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Areva, Electronic Edition. — 810 p.
Publication P437/EN M/Ad8 (AFSV.12.10330 E).
Version P437 –308 –408/409 –613.
The MiCOM P437 distance protection device is designed for selective short circuit protection and overload protection with 1-/3-pole high-speed reclosure (HSR) in effectively grounded high-voltage and extra-high voltage (E.H.V.) power systems.
The multitude of protection functions incorporated into the device enable the user to cover a wide range of applications in the protection of cable and line sections.
Moreover there are numerous backup protection and automatic control functions available.
The relevant protection parameters can be stored in four independent parameter subsets in order to adapt the device to different operating and power system management states.
Application and Scope.
Technical Data.
General Data.
Environmental Conditions.
Inputs and Outputs.
Information Output.
Recording Function.
Power Supply.
Current Transformer Specifications.
Modular Structure.
Operator-Machine Communication.
Configuration of the Measured Value Panels.
Serial Interfaces.
Time Synchronization via the IRIG-B Interface.
Configurable Function Keys.
Configuration and Operating Mode of the Binary Inputs.
Measured Data Input.
Configuration, Operating Mode, and Blocking of the Output Relays.
Measured Data Output.
Configuration and Operating Mode of the LED Indicators.
Main Functions of the P437.
Parameter Subset Selection.
Operating Data Recording.
Monitoring Signal Recording.
Overload Data Acquisition.
Overload Recording.
Fault Data Acquisition.
Fault Recording.
Distance Protection.
Power Swing Blocking.
Measuring-Circuit Monitoring.
Backup Overcurrent-time Protection.
Switch on to Fault Protection.
Protective Signaling.
Auto-Reclosing Control.
Automatic Synchronism Check.
Ground Fault (Short-Circuit) Protection.
Ground Fault (Short-Circuit) Protection Signaling.
Definite-time Overcurrent Protection.
Inverse-time Overcurrent Protection.
Thermal Overload Protection.
Time-Voltage Protection.
Overfrequency/Underfrequency Protection.
Directional Power Protection.
Circuit Breaker Failure Protection.
Limit Value Monitoring.
Programmable Logic.
Installation and Connection.
Unpacking and Packing.
Checking Nominal Data and Design Type.
Location Requirements.
Protective and Operational Grounding.
Local Control Panel.
Display and Keypad.
Changing between Display Levels.
Display Illumination.
Control at Panel Level.
Control at the Menu Tree Level.
Information and Control Functions.
Safety Instructions.
Commissioning Tests.
Accessories and Spare Parts.
Order Information.
List of Signals.
Overview of Changes.
- Sign up or login using form at top of the page to download this file.
- Sign up
MiCOM P437
Distance Protection Device
P437/EN M/Am8
4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1 Application and Scope 1-1
2 Technical Data 2-1 2.1 Conformity 2-1 2.2 General Data 2-1 2.3
Tests 2-3 2.3.1 Type Tests 2-3 2.3.2 Routine Tests 2-6 2.4
Environmental Conditions 2-6 2.5 Inputs and Outputs 2-6 2.6
Interfaces 2-9 2.7 Information Output 2-12 2.8 Settings 2-12 2.9
Deviations 2-13 2.9.1 Deviations of the Operate Values 2-13 2.9.2
Deviations of the Timer Stages 2-14 2.9.3 Deviations of Measured
Data Acquisition 2-15 2.10 Recording Function 2-16 2.11 Power
supply 2-18 2.12 Current Transformer Specifications 2-193 Operation 3-1 3.1 Modular Structure 3-1 3.2 Operator-Machine
Communication 3-3 3.3 Configuration of the MeasuredValue Panels (Function Group LOC) 3-4
3.4 Serial Interfaces 3-7 3.4.1 PC interface (Function Group PC)
3-7 3.4.2 Rear port communicationinterface 1 (Function Group COMM1) 3-9
3.4.3 Rear port communication interface 2
(Function Group COMM2) 3-18
3.4.4 Rear port communication interface 3
(Function Group COMM3) 3-21
3.4.5 IEC 61850 Communication interface
(Function groups IEC, GOOSE, and GSSE)
3.5 Time Synchronization via the IRIG-B Interface
(Function Group IRIGB) 3-33
3.6 Configurable Function Keys (Function Group F_KEY) 3-34 3.7
Configuration and Operating Modeof the Binary Inputs (Function Group INP) 3-36
3.8 Measured data input (Function Group MEASI) 3-37 3.8.1 Direct
Current Input on the Analog(I/O) Module Y 3-38
3.8.2 Connecting a Resistance Thermometer to the «PT 100 Analog
Input» on the Analog (I/O) Module Y3-42
3.9 Configuration, Operating Mode, and Blocking of the Output
Relays(Function Group OUTP) 3-43
3.10 Measured data output (Function Group MEASO) 3-46 3.10.1 BCD
measured data output 3-49 3.10.2 Analog measured data output 3-54
3.10.3 Output of External MeasuredData 3-60
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613 5
Contents (continued)
3.11 Configuration and Operating Mode of the LED Indicators
(Function Group LED) 3-61
3.12 Main Functions of the P437 (Function Group MAIN) 3-64
3.12.1 Conditioning of the MeasuredVariables 3-64
3.12.2 Operating Data Measurement 3-66 3.12.3 Configuring and
Enabling theProtection Functions 3-84
3.12.4 Inrush stabilization (harmonic restraint)
3.12.5 Multiple blocking 3-88 3.12.6 Blocked/faulty 3-89 3.12.7
Monitoring and processing of CBstatus signals 3-90
3.12.8 Close command 3-92 3.12.9 Starting Signals and
TrippingLogic 3-94
3.12.10 Time Tagging and Clock Synchronization
3.12.11 Resetting Actions 3-107 3.12.12 Assigning
CommunicationsInterfaces to Physical Communications Channels
3.12.13 Test mode 3-111 3.13 Parameter subset selection
(Function Group PSS) 3-112 3.14 Self-monitoring (Function Group
SFMON) 3-114 3.15 Operating data recording (Function Group OP_RC)
3-117 3.16 Monitoring signal recording (Function Group MT_RC) 3-118
3.17 Overload data acquisition (Function Group OL_DA) 3-119 3.18
Overload recording (Function Group OL_RC) 3-120 3.19 Fault data
acquisition (Function Group FT_DA) 3-123 3.20 Fault recording
(Function Group FT_RC) 3-134 3.21 Distance protection (Function
Group DIST) 3-140 3.21.1 Starting 3-140 3.21.2 Selection of
Measured Variables 3-158 3.21.3 Distance and DirectionalMeasurement 3-164
3.21.4 Impedance-time characteristics 3-186 3.21.5 Selection of
Trip Mode for Zone 1 3-195 3.22 Power swing blocking (Function
group PSB) 3-197 3.23 Measuring-circuit monitoring (Function Group
MCMON) 3-212 3.24 Backup overcurrent-timeprotection (Function Group BUOC) 3-221
3.25 Switch on to fault protection (Function Group SOTF) 3-223
3.26 Protective signaling (Function Group PSIG) 3-227 3.27
Auto-reclosing control (Function Group ARC) 3-259 3.27.1 High-Speed
Reclosure (HSR) 3-266 3.27.2 Time-Delay Reclosure (TDR) 3-278
3.27.3 Rapid Reclosure (RRC) 3-280 3.27.4 Secondary Fault Treatment
3-283 3.27.5 Parallel Blocking 3-284 3.27.6 Zone Extension 3-287
3.27.7 Control Using External Auto-Reclosing Control (ARC) 3-289
3.27.8 General control functions 3-290 3.27.9 Counters 3-293
3.28 Automatic synchronism check (Function Group ASC) 3-2946 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
Contents (continued)
3.29 Ground fault (short-circuit) protection
(Function Group GFSC) 3-311
3.30 Ground fault (short-circuit) protection signaling
(Function Group GSCSG) 3-332
3.31 Definite-time overcurrent protection
(Function Groups DTOC) 3-347
3.32 Inverse-time overcurrent protection
(Function Groups IDMT) 3-361
3.33 Thermal overload protection (Function Group THERM) 3-378
3.34 Time-voltage protection (Function Group V) 3-382 3.35
Over-/underfrequency protection (Function Group f) 3-393 3.36
Directional Power Protection (Function Group P) 3-400 3.37 Circuit
breaker failure protection (Function Group CBF) 3-413 3.38 Limit
value monitoring (Function Group LIMIT) 3-425 3.39 Programmable
logic (Function Group LOGIC) 3-4314 Design 4-1 4.1 Designs 4-2 4.2 Modules 4-7
5 Installation and Connection 5-1 5.1 Unpacking and Packing 5-1
5.2 Checking Nominal Data and Design Type 5-1 5.3 Location
Requirements 5-2 5.4 Installation 5-3 5.5 Protective and
Operational Grounding 5-11 5.6 Connection 5-12 5.6.1 Connecting
Measuring and Auxiliary Circuits 5-12 5.6.2 Connecting the IRIG-B
interface. 5-15 5.6.3 Connecting the Serial Interfaces 5-156 Local Control Panel 6-1 6.1 Display and Keypad 6-2 6.2
Changing between Display Levels 6-6 6.3 Display Illumination 6-7
6.4 Control at Panel Level 6-7 6.5 Control at the Menu Tree Level
6-8 6.5.1 Navigation in the Menu Tree 6-8 6.5.2 Switching Between
Address Mode and Plain Text Mode 6-9 6.5.3 Change-enabling function
6-10 6.5.4 Changing Parameters 6-13 6.5.5 Setting a List Parameter
6-14 6.5.6 Memory Readout 6-15 6.5.7 Reset 6-19 6.5.8
Password-Protected Control Actions 6-20 6.5.9 Changing the Password
6-217 Settings 7-1 7.1 Parameter 7-1 7.1.1 Device Identification 7-2
7.1.2 Configuration parameters 7-6 7.1.3 Function Parameters 7-54 Global 7-54 General Functions 7-59
Parameter Subsets 7-75P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613 7
Contents (continued)
8 Information and Control Functions 8-1 8.1 Operation 8-1 8.1.1
Cyclic Values 8-1 Measured Operating Data 8-1
Physical State Signals 8-8 Logic state signals 8-14 8.1.2
Control and testing 8-37 8.1.3 Operating data recording 8-43 8.2
Events 8-44 8.2.1 Event counters 8-44 8.2.2 Measured event data
8-46 8.2.3 Event recording 8-489 Commissioning 9-1 9.1 Safety Instructions 9-1 9.2
Commissioning Tests 9-310 Troubleshooting 10-1
11 Maintenance 11-1
12 Storage 12-1
13 Accessories and Spare Parts 13-1
14 Order Information 14-1
Address list: See chapters 7, 8 and 10 and the settings in the
operating program MiCOM S1 / S&R-103.8 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1 Application and Scope
1 Application and Scope
The MiCOM P437 distance protection device is designed for
selective short circuit protection and overload protection with
1-/3-pole high-speed reclosure (HSR) in effectively grounded
high-voltage and extra-high voltage (E.H.V.) power systems.The multitude of protection functions incorporated into the
device enable the user to cover a wide range of applications in the
protection of cable and line sections.Moreover there are numerous backup protection and automatic
control functions available.The relevant protection parameters can be stored in four
independent parameter subsets in order to adapt the device to
different operating and power system management states.General Functions General Functions are complete function
groups, which may be individually configured or cancelled,
depending on the application (e.g. included in or excluded from the
devices configuration). (An exception is the function MAIN, which
is always visible.)A function is selected by a mouse click in the operating
program:Unused or de-configured function groups are hidden to the user,
thus simplifying the menu.Communication functions and measured value functions may also be
configured or excluded.This concept provides a wide choice of functions and makes
wide-ranging application of the protection device possible, with
just one model version. On the other hand simple and clear
parameter settings and adaptations to each protection scheme can be
made. The powerful programmable logic provided by the device also
makes it possible to accommodate special applications.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1-1 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
General Functions P437 21 DIST Distance protection
> Six distance stages, including one that can be used as a
special stage> Overcurrent starting, undervoltage starting and
underimpedance starting with load blinding> Polygonal (quadrilateral) or circular tripping
characteristics> Eight time stages, two of which are final time stages
> Directional voltage memory
> Optional parallel line compensation
68 PSB Power swing blocking and power swing starting 9 MCMON
Measuring-circuit monitoring 9 BUOC Backup overcurrent-time
protection (Backup DTOC) 9 50/27 SOTF Switch on to fault protection
9 85-21 PSIG Protective signaling 9 79 ARC Auto-reclosing
controlHigh-speed reclosure (HSR), time-delayed reclosure (TDR), rapid
reclosure (RRC)9 1/3p
25 ASC Automatic synchronism check Optional 67N GFSC Ground
fault (short-circuit) protection 9 85-67N GSCSG Ground fault
(short-circuit) protection signaling 9 50/51 P,Q,N DTOC
Definite-time overcurrent protection4 stages, phase, negative-sequence and residual current
measuring systems9
51/67 P,Q,N IDMT Inverse-time overcurrent protection one stage,
directional, phase, negative-sequence and residual current
measuring systems9
49 THERM Thermal overload protection 9 27/59 P,Q,N V
Time-voltage protection2 stages each, phase, positive-sequence, negative-sequence and
neutral-displacement voltages9
81 O/U f Frequency protection 4 stages, may be combined with
(df/dt) and (f/t)9
P Power directional protection 9 50BF/62 CBF Circuit breaker
failure protection 9 LIMIT Limit value monitoring 9 LOGIC
Programmable logic 9Communication Functions P437 COMM1, COMM2
2 information interfaces IRIG-B InterMiCOM protective interface
IEC 61850 communications protocolOptional
Input/output functions P437 INP / OUTP Binary signal inputs /
Output relays (maximum number) 28 / 46Measured Value Functions P437 MEASI / MEASO Analog input /
output(2 x 20 mA output, 20 mA and resistance thermometer inputs)
Optional1-2 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Global functions In addition to the listed features, and
extensive self-monitoring, the P437 offers the following global
functions:Global functions PSS Parameter subset selection System
measurements to support the user during commissioning, testing and
operation OP_RC Operating data recording (time-tagged event
logging) OL_DA Overload data acquisition OL_RC Overload recording
(time-tagged event logging) FT_DA Fault data acquisition for a
particular, settable point in time during a fault FT_RC Fault
recording (time-tagged event logging together with fault value
recording of the threephase currents, the residual currents, the three phase-to-ground
voltages, the neutral-point displacement voltage and the reference
voltage before, during and after a fault).Further functions
Further functions MAIN Main function DVICE Device
F_KEY Function keys LED LED indicators LOC Local control panel
PC PC linkSFMON Comprehensive self-monitoring MT_RC Monitoring signal
recordingP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1-3 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Functional diagram
50/51 P,Q,NDTOC
51/67 P,Q,NIDMT
27/59 P,Q,NV
81 O/Uf
Overload rec.
Ground flt. rec.
to SCADA / substation control / RTU / modem …via RS485 or
Fibre Opticsusing IEC60870-5-101, -103, Modbus, DNP3, Courier,UCA2,
IEC61850COMM1 Recording andData
Distance Protection P437
Fault rec.
optionalalways available
1-4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Design The P437 is modular in design. The plug-in modules are
housed in a robust aluminum case and electrically interconnected
via one analog module and one digital module.Inputs and outputs The P437 has the following inputs and
outputs:Current-measuring inputs 4 or 5 voltage-measuring inputs
(ordering option) Up to 32 binary signal inputs (opto couplers)
with user-definable function assignment Up to 46 output relays with
user-definable function assignment 1 PT 100 input (optional) 1
input, 0 to 20 mA (optional) 2 outputs, 0 to 20 mA (optional)The nominal current and voltage values of the measuring inputs
on the P437 can be set with the function parameters.The nominal voltage range of the optical coupler inputs is 24 to
250 V DC. As an option binary signal input modules with a higher
operate threshold are available.The auxiliary voltage input for the power supply is also
designed for an extended range. The nominal voltage ranges are 48
to 250 V DC and 100 to 230 V AC. A 24 V DC version is also
available.All output relays can be utilized for signaling and command
purposes.The optional PT 100 input is lead-compensated, balanced and
linearized for PT 100 resistance thermometers as per IEC 751.The optional 0 to 20 mA input provides open-circuit and overload
monitoring, zero suppression defined by a setting, plus the option
of linearizing the input variable via 20 adjustable interpolation
points.Two selectable measured variables (cyclically updated measured
operating data and stored measured fault data) can be output as a
burden-independent direct current via the two optional 0 to 20 mA
outputs. The characteristics are defined via 3 adjustable
interpolation points allowing a minimum output current (4 mA, for
example) for slave-side open-circuit monitoring, knee-point
definition for fine scaling, and a limitation to lower nominal
currents (10 mA, for example). Where sufficient output relays are
available, a selectable measured variable can be output in
BCD-coded form by contacts.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1-5 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Local control and display Local control panel 17 LED indicators,
12 with user-definable functional assignment PC interface
Communication interfaces (optional)Information interfaces Information is exchanged through the
local control panel, the PC interface, or two optional
communication interfaces (channel 1 and channel 2).Using the first communication interface, the numerical
protection device can be wired either to the substation control
system or to a telecontrol system. The first communication
interface is optionally available with a switcheable protocol (per
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 870-5-101, DNP 3.0, Modbus or Courier) or as
an IEC 61850 interface. The second communication interface
(communication protocol per IEC 60870-5-103 only) is designed for
remote control.External clock synchronization can be accomplished by using the
optional IRIG-B input.A direct link to other MiCOM protection devices can be set up by
applying the optional InterMiCOM protective interface (channel
3).1-6 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data
2 Technical Data
2.1 Conformity
Notice Applicable to P437, version -308-408/409-613.
Declaration of conformity The product designated P437 Distance
Protection Device has been designed and manufactured in conformance
with the European standards EN 60255-6 and EN 60010-1 and with the
EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive issued by the Council
of the European Community.2.2 General Data
General device data Design Surface-mounted case suitable for
wall installation or flush-mounted case for 19″ cabinets and for
control panels.Installation Position Vertical 30
Degree of Protection Per DIN VDE 0470 and EN 60529 or IEC 529.
IP 52 for the front panel Flush-mounted case IP 50 for the case
(excluding the rear connection area) IP 20 for the rear connection
area, pin-terminal connection IP 10 for the rear connection area,
ring-terminal connection Surface-mounted case IP 50 for the case IP
50 for the fully enclosed connection area with the supplied rubber
grommets fittedWeight Approx. 11.7 kg
Dimensions and Connections See dimensional drawings (Chapter 4)
and terminal connection diagrams (Chapter 5).P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-1 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Terminals PC interface (X6): EIA RS232 (DIN 41652) connector,
type D-Sub, 9-pin Communication Interface: Optical fibers (X7, X8
and X31, X32): F-SMA optical fiber connection per IEC 874-2 and DIN
47258 (for plastic fibers) or optical fiber connection BFOC-ST
connector 2.5 per IEC 874-10 and DIN 47254-1 (for glass fibers) (ST
is a registered trademark of AT&T Lightguide Cable Connectors)
or connection of wire leads (X9, X10 and X33): M2 threaded terminal
ends for wire cross-sections up to 1.5 mm or RS 232 for InterMiCOM
only (X34): EIA RS232 (DIN 41652) connector, type D-Sub, 9-pin. or
(for IEC 61850 only via 100 Mbit/s Ethernet board) (X13): Glass
fiber SC and wire RJ45IRIG-B Interface (X11): BNC plug
Current Measuring Inputs: Threaded terminal ends for pin-type
cable lugs: M5, self-centering with cage clamp to protect conductor
cross-sections 4 mm2 or: Threaded terminal ends for ring-type cable
lugs: M4 Other Inputs and Outputs: Threaded terminal ends, pin-type
cable lugs: M3, self-centering with cage clamp to protect conductor
cross-sections 0.2 to 2.5 mm2 or: Threaded terminal ends, ring-type
cable lugs: M4. Creepage Distances and Clearances Per EN 61010-1
and IEC 664-1. Pollution degree 3, working voltage 250 V,
overvoltage category III, impulse test voltage 5 kV.2-2 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.3 Tests
2.3.1 Type Tests
Type tests All tests per EN 60255-6 or IEC 255-6.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Interference Suppression Per EN 55022 or IEC CISPR 22, Class
A.1 MHz Burst Disturbance Test Per IEC 255 Part 22-1 or IEC
60255-22-1, Class III Common-mode test voltage: 2.5 kV Differential
test voltage: 1.0 kV Test duration: > 2 s, Source impedance: 200
Immunity to Electrostatic Discharge Per EN 60255-22-2 or IEC
60255-22-2, severity level 4. Contact discharge, single discharges:
> 10 Holding time: > 5 s Test voltage: 8 kV Test generator:
50 to 100 M, 150 pF / 330 Immunity to Radiated Electromagnetic
Energy Per EN 61000-4-3 and ENV 50204, severity level 3. Antenna
distance to tested device: > 1 m on all sides Test field
strength, frequency band 80 to 1000 MHz: 10 V / m Test using AM: 1
kHz / 80 % Single test at 900 MHz AM 200 Hz / 100 %Electrical Fast Transient or Burst Requirements Per EN 61000-4-4
and IEC 60255-22-4, severity levels 3 and 4 Rise time of one pulse:
5 ns Impulse duration (50% value): 50 ns Amplitude: 2 kV / 1 kV or
4 kV / 2 kV Burst duration: 15 ms Burst period: 300 ms, Burst
frequency: 5 kHz or 2.5 kHz Source impedance: 50P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-3 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Current/Voltage Surge Immunity Test Per EN 61000-4-5 or IEC
61000-4-5, insulation class 4 Testing of circuits for power supply
and asymmetrical or symmetrical lines. Open-circuit voltage, front
time / time to half-value: 1.2 / 50 s Short-circuit current, front
time / time to half-value: 8 / 20 s Amplitude: 4 / 2 kV Pulse
frequency: > 5 / min, Source impedance: 12 / 42 Immunity to
Conducted Disturbances Induced by Radio Frequency Fields Per EN
61000-4-6 or IEC 61000-4-6, severity level 3. Test voltage: 10
VPower Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Per EN 61000-4-8 or IEC
61000-4-8, severity level 4. Frequency: 50 Hz Test field strength:
30 A / mAlternating Component (Ripple) in DC Auxiliary Energizing
Quantity Per IEC 255-11. 12 %Insulation Voltage Test Per DIN EN 61010-1 and IEC 255-5 2 kV
AC, 60 s. Only direct voltage (2.8 kV DC) must be used for the
voltage test on the power supply inputs. The PC interface must not
be subjected to the voltage test.Impulse Voltage Withstand Test Per IEC 255-5. Front time: 1.2 s
Time to half-value: 50 s Peak value: 5 kV Source impedance: 500Corrosive Environments Per IEC 60068-2-60: 1995, Part 2, Test
Ke, Method (class) 3 industrial corrosive environment/poor
environmental control, mixed gas flow test. 21 days at 75% relative
humidity and +30C exposure to elevated concentrations of H2S, NO2,
Cl2 and SO22-4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Mechanical robustness 1 (*)
Vibration Test Per EN 60255-21-1 or IEC 255-21-1, test severity
class 1 Frequency range in operation: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.035 mm and 60
to 150 Hz, 0.5 g Frequency range during transport: 10 to 150 Hz, 1
gShock Response and Withstand Test, Bump Test Per EN 60255-21-2
or IEC 255-21-2, acceleration and pulse duration: Shock Response
tests are carried out to verify full operability (during
operation), test severity class 1 , 5 g for 11 ms, Shock Withstand
tests are carried out to verify the endurance (during transport),
test severity class 1 , 15 g for 11 ms Seismic Test Per EN
60255-21-3 or IEC 60255-21-3, test procedure A, class 1 Frequency
range: 5 to 8 Hz, 3.5 mm / 1.5 mm, 8 to 35 Hz, 10 / 5 m/s2, 3 x 1
cycle.Mechanical robustness 2 (**)
Vibration Test Per EN 60255-21-1 or IEC 255-21-1, test severity
class 2 Frequency range in operation: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.075 mm and 60
to 150 Hz, 1.0 g Frequency range during transport: 10 to 150 Hz, 2
gShock Response and Withstand Test, Bump Test Per EN 60255-21-2
or IEC 255-21-2, acceleration and pulse duration: Shock Response
tests are carried out to verify full operability (during
operation), test severity class 2, 10 g for 11 ms; Shock Withstand
tests are carried out to verify the endurance (during transport),
test severity class 1, 15 g for 11 ms Shock bump tests are carried
out to verify permanent shock (during transport), test severity
class 1, 10 g for 16 ms Seismic Test Per EN 60255-21-3 or IEC
60255-21-3, test procedure A, class 2 Frequency range: 5 to 8 Hz,
3.5 mm / 7.5 mm, 8 to 35 Hz, 20 / 10 m/s2, 3 x 1 cycle.(*) Mechanical robustness 1: Valid for P437, if the following
case variant is used: Flush mounted case, flush-mounting method 1
(without angle brackets andframe)
(**) Mechanical robustness 2: Valid for P437, if one of the
following case variants is used: Flush mounted case, flush-mounting
method 2 (with angle brackets and frame) Surface-mounted caseP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-5 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.3.2 Routine Tests
All tests per EN 60255-6 or IEC 255-6 and DIN 57435 Part
303.Voltage Test Per IEC 255-5. 2.2 kV AC, 1 s. Only direct voltage
(2.8 kV DC) must be used for the voltage test on the power supply
inputs. The PC interface must not be subjected to the voltage
test.Additional Thermal Test 100% controlled thermal endurance test,
inputs loaded.2.4 Environmental Conditions
Environment Temperatures Recommended temperature range: -5C to
+55C (23F to 131F) Storage and transit: -25C to +70C (-13 F to +158
F) Ambient Humidity Range 75 % relative humidity (annual mean), 56
days at 95 % relative humidity and 40C (104F), condensation not
permissible. Solar Radiation Direct solar radiation on the front of
the device must be avoided.2.5 Inputs and Outputs
Measuring inputs Current Rated current: 1 and 5 A AC (settable).
Nominal burden per phase: < 0.13 VA at Inom Load rating:
continuous: 4 Inom for 10 s: 30 Inom for 1 s: 100 Inom Nominal
surge current: 250 InomVoltage Nominal voltage Vnom: 50 to 130 V AC (settable) Nominal
burden per phase: < 0.3 VA at Vnom = 130 V AC Load rating:
continuous 150 V ACFrequency Nominal frequency fnom: 50 Hz and 60 Hz (adjustable)
Operating range: 0.95 to 1.05 fnomFrequency protection: 40 to 70
Hz2-6 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Binary signal inputs Threshold Pickup and Drop-off Points as per
Ordering Option 18V standard variant (VA,nom: = 24 to 250 V DC):
Switching threshold in the range 14 V … 19 VSpecial variant with switching thresholds from 58 to 72 % of the
nominal supply voltage (i.e. definitively ,low for VA < 58 % of
the nominal supply voltage, definitively ,high for VA > 72 % of
the nominal supply voltage)«Special variant 73 V»: Nominal supply voltage 110 V DC «Special
variant 90 V»: Nominal supply voltage 127 V DC «Special variant 146
V»: Nominal supply voltage 220 V DC «Special variant 155 V»:
Nominal supply voltage 250 V DCPower consumption per input Standard variant: VA = 19 … 110 V
DC: 0.5 W 30 %, VA > 110 V DC: VA 5 mA 30 %.Special variant: Vin > Switching threshold: VA 5 mA 30 %.
Notes The standard variant of binary signal inputs (opto
couplers) is recommended in most applications, as these inputs
operate with any voltage from 19V. Special versions with higher
pick-up/drop-off thresholds are provided for applications where a
higher switching threshold is expressly required.The maximum voltage permitted for all binary signal inputs is
300V DC.IRIG-B interface Minimum / maximum input voltage level
(peak-peak): 100 mVpp / 20 Vpp. Input impedance: 33 k at 1 kHz.
Electrical isolation: 2 kVDirect current input Input current: 0 to 26 mA Value range: 0.00
to 1.20 IDC,nom (IDC,nom = 20 mA) Maximum permissible continuous
current: 50 mA Maximum permissible input voltage: 17 V Input load:
100 Open-circuit monitoring: 0 to 10 mA (adjustable) Overload
monitoring: > 24.8 mA Zero suppression: 0.000 to 0.200 IDC,nom
(adjustable)Resistance thermometer inputs
Resistance thermometer: only PT 100 permitted, Mapping curve as
per IEC 751.Value range: -40.0 … +215.0 C 3-wire configuration:
max. 20 per conductor. Open and short-circuited input permitted
Open-circuit monitoring: > +215 C and < -40 CP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-7 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Output relays Rated voltage: 250 V DC, 250 V AC Continuous
current: 5 A Short-duration current: 30 A for 0.5 s Making
capacity: 1000 W (VA) at L/R = 40 ms Breaking capacity: 0.2 A at
220 V DC and L/R = 40 ms 4 A at 230 V AC and cos = 0.4BCD measured data output Maximum numerical value that can be
displayed: 399Analog measured data output (DC current output)
Value range: 0 to 20 mA Permissible load: 0 … 500 Maximum
output voltage: 15 V2-8 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.6 Interfaces
Local control panel Input or output: via 7 keys and a 4 x 20
character-LCD displayState and fault signals: 23 LED indicators (4 permanently
assigned, 19 freely configurable)PC interface Transmission rate: 300 to 115,200 baud
(adjustable)Communication interfaces 1 to 3
The communication module can be provided with up to three
communication channels, depending on the module variant. Channel 1
and 3 may either be equipped to connect wire leads or optical
fibers and channel 2 is only available to connect wire leads.For communication interface 1, communication protocols based on
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 870-5-101, MODBUS or DNP 3.0 (as of version
P437 -610 Courier) can be set.Communication interface 2 can only be operated with the
interface protocol based on IEC 60870-5-103.Communication interface 3 permits end-end channel-aided digital
communication schemes to be configured for real time protective
signaling between two protection devices (InterMiCOM protective
interface).For Wire Leads Per RS 485 or RS 422, 2 kV isolation Distance to
be bridged: Point-to-point connection: max. 1200 m Multipoint
connection: max. 100 m Transmission rate CommunicationProtocol
BA-no. -910 (one channel)
300 to 19,200 baud (adjustable) IEC 60870-5-103
BA-no. -921 (two channels)
300 to 64 000 baud (adjustable for COMM1) 300 to 57 600 baud
(adjustable for COMM2)Can be set by user for one channel
BA-no. -951 (InterMiCOM)
600 to 19 200 baud (adjustable)
1) Distance to be bridged given for identical optical outputs
and inputs at both ends, a system reserve of 3 dB, and typical
fiber attenuation.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-9 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Plastic Fiber Connection Optical wavelength: typically 660 nm
Optical output: min. -7.5 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -20 dBm
Optical input: max. -5 dBm Distance to be bridged:1) max. 45 m
Transmission rate CommunicationProtocol
BA-no. -910 (one channel)
300 to 38,400 baud (adjustable) IEC 60870-5-103
BA-no. -922 (two channels)
300 to 64 000 baud (adjustable for COMM1) 300 to 57 600 baud
(adjustable for COMM2)Can be set by user for one channel
BA-no. -952 (InterMiCOM)
600 to 19 200 baud (adjustable)
Glass Fiber Connection G 50/125 Optical wavelength: typically
820 nm Optical output: min. -19.8 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -24
dBm Optical input: max. -10 dBm Distance to be bridged:1) max. 400
m Glass Fiber Connection G 62.5/125 Optical wavelength: typically
820 nm Optical output: min. -16 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -24
dBm Optical input: max. -10 dBm Distance to be bridged:1) max. 1400
m Glass Fiber Connection G 50/125 or G 62.5/125 Transmission rate
BA-no. -910 (one channel)
300 to 38,400 baud (adjustable) IEC 60870-5-103
BA-no. -924 (two channels)
300 to 64 000 baud (adjustable for COMM1) 300 to 57 600 baud
(adjustable for COMM2)Can be set by user for one channel
BA-no. -954 (InterMiCOM)
600 to 19 200 baud (adjustable)
1) Distance to be bridged given for identical optical outputs
and inputs at both ends, a system reserve of 3 dB, and typical
fiber attenuation.2-10 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
IRIG-B interface B122 format Amplitude modulated signal Carrier
frequency: 1 kHz BCD-coded variation data (daily)Data transmission using the IEC 61850 protocol
Order ext. No. -936: Interface to connect a 100 Mbit/s Ethernet,
glass fiber-SC and wire RJ45For Wire Leads per RJ45, 1.5 kV isolation Distance to be
bridged: max. 100 mGlass Fiber Connection G 50/125 Optical wavelength: typically
1300 nm Optical output: min. -23.5 dBm Optical sensitivity: min.
-31 dBm Optical input: max. -14 dBm Glass Fiber Connection G
62.5/125 Optical wavelength: typically 1300 nm Optical output: min.
-20 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -31 dBm Optical input: max. -14
dBmThe second communication interface (RS 485 connection, IEC
60870-5-103 protocol) is also available.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-11 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.7 Information Output
Counters, measured data, signals and LED indications: see
Chapter 8.2.8 Settings
Typical characteristic data Main function Minimum output pulse
duration for trip command: 0.1 to 10 s (adjustable) Output pulse
duration for a close command: 0.1 to 10 s (adjustable)Distance protection Minimum starting time: 12 ms Starting reset
time: 30 ms 10 ms Directional sensitivity up to 2 s after fault
detection: up to 2 s after fault detection and for switching on to
fault: 200 mV 20 % Shortest tripping time: approx. 19 ms Starting
and measurement resetting ratio (hysteresis): 0.95Definite-time and inverse-time overcurrent protection Operate
time inclusive of output relay (measured variable from 0 to 2-fold
operate value): 40 ms, approx. 30 ms Reset time (measured variable
from 2-fold operate value to 0): 40 ms, approx. 30 ms Starting
resetting ratio: approx. 0.95 Time-voltage protection Operate time
including output relay (measured variable from nominal value to
1.2-fold operate value or measured variable from nominal value to
0.8-fold operate value): 40 ms, approx. 30 ms Reset time (measured
variable from 1.2-fold operate value to nominal value or measured
variable from 0.8-fold operate value to nominal value): 45 ms,
approx. 30 ms Resetting ratio for V: 1 to 10 % (adjustable) for
operate values > 0.6 Vnom and Vnom/3: approx. 0,95 for operate
values < 0.6 Vnom and Vnom/3: approx. 1.052-12 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.9 Deviations
2.9.1 Deviations of the Operate Values
Definitions Reference Conditions Sinusoidal signals at nominal
frequency fnom, total harmonic distortion 2 %, ambient temperature
20C (68F), and nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nomDeviation Deviation relative to the setting under reference
conditions.Distance protection Starting V, VNG>> Deviation: 3 %
Starting I>, I>>, IN> with setting range 0.1 to 0.25
Inom: 5 % with setting range > 0.25 Inom: 3 %Starting Z< at k = 0, 30, 60, 90 Deviation: 5 %
Impedance Measurement Z< Deviation at k = 0, 90: 3 %
Deviation at k = 30, 60: 5 % Direction Determination Deviation:
3Measuring-circuit monitoring
Operate values Ineg, Vneg Deviation: 3 %
Backup overcurrent-time protection (Backup DTOC)
Operate value I> Deviation: 3 %
Time-overcurrent protection
Operate Values Deviation: 5 %
Time-voltage protection Operate Values V, Vpos: Deviation 1 %
(in the range 0.6 to 1.4 Vnom) VNG>, Vneg>: Deviation 1 % %
(in the range > 0.3 Vnom)P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-13 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Frequency protection Operate Values fnom = 50 Hz: Deviation: 30
mHz fnom = 60 Hz: Deviation: 40 mHzdf/dt protection Operate Values fnom = 50 Hz: Deviation: 0.1
Hz/s fnom = 60 Hz: Deviation: 0.1 Hz/sThermal overload protection (reaction time)
Operate value Deviation 7.5 % when I/Iref = 6
Direct current input Deviation: 1 %
Resistance thermometer Deviation: 2 or 1 %
Analog measured data output
Deviation: 1 % Output residual ripple with max. load: 1 %
2.9.2 Deviations of the Timer Stages
Definitions Reference Conditions Sinusoidal signals at nominal
frequency fnom, total harmonic distortion 2 %, ambient temperature
20C (68F), and nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom.Deviation Deviation relative to the setting under reference
conditions.Definite-time stages Deviation 1 % + 20 ms to 40 ms
Inverse-time stages Deviation when I 2 Iref: 5 % + 10 to 25 ms
For IEC characteristic ‘extremely inverse’ and for thermal overload
protection: 7.5 % + 10 to 20 msDelays with the frequency protection
Deviation 1 % + max. 80 ms (depending on gate time)
2-14 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.9.3 Deviations of Measured Data Acquisition
Definitions Reference Conditions Sinusoidal signals at nominal
frequency fnom, total harmonic distortion 2 %, ambient temperature
20C (68F), and nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom.Deviation Deviation relative to the setting under reference
conditions.Operating Data Measurement
Measuring Input Currents Deviation: 1 % Measuring Input Voltages
Deviation: 0.5 % Internally Formed Resultant Current and
Negative-Sequence System Current Deviation: 2 % Internally Formed
Neutral-point Displacement Voltage and Voltages of Positive- and
Negative-Sequence Systems Deviation: 2 % Active and Reactive Power
/ Active and Reactive Energy Deviation: 2 % when cos = 0.7
Deviation: 5 % when cos = 0.3 Load Angle Deviation: 1 Frequency
Deviation: 10 mHz Direct Current of Measured Data Input and Output
Deviation: 1 % Temperature Deviation: 2 CFault data acquisition Short-Circuit Current and Voltage
Deviation: 3 %Short-Circuit Impedance Deviation: 5 %
Fault Location Deviation: 5 %
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-15 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Internal clock With free running internal clock: Deviation: <
1 min/monthWith external synchronization (with a synchronization interval 1
min): Deviation: < 10 msWith synchronization via IRIG-B interface: 1 ms
2.10 Recording Functions
Organization of the Recording Memories:
Operating data memory Scope for signals: All operation-relevant
signals from a total of 1024 different logicstate signals (see Address List: «Operating Data Memory»)
Depth for signals The 100 most recent signals
Monitoring signal memory Scope for signals: All signals relevant
for self-monitoring from a total of 1024 differentlogic state signals (see Address List: «Monitoring Signal
Memory»)Depth for signals Up to 30 signals
Overload memory Number: The 8 most recent overload events
Scope for signals: All signals relevant for an overload event
from a total of 1024 different (see Address List: «Overload
Memory»)Depth for signals 200 entries per overload event
Ground fault memory Number: The 8 most recent ground fault
eventsScope for signals: All signals relevant for a ground fault event
from a total of 1024 different (see Address List: «Ground fault
memory»)Depth for signals 200 entries per ground fault event
2-16 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Fault memory Number: The 8 most recent faults
Scope for signals: Signals: All fault-relevant signals from a
total of 1024 different logic state signals (see Address List:
«Fault Memory»)Depth for fault values: Sampled values for all measured currents
and voltagesDepth for signals Signals: 200 entries per fault event Depth for
fault values: max. number of cycles per fault can be set by user;
820 periods in total for all faults, that is 16.4 s (for fnom = 50
Hz) or 13.7 s (for fnom = 60 Hz)Resolution of the Recorded Data
Signals Time resolution: 1 ms
Fault values Time resolution: 20 sampled values per period
Phase currents system Dynamic range: 100 Inom / 25 Inom
(adjustable)Amplitude resolution: 6.1 mA r.m.s / 1.5 mA r.m.s for Inom = 1 A
30.5 mA r.m.s / 7.6 mA r.m.s for Inom = 5 AResidual current Dynamic range: 16 Inom
Amplitude resolution: 0.98 mA r.m.s. for Inom = 1 A 4.9 mA
r.m.s. for Inom = 5 AVoltages Dynamic range: 150 V AC
Amplitude resolution: 9.2 mV r.m.s.
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-17 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.11 Power supply
Power supply Nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom: 24 V DC or 48 to
250 V DC and 100 to 230 V AC (ordering option)Operating range for direct voltage: 0.8 to 1.1 VA,nom with a
residual ripple of up to 12 % VA,nom Operating range for
alternating voltage: 0.9 to 1.1 VA,nomNominal burden where VA = 220 V DC and with maximum module
configuration (relays de-energized/energized): approx. 13 W / 37 W
Start-up peak current: < 3 A for duration of 0.25 ms Permitted
supply interruption: 50 ms for interruption of VA 220 V DC2-18 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.12 Current Transformer Specifications
The following equation is used to calculate the specifications
of a current transformer for the offset maximum primary
current:( ) ( ) ‘ max,1iopnominomsat IkRRInRRV ++= where: Vsat:
saturation voltage (IEC knee point) I’1,max: non-offset maximum
primary current, converted to the secondary side Inom: rated
secondary current n: rated overcurrent factor k: over-dimensioning
factor Rnom: rated burden Rop actual connected operating burden Ri
internal burdenThe specifications of a current transformer can then be
calculated for the minimum required saturation voltage Vsat as
follows:( ) ‘ max,1iopsat IkRRV + As an alternative, the specifications
of a current transformer can also be calculated for the minimum
required rated overcurrent factor n by specifying a rated power P
as follows:nom
( )( )
( )( ) nom
n ++=+
Theoretically, the specifications of the current transformer
could be calculated for lack of saturation by inserting instead of
the required over-dimensioning factor k its maximum value:k Tmax +1 1
where: : system angular frequency T1: system time constant
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-19 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
However, this is not necessary. Instead, it is sufficient to
calculate the over-dimensioning factor k such that the normal
behavior of the analyzed protective function is guaranteed under
the given conditions.The over-dimensioning factor ‘k’ necessary for the distance
protection may be read from figure 2-1. The dotted line depicts the
theoretical characteristic k(T1) = 1 + T1. Current transformers
should observe the error limit values for class 5P. CTs class TPY
per IEC 44-6 Part 6 («Current Transformers with Anti-remanence
Cores») should preferably be used in case a HSR is applied.2-1 Required over-dimensioning factor for distance protection
with fnom = 50 Hz2-20 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation
3 Operation
3.1 Modular Structure
The P437, a numeric device, is part of the MiCOM P 30 family of
devices. The device types included in this family are built from
identical uniform hardware modules. Figure 3-1 shows the basic
hardware structure of the P437.3-1 Basic hardware structure
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-1 -
3 Operation (continued)
The external analog and binary quantities electrically isolated
are converted to the internal processing levels by the peripheral
modules T, Y, and X. Commands and signals generated by the device
internally are connected to external plant via contacts through the
binary I/O modules X. The external auxiliary voltage is applied to
the power supply module V, which supplies the auxiliary voltages
that are required internally.Analog data is transferred from the transformer module T via the
analog bus module B to the processor module P. The processor module
contains all the elements necessary for the conversion of measured
analog variables, including multiplexers and analog/digital
converters. The analog data conditioned by the analog I/O module Y
is transferred to the processor module P via the digital bus
module. Binary signals are fed to the processor module by the
binary I/O modules X via the digital bus module. The processor
handles the processing of digitized analog variables and of binary
signals, generates the protective trip and signals, and transfers
them to the binary I/O modules X via the digital bus module. The
processor module also handles overall device communication. As an
option, communication module A can be mounted on the processor
module to provide serial communication with substation control
systems.The control and display elements of the integrated local control
panel and the integrated PC interface are housed on control module
L.3-2 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.2 Operator-Machine Communication
The following interfaces are available for the exchange of
information between the user and the device:Integrated local control panel (LOC) PC interface Communication
interfaceAll settings and signals as well as all measurements and control
functions are arranged within the branches of the menu tree
following a scheme that is uniform throughout the device family.
The main branches are:Parameters branch All settings are contained in this branch.
This branch carries all settings, including the device
identification data, the configuration parameters for adapting the
device interfaces to the system, and the function parameters for
adapting the device functions to the process. All values in this
group are stored in non-volatile memory, which means that the
values will be preserved even if the power supply fails.Operation branch This branch includes all information relevant
for operation such as measured operating data and binary signal
states. This information is updated periodically and consequently
is not stored. In addition, various controls are grouped here, for
example those for resetting counters, memories and displays.Events branch The third branch is reserved for the recording of
events. All information in this group is therefore stored. In
particular, the start/end signals during a fault, the measured
fault data, and the sampled fault waveforms are stored here and can
be read out when required.Settings and signals are displayed either in plain text or as
addresses, in accordance with the users choice. Chapters 7,8 and 10
describe the settings, signals and measured values available with
the P437. The possible setting values can be found in the P437’s
data model file associated with the PC operating program (MiCOM
S1).The configuration of the local control panel also permits the
installation of Measured Value ‘Panels on the LCD display.
Different Panels are automatically displayed for specific system
operating conditions. Priority increases from normal operation to
operation under overload conditions and finally to operation
following a short circuit in the system. Thus the P437 provides the
measured data relevant for the prevailing conditions.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-3 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.3 Configuration of the Measured Value Panels (Function Group
LOC)The P437 offers Measured Value Panels, which display the
measured values relevant at a given time.During normal power system operation, the Operation Panel is
displayed. As an event occurs, the display switches to the
appropriate Event Panel — provided that measured values have been
selected for the Event Panels. In the event of overload event, the
display will automatically switch to the Operation Panel at the end
of the event. In the event of a fault, the Fault Panel remains
active until the LED indicators or the fault memories are
reset.Operation Panel The Operation Panel is displayed after the set
return time has elapsed, provided that at least one measured value
has been configured.The user can select which of the measured operating values will
be displayed on the Operation Panel by means of an m out of n
parameter. If more measured values are selected for display than
the LC display can accommodate, then the display will switch to the
next set of values at intervals defined by the setting at L O C : H
o l d — T i m e f o r P a n e l s or when the appropriate key on
the local control panel is pressed.47Z1301A_EN
LOC:Fct. Operation Panel [ 053 007 ]
FT RC: Record.in progress[ 035 000 ]
Measured value 1Measured value 2Measured value 3Measured value
nSelect. meas. values
m out of n
OL RC: Record. in progress[ 035 003 ]
MAIN: Reset LED306 020
1: executeMAIN: General reset EXT[ 005 255 ]FT RC: Reset record.
USER[ 003 006 ]1: executeMAIN: General reset USER[ 003 002 ]1
FT RC: Reset record. EXT[ 005 243 ]
R1S1 1
Operation Panel
LOC: Autom. return time [ 003 014 ]LOC: Hold-time for Panels [
031 075 ]C
LOC: Autom. Return time
LOC: Hold-timefor Panels
3-2 Operation Panel
3-4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Fault panel The Fault Panel is displayed in place of another
data panel when there is a fault, provided that at least one
measured value has been configured. The Fault Panel remains on
display until the LED indicators or the fault memories are
cleared.The user can select the measured fault values that will be
displayed on the Fault Panel by setting an ‘m out of n’ parameter.
If more measured values are selected for display than the LC
display can accommodate, then the display will switch to the next
set of values at intervals defined by the setting at L O C : H o l
d — T i m e f o r P a n e l s or when the appropriate key on the
local control panel is pressed.50Z01EJA_EN
LOC: Fct. Fault Panel [ 053 003 ]
Fault Panel
RLOC: Hold-time for Panels[ 031 075 ]
Measured value 1Measured value 2Measured value 3Measured value
nMAIN: Reset LED306 020
1: executeMAIN: General reset EXT[ 005 255 ]FT_RC: Reset record.
USER[ 003 006 ]1: executeMAIN: General reset USER[ 003 002 ]
FT_RC: Reset record. EXT[ 005 243 ]
Select. meas. values
m out of n
3-3 Fault panel
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-5 -
3 Operation (continued)
Overload Panel The Overload Panel is automatically displayed in
place of another data panel when there is an overload, provided
that at least one measured value has been configured. The Overload
Panel remains on display until the overload ends, unless a fault
occurs. In this case the display switches to the Fault Panel.The user can select the measured values that will be displayed
on the Overload Panel by setting a ‘m out of n’ parameter. If more
measured values are selected for display than the LC display can
accommodate, then the display will switch to the next set of values
at intervals defined by the setting at L O C : H o l d — T i m e f
o r P a n e l s or when the appropriate key on the local control
panel is pressed.47Z1302A_EN
MAIN: Reset LED306 020
1: executeMAIN: General reset EXT[ 005 255 ]OL_RC: Reset record.
USER[ 100 003 ]1: executeMAIN: General reset USER[ 003 002 ]=1
OL_RC: Reset record. EXT[ 005 241 ]
LOC: Fct. Overload Panel [ 053 005 ]
LOC: Hold-time for Panels[ 031 075 ]
Overload Panel
Measured value 1Measured value 2Measured value 3Measured value
nSelect. meas. values
m out of n
3-4 Overload Panel
Reset Key The P437 includes a reset key, the CLEAR key, to which
one of several possible reset functions may be assigned by
selecting the required function at L O C : A s s i g n m e n t r e
s e t k e y . See section Resetting Actions in chapter 3 for
details about resetting counters.3-6 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4 Serial Interfaces
The P437 has a PC interface as a standard component.
Communication module A is optional and can be provided with one or
two communication channels, depending on the design version.
Communication between the P437 and the control stations computer is
through the communication module A. Setting and interrogation is
possible through all the P437’s interfaces.If the communication module A with two communication channels is
installed, settings for two communication interfaces will be
available. The setting of communication interface 1 (COMM1) may be
assigned to the physical communication channels 1 or 2 (see section
«Main Functions»). If the COMM1 settings have been assigned to
communication channel 2, then the settings of communication
interface 2 (COMM2) will automatically be active for communication
channel 1. Communications channel 2 can only be used to transmit
data to and from the P437 if its PC interface has been
de-activated. As soon as the PC interface is used to transmit data,
communications channel 2 becomes «dead». It will only be enabled
again after the PC interface Time-out has elapsed.If tests are run on the P437, the user is advised to activate
the test mode. In this way the PC or the control system will
recognize all incoming test signals accordingly (see section «Main
Functions»).3.4.1 PC Interface (Function Group PC)
Communication between the device and a PC is through the PC
interface. In order for data transfer between the P437 and the PC
to function, several settings must be made in the P437.There is an operating program available as an accessory for P437
control (see Chapter 13).P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-7 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-5 PC interface settings
3-8 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.2 Communication Interface 1 (Function Group COMM1)
Communication between the P437 and the control stations computer
is done through the communication interface. Depending on the
design version of communications module A (see «Technical Data»)
there are several interface protocols available. The IEC
60870-5-103 protocol is always supported. The following
user-selected interface protocols are available for use with the
P437:IEC 60870-5-103, «Transmission protocols — Companion standard
for the informative interface of protection equipment, first
edition, 1997-12 (corresponds to VDEW / ZVEI Recommendation,
«Protection communication companion standard 1, compatibility level
2», February 1995 edition) with additions covering control and
monitoringIEC 870-5-101, «Telecontrol equipment and systems — Part 5:
Transmission protocols — Section 101 Companion standard for basic
telecontrol tasks,» first edition 1995-11ILS-C, internal protocol of Schneider Electric MODBUS DNP 3.0
COURIERIn order for data transfer to function properly, several
settings must be made in the P437.Communication interface 1 can be blocked through a binary signal
input. In addition, a signal or measured-data block can also be
imposed through a binary signal input.P437/EN M/Bd8-S // AFSV.12.10331 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-9 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-6 Communication interface 1, selecting the interface
protocol3-10 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM1: Select.spontan.sig. [ 003 179 ]
COMM1: Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 003 074 ]COMM1: Cycl. dataILS tel.[
003 175 ]COMM1: Delta V[ 003 050 ]COMM1: Delta I
[ 003 051 ]COMM1: Delta P
[ 003 054 ]COMM1: Delta f
[ 003 052 ]COMM1: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 003 150 ]COMM1: Delta
t[ 003 053 ]COMM1: Delta t(energy)[ 003 151 ]COMM1:
Contin.general scan[ 003 077 ]COMM1: Line idlestate[ 003 165 ]COMM1: Baud rate
[ 003 071 ]COMM1: Parity bit
[ 003 171 ]COMM1: Dead timemonitoring[ 003 176 ]COMM1: Mon.
timepolling[ 003 202 ]COMM1: Octetcomm. address[ 003 072 ]COMM1:
Testmonitor on[ 003 166 ]COMM1: Name ofmanufacturer[ 003 161
]COMM1: Octetaddress ASDU[ 003 073 ]COMM1: Spontan.sig. enable[ 003
177 ]Communication interface
COMM1: Sig./meas.val.block.[ 037 075 ]COMM1: Sig./meas.block
EXT[ 037 074 ]MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[ 038 046 ]COMM1: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 003 076 ]
COMM1: Selectedprotocol304 415COMM1: IEC870-5-103[ 003 219 ]
COMM1: Generalenable USER[ 003 170 ]
COMM1: Commandblocking[ 003 174 ]MAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
1: Yes
1: Yes0: No
3-7 Communication interface 1, settings for the IEC 60870-5-103
interface protocolP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-11 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM1: Line idlestate[ 003 165 ]COMM1: Baud rate
[ 003 071 ]COMM1: Parity bit
[ 003 171 ]COMM1: Dead timemonitoring[ 003 176 ]COMM1: Mon.
timepolling[ 003 202 ]COMM1: Octetcomm. address[ 003 072 ]COMM1:
Testmonitor on[ 003 166 ]COMM1: Name ofmanufacturer[ 003 161
]COMM1: Octetaddress ASDU[ 003 073 ]COMM1: Spontan.sig. enable[ 003
177 ]COMM1: Select.spontan.sig.[ 003 179 ]COMM1:
Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 003 074 ]COMM1: Max.recording time[ 003 075
]COMM1: Delta V[ 003 050 ]COMM1: Delta I
[ 003 051 ]
COMM1: Delta f[ 003 052 ]
COMM1: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 003 150 ]
COMM1: Delta t[ 003 153 ]
COMM1: Delta t(energy)[ 003 151 ]COMM1: Contin.general scan[ 003
077 ]COMM1: Comm.address length[ 003 201 ]COMM1: Octet 2comm.
addr.[ 003 200 ]COMM1: Causetransm. length[ 003 192 ]COMM1:
LngeAdresse ASDU[ 003 193 ]COMM1: Octet 2addr. ASDU[ 003 194
]COMM1: Addr.length inf.obj.[ 003 196 ]COMM1: Oct.3addr. inf.obj.[
003 197 ]COMM1: Inf.No.funct.type[ 003 195 ]COMM1: Time taglength[
003 198 ]COMM1: ASDU1 /ASDU20 conv.[ 003 190 ]COMM1:
ASDU2conversion[ 003 191 ]COMM1: Initializ.signal[ 003 199 ]COMM1:
Balancedoperation[ 003 226 ]COMM1: Directionbit [ 003 227 ]COMM1:
Time-outinterval[ 003 228 ]COMM1: Delta P[ 003 054 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.val.block.[ 037 075 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 003 076 ]Communication
interfaceCOMM1: Sig./meas.block EXT[ 037 074 ]MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[
038 046 ]COMM1: Commandblocking[ 003 174 ]MAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
COMM1: Generalenable USER[ 003 170 ]
COMM1: Selectedprotocol304 415
COMM1: IEC870-5-101[ 003 218 ]
1: Yes
1: Yes0: No
3-8 Communication interface 1, settings for the IEC 870-5-101
interface protocol3-12 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM1: Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 003 074 ]COMM1: Cycl. dataILS tel.[
003 175 ]COMM1: Delta V[ 003 050 ]COMM1: Delta I
[ 003 051 ]COMM1: Delta P
[ 003 054 ]COMM1: Delta f
[ 003 052 ]COMM1: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 003 150 ]COMM1: Delta
t[ 003 053 ]COMM1: Delta t(energy)[ 003 151 ]COMM1:
Contin.general scan[ 003 077 ]COMM1: Line idlestate[ 003 165 ]
COMM1: Parity bit[ 003 171 ]
COMM1: Dead timemonitoring[ 003 176 ]COMM1: Mon. timepolling[
003 202 ]COMM1: Octetcomm. address[ 003 072 ]COMM1: Testmonitor on[
003 166 ]COMM1: Name ofmanufacturer[ 003 161 ]COMM1: Octetaddress
ASDU[ 003 073 ]COMM1: Spontan.sig. enable[ 003 177 ]COMM1:
Select.spontan.sig.[ 003 179 ]COMM1: Baud rate[ 003 071 ]
Communication interface
COMM1: Sig./meas.val.block.[ 037 075 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 003 076 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.block EXT[ 037 074 ]MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[
038 046 ]COMM1: Selectedprotocol304 415COMM1: IEC 870-5,ILS[ 003 221
]COMM1: Generalenable USER[ 003 170 ]
COMM1: Commandblocking[ 003 174 ]MAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
1: Yes
1: Yes0: No
3-9 Communication interface 1, settings for the ILS_C interface
protocolP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-13 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-10 Communication interface 1, settings for the MODBUS
protocol3-14 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-11 Communication interface 1, settings for the DNP 3.0
protocolP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-15 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-12 Communication interface 1, settings for the COURIER
protocol3-16 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Checking spontaneous signals
For interface protocols based on IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 870-5-101,
or ILS_C it is possible to select a signal for test purposes. The
transmission of this signal to the control station as sig. start or
sig. end can then be triggered via setting parameters.3-13 Checking spontaneous signals
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-17 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.3 Communication Interface 2 (Function Group COMM2)
Communication interface 2 supports the IEC 60870-5-103 interface
protocol.In order for data transfer to function properly, several
settings must be made in the P437.3-18 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM2: Positiveackn. fault [ 103 203 ]
COMM2: Line idlestate[ 103 165 ]
COMM2: Parity bit[ 103 171 ]
COMM2: Dead timemonitoring[ 103 176 ]COMM2: Mon. timepolling[
103 202 ]COMM2: Name ofmanufacturer[ 103 161 ]COMM2: Octetaddress ASDU[
103 073 ]COMM2: Spontan.sig. enable[ 103 177 ]COMM2:
Select.spontan.sig.[ 103 179 ]COMM2: Baud rate[ 103 071 ]
COMM2: Octet comm.address[ 103 072 ]
COMM2: Cycl. dataILS tel.[ 103 175 ]COMM2: Delta V
[ 103 050 ]COMM2: Delta I
[ 103 051 ]COMM2: Delta P
[ 103 054 ]COMM2: Delta f
[ 103 052 ]COMM2: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 103 150 ]COMM2: Delta
t[ 103 053 ]
COMM2: Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 103 074 ]
CommunicationinterfaceMAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
COMM2: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 103 076 ]
COMM2: Generalenable USER[ 103 170 ]
COMM2:Commandblock. USER[ 103 172 ]
MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[ 038 046 ]
0: No1: Yes
0: No1: Yes
0: No1: Yes
3-14 Settings for communication interface 2
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-19 -
3 Operation (continued)
Checking spontaneous signals
It is possible to select a signal for test purposes. The
transmission of this signal to the control station as sig. start or
sig. end can then be triggered via setting parameters.3-15 Checking spontaneous signals
3-20 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.4 Communication Interface 3 (Function Group COMM3)
Application Communication interface 3 is designed to establish a
digital communication link between two MiCOM devices over which up
to 8 binary protection signals may be transmitted. Whereas
communication interfaces 1 and 2 are designed as information
interfaces to connect to data acquisition subsystems and for remote
access, communication interface 3 is designed as a protection
signaling interface that will transmit real time signals
(InterMiCOM protection signaling interface). Its main application
is to transmit signals from protective signaling (function group
PSIG). In addition, any other internal or external binary signals
may also be transmitted.Physical medium COMM3 is provided as an asynchronous,
full-duplex communication interface. To transmit data the following
physical media are available:Direct link without use of external supplementary equipment:
Glass fiber (e.g. via 2 x G62.5/125 up to max. 1.4 km) Twisted
pair (RS 422 up to max. 1.2 km)Use of external transmission equipment:
FO module (e.g. OZD 485 BFOC-1300 / Hirschmann up to max.
8/14/20 km) Universal modem (e.g. PZ 511 via twisted pair 2x2x0.5
mm up to max. 10 km) Voice frequency modem (e.g. TD-32 DC /
Westermo up to max. 20 km)Digital network:
Asynchronous data interface of primary multiplexing
equipmentActivating and Enabling In order to use InterMiCOM, the
communication interface COMM3 has to be configured using the
parameter COMM3: Funct ion group COMM3. This setting parameter is
only visible if the relevant optional communication module is
fitted. After activation of COMM3, all addresses associated to this
function group (setting parameters, binary state signals etc.)
become visible. The function can then be enabled or disabled by
setting COMM3: General enable USER.Telegram configuration The communication baud rate is settable
(COMM3: Baud rate) to adapt to the transmission channel
requirements. Sending and receiving addresses (COMM3: Source
address and COMM3: Receiving address can be set to different
values, thus avoiding that the device communicates with itself.The InterMiCOM protection signaling interface provides
independent transmission of eight binary signals in each direction.
For the send signals (COMM3: Fct. assignm. send x, with x = 1 to
any signal from the selection table of the binary outputs (OUTP)
can be chosen. For the receive signals (COMM3: Fct. assignm. rec.
x, with x = 1 toany signal from the selection table of the
binary inputs (INP) can be chosen.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-21 -
3 Operation (continued)
For each receive signal, an individual operating mode can be set
(COMM3: Oper. mode receive x, with x = 1 to 8), thus defining the
required checks for accepting the received binary signal. In
addition a specifically selected telegram structure subdivides the
8 binary signals into two groups. The signal encoding along with
the set operating mode for the telegram check defines the actual
balance of «Speed», «Security» and «Dependability» for each
signal:Binary signals 1 to 4: Operating mode settable to ‘Blocking’ or
‘Direct intertrip’Binary signals 5 to 8: Operating mode settable to ‘Permissive’
or ‘Direct intertrip’EN 60834-1 classifies 3 categories of command-based
teleprotection schemes according to their specific requirements
(see figure 3-16). By selection of a binary signal and by setting
its operating mode appropriately, these requirements can be
fulfilled as follows:Direct transfer trip or intertripping: Preference: Security
Implication: No spurious pickup in the presence of channel noise.
Recommended setting: Select binary signal from groups 1 to 4 or 5
to 8 and set operating mode ‘Direct intertrip’Permissive teleprotection scheme: Preference: Dependability.
Implication: Maximizes probability of signal transmission in the
presence of channel noise. Recommended setting: Select binary
signal from group 5 to 8 and set operating mode ‘Permissive’Blocking teleprotection scheme: Preference: Speed. Implication:
Fast peer-to-peer signal transfer. Recommended setting: Select
binary signal from group 1 to 4 and set operating mode
‘Blocking’3-22 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
high high
3-16 Comparison of speed, security and dependability offered by
the three operating modes.Communication monitoring COMM3: Time-out comm.faul t is used for
monitoring the transmission channel (this timer is re-triggered
with each complete and correct received telegram). The wide setting
range allows adaptation to the actual channel transmission times
and above all this is needed for time-critical schemes such as the
blocking scheme. After the timer has elapsed, signals COMM3:
Communicat ions faul t and SFMON: Communic. faul t COMM3 are issued
and the received signals are automatically set to their
user-defined default values (COMM3: Defaul t value rec. x, with x =
1 to 8). As the main application for this protective signaling the
fault signal may be mapped to the corresponding input signal in
function group PSIG with the COMM3: Sig.asg. comm.faul t
setting.COMM3: Time-out l ink fa i l . is used to determine a persistent
failure of the data transmission channel. After the timer has
elapsed, signals COMM3: Comm. l ink fa i lure and SFMON: Comm.l ink
fa i l .COMM3 are issued.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-23 -
3 Operation (continued)
Character frame &Source address check
Telegram receive check
Telegram CRC check
Blockingsignals accepted
Permissive signalsaccepted
Direct Trip signalsaccepted
(Re-)Trigger of themonitoring timer
COMM3:Comm. link failure[120 044]
COMM3:Communicationsfault[120 043]
COMM3: Time-outcomm.fault[120 033]
COMM3: Time-outlink fail.[120 035]
3-17 Message processing and communication monitoring
3-24 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Supervision of communication link quality
After a syntax check of each received message, InterMiCOM
updates the ratio of incorrectly received messages, based on a
total of the last 1000 received messages. The result is provided as
an updating measurand COMM3: No. te l . errors p.u. and the overall
maximum ratio can be read from COMM3: No.t .err . ,max,stored. If
the set threshold COMM3: Limit te legr . errors is exceeded the
corresponding signals COMM3: Lim.exceed., te l .err . and SFMON:
Lim.exceed., te l .err . will be issued. All corrupted telegrams
are counted (COMM3: No. te legram errors) . This counter as well as
the stored maximum ratio of corrupted messages can be reset via
COMM3: Rset.No.t lg.err .USER (or via binary COMM3: Reset.No.t
lg.err .EXT signal , see section Resetting Actions) .Commissioning tools The actual values of send and receive
signals can be read from the device as physical state signals
(COMM3: State send x and COMM3: State receive x, with x = 1 to 8).
In addition, InterMiCOM provides 2 test facilities for
commissioning of the protection interface.For a loop-back test, the send output is directly linked back to
the receive input. After setting the bit pattern wanted (as an
equivalent decimal number at COMM3: Loop back send) the test can be
triggered via COMM3: Loop back test . This bit pattern is sent for
the duration of the hold time set at COMM3: Hold t ime for test .
For this test only, the source address is set to ‘0’; this value is
not used for regular end-to-end communication. The test result can
be checked as long as the hold-time is running by reading the
measured operating data COMM3: Loop back resul t and COMM3: Loop
back receive. As soon as the hold-time has expired, the loopback
test is terminated and InterMiCOM reverts to the normal sending
mode (e.g. sending the actual values of the configured send
signals, using the set source address).Thus, in case of problems with the InterMiCOM protection
signaling interface, the loopback test can be used to verify or to
exclude a defective device. The transmission channel including the
receiving device can be checked manually by setting individual
binary signals (COMM3: Send signal for test) to user-defined test
values (COMM3: Log. state for test). After triggering the test by
COMM3: Send signal , test , the preset binary signal is sent with
the preset value for the set hold time COMM3: Hold t ime for test .
The 7 remaining binary signals are not affected by this test
procedure and remain to be sent with their actual values. During
the hold time, a received signal can be checked at the receiving
device, e.g. by reading the physical state signal. After the hold
time has expired, the test mode is reset automatically and the
actual values of all 8 signals are transmitted again.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-25 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.5 Communication interface IEC 61850 (Function groups IEC,
GOOSE and GSSE)The IEC 61850 communication protocol is implemented by these
function groups and the Ethernet module.Note:
Function group IEC is only available as an alternative to
function group COMM1 (hardware ordering option!). Communication Interface IEC 61850 (Function Group
IEC)IEC 61850 The IEC 61850 was created jointly by users and
manufacturers as an international standard. The main target of the
IEC 61850 is interoperability of devices. This includes the
capability of two or more intelligent electronic devices (IED),
manufactured by the same company or different companies, to
exchange data for combined operation.Now this new communication standard IEC 61850 has created an
open and common basis for communication from the process control
level down to the network control level, for the exchange of
signals, data, measured values and commands.For a standardized description of all information and services
available in a field device a data model, which lists all visible
functions, is created. Such a data model, specifically created for
each device, is used as a basis for an exchange of data between the
devices and all process control installations interested in such
information. In order to facilitate engineering at the process
control level a standardized description file of the device, based
on XML, is created with the help of the data model. This file can
be imported and processed further by the relevant configuration
program used by the process control device. This makes possible an
automated creation of process variables, substations and signal
images.The following documentation with the description of the IEC
61850 data model, used with the P437, is available:IDC file based on XML in the SCL (Substation Configuration
Description Language) with a description of data, properties and
services, available from the device, that are to be imported into
the system configurator.PICS_MICS_ADL file with the following contents: PICS (Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement) with an overview ofavailable services.
MICS (Model Implementation Conformance Statement) with an
overview of available object types.ADL (Address Assignment List) with an overview of the assignment
of parameter addresses (signals, measuring values, commands, etc.)
used by the device with the device data model as per IEC 61850.3-26 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Ethernet Module The optional Ethernet module provides an RJ45
connection and a fiber optic interface where an Ethernet network
can be connected. The selection which of the two interfaces is to
be used to connect to the Ethernet network is made by setting the
parameter IEC: Ethernet media. There are two ordering variants
available for the fiber optic interface: the ST connector for 10
Mbit/s and 850 nm and the SC connector for 100 Mbit/s and 1300 nm.
The RJ45 connector supports 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s.The optional Ethernet module additionally provides an RS485
interface for remote access with the operating program MiCOM S1
(function group COMM2).Notes: The P437 may only be equipped with the optional Ethernet
module as an alternative to the optional standard communication
module. Therefore the Ethernet based communication protocol IEC
61850 is only available as an alternative to function group
COMM1.Activating and Enabling The function group IEC can be activated
by setting the parameter IEC: Funct ion group IEC. This parameter
is only visible if the optional Ethernet communication module is
fitted to the device. After activation of IEC, all data points
associated with this function group (setting parameters, binary
state signals etc.) become visible. The function can then be
enabled or disabled by setting IEC: General enable USER.The parameter settings for function groups IEC, GOOSE and GSSE
in the device are not automatically activated. An activation occurs
either when the command IEC: Enable conf igurat ion is executed or
automatically when the device is switched online with MAIN: Device
on- l ine.Client Log-on Communication in Ethernet no longer occurs in a
restrictive master slave system, as is common with other protocols.
Instead server or client functionalities, as defined in the
‘Abstract Communication Service Interface’ (ACSI, IEC 61870-7-2),
are assigned to the devices. A ‘server’ is always that device which
provides information to other devices. A client may log-on to this
server so as to receive information, for instance ‘reports’. In a
network a server can supply any number of clients with spontaneous
or cyclic information.In its function as server the P437 can supply up to 16 clients
with information.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-27 -
3 Operation (continued)
Clock Synchronization With IEC 61850 clock synchronization
occurs via the SNTP protocol, defined as standard for Ethernet.
Here the P437 functions as an SNTP client.For clock synchronization one can select between the operating
modes Broadcast from SNTP Server or Request from Server. In the
first operating mode synchronization occurs when a broadcast
message is sent from the SNTP server to all devices in the network.
In the second operating mode the P437 requests the device specific
time signal during a settable cycle.Two SNTP servers may be set. In this case, clock synchronization
is preferably performed by the first server. The second server is
used only when messages are no longer received from the first
server.When looking at the source priority for clock synchronization,
which is set at the MAIN function then, by selecting «COMM1/IEC»,
synchronization per IEC 61850 is automatically active but only if
this communication protocol is applied.Fault Transmission Transmission of fault files is supported per
«File Transfer».Transmission of «Goose Messages»
The so-called «Goose Message» is a particular form of data
transmission. Whereas normal server-client-services are transmitted
at the MMS and TCP/IP level, the «Goose Message» is transmitted
directly at the Ethernet level with a high transmission priority.
Furthermore these «Goose Messages» can be received by all
participants in the respective sub-network, independent of their
server or client function. In IEC 61850 «Goose Messages» are
applied for the accelerated transmission of information between two
or more devices. Application fields are, for example, a reverse
interlocking, a transfer trip or a decentralized substation
interlock. In future the «Goose Message» will therefore replace a
wired or serial protective interface.According to IEC 61850 there are two types of «Goose Messages»,
the GSSE and the IEC-GOOSE. The GSSE is used to transmit binary
information with a simple configuration by ‘bit pairs’, and it is
compatible with UCA2. However the IEC-GOOSE enables transmission of
all data formats available in the data model, such as binary
information, integer values or even analog measured values. But
this will require more extensive configuration with the help of the
data model from the field unit situated on the opposite side. With
the IEC-GOOSE the P437 at this time supports sending and receiving
of binary information or two-pole external device states.Communication with the Operating Program MiCOM S1 via the
Ethernet InterfaceDirect access by the operating program MiCOM S1 via the Ethernet
interface on the device may occur according to the «tunneling
principle». Transmission is carried out by an Ethernet Standard
Protocol, but this is only supported by the associated operating
program MiCOM S1 (specific manufacturer solution). Such
transmission is accomplished over the same hardware for the
network, which is used for server-client communication and «Goose
Messages». Available are all the familiar functions offered by the
operating program MiCOM S1 such as reading/writing of setting
parameters or retrieving stored data.The various settings, measured values and signals for function
group IEC are described in chapters 7 and 8.3-28 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued) Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (Function Group
GOOSE)For high-speed information exchange between individual IEDs
(intelligent electronic devices) in a local network, the P437
provides function group GOOSE as defined in the IEC 61850 standard.
GOOSE features high-speed and secure transmission for trip
commands, blocking, enabling, contact position signals and other
signals.«Goose Messages» are only transmitted by switches but not by
routers. «Goose Messages» therefore remain in the local network to
which the device is logged-on.Activating and Enabling The function group GOOSE can be
activated by setting the parameter GOOSE: Funct ion group GOOSE.
This parameter is only visible if the optional Ethernet
communication module is fitted to the device. After activation of
GOOSE, all data points associated to this function group (setting
parameters, binary state signals etc.) become visible. The function
can then be enabled or disabled by setting GOOSE: General enable
USER.The parameter settings for function groups IEC, GOOSE and GSSE
in the device are not automatically activated. An activation occurs
either when the command IEC: Enable conf igurat ion is executed or
automatically when the device is switched online with MAIN: Device
on- l ine. In addition the function group IEC must be configured
and enabled.Sending GOOSE With GOOSE up to 32 logic binary state signals can
be sent from the P437. Selection of binary state signals is made by
setting GOOSE: Output n fc t .assig. (n = 1 to 32). The assignment
of data object indexes to logic state signals is made in the range
from 1 to 32 according to the assignment to GOOSE outputs.GOOSE is automatically sent with each new state change of a
configured binary state signal or an external device. There are
numerous send repetitions in fixed ascending time periods (10 ms,
20 ms, 50 ms, 100 ms, 500 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms). If after 2 seconds
there is no further state change apparent, GOOSE is then sent
cyclically at 2-second intervals.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-29 -
3 Operation (continued)
In order to have unambiguous identification of GOOSE sent,
characteristics such as the Goose ID number, MAC address,
application ID and VLAN identifier must be entered through
parameter settings. Further characteristics are the ‘Dataset
Configuration Revision’ with the fixed value «100» as well as the
‘Dataset Reference’, which is made up of the IED name (setting in
function group IEC) and the fixed string «System/LLNO$GooseST».GOOSE-DataSet: LLN0$GooseST
Goose ID: «Local IED»
Server nameSYSTEM/GosGGI01/Out1/stVal
Multicast MAC address: 01-0C-CD-01-00-00
VLAN Identifier: 0
GOOSE: Output 1 fct.assig.
GOOSE: Output 2 fct.assig.
GOOSE: Output 32 fct.assig.
Server nameSYSTEM/GosGGI01/Out2/stVal
Server nameSYSTEM/GosGGI01/Out32/stVal
Data range:
Application ID: 12288
DataSet Cfg. Revision: 100
DataSet Ref. : «Local IEDSystem/LLNO»
VLAN Priority: 4
3-18 Basic structure of sent GOOSE
3-30 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
With GOOSE up to 16 logic binary state signals can be received.
Configuration of the logic state signals received (GOOSE: Input n
fct .assig. (n = 1 to 16)) is made on the basis of the selection
table of the binary inputs (opto coupler inputs).For each state signal to be received from an external device the
«Goose Message» must be selected that includes the information
wanted by setting the Goose ID, the Application ID and the ‘Dataset
Reference’. With the further setting of the data object index and
the data attribute index through parameters, the selection of the
information wanted from the chosen GOOSE will occur. The device
will not evaluate the identification features VLAN identifier and
Dataset Configuration Revision that are also included in the GOOSE
received.Each GOOSE includes time information on the duration of validity
of its information. This corresponds to the double time period to
the next GOOSE repetition. If the duration of validity has elapsed
without having received this GOOSE again (i.e. because of a
communications fault), the received signals will automatically be
set to their respective default values GOOSE: Input n defaul t (n =
1 to 16).The various settings, measured values and signals for function
group GOOSE are described in chapters 7 and Generic Substation State Event (Function Group GSSE)
For high-speed exchange of information between individual IEDs
(intelligent electronic devices) in a local network, the P437
provides, as an additional functionality, the function group GSSE
(UCA2.0-GOOSE) as defined in the IEC 61850 standard. GSSE features
high-speed and secure transmission of logic binary state signals
such as trip commands, blocking, enabling and other signals.Activating and Enabling The Function Group GSSE can be activated
by setting the parameter GSSE: Funct ion group GSSE. This parameter
is only visible if the optional Ethernet communication module is
fitted to the device. After activation of GSSE, all data points
associated to this function group (setting parameters, binary state
signals etc.) become visible. The function can then be enabled or
disabled by setting GSSE: General enable USER.The parameter settings for function groups IEC, GOOSE and GSSE
in the device are not automatically activated. An activation occurs
either when the co
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1 2017-08-14 12:26:35
- IronMan
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Тема: Micom P-437
Добрый день. Не могу найти в уставках и РЭ информацию, как ведут себя направленные ступени МТН: t3Io при неисправности цепей напряжения — блокируются или становятся ненаправленные? Подскажите, кто знает) Версия терминала 610.
2 Ответ от scorp 2017-08-14 19:54:13 (2017-08-14 21:14:28 отредактировано scorp)
- scorp
- pensioner
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- Зарегистрирован: 2011-01-07
- Сообщений: 5,203
Re: Micom P-437
ЕМНИП, блокируются если сработал КЦИ(контроль предохранителей).
Если блокировка осуществляется по оптовходу(например Бл.напр. t3Iо> ВНЕШН) ,ступень становится ненаправленной.
А в связи с чем вопрос?
мое отношение к окружающим зависит от того,с какой целью они меня окружают
3 Ответ от IronMan 2017-08-15 06:11:19
- IronMan
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Re: Micom P-437
scorp пишет:
ЕМНИП, блокируются если сработал КЦИ(контроль предохранителей).
Если блокировка осуществляется по оптовходу(например Бл.напр. t3Iо> ВНЕШН) ,ступень становится ненаправленной.
А в связи с чем вопрос?
В местной инструкции написано, что ступени блокируются, в инструкции ОДУ — становятся ненаправленные. Ищу истину) Что такое ЕМНИП, не нашел расшифровку? То что ступени МТИН блокируются или становятся ненаправленные, я нашел.
4 Ответ от scorp 2017-08-15 06:29:16
- scorp
- pensioner
- Неактивен
- Зарегистрирован: 2011-01-07
- Сообщений: 5,203
Re: Micom P-437
IronMan пишет:
Что такое ЕМНИП, не нашел расшифровку?
Если Мне Не Изменяет Память
мое отношение к окружающим зависит от того,с какой целью они меня окружают
5 Ответ от IronMan 2017-08-15 06:36:48
- IronMan
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Re: Micom P-437
scorp пишет:
Если Мне Не Изменяет Память
Присоединяйтесь!!! Мы в социальных сетях и на Ютуб.
6 Ответ от scorp 2017-08-15 09:13:55
- scorp
- pensioner
- Неактивен
- Зарегистрирован: 2011-01-07
- Сообщений: 5,203
Re: Micom P-437
IronMan, еще такой момент:
«Для того, чтобы иметь НТЗНП и телеускорение НТЗНП (ОКЗАМ плюс СРОК),измерительные органы которых работали бы независимо от вторичных цепей
напряжения, подключенных к обмотке ТН, собранной в звезду, теперь может использоваться измереное напряжение от цепей разомкнутого треугольника. Если для этого используется отдельный входной ТН терминала, то функция ОКЗАМ больше не блокируется при неисправности цепей ТН звезды (038.023 КЦИ
Неиспр.цепей U = условие «Да»). Для блокирования функции ОКЗАМ при неисправности цепей напряжения разомкнутого треугольника следует использовать
сигнал «ОСНФ Откл.ав-та 3Uo ВНЕШН».»
Но это касается только ОКЗАМ,где есть возможность выбирать 3U0 вычисл./расчетн,у МТН такой возможности нет
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мое отношение к окружающим зависит от того,с какой целью они меня окружают
7 Ответ от IronMan 2017-08-16 05:34:41
- IronMan
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Re: Micom P-437
Ок, спасибо
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MiCOM P437
Distance Protection Device
P437/EN M/Am8
4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1 Application and Scope 1-1
2 Technical Data 2-1 2.1 Conformity 2-1 2.2 General Data 2-1 2.3
Tests 2-3 2.3.1 Type Tests 2-3 2.3.2 Routine Tests 2-6 2.4
Environmental Conditions 2-6 2.5 Inputs and Outputs 2-6 2.6
Interfaces 2-9 2.7 Information Output 2-12 2.8 Settings 2-12 2.9
Deviations 2-13 2.9.1 Deviations of the Operate Values 2-13 2.9.2
Deviations of the Timer Stages 2-14 2.9.3 Deviations of Measured
Data Acquisition 2-15 2.10 Recording Function 2-16 2.11 Power
supply 2-18 2.12 Current Transformer Specifications 2-193 Operation 3-1 3.1 Modular Structure 3-1 3.2 Operator-Machine
Communication 3-3 3.3 Configuration of the MeasuredValue Panels (Function Group LOC) 3-4
3.4 Serial Interfaces 3-7 3.4.1 PC interface (Function Group PC)
3-7 3.4.2 Rear port communicationinterface 1 (Function Group COMM1) 3-9
3.4.3 Rear port communication interface 2
(Function Group COMM2) 3-18
3.4.4 Rear port communication interface 3
(Function Group COMM3) 3-21
3.4.5 IEC 61850 Communication interface
(Function groups IEC, GOOSE, and GSSE)
3.5 Time Synchronization via the IRIG-B Interface
(Function Group IRIGB) 3-33
3.6 Configurable Function Keys (Function Group F_KEY) 3-34 3.7
Configuration and Operating Modeof the Binary Inputs (Function Group INP) 3-36
3.8 Measured data input (Function Group MEASI) 3-37 3.8.1 Direct
Current Input on the Analog(I/O) Module Y 3-38
3.8.2 Connecting a Resistance Thermometer to the «PT 100 Analog
Input» on the Analog (I/O) Module Y3-42
3.9 Configuration, Operating Mode, and Blocking of the Output
Relays(Function Group OUTP) 3-43
3.10 Measured data output (Function Group MEASO) 3-46 3.10.1 BCD
measured data output 3-49 3.10.2 Analog measured data output 3-54
3.10.3 Output of External MeasuredData 3-60
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613 5
Contents (continued)
3.11 Configuration and Operating Mode of the LED Indicators
(Function Group LED) 3-61
3.12 Main Functions of the P437 (Function Group MAIN) 3-64
3.12.1 Conditioning of the MeasuredVariables 3-64
3.12.2 Operating Data Measurement 3-66 3.12.3 Configuring and
Enabling theProtection Functions 3-84
3.12.4 Inrush stabilization (harmonic restraint)
3.12.5 Multiple blocking 3-88 3.12.6 Blocked/faulty 3-89 3.12.7
Monitoring and processing of CBstatus signals 3-90
3.12.8 Close command 3-92 3.12.9 Starting Signals and
TrippingLogic 3-94
3.12.10 Time Tagging and Clock Synchronization
3.12.11 Resetting Actions 3-107 3.12.12 Assigning
CommunicationsInterfaces to Physical Communications Channels
3.12.13 Test mode 3-111 3.13 Parameter subset selection
(Function Group PSS) 3-112 3.14 Self-monitoring (Function Group
SFMON) 3-114 3.15 Operating data recording (Function Group OP_RC)
3-117 3.16 Monitoring signal recording (Function Group MT_RC) 3-118
3.17 Overload data acquisition (Function Group OL_DA) 3-119 3.18
Overload recording (Function Group OL_RC) 3-120 3.19 Fault data
acquisition (Function Group FT_DA) 3-123 3.20 Fault recording
(Function Group FT_RC) 3-134 3.21 Distance protection (Function
Group DIST) 3-140 3.21.1 Starting 3-140 3.21.2 Selection of
Measured Variables 3-158 3.21.3 Distance and DirectionalMeasurement 3-164
3.21.4 Impedance-time characteristics 3-186 3.21.5 Selection of
Trip Mode for Zone 1 3-195 3.22 Power swing blocking (Function
group PSB) 3-197 3.23 Measuring-circuit monitoring (Function Group
MCMON) 3-212 3.24 Backup overcurrent-timeprotection (Function Group BUOC) 3-221
3.25 Switch on to fault protection (Function Group SOTF) 3-223
3.26 Protective signaling (Function Group PSIG) 3-227 3.27
Auto-reclosing control (Function Group ARC) 3-259 3.27.1 High-Speed
Reclosure (HSR) 3-266 3.27.2 Time-Delay Reclosure (TDR) 3-278
3.27.3 Rapid Reclosure (RRC) 3-280 3.27.4 Secondary Fault Treatment
3-283 3.27.5 Parallel Blocking 3-284 3.27.6 Zone Extension 3-287
3.27.7 Control Using External Auto-Reclosing Control (ARC) 3-289
3.27.8 General control functions 3-290 3.27.9 Counters 3-293
3.28 Automatic synchronism check (Function Group ASC) 3-2946 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
Contents (continued)
3.29 Ground fault (short-circuit) protection
(Function Group GFSC) 3-311
3.30 Ground fault (short-circuit) protection signaling
(Function Group GSCSG) 3-332
3.31 Definite-time overcurrent protection
(Function Groups DTOC) 3-347
3.32 Inverse-time overcurrent protection
(Function Groups IDMT) 3-361
3.33 Thermal overload protection (Function Group THERM) 3-378
3.34 Time-voltage protection (Function Group V) 3-382 3.35
Over-/underfrequency protection (Function Group f) 3-393 3.36
Directional Power Protection (Function Group P) 3-400 3.37 Circuit
breaker failure protection (Function Group CBF) 3-413 3.38 Limit
value monitoring (Function Group LIMIT) 3-425 3.39 Programmable
logic (Function Group LOGIC) 3-4314 Design 4-1 4.1 Designs 4-2 4.2 Modules 4-7
5 Installation and Connection 5-1 5.1 Unpacking and Packing 5-1
5.2 Checking Nominal Data and Design Type 5-1 5.3 Location
Requirements 5-2 5.4 Installation 5-3 5.5 Protective and
Operational Grounding 5-11 5.6 Connection 5-12 5.6.1 Connecting
Measuring and Auxiliary Circuits 5-12 5.6.2 Connecting the IRIG-B
interface. 5-15 5.6.3 Connecting the Serial Interfaces 5-156 Local Control Panel 6-1 6.1 Display and Keypad 6-2 6.2
Changing between Display Levels 6-6 6.3 Display Illumination 6-7
6.4 Control at Panel Level 6-7 6.5 Control at the Menu Tree Level
6-8 6.5.1 Navigation in the Menu Tree 6-8 6.5.2 Switching Between
Address Mode and Plain Text Mode 6-9 6.5.3 Change-enabling function
6-10 6.5.4 Changing Parameters 6-13 6.5.5 Setting a List Parameter
6-14 6.5.6 Memory Readout 6-15 6.5.7 Reset 6-19 6.5.8
Password-Protected Control Actions 6-20 6.5.9 Changing the Password
6-217 Settings 7-1 7.1 Parameter 7-1 7.1.1 Device Identification 7-2
7.1.2 Configuration parameters 7-6 7.1.3 Function Parameters 7-54 Global 7-54 General Functions 7-59
Parameter Subsets 7-75P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613 7
Contents (continued)
8 Information and Control Functions 8-1 8.1 Operation 8-1 8.1.1
Cyclic Values 8-1 Measured Operating Data 8-1
Physical State Signals 8-8 Logic state signals 8-14 8.1.2
Control and testing 8-37 8.1.3 Operating data recording 8-43 8.2
Events 8-44 8.2.1 Event counters 8-44 8.2.2 Measured event data
8-46 8.2.3 Event recording 8-489 Commissioning 9-1 9.1 Safety Instructions 9-1 9.2
Commissioning Tests 9-310 Troubleshooting 10-1
11 Maintenance 11-1
12 Storage 12-1
13 Accessories and Spare Parts 13-1
14 Order Information 14-1
Address list: See chapters 7, 8 and 10 and the settings in the
operating program MiCOM S1 / S&R-103.8 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1 Application and Scope
1 Application and Scope
The MiCOM P437 distance protection device is designed for
selective short circuit protection and overload protection with
1-/3-pole high-speed reclosure (HSR) in effectively grounded
high-voltage and extra-high voltage (E.H.V.) power systems.The multitude of protection functions incorporated into the
device enable the user to cover a wide range of applications in the
protection of cable and line sections.Moreover there are numerous backup protection and automatic
control functions available.The relevant protection parameters can be stored in four
independent parameter subsets in order to adapt the device to
different operating and power system management states.General Functions General Functions are complete function
groups, which may be individually configured or cancelled,
depending on the application (e.g. included in or excluded from the
devices configuration). (An exception is the function MAIN, which
is always visible.)A function is selected by a mouse click in the operating
program:Unused or de-configured function groups are hidden to the user,
thus simplifying the menu.Communication functions and measured value functions may also be
configured or excluded.This concept provides a wide choice of functions and makes
wide-ranging application of the protection device possible, with
just one model version. On the other hand simple and clear
parameter settings and adaptations to each protection scheme can be
made. The powerful programmable logic provided by the device also
makes it possible to accommodate special applications.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1-1 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
General Functions P437 21 DIST Distance protection
> Six distance stages, including one that can be used as a
special stage> Overcurrent starting, undervoltage starting and
underimpedance starting with load blinding> Polygonal (quadrilateral) or circular tripping
characteristics> Eight time stages, two of which are final time stages
> Directional voltage memory
> Optional parallel line compensation
68 PSB Power swing blocking and power swing starting 9 MCMON
Measuring-circuit monitoring 9 BUOC Backup overcurrent-time
protection (Backup DTOC) 9 50/27 SOTF Switch on to fault protection
9 85-21 PSIG Protective signaling 9 79 ARC Auto-reclosing
controlHigh-speed reclosure (HSR), time-delayed reclosure (TDR), rapid
reclosure (RRC)9 1/3p
25 ASC Automatic synchronism check Optional 67N GFSC Ground
fault (short-circuit) protection 9 85-67N GSCSG Ground fault
(short-circuit) protection signaling 9 50/51 P,Q,N DTOC
Definite-time overcurrent protection4 stages, phase, negative-sequence and residual current
measuring systems9
51/67 P,Q,N IDMT Inverse-time overcurrent protection one stage,
directional, phase, negative-sequence and residual current
measuring systems9
49 THERM Thermal overload protection 9 27/59 P,Q,N V
Time-voltage protection2 stages each, phase, positive-sequence, negative-sequence and
neutral-displacement voltages9
81 O/U f Frequency protection 4 stages, may be combined with
(df/dt) and (f/t)9
P Power directional protection 9 50BF/62 CBF Circuit breaker
failure protection 9 LIMIT Limit value monitoring 9 LOGIC
Programmable logic 9Communication Functions P437 COMM1, COMM2
2 information interfaces IRIG-B InterMiCOM protective interface
IEC 61850 communications protocolOptional
Input/output functions P437 INP / OUTP Binary signal inputs /
Output relays (maximum number) 28 / 46Measured Value Functions P437 MEASI / MEASO Analog input /
output(2 x 20 mA output, 20 mA and resistance thermometer inputs)
Optional1-2 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Global functions In addition to the listed features, and
extensive self-monitoring, the P437 offers the following global
functions:Global functions PSS Parameter subset selection System
measurements to support the user during commissioning, testing and
operation OP_RC Operating data recording (time-tagged event
logging) OL_DA Overload data acquisition OL_RC Overload recording
(time-tagged event logging) FT_DA Fault data acquisition for a
particular, settable point in time during a fault FT_RC Fault
recording (time-tagged event logging together with fault value
recording of the threephase currents, the residual currents, the three phase-to-ground
voltages, the neutral-point displacement voltage and the reference
voltage before, during and after a fault).Further functions
Further functions MAIN Main function DVICE Device
F_KEY Function keys LED LED indicators LOC Local control panel
PC PC linkSFMON Comprehensive self-monitoring MT_RC Monitoring signal
recordingP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1-3 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Functional diagram
50/51 P,Q,NDTOC
51/67 P,Q,NIDMT
27/59 P,Q,NV
81 O/Uf
Overload rec.
Ground flt. rec.
to SCADA / substation control / RTU / modem …via RS485 or
Fibre Opticsusing IEC60870-5-101, -103, Modbus, DNP3, Courier,UCA2,
IEC61850COMM1 Recording andData
Distance Protection P437
Fault rec.
optionalalways available
1-4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Design The P437 is modular in design. The plug-in modules are
housed in a robust aluminum case and electrically interconnected
via one analog module and one digital module.Inputs and outputs The P437 has the following inputs and
outputs:Current-measuring inputs 4 or 5 voltage-measuring inputs
(ordering option) Up to 32 binary signal inputs (opto couplers)
with user-definable function assignment Up to 46 output relays with
user-definable function assignment 1 PT 100 input (optional) 1
input, 0 to 20 mA (optional) 2 outputs, 0 to 20 mA (optional)The nominal current and voltage values of the measuring inputs
on the P437 can be set with the function parameters.The nominal voltage range of the optical coupler inputs is 24 to
250 V DC. As an option binary signal input modules with a higher
operate threshold are available.The auxiliary voltage input for the power supply is also
designed for an extended range. The nominal voltage ranges are 48
to 250 V DC and 100 to 230 V AC. A 24 V DC version is also
available.All output relays can be utilized for signaling and command
purposes.The optional PT 100 input is lead-compensated, balanced and
linearized for PT 100 resistance thermometers as per IEC 751.The optional 0 to 20 mA input provides open-circuit and overload
monitoring, zero suppression defined by a setting, plus the option
of linearizing the input variable via 20 adjustable interpolation
points.Two selectable measured variables (cyclically updated measured
operating data and stored measured fault data) can be output as a
burden-independent direct current via the two optional 0 to 20 mA
outputs. The characteristics are defined via 3 adjustable
interpolation points allowing a minimum output current (4 mA, for
example) for slave-side open-circuit monitoring, knee-point
definition for fine scaling, and a limitation to lower nominal
currents (10 mA, for example). Where sufficient output relays are
available, a selectable measured variable can be output in
BCD-coded form by contacts.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
1-5 -
1 Application and Scope (continued)
Local control and display Local control panel 17 LED indicators,
12 with user-definable functional assignment PC interface
Communication interfaces (optional)Information interfaces Information is exchanged through the
local control panel, the PC interface, or two optional
communication interfaces (channel 1 and channel 2).Using the first communication interface, the numerical
protection device can be wired either to the substation control
system or to a telecontrol system. The first communication
interface is optionally available with a switcheable protocol (per
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 870-5-101, DNP 3.0, Modbus or Courier) or as
an IEC 61850 interface. The second communication interface
(communication protocol per IEC 60870-5-103 only) is designed for
remote control.External clock synchronization can be accomplished by using the
optional IRIG-B input.A direct link to other MiCOM protection devices can be set up by
applying the optional InterMiCOM protective interface (channel
3).1-6 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data
2 Technical Data
2.1 Conformity
Notice Applicable to P437, version -308-408/409-613.
Declaration of conformity The product designated P437 Distance
Protection Device has been designed and manufactured in conformance
with the European standards EN 60255-6 and EN 60010-1 and with the
EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive issued by the Council
of the European Community.2.2 General Data
General device data Design Surface-mounted case suitable for
wall installation or flush-mounted case for 19″ cabinets and for
control panels.Installation Position Vertical 30
Degree of Protection Per DIN VDE 0470 and EN 60529 or IEC 529.
IP 52 for the front panel Flush-mounted case IP 50 for the case
(excluding the rear connection area) IP 20 for the rear connection
area, pin-terminal connection IP 10 for the rear connection area,
ring-terminal connection Surface-mounted case IP 50 for the case IP
50 for the fully enclosed connection area with the supplied rubber
grommets fittedWeight Approx. 11.7 kg
Dimensions and Connections See dimensional drawings (Chapter 4)
and terminal connection diagrams (Chapter 5).P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-1 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Terminals PC interface (X6): EIA RS232 (DIN 41652) connector,
type D-Sub, 9-pin Communication Interface: Optical fibers (X7, X8
and X31, X32): F-SMA optical fiber connection per IEC 874-2 and DIN
47258 (for plastic fibers) or optical fiber connection BFOC-ST
connector 2.5 per IEC 874-10 and DIN 47254-1 (for glass fibers) (ST
is a registered trademark of AT&T Lightguide Cable Connectors)
or connection of wire leads (X9, X10 and X33): M2 threaded terminal
ends for wire cross-sections up to 1.5 mm or RS 232 for InterMiCOM
only (X34): EIA RS232 (DIN 41652) connector, type D-Sub, 9-pin. or
(for IEC 61850 only via 100 Mbit/s Ethernet board) (X13): Glass
fiber SC and wire RJ45IRIG-B Interface (X11): BNC plug
Current Measuring Inputs: Threaded terminal ends for pin-type
cable lugs: M5, self-centering with cage clamp to protect conductor
cross-sections 4 mm2 or: Threaded terminal ends for ring-type cable
lugs: M4 Other Inputs and Outputs: Threaded terminal ends, pin-type
cable lugs: M3, self-centering with cage clamp to protect conductor
cross-sections 0.2 to 2.5 mm2 or: Threaded terminal ends, ring-type
cable lugs: M4. Creepage Distances and Clearances Per EN 61010-1
and IEC 664-1. Pollution degree 3, working voltage 250 V,
overvoltage category III, impulse test voltage 5 kV.2-2 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.3 Tests
2.3.1 Type Tests
Type tests All tests per EN 60255-6 or IEC 255-6.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Interference Suppression Per EN 55022 or IEC CISPR 22, Class
A.1 MHz Burst Disturbance Test Per IEC 255 Part 22-1 or IEC
60255-22-1, Class III Common-mode test voltage: 2.5 kV Differential
test voltage: 1.0 kV Test duration: > 2 s, Source impedance: 200
Immunity to Electrostatic Discharge Per EN 60255-22-2 or IEC
60255-22-2, severity level 4. Contact discharge, single discharges:
> 10 Holding time: > 5 s Test voltage: 8 kV Test generator:
50 to 100 M, 150 pF / 330 Immunity to Radiated Electromagnetic
Energy Per EN 61000-4-3 and ENV 50204, severity level 3. Antenna
distance to tested device: > 1 m on all sides Test field
strength, frequency band 80 to 1000 MHz: 10 V / m Test using AM: 1
kHz / 80 % Single test at 900 MHz AM 200 Hz / 100 %Electrical Fast Transient or Burst Requirements Per EN 61000-4-4
and IEC 60255-22-4, severity levels 3 and 4 Rise time of one pulse:
5 ns Impulse duration (50% value): 50 ns Amplitude: 2 kV / 1 kV or
4 kV / 2 kV Burst duration: 15 ms Burst period: 300 ms, Burst
frequency: 5 kHz or 2.5 kHz Source impedance: 50P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-3 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Current/Voltage Surge Immunity Test Per EN 61000-4-5 or IEC
61000-4-5, insulation class 4 Testing of circuits for power supply
and asymmetrical or symmetrical lines. Open-circuit voltage, front
time / time to half-value: 1.2 / 50 s Short-circuit current, front
time / time to half-value: 8 / 20 s Amplitude: 4 / 2 kV Pulse
frequency: > 5 / min, Source impedance: 12 / 42 Immunity to
Conducted Disturbances Induced by Radio Frequency Fields Per EN
61000-4-6 or IEC 61000-4-6, severity level 3. Test voltage: 10
VPower Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Per EN 61000-4-8 or IEC
61000-4-8, severity level 4. Frequency: 50 Hz Test field strength:
30 A / mAlternating Component (Ripple) in DC Auxiliary Energizing
Quantity Per IEC 255-11. 12 %Insulation Voltage Test Per DIN EN 61010-1 and IEC 255-5 2 kV
AC, 60 s. Only direct voltage (2.8 kV DC) must be used for the
voltage test on the power supply inputs. The PC interface must not
be subjected to the voltage test.Impulse Voltage Withstand Test Per IEC 255-5. Front time: 1.2 s
Time to half-value: 50 s Peak value: 5 kV Source impedance: 500Corrosive Environments Per IEC 60068-2-60: 1995, Part 2, Test
Ke, Method (class) 3 industrial corrosive environment/poor
environmental control, mixed gas flow test. 21 days at 75% relative
humidity and +30C exposure to elevated concentrations of H2S, NO2,
Cl2 and SO22-4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Mechanical robustness 1 (*)
Vibration Test Per EN 60255-21-1 or IEC 255-21-1, test severity
class 1 Frequency range in operation: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.035 mm and 60
to 150 Hz, 0.5 g Frequency range during transport: 10 to 150 Hz, 1
gShock Response and Withstand Test, Bump Test Per EN 60255-21-2
or IEC 255-21-2, acceleration and pulse duration: Shock Response
tests are carried out to verify full operability (during
operation), test severity class 1 , 5 g for 11 ms, Shock Withstand
tests are carried out to verify the endurance (during transport),
test severity class 1 , 15 g for 11 ms Seismic Test Per EN
60255-21-3 or IEC 60255-21-3, test procedure A, class 1 Frequency
range: 5 to 8 Hz, 3.5 mm / 1.5 mm, 8 to 35 Hz, 10 / 5 m/s2, 3 x 1
cycle.Mechanical robustness 2 (**)
Vibration Test Per EN 60255-21-1 or IEC 255-21-1, test severity
class 2 Frequency range in operation: 10 to 60 Hz, 0.075 mm and 60
to 150 Hz, 1.0 g Frequency range during transport: 10 to 150 Hz, 2
gShock Response and Withstand Test, Bump Test Per EN 60255-21-2
or IEC 255-21-2, acceleration and pulse duration: Shock Response
tests are carried out to verify full operability (during
operation), test severity class 2, 10 g for 11 ms; Shock Withstand
tests are carried out to verify the endurance (during transport),
test severity class 1, 15 g for 11 ms Shock bump tests are carried
out to verify permanent shock (during transport), test severity
class 1, 10 g for 16 ms Seismic Test Per EN 60255-21-3 or IEC
60255-21-3, test procedure A, class 2 Frequency range: 5 to 8 Hz,
3.5 mm / 7.5 mm, 8 to 35 Hz, 20 / 10 m/s2, 3 x 1 cycle.(*) Mechanical robustness 1: Valid for P437, if the following
case variant is used: Flush mounted case, flush-mounting method 1
(without angle brackets andframe)
(**) Mechanical robustness 2: Valid for P437, if one of the
following case variants is used: Flush mounted case, flush-mounting
method 2 (with angle brackets and frame) Surface-mounted caseP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-5 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.3.2 Routine Tests
All tests per EN 60255-6 or IEC 255-6 and DIN 57435 Part
303.Voltage Test Per IEC 255-5. 2.2 kV AC, 1 s. Only direct voltage
(2.8 kV DC) must be used for the voltage test on the power supply
inputs. The PC interface must not be subjected to the voltage
test.Additional Thermal Test 100% controlled thermal endurance test,
inputs loaded.2.4 Environmental Conditions
Environment Temperatures Recommended temperature range: -5C to
+55C (23F to 131F) Storage and transit: -25C to +70C (-13 F to +158
F) Ambient Humidity Range 75 % relative humidity (annual mean), 56
days at 95 % relative humidity and 40C (104F), condensation not
permissible. Solar Radiation Direct solar radiation on the front of
the device must be avoided.2.5 Inputs and Outputs
Measuring inputs Current Rated current: 1 and 5 A AC (settable).
Nominal burden per phase: < 0.13 VA at Inom Load rating:
continuous: 4 Inom for 10 s: 30 Inom for 1 s: 100 Inom Nominal
surge current: 250 InomVoltage Nominal voltage Vnom: 50 to 130 V AC (settable) Nominal
burden per phase: < 0.3 VA at Vnom = 130 V AC Load rating:
continuous 150 V ACFrequency Nominal frequency fnom: 50 Hz and 60 Hz (adjustable)
Operating range: 0.95 to 1.05 fnomFrequency protection: 40 to 70
Hz2-6 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Binary signal inputs Threshold Pickup and Drop-off Points as per
Ordering Option 18V standard variant (VA,nom: = 24 to 250 V DC):
Switching threshold in the range 14 V … 19 VSpecial variant with switching thresholds from 58 to 72 % of the
nominal supply voltage (i.e. definitively ,low for VA < 58 % of
the nominal supply voltage, definitively ,high for VA > 72 % of
the nominal supply voltage)«Special variant 73 V»: Nominal supply voltage 110 V DC «Special
variant 90 V»: Nominal supply voltage 127 V DC «Special variant 146
V»: Nominal supply voltage 220 V DC «Special variant 155 V»:
Nominal supply voltage 250 V DCPower consumption per input Standard variant: VA = 19 … 110 V
DC: 0.5 W 30 %, VA > 110 V DC: VA 5 mA 30 %.Special variant: Vin > Switching threshold: VA 5 mA 30 %.
Notes The standard variant of binary signal inputs (opto
couplers) is recommended in most applications, as these inputs
operate with any voltage from 19V. Special versions with higher
pick-up/drop-off thresholds are provided for applications where a
higher switching threshold is expressly required.The maximum voltage permitted for all binary signal inputs is
300V DC.IRIG-B interface Minimum / maximum input voltage level
(peak-peak): 100 mVpp / 20 Vpp. Input impedance: 33 k at 1 kHz.
Electrical isolation: 2 kVDirect current input Input current: 0 to 26 mA Value range: 0.00
to 1.20 IDC,nom (IDC,nom = 20 mA) Maximum permissible continuous
current: 50 mA Maximum permissible input voltage: 17 V Input load:
100 Open-circuit monitoring: 0 to 10 mA (adjustable) Overload
monitoring: > 24.8 mA Zero suppression: 0.000 to 0.200 IDC,nom
(adjustable)Resistance thermometer inputs
Resistance thermometer: only PT 100 permitted, Mapping curve as
per IEC 751.Value range: -40.0 … +215.0 C 3-wire configuration:
max. 20 per conductor. Open and short-circuited input permitted
Open-circuit monitoring: > +215 C and < -40 CP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-7 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Output relays Rated voltage: 250 V DC, 250 V AC Continuous
current: 5 A Short-duration current: 30 A for 0.5 s Making
capacity: 1000 W (VA) at L/R = 40 ms Breaking capacity: 0.2 A at
220 V DC and L/R = 40 ms 4 A at 230 V AC and cos = 0.4BCD measured data output Maximum numerical value that can be
displayed: 399Analog measured data output (DC current output)
Value range: 0 to 20 mA Permissible load: 0 … 500 Maximum
output voltage: 15 V2-8 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.6 Interfaces
Local control panel Input or output: via 7 keys and a 4 x 20
character-LCD displayState and fault signals: 23 LED indicators (4 permanently
assigned, 19 freely configurable)PC interface Transmission rate: 300 to 115,200 baud
(adjustable)Communication interfaces 1 to 3
The communication module can be provided with up to three
communication channels, depending on the module variant. Channel 1
and 3 may either be equipped to connect wire leads or optical
fibers and channel 2 is only available to connect wire leads.For communication interface 1, communication protocols based on
IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 870-5-101, MODBUS or DNP 3.0 (as of version
P437 -610 Courier) can be set.Communication interface 2 can only be operated with the
interface protocol based on IEC 60870-5-103.Communication interface 3 permits end-end channel-aided digital
communication schemes to be configured for real time protective
signaling between two protection devices (InterMiCOM protective
interface).For Wire Leads Per RS 485 or RS 422, 2 kV isolation Distance to
be bridged: Point-to-point connection: max. 1200 m Multipoint
connection: max. 100 m Transmission rate CommunicationProtocol
BA-no. -910 (one channel)
300 to 19,200 baud (adjustable) IEC 60870-5-103
BA-no. -921 (two channels)
300 to 64 000 baud (adjustable for COMM1) 300 to 57 600 baud
(adjustable for COMM2)Can be set by user for one channel
BA-no. -951 (InterMiCOM)
600 to 19 200 baud (adjustable)
1) Distance to be bridged given for identical optical outputs
and inputs at both ends, a system reserve of 3 dB, and typical
fiber attenuation.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-9 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Plastic Fiber Connection Optical wavelength: typically 660 nm
Optical output: min. -7.5 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -20 dBm
Optical input: max. -5 dBm Distance to be bridged:1) max. 45 m
Transmission rate CommunicationProtocol
BA-no. -910 (one channel)
300 to 38,400 baud (adjustable) IEC 60870-5-103
BA-no. -922 (two channels)
300 to 64 000 baud (adjustable for COMM1) 300 to 57 600 baud
(adjustable for COMM2)Can be set by user for one channel
BA-no. -952 (InterMiCOM)
600 to 19 200 baud (adjustable)
Glass Fiber Connection G 50/125 Optical wavelength: typically
820 nm Optical output: min. -19.8 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -24
dBm Optical input: max. -10 dBm Distance to be bridged:1) max. 400
m Glass Fiber Connection G 62.5/125 Optical wavelength: typically
820 nm Optical output: min. -16 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -24
dBm Optical input: max. -10 dBm Distance to be bridged:1) max. 1400
m Glass Fiber Connection G 50/125 or G 62.5/125 Transmission rate
BA-no. -910 (one channel)
300 to 38,400 baud (adjustable) IEC 60870-5-103
BA-no. -924 (two channels)
300 to 64 000 baud (adjustable for COMM1) 300 to 57 600 baud
(adjustable for COMM2)Can be set by user for one channel
BA-no. -954 (InterMiCOM)
600 to 19 200 baud (adjustable)
1) Distance to be bridged given for identical optical outputs
and inputs at both ends, a system reserve of 3 dB, and typical
fiber attenuation.2-10 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
IRIG-B interface B122 format Amplitude modulated signal Carrier
frequency: 1 kHz BCD-coded variation data (daily)Data transmission using the IEC 61850 protocol
Order ext. No. -936: Interface to connect a 100 Mbit/s Ethernet,
glass fiber-SC and wire RJ45For Wire Leads per RJ45, 1.5 kV isolation Distance to be
bridged: max. 100 mGlass Fiber Connection G 50/125 Optical wavelength: typically
1300 nm Optical output: min. -23.5 dBm Optical sensitivity: min.
-31 dBm Optical input: max. -14 dBm Glass Fiber Connection G
62.5/125 Optical wavelength: typically 1300 nm Optical output: min.
-20 dBm Optical sensitivity: min. -31 dBm Optical input: max. -14
dBmThe second communication interface (RS 485 connection, IEC
60870-5-103 protocol) is also available.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-11 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.7 Information Output
Counters, measured data, signals and LED indications: see
Chapter 8.2.8 Settings
Typical characteristic data Main function Minimum output pulse
duration for trip command: 0.1 to 10 s (adjustable) Output pulse
duration for a close command: 0.1 to 10 s (adjustable)Distance protection Minimum starting time: 12 ms Starting reset
time: 30 ms 10 ms Directional sensitivity up to 2 s after fault
detection: up to 2 s after fault detection and for switching on to
fault: 200 mV 20 % Shortest tripping time: approx. 19 ms Starting
and measurement resetting ratio (hysteresis): 0.95Definite-time and inverse-time overcurrent protection Operate
time inclusive of output relay (measured variable from 0 to 2-fold
operate value): 40 ms, approx. 30 ms Reset time (measured variable
from 2-fold operate value to 0): 40 ms, approx. 30 ms Starting
resetting ratio: approx. 0.95 Time-voltage protection Operate time
including output relay (measured variable from nominal value to
1.2-fold operate value or measured variable from nominal value to
0.8-fold operate value): 40 ms, approx. 30 ms Reset time (measured
variable from 1.2-fold operate value to nominal value or measured
variable from 0.8-fold operate value to nominal value): 45 ms,
approx. 30 ms Resetting ratio for V: 1 to 10 % (adjustable) for
operate values > 0.6 Vnom and Vnom/3: approx. 0,95 for operate
values < 0.6 Vnom and Vnom/3: approx. 1.052-12 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.9 Deviations
2.9.1 Deviations of the Operate Values
Definitions Reference Conditions Sinusoidal signals at nominal
frequency fnom, total harmonic distortion 2 %, ambient temperature
20C (68F), and nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nomDeviation Deviation relative to the setting under reference
conditions.Distance protection Starting V, VNG>> Deviation: 3 %
Starting I>, I>>, IN> with setting range 0.1 to 0.25
Inom: 5 % with setting range > 0.25 Inom: 3 %Starting Z< at k = 0, 30, 60, 90 Deviation: 5 %
Impedance Measurement Z< Deviation at k = 0, 90: 3 %
Deviation at k = 30, 60: 5 % Direction Determination Deviation:
3Measuring-circuit monitoring
Operate values Ineg, Vneg Deviation: 3 %
Backup overcurrent-time protection (Backup DTOC)
Operate value I> Deviation: 3 %
Time-overcurrent protection
Operate Values Deviation: 5 %
Time-voltage protection Operate Values V, Vpos: Deviation 1 %
(in the range 0.6 to 1.4 Vnom) VNG>, Vneg>: Deviation 1 % %
(in the range > 0.3 Vnom)P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-13 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Frequency protection Operate Values fnom = 50 Hz: Deviation: 30
mHz fnom = 60 Hz: Deviation: 40 mHzdf/dt protection Operate Values fnom = 50 Hz: Deviation: 0.1
Hz/s fnom = 60 Hz: Deviation: 0.1 Hz/sThermal overload protection (reaction time)
Operate value Deviation 7.5 % when I/Iref = 6
Direct current input Deviation: 1 %
Resistance thermometer Deviation: 2 or 1 %
Analog measured data output
Deviation: 1 % Output residual ripple with max. load: 1 %
2.9.2 Deviations of the Timer Stages
Definitions Reference Conditions Sinusoidal signals at nominal
frequency fnom, total harmonic distortion 2 %, ambient temperature
20C (68F), and nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom.Deviation Deviation relative to the setting under reference
conditions.Definite-time stages Deviation 1 % + 20 ms to 40 ms
Inverse-time stages Deviation when I 2 Iref: 5 % + 10 to 25 ms
For IEC characteristic ‘extremely inverse’ and for thermal overload
protection: 7.5 % + 10 to 20 msDelays with the frequency protection
Deviation 1 % + max. 80 ms (depending on gate time)
2-14 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.9.3 Deviations of Measured Data Acquisition
Definitions Reference Conditions Sinusoidal signals at nominal
frequency fnom, total harmonic distortion 2 %, ambient temperature
20C (68F), and nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom.Deviation Deviation relative to the setting under reference
conditions.Operating Data Measurement
Measuring Input Currents Deviation: 1 % Measuring Input Voltages
Deviation: 0.5 % Internally Formed Resultant Current and
Negative-Sequence System Current Deviation: 2 % Internally Formed
Neutral-point Displacement Voltage and Voltages of Positive- and
Negative-Sequence Systems Deviation: 2 % Active and Reactive Power
/ Active and Reactive Energy Deviation: 2 % when cos = 0.7
Deviation: 5 % when cos = 0.3 Load Angle Deviation: 1 Frequency
Deviation: 10 mHz Direct Current of Measured Data Input and Output
Deviation: 1 % Temperature Deviation: 2 CFault data acquisition Short-Circuit Current and Voltage
Deviation: 3 %Short-Circuit Impedance Deviation: 5 %
Fault Location Deviation: 5 %
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-15 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Internal clock With free running internal clock: Deviation: <
1 min/monthWith external synchronization (with a synchronization interval 1
min): Deviation: < 10 msWith synchronization via IRIG-B interface: 1 ms
2.10 Recording Functions
Organization of the Recording Memories:
Operating data memory Scope for signals: All operation-relevant
signals from a total of 1024 different logicstate signals (see Address List: «Operating Data Memory»)
Depth for signals The 100 most recent signals
Monitoring signal memory Scope for signals: All signals relevant
for self-monitoring from a total of 1024 differentlogic state signals (see Address List: «Monitoring Signal
Memory»)Depth for signals Up to 30 signals
Overload memory Number: The 8 most recent overload events
Scope for signals: All signals relevant for an overload event
from a total of 1024 different (see Address List: «Overload
Memory»)Depth for signals 200 entries per overload event
Ground fault memory Number: The 8 most recent ground fault
eventsScope for signals: All signals relevant for a ground fault event
from a total of 1024 different (see Address List: «Ground fault
memory»)Depth for signals 200 entries per ground fault event
2-16 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
Fault memory Number: The 8 most recent faults
Scope for signals: Signals: All fault-relevant signals from a
total of 1024 different logic state signals (see Address List:
«Fault Memory»)Depth for fault values: Sampled values for all measured currents
and voltagesDepth for signals Signals: 200 entries per fault event Depth for
fault values: max. number of cycles per fault can be set by user;
820 periods in total for all faults, that is 16.4 s (for fnom = 50
Hz) or 13.7 s (for fnom = 60 Hz)Resolution of the Recorded Data
Signals Time resolution: 1 ms
Fault values Time resolution: 20 sampled values per period
Phase currents system Dynamic range: 100 Inom / 25 Inom
(adjustable)Amplitude resolution: 6.1 mA r.m.s / 1.5 mA r.m.s for Inom = 1 A
30.5 mA r.m.s / 7.6 mA r.m.s for Inom = 5 AResidual current Dynamic range: 16 Inom
Amplitude resolution: 0.98 mA r.m.s. for Inom = 1 A 4.9 mA
r.m.s. for Inom = 5 AVoltages Dynamic range: 150 V AC
Amplitude resolution: 9.2 mV r.m.s.
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-17 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.11 Power supply
Power supply Nominal auxiliary voltage VA,nom: 24 V DC or 48 to
250 V DC and 100 to 230 V AC (ordering option)Operating range for direct voltage: 0.8 to 1.1 VA,nom with a
residual ripple of up to 12 % VA,nom Operating range for
alternating voltage: 0.9 to 1.1 VA,nomNominal burden where VA = 220 V DC and with maximum module
configuration (relays de-energized/energized): approx. 13 W / 37 W
Start-up peak current: < 3 A for duration of 0.25 ms Permitted
supply interruption: 50 ms for interruption of VA 220 V DC2-18 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
2.12 Current Transformer Specifications
The following equation is used to calculate the specifications
of a current transformer for the offset maximum primary
current:( ) ( ) ‘ max,1iopnominomsat IkRRInRRV ++= where: Vsat:
saturation voltage (IEC knee point) I’1,max: non-offset maximum
primary current, converted to the secondary side Inom: rated
secondary current n: rated overcurrent factor k: over-dimensioning
factor Rnom: rated burden Rop actual connected operating burden Ri
internal burdenThe specifications of a current transformer can then be
calculated for the minimum required saturation voltage Vsat as
follows:( ) ‘ max,1iopsat IkRRV + As an alternative, the specifications
of a current transformer can also be calculated for the minimum
required rated overcurrent factor n by specifying a rated power P
as follows:nom
( )( )
( )( ) nom
n ++=+
Theoretically, the specifications of the current transformer
could be calculated for lack of saturation by inserting instead of
the required over-dimensioning factor k its maximum value:k Tmax +1 1
where: : system angular frequency T1: system time constant
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
2-19 -
2 Technical Data (continued)
However, this is not necessary. Instead, it is sufficient to
calculate the over-dimensioning factor k such that the normal
behavior of the analyzed protective function is guaranteed under
the given conditions.The over-dimensioning factor ‘k’ necessary for the distance
protection may be read from figure 2-1. The dotted line depicts the
theoretical characteristic k(T1) = 1 + T1. Current transformers
should observe the error limit values for class 5P. CTs class TPY
per IEC 44-6 Part 6 («Current Transformers with Anti-remanence
Cores») should preferably be used in case a HSR is applied.2-1 Required over-dimensioning factor for distance protection
with fnom = 50 Hz2-20 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation
3 Operation
3.1 Modular Structure
The P437, a numeric device, is part of the MiCOM P 30 family of
devices. The device types included in this family are built from
identical uniform hardware modules. Figure 3-1 shows the basic
hardware structure of the P437.3-1 Basic hardware structure
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-1 -
3 Operation (continued)
The external analog and binary quantities electrically isolated
are converted to the internal processing levels by the peripheral
modules T, Y, and X. Commands and signals generated by the device
internally are connected to external plant via contacts through the
binary I/O modules X. The external auxiliary voltage is applied to
the power supply module V, which supplies the auxiliary voltages
that are required internally.Analog data is transferred from the transformer module T via the
analog bus module B to the processor module P. The processor module
contains all the elements necessary for the conversion of measured
analog variables, including multiplexers and analog/digital
converters. The analog data conditioned by the analog I/O module Y
is transferred to the processor module P via the digital bus
module. Binary signals are fed to the processor module by the
binary I/O modules X via the digital bus module. The processor
handles the processing of digitized analog variables and of binary
signals, generates the protective trip and signals, and transfers
them to the binary I/O modules X via the digital bus module. The
processor module also handles overall device communication. As an
option, communication module A can be mounted on the processor
module to provide serial communication with substation control
systems.The control and display elements of the integrated local control
panel and the integrated PC interface are housed on control module
L.3-2 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.2 Operator-Machine Communication
The following interfaces are available for the exchange of
information between the user and the device:Integrated local control panel (LOC) PC interface Communication
interfaceAll settings and signals as well as all measurements and control
functions are arranged within the branches of the menu tree
following a scheme that is uniform throughout the device family.
The main branches are:Parameters branch All settings are contained in this branch.
This branch carries all settings, including the device
identification data, the configuration parameters for adapting the
device interfaces to the system, and the function parameters for
adapting the device functions to the process. All values in this
group are stored in non-volatile memory, which means that the
values will be preserved even if the power supply fails.Operation branch This branch includes all information relevant
for operation such as measured operating data and binary signal
states. This information is updated periodically and consequently
is not stored. In addition, various controls are grouped here, for
example those for resetting counters, memories and displays.Events branch The third branch is reserved for the recording of
events. All information in this group is therefore stored. In
particular, the start/end signals during a fault, the measured
fault data, and the sampled fault waveforms are stored here and can
be read out when required.Settings and signals are displayed either in plain text or as
addresses, in accordance with the users choice. Chapters 7,8 and 10
describe the settings, signals and measured values available with
the P437. The possible setting values can be found in the P437’s
data model file associated with the PC operating program (MiCOM
S1).The configuration of the local control panel also permits the
installation of Measured Value ‘Panels on the LCD display.
Different Panels are automatically displayed for specific system
operating conditions. Priority increases from normal operation to
operation under overload conditions and finally to operation
following a short circuit in the system. Thus the P437 provides the
measured data relevant for the prevailing conditions.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-3 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.3 Configuration of the Measured Value Panels (Function Group
LOC)The P437 offers Measured Value Panels, which display the
measured values relevant at a given time.During normal power system operation, the Operation Panel is
displayed. As an event occurs, the display switches to the
appropriate Event Panel — provided that measured values have been
selected for the Event Panels. In the event of overload event, the
display will automatically switch to the Operation Panel at the end
of the event. In the event of a fault, the Fault Panel remains
active until the LED indicators or the fault memories are
reset.Operation Panel The Operation Panel is displayed after the set
return time has elapsed, provided that at least one measured value
has been configured.The user can select which of the measured operating values will
be displayed on the Operation Panel by means of an m out of n
parameter. If more measured values are selected for display than
the LC display can accommodate, then the display will switch to the
next set of values at intervals defined by the setting at L O C : H
o l d — T i m e f o r P a n e l s or when the appropriate key on
the local control panel is pressed.47Z1301A_EN
LOC:Fct. Operation Panel [ 053 007 ]
FT RC: Record.in progress[ 035 000 ]
Measured value 1Measured value 2Measured value 3Measured value
nSelect. meas. values
m out of n
OL RC: Record. in progress[ 035 003 ]
MAIN: Reset LED306 020
1: executeMAIN: General reset EXT[ 005 255 ]FT RC: Reset record.
USER[ 003 006 ]1: executeMAIN: General reset USER[ 003 002 ]1
FT RC: Reset record. EXT[ 005 243 ]
R1S1 1
Operation Panel
LOC: Autom. return time [ 003 014 ]LOC: Hold-time for Panels [
031 075 ]C
LOC: Autom. Return time
LOC: Hold-timefor Panels
3-2 Operation Panel
3-4 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Fault panel The Fault Panel is displayed in place of another
data panel when there is a fault, provided that at least one
measured value has been configured. The Fault Panel remains on
display until the LED indicators or the fault memories are
cleared.The user can select the measured fault values that will be
displayed on the Fault Panel by setting an ‘m out of n’ parameter.
If more measured values are selected for display than the LC
display can accommodate, then the display will switch to the next
set of values at intervals defined by the setting at L O C : H o l
d — T i m e f o r P a n e l s or when the appropriate key on the
local control panel is pressed.50Z01EJA_EN
LOC: Fct. Fault Panel [ 053 003 ]
Fault Panel
RLOC: Hold-time for Panels[ 031 075 ]
Measured value 1Measured value 2Measured value 3Measured value
nMAIN: Reset LED306 020
1: executeMAIN: General reset EXT[ 005 255 ]FT_RC: Reset record.
USER[ 003 006 ]1: executeMAIN: General reset USER[ 003 002 ]
FT_RC: Reset record. EXT[ 005 243 ]
Select. meas. values
m out of n
3-3 Fault panel
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-5 -
3 Operation (continued)
Overload Panel The Overload Panel is automatically displayed in
place of another data panel when there is an overload, provided
that at least one measured value has been configured. The Overload
Panel remains on display until the overload ends, unless a fault
occurs. In this case the display switches to the Fault Panel.The user can select the measured values that will be displayed
on the Overload Panel by setting a ‘m out of n’ parameter. If more
measured values are selected for display than the LC display can
accommodate, then the display will switch to the next set of values
at intervals defined by the setting at L O C : H o l d — T i m e f
o r P a n e l s or when the appropriate key on the local control
panel is pressed.47Z1302A_EN
MAIN: Reset LED306 020
1: executeMAIN: General reset EXT[ 005 255 ]OL_RC: Reset record.
USER[ 100 003 ]1: executeMAIN: General reset USER[ 003 002 ]=1
OL_RC: Reset record. EXT[ 005 241 ]
LOC: Fct. Overload Panel [ 053 005 ]
LOC: Hold-time for Panels[ 031 075 ]
Overload Panel
Measured value 1Measured value 2Measured value 3Measured value
nSelect. meas. values
m out of n
3-4 Overload Panel
Reset Key The P437 includes a reset key, the CLEAR key, to which
one of several possible reset functions may be assigned by
selecting the required function at L O C : A s s i g n m e n t r e
s e t k e y . See section Resetting Actions in chapter 3 for
details about resetting counters.3-6 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4 Serial Interfaces
The P437 has a PC interface as a standard component.
Communication module A is optional and can be provided with one or
two communication channels, depending on the design version.
Communication between the P437 and the control stations computer is
through the communication module A. Setting and interrogation is
possible through all the P437’s interfaces.If the communication module A with two communication channels is
installed, settings for two communication interfaces will be
available. The setting of communication interface 1 (COMM1) may be
assigned to the physical communication channels 1 or 2 (see section
«Main Functions»). If the COMM1 settings have been assigned to
communication channel 2, then the settings of communication
interface 2 (COMM2) will automatically be active for communication
channel 1. Communications channel 2 can only be used to transmit
data to and from the P437 if its PC interface has been
de-activated. As soon as the PC interface is used to transmit data,
communications channel 2 becomes «dead». It will only be enabled
again after the PC interface Time-out has elapsed.If tests are run on the P437, the user is advised to activate
the test mode. In this way the PC or the control system will
recognize all incoming test signals accordingly (see section «Main
Functions»).3.4.1 PC Interface (Function Group PC)
Communication between the device and a PC is through the PC
interface. In order for data transfer between the P437 and the PC
to function, several settings must be made in the P437.There is an operating program available as an accessory for P437
control (see Chapter 13).P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-7 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-5 PC interface settings
3-8 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.2 Communication Interface 1 (Function Group COMM1)
Communication between the P437 and the control stations computer
is done through the communication interface. Depending on the
design version of communications module A (see «Technical Data»)
there are several interface protocols available. The IEC
60870-5-103 protocol is always supported. The following
user-selected interface protocols are available for use with the
P437:IEC 60870-5-103, «Transmission protocols — Companion standard
for the informative interface of protection equipment, first
edition, 1997-12 (corresponds to VDEW / ZVEI Recommendation,
«Protection communication companion standard 1, compatibility level
2», February 1995 edition) with additions covering control and
monitoringIEC 870-5-101, «Telecontrol equipment and systems — Part 5:
Transmission protocols — Section 101 Companion standard for basic
telecontrol tasks,» first edition 1995-11ILS-C, internal protocol of Schneider Electric MODBUS DNP 3.0
COURIERIn order for data transfer to function properly, several
settings must be made in the P437.Communication interface 1 can be blocked through a binary signal
input. In addition, a signal or measured-data block can also be
imposed through a binary signal input.P437/EN M/Bd8-S // AFSV.12.10331 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-9 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-6 Communication interface 1, selecting the interface
protocol3-10 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM1: Select.spontan.sig. [ 003 179 ]
COMM1: Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 003 074 ]COMM1: Cycl. dataILS tel.[
003 175 ]COMM1: Delta V[ 003 050 ]COMM1: Delta I
[ 003 051 ]COMM1: Delta P
[ 003 054 ]COMM1: Delta f
[ 003 052 ]COMM1: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 003 150 ]COMM1: Delta
t[ 003 053 ]COMM1: Delta t(energy)[ 003 151 ]COMM1:
Contin.general scan[ 003 077 ]COMM1: Line idlestate[ 003 165 ]COMM1: Baud rate
[ 003 071 ]COMM1: Parity bit
[ 003 171 ]COMM1: Dead timemonitoring[ 003 176 ]COMM1: Mon.
timepolling[ 003 202 ]COMM1: Octetcomm. address[ 003 072 ]COMM1:
Testmonitor on[ 003 166 ]COMM1: Name ofmanufacturer[ 003 161
]COMM1: Octetaddress ASDU[ 003 073 ]COMM1: Spontan.sig. enable[ 003
177 ]Communication interface
COMM1: Sig./meas.val.block.[ 037 075 ]COMM1: Sig./meas.block
EXT[ 037 074 ]MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[ 038 046 ]COMM1: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 003 076 ]
COMM1: Selectedprotocol304 415COMM1: IEC870-5-103[ 003 219 ]
COMM1: Generalenable USER[ 003 170 ]
COMM1: Commandblocking[ 003 174 ]MAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
1: Yes
1: Yes0: No
3-7 Communication interface 1, settings for the IEC 60870-5-103
interface protocolP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-11 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM1: Line idlestate[ 003 165 ]COMM1: Baud rate
[ 003 071 ]COMM1: Parity bit
[ 003 171 ]COMM1: Dead timemonitoring[ 003 176 ]COMM1: Mon.
timepolling[ 003 202 ]COMM1: Octetcomm. address[ 003 072 ]COMM1:
Testmonitor on[ 003 166 ]COMM1: Name ofmanufacturer[ 003 161
]COMM1: Octetaddress ASDU[ 003 073 ]COMM1: Spontan.sig. enable[ 003
177 ]COMM1: Select.spontan.sig.[ 003 179 ]COMM1:
Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 003 074 ]COMM1: Max.recording time[ 003 075
]COMM1: Delta V[ 003 050 ]COMM1: Delta I
[ 003 051 ]
COMM1: Delta f[ 003 052 ]
COMM1: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 003 150 ]
COMM1: Delta t[ 003 153 ]
COMM1: Delta t(energy)[ 003 151 ]COMM1: Contin.general scan[ 003
077 ]COMM1: Comm.address length[ 003 201 ]COMM1: Octet 2comm.
addr.[ 003 200 ]COMM1: Causetransm. length[ 003 192 ]COMM1:
LngeAdresse ASDU[ 003 193 ]COMM1: Octet 2addr. ASDU[ 003 194
]COMM1: Addr.length inf.obj.[ 003 196 ]COMM1: Oct.3addr. inf.obj.[
003 197 ]COMM1: Inf.No.funct.type[ 003 195 ]COMM1: Time taglength[
003 198 ]COMM1: ASDU1 /ASDU20 conv.[ 003 190 ]COMM1:
ASDU2conversion[ 003 191 ]COMM1: Initializ.signal[ 003 199 ]COMM1:
Balancedoperation[ 003 226 ]COMM1: Directionbit [ 003 227 ]COMM1:
Time-outinterval[ 003 228 ]COMM1: Delta P[ 003 054 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.val.block.[ 037 075 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 003 076 ]Communication
interfaceCOMM1: Sig./meas.block EXT[ 037 074 ]MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[
038 046 ]COMM1: Commandblocking[ 003 174 ]MAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
COMM1: Generalenable USER[ 003 170 ]
COMM1: Selectedprotocol304 415
COMM1: IEC870-5-101[ 003 218 ]
1: Yes
1: Yes0: No
3-8 Communication interface 1, settings for the IEC 870-5-101
interface protocol3-12 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM1: Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 003 074 ]COMM1: Cycl. dataILS tel.[
003 175 ]COMM1: Delta V[ 003 050 ]COMM1: Delta I
[ 003 051 ]COMM1: Delta P
[ 003 054 ]COMM1: Delta f
[ 003 052 ]COMM1: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 003 150 ]COMM1: Delta
t[ 003 053 ]COMM1: Delta t(energy)[ 003 151 ]COMM1:
Contin.general scan[ 003 077 ]COMM1: Line idlestate[ 003 165 ]
COMM1: Parity bit[ 003 171 ]
COMM1: Dead timemonitoring[ 003 176 ]COMM1: Mon. timepolling[
003 202 ]COMM1: Octetcomm. address[ 003 072 ]COMM1: Testmonitor on[
003 166 ]COMM1: Name ofmanufacturer[ 003 161 ]COMM1: Octetaddress
ASDU[ 003 073 ]COMM1: Spontan.sig. enable[ 003 177 ]COMM1:
Select.spontan.sig.[ 003 179 ]COMM1: Baud rate[ 003 071 ]
Communication interface
COMM1: Sig./meas.val.block.[ 037 075 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 003 076 ]
COMM1: Sig./meas.block EXT[ 037 074 ]MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[
038 046 ]COMM1: Selectedprotocol304 415COMM1: IEC 870-5,ILS[ 003 221
]COMM1: Generalenable USER[ 003 170 ]
COMM1: Commandblocking[ 003 174 ]MAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
1: Yes
1: Yes0: No
3-9 Communication interface 1, settings for the ILS_C interface
protocolP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-13 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-10 Communication interface 1, settings for the MODBUS
protocol3-14 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-11 Communication interface 1, settings for the DNP 3.0
protocolP437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-15 -
3 Operation (continued)
3-12 Communication interface 1, settings for the COURIER
protocol3-16 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Checking spontaneous signals
For interface protocols based on IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 870-5-101,
or ILS_C it is possible to select a signal for test purposes. The
transmission of this signal to the control station as sig. start or
sig. end can then be triggered via setting parameters.3-13 Checking spontaneous signals
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-17 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.3 Communication Interface 2 (Function Group COMM2)
Communication interface 2 supports the IEC 60870-5-103 interface
protocol.In order for data transfer to function properly, several
settings must be made in the P437.3-18 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
COMM2: Positiveackn. fault [ 103 203 ]
COMM2: Line idlestate[ 103 165 ]
COMM2: Parity bit[ 103 171 ]
COMM2: Dead timemonitoring[ 103 176 ]COMM2: Mon. timepolling[
103 202 ]COMM2: Name ofmanufacturer[ 103 161 ]COMM2: Octetaddress ASDU[
103 073 ]COMM2: Spontan.sig. enable[ 103 177 ]COMM2:
Select.spontan.sig.[ 103 179 ]COMM2: Baud rate[ 103 071 ]
COMM2: Octet comm.address[ 103 072 ]
COMM2: Cycl. dataILS tel.[ 103 175 ]COMM2: Delta V
[ 103 050 ]COMM2: Delta I
[ 103 051 ]COMM2: Delta P
[ 103 054 ]COMM2: Delta f
[ 103 052 ]COMM2: Deltameas.v.ILS tel[ 103 150 ]COMM2: Delta
t[ 103 053 ]
COMM2: Transm.enab.cycl.dat[ 103 074 ]
CommunicationinterfaceMAIN: Test mode[ 037 071 ]
COMM2: Sig./meas.block.USER[ 103 076 ]
COMM2: Generalenable USER[ 103 170 ]
COMM2:Commandblock. USER[ 103 172 ]
MAIN: Prot. ext.disabled[ 038 046 ]
0: No1: Yes
0: No1: Yes
0: No1: Yes
3-14 Settings for communication interface 2
P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-19 -
3 Operation (continued)
Checking spontaneous signals
It is possible to select a signal for test purposes. The
transmission of this signal to the control station as sig. start or
sig. end can then be triggered via setting parameters.3-15 Checking spontaneous signals
3-20 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.4 Communication Interface 3 (Function Group COMM3)
Application Communication interface 3 is designed to establish a
digital communication link between two MiCOM devices over which up
to 8 binary protection signals may be transmitted. Whereas
communication interfaces 1 and 2 are designed as information
interfaces to connect to data acquisition subsystems and for remote
access, communication interface 3 is designed as a protection
signaling interface that will transmit real time signals
(InterMiCOM protection signaling interface). Its main application
is to transmit signals from protective signaling (function group
PSIG). In addition, any other internal or external binary signals
may also be transmitted.Physical medium COMM3 is provided as an asynchronous,
full-duplex communication interface. To transmit data the following
physical media are available:Direct link without use of external supplementary equipment:
Glass fiber (e.g. via 2 x G62.5/125 up to max. 1.4 km) Twisted
pair (RS 422 up to max. 1.2 km)Use of external transmission equipment:
FO module (e.g. OZD 485 BFOC-1300 / Hirschmann up to max.
8/14/20 km) Universal modem (e.g. PZ 511 via twisted pair 2x2x0.5
mm up to max. 10 km) Voice frequency modem (e.g. TD-32 DC /
Westermo up to max. 20 km)Digital network:
Asynchronous data interface of primary multiplexing
equipmentActivating and Enabling In order to use InterMiCOM, the
communication interface COMM3 has to be configured using the
parameter COMM3: Funct ion group COMM3. This setting parameter is
only visible if the relevant optional communication module is
fitted. After activation of COMM3, all addresses associated to this
function group (setting parameters, binary state signals etc.)
become visible. The function can then be enabled or disabled by
setting COMM3: General enable USER.Telegram configuration The communication baud rate is settable
(COMM3: Baud rate) to adapt to the transmission channel
requirements. Sending and receiving addresses (COMM3: Source
address and COMM3: Receiving address can be set to different
values, thus avoiding that the device communicates with itself.The InterMiCOM protection signaling interface provides
independent transmission of eight binary signals in each direction.
For the send signals (COMM3: Fct. assignm. send x, with x = 1 to
any signal from the selection table of the binary outputs (OUTP)
can be chosen. For the receive signals (COMM3: Fct. assignm. rec.
x, with x = 1 toany signal from the selection table of the
binary inputs (INP) can be chosen.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-21 -
3 Operation (continued)
For each receive signal, an individual operating mode can be set
(COMM3: Oper. mode receive x, with x = 1 to 8), thus defining the
required checks for accepting the received binary signal. In
addition a specifically selected telegram structure subdivides the
8 binary signals into two groups. The signal encoding along with
the set operating mode for the telegram check defines the actual
balance of «Speed», «Security» and «Dependability» for each
signal:Binary signals 1 to 4: Operating mode settable to ‘Blocking’ or
‘Direct intertrip’Binary signals 5 to 8: Operating mode settable to ‘Permissive’
or ‘Direct intertrip’EN 60834-1 classifies 3 categories of command-based
teleprotection schemes according to their specific requirements
(see figure 3-16). By selection of a binary signal and by setting
its operating mode appropriately, these requirements can be
fulfilled as follows:Direct transfer trip or intertripping: Preference: Security
Implication: No spurious pickup in the presence of channel noise.
Recommended setting: Select binary signal from groups 1 to 4 or 5
to 8 and set operating mode ‘Direct intertrip’Permissive teleprotection scheme: Preference: Dependability.
Implication: Maximizes probability of signal transmission in the
presence of channel noise. Recommended setting: Select binary
signal from group 5 to 8 and set operating mode ‘Permissive’Blocking teleprotection scheme: Preference: Speed. Implication:
Fast peer-to-peer signal transfer. Recommended setting: Select
binary signal from group 1 to 4 and set operating mode
‘Blocking’3-22 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
high high
3-16 Comparison of speed, security and dependability offered by
the three operating modes.Communication monitoring COMM3: Time-out comm.faul t is used for
monitoring the transmission channel (this timer is re-triggered
with each complete and correct received telegram). The wide setting
range allows adaptation to the actual channel transmission times
and above all this is needed for time-critical schemes such as the
blocking scheme. After the timer has elapsed, signals COMM3:
Communicat ions faul t and SFMON: Communic. faul t COMM3 are issued
and the received signals are automatically set to their
user-defined default values (COMM3: Defaul t value rec. x, with x =
1 to 8). As the main application for this protective signaling the
fault signal may be mapped to the corresponding input signal in
function group PSIG with the COMM3: Sig.asg. comm.faul t
setting.COMM3: Time-out l ink fa i l . is used to determine a persistent
failure of the data transmission channel. After the timer has
elapsed, signals COMM3: Comm. l ink fa i lure and SFMON: Comm.l ink
fa i l .COMM3 are issued.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-23 -
3 Operation (continued)
Character frame &Source address check
Telegram receive check
Telegram CRC check
Blockingsignals accepted
Permissive signalsaccepted
Direct Trip signalsaccepted
(Re-)Trigger of themonitoring timer
COMM3:Comm. link failure[120 044]
COMM3:Communicationsfault[120 043]
COMM3: Time-outcomm.fault[120 033]
COMM3: Time-outlink fail.[120 035]
3-17 Message processing and communication monitoring
3-24 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Supervision of communication link quality
After a syntax check of each received message, InterMiCOM
updates the ratio of incorrectly received messages, based on a
total of the last 1000 received messages. The result is provided as
an updating measurand COMM3: No. te l . errors p.u. and the overall
maximum ratio can be read from COMM3: No.t .err . ,max,stored. If
the set threshold COMM3: Limit te legr . errors is exceeded the
corresponding signals COMM3: Lim.exceed., te l .err . and SFMON:
Lim.exceed., te l .err . will be issued. All corrupted telegrams
are counted (COMM3: No. te legram errors) . This counter as well as
the stored maximum ratio of corrupted messages can be reset via
COMM3: Rset.No.t lg.err .USER (or via binary COMM3: Reset.No.t
lg.err .EXT signal , see section Resetting Actions) .Commissioning tools The actual values of send and receive
signals can be read from the device as physical state signals
(COMM3: State send x and COMM3: State receive x, with x = 1 to 8).
In addition, InterMiCOM provides 2 test facilities for
commissioning of the protection interface.For a loop-back test, the send output is directly linked back to
the receive input. After setting the bit pattern wanted (as an
equivalent decimal number at COMM3: Loop back send) the test can be
triggered via COMM3: Loop back test . This bit pattern is sent for
the duration of the hold time set at COMM3: Hold t ime for test .
For this test only, the source address is set to ‘0’; this value is
not used for regular end-to-end communication. The test result can
be checked as long as the hold-time is running by reading the
measured operating data COMM3: Loop back resul t and COMM3: Loop
back receive. As soon as the hold-time has expired, the loopback
test is terminated and InterMiCOM reverts to the normal sending
mode (e.g. sending the actual values of the configured send
signals, using the set source address).Thus, in case of problems with the InterMiCOM protection
signaling interface, the loopback test can be used to verify or to
exclude a defective device. The transmission channel including the
receiving device can be checked manually by setting individual
binary signals (COMM3: Send signal for test) to user-defined test
values (COMM3: Log. state for test). After triggering the test by
COMM3: Send signal , test , the preset binary signal is sent with
the preset value for the set hold time COMM3: Hold t ime for test .
The 7 remaining binary signals are not affected by this test
procedure and remain to be sent with their actual values. During
the hold time, a received signal can be checked at the receiving
device, e.g. by reading the physical state signal. After the hold
time has expired, the test mode is reset automatically and the
actual values of all 8 signals are transmitted again.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-25 -
3 Operation (continued)
3.4.5 Communication interface IEC 61850 (Function groups IEC,
GOOSE and GSSE)The IEC 61850 communication protocol is implemented by these
function groups and the Ethernet module.Note:
Function group IEC is only available as an alternative to
function group COMM1 (hardware ordering option!). Communication Interface IEC 61850 (Function Group
IEC)IEC 61850 The IEC 61850 was created jointly by users and
manufacturers as an international standard. The main target of the
IEC 61850 is interoperability of devices. This includes the
capability of two or more intelligent electronic devices (IED),
manufactured by the same company or different companies, to
exchange data for combined operation.Now this new communication standard IEC 61850 has created an
open and common basis for communication from the process control
level down to the network control level, for the exchange of
signals, data, measured values and commands.For a standardized description of all information and services
available in a field device a data model, which lists all visible
functions, is created. Such a data model, specifically created for
each device, is used as a basis for an exchange of data between the
devices and all process control installations interested in such
information. In order to facilitate engineering at the process
control level a standardized description file of the device, based
on XML, is created with the help of the data model. This file can
be imported and processed further by the relevant configuration
program used by the process control device. This makes possible an
automated creation of process variables, substations and signal
images.The following documentation with the description of the IEC
61850 data model, used with the P437, is available:IDC file based on XML in the SCL (Substation Configuration
Description Language) with a description of data, properties and
services, available from the device, that are to be imported into
the system configurator.PICS_MICS_ADL file with the following contents: PICS (Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement) with an overview ofavailable services.
MICS (Model Implementation Conformance Statement) with an
overview of available object types.ADL (Address Assignment List) with an overview of the assignment
of parameter addresses (signals, measuring values, commands, etc.)
used by the device with the device data model as per IEC 61850.3-26 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
Ethernet Module The optional Ethernet module provides an RJ45
connection and a fiber optic interface where an Ethernet network
can be connected. The selection which of the two interfaces is to
be used to connect to the Ethernet network is made by setting the
parameter IEC: Ethernet media. There are two ordering variants
available for the fiber optic interface: the ST connector for 10
Mbit/s and 850 nm and the SC connector for 100 Mbit/s and 1300 nm.
The RJ45 connector supports 10 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s.The optional Ethernet module additionally provides an RS485
interface for remote access with the operating program MiCOM S1
(function group COMM2).Notes: The P437 may only be equipped with the optional Ethernet
module as an alternative to the optional standard communication
module. Therefore the Ethernet based communication protocol IEC
61850 is only available as an alternative to function group
COMM1.Activating and Enabling The function group IEC can be activated
by setting the parameter IEC: Funct ion group IEC. This parameter
is only visible if the optional Ethernet communication module is
fitted to the device. After activation of IEC, all data points
associated with this function group (setting parameters, binary
state signals etc.) become visible. The function can then be
enabled or disabled by setting IEC: General enable USER.The parameter settings for function groups IEC, GOOSE and GSSE
in the device are not automatically activated. An activation occurs
either when the command IEC: Enable conf igurat ion is executed or
automatically when the device is switched online with MAIN: Device
on- l ine.Client Log-on Communication in Ethernet no longer occurs in a
restrictive master slave system, as is common with other protocols.
Instead server or client functionalities, as defined in the
‘Abstract Communication Service Interface’ (ACSI, IEC 61870-7-2),
are assigned to the devices. A ‘server’ is always that device which
provides information to other devices. A client may log-on to this
server so as to receive information, for instance ‘reports’. In a
network a server can supply any number of clients with spontaneous
or cyclic information.In its function as server the P437 can supply up to 16 clients
with information.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-27 -
3 Operation (continued)
Clock Synchronization With IEC 61850 clock synchronization
occurs via the SNTP protocol, defined as standard for Ethernet.
Here the P437 functions as an SNTP client.For clock synchronization one can select between the operating
modes Broadcast from SNTP Server or Request from Server. In the
first operating mode synchronization occurs when a broadcast
message is sent from the SNTP server to all devices in the network.
In the second operating mode the P437 requests the device specific
time signal during a settable cycle.Two SNTP servers may be set. In this case, clock synchronization
is preferably performed by the first server. The second server is
used only when messages are no longer received from the first
server.When looking at the source priority for clock synchronization,
which is set at the MAIN function then, by selecting «COMM1/IEC»,
synchronization per IEC 61850 is automatically active but only if
this communication protocol is applied.Fault Transmission Transmission of fault files is supported per
«File Transfer».Transmission of «Goose Messages»
The so-called «Goose Message» is a particular form of data
transmission. Whereas normal server-client-services are transmitted
at the MMS and TCP/IP level, the «Goose Message» is transmitted
directly at the Ethernet level with a high transmission priority.
Furthermore these «Goose Messages» can be received by all
participants in the respective sub-network, independent of their
server or client function. In IEC 61850 «Goose Messages» are
applied for the accelerated transmission of information between two
or more devices. Application fields are, for example, a reverse
interlocking, a transfer trip or a decentralized substation
interlock. In future the «Goose Message» will therefore replace a
wired or serial protective interface.According to IEC 61850 there are two types of «Goose Messages»,
the GSSE and the IEC-GOOSE. The GSSE is used to transmit binary
information with a simple configuration by ‘bit pairs’, and it is
compatible with UCA2. However the IEC-GOOSE enables transmission of
all data formats available in the data model, such as binary
information, integer values or even analog measured values. But
this will require more extensive configuration with the help of the
data model from the field unit situated on the opposite side. With
the IEC-GOOSE the P437 at this time supports sending and receiving
of binary information or two-pole external device states.Communication with the Operating Program MiCOM S1 via the
Ethernet InterfaceDirect access by the operating program MiCOM S1 via the Ethernet
interface on the device may occur according to the «tunneling
principle». Transmission is carried out by an Ethernet Standard
Protocol, but this is only supported by the associated operating
program MiCOM S1 (specific manufacturer solution). Such
transmission is accomplished over the same hardware for the
network, which is used for server-client communication and «Goose
Messages». Available are all the familiar functions offered by the
operating program MiCOM S1 such as reading/writing of setting
parameters or retrieving stored data.The various settings, measured values and signals for function
group IEC are described in chapters 7 and 8.3-28 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued) Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (Function Group
GOOSE)For high-speed information exchange between individual IEDs
(intelligent electronic devices) in a local network, the P437
provides function group GOOSE as defined in the IEC 61850 standard.
GOOSE features high-speed and secure transmission for trip
commands, blocking, enabling, contact position signals and other
signals.«Goose Messages» are only transmitted by switches but not by
routers. «Goose Messages» therefore remain in the local network to
which the device is logged-on.Activating and Enabling The function group GOOSE can be
activated by setting the parameter GOOSE: Funct ion group GOOSE.
This parameter is only visible if the optional Ethernet
communication module is fitted to the device. After activation of
GOOSE, all data points associated to this function group (setting
parameters, binary state signals etc.) become visible. The function
can then be enabled or disabled by setting GOOSE: General enable
USER.The parameter settings for function groups IEC, GOOSE and GSSE
in the device are not automatically activated. An activation occurs
either when the command IEC: Enable conf igurat ion is executed or
automatically when the device is switched online with MAIN: Device
on- l ine. In addition the function group IEC must be configured
and enabled.Sending GOOSE With GOOSE up to 32 logic binary state signals can
be sent from the P437. Selection of binary state signals is made by
setting GOOSE: Output n fc t .assig. (n = 1 to 32). The assignment
of data object indexes to logic state signals is made in the range
from 1 to 32 according to the assignment to GOOSE outputs.GOOSE is automatically sent with each new state change of a
configured binary state signal or an external device. There are
numerous send repetitions in fixed ascending time periods (10 ms,
20 ms, 50 ms, 100 ms, 500 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms). If after 2 seconds
there is no further state change apparent, GOOSE is then sent
cyclically at 2-second intervals.P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN /// P437-308-408/409-613
3-29 -
3 Operation (continued)
In order to have unambiguous identification of GOOSE sent,
characteristics such as the Goose ID number, MAC address,
application ID and VLAN identifier must be entered through
parameter settings. Further characteristics are the ‘Dataset
Configuration Revision’ with the fixed value «100» as well as the
‘Dataset Reference’, which is made up of the IED name (setting in
function group IEC) and the fixed string «System/LLNO$GooseST».GOOSE-DataSet: LLN0$GooseST
Goose ID: «Local IED»
Server nameSYSTEM/GosGGI01/Out1/stVal
Multicast MAC address: 01-0C-CD-01-00-00
VLAN Identifier: 0
GOOSE: Output 1 fct.assig.
GOOSE: Output 2 fct.assig.
GOOSE: Output 32 fct.assig.
Server nameSYSTEM/GosGGI01/Out2/stVal
Server nameSYSTEM/GosGGI01/Out32/stVal
Data range:
Application ID: 12288
DataSet Cfg. Revision: 100
DataSet Ref. : «Local IEDSystem/LLNO»
VLAN Priority: 4
3-18 Basic structure of sent GOOSE
3-30 P437/EN M/Ad8 // AFSV.12.10330 EN ///
P437-308-408/409-613 -
3 Operation (continued)
With GOOSE up to 16 logic binary state signals can be received.
Configuration of the logic state signals received (GOOSE: Input n
fct .assig. (n = 1 to 16)) is made on the basis of the selection
table of the binary inputs (opto coupler inputs).For each state signal to be received from an external device the
«Goose Message» must be selected that includes the information
wanted by setting the Goose ID, the Application ID and the ‘Dataset
Reference’. With the further setting of the data object index and
the data attribute index through parameters, the selection of the
information wanted from the chosen GOOSE will occur. The device
will not evaluate the identification features VLAN identifier and
Dataset Configuration Revision that are also included in the GOOSE
received.Each GOOSE includes time information on the duration of validity
of its information. This corresponds to the double time period to
the next GOOSE repetition. If the duration of validity has elapsed
without having received this GOOSE again (i.e. because of a
communications fault), the received signals will automatically be
set to their respective default values GOOSE: Input n defaul t (n =
1 to 16).The various settings, measured values and signals for function
group GOOSE are described in chapters 7 and Generic Substation State Event (Function Group GSSE)
For high-speed exchange of information between individual IEDs
(intelligent electronic devices) in a local network, the P437
provides, as an additional functionality, the function group GSSE
(UCA2.0-GOOSE) as defined in the IEC 61850 standard. GSSE features
high-speed and secure transmission of logic binary state signals
such as trip commands, blocking, enabling and other signals.Activating and Enabling The Function Group GSSE can be activated
by setting the parameter GSSE: Funct ion group GSSE. This parameter
is only visible if the optional Ethernet communication module is
fitted to the device. After activation of GSSE, all data points
associated to this function group (setting parameters, binary state
signals etc.) become visible. The function can then be enabled or
disabled by setting GSSE: General enable USER.The parameter settings for function groups IEC, GOOSE and GSSE
in the device are not automatically activated. An activation occurs
either when the co