Период выпуска модели с октября 2002 по 2007 год.
Седьмое поколение Honda Accord отличается от шестого — наличием всего двух разновидностей модели, так их всего две. «Большой» Accord выпускался для для Америки, Сингапура, Китая, Таиланда и, возможно, ещё ряда стран и «маленький» — для Европы и Японии. Отличий между модели для Японского и Европейского рынка почти нет, которое есть, это электроусилитель руля на Японской версии, когда на версии для Европы устанвливался гидравлический усилитель руля.
Базовая версия Accord относилась к сегменту «2-литровых седанов» (кузов CL-7), а его топ-версии Executive и Type-S предлагалась и с более мощным и тяговитым двигателем рабочим объёмом в 2,4 л (кузов CL-9). Accord седьмого поколения оснащался системой изменения фаз газораспределения i-VTEC. Подвеска: двухрычажная впереди и многорычажная сзади. Отделка салона была выполнена на достаточно высоком уровне. В Японии в семейство входила также спортивная модификация Euro-R.
Новый седан и универсал (седьмого поколения) полюбились многим. Хонда Аккорд позиционировался как семейный автомобиль, но вместе с тем модификация Type-S, намекает на то, что автомобиль не лишен спортивного задора, к сожалению подчеркнутого исключительно юбками бамперов, накладными порогами и колесами на дюйм больше. Машина оснащалась 2.0(155 л.с) литровым и 2.4(190 л.с) литровым бензиновым моторами, также имелся дизельный двигатель объёмом 2.2(140 л.с) литра. Хонда Аккорд в седьмом поколении дебютировала в 2002 году и предлагалась сразу для трёх рынков: Европы, США и Японии. Однако модель для США внешностью заметно отличалась от европейской, начинкой впрочем тоже. В 2007 году в честь 30 летия модели Аккорд компания Хонда выпустила на европейский рынок версию Accord Special Edition, которая от стандартной отличалась эксклюзивной окраской «White Pearl» комплектацией и оформлением интерьера. Данная версия и стала последней страничкой в истории седьмого Аккорда. «Седьмой» Аккорд запомнился смещением акцентов в сторону «премиума»… Новейший Аккорд продолжил эту традицию и превзошёл старшего брата, став ещё более солидным и представительным, но более отстраненным от водителя и комфортным.
Honda Accord front 20070928.jpg
В Аккорд седьмого поколения конструкторы вложили весь четвертьвековой опыт эксплуатации всех поколений модели. На сегодняшний день Аккорд выпускается в Великобритании, Канаде, Мексике, США, Тайване и, соответственно, в Японии. Североамериканским аналогом Аккорда является Acura TSX — с несколько изменёнными оптикой, отделкой салона и только мотором 2.4 с немного иными настройками. Стоит отметить, что для японского рынка предлагалась полноприводная версия с кузовом универсал, также версия Euro-R с 2.0-литровым 220-сильным мотором. Дебют модели состоялся в октябре 2002 года, в мае 2003 был представлен Аккорд с кузовом универсал, в декабре того же года был представлен дизельный Аккорд для западноевропейского рынка. Автомобиль был подвергнут рестайлингу в октябре 2005 года.
Настоящее руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля является основным
эксплуатационным документом, который должен оставаться с автомобилем
в течение всего срока его службы, а при последующей продаже автомобиля
должен быть передан новому владельцу.
Руководство по эксплуатации является единым документом для всех
модификаций и вариантов комплектации автомобиля. Поэтому вы можете
обнаружить в нем сведения о дополнительном оборудовании или об
отдельных системах и устройствах, отсутствующих на вашем автомобиле.
На рисунках, содержащихся в настоящем руководстве по эксплуатации,
могут быть отражены функциональные особенности и оборудование, которое
имеется лишь на некоторых вариантах комплектации автомобиля. В вашем
экземпляре автомобиля некоторые функциональные особенности могут
Настоящее руководство и приведенные в нем технические характеристики
были подготовлены на основании технической документации изготовителя,
действующей на дату подписания в печать. Компания Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
оставляет за собой право в любое время вносить изменения в конструкцию и
технические характеристики автомобилей без предварительного уведомления
и каких-либо обязательств со своей стороны.
Средства обеспечения безопасности Cтр. 27
Обеспечение безопасности водителя
и пассажиров Cтр. 28
Ремни безопасности Cтр. 32
Подушки безопас-
ности Cтр. 43
Приборная панель Cтр. 75
Сигнализаторы и индикаторы Cтр. 76
Указатели, приборы и дисплеи
Cтр. 93
Органы управления Стр.109
Установка времени Cтр. 110
Запирание и отпирание дверей Cтр. 112
Открывание и закрывание люка* Cтр. 134
Регулировка сидений Cтр. 161
Оборудование, повышающее уровень комфорта автомобиля Cтр. 191
Аудиосистема Cтр. 192
Использование аудиосистемы Cтр. 199, 217, 245
Пользовательские настройки Cтр. 297
Система громкой связи* Стр. 335
Вождение автомобиля Cтр. 387
Перед началом движения Cтр. 388
Буксировка прицепа* Cтр. 392
Вождение автомобиля
Cтр. 398
Многоракурсная камера заднего вида*
Cтр. 452
Заправка топливом
Cтр. 453
Техническое обслуживание Cтр. 457
Перед выполнением технического обслу-
живания Cтр. 458
Регламент технического обслуживания
Cтр. 461
Проверка состояния и уход за щетками стеклоочистителей Cтр. 500
Техническое обслуживание системы отопления и кондиционирования*/
системы климат-контроля* Cтр. 513
Устранение неисправностей в пути Cтр. 519
Инструменты Cтр. 520
Если спустила шина Cтр. 521
Перегрев двигателя Cтр. 535
Действия в случаях, когда горит или мигает
сигнализатор Cтр. 537
Техническая информация Cтр. 545
Технические характеристики Cтр. 546
Идентификационные номера Cтр. 553
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12 Volt Battery Internal Resistance Reset
12 Volt Battery Removal, Installation, and Test
12 Volt Battery Sensor Removal and Installation
12 Volt Battery Terminal Disconnection and Reconnection
A/C Diagnostic Process
A/C Refrigerant Leak Check (1234yf)
A/C Refrigerant Leak Check (134a)
A/C Refrigerant Oil Adjustment
A/C Refrigerant Oil Replacement (1234yf)
A/C Refrigerant Oil Replacement (134a)
A/C Refrigerant Recovery/Evacuation/Charging (1234yf)
A/C Refrigerant Recovery/Evacuation/Charging (134a)
A/C System Contamination Inspection
A/C System Inspection
A/C System Noise Check
A/C System Test (1234yf)
A/C System Test (134a)
A/F Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
A/F Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
A/T Oil Seal Replacement — In Car (A/T)
A/T Road Test (A/T)
A/T Speed Sensor Removal and Installation (A/T)
ACC Combination Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Accelerator Pedal Module Removal and Installation
Accessory Power Socket Removal and Installation
Active Noise Cancellation Microphone Removal and Installation
Active Noise Cancellation Unit Removal and Installation
Adaptive Damper Control Unit Removal and Installation
Adaptive Damper Control Unit Update
Air Cleaner Element/Air Cleaner/Intake Air Resonator Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Air Cleaner Element/Air Cleaner/Intake Air Resonator Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Airbag and Tensioner Disposal
Alternator Overhaul (1.5 L Engine)
Alternator Overhaul (2.0 L Engine)
Alternator Performance Test
Alternator Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Alternator Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Aluminum — Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy
Aluminum — Precautions on Aluminum Alloy Panel Repair
Aluminum — Types of Aluminum Alloy
Aluminum Alloy Body Repair — Body and Frame Correction
Aluminum Alloy Body Repair — Crack Inspection
Aluminum Alloy Body Repair — Overview
Aluminum Alloy Body Repair — Panel Repair
Aluminum Alloy Body Repair — Repairing a Crack
Ambient Light Removal, Installation, and Test
APP Sensor Signal Inspection
ATF Replacement and Level Check (A/T)
ATF Warmer Removal and Installation (A/T)
Audio Remote-HFL Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Audio System Diagnostic Mode (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Diagnostic Mode (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio Unit Removal and Installation (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio Unit Removal and Installation (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio-Navigation Unit Removal and Installation
Auto High-Beam (High-Beam Support System) Function Test
Auto Idle Stop System Inspection
Automatic Brake Hold Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Automatic Lighting Control Unit-Sensor Removal and Installation
Automatic Lighting/Rain Sensor Removal and Installation
Automatic Transmission Disassembly and Reassembly (A/T)
Automatic Transmission Removal and Installation (A/T)
Automotive Refinishing Products — Body Filler and Spot Putty
Automotive Refinishing Products — Drying Water-Based Paint
Automotive Refinishing Products — Paint Performance Criteria
Automotive Refinishing Products — Primer
Automotive Refinishing Products — Primer-Surfacer
Automotive Refinishing Products — Refinish Product Categories and Purposes
Automotive Refinishing Products — Specialized Paint Products
Automotive Refinishing Products — Topcoats
Automotive Refinishing Products — Water-Based Paint Characteristics
Automotive Refinishing Products — Water-Based Paint Structure
Automotive Refinishing Products — Wax & Grease Remover
Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Air Bleeding (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Auxiliary Transmission Fluid Pump Removal, Installation, and Test (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Ball Joint Disconnection
Before Aiming Setting
Before Starting Paint Repair — Determining Paint Finish and Compatible Repair Materials
Before Starting Paint Repair — Paint Repair Methods
Before Starting Paint Repair — Work Processes and Descriptions
Body Control Module Removal and Installation
Body Control Module Update
Body Damage Inspection — Front Body Damage
Body Damage Inspection — Rear Body Damage
Body Damage Inspection — Side Body Damage
Body Electrical Troubleshooting — B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode 1 and Test Mode 2 (without the HDS)
Body Electrical Troubleshooting — B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A — Initial Communication and DTC Checks
Body Electrical Troubleshooting — B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode B — Control Unit Not Communicating
Body Panel Technical Requirements — Overview
Body Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — 5S (Organization of Work Environment)
Body Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Dust and Fumes
Body Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Fire and Explosion Risks
Body Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Organic Solvent Toxicity
Body Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — What is an MSDS?
Brake Fluid Level Switch Test
Brake Hose and Line Inspection
Brake Hose Removal and Installation
Brake Master Cylinder Inspection (KA/KC)
Brake Master Cylinder Removal and Installation
Brake Pedal and Brake Pedal Position Switch Adjustment
Brake Pedal Position Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Brake Pedal Removal and Installation
Brake System Inspection and Test
BSI Radar Unit Aiming Inspection
BSI Radar Unit Mounting Area Check
BSI Radar Unit Removal and Installation
Cable Reel Removal and Installation
Cam Chain Auto-Tensioner Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Camshaft Timing Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Camshaft Timing Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
CAN Gateway Removal and Installation (With ACC)
CAN Gateway Update (With ACC)
Carpet Removal and Installation
Catalytic Converter Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Catalytic Converter Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Ceiling Light Removal, Installation, and Test
Center Console Disassembly and Reassembly
Center Console Panel Removal and Installation
Center Console Rear Trim Disassembly and Reassembly
Center Console Rear Trim Removal and Installation
Center Console Removal and Installation
Center Console Side Trim Removal and Installation
Center Display Unit Removal and Installation
Center Pillar Outer Panel Replacement
Center Pocket Light Removal and Installation
Characteristics of Steel Sheet — Bending and Strength
Characteristics of Steel Sheet — Elasticity
Characteristics of Steel Sheet — Heat Change
Characteristics of Steel Sheet — Heat Treatment
Characteristics of Steel Sheet — Plasticity
Characteristics of Steel Sheet — Work Hardening
CKP Pattern Clear/CKP Pattern Learn Procedure
CKP Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
CKP Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Climate Control System (Interior) Removal, Installation, and Test
Climate Control System (Under-Hood) Removal, Installation, and Test
CMP Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
CMP Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Combination Light Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Console Box Light Removal and Installation
Conventional Brake System Bleeding
Coolant Check and Replacement (1.5 L Engine)
Coolant Check and Replacement (2.0 L Engine)
Cowl Cover Removal and Installation
Crankshaft Pulley and Cam Chain Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Crankshaft Pulley and Cam Chain Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Cruise Control (ECM/PCM) Input Test
Cruise Control Combination Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Cutting Tools
CVT Differential Backlash Inspection (CVT)
CVT Differential Carrier Bearing Preload Inspection (CVT)
CVT Differential Carrier Disassembly and Reassembly (CVT)
CVT Driven Pulley Pressure Sensor Removal and Installation (CVT)
CVT Oil Seal Replacement (CVT)
CVT Pressure Test (CVT)
CVT Road Test (CVT)
CVT Solenoid Valve Test (CVT)
CVT Speed Sensor Removal and Installation (CVT)
CVT Transmission Disassembly and Reassembly (CVT)
CVT Transmission Removal and Installation (CVT)
CVTF Warmer Hose Removal and Installation (CVT)
CVTF Warmer Removal and Installation (CVT)
Cylinder Head Overhaul (1.5 L Engine)
Cylinder Head Overhaul (2.0 L Engine)
Dashboard Center Lower Cover Removal and Installation
Dashboard Center Middle Trim Removal and Installation
Dashboard Center Pocket Removal and Installation
Dashboard Meter Visor Removal and Installation
Dashboard Removal and Installation
Dashboard Side Cover Removal and Installation
Dashboard/Steering Hanger Beam Removal and Installation
Dashlights Brightness Control Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
DC-DC Converter Removal and Installation
Definition and Purpose of Finish (Painting) — Definition of Finish
Definition and Purpose of Finish (Painting) — Purpose of Finish
Door Courtesy Light Removal and Installation
Door Glass Adjustment
Door Inner Handle Light Removal and Installation
Door Key Cylinder Switch Test
Door Lock Actuator Test
Door Lock Knob Switch Test
Door Position Adjustment
Door Striker Adjustment
Door Switch Test
Drive Belt Auto-Tensioner Air Bleeding (1.5 L Engine)
Drive Belt Auto-Tensioner Air Bleeding (2.0 L Engine)
Drive Belt Auto-Tensioner Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Drive Belt Auto-Tensioner Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Drive Belt Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Drive Belt Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Drive Plate Removal and Installation (A/T)
Drive Plate Removal and Installation (CVT)
Drivers Airbag Removal and Installation
Drivers Dashboard Lower Cover Removal and Installation
Drivers Dashboard Middle Trim Removal and Installation
Drivers Dashboard Outside Switch Trim Removal and Installation
Drivers Inner Dashboard Trim Removal and Installation
Drivers Knee Airbag Removal and Installation
Drivers Outlet Removal and Installation
Drivers Power Seat Motor Test (With Driving Position Memory System (DPMS))
Drivers Power Seat Motor Test (Without Driving Position Memory System (DPMS))
Drivers Seat Position Sensor Operation Check
Drivers Seat Position Sensor Removal and Installation
Driveshaft Inspection
Driving Position Memory Clear
Driving Position Memory Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Driving Position Memory System Input Test and Function Test
ECON Switch Test
ECT Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
ECT Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Electric Brake Booster Control Unit Update
Electric Brake Booster Removal and Installation
Electric Parking Brake Actuator Removal and Installation
Electric Parking Brake Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Electric Parking Brake System Forced Cancellation
Emblem/Sticker Removal and Installation
Emergency Access to Fuel Fill Door Lock Actuator
Emergency Access to Trunk Lid Release Actuator
Engine Assembly Mount Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Assembly Mount Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Block Overhaul (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Block Overhaul (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Compression Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Compression Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Filter/Oil Filter Feed Pipe Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Filter/Oil Filter Feed Pipe Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Jet Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Jet Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Level Check and Replacement (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Level Check and Replacement (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pan Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pan Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Removal and Installation
Engine Oil Pressure Switch Removal, Installation, and Test (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pressure Test (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pressure Test (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pump Chain Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pump Overhaul (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pump Overhaul (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pump Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Oil Pump Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Oil/Air Separator Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Start/Stop Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Engine Undercover Removal and Installation
EPS Control Unit Update
EVAP System Removal, Installation, and Test (KA/KC)
Exhaust Pipe and Muffler Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Exhaust Pipe and Muffler Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Exterior Lights Bulb Removal and Installation
Exterior Parts Construction
Exterior Parts Removal/Installation
Factory Paint Finish Information — Factory Paint Finish Application Process
Factory Paint Finish Information — Paint Film Structure
Final Drive Shaft Disassembly and Reassembly (CVT)
Final Drive Shaft Tapered Roller Bearing Preload Inspection (CVT)
Final Inspection
Floor and Rear Body Construction
Floor Insulator — Insulator Locations
Fog Light Adjustment
Fog Light Removal and Installation
Forward Clutch Clearance Inspection (CVT)
Frame Repair Chart
Frame Tightening Torque
Front Body Construction
Front Brake Caliper Overhaul (CONTINENTAL Type)
Front Brake Caliper Overhaul (NISSIN Type)
Front Brake Caliper Removal and Installation (CONTINENTAL Type)
Front Brake Caliper Removal and Installation (NISSIN Type)
Front Brake Disc Removal, Installation, and Inspection
Front Brake Pad Removal, Installation, and Inspection (CONTINENTAL Type)
Front Brake Pad Removal, Installation, and Inspection (NISSIN Type)
Front Bulkhead Air Shroud Removal and Installation
Front Bulkhead Replacement
Front Bumper Disassembly and Reassembly
Front Bumper Removal and Installation
Front Damper/Spring Disassembly, Reassembly, and Inspection
Front Damper/Spring Removal and Installation
Front Door Center Corner Trim Removal and Installation
Front Door Checker Removal and Installation
Front Door Glass and Regulator Removal and Installation
Front Door Glass Inner Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Front Door Glass Outer Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Front Door Inner Handle Removal and Installation
Front Door Latch Removal and Installation
Front Door Lower Seal Removal and Installation
Front Door Outer Handle Removal and Installation
Front Door Outer Molding Removal and Installation
Front Door Panel Removal and Installation
Front Door Sash Outer Trim Removal and Installation
Front Door Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Front Driveshaft Disassembly and Reassembly
Front Driveshaft Removal and Installation
Front Fender Fairing Removal and Installation
Front Fender Partition Pad Removal and Installation
Front Fender Trim Removal and Installation
Front Floor Undercover Removal and Installation
Front Grille Cover Removal and Installation
Front Grille Disassembly and Reassembly
Front Grille Removal and Installation
Front Individual Map Light Removal, Installation, and Test
Front Inner Fender Removal and Installation
Front Knuckle/Hub/Wheel Bearing Replacement
Front Lower Arm Ball Joint Inspection
Front Lower Arm Ball Joint Removal and Installation
Front Lower Arm Compliance Bush Removal and Installation
Front Lower Arm Removal and Installation
Front Passengers Airbag Cutoff Indicator Removal and Installation
Front Passengers Airbag Removal and Installation
Front Passengers Knee Airbag Removal and Installation
Front Passengers Power Seat Motor Test
Front Passengers Weight Sensor Initialization
Front Passengers Weight Sensor Operation Check After Replacing Front Passengers Seat Component(s)
Front Passengers Weight Sensor Output Check After a Vehicle Collision
Front Passengers Weight Sensor Removal and Installation
Front Pillar Outer Panel Replacement
Front Seat Belt Buckle Removal and Installation
Front Seat Belt Removal and Installation
Front Seat Cushion Blower Removal and Installation
Front Seat Cushion Cover Removal and Installation
Front Seat Frame Removal and Installation
Front Seat Lumbar Support Removal and Installation
Front Seat Recline Cover Removal and Installation
Front Seat Removal and Installation
Front Seat Slide Lever Removal and Installation
Front Seat-Back Blower Removal and Installation
Front Seat-Back Cover Removal and Installation
Front Side Frame Replacement
Front Side Frame, Front-End Parts Replacement
Front Stabilizer Bar Removal and Installation
Front Stabilizer Link Removal and Installation
Front Wheelhouse/Damper Housing Replacement
Fuel Fill Door Adapter Removal and Installation
Fuel Fill Door Lock Actuator Removal, Installation, and Test
Fuel Fill Door Striker Removal and Installation
Fuel Gauge Sending Unit Test
Fuel Line Inspection
Fuel Pressure Relieving
Fuel Pressure Test (1.5 L Engine)
Fuel Pressure Test (2.0 L Engine)
Fuel Tank Removal and Installation (KA/KC)
Fuel Tank Unit/Fuel Filter Removal, Installation, Disassembly, and Reassembly
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Anti-Rust Steel Sheets
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Characteristics of Steel Sheets
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — High-Strength Steel Sheets
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — High-Strength Steel Sheets (others)
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Steel Material
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Tailored Blank Material
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Types of Tailored Blank Welding
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Ultra High-Strength Steel Sheets (1500 MPa Grade)
Fundamentals of Automotive Steel Sheets — Use of Tailored Blank Material
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Basic Body Structure
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Collision Angle and Damage
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Collision Target and Damage
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Direction of Impact
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Examples of Compatible Body
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Honda/Acura Collision Safety Technology (G-CON)
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Honda/Acura Collision Safety Technology Compatible (ACE™) Body
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Honda/Acura Collision Safety Technology Compatible (ACE™) Body Features
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Honda/Acura Pedestrian Injury Mitigation Body
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Impact Absorption Structure
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Rahmen Structure
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Unibody Characteristics
Fundamentals of Unibody Construction — Unibody Parts Structure
Gauge Control Module Removal and Installation
Gauge Control Module Update
General Information
General Welding Information — Automobile Body Welding
General Welding Information — Joint Types
Glass — Installation of Glass
Glass — Types of Glass
Glove Box Lock Cylinder Removal and Installation
Glove Box Removal and Installation
GPS Antenna Removal and Installation
Grab Handle Removal and Installation
Grinding & Sanding Tools — Putty Grinder/Sander
Grinding & Sanding Tools — Steel Sheet Grinder/Sander
Hazard Warning Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Head Up Display Removal and Installation
Head Up Display Switch Test
Head Up Display Update
Headlight Adjustment
Headlight Removal and Installation
Headliner Removal and Installation
Heated Steering Wheel Control Unit Removal and Installation
Heated Steering Wheel Switch Test
Heated Steering Wheel Temperature Sensor Test
Heated Windshield Wiper Area Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Heated Windshield Wiper Area Test
High Mount Brake Light Removal and Installation
High Pressure Fuel Pump Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
High Pressure Fuel Pump Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Hood Adjustment
Hood Insulator Removal and Installation
Hood Latch Removal and Installation
Hood Latch Switch Test
Hood Opener Cable Removal and Installation
Hood Seal Removal and Installation
Horn Removal, Installation, and Test
Idle Speed Inspection
Idle Stop Off Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Ignition Coil and Spark Plug Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Ignition Coil and Spark Plug Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Ignition Timing Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Ignition Timing Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Impact Sensor Removal and Installation
Injector Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Injector Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Inner Taillight Removal and Installation
Input Shaft Thrust Clearance Adjustment (CVT)
Installation Tools Tools — Parts Positioning & Holding Tools
Intake Manifold Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Intake Manifold Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Intercooler Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Intercooler Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Interior Light Switch Removal, Installation, and Test (With Moonroof)
Interior Trim Removal and Installation — Door Areas
Interior Trim Removal and Installation — Pillar Areas
Interior Trim Removal and Installation — Rear Shelf Area
Interior Trim Removal and Installation — Trunk Area
Interior Trim Removal and Installation — Trunk Lid
Intermediate Shaft Disassembly and Reassembly
Intermediate Shaft Removal and Installation
Keyless Access LF Antenna Function Test
Keyless Access LF Antenna Removal and Installation
Keyless Access Remote Removal, Installation, and Test
Keyless Access System Check
Keyless Access System Registration
Keyless Access System Status Log
Keyless Buzzer Removal and Installation
km/h, mph Change Switch Test
Knock Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Knock Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
LaneWatch Camera Aiming
LaneWatch Camera Removal and Installation
LaneWatch Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
License Plate Light Removal and Installation
Liquid Gasket Applying Procedure (1.5 L Engine)
Liquid Gasket Applying Procedure (2.0 L Engine)
LKAS Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Low Fuel Indicator Test
MAG Welding — Butt Welding
MAG Welding — MAG Welding Conditions for High-Strength Steel (Except 1500 MPa) Parts
MAG Welding — Plug Welding
MAG Welding — Principles and Characteristics
MAG Welding — Starting the Arc
MAG Welding — Welding Equipment Structure
MAG Welding — Welding Precautions
MAP Sensor/MAF Sensor/IAT Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
MAP Sensor/MAF Sensor/IAT Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Measuring Tools — Body Dimension Measuring Tool
Measuring Tools — Frame Correction Machine
Middle Floor Undercover Removal and Installation
MIG Brazing — MIG Brazing Conditions for Ultra High-Strength Steel Parts (1180 & 1500 MPa)
MIG Brazing — MIG Brazing Joint Inspection
Millimeter Wave Radar Aiming
Millimeter Wave Radar Mounting Position Inspection
Millimeter Wave Radar Removal and Installation
Millimeter Wave Radar Update
Mirror Holder Removal and Installation
Mirror Housing Cover Removal and Installation
Mis-Fuel Inhibit Device Removal and Installation (KA/KC)
Moonroof Drain Channel Removal and Installation
Moonroof Drain Channel Slider and Cable Assembly Removal and Installation
Moonroof Frame and Drain Tube Removal and Installation
Moonroof Glass Position Adjustment
Moonroof Glass Removal and Installation
Moonroof Glass Roof Seal Removal and Installation
Moonroof Motor-Control Unit Removal and Installation
Moonroof Sunshade Removal and Installation
Moonroof Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Moonroof Wind Deflector Removal and Installation
Multiplex Integrated Control System Sleep and Wake-Up Mode Test
Multipurpose Camera Aiming
Multipurpose Camera Unit Removal and Installation
Multipurpose Camera Unit Update
Navigation System Diagnostic Mode
Navigation System Sensor Calibration
Near Field Communication Unit Removal and Installation
Other Tools
Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Output Shaft (Countershaft) Speed Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Outside Air Temperature Indicator Calibration (With Multi-information Display, Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Outside Air Temperature Indicator Calibration (With Multi-information Display, Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Outside Air Temperature Indicator Calibration (Without Multi-information Display)
Paddle Shifter Removal, Installation, and Test (A/T)
Paddle Shifter Removal, Installation, and Test (CVT)
Paint Application Problems — Lifting (Shrinkage)
Paint Application Problems — Orange Peel (Granular Texture)
Paint Application Problems — Runs
Paint Degradation — Blistering
Paint Degradation — Discoloration, Yellowing
Paint Degradation — Peeling, Poor Adhesion
Paint Degradation — Water Spots or Stains
Paint Drying and Curing — Drying Processes
Paint Drying and Curing — Reactive Type
Paint Drying and Curing — Solvent-Evaporation Type (Air Dry)
Paint Finish Components — Hardener
Paint Finish Components — Paint Structure
Paint Finish Components — Pigment
Paint Finish Components — Resin
Paint Finish Components — Solvent or Paint Reducer/Thinner
Paint Finish Problems — Bleeding
Paint Finish Problems — Chalking (Whitening)
Paint Finish Problems — Fish Eyes (Cratering)
Paint Finish Problems — Metallic Mottling
Paint Finish Problems — Paint Contamination (Debris)
Paint Finish Problems — Pinholes
Paint Finish Problems — Sanding Scratches
Paint Finish Problems — Swelling
Paint Matching (Color Mixing Work) — Before Mixing Colors
Paint Matching (Color Mixing Work) — Color Mixing Steps
Paint Matching (Color Mixing Work) — Key Points in Color Comparison and Matching
Paint Matching (Color Mixing Work) — Key Points in Mixing and Matching Pearl Colors
Paint Matching (Color Mixing Work) — Work Environment
Paint Repair — Attached Parts Removal
Paint Repair — Basecoat (Primer-Surfacer) Application
Paint Repair — Basic Topcoat Application Process
Paint Repair — Cleaning and Degreasing
Paint Repair — Masking Methods
Paint Repair — Masking Process
Paint Repair — Masking Tools and Materials
Paint Repair — Metal Surface Treatment
Paint Repair — Paint Stripping
Paint Repair — Polishing
Paint Repair — Primer-Surfacer Application on New Parts
Paint Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — 5S (Organization of Work Environment)
Paint Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Dust and Fumes
Paint Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Fire and Explosion Risks
Paint Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Organic Solvent Toxicity
Paint Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — Personal Safety Equipment
Paint Repair — Safety and Cleanliness — What is an MSDS?
Paint Repair — Surface Preparation (Featheredge)
Paint Repair — Topcoat Drying
Paint Repair — Topcoating Information
Paint Repair — Topcoating Preparation
Paint Repair — Water-Based Topcoat Application
Paint Repair Equipment — Air Compressor
Paint Repair Equipment — Air Pipes and Equipment
Paint Repair Equipment — Other Air Handling Equipment
Paint Repair Equipment — Other Paint Drying Equipment
Paint Repair Equipment — Paint Booth
Paint Repair Equipment — Paint Drying Tools & Equipment
Paint Repair Tools — Other Tools and Equipment
Paint Repair Tools — Sanding and Polishing Tools
Paint Repair Tools — Sandpaper
Paint Storage Problems — Paint Gelling (Increased Viscosity)
Paint Storage Problems — Paint Separation
Paint Storage Problems — Paint Skinning
Paint Storage Problems — Sedimentation (Caking)
Panel Reforming Tools
Park Pin Switch Test
Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit Removal and Installation
Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit Update
Parking and Back-Up Sensor Removal and Installation
Parking and Back-Up Sensor Removal and Installation
Parking and Back-Up Sensor Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Passengers Dashboard Panel Removal and Installation
Passengers Dashboard Undercover Removal and Installation
Passengers Outlet Removal and Installation
PCM Idle Learn Procedure
PCM Removal and Installation
PCM Reset
PCM Update
PCV Valve Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
PCV Valve Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Plastic Parts Paint Repair — External Plastic Parts Examples
Plastic Parts Paint Repair — Plastic Part Types and Characteristics
Plastic Parts Paint Repair — Repair Processes
Power Lumbar Support Motor Test
Power Lumbar Support Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Power Mirror Actuator Test
Power Mirror Removal and Installation
Power Mirror Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Power Relay Test
Power Seat Adjustment Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Power Seat Control Unit Removal and Installation
Power Steering Assist Check
Power Window Motor Test
Power Window Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Pulley End Crankshaft Oil Seal Replacement — In Car (1.5 L Engine)
Pulley End Crankshaft Oil Seal Replacement — In Car (2.0 L Engine)
Quarter Glass Removal and Installation
Radiator and A/C Condenser Fan Motor Test
Radiator Cap Test
Radiator Removal and Installation
Rear Air Outlet Removal and Installation
Rear Brake Caliper Overhaul
Rear Brake Caliper Removal and Installation
Rear Brake Disc Removal, Installation, and Inspection
Rear Brake Pad Removal, Installation, and Inspection
Rear Bumper Disassembly and Reassembly
Rear Bumper Removal and Installation
Rear Damper Removal, Installation, and Inspection
Rear Door Center Corner Trim Removal and Installation
Rear Door Checker Removal and Installation
Rear Door Glass and Regulator Removal and Installation
Rear Door Glass Inner Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Rear Door Glass Outer Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Rear Door Inner Handle Removal and Installation
Rear Door Latch Removal and Installation
Rear Door Lower Seal Removal and Installation
Rear Door Outer Handle Removal and Installation
Rear Door Outer Molding Removal and Installation
Rear Door Panel Removal and Installation
Rear Door Rear Sash Outer Trim Removal and Installation
Rear Door Sash Outer Trim Removal and Installation
Rear Door Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Rear Frame Complete Replacement
Rear Inner Fender Removal and Installation
Rear Knuckle/Hub Bearing Unit Removal and Installation
Rear License Trim Removal and Installation
Rear Lower Arm A Removal and Installation
Rear Lower Arm B Removal and Installation
Rear Panel Replacement
Rear Seat Armrest Beverage Holder Removal and Installation
Rear Seat Armrest Removal and Installation
Rear Seat Belt Buckle Removal and Installation
Rear Seat Belt Removal and Installation
Rear Seat Cushion Cover Removal and Installation
Rear Seat Removal and Installation
Rear Seat-Back Cover Removal and Installation
Rear Seat-Back Latch Removal and Installation
Rear Seat-Back Release Lever/Cable Removal and Installation
Rear Side Outer Panel Replacement
Rear Spring Removal and Installation
Rear Stabilizer Bar Removal and Installation
Rear Stabilizer Link Removal and Installation
Rear Strake Removal and Installation
Rear Trailing Arm Removal and Installation
Rear Upper Arm Removal and Installation
Rear Window Defogger Wire Repair
Rear Window Removal and Installation
Rearview Camera Removal and Installation
Rearview Mirror Removal and Installation
Refinish Methods — Dip-Type Methods
Refinish Methods — Spray-Type Methods
Relay Circuit Board Removal, Installation, and Test
Removal Tools — Spot Weld Removal Tools
Repair Overview — Door and Bumper Reinforcement Beams
Repair Overview — High Strength Steel Sheet Welding Overview
Repair Overview — Parts Sectioning (Cut and Joint) Guidelines
Repair Overview — Repair Basics
Repair Overview — Repair Guidelines for High-Strength Steel Parts
Repair Overview — Repair Process
Repairing Major Body Damage — Anti-Rust Treatment (After Painting)
Repairing Major Body Damage — Anti-Rust Treatment (Before Painting)
Repairing Major Body Damage — Basic Work Processes
Repairing Major Body Damage — Body and Frame Correction For Front Damage
Repairing Major Body Damage — Body and Frame Correction For Rear Damage
Repairing Major Body Damage — Body and Frame Correction For Side Damage
Repairing Major Body Damage — Body and Frame Correction Overview
Repairing Major Body Damage — Body Damage Inspection
Repairing Major Body Damage — Measuring Dimensions
Repairing Major Body Damage — Parts Replacement
Repairing Major Body Damage — Preparation for Body and Frame Correction
Repairing Major Body Damage — Pulling Direction
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Anti-Rust Treatment
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Basic Work Processes
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Body Filler (Putty) Repairs
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Hammer and Dolly Panel Repair
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Inspection and Repair after Sheet Metal Work
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Shrinking (Drawing) Steel Sheet
Repairing Minor Body Damage — Washer Welding Repair
Repairing Plastic Parts — Plastic Part Repair Methods
Repairing Plastic Parts — PP (Polypropylene) Bumper Repair Procedures
Resetting the Moonroof Motor-Control Unit
Resetting the Power Window Control Unit
Resin — Identification of Resin Type
Resin — Plastic Resin Types
Resin — Use of Resin Parts
Rewriting the ODO Data and Transferring the Maintenance Minder™ Data to a New Gauge Control Module
Rocker Arm Oil Control Valve Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Rocker Arm Oil Control Valve Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Roof and Side Panel Construction
Roof Antenna Removal and Installation
Roof Panel Replacement
Rust-Preventive Treatments — Areas to be Covered by Internal Anti-Rust Agents
Rust-Preventive Treatments — Undercoating Areas
Safety and Cleanliness — Equipment Maintenance Checks
Safety and Cleanliness — Precautions for Operation
Safety and Cleanliness — Safety Equipment
Safety Support Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
SBW Shifter Assembly Removal and Installation (A/T)
Sealer (Adhesive) — Types and Use of Sealer
Sealing Areas — Front Compartment Area
Sealing Areas — Passengers Compartment Area
Sealing Areas — Rear Compartment Area
Sealing Areas — Rear Side and Rear Areas
Sealing Areas — Roof and Side Areas
Sealing Areas — Under Floor, Front Area
Sealing Areas — Under Floor, Rear Area
Seat Belt Inspection
Seat Belt Shoulder Anchor Adjuster Removal and Installation
Seat Heater Control Unit Removal and Installation
Seat Heater Replacement
Seat Heater Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Seat Heater Test
Secondary HO2S Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Secondary HO2S Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Service Information
Shift Cable Removal, Installation, and Adjustment (CVT)
Shift Lever Disassembly and Reassembly (CVT)
Shift Lever Removal and Installation (CVT)
Shift Lock Solenoid Test (CVT)
Shift Position Indicator Removal and Installation (CVT)
Shift Solenoid Valve O/P Removal and Installation (CVT)
Shutter Grille Removal and Installation
Side Airbag Removal and Installation
Side Curtain Airbag Removal and Installation
Side Defogger Vent Trim Removal and Installation
Side Sill Outer Panel Replacement
Side Sill Panel Removal and Installation
Side Turn Signal Light Removal and Installation
Side Windshield Trim Removal and Installation
Soft Chipping Guard Primer Coating Areas
Spare Tire Pan/Rear Frame, Rear-End Parts Replacement
Speaker Removal, Installation, and Test
Special Information
Specialized Painting Processes — Colored Clearcoat Painting
Specialized Painting Processes — Intermediate Chip Guard Painting
Specialized Painting Processes — Soft Chip Guard Primer Coat
Specialized Painting Processes — Top Clearcoat Painting
Specialized Painting Processes — Undercoating
Sport Mode Switch Test (A/T)
Sport Mode Switch Test (CVT)
Spot Welding — Principles and Characteristics
Spot Welding — Selecting Electrode Tips
Spot Welding — Spot Welding Conditions for Ultra High-Strength Steel Parts (1180 & 1500 MPa)
Spot Welding — Weld Inspection
Spot Welding — Weld Terminology
Spot Welding — Welding Conditions
Spot Welding — Welding Equipment Structure
Spot Welding — Welding Precautions
Spray Gun — Spray Gun Cleaning & Maintenance
Spray Gun — Spray Gun Connection and Adjustment
Spray Gun — Spray Gun Inspection and Troubleshooting
Spray Gun — Spray Gun Operation
Spray Gun — Spray Gun Overview
SRS Component Replacement/Inspection After Deployment
SRS Unit Removal and Installation
SRS Unit Update
Stall Speed Test (A/T)
Stall Speed Test (CVT)
Starter Overhaul (2.0 L Engine)
Starter Removal, Installation, and Performance Test (1.5 L Engine)
Starter Removal, Installation, and Performance Test (2.0 L Engine)
Steering Angle Neutral Position Learning
Steering Column Cover Removal and Installation
Steering Column Inspection
Steering Column Removal and Installation
Steering Gearbox Disassembly and Reassembly
Steering Gearbox Removal and Installation
Steering Heater Test
Steering Joint Disconnection and Reconnection
Steering Linkage and Gearbox Inspection
Steering Lock Removal and Installation
Steering Rack End Removal and Installation
Steering Tie-Rod End Ball Joint Boot Replacement
Steering Wheel Disassembly and Reassembly
Steering Wheel Removal and Installation
Steering Wheel Rotational Play Check
Stereo Amplifier Removal and Installation
Subframe Tightening Torque
Sunvisor Removal and Installation
Symbols Definition
Taillight Removal and Installation
TCM and Valve Body Assembly Removal and Installation (A/T)
TCM Removal and Installation (CVT)
TCM Reset (CVT)
TCM Update (A/T)
TCM Update (CVT)
TEL/GNSS Antenna Removal and Installation
Telematics Control Unit Removal and Installation
Telematics Switch Module Removal, Installation, and Test
Thermostat Housing Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Thermostat Housing Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Thermostat Removal, Installation, and Test (1.5 L Engine)
Thermostat Removal, Installation, and Test (2.0 L Engine)
Throttle Body Carbon Accumulation Check and Cleaning
Throttle Body Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Throttle Body Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Tie-Rod End Ball Joint Disconnection and Reconnection
Tinting Basics (Mixing Colors) — Basic Color Features
Tinting Basics (Mixing Colors) — Color Mixing Tools and Equipment
Tinting Basics (Mixing Colors) — Colorimetry
Tinting Basics (Mixing Colors) — Primary Color Characteristics
TPMS Calibration
Transmission End Crankshaft Oil Seal Replacement — In Car (1.5 L Engine)
Transmission End Crankshaft Oil Seal Replacement — In Car (2.0 L Engine)
Transmission Fluid (HCF-2) Level Check and Replacement (CVT)
Transmission Fluid Pump Removal and Installation (CVT)
Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Test (CVT)
Transmission Housing Driven Pulley Shaft Thrust Clearance Adjustment (CVT)
Transmission Range Switch Removal, Installation, and Test (CVT)
Trunk Lid Adjustment
Trunk Lid Cushion Removal and Installation
Trunk Lid Dynamic Damper Removal and Installation
Trunk Lid Latch Removal and Installation
Trunk Lid Latch Switch Test
Trunk Lid Opener Cable Removal and Installation
Trunk Lid Opener Main Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Trunk Lid Opener Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Trunk Lid Outer Handle Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Trunk Lid Release Actuator Test
Trunk Lid Spoiler Removal and Installation
Trunk Lid Torsion Bar Removal and Installation
Trunk Lid Weatherstrip Removal and Installation
Trunk Light Removal, Installation, and Test
Tuner Unit Removal and Installation
Turbocharger Boost Sensor Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Turbocharger Boost Sensor Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Turbocharger Bypass Control Solenoid Valve Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Turbocharger Bypass Control Solenoid Valve Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Turbocharger Bypass Control Valve Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Turbocharger Bypass Control Valve Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Turbocharger Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Turbocharger Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Types and Materials of Exterior Plastic Parts
Under Body Measuring Dimensions — Front Area
Under Body Measuring Dimensions — Rear Area
Under-Dash Fuse/Relay Box Removal and Installation
Under-Hood Fuse/Relay Box Removal and Installation
Upper Body Measuring Dimensions — External Parts Fitting Positions
Upper Body Measuring Dimensions — Front Compartment Area
Upper Body Measuring Dimensions — Passengers Compartment Area
Upper Body Measuring Dimensions — Rear (Trunk and Tailgate) Area
Upper Body Measuring Dimensions — Rear Window and Trunk Lid Openings
Upper Body Measuring Dimensions — Windshield and Door Openings
USB Charger Unit Removal and Installation
Valve Body Assembly Removal and Installation (CVT)
Valve Clearance Adjustment (1.5 L Engine)
Valve Clearance Adjustment (2.0 L Engine)
Vanity Mirror Light Removal, Installation, and Test
Ventilated Seat Control Unit Removal and Installation
Ventilated Seat Switch Removal and Installation
VSA Modulator-Control Unit Removal and Installation
VSA Modulator-Control Unit Update
VSA Off Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
VSA Sensor Neutral Position Memorization
VTC Oil Control Solenoid Valve Removal, Installation, and Test (1.5 L Engine)
VTC Oil Control Solenoid Valve Removal, Installation, and Test (2.0 L Engine)
VTC Strainer Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
VTEC Rocker Arm Test (1.5 L Engine)
VTEC Rocker Arm Test (2.0 L Engine)
Washer Assembly Removal, Installation, and Test
Washer Tube Removal and Installation
Water Passage Removal and Installation (1.5 L Engine)
Water Passage Removal and Installation (2.0 L Engine)
Water Pump Removal, Installation, and Inspection (1.5 L Engine)
Water Pump Removal, Installation, and Inspection (2.0 L Engine)
Water-Based Paint Application — Air Pollution
Water-Based Paint Application — Reduction of VOC
Water-Based Paint Repair Tools and Equipment — Air Compressor
Water-Based Paint Repair Tools and Equipment — Other Tools
Water-Based Paint Repair Tools and Equipment — Paint Booth
Water-Based Paint Repair Tools and Equipment — Paint Drying Equipment
Water-Based Paint Repair Tools and Equipment — Paint Storage and Handling
Water-Based Paint Repair Tools and Equipment — Spray Gun
Welding Areas With Ultra High-Strength Steel (UHSS) (1500 MPa) Parts
Welding Conditions for Adhesive Application Areas
Welding Equipment — Panel Replacement & Crimping Tools
Welding Equipment — Welder
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — Butt Welding
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — Butt Welding Defects and Causes
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — Fillet Welding
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — Fillet Welding Defects and Causes
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — General Information
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — MIG Welding Conditions
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — Plug Welding
Welding on Aluminum Alloy Bodies — Welding Precautions
Wheel Alignment
Wheel Alignment — Caster Angle/Toe/Steering Axis Inclination (SAI)
Wheel Alignment — Suspension/Camber Angle
Wheel Bearing End Play Inspection
Wheel Bolt Removal and Installation
Wheel Removal and Installation
Wheel Runout Inspection
Wheel Speed Sensor Removal and Installation
Windshield Removal and Installation
Wiper Arm/Nozzle Adjustment
Wiper Assembly Removal and Installation
Wiper/Washer Switch Removal, Installation, and Test
Wireless Charger Removal and Installation
Yaw Rate-Acceleration Neutral Position Memorization
12 Volt Battery Management System Component Location Index
A/T Interlock System Component Location Index (CVT)
Accessory Power Sockets Component Location Index
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Component Location Index
Adaptive Damper System Component Location Index
Audio System Component Location Index (Audio System)
Audio System Component Location Index (Audio System)
Audio System Component Location Index (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Auto High-Beam (High-Beam Support System) Component Location Index
Automatic Dimming Mirrors Electrical Component Location Index
Automatic Transmission Component Location Index (A/T)
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Component Location Index
Bumpers Component Location Index
Charging System Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Charging System Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Climate Control System Component Location Index
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) Component Location Index
Consoles Component Location Index
Conventional Brake Component Location Index
Cooling System Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Cooling System Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Cross Traffic Monitor Component Location Index
Cruise Control Component Location Index
CVT Differential Component Location Index (CVT)
CVT System Component Location Index (CVT)
Cylinder Head Assembly Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Cylinder Head Assembly Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Dashboard Component Location Index
Driveline/Axle Component Location Index
Driving Position Memory System (DPMS) Component Location Index
Electric Brake Booster System Component Location Index
Electric Parking Brake System Component Location Index
Engine Block Assembly Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Block Assembly Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Lubrication System Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Lubrication System Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Entry Lights Control System Component Location Index
EPS Component Location Index
Exterior Lights Component Location Index
Exterior Trim Component Location Index
Fenderwell Component Location Index
Frame Component Location Index
Front and Rear Suspension Component Location Index
Front Door Component Location Index
Fuel and Emissions Systems Component Location Index
Fuel Fill Door Mechanical Component Location Index
Gauges Component Location Index
Glass Component Location Index
HandsFreeLink System Component Location Index (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
HandsFreeLink System Component Location Index (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Head Up Display Component Location Index
Heated Steering Wheel Component Location Index
Heated Windshield Wiper Area Component Location Index
HomeLink Remote Control System Component Location Index
Hood Component Location Index
Horns Component Location Index
Ignition System Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Ignition System Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Intake Air System and Exhaust System Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Intake Air System and Exhaust System Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Interior Lights Component Location Index
Interior Trim Component Location Index
Keyless Access System Component Location Index
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Component Location Index
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Component Location Index
LaneWatch Component Location Index
Mirrors Component Location Index
Moonroof Electrical Component Location Index
Moonroof Mechanical Component Location Index
Navigation System Component Location Index
Parking and Back-Up Sensor System Component Location Index
Power Lumbar Support Component Location Index
Power Mirrors Component Location Index
Power Seats Component Location Index
Power Windows Component Location Index
Rear Door Component Location Index
Rear Window Defogger Component Location Index
Reminder Systems Component Location Index
Road Departure Mitigation Component Location Index
Safety Indicator System Component Location Index
Seat Belts Component Location Index
Seat Heaters Component Location Index
Seats Component Location Index
Shift Position Indicator Component Location Index (A/T)
Shift Position Indicator Component Location Index (CVT)
SRS Component Location Index (KA/KC)
Starting System Component Location Index (1.5 L Engine)
Starting System Component Location Index (2.0 L Engine)
Steering Component Location Index
Telematics System Component Location Index
TPMS Component Location Index
Trunk Lid Electrical Component Location Index
Trunk Lid Mechanical Component Location Index
Turn Signal/Hazard Warning Lights Component Location Index
Ventilated Seats Component Location Index
VSA System Component Location Index
Wipers/Washers Component Location Index
Wireless Charger Component Location Index
Wire Harness and Ground Locations
Visual Index — Body
Visual Index — Dashboard
Visual Index — Door
Visual Index — Engine Compartment (1.5 L Engine)
Visual Index — Engine Compartment (2.0 L Engine)
Relay Locations
A/C Signal Circuit Troubleshooting
A/T System DTC Troubleshooting Index (A/T (KA/KC))
Adaptive Damper System DTC Troubleshooting Index
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting Index
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 1102
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 1301
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 1304
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 1306
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 1702
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2607
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2608
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2618
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2620
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2623
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2624
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2625
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2626
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2628
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2629
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2630
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2703
Audio System DTC Troubleshooting: 2707
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 1102
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 1301
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 1304
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 1306
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 1702
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2607
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2608
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2618
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2620
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2622
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2623
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2624
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2625
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2626
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2627
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2628
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2629
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2630
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2703
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2707 (With Telematics Control Unit)
Audio-Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting: 2707 (Without Telematics Control Unit)
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System DTC Troubleshooting Index
Climate Control System DTC Troubleshooting Index
Climate Control System DTC Troubleshooting: C0
Climate Control System DTC Troubleshooting: CD
Communication Systems DTC Troubleshooting Index (With ACC)
CVT System DTC Troubleshooting Index (CVT (KA/KC): With Auto Idle Stop System)
CVT System DTC Troubleshooting Index (CVT (KA/KC): Without Auto Idle Stop System)
DLC Circuit Troubleshooting (With ACC)
DLC Circuit Troubleshooting (Without ACC)
Driving Support DTC Troubleshooting Index
DTC Troubleshooting: B0001-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0001-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0001-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0001-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0001-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0004-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0004-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0004-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0004-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0004-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0010-11, B0011-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0010-12, B0011-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0010-13, B0011-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0010-1A, B0011-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0010-2B, B0011-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0013-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0013-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0013-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0013-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0013-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0020-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0020-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0020-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0020-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0020-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0021-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0021-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0021-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0021-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0021-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0028-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0028-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0028-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0028-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0028-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0029-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0029-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0029-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0029-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0029-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0050-11, B0050-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0050-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0050-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0050-F0 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B0050-F0, C0061-F0, C0062-F0 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: B0052-11, B0052-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0052-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0052-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0070-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0070-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0070-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0070-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0070-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0072-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0072-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0072-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0072-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0072-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0079-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0079-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0079-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0079-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0079-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B007A-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B007A-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B007A-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B007A-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B007A-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0082-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B0082-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B0082-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B0082-1A
DTC Troubleshooting: B0082-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B0090-4A, B0090-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B0090-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B0091-4A, B0091-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B0091-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B0092-4A, B0092-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B0092-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B0095-4A, B0095-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B0095-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B0096-4A, B0096-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B0096-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B0097-4A, B0097-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B0097-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B00A0-54
DTC Troubleshooting: B00B5-11, B00B5-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B00B5-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B00B5-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B00C0-16, B00C0-96, B00C2-16, B00C2-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B00C0-4A, B00C2-4A
DTC Troubleshooting: B00C0-54, B00C2-54
DTC Troubleshooting: B00C0-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B00C2-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B00D5-14 (KA/KC)
DTC Troubleshooting: B00D5-17 (KA/KC)
DTC Troubleshooting: B00DF-11, B00DF-2B
DTC Troubleshooting: B00DF-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B00DF-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B1002
DTC Troubleshooting: B1003
DTC Troubleshooting: B1036
DTC Troubleshooting: B1038 (With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1038 (Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1039
DTC Troubleshooting: B1040
DTC Troubleshooting: B1041
DTC Troubleshooting: B1042
DTC Troubleshooting: B1043
DTC Troubleshooting: B1051
DTC Troubleshooting: B1052
DTC Troubleshooting: B1075
DTC Troubleshooting: B1077
DTC Troubleshooting: B1080
DTC Troubleshooting: B1085
DTC Troubleshooting: B108A, B108B, B108C, B108D, B108E, B108F, B1090, B1091, B1092
DTC Troubleshooting: B1125
DTC Troubleshooting: B1126
DTC Troubleshooting: B1127
DTC Troubleshooting: B1128
DTC Troubleshooting: B1129
DTC Troubleshooting: B1130
DTC Troubleshooting: B1131
DTC Troubleshooting: B1140
DTC Troubleshooting: B1142
DTC Troubleshooting: B1145
DTC Troubleshooting: B1175
DTC Troubleshooting: B1176
DTC Troubleshooting: B1192
DTC Troubleshooting: B1193
DTC Troubleshooting: B1194
DTC Troubleshooting: B120A (8A)
DTC Troubleshooting: B121A (49)
DTC Troubleshooting: B121B (4A)
DTC Troubleshooting: B121D (89)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1220 (56)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1227 (05)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1228 (06)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1231 (09)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1232 (0A)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1233 (40)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1234 (41)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1235 (42)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1236 (43)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1237 (44)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1238 (45)
DTC Troubleshooting: B123F (17)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1240 (4b)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1241 (59)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1275, B1276, B1277, B1278
DTC Troubleshooting: B1279
DTC Troubleshooting: B1280
DTC Troubleshooting: B1281, B1282, B1283, B1284
DTC Troubleshooting: B12C5
DTC Troubleshooting: B12C6
DTC Troubleshooting: B12C7
DTC Troubleshooting: B12D0
DTC Troubleshooting: B12D1
DTC Troubleshooting: B12D2
DTC Troubleshooting: B12D3
DTC Troubleshooting: B12D4
DTC Troubleshooting: B12D5
DTC Troubleshooting: B12E0
DTC Troubleshooting: B12E1
DTC Troubleshooting: B12E2
DTC Troubleshooting: B12E3
DTC Troubleshooting: B12E4
DTC Troubleshooting: B12E5
DTC Troubleshooting: B12F0
DTC Troubleshooting: B12F3
DTC Troubleshooting: B1401
DTC Troubleshooting: B1404
DTC Troubleshooting: B1410
DTC Troubleshooting: B1411
DTC Troubleshooting: B1412
DTC Troubleshooting: B1413
DTC Troubleshooting: B1414
DTC Troubleshooting: B1415
DTC Troubleshooting: B1416
DTC Troubleshooting: B1417
DTC Troubleshooting: B1418
DTC Troubleshooting: B1419
DTC Troubleshooting: B1425
DTC Troubleshooting: B1575
DTC Troubleshooting: B1601
DTC Troubleshooting: B1602
DTC Troubleshooting: B1632
DTC Troubleshooting: B1640
DTC Troubleshooting: B1645
DTC Troubleshooting: B1646
DTC Troubleshooting: B1647
DTC Troubleshooting: B1648
DTC Troubleshooting: B1657
DTC Troubleshooting: B1658
DTC Troubleshooting: B1659
DTC Troubleshooting: B1660
DTC Troubleshooting: B1663
DTC Troubleshooting: B1664
DTC Troubleshooting: B1667
DTC Troubleshooting: B1668
DTC Troubleshooting: B1775
DTC Troubleshooting: B1776
DTC Troubleshooting: B1802
DTC Troubleshooting: B1825
DTC Troubleshooting: B1826
DTC Troubleshooting: B1827
DTC Troubleshooting: B1828
DTC Troubleshooting: B1829
DTC Troubleshooting: B1836
DTC Troubleshooting: B1837
DTC Troubleshooting: B1844
DTC Troubleshooting: B1845
DTC Troubleshooting: B1846
DTC Troubleshooting: B1847
DTC Troubleshooting: B18A1, B1E51
DTC Troubleshooting: B18A5, B1E55
DTC Troubleshooting: B18B4, B1E64
DTC Troubleshooting: B18B8, B1E68
DTC Troubleshooting: B18BA, B1E6A
DTC Troubleshooting: B18C5, B1E75
DTC Troubleshooting: B18C6, B1E76
DTC Troubleshooting: B18C7, B1E77
DTC Troubleshooting: B18DB
DTC Troubleshooting: B18EA, B1E9A
DTC Troubleshooting: B1926
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C55 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C55 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C56 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C56 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C57 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C57 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C58 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C58 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C60 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C60 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C61 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C61 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C62 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C62 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C63 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C63 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C68 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C68 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C69 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C69 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C70 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C70 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C71 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B1C71 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: B22A0
DTC Troubleshooting: B22A1
DTC Troubleshooting: B2352
DTC Troubleshooting: B2375
DTC Troubleshooting: B2376
DTC Troubleshooting: B2600-97
DTC Troubleshooting: B2625-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2626-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2627-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2628-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2629-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2630-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2631-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2632-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2635-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B2635-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B2637-11
DTC Troubleshooting: B2637-12
DTC Troubleshooting: B2638-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2639-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2640-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2641-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2642-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2643-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2644-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2645-87
DTC Troubleshooting: B2800-49, B2801-49, B2802-49, C0061-96, U3000-49
DTC Troubleshooting: B2840-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B2841-13
DTC Troubleshooting: B2964 (93)
DTC Troubleshooting: B2983 (57)
DTC Troubleshooting: B2986 (55)
DTC Troubleshooting: B2988 (61)
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A00-92
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-49, B2A60-96
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-54, P2583-54
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-57, U1387-4A, U1387-55, U3000-55
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-97
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-98, P2583-98
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-99
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-A2, U3006-16
DTC Troubleshooting: B2A60-A3, U3006-17
DTC Troubleshooting: C0010-49, C0011-49, C0014-49, C0015-49, C0018-49, C0019-49, C001C-49, C001D-49
DTC Troubleshooting: C0023-12
DTC Troubleshooting: C0023-14
DTC Troubleshooting: C0023-F0, C0044-F0, U0416-68, U0416-F8
DTC Troubleshooting: C0023-F0, U0416-68, U0416-92, U0416-9A, U0416-F8 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0030-38, C0033-38, C0036-38, C0039-38
DTC Troubleshooting: C0031-14, C0034-14, C0037-14, C003A-14
DTC Troubleshooting: C0031-4A, C0034-4A, C0037-4A, C003A-4A
DTC Troubleshooting: C0031-62, C0034-62, C0037-62, C003A-62 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0031-62, C0034-62, C0037-62, C003A-62 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0031-F0, C0034-F0, C0037-F0, C003A-F0, C0044-F0
DTC Troubleshooting: C0040-62
DTC Troubleshooting: C0044-49
DTC Troubleshooting: C0049-7B
DTC Troubleshooting: C0051-54 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0051-54 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0051-62, C0051-96
DTC Troubleshooting: C0051-96 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0051-96 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0051-96 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0061-62, C0061-F0
DTC Troubleshooting: C0061-9A, C0062-9A, C0063-9A
DTC Troubleshooting: C0061-F0, C0062-F0, C0063-F0 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0062-62, C0062-F0
DTC Troubleshooting: C0063-62, C0063-F0
DTC Troubleshooting: C0063-96
DTC Troubleshooting: C0063-97
DTC Troubleshooting: C0063-F0 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0072-00 (With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0072-00 (Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: C0077-78
DTC Troubleshooting: C0078-4A
DTC Troubleshooting: C1000-94
DTC Troubleshooting: C1020-49, C1021-49
DTC Troubleshooting: C1022-14
DTC Troubleshooting: C1040-00
DTC Troubleshooting: C1100-48
DTC Troubleshooting: C1100-53
DTC Troubleshooting: C1100-54
DTC Troubleshooting: C1100-92
DTC Troubleshooting: C1100-98
DTC Troubleshooting: C1110-11, C1111-11
DTC Troubleshooting: C1110-13, C1111-13
DTC Troubleshooting: C1110-79, C1111-79
DTC Troubleshooting: C1110-96, C1111-96
DTC Troubleshooting: C1120-14
DTC Troubleshooting: C1120-96
DTC Troubleshooting: C1130-54, C1130-76
DTC Troubleshooting: C1130-62
DTC Troubleshooting: C1131-14
DTC Troubleshooting: C1250-98
DTC Troubleshooting: C1270-11
DTC Troubleshooting: C1270-15
DTC Troubleshooting: C1400-11, C1400-13, C1400-14, C1400-96, C1403-29, C1403-62, C1421-14, C1422-14, U3000-49
DTC Troubleshooting: C1420-29, C1422-29
DTC Troubleshooting: C1640-12, C1641-12, C1642-12, C1643-12
DTC Troubleshooting: C1640-14, C1641-14, C1642-14, C1643-14
DTC Troubleshooting: C1640-92, C1641-92, C1642-92, C1643-92
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C00-F0, U0401-68, U0402-68
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C01-96
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C02-11
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C02-15
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C03-11
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C03-15
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C04-11
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C20-62, C1C22-62
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C21-62 (A/T/CVT)
DTC Troubleshooting: C1C22-62 (A/T/CVT)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0010 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0010 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0011 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0011 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0013 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0013 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0014 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0014 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0034 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0034 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0035 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0035 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P003A, P0046 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P003A, P0046 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0045 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0045 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0069 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0069 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P006A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P006A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P006E (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P006E (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0087 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0087 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0088 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0088 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0096 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0096 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0097 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0097 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0098 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0098 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P00CF (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P00CF (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P00FE (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P00FE (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0100 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0100 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0101 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0101 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0107 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0107 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0108 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0108 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0111, P011B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0111, P011B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0112 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0112 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0113 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0113 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0115 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0115 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0116 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0116 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0117 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0117 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0118 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0118 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P011A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P011A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0121 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0121 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0122 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0122 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0123 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0123 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0125 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0125 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0128 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0128 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0130 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0130 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0133 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0133 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0134 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0134 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0135 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0135 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0137 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0137 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0138 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0138 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0139 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0139 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0141 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0141 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0171, P2187 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0171, P2187 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0172 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0172 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0192 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0192 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0193 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0193 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0201, P0204 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0201, P0204 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0202, P0203 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0202, P0203 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0221 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0221 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0222 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0222 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0223 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0223 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0234 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0234 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0235 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0235 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0236 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0236 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0237 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0237 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0238 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0238 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P023D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P023D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P027E (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P027E (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P027F (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P027F (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0299 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0299 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0326 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0326 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0327 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0327 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0328 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0328 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0335 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0335 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0339 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0339 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0340 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0340 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0341 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0341 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0344 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0344 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0351, P0352, P0353, P0354 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0351, P0352, P0353, P0354 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0365 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0365 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0366 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0366 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0369 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0369 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0420 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0420 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0441 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0441 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0443 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0443 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0450 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0450 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0451 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0451 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0452 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0452 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0453 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0453 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0455, P0456 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0455, P0456 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0460 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0460 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0461 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0461 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0462 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0462 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0463 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0463 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0498 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0498 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0499 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0499 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P04DF (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P04DF (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P04F0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P04F0 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P04F1 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P04F1 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0500, P2158 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0500, P2158 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0501 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0501, P2159 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0501, P2159 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0502 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0506 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0506 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0507 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0507 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P050A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P050A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P050B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P050B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P050D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P050D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0522 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0523 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0532 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0532 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0533 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0533 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P055B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P055B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P055C (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P055C (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P055D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P055D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0562 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0562 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0563 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0563 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0564-11
DTC Troubleshooting: P0564-15
DTC Troubleshooting: P0571 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0571 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0589-11
DTC Troubleshooting: P0589-15
DTC Troubleshooting: P059F, P05A3, P05A8, P05C0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P05A0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0600 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0600 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0600 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0602 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0602 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0602 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0602 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P060A (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P060A (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P060A (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0613 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0615 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0615 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0616 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0616 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0617 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0617 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P061B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P061B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P062B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P062B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P062F (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P062F (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P062F (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P062F (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0630 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0630 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0641 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0641 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0641 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0641 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0651 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0651 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0651 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0651 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0657 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0657 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0658 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0659, P2671, P2686 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P065A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P065A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0697 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P06A8 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P06A8 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P06A8 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0703 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0703 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0705 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0706 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0710 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0710, P0712, P0713 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0711 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0711 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0712 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0713 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0714 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0714 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0716 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0716, P0717, P0718 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0717 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0720 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0720 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0721 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0721 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0721, P0722, P0723 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0729, P0731, P0732, P0733, P0734, P0735, P0736, P076F, P07D9, P07F6, P07F7 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0741 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0741 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0746 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0751, P0752 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0756, P0757 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0762, P0771, P0772, P2707, P2708 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0766, P0767 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0777 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0780 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0792 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0793 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0796 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0797 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P07A2, P07A3 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07A4, P07A5 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07A6, P07A7 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07A8, P07A9 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07AA, P07AB (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07AC, P07AD (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07B2, P1716 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07B3, P07B4 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07B9, P07BA (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07BE (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07DC (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P07E4 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0805 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0806, P0807, P0808 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0831 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0831 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0833-14
DTC Troubleshooting: P083C, P083D (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0841, P0842, P0843 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0842 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0843 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0846, P0847, P0848 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P084C, P084D (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P084F (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0850 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0850 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0851 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0851 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0852 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0852 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0864 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0871, P0872, P0873 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0876, P0877, P0878 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P087B, P087C, P087D (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0882 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0962, P0963 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0966, P0967 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0966, P0967 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0970, P0971 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0970, P0971 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0973, P0974 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0976, P0977 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0976, P0977 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P0979, P0980 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0982, P0983 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0985, P0986 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0988, P0989, P0990 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0993, P0994, P0995 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0998, P0999 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P099B, P099C (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0A11 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P0A94 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1009 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1009 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P101A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P101A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1454, P2422 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1454, P2422 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1458 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1458 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P145D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P145D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1549 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1549 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P154A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P154A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P154B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P154D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1658 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1658 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1659 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1659 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1683 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1683 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1684 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1684 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16BB (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16BB (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E2 (1.5 L Engine Without Auto Idle Stop System)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E2 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E2 (With Auto Idle Stop System)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E3 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E3 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E4 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E4 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E5 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E6 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E8 (1.5 L Engine Without Auto Idle Stop System)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16E8 (With Auto Idle Stop System)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F3 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F3 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F4 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F4 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F5 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F5 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F6 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P16F6 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1707 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1707 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1708 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1708 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1714 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1715 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1717 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1840 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1841 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1844 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1845 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1855 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1890 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1898 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1899 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1900 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P1A48, P1A49, P1A4A (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P1A4B, P1A4C, P1A4D, P1A4E, P1A60, P1A61, P1A62 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2073 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2073 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2074 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2074 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2096, P2097 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2096, P2097 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2101 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2101 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2108 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2108 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2118 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2118 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2119 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2119 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2121 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2121 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2122 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2122 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2123 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2123 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2126 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2126 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2127 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2127 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2128 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2128 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2135 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2135 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2138 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2138 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2148 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2148 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P215C (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P215C (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2175 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2175 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2176 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2176 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2182 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2182 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2183 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2183 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2184 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2184 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2185 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2185 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2195 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2195 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2199 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2199 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P219C, P219D, P219E, P219F (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P219C, P219D, P219E, P219F (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2226 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2226 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2228 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2228 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2229 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2229 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2237 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2237 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2238 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2238 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2243 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2243 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2245 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2245 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2251 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2251 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2252 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2252 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2270 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2270 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2279 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2279 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2421 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2421 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2450 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2450 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2563 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2563 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2564 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2564 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2565 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2565 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2583-49, U3000-49, U3000-57
DTC Troubleshooting: P2583-76
DTC Troubleshooting: P2583-92
DTC Troubleshooting: P2583-97
DTC Troubleshooting: P2583-9A
DTC Troubleshooting: P2610 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2610 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2623 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2623 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2651 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2651 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2652 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2652 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2653 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2653 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2654 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2654 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2670 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2685 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P26C3 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2715 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P2720, P2721 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2720, P2721 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P2729, P2730 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2738, P2739 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2797 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P2814, P2815 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2817 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P2818 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P281D, P281E (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P281D, P281E (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: P2820, P2821 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2826, P2827 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2A00 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2A00 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2A01 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2A01 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2B08, P2B09, P2B0A, P2B0B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2B08, P2B09, P2B0A, P2B0B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2DE0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2DE0 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2DE1 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: P2DE1 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (CVT (TCM): With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (CVT (TCM): Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (Gauge Control Module (With ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (Gauge Control Module (Without ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (Head Up Display)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine): With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine): Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (CAN Gateway (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (CAN Gateway (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (EPS Control Unit: With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (EPS Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (VSA Control Unit: With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00 (VSA Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-00, U0047-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit: With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0029-F1 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0038 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0038 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0038 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0038-00 (CAN Gateway (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine): With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine): Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047-00 (CAN Gateway (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047-00 (CAN Gateway (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0047-00, U0047-F1, U12B7-00 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0056-00 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0065-00 (CAN Gateway (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0065-00 (CAN Gateway (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0073 (Body Control Module (With ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0073 (Body Control Module (Without ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0073 (Keyless Access Power Control Unit (With ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0073 (Keyless Access Power Control Unit (Without ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0101, U0104, U0122, U0128, U0131, U0132, U0151, U1288, U129C
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0101, U0122, U0128, U0131, U0151 (Gauge Control Module (Without ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0103, U0104, U0115, U0122, U0129, U0151, U0155, U0291 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0122 (Body Control Module (With ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0122 (Body Control Module (Without ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0122 (Keyless Access Power Control Unit (With ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0122 (Keyless Access Power Control Unit (Without ACC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0122, U0129, U0155 (CVT (TCM): With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100, U0122, U0129, U0155 (CVT (TCM): Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0101-00, U0104-00, U0123-00, U0126-00, U0129-00, U0151-00, U0155-00 (VSA Control Unit: With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0101-00, U0122-00, U0128-00, U0129-00, U0131-00, U0151-00, U0155-00, U12B8-00 (Millimeter Wave Radar (A/T))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0101-00, U0122-00, U0128-00, U0129-00, U0131-00, U0151-00, U0155-00, U12B8-00 (Millimeter Wave Radar (M/T/CVT))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0101-00, U0122-00, U0129-00, U0131-00, U0155-00 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0101-00, U0123-00, U0126-00, U0129-00, U0151-00, U0155-00 (VSA Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0104-00, U0122-00, U0128-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit: CVT With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0122-00, U0128-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0122-00, U0131-00, U0151-00 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0122-00, U0151-00, U0155-00 (EPS Control Unit: Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-00, U0122-00, U0151-00, U0155-00, U129C-00 (EPS Control Unit: With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-F1, U0101-F1, U0122-F1, U0129-F1, U0131-F1, U0151-F1, U0155-F1 (Millimeter Wave Radar (A/T))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0100-F1, U0101-F1, U0122-F1, U0129-F1, U0131-F1, U0151-F1, U0155-F1 (Millimeter Wave Radar (M/T/CVT))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0101, U0103, U0104, U0122, U0128, U0129, U0131, U0132, U0151, U0155, U129E (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0101, U0104, U0122, U0128, U0129, U0131, U0132, U0151, U0155, U129E (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine): With ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0101, U0122, U0128, U0131, U0151, U0155, U129E (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine): Without ACC)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0122-00 (SRS Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0146 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0146 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0146 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0146 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0151 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0199, U1281, U128D
DTC Troubleshooting: U0301 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0301 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0302 (A/T)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0302 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: U0401-53, U0401-92 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0401-68 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0402-68 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0405-68 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0416-68 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0416-68 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0416-68 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0416-92, U0416-9A (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0417-68 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0418-68 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0418-68 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0418-68, U0418-92 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0418-9A (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0420-68 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0423-68 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0423-68, U1280-00, U1281-00, U128C-00 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U0452-68 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1064 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1064 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1260 (CVT (TCM))
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (80) (Climate Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Automatic Lighting Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Body Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (BSI Radar Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Front Seat Heater Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Gauge Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Head Up Display)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Keyless Access Backup Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Keyless Access Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Keyless Access Power Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Multiplex Control Unit, Door)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Power Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Relay Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Telematics Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Ventilated Seat Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1280 (Wireless Charger)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281 (91), U128D (83), U1290 (8F) (Climate Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281 (BSI Radar Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281 (Telematics Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281, U1286, U128D, U128E
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281, U128D (Automatic Lighting Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281, U128D (Relay Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281, U128D, U1299
DTC Troubleshooting: U1281, U128F (Gauge Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U128D (BSI Radar Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U128D (Keyless Access Backup Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U128D (Keyless Access Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U128D (Keyless Access Power Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U128D (Telematics Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U128D, U1291
DTC Troubleshooting: U1297, U128F (BSI Radar Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1483-94 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1488-68 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U1488-97 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (Gauge Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (Head Up Display)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (SRS Unit (KA/KC))
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-49 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (Gauge Control Module)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (Head Up Display)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (Millimeter Wave Radar)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-51 (SRS Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-54 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-55 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-55 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3000-55 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-16 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-16 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-16 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-16 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-17 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-17 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-17 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-17, U3006-17 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-1C
DTC Troubleshooting: U3003-68 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3006-13 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3006-13 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3006-16 (Adaptive Damper Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3006-16 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Troubleshooting: U3006-17 (VSA Control Unit)
Electric Brake Booster System DTC Troubleshooting Index
EPS DTC Troubleshooting Index
F-CAN Circuit Troubleshooting (Without ACC)
Fuel and Emissions Systems DTC Troubleshooting Index (1.5 L Engine)
Fuel and Emissions Systems DTC Troubleshooting Index (2.0 L Engine)
Fuel Pump Circuit Troubleshooting
HandsFreeLink System Troubleshooting
Keyless Access System Touch Sensor Circuit Troubleshooting
Keyless Buzzer Circuit Troubleshooting
MIL Circuit Troubleshooting
Navigation System DTC Troubleshooting Index
Network Communication DTC Troubleshooting Index
Paddle Shifter Circuit Troubleshooting (A/T)
Paddle Shifter Circuit Troubleshooting (CVT)
PCM Power and Ground Circuit Troubleshooting (1.5 L Engine)
PCM Power and Ground Circuit Troubleshooting (2.0 L Engine)
Radiator Fan High Speed Circuit Troubleshooting
Shift Lock System Circuit Troubleshooting (CVT)
SRS DTC Troubleshooting Index
SRS DTC Troubleshooting Index
Starter System Circuit Troubleshooting (2.0 L Engine)
Starter System Circuit Troubleshooting (With Auto Idle Stop System)
System Warning/Indicator Index
Telematics System DTC Troubleshooting Index
TPMS DTC Troubleshooting Index
VSA System DTC Troubleshooting Index
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0001-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0001-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0001-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0001-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0001-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0004-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0004-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0004-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0004-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0004-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0010-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0010-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0010-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0010-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0010-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0011-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0011-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0011-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0011-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0011-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0013-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0013-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0013-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0013-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0013-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0020-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0020-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0020-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0020-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0020-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0021-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0021-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0021-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0021-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0021-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0028-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0028-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0028-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0028-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0028-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0029-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0029-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0029-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0029-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0029-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0050-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0050-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0050-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0050-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0050-F0
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0052-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0052-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0052-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0052-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0070-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0070-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0070-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0070-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0070-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0072-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0072-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0072-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0072-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0072-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0079-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0079-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0079-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0079-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0079-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B007A-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B007A-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B007A-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B007A-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B007A-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0082-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0082-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0082-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0082-1A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0082-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0090-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0090-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0090-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0091-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0091-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0091-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0092-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0092-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0092-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0095-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0095-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0095-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0096-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0096-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0096-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0097-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0097-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B0097-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00A0-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00B5-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00B5-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00B5-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00B5-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C0-16
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C0-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C0-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C0-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C0-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C2-16
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C2-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C2-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C2-87
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00C2-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00D5-14 (KA/KC)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00D5-17 (KA/KC)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00DF-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00DF-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00DF-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B00DF-2B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B2800-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B2801-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B2802-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B2840-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: B2841-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0010-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0011-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0014-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0015-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0018-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0019-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C001C-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C001D-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0023-12
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0023-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0030-38
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0031-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0031-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0031-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0033-38
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0034-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0034-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0034-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0036-38
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0037-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0037-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0037-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0039-38
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C003A-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C003A-4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C003A-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0040-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0044-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0049-7B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0051-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0051-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0051-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0061-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0061-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0061-F0
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0062-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0062-F0
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0063-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0063-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0063-97
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0063-F0
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C0072-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1000-94
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1020-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1021-49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1022-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1100-48
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1100-53
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1100-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1100-92
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1100-98
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1110-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1110-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1110-79
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1110-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1111-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1111-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1111-79
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1111-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1120-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1120-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1130-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1130-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1130-76
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1131-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1250-98
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1270-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1270-15
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1400-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1400-13
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1400-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1400-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1403-29
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1403-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1420-29
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1421-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1422-14
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1422-29
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C01-96
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C02-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C02-15
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C03-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C03-15
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C04-11
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C20-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C21-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: C1C22-62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0010 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0010 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0011 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0011 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0013 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0013 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0014 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0014 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0034 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0034 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0035 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0035 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P003A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P003A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0045 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0045 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0046 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0046 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0069 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0069 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P006A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P006A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P006E (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P006E (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0087 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0087 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0088 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0088 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0096 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0096 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0097, P0098 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0097, P0098 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P00CF (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P00CF (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P00FE (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P00FE (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0100 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0100 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0101 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0101 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0107, P0108 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0107, P0108 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0111 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0111 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0112, P0113 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0112, P0113 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0115 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0115 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0116 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0116 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0117, P0118 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0117, P0118 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P011A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P011A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P011B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P011B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0121 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0121 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0122, P0123 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0122, P0123 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0125 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0125 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0128 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0128 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0130 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0130 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0133 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0133 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0134 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0134 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0135 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0135 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0137 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0137 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0138 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0138 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0139 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0139 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0141 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0141 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0171 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0171 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0172 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0172 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0192, P0193 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0192, P0193 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0201, P0202, P0203, P0204 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0221 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0221 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0222, P0223 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0222, P0223 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0234 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0234 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0235 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0235 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0236 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0236 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0237, P0238 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0237, P0238 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P023D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P023D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P027E (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P027E (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P027F (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P027F (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0299 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0299 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 (1.5 L Engine (KA/KC))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304 (2.0 L Engine (KA/KC))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0326 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0326 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0327, P0328 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0327, P0328 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0335 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0335 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0339 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0339 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0340 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0340 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0341 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0341 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0344 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0344 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0351, P0352, P0353, P0354 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0351, P0352, P0353, P0354 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0365 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0365 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0366 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0366 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0369 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0369 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0420 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0420 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0441 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0441 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0443 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0443 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0450 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0450 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0451 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0451 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0452 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0452 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0453 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0453 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0455 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0455 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0456 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0456 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0460 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0460 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0461 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0461 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0462, P0463 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0462, P0463 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0498 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0498 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0499 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0499 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P04DF (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P04DF (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P04F0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P04F0 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P04F1 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P04F1 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0500 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0500 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0501 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0501 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0501 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0502
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0506, P0507 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0506, P0507 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P050A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P050A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P050B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P050B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P050D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P050D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0522, P0523 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0532, P0533 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0532, P0533 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P055B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P055B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P055C, P055D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P055C, P055D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0562 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0562 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0563 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0563 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0571 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0571 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P059F (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P05A0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P05A3 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P05A8 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P05C0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0600 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0600 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0600 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0602 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0602 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0602 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0602 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P060A (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P060A (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P060A (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0613
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0615 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0615 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0616 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0616 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0617 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0617 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P061B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P061B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P062B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P062B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P062F (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P062F (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P062F (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P062F (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0630 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0630 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0641 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0641 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0641 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0641 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0651 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0651 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0651 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0651 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0657 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0657 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0658, P0659
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P065A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P065A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0697
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P06A8 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P06A8 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P06A8 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0703 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0703 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0705
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0706
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0710 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0710 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0711 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0711 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0712, P0713 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0712, P0713 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0714 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0714 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0716 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0716 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0717 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0717 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0718
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0720 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0720 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0721 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0721 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0721 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0722
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0723
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0729
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0731
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0732
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0733
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0734
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0735
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0736
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0741 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0741 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0746
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0751
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0752
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0756
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0757
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0762
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0766
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0767
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P076F
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0771
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0772
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0777
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0780
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0792
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0793
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0796
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0797
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A2
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A3
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A4
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A5
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A6
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A7
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A8
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07A9
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07AA
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07AB
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07AC
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07AD
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07B2, P1716
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07B3, P07B4
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07B9, P07BA
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07BE
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07D9
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07DC
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07E4
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07F6
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P07F7
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0805
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0806
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0807, P0808
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0831 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0831 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P083C
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P083D
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0841
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0842, P0843 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0842, P0843 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0846
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0847, P0848
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P084C
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P084D
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P084F
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0850 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0850 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0851, P0852 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0851, P0852 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0864 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0871
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0872, P0873
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0876
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0877, P0878
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P087B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P087C, P087D
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0882
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0962
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0963
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0966 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0966 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0967 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0967 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0970 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0970 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0971 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0971 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0973
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0974
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0976 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0976 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0977 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0977 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0979
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0980
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0982
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0983
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0985
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0986
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0988
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0989, P0990
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0993
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0994, P0995
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0998
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0999
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P099B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P099C
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0A11 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P0A94 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1009 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1009 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P101A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P101A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1454 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1454 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1458 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1458 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P145D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P145D (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1549 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1549 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P154A (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P154A (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P154B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P154D (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1658 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1658 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1659 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1659 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1683 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1683 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1684 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1684 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16BB (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16BB (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E2 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E2 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E3 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E3 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E4 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E4 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E5 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E6 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16E8 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F3 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F3 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F4 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F4 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F5 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F5 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F6 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P16F6 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1707, P1708 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1707, P1708 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1714
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1715
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1717
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1840
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1841
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1844
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1845
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1855
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1890
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1898
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1899
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1900
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A48
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A49
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A4A
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A4B
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A4C
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A4D
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A4E
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A60
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A61
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P1A62
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2073 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2073 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2074 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2074 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2096, P2097 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2096, P2097 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2101 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2101 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2108 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2108 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2118 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2118 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2119 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2119 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2121 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2121 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2122, P2123 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2122, P2123 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2126 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2126 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2127, P2128 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2127, P2128 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2135 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2135 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2138 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2138 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2148 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2148 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2158 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2158 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2159 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2159 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P215C (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P215C (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2175 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2175 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2176 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2176 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2182 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2182 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2183 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2183 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2184, P2185 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2184, P2185 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2187 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2187 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2195 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2195 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2199 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2199 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P219C, P219D, P219E, P219F (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P219C, P219D, P219E, P219F (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2226 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2226 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2228, P2229 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2228, P2229 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2237 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2237 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2238 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2238 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2243 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2243 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2245 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2245 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2251 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2251 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2252 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2252 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2270 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2270 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2279 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2279 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2421 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2421 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2422 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2422 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2450 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2450 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2563 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2563 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2564, P2565 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2564, P2565 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2610 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2610 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2623 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2623 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2651 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2651 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2652 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2652 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2653, P2654 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2653, P2654 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2670, P2671
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2685, P2686
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P26C3
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2707
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2708
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2715
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2720 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2720 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2721 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2721 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2729
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2730
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2738
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2739
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2797
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2814
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2815
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2817
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2818
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P281D (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P281D (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P281E (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P281E (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2820
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2821
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2826
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2827
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2A00 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2A00 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2A01 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2A01 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2B08, P2B09, P2B0A, P2B0B (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2B08, P2B09, P2B0A, P2B0B (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2DE0 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2DE0 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2DE1 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: P2DE1 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029-00 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029-00 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0029-00 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0038 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0038 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0038 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0038-00 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0047 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0047 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0047-00 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0047-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0056-00 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0065-00 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0100 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0100 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0100-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0100-00 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0100-00 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0101 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0101 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0101-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0103 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0103 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0104 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0104 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0104 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0104-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0104-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit: CVT With ACC)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0115
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122-00 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122-00 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0122-00 (SRS Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0123-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0126-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0128 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0128 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0128-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0129 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0129 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0129 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0129 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0129-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0131 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0131 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0132 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0132 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0146 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0146 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0146 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0146 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0151 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0151 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0151 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0151 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0151-00 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0151-00 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0155 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0155 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0155 (PGM-FI System (1.5 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0155 (PGM-FI System (2.0 L Engine))
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0155-00 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0155-00 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0291
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0301 (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0301 (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0302 (A/T)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0302 (CVT)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0401-68
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0402-68
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0416-68 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0416-68 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0416-68 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U0418-68
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U1260
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U129C-00
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U129E (1.5 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U129E (2.0 L Engine)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U1483-94
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-49 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-49 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-49 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-49 (SRS Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-49 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-51 (CAN Gateway)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-51 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-51 (SRS Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-54
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-55 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3000-55 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-16 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-16 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-16 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-17 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-17 (EPS Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-17 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-1C
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3003-68
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3006-13 (Electric Brake Booster Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3006-13 (VSA Control Unit)
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3006-16
DTC Advanced Diagnostics: U3006-17
12 Volt Battery Symptom Troubleshooting — Low or dead 12 volt battery
12 volt charging system indicator stays on
A/T System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (A/T)
ABS indicator, brake system indicator (red), VSA indicator, and brake system indicator (amber) do not go off (VSA System)
ABS indicator, brake system indicator (red), VSA indicator, brake system indicator (amber), or VSA OFF indicator does not come on at start-up (bulb check) (VSA System)
ACC activation indicator (on the MID) does not come on (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
ACC activation indicator (on the MID) does not go off (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
ACC indicator (on the MID) does not come on (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
ACC indicator (on the MID) does not go off (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
ACC OFF is displayed on the MID unexpectedly (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — ACC activation indicator (on the MID) does not come on
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — ACC activation indicator (on the MID) does not go off
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — ACC indicator (on the MID) does not come on (With Auto Idle Stop System)
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — ACC indicator (on the MID) does not come on (Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — ACC indicator (on the MID) does not go off (With Auto Idle Stop System)
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — ACC indicator (on the MID) does not go off (Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — Does not sense the vehicle driving ahead
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — Intermittently senses the vehicle driving ahead
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting — Senses a vehicle driving in another lane
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Adaptive Damper System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
After warming up, idle speed is above specifications without load (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
After warming up, idle speed is below specifications without load (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
All the doors will not lock and unlock
All the doors will not lock or unlock with the drivers door key cylinder, door outer handle, or keyless remote
AM radio reception changes at night (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
AM/FM radio display is blank or no station information is displayed (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
AM/FM radio preset memory is lost (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
AM/FM radio preset memory is lost (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio remote-HFL switch does not work properly (audio unit buttons work) (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio remote-HFL switch does not work properly (audio unit buttons work) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio system sound is weak or distorted (display is normal) (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio system sound is weak or distorted (display is normal) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — AM/FM radio display is blank or no station information is displayed (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Navigation)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — AM/FM radio display is blank or no station information is displayed (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Navigation)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio remote-HFL switch does not work properly (audio unit buttons work) (With Multi-information Display)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio remote-HFL switch does not work properly (audio unit buttons work) (Without Multi-information Display)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio system sound is weak or distorted (display is normal) (With Stereo Amplifier)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio system sound is weak or distorted (display is normal) (Without Stereo Amplifier)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio unit button illumination does not work
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Auto Idle Stop System)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio-navigation unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (With Auto Idle Stop System)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Error code: Check Antenna is displayed
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — NFC does not function
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — No sound is heard from all of the speakers (display is normal) (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — No sound is heard from all of the speakers (display is normal) (With Navigation and Stereo Amplifier)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — No sound is heard from all of the speakers (display is normal) (Without Navigation and Stereo Amplifier)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — No sound is heard from all of the speakers (display is normal) (Without Navigation, With Stereo Amplifier)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Poor AM or FM radio reception or interference
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Poor or no sound with AM/FM radio (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Navigation)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Poor or no sound with AM/FM radio (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Navigation)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rearview camera image does not change when selecting different views (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rearview camera image does not change when selecting different views (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rearview camera image does not come on (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rearview camera image does not come on (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — The MID does not display the audio unit information
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — USB charger does not work
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — USB device does not function (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — USB device does not function (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Navigation)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — USB device does not function (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Navigation)
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting — Volume does not increase with speed
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio unit button does not work (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio unit button illumination does not work (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio unit does not exit anti-theft mode (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio unit does not exit anti-theft mode (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio-navigation unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Navigation System)
Auto door unlock does not work
Auto idle stop system does not operate
Auto idle stop system does not operate (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Auto idle stop system indicator (amber) blinks
Auto idle stop system indicator (green/amber) does not come on
Auto Idle Stop System Symptom Troubleshooting — Auto idle stop system does not operate
Auto Idle Stop System Symptom Troubleshooting — Auto idle stop system indicator (amber) blinks
Auto Idle Stop System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Automatic Transmission Symptom Troubleshooting — HDS does not communicate with the TCM (A/T)
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Symptom Troubleshooting — The BSI alert indicator comes on when no other vehicle is in the detectable area (Wrong indication)
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Symptom Troubleshooting — The BSI does not come on when other vehicles are in the detectable area (No indication)
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Symptom Troubleshooting — The buzzer does not sound
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Symptom Troubleshooting — The HDS does not communicate with the BSI system
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Blind Spot Information (BSI) System)
Bluetooth audio does not work
Bluetooth audio does not work (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Bluetooth audio does not work (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Both the radiator fan and the A/C condenser fan do not run at low speed
Brake system indicator (amber) does not come on (Electric Parking Brake System)
Brake system indicator (amber) does not go off
Brake system indicator (red) and brake system indicator (amber) do not go off
Brake system indicator (red) indicator does not come on (Electric Parking Brake System)
Brake system indicator (red) indicator does not go off (Electric Parking Brake System)
Brake system indicator (red) or brake system indicator (amber) does not come on at start-up (bulb check)
Brake System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rapid brake pad wear, vehicle vibration (after a long drive), or high, hard brake pedal
Calibration cannot be started (TPMS)
Cannot select ON mode with keyless access and with the keyless remote touching the engine start/stop switch
Cannot select ON mode with keyless access, but can select ON mode with the keyless remote touching the engine start/stop switch
Cannot select ON mode with the keyless remote touching the engine start/stop switch, but can select ON mode with keyless access
Center display unit button does not work (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Charging System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Climate Control System Symptom Troubleshooting — The A/C compressor clutch does not engage, but the A/C condenser/radiator fans operate, and the blower and heater controls work
Climate Control System Symptom Troubleshooting — The A/C condenser/radiator fans do not run at high speed, but do run at low speed with the A/C on
Climate Control System Symptom Troubleshooting — The A/C condenser/radiator fans do not run at low speed with the A/C on, but the blower and heater controls work normally
Climate Control System Symptom Troubleshooting — The blower and heater controls and the A/C system do not work
Climate Control System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Clock will not set to correct time (Navigation System)
CMBS does not turn On/turn Off (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
Cold fast idle too high (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Cold fast idle too low (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
Conventional Brake Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Cooling Fan Controls Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Cruise control can be set, but the cruise control indicator does not come on (Cruise Control)
Cruise control can be set, but the cruise main indicator does not come on (Cruise Control)
Cruise control cannot be set (Cruise Control)
Cruise Control Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Cruise Control)
CVT Symptom Troubleshooting — HDS does not communicate with the TCM (CVT: With ACC)
CVT Symptom Troubleshooting — HDS does not communicate with the TCM (CVT: Without ACC)
CVT System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
CVT System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Delayed engagement after shifting from N to D, or excessive shock when shifting (A/T)
Delayed engagement after shifting from N to R, or excessive shock when shifting (A/T)
Difficult to refuel (MIL works OK, NO DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Does not sense the vehicle driving ahead (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Does not switch to the LaneWatch screen (LaneWatch)
Doors automatically relock 30 seconds after being unlocked with the remote even though a door has been opened
Drivers and passengers side vent temperatures vary by more than 20 °F (11 °C)
Drivers door will not lock or unlock
Driving Support Symptom Troubleshooting Index
During auto close operation, moonroof glass reverses when no object is trapped.
Electric Brake Booster System Symptom Troubleshooting — Brake system indicator (red) and brake system indicator (amber) do not go off (With ACC)
Electric Brake Booster System Symptom Troubleshooting — Brake system indicator (red) and brake system indicator (amber) do not go off (Without ACC)
Electric Brake Booster System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Electric Parking Brake System Symptom Troubleshooting — Brake system indicator (red) indicator does not come on
Electric Parking Brake System Symptom Troubleshooting — Brake system indicator (red) indicator does not go off
Electric Parking Brake System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Electric Parking Brake System)
Engine abnormal noise while fuel cut-off control
Engine cranks slowly
Engine cranks, but does not start
Engine does not crank
Engine does not crank (power supply is normal)
Engine does not start (A/T)
Engine does not start (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine does not start (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine idle vibration (A/T)
Engine is hard to start
Engine is hard to start (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Engine low power
Engine Lubrication System Symptom Troubleshooting — Low oil pressure warning message displays on (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Lubrication System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (2.0 L Engine)
Engine overheats
Engine revs up abnormally high while driving, and no acceleration (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine revs up abnormally high while driving, and no acceleration (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine runs, but vehicle does not move in any positions/modes (A/T)
Engine runs, but vehicle does not move in any positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine runs, but vehicle does not move in any positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine stalls (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Engine stalls when shifted to D from N (A/T)
Engine stalls when shifted to D position/mode from N position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine stalls when shifted to D position/mode from N position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine stalls when shifted to R position/mode from N position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine stalls when shifted to R position/mode from N position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Engine start/stop switch does not work
Engine starts but stalls immediately (MIL works OK, no DTCs set, security indicator stays on or flashes) (KA/KC)
Engine will not start (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Engine will not start (MIL works OK, no DTCs set, security indicator stays on or flashes) (KA/KC)
Engine will not start and HDS does not communicate with the PCM(MIL comes on and stays on, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
EPS indicator does not come on
EPS indicator does not go off
EPS Symptom Troubleshooting — EPS indicator does not go off (With ACC)
EPS Symptom Troubleshooting — EPS indicator does not go off (With Auto Idle Stop System)
EPS Symptom Troubleshooting — EPS indicator does not go off (Without ACC)
EPS Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Error code: Check Antenna is displayed (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Excessive engine oil consumption (2.0 L Engine)
Excessive idle vibration in N and P positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive idle vibration in N and P positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive idle vibration in R, D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive idle vibration in R, D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive shift shock after replacing torque converter (A/T)
Excessive shock on all upshifts and downshifts (A/T)
Excessive shock when accelerating and decelerating (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive shock when accelerating and decelerating (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive shock when starting off (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive shock when starting off (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Excessive transition between analog broadcast and digital HD Radio(TM) broadcast (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Exterior Lights Symptom Troubleshooting — LED headlight does not come on
Exterior Lights Symptom Troubleshooting — LED headlight does not go off
Front passengers airbag cutoff indicator does not come on (KA/KC)
Front passengers airbag cutoff indicator flashes (KA/KC)
Front passengers door will not lock or unlock
Fuel and Emissions Systems Symptom Troubleshooting — Engine stalls (1.5 L Engine)
Fuel and Emissions Systems Symptom Troubleshooting — Engine stalls (2.0 L Engine)
Fuel and Emissions Systems Symptom Troubleshooting — Engine will not start, engine starts but stalls immediately, or engine is hard to start (1.5 L Engine)
Fuel and Emissions Systems Symptom Troubleshooting — Engine will not start, engine starts but stalls immediately, or engine is hard to start (2.0 L Engine)
Fuel and Emissions Systems Symptom Troubleshooting Index (KA/KC)
Fuel overflows during refueling (No DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Gauges Symptom Troubleshooting — Fuel gauge indication does not rise
Gauges Symptom Troubleshooting — Outside air temperature indicator does not change
Gauges Symptom Troubleshooting — The fuel gauge indication fluctuates
HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting — HFL does not work properly (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting — HFL does not work properly (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Navigation and Telematics Control Unit)
HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting — HFL does not work properly (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Navigation, Without Telematics Control Unit)
HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting — HFL does not work properly (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Navigation)
HandsFreeLink System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
HD Radio(TM) changes HD channel on its own (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
HDS does not communicate with the adaptive damper control unit or the vehicle
HDS does not communicate with the BSI radar units or the vehicle (Blind Spot Information (BSI) System)
HDS does not communicate with the climate control unit or the vehicle
HDS does not communicate with the electric brake booster or the vehicle
HDS does not communicate with the EPS control unit or the vehicle
HDS does not communicate with the millimeter wave radar
HDS does not communicate with the PCM (A/T)
HDS does not communicate with the PCM or the vehicle (KA/KC)
HDS does not communicate with the TCM (A/T)
HDS does not communicate with the TCM (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
HDS does not communicate with the TCM (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
HDS does not communicate with the vehicle (KA/KC)
HDS does not communicate with the vehicle and the telematics control unit
HDS does not communicate with the VSA modulator-control unit or the vehicle (Electric Parking Brake System)
HDS does not communicate with the VSA modulator-control unit or the vehicle (TPMS)
HDS does not communicate with the VSA modulator-control unit or the vehicle (VSA System)
HFL does not work properly
Idle speed fluctuates (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Idle stop time is short
Insufficient heating
Intake Air System and Exhaust System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Intermittently senses the vehicle driving ahead (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Judder when starting off (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Judder when starting off (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Keyless access indicator does not go off or does not come on
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — All the doors will not lock and unlock
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — Cannot select ON mode with keyless access and with the keyless remote touching the engine start/stop switch (With SBW Shifter)
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — Cannot select ON mode with keyless access and with the keyless remote touching the engine start/stop switch (Without SBW Shifter)
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — Cannot select ON mode with keyless access, but can select ON mode with the keyless remote touching the engine start/stop switch
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — Keyless access indicator does not go off or does not come on
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — Security indicator blinks
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — The doors will not unlock or lock with the door outer handle touch sensor or lock sensor, but will unlock or lock with the keyless remote
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — The doors will not unlock or lock with the keyless remote, but will unlock or lock with the door outer handles
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting — The engine starts but stalls immediately
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Symptom Troubleshooting — AUTO DOOR UNLOCK does not work
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Symptom Troubleshooting — Doors automatically relock 30 seconds after being unlocked with the remote even though a door has been opened
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Symptom Troubleshooting — Security alarm system will not arm
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Symptom Troubleshooting — The horns do not sound and/or the headlights do not flash when the PANIC button on the remote is pressed
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting — LKAS activation indicator (on the MID) does not come on
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting — LKAS activation indicator (on the MID) does not go off
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting — LKAS indicator (on the MID) does not come on (With Auto Idle Stop System)
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting — LKAS indicator (on the MID) does not come on (Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting — LKAS indicator (on the MID) does not go off (With Auto Idle Stop System)
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting — LKAS indicator (on the MID) does not go off (Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Symptom Troubleshooting Index
LaneWatch camera image does not come on (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
LaneWatch camera image does not come on (Switches to the black screen) (LaneWatch)
LaneWatch camera image does not come on (Switches to the black screen) (Navigation System)
LaneWatch Symptom Troubleshooting — Does not switch to the LaneWatch screen
LaneWatch Symptom Troubleshooting — LaneWatch camera image does not come on (Switches to the black screen)
LaneWatch Symptom Troubleshooting Index (LaneWatch)
Late shift after shifting to D position/mode from N position/mode, and return to N position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Late shift after shifting to D position/mode from N position/mode, and return to N position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Late shift after shifting to R position/mode from N position/mode, and return to N position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Late shift after shifting to R position/mode from N position/mode, and return to N position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Left rear door will not lock or unlock
LKAS activation indicator (on the MID) does not come on
LKAS activation indicator (on the MID) does not go off
LKAS indicator (on the MID) does not come on
LKAS indicator (on the MID) does not go off
Low oil pressure warning message displays on (2.0 L Engine)
Low power (MIL works OK, no DTCs set) (KA/KC)
Low tire pressure/TPMS indicator comes on (TPMS)
Low tire pressure/TPMS indicator does not come on when the tire pressure has decreased (TPMS)
M indicator does not come on even though paddle shifter is operated in sequential sportshift mode (A/T)
M indicator does not come on even though the paddle shifter is operated in the S-paddle shift mode. (With paddle shifter) (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
M indicator does not come on even though the paddle shifter is operated in the S-paddle shift mode. (With paddle shifter) (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
MIL comes on and stays on, or never comes on at all, no DTCs set (KA/KC)
Moonroof Electrical Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Moonroof glass does not move and motor does not turn.
Moonroof glass does not move smoothly.
Moonroof glass does not move, but motor turns.
Moonroof glass does not stop at proper flush closed position.
Moonroof glass moves, but there is no AUTO function.
Motor noise from moonroof
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Audio-navigation unit power will not turn on (No information on display) (Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rearview camera image does not change when selecting different views
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Rearview camera image does not come on
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — The MID does not display the audio-navigation unit information
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Vehicle position icon wanders across the map when driving (does not follow a displayed road) or map vehicle ICON spins
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Voice control does not work/respond (With Telematics Control Unit)
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Voice control does not work/respond (Without Telematics Control Unit)
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting — Voice guidance cannot be heard, is broken up, or there is static
Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (Navigation System)
Navigation touch panel does not work (Navigation System)
NFC does not function (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
No engine braking (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
No engine braking (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
No HD traffic information (Navigation System)
No shift to higher or lower ratio (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
No shift to higher or lower ratio (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
No sound is heard from all of the speakers (display is normal) (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
No sound is heard from all of the speakers (display is normal) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Noise from transmission in all positions/modes (A/T)
Noise from transmission in D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Noise from transmission in D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Noise from transmission in N and P positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Noise from transmission in N and P positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Noise from transmission in R position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Noise from transmission in R position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Noise from transmission while driving (A/T)
OTA update failure (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Over-run alternator decoupler (OAD) pulley is making an abnormal noise
Pandora is not is displayed as an audio source (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Parasitic Draw Check
Passenger doors will not unlock with the remote or key cylinder switch, but will unlock with the inside door lock switch
Poor acceleration (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Poor acceleration (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Poor acceleration; engine revs up abnormally high when starting off in D and R (A/T)
Poor acceleration; stall speed high in D (A/T)
Poor acceleration; stall speed high in R (A/T)
Poor acceleration; stall speed low (A/T)
Poor AM or FM radio reception or interference (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Poor GPS reception or interference (Navigation System)
Poor or no sound with AM/FM radio (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Rapid brake pad wear, vehicle vibration (after a long drive), or high, hard brake pedal
RDM system does not warn when warning is necessary
RDM system warns when warning is unnecessary
RDM warning buzzer does not sound
Rearview camera image does not change when selecting different views (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Rearview camera image does not change when selecting different views (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Rearview camera image does not change when selecting different views (Navigation System)
Rearview camera image does not come on (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Rearview camera image does not come on (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Rearview camera image does not come on (Navigation System)
Right rear door will not lock or unlock
Road Departure Mitigation Symptom Troubleshooting Index
Seat belt reminder indicator does not come on, turn off, or flash (KA/KC)
Security alarm system will not arm
Security indicator blinks
Senses a vehicle driving in another lane (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Set distance cannot be adjusted with the distance switch (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Set speed does not cancel (engine rpm stays high) when the clutch pedal is pressed for more than five seconds (M/T) (Cruise Control)
Set speed does not cancel when the brake pedal is pressed (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Set speed does not cancel when the brake pedal is pressed (Cruise Control)
Set speed does not cancel when the CANCEL switch is pressed (Cruise Control)
Set speed does not cancel when the CRUISE switch is pressed (Cruise Control)
Set speed does not cancel when the MAIN switch is turned off (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Set speed does not resume when the RES+ switch is pressed (with the CRUISE button pressed on, and set speed temporarily canceled by pressing the brake pedal) (Cruise Control)
Set speed does not resume when the RES+ switch is pressed (with the CRUISE switch pressed on, and set speed temporarily canceled by pressing the CANCEL switch) (Cruise Control)
Shift lever cannot be moved from P position/mode while pressing on the brake pedal (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Shift lever cannot be moved from P position/mode while pressing on the brake pedal (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Shift lever does not operate smoothly (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Shift lever does not operate smoothly (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Shift position indicator blinks current position/mode for 2 seconds intervals (no DTCs are stored) (A/T)
Shift position indicator displays an improper position/mode (A/T)
Shift position indicator does not work (A/T)
Speedometer and odometer do not work (A/T)
SRS indicator does not come on (KA/KC)
SRS indicator stays on, but no DTCs are stored, or cannot be read (KA/KC)
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting — Front passengers airbag ON indicator does not go off
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting — Front passengers airbag ON/OFF switch set to off, but front passengers airbag OFF indicator does not come on
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting — Front passengers airbag ON/OFF switch set to on, but front passengers airbag ON indicator does not come on
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting — Seat belt reminder indicator does not come on, turn off, or flash (KA/KC)
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting — SRS indicator does not come on
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting — SRS indicator stays on, but no DTCs are stored, or cannot be read
SRS Symptom Troubleshooting Index (KA/KC)
Stall speed high (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Stall speed high (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Stall speed low (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Stall speed low (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Starting System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
System always comes up in-line diagnostic mode (Navigation System)
System always comes up in-line diagnostic mode (without navigation) (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Telematics prompts or operator voice is weak or cannot be heard
Telematics services do not work
Telematics System Symptom Troubleshooting — Telematics prompts or operator voice is weak or cannot be heard
Telematics System Symptom Troubleshooting — Telematics services do not work (With Auto Idle Stop System)
Telematics System Symptom Troubleshooting — Telematics services do not work (Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Telematics System Symptom Troubleshooting Index
The A/C compressor clutch and the A/C condenser/radiator fans are inoperative, but the blower and heater controls work
The A/C compressor clutch does not disengage when the A/C switch is off
The A/C compressor clutch does not engage, but the A/C condenser/radiator fans operate, and the blower and heater controls work
The A/C compressor relief valve has vented refrigerantNOTE: This indicates the A/C system high side pressure was high
The A/C condenser fan does not run at high speed
The A/C condenser/radiator fans do not run at high speed, but do run at low speed with the A/C on
The A/C condenser/radiator fans do not run at low speed with the A/C on, but the blower and heater controls work normally
The blower and the heater controls and the A/C system do not work
The blower fan runs slower than expected in cold weather (when in AUTO mode)NOTE: It is normal for the blower fan to run slowly until the coolant temperature rises when in AUTO mode
The BSI alert indicator comes on when no other vehicle is in the detectable area (Wrong indication) (Blind Spot Information (BSI) System)
The BSI does not come on when other vehicles are in the detectable area (No indication) (Blind Spot Information (BSI) System)
The buzzer does not sound (Blind Spot Information (BSI) System)
The buzzer does not sound (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The buzzer does not sound when the safety support switch is operated (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The CMBS did not operate (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The CMBS operated without danger of collision (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The CMBS operates frequently (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The doors will not unlock or lock with the door outer handle touch sensor or lock sensor, but will unlock or lock with the keyless remote
The doors will not unlock or lock with the keyless remote, but will unlock or lock with the door outer handles
The engine starts but stalls immediately
The HDS does not communicate with the BSI system (Blind Spot Information (BSI) System)
The Honda approved Bluetooth cell phone cannot use all its functions
The Honda approved Bluetooth cell phone does not place or receive calls using the HFL system
The Honda approved Bluetooth cell phone is having problems pairing to the vehicle
The horns do not sound and/or the headlights do not flash when the PANIC button on the remote is pressed
The MID does not display the audio unit information (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
The MID does not display the audio-navigation unit information (Navigation System)
The MID does not indicate when the safety support switch is operated (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The MID does not indicate with the CMBS operating (Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS))
The mode changes between ACCESSORY and ON, but it does not change to OFF
The mode changes between ACCESSORY and ON, but it is difficult to change to OFF
The radiator fan does not run at high speed
The security system sounds randomly while the doors are locked
Torque converter clutch does not disengage; booming noise or vibration at low to medium speed (A/T)
Torque converter clutch does not disengage; engine stalls easily (A/T)
Torque converter clutch does not disengage; engine stalls easily (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Torque converter clutch does not disengage; engine stalls easily (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Torque converter clutch does not disengage; excessive shift shock (A/T)
Torque converter clutch does not disengage; no power at low to medium speed (A/T)
Torque converter clutch does not engage (A/T)
Torque converter clutch does not operate smoothly (A/T)
TPMS Symptom Troubleshooting — Calibration cannot be started
TPMS Symptom Troubleshooting Index (TPMS)
TPMS warning is indicated (TPMS)
Transmission does not upshift/downshift when operating paddle shifter (A/T)
Transmission will not shift into P position/mode, or transmission cannot shift out of P position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Transmission will not shift into P position/mode, or transmission cannot shift out of P position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Transmission will not shift into P, or transmission cannot shift out of P (A/T)
Unstable engine speed (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Unstable engine speed (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
USB charger does not work (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
USB device does not function (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
USB device does not function (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Vehicle does not accelerate accordingly when the RES+ switch is pressed (Cruise Control)
Vehicle does not creep on a flat road in D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle does not creep on a flat road in D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle does not decelerate or accelerate accordingly when the SET or RES switch is pressed (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Vehicle does not move in D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle does not move in D, S*1, or L*1 positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle does not move in R position/mode (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle does not move in R position/mode (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle moves in D, but not in R (A/T)
Vehicle moves in N (A/T)
Vehicle moves in N position/mode, shift cable is properly adjusted (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle moves in N position/mode, shift cable is properly adjusted (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Vehicle moves in R, but not in D (A/T)
Vehicle position icon wanders across the map when driving (does not follow a displayed road) or map vehicle ICON spins (Navigation System)
Vehicle speed can be set, but there is no ACC indication on the MID (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Vehicle speed can be set, but vehicle decelerates (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Vehicle speed cannot be set when the SET switch is pressed between 25 mph (40 km/h) and 90 mph (145 km/h) (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
Vibration in all positions/modes (A/T)
Vibration in all positions/modes (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
Vibration in all positions/modes (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Voice control does not work/respond (Navigation System)
Voice guidance cannot be heard, is broken up, or there is static (Navigation System)
Volume does not increase with speed (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Volume does not increase with speed (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Volume is too high or too low when driving at freeway speeds (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Volume is too high or too low when driving at freeway speeds (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
VSA cannot be turned OFF (VSA System)
VSA OFF indicator does not go off (VSA System)
VSA System Symptom Troubleshooting — ABS indicator, brake system indicator (red), VSA indicator, and brake system indicator (amber) do not go off (With ACC)
VSA System Symptom Troubleshooting — ABS indicator, brake system indicator (red), VSA indicator, and brake system indicator (amber) do not go off (Without ACC)
VSA System Symptom Troubleshooting — VSA cannot be turned OFF
VSA System Symptom Troubleshooting Index (VSA System)
Water leaks from moonroof
When you press the paddle shifter, the transmission does not upshift/downshift (With paddle shifter) (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
When you press the paddle shifter, the transmission does not upshift/downshift (With paddle shifter) (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Wind noise from moonroof
Wireless charger indicator blinks(amber)
Wireless charger indicator blinks(green and amber)
Wireless charger indicator does not come on (green and amber)
Wireless Charger Symptom Troubleshooting — Wireless charger indicator does not come on
Wireless Charger Symptom Troubleshooting Index
With the vehicle in the ON mode, the shift position indicator displays an improper indication, or it never displays at all (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
With the vehicle in the ON mode, the shift position indicator displays an improper indication, or it never displays at all (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
XM radio display is blank and no station information is displayed (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
12 Volt Battery Management System Circuit Diagram
A/T System Circuit Diagram (A/T)
Accessory Power Sockets Circuit Diagram
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) Circuit Diagram
Adaptive Damper System Circuit Diagram
Audio and Visual System Circuit Diagram (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio and Visual System Circuit Diagram (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): With Navigation)
Audio and Visual System Circuit Diagram (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Navigation and Stereo Amplifier)
Audio and Visual System Circuit Diagram (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen): Without Navigation, With Stereo Amplifier)
Auto High-Beam (High-Beam Support System) Circuit Diagram
Automatic Dimming Mirrors Circuit Diagram
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Circuit Diagram
Charging System Circuit Diagram (1.5 L Engine)
Charging System Circuit Diagram (2.0 L Engine)
Climate Control System Circuit Diagram
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) Circuit Diagram
Communication Systems Circuit Diagram (With ACC)
Communication Systems Circuit Diagram (Without ACC)
Cooling Fan Controls Circuit Diagram
Cruise Control Circuit Diagram
CVT Electronic Control System Circuit Diagram (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
CVT Electronic Control System Circuit Diagram (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Driving Position Memory System (DPMS) Circuit Diagram
Electric Brake Booster System Circuit Diagram (With ACC)
Electric Brake Booster System Circuit Diagram (Without ACC)
Engine Lubrication Circuit Diagram (2.0 L Engine)
Entry Lights Control System Circuit Diagram
EPS Circuit Diagram (With ACC)
EPS Circuit Diagram (With Auto Idle Stop System)
EPS Circuit Diagram (Without ACC)
Exterior Lights Circuit Diagram
Fuel and Emissions Systems Circuit Diagram (1.5 L Engine)
Fuel and Emissions Systems Circuit Diagram (2.0 L Engine)
Gauges Circuit Diagram
Head Up Display Circuit Diagram
Heated Steering Wheel Circuit Diagram
Heated Windshield Wiper Area Circuit Diagram
HomeLink Remote Control System Circuit Diagram
Horns Circuit Diagram
Interior Lights Circuit Diagram
Keyless Access System Circuit Diagram
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Circuit Diagram
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Circuit Diagram
LaneWatch Circuit Diagram
Moonroof Circuit Diagram
Parking and Back-Up Sensor System Circuit Diagram
Power Lumbar Support Circuit Diagram
Power Mirrors Circuit Diagram
Power Seats Circuit Diagram
Power Windows Circuit Diagram
Rear Window Defogger Circuit Diagram
Reminder Systems Circuit Diagram
Road Departure Mitigation Circuit Diagram
Safety Indicator System Circuit Diagram
Seat Heaters Circuit Diagram
SRS Circuit Diagram (KA/KC)
Starting System Circuit Diagram (1.5 L Engine)
Starting System Circuit Diagram (2.0 L Engine)
TPMS Circuit Diagram (With ACC)
TPMS Circuit Diagram (Without ACC)
Trunk Lid Circuit Diagram
Turn Signal/Hazard Warning Lights Circuit Diagram
Ventilated Seats Circuit Diagram
VSA System Circuit Diagram (With ACC)
VSA System Circuit Diagram (Without ACC)
Wipers/Washers Circuit Diagram
Wireless Charger Circuit Diagram
A/T Control System Connector for Inputs and Outputs (A/T)
Active Noise Cancellation Microphone Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Active Noise Cancellation Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Adaptive Damper Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Audio Remote-HFL Switch Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Audio Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio-Navigation Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Automatic Dimming Inside Mirror Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Automatic Lighting Control Unit-Sensor Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Automatic Lighting/Rain Sensor Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Body Control Module Connector for Inputs and Outputs
BSI Radar Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Center Display Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Climate Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Electric Brake Booster Connector for Inputs and Outputs
EPS Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Front Passengers Power Window Switch Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Front Seat Heater Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Gauge Control Module Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Head Up Display Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Heated Steering Wheel Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
HomeLink Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Millimeter Wave Radar Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Moonroof Motor-Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Multipurpose Camera Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Near Field Communication Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Parking and Back-Up Sensor Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
PCM Connector for Inputs and Outputs (1.5 L Engine)
PCM Connector for Inputs and Outputs (2.0 L Engine)
PCM CVT Control System PCM Connector for Inputs and Outputs (CVT)
Power Seat Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Power Window Master Switch Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Rear Seat Heater Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Rearview Camera Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Relay Control Module Connector for Inputs and Outputs
SRS Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs (KA/KC)
Stereo Amplifier Connector for Inputs and Outputs
TCM Connector for Inputs and Outputs (CVT: With Auto Idle Stop System)
TCM Connector for Inputs and Outputs (CVT: Without Auto Idle Stop System)
Telematics Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Tuner Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
USB Charger Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Ventilated Seat Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
VSA Modulator-Control Unit Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Windshield Wiper Control Unit/Motor Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Wireless Charger Connector for Inputs and Outputs
Fuse to Components Index
Fuse/Relay Box Connector Locations
Ground to Components Index
12 Volt Battery Management System Description
12 Volt Battery Management System Description — Components
12 Volt Battery Management System Description — System Diagram
A Few Words About Safety
A/C Service Tips and Precautions (1234yf)
A/C Service Tips and Precautions (134a)
A/C System Description
A/C System Description — Components
A/C System Description — System Diagram
A/T System Description — Components (A/T)
A/T System Description — System Diagram (A/T)
A/T System Description (A/T)
ACC System Auto Stop Control History
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) System Description
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) System Description — System Diagram
Adaptive Damper System Description
Adaptive Damper System Description — Components
Adaptive Damper System Description — System Diagram
Audio System Description
Audio System Description — System Diagram (Color Audio Type (7-inch Screen))
Audio System Description — System Diagram (Display Audio Type (8-inch Screen))
Audio System Error Codes
Audio System OTA Error Codes
Auto High-Beam (High-Beam Support System) Description — Overview
Auto High-Beam (High-Beam Support System) Description — System Diagram
Auto Idle Stop System Description
Auto Idle Stop System Description — Operation Conditions
Automatic Dimming Mirrors System Description
Automatic Dimming Mirrors System Description — Components
Automatic Dimming Mirrors System Description — System Diagram
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Description
Blind Spot Information (BSI) System Description — System Diagram
Charging System Description
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) Description
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS) Description — System Diagram
Conventional Brake Service Precautions
Cooling Fan Controls System Description
Cross Traffic Monitor System Description
Cross Traffic Monitor System Description — System Diagram
Cruise Control System Description
Cruise Control System Description — System Diagram
CVT System Description — Clutches (CVT)
CVT System Description — Electronic Control System (CVT)
CVT System Description — General Operation (CVT)
CVT System Description — Hydraulic Controls (CVT)
CVT System Description — Hydraulic Flow (CVT)
CVT System Description — Lock-Up System (CVT)
CVT System Description — Power Flow (CVT)
CVT System Description — Shift Lock System (CVT)
Danger/Warning/Caution Label Locations (KA/KC)
Driving Position Memory System Description
Driving Position Memory System Description — Components
Driving Position Memory System Description — System Diagram
Driving Support System Description
Electric Brake Booster System Description
Electric Brake Booster System Description — Components
Electric Brake Booster System Description — System Diagram
Electric Parking Brake System Description
Electric Parking Brake System Description — Components
Electric Parking Brake System Description — System Diagram
Electronic Throttle Control System Description
Emergency Towing
Engine Configuration (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Configuration (2.0 L Engine)
Engine Lubrication System Description (1.5 L Engine)
Engine Lubrication System Description (2.0 L Engine)
EPS System Description
EPS System Description — Components
EPS System Description — System Diagram
EVAP System Description
Exterior Lights System Description
Exterior Lights System Description — Components
Exterior Lights System Description — System Diagram
Fuel and Emissions Systems Service Precautions
Fuel Line/Quick-Connect Fitting Precautions
Fuel Supply System Description
Gauges Self-Diagnostic Function
Gauges System Description
Gauges System Description — System Diagram
HandsFreeLink System Description
Head Up Display System Description
Head Up Display System Description — Components
Head Up Display System Description — System Diagram
Heated Steering Wheel System Description
Heated Steering Wheel System Description — Components
Heated Steering Wheel System Description — System Diagram
Heated Windshield Wiper Area System Description
Heated Windshield Wiper Area System Description — Components
Heated Windshield Wiper Area System Description — System Diagram
How to Connect the HDS
How to Enter Neutral Position Holding Mode (A/T)
How to Enter VSA System Maintenance Mode
How to Read Deployed History
How to Release Park Lock (A/T)
How to Run the Starter
How to Set Readiness Codes
How to Start LaneWatch Camera Aiming (Audio System)
How to Start LaneWatch Camera Aiming (Navigation System)
How to Temporarily Cancel Automatic Electric Parking Brake
How to Troubleshoot the A/T System (A/T)
How to Troubleshoot the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
How to Troubleshoot the Adaptive Damper System
How to Troubleshoot the Audio System
How to Troubleshoot the Auto High-Beam (High-Beam Support System)
How to Troubleshoot the Blind Spot Information (BSI) System
How to Troubleshoot the Body Electrical
How to Troubleshoot the Climate Control System
How to Troubleshoot the Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS)
How to Troubleshoot the Cross Traffic Monitor
How to Troubleshoot the CVT System (CVT)
How to Troubleshoot the Electric Brake Booster System
How to Troubleshoot the Electric Parking Brake System
How to Troubleshoot the EPS
How to Troubleshoot the Fuel and Emissions Systems
How to Troubleshoot the HandsFreeLink System
How to Troubleshoot the Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)
How to Troubleshoot the LaneWatch
How to Troubleshoot the Navigation System
How to Troubleshoot the Road Departure Mitigation
How to Troubleshoot the SRS
How to Troubleshoot the Telematics System
How to Troubleshoot the TPMS
How to Troubleshoot the VSA System
Improvement Control in Practical Use Fuel Consumption System Description
Interior Lights System Description
Interior Lights System Description — Components
Interior Lights System Description — System Diagram
Keyless Access System Description
Keyless Access System Description — Components
Keyless Access System Description — System Diagram
Keyless Access System Symptom Troubleshooting Information
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Description
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Description — Components
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Description — System Diagram
Keyless/Power Door Locks/Security System Tripped Sensor Recall
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Description
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Description — System Diagram
LaneWatch System Description
LaneWatch System Description — System Diagram
Lift and Support Points
Lubricants and Fluids (KA/KC)
Maintenance Main Items (KA)
Maintenance Minder™ General Information (KA/KC)
Maintenance Sub Items (KA)
Moonroof System Description
Moonroof System Description — System Diagram
Multiplex Integrated Control System Description
Navigation System Description
Navigation System Description — System Diagram
Network Communications System Description
Parking and Back-Up Sensor System Description
Parking and Back-Up Sensor System Description — Components
Parking and Back-Up Sensor System Description — System Diagram
PCV System Description
PGM-FI System Description
PGM-FI System Description — Components
PGM-FI System Description — On-Board Snapshot
Power Lumbar Support System Description
Power Mirrors System Description
Power Mirrors System Description — Components
Power Mirrors System Description — System Diagram
Power Windows System Description
Power Windows System Description — Components
Power Windows System Description — System Diagram
Rear Window Defogger System Description
Rear Window Defogger System Description — System Diagram
Road Departure Mitigation System Description
Road Departure Mitigation System Description — System Diagram
Safety Messages
Seat Heaters Self-Diagnostic Function
Seat Heaters System Description
Seat Heaters System Description — System Diagram
Service Precautions
Shutter Grille System Description
SRS Precautions and Procedures
SRS System Description
SRS System Description — Components
SRS System Description — System Diagram (KA/KC)
Suspension System Description — Components
Telematics System Description
Telematics System Description — System Diagram
Telematics System Self-Diagnostic Function
TPMS System Description
TPMS System Description — System Diagram
Traffic Sign Recognition System Description
Traffic Sign Recognition System Description — System Diagram
Turbocharger Control System Description
Under-Hood Emission Control Label (KA/KC)
Ventilated Seats System Description
Ventilated Seats System Description — Components
Ventilated Seats System Description — System Diagram
VIN, Engine, (Motor), and Transmission Number Locations
VIN, Engine, (Motor), Transmission Numbers, and Paint Codes (KA/KC)
VSA System Description
VSA System Description — ABS Control
VSA System Description — Agile Handling Assist Control
VSA System Description — Automatic Brake Hold
VSA System Description — Brake Assist Control
VSA System Description — Components
VSA System Description — EBD Control
VSA System Description — Engine Drag Torque Control
VSA System Description — Hill Start Assist Control
VSA System Description — Hydraulic Boost Failure Compensation
VSA System Description — Starting Assist Brake Function (With Auto Idle Stop System)
VSA System Description — System Diagram
VSA System Description — TCS Control
VSA System Description — VSA Control
VSA System Description — VSA OFF MODE
VTEC/VTC System Description
Wipers/Washers System Description
Wipers/Washers System Description — Components
Wipers/Washers System Description — System Diagram
Wireless Charger System Description
Wireless Charger System Description — System Diagram
Design Specifications
Standards and Service Limits
Torque Specifications (KA/KC)
Руководство на английском языке по ремонту электрооборудования Honda Accord 1998-2002 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 2002
- Страниц: 611
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 19,0 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 1989-1991 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 1989
- Страниц: 1020
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 33,0 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Acura Legend и Honda Accord 1991-1995 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Motorist
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 1371
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 1993-1996 годов выпуска в кузове CC7.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 1993
- Страниц: 1225
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 38,2 Mb
Мультимедийное руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 1998-2000 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: ISO
- Размер: 229,7 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord и Honda Accord Coupe 1998-2002 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 2520
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 125,7 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 2003-2006 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 3980
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 198,6 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Acura Legend и Honda Accord 2003-2006 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Motorist
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 3965
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 2008-2009 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 2008
- Страниц: 2944
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 88,6 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord Hybrid 2005 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 2004
- Страниц: 2282
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 55,8 Mb
Мультимедийное руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord и Honda Accord Tourer с 2003 года выпуска. Многоязычный интерфейс (русского нет).
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: ISO
- Размер: 29,3 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 1986-1989 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 1989
- Страниц: 1711
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 56,9 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 1991-1993 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 1925
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 58,2 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord Aero Deck 1994 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 1994
- Страниц: 234
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 7,3 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord Coupe 1994-1997 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: 1994
- Страниц: 1379
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 44,1 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации Honda Accord 1989-1993 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: —
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 242
- Формат: DOC
- Размер: 3,7 Mb
Мультимедийное руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord с 2009 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: ISO
- Размер: 40,9 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Honda Accord, Honda Spirior и Acura TSX с 2008 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Монолит
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 586
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации Honda Accord VII 2002-2008 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 509
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 6,2 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации Honda Accord VII 2003-2007 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: MoToR
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 512
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации Honda Accord 2008-2013 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 513
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 11,3 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации навигационной системы Honda Crosstour и Honda Accord.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 130
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 5,4 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord и Honda Prelude 1984-1991 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: РВС
- Год издания: 1998
- Страниц: 319 (отсутствуют стр. 240-366)
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 60,0 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 2002-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Арго-Авто
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 440
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord с 2008 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Арго-Авто
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 760
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord с 2003 года выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Делия
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 472
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord с 2008 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 520
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Мультимедийное руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 1998-1999 годов выпуска.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: —
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: —
- Формат: ISO
- Размер: 107,5 Mb
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord/Accord Wagon и Honda Torneo с правым рулем 1997-2002 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 392
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord и Honda Inspire с правым рулем 2002-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: 2012
- Страниц: 456
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Honda Accord 2003-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 432
- Формат: —
- Размер: —