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Видеоинформационный центр OLYMPUS CV-170


Руководство по эксплуатации OLYMPUS CF-H170L/I


Практическое применение инструментария Olympus для выполнения эндогемостаза

165 system.pdf

Системный каталог EVIS EXERA II (серия 165) — англ.


Информация Acecide


Инструкция Acecide


Инструкция Acecide

AFU-100 CELON.pdf

Инструкция AFU-100


Каталог ALOKA a5


Информация AFI – англ.

Ballon Dilator.pdf

Каталог Биллиарный баллонный дилататор – англ.

Ballon Dilator2.pdf

Методика проведения однобалонной энтероскопии – англ.


Каталог Корзинки Дормиа – англ.


Каталог BF-UC160F-OL8 — англ.


Инструкция BF-160, BF-P160, BF-1T160


Каталог BF-1T180 — англ.


Каталог BF-1T60 — англ.


Каталог BF-3C160 — англ.


Каталог Бронхофиброскопы (серия 60) — англ.


Инструкция Бронхофиброскопы (серия 60)


Каталог BF-MP160 — англ.


Каталог BF-M60 — англ.


Каталог BF-P150 — англ.


Инструкция BF-P150, BF-1T150


Каталог BF-P160 — англ.


Каталог BF-P180 — англ.


Каталог BF-P60 — англ.


Инструкция BF-PE2, BF-TE2


Каталог BF-Q180 — англ.


Инструкция BF-P180, BF-Q180, BF-1T180


Каталог BF-PE2, BF-TE2


Инструкция BF-UC160F-OL8


Каталог BF-UC180F — англ.


Инструкция BF-UM40


Каталог BF-XP160F — англ.


Каталог BF-XP60 — англ.


Каталог BF-XT160 — англ.


Инструкция BML-3Q-1, BML-4Q-1


Инструкция BML-201Q, BML-202Q, BML-203Q, BML-204Q


Инструкция BML-V232QR-26, BML-V232QR-30, BML-V237QR-30, BML-V242QR-30


Каталог Канюли V-System — англ.


Системный Справочник Обработка

CF Q180AL I.pdf

Каталог CF-Q180AI/L -англ.


Каталог CF-2T160I/L -англ.


Каталог CF-E3I/L -англ.


Каталог CF-H180AI/L -англ.

CF-Q160ZL I.pdf

Каталог CF-Q160ZI/L -англ.


Каталог CHF-BP30 -англ.


Инструкция CHF-P60

CLE 145.pdf

Инструкция CLE-145


Инструкция CLE-10


Инструкция CLE-165

Cleaning Brushes.pdf

Каталог Чистящие щетки — англ.


Каталог Папилотомы V-System — англ.


Инструкция CLK-4


Инструкция CLV-160


Инструкция CLV-180


Системный каталог V-System — англ.

CV -150 (Actera).pdf

Системный каталог Actera (серия 150)


Инструкция CV-150


Инструкция CV-160


Инструкция CV-165

CV-180 (Exera II).pdf

Системный каталог EVIS EXERA II (серия 180) — англ.


Инструкция CV-180


Инструкция CV-70

E Series.pdf

Каталог Фиброскопы (E— серия)


Каталог Все Эндоскопы Olympus — англ.

E-3 Series.pdf

Каталог Фиброскопы (E-3 серия)

Endo Capsule.pdf

Каталог EndoCapsule — англ.

EndoCapsule Rus.pdf

Каталог EndoCapsule


Инструкция Endosonic KS-3

EndoTherapy small.pdf

Каталог Инструменты для энтероскопии — англ.

ESD green.pdf

Каталог Инструменты для ESD — англ.


Применение инструментов для ESD — англ.

ESG-100 — 2.pdf

Каталог ESG-100 — англ.


Инструкция ESG-100


Инструкция ESG-400


Инструкция EU-C60


Инструкция EU-M60

EU-ME1 Brochure.pdf

Каталог EU-ME1 — англ.


Инструкция EU-ME1


Системный каталог EUS-EXERA


Системный каталог EVIS-EXERA (серия 160)


Системный каталог EVIS-EXERA II (серия 180) — англ.


Каталог EZ-Clip — англ.

FB-210U 203U.pdf

Каталог EndoJaw Hot — англ.


Инструкция FD-410LR


Инструкция FD-420LR


Инструкция FD-430L

Fibro 20x 30x 40x.pdf

Системный каталог Фиброскопы (серии 20, 30, 40)

GF-UC140P UCT140022.pdf

Каталог GF-UC140P-AL5, GF-UCT140-AL5 — англ.


Инструкция GF-UC160P-OL5, GF-UCT160-OL5


Каталог GF-UE160-AL5 — англ.


Каталог GF-UM130P, GF-UMQ130 — англ.

GIF H180.pdf

Каталог GIF-H180 — англ.

GIF N180.pdf

Каталог GIF-N180 — англ.


Инструкция GIF-Q150, СF-Q150I/L


Каталог GIF-1TQ160 — англ.


Каталог GIF-2T160 — англ.


Инструкция GIF-V70, CF-V70I/L


Инструкция GIF-E3

GIF-JF-CF- UM20.pdf

Инструкция GF-UM20, JF-UM20, CF-UM20


Инструкция GIF-N180, GIF-Q180, GIF-N180, CF-Q180AI/L, PCF-Q180AI/L


Инструкция по обработке GIF-N180, GIF-Q180, GIF-N180, CF-Q180AI/L, PCF-Q180AI/L

GIF-Q160Z CF-Q160ZL.pdf

Инструкция GIF-Q160Z, CF-Q160ZI/L


Инструкция GIF-Q165, CF-Q165I/L


Инструкция GIF-XP150N


Каталог GIF-XP160

GIF-XTQ160 Leaflet.pdf

Каталог GIF-XTQ160


Каталог GuideSheath — англ.


Каталог V-Holder — англ.


Инструкция HPU-20


Каталог HPU-20 — англ.


Инструкция HX-110LR, HX-110QR, HX-110UR


Инструкция HX-21L-1


Инструкция HX-5LR-1, HX-5QR-1, HX-6UR-1


Каталог JF-E


Инструкция KD-441Q


Инструкция KV-4

Leaflet PJF-160.pdf

Каталог PJF-160 — англ.


Каталог LinearGuideV — англ.


Каталог LitoCrush — англ.

MAJ-570 Блок увеличения для колоноскопа.pdf

Инструкция MAJ-570


Каталог MAJ-935 — англ.


Инструкция MB-155


Резервуар для воды 


Инструкция MU-1


Каталог Multi3V — англ.


Каталог NA-11J-KB — англ.


Каталог NA-201SX-4022 — англ.


Каталог OER-A


Каталог OER-A + Acecide

OER-AW Руководство по Эксплуатации.pdf

Технологическая инструкция OER-AW


Каталог OER-AW


Инструкция OEV-143, OEV-203


Каталог OEV-191, OEV-191H — англ.


Инструкция OEV-191, OEV-191H


Каталог CV-70


Каталог GIF-E3


Каталог OVC-140 — англ.


Каталог OVC-150 — англ.


Инструкция PSD-30


Инструкция PSD-60


Инструкция PW-1H/L/V-1, PW-2L-1, PW-5L/V-1, PW-7SX-1, PW-8Q-1


Каталог QiuckClip-2 — англ.

Radial Ultrasound.pdf

Каталог Радиальный Ультразвук — англ.


Руководство по обработке эндоскопов Exera (серия 160)


Руководство по обработке фиброскопов (серии 10, 20, 30)


Руководство по обработке фиброскопов (серия 40)


Инструкция SCV-3

SD-210 (221L_U)-10_15_25.pdf

Инструкция SD-210U-10, SD-210U-15, SD-210U-25, SD-221L/U-25


Инструкция SIF-Q180


Информация ALOKA? 10


Инструкция SSU-2


Каталог Стенты — англ.


Каталог Стенты V-System — англ.


Инструкция ThunderBird — инструменты


Инструкция ThunderBird — преобразователи


Инструкция TC-E400_RU


Инструкция TJF-150


Инструкция TJF-160R


Каталог TJF-160VR — англ.


Каталог TJF-V70 — англ.


Каталог UES-40 — англ.


Инструкция UM-DP12-25R, UM-DP20-25R


Каталог UM-2R, UM-3R — англ.


Каталог UM-BS20-26R, UM-S20-20R, UM-2R, UM-3R — англ.


Каталог UM-DG20-31R — англ.

UM-DP12-25 (20)R.pdf

Инструкция UM-DP12-25R, UM-DP20-25R


Каталог UM-DP12-25R, UM-DP20-25R — англ.

UM-S20-20R UM-2R UM-3R.pdf

Каталог UM-S20-20R, UM-2R, UM-3R — англ.


Инструкция UPD


Инструкция USG-400_RU


Каталог CV-70 — англ.


Инструкция WM-60


Инструкция WM-P


Инструкция ЭндоКвик

Медицинские системы



Арт. Название Описание
N1059961 Установка моечная для промывки эндоскопов OER-A Установка моечная для промывки эндоскопов
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links




For details on installation and setup, refer to «Instructions — Installation Manual».


Related Manuals for Olympus OER-Pro

Summary of Contents for Olympus OER-Pro

  • Page 1
    INSTRUCTIONS ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro For details on installation and setup, refer to “Instructions — Installation Manual”.
  • Page 2
    Supplement to OER-Pro Instruction Manual Some functions are unavailable depending on the software version. Check if the software version number is displayed after the power activation according to Section 4.1, “Power activation and opening the water faucet”. If the software version number is not displayed after the power activation, an older software version is installed and the following functions are unavailable.
  • Page 3
    Inspecting and replacing the detergent tank ……..Inspecting and replenishing alcohol……….Inspecting the mesh filters ………….. Inspecting for disinfectant solution odor………. Inspecting the leak test function…………3.10 Checking the disinfectant solution concentration level ….3.11 Inspecting the printer paper roll …………ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 4
    Display of the total number of times the disinfectant solution was loaded ………………Display the total cycle count of the equipment…….. Air purge ………………Rinsing ……………….. Alcohol flushing …………….6.10 Emergency stop and automatic processing after stopping ….. 6.11 Print function setup …………….. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 5
    Troubleshooting and Repair……..274 Troubleshooting guide …………..OER-Pro Return…………….Printing function for troubleshooting ……….Appendix ………………288 System chart ………………… Shipping environment …………….Operating environment…………….Specifications ……………….. EMC information ………………Detergents, Disinfectants, and Chemical indicators information ….ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 6
    Contents ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 7
    The meaning(s) of the symbol(s) shown on the component packaging, the back cover of this instruction manual and/or this equipment are as follows: Refer to instructions. Caution, hot surface Endoscope reprocessor Manufacturer Authorized representative in the European Community Lot number Serial number Date of manufacture ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 8
    Labels and Symbols Safety-related labels and symbols are attached to the equipment at the locations shown below. If labels or symbols are missing or illegible, contact Olympus.  Front panel ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 9
    Labels and Symbols UDI label A label required by some countries’ regulations regarding identification of medical device also known as Unique Device Identification (UDI). RFID marking ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 10
  • Page 11
  • Page 12
  • Page 13
    Lists error codes, possible causes, and remedial actions. For details, see Section 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide” on page 274 in the “Instructions-Operation Manual”. Rating plate Shows the product model, power rating, and serial number. Date of manufacture XXXX-XX-XX ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 14
    Labels and Symbols  Rear panel CSA/UL MARKING Option terminal Used for connecting ancillary equipment (for trained service personnel only). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 15
    Important Information — Please Read Before Use Intended use The OER-Pro is intended for use in cleaning and high-level disinfection of heat sensitive Olympus flexible endoscopes and their accessories. Safe use requires detergent and an FDA-cleared high-level disinfectant/sterilant that Olympus has validated to be efficacious and compatible with the materials of the OER-Pro and Olympus flexible endoscopes and their accessories.
  • Page 16
    OER-Pro. The “List of Compatible Endoscopes/Connecting Tubes <OER-Pro>” identifies all Olympus model endoscopes that are compatible with the OER-Pro, plus the specific connecting tube(s) required for each of these endoscope models.
  • Page 17
    • When using disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and running this equipment in well-ventilated areas.  Wear a face mask, gloves, and protective clothes to minimize aspiration and skin contact.
  • Page 18
    Appendix. Using incompatible equipment may result in patient or operator injury and equipment damage and/or malfunction. Olympus has not tested the efficacy of cleaning and high-level disinfection on this equipment in combination with endoscopes that are not listed on the “List of compatible Endoscopes/Connecting Tubes <OER-Pro>”.
  • Page 19
    Maintenance and Inspection • The OER-Pro requires routine maintenance and inspection. In addition to checks before use, the person in charge of maintenance and administration of the medical equipment at the hospital should periodically check all of the items described in this manual. If any irregularity is observed, do not use the equipment and inspect it as described in 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide”…
  • Page 20
    Important Information — Please Read Before Use Disposal of disinfectant solution Expired disinfectant solution for this equipment should be handled as directed in the Olympus-validated disinfectant product label and instructions. Follow all applicable national and local guidelines. Disposal of this equipment When disposing of this equipment and accessories, follow all applicable national, state, and local regulations and guidelines.
  • Page 21
    Be sure to turn off the water faucet and the power switch of the equipment at the end of the day to avoid potential water leaks. • To avoid malfunctions, do not use this equipment in a dusty environment. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 22
    ID tag and cause signals to become unreadable. Try to take mitigation measures such as keeping the affecting device away from this equipment. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 23
    Cleaning fluid Refers to filtered water with detergent that is used during the cleaning process. Detergent Olympus-validated detergent. Contact Olympus to obtain the list of Olympus-validated detergents. Disinfectant solution Olympus-validated concentrated disinfectant solution or ready-to-use disinfectant solution. Contact Olympus to obtain the list of Olympus-validated disinfectant solutions.
  • Page 24
    Reprocessing programs [1] to [3] can be selected by the user. Program [1] has a fixed cleaning process time, followed by a 10-minute fixed disinfection process time. The OER-Pro is factory-set for a disinfection process for ready-to-use disinfectant solution. Program changes to the disinfection process time will be released when Olympus-validated disinfectant solutions with different disinfectant contact times are approved.
  • Page 25
    Check that the package contains all the items listed below. Inspect each item for damage. If the device is damaged, a component is missing, or there is any question regarding items, do not use the device and contact Olympus immediately.
  • Page 26
    Air filter (MAJ-1497) Water filter (MAJ-823) (MAJ-824) Water tray (GC601400) Accessories preattached to the equipment Alcohol tank Circulation port mesh filters (GN424800) (GC574000, GC693900) Retaining rack (MAJ-1970) Detergent/alcohol inner tray Drain port mesh filter (GT115400) (GC220100) ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 27
    Test strip forceps (GC601300) (GL366300) (GT867700) Water supply piping disinfection hose Connector jig Spare fuses ( 2) (GL860800) (GN312400) (DB181500) User ID master card Card holders ( 2) Scope ID master card (GT970600) (GT271000) (GT970700) ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 28
    Chapter 1 Checking the Package Contents Manuals List Of Compatible Instructions-Operation Manual Instructions-Installation Manual Endoscopes/Connecting (this manual) Tubes <OER-Pro> OER-Pro Quick Reference Guide OER-Pro Operation Guide Endoscope Reprocessor Information Card ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 29
    Contact Olympus for of alcohol remaining. information. Front door Casters Push the area marked The two front casters have lock “PUSH” to open. mechanisms. The caster heights can be adjusted to level the equipment. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 30
    Used for connecting ancillary Used to check the disinfectant equipment (for trained service manufacturer’s recommended personnel only). concentration or drain the disinfectant solution. (Remove the rubber cap and attach the drain connector or the disinfectant removal tube.) ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 31
    Connector hanger attaching holes (Provided on both left and right side panels) Used to attach the optional connector hanger (MAJ-865). Grommet attaching holes (Provided on both left and right side panels) Used to attach the grommets. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 32
    Connect a connecting tube that is connected to the endoscope here. Auxiliary water/elevator wire channel connector (Yellow) Connect a connecting tube that is connected to the endoscope here. Leak test connector (Black) Connect the leak test air tube that is connected to the endoscope. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 33
    Marks for confirming that of disinfectant solution in the equipment is level. the reprocessing basin to control it. Washing case mount Mount for the Washing case that is used to hold the endoscope accessories including valves for reprocessing. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 34
    ALC FLUSH button Communication status indicator This button is not valid on OER-Pro. The lamp lights up when communication is established with an external device. The lamp STOP/RESET button goes out if communication is interrupted. The…
  • Page 35
    For details on the FUNC SEL button FUNC START button print function setting, refer to Press this button to select Press this button to start Section 6.11, “Print function a function. the selected function. setup” on page 180. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 36
    Disinfects the water supply piping of the equipment. For details, refer to Section 7.3, “Disinfecting the water supply piping” on page 202. LEAK TEST Performs a leak test on the endoscope. For details, refer to Section 4.7, “Leak test” on page 102. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 37
    1 Any temperature equal to or higher than 20C (68F) is displayed as “20C” (68F). “[- -]” is displayed if there is not enough disinfectant solution in the disinfectant tank to measure the temperature. Table 2.1 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 38
    Displays the total number of times that disinfectant solution has been loaded (6 digits). TOTAL CYCLES Displays the total number of times that the equipment was used (6 digits). YY/MM/DD Displays the year, month, and day. H:MIN:SEC Displays the hour (24 hour system), minute, and second. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 39
    Internal 0.2 micron water filter.  Gas filters (MAJ-822) Incorporated in the gas filter case to absorb disinfectant odor and vapors.  Air filter (MAJ-823) Filters microorganisms and fine particles in the air fed into the equipment. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 40
    Best Sanitizers, Inc EndoQuick Alkaline detergent (154 Mullen Drive, 2 L disposable tank Walton, KY) EndoQuick is distributed by Olympus America, Inc. To obtain EndoQuick listed above, contact Olympus.  Olympus-validated concentrated disinfectant solution (875 ml cassette bottles) Name Type…
  • Page 41
    (3909 Hulen Glutaraldehyde, Aldahol 1.8 K113015 Isopropanol Street, Fort approx. Worth, TX) 20% of IPA Aldahol and Aldahol 1.8 are distributed by Olympus America, Inc. To obtain Aldahol and Aldahol 1.8 listed above, contact Olympus. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 42
    Aldahol 1.8 Waterside Road, Hamilton K120435 Glutaraldehyde Indicators Industrial Park, Leicester, LE5 1QZ, United Kingdom) • ACECIDE test strips is distributed by Olympus America, Inc. To obtain ACECIDE test strips listed above, contact Olympus.   • Comply Glutaraldehyde Monitors 3989 is distributed …
  • Page 43
     • Aldechek Aldahol 1.8 Glutaraldehyde Indicators is  distributed by Olympus America, Inc. To obtain Aldechek Aldahol 1.8 Glutaraldehyde Indicators listed above, contact Olympus.  Printer paper roll (MAJ-1497) Exclusive print sheet for the OER-Pro ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 44
    3.9 Inspecting the leak test function Table 3.1 Check Inspection items before each reprocessing 3.10 Checking the disinfectant solution concentration level 3.11 Inspecting the printer paper roll 3.12 Inspecting the communication status (for connecting with external devices) Table 3.2 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 45
    Chapter 3 Inspection Before Use • When using the disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and running this equipment in well-ventilated areas.  Wear a face mask, gloves, and protective clothes to minimize aspiration and skin contact.
  • Page 46
    “Installation of the water filter (MAJ-824)” in “Instructions-Installation Manual”.  If water or fluid leaks from inside the equipment Close the water faucet. Set the power switch of the equipment to OFF. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet. Contact Olympus. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 47
    The lid can be properly opened and closed without rattle. Packing Figure 3.1 If any irregularity is found, do not use the equipment and contact Olympus. Do not use the equipment if the lid or the lid packing seems to be damaged or defective. Using the equipment when an irregularity has been detected may interfere with reprocessing.
  • Page 48
     The connector should be fixed firmly.  The O-rings should be free of abnormalities such as cracks, tears, or dents. If any irregularity is found, do not use the equipment and contact Olympus. Check Connectors in the reprocessing basin Air/water/instrument channel connectors…
  • Page 49
    If a tube has any irregularity, do not use it and replace with a new one. Do not use the connecting tubes or leak test air tubes if they have any irregularity. Doing so could prevent effective reprocessing or damage the endoscope. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 50
    Inspecting and replacing the detergent tank Check Required items Olympus-validated detergent Table 3.5 Contact Olympus to obtain the list of Olympus-validated detergents. Inspection of the amount of detergent Check the DETERGENT indicator on the detergent/alcohol drawer of the device to confirm that the amount of the detergent in the detergent tank. If the level reaches “MIN”, replacement of the detergent tank is required within a few…
  • Page 51
    If reprocessing is initiated without detergent, the error code [E95] is displayed and the reprocessing is stopped. The detergent replacement indicator on the main panel blinks. • Contact Olympus to obtain the list of Olympus-validated detergents. • The detergent tank can hold about 2 L (67 ounces) of detergent (which can be used for about 30 reprocessing operations).
  • Page 52
    Lock lever Detergent tank Figure 3.5 If a few drops of detergent drip from the connector, wipe it with a piece of clean gauze or similar cloth. Remove the detergent tank. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 53
    Place a new detergent tank on the left side of the detergent/alcohol drawer. Figure 3.6 Detach the detergent tank cap. Foil seal Figure 3.7 Remove the seal. Attach the cap with connector to the detergent tank. Connector Attachment Figure 3.8 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 54
    Remove the alcohol in the alcohol tank and replace it with new alcohol at least once a week. Otherwise, the alcohol in the alcohol tank may degrade. • Before handling the alcohol, carefully read the precautions for use carefully, and use the alcohol as instructed. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 55
    If the amount of alcohol has decreased, add alcohol as described in “Addition of alcohol” before the level reaches “MIN.”. Figure 3.10 If alcohol flushing is executed when no alcohol is present, the equipment will stop and display an error code [E93]. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 56
    Push the lock lever on the connector of the tube connected to the cap on the alcohol tank to detach the tube. Lock lever Alcohol tank Figure 3.12 Remove the alcohol tank and put it in a sink or other tub. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 57
    After adding the alcohol, replace the cap on the alcohol tank. Line Figure 3.14 The amount of alcohol required to fill the tank up to the level line is about 500 ml (approximately 16 ounces, enough for about 10 alcohol flushes). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 58
    Connect the tube that was originally connected to the cap. Alcohol tank Ventilation tube Figure 3.15 Turn the connector to correct the tube orientation as shown below. Confirm that the tube is not bent. Connector Figure 3.16 Close the detergent/alcohol drawer. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 59
    Step on the foot pedal to open the lid. Remove the mesh filters from the reprocessing basin. Drain port mesh filter Circulation port mesh filters Figure 3.17 Check that the mesh filters are not clogged by a foreign object. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 60
    Activate the room’s ventilation system. Check that there is no abnormal disinfectant solution odor coming from the equipment or its surroundings. If the odor increases after replacement of the gas filters, contact Olympus. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 61
    Olympus. Endoscope leak testing can be performed outside the OER-Pro, as per existing labeling, or can be performed in the OER-Pro. When the leak test is performed with the OER-Pro, follow the procedure in Section 4.7, “Leak test”…
  • Page 62
    Close the lid by pushing it until it clicks. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “LEAK TEST”. Figure 3.19 Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel to start the water supply. Figure 3.20 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 63
    Wipe off any water on upside of the leak test connector (black) in the reprocessing basin with a clean cloth. Connect the leak test air tube connector (black) (MAJ-821) to the reprocessing basin’s leak test connector (black). Figure 3.22 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 64
    Figure 3.23 Disconnect the leak test air tube from the reprocessing basin’s leak test connector. With another leak test connector (black), confirm air supply by repeating from Step 7 to 10. Figure 3.24 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 65
    Check Required items FDA-cleared chemical indicator (test strip) Drain connector (should be dry) Cup-shape container with a capacity of about 200 ml, such as a beaker (should be dry) Clean cloth Table 3.8 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 66
    If disinfectant solution leaks out of the disinfectant removal port when the rubber cap has been removed, immediately reattach the rubber cap and follow the procedure in Section 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide” on page 274. If leaking does not stop, contact Olympus. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 67
    Chapter 3 Inspection Before Use To obtain disinfectant test strips, contact Olympus. Push [PUSH] on the front door to open the front door. Remove the rubber cap from the disinfectant removal port. Disinfectant removal port Rubber cap Figure 3.26 Push the drain connector into the disinfectant removal port until it clicks.
  • Page 68
    Rinse the disinfectant drain connector thoroughly in running water, dry it thoroughly and store in a clean place. Close the front door. The front door cannot be closed unless the rubber cap is attached. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 69
    All personal protective equipment should be inspected before use and replaced periodically before it is damaged. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 70
    TIME/CODE display on the main control panel blinks. (State described at sentence 9 in Section 7.3, “Disinfecting the water supply piping” on page 202.) ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
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    “Restarting the reprocessing after stopping due to disinfectant solution failure” on page 66. Figure 3.31 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 72
    Replace the disinfectant solution when it fails to meet the minimum recommended concentration. Otherwise, the reprocessing may be insufficient. Once the disinfectant solution failed to meet the minimum recommended concentration, immediately stop the reprocessing process. Otherwise, the reprocessing logs will be incorrect. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 73
    Section 7.3, “Disinfecting the water supply piping” on page 202. When restarting the reprocessing of the endoscope, restart from Section 4.4, “Scope ID detection” on page 84. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 74
    If not, open the printer cover, unroll about 10 cm of paper and pass it through the opening. Figure 3.34 Close the printer cover and cut any excess paper projecting from the opening. Figure 3.35 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 75
    For more details on external devices available, contact Olympus. The OER-Pro can store up to 60 reprocessing data (60 reprocessing results and 60 error results). The communication status indicator starts to blink in order to…
  • Page 76
     When the communication status indicator lamp blinks/goes out Check the power supply to the external devices and the connection between the external devices and the OER-Pro. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact Olympus. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 77
    The functions of the modified/omitted steps are covered by the cleaning process of the OER-Pro. After cleaning the endoscope following this modified procedure, the endoscope can be placed in the OER-Pro.
  • Page 78
    Chapter 4 Reprocessing Operations • When using the disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and running this equipment in well-ventilated areas.  Wear a face mask, gloves, and protective clothes to minimize aspiration and skin contact.
  • Page 79
    OER-Pro, conduct precleaning and manual cleaning as detailed in each duodenoscope’s reprocessing manual. The following figure shows the general flow of the OER-Pro’s reprocessing steps. For reliable reprocessing, it is important to understand the cleaning and disinfection procedures thoroughly before using the equipment.
  • Page 80
    • Clean cloth precleaning described in section 4.3. When reprocessing Gyrus ACMI endoscopes with the OER-Pro, the Gyrus ACMI endoscopes should be manually cleaned according to the procedure described in the instruction manual for MAJ-1904.) 1…
  • Page 81
    When the lamp starts to blink, be sure to contact Olympus immediately and perform the maintenance. If you do not know when the lamp started to blink, do not use the device and contact Olympus.
  • Page 82
    ON again. If the same problem recurs, set the power switch to OFF and contact Olympus. Do not set the power switch to ON in less than 5 seconds after setting it to OFF. Otherwise, the equipment may malfunction or fail. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 83
    If the lamp in the power switch does not turn ON, check the equipment with the following procedure. If the problem still persists after checking, set the power switch to OFF and contact Olympus. • Before removing the fuse box, be sure to set the power switch to OFF and unplug the power cord from the connector on the equipment and the hospital-grade power outlet.
  • Page 84
    If the lamp in the power switch does not light even after the fuses are replaced, be sure to unplug the power cord from the power outlet. Otherwise, an electric shock may result. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 85
    OER-Pro. After cleaning the endoscope following this modified procedure, the endoscope can be placed in the OER-Pro. The OER-Pro completes the cleaning process and follows this with high-level disinfection.
  • Page 86
    Modified manual cleaning process for preparing Olympus endoscopes for processing in the OER-Pro Endoscopes must be subject to cleaning by the user prior to reprocessing in the OER-Pro. However, when using the OER-Pro, the endoscope can be reprocessed according to the modified procedure described below. •…
  • Page 87
    Endoscope Precleaning continued (Procedure performed at bedside immediately after patient examination) Based upon the Olympus endoscope model described below, suction and/or flush endoscope channels as specified to confirm channels are not obstructed.  For endoscopes with an instrument and suction channel,…
  • Page 88
    Slowly flush air through the elevator wire channel several times in accordance with the reprocessing instructions provided in the endoscope manual. Perform this operation until a steady stream of air bubbles exits from the distal end. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 89
    Brush the endoscope in accordance with the reprocessing instructions provided in the endoscope manual, including the instrument and suction channels, balloon channels, de-aerated water supply channel, suction cylinders, instrument channel ports, forceps elevator and distal end as applicable. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 90
    The RFID function that enables this operation is deactivated at the factory. If you want to use this function, contact Olympus. When the RFID function is disabled, neither the scope nor user ID is detected. If you are not using the scope ID function, you may skip this section and the following section and go to Section 4.6, “Endoscope setup”…
  • Page 91
    ID master card to the RFID reader so that the equipment recognizes the scope ID as the master ID. If a problem with the scope ID is observed, contact Olympus. • In the event that you require a new or additional scope ID tag, for example due to purchase of a new endoscope or use of a demo/loaner endoscope, contact Olympus.
  • Page 92
    1 (190 series endoscope 1 190 series endoscopes may not be available in some areas. Figure 4.6 Make sure that the Scope ID detection indicator on the main control panel lights up. RFID Figure 4.7 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 93
    The RFID function that enables this operation is deactivated at the factory. If you want to use this function, contact Olympus. When the RFID function is disabled, neither the endoscope nor user ID is detected. If you are not using this function, you may skip this section and go to Section 4.6, “Endoscope setup”…
  • Page 94
    You can print out the user name read from the user ID card with the printer. • For addition or reissue of a user ID card, contact Olympus. • If the equipment fails to detect the user ID, apply the provided user ID master card to the RFID reader so that the equipment recognizes the user ID as the master ID.
  • Page 95
    Doing so will prevent the equipment from functioning properly and may endanger the safety of the patient and operator. In this case, the durability of the equipment and its ancillary equipment cannot be guaranteed. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 96
    • When reprocessing Gyrus ACMI endoscopes, rotate the irrigation/biopsy port to ensure a proper fit into the OER-Pro basin. Follow the instructions outlined in the MAJ-1904 instruction manual for proper endoscope configuration, otherwise reprocessing may be insufficient.
  • Page 97
    When setting each endoscope in the reprocessing basin, confirm that it is not excessively scratched, which could result in water leakage. If any irregularity is observed, do not place the endoscope in the equipment and contact Olympus for repair. •…
  • Page 98
    (1) Control section (1st endoscope) (5) Control section (2nd endoscope) (2) Insertion tube (2) Insertion tube (3) Universal cord (3) Universal cord (4) Endoscope connector (6) Endoscope connector (1st endoscope) (2nd endoscope) ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 99
    Wind the insertion tube clockwise around the retaining rack from the perimeter in (wind the first turn of the insertion tube outside the black markings and the second turn inside them) (see Figure 4.13). Black marking Black marking Figure 4.13 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 100
    (see Figure 4.14). If the scope ID tag is attached to the endoscope, move the scope ID tag toward the endoscope connector. Straighten the ID tag’s band if it is twisted. Place on the inner side of the hook Figure 4.14 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 101
    Scope ID tag Figure 4.15 • For setup of “OSF-V60”,”two channel endoscope”, and “ultrasonic endoscope”, refer to the “OER-Pro Quick Reference Guide”. • When loading only one conventional endoscope or two conventional endoscopes that are 180 series or older, it is possible to place endoscope connector without tilting.
  • Page 102
    Figure 4.18. Control section of the second endoscope Figure 4.18 1 190 series endoscopes may not be available in some areas. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 103
    Figure 4.19 • For setup of “OSF-V60”,“two channel endoscope”, and “ultrasonic endoscope”, refer to the “OER-Pro Quick Reference Guide”. • When loading only one conventional endoscope or two conventional endoscopes that are 180 series or older, it is possible to place endoscope connector without tilting.
  • Page 104
    Endoscope connector of the second endoscope S-cord connector mount Place the universal cord on the inside of the hook Figure 4.21 1 190 series endoscopes may not be available in some areas. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 105
    As shown in Figure 4.23, tilt the endoscope connector of the 180 or older series 1 endoscope in place while slightly lifting the 190 series endoscope connector to the left (direction of arrow 1). 1 190 series endoscopes may not be available in some areas. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 106
    Figure 4.23 For setup of “OSF-V60”, “two channel endoscope”, and “ultrasonic endoscope”, refer to the “OER-Pro Quick Reference Guide”. Make sure that the endoscope is located below the index bars that mark the disinfectant liquid level (see Figure 4.24).
  • Page 107
    The auxiliary water inlet cap should be removed from the endoscope and put in the washing case. Figure 4.25 Close the cover of the washing case. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 108
    Refer to the “List of Compatible Endoscopes/Connecting Tubes <OER-Pro>” for the necessary tubing required for proper leakage testing.
  • Page 109
    If air bubbles are produced continuously during leak test, discontinue leak test, withdraw the endoscope or the leak test air tube from the reprocessing basin and contact Olympus for endoscope service. • During leak test, the angulating section’s covering may expand.
  • Page 110
    Make sure that the water faucet is open, and then press the LEAK TEST button on the main control panel to select LEAK TEST, and press the START button. The water supply will start and water will fill the reprocessing basin. Figure 4.27 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 111
    At this time, the main control panel displays the error code [E92]. Performing leak test independently Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “LEAK TEST”. Figure 4.28 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 112
    Check that there are not any air bubbles produced continuously from the outer surface of the endoscope and/or leak test air tube while angulating bending section of the endoscope. Check for leaks at least for 30 seconds. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 113
    When 10 minutes have passed since the leak test started, the water will drain and the test will finish automatically. At this time, the main control panel displays the error code [E92]. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 114
    Chapter 4 Reprocessing Operations Connecting tube installation The OER-Pro is shipped with two connecting tubes – tubes MAJ-1500 and MAJ-1971. Check the “List of Compatible Endoscopes/Connecting Tubes <OER-Pro>” to confirm whether these connecting tubes are the correct connecting tubes for the particular model endoscope that you are reprocessing.
  • Page 115
    Chapter 4 Reprocessing Operations • If you are reprocessing two endoscopes in the OER-Pro, and a problem is observed with the connecting tubes on one of the endoscopes, correct the problem and then reprocess both endoscopes again, starting from the beginning.
  • Page 116
    [E93] may occur and reprocessing will be interrupted. If you have checked the “List of Compatible Endoscopes/Connecting Tubes <OER-Pro>” and confirmed that the MAJ-1500 connecting tube and the MAJ-1971 connecting tube are the correct connecting tube for the endoscope that you are reprocessing, follow these steps to connect the endoscope to the OER-Pro.
  • Page 117
    To the yellow Auxiliary To the yellow connectors water inlet/ connectors To the yellow Elevator connectors channel plug Connecting tube Connecting tube (MAJ-1971) (MAJ-1971) Auxiliary water inlet Connecting tube Auxiliary (MAJ-1971) water inlet Figure 4.32 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 118
     The scope ID tags should be located in the specified positions.  The cover of the washing case should be closed and the washing case should be located in the specified position. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 119
    Reprocessing This section explains the operation of the OER-Pro for reprocessing endoscopes. Select from three different reprocessing programs [1] to [3]. If the selected reprocessing program incorporates the disinfectant solution heating process, the disinfectant solution is heated during reprocessing.
  • Page 120
    Press the PROG button on the main control panel to select a program [1] to [3]. Figure 4.34 Press the START button on the main panel. In about 10 seconds, the water supply starts and the TIME/CODE display shows the remaining reprocessing time. Figure 4.35 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 121
    Figure 4.36 Make sure that a jet of water is output from the water supply/circulation nozzle to the dome of lid (i.e., the cleaning pump is not clogged or abnormal). Figure 4.37 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 122
    When the process is started, the standard time required to complete the process will blink on the display. • The minimum required time for program [1] is about 26 minutes (when using Olympus-validated concentrated disinfectant solution) or 29 minutes (when using Olympus-validated ready-to-use disinfectant solution). •…
  • Page 123
    If you want to interrupt the reprocessing process, press STOP button and follow the procedure described in Section 6.10, “Emergency stop and automatic processing after stopping” on page 178. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 124
    3. Press START button to restart the and perform remedial reprocessing cycle. actions to resolve the problem. If [E93] is displayed again. 4. Restarted process is completed. Figure 4.40 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 125
    If the “Automatic Printing Function” is activated, the printer automatically prints reprocessing result of completed reprocessing process after completing the restarted reprocessing process. For more details on the “Automatic Printing Function” refer to Section 4.11, “Printing of the reprocessing records” on page 130. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 126
    Remove the alcohol in the alcohol tank and replace it with new alcohol at least once a week. Otherwise, the alcohol in the alcohol tank may degrade. • Before handling the alcohol, read the precautions carefully and use it as instructed. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 127
    Close the lid and make sure that the power switch is ON. Connect the provided syringe and tube. Figure 4.43 Disconnect the ventilation tube from the guide of the alcohol tank. Ventilation tube Guide Figure 4.44 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 128
    Figure 4.45 Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “ALC FLUSH”, and press the FUNC START button. Flush air in the syringe within 30 seconds. Figure 4.46 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 129
    Figure 4.47 Disconnect the tube from the cap on the alcohol tank, remove the tank from the detergent/alcohol drawer and insert the ventilation tube into the guide. Figure 4.48 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 130
    If alcohol flush is successfully completed, the problem is resolved. If the error code [E93] is displayed again, the device component malfunction is suspected. In this case, do not use the device and contact Olympus. Disconnect the connector jig from the reprocessing basin, wipe off any water using a piece of sterile gauze, and store them in a clean place.
  • Page 131
    Table 4.2 Before handling the detergent, read the precautions carefully and use it as instructed. Be sure that you fully understand what measures need to be taken if you get any detergent on your skin. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 132
    Set the power switch to OFF. Confirm that the equipment is not running, and step on the foot pedal to open the lid. Connect the provided syringe and tube. Figure 4.50 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 133
    Pinch the tube at the closest point to the detergent nozzle with your fingers and disconnect the tube from the detergent nozzle. Figure 4.52 Rinse the syringe and tube thoroughly in running water, dry them well and store in a clean place. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 134
    • If you are reprocessing two endoscopes in the OER-Pro, and a problem is observed with the connecting tubes on one of the endoscopes, correct the problem and then reprocess both endoscopes again, starting from the beginning.
  • Page 135
    Store the endoscopes and valves in a clean place. Take the connecting tubes and leak test air tubes out of the reprocessing basin, wipe off any water using a piece of sterile gauze, and store them in a clean place. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 136
    – PRINT TODAY  – – – PRINT ALL  – – –  Print option can print out the – Print option cannot print out the subject error result subject error result Table 4.3 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 137
    To prevent the equipment from malfunctioning, do not moisten the printer or printer paper roll. • Always keep the printer cover closed. Otherwise, the printer and/or printer paper roll may get wet and cause a malfunction. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 138
     Dark, cool place  Not exposed to NOx, SOx, or O (ozone) • When red lines appear on both sides of the printer paper roll during printing, replace the printer paper roll. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 139
    It cannot print the record of completed/incomplete sub-independent processes and the record of error occurred during the standby operation. For details on the print function of error result, see Table 4.6. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 140
    • For the printed information about “Reprocessing Result”, refer to “PRINT FORMAT (Reprocessing Result)” on page 145. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 141
    • For the printed information about “Error Results”, refer to “PRINT FORMAT (Error Result)” on page 146. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 142
    – PRINT TODAY  – – –  – – – PRINT ALL  – Print option can print out the Print option cannot print out the subject error result subject error result Table 4.8 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 143
    “PRINT LAST” and then press the FUNC START button. • The same information can be printed several times until the next reprocessing process is started. • For the printed information about “Reprocessing Result”, refer to “PRINT FORMAT (Reprocessing Result)” on page 145. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 144
    FUNC START button. • The same information can be printed several times until the next reprocessing process is started. • For the printed information about “Error Results”, refer to “PRINT FORMAT (Error Result)” on page 146. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 145
    It cannot print the record of completed/incomplete sub-independent processes and the record of error occurred during the standby operation. For details on the print function of error result, see Table 4.10. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 146
    Figure 4.55 The buzzer beeps and paper feed stops when printing is finished. Cut the printed part of paper and ensure that information is printed correctly. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 147
    If you want to print only the information after the point where printing was stopped with error code [E94], do not clear the error code and simply replace the printer paper roll. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 148
    “Error Result” is the record provided when an error is encountered during a reprocessing process, which result in an incomplete reprocessing process. For the printed information about “Error Results”, refer to “PRINT FORMAT (Error Result)” on page 146. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 149
    Figure 4.56 The buzzer beeps and paper feed stops when printing is finished. Cut the printed part of paper and ensure that the information is printed correctly. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 150
    If you want to print only the information after the point where printing was stopped with error code [E94], do not clear the error code and simply replace the printer paper roll. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 151
    Figure 4.57 If the RFID function has not been enabled at the factory, the columns for the serial numbers of endoscopes, model names of endoscopes, user number, and user name will be left blank. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 152
    User name Figure 4.58 If the RFID function has not been enabled at the factory, the columns for the serial numbers of endoscopes, model names of endoscopes, user number, and user name will be left blank. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 153
    Before changing the date and/or time setting, print records of the past stored in equipment by print function. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 154
    • If any irregularity is observed, do not use the device and contact Olympus. If the device is used when an irregularity is observed, the device may malfunction. Water leakage, electric shock, burns, and/or fire may also result.
  • Page 155
    To prevent growth of microorganisms, it is also recommended to wipe every part of the equipment with a cloth moistened with 70% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. Figure 5.1 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 156
    Otherwise, the filtering effect may degrade. • Two mesh filters are installed on the outer and inner sides of the circulation port. Be sure to remove, inspect, and clean both of them. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 157
    Remove the mesh filters from the reprocessing basin. Drain port mesh filter Circulation port mesh filters Figure 5.2 Clean each mesh filter in running water using a brush. Figure 5.3 Attach the mesh filters in their original positions. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 158
    • Be sure to attach the fluid level sensor covers to the fluid level sensor after cleaning. Otherwise, the sensor may not be able to correctly detect the fluid level and the equipment may malfunction. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 159
    (upper) Figure 5.4 Lift the lower part of the fluid level sensor cover (lower) and pull it up to remove as shown with the arrow in Figure 5.5. Fluid level sensor cover (lower) Figure 5.5 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 160
    Wipe away all moisture from the fluid level sensor using a clean soft cloth. Clean the fluid level sensor covers (upper, lower) in running water and remove moisture. Attach the fluid level sensor covers (upper, lower) to their original positions around the fluid level sensor. Figure 5.7 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 161
    Set the power switch to ON. Press the INFO SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “PROGRAM INFO”. Figure 6.1 The current temperature of the disinfectant solution is displayed on the TEMPC display on the subcontrol panel. Figure 6.2 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 162
    Blocking the ventilation not only hinders deodorization but may also cause the device to malfunction. For details on how to check the disinfectant solution temperature, see Section 6.1, “Confirming the disinfectant solution temperature” on page 155. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 163
    The disinfectant solution is heated to slightly above 20C (68F) to compensate for the decrease in temperature inside the equipment. When the disinfectant solution temperature reaches the specified level, the disinfectant solution is automatically collected and the reprocessing basin is rinsed. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 164
    20C solution heating Table 6.2 1 The OER-Pro is set for a 10-minute and 20C disinfection process for ready-to-use disinfectant solution at the factory. Program changes to the disinfection process will be released when Olympus-validated disinfectant solutions with different disinfectant contact times and temperatures are approved.
  • Page 165
    If you want to change disinfectant solution from ready-to-use disinfectant solution to concentrated disinfectant solution, contact Olympus. Set the power switch to ON. Press the PROG button on the main control panel to select the program to be set. Figure 6.5 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 166
    Chapter 6 Other Functions Press the INFO SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “PROGRAM INFO”. Figure 6.6 Press the INFO SET button on the subcontrol panel. The WASH/CYCLE display starts to blink. Figure 6.7 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 167
    ” button on the subcontrol panel to select the cleaning time. Figure 6.8 Press the INFO SET button on the subcontrol panel to set the cleaning time. The DIS/DAY display should start to blink. Figure 6.9 Check the disinfecting time. Figure 6.10 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 168
    Press the INFO SET on the subcontrol panel to set the cleaning time. The TEMP C display should start to blink. Figure 6.11 Check the temperature. Figure 6.12 Press the INFO SET button on the subcontrol panel to finalize the reprocessing program setup. Figure 6.13 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 169
    It is recommended to update the operation count and elapsed day count data of this function according to changes in the operating environment, etc. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 170
    Chapter 6 Other Functions  When using Olympus-validated concentrated disinfectant solution Setting range Disinfection operation No setting or 1 – 35 times (Setting possible per time) count Elapsed day count No setting or 1 – 5 days (Setting possible per day) Table 6.4…
  • Page 171
    Update the set values as required. Modify the set values according to changes in the operating environment, etc. (The equipment does not automatically determine the ageing of the disinfectant solution.) Figure 6.14 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 172
    Figure 6.15 Press the “ ” or “ ” button on the subcontrol panel to set the disinfection operation count. Set [- -] if you do not want to set the disinfection cycle count. Figure 6.16 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 173
    Figure 6.17 Press the “ ” or “ ” button on the subcontrol panel to set the elapsed day count. Set [- -] if you do not want to set the day counter. Figure 6.18 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 174
    Press the INFO SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “TOTAL CYCLES”. The subcontrol panel displays the total number of reprocessing operations in 6 digits. The total number of operations is counted automatically. It cannot be set by the user. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 175
    The buzzer beeps and air purge is completed in 10 minutes. The main control panel displays [- -] to indicate the end of air purge. To stop the air purge process midway, press the STOP/RESET button on the main control panel. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 176
    Blocking the ventilation not only hinders deodorization but may also cause the device to malfunction. Close the lid. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “RINSE”. Figure 6.21 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 177
    Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel. Figure 6.22 When rinsing is finished, the buzzer beeps to indicate the end of the process. At this time, the TIME/CODE display on the main control panel shows [- -]. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 178
    This process automates the flushing of the endoscope channels with alcohol followed by air to help dry the channels. • When using the disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and running this equipment in well-ventilated areas.
  • Page 179
    [03], which indicates 3 minutes. The time displayed on the main control panel counts down every minute. When the alcohol flushing process finishes, the buzzer beeps and the TIME/CODE display shows [- -]. Figure 6.23 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 180
    Connect the connecting tube to the connector at the rear center of the reprocessing basin by pushing the tube’s connector until it clicks. Close the lid and make sure that the power switch is ON. Connect the provided syringe and tube. Figure 6.24 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 181
    Disconnect the ventilation tube from the guide of the alcohol tank. Ventilation tube Guide Figure 6.25 Fill the syringe with air and insert the tube connected to the syringe all the way into the far end of the alcohol tank ventilation tube. Figure 6.26 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 182
    FLUSH”, and press the FUNC START button. Flush air in the syringe within 30 seconds. Figure 6.27 Press the STOP/RESET button on the main control panel to stop alcohol flushing, and then disconnect the syringe’s tube from the ventilation tube. Figure 6.28 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 183
    Alcohol tank Ventilation tube Figure 6.30 Close the detergent/alcohol drawer. Rinse the syringe and tube with running water, dry them completely and store in a clean place. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 184
    • When the displayed error code remains lit Pressing the STOP/RESET can interrupt the automatic processing. • When the displayed error code is blinking Automatic Processing cannot be interrupted. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 185
    Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel to drain the remaining water or fluid. When air purge is finished, press the FUNC SEL button to select “RINSE”. Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel to start the rinsing process. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 186
    • For the printed information about “Reprocessing Result” and “Error Result”, refer to Section 4.11, “Printing of the reprocessing records” on page 130. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 187
    When activate/deactivate the “AUTOMATIC PRINTING”, follow the operations below. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “PRINT LAST”. Figure 6.31 Press the “ ” button on the subcontrol panel for 5 seconds. Figure 6.32 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 188
    5 seconds by rotation. Setting of Panel display of sub-control panel AUTOMATIC PRINTING When “PRINT LAST” lamp blinks Activated When “PRINT TODAY” lamp blinks Deactivated Table 6.10 The “Automatic printing function” is set to “Activated” at the factory. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 189
    (Fixed to include) printout. Table 6.11 When include/exclude the Error Result Printout in each print option, follow the operations below. You can select the error printout mode individually for “AUTOMATIC PRINTING” and “PRINT TODAY/PRINT ALL”. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 190
    Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel so that both the “PRINT LAST” and “PRINT TODAY” indicators light up. Figure 6.33 Press the “ ” button on the subcontrol panel for 5 seconds. Figure 6.34 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 191
    –  includes the error printout – excludes the error printout Table 6.12 For “AUTOMATIC PRINTING” and “PRINT ALL/PRINT TODAY”, the “Error Result Printout” is set to “include” at the factory. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 192
    To ensure safe operation of the device, it should be cleaned and inspected regularly. Parts and consumables should be added or replaced as required. • When using the disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and running this equipment in well-ventilated areas.
  • Page 193
    • If you find any problems or observe an irregularity, do not use the equipment and contact Olympus. If the device is used when an irregularity is observed, the device may malfunction. Water leakage, electric shock, burns, and/or fire may also result.
  • Page 194
    The disinfectant vapor generated by the device has been proven safe in in-house testing. Nevertheless, as individual reactions to the disinfectant may vary, Olympus recommend the use of gas filters and enhanced protection by observing the ventilation conditions given in “Ensuring the safety of reprocessing personnel”…
  • Page 195
    When the device is shipped from the factory, the gas filters are not installed in the device. Open the front door and remove the gas filter case from the top right position. Gas filter case Gas filter case mount Figure 7.2 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 196
    Remove the old gas filter. The gas filter case designed for the lid has a gas filter adapter inside of it to prevent water droplet penetration. Gas filter adapter Figure 7.4 Place a new gas filter in each gas filter case. Ventilation opening Figure 7.5 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
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    Gas filter case mount Figure 7.7 Close the front door. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 198
    Check Required items Water filter (MAJ-824) Water filter wrench Water filter tubes ( 2) Container with 2 L or larger capacity (wide-mouthed container such as a vat) Indelible pen or other writing implement Table 7.5 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 199
    Water will start to flow from the tube connected to the connector below the water filter housing. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “AIR PURGE”. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 200
    Figure 7.10 When the water flow stops, press the STOP/RESET button to end the air purge process, and disconnect the two filter tubes by pushing the lock levers on their connectors. Lock lever Figure 7.11 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 201
    Therefore, you should cover the water filter with the water filter housing when removing so that the residual water is caught in the case. If the water tray fills with residual water, remove the water tray and drain it. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 202
    When the device is shipped from the factory, the water filter is not mounted in the water filter housing. Open the bottom (the side without the O-ring) of the package containing the new water filter. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 203
    O-ring at the head of the water filter with clean water or ethanol before securing it temporarily. • The rotation drag increases during temporary securing, but rotate the case all the way until it is stopped. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 204
    Enter the date on the replacement date indication sticker provided with the water filter using an indelible ink pen, and attach the sticker to the device where it will be easily visible (Remove the previous replacement date indication sticker before attaching the new sticker). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 205
    Put the tube-side end of the filter tube in the container, and insert the connector end of the filter tube into the connector above the water filter housing until it clicks. Do not connect anything to the connector below the water filter housing. Figure 7.19 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 206
    Chapter 7 Routine Maintenance Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “LEAK TEST”. Figure 7.20 Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel. Figure 7.21 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 207
    Close the front door. Rinse the filter tube with running water, dry it completely and store in a clean place. Go to Section 7.3, “Disinfecting the water supply piping” on page 202 and follow the instructions. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 208
    14 days. • Olympus recommends to perform microbiological sampling of the OER-Pro rinse water quality right after performing the water supply piping disinfection if the device has not been used for more than 14 days. For details on sampling rinse water, see Section 7.4, “Microbiological surveillance”…
  • Page 209
    (i.e., at least once a month). There may be other circumstances where this is required, for example a flood or hurricane. Microbiological sampling of the OER-Pro rinse water may indicate disinfection is required. • Disconnect the connecting tubes from the connectors on the device before disinfecting the water supply piping.
  • Page 210
    OER-Pro. Drain the disinfectant solution completely and replace with fresh disinfectant solution after disinfection of the water supply piping.
  • Page 211
    Air/water/instrument channel connector Water supply piping disinfection connector Washing case mount Temperature sensor Figure 7.24 Close the lid. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “DIS LINES”. Figure 7.25 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 212
    Hold the tube-side end of the filter tube and put it in the container. Insert the connector end of the filter tube into the connector above the water filter housing. Figure 7.27 Do not connect a filter tube to the connector below the water filter housing. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 213
    Figure 7.29 If the temperature of the disinfectant solution is below 20C (68F), it is heated to 20C (68F). During heating, the TIME/CODE display blinks without counting down. It restarts countdown after completion of heating. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 214
    This difference is due to use of a different pump and therefore the gentle fluid flow of this process is adequate. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 215
    With the tube-side end of the filter tube held in place in the container, insert the connector end of the filter tube into the connector above the water filter housing until it clicks. Do not connect anything to the connector below the water filter housing. Figure 7.33 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 216
    Step on the foot pedal to open the lid. When disconnecting the water supply piping disinfection hose from the connector, cover the end of the hose with a hand wearing a waterproof glove so that the water inside the hose does not splash. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 217
    Microbiological surveillance Perform microbiological sampling of the OER-Pro rinse water quality as required by your hospital’s policy. Also Olympus recommends to perform microbiological sampling of the rinse water right after performing the water supply piping disinfection if the device has not been used for more than 14 days.
  • Page 218
    Close the lid. Press the PROG button on the main control panel to select a program [1] to [3] (see Figure 7.38). Figure 7.38 The sampling tube is disinfected first. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 219
    Be sure to wear sterile gloves when touching the cleaned/disinfected sampling tube to prevent contamination. Do not touch the lid, the reprocessing basin, the container or any area while wearing the sterile gloves. Otherwise, the collected water may become contaminated. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 220
    Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “RINSE” (see Figure 7.42). Figure 7.42 During rinse, hold the end of the sampling tube. Otherwise, the water may spray out of the sampling tube, and leak from the container. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 221
    Step on the foot pedal to open the lid. Place the sampling tube on the retaining rack (see Figure 7.37). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 222
    Remove the old air filter by pushing the sleeves on the two connectors toward the device. Sleeves Figure 7.45 The air filter is not installed on the device when it is shipped from the factory. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 223
    Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “AIR PURGE”. Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel. Figure 7.47 After the FUNC START button is pressed, it takes about 40 seconds before actual air purge starts. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 224
    Always press the power switch OFF before cleaning the float switch. Moving the float switch while the power switch is ON will be detected as an error by the device and result in error processing. Make sure that the power switch is OFF. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 225
    While applying clean water to the float switch, clean the stem using the brush. Move the float up and down manually and thoroughly clean around the stem. Rinse the float switch by pouring clean water over it. Figure 7.50 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 226
    After cleaning, dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth. Place the detergent/alcohol inner tray back on the detergent/alcohol drawer. Place the detergent tank and alcohol tank on the detergent/alcohol drawer and connect the tubes to the original positions on the tanks. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 227
    • Filter tubes • Hoses • Gas filter case excluding the gas filter • Gas filter adapter, etc. • Accessory holder • Card holders Check Required items 70% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol Clean cloth Table 7.11 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 228
    70% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. Dry the accessories thoroughly and store them in a clean place near the device. Attach the accessory holder to the back side of the front door using the two retaining screws. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 229
    70% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. Drain out the water inside the tank, dry it thoroughly, put it back on the detergent/alcohol drawer and attach the cap and tube to it. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 230
    The disinfectant solution bottle drawer can be opened only when replacing the concentrated disinfectant solution. For details, see Section 7.12, “Replacing the disinfectant solution”. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 231
    Always use a disinfectant that has been validated by Olympus. High-level disinfectants that are not validated by Olympus for use in the OER-Pro may be unsafe and ineffective due to improper dilution, incorrect contact time and temperature, excessive foaming, inadequate rinsing, and therefore may compromise patient safety.
  • Page 232
    To prevent the device and areas near the equipment from being damaged by leaking disinfectant solution, do not remove the rubber cap from the disinfectant removal port except when the disinfectant removal tube is connected. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 233
    [E72] is displayed. In this case, treat it by following the procedure in Section 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide” on page 274. Make sure that the power switch is ON. Step on the foot pedal to open the lid. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 234
    After connection, pull the hose gently to make sure it is properly attached. Figure 7.56 Put the other end, of the disinfectant collection hose (the end without a connector) in the large container. Figure 7.57 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 235
    Hold the disinfectant collection hose so that it does not move, then press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “DRAIN LCG”, and then press the FUNC START button to restart draining of the disinfectant solution. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 236
    (large). Figure 7.60 Rinse both the outside and inside of the disinfectant collection hose thoroughly in running water, dry it thoroughly, and store it in a clean place. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 237
    Put the tube-side end of the disinfectant removal tube in the container (small), and connect the disinfectant removal tube to the disinfectant removal port to drain the small amount of residual disinfectant solution from the disinfectant solution tank (see Figure 7.62). Figure 7.62 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 238
    Remove all endoscopes, valves, and connecting tubes from the reprocessing basin before draining the disinfectant solution through the drain hose. Otherwise, the disinfectant solution cannot be drained properly and the endoscopes and valves may be unable to be rinsed sufficiently. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 239
    Slowly open the water faucet. Make sure that the power switch is ON. Close the lid by pushing it until it clicks. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “DRAIN LCG”. Figure 7.64 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 240
    Section 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide” on page 274. When draining stops, the long buzzer sounds and the TIME/CODE display on the main control panel shows [- -] indicating the end of the process. Figure 7.66 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 241
    Put the tube-side end of the disinfectant removal tube in the container (small), and connect the disinfectant removal tube to the disinfectant removal port to drain the small amount of residual disinfectant solution from the disinfectant solution tank (see Figure 7.68). Figure 7.68 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 242
    Always use disinfectant that has been validated by Olympus. High-level disinfectants that are not validated by Olympus for use in the OER-Pro may be unsafe and ineffective due to improper dilution, incorrect contact time and temperature, excessive foaming, inadequate rinsing, and therefore may compromise patient safety.
  • Page 243
    • When using the disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and running this equipment in well-ventilated areas.  Wear a face mask, gloves, and protective clothes to minimize aspiration and skin contact.
  • Page 244
    • If the disinfectant solution in the cassette bottles has not completely drained after preparation of disinfectant solution, do not use the equipment and contact Olympus. Inappropriate preparation of disinfectant solution will prevent proper endoscope reprocessing. • Do not touch inside the caps of cassette bottles. Do not push or apply strong pressure to the bottle.
  • Page 245
    Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “LOAD LCG”. Figure 7.70 Press the FUNC START button on the subcontrol panel. This unlocks the disinfectant bottle drawer. Figure 7.71 Cassette bottle loading does not work unless the disinfectant solution tank is empty. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 246
    • If the cassette cutters are abnormal, do not use the equipment and contact Olympus. If the cassette cutters are abnormal, the disinfectant solution cannot be properly prepared. This will prevent effective endoscope reprocessing and may cause the equipment to malfunction.
  • Page 247
    Cassette cutters Figure 7.74 Hold the new disinfectant cassette bottles together and place them on the disinfectant bottle drawer so that the bottle with the purple cap is on the right. Purple cap Figure 7.75 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 248
    Figure 7.76 Look at the disinfectant bottle drawer and check the windows to verify that the disinfectant solution in both bottles has decreased. Disinfectant bottle drawer check windows Figure 7.77 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 249
    These operation are not a malfunction. • The required time for preparation of disinfectant solution may vary depending on the water supply condition. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 250
    Chapter 7 Routine Maintenance In approximately 5 minutes, the buzzer beeps to indicate the end of preparation, and the TIME/CODE display on the main control panel shows [- -]. This indicates the end of process. Figure 7.79 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 251
    Olympus-validated ready-to-use disinfectant solution (Approximately 5 gallons to fill reservoir.) Table 7.16 The ready-to-use disinfectant solution indicated here is not cassette bottles, but commercially available Olympus-validated disinfectant solution prepared by top loading. • When adding the disinfectant solution, continuously monitor the fluid level via the disinfectant solution indicator.
  • Page 252
    Figure 7.80 (a) and (b) indicating that it is ready to add the disinfectant solution. Figure 7.80 Slowly pour the disinfectant solution to the drain port into the reprocessing basin (see Figure 7.81). Figure 7.81 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 253
    4.9 “Correction of equipment tilt” in the installation manual and correct the tilt of the equipment so that the equipment becomes more horizontal. Then, the indicator will indicate the fluid level more precisely. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 254
    Close the water faucet. Press the FUNC SEL button on the subcontrol panel to select “LEAK TEST”, and press the FUNC START button to relieve the incoming water pressure. After the pressure has been relieved (approximately 10 seconds), press the STOP/RESET button to stop the leak test. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 255
    Using clean tweezers, remove the mesh filter from the water supply hose connector. Water supply hose connector Figure 7.85 Do not pinch the mesh filter in the water supply hose connector too hard. This could deform the mesh filter or injure your fingers. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 256
    Attach the connection ring of the water supply hose in the original position on the equipment. 7.14 Replacing the fuse Replace the fuse as described in “If the lamp in the power switch does not turn ON” on page 77. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 257
     Disinfecting of the detergent supply line Check Required items Syringe and tube Two Cup-shape container with a capacity of about 200 ml, such as a beaker Disinfectant solution: approximately 30 ml Sterile water: more than 100 ml Table 7.17 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 258
    (see Figure 7.87). Figure 7.87 Step the foot pedal to open the lid. Connect the provided syringe and tube. Figure 7.88 Connect the tube attached to the syringe to the detergent nozzle inside the reprocessing basin. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 259
    Suction the water with the syringe until no more water comes out of the line (see Figure 7.89). Prepare a beaker or similar container and pour about 30 ml of the disinfectant solution into it. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 260
    To remove rinse water from inside the line and fill it with detergent, connect the tube attached to the syringe to the detergent nozzle and suction more than 50 ml of detergent with the syringe (see Figure 7.89). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 261
    Make sure that the water faucet is open. Step on the foot pedal to open the lid. Attach the connector jigs to the connectors on the reprocessing basin and close the lid. Figure 7.92 Pull out the detergent/alcohol drawer. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 262
    Check that the fluids are drained from the cap. Wait until the error code [E93] is displayed and the process ends (see Figure 7.94). Figure 7.94 Prepare a beaker or similar container and pour about 80 ml of the disinfectant solution into it. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 263
    When the disinfection time ends, take the cap out of the container filled with the disinfectant solution. Remove disinfectant solution from inside the line by performing the alcohol flush process on the subcontrol panel. The process ends automatically with the E93 displayed on the main control panel. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 264
    The process ends automatically in three minutes (see Figure 7.96). Rinse the reprocessing basin by performing the rinsing process on the subcontrol panel. Open the lid and disconnect the connector jigs. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 265
    Pull out the detergent/alcohol drawer. Detach the detergent tank cap to which a tube is connected (Do not disconnect the connector.) (see Figure 7.98). Figure 7.98 Step on the foot pedal to open the lid. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 266
    (see Figure 7.100). Figure 7.100 Prepare a beaker or similar container and pour more than 50 ml of the sterile water into it. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 267
    To remove 70% ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol from inside the line, connect the tube attached to the syringe to the detergent nozzle inside the reprocessing basin. Suction the alcohol with the syringe until no more alcohol comes out of the line (see Figure 7.100). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 268
    To disconnect the tube connected to the alcohol tank cap, push and hold the lock lever on the connector and pull the tube. Alcohol tank Figure 7.103 Take the alcohol tank out of the device. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 269
    Figure 7.104 Put the cap back on the tank, place the tank on the detergent/alcohol drawer, and connect the tube to the cap again. Alcohol tank Figure 7.105 Close the detergent/alcohol drawer. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 270
    193. Step on the foot pedal to open the lid, disconnect the connecting tubes, dry them thoroughly and store them in a clean place. Press the power switch to set it to OFF. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 271
    Step on the foot pedal to open the lid, dry the reprocessing basin thoroughly so that no bacterial growth will occur inside it, and then close the lid. Disconnect the power cord plug from the hospital-grade power outlet. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 272
    Do not touch the printer or its surroundings during and immediately after printing. They will be very hot and may cause burns. • Always use the Olympus-designated printer paper roll with this equipment. Otherwise, incorrect printing or equipment failure may result. •…
  • Page 273
    Otherwise, the printer paper roll may not load properly in the printer. Figure 7.110 Make sure that the power switch is ON. Hold the printer cover handle and pull it toward the front. Printer cover Figure 7.111 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 274
    Place the roll shaft, inserted through the printer paper roll, on the roll holder. Make sure the printer paper roll feed direction is set as shown below, and pull the paper out about 10 cm (4 inches). Figure 7.114 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 275
    Insert so that the printer paper roll is between the projections as shown in Figure 7.117. Printer paper roll inlet Figure 7.116 The printer paper roll is fed automatically. Projections Figure 7.117 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 276
    If the release lever on the left side of the printer is raised, the printer paper roll cannot be fed automatically. Make sure that the release lever is lowered. Release lever Paper feed roller Figure 7.119 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 277
    5 cm. Insert the edge of the fed paper into the slit on the printer cover. Slit Figure 7.120 Close the printer cover and cut any excessive paper protruding from the slit. Figure 7.121 ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 278
    Set up the disinfectant solution. For detailed instruction, refer to “Setting up the disinfectant solution” on page 236 in this manual. Inspect and clean all parts before use. For detailed instruction, refer to Chapter 3, “Inspection Before Use” in this manual. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 279
    4.17, “Disinfection of the water supply piping” in “Instructions-Installation Manual”. Olympus recommends to perform microbiological sampling of the OER-Pro rinse water quality right after performing the water supply piping disinfection if the device has not been used for more than 14 days. For details on sampling rinse water, refer to Section 7.4, “Microbiological surveillance”…
  • Page 280
    If any irregularity is detected during an inspection or if the device is clearly malfunctioning, do not use it. Contact Olympus for repair. Some problems that appear to be malfunctions may be correctable by referring to Section 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide” on page 274. If the problem cannot be resolved by the described remedial action, do not use the device and contact Olympus.
  • Page 281
    When power is restored, drain the reprocessing basin. • When using disinfectant solution and alcohol, Olympus recommends the use of gas filters and operating this equipment in a well-ventilated area.  Wear a face mask, gloves, and protective clothes to minimize aspiration and skin contact.
  • Page 282
    Identify the error code and perform remedial actions according to the instruction described in the table below. • The error code displayed on the main control panel can be cleared only by pressing the STOP/RESET button. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 283
    Internal problem Contact Olympus. decreases with the during the equipment. cleaning process. Cleaning fluid Irregularity in the Contact Olympus (if water supply will not stop, close the water level is too high. fluid level sensor. faucet). ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 284
    Connect the drain connector to the disinfectant removal port and drain disinfectant solution from the tank. Alternatively, connect the disinfectant collection hose to the disinfectant solution nozzle and perform the “DISINFECTANT DRAIN” operation to drain disinfectant solution from the tank. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 285
    Replace the air filter. purge pressure • Clogging of air is low). filter. Insufficient fluid Clogging of the Clean the mesh filters in the circulation port of the basin. pressure. mesh filters in the circulation port. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 286
    Disinfectant Internal problem If disinfectant solution remains in the basin, perform the same solution in the with the remedial action as [E13]. In other cases, contact Olympus. disinfectant equipment. solution tank cannot be discharged. Water supply • Insufficient…
  • Page 287
    Check that the cassette bottles are properly installed. are empty. cassette bottle detection switches. Empty cassette Check if the cassette bottles you installed are empty. If they bottles were are, install new cassette bottles. installed. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 288
    Section 4.8, “Installation of the printer paper roll” in the “Instructions-Installation Manual”). • The release lever is raised. • Check that the release lever is set in the proper position. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 289
    • Disinfectant solution is Olympus. leaking. • Check if disinfectant solution is leaking. If it is, do not use the device and contact Olympus. Water leaks from the Improper installation of Stop the current process and reattach the water filter equipment.
  • Page 290
    ON again. device is turned on. was set to OFF. Reprocessing operator The operator may be Stop doing any reprocessing and consult a medical feels sick during work. allergic to the disinfectant, specialist. detergent or alcohol. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 291
    Check the power supply to the external devices and the communication status external device is connection between the external devices and the indicator on the main incomplete or a device OER-Pro. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact control panel goes malfunctions. Olympus. out/blinks. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 292
    If the problem cannot be resolved by the remedial action described in 8.1, “Troubleshooting guide” on page 274 and you need to contact Olympus, Olympus may require this operation to resolve the problem. In this case, perform following procedure to print the information for analyzing the problem and follow the instruction from Olympus.
  • Page 293
    ” button on the subcontrol panel for 5 seconds. The printer prints the information for analyzing the problem. Figure 8.3 The buzzer beeps and the paper feed stops when printing completes. Cut the printed part of paper and ensure that information is printed correctly. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 294
    Some items may not be available in some areas. New products released after the introduction of this equipment may also be compatible with this equipment. For further details, contact Olympus. If combinations of equipment other than those shown below are used, Olympus cannot guarantee that the device will perform as expected.
  • Page 295
    Using a prefilter can extend the life of the water filter. 1 Always use Olympus designated external devices for communication with OER-Pro. If not, Olympus cannot guarantee that the device will perform as expected. For more details on external devices available in your area, contact Olympus.
  • Page 296
    1 The recommended value is in reference to AAMI TIR34:2007 “Water for the reprocessing of medical devices”. Purified water is water that has been produced through the methods of either reverse osmosis (RO), deionization (DI), distillation or other methods that meet USP standards to remove impurities. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 297
    (Refer to the “List of Compatible Endoscopes/Connecting Tubes <OER-Pro>” for details) (Note 1) The OER-Pro does not sterilize endoscopes. Therefore, after cleaning/disinfecting an endoscope that requires sterilization, always sterilize the endoscope as instructed in its instruction manual. Number of Max.
  • Page 298
    Installation category: II No. 61010-1: 2012 Pollution degree: 2 CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2-040: 2007 IEC 61010-1: 2010 IEC 61010-2-040: 2005 Radio Transmitter Compliance ISO/IEC 18000-3 (Mode1) Center Frequency 13.56 MHz Modulation Effective Radiated 300 mW20 Power ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 299
    — (11) 6-digit date of manufacture; — (21) 7-digit serial number. 1 The OER-Pro is set for a 10-minute and 20C disinfection process for ready-to-use disinfectant solution at the factory. Program changes to the disinfection process will be released when Olympus-validated disinfectant solutions with different disinfectant contact times and temperatures are approved.
  • Page 300
    Power supply specification of this equipment is less than 220 VAC, and this fluctuations/flicker equipment is exempt from requirements of IEC 61000-3-3. emissions IEC 61000-3-3 Olympus confirmed that the level of this equipment’s harmonic emissions is low. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 301
    It is recommended to use this equipment by (50/60 Hz) maintaining sufficient distance from any magnetic field equipment that operates with high current. IEC 61000-4-8 is the a.c. mains power supply prior to application of the test level. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 302
    (m). • This equipment complies with the requirements of IEC 61326: 2002. However, if used in an electromagnetic environment that exceeds the required maximum noise level, electromagnetic interference may occur on this equipment. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 303
    This equipment complies with part15 of the FCC rules and the IC RSS210. FCC ID: S8Q-GN4215 IC: 4763B-GN4215 FCC WARNING Change or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. ENDOSCOPE REPROCESSOR OER-Pro Operation Manual…
  • Page 304
    Acecide-C as safe and effective for reprocessing of Olympus endoscopes and accessories. Use of a FDA cleared high-level disinfectant that has not been validated by Olympus may be ineffective and can damage the OER-Pro components and the endoscopes being reprocessed.
  • Page 305
    800-848-9024, or by contacting your local Olympus Sales Representative. If you have any questions about these products and the use of the OER-Pro machine please feel free to contact the Olympus Technical Assistance Center at the same phone number 800-848-9024 or by contacting your local Olympus Sales Representative.
  • Page 307
    ©2012 OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of OLYMPUS MEDICAL SYSTEMS CORP. OLYMPUS is a registered trademark of OLYMPUS CORPORATION. Trademarks, product names, logos, or trade names used in this document are generally registered trademarks or trademarks of each company.
  • Page 308
    A8F, Ping An International Financial Center, No. 1-3, Xinyuan South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100027 P.R.C. Fax: (86)10-5976-1299 Telephone: (86)10-5819-9000 Olympus Tower 9F, 446, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-509 Fax: (02)6255-3494 Telephone: (02)6255-3210 491B, River Valley Road #12-01/04, Valley Point Office Tower, Singapore 248373…

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