Nord stage 2 инструкция на русском языке

background image


| 33

High Pass — HP 

If HP is used, frequencies below the Filter Frequency setting will be at-
tenuated, frequencies above the cutoff will not be affected .

Band Pass — BP 

 A bandpass filter allows frequencies close the Filter Frequency setting 
to pass, while frequencies above and below the cutoff will be attenu-
ated .

• The Filter Resonance sets the width of the frequency range that will 

pass through the band pass filter .


 A Notch filter is the opposite of the Band Pass filter, it passes most of 
the frequencies unaltered, but attenuates those in a specific range .

• The Filter Resonance sets the width of the frequency range that will 

be attenuated with the Notch filter .

Filter Frequency 

The Filter Frequency is used for setting the cutoff frequency point — 
where in the frequency range the filter begins to process frequencies . 
This parameter can be Morph controlled .

The Image above illustrates three different Filter Frequency settings 
using a low pass filter . The area to the left, up to the downward slope 
indicates the frequencies that passes through the filter . The area to 
the right of the slope are those frequencies that are reduced . Move 
the slope to the left and the sound gets duller . The “humps” at the top 
indicates a resonance setting . Ok, enough science .

KB Track

The reason for having a Keyboard Track switch is related to basic 
acoustics . If you raise the pitch of a waveform, the harmonics naturally 
raise in frequency . If the cutoff frequency is constant, the sound will be 
perceived as getting “muddier” the higher up the keyboard you play . To 
avoid this effect, use KB Track .

With KB Track turned off, the filter frequency setting is constant re-
gardless of where on the keyboard you play . When Keyboard Track is 
activated, the filter frequency setting will be higher for higher notes .


The Resonance parameter is used to further adjust the 
characteristics of the filter . Increasing the Resonance 
will emphasize frequencies around the cutoff frequency, 
making the sound thinner . Further raising the Resonance 
will make the sound resonant to a point where the 
filter starts to self-oscillate and produce a ringing pitch . 
Exactly where in the frequency spectrum this “ringing” 
occurs, depends on the Frequency value .

Freq Mod 1 — LFO

The filter frequency can be controlled by the low frequency oscillator, 
the LFO . The Freq Mod 1 knob sets the amount of modulation .

Freq Mod 2

This knob governs the amount of the second modulation source to the 
Filter Frequency . Set the knob to a position after 12 o’clock, the Mod 
Envelope will modulate the Filter Frequency . Set the knob to a position 
before 12 o’clock to control the Filter Frequency by the velocity of the 
keys you play .

The Envelopes

The envelopes are used to “shape the sound” over the period of time, 
from when you first play a key, to after it has been released . 

Mod Envelope  

The Modulation Envelope is a three-stage envelope used 
to modulate the tone color over the duration of a note, 
e .g . create a bright attack by modulating the filter in the 
start of the note . The Mod Envelope has three stages:


Attack sets the time it should take for the envelope to 
reach maximum level after you have pressed a key . Turn 
the Attack knob clockwise to increase Attack time .

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Resonance = 3

Resonance = 7

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Vocal

Envelope range


Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Resonance = 3

Resonance = 7

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Vocal

Envelope range


Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Resonance = 3

Resonance = 7

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Vocal

Envelope range


Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Resonance = 3

Resonance = 7

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Resonance = 10

Resonance = 0

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Frequency

Filter Resonance

Filter Frequency

Filter Vocal

Envelope range


Filter Frequency

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Устройство из раздела: синтезатор

Бренд-производитель: CLAVIA DMI AB

Наименование модели: CLAVIA NORD Stage 2 HA76

Инструкция на английском языке

Файл: pdf

Размер файла: 13,90 MB


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Clavia NordStage2 EX 88 User Manual

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User Manual

Nord Stage 2 EX 88

Nord Stage 2 EX HP76

Nord Stage 2 EX Compact

OS Version 2.x

Part No. 50444

Copyright Clavia DMI AB

Print Edition: B


Related Manuals for Clavia NordStage2 EX 88

Summary of Contents for Clavia NordStage2 EX 88

  • Page 1
    User Manual Nord Stage 2 EX 88 Nord Stage 2 EX HP76 Nord Stage 2 EX Compact OS Version 2.x Part No. 50444 Copyright Clavia DMI AB Print Edition: B…
  • Page 2: Important Safety Instructions

    Trademarks: The Nord logo is a trademark of Clavia DMI AB. All other trademarks mentioned in this publication are the properties of their respective holders. Specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

      | 3 Nord Stage 2 User Manual Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Sostenuto .

  • Page 4
    4 |  N ordStage2eXUSerMaNUaloSv1.7X Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Reverb .
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Any trademarks and brand names mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective owners and are not affiliated or associated with Clavia. These trademarks and brand names are only mentioned to describe the types of sounds reproduced by Nord Stage 2 EX.

  • Page 6: About The Nord Stage 2 Ex

    6 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X About the Nord Stage 2 EX Great sounds and maximum expressiveness are two essential features Small, Medium & Large in the Nord Stage 2 EX. To make a great tool we believe that you have The acoustic grand pianos and uprights are available in several sizes;…

  • Page 7: Nord Triple Pedal

    Chapter 2 aboUt the Nord Stage 2 eX Nord Triple Pedal The Synth Section The Nord Stage 2 EX is compatible with the accessory Nord Triple The Stage 2’ EXs powerful synthesizer engine was built from the DNA Pedal (not included, sold separately) which offers an unprecedented of the Nord Wave.

  • Page 8: Getting Started

    8 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Getting Started Let’s spend a few minutes to get acquainted with your new Nord Stage 2 EX. In order to make you feel confident in using the Stage 2 EX, this chap- ter is written as a guided tour.

  • Page 9: Sort Mode

    Chapter 3 gettiNg Started Selector buttons are used to select one setting in an array. They have a Sort Mode set of round or triangular LEDs to indicate the current setting. Press the There are three Sort modes in the Stage 2 EX that are used if you button several times to cycle through the possible options.

  • Page 10: Turning The Memory Protection Off

    10 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Turning the Memory Protection Off Live Mode When the Nord Stage 2 EX is shipped from factory, the memory protect is turned on to prevent you from accidentally overwriting any of the original programs.

  • Page 11: Activate Another Instrument

    Chapter 3 gettiNg Started | 11 If you have more than one effect activated in a program, you can shift the focus by pressing the Focus button between the encoders. Focus will automatically be set when a new effect is activated. Hold Shift and press an effects source button repeatedly to quickly cycle through the sources.

  • Page 12: Load A Synth Sound

    12 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X The Extern section can also be part of a split or layer scenario, e.g. if you wish to control an external unit from just one zone. Load a Synth sound Turn off a Slot combination by holding the slot button you wish to keep and press the other slot button.

  • Page 13: The Synthesizer

    Chapter 3 gettiNg Started | 13 The Synthesizer Arpeggio clinic Let’s have a look at some of the features in the Stage 2 EX Synthesizer. Are you ready for some action? Let’s try the Synth arpeggio. Hold Shift and press the Make sure that only the Synth section is turned on.

  • Page 14: Master Clock

    14 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Hold Shift and press the Focus/Mst Clk button between the effect dials, the Mst Clk LED lights up. Master Clock Now that we have an arpeggio going, let’s try the Master Clock feature to synchronize the arpeggio and to bring in an effect as well.

  • Page 15: Program Section

    Chapter 4 program SeCtion | 15 Program Section A : 01 : 1 Grand Italian Grand The program section gives you access to performance functions such tweaked. To switch edit focus to the other Slot, press the correspond- as recalling and storing of programs, system/menu pages etc. The four ing Slot button.

  • Page 16: Shift / Exit Button

    16 | nord Stage 2 eX USer manUal oS v1.7X By activating Dual KB you can quickly switch between these modes without having to bother with MIDI menus. Having this function easily Program Buttons accessible on the front panel makes it simple to quickly enable and dis- able the mode, effectively switching your external keyboard in and out The 5 Program Buttons give you immediate access to all the 5 pro- of the Stage 2 EX’s internal sound engines.

  • Page 17: Storing A Program

    Chapter 4 program SeCtion | 17 Storing a Program Categories To store a program without changing its name or category, proceed as Every program can be assigned to a category as described in the follows: previous section. This can help you find e.g. all the programs in the “Organ”…

  • Page 18: Program Bank Buttons

    18 | nord Stage 2 eX USer manUal oS v1.7X The Program Bank and Program buttons are not affected by the sort mode. If you e.g. use the Abc Sort to dial up a program Program Bank buttons named Betty 1, and this is located in Bank 2, Page 20, Program 3, pressing the Program 4 button on the panel will call up the Select a desired Bank by pressing a Program Bank button A — D.

  • Page 19: Morph Assign

    Chapter 4 program SeCtion | 19 Clearing a Morph Morph Assign Hold Shift and press a Morph Assign button to clear all Morphs for this source on the Slot in focus. To clear a particular assignment, hold The Morph is a very powerful tool, which allows you to control several the Morph Assign button and operate the control to remove the “gap”…

  • Page 20: Common Features

    20  |   Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X 5  Common features The Nord Stage 2 EX instruments, effects and the Extern section share KB Zone Select buttons a few common features and characteristics. The KB Zone Select functionality of these buttons allow you to assign an instrument to Keyboard Zones.

  • Page 21: Setting Split Points To Change Zone Ranges

      Chapter 5 CoMMoN featUreS  |  21 Setting split points to change Zone ranges PStick & SustPed Adjust the splits for zone 2 and 3 in the following way: These settings are used to control whether or not an instrument (or the Extern section) •…

  • Page 22: Using An External Keyboard (Dual Kb)

    22  |   Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X To copy any other Slot’s settings to the currently active Slot, press Using multiple keyboards and hold that Slot button and turn the value dial to the desired Sometimes you may want to control the Nord Stage 2 EX from more alternative Slot.

  • Page 23: Organ

    Chapter 6 Organ | 23 Organ The Nord Stage 2 EX features three organ models, all digitally modeled; While holding a drawbar button, you can press its sibling button to a tonewheel/B3 organ and two transistor organs (Vox and Farfisa). momentarily auto-increment/decrement in the opposite direction. The Organ section features three main areas: With the Farf model, drawbar buttons act as switches, toggling each register on or off.

  • Page 24: B3 Drawbars

    24 | nOrd Stage 2 eX USer ManUal OS v1.7X The Volume Soft button toggles between Normal and Soft percussion level. The Decay Fast button toggles between Slow and Fast decay B3 Drawbars times. The harmonic intervals for the tonewheel organ are printed on the panel below the drawbars. For basic drawbar operation, please refer to “Drawbars and Buttons”…

  • Page 25: The Vox Model

    Chapter 6 Organ | 25 The Vox Model Vibrato The original Vox™ organ is probably the most famous of all the transis- There are several types of vibrato and choruses available for the Vox tor based combo organs that emerged in the early 60’s. Transistor model, which is activated using the On button in the Vibrato section.

  • Page 26: Vibrato

    26 | nOrd Stage 2 eX USer ManUal OS v1.7X The illustration below shows the pitch interval between each voice when the key of C3 is played. Though some voices have the same pitch, they differ in tonal character. Vibrato The original instrument has two basic vibrato modes; “Light” and “Heavy”, with different rates for each mode.

  • Page 27: Piano

    Chapter 7 piano | 27 Piano The Piano sounds Piano Select The Pianos in the Nord Stage 2 EX are organized into six types. Each Type type can contain several instrument models. You can freely add new piano instruments via USB using the Nord Sound Manager. Use the Piano Type selector to choose which piano sound you want to use.

  • Page 28: Dynamics

    28 | nord Stage 2 eX USer ManUal oS v1.7X Pick-up Type Description Nord Triple Pedal Clav Model A: Only the “neck” pick-up; a warmer, less bright sound. Clav Model B: Only the “bridge” pick-up; a bright sound. Clav Model C: Both pick-ups on and in phase; a very full sound. The Stage 2 EX is compatible with an extra accessory, the Nord Triple Clav Model D: Both pick-ups 180 degrees out of phase;…

  • Page 29: Synth

    Chapter 8 Synth | 29 Synth Basics Oscillator The Synth section of the Nord Stage 2 EX was designed to be a A lot of effort has been spent on creating a versatile yet easy to use stage synthesizer to supplement the other in- versatile and powerful oscillator section for strument sections.

  • Page 30: Shape Mod

    30 | nord Stage 2 eX USer ManUal oS v1.7X Shape Mod Pulse This knob governs the amount of modulation applied to the Shape The pulse wave contains only odd numbered harmonics (3, 5, 7 etc.)at parameter. The Shape parameter can be modulated by the LFO or the 50% pulse width (square wave).

  • Page 31: Frequency Modulation

    Chapter 8 Synth | 31 Each algorithm comes with a number of pre-configured frequency When using Oscillator Sync, it can be very useful to have the Shape amount(s) modulated from any of the Morph assign ratios. Depending on what kind of sound you want, choose from the sources, or by the Modulation Envelope.

  • Page 32: Wavetables

    32 | nord Stage 2 eX USer ManUal oS v1.7X Wavetables Load Sound This category features 62 different digital waveforms with various tonal When you save a Stage 2 EX program the current synth settings are characteristics. The waveforms have been carefully designed and of course stored together with all other panel settings, but you can selected to provide rich and interesting timbres with a great variety, also select and store synth sounds separately from programs.

  • Page 33: High Pass — Hp

    Resonance = 10 Resonance = 7 Filter Frequency Filter Frequency Chapter 8 Synth | 33 Resonance = 3 Resonance = 0 High Pass — HP KB Track Filter Frequency Resonance = 10 ter Frequency The reason for having a Keyboard Track switch is related to basic Resonance = 7 Filter Frequency Filter Frequency…

  • Page 34: Amp Envelope

    34 | nord Stage 2 eX USer ManUal oS v1.7X Decay Waveform Description When the attack phase is over, and the key is still held down, the enve- Square (no LED lit) lope drops back to zero level. Use the Decay knob to set the time this Use for abrupt modulation changes, suit- should take.

  • Page 35: Voice Mode Legato

    Chapter 8 Synth | 35 Voice Mode Legato Storing Synth Sounds In Legato mode you can only play one note at a time, just as if the To store a Synth Sound, press Shift and the Store Synth button in the Mono mode is active. Vibrato section.

  • Page 36: Effects

    36 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Effects Overview The Slot effects The effects available on the Nord Stage 2 EX can be divided into three Activating Slot effects main categories: To enable a Slot effect, press the ON/OFF button Slot Effects — these can affect one instrument (per Slot) at a time.

  • Page 37: The Focus Button

    Chapter 9 effeCtS | 37 Set the Rate/Tempo knob to zero. Place the instrument anywhere The Focus button in the stereo panorama with the Amount knob, just like a pan If you have more than control on a mixer. one effect activated in the Effects section (e.g.

  • Page 38: Effect 2

    38 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Tap Tempo Effect 2 You can use Tap Tempo to set a delay time matching the tempo of a song. Simply tap the Tap Tempo button in the tempo you wish the delay to sync to a number of times, and the delay time will be adjusted The Effect 2 section offers six types of vintage style automatically.

  • Page 39: Eq Section

    Chapter 9 effeCtS | 39 • The rotor acceleration rate, the time it takes to go from slow to fast EQ section and vice versa, can be adjusted on the Sound menu, read more on This is a 3-band equalizer which features bass, sweep-able midrange page 43.

  • Page 40: Activating Pitch Stick/Sustain Pedal Messages

    40 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Extern Section Extern section Using the Extern section Control of external MIDI instruments is an Activating integrated feature of the Nord Stage 2 EX. You have all the essential external MIDI Activate the Extern section in order to have Extern transmit MIDI from control functions as accessible and easy to your Nord Stage 2 EX.

  • Page 41: Extern Section And Midi Re-Routing

    Chapter 10 eXterN SeCtioN | 41 MIDI CC Extern Parameters This feature makes it possible to transmit MIDI Control Change mes- sages to control a parameter of your choice on the external instru- The Parameter section comprises the three buttons in the Parameter ment.

  • Page 42: System Menu

    42 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Menus Any settings that you change in the System, Sound, MIDI or Extern menus will take immediate effect on a global basis, and the settings will be stored until you change them the next time. Enter the menus by holding Shift and pressing the System, Sound, MIDI or Extern button (Program but- tons 1 to 4).

  • Page 43: Fx Rotary Speaker Horn Speed

    Chapter 11 MeNUS | 43 and reverts back to slow when the pedal is released. Rotor Toggle means that the fast/slow rotor speed is switched with each pedal Sound Menu depression, like an on/off switch pedal. Range: Latch, Rotor Hold (default), Rotor Toggle Hold Shift and press Program 2/Sound to access the Sound menu settings.

  • Page 44: Midi Menu

    44 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X FX Delay Mode MIDI Piano A/B Channel This sets if the delay should change the pitch on sounding repeats in This sets the receiving MIDI channel for the Piano section A/B. If a the fashion of an analog delay, if the Rate/Tempo knob is adjusted, or channel is selected here, you can assign the corresponding instrument not.

  • Page 45: Extern Midi A/B Prog Change

    Chapter 11 MeNUS | 45 Extern MIDI A/B CC Value Extern Menu This will transmit values for the selected MIDI CC number. Range: Off (Default), 1-127 Hold Shift and press Program 4/Extern to access the Extern menu, where you can find settings and functions relating to the Extern section. Use the Page 3 and 4buttons to navigate between the various menu Extern MIDI A/B Send Wheel items on the menu and use the Value Dial to change settings.

  • Page 46: Nord Sound Manager

    The Nord Sound Manager is compatible with computers running Mac OSX 10.4 or later, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Vista. If you run the Nord Sound Manager on a Windows computer, you also need a Clavia USB Driver of version 3.0 or later installed.

  • Page 47: Using Midi

    Chapter 13 MIDI | 47 MIDI Slot A/B Using MIDI The Slot MIDI setting is for receiving MIDI only and allows you to control an entire Slot with instruments that are active, from external devices. The Stage 2 EX is designed to be as flexible as possible when you Slot A and Slot B can be set to individual MIDI channels in the Stage 2 use it with its MIDI capabilities.

  • Page 48: Midi Out

    48 | NorD Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X For yet another layer of integrated control, set up a Morph to control the Extern encoder via the mod wheel, aftertouch or a control pedal. Playing/Controlling outboard gear By assigning the CC address of your choice to that encoder, it is pos- with the Extern section sible to generate MIDI data streams to the external device seamlessly from the Stage 2 EX.

  • Page 49: Extern Section And Midi Re-Routing

    Chapter 13 MIDI | 49 Slot MIDI control Recording a Stage 2 EX perfor- A second option to control parts of the Stage 2 EX from a external de- vice would be to use the Slot MIDI capabilities. While this functionality mance to a MIDI sequencer is similar to the Dual Kb feature, you can still use the Stage’s keyboard for both slots if you wish.

  • Page 50: Sequencer

    50 | NorD Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X By combining these features and scenarios, you can create very flexible setups. You can have some Stage 2 EX instruments being controlled Using the Stage 2 EX as a sound by incoming MIDI only, and other being controlled by the Stage 2 EX source with a sequencer itself.

  • Page 51: Messages

    Chapter 13 MIDI | 51 Program Change In the MIDI Menu, you can select if the Nord Stage 2 EX should send and/or receive program Change messages on the Global channel that affects its internal programs. Program Change messages with the value 0-99 selects the programs in the active bank, Program Change mes- sages 100-104 selects the 5 Live memories.

  • Page 52: Midi Controller List

    52 | NorD Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X MIDI Controller list Nord Stage 2 Parameter MIDI CC # Nord Stage 2 Parameter MIDI CC # Nord Stage 2 Parameter MIDI CC # Organ Preset II Synth LFO Rate Compressor Enable Organ Swell Synth LFO Waveform…

  • Page 53: Midi Implementation Chart

    Chapter 13 MIDI | 53 MIDI Implementation Chart Function Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Channel 1 — 16 1 — 16 Default Channel 1 — 16 1 — 16 Mode Default Mode 3 Mode 3 Message Altered 0-127 0-127 Note True Voice Number Velocity Note ON…

  • Page 54: Audio Connections

    54 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Appendix: Connections / LATCH MONITOR INPUT Audio connections USB Connection The USB connection is used for the Nord Stage 2 EX to communi- Headphones cate with a personal computer in order to update the OS or to add or replace any of the samples or piano sounds.

  • Page 55: Nord Music Stand

    I appeNdIX: CoNNeCtIoNS | 55 Sustain pedal Nord Music Stand The Nord Stage 2 EX has one input for a sustain pedal. This input can be used with a standard momentary pedal like the included Nord pedal The rear panels of the Nord Stage 2 EX 88 and HP76 have two brack- (Stage 2 EX 88 and Stage 2 EX HP76), a Roland DP-6, Yamaha FC-4 ets where the Nord Music Stand (optional accessory) can be mounted.

  • Page 56: Restoring The Factory Content

    56 | Nord Stage 2 eX USer MaNUal oS v1.7X Appendix: Factory Presets Factory Presets and OS Internal memory The Operating System, Programs, Pianos and Samples in the Nord Stage 2 EX are stored in a Flash memory. A Flash memory keeps the data also when the power is turned off.

  • Page 57
    III Index | 57 III Index Index Farfisa Model 25 Master level 56 Filter 32 MIDI Controller list 52 Frequency 33 MIDI Implementation Chart 53 Acoustics 28 Flanger 38 MIDI In 54 Amp Envelope 34 FM Algorithms 31 MIDI Indicator 17 Amp model 38 Focus button 37 MIDI Input Only 50…
  • Page 58
    58 | nord Stage 2 ex USer ManUal oS v1.7x Samples 32 Sawtooth 30 Shape 29 Shape Mod 30 Shift 16 Skip Sample Attack 32 Slot A/B MIDI 47 Slot Buttons 15 Slot Detune 28 Slot effects 36 Sort Mode 18 Sostenuto 7, 55 Sound Init 35 Sound Menu 43 Split Keyboard 19 Stop Mode 39…
  • Page 59: Declaration Of Conformity

    This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Clavia may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product. 2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/ or another product use only high quality shielded cables.



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