Нефрология национальное руководство 2020 скачать

1. Добронравов ВА. Обзор патофизиологии острого повреждения почек. В: Смирнов АВ, Добронравов ВА, Румянцев АШ, Каюков ИГ Острое повреждение почек. МИА, М., 2015; 30-79

2. Каюков ИГ, Смирнов АВ, Эмануэль ВЛ. Цистатин С в современной медицине. Нефрология 2012; 16(1): 22-39

3. Каюков ИГ, Смирнов АВ. Рентгеноконтрастная нефропатия. В: Мухин НА, ред. Нефрология. Национальное руководство. ГЭОТАР-Медиа, М., 2009; 688-704

4. Смирнов АВ. Клиника и диагностика острого повреждения почек. В: Смирнов АВ, Добронравов ВА, Румянцев АШ, Каюков ИГ. Острое повреждение почек. МИА, М., 2015; 80-206

5. Смирнов АВ. Клинические синдромы острого повреждения почек. В: Смирнов АВ, Добронравов ВА, Румянцев АШ, Каюков ИГ. Острое повреждение почек. МИА, М., 2015; 207-304

6. Смирнов АВ, Добронравов ВА, Каюков ИГ Кардиоренальный континуум: патогенетические основы превентивной нефрологии. Нефрология 2005; 9(3): 7-15

7. Смирнов АВ, Каюков ИГ, Дегтерева ОА и др. Проблемы диагностики и стратификации тяжести острого повреждения почек. Нефрология 2009; 13(3): 9-18

8. Al-Ani A1, Al-Jalham K, Ibrahim T et al. Factors determining renal impairment in unilateral ureteral colic secondary to calcular disease: a prospective study. Int Urol Nephrol. 2015; 47(7):1085-1090

9. Bagshaw SM, Hoste EA, Braam B et al. Cardiorenal syndrome type 3: pathophysiologic and epidemiologic considerations. Contrib Nephrol 2013;182:137-157

10. Bainey KR, Rahim S, Etherington K et al. Effects of withdrawing vs continuing renin-angiotensin blockers on incidence of acute kidney injury in patients with renal insufficiency undergoing cardiac catheterization: Results from the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin Receptor Blocker and Contrast Induced Nephropathy in Patients Receiving Cardiac Catheterization (CAPTAIN) trial. Am Heart J 2015;170(1):110-116

11. Basi S, Pupim LB, Simmons EM et al. Insulin resistance in critically ill patients with acute renal failure. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 2005;289: F259-264

12. Bellomo R, Ronco C, Kellum JA et al. Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative workgroup. Acute renal failure — definition, outcome measures, animal models, fluid therapy and information technology needs: the Second International Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group. Crit Care 2004;8:R204-R212

13. Bellomo R, Cass A, Cole L et al. Intensity of continuous renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients. N Engl J Med 2009; 361: 1627-1638

14. Bonventre JV, Vaidya VS, Schmouder R et al. Next-generation biomarkers for detecting kidney toxicity. Nat Biotechnol 2010; 28 (5): 436-440

15. Bouman C , KellumJ A, Levin N. Definition of acute renal failure. Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative. 2nd International Consensus Conference, 2002; National Kidney Foundation KD: Clinical practice guidelines for chronic Kidney disease: Evaluation, classification and stratification. Am J Kidney Dis 2002;39 [Suppl 1]: S1-S266

16. Bucaloiu ID, Kirchner HL, Norfolk ER et al. Increased risk of death and de novo chronic kidney disease following reversible acute kidney injury. Kidney Int 2012; 81(5): 477-485

17. Case J, Khan S, Khalid R, Khan A. Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Res Pract 2013; 2013:479730. doi: 10.1155/2013/479730. Epub 2013 Mar 21

18. Casaer MP, Mesotten D, Schetz MR. Bench-to-bedside review: metabolism and nutrition. Crit Care 2008;12(4):222

19. Chowdhury AH, Cox EF, Francis ST, Lobo DN. A randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover study on the effects of 2-L infusions of 0.9% saline and plasma-lyte(R) 148 on renal blood flow velocity and renal cortical tissue perfusion in healthy volunteers. Annals of Surgery 2012; 256 (1): 18-24

20. Coca SG, Singanamala S, Parikh CR. Chronic kidney disease after acute kidney injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kidney Int 2012; 81(5): 442-448

21. Cogliati AA, Vellutini R, Nardini A et al. Fenoldopam infusion for renal protection in high-risk cardiac surgery patients: a randomized clinical study. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2007; 21: 847-885

22. Conti M, Moutereau S, Zater M et al. Urinary cystatin C as a specifi c marker of tubular dysfunction. Clin Chem Lab Med 2006; 44(3): 288-291

23. Chertow GM, Burdick E, Honour M et al. Acute kidney injury, mortality, length of stay, and costs in hospitalized patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005; 16: 3365-3370

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27. Fiaccadori E, Regolisti G, Cabassi A. Specific nutritional problems in acute kidney injury, treated with non-dialysis and dialytic modalities. NDT Plus. 2010;3(1):1-7

28. Fiaccadori E, Regolisti G, Maggiore U. Specialized nutritional support interventions in critically ill patients on renal replacement therapy. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2013;16(2):217-224

29. Fouque D, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kopple J et al. A proposed nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for protein-energy wasting in acute and chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2008;73(4):391-398

30. Friedrich JO, Adhikari N, Herridge MS, Beyene J. Meta-analysis: low-dose dopamine increases urine output but does not prevent renal dysfunction or death. Ann Intern Med 2005; 142: 510-524

31. Fuiano G, Mazza G, Comi N et al. Current indications for renal biopsy: a questionnaire-based survey. Am J Kidney Dis 2000; 35(3): 448-457

32. Geus H, Betjes M, Bakker J. Biomarkers for the prediction of acute kidney injury: a narrative review on current status and future challenges. Clin Kidney J 2012; 5(2): 102-108

33. Giampietri C, Starace D, Petrungaro S et al. Necroptosis: Molecular signalling and translational Implications. Int J Cell Biol 2014; 2014:490275

34. Gibney NI, Hoste E, Burdmann EA et al. Timing of initiation and discontinuation of renal replacement therapy in AKI: unanswered key questions. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2008;3(3):876-880

35. Haase M, Bellomo R, Haase-Fielitz A. Serum cystatin C may diagnose rather than predict acute kidney injury. Am J Kidney Dis 2012; 59(4): 582

36. Haase N, Perner A, Hennings LI et al. Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.38-0.45 versus crystalloid or albumin in patients with sepsis: systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. BMJ 2013; 346: f839

37. Hirschberg RI, Kopple J, Lipsett P et al. Multicenter clinical trial of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I in patients with acute renal failure. Kidney Int 1999;55(6):2423-2432

38. Ho KM, Power BM. Benefits and risks of furosemide in acute kidney injury. Anaesthesia 2010; 65 (3): 283-293

39. Hoste EA, Clermont G, Kersten A et al. RIFLE criteria for acute kidney injury are associated with hospital mortality in critically ill patients: a cohort analysis. Crit Care 2006;10(3): R73

40. Jones J, Holmen J, De Graauw J et al. Association of complete recovery from acute kidney injury with incident CKD stage 3 and all-cause mortality. Am J Kidney Dis 2012; 60(3):402-408

41. Hsu CY, McCulloch CE, Fan D et al. Community-based incidence of acute renal failure. Kidney Int 2007; 72: 208-212 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Acute Kidney Injury Work Group. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Acute Kidney Injury. Kidney Int Suppl 2012; Issue 1: 1-126

42. Korkeila M, Ruokonen E, Takala J. Costs of care, long-term prognosis and quality of life in patients requiring renal replacement therapy during intensive care. Intensive Care Med 2000;26:1824-1831

43. Lewington AJP, Cerda J, Mehta RL. Raising awareness of Acute Kidney Injury: A global perspective of a silent killer. Kidney Int 2013; 84(3): 457-467

44. Liano F, Pascual J. Epidemiology of acute renal failure: a prospective, multicenter, community-basedstudy. Madrid Acute Renal Failure Study Group. Kidney Int 1996; 50: 811-818

45. Lim W, Cook DJ, Crowther MA. Safety and efficacy of low molecular weight heparins for hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal failure: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: 3192-3206

46. Lobo DN, Stanga Z, Aloysius MM et al. Effect of volume loading with 1 liter intravenous infusions of 0.9% saline, 4% succinylated gelatine (Gelofusine) and 6% hydroxyethyl starch (Voluven) on blood volume and endocrine responses: a randomized, three-way crossover study in healthy volunteers. Critical Care Medicine 2010; 38 (2): 464-470

47. Lopez-Gomez JM, Rivera F. Renal biopsy findings in acute renal failure in the cohort of patients in the Spanish Registry of Glomerulonephritis. Clin J Am SocNephrol 2008; 3(3): 674-681

48. Macedo E, Bouchard J, Soroko SH et al. Fluidh accumulation, recognition and staging of acute kidney injury in critically-ill patients. Crit Care 2010;14(3): R82

49. Mammen C, Al Abbas A, Skippen P et al. Long-term risk of CKD in children surviving episodes of acute kidney injury in the intensive care unit: a prospective cohort study. Am J Kidney Dis 2012; 59(4): 523-530

50. Mârtensson J, Martling CR, Bell M. Novel biomarkers of acute kidney injury and failure: clinical applicability.Br J Anaesth 2012;109(6):843-850

51. Mehta RL, Kellum JA, Shah SV et al. Acute Kidney Injury Network. Acute Kidney Injury Network: report of an initiative to improve outcomes in acute kidney injury. Crit Care 2007;11(2):R31

52. Murugan R, Kellum http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Kellum%20JA%5bAuthor%5d&cauthor=true&cauthor_ uid=21343898JA. Acute kidney injury: what’s the prognosis? Nat Rev Nephrol 2011; 7: 209 — 217

53. Noto A, Cibecchini F, Fanos V et al. NGAL and metabolomics: the single biomarker to reveal the metabolome alterations in kidney injury. Biomed Res Int 2013; id 612032

54. Palevsky PM, Zhang JH, O’Connor TZ et al. Intensity of renal support in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury. N Engl J Med 2008; 359: 7-20

55. Patel K, King CA, Jovin IS.Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and their effects on contrast-induced nephropathy aft er cardiac catheterization or percutaneous coronary intervention. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2011; 12:. 90-93

56. Palevsky PM, Liu KD, Brophy PD et al. KDOQI US commentary on the 2012 KDIGO clinical practice guideline for acute kidney injury. Am J Kidney Dis 2013; 61(5):649-672

57. Peng F, Su J, Lin J, Niu W. Impact of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system-blocking agents on the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury: a prospective study and meta-analysis. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2015;65(3):262-268.

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59. Rivera F, Lopez-Gomez JM, Perez-Garcia R. Clinicopathologic correlations of renal pathology in Spain. Kidney Int 2004; 66(3): 898-904

60. Ronco C, Haapio M, House AA et al. Cardiorenal syndrome. Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52(19):1527-1539

61. Rosenzweig B, Pinthus JH, Kleinmann N et al. The relative contribution of urine extravasation to elevate plasma creatinine levels in acute unilateral ureteral obstruction. Can Urol Assoc J. 2015; 9(7-8):E428-433

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71. Wu VC, Wu CH, Huang TM et al. Long-Term risk of coronary events after AKI. J Am Soc Nephrol; doi: 10.1681/ASN.2013060610, 6 February 2014

72. Waikar SS, Liu KD, Chertow GM. Diagnosis, epidemiology and outcomes of acute kidney injury. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2008; 3(3):844-861

73. Waikar SS, Bonventre JV. Creatinine kinetics and the definition of acute kidney injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 2009; 20(3):672-679 Wu PC, Wu CJ, Lin CJ et al. Long-term risk of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage after advanced AKI. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2015;10(3):353-362

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76. Zhang Z, Lu B, Sheng X et al. Cystatin C in prediction of acute kidney injury: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Am J Kidney Dis 2011; 58(3): 356-365

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  2. Мухин, Н. А. Нефрология. Национальное руководство. Краткое издание / гл. ред. Н. А. Мухин. — Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2020. — 608 с. — 608 с. — ISBN 978-5-9704-5702-3. — Текст : электронный // URL : https://www.rosmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785970457023.html (дата обращения: 16.02.2022). — Режим доступа : по подписке.
  3. Усанова, А. А. Клинические нормы. Нефрология / А. А. Усанова, Н. Н. Гуранова. — Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2020. — 224 с. — ISBN 978-5-9704-5628-6. — Текст : электронный // URL : https://www.rosmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785970456286.html (дата обращения: 16.02.2022). — Режим доступа : по подписке.
  4. Ветчинникова, О. Н. Минеральные и костные нарушения при хронической болезни почек : руководство для врачей / Ветчинникова О. Н. , Герасимчук Р. П. , Ермоленко В. М. , Земченков А. Ю. , Михайлова Н. А. , Ряснянский В. Ю. , Шостка Г. Д. , Шутов Е. В. — Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2018. — 304 с. (Серия «Библиотека врача-специалиста») — ISBN 978-5-9704-4667-6. — Текст : электронный // URL : https://www.rosmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785970446676.html (дата обращения: 16.02.2022). — Режим доступа : по подписке.
  5. Милованова, Л. Ю. Нарушения минерального и костного обмена при хронической болезни почек. Роль фактора роста фибробластов-23, Клото и склеростина / Милованова Л. Ю. — Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2018. — 144 с. (Серия «Библиотека врача-специалиста») — ISBN 978-5-9704-4388-0. — Текст : электронный // URL : https://www.rosmedlib.ru/book/ISBN9785970443880.html (дата обращения: 16.02.2022). — Режим доступа : по подписке.
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  1. Мухин Н.А.
    Нефрология: Национальное руководство


    Издательство: ГЭОТАР-Медиа
    Жанр: Урология

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 720
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    «Национальные руководства — первая в России серия практических руководств по основным медицинским специальностям, включающих всю основную информацию, необходимую врачу для непрерывного последипломного образования. В отличие от большинства других руководств, в национальных руководствах равное внимание уделено профилактике, диагностике, фармакотерапии и немедикаментозным методам лечения. Национальное руководство «Нефрология» содержит современную и актуальную информацию об организации нефрологической помощи, о методах диагностики и лечения болезней почек. Отдельный раздел посвящен описанию основных синдромов. Приложение к руководству на компакт-диске включает фармакологический справочник и другие дополнительные материалы. В подготовке настоящего издания в качестве авторов-составителей и рецензентов принимали участие ведущие специалисты-нефрологи. Все рекомендации прошли этап независимого рецензирования. Предназначено нефрологам, врачам-терапевтам, врачам общей практики, интернам, ординаторам, аспирантам и студентам старших курсов медицинских вузов.»


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