Наушники jbl live 650btnc инструкция на русском

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации беспроводных наушников JBL Live 650BTNC Black.

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    Требуется руководство для вашей JBL Live 650BTNC Наушники? Ниже вы можете просмотреть и загрузить бесплатно руководство в формате PDF. Кроме того, приведены часто задаваемые вопросы, рейтинг изделия и отзывы пользователей, что позволит оптимально использовать ваше изделие. Если это не то руководство, которое вы искали, – свяжитесь с нами.

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    Звук более 80 децибел (дБ) может начать повреждать слух. Звук более 120 дБ немедленно повреждает слух. Степень вреда зависит от того, как часто и как долго звучат эти децибелы.

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    До какого уровня шума это безопасно для детей? Проверенный
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    Это было полезно (139)

    Руководство JBL Live 650BTNC Наушники

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      Если вы заметили ошибку или неточность в описании товара, пожалуйста, выделите часть текста с ошибкой и нажмите кнопку «Сообщить об ошибке».

      JBL LIVE 650BTNC Quick Start Guide

      What’s in the box


      1. Buttons & LEDs
        Overview - Buttons & LEDs
      2. Connections
        Overview - Connections

      Bluetooth Pairing

      1. Turn on the headphone
        Bluetooth Pairing - Step 1 - Turning on

      Note: A 3 seconds interval is necessary between switching the headphones on and off again to avoid false trigger.

      1. If connecting for the first time, the headphone will enter the pairing mode automatically after it is powered on
      2. Connect to bluetooth device
        Bluetooth Pairing - Step 2
        Choose «JBL LIVE650BTNC» to connect

      Controlling music

      Controlling music

      Managing phone calls

      Managing phone calls

      Voice Assistant

      Voice Assistant

      Download My JBL Headphones APP

      Get even more control and personalization of your listening experience with this free App.



      The Google Assistant

      1. To set up the Google Assistant
        1. Connect your headphones to your mobile device
        2. Set up your Google Assistant using your mobile device:
          On your Android device, press and hold the home button to open the Google Assistant and follow the on-screen instructions.
          On your iOS devices, open or download the Google Assistant app and follow the app instructions.



      Note: The Google Assistant is available on eligible Android 6.0 devices* or later. For iOS devices, the Google Assistant app needs to be downloaded. Works on Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat Android Phones with Google Play Services, >1.5GB of memory and 720p or higher screen resolution.
      For more information on what your Google Assistant can do, visit: assistant.google.com/platforms/headphones

      1. To use your Google Assistant
        Using the Google Assistant
      Function What to do
      Talk to your Google Assistant Press and hold the Action button to begin. Requires pairing with eligible phone and internet connection. For examples of questions and things you can do, visit: https://assistant.google.com/platforms/headphones
      Get your notifications Touch the Action button.
      Stop your Google Assistant Double tap Action button.
      Reply to a message (where available) After receiving a message notification, touch and hold the Action button to respond. When you’re done, release the button.


      1. The Google Assistant isn’t available in certain languages and countries.
      2. If you want to turn on or off the Google Assistant, please download our JBL APP. You can select under Settings > Voice assistant > Google Assistant.

      For countries without the Google Assistant, you can double tap the left ear cup to activate voice assistant.
      Activating the voice assistant

      Amazon Alexa

      1. Connect your headphones to your mobile device.
      2. Download JBL APP and follow the app instructions, select Settings > Voice assistant > Amazon Alexa.
      3. On your mobile device, open or download the Amazon Alexa app and follow the app instructions.
      4. In the Amazon Alexa App, navigate to the Device Page.
        Using the Amazon Alexa - Step 1
      5. Click the Plus (+) button on the top right of the screen and select ‘Add Device‘.
      6. Select Headphones from the list and then choose your Live Series Headphones in the Available Devices section. Follow the rest of the instructions in the Alexa App to complete set up.
      7. Alexa is now enabled on your device. Touch the action button and try one of the below utterances:
        Using the Amazon Alexa - Step 2
      Things to try Example of what to say
      Talk to Alexa «What’s the weather?»
      Play audio «Play Niall Horan.»
      Note: Amazon Music is set as the default music service, To change the default music service, use the Alexa app
      Play audio from a specific music service «Play NPR on IheratRadio.»
      Set a timer «Set a timer for 5 minutes.»
      Discover more skills «What new skills do you have?»
      Stop Alexa While Alexa is talking, press and release the Action button then say «Stop»


      1. For more information and things to try with Alexa, visit: www.amazon.com/alexadevices and select ‘Use Alexa’.
      2. If you want to turn on or off the Amazon Alexa, please download our JBL APP. You can select under Settings > Voice assistant > Amazon Alexa.
      3. Alexa is not available in all languages and countries.

      Factory reset

      Factory reset

      Active noise cancelling (ANC)

      1. ANC is on as factory default.
      2. In wireless listening mode, long press ANC button to switch it off and on.
      3. In wired mode, power on the headphone to switch it on. Power off the headphone to switch it off. Also could use the ANC button to switch it on and off.
        Active Noise Cancelling - ANC button

      Wired listening mode

      Wired listening mode

      Seamlessly switch between devices

      1. Pair and connect the headphone with the 1st bluetooth device (see Section 3 Bluetooth pairing)
      2. Pair and connect the headphone with the 2nd bluetooth device
        Seamlessly switch between devices - Step 1
      1. Connect to bluetooth device

        Choose «JBL LIVE650BTNC» to connect
      2. Go back to the bluetooth device list on the 1st device and select the headphone* to connect
        Seamlessly switch between devices - Step 2

      Items to note:

      1. Maximum 2 devices can be connected simultaneously
      2. To switch music source, pause the music on the current device and select play on the 2 device.
      3. Phone call will always take priority.
      4. If one device goes out of bluetooth range or powers off, you may need to manually reconnect the other device.

      LED behaviour

      LED behaviour
      LED behaviour - Indicators Description


      • Transducer size: 40mm
      • Dynamic frequency response range: 16Hz-20kHz
      • Sensitivity: 100 dBSPL@1kHz/1mW
      • Max input power: 30mW
      • Transmit sensitivity @1kHz dB v/pa: -21
      • Impedance: 32ohm
      • Bluetooth transmitted power: 0-4dbm
      • Bluetooth transmitted modulation: GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK
      • Bluetooth frequency: 2.402GHz-2.48GHz
      • Bluetooth profiles: HFP v1.6, A2DP V1.3, AVRCP V1.5
      • Bluetooth version: V4.2
      • Battery type: Polymer Li-ion Battery (3.7VDC, 700mAh)
      • Charging time: 2 hours
      • Music play time with BT on and ANC off:
        Up to 30H
      • Music play time with BT on and ANC on:
        Up to 20H
      • Music play time with BT off and ANC on:
        Up to 35H
      • Weight: 260g


      JBL Live 650BTNC review: Affordable ANC headphones? Video

      JBL Live 650BTNC Review — Voice Assistants Everywhere Video

      Documents / Resources


      Download manual

      Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

      Download JBL LIVE 650BTNC Quick Start Guide

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