that it is plugged in and switched on
at the mains socket
the connection and fuse.
that the accessories are correctly
fitted on to the drive.
that the lids and handles are
correctly fitted.
If your appliance still does not work or if you have any product problems or queries,
please contact our Customer Relations Team first for expert help and advice:
UK 0845 602 1454
Ireland (01) 4751947
or consult our website
The accessories contained with the model that you
have just bought are shown on the label that appears
on the top of the packaging.
You can buy the following accessories or replacements by mail order from our
approved Moulinex Service Centre (at the telephone number above). They are also
available on our website.
French fries disc (disc E)
Grating disc for coconut &
parmesan (disc G)
Coarse grating disc (disc C)
Thick slicing disc (disc H)
Fine grating disc (A)
Thin slicing disc (D)
Environment protection first!
Your appliance contains valuable materials which an be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Recipes by Glenis Noble, produced by M4 Design Company, © Groupe SEB Moulinex 06/05
when using the bowl assembly (B),
that the Liquidiser drive cover (A1)
is locked.
when using the Liquidiser, ensure
that the tab on the lid is correctly
locked under the handle
Plastic kneader blade
Citrus press
Liquidiser jug
Metal blade
Emulsifying disc
Juice extractor
0 891 856
Odacio 3 Food Processor
Instructions and Recipes
Models DFC7
Фирма «Мулинекс» благодарит вас за то,
что вы предпочли ее изделие, и напомина-
ет, что ваш электроприбор предназначен
исключительно для приготовления пищи.
Д в и г а т е л ь
a 1
крышка верхнего отверстия
a 2
верхнее отверстие
a 3
нижнее отверстие
a 4
клавиша открытия крышки (a1) и
разблокировки приставки,
установленной на верхнем
о т в е р с т и и
a 5
электронный регулятор скоростей
1 — 5
a 6
клавиша Вкл./Выкл. и режима «Vari
Pulse» (импульсный режим)
Чаша в комплекте
b 1
т о л к а т е л ь — д о з а т о р
b 2
крышка приемной трубки
b 3
ч а ш а
b 3 — 1
резиновая прокладка
b 4
съемная ручка
b 4 — 1 клавиша разблокировки ручки
Стержень привода
Н о ж и
d 1
металлический нож
d 2
пластмассовая мешалка
Ломтерезка для овощей
e 1
д и с к — д е р ж а т е л ь
e 2
4 лезвия
. мелкая терка (A)
. ломтерезка для тонких
ломтиков (D)
. крупная терка (C)
. ломтерезка для
толстых ломтиков (H)
e 3
Д и с к и
A/D: мелкая терка / ломтерезка для
тонких ломтиков
C/H: грубая терка / ломтерезка для
толстых ломтиков
E: картофелерезка
G: терка для сыра, кокосов,
шоколада, картофеля
М и к с е р
f 1
приводное устройство
f 2
в з б и в а л к а
Диск эмульгатора
Соковыжималка для цитрусовых
h 1
к о н у с
h 2
к о р з и н к а — ф и л ь т р
h 3
п р и в о д
Ч а ш а — м и к с е р
i 1
п р о б к а — д о з а т о р
i 2
к р ы ш к а
i 3
ч а ш а
i 4
съемная ручка
i 4 — 1 клавиша разблокировки ручки
Электрическая соковыжималка
j 1
т о л к а т е л ь
j 2
к р ы ш к а
j 3
о б о д
j 4
ф и л ь т р
j 5
держатель фильтра
М и н и — м я с о р у б к а
k 1
к р ы ш к а
k 2
ч а ш а
« М а к с и п р е с с »
l 1
п о д д о н
l 2
2 решетки
Д р о б и л к а
m 1 к р ы ш к а
m 2 ч а ш а
Блок двигателя
Головка мясорубки
o 1
К о р п у с
o 2
Съемный поддон
Ш н е к
o 4
4-лопастный нож
o 5
Р е ш е т к и
n 5 — 1
Решетка с маленькими
отверстиями: тонкий помол
n 5 — 2
Решетка с большими
отверстиями: грубый помол
o 6
Г а й к а
o 7
Т о л к а т е л ь
Насадка для набивки колбас
Насадка для печенья
q 1
О п о р а
q 2
Ф о р м а
Приставка для кебаба
r 1
К о л ь ц о
r 2
Н а к о н е ч н и к
Л о п а т к а
Корзина для хранения
— Перед первым использованием при-
бора внимательно прочтите инструк-
цию: фирма «Мулинекс» не несет ни-
1 0 8
О п и с а н и е
Меры безопасности
Принадлежности к модели, кото-
рую вы приобрели, перечислены на
этикетке, расположенной наверху
Odacio 7131 russe.qxd 1/03/06 10:52 Page 108
Основные характеристики Moulinex Odacio 3 Duo Digital Assistance FP7161:
Мощность: 900 Вт;
Емкость чаши: 3 л;
Блендер: есть, объем 1.5 л;
Управление: количество скоростей: 5, импульсный режим;
Соковыжималка: для цитрусовых/универсальная;
Мясорубка: есть;
Дополнительная информация: электронный дисплей, 55 запрограммированных рецептов, клавиша Security, диск для драников;
Насадки: универсальный нож, насадка для теста, насадка для взбивания, диск для картофеля-фри, терка, диск для нарезки ломтиками.
Содержание руководства Moulinex Odacio 3 Duo Digital Assistance FP7161: меры безопасности, порядок работы (натирание/нарезание, приготовление сока из цитрусовых, приготовление однородных смесей — смешивание и взбивание), хранение, чистка и техобслуживание, что делать если прибор не работает, принадлежности.
Для ознакомления с инструкцией необходимо нажать на ссылку «ЗАГРУЗИТЬ», чтобы скачать pdf файл. Если есть кнопка «ПРОСМОТР», то можно просто посмотреть документ онлайн.
Для удобства, Вы можете сохранить данную страницу с файлом руководства по эксплуатации в свой список «избранное» прямо на сайте (доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей).
Смотрите инструкцию для похожих моделей:
Вы можете задать вопрос посетителям сайта по модели MOULINEX ODACIO 3 DUO PRESS FP711141. Если Вы являетесь её пользователем, то пожалуйста оставьте, по возможности развёрнутый отзыв:
• that it is plugged in and switched on at the mains socket
• the connection and fuse.
• that the accessories are correctly fitted on to the drive.
• that the lids and handles are correctly fitted.
• when using the bowl assembly (B), that the Liquidiser drive cover (A1) is locked.
• when using the Liquidiser, ensure that the tab on the lid is correctly locked under the handle
If your appliance still does not work or if you have any product problems or queries, please contact our Customer Relations Team first for expert help and advice:
UK 0845 602 1454 Ireland (01) 4751947 or consult our website
The accessories contained with the model that you have just bought are shown on the label that appears on the top of the packaging.
You can buy the following accessories or replacements by mail order from our approved Moulinex Service Centre (at the telephone number above). They are also available on our website.
French fries disc (disc E)
Grating disc for coconut & parmesan (disc G)
Coarse grating disc (disc C)
Thick slicing disc (disc H)
Fine grating disc (A)
Thin slicing disc (D)
Plastic kneader blade
Citrus press
Liquidiser jug
Metal blade
Emulsifying disc
Juice extractor
Storage basket
Environment protection first!
Your appliance contains valuable materials which an be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
Recipes by Glenis Noble, produced by M4 Design Company, ©Groupe SEB Moulinex 06/05 0 891 856
Odacio 3 Food Processor
Instructions and Recipes
Models DFC7
Thank you for choosing a product from the Moulinex range. This product is intended exclusively for preparing food.
Motor unit
A1 Liquidiser drive cover
A2 Liquidiser drive
A3 Bowl accessory drive
A4 Release button for Liquidiser drive cover (A1)
A5 Speed Selector: Symbols will select the correct speed, for the required task, automatically
A6 Booster
A7 O = Off
A8 + or — (Manual speed control)
A9 P = Pulse (Intermittent operation)
Bowl assembly
B1 Pusher with measuring section
B2 Lid with feeder tube
B3 Bowl
B3a Bowl drive
B3b Nut
B3c Rubber seal
B4 Detachable handle
B4a Handle release button
Accessories depending on model
D1 Metal blade
D2 Plastic kneader blade
Grating/Slicing discs
Disc holder
. fine grating (A)
. thin slicing (D)
. coarse grating (C)
. thick slicing (H)
. french fries disc (E)
Balloon Whisk
Whisk drive
Whisk –
Emulsifying disc —
(Optional additional accessory)
Citrus press
H1 Cone
H2 Filter basket
H3 Citrus press spindle
Measuring cup
Detachable handle
I4a Handle release button
Juice Extractor
Lid seal
Filter band
Filter holder
Mini Chopper
K1 Lid
K2 Bowl
Storage basket for accessories
Accessories supplied with model DFC7
(Available as an optional additional purchase. Please see back cover for details of where to purchase).
In addition to the Speed Selector (A5):
Boost Control (A6)
Use the booster button to give a boost of power at maximum speed, then release the pressure on the button and it automatically returns to the speed initially selected. When using the grinder (L) use the booster button.
O — Off button (A7)
Stops the appliance.
+ or — buttons (A8)
To manually increase or decrease the speed.
P — Pulse button (A9)
Intermittent operation. Press the button to operate and stops when pressure on the button is released.
Shown below are the main tasks that you would use the accessories for.
Please note that some of the accessories fit onto the spindle.
Metal Blade
Basic attachment for mixing, chopping, kneading, making breadcrumbs, crushing biscuits and batters. You can also use it for blending and puréeing instead of the liquidiser, but the texture for soups is not usually as smooth. The blade is fitted onto the spindle.
Plastic Kneader Blade
For kneading and mixing. Ideal for making bread, pastry, biscuits and cakes. The blade is fitted onto the spindle.
Grating Disc
Use for grating cheese, vegetables and fruit. The appropriate disc is fitted to the holder and then placed onto the spindle.
(A) fine grating and (C) coarse grating plus optional Parmesan grating disc. With all grating a piece of unprocessed food always remains between the holder and lid, this is normal.
Slicing Disc
For slicing vegetables and fruit. The appropriate disc is fitted to the holder and then placed onto the spindle.
2 discs — (D) fine slicing and (H) coarse slicing. The fine disc gives wafer thin slicing but the coarse disc gives food sliced to about 2-3 mm thickness.
Emulsifying disc
(Available as an additional accessory)
For whisking egg whites, meringues
(2 to 7 egg whites) and whipped cream
(up to 0.5 litre). Making mayonnaise and mousses. Note: for whipping egg whites the total time taken is about
— 2 minute instead of seconds.
Balloon Whisk Attachment
For whisking egg whites, meringues
(2 to 7 egg whites) and whipped cream
(up to 0.5 litre). Making mayonnaise and mousses. Note: for whipping egg whites the total time taken is about
— 2 minutes instead of seconds.
Citrus Press
Ideal for all sorts of citrus fruits including lemons, oranges and grapefruits.
Liquidiser Jug
Ideal for blending and puréeing soups and sauces, making frothy milkshakes and cocktails, pureeing soft fruits or cooked vegetables and fruit, making batters. Maximum capacity of total ingredients 1.5 litre.
Centrifugal Juice Extractor
Suitable for extracting juice from fruit and vegetables such as apples, pineapples, grapes, carrots, and celery.
This accessory has its own lid and food pusher.
Mini Chopper
Chops cloves of garlic, herbs, parsley, ham, small amounts of bread or French bread for breadcrumbs, nuts (quantities up to 80g) and prepares baby food.
Note: It is not able to grind coffee beans or hard spices.
(Available as an additional accessory)
Grinds spices, pepper and dried fruits in seconds.
French Fries disc
Easily cuts thin cut ‘American style’ fries from potatoes.
for simple operation
To perform any of the tasks shown opposite, just press the speed symbol indicated and the speed will be set automatically. You will find that on some of the tasks the motor will gradually increase in speed during the processing (for liquidiser, whisk and metal blade). Once it has reached maximum speed the speed can then be manually adjusted if required by pressing the + or — buttons (A8).
Other tasks start on maximum speed (plastic kneader blade, grater disc) and some tasks start on minimum speed (slicer disc and citrus press). The speed can be manually adjusted at any time by pressing the + or — buttons (A8).
Maximum capacity refers to total weight of ingredients
Type of
Onions, other vegetables, fruit, raw and cooked meat or fish
Light cake mixture
Soups, pâtés & stewed fruits
Metal blade
Metal blade
Plastic blade
1 litre
1.5 kg
(in food processor bowl)
Vegetables and fruit
Vegetables and fruit
Egg whites
Whipped cream
Plastic blade
Metal blade
1.2 kg
1 litre
Grating disc
Slicing disc
Until bowl is full
Until bowl is full
Balloon whisk or Up to 7 egg emulsifying disc whites
Balloon whisk or emulsifying disc
Up to
Citrus press Up to 1 litre
Liquidiser jug 1.5 litre
Citrus Press
Citrus juices
Extra smooth soups, sauces, milkshakes, cocktails
Crush ice
Liquidiser jug
Liquidiser jug
Juice Extractor
Mini Chopper
Nuts, herbs, parsley, garlic etc
Coriander, pepper, cayenne pepper, dried fruit, and hard spices
Juice extractor
Mini chopper
French Fries Potatoes and vegetables
French fries disc
Use the “plastic blade” symbol on the speed selector (A5) as there is no centrifugal juice extractor setting.
Use the “grater” symbol on the speed selector (A5) as there is no french fries setting.
Up to 1.5 litre
4 full
Up to 1 litre
80 g nuts
140 g dried apricots
Until bowl is full
Always read the instructions for use carefully before using your appliance for the first time:
This product has been designed for domestic use only. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility, and the guarantee will not apply, for any commercial use, inappropriate use or failure to comply with the instructions.
• Do not leave the appliance within reach of children without supervision. Young children or severely disabled persons must always be supervised when using this appliance.
• Check that the voltage rating of your appliance corresponds to that of your household electrical wiring system.
• This appliance is manufactured to conform to the Low Voltage Electrical
Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1989 and is designed to comply with BS
3456. It complies with the requirements of the EEC Directive (89/336/EEC). Any connection error will render the guarantee void.
• Never leave your appliance to operate unattended.
• Unplug your appliance as soon as you have finished using it (also in the event of a power cut) and when you are cleaning it.
• Never use your appliance if it is not working correctly or if it has been damaged. If this happens, contact an approved Moulinex Service Centre (see list in service booklet).
• Do not place the appliance, the power cable or the plug under running water or in any other liquid.
• Do not allow the power cable to hang down within reach of children.
• The power cable must never be close to a heat source or resting on sharp edges.
• If the power cable or the plug are damaged, do not use the appliance. To avoid any risk, these must be replaced by an approved Moulinex Service Centre
(see list in service booklet).
• Do not use the appliance for juicing if the filter holder on the juice extractor is damaged.
• For your own safety, use only Moulinex accessories and spare parts which are suitable for your appliance.
Always use the pushers to push food down the feeder tubes, never use your fingers, a fork, a spoon, a knife or other utensils.
Only remove the accessories when the appliance has come to a complete stop.
• Do not introduce any utensil (spoon, spatula…) through the feeder tube.
• Do not place any utensil containing metal in a microwave oven.
• Use the accessories one at a time.
Handle the metal blade and discs with great care: they are extremely sharp.
• You must remove the blades (D) and spindle (C) before emptying the bowl of its content.
• Empty the chopping bowl or liquidiser jug before detaching the handle.
• Never touch the parts when they are moving.
• Do not run your appliance empty.
• Do not allow long hair, scarves, ties etc.
to dangle over accessories during operation.
Never use or plug in your appliance if:
• Its power cord is faulty or damaged.
• The appliance has been dropped.
• It has visible damage or operating faults.
In such cases, to avoid any danger, contact your Approved Service Centre to have the appliance repaired, as special tools are required.
Using your appliance for the fist time
• Before using for the first time, wash all accessory parts in warm, soapy water.
Rinse and dry.
• Place the motor unit on a stable, flat, clean and dry surface.
• Plug the appliance in.
• Speed selector (A5). Choose the setting required (see table page 4, or recipe).
• Pulse (intermittent operation): press the
“pulse” button (A9) — using a succession of pulses can give you better control when preparing certain foods.
• Stop: press the “O” button (A7).
• Before using the liquidiser drive (A2): ensure that there is no accessory fitted on the bowl and accessory drive.
Assembling/Dismantling the bowl
(B3) — (diagram 1)
The bowl can be used with the following accessories (depending on model):
Blades (D), grating/slicing discs (E), whisk (F), emulsifying disc (G), citrus press (H), juice extractor (J).
• If not already in position, fit the rubber seal (B3c) in the bottom of the bowl.
Ensure that the thin lip of the seal faces upwards.
• Fit the drive (B3a).
• Fit the nut (B3b) and tighten it to lock the assembly.
• Dismantle the assembly for cleaning after each use.
Fitting/Dismantling the bowl handle (B4) and the liquidiser jug
handle (I4)
For ease of cleaning and storage, the bowl handle (B4) and liquidiser jug handle (I4) are detachable.
• To fit the handle, position it against the lugs of the bowl/jug.
• Slide the handle upwards until it clicks.
• To detach the handle, press the release button (B4a) or (I4a) and slide the handle downwards.
(Note: Whether you are using the Liquidiser jug (l3) or the bowl (B3) you will
need to ensure that the respective handle and lid have been fitted correctly.)
Accessories used
• Bowl assembly (B), spindle (C) and blades (D):
• Metal blade (D1) for mixing or chopping.
• Plastic kneading blade (D2) for kneading or blending, pastry and cake making
Fitting the Bowl
Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
• Fit the bowl (B3) on the Bowl accessory drive (A3).
• Fit the spindle (C) on to the bowl drive (B3a).
• Slide the metal blade (D1) or the plastic kneading blade (D2) onto the spindle
(C), pushing it down to the bottom of the bowl.
• Put the ingredients in the bowl.
• Fit the lid (B2) on the bowl.
• Close the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
You should hear an audible click.
Note: If the lid and handle are not correctly fitted on to the bowl, the appliance will not start.
To unlock the blades (D) from the spindle (C):
• Place the bowl assembly on a stable flat worktop.
• Carefully lift the blade (D) off the spindle (C).
Usage and practical tips
You can blend up to 1 litre of soup or stewed fruit in 20 sec.
• For better control over the chopping, use the “pulse” position (A9).
• In 15 to 30 sec., you can chop up to
600g of food:
• hard produce: cheese, dried fruits, certain vegetables (carrots, celery…).
• soft produce: certain vegetables (onions, spinach…).
• raw or cooked meat (boned with gristle removed and diced).
• raw or cooked fish…
• Depending on the blade used, press the
“metal blade” or “plastic blade” symbol on the speed selector (A5).
• When kneading, stop the appliance as soon as the pastry/dough starts to form a ball.
You can:
• knead up to 1.2 kg of pastry/dough (biscuit, shortcrust, and bread) in approximately 60 sec.
• mix up to 1 litre of pancake, waffle batter, etc. in 1min to 1
2 min.
Cake Making
• When making cakes with “soft tub” margarine use it straight from the refrigerator. To avoid over processing the ingredients use the “pulse button” (A9) as the mixing times are very short, only about 20 seconds.
• If using butter or block margarine, it should be left at room temperature to soften and cut it into 2cm pieces. Use the “plastic kneader” setting on speed selector (A5) when mixing for up to about 40 seconds.
• Sponge type cakes are best made by the
‘all in one method’. Using the spatula, scrape down any unmixed ingredients into the centre of the bowl and process for 5 seconds.
• When adding ingredients such as dried fruit, nuts and cherries use the “pulse button”
(A9) to avoid the ingredients being chopped up into small pieces.
You can:
• Mix up to 1.5 kg of light cake mixture in about 20 — 40 seconds.
Accessories used
• Bowl assembly (B), spindle (C) and grating/slicing discs (E)
Fitting the Grating/Slicing/
French Fries Discs
• Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
• Fit the bowl (B3) on the Bowl accessory drive(A3).
• Fit the required disc (E2) on to the disc holder (E1).
• Fit the spindle (C) on the bowl drive
(B3a), then the disc holder (E1) on to the spindle (C).
• Fit the lid (B2) on the bowl.
• Close the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
You should hear a click.
Usage and practical tips
• Cut the food into pieces approximately 8cm high and a maximum of 4cm width
• Push the food through the feeder tube using the pusher (B1).
• Press the “grating disc” or
“slicing disc” symbol on the speed selector (A5).
• For the French Fries disc use the
“grating disc” symbol on the speed selector (A5)
• To stop the appliance press “O” (A7).
The slicing/grating discs (depending on model):
• slice thickly (use disc H), slice thinly
(use disc D): potatoes, onions, cucumbers, beetroot, apples, carrots, and cabbage…
• coarsely grate (use disc C), finely grate (use disc A): celery, potatoes, carrots, cheeses…
Accessories used (depending on model)
• Bowl assembly (B) and balloon whisk
(F) or
• Bowl assembly (B), emulsifying disc
(G) and spindle (C).
• slide the emulsifying disc on to the spindle.
Then: — Place the ingredients in the bowl.
• Fit the lid (B2) on the bowl.
• Close the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
You should hear a click.
Fitting the balloon whisk and emulsifying disc accessories
• Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
• Fit the bowl (B3) on the Bowl accessory drive(A3).
To use the balloon whisk (F):
• fit it on to the bowl drive (B3a).
To use the emulsifying disc (G):
• fit the spindle (C) on to the bowl drive
Usage and practical tips
• Press the “Whisk” symbol on speed selector (A5) when using the balloon whisk (F) or emulsifying disc (G).
• When whipping cream, manually reduce to minimum speed as soon as possible to avoid over processing.
Use the minus button (A8) for this.
• Do not use the balloon whisk or the emulsifying disc to knead dough or to mix cake mixtures, instead use the plastic kneading blade.
• You can prepare: mayonnaise, sauces, egg whites (up to 7 eggs maximum), whipped cream
(up to 0.5 litre).
Accessories used
• Bowl (B3) and citrus press (H)
Fitting the accessories for the citrus press
Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
• Fit the bowl (B3) on the Bowl accessory drive (A3).
• Fit the Citrus press spindle (H3) on the bowl accessory drive (B3a).
• Fit the filter basket (H2) onto the drive (H3).
• Fit the cone (H1) through the hole in the strainer.
• Close the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
You should hear a click.
Usage and practical tips
• Firmly hold one half of the citrus fruit on the cone (H1).
• Press the “citrus press” symbol on the speed selector (A5) to start the appliance.
• To stop the appliance press “O” (A7).
You can squeeze up to a litre of juice without emptying the bowl.
Accessory used
• Liquidiser jug (I)
Fitting the Liquidiser Jug
• Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
• Place the ingredients in the liquidiser jug (I3) and lock the lid by putting the tab on the lid under the handle (I2) on the jug.
• Before using the liquidiser drive
(A2) ensure that there is no accessory fitted on the bowl and accessory drive.
• Fit the liquidiser jug (I) on the
Liquidiser drive (A2) (you will hear an audible click).
If the lid and handle are not fitted correctly onto the jug, the appliance will not start.
Usage and practical tips
• For better control over the blending, use the “pulse” position (A9).
Alternatively use the “liquidiser” symbol on the speed selector (A5).
To stop the appliance press “O” (A7).
• You can add ingredients during blending through the hole of the measuring cup (I1).
• Do not fill the liquidiser jug with boiling liquid. Only use liquids or food at simmering temperature or below.
• Never use the blender to grind dry ingredients (hazel nuts, almonds, peanuts, sugar and spices etc.).
• To remove the liquidiser jug from the appliance, grasp it by the handle and press the release button (A4).
You can:
• prepare up to 1.5 litre of extra smooth soup, sauces, stewed fruits, milk shakes and cocktails.
• blend all types of batter (pancake, fritters, waffles, Yorkshire pudding).
• crush ice. Fill no more than a 1 /
4 full and add 1 tablespoon of cold water.
Accessories used
• Bowl (B3), spindle (C) and juice extractor (J)
Fitting the accessories for
Juice Extractor
Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser Drive cover (A1).
• Place the bowl (B3) on the Bowl and accessory drive (A3).
• Place the spindle (C) on to the bowl drive (B3a).
• Slide the filter holder assembly
(J3+J4+J5) on to the spindle (C).
• Fit the lid (J2) on the bowl.
• Close the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
You should hear an audible click.
Usage and practical tips
• Remove hard stones, thick peel (such as kiwi) and hard cores from fruit before processing.
• Insert the ingredients through the feeder tube and gently press with the pusher (J1).
• Use the “metal blade” symbol on the speed selector (A5) when using the centrifugal juice extractor accessory.
• To stop the appliance press “O” (A7).
• Remove the pulp regularly from the filter holder and clean the filter band.
• Do not juice more than 250g of ingredients at a time.
Accessory used
(Depending on model)
• Mini-chopper (K), Grinder (L)
Fitting the Mini-chopper or Grinder
• Press the release button (A4) to open the Liquidiser drive cover (A1).
• Put the ingredients in the bowl (K2 or L), and lock the lid (K1 or L) on the bowl.
• Fit the accessory on the Liquidiser drive (A2) (You will hear an audible click).
If the lid is not fitted correctly, the appliance will not start.
Usage and practical tips for the mini chopper
• Press the “mini chopper” symbol on the speed selector (A5).
• “Auto pulse” means the food is automatically processed in short bursts to ensure the best results.
• To stop the appliance press “O” (A7).
With the mini-chopper you can:
• chop in seconds: garlic cloves, herbs, parsley, dried fruits, bread, ham,…
• prepare baby foods.
• Maximum quantity of dried foods
(hazelnuts, almonds…): 80 g.
This mini-chopper is not designed to take hard ingredients such as coffee beans and hard spices.
Usage and practical tips for the grinder
With the grinder you can:
• grind in seconds: coriander, pepper,
Cayenne pepper, dried apricots…
• Quantity / Maximum time for dried apricots: 140 g / 10 sec.
• The grinder is not suitable for coffee beans.
• Press the “booster” button (A6) to process food. Releasing pressure on the button stops the appliance.
To remove the accessory from the appliance, press the release button (A4).
• Unplug the appliance.
• To make cleaning easier, rinse the accessories straight after use.
• The bowl, liquidiser jug and their lids and handles are all dishwasher safe.
For ease of cleaning the handles are detachable.
Do not put the rubber seal in a dishwasher. Clean it separately using warm water and washing up liquid.
When refiitting the rubber seal, ensure that the thin lip faces upwards.
• The accessories are all dishwasher safe, except for the balloon whisk (F).
All other accessories can be cleaned in the dishwasher (upper shelf only).
For ease of cleaning, the accessories can be placed in the storage basket
(N) and then put in the dishwasher.
• To clean the balloon whisk (F) carefully detach the whisk drive (F1) from the whisk (F2) by gently pulling them apart.
The whisk drive (F1) should NOT be submerged in water and should be cleaned carefully using warm water and washing up liquid. The whisk (F2) can be submerged in warm water containing washing up liquid and can be cleaned using a cloth or washing up brush.
Do not allow water to run into the drive section on the top of the balloon whisk.
• Alternatively, to wash and dry the accessories, pour some hot water containing a few drops of washing up liquid into the mixer bowl or liquidiser jug. Close the lid. Operate in short bursts by using the pulse button several times. Unplug the appliance.
Rinse the accessory, bowl or jug under running water and leave to dry.
• For ease of cleaning and storage, the bowl handle (B4) and the liquidiser jug handle (I4) are detachable (and dish washer safe).
• Over time the strong coloured natural juices from food such as carrots and beetroot may stain the plastic parts – this is normal. These parts may be cleaned by soaking in mild bleach
(non abrasive) straight after use, or alternatively you can gently rub these parts (taking extra care with any blades) with a cloth dipped in cooking oil and then wash as normal.
• Do not submerge the motor unit (A) or the balloon whisk drive (F1) in water or place near running water.
Wipe the motor unit with a damp cloth, clean the balloon whisk as instructed opposite.
The blades on the accessories are very sharp. Always handle with care.
Your Odacio food processor has:
• a storage basket (N) that fits inside the bowl assembly (B). You can store the grating/slicing/french fries disc
(E2), the disc holder (E1), the metal blade (D1) as well as the spindle (C).
• Cord storage is incorporated in the motor unit: store the supply flex and adjust it to the required length by pushing or pulling it out of the base.
Recipes and Useful Notes
Soups, Starters and
Vegetable Accompaniments
Main Courses
Mayonnaise and Dressings
Cakes, Scones & Biscuits
Pastry, Batters & Bread
In the following recipes, the conversions for Metric and
Imperial are approximate.
Please do not mix the two systems and follow either
Metric or Imperial measures.
All spoon measures are level, unless stated otherwise.
Eggs used in recipes are medium size, unless stated otherwise.
Processing times are for the quantities stated in the recipes. For larger or smaller quantities adjust the time accordingly.
The cooking times and temperatures stated in the recipes are only a guide.
If using a fan oven the times and temperature may need adjusting as advised in the manufacturer’s instructions.
If you have adapted the recipe in any way, you may also need to adjust the cooking time.
The recipes in this book have been devised specifically for use in your Odacio 3. If the recipes are prepared in a food processor other than this, the processing times and results may vary considerably.
Soups, Starters &
Vegetable Accompaniments
Serves 6
2 small potatoes • 2 small carrots • 1 turnip • 1 leek (white part only) •
1 onion • a small stick of celery • a few sprigs fresh parsley • 1 litre chicken or vegetable stock • salt and freshly ground black pepper
Peel and dice the vegetables. In a large saucepan add the parsley, salt and pepper plus the stock. Simmer for 30 minutes. Once cooked, pour the cooked vegetables and stock into the liquidiser. Process for 30 seconds. Serve the soup immediately with chunks of crusty bread.
Serves 6
2 x 411 g can asparagus spears or cut asparagus • 250 ml chicken stock 200 ml single cream • 2 egg yolks • salt and pepper • 1 tbsp chopped chives
Drain the asparagus. If using whole spears, cut into 3 or 4 cm long pieces. Pour the liquid from the asparagus into the liquidiser. Add the cut asparagus, the cream, egg yolks, stock, salt and pepper. Process for 1 minute. Pour into a microwaveable container and cover. Microwave for 12 min on medium power. Stir halfway through cooking. When cooked, pour the soup back into the liquidiser and blend again for
20 seconds. Serve immediately and garnish with finely chopped chives.
Cook’s note: These timings are for a 800W microwave oven. For different wattage ovens, adjust cooking time accordingly.
Serves 8
300 g (11 oz) salmon fillet • 350 g (12 oz) cod fillet • 1 onion • 25 g (1 oz) butter 1 tbsp vegetable oil • 50 ml (2 fl oz) dry white wine • 3 whole eggs •
150 ml (
4 pt) crème fraîche • 3 tbsp tomato purée • salt and pepper • cayenne pepper
Chop the onion in the bowl fitted with the metal blade. Gently fry the onion in the butter and oil until softened. Add the white wine and simmer rapidly until the liquid is reduced and cooked away. Cut the fish into 3 cm (1 in) pieces, place in the bowl with metal blade and chop up for 20 seconds. Add the eggs, crème fraîche, tomato purée, onion, salt, pepper and a pinch of Cayenne pepper. Process for 50 seconds. Grease a rectangular terrine mould (24 cm x 9 cm). Pour in the mixture.
Stand in a roasting tin and pour in boiling water to come halfway up the sides. Cover with buttered foil and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven 170°C),
Gas mark 4 for about 1 hour. Leave to cool before turning out. Serve cold in slices, with a green salad accompanied by hot toast.
1 small garlic clove, peeled (optional) • 1 small onion, peeled and quartered
• 25 g (1 oz) butter or margarine • 100 g (4 oz) unsmoked streaky bacon
225 g (8 oz) lambs liver • 225 g (8 oz) lean pork • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley • 2 tbsp double cream • 3 tbsp brandy or port (or half and half) •
2 tsp dried mixed herbs • a pinch of ground allspice • salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1 beaten egg
Use the metal blade. Process the garlic and onion for about 10 seconds until finely chopped. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onions and cook, without colouring, until softened. Add the alcohol and increase the heat, allowing the liquor to reduce until almost dry. Leave to cool.
Trim and dice the liver. Cut the bacon and pork into 2.5 cm (1 in) pieces. Process the bacon, liver and pork for 15 – 20 seconds until chopped to your preferred consistency. Remove the metal blade. Add the onions, parsley, cream, mixed herbs, all spice, salt, pepper and, lastly, the beaten egg. Mix with a wooden spoon.
Place the mixture in a 900 g (2 lb loaf tin) or terrine mould. Gently press the mixture down and cover with buttered foil. Stand in a roasting tin and pour in boiling water to come halfway up the sides. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven
170°C), Gas mark 4 for 1
— 1
4 hours. Top up with more boiling water, if necessary. Leave to cool in the tin for 30 minutes. Cover with a piece of foil, then place a weight on top of the cooked pâté and chill overnight in the refrigerator. Turn out and serve cut in slices with crusty bread and a mixed salad.
Serves 6
1 kg (2
4 lb) old non-waxy potatoes, small size • 100 g (4 oz) Gruyère cheese •
3 egg yolks • 284 ml carton single cream • 250 ml (9 fl oz) milk • pinch of ground nutmeg • salt and pepper • 1 clove of garlic, peeled (optional) • butter for greasing
Use the fine grating disc (A) and grate the cheese. Set aside. Peel the potatoes and trim to fit the feed feed tube. Use the coarse slicing disc (H) and slice the potatoes. Do not leave in water and use straight away. Grease a shallow ovenproof dish with butter and rub with a garlic clove. Fill the dish with potatoes. For a neater finish overlap the top layer of potatoes in rows. Clean the bowl and fit the whisk.
Add the egg yolks, cream, milk, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Process for 1 minute.
Pour this mixture over the potatoes.
Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C/400°F (Fan oven 190°F), Gas mark 6 for 45 – 60 minutes. Cover with foil if the top browns too quickly. After 30 minutes cooking, sprinkle over the grated cheese. The exact cooking time will vary according to the type of potatoes, so test the potatoes by piercing with a knife. Serve immediately.
Try this: For a Celeriac and Potato Dauphinois, reduce the quantity of potatoes to
450 g (1 lb) and slice 1 large celeriac with disc H. Arrange the potatoes and celeriac in layers, making sure the potatoes are on the top and bottom.
Serves 4-6
Serves 4 for lunch or 6 as a main course accompaniment.
1 kg (2
4 lb) courgettes • 100 g (4oz) Gruyère cheese • 250 ml (9 fl oz) double cream or crème fraiche • 3 eggs • salt and pepper • grated nutmeg
• butter for greasing
Wash the courgettes but do not peel. Use the coarse slicing disc (H) and cut the courgettes. Blanch in boiling, salted water for 5 min. Drain well and place in buttered ovenproof dish. Use the fine grating disc (A) and grate the cheese. Set aside. Fit the wire whisk in the bowl and mix the eggs, cream or crème fraiche, salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Process for 30 seconds. Remove the whisk and stir the grated cheese into the egg mixture. Pour the mixture over the courgettes and make sure they are all covered. Bake in a preheated oven at
230°C/450°F (Fan oven 220°C), Gas mark 8 for about 15 minutes. If the top browns too quickly cover with foil. Ideal served on its own for a light lunch or to accompany a main course.
Main Courses
Serves 6
For the pastry
250 g (9 oz) plain flour • 125 g (4
2 oz) block margarine, straight from the fridge • 4 tbsp cold water • 1 pinch of salt
For the filling
350 g (12 oz) courgettes • 350 g (12 oz) carrots, peeled • 15 g (
2 oz) butter
1 tbsp vegetable oil • 350 g (12 oz) fresh salmon • 3 eggs • 100 ml (3 1 /
2 fl oz) milk • 200 ml (7 fl oz) crème fraiche • pinch of paprika • salt and pepper
Cut the fat into pieces, Place the flour, fat and salt in the bowl fitted with the plastic
. Process for about 10-15 seconds until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. With the machine running add the water through the feed tube and process until it just begins to bind together. Remove and knead lightly to form a smooth ball, then wrap in cling film and leave to chill for at least 30 minutes in the fridge. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface and line a shallow 30 cm (12 in) loose based flan tin. Prick the base, line with greaseproof paper and baking beans.
Bake blind in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven 170°C), Gas mark 4 for
20 minutes. Remove the paper and beans.
Meanwhile, make the filling. Grate the courgettes and carrots in the bowl fitted with the
coarse grating disc (C)
. Heat the butter and oil in a large frying pan and cook on a low heat for approximately 15 minutes. Cut the fish into thin strips. Place the raw fish and vegetables into the precooked pastry case. Place the eggs, milk, crème fraiche, paprika, salt and pepper in the bowl fitted with the whisk. Process for 30 seconds. Pour the mixture over the vegetables. Return to the oven and bake for about a further
30 – 35 minutes. Serve hot.
Try this: If preferred you can use half block margarine and half lard for pastry with a short texture.
Serves 4
4 skinless chicken breasts • 50 g (2 oz) dry bread, crusts removed • 50 g (2 oz) cup mushrooms • 25 g (1 oz) butter • 7 rashers streaky bacon • 50 g (2 oz) mature Cheddar cheese, grated • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs • 1 egg yolk
Place the chicken breasts between two sheets of cling film and gently bash with a rolling pin to flatten them. Cut the bread into 2.5 cm (1 in) cubes. Fit the
metal blade
and with the machine running, drop the bread through feed tube and process. Set aside. Chop the mushrooms using the metal blade. Lightly fry the mushrooms in the butter. Set aside. Remove the rind from the bacon. Cut 3 rashers into 2.5 cm (1 in) pieces and chop using the metal blade. Fry until lightly cooked and set aside. In the Odacio bowl mix the mushrooms, bacon, breadcrumbs, grated cheese, mixed herbs and egg yolk for 15 seconds. Spread over the chicken breasts and roll up. Run the back of a knife over the remaining bacon to stretch it. Wrap a rasher around each chicken breast. Secure with wooden cocktail sticks. Place in a greased ovenproof dish. Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C/375°F (Fan oven
180°C), Gas mark 5 for 50 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Serve garnished with watercress.
Makes a 28cm (11inch) pizza
150 g (5 oz) strong white bread flour • yeast tsp salt •
2 tsp Easy bake or fast action dried
2 tsp granulated sugar • 90 ml warm water (1 part boiling water, 2 parts cold water) • 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
For the topping
200 g (8 oz) fresh flavoursome tomatoes • dried oregano • 100 g (4 oz) sliced mushrooms • 1 garlic clove, crushed (optional) • 2 tbsp olive oil • 6 slices of salami • 100 g (4 oz) Gruyere cheese • 6 pitted black olives • salt and ground black pepper
Fit the fine grating disc (A) and grate the cheese. Set aside. Place the flour, yeast, salt and sugar in the bowl with the plastic kneader. Mix for a few seconds. With the machine running, pour the warm water and olive oil through the feed feed tube and process for about 30 seconds until the dough forms a ball. On a lightly floured surface knead lightly into a smooth ball, then roll out to a 28 cm (11 in) circle. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Cover.
Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain and peel. Deseed and roughly chop the flesh. Heat the olive oil in a pan and gently fry the mushrooms and garlic until slightly brown. Season with ground black pepper. Cover the pizza base with the tomatoes and sprinkle over the oregano. Top with the salami and grated cheese, followed by the mushrooms and finally the olives. Drizzle with a little olive oil.
Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C/425°F (Fan oven 210°C), Gas mark 7 for about
15 – 20 minutes or until crisp. Serve immediately with a green salad.
25g (1oz) dry white bread, crusts removed • 30 ml (2 tbsp) milk •
2 onion, chopped • 350g (12oz) pork or lamb, cut into chunks • 15 ml (1 tbsp) chopped fresh marjoram • 30ml (2 tbsp) chopped fresh parsley • 10 ml
(2 tsp) dark soy sauce • a pinch of sugar, optional • salt and pepper •
15 ml (1 tbsp) vegetable oil • 100 g (4 oz) goats cheese, diced
For the fresh tomato sauce
450g (1 lb) fresh flavoursome tomatoes •
2 onion • 1 clove garlic (optional) •
25g (1 oz) butter • 225ml (7
2 fl oz) chicken stock • 7.5 ml spoon (1
2 tsp) sugar • 15ml (1 tbsp) tomato purée • 8 fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped • salt and pepper • 20g (scant 1 oz) cornflour (optional)
Fit the metal blade in the bowl. Cut the bread into cubes. Process into crumbs.
Place in a bowl, cover with the milk and leave to soak for 10 mins. Chop the onion using pulse. Add the meat, herbs, bread, soy sauce, sugar and seasoning. Process for about 20 seconds until finely chopped, but take care not to over process. Shape into walnut-sized balls and chill in the refrigerator for about 1 hour. Heat the oil and fry on a medium heat for 10 – 15 mins.
Meanwhile make the tomato sauce. Skin the tomatoes by placing in boiling water for a few minutes. Skin, cut in half and deseed. Clean the bowl and fit the metal blade.
Chop the onion and garlic for 15-20 seconds. Melt the butter in a large pan. Cook the onion and garlic on a gentle heat for about 5 minutes until soft. Remove from the heat. Add the tomatoes, chicken stock, sugar, tomato purée, basil leaves and seasoning. Mix the cornflour with a little water and stir into the pan. Gently bring to the boil, stirring continuously until the sauce thickens. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Purée the tomatoes in the liquidiser until smooth. Reheat and adjust the thickness, if necessary. Makes about 600ml
(1 pint) of sauce.
Place the cooked meatballs in an ovenproof dish and pour over sufficient tomato sauce to cover them. Top with the diced goats cheese and bake in a preheated oven at 200°C/400°F (Fan oven 190°C), Gas mark 6 for about 30 minutes until piping hot. Serve with bread and salad. Makes about 20 meatballs.
Try this: Served the cooked meatballs on a bed of spaghetti with the hot tomato sauce.
Serves 5-6
200 ml (7 fl oz) hot water • 3 tbsp instant coffee • 5 tbsp Marsala or rum •
36 sponge fingers (1 x 200 g packet) • 3 eggs, separated • 250 g (9 oz)
Mascarpone cheese • 30 g (1 oz) caster sugar • cocoa powder
Dissolve the instant coffee in the hot water. Add the Marsala or rum. Leave to cool.
Soak the sponge fingers in the coffee and alcohol mixture and use one third of them in the bottom of a 17cm (6
2 inch) soufflé dish. Beat the egg yolks, caster sugar and
Mascarpone in the bowl fitted with the whisk. Process for 1 minute. Pour the mixture into a large mixing bowl. Clean the Odacio bowl and beat the egg whites for
2 minutes with the whisk until stiff. Gently fold the egg whites into the egg mix until well mixed. Pour one-third of it over the sponge fingers. Add a second layer of soaked sponge fingers. Cover with one-third of the mixture. Top with the remaining soaked sponge fingers and remaining mixture. Leave to set in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Dust with sieved cocoa powder.
Cook’s note on Whipping Egg Whites: Best results are obtained when whipping
2 – 7 egg whites. Make sure the bowl and whisk are absolutely clean. Remove the pusher and process for about 1 1 /
2 minutes to 2 minutes, depending on the number of egg whites, until they are stiff. In common with other food processors, the volume is less aerated than using an electric mixer or hand whisk.
Makes 8
5 egg whites • 250 g (9 oz) icing sugar • pinch of salt
For the filling
284 ml carton whipping cream, whipped • 450 g (1 lb) strawberries or raspberries or other summer berry fruits
Place the egg whites, icing sugar and salt in the bowl fitted with the whisk, but leave the pusher out to allow more air in. Make sure the bowl and whisk are scrupulously clean otherwise the eggs will not whisk. Process for 8 minutes until stiff. Place 8 spoonfuls of mixture onto two baking sheets, lined with non-stick baking parchment, and shape into 10 cm (4 in) circles. Bake in a preheated oven at 110°C/225°F (Fan oven 100°C), Gas mark
4 for about 1
-2 hours until firm and crisp. Leave to cool.
Top with whipped cream and cover with the fruit.
Cook’s note: This mixture can be made into meringue shells by shaping with a spoon, but is not firm enough to pipe. Alternatively, use it as a topping for Lemon
Meringue Pie or Baked Alaska.
Serves 5 — 6
For the choux pastry:
75 g (3 oz) butter • 225 ml (7
2 fl oz) water • 110 g (4 oz) plain flour • 3 eggs, medium size
For the filling:
284 ml (10 fl oz) tub whipping cream, whipped
For the toffee sauce:
115 g (4 oz) cream toffees • 75 ml (5 tbsp) double cream • 50 g (2 oz) toasted flaked almonds, for decoration
Melt the butter and water in a saucepan. When the mixture is boiling, remove from the heat and add the flour in one go. Beat with a wooden spoon until smooth and comes away from the sides of the pan. Leave to cool slightly. Place the paste in the bowl fitted with the plastic kneader. With the machine running, add the eggs one at a time through the feed tube, then process for another 1 minute.
Using a teaspoon place walnut size spoonfuls of mixture on a greased baking tray.
Allow a little space between each spoonful as they will swell during cooking. Bake in batches in a preheated oven at 220°C/425°F, gas mark 7 for about 20-25 minutes or until crisp, well puffed and golden brown. Lift onto a wire rack and make a small hole in the base to release any steam. Leave to cool.
Fill the cooled choux puffs with the whipped cream.
Prepare the toffee sauce at the last minute so it can be served warm. In a saucepan melt the toffees on a low heat, stirring all the time. When half melted, add the double cream and keep mixing until all the toffees have melted. Pile the profiteroles in individual dishes, pour over the warm sauce and sprinkle over the toasted flaked almonds.
Mayonnaise and dressings
Makes about 300 ml (
2 pint)
1 egg yolk • 1 tsp Dijon mustard • 2 tsp white wine vinegar • 250 ml (8 fl oz) olive or sunflower (or half olive oil & half sunflower oil) • salt and pepper
All the ingredients should be at room temperature and not too cold. Fit the whisk.
Add the egg yolk, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper. Process until well blended then, without stopping the machine, very slowly pour the oil through the feeder tube.
Process until the mayonnaise is thick enough, after about 30 seconds. Adjust the seasoning.
Try this: For Garlic Mayonnaise add 2 crushed cloves of garlic, or more if you prefer, with the egg yolks.
Makes about 300 ml (
2 pint)
150 ml ( 1 /
4 pt) olive oil • 150 ml ( 1 /
4 pt) sunflower or groundnut oil • 75 ml (5 tbsp) wine vinegar • 5 ml (1 tsp) caster sugar • 5 ml (1 tsp) French mustard •
1 garlic clove, finely chopped • 2.5 ml (
2 tsp) salt • freshly ground black pepper
Fit the metal blade. Add all the ingredients and process for 10 -15 seconds. Add some chopped fresh herbs for a fuller flavour. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Shake well just before use.
Cakes, scones & biscuits
Makes 12
125g (4 oz) soft tub margarine or softened unsalted butter • 125 g (4 oz) caster sugar • 2 large eggs • 125 g (4 oz) self raising flour • 1 level tsp baking powder •
2 teaspoon vanilla extract • about 2 tbsp milk
For the chocolate topping
175 g (6 oz) Belgian milk chocolate • 75 g (3 oz) coarsely grated white chocolate or milk chocolate curls
Line a 12 hole muffin tin with muffin cases. Use the plastic kneader and add the margarine or butter cut into pieces, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder and vanilla extract. Process for 15-20 seconds until well blended (for soft tub margarine process using the “pulse” button). Add sufficient milk down the feed tube to make a soft, dropping consistency. Using a tablespoon, divide the mixture evenly between the 12 muffin cases. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven 170°C),
Gas mark 4 for 15 – 20 min or until firm to the touch. Leave to cool on a wire rack.
Break up the chocolate and melt in a microwave or in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Coat the top of each cupcake with the melted chocolate and sprinkle over the white grated chocolate or chocolate curls. Leave to set before serving.
Try this: Instead of chocolate, top with glacé icing or use packet instant royal icing, then decorate with glacé cherries, small sweets or cake decorations.
Makes a 20 cm (8 inch) cake
225 g (8 oz) soft tub margarine or softened butter, cut into pieces • 225 g (8 oz) caster sugar • 4 eggs • 200 g (7 oz) self raising flour •
2 tsp ground cinnamon •
2 tsp ground mixed spice • 50 g (2 oz) ground almonds • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 2 dessert apples, such as Braeburn
For the topping:
2 tbsp demerara sugar • 1 /
2 tsp ground cinnamon • 1 /
2 tsp ground mixed spice
For the filling:
142 ml pot whipped double cream or 200 ml crème fraiche • jar of smooth apple sauce or puréed apple
Grease and line two deep 20 cm (8 in) deep sandwich tins. Peel, quarter and core the apples. Thinly slice half an apple for the topping and set aside. Fit the metal
and roughly chop the remaining apple. Set aside and clean the bowl.
Use the plastic kneader and place the fat, sugar, eggs, flour, spices, ground almonds and vanilla extract in the bowl. Process for about 15-20 seconds (for soft tub margarine process using the “pulse” button). Add the chopped apple and process using Pulse in short bursts until mixed. Divide the mixture between the tins and smooth the tops. Toss the apple slices in the demerara sugar and spices then arrange on top of one cake. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven
170°C), Gas mark 4 for 25-30 min or until firm to the touch. Turn out and leave to cool. Sandwich the cake together with a layer of apple and the whipped cream or crème fraiche. Best eaten on the day of making.
For a Victoria Sandwich Cake, use 225 g (8 oz) soft margarine or softened butter,
225 g (8 oz) caster sugar, 4 eggs, 225 g (8 oz) self raising flour and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Use the plastic kneader and process for about 15-20 seconds (for soft tub margarine process using the “pulse” button). Divide between 2 x 20 cm
(8 in) sandwich tins and bake as instructed above. Fill with jam and vanilla buttercream icing.
For a Chocolate Cake, use the Victoria Sandwich recipe and substitute 225 g
(8 oz) self raising flour with 210 g (7
2 oz) self raising flour and 15 g (
2 oz) sieved cocoa powder. Fill with chocolate or vanilla buttercream icing.
Makes a 20 cm (8 inch) cake
150 g (5 oz) soft tub margarine • 150 g (5 oz) caster sugar • 2 medium size eggs • 225 g (8 oz) self raising flour • 1 tsp ground mixed spice • finely grated rind of 1 orange • 2 tbsp juice from orange • 2 tbsp milk • 250 g
(9 oz) mixed dried fruit
Place the dried fruit in a bowl, cover with boiling water and leave to soak for 30 minutes. Drain and dry the fruit well. Place all the ingredients, except the dried fruit, in the bowl with the plastic kneader. Process for 15-20 seconds (for soft tub margarine process using the “pulse” button). Add the dried fruit and process using
Pulse in short bursts until mixed. Place the mixture in a lined 20 cm (8 in) round cake tin and smooth the top. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C/300°F (Fan oven
140°C), Gas mark 2 for about 1
— 2 hours, or until a skewer inserted in the cake comes out with no uncooked mixture attached. Leave to cool slightly in the tin before turning out.
Makes about 16
50g (2 oz) caster sugar • 120g (4
2 oz) plain flour • 85g (3oz) ground almonds • 85g (3oz) softened butter, straight from the fridge • 1 egg yolk
Fit the plastic kneader. Add the sugar, flour and almonds. Cut the butter into pieces and add to the bowl. Process for 10 seconds until the mixture is like fine breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and process for about 15-20 seconds until mixed.
Turn the mixture onto a floured surface and press together with your fingertips to form a smooth ball. Roll out to about 3 mm (1/8 inch) thickness. Cut out rounds using a 7 cm (3 inch) cutter. Place on non-stick baking trays and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F (Fan oven 170°C), Gas mark 4 for 12-15 minutes until a light golden brown. Cool slightly before transferring to a wire rack.
Makes about 6 — 8
225 g (8 oz) self raising flour • 2.5 ml (
2 tsp) cream of tartar • 2.5 ml (
2 tsp) baking powder • pinch of salt • 15 g ( 1 /
2 oz) caster sugar • 50g (2 oz) butter, straight from the fridge cut into cubes • 1 medium size egg • about 75 ml
(3 fl oz) milk
For the whipped cream
284 ml carton whipped cream • 1 tsp caster sugar • jam and butter, to serve
Place the flour, cream of tartar, baking powder, salt and sugar in the bowl with the
plastic kneader.
Process briefly to mix. Add the butter and process for 10-15 seconds, until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Beat the egg and milk together in jug. With the machine still running, add the egg mixture through the feed tube, and process for a few seconds until it binds together. Take care not to over process.
Tip out onto a lightly floured surface and lightly knead into a smooth ball. Roll out to about 2 cm (
4 inch) thickness. Cut into rounds using a 5 cm (2 inch) cutter. Place on a greased baking tray and brush the tops with milk. Bake in a preheated oven at
200°C/400°F (Fan oven 190°C), Gas mark 6 for about 10-15 minutes until risen and golden brown. Leave to cool.
To whip the cream, fit the whisk in the bowl. Add the cream and sugar. Process but manually reduce the speed to minimum as soon as possible to prevent over processing. Process for about 1 minute but frequently check on the consistency to avoid over whipping. Serve the scones split and buttered with whipped cream and jam.
Try this: Add 25 g (1 oz) glace cherries and 1 teaspoon ground ginger to the dry ingredients to make Cherry and Ginger Scones.
For Cheese Scones
omit the sugar and add 50 (2 oz) mature cheddar cheese grated using the fine grating disc (H) plus a pinch of dry mustard powder.
Pastry, batters and bread
Makes about 20 large pancakes
4 eggs • 750 ml (1
4 pt) milk • 100 ml (7 tbsp) sunflower oil • 40 g (1
2 oz) caster sugar • pinch of salt • 375 g (13 oz) plain flour
Place the eggs, milk, oil, sugar, and salt in the liquidiser. Remove the stopper from the lid. Blend for a few seconds. With the machine still running, spoon the flour through the hole in the lid and process for 1 before cooking the pancakes.
1 /
2 minutes. Stop and scrape down the sides with a spatula if necessary. Leave the batter to stand for at least an hour
Try this: For Yorkshire pudding batter or a smaller quantity of pancake batter, place
1 egg and 300ml (
pt) milk in the liquidiser. Process for 20 seconds. With the machine still running, spoon 100g (4 oz) plain flour through the hole in the lid and process until well mixed. Leave the batter to stand for 1 hour. After standing the consistency may thicken and need adjusting with more liquid.
For a Coating or Fritter batter prepare in the same way as the Yorkshire pudding batter but only use 150 ml (
pt) milk instead of 300 ml. When making fritters a lighter texture batter can be obtained by using beer, lager or cider instead of milk.
This recipe makes one loaf or 8 -10 rolls
For 800 g (1
4 lb) of white bread dough:
500 g (1lb 2oz) strong white bread flour • 10ml (2 tsp) Easybake or Fast Action dried yeast • 5 ml (1 tsp) salt •
2.5 ml ( 1 /
2 tsp) sugar • 10 ml (2 tsp) vegetable oil • 300 ml ( 1 /
2 pt) warm water
(1 part boiling water to 2 parts cold) • milk, to glaze • poppy seeds, sesame seeds or coarse oatmeal (optional)
Grease and warm sufficient baking sheets. Fit the plastic kneader. Place the flour, yeast, salt, sugar and oil in the bowl. Mix together for a few seconds then, with the machine running, add the warm water through the feed tube. Process for about a further 40 seconds until the dough forms a ball. On a lightly floured surface, knead by hand until smooth.
If making a loaf, shape into a ball and place on a greased baking tray or use a 900 g
(2 lb) loaf tin. If making rolls, cut the dough into 8 — 10 pieces, knead each piece and shape into balls. Place on the greased baking sheets, leaving space between the rolls for them to expand. Loosely cover the shaped dough with oiled polythene.
Leave to rise in a warm place, such as an airing cupboard, for about 1 hour or until doubled in size. Slash the top of the loaf with a sharp knife. For a crisp crust, brush with a little milk and scatter with seeds.
Bake in a preheated oven at 220°C/425°F (Fan oven 210°C), Gas mark 7 for 15 — 20 minutes for rolls. For the loaf, bake for 20 minutes and then reduce to 180°C/350°F
(Fan oven 170°C), Gas mark 4 and bake for a further 15 minutes. To test, tap the base of the bread and it should sound hollow. Remove from the trays and cool on a wire rack.
Try this: For Wholemeal Bread use strong wholemeal bread flour, or half strong wholemeal bread flour and half strong white bread flour, plus increase the warm water to 325 ml (11 fl oz). For Brown Bread use the same quantities in the recipe above, but substitute strong brown bread flour for strong white bread flour.
For 350 g of pastry
200g (8 oz) plain flour • 50 g (2 oz) block margarine, straight from the fridge
• 50 g (2 oz) lard, straight from the fridge • 5 ml (1 tsp) salt • about 50 ml
(3 tbsp) cold water
Fit the plastic kneader. Put the flour and salt in the bowl. Process for a few seconds to mix. Cut the fat into pieces and add to the bowl. Process for about 15 seconds until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Pour the water through the feeder tube while the processor is running and process for about 10 seconds until the dough just forms a ball. Remove and knead lightly until smooth. Wrap the pastry in cling film or foil, and chill for at least 30 minutes before using. Use to make pies, flans, fruit tarts and jam tarts.
Try this: If preferred you can use 100 g (4 oz) block margarine instead of margarine and lard.
Serves 4
300 g (11 oz) fresh strawberries, hulled • 600 ml (1 pt) chilled milk • 20 ml
(4 teaspoon) icing sugar — add more if the strawberries lack sweetness •
4 scoops vanilla ice-cream
Place all the ingredients in the liquidiser and process for 1 minute. Serve immediately in tall glasses, decorate with one or two whole fresh strawberries threaded onto a cocktail stick.
Try this:
For a Banana Smoothie use 3 ripe bananas, 750 ml (1
4 pt) chilled milk,
3 scoops vanilla ice cream and 2-3 tablespoons icing sugar, depending on the ripeness of the bananas. Process for 1 minute.
For a Chocolate Milkshake
use 500 ml (18 fl oz) chilled milk, 2 tablespoons drinking chocolate and 2 scoops vanilla ice-cream. Process for 1 minute.
Serves 4-6
1 banana • 2 slices fresh pineapple • 10 strawberries or 10 raspberries •
2 ice cubes • 1 tbsp caster sugar • 300 ml (
2 pt) orange juice • 2 glasses of chilled sparkling water
Place all the ingredients in the liquidiser, except the sparkling water. Blend for 30 seconds. Add the sparkling water and process for 1 minute.
Serve immediately.