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Справочник пятой редакции Dungeons and Dragons, распространяется по открытой игровой лицензии. Другими словами, это бесплатные правила для D&D 5e на русском языке, собранные из трёх основных книг: «Книги игрока», «Руководства мастера» и «Справочник Воло по монстрам». Открытая игровая лицензия позволяет не только распространять эти правила бесплатно, но и создавать на их основе собственный контент. Это удобный справочный ресурс для новичков или для тех игроков, которым необходимо вспомнить забытые игровые механики. Написание статей ещё не завершено, поэтому пока не доступны некоторые разделы. Но рано или поздно контент будет полностью добавлен на ресурс. Обо всех изменениях можно узнать из новостей и в наших соцсетях: Вконтакте, Discord и Telegram. Также, вы можете оформить спонсорскую поддержку на Boosty, где мы распространяем дополнительные материалы для спонсоров. Подпишитесь, чтобы ничего не пропустить.

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MONSTER MANUAl . · , •’ . . «‘

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D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford

Monster Manual Lead: C.hristopher Perkins Stat Block Development: Chris Sims, Rodney Thompson,

‘• Peter Lee Story Development: Robert J. Schwalb, Matt Sernett,

Steve Townshend, James Wyatt Editing: Scott Fitzgerald Gray Managing Editor: Jeremy Crawford Producer: Greg Bilsland

Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dan Gelon, Jon Schindehette, Mari Kolkowsky, Melissa Rapier, Shauna Narciso

Graphic Designers: Bree Heiss, Emi Tanji, Barry Craig Cover Illustrator: Raymond Swanland Interior Illustrators: Tom Babbey, Daren Bader, John-Paul

Balmet, Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Michael Berube, Zoltan Boros, Christopher Bradley, Aleksi Briclot, Filip Burburan, Christopher Burdett, Sam B-urley, Mike Burns, Wesley Burt, Milivoj Ceran, Jedd Chevrier, Conceptopolis, Adam Danger Cook, Julie Dillon, Dave Dorman, Jesper Ejsing, Emrah Elmasli, Wayne England, Mike Faille, Toma Feizo Gas, Emily Fiegenschuh, Tomas Giorello, E.M. Gist, Lars Grant­West, E.W. Hekaton, jD, Jo·n Hodgson, Ralph Horsley, Kurt Huggins and Zelda Devon, Lake Hurwitz, Tyler Jacobson, Vance Kovacs, Daniel Landerman, Lindsey Look, Daniel Ljunggren, Raphael Lubke, Titus Lunter, Slawomir Maniak, Andrew Mar, Brynn Metheney, Christopher Moeller, Mark Molnar, Marco Nelor, Jim Nelson, Mark A. Nelson, Hector Ortiz, Ryan Pancoast, Adam Paquette, Jim Pavelec, Kate Pfeilschiefter, Steve Prescott, Vincent Proce, Darrell Riche, Ned Rogers, Scott Roller, Jasper Sandner, Mike Sass, Marc Sasso, llya Shkipin, Carmen Sinek, Craig J Spearing, Annie Stegg, Zack Stella, Matt Stewart, Raymond Swan land, Justin Sweet, Anne Stokes, Matias Tapia, Cory Trego­Erdner, Autumn Rain Turkel, Cyril Van Der Haegen, David Vargo, Franz Vohwinkel, Richard Whitters, Sam Wood, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, Min Yum, Mark Zug


Additional �C�o�~�t�r�i �’ �B�u�t�o�r�s�:� Bruce R. Cordell, Kim ‘Mohan, Chris Dup1:1is, Tom La Pille, Miranda Horner, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Steve Winter, Chris Youngs, Ben Petrisor, Tom Olsen,

R.A . Salvatore

Project Management: Neil Shinkle, Kim Graham, John Hay Production Services: Cynda Callaway, Brian Dumas, ·

Jefferson Dunlap, David Gershman, Matt Knannlein,

Anita Williams

Brand and Marketing: Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh, Chris Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross, Laura Tommervik, Kim Lundstrom, Trevor Kidd

Based on the original game created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, with Brian Blume, Rob Kuntz, James Ward, and Don Kaye

Drawing from further development by J. Eric Holmes, Tom Moldvay, Frank Mentzer, Aaron Allston, Harold Johnson, David «Zeb» Cook, Ed Greenwood, Keith Baker, Tracy Hickman, Margaret We is, Douglas Niles, Jeff Grubb, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bill Slavicsek, Andy Collins,

and Rob Heinsoo

Playtesting provided by over 175,000 fans of D&D. Thank you!

Additional feedback provided by Robert Alaniz, Anthony Caroselli, Josh Dillard, Curt Duval, Sam E. Simpson Jr., Adam Hennebeck, Sterling Hershey, Paul Hughes, Doug Irwin, Ken J. Breese, Yan Lacharite, Tom Lommel, Jonathan Longstaff, Rory Madden, Matt Maranda, Paul Melamed, Mike Mihalas, David Milman, Daren Mitchell, Claudio Pozas, John Proudfoot, Karl Resch, M. Sean Molley, Sam Sherry, Pieter Sleijpen, David «Oak» Stark, Vincent Venturella, Fredrick Wheeler, Arthur Wright

ON THE COVER Raymond Swan land illustrates the Xanathar ambushing explorers in the darkest depths of Undermountain, proving that the beholder crime lord’s interests run deep beneath the city ofWaterdeep.

620A9218000001 EN ISBN: 978-0-7869-6561-8 First Printing: September 2014

987654321 CE

Disclaimer: Any similarities between monsters depicted in this book and monsters that actually exist are purely coincidental. That goes double for mind jlayers, which absolutely, utterly, and completely do not exist, nor do they secretly run the Da[D team. Do we really need a disclaimer to tell you that? You shouldn’t use your brain to consider such irrational thoughts. They only make the mind cluttered, �c�~�n�f�u�s�e�d�,� and unpleasantly chewy. A good brain is nice, tender, and barely used. Go ahead, put down this book and watch some reality TV or Internet cat videos. They’re really funny these days. You won’t regret it. We say this only because we love you and your juicy, succulent gamer brain .

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS , D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, all other Wizards of

the Coast product names, and their re spec tive logos are trademarks ofvizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are prop erty

of Wizards of th e Coast. This material is protected •under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained

herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©201’4 Wizards ofthe Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boechat 31,2800 Delemont, CH.

Represented by Hasbro Europe 4 The SQuare Stockley Park lJxbrjdg e Middlesex lJB11 lET UK PRINTED IN THE USA.

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Introduction .. . .. .. . .. … … .. … 4 Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) . . .. . . 164 Revenant .. … . . …. . .. ….. . .. 259 Aarakocra …………. .. ……. 12 Goblins ……………… ….. 165 Roc …….. ………. .. … …. 260 Aboleth .. ….. . …. .. . .. .. .. … 13 Colems …………… .. …. .. 167 Roper …….. ……….. . . . . .. 261 Angels … …. . ….. . ……… .. 15 Gorgon ……… .. .. …. .. . .. . 171 Rust Monster . . . . …. . . . . …… 262 Animated Objects ….. . …. … . . 19 Grell … … …….. . . .. …….. 172 Sahuagin ……….. . ……… 263. Ankheg ……. .. . . .. . ………. 21 Grick . . ……… … . .. …….. 173 Salamanders . ….. . …. … . , .’ . 265 Azer …………….. . . … . .. .. 22 Griffon . . …….. … .. .. . ….. . 174 Satyr . . .. ……. … …. . ……. 267 Banshee ………. . . . ……. …. 23 Grimlock . . .. .. …. . … .. . …. . 175 Scarecrow . …. …. . ….. . …. 268 Basilisk …………… .. . . ….. 24 Hags ………….. … . … . …. 176 Shadow . .. . . .. .. ………….. 269 Behir . .. .. ………………. . . 25 Half-Dragon .. . .. . … . .. . …… 180 Shambling Mound . .. . … : . .» .. ·. �~ �7�0� Beholders ………… ………. 26 Harpy .. . . .. . .. …. … . . .. … .. 181 Shield Guardian . ………….. . 271 Blights .. . …………………. 31 Hell Hound . .. . …….. . . … … 182 Skeletons .. . . . .. .. . . .. . ……. 272 Bugbears ……… ………….. 33 Helmed Horror ……….. . .. .. 183 Slaadi …………. . ….. · . …. 274 Bulette .. . .. . . … …. . ………. 34 Hippogriff ………….. …. . .. 184 Specter ….. . . .. ……….. . . . 279 Bullywug . …………… .. ….. 35 Hobgoblins . . . . ………. . .. . . . 185 Sphinxes …. .. .. . … . ……… 280 Cambion .. . .. . …………. … . 36 Homunculus . .. ………. .. . … 188 Sprite .. . .. … . .. • .. . ……… . . 283 Carrion Crawler ……………. 37 Hook Horror … . …. .. ……. .. 189 Stirge …………. ……….. . 284 Centaur … . .. . … . . . .. . . .. ….. 38 Hydra ….. . … . … ….. . .. .. .. 190 Succubus/Incubus .. …. ……. 285 Chimera ….. .. ………… … . 39 Intell ect Devourer ………….. 191 Tarrasque ………………… 286 Chuul .. . .. … . . .. .. … . . . …. .. 40 Invisible Stalker .. …………. 192 Thri-kreen . …………. ……. 288 Cloaker ……. .. . ……. .. . … . 41 Jackalwere …. . .. . ………… 193 Treant ……. .. .. ….. . .. . ….. 289 Cockatrice .. . … . …. .. .. .. .. .. 42 Kenku . . …… ……… …. . .. 194 Troglodyte .. . .. . ……. . . …… 290 Couatl . . .. …. . . .. . .. . . …….. 43 Kobolds …….. .. .. . ……. . .. 195 Troll ……. ….. . …… . . ….. 291 Crawling Claw .. .. . … . . … ….. 44 Kraken …….. … .. …. .. . . . . . 196 Umber Hulk … . …………… 292 Cyclops ….. . .. . .. .. . ……. … 45 Kuo-toa … . …….. ……. .. .. 198 Unicorn …. …………….. .. 293 Darkmantle … .. �~� …… .. . … .. 46 Lamia . …. . …….. .. … . …. 201 Vampires …….. …………. 295 Death Knight .. . . … … . . . .. … . 47 Lich . ………. .. .. . ….. … .. 202 Water Weird . .. . . .. ……….. . 299 Demilich .. . ……. .. . .. .. . . …. 48 Lizardfolk ……… .. .. …….. 204 Wight .. . .. . . . .. .. . ………. . . 300 Demons ……… ·»· … .. . .. . . … 50 Lycanthropes …. .. .. . … .. … . 206 Will-o’-wisp . . . … ……… -…. 301 Devils .. ……… : . .. . ….. . … . 66 Magmin ……………… ….. 212 Wraith .. .. . . . …….. ……… 302 Dinosaurs . …………. .. . ….. 79 Manticore …………. …… . . 213 Wyvern . . .. . .. … . ……. ….. 303 Displacer Beast …………….. 81 Medusa …………. .. . ……. 214 Xorn … . .. . .. . . . …… …….. 304 Doppelganger …………. . ….. 82 Mephits . . ……… . … . ……. 215 Yetis ………… . . .. . … .. … . 305 Dracolich .. . .. ……………… 83 Merfolk ………… . . . . ……. 218 Yuan-ti ……. . . . …….. …… 307 Dragon, Shadow … . ……….. . 84 Merrow ………… . …. …… 219 Yugoloths ……………….. . 311 Dragons . . .. .. . .. ………….. 86 Mimic ……… .. … . .. ……. 220 Zombies ……… . . .. .. …. .. .’ 315 Dragon Turtle …………… . . 119 Mind Flayer .. . …. .. .. …….. 221 Drider . .. . .. ……… ……… 120 Minotaur . .. . … .. . …. …….. 223 Appendix A: Miscellaneous Dryad . .. …. . …………. … . 121 Modrons ……… . …. . ……. 224 Creatures ……….. …….. 317 Duergar . .. . .. . .. ………….. 122 Mummies … . …. .. . . …. . …. 227 Appendix B: Nonplayer Elementals ………….. .. …. 123 Myconids . … . …. .. .. .. .. . …. 230 Characters ……. .. .. . . … .. 342 Elves: Drow …. . . . …….. … . 126 Nagas .. ……. … .. ……. …. 233 Index of Stat Blocks .. .. .. . …. . 351 Empyrean ……………… .. . 130 Nightmare ……… ….. . . .. . . 235 Ettercap ……. .. . . ….. . .. .. . . 131 Nothic …. ….. .. .. . ……… . 236 Ettin .. ……… … . . . .. . … . .. 132 Ogres … . . . . .. .. . … . ……… 237 Faerie Dragon . ……. . . . .. .. .. 133 Oni . ………… …. . ……. .. 239 Flameskull ……… . . … . .. … 134 Oozes . …. . …. . .. . . . … .. .. . . 240 Flumph . .. . . . . .. ……. . .. …. 135 Orcs … . ……………… …. 244 Fomorian …. .. .. ….. . . . ….. 136 Otyugh .. . .. ……….. . .. …. 248 Fungi …………. …. …. . … 137 Owlbear . ………. . . ……… 249 Galeb Duhr … . …… ………. 139 Pegasus . … ………. .. . …… 250 Gargoyle . .. ….. .. … .. ….. .. 140 Peryton ……… . .. .. ……… 251 Genies . .. .. . .. .. ….. . . …. … 141 Piercer .. .. . . … . .. ………. .. 252 Ghost . .. . …. ……. . .. .. . .. .. 147 Pixie . .. ….. .. . .. …………. 253 Ghouls …….. …………. .. . 148 Pseudodragon ………. … . . .. 254 Giants ………. …. . .. . .. . .. . 149 Purple Worm …… … .. . … . .. 255 Gibbering Mouther …. . …….. 157 Quaggoth .. . …………….. . 256 Gith …… . ……………….. 158 Rakshasa …….. … .. …….. 257 Gnolls . . .. . .. . . .. ……. . ….. 162 Remorhazes ………. ……. .. 258

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INTRODUCTION his bestiary is for storytellers and world­builders. If you have ever thought about running a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game for your friends, either a single night’s adventure or a long-running campaign, this tome contains page after page of inspiration. It ‘s your one-stop shop for

creatures both malevolent and benign. Some of the creatures that inhabit the worlds of

D&D have origins rooted in real-world mythology and fantasy literature. Other creatures are D&D originals. The monsters in this book have been culled from all previous editions of the game. Herein you’ll discover classic critters such as the beholder and the displacer beast next to more recent creations such as the chuul and the twig blight. Common beasts mingle with the weird, the terrifying, and the ridiculous. In collecting

�. �m�o�n�s�~�e�r�s� from the past, we’ve endeavored to reflect the multifaceted nature of the game, warts and all. D&D monsters come in all shapes and sizes, with stories that not only thrill us but also make us smile.

If you’re an experienced Dungeon Master (DM), a few of th<‘; monster write-ups might surprise you, for we’ve gone into the Monster Manuals of yore and discovered some long-lost factoids. We’ve also added a few new twists. Naturally, you can do with these monsters what you will. Nothing we say here is intended to curtail your creativity. If the minotaurs in your world are shipbuilders and pirates, who are we to argue with you? >It’s your world, after all.

How TO UsE THIS BooK The best thing about being a DM is that you get to invent your own fantasy world and bring it to life, and nothing brings a D&D world to life more than the creatures that inhabit it. You might read a monster’s entry and be spurred to create an adventure revolving around it, or you might have an awesome idea for a dungeon and

·need just the right monsters to populate it. That’s where the Monster Manual comes in handy.

The Monster Manual is one of three books that form the foundation of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game, the other two being the Player’s Handbook and the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The Monster Manual, like the Dungeon Master’s Guide, is a book for DMs. Use it to populate your D&D adventures with pesky goblins, stinky troglodytes, savage orcs, mighty dragons, and a veritable horde of creepy crawlies.

Guidelines for creating encounters with monsters can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. That book also contains wandering monster tables and other goodies to help you use the monsters in this book in interesting ways, as well as advice for modifying monsters and creating your own.

If you’ve never run a D&D adventure before, we recommend that you pick up the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Starter Set, which demonstrates how to take a bunch of monsters and build an exciting adventure around them.

WHAT Is A MoNSTER? A monster is defined as any creature that can be interacted with and potentially fought and killed. Even something as harmless as a frog or as benevolent as a unicorn is a monster by this definition. The term also applies to humans, elves, dwarves, and other civilized folk who might be friends or rivals to the player characters. Most of the monsters that haunt the D&D world, however, are threats that are meant to be stopped: rampaging demons, conniving devils, soul-sucking undead, summoned elementals- the list goes on.

This book contains ready-to-play, easy-to-run monsters of all levels, and for nearly every climate and terrain imaginable. Whether your adventure takes place in a swamp, a dungeon, or the outer planes of existence, there are creatures in this book to populate that environment.


If you are new to the D&D game, you might not be familiar with the weird and wondrous places where monsters can be found and fought.

DuNGEONS When most people think of a dungeon, images of dark cells with iron bars and shackles spring to mind. In the D&D game, the word «dungeon» takes on a broader meaning to include any enclosed, monster-infested location. Most dungeons are sprawling underground complexes. Here are a few other examples:

A ruined wizard’s tower atop a lonely hill riddled with goblin-infested tunnels

• A pharaoh’s pyramid filled with haunted crypts and secret treasure vaults

• A lost city in the jungle, overgrown with vines and overrun with demons and demon-worshiping cultists The icy tomb of a frost giant king A filthy, labyrinthine sewer system controlled by a gang of wererats

THE UNDERDA RK There is no greater dungeon than the Underdark, the underworld beneath the surface world. It is a vast subterranean realm where monsters accustomed to darkness dwell. It is a place filled with lightless caverns connected by tunnels that wind ever downward. One could spend a lifetime (however brief!) exploring the Underdark and find such places as the following:

A mind flayer prison or asylum, filled with mindless thralls and raving lunatics A lost dwarven necropolis containing row after row of dusty tombs waiting to be plundered

• A fortified outpost br-istling with armaments, guarding the way to a magnificent drow city A subterranean rift filled with giant fungi and ruled by a megalomaniacal beholder or mad fomorian king

• A chain of rocky islands on a vast, sunless sea that’s home to aboleths and insane kuo-toa

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Not all monsters lurk underground. Many of them inhabit deserts, mountains, swamps, canyons, forests, and other natural settings. The wilderness can be just as dangerous as any dungeon, particularly when there’s nowhere to hide! Some wilderness locations are just as memorable as any dungeon:

• A roc’s nest made of shattered ship hulls, built atop a lonely mountain or rocky hill A vast arctic tundra that serves as a hunting ground for berserkers and yeti A primeval forest protected by treants or corrupted by demon-worshiping gnolls A fog-shrouded swamp haunted by lizardfolk that worship a vile black dragon A jungle island inhabited by dinosaurs and human tribal warriors


Some of the best adventures unfold in the cradles of civilization. Urban settings afford adventurers the chance to rub shoulders with the rich and powerful, butt heads with the dregs of society, and peel back the veneer of civility to see the monstrous evil lurking beneath. Within a medieval town or city are places as deadly as any dungeon:

• A clock tower that serves as a base for a guild of kenku rogues and assassins

• A slavers’ den hidden in an orphanage run by a rakshasa disguised as the headmaster A wizard’s academy rife with corruption and practi­tioners of the necromantic arts A noble’s manor where rich, devil-worshiping cultists gather to perform sacrifices

• A temple, vault, or museum watched day and night by animated constructs


Not all adventures take place on land. This book casts light on several creatures that haunt the oceans of the world, from the devilish sahuagin to the peaceful aquatic elves who loathe them. Within this aquatic domain are many surprising adventure locations:

• A graveyard of sunken ships haunted by sharks, aquatic ghouls, and angry ghosts

• A storm giant’s coral castle, beautiful yet foreboding • A lost city on the sea floor, encased in a magic bubble

of air and ruled by a medusa queen A kraken’s cave or bronze dragon’s cavernous lair, filled with ancient treasures A sunken temple of Sekolah, evil god of the sahuagin


The Abyss. The Nine Hells. The City of Brass. Such faraway places beckon high-level adventurers to their doorsteps, defying the brave and the foolhardy to overthrow their evil masters and unlock their hidden mysteries. Many powerful, weird creatures liv e on other

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planes of existence, from orderly modrons to murderous demons. When it comes to interesting adventure locations, not even the sky is the limit when you pass beyond the boundaries of the world:

• A pit fiend’s stronghold on A vern us, the first layer of the Nine Hells

• A haunted castle in the Shadowfell that serves as a shadow dragon’s lair An elf queen’s tomb in the Feywild A djinni’s palace on the Elemental Plane of Air, filled with marvelous stolen treasures A lich’s secret demiplane, where the undead arch mage hides its phylactery and spellbook

See the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information on the planes of existence.


Many monsters inhabit dungeons, while others live in deserts, forests, labyrinths, and other environments. Regardless of which environment a monster traditionally calls home, you can place it anywhere you want. After all, «fish out of water» stories are memorable, and sometimes it’s fun to surprise players with gricks hiding under the desert sands or a dryad living in a giant mushroom in the Underdark.

STATISTICS A monster’s statistics, sometimes referred to as its stat block, provide the essential information that you need to run the monster.


A monster can be Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan. The Size Categories table shows how much space a creature of a particular size controls in combat. See the Player’s Handbook for more information on creature size and space.


Size Space Examples Tiny 21/2 by 21/2 ft. Imp, sprite Small 5 by 5 ft. Giant rat, goblin Medium 5 by 5 ft. Ore, werewolf Large 10 by 10ft. Hippogriff, ogre Huge 15 by 15 ft. Fire giant, treant Gargantuan 20 by 20ft. or larger Kraken, purple worm


Despite the versatile collection of monsters in this book, you might be at a loss when it comes to finding the perfect creature for part of an adventure. Feel free to tweak an existing creature to make it into something more useful for you, perhaps by borrowing a trait or two from a different monster or by using a variant or template, �s�u�~�h� as the ones in this book. Keep in mind that modifying a monster, including when you apply a template to it, might change its challenge rating.

For advice on how to customize creatures and calculate their challenge ratings, see the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

l ,,, » ‘

A monster’s type speaks to its fundamental nature. Certain spells, magic items, class features, and other effects in the game interact in special ways with creatures of a particular type. For example, an arrow of dragon slaying deals extra damage not only to dragons but also other creatures of the dragon type, such as dragon turtles and wyverns.

The game includes the following monster types, which have no rules of their own.

Aberrations are utterly alien beings. Many of them have innate magical abilities drawn from the creature’s alien mind rather than the mystical forces of the world. The quintessential aberrations are aboleths, beholders, mind fiayers, and slaadi.

Beasts are nonhumanoid creatures that are a natural part of the fantasy ecology. Some of them have magical powers, but most are unintelligent and lack any society or language. Beasts include all varieties of ordinary animals, dinosaurs, and giant versions of animals.

Celestials are creatures native to the Upper Planes. Many of them are the servants of deities, employed as messengers or agents in the mortal realm and throughout the planes. Celestials are good by nature, so the exceptional celestial who strays from a good alignment is a horrifying rarity. Celestials include angels, couatls, and pegasi.

Constructs are made, not born. Some are programmed by their creators to’follow a simple set of instructions, while others are imbued with sentience and capable of independent thought. Golems are the iconic constructs. Many creatures native to the outer plane of Mechanus, such as modrons, are constructs shaped from the raw material of the plane by the will of more powerful creatures.

Dragons are large reptilian creatures of ancient origin and tremendous power. True dragons, including the good metallic dragons and the evil chromatic dragons, are highly intelligent and have innate magic. Also in this category are creatures distantly related to true dragons, but less powerful, less intelligent, and less magical, such as wyverns and pseudodragons.

Elementals are creatures native to the elemental planes. Some creatures of this type are little more than animate masses of their respective elements, including the creatures simply called elementals. Others have biological forms infused with elemental energy. The races of genies, including djinn and efreet, form the most important civilizations on the elemental planes. Other elemental creatures include azers, invisible stalkers, and water weirds.

Fey are magical creatures closely tied to the forces of nature. They dwell in twilight groves and misty forests. In some worlds, they are closely tied to the Feywild, also called the Plane of Faerie. Some are also found in the Outer Planes, particularly the planes of Arborea and the Beastlands. Fey include dryads, pixies, and satyrs.

Fiends are creatures of wickedness that are native to the Lower Planes. A few are the servants of deities, but many more labor under the leadership of archdevils and demon princes. Evil priests and mages sometimes

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A monster’s speed tells you how far it can move on its turn. For more information on s peed, see the Player ‘s Handbook.

All creatures have a walking speed, s imply called the monster’s speed. Creatures that have no form of ground­based locomotion have a walking speed of 0 feet.

Some creatures have one or more of the following additiona l movement modes.


A monster that has a burrowing speed can use that speed to move through sand, earth, mud, or ice. A mons ter can’t burrow through solid rock unless it has a special tra it that allows it to do so.


A monster that has a climbing speed can use all or part of its movement to move on vertical surfaces . The monster doesn’t need to s pend extra movement to climb.

FLY A monster that has a flyin g speed can use a ll or pa rt of its movement to fly. Some monsters have the ability to hover, which makes them ha rd to knock out of the air (as explained in the rules on flying in the Player’s Handbook). Such a monster stops hovering when it dies.


A monster that has a swimming speed doesn’t need to spend extra movement to swim.


Every monster has six ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) and corresponding modifie rs. For more information on ability scores and how they’re used in play, see the Player’s Handbook.


The Saving Throws entry is reserved for creatures that are adept at resisting certain kinds of effects . For example, a creature that isn’t easily charmed or frightened might ga in a bonus on its Wisdom saving throws . Most creatures don’t have special saving throw bonuses , in which case this section is absent.

A saving throw bonus is the sum of a monster’s relevant ability modifier and its proficiency bonus, which is determined by the mons ter’s challenge rating (as s hown in the Proficiency Bonus by Cha llenge Rating table).


Proficiency Proficiency Challenge Bonus Challenge Bonus

0 +2 14 +5 1/8 +2 15 +5 1/4 +2 16 +5 1/2 +2 17 +6

+2 18 +6 2 +2 19 +6 3 +2 20 +6 4 +2 21 +7 5 +3 22 +7 6 +3 23 +7 7 +3 24 +7 8 +3 25 -t-8 9 +4 26 -t-8 10 +4 27 -t-8 11 +4 28 +8 12 +4 29 +9 13 +5 30 +9


The Skills entry is reserved for monsters that are proficient in one or more skills. For example, a monster that is very perceptive and stealthy might have bonuses to Wisdom (Perception) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks .

A skill bonus is the s um of a monster’s relevant ability modifier and its proficiency bonus, which is determined by the monste r’s challenge rating (as s hown in the Proficiency Bonus by Challenge Rating table). Other modifiers might apply. For instance, a monster might have a larger-than-expected bonus (usually double its proficiency bonus) to account for its he ightened expertise.



S ome creatu res have vulnerability, resis tance, or immunity to certain types of damage. Additiona lly, some creatures a re immune to certain conditions. If a monster is immune to a game effect that is n’t considered damage or a condition, it has a special tra it.


The S enses entry notes a monster’s passive Wisdom (Perception) score, as well as any special senses the monster might have. Specia l senses are described below.


A monster with blindsight can perceive its s urroundings without relying on s ight, w ithi n a speci fic radius .

Creatures without eyes, s uch as grim locks and gray oozes, typically have this s pecial sense, as do creatures with echolocation or heightened senses, s uch as bats a nd true dragons.

If a monster is natura lly blind, it has a parenthetical note to this effect, indicating that the radius of its blinds ight defines the maximum range of its perception.

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might be a manufactured item or a natural weapon, such as a claw or tail spike. For more information on different kinds of attacks, see the Player’s Handbook.

Creature vs. Target. The target of a melee or ranged attack is usually either one creature or one target, the difference being that a «target» can be a creature or an object.

Hit. Any damage dealt or other effects that occur as a result of an attack hitting a target are described after the «Hit» notation. You have the option of taking average damage or rolling the damage; for this reason, both the average damage and the die expression are presented.

Miss. If an attack has an effect that occurs on a miss, that information is presented after the «Miss:» notation.


A creature that can make multiple attacks on its turn has the Multiattack ability. A creature can’t use Multiattack when making an opportunity attack, which must be a single melee attack.


A monster carries enough ammunition to make its ranged attacks. You can assume that a monster has 2d4 pieces of ammunition for a thrown weapon attack, and 2d10 pieces of ammunition for a projectile weapon such as a bow or crossbow.


If a monster can do something special with its reaction, that information is contained here. If a creature has no special reaction, this section is absent.


Some special abilities have restrictions on the number of times they can be used.

XjDay. The notation «X/Day» means a special ability can be used X number of times and that a monster must finish a long rest to regain expended uses. For example, «1/Day» means a special ability can be used once and that the monster must finish a long rest to use it again.

Recharge X-Y. The notation «Recharge X- Y» means a monster can use a special ability once and that the ability then has a random chance of recharging during each subsequent round of combat. At the start of each of the monster’s turns, roll a d6. If the roll is one of the numbers in the recharge notation, the monster regains the use of the special ability. The ability also recharges when the monster finishes a short or long rest.


Many monsters have special attacks that allow them to quickly grapple prey. When a monster hits with such an attack, it doesn’t need to make an additional ability check to determine whether the grapple succeeds, unless the attack says otherwise.

A creature grappled by the monster can use its action to try to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against the escape DC in the monster’s stat block. If no escape DC is given, assume the DC is 10 +the monster’s Strength (Athletics) modifier.

For example, «Recharge 5- 6» means a monster can use the special ability once. Then, at the start of the monster’s turn, it regains the use of that ability if it rolls a 5 or 6 on a d6.

Recharge after a Short or Long Rest. This notation means that a monster can use a special ability once and then must finish a short or long rest to use it again.


A stat block rarely refers to equipment, other than armor or weapons used by a monster. A creature that customarily wears clothes, such as a humanoid, is assumed to be dressed appropriately.

You can equip monsters with additional gear ·and trinkets however you like, using the equipment chapter· of the Player’s Handbook for inspiration, and you decide how much of a monster’s equipment is recoverable after the creature is slain and whether any of that equipment is still usable. A battered suit of armor made for a monster is rarely usable by someone else, for instance.

If a spellcasting monster needs material components . to cast its spells, assume that it has the material components it needs to cast the spells in its stat block.

LEGENDARY CREATURES A legendary creature can do things that ordinary creatures can’t. Legendary creatures can take special actions outside their turns, and a few can exert power over their environment, causing extraordinary magical effects to occur in their vicinity.


A legendary creature can take a certain number of special actions- called legendary actions- outside its turn. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. A legendary creature regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. It isn’t required to use its legendary actions, and it can’t use legendary actions while incapacitated.


A legendary creature might have a section describing its lair and the special effects it can create while there, either by act of will or simply by being present. Not all legendary creatures have lairs. This section only applies to legendary creatures that spend a great deal of time in their lairs and are most likely to be encountered there.


If a legendary creature has lair actions, it can use them to harness the ambient magic in its lair. On initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties), the creature can use one of its lair action options, or forgo using any of them that round.


The mere presence of a legendary creature can have strange and wondrous effects on its environment, as noted in this section. Regional effects end abruptly or dissipate over time when the legendary creature.dies. ·


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Medium humanoid (aarakocra), neutral good

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 20 ft. , fly 50 ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +5

CON 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 15 Languages Au ran Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 12 (+1 )

CHA 11 (+0)

Dive Attack. If the aarakocra is flying and dives at leas t 30 fe et straight toward a target an d then hits it with a melee weapon attack, the attack dea ls an extra 3 (1d6) damage to th e target.


Talon. Mele e Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) slash ing damage .

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or ra nge 30/120 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

AARAKOCRA Aarakocra range the Howling Gyre, an end less storm of mighty winds and lashing rains that surrounds the tranquil realm of Aaqa in the Elemental Plane of Air. Making aerial patrols, these birdlike humanoids guard the windy borders of their home against invaders from the Elemental Plane of Earth, such as gargoyles, their sworn enemies.

Enemies of Elemental Evil. In service to the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, aarakocra scout the planes in search of temples of Elemental Evil. They spy on malign elemental creatures and then either take the fi ght to those creatures or report back to the Wind Dukes.

On the Material Plane, aarakocra create aeries atop the highest mountains, especially peaks near portals to the Elemental Plane of Air. From such heights, aarakocra watch for signs of elemental incursions, as well as for nascent threats to their home plane. Aarakocra prefer to live their lives like the wind­unburdened and ever moving- yet they watch over a region for years if that’s what it takes to guard against the incursions of Elemental Evil.

Aarakocra have no concept of political borders or property ownership, and the value of gems, gold, and other precious materials means little to aarakocra. In their eyes, a creature should use what is necessary and then cast what is left on the wind for others to use.

Search for the Seven Shards. The Wind Dukes of Aaqa come from a race of elemental beings called the vaati, which once ruled many worlds. A creature known as the Queen of Chaos arose and initiated an interplana r war against vaati rule. To combat the threat, seven vaati heroes combined their powers to create the mighty Rod of Law. In a battle against the queen’s greatest general, Mishka the Wolf Spider, a vaati killed Mishka by thrusting the rod into him like a spear. The rod shattered into seven shards that scattered across the multiverse. Aaracokra seek signs of the pieces’ locations in order to rebuild what is now know as the Rod of Seven Parts.


Five aarakocra within 30 feet of each other can magically summon an air elemental. Each of the five must use its action and movement on three consecu tive turn s to perform an aerial dance and must maintain concentration while doing so (as if concentrating on a spell). When all five have finished their third turn of the dance, the elemental appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of them. It is fri endly toward them and obeys their spoken com mands. It remains for 1 hour, until it or all its summoners die, or until any of its summoners dismisses it as a bonus action . A summoner can’t perform the dance again until it finishe s a short rest. When the elemental returns to the Elemental Plane of Air, any aarakocra within 5 feet of it can return with it.


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ABOLETH Large aberration, lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natura l armor) Hit Points 135 (18d10 + 36) Speed 10ft., swim 40ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 9 (- 1)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Con +6, ln t +8, Wi s +6 Skills History +12, Perce ption +10

WIS 15 (+2)

Senses darkvision 120 ft ., passive Perception 20 Languages Deep Speech, te lepathy 120ft. Challenge 10 (5 ,900 XP)

Amphibious. The abo leth can breathe ai r and water.

CHA 18 {+4)

Mucous Cloud. While underwater, the aboleth is surrounded by transformative mu cus. A creature that touches the aboleth or that hits it with a melee attack while withi n 5 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution savin g throw. On a failure, th e creature is diseased for 1d4 hours . The diseased creature can breathe only underwater.

Probing Telepathy. If a creature co mmunicates telepathically with the aboleth, the aboleth learns th e creature’s greatest desires if the aboleth ca n see the creature.


Multiattack. Th e aboleth makes three tentacle attacks .

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeo ning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw

can be removed by any magic that cures disease. After 1 minlilte, the diseased creature’s skin becomes translucent and slimy, the creature can’t regain hit points unless it is underwater, and the disease can be removed only by heal or another di sease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. Wh en the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 (1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit , reach 10ft. one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Enslave (3JDay). The aboleth targets one creature it ca n see within 30 fe et of it . The target mu st succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom savin g throw or be magica lly charmed by th e aboleth until the aboleth dies or until it is on a different pl ane of ex istence from the target. The charmed target is under the aboleth’s control and can’t take reactions, and the aboleth and the target can com muni cate telepathically with each other over any di stance.

Whenever the charm ed target takes damage, the ta rget can repeat the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends . No more than once every 24 hours, the target ca n also repeat the saving throw when it is at leas t 1 mil e away from the aboleth.


The aboleth ca n take 3 legendary actions , choos ing from the options below. Only one legendary actio n option can be used at a tim e and only at th e end of another creature’s tu rn . The aboleth regains spent legendary act ions at the star t of its turn .

Detect. The aboleth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Swipe. The aboleth makes one tail attack. Psychic Drain (Costs 2 Actions). One creature charmed by the

aboleth takes 10 (3d6) psychic dam age, and the aboleth rega ins hit points equal to the damage the creature takes.


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ANGELS An angel is a celestial agent sent forth into the planes to further its god’s agenda for weal or woe. Its sublime beauty and presence can drive awestruck onlookers to their knees. Yet angels are destroyers too, and their appearance portends doom as often as it signals hope.

Shards of the Divine. Angels are formed from the astral essence of benevolent gods and are thus divine beings of great power and foresight.

Angels act out the will of their gods with tireless devotion. Even chaotic good deities command lawful good angels, knowing that the angels’ dedication to order best allows them to fulfill divine commands. An angel follows a single driving purpose, as decreed by its deity. However, an angel is incapable of following commands that stray from the path of law and good.

An angel slays evil creatures without remorse. As the embodiment of law and good, an angel is almost never mistaken in its judgments. This quality can create a sense of superiority in an angel, a sense that comes to the fore when an angel’s task conflicts with the goals of another creature. The angel never acquiesces or gives way. When an angel is sent to aid mortals, it is sent not to serve but to command. The gods of good therefore send their angels among mortals only in response to the most dire circumstances.

Fallen Angels. An angel’s moral compass grants it a sense of infallibility that can sometimes spell its undoing. Angels are usually too wise to fall for a simple deception, but sometimes pride can lead one to commit an evil act. Whether intentional or accidental, such an act is a permanent stain that marks the angel as an outcast.

Fallen angels retain their power but lose their connection to the deities from which they were made. Most fallen angels take their banishment personally, rebelling against the powers they served by seeking rulership over a section of the Abyss or a place among other fallen in the hierarchy of the Nine Hells. Zariel, the ruler of the first layer of the Nine Hells, is such a creature. Rather than rebel, some fallen angels resign themselves to an isolated existence on the Material Plane, living in disguise as simple hermits. If they are redeemed, they can become powerful allies dedicated to justice and compassionate service.

Immortal Nature. An angel doesn’t require food, drink, or sleep.


Devas are angels that act as divine messengers or agents to the Material P lane, the Shadowfell, and the Feywild and that can assume a form appropriate to the realm they are sent to.

Legend tells of angels that take mortal form for years, lending aid, hope, and courage to good hearted folk. A deva can take any shape, although it prefers to appear to mortals as an innocuous humanoid or animal. When circumstances require that it cast off its guise, a deva is a beautiful humanoid-like creature with silvery skin. Its hair and eyes gleam with an unearthly luster, and large feathery wings unfurl from its shoulder blades.

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DEVA Medium celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64) Speed 30 ft., fl y 90ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Wis +9, Cha +9 Skills Insight +7, Perception +9

INT 17 (+3)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 20 (+5)

Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeo ning, pierci ng, and slashin g fro m non magica l weapons

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Senses da rkvi sion 120 ft., pass ive Perception 19 Languages all , te lepathy 120 ft. Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Angelic Weapons. The deva’s wea pon attacks are magica l. When the deva hits with any wea pon, the wea pon dea ls an extra 4d8 radia nt damage (i nclu ded in the attack).

In nate Spellcasting. The deva’s spellcast in g abi lity is Char isma (spell save DC 17). The deva ca n innate ly cast the followin g spell s, requiring only verbal co mponents:

At will: detect evil and good 1Jday each: commune, raise dea d

Magic Resistance. The deva has advantage on savin g throws aga in st spe ll s and other magica l effects.


Multiattack. Th e deva makes two me lee attacks.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hi t, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeonin g damage plu s 18 (4d8) rad iant damage.

Healing Touch (3jDay). Th e deva touches another creatu re. The target magica ll y regai ns 20 (4d8 + 2) hit points and is freed from any curse, di sease, poison, blind ness, or deafness .

Change Shape. Th e deva magica ll y polymorph s into a humanoid or beast th at has a chall enge rating equal to or less th an its ow n, or back into its true fo rm . It reve rts to its true form if it dies. Any eq uipme nt it is wea ring or carrying is abso rbed or borne by th e new form (the deva’s choice).

In a new fo rm , the deva retain s its game statis tics and abili ty to spea k, but its AC, moveme nt modes, Strength , Dexte ri ty, and special se nses are re pl aced by th ose ofth e new for m, and it ga in s any stati stics and ca pabilities (exce pt cl ass feat ures, legendary actions, and lair acti ons) th at th e new fo rm has but th at it lacks.

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PLANETAR Planetars act as the weapons of the gods they serve, presenting a tangible representation of their deities’ might. A planetar can call down rain to relieve a drought, or can loose an insect plague to devour crops. A planetar’s celestial ears detect every falsehood, and its radiant eyes see through every deception.

Planetars are muscular and hairless and have opalescent green skin and white-feathered wings. They tower over most humanoids, brandishing immense swords with grace. Sometimes sent to aid powerful mortals on important tasks for good, planetars are especially fond of missions that involve battling fiends.

Large celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 200 (16d10 + 112) Speed 40ft., fly 120ft.

STR 24 (+7)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 24 (+7)

INT 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Con + 12, Wis + 11, Cha + 12 Skills Perception + 11

WIS 22 (+6)

CHA 25 (+7)

Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 21 Languages all, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Angelic Weapons. The planetar’s weapon attacks are magica l. When the planetar hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 5d8 radiant damage (included in the attack).

Innate Spellcasting. The planetar’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20). The planetar can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect evil and good, invisibility (self only) 3fday each: blade barrier, dispel evil and good, flam e strike,

raise dead 1jday each: commune, control weather, insect plague

Magic Resistance. The planetar has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The planetar makes two melee attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) slashing damage plus 22 (5d8) radiant damage.

Healing Touch (4jDay). The planetar touches another creature. The target magically regains 30 (6d8 + 3) hit points and is freed from any curse, disease, poison, blindness, or deafness.


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SOLAR A solar is godlike in its glory and power. On the battlefield, the solar’s sword flies into the fray on its own, and a single arrow from a solar’s bow can strike a target dead on contact. So great is a solar’s celestial might that even demon princes shrink at its resonant commands.

It is said that only twenty-four solars exist. The few solars that are known are stewards of specific deities. The others rest in a state of contemplation, waiting for the time when their services are needed to stave off some cosmic threat to the cause of good.

SOLAR Large celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Hit Points 243 (18d10 + 144) Speed 50 ft., fly 150ft.

STR 26 (+8)

DEX 22 (+6)

CON 26 (+8)

INT 25 (+7)

Saving Throws lnt +14, Wis +14, Cha +17 Skills Perception +14

WIS 25 (+7)

CHA 30 (+10)

Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion ,

frightened, poisoned Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 24 Languages all, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 21 (33 ,000 XP)

Angelic Weapons. The solar’s weapon attacks are magical. When the solar hits with any weapon , the weapon deal s an extra 6d8 radiant damage (included in the attack).

Divine Awareness. The solar knows if it hears a lie.

Innate Spellcasting. The solar’s spell casting ability is Char isma (spell save DC 25). It ca n innately cast the foll owing spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect evil and good, invisibility (se lf only) 3fday each: blade barrier, dispel evil and good, resurrection lfday each: commune, control weather

Magic Resistance. The so lar has advantage on savi ng throws aga in st spe ll s and oth er magical effects.

Multiattack. The solar makes two greatsword attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reaah 5 ft. , one. target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage.

Slaying Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 120/600 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage. If the target is a creature that has 190 hit points or fewer, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or die.

Flying Sword. The solar releases its greatsword to hover magically in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. If the sola r can see the sword, the solar can mentally command it as a bonus action to fly up to 50 feet and either make one attack against a target or return to the so lar’s hands. If the hovering sword is targeted by any effect , the so lar is considered to be holding it. The hovering sword falls if the solar dies .

Healing Touch (4/Day). The solar touches another creature. The target magically regains 40 (8d8 + 4) hit points and is freed from any cu rse, disea se, poison, blindness, or deafness.


The solar ca n take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The so lar regain s spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Teleport. The solar magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it ca n see.

Searing Burst (Costs 2 Actions). The so lar em its magical, divine energy. Each creature of its choice in a 10-foot radius mu st make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage plus 14 (4d6) radiant damage on a fai led save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Blinding Gaze (Costs 3 Actions). Th e so lar targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see it, th e target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until magic such as the lesser restoration spell removes th e blindness .

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ANIMATED OBJECTS Animated objects are crafted with potent magic to follow the commands of their creators. When not commanded, they follow the last order they received to the best of their ability, and can act independently to fulfill simple instructions. Some animated objects (including many of those created in the Feywild) might converse fluently or adopt a persona, but most are simple automatons.

Constructed Nature. An animated object doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

The magic that animates an object is dispelled when the construct drops to 0 hit points. An animated object reduced to 0 hit points becomes inanimate and is too damaged to be of much use or value to anyone.


This empty steel shell clamors as it moves, heavy plates banging and grinding against one another like the vengeful spirit of a fallen knight. Ponderous but persistent, this magical guardian is almost always a suit of plate armor.

To add to its menace, animated armor is frequently enchanted with scripted speech, so the armor can utter warnings, demand passwords, or deliver riddles. Rare suits of animated armor are able to carry on an actual conv’et:sation.


A flying sword dances through the air, fighting with the confidejlce of a warrior that can’t be injured. Swords are the most common weapons animated with magic. Axes, clubs, daggers, maces, spears, and even self­loading crossbows are also known to exist in animated object form.


Would-be thieves and careless heroes arrive at the doorsteps of an enemy’s abode, eyes and ears alert for traps, only to end their quest prematurely as the rugs beneath their feet animate and smother them to death.

A rug of smothering can be made in many different forms, from a finely woven carpet fit for a queen to a coarse mat in a peasant’s hovel. Creatures with the ability to sense magic detect the rug’s false magical aura.

In some cases, a rug of smothering is disguised as a carpet of flying or another beneficial magic item. However, a character who stands or sits on the rug, or who attempts to utter a word of command, is quickly trapped as the rug of smothering rolls itself tightly around its victim.

ANIMATED ARMOR Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Speed 25ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

WIS 3 (-4)

CHA 1 (-5)

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond th is radius), passive Perception 6

Languages -Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Antimagic Susceptibility. The armor is incapacitated while in the area of an anti magic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the armor must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster’s spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.

False Appearance. While the armor remains motion less, it is indistinguishable from a normal suit of armor.


Multiattack. The armor makes two melee attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.


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Medium monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 20ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 8 (-1)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 8 (-1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9 Languages -Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Petrifying Gaze. If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the basilisk and the two of them can see each other, the basilisk can force the creature to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw if the basilisk isn’t incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature magically begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends . On a failure , the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.

A creature that isn’t surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can’t see the basilisk until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again . If it looks at the basilisk in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.

If the basil isk sees its reflection within 30 feet of it in bright light, it mistakes itself for a rival and targets itself with its gaze.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poiso n damage.

BASILISK Travelers sometimes find objects that look like pieces of remarkably lifelike stone carvings of wildlife. Missing parts appear to have been bitten off. Seasoned explorers regard such relics as warnings, knowing that the basilisk that created them is likely to be nearby.

Adaptable Predators. Basilisks thrive in arid, temperate, or tropical climates. They lair in caves or other sheltered sites. Most often, basilisks are encountered underground.

A basilisk born and raised in captivity can be domesticated and trained. Such a trained basilisk knows how to avoid meeting the eyes of those its master wishes to protect from its gaze, but it makes a daunting guardian beast. Because of this use, basilisk eggs are highly prized.

Gaze of Stone. Basilisks a re ponderous for hunting creatures, but they needn’t chase prey. Meeting a basilisk’s supernatural gaze can be enough to affect a rapid transformation, transforming a victim into porous stone. Basilisks, with their strong jaws, are able to consume the stone. The stone returns to organic form in the basilisk’s gullet.

Some alchemists are said to know how to process the basilisk’s gullet and the fluids contained within. Properly handled, the gullet produces an oil that can return petrified creatures to flesh and life. Unfortunately for such a victim, any parts lost in stone form remain absent if the creature revives. Revivification using the oil is impossible if a vital part of the petrified creature, such as its head, is detached.

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BEHIR 11uge monstrosity, evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 168 (l6d12 + 64) Speed 50 ft. , climb 40ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7 Damage Immunities lightning

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 14 (+2)

Senses darkvision 90ft., passive Perception 16 Languages Draconic Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)


CHA 12 (+1)

Multiattack. The behir makes two attacks: one with its bite and one to constrict.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: + 10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 17 (2d10 + 6) slashing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 16) if the behir isn’t already constricting a creature, and the target is restrained until this grapple ends.

Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). The behir exhales a line of lightning that is 20 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Swallow. The behir makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target is also swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the target is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the behir, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the behir’s turns. A behir can have only one creature swallowed at a time.

If the behir takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from the swallowed creature, the behir must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate the creature, which fa lls prone in a space within 10 feet of the behir. If the behir dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone.

— 1

BEHIR The serpentine behir crawls along floors and clambers up walls to reach its prey. Its lightning breath can incinerate most creatures, even as more powerful foes are constricted in its coils and eaten alive.

A behir’s monstrous form resembles a combination of centipede and crocodile. Its scaled hide ranges from ultramarine to deep blue in color, fading to pale blue on its underside.

Cavern Predators. Behirs lair in places inaccessible to other creatures, favoring locations where would-be intruders must make a harrowing climb to reach them. Deep pits, high caves in cliff walls, and caverns reached only by narrow, twisting tunnels are prime sites for a behir ambush. A behir’s dozen legs allow it to scramble through its lair site with ease. When not climbing, it moves even faster by folding its legs beside its body and slithering like a snake.

Behirs swallow their prey whole, after which they enter a period of dormancy while they digest. While dormant, a behir chooses a hiding place where intruders in its lair might overlook it.

Foes of the Dragons. In times long forgotten, giants and dragons engaged in seemingly endless war. Storm giants created the first behirs as weapons against the dragons, and behirs retain a natural hatred for dragonkind.

A behir never makes its lair in an area it knows to be inhabited by a dragon. If a dragon attempts to establish a lair within a few dozen miles of a behir’s lair, the behir , is compelled to kill the dragon or drive it off. Only if tlie dragon proves too powerful to fight does a behjr back » down, seeking out a new lair site a great distance away . .

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One glance at a beholder is enough to assess its foul a’nd otherworldly nature. Aggressive, hateful, and greedy, these aberrations dismiss all other creatures as lesser beings, toying with them or destroying them as they choose.

A beholder’s spheroid body levitates at all times, and its great bulging eye sits above a wide, toothy maw, while the smaller eyestalks that crown its body twist and turn to keep its foes in sight. When a beholder sleeps, it closes its central eye but leaves its smaller eyes open and alert.

Xenophobic Isolationists. Enemies abound, or so every beholder believes. Beholders are convinced that other creatures resent them for their brilliance and magical power, even as they dismiss those lesser creatures as crude and disgusting. Beholders always suspect others of plotting against them, even when no other creatures are around.

The disdain a beholder has for other creatures extends to other beholders. Each beholder believes its form to be an ideal, and that any deviation from that form is a flaw in the racial purity of its kind. Beholders vary greatly in their physical forms, making conflict between them inevitable. Some beholders are protected by overlapping chitinous plates. Some have smooth hides. Some have eyestalks that writhe like tentacles, while others’ stalks bear crustacean-like joints. Even slight differences of coloration in hide can turn two beholders into lifelong enemies.

Eye Tyrant. Some beholders manage to channel their xenophobic tendencies into a terrible despotism. Rather than live in isolation, the aptly named eye tyrants enslave those other creatures, founding and controlling vast empires. An eye tyrant sometimes carves out a domain within or under a major city, commanding networks of agents that operate on their master’s behalf.

Alien Lairs. Because they refuse to share territory with others, most beholders withdraw to frigid hills, abandoned ruins, and deep caverns to scheme. A beholder’s lair is carved out by its disintegration eye ray, emphasizing vertical passages connecting chambers stacked on top of each other. Such an environment allows a beholder to move freely, even as it prevents intruders from easily creeping about. When intruders do break in, the height of its open ceilings allows a beholder to float up and harry foes on the floor.

As alien as their creator, the rooms in a beholder’s lair reflect the creature’s arrogance. It festoons its chambers with trophies from the battles it has won, including petrified adventurers standing frozen in their horrified final moments, pieces of other beholders, and magic items wrested from powerful fo es. A beholder judges its own worth by its acquisitions, and it never willingly parts with its treasures.


A beholder’s central lair is typically a large, spacious cavern with high ceilings, where it can attack without fear of closing to melee range. A beholder encountered in its lair has a challenge rating of 14 (11,500 XP).

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Large aberration, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 180 (19d10 + 76) Speed 0 ft., fly 20ft. (hover)

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 17 (+3)

Saving Throws lnt +8, Wis +7, Cha +8 Skills Perception +12 Condition Immunities prone

WIS 15 (+2)

Senses darkvision 120 ft ., passive Perception 22 Languages Deep Speech, Undercommon Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

CHA 17 (+3)

Antimagic Cone. The beholder’s central eye creates an area of antimagic, as in the anti magic field spell, in a 150-foot cone. At the start of each of its turns , the beholder decides which way the cone faces and whether the cone is active. The area works against the beholder’s own eye rays.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage .

Eye Rays. The beholder shoots three of the following magical eye rays at random (reroll duplicates), choosing one to three targets it can see within 120 feet of it:

1. Charm Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the beholder for 1 hour, or until the beholder harms the creature.

2. Paralyzing Ray. The targeted creature mu st succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns , ending the effect on itself on a success .

3. Fear Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success .

4. Slowing Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s speed is halved for 1 minute . In addition, the creature can’t take reactions, and it can take either an action or a bonus





action on its turn, not bofh . The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect 0n itself on a success.

5. Enervation Ray. The targeted creature mu st make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one .

6. Telekinetic Ray. If the target is a creature , it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or the beholder moves it up to 30 feet in any direction. It is restrained by the ray’s telekinetic grip until the start of the beholder’s next turn or until th e beholder is incapacitated .

If the target is an object weighing 300 pounds or less that isn’t being worn or carried, it is moved up to 30 feet in any direction . The beholder can also exert fine control on objects with thi s ray, such as manipulating a simple tool or opening a door or a container.

7. Sleep Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep and remain unconscious for 1 minute . The target awakens if it takes damage or another creature takes an action to wake it. This ray has no effect on constructs and undead.

8. Petrification Ray. The targeted creature must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained . It mu st repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn . On a success, the effect ends. On a failure , the creature is petrified until freed by the greater rest.oration spell or other magic.

9. Disintegration Ray. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 45 (10d8) force damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, its body becomes a pile of fine gray dust.

If the target is a Large or smaller non magical object or creation of magical force, it is di sintegrated without a saving throw. If th e target is a Huge or larger object or creation of magical force, this ray disintegrates a 10-foot cube of it.

10. Death Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. The target dies if the ray reduces it to 0 hit points.


The beholder can take 3 legendary actions, using the Eye Ray option below. It can take only one legendary action at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The beholder regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn .

Eye Ray. The beholder uses one random eye ray.

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Twig blights can root in soil, which they do when living prey are scarce. While rooted, they resemble woody shrubs. When it pulls its roots free of the ground to move, a twig blight’s branches twist together to form a humanoid-looking body with a head and limbs.

Twig blights seek out campsites and watering holes, rooting there to set up ambushes for potential victims coming to drink or rest. Huddled together in groups, twig blights blend in with an area’s natural vegetation or with piles of debris or firewood.

Given how dry they are, twig blights are particularly susceptible to fire.


Appearing as masses of slithering creepers, vine blights hide in undergrowth and wait for prey to draw near. By animating the plants a round them, vine blights entangle and hinder their fo es before attacking.

Vine blights are the only blights capable of speech. Through its connection to the evil spirit of the Gulthias tree it serves, a vine blight speaks in a fractured version of its dead master’s voice, taunting victims or bargaining with powerful foes.

NEEDLE BLIGJlT Medium plant, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)

· Speed 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 4 (-3)

Condition Immunities blinded, deafened

WIS 8 (-1)

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 9

Languages understands Common but can’t speak Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


CHA 3 (-4)

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Needles. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Sma ll plant, neutral evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 4 (ld6 + 1) Speed 20ft.

STR 6 (-2)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Stealth +3

CON 12 (+1)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

INT 4 (-3)

Condition Immunities blinded, deafened

WIS 8 (-1)

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 9

Languages understands Common but can’t speak Challenge 1f8 (25 XP)

CHA 3 (- 4)

False Appearance. While the blight remains motionl ess, it is indistinguishable from a dead shrub.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage .

VINE BLIGHT Medium plant, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) Speed 10ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth + 1

CON 14 (+2)

INT 5 (-3)

Condition Immunities blinded , deafened

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10

Languages Common Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 3 (-4)

False Appearance. While the blight remains motionless , it is indi stingu is hable from a tangle of vines.


Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and a Large or smaller target is grappled (esca pe DC 12) . Until thi s grapple ends, the target is restrained , and the blight can’t constrict another target.

Entangling Plants (Recharge 5-6). Grasping roots and vines sprout in a 15-foot radius centered on the blight, withering away after 1 minute. For the duration, that area is difficult terrain for non plant creatures. In addition, each creature of the blight ‘s choice in that area when th e plants appear mu st succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or become restrained . A creature can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check, freeing itself or another entangl ed creature within reach on a success.

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BUGBEARS Bugbears are born for battle and mayhem. S urviving by raiding and hunting, they bully the weak and despise being bossed around , but their love of carnage means they will fight for powerful masters if bloodshed and treasure a re assured.

Goblinoids. Bugbears are often found in the company of their cous ins, hobgoblins and goblins. Bugbears us ua lly enslave goblins they encounter, a nd they bully hobgoblins into giving them gold and food in return for serving as scouts and shock troops. Even when paid, bugbea rs are at best unreliable a llies, yet goblins and hobgobli ns unders tand that no matter how much bugbears might dra in a tribe of resources, these creatures a re a potent force.

Followers ofHruggek. Bugbears worship Hruggek, a lesser god who dwells on the plane of Acheron. In the absence of their goblinoid kin , bugbears form loose war bands, each one led by its fiercest member. Bugbears believe that when they die, their spirits have a chance to fight at Hruggek’s side. They try to prove themselves worthy by defeating as many foes as possible .

Venal Ambushers. Despite their intimidating builds, bugbears move with surpris ing stealth . They a re fond of setting ambushes and flee when outmatched. They are dependable mercenaries as long as they are s upplied food, drink, and treasure, but a bugbear forgets any bond when its life is on the line. A wounded member of a bugbear band might be left behind to help the rest of the band escape. Afterward, that bugbear might help pursuers track down its former companions if doing so saves its life.

BUGBEAR Medium humanoid (goblinoid) , chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (hide armor, shield) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON l3 (+1)

Skills Stealth +6, Survival +2

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Goblin Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the bugbear hits with it (included in the attack).

Surprise Attack. If the bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.


Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: ll (2d8 + 2) piercing damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/1 20 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage in melee or 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage at range.

Medium humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (chain shirt, shield) Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 12 (+1)

Skills Intimidation +2, Stealth +6, Survival +3 Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception ll Languages Common, Goblin Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA ll (+0)

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the bugbear hits with it (included in the attack).

Heart ofHruggek. The bugbear has advantage on saving th rows against being charmed, frightened , paralyzed, poisoned, stunned, or put to sleep.

Surprise Attack. If the bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.


Multiattack. The bugbear makes two melee attacks.

Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft ., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage in melee or 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage at range.


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BuLETTE A bulette is a massive predator that terrorizes any lands it inhabits. Also· called a «land shark,» it lives only to feed. Irascible and rapacious, bulettes fear no other creature, and they attack with no regard for superior numbers or strength.

Underground Hunters. Bulettes use their powerful claws to tunnel through the eaFth when they hunt. Heedless of obstruction, they uproot trees, cause landslides in loose slopes, and leave sinkholes behind them. When vibrations in the soil and rock alert a bulette to movement, it shoots to the surface, its jaws spread wide as it attacks.

Wandering Monster. A bulette ranges across temperate lands, feeding on any animals and humanoids it comes across. These creatures dislike dwarf and elf flesh , although they often kill them before realizing what they are. A bulette loves halfling meat the most, and it is never happier than when chasing plump halflings across an open field.

A bulette has no lair, but roams a hunting territory up to thirty miles wide. Its sole criterion for territory is availability of food, and when it has eaten everything in an area , a bulette moves on. These creatures often home in on humanoid settlements, terrorizing them until their panicked residents have fled, or until the bulette is s lain.

All creatures shun bulettes, which treat anything that moves as food- even other predators and bulettes . Bulettes come together only to mate, resulting in a bloody act of claws and teeth that usually ends with the male’s death and consumption.

Arcane Creation. Some sages believe the bulette is the result of a mad wiza rd ‘s experiments at crossbreeding snapping turtles and armadillos, with infusions of demon ichor. Bulettes have been thought to be extinct at different times, but a fter yea rs without a sighting, the creatures inevitably reappear. Because their young a re almost never seen, some sages suspect that bulettes maintain secret nesting grounds from which adults strike out into the world.


Large monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 17 (r;1atura l armor) Hit Points 94 (9d10 + 45) Speed 40ft. , burrow 40ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +6

CON 21 (+5)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 16

Languages -Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 5 (- 3)

Standing Leap. The bulette’s long jump is up to 30 feet and its hi gh jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d12 + 4) piercin g damage.

Deadly Leap. If the bulette jumps at least 15 feet as part of its movement, it ca n th en use thi s acti on to land on its fe et in a space that conta in s one or more oth er creatures. Each of those creatures must succeed on a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target’s choice) or be knocked prone and take 14 (3d6 + 4) blud geoning damage pl us 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes only half th e damage , isn’t knocked pro ne, and is pushed 5 fe et out of th e bulette’s space into an unoccu pied space of the creature ‘s choice. If no unoccupi ed space is with in ra nge , the creature instead fall s prone in the bulette’s space.

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BULLYWUG Life as a bullywug is nasty, brutish, and wet. These frog­headed amphibious humanoids must stay constantly moist, dwelling in rainy forests, marshes, and damp caves. Always hungry and thoroughly evil, bullywugs overwhelm opponents with superior numbers when they can, but they flee from serious threats to search for easier prey.

Bullywugs have green, gray, or mottled yellow skin that shifts through shades of gray, green, and brown, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings. They wear crude armor and wield simple weapons, and can deliver a powerful bite to foes that press too close.

Foul Aristocracy. Bullywugs consider themselves the right and proper rulers of the swamps. They follow an etiquette of sorts when dealing with outsiders and each other, subject to the whims and fancies of their leader- a self-styled lord of the muck. Bullywugs introduce themselves with grand-sounding titles, make great shows of bowing and debasing themselves before their superiors, and endlessly vie to win their superiors’ favor.

A bullywug has two ways to advance among its kind. It can either murder its rivals, though it must take pains to keep its criminal deeds secret, or it can find a treasure or magic item and present it as tribute or a token of obeisance to its liege. A bullywug that murders its rivals without cunning is likely to be executed, so it’s more common for bullywugs to stage raids against caravans and settlements, with the goal of securing precious baubles to impress their lords and win their good graces. Invariably, such fine goods.are reduced to filthy tatters throug.h abuse and neglect. Once a gift loses its sheen, a bullywug lord invariably demands that its subjects bring it more treasure as tribute.

Unruly Diplomacy. Bullywugs love nothing more than lording over those who trespass on their territories. Their warriors attempt to capture intruders rather than simply slaying them.

Captives are dragged before the king or queen-a bullywug of unusually large size- and forced to beg for mercy. Bribes, treasure, and flattery can trick the bullywug ruler into letting its captives go, but not before it tries to impress its «guests» with the majesty of its treasure and its realm. Struck with a deep inferiority complex, bullywug lords fancy themselves as kings and queens, but desperately crave the fear and respect of outsiders.

Amphibian Allies. Bullywugs speak a language that allows them to communicate over large areas by croaking like frogs. News of intruders or other events in the swamp spread within minutes across this crude communication system.

Simple concepts in the language are understandable to frogs and toads. Bullywugs use this capability to form strong bonds with giant frogs, which they train as guardians and hunters. Larger specimens are sometimes used as mounts as well. The frogs’ ability to swallow creatures whole provides a bullywug hunting band an easy means of carrying prey back to their villages.

Medium fium’anoid (bullywug), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (hide armor, shield) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 20ft. , swim 40ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Stealth +3

CON 13 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Bullywug Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

Amphibious. The bullywug can breathe air and water.

CHA 7 (- 2)

Speak with Frogs and Toads. The bu llywug can communicate simple concepts to frogs and toads when it speaks in Bu llywug.

Swamp Camouflage. The bullywug has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in swampy te rrain.

Standing Leap. The bullywug’s long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a ru nning start.


Multiattack. The bullywug makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its spear.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20f60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


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Armor Class 19 (scale mail) Hit Points 82 (lld8 + 33) Speed 30ft., fly 60ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6, lnt +5 , Cha +6

CHA 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +6, Intimidation +6, Perception +4, Stealth +7 Damage Resistances cold , fire, lightning, poison; bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Abyssal , Common, Infernal Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Fiendish Blessing. The AC of the cambion includes its Charisma bonus.

Innate Spellcasting. The cambion’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The cambion can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:







A cambion is the offspring of a fiend (usually a succubus or incubus) and a humanoid (usually a human). Cambions inherit aspects of both parents, but their horns, leathery wings, and sinewy tails are hallmarks of their otherworldly parentage.

Born to Be Bad. Cambions grow into ruthless adults whose wickedness and perversion horrifies even the most devoted mortal parent. Even as a youth, a cambion identifies its rightful place as an overlord of mortals. It might orchestrate uprisings in towns and cities, gathering gangs of humanoids and lesser devils to serve it.

Pawns of the Mighty. A cambion forced to serve its fiendish parent does so out of admiration and dread, but also with the expectation that it will one day rise to a place of prominence. Cambions raised in the Nine Hells serve as soldiers, envoys, and personal attendants to greater devils. In the Abyss, a cambion carries only as much authority as it can muster through sheer strength and force of will.

Spawn ofGraz’zt. The demon lord Graz’zt is fond of procreating with humanoids who have made pacts with fiends, and he has sired many cambions who help him sow chaos across the multiverse. These cambions are characterized by charcoal-black skin, cloven hooves, six­fingered hands, and unearthly beauty.

3fday each: alter self, command, detect magic 1fday: plane shift (self only)


Multiattack. The cambion makes two melee attacks or uses its Fire Ray twice.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage, or 8 (1 d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack, plus 3 (1 d6) fire damage.

Fire Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage.

Fiendish Charm. One humanoid the cambion can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys the cambion’s spoken commands . If the target suffers any harm from the cambion or another creature or receives a suicidal command from the cambion, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful, or if the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the cambion’s Fiendish Charm for the next 24 hours .

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CENTAUR Large monstrosity, . neutral good

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Speed 50 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 9 (- 1)

WIS 13 (+1)

Skills Athl etics +6, Perception +3, Survival +3 Senses pass ive Perception 13 Languages Elvish, Sylvan Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 11 (+0)

Charge. If the centaur moves at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a pike attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 10 (3d6) piercing damage.

Mu ltiattack. The centaur makes two attacks: one with its pike and one with its hooves or two with its longbow.

Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage .

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , range 150/600 ft ., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.





CENTAUR Reclusive wanderers and omen-readers of the wild, centaurs avoid conflict but fight fiercely when pressed. They roam the vast wilderness, keeping far from borders, laws, and the company of other creatures.

Wilderness Nomads. Centaur tribes range across lands with mild to hot climates, where a centaur requires only light furs or oiled skins to deal with inclement weather. They are hunter-gatherers and rarely build shelters or even use tents.

Centaur migrations span continents and take decades to repeat, so that a centaur tribe might not retread the same path for generations. These long-ranging patterns can lead to conflict when centaurs encounter settlements of other creatures built along their traditional routes.

Reluctant Settlers. A centaur that can’t keep pace with the rest of its tribe is left behind. Some such centaurs vanish into the wilderness and are never seen again. Those that can bear the loss of their tribe might take up residence among other races. Frontier settlements value the nature knowledge of their centaur residents. Many such communities owe their survival to the insight and acumen of a centaur.

Despite their reclusive nature, centaurs trade with elves and with the caravans of other benevolent humanoids they meet during their wanderings. A trader might save the life of a wounded or an elderly centaur unfit for long travel, escorting it to a settlement where it can peacefully live out the rest of its days.

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CHUUL Survivors of the ancient aboleth empire, chuuls are crustaceans the aboleths modified and endowed with sentience. They follow the ingrained directives of their creators, as they have done since the dawn of time.

Primeval Relics. In the primeval ages, aboleths ruled a vast empire that spanned the oceans of the world. In those days, the aboleths used mighty magic and bent the minds of the nascent creatures of the mortal realm. However, they were bound to the water and could not enforce their will beyond it without servants. Therefore, they created chuuls.

Perfectly obedient, the chuuls collected sentient creatures and magic at the aboleths’ command. Chuuls were designed to endure the ages of the world, growing in size and strength as the eons passed. When the aboleths’ empire crumbled with the rise of the gods, the chuuls were cast adrift. However, these creatures continue to do what they did for the aboleths, slowly collecting humanoids, gathering treasure, amassing magic, and consolidating power.

Tireless Guardians. Chuul still guard the ruins of the ancient aboleth empire. They linger in silent observance of eons-old commands. Rumors and ancient maps sometimes lure treasure seekers to these ruins, but the reward for their boldness is death.

CHUUL Large aberration, chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (1;1atural armor) Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33) Speed 30ft., swim 30ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4

CON 16 (+3)

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 5 (- 3)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 languages understand s Deep Speech but ca n’t spea k Challenge4 (1,100 XP)

Amphibious. The chuul can breathe air and water.

CHA 5 (- 3)

Sense Magic. The chuul senses magic within 120 feet of it at will. This trait otherwise works like the detect magic spell but isn’t itself magical.


Multiattack. The chuul makes two pincer attacks. If the chuul is grappling a creature, the chuul can also use its tentacles once.

Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target . Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 14) if it is a Large or smaller creature and the chuul doesn’t have two other creatures grappled.

Tentacles. One creature grappled by the chuul must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Whatever riches that the explorers bring with them adds to the hoard guarded by the chuuls. Chuuls can sense magic at a distance. This sense couples with an innate drive that leads them to slay explorers, take their gear, and bury it in secret locales aboleths dictated eons ago.

Waiting Servants. Although the aboleths’ ancient empire fell long ago, the psychic bonds between them and their created servants remain intact. Chuuls that come into contact with aboleths immediately assume their old roles. Such chuuls redirect their compulsions to the service of the aboleths’ s inister purposes.

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Small monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6) Speed 20ft. , fly 40ft.

STR 6 (- 2)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., pass ive Perceptio n 11 Languages -Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)


CHA 5 (- 3)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw against being magically petrified . On a failed save , the creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure , the creature is petrified for 24 hours.


COCKATRICE The cockatrice looks like a hideous hybrid of lizard, bird, and bat, and it is infamous for its ability to turn flesh to stone. These omnivores have a diet that consists of berries, nuts, flowers, and small animals such as insects, mice, and frogs- things they can swallow whole. They would be no threat to anything else if not for their fierce and frenzied response to even a hint of danger. A cockatrice flies into the face of any threat, squawking and madly beating its wings as its head darts out to peck. The smallest scratch from a cockatrice’s beak can spell doom as its victim slowly turns to stone from the injury.

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COUATL Medium celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 97 (l3d8 + 39) Speed 30ft., fly 90ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +7, Cha +6 Damage Resistances radiant

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 18 (+4)

Damage Immunities psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Senses truesight 120ft. , passive Perception 15 Languages all, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The couatl’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring only verbal components:

At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts 3jday each: bless, create food and water, cure wounds, lesser

restoration, protection from poison, sanctuary, shield 1jday each: dream, greater restoration , scrying

Magic Weapons. The couatl’s weapon attacks are magical.

Shielded Mind. The couatl is immune to scrying and to any effect that would sense its emotions, read its thoughts, or detect its location.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours. Until this poison ends, the target is unconscious. Another creature can use an action to shake the target awake.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 10ft., one Medium or smaller creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the couatl can’t constrict another target.

Change Shape. The couatl magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that ha s a challenge rating equal to or less than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the couatl’s choice).

In a· new form, the couatl retains its game statistics and ability to speak, but its AC, movement modes, Strength, Dexterity, and other actions are replaced by those of the new form, and it gains any statistics and capabilit ies (except class features, legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new form has but that it lacks . If the new form has a bite attack, the couatl can use its bite in that form.

COUATL Couatls are benevolent serpentine beings of great intellect and insight. Their brilliantly colored wings and gentle manner speak to their celestial origins.

Divine Caretakers. Couatls were created as guardians and caretakers by a benevolent god not worshiped since the dawn of time, and which is forgotten now by all but the couatls themselves. Most of the divine mandates given to these beings are long since fulfilled or failed. However, a number of couatls still watch over ancient power, await fulfillment of prophecy, or safeguard the heirs of creatures they once guided and protected. Regardless of a couatl’s task, it prefers to remain hidden, revealing itself only as a last resort.

Truth Tellers. A couatl can’t lie, but it can withhold information, answer questions vaguely, or allow others to jump to the wrong conclusions if doing so is necessary to protect something, to keep promises, or to hide the secret of its existence.

Ancient and Few. A couatl can live for ages without li)ustenance, even surviving without air, but these creatures can die of disease or the passage of time. A couatl can sense its end up to a century beforehand, but it has no insight into the manner of its demise.

If a couatl has already accomplished what it set out to do, it accepts its fate. However, if its imminent death endangers the completion of its goals, it actively seeks out another couatl with which to produce offspring.

The mating ritual of couatls is a beautiful and elaborate dance of magic and light, which results in a gem-like egg from which a new couatl hatches. The . parent that sought out the mate raises the newborn couatl and instructs it as to its duties, so that it can complete whatever task the parent leaves unfinished.


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Tiny undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 2 (ld4) Speed 20 ft ., climb 20ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

Damage Immunities po ison

INT 5 (- 3)

WIS 10 (+0)

Condition Immunities charmed , exhaustion, poisoned Senses blind sight 30 ft. (b lind beyond this radiu s),

passive Perception 10 Languages unde rstands Common but can’t speak Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Turn Immunity. The claw is immune to effects that turn undead.


CHA 4 (- 3)

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target . Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning or slash ing damage (claw’s choice) .


CRAWLING CLAW Crawling claws are the severed hands of murderers animated by dark magic so that they can go on killing. Wizards and warlocks of a dark bent use crawling claws as extra hands in their labors.

Magical Origins. Through dark necromantic rituals, the life force of a murderer is bound to its severed hand, haunting and animating it. If a dead murderer’s spirit a lready manifests as another undead creature, if the murderer is raised from death, or if the spirit has long passed on to another plane, the ritual fails.

The ritual invoked to create a crawling claw works best with a hand recently severed from a murderer. To this end, ritualists and their servants frequent public executions to gain possession of suitable hands, or make bargains with assassins and torturers.

Creator’s Control. A crawling claw can’t be turned, nor can it be controlled by spells that control undead. These foul monsters are entirely bound to the will of their creator, which can concentrate on a claw in sight to mentally command its every action. If the crawling claw’s creator doesn’t command it, the claw follows its last command to the best of its ability.

Commands given to a crawling claw must be simple. A claw can’t be tasked with finding and killing a particular person, because its limited senses and intelligence prevent it from tracking and picking out specific individuals. However, a command to kill all creatures in a particular locale works. A crawling claw can easily feel out the contours of keys and doorknobs, crawling from room to room on a blind killing spree.

Malign InteiHgence. A crawling claw possesses little of the intellect and memories of the individual of which it was once a living part. The hate, jealousy, or greed that drove that person to murder lingers on, however, amplified by the claw’s torturous fragmented state. Left to its own devices, a crawling claw imitates and recreates the same murderous acts it committed in life.

Living Claws. If a crawling claw is animated from the severed hand of a still-living murderer, the ritual binds the claw to the murderer’s sou l. The disembodied hand can then return to its former limb, its undead flesh knitting to the living arm from which it was severed.

Made whole again, the murderer acts as though the hand had never been severed and the ritual had never taken place. When the crawling claw separates again, the living body falls into a coma. Destroying the crawling claw while it is away from the body kills the murderer. However, killing the murderer has no effect on the crawling claw.

Undead Nature. A crawling claw doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

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CYCLOPS Cyclopes are one-eyed giants that eke out a meager existence in wild lands. Isolationists by nature, they avoid contact with other races and try to drive away strangers in their territory.

Nonreligious. Legends claim that the cyclopes are the spawn of one of the gods of the giants, but these creatures pay little heed to any deities. They see little benefit in prayer and dislike ritual, which they perceive as complex and foreign. However, a cyclops that gains direct benefit from some site of divine power, or which is threatened by a supernatural force or creature, will pay homage as long as the benefit or threat remains.

Unsophisticated. Though they are reasonably intelligent, cyclopes live simple, reclusive lives, keeping herds of animals for food. They prefer to dwell alone or in small family groups, )airing in caves, ruins, or rough structures of dry stone construction they build themselves. A cyclops keeps its herd animals with it at night, sealing the entrance to its home with boulders to let it serve double duty as a barn.

A cyclops lairs within a day’s journey of other cyclopes, so that they can meet to trade goods or seek mates. They craft weapons and tools of wood and stone, but will use metal when they can find it. Although cyclopes understand the Giant tongue, they write nothing and speak little, using grunts and gestures for their interactions with each other.

Cyclopes don’t use money for trade, but they value gold, shells, and other glittering and colorful objects as jewelry. A cyclops might wear a necklace strung with feathers and silver coins, but also with pewter goblets, cutlery, and other bits of ruined metal.

Unwise. Cyclopes aren’t great thinkers or strategists. Slow to learn and bound to their traditional ways, they find innovation difficult. Although they are a terrifying threat in combat due to their size and strength, they can often be tricked by clever foes.

Cyclopes can be cowed and awed by obvious displays of magic. Rustics with little exposure to magic, they can be deceived into mistaking a warlock, cleric, or other caster for a powerful divine figure. However, their sense of pride causes them to react with vengeful, bloodthirsty violence once they learn that the individual they assumed was a «god» is a mere mortal.

Huge giant, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60) Speed 30ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 20 (+5)

Senses pass ive Perception 8 Languages Giant Challenge 6 (2 ,300 XP)

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 6 (- 2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Poor Depth Perception. The cyclops has disadvantage on any attack roll against a target more than 30 feet away.


Multiattack. The cyclops makes two greatclub attacks.

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit , reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage .

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/120 ft. , one target . Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.


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Small monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 22 (Sd6 + 5) Speed 10ft., fly 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Stealth +3

CON l3 (+1)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 1/2 (1 00 XP)

Echolocation. The darkmantle can’t use its blindsight whi le deafened.

CHA 5 (- 3)

False Appearance. While the darkmantle remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a cave formatio n such as a stalactite or stalagmite.

A darkmantle clings to cavern ceilings, remaining perfectly still as it waits for creatures to pass beneath it. From a distance, it can pass itself off as a stalactite or a lump of stone. Then it drops from the ceiling and unfurls, surrounding itself with magical darkness as it engulfs and crushes its prey.

Darkmantles are found throughout the Underdark, but they are equally common on the Shadowfell. Thriving in that dark realm, they fill an ecological niche similar to bats on the Material Plane. Intelligent creatures of the Shadowfell sometimes train darkmantles as guardians or companions.


Crush. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the darkmantle attaches to the target. If the target is Medium or smaller and the darkmantle has advantage on the attack roll, it attaches by engulfing the target’s head, and the target is also blinded and unable to breathe while the darkmantle is attached in this way.

While attached to the target, the darkmantle can attack no other creature except the target but has advantage on its attack rolls . The darkmantle’s speed also becomes 0, it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed, and it moves with the ta rget.

A creature can detach the da rkmantle by making a successfu l DC l3 Strength check as an action. On its turn, the darkmantle can detach itselffrom the target by us ing 5 feet of movement.

Darkness Aura (1/Day). A 15-foot radius of magical darkness extends out from the darkmantle, moves with it, and spreads around corners. The darkness lasts as long as the da rkmantle maintains concentration, up to 10 min utes (as if concentrating on a spell). Darkvision can’t penetrate this darkness , and no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the darkness overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell creating the light is dispelled.

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DEATH K ‘NIGHT When a paladin that falls from gFace dies without seeking atonement, dark powers can transform the once-mortal knight into a hateful undead creature. A death knight is a skeletal warrior clad in fearsome plate armor. Beneath its helmet, one can see the knight’s skull with malevolent pinpoints of light burning in its eye sockets .

Eldritch Power. The death knight retains the ability to cast divine spells. However, no death knight can use its magic to heal. A death knight a lso attracts and commands lesser undead, although death knights that serve powerful fiends might have fiendish followers instead. Death knights often use warhorse skeletons and nightmares as mounts.

Immortal Until Redeemed. A death knight can arise anew even after it has been destroyed. Only when it atones for a life of wickedness or finds redemption can it finally escape its undead purgatory and truly perish.


Lord Soth began his fall from grace with an act of heroism, saving an elf named Isolde from an ogre. Soth and Isolde fell in love, but Soth was already married . He had a servant dispose of his wife and was charged with murder, but fled with Isolde. When his castle fell under siege, he prayed for guidance and was told that he must atone for hi s misdeeds by completing a quest, but growing fears about Isolde’s fidelity caused him to abandon his quest. Because his mission was not accomplished , a great cataclysm swept the land. When Isolde gave birth to a son, Soth refused to believe that the child was his and slew them both. All were incinerated in a fire that swept through the castle, yet Soth would find no rest in death, becoming a death knight.

DEATH KNIGHT Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) Hit Points 180 (19d8 + 95) Speed 30ft.

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Wi s +9, Cha +10 Damage Immunities necrotic, poison

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 18 (+4)

Condition Immunities exhaustion , frightened , poisoned Senses da rkvi sion 120ft. , passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssal , Common Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Magic Resistance. Th e death knight has advantage on savin g throws again st spe ll s and other magica l effects.

Marshal Undead. Unless th e death knight is in ca pacitated , it and undead creatures of its choice within 60 feet of it have advantage on saving throws aga in st fe atures th at turn undead.

Spellcasting. Th e death knight is a 19th-level spe ll caster. Its spellcas tin g abil ity is Char isma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It has the followin g paladin spell s prepared:

1st level (4 s lots): command, compelled du el, searing smite 2nd level (3 slots): hold per-son , magic weapon 3rd level (3 slots) : dispel magic, elemental weapon 4th level (3 slots): banishment, staggering smite 5th level (2 slots): destructive wave (n ecroti c)


Multiattack. Th e death knight makes th ree longsword attacks .

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one target . Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slas hin g damage, or 10 (1d10 + 5) slas hin g damage if used with two hand s, plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage.

Hellfire Orb (1JDay). The death kni ght hurl s a magical ball of fire that explodes at a poi nt it ca n see within 120 feet of it. Each creatu re in a 20 -foot·radiu s sphere ce nte red on th at point mu st make a DC 18 Dexte ri ty savin g throw. The sphere spreads around co rn ers. A creature takes 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6) necroti c damage on a fail ed save, or half as mu ch damage on a success ful one.


Parry. Th e death kni ght add s 6 to its AC agains t one melee attack that wo uld hit it . To do so, the dea th knight mu st see the attacker and be wield ing a me lee wea pon.


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DEMILICH The immortality granted to a lich lasts only as long as it feeds mortal souls to its phylactery. If it falters or fails in that task, its bones turn to dust until only its skull remains. This «demilich» contains only a fragment of the lich’s malevolent life force- just enough so that if it is disturbed, these remains rise into the air and assume a wraithlike form. The skull then emits a terrifying howl that can slay the weak-hearted and leave others trembling with fear. Left alone, it sinks back down and returns to the empty peace of its existence.

Few liches seek to become demiliches, for it means an end to the existence they hoped to preserve by becoming undead. However, time can erode the lich’s reason and memory, causing it to retreat into its ancient tomb and forget to feed on souls. The spells it once knew fade from its mind, and it no longer channels the arcane energy it wielded as a lich. However, even as a mere skull it remains a deadly and vexing enemy.

Enduring Existence. Even after a lich is reduced to a demilich state, its phylactery survives. As long as its phylactery is intact, the demilich can’t be permanently destroyed. Its skull reforms after 1d10 days, restoring the creature to its wretched state. If it has the presence of mind to do so, a demilich can reclaim its former power by feeding just one soul to its phylactery. Doing so restores the demilich to lich form, reconstituting its undead body.

Undead Nature. A demilich doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep. So great is a demilich’s will to survive that it always has the maximum number of hit points for its Hit Dice, instead of average hit points.


A demilich hides its earthly remains and treasures in a labyrinthine tomb guarded by monsters and traps. At the heart of this labyrinth rests the demilich’s skull and the dust from its other bones.

In its crypt, a demilich has access to lair actions and additional uses for its legendary actions. Its whole lair also has unique traits. A demilich in its lair has a challenge rating of 20 (24,500 XP).


On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the demilich rolls a d20. On a result of 11 or higher, the demilich takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects. It can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.

The tomb trembles violently for a moment. Each crea­ture on the floor of the tomb must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. The demilich targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. An antimagic field fills the space of the target, moving with it until initiative count 20 on the next round. The demilich targets any number of creatures it can see within 30 feet of it. No target can regain hit points until initiative count 20 on the next round.


A demilich’s tomb might have any or all of the following effects in place:

The first time a non-evil creature enters the tomb’s area, the creature takes 16 (3d10) necrotic damage.

• Monsters in the tomb have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, and ag!linst features that turn undead.

• The tomb is warded against the magical travel of creatures the demilich hasn’t authorized. Such crea­tures can’t teleport into or out of the tomb’s area or use planar travel to enter or leave it. Effects that allow teleportation or planar travel work within the tomb as long as they aren’t used to leave or enter the tomb’s area.

If the demilich is destroyed, these effects fade over the course of 10 days.


The transformation into a demilich isn’t a bitter end for allliches that experience it. Made as a conscious choice, the path of the demilich becomes the next step in a dark evolution. The lich Acererak-a powerful wizard and demonologist and the infamous master of the Tomb of Horrors-anticipated his own transformation, preparing for it by setting enchanted gemstones into his skull’s eye sockets and teeth . Each of these sou l gems possessed the power to capture the souls on which his phylactery would feed .

Acererak abandoned his physical body, accepting that it would molder and dissolve to dust while he traveled the planes as a disembodied consciousness. lfthe skull that was his last physical remains was ever disturbed, its gems would claim the souls of the insolent intruders to his tomb, magically transferring them to his phylactery.

Liches who follow Acererak’s path believe that by becoming free of their bodies, they can continue their quest for power beyond the mortal world. As their patron did, they secure their remains within well-guarded vaults, using sou l gems to maintain their phylacteries and destroy the adventurers who disturb their lairs.

Acererak or another demilich like him has a cha llenge rating of21 (33,000 XP), or 23 (50,000 XP) in its lair, and gains the following additional act ion option.

Trap Soul. The demilich targets one creature that it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 19 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s soul is magically trapped inside one of the demilich’s gems. While the soul is trapped, the target’s body and all the equipment it is carrying cease to exist. On a successful save, the target takes 24 (7d6) necrotic damage, and if this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, its soul is trapped as if it failed the saving throw. A sou l trapped in a gem for 24 hours is devoured and ceases to exist.

lfthe demilich drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed and turns to powder, leaving behind its gems. Crushing a gem releases any soul trapped within, at which point the target’s body re-forms in an unoccupied space nearest to the gem and in the same state as when it was trapped .


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Spawned in the Infinite Layers of the Abyss, demons are the embodiment of chaos and evil- engines of destruction barely contained in monstrous form. Possessing no compassion, empathy, or mercy, they exist only to destroy.

Spawn of Chaos. The Abyss creates demons as extensions of itself, spontaneously forming fiends out of filth and carnage. Some are unique monstrosities, while others represent uniform strains virtually identical to each other. Other demons (such as manes) are created from mortal souls shunned or cursed by the gods, or which are otherwise trapped in the Abyss.

Capricious Elevation. Demons respect power and power alone. A greater demon commands shrieking mobs of lesser demons because it can destroy any lesser demon that dares to refuse its commands. A demon’s status grows with the blood it spills; the more enemies that fall before it, the greater it becomes.

A demon might spawn as a manes, then become a dretch, and eventually transform to a vrock after untold time spent fighting and surviving in the Abyss. Such elevations are rare, however, for most demons are destroyed before they attain significant power. The greatest of those that do survive make up the ranks of the demon lords that threaten to tear the Abyss apart with their endless warring.

By expending considerable magical power, demon lords can raise lesser demons into greater forms, though such promotions never stem from a demon’s deeds or accomplishments. Rather, a demon lord might warp a manes into a quasit when it needs an invisible spy, or turn an army of dretches into hezrous when marching against a rival lord. Demon lords only rarely elevate demons to the highest ranks, fearful of inadvertently creating rivals to their own power.

Abyssal Invasions. Wherever they wander across the Abyss, demons search for portals to the other planes. They crave the chance to slip free of their native realm and spread their dark influence across the multiverse, undoing the works of the gods, tearing down civilizations, and reducing the cosmos to despair and ruin . . Some of the darkest legends of the mortal realm are

built around the destruction wrought by demons set loose in the world. As such, even nations embroiled in bitter conflict will set their differences aside to help contain an outbreak of demons, or to seal off abyssal breaches before these fiends can break free.

Signs of Corruption. Demons carry the stain of abyssal corruption with them, and their mere presence changes the world for the worse. Plants wither and die in areas where abyssal breaches and demons appear. Animals shun the sites where a demon has made a kill. The site of a demonic infestation might be fouled by a stench that never abates, by areas of bitter cold or burning heat, or by permanent shadows that mark the places where these fiends lingered.

Eternal Evil. Outside the Abyss, death is a minor nuisance that no demon fears . Mundane weapons can’t stop these fiends, and many demons are resistant to the energy of the most potent spells. When a lucky hero

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BALOR Huge fiend (demon) , chaotic evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 262 (21d12 + 126) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 26 (+8)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 22 (+6)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +14, Con +12, Wis +9, Cha +12

CHA 22 (+6)

Damage Resistances cold , lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 19 (22,000 XP)

Death Throes. When the balor dies, it explodes, and each creature within 30 feet of it must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 70 (20d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The explosion ign ites flammable objects in that area that aren’t being worn or carried, and it destroys the balor’s weapons .

Fire Aura. At the start of each of the balor’s turns , each creature within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage, and flammable objects in the aura that aren’t being worn or carried ignite. A creature that touches the balor or hits it with a melee attack whi le within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage.

Magic Resistance. The balor has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The balor’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The balor makes two attacks: one with its longsword and one with its whip.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 14 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) slashing damage plus 13 (3d8) lightning damage. If the balor scores a critical hit, it ro ll s damage dice three times, instead of twice.

Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) fire damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 25 feet toward the balor.

Teleport . The balor magically teleports , along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see .


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BARLGURA Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 68 (8dl0 + 24) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6 Skills Perception +5, Stealth +5

INT 7 (-2)

Damage Resistances cold, fire , lightning Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 9 (-1)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft . Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The barlgura’s spellcasting abi lity is Wisdom (spell save DC 13) . The barlgura can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

lfday each: entangle, phantasmal force 2fday each: disguise self, invisibility (self only)

Reckless. At the start of its turn, the barlgura can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn , but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn .

Running Leap. The barlgura’s long jump is up to 40 feet and its high jump is up to 20 feet when it has a running start.


Multiattack. The barlgura makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its fists.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (ldlO + 4) bludgeoning damage.

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Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 84 (13d10 + 13) Speed 20ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +5 Skills Perception +5

INT 11 (+0)

Damage Resistances cold, fire , lightning Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Drone. The chasme produces a horrid droning sound to which demons are immune. Any other creature that starts its turn with in 30 feet of the chasme must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. A creature that can’ t hear the drone automatica ll y succeeds on the save . The effect on the creature ends if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to splash it with holy water. If a creature’s saving throw is successfu l or the effect ends for it , it is immune to the drone for the next 24 hours .

Magic Resistance. The chasme has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Spider Climb. The chasme can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ce ilin gs, without needing to make an ability check.


Proboscis. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one creature . Hit: 16 (4d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 24 (7d6) necrotic damage, and the target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amo unt equa l to the necrotic damage taken. If this effect reduces a creature’s hit point maximum to 0, the creature dies. This reduction to a creature’s hit point maximum lasts unti l the creature finishes a long rest or until it is affected by a spe ll like greater restoration .

Small fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Hit Points 18 (4d6 + 4) Speed 20ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 5 (- 3)

Damage Resistances cold , fire , li ghtn ing Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

WIS 8 (- 1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9

CHA 3 (- 4)

Languages Abyssal, telepathy 60ft. (works only with creatures that understand Abyssal)

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Multiattack. The dretch makes two attacks : one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) slas hin g damage.

Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10-foot radius of disgusting green gas extends out from the dretch . The gas spreads around corners, and its area is lightly obscured . It lasts for 1 minute or until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn . While poisoned in this way, the target can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both, and can ‘t take reactions .


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— > —

GLABREZU Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 157 (15d10 + 75) Speed 40ft.

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 19 (+4)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +9, Con +9, Wis +7, Cha +7

CHA 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssa l, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The glabrezu’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16) . The glabrezu can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

$ £ -.._ 02 e£t c;c § n: 3

At will: darkness, detect magic, dispel magic 1Jday each: confusion,jly, power word stun

Magic Resistance. The glabrezu has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects .


Multiattack. The glabrezu makes four attacks: two with its pincers and two with its fist s. Alternatively, it makes two attacks with its pincers and casts one spell.

Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). The glabrezu has two pincers, each of which can grapple only one target.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

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Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (13d10 + 65) Speed 30ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 5 (- 3)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +8, Wis +4

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 13 (+1)

Damage Resistances cold , fire , lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapon s

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities po isoned Senses darkvi sion 120 ft ., pass ive Perception 11 Languages Abyssal , telepathy 120 ft . Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Magic Resistance. The hezrou has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects .

Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the hezrou must succeed on a DC 14 Con stitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the hezrou’s stench for 24 hours.


Multiattack. The hezrou makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit : 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit : 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Armor Class 9 Hit Points 9 (2d6 + 2) Speed 20ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 9 (- 1)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 3 (- 4)

Damage Resistances cold, fire , lightning Damage Immunities poison

WIS 8 (- 1)

Condition Immunities charmed , frightened , poisoned Senses darkvi s ion 60ft., pass ive Perception 9 Languages understand s Abyssal but can’t speak Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


CHA 4 (- 3)

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) slashing damage.

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Large fiend (dem on), ohaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 184 (16d10 + 96) Speed 20ft., fly 30ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 22 (+6)

INT 19 (+4)

WIS 12 (+1 )

CHA 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +11, lnt +9, Wis +6, Cha +7 Damage Resistances co ld, fire , lightning; bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses trues ight 120 ft. , pass ive Perception 11 Languages Abyssal, te lepathy 120ft. Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Magic Resistance. The nalfeshnee has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects .


Multiattack. The nalfeshnee uses Horror Nimbus if it can. It then makes three attacks : one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (5d10 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Horror Nimbus (Recharge 5-6). The nalfeshnee magically emits scintillating, multicolored light. Each creature within 15 feet of the nalfeshnee that can see the light must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success . If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the nalfeshnee’s Horror Nimbus for the next 24 hours.

Teleport. The nalfeshnee magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

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Mortal spellcasters interested in extraplanar familiars find quasits easy to summon and eager to serve. The quasit plays the part of the obsequious servant. It serves its master well, but it goads the mortal to greater and greater acts of chaos and evil. Such quasits have the following trait.

Familiar. The quasit can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the quasit senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the quasit is within 10 feet of its master, the master shares the quasit’s Magic Resistance trait. At any time and for any reason, the qua sit can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond .


Armor Class 13 Hit Points 7 (3d4) Speed 40 ft.

STR 5 (- 3)

DEX 17 (+3)

Skills Stealth +5

CON 10 (+0)

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances cold , fire, lightning; bl udgeoni ng, pie rcing, and slashing fro m non magical weapons

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities po iso ned Senses darkvis ion 120 ft ., passive Percept ion 10 Languages Abyssal, Common Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Shapechanger. The quasit can use its action to polymorph into a beast form that resembles a bat (speed 10ft. fly 40ft.), a centipede (40ft., climb 40ft.), or a toad (40ft. , swi m 40ft.), or back into its true form . Its stati st ics are th e same in each

form , except for the speed changes noted. Any equ ipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed . It reverts to its true form if it dies .

Magic Resistance. The quasit has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Claws (Bite in Beast Form). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution savin g throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the savin g throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itse lf on a success.

Scare (1jDay). One creature ofthe quasit’s choice within 20 feet of it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the savin g throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the quasit is within lin e of sight, ending the effect on itse lf on a success .

Invisibility. Th e quasit magically turns invisible until it attacks or uses Scare, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spel l) . Any equipment the qu asit wears or carries is invisible with it.

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SHADOW DEMON Medium fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR 1 (- 5)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +5 , Cha +4 Skills Stealth +7 Damage Vulnerabilities radiant

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 13 (+1)

CHA 14 (+2)

Damage Resistances acid, fire , necrotic, thunder; bludgeoning, pie rcing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities cold, lightning, poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, para lyzed,

petrified, poisoned , prone, restrained Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception ll Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

Incorporeal Movement . The demon can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain . It takes 5 (1 d1 0) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Light Sensitivity. While in bright light , the demon has disadvantage on attack roll s, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the demon can take the Hide action as a bonus action .


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) psychic damage or, if the demon had advantage on the attack ro ll , 17 (4d6 + 3) psychic damage.

Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 104 (lld10 + 44) Speed 40 ft. , fly 60 ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 8 (-1)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4, Cha +2

WIS 13 (+1)

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception ll Languages Abyssal , telepathy 120ft. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

CHA 8 (-1)

Magic Resistance. The vrock has advantage on savin g throws aga in st spe lls and other magical effects .


Multiattack. The vrock makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its talons.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) slashing damage.

Spores (Recharge 6). A 15-foot-radius cloud of toxic spores extends out from the vrock. The spores spread around corners. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned in this way, a target takes 5 (1d10) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success . Emptying a vial of holy water on the target also ends the effect on it .

Stunning Screech (1fDay). The vrock emits a horrific screech. Each creature within 20 feet of it that can hear it and that isn’t a demon must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution savi ng throw or be stunned until the end of the vrock’s next turn .

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YOCHLOL Medium fiend (demon, shapechanger), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (1 6d8 + 64) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, lnt +5, Wis +6, Cha +6 Skills Deception +10, Insight +6

CHA 15 (+2)

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvis ion 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Abyssal, Elvish, Undercommon Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Shapechanger. The yochlol can use its action to polymorph into a form that resembles a female drow or giant spider, or back into its true form . Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed . It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Magic Resistance. The yochlol has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Spider Climb. The yochlol ca n climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Innate Spellcasting. The yochlol’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The yochlol can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect thoughts, web 1fday: dominate person

Web Walker. The yochlol ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.


Multiattack. The yochlol makes two melee attacks.

Slam (Bite in Spider Form). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. (10ft. in demon form}, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning (piercing in spider form) damage plus 21 (6d6) poison damage.

Mist Form. The yochlol transforms into toxic mist or reverts to its true form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is also transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

While in mist form, the yochlol is incapacitated and can’t speak. It has a flyin g speed of 30 feet, can hover, and can pass through any space that isn’t airtight. It has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and it is immune to nonmagical damage.

While in mist form, the yochlol can enter a creature’s space and stop there. Each time that creature starts its turn with the yochlol in its space, the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. While poisoned in this way, the target is incapacitated.

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DEVfLS Devils personify tyranny, with a totalitarian society dedicated to the domination of mortal life. The shadow of the Nine Hells of Baa tor extends far across the multiverse, and Asmodeus, the dark lord of Ness us, strives to subjugate the cosmos to satisfy his thirst for power. To do so, he must continually expand his infernal

,armies, sending his servants to the mortal realm to corrupt the souls from which new devils are spawned.

Lords of Tyranny. Devils live to conquer, enslave, and oppress. They take perverse delight in exercising authority over the weak, and any creature that defies the authority of a devil faces swift and cruel punishment. Every interaction is an opportunity for a devil to display its power, and all devils have a keen understanding of how to use and abuse their power.

Devils understand the failings that plague intelligent mortals, and they use that knowledge to lead mortals into temptation and darkness, turning creatures into slaves to their own corruption. Devils on the Material Plane use their influence to manipulate humanoid rulers, whispering evil thoughts, fomenting paranoia, and eventually driving them to tyrannical actions.

Obedience and Ambition. In accordance with their lawful alignment, devils obey even when they envy or dislike their superiors, knowing that their obedience will be rewarded. The hierarchy of the Nine Hells depends on this unswerving loyalty, without which that fiendish plane would become as anarchic as the Abyss.

At the same time, it is in the nature of devils to scheme, creating in some a desire to rule that eclipses their contentment to be ruled. This singular ambition is s trongest among the archdevils whom Asmodeus appoints to rule the nine layers of the Nine Hells. These high-ranking fiends are the only devils to ever sample true power, which they crave like the sweetest ambrosia.

Dark Dealers and Soul Mongers. Devils are confined to the Lower Planes, but they can travel b_eyond those planes by way of portals or powerful summoning magic. They love to strike bargains with mortals seeking to gain some benefit or prize , but a mortal making such a bargain must be wary. Devils are crafty negotiators and positively ruthless at enforcing the terms of an agreement. Moreover, a contract with even the lowliest devil is enforced by Asmodeus’s will. Any mortal creature that breaks such a contract instantly forfeits its soul, which is spirited away to the Nine Hells.

To own a creature’s soul is to have absolute control over that creature, and most devils accept no other currency in exchange for the fiendish power and boons they can provide. A soul is usually forfeited when a mortal dies naturally, for devils are immortal and can wait years for a contract to play out. If a contract allows a devil to claim a mortal’s soul before death, it can instantly return to the Nine Hells with the soul in its possession. Only divine intervention can release a soul after a devil has claimed it.

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Legends tell that the first erinyes were angels that fell from the Upper Planes because of temptation or misdeed. Erinyes are always willing to take advantage of being mistaken for celestials in their missions of conquest and corruption.


Horned devils are lazy to the point of belligerence and reluctant to put themselves in harm’s way. Moreover, they hate and fear any creature stronger than themselves. When they are sufficiently provoked or antagonized, the fury of these fiends can be terrifying.

A malebranche stands as tall as an ogre and is sheathed in scales as tough as iron. The flying infantry of the hellish legions, horned devils follow orders to the letter. Their huge wings and sweeping horns create an intimidating presence as they drop from the sky and strike with deadly forks and lashing tails.


Found most commonly on the cold layers of Stygia and Cania, ice devils serve as commanders of the infernal armies of the Nine Hells, tormenting lesser devils as an outlet for their anger and resentment. Coveting the power of their pit fiend superiors, ice devils work ceaselessly toward promotion, slaughtering the enemies of the Nine Hells and claiming as many souls as they can for their archdevil masters.

Resembling a giant bipedal insect, an ice devil has clawed hands and feet, powerful mandibles, and a long tail covered in razor-sharp spikes. Some carry barbed spears whose icy touch can render a foe all but helpless in combat.


Imps are found throughout the Lower Planes, either running errands for their infernal masters, spying on rivals, or misleading and waylaying mortals. An imp will proudly serve an evil master of any kind, but it can’t be relied on to carry out tasks with any speed or efficiency.

An imp can assume animal form at will, but in its natural state it resembles a diminutive red-skinned humanoid with a barbed tail, small horns, and leathery wings. It strikes while invisible, attacking with its poison stinger.


A lemure arises when a mortal soul is twisted by evil and banished to the Nine Hells for eternity. The lowest type of devil, lemures are repugnant, shapeless creatures doomed to suffer torment until they are promoted to a higher form of devil, most commonly an imp.

A lemure resembles a molten mass of flesh with a vaguely humanoid head and torso. A permanent expression of anguish twists across its face, its feeble mouth babbling even though it can’t speak.


Imps can be found in the service to mortal spellcasters, acting as advisors, spies, and familiars. An imp urges its master to acts of evil, knowing the mortal’s soul is a prize the imp might ultimately claim. Imps display an unusual loyalty to their masters, and an imp can be quite dangerous if its master is threatened. Some such imps have the following trait.

Familiar. The imp can enter into a contract to serve an<;>ther creatu re as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its wi lling master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the imp senses as long as they are within l mile of each other. While the imp is within 10 feet of its master, the master shares the imp’s Magic Resistance trait. If its master violates the terms of the contract, the imp can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.


The undisputed lords of most other devils, pit fiends attend the archdukes and archduchesses of the Nine Hells and carry out their wishes. These mighty devils are the generals of the Nine Hells, leading its infernal legions into battle.

With an inflated sense of superiority and entitlement, pit fiends form a grotesque aristocracy in the infernal realm. These domineering and manipulative tyrants conspire to eliminate anything that stands between them and their desires, even as they negotiate the convoluted and dangerous politics of the Nine Hells.

A pit fiend is a hulking monster with a whip-like tail and enormous wings that it wraps around itself like a cloak. Armored scales cover its body, and its fanged maw drips a venom that can lay the mightiest mortal creatures low. Fearless in battle, a pit fiend takes on the most powerful foes in single combat, demonstrating its supremacy and an arrogance that prevents it from acknowledging any chance of defeat.


Smaller than most other devils, spinagons act as messengers and spies for greater devils and archdevils. They are the eyes and ears of the Nine Hells, and even fiends that despise a spined devil’s weakness treat it with a modicum of respect.

A spined devil’s body and tail bristle with spines, and it can fling its tail spines as ranged weapons. The spines burst into flame on impact.

When not delivering messages or gathering intelligence, spined devils serve in the infernal legions as flying artillery, making up for their relative weakness by mobbing together to overwhelm their foes. Though they crave promotion and power, spined devils are craven by nature, and they will quickly scatter if a fight goes against them.


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Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 110 (13d8 +52) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +6, Con +7, Wis +5, Cha +5 Skills Deception +5, Insight +5, Perception +8

CHA 14 (+2)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 18 Languages Infernal , telepathy 120ft. Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Barbed Hide. At the start of each of its turns, the barbed devi l deals 5 (1dl0) piercing damage to any creature grappling it.

Devil’s Sight. Magica l darkness doesn’t impede the devil’s darkvision .

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magica l effects.


Multiattack. The devil makes three melee attacks : one with its tail and two with its claws. Alternatively, it can use Hurl Fl ame twice.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target . Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage. If the target is a flammable object that isn’t being worn or carried, it al so catches fire.

• BEARDED DEVIL Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 9 (- 1)

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4, Wis +2

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 11 (+0)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren ‘t silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Infernal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the devil’s darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws again st spells and other magical effects.

Steadfast. The devil can ‘t be frightened whi le it can see an alli ed creature within 30 feet of it.


Mt.iltiattack. The devil makes two attacks: one with its beard and one with its glaive.

Beard. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in thi s way, the target can’t regain hit points . The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1dl0 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead or a construct, it mu st succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or lose 5 (1dl0) hit points at the start of each of its turns due to an infernal wound . Each time the devil hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the wound increases by 5 (ld10). Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Wi sdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.

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Some bone devils have the fo llowing action options. Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks : one with its

hooked polea rm and one with its sting. Hooked Polearm. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach

10ft., one ta rget. Hit: 17 (2d1 2 + 4) piercing damage. If the ta rget is a Huge or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 14). Unti l thi s grapple ends, the devil can’t use its polearm on anoth er target.

BONE DEVIL Large fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60) Speed 40 ft. , fly 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 13 (+1)

Saving Throws lnt +5, Wi s +6, Cha +7 Skills Deception +7, In sight +6

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeon ing, piercing, and slashing from non magical wea pons that aren’t si lvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvis ion 120 ft ., passive Perception 12 Languages Infe rnal, telepathy 120 ft. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness does n’t im pede the devil’s darkvi sion.

Magic Resistance. The devi l has advantage on savi ng throws against spe ll s and other magica l effects .


Multiattack. The devil makes th ree attacks: two wi th its claws an d one with its stin g.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hi t, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1 d8 + 4) slas hing damage.

Sting. Me lee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercin g damage plus 17 (5d6) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitut ion saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns , ending the effect on itself on a success .

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CHAIN DEVIL Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 85 (l0d8 + 40) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +5

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 14 (+2)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Infernal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the devil’s darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 14) if the devil isn’t already grappling a creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and takes 7 (2d6) piercing damage at the start of each of its turns.

Animate Chains (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Up to four chains the devil can see within 60 feet of it magically sp.rout razor-edged barbs and animate under the devil’s control, provided that the chains aren’t being worn or carried .

Each animated chain is an object with AC 20, 20 hit points, resistance to piercing damage, and immunity to psychic and thunder damage. When the devil uses Multiattack on its turn, it can use each animated chain to make one additional chain attack. An animated chain can grapple one creature of its own but can’t make attacks while grappling. An animated chain reverts to its inanimate state if reduced to 0 hit points or if the devil is incapacitated or dies.


Unnerving Mask. When a creature the devil can see starts its turn within 30 feet of the devil, the devil can create the illusion that it looks like one of the creature’s departed loved o.nes or bitter enemies. If the creature can see the devil, it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of its turn.

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HORNED DEVIL Large fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 55) Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +7, Wis +7, Cha +7

CHA 17 (+3)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120 ft ., passive Perception 13 Languages Infernal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the devil’s darkvision .

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The devil makes three melee attacks: two with its fork and one with its tail. It can use Hurl Flame in place of any melee attack.

Fork. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead or a construct, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or lose 10 (3d6) hit points at the start of each of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each time the devil hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the wound increases by 10 (3d6). Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.

Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 150 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) fire damage. If the target is a fl ammable object that isn’t being worn or carried, it also catches fire.

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ICE DEVIL Large fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 180 (l9d10 + 76) Speed 40ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +9, Wis +7, Cha +9

CHA 18 (+4)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashi ng from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses bl inds ight 60ft., darkvision 120ft. , passive Perception 12 Languages Infernal, te lepathy 120ft. Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness does n’t impede the devil’s darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on savin g throws against spel ls and other magica l effects .


Multiattack. The devil makes three attacks : one with its bite, one with its claws, and one with its tail.

Some ice devils have the following action options. Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks: one with its

spear and one with its tail. Ice Spear. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 10 to hit, reach 10ft.,

one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or for 1 minute, its speed is reduced by 10 feet; it can take either an action or a bonus action on each of its turns, not both; and it can’t take reactions . The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 10 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 10 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) s lashing damage plus 10 (3d6) cold damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) co ld damage.

Wall of ice (Recharge 6). The devil magica lly forms an opaque wa ll of ice on a solid surface it can see within 60 feet of it . The wa ll is 1 foot thick and up to 30 feet long and 10 feet high, or it ‘s a hemisp herical dome up to 20 feet in diameter.

When the wall appears, each creature in its space is pushed out of it by the shortest route. The creature chooses wh ich side of the wa ll to end up on, unless the creature is incapacitated. The creature then makes a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) cold dam age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Th e wa ll lasts for 1 minute or until th e devil is incapacitated or dies. Th e wall can be damaged and breached; each 10-foot section has AC 5, 30 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to acid, cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage . If a section is destroyed , it leaves behind a sheet of frigid air in the space the wall occupied . Whenever a creature finishes moving through the frigid air on a turn , willin gly or otherwise, the creature must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 17 (5d6) cold damage on a fai led save, or half as much damage on a successfu l one. The frigid ai r di ss ipates when the rest of the wall vanishes.


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Armor Class 13 Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3) Speed 20ft., fly 40ft.

STR 6 (-2)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 14 (+2)

Skills Deception +4, Insight +3, Persuasion +4, Stealth +5 Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing

from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Infernal, Common Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Shapechanger. The imp can use its action to polymorph into a beast form that resembles a rat (speed 20ft.), a raven (20ft., fly 60ft.), or a spider (20ft., climb 20ft.), or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form, except for the speed changes noted. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the imp’s darkvision.

Magic Resistance. The imp has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Sting (Bite in Beast Form). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Invisibility. The imp magically turns invisib le until it attacks or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the imp wears or carries is invisible with it.

Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 7 Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 15ft.


DEX 5 (-3)

CON 11 (+0)

Damage Resistances cold Damage Immunities fire, poison

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 11 (+0)

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened , poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak Challenge 0 (10 XP)

CHA 3 (- 4)

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the lemure’s darkvision.

Hellish Rejuvenation. A lemure that dies in the Nine Hells comes back to life with all its hit points in 1d10 days unless it is killed by a good·aligned creature with a bless spell cast on that creature or its remains are sprinkled with holy wate r.


Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

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PIT FIEND Large fiend (devil), lawful evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 300 (24d10 + 168) Speed 30ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 26 (+8)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 24 (+7)

INT 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +13, Wis +10

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 24 (+7)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Infernal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)

Fear Aura. Any creature hostile to the pit fiend that starts its turn within 20 feet of the pit fiend must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw, unless the pit fiend is incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature is frightened until the start of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the pit fiend’s Fear Aura for the next 24 hours.

Magic Resistance. The pit fiend has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The pit fiend’s weapon attacks are magical.

Innate Spel/casting. The pit fiend’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 21). The pit fiend can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic, fireball 3fday each: hold monster, wall of fire


Multiattack. The pit fiend makes four attacks: one with its bite, one with its claw, one with its mace, and one with its tail .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned in this way, the target can’t rega in hit points, and it takes 21 (6d6) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. The poisoned target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft. , one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) slashing damage.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage plus 21 (6d6) fire damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 24 (3dJO + 8) bludgeoning damage.


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Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5) Speed 20ft., fly 40ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 8 (-1)

Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities fire , poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Infernal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Devi/’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the devil’s darkvision.

Flyby. The devil doesn’t provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.

Limited Spines. The devil has twelve tail spines . Used spines regrow by the time the devil finishes a long rest.

Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects .

Multiattack. The devil makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its fork or two with its tail sp in es.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) slashing damage.

Fork. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 3 (ld6) piercing damage.

Tail Spine. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , range 20/80 ft ., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 3 (ld6) fire damage.

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Large beast, unaligned

‘ Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24) . Speed 20ft., swim 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 5 (-3)

Hold Breath. The plesiosaurus can hold its breath for 1 hour.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft. , one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natu ral armor) Hit Points 95 (10d12 + 30) Speed 50 ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 9 (- 1)

CON 17 (+3)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 5 (-3)

Trampling Charge. If the triceratops moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the triceratops can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action .


Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) piercing damage.

Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one prone creature. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage


PTERANODON Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natura l armor) Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 10ft., fly 60ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

Skills Perception + 1

CON 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 11 Languages -Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 9 (-1)

CHA 5 (-3)

Flyby. The pteranodon doesn’t provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy’s reach .


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) piercing damage.

TYRANNOSAURUS REX Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (13d12 +52) Speed 50 ft.

STR 25 (+7)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Percept ion +4

CON 19 (+4)

Senses passive Perception 14 Languages -Challenge 8 (3 ,900 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 9 (-1)

Multiattack. The tyrannosaurus makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail. It can’t make both attacks against the same target.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit , reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 33 (4d12 + 7) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or sma ll er creature, it is grapp led (escape DC 17) . Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the tyrannosaurus can’t bite another target .

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

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DISPLACER BEAST This monstrous predator takes its name from its ability to displace light so that it appears to be several feet away from its actual location. A dis placer beast resembles a sleek great cat covered in blue-black fur. However, its otherworldly origins are clear in its six legs and the two tentacles sprouting from its shoulders, both ending in pads tipped with spiky protrusions. A dis placer beast’s eyes glow with an awful’ malevolence that persists even in death.

Unseelie Origins. Displacer beasts roamed the twilight lands of the Feywild for ages, until they were captured and trained by the Unseelie Court. The warriors of the court selectively bred the beasts to reinforce their ferocious and predatory nature, using them to hunt unicorns, pegasi, and other wondrous prey. However, it didn’t take long for the displacer beasts to use their malevolent intelligence to escape their masters.

Running and breeding freely in the Feywild, the displacer beasts soon came to the attention of the Seelie Court. With blink dog companions at their side, fey hunters drove these predators to the fringes of the Feywild, where many crossed over to the Material Plane. To this day, displacer beasts and blink dogs attack each other on sight.

Love of the Kill. Dis placer beasts kill not just for food but also for sport. They target prey even when not hungry, often toying with their victims to entertain themselves until they are ready to eat. After killing its prey using its tentacles, a displacer beast drags the corpse to a quiet place where it can feed without distraction.

Displacer beasts hunt alone or in small prides that demonstrate skill at setting ambushes. A single beast will strike and withdraw, luring prey into a densely wooded area where its packmates wait. Packs of displacer beasts hunting near trade roads recall the frequency and schedule of regular caravans, laying down ambushes to pick off those caravans.

Large monstrosity, lawful evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 6 (- 2)

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvis ion 60ft. , passive Perception 11 Languages -Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 8 (- 1)

Avoidance. If the displacer beast is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails .

Displacement. The displacer beast projects a magical illusion that makes it appear to be standing near its actual location, causing attack rolls against it to have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait is also disrupted while the displacer beast is incapacitated or has a speed ofO.


Multiattack. The displacer beast makes two attacks with its tentacles.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) piercing damage.

Prized Guards and Pets. Intelligent evil creatures favor dis placer beasts as pets, but a dis placer beast enters such an alliance only if it appears beneficial. A displacer beast might guard a vault or act as a bodyguard for a prominent individual.


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DOPPELGANGER Doppelgangers are devious shapeshifters that take on the appearance of other humanoids, throwing off pursuit or luring victims to their doom with misdirection an.d disguise. Few creatures spread fear, suspicion, and deceit better than doppelgangers. Found in every land and culture, they can take on the guise of any individual of any race.

Stealing Secrets. A doppelganger’s adopted form allows it to blend into almost any group or community, but its transformation doesn’t impart languages, mannerisms, memory, or personality. Doppelgangers often follow or capture creatures they intend to impersonate, studying them and probing their minds for secrets. A doppelganger can read a creature’s surface thoughts, allowing it to glean that creature’s name, desires, and fears, along with a few scattered memories. A doppelganger impersonating a specific creature as

Medium monstrosity (shapechangerj, neutral

Armor Class 14 Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Deception +6, Insight +3 Condition Immunities charmed

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 14 (+2)

Shapechanger. The doppelganger can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Ambusher. The doppelganger has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Surprise Attack. If the doppelganger surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 10 (3d6) damage from the attack.


Multiattack. The doppelganger makes two melee attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Read Thoughts. The doppelganger magically reads the surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet of it. The effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While the target is in range, the doppelganger can continue reading its thoughts, as long as the doppelganger’s concentration isn’t broken (as if concentrating on a spell) . While reading the target’s mind, the doppelganger has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against the target.

part of a long-term plot might keep its double alive and close at hand for weeks, probing the victim’s mind daily to learn how to behave and speak authentically.

Hedonistic Swindlers. Doppelgangers work alone or in small groups, with group roles shifting from con to con. While one doppelganger takes the place of a murdered merchant or noble, the others take on a number of identities as circumstances warrant, playing the parts of family or servants while they live off the victim’s riches.

Changelings. Doppelgangers are too lazy or self­interested to raise their young. They assume attractive male forms and seduce women, leaving them to raise their progeny. A doppelganger child appears to be a normal member of its mother’s species until it reaches adolescence, at which point it discovers its true nature and is driven to seek out its kind to join them.

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DRACOLICH Even as long-lived as they are, all dragons must eventually die. This thought doesn’t sit well with many dragons, some of which allow themselves to be transformed by necromantic energy and ancient rituals into powerful undead dracoliches. Only the mos t narcissistic dragons choose this path, knowing that by doing so, they sever all ties to their kin and the dragon gods.

Beyond Death. A dracolich retains its shape and size upon transforming, its skin and scales drawing tight to its bones or sloughing away to leave a skeletal form behind. Its eyes appear as glowing points of light floating in shadowy sockets, hinting at the malevolence of its undead mind.

Though many dragons pursue vain goals of destruction and dominance, dracoliches are more nefarious than the most evil dragons, driven to rule over all. A dracolich is a fiendishly intelligent tyrant that crafts complex webs of foul schemes, attracting servants motivated by greed and a lust for power. Acting from the shadows and actively plotting to keep its existence a secret, a dracolich is a cunning and challenging foe.

Draco/ich Phylacteries. Creating a dracolich requires the cooperation of the dragon and a group of mages or cultists that can perform the proper ritual. During the ritual, the dragon consumes a toxic brew that slays it instantly. The attendant spellcasters then ensnare its spirit and transfer it to a special gemstone that functions like a lich’s phylactery. As the dragon’s flesh rots away, the spirit inside the gem returns to animate the dragon’s bones.

If a dracolich’s physical form is ever destroyed, its spirit returns to the gem as long as the two are on the same plane. If the gem comes into contact with another dragon’s corpse, the dracolich’s spirit can take possession of that corpse to become a new dracolich. If the dracolich’s spirit gem is taken to another plane, the dracolich’s spirit has nowhere to go when its undead body is destroyed and simply passes into the afterlife.


Only an ancient or adult true dragon can be transformed into a dracolich. Younger dragons that attempt to undergo the transformation die, as do other creatures that aren’t true dragons but possess the dragon type, such as pseudodragons and wyverns. A shadow dragon can’t be transformed into a dracolich, for it has already lost too much of its physical form.

When a dragon becomes a dracolich, it retains its statistics except as described below. The dragon loses any trait, such as Amphibious, that assumes a living physiology. The dracolich might retain or lose any or all of its lair actions or inherit new ones, as the DM sees fit.

Type. The dracolich’s type changes from dragon to undead, and it no longer requires air, food, drink, or sleep.

Damage Resistance. The dracolich has resistance to necrotic damage.

Damage Immunities. The dracolich has immunity to poison. It also retains any immunities it had prior to becoming a dracolich.

Condition Immunities. The dracolich can’t be charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned. It also doesn’t suffer from exhaustion.

Magic Resistance. The dracolich has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

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dragon might retain or lose any or all of its lair actions or inherit new ones, as the DM sees fit.

Damage Resistances. The dragon has resistance to necrotic damage.

Skill Proficiency: Stealth. The dragon’s proficiency bonus is doubled for its Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Living Shadow. While in dim light or darkness, the dragon has resistance to damage that isn’t force, psychic, or radiant.

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the dragon can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sun light, the dragon has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

New Action: Bite. If the dragon deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage with its bite, change that damage type to necrotic.

New Action: Shadow Breath. Any damage-dealing breath weapon possessed by the dragon deals necrotic da mage instead of its original damage type. A humanoid reduced to 0 hit points by this damage dies, and an undead shadow rises from its corpse and acts immediately after the dragon in the initiative count. The shadow is under the dragon’s control.

YOUNG RED SHADOW DRAGON Large dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85) Speed 40ft., climb 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +9, Wis +4, Cha +8 Skills Perception +8, Stealth +8 Damage Resistances necrotic Damage Immunities fire

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 18 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Living Shadow. While in dim light or darkness, the dragon has resistance to damage that isn’t force, psychic, or radiant.

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkn ess, the dragon can take the Hide action as a bonus act ion.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the dragon has di sadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) pierci ng damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage .

Shadow Breath (Recharge 5-6}. The dragon exha les shadowy fire in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A humanoid reduced to 0 hit poin ts by this damage dies, and an undead shadow rises from its corpse and acts immediately after the dragon in the initiative count. The shadow is under the dragon ‘s contro l.

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DRAGONS True dragons are winged reptiles of ancient lineage and fearsome power. They are known and feared for their predatory cunning and greed, with the oldest dragons accounted as some of the most powerful creatures in the world. Dragons are also magical creatures whose innate power fuels their dreaded breath weapons and other preternatural abilities.

Many creatures, including wyverns and dragon turtles, have draconic blood. However, true dragons fall into the two broad categories of chromatic and metallic dragons. The black, blue, green, red, and white dragons are selfish, evil, and feared by all. The brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver dragons are noble, good, and highly respected by the wise.

Though their goals and ideals vary tremendously, all true dragons covet wealth, hoarding mounds of coins and gathering gems, jewels, and magic items. Dragons with large hoards are loath to leave them for long, venturing out of their lairs only to patrol or feed.

True dragons pass through four distinct stages of life, from lowly wyrmlings to ancient dragons, which can live for over a thousand years. In that time, their might can become unrivaled and their hoards can grow beyond price.


Category Size Age Range

Wyrm ling Medium 5 years or less

Young Large 6-100 years Adult Huge 101-800 years Ancient Gargantuan 801 years or more


Dragons are innately magical creatures that can master a few spells as they age, using this variant.

A young or older dragon can innately cast a number of spells equal to its Charisma modifier. Each spell can be cast once per day, requiring no material components, and the spell’s level can be no higher than one-third the dragon’s challenge rating (rounded down) . The dragon’s bonus to hit with spell attacks is equal to its proficiency bonus+ its Charisma bonus. The dragon’s spell save DC equals 8 +its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier.


The black, blue, green, red, and white dragons represent the evil side of dragonkind. Aggressive, gluttonous, and vain, chromatic dragons are dark sages and powerful tyrants feared by all creatures- including each other.

Driven by Greed. Chromatic dragons lust after treasure, and this greed colors their every scheme and plot. They believe that the world’s wealth belongs to them by right, and a chromatic dragon seizes that wealth without regard for the humanoids and other creatures that have «stolen» it. With its piles of coins, gleaming gems, and magic items, a dragon’s hoard is the stuff of legend. However, chromatic dragons have no interest in commerce, amassing wealth for no other reason than to have it.

Creatures of Ego. Chromatic dragons are united by their sense of superiority, believing themselves the most powerful and worthy of all mortal creatures. When they interact with other creatures, it is only to further their own interests. They believe in their innate right to rule, and this belief is the cornerstone of every chromatic dragon’s personality and worldview. Trying to humble a chromatic dragon is like trying to convince the wind to stop blowing. To these creatures, humanoids are animals, fit to serve as prey or beasts of burden, and wholly unworthy of respect.

Dangerous Lairs. A dragon’s lair serves as the seat of its power and a vault for its treasure. With its innate toughness and tolerance for severe environmental effects, a dragon selects or builds a lair not for shelter but for defense, favoring multiple entrances and exits, and security for its hoard.

Most chromatic dragon lairs are hidden in dangerous and remote locations to prevent all but the most audacious mortals from reaching them. A black dragon might lair in the heart of a vast swamp, while a red dragon might claim the caldera of an active volcano. In addition to the natural defenses of their lairs, powerful chromatic dragons use magical guardians, traps, and subservient creatures to protect their treasures.

Queen of Evil Dragons. Tiamat the Dragon Queen is the chief deity of evil dragonkind. She dwells on A vern us, the first layer of the Nine Hells. As a lesser god, Tiamat has the power to grant spells to her worshipers, though she is loath to share her power. She epitomizes the avarice of evil dragons, believing that the multi verse and all its treasures will one day be hers and hers alone.

Tiamat is a gigantic dragon whose five heads reflect the forms of the chromatic dragons that worship her­black, blue, green, red, and white. She is a terror on the battlefield, capable of annihilating whole armies with her five breath weapons, her formidable spellcasting, and her fearsome claws.

Tiamat’s most hated enemy is Bahamut the Platinum Dragon, with whom she shares control of the faith of dragonkind. She also holds a special enmity for Asmodeus, who long ago stripped her of the rule of Avernus and who continues to curb the Dragon Queen’s power.

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ANCIENT BLACK DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 367 (21d20 + 147) Speed 40 ft. , fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 25 (+7)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +14, Wis +9, Cha +11 Skills Perception + 16, Stealth +9 Damage Immunities acid

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 60ft. , darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 26 Languages Common , Draconic Challenge 21 (27,500 XP)

Amphibious. Th e dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3fDay). If the dragon fails a savin g throw, it can choose to succeed instead .


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 15 to hit , reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10ft. , on’e target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slash in g damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 15 to hit, reach 20 ft ., one target . Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet ofthe dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successfu l or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Acid Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exha les acid in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide . Each creature in that line must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 67 (15d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions , choos in g from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary act ions at the start of its turn .

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed .


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ANCIENT BLUE DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 481 (26d20 + 208) Speed 40ft., burrow 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 29 (+9)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 27 (+8)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +15, Wis +10, Cha +12 Skills Perception + 17, Stealth +7 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 21 (+5)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 27 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 23 (32,500 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) lightning damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 16 to hit, reacl:1 20ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for ‘ the next 24 hours .

Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales lightning in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage on a fail ed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn .

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon ma kes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Acti9ns). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet ofthe dragon must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed .

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Huge dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 225 (18d12 + 108) Speed 40ft., burrow 30ft., fly 80ft.

STR 25 (+7)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 23 (+6)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con + 11, Wis +7, Cha +9 Skills Perception + 12, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 22 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3fDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) lightning damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales lightning in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a ·DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

Large dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64) Speed 40ft., burrow 20ft., fly 80ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 19 (+4)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 13 (+ 1)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +8, Wis +5, Cha +7 Skills Perception +9, Stealth +4 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 17 (+3)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 19 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 5 (ld10) lightning damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales lightning in an 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

BLUE DRAGON WYRMLING Medium dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30ft., burrow 15ft., fly 60ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +4 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +2 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 15 (+2)

Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvlsion 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Draconic Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1 d6) lightning damage.

Lightning Breath (Recharge 5-6}. The dragon exhales lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a fai led save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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BLUE DRAGON Vain and territorial, blue dragons soar through the skies over deserts, preying on caravans and plundering herds and settlements in the verdant lands beyond the desert’s reach. These dragons can also be found in dry steppes, searing badlands, and rocky coasts. They guard their territories against all potential competitors, especially brass dragons.

A blue dragon is recognized by its dramatic frilled ears and the massive ridged horn atop its blunt head. Rows of spikes extend back from its nostrils to line its brow, and cluster on its jutting lower jaw.

A blue dragon’s scales vary in color from an iridescent azure to a deep indigo, polished to a glossy finish by the desert sands. As the dragon ages, its ·scales become thicker and harder, and its hide hums and crackles with static electricity. These effects intensify when the dragon is angry or about to attack, giving off an odor of ozone and dusty air.

Vain and Deadly. A blue dragon will not stand for any remark or insinuation that it is weak or inferior, taking great pleasure in lording its power over humanoids and other lesser creatures.

A blue dragon is a patient and methodical combatant. When fighting on its own terms, it turns combat into an extended affair of hours or even days, attacking from a distance with volleys of lightning, then flying well out of harm’s reach as it waits to attack again.

Desert Predators. Though they sometimes eat cacti and other desert plants to sate their great hunger, blue dragons are carnivores. They prefer to dine on herd animals, cooking those creatures with their lightning breath before gorging themselves. Their dining habits make blue dragons an enormous threat to desert caravans and nomadic tribes, which become convenient collections of food and treasure to a dragon’s eye.

When it hunts, a blue dragon buries itself in the desert sand so that only the horn on its nose pokes above the surface, appearing to be an outcropping of stone. When prey draws near, the dragon rises up, sand pouring from its wings like an avalanche as it attacks.

Overlords and Minions. Blue dragons covet valuable and talented creatures whose service reinforces their sense of superiority. Bards, sages, artists, wizards, and assassins can become valuable agents for a blue dragon, which rewards loyal service handsomely.

A blue dragon keeps its lair secret and well protected, and even its most trusted servants are rarely allowed within. It encourages ankhegs, giant scorpions, and other creatures of the desert to dwell near its lair for additional security. Older blue dragons sometimes attract air elementals and other creatures to serve them.

Hoarders of Gems. Though blue dragons collect anything that looks valuable, they are especially fond of gems. Considering blue to be the most noble and beautiful of colors, they covet sapphires, favoring jewelry and magic items adorned with those gems.

A blue dragon buries its most valuable treasures deep in the sand, while scattering a few less valuable trinkets in plainer sight over hidden sinkholes to punish and eliminate would-be thieves.

A BLUE DkAGON’S LAIR Blue dtagons make their lairs in barren places, using’ their lightning breath and their burrowing ability to carve out crystallized caverns and tunnels beneath the sands.

Thunderstorms rage around a legendary blue dragon’s lair, and narrow tubes lined with glassy sand ventilate the lair, all the while avoiding the deadly sinkholes that are the dragon’s first line of defense.

A blue dragon will collapse the caverns that make up its lair if that lair is invaded. The dragon then burrows out, leaving its attackers to be crushed and suffocated. When it returns later, it collects its possessions- along with the wealth of the dead intruders.

LAIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

Part of the ceiling collapses above one creature that the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone and buried. The buried target is restrained and unable to breathe or stand up. A creature can take an action to make a DC 10 Strength check, ending the buried state on a success. A cloud of sand swirls about in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The cloud spreads around corners. Each creature in the cloud must succeed on a DC ls»constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the ertd of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

• Lightning arcs, forming a 5-foot-wide line between two of the lair’s solid surfaces that the dragon can see. They must be within 120 feet of the dragon and 120 feet of each other. Each creature in that line must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) lightning damage.

REGIONAL EFFECTS The region containing a legendary blue dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the following effects:

• Thunderstorms rage within 6 miles of the lair. • Dust devils scour the land within 6 miles of the lair. A

dust devil has the statistics of an air elemental, but it can’t fly, has a speed of 50 feet, and has an Intelligence and Charisma of 1 (- 5).

• Hidden sinkholes form in and around the dragon’s lair. A sinkhole can be spotted from a safe distance with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. Otherwise, the first creature to step on the thin crust covering the sinkhole must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall 1d6 x 10 feet into the sinkhole.

If the dragon dies, the dust devils disappear immediately, and the thunderstorms abate within 1d10 days. Any sinkholes remain where they are.

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ANCIENT GREEN DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Hit Points 385 (22d20 + 154) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 12 (+1 )

CON 25 (+7)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +14, Wis +10, Cha +11 Skills Deception +11, Insight +10, Perception +17,

Persuasion + 11 , Stealth +8 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 27 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 22 (30,000 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3jDay). If the dragon fa ils a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: + 15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom savi ng throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales poisonous gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 77 (22d6) poison damage on a fa iled save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its tu rn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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ADULT GREEN DRA.GON Huge dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90) Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. , swim 40 ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con + 10, Wis +7, Cha +8 Skills Deception +8, Insight +7, Perception +12,

Persuasion +8, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

CHA 17 (+3)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 22 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3fDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead .

Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d1 0 + 6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

YOUNG GREEN DRAGON Large dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natu ral armor) Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48) Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. , swim 40 ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +6, Wis +4, Cha +5 Skills Deception +5, Perception +7, Stealth +4 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive

Perception 17 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 8 (3 ,900 XP)

CHA 15 (+2)

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target . Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 11 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours .

Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales poisonous gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn .

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed .

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water,


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Poison Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales poisonous gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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forest floor carries an emerald green cast, and every sound seems muffled.

At the center of its forest, a green dragon chooses a cave in a sheer cliff or hillside for its lair, preferring an entrance hidden from prying eyes. Some seek out cave mouths concealed behind waterfalls, or partly submerged caverns that can be accessed through lakes or streams. Others conceal the entrances to their lairs with vegetation.

LAIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

• Grasping roots and vines erupt in a 20-foot radius centered on a point on the ground that the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. That area becomes dif­ficult terrain, and each creature there must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be restrained by the roots and vines. A creature can be freed if it or another creature takes an action to make a DC 15 Strength check and succeeds. The roots and vines wilt away when the dragon uses this lair action again or when the dragon dies. A wall of tangled brush bristling with thorns springs into existence on a solid surface within 120 feet of the dragon. The wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick, and it blocks line of sight. When the wall appears, each creature in its area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails the save takes 18 (4d8) piercing damage and is pushed 5 feet out of the wall’s space, appearing on whichever side of the wall it wants. A creature can move through the wall, albeit slowly and painfully. For every 1 foot a creature travels through the wall, it must spend 4 feet of movement. Furthermore, a creature in the wall’s space must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw once each round it’s in contact with the wall, taking 18 (4d8) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Each 10-foot sec­tion of wall has AC 5, 15 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, resistance to bludgeoning and piercing damage, and immunity to psychic damage. The wall sinks back into the ground when the dragon uses this lair action again or when the dragon dies.

• Magical fog billows around one creature the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the dragon until initiative count 20 on the next round.

REGIONAL EFFECTS The region containing a legendary green dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the following effects:

• Thickets form labyrinthine passages within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair. The thickets act as 10-foot-high, 10-foot-thick walls that block line of sight. Creatures can move through the thickets, with every 1 foot a creature moves costing it 4 feet of

15 Dexterity saving throw once each round it’s in con­tact with the ‘thickets or take 3 (1d6) piercing damage from thorns.

Each 10-foot-cube of thickets has AC 5, 30 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning and piercing dam­age, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity to psychic and thunder damage.

• Within 1 mile of its lair, the dragon leaves no physical evidence of its passage unless it wishes to. Tracking it there is impossible except by magical means. In addi­tion, it ignores movement impediments and damage from plants in this area that are neither magical nor creatures, including the thickets described above. The plants remove themselves from the dragon’s path.

• Rodents and birds within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair serve as the dragon’s eyes and ears. Deer and other large game are strangely absent, hinting at the pres­ence of an unnaturally hungry predator.

If the dragon dies, the rodents and birds lose their supernatural link to it. The thickets remain, but within 1d10 days, they become mundane plants and normal difficult terrain, losing their thorns.

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ANCIENT RED DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252) Speed 40ft., climb 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 30 (+10)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 29 (+9)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con + 16, Wis +9, Cha + 13 Skills Perception + 16, Stealth +7 Damage Immunities fire

CHA 23 (+6)

Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvis ion 120 ft., passive Perception 26 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 24 (36,500 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fai ls a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) fire damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft ., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving th row is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeon ing damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 256 (19d12 + 133) Speed 40ft., climb 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 25 (+7)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS l3 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con + 13, Wis +7, Cha + 11 Skills Perception + l3, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities fire

CHA 21 (+5)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 23 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead .

Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks : one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15ft., one target . Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales fire in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 63 (18d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and on ly at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack . Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone . The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed .


Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85) Speed 40ft., climb 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS ll (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +9, Wis +4, Cha +8 Skills Perception +8, Stealth +4 Damage Immunities fire

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 18 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage p lu s 3 (1d6) fire damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: l3 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales fire in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56 (l6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successfu l one.

RED DRAGON WYRMLING Medium dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) Speed 30ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +5 , Wis +2, Cha +4 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +2 Damage Immunities fire

CHA 15 (+2)

Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Draconic Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exha les fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC l3 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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The most covetous of the true dragons, red dragons tirelessly seek to increase their treasure hoards. They are exceptionally vain, even for dragons, and their conceit is reflected in their proud bearing and their disdain for other creatures.

The odor of sulfur and pumice surrounds a red dragon, whose swept-back horns and spinal frill define its silhouette. Its beaked snout vents smoke at all times, and its eyes dance with flame when it is angry. Its wings are the longest of any chromatic dragon, and have a blue-black tint along the trailing edge that resembles metal burned blue by fire.

The scales of a red dragon wyrmling are a bright glossy scarlet, turning a dull, deeper red and becoming as thick and strong as metal as the dragon ages. Its pupils also fade as it ages, and the oldest red dragons have eyes that resemble molten lava orbs.

Mountain Masters. Red dragons prefer mountainous terrain, badlands, and any other locale where they can perch high and survey their domain. Their preference for mountains brings them into conflict with the hill­dwelling copper dragons from time to time.

Arrogant Tyrants. Red dragons fly into destructive rages and act on impulse when angered. They are so ferocious and vengeful that they are regarded as the archet’ypical evil dragon by many cultures.

No other dragon comes close to the arrogance of the red dragon. These creatures see themselves as kings and emperors, and view the rest of dragon kind as inferior. Believing that they are chosen by Tiamat to rule in her name, red dragons consider the world and every creature in it as theirs to command.

Status and Slaves. Red dragons are fiercely territorial and isolationist. However, they yearn to know about events in the wider world, and they make use of lesser creatures as informants, messengers, and spies. They are most interested in news about other red dragons, with which they compete constantly for status.

When it requires servants, a red dragon demands fealty from chaotic evil humanoids. If allegiance isn’t forthcoming, it slaughters a tribe’s leaders and claims lordship over the survivors. Creatures serving a red dragon live in constant terror of being roasted and eaten for displeasing it. They spend most of their time fawning over the creature in an attempt to stay alive.

Obsessive Collectors. Red dragons value wealth above all else, and their treasure hoards are legendary. They covet anything of monetary value, and can often judge the worth of a bauble to within a copper piece at a glance. A red dragon has a special affection for treasure claimed from powerful enemies it has slain, exhibiting that treasure to prove its superiority.

A red dragon knows the value and provenance of every item in its hoard, along with each item’s exact location. It might notice the absence of a single coin, igniting its rage as it tracks down and slays the thief without mercy. If the thief can’t be found, the dragon goes on a rampage, laying waste to towns and villages in an attempt to sate its wrath.


Red dragons lair in high mountains or hills, dwelling in caverns under snow-capped peaks, or within the deep halls of abandoned mines and dwarven strongholds. Caves with volcanic or geothermal activity are the most highly prized red dragon lairs, creating hazards that hinder intruders and letting searing heat and volcanic gases wash over a dragon as it sleeps. · •

With its hoard well protected deep within the lair,» a red dragon spends as much of its time outside the mountain as in it. For a red dragon, the great heights of the world are the throne from which it can look out to survey all it controls-and the wider world it seeks to control.

Throughout the lair complex, servants erect monuments to the dragon’s power, telling the grim story of its life, the enemies it has slain, and the nations it has conquered.


On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:

• Magma erupts from a point on the ground the dragon can see within 120 feet of it, creating a 20-foot-high, 5-foot-radius geyser. Each creature in the geyser’s area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, tak­ing 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

• A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around the dragon. Each creature other than the dragon on the ground in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.

• Volcanic gases form a cloud in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The sphere spreads a round corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts until initia-tive count 20 on the next round. Each creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its turn. While poisoned in this way, a creature is incapacitated.


The region containing a legendary red dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the following effects:

• Small earthquakes are common within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair. Water sources within 1 mile of the lair are supernatu­rally warm and tainted by sulfur.

• Rocky fissures within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair form portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire, allowing crea­tures of elemental fire into the world to dwell nearby.

If the dragon dies, these effects fade over the course of 1dl0 days.


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ANCIENT WHITE DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Hit Points 333 (18d20 + 144) Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fl y 80ft ., swim 40 ft.

STR 26 (+8)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 26 (+8)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con + 14, Wis +7, Cha +8 Skills Perception+ 13, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities cold

CHA 14 (+2)

Senses bl inds ight 60ft., da rkvis ion 120 ft., passive Perception 23 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 20 (24,500 XP)

Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra moment.

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead .


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks : one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 14 to hit, reach 15ft., one target . Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) co ld damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 f.t., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20ft., one target . Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute . A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns , end in g the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immun e to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours .

Cold Breath (Recharge 5-6}. The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 72 (l6d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wi sdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions) . The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone . The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed .

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Huge dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (n atural armor) Hit Points 200 (16d1 2 + 96) Speed 40ft. , burrow 30ft., fly 80ft. , swim 40ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 22 (+6)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con + 11 , Wis +6, Cha +6 Skills Perception + 11, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities cold

CHA 12 (+1)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 21 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces with out needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra moment .

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fail s a saving throw, it can choose to succeed in stead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit , reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) co ld damage.

Y OUNG WHITE DRAGON Large dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56) Speed 40ft., burrow 20ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 6 (- 2)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +7, Wis +3 , Cha +4 Skills Perception +6, Stealth +3 Damage Immunities cold

CHA 12 (+1)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 16 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit , reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it , the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours .

Cold Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much dam age on a successfu l one.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature ‘s turn. The dragon regain s spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tai l attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings .

Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. Th e dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

Ice Walk. The dragon can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn’t cost it extra moment.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) cold damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Cold Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exha les an icy blast in a 30-foot co ne. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution savin g throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


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ANCIENT BRASS DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, chaotic good

Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Hit Points 297 (17d20 + 119) Speed 40ft., burrow 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 25 (+7)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +13, Wis +8, Cha +10

CHA 19 (+4)

Skills History +9, Perception +14, Persuasion +10, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities fire Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 24 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 20 (24,500 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 14 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 14 to hit, reach 20ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,

the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons:

Fire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in an 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice). · In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form , except any class features or legendary actions of that form.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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Huge dragon, chaotic good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 172 (1 5d12 + 75) Speed 40ft., burrow 30ft., fly 80ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +10, Wis +6, Cha +8

CHA 17 (+3)

Skills History +7, Perception +11, Persuasion +8, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities fire Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 21 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3jDay). If the dragon fail s a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach ,.0 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

YOUNG BRASS DRAGON Large dragon, chaotic good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39) Speed 40ft., burrow 20ft., fly 80ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 17 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +8, Wis +5, Cha +7 Skills Perception +10, Persuasion +7, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities fire

CHA 15 (+2)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 20 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Frightful Presence. Each creature ofthe drag0n’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The cjragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Fire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in an 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 49 (13d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one ofthe following breath weapons.

Fire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in a 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Sleep Breath. The dragon exhales sleep gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 5 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.


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ANCIENT BRONZE DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 444 (24d20 + 192) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR 29 (+9)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 27 (+8)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +15, Wis +10, Cha +12 Skills Insight +10, Perception +17, Stealth +7 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 21 (+5)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 27 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 22 (30,000 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit , reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit , reach 20ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet ofthe dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it ,

the creature is immu ne to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours .

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons .

Lightning Breath. The dragon exhales lightning in a 120·foot lin e that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage on a failed save , or half as much damage on a successfu l one.

Repulsion Breath. The dragon exhales repul sion energy in a 30·foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 60 feet away from the dragon.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a chall enge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice).

In a new form , the dragon retains its alignment, hit points , Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wi sdom , and Charisma scores, as well as thi s action. Its statistics and capabi lities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form , except any class features or legendary act ions of that form .


Th e dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choos ing from the options below. Only one legend ary act ion option ca n be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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ADULT BRONZE DRAGON Huge dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 212 (17d12 + 102) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR 25 (+7)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 23 (+6)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con + 11, Wis +7, Cha +9 Skills Insight +7, Perception +12, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 22 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead .


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft., one target . Hit: 18 (2d1 0 + 7) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,

YOUNG BRONZE DRAGON Large dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 142 (15d1 0 + 60) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft., swim 40ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 19 (+4)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +6 Skills Insight +4, Perception +7, Stealth +3 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 17 (+3)

Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft. , passive Perception 17 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.

the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Lightning Breath. The dragon exhales lightning in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Repulsion Breath. The dragon exhales repulsion energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 60 feet away from the dragon.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies . Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice).

In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies , Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form , except any class features or legendary actions of that form.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 10 feet ofthe dragon must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 16 (2d1 0 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons .

Lightning Breath. The dragon exhales lightning in a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide . Each creature in that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Repulsion Breath. The dragon exhales repulsion energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 40 feet away from the dragon.

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Bronze dragons are coastal dwellers that feed primarily on aquatic plants and fish. They take the forms of friendly animals to observe other creatures of interest. They are a lso fascinated by warfare and eagerly join armies fighting for a just cause.

A ribbed and flu ted crest defines the shape of a bronze dragon’s head. Curving horns extend out from the crest, echoed by spines on its lower jaw and chin. To help them swim, bronze dragons have webbed feet and smooth scales. A bronze wyrmling’s scales are yellow tinged with green; only as the dragon approaches adulthood does its color deepen to a darker, rich bronze tone. The pupils of a bronze dragon’s eyes fade as the dragon ages, until they resemble glowing green orbs.

Dragons of the Coast. Bronze dragons love to watch ships traveling up and down the coastlines near their lairs, sometimes taking the forms of dolphins or seagulls to inspect those ships and their crews more closely. A daring bronze dragon might slip aboard a ship in the guise of a bird or rat, inspecting the hold for treasure. If the dragon finds a worthy addition to its hoard, it barters with the ship’s captain for the item.

War Machines. Bronze dragons actively oppose tyranny, and many bronze dragons yearn to test their mettle by putting their s ize and strength to good use.

When a conflict unfolds near its lair, a bronze dragon ascertains the underlying cause, then offers its services to any side that fights for good. Once a bronze dragon commits to a cause, it remains a staunch ally.

Well-Organized Wealth. Bronze dragons loot sunken ships and a lso collect colorful coral and pearls from the reefs and seabeds near their lairs. When a bronze dragon pledges to help an army wage war against tyranny, it asks for nominal payment. If such a request is beyond its allies’ means, it might settle for a collection of old books on military history or a ceremonial item commemorating the alliance. A bronze dragon might also lay claim to a treasure held by the enemy that it feels would be safer under its protection.


A bronze dragon lairs in coastal caves. It might salvage a wrecked ship, reconstruct it within the confines of its lair, and use it as a treasure vault or nest for its eggs.


On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a la ir action to cause one of the following effects:

• The dragon creates fog as though it had cast the fog cloud spell. The fog lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round. A thunderclap originates at a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. Each creature within a 20-foot radius centered on that point must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (1d10) thunder damage and be deafened until the end of its next turn.


The region containing a legendary bronze dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic.

Medium dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft ., swim 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +4 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +2 Damage Immunities lightning

CHA 15 (+2)

Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvis ion 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Draconic Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe ai r and water.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Lightning Breath. The dragon exhales lightning in a 40-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Repulsion Breath. The dragon exhales repuls ion energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 30 feet away from the dragon.

Once per day, the dragon can alter the weather in a 6-mile radius centered on its lair. The dragon doesn’t need to be outdoors; otherwise the effect is identical to the control weather spell. Underwater plants within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair take on dazzlingly brilliant hues.

• Within its lair, the dragon can set illusory sounds, such as soft music and strange echoes, so that they can be heard in various parts of the lair.

If the dragon dies, changed weather reverts to normal, as described in the spell, and the other effects fade in 1dl0 days.


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ANCIENT COPPER DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, chaotic good

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Hit Points 350 (20d20 + 140) Speed 40ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 25 (+7)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +14, Wis +10, Cha +11 Skills Deception + 11 , Perception + 17, Stealth +8 Damage Immunities acid

CHA 19 (+4)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 27 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 21 (27,500 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3jDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence fo r the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Acid Breath. The dragon exhales acid in an 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 63 (14d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Slowing Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can’t use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice).

In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form , except any class features or legendary actions of that form .


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the 1

options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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Copper dragons are incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers that live in hills and rocky uplands. Despite

, their gregarious and even-tempered natures, they possess a covetous, miserly streak, and can become dangerous when their hoards are threatened.

A copper dragon has brow plates jutting over its eyes, extending back to long horns that grow as a series of overlapping segments. Its backswept cheek ridges and jaw frills give it a pensive look. At birth, a copper dragon’s scales are a ruddy brown with a metallic tint. As the dragon ages, its scales become more coppery in color, later taking on a green tint as it ages. A copper dragon’s pupils fade with age, and .the eyes of the oldest copper dragons resemble glowing turquoise orbs.

Good Hosts. A copper dragon appreciates wit, a good joke, humorous .story, or riddle. A copper dragon becomes annoyed with any creature that doesn’t laugh at its jokes or accept its tricks with good humor.

Copper dragons are particularly fond of bards. A dragon might carve out part of its lair as a temporary abode for a bard willing to regale it with stories, riddles, and music. To a copper dragon, such companionship is a treasure to be coveted.

COPPER DRAGON WYRMLING Medium dragon, chaotic good

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft., fly 60ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +3 , Con +3, Wis +2, Cha +3 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3 Damage Immunities acid

CHA 13 (+1)

Senses blindsight 10ft. , darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Draconic Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Acid Breath. The dragon exha les acid in an 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Slowing Breath. The dragon exha les gas in a 1 5-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can’t use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects last for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the savin g throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a successful save .

t ‘ ·,-.

Cautious a;,d Crafty. When building its hoard, a copper dragon prefers treasures from the earth. Metals and precious stones are favorites of these creatures.

A copper dragon is wary when it comes to showing off its possessions. If it knows that other creatures seek a specific item in its hoard, a copper dragon will not admit to possessing the item. Instead, it might send curious treasure hunters on a wild goose chase to search for the object while it watches from afar for its own pleasure.


Copper dragons dwell in dry uplands and on hilltops, where they make their lairs in narrow caves. False walls in the lair hide secret antechambers where the dragon stores valuable ores, art objects, and other oddities it has collected over its lifetime. Worthless items are put on display in open caves to tantalize treasure seekers and distract them from where the real treasure is hidden.


On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects:

The dragon chooses a point on the ground that it can see within 120 feet of it. Stone spikes sprout from the ground in a 20-foot radius centered on that point. The effect is otherwise identical to the spike growth spell and lasts until the dragon uses this lair action again or until the dragon dies. The dragon chooses a 10-foot-square area on the ground that it can see within 120 feet of it. The ground in that area turns into 3-foot-deep mud. Each creature on the ground in that area when the mud appears must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or sink into the mud and become restrained. A creature can take an action to attempt a DC 15 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach and ending the restrained condition on a success. Moving 1 foot in the mud costs 2 feet of movement. On initia­tive count 20 on the next round, the mud hardens, and the Strength DC to work free increases to 20.


The region containing a legendary copper dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the following effects:

• Magic carvings of the dragon’s smiling visage can be seen worked into stone terrain and objects within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair.

• Tiny beasts such as rodents and birds that are nor­mally unable to speak gain the magical ability to speak and understand Draconic while within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair. These creatures speak well of the dragon, but can’t divulge its whereabouts. Intelligent creatures within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair are prone to fits of giggling. Even serious matters sud­denly seem amusing.

If the dragon dies, the magic carvings fade over the course of 1d10 days. The other effects end immediately.

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ANCIENT GOLD DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 22 (n atural armor) Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252) Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. , swim 40 ft.

STR 30 (+10)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 29 (+9)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +16, Wis +10, Cha +16

CHA 28 (+9)

Skills In sight +10, Perception +17, Persuasion +1 6, Stealth +9 Damage Immunities fire Senses blindsight 60ft. , darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 27 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 24 (36,500 XP)

Amphibious. The dragon can breathe air and water.

Legendary Resistance (3jDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 17 to hit, reach 20ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon ‘s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6}. The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons .

Fire Breath. The dragon exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 71 (l3d10) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Weakening Breath. The dragon exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area mu st succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based attack rolls, Strength checks, and Strength saving throws for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice) .

In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as

well as this action . Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form .


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings .

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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ANCIENT SILVER DRAGON Gargantuan dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 487 (25d20 + 225) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 30 (+10)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 29 (+9)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con + 16, Wis +9, Cha + 13

CHA 23 (+6)

Skills Arcana +11, History +11, Perception +16, Stealth +7 Damage Immunities cold Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 26 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 23 (32,500 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 17 to hit, reach 20 ft ., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns , ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Cold Breath. The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw, taking 67 (15d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Paralyzing Breath. The dragon exhales paralyzing gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice) .

In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form , except any class features or legendary actions of that form .


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.

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The friendliest and most social of the metallic dragons, silver dragons cheerfully assist good creatures in need.

A silver dragon shimmers as if sculpted from pure metal, its face given a noble cast by its high eyes and sweeping beard-like chin spikes. A spiny frill rises high over its head, tracing down its neck to the tip of its tail. A silver wyrmling’s scales are blue-gray with silver highlights. As the dragon approaches adulthood, its color gradually brightens until its individual scales are barely visible. As a silver dragon grows older, its pupils fade until its eyes resemble orbs of mercury.

Dragons of Virtue. Silver dragons believe that living a moral life involves doing good deeds and ensuring that one’s actions cause no undeserved harm to other sentient beings. They don’t take it upon themselves to root out evil, as gold and bronze dragons do, but they will gladly oppose creatures that dare to commit evil acts or harm the innocent.

Friends of the Small Races. Silver dragons enjoy the company of other silver dragons. Their only true

ADULT SILVER DRAGON Huge dragon, lawful good

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 243 (18d12 + 126) Speed 40ft., fly 80ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 25 (+7)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +S, Con +12, Wis +6, Cha +10

CHA 21 (+5)

Skills Arcana +8 , History +8, Perception +11, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities cold Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 21 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3fDay). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage .

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it ,

friendships outside their own kin arise in the company of humanoids, and many silver dragons spend as much time in humanoid form as they do in draconic form. A silver dragon adopts a benign humanoid persona such as a kindly old sage or a young wanderer, and it often has mortal companions with whom it develops strong frieqdships. ,

Silver dragons must step away from their humanoid lives on a regular basis, returning to their’true forms to mate and rear offspring, or to tend to their hoards and personal affairs. Because many lose track of· time while away, they sometimes return to find that their companions have grown old or died. Silver dragons often end up befriending several generations of · · humanoids within a single family as a result.

Respect for Humanity. Silver dragons befriend humanoids of all races, but shorter-lived races such as humans spark their curiosity in a way the longer-lived elves and dwarves don’t. Humans have a drive and zest for life that silver dragons find fascinating.

Hoarding History. Silver dragons love to possess relics of humanoid history. This includes the great

the creature is immune to the clragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.

Cold Breath. The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20 Constitut ion saving throw, taking 58 (13d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Paralyzing Breath. The dragon exhales paralyzing gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than its own, or back into its true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s choice) .

In a new form, the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair act ions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions of that form.


The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check. Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings.

Each creature with in 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed.


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DRAGON TuRTLE Gargantuan dragon, neutral

Armor Class 20 tnatural armor) Hit Points 341 (22d20 + 110) Speed 20ft., swim 40ft.

STR 25 (+7)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +10, Wis +6 Damage Resistances fire

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 120 ft ., passive Perception 11 Languages Aquan, Draconic Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Amphibious. The dragon turtle can breathe air and water.


Multiattack. The dragon turtle makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. It can make one tail attack in place of its two claw attacks.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away from the dragon turtle and knocked prone.

Steam Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon turtle exhales scalding steam in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 52 (1Sd6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Being underwater doesn’t grant resistance against this damage.

DRAGON TURTLE Dragon turtles are among the most fearsome creatures of the oceans. As large and voracious as the oldest of its land-based dragon kin, a dragon turtle strikes with its deadly jaws, steaming breath, and crushing tail.

A dragon turtle’s rough shell is the same dark green color as the deep water where this monster dwells. Silver highlights lining the shell resemble light dancing on open water, and a surfacing dragon turtle is sometimes mistaken for the reflection of the sun or moon on the waves.

Dragons of the Deep. Like true dragons, dragon turtles collect treasure, first by sinking ships and then by sifting through the wreckage for coins and other precious items. A dragon turtle swallows treasure for transport, then regurgitates it when it reaches its lair.

Dragon turtles dwell in caves hidden in coral reefs or beneath the seafloor, or along rugged stretches

of coastline. If a choice cave is already inhabited, a dragon turtle attacks its current residents in an attempt to take over.

Mercenary Monsters. A dragon turtle is smart enough to be bribed, and pirates sailing seas patrolled by these creatures quickly learn to offer them treasure in exchange for safe passage. Clever sahuagin sometimes ally with dragon turtles, enticing them with treasure to use their blistering breath weapons in sahuagin raids against ships and coastal settlements.

Elemental Might. Dragon turtles sometimes find their way through sunken planar rifts to the Elemental Plane of Water. Those monstrous specimens can often be found in the service of marids, which strap magnificent’ .. coral thrones to the backs of dragon turtles and ride ‘ · them as mounts.


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ELEMENTALS Elementals are incarnations of the elements that make up the universe: air, earth, fire, and water. Though little more than animated energy on their own planes of existence, they can be called on by spellcasters and powerful beings to take shape and perform tasks.

Living Elements. On its home plane, an elemental is a bodiless life force. Its dim consciousness manifests as a physical shape only when focused by the power of magic. A wild spirit of elemental force has no desire except to course through the element of its native plane. Like beasts of the Material Plane, these elemental spirits have no society or culture, and little sense of being.

Conjured by Magic. Certain spells and magic items can conjure an elemental, summoning it from the Inner Planes to the Material Plane. Elementals instinctively resent being pulled from their native planes and bound into service. A creature that summons an elemental must assert force of will to control it.

Bound and Shaped. Powerful magic can bind an elemental spirit into a material template that defines a specific use and function. Invisible stalkers are air elementals bound to a specific form, in the same way that water elementals can be shaped into water weirds.

The strength of the magic and materials that bind an elemental determines how well the elemental functions in a bound form. Golems are elemental spirits bound to physical forms, but weaker materials such as flesh and clay can’t bind elemental power sufficiently. Durable materials such as stone and iron require stronger magic, which consequently binds an elemental more securely.

Elemental Nature. An elemental doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.


An air elemental is a funneling cloud of whirling air with a vague semblance of a face. Although it likes to race across the ground, picking up dust and debris as it goes, it can also fly and attack from above.

An air elemental can turn itself into a screaming cyclone, creating a whirlwind that batters creatures even as it flings them away.


An earth elemental plods forward like a walking hill, club-like arms of jagged stone swinging at its sides. Its head and body consist of dirt and stone, occasionally set with chunks of metal, gems, and bright minerals.

Earth elementals glide through rock and earth as though they were liquid. Earthbound creatures have much to fear from an earth elemental, since the elemental can pinpoint the precise location of any foe that stands on solid ground in its vicinity.


A faint humanoid shape threads through the core of this wild, moving flame. A fire elemental is a force of capricious devastation. Wherever it moves, it sets. its surroundings ablaze, turning the world to ash, smoke, and cinders. Water can halt its destructive progress, causing the fire elemental to shrink back, hissing and smoking in pain and rage.


A water elemental is a cresting wave that rolls across the ground, becoming nearly invisible at it courses through a larger body of water. It engulfs creatures that stand against it, filling their mouths and lungs as easily as it smothers flame.

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Tens of thousands of years ago, the elves were divided, with those of benevolent disposition battling those that were selfish and cruel. The war among elvenkind ended when the good elves banished their malevolent kin to the subterranean depths. Here, in the lightless caverns and endless warrens of twisting passages, the dark elves-the drow-found refuge. They also found leadership in the only elven deity who had not forsaken them. At her command, the dark elves built an empire in the underworld.

Children of Lolth. The drow worship Lolth, a deity who resides in the Abyss. Known as the Spider Queen or the Demon Queen of Spiders, she is the figure around which the dark elves have built their subterranean civilization. Whatever she demands, the drow do.

The wickedest of elves, drow are seldom seen by the surface world. Though they plot to destroy the elves that banished them, they no longer see themselves as exiles. They are the destined rulers of the darkness, and when Lolth commands them to rise up and destroy their surface-dwelling kin, they will.

Creatures of Darkness. The drow have lived underground for so long that they have evolved to their surroundings and can see in the dark. However, they can no longer stand sunlight. When slaves are in short supply in the Underdark, the drow send raiding parties to the surface to capture humanoids under cover of darkness, bringing them back to their cities to be tortured into submission. Beyond those occasional excursions, the drow are content to remain in their subterranean realm, where they feel secure and in control.

Underdark Cities. The dark elves build fantastic cities in enormous caverns where food and water are abundant. Their ability to sculpt stone rivals that of the greatest dwarf artisans, yet their structures retain a decidedly elven aesthetic. Though appearing delicate, drow settlements are structurally sound and remarkably res·lient. The drow like to hollow out enormous stalagmites and stalactites, creating populated spires that rise from the floors and ceilings.

A drow city is a sprawling metropolis enclosed by high walls. Non-drow visitors must conduct their business outside the walls under watchful eyes. The drow raise and keep giant spiders to help protect their cities against


Drow often wear magic armor and carry magic weapons that lose their enhancement bonuses permanently if they are exposed to sunlight for 1 hour or longer.

A drow wearing a +7 chain shirt and carrying a+ 7 shortsword has AC 19 and a + 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with shortsword attacks.

A drow elite warrior wearing +2 studded leather and carrying a +2 shortsword has AC 20 and a +2 bonus on attack and

, damage rolls with shortsword attacks. A drow priestess oflolth wearing +3 scale mail has AC 19.

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intruders, even as they drape those cities in beautiful webbing, creating a gossamer snare to catch flying enemies that would otherwise soar over the walls.

Drow Magic.] ust as the drow have adapted to underground life, so too has their magic. In addition to using that magic to carve their cities from stone, they empower their weapons, create dangerous new magic items, and summon demons from the Abyss. Drow spellcasters are supremely arrogant and never hesitate to use their magic in the most abhorrent ways.

Arms and Armor. Drow craft weapons made of adamantine, a dark and supernaturally hard metal. Drow artisans adorn their weapons and armor with web-like filigree and spider motifs, and mages sometimes imbue items with magic to enhance their effectiveness. However, such magic fades when exposed to sunlight, so that magical drow weapons and armor rarely retain their enhancement bonuses and magical properties when brought to the surface.

Cutthroat Politics. Drow politics are cutthroat and rife with intrigue. When drow work together, it is typically to destroy a common foe and ensure their own survival, and such alliances are short lived and fraught with peril.

Drow society is divided into noble houses, each ruled by a matron who seeks to raise the prestige and power of her house above all others. Other high-ranking members of the house are blood relatives, while the middling ranks are flush with drow from weaker families that have sworn fealty to the greater house. Clinging precariously to the bottom rung .of a house’s social ladder are the house slaves, made up of drow of low birth and the occasional non-drow captive.

Matriarchal Rule. Lolth, through her faithful priestesses, dictates the rules of drow society, ensuring that her orders and plots are carried out. Since Lolth is prone to manifesting on the Material Plane and directly punishing those that disobey her, the drow have learned to heed what she says and do as her priestesses command.

In drow society, males are subservient to females. A male drow might lead an Underdark patrol or a raiding party to the surface, but he reports to a female drow-either the matron of his house or one of her hand-picked female subordinates. Although male drow can fill almost any function in drow society, they can’t be priests, nor can they rule a house.

Poison Predilection. Distilled from spider venom and the flora of the Underdark, poison can be found in abundance among the drow, and it plays an important part in their culture and politics. Drow mages concoct a viscid toxin that leaves enemies unconscious. Drow warriors coat their blades and crossbow bolts with this venom, looking forward to the interrogation and torture that follows combat.


Drow elite warriors defend their houses and their superiors against all enemies, although they specialize in fighting dwarves, gnomes, and elves (including other drow). They frequently raid surface settlements

under cover of night, returning to the Underdark with prisoners and spoils in tow before dawn.

Elite warriors can be male or female.


Privileged drow males who lack the strength and fighting prowess to train as warriors have no recourse but t_o pursue the study of magic. For them, it is a matter of survival. Female drow with a natural affinity fot the arcane arts may also become drow mages, although they are much less common.


Female drow with blood ties to a noble house are molded and trained from birth to become priestesses of Lolth. The Spider Queen doesn’t allow male drow to hold such positions.

Such priestesses execute the will 0f the Spider Queen, and as a result, they wield tremendous power and influence in drow society. The matron mothers who rule the drow houses are the most powerful of Lolth’s priestesses, but they must constantly balance their devotion to the Spider Queen with their devotion to their families.


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Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 {chain shirt) Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +4

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 120ft ., pass ive Perception 12 Languages Elvish, Undercommon Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The drew’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: dancing lights 1fday each: darkness,faerie fire

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1 d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitutio.n saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.

Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil

Armor Class 18 {studded leather, shield) Hit Points 71 (lld8 + 22) Speed 30ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +5, Wis +4 Skills Perception +4, Stealth +10

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Elvish, Undercommon Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The drew’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (s pell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: dancing lights 1fday each: darkness ,faerie fire , levitate (self only)

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The drow makes two shortsword attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 30/120 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The target wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.


Parry. The drow adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the drow must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

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Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 45 (10d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 9 (-1)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 17 (+3)

WIS 13 (+l)

CHA 12 (+l)

Skills Arcana +6, Deception +5, Perception +4, Stealth +5 Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Elvish, Undercommon Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The drew’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: dancing lights lfday each: darkness ,faerie fire, levitate (self only)

Spellcasting. The drow is a lOth -level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks) . The drow has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, minor illusion, poison spray, ray of frost

lst level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield, witch bolt 2nd level (3 slots): alter self, misty step, web 3rd level (3 slots):fly, lightning bolt 4th level (3 slots): Evard’s black tentacles, greater invisibility 5th level (2 slots): c/oudki/1

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sun li ght, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 2 (ld6 — l) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (ld8- l) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands, plus 3 (ld6) poison damage.

Summon Demon (1fDay). The drow magically summons a quasit, or attempts to summon a shadow demon with a 50 percent chance of success. The summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its su mmoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other demons. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or unti l

DROW PRIESTESS OF LOLTH Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (scale mail) Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 12 (+l)

INT 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +6, Cha +7

WIS 17 (+3)

CHA 18 (+4)

Skills Insight +6, Perception +6, Religion +4, Stealth +5 Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 16 Languages Elvish, Undercommon Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Fey Ancestry. The drow has advantage on saving throws aga in st being charmed, and magic can’t put the drow to sleep.

Innate Spellcasting. The draw’s in nate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At wi ll : dancing lights lfday each: darkness,faerie fire, levitate (self only)

Spellcasting. The drow is a lOth -level spellcaster. Her spellcast in g ab ility is Wisdom (save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks) . The drow has the following cleric spe ll s prepared:

Cantrips (at wi ll) : guidance, poison spray, resistance, spare the dying, thaumaturgy

lst level (4 slots): anima/friendship, cure wounds, detect poison and disease, ray of sickness

2nd level (3 slots) : lesserrestoratlon, protection from poison, web 3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals (2 giant spiders), dispel magic 4th level (3 slots): divination ,freedom of movement 5th level (2 slots): insect plague, mass cure wounds

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The drow makes two scourge attacks.

Scourge. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) piercing damage plus 17 (5d6) poison damage.

Summon Demon (1/Day). The drow attempts to magically summon a yoch lol with a 30 percent chance of success. If the attempt fails, the drow takes 5 (ldlO) psychic damage. Otherwise, the summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other demons. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner


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EMPYREAN Empyreans are the celestia l children of the gods of the Upper Planes. They are universally beautiful, statuesque, and self-assured.

Manifest Emotion. An empyrean can experience deity-like fits of serenity or rage. It can affect the environment a round it by its mood. When an empyrt’;,an is unhappy, the clouds might cry tears of salt water, the wildflowers in surrounding meadows might wilt, dead fish might wash ashore in lakes or rivers, or a nearby forest might lose the leaves from its trees. When an empyrean is jubilant, sunlight follows it everywhere, small animals frolic in its footsteps, and birds fill the sky with their pleasing songs.

Evil Empyreans. A few empyreans have turned to evil after venturing to the Lower Planes and becoming corrupted, or as the result of being cursed by evil gods. An evil empyrean can’t survive long on the Upper Planes and usually retreats to the Material Plane, where it can rule over a kingdom of mortals as an indomitable tyrant.

Immortal Titans. Empyreans don’t age but can be slain. Because few empyreans can imagine their own demise, they fight fearlessly when drawn into battle, refusing to believe that the end is upon them even when standing at death’s door. When an empyrean dies, its spirit returns to its home plane. There, one of the fallen empyrean’s parents resurrects the empyrean unless he or she has a good reason not to.

Huge celestial (titan), chaotic good (75%) or neutral evil (25%)

Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 313 (19d12 + 190) Speed 50 ft., fly 50 ft., swim 50 ft.

STR 30 (+10)

DEX 21 (+5)

CON 30 (+10)

INT 21 (+5)

WIS 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Str +17, lnt +12, Wis +13, Cha + 15 Skills Insight +13, Persuasion +15

CHA 27 (+8)

Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses truesight 120 ft ., passive Perception 16 Languages all Challenge 23 (32,500 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The empyrean’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 23, +15 to hit with spell attacks). It can innate ly cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: greater restoration, pass without trace, water breathing, water walk

1jday each: commune, dispel evil and good, earthquake, fire storm, plane shift (self only)

Legendary Resistance (3jDay). If the empyrean fails a saving throw, it ca n choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. The empyrean has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The empyrean’s weapon attacks are magical.


Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 31 (6d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of the empyrean’s next turn.

Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +15 to hit, range 600ft., one target. Hit: 24 (7d6) damage of one of the following types (empyrean’s ·choice): acid, co ld, fire, force, lightning, radiant, or thunder.


The empyrean can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature ‘s turn. The empyrean regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack. The empyrean makes one attack. Bolster. The empyrean bolsters all non hostile creatures within

120 feet of it until the end of its next turn. Bolstered creatures can’t be charmed or frightened, and they gain advantage on ability checks and saving throws until the end of the empyrean’s next turn.

Trembling Strike (Costs 2 Actions). The empyrean strikes the ground with its maul, triggering an earth tremor. All other creatures on the ground within 60 feet of the empyrean must succeed on a DC 25 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

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FLU MPH The mysterious flumphs drift through the Underdark, propelled through the air by the jets whose sound gives them their name. A flumph glows faintly, reflecting its moods in its color. Soft pink means it is amused, deep blue is sadness, green expresses curiosity, and crimson is anger.

lnteJJigent and Wise. Flumphs communicate telepathically. Though they resemble jellyfish, flumphs are sentient beings of great intelligence and wisdom, possessing advanced knowledge of religion, philosophy, mathematics, and countless other subjects.

Flumphs are sensitive to the emotional states of nearby creatures. If a creature’s thoughts suggest goodness, a flumph seeks that creature out. When facing creatures that exude evil, a flumph flees.

Psionic Siphons. Flumphs feed by siphoning mental energy from psionic creatures, and they can be found lurking near communities of mind flayers, aboleths, githyanki, and githzerai. As passive parasites, they take only the mental energy they need, and most creatures feel no loss or discomfort from such feeding.

Consuming psionic energy reveals the thoughts and emotions of the creatures on which the flumphs feed . Since so many of those creatures are evil, flumphs are often subjected to thoughts, emotions, and hungers that sicken their pure nature. When flumphs encounter good­hearted adventurers, they eagerly share the dark secrets they have learned in the hopes of casting down their evil sources of energy, even if doing so rn.eans they must seek out new sources of nourishment.

Flumph Society. Flumphs live in complex and organized groups called cloisters, within which each flumph has a place and purpose. These harmonious groupings have no need for leaders, since all flumphs contribute in their own way.

F LUMPH Small aberration, lawful good

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 7 (2d6) Speed 5 ft. , fly 30ft.

STR 6 (-2)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 14 (+2)

Skills Arcana +4, History +4, Rel igion +4 Damage Vulnerabilities psychic

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12 Languages understands Undercommon but can’t speak,

telepathy 60ft. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Advanced Telepathy. The flumph can perceive the content of any telepathic communication used within 60 feet of it , and it can’t be surprised by creatures with any form of telepathy.

Prone Deficiency. If the flumph is knocked prone, roll a die. On an odd resu lt , the flu mph lands upside-down and is



in capacitated. At the end of each of its turns, the flu mph can make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, righting itself and ending the incapacitated condition if it succeeds.

Telepathic Shroud. The flu mph is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as all divination spells.


Tendrils. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 2 (1d4) acid damage. At the end of each of its turns, the target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 2 (1d4) acid damage on a failure or ending the recurring acid damage on a success. A lesser restoration spell cast on the target also ends the recurring acid damage .

Stench Spray (1jDay). Each creature in a 15-foot cone originating from the flumph must succeed on a DC 10 Dexter ity saving throw or be coated in a foul-smelling liquid. A coated creature exudes a horr ib le stench for 1d4 hours. The coated creature is poisoned as long as the stench lasts , and other creatures are poisoned while with in 5 feet of the coated creature. A creature can remove the stench on itself by using a short rest to bathe in water, alcohol, or vinegar.


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GENIES Genies are rare elemental creatures out of story and legend. Only a few can be found on the Material Plane. The rest reside on the Elemental Planes, where they rule from lavish palaces and are attended by worshipful slaves.

Genies are as brilliant as they are mighty, as proud as they are majestic. Haughty and decadent, they have a profound sense of entitlement that stems from the knowledge that few creatures except the gods and other genies can challenge their power.

Creatures of the Elements. A genie is born when the soul of a sentient living creature melds with the primordial matter of an elemental plane. Only under rare circumstances does such an elemental-infused soul coalesce into a manifest form and create a genie.

A genie usually retains no connection to the soul that gave it form. That life force is a building block that determines the genie’s form and apparent gender, as well as one or two key personality traits. Although they resemble humanoid beings, genies are elemental spirits given physical form. They don’t mate with other genies or produce genie offspring, as all new genies are born out of the same mysterious fusion of spirit energy and elemental power. A genie with a stronger connection to its mortal soul might choose to sire a child with a mortal, although such offspring are rare.

When a genie perishes, it leaves nothing behind except what it was wearing or carrying, along with a small trace of its native element: a pile of dust, a gust of wind, a flash of fire and smoke, or a burst of water and foam.

Rule or Be Ruled. Mortal slaves serve to validate a genie’s power and high self-opinion. A hundred flattering voices are music to a genie’s ears, while two hundred mortal slaves prostrated at its feet are proof that it is lord and master. Genies view slaves as living property, and a genie without property amounts to nothing among its own kind. As a result, many genies treasure their slaves, treating them as honored members of their households. Evil genies freely threaten and abuse their slaves, but never to the extent that the slaves are no longer of use.

In contrast to their love of slaves, most genies loathe being bound to service themselves. A genie obeys the will of another only when bribed or compelled by magic. All genies command the power of their native element, but a rare few also possess the power to grant wishes. For both these reasons, mortal mages often seek to bind genies into service.

Decadent Nobility. Noble genies are the rarest of their kind. They are used to getting what they want, and have learned to trade their ability to grant wishes to attain the objects of their desire. This constant indulgence has made them decadent, while their supreme power over reality makes them haughty and arrogant. Their vast palaces overflow with wonders and sensory delights beyond imagination.

Noble genies cultivate the jealousy and envy of other genies, asserting their superiority at every opportunity. Other genies respect the influence of the noble genies,

knowing how unwise it is to defy a creature that can alter reality at a whim. A genie isn’t beholden to any noble genie, however, and will sometimes choose to defy a noble genie’s will and risk the consequences.

The Power of Worship. Genies acknowledge the gods as powerful entities but have no desire to c9urt or worship them. They find the endless fawning and mew ling of religious devotees tiresome-except a;> it is directed toward them by their worshipful slaves. .;,

Their miraculous powers, the grandeur of their abodes, and the numbers of their slaves allow some genies to deceive themselves into believing they,are as powerful as the gods. Some go so far as to deii-tand that mortals of other realms- even whole contin’ents or worlds- bow down before them.

DAO Dao are greedy, malicious genies from the Elemental Plane of Earth. They adorn themselves with jewelry crafted from precious gems and rare metals, and when they fly, their lower bodies become columns of swirling sand. A dao isn’t happy unless it is the envy of other dao.

All That Glitters. The dao dwell in complexes of twisting tunnels and glittering ore-veined caverns on the Elemental Plane of Earth. These mazeworks are continually expanding as the dao delve into and reshape the rock around them. Dao care nothing for the poverty or misfortune of others. A dao might grind powdered gems and gold dust over its food to heighten the experience of eating, devouring its wealth as mortals consume a precious spice.

Lords of the Earth. A dao never assists a mortal unless the genie has something to gain, preferably treasure. Among the genies, dao are on speaking and trading terms with the efreet, but they have nothing but scorn for djinn and marids. Other races native to the Elemental Plane of Earth avoid the dao, which are always seeking new slaves to mine the mazeworks of their floating earth islands.

Proud Slavers. The dao trade for the finest slaves that money can buy, forcing them to work in dangerous subterranean realms that rumble with earthquakes.

As much as they enjoy enslaving others, the dao hate being enslaved. Powerful wizards have been known to lure dao to the Material Plane and trap them in the confines of magic gemstones or iron flasks . Unfortunately for the dao, their greed makes it relatively easy for mages to cozen them into service.


Proud, sensuous genies from the Elemental Plane of Air, the djinn are attractive, tall, well-muscled humanoids with blue skin and dark eyes. They dress in airy, shimmering silks, designed as much for comfort as to flaunt their musculature.

Airy Aesthetes. Djinn rule floating islands of clouds tuff covered with enormous pavilions, or topped with wondrous buildings, courtyards, fountains, and gardens. Creatures of comfort and ease, djinn enjoy succulent fruits, pungent wines, fine perfumes, and beautiful music.

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Large elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 187 (15d10 + 105) Speed 30ft., burrow 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 24 (+7)

INT 12 (+1)

Saving Throws lnt +5, Wis +5 , Cha +6 Condition Immunities petrified

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 120ft. , passive Perception 11 Languages Terran Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

CHA 14 (+2)

Earth Glide. The dao can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. Whi le doing so, the dao doesn’t disturb the material it moves through .

Elemental Demise. If the dao dies, its body disintegrates into crysta llin e powder, leaving behind on ly equipment the dao was









Innate Spellcasting. The dao’s innate speilcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks) . It can innately cast the following spells, re<!Juiring no material components:

At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, stone shape 3fday each: passwall, move earth, tongues 1fday each: conjure elemental (earth elemental on ly) , gaseous

form, invisibility, phantasmal killer, plane shift, wall of stone

Sure-Footed. The dao has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone.


Multiattack. The dao makes two fist attacks or two maul attacks.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (4d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Huge or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength check or be knocked prone.


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DJINNI Large elemental, chaotic good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 161 (14d10 + 84) Speed 30ft., fly 90ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 22 (+6)

INT 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +7, Cha +9 Damage Immunities lightni ng, thunder

WIS 16 (+3)

Senses darkvisio n 120ft., pass ive Pe rception 13 Languages Au ra n Challenge ll (7,200 XP)

CHA 20 (+5)

Elemental Demise. If the djinni dies , its body disintegrates into a warm breeze, leaving behind only equipment the djinni was wearing or carrying.

Innate Spellcasting. The djinni’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks) . It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will : detect evil and good, detect magic, thunderwave


Genies have a variety of magical capabilities, including spells. A few have even greater powers that allow them to alter their appearance or the nature of reality.

Disguises. Some genies can veil themselves in illusion to pass as other similarly shaped creatures. Such genies can innately cast the disguise self spell at will, often with a longer duration than is normal for that spell. Mightier genies can cast the true polymorph spell one to three times per day, possibly with a longer duration than normal. Such genies can change only their own shape, but a rare few can use the spell 1

on other creatures and objects as well . Wishes. The genie power to grant wishes is legendary

among mortals . Only the most potent genies, such as those among the nobility, can do so. A particular genie that has this power can grant one to three wishes to a creature that isn’t a genie. Once a genie has granted its limit of wishes , it can’t grant wishes again for some amount oftime (usually 1 year). and cosmic law dictates that the same genie can expend its limit of wishes on a specific creature only once in that creature’s existence.

To be granted a wish, a creature within 60 feet of the genie states a desired effect to it. The genie can then cast the wish spell on the creature’s behalf to bring about the effect. Depending on the genie’s nature, the genie might try to pervert the intent of the wish by exploiting the wish’s poor wording. The perversion of the wording is usually crafted to be to the genie’s benefit.


3Jday each: create food and water (can create wine instead of water), tongues, wind walk

1Jday each: conjure elemental (air elemental only), creation, gaseous form, invisibility, major image, plane shift


Multiattack. The djinni makes three scimitar attacks.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) lightning or thunder damage (djinni’s choice).

Create Whirlwind. A 5-foot-radius, 30-foot-tall cylinder of swirling air magically forms on a point the djinni can see within 120 feet of it. The whirlwind lasts as long as the djinni maintains concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). Any creature but the djinni that enters the whirlwind must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be restrained by it . The djinni can move the whirlwind up to 60 feet as an action, and creatures restrained by the whirlwind move with it. The whirlwind ends if the djinni loses sight of it.

A creature can use its action to free a creature restrained by the whirlwind, including itself, by succeeding on a DC 18 Strength check. If the check succeeds, the creature is no longer restrained and moves to the nearest space outside the whirlwind.

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Large elemental, lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 200 (16d10 + 112) Speed 40 ft. , fly 60 ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 24 (+7)

INT 16 (+3)

Saving Throws lnt +7, Wis +6, Cha +7 Damage Immunities fire

WIS 15 (+2)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages lgnan Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

CHA 16 (+3)

Elemental Demise. If the efreeti dies, its body disintegrates in a flash of fire and puff of smoke, leaving behind only equipment the efreeti was wearing or carrying.

Innate Spellcasting. The efreeti’s innate spell casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic 3Jday: enlargejreduce, tongues 1jday each: conjure elemental (fire elemental only), gaseous

form, invisibility, major image, plane shift, wall of fire


Multiattack. The efreeti makes two scimitar attacks or uses its Hurl Flame twice.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 10 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120ft. , one target. Hit: 17 (5d6) fire damage.


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MARID Large elemental, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 229 (17d10 + 136) Speed 30ft., fly 60ft., swim 90ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 26 (+8)

INT 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +7, Cha +8 Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft.,

passive Perception 13 Languages Aquan Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

WIS 17 (+3)

Amphibious. The marid can breathe air and water.

CHA 18 (+4)

Elemental Demise. If the marid dies, its body disintegrates into a burst of water and foam , leaving behind only equipment the marid was wearing or carrying.

Innate Spellcasting. The marid’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit witn spell attacks) . It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: create or destroy water, detect evil and good, detect magic,fog cloud, purify food and drink

3fday each: tongues, water breathing, water walk 1fday each: conjure elemental (water elemental only), control

water, gaseous form, invisibility, plane shift


Multiattack. The marid makes two trident attacks.

Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) piercing damage, or 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Water jet. The marid magically shoots water in a 60-foot lin e that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage and, if it is Huge or smaller, is pushed up to 20 feet away from the marid and knocked prone. On a success, a target takes half the bludgeoning damage, but is neither pushed nor knocked prone.

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A ghost is the soul of a once-living creature, bound to haunt a specific location, creature, or object that held significance to it in its life.

Unfinished Business. A ghost yearns to complete some unresolved task from its life. It might seek to avenge its own death, fulfill an oath, or relay a message to a loved one. A ghost might not realize that it has died and continue the everyday routine of its life. Others are driven by wickedness or spite, as with a ghost that refuses to rest until every member of a certain family or organization is dead.

The surest way to rid an area of a ghost is to resolve its unfinished business. A ghost can be destroyed more easily by invoking a weakness tied to its former life. The ghost of a person tortured to death might be killed again by the implements of that torture. The ghost of a gardener might become more vulnerable when exposed to a potent floral fragrance.

Ghostly Manifestations. Sensations of profound sadness, loneliness, and unfulfilled yearning emanate from places where ghostly hauntings occur. Strange sounds or unnatural silences create an unsettling atmosphere. Cold spots settle in rooms that have roaring fires. A choking stench might seep into the area, inanimate objects might move of their own accord, and corpses might rise from the grave. The ghost has no control over these manifestations; they simply occur.

Undead Nature. A ghost doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

GHOST Medium undead, any alignment

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 45 (10d8) Speed 0 ft., fly 40ft.

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 17 (+3)

Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,

grappled, paralyzed, petrified , poisoned, prone, restrained Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 Languages any languages it knew in life Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.

Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn in side an object.


Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic damage.

Etherealness. The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material Plane

while it is in the Border Ethereal, and viae versa, yet it can’t affect or be affected by anything on the other plane .

Horrifying Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60 feet of the ghost that can see it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. If the save fails by 5 or more, the target also ages 1d4 x 10 years. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to this ghost’s Horrifying Visage for the next 24 hours. The aging effect can be reversed with a greater restoration spell, but only within 24 hours of it occurring.

Possession (Recharge 6). One humanoid that the ghost can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the ghost; the ghost then disappears, and the target is inca pacitated and loses control of its body. The ghost now controls the body but doesn’t deprive the target of awareness. The ghost can’t be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being charmed and frightened . It otherwise uses the possessed target’s statistics, but doesn’t gain access to the target’s knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.

The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points , the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the ghost is turned or forced out by an effect li ke the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, the ghost reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this ghost’s Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.


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Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 36 (8d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances necrotic Damage Immunities poison

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 8 (-1)

Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the ghast must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successfu l saving throw, the creature is immune to the ghast’s Stench for 24 hours.

Turning Defiance. The ghast and any ghouls within 30 feet of it have advantage on saving throws against effects that turn undead.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) s lashing damage . If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed fo r 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


. ‘

GHOULS Ghouls roam the night in packs, driven by an insatiable hunger for humanoid flesh.

Devourers of Flesh. Like maggots or carrion beetles, ghouls thrive in places rank with decay and death. A ghoul haunts a place where it can gorge on dead flesh and decomposing organs. When it can’t feed on the dead, it pursues living creatures and attempts to make corpses of them. Though they gain no nourishment from the corpses they devour, ghouls are driven by an unending hunger that compels them to consume. A ghoul’s undead flesh never rots, and this monster can persist in a crypt or tomb for untold ages without feeding.

Abyssal Origins. Ghouls trace their origins to the Abyss. Doresain, the first of their kind, was an elf worshiper of Orcus. Turning against his own people, he feasted on humanoid flesh to honor the Demon Prince of Undeath. As a reward for his service, Orcus transformed Doresain into the first ghoul. Doresain served Orcus faithfully in the Abyss, creating ghouls from the demon lord’s other servants until an incursion by Yeenoghu, the demonic Gnoll Lord, robbed Doresain of his abyssal domain. When Orcus would not intervene on his behalf, Doresain turned to the elf gods for salvation, and they took pity on him and helped him escape certain destruction. Since then, elves have been immune to the ghouls’ paralytic touch.

Ghasts. Orcus sometimes infuses a ghoul with a stronger dose of abyssal energy, making a ghast. Whereas ghouls are little more than savage beasts, a ghast is cunning and can inspire a pack of ghouls to follow its commands.

GHOUL Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 22 (5d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

Damage Immunities poison

INT 7 (- 2)

WIS 10 (+0)

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaust ion , poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages Common Challenge 1 (200 XP)


CHA 6 (-2)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success .

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Hill giants are selfish, dimwitted brutes that hunt forage, and raid in constant search of food. They blunder through hills and forests devouring what they can,

‘ bullying smaller creatures into feeding them. Their laziness and dullness would long ago have spelled their end if not for their formidable size and strength.

Primitive. Hill giants dwell in hills and mountain valleys across the world, congregating in steadings built of rough timber or in clusters of well-defended mud­and-wattle huts. Their skins are tan from lives spent lumbering up and down the hilly slopes and dozing beneath the sun. Their weapons are uprooted trees and rocks pulled from the earth. The sweat of their bodies adds to the reek of the crude animal skins they wear, poorly stitched together with hair and leather thongs.

Bigger Means Better. In a hill giant’s world, humanoids and animals are easy prey that can be hunted with impunity. Creatures such as dragons and other giants are tough adversaries. Hill giants equate size with power.

Hill giants don’t realize they follow an ordning. They know only that other giants are larger and stronger than they are, which means they are to be obeyed. A hill giant tribe’s chief is usually the tallest and fattest giant that can still move about. Only on rare occasion does a hill giant with more brains than bulk use its cunning to gain the favor of giants of higher status, cleverly subverting the social order.

Voracious Eaters. With nothing else to occupy them, hill giants eat as often as possible. A hill giant hunts and forages alone or with a dire wolf companion, so as to not have to share with other tribe members. The giant eats anything that isn’t obviously deadly, such as creatures known to be poisonous. Rotten meat is fair game, though, as are decaying plants and even mud.

Farmers fear and loathe hill giants. Where a predator such as an ankheg might burrow through fields and consume a cow or two before being driven off, a hill giant will consume a whole herd of cattle before moving on to sheep, goats, and chickens, then tearing into fruits, vegetables, and grain. If a farm family is at hand, the giant might snack on them too.

Stupid and Deadly. The hill giants’ ability to digest nearly anything has allowed them to survive for eons as savages, eating and breeding in the hills like animals. They have never needed to adapt and change, so their minds and emotions remain simple and undeveloped.

With no culture of their own, hill giants ape the traditions of creatures they manage to observe for a time before eating them. They don’t think about their own size and strength, however. Tribes of hill giants attempting to imitate elves have been known to topple entire forests by trying to live in trees. Others attempting to take over humanoid towns or villages get only as far as the doors and windows of a building, taking out its walls and roof as they attempt to enter.

In conversation, hill giants are blunt and direct, and they have little concept of deception. A hill giant might be fooled into running from another giant if a number of villagers cover themselves in blankets and stand on one

«( I {!1-»

another’s sllo}llaers holding a giant-paint€d pumpkin head. Reasonip.g with a hill giant is futile, although clever creatures can sometimes encourage a giant to take actions that benefit them.

Raging Bullies. A hill giant that feels as though it has been deceived, insulted, or made into a fool vents its terrible wrath on anything it encounters. Even after smashing those who offended it into pulp, the giant rampages until its rage abates, it notices something more interesting, or it grows hungry.

If a hill giant proclaims itself king over a territory where other humanoids live, it rules strictly by terror and tyranny. Its decisions shift with its mood, and if it forgets the title it bestowed upon itself, it might eat its subjects on a whim.


Stone giants are reclusive, quiet, and peaceful as long as they are left alone. Their granite-gray skin, gaunt features, and black, sunken eyes endow stone giants with a stern countenance. They are private creatures, hiding their lives and art away from the world.

Inhabitants of a Stone World. Secluded caves a re the homes of the stone giants. Cavern networks are their towns, rocky tunnels their roads, and underground streams their waterways. Isolated mountain ranges are their continents, with the vast spans of land between seen as oceans that the stone giants only rarely cross.

In their dark, quiet caves, stone giants wordlessly chip away at elaborate carvings, measuring time in the echoing drip of water into cavern pools. In the deepest chambers of a stone giant settlement, far from the chittering of bats or the patrols paced out by the giants’ cave bear companions, are holy places where silence and darkness are complete. Stone takes on its most sacred quality in these cavern cathedrals, their buttresses and columns carved with a beauty that shames the legendary stonecraft of the dwarves.

Carvers and Seers. Among stone giants, artistry ranks as the greatest virtue. They create intricate murals, paint sprawling murals across cavern walls, and indulge in a wide variety of other artistic disciplines. They esteem stone carving as the greatest of skills. · Stone giants strive to draw shapes out of raw stone,

which they believe reveal meaning inspired by their god, Skoraeus Stonebones. The giants appoint the tribe’s best carvers as their leaders, shamans, and prophets. The holy hands of such giants become the hands of the god as they work.

Graceful Athletes. Despite their great size and musculature, stone giants are lithe and graceful. Skilled rock throwers are granted positions of high rank in the giants’ ordning, testing and demonstrating their ability to hurl and catch enormous boulders. Such giants take the front ranks when a tribe has cause to defend its home or attack its enemies. However, even in combat, artistry is key. A stone giant hurling a rock performs not just a feat of brute strength but also one of stunning athleticism and poise.

Dreamers under Sky. Stone giants view the world outside their underground homes as a realm of dreams where nothing is entirely true or real. They behave in

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the surface world the way humanoids might behave in their own dreams, making little account for their actions and never fully trusting what they see or hear. A promise made above ground need not be kept. Insults can be made without apology. Killing prey or sentient beings is no cause for guilt in the dreaming world beneath the sky.

Stone giants lacking in athletic grace or artistic skill dwell at the fringes of their society, serving as the tribe’s outlying guardians and far-wandering hunters. When trespassers stray too far into the mountain territory of a stone giant clan, those guardians greet them with hurled rocks and showers of splintered stone. Survivors of such encounters spread tales of stone giant violence, never realizing how little those brutes dwelling in the unreal dreaming world resemble their quiet and artistic kin.


Storm giants are contemplative seers that live in places far removed from mortal civilization. Most have pale pmple-gray skin and hair, and glittering emerald eyes. Some rare storm giants are violet-skinned, with deep violet or blue-black hair and silvery gray or purple

GIANT Goos When the giants’ ancient empires fell, Annam, father of all giants, forsook his children and the world. He swore never to look upon either again until the giants had returned to their glory and reclaimed their birthright as rulers of the world. As a result, giants pray not to Ann am but to his divine children, along with a host of hero-deities and godly viUains that make up the giants’ pantheon.

Chief among these gods are the children of Annam, whose sons represent each type of giant: Stronmaus for storm giants, Memnor for cloud giants, Skoraeus Stonebones for stone giants, Thrym for frost giants, Surtur for fire giants, and Grolantor for hill giants. Not all giants automatically revere their kind’s primary deity, however. Many good cloud giants refuse to worship the deceitful Memnor, and a storm giant dwelling in the icy mountains of the north might pay more homage to Thrym than Stronmaus. Other giants feel a stronger connection to Annam’s daughters, who include Hiatea, the huntress and home warden; lallanis, goddess of love and peace; and Diancastra, an impetuous and arrogant trickster.

Some giants abandon their own gods and fall prey to demon cults, paying homage to Baphomet or Kostchtchie. To worship them or any other non-giant deity is a great sin against the ordning, and almost certain to make a giant an outcast.

eyes. They are benevolent and wise unless angered, in response to which the fury of a storm giant can affect the fate of thousands.

Distant Prophet-Kings. Storm giants live in isolated refuges so far above the surface of the world or below the sea that they are beyond the reach of most other creatures. Some make their abodes in cloud-top castles so high that flying dragons appear as specks below. Others live atop mountain peaks that pierce the clouds. Some occupy palaces covered with algae and coral at the bottom of the ocean, or grim fortresses in undersea rifts. l

Detached Oracles. Storm giants recall the glory of ancient giant empires forged by the god Annam. They seek to restore what was lost when those empires .fell. They don’t compete for status in the ordning but live out the centuries of their existence in contemplative seclusion, watching the starry heavens and the ocean’s depths for signs, symbols, and omens of Annam’s favor.

Storm giants see the events of the world in a wide perspective. They can foretell the rise and fall of kings and empires, see the beginnings and ends of fortune and disaster, and find the patterns within seemingly unrelated events. By reading omens and prophesying, storm giants learn of vast secrets previously unknown and troves of lore utterly forgotten.

Kings will rise and fall, wars will be won and lost, and good and evil will wrestle in conflict. Storm giants have watched these events in the manner of mortal gods over many lifetimes, and they know it is pointless to intervene. Even so, a storm giant might willingly disclose certain secrets to benevolent beings that visit its remote domain with specific purpose. Such creatures must speak and act respectfully, however, for a storm giant roused to anger is a force of utter destruction.

Solitary Lives. Storm giants communicate infrequently with others of their kind. They do so usually to compare signs and omens or engage in a rare courtship. Storm giant parents stay together to raise a child to maturity, then return to the solitary isolation they cherish.

Some humanoid cultures worship storm giants as they would worship lesser gods, creating myths and stories around the giants’ exploits and vast knowledge. A storm giant is governed by the dictates of its conscience, however, and not by any culture’s laws or codes of honor. As such, a storm giant that bends its mind toward greed or gains a taste for petty power can easily become a terrible threat.


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Huge giant, neutral good (50%) or neutral evil (50%)

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 200 (l6d12 + 96) Speed 40ft.

STR 27 (+8)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 22 (+6)

INT 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +9, Wi s +7, Cha +7 Skills In s ight +7, Perception +7 Senses passive Perception 17 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 9 (5 ,000 XP)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 16 (+3)

Keen Smell. The giant has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Innate Spellcasting. The giant’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma . It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will : detect magic,fog cloud, light 3fday each: feather fall,jly, misty step, telekinesis 1jday each : control weather, gaseous form


Multiattack. The giant makes two morningstar attacks.

Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target . Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.


Huge giant, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 162 (l3d12 + 78) Speed 30ft.

STR 25 (+7)

DEX 9 (- 1)

CON 23 (+6)

INT 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +1 0, Cha +5 Skills Athletics + 11, Perception +6 Damage Immunities fire Senses passive Perception 16 Languages Giant Challenge 9 (5 ,000 XP)


WIS 14 (+2)

CHA l3 (+1)

Multiattack. The gia nt makes two greatsword attacks .

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) slashing damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

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Huge giant, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (patchwork armor) Hit Points 138 (l2d12 + 60) Speed 40ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 9 (- 1)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 9 (- 1)

Saving Throws Con +8 , Wis +3, Cha +4 Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3 Damage Immunities cold Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Giant Challenge 8 (3 ,900 XP)


WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 12 (+1)

Multiattack. The giant makes two greataxe attacks.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit , reach 10ft., one ta rget. Hit: 25 (3d1 2 + 6) s las hin g damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit , range 60/240 ft., one ta rget. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeo nin g damage .

Huge giant, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40) Speed 40ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 8 (- 1)

Skills Perception +2

CON 19 (+4)

Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Giant Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)


INT 5 (- 3)

WIS 9 (- 1)

CHA 6 (-2)

Multiattack. Th e giant makes two grea tclub attacks .

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit , reach 10 ft ., one ta rget. Hit: 18 (3d 8 + 5) bludgeo ning damage .

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit , range 60/240 ft ., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeo nin g damage.


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Huge giant, neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 126 (lld12 +55) Speed 40ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +8, Wis +4 Skills Athletics +12, Perception +4

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Giant Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Stone Camouflage. The giant has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain.


Multiattack. The giant makes two greatclub attacks.

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Rock Catching. If a rock or similar object is hurled at the giant, the giant can , with a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, catch the missile and take no bludgeoning damage from it.

Huge giant, chaotic good

Armor Class 16 (scale mail) Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100) Speed 50 ft., swim 50 ft.

STR 29 (+9)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Str +14, Con +10, Wis +9, Cha +9

CHA 18 (+4)

Skills Arcana +8, Athletics+ 14, History +8 , Perception +9 Damage Resistances cold Damage Immunities lightning, thunder Senses passive Perception 19 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Amphibious. The giant can breathe air and water.

.Innate Spellcasting. The giant’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic,feather fall , levitate, light 3Jday each: control weather, water breathing


Multiattack. The giant makes two greatsword attacks.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) slashing damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage.

Lightning Strike (Recharge 5-6). The giant hurls a magical lightning bolt at a point it can see within 500 feet of it. Each creature within 10 feet of that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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The warlike githyanki and the contemplative githzerai are a sundered people- two cultures that utterly despise one another. Before there were githyanki or githzerai, these creatures were a single race enslaved by the mind flayers. Although they attempted to overthrow their masters many times, their rebellions were repeatedly crushed until a great leader named Gith arose.

After much bloodshed, Gith and her followers threw off the yoke of their illithid masters, but another leader named Zerthimon emerged in the aftermath of battle. Zerthimon challenged Gith’s motives, claiming that her strict martial leadership and desire for vengeance amounted to little more than another form of slavery for her people. A rift erupted between followers of each leader, and they eventually became the two races whose enmity endures to this day.

Whether these tall, gaunt creatures were peaceful or savage, cultured or primitive before the mind flayers enslaved and changed them, none can say. Not even the original name of their race remains from that distant time.


The githyanki plunder countless worlds from the decks of their astral vessels and the backs of red dragons. Feathers, beads, gems, and precious metals decorate their armor and weapons- the legendary silver swords with which they cut through their foes. Since winning their freedom from the mind flayers, the githyanki have become ruthless conquerors under the rulership of their dread lich-queen, Vlaakith.

Astral Raiders. The githyanki despise all other races, undertaking devastating raids that take them from their strongholds in the Astral Plane to the farflung corners of the multiverse. War is the ultimate expression of githyanki culture, and their pitiless black eyes know no mercy. After a raid, they leave shattered survivors enough food and resources to weakly endure. Later, the githyanki return to their conquered foes, plundering them again and again .

Followers ofGith. In their own language, githyanki · means «followers of Gith.» Under the guidance of Gith, the githyanki stratified into a militaristic society, with a strict caste system, dedicated to the ongoing fight against the victims and sworn enemies of their race. When their leader Gith perished, she was replaced by her undead adviser, Vlaakith. The lich-queen forbade worship of all beings except herself.

Of all their enemies, the githyanki most hate their former masters, the mind flayers . Their close kin, the githzerai, are second in their enmity. All other creatures are treated with simple contempt by the githyanki, whose xenophobic pride defines their view of inferior races.

Silver Swords. In ancient times, gith knights created special weapons to combat their mind Hayer masters. These silver swords channel the force of the wielder’s will, dealing psychic as well as physical damage. A githyanki can’t become a knight until it masters the singular discipline needed to will such a blade into

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Medium humanoid (gith), lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (ha lf pl ate) Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9) Speed 30 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 12 (+1 )

INT 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +3, lnt +3 , Wi s +3 Senses pass ive Pe rceptio n 11 Languages Git h Challenge 3 (700 XP)

WIS 13 (+1)

CHA 10 (+0)

Innate Spel/casting (Psionics). The githyanki’s innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible) 3jday each : jump, misty step, nondetection (self only)


Multiattack. The githyanki makes two greatsword attacks .

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) psychic damage.

G ITHYANKI KNIGH T Medium humanoid (gith), lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) Speed 30 ft .

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +5, lnt +5, Wis +5 Senses pass ive Pe rception 12 Languages Gith Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 15 (+2)

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The githyanki’s innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can inn ately cast the following s pells, requiring no components:

At wil l: mage hand (the hand is invisible) 3jday each: jump, misty step, nondetection (self only), tongues ljday each: plane shift, telekinesis

Multiattack. The githyanki makes two silver greatsword attacks.

Silver Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) s lashing damage plus 10 (3d6) psychic damage. This is a magic weapon attack. On a critical hit against a target in an astra l body (as with the astral projection spell), the githyanki can cut the si lvery cord that tethers the target to its material body, instead of dealing damage.

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Medium humanoid (gith), lawful neutral

Armor Class 14 Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7) Speed 30ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +4, lnt +3, Wis +4 Skills Insight +4, Perception +4 Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Gith Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 10 (+0)

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The githzerai’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom. It can innately cast the following spe ll s, requiring no components:

At wi ll : mage hand (the hand is invisible) 3Jday each: f eather fall, jump, see invisibility, shield

Psychic Defense. While the githzerai is wearing no armor and wielding no shield , its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.


Multiattack. The githzerai makes two unarmed strikes.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (2d8) psychic damage. This is a magic weapon attack .

GITHZERAI ZERTH Medium humanoid (gith) , lawful neutral

Armor Class 17 Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26) Speed 30 ft .

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +7, lnt +6, Wi s +6 Ski lls Arcana +6, Insight +6, Perception +6 Senses passive Perception 16 Languages Gith Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The githzerai’s spellcasting ab ility is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells , requiring no components:

At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible) 3Jday each:feather fall , jump, see invisibility, shield 1Jday each: phantasmal killer, plane shift

Psychic Defense. While the githzerai is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wi sdom modifier.


Multiattack. The githzerai makes two unarmed strikes.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (3d8) psychic damage. This is a magic weapon attack .

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GNOL,LS ‘ /.’·

Gnolls are feral humanoids that attack settlements along the frontiers and borderlands of civilization without warning, slaughtering their victims and devouring their flesh .

Demonic Origin. The origin of the gnolls traces back to a time when the demon lord Yeenoghu found his way to the Material Plane and ran amok. Packs of ordinary hyenas followed in his wake, scavenging the demon lord’s kills. Those hyenas were transformed into the first gnolls, parading after Yeenoghu until he was banished back to the Abyss. The gnolls then scattered across the face of the world, a dire reminder of demonic power.

Nomadic Destroyers. Gnolls are dangerous because they strike at random. They emerge from the wilderness, plunder and slaughter, then move elsewhere. They attack like a plague of locusts, pillaging settlements and leaving little behind but razed buildings, gnawed corpses, and befouled land. Gnolls choose easy targets for their raids. Armored warriors holed up in a fortified castle will survive a rampaging gnoll horde unscathed, even as the towns, villages, and farms that surround the castle are ablaze, their people slaughtered and devoured.

Gnolls rarely build permanent structures or craft anything of lasting value. They don’t make weapons or armor, but scavenge such items from the corpses of their fallen victims, stringing ears, teeth, scalps, and other trophies from their foes onto their patchwork armor.

Thirst for Blood. No goodness or compassion resides in the heart of a gnoll. Like a demon, it lacks anything resembling a conscience, and can’t be taught or coerced to put aside its destructive tendencies. The gnolls’ frenzied bloodlust makes them an enemy to all, and when they lack a common foe, they fight among themselves. Even the most savage orcs avoid allying with gnolls .


The alpha of a gnoll pack is the pack lord, ruling by might and cunning. A pack lord earns the best of a gnoll

· pack’s spoils, food, valuable trinkets, and magic items. It ornaments its body with brutal piercings and grotesque trophies, dyeing its fur with demonic sigils, hoping Yeenoghu will make it invulnerable.


Gnolls celebrate their victories by performing demonic rituals and making blood offerings to Yeenoghu. Sometimes the demon lord rewards his worshipers by allowing one of them to be possessed by a demonic spirit. Marked as Yeenoghu’s favorite, the lucky recipient becomes a fang ofYeenoghu, the chosen of the Gnoll Lord. In much the same way Yeenoghu created the first gnolls, a hyena that feasts on a fang’s slain foe undergoes a horrible transformation, becoming a full­grown adu lt gnoll. Depending on the number of hyenas in a region, a fang of Yeenoghu can lead to a startling increase in the gnoll population. Finding and killing the fang is the only way to keep that population in check.

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Medium humanoid (gno/1), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (hide armor, shield) Hit Points 22 (5d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 6 (- 2)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages Gnoll Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Rampage. When the gno ll reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the gno ll can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing dama ge.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20J60 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or 6 (1 d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 150J600 ft. , one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

GNOLL PACK LORD Medium humanoid (gno/1) , chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Gnoll Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 9 (-1)

Rampage. When the gnoll reduces a creatu re to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn , the gno ll can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.


Multiattack. The gno ll makes two attacks, either with its glaive or its lon gbow, and uses its Incite Rampage if it can.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing dam age.

Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage .

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , range 1 50J600 ft ., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage .

Incite Rampage (Recharge 5- 6). One creature the gnoll can see within 30 feet of it ca n use its reaction to make a melee attack if it can hear the gnoll and has the Rampage trait .

GNOLL FANG OF YEENOGHU Medium fiend (gno/1), chaotic evil

Armor Class 14 (hide armor) Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +3

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages Abyssal , Gnoll Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

CHA 13 (+1)

Rampage. When the gnoll reduces a creatu re to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn , the gnoll ca n take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.


Multiattack. The gnoll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) pierci ng damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slas hing damage.

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GNOME, DEEP (SVIRFNEBLIN) Deep gnomes , or svirfneblin , live fa r below the world’s surface in twisting warrens and sculpted caverns. They survive by virtue of their s tea lth , cleverness, and tenacity. Their gray skin a llows them to blend in with surrounding s tonework. They a re also surprisingly heavy and s trong for their s ize. An average adult weighs 100 to 120 pounds and s tands 3 feet tall.

A typical svirfneblin enclave conta ins several hundred deep gnomes and is s trongly fortifi ed. S ecret tunnels lead to and from the settlement , and the deep gnomes use these as evacuation routes when the enclave comes under attack.

Established Gender Roles. Male svirfneblin are bald , while females have s tringy gray ha ir. Traditiona lly, females run the enclaves while males scour the outskirts in sea rch of enemies and deposits of precious gemstones.

Gemstone Harvesters. Svirfneblin cherish fine gemstones , especially rubies, which they harvest from mines deep in the Underdark. The hunt for gems often brings them into conflict with beholders, drow, kuo-toa , duerga r, and mind flayers . Of a ll their natural enemies, deep gnomes fear and despise the murderous, demon­worshiping drow the most.

Earth Friends. Deep gnomes a re often encountered ·n the company of creatures from the Elemental Plane

f Earth. Some svirfneblin can summon such creatures. , Earth creatures guard svirfneblin settlements,

especially xorn enticed to service with the promise of gems to feed on.


DEEP GNOME (SVIRFNEBLIN) Small humanoid (gnom e), neutral good

Armor Class 15 (chain sh irt) Hit Points 16 (3d6 + 6) Speed 20 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 10 (+0)

Skills Investigation +3 , Perception +2, Stealth +4 Senses darkvision 120 ft ., passive Perception 12 Languages Gnomish, Terran, Undercommon Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 9 (-1)

Stone Camouflage. The gnome has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain .

Gnome Cunning. The gnome ha s advantage on Intelligence, Wi sdom, and Charis ma saving throws again st magic.

Innate Spellcasting. The gnome’s inn ate spellcasting ability is Intelli gence (spell save DC 11) . It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: nondetection (self only) 1fday each: blindnessjdeafness , blur, disguise self


War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Poisoned Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft ., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) pi ercing damage, and the target mu st succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving th row or be poisoned for 1 minute. Th e target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

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GOBLINS Goblins are small, black-hearted, selfish humanoids that lair in caves, abandoned mines, despoiled dungeons, and other dismal settings. Individually weak, goblins gather in large- sometimes overwhelming- numbers . They crave power and regularly abuse whatever authority they obtain.

Goblinoids. Goblins belong to a family of creatures called goblinoids. Their larger cousins, hobgoblins and bugbears, like to bully goblins into submission. Goblins are lazy and undisciplined, making them poor servants, laborers, and guards.

Malicious Glee. Motivated by greed and malice, goblins can’t help but celebrate the few times they have the upper hand. They dance, caper with sheer joy when victory is theirs. Once their revels have ended, goblins delight in the torment of other creatures and embrace all manner of wickedness.

Leaders and Followers. Goblins are ruled by the strongest or smartest among them. A goblin boss might command a single lair, while a goblin king or queen (who is nothing more than a glorified goblin boss) rules hundreds of goblins, spread out among multiple lairs to ensure the tribe’s survival. Goblin bosses are easily ousted, and many goblin tribes are taken over by hobgoblin warlords or bugbear chiefs .

Challenging Lairs. Goblins festoon their lairs with alarms designed to signal the arrival of intruders. Those lairs are a lso riddled with narrow tunnels and bolt-holes that human-sized creatures can’t navigate, but which goblins can crawl through with ease, a llowing them to flee or to circle around and s urprise their enemies.

Rat Keepers and Wolf Riders. Goblins have an affinity for rats and wolves, raising them to serve as companions and mounts, respectively. Like rats, goblins shun sunlight and sleep underground during the day. Like wolves, they are pack hunters, made bolder by their numbers. When they hunt from the backs of wolves, goblins use hit-and-run attacks.

Worshipers ofMaglubiyet. Maglubiyet the Mighty One, the Lord of Depths and Darkness, is the greater god of goblinoids. Envisioned by most goblins as an eleven-foot-tall battle-scarred goblin with black skin and fire erupting from his eyes, he is worshiped not out of adoration but fear. Goblins believe that when they die in battle, their spirits join the ranks of Maglubiyet’s army on the plane of Acheron. This is a «privilege» that most goblins dread, fearing the Mighty One’s eternal tyranny even more than death .

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Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (leather armor, shield) Hit Points 7 (2d6) Speed 30ft.

STR 8 (- 1)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Stealth +6

CON 10 (+0)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 8 (- 1)

Senses darkvision GO ft., passive Perception 9 Languages Common, Goblin Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 8 (-1)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.


Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80f320 ft., Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.




GoBLIN Boss Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (chain shirt, shield) Hit Points 21 (6d6) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Stealth +6

CON 10 (+0)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 8 (-1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9 Languages Common, Goblin Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 10 (+0)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.


Multiattack. The goblin makes two attacks with its scimitar. The second attack has disadvantage.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.


Redirect Attack. When a creature the goblin can see targets it with an attack, the goblin chooses another goblin within 5 feet of it. The two goblins swap places, and the chosen goblin becomes the target instead.

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CLAYGOLEM Large construct, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (n atural armor) Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56) Speed 20ft.

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 9 (-1)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 3 (-4)

WIS 8 (-1)

CHA 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities acid, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 9 Languages understands the languages of its creator but

can’t speak Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Acid Absorption. Whenever the golem is subjected to acid damage , it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the acid damage dealt.

Berserk. Whenever the golem starts its turn with 60 hit points or fewer, roll a d6. On a 6, the golem goes berserk. On each of


its turns while berserk, the golem attacks the nearest creature it can see . If no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object, with preference for an object smaller than itself. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points .

Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form .

Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving throws · against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The target dies if this attack reduces its hit point maximum to 0. The reduction lasts until removed by the greater restoration spell or other magic .

Haste (Recharge 5-6). Until the end of its next turn, the golem magically gains a +2 bonus to its AC , has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and can use its slam attack as a bonus action.

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FLESH GOLEM Medium construct, neutral

Armor Class 9 Hit Points 93 (lld8 + 44) Speed 30ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 9 (-1)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 5 (-3)

Damage Immunities lightning, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, fr ightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages understands the languages of its creator but

can’t speak Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Berserk. Whenever the golem sta rts its turn with 40 hit points or fewer, roll a d6. On a 6, th e golem goes ber-se rk . On each of its turns whi le berserk, the golem attacks the nearest creature it can see. l(no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object, with preference for an object sma ller than itself. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points .

The golem’s creator, if within 60 feet of the berserk golem, can try to ca lm it by speaking firmly and persuasively. The golem must be able to hear its creator, who must take an action to make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the check succeeds, the golem ceases being berserk. If it takes damage whil e still at 40 hit points or fewer, the golem might go berserk again.

Aversion of Fire. If the golem takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and abi lity checks until the end of its next turn.

Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Lightning Absorption. Whenever the golem is su bjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the lightnin g damage dealt.

Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on savin g throws aga in st spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


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Large monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48) Speed 40ft.

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +4

CON 18 (+4)

Condition Immunities petrified

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1 )

Senses darkvis ion 60 ft. , passive Perception 14 Languages -Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Trampling Charge. If the gorgon moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the gorgon can make one attack with its hooves against it as a bonus action.


Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) piercing damage .

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Petrifying Breath (Recharge 5-6). The gorgon exhales petrifying gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 13 Constitu tion saving throw. On a failed save, a target begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained target must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn . On a success, the effect ends on the target. On a failure, the target is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.

GORGON Few creatures that encounter a gorgon live to tell about it. Its body is covered in iron plates, and its nostrils fume with green vapor.

Horrific Structure. A gorgon’s iron plates range from steely black to gleaming silver, but this natural armor in no way hinders its movement or mobility. The oils of its body lubricate the armor. A sick or inactive gorgon gathers rust like fungus or mange. When a rusty gorgon moves, its plates squeal as they rub together.

Monstrous Predator. When a gorgon spots potential prey, it charges with a hideous clamor of metal on metal. When the gorgon hits, it pulverizes the foe and sends its sprawling, then tramples it to death with its cruel hooves. Faced with multiple foes, the gorgon exhales its deadly vapor to overcome the creatures it touches by turning them to s tone. When it grows hungry, it smashes its petrified prey to rubble and uses its strong teeth to grind the stone into a powder that provides nourishment. The crisscrossing network of trampled trails and splintered trees that surrounds a gorgon lair is s trewn with the uneaten fragments of its shattered foes.

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A grell resembles a bulbous fl oating bra in with a wide, sharp beak. Its ten long tentacles a re made of hundreds of ring-shaped muscles sheathed in tough fibrous hide. Sharp barbs line the tip each tentacle and inject para lytic venom. The grell can pa rti ally retract its barbs into its tentacles to handle or manipulate objects it doesn’t want to pierce or tear.

Grells have no eyes and floats by means of a sort of levitation. They have keen hearing, however, and their skin is sensitive to vibrations and electrical fields,


a llowing them to detect the presence of creatures and objects in their immediate vicinity. The creature’s ability to manipulate electricity to sense and move also allow it to absorb lightning without harm.

Although solitary by nature, grells sometimes gather in small groups called covens.

Floating Ambushers. A grell prefers to ambush lone creatures or stragglers, hovering silently near the ceiling of a passage or cavern until a suitable target passes below, whereupon it descends quickly and wraps its tentacles around its prey. It then floats away to its la ir with the paralyzed creature in its clutches.

Alien Devourers. Grell a re a lien predators that group other creatures into three categories: edibles, inedibles, and Great Eaters (those rare creatures that might prey on a grell). Grells have no compunction about attacking creatures they classify as edible, including humanoids. They tend to avoid bigger creatures that they have little hope of carrying away.

A grell will sometimes a llow adventurers to wage war on the other monstrous inhabitants of the dungeon complex it calls home, staying out of the adventurers’ way as they dispose of larger threats while waiting for the right time to strike.

GRELL Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) Speed 10ft., fly 30ft. (hover)

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities lightnin g Condition Immunities bl ind ed, prone

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond thi s radius), pass ive Perception 14

Languages Gre ll Challenge 3 (700 XP)


CHA 9 (- 1)

Multiattack. The grell makes two attacks: one with its tentacles and one with its beak.

Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The poiso ned target is paralyzed, and it can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

The target is also grappled (escape DC 15) . If the target is Medium or smal ler, it is also restrained until this grapple ends. While grappling the target, the grell has advantage on attack rolls agai nst it and can ‘t use this attack aga inst other targets. When the grell moves, any Medium or sma ller target it is gra ppling moves with it.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage.

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GRICK Medium monstrosity, neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 27 (6d8) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 3 (- 4)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 5 (-3)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12 Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Stone Camouflage. The grick has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terra in.


Multiattack. The grick makes one attack with its tentacles . If that attack hits, the grick can make one beak attack against the same target.

Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

GRICKALPHA Large monstrosity, neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20) Speed 30ft., clim b 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 4 (-3)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 9 (-1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 12 Languages -Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Stone Camouflage. The grick has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain.


Multiattack. The grick makes two attacks: one with its tai l and one with its tentacles . If it hits with its tentacles, the grick can make one beak attack against the same target.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft. , one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

GRICK The wormlike grick waits unseen, blending in with the rock of the caves and caverns it haunts. Only when prey comes near does it rear up, its four barbed tentacles unfurling to reveal its hungry, snapping beak.

Passive Predators. Gricks rarely hunt. Instead, they drag their rubbery bodies to places where creatures regula rly pass, lurking out of sight amid rocky rubble and debris, squeezing into burrows, holes, or crevices, climbing up to ledges, or coiling a round stalactites to drop on unwary prey. A grick consumes virtually anything that moves except for other gricks. It targets the nearest prey, grabbing a fall en creature with its tentacles and dragging it off to eat alone.

Roving Ambushers. Gricks remain in an area until the food s upply dwindles, often because sentient creatures become aware of their presence and plot alternate routes a round their lairs. When prey is scarce in the Underdark , gricks venture aboveground to hunt in the wilderness, lurking in trees or on cliff-side ledges . A grick pack is often led by a single well-fed, oversized a lpha around which the others congregate.

Spoils of Slaughter. Over time, grick lairs accumulate the cast-off possessions of intelligent prey, and expert guides know to look out for these telltale signs. Underdark explorers sometimes seal off the routes leading to and from a grick lair to s tarve them, then cla im the wealth of the foul creatures ‘ victims .

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Large monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21) Speed 30 ft. , fly 80 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

Skills Perception +5

CON 16 (+3)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 8 (- 1)

Keen Sight. The griffon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The griffon makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Griffons are ferocious avian carnivores with the muscular bodies of lions and the head, forelegs, and wings of eagles. When they attack, griffons are as swift

deadly as eagles, even as they strike with a lion’s might and grace.

Horse Eaters. Griffons hunt in small prides, flying high over plains and forests near their rocky cliff-side aeries. Herd animals and horses are the prey they crave above all others, though they also hunt and kill hippogriffs. When it spots horses, a griffon screeches to alert its pride mates, which descend quickly toward their prey.

Those riding or herding horses dread the griffon’s piercing cry, preparing themselves for the bloody fight that inevitably follows. A griffon ignores a horse’s rider when possible, and a rider that abandons its mount, or a herder that releases one or two horses, can escape unharmed while the griffon targets its chosen prey. Riders who attempt to protect their horses attract the full fury of an attacking griffon.

Sky DweJiers. Griffons lair in high rocky clifftop . aeries, building their nests from sticks, leaves, and the bones of their prey. Once griffons establish a territory, they remain in that area until the food supply has been exhausted.

Aggressive and territorial, griffons engage in brutal aerial combat to defend their aeries, tearing and shredding the wings of flying intruders to send them spiraling to the ground. Creatures that climb to a griffon’s lair are plucked from the cliffs and eaten, or are knocked from the heights to go tumbling to their deaths.

Trained Mounts. A griffon raised from an egg can be trained to serve as a mount. However, such training is time consuming, expensive (mostly for the ample food the creature requires), and dangerous. Expert trainers well versed in the griffon’s legendary ferocity are typically the only ones able to raise these creatures safely.

Once trained, a griffon is a fierce and loyal steed. It bonds with one master for life, fighting to the death to protect that rider. A griffon mount retains its ravenous appetite for horseflesh, and a wise master ensures that a griffon remains satiated with other prey when passing through civilized lands.

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GRIMLOCK The degenerate subterranean grimlocks were once human, but their worship of the mind flayers over generations of prowling the Underdark transformed them into blind, monstrous cannibals long ago.

Debased Cultists. The empire of the mind flayers once spread across many worlds, enslaving countless races. Among those were human cultures whose high priests the mind flayers subverted using their insidious powers of thought control. Those leaders gradually turned the faiths of their followers toward the illithids, which they worshiped as blasphemous deities.

Over time, the rituals of these enslaved humans created fervent cannibal cults that regarded the brain eating of the mind flayers as a holy sacrament. The illithids commanded their worshipers to abduct other sentient creatures to be sacrificed. After the victims’ brains had been consumed, the mind flayers gave the lifeless bodies to the cultists.

Blind Hunters. When the rule of the mind flayers crumbled, their cults faced constant warfare from their enemies, the same creatures that had once been their victims. The cults fled into the Underdark domains of their illithid gods. Over generations in that lightless realm, the cultists learned to rely on their other senses for survival. In time, their eyes withered away and eyelids sealed, leaving only covered eye sockets behind.

A grimlock’s ears prick up at the faintest footfa ll or whisper echoing down stone passageways. It can speak in tones too low for most other humanoids to hear. The odors of sweat, flesh, and blood awaken its hunger, and it can track by such scents like a bloodhound. To enhance their senses, grim locks leave tra ils of blood, piles of dung, or the viscera of slain prey in places far from their lairs. When intruders pass through those areas, they carry the foul scents with them, warning the grimlocks of their approach.

For most creatures, blindness is an enormous hindrance. For a grimlock with its other heightened senses, sightlessness is a boon. A grimlock isn’t fooled by visual illusions or misperceptions. It is fearless as it s talks prey.

Endless War. Grimlocks still venerate the mind flayers, serving them whenever possible. Grim locks also recall the war in which they were driven underground. To them, it has never ended. They continue to return to the surface world to abduct captives for their illithid masters.

GRIMLOCK Medium humanoid (grimlock), neutral evil

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 9 (- 1)

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3, Stealth +3 Condition Immunities blinded

WIS 8 (- 1)

CHA 6 (-2)

Senses blindsight 30ft. or 10ft. while deafened (blind beyond this rad ius), passive Perception 13

Languages Undercommon Challenge 1/4 (SO XP)

Blind Senses. The grim lock can’t use its blindsight wh ile deafened and unable to smell.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The grim lock has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Stone Camouflage. The grimlock has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain.


Spiked Bone Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage pl us 2 (1d4) piercing damage.


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HAGS Hags represent all that is evil and cruel. Though they resemble withered crones, there is nothing mortal about these monstrous creatures, whose forms reflect only the wickedness in their hearts.

Faces of Evil. Ancient beings with origins in the Feywild, hags are cankers on the mortal world. Their withered faces are framed by long, frayed hair, horrid moles and warts dot their blotchy skin, and their long, skinny fingers are tipped by claws that can slice open flesh with a touch. Their simple clothes are always tattered and filthy.

All hags possess magical powers, and some have an affinity for spellcasting. They can alter their forms or curse their foes, and their arrogance inspires them to view their magic as a challenge to the magic of the gods, whom they blaspheme at every opportunity.


When hags must work together, they form covens, in spite of their selfish natures. A coven is made up of hags of any type, all of whom are equals within the group. However, each of the hags continues to desire more personal power.

A coven consists of three hags so that any arguments between two hags can be settled by the third. If more than three hags ever come together, as might happen if two covens come into conflict, the result is usually chaos.

Shared Spellcasting. While all three members of a hag coven are within 30 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from the wizard’s spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves:

1st level (4 slots) : identify, ray of sickness 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, locate object 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, counterspe/1, lightning bolt 4th level (3 slots): phantasmal killer, polymorph 5th level (2 slots) : contact other plane, scrying 6th level (1 slot): eye bite

For casting these spells, each hag is a 12th-level spellcaster that uses Intelligence as her spellcasting ability. The spell save DC is 12 +the hag’s Intelligence modifier, and the spell attack bonus is 4 +the hag’s Intelligence m’odifier.

Hag Eye. A hag coven can craft a magic item called a hag eye, which is made from a real eye coated in varnish and often fitted to a pendant or other wearable item. The hag eye is usually entrusted to a minion for safekeeping and transport. A hag in the coven can take an action to see what the hag eye sees if the hag eye is on the same plane of existence. A hag eye has AC 10, 1 hit point, and darkvision with a radius of 60 feet. If it is destroyed, each coven member takes 3d10 psychic damage and is blinded for 24 hours.

A hag coven can have only one hag eye at a time, and creating a new one requires all three members of the coven to perform a ritual. The ritual takes 1 hour, and the hags can’t perform it while blinded. During the ritual, if the hags take any action other than performing the ritual, they must start over.

PfJU tt ,..

Hags name themselves in darkly whimsical ways, claiming monikers such as Black Morwen, Peggy Pigknuckle, Grandmother Titchwillow, Nanna Shug, Rotten Ethel, or Auntie Wormtooth.

Monstrous Motherhood. Hags propagate by snatching and devouring human infants. After stealing a baby from its cradle or its mother’s womb, the hag consumes the poor child. A week later, the hag gives birth to a daughter who looks human until her thirteenth birthday, whereupon the child transforms into the spitting image of her hag mother.

Hags sometimes raise the daughters they spawn, creating covens. A hag might also return the child to its grieving parents, only to watch from the shadows as the child grows up to become a horror.

Dark Bargains. Arrogant to a fault , hags believe themselves to be the most cunning of creatures, and they treat all others as inferior. Even so, a hag is open to dealing with mortals as long as those mortals show the proper respect and deference. Over their long lives, hags accumulate much knowledge of local lore, dark creatures, and magic, which they are pleased to sell.

Hags enjoy watching mortals bring about their own downfa ll, and a bargain with a hag is always dangerous. The terms of such bargains typically involve demands to compromise principles or give up something dear­especially if the thing lost diminishes or negates the knowledge gained through the bargain.

A Foul Nature. Hags love the macabre and festoon their garb with dead things and accentuate their appearance with bones, bits of flesh , and filth . They nurture blemishes and pick at wounds to produce weeping, s uppurating flesh. Attractive creatures evoke disgust in a hag, which might «help» such creatures by dis figuring or transforming them.

This embrace of the disturbing and unpleasant extends to all aspects of a hag’s life. A hag might fly in

.a magical giant’s skull, landing it on a tree shaped to resemble an enormous headless body. Another might travel with a menagerie of monsters and slaves kept in cages, and disguised by illusions to lure unwary creatures close. Hags sharpen their teeth on millstones and spin cloth from the intestines of their victims, reacting with glee to the horror their actions invoke.

Dark Sorority. Hags maintain contact with each other and share knowledge. Through such contacts, it is likely that any given hag knows of every other hag in existence. Hags don’t like each other, but they abide by an ageless code of conduct. Hags announce their presence before crossing into another hag’s territory, bring gifts when entering another hag’s dwelling, and break no oaths given to other hags- as long as the oath is n’t given with the fingers crossed.

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Some humanoids make the mistake of thinking that the hags’ rules of conduct apply to all creatures. When confronted by such an individual, a hag might find it amusing to string the fool along for a while before teaching it a permanent lesson.

Dark Lairs. Hags dwell in dark and twisted woods, bleak moors, storm-lashed seacoasts, and gloomy swamps. In time, the landscape around a hag’s lair reflects the creature’s noxiousness, such that the land itself can attack and kill trespassers. Trees twisted by darkness attack passersby, while vines snake through the undergrowth to snare and drag off creatures one at a time. Foul stinking fogs turn the air to poison, and conceal pools of quicksand and sinkholes that consume unwary wanderers.


The wretched and hateful green hags dwell in dying forests, lonely swamps, and misty moors, making their homes in caves. Green hags love to manipulate other creatures into doing their bidding, masking their intentions behind layers of deception. They lure victims to them by mimicking voices calling out for help, or drive unwanted visitors away by imitating the cries of fierce beasts.

Obsession with Tragedy. Green hags revel in the failings and tragedies of other creatures. They derive jby from bringing people low and seeing hope turn into despair, not just for individuals but also for whole nations.

Covens. A green hag that is part of a coven (see the «Hag Covens» sidebar) has a challenge rating of 5 (1,800 XP).

Medium fey, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 82 (lld8 + 33) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Skills Arcana +3, Deception +4, Perception +4, Stealth +3 Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Amphibious. The hag can breathe air and water.

Innate Spellcasting. The hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious mockery

Mimicry. The hag can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can te ll they are imitations with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) cheok.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Illusory Appearance. The hag covers herself and anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look like another creature of her general size and humanoid shape. The illusion ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies.

The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, the hag could appear to have smooth skin, but someone touching her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the hag is disguised.

Invisible Passage. The hag magically turns invisible until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). While invisible, she leaves no physical evidence of her passage, so she can be tracked only by magic. Any equipment she wears or carries is invisible with her.


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Medium fiend, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +7, Insight +6, Perception +6, Stealth +6 Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and

slashing from non magical weapons that aren ‘t silvered Condition Immunities charmed Senses darkvision 120ft. , passive Perception 16 Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Primordial Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic, magic missile 2jday each: plane shift (self only), ray of enfeeblement, sleep


Sly and subversive, night hags want to see the virtuous turn to villainy: love turned into obsession, kindness turned to hate, devotion to disregard, and generosity to selfishness. Night hags take perverse joy in corrupting mortals.

Night hags were once creatures of the Feywild, but their foulness saw them exiled to Hades long ago, where they degenerated into fiends. The night hags have long since spread across the Lower Planes.

Sou/mongers. While a humanoid sleeps, a night hag can straddle the person ethereally and intrude upon its dreams. Any creature with truesight can see the hag’s spectral form straddling its prey. The ethereal hag fills her victim’s head with doubts and fears, in the hope of tricking it into performing evil acts in the waking world. The hag continues her nightly visitations until the victim finally expires in its sleep. If the hag has driven her victim to commit evil deeds, she traps its corrupted soul in her soul bag (see the «Night Hag Items» sidebar) for transport to Hades.

Covens. A night hag that is part of a coven (see the «Hag Covens» sidebar) has a challenge rating of 7 (2,900 XP).

Magic Resistance. The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Claws (Hag Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Change Shape. The hag magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. Her statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. She reverts to her true form if she dies.

Etherealness. The hag magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. To do so, the hag must have a heartstone in her possession.

Nightmare Haunting (1/Day). While on the Ethereal Plane, the hag magically touches a sleeping humanoid on the Material Plane. A protection from evil and good spell cast on the target prevents this contact, as does a magic circle. As long as the contact persists, the target has dreadful visions. If these visions last for at least 1 hour, the target gains no benefit from its rest, and its hit point maximum is reduced by 5 (1d10). If this effect reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and if the target was evil , its soul is trapped in the hag’s soul bag. The reduction to the target’s hit point maximum lasts until removed by the greater restoration spell or similar magic.

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A night hag carries two very rare magic items that she must craft for herself If either object is lost, the night hag will go to great lengths to retrieve it, as creating a new tool takes time and effort.

Heartstone. This lustrous black gem allows a night hag to become ethereal while it is in her possession . The touch of a heartstone also cures any disease. Crafting a heartstone takes 30 days .

Soul Bag. When an evil humanoid dies as a result of a night hag’s Nightmare Haunting, the hag catches the soul in this black sack made of stitched flesh . A soul bag can hold only one evil soul at a time, and only the night hag who crafted the bag can catch a soul with it. Crafting a soul bag takes 7 days and a humanoid sacrifice (whose flesh is used to make the bag) .


Sea hags live in dismal and polluted underwater lairs, surrounded by merrow and other aquatic monsters.


Beauty drives a sea hag to fits of anger. When confronted with something beautiful, the hag might simply attack it or deface it. If something beautiful gives hope, a sea hag wants it to cause despair. If it inspires courage, the sea hag wants it to cause fear.

Ugly Inside and Out. Sea hags are by far the ugliest of a ll hags, with slimy scales covering their pallid skin. A sea hag’s hair resembles seaweed and covers her emaciated body, and her glassy eyes seem as lifeless as a doll’s. Although a sea hag can hide her true form under a veil of illusion, the hag is cursed to forever appear ugly. Her illusory form appears haggard at best.

Covens. A sea hag that is part of a coven (see the «Hag Covens» sidebar) has a challenge rating of 4 (1,100 XP).

SEA HAG Medium fey, chaotic evil

Armor Class 14 (natura l armor) Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21) Speed 30ft., swim 40ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Aquan, Common, Giant Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Amphibious. The hag can breathe air and water.

CHA 13 (+1)

Horrific Appearance. Any hum anoid that starts its turn within 30 feet of the hag and can see the hag’s true form must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns , with disadvantage if the hag is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the hag’s Horrific Appearance for the next 24 hours.

Unless the target is surprised or the revelation of the hag’s true fo rm is sudden, the target can avert its eyes and avoid making the initial savi ng throw. Until the start of its next turn , a creature that averts its eyes has disadvantage on attack rolls agai nst the hag.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slash ing damage .

Death Glare. The hag targets one frightened creature she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can see the hag, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw aga in st this magic or drop to 0 hit points.

Illusory Appearance. The hag covers herself and anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illu sion that makes her look like an ugly creature of her general size and humanoid shape. The effect ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies .

The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, the hag could appear to have no claws, but someone touching her hand might feel the claws. Otherwise, a creature must take an act ion to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check to di sce rn that the hag is disguised.


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HELLHOUND Monstrous, fire-breathing fiends that take the form of powerful dogs, hell hounds are found on the battlefields of Acheron and throughout the Lower Planes. On the Material Plane, hell hounds are most commonly seen in service to devils, fire giants, and other evil creatures that use them as guard animals and companions.

Burning Hunger. Hell hounds hunt in packs, feeding on any creature that appears edible. They avoid potentially dangerous foes in favor of targeting the weakest prey with their savage bite and fiery breath, demonstrating a relentless determination as they pursue that prey to the bitter end.

When hell hounds feed, the flesh they consume stokes the infernal fires that burn within them. When a hell hound dies, that fire consumes the creature’s remains in a billowing eruption of smoke and blazing embers, leaving nothing behind but scorched tufts of black fur.

Evil to the Core. Hell hounds are smarter than mundane beasts, and their lawful nature makes them good at following orders. However, a hell hound’s evil disposition means that the creature can’t be trained to be anything other than a ruthless killer. If a hell hound isn’t allowed to indulge its malevolent hunger, it quickly abandons or turns against its master.

Medium fiend, lawful evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14) Speed 50 ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +5 Damage Immunities fire

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Languages understands Infernal but can’t speak it Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 6 (- 2)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The hound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sme ll.

Pack Tactics . The hound has advantage on an attack roll aga in st a creature if at least one of the hound’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6}. The hound exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successfu l one.

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HELMED HORROR This construct possesses intelligence, the ability to reason and adjust its tactics, and an unswerving devotion to its maker that persists even after its maker’s demise. Resembling an animated suit of empty plate armor, a helmed horror serves without ambition or emotion.

Magical Purpose. Though it takes more magical resources to create a helmed horror than a lesser suit of animated armor, the helmed horror requires less direction and maintenance as it carries out its appointed tasks. A helmed horror follows its orders with complete loyalty, and is intelligent enough to understand the difference between an order’s intent and its exact wording. Unlike many constructs, it seeks to fulfill the former rather than slavishly follow the latter.

Tactical Cunning. A helmed horror fights with the cunning of a skilled warrior, taking to the air as it attacks weaker characters and spellcasters first. However, a helmed horror lacks the insight to change its environment, fortify it, or otherwise take active measures to improve its defensive position.

Constructed Nature. A helmed horror doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

HELMED HORROR Medium construct, neutral

Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) Hit Points 60 (8d8 + 24) Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Perception +4

CON 16 (+3)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Damage Immunities force, necrotic, poison Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened , frightened,

paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned Senses blind sight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius) ,

passive Perception 14 Languages understands the languages of its creator but

can ‘t speak Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

Magic Resistance. The helmed horror has advantage on saving throws aga in st spe lls and other magical effects .

Spell Immunity. The helmed horror is immune to three spells chosen by its creator. Typical immunities include fireball, heat metal, and lightning bolt.


Multiattack. The helmed horror makes two lon gsword attacks .

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two hands.

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HIPPO GRIFF A beast whose magica l origins are lost to history, a hippogriff possesses the wings and forelimbs of an eagle, the hindquarters of a horse, and a head that combines the features of both animals.

Reclusive and omnivorous, hippogriffs mate for life and seldom venture more than a few miles from their nest. When defending its mate or its young, a hippogriff fights to the death. Hippogriffs don’t lay eggs but give birth to live young.

Dragons, griffons, and wyverns have a taste for hippogriff meat and frequently prey on these creatures.

Flying Mounts. A hippogriff raised in captivity can be trained to be a faithful companion and mount. Of all the creatures that can serve as flying mounts, hippogriffs are among the easiest to train and the most loyal once trained properly.

1 HIPPOGRIFF Large monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR . 17 (+3)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Perception +5

CON 13 (+1 )

Senses pass ive Perceptio n 15 Languages -Challenge 1 (200 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

Keen Sight. The hippogriffhas advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on s ight.


CHA 8 (-1)

Multiattack. The hippogriff makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws.

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) s lashing damage.

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Medium humanoid (goblinoid), lawful evil

Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 14 (+2)

Saving Throws lnt +5, Wis +3, Cha +5

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Goblin Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

CHA 15 (+2)

Martial Advantage. Once per turn, the hobgoblin can deal an extra 14 (4d6) damage to a creature it hits with a weapon attack if that creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the hobgoblin that isn’t incapacitated.


Multiattack. The hobgoblin makes three melee attacks. Alternatively, it can make two ranged attacks with its javelins.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is Large or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1 d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute, the hobgoblin can utter a special command or warning whenever a non hostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand the hobgoblin. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the hobgoblin is incapacitated.


Parry. The hobgoblin adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the hobgoblin must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

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Tiny construct, neutral

Armor Class 13 (natura l armor) Hit Points 5 (2d4) Speed 20 ft., fly 40ft.

STR 4 (- 3)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

Damage Immunities po ison

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 7 (-2)

HOMUNCULUS ——….,;i;l4 Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned

Shaping a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, and blood, one can channel rare ritual magic to create a faithful, squirrel-sized companion.

A homunculus is a construct that acts as an extension of its creator, with the two sharing thoughts, senses, and language through a mystical bond. A master can have only one homunculus at a time (attempts to create another one always fail), and when its master dies, the homunculus also dies.

Shared Mind. A homunculus knows everything its creator knows, including all the languages the creator can speak and read. Likewise, everything the construct senses is known to its master, even over great distances, provided both are on the same plane. Functioning as a spy, a scout, an emissary, or a messenger, a homunculus is an invaluable servant for a spellcaster engaged in secret experimentation or adventuring.

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perceptio n 10 Languages understands the languages of its creator but

can’t speak Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Telepathic Bond. While the homuncu lus is on the same plane of existence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses to its master, and the two can communicate telepathical ly.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving th row or be poisoned fo r 1 minute. If the saving throw fai ls by 5 or more, the target is instead poisoned for 5 (1d10) minutes and unconscious whi le poisoned in this way.

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Large monstrosity, neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +3

CON 15 (+2)

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 7 (-2)

Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 10ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Hook Horror Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Echolocation. The hook horror can’t use its blindsight while deafened.

Keen Hearing. The hook horror has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.


Multiattack. The hook horro r makes two hook attacks .

Hook. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

HooK HORROR A fierce predator of the Underdark, the hook horror aggressively defends its hunting grounds. The subterranean caverns where these creatures dwell echo with the constant clacking and scraping of their hooks as they wend their way up cliffs and along cavern walls.

The monstrous hook horror has a head resembling a vulture’s and the torso of an enormous beetle, with an exoskeleton studded by sharp, bony protuberances. It gains its name from its long, powerfully built arms a.nd legs, which end in wickedly curved hooked claws.

Echoes in the Dark. Hook horrors communicate by striking their hooks against their exoskeletons or the stone surfaces around them. What sounds to others like random clacking noise is actually a complex language that only hook horrors understand, and which carries for miles through the echoing Underdark.

Pack Predators. The omnivorous hook horrors eat lichens, fungi, plants, and any creature they can catch. A hook horror’s hooked limbs give it excellent purchase on rock surfaces, and these creatures use their climbing skills to ambush prey from above. They hunt in packs, working together against the largest and most dangerous opponents. If a battle goes poorly, a hook horror quickly climbs a cavern wall to flee.

Dedicated Clans. Hook horrors live in extended family groups or clans. Each clan is ruled by the eldest female, who typically places her mate in charge of the clan’s hunters. Hook horrors lay eggs, which are clustered in a central, well-defended area of a clan’s home caverns.


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Armor Class 12 Hit Points 18 (4d8) Speed 40ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

. Skills Deception +4, Perception +2, Stealth +4

CHA 10 (+0)

Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common (can’t speak in jackal form) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Shapechanger. The jackalwere can use its action to polymorph into a specific Medium human or a jackal-humanoid hybrid, or back into its true form (that of a Small jackal). Other than its size, its statistics are the same in each form . Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn ‘t transformed . It reverts to its true form if it dies .

jACKAL WERE Ordinary jacka ls tainted by demonic power, jackalweres haunt roads and trails, waylaying and murdering those they meet.

Ajackalwere has three physica l forms that it shifts between. In its true form, it is indistinguishable from a normal jackal. It can take human form, often appearing gaunt and affecting a wretched demeanor to beg goodwill from strangers. When travelers welcome a jackal were into their midst, the monster adopts its human-sjzed hybrid form , with the fur and head of a jackal but standing on two legs as it attacks.

Beguilers and Cowards. The demon lord Graz’zt created jackalweres to serve his devoted servants, the lamias. Reaching out from the Abyss, he bestowed jackals with the gift of speech and the ability to assume humanoid forms. Ajackalwere is born to lie, and perceptive creatures might notice it wincing in pain when it speaks the truth.

A jackalwere prefers to fi ght alongside jackals and others of its kind. Under the direction of jackalweres, jacka ls are fierce and loyal companions .

Supernatural Servants. Jackalweres kidnap humanoids for their lamia masters, condemning victims to ‘a lifetime of slavery or an agonizi ng death. A jackalwere’s magical gaze renders a foe unconscious, allowing the mons ter to bind a creature or drag it away. Ajackalwere might also use its gaze to incapacitate a deadly enemy long enough to make good its escape.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The jackalwere has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pack Tactics. The jacka lwere has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the jackalwere’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn ‘t incapacitated.


Bite ljackal or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage .

Scimitar (Human or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target . Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) slashing damage.

Sleep Gaze. The jackalwere gazes at one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target succumbs to a magical sl umber, falling unconscious for 10 minutes or until someone uses an action to shake the target awake. A creature that successfully saves against the effect is immune to this jacka lwere’s gaze for the next 24 hours. Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t affected by it .


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STR 10 (+0)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Skills Deception +4, Perception +2, Stea lt h +5 Senses pass ive Perception 12

CHA 10 (+0)

Languages und ers tands Au ra n and Com mon but spea ks only through th e use of its Mim icry trait

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Ambusher. The kenku has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has surprised.

Mimicry. The kenku can mimic any sounds it has heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check .


Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , range 80/320 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

KENKU Kenku are feathered humanoids that wander the world as vagabonds, driven by greed. They can perfectly imitate any sound they hear.

Fallen Flocks. Kenku wear ill-fitting cloaks, robes, and rags. These garments cover the soft, sleek feathers of their bodies, shrouding their bare arms and legs. They tread lightly when they walk, on talons made for grasping the branches of trees and seizing prey from the lofty skies. Soft as the wind they move, so as not to draw attention to their shameful forms.

Once, the kenku held the wind in their wings, embracing the gusty sky and singing the sweet language of birdsong. Serving a master whose identity is now lost to their memory, the kenku coveted the glittering baubles of his household, and longed to speak so that they could cajole and swindle others out of such treasures. Stealing the secret of speech from a volume in their master’s library, they disguised themselves in rags to beg for pretty things. When their master learned of their greed, he stripped away their wings as punishment, forcing them to beg forever. Speech in Pantomime. Kenku can mimic the sound of anything they hear. A kenku asking for money might make the sound of coins clinking t9gether, and a

kenku referring to a busy marketplace can reproduce the cacophony of hawking vend9rs, barking dogs, bleating sheep, and the cries of street urchins. When mimicking voices, they can only repeat words and phrases they have heard, not create new sentences.

To converse with a kenku is to witness a performance of imitated sounds and almost nonsensical verse.

Kenku speak to one another in much the same way. Because they are adept at interpreting one another’s glances and gestures, the sounds they make to communicate complex ideas or emotions can be succinct. Groups of kenku also develop secret codes. For example, a eat’s meow might be the secret code for «Prepare to attack!» or «Flee for your lives!»

Their talent for mimicry extends to handwriting, and criminal organizations often employ kenku to forge documents. When a kenku commits a crime, it might forge evidence to implicate another creature.

The Wistful Wingless. All kenku pine for the ability to fly, and thus the punishments they mete out to one another often involve false wings, such as heavy wings of wood borne as a mark of shame. As a final, tragic reminder of the wings they once had, kenku carry out executions by hurling their condemned from tall buildings or cliffs.

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taking 10 (3d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The region containing a kraken’s lair is warped by the creature’s blasphemous presence, creating the following magical effects:

The kraken can alter the weather at will in a 6-mile radius centered on its lair. The effect is identical to the control weather spell. Water elementals coalesce within 6 miles of the lair. These elementals can’t leave the water and have Intelligence and Charisma scores of 1 (- 5).

• Aquatic creatures within 6 miles of the lair that have an Intelligence score of 2 or lower are charmed by the kraken and aggressive toward intruders in the area.

When the kraken dies, all of these regional effects fade immediately.

KRAKEN Gargantuan monstrosity (titan), chaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 472 (27d20 + 189) Speed 20ft., swim 60ft.

STR 30 (+10)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 25 (+7)

INT 22 (+6)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 20 (+5)

Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +8, Con +15, lnt +14, Wis + 12 Damage Immunities lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and

slashing from nonmagical weapons Condition Immunities frightened, paralyzed Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 14 Languages understands Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, and

Primordial but can’t speak, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 23 (50,000 XP)

Amphibious. The kraken can breathe air and water.

Freedom of Movement. The kraken ignores difficult terrain, and magical effects can’t reduce its speed or cause it to be restrained. It can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled .

Siege Monster. The kraken deals double damage to objects and structures.


Multiattack. The kraken makes three tentacle attacks, each of which it can replace with one use of Fling.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (3d8 + 1 0) piercing damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature grappled by the kraken, that creature is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the kraken, and it takes 42 (12d6) acid damage at the start of each of the kraken’s turns.

If the kraken takes 50 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the kraken must succeed on a DC 25

Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the kraken. If the kraken dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. The kraken has ten tentacles, each of which can grapple one target.

Fling. One Large or smaller object held or creature grappled by the kraken is thrown up to 60 feet in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid surface, the target takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.

Lightning Storm. The kraken magically creates three bolts of lightning, each of which can strike a target the kraken can see within 120 feet of it. A target must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


The kraken can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The kraken regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Tentacle Attack or Fling. The kraken makes one tentacle attack or uses its Fling.

Lightning Storm (Costs 2 Actions). The kraken uses Lightning Storm.

Ink Cloud (Costs 3 Actions). While underwater, the kraken expels an ink cloud in a GO-foot radius. The cloud spreads around corners, and that area is heavily obscured to creatures other than the kraken. Each creature other than the kraken that ends its turn there must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A strong current disperses the cloud, which otherwise disappears at the end of the kraken’s next turn.


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these whips are also the archpriest’s children, and their primary role in kuo-toan society is to fight to the death to claim the throne when the archpriest dies. If a whip displeases the archpriest, the archpriest can strip it of its spell casting ability, if not its life.

The archpriest’s decrees are enforced by monitors, devout kuo-toa that act as the archpriest’s eyes and ears. Monitors are deadly hand-to-hand combatants, and lesser kuo-toa live in fear of them.

Kuo-toa Gear. Many weapons of the kuo-toa are designed to capture rather than kill. Nets are common, though some carry pincer staffs (also called mancatchers) designed to trap and immobilize foes. Kuo-toa warriors also treat their shields with a sticky goo that catches incoming weapons.

In general, kuo-toa don’t like the weight of armor on their slippery bodies and rely on their natural rubbery hides for protection. However, they like to wear jewelry made from scavenged bones, shells, pearls, gems, and carapace fragments.

Kuo-ToA Medium humanoid (kuo-toa), neutral evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor, shield) Hit Points 18 (4d8) Speed 30ft., swim 30ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4

CON 11 (+0)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 120 ft. , passive Perception 14 Languages Undercommon Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 8 (- 1)

Amphibious. The kuo-toa can breathe air and water.

Otherworldly Perception. The kuo-toa can sense the presence of any creature within 30 feet of it that is invisible or on the Ethereal Plane. It can pinpoint such a creature that is moving.

Slippery. The kuo-toa has advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kuo-toa has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 t0 hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20f60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range Sf15 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The target is restrained. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check to free itself or another creature in a net, ending the effect on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) frees the target without harming it and destroys the net.


Sticky Shield. When a creature misses the kuo-toa with a melee weapon attack, the kuo-toa uses its sticky shield to catch the weapon. The attacker must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw, or the weapon becomes stuck to the kuo-toa’s shield. If the weapon’s wielder can’t or won’t let go of the weapon, the wielder is grappled while the weapon is stuck. While stuck, the weapon can’t be used. A creature can pull the weapon free by taking an action to make a DC 11 Strength check and succeeding.

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Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39) Speed 30ft., swim 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +9, Religion +6

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 16 (+3)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 19 Languages Undercommon Challenge 6 (2.300 XP)

CHA 14 (+2)

Amphibious. The kuo-toa can breathe air and water.

Otherworldly Perception. The kuo-toa can sense the presence of any creature within 30 feet of it that is invisible or on the Ethereal Plane. It can pinpoint such a creature that is moving.

Slippery. The kuo-toa has advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kuo-toa has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Spellcasting. The kuo-toa is a lOth-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The kuo-toa has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): guidance, sacred flame, thaumaturgy lst level (4 slots): detect magic, sanctuary, shield of faith 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon 3rd level (3 slots): spirit guardians, tongues 4th level (3 slots): control water, divination 5th level (2 slots): mass cure wounds, scrying

Multiattack. The kuo-toa makes two melee attacks.

Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) bludgeon ing damage plus 14 (4d6) lightning damage.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Medium humanoid (kuo-toa), neutral evil

Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Hit Points 65 (l0d8 + 20) Speed 30ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +6, Religion +4

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16 Languages Undercommon Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 11 (+0)

Amphibious. The kuo-toa can breathe air and water.

Otherworldly Perception. The kuo-toa can sense the presence of any creature within 30 feet of it that is invisible or on the Ethereal Plane. It can pinpoint such a creature that is moving.

Slippery. The kuo-toa has advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to escape a grapple.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kuo-toa has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Spellcasting. The kuo-toa is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting abil ity is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The kuo-toa has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, thaumaturgy 1st level (3 slots): bane, shield of faith


Multiattack. The kuo-toa makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its pincer staff.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) piercing damage.

Pincer Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1 d6 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the kuo-toa can’t use its pincer staff on another target.

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Medium undead, any evil alignment

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 135 (1 8d8 +54) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 20 (+5)

Saving Throws Con +10, lnt +12, Wis +9

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 16 (+3)

Skills Arcana +18, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9 Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic Damage Immunities poison; bl udgeoning, piercing, and

slashing from nonmagical weapons Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, fri ghtened,

paralyzed, poisoned Senses t rues ight 120 ft., pass ive Perception 19 Languages Common plus up to five other languages Challenge 21 (33,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the lich fa ils a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Rejuvenation. If it has a phylactery, a destroyed lich gains a new body in 1d10 days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again . The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery.

Spel/casting. The lich is an 18th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting abi lity is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). The lich has the fo llowi ng wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of f rost 1st level (4 slots) : detect magic, magic missile, shield,

thunderwave 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, Me/f’s acid arrow,

mirror image 3rd level (3 s lots): animate dead, counterspell, dispel

magic, fireball 4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door 5th level (3 slots): c/oudki/1, scrying 6th level (1 s lot) : disintegrate, globe of invulnerability 7th level (1 slot): finger of death, plane shift 8th level (1 slot): dominate monster, power word stun 9th level (1 slot) : power word kill

Turn Resistance. The lich has advantage on savi ng throws against any effect that tu rns undead.

Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: + 12 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving th row or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving th row at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itse lf on a success.


The lich can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a ti me and only at the end of another creature’s turn . The lich regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cantrip. The lich casts a cantrip. Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). The lich uses its

Paralyzing Touch. Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). The lich fixes its gaze on

one creature it can see within 10 feet of it . The target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become fr ightened for 1 minute. The fri ghtened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target ‘s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is imm une to the lich’s gaze for the next 24 hours.

Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each living creature within 20 feet of the lich must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw against this magic, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a fai led save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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LIZARD FOLK Lizardfolk are primitive reptilian humanoids that lurk in the swamps and jungles of the world. Their hut villages thrive in forbidding grottos, half-sunken ruins, and watery caverns.

Territorial Xenophobes. Lizardfolk deal and trade with other races only rarely. Fiercely territorial, they use camouflaged scouts to guard the perimeter of their domain. When unwelcome visitors are detected, a tribe sends a hunting band to harass or drive the trespassers off, or tricks them into blundering into the la irs of crocodiles and other dangerous creatures.

Lizardfolk have no notion of traditional morality, and they find the concepts of good and evil utterly alien. Truly neutral creatures, they kill when it is expedient and do whatever it takes to survive.

Lizardfolk rarely stray beyond their claimed hunting grounds. Any creature that enters their territory is fair game to be stalked, killed, and devoured. They make no distinction between humanoids, beasts, and monsters. Similarly, lizardfolk don’t like reaching too fa r beyond their borders, where they could easily become the hunted instead of the hunters.

Occasions might arise when lizard folk will form alliances with their neighbors. These lizardfolk usually learn firsthand that humans, dwarves, ha lflings, and elves can sometimes prove helpful or trustworthy. Once lizardfolk forge ties with outsiders, they are steadfast and fierce allies.

Great Feasts and Sacrifices. Lizard folk are omnivorous, but they have a taste for humanoid flesh. Prisoners are often taken back to their camps to become the centerpieces of great feasts and rites involving dancing, storytelling, and ritual combat. Victims are either cooked and eaten by the tribe, or a re sacrificed to Semuanya, the lizardfolk god.

Canny Grafters. Though they aren’t skilled artisans, lizardfolk craft tools and ornamental jewelry out of the bones of their kills, and they use the hides and shells of dead monsters to create shields.

Lizardfolk Leaders. Lizardfolk respect and fear magic with a religious awe. Lizardfolk shamans lead their tribes, overseeing rites and ceremonies performed to honor Semuanya. From time to time, however, a lizardfolk tribe produces a powerful figure touched not by Semuanya but by Sess’inek-a reptilian demon lord who seeks to corrupt and control the lizardfolk.

Lizard folk born in Sess’inek’s image are larger and more cunning than other lizardfolk, and are thoroughly evil. These lizard kings and queens dominate lizardfolk tribes, usurping a shaman’s authority and inspiring uncharacteristic aggression among their subjects.

Dragon Worshipers. Lizardfolk speak Draconic, which they are thought to have learned from dragons in ancient times. A tribe that wanders into the territory of a dr,agon will offer it tribute to win its favor. An evil dragon might exploit lizardfolk for its own vile ends, turning them into raiders and plunderers .

LIZARD FOLK Medium humanoid (lizardfolk), neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor, sh ield) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 30ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 7 (- 2)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +5 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages Draconic Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 7 (-2)

Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold its breath for 15 minutes.


Multiattack. The lizardfolk makes two melee attacks, each one with a diffe rent weapon.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Heavy Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/ 120 ft ., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Spiked Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

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Medium humanoid (lizardjolk), neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 27 (Sd8 + 5) Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4, Survival +6 Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Draconic Challenge 2 (450 XP)

WIS 15 (+2)

CHA 8 (- 1)

Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold its breath for 15 minutes.

Spellcasting (Lizardfolk Form Only). The lizardfolk is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting abi lity is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The lizardfolk has the following druid spells prepared:

Can trips (at wi ll) : druidcraft, produce flam e, thorn whip 1st Level (4 slots): entangle ,fog cloud 2nd Level (3 slots): heat metal, spike growth 3rd Leve l (2 s lots): conjure animals (repti les on ly) , plant growth


Multiattack (Lizardfolk Form Only). The lizardfolk makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or 7 (ld10 + 2) piercing damage in crocodile form. If the lizardfolk is in crocod il e form and the target is a Large or smaller creature, the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this gra pple ends, the target is restrained, and the li zardfolk can’t bite another target. If the li zardfolk reverts to its true form, the grapple ends.

Claws (Lizardfolk Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slash in g damage.

Change Shape (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The lizardfolk magical ly polymorphs into a crocodile, remaining in that form for up to 1 hour. It can revert to its true form as a bonus action. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equ ipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it di es . .












Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 78 (l2d8 + 24) Speed 30ft., swim 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2

INT 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5, Su rvival +4 Condition Immunities fr ightened

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvi sion 60 ft ., passive Perception 14 Languages Abyssal, Draconic Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

CHA 15 (+2)

Hold Breath. Th e lizardfolk ca n hold its breath for 15 minutes.

Skewer. Once per turn , when the li zardfolk makes a melee attack with its trident and hits , the target takes an extra 10 (3d6) damage, and the lizardfolk gains temporary hit points equa l to the extra damage dealt .


Multiattack. The lizardfolk makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or trident or two melee attacks with its trident.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.

Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft . or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, or 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


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When a werebear transforms, it grows to enormous size, lashing out with weapons or claws. It fights with the ferocity of a bear, though even in its bestial forms, it avoids biting so as to not pass on its curse. Typically, a were bear passes on its lycanthropy only to chosen companions or apprentices, spending the time that follows helping the new lycanthrope accept the curse in order to control it.

Solitary creatures, werebears act as wardens over their territory, protecting flora and fauna alike from humanoid or monstrous intrusion. Though most were bears are of good alignment, some are every bit as evil as other lycanthropes.


Wereboars are ill-tempered and vulgar brutes. As humanoids, they are stocky and muscular, with short, stiff hair. In their humanoid and hybrid forms, they use heavy weapons, while in hybrid or animal form, they gain a devastating goring attack through which their curse is spread. A wereboar infects other creatures indiscriminately, relishing the fact that the more its victims resist the curse, the more savage and bestial they become.

Wereboars live in small family groups in remote forest areas, building ramshackle huts or dwelling in caves. They are suspicious of strangers but sometimes ally themselves with orcs.


Wererats are cunning lycanthropes with sly, avaricious personalities. They are wiry and twitchy in humanoid form, with thin hair and darting eyes. In their humanoid and hybrid forms, wererats prefer light weapons and use ambush tactics rather than fighting as a pack. Although a wererat can deliver a nasty bite in its rat form, it favors that form for stealthy infiltration and escape rather than combat.

A wererat clan operates much like a thieves’ guild, with wererats transmitting their curse only to creatures they want to induct into the clan. Wererats that are accidentally cursed or break loose from the clan’s control are quickly hunted down and killed.

Wererat clans are found throughout urban civilization, often dwelling in cellars and catacombs. These creatures are common in the sewers beneath major cities, viewing those subterranean areas as their hunting grounds. Rats and giant rats are commonly found living among wererats.


Weretigers are ferocious hunters and warriors with a haughty and fastidious nature. Lithe and sleekly muscular in humanoid form, they are taller than average and meticulously groomed. Weretigers grow to enormous size in animal and hybrid form, but they fight in their more refined humanoid form when they can. They don’t like to pass on their curse, because every new were tiger means competition for territory and prey.

Weretigers live in jungles on the fringes of humanoid civilization, traveling to isolated settlements to trade or revel. They live and hunt alone or in small family groups.


A werewolf is a savage predator. In its humanoid form, a werewolf has heightened senses, a fiery temper, and a tenqency to eat rare meat. Its wolf form is a fears9me predator, but its hybrid form is more terrifying by far-a furred and well-muscled humanoid body topped by a ravening wolf’s head. A werewolf can wield weapons in hybrid form, though it prefers to tear foes apart with its powerful claws and bite.

Most werewolves flee civilized lands not long after becoming afflicted. Those that reject the curse fear what will happen if they remain among their friends and family. Those that embrace the curse fear discovery and the consequences of their murderous acts. In the wild, werewolves form packs that also include wolves and dire wolves.


A character who becomes a lycanthrope retains his or her statistics except as specified by lycanthrope type. The character gains the lycanthrope’s speeds in nonhumanoid form, damage immunities, traits, and actions that don’t involve equipment. The character is proficient with the lycanthrope’s natural attacks, such as its bite or claws, which deal damage as shown in the lycanthrope’s statistics. The character can’t speak while in animal form.

A humanoid hit by an attack that carries the curse of lycanthropy must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 +the lycanthrope’s proficiency bonus+ the lycanthrope’s Constitution modifier) or be cursed. lfthe character embraces the curse, his or her alignment becomes the one defined for the lycanthrope. The DM is free to decide that a change in alignment places the character under DM control until the curse of lycanthropy is removed.

The following information applies to specific lycanthropes. Werebear. The character gains a Strength of19 if his or her

score isn’t already higher, and a+ 1 bonus to AC while in bear or hybrid form (from natural armor). Attack and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based on Strength.

Wereboar. The character gains a Strength of 17 if his or her score isn’t already higher, and a+ 1 bonus to AC while in boar or hybrid form (from natural armor). Attack and damage rolls for the tusks are based on Strength. For the Charge- trait, the DC is 8 +the character’s proficiency bonus+ Strength modifier.

Wererat. The character gains a Dexterity of 1 5 if his or her score isn’t already higher. Attack and damage rolls for the bite are based on whichever is higher of the character’s Strength and Dexterity.

Weretiger. The character gains a Strength of 17 if his or her score isn’t already higher. Attack and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based on Strength. For the Pounce trait, the DC is 8 + the character’s proficiency bonus + Strength modifier.

Werewolf. The character gains a Strength of 1 5 if his or her score isn’t already higher, and a+ 1 bonus to AC while in wolf or hybrid form (from natural armor). Attack and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based on Strength.

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WEREBOAR Medium hu:nanoid (human, shapechanger), neutral evil

Armor Class 10 ·in humanoid form, 11 (natural armor) in boar or hybrid form

Hit Points 78 (l2d8 + 24) Speed 30ft. (40ft. in boar form)

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +2

CON 15 (+2)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 8 (-1)

Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common (can’t speak in boar form) Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shapechanger. The wereboar can use its action to polymorph into a boar-humanoid hybrid or into a boar, or back into its true form, which is humanoid . Its statistics, other than its AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Charge (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). if the were boar moves at least 15 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with its tusks on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). if the wereboar takes 14 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead .


Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The were boar makes two attacks, only one of which can be with its tusks.

Maul (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Tusks (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with wereboar lycanthropy.

Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +4

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 8 (-1)

Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Senses darkvision 60ft. (rat form only), passive Perception 12 Languages Common (can’t speak in rat form) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Shapechanger. The wererat can use its action to polymorph into a rat-humanoid hybrid or into a giant rat, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Keen Smell. The were rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.


Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The were rat makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite.

Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1 d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid , it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with were rat lycanthropy.

Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.


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Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), chaotic evil

Armor Class 11 in humanoid form, 12 (natural armor) in wolf or hybrid form

Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 30ft. (40ft. in wolfform)

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 10 (+0)

Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Common (can’t speak in wolf form) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Shapechanger. The werewolf can use its action to polymorph into a wolf-humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its AC, are

the same in each form. ArcJy equipment it, is wearing or carr¥<ing isn’t transformed . It rever•t? to its tr·ue form if it dies. ·

Keen Hearing and Smell. The werewolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.


Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The werewolf makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or spear.

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.

Claws (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Spear (Humanoid Form Only). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


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Composed of earth and fire, magma mephits glow a dull red color as they perspire beads of molten lava. They are slow to comprehend the meaning of others’ words and actions.


Mud mephits are slow, unctuous creatures of earth and water. They drone their complaints to all who will listen, and beg incessantly for attention and treasure.

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 22 (5a6 + 5) Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR DEX 8 (-1) 12 (+1)

Skills Stealth +3

CON 12 (+1)

Damage Vulnerabilities cold Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 7 (- 2)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages lgnan, Terran Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 10 (+0)

Death Burst. When the mephit dies , it explodes in a burst of lava. Each creature within 5 feet of it must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

False Appearance. While the mephit remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary mound of magma.

Innate Spellcasting (1JDay). The mephit can innately cast heat metal (spell save DC 10), requiring no material components. Its innate spellcasting ability is Charisma.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) fire damage.

Fire Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone of fire. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Mun MEPHIT Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6) Speed 20ft., fly 20ft., swim 20ft.

STR 8 (-1)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Stealth +3

CON 12 (+1)

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Aquan, Terran Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Death Burst. When the mephit dies, it explodes in a burst of sticky mud. Each Medium or smaller creature within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained until the end of the creature’s next turn.

False Appearance. While the mephit remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary mound of mud.


Fists. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Mud Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit belches viscid mud onto one creature within 5 feet of it. If the target is Medium or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

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Smoke mephits are crude, lazy creatures of air and fire that billow smoke constantly. They rarely speak the truth and love to mock and mislead other creatures.


Composed of fire and water, steam mephits leave trails of hot water wherever they go, and they hiss with tendrils of steam. Bossy and hypersensitive, they are the self­appointed overlords of all mephits.


Some mephits can have an action option that allows them to summon other mephits .

Summon Mephits (1JDay). The mephit has a 25 percent chance of summoning 1d4 mephits of its kind . A summoned mephit appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can’t summon other mephits. It remains for 1 minute, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.

SMOKE MEPHIT Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5) Speed 30 ft. , fly 30ft.

STR DEX 6 (- 2) 14 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +2, Stealth +4 Damage Immunities fire, poison Condition Immunities poiso ned

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvis ion 60ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Au ran , lgnan Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 11 (+0)

Death Burst. When the mephit dies, it leaves behind a cloud of smoke that fills a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on its space. The sphere is heavily obscured. Wind disperses the cloud, which otherwise lasts for 1 minute.

Innate Spellcasting (1JDay). The mephit can innately cast dancing lights, requiring no material components . Its innate spellcasting ability is Charisma.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage .

Cinder Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone of smolde ring ash . Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end of the me ph it’s next turn .


STEAM MEPHIT Small elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 21 (6d6) Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR 5 (-3)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 10 (+0)

Damage Immunities fire, poi son Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Aqu an, lgnan Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Death Burst. When the mephit dies , it explodes in a cloud of steam . Each creature within 5 feet of the mephit must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (ld8) fire damage.

Innate Spellcasting (1JDay). The mephit can innately cast blur, requiring no material components . Its innate spellcasting ability is Charisma.


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 2 (ld4) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) fire damage.

Steam Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit exhales a 15-foot cone of scalding steam . Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity savi ng throw, taking 4 (1d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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MERROW Merrow haunt coastal waters, preying on fisherfolk, merfolk, and any other edible creature that crosses their path. These savage monsters snatch and devour unwary prey, hauling drowned corpses back to their underwater grottoes to feed.

Transformed Merfolk. Long ago, a tribe of merfolk found an idol of Demogorgon at the bottom of the sea. Not knowing what it was, they brought the artifact to their king. Everyone who touched the idol became afflicted with madness, including the king, who decreed that a sacrificial ritual be performed to open a gateway to the Abyss. The ocean turned red with the blood of slaughtered merfolk, but the ritual worked, and the king led the survivors through the underwater gate to Demogorgon’s layer of the Abyss. The merfolk remained there for generations, fighting for their lives as the Abyss warped them completely, transforming them into hulking, evil monstrosities. Thus, the first merrow were born.

Coastal Bullies. Whenever an opportunity presents itself, the Prince of Demons sends merrow back to the Material Plane to wreak havoc in the oceans. The merrow are bullies, attacking all creatures smaller and weaker than themselves.

Merrow dwell in undersea caves filled with treasures and trophies, taken from their victims and sunken ships. They tie the rotting corpses of dead enemies and drowned sailors to strands of kelp to mark the borders of their territory.

MERROW Large monstrosity, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Speed 10ft., swim 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 12 Languages Abyssal, Aquan Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Amphibious. The merrow can breathe air and water.


CHA 9 (- 1)

Multiattack. The merrow makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or harpoon .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target . Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Harpoon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target . Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. If the target is a Huge or smaller creature, it must succeed on a Strength contest against the merrow or be pulled up to 20 feet toward the merrow.

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MIND FLAYER Mind fiayers, also called illithids, are the scourge of sentient creatures across countless worlds. Psionic tyrants, slavers, and interdimensional voyagers, they are insidious masterminds that harvest entire races for their own twisted ends. Four tentacles snake from their octopus-like heads, flexing in hungry anticipation when sentient creatures come near.

In eons past, illithids controlled empires that spanned many worlds. They subjugated and consequently warped whole races of humanoid slaves, including the githyanki and githzerai, the grimlocks, and the kuo-toa. Conjoined by a collective consciousness, the illithids hatch plots as far-reaching and evil as their fathomless minds can conceive.

Since the fall of their empires, illithid collectives on the Material Plane have resided in the Underdark.

Psionic Commanders. Mind fiayers possess psionic powers that enable them to control the minds of creatures such as troglodytes, grimlocks, quaggoths, and ogres. Illithids prefer to communicate via telepathy and use their telepathy when issuing commands to their thralls.

When an illithid meets strong resistance, it avoids initial combat as it orders its thralls to attack. Like physical extensions of the illithid’s thoughts, these thralls interpose themselves between the mind fiayer and its foes, sacrificing their lives so that their master can escape.

Hive Mind Colonies. Solitary mind fiayers are likely rogues and outcasts. Most illithids belong to a colony of sibling mind fiayers devoted to an elder brain- a massive brain-like being that resides in a briny pool near the center of a mind fiayer community. From its pool, an elder brain telepathically dictates its desires to each individual mind fiayer within 5 miles of it, for it is able to hold multiple mental conversations at once.

Hunger of the Mind. Illithids subsist on the brains of humanoids. The brains provide enzymes, hormones, and psychic energy necessary for their survival. An illithid healthy from a brain-rich diet secretes a thin glaze of mucus that coats its mauve skin.

An illithid experiences euphoria as it devours the brain of a humanoid, along with its memories, personality, and innermost fears. Mind fiayers will sometimes harvest a brain rather than devour it, using it as part of some alien experiment or transforming it into an intellect devourer.


On the rare occasion that mind flayers need to write something down, they do so in Qualith. This system of tactile writing (similar to braille) is read by an illithid’s tentacles. Qualith is written in four-line stanzas and is so alien in construction that non-illithids must resort to magic to discern its meaning. Though Qualith can be used to keep records, illithids most often use it to mark portals or other surfaces with warnings or instructions.

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MINOTAUR A minotaur’s roar is a savage battle cry that most civilized creatures fear. Born into the mortal realm by demonic rites, minotaurs are savage conquerors and carnivores that live for the hunt. Their brown or black fur is stained with the blood of fallen foes, and they carry the stench of death.

The Beast Within. Most minotaurs are solitary carnivores that roam labyrinthine dungeons, twisting caves, primeval woods, and the maze-like streets and passages of desolate ruins. A minotaur can visualize every route it might take to close the distance to its prey.

The scent of blood, the tearing of flesh, and the cracking of bones spur a minotaur’s lust for carnage, overwhelming all thought and reason. In a blood rage, a minotaur charges anything it sees, butting and goring like a battering ram, then chopping the fallen in twain.

Apart from ambushing creatures that wander into its labyrinth, a minotaur cares little for strategy or tactics. Minotaurs seldom organize, they don’t respect authority or hierarchy, and they are notoriously difficult to enslave, let alone control.

Cults of the Horned King. Minotaurs are the dark descendants of humanoids transformed by the rituals of cults that reject the oppression of authority by returning to nature. Inductees often mistake these cults for druidic circles or totemic religions whose ceremonies involve entering a labyrinth while wearing a ceremonial animal mask.

Within these bounded environments, cultists hunt, kill, and eat wild beasts, indulging their basest primal urges. In the end, however, sacrificial animals are exchanged for humanoid sacrifice- sometimes an inductee that tried to escape the cult after learning its secrets. These labyrinths become blood-soaked halls of slaughter, echoing to the cultists’ savagery.

Unknown to all but their highest-ranking leaders, these mystery cults are creations of the demon lord Baphomet, the Horned King, whose layer of the Abyss is a gigantic labyrinth. Some of his followers are fervent supplicants that plead for strength and power. Others come to the cult seeking a life free from authority’s chains- and are liberated of their humanity instead as Baphomet transforms them into the minotaurs that echo his own savage form.

Although they begin as creations of the Horned King, minotaurs can breed true with one another, giving rise to an independent race of Baphomet’s savage children in the world.

Large monstrosity, chaotic evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +7

CON 16 (+3)

INT 6 (- 2)

WIS 16 (+3)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 17 Languages Abyssal Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Charge. If the minotaur moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone.

Labyrinthine Recall. The minotaur can perfectly recall any path it has traveled.

Reckless. At the start of its turn, the minotaur can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

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Medium construct, lawful neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Modron Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Axiomatic Mind. The duodrone can’t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions.

Disintegration. If the duodrone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything e lse it was carrying.


Multiattack. The duodrone makes two fist attacks or two javelin attacks.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Medium construct, lawful neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Speed 30ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 9 (- 1)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Modron Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Axiomatic Mind. The tridrone can ‘t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions .

Disintegration. If the tridrone dies , its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything else it was carrying.


Multiattack. The tridrone makes three fist attacks or three javelin attacks .

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld6 + 1) piercing damage.


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QUADRONE Meaium construct, lawful neutral

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +2

CON 12 (+1)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Madron Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 11 (+0)

Axiomatic Mind. The quadrone can’t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its ins tructions .

Disintegration. If the quad rone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything e lse it was carrying.


Multiattack. The quad rone makes two fist attacks or four shortbow attacks.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80(320 ft ., Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

PENTADRONE Large construct, lawful neutral

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 32 (5d10 + 5) Speed 40ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +4

CON 12 (+1)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Madron Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA l3 (+1)

Axiomatic Mind. The pentadrone can’t be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions.

Disintegration. lfthe pentadrone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything e lse it was carrying.


Multiattack. The pentadrone makes five arm attacks.

Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Paralysis Gas (Recharge .5- 6). The pentadrone exhales a 30· foot cone of gas. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC ll Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns , ending the effect on itself on a success.

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MUMMIES Raised by dark funerary rituals, a mummy shambles from the shrouded stillness of a time-lost temple or tomb. Having been awoken from its rest, it punishes transgressors with the power of its unholy curse.

Preserved Wrath. The long burial rituals that accompany a mummy’s entombment help protect its body from rot. In the embalming process, the newly dead creature’s organs are removed and placed in special jars, and its corpse is treated with preserving oils, herbs, and wrappings. After the body has been prepared, the corpse is typically wrapped in linen bandages.

The WiJJ of Dark Gods. An undead mummy is created when the priest of a death god or other dark deity ritually imbues a prepared corpse with necromantic magic. The mummy’s linen wrappings are inscribed with necromantic markings before the burial ritual concludes with an invocation to darkness. As a mummy endures in undeath, it animates in response to conditions specified by the ritual. Most commonly, a transgression against its tomb, treasures, lands, or former loved ones will cause a mummy to rise.

The Punished. Once deceased, an individual has no say in whether or not its body is made into a mummy. Some mummies were powerful individuals who displeased a high priest or pharaoh, or who committed crimes of treason, adultery, or murder. As punishment, they were cursed with eternal undeath, embalmed, mummified, and sealed away. Other times, mummies acting as tomb guardians are created from slaves put to death specifically to serve a greater purpose.

Creature of Ritual. A mummy obeys the conditions and parameters laid down by the rituals that created it, driven only to punish transgressors. The overwhelming terror that foreshadows a mummy’s attack can leave the intended victim paralyzed with fright. In the days following a mummy’s touch, a victim’s body rots from the outside in, until nothing but dust remains.

Ending a Mummy’s Curse. Rare magic can undo or dispel the ritual that gave rise to a mummy, allowing it to truly die. More commonly, a mummy can be sent back to its endless rest by undoing the transgression that caused it to rise. A sacred idol might be replaced in its niche, a stolen treasure could be returned to its tomb, or a temple might be purified of despoiling bloodshed.

More ephemeral or permanent offenses, such as revealing a secret the mummy wished kept or killing an individual the mummy loved, can’t be so easily remedied. In such cases, a mummy might slaughter all the creatures responsible and still not sate its wrath.

Undead Archives. Though they seldom bother to do so, mummies can speak. As a result, some serve as undead repositories of lost lore, and can be consulted by the descendants of those who created them. Powerful individuals sometimes intentionally sequester mummies away for occasional consultation.

Undead Nature. A mummy doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.


In the tombs of the ancients, tyrannical monarchs and the high priests of dark gods lie in dreamless rest, waiting for the time when they might reclaim their thrones and reforge their ancient empires. The regalia of their terrible rule still adorns their linen-wrapped bodies, their moldering robes stitched with evil symbols and bronze armor etched with devices of dynasties that fell a thousand years before.

Under the direction of the most powerful priests, the ritual that creates a mummy can be increased in potency. The mummy lord that rises from such a ritual retains the memories and personality of its former life, and is gifted with supernatural resilience. Dead emperors wield the same infamous rune-marked blades that they did in legend. Sorcerer lords work the forbidden magic that once controlled a terrified populace, and the dark gods reward dead priest-kings’ prayers by imparting divine spells.

Heart of the Mummy Lord. As part of the ritual that creates a mummy lord, the creature’s heart and viscera are removed from the corpse and placed in canopic jars. These jars are usually carved from limestone or made of pottery, etched or painted with religious hieroglyphs.

As long as its shriveled heart remains intact, a mummy lord can’t be permanently destroyed. When it drops to 0 hit points, the mummy lord turns to dust and re-forms at full strength 24 hours later, rising out of dust in close proximity to the canopic jar containing its heart. A mummy lord can be destroyed or prevented from re-forming by burning its heart to ashes. For this reason, a mummy lord usually keeps its heart and viscera in a hidden tomb or vault.

The mummy lord’s heart has AC 5, 25 hit points, and immunity to all damage except fire.


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A MuMMY LoRn’s LAIR A mummy lord watches over an ancient temple or tomb that is protected by lesser undead and rigged with traps. Hidden in this temple is the sarcophagus where a mummy lord keeps its greatest treasures.

A mummy lord encountered in its lair has a challenge rating of 16 (15,000 XP).


On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the mummy lord takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the mummy lord can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.

• Each undead creature in the lair can pinpoint the loca­tion of each living creature within 120 feet of it until initiative count 20 on the next round.

MUMMY Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 20ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 8 (-1)

CON 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Wi s +2 Damage Vulnerabilities fire

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 12 {+1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities necrotic, poi son Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion , frightened,

paralyzed, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The mummy can use its Dreadful Glare and makes one attack with its rotting fist.

Rotting Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot . The cursed target can’t regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turn s to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic.

Dreadful Glare. The mummy targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it . If the target can see the mummy, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened until the end of the mummy’s next turn . If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the same duration . A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies (but not mummy lords) for the next 24 hours .

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Medium plant, lawful neutral

·Armor Class 12 (natural armor) · Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 20ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 11 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Distress Spores. When the myconid takes damage, all other myconids within 240 feet of it can sense its pain.

Sun Sickness. While in sunlight, the myconid has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. The myconid dies if it spends more than 1 hour in direct sunlight.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage plus 5 (2d4) poison damage.

Pacifying Spores (3fDay). The myconid ejects spores at one creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Rapport Spores. A 20-foot radius of spores extends from the myconid. These spores can go around corners and affect only creatures with an Intelligence of 2 or higher that aren’t undead, constructs, or elementals. Affected creatures can communicate telepathically with one another while they are within 30 feet of each other. The effect lasts for 1 hour.

Large plant, lawful neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 60 (8d10 + 16) Speed 30ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 15 (+2)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages-Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 10 (+0)

Distress Spores. When the myconid takes damage, all other myconids within 240 feet of it can sense its pain.

Sun Sickness. While in sunlight, the myconid has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. The myconid dies if it spends more than 1 hour in direct sunlight.


Multiattack. The myconid uses either its Hallucination Spores or its Pacifying Spores, then makes a fist attack.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (3d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (3d4) poison damage.

Animating Spores (3fDay). The myconid targets one corpse of a humanoid or a Large or smaller beast within 5 feet of it and releases spores at the corpse. In 24 hours, the corpse rises as a spore servant. The corpse stays animated for 1d4 + 1 weeks or until destroyed, and it can’t be animated again in this way.

Hallucination Spores. The myconid ejects spores at one creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned target is incapacitated while it hallucinates. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Pacifying Spores. The myconid ejects spores at one creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on itself on a success.

Rapport Spores. A 30-foot radius of spores extends from the myconid. These spores can go around corners and affect only creatures with an Intelligence of2 or higher that aren’t undead, constructs , or elementals. Affected creatures can communicate telepathically with one another while they are within 30 feet of each other. The effect lasts for 1 hour.

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NAG AS Nagas are intelligent serpents that inhabit the ruins of the past, amassing arcane treasures and knowledge.

The first nagas were created as immortal guardians by a humanoid race long lost to history. When this race died out, the nagas deemed themselves the rightful inheritors of their masters’ treasures and magical lore. Industrious and driven, nagas occasionally venture out from their lairs to track down magic items or rare spellbooks.

Nagas never feel the ravages of time or succumb to sickness. Even if it is struck down, a naga’s immortal spirit reforms in a new body in a matter of days, ready to continue its eternal work.

Benevolent Dictators and Brutal Tyrants. A naga rules its domain with absolute authority. Whether it rules with compassion or by terrorizing its subjects, the naga believes itself the master of all other creatures that inhabit its domain.

Rivalry. Nagas have a long-standing enmity with the yuan-ti, with each race seeing itself as the epitome of serpentine evolution. Though cooperation between them is rare, nagas and yuan-ti sometimes set aside their differences to work toward common objectives. However, yuan-ti always chafe under a naga’s authority.

Immortal Nature. A naga doesn’t require air, food , drink, or sleep.


In response to the long history of conflict between the yuan-ti and the nagas, yuan-ti created a necromantic ritual that could halt a naga’s resurrection by transforming the living naga into a skeletal undead servitor. A bone naga retains only a few of the spells it knew in life.


Wise and good, the beautiful guardian nagas protect sacred places and items of magical power from falling into evil hands. In their hidden redoubts, they research spells and hatch convoluted plots to thwart the evil designs of their enemies.

A guardian naga doesn’t seek out violence, warning off intruders rather than attacking. Only if its foes persist does the naga attack, accosting enemies with its spells and poisonous spittle.


Spirit nagas live in gloom and spitefulness, constantly plotting vengeance against creatures that have wronged them- or that they believe have wronged them. Lairing in dismal caverns and ruins, they devote their time to developing new spells and enslaving the mortals with which they surround themselves. A spirit naga likes to charm its foes, drawing them close so that it can sink its poisonous fangs into their flesh.

Large undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 58 (9d10 + 9) Speed 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 12 (+1)

Damage Immunities poison

INT 15 (+2)

WIS 15 (+2)

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion , paralyzed, poisoned

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Common plus one other language Challenge 4 (1 ,100 XP)

CHA 16 (+3)

Spellcasting. The naga is a Sth·level spellcaster (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks) that needs only verbal components to cast its spells.

If the nag a was a guardian nag a in life, its spellcasting ability is Wisdom, and it has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will) : mending, sacred flame, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): command, shield of faith 2nd level (3 slots) : calm emotions, hold person 3rd level (2 slots) : bestow curse

If the naga was a spirit naga in life, its spellcasting ability is Intelligence, and it has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will) : mage hand, minor illusion , ray of frost 1st level (4 slots): charm person, sleep 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person 3rd level (2 slots) : lightning bolt


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.


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Large monstrosity, chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (lOdlO + 20) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +5, Wis +5, Cha +6 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Abyssal, Common Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

CHA 16 (+3)

Rejuvenation. If it dies, the naga returns to life in 1d6 days and regains all its hit points. Only a wish spell can prevent this trait from functioning.

Spellcasting. The naga is a lOth-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks), and it needs only verbal components to cast its spells. It has the fol lowing wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, minor illusion, ray of frost 1st level (4 slots) : charm person, detect magic, sleep 2nd level (3 s lots): detect thoughts, hold person 3rd level (3 slots): lightning bolt, water breathing 4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door 5th level (2 slots): dominate person


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking 31 (7d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Large monstrosity, lawful good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 127 (15dl0 + 45) Speed 40ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +7, lnt +7, Wis +8, Cha +8 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 14 Languages Celestial, Common Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

CHA 18 (+4)

Rejuvenation. If it dies, the naga returns to life in l d6 days and regains all its hit points. Only a wish spell can prevent this trait from functioning.

Spellcasting. The naga is an 11th-level spellcaster. Its spel lcasting abi lity is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks), and it needs only verbal components to cast its spells. It has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mending, sacred flam e, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots) : command, cure wounds, shield of faith 2nd level (3 slots): calm emotions, hold person 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, clairvoyance 4th level (3 slots): banishment,Jreedom of movement 5th level (2 slots): flame strike, geas 6th level (1 slot): true seeing


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (ld8 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Spit Poison. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 15/30 ft., one creature. Hit: The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage on a fa iled save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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Large fiend, neutral evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24) Speed 60ft., fly 90ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

Damage Immunities fire Senses passive Perception 11

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 13 (+1)

CHA 15 (+2)

Languages understands Abyssal , Common, and Infernal but can’t speak

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Confer Fire Resistance. The nightmare can grant resistance to fire damage to anyone riding it.

Illumination. The nightmare sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional10 feet.


Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Ethereal Stride. The nightmare and up to three willing creatures within 5 feet of it magically enter the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa.

NIGHTMARE A nightmare appears in a cloud of roiling smoke, its mane, tail, and hooves wreathed in flame. The creature’s unearthly black form moves with supernatural speed, vanishing in a cloud of brimstone as quickly as it appeared.

Dread Steed. Also called a «demon horse» or «hell horse,» the nightmare serves as a steed for creatures of exceptional evil, carrying demons, devils, death knights, liches, night hags, and other vile monsters. It resembles a fiendish horse, and a nightmare’s fiery red eyes betray its malevolent intelligence.

A nightmare can be summoned from the Lower Planes, but unless a worthy sacrifice is offered to it as food upon its arrival, the nightmare displays no special loyalty to the creature it serves.

Creating a Nightmare. Nightmares don’t appear naturally in the multiverse. They must be created from pegasi. The ritual that creates a nightmare requires the torturous removal of a pegasus’s wings, driving that noble creature to evil as it is transformed by dark magic.


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Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Speed 30ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 10 (+0)

Skills Arcana +3, Insight +4, Perception +2, Stealth +5 Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Undercommon Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 8 (- 1)

Keen Sight. The nothic has advantage on Wisdom (Pe rception) checks that rely o n s ight.

Multiattack. The nothic makes two c law attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one t arget. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) s lashing dam age.

Rotting Gaze. The nothic t argets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw against this magic or take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.

Weird Insight. The nothic targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must contest its Charisma (Deception) check against the nothic’s Wisdom (Ins ight) check. If the noth ic wins, it magically learns o ne fact o r secret about the target. The target automatically wins if it is immune to being charmed.

A baleful eye peers out from the darkness, its gleam hinting at a weird intelligence and unnerving malevolence. Most times, a nothic is content to watch, weighing and assessing the creatures it encounters. When driven to violence, it uses its horrific gaze to rot the flesh from its enemies’ bones.

Cursed Arcanists. Rather than gaining the godlike supremacy they crave, some wizards who devote their lives to unearthing arcane secrets are reduced to creeping, tormented monsters by a dark curse left behind by Vecna, a powerfullich who, in some worlds, has transcended his undead exis tence to become a god of secrets. Nothics retain no awareness of their former selves, skulking amid the shadows and haunting places rich in magical knowledge, drawn by memories and impulses they can’t quite understand.

Dark Oracles. Nothics possess a strange magical insight that allows them to extract knowledge from other creatures. This grants them unique understanding of secret and forbidden lore, which they share for a price. A nothic covets magic items, greedily accepting such gifts from creatures that seek out its knowledge.

Lurkers in Magical Places. Nothics are notorious for infiltrating a rcane academies and other places rich in magical learning. They a re driven by the vague knowledge that there exists a method to reverse their condition. This isn’t a clear sense of purpose, but rather an obsessive tug at the end of the mind. Some nothics are clever enough to realize that this is merely part of the strange lesson for their folly, a false hope to drive them to seek out more arcane secrets.

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Ogre Gangs. Ogres sometimes band together in small, nomadic groups, but they lack a true sense of tribalism. When bands of ogres meet, one might attempt to capture the members of the other group to increase its numbers. However, ogre bands are just as likely to trade members freely, especially if the welcoming band is temporarily flush with food and weapons.

Whenever possible , ogres gang up with other monsters to bully or prey on creatures weaker than themselves. They associate freely with goblinoids, orcs, and trolls, and practically worship giants. In the giants’ complex social structure (known as the ordning), ogres rank beneath the lowest giants in status. As a result, an ogre will do nearly anything a giant asks.


When an ogre mates with a human, hobgoblin, bugbear, or ore, the result is always a half-ogre. (Ogres don’t mate with dwarves, halflings, or elves. They eat them.) Human mothers rarely survive the birth of a half-ogre offspring.

The half-ogre offspring of an ogre and an ore is also called an ogrillon. An adult half-ogre or ogrillon stands 8 feet tall and weighs 450 pounds on average.

Large giant, any chaotic alignment

Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Hit Points 30 (4d10 + 8) Speed 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 9 (- 1)

Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 9 Languages Common, Giant Challenge 1 (200 XP)


CHA 10 (+0)

Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 14 (2d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands .

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft . or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.

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Oozes thrive in the dark, shunning areas of bright light and extreme temperatures. They flow through the damp underground, feeding on any creature or object that can be dissolved, slinking along the ground, dripping from walls and ceilings, spreading across the edges of underground pools, and squeezing through cracks. The first warning an adventurer receives of an ooze’s presence is often the searing pain of its acidic touch.

Oozes are drawn to movement and warmth. Organic material nourishes them, and when prey is scarce they feed on grime, fungus, and offal. Veteran explorers know that an immaculately clean passageway is a likely sign that an ooze lairs nearby.

Slow Death. An ooze kills its prey slowly. Some varieties, such as black puddings and gelatinous cubes, engulf creatures to prevent escape. The only upside

1 of this torturous death is that a victim’s comrades can come to the rescue before it is too late.

Since not every ooze digests every type of substance, some have coins, metal gear, bones, and other debris suspended within their quivering bodies. A slain ooze can be a rich source of treasure for its killers.

Unwitting Servants. Although an ooze lacks the intelligence to ally itself with other creatures, others that understand an ooze’s need to feed might lure it into a location where it can be of use to them. Clever monsters keep oozes around to defend passageways or consume refuse. Likewise, an ooze can be enticed into a pit trap, where its captors feed it often enough to prevent it from coming after them. Crafty creatures place torches and flaming braziers in strategic areas to dissuade an ooze from leaving a particular tunnel or room.

Spawn ofjuiblex. According to the Demonomicon of Jggwilv and other sources, oozes are scattered fragments or offspring of the demon lordjuiblex. Whether this is true or not, the Faceless Lord is one of the few beings that can control oozes and imbue them with a modicum of intelligence. Most of the time, oozes have no sense of tactics or self-preservation. They are direct and predictable, attacking and eating without cunning. Under the control ofjuiblex, they ex.hibit glimmers of sentience and malevolent intent.

Ooze Nature. An ooze doesn’t require sleep.


A gray ooze that lives a long time can evolve to become more intelligent and develop limited psionic ability. Such occurrences are more common in gray oozes that live near psionic creatures such as mind flayers, suggesting that the ooze can sense and mimic psionic ability.

A psionic gray ooze has an Intelligence score of6 (-2), as well as the following additional action.

Psychic Crush (Recharge 5-6). The ooze targets one creature that it can sense within 60 feet of it. The target must make a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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Large ooze, unaligned

Armor Class 6 Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40) Speed 15ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 3 (- 4)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 6 (- 2)

CHA 1 (- 5)

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frighten ed, prone

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius) , passive Perception 8

Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Ooze Cube. The cube takes up its entire space. Other creatures can enter the space, but a creature that does so is subjected to the cube’s Engulf and has disadvantage on the saving throw.

Creatures inside the cube can be seen but have total cover. A creature within 5 feet of the cube can take an action to

pull a creature or object out of the cube. Doing so requires a successful DC 12 Strength check, and the creature making the attempt takes 10 (3d6) acid damage.

The cube can hold only one Large creature or up to four Medium or smaller creatures inside it at a time.

» .. r-!- ,_g h

Transparent. Even when .the cube is in plain sight, it take.s a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a ctibe that has neither moved nor attacked. A creature tbat tries to enter the cube’s space while unaware of the cube is surprisel1l by the cube.


Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) acid damage.

Engulf The cube moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can enter Large or smaller creatures’ spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creature’s space, the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.

On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the cube. A creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.

On a failed save, the cube enters the creature’s space, and the creature takes 10 (3d6) acid damage and is engulfed. The engu lfed creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the cube’s turns. When the cube moves, the engulfed creature moves with it.

An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the cube.

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GRAY OOZE Medium ooze, unaligned

Armor Class 8 Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Speed 10ft., climb 10ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 6 (-2)

Skills Stealth +2

CON 16 (+3)

INT 1 (-5)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire

WIS 6 (- 2)

CHA 2 (- 4)

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius) , passive Perception 8

Languages -Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amorphous. The ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Corrode Metal. Any non magical weapon made of metal that hits the ooze corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed . Non magical ammunition made of metal that hits the ooze is destroyed after dealing damage.

The ooze can eat through 2-inch-thick, non magical metal in 1 round .

False Appearance. While the ooze remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an oily pool or wet rock.


Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage, and if the target is wearing non magical metal armor, its armor is partly corroded and takes a permanent and cumulative — 1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its ACto 10.

Armor Class 8 Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Speed 10ft., climb 10ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 6 (-2)

CON 14 (+2)

Damage Resistances acid

INT 2 (- 4)

Damage Immunities lightning, s lashing

WIS 6 (-2)

CHA 1 (-5)

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone

Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), pass ive Perception 8

Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Amorphous. The jelly can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Spider Climb. The jelly can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceil ings, without needing to make an abi lity check.


Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (ld6) acid damage.


Split. When a jelly that is Medium or larger is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it splits into two new jellies if it has at least 10 hit points. Each new jelly has hit points equal to half the original jelly’s, rounded down. New jellies are one size smaller than the original jelly.

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Strength and power are the greatest of orcish virtues, and orcs embrace all manner of mighty creatures in their tribes. Rejecting notions of racial purity, they proudly welcome ogres, trolls, half-orcs, and orogs into their ranks. As well, orcs respect and fear the size and power of evil giants, and often serve them as guards and soldiers.

Ore Crossbreeds. Luthic, the ore goddess of fertility and wife of Gruumsh, demands that orcs procreate often and indiscriminately so that ore hordes swell generation after generation. The orcs’ drive to reproduce runs stronger than any other humanoid race, and they readily crossbreed with other races. When an ore procreates with a non-ore humanoid of similar size and stature (such as a human or a dwarf), the resulting child is either an ore or a half-ore. When an ore produces young with an ogre, the child is a half-ogre of intimidating strength and brutish features called an ogrillon.


The war chief of an ore tribe is its strongest and most cunning member. The reign of a war chief lasts only as long as it commands the fear and respect of other tribe members, whose bloodlust must be regularly satisfied lest the chief appear weak.

Scions of Slaughter. Gruumsh bestows special blessings upon war chiefs who prove themselves in battle time and again, imbuing them with slivers of his savagery. A war chief so blessed finds that his weapons cut deeper into his enemies, allowing him to inflict more carnage.


1 King Obould of the Many-Arrows tribe is a legend among the

I ore war chiefs of the Forgotten Realms, and he is the most famous ore chief in the history of the D&D game.

Smarter and more intuitive than most of his kind, Obould slew his chieftain to take control of his tribe. Skilled in the arts of war and renowned for his violent temper, Obould proved himself a fierce opponent in battle time and again. Over the years, he subsumed other ore tribes into his own until he commanded a horde of thousands. ‘

Obould leveraged his strength and influence to carve out a kingdom for himself in the Spine of the World, a mountain range overlooking numerous dwarven, human, and elven strongholds.

After years of bloody conflict with his more civilized ‘ neighbors, Obould did the unthinkable and brokered a

peace treaty with his enemies. This treaty confused many of the orcs under Obould’s command. It was either a clever ploy by Obould to buy time while he strengthened his army for a final, decisive sweep across the Savage Frontier, or it was a troubling sign that Obould had forsaken the ways of Gruumsh and needed to be destroyed .



When an ore slays an elf in Gruumsh’s name and offers the corpse of its foe as a sacrifice to the god of slaughter, an aspect of the god might appear. This aspect demands an. additional sacrifice: on<;! of the ore’s eyes, symbolizing the loss Gruumsh suffered at the hands of his greatest enemy, Corellon Larethian.

If the ore plucks out one of its eyes, Gruumsh might grant the ore spellcasting ability and special favo;, along with the right to call itself an Eye of Gruumsh. When not using their auguries to advise their war chiefs, these savage devotees of the god of slaughter hurl themselves into battle, their weapons stained with blood.

0ROG Orogs are orcs blessed with a surprisingly keen intellect that ordinary orcs believe is a gift from the ore goddess Luthic. Like Luthic, orogs prefer to live underground, although the scarcity of food often brings them to the surface to hunt. Orcs respect an orog’s strength and cunning, and a lone orog might command an ore war band.

Stronger and Smarter. An orog uses its strength to bully other orcs and its intelligence to surprise enemies on the battlefield. Many an overconfident elf, human, or dwarf commander has watched a «simple» ore warlord execute a clever maneuver to outflank and destroy an opposing force, not realizing the ore is an orog.

When encountered in great numbers, orogs form their own detachments within much larger ore hordes, and they are always at the forefront of any attack,. relying on their superior strength and tactical insight to overcome anything that stands in their way.

Few ore tribes actively seek out orogs to bolster their ranks. The orogs’ superiority makes them ideal leaders, and thus deadly rivals to ore war chiefs, who must be wary of orog treachery.

Detached KiJJers. Wanting nothing more than to’ hack their: enemies to pieces, orogs are a terrifying presence on the battlefield. They form no attachments, even to their parents and siblings, and have no concept of love or dedication. They worship the ore pantheon of gods­Gruumsh and Luthic foremost- because they believe that the gods have strength beyond reason, and physical might is all they respect.

Servants of Darkness. Mistrusted by orcs, some orogs form independent mercenary war bands that sell themselves to the highest bidder. As long as they are rewarded, orog mercenaries gladly serve as elite warriors and shock troops for evil wizards, depraved giants, and other villains.


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Armor Class 13 (hide armor) Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Intimidation +2

CON 16 (+3)

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Ore Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 10 (+0)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the ore can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1 d12 + 3) s lashing damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30{120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.


Medium humanoid (ore), chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (chain mail) Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +6, Con +6, Wis +2 Skills Intimidation +5

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Ore Challenge4 (1,100XP)

CHA 16 (+3)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the ore can move up to its speed toward a hosti le creature that it can see.

Gruumsh’s Fury. The ore deals an extra 4 (ld8) damage when it hits with a weapon attack (included in the attacks).


Multiattack. The ore makes two attacks with its greataxe or its spear.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (1d1 2 + 4 plus 1d8) s lashing damage.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20{60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6 + 4 plus 1d8) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Battle Cry (1JDay). Each creature of the war chief’s choice that is within 30 feet of it, can hear it, and not a lready affected by Battle Cry ga in advantage on attack roll s until the start of the war chief’s next turn . The war chief can then make one attack as a bonus action.

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Medium humanoid (ore), chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (ring mail, shield) Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 16 (+3)

Skills Intimidation +3, Religion +1

INT 9 (- 1)

WIS 13 (+ 1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common, Ore Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the ore can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Gruumsh’s Fury. The ore deals an extra 4 (ld8) damage when it hits with a weapon attack (included in the attack).

Spellcasting. The ore is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). The ore has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at-will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): bless, command 2nd level (2 slots): augury, spiritual weapon (spear)


Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (ld6 + 3 plus ld8) piercing damage, or 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

OROG Medium humanoid (ore), chaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 42 (5d8 + 20) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 18 (+4)

Skills Intimidation +5, Survival +2

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Ore Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orog can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.


Multiattack. The orog makes two greataxe attacks .

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (ldl2 + 4) slashing damage.

javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) piercing damage.


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0TYUGH An otyugh is a grotesque, bulbous creature borne along on three sturdy legs, its eyes and nose set along a vine­like stalk that snakes from the top of its bloated body. Two rubbery tentacles end in spiky, leaf-like appendages that the otyugh uses to shovel food into its gaping maw.

An otyugh buries itself under mounds of offal and carrion, leaving only its sensory stalk exposed. When an ·edible creature happens by, the otyugh’s tentacles erupt fmm the filth and grab hold of it.

Otyughs make the most of any opportunity to ambush and devour prey. They use a limited form of telepathy to

· urge sentient creatures toward their lairs, sometimes by pretending to be something else.

Dwellers in Darkness. Otyughs tolerate bright light only when considerable stores of carrion or garbage lie within reach. In the wilderness, they dwell in stagnant swamps, scum-filled ponds, and damp forest dells. The scent of graveyards, city sewers, village middens, and manure-filled animal pens attracts them to civilized areas.

Since otyughs lack concern for anything but food, their nests sometimes accumulate a variety of treasures shed from their victims and mixed among the junk.

Symbiotic Guardians. Sentient subterranean beings can coexist with otyughs, employing them as garbage disposals. With such plentiful sustenance, otyughs grow fat in their wallows, unmoved by any other drive or desire. This sedentary gluttony makes them reliable guardians. As long as it is fed, an otyugh refrains from attacking other creatures. However, would-be otyugh masters can easily underestimate the quantity of waste, carrion, and meat necessary to keep an otyugh from wandering off in search of food. More than one «trained» otyugh has eaten its keeper after devouring all the waste in its wallow.

Large aberration, neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48) Speed 30ft.

STR 116 (+3)

DEX 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +7

CON 19 (+4)

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Otyugh Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 6 (- 2)

Limited Telepathy. The otyugh can magically transmit simple messages and images to any creature within 120 feet of it that can understand a language. This form of telepathy doesn’t allow the receiving creature to telepathically respond.


Multiattack. The otyugh makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its tentacles.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease is cured . Every 24 hours that elapse, the target must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5 (1d10) on a failure . The disease is cured on a success. The target dies if the disease reduces its hit point maximum to 0. This reduction to the target’s hit point maximum lasts until the disease is cured.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 4 (ld8) piercing damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 13) and restrained until the grapple ends. The otyugh has two tentacles, each of which can grapple one target.

Tentacle Slam. The otyugh slams creatures grappled by it into each other or a solid surface. Each creature must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or take 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage and be stunned until the end of the otyugh’s next turn . On a successful save, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn’t stunned.

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PEGASUS Large celestial, chaotic good

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21) Speed 60 ft., fly 90 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +4, Cha +3 Skills Perception +6 Senses passive Perception 16

WIS 15 (+2)

CHA 13 (+1)

Languages understands Celestial, Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can’t speak

Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


PEGASUS The white winged horses known as pegasi soar through the skies, a vision of grace and majesty. When they touch down on solid ground, they linger only for a moment, drinking from mountain springs and pristine lakes. Any sound or sign of another creature startles them, sending them off to fly once more among the clouds.

Noble Mounts. Pegasi are highly prized as swift and reliable steeds, being faster and less temperamental than griffons, hippogriffs, and wyverns. However, these wild and shy creatures are as intelligent as humanoids, and so can’t be traditionally broken and tamed. A pegasus must be persuaded to serve a good-aligned creature as a mount, but when it does so, it forges a life­long bond with its new companion.

Born of the Planes. Pegasi trace their origins to the Olympian Glades of Arborea, where they soar through the skies of that plane and serve as faithful mounts to the Seldarine, the pantheon of elven gods. These gods have been known to send pegasi to the Material Plane to aid those in need.

Pegasi Nests. Pegasi mate for life, build their nests in hard-to-reach locations, and give birth to live young.

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PERYTON Although this monstrous carnivore feeds on any creature, it prefers humanoids, especially elves, half-elves, and humans. When it kills a humanoid, a peryton rips out its prey’s heart and takes it back to its nest to be devoured.

The peryton is a bizarre creature that blends the body and wings of a bird of prey with the head of a stag. Its strangest feature is its shadow, which appears humanoid rather than reflecting the creature’s physical form. Sages postulate that the first perytons were humans transformed by a hideous curse or magical experiment, but bards tell a different tale of a man whose infidelity caused his scorned wife to cut out the heart of her younger, more beautiful rival and consume it in a ritual intended to forever win her husband’s heart. The ritual succeeded until the woman’s villainy was exposed. She was hanged for her crime, but the lingering magic of her foul ritual caused the carrion birds that feasted on her corpse to transform into the first perytons.

Unnatural Hunger. A peryton’s reproductive cycle depends on the heart of a freshly killed humanoid. The organ must be consumed by a female peryton before she can reproduce. When a peryton consumes a heart, its shadow changes for a brief time to reflect its true monstrous form.

When attacking a humanoid, a peryton is single­minded and relentless, fighting until it or its prey dies. If a peryton is somehow driven away, it stalks lost prey from afar, attacking again when the opportunity arises.

Bane of the Mountains. Perytons roost atop mountain ridges and lair in high caves. They prey on creatures living or wandering in the vales below, and travelers on lonely mountain roads learn to keep a wary eye on the sky. Because normal weapons are less effective against perytons, the folk of the mountains know to avoid confrontations with these mons ters at all costs .

Established settlements are attractive to perytons as a renewable food source. As such, village councils and local nobles’ often hire adventurers to eliminate peryton nests. .

PERYTQN Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil ‘

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Speed 20ft. , fly 60ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +5

CON 13 (+1)

INT 9 (- 1)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses passive Perception 15 Languages understands Common and Elvish but can’t speak Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Dive Attack. If the peryton is flying and dives at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 9 (2d8) damage to the target.

Flyby. The peryton doesn’t provoke an opportunity attack when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.

Keen Sight and Smell. The peryton has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on s ight or smell .


Multiattack. The peryton makes one gore attack and one talon attack.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hi t, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage.


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Medium monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9) Speed 5 ft ., climb 5 ft .

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Stealth +5

CON 16 (+3)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 7 (- 2)

CHA 3 (-4)

Senses bl indsight 30ft. , darkvis ion 60ft., passive Perception 8 Languages —

» Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

False Appearance. While the piercer remains motionless on the ceiling, it is indistingu ishable from a norma l stalactite.

Spider Climb. The piercer can climb difficu lt surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.


Drop. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, one creature directly » underneath the piercer. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage per 10

feet fallen , up to 21 (6d6) . Miss: The piercer takes half the normal falling damage for the distance fallen.


PIERCER Clinging to the ceilings of caverns and large subterranean passages, piercers blend in perfectly with natural rock, dropping in silence to impale unsuspecting foes on the ground below.

A piercer is the larval form of a roper, and the two creatures often attack in tandem. A rock-like shell encases a piercer’s body, giving it the look and texture of a stalactite. That shell protects a soft, slug-like upper body that lets the piercer move across cavern walls and ceilings to position itself for prey. With its eye and mouth closed, the piercer is difficult to distinguish from ordinary rock formations .

Patient Hunters. Piercers can see, but they can also respond to noise and heat, waiting for living creatures to pass beneath them, then falling to attack. A piercer that misses its chance to kill must make its slow way back to the ceiling. A fallen piercer excretes a foul-smelling slime when attacked, making most predators think twice about eating it.

Piercers gather in colonies to maximize the effectiveness of their attacks, dropping simultaneously to increase the odds of striking prey. After a piercer successfully slays a creature, the others slowly creep toward the corpse to join in the feast.

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PIXIE Standing barely a foot tall, pixies resemble diminutive elves with gossamer wings like those of dragonflies or butterflies, bright as the clear dawn and as luminous as the full moonrise. Curious as cats and shy as deer, pixies go where they please. They like to spy on other creatures and can barely contain their excitement around them. The urge to introduce themselves and strike up a friendship is almost overwhelming; only a pixie’s fear of being captured or attacked stays its hand. Those who wander through a pixie’s glade might never see the creatures, yet hear the occasional giggle, gasp, or sigh.

Pixies array themselves like princes and princesses of the fey, wearing flowing gowns and doublets of silk that sparkle like moonlight on a pond. Some dress in acorns, leaves, bark, and the pelts of tiny woodland beasts. They take great pride in their regalia and beam with joy when they are complimented on their ensembles.

Magical Faerie Folk. With their innate power of invisibility, pixies rarely appear unless they wish to be seen. In the Feywild and on the Material Plane, pixies etch patterns of frost on winter ponds and rouse the buds in springtime. They cause flowers to sparkle with summer dew, and color the leaves with the blazing hues of autumn.

Pixie Dust. When pixies fly visibly, a shower of sparkling dust follows in their wake like the glittering tail of a shooting star. A mere sprinkle of pixie dust is said to be able to grant the power of flight, confuse a creature hopelessly, or send foes into a magical slumber. Only pixies can use their dust to its full potential, but these fey are constantly sought out by mages and monsters seeking to study or master their power.

Tiny Tricksters. While the arrival of visitors piques their curiosity, pixies are too shy to reveal themselves at first. They study the visitors from afar to gauge their temperament or play harmless tricks on them to measure their reactions. For example, pixies might tie a dwarf’s boots together, create illusions of strange creatures or treasures, or use dancing lights to lead interlopers astray. If the visitors respond with hostility, the pixies give them a wide berth. If the visitors are good natured, the pixies are likely to be emboldened and more friendly. The fey might even emerge and offer to guide their «guests» along a safe route or invite them to a tiny yet satisfying feast prepared in their honor.

Opposed to Violence. Unlike their fey cousins, the sprites, pixies abhor weapons and would sooner flee than get into il physical altercation with any enemy.

PIXIE Tiny fey, neutral good

Armor Class 15 Hit Points 1 (1d4 — 1) Speed 10ft., fly 30 ft.

STR 2 (- 4)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 8 (- 1)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7 Senses passive Percept ion 14 Languages Sylvan Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 15 (+2)

Magic Resistance. The pixie has advantage on saving throws against spel ls and other magical effects.

Innate Spe/lcasting. The pixie’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring only its pixie dust as a component:

At will: druidcraft 1jday each: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good,

detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, fly, phantasmal force, polymorph, sleep


Superior Invisibility. The pixie magically turns invisible until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell) . Any equipment the pixie wears or carries is invisible with it.


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QUAGGOTH Meaium humanoid (quaggoth), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Athletics +5

CON 16 (+3)

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 6 (-2)

WIS 12 (+1 )

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Undercommon Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 7 (- 2)

Wounded Fury. While it has 10 hit points or fewer, the quaggoth has advantage on attack rolls. In addition, it deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage to any target it hits with a melee attack.


Multiattack. The quaggoth makes two claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slashing damage.

QUAGGOTH Savage and territorial, quaggoths climb the chasms of the Underdark. They maul their foes in a frenzy, becoming even more murderous in the face of death.

Quaggoth Origins. Quaggoths were never an enlightened species, but they were not a lways the brutal Underdark denizens they are today. In a distant age, quaggoth tribes dwelled upon the surface as nocturnal arboreal hunters, possessing their own language and culture . When elves appeared in the mortal realm, they clashed with the quaggoths, eventually driving them to near extinction. Only by fleeing deep into the Underdark did the quaggoths survive.

As they passed the ages deep beneath the world, the quaggoths’ fur lost its color and their vision adapted to the darkness, even as the constant danger and weird magic of their new realm transformed them. Turning increasingly brutal and savage, they ate whatever food they could find-and when they could not find it, they preyed on each other. As cannibalism became part of their culture, their past was abandoned.

Servants of the Drow. The ancient enmity between quaggoths and surface elves makes them easy converts to the dark elf cause. In recent years, the drow have taken an interest in breeding quaggoths, encouraging their ferocity while strengthening their obedience. Wealthy drow houses have legions of quaggoths at their command. Even worse, the drow cultivate the quaggoths’ hatred of the elves by leading them on surface raids against known elven enclaves.

Thonots. Some quaggoths absorb psionic energy that suffuses certain parts of the Underdark. When a tribe discovers that one of its own has inherited such powers, they press it into the role of tribal shaman, or thonot. A thonot keep a tribe’s lore and ensures its superiority against enemies. A thonot that fails the tribe is slain and devoured in a cannibalistic ritual, in the hope that its power passes to another more worthy quaggoth.

Poison Immunity. Generations of hunting venomous subterranean creatures and perpetual exposure to the molds and fungi that grow in the depths have forced quaggoths to adapt immunities to poisons of all kinds.


A quaggoth thonot is a normal quaggoth with a challenge rating of 3 (700 XP) and the following additional trait.

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The quaggoth ‘s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11 ). The quaggoth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: feather fall, mage hand (the hand is invisible) 1 fday each: cure wounds, enlargejreduce, heat metal,

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RAKSHASA The rakshasa employs delicacy and misdirection in its pursuit of dominion over others. Few creatures ever see the fiend in its true form, for it can take on any guise it wants, although it prefers to masquerade as someone powerful or influential: a noble, cardinal, or rich merchant, for example. A rakshasa’s true form combines the features of a human and a tiger, with one noteworthy deformity: its palms are where the backs of the hands would be on a human.

Evil Spirits in Mortal Flesh. Rakshasas originated long ago in the Nine Hells, when powerful devils created a dark ritual to free their essence from their fiendish bodies in order to escape the Lower Planes. A rakshasa enters the Material Plane to feed its appetite for humanoid flesh and evil schemes. It selects its prey with care, taking pains to keep its presence in the world a secret.

Evil Reborn. For a rakshasa, death on the Material Plane means an agonizing and torturous return to the Nine Hells, where its essence remains trapped until its body reforms- a process that cart take months or years. When the rakshasa is reborn, it has all the memories and knowledge of its former life, and it seeks retribution against the one who slew it. If the target has somehow slipped through its grasp, the rakshasa might punish its killer’s family, friends, or descendants.

Like devils, rakshasas killed in the Nine Hells are forever destroyed.

RAKSHASA Medium fiend, lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 110 (l3d8 +52) Speed 40ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

Skills Deception +10, Insight +8

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 20 (+5)

Damage Vulnerabilities piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures

Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Senses darkvision 60 ft. , passive Perception 13 Languages Common, Infernal Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Limited Magic Immunity. The rakshasa is immune to spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be affected. It has

advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Innate Spellcasting. The rakshasa’s innate.spellcasting ability i’s Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The rakshasa can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion 3fday each: charm person, detect magic, invisibility, major image,

suggestion 1fday each: dominate person,jly, plane shift, true seeing


Multiattack. The rakshasa makes two claw attacks .

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage, and the target is cursed if it is a creature. The magical curse takes effect whenever the target takes a short or long rest, filling the target’s thoughts with horrible images and dreams . The cursed target gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic.

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REVENANT A revenant forms from the soul of a mortal who met a cruel and undeserving fate. It claws its way back into the world to seek revenge against the one who wronged it. The revenant reclaims its mortal body and superficially resembles a zombie. However, instead of lifeless eyes, a revenant’s eyes burn with resolve and flare in the presence of its adversary. If the revenant’s original body was destroyed or is otherwise unavailable, the spirit of the revenant enters another humanoid corpse. Regardless of the body the revenant uses as a vessel, its adversary always recognizes the revenant for what it truly is.

Hunger for Revenge. A revenant has only one year to exact revenge. When its adversary dies, or if the revenant fails to kill its adversary before its time runs out, it crumbles to dust and its soul fades into the afterlife. If its foe is too powerful for the revenant to destroy on its own, it seeks worthy allies to help it fulfill its quest.

Divine]ustice. No magic can hide a creature pursued by a revenant, which always knows the direction and distance between it and the target of its vengeance. In cases where the revenant seeks revenge against more than one adversary, it pursues them one at a time, starting with the creature that dealt it the killing blow. If the revenant’s body is destroyed, its soul flies forth to seek out a new corpse in which to resume its hunt.

Undead Nature. A revenant doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

REVENANT Medium undead, neutral

Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Str +7, Con +7, Wis +6, Cha +7 Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic Damage Immunities poison

CHA 18 (+4)

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened , paralyzed, poisoned, stunned

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13 Languagesthelanguages itknewin life Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Regeneration. The revenant regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the revenant takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of the revenant’s next turn. The revenant’s body is destroyed only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.

Rejuvenation. When the revenant’s body is destroyed, its soul lingers. After 24 hours, the soul inhabits and animates another corpse on the same plane of existence and regains all its hit points. While the soul is bodiless, a wish spell can be used to force the soul to go to the afterlife and not return.

Turn Immunity. The revenant is immune to effects that turn undead .

Vengeful Tracker. The revenant knows the distance to and direction of any creature against which it seeks revenge, even if the creature and the revenant are on different planes of existence. If the creature being tracked by the revenant dies, the revenant knows.


Multiattack. The revenant makes two fist attacks.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature against which the revenant has sworn vengeance, the target takes an extra 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage. Instead of dealing damage, the revenant can grapple the target (escape DC 14) provided the target is Large or smaller.

Vengeful Glare. The revenant targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it and against which it has sworn vengeance. The target must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is paralyzed until the revenant deals damage to it, or until the end of the revenant’s next turn. When the paralysis ends, the target is frightened of the revenant for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if it can see the revenant, ending the frightened condition on itself on a success.


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RUST MONSTER Most dwarves would rather face a squad of orcs than confront a single rust monster. These strange, normally c;locile creatures corrode ferrous metals, then gobble up the rust they create. In doing so, they have ruined the armor, shields, and weapons of countless adventurers.

A rust monster’s body is covered in thick, lumpy armor, its long tail ends in a bony protrusion, and two feathery antennae sprout from its insectile head.

Underground Scavengers. Rust monsters roam subterranean passages in search of ferrous metals such as iron, steel, adamantine, and mithral to consume. They ignore creatures not carrying such metals, but can become aggressive toward those bearing steel weapons and armor. A rust monster can smell its food at a distance, immediately dashing toward the scent’s source to corrode and consume the object.

A rust monster doesn’t care if the rust it consumes comes from a spike or a sword. Adventurers can distract the creature by dropping ferrous objects behind them.

Subterranean Wanderers. Rust monsters are rarely found in large numbers, preferring to hunt alone or in small groups. They meander along tunnels, moving from cave to cave in their tireless search for ferrous metals to consume. Their wanderings often bring them into contact with other Underdark denizens that find them harmless or unappetizing. Thus, rust monsters may be found in close proximity to other subterranean monsters. If they are well treated and well fed, they can also become friendly companions or pets.


Medium monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 40ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 6 (-2)

Iron Scent. The rust monster can pinpoint, by scent , the location offerrous metal within 30 feet of it.

Rust Metal. Any non magical weapon made of metal that hits the rust monster corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage roll s. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Non magical ammunition made of metal that hits the rust monster is destroyed after dealing damage.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

Antennae. The rust monster corrodes a nonmagical ferrous metal object it can see within 5 feet of it. If the object isn’t being worn or carried, the touch destroys a 1-foot cube of it. If the object is being worn or carried by a creature, the creature can make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the rust monster’s touch.

If the object touched is either metal armor or a metal shield being worn or carried, its takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers . Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed. If the object touched is a held metal weapon, it rusts as described in the Rust Metal trait.

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SAHUAGIN Across fog-shrouded coasts or endless ocean swells, an ominous drone sounded on a conch shell chills the blood of a ll who hear it. This is the sound of the sahuagin hunting horn-a call to raid and battle. Coastal settlers refer to sahuagin as «sea devils,» for sahuagin have no compassion in them, slaughtering the crews of ships and decimating coastal villages.

Devils of the Deep. S ahuagin are a predatory, piscine race that ventures from the ocean’s black depths to hunt the creatures of the shallows and shore. Though they dwell in the deepest trenches of the ocean, sahuagin view the entire aquatic realm as their kingdom and the creatures in it as blood sport for their hunting parties.

The self-styled rulers of sahuagin ocean domains are massive mutant males that grow second sets of arms. They are terriblcy foes in battle, and all sahuagin bow down before these powerful barons.

Way of the Shark. Sahuagin worship the shark god Sekolah. Only female sahuagin are deemed worthy of channeling the god’s power, and prieste$Ses hold tremendous sway in sahuagin communities.

Sahuagin are driven into a frenzy by the smell of fresh blood. As worshipers of Sekolah, they also have a special kinship with sharks, which they train as attack animals. Even untrained sharks recognize sahuagin as allies and don’t prey on them.

Elven Enmity. The sahuagin might control the oceans if not for the presence of their mortal enemies, the aquatic elves. Wars between the two races have raged for centuries across the coasts and seas of the world, disrupting maritime trade and drawing other races into the bloody conflict.

So intense is sahuagin hatred for the aquatic elves that the sea devils have adapted to combat their ancient foes. A sahuagin born near enough to an aquatic elf community can enter the world as a malenti- a sahuagin that physically resembles an aquatic elf in every way. Sahuagin are prone to mutation, but whether this rare phenomenon is a result of the wars between the sahuagin and the aquatic elves- or whether it preceded or even began the conflict- none can say.

The sahuagin put the malenti to good use as spies and assassins in aquatic elf cities and the societies of other creatures that pose a threat to sahuagin. The mere shadow of the malenti threat incites paranoia and suspicion among aquatic elves, whose resilience is weakened as the prelude to an actual sahuagin invasion.






Medium humanoid (sahuagin), lawful evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 30ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +5

CON 12 (+1)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 13 (+1 )

Senses darkvision 120ft. , passive Perception 15 Languages Sahuagin Challenge 1/2 (1 00 XP)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Blood Frenzy. The sahuagin has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Limited Amphibiousness. The sahuagin can breathe air and water, but it needs to be submerged at least once every 4 hours to avoid suffocating.

Shark Telepathy. The sahuagin can magically command any shark within 120 feet of it, using a limited telepathy.


Multiattack. The sahuagin makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or spear.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20f60 ft ., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (ld8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


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SALAMANDERS Salamanders slither across the Sea of Ash on the Elemental Plane of Fire, their sinuous coils and jagged spines smoldering. Intense heat washes off their bodies, while their yellow eyes glow like candles in the deep-set hollows of their hawkish faces.

Salamanders adore power, and they delight in setting fire to things. Outside their home plane, they play among the burning skeletons of charred trees as forest fires rage around them, or slither down the slopes of erupting volcanoes to linger in fire pits and magma floes.

Fire Snakes. Salamanders hatch from eggs that are two-foot-diameter spheres of smoldering obsidian. When a salamander is ready to hatch, it melts its way through the egg’s thick shell and emerges as a fire snake. A fire snake matures into a salamander adult within a year.

Slaves of the Efreet. Long ago, the efreet hired azers to build the fabled City of Brass, but then failed in their attempt to enslave that mystical race when the azers’ work was done. Turning instead to strike against the salamanders, the efreet had better luck in establishing a slave race, which they use to unleash war and destruction across the planes.

Salamanders despise the azers, believing that if the efreet had succeeded in dominating that race of elemental crafters, the salamanders would still be free. The efreet use this enmity to their own advantage, stoking the salamanders’ hatred and pitting them against the efreets’ former servants.

The efreet suffer salamanders to serve no other master; when efreet encounter salamanders dedicated to the cults of Elemental Evil, they slay them rather than taking them as slaves.

Domineering Nobles. Although salamanders follow the destructive impulses of their fiery nature, slavery under the efreet has impacted the culture of free salamanders. They rule their own societies according to the efreet model, in which larger and stronger salamanders claim dominion over their lesser kin.

As salamanders age, they increase in size and status, . rising to positions of power as cruel nobles among their kind. Nobles rule wandering bands of salamanders, which move across the Elemental Plane of Fire like desert nomads, raiding other communities for treasure.

Living Forges. Salamanders generate intense heat, and when they fight, their weapons glow red and sear the bodies of their enemies on contact. Even approaching a salamander is dangerous, since flesh blisters and burns in its proximity.

This inherent heat is an asset to salamanders’ skill as smiths, allowing them to soften and shape iron and steel with their bare hands. Although not as meticulous as azers, salamanders number among the greatest metalsmiths in all the planes. Powerful creatures summon them as warriors, but others enlist the salamanders for their crafting skills, or bind them to forges and ovens to generate limitless heat.

Medium elemental, neutral evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (Sd8) Speed 30ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

Damage Vulnerabilities cold

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 8 (-1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities fire Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands lgnan but can’t speak Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Heated Body. A creature that touches the snake or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 3 (1d6) fire damage.


Multiattack. The snake makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ta rget. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeon ing damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.

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At harvest time, when death revisits the twilit world and summer’s blossoms bow their withered heads, eerie scarecrows loom in silent vigil over empty fields. With immortal patience, these stoic sentinels hold their posts through wind, storm, and flood , bound to their master’s command, eager to terrify prey with its sackcloth visage and rend victims with its razor-sharp claws.

Spirit-Powered Constructs. A scarecrow is animated by the bound spirit of a slain evil creature, granting it purpose and mobility. It is this uncanny presence from beyond death that allows a scarecrow to inspire fear in those it gazes upon. Hags and witches often bind scarecrows with the spirits of demons, but any evil spirit will do. Although aspects of the spirit’s personality might surface, a scarecrow’s spirit doesn’t recall the memories it had as a creature, and its will is focused solely on serving its creator. If its creator dies, the spirit inhabiting a scarecrow either continues to follow its last commands, seeks revenge for its creator’s death, or destroys itself.

Construct Nature. A scarecrow doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

1—..,; ‘ — 1 — ·-

‘ SCARECROW . Medium construct, ohaotic evil

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 36 (8d8) Speed 30ft.

, STR 11 (+0)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 11 (+0)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 13 (+1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion , frightened,

paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages understands the languages of its creator but

can’t speak Challenge 1 (200 XP)

False Appearance. While the scarecrow remains motionless , it is indistinguishable from an ordinary, inanimate scarecrow.

Multiattack. The scarecrow makes two claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of the scarecrow’s next turn.

Terrifying Glare. The scarecrow targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the scarecrow, the target must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be magically frightened until the end of the scarecrow’s next turn . The frightened target is paralyzed.

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SHADOW Shadows are undead that resemble dark exaggerations of humanoid shadows.

Dark Disposition. From the darkness, the shadow reaches out to feed on living creatures’ vitality. They can consume any living creature, but they are especially drawn to creatures untainted by evil. A creature that lives a life of goodness and piety consigns its basest impulses and strongest temptations to the darkness where the shadows hunger. As a shadow drains its victim’s strength and physical form, the victim’s shadow darkens and begins to move of its own volition. In death, the creature’s shadow breaks free, becoming a new undead shadow hungry for more life to consume.

If a creature from which a shadow has been created somehow returns to life, its undead shadow senses the return. The shadow might seek its «parent» to vex or slay. Whether the shadow pursues its living counterpart, the creature that birthed the shadow no longer casts one until the monster is destroyed.

Undead Nature. A shadow doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

SHADOW Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Speed 40ft.

STR 6 (- 2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 6 (- 2)

WIS 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light or darkness) Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,

thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison

CHA 8 (-1)

Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened , grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amorphous. The shadow can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the shadow can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the shadow has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.


Strength Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage, and the target’s Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest.

If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

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SHAMBLING MOUND A shambling mound, sometimes called a shambler, trudges ponderously through bleak swamps, dismal marshes, and rain forests , consuming any organic matter in its path. This rotting heap of animated vegetation looms up half again as tall as a human, tapering into a faceless «head» at its top.

All-Consuming Devourers. A shambling mound feeds on any organic material, tirelessly consuming plants as it moves and devouring animals that can’t escape it. Only the shambling mounds’ rarity and plodding speed prevent them from overwhelming entire ecosystems. Even so, their presence leeches natural environments of plant and animal life, and an unsettling quiet pervades the swamps and woods haunted by these

..) ever-hungry horrors.

Unseen Hunters. Composed of decaying leaves, vines, roots, and other natural swamp and forest compost, shamblers can blend into their environs. Because they move slowly, they rarely attempt to pursue and catch creatures. Rather, they remain in place, sustaining themselves by absorbing nutrients from their surroundings as they wait for prey to come ce to them. When a creature passes near or alights upon a shambling mound, the monster comes to life, seizing and absorbing the unwary prey.

Spawned by Lightning. A shambling mound results from a phenomenon in which lightning or fey magic invigorates an otherwise ordinary swamp plant. As the plant is reborn into its second life, it chokes the life from plants and animals around it, mulching their corpses in a heap around its roots. Those roots eventually give up their reliance on the soil, directing the shambling mound to seek out new sources of food.

The Weed that Walks. The instinct that drives a shambling mound is its central root-stem, buried somewhere inside its ponderous form. The rest of a shambler consists of the rotting heap that it simultaneously accumulates and feeds on, which protects the root-stem and animates to smash and smother the life from any creature.

The dense mass of a shambling mound’s body shrugs off the effects of cold and fire. Lightning reinvigorates the root-stem, strengthening the shambling mound and bolstering its consumptive drive.

Despite its monstrous form, the shambling mound is a living plant that requires air and nourishment. Although it doesn’t sleep the way an animal does, it can lie dormant for days on end before rising to hunt for food.

A Resurgent Menace. If a shambling mound faces defeat before an overwhelming foe, the root-stem can feign death, collapsing the remains of its mound. If not subsequently killed, the root-stem beds down in the shambler’s remains to slowly regrow its full body, then once again sets out to consume all it can. In this way, shambling mound infestations long thought destroyed can recur time and again.


Large plant, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48) Speed 20ft., swim 20ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 8 (-1)

Skills Stealth +2

CON 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances cold , fire Damage Immunities lightning

INT 5 (-3)

WIS 10 (+0)

Condition Immunities blinded , deafened , exhaustion Senses blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius),

passive Perception 10 Languages ­Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

CHA 5 (-3)

Lightning Absorption. Whenever the shambling mound is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and regains a number of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.


Multiattack. The shambling mound makes two slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller target, the target is grappled (escape DC 14), and the shambling mound uses its Engulf on it.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Engulf The shambling mound engulfs a Medium or smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is blinded , restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of the mound’s turns or take 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the mound moves, the engulfed target moves with it. The mound can have only one creature engulfed at a time.

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SHIELD GUARDIAN Wizards and other spell casters create shield guardians for protection. A shield guardian treads beside its master, absorbing damage to keep its master alive as long as possible.

Master’s Amulet. Every shield guardian has an amulet magically linked to it. A shield guardian can have only one corresponding amulet, and if that amulet is destroyed, the shield guardian is incapacitated until a replacement amulet is created. A shield guardian’s amulet is subject to direct attack if it isn’t being worn or carried. It has AC 10, 10 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Crafting an amulet requires 1 week and costs 1,000 gp in components.

A shield guardian’s solitary focus is to protect the amulet’s wearer. The amulet’s wearer can command the guardian to attack its enemies or to guard the wielder against attack. If an attack threatens to injure the wearer, the construct can magically absorb the blow into its own body, even at a distance.

A spell caster can store a single spell within a shield guardian, which can then cast the spell on command or under specific conditions. Many a wizard has been Tendered helpless by enemies, only to surprise those foes when its shield guardian unleashes potent magical power.

Magnificent Treasure. Because a shield guardian’s ownership can be transferred by giving its matching amulet to another creature, some wizards collect exorbitant sums from princes, nobles, and crime lords to create shield guardians for them. At the same time, a shield guardian makes a mighty prize for anyone who slays its master and claims its amulet. • Construct Nature. A shield guardian doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

SHIELD GUARDIAN Large construct, unaligned

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 8 (-1)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 7 (- 2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 3 (-4)

Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,

paralyzed, poisoned Languages understands commands given in any language but

can’t speak Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Bound. The shield guardian is magically bound to an amulet. As long as the guardian and its amulet are on the same plane of existence, the amulet’s wearer can telepathically call the guardian to travel to it, and the guardian knows the distance and direction to the amulet. lfthe guardian is within 60 feet

0f the amulet’s wearer, half of any damage the wearer takes (rounded up) is transferred to the guardian.

Regeneration. The shield guardian regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit. point.

Spell Storing. A spellcaster who wears the shield guardian’s amulet can cause the guardian to store one spell of 4th level or lower. To do so, the wearer must cast the spell on the guardian. The spell has no effect but is stored within the guardian . When commanded to do so by the wearer or when a situation arises that was predefined by the spellcaster, the guardian casts the stored spell with any parameters set by the original caster, requiring no components. When the spell is cast or a new spell is stored, any previously stored spell is lost.


Multiattack. The guardian makes two fist attacks.

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


Shield. When a creature makes an attack against the wearer of the guardian’s amulet, the guardian grants a +2 bonus to the wearer’s AC if the guardian is within 5 feet oft he wearer.

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Large undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 67 (9d10 + 18) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 6 (- 2)

Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning Damage Immunities poison

WIS 8 (- 1)

Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9 Languages understands Abyssal but can’t speak Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 5 (- 3)

Charge. If the skeleton moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone.


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

WARHORSE SKELETON Large undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 13 (barding scraps) Hit Points 22 (3d10 + 6) Speed 60ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 2 (- 4)

Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning Damage Immunities poison

WIS 8 (- 1)

Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9 Languages -Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)


CHA 5 (- 3)

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


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Large aberration, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 93 (1 1d10 + 33) Speed 30 ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Perception + 1

CON 16 (+3)

INT 6 (- 2)

WIS 6 (- 2)

CHA 7 (- 2)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder Senses darkvision 60 ft. , passive Perception 11 Languages Slaad, telepathy 60ft. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Magic Resistance. The slaad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Regeneration. The slaad regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.


Multiattack. The slaad makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be infected with a disease- a minuscule slaad egg.

A humanoid host can carry only one slaad egg to term at a time. Over three months, the egg moves to the chest cavity, gestates, and forms a slaad tadpole. In the 24-hour period before giving birth, the host starts to feel unwell, its speed is halved, and it has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. At birth, the tadpole chews its way through vital organs and out of the host’s chest in 1 round, killing the host in the process.

If the disease is cured before the tadpole’s emergence, the unborn slaad is disintegrated.

SLAAD TADPOLE Tiny aberration, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 10 (4d4) Speed 30 ft.

STR 7 (- 2)

DEX 15 (+2)

Skills Stealth +4

CON 10 (+0)

INT 3 (- 4)

WIS 5 (- 3)

CHA 3 (- 4)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 7 Languages understands Slaad but can’t speak Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Magic Resistance. The slaad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one ta rget. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

BLUE SLAAD Large aberration, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 15 (natura l armor) Hit Points 123 (13d10 + 52) Speed 30 ft .

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 15 (+2)

Skills Perception + 1

CON 18 (+4)

INT 7 (- 2)

WIS 7 (- 2)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Slaad, telepathy 60ft. Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Magic Resistance. The slaad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Regeneration. The slaad regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.


Multiattack. The slaad makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. If the target is a humanoid , it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be infected with a disease called chaos phage. While infected, the target can’t regain hit points, and its hit point maxim um is reduced by 10 (3d6) every 24 hours. If the disease reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the target instantly transforms into a red slaad or, if it has the ability to cast spells of 3rd level or highe r, a green slaad. On ly a wish spell can reverse the transformation.

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Medium aberration (shapechanger), chaotic evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80) Speed 30ft.

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 19 (+4)

Skills Arcana +6, Perception +8

INT 15 (+2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire , lightn ing, thunder Senses bli nds ight 60 ft., da rkvision 60ft., passive Perception 18 Languages Slaad , telepathy 60ft. Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Shapechanger. The slaad can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Innate Spellcasting. The slaad’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The slaad can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: detect magic, detect thoughts, invisibility (self only), mage hand, major image

2/day each: fear, fireball, fly, tongues 1fday each: cloudki/1, plane shift

Magic Resistance. The slaad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The slaad’s weapon attacks are magical.

Regeneration. The slaad regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.


Multiattack. The slaad makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws or greatsword.

Bite (Siaad Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (ld8 + 5) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.

Claws (Siaad Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (ld10 + 5) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.

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SPHINXES In sacred isolation, a sphinx guards the secrets and treasures of the gods. As it calmly regards each new party that comes before it, the bones of supplicants and quest seekers that failed to pass its tests lie scattered around its lair. Its great wings sweep along its flanks, its tawny leonine body rippling with muscle and possessed of forepaws powerful enough to tear a humanoid in half.

Divine Guardians. Sphinxes test the worth of those who seek the treasures of the gods, whether forgotten secrets or mighty spells, artifacts or magical gateways. Creatures that choose to face a sphinx’s test are bound to that test unto death, and only those worthy will survive it. The rest the sphinx destroys.

Some sphinxes are high priests of the gods that create them, but most are simply embodied spirits, brought into the mortal realm by devout prayer or direct intervention. A sphinx maintains its vigil tirelessly, not needing to sleep or eat. It rarely engages with others of its kind, knowing no other life except its sacred mission.

Magical Tests. The secrets and treasures a sphinx guards remain under divine protection, so that when a creature fails a sphinx’s test, the path to the object or knowledge it guards vanishes. Even if a sphinx is attacked and defeated, a quester will still fail to gain the secret it sought- and will make an enemy of the god that placed the sphinx as a guardian.

Benign deities sometimes grant a sphinx the power to remove supplicants that fail their tests, transporting them away and ensuring that they never encounter the sphinx again. However, those who fail a sphinx’s test typically meet a gruesome end beneath its claws.

Extraplanar Beings. Mortals that encounter sphinxes do so most often in ancient tombs and ruins, but some sphinxes can access extra planar realms. A conversation with a sphinx that begins between tumbled stone walls might suddenly shift to an alien locale, such as a life-sized game board or a daunting cliff that must be climbed in a howling storm. Sometimes a sphinx must be summoned from such an extradimensional space, with supplicants calling it from its empty lair. Only those the sphinx deems worthy gain admittance to its realm.

FaJJen Sphinxes. Whether through the weariness of the ages, regret at the slaughter of innocents, or dreams of worship by supplicants that attempt to bargain their way to knowledge, some sphinxes break free of their divine command. However, even if a sphinx’s alignment and loyalties drift in this way, it never leaves the place it guards or grants its secrets to any except creatures it deem.s worthy.

R O UND s H € IS , Y E T F LAT A S A B







An androsphinx bears the head of a humanoid male on its lion’s body. Outwardly gruff and downcast, it often begins conversations with insults or negative observations. Beneath this gruff exterior, however, an androsphinx has a noble heart. It has no wish to lie or deceive, but it doesn’t give away information readily, choosing its words as wisely as it guards its secrets.

An androsphinx tests the courage and valor of supplicants, not only by forcing them to complete quests but also with its terrible roar, which echoes for miles as it terrifies and deafens nearby creatures. Those who pass its tests may be rewarded with a heroes’ feast.


A gynosphinx bears the head of a humanoid female. Many have the regal countenances of worldly queens, but some are marked with wild, leonine features. A gynosphinx’s eyes see beyond the present time and place, and penetrate veils of invisibility and magic. Supplicants who look deep into those eyes might find themselves magically displaced, banished to some far­flung plane where a difficult trial awaits them.

Gynosphinxes are virtual libraries of knowledge and lore. They ask riddles and present puzzles to test the wit of supplicants that come to learn their secrets. Some are willing to bargain with such supplicants for treasure or service.


A sphinx presides over an ancient temple, sepulcher, or vault, within which are hidden divine secrets and treasures beyond the reach of mortals.

LAIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the sphinx can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; the sphinx can’t use an effect again until it finishes a short or long rest:

The flow of time is altered such that every creature in the lair must reroll initiative. The sphinx can choose not to reroll.

• The effects of time are altered such that every crea­ture in the lair must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become 1d20 years older or younger (the sphinx’s choice), but never any younger than 1 year old. A greater restoration spell can restore a crea­ture’s age to normal. The flow of time within the lair is altered such that everything within moves up to 10 years forward or backward (sphinx’s choice). Only the sphinx is imme­diately aware of the time change. A wish spell can return the caster and up to seven other creatures des­ignated by the caster to their normal time. The sphinx shifts itself and up to seven other crea­tures it can see within in its lair to another plane of existence. Once outside its lair, the sphinx can’t use lair actions, but it can return to its lair as a bonus action on its turn, taking up to seven creatures with it.

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ANDROSPHINX Large monstrosity, lawful neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 199 (19dl0 + 95) Speed 40ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 22 (+6)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Con + 11 , I nt +9, Wis + 10 Skills Arcana +9, Perception +10, Religion +15

CHA 23 (+6)

Damage Immunities psych ic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Condition Immunities charmed , frightened Senses truesight 120ft. , passive Perception 20 Languages Common, Sphinx Challenge 17 (18 ,000 XP)

Inscrutable. The sphinx is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as any divination spell that it refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain the sphinx’s intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.

Magic Weapons. The sphinx’s weapon attacks are magical.

Spellcasting. The sphinx is a 12th·level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It requires no material components to cast its spells . The sphinx has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, spare the dying, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): command, detect evil and good, detect magic 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, zone of truth 3rd level (3 slots) : dispel magic, tongues 4th level (3 slots): banishment,freedom of movement 5th level (2 slots): flame strike, greater restoration 6th level (1 slot): heroes’feast

Multiattack. The sphinx makes two claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2dl0 + 6) slashing damage.

Roar (3fDay). The sphinx emits a magical roar. Each time it roars before finishing a long rest, the roar is louder and the effect is different, as detailed below. Each creature within 500 feet of the sphinx and able to hear the roar must make a saving throw.

. First Roar. Each creature that fails a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw is frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turn s, endin g the effect on itself on a success .

Second Roar. Each creature that fails a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw is deafened and frightened fo r 1 minute. A frightened creature is paralyzed and can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Third Roar. Each creature makes a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 44 (8d10) thund er damage and is knocked prone . On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn ‘t knocked prone.


The sphinx can take 3 legendary actions , choosing from the options below. Only one lege ndary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s tu rn. The sphinx regains spent legendary actions at th e start of its turn.

Claw Attack. The sphinx makes one claw attack. Teleport (Costs 2 Actions) . The sphinx magically teleports ,

along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). The sphinx casts a spe ll from its list of prepared spells , using a spell slot as norma l.

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Large monstrosity, lawful neutral

Armor Class 17 (natura l armor) Hit Points 136 (16dl0 + 48) Speed 40ft., fly 60ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 18 (+4)

Skills Arcana +14, History +14, Pe rception +9, Religion +9 Damage Resistances bludgeon in g, pi erci ng, and slashin g from

non magical wea pons Damage Immunities psychic Cond ition Imm unities cha rm ed, frighten ed Senses truesight 120ft., pass ive Perception 19 Languages Common, Sp hinx Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

Inscrutable. The sphinx is immune to any effect that would sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as any divination spell that it refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain the sphinx’s intentions or sincerity have disadvantage.

Magic Weapons. The sphinx’s weapon attacks are magical.

Spellcasting. The sphinx is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit

with spell attacks) . It requires no material cormponents to cast its spells. The sphinx has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will) : mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, shield 2nd level (3 slots): darkness, locate object, suggestion 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, remove curse, tongues 4th level (3 slots): banishment, greater invisibility 5th level (1 slot): legend lore


Multiattack. The sphinx makes two claw attacks .

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.


The sphinx can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The sphinx regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Claw Attack. The sphinx makes one claw attack. Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). The sphinx magically teleports,

along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 12 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). The sphinx casts a spell from its list of prepared spells, using a spell slot as normal.

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STIRGE This horrid flying creature looks like a cross between a large bat and an oversized mosquito. Its legs end in sharp pincers, and its long, needle-like proboscis slashes the air as it seeks its next meal.

Stirges feed on the blood of living creatures, attaching and draining them slowly. Although they pose little danger in small numbers, packs of stirges can be a formidable threat, reattaching as quickly as their weakening prey can pluck them off.

Blood Drain. A stirge attacks by landing on a victim, finding a vulnerable spot, and plunging its proboscis into the flesh while using its pincer legs to latch on to the victim. Once the stirge has sated itself, it detaches and flies off to digest its meal.

STIRGE Tiny beas’t, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natura l armor) Hit Points 2 (1d4) Speed 1 0 ft., fly 40 ft.

STR 4 (- 3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 8 (- 1)

Senses darkvision 60 ft. , passive Perception 9 Languages -Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

CHA 6 (- 2)

Blood Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the stirge attaches to the target. While attached, the stirge doesn’t attack. Instead, at the start of each of the stirge’s turns, the target loses 5 (1 d4 + 3) hit points due to blood loss.

The stirge can detach itself by spending 5 feet of its movement. It does so after it drains 10 hit points of blood from the target or the target dies. A creature, including the target, can use its action to detach the stirge.

‘ i .

Sue cue us/ INcuBus Succubi and incubi inhabit all of the Lower Planes, and the lascivious dark-winged fiends can be found in service to devils, demons, night hags, rakshasas, and yugoloths. Asmodeus, ruler of the Nine Hells, uses these fiends to tempt mortals to perform evil acts. The demon lord Graz’zt keeps succubi and incubi as advisers and consorts.

Though legend speaks of them separately, any succubus can become an incubus, and vice versa. Most of these fiends do have a preference for one form or the other. Mortals only rarely see a succubus or incubus in its true form, however, for the fiend typically begins its corruption in veiled, insidious ways.

Beautiful Corrupters. A succubus or incubus first appears in ethereal form, passing through walls like a ghost to lurk next to a mortal’s bedside and whisper forbidden pleasures. Sleeping victims are tempted to give in to their darkest desires, indulge in taboos, and feed forbidden appetites. As the fiend fills the victim’s dreams with debauched images, the victim becomes more susceptible to temptation in everyday life.

Inevitably, the fiend enters the mortal realm in tempting form to directly influence a creature’s actions. Appearing in the guise of a humanoid who has previously appeared only in the victim’s dreams, the succubus or incubus seduces or befriends its victim, indulging all its desires so that it performs evil acts of its own free will.

A mortal bequeaths its soul to the fiend not by formal pledge or contract. Instead, when a succubus or incubus has corrupted a creature completely- some say by causing the victim to commit the three betrayals of thought, word, and deed- the victim’s soul belongs to the fiend. The more virtuous the fiend’s prey, the longer the corruption takes, but the more rewarding the downfall. After successfully corrupting a victim, the succubus or incubus kills it, and the tainted soul descends into the Lower Planes.

The succubus or incubus resorts to charming a victim magically only when necessary, usually as a form of self-defense. A charmed creature isn’t responsible for its actions, so forcing it to behave against its will won’t bring the fiend closer to the ultimate prize: the victim’s soul.

Deadly Kiss. The kiss of a succubus or incubus is an echo of the emptiness that is the fiend’s longing for a corrupted soul. Likewise, the recipient of the fiend’s kiss gains no satisfaction from it, experiencing only pain and the profound emptiness that the fiend imparts. The kiss is nothing short of an attack, usually delivered as a final farewell before the fiend escapes.

FiendishOJfspring.Succubiandincubican reproduce with one another to spawn more of their kind. Less commonly, a succubus or incubus reproduces with a humanoid. From this unholy union, a cambion child is conceived. Invariably, the fiendish offspring is as wicked as its fiendish parent.

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SUCCUBUS/INCUBUS Medium fiend (shapechanger), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Speed 30ft., fly 60ft.

STR 8 (- 1)

DEX 17 (+3)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 15 (+2)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 20 (+5)

Skills Deception +9, Insight +5, Perception +5, Persuasion +9, Stealth +7

Damage Resistances cold , fi re, lightn ing, poison; bludgeon ing, pierc ing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons

Senses da rkv ision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Abyssa l, Common, Inferna l, telepathy 60ft. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Telepathic Bond. The fiend ignores the range restriction on its telepathy when co mmunicating with a creature it has charmed. The two don’t even need to be on the same plane of existence .

Shapechanger. The fiend can use its action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid , or back into its true form. Without wings, the fiend loses its flying speed. Other than its size and speed, its statistics are the same in each form . Any equipment it is wearing or ca rry in g isn’t transformed . It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Claw (Fiend Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1 d6 + 3) slashi ng damage.

Charm. One humanoid the fiend can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom savin g throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys the fiend’s verbal or telepathic comm ands. If th e target suffe rs any harm or receives a suicidal command, it ca n repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If the target successfully saves against the effect, or if the effect on it ends, the target is immune to this fiend’s Charm for the next 24 hours .

The fiend can have only one target charmed at a time. If it charms another, the effect on the previous target ends.

Draining Kiss. The fiend kisses a creature charmed by it or a willing creature. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw agai nst thi s magic, taking 32 (5d10 + 5) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success ful one. Th e target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equa l to the damage taken . This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Etherealness. The fiend magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa .

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TARRASQUE The legendary tarrasque is possibly the most dreaded monster of the Material Plane. It is widely believed that only one of these creatures exists, though no one can predict where and when it will strike.

A scaly biped, the tarrasque is fifty feet tall and seventy feet long, weighing hundreds of tons. It carries itself like a bird of prey, leaning forward and using its powerful lashing tail for balance. Its cavernous maw yawns wide enough to swallow all but the largest

TARRASQUE Gargantuan monstrosity (titan), unaligned

Armor Class 25 (natural armor) Hit Points 676 (33d20 + 330) Speed 40ft.

STR 30 (+10)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 30 (+10)

INT 3 (- 4)

· Saving Throws lnt +5, Wis +9, Cha +9

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 11 (+0)

Damage Immunities fire , poison; bludgeon ing, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Condition Immunities charmed , frightened, paralyzed, poisoned

Senses blindsight 120ft., passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 30 (155,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3JDay). If the tarrasque fail s a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. The tarrasque has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Reflective Carapace. Any time the tarrasque is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, the tarrasque is unaffected . On a 6, the tarrasque is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from the tarrasque, turning the caster into the target.

Siege Monster. The tarrasque deals double damage to objects and structures.


Multiattack. The tarrasque can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes five attacks: one with its bite, two with its claws, one with its horns, and one with its tai l. It can use its Swallow instead of its bite.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: + 19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 36 (4d1 2 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 20) . Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the tarrasque can’t bite another target.


creatures, and so great is its hunger that it can devour the populations of whole towns.

Legendary Destruction. The destructive potential of the tarrasque is so vast that some cultures incorporate the monster into religious doctrine, weaving its sporadic appearance into s tories of divine judgment and wrath. Legends tell how the tarrasque slumbers in its secret lair beneath the earth, remaining in a dormant state for decades or centuries. When it awakens in answer to some inscrutable cosmic call, it rises from the depths to obliterate everything in its path.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d8 + 10) slashing damage.

Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) piercing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 19 to hit, reach 20ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 1 0) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Frightful Presence. Each creature ofthe tarrasque’s choice within 120 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the tarrasque is within li ne of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the tarrasque’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Swallow. The tarrasque makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite’s damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. Wh ile swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outsjde the tarrasque, and it takes 56 (l6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the tarrasque’s turns.

If the tarrasque takes 60 damage or more on a single turn from a creature ins ide it, the tarrasque must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving th row at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, wh ich fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the tarrasque. If the tarrasque dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restra ined by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone.


The tarrasque can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s tu rn. The tarrasque regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack. The tarrasque makes one claw attack or tail attack. Move. The tarrasque moves up to half its speed. Chomp (Costs 2 Actions). The tarrasque makes one bite attack or

uses its Swallow.

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THRI- KREEN Thfi-kreen wander the deserts and savannas of the world , avoiding all other races.

Thri-Kreen Communication. Thri-kreen employ a language without words. To show emotion and reaction, a thri-kreen clacks its mandibles and waves its antennae, giving other thri-kreen a sense of what it is thinking and feeling. Other creatures find this manner of communication difficult to interpret and impossible to duplicate.

When forced to interact with creatures of other intelligent species, thri-kreen employ alternative methods of communication, such as drawing pictures in sand or making pictures out of twigs or blades of grass.

Limited Emotions. Thri-kreen experience the full range of emotions but aren’t as prone to emotional outbursts as humans. Thri-kreen with psionic ability often demonstrate a wider range of emotions, particularly if they live near or interact with humans or other highly emotional creatures.

Isolationists and Wanderers. Thri-kreen consider all other living creatures as potential nourishment, and they love the taste of elf flesh in particular. If a creature might be useful for something other than food, the thri­kreen aren’t likely to attack it on sight. Thri-kreen kill to survive, never for sport.

Sleepless. Thri-kreen don’t require sleep and can rest while remaining alert and performing light tasks. Their inability to sleep is thought to be the reason why thri­kreen have such short lifespans, the average thri-kreen life expectancy being only thirty years.


Some thri-kreen employ special martial weapons. A gythka is a two-handed polearm with a blade at each end . A chatkcha is a flat, triangular wedge with three serrated blades (a light thrown weapon).

A thri-kreen armed with a gythka and chatkchas gains the following action options:

Multiattack. The thri-kreen makes two gythka attacks or two chatkcha attacks .

Gythka. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1 d8 + 1) slashing damage.

Chatkcha. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

A few thri-kreen manifest psionic abilities, using their powers to aid the hunt and communicate more easily with outsiders.

A psionic thri-kreen has telepathy out to a range of 60 feet and gains the following additional trait:

Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The thri-kreen’s innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom. The thri-kreen can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: mage hand (the hand is invisible) 2jday each: blur, magic weapon 1 jday: invisibility (self only)

THRI- KREEN Medium humanoid (<thri-kreen), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Speed 40 ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft. , pass ive Perception 13 Languages Thri -kreen Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 7 (- 2)

Chameleon Carapace. The thri-kreen can change the color of its carapace to match the color and texture of its surroundings . As a r»esult, it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.

Standing Leap. The thri-kreen’s long jump is up to 30 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.


Multiattack. The thri-kreen makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. lfthe saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is also paralyzed while poisoned in this way. The poisoned target can repeat the saving throw on each of its turns , ending the effect on itself on a success.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage.

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TREANT Treants are awakened trees that dwell in ancient forests. Although treants prefer to while away the days, months, and years in quiet contemplation, they fiercely protect their woodland demesnes from outside threats.

The Sleeping Tree Awakens. A tree destined to become a treant meditates through a long cycle of seasons, living normally for decades or centuries before realizing its potential. Trees that awaken do so only under special circumstances and in places steeped with nature’s magic. Treants and powerful druids can sense when a tree has the spark of potential, and they protect such trees in secret groves as they draw near the moment of their awakening. During the long process of awakening, a tree acquires face-like features in its bark, a division of the lower trunk into legs, and long branches

bending downward to serve as its arms. When it is ready, the tree pulls its legs free from the clutching earth and joins its fellows in protecting its woodland home.

Legendary Guardians. After a treant awakens, it continues to grow exactly as it did when it was a tree. Treants created from the mightiest trees can reach great sizes while developing an innate magical power over plants and animals. Such treants can animate plants, using.them to ensnare and trap intruders. They can call wild creatures to aid them or carry messages across great distances.

Protectors of the Wild. Even after awakening, a treant spends much of its time living as a tree. While rooted in place, a treant remains aware of its surroundings, and can perceive the effects of events taking place miles away based on subtle changes nearby.

Woodcutters who avoid culling healthy living trees and hunters who take only what they need of the forest’s bounty are unlikely to arouse a treant’s ire. Creatures careless with fire, those who poison the forest, and those who destroy great trees, especially a tree close to awakening, face the treant’s wrath.

ThEA NT Huge plant, chaotic good

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60) Speed 30ft.

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 8 (- 1)

CON 21 (+5)

INT 12 (+1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing Damage Vulnerabilities fire Senses passive Perception 13

WIS 16 (+3)

Languages Common , Druidic, Elvish , Sylvan Challenge 9 (5 ,000 XP)

CHA 12 (+1)

False Appearance. While the treant remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree.

Siege Monster. The treant deals double damage to objects and structures.


Multiattack. The treant makes two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Animate Trees (1jDay) . The treant magically animates one or two trees it can see within 60 feet of it. These trees have the same statistics as a treant, except they have Intelligence and Charisma scores of 1, they can’t speak, and they have on ly the Slam action option . An animated tree acts as an ally of the treant. The tree remains animate for 1 day or until it dies ; until the treant dies or is more than 120 feet from the tree; or until the treant takes a bonus action to turn it back into an inanimate tree. The tree then takes root if possible .


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TROLL Born with horrific appetites, trolls eat anything they can catch and devour. They have no society to speak of, but they do serve as mercenaries to orcs, ogres, ettins, hags, and giants. As payment, trolls demand food and treasure. Trolls are difficult to control, however, doing as they please even when working with more powerful creatures.

Regeneration. Smashing a troll’s bones and slashing through its rubbery hide only makes it angry. A troll’s wounds close quickly. If the monster loses an arm, a leg, or even its head, those dismembered parts can sometimes act with a life of their own. A troll can even reattach severed body parts, untroubled by its momentary disability. Only acid and fire can arrest the regenerative properties of a troll’s flesh. The trolls, enraged, will attack individuals making acid and fire attacks against them above all other prey.

Troll Freaks. Their regenerative capabilities make trolls especially susceptible to mutation. Although uncommon, such transformations can result from what the troll has done or what has been done to it. A decapitated troll might grow two heads from the stump of its neck, while a troll that eats a fey creature might gain one or more of that creature’s traits.


Some trolls have the following trait. Loathsome Limbs. Whenever the troll takes at least 15

slashing damage at one time, roll a d20 to determine what else happens to it:

1-10: Nothing else happens. 11-14: One leg is severed from the troll if it has any legs left. 15- 18: One arm is severed from the troll if it has

any arms left. 19-20: The troll is decapitated, but the troll dies only if it

can’t regenerate. If it dies, so does the severed head.

If the troll finishes a short or long rest without reattaching a severed limb or head, the part regrows. At that point, the severed part dies. Until then, a severed part acts on the troll’s initiative and ha s its own action and movement.

1 A severed part has AC 13, 10 hit points, and the troll’s Regeneration trait.

A severed leg is unable to attack and has a speed of 5 feet. A severed arm has a speed of 5 feet and can make one claw

attack on its turn, with disadvantage on the attack roll unless the troll can see the arm and its target. Each time the troll loses an arm, it loses a claw attack.

If its head is severed, the troll loses its bite attack and its body is blinded unless the head can see it. The severed head has a speed ofO feet and the troll’s Keen Smell trait. It can make a bite attack but only against a target in its space.

The troll’s speed is halved if it’s missing a leg. If it loses both legs, it falls prone. If it has both arms, it can crawl. With only one arm, it can still crawl, but its speed is halved. With no arms or legs, its speed is 0, and it can’t benefit from bonuses to speed. ,.

ThOLL Large giant, chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natu ral armor) Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40) Speed 30 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Perception + 1

CON 20 (+5)

INT 7 (- 2)

WIS 9 (- 1)

Senses darkvis ion 60ft. , passive Perception 11 Languages Gia nt Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Keen Smell. The troll has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of the troll’s next turn. The troll dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.


Multiattack. The troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slash ing damage.

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UNICORN Unicorns dwell in enchanted forests. Unrelated to the horses it resembles, a unicorn is a celestial creature that wanders sylvan realms, its white form glimmering like starlight.

A unicorn’s brow sports a single spiraling horn of ivory whose magical touch can heal the sick and the injured. Its ears catch the words and whispers of the creatures that share its domain, and it knows the tongues of elves and sylvan folk. Unicorns allow good-hearted creatures to enter their woods to hunt or gather food, but they hold evil ever at bay. Foul-hearted creatures seldom leave a unicorn’s domain alive.

Divine Guardians. Good deities placed unicorns on the Material Plane to ward away evil and preserve and protect sacred places. Most unicorns protect a bounded realm such as an enchanted forest. However, the gods sometimes send a unicorn to guard sacred artifacts or protect specific creatures. When the forces of darkness strike against an individual the gods wish to protect, they might send that individual to a unicorn’s forest, where evil creatures pursue at their peril.

Unicorns most often serve deities of the forest and woodlands, including the gods of benevolent fey. Although all unicorns have natural healing power, some serve the gods in greater capacities, performing miracles normally reserved for high priests.

Forest Lords. A unicorn’s forest is a celestial realm where nothing that occurs beneath the sun-dappled leaves escapes the creature’s notice. A unicorn hears each breathy tune sung by the elves that reside amid the treetops. It senses where every caterpillar spins its cocoon, each leaf and branch upon which a bright butterfly rests its tired wings.

In a unicorn’s forest, a sense of calm pervades. From wolves and foxes to birds, squirrels, and tiny insects, the creatures of a unicorn’s domain seem quite tame. Pixies, sprites, satyrs, dryads, and other normally mercurial fey loyally serve a unicorn when they dwell within its woods. Under a unicorn’s protection, creatures feel safe from the threat of encroaching civilization and the insidious spread of evil.

A unicorn roams its domain constantly, moving ever so carefully so as not to disturb other denizens. A creature might catch a passing glimpse of the unicorn then suddenly see nothing but the wild woods.

Sacred Horns. A unicorn’s horn is the focus of its power, a shard of divine magic wrought in spiraling ivory. Wands of unicorn horn channel powerful magic, while unicorn horn weapons strike with divine force. Wizards can work powdered unicorn horn into potent potions and scroll ink, or use it as a component in eldritch rituals. However, any creature that takes a role, no matter how small, in slaying a unicorn is likely to become the target of divine retribution. ‘

Blessed Mounts. When darkness and evil threaten to overwhelm the mortal world, the gods sometimes see fit to pair a unicorn mount with a champion. A paladin astride a unicorn is a sign of the gods’ direct intervention in the affairs of the mortal realm. It is a holy alliance made to cleave the heads from demons and banish devils back to the Nine Hells.

As long as the troubled times of darkness persist, the unicorn stays by the champion, its horn shining brightly to drive back the night. However, if the gods’ champion falls from grace or turns from the cause of righteousness and good, the unicorn departs, never to return.


A unicorn’s lair might be an ancient ruin overgrown with vines, a misty clearing surrounded by mighty oaks, a flower-covered hilltop alive with butterflies, or some other serene woodland location.


Transformed by the creature’s celestial presence, the domain of a unicorn might include any of the following magical effects:

• Open flames of a non magical nature are extinguished within the unicorn’s domain. Torches and campfires refuse to burn, but closed lanterns are unaffected. Creatures native to the unicorn’s domain have an eas­ier time hiding; they have advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.

• When a good-aligned creature casts a spell or uses a magical effect that causes another good-aligned creature to regain hit points, the target regains the maximum number of hit points possible for the spell or effect. Curses affecting any good-aligned creature are suppressed.

If the unicorn dies, these effects end immediately.


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UNICORN Large celestial, lawful good

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 67 (9d10 + 18) Speed 50 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

Damage Immunities poison

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 17 (+3)

Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed, poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Celestial, Elvish, Sylvan, telepathy 60ft. Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 16 (+3)

Charge. If the unicorn moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a horn attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Innate Spel/casting. The unicorn’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14) . The unicorn can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: detect evil and good, druidcraft, pass without trace 1Jday each: calm emotions, dispel evil and good, entangle

Magic Resistance. The unicorn has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The unicorn’s weapon attacks are magical.

Multiattack. The unicorn makes two attacks: one with its hooves and one with its horn .

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Horn. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Healing Touch (3/Day). The unicorn touches another creature with its horn. The target magically regains 11 (2d8 + 2) hit points. In addition, the touch removes all diseases and neutralizes all poisons afflicting the target.

Teleport (1fDay). The unicorn magically teleports itself and up to three willing creatures it can see within 5 feet of it, along with any equipment they are wearing or carrying, to a location the unicorn is familiar with, up to 1 mile away.


The unicorn can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The unicorn regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Hooves. The unicorn makes one attack with its hooves. Shimmering Shield (Costs 2 Actions). The unicorn creates a

shimmering, magical field around itself or another creature it can see within 60 feet of it . The target gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of the unicorn’s next turn.

Heal Self (Costs 3 Actions). The unicorn magically regains 11 (2d8 + 2) hit points.

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VAMPIRES Awakened to an endless night, vampires hunger for the life they have lost and sate that hunger by drinking the blood of the living. Vampires abhor sunlight, for its touch burns them. They never cast shadows or reflections, and any vampire wishing to move unnoticed among the living keeps to the darkness and far from reflective surfaces.

Dark Desires. Whether or not a vampire retains any memories from its former life, its emotional attachments wither as once-pure feelings become twisted by undeath. Love turns into hungry obsession, while friendship becomes bitter jealousy. In place of emotion, vampires pursue physical symbols of what they crave, so that a vampire seeking love might fixate on a young beauty. A child might become an object of fascination for a vampire obsessed with youth and potential. Others surround themselves with art, books, or sinister items such as torture devices or trophies from creatures they have killed.

Born from Death. Most of a vampire’s victims become vampire spawn- ravenous creatures with a vampire’s hunger for blood, but under the .control of the vampire that created them. If a true vampire allows a spawn to draw blood from its own body, the spawn transforms into a true vampire no longer under its master’s control. Few vampires are willing to relinquish their control in this manner. Vampire spawn become free-willed when their creator dies.

Chained to the Grave. Every vampire remains bound to its coffin, crypt, or grave site, where it must rest by day. If a vampire didn’t receive a formal burial, it must lie beneath a foot of earth at the place of its transition to undeath. A vampire can move its place of burial by transporting its coffin or a significant amount of grave dirt to another location. Some vampires set up multiple resting places this way.

Undead Nature. Neither a vampire nor a vampire spawn requires air.

The game statistics of a player character transformed into a vampire spawn and then a vampire don’t change, except that the character’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores become 18 if they aren’t higher. In addition, the character gains the vampire’s damage resistances, darkvision, traits, and actions. Attack and damage rolls for the vampire’s attacks are based on Strength. The save DC for Charm is 8 + the vampire’s proficiency bonus+ the vampire’s Charisma modifier. The character’s alignment becomes lawful evil, and the DM might take control of the character until the vampirism is reversed with a wish spell or the character is killed and brought back to life.

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A brilliant thinker and capable warrior in life, Strahd von Zarovich fought in countless batt les for his people. When war and killing finally stripped him of his youth and strength , he settled in the remote val ley of Barovia and built a castle on a towering pinnacle, from which he could su rvey hi s lands. Hi s brother Sergei came to live with him in Castle Raven loft, becoming Strahd’s adviser and constant companion.

In hi s brother, Strahd saw everyth ing he had lost. Sergei was handsome and young, while Strahd had become old and scarred. Resentment colored their relationship, eventual ly turning into hatred. Strahd’s beloved, Tatyana, spurned him for Sergei, whom she pledged to marry.

In a desperate attempt to win Tatyana’s heart, Strahd forged a pact with dark powers that made him immortal. At the wedding of Sergei and Tatyana, he confronted his brother and killed him. Tatyana fled and flung herself from Ravenloft’s walls. Strahd’s guards, seeing him for a monster, shot him with arrows. But he did not die. He became a vampire-the first vampire, according to many sages.

In the centuries s ince his transfo rmation , Strahd’s lust for life and youth have on ly grown. He broods in his dark castle, cursing the living for stealing away what he lost, and never admitting his hand in the tragedy he created.

A vampire chooses a grand yet defensible location for its lair, such as a castle, fortified manor, or walled abbey. It hides its coffin in an underground crypt or vault guarded by vampire spawn or other loyal creatures of the night.


The region surrounding a vampire’s lair is warped by the creature’s unnatural presence, creating any of the following effects:

There’s a noticeable increase in the populations of bats, rats, and wolves in the region. Plants within 500 feet of the lair wither, and their stems and branches become twisted and thorny. Shadows cast within 500 feet of the lair seem abnor­mally gaunt and sometimes move as though alive. A creeping fog clings to the ground within 500 feet of the vampire’s la ir. The fog occasionally takes eerie forms, such as grasping claws and writhing serpents.

If the vampire is destroyed, these effects end after 2d6 days.

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Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural arm or) Hit Points 82 (lld8 + 33) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +3 Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6

INT ll (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 12 (+1)

Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Regeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in sun light or running water. If the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t function at the start of the vampire’s next turn.

Spider Climb. The vampire can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.


Some vampires have martial training and battlefield experience. A warrior vampire wearing plate armor (AC 18) and wielding a greatsword has a cha llenge rating of 15 (13,000 XP) and the following additional action options:

Multiattack. The vampire makes two greatsword attacks .

Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Some vampires are practitioners of the arcane arts. A spellcaster vampire spellcaster has a challenge rating of 15 (13,000 XP) and the following trait:

Spel/casting. The vampire is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The vampire has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will) : mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost 1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages,fogcloud, sleep 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, gust of wind,

mirror image 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, nondetection 4th level (3 slots): blight, greater invisibility 5th level (1 slot) : dominate person

Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the follow,ing flaws: Forbiddance. The vampire can’-t enter a residence without an

invitation from one of the occupants . , Harmed by Running Water.’The vampire takes 20 acid damage

when it ends its turn in running water. Stake to the Heart . Th e vampire is destroyed if a piercing

weapon made of wood is driven into its heart while it is incapacitated in its resting place.

Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sun li ght. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and abi lity checks .


Multiattack. The vampire makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. Instead of dealing damage, the vampire can grapple the target (escape DC 13).

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the vampire regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest . The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

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WIGHT The word «wight» meant «person» in days of yore, but the name now refers to evil undead who were once mortals driven by dark desire and great vanity. When death stills such a creature’s heart and snuffs its living breath, its spirit cries out to the demon lord Orcus or some vile god of the underworld for a reprieve: undeath in return for eternal war on the living. If a dark power answers the call, the spirit is granted undeath so that it can pursue its own malevolent agenda.

Wights possess the memories and drives of their formerly living selves. They will heed the call of whatever dark entity transformed them into undead, swearing oaths to appease their new lord while retaining their autonomy. Never tiring, a wight can pursue its goals relentlessly and without distraction.

Life Eaters. Neither dead nor alive, a wight exists in a transitional state between one world and the next. The bright spark it possessed in life is gone, and in its place is a yearning to consume that spark in all living things. When a wight attacks, this life essence glows like white­hot embers to its dark eyes, and the wight’s cold touch can drain the spark through flesh, clothing, and armor.

Shadow of the Grave. Wights flee from the world by day, away from the light of the sun, which they hate. They retreat to barrow mounds, crypts, and tombs where they dwell. Their lairs are silent, desolate places, surrounded by dead plants, noticeably blackened, and avoided by bird and beast.

Humanoids slain by a wight can rise as zombies under its control. Motivated by hunger for living souls and driven by the same desire for power that awakened them in undeath, some wights serve as shock troops for evil leaders, including wraiths. As soldiers, they are able to plan but seldom do so, relying on their hunger for destruction to overwhelm any creature that stands before them.

Undead Nature. A wight doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

WIGHT Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 14 (studded leather) Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) Speed 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 13 (+1)

CHA 15 (+2)

Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities exhaustion, po isoned Senses darkvision 60ft. , passive Perception 13 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the wight has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The wight makes two longsword attacks or two longbow attacks. It can use its Life Drain in place of one longsword attack.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

A humanoid slain by this attack rises 24 hours later as a zombie under the wight’s control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed. The wight can have no more than twelve zombies under its control at one time.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage, or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

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Tiny undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 19 Hit Points 22 (9d4) Speed 0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)

STR 1 (-5)

DEX 28 (+9)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 13 (+1)

Damage Immunities lightning, poison

WIS 14 (+2)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire , necrotic, thunder; bludgeon ing, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

CHA 11 (+0)

Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 12 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Consume Life. As a bonus action, the will-o’-wisp can target one creature it can see within 5 feet of it that has 0 hit points and is still alive. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw against this magic or die. If the target dies, the will -o’-wisp regains 10 (3d6) hit points.

Ephemeral. The will-o’-wisp can’t wear or carry anything.

Incorporeal Movement. The will-o’-wisp can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficu lt terrain . It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Variable Illumination. The will-o’-wisp sheds bright light in a 5-to 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional number offeet equal to the chosen radius. The wil l-o’-wisp can alter the radius as a bonus action.


Shock. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) lightning damage.

Invisibility. The will-o’-wisp and its light magical ly become invisible until it attacks or uses its Life Drai n, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell) .

WILL-o’-WISP Will-o’-wisps are malevolent, wispy balls of light that haunt lonely places and battlefields, bound by dark fate or dark magic to feed on fear and despair.

Hope and Doom. Will-o’-wisps look like bobbing lantern lights in the distance, although they can choose to alter their colors, or wink out completely. When they activate their lights, will-o’-wisps offer hope, hinting of safety to creatures that follow them.

Will-o’-wisps lure unwary creatures into quicksand pits, monster lairs, and other dangerous places so that they can feed on the suffering of their prey and revel in their death screams. An evil being that falls prey to a will-o’-wisp might become a wisp itself, its woeful spirit coalescing above its lifeless corpse like a flickering flame.

Consumed by Despair. Will-o’-wisps a re the souls of evil beings that perished in anguish or misery as they wandered forsaken lands permeated with powerful magic. They thrive in swampy bogs and bone-strewn battlefields where the oppressive weight of sorrow stoops even heavier than the low-hanging mist and fog. Trapped in these desolate places of lost hope and memory, will-o’-wisps lure other creatures toward dismal fates and feed on their misery.

Agents of Evil. Will-o’-wisps rarely speak, but when they do, their voices sound like faint or distant whispers. In the miserable domains they haunt, will-o’-wisps sometimes form symbiotic relationships with their wicked neighbors. Hags, oni, black dragons, and evil cultists work with will-o’-wisps to draw creatures into ambush. As their evil a llies surround and slaughter creatures, the wisps hover above them, drinking the agony of a last breath and savoring the sensation as the light of life goes out in a creature’s eyes.

Undead Nature. A will-o’-wisp doesn’t require air, drink, or sleep.


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WRAITH A wraith is malice incarnate, concentrated into an incorporeal form that seeks to quench all life. The creature is suffused with negative energy, and its mere passage through the world leaves nearby plants blackened and withered. Animals flee from its presence. Even small fires can be extinguished by the sucking oblivion of the wraith’s horrifying existence.

Vile Oblivion. When a mortal humanoid lives a debased life or enters into a fiendish pact, it consigns its soul to eternal damnation in the Lower Planes. However, sometimes the soul becomes so suffused with negative energy that it collapses in on itself and ceases to exist the instant before it can shuffle off to some horrible afterlife. When this occurs, the spirit becomes a soulless wraith-a malevolent void trapped on the plane where it died. Almost nothing of the wraith’s former existence is preserved; in this new form, it exists only to annihilate other life.

BereftofBody. A wraith can move through solid creatures and objects as easily as a mortal creature moves through fog.

A wraith might retain a few memories of its mortal life as shadowy echoes. However, even the strongest events

and emotions’become little more than faint impressions, fleeting as half-remembered dreams. A wraith might pause to stare at something that fascinated it in life, or it might curb its wrath in acknowledgment of a past friendship. Such moments come rarely, however, because most wraiths despise what they were as a reminder of what they have become.

Undead Commanders. A wraith can make an undead servant from the spirit of a humanoid creature that has recently suffered a violent death. Such a fragment of woe becomes a specter, spiteful of all that lives.

Wraiths sometimes rule the legions of the dead, plotting the doom of living creatures. When they emerge from their tombs to do battle, life and hope shrivel before them. Even if a wraith’s armies are forced to retreat, the lands its forces occupied are so blasted and withered that those who live there often starve and die.

Undead Nature. A wraith doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.

WRAITH Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft . (hover)

STR 6 (- 2)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 15 (+2)

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,

paralyzed, petrified , poisoned , prone, restrained Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12 Languages the languages it knew in life Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Incorporeal Movement. The wraith can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the wraith has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Create Specter. The wraith targets a humanoid within 10 feet of it that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute and died violently. The target’s spirit rises as a specter in the space of its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. The specter is under the wraith’s control. The wraith can have no more than seven specters under its control at one time.

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WYVERN Travelers in the wild sometimes look to the skies to see the dark-winged shape of a wyvern carrying its prey. These cousins to the great dragons hunt the same tangled forests and caverns as their kin. Their appearance sends ripples of alarm through the borderlands of civilization.

A wyvern has two scaly legs, leathery wings, and a sinewy tail topped with its most potent weapon: a poison stinger. The poison in a wyvern’s stinger can kill a creature in seconds. Extremely potent, wyvern poison burns through its victim’s bloodstream, disintegrating veins and arteries on its way to the heart. As deadly as wyverns can be, however, hunters and adventurers often track them to claim the venom, which is used in alchemical compounds and to coat weapons.

Aerial Hunters. A wyvern doesn’t fight on the ground unless it can’t reach its prey by any other means, or if it has been fooled into a position from which aerial combat isn’t an option. If forced into a confrontation on the ground, a wyvern crouches low, keeping its stinger poised above its head as it hisses and growls.

Aggressive and Reckless. A wyvern intent on its prey backs down only if it sustains serious injury, or if its prey eludes it long enough for another easier potential meal to wander along. If it corners a fleeing creature in an enclosure too small to enter, a wyvern guards where the quarry hides, lashing with its stinger whenever opportunity allows .

Although they possess more cunning than ordinary beasts, wyverns lack the intelligence of their draconic cousins. As such, creatures that maintain their composure as a wyvern hunts them from the air can often elude or trick it. Wyverns follow a direct path to their prey, with no thought given to possible ambushes.

Tamed Wyverns. A wyvern can be tamed for use as a mount, but doing so presents a difficult and deadly challenge. Raising one as a hatchling offers the best results. However, a wyvern’s violent temperament has cost the life of many a would-be master.

Large dragon, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (n atural armor) I Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39)

Speed 20ft., fl y 80ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4

CON 16 (+3)

INT 5 (-3)

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvi sion 60 ft. , passive Perce ption 14 Languages -Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)


CHA 6 (- 2)

Multiattack. The wyvern makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its st inger. While flying, it can use its claws in place of one other attack .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slash ing damage.

Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft. , one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution savi ng throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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XORN Bizarre creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Earth, xorn sniff out gemstones and precious metals, then tunnel through ea rth and rock to consume those treasures. On the Material Plane, xorn must range far and wide through the Underdark to sustain themselves, becoming aggressive toward miners and treasure hunters when the valuable minerals of their diet are scarce.

A xorn’s unnatural origins are suggested by its unusually heavy body and the large, powerful mouth sitting atop its head . Its three long arms are each tipped with sharp talons, and its three large, stone-lidded eyes see in all directions.

Elemental Travelers. Possessed of the power of elemental earth, a xorn glides through stone and dirt as easily as a fish swims through water. It doesn’t displace earth or stone when it moves, but merges with and flows through it, leaving no tunnel , hole, or hint of its passage.


Xorn prefer not to leave their home plane, where they easily eat their fill of gemstones and precious metals. When a xorn winds up on the Material Plane, whether by accident or from curiosity, it seeks sustenance and a way home.

Beggars and Thieves. Xorn scour the depths of the earth for precious metal and stones. Because they are unable to consume organic material , they ignore most other creatures. However, a xorn’s ability to sniff out metals and stones often draws its attention to adventurers carrying coins and gems. Because a xorn isn’t evil, it pleads or bargains in the hope of convincing owners to give up their treasure, offering up information it has learned from its travels in exchange. A xorn whose requests are ignored might resort to threats and bullying. If starving or angered, it resorts to force.

XORN Medium elemental, neutral

Armor Class 19. (natural armor) Hit Points 73 (7d8 + 42) Speed 20 ft., burrow 20ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 22 (+6)

Skills Perception +6, Stealth +3

INT 11 (+0)

WI S 10 (+0)

CHA 11 (+0)

Damage Resistances piercing and slashing from non magical weapons that aren’t adamantine

Senses darkvision 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 16

Languages Terran Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

Earth Glide. The xorn can burrow through non magical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the xorn doesn’t disturb the material it moves through.

Stone Camouflage. The xorn has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky terrain .

Treasure Sense. The xorn can pinpoint, by scent, the location of precious metals and stones, such as coins and gems, within 60 feet of it.


Multiattack. The xorn makes three claw attacks and one bite attack.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: l3 (3d6 + 3) piercing damage .

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Large monstrosity, chaotic evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 51 (6dl0 + 18) Speed 40ft., climb 40 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3 Damage Immunities cold

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Yeti Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 7 (-2)

Fear of Fire. If the yeti takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn .

Keen Smell. The yeti has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Snow Camouflage. The yeti has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in snowy terrain.


Multiattack. The yeti can use its Chilling Gaze and makes two claw attacks .

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) slashing damage plus 3 (ld6) cold damage .

Chilling Gaze. The yeti targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the yeti, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw against this magic or take 10 (3d6) cold damage and then be paralyzed for 1 minute, unless it is immune to cold damage. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success . If the target’s saving throw is successful, or if the effect ends on it , the target is immune to the Chilling Gaze of all yetis (but not abominable yetis) for 1 hour.

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Huge monstrosity, ,chaotic’ evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 137 (lld12 + 66) Speed 40ft., climb 40ft.

STR 24 (+7)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 22 (+6)

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4 Damage Immunities cold

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Yeti Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

CHA 9 (- 1)

Fear of Fire. If the yeti takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its next turn.

Keen Smell. The yeti has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Snow Camouflage. The yeti has advantage on Dexter ity (Stealth) checks made to hide in snowy terrain.

Multiattack. The yeti can use its Chilling Gaze and makes two claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slas hing damage plus 7 (2d6) cold damage.

Chilling Gaze. The yeti targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the yeti, the target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw against this magic or take 21 (6d6) cold damage and then be paralyzed for 1 minute, unless it is immune to co ld damage. Th e target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, end ing the effect on itself on a success. If the target’s saving throw is successful , or if the effect ends on it, the target is immune to this yeti’s gaze for 1 hour.

Cold Breath (Recharge 6). The yeti exhales a 30-foot cone offrigid air. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

YETI A yeti’s windborne howl sounds out across remote mountains, striking fear into the hearts of the scattered miners and herders that dwell there. These hulking creatures stalk alpine peaks in a ceaseless hunt for food. Their snow-white fur lets them move like ghosts against the frozen landscape. A yeti’s icy simian eyes can freeze its prey in place.

Keen Hunters. Folk of the high peaks travel in groups and go armed, knowing that yetis can smell living flesh from miles away. When it finds prey, a yeti moves quickly over ice and stone to claim its meal, howling to the thrill of the hunt. Even in a blizzard, the scent of its quarry draws the yeti through the cold and snow.

Yetis hunt in solitude or in small family groups. When creatures flee from a yeti or engage it in battle, other yetis might catch the scent of blood and close in. The territorial yetis fight one another for the spoils of such battles, and yetis slain in the fight are also eaten, amid euphoric howls.

Terrifying Howlers. Before an avalanche, a blizzard, or a deadly frost, the yetis’ howls sweep down the mountain slopes on the icy wind. Some people of the a lpine peaks believe that the voices of loved ones killed in avalanches and blizzards sound out in the wails of the yetis, crying warnings of ill omen. More pragmatic folk attest that the yeti’s howl is a reminder that, despite the great accomplishments of civilization, the civilized become the hunted in nature’s untamed domain.

Brutal Rampagers. When mountain herds are abundant, yetis stay clear of humanoid realms. Driven by hunger, they attack humanoid settlements in waves; breaking down gates and stockade walls that once might have daunted them, then devouring the creatures within.

Devious mountain folk sometimes use the yetis as unwitting weapons. A warlord might lay down slaughtered sheep or goats to draw yetis into an enemy’s camp, sowing chaos and thinning the ranks before battle. Mountain clan chiefs, wanting to expand their territory, overhunt local game to diminish the yetis’ food supplies, inspiring attacks on humanoid settlements that are swiftly annexed in the aftermath.

Abominable Yetis. An abominable yeti is larger than a normal yeti, standing three times as tall as a human. It typically lives and hunts alone, though a pair of abominable yetis might live together long enough to raise young. These towering yetis are highly territorial and savage, attacking and devouring any warm-blooded creatures they encounter, then scattering the bones across the ice and snow.

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YUAN-TI Yuan-ti are devious serpent folk devoid of compassion. From remote temples in jungles, swamps, and deserts, the yuan-ti plot to supplant and dominate all other races and to make themselves gods. ‘

Forsaken Humanity. The yuan-ti were once humans who thrived in the earliest days of civilization and worshiped serpents as totem animals. They lauded the serpent’s sinuous flexibility, its calculated poise, and its deadly strike. Their advanced philosophy taught the virtue of detachment from emotion and of clear, focused thought.

Yuan-ti culture was among the richest in the mortal world. Their warriors were legendary, their empires always expanding. Yuan-ti temples stood at the centers of ancient metropolises, reaching ever higher in prayer to the gods they longed to emulate. In time, the serpent gods heard those prayers, their sibilant voices responding from the darkness as they told the yuan-ti what they must do. The yuan-ti religion grew more fanatical in its devotion. Cults bound themselves to the worship of the serpent gods and imitated their ways, indulging in cannibalism and humanoid sacrifice. Through foul sorcery, the yuan-ti bred with snakes, utterly sacrificing their humanity to become like the serpent gods in form, as well as in thought and emotion.

Serpent Kings of Fallen Empires. The yuan-ti view their physical transformation as a transcendent moment for their race, allowing them to shed their frail humanity like dead skin. Those that did not transform eventually became slaves or food for the blessed of the serpent gods. The yuan-ti empires withered or were defeated by those who fought against their cannibalism and slavery, and the serpent folk were left in the ruins of their great capitals, far removed from other races.

Cold of Heart. Humanoid emotions are foreign to most yuan-ti, which understand sentiment only as an exploitable weakness. A yuan-ti views the world and the events of its own life with such extreme pragmatism that it is nearly impossible to manipulate, influence, or control by nonmagical means, even as it seeks to control other creatures through terror, pleasure, and awe.

Yuan-ti know that the world they hope to rule can’t be bound for long by brute force, and that many creatures will refuse to serve. As a result, yuan-ti first influence other creatures with the promise of wealth and power. Time and again, humanoid cultures make the fatal mistake of trusting the yuan-ti. They forget that a yuan-ti that acts honorably or lends aid in a time of trouble does so only as part of a grander design.

Yuan-ti leaders are cunning and ruthless tacticians who readily sacrifice lesser yuan-ti if potential victory justifies such losses. They have no sense of honorable combat and strike first in decisive ambush if they can.

False Worship. Yuan-ti life revolves around their temples, yet yuan-ti don’t love the gods they worship. Instead, they see worship as a means to attain power. A yuan-ti believes an individual who attains enough power can devour and replace one of the yuan-ti gods. The yuan-ti strive for ascension and are willing to commit the darkest atrocities to achieve it.

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Monstrous serpents with burly humanoid torsos and arms, abominations form the highest caste of yuan-ti society, and they most closely resemble the race as the serpent gods intended it. They mastermind elaborate schemes and perform dark rites in the hope of one day ruling the world.

YUAN -TI ABOMIN.NTION Large monstrosity (shapechanger, yuan-ti), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45) Speed 40ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 17 (+3)

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 17 (+3)

WIS 15 (+2)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

CHA 18 (+4)

Shapechanger. The yuan-ti can use its action to polymorph into a Large snake, or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t tran sfo rmed . It doesn ‘t change form if it dies.

Innate Spellcasting (Abomination Form Only). The yuan-ti’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15) . The yuan-ti can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will : animal friendship (snakes only) 3jday: suggestion 1fday:fear

Magic Resistance. The yuan-ti has advantage on saving throws against .spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack (Abomination Form Only). The yuan-ti makes two ranged attacks or three melee attacks, but ca n use its bite and constrict attacks only once each.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft., one target Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 14) . Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained , and the yuan-ti can’t constrict another target

Scimitar (Abomination Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target . Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Longbow (Abomination Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage .

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A malison is a hideous blend of human and serpentine features. Three different types of malisons are known to exist, and other types are possible. Malisons form the middle caste of yuan-ti society and hunewith arrows tipped with their own venom. They use their magical powers of suggestion to force their enemies’ surrender.

YUAN-TI MALISON Medium monstrosity (shapechanger, yuan·ti), neutral evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 13 (+1)

Skills Deception +5, Stea lth +4 Damage Immunities poiso n Condition Immunities poisoned

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 12 (+1)

Senses darkvi sion 60ft., pass ive Pe rception 11 Languages Abyssa l, Com mon , Draconic Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 16 (+3)

Shapechanger. The yuan -t i can use its action to polymorph into a Medium snake, or back into its true form . Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It doesn’t change form if it dies .

Innate Spellcasting (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 1.3). The yuan-ti can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: anima/friendship (snakes only) 3fday: suggestion

Magic Resistance. The yuan-ti has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Malison Type. The yuan-ti has one of the following types:

Type 1: Human body with snake head Type 2: Human head and body with snakes for arms Type 3: Human head and upper body with a serpentine lower

body instead of legs


Multiattack (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti makes two ranged attacks or two melee attacks, but can use its bite only once.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Scimitar (Yuan-ti Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Longbow (Yuan-ti Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.


Multiattack (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti makes two bite attacks using its snake arms.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

ACTIONS FOR TYP E 3 Multiattack (Yuan-ti Form Only). The yuan-ti makes two ranged attacks or two melee attacks, but can constrict only once.

Bite (Snake Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the yuan-ti can’t constrict another target.

Scimitar (Yuan-ti Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slashing damage.

Longbow (Yuan-ti Form Only). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

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Purebloods form the lowest caste of yuan-ti society. They closely resemble humans, yet a pureblood can’t pass for human under close scrutiny because there’s always some hint of its true nature, such as scaly patches of skin, serpentine eyes, pointed teeth, or a forked tongue. Wearing cloaks and cowls, they masquerade as humans and infiltrate civilized lands to gather information, kidnap prisoners for interrogation and sacrifice, and trade with anyone who has something that can further their myriad plots.


1 SERPENT Coos The yuan-ti revere a number of powerful entities as gods, including the following.

Dendar, the Night Serpent. Dendar’s followers say that one day she will grow so large from feasting on the fears and nightmares of the world that she will devour it whole. Yuan-t i that serve Dendar terrorize other creatures in any way they can, growing and nurturing the fears of humanoids to feed the Night Serpent.

Merrshaulk, Master of the Pit. Merrshaulk is the long­slumbering chief deity of the yuan-ti. As worship of Merrshaulk waned, he went into slumber. Merrshaulk’s priests are yuan-ti abominations that maintain traditions of living sacrifice and cause suffering in the god’s name. With enough vile acts, the abominations believe that Merrshaulk will reawaken and restore the yuan-ti to their rightful place.

Sseth, the Sibilant Death. Sseth appeared to the yuan-ti of antiquity in the form of a winged yuan-ti claiming to be an avatar of Merrshaulk. Speaking with Merrshaulk’s voice, Sseth vowed to pull the yuan-ti out of decline and build a new empire. Many of Merrshaulk’s devout turned to the worship of Sseth. Some yuan-ti have long suspected Sseth as an usurper taking advantage of Merrshaulk’s slumber to make himself a god . They believe that Sseth might even have devoured Merrshaulk, and now answers the prayers of Merrshaulk’s followers, as his priests convert or consume

I Merrshaulk’s more stubborn adherents.

YUAN-TIPUREBLOOD Medium humanoid (yuan -ti), neutral evil

• Armor Class 11 Hit Points 40 (9d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 12 (+1)

Skills Deception +6, Perception +3, Stea lth +3 Damage Immunities poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssa l, Common, Draconic Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 14 (+2)

Innate Spellcasting. The yuan-ti’s spellcasting abi lity is Charisma (spell save DC 12). The yuan-t i can innately cast the following spel ls, requiring no material components :

At wi ll: animal friendship (snakes only) 3Jday each: poison spray, suggestion

Magic Resistance. The yuan·ti has advantage on saving throws aga in st spe ll s and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The yuan-ti makes two melee attacks .

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft ., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

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MEZZO LOTH The bulk of the yugoloth population is made up of mezzoloths, which are human-sized insect creatures covered in dense chitinous plates. Mezzoloths serve as foot soldiers in yugoloth armies, their wide-set eyes glowing red as the mezzoloths bear down on their foes.

Violence and reward are the fundamental drives of a mezzoloth, and powerful beings that promise one or the other can easily attract them into service. Although it has lethal claws on its four arms, a mezzoloth typically wields a trident in two of them. If surrounded by enemies, a mezzoloth exhales toxic fumes that can

· choke and kill whole groups of creatures.

NYCALOTH The elite airborne shock troops of the yugoloths, nycaloths look like muscular gargoyles. Powerful bat wings bear them swiftly aloft in battle, and the razor­sharp claws of their hands and feet cut through flesh and bone with ease. A nightmarish foe, a nycaloth strikes hard and fast without warning, then teleports away. It uses its innate magic to turn invisible or create illusory doubles of itself, further confounding its enemies.

Nycaloths are the most loyal of the yugoloths. When they find an evil master that treats them well, they are unlikely to break their agreement unless the reward for doing so is extreme.

ULTROLOTH Ultroloths command the yugoloth armies of the Blood War. An ultroloth looks like a slender gray-skinned humanoid with an elongated head. Its face bears no features except for two ovoid eyes. These eyes can become sparkling pools of light that can transfix other creatures and leave them reeling and helpless.

Frequently at one another’s throats, ultroloths continually scheme to enhance their own power. When not employed to fight in the Blood War, ultroloths lead yugoloth forces throughout the planes, acting as crime bosses or commanders of evil mercenary companies.

With a reputation for cruelty, ultroloths command their minions to fight while the ultroloths stay removed from combat themselves. Lesser yugoloths know their place when facing an ultroloth and respond to its summons without demand for payment.





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Medium fiend (yugo loth), neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natura l armor) Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) Speed 30ft., fly 30ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +5 , lnt +9, Wis +7, Cha +7

CHA 17 (+3)

Skills Arcana +13, Deception +9, Insight +9, Perception +7 Damage Resistances cold , fire , lightning; bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons Damage Immunities acid, poison Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 17 Languages all, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The arcanaloth’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The arcanaloth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: alter self, darkness, heat metal, invisibility (self only), magic missile

Magic Resistance. The arcanaloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The arcanaloth’s weapon attacks are magical.

Spellcasting. The arcanaloth is a 16th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). The arcanaloth has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): .fire bolt, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation

1st level (4 slots) : detect magic, identify, shield, Tenser’s floating disk

2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, mirror image, phantasmal force, suggestion

3rd level (3 slots): counterspeiiJear,fireba/1 4th level (3 slots) : banishment, dimension door 5th level (2 slots) : contact other plane, hold monster 6th level (1 slot): chain lightning 7th level (1 slot):.finger of death 8th level (1 slot): mind blank


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. The target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Teleport. The arcanaloth magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

‘ Mediu m’fiend (yugoloth), neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +3

CON 16 (+3)

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 11 (+0)

Damage Resistances cold , fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons

Damage Immunities acid , poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 60ft.,

passive Perception 13 Languages Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 60ft. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The mezzoloth’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). The mezzoloth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

: 2jday each: darkness, dispel magic ) 1fday: cloudki/1

Magic Resistance. The mezzoloth has advantage on saving I throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The mezzoloth’s weapon attacks are magical.


j Multiattack. The mezzoloth makes two attacks: one with its j claws and one with its trident.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

, Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (ld6 + 4) piercing damage, or 8 (ld8 + 4) piercing damage when held with two claws and used to make a melee attack.

Teleport. The mezzo loth magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

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Large fiend (yugoloth), neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 123 (13d10 +52) Speed 40 ft., fly 60ft.

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 19 (+4)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 15 (+2)

Skills Intimidation +6, Perception +4, Stealth +4 Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons Damage Immunities acid, poison Condition Immunities poisoned Senses blindsight 60ft., darkvision 60ft.,

passive Perception 14 Languages Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 60ft. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The nycaloth ‘s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. The nycaloth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: darkness, detect magic, dispel magic, invisibility (self only), mirror image

Magic Resistance. The nycaloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects .

Magic Weapons. The nycaloth’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The nycaloth makes two melee attacks, or it makes one melee attack and teleports before or after the attack.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) slashing damage at the start of each of its turns due to a wound. Each time the nycaloth hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the wound increases by 5 (2d4). Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) slashing damage.

Teleport. The nycaloth magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.


Medium fiend (yugoloth) , neutral evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72) SP.eed 30ft., fly 60ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 18 (+4)

WIS 15 (+2)

CHA 19 (+4)

Skills Intimidation +9, Perception +7, Stealth +8 Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning,

piercing, and slashing from non magical weapons Damage Immunities acid, poison Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned Senses truesight 120ft., passive Perception 17 Languages Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120ft. Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The ultroloth ‘s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). The ultroloth can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: alter self, clairvoyance, darkness, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, invisibility (self only), suggestion

3fday each: dimension door,fear, wall of fire 1fday each: fire storm, mass suggestion

Magic Resistance. The ultroloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Weapons. The ultroloth’s weapon attacks are magical.


Multiattack. The ultroloth can use its Hypnotic Gaze and makes three melee attacks.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands .

Hypnotic Gaze. The ultroloth’s eyes sparkle with opalescent light as it targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see the ultroloth, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or be charmed until the end of the ultroloth’s next turn . The charmed target is stunned. If the target’s saving throw is successful, the target is immune to the ultroloth’s gaze for the next 24 hours.

Teleport. The ultroloth magically teleports , along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

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APPENDIX A: MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES This appendix contains statistics for various animals, vermin, and other critters. The stat blocks afe organized alphabetically by creature name.

APE Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages -Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)


INT 6 (-2)

WIS 12 (+1)

Multiattack. The ape makes two fist attacks.

CHA 7 (-2)

Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 25/50 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

AWAKENED SHRUB Small plant, unaligned

Armor Class 9 Hit Points 10 (3d6) Speed 20ft.

STR 3 (-4)

DEX 8 (-1)

CON 11 (+0)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire Damage Resistances piercing Senses passive Perception 10

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Languages one language known by its creator Challenge 0 (10 XP)

CHA 6 (-2)

False Appearance. While the shrub remains motionless , it is indistinguishable from a normal shrub.


Rake. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 (1d4- 1) slashing damage.

An awakened shrub is an ordinary shrub given sentience and mobility by the awaken spell or similar magic.

AWAKENED TREE Huge plant, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 59 (7d12 + 14) Speed 20ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 6 (-2)

CON 15 (+2)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

INT 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing Senses passive Perception 10

WIS 10 (+0)

Languages one language known by its creator Challenge 2 (450 XP)

False Appearance. While the tree remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal tree .


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

An awakened tree is an ordinary tree given sentience and mobility by the awaken spell or similar magic.

AxE BEAK Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 50 ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 5 (- 3)

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

An axe beak is a tall flightless bird with strong legs and a heavy, wedge-shaped beak. It has a nasty disposition and tends to attack any unfamiliar creature that wanders too close.


A book of this size can’t contain statistics for every animal inhabiting your D&D campaign world . However, you can use the stat block of one animal to represent another easily enough. For example, you can use the panther statistics to represent a jaguar, the giant goat statistics to represent a buffalo, and the hawk statistics to represent a falcon .


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CAMEL Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 9 Hit Points 15 (2d10 + 4)

‘ Speed 50 ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 8 (-1 )

CON 14 (+2)

Senses pass ive Percept ion 9 Languages-Challenge 1/ 8 (25 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 8 (-1 )

CHA 5 (-3)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

CAT Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 2 (1 d4) Speed 40ft., climb 30ft.

STR 3 (-4)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages-Challenge 0 (10 XP)

INT 3 (-4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 7 (-2)

Keen Smell. The cat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell .


Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.

CONSTRICTOR SNAKE Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 13 (2d10 + 2) Speed 30ft. , swim 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 10ft., passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


CHA 3 (-4)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

• •j t . ‘ Constrict: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 1 , reaab 5 ft., one creature . 1-i i»t: 6


(,ld8 + 2) bludgeoning damagJ•.’ ana the target is grappled (escape DC 14) . Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the snake can’t constrict another target.

CRAB Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 (natura l a rmor) Hit Points 2 (1d4) Speed 20 ft. , swim 20ft.

STR 2 (-4)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Stealth +2

CON 10 (+0)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 8 (-1)

Senses blindsight 30 ft. , pass ive Percept ion 9 Languages-Challenge 0 (1 0 XP)

Amphibious. The crab can breathe air and water.


CHA 2 (-4)

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

CROCODILE Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 20ft., swim 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +2

CON 13 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

INT 2. (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 5 (-3)

Hold Breath. The crocodile can hold its breath for 15 minutes.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the crocodile can’t bite another target.

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DEATH Doa Medium monstrosity, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) Speed 40ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4

INT 3 (-4)

WIS 13 (+1)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15 Languages-Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 6 (-2)

Two-Headed. The dog has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, or knocked unconscious.


Multiattack. The dog makes two bite attacks .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 5 (1 d6 + 2) piercing damage . lfthe target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Con stitution saving throw against disease or become poisoned until the disease is cured. Every 24 hours that elapse, the creature must repeat the saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5 (ldlO) on a failure. This reduction lasts until the disease is cured. The creature dies if the disease reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

A death dog is an ugly two-headed hound that roams plains, deserts, and the Underdark. Hate burns in a death dog’s heart, and a taste for humanoid flesh drives it to attack travelers and explorers. Death dog saliva carries a foul disease that causes a victim’s flesh to slowly rot off the bone.

DEER Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 4 (1d8) Speed 50 ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 11 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 12 Languages -Challenge 0 (10 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA s r-3)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage .

DIRE WOLF Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 37 (Sd10 + 10) Speed 50 ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages -Challenge 1 (200 XP)

INT 3 (-4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 7 (-2)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage . If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

DRAFT HORSE Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 7 (-2)

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

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GIANT CONSTRICTOR SNAKE Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 60 (8d12 + 8) Speed 30ft. , swim 30ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +2

CON 12 (+1)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 10ft., passive Perception 12 Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)


CHA 3 (-4)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 10ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 +4) piercing damage.

Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the snake can’t constrict another ta rget.

GIANT CRAB Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 13 (3d8) Speed 30ft., swim 30ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

Skills Stealth +4

CON 11 (+0)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 9 (-1)

Senses blindsight 30ft., passive Perception 9 Languages-Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Amphibious. The crab can breathe air and water.


CHA 3 (-4)

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 11). The crab has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target.


, /{ 1

GIANT. CROCODILE Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armo r) Hit Points 85 (9d12 + 27) Speed 30ft., swim 50 ft.

STR 21 (+S)

DEX 9 (-1)

Skills Stealth +5

CON 17 (+3)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 7 (- 2)

Hold Breath. The crocodile can hold its breath for 30 minutes .


Multiattack. The crocodile makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16) . Until this grapple ends, th e target is restrained, and the crocodile can’t bite another target.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft., one target not grappled by the crocodile. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength savi ng throw or be knocked prone.

GIANT EAGLE Large beast, neutral good

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 26 (4d10 + 4) Speed 10ft., fly 80ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 17 (+3)

Skills Perception +4

CON 13 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 14

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Languages Giant Eagle, understands Common and Auran but can ‘t speak them

Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Keen Sight. The eagle has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Multiattack. The eagle makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its talons .

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

A giant eagle is a noble creature that speaks its own language and understands speech in the Common tongue. A mated pair of giant eagles typically has up to four eggs or young in their nest (treat the young as normal eagles).

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GIANT ELK Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 42 (Sd12 + 10) Speed 60ft.

STR 19 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +4

CON 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 14

INT 7 (-2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Languages Giant Elk, understands Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can’t speak them

Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Charge. If the elk moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage . If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one prone creature. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage .

The majestic giant elk is rare to the point that its appearance is often taken as a foreshadowing of an important event, such as the birth of a king. Legends tell of gods that take the form of giant elk when visiting the Material Plane. Many cultures therefore believe that to hunt these creatures is to invite divine wrath.

GIANT FIRE BEETLE Small beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 4 (1d6 + 1) Speed 30ft.

STR 8 (-1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 7 (-2)

Senses blindsight 30ft. , passive Perception 8 Languages -Challenge 0 (10 XP)

CHA 3 (-4)

Illumination. The beetle sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet .


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 1 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6- 1) slashing damage.

A giant fire beetle is a nocturnal creature that takes its name from a pair of glowing glands that give off light. Miners and adventurers prize these creatures, for a giant fire beetle’s glands continue to shed light for ld6 days after the beetle dies. Giant fire beetles are most commonly found underground and in dark forests.

GIANT FROG Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 18 (4d8) Speed 30ft., swim 30 ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 11 (+0)

Skills Perce ption +2, Stealth +3

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvi sion 30ft., passive Perception 12 Languages -Challenge 1/4 (SO XP)

Amphibious. The frog can breathe air and water.

CHA 3 (L4)

Standing Leap. The frog’s long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet , with or without a running start.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 11) . Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the frog can’t bite anothe r target.

Swallow. The frog makes one bite attack against a Small or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target is swal lowed , and the grapple ends . The swa llowed target is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the frog, and it takes 5 (2d4) acid damage at the start of each of the frog’s turns . The frog can have only one target swallowed at a time.

If the frog dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restr.ained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet of movement, exiting prone.


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GIANT GOAT Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 (natural armor) . Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 40ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 11 Languages-Challenge 1/ 2 (100 XP)

INT 3 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 6 (- 2)

Charge. If the goat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn , the target takes an extra 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Sure-Footed. The goat has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

GIANT HYENA Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Speed 50 ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +3

CON 14 (+2)

Senses passive Perception 13 Languages-Challenge 1 (200 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 7 (- 2)

Rampage. When the hyena reduces a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its turn, the hyena ca n take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a bite attack.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.

GIANT LIZARD Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (natu ral armor) Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 30ft., passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


CHA 5 (- 3)

Bite. Melee Weap’on Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

A giant lizard can be ridden or used as a draft animal. Lizardfolk also keep them as pets, and subterranean giant lizards are used as mounts and pack animals by drow, duergar, and other Underdark dwellers.


Some giant lizards have one or both of the following traits. Hold Breath. The lizard can hold its breath for 15 minutes.

(A lizard that has this trait also has a swimming speed of 30 feet.)

Spider Climb. The lizard can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

GIANT OCTOPUS Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 52 (8d10 + 8) Speed 10ft., swim 60ft.

STR 17 (+3)

DEX 13 (+1 )

CON 13 (+1)

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5

INT 4 (-3)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 14 Languages-Challenge 1 (200 XP)

CHA 4 (- 3)

Hold Breath. While out of water, the octopus can hold its breath for 1 hour.

Underwater Camouflage. The octopus has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while underwater.

Water Breathing. The octopus can breathe only underwater.


Tentacles. Mele e Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, _it is grappled (escape DC 16) . Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the octopus can’t use its tentacles on another target.

Ink Cloud (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). A 20-foot­radius cloud of ink extends all around the octopus if it is underwater. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. After releasing the ink, the octopus ca n use the Dash action as a bonus action .

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GIANT OWL Large beast,» neutral

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 19 (3d1 0 + 3) Speed 5 ft., fly 60ft .

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +5 , Stealth +4

INT 8 (- 1)

WIS 13 (+1 )

CHA 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15 Languages Giant Owl , understands Common, Elv ish , and

Sylvan but can’t speak them Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Flyby. The owl doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach .

Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.


Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Giant owls often befriend fey and other sylvan creatures and are guardians of their woodland realms.

GIANT POISONOUS SNAKE Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 14 Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30ft., swim 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 18 (+4)

Skills Perception +2

CON 13 (+1)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 10ft., passive Perception 12 Languages-Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


CHA 3 (-4)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Some giant rats carry vile diseases that they spread with their I bites. A diseased giant rat has a challenge rating of 1/8 (25

XP) and the following action instead of its normal bite attack. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or contract a disease. Until the disease is cured, the target can’t regain hit points except by magical means, and the target’s hit point maximum decreases by 3 (1 d6) every 24 hours. If the target’s hit point maximum drops to 0 as a result of this disease, the target dies.

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GIANT RAT Small beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 7 (2d6) Speed 30ft.

STR 7 (-2)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

GIANT SCORPION Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14) Speed 40ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 9 (-1)

Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 9 Languages -Challenge 3 (700 XP)


CHA 3 (-4)

Multiattack. The scorpion makes three attacks: two with its claws and one with its sting.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12) . The scorpion has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target.

Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make 1

a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) poison · damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

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GIANT SEA HORSE Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class l3 (natural armor) Hit Points 16 (3d10) Speed 0 ft., swim 40ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 11 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 5 (-3)

Charge. If the sea horse moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn , the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. It the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone .

Water Breathing. The sea horse can breathe only underwater.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Like their smaller kin, giant sea horses are shy, colorful fish with elongated bodies and curled tails. Aquatic elves train them as mounts.

GIANT SHARK Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class l3 (natural armor) Hit Points 126 (11d12 +55) Speed 0 ft., swim 50 ft .

STR 23 (+6)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Perception +3

CON 21 (+5)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception l3 Languages-Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 5 (-3)

Blood Frenzy. The shark has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Water Breathing. The shark can breathe only underwater.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage.

A giant shark is 30 feet long and normally found in deep oceans. Utterly fearless, it preys on anything that crosses its path, including whales and ships.

GIANT SPIDER Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Hit Points 26 (4d10 + 4) Speed 30ft., climb 30ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 16 (+3)

Skills Stealth +7

CON 12 (+1)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 4 (-3)

Senses blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.

Web (Recharge 5-6}. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30f60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success . The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison , and psychic damage).

To snare its prey, a giant spider spins elaborate webs or shoots sticky strands of webbing from its abdomen. Giant spiders are most commonly found underground, making their lairs on ceilings or in dark, web-filled crevices. Such lairs are often festooned with web cocoons holding past victims.


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GIANT WOLF SPIDER Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 40 ft., cl imb 40 ft .

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 13 (+1)

Ski lls Perce pt ion +3, Stealth +7

INT 3 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 4 (- 3)

Senses blindsight 10ft. , darkvi sion 60ft., pass ive Perce ption 13 Languages-Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.

Smaller than a giant spider, a giant wolf spider hunts prey across open ground or hides in a burrow or crevice, or in a hidden cavity beneath debris.

GOAT Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 1 0 Hit Points 4 (1d8) Speed 40ft.

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 11 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 0 (10 XP)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 5 (- 3)

Charge. If the goat moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. lfthe target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Sure-Footed. The goat has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.


HAWK Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 1 (1 d4 — 1) Speed 10 ft. , fly 60 ft .

STR DEX 5 (-3) 16 (+3)

Skills Perception +4

CON 8 (- 1)

Senses passive Perception 14 Languages-Challenge 0 (1 0 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 6 (- 2)

Keen Sight. The hawk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.

HUNTER SHARK Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Speed 0 ft ., swim 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Perception +2

CON 15 (+2)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blindsight 30ft. , passive Perception 12 Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 4 (- 3)

Blood Frenzy. The shark has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Water Breathing. The shark can breathe only underwater.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Smaller than a giant shark but larger and fiercer than a reef shark, a hunter shark haunts deep waters. It usually hunts alone, but multiple hunter sharks might feed in the same area. A fully grown hunter shark is 15 to 20 feet long.

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PONY Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 40ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 13 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 7 (- 2)

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

QUIPPER Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 1 (1d4- 1) Speed 0 ft. , swim 40ft.

STR DEX 2 (-4) 16 (+3)

CON 9 (- 1)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 7 (- 2)

Senses darkv ision 60ft., passive Perception 8 Languages-Challenge 0 (10 XP)

CHA 2 (-4)

Blood Frenzy. The quipper has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn ‘t have all its hit points.

Water Breathing. The quipper can breathe only underwater.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , on e target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.

A quipper is a carnivorous fish with sharp teeth. Quippers can adapt to any aquatic environment, including cold subterranean lakes. They frequently gather in swarms; the statis tics for a swarm of quippers appear later in this appendix.

RAT Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 1 (1d4- 1) Speed 20 ft .

STR 2 (-4)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 9 (- 1)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 30ft., passive Perception 10 Languages-Challenge 0 (10 XP)

CHA 4 (-3)

Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell .


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit , reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.

RAVEN Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 1 (1d4 — 1) Speed 10ft. , fly 50 ft.

STR 2 (-4)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Percept ion +3

CON 8 (- 1)

Senses passive Perce ption 13 Languages -Challenge 0 (1 0 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1 )

CHA 6 (-2)

Mimicry. The raven can mimic s imple sounds it ha s heard, such as a pe rson whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitation s with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (In sight) check.


Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target . Hit: 1 piercing damage.



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REEF SHARK Medium beast, unaligned

Armo r Class 12 (natural armor) Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4) Speed 0 ft., swim 40 ft.

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 13 (+1)

Skills Perce ption +2

CON 13 (+1)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses blinds ight 30 ft ., passive Perception 12 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 4 (-3)

Pack Tactics. The shark has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the shark’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Water Breathing. The shark can breathe only underwater.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Smaller than giant sharks and hunter sharks, reef sharks inhabit shallow waters and coral reefs, gathering in small packs to hunt. A full-grown specimen measures 6 to 10 feet long.

RHINOCEROS Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 (natura l armor) Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12) Speed 40ft.

STR 21 (+5)

DEX 8 (- 1)

CON 15 (+2)

Senses passive Pe rception 11 Languages-Challenge 2 (450 XP)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 6 (- 2)

Charge. If the rhinoceros moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

RIOING HORSE Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 10 Hit Point s 13 (2d10 + 2) Speed 60ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

Senses pass ive Pe rce pt io n 10 Languages -Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


INT 2 (-4)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 7 (-2)

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14) Speed 40ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 15 (+2)

Skills Perception +3, Stealt h +6 Senses pass ive Pe rceptio n 13 Languages-Challenge 2 (450 XP)

INT 3 (-4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 8 (- 1)

Keen Smell. The tiger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pounce. If the tiger moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same t urn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the tiger can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

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SCORPION Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Hit Points 1 (1d4 — 1) Speed 10ft.

STR 2 (- 4)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 8 (-1)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 8 (- 1)

Senses blindsight 10 ft ., passive Perception 9 Languages -Challenge 0 (10 XP)


CHA 2 (-4)

Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw, taking 4 (1d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successfu l one.

SEA HORSE Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 1 (1d4 — 1) Speed 0 ft., swim 20ft.

STR 1 (- 5)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 8 (-1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 0 (0 XP)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 2 (-4)

Water Breathing. The sea horse can breathe only underwater.

SPIDER Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 1 (1d4- 1) Speed 20ft., climb 20 ft.

STR 2 (- 4)

DEX 14 (+2)

Skills Stea lth +4

CON 8 (- 1)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Senses darkvision 30 ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 0 (10 XP)

CHA 2 (- 4)

Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings , without needing to make an ability check.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw or take 2 (1d4) poison damage.

SWARM OF BATS Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 22 (Sd8) Speed 0 ft., fly 30ft.

STR 5 (-3)

DEX 15 (+2}

CON 10 (+0)

INT 2 (- 4)

WIS 12 (+1)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, pi ercing, slashing Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,

petrified, prone , restrained , stunned Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perce ption 11 Languages -Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Echolocation. The swarm can ‘t use its blindsight while deafened.

Keen Hearing. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

CHA 4 (-3)

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny bat. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.


Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft. , one creature in the swarm ‘s space . Hit: 5 (2d4) piercing damage, or 2 (1d4) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.


The swarms presented here aren’t ordinary or benign assemblies of little creatures. They form as a resu lt of some sin ister or unwholesome influence. A vampire can summon swarms of bats and rats from the darkest corners of the night, while the very presence of a mummy lord can cause scarab beetles to boil up from the sand-fi lled depths of its tomb. A hag might have the power to turn swarms of ravens against her enemies, while a yuan-ti abomination might have swarms of poisonous snakes sl ithering in its wake. Even druids can’t charm these swarms, and their aggressiveness is borderline unnatural.


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SWARM OF INSECTS Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (natural armor) . Hit Points 22 (5d8) Speed 20ft., climb 20ft.

STR 3 (-4)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 1 (-5)

WIS 7 (-2)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,

petrified, prone, restrained, stunned Senses blindsight 10ft., passive Perception 8 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

CHA 1 (-5)

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa , and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.


Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 10 (4d4) piercing damage, or 5 (2d4) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

SWARM OF POISONOUS SNAKES Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 14 Hit Points 36 (8d8) Speed 30ft. , swim 30ft.

STR 8 (-1)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 1 (- 5)

WIS 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed ,

petrified, prone, restrained, stunned Senses blindsight 10ft. , passive Perception 10 Languages -Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 3 (- 4)

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny snake. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.


Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft ., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer. The target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Different kinds of insects can gather in swarms, and each swarm has the special characteristics described below.

Swarm of Beetles. A swarm of beetles gains a burrowing speed of 5 feet.

Swarm of Centipedes. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by a swarm of centipedes is stab le but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points , and paralyzed while poisoned in this way.

Swarm of Spiders. A swarm of spiders has the following additional traits.

Spider Climb. The swarm can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on cei li ngs, without needing to make an ability check.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the swarm knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.

Web Walker. The swarm ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.

Swarm of Wasps. A swarm of wasps has a walking speed of 5 feet, a flying speed of 30 feet, and no climbing speed.

SWARM OF QUIPPERS Medium swarm ofTiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 28 (8d8 — 8) Speed 0 ft ., swim 40 ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 9 (-1)

INT l (-5)

WIS 7 (-2)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing Condition Immunities charmed, frightened , paralyzed,

petrified, prone, restrained, stunned Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 8 Languages-Challenge l (200 XP)

CHA 2 (-4)

Blood Frenzy. The swarm ha s advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny quipper. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.

Water Breathing. The swarm can breathe on ly underwater.


Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit , reach 0 ft ., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

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WARHORSE Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3) Speed 60ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON l3 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 11 Languages-Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 7 (-2)

Trampling Charge. If the horse moves at least 20 feet stra ight toward a creature and then hits it with a hooves attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength savin g throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the horse can make another attack with its hooves against it as a bonus action .


Hoo ves. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

An armored warhorse has an AC based on the type of barding worn (see the Player’s Handbook for more information on barding). The horse’s AC includes its Dexterity modifier, where app licable. Barding doesn’t alter the horse’s chal lenge rating.

AC Barding

12 Leather

13 Studded leather

14 Ring mail

15 Sca le mail

WEASEL Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 13 Hit Points 1 (1d4- 1) Speed 30ft.

STR 3 (-4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 8 (-1)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages-Challenge 0 (10 XP)





INT 2 (-4)


Chain mail



WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 3 (-4)


Keen Hearing and Smell. Th e wease l has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage .

WINTER WOLF Large monstrosity, neutral evil

Armor Class l3 (natural armor) Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20) Speed 50 ft.

STR 18 (+4)

DEX l3 (+1)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +3 Damage Immunities cold Senses passive Perception 15

INT 7 (-2)

Languages Common, Giant, Winter Wolf Challenge 3 (700 XP)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 8 (-1)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The wo lf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that re ly on hearing or sme ll.

Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on an attack roll aga in st a creature if at least one of the wolf’s alli es is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Snow Camouflage. Th e wo lf has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in snowy terrain.

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Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment

Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +7, lnt +5

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 10 (+0)

Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +4, Perception +4, Stealth + 11 Damage Resistances poison Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Thieves’ cant plus any two languages Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Assassinate. During its first turn, the assassin has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn . Any hit the assassin scores against a surprised creature is a critical hit.

Evasion. If the assassin is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, the assassin instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw,. and only half damage if it fails.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The assassin deals an extra 13 (4d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the assassin that is n’t incapacitated and the assassin doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.


Multiattack. The assassin makes two shortsword attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 80/320 ft ., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Trained in the use of poison, assassins are remorseless killers who work for nobles, guildmasters, sovereigns, and anyone else who can afford them.

BANDIT Medium humanoid (any race), any non-lawful alignment

Armor Class 12 (leather armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (;t-0)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


CHA 10 .(:tO)

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one’ target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80 ft./320ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.



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Bandits rove in gangs and are sometimes led by thugs, veterans , or spellcasters. Not all bandits a re evil. Oppression, drought, disease, or famine can often drive otherwise honest folk to a life of banditry.

Pirates are bandits of the high seas. They might be freebooters interested only in treasure and murder, or they might be privateers sanctioned by the crown to attack and plunder an enemy nation’s vessels.

BANDIT CAPTAIN Medium humanoid (any race), any non·lawful alignment

Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 30 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2 Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4 Senses passive Perception 10 Languages any two languages Challenge 2 (450 XP)


WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 14 (+2)

Multiattack. The captain makes three melee attacks: two with its scimitar and one with its dagger. Or the captain makes two ranged attacks with its daggers.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slash ing damage.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.


Parry. The captain adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the captain must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

It takes a strong personality, ruthless cunning, and a silver tongue to keep a gang of bandits in line. The bandit captain has these qua lities in spades.

In addition to managing a crew of selfish malcontents, the pirate captain is a variation of the bandit captain, with a ship to protect and command. To keep the crew in line, the captain must mete out rewards and punishment on a regular basis.

More than treasure, a bandit captain or pirate captain craves infamy. A prisoner who appeals to the captain’s vanity or ego is more likely to be treated fairly than a prisoner who does not or claims not to know anything of the captain’s colorful reputation.

BER,SERKER Medium humanoid (any race), any chaotic alignment

Armor Class 13 (hide armor) Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Speed 30 ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 17 (+3)

Senses passive Percept ion 10

INT 9 (-1)

WIS 11 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 9 (-1)

Reckless. At the start of its turn, the berserker can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack ro lls during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slash ing damage.

Ha iling from uncivilized lands, unpredictable berserkers come together in war parties and seek conflict wherever they can find it.



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COMMONER Medium humanoid (any race) , any alignment

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 4 (1d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 10 (+0)

Senses pass ive Perception 10

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 0 (10 XP)


CHA 10 (+0)

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Commoners include peasants, serfs, slaves, servants, pilgrims, merchants, art isans, and hermits.

CULTIST Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment

Armor Class 12 (leather armor) Hit Points 9 (2d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 10 (+0)

Skills Deception +2, Religion +2 Senses passive Perception 10

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

CHA 10 (+0)

Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened .


Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

Cultists swear allegiance to dark powers s uch as elemental princes, demon lords, or a rchdevils. Most conceal their loyalties to avoid being ostracized, imprisoned, or executed for their beliefs. Un like evil acolytes, cultists often show signs of insanity in their beliefs and practices.

CuLT FANATIC Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment

Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Speed 30ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 13 (+1)

Skills Deception +4, Persuas ion +4, Religion +2 Senses passive Perception 10 Languages any one language (u sually Common) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 14 (+2)

Dark Devotion. The fanatic has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or fri ghtened.

Spellcasting. The fanatic is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its spell casting ability is Wi sdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). The fanatic has the following cleric spe ll s prepared:

Cantrips (at will) : light, sacred flam e, thaumaturgy 1st leve l (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield of faith 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon


Multiattack. The fan ati c makes two melee attacks.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft . or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Fanatics are often part of a cult ‘s leadership, using their charisma and dogma to influence and prey on those of weak will. Most are interested in personal power above all else.



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DRUID Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 12 (+1)

!» • •

WIS 15 (+2)

Skills Medicine +4, Nature +3, Perception +4 Senses passive Perception 14 Languages Druidic plus any two languages Challenge 2 (450 XP)

CHA 11 (+0)

Spellcasting. The druid is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following druid spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, produce flame, shillelagh 1st level (4 slots): entangle, longstrider, speak with

animals, thunderwave 2nd level (3 slots): animal messenger, barkskin


Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+4 to hit with shillelagh), reach 5 ft ., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, or 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage with shillelagh or if wielded with two hands.

Druids dwell in forests and other secluded wilderness locations, where they protect the natural world from monsters and the encroachment of civilization. Some are tribal shamans who heal the sick, pray to animal spirits, and provide spiritual guidance.

GLADIATOR Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield) Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) Speed 30ft.

STR 18 (+4i

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6 Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +5 Senses passive Perception 11

WIS 12 (+1)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 5 (1 ,800 XP)

CHA 15 (+2)

Brave. The gladiator has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the gladiator hits with it (included in the attack).


Multiattack. The gladiator makes three melee attacks or two ranged attacks.

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. and range 20/60 ft ., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Parry. The gladiator adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the gladiator must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

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Gladiators battle for the entertainment of raucous crowds. Some gladiators are brutal pit fighters who treat each match as a life-or-death struggle, while others are professional duelists who command huge fees but rarely fight to the death.

GUARD Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30ft.

STR 13 (+1)

DEX 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +2

CON 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 12

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


CHA 10 (+0)

Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20f60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.

Guards include members of a city watch, sentries in a citadel or fortified town, and the bodyguards of merchants and nobles.

KNIGHT Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 18 (plate) Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +4, Wi s +2 Senses passive Perception 10

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

CHA 15 (+2)

Brave. The knight has advantage on saving throws against being frightened .


Multiattack. The knight makes two melee attacks.

Creatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit , range 100f400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld10) piercing damage.

Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute, the kn ight can utter a specia l command or warning whenever a non hostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand the knight . A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the knight is incapacitated.


Parry. The knight adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Knights are warriors who pledge service to rulers, religious orders, and noble causes. A knight’s alignment determines the extent to which a pledge is honore.d. Whether undertaking a quest or patrolling a realm: a knight often travels with an entourage that includes squires and hirelings who are commoners.

MAGE Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Hit Points 40 (9d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 9 (-1)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 11 (+0)

Saving Throws lnt +6, Wis +4 Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Senses passive Perception 11 Languages any four languages Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

INT 17 (+3)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 11 (+0)

Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th-level spe llcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following wizard spells prepared :

Cantrips (at will) bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation 1st level (4 slots) : detect magic, mage armor, magic

missile, shield 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion 3rd level (3 slots) : counterspell,fireball,jly 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm 5th level (1 slot): cone of cold


Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20f60 ft. , one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Mages spend their lives in the study and practice of magic. Good-aligned mages offer counsel to nobles and others in power, while evil mages dwell in isolated sites to perform unspeakable experiments without interference.


Any spell caster that can cast the find familiar spell (such as an archmage or mage) is likely to have a familiar. The familiar can be one of the creatures described in the spell (see the Player’s Handbook) or some other Tiny monster, such as a crawling claw, imp, pseudodragon , or quasit.



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NOBLE Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 15 (breastplate) Hit Points 9 (2d8)

‘ Speed 30 ft.

STR 11 (+0)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 11 (+0)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5 Senses passive Perception 10 Languages any two languages Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)


CHA 16 (+3)

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 5 (ld8 + 1) piercing damage . .


Parry. The noble adds 2 to its AC aga inst one melee attack that would hit it . To do so, the noble mu st see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon .

Nobles wield great authority and influence as members of the upper class, possessing wealth and connections that can make them as powerful as monarchs and generals. A noble often travels in the company of guards, as well as servants who are commoners.

The noble’s statistics can also be used to represent courtiers who aren’t of noble birth.

PRIEST Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 13 (chain shirt) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) Speed 25ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

INT 13 (+1)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 13 (+1)

Skills Med icine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +4 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages any two languages Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, the priest can expend a spell slot to cause its melee weapon attacks to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit . This benefit lasts until the end of the turn . If the priest expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by ld6 for each level above 1st.

Spellcasting. The priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. It s spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13 , +5 to hit with spell attacks). The priest has the following cleric spells prepared:

Can trips (at will): fight, sacred flame , thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary

2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon

3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, spirit guardians


Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target . Hit: 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage .

Priests bring the teachings of their gods to the common folk. They are

the spiritual leaders of temples and shrines and often hold positions of influence in their

communities. Evil priests might work openly under a tyrant, or they might be the leaders of

religious sects hidden in the shadows of good society, overseeing depraved rites. A priest typically has one or more acolytes

to help with religious ceremonies and other sacred duties.

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ScouT Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class l3 (leather armor) Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) Speed 30ft.

STR ll (+0)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 12 (+1)

INT ll (+0)

WIS l3 (+1)

CHA 11 (+0)

Skills Nature +4, Perception +5 , Stealth +6, Survival +5 Senses passive Perception 15 Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Keen Hearing and Sight. Th e sco ut has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.


Multiattack. The scout makes two melee attacks or two ranged attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hi t, ranged 150f600 ft. , one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Scouts a re skilled hunters and trackers who offer their services for a fee. Most hunt wild game, but a few work as bounty hunters, serve as guides, or provide milita ry reconna issance.

SPY Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 12 Hit Points 27 (6d8) Speed 30ft.

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 15 (+2)

CON 10 (+0)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +4

Senses passive Perception 16 Languages any two languages Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy ca n use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Sneak Attack (1jTurn) . Th e spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll , or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the spy that isn’t incapacitated and the spy does n’t have di sadvantage on the attack roll.


Multiattack. The spy makes two melee attacks.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit , range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Rulers, nobles, merchants, gu ild masters, and other wealthy individuals use spies to gain the upper hand in a world of cutthroat politics. A spy is trained to secretly gather information. Loya l spies would rather die than divulge information that cou ld compromise them or their employers.


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ThuG Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment

Armor Class 11 (leather armor) , Hit Points 32 (Sd8 + 10) Speed 30 ft.

STR 15 (+2)

DEX 11 (+0)

Skills Intimidation +2

CON 14 (+2)

Senses passive Pe rception 10

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 1/ 2 (100 XP)

CHA 11 (+0)

Pack Tactics. The thug has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the thug’s allies is withi n 5 feet of the creature and the ally is n’t incapacitated.


Multiattack. The thug makes two melee attacks.

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.

Thugs are ruthless enforcers skilled at intimidation and violence. They work for money and have few scruples.

TRrs.Ai WARRioR Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30ft.

STR 13. (+1)

DEX 11 (+0)

CON 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages any one language Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

INT 8 (-1)

WIS 11 (+0)

CHA 8 (-1)

Pack Tactics. The warrior has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the warrior’s a llies is within 5 feet of the creatu re and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft. , one target. Hit: 4 (1 d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.

Tribal warriors live beyond civilization, most often subsisting on fishing and hunting. Each tribe acts in accordance with the wishes of its chief, who is the greatest or oldest warrior of the tribe or a tribe member blessed by the gods.

VETERAN Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 17 (spl int) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 30ft.

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 13 (+1)

CON 14 (+2)

Skills Athletics +5, Perce pt ion +2 Senses passive Perception 12

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 11 (+0)

Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 3 (700 XP)


CHA 10 (+0)

Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword attacks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a shortsword attack.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. , one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) s lashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ta rget. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 100/400 ft. , one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) pie rcing damage.

Veterans are professional fighters that take up arms for pay or to protect something they believe in or value. Their ranks include soldiers retired from long service and warriors who never served anyone but themselves.

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