the site.
The Name defaults to the object identifier you used during manual object creation, but can be edited later. For
integrated BACnet objects, the name defaults to the BACnet Object Name in the remote BACnet device. For integrated
N1 network objects, the name defaults to the System.Object Name in the NCM.
Example: ConferenceCenter-Room2-LightingSchedule
The Name attribute allows up to 400 characters, but 40 or less is best for the display layout.
Name is a common object attribute; for more information, see Common Object Attributes.
The Description attribute contains a user-defined description of the object. The Description attribute allows up to 40
characters before Release 8.0 and up to 64 characters at Release 8.0 and later, but is not required. Description is
a common object attribute; for more information, see Common Object Attributes.
Object Type
The Object Type attribute indicates the type of object as displayed in the Metasys software and as exposed to a
BACnet network. The Object type of the Schedule object is Schedule. The Schedule object is a standard BACnet
schedule object and conforms to the BACnet protocol 135-2004 specification. Object Type is a common object
attribute; for more information, see Common Object Attributes.
Authorization Category
The Authorization Category attribute classifies the object by the category of system or equipment that it monitors to
aid in the determination of user access privileges and alarm routing.
Examples: HVAC, Fire, Security
Status Attributes
Setting the Enabled attribute to False stops the object from updating its Present Value and stops the object from
commanding the referenced attributes. Setting the Enabled attribute to False does not change the Out of Service
Status Flags
The Status Flags indicate the general health of the object. This attribute does not appear in the SCT.
Table 159: Status Flag Descriptions
Status Flag
In Alarm
This flag is always False for the Schedule object.
False means that the Reliability attribute is reliable, otherwise the flag is True.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 159: Status Flag Descriptions
Status Flag
This flag is always False for the Schedule object.
Out of Service
True means that the Out of Service attribute is also True, otherwise the flag is False.
The Reliability attribute indicates the reliability of the object. If there are data type mismatches in the weekly schedule,
exception schedules, or Default Schedule Command, the object reports that it is unreliable. This attribute does not
appear in the SCT.
Out of Service
When True, the object no longer updates the Present Value itself. This attribute does not appear in the SCT.
Note: Disabling the object does not impact the ability to put the Schedule Out Of Service and write to its Present
Value and thus to its Outputs.
Error Status
The Error Status attribute indicates whether the Present Value was successfully written to the list of property values
in the Scheduled Items list. The Error Status displays Ok if the object was able to send its latest Present Value to
every object in the Scheduled Items list. Otherwise, the Error Status displays the error of the first failed command.
See the status log in the Scheduled Items view for the status for each attempted command. This attribute does not
appear in the SCT, and does not appear for mapped third-party schedules.
Alarm State
The Alarm State attribute indicates that the object transitioned into alarm or unreliable conditions. This attribute does
not appear in the SCT.
Engineering Values Attributes
Item Reference
The Item Reference attribute contains a unique reference name for the object that is the full path name of the object
through the All Items navigation tree using the unique identifier you specified when you manually created the object.
Item Reference is a common object attribute; for more information, see Common Object Attributes.
The Version attribute displays the version number of the object software code. Version is a common object attribute;
for more information, see Common Object Attributes.
Execution Attributes
Execution Priority
The Execution Priority attribute indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object within the
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Priority for Writing
The Priority for Writing attribute defines the priority at which the referenced attributes are commanded. Seven is the
highest priority and 16 is the lowest supported by the Schedule object, with the default of 15.
Note: We do not recommend using priorities 7 or 8 as they may interfere with the operator override functionality.
Scheduled Commands
The Disable command stops all future scheduled events. Neither the Weekly Schedule nor the Exception Schedule
run again until the Schedule object is re-enabled. While disabled, the status log in the Scheduled Items view lists
the object as disabled. The schedule remains disabled until re-enabled.
The Enable command allows the Schedule object to resume normal scheduling operation. The Schedule object
starts the schedule as soon as it is enabled. When it is re-enabled, the Schedule object writes its current value to
the scheduled items.
Menu Selection: Insert > Folder
Inserts a folder into the navigation tree of the system for grouping and categorizing items and information in the
navigation tree.
A Folder object helps support the hierarchical organization of objects.
A total of 1000 objects can be added per folder, and up to 10 consecutive levels of Folder objects can be added
within any other folder or object.
Note: You must name a new folder differently from the folders in the default set on the user interface.
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Control System
Menu Selection:Insert > Control System
Inserts a control system into the site. See Logic Connector Tool (LCT) for more information on control systems and
the Logic Connector Tool.
Program (Control System) Object
The Program object (previously the Control System object) stores information needed for the user-defined control
strategies created (graphically) with the Logic Connector Tool (LCT). The Control System object application now
includes BACnet command object functionality and appears as the Program object in the Metasys software. The
Program object attributes allow manipulation of the LCT application.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Program Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 160: Program Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Description Of Halt
True or False
Instance Of
Program Change
One state from a
0 = Ready
1 = Load
2 = Run
3 = Halt
4 = Restart
5 = Unload
Program Location
Program State
One state from a
0 = Idle
1 = Loading
2 = Running
3 = Waiting
4 = Halted
5 = Unloading
Reason For Halt
One state from a
0 = Normal
1 = Load Failed
2 = Internal
3 = Program
4 = Other
One state from a
Uses Reliability set.
C - Configurable, W - Writable
Program Attribute Details
Description Of Halt
Displays the text matching the Reason for Halt attribute’s set value.
Indicates whether the program/control system logic is enabled or disabled.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Instance Of
Reflects the LCT control system’s user name.
Program Change
Requests changes to the current state of the LCT application. When written, the following actions are carried out.
After the action is carried out, the Program Change value returns to Ready.
Ready - Specifies that the LCT control system is ready for a change request (normal state).
Load - Enables the LCT control system.
Run - Enables the LCT control system.
Halt - Disables the LCT control system.
Restart - Disables, then Enables, the LCT control system.
Unload - Disables the LCT control system.
Program Location
Indicates the location of the program/control system.
Program State
Reflects the current state of the LCT application.
Halted - The Program object is Disabled.
Running - The Program object is Enabled.
Reason For Halt
Indicates that the LCT Control System has been disabled by a means other than the writing of the Program Change
Normal - The LCT control system is Enabled.
Internal - The LCT control system has been disabled by a means other than writing of the Program Change
Program - The LCT control system has been disabled by writing the Program Change attribute.
Indicates whether the connections between logic blocks are reliable.
Logic Connector Tool (LCT)
Use the Logic Connector Tool to create the logic within a control system using a graphical presentation. The control
logic may include System Blocks and Logic Blocks. The Edit Mode allows you to edit logic, and the View Mode
allows viewing and limited commanding capabilities. When running the LCT on the SCT (Metasys system in offline
mode), commanding is disabled.
The Logic Connector Tool allows control system viewing and editing via any browser logged in to any online or
configuration server with access to a Program (Control System) Object and Metasys system.
Logic runs approximately every 5 seconds. It is important that control applications that require particular timing use
internal logic to determine time between execution.
Note: You cannot insert logic on an ADS/ADX/ODS .
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Logic Connector Tool Concepts
Logic Connector Tool Workspace
The Logic Connector Tool runs inside an active display panel. The workspace for the Program (Control System)
Object defaults to a white background. You have the option to add a lined or dotted grid to the workspace using the
appropriate buttons on the Toolbar. The workspace displays all building blocks and the connections between them,
and serves as the destination for dragged and dropped blocks.
LCT Modes
The Logic Connector Tool runs in either Edit Mode or View Mode.
You can generate logic and make logic changes when you are using Metasys in offline mode (using the SCT) or
online mode. (See Metasys Modes.) After generating logic or making any changes to existing logic in offline mode,
download the database to the online device to ensure the latest information is used.
Edit Mode
Access Edit mode by clicking the Edit mode button (see Toolbar). You must be in Edit mode to edit logic or create
logic. The LCT opens in View mode.
In Edit mode, you have access to all toolbar items, System blocks, and Logic blocks.
Right-clicking in Edit mode brings up basic choices such as cut, copy, paste, delete, duplicate, hide, label, zoom,
and connect, depending on the type of item you select.
Note: Do not start labels with a number and then follow it with any of these characters: $ . - ,
For mouse shortcuts in Edit mode, see Mouse Shortcuts: Edit Mode.
View Mode
The Logic Connector Tool displays in the View mode when you are browsing a site running Metasys software in
offline mode (using the SCT) or online mode. (See Metasys Modes.) See Errors in View Mode.
In View mode, you have access only to a limited number of items on the toolbar. The System and Logic blocks do
not appear in this mode. The LCT opens in View mode. You must enter the Edit Mode to edit any of the control
system logic.
The View mode allows you to edit Program (Control System) Object attributes (from the Configuration tab) and send
commands to any of the input reference blocks in the diagram.
Dynamic values display on the connection line between two logic blocks. Values refresh every 15 seconds unless
you click the Refresh button on the Toolbar. Click the Trace mode icon on the toolbar and the tool displays online
values, but hides logical connections between blocks. If you click a block, the tool traces all connections to and from
that block (from the first input to the last output).
Right-clicking in View mode has no effect.
For mouse shortcuts in View mode, see Mouse Shortcuts: View Mode.
The Logic Connector Tool uses the toolbar described here:
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 161: LCT Toolbar
Visible In
Edit Mode
Windows Icons not
View Mode
Edit Mode
Changes the control system to Edit mode.
Refreshes the values for control system
Saves the logic system and changes it to View
mode. If there are unconnected points, the logic
system warns to fix them prior to a save.
Cancels current changes and returns to View
Print dialog appears
Print Preview
Print Preview dialog appears
Cuts an item of the control system.
Copies an item in the control system.
Pastes a cut or copied item into the logic
Undoes the previous action (except for a save)
for up to 4 actions.
Redoes the previous undone action (for up to
4 actions).
No Grid
Removes the grid from the diagram.
Lines Grid
Displays a line grid behind the diagram.
Points Grid
Displays a point grid behind the diagram.
Interactive Zoom
Zoom - Fit Window
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Turns the cursor into a selection cursor.
Turns the cursor into a text cursor that allows
you to create a text box.
Turns the cursor into a hand that allows you to
pan over the diagram by dragging.
Zooms a selected area.
Zooms in and out on a diagram when you hold
the mouse down.
Zooms the diagram to fit within the window.
Table 161: LCT Toolbar
Visible In
Edit Mode
Windows Icons not
View Mode
Trace Mode
Removes all the connection lines in the
diagram. Live values remain.
Allows you to select the percentage zoom
applied to the diagram.
Selective Zoom
Logic Checker
Checks the control system logic and places a
balloon with an icon over unconnected points.
See the Logic Checker section.
Sequence (Show
Sequence Order)
Shows the logical sequence order of the
connected blocks. A value of -1 indicates that
logic does not execute on the block.
Shows an overview of the entire control system.
When using a zoom tool in View mode, if you click outside of the display panel containing the logic system, the zoom level
automatically changes back to the default.
Logic contains the following components:
System Blocks that reference another control system
Logic Blocks that represent functions performed on objects
Math Category between the Logic blocks
Once a logic process completes, it runs again in approximately 5 seconds. For example, if a logic process starts at
10:00:00 and completes at 10:00:04, it runs again at 10:00:09. It is important that control applications that require
particular timing use internal logic to determine time between execution.
If your logic references multiple Engines or multiple ADS/ADX/ODS s, and one device needs to be downloaded,
upload all Engine/ ADS/ADX/ODS s prior to making changes in SCT. This procedure ensures your logic works
System Blocks
System blocks support drag and drop functionality. When you deposit a System block onto the workspace, a
configuration wizard guides you through the configuration of the control system. System blocks are useful when you
have complex logic because they allow you to nest one control system in another control system. When you create
a System block, the Metasys software creates a Program (Control System) Object under the first Program object in
the navigation tree.
See Adding Items to Logic.
Logic Blocks
Logic blocks support drag and drop functionality. If the list of Logic blocks is too long to fit into the Logic block list
area, use the scroll bar to expose additional blocks.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Logic blocks are not visible on the navigation tree. If the LCT window is not large enough to show all the logic blocks,
you cannot scroll down to see the hidden blocks. To make sure you see them all, enlarge the panel displaying the
logic by dragging the borders or reducing the number of panels.
See the following table for a list of Logic blocks.
Table 162: Logic Blocks
Logic Block Name Description
Performs mathematical functions on one or more inputs, producing a single output.
1–8 inputs
Performs Boolean functions on 2–8 inputs, producing a single output. This category also includes the
Latch function.
Performs statistical functions on 2–8 inputs producing a single output.
Performs multiplexing for 2–8 inputs, producing a single output. Based on the current mode assigned
to each input, the selector chooses which input to pass through to the output.
Performs control functions on three inputs, producing a single output.
Performs psychrometric functions on the defined inputs, producing a single output.
Gives the user the ability to expose values from within their control logic, either as an input or output.
These blocks are considered attributes of the Program (Control System) Object in which they are
included, and may be viewed or configured from the standard Focus view. A control system is limited
to a combination of 24 inputs and 24 outputs. See the Program (Control System) Object for more
Passes a constant value to building block inputs.
Controls the amount an output can change per control system execution or extrapolates an output using
two inputs for reference.
Passes its input to its output at the next execution of the control system (every 5 seconds). Timing
blocks are used to break up feedback loops. The Timing category also includes the Time and Timer
Math Category
Math blocks perform calculations on input. See the following table for details.
Table 163: Math Blocks
Math Type
Square Root
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 163: Math Blocks
Math Type
Arc Tangent
Arc Cosine
Arc Sine
Natural Log
The number of inputs to a Math logic block depends on the number of inputs supported by the type of math function.
The Logic Connector Tool allows you to add multiple connections to the output of the block.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Math blocks.
Bool Category
Bool blocks apply Boolean functions to input. The number of inputs to a Bool logic block depends on the number of
inputs supported by the type of Boolean function. The Logic Connector Tool allows you to add multiple connections
to the output of the block.
Table 164: Bool Blocks
Bool Type
See LTCH (Latch) for details.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Bool blocks.
LTCH (Latch)
The Latch block holds a binary value until you command it to reset. Latch blocks help capture rapidly changing binary
states that might otherwise be missed. The Input of the Latch block is a binary attribute, sampled every time the
logic system runs (every 5 seconds). Use an Attribute Reference block to create the Input for Latch.
Reset determines if the Output of the block changes with a change in the value of the Input. When Reset is True,
the Output of the Latch block stays its original value, even if the Input changes value. Reset is also a binary attribute.
To change the value of Reset, double-click the binary attribute block in View Mode and issue an Inactive or Active
This table translates the value of the Input or Reset binary attribute into True and False values for the Latch block:
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 165: Latch Blocks
Binary Attribute Value
True or False
The following table and figure summarize the operation of the Latch block:
Table 166: Latch Block Operation
Goes from False to True
Even if the Input goes to False, the Output stays True as long
as Reset is False.
Goes from False to True
Goes from True to False
Even if the Input goes to True, the Output stays False as long
as Reset is False.
Goes from True to False
Figure 42: Latch Block Example
Statistical Category
Statistical blocks perform statistics on input. The number of inputs to a Statistical logic block depends on the number
of inputs supported by the type of statistic. The Logic Connector Tool allows you to add multiple connections to the
output of the block.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 167: Statistical Block Connections
Statistical Type
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Statistical blocks.
Selector Category
Selector logic blocks (Mux) have 2–8 inputs, one mode input, and one output. Depending on the current value of
the mode input, the Selector chooses which input passes through to the output. The Logic Connector Tool allows
you to add multiple connections to the output of the block.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Selector blocks.
Control Category
Most control logic blocks have three inputs, and you can add multiple connections to the output of the block. The
blocks compare input number 1 with input number 2 using the differential (input number 3). The type of control
depends on the statistical type. The Sequencer functions differently. See SEQ (Sequencer) for details.
Table 168: Control Blocks
Statistical Type
greater than
less than
less than or equal
greater than or equal
not equal
See SEQ (Sequencer) for details.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Compare blocks.
SEQ (Sequencer)
Sequencer blocks activate devices in a sequential order based on the rank of the device and whether the device is
enabled. Lower ranked devices are activated before higher ranked devices, and higher ranked devices are deactivated
before lower ranked devices.
The Input value at which the sequencer activates or deactivates each device is based on the make and break limits
configured for the Sequencer. See Editing SEQ (Sequencer) Blocks for information on configuring the make and
break limits. The defaults for a 3-stage Sequencer with a range of 0–100 are the following:
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 169: SEQ (Sequencer Blocks)
Make Limits (Activation Points)
Break Limits (Deactivation Points)
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Sequencer blocks can output a value for minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 devices. The following table describes
the components of a Sequencer block:
Table 170: Sequencer Block Components
Determines the number of activated stages.
Instant Shutdown
Determines if the Sequencer is enabled or disabled. Use a binary object attribute
(1.0=Enabled, 0.0=Disabled).
Rotate Now
Activates reordering of output sequence. The manner in which the outputs Device 1 Output through
Device 8 Output are reordered for activation is based on a combination of two factors: the ranking
defined for each device, and whether the device is enabled. All enabled outputs are scheduled for
output selection prior to disabled outputs. And, within each of these categories (enabled and disabled
outputs), the selections are ordered beginning with the lowest ranked and proceeding on through to
the highest ranked output. Unlike all other reordering scenarios, the issue of whether or not a device
is currently active is not taken into account in this situation.
Use a binary object attribute (1.0=Rotate now, 0.0=Do not rotate now).
Device 1–8 Enable
Establishes whether or not the output is enabled. Use a binary object attribute
(1.0=Enabled, 0.0=Disabled).
Device 1–8 Rank
Establishes the order in which device outputs are activated. Use an analog object attribute (reference
block) or a Constant block.
Table 171: Sequencer Block Example
Binary Attribute Value
True or False
See Editing SEQ (Sequencer) Blocks for information on editing Sequencer blocks.
Psychrometric Category
Psychrometric logic blocks have 2 inputs, and you can add multiple connections to the output of the block.
Table 172: Psychrometric Blocks
Upper Input
Lower Input
EN-DP (EnDp)
Enthalpy - Dew Point
EN-RH (EnRh)
Enthalpy - Relative Humidity
RH-DP (RhDp)
Relative Humidity - Dew Point
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 172: Psychrometric Blocks
Upper Input
Lower Input
RH-WB (RhWb)
Relative Humidity - Wet Bulb
WB-DP (WbDp)
Wet Bulb - Dew Point
WB-RH (WbRh)
Wet Bulb - Relative Humidity
Absolute Humidity
Dew Point
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Psychrometric blocks.
Attributes Category
Attribute blocks let you expose values in your logic and configure inputs and outputs. Control systems can contain
a maximum of 24 inputs and 24 outputs.
Input and Output Attributes
In View Mode, a double-click on an Attribute Input or Output block has no effect. In the Edit Mode, when you drag
and drop an attribute block from the palette, configuration wizards launch to help you configure the attribute.
Attributes support a maximum of 24 input or 24 output blocks of Numeric, Enum, or Bool. Attributes expose values
at different stages of the Metasys system for a user to see at a glance or connect to/from.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Attribute blocks.
Note: Once an attribute is configured as Numeric, Enum, or Boolean, it cannot be changed.
Attribute Reference
After inserting an attribute reference (Input Ref or Output Ref), you can edit which object/attribute is being referenced.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode. If you double-click in View mode, a Command dialog box appears for Input refs
Constant Category
Constant logic blocks can have multiple connections to the output of the block. Constant logic blocks can be any
one of the following:
Table 173: Constant Blocks
Statistical Type
Note: Sends the Release command at a specific priority based on the connection.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Constant blocks.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Calculation Category
RL (Rate Limiter)
The Rate Limiter block controls the rate at which its Output changes with variations in its Input value. If rate limiting
is disabled, this block passes the value of the Input to the Output. If rate limiting is enabled, this block limits changes
to its Output to an increment determined by the Step Equation, executed according to the rate limit. This table
describes the components of the Rate Limiter block:
Table 174: RL (Rate Limiter Blocks)
Enables rate limiting. Use a binary object attribute reference for EN:
0 = Disabled (Inactive command)
1 = Enabled (Active command)
Rate Limiter blocks use the Step Equation to determine the maximum increment (step) the Output can change to
match the Input if the two differ. The Step Equation recalculates the step every time system logic executes (every
5 seconds).
The Step Equation looks like this:
Step = Rate Limit/60,000 * Actual Period
Rate Limit:
Rate per minute to increase or decrease the Output until it matches the Input
Actual Period:
Time in milliseconds since the last execution of the block. The system logic and Step Equation execute
every 5 seconds (5,000 milliseconds).
For example, if the Rate Limiter block is set up like this:
Rate Limit = 10
Actual Period = 5,000 (milliseconds)
The Step Equation looks like this:
Step = 10/60,000 * 5,000
Step = .8
So, the maximum increment the Output can change on its way to match the Input is .8.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Rate Limiter blocks.
The Span block applies a range and extrapolated values to an input to produce an output. This table describes the
Span block components:
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 175: Span Blocks
Input Low
Output Low
Input High
Output High
The Span block creates a linear relationship between the low input/output and high input/output pair. If the Input for
the Span block falls between the low and high input, the Output of the Span block is found on the line between the
low and high pairs.
The following example shows a graphical picture of how the Span block works:
Figure 43: Span Block Example 1
The line connecting the low and high pairs (blue line) represents the linear relationship between them. When you
enter an Input for the Span block, the logic finds where the line crosses that input and provides the corresponding
output. (The output must lie on the thick blue line.) Using the figure above, if you enter 5 for the Span block Input,
the block would find 5 on the Input axis and provide an output of 5.5 because that is where the line crosses an Input
value of 5. (The green line shows this relationship.)
If the Span block is set up to Clamp (see Editing Span Blocks) the value of the Output, the Output of the block is
restricted to the range between (and including) the low and high Output you enter for the block. Range clamping is
the default setting. For example, assume you are using the values in the figure below and have clamping set to True.
If you enter an Input of 5, you still generate an Output of 5.5, because the original line crosses an Input of 5 at 5.5,
which is between 4 and 8 (low and high output). If you enter an Input of 12, you generate an Output of 8, because
where the original line crosses an Input of 12 is higher than the high output (see where thin blue and thin green lines
intersect). If clamping is True for both high and low, the output must lie on the newly drawn thick blue line.
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Figure 44: Span Block Example 2
The Span block works for the reverse span as well (if the Output High is lower than the Output Low). See Editing
Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Span blocks.
Timing Category
Delay blocks have one input and one output and are commonly used to break up feedback loops.
The Timing category also includes the TMR (Timer) and Time blocks.
See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode for information on editing Timing blocks.
TMR (Timer)
This table describes the components of the TMR blocks:
Table 176: TMR (Timer) Blocks
Reset. Cancels the timer. Reset does not apply to Minimum On or Minimum Off timers. Use a binary
object attribute for Reset (1.0=Reset Active, 0.0=Reset Inactive).
The LCT contains five different types of timers. Each type uses a Duration (how long the timer is active) and unique
functions to generate an Output. The different types of timers are listed below. Click the name of the timer for a
description and figure of timer operation.
Pulse Timer Function
On Delay Timer Function
Off Delay Timer Function
Minimum On Timer Function
Minimum Off Timer Function
For information on setting Duration and the type of Timer, see Editing Timing Blocks.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Pulse Timer Function
The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Pulse timer.
Table 177: Pulse Timer Function
Goes active if the Input goes from low to high in two consecutive executions (logic executes every 5
seconds. The Pulse timer remains active for the amount of time specified in Duration, then goes to
inactive. High to low transitions do not activate this timer.
Stays high as long as the timer is active. After the Duration expires, the Output goes low at the next
logic execution.
Cancels timer activity and makes the output low. If the Reset goes from high to low, the timer
re-evaluates the Input at the next low to high transition.
Captures a short pulse on a binary input and keeps the Output True long enough so that the logic can
react to it.
Figure 45: Pulse Timer Example 1
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 46: Pulse Timer Example 2
On Delay Timer Function
The following table and figures illustrate the function of the On Delay timer.
Table 178: On Delay Timer Function
Goes inactive in a low to high Input transition, depending on the state of the input during the duration
period. If the Input returns to a low state (inactive), the timing cycle is canceled and the Output remains
inactive. If the Input remains in a high state, the Output goes to the high state at the next execution of
In a high to low Input transition, the Output becomes inactive the next time the logic executes (logic
executes every 5 seconds).
See row above.
Cancels timer activity and makes the output inactive. If the Reset goes from active to inactive, the
timer re-evaluates the Input at the next low to high transition.
Delays the supply fan start 20 seconds after the return fan starts.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 47: On Delay Timer Example 1
Figure 48: On Delay Timer Example 2
Off Delay Timer Function
The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Off Delay timer.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 179: Off Delay Timer Function
In a low to high Input transition, the Output becomes active the next time the logic executes (logic
executes every 5 seconds).
Goes inactive in a high to low Input transition, depending on the state of the input during the duration
period. If the Input returns to a high state (active), the timing cycle is canceled and the Output remains
active. If the Input remains in a low state, the Output goes to the low state at the next execution of
See row above.
Cancels timer activity and makes the output inactive. If the Reset goes from active to inactive, the timer
re-evaluates the Input at the next low to high transition.
Keeps the fan running to purge the coils after a heating or cooling system is turned off. Off Delay is
useful when your building contains electrical heat and/or DX cooling.
Figure 49: Off Delay Mode Example 1
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 50: Off Delay Mode Example 2
Minimum On Timer Function
The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Minimum On timer.
Table 180: Minimum On Timer Function
See row below.
Goes active when there is a low to high Input transition when the timer executes (logic executes every
5 seconds). The Output remains active until the time specified in Duration passes AND the Input
returns to inactive.
Has no effect on Minimum On timer.
Keeps a chiller running for a minimum time after startup to stabilize equipment.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 51: Minimum On Timer Example 1
Figure 52: Minimum On Timer Example 2
Minimum Off Timer Function
The following table and figures illustrate the function of the Minimum Off timer.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 181: Minimum Off Timer Function
See row below.
Goes inactive when there is a high to low Input transition when the timer executes (logic executes
every 5 seconds). The Output remains inactive until the time specified in Duration passes AND the
Input returns to active.
Has no effect on Minimum Off timer.
Keeps a chiller off from a minimum time after shutdown to equalize refrigerant.
Figure 53: Minimum Off Timer Example 1
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 54: Minimum Off Timer Example 2
A Time block has no configurable input because it extracts time and date information from the network. Network
time/date is set at the site director. The outputs of a Time block are six time/date values:
Table 182: Time Blocks
0–23 (24-hour time)
four-digit year
Day of the Week
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Connection lines connect blocks in the logic. The LCT does not do a datatype check; that is, you can connect Boolean
and Constant values, and any other combination. But, the tool does not allow inputs to connect to inputs, or outputs
to outputs. The tool determines the connection line routing, and the only way to change the routing is to move the
blocks or use the hide feature.
Control Systems
Control systems are collections of subsystems and/or Logic Blocks that may be connected together.
General Logic Connector Tool Rules
Table 183: General LCT Rules
What Are You Doing? What Components Are You
Moving, Sizing, Typing
All blocks
System blocks
These Rules Apply:
Left-click to drag and drop blocks
Block size is fixed
Font size and type are fixed
Attribute Properties:
Connection Type Allowed:
Read Only
Input or Output
Prioritized Write
Input, Output, or Both
Math, Bool, Statistical, Selector, All inputs should be connected for these Logic blocks. If you
attempt to save logic that is missing inputs, an error message
Control, Psychrometric,
displays. You may save anyway or supply inputs where
necessary. We do not recommend saving with missing inputs.
In the Edit view, blocks with missing inputs have red input points.
When the inputs are connected, the connection point turns blue.
Logic Checker
The Logic Checker is not the same logic check run with a LCT save. It must be selected from the Toolbar. The Logic
Checker scans the control system logic and reports any configuration issues it finds.
Table 184: Logic Checker
Message Text
Message Text Position
An output is not connected.
Missing Output Connection
Top-center of the block
An input is not connected.
Missing Input Connection
Top-center of the block
A feedback loop exists in the logic.
Feedback Loop Is Present
Top-center of a connection in the loop
An attribute is not connected.
Attribute Is Not Connected
Top-center of the attribute
Duplicate attribute name is defined.
Duplicate Attribute Name
Top-center of the attribute
Errors in View Mode
While in View Mode, the tool displays the status of System Blocks, references (Attribute Reference), and Math
Category. If any connection is unreliable, the tool inserts a red circle at the center of the connection. If you place
your cursor over the circle, the error condition appears as transparent text over the block. For example, the error
could be a write or offline error.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The Logic Connector Tool supports printing of the following paper sizes in either landscape or portrait orientation:
Letter (8.5 x 11 in)
Folio (8.5 x 13 in)
Legal (8.5 x 14 in)
Tabloid (11 x 17 in)
The Logic Connector Tool supports printing of just the existing control system.
Mouse Shortcuts
Use mouse shortcuts to speed up LCT use.
Mouse Shortcuts: Edit Mode
The following table lists the mouse shortcuts you can use in the Edit Mode of the LCT.
Table 185: Edit Mode Mouse Shortcuts
Double Left-Click
System Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing System
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Math Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Math Blocks). Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Bool Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Bool Blocks) Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
(except for LTCH blocks).
Statistical Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Statistical
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Selector Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Selector
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Control Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Control
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Lets you edit the block (Editing Psychrometric Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Attribute Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Attribute
Blocks: Input and Output).
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Reference Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Attribute
Reference Blocks).
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Constant Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Constant
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Lets you edit the block (Editing Calculation
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
Calculation Block Select
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 185: Edit Mode Mouse Shortcuts
Double Left-Click
Timing Block
Lets you edit the block (Editing Timing Blocks) Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete
(except for Time blocks).
Calls up a box to set connection priority.
Hide, Delete
Has no action.
Hide, Delete
Text Block
Opens the box for editing.
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Select (drag to
lasso items)
Releases a connection if one is in progress. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Connect, Zoom (with subcategories)
Mouse Shortcuts: View Mode
The following table lists the mouse shortcuts you can use in the View Mode of the LCT.
Table 186: View Mode Mouse Shortcuts
Single Left-Click
Double Left-Click
System Block
Math Block
Bool Block
Statistical Block
Selector Block
Control Block
Psychrometric Block
Attribute Block
Attribute Reference Block
Constant Block
Timing Block
Calculation Block
Text Block
Logic Connector Tool Steps
Generating a Logic System (Overview)
To generate a complete logic system:
1. On the Insert Menu, select Control System. The Insert System wizard appears.
2. Follow the instructions. The Program (Control System) Object appears in the Navigation Tree.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
3. Drag and drop the program/control system to the workspace. The LCT opens in View Mode.
4. Change to Edit mode (Changing LCT Modes) to add or edit items in the workspace.
5. Add symbol blocks (Adding Items to Logic) and add text blocks (Adding Text Blocks) to the workspace.
6. Connect the blocks (Connecting Blocks).
7. Edit blocks (Editing Blocks in Edit Mode).
8. Save the program/control system (Saving a Control System).
9. Download the program/control system to the online controller, if you created or edited the logic in offline mode
(using the SCT).
Note: •
You must create a unique name for each program/control system created under the same folder. You
can create programs/control systems with the same names as long as they are stored in different folders.
When defining logic with scientific notation where the number of digits to the left of the decimal point is
large, the system extends the range of values displayed without scientific notation to include all values
with an absolute value less than 10 million and greater than or equal to one millionth (0.000001 <= |value|
< 10,000,000.0).
Changing LCT Modes
To change from View Mode to Edit Mode, click the Edit mode button on the Toolbar.
To change from Edit Mode to View Mode, click the Cancel or Save button on the Toolbar.
Viewing Existing Logic
1. Browse to either an archive database or an online controller.
2. Drag and drop the desired Program (Control System) Object from the tree structure to the workspace. The Logic
Connector Tool opens in View Mode.
Adding Items to Logic
Drag and Drop
To add items to a control system using the drag and drop method:
1. In the Edit Mode of the LCT, left-click and drag an item from the left side of the tool view and drop it in the
Note: •
If the item is a System block, a configuration wizard appears. Answer the questions to set up the new
object/system or create a reference to an object or control system.
There is not interaction between the user navigation tree and logic.
2. Edit the block to match your needs. See Editing Blocks in Edit Mode.
Copy and Paste
Note: You can copy and paste existing objects into the workspace from the workspace only.
To add items to a control system using the copy and paste method:
1. Right-click an existing object and select Copy.
2. Right-click in the workspace and Paste the object.
Note: The copy and paste method supports copying and pasting of multiple blocks. To copy and paste more
than one block, hold down the Shift key while selecting blocks with the cursor or use the select tool to
lasso the blocks.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Connecting Blocks
1. Make sure the Logic Connector Tool is running in Edit Mode.
2. Place the cursor over the starting connection point until it changes shape from an arrow to a magic wand and
click the point.
3. Click the ending connection point.
Note: •
If the connection is valid, the cursor is a magic wand. If the connection is not valid, a circle with an X
through it appears, and the tool does not connect the points.
• After you successfully connect two points, the line between them turns blue until you click somewhere
else in the workspace.
• You do not need to click the exact connection point. If you click in the block, the tool automatically
creates a connection to/from the nearest block’s connection point. To cancel the connection after
clicking the first block, click anywhere in the workspace.
4. The Priority Connection dialog box appears. Choose a priority from 1–16 (1 is the highest priority).
Note: To change the priority at a later time, you must delete the connection and reinsert it.
Re-Routing a Connection
1. Make sure the LCT is running in Edit Mode.
2. Place the cursor over an existing end connection point until the cursor changes into a cursor with lines protruding
from the tip.
Note: You may only move the destination point. To completely change the connection, see Deleting Connections.
3. Click the connection point. The tool removes the connection.
4. Click a new connection point. The tool creates the newly routed connection.
Hiding Output Connections
1. Make sure the LCT is running in Edit Mode.
2. Place the cursor over the output connection point and right-click and a menu appears.
3. Select Hide from the menu. The tool removes all connections from the output and replaces the lines with numbered
symbolic representations of the connections.
4. To see the connections again, right-click the starting connection point and select Unhide.
Note: Double-click the hidden connection to label it. If multiple connections are from the same hidden input, it
is shown as Label: number where number is the number of connections.
Do not start labels with a number and then follow it with any of these characters: $ . - ,
Deleting Connections
1. Make sure the LCT is running in Edit Mode.
2. Select the connection and right-click.
3. Select Delete from the menu.
1. Select the connection.
2. Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Editing Blocks in Edit Mode
To edit blocks in Edit mode:
1. Enter Edit Mode (Changing LCT Modes).
2. See one of the following sections for information on the block you are editing.
Editing System Blocks
To edit System Blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a System block. The Expose Attributes dialog box appears.
2. Configure the inputs, outputs, and attributes of the subsystem.
Note: •
Select the Add button to add an attribute to configure. To remove attributes from the System, select
the check box next to one or more attributes and click the Remove button.
To view the control system for the System block, drag and drop the control system from the Navigation
Tree to the Panel Layout.
Editing Math Blocks
To edit Math blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Math block. The configuration dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields and configure the number of inputs based on the selected type of logic.
Table 187: Math Block Configuration
The number of inputs depends on the type of Math block you use. You cannot reduce the input count
lower than the number of current connections.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Bool Blocks
Note: LTCH (Latch) blocks are not editable.
To edit Bool blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Bool block. The configuration dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields and configure the number of inputs based on the selected type of Boolean logic.
Table 188: Bool Block Configuration
The number of inputs depends on the type of Bool block you use. You cannot reduce the input count
lower than the number of current connections.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Statistical Blocks
To edit Statistical blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Statistical block. The configuration dialog box appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
2. Edit the fields and configure the type of statistical block and number of inputs.
Table 189: Statistical Block Configuration
Allows you to switch between the statistical types.
You cannot reduce the input count lower than the number of current connections.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Selector Blocks
To edit Selector blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Selector (Mux) block. The Selector Edit dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields and configure the number of inputs, the enumeration set, and the mode for each input.
Table 190: Selector Block Configuration
The number of inputs determines the list of inputs.
Enum Category
Filters the enumeration set list based on the chosen category.
Enum Set
When Enum Set changes, all modes are reset.
Input 1 Mode(s)
Click the button and a dialog box appears that allows you to select which modes associate with each
input. In the dialog box, select the check box next to the desired mode(s). If a mode is already assigned
to another input, the mode appears dimmed. Select Default to select all modes for an input that are
not currently selected by any other input.
Input 2 Mode(s)
Click the button and a dialog box appears that allows you to select which modes associate with each
input. In the dialog box, select the check box next to the desired mode(s). If a mode is already assigned
to another input, the mode appears dimmed. Select Default to select all modes for an input that are
not currently selected by any other input. There is one of these per input (2–8).
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Control Blocks
To edit Control blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Control block. The configuration dialog box appears.
Note: See Editing SEQ (Sequencer) Blocks for Sequencer configuration information.
2. Edit the fields to configure the type of comparison.
Table 191: Control Block Configuration
The Type of comparison performed by the block. This field defaults to what was dragged over, but may
be changed.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Editing SEQ (Sequencer) Blocks
To edit SEQ (Sequencer) blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Sequencer block. The Sequencer dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields to configure the sequencer.
Table 192: SEQ (Sequencer) Block Configuration
Determines the number of binary outputs for the block.
Min On Time
Specifies the minimum time an output must be on before being deactivated to an off condition. When
an output is activated, a timer starts. Until the timer reaches the minimum time, the output cannot be
Min Off Time
Specifies the minimum time an output must be off before being reactivated to an on condition. When
an output is deactivated, a timer starts. Until the timer reaches the minimum time, the output cannot
be activated.
Interstage On Delay Defines the minimum time that must elapse between the sequential activation of Sequencer stages.
Interstage Off Delay Defines the minimum time that must elapse between sequential deactivation of Sequencer stages.
Make/Break Limits
The box next to Make/Break indicates if Proactive is selected and, when you click, launches the
Make/Break Dialog box.
In the Make/Break Dialog box:
Default check box: Disables all make/break limit text boxes and uses the default values. The
default values are set so that each device is on for a proportional amount of time.
Proactive check box: Disables the Stage 1 make/break limit boxes (because that stage is always
on) and shifts all the make/break limits down one stage.
Make Limit: Turns on the stage when the input value to the block reaches this limit.
Break Limit: Turns off the stage when the input value to the block decreases to this value.
Make/Break Limit Rules:
The current stage make limit must be less than the next stage make limit.
The current stage break limit must be less than the current stage make limit,
the current stage make limit must be greater than the current stage break limit.
The current stage break limit must be less than the next stage break limit.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Psychrometric Blocks
To edit Psychrometric blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Psychrometric block. The configuration dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields and configure the elevation based on the selected logic type.
Note: If you double-click an ABH or DP block, the Unit Type field does not appear.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 193: Psychrometric Block Configuration
Allows you to configure the current elevation of the site (in feet or meters).
Unit Type
Allows you to choose International System of Units (SI) or Imperial (IP) units.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Attribute Blocks: Input and Output
To edit Attribute blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click an attribute block.
2. Edit the fields and configure the input/output (see Editing Attribute Inputs and Editing Attribute Outputs).
Editing Attribute Inputs
Table 194: Attribute Input
Name of the input
The units for the output.
This field only appears for floating inputs.
Display Precision
Tells the Metasys software what precision to use when formatting data.
This field only appears for floating inputs.
Note: Display Precision is used in the Focus view of data, not the graphical view.
Enum Category
Set category determined by the user interface (either Two State or Multi State).
This field only appears for Enum inputs.
Enum Set
Set determined by the category selected in Enum Category.
This field only appears for Enum inputs.
This is checked if you want the attribute to trigger the control system to execute if its value changes by
more than the defined increment.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Attribute Outputs
Table 195: Attribute Output
Name of the output
The units for the output
Display Precision
Tells the Metasys software what precision to use when formatting data.
This field only appears for floating outputs.
Note: Display Precision is used in the Focus view of data, not the graphical view.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 195: Attribute Output
Enum Category
Set category determined by the user interface (either Two State or Multi State).
This field only appears for Enum outputs.
Enum Set
Set determined by the category selected in Enum Category.
This field only appears for Enum outputs.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Attribute Reference Blocks
To edit Attribute Reference blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click an Attribute Reference block. The Attribute Reference Edit dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields and configure the object or attribute to which the block refers (Editing Attribute Reference Inputs
or Editing Attribute Reference Outputs).
Editing Attribute Reference Inputs
Table 196: Attribute Reference Input
Enter a label here for the block.
Note: Do not start labels with a number and then follow it with any of these characters: $ . - ,
Browses to the object to which the reference is linked. Leaving this field blank leaves a placeholder for a
future reference. The dragged object's name appears in this field and the object's attributes appear in the
drop-down list in the attribute field.
The attribute to which the reference is linked. When you are configuring for an Input reference, the drop-down
list contains numeric attributes only.
Units for the attribute
This is checked if you want the attribute to trigger the control system to execute immediately instead of
waiting for the next control system scan if the value changes by more than the defined increment. Otherwise,
the control system executes normally.
Sets the increment.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Editing Attribute Reference Outputs
Table 197: Attribute Reference Output
Enter a label here for the block.
Note: Do not start labels with a number and then follow it with any of these characters: $ . - ,
Browses to the object to which the reference is linked. Leaving this field blank leaves a placeholder for a
future reference. The dragged object’s name appears in this field and the object’s attributes appear in the
drop-down list in the attribute field.
The attribute to which the reference is linked. When you are configuring an Output reference, the drop-down
list contains numeric, writable attributes only.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Constant Blocks
To edit Constant Category blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Constant block. One of two dialog boxes appears depending on the type of constant you select.
Note: There are no configurable parameters for the Rel. (Release) constant. When you double-click, nothing
2. Edit fields and configure the constant value (Editing Constant Enum, Editing Constant Float).
Editing Constant Enum
Table 198: Constant Enum
Enum Category
Set category determined by the user interface (either Two State or Multi State).
Enum Set
Set determined by the category selected in Enum Category.
Set state determined by the set and set category.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Constant Float
Table 199: Constant Float
The value of the float.
The units used by the float.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Editing Calculation Blocks
Editing RL (Rate Limiter) Blocks
To edit RL (Rate Limiter) blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Rate Limiter block. The RL dialog box appears.
2. Edit the Rate Limit and Startup Value for the RL block.
Table 200: RL (Rate Limiter) Block Configuration
Rate Limit
Specifies the rate per minute to increase/decrease the Output until it matches the Input.
Startup Value
Specifies the value the rate limiter block will start at when the engine is restarted and block enable
is true.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Span Blocks
To edit Span blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Span block. The Span dialog box appears.
2. Edit the fields to enable or disable clamping.
Table 201: Span Block Configuration
Clamp High
Selects whether (True) or not (False) to clamp the Output at the Output High (OH). For more
information on clamping, see Span.
Clamp Low
Selects whether (True) or not (False) to clamp the Output at the Output Low (OL). For more information
on clamping, see Span.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Editing Timing Blocks
Note: Time (logic) blocks are not editable.
Editing Delay Blocks
To edit Timing Category blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Delay block. The Delay dialog box appears.
2. Edit the field to configure the delay.
Table 202: Delay Block Configuration
Startup Value
Displays the initial value of the Delay block.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Editing TMR (Timer) Blocks
To edit TMR (Timer) blocks in Edit mode:
1. Double-click a Timer block. The TMR dialog box appears.
2. Edit the timing functions of the block.
Table 203: TMR (Timer) Block Configuration
Specifies the length of the timer function in seconds. The range is 5–86,400 seconds.
Determines the type of timer you use:
On Delay
Off Delay
Minimum On
Minimum Off
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Adding Text Blocks
1. Click the Text icon on the Toolbar.
Click the workspace to select a location for the text. The text block appears.
Select the Select icon on the toolbar.
Double-click the text block to display the text editor. Edit the text and click OK.
Select the text block and drag the sides to resize the block.
Note: •
To edit the text, double-click the block. The block opens for editing.
To change the text properties, right-click the text block and select Properties from the menu. You can
change the font (type, size, bold, italic, bold italic), text color, background color, and border
Colon (:) and quote (“) characters cannot be entered by the user in this field.
Running the Logic Checker
To run the Logic Checker:
1. Select the Logic Checker icon from the Toolbar.
2. If the Logic Checker does not detect errors, a No Warnings Found dialog box appears. Click OK to return to the
3. If the Logic Checker detects errors, a Configuration Warnings Were Found dialog box appears. After you click
OK, the tool returns you to the logic with Information symbols over the warning elements.
Note: The Information symbols remain unless you ignore them and save the logic or fix the errors and run the
Logic Checker successfully.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Saving a Control System
To save a control system, click Save on the Toolbar. The LCT scans for logic errors.
Note: •
The logic check done with the Save command is not the same as the Logic Checker run from the toolbar.
If inputs are missing, an error message appears asking if you want to continue with the save. Click No
to return to the logic. Click Yes to save anyway. We do not recommend saving with errors.
Printing a Control System
To print a control system, click the print icon on the Toolbar.
The Insert Object wizard inserts one of the following object types.
Auto Shutdown Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Auto Shutdown Object
Note: On the Configure screen, click the [...] button to select an object from the Select Item dialog box. Then select
the desired Control attribute from the drop-down menu.
When a selected multistate control point is in a specified shutdown state, the Auto Shutdown object suppresses
alarm reporting from a list of dependent objects to prevent nuisance alarms. The Auto Shutdown object accomplishes
this by sending an enable/disable command to each of the dependent object's Alarm objects, based on the control
point’s current state (the value of the Control attribute) and the defined shutdown state. For BACnet intrinsic alarming
and Event Enrollment objects, these commands set and reset the BACnet Alarm Event Enable property flags (To
Off Normal, To Fault, and To Normal) that cause or prevent alarms. A startup delay is provided so that points are
not released immediately from shutdown.
An example of a use for the Auto Shutdown object is to prevent alarms set to monitor the discharge air temperature
of a fan when that fan is turned off. When the fan is turned off, the fan state value is sent to the Auto Shutdown
object. The Auto Shutdown object then evaluates the current state of the point against the Shutdown State defined
in the Auto Shutdown object. If the current point state matches the Shutdown State, the Auto Shutdown object sends
a Disable command to the Alarm object of every referenced dependent object in the Dependents list.
Consequently, when the fan is turned back on, the Auto Shutdown object again evaluates the current state and, if
the current state does not match the Shutdown State, starts the Startup Delay timer. Once the timer expires, the
Auto Shutdown object sends an Enable command to the Alarm object of every referenced dependent object in the
Dependents list.
Note: Changing the Dependents or Shutdown State attribute causes an immediate reevaluation of the current state.
However, changes to the Startup Delay time do not take effect until the next change in the control point state.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Auto Shutdown Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These adtional common object attributes
are described in the Common Object Attributes section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 204: Auto Shutdown Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W) Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
673 W C
Indicates whether the Auto Shutdown object is enabled (True) or disabled
Control -- Engineering Values
887 C
Determines, in conjunction with the Shutdown State, if an alarm shutdown
should occur. This is the current state of the references control point.
Dependents -- Engineering Values
888 W C
Uses each dependent object identified in this list of object references to
locate the Alarm object that is to have its alarm reporting controlled by the
control point.
Number of Entries = 1–32
Shutdown State -- Engineering Values
889 C W
Determines the definition of the shutdown state. When the control point
goes to the state defined as the shutdown state, Auto Shutdown disables
alarms from the point.
Startup Delay -- Engineering Values
890 W C
Represents the time in minutes that must elapse before alarm reporting
is re-enabled, once the control point changes from the Shutdown State to
any other state.
Units = Minutes
Execution Prioity -- Execution
2197 W C
Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object
within the device.
C - Configurable, R - Affected by Object Reliability, W - Writable
Data Broadcast Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Data Broadcast
Note: On the Configure screen, click the [...] button to select the input reference object from the Select Item dialog
box. Then select the desired attribute to reference from the drop-down menu.
The Data Broadcast object provides a means of sharing globally useful data with third-party BACnet devices. The
data value from an object/attribute to be shared is referenced by this object. Typically, this data may be the outdoor
air temperature, or a value indicating whether a building is occupied. The Data Broadcast then broadcasts an
Unconfirmed COV Notification message containing the referenced data value when it changes.
On a site containing only Metasys devices, the Data Broadcast object is not useful, and should not be created.
As the number of these objects on a site increases, the network performance may suffer due to excessive broadcasts.
Therefore, use Data Broadcast objects only when necessary.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Data Broadcast Concepts
Unconfirmed COV Notification
Unconfirmed COV Notification is a BACnet service that can be used to distribute object attributes of wide interest
to many devices simultaneously without a subscription.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Data Broadcast Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 205: Data Broadcast Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
673 C W
Indicates whether the Data Broadcast object is enabled or disabled
Input Reference -- Engineering Values
132 C
Specifies the object and attribute value that is monitored for COVs. This object’s
attribute value, if reliable, is then broadcast in an Unconfirmed COV Notification
COV Period -- Engineering Values
180 C W
Broadcasts an Unconfirmed COV on a periodic basis. When set to a value from
30 to 86,400, this object issues an Unconfirmed COV containing the attribute value
and status flags at least once every period. This broadcast occurs even when the
value remains unchanged. If an actual change of value occurs during the period
and a COV is sent, the timer for the periodic COV resets. To disable the periodic
broadcast feature, clear the value from the COV Period and save the change. The
null entry represents not sending perio
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Demand Limiting/Load Rolling (DLLR) Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > DLLR
The Demand Limiting feature helps you save money by limiting peak energy usage. The Load Rolling feature helps
save money by reducing overall energy consumption. The demand limiting (DL) portion of DLLR selectively turns
off (sheds) equipment, such as fans and lights, or adjusts setpoints to limit energy use during peak times. The load
rolling (LR) portion acts continuously to maintain a specified energy reduction by shedding unnecessary loads. A
facility can implement either one or both of these strategies.
The DLLR object represents the attributes, commands, and reports that define the DLLR functionality. For information
on the features and operation of DLLR, refer to the DLLR Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011288).
DLLR Object Attributes
The DLLR object is divided into three tabs, the Focus/Configuration Tab, the Profile Tab, and the Load Summary
Tab. If you add extensions to this object, see Extensions for descriptions of the extension tabs.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 206: DLLR Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Configurable (C)
Writeable (W)
Object Type -- Object
The Object Type attribute indicates the Object Type as displayed in the Metasys software
and as exposed to a BACnet network.
Name -- Object
2390 C W
The Name attribute contains a freely definable user-friendly name for the object that is
independent of the Item Reference or the location of the object in the physical network.
The Name is used as the label in the All Items navigation tree. The Name is shown in
alarm reports, the event and audit viewers, and in summaries. The Name does not need
to be unique to the site.
The Name defaults to the object identifier you used during manual object creation but
can be edited later.
Enabled -- Object
673 C W
The Enabled attribute provides a mechanism to stop DLLR operation. When disabled,
DLLR releases all shed loads except those that are locked shed. Also, DLLR does not
perform any calculations, report alarms, or issue any commands to any loads when
disabled. DLLR attributes can be changed, but no actions are taken until DLLR is enabled.
When enabled, DLLR operation starts again. If Shed mode is active, the configured DLLR
strategies begin shedding loads as needed. If Monitor Only mode is configured, simulated
load shedding begins.
Authorization Category -- Object
908 C W
The AuthorizationCategory classifies the object by the category of system or equipment
that it monitors to aid in the determination of user access privileges and alarm routing.
Examples: Energy, HVAC, Fire, Security
Description -- Object
28 C W
The Description attribute contains a user-defined description of the object.
Shed Strategy -- Setup
4187 C W
The Shed Strategy attribute allows you to specify which shedding strategy the DLLR uses.
The Shed Strategies include:
• Demand Limiting and Load Rolling
Mode -- Setup
961 C W
Demand Limiting Only
Load Rolling Only (default)
The Mode attribute controls whether DLLR is actively shedding Loads (Shed mode) or is
simulating Load shedding (Monitor Only mode). The mode pertains to both the Demand
Limiting and Load Rolling strategies simultaneously. The Modes include:
• Monitor Only - simulated shedding occurs, where loads appear shed but output points
are not actually commanded or turned off.
Monitor Mode Release -- Setup
1016 C W
The Monitor Mode Release attribute allows you to specify the load output release behavior
when DLLR is commanded to Monitor Only mode from Shed mode. If set to Release
immediately, the outputs of loads that are not locked are immediately released regardless
of whether their Minimum Shed Time has expired. If set to Release After Min Shed Time,
the outputs of loads that are not locked are released only after their Minimum Shed Time
expires. Possible behaviors include:
• Release Immediately
Meter Object -- Setup
2110 C W
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Shed - true shedding occurs where output points are commanded.
Release After Min Shed Time
The Meter Object identifies the Metasys object (for example, Pulse Meter, AI, AV) that is
used for the energy rate if the Demand Limiting strategy is configured. If only the Load
Rolling strategy is used, a meter is not required. The Meter Object should be defined on
the same supervisory controller as the DLLR Object. Do not use an N1 Integration object
for the meter unless you can guarantee that the NCM Service Time is always less than
60 seconds because the DLLR algorithm requires an updated meter value every minute.
Table 206: DLLR Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Configurable (C)
Writeable (W)
Profile Tracking Period -- Setup
4191 C W
The Monitor Mode Release attribute allows you to specify the load output release behavior
when DLLR is commanded to Monitor Only mode from Shed mode. If set to Release
immediately, the outputs of loads that are not locked are immediately released regardless
of whether their Minimum Shed Time has expired. If set to Release After Min Shed Time,
the outputs of loads that are not locked are released only after their Minimum Shed Time
expires. Possible behaviors include:
• Release Immediately
Release After Min Shed Time
Table 206: Load Output Release Options
Profile Tracking Period Start Time
End Time
At the top of the current
Example: 08:00:00 A.M.
60 minutes from the current
Example: 09:00:00 A.M.
12:00:00 A.M. current day
12:00:00 A.M. next day
12:00:00 A.M. Monday of
current week
12:00:00 A.M. Mondy of the
next week
12:00:00 A.M. first day of
current month
12:00:00 A.M. first day next
The moment when the Reset Always Not Specified
Profile command is issued.
There are three exceptions to when the Start Times and End Times can vary from what
is shown in Table 218. The Start Times and End Times differ when:
• a Reset Profile command is issued to the DLLR object while in Shed or Monitor Only
a Reset Initialization Parameters command is issued to the DLLR object while in
Monitor Only mode
the controller is downloaded or reset
Note: The Start Times and End Times are not reset when DLLR changes from Monitor
Only mode to Shed mode. Also, when the DLLR object is disabled, the current profile is
copied to the previous profile, the current profile values are all set to 0, and the times are
all set to undefined.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 206: DLLR Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Configurable (C)
Writeable (W)
DLLR Startup Behavior -- Setup
4282 C
The DLLR Startup Behavior attribute selects which mode the feature is set to whenever
the supervisory controller is restarted or its database is downloaded. Two selections are
• Startup in Monitor Only mode - DLLR starts in Monitor Only mode, even if it had been
commanded or configured to Shed mode before the restart or download. Also, if the
DLLR object was disabled while in Shed mode, it reverts to Monitor Only mode when
Startup in last commanded mode - DLLR starts in the mode that was active at the
time the controller was restarted or its database downloaded.
Regardless of the selection, the following also apply:
• Any Comfort Override commands that were in place before the startup are persisted.
Any previous Shed commands are not automatically persisted to loads on startup.
DLLR evaluates the current situation and completes all calculations before issuing
any new Shed commands to loads.
When DLLR starts issuing Shed commands to loads, it resumes where it left off with
the first eligible, lowest-priority load.
Stop DLLR audits in Monitor Only The Stop DLLR Audits in Monitor Only Mode attribute specifies whether an audit entry is
created each time a load is shed or released when DLLR is in Monitor Only mode and
mode -- Setup
the NAE’s Enabled Audit Level is set to 3 or 4. (When DLLR is in Active mode, an audit
4500 C W
entry is always created to record that event.) The default is False, but if you set it to True,
no audit entries are created in Monitor Only mode.
Demand Interval Length -- Demand The Demand Interval Length attribute specifies the length in minutes of an interval for the
Demand Limiting strategy. This value is normally obtained from the energy utility. The
2112 C W
DLLR Interval Lengths set specifies the possible interval lengths (15, 30, or 60).
2114 C W
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The Algorithm attribute specifies which algorithm is used for the Demand Limiting strategy
(Fixed Window or Sliding Window). In most cases, the Sliding Window Algorithm is required
by North American utilities, while the Fixed Window Algorithm is used by European utilities.
Table 206: DLLR Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Configurable (C)
Writeable (W)
DL Tariff Targets -- Demand
4185 C W
The DL Tariff Targets attribute is the list of energy targets for the Demand Limiting strategy.
Each target consists of a target value and an entry from the Target Description set
identifying the type of target, such as On-Peak. If the Demand Limiting strategy is used,
there must be at least one target defined. Only one target is active at any time. The Active
DL Target attribute specifies which target is currently active. The Target Description set
• Continuous
Summer Off-Peak
Summer On-Peak
Winter Off-Peak
Winter On-Peak
Summer Semi-Peak
Winter Semi-Peak
Summer Shoulder
Winter Shoulder
Active DL Target -- Demand
4208 C W
The Active DL Target specifies which of the defined Demand Limiting targets is currently
active. When this attribute changes, the Active DL Target Changed attribute indicates
True until the start of the next interval. This attribute uses the Target Description
enumeration set.
LR Tariff Target -- Load Rolling
4186 C W
The LR Tariff Targets attribute lists the energy targets for the Load Rolling strategy. Each
target consists of a target value and an entry from the Target Description set identifying
the type of target, such as On-Peak. If the Load Rolling strategy is used, there must be
at least one target defined. Only one target is active at a time. The Active LR Target
attribute specifies which LR Target is currently active. The Target Description set includes:
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Summer Off-Peak
Summer On-Peak
Winter Off-Peak
Winter On-Peak
Summer Semi-Peak
Winter Semi-Peak
Summer Shoulder
Winter Shoulder
Table 206: DLLR Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Configurable (C)
Writeable (W)
Active LR Target -- Load Rolling
4209 C W
The Active LR Target attribute specifies which of the defined Load Rolling targets is
currently active. When this attribute changes, the Active LR Target Changed attribute
indicates True until the start of the next interval if demand limiting is configured, or the
next minute if load rolling only is configured. This attribute uses the Target Description
enumeration set.
EOI Attribute -- Fixed Window Alg The EOI attribute is a reference to the Metasys object (for example, BI, BV) supplying the
2115 C W
EOI pulse, which is used for the Fixed Window algorithm only. The EOI pulse is used to
synchronize DLLR’s demand interval to the utility’s demand interval. If this is not specified,
DLLR performs its own interval timing, which is not as accurate.
This EOI attribute can be any binary type object, as long as the following requirements
are met:
• A permanent communication path must exist between this attribute and the DLLR
object; therefore, the EOI point and DLLR object should reside on the same supervisory
Display Precision -- Display
661 C W
The attribute must be a numerical attribute, in which a change from 0 to 1 indicates
the end of interval and the beginning of the next interval. The EOI Status attribute is
set to Off Normal when the object supplying the EOI pulse becomes offline or unreliable
to the DLLR object.
The Display Precision attribute defines the decimal display precision for all real values
(floating values) in the DLLR
Rate Units -- Display
819 C W
The Rate Units attribute specifies the energy units used for instantaneous energy demand
attributes and referenced in the DLLR Profile and Load Summary (for example, kW). If a
meter is defined, the Rate Units attribute indicates the units of the meter.
Consumption Units -- Display
820 C W
The Consumption Units attribute specifies the consumption energy units (for example,
Unreliable Meter Shed Rate -Advanced Demand Limiting
4190 C W
The Unreliable Meter Shed Rate attribute specifies how much load the DLLR object should
keep shed if the meter goes unreliable, provided the Use Unreliable Meter Shed Rate
option is selected for the Unreliable Meter Options attribute.
Unreliable Meter Options -Advanced Demand Limiting
The Unreliable Meter Options attribute allows you to specify what should happen to
Demand Limiting if the meter becomes unreliable or goes offline. These options are as
• Stop Shedding - no more shedding occurs until the meter is again reliable. Currently,
shed loads continue to be shed until their Max Shed Time expires.
4189 C W
Maintain the Current Shed Rate - as loads are released, DLLR sheds other Loads
to maintain the current amount of shed load.
Use Unreliable Meter Shed Rate - sheds or releases loads as needed to maintain
the amount of load specified in the Unreliable Meter Shed Rate.
The second and third options cause Demand Limiting to act similarly to the Load Rolling
strategy. If the Demand Limiting strategy is not defined, an offline or unreliable meter
prompts no actions. Also, when the meter goes offline or unreliable, DLLR sets its Meter
Status attribute to Off Normal and continuously updates its Minutes Since Meter Failure
attribute (up to the interval length) until the meter is again reliable. The Minutes Since
Meter Failure value is listed under the Operational Data section of the DLLR object Advanced view.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 206: DLLR Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Configurable (C)
Writeable (W)
Limit Elevation -- Fixed Window Alg The Limit Elevation attribute indicates the amount (in percent) by which the demand limit
is increased at the beginning of the next interval to obtain the starting value of the demand
2117 C W
limit profile. A high value may result in increased shedding toward the end of an interval.
Changing this interval affects the next interval, not the current interval. As shown in Figure
62, the demand limit profile specifies for each minute the maximum allowed average
power during the whole interval. If too much energy is consumed during the first half of
the interval, because the limit elevation allowed this consumption, then more loads are
shed during the second half of the interval, even though the actual metered power is then
below the demand limit profile. In other words, the net effect of limit elevation is to defer
aggressive load shedding to the second half of the fixed demand interval.
Figure 55: Use of Limit Elevation on a Demand Limit Profile
Sensitivity -- Sliding Window Alg
2125 C W
The Sensitivity attribute specifies the level of aggression for shedding Loads when using
the Sliding Window algorithm. A High sensitivity sheds more loads sooner than a Low
• Low setting - allows you to start shedding loads later and shedding loads over a
shorter period of time. This setting reduces the amount of equipment that is turned
off; however, it increases the possibility of exceeding the target.
Medium setting - (default) allows you to start shedding slightly earlier than a low
setting and later than a high setting. This setting turns off equipment earlier than with
a low setting, but does not have to turn off as much equipment at once as with the
high setting.
High setting - allows you to begin shedding sooner into the demand peak. This
setting decreases the possibility of exceeding the target; however, it increases the
amount of equipment that is turned off.
Target Ramp Down Enabled -Sliding Window Alg Advanced
1660 C W
The Target Ramp Down Enabled attribute specifies whether a target reduction causes
an incremental ramp down over the course of one interval, as opposed to an immediate
target drop that could result in major immediate Load shedding.
Error Limit -- Sliding Window Alg
34 C W
The Error Limit attribute limits the Smoothed ABS Error to a percentage of the Active
Demand Limit. It can be used to reduce the size of the safety margin to avoid unnecessary
overshedding. This value should be changed with care, since it increases the possibility
of exceeding the demand limit target. The default value is 10%.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
DLLR Object Features
DLLR Object Icon
Table 208: DLLR Object Icon
Key Words
Gears, Spinning gears
Global Data Sharing Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Global Data Sharing Object
The Global Data Sharing object provides a means for distributing information about changes in a single attribute
value to other attribute reference points. This minimizes hardware costs and system complexity. For example, an
NAE might have multiple Air Handling Units (AHUs) on its network, but only one has an outdoor air sensor. The
Global Data Sharing object can share the value from the single sensor with the other AHUs.
The data types defined for the Global Data Sharing object’s input and corresponding outputs should match. Otherwise,
each output attempts to convert the value being received to the data type defined for it. The software does not check
for data type consistency. Global data sharing is restricted to within one site.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Global Data Sharing Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes unique to the Global Data Sharing object.
See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object
(for example, the Hardware and Options tab appear on point objects).
Table 209: Global Data Sharing Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
673 C W
Indicates whether the Global Data Sharing object is enabled or disabled
Set Up -- Engineering Values
518 C
Defines whether the Fail Soft or Last Reliable value needs to be the output if the object
becomes unreliable.
Master -- Engineering Values
1059 C W
Contains an attribute reference. The value associated with this attribute is written to
each of the designated slave destinations.
Alternate Master -- Engineering
895 C W
Defines an alternate to the Master. When the Master becomes unreliable, this attribute
becomes the master attribute.
Slaves List -- Engineering Values
1061 C W
Contains a list of attribute references. Each slave identified in this list of attribute
references receives its value from the Master.
Refresh Timer -- Engineering Values Indicates the amount of time, in minutes, between updates to the slaves from the Master
2325 C W
or Alternate Master. Updates initiated by the refresh timer occur in addition to updates
initiated by a COV from the Master/Alt Master. For example, if the Refresh Timer
attribute’s value is 2, the Global Data Sharing object updates the slaves with information
from the Master/Alt Master every 2 minutes and with each COV.
If this attribute is set to zero instead, updates are only sent upon receipt of additional
COV reports.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 209: Global Data Sharing Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Failsoft -- Engineering Values
2567 C W
Routes to all the outputs if Setup is configured as Fail Soft. Fail Soft routes when the
object becomes unreliable and when the output transitions from Reliable to Unreliable.
This attribute is initialized to a specific value.
Priority For Writing -- Engineering
88 C W
Defines the priority at which the referenced attributes are commanded. Seven is the
highest priority and 16 is the lowest supported by the Global Data Sharing object, with
the default of 15.
Note: We do not recommend using priorities 7 or 8 as they may interfere with the
operator override function.
Execution Priority -- Execution
2197 C W
Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object within the
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Interlock
The Interlock object provides a means to establish conditional control over one or more other objects. It consists of
an IF conditional statement, True command statements, and False command statements. Through these statements,
the user specifies a set of conditional checks (using one or more points) for which a series of commands is used to
control a collection of one or more other objects.
Three essential parameters of the IF conditional statement, shown in the following list, determine the Interlock object’s
mode of operation:
list of attribute references
This object allows a user to place a VAV controller in the occupied mode whenever the main fan is on and in the
occupied mode.
Note: On the Configure screen, click the Interlock Definition and Action Tables tabs for further configuration.
Tips for the Interlock Definition tab of the Configure screen:
• Click the Add button to add items to the list from the Select Item dialog box.
• Click the check box next to an item in the list and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
• Select the type of logic to use for the items in the list from the Logic menu. See the Interlock’s Logic attribute
description for the types of logic.
Tips for the Action Tables tab of the Configure screen:
• Check the All Commands Priority check box if you wish to use the same priority for all commands in the action
tables. Clear the All Commands Priority check box to enable individual priority selection for the commands in
the action tables.
• For the Actions for Condition: True and Actions for Condition: False tables, click the Add button to add items
to the table from the Select Item dialog box.
• For the Actions for Condition: True and Actions for Condition: False sections, click the check box next to
an item in the table and click Delete if you want to remove the item from the table.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
For information on the logic used in the interlock object, see the Logic attribute description.
Interlock Configuration
Configure the attributes of the Focus/Configuration, Interlock Definition, and Action Tables tabs of the Interlock
object. See the Interlock Attributes section for descriptions of the attributes on these tabs.
On the Focus/Configuration tab, click the Advanced radio button to view and edit all the attributes available on
this tab.
On the Interlock Definition tab, define the items/objects to control and the desired conditional logic.
Tips for this tab include:
Click the Add button to add items to the list from the Select Item dialog box. You can also select items from the
All Items tree or from the Global Search results and drop them into the Interlock Definition table.
Click the check box next to an item in the list and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
Select the type of logic to use for the items in the list from the Logic menu. See the Logic attribute description
for the types of logic.
On the Action Tables tab, define the commands and the priority for the items/objects under control.
Figure 56: Example of Interlock Action Table Headers and Options
Tips for this tab include:
Check the All Commands Priority check box if you wish to use the same priority for all commands in the action
tables. Clear the All Commands Priority check box to enable individual priority selection for the commands in
the action tables.
Check the Add New Items to All Conditions check box if you wish to add new items to both the Actions for
Condition: Trueand Actions for Condition: False tables. The Add New Items to All Conditions is selected
by default.
For the Actions for Condition: True and Actions for Condition: False tables, click the Add button to add items
to the table from the Select Item dialog box. You can also select items from the All Items tree or from the Global
Search results and drop them into the Interlock Action tables.
For the Actions for Condition: True and the Actions for Condition: False tables, click the check box next to
an item in the table and click Delete if you want to remove the item from the table.
To select all items within a table, click the Select All column header. To unselect all items within a table, click
the Select All column header again.
To mass command items in the Actions for Condition: True or the Actions for Condition: False, select similar
items that have the same configured attributes and enumerations (for example, select multiple BVs). Right-click
. The Set Command for Selected
the Command column header and click Set Command. Or, click
Items appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 57: Right-Click Set Command Option
To mass set delay, select multiple items (can be dissimilar items), input a delay in the Set Delay field, and click
Interlock Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 210: Interlock Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
673 C W
Ensures object reacts to any changes it may have missed while it was disabled, and returns
it to normal operation.
Restore Command Priority -Restart Options
721 C W
Selects which commands (at a selected priority) persist through a device restart. When
the bit is set, the command (at a selected priority) is saved at shutdown and restored at
States Text -- Display
931 C W
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
Execution Priority -- Execution
2197 C W
Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object within the device.
Interlock Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Interlock.
Table 211: Interlock Commands
Command Name Parameters
Locks out all outputs and prevents the Interlock functionality.
Ensures object reacts to any changes it may have missed while it was
disabled, and returns it to normal operation.
Operator Override The value to be written to the
Present Value attribute. This
parameter has a True or
False data type.
Updates the Present Value at Command Priority Operator Override.
Release Operator
Releases Command Priority Operator Override from Present Value.
Reissues the commands for the current state.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Important: The Operator Override command sends the specified command
to the internal NxE object, which is then only sent to the field device when
one of the following conditions is met: a) NOT Local Control and NOT Out
Of Service, or b) NOT Local Control and after issuing the In Service
Table 211: Interlock Commands
Command Name Parameters
Attribute name
Command priority
Releases the identified command priority from the specified, writable attribute,
and allows it to be controlled by the
next highest priority.
Release All
Attribute name
Releases Command Priorities 3 through 16 from the specified, writable
attribute. Command Priorities1 and 2 remain.
Note: The Release All command may not cause an immediate return to
automatic operation. The Release All command clears all command priorities,
including those that come from applications and features. When this happens,
the output point goes to its Relinquish Default condition. In some cases, the
application or feature may have sent a command that does not match
Relinquish Default. In this instance, the output point does not end in the state
that the applications or features intended. This situation can cause
unexpected operation to occur; for example, a space could overcool or
overheat, a fan might run longer than expected, and so on. If an operator
has overridden an input, use the Release Operator Override command.
Loop Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Loop
The Loop object allows a third-party BACnet workstation to represent a control loop in a standard way. If you use
the Site Management or Ready Access Portals as the primary mechanisms to view system information, you do not
need to use the Loop object.
The Loop object represents the key information from a logic module. The object does not execute the PID algorithm
but simply allows you to represent the key parameters of a PID logic module in a Focus tab view.
The Loop object uses the data provided by mapped field points to execute the BACnet intrinsic alarming algorithm.
First, create a folder and map the field points representing the loop information. Then use the Insert Object Wizard
to add the Loop object to the same folder and configure references to the mapped points representing the loop
information. The Loop object reads the information indicated by the references, and presents the values received
in the Focus tab of the Loop object.
The behavior of the Loop object’s intrinsic alarming algorithm is as follows:
The loop object generates a TO OFFNORMAL event when the difference between the Setpoint Value and the
Controlled Variable Value remain outside the band defined by the Error Limit and the Time Delay has been
The loop object generates a TO NORMAL event when the difference between the Setpoint Value and the
Controlled Variable Value is within the band defined by the Error Limit.
Note: You must configure references to the BACnet required properties to successfully create the Loop object.
These references appear red in the wizard until configured. You may optionally configure references for the
BACnet optional properties. If you do not define the optional references for some reason, the Loop object
responds to a read for the corresponding value with an Unknown Property error. These BACnet required and
optional properties are noted with footnotes in the attribute table. See Loop Attributes.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Loop Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W) Configurable
Intrinsic Alarming Defined -- BACnet
569 C W
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of
related attributes. For detailed information, see BACnet Intrinsic Alarming.
Manipulated Variable Reference -Reference
4682 C
Defines the field point mapper that represents the destination of the output of
the control loop.
Controlled Variable Reference -- Reference Defines the field point mapper that represents the source of the input to the
4683 C
control loop.
Setpoint Variable Reference -- Reference
4690 C
Defines the field point mapper that represents the setpoint for the control loop.
Proportional Constant Reference -Reference
4684 C
Provides the object reference for the Proportional Const attribute. The Loop
object reads and signs up for changes in the Present Value attribute of the object
referenced by the Proportional Constant Reference. The value received is stored
as the Proportional Const.
Integral Constant Reference -- Reference
4685 C
Provides the object reference for the Integral Constant attribute. The Loop object
reads and signs up for changes in the Present Value attribute of the object
referenced by the Integral Constant Reference. The value received is stored as
the Integral Constant.
Derivative Constant Reference -- Reference Provides the object reference for the Derivative Constant attribute. The Loop
object reads and signs up for changes in the Present Value attribute of the object
4686 C
referenced by the Derivative Constant Reference. The value received is stored
as the Derivative Constant.
Bias Reference -- Reference
4687 C
Provides the object reference for the Bias attribute. The Loop object reads and
signs up for changes in the Present
Value attribute of the object referenced by the Bias Reference. The value received
is stored as the Bias.
Maximum Output Reference -- Reference
4688 C
Provides the object reference for the Max Output attribute. The Loop object reads
and signs up for changes in the Present Value attribute of the object referenced
by the Maximum Output Reference. The value received is stored as the Max
Minimum Output Reference -- Reference
4689 C
Provides the object reference for the Min Output attribute. The Loop object reads
and signs up for changes in the Present Value attribute of the object referenced
by the Minimum Output Reference. The value received is stored as the Min
Loop Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Loop Object.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 212: Loop Commands
Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet
Event Enrollment objects. This command restores the previous Event Enable values.
Enable Alarms None
Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet
Event Enrollment objects. This command sets the Event Enable values to False, False,
Multiple Command Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Multiple Command
Note: •
On the Configure screen, click the Action Tables tab for further configuration.
Select or enter the desired value for the Relinquish Default. Edit the States Text and Number of States
attributes on the Focus tab.
Check the All Commands Priority check box if you wish to use the same priority for all commands. Clear
the All Commands Priority check box to enable individual priority selection for the commands.
- For each of the Actions for Condition (State 0 - State N) tables, click the Add button to add items
to the table from the Select Item navigation tree.
• For each of the Actions for Condition (State 0 - State N) tables, click the check box next to an
item in the table and click Delete to remove the item from the table.
The Multiple Command object issues a series of commands to multiple objects by means of a single command
action. Commanding this object results in the execution of the commands for the given state. This object supports
States 1–32.
This object allows a user to start building controls for the day with one command or to prevent selected points from
generating change-of-state (COS) and alarm messages when a control point is in a specified state (Auto Shutdown).
For example, based on a single input, such as Room Occupied, a defined set of actions can occur: setpoint goes
to 72˚, a fan comes on, lights come on, and the door unlocks.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Common Object Attributes section.
Multiple Command Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 213: Multiple Command Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
True or False
True or False
Execution Priority
One state from a set CW
Last Executed Date
Last Executed Time
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
False, True
Table 213: Multiple Command Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Number of States
Send OK
True or False
States Text
One state from a set C
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Table 214: Multiple Command Object Attributes - Action Tables Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Action Table (State0. . List of Command
. StateN)
Object Reference, Delay, Command ID,
Parameters, Priority
Note: The total number of commands
identified in the Action Table 1 command set
should not exceed 40.
Command Priority
One state from a set CW
Uses Write Priority (Set 1).
Number of States
Relinquish Default
One state from a set CNW
States Text
One state from a set C
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, W - Writable
Multiple Command Attribute Details
Action Table (State0. . . StateN)
Lists actions to take for each supported state. Each action of the table contains a slave object reference, a delay, a
command and its associated parameters, and a priority. The priority in this table is used only when Commands
Priority is set to No Priority. The delay is the number of seconds before the given command is issued. Command
delays can be lengthened or shortened to result in commands being sent out after, before, or at the same time as
any other command.
The total number of commands identified in the Action Table command set should not exceed 40.
Tips for the Action Tables tab:
• Click the Add button to add items to the list from the Select Item dialog box. You can also select items from the
All Items tree or from the Global Search results and drop them into the Action table.
• Click the check box next to an item in the list and click Delete to remove the item from the list.
• To select all items within a table, click the Select All column header. To unselect all items within a table, click
the Select All column header again.
• To mass command items, select similar items that have the same configured attributes and enumerations (for
example, select multiple BVs). Right-click the Command column header and click Set Command. Or, click
. The Set Command for Selected Items appears.
Figure 58: Right-Click Set Command Option
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Command Priority
Determines the order by importance for all commands sent. If it is set to Priority None, commands will be sent at
each individual priority specified in the Action Table attribute.
Indicates whether the Multiple Command object is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the current execution status of the object. It is True when the object receives a state command and starts
sending commands. When all actions are completed for a given state, this flag is set to False.
Execution Priority
Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of the object within the device.
Last Executed Date
Indicates the date stamp for the beginning of executing the current state.
Last Executed Time
Indicates the time stamp for the beginning of executing the current state.
Number of States
Specifies the number of possible states this object can have.
Relinquish Default
Specifies the default value to be used for the Present Value attribute when no commands are currently controlling
this object. If this attribute is configured to any value other than None, the object sends commands for the value
Send OK
Indicates the success or failure of the slave commands. If any slave commands failed, this attribute is set to False.
When a send error is detected, a 5-minute timer is set. When the timer expires, the object is reevaluated and all
commands are sent again. Commands may fail if the slave object is off-box and offline or if the slave object is set
for local control.
States Text
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value.
N1 PID Loop Object
The N1 PID Loop (PIDL) object generates outputs to maintain a measured value at a desired level. The PIDL performs
Proportional, Integral, and Derivative control. The PID Loop object manipulates outputs for closed loop control at a
given Digital Control Module (DCM101 or DCM140).
Note: For the PIDL object, the only difference between DCM101 and DCM140 operation is that the DCM101 has
up to 16 PID Loops, and the DCM140 has up to 20 PID Loops.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The PID Loop object generates outputs for closed loop control by using a collection of inputs and other variables to
perform calculations and issue commands. Each PID Loop object can accept up to six analog inputs, and issue
commands to a maximum of eight analog outputs. Inputs come from Active Interconnect (AI) objects. Outputs are
sent to analog output digital object (AOD) objects or other PID Loops.
A primary function of the PID Loop object is to perform Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative calculations in order
to maintain steady and accurate control of a closed loop. PID calculations take into account the past, present, and
future (forecasted) performance of loop inputs for the purpose of adjusting outputs to correct levels. You can configure
the PID Loop object to compute any or all of the following:
Proportional Only: Present performance is analyzed by computing the difference between the PID Loop setpoint
and its feedback. This difference is called an error. With proportional control, the output signal is directly
proportional to the difference between the input and the setpoint (that is, the error).
Proportional plus Integral: Present and past performance are analyzed in this calculation to affect the output.
The error computed in the proportional calculation is now integrated (that is, accumulated over time). If the loop
failed to reach setpoint in the past, the integration causes the output to increase or decrease to maintain setpoint.
Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative: This calculation uses past, present, and future (forecasted)
performance. The derivative part of the computation analyzes the rate of change of the feedback to predict the
future value of the feedback. As the feedback changes faster, the PID Loop issues outputs that slow down the
rate of change.
You can use the PID Loop object with a variety of control schemes, including sequencing a number of physical
devices to maintain control of a closed loop. Additional functions of the PID Loop object include Self-tuning PID
Control, bumpless transfer, and an auxiliary switch. Self-tuning PID Control automatically and continually self-tunes
the PID Loop to ensure correct feedback levels. The auxiliary switch allows another PID Loop object or a control
process to take control of the closed loop. When control of a closed loop is turned over to the PID Loop object, the
bumpless transfer function provides for a smooth and predictable transition.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
N1 PID Loop Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Table 215: N1 PID Loop Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Min Value -- Engineering Value
Defines the lowest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
69 W C
Max Value -- Engineering Value
Defines the highest reliable value (in engineering units) for the Present Value.
65 W C
Units -- Display
Contains the engineering units for the Present Value attribute.
117 W C
Display Precision -- Display
661 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Defines the decimal rounding and the decimal places to display for the Present Value
and associated attributes.
Table 215: N1 PID Loop Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
COV Increment -- Display
Defines the minimum change in the Present Value required for the object to report a
22 W C
Device Type -- BACnet
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object.
31 W C
N1 PID Loop Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the N1 PID Loop Object.
Table 216: N1 PID Loop Object Commands
Command Name
Command Description
The value to be written to the Setpoint. The Releases Command Priorities 9 through 15
(Scheduling) and then writes to the Setpoint at the
value must be less than Max Value and
Default (16) command priority. The value must be
greater than Min Value.
less than Max Value and greater than Min Value.
If Local Control is True, this command is rejected.
The command is only sent when one of the following
conditions is met: a) NOT Local Control and NOT
Out of Service, or b) NOT Local Control and after
issuing the In Service command.
Disable Alarms
Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions,
BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event
Enrollment objects.
Enable Alarms
Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions,
BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event
Enrollment objects.
In Service
Cancels the effect of an Out of Service command
and returns the Out of Service attribute to False. The
Setpoint and Reliability revert back to the values
obtained from the physical hardware output.
Note: For BACnet objects, support of this command
is dependent on the ability to write the Out of Service
Operator Override
The value to be written to the Setpoint.
Updates the Setpoint at Command Priority Operator
Override (8).
The Operator Override command sends the specified
command to the internal NxE object, which is then
only sent to the field device when not Out of Service.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 216: N1 PID Loop Object Commands
Command Name
Out of Service
Command Description
Allows a user to override the object's hardware
output for simulation or other purposes. The Out of
Service command changes the Out of Service
attribute to True. The Setpoint and Reliability no
longer track the physical output. No commands are
sent to the actual hardware. When the Out of Service
attribute is set to False, the current Setpoint is sent
to the actual hardware.
When an Out of Service command is issued, the
NxE does not communicate subsequent changes
(operator or system) to the field device.
For BACnet objects, support of this command is
dependent on the ability to write the Out of Service
Release Operator Override None
Attribute name
Command priority
Release All
Attribute name
Releases Command Priority Operator Override (8)
from Setpoint.
Releases the identified Command Priority from the
specified attribute and allows the next highest priority
to control it.
Releases Command Priorities 3 through 16 (Default),
from the specified, writable attribute. Command
Priorities 1 and 2 remain.
For the Release Operator Override, Release, and Release All commands, if all Command Priorities have been released and
a Relinquish Default is not defined, the supervisory controller gives control to the actual hardware.
N1 Pulse Counter Object
The N1 Pulse Counter object aids in the integration of N1 controllers with supervisory controllers, resulting in:
consistent interface to N1 point objects for all controller types, so they appear as a homogenous set to the user
flexibility in point mapping
This object allows you to read pulses from an electric or gas meter at a supervisory controller.
Note: The Pulse Counter object may feed its Present Value to the Pulse Meter Object.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
N1 Pulse Counter Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the
Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section
for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options
tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 217: N1 Pulse Counter Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration
Data Type
Initial Value
Attribute Name
Present Value
One value from a
Uses Reliability (Set 503).
C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, R - Affected by Object’s Reliability, W - Writable
N1 Pulse Counter Attribute Details
Present Value
Actual value of the Pulse Count the last time it was read.
Indicates whether the Present Value is reliable and why.
N1 Pulse Counter Commands
The following table lists the commands supported by the N1 Pulse Counter Object.
Table 218: N1 Pulse Counter Object Commands
Command Name
Preset Counter
Enable Alarms
Disable Alarms
N1 Pulse Counter Command Details
Preset Counter
Defines a preset value in the counter. This command is available only if you have the Supervise Access level
command priority.
Enable Alarms
Enables alarms for the N1 pulse counter.
Disable Alarms
Disables alarms for the N1 pulse counter.
Optimal Start Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Optimal Start
Note: On the Configure screen, click the [...] button to select the object from the Select Item dialog box and then
select the desired attribute for the Cooling Setpoint, Heating Setpoint, and Zone Temperature.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The Optimal Start object aids in the reduction of energy costs during a building’s transition from unoccupied to
occupied. This scenario is accomplished by turning on the preheating/precooling as late as possible to reach comfort
levels prior to occupancy and turning off the heating/cooling as early as possible while maintaining occupied zone
comfort until zone vacancy.
This object allows you to save energy by coordinating the startup and shutdown times of equipment according to
when people occupy certain rooms or areas of the building.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Optimal Start Concepts
Optimal Start Overview
After you create an Optimal Start Object using the known characteristics of your building, the optimal start (OST)
calculates the best times for startup and shutdown. For Optimal Start mode (Optimal Start Equation), the OST
commands the Zone WC Mode OBj attribute to occupied and starts the heating or cooling sequence at the appropriate
time. For Optimal Start mode, the OST commands the Zone Occ Mode Obj attribute to unoccupied at the appropriate
If you set the Adaptation Enabled attribute to True (1), the OST automatically adjusts the Cooling Constant and
Heating Constant as needed.
Note: Warmup and cooldown (WC) is also referred to as the prestart period in the OST object.
Optimal Start
The goal of Optimal Start Object is to reach either the Heating Setpoint or Cooling Setpoint at occupancy. The
Optimal Start object selects the appropriate setpoint depending on the temperature before starting the equipment.
To meet this goal, the Optimal Start object calculates:
Heating Constant and Cooling Constant represent the rate at which the temperature inside the building changes
when the heating or cooling equipment is running
the temperature difference between the Zone Temperature and the Heating Setpoint or Cooling Setpoint before
how many minutes of precooling (cooldown) or preheating (warmup) are required based on the above difference
optimal start time when the Zone WC Mode Obj (BO or BV only) is controlled by the optimal start process
The Optimal Start object interacts with a Schedule Object, binary objects, and analog objects in an Optimal Start
application. See the Object Help section for information on these objects. See the Optimal Start Object section for
attribute information on the Optimal Start object.
Figure 59 illustrates optimal start.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 59: Optimal Start - Heating
Optimal Start Equation
The following equation calculates the optimal start time:
[(Heating or Cooling Constant/100) x Temperature Difference ] + Heating or Cooling Deadtime = Optimal Start Time
Table 219: Optimal Start Equation
Heating or Cooling
This variable is the value of the Heating or Cooling Constant attribute of the OST object and
represents the rate of warmup or cooldown in the zone after equipment startup. If Adaptation
Enabled is Yes, the Optimal Start object learns each day and sets a new value. This variable can
be edited by the user.
Temperature Difference
This variable is the difference between the Zone Temperature and the value of the Heating Setpoint
or Cooling Setpoint attribute before the warmup or cooldown period.
Units = delta deg F or delta deg K
Heating or Cooling
This variable is the value of the Heating or Cooling Deadtime attribute of the OST object and is
the amount of time required to raise or lower the Zone Temperature 1.0 degree.
Units = minutes. If Adaptation Enabled is Yes, the Optimal Start object learns each day and sets
a new value. This variable can be edited by the user.
Optimal Start Example
For an example of the optimal start process, assume:
The Zone Occ Mode Obj is scheduled to be occupied at 7:00 A.M. and unoccupied at 5:00 P.M.
Zone Temperature = 55˚F before the warmup period
Heating Setpoint (since in Heating mode) = 70˚F
Heating Deadpoint (since in Heating mode) = 5 minutes
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Heating Constant (since in Heating mode) = 10 (The optimal start process has run for several days, and the
Heating Constant has been adjusted to 10 based on past performance.)
Temperature Difference = 70˚F - 55˚F = 15˚F
Optimal Start Time = [(10/100) x 15 ] + 5
= (0.1 x 15 ) + 5
= (0.1 x 225) + 5
= 22.5 + 5
= 27.5
= 28 minutes
The optimal start process turns on the Zone WC Mode Obj at 6:32 A.M. (28 minutes prior to the scheduled 7:00
A.M. start time.)
Each day, at occupancy, the optimal start process adapts the Heating or Cooling Constant. It checks the Zone
Temperature at occupancy time. If the Zone Temperature did not reach a value within the range defined by the Temp
Differential and the Heating Setpoint or Cooling Setpoint before the occupancy time, the Heating Constant or Cooling
Constant is increased. This increase moves the optimal start time closer to the earliest start time defined in the OST
object. If the Zone Temperature reached a value within the range defined by Temperature Differential and the Heating
Setpoint or Cooling Setpoint prior to occupancy, the Heating Constant or Cooling Constant is decreased. This
decrease moves the optimal start time closer to the occupancy start time defined in the Schedule Object.
Optimal Stop
The goal of optimal stop is to set the zone to the unoccupied mode prior to actual zone vacancy. The OST must do
this while the zone is still occupied, without causing comfort level alarms. The Optimal Start object calculates the
number of minutes before the zone is scheduled to change from occupied to unoccupied. The OST then uses the
same equation (Optimal Start Equation) for deriving the optimal start time to determine the earliest stop time, except
for two differences:
To ensure occupancy comfort, the OST sets the Temperature Difference factor to the Temp Differential attribute.
The Deadtime is set to 0.
(Heating or Cooling Constant/100) x (Temperature Difference) + Heating or Cooling Deadtime (always = 0) = Optimal
Stop Time
Object Interaction
Different objects interact in an Optimal Start application. The following figure illustrates a sample Optimal Start
application. The table describes the objects and their role in an Optimal Start application.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 60: Optimal Start Object Interaction
Table 220: Optimal Start Application Object Interaction
Object or Attribute Role
Optimal Start (OST)
Receives temperature, setpoint, and scheduling data to determine optimal start and optimal
stop times for the building zone.
Schedule Object
Provides occupied and unoccupied times for the building zone.
Zone Occupancy
Refers to the binary object (Binary Output, Binary Value, for example) that commands a zone
to occupied or unoccupied. It is commanded by the Schedule object to occupied and by the
Optimal Start to unoccupied, possibly earlier than scheduled if the Maximum Prestop Time
attribute is non-zero.
Zone Warmup or
Cooldown Mode
Refers to the binary object (Binary Output, Binary Value, for example) that commands the
zone to warm up or cool down. It is commanded by the Optimal Start object at the optimal
start time and released at the occupied time. It will not be released if the Zone Warmup or
Cooldown (WC) Mode and the Zone Occupancy Mode objects are the same.
Zone Temperature,
Refers to the analog attributes (within Analog Input objects, Analog Value objects, for example)
that are referenced by the Optimal Start object and provide the temperatures and setpoints
for use in calculations.
Cooling Setpoint,
Heating Setpoint,
Outdoor Air
Object/Attribute Involvement
Building an Optimal Start application means that the OST object and its associated Schedule object must have their
attributes configured to reference the appropriate objects in order to achieve the desired operation. The following
table lists the objects and attributes involved and guidelines for data entry.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 221: Optimal Start Object/Attribute Involvement
Object Type/ Function Attributes Involved
Data Entry Guidelines
Optimal Start Object
Zone Schedule Object
Enter the Object Name of the Schedule object that schedules occupied
and unoccupied times for the binary object controlling the zone occupancy
mode of the heating and cooling equipment for the zone.
This object must be defined in the schedule and have valid start and stop
times for the current day for the Optimal Start object to run. Only one
start time and stop time can be defined per day, and the start time must
precede the stop time.
Zone Occ Mode Obj
Enter the Object Name of the binary object controlling the occupancy
mode of the heating and cooling equipment for the zone.
Zone WC Mode Obj
Enter the Object Name of the binary object (BO or BV only) controlling
the warmup and cooldown mode of the heating and cooling equipment
for the zone. This may be the same object as the Zone Occ Mode Object.
Cooling Setpoint
Enter the Object/Attribute Name of the analog value that represents the
cooling setpoint.
Heating Setpoint
Enter the Object/Attribute Name of the analog value that represents the
heating setpoint.
Zone Temperature
Enter the Object/Attribute Name of the analog value that represents the
temperature in the zone being controlled.
Outdoor Air Temp
Enter the Object/Attribute Name of the analog value that represents the
outdoor air temperature.
If this attribute is not defined, or the referenced analog attribute is offline,
the outdoor air temperature is assumed to be within the design
temperatures limits for the OST calculations.
If an analog attribute reference is defined for the outdoor air temperature,
its value determines if the Optimal Start object should adapt heating and
cooling constants and deadtimes.
If its value is outside the design temperature limits, deadtime and constant
calculations are skipped.
If its value is outside the design temperatures before the warmup or
cooldown period, the optimal start time is set to the maximum prestart
If its value is outside the design temperatures before the unoccupied
period, Prestop does not occur.
Schedule Object
List of Object Property
Enter the Object Name of the binary object controlling the occupancy
mode of the heating and cooling equipment for the zone as one of the
Property References.
Optimal Start Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 222: Optimal Start Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
Indicates whether the Multiple Command object is enabled or disabled
673 W C
OST Type -- Object
933 W C
Adaptation Enabled -- Control
934 W C
Zone Schedule Obj -- Control
963 W C
Zone Occ Mode Obj -- Control
935 W C
Defines the OST supported configuration. When the zone is in a mode not supported
by the OST object, the Present Value is idle. OST-supported modes include:
Heating and Cooling
Heating Only
Cooling Only
Indicates whether OST uses adaptive learning to change the building heating and
cooling constants and heating and cooling deadtimes.
Identifies the Schedule object, which schedules the Zone Occ Mode Obj. This object
must be defined in the schedule and have valid start and stop times for the current
day in order for OST to run. Otherwise, the OST object’s Present Value is Not
Operational. Only one Start and Stop time can be defined per day, and the Start time
must precede the Stop time. The Start time must be defined as binary State ON (1)
and Stop time must be defined as binary State OFF (0).
Identifies the object used to command a zone to occupied or unoccupied. This object
must be specified in the Zone Schedule Obj. This is commanded by scheduling to
occupied and by OST if prestop is enabled.
Note: If the Zone Occ Mode Obj and the Warmup/Cooldown Mode Obj are the same
point, then the point is commanded by the Prestart Cooling/Heating Command at
the prestart time and by the Scheduling at the scheduled time.
Zone WC Mode Obj -- Control
936 W C
Heating Setpoint -- Control
937 W C
Cooling Setpoint -- Control
939 W C
Zone Temperature -- Control
Identifies the object used to command a zone to Warmup or Cooldown mode. This
object may be the same as the Zone Occ Mode Obj. This object is commanded by
the OST at the optimal start time. This object is released at the occupied time unless
this object is also the value for the Zone Occ Mode Obj.
Identifies the attribute of an object used to define the zone occupied target heating
temperature. This attribute may be the same as the Cooling Setpoint attribute.
Identifies the attribute of an object used to define the zone occupied target cooling
temperature. This attribute may be the same as the Heating Setpoint attribute.
Identifies the attribute of an object used to determine the zone temperature.
941 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 222: Optimal Start Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Outdoor Air Temp -- Control
Identifies the attribute of an object used to determine the outdoor temperature:
32092 W C
If this attribute is not defined, or is offline, the outdoor air temperature is not used
in the OST calculations and is assumed to be within the design temperatures.
If an Analog attribute reference is defined for the outdoor air temperature, it aids
in determining if the Optimal Start object should adapt constants and deadtimes.
If the attribute is defined and outside the design temperatures, deadtime and
constant calculations are skipped.
If the attribute is defined and is outside the design temperatures during Prestart,
the optimal start time is set to early start time.
If the attribute is defined and outside the design temperatures during Prestop,
do not Prestop.
Cooling Design Temp -- Setup
943 W C
Heating Design Temp -- Setup
944 W C
Cooling Constant -- Setup
945 W C
Cooling Deadtime -- Setup
948 W C
Heating Constant -- Setup
946 W C
Heating Deadtime -- Setup
947 W C
Min Prestart Time -- Setup
949 W C
Max Prestart Time -- Setup
954 W C
Max Prestop Time -- Setup
957 W C
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Indicates the highest outside temperature at which the cooling system maintains
zone comfort in the cooling mode.
Indicates the lowest outside temperature at which the heating system maintains zone
comfort in the heating mode.
Defines the rate at which the zone cools down after equipment startup. If adaptation
is enabled, this constant is adapted without user intervention. If adapting and the
OST object Cooling Setpoint and Heating Setpoint attributes reference the same
object on a field controller, then the cooling constant is adapted even if the mode is
not cooling, meaning both constants change.
Indicates the time required after startup to lower the temperature by one degree.
This value is adapted by the OST algorithm, if adaptation is enabled. If adapting,
cooling, and heating setpoints are the same attribute, the Cooling Deadtime is adapted
even if the mode is not cooling, meaning both deadtimes change.
Defines the rate at which the zone heats up after equipment startup. If adaptation is
enabled, this constant is adapted without user intervention. If adapting and the OST
object Cooling Setpoint and Heating Setpoint attributes reference the same object
on a field controller, then the heating constant is adapted even if the mode is not
heating, meaning both constants change.
Indicates the time required after startup to raise the temperature by one degree. This
value is adapted by the OST algorithm, if adaptation is enabled. If adapting, cooling,
and heating setpoints are the same attribute, the Heating Deadtime is adapted even
if the mode is not heating, meaning both deadtimes change.
Indicates the minimum period of time before occupancy to start the heating/cooling
system. This time allows for the required amount of air changes in the zone prior to
occupancy (latest optimal start time).
Indicates the maximum period of time required to bring the zone up to occupancy
setpoint temperature under the worst conditions (earliest optimal start time).
Indicates the maximum period of time that the heating/cooling system can be shut
down and still maintain the occupied zone temperature until entering the unoccupied
mode (earliest optimal stop time). By setting this time to zero (the default value),
optimal stop is disabled.
Table 222: Optimal Start Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Temp Differential -- Setup
Indicates the value added and subtracted to the zone setpoint to define a temperature
962 W C
Display Precision -- Setup
Indicates the rounded position and decimal places to display for this object.
661 W C
Temperature Units -- Setup
Indicates the units associated with the attributes for temperatures.
972 C
Relative Temp Units -- Setup
Specifies the units associated with the Temp Differential attribute.
2167 C
Optimal Start Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Optimal Start Object.
Table 223: Optimal Start Object Commands
Command Name
Command Description
Cancel Prestart
Delays pending start until latest prestart time. Only valid during Prestart
and before the optimal start time.
Cancel Prestop
Cancels the pending stop. Only valid during Prestop and before the
optimal stop time.
Prevents the object’s functionality; no calculations take place.
Allows the object to perform its calculations once a minute.
Optimal Start Steps
Building an Optimal Start Application
To build an Optimal Start application:
1. Add the N2 Controller object and the analog and binary objects required for the OST application to the database.
See the Object Help section for information on objects and the Related Documentation table in the Welcome
section for information on the SCT. See Creating Items with Wizards for information on creating objects and
other items.
2. Add the Schedule Object , referencing the binary object controlling Zone Occupancy Mode.
3. Make sure valid occupied and unoccupied times are entered into the Schedule object.
4. Add the Optimal Start Object referencing the above Schedule object, the Binary objects designated as Zone
Occupancy Mode and Zone Warmup or Cooldown Mode, and the analog attributes of objects designated as
temperatures and setpoints.
Note: Refer to the Scheduling section in the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Optimal Start Troubleshooting
Table 224: Optimal Start Application Troubleshooting
Present Value of the Optimal Start
Object indicates Not Operational
The Optimal Start object’s Present Value attribute may indicate Not Operational because
of errors in its connection status to other required objects.
To verify the Optimal Start object’s connection status to other required objects:
• Verify that the required Schedule object, binary objects, and analog objects are all
defined and online.
Verify that the binary object controlling Zone Occupancy Mode is in the List of Prop
Refs for the Schedule Object.
Verify that valid occupied and unoccupied times for the current day are defined in
the Schedule object.
Optimal Start Object is not adapting To ensure the Optimal Start object is adapting constants and deadtimes:
• Verify that the Adaptation Enabled attribute indicates True.
Constants and Deadtimes
Verify that the value of the Zone Temperature attribute is not within the value of the
Temp Differential attribute relative to the Heating or Cooling Setpoint (plus or minus
one degree) before the warmup or cooldown period.
Verify that the value of the Outdoor Air Temp attribute is within the values of the
Cooling Design Temp and Heating Design Temp attributes.
Pulse Meter Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Pulse Meter
The Pulse Meter object accumulates the differences between consecutive reads of the integer value provided by
an Accumulator Object or Counter Input Object (defined by CCT), and calculates the rate of change between each
reading of the value. This object also totals the counted pulses and converts them into units of consumption.
The Pulse Meter object must reference a counter/accumulator object to access the counter value that resides in the
counter/accumulator hardware device (which is hardwired to the pulse input). The counter/accumulator object is
hardware specific, while the Pulse Meter object is hardware independent.
Multiple Pulse Meter objects may share the same counter/accumulator object, and must reside on the same device
as the counter/accumulator hardware device.
Note: The Pulse Meter object only handles counters that count forward.
Each Pulse Meter object may have different purposes, such as one calculates the rate over a 60-second period,
while others calculate the rate over a 5-minute period. For example, some Pulse Meters are supposed to run only
during certain times of the day.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Pulse Meter Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 225: Pulse Meter Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Enabled -- Object
Indicates whether the Multiple Command object is enabled or disabled
673 W C
Meter Active -- Object
Specifies whether the pulse meter object currently should be metering.
1260 W C
Counter Object -- Setup
Specifies the associated Accumulator Object or Counter Input Object (defined by
821 W C
Rate Units -- Setup
Indicates the measurement units for all rate attributes.
819 W C
Rate Constant -- Setup
Specifies the value multiplied by the Consumption Units to get the Present Value units
to match Rate Units.
822 W C
Rate Limit -- Setup
Specifies the highest allowed Present Value before using Rate Default.
826 W C
Rate Default -- Setup
Specifies the value of Present Value when the calculated rate exceeds the Rate Limit.
827 W C
Consumption Units -- Setup
Indicates the measurement units for all consumption attributes.
820 W C
Pulse Consumption -- Setup
Specifies the physical quantity that each single pulse represents.
830 W C
Sample Time -- Setup
Specifies the period of automatic executions of the algorithm in seconds.
611 W C
Rollover Limit -- Setup
Specifies the highest counter value before the pulse counter rolls over to zero. This
value must match that of the counter, or the Max Value of the Accumulator.
823 W C
Display Precision -- Setup
Specifies the rounded position and decimal places to display for this object’s analog
661 W C
Pulse Meter Commands
The table below lists the commands supported by the Pulse Meter Object.
Table 226: Pulse Meter Object Commands
Command Name
Command Description
Enables the calculation of the pulse count and consumption for the Pulse
Meter object.
Disables the calculation of the pulse count and consumption for the Pulse
Meter object.
Resets the Pulse Meter, including the Consumption attribute.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 226: Pulse Meter Object Commands
Command Name
Command Description
Start Meter
Resumes metering.
Stop Meter
Stops metering.
Signal Select Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Signal Select
The Signal Select object can process values from multiple zones to adjust various setpoints and can function with
either analog or binary points.
For analog point types, the Signal Select object determines (one or more of) the low input, average input, and/or
high input values for use in updating an attribute value of another object.
For binary point types, the Signal Select object determines (one or more of) the average state, the logical Or state,
and/or the logical And state values for use in updating an attribute value of another object.
Computations take place at startup and at each time an input value experiences a change in value or reliability. The
results of these calculations are sent to specified output points as commands. For example, this object allows you
to average multiple zone temperatures and base a control, such as adjusting a setpoint, on that average.
For general information on Metasys system objects, see the Object Help section.
Signal Select Concepts
Average Output Computation
In the case of binary types of input references, if the majority of inputs are at State 1 or the inputs are evenly split
between State 1 and State 0, the Average output is commanded to State 1. If the majority of inputs are at State 0,
the Average output is commanded to State 0.
Logical OR Computation
If any input is at State 1, the OR output is commanded to State 1. If all inputs are at State 0, the OR output is
commanded to State 0.
Logical AND Computation
If all inputs are at State 1, the AND output is commanded to State 1. If any input is at State 0, the AND output is
commanded to State 0.
Signal Select Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 227: Signal Select Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute ID Writeable (W) Configurable (C)
Input List -- Engineering Values
1062 W C
Average Output -- Engineering Values
1063 W C
High OR -- Engineering Values
1064 W C
Low AND -- Engineering Values
1065 W C
Point Type -- Engineering Values
1173 W C
Failsoft -- Engineering Values
2567 W C
Setup -- Engineering Values
518 C
Execution Priority -- Execution
2197 W C
Attribute Description
Contains the list of attribute references used in the Signal Select
calculations. An analog type defined as a binary input is
converted to a binary value prior to each computation, and vice
Specifies the object attribute whose value is updated using the
calculated average of all of the inputs of the Signal Select
Specifies the object attribute whose value is updated using the
highest input of all the inputs in the Signal Select object, for
analog point types. For binary point types, the value is updated
using a logical OR condition of all inputs of the Signal Select
Object attribute whose value is updated using the lowest input
of all the inputs in the Signal Select object, for analog point
types. For binary point types, the value is updated using a logical
AND condition of all inputs of the Signal Select object.
Specifies the type of input values monitored by the Signal Select
object, the calculations it performs, and the outputs it produces.
Point type can be analog or binary.
Routes to all the outputs if Setup is configured as Fail Soft. Fail
Soft routes when the object becomes unreliable and when the
output transitions from Reliable to Unreliable.
Defines whether the Fail Soft or Last Reliable value needs to
be the output if the object becomes unreliable.
Indicates the relative importance of performing the function of
the object within the device.
Solar Clock Object
Menu Selection: Insert > Object > Signal Select
The solar clock object computes Present Value (Night/Day), Sun Position (Azimuth and Elevation), and Sunrise and
Sunset times based on the local position (Latitude and Longitude) and local time and time zone information. This
information is needed to control external motorized louvers as part of bioclimatic facades for buildings and may also
be used to position tracking photovoltaic solar arrays. The Sunrise/Sunset times can be used for external lighting
This object runs on a periodic basis to compute its attributes. The equations to compute azimuth, elevation, sunrise,
and sunset attributes were obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Web site
( The object obtains the Local Time, UTC Offset, DST Status, and DST Offset from the BACnet
Device object.
Latitude and Longitude for this object are provided in decimal degrees. Often, these values are provided as degrees,
minutes, and seconds. There are numerous Web sites that can convert the latitude and longitude values, if necessary.
In addition, you can obtain your current location on the planet from free tools such as Google® Earth. Google Earth
includes an option to provide your location in decimal degrees.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Note: For correct sunrise and sunset calculations, you must apply north/south and east/west rules. North latitudes
are preceded by a plus, South latitudes are preceded by a minus. West Longitudes are preceded by a minus,
East Longitudes are preceded by a plus. See Table 228.
Table 228: Latitude and Longitude Examples
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Brengel Technology Center
Paris, France
Notre Dame Cathedral
Cape Town, South Africa Green Point Stadium
Sydney, Australia
Opera House
Beijing, China
Tiananmen Square
For general information on Metasys system objects, see Common Object Attributes.
Solar Clock Object Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Note: For correct sunrise and sunset calculations, you must apply north/south and east/west rules. North latitudes
are preceded by a plus, South latitudes are preceded by a minus. West Longitudes are preceded by a minus,
East Longitudes are preceded by a plus. See Table 228.
Table 229: Solar Clock Object Attributes
Name / View Group
Attribute Description
Attribute ID Writeable (W)
Configurable (C)
Latitude -- Setup
1041 W C
Longitude -- Setup
1042 W C
Offset -- Setup
956 W C
Periodic Update -- Setup
2192 W C
Defines the angular distance, in decimal degrees, of the current location north or south
of the equator. Lines of latitude are also known as parallels. The International standard
defines north latitudes as positive values.
Defines the angular distance, in decimal degrees, of the current location east or west
of the Prime Meridian. Lines of longitude are also known as meridians. The International
standard defines east longitude as positive values.
Defines an offset to the computed Sunrise and Sunset times. The offset value is used
to compute Present Value. A positive value makes the day longer and a negative value
makes the day shorter.
Determines how often sun position and Present Value attributes update during normal
operation. The default value is 5 minutes.
A - Archive, C - Configurable, W - Writable
Menu Selection: Insert > Graphic
Inserts a graphic into the site.
Graphic Object
The Graphics object defines the attributes that represent a defined user graphic for a given set of objects. Graphic
objects must exist under a container object or under another Graphic object (this allows you to link graphics together).
For detailed information on the User Graphics Tool, refer to the User Graphics Tool section in the Metasys SMP
Help (LIT-1201793).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Graphic Attributes
This object only contains the common Metasys system object attributes. These common attributes are described in
the Common Object Attributes section.
XAML Graphic Object
The Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) Graphic object defines the attributes that represent a defined
Graphics+ file for a given set of objects. XAML Graphic objects are created exclusively with the Graphic Generation
Tool (GGT) and are saved on an ADS/ADX, ODS, SCT computer, or supervisory device as a file with an .xaml file
Note: The Object Type for this object is labeled XAML Graphic in the software.
For detailed information on viewing XAML Graphic objects, refer to the Graphics+ Runtime Help (LIT-12011708).
For detailed information on the Graphic Generation Tool that is used to create and modify XAML Graphic objects,
refer to the Graphic Generation Tool Help (LIT-12011697).
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Object Attributes section.
Graphics+ files created with the Graphic Generation Tool (GGT) provide comprehensive and three-dimensional
views of building automation systems that allow you to monitor the status of a single building or an entire campus
of buildings. Unusual conditions are quickly identified on a dashboard screen that can navigate deep into a building,
floor, or zone. With minimal navigation, you can diagnose a problem and take corrective action. You can view
historical data directly within the graphic, further enabling effective problem diagnosis. You can also issue commands
from the graphic.
Graphics+ files are created offline with the GGT, a stand-alone application that runs on a computer with a supported
Microsoft Windows operating system. These graphics are then saved as Metasys objects (typically on the Site
Director) and viewed within the Site Management Portal UI or Ready Access Portal UI in any active display panel.
Graphics are usually made up of three parts:
one or more background images
animated HVAC elements, ductwork or piping, and/or floor plan information
buttons that allow you to navigate to other graphics, applications, and Web addresses
You can access a graphic when you are logged in to the Site Management Portal UI via any Web browser. The
XAML Graphic Object represents a Graphics+ object in the All Items navigation tree. You can open these graphics
in any active display panel.
For information about Graphics+ symbol and element functions, refer to the Graphics+ Runtime Help (LIT-12011708).
For information about creating and editing Graphics+ files, then saving the graphic to an online device (ADS, ADX,
or supervisory controller) or offline to an SCT archive database, refer to the Graphic Generation Tool Help
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Graphics+ Concepts
Graphics+ View
Graphics appear in the navigation tree as stand-alone items. You can access graphics from a Tailored Summary,
symbol identifies a
the Alarm Pop-ups window, or the Associated Graphic tab of a Field Controller device. The
Graphics+ graphic. When you open the graphic, a Display Control tool appears in the upper left corner of the active
display panel. Use the Display Control to zoom and pan a graphic. You can also open the Trend Module from this
control. See Figure 61 and Table 230 for details on the Display Control tool.
Figure 61: Graphics+ Control Tool
Table 230: Components of Display Control Tool
Hides the Display Control tool. After you hide the tool, a faint arrow
appears that allows you to restore the tool.
Fit to Window
Zooms the graphic to fit in the frame.
(center block)
Zoom Ball with Zoom Ring
Allows you to zoom by moving the ball clockwise (zoom in) and
counterclockwise (zoom out) along the zoom ring.
Turn On/Off Panning
Enables and disables the panning tool that allows you to move the
graphic in the workspace.
Move (four arrows)
Allows you to pan up, down, left, and right over the graphic in set
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 230: Components of Display Control Tool
Current Zoom Level
Displays the current zoom level.
Turn On/Off Zoom Mode
Enables and disables the manual zoom (magnifying glass) that allows
you to re-center the graphic and zoom in an out.
Tools Menu
Drops down a list of Tools. At this time, only the Trend Module is
Opens and closes the Trend Module. This option appears when you
click the Tools down arrow.
Move Display Control
Allows you to move the Display Control tool to a different area of the
You can navigate between graphics using various types of elements of a Graphics+ graphic or by opening the desired
graphic from the navigation tree. You can restrict user access to specific graphics by setting security levels in the
Security Administrator System.
You can also create user views that contain only graphics (hierarchy of graphics references).
You can command objects that are bound to graphic symbols using two methods. The first method is to left-click
the object’s Inline Command Box or Advanced Value Box, then edit the value of the object. If commanding is disabled
for that symbol, the value is not be editable. The second method is to right-click the object’s Inline Command Box,
Advanced Value Box, or other elements of Graphics+ symbols such as gauges, to open the User Actions Panel,
then select More Commands to bring up the Metasys commands dialog box. With both methods, if you are not
authorized to command the object, the command selection is disabled.
Many elements of Graphics+ graphics support built-in or configurable behaviors.
Elements that support behaviors can flash if the bound object is in an alarm or warning state, change color based
on the bound object's state or status, or show or hide depending on the bound object's state or status.
In the Metasys UI, the elements of the Graphics+ graphic display the behaviors as the bound object's state or status
Note: Support of behaviors is limited in SCT.
Opening the Trend Module
To open the Trend Module for an object on a Graphics+ graphic, click View Trend from the element’s User Actions
Panel. The Trend Module appears with the charted trend data. If more than one trended attribute is available, click
View Trend to display a submenu that lists all available trended attributes. Click a trended attribute to open the Trend
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 62: Selecting a Trend to Add to the Trend Module
If you want to open the Trend Module without adding or changing its content, click the Tools drop-down arrow on
the Graphics+ Display Control tool and select Trend. The Trend Module reappears in its last state and condition.
Figure 63: Reopening the Trend Module
Closing the Trend Module
You close the Trend Module by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the Trend Module screen.
Trend Module Chart Functions
See and Table 231 for explanations of the Trend Module chart components.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 64: Graphics+ Trend Module - Chart Functions
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 231: Descriptions of Trend Module Chart Components
Number Name
Plot Area
Plots the trend data for all objects added to the Trend Module.
Box Zoom
Zooms in for the area that is highlighted. To enable box zoom, place the cursor
inside the plot area, hold down the mouse and drag left or right. A white shadow
appears to outline the zoom area.
Indicates the name of the trended object with its value at the selected moment in
time (white vertical line).
Changes the size of the Trend Module to its maximum size within the constraints
of the Metasys display panel.
Removes the Trend Module from the screen.
Zoom Out
Returns the chart to its original size. This option is only available if the chart is
currently zoomed in.
Right Y Axis
Indicates the axis that is plotting the discrete states for objects currently displayed
in the Trend Module. Metasys objects that are displayed on this axis typically consist
of Boolean or multi-state values.
(state data)
Right Pan Arrow
Shifts the chart to display more recent trend data.
Newest Date/Time
Displays date and time of the last value that appears on the chart.
Moment in Time
(X Axis)
Indicates the date and time of the value at a particular location on the chart. The
date/time information as well as a vertical moment in time line is displayed as
you move the mouse over the chart. The units along the x-axis always represent
Oldest Date/Time
Indicates the date and time of first sample that appears on the chart.
Left Pan Arrow
Shifts the chart to display older trend data.
Left Y Axis
Indicates the axis that is plotting the numeric values for objects currently displayed
in the Trend Module. Metasys objects that are displayed using this axis typically
consist of analog values.
Scroll Bar
Adjusts the range of data that appears on the chart. Also zooms in and out when
you resize the scroll bar. To zoom, click and drag the left/right arrows of the scroll
bar. To pan, drag the scroll bar left or right.
Updates the trend data for all objects shown in the Trend Module.
Trend Module Legend Functions
See and for explanations of the Trend Module legend components.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 65: Graphics+ Trend Module - Legend Functions
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 232: Descriptions of Trend Module Legend Components
Legend Splitter Bar
Resizes the space taken by the legend. Move the splitter to the bottom
or double-click the splitter bar to hide the legend and increase the size
of the trend chart.
Legend Icons
Display both the color and the y-axis that is used to display the trend
data for the trended object in this row of the legend. The legend color
assigned to an object matches its trended values in the chart, so that
you can correlate information between the legend and the chart.
Four preset trend line colors are used: blue, orange, violet, and white.
The colors cannot be customized. These icons are used:
The forward facing L indicates that the left y-axis is used for this
trend series, which displays numeric values.
The backward facing L indicates that the right y-axis is used for this
trend series, which displays state values.
Show/Hide Trend
Selects which objects currently appear in the chart. Click this box to hide
and unhide trend data.
Object Name
Displays the name for the trended Metasys object. When you click the
object name (or its row), the corresponding line in the chart is highlighted.
Trend Name
Displays the name of the trend that appears in the chart. If more than
one trend is available for this trended object, a drop-down box appears
from which to select.
Navigates away from the Trend Module and the graphic and opens the
trend data for the attribute. If you are not authorized to view the object,
the navigate button is disabled.
Removes the trended object and its associated data from the Trend
Loading Indicator
A loading indicator (
) appears in the chart area while the system is retrieving trend data.
Trend Module Repositioning
You can reposition the trend module anywhere within the graphic’s display panel, but not across panels in a
multiple-panel layout. To move the Trend Module, drag the title bar.
You can dock the Trend Module by dragging the module outside the panel boundary on the top, bottom, right or left
side of the Metasys display panel. The Trend Module does not support multiple monitors.
Zoom Operations
You can zoom in the chart by holding down the mouse and sliding across the chart (either to the left or to the right).
This action activates drag zoom. Zoom works for values on the x-axis, not values on the y-axis. To zoom out, click
the Zoom Out link that appears in the upper right corner on a zoomed chart.
You can also zoom from the horizontal scroll bar by clicking and dragging on the ends of the scroll bar.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Legend Operations
Once the trend data is plotted, use the check boxes in the legend to hide or unhide trend values from appearing in
the chart. If you want to remove the trended object from the legend and the chart, click the remove ( ) button.
To highlight a specific trend object and its data, click on its name in the legend. This action sends the selected series
and its associated y-axis information to the foreground of the chart.
If you try to plot a trended attribute that was deleted or whose object is offline, its legend icon is blank and a user
message box appears.
Figure 66: User Message: No Trend Data Available
Trend Module Limitations
The limitations of the Trend Module are as follows:
A maximum of 500 data points can be displayed for a single trended object. No data older than 2 years can be
The trend data originates from the device’s online buffer; samples stored in a historical database such as the
JCIHistorianDB archive database are not included.
You can open only one Trend Module per graphic.
The Trend Module can chart a maximum of four trended Metasys objects. If you try to plot a fifth object, a user
message box appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 67: User Message Example: Full Trend Module
The Trend Module does not support nested trend extensions. For example, the Trend Module cannot chart
totalization extensions that contain a trend extension.
You cannot save the Trend settings for later use. Once you close the graphic, you need to select the objects for
the trend module again.
Refresh Function
The Trend Module does not automatically refresh with new data samples. Use the refresh button to display the latest
trend data within the Trend Module.
Error Handling
If an error occurs while stored trend samples are retrieved (for example, the bound trend object does not exist or its
supervisory device is offline), the chart line for this trend series does not appear. The error message Could not
retrieve trend information appears as a tooltip for the existing legend item.
User Graphics Tool (UGT)
Graphics provide a visual representation of the monitored systems that enable you to quickly check the status of
system symbols and recognize unusual system conditions. Graphics can be designed to allow the user to move
through buildings, floors, and other areas, viewing building systems and control processes. You can view, create,
and edit graphics using the User Graphics Tool (UGT).
User graphics are usually made up of three parts:
the Static Background image
Hyperlinks that allow you to navigate to graphics and web addresses
The UGT operates in two modes:
The Edit Mode allows you to edit an existing graphic or create new graphics.
The View Mode allows you to view existing graphic to monitor and command all systems integrated into the
Metasys network.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The UGT is available with the NAE, NIE, ADS, ADX , and SCT. You can access the UGT when you are logged in
to the Metasys user interface via any web browser. The Group Object represents user graphics in the All Items
navigation tree and can be displayed in any active display panel.
Note: If your graphics reference multiple Engines or multiple ADS/ADXs , and one device needs to be downloaded,
upload all Engine/ADS/ADXs prior to making changes in SCT. This procedure ensures your graphics work
For information on default preferences for graphics (such as status colors, fan colors, state colors, and alarm flashing
settings), see Graphic Settings Tab in the Preferences section.
For more information on configuring an NAE or NIE and for details on user access configuration, see the Related
Documentation table.
User Graphics Tool Concepts
Graphic Workspace
When viewing an existing graphic or creating new graphics, the UGT runs in the Graphics Workspace, which is
displayed in an active display panel. The background for the workspace defaults to a gray background. The graphic
workspace displays all graphical symbols and a user-selectable Static Background. The UGT Toolbar shows only
the appropriate tools for the UGT Modes you are working in View Mode or Edit Mode.
UGT Modes
The User Graphics tool runs in either Edit Mode or View Mode. When you are generating new graphics or editing
graphics, the User Graphics tool is in Edit mode. When you finish editing and click save and the UGT switches to
View mode.
Note: You can generate graphics in the Metasys system online mode or offline mode. See the following scenarios:
Online: If your web browser is connected to an Engine or ADS/ADX . In this case, a new graphic is generated
online in the device where the graphic resides during normal operation. When you are finished creating or
editing graphics, Upload the database to the archive database in the SCT.
Offline: If your web browser is connected to the SCT. If this case, the new graphic is generated offline and
stored in the archive database. When you are finished creating or editing graphics, Download the database
to the device where the graphic resides during normal operation.
Edit Mode
Edit mode is the mode used by the UGT to design and edit graphics. Access the Edit mode by clicking the Edit
button on the UGT Toolbar. In Edit mode, you have access to all toolbar items/symbols and you can bind symbols
to objects and link graphics to other graphics.
Right clicking in Edit mode brings up basic choices for editing graphics such as copy, paste, delete, duplicate, hide,
and zoom, depending on the type of item you select. Double clicking in Edit mode brings up the binding information
for a symbol.
For a list of mouse shortcuts, see the Mouse Shortcuts: Edit Mode topic.
View Mode
Graphics display in the View mode when you are navigating using graphics and when you first open a graphic.
Graphics appear in an active display panel. You must enter the Edit Mode (by clicking the Edit button) to design or
edit a graphic. In View mode, you have access only to a limited number of items on the UGT Toolbar. The symbols
in the palette on the left do not appear in this mode.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The View mode allows you to command an object bound to a Value Display Box or Analog Fill Bar Graph and to
click on Hyperlinks to access linked graphics. Double clicking on a bound symbol in View mode displays the Focus
view of the bound object.
For binary point objects, the value and status update every 10 seconds. For analog point objects, the value and
status update every 10 seconds. Commands and value changes return a new state/value or error message within
10 seconds or less. The error message could be related to priority (if the system can’t perform the requested function
now) or failure to reach a commanded state or value. Error messages appear in dialog boxes.
For a list of mouse shortcuts, see the Mouse Shortcuts: View Mode topic.
The UGT toolbar shows only the appropriate tools for the current mode of the UGT. The table below shows the
toolbar options available in Edit Mode and View Mode.
For information on mouse shortcuts, see Mouse Shortcuts.
Table 233: UGT Toolbar Options in Edit Mode and View Mode
Visible In:
Action Performed
Edit Mode View Mode
Windows Icons
not Shown)
Saves all changes to the graphic and exits Edit
Cancels any changes to the graphic (made since
the last save) and exits Edit mode.
Changes the UGT to Edit mode.
Note: This is the only toolbar item that requires
Configure Access (Security Administrator System).
Brings up the Print dialog.
Print Preview
Brings up the Print Preview dialog.
Cuts the selected symbol out of the graphic.
Copies the selected symbol.
Pastes a cut or copied symbol into the system.
Undoes the previous action (except for a save) up
to 4 actions.
Redoes the previous undone action up to 4 actions.
Set Background Image
Allows you to import the background of the graphic.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 233: UGT Toolbar Options in Edit Mode and View Mode
Visible In:
Action Performed
Edit Mode View Mode
Windows Icons
not Shown)
Set Advanced Image
Allows you to import an advanced graphic.
Save Background Image
Saves the background image.
Brings up the Bind Information dialog box for the
selected item (this is the same box as when you
double click on an item).
Turns the cursor into a hand that allows you to pan
over the diagram by dragging.
Marquee Zoom
Allows you to select an area to zoom in on.
Interactive Zoom
Zooms in and out on a graphic when you hold the
mouse down.
Zoom - Fit Window
Zooms the diagram to fit within the window.
Shows an overview of the entire graphic in one
Selective Zoom
Allows you to select the percentage zoom applied
to the diagram.
Turns the cursor into a selection cursor.
Turns the cursor into a text cursor that allows you
to create a text box.
Static Background
Backgrounds are static images displayed in the background of a graphic. Backgrounds represent buildings, floor
plans, mechanical equipment, and any other picture that represents the location or function of the equipment in the
graphic. By default, a newly created graphic has a gray background. You can insert a background image using a
file based on SVG, SVGZ, or JPEG graphic format.
You can create SVG/SVGZ background images with graphic drawing packages or from established libraries of
images. We recommend using the Professional or Standard edition of Microsoft Visio 2003, 2007 or 2010 (32 bit)
software and the AGSL to create background images. Alternatively, you can use Microsoft Visio 2002 software with
the Graphics Stencil Library (GSL). SVGZ and SVG images must be created in positive space (quadrant 1, on the
positive X and positive Y axis).
Background images in JPG format are usually created with cameras or scanners. You cannot resize a UGT background
in JPG format, and if an area of the graphics workspace is not fully covered by the JPG image, the exposed area
defaults to gray.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Access available backgrounds with the background icon on the Toolbar.
For information on how to edit an existing background image, see Editing a Background Image.
Managing Graphic Creation
In general, you should store your graphic files on the Site Director. The Site Director provides you with a uniform
point of entry and traffic control. The Site Director allows information sharing between users while minimizing network
NAE35/NAE45 Graphic Size Limitation
When you create or edit graphics with an online UI to an NAE35 or NAE45, changes you make do not save if the
graphic is too large. The total size of the graphic background, dynamics, and static text must not exceed 700K bytes.
A typical size for an SVGZ graphic is 100–200K. You do not receive a warning that the graphic is too large to save.
Transactions larger than 1 MB are rejected by the NAE. The size limitation includes a 40% overhead from the HTML
wrapper around the save transaction.
Note: This size restriction does not apply to graphics that are created and saved through the online UI to an NAE55,
NAE85, or SCT.
When you work with NAE35/NAE45 graphics, use the following equation to help keep your graphics at a manageable
(background image size x 140%) - 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes) = available space for graphic dynamic symbols and text
Note: Each graphic symbol is 3,000 bytes.
Background size: 700,000 bytes
Background + overhead: 700,000 x 140% = 980,000
Total Space for symbols and text = 1,048,576 - 980,000 = 68,576
Total symbol and text elements = 68,576 / 3,000 = 22
Symbols are graphic elements or components that are inserted into graphics to represent the value or status of
equipment in your system. The UGT contains the set of symbols described in the table below. In Edit mode, the
symbols appear in a palette to the left side of the graphic workspace.
Symbols support drag and drop functionality. For more information, see Drag and Drop Shortcuts.
Table 234: Symbol Descriptions
Buttons allow you to hyperlink from one graphic to an item, URL, or application.
Value Display Boxes
Value Display Boxes display the value and status of bound objects and allow you to
access the Focus view of the bound object. Value Display Boxes also show the units
used by the value.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 234: Symbol Descriptions
Gauges display the value and status of bound objects with graphs, dials, and standard
colors. UGT offers the following gauge categories:
Analog Fill Bar Graph
Dial Gauge
Dynamic symbols indicate the value of bound objects. Some of these symbols move as
the object change. Members of this category are:
Basic Shapes (Block)
Switch (2 or 3 State)
Button Symbols
Button symbols are useful when browsing to another graphic, object, or a website. Buttons support the drag and
drop functionality, allowing you to drag items from the navigation tree and drop them in the graphic workspace with
the following rules:
If you select multiple objects in the Navigation Tree and then drag a button to the Graphic Workspace, the UGT
creates buttons that Alias the selected objects.
If you select a graphic/object in the navigation tree and then drag a button to the graphic workspace, the UGT creates
a button bound to the selected graphic/object.
In Edit mode, after you drag and drop a button, click on it to add a label. If you double click on a Button in the Edit
mode, the Hyperlink Information box appears. Using this box, you can specify to link the graphic to a graphic, object,
or web page, choose display properties, and choose to hide the button. See the Button Symbols topic for more
Only buttons support Hyperlinks.
In the View mode, left click on the Button to navigate to the bound object, graphic, or web page. When your cursor
passes over a button, the cursor changes into a finger pointer.
See the Buttons step section for information on binding Buttons.
Hyperlinks are links from one graphic to other items (graphics or other objects), URLs, or applications using buttons.
If you click on a button hyperlinked to an item, your view switches from the current graphic to the hyperlinked graphic
or object. If you click on a hyperlink to a URL, the website appears in a separate browser window. If you click on a
hyperlink to an application, the application opens.
Only buttons support hyperlinks. Set hyperlinks when you bind a button symbol.
Note: You cannot link to items in the system, such as Tailored Summaries, unless you are also using Ready Access
Portal software. To link to a Tailored Summary, use the Ready Access Portal UI URL as the link destination
in the graphic. If you are not logged in to the Ready Access Portal UI, you are asked for your username and
password after clicking the link.
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Value Display Boxes
Value Display Boxes are useful for displaying the value and status of a large number of objects in a single graphic.
The Value Display Box supports drag and drop functionality. If you select a single item or multiple items in the
navigation tree and then drag and drop a Value Display Box, the box/es automatically binds to the selected item/s.
If a Value Display Box is configured to display the Status of the bound object, the text and box background appear
in the standard Status Colors.
In View mode, Value Display Boxes appear as if they are editable boxes, but they are not. Double click on the Value
Display Box to display the Focus view for the bound object and right click to show the command menu.
See the Value Display Boxes step section for information on binding Value Display Boxes.
Gauges Category
Gauges provide an indication of the present value and status for the bound objects. If you select a single item or
multiple items in the navigation tree and drag a gauge to the workspace, the UGT creates one gauge per item and
binds each symbol to an item.
The following table lists the gauges included in the UGT.
Table 235: Gauges
Gauge Type
Analog Fill Bar Graph
Bar moves to indicate value of bound object.
Dial Gauge
Dial needle moves to indicate value of bound object.
Analog Fill Bar Graph
Analog Fill bar graph symbols show the present value of an object by changing the size of the bar in the graph and
indicating the present value as a number in the display box. The color of the moving bar graph and the display box
background color indicate the status of the bound object. We recommend using Analog Fill Bar Graphs with analog
You can define the minimum and maximum value of the bar graph range. If you don’t define the minimum and
maximum for the bar range, the gauge defaults to 0 for the minimum and 100 for the maximum. Under the bar, a
value box displays the numeric value of the bound object. Analog Fill symbols can be configured to move vertically
or horizontally. To change the orientation of the Analog Fill box, see Gauges: Analog Fill.
In View mode, the display box appears as an edit box, but it is not editable. If you choose, the color of the display
box background shows the status of the bound object and the units used by the symbol. Double click on the symbol
to see the Focus view of the bound object and right-click to show the command dialog box.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Dial Gauge
Dial gauges indicate the present value of a bound object with the position of a needle on a gauge. A display box
shows the present value as a number with units, and shows the status of the bound object. We recommend using
Dial Gauge with analog objects.
You can choose the minimum and maximum value for the dial range. If you don’t define the minimum and maximum
for the dial range, the gauge defaults to 0 for the minimum and 100 for the maximum.
In the View mode, the Dial Gauge appears as a circular dial with a needle pointing to the position that represents
the value of the bound analog object. A value box below the dial shows the numeric value of the bound object.
Double click the dial gauge to display the Focus view for the bound object and right-click to show the command
dialog box.
See the Gauges: Dial Gauge Symbol step section for information on binding Dial Gauges.
Dynamic symbols display the status of bound objects. If you select a single item or multiple items in the navigation
tree and drag a dynamic symbol to the workspace, the UGT creates one symbol per item and binds each symbol
to an item.
The dynamics category includes the symbols listed in the table below.
Table 236: Dynamics
Dynamics Type
Fan/pump blades spin or remain
Basic Shapes (Square, Circle, and
Colors change.
Switch (2 or 3 State)
Switch changes positions.
Fan symbols display rotational movement when bound to an object. Use this dynamic component to provide animation
capabilities for fans or pumps that appear in the background image. You can choose either a clockwise or a
counter-clockwise spin. We recommend using Fans with binary objects.
In View mode, if the bound object has a value of 0, the fan appears stationary. If the bound object has a value greater
than 0, the fan/pump blade spins. The fan/pump color shows the state of the bound object (red for Off, green for
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
If the fan is spinning, the bound object has a normal status or is unreliable, and the device that the bound point
resides on is online, the color of the fan is set to the color defined in the system preferences for the On state. If the
fan is not spinning, the bound object has a normal status or is unreliable, and the device that the bound point resides
on is online, the color of the fan is set to the color defined in the system preferences for the Off state. If neither of
these scenarios apply, the color of the fan is defined by the status colors defined in the system preferences.
In the View mode, a double click on a fan symbol displays the Focus view of the bound object. A right-click shows
the command dialog box.
See the Dynamics: Fans step section for information on binding Fans.
Basic Shapes
Basic Shapes show the status of the bound object. Any basic shape can be bound to either an analog, binary, or
multistate object. You can resize these symbols, which include a square, triangle, and circle.
If a basic shape is bound to an analog object, in the View mode, the color of the shape indicates the status of the
bound object. White is normal, but other colors are listed. See Status Colors.
If a basic shape is bound to a binary object, in the View mode, the color of the shape indicates the state of the bound
object. By default, if the state is 0, the shape is white and if the state is greater than 0, the shape is green. These
can be configured by the user when you bind the symbol.
Double click on the shape to display the Focus view for the bound object. Right-click to display the commands.
Tip: Use the circles to depict temperature sensors on a floor plan graphic. Circles and rectangles can be used as
status lights.
See the Dynamics: Basic Shapes step section for information on binding basic shapes.
Switch (2 or 3 State)
The Switch is a dynamic symbol that can be bound to an object, and can be configured to be either a 2 or 3 state
switch). User-defined text appears at the top of the Switch to show what state the point is in. You can resize Switches.
We recommend you bind a Switch to a binary or multistate object.
In View mode, Switch symbols show the state of the bound object. Double click on the shape to display the Focus
view for the bound object. Right-click to show the command dialog box.
See the Dynamics: Switches step section for information on binding switches.
Binding Symbols to Objects
In the UGT you can bind symbols to objects, which allows the symbol to display the condition of the bound object.
Refer to each symbol section for details about which object type can be bound to each symbol.
To speed up the binding process, select one item or several items (using the Shift or Control key) in the navigation
tree and then drag and drop a symbol into the graphic workspace. The symbol automatically binds to the item or
items selected in the tree.
To bind graphics in Edit Mode, see Binding Symbols to Objects in Edit Mode.
For information on drag and drop binding shortcuts, see Drag and Drop Shortcuts.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Status Colors
Status colors are used by symbols such as Value Display Boxes, Analog Fill Bar Graphs, and Basic Shapes to
indicate the status of a bound object. The following table lists the default status colors used by the UGT.
Table 237: Status Colors
Symbol Text Color
Symbol Background Color
Operator Override
Out of Service
Light Brown
Note: All status color defaults can be changed in the Graphic Settings Tab in the Preferences chapter.
See Binding Symbols to Objects in Edit Mode for information on binding graphics.
Aliases simplify the process of binding symbols to objects during graphic generation when a site has several graphics
that contain a common set of objects. The Alias feature allows you to use a wildcard character (*) to represent a
single string of characters that may be part of the complete object reference as part of the binding information for a
symbol. When a graphic is displayed in View Mode, the alias symbol (*) is replaced with the text from the alias box
of the symbol you used to access the graphic. If you navigate to a graphic using an aliased button, you cannot edit
the graphic. To edit the aliased graphic, access it via the navigation tree.
For example, aliasing allows you to use a single aliased graphic for multiple field controllers, such as VAV Modular
Assemblies (VMAs), with similar configurations. See Creating Aliases.
Figure 68 shows an example of a main graphic and an aliased graphic. In the figure, the top panel contains the main
graphic, which has several buttons bound to the aliased graphic. Each button has its alias string set to the reference
for a different field device. The bottom panel shows the aliased graphic, displayed directly from the navigation view
(that is, with no alias strings passed in).
Figure 69 show the aliased graphic as it displays when the user clicks the corresponding buttons in the main graphic
(that is, with field device-specific values).
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Figure 68: Alias Example - Main and Aliased Graphics
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 69: Alias Example - Using the Aliases
For more information on binding graphics, see Binding Symbols to Objects in Edit Mode.
You can navigate between graphics by using hyperlinked Button Symbols or by selecting graphics from the navigation
tree and displaying them in the Display Frame. You can restrict user access to specific graphics by setting security
levels in the Security Administrator System.
You can also create user views that contain only graphics (hierarchy of graphics references).
You can command objects that are bound to symbols by right clicking on the symbol in View Mode. If you are not
authorized to command the object, the command is disabled in the command dialog box.
Mouse Shortcuts
Use mouse shortcuts to speed up User Graphics Tool use. See Mouse Shortcuts: Edit Mode and Mouse Shortcuts:
View Mode.
Mouse Shortcuts: Edit Mode
The following table lists the mouse shortcuts you can use in the Edit Mode of the User Graphics Tool.
Table 238: Edit Mode Mouse Shortcuts
Single Left Click
Double Left Click
Static Background
No action takes place.
No action takes place.
Remove Background
Hyperlink Information dialog box
Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 238: Edit Mode Mouse Shortcuts
Single Left Click
Double Left Click
Value Display Box
Bind Information dialog box appears. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
Gauge: Analog Fill
Bind Information dialog box appears. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
Gauge: Dial
Bind Information dialog box appears. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
Dynamics: Fan
Bind Information dialog box appears. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
Dynamic: Basic Shape Select
Bind Information dialog box appears. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
Dynamics: Switches
Bind Information dialog box appears. Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Delete,
Format, Align
The Format menu choice contains the choices listed in the following table.
Table 239: Format Menu Options
Copy Binding
Copies the selected symbol’s binding information, which you can then paste to a new symbol.
With this feature, you can easily bind several symbols to one object.
Paste Binding
Pastes the previously copied binding information to the selected symbol(s).
Copy Format
Copies the selected symbol’s formatting (size and font information), which you can then paste
onto another symbol. This allows you to easily format multiple symbols in the same way.
Paste Format
Pastes the previously copied formatting information to the selected symbol(s).
The Align menu choice contains the choices listed in the following table.
Table 240: Align Menu Options
Align Top
Aligns all symbols to the top most edge of the first symbol you selected.
Align Bottom
Aligns all symbols to the bottom most edge of the first symbol you selected.
Align Left
Aligns all symbols to the left most edge of the first symbol you selected.
Align Right
Aligns all symbols to the right most edge of the first symbol you selected.
Align Horizontal Center
Aligns all symbols to the horizontal center of the first symbol you selected.
Align Vertical Center
Aligns all symbols to the vertical center of the first symbol you selected.
When you select multiple objects by dragging the mouse across them, the first selected symbol is not based on the symbol's
location within the graphic, but on the order in which it was originally added to the graphic. We recommend that you first click
on the symbol with which you want to align other symbols. Once you have selected that symbol, hold down the Shift key
while you drag the mouse across additional symbols to select them (you can also use Shift + click to select additional symbols).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Mouse Shortcuts: View Mode
The following table lists the mouse shortcuts you can use in the View Mode of the User Graphics Tool.
Table 241: View Mode Mouse Shortcuts
Single Left Click
Double Left Click
Navigate to hyperlink.
Navigate to hyperlink.
No action takes place.
Value Display Box
Display focus view of bound object. Command box appears.
Gauge: Analog Fill
Display focus view of bound object. Command box appears.
Gauge: Dial
Display focus view of bound object. Command box appears.
Dynamics: Fan
Display focus view of bound object. Command box appears.
Dynamic: Basic Shape
Display focus view of bound object. Command box appears.
Dynamics: Switches
Display focus view of bound object. Command box appears.
Drag and Drop Shortcuts
Consider the following shortcuts when dragging and dropping items to the Graphic Workspace:
If you select a Graphic Object in the navigation tree and then drag a button to the graphics workspace, the UGT
creates a button already bound to the selected Graphic object.
If you select multiple field points in the Navigation Tree and drag a Value Display Box to the graphics workspace,
the UGT creates multiple Value Display Boxes each bound to a field point.
If you select multiple field points in the navigation tree and drag a dynamic symbol or gauge to the graphics
workspace, the UGT creates multiple symbols each bound to a field point.
If you select multiple field controllers along with a Graphic object in the navigation tree and drag a button to the
graphics workspace, the UGT creates buttons for all the controllers. All buttons have the appropriate Alias string
already entered.
To change the binding information for a symbol or to add binding information (if you drag and drop a symbol
without selecting anything in the navigation tree), see Binding Symbols to Objects in Edit Mode.
User Graphics Tool Steps
Generating Graphics (Overview)
Note: • This process is the same when the system is offline, except the binding is done to the archive database
instead of the online system. You cannot create, edit, or delete a graphic in online mode with Basic
• For information on default preferences for graphics (such as status colors, fan colors, state colors, and
alarm flashing settings), see Graphic Settings Tab in the Preferences section.
To create a complete graphic:
1. On the Insert Menu, select Graphic. The Graphic appears.
2. Follow the wizard instructions.
3. Drag the graphic from the Navigation Tree to the display panel.
4. Click on the Background Image icon on the UGT toolbar to import a Static Background image into the graphic.
Note: To scale imported SVGZ Floorplans from Visio, cut the rescaled image from Visio. Paste the image into
Paint. Cut the image from Paint and use paste special as a Device Independent Bitmap into Visio.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
5. Add Symbols as needed on top of the static background.
6. Bind the symbols to objects.
7. Add Hyperlinks to the buttons and create aliases (if desired).
8. Save the graphic.
9. Download the graphic to the online device (if you have created the graphic with the Metasys software offline
using the SCT). Upload the graphic to the archive database of the SCT (if you have created the graphic with
Metasys software online).
Changing UGT Modes
To change from View mode to Edit mode, click the Edit button on the UGT Toolbar.
To change from Edit mode to View mode, click Save on the UGT toolbar.
Viewing User Graphics
To view user graphics, double click on or drag a graphic item from the Navigation Tree into the Panel Layout.
Note: To be sure the graphic item drops completely, release the drop with your cursor over the header section of
the desired display frame.
Copying an Existing Graphic
Note: This is available when using the SCT only.
Click an existing graphic item in the Navigation Tree.
On the Edit menu, select Copy.
Click in the navigation tree where the new graphic is to appear.
On the Edit menu, select Paste and name the new graphic.
Binding Symbols to Objects in Edit Mode
To bind buttons to items, URLs, or applications:
1. Double-click a button. The Hyperlink Information dialog box appears.
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
Table 242: Button Options
Hyperlink Type
Selects whether the button provides a link to an item, URL, or application.
If you link the button to a URL, type the address here. If you link to an item or application, click
and see below. Applications configured using the Metasys Preferences Applications Tab
appear on the drop-down menu.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 242: Button Options
Opens a dialog box for browsing to an item or application.
If you are linking to an item, UGT displays a navigation tree listing graphics/objects you can
bind to the button.
If you are linking to an application that is not in the Application drop-down menu, UGT allows
you to navigate to and select an executable file for an application that resides on your local
file system or a network drive.
Note: The linked application does not close when you exit the UI.
Hides the button in the View mode, creating a virtual hyperlink on the background image.
Passes the defined Alias string to the linked graphic when you press the button.
Displays a dialog box to change font size and text justification for the button label text.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Value Display Boxes
To bind Value Display Boxes to objects:
1. Double click a Value Display Box. The Binding Information dialog box appears.
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
Table 243: Value Display Box Options
Allows you to type in the Item Reference of the object you want to bind to the Value Display
Box. Or, lets you click
to launch a tree browser to select the object to bind to the Value
Display Box.
Allows you to select the specific attribute to bind to the Value Display Box. The bound attribute
is initially set to the object's Default attribute, which varies per object type, but is typically
Present Value.
If an object does not have a Default attribute, the value box displays ???? on the graphic until
you change the binding to a different attribute.
You can bind to string values or to numeric values.
Shows the Units for the bound object in the Value Display box.
Shows the Status for the bound object by color-coding the text and background for the Value
Display box.
Allows you to configure the text properties for the Value Display Box text.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Note: In the View mode, double clicking on the Value Display box displays the focus view for the bound object.
Right-click displays the commands.
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Gauges: Analog Fill
To bind Analog Fill symbols to objects:
1. Double-click an Analog Fill Bar Graph icon. The Binding Information dialog box appears.
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
Table 244: Analog Fill Gauge Options
Allows you to type in the Item Reference of the object you want to bind to the Analog Fill
Gauge. Or, lets you click
to launch a tree browser to select the object to bind to the Analog
Fill Gauge.
Allows you to select the object’s attribute to bind to the gauge.
Fill Color
Launches the fill color selector to select the color displayed by the bar graph.
Chooses vertical or horizontal motion of the bar graph.
High Limit
Sets the high number for the display range of the gauge.
Low Limit
Sets the low number for the display range of the gauge.
Displays the units used by the bound object.
Displays the status of the object in the display box of the symbol.
Allows you to configure the text properties for the text in the display box of the gauge.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Gauges: Dial Gauge Symbol
To bind Dial Gauge symbols to objects:
1. Double-click the Dial Gauge symbol. The Binding Information dialog box appears.
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
Table 245: Dial Gauge Symbol Options
Allows you to type in the Item Reference of the object you want to bind to the Dial Gauge. Or,
lets you click
to launch a tree browser to select the object to bind to the Dial Gauge.
Allows you to select the object’s attribute to bind to the gauge.
Gauge Color
Launches the color selector for the gauge to select the color displayed in the center of the
High Limit
Sets the high number for the display range of the gauge.
Low Limit
Sets the low number for the display range of the gauge.
Displays the units used by the bound object.
Displays the status of the bound object in the display box of the gauge.
Allows you to configure the text properties for the text in the display box of the gauge.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Dynamics: Fans
To bind Fan symbols to objects:
1. Double-click the Fans symbol. The Binding Information dialog box appears.
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
Table 246: Fan Dynamics Options
Allows you to type in the Item Reference of the object you want to bind to the Fan. Or, lets
you click
to launch a tree browser to select the object to bind to the Fan.
Allows you to select the object’s attribute to bind to the fan.
Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise Selects if the Fan symbol spins in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Dynamics: Basic Shapes
To bind Basic Shapes symbols to objects:
1. Double-click the Basic Shapes symbol. The Binding Information dialog box appears.
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
For information on default preferences for graphics (such as status colors, fan colors, state colors, and alarm
flashing settings), see Graphic Settings Tab in the Preferences section.
Table 247: Basic Shape Dynamics Options
Allows you to type in the Item Reference of the object you want to bind to the Basic Shape.
Or, lets you click
to launch a tree browser to select the object to bind to the Basic Shape.
Allows you to select the object’s attribute to bind to the Basic Shape.
State 0
Allows you to set the color for State 0.
State 1
Allows you to set the color for State 1.
State 2
Allows you to set the color for State 3.
State 3
Allows you to set the color for State 4.
All Other States
Allows you to set the color for all other states.
For the triangle basic shape, chooses the position of the point (Up, Down, Left, or Right).
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
The default color is determined by the preferences. See Graphic Settings Tab in the Preferences section for details.
Dynamics: Switches
To bind Switch symbols to objects:
1. Double-click the Switch symbol. The Binding Information dialog box appears.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
2. Use the information in the following table to edit the fields.
Table 248: Dynamic Switch Options
Allows you to type in the Item Reference of the object you want to bind to the Switch. Or, lets
you click
to launch a tree browser to select the object to bind to the Switch.
Allows you to select the object’s attribute to bind to the switch.
Number of States
Allows you to choose the number of states (2 or 3) the switch has.
State 0/1/2
Allows you to choose the text associated with each state.
Accepts changes.
Cancels changes.
Monitoring and Commanding Items Using Graphics in View Mode
Note: The Metasys system user interface provides the capability to monitor and command the Metasys system
using graphics. To navigate through the system, see Navigating Graphics in View Mode.
To monitor your Metasys system using graphics:
1. Display graphics to show the status/state of your system components.
2. Navigate through the system.
3. To command objects/items using graphics, right-click on the symbol in View mode and select the desired
Note: Right-clicking has no effect on Button Symbols.
Navigating Graphics in View Mode
To navigate graphics in View mode, double-click the symbol and navigate by one of the following two methods:
1. Navigate to the hyperlink of a button symbol by clicking on the button.
2. Navigate to the Focus view of an object by double-clicking a Dial Gauge or Fan symbol.
Adding Symbols to the Workspace
To add symbols to the workspace, drag the symbol from the palette and drop the symbol into the workspace.
Note: •
Depending on the symbol you are adding, be wary if items are selected in the navigation tree. Some
symbols automatically bind to items selected in the tree. See the Symbols topics for more information on
drag and drop capabilities.
For more information on drag and drop binding shortcuts, see Drag and Drop Shortcuts.
Deleting Symbols from the Graphics Workspace
To delete symbols from the workspace, select the symbol and press Delete on your keyboard or right-click on the
symbol and select Delete from the menu.
Adding Text Blocks
To add text blocks in Edit mode:
1. Click the Text icon on the UGT Toolbar.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
2. Click the workspace to select a location for the text. The text block appears.
3. Click the Select icon from the toolbar and double-click on the text block. The edit text box appears.
4. Type in the text box and click OK.
5. Select the Select icon on the UGT Toolbar.
6. Select the text block and drag the sides to resize the block.
Editing Text Blocks
To edit text:
1. With the selection pointer tool, double-click on the block. The block opens for editing.
2. Change the text and click OK.
3. To change the text properties, right click on the text block and select Properties from the menu.
Note: You can change the font (type, size, bold, italic, bold italic), text color, background color, and border
Editing a Background Image
Use this procedure if you want to edit a background of a graphic by exporting it from the UGT. Use this method when
a copy of the existing background image is not available.
1. Drag the desired graphic from the Navigation Tree to the display panel.
2. Click the Edit button on the UGT Toolbar to enter Edit Mode.
3. Click the Save Background Image icon on the UGT toolbar to save the static background image to a location on
your hard drive. The Save dialog box appears.
4. Enter a name for the background image, select the desired location on your hard drive, select JPG or SVG
format, and click Save.
5. Open the background image file in the desired graphic editing program. Edit the background image as desired
and save the file in SVG, SVGZ, or JPG format. See the Static background image section for information on
supported file formats.
Note: You can only save a background image under its original file type. For example, if the background image
was originally a JPG, you can save it only as a JPG now. You can save SVG and SVGZ files as SVG or
6. Return to the graphic in the UGT.
7. Click the Set Background Image icon on the UGT toolbar to import the revised background image file into the
8. Save the graphic.
9. Download the graphic to the online device (if you have created the graphic with the Metasys software offline
using the SCT). Upload the graphic to the archive database of the SCT (if you have created the graphic with
Metasys software online).
Note: Save a copy of the background image file in a folder on your hard drive as a backup method. If you decide
to edit that background image later, you can edit your hard drive copy and use the Set Background Image
icon to re-import the background into the graphic in the UGT. You also can use your hard drive copy in the
event that you lose your databases and need to recover the background image.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Creating Aliases
See Alias for more information on aliases.
Note: Do not set the Graphic attribute for an alarm extension to an aliased graphic. Aliased graphics do not display
properly when displayed from the Alarms Window or Event Viewer.
1. Create a graphic with an appropriate background image, and add value boxes to represent common field points.
2. For each value box, edit the bound reference and use a wildcard character (*) to replace the portion of the
reference specific to a particular supervisory device, field trunk, and/or field controller.
For example, change the bound object reference for a Zone Temperature AI from ADS 1:NAE1/N2 Trunk
1.VMA-1.ZN-T to *.ZN-T. This is your aliased graphic.
Note: One wildcard character is allowed per reference, and all wildcard characters used in bindings for a
particular aliased graphic must represent the same string.
3. Create a separate main graphic to use as the access point for your aliased graphic.
4. On the main graphic, add a button bound to the aliased graphic. Give the button a name indicating the field
device it represents (see Tip below).
5. Set the alias string for the button to the text that should replace the wildcard in the reference for the value boxes
on the aliased graphic.
For the example above, the alias string would be:
ADS 1:NAE1/N2 Trunk 1.VMA-1
6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 to add buttons for additional field controllers, setting the alias string appropriately for
For example, ADS 1:NAE201/N2 Trunk 2.VMA-43.
Tip: You can use the following shortcut steps to quickly create the buttons for your aliased graphic on your
main graphic:
a. Display your main graphic in the Display panel, and click Edit.
b. Select the aliased graphic in the All Items navigation tree, then use Ctrl + click or Shift + click to select the
items to use with the aliased graphic.
For the example given earlier, select VMA-1 under N2 Trunk on NAE1, and VMA-43 under N2 Trunk 2 on
NAE 201.
c. With the aliased graphic and other items selected in the navigation tree, drag the Button from the UGT palette
into the graphic display area. A new button appears in the main graphic for each item. Each button is labeled
with the item name, bound to the aliased graphic, and has its alias string set to the full reference of the
selected item (for example, ADS 1:NAE1/N2 Trunk 1.VMA-1).
d. Find the button on the main graphic that has its alias string set to the aliased graphic (labeled with the name
of the aliased graphic). This button is no longer needed, so you may delete it.
e. Save your changes.
Once you have finished configuring your main and aliased graphic, display the main graphic in the online UI. Use
the buttons on the main graphic to open the aliased graphic for each field device. See Figure 68 and Figure 69.
Saving a Graphic
To save a graphic, click the Save button on the Toolbar.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Trend Study
Menu Selection: Insert > Trend Study
Inserts a trend study into the site.
Tip: With the Trend Study tab selected on the Configure Screen, select the
button to add or delete trend
Tip: Select the Configuration tab on the Configure screen for further configuration.
See one of the following sections for more information:
Trend Studies
Trend Extensions
Trend Studies
Menu Selection: Insert > Trend Study
Inserts a trend study into the site.
Tip: •
With the Trend Study tab selected on the Configure Screen, select the
trend items.
Select the Configuration tab on the Configure screen for further configuration.
button to add or delete
The Metasys Historical Data Management feature allows you to collect and store historical samples of Engine object
data. Metasys Trend Studies allow you to view the historical data. Using this information, you can manage energy
usage, bill tenants, prove compliance to standards, and diagnose problems in your Metasys system. You can also
trend attributes of system objects. With the addition of an ADS Device Object or ODS Device Object to your
network, the Metasys system provides long-term storage of historical data and you dramatically increase storage
See the Site Object and Engine Device Object.
The Engine allows you to add Trend Extensions to objects. The Trend Extension contains all of the trend definition
information associated with the object. Each trend is associated with a single attribute of that object and collects
historical data samples of that attribute. With Trend Extensions, data is collected in the Engine only, but you can
configure the Engine to transfer the data to the ADS/ADX/ODS for long-term storage. For more information on
extensions, see Extensions.
Do not confuse the trend study with the Trend Viewer or Trend Extension. For information on Trend Extensions or
the Trend Viewer, refer to the Trend Extensions and Trend Viewer sections in the Metasys SMP Help (LIT-1201793)
For performance information on trends, refer to the Metasys System Configuration Guide (LIT-12011832).
Trend Studies Concepts
Historical Data Overview
Basic Historical Data Management begins with the Engine trend extension. Each Engine attribute that can be trended
can store historical data samples about the attribute. Sample storage in the Engine is limited to the size of the
individual Trend Buffer. For storage of long-term or large numbers of samples, configure your system to store
historical data in the ADS/ADX . Use the Trend Extension to view and configure trends in the Engine and the Trend
Study to view trend data from the Engine and/or ADS/ADX .
Note: Although multiple trend extensions can be added to an object on an NxE, these extensions will be combined
as a single trend if sent to an Historical Data Repository. This may not yield the expected result. To use
multiple trends on a single object in an Historical Data Repository, create duplicate AV or BV objects and
that map to the point in question, then create a new trend on the parallel AV or BV.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Historical Data Management in an ADS/ADX/ODS
When you add an ADS/ADX/ODS to your Metasys system, trend data can be placed in a Historical Data Repository
for long-term storage. If your Engine is configured to route trends to the ADS/ADX/ODS , the ADS/ADX stores the
trends in the Historical Data database. The ADS/ADX/ODS utilizes a standard database management system that
supports archival storage.
Trend Studies
Accessible through the navigation tree, Trend Studies display trend sample data from trends in Engine trend buffers
and/or ADS/ADX/ODS repositories. An ADS/ADX/ODS on the site is not required to retrieve trend data from the
When you create a Trend Study, you use the Trend Study wizard to choose the sources for the trends and the display
The main advantages to using Trend Studies are that you can:
view multiple trends at once (from both Engine and ADS/ADX/ODS )
view ADS/ADX/ODS historical trend data
configure the Study Range with flexible parameters
Note: You do not need an ADS/ADX/ODS on the site to forward trend samples to an ADS/ADX/ODS . You can
forward trend samples to an ADS/ADX/ODS on a different Metasys site. See the ADS Device Object for
ADS/ADX/ODS information.
There are three views in the Trend Study: Chart View, Table View, and Definition View.
Table 249: Views
Chart View
Allows you to view trend data in a chart format.
Table View
Allows you to view trend data in a table format.
Definition View
Allows you to view the Trend Study setup and display options.
Trend Study Chart View
The Chart view allows you to view data samples in a graphical format and retrieve new trend data. You can zoom,
unzoom, and pan within the Chart. You can also specify the X-axis and Y-axis ranges. You can change the Y-axis
type to view the chart using stacked Y-axis or single Y-axis.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 250: Chart View
Retrieves the most recent data samples for the displayed trends.
Toggles the mouse behavior for the chart between zoom mode and normal
While in zoom mode:
drag the mouse over an area of the chart to zoom in on that area.
click Zoom to exit zoom mode and restore the mouse to normal mode.
left-click to zoom out one level.
When you exit zoom mode, the chart remains at the current zoom level. Use
the Restore button to fully zoom out on the chart.
• You cannot pan while the mouse is in zoom mode.
You can also zoom and unzoom in normal mode by using the Shift key
and the mouse. To zoom, hold the Shift key down while dragging the
mouse across the chart. To zoom out one level, left-click the mouse while
holding the shift key down.
Allows you to return to an unzoomed view and Allows you to return to an
unzoomed view and switches the mouse back to normal mode if the chart's
zoom mode is active.
Allows you to pan the view of the chart vertically or horizontally by dragging
the mouse across a zoomed chart. Panning is not available for unzoomed
charts or when zoom mode is active. To pan left or right, drag the mouse
over the X-axis. To pan up or down, drag the mouse over the Y-axis.
Points Line
Displays the data using lines and point markers. The Points Line chart is the
default chart type in chart view.
Displays the data using an area chart.
Displays the data using a bar chart.
Note: Only use the bar chart when the number of data samples can
reasonably be expected to display as bars. If too many data samples exist
when you click this option, the display becomes unstable and fails to properly
update the screen. To recover, select any other display option.
Displays the data using markers, with no lines.
Displays the data using lines, with no markers.
Stacked Y-axis
Displays a separate Y-axis for each trend.
Single Y-axis
Displays the trends using a single Y-axis.
Chart Right-Click Menu
You can access a right-click menu from the Chart view. Place your cursor in the chart and right-click in the panel to
display the menu.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 251: Chart View Right-Click Menu
Menu Item
Background Color
Opens the Select a Color dialog box and allows you to configure the background color.
Y-axis Scale
Displays the Y-axis Range Configuration dialog box.
X-axis Scale
Displays the X-axis Range Configuration dialog box.
Allows you to select what type of gridlines to appear on the chart. You can choose: None, X
and Y, X Only, and Y Only.
Chart Type
Allows you to select what type of chart to display. You can choose: Points Line, Area, Bar,
Points, and Line.
Stacked Y-axis
Displays the chart on a stacked Y-axis.
Chart Legend
The Chart Legend appears below the graphical charting area. The Chart Legend displays the list of trend items for
the Trend Study in a table, and includes information about each item.
Table 252: Legend
Select All
Selects the maximum number of trend items for display in the chart.
Remove All Selections
Deselects all trend items in the chart Legend.
Indicates if the trend item appears in the Chart. When checked, the data
appears on the chart and in the table. When unchecked, the data does not
appear in the chart or table.
Historical Trend Icon
Indicates the trend was selected from the ADS/ADX/ODS Historical Database
Indicates the appearance of the marker style and color for the trend item on
the Chart.
Color Palette
Displays the Select a Color dialog box. Allows you to change the color used
to chart the trend data.
Displays the trend item name based on the Name attribute.
Displays the trend item’s full reference.
Chart Legend Right-Click Menu
You can right-click an item in the Chart Legend to access item-specific menu options. The right-click menu content
is based on the type of item you click on. For example, if you right-click a trend item from a historical database, you
can only Refresh the Trend Study display.
Trend Study Table View
The Table view of the Trend Study allows you to view data for the selected trends in a table format. You can copy
the trend data to the clipboard for pasting into other applications such as Microsoft Excel.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 253: Table View
Updates the data samples with new trend data immediately.
Copy to Clipboard
Allows you to copy selected trend data to the system clipboard for
pasting into other applications such as Microsoft Excel. You can also
use Ctrl + C to copy selected trend data.
The Historical Trend Icon appears in the Table View column headings when applicable.
Trend Study Definition View
Use the Definition View to edit the Trend Study configuration. You can choose which trends are viewed, choose the
Study Range, and edit the display properties. You can view more than one trend item at a time on the same graph.
The following table details the fields in the Definition View.
Table 254: Definition View
Range Start and
Range End
Chart Display
Allows you to edit the refresh rate and display precision.
Refresh rate: specifies the amount of time, in seconds, for automatic refresh of data. You must configure
this attribute with a value of 0 seconds, 60 seconds, or greater than 60 seconds. Values 1 to 59 are
invalid and not allowed. 0 means manual refresh. If the refresh rate is 0, click the Update button to
display new data.
Display precision: specifies the decimal point rounding and the number of decimal places used to
format real values that do not report a display precision. If the value reports a display precision, this
Trend Viewer attribute is ignored in favor of the value’s native display precision.
Specifies the Start Time and End Time for the Trend Study.
Radio Buttons: Allows you to choose relative time or absolute time for the Study Range (start and
end times). The fields enable depending on which one you select.
Date: Displays the date for the Study Range.
Absolute Time: Select either Today or Now. If you select Today, enter the Relative Time. If you choose
Now, specify an Offset.
Relative Time: Allows you to choose the relative time for the Study Range.
Offset: Represents a combination of a whole number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds before or
after (- or +) the current date and time.
Allows you to add gridlines, stack the Y-axis, and choose the chart style for the Trend Study.
Definition View Trend Items Table
The Trend Items table appears at the bottom of the Definition view. The Trend Items table displays the list of the
Trend Study’s trend items.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 255: Trend Items Table
Historical Trend Icon
Indicates the trend was selected from the ADS/ADX/ODS Historical Database
Opens the Select Item dialog box and allows you to add trend items to the
Trend Study. This button only enables when the view is in edit mode.
Note: All items and navigation trees appear in the Select Item window; however,
you can only select trends. All other items appear dimmed.
Allows you to remove a trend item from the Trend Study. This button only
enables when the view is in edit mode.
Displays the name of the trend item.
Displays the trend item’s reference information.
Aggregate Function
Allows you to select the aggregate function to use on the trend sample data
(NONE, Average, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation, Range, Sum, and
Variance). You can sample the same point for different aggregate functions
and display them on a single chart.
The aggregate functions of the trend study apply to information in the Historical
Data at the ADS/ADX/ODS Server and do not apply to data in the NAE buffer.
Aggregate Interval
Specifies the time, in minutes, over which the aggregate function should be
applied (for example, 60 for an hourly calculation, or 1,440 for a daily
Plotting Style
Allows you to select the plotting method for the trend item.
Continuous - straight line between data samples. Continuous plotting
connects samples with the shortest possible line, giving an appearance of
a set of diagonal ramps as samples change value.
Discrete - line stays at the same value until the next data sample is taken
(good for binary data). Discrete plotting has 90-degree angles at the time
when samples change value. The chart appears to be a series of steps.
Study Range
The Study Range is the time period used to filter trend data. The Trend Study gathers and displays the trends that
are taken during this time period.
Default Destination
The ADS Repository defines where trend samples are sent when the local trend buffers reach their defined Transfer
Setpoint (see the Trend Extensions section), the Engine defined ADS Delivery Time (see the Engine Device Object)
is reached, or the user initiates a transfer. You can initiate a transfer by using the Trend Extension’s Route command.
Note: •
You do not need an ADS/ADX/ODS on the site to forward trends to an ADS/ADX/ODS . You can forward
trend samples to an ADS/ADX/ODS on a different Metasys site. The off-site ADS/ADX/ODS that receives
forwarded trend samples must be the site director of its site.
You can define only one repository as the default destination for each Engine.
For more information on ADS/ADX/ODS default trend destinations, see Configuring the ADS/ADX / ODS as the
Destination for Trend Data.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Trend Studies Steps
Setting Up Trend Studies (Overview)
1. Create a Trend Extension.
2. Configuring the ADS/ADX / ODS as the Destination for Trend Data or Configure an ODS as the destination
for trend data.
3. Configure the trend extension to pass trends to the ADS/ADX or pass trends to the ODS .
4. Configure the ADS/ADX to forward trends to another ADS/ADX or ODS to forward trends to another ODS
trend repository (if desired).
5. Create a Trend Study.
Note: •
If you have a site with an ADS/ADX/ODS and engines, and you create a Trend Study on an engine (rather
than on the ADS/ADX/ODS ), any trend items added to the trend study from the ADS/ADX/ODS ’s Historical
DB folder is listed with the current site name in their references instead of their actual site names.
When referencing trend items that were forwarded from an off-site device, create the trend study object
on the ADS/ADX/ODS , rather than on the engine.
Configuring the ADS/ADX / ODS as the Destination for Trend Data
Note: • You can define only one repository as the default destination.
• If you need to provide long-term storage for trend samples from an Engine, follow these steps to configure
the Trend Repository of an ADS/ADX/ODS as the Default Destination.
To configure the ADS/ADX/ODS Trend Repository as the Default Destination for trend samples from an Engine:
1. Select the Engine device in the navigation tree.
2. View the Engine. See Displaying Information About an Item for more information on how to display an item.
3. Select the Focus tab and click the Advanced radio button to display additional item information.
4. Select Edit.
5. Edit the ADS/ADX/ODS Repository and the ADS/ADX/ODS Delivery Time. (The Engine Device Object attributes
table contains Default Value and Values/Options/Range information for the attributes.)
6. Click Save.
Note: If you want to define the ADS/ADX/ODS attributes for the entire site instead of at the individual Engine
level, select the Site in the navigation tree and edit the ADS/ADX/ODS Repository and the ADS/ADX/ODS
Delivery Time. (The Site Object attributes table contains Default Value and Values/Options/Range
information for the attributes.)
Configuring the Trend Extension to Pass Trend Data to the ADS/ADX / ODS
To configure the ADS/ADX/ODS as a default destination for trends, you must configure the Repository Enabled
and Transfer Setpoint attributes in the Trend Extension. See the Object Help section.
Configuring an ADS/ADX / ODS to Forward Trend Data to Another ADS/ADX / ODS Trend Repository
1. View the original ADS/ADX/ODS .
2. Select the Focus tab and click the Advanced radio button to display additional item information.
3. Select Edit.
4. Scroll down to the Repository Storage section.
5. Edit the ADS/ADX/ODS Device Object's attribute.
6. Click Save.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Creating Trend Studies (Overview)
Note: Before creating a Trend Study, create a Trend extension. See Setting Up Trend Studies (Overview) for details.
1. From the Insert Menu, select Trend Study.
2. Follow the Trend Study’s wizard steps. The new study appears in the Navigation Tree.
3. Drag and drop the study to the Panel Layout.
4. On the Definition View, click Edit and configure the fields (see Trend Study Definition View) as you want them.
5. Add trend items to the Trend Item table using the add button. The Select Item window appears.
6. Select one or more trend items.
Note: •
Multiple selection adds multiple items.
All non-trend items appear dimmed. If everything appears dimmed in the Select Item tree, check to
see if you have at least one object with a Trend Extension and/or that Engine devices from other sites
are storing samples in the ADS/ADX/ODS (if applicable).
7. Click OK. See Adding New Trend Items to the Trend Study.
8. Click Save.
9. Click the Chart or Table buttons to see trended data in the specific format.
Note: If nothing appears in the chart or table, check to see if you have samples in your study range and adjust
if necessary.
Editing Trend Studies
1. View the Trend Study.
2. Click the Definition View button.
3. Click the Edit button.
4. Make your changes using the table in the Trend Study Definition View section, including adding new Trend Items.
5. Click the Save button to save the changes.
Viewing Trend Studies
Note: To create Trend Studies, see Creating Trend Studies (Overview).
1. From the navigation tree, drag and drop the Trend Study you want to view to the Panel Layout.
2. Select the Definition View button to edit the Trend Study. Select the Chart View or Table View buttons to view
the trend data.
Note: •
The UI limits the number of data samples you can retrieve. Therefore, you may not see the full range
specified. The most recent data samples are always retrieved first.
If the chart appears to flicker, you have too many trend samples in the Trend Study. Reduce the number
of displayed trends or change the trending date/time range to display fewer samples and improve
performance. See Deleting Trends from the Trend Study.
Deleting Trend Studies
1. Select a Trend Study in the navigation tree.
2. Select Edit > Delete Items and answer Yes to the Confirm Delete box.
Adding New Trend Items to the Trend Study
1. View the Trend Study.
2. If necessary, click the Definition View button.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
3. Click the Edit button in the upper left of the Trend Study tab.
4. Click the
button in the Trend Items table. The Select Item dialog box appears.
5. Select the trend(s) that you wish to add from the Select Item dialog box.
Note: •
Multiple selection adds multiple items.
All non-trend items appear dimmed. If everything appears dimmed in the Select Item dialog box, check
to see if you have at least one object with a Trend Extension and/or that Engine devices from other
sites are storing samples in the ADS/ADX/ODS (if applicable).
6. Click the OK button in the Select Item dialog box.
7. Click the Save button in the Definition View to save the changes.
Deleting Trends from the Trend Study
1. View the Trend Study.
2. Click the Definition View button.
3. Click the Edit button.
4. Select a trend in the Trend Item table.
button. The Remove confirmation dialog box appears asking if you want to remove the trend item.
5. Click the
Click Yes.
6. Click Save.
Configuring the X-axis
To configure the X-axis in the Chart view:
1. Place your cursor on the chart and right-click.
2. Select the X-axis Scale. The Range Configuration dialog box appears.
3. Specify whether to Use Automatic Range Calculation. The automatic range is determined automatically based
on the set-up in the Definition View.
Note: •
You are limited to dates and times between the start and end dates configured in the Trend Study
• When you select Use Automatic Range Calculation, you do not fill in the Range fields.
4. Specify the Start Time, Start Date, End Time, and End Date.
5. Click OK.
Note: You can also configure the X-axis range by changing the start and end dates and times in the Definition View.
See the table in the Trend Study Definition View.
Configuring the Y-axis
To configure the Y-axis in the Chart view:
1. Place your cursor on the chart and right-click.
2. Select the Y-axis Scale menu item. The Range Configuration dialog box appears.
3. If you are using stacked Y-axis, choose the trend item to which the Y-axis range should be applied from the item
drop-down list.
4. Specify whether to Use Automatic Range Calculation. The Range is determined automatically based on the trend
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Note: When you select Use Automatic Range Calculation, you do not fill in the Range fields.
5. Specify the minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis.
Note: When you use stacked Y-axis, click Apply to apply the changes to a specific trend item. You can continue
setting the ranges for other trend items in the Range Configuration dialog box.
6. Click OK.
New User View
Menu Selection: Insert > User View
Inserts a user navigation view (also referred to as user view, user-defined navigation tree, and user-defined tree)
item into the All Items navigation tree. In online mode, the user view appears as a separate tab in addition to the All
Items navigation tree if the user has permission for the user view. In online and offline modes, the user view appears
in the User Views folder under the Site in the All Items tree.
Assign permissions to user views using the Security Administrator System in the online mode. You cannot assign
permissions to user views in the SCT.
Tip: On the Configure screen, click the Configuration tab for further configuration.
Summary Definitions
Tailored Summaries allow you to view, command, and modify large quantities of similar data in a tabular format.
Tailored Summaries are essentially summary views of Metasys system items where the rows and columns of the
summary are tailored to contain information of interest. Similar data, for example, may be all VAV boxes on a floor
of a building, showing current temperatures, setpoints, flows, and minimum and maximum settings. This feature
allows you to quickly analyze the operation of your facility.
The Summary Definition object is an integral part of the Tailored Summary feature. It allows you to view and edit
the columns and key data values used in a Tailored Summary based user view. The contents of the user view folders
are the rows in the Tailored Summary. Figure 70 illustrates the interaction between the User View, Summary Definition
object, and the Tailored Summary.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 70: User View, Summary Definition, and Tailored Summary Interaction
In this example, a user view named HVAC contains a folder named VAV Boxes - VMA 1400s. In the VAV Boxes
folder are two Summary Definition objects named Monitoring - VMA1400 and Configuration - VMA1400 Flow. The
VAV Boxes folder also has item references to several VAVs in the system.
In the Tailored Summary, the Monitoring - VMA1400 Summary Definition object is selected, and its data appears in
the view. The referenced VAVs appear as rows in the table. The Label defined in the Summary Definition object
appears as the column heading named Controller for the referenced VAV items in the Tailored Summary. The
columns defined in the Summary Definition object (for example, Zone Temperature and Supply Temperature) appear
as columns in the Tailored Summary view. The Key Data in the Tailored Summary is defined in the Focus view of
the Summary Definition object.
See the Tailored Summary User Interfaces for details on the views described in this example.
You can create and edit Summary Definition objects for the Tailored Summary feature in the SCT or the online Site
Management Portal UI for the Site Director, but you must be in the online Site Management Portal UI or the Ready
Access Portal UI to view the Tailored Summary.
The Tailored Summary feature requires minimal memory for the Summary Definition objects; however, the objects
do increase the object count.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Tailored Summary Concepts
Tailored Summary User Interfaces
Summary Definition Editor
On a Site Director, the Summary Definition Editor allows you to define and edit a Summary Definition object. The
Summary Definition Editor appears when you view a Summary Definition object. Summary Definition objects always
reside on a Site Director in the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree (that is, you cannot put a Summary
Definition object in another location).
Summary Definition Tab
The Summary Definition Editor’s Summary Definition tab allows you to define the table that appears in the Tailored
Summary view.
Figure 71: Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab
Table 256: Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab
Defines the label to display in the first column (that is, the row header column) in a Tailored Summary.
The label is limited to a maximum of 50 characters. This field also can be left blank.
Allows you to add a column at the end of the column configuration table.
Note: You can define up to a maximum of seven columns. This button is disabled if seven columns
already exist.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 256: Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab
Column Configuration
Allows you to remove the currently selected column from the column configuration table.
Note: To select a column, click the column heading. You must define a minimum of at least one
Lets you configure the columns that appear in the Tailored Summary:
• Column Heading - Defines the name of the column heading. The name can have a maximum
of 50 characters.
Child Item - Indicates the item for which the column data is retrieved based on its item name
attribute. You can use the Select Item dialog box to pick a name, or type in the text box. The
name must match a user-specified pattern (such as ZN-* or ZN-T, Zone-T). You can define an
unlimited number of wildcards. The first item found that matches this item name pattern appears
in the Tailored Summary view column. To display an attribute of the row item, leave this field
blank. Otherwise, specify the name of the child item to display.
Attribute - Defines the attribute information for the column. To display the default attribute, no
change is required (that is, leave the Attribute box set to Default). The attributes are grouped into
categories for easy selection. To specify an attribute, select a category in the Attribute Filter
section of the Select Column Attribute dialog box, and then select the desired attribute from the
• To change the order of the columns, select a column and drag it to the desired placement.
Browse (Child Item)
Browse (Attribute)
When you display a Tailored Summary (see Viewing a Tailored Summary), the system searches
for data within all levels of a field device (VMA, for example). For all other objects (NAE, for
example), the system searches for data only one level down (not subsequent levels).
Opens the Select Item dialog box where you can specify the item name.
Note: This dialog box provides an easy way to fill in the item name of a child item. It does not mean
that the selected item displays in that column.
Opens the Select Column Attribute dialog box where you can select the attribute to display in the
column of the table. This process is necessary only when selecting an attribute other than the default
This dialog box has two list boxes to aid in selection:
• Attribute Filter - Allows you to filter the items appearing in the Attribute list using common attribute
categories. If you filter on Alarms, for example, the supported alarm attributes appear in the list
for selection.
Attribute - Lists the available attributes for selection.
Note: To display the default attribute of the row item, leave the Attribute box set to Default (Attribute
Filter: Common Attributes and Attribute: Default).
For an example of the attributes available for display in the Tailored Summary feature, see the Tailored
Summary Attributes section.
Use the asterisk (*) wildcard for partial name matching (for example, ZN-T* finds items named ZN-T and ZN-Temp).
Use a comma (,) to separate the wildcard search criteria (for example, ZN-T, Zone-T finds items named ZN-T or items named
Use the Backslash () wildcard to indicate a character does not have a special meaning (for example, ZN*T, ZN, T, ZN\T
finds items named ZN*T, ZN, T, and ZNT).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Focus Tab
The Summary Definition Editor’s Focus tab allows you to define the Key Data that appears outside the main table
in the Tailored Summary view, as well as other common Metasys object attributes. To define Key Data, click the
Browse button of the Key Data attribute on the Focus tab. This action opens the Modify List dialog box.
The Object Name attribute on the Focus tab provides the name shown in the Summary Definition folder in the All
Items tree.
Figure 72: Modify List Dialog Box
Table 257: Modify List Dialog Box
Key Data List (Listof[x])
Displays the added Key Data items. You can use the Select Item dialog box to pick the Key
Data item, or type in the text box. You also can use wildcards (asterisks * only), where the
system searches for the matching item in the user view folder. You can define up to four Key
Data items.
Note: The default attribute of the Key Data item appears in the Key Data table of the Tailored
Summary view.
Opens the Select Item dialog box for selection of the Key Data item.
Adds an undefined item to the Key Data list.
Removes the currently selected item from the Key Data list.
Move Up
Moves the currently selected item up one place in the Key Data list.
Move Down
Moves the currently selected item down one place in the Key Data list.
Closes the dialog box without accepting the changes.
Accepts the changes and closes the dialog box.
User View Editor
The Tailored Summary feature relies on the User View feature to provide a mechanism for viewing Tailored
Summaries. See the Workflow section for details.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
The following figure shows the User View Editor configured with folders holding specific Summary Definition objects
and references.
Figure 73: User View - Tree View Tab
For more information on User Views, see the Defining User Views with Summary Definitions section.
Tailored Summary View
The data that appears in the Tailored Summary view is the result of analysis based on the row and column definition
of the Summary Definition object. Access the Tailored Summary view by viewing the associated user view folder
containing the Summary Definition objects and references. The Tailored Summary view allows you to view, command,
or modify the data. The Tailored Summary view is only available in the online Site Management Portal UI for the
Site Director, or in the Ready Access Portal UI.
The items in the Key Data and Tailored Summary tables use the graphic status colors defined by the preferences.
Guidelines and tips:
Items must be mapped (for example, appear in the All Items tree) to appear in the Tailored Summary.
If the search does not find a match for an item, or the defined attribute does not apply to the item found, dashes
(---) appear in the Tailored Summary.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Wireless TECs do not appear in a Tailored Summary (that is, this feature cannot use Wireless TECs as rows in
the Tailored Summary).
The Tailored Summary feature displays data from engines at Release 2.2 or later.
IP addresses for devices at releases prior to Release 5.0 appear differently within Tailored Summaries in the
Site Management Portal UI than in the Ready Access Portal UI; this is expected behavior. IP addresses for
devices at releases prior to Release 5.0 appear as the appropriate value when viewed in the Site Management
Portal UI Tailored Summaries. When you view a Tailored Summary in the Ready Access Portal UI, the value
shown for IP addresses of devices prior to Release 5.0 is (Complex). IP addresses for devices that are running
Release 5.0 or later display correctly.
The following figure shows a Tailored Summary view with two Summary Definitions and two Key Data items. Notice
the items with alarm conditions appear with the graphic status colors defined in the System Preferences.
Figure 74: Tailored Summary Tab
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 258: Tailored Summary Tab
Available Tailored Summaries List Lists the available Tailored Summaries to view (that is, the list of Summary Definitions
that appear directly within the selected user view folder).
Key Data Table
Displays the default attribute value of the defined Key Data items.
See the Using a Tailored Summary section for the actions you can take on the Key Data
table (such as view, command, and modify).
Tailored Summary Table
Displays the attribute value data according to the configuration of the selected Summary
The list of user view items appears in the first column (row header column) with the
following exceptions:
• folders and user view folders do not appear
Summary Definition objects do not appear
The data appears in the other columns.
See the Using a Tailored Summary section for the actions you can take on the Tailored
Summary table (such as view, command/global command, and modify/global modify).
Create New Summary Definition Wizard
Use the Create New Summary Definition Wizard to create a Summary Definition object from scratch. Access this
wizard using the Summary Definition option on the Insert menu.
Table 259: Create New Summary Definition Wizard
Allows you to enter a name for the Summary Definition object.
Allows you to define the data of the Summary Definition and Configuration tabs.
Note: The Configuration tab in this wizard contains the same data as the Focus tab of the
Summary Definition Editor.
See the Editing an Existing Summary Definition and Defining Key Data sections for details on
how to edit these items.
Displays the summary data of the Summary Definition object.
The following diagram shows a high-level workflow for creating and using Tailored Summaries. See the steps
following the diagram for more detailed workflow information.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 75: Tailored Summary Workflow
The workflow for creating and using Tailored Summaries is as follows:
1. Import the pre-built Summary Definitions. See Importing a Summary Definition for procedural details and the
location to access the pre-built Summary Definitions. Once imported, the Summary Definitions appear in the
Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree.
Create a new Summary Definition using the Summary Definition wizard (Creating a New Summary Definition).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Note: We recommend editing a pre-built Summary Definition similar to what you need. You may want to use
the same Summary Definition as the basis for slightly different groups of items (for example, a VAV with
two AHUs having different key data). Copy the existing Summary Definition to create the new Summary
Definitions. See the Reusing an Existing Summary Definition for Different Key Data section.
2. Edit the Summary Definitions and define key data, if desired (Editing an Existing Summary Definition):
a. View a Summary Definition by double-clicking it in the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree.
b. On Summary Definition tab, click Edit. Make the necessary changes and click Save.
c. On Focus tab, click Edit. Make the necessary changes (for example, define the Key Data following the
instructions in Defining Key Data), and click Save.
3. Create a user view or edit an existing one (Defining User Views with Summary Definitions):
a. Drag and drop the Summary Definitions from the Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree to a folder
(for example, a Summary Definitions folder) in the user view (or use the user view editor’s add reference
b. Drag and drop the Site Director object and items to reference (for example, supervisory devices or points)
from the All Items tree or from the global search results table to the folder in the user view (or use the user
view editor’s add reference option). The referenced items appear as rows in the Tailored Summary.
4. View the Tailored Summary (Viewing a Tailored Summary and Using a Tailored Summary):
a. Click the user view tab in the navigation pane. If the desired tab is already selected, refresh the tab.
b. Double-click the folder containing the Summary Definitions and devices (for example, the Summary Definitions
folder). The Tailored Summary appears in the display panel.
c. Click the Tailored Summary you want to view in the Available Tailored Summaries list box if more than one
Summary Definition appears in the list. By default, the first authorized Summary Definition in the list is
automatically selected.
d. View the key data and the table data. Use the right-click menu options to command, modify, or otherwise
work with the data.
Summary Definitions Library
A set of pre-built Summary Definitions are provided on the SCT installation media and the Johnson Controls BPP.
You can save these files to your computer or access them from the SCT installation media or BPP DVD. To use the
pre-built Summary Definitions, import the pre-built Summary Definition files into your site. For details, see Importing
a Summary Definition.
The pre-built Summary Definitions are designed to meet the needs of the users based on common tasks and
functions. The Summary Definitions fit into the following main categories: Configuration, Diagnostics, and Monitoring
(HVAC). The Device and Network Diagnostics definitions are intended for Site Administrators. Mechanical Equipment
definitions with links to graphics and Key Point definitions are useful for Service Professionals.
The following table lists and describes the pre-built definitions, including the definition name, default columns (in
English only), and overview description indicating typical rows, key data, and other useful information. Click an
attribute under Default Columns to view its description.
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Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Config - Analog Alarms
Displays analog alarm configuration data. The typical rows for
this Summary Definition include any key analog points (for
example, key zone or discharge air temperatures, key static
pressures, and so on) that have alarm, trend, and averaging
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
Config - Analog Alarms
Config - Analog Alarms
Monitoring - Analog Points
Config - Analog Points
Config - Trends
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Default Columns
Present Value
Alarm Priority
Low Alarm Limit
High Alarm Limit
Alarm Ack Required
Normal Ack Required
Displays the Setpoint and Occupancy References in the alarm •
extension. These points are used to configure the behavior of •
a Room Control Module symbol.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
Monitoring - Analog Points
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Config - Trends
Displays the warning alarm configuration data. The typical rows
for this Summary Definition include any key analog points (for
example, key zone or discharge air temperatures, key static
pressures, and so on) that have alarm, trend, and averaging
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
Monitoring - Analog Points
Config - Analog Points
Config - Trends
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Present Value
Unoccupied State
Occupancy Reference
Cooling Setpoint Reference
Heating Setpoint Reference
Present Value
Warning Priority
Low Warning Offset
High Warning Offset
Warning Reference
Warning Ack Required
Report Delay
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Default Columns
Config - Analog Points
Present Value
Device Type
Min Value
Max Value
COV Increment
Out of Service
Relinquish Default
Displays the key network configuration attributes of any FEC
BACnet Object Name
Model Name
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - FEC Controllers
Object Identifier
Instance Number
Displays the key attributes of an analog point that may require
modifying using the Global Modify feature or commanding using
a Global Command (see Modify Dialog ). The typical rows are
any key analog points (for example, key zone or discharge air
temperatures, key static pressures, and so on).
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
Config - BACnet
Controller Info
Monitoring - Analog Points
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Config - Trends
Config - BACnet Point Info
Config - BACnet Engine
Config - BACnet Point
Diag - FEC Controllers
Displays the key BACnet configuration attributes of any NxEs. •
BACnet Object Name
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - Engine Summary
Model Name
Network Address
BACnet IP Port
Config - Engine Network Info
Object Identifier
Diag - Engines
Displays the key BACnet configuration attributes of any points •
on an FEC controller.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
Monitoring - Analog Points
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Config - Trends
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Present Value
BACnet Object Name
Object Identifier
Intrinsic Alarm Defining
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Config - Binary Output
Default Columns
Displays binary output configuration data. The typical rows are •
any key output points (for example, fans or pump commands). •
Present Value
You can modify the attributes from the Tailored Summary view •
using the Global Modify feature. See the Modify Dialog section. •
Min Off Time
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definition:
• Config - BACnet Point Information
Config - Engines Network Displays the key network configuration attributes of any NxEs.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - Engine Summary
Min On Time
Heavy Equip Delay
Out of Service
Relinquish Default
Device Type
Model Name
IP Address
Config - BACnet Engine Info
IP Mask
Diag - Engines
Ethernet MAC Address
DHCP Enabled
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - Engine Network Info
ADS Repository
Config - BACnet Engine Info
Last Archive
Diag - Engines
Local Time
Local Date
Config - FEC Controllers Displays the key network configuration attributes of any FEC
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - BACnet Controller Info
Trunk Number
Auto Alarm
Neuron ID
Program ID
XIF Present
Message Entry Count
Config - Engine Summary Displays the key configuration attributes of any NxEs.
Diag - FEC Controllers
Config - LON Controllers Displays the key network configuration attributes of any
LONWORKS controllers.
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Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Config - LON Points
Displays the key configuration attributes of any points in a
LONWORKS based controller.
Default Columns
Present Value
Interface Vlue
Field Units
Manual Control
Update Interval
Target Reference
Config - Multistate Value Displays multistate alarm configuration data. The typical rows •
are any key multistate points (for example, modes of operation, •
fan status, and so on) that have alarm, trend, and averaging
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
• Config - Trends
Config - N2 Controllers
Config - NCM Info
Config - Schedules
Present Value
Normal State
Alarm Priority
Capture Changes
Report Delay
Report Delay Active
Alarm Message Text
Config - BACnet Point Information
Displays the key network configuration attributes of any N2
Controller Type
Trunk Number
Auto Alarm
Item Reference
Displays the key configuration attributes of any NCM. The NCMs •
are integrated with an NIE.
Displays the key configuration information and current status
about the listed schedule objects.
Gate Number
Network Name
Node Number
Object Count
Poll Delay
Present Value
You can use the Global Command feature to enable or disable •
all the schedules in the Tailored Summary view.
You also can use this Summary Definition for features other
than schedules.
Authorization Category
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Item Reference
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Default Columns
Config - TEC Controllers Displays the key network configuration attributes of any TEC
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definition:
• Config - BACnet Controller Info
Auto Alarm
Config - Trends
Diag - Engines
Diag - FEC Controllers
Displays the trend extension configuration data. The typical rows •
are any key analog points (for example, Energy Essentials meter •
points, key zone or discharge air temperatures, key static
1 •
pressures, and so on) that have trend and averaging extensions.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
• Monitoring - Analog Points
Config - Analog Points
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Buffer State
Repository Enabled
Sample Interval
Transfer Setpoint
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - Engine Summary
Battery Condition
% Flash Utilized
Estimated Flash Available
Config - BACnet Engine Info
% Memory Utilized
Config - Engine Network Info
Object Count
Board Temperature
Memory Usage
CPU Usage
Object Count
Object Memory Usage
Flash Usage
Lost Messages
Missed Messages
Transmit Errors
Transmits Per Minute
Transaction Timeouts
Bus Health Index
Bus Performance Index
Data CRC Errors
Framing Errors
Token Loop Time
Lost Token
Buffer Overflows
Displays the key diagnostic attributes of any FEC controllers.
Diag - MSTP Trunks
Displays the key diagnostic attributes of any NxEs.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Config - FEC Controllers
Diag - LON Trunks
Present Value
Config - BACnet Controller Info
Displays the key diagnostic attributes of this communication
trunk’s Diagnostic tab.
Displays the key diagnostic attributes of this communication
trunk’s Diagnostic tab.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Default Columns
Diag - N2 Trunks
Diag - VAV Box Error
Displays the key diagnostic attributes of this communication
trunk’s Diagnostic tab.
Displays the occupied zone temperature status (ZNT-State)
value along with the absolute error values from all of the possible
output controllers (for example, CLG-ABSERROR,
easily compare exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA)
to identify devices with poor relative performance.
Command Count
Message Timeouts
Acknowledgement Errors (NAK
Offline Occurrences
Poll Scan Time
Transmits Per Minute
Current State (ZNT-State)
Zone Temp Prmy Clg Error
Zone Temp Box Htg Error
Box Htg Output Error
The rows for this Summary Definition are the VAV controllers •
associated with an air handling system. The absolute error
columns indicate all the possible values available. We
recommend you remove columns not needed for your specific
Supp Htg Output Error
Supply Flow Error
Note: Depending on the module instance used by your
application, the attributes used for each column may differ. Refer
to the Output Controller chapter of the CCT Help (LIT-12011147)
for details.
When using this Summary Definition, first observe the value in
the Current State column. Then refer to the other columns as
appropriate. For example, if the Current State column indicates
that cooling is taking place, refer to the cooling error columns
for more details on the cooling process.
This Summary Definition is typically packaged in a user view
with the following Summary Definitions:
Monitoring - VMA1600 Overview
Monitoring - VMA1600 Flow
Diagnostic - VAV Box Effort Analysis
Configuration - FEC Controllers
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Diag - VAV Box Effort
Displays the occupied zone temperature status (ZNT-State)
value along with the absolute effort values from all of the possible
output controllers (for example, CLG-ABSEFFORT,
easily compare EWMAs to identify devices with poor relative
Default Columns
Current State (ZNT-State)
Zone Temp Prmy Clg Effort
Zone Temp Box Htg Effort
Box Htg Output Effort
Supp Htg Output Effort
The rows for this Summary Definition are the VAV controllers
associated with an air handling system. The absolute error
columns indicate all possible values available. We recommend
you remove columns not needed for your specific application.
Keep in mind that only one absolute error column is active at
any point in time based on the present value of ZNT-State.
Supply Flow Effort
Note: Depending on the module instance used by your
application, the attributes used for each column may differ. Refer
to the Output Controller chapter of the CCT Help (LIT-12011147)
for details.
This Summary Definition is typically packaged in a user view
with the following Summary Definitions:
Monitoring - AHUs
Monitoring - Alarm
Monitoring - VMA 1600 Overview
Monitoring - VMA1600 Flow
Diag - VAV Box Error Analysis
Config - FEC Controllers
Displays the key point information based on standard naming •
conventions for a Mixed Air Single Duct systems. The rows for •
this Summary Definition are FEC or TEC Series controllers.
Key data from the associated central plant systems or weather •
data is typically added to unique instances of this Summary
Supply Fan Status
Return Fan Status
Mixed Air Temp
Zone Temp
Discharge Temp
Cooling Command
Heating Output
Displays the current key status information of analog points
along with the date and time that the last alarm and return to
normal transitions occurred. The typical rows for this Summary
Definition include any key analog points (for example, key zone
or discharge air temperatures, key static pressures, and so on)
that have alarm, trend, and averaging extensions.
Present Values
Alarm Ack Pending
Alarm Ack Required
Late Alarm Date
Back to Normal Date
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Analog Points
Last Alarm Time
Back to Normal Time
Config - Analog Points
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Config - Trends
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Monitoring - Analog
Default Columns
Displays the minimum/maximum/average values from the
averaging extension and the key description attributes for the
item’s Focus tab. The typical rows for this Summary Definition
include any key analog points (for example, key zone or
discharge air temperatures, key static pressures, and so on)
that have alarm, trend, and averaging extensions.
Present Value
Averaging Value
Min Value
Max Value
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definitions:
• Monitoring - Alarm History
Item Reference
Config - Analog Points
Config - Analog Alarms Main
Config - Analog Alarms Warning
Config - Trends
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Table 260: Pre-Built Tailored Summary Library
Summary Definition
Monitoring - VMA1400
Monitoring - VMA1600
Monitoring - VMA1400
Default Columns
Displays the key flow setup and monitoring information for a
typical single duct, pressure independent VAV Box application. •
The rows for this Summary Definition are VMA14 controllers
that are associated with an air handling system.
Key data from the associated air handling system is typically •
added to unique instances of this Summary Definition.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definition:
• Config - VMA 1400 Overview
Box Area
Displays the key flow setup and monitoring information for a
typical single duct, pressure independent VAV Box application. •
The rows for this Summary Definition are VMA16 controllers
that are associated with an air handling system.
Key data from the associated air handling system is typically •
added to unique instances of this Summary Definition.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definition:
• Config - VMA 1600 Overview
Box Area
Displays the key point information for a typical single duct,
pressure independent VAV Box application. The rows for this •
Summary Definition are VMA14 controllers that are associated
with an air handling system.
Key data from the associated air handling system is typically •
added to unique instances of this Summary Definition.
Zone Temperature
Pickup Gain
Cooling Max Flow Setpoint
Cooling Min Flow Setpoint
Heating Flow Setpoint
Pickup Gain
Cooling Max Flow Setpoint
Cooling Min Flow Setpoint
Heating Flow Setpoint
Supply Temperature
Flow Setpoint
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definition:
• Config - VMA 1400 Flow
Monitoring - VMA1600
Displays the key point information for a typical single duct,
pressure independent VAV Box application. The rows for this •
Summary Definition are VMA16 controllers that are associated
with an air handling system.
Key data from the associated air handling system is typically •
added to unique instances of this Summary Definition.
This Summary Definition is typically used in a user view with
the following Summary Definition:
• Config - VMA 1600 Flow
Zone Temperature
Supply Temperature
Flow Setpoint
Damper Output
Heating Output
The Name attribute of alarm, trend, or averaging extensions must be unique across all extensions on the item (that is, the
alarm and trend item extensions cannot both have a Name attribute of Present Value). You can modify the Name attributes
from the Tailored Summary view using the Global Modify feature. See the Modify Dialog section.
You can use the Global Modify feature to add an associated graphic to all the device objects. See the Modify Dialog section.
You can use the Global Command feature to send Clear Statistics and Latch Statistics from the Tailored Summary view to
capture the most current diagnostic information.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Tailored Summary Attributes
The Select Column Attribute dialog box allows you to select the attributes to display in the Tailored Summary columns.
See the Editing an Existing Summary Definition section for details on accessing and using this dialog box.
You can filter the available attributes by category using the Attribute Filter list box. The attributes of that category
appear in the Attribute list box. If you filter on Alarms, for example, the alarm attributes appear in the list for selection.
Figure 76: Select Column Attribute Dialog Box
The following table lists examples of the attributes available for display in the Tailored Summary feature according
to the attribute filter.
Note: Click an attribute in the table to view its description. For information on other attributes that do not appear in
this table, search for the attribute using the Help system's Search function, or search within the PDF of the
Help system.
Table 261: Example Tailored Summary Attributes
Attribute Filter
Example Attributes
Averaging and Totalization
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Alarm Message Text
Alarm Priority
High Alarm Limit
Low Alarm Limit
Average Value
Minimum Value
Maximum Value
Totalize Limit
Table 261: Example Tailored Summary Attributes
Attribute Filter
Example Attributes
Common Attributes
Field Devices (General)
Field Devices (LON)
Field Devices (MSTP)
Field Devices (N1)
Field Devices (N2)
Field Points (General)
Field Points (LON)
Field Points (N1)
Integrations (MSTP)
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
BACnet IP Port
Instance Number
Intrinsic Alarming Defined
Object Name
Alarm State
Authorization Category
Present Value
Disable Automatic Alarming
Neuron ID
Program ID
XIF Present
Memory Usage
Object Count
Trunk Number
Device Status
NCM Name
Object Count
Poll Delay
Controller Type
Trunk Number
Device Type
Max Value
M in Value
Out of Service
Command Status Mapping Table
Interface Value
Target Reference
Update Interval
Value: Present Value
APDU Retries
Buffer Overflows
Bus Health Index
Bux Performance Index
Table 261: Example Tailored Summary Attributes
Attribute Filter
Example Attributes
Integrations (LON)
Integrations (N2)
Supervisory Devices
Missed Message
Transmit Error
Transaction Timeout
Transmits Per Minute
Command Count
Message Timeout
NAK Errors
Transmits Per Minute
ADS or ODS Repository
IP Address
Model Name
Object Count
Buffer State
Sample Interval
Transfer Setpoint
Tailored Summary Steps
Importing a Summary Definition
Note: You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
1. In the All Items tree, right-click the Summary Definitions folder and select Import Definition. The Import dialog
box appears.
2. Browse to the location on the computer where the Summary Definitions are stored.
Note: •
The pre-built Summary Definitions are provided on the SCT installation media and the Johnson
Controls BPP. You can save these files to your computer or access them from the SCT installation
media or BPP DVD.
You also can import Summary Definitions that were previously exported. See the Exporting a Summary
Definition section.
3. Select one or more Summary Definitions to import.
4. Click Import. The Notice dialog box appears, indicating the results of the import after all imports complete.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 77: Notice Dialog Box
5. Click OK. The imported Summary Definitions appear in the Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree.
Exporting a Summary Definition
Note: You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
1. In the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree, right-click the Summary Definition and select Export
Definition. The Export dialog box appears.
2. Browse to the location on the computer to store the Summary Definition.
3. Click Export. The Notice dialog box appears, indicating the results of the export.
Figure 78: Notice Dialog Box
4. Click OK.
Note: You can now share the Summary Definition with others and import it to other sites as desired. If you import
the Summary Definition to another site, you may need to update the key data references.
Editing an Existing Summary Definition
Note: • You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
See the Summary Definition Editor and sections for information on the editor and attributes appearing
on the Summary Definition.
In the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree, double-click the Summary Definition. The Summary
Definition appears in the display panel.
On the Summary Definition tab, click Edit.
In the Label text box, enter the text to display as the label for the row header column (that is, the first column
that contains the user view items). Leave the label blank for an empty heading.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Add, remove, and rearrange columns in the table:
Click the Add/Plus
Select a column by clicking the column header and click the Remove/Minus
button to remove it from the
To change the order of the columns, select a column and drag it to the desired placement.
button to add a column at the end of the column configuration table.
Note: You can define up to a maximum of seven columns. The Add button is disabled if seven columns already
exist. You must define a minimum of at least one column.
In the Column Heading text box, enter the text to display as the label for the column header (maximum of 50
In the Child Item text box, leave this field blank to display an attribute of the row item, or add a child item name
using any of the following methods:
Enter the name of the child item to display.
Select an item in the All Items tree, user view, or other view (for example, global search results table) and
drag it to the Child Item text box. This functionality is not available in the Create New Summary Definition
Click the browse button. The Select Item dialog box appears. Select an item name and click OK.
Note: •
The child item is just an item name, not a Fully Qualified Reference (FQR).
You can define an unlimited number of item names in a comma-delimited list.
You can define an unlimited amount of wildcards. The first item found that matches this item name
pattern is displayed in the Tailored Summary view column. See the table footnote in the Summary
Definition Tab section for more information on wildcards.
Prior to Release 5.0, the Name attribute of extensions was typically labeled Present Value. When
you create an extension at Release 5.0 and later, the Name attribute automatically includes the
extension type in the label (for example, Alarm - JCI System Status or Trend - Memory Usage).
If you select the Name attribute of an alarm or trend extension created at a previous release for the
attribute, we recommend renaming the Name attribute to indicate the type of extension so that it is
apparent in the Tailored Summary view (for example, Present Value versus Alarm - Present Value
or Trend - Present Value). Perform a global search and global modification to add Alarm or Trend
to the name; then define the Tailored Summary Child Item as *Alarm* or *Trend* (see Global Search
and Modify Dialog).
Another option is to add *Present Value* as a filter to the Child Items in the summary definition. This
option makes the existing trend extension names compatible if the default name of Present Value
was used. This option is a quick modification to the summary definition only so the existing trend
extensions do not require modification.
In the Attribute text box, select the attribute to display as follows (only when selecting an attribute other than
the default attribute):
a. Click the browse button. The Select Column Attribute dialog box appears.
b. In the Attribute Filter list box, select a filter category. The attributes of that type appear in the Attribute list
box. If you filter on Alarm, for example, the alarm attributes appear in the list for selection.
c. In the Attribute list box, select an attribute.
d. Click OK.
Note: •
To display the default attribute of the row item, leave the Attribute box set to Default (Attribute Filter:
Common Attributes and Attribute: Default).
See the Tailored Summary Attributes section for more information on this dialog box and examples.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Click Save.
On the Focus tab, click Edit.
10. Make the necessary attribute changes (for example, define the Key Data following the instructions in Defining
Key Data).
11. Click Save.
Defining Key Data
Note: • You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
See the Focus Tab and sections for information on the Key Data attribute of the Summary Definition.
1. In the Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree, right-click the Summary Definition and click View. The
Summary Definition appears in the display panel.
2. On the Focus tab, click Edit.
3. In the Key Data list box, click the browse button. The Modify List dialog box appears (Figure 72).
4. Add Key Data as follows:
a. Click Add. An undefined item appears in the list.
b. Click the Browse button of the item. The Select Item dialog box appears.
c. Select an item.
d. Click OK.
Note: •
You also can type in the text box and use wildcards (asterisks * only) to search for the item within
the user view folder.
• You can define up to four Key Data items.
Select an item and click Remove to delete the item from the Key Data list.
Select an item and click Move Up or Move Down to rearrange the order the items appear in the list.
Click OK.
Click Save.
Creating a New Summary Definition
Note: You can perform this task in SCT or the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director.
1. On the Insert menu, select Summary Definition. The Create New Summary Definition Wizard appears.
2. On the Identifier screen, enter a name for the Summary Definition.
3. Click Next.
4. On the Configure screen, define the data of the Summary Definition and Configuration tabs. See the Editing an
Existing Summary Definition and Defining Key Data sections for details on how to edit these items.
5. Click Next.
6. On the Summary screen, click Finish. The new Summary Definition appears in the Summary Definitions folder
of the All Items tree.
Defining User Views with Summary Definitions
1. Create a user view or edit an existing one (for example, an HVAC user view).
2. Add a folder to the user view to hold the Summary Definitions. For example, add a Summary Definitions folder,
or a folder named according to function (such as VAV Boxes - VMA1400s, Key Point Information, Engines, or
MSTP Trunk Diagnostics).
3. Drag and drop the definitions from the Summary Definitions folder in the All Items tree to the folder you created
in the user view (or use the user view editor’s add reference option).
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
4. Drag and drop the items to reference (for example, supervisory devices or points) from the All Items tree or from
the global search results table to the folder in the user view (or use the user view editor’s add reference option).
5. Save the user view.
Viewing a Tailored Summary
Note: You can perform this task in the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director. For information on
viewing a Tailored Summary in the Ready Access Portal UI, refer to the Ready Access Portal Help.
1. Click the desired user view tab in the navigation pane.
2. Double-click the user view folder containing the Summary Definitions and referenced items (for example, the
Summary Definitions folder). The Tailored Summary appears in the display panel. See the Viewing a Tailored
Summary section for a description of the Tailored Summary View user interface.
Note: If the user view does not contain a Summary Definition, only the standard Summary appears.
3. Click the Tailored Summary you want to view from the Available Tailored Summaries list box if more than one
Summary Definition appears in the list. By default, the first authorized Summary Definition in the list is automatically
4. View the key data and the table data.
5. Use the right-click menu options to command, modify, or otherwise work with the data. See Using a Tailored
Using a Tailored Summary
Note: You can perform this task in the online Site Management Portal UI for the Site Director. For information on
using a Tailored Summary in the Ready Access Portal UI, refer to the Ready Access Portal Help.
1. View the Tailored Summary as described in the Viewing a Tailored Summary section.
2. Work with the Tailored Summary table as follows:
To issue commands, select one or more items (that is, select the table cells), then right-click and select
Command. To command all items in a column, right-click the column header and select Command. For
example, use this process to send an operator override command to multiple items.
To make modifications, select one or more items, then right-click and select Modify. To modify all items in
a column, right-click the column header and select Modify. See the Modify Dialog section for details. For
example, use this process to change the Authorization Category for multiple items.
To view an item, select an item and right-click and select View. The item appears in the display panel.
To resize a column, place the cursor between the column headers so that the cursor has double-sided arrows
). Click and drag the column to the desired width.
To sort the column data alphanumerically, click a column header. Click the column header again to sort in
the reverse order.
To rearrange the order of the columns while viewing the Tailored Summary, select a column header and use
drag-and-drop functionality to move it to the desired location.
To keep a snapshot of the Tailored Summary’s data for later comparison, select and copy the table data.
Then paste it into a program such as Microsoft Excel. Use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V.
To view a graphic associated with field controller, double-click the graphic icon that appears in the second
column of the table (by default). The graphic appears in the display panel.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Figure 79: Viewing a Graphic from a Tailored Summary
To link a graphic to multiple field controllers, select the field controllers, then right-click and select Modify.
The Global Modify dialog box appears. Edit the Graphic and Graphic Alias attributes as desired and click
Send. This procedure applies only to field controllers. See Performing a Global Modify in the Modify Dialog
section for details.
3. Work with the Key Data table as follows:
To issue a command, select one item and right-click and select Command.
To make modifications to an item, select one item and right-click and select Modify. See the Modify Dialog
section for details.
To view an item, select one item and right-click and select View. The item appears in the display panel.
To resize a column, place the cursor between the column headers so that the cursor has double-sided arrows
). Click and drag the column to the desired width.
To rearrange the order of the columns, select a column header and use drag-and-drop functionality to move
it to the desired location.
To view a graphic associated with a field controller, double-click the graphic icon that appears in the first
column of the table (by default). The graphic appears in the display panel.
To link a graphic to a field controller, select the field controller, then right-click and select Modify. The Modify
dialog box appears. Edit the Graphic and Graphic Alias attributes as desired and click Send. This procedure
applies only to field controllers. See the Modify Dialog section for details.
Note: You cannot perform global commands/modifications or sort the data in the Key Data table.
Retaining Summary Definitions when Changing the Site Director
1. Export the Summary Definitions. See Exporting a Summary Definition.
2. Promote or demote the Site Director.
3. Import the Summary Definitions. See Importing a Summary Definition.
4. Add the Summary Definitions to the user view folder. See Defining User Views with Summary Definitions.
5. Fix the references in the Key Data, if needed. See Defining Key Data.
Reusing an Existing Summary Definition for Different Key Data
Use this procedure if the key data is the only thing that is different between two different views (for example,
establishing the key data for individual Air Handlers with their associated VAV boxes).
1. Export an existing Summary Definition. See the Exporting a Summary Definition section.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
2. Rename the Summary Definition.
3. Import the renamed Summary Definition. See the Importing a Summary Definition section.
4. Make the necessary Object Name and Key Data changes. See the Defining Key Data section.
5. Add the Summary Definition to the desired user view. See the Defining User Views with Summary Definitions
Tailored Summary Troubleshooting
Table 262: Tailored Summary Troubleshooting
In the Tailored Summary view, the child If you change the Object Name attribute of an object after configuring the Summary
item does not display data from an object Definition object, the link to the Child Item breaks. Change the Child Item wildcards
after editing its Object Name attribute.
in the Summary Definition object to match the new Object Name attribute.
You attempt to create a link to a Tailored Links to a Tailored Summary from a graphic are supported only in conjunction with
the Ready Access Portal software. Linking to a specific Tailored Summary only
Summary from a graphic but are
using the Site Management Portal UI is not supported at this time.
To create a graphic link to a Tailored Summary:
1. Log in to the Ready Access Portal UI.
2. View a Tailored Summary in the Ready Access Portal UI.
3. Copy the URL for the Tailored Summary view.
4. Log in to the Site Management Portal UI.
5. Open the graphic where you want to create the link.
6. Add a button and link it to the URL of the Tailored Summary in the Ready
Access Portal UI.
When you click the button, the Ready Access Portal UI will open and display the
Tailored Summary.
With a Release 5.0 NAE45 Site Director,
points in a Tailored Summary display
slowly and may time out.
This issue was resolved in Release 5.1. If this delay is problematic, we recommend
you upgrade to Release 5.1 or later.
When running a Tailored Summary, user On a summary view with more than 500 objects from a single NxE, you may
views with large point counts display red occasionally see red Xs if the device is busy. As the view continues to update data,
the red Xs disappear.
SCT Summary Definition
The SCT Summary Definition object is an integral part of the Tailored Summary Viewer feature. This object allows
you to view and edit the columns and key data values used in the Tailored Summary Viewer. In SCT, the SCT
Summary Definitions used in the Tailored Summary Viewers are summary views of Metasys system items where
the rows and columns of the summary are tailored to contain information of interest.
Summary Definition Wizard
Menu Selection: Insert > Summary Definition
Inserts a Summary Definition into the system. The Summary Definition object is used by the Tailored Summary
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
SCT Summary Definition Attributes
This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described
in the Common Attributes section. For information on the Tailored Summary Viewer feature, see Tailored Summary
Viewer Introduction.
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Table 263: SCT Summary Definition Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Initial Value
Maximum Length of 400
Maximum Length of 40
characters prior to
Release 8.0 and 64
characters at Release
8.0 and later.
Authorization Category One type from a set
HVAC, Fire, Security,
Services, Administrative,
General Lighting,
Refrigeration, Critical
Environment, Air Quality,
Power, Energy, System
Custom 1-150
Initial Value
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W- Writable
Table 264: SCT Summary Definition - Summary Definition Tab
Attribute Name
Data Type
Column Heading
List of Structures
Row Headings Column Text
Column Heading, Child
Item, Attribute
Maximum Length of 50
C - Configurable, N - Value Not Required, W- Writable
SCT Summary Definition Attribute Details
Column Definition defines the columns displayed in the Tailored Summary Viewer in the SCT. You can define up to
seven columns (list of structures). Each structure contains the following information:
• Column Heading - Defines the name of the column header.
• Child Item - Indicates item for which the column data is retrieved based on its name attribute, which must match
a user-specified pattern (such as ZN-* or ZN-T, or Zone-T). To display an attribute of the row item, leave this
field blank. Otherwise, specify the name of the child item to display.
• Attribute - Defines the attribute information for the column. The attributes are grouped into categories for easy
selection. Select a category in the Attribute Filter section of the Select Column Attribute dialog, and then select
the desired attribute from the list.
Metasys® SCT Help: Insert Menu
Select Column Attribute: User Definable Attribute IDs
At Release 11.0, the Select Column Attribute window offers a drop-down list of all applicable User Definable Attributes
to assist in configuring the Attribute columns of SCT Summary Definitions. To quickly search user definable attributes,
in the Select Column Attribute window, begin typing the attribute name you want to add to your Summary definition.
Figure 80: Select Column Attribute Window
Child Item Field Syntax for Summary Definitions
In the Child Item Field of a Summary Definition, the standard query searches against the itemName attribute of the
object. Now you have the option to enter a different attribute to search against by using the format: ::attribute:query.
For example, searching for a child item with *Trend* returns the same result as searching with ::itemName:*Trend*.
You can now also search specific trend class IDs such as ::classi


The FAC4911 Advanced Application Field Equipment

Controller is part of the Metasys

EquipmentController family. The FAC4911

equipment controllers run pre-engineered and user-

programmed applications, and provide the inputs

and outputs required to monitor and control a wide

variety of HVAC equipment.

FAC4911 controllers operate on BACnet

networks and integrate into Johnson Controls

and third-party systems. The controllers include

an integral real-time clock, which enables the

controllers to monitor and control schedules,

calendars, and trends, and operate for extended

periods of time as stand-alone controllers when

offline from the Metasys system network.

The Metasys system FAC family controllers and

network sensors communicate using the BACnet

protocol. The BACnet protocol is a standard for

ANSI, ASHRAE, and the International Standards

Organization (ISO) for building controls. FAC

equipment controllers are BTL-listed and certified as

BACnet Advanced Application Controllers (B-AACs).

North American emissions


United States

This equipment has been tested and found to

comply with the limits for a Class A digital device

pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits

are designed to provide reasonable protection

against harmful interference when this equipment

is operated in a commercial environment. This

equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio

frequency energy and, if not installed and used in

accordance with the instruction manual, may cause

harmful interference to radio communications.

Operation of this equipment in a residential area

may cause harmful interference, in which case the

users will be required to correct the interference at

their own expense.


This Class (A) digital apparatus meets all the

requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing

Equipment Regulations.

FAC4911 Advanced Application Field Equipment

system Field





Controller Installation Guide

Cet appareil numérique de la Classe (A) respecte

toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel

brouilleur du Canada.


Observe the following guidelines when installing a

field controller:

• To minimize vibration and shock damage,

transport the controller in the original container.

• Verify that all parts shipped with the controller.

• Do not drop the controller or subject it to physical


Parts included

• One field Controller. (Power and SA bus terminal

blocks are removable)

• One installation instructions sheet.

Materials and special tools needed

• Three fasteners appropriate for the mounting

surface (M4 screws or #8 screws)

• One 23 cm (9.125 in.) or longer piece of 35 mm

DIN rail and appropriate hardware for DIN rail

mount (only)

• Small straight-blade screwdriver for securing

wires in the terminal blocks


Part No. 24-10143-1086 Rev. C


(barcode for factory use only)


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