Monster prom руководство

Monster Prom полон уникальных персонажей, от основных 8 до тонны побочных персонажей. Это все о дурацком и абсурдном юморе, и в нем более 1000 ситуаций, в которых вы можете оказаться! В игре много разных концовок, включая более 40 секретных концовок, которые вы можете разблокировать или вызвать случайным образом. Все концовки имеют Проверки Статов, и при выборе того, какой вариант взять, всегда выбирайте вариант, в котором у вас более высокий показатель.

Как гласит, этот список содержит спойлеры для игры.

Этот секретный финал для Скотта можно открыть, купив «Подарок, который дарит», и случайным образом получив рисунок от случайного ребенка. Скотт увидит вас с фотографией и покажет, что он никогда не встречал своих родителей. Во-первых, вы должны выбрать между обсуждением истории и развитием джаза (Smarts) или придумать глупое лицо (Fun). Во втором сценарии вы можете убедить владельцев пиццерии в том, что вы путешествуете во времени (Очарование) или имеете право получить бесплатную пиццу (Жирный).

А в третьем вы можете выбрать вариант с лентой (Творчество) или объяснить, что людям трудно озвучивать свои эмоции (Очарование). Наконец, ты захочешь пойти на выпускной со Скоттом.

9 Медальон

Вы можете разблокировать секретное окончание Полли; Медальон, когда вы покупаете Проклятый Медальон Уинстона Монтгомери. Полли увидит вас с медальоном и убедит вас использовать его довольно нетрадиционным способом. Скажите Полли, чтобы она проверила медальон заранее (Очарование) или всегда оставалась увлажненной (Смартс). Ковен появляется и злит Полли, и вы должны помочь им успокоить ее.

Выберите, чтобы найти жуткого ребенка, который разговаривает с призраками (Очарование), или используйте доску Уиджи, чтобы поговорить с мамой Полли (Смартс). Наконец, вы и Ковен найдете Полли и можете сказать, что хотите понять ее больше (полужирный) или извиниться за суждение (обаяние). Тогда иди к выпускному в одиночку.

8 Шутки Мастерц

Prank Masterz можно разблокировать после покупки An Ancient of Forbidden Arts. Полли и Скотт крадут том, думая, что это шутка. Во-первых, либо получите почку от Дэвида Бореаназа (Очарование), либо купите ее в магазине Ангел почек (Деньги).

Затем вынудите одноклассника поднять вас, пока вы носите ручной зуммер, сказав, что это семейный артефакт (креативность), или убедите его, что все остальные в школе имеют высокую пятерку вас (обаяние).

Наконец, Полли и Скотт попытаются вызвать З’Горда, и вы должны либо перейти на новую многомерную сеть (Smarts), либо убедить Межпространственного Принца открыть для вас раскол (Очарование). Тогда иди на выпускной с Скоттом или Полли.

7 Подарок

Чтобы разблокировать этот финал, вы должны разблокировать все 13 предметов из «Подарка, который дарит». После этого вам может быть предоставлено свидание с Валерией. Это вызовет сценарий, когда Валерия просит вас помочь дарить подарки вашим одноклассникам.

Первый — для Арави, и вы можете предложить разобрать ее настоящее (Творчество). Или выбрав вариант Непал (Смартс). Следующий подарок, если для Coven и выбрать Lore купоны (Smarts) или пиццы купоны (Fun).

Для 3-го задания либо одевайтесь как Blobert (Творчество), либо нанимайте ФБР, чтобы шпионить за ним (Bold). Выбор за Валери, так что выбирайте курс по оптической физике (Smarts) или полноценный сайт электронной коммерции (Creativity). Тогда иди на выпускной в одиночку.

6 Четвертая Стена

Купите очень странные наркотики, когда они будут доступны на утренней и обеденной неделе 2 во время короткой игры и на утренней и обеденной неделе 5 во время длинной игры. Полли примет наркотики у вас и станет осознавать реальность. Во-первых, либо предложите пройти за пределы реальности (Bold), либо выключить игру (Smart).

Затем либо убедите Лиама в правде, сказав ему поднять правую руку (Творчество), либо попросите его перейти на (Смартс). Наконец, скажите Лайму, Полли и Скотту либо найти секретный выход из игры (Творчество), либо получить помощь извне (Очарование). Затем идите на выпускной с Полли, Лиамом или Скоттом.

5 Каганер

Caganer разблокируется, когда вы получаете странную статую из «Подарка, который дарит». Дэмиен и Лиам поймают вас на этом, и Дэмиен действительно инвестирует в изучение истины, стоящей за этим.

Вы можете предложить допрос, чтобы узнать больше о статуе (полужирный), или воспроизвести сцену, изображенную на статуе (Творчество). Одержимость Дэмьена статуей приводит вас, его и Лиама в Барселону, где вы можете либо проверить ленты безопасности (Smarts), либо отправиться в Belen (Fun).

После этого все трое попадают в неприятности, и единственный выход — либо использовать знаменитостей, чтобы отвлечь внимание от Caganer (Smarts), либо создать самую сильную в мире развлекательную силу, комбинирующую Garfield и K-Pop (Fun). Тогда иди на выпускной с Дамьеном или Лиамом.

4 соученика

Во-первых, завершите тайну преступления Веры, чтобы сделать полицейский отчет доступным в магазине во втором семестре . Во-первых, не позволяйте Скотту болтать с Верой, отвлекая его вызовом (Творчество), или очаровывайте его, чтобы он не выбрал любимое преступление Веры. Затем вы определяете, что определяет тысячелетие, выбирая либо обвинение в разрушении отрасли (Smarts), либо необходимость в трудной объяснительной работе (Creative).

Когда вам нужно убедить сокурсника купить алкоголь, либо скажите, что он понадобится вам для ран (жирный шрифт), либо что он поможет местному малому бизнесу (обаяние). А чтобы не допустить Веру в тюрьму, либо сделайте комплимент товарищу-студенту на его шляпе (Веселье), либо напомните ему о хороших временах, которые вы провели вместе (Очарование). Иди на выпускной в одиночку.

3 личность

Идентичность — это одно из секретных окончаний Зои, которое может запускаться случайным образом при игре по ее маршруту. Все начинается с того, что Зоя разговаривает со Скоттом и Полли о том, что она чувствует себя больше как школьница, чем как бог полевой. Но затем входит Леонард и оскорбляет Зою. Вы можете заступиться за Зою, либо бросив ему вызов на дуэль в Покемане (Веселье), либо указав на его собственное лицемерие (Смартс).

На следующем мероприятии Волчья стая спрашивает Зои, почему она изменилась, и вы можете объяснить им это, используя аналогию с волком (Smart) или фильм-блокбастер (Creativity). В последнем событии вам придется выбирать между бывшими культистами очаровательной Зои, чтобы они думали, что З’Горд заперт в тотеме, или вводить их в K-pop, чтобы покинуть Зою (Веселье). Тогда попроси Зою на выпускной.

2 выпускного короля

Это одно из Тайных окончаний Лаймы, которое срабатывает случайным образом. Помогите Миранде снова сделать Лайама популярным, подарив ему больше подписчиков в своем Instagram с помощью более рискованных постов (Веселье), или заплатите 10 миллионам бездомных, чтобы подписаться на него (Деньги). Затем заставьте его баллотироваться на роль Короля выпускного вечера, выдав себя за него за выступление (Очарование) или заплатив 1 миллион человек за голосование за Лиама.

В конце концов, Лиамс выясняет, что вы с Мирандой замышляете, и чтобы отвоевать его, либо сделайте грандиозный романтический жест (Очарование), либо заплатите 1 миллион человек за изложение «Мне жаль» (Деньги). Тогда иди на выпускной с Лиамом.

1 Рассказчик

Конец рассказчика разблокируется, как только вы достигнете каждого конца в игре. Сначала сядьте за стол Рассказчика за обедом, который находится за кадром и может быть достигнут с помощью кнопок со стрелками. Тогда, согласитесь помочь ему быть похожим на других NPC на один день.

Дэмиен, Миранда и Скотт попытаются заставить Рассказчика вернуться к своей работе, но вы можете либо запустить линию кукол Рассказчика (Креатив), либо побудить их рассказать о жизни друг друга (Очаровательно). Затем вам нужно будет дать совет Полли о том, как стать лучшим рассказчиком, добавив звуковые эффекты (Веселье) или больше походить на Достоевского (Смартс).

Наконец, вы должны убедить Рассказчика пойти на выпускной с вами, предположив, что на этот раз все будет иначе (Смартс) или упомянуть забавную деятельность после выпускного вечера, которую вы можете выполнять вместе (Очарование). Тогда иди на выпускной в одиночку.

a simple guide to every secret ending in MP (base game and second term)


I decided to write this just to make info on all endings easy to access, since the info seems to be scattered across many different guides and outside sources. Hope you find it helpful <3

If you spot any mistakes, please let me know <3

Damien Endings

it’s Damien Lavey, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!All of the following Damien’s secret endings routes will randomly trigger when you go for him.

Good luck to get the one route you want

(ending #1) Fight Ending

  • This route starts with Damien being very pissed at everything (classic Damien)
  • when he tells you to move before he punches you:
    -> choose “Joke’s on you” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose to start dancing if your fun is higher than smarts
  • when he is shouting at a banana:
    -> choose to defend the banana if your charm is higher than your boldness (we all know eating a banana is very charming)
    -> choose to eat the banana if your boldness is higher than your smarts
  • when you need to convince someone to teach you how to fight
    -> choose to pay Vera if your money is higher than your charm
    -> choose “I need a big strong man to teach me how to fight” if your charm is higher than your money
  • go to prom with Damien

(ending #2) Hairdresser Ending

  • This route starts with Damien being caught doing hairdressing stuff
  • when Damien is caught and is losing his ♥♥♥♥ over it
    -> choose to make money rain if your money is higher than your smarts
    -> choose to turn Damien’s phone into a bird if your smarts is higher than your money
  • when Damien asks for a more badass hairdressing training method
    -> choose “Witness a loved one getting killed” if your boldness is higher than your charm
    -> choose “rivalrous frenemy relationship” if your charm is higher than your boldness
  • when Damien wants to confront his dads about his dream
    -> choose stealth makeover if your creativity is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “change your scissors for a dagger and your makeup for blood” if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom with Damien

(ending #3 Punch the Sun Ending)

  • This route starts with Damien and Scott trying to decide who is the ultimate warrior
  • when asked for a way to decide who the ultimate warrior is choose “whoever can punch the sun in face”. the other choice will cancel this route, and you don’t have to worry about stats since as long as you choose this option you will get the route even if you fail here.
  • when deciding how to get a spaceship
    -> choose “wikihow” if your smarts is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “check out the school spaceship” if your boldness is higher than your smarts
  • when the Coven tries to stop you
    -> choose to forge a scrool if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “THE SUN WAS THE BIG BAD ALL ALONG” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when asked to give advice about sun-punching
    -> choose to check your phone if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “wait until nighttime” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom with Damien

Liam Endings

“Oh, a solution that involves hating stuff in a very public way? Count me in!”All of the following Liam’s secret endings routes will randomly trigger when you go for him.

(ending #4 Liam the Prom King Ending)

  • This route starts with Miranda wanting to make Liam the prom king to boost his popularity
  • when Miranda asks you what to do to make people follow Liam on social media
    -> choose “post porn and bomb recipes” if your fun is higher than your money
    -> choose “pay homeless people to follow him” if your money is higher than your fun
  • when asked how to make sure Liam wins
    -> choose “I’ll dress up as Liam” if your charm is higher than your money
    -> choose “pay people to vote for Liam” if your money is higher than your charm
  • when Liam is about to go
    -> choose “confess your feelings” if your charm is higher than your money
    -> choose “pay people to spell ‘I’m sorry’ so it’s visible from space” if your money is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Liam

personal notes:

lmao you can literally buy Liam’s way to kingship that’s 10/10

(ending #5 Yaoi Ending)

  • This route starts with you getting caught doodling a yaoi art of Liam and Damien (that is very based of you, honestly)
  • when you get caught choose “This ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is ART! I present you, yaoi,” since choosing the other option will cancel this route. I am pretty sure you can fail the stat-check here but if you wanna be safe just in case make sure your creativity higher than your charm
  • when giving your first lesson in yaoi
    -> choose “advanced cuddling” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “draw me like one of your french girls” if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when Liam asks what his next yaoi should be about
    -> choose “boy in love with his handsome yaoi instructor” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “kill your darlings” if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when asked about a secret technique
    -> choose “show the secrets of yaoi intimately” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “ceremonial sacrifice” if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Liam

personal notes: this is one of my very favorite endings (maybe even my top 1) because of how cute the route is if you choose the charm options and the ending CG for this is my absolute favorite <3

Miranda Endings

All of the following Miranda’s secret endings routes will randomly trigger when you go for her.

(ending #6 Throne Ending)

  • This route starts with Miranda complaining about a certain someone and wanting to destroy their reputation
  • when asked how to destroy her reputation
    -> choose “convince everyone she likes humans” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “fart joke” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when Miranda talks about Ariel
    -> choose “do nothing” if your smarts is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “release the Kraken” if your boldness is higher than your smarts
  • when asked to think of something
    -> choose “we bring war!” if your boldness is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “I’ll build a monument to you” if your creativity is higher than your boldness
  • go to prom with Miranda

(ending #7 Revenge Ending)

  • This route starts with Miranda wanting to do “something nice” not for a certain someone
  • when asked what to add
    -> choose toppings if your creativiity is higher than your chram
    -> choose card if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when asked how to break into the principal’s office
    -> choose “web of flies” if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose “burst into tears” if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • when asked how to deiver a letter to a certain someone
    -> choose “hire Scuber” if your money is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “dynamite the toilet” if your boldness is higher than your money
  • go to prom with Miranda

Polly Endings

All of the following Polly’s secret endings routes will randomly trigger when you go for her.

(ending #8 The Perfect Party Science Ending)

  • This route starts with Polly wanting ideas to spice up a party
  • when asked for ideas for the party:
    -> choose “spike with mandrake” if your smarts is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “tex attorney/tax evader’ costumes if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • when asked about scientific advice for the bar mitzvah:
    -> choose electric slide if your fun is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “chemistry” if your smarts is higher than your fun
  • when asked for advice for the funeral
    -> choose “possess the body” if your fun is higher than your creativity
    -> choose bouncy castle if your creativity is higher than your fun
  • go to prom with Polly

(ending #9 Reverse Romanian Wilkinson ending)

  • This route starts with Polly mentioning she’s never done a “reverse Romanian Wilkinson” and that she wants to do it
  • when she asks you if you know how to do it
    -> choose “I’ve done that loads of times!’ if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “throw a smoke bomb” if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • get 10 money and buy the penguin mask at the shop (can be done at any time, but better to do it at cafeteria time)
  • when you’re searching around what “reverse romanian wilkinson” needs
    -> choose “unexpcted search terms’ if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose to convince the Coven to tell you if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when you get to Liam and the guac
    -> choose “toss your money at him” if your money is higher than your charm
    -> choose “blackmail him” if your charm is higher than your money

    ~~ small reminder to buy the penguim mask in case you still haven’t~~

  • go to prom with Polly

Scott Endings

All of the following Scott’s secret endings routes will randomly trigger when you go for him.

(ending #10 Coke Ending)

  • This route starts with Scott being abnormally hyper
  • when asked to do something to calm him down
    -> choose aromatherapy if your creativity is higher than your fun
    -> choose fidget spinner if your fun is higher than your creativity
  • get 10 money and purchase a bag of regular cocaine from the shop (can also be done later, but why wait 😀 )
  • when asked to help about coach
    -> choose to spike the punch if your fun is higher than your charm
    -> choose to convince coach if your charm is higher than your fun

    Depending on your previous choice the next event will change:

  • if you chose to spike the punch:
    -> choose to pretend to be a renowned punch chef if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose to seduce the one in charge of the puch if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • if you chose to talk to coach
    -> choose to say that coke is great for sports if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to snort in from of coach if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Scott

(ending #11 The King of Furries Ending)

  • This route starts with Scott mentioning he has found some friends that claim he is their king
  • when asked about how to be a good king
    -> choose a hundred push-ups if your boldness is higher than your charm
    -> choose “royalty has been inside you all along” if your charm is higher than your boldness
  • when once again asked how to be a good king
    -> choose taxes if your money is higher than your creativity
    -> choose to draw a flag if your creativity is higher than your money
  • when Scott is suspicious of his furry friends
    -> choose to say “deer shed their antlers and grow it back” if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose “that panda was a cursed prince” if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom with Scott

Vera endings

“this has been quite pleasing”All of the following Vera’s secret endings routes will randomly trigger when you go for her.

(ending #12 Bloody Prom Queen Ending)

  • This route starts with Vera announcing her decision to become prom queen
  • when asked for details on a ritual to help Vera
    -> choose to ask the Coven if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose to search the internet if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • get 1 money and buy “a tampom used by a former prom queen” at the shop (you cannot progress this route unless you buy this item, so do it ASAP)
  • visit the batchroom and when caught by the principal
    -> choose “it’s for animal abuse III” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “the goat is a spy” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when you need the earrings to complete the ritual
    -> choose “we’re trying to save the world too!” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to make replicas of the earring if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Vera

(ending #13 Crime Boss Ending)

  • This route starts with Vera announcing a murder-service app
  • when asked how to make the app be a success
    -> choose “free range organic murders” if your creativity is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “viral marketing” if your smarts is higher than your creativity
  • when Vera complains about the “murder market”
    -> choose “quit crime” if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “write a song” if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • when you need to save Vera
    -> choose to confess your feelings if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to kiss the crocodile if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Vera

personal note:

“Murdr” is a top-tier app name tbh

Calculester Endings

“This plant? My plant? Plantgelina Joleaf?”All of the following Calculester’s secret endings routes require the second term DLC. Those routes will randomly trigger when you go for him.

(ending #14 The Meaning of Life Ending)

  • This route starts with you on a pasta dating app and Calculester wondering what is the meaning of life
  • when asked for a metaphor about life from Scott and Damien
    -> choose to “ask how the orange feels” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to eat the orange if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when asking Liam and Miranda about art
    -> choose “what the status quo did to you?” if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “what is Miranda about?” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when outed about your pasta adventures
    -> choose “carress this plate of ravioli” if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “there is an added pleasure to enjoying something that took some effort and mastery” if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Calculester

(ending #15 Virtual Reality Ending)

  • This route starts with Calculester connected to another computer, creating a virtual reality
  • when he asks for your opinion on what to do to the VR
    -> choose “steal from ‘Very Upset Birds’” if your fun is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “Calculester’s first law of termodynamics” if your creativity is higher than your fun
  • when calculester talks about his VR creatures starting a holy war
    -> choose “controversial scandal” if your creativity is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “Nietzsche” if your smarts is higher than your creativity
  • when some of Calcuboi’s citizens start suspecting they are on a virtual reality
    -> choose “send all your most suspicious citizens to an even MORE virtual reality” if your smarts is higher than your creativity
    -> choose the Kardashians if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom with Calculester

Zoe Endings

(ending #16 Zoe’s identity)

  • This route starts with that s**thead Leonard confronting Zoe about her feminine identity
  • when you get to confront Leonard
    -> choose “you only buy your videogames when they’re on sale” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose pokeman duel if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when you confront the wolfpack
    -> choose “you sometimes aren’t born in a way you truly feel” if your smarts is higher than your creativity
    -> choose to produce an action blockbuster if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • when you confront Zoe’s cultists
    -> choose “Z’gord is truly trapped in this totem!” if your is higher than your charm is higher than your fun
    -> choose to introduce them to k-pop if your fun is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Zoe

(ending #17 Zoe’s Cult)

  • This route starts with Zoe’s cultists giving you the title of “prophet” and asking you for advice about how to behave now that Zoe is a high-school girl
  • when asked what the cult should be sacrificing
    -> choose “another goat” if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “your own prejudices” if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • when asked who in the cult should have the title of “grandmaster”
    -> choose “become a high-schooler for a day” if your fun is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “whoever can compose the best theme song” if your creativity is higher than your fun
  • when the cultists ask for a ritual that would be fitting of Zoe
    -> choose “drinking blue-flavored energy drink” if your creativity is higher than your fun
    -> choose “slumber party” if your fun is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom with Zoe

Special Secret Endings

Those endings do not require an item and are not tied to one of specific main character’s route

(ending #18 Valerie’s Ending)

This ending is unlocked after the player has seen half of the events in the game. You will know that you can get this ending when you receive a notification on the main menu saying that “the shop has changed slightly”

  • Visit the shop but don’t buy anything. Do that 3 times.
  • Visit the shop one more time and there will be a scene with Aaravi, the Slayer
    -> choose outsourcing if your money is higher than your
    -> choose DIY if your creativity is higher than your money
  • when with the Coven
    -> choose figurines if your money is higher than your creativity
    -> choose evil twin if your creativity is higher than your money
  • when the Interdimentional Prince gets Valerie
    -> choose to share a pic if your creativity is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to start a fire if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom alone

(ending #19 Orgy Ending)

    This route will randomly start when you’re going for either Liam or Polly

  • This route starts with Liam and Polly saying they are bored
  • when trying to make Liam and Polly reconsider doing an orgy
    -> choose “chess tournament” if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose to start chanting if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when trying to convince Scott and Damien to join
    -> choose “study this book” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “fancy hats” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when trying to convince Miranda
    -> choose “your parents want you to choose a suitor” if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “parents never trust children” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when trying to convince Vera
    -> choose “it’s about networking!” if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “notebook with out-of-the-box ideas” if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with any of the six main characters

Item endings (base game)

We are done with the rng routes for each character now we’re onto the shop! The following endings will require an specifiic item to be purchased at the shop

important notes: some items only appear after a certain number of endings has been obtained. If you want a certain item and you cannot find it on the shop, try to get some other endings first.

When a new item is unlocked you will receive a notification about it on the main menu

Also make sure to buy the items you need as fast as you can, taking too long might make you unable to finish the item’s route

(ending #20 Ghost Ending)

  • Get 5 money and buy “A blanket with two holes” from the shop
  • when having fun with your ghost-blanket
    -> choose “levitating stuff” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “ghost prank” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when asked to do something ghostly
    -> choose “boo!” if your creativity is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to throw a rock if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • when asked how you died
    -> choose “I was offered as a sacrifice” if your is fun higher than your charm
    -> choose “I only tell on the third date” if your charm is higher than your fun
  • go to prom alone (or with one of the six main interests but they will reject you if you don’t have enough stats for them)

(ending #21 Dragon Heat Ending)

  • Get 6 money and buy an erotic fanfiction about dragons from the shop
  • when asked about your fvorite arc
    -> choose the sexcalibur arc if your fun is higher than your creativity
    -> choose exclusive chapter if your creativity is higher than your fun
  • when asked about Harold being mean
    -> choose to look at Damien’s tinder messages if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “love is alive and well” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when talking about the “trolls”
    -> choose to ask nicely if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose to write a fanfic if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • go to prom alone

(ending #22 Corpse Ending)

  • Get 5 money and buy a corpse from the shop
  • when trying to convince that the corpse is a fashion accessory
    -> choose to put the corpse on your head if your smarts is higher than your money
    -> choose to rip a brand logo and put it on the corpse if your money is higher than your smarts
  • when asked what to do about the journalist
    -> choose journalism duel if your creativity is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to kill his family if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • when your corpse is endangered
    -> choose “the corpse can protect itself” if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose “love is always the answer!” if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom alone

(ending #23 Cult Ending)

  • Get 7 money and buy “a cult ring” from the shop
  • when asked how you got your ring
    -> choose “the truth will always prevail” if your boldness is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “I had to eat my entire body” if your creativity is higher than your boldness
  • when asked about your favorite part of the cult
    -> choose “the bonds of friendship” if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “turning into a dinosaur” if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • when brainstorming for recruitment
    -> choose “subliminal messages” if your creativity is higher than your fun
    -> choose “everyone is a member of the club” if your fun is higher than your creativity
  • when asked who could be behind the cult
    -> choose “draw a pentagram” if your money is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “ask Vera” if your smarts is higher than your money
  • go to prom with Vera

(ending #24 Angel Blood Ending)

  • Get 12 money and buy the blood of an angel from the shop
  • when the Coven, Vera and Polly want the angel’s blood
    -> choose “business opportunity” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “the most powerful drug are the friends we made along the way” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when confronting Dmitri
    -> choose to seduce Dmitri if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “the Coven’s ability to care is their strenght” if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • when you’re over Joy’s corpse
    -> choose to sob over her corpse if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose the healing orb if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • go to prom alone

(ending #25 Blobert Ending)

  • Get 12 money and buy “a set of weirdly specific greeting cards” from the shop
  • Right after you talk to Blobert for the first time
    -> choose to give a card to the corpse if your boldness is higher than your charm
    -> choose to give a card to the principal if your charm is higher than your boldness
  • when the prince is with Vera
    -> choose to give a card to the prince if your creativity is higher than your fun
    -> choose to fold a card into a paper airplane if your fun is higher than your creativity
  • when confronting the slayer
    -> choose the card about a brother if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose “those boots were made for rockin’!” if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom alone

(ending #26 Floppy Disk Ending)

the item for this route can only be obtained in a base-game playthrough. If you’re in a second-term playthrough the item will not appear on the shop

  • Get 8 money and buy “An Arcane Floppy Disc” from the shop
  • visit the library, and when Damien threatens to start arson: (once again, classic Damien)
    -> choose to hack the virus if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose to strike a pose if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • when Calculester is being suspected of being a robot
    -> choose “cool hat” if your fun is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “we are all programmed slaves” if your smarts is higher than your fun
  • when asked what makes you feel alive
    -> choose “doing something crazy” if your boldness is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “when drinking this magic drink” if your smarts is higher than your boldness
  • when you need to save Calculester (again)
    -> choose to do the robot dance if your fun is higher than your charm
    -> choose to do a heartfelt speech if your charm is higher than your fun
  • go to prom alone

personal note –

If you look at Calculester in the ending CG of this route and also when he accepts to go to prom with you in Second Term you might notice a cute detail

(ending #27 Z’Gord Ending)

once again, the item for this route can only be obtained in a base-game playthrough.

  • Get 10 money and buy “The Totem of Z’Gord” from the shop
  • when you wanna find a sacrifice for the deity
    -> choose to start a giant bonfire if your fun is higher than your charm
    -> choose to sacrifice yourself if your charm is higher than your fun
  • when the Coven confronts you about the totem
    -> choose to swallow the totem if your boldness is higher than your smarts
    -> choose to make the totem disappear if your smarts is higher than your boldness
  • when the deity is summoned choose to ask it to prom! (you will need more charm than boldness) the other option will cancel the route
  • go to prom alone

Item endings (base game part 2)

(ending #28 PRANK MASTERZ Ending)

  • Get 7 money and buy “an ancient tome of forbidden arts” from the shop
  • when asked how to get the kidney of an angel
    -> choose to fake needing a kidney transpant if your charm is higher than your money
    -> choose to buy one at the store if your money is higher than your charm
  • when you need to high-five
    -> choose to say it’s a hand ring if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “do you really wanna be left out?” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when you need to open an interdimentional rift
    -> choose “connectivity problem” if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose to convince to open the rift for you if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom with Polly or Scott

personal note:

let the credits roll and check the ending polaroids in this one, it’s amazing!

(ending #29 The Lemonade Ending)

  • Get 4 money and buy a lemon from the shop
  • when looking at startkicker to get an idea
    -> choose beta access to lemonade if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose body pillow if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when you need to make Scott and Miri go viral
    -> choose to convince a celebrity if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to make a controversy if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when you look again at startkicker for inspiration
    -> choose lemonade sequel if your is creativity higher than your boldness
    -> choose make one of the backers a character if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom with Scott or Miranda

(ending #30 Locket Ending)

  • Get 7 money and buy the cursed locket of Winstom Montgomery from the shop
  • when you gotta share your “#1 snorting safety tip”
    -> choose to test the locket if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose to stay hydrated if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • when the you and the Coven want to know about the finished business of a ghost
    -> choose creepy kid if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose ouija board if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • when you need to be sincere with Polly
    -> choose to say you want to understand her if your boldness is higher than your charm
    -> choose to say you were wrong to judge her if your charm is higher than your boldness
  • go to prom with Polly

personal note:

that ending CG absolutely shattered my heart into a million pieces, I am still recovering to this day

(ending #31 Gorgon Befriending Guide Ending)

  • Get 10 money and buy Val’s Declassified Gorgon Befriending Guide from the shop
  • choose whatever you want (you will fail every choice but don’t worry)
  • go to prom with Vera

(ending #32 Kale’s Ending)

  • Get 7 money and buy “Conspiracy theories on why you never gotten to see Kale around here” from the shop
  • when you need to make a good first impression
    -> choose “sexy gamekid console” if your charm is higher than your fun
    -> choose the Dylan Rupert if your fun is higher than your charm
  • when talking about joint
    -> choose sommelier if your smarts is higher than your creativity
    -> choose origami artist if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • when Kale disappears
    -> choose to go to the police if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose plant biologist if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • go to prom alone

(ending #33 Thank you Ending)

  • Get the “thank you letter” from the shop, it’s free
  • do whatever you want, there are no choices. Just remember you won’t get two endings at once so once you get the letter you’re locked with this ending
  • go to prom alone or with any of the six main interests

Item Ending (second-term DLC)

the following endings need items that only appear at the shop if you own the second term DLC and you’re on a second-term playthrough

(ending #34 Miri’s true calling)

  • Get 5 money and buy “a fake title of nobility” from the shop
  • when Bellanda appears and you have to give a title to Miranda
    -> choose “keeper of the best hairstyle” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “the commanding voice” if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when Miranda needs motivation
    -> choose “make cute eyes” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “this chainsaw” if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when thinking about something to hate
    -> choose “people that are not millionaires” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “airpeople!!” if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Miranda

(ending #35 the Drugs Ending)

  • Get money 10 and buy “very weird drugs” from the shop

    IMPORTANT NOTE: this item only appears when there are exactly 3 events left on your playthough (not counting lunch)

  • when Polly gets scared
    -> choose “walk into the limits of reality” if your boldness is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “turn off the game” if your smarts is higher than your boldness this choice gave me a mini heart-attack
  • when trying to convince Liam
    -> choose raise your hand if your creativity is higher than your smarts if you choose this but your smarts is higher you’ll get an achievement, but you won’t get the ending
    -> choose the website if your smarts is higher than your creativity
  • when trying to escape
    -> choose “look behind you” if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “outside help” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom with Liam, Scott, or Polly

(ending #36 Faith’s Ending)

  • Get 7 money and buy a Lore Coupon from the shop
  • when asked who do you want to know about
    -> choose Faith, duh (you will need more smarts than boldness)
  • when you have to lie about cats
    -> choose “they have organs and skin and come in different colors” if your creativity is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “that they are 17 feet tall” if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • when asked how to prevent people mistaking Faith for evil Faith
    -> choose super secret handshake if your fun is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “you look like you’re into death metal” if your creativity is higher than your fun. (Faith with the absolutely based taste in music)
  • when confronting evil Faith
    -> choose gamble if your boldness is higher than your charm
    -> choose “asking for a hug” if your charm is higher than your boldness
  • go to prom alone

(ending #37 Hope’s Ending)

  • Get 7 money and buy the lore coupom from the shop again
  • when asked who do you want to know more about
    -> choose Hope (you will need boldness higher than creativity)
  • when asked to help with Hope’s business
    -> choose device if your smarts is higher than your creativity
    -> choose cute cat if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • when you wanna come up with a theory about what’s happening with Hope
    -> choose “she’s a big corp CEO” if your creativity is higher than your boldness
    -> choose “the real Hope is inside of Joy” if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • when you talk to Hope again
    -> choose “go to Thailand” if your fun is higher than your charm
    -> choose “Whatsapp group” if your charm is higher than your fun
  • go to prom alone

Item Endings (Second-term DLC part 2)

(ending #38 Fairy Ending)

  • Get 10 money and buy “A fairy in a bottle” from the shop
  • when asked what is your RPG class
    -> choose “compliment caster” if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose “ranger” if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • when you need to boost your stats
    -> choose Lof-Yars-Elf if your smarts is higher than your boldness
    -> choose Relaxas if your boldness is higher than your smarts
  • when you have to fight the Owlbear
    -> choose “axe of introspection” if your boldness is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “convince to suplex the Owlbear” if your creativity is higher than your boldness
  • go to prom alone

(ending #39 Dahlia’s Ending)

  • Get 8 money and buy a map from the shop
  • when Dahlia asks you to be her tactician
    -> choose motivation if your fun is higher than your smarts
    -> choose poetry if your smarts is higher than your fun
  • when asked for an attack plan
    -> choose to build a bomb if your creativity is higher than your smarts
    -> choose to hire a hell consultant if your smarts is higher than your creativity
  • when asked to advise Dahlia
    -> choose to regulate condo developments if your creativity is higher than your fun
    -> choose free wi-fi if your fun is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom alone

(ending #40 Fellow Student Ending)

  • Get money 8 and buy a police report from the shop
  • when Scott is about to sell out Vera
    -> choose “snitching is last week’s challenge” if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose “the other crimes would be sad” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when asked what defines a millenial
    -> choose “ruining an industry” if your smarts is higher than your creativity
    -> choose “a job hard to explain” if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • when trying to convince Fellow Student to buy booze
    -> choose “it’s to treat this wound” if your is boldness higher than your charm
    -> choose “it’s to support a small business” if your charm is higher than your boldness
  • when Fellow Student is having doubts
    -> choose “kickass cap” if your fun is higher than your charm
    -> choose “moments at summer camp” if your charm is higher than your fun
  • go to prom alone

(ending #41 A Change of Place Ending)

  • Get 8 money and buy a change of place from the shop
  • when Dmitri and the Interdimentional prince approach you
    -> choose “joining the dark side would be like marrying the night” if your charm is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “convince Dmitri that the prince is a better suitor” if your smarts is higher than your charm
  • when you need to make rules for their relationship
    -> choose “playing Monopoly is off-limits” if your fun is higher than your smarts
    -> choose “don’t get rules from a semi-stranger” if your smarts is higher than your fun
  • when asked to help with the marriage
    -> choose to hire strippers if your money is higher than your creativity
    -> choose to act as strippers if your creativity is higher than your money
  • go to prom alone

(ending #42 The Narrator Ending)

  • The first time this ending is available, you will find that the cafeteria has more room than usual. By pushing the camera to the left you will find the Narrator sitting at a table. If you talk to him you will begin his route, However if you fail you will need to buy his hat from the shop for 15 money
  • when asked to take the Narrator into one of your misadventures
    -> choose yes, bruh. If you choose “no” the route is cancelled
  • when coming up with something crazy to try
    -> choose “talking narrator dolls” if your creativity is higher than your charn
    -> choose “narrate for each other” if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • when asked for advanced narrating advice
    -> choose “WWDD” if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose “sound effects” if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when talking about prom
    -> choose “but you’ve never been to prom!” if your smarts is higher than your charm
    -> choose “sex” if your charm is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom alone

The Gift that keeps on Giving Endings

The following endings will require you to get The Gift That Keeps on Giving from the shop (it’s a free item, don’t worry). The Gift will give you one of many possible items, hopefully you will get the one you wantnote: you can only get the gift once per playthrough, and if you’re on a multiplayer session only one of the players can get it. If you don’t get the item you want from the gift you have to either restart the playthrough or just try to get some other ending and try again later

(ending #43 Caganer Ending)

  • Get “the sh*tter” from the gift
  • when Liam is trying to explain what the sh*tter is and Damien is losing his damn mind over it
    -> choose to catch a real sh*tter if your boldness is higher than your creativity
    -> choose to re-enact the scene if your creativity is higher than your boldness
  • when buying plane tickets
    -> choose to collect security cameras if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose to collect all the sh*ts if your fun is higher than your smarts (ah yeah sure this sounds like a fun time… I suppose)
  • when trying to make a diversion
    -> choose celebrities if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose k-pop and Garfield if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom with Liam or Damien

(ending #44 Family Ending)

  • Get “a drawing from a random kid” from the gift
  • when talking to Scott and Vera
    -> choose to start discussing jazz if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose to make a silly face if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when Scott is talking about pizza
    -> choose “convince that you’re a time traveller” if your charm is higher than your boldness
    -> choose to act like an entitled piece of sh*t if your boldness is higher than your charm
  • when Scott has the bag of potatoes
    -> choose “some people have a hard time putting emotions into words” if your charm is higher than your creativity
    -> choose to pin a ribbon on the sack of potatoes if your creativity is higher than your charm
  • go to prom with Scott or Vera

(endings #45 and #46, Eel and Serf Party Endings)

  • Get “Mind control classes” from the gift

    to get the “Eel” ending you must fail at least two of the scenarios. To get the Serf Party ending you must not fail at least two of the scenarios. 😀

  • when you meet Pheel and get to know his true intentions
    -> choose “drinking is overrated” if your boldness is higher than your fun
    -> choose “poison antidote” if your fun is higher than your boldness
  • when coming up with a party activity
    -> choose “security game” if your creativity is higher than your fun
    -> choose “opium” if your fun is higher than your creativity
  • when the cake has an assassin
    -> choose “very convincing propaganda” if your creativity is higher than your charm
    -> choose grandma if your charm is higher than your creativity
  • go to prom with Miranda

personal notes:

The polaroids in the “Eel” ending are very, very, very sad fr. It’s probably the only time in the game where I actually felt sad regarding Miranda. But tbh Pheel is based tho.

(ending #47 the Gift Ending)

  • Get “a date with Valerie” from the gift
  • when trying to decide how to wrap a gift for Aaravi
    -> choose to disassemble the bear if your creativity is higher than your smarts
    -> choose to travel to Nepal if your smarts is higher than your creativity
  • when choosing a coupon for the Coven
    -> choose a lore coupon if your smarts is higher than your fun
    -> choose the pizza one if your fun is higher than your smarts
  • when choosing something for Blobert
    -> choose to dress like him for a day if your is creativity higher than your boldness
    -> choose to hire a retired FBI agent if your boldness is higher than your creativity
  • when choosing a gift for Valerie
    -> choose a course in optical physics if your smarts is higher than your crearivity
    -> choose a e-commerce website if your creativity is higher than your smarts
  • go to prom alone

That’s everything we are sharing today for this Monster Prom guide. This guide was originally created and written by Berizimi. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.

If you believe that any of the content on this site violates your rights, including your intellectual property rights, please contact us immediately using our contact form.

Monster Prom



There are 34 secret endings in Monster Prom. The Monster Prom: Second Term DLC adds 13 new secret endings for a total of 47 secret endings.

These endings are unlocked through items or will trigger randomly while on a datable NPC’s route.

Each of the six main NPCs, Damien, Liam, Miranda, Polly, Scott, and Vera, have multiple secret endings. Getting a secret ending with these characters will give you a special image, which can later be viewed through the gallery.

However, some secret endings do not give you a special CG, but change the way you appear at prom, or who you appear with, for example.

Getting all of the secret endings will give you the Ending Connoisseur achievement on Steam.


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

The CG for Damien’s FIGHT secret ending.

FIGHT Base Game Damien’s route, RNG.

The CG for Damien’s HAIR secret ending.

HAIR Base Game Damien’s route, RNG.

The CG for Damien’s SUN secret ending.

SUN Base Game (as of the F*ckin’ Hot Update) Damien’s route, RNG.


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

The CG for Liam’s PROM KING secret ending.

PROM KING Base Game Liam’s route, RNG.

The CG for Liam’s YAOI secret ending.

YAOI Base Game Liam’s route, RNG.


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

The CG for Miranda’s THRONE secret ending.

THRONE Base Game Miranda’s route, RNG.

The CG for Miranda’s REVENGE secret ending.

REVENGE Base Game Miranda’s route, RNG.
Miranda's Party 1

The CG for Miranda’s PARTY secret ending.

SERF PARTY Base Game (as of the The Gift Update) Purchase The Gift That Keeps on Giving’ that contains Mind Control classes
Miranda Death 1

The CG for Miranda’s EEL secret ending.

EEL Base Game (as of the The Gift Update) Purchase The Gift That Keeps on Giving’ that contains Mind Control classes
Miranda True Calling

The CG for the BELLANDA secret ending.


(Initially locked)

Purchase A Fake Title of Nobility ($5)


Ending Image Ending Name Availabilty How to Unlock

The CG for Polly’s PARTY secret ending.

PARTY Base Game Polly’s route, RNG.

The CG for Polly’s WILKINSON secret ending.

WILKINSON Base Game Polly’s route, RNG.

The CG for Polly’s LOCKET secret ending.

LOCKET Base Game (As of the Ghost Story update) Purchase The Cursed Locket of Winston Montgomery ($7)


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

The CG for Scott’s COKE and CAGE secret endings.

COKE/CAGE Base Game Scott’s route, RNG.

The CG for Scott’s FURRY secret ending.

FURRY Base Game Scott’s route, RNG.
Scott Family Ending

The CG for Scott’s FAMILY secret ending.

FAMILY Base Game (as of the The Gift Update) Purchase The Gift That Keeps on Giving’ that contains Drawing From a Random Kid


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

The CG for Vera’s BLOOD secret ending.

BLOODY QUEEN Base Game Vera’s route, RNG.

The CG for Vera’s CRIME secret ending.

CRIME Base Game Vera’s route, RNG.

The CG for Vera’s CULT secret ending.

CULT Base Game Purchase A Cult Ring($7)

The CG for Vera’s ICE QUEEN secret ending.


(Initially locked)

Purchase Val’s Declassified Gorgon Befriending Guide($10)


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

Completion of the FLOPPY DISK secret ending with Oz.


(Initially locked, disabled in Second Term)

Purchase An Arcane Floppy Disk ($8)
Just a little boy..

The CG for Calculester’s CALCAREERS secret ending.

CALCAREERS Second Term Calculester’s route, RNG.
Robo Orgy

The CG for Calculester’s VR secret ending.

VR Second Term Calculester’s route, RNG.


Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

Completion of the DEITY secret ending with Vicky.

DEITY Base Game

(Initially locked, disabled in Second Term)

Purchase The Power Totem of Zgord,’ Ruler of the Dark Realms’ ($10)
Living her truth

The CG for Zoe’s IDENTITY secret ending.

IDENTITY Second Term Zoe’s route, RNG.
Zoe Cultist Ending

The CG for Zoe’s PROPHET secret ending.

PROPHET Second Term Zoe’s route, RNG.

Other Endings

Ending Image Ending Name Availability How to Unlock

Completion of the ANGEL BLOOD secret ending with Brian.


(Initially locked)

Purchase The Blood of an Angel ($12)

Completion of the A CHANGE OF PLACE secret ending with Oz.

A CHANGE OF PLACE Second Term (As of You Do You Update)

(Intially locked)

Purchase A Change of Place ($8)

The CG for the CAGANER secret ending

CAGANER Base Game (as of The Gift Update) Purchase The Gift That Keeps on Giving’ that contains The Shitter

The CG for the CORPSE secret ending.

CORPSE Base Game Purchase A Corpse ($5)

Completion of the DAHLIA secret ending with Amira.

DAHLIA Second Term

(Initially locked)

Purchase A Map ($8)

The CG for the DRAGON HEAT secret ending.


(Initially locked)

Purchase An Erotic Fanfic About Dragons ($6)

Completion of the FAIRY secret ending with Brian.

FAIRY Second Term

(Initially locked)

Purchase A Fairy in a Bottle ($10)

Completion of the FAITH secret ending with Amira.

FAITH Second Term

(Initially locked)

Purchase A Free Lore Coupon ($7)

The CG for the FELLOW STUDENT secret ending


(Initially locked)

Purchase A Police Report ($8)

The CG for the FOURTH WALL secret ending


(Initially locked)

Purchase Very Weird Drugs ($10)

Completion of the GHOST secret ending with Polly as a prom date.

GHOST Base Game Purchase A Blanket With Two Holes ($5)
Valerie gift

The CG for the GIFT secret ending

GIFT Base Game (as of The Gift Update)

(Initially locked)

Purchase The Gift That Keeps on Giving’ that contains A Date with Valerie

Completion of the GREETING CARDS secret ending with Brian.


(Initially locked)

Purchase A Set of Weirdly Specific Greeting ‘Cards’ ($12)

Completion of the HOPE secret ending with Oz.

HOPE Second Term

(Initially locked)

Purchase A Free Lore Coupon ($7)

The CG for the LEMON secret ending.

LEMON Base Game

(Initially unlocked)

Purchase A Lemon ($4)

Completion of the NARRATOR secret ending with Vicky.

NARRATOR Second Term

(Initially locked)

Find the Narrator’s table at lunch

The CG for the ORGY secret ending.

ORGY Base Game

(Initially locked)

Liam and Polly’s Routes, RNG

The CG for the PRANK MASTERZ secret ending.

PRANK MASTERZ Base Game (As of That October Holiday update)

(Initially locked, disabled in Second Term)

Purchase An Arcane Spellbook ($7)
Support Group Oz

Completion of the SUPPORT GROUP secret ending with Oz.


(Initially locked)

Purchase Conspiracy Theories on Why You’ve Never Gotten to See Kale Around Here ($7)
Thank You Ending

CG from the Dev Thank you Ending

THANK YOU Base Game (As of the Thank You Update)

(Initially locked)

Purchase Thank You Letter

Completion of the VALERIE secret ending with Vicky.


(Initially locked)

Enter and exit the shop three times without buying anything to unlock Valerie’s route.

Monster Prom is full of unique characters, and there are tons of different unique endings. Here are the best and how to get them!

Monster Prom
is full of unique characters, from the main 8 to tons of side characters. It’s all about wacky and absurd humor and has over 1000 situations that you can end up in! There are many different endings to the game, including over 40 secret endings that you can unlock or trigger at random. All of the endings have Stat Checks and when picking which option to take, always choose the option you have the higher stat in.As a heads up, this list does contain spoilers for the game.

10 Family

This secret ending for Scott can be unlocked by purchasing The Gift That Keeps On Giving and randomly receiving A Drawing From a Random Kid. Scott will see you with the picture and reveal that he’s never met his parents. First, you have to choose between either discussing the history and development of jazz (Smarts) or make a silly face (Fun). In the second scenario, you can choose to convince the owners of a pizza shop that you’re a time traveler (Charm) or act entitled to get a free pizza (Bold).

And in the third one, you can either take the option with the ribbon (Creativity) or explain that it’s hard for people to vocalize their emotions (Charm). Finally, you’ll want to go to prom with Scott.

9 Locket

You can unlock Polly’s secret ending; Locket, when you buy The Cursed Locket of Winston Montgomery. Polly will see you with the locket and convince you to use it in a pretty unconventional way. Tell Polly to test the locket beforehand (Charm) or to always stay hydrated (Smarts). The Coven shows up and angers Polly and it’s up to you to help them to calm her down.

Choose to find a creepy kid who talks to ghosts (Charm), or use an Ouija board to talk to Polly’s mom (Smarts). Finally, you and the Coven will find Polly and can either say you want to understand her more (Bold) or apologize for judging (Charm). Then go to Prom alone.

8 Prank Masterz

Prank Masterz can be unlocked after buying An Ancient of Forbidden Arts. Polly and Scott steal the tome thinking it’s a prank book. First, either get a kidney from David Boreanaz (Charm) or buy one from the Angel Kidney Store (Money).

Then, trick a classmate into high-fiving you while you wear a hand buzzer by saying its a family artifact (Creativity), or convince him everyone else in school has high-fived you (Charm).

Lastly, Polly and Scott will try to summon Z’Gord and you should choose to either upgrade to a new dimensional network (Smarts) or convince the Interdimensional Prince to open a rift for you (Charm). Then go to prom with either Scott or Polly.

7 Gift

In order to unlock this ending, you must unlock all 13 items from The Gift That Keeps On Giving. Afterward, you may be granted A Date With Valerie. It’ll trigger the scenario where Valerie asks you to help give presents to your classmates.

The first one is to Aaravi and you can suggest disassembling her present (Creativity). Or picking the Nepal option (Smarts). The next gift if for the Coven and either pick Lore coupons (Smarts) or pizza coupons (Fun).

For the 3rd task, either dress like Blobert (Creativity) or hire the FBI to spy on him (Bold). The choice is for Valerie so either pick a course in optical physics (Smarts) or a full e-commerce website (Creativity). Then go to prom alone.

6 Fourth Wall

Purchase Very Weird Drugs when it’s available on Week 2’s Morning and Lunch during a short play and Week 5’s Morning and Lunch during a long play. Polly will take the drugs from you and become aware of reality. First, either suggest walking past the limits of reality (Bold) or turn off the game (Smart).

Then either convince Liam of the truth by telling him to raise his right hand (Creativity) or tell him to go to (Smarts). Finally, tell Laim, Polly, and Scott to either find a secret way out of the game (Creativity) or get help from the outside (Charm). Then go to prom with either Polly, Liam or Scott.

5 Caganer

Caganer is unlocked when you get a strange statue from The Gift That Keeps on Giving. Damien and Liam will catch you looking at it and Damien gets really invested in learning the truth behind it.

You can either suggest interrogation to find out more about the statue (Bold) or re-enact the scene the statue depicts (Creativity). Damien’s obsession with the statue takes you, him and Liam to Barcelona where you can either check security tapes (Smarts) or go to Belen (Fun).

Afterward, the 3 of you get into trouble and the only way out is to either use celebrities to divert attention away from the Caganer (Smarts) or make the strongest entertainment force in the world combing Garfield and K-Pop(Fun). Then go to prom with either Damien or Liam.

4 Fellow Student

First, complete Vera’s Crime secret ending to make the Police Report available in the shop in Second Term. First, keep Scott from blabbing on Vera by either distracting him with a challenge (Creativity) or charm him into not picking a favorite crime of Vera’s. Next, you determine what defines a millennial, picking either being blamed for ruining an industry (Smarts) or needing a hard to explain job (Creative).

When you have to convince Fellow Student to buy alcohol either say you’ll need it for wounds (Bold) or that it will support a local small business (Charm). And to keep Vera out of jail either compliment Fellow Student on his hat (Fun) or remind him of the good times you spent together (Charm). Go to prom alone.

3 Identity

Identity is one of Zoe’s secret endings that can be triggered randomly when playing her route. It starts with Zoe talking to Scott and Polly about how she feels more like herself as a high school girl than an eldritch god. But then Leonard comes in and insults Zoe. You can stand up for Zoe by either challenging him to a Pokeman duel (Fun) or point out his own hypocrisy (Smarts).

The next event has the Wolf Pack asking Zoe why she changed and you can either explain it to them using a wolf analogy (Smart) or a blockbuster movie (Creativity). In the final event, you have to pick between charming Zoe’s former cultists into thinking Z’Gord is trapped inside a totem, or introduce them to K-pop to leave Zoe (Fun). Then ask Zoe to Prom.

2 Prom King

This is one of Laima’s Secret Endings that is triggered randomly. Help Miranda make Liam popular again by gaining him more followers on his Instagram with more risque posts (Fun), or pay 10 million homeless people to follow him (Money). Next, get him to run for Prom King by either impersonating him to give a speech (Charm) or pay 1 million people to vote for Liam.

Eventually, Liams figures out what you and Miranda are up to and to win him back either do a grand romantic gesture (Charm) or pay 1 million people to spell out «I’m Sorry»(Money). Then go to prom with Liam.

1 Narrator

The Narrator ending is unlocked once you’ve achieved every ending in the game. First sit at the Narrator’s table at lunch, which is off-screen and can be reached by using the directional buttons. Then, agree to help him be like the other NPCs for a day.

Damien, Miranda, and Scott will try to get the Narrator to go back to his job but you can either launch a line of Narrator dolls (Creative) or encourage them to narrate one another’s lives (Charming) instead. Next, you will have to give Polly advice on how to be a better Narrator by either adding sound effects (Fun) or be more like Dostoyevsky (Smarts).

Finally, you have to convince the Narrator to go to prom with you by suggesting things will be different this time (Smarts) or mention a fun after-prom activity you can do together (Charm). Then go to prom alone.

Monster Prom - Secret Orgy Manager Achievement Guide

Справочник по менеджеру по Оргии успех.

Другие руководства променада монстра:

  • Как получить тайну картина окончания Полароида.
  • Как датировать роботы.


Это — руководство о том, как получить менеджера по Оргии успех в Променаде Монстра. Окончание оргии не откроет, пока у Вас не будет по крайней мере 1 секретного окончания каждыми из главных 6.


Я услышал, что это возможно на коротком сингле, но я надел его полный. Требуется 4-5 дней, чтобы закончить каждое взаимодействие, таким образом, короткий playthrough должен был бы пойти отлично.

Для викторины:

  • Продолжайте перезапускать, пока Вы не получите одно умное и одно творческое повышение. (Это для Лиама),
  • Тогда для третьего вопроса (с 6 ответами) выбирают Ответ Полли!
  • Это сделает его так, у Вас есть и Лиам и Полли в Ваших взаимодействиях, это работало на меня каждый раз.

Пойдите в класс сначала, и они должны говорить о стороне или чем-то. Это не ТРЕБУЕТСЯ, но помогает Вам держать Полли и Лиама, возвращающегося Вам, чтобы вызвать их важный convo.

Продолжайте повышать КРЕАТИВНОСТЬ и УМ! Ум должен добраться до 20, и Креативность к 25. (Не делайте, очарование вместо креативности, becuase некоторые события должно быть снаружи, чтобы вызвать).

Также попытайтесь держать общий уровень сердец, не всегда согласиться с одним человеком (не 100%, это требуется, но работало на меня).

Если Вы отсутствуете, любое умение проверяет события, которые не связаны с оргией, не волнуются, я скучал по 2 из Лиама и все еще получил его.

Вы в конечном счете должны быть в АУДИТОРИИ и вызвать convo с Лиамом и Полли о том, чтобы быть в интенсивном разговоре тогда, они говорят, что скучают.

  • После шахматного турнира: Творческий 
  • Просто пение начала: Очарование

Тогда просто продолжайте делать креативность и ум (возможно очарование/забава, если Вы хотите на стороне, пока творческий/умный повышены).

Следующее даже со Скоттом и Дамианом, это всегда вызывало на открытом воздухе для меня.

  • Книга: ум
  • Необычные шляпы: Забава 

Тогда Вы будете иметь даже с Мирандой, снова эта вызванная улица для меня.

  • Пригласите всех их: Творческий
  • Компаньонки: очарование

Наконец Вы должны убедить Веру присоединяться, это — то, почему важно иметь креативность высоко. Я имел мой в 25 и прошел. Я встретил ее улицу также только, чтобы быть безопасным.

  • Организация сети: очарование
  • Ноутбук: творческий

Затем я спросил Полли к променаду, но кажется, что выяснение у любого будет работать (кроме один).

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