Обращаем ваше внимание на то, что вся информация, касающаяся стоимости товара, рекламных и специальных предложений, носит информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениеми Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекс Российской Федерации
С уважением, команда «Телефонизатора»
Благодарим за покупку усовершенствованной гибридной системы фирмы Panasonic.
Внимательно прочтите это Руководство перед использованием изделия и сохраните его
для будущего использования.
Установку и программирование системы должен выполнять Авторизованный Установщик.
KX TEB308: Версия 2.0
Руководство по функциям
Усовершенствованная гибридная система
Модель №
Перевод звонка телефонов
Установка АТС Panasonic KX-TDE 200
АТС Panasonic KX-TEB308Ru
Программирование портов внутренних линий мини АТС Панасоник
Аналоговые АТС Panasonic KX-TEB308
Как подключиться к мини-АТС Panasonic KX-HTS824RU для программирования и настройки. Первое включение
Мини АТС Panasonic KX-TEB308Ru
Благодарим за покупку усовершенствованной гибридной системы…
Kx-teb308, Руководство по функциям, Усовершенствованная гибридная система
- Изображение
- Текст
- Содержание
Благодарим за покупку усовершенствованной гибридной системы фирмы Panasonic.
Внимательно прочтите это Руководство перед использованием изделия и сохраните его
для будущего использования.
Установку и программирование системы должен выполнять Авторизованный Установщик.
KX TEB308: Версия 2.0
Руководство по функциям
Усовершенствованная гибридная система
Модель №
Руководство по функциям
О настоящем Руководстве по функциям
Настоящее Руководство по функциям является полным техническим справочником по функциям
усовершенствованной гибридной системы Panasonic.
В этом Руководстве описываются многочисленные функциональные возможности УАТС и
объясняются способы наиболее эффективного использования этих возможностей.
Руководство по функциям состоит из следующих разделов:
Раздел 1, Функции обслуживания вызовов
В этом разделе описываются функции УАТС, связанные с выполнением и приемом вызовов, а также
с использованием телефонных аппаратов.
Раздел 2, Конфигурирование и администрирование системы
В этом разделе описываются функции, предназначенные для конфигурирования и
администрирования УАТС, что позволяет удовлетворить требования различных пользователей.
Раздел 3, Инструкции по программированию
В этом разделе содержится общая справочная информация по системному программированию
Раздел 4, Приложение
В этом разделе представлены таблицы с данными о системных ресурсах УАТС, а также информация
о различных тональных и вызывных сигналах.
Ссылки, содержащиеся в настоящем Руководстве по функциям
Ссылки на Руководство по установке
В Руководстве по установке содержатся инструкции по установке и техническому обслуживанию
УАТС. В Руководстве по функциям также приводятся ссылки на соответствующие разделы
Руководства по установке.
Ссылки на Руководство по функциям
Приводятся ссылки на соответствующие разделы Руководства по функциям.
Ссылки на Руководство пользователя
В Руководстве пользователя описываются способы доступа пользователей к наиболее часто
используемым функциям УАТС посредством системных телефонов (СТ), аналоговых телефонных
аппаратов (ТА) и консолей прямого доступа (DSS). В Руководстве по функциям также приводятся
ссылки на соответствующие разделы Руководства пользователя.
Ссылки на инструкции по программированию на системном телефоне
При помощи СТ с дисплеем можно запрограммировать наиболее часто используемые функции (
2.3.2 Программирование на системном телефоне). В Руководстве по функциям также приводятся
ссылки по заголовкам и номерам программ на соответствующие функции, программируемые на
системном телефоне. Ниже приведен пример ссылки на инструкции по программированию на
системном телефоне:
Ссылки на другие страницы и руководства, Примечания, Товарные знаки
Страница 3
- Изображение
- Текст
Руководство по функциям
«Поиск свободных внутренних абонентов производится автоматически, в соответствии с
предварительно запрограммированным типом поиска» (
Тип поиска (Hunting Type) [101]).
Ссылки на другие страницы и Руководства
При просмотре этого Руководства по функциям на ПК можно осуществлять переход по ссылкам на
различные разделы Руководства по функциям и других Руководств по УАТС. Для перехода к
определенному разделу следует нажать на ссылку.
Виды ссылок включают:
ссылки на Руководство по установке;
ссылки на Руководство по функциям;
ссылки на Руководство пользователя;
ссылки на инструкции по программированию на системном телефоне.
Некоторые системные телефоны, функции и системные платы недоступны в отдельных
регионах. Для получения дополнительной информации обратитесь к сертифицированному
дилеру Panasonic.
С помощью ПК с установленным программным обеспечением KX-TEB308 Maintenance Console
от Panasonic можно выполнить установку всех параметров системного программирования (
2.3.1 Программирование на компьютере). Дополнительную информацию по программированию
см. в online-справке, устанавливаемой вместе с программным обеспечением KX-TEB308
Maintenance Console (
3.2.1 Установка и запуск KX-TEB308 Maintenance Console).
Товарные знаки
Microsoft и Windows являются либо зарегистрированными товарными знаками, либо товарными
знаками Microsoft Corporation в США и/или других странах.
Intel и Celeron являются товарными знаками или зарегистрированными товарными знаками Intel
Corporation или ее филиалов в США и других странах.
Все другие товарные знаки, используемые в данном документе, являются собственностью их
Руководство по функциям
Список сокращений
Автоматизированный оператор-телефонист
Автоматический выбор маршрута
Фоновая музыка
Оповещение о поступившем вызове при разговоре
Категория обслуживания
Сигнал окончания соединения
Прямой входящий вызов
Прямой доступ к ресурсам системы
Режим «Не беспокоить»
Обнаружение отличительного вызывного сигнала
Консоль прямого доступа
Двухтональный многочастотный набор
Доступ к услугам телефонной сети
Постоянная переадресация вызовов
Группа внешних линий
Автоматическая переадресация вызова при отсутствии
Фильтрация вызовов при их поступлении
Светодиодный индикатор
Прочая CO
Речевое приветствие системы
Назначаемая функция
Коммутируемая телефонная сеть общего пользования
Одиночная линия
Протокол работы УАТС
Услуга передачи коротких сообщений
Телефонный автоответчик
Ограничение доступа
Равномерное распределение вызовов
Речевая почта
Система речевой почты
Аналоговый системный телефон
Системный телефон
Аналоговый телефонный аппарат
Руководство по функциям
Основные функции
Поддержка терминала передачи SMS в линиях проводной связи (требуется вспомогательная
плата Caller ID)
УАТС может ретранслировать входящие вызовы из центра передачи коротких сообщений (SMS) на
определенные аналоговые телефонные аппараты (ТА), поддерживающие SMS. SMS в линиях
проводной связи – это услуга, позволяющая посылать и принимать текстовые сообщения через
коммутируемую телефонную сеть общего пользования (PSTN). Рекомендуется использовать SMS-
совместимые ТА Panasonic (
1.17.3 Поддержка терминала передачи SMS в линиях проводной
Вывод идентификатора вызывающего абонента на ТА (требуется вспомогательная плата
Caller ID)
При поступлении вызовов по внешним (CO) линиям УАТС может получать идентификационную
информацию о вызывающем абоненте (телефонные номера и имена вызывающих абонентов). Эта
информация может отображаться на дисплеях ТА, поддерживающих идентификацию вызывающего
абонента, а также на дисплеях системных телефонов (СТ) при получении вызовов (
1.16.1 Caller
ID/Идентификация вызывающего абонента).
Услуга «Автоматизированный оператор-телефонист» (AA) с тремя уровнями
Услуга «Автоматизированный оператор-телефонист с тремя уровнями» позволяет вызывающему
абоненту набирать номер, состоящий из одной цифры (номер AA для прямого доступа к ресурсам
системы [DISA]), следуя указаниям системы в речевых приветствиях системы (OGM) DISA на трех
уровнях, и вызывать требуемого абонента автоматически (
1.15.6 Direct Inward System Access
(DISA)/Прямой доступ к ресурсам системы).
Расчет затрат на переговоры
УАТС может автоматически рассчитывать приблизительную стоимость вызовов и ограничивать
пользование телефонной связью в соответствии с предварительно запрограммированным
бюджетом каждого внутреннего абонента. Эта функция позволяет пользователям рассчитать
стоимость вызова на основе времени, первых цифр телефонного номера и/или внешней (CO) линии,
по которой выполняется вызов (
1.20.2 Расчет затрат на переговоры).
Программирование на компьютере
Изменять настройки системного программирования можно с помощью ПК и программного
обеспечения KX-TEB308 Maintenance Console от Panasonic, а также с помощью СТ (
Программирование на компьютере).
Программное обеспечение УАТС может быть модифицировано через порт последовательного
интерфейса (RS-232C) или порт USB с помощью программного обеспечения KX-TEB308
Maintenance Console (
2.3.7 Обновление микропрограммного обеспечения).
Автоматическое конфигурирование типа внешней (СО) линии
Автоматическое конфигурирование режима набора подключенной внешней (CO) линии выполняется
во время первого доступа к УАТС с ПК с использованием программного обеспечения KX-TEB308
Maintenance Console или после сброса данных УАТС (
2.3.5 Автоматическое конфигурирование
типа внешней (СО) линии).
Усовершенствованная гибридная система
Эта УАТС поддерживает подключение СТ
, консолей прямого доступа (DSS) и аналоговых
устройств, таких как ТА, факсимильные аппараты, беспроводные телефоны и терминалы данных.
В данном руководстве под «системным телефоном» («СТ») подразумевается аналоговый системный телефон (АСТ).
Руководство по функциям
1 Функции обслуживания вызовов ……………………………………………. 15
Функции обслуживания входящих вызовов…………………………………………………..16
Функции обслуживания входящих вызовов по внешним (CO) линиям ………………….16
Direct In Line (DIL)/Прямой входящий вызов (DIL)…………………………………………………………………………… 16
Intercept Routing/Автоматическая переадресация вызова ………………………………………………………………. 18
Функции обслуживания внутренних вызовов ………………………………………………………19
Функции индикации входящих вызовов………………………………………………………………20
Функции индикации входящих вызовов – ОБЗОР…………………………………………………………………………… 20
Outside (CO) Line Ringing Selection/Тип звонка для вызовов по внешней (CO) линии……………………….. 22
Ring Tone Pattern Selection/Выбор шаблона вызывного тонального сигнала ……………………………………. 23
Обнаружение отличительного вызывного сигнала (DRD) для Новой Зеландии ……………………………….. 24
Call Waiting/Оповещение об ожидающем вызове …………………………………………………………………………… 26
Функции принимающей группы………………………………………………………………………28
Idle Extension Hunting/Поиск свободного внутреннего абонента …………………………..28
Uniform Call Distribution (UCD)/Равномерное распределение вызовов ………………….30
Direct Inward System Access (DISA) Ring/Вызов «Прямой доступ к ресурсам системы»
(DISA) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………33
Log-in/Log-out / Регистрация/отключение ……………………………………………………………34
Функции «Постоянная переадресация вызовов (FWD)/режим «Не беспокоить»
(DND)» ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) / Постоянная переадресация вызовов
(FWD)/режим «Не беспокоить» (DND) …………………………………………………………………35
Постоянная переадресация вызовов (FWD)/режим «Не беспокоить» (DND) – ОБЗОР………………………. 35
Call Forwarding (FWD)/Постоянная переадресация вызовов …………………………………………………………… 37
Do Not Disturb (DND)/Режим «Не беспокоить»…………………………………………………………………………………. 41
Функции ответа……………………………………………………………………………………………….42
Функции ответа …………………………………………………………………………………………………42
Функции ответа – ОБЗОР ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42
Line Preference—Incoming/Выбор линии – входящие вызовы………………………………………………………….. 43
Call Pickup/Перехват вызова…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44
Hands-free Answerback/Ответ по громкой связи……………………………………………………………………………… 45
Функции выполнения вызовов ………………………………………………………………………46
Функции внутренних вызовов …………………………………………………………………………….46
Intercom Call/Внутренний вызов ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 46
Функции обслуживания вызовов по внешним (СО) линиям………………………………….48
Функции обслуживания вызовов по внешним (СО) линиям – ОБЗОР………………………………………………. 48
Emergency Call/Вызов оперативных служб…………………………………………………………………………………….. 49
Account Code Entry/Ввод номера счета………………………………………………………………………………………….. 50
Dial Type Selection/Выбор типа набора номера………………………………………………………………………………. 52
Reverse Circuit/Схема обнаружения сигнала переполюсовки………………………………………………………….. 54
CO Busy Out/Вывод из обслуживания внешней (СО) линии ……………………………………………………………. 55
Pause Insertion/Вставка паузы ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 56
Код доступа к центральной УАТС (код доступа к телефонной компании от центральной УАТС) ………………. 57
Функции занятия линии……………………………………………………………………………………..59
Функции занятия линии – ОБЗОР………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 59
Line Preference—Outgoing/Выбор линии – исходящие вызовы………………………………………………………… 60
Outside (CO) Line Access/Доступ к внешней (СО) линии …………………………………………………………………. 61
Функции набора номера из памяти…………………………………………………………………63
Функции набора номера из памяти…………………………………………………………………….63
Функции набора номера из памяти – ОБЗОР…………………………………………………………………………………. 63
One-touch Dialling/Набор номера одним нажатием …………………………………………………………………………. 66
KX-T7710 One-touch Dialling/Набор номера одним нажатием для модели KX-T7710………………………… 67
Руководство по функциям
Redial/Повторный набор номера ……………………………………………………………………………………………………69
Speed Dialling—Personal/System / Набор номера из справочника абонента/системы ………………………..70
Quick Dialling/Быстрый набор номера …………………………………………………………………………………………….71
Hot Line/Горячая линия ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….72
Функции обработки вызовов при занятости линии/абонента ………………………. 73
Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-on)/Постановка в очередь на занятую линию
(Ожидание)……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 73
Executive Busy Override/Принудительное подключение к занятой линии …………….. 74
Call Waiting Tone/Тональный сигнал оповещения об ожидающем вызове……………. 75
Функции ограничения доступа (TRS) …………………………………………………………….. 76
Toll Restriction (TRS)/Ограничение доступа ……………………………………………………….. 76
Toll Restriction (TRS) Override by Account Code/Преодоление ограничения доступа
вводом номера счета……………………………………………………………………………………….. 81
Управление бюджетом абонента………………………………………………………………………. 83
Extension Lock/Блокирование внутренней линии……………………………………………….. 84
Walking COS/Мобильная категория обслуживания…………………………………………….. 86
Функции автоматического выбора маршрута (ARS) ……………………………………… 87
Automatic Route Selection (ARS)/Автоматический выбор маршрута…………………….. 87
Функции обслуживания вызовов при разговоре ………………………………………….. 94
1.10.1 Hands-free Operation/Режим громкой связи ……………………………………………………….. 94
1.10.2 Room Monitor/Контроль состояния помещения………………………………………………….. 95
1.10.3 Microphone Mute/Выключение микрофона…………………………………………………………. 96
1.10.4 Headset Operation/Гарнитура ……………………………………………………………………………. 97
1.10.5 Data Line Security/Режим защиты линии передачи данных…………………………………. 98
1.10.6 Flash/Recall / Сигнал «флэш»/повторный вызов …………………………………………………. 99
1.10.7 External Feature Access (EFA)/Доступ к услугам телефонной сети…………………….. 100
1.10.8 Outside (CO) Line Call Limitation/Ограничение вызовов по внешней (CO) линии … 101
1.10.9 Parallelled Telephone/Параллельный телефон …………………………………………………. 103
1.10.10 Calling Party Control (CPC) Signal Detection/Отслеживание сигнала окончания
соединения (CPC)………………………………………………………………………………………….. 104
Функции переадресации вызова …………………………………………………………………. 105
Call Transfer/Переадресация вызова……………………………………………………………….. 105
Функции удержания вызовов………………………………………………………………………. 107
1.12.1 Call Hold/Удержание вызова …………………………………………………………………………… 107
1.12.2 Call Park/Парковка вызова ……………………………………………………………………………… 109
1.12.3 Call Splitting/Удержание вызовов «по кругу» ……………………………………………………….110
1.12.4 Music on Hold/Фоновая музыка при удержании (MOH) ………………………………………. 111
1.12.5 Consultation Hold/Удержание вызова для переадресации…………………………………..112
Функции конференц-связи…………………………………………………………………………….113
1.13.1 Функции конференц-связи ……………………………………………………………………………….113
Функции конференц-связи – ОБЗОР ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 113
Conference/Конференц-связь………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 114
Функции оповещения…………………………………………………………………………………….116
1.14.1 Paging/Оповещение по громкой связи ………………………………………………………………116
Функции дополнительных устройств……………………………………………………………118
1.15.1 Doorphone Call/Вызов от домофона ………………………………………………………………….118
1.15.2 Door Open/Открывание двери ………………………………………………………………………….119
1.15.3 Doorbell/Door Chime / Дверной звонок……………………………………………………………… 120
1.15.4 Background Music (BGM)/Фоновая музыка……………………………………………………….. 122
1.15.5 Outgoing Message (OGM) for DISA/UCD / Речевое приветствие системы (OGM) для
DISA/UCD ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 123
2 конфигурирование и администрирование системы 189, 3 инструкции по программированию 219, 2 конфигурирование и администрирование системы
3 инструкции по программированию
- Изображение
- Текст
Руководство по функциям
1.15.6 Direct Inward System Access (DISA)/Прямой доступ к ресурсам системы…………….124
Функции идентификации вызывающего абонента ………………………………………132
1.16.1 Caller ID/Идентификация вызывающего абонента …………………………………………….132
1.16.2 Incoming Call Log/Журнал входящих вызовов ……………………………………………………137
Функции обработки сообщений…………………………………………………………………….140
1.17.1 Message Waiting/Ожидающее сообщение …………………………………………………………140
1.17.2 Absent Message/Сообщение об отсутствии……………………………………………………….142
1.17.3 Поддержка терминала передачи SMS в линиях проводной связи………………………143
Функции системного телефона (СТ) ……………………………………………………………..147
1.18.1 Fixed Buttons/Кнопки с постоянной функцией ……………………………………………………147
1.18.2 Кнопки с назначаемой функцией………………………………………………………………………149
1.18.3 Светодиодная индикация ………………………………………………………………………………..152
1.18.4 Display Information/Отображение информации ………………………………………………….154
Функции речевой почты………………………………………………………………………………..157
1.19.1 Voice Mail APT Integration/Интеграция речевой почты по интерфейсу АСТ………….157
1.19.2 Voice Mail Inband (DTMF) Integration/Речевая почта – интеграция DTMF …………….163
Функции вывода административной информации ………………………………………167
1.20.1 Функция протокола работы УАТС……………………………………………………………………..167
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)/Протокол работы УАТС …………………………………………………. 167
Call Log Printout for Each Extension/Распечатка журнала вызовов для каждого внутреннего абонента .. 176
1.20.2 Расчет затрат на переговоры …………………………………………………………………………..178
Функции управления внутренними линиями………………………………………………..185
1.21.1 Extension Feature Clear/Сброс установок внутренней линии ………………………………185
1.21.2 Звонок в заданное время…………………………………………………………………………………186
Звуковые сигналы ………………………………………………………………………………………..187
1.22.1 Dial Tone/Тональный сигнал ответа станции ……………………………………………………..187
1.22.2 Тональный сигнал подтверждения……………………………………………………………………188
2 Конфигурирование и администрирование системы …………….. 189
Конфигурирование системы – аппаратные средства…………………………………..190
Конфигурирование разъемов внутренних линий……………………………………………….190
Конфигурирование системы – программное обеспечение…………………………..191
Class of Service (COS)/Категория обслуживания ……………………………………………….191
Группы ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………192
Временной режим …………………………………………………………………………………………..194
Функции оператора/менеджера………………………………………………………………………..197
Управление системными данными……………………………………………………………….201
Программирование на компьютере ………………………………………………………………….201
Программирование на системном телефоне…………………………………………………….204
Автоматическая настройка времени…………………………………………………………………206
Номера функций……………………………………………………………………………………………..207
Автоматическое конфигурирование типа внешней (СО) линии ………………………….213
Установки для страны ……………………………………………………………………………………..214
Обновление микропрограммного обеспечения …………………………………………………215
Устранение неисправностей/диагностика …………………………………………………….216
Переключение при исчезновении питания………………………………………………………..216
Перезапуск при исчезновении питания …………………………………………………………….217
3 Инструкции по программированию ………………………………………. 219
Руководство по функциям
Программирование на компьютере …………………………………………………………….. 222
Установка и запуск KX-TEB308 Maintenance Console ……………………………………….. 222
Программирование на системном телефоне ………………………………………………. 223
Инструкции по программированию …………………………………………………………………. 223
Процедуры программирования……………………………………………………………………….. 228
Дата и время (Date & Time) [000] ………………………………………………………………………………………………….228
Номер для набора из справочника системы (System Speed Dialling Number) [001] ………………………….228
Системный пароль (System Password) [002]………………………………………………………………………………….229
Назначение разъемов консоли прямого доступа (DSS Console Jack Assignment) [003] ……………………230
Телефон, работающий с консолью (Console Paired Telephone) [004] ………………………………………………230
Переадресация вызова нажатием одной кнопки с использованием кнопки прямого доступа к терминалу
(One-touch Transfer Using a DSS Button) [005] ……………………………………………………………………………….231
Режим переключения между временными режимами (Time Service Switching Mode) [006]……………….231
Время начала временного режима (Time Service Start Time) [007] ………………………………………………….231
Назначение оператора (Operator Assignment) [008] ……………………………………………………………………….232
Внутренний номер (Extension Number) [009]………………………………………………………………………………….232
Отображение времени на ЖКД (LCD Time Display) [010]………………………………………………………………..233
Имя для набора из справочника системы (System Speed Dialling Name) [011]…………………………………233
Второй план нумерации функций (Second Feature Numbering Plan) [012] ……………………………………….233
Набор номера одним нажатием для модели KX-T7710 (KX-T7710 One-touch Dialling) [013]……………..234
Установка группы поиска (Hunting Group Set) [100]………………………………………………………………………..234
Тип поиска (Hunting Type) [101]…………………………………………………………………………………………………….235
Порт интеграции DTMF (DTMF Integration Port) [102]……………………………………………………………………..235
Интеграция DTMF (DTMF Integration) [103] ……………………………………………………………………………………235
Режим удержания вызова на ТА (SLT Hold Mode) [104] ………………………………………………………………….236
Тональный сигнал конференц-связи (Conference Tone) [105] …………………………………………………………236
Тональный сигнал доступа внешнего устройства оповещения (External Pager Access Tone) [106] …………..236
Проверка DTMF-приемника (DTMF Receiver Check) [107]………………………………………………………………236
Режим сигнала «флэш»/повторного вызова для блокированной внутренней линии (Flash/Recall Mode for
a Locked Extension) [108] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..236
Индикатор внешней (CO) линии (CO Indicator) [109]………………………………………………………………………237
Режим кнопки «флэш»/повторного вызова (Flash/Recall Key Mode) [110]………………………………………….237
Фоновая музыка при удержании (MOH) (Music on Hold) [111]………………………………………………………….237
Режим индикатора DSS (DSS Lamp Mode) [112]…………………………………………………………………………….237
Число попыток автоматического повторного набора номера (Automatic Redial Repeat Count) [113] …………238
Интервал при автоматическом повторном наборе номера (Automatic Redial Interval) [114] ………………238
Шаблон вызывного тонального сигнала внутреннего абонента (Extension Ring Tone Pattern) [115] ………….238
Шаблон конференц-связи (Conference Pattern) [116] ……………………………………………………………………..238
Тональный сигнал перехвата вызова (Call Pickup Tone) [117] …………………………………………………………239
Запрет импульсного набора (Pulse Restriction) [118]………………………………………………………………………239
Повторный набор после преобразования импульсного набора номера в тональный (Redialling after Pulse
to Tone Conversion) [119] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………239
Частота звонка (Bell Frequency) [120] ……………………………………………………………………………………………239
Автоматический доступ к линии (Automatic Line Access) [121]………………………………………………………..240
Циклический поиск для доступа к внешней (CO) линии (Automatic Rotation for CO Line Access) [122]………240
Коэффициент прерывания импульсов (Break Ratio) [123]………………………………………………………………240
Проверка TRS на * и # (TRS Check for * and #) [125]………………………………………………………………………240
Режим DSS при поднятой трубке (DSS Off-hook Mode) [126] ………………………………………………………….240
Группа ответа на вызов (Pickup Group) [127] …………………………………………………………………………………241
Шаблон тонального сигнала контроля посылки вызова (Ringback Tone Pattern) [128]………………………241
Порт АСТ VM 1 (VM 1 APT Port) [130] ……………………………………………………………………………………………241
Отношение вызывных сигналов/пауз для ТА (SLT Ring/Silence Ratio) [142] …………………………………….242
Длительность подачи вызывного сигнала ТА (SLT Ring Bell-on Time) [143] ……………………………………..242
Номер центра SMS для приема (SMS Centre Number for Receiving) [145] ……………………………………….242
Таблица маршрутизации SMS – внешние (СО) линии (SMS Routing Table—CO) [146]……………………..243
Таблица маршрутизации SMS – внутренние линии (SMS Routing Table—Extension) [147] ……………….243
Тип сигнала для идентификации вызывающего абонента для ТА (SLT Caller ID Signalling Type) [150] …………….243
Идентификатор вызывающего абонента для кода доступа к линии для ТА (SLT Caller ID Line Access
Number) [151]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………244
Руководство по функциям Автоматическая настройка времени…
Страница 10
- Изображение
- Текст
Руководство по функциям
Автоматическая настройка времени (Automatic Time Adjustment) [152]………………………………………….. 244
Переполюсовка при входящих вызовах (Incoming Reverse) [153] ………………………………………………….. 244
Вывод из обслуживания внешней (СО) линии (CO Busy Out) [154]………………………………………………… 244
Время проверки при выводе из обслуживания внешней (CO) линии (CO Busy Out Check Time) [155]…………….. 244
Расчет затрат на переговоры – регистрация первых цифр (Call Charge Calculation—Registering Leading
Numbers) [161]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 245
Расчет затрат на переговоры – временная таблица 1/2/3/4 (Call Charge Calculation—Time Table 1/2/3/4)
[162/169/176/183]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 245
Таблица затрат на переговоры 1/2/3/4 – фиксированный тариф и продолжительность в пиковые часы
(Call Charge Table 1/2/3/4—Peak Flat Charge and Duration) [163/170/177/184] …………………………………. 246
Таблица затрат на переговоры 1/2/3/4 – тариф за единицу и продолжительность в пиковые часы (Call
Charge Table 1/2/3/4—Peak Unit Charge and Duration) [164/171/178/185] ………………………………………… 246
Таблица затрат на переговоры 1/2/3/4 – фиксированный тариф и продолжительность вне пиковых часов
(Call Charge Table 1/2/3/4—Off Peak Flat Charge and Duration) [165/172/179/186]…………………………….. 246
Таблица затрат на переговоры 1/2/3/4 – тариф за единицу и продолжительность вне пиковых часов (Call
Charge Table 1/2/3/4—Off Peak Unit Charge and Duration) [166/173/180/187]……………………………………. 247
Таблица затрат на переговоры 1/2/3/4 – фиксированный тариф и продолжительность в экономичном
режиме (Call Charge Table 1/2/3/4—Economy Flat Charge and Duration) [167/174/181/188]……………….. 247
Таблица затрат на переговоры 1/2/3/4 – тариф за единицу и продолжительность в экономичном режиме
(Call Charge Table 1/2/3/4—Economy Unit Charge and Duration) [168/175/182/189] …………………………… 248
Десятичные разряды (Decimal Places) [190]…………………………………………………………………………………. 248
Время возврата вызова из режима удержания (Hold Recall Time) [200]………………………………………….. 248
Время возврата переадресованного вызова (Transfer Recall Time) [201] ……………………………………….. 248
Время начала постоянной переадресации вызовов (Call Forwarding Start Time) [202]…………………….. 249
Время ожидания горячей линии (Hot Line Waiting Time) [203]………………………………………………………… 249
Время начала отсчета продолжительности вызова (Call Duration Counter Start) [204] …………………….. 249
Продолжительность вызова «внешняя (СО) линия — внешняя (СО) линия» (CO-to-CO Line Call Duration) [205] …….. 249
Время начала набора номера (Dialling Start Time) [206]………………………………………………………………… 249
Длительность «флэш» (прерывания соединения) (Hookswitch Flash Timing Range) [207]…………………. 250
Интервал времени между посылкой цифр (Inter-digit Time) [208] …………………………………………………… 250
Время DTMF (DTMF Time) [210] ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 250
Разъединение при отсутствии набора (No Dial Disconnection) [211]……………………………………………….. 250
Продолжительность вызова, выполняемого внутренним абонентом по внешней (CO) линии (Extension-
to-CO Line Call Duration) [212] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 251
Обнаружение отсутствия звонка (Bell-off Detection) [213]………………………………………………………………. 251
Код-исключение для доступа к поставщику услуг связи (Carrier Exception Code) [300]……………………. 251
Категория TRS для набора номера из справочника системы (TRS—System Speed Dialling Class) [301]………….. 252
TRS – запрещенные номера для категории обслуживания 2-5 (TRS—COS 2-5 Denied Code) [302-305]………….. 252
TRS – код-исключение (TRS—Exception Code) [306] …………………………………………………………………….. 252
Номер оперативной службы (Emergency Number) [309]………………………………………………………………… 253
Номер счета (Account Code) [310] ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 253
Код автоматической вставки паузы (Automatic Pause Insertion Code) [311] …………………………………….. 253
Категория TRS для блокирования внутренней линии (TRS—Extension Lock Class) [312] ……………….. 254
Выбор ARS (ARS Selection) [350] ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 254
Код выбора маршрута 1-4 (Route 1-4 Selection Code) [351-354] …………………………………………………….. 254
Код-исключение маршрута 1-4 (Route 1-4 Exception Code) [355-358] …………………………………………….. 254
Код выбора первого поставщика услуг связи (1st Carrier Selection Code) [359] ………………………………. 255
Модификация ARS – удаление цифр (ARS Modification—Removed Digits) [360]……………………………… 255
Модификация ARS – добавляемый номер (ARS Modification—Added Number) [361] ………………………. 255
Тональный сигнал ответа станции для ARS (ARS Dial Tone) [362] …………………………………………………. 255
Интервал времени между посылкой цифр для ARS (ARS Inter-digit Time) [363] ……………………………… 256
Группа внешних (CO) линий для ARS (ARS CO Line Group) [364] ………………………………………………….. 256
Код полномочий для маршрута 1-4 (Route 1-4 Authorisation Code) [381-384] ………………………………….. 256
Присвоение кода внутренним линиям для маршрута 1-4 (Route 1-4 Itemised Billing) [385-388]………… 257
Присвоение кода внутренним линиям (Itemised Billing Code) [389] ………………………………………………… 257
Полномочия и порядок кодов внутренних линий (Authorisation and Itemised Billing Code Order) [390]……………… 257
Подключение внешней (CO) линии (CO Line Connection) [400] ……………………………………………………… 258
Режим набора (Dial Mode) [401]…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 258
Скорость передачи импульсов (Pulse Speed) [402]……………………………………………………………………….. 258
Код доступа к центральной УАТС (Host PBX Access Code) [403]……………………………………………………. 259
Table of Contents
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Advanced Hybrid System
User Manual
Model No.
Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Advanced Hybrid System.
Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.
Related Manuals for Panasonic KX-TEB308
Summary of Contents for Panasonic KX-TEB308
Page 1: User Manual
Advanced Hybrid System User Manual KX-TEB308 Model No. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Advanced Hybrid System. Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.
Page 2: Feature Highlights
Navigator Key 1.1.1 Before Operating a Telephone Advanced Hybrid System This PBX supports the connection of Panasonic proprietary telephones (PTs), Direct Station Selection (DSS) Consoles, and single line devices such as single line telephones (SLTs), fax machines, wireless telephones, and data terminals.
Page 3: In This Manual
Proprietary Telephone with a Display is abbreviated as «Display PT». • The suffix of each model number is omitted. • The following icons are used as hints and conditions throughout this manual. Hints In this manual, «proprietary telephone» («PT») means an analogue proprietary telephone (APT). Conditions User Manual…
Page 4: Important Information
Avoid using wired telephones during an electrical storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak to report the leak. Use only the power cord and batteries indicated in this manual. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire, as they may explode.
Page 5
Contact your telephone company. If all SLTs operate properly, there may be a problem with your PBX. Do not reconnect the PBX to the outside (CO) lines until it has been serviced by an authorised Panasonic Factory Service Centre. •… -
Page 6
For Future Reference Please print, record, and retain the following information for future reference. Note The serial number of this product can be found on the label affixed to the unit. You should record the model number and the serial number of this unit as a permanent record of your purchase to aid in identification in the event of theft. -
Page 7: Table Of Contents
Before Leaving Your Desk … 64 1.5.1 Forwarding Your Calls (Call Forwarding [FWD]) … 64 1.5.2 Showing a Message on the Caller’s Telephone Display (Absent Message) … 67 1.5.3 Preventing Other People from Using Your Telephone (Extension Lock)… 69 1.5.4 Leaving a Group (Log-in/Log-out) …
Page 8
Using a Display Proprietary Telephone …95 1.9.1 Calling with the Incoming Call Log … 95 Operator/Manager Operation… 99 Control Features …100 2.1.1 Locking Other Extensions (Remote Extension Lock) …100 2.1.2 Switching the Time Service Mode (Time Service) …101 2.1.3 Setting an Alarm for Other Extensions (Remote Timed Reminder [Wake-up Call]) …103 2.1.4… -
Page 9: Operation
Section 1 Operation This chapter shows you step by step how to use each feature. Read this chapter to become familiar with the many useful features of this PBX. User Manual…
Page 10: Before Operating A Telephone
«4.3.1 Identifying Tones» (Appendix). Display In this manual, you will see the phrase «the display …». This refers to the display of a Panasonic PT. When you use a Panasonic display PT, displayed messages or items help you to operate the telephone.
Page 11
Your Extension Number If you use a Panasonic display PT, you can confirm your own extension number by pressing the » » key 2 times (» «) while on-hook, or by accessing personal programming. For more details, refer to «3.1.2 Changing Personal Settings Using Programming Mode». -
Page 12
1.1 Before Operating a Telephone Go off-hook by doing any of the following: • Lift the handset. • Press the SP-PHONE button. • Press the MONITOR button. (To start talking, lift the handset.) Go on-hook by doing any of the following: •… -
Page 13: When You Use A Panasonic Proprietary Telephone
When You Use a Panasonic Proprietary Telephone If you use a Panasonic PT or DSS Console, you will be able to use some of the useful feature buttons described below. These buttons simplify certain operations. The illustrations below may differ from the actual buttons on your telephone.
Page 14
Used to set the FWD or DND feature for the extension. Used to store a telephone number while in a conversation with an outside party or while hearing a busy tone, and then easily redial the number later. -
Page 15
Used to stop monitoring your own voice mailbox while a caller is leaving a message, or stop the alert tone heard in Private mode while a caller is leaving a message. Used to transfer a call to the mailbox of a specified extension. 1.1 Before Operating a Telephone Function User Manual… -
Page 16: How To Follow The Steps
Create or edit a Direct Station Selection (DSS) button. Programming References: Related or required programming is noted. • If your telephone type is not included in the operation steps, for example, only «PT» is marked and you are using an SLT, your telephone cannot execute that feature. •…
Page 17: Connection Example
Door Opener/ Doorbell/Door Chime Doorphone Computer Printer Computer Computer External audio source (radio, CD player, etc.) Paging system (loudspeaker, amplifier and speaker, etc.) Fax/Telephone Answering Machine DSS Console Wireless Phone Voice Processing System 1.1 Before Operating a Telephone User Manual…
Page 18: Making Calls
1.2 Making Calls Making Calls 1.2.1 Basic Calling – Calling Other Extensions – Calling an Outside Party – Using an Account Code (Account Code Entry) Calling Other Extensions To call another extension (Intercom Call) PT/SLT extension no. Off-hook. Press DSS or dial extension number.
Page 19: Calling An Outside Party
To call the operator (Operator Call) You can easily call the extension assigned as the operator extension. PT/SLT Enter 0 or 9. Off-hook. • The default operator call number varies depending on your country/area. For more details, consult your dealer. Calling an Outside Party There are 4 methods of seizing an outside (CO) line.
Page 20
1.2 Making Calls To select an idle outside (CO) line in the specified outside (CO) line group automatically (Outside (CO) Line Group Access) PT/SLT Off-hook. Press G-CO or dial outside (CO) line group access number and then outside (CO) line group number (1–3). To select a specified outside (CO) line (S-CO) Off-hook. -
Page 21
• The Single-CO (S-CO) and Group-CO (G-CO) button lights show the current status as follows: Off: The line is idle. Green on: You are using the line. Red on: Another extension is using the line (S-CO), or other extensions are using all outside (CO) lines in the outside (CO) line group (G-CO). -
Page 22
Ask your manager or dealer about your telephone’s mode. • A Panasonic proprietary telephone (PT) user can enter an account code during a conversation or within 30 seconds after the other party hangs up (while hearing a reorder tone), by pressing the FWD/DND (Call Forwarding/Do Not Disturb) button, then entering the account code. -
Page 23: Easy Dialling
Press One-touch Dialling. • A telephone number longer than 24 digits can be stored by dividing it among 2 or more One-touch Dialling buttons. • You can confirm the stored number of a One-touch Dialling button by pressing it while on- hook.
Page 24
Assigning a One-touch Dialling number to PF button «F1» will override Personal Speed Dialling number «0», and vice versa. • Rotary single line telephone (SLT) users cannot use this feature. • Up to 24 digits including » » can be stored. However, depending on your mode of account code entry, «… -
Page 25
DIAL/STORE button. Dialling a Preset Number by Going Off-hook (Hot Line) An SLT user can make a call simply by going off-hook, if the telephone number has been stored beforehand. This feature is also known as Pickup Dialling. To store a phone number Off-hook. -
Page 26
1.2 Making Calls To set/cancel Off-hook. Enter 74. To dial Off-hook. • To call another party, dial the desired party’s phone number before the preprogrammed number is dialled. • Up to 32 digits including » » can be stored. However, depending on your mode of account code entry, «… -
Page 27: Redialling
1.2.3 Redialling Redial features make it easy to make consecutive calls to the same outside party. – Redialling the Last Outside Number You Dialled (Last Number Redial) – Saving an Outside Phone Number for Redialling (Saved Number Redial) • Up to 64 digits, » «, «#», PAUSE, and SECRET (INTERCOM) (which stops all or part of the number from being displayed) can be stored and redialled.
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* Enter «80» or «###» when «Plan 2» or «Plan 3» is selected as the numbering plan through system programming. • Pressing the REDIAL button after dialling a telephone number or during a conversation will disconnect the current call and redial the stored number. Saving an Outside Phone Number for Redialling (Saved Number Redial) The saved number remains available until another number is stored. -
Page 29: When The Dialled Party Is Busy Or There Is No Answer
If a dialled extension or a desired outside (CO) line is busy, you can set the Automatic Callback Busy feature. Then, when the extension or outside (CO) line becomes idle, your telephone will ring automatically. When you answer the callback ring: •…
Page 30
1.2 Making Calls To answer a callback ring set for a busy outside (CO) line PT/SLT While hearing a callback ring D.Tone Off-hook. Dial outside phone number. • If you do not answer the callback ring within 10 seconds (4 rings), this feature will be cancelled. -
Page 31
Leaving a Message Waiting Indication/Calling Back a Caller Who Left an Indication (Message Waiting) Leaving a Message Waiting Indication When the called extension is busy or does not answer your call, you can leave a notification so that the called party may call you back. -
Page 32
1.2 Making Calls To cancel a message waiting indication using the MESSAGE button extension no. Off-hook. Dial desired extension number. Calling Back a Caller Who Left an Indication To check a received message and call back Display PT While on-hook (Message for another extension) Press MESSAGE or… -
Page 33
Waiting feature. • If you go off-hook with a single line telephone (SLT) that has messages waiting, a special dial tone (dial tone 3) will be heard. You can call a caller back or listen to the message by entering the Message Waiting Answer feature number, «784# (7840)». -
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1.2 Making Calls Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit a Message button or Message for another extension button. Joining an Existing Call (Executive Busy Override) You can join an ongoing conversation, establishing a 3-party conference call, if your extension is permitted through system programming. -
Page 35
To leave the conference call PT/SLT The other 2 parties can continue their conversation. On-hook. • You can also prevent others from joining your conversations. Refer to «1.7.4 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny)». Calling an Extension That Is Refusing Calls (DND Override) You can call users who have set the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature, if your extension is permitted through system programming. -
Page 36: Switching The Calling Method (Alternate Calling-Ring/Voice)
After dialling an extension number C.Tone or R.B.Tone Enter • If the called party uses a single line telephone (SLT), Voice-calling is not available. • Rotary SLT users cannot use this feature. Customising Your Phone • 3.1.2 Changing Personal Settings Using Programming Mode—Alternate Receiving—Ring/Voice…
Page 37: Using Your Calling Privileges At Another Extension (Walking Cos)
At another extension Off-hook. C.Tone & D.Tone Enter #. An SLT user can enter «0» instead of «#». • Rotary single line telephone (SLT) users cannot use this feature. extension password Enter 7 . Enter extension password. outside phone Dial outside phone number.
Page 38: Accessing Another Party Directly From Outside (Direct Inward System Access [Disa])
1.2.7 Accessing Another Party Directly from Outside (Direct Inward System Access [DISA]) When an outside caller dials a specified telephone number of the PBX, a prerecorded Direct Inward System Access (DISA) outgoing message (OGM) can greet the caller and give information about how to access an extension.
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To call an outside party From an Outside Telephone In No Security Mode DISA phone no. Off-hook. Dial DISA phone number. In Trunk Security Mode/All Security Mode DISA phone no. Off-hook. Dial DISA phone number. One short beep Dial outside phone number. -
Page 40
1.2 Making Calls • WARNING There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made using the Outside-to- Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Call feature of DISA. The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX. -
Page 41: Receiving Calls
Receiving Calls 1.3.1 Answering Calls PT/SLT When your telephone rings, either the CO/INTERCOM button or the Message/Ringer Lamp flashes. Off-hook. Select one of the following methods: · Lift the handset to receive the call on the preferred line. (Default: Ringing line is selected.) ·…
Page 42: Answering Hands-Free (Hands-Free Answerback)
1.3 Receiving Calls 1.3.2 Answering Hands-free (Hands-free Answerback) You can set your proprietary telephone (PT) to answer incoming intercom calls without going off-hook. When an intercom call arrives, you will hear the caller talking without the phone ringing. To set/cancel While on-hook Press AUTO ANS/MUTE.
Page 43: Answering A Call Ringing At Another Telephone (Call Pickup)
Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup) Without leaving your desk, you can answer an incoming call that is ringing at another extension or your extension group, or that was received by a preprogrammed Telephone Answering Machine (TAM) extension from your phone.
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1.3 Receiving Calls Preventing Other People from Picking Up Your Calls (Call Pickup Deny) You can prevent other extension users from picking up your calls. PT/SLT Off-hook. Enter 72. User Manual Prevent Allow Enter 1 to prevent or 0 to allow. C.Tone Enter #. -
Page 45: During A Conversation
You can transfer incoming calls to another extension. Depending on the setting of your PBX, proprietary telephone (PT) users may also be able to transfer incoming outside (CO) line calls to another extension simply by pressing the corresponding Direct Station Selection (DSS) button (One-touch Transfer).
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1.4 During a Conversation • * You may have to enter the Call Hold feature number after pressing the Recall/hookswitch on your single line telephone (SLT), depending on the SLT Hold Mode of your PBX. Call Hold feature number: –… -
Page 47: Holding A Call
1.4.2 Holding a Call – Holding – Holding in a System Parking Zone (Call Park) • If a call is not retrieved within a specified time period, you will hear a ring tone. If you are having a conversation with another party at that time, you will hear an alarm tone. If an outside (CO) line call is not retrieved within 30 minutes of being put on hold, it will be automatically disconnected.
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1.4 During a Conversation To retrieve a call (Call Hold Retrieve) PT/SLT At the holding extension (Call Hold Retrieve) (CO) Press flashing CO or INTERCOM. Or press Recall/hookswitch. If the handset has been replaced, just go off-hook. (SLT only, excluding an SLT in parallel with a PT) To retrieve an outside (CO) line call put on hold (General Call Hold) by another extension Off-hook. -
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• You may have to enter the Call Hold feature number after pressing the Recall/ hookswitch on your single line telephone (SLT), depending on the SLT Hold Mode of your PBX. Call Hold feature number: – Plan 1: 20 (United Kingdom/New Zealand: 50) –… -
Page 50
1.4 During a Conversation To retrieve (Call Park Retrieve) PT/SLT Off-hook. Enter 52. • Enter «#22» when «Plan 2» or «Plan 3» is selected as the numbering plan through system programming. For United Kingdom/New Zealand, enter «36» when «Plan 1» is selected or enter «#36″… -
Page 51: Talking To 2 Parties Alternately (Call Splitting)
1.4.3 Talking to 2 Parties Alternately (Call Splitting) When talking to one party with another party on hold, you can switch between the 2 parties. During a conversation C.Tone Press HOLD. Disregard this step if both parties are extensions. C.Tone Press CO or INTERCOM.
Page 52: Answering Call Waiting
– Answering Call Waiting in the PBX – Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company Answering Call Waiting in the PBX During a conversation, a call waiting tone is heard through the speaker or handset when either an outside (CO) line call is received, or another extension is letting you know that a call is waiting. You must activate this feature to be able to use it (Default: Disable).
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• * You may have to enter the Call Hold feature number after pressing the Recall/hookswitch on your single line telephone (SLT), depending on the SLT Hold Mode of your PBX. Call Hold feature number: – Plan 1: 20 (United Kingdom/New Zealand: 50) –… -
Page 54: Answering Call Waiting From The Telephone Company
Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company Your telephone company may also offer an optional call waiting service, which can inform you that you have another call on the same outside (CO) line. For more details, consult your telephone company.
Page 55: Talking To Multiple Parties (Conference)
1.4.5 Talking to Multiple Parties (Conference) – Adding a Third Party During a Conversation (3-party Conference) – Leaving a Conference Call (Unattended Conference) – Originating a 3-party to 5-party Conference Call (5-party Conference) Adding a Third Party During a Conversation (3-party Conference) You can add a third party to your conversation.
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On-hook. • You may have to enter the Call Hold feature number after pressing the Recall/ hookswitch on your single line telephone (SLT), depending on the SLT Hold Mode of your PBX. Call Hold feature number: – Plan 1: 20 (United Kingdom/New Zealand: 50) –… -
Page 57
To leave a conference call and establish an unattended conference call When you are talking with 2 outside parties Press CONF. To return while others are talking (CO) Press the CO flashing green at moderate speed. • CO-to-CO Line Call Duration The length of outside-to-outside (CO-to-CO) line calls may be limited through system programming. -
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1.4 During a Conversation To establish a 5-party conference call Off-hook. Press CONF. A 5-party conference call is now established. To change to a 5-party conference call during a 3-party conference call with one or 2 outside parties During a 3-party conference call with one or 2 outside parties established without entering «22 Enter 22 . -
Page 59
To disconnect a 5-party conference call At the original extension On-hook. • * Enter «#22 » when «Plan 2» or «Plan 3» is selected as the numbering plan through system programming. • Only one 5-party conference call can be in progress at a time. •… -
Page 60: Muting A Microphone (Microphone Mute)
1.4 During a Conversation 1.4.6 Muting a Microphone (Microphone Mute) You can disable the microphone to consult privately with others in the room while listening to the other party on the phone through the speaker. To set/cancel Press MUTE. • The AUTO ANS/MUTE button light shows the current status as follows: Off: Normal Flashing red slowly: Mute…
Page 61: Using The Headset (Headset Operation)
1.4 During a Conversation 1.4.7 Using the Headset (Headset Operation) Connecting an optional headset allows for hands-free conversations. This feature is also known as Handset/Headset Selection. No SLT To talk using the headset Press SP-PHONE. User Manual…
Page 62: Talking To Another Party Without Lifting The Handset (Hands-Free Operation)
Decrease the volume. • If the other party reports that your voice echoes: Use the telephone in a room that has curtains, carpeting or both. • If parts of the conversation cannot be heard: If you and the other party speak at the same time, parts of your conversation may be lost.
Page 63: Changing The Dialling Mode (Pulse To Tone Conversion)
Changing the Dialling Mode (Pulse to Tone Conversion) If you are using a pulse-type outside (CO) line, you can temporarily change the dialling mode from pulse to tone to access computer telephone services that require tone dialling such as Voice Mail. PT/SLT phone no.
Page 64: Before Leaving Your Desk
1.5 Before Leaving Your Desk Before Leaving Your Desk 1.5.1 Forwarding Your Calls (Call Forwarding [FWD]) Call Outside party Extension You can have your incoming calls forwarded to a specified destination. The following methods are available: All Calls: All calls are forwarded to a specified extension regardless of the status of your extension. Busy/No Answer (BSY/NA): All calls are forwarded to a specified extension when you do not answer within a specified time period or when your extension is busy.
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To set/cancel PT/SLT Off-hook. Press FWD/DND or enter 71. C.Tone Enter #. To set/cancel from another extension PT/SLT Off-hook. your extension no. Dial your extension number. Cancel All Calls Busy/No Answer Enter required number. For «Cancel», go on-hook, directly after entering «0#». To Outside (CO) Line Enter 3 to select «To Outside (CO) Line». -
Page 66
Red on: Do Not Disturb (DND) mode Flashing red slowly: FWD mode • If a proprietary telephone (PT) user sets the FWD—Busy/No Answer feature, the FWD/ DND button light will keep flashing while on-hook. To stop the button from flashing, go off- hook and enter «716#». -
Page 67: Showing A Message On The Caller’s Telephone Display (Absent Message)
If you are unable to answer calls, you can select a brief message that will be shown on the displays of Panasonic display proprietary telephone (PT) users when they call you. The message you select can explain the reason for your absence, and is also shown on the display of your PT every time you go off-hook.
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1.5 Before Leaving Your Desk To confirm Display PT Off-hook. • * The date order varies depending on your country/area. • Enter the desired value in the «%» positions. You must enter the number of digits represented by the number of «%» symbols. User Manual… -
Page 69: Preventing Other People From Using Your Telephone (Extension Lock)
1.5.3 Preventing Other People from Using Your Telephone (Extension Lock) You can lock your extension so that outside (CO) line calls cannot be made. This can be useful to prevent other people from making inappropriate calls using your extension. This feature is also known as Electronic Station Lockout.
Page 70: Leaving A Group (Log-In/Log-Out)
1.5 Before Leaving Your Desk 1.5.4 Leaving a Group (Log-in/Log-out) You can change your status in an extension group. When you log out, incoming calls to the group will not ring at your extension. When you log back in, calls will again ring at your extension.
Page 71: Making/Answering A Paging Announcement
Making/Answering a Paging Announcement 1.6.1 Paging – Paging – Paging and then Transferring a Call Paging You can make a paging announcement to several people at once. Your paging announcement can be heard through an external speaker and through the built-in speakers of proprietary telephones (PTs). An extension user can answer your paging announcement and establish an intercom call.
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Wait for an answer. • You may have to enter the Call Hold feature number after pressing the Recall/ hookswitch on your single line telephone (SLT), depending on the SLT Hold Mode of your PBX. Call Hold feature number: –… -
Page 73: Answering/Denying A Paging Announcement
1.6.2 Answering/Denying a Paging Announcement You can answer a paging announcement from any extension. You can also set your proprietary telephone (PT) to not receive paging announcements. To answer PT/SLT Off-hook. Enter 43. To refuse/accept paging announcements (Paging Deny) Off-hook.
Page 74: Setting The Telephone According To Your Needs
Setting the Alarm (Timed Reminder) You can set your telephone to ring at a set time, to remind you of a meeting, appointment, or as a wake-up call. The alarm can occur either one time or daily (every day until cancelled) at a preset time. When you go off-hook to answer, you hear a special dial tone (dial tone 3).
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If you receive an incoming call during an alarm, the ringing for that call will start after the alarm stops ringing. • If the telephone is off-hook at the time an alarm is scheduled to ring, the alarm will start after the telephone goes on-hook again. 1.7 Setting the Telephone According to Your Needs Enter 3. -
Page 76: Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [Dnd])
Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) You can set your telephone to prevent incoming calls from ringing at your telephone. This can be useful in situations where you do not want to be disturbed, for example during a meeting.
Page 77: Receiving Call Waiting
During a conversation, you can be informed of a waiting call by a tone through the built-in speaker of your proprietary telephone (PT) or the handset of your single line telephone (SLT) (Default: Disable). To change the call waiting tone using your PT, refer to «3.1.2 Changing Personal Settings Using Programming Mode».
Page 78: Preventing Other People From Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny)
1.7 Setting the Telephone According to Your Needs 1.7.4 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny) You can prevent other extension users from using the Executive Busy Override feature to join an ongoing call. PT/SLT Off-hook.
Page 79: Turning On The Background Music (Bgm)
1.7.5 Turning on the Background Music (BGM) You can listen to background music (BGM) through your telephone speaker while on-hook. If your extension becomes busy (off-hook, making or receiving a call etc.), the music will stop. When you go back on-hook, the music starts again.
Page 80: Protecting Your Line Against Notification Tones (Data Line Security)
1.7 Setting the Telephone According to Your Needs 1.7.6 Protecting Your Line against Notification Tones (Data Line Security) You can protect the line against audible notification tones, such as call waiting tones or hold alarm tones during a conversation. Set this feature if your extension has a data communication device such as a computer or fax machine connected, to ensure secure data transmission.
Page 81: Checking The Time Service Mode
You can confirm the current time service mode (day, night, or lunch) on the display. Display PT While on-hook Enter #. The display shows the current mode for 3 s. 1.7 Setting the Telephone According to Your Needs No SLT User Manual…
Page 82: Clearing Features Set At Your Extension (Extension Feature Clear)
1.7 Setting the Telephone According to Your Needs 1.7.8 Clearing Features Set at Your Extension (Extension Feature Clear) You can reset the settings of the following features on your extension to the default settings. This feature is also known as Station Feature Clear or Station Programme Clear.
Page 83: Monitoring A Room (Room Monitor)
1.7.9 Monitoring a Room (Room Monitor) You can monitor a room through another proprietary telephone (PT), or monitor a door through a doorphone. The PT you want to monitor should be set in advance to allow monitoring. To set At the monitored telephone Off-hook.
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* Enter «#31» when «Plan 2» or «Plan 3» is selected as the numbering plan through system programming. • You can monitor using a PT with an AUTO ANS/MUTE button or a single line telephone (SLT) with a MUTE button. •… -
Page 85: Using User-Supplied Equipment
Using User-supplied Equipment 1.8.1 If a Doorphone/Door Opener is Connected – Calling to and from a Doorphone (Doorphone Call) – Opening a Door (Door Open) Calling to and from a Doorphone (Doorphone Call) You can talk to a person at the door through the doorphone. The extensions that are permitted to be called when a visitor presses the Call button on a doorphone are determined through system programming.
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* Enter «#55» when «Plan 2» or «Plan 3» is selected as the numbering plan through system programming. • The door will stay open for a specified time period. • To keep the door open longer, enter «5» again using a Panasonic proprietary telephone (PT). User Manual door opener no. Dial door opener number (1 or 2). -
Page 87: If A Host Pbx Is Connected
Accessing External Services (External Feature Access [EFA]) Accessing External Services (External Feature Access [EFA]) You can access special features such as Call Waiting offered by another PBX or a telephone company. This feature is only available during outside (CO) line calls.
Page 88: If A Voice Processing System Is Connected
Forwarding Your Calls to a Voice Processing System (Voice Mail Integration) If you cannot answer calls, you can set them to be forwarded to your mailbox in a Panasonic VPS that supports either Inband (DTMF) Integration (e.g., KX-TVP series VPS) or APT Integration (e.g., KX-TVP50 series VPS).
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Setting B (default): sends «#6» followed by the extension number. «#6» is used by a Panasonic KX-TVP series VPS to force the VPS port into voice mail service. To set or cancel, enter «92#» or «90#» respectively after pressing the FWD/DND button or entering «71». -
Page 90
1.8 Using User-supplied Equipment • If a proprietary telephone (PT) user sets the FWD—Busy/No Answer feature, the FWD/ DND button light will keep flashing while on-hook. To stop the button from flashing, go off- hook and enter «716#». Customising Your Phone •… -
Page 91
To set LCS While on-hook LCS password (Live Call Screening) Press Live Call Enter LCS password. Screening. To cancel LCS While on-hook (Live Call Screening) Press red Live Call Screening. 1.8 Using User-supplied Equipment User Manual… -
Page 92: Private Mode
1.8 Using User-supplied Equipment Operation Flowchart The operations in the shaded areas can be performed in hands-free mode. Hands-free Mode Monitor No operation Stop Answer monitor (Live Call Screening) (LCS Cancel) Press Press Live Call FLASH/ Screening or RECALL SP-PHONE. or LCS Cancel.
Page 93
• The Live Call Screening (LCS) button light shows the feature status as follows: Off: LCS is off. Flashing green rapidly: An alert tone is ringing (Private mode only).* Flashing green slowly: Monitoring.* Red on: LCS is on. The Direct Station Selection (DSS) button light flashes red slowly while monitoring. The DSS button light flashes red at moderate speed while an alert tone is ringing. -
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Off: Not recording. On: Recording the conversation. • Note: When you record your 2-way telephone conversations, you should inform the other party that the conversation is being recorded. Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit a 2-way Record button, 2-way Transfer button, or Direct Station Selection (DSS) button. -
Page 95: Using A Display Proprietary Telephone
Calling with the Incoming Call Log If your PBX receives caller information from the telephone company (phone number and/or caller name), the PBX automatically logs this information each time you do not answer an outside (CO) line call. You can view a log of unanswered calls later to see who called and when, and use this information to call back the callers.
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To return to the idle status display, go off-hook and then on-hook. The display also returns to the idle status display automatically if no operation is performed for 20 seconds. • To modify the logged telephone number, press the HOLD button to erase digits and then use 0 to 9, User Manual (Caller ID Indication —Personal/Common) -
Page 97
Enter #. Disregard Overwrite Enter 0 to disregard or 1 to overwrite. Cancel Personal area Common area Enter required number. 1.9 Using a Display Proprietary Telephone On-hook. C.Tone On-hook. Enter #. C.Tone Enter #. On-hook. An SLT user can enter «0»… -
Page 98
Indication button during the conversation. • You can lock your personal area call log so that other extensions cannot access your logged information. Refer to «1.5.3 Preventing Other People from Using Your Telephone (Extension Lock)». • Caller information is also logged for unscreened transferred calls, even if not answered. In this case, the caller information will be logged in the final destination’s personal area. -
Page 99: Operator/Manager Operation
Section 2 Operator/Manager Operation This chapter shows the operator and the manager extension how to control the other extensions or the PBX. Your PBX supports one manager (extension jack 01) and one operator. User Manual…
Page 100: Control Features
2.1 Control Features Control Features 2.1.1 Locking Other Extensions (Remote Extension Lock) The operator or manager can lock or unlock an extension. This feature is also known as Remote Station Lock Control. To lock/unlock Off-hook. • This feature overrides the Extension Lock feature. If Extension Lock has already been set by the extension user and this feature is set afterwards, the extension user cannot cancel the lock.
Page 101: Switching The Time Service Mode (Time Service)
2.1.2 Switching the Time Service Mode (Time Service) The PBX can be programmed to make and receive calls differently in each time service mode (day, night, and lunch). The time service mode can be set to be changed manually (manual mode) or automatically at preprogrammed times (automatic mode) through system programming.
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2.1 Control Features • The Day, Night, and Lunch button lights show the current status as follows: Off: Not set Red on: Set • If lunch mode is set manually by entering «783#» while in automatic mode, the time service mode will not change automatically until you return to automatic mode by entering «780#». -
Page 103: Setting An Alarm For Other Extensions (Remote Timed Reminder [Wake-Up Call])
2.1.3 Setting an Alarm for Other Extensions (Remote Timed Reminder [Wake-up Call]) The operator or manager can remotely set or cancel the Timed Reminder feature for any extension. To set Off-hook. Enter 764. hour/minute Enter hour (01–12) and minute (00–59). To cancel Off-hook.
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2.1 Control Features To confirm Display PT Off-hook. Enter 763 . User Manual extension no. Enter 764. Dial extension number. D.Tone Enter #. C.Tone & D.Tone Enter #. On-hook. -
Page 105: Erasing All Caller Information In The Common Area (Incoming Call Log In The Common Area-Clear All)
2.1.4 Erasing All Caller Information in the Common Area (Incoming Call Log in the Common Area—CLEAR ALL) The operator or manager can erase all caller information logged in the common area. To erase Off-hook. • This feature is not available while someone is viewing caller information logged in the common area.
Page 106: Disregarding The Newest Call Or Overwriting The Oldest Call In The Common Area Call Log (301St Incoming Call Logged In The Common Area)
2.1 Control Features 2.1.5 Disregarding the Newest Call or Overwriting the Oldest Call in the Common Area Call Log (301st Incoming Call Logged in the Common Area) The call log in the common area can store up to 300 call records. The operator or manager can select how new calls are treated when this call log is full;…
Page 107: Changing System Settings Using Programming Mode
2.1.6 Changing System Settings Using Programming Mode The operator or manager can set the following system features while in programming mode. To enter programming mode Press PROGRAM. Setting Adjusting the current date and time (Date & Time Set) Cancelling Extension Lock, Incoming Call Log Display Lock in the Personal Area, and Message Waiting for Another Extension…
Page 108
2.1 Control Features Setting Recording or Playing Outgoing Messages used by DISA, UCD, and 3-level AA (Outgoing Message [OGM] for DISA/UCD)* User Manual X = 0 (To erase OGMs for Direct Inward System Access [DISA]/Uniform Call Distribution [UCD]): DISA/UCD OGM (1–8) 1 (To record OGMs for DISA/UCD): DISA/UCD OGM (1–8) 2 (To play OGMs for DISA/UCD):… -
Page 109
• Before entering «9», go off-hook. • «Delete Complete» is shown on a display proprietary telephone (PT). While this message is shown, you can enter «0», «1», or «2», to erase, record, or play any OGMs for DISA/UCD. •… -
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2.1 Control Features User Manual… -
Page 111: Customising Your Phone & Pbx
Section 3 Customising Your Phone & PBX This chapter shows you how to customise your proprietary telephone (PT) or PBX according to your needs. User Manual…
Page 112: Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming)
Programming) 3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming) You can customise various features of your telephone, such as line preferences and customised buttons. Additionally, you can return all customised features to their default settings. • Because certain settings are retained in your proprietary telephone (PT) (not in the PBX), before replacing or changing your PT, we recommend resetting all customised features to their default settings.
Page 113: Changing Personal Settings Using Programming Mode
3.1.2 Changing Personal Settings Using Programming Mode You can perform the following while in programming mode: – Setting Features – Clearing Features – Confirming Your Own Extension Number (Self-extension Number Confirmation) Setting Features The default settings are shown in bold letters. For later reference, place a check mark in the boxes below to indicate your customised setting.
Page 114: Clearing Features
Press STORE. Setting Ringing (Tone Call) Directly—The party’s voice is heard without ringing. Tone 1 Tone 2 You can monitor the message through the telephone speaker. (Hands-free mode) Only an alert tone is heard. (Private mode) Default Setting Press PROGRAM.
Page 115
3.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming) Confirming Your Own Extension Number (Self-extension Number Confirmation) You can confirm your jack and extension number. Display PT Press PROGRAM. Press PROGRAM. Enter 6. Press HOLD. • You can also confirm your extension number by pressing the » » key 2 times (» «) while on-hook. -
Page 116: Customising The Buttons
(PF) buttons, and MESSAGE buttons on your proprietary telephone (PT) and DSS Console by assigning the following features to them. For example, if your telephone has more CO buttons than the number of outside (CO) lines connected to your PBX, you can customise unused CO buttons by assigning them to be One-touch Dialling buttons.
Page 117
Button Extension Lock* Log-in/Log-out 2-way Record* 2-way Transfer* Live Call Screening (LCS)* LCS Cancel* Voice Mail (VM) Transfer* Message for another extension Caller ID Indication—Common Caller ID Selection—Common • To erase an incorrect entry, press the TRANSFER (CLEAR) button. The TRANSFER button becomes the CLEAR button during programming. -
Page 118
3.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming) To confirm a button setting Display PT Press PROGRAM. To clear a button setting Press CO, DSS, Press PROGRAM. or MESSAGE. User Manual (CO, DSS, PF) Press CO, DSS, PF, or MESSAGE. To continue (CO, DSS) Enter 2. -
Page 119: Managing Call Logs
Available Extension The extension connected to extension jack 01 Required Telephone A Panasonic proprietary telephone (PT) with a display (e.g., KX-T7730) Manager Password To enter programming mode, the manager password (the password of the extension connected to extension jack 01) is required. You can enter the system password instead of the manager password. Ask your administrator or dealer for the manager password or system password.
Page 120: Printing And Clearing Call Logs
3.2 Managing Call Logs 3.2.2 Printing and Clearing Call Logs To enter programming mode Press PROGRAM. Enter Item Clearing the call records of each extension.* Printing the call records of each extension. Clearing the call records of all extensions. • To confirm the cleared date and time, press the FWD/DND (Call Forwarding/Do Not Disturb) or MESSAGE button.
Page 121: Customising Your Pbx (System Programming)
Available Extension The extension connected to extension jack 01 Required Telephone A Panasonic proprietary telephone (PT) with a display (e.g., KX-T7730) Manager Password To enter programming mode, the manager password (the password of the extension connected to extension jack 01) is required. You can enter the system password instead of the manager password. Ask your administrator or dealer for the manager password or system password.
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3.3 Customising Your PBX (System Programming) Icon Descriptions Fixed Button (KX-T7730/KX-T7735) User Manual Function PREV (PREVIOUS) NEXT – – SECRET STORE PAUSE PROGRAM SELECT FLASH CLEAR… -
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Procedure The basic steps are shown below. To enter programming mode Enter Press PROGRAM. To programme You can enter each programme number (3 digits). To exit programming mode Press PROGRAM. 3.3 Customising Your PBX (System Programming) manager password Enter manager password. User Manual… -
Page 124: System Programming
3.3 Customising Your PBX (System Programming) 3.3.2 System Programming System Speed Dialling Number [001] You can store frequently used phone numbers for convenient dialling. Enter 001. Press NEXT. • If the desired number is more than 32 digits, divide the number and store it into more than one speed dialling number.
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System Speed Dialling Name [011] You can store the name associated with each speed dialling number. These names are displayed when making calls using the System Speed Dialling feature. To enter characters, refer to «Entering Characters». NEXT Enter 011. Press NEXT. DISA Security Code [512] You can assign required Direct Inward System Access (DISA) security codes if «Trunk Security»… -
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3.3 Customising Your PBX (System Programming) • WARNING There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made using the Outside-to- Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Call feature of DISA. The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX. -
Page 127: Entering Characters
Entering Characters You can enter the following characters. The tables below show you the characters available for each button. Table 1 (Alphabet mode)/Table 2 (Numeral mode) <Example> To enter «Ann», (5 times) Notes • To toggle between «Alphabet mode» and «Numeral mode», press SELECT. •…
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3.3 Customising Your PBX (System Programming) User Manual… -
Page 129: Appendix
Section 4 Appendix This chapter provides Troubleshooting, the Feature Number Table and Tone List. Check the Troubleshooting section before consulting your dealer. User Manual…
Page 130: Troubleshooting
4.1 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting 4.1.1 Troubleshooting Problem I cannot make calls using the telephone. Some features do not function. I cannot make calls to other extensions using a proprietary telephone (PT). My new telephone does not function correctly. My PT does not have the button needed to perform a certain operation.
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During a conversation with an outside party, the call was disconnected. The Redial feature does not function. I cannot access computer services, telephone banking, etc. Computer or fax machine communication was interrupted. I cannot send a call waiting tone to the dialled extension. -
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Press the MESSAGE/Message button to call the party back or receive the message. • When a power failure occurs… All functions of the PBX and Panasonic PTs stop. Outside (CO) line 1 is automatically connected to extension jack 01. This allows outside (CO) line conversations between the connected single line telephone (SLT) and outside destination. -
Page 133: Feature Number Table
Feature Number Table 4.2.1 Feature Number Table The numbers listed below are the feature numbers used to access the PBX features. The numbering plan can be selected through system programming. Numbers in parentheses indicate that the feature numbers are different from those of «Plan 1» when «Plan 2» or «Plan 3» is selected. Feature (While a dial tone is heard) 1.2.1 Basic Calling To call another extension (Intercom Call)
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To unlock indications left at your extension 1.2.6 Using Your Calling Privileges at Another Extension (Walking COS) 1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringing at Another Telephone (Call Pickup) Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup) – Group Call Pickup – Directed Call Pickup… -
Page 135
Feature (While a dial tone is heard) – To retrieve 1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company 1.4.5 Talking to Multiple Parties (Conference) Originating a 3-party to 5-party Conference Call (5- party Conference) 1.5.1 Forwarding Your Calls (Call Forwarding [FWD])/1.7.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not… -
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4.2 Feature Number Table Feature (While a dial tone is heard) 1.6.1 Paging – All Extensions – Group – External – All Extensions & External 1.6.2 Answering/Denying a Paging Announcement – To answer – To refuse – To accept 1.7.1 Setting the Alarm (Timed Reminder) –… -
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Feature (While a dial tone is heard) 1.7.9 Monitoring a Room (Room Monitor) – To set – To cancel – To monitor through a doorphone 1.8.1 If a Doorphone/Door Opener is Connected Calling to and from a Doorphone (Doorphone Call) Opening a Door (Door Open) 1.8.2 If a Host PBX is Connected Accessing External Services (External Feature… -
Page 138
4.2 Feature Number Table Feature (While a dial tone is heard) 2.1.3 Setting an Alarm for Other Extensions (Remote Timed Reminder [Wake-up Call]) – To set – To cancel – To confirm 2.1.4 Erasing All Caller Information in the Common Area (Incoming Call Log in the Common Area—… -
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Feature (While dialling or talking) 1.2.5 Switching the Calling Method (Alternate Calling—Ring/Voice) 1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringing at Another Telephone (Call Pickup) – Call Retrieving from a Telephone Answering Machine (TAM) 1.4.9 Changing the Dialling Mode (Pulse to Tone Conversion) 1.4.5 Talking to Multiple Parties (Conference) -
Page 140: Identifying Tones
S-Double (Incoming calls [doorphone calls only]/Camp-on Recall) Ring Tone Patterns Sent from the Telephone Company (New Zealand only) The following ring tone patterns sent from the telephone company can be detected for each outside (CO) line. Pattern 1 Pattern 2…
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Pattern 4 Doorphone Chime Patterns The following doorphone chime patterns can be assigned to each doorphone when doorbells and door chimes are connected to the PBX. Pattern 1* Pattern 2* Pattern 3* Pattern 4* Pattern 5 Pattern 6 Pattern 7 Pattern 8 * Chime patterns 1 to 4 are played only one time during the doorphone ringing time. -
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Tone 1 Normal Tone 2 Any of the following features is set: • Absent Message • Background Music (BGM) (proprietary telephone [PT] only) • Call Forwarding (FWD) • Call Pickup Deny • Data Line Security • Do Not Disturb (DND) •… -
Page 143
When Making Calls Busy Tones Reorder Tones The outside (CO) line you tried to seize is not assigned or was denied. Ringback Tones Single (3-s interval) Double (3-s interval) Single (5-s interval) [New Zealand only] [Czech Republic only] [Czech Republic only] [Malaysia only] 4.3 Identifying Tones User Manual… -
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4.3 Identifying Tones Double (5-s interval) DND Tone The dialled extension is refusing incoming calls. While Off-hook Indication Tones Tone 1 (Call Waiting Tone) Tone 2 (Call Waiting Tone) Single Double Triple Tone 3 (Hold Alarm Tone) A call has been on hold for longer than the specified time. -
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Tone 2 The new feature setting was the same as the previous setting, or certain features were successfully performed or accessed (e.g., Call Hold, Automatic Callback Busy). Tone 3 Before the following features activate: • Retrieving a held call • Picking up another call •… -
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4.3 Identifying Tones User Manual… -
Page 147: Index
Index User Manual…
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Alternate Calling—Ring/Voice 36, 138 Alternate Receiving—Ring/Voice Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup) Answering a Call Ringing at Another Telephone (Call Pickup) Answering Call Waiting Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company Answering Call Waiting in the PBX Answering Calls… -
Page 149
Examples Exclusive Call Hold Executive Busy Override 34, 138 Executive Busy Override Deny 78, 136 Extension Feature Clear 82, 136 Extension Lock 14, 69, 117, 135 Extension Lock—CANCEL ALL Extension Password 37, 100, 109 Extension Password Set External Feature Access (EFA) 87, 137 Feature Highlights Feature Number Table… -
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Volume Key Walking COS Warning Tone What Kind of Telephone Can Be Used? When the Dialled Party is Busy or There is No Answer When You Use a Panasonic Proprietary Telephone Your Extension Number 109, 119, 121 121, 124 25, 133… -
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Index User Manual… -
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