Опель зафира турер мануал

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Инструкция по эксплуатации


Инструкция по эксплуатации

Введение ……………………………….. 2
Коротко …………………………………… 6
Ключи, двери и окна ……………… 23
Сиденья, системы защиты …….. 42
Места для хранения ………………. 74
Приборы и средства

управления …………………………. 109
Освещение …………………………. 155
Климат-контроль …………………. 170
Вождение и управление

автомобилем ………………………. 180
Уход за автомобилем ………….. 257
Сервис и техническое

обслуживание ……………………… 306
Технические данные ……………. 310
Информация о клиенте ………… 326
Предметный указатель ………… 328




Технические данные


Запишите параметры Вашего авто‐

мобиля на предыдущей странице и

храните их в легко доступном

месте. Найти эту информацию

можно в разделах «Техническое об‐

служивание» и «Технические дан‐

ные», а также на типовой табличке



Ваш автомобиль — это оптимальное

сочетание передовой технологии,

безопасности, экологичности и эко‐

Настоящее Руководство пользова‐

теля содержит всю необходимую

для уверенного и эффективного

управления Вашим автомобилем

Не только Вы, но и пассажиры

также должны знать о несчастных

случаях и травмах, которые могут

возникнуть при неправильной эксп‐

луатации автомобиля.

Обязательно выполняйте дей‐

ствующие законы и предписания

той страны, в которой находитесь.

Соответствующее законодатель‐

ство может отличаться от приве‐

денной в настоящем Руководстве

При необходимости посещения

станции техобслуживания мы реко‐

мендуем обращаться к Авторизо‐

ванному сервисному центру Opel.

Для обслуживания автомобилей с

газобаллонным оборудованием

рекомендуется обращаться на

фирменные станции технического

обслуживания Opel, авторизован‐

ные для обслуживания газотоплив‐

ных систем.
Все Авторизованные сервисные

центры Opel предложат Вам пер‐

воклассный сервис по умеренным

ценам. Опытные специалисты,

прошедшие обучение на фирме

Opel, обслужат Ваш автомобиль,

руководствуясь оригинальными

технологическими инструкциями


Пакет с литературой для клиента

должен всегда находиться в авто‐


Как пользоваться



■ В этой инструкции по эксплуата‐

ции описаны все исполнения и

конструктивные особенности, ко‐

торые доступны для этой мо‐

дели. В зависимости от модели

автомобиля, страны,

встроенного специального

оборудования и

принадлежностей комплектация

Вашего автомобиля, включая

описания дисплея и функций

меню, может отличаться от

описанного в данном


■ Предварительный обзор Вы най‐

дете в главе «Коротко».

■ В содержании в начале данного

руководства и в каждом разделе

указано местоположение инфор‐




■ Конкретную информацию можно

найти с помощью Алфавитного


■ В настоящем Руководстве поль‐

зователя описаны автомобили с

левым расположением руля. Об‐

служивание автомобилей с пра‐

вым рулем выполняется анало‐


■ В Руководстве пользователя ис‐

пользованы заводские обозначе‐

ния двигателя. Соответствую‐

щие торговые обозначения при‐

ведены в разделе «Технические


■ Указания направления, напри‐

мер, влево — вправо или вперед —

назад, всегда приводятся отно‐

сительно направления движе‐


■ Информация на экране дисплея

автомобиля может не отобра‐

жаться на Вашем языке.

■ Сообщения, отображаемые на

дисплее, а также надписи внутри

салона приводятся жирным



Предупреждение и


9 Опасность

Текст, отмеченный

9 Опасность, содержит инфор‐

мацию, связанную с риском

смертельного исхода. Прене‐

брежение этими сведениями

может оказаться опасным для


9 Предупреждение

Текст, помеченный

9 Предупреждение, содержит

информацию, связанную с рис‐

ком несчастного случая или

травмы. Пренебрежение этими

сведениями может стать причи‐

ной травмы.


Текст, помеченный Внимание,

информирует о том, что автомо‐

биль может быть поврежден.

Пренебрежение этой информа‐

цией может привести к повреж‐

дению автомобиля.


Ссылки на страницы обозначаются

с помощью 3. 3 означает «см. стр.».
Желаем Вам счастливого пути.
Adam Opel AG




Исходные сведения,

необходимые при


Отпирание автомобиля

Чтобы отпереть двери и багажное

отделение, нажмите на кнопку c.

Откройте двери, потянув за ручки.

Чтобы открыть заднюю торцевую

откидную дверь, нажмите выклю‐

чатель на сенсорной панели под

Пульт дистанционного управления


24, центральный замок 3 25,

багажное отделение 3 29.

Регулировка сидений

Установка сиденья в

требуемое положение

Потяните ручку, сдвиньте сиденье,

отпустите ручку.
Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.



9 Опасность

Чтобы избежать травмирования

во время срабатывания по‐

душки безопасности, не придви‐

гайтесь к рулевому колесу

ближе чем на 25 см.

Спинки сидений

Потяните рычаг, отрегулируйте на‐

клон и отпустите рычаг. Сиденье

должно зафиксироваться в новом

положении с характерным щел‐

Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.

Высота сиденья

Для изменения высоты сидения

выполните рычагом качающие дви‐

вверх = поднять сиденье

вниз = опустить сиденье
Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.



Наклон сидения

Для изменения высоты сидения

выполните рычагом качающие дви‐

вверх = поднять передний край


вниз = опустить передний край


Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.

Электрический привод

регулировки сидений

Переместите переключатель 1:


= продольная регули‐




= регулировка высоты




= регулировка на‐


Переместите переключатель 2:

назад в



= регулировка спинки

Электрический привод регули‐

ровки сидений 3 46.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы писать комментарии, задавать вопросы и участвовать в обсуждении.

а у меня приложение в телефоне myOpelService и там эта инструкция всегда под рукой ( ну и в бумажном носителе в машине)

А где такое можно скачать? В play market не нашел.

У меня яблоко. Давно ставил, но до сих пор приложение работает


У меня яблоко. Давно ставил, но до сих пор приложение работает

Упс (

Такая инструкция с машиной в комплекте идёт

не у всех и не всегда под рукой, у меня например, она на эстонском языке и это не всегда удобно.

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Opel Manuals
  4. Automobile
  6. Owner’s manual
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Opel ZAFIRA TOURER

Summary of Contents for Opel ZAFIRA TOURER

  • Page 1
    OPEL ZAFIRA TOURER Owner’s Manual…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Introduction ……..2 In brief ……….6 Keys, doors and windows …. 20 Seats, restraints ……36 Storage ……..66 Instruments and controls ….. 96 Lighting ……..138 Climate control ……150 Driving and operating ….158 Vehicle care ……. 223 Service and maintenance ..

  • Page 4: Introduction

    Introduction Introduction…

  • Page 5
    Operation is prices. Experienced mechanics Introduction similar for right-hand drive trained by Opel work according to vehicles. Your vehicle is a designed specific Opel instructions. ● The Owner’s Manual uses the combination of advanced technology, The customer literature pack should engine identifier code.
  • Page 6
    We wish you many hours of Disregarding this information may pleasurable driving. endanger life. Adam Opel AG 9 Warning Text marked 9 Warning provides information on risk of accident or injury. Disregarding this information may lead to injury.
  • Page 7
  • Page 8: In Brief

    In brief In brief Vehicle unlocking Seat adjustment Longitudinal adjustment Initial drive information Press c to unlock the doors and load compartment. Open the doors by Pull handle, slide seat, release pulling the handles. To open the handle. Try to move the seat back and tailgate, push the touchpad switch forth to ensure that the seat is locked below the handle.

  • Page 9
    In brief Backrest inclination Seat height Seat inclination Pull lever, adjust inclination and Lever pumping motion Lever pumping motion release lever. Allow the seat to : seat higher : front end higher engage audibly. down : seat lower down : front end lower Seat position 3 38, Manual seat Seat position 3 38, Manual seat Seat position 3 38, Manual seat…
  • Page 10: Head Restraint Adjustment

    In brief Head restraint adjustment Seat belt Mirror adjustment Interior mirror Press release button, adjust height, Pull out the seat belt and engage in engage. belt buckle. The seat belt must not be To adjust the mirror, move the mirror twisted and must fit close against the Head restraints 3 36.

  • Page 11: Steering Wheel Adjustment

    In brief Exterior mirrors Steering wheel adjustment Unlock the lever, adjust the steering Select the relevant exterior mirror and wheel, then engage the lever and adjust it. ensure it is fully locked. Convex exterior mirrors 3 29, Do not adjust the steering wheel Electric adjustment 3 29, Folding unless the vehicle is stationary and exterior mirrors 3 29, Heated…

  • Page 12
    In brief Instrument panel overview…
  • Page 13
    In brief Power windows ….. 32 10 Central locking system ..22 18 Traction Control system ..176 Exterior mirrors ….. 29 Hazard warning flashers ..145 Electronic Stability Control . 176 Cruise control ….. 179 Sport mode ……177 Lane departure warning ..
  • Page 14
    In brief…
  • Page 15
    In brief Exterior lighting Headlight flash, high beam and low beam Automatic light control AUTO : automatic light control: Turn light switch: exterior lighting is switched headlight flash : pull lever : lights off on and off automatically high beam : push lever 8 : sidelights : activation or deactivation of…
  • Page 16
    In brief Turn and lane-change signals Hazard warning flashers Horn lever up : right turn signal Operated by pressing ¨. Press j. lever down : left turn signal Hazard warning flashers 3 145. Turn and lane-change signals 3 145, Parking lights 3 146.
  • Page 17: Washer And Wiper Systems

    In brief Washer and wiper systems Windscreen and headlight Rear window wiper washer Windscreen wiper Press the rocker switch to activate the Pull lever. rear window wiper: : fast Windscreen and headlight washer upper switch : continuous : slow system 3 98, Washer fluid 3 229. operation INT : interval wiping or automatic lower switch…

  • Page 18: Climate Control

    In brief Rear window washer Climate control Demisting and defrosting the windows Heated rear window, heated exterior mirrors Push lever. Press V. Washer fluid is sprayed on the rear window and the wiper wipes a few Set the temperature control to the The heating is operated by pressing times.

  • Page 19: Starting Off

    In brief Transmission Automatic transmission Starting off Manual transmission Check before starting off ● Tyre pressure and condition 3 247, 3 288. ● Engine oil level and fluid levels 3 226. ● All windows, mirrors, exterior lighting and number plates are free from dirt, snow and ice and are operational.

  • Page 20
    In brief Starting the engine Stop-start system Parking 9 Warning ● Do not park the vehicle on an easily ignitable surface. The high temperature of the exhaust system could ignite the surface. ● Always apply the parking brake. Activate the manual parking brake without pressing the release button.
  • Page 21
    In brief lever to position P before Caution removing the ignition key. On an uphill slope, turn the front After running at high engine wheels away from the kerb. speeds or with high engine loads, operate the engine briefly at a low If the vehicle is on a downhill load or run in neutral for slope, engage reverse gear or…
  • Page 22: Keys, Doors And Windows

    Keys, doors and windows Keys, doors and Keys, locks Windows ……..31 Windscreen ……. 31 windows Keys Manual windows ……31 Power windows ……32 Heated rear window ….34 Caution Sun visors ……..34 Keys, locks ……..20 Roller blinds ……. 34 Do not attach heavy or bulky items Keys ……….

  • Page 23: Car Pass

    Keys, doors and windows Key with foldaway key section Radio remote control Fault If the central locking system cannot be operated with the radio remote control, it may be due to the following: ● The range is exceeded. ● The battery voltage is too low. ●…

  • Page 24: Central Locking System

    Keys, doors and windows Extend the key and open the unit. Note Replace the battery (battery type A short time after unlocking with the CR 2032), paying attention to the remote control, the doors are installation position. Close the unit relocked automatically if no door has and synchronise.

  • Page 25
    Keys, doors and windows The setting can be changed in the Unlocking and opening the Settings menu in the Info-Display. tailgate Vehicle personalisation 3 129. The setting can be saved for the key being used. Memorised settings 3 24. Locking Close doors, load compartment and fuel filler flap.
  • Page 26: Memorised Settings

    Keys, doors and windows Fault in radio remote control Fault in central locking system ● Sport mode settings system ● comfort settings Unlocking The saved settings are automatically Unlocking Manually unlock the driver’s door by used the next time the memorised key turning the key in the lock.

  • Page 27: Child Locks

    Keys, doors and windows Doors transmission) or the selector lever is Using a key or suitable screwdriver, moved to position P (automatic turn the child lock in the rear door to transmission). the horizontal position. The door Load compartment cannot be opened from the inside. For Settings can be changed in the deactivation turn the child lock to the Tailgate…

  • Page 28: Vehicle Security

    Keys, doors and windows Vehicle security Closing General hints for operating tailgate Anti-theft locking system 9 Danger 9 Warning Do not drive with the tailgate open or ajar, e.g. when transporting Do not use the system if there are bulky objects, since toxic exhaust people in the vehicle! The doors gases, which cannot be seen or cannot be unlocked from the…

  • Page 29: Anti-Theft Alarm System

    Keys, doors and windows Activating ● vehicle inclination, e.g. if it is Note raised Changes to the vehicle interior such as the use of seat covers, and open ● ignition windows or sunroof, could impair the Activation function of passenger compartment monitoring.

  • Page 30: Immobiliser

    Keys, doors and windows movements triggering the alarm. Also Status LED is integrated into the The alarm can be silenced by switch off when the vehicle is on a sensor on top of the instrument panel. pressing any button on the radio ferry or train.

  • Page 31: Exterior Mirrors

    Keys, doors and windows Exterior mirrors If the control indicator d flashes when Select the relevant exterior mirror by turning the control to left (L) or right the ignition is on, there is a fault in the (R). Then swivel the control to adjust system;…

  • Page 32: Heated Mirrors

    Keys, doors and windows Interior mirrors Electric folding Heated mirrors Manual anti-dazzle Operated by pressing Ü. Turn control to 0, then push the Heating works with the engine control down. Both exterior mirrors To reduce dazzle, adjust the lever on running and is switched off will fold.

  • Page 33: Automatic Anti-Dazzle

    Opel specifications. Otherwise, these systems may not work properly and there is a risk of unexpected behaviour and/or messages from The marked areas on the windscreen these systems.

  • Page 34: Power Windows

    Keys, doors and windows Power windows Safety function If the window glass encounters 9 Warning resistance above the middle of the window during automatic closing, it is Take care when operating the immediately stopped and opened power windows. Risk of injury, again.

  • Page 35
    Keys, doors and windows Child safety system for rear Initialising the power windows windows If the windows cannot be closed automatically (e.g. after disconnecting the vehicle battery), a warning message or a warning code is displayed in the Driver Information Centre.
  • Page 36: Heated Rear Window

    Keys, doors and windows Roof Heated rear window If the sun visors have integral mirrors, the mirror covers should be closed when driving. Glass panel A ticket holder is located on the Panorama roof backside of the sun visor. Roller blinds Operated by pressing Ü.

  • Page 37
    Keys, doors and windows Safety function 4. Press G (open) gently to the first detent until the sunblind is If the sunblind encounters resistance completely opened. during automatic closing, it is 5. Press H (close) gently to the first immediately stopped and opened detent until the sunblind is again.
  • Page 38: Seats, Restraints

    Seats, restraints Seats, restraints Head restraints Adjustment Head restraints on front seats Position Head restraints ……36 9 Warning Active head restraints ….37 Front seats ……..38 Only drive with the head restraint Seat position ……38 set to the proper position. Manual seat adjustment ….

  • Page 39: Active Head Restraints

    Seats, restraints Horizontal adjustment Head restraints on rear seats forwards. Thus the head is supported so that the risk of whiplash injury is reduced. Note Approved accessories may only be attached if the seat is not in use. To adjust horizontally, pull the head Height adjustment restraint forwards.

  • Page 40: Front Seats

    Seats, restraints Front seats ● Sit with shoulders as far back against the backrest as possible. Set the backrest rake so that it is Seat position possible to easily reach the steering wheel with arms slightly 9 Warning bent. Maintain contact between shoulders and the backrest when Only drive with the seat correctly turning the steering wheel.

  • Page 41: Manual Seat Adjustment

    Seats, restraints Manual seat adjustment Backrest inclination Seat height Drive only with engaged seats and backrests. Longitudinal adjustment Pull lever, adjust inclination and Lever pumping motion release lever. Allow the backrest to : seat higher engage audibly. down : seat lower Folding passenger seat backrest Pull handle, slide seat, release 3 79.

  • Page 42
    Seats, restraints Seat inclination Lumbar support Adjustable thigh support Lever pumping motion Adjust lumbar support using the four- Pull the lever and slide the thigh way switch to suit personal support. : front end higher requirements. down : front end lower Moving support up and down: push switch up or down.
  • Page 43: Power Seat Adjustment

    Seats, restraints Power seat adjustment Seat height Move front of switch upwards/ downwards. 9 Warning Backrest inclination Care must be taken when operating the power seats. There is a risk of injury, particularly for children. Objects could become trapped. Keep a close watch on the seats when adjusting them.

  • Page 44: Armrest

    Seats, restraints Lumbar support Adjustable thigh support Armrest Base armrest Adjust lumbar support using the four- Pull the lever and slide the thigh way switch to suit personal support. requirements. The armrest can be slid forwards. Overload Under the armrest there is a storage Moving support up and down: push If the seat setting is electrically drawer.

  • Page 45: Heating

    Seats, restraints FlexConsole armrest Pull the handle in front of the armrest and slide armrest rearwards out of the console. Installation in reverse order. Heating Press fastenings inward and fold down locking mechanism at the rear The armrest can be moved in a centre end of the armrest.

  • Page 46: Rear Seats

    Seats, restraints Rear seats Seat heating is operational when engine is running and during an Autostop. Second row seats Stop-start system 3 161. 9 Warning When seats or backrests of second and third seat row are being adjusted or folded, keep hands and feet away from the moving area.

  • Page 47
    Seats, restraints Pull release lever, fold backrest and Normal seats, all three seats are move the seat to the front. usable and individually adjustable. Lounge seats, only outer seats are usable but with most comfortable adjustment. Seat positioning Pull the loop, adjust inclination, release strap and allow backrest to engage.
  • Page 48
    Seats, restraints parts, to be used as an armrest. Engage backrest parts in armrest position. ● Pull the handle under each outer seat and slide seats backwards. In the rear area the seats move in transverse direction. Allow seat to engage. This is the most comfortable seating position for the outer seats.
  • Page 49
    Seats, restraints Seat backrests 9 Warning The backrest inclination can be individually adjusted to three Move seats only to lounge position positions. if seats in the third row are not occupied. Change from lounge seat position to normal seat position ●…
  • Page 50: Third Row Seats

    Seats, restraints Easy entry function Folding back easy entry First move seat to desired position To permit an easy entrance to the and then raise backrest. seats of the third row, the outer seats of the second row can be tilted. 9 Warning Pull release lever, fold backrest and move the seat towards the front.

  • Page 51
    Seats, restraints Setting up the seats ● Fold in interior protection mat 3 84 and remove load compartment cover 3 82. ● Pull up the seat by the upper ● Pull the lower loop, loop, fold out and allow seat to simultaneously swing the engage in upright position.
  • Page 52: Seat Belts

    Seats, restraints Seat belts Seat belts are designed to be used by Belt pretensioners only one person at a time. Child In the event of a head-on or rear-end restraint system 3 60. collision of a certain severity, the front Periodically check all parts of the belt seat belts are tightened.

  • Page 53: Three-Point Seat Belt

    Seats, restraints Three-point seat belt Height adjustment Fasten Loose or bulky clothing prevents the belt from fitting snugly. Do not place 1. Pull belt out slightly. objects such as handbags or mobile 2. Shift the height adjuster upwards phones between the belt and your Withdraw the belt from the retractor, or press button to disengage and body.

  • Page 54
    Seats, restraints Unfasten Adjust the height so that the belt lies Remove lower latch plate from across the shoulder. It must not lie retainer and click it into left-hand To release belt, press red button on across the throat or upper arm. buckle (1) at the centre seat.
  • Page 55
    Seats, restraints Insert in the seat belt holder in the roof height up to max. 150 cm are allowed with the lower latch plate pointing to use the left seat of the third seat forward. row. There is a warning label on the rear Seat belts on the third seat row side of the centre belt, when it is pulled out, to inform the passenger on…
  • Page 56: Airbag System

    Seats, restraints Airbag system necessary to have the steering EN: NEVER use a rearward-facing wheel, the instrument panel, parts of child restraint on a seat protected by the panelling, the door seals, an ACTIVE AIRBAG in front of it; The airbag system consists of a handles and the seats replaced.

  • Page 57
    Seats, restraints оборудованном фронтальной NO: Bakovervendt PL: NIE WOLNO montować fotelika подушкой безопасности, если barnesikringsutstyr må ALDRI brukes dziecięcego zwróconego tyłem do ПОДУШКА НЕ ОТКЛЮЧЕНА! Это på et sete med AKTIV kierunku jazdy na fotelu, przed может привести к СМЕРТИ или KOLLISJONSPUTE foran, da det kan którym znajduje się…
  • Page 58
    Seats, restraints HR: NIKADA nemojte koristiti sustav чрез АКТИВНА ВЪЗДУШНА LV: NEKĀDĀ GADĪJUMĀ zadržavanja za djecu okrenut prema ВЪЗГЛАВНИЦА пред нея — може да neizmantojiet uz aizmuguri vērstu natrag na sjedalu s AKTIVNIM се стигне до СМЪРТ или bērnu sēdeklīti sēdvietā, kas tiek ZRAČNIM JASTUKOM ispred njega, СЕРИОЗНО…
  • Page 59: Front Airbag System

    Seats, restraints The airbag label is located on both The inflated airbags cushion the Side airbag system sides of the front passenger sun visor. impact, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the upper body and head of Airbag deactivation 3 58. the front seat occupants considerably.

  • Page 60: Curtain Airbag System

    Seats, restraints Curtain airbag system 9 Warning The curtain airbag system consists of an airbag in the roof frame on each Keep the area in which the airbag side. This can be identified by the inflates clear of obstructions. word AIRBAG on the roof pillars. The hooks on the handles in the The curtain airbag system is triggered roof frame are only suitable for…

  • Page 61
    Seats, restraints Use the ignition key to choose the position: OFF* : front passenger airbag is deactivated and will not inflate in the event of a collision. Control indicator OFF* illuminates continuously in the centre console. A child restraint system can be installed in accordance with the chart Child restraint installation locations 3 62.
  • Page 62: Child Restraints

    3 111. Airbag label 3 54. Child restraint systems Selecting the right system We recommend the Opel child The rear seats are the most restraint system which is tailored convenient location to fasten a child specifically to the vehicle.

  • Page 63
    Seats, restraints When the child restraint system is not in use, secure the seat with a seat belt or remove it from the vehicle. Note Do not affix anything on the child restraint systems and do not cover them with any other materials. A child restraint system which has been subjected to stress in an accident must be replaced.
  • Page 64: Child Restraint Installation Locations

    Seats, restraints Child restraint installation locations Permissible options for fitting a child restraint system On front passenger seat On outboard On centre seat seats in the in the second On seats in Weight and age class activated airbag deactivated airbag second row the third row Group 0: up to 10 kg…

  • Page 65
    Seats, restraints Permissible options for fitting an ISOFIX child restraint system On the On front On outboard On centre seats in Size passenger seats in the seat in the the third Weight class class Fixture seat second row second row Group 0: up to 10 kg ISO/R1 X or approx.
  • Page 66
    Seats, restraints ISOFIX size class and seat device A – ISO/F3 : forward-facing child restraint system for children of maximum size in the weight class 9 to 18 kg. B – ISO/F2 : forward-facing child restraint system for smaller children in the weight class 9 to 18 kg. B1 –…
  • Page 67: Isofix Child Restraint Systems

    Seats, restraints ISOFIX child restraint systems When using ISOFIX fastened child Depending on country-specific restraint systems on the second seat equipment, the vehicle may have two row, we recommend to adjust the or three fastening eyes. accordant outer seat in third notch Fasten vehicle-approved ISOFIX In addition to the ISOFIX mounting, from rear end position, regarding to…

  • Page 68: Storage

    Storage Storage Storage compartments In the instrument panel in front of the Info-Display is a storage compartment. Push to open the lid. 9 Warning Glovebox Storage compartments ….66 Instrument panel storage … 66 Do not store heavy or sharp Glovebox ……..

  • Page 69: Cupholders

    Storage Both gloveboxes should be closed Pull the handle in front of cupholder whilst driving. and remove it vertically out of the console. Cupholders Installation in reverse order. Note Front cupholder Install the cupholder in the direction as shown in the illustration. Otherwise the cupholder may not engage properly.

  • Page 70: Front Storage

    Storage Bottleholder Overhead console Underseat storage The door pockets of front and rear Storage box doors are designed to carry bottles. Front storage Press button to open storage box. The box may be loaded with max. There is a storage box under the 0.2 kg.

  • Page 71: Armrest Storage

    Storage Underseat drawer Armrest storage Storage in FlexConsole armrest Storage in base armrest Press button in the recess and pull out Press button to open storage drawer. Maximum load: 3 kg. To compartment in the armrest. The armrest console contains a close, push in and engage.

  • Page 72: Centre Console Storage

    Storage Centre console storage Rear console Rear carrier system Centre console Rear carrier system for four bicycles At the rear side of the FlexConsole there is a storage drawer. Pull out to The storage container can be used to open. store small items.

  • Page 73
    Storage the attachment of electrically- Pull release lever up. The rear carrier Caution powered bicycles to the pull-out system disengages and travels carrier. The maximum load per quickly out of the rear bumper. Consult your bicycle dealer before bicycle on the adapter is 20 kg. attaching bicycles with carbon The wheelbase of a bicycle must not frames.
  • Page 74
    Storage Fold out tail lamps Swivel both clamping levers sideways will not engage correctly, do not fit as far as they will go. objects to the system and slide the Otherwise safe functionality is not system back. Seek the assistance guaranteed.
  • Page 75
    Storage Assembling the bicycle rack Push down the rack (1) and swivel handle (2) backwards to engage. Attaching the first bicycle 2. Attach the short mounting bracket to the bicycle frame. Turn the Lift the rack at the rear (1) and pull it knob clockwise to fasten.
  • Page 76
    Storage 3. Secure both bicycle wheels to the 1. Attach the adapter to the rear wheel recesses using the strap carrier system as shown in the retainers. illustration. 4. Check the bicycle to make sure it is secure. Caution Ensure gap between bicycle and vehicle is at least 5 cm.
  • Page 77
    Storage Use the longer accessory mounting bracket to attach the third bicycle to the rack. 3. Position the bicycles on the rear 6. Additionally secure both bicycle carrier system alternately aligned wheels of the fourth bicycle to the to the left and to the right. wheel recesses using the Use the short accessory mounting tensioning straps.
  • Page 78
    Storage ● Without attached adapter: Removing bicycles Undo strap retainers on bicycle tyres. Turn knob anti-clockwise and remove mounting brackets. Detaching adapter Detach the adapter before removing the last bicycle remaining on the rear carrier system. 1. Fold in wheel recesses. Hold frame (1) of rearmost bicycle with one hand and pull the Push the lever (1) to disengage…
  • Page 79
    Storage Disassembling the bicycle rack 3. Turn the lever (1) forwards and Fold the rack backwards, then push hold. forwards until it stops (1). Arrange mounting brackets as shown 4. Lift the adapter (2) at the rear and Press the rack down at the rear (2). in the illustration.
  • Page 80
    Storage Fold in tail lamps Push the release lever up and hold. Lift the rear carrier system slightly and Swivel in both tail lamps. push it into the bumper until it Fold in number plate holder engages. Lift the number plate holder and fold Release lever must return to original it forwards.
  • Page 81: Load Compartment

    Storage Load compartment Caution The seats in the third row can be Before setting up or folding down folded down separately into the seats, all components must be vehicle floor. The seat backrests of removed from the side rails and the second row can be folded forward from the lashing eyes.

  • Page 82
    Storage ● Pull the lower loop and 9 Warning simultaneously swing the backrest forwards until the seat is Use vertical position of the lowered into the vehicle floor. backrest only for increased ● Install interior floor mat 3 84 luggage volume and not as a and load compartment cover seating position.
  • Page 83: Rear Storage

    Storage ● Push down head restraint by 9 Warning pressing the catch 3 36. ● Move passenger front seat in a Only drive the vehicle if the position that avoids contact of the backrests are securely locked into head restraint with the instrument position.

  • Page 84: Load Compartment Cover

    Storage On version without third seat row, Closing Opening there are storage boxes under the floor cover. Lift up the cover to open. Load compartment cover Do not place any heavy or sharp- edged objects on the load compartment cover. Pull the load compartment cover Remove load compartment cover towards the rear using the handle and…

  • Page 85
    Storage Removing Place the housing so that the upper side is facing to the front and the part with the handle points upwards. Fasten the load compartment cover in the storage with the Velcro tape. Open the load compartment cover. Installing Pull the release lever up and hold.
  • Page 86: Rear Floor Storage Cover

    Storage Rear floor storage cover By folding and expanding the mat there are a range of individual Floor cover applications possible. The interior protection mat is available in two versions: ● Standard protection mat covers the area between tailgate and second seat row, when third row is complete or if one seat is folded down.

  • Page 87
    Storage ● Expand the parts of the folded Covering the load compartment up to the backrests of the front seats mat, so that first part is raised up at second row backrest. Only possible with Flex cover interior protection mat being folded at the ●…
  • Page 88
    Storage ● Open the zipper behind the ● Expand the upper part of double ● Fold the overlaying rear part raised up backrest. layer mat over the folded under the mat before closing the backrests. tailgate. ● Pull out the mat until the first part is flat on the load compartment ●…
  • Page 89
    Storage ● Open the zipper from both sides ● Then expand the small upper Example for long small objects, e.g. behind the left and right backrest. part of double layer mat over the skis. centre backrest. ● Pull out the mat until the first part is flat on the load compartment ●…
  • Page 90: Load Rails And Hooks

    Storage Load rails and hooks Lashing eyes Example for covering folded backrest on second row and one folded seat on Install the hooks in the desired The lashing eyes are designed to third row. position in the rails: insert the hook in secure items against slippage, e.g.

  • Page 91
    Storage The components are fitted in rails on Variable partition net Net pocket both side panels using adapters and hooks. Installation of adapters in the rails Insert adapters into the required Insert adapters into the required position in the rails. Stick together the position in the rails.
  • Page 92: Safety Net

    Storage Installation of hooks in the rails Partitioning net in front of tailgate Safety net The safety net can be installed behind the seats of the second row or the front seats. Passengers must not be transported behind the safety net. Installation behind second row seats Insert the hook in the desired position…

  • Page 93
    Storage Installation behind front seats ● Attach hooks of safety net straps ● Attach hooks of safety net straps to front lashing eyes on both to the lashing eyes on both sides ● There are installation openings sides in the load compartment. in the floor in front of the seats.
  • Page 94: Folding Tray

    Storage Removal Warning triangle Insert the safety net in the storage and close cover. Push button on the tightener to Stow the warning triangle in the release the strap on both sides. storage of the load compartment floor Folding tray Detach hooks from the eyes.

  • Page 95: Roof Rack System

    Storage Roof rack system On another version, first aid kit is located in a storage box under the driver’s seat. Slide the rollo to open or Roof rack close the box. For safety reasons and to avoid damage to the roof, the vehicle approved roof rack system is recommended.

  • Page 96: Loading Information

    Storage Loading information Fasten the roof rack in the area of the ● Do not allow the load to protrude holes, indicated by the arrows in the above the upper edge of the illustration. backrests. ● Do not place any objects on the Vehicles without roof railing load compartment cover or the instrument panel.

  • Page 97
    Storage To calculate the payload, enter the combined weight of the roof the data for your vehicle in the rack and the load. weights table at the front of this manual. The EC kerb weight includes weights for the driver (68 kg), luggage (7 kg) and all fluids (fuel tank 90% full).
  • Page 98: Instruments And Controls

    Instruments and controls Instruments and Control indicators ….107 Exterior light ……115 Turn signal ……. 110 High beam ……. 115 controls Seat belt reminder ….110 High beam assist ….. 115 Airbag and belt tensioners ..110 Adaptive forward lighting ..115 Airbag deactivation ….

  • Page 99: Controls

    Instruments and controls Controls Steering wheel controls Heated steering wheel Steering wheel adjustment Activate heating by pressing *. The Infotainment system, some driver Activation is indicated by the LED in assistance systems and a connected the button. Unlock lever, adjust steering wheel, mobile phone can be operated via the then engage lever and ensure it is controls on the steering wheel.

  • Page 100: Horn

    Instruments and controls The recommended grip areas of the Windscreen wiper/washer Adjustable wiper interval steering wheel are heated quicker and to a higher temperature than the Windscreen wiper other areas. Heating is operational when the engine is running and during an Autostop.

  • Page 101
    Instruments and controls Automatic wiping with rain sensor Adjustable sensitivity of the rain sensor Keep the sensor free from dust, dirt and ice. INT : automatic wiping with rain sensor Turn the adjuster wheel to adjust the Windscreen and headlight sensitivity: washer The rain sensor detects the amount of…
  • Page 102: Rear Window Wiper/Washer

    Instruments and controls Pull lever. Washer fluid is sprayed Press the rocker switch to activate the The rear window wiper comes on onto the windscreen and the wiper rear window wiper: automatically when the windscreen wipes a few times. wiper is switched on and reverse gear upper position : continuous is engaged.

  • Page 103: Clock

    Instruments and controls A drop in temperature is indicated Clock ● Set time format: Changes immediately and a rise in temperature indication of hours between 12 h Date and time are shown in the after a time delay. and 24 h. Info-Display.

  • Page 104: Power Outlets

    Instruments and controls Set date Power outlets To adjust the time settings, select the Set Date menu item. Turn the multifunction knob to adjust the first setting. Press the multifunction knob to confirm the input. The coloured background moves to the next setting.

  • Page 105: Cigarette Lighter

    Instruments and controls Further 12 Volt power outlets are Do not connect any current-delivering Ashtrays located in the rear console accessories, e.g. electrical charging devices or batteries. Caution Do not damage the outlet by using unsuitable plugs. To be used only for ash and not for combustible rubbish.

  • Page 106: Warning Lights, Gauges And Indicators

    Instruments and controls Warning lights, gauges Odometer Trip odometer counts up to a distance of 2000 km and then restarts at 0. and indicators Tachometer Instrument cluster In some versions, the needles of the instruments briefly rotate to the end position when the ignition is switched Speedometer The bottom line displays the recorded…

  • Page 107: Fuel Gauge

    Instruments and controls Fuel gauge Fuel selector As soon as the natural gas tank is empty, petrol operation is Natural gas operation automatically engaged until the ignition is switched off. Fuel for natural gas operation 3 209. Liquid gas operation Displays the fuel level or gas pressure in the tank depending on the Press Y to switch between petrol and…

  • Page 108: Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge

    Instruments and controls 1 off : petrol operation Engine coolant temperature Caution 1 flashes : checking conditions gauge for fuel transition to If engine coolant temperature is liquid gas operation. too high, stop vehicle, switch off Illuminates if engine. Danger to engine. Check conditions are fulfilled.

  • Page 109: Control Indicators

    Instruments and controls In the Uplevel-Combi-Display, the Turn the adjuster wheel to select ignition is switched on, most control remaining oil life duration is displayed Remaining Oil Life. indicators will illuminate briefly as a in the Vehicle Information Menu. functionality test. The system must be reset every time In the Midlevel-Display, the remaining the engine oil is changed, to allow…

  • Page 110
    Instruments and controls Control indicators in the instrument cluster…
  • Page 111
    Instruments and controls Control indicators in the centre g Service vehicle soon 3 111 % Diesel particle filter 3 114 console R Brake and clutch system AdBlue 3 114 3 111 Tyre pressure monitoring — Operate pedal 3 112 system 3 114 Electric parking brake 3 112 I Engine oil pressure 3 114 Electric parking brake fault…
  • Page 112: Turn Signal

    Instruments and controls Illuminates Illuminates A Vehicle detected ahead 3 116 After the ignition has been switched After having started the engine, for a Door open 3 116 on until the seat belt has been minimum of 35 seconds until the seat fastened.

  • Page 113: Airbag Deactivation

    Instruments and controls Charging system Flashes when the engine is 9 Warning running p illuminates red. Have the cause of the fault Fault that could lead to catalytic Illuminates when the ignition is remedied immediately by a converter damage. Ease up on the switched on and extinguishes shortly workshop.

  • Page 114: Operate Pedal

    Instruments and controls Electric parking brake Flashes 9 Warning m illuminates or flashes red. Electric parking brake is in service Stop. Do not continue your mode. Stop vehicle, apply and Illuminates journey. Consult a workshop. release the electric parking brake to reset.

  • Page 115: Upshift

    Instruments and controls Upshift Lane departure warning Electronic Stability Control [ illuminates green as a control ) illuminates green or flashes yellow. indicator, or is shown as a symbol in n illuminates yellow. Illuminates green the Driver Information Centre with The system is deactivated.

  • Page 116: Traction Control System Off

    Instruments and controls Traction Control system off Flashes Flashes k illuminates yellow. The maximum filling level of the filter Fault in system or tyre without is reached. Start cleaning process pressure sensor mounted (e.g. spare The system is deactivated. immediately to avoid damage to the wheel).

  • Page 117: Low Fuel

    Instruments and controls 3. Move out of the flow of traffic as Flashes Illuminates when high beam is on, quickly as possible without during headlight flash 3 140, or when Fuel used up. Refuel immediately. impeding other vehicles. high beam is on with high beam assist Never run the tank dry.

  • Page 118: Fog Light

    Instruments and controls Information displays Fog light Adaptive cruise control > illuminates green. m illuminates white or green. Driver Information Centre The front fog lights are on 3 146. Illuminates white The Driver Information Centre is located in the instrument cluster The system is on.

  • Page 119
    Instruments and controls ● trip/fuel information Some of the displayed functions differ when the vehicle is being driven or at ● vehicle messages, displayed as a standstill. Some functions are only code numbers 3 122. available when the vehicle is being driven.
  • Page 120
    Instruments and controls Vehicle Information Menu ● Speed Warning: If exceeding the preset speed a warning chime Press MENU to select the Vehicle will be activated. Information Menu, or on Uplevel- ● Traffic Sign Assistant: Displays Combi-Display select X. detected traffic signs for the Turn the adjuster wheel to select a current route section 3 204.
  • Page 121
    Instruments and controls Trip/Fuel Information Menu reset knob between speedometer Submenus are: and Driver Information Centre with Press MENU to select the Trip/Fuel the ignition on. Information Menu, or select W on On vehicles with trip computer, more Uplevel-Combi-Display. submenus are available. Turn the adjuster wheel to select a Selection and indication can be submenu.
  • Page 122: Graphic-Info-Display, Colour

    Instruments and controls Graphic-Info-Display, Colour-Info-Display Depending on the vehicle configuration the vehicle has a Graphic-Info-Display or Colour-Info- Display. The Info-Display is located in the instrument panel above the Infotainment system. Graphic-Info-Display ● Top Consumers: List of top ● Economy Trend: Displays the comfort consumers currently average consumption switched on is displayed in…

  • Page 123
    Instruments and controls Colour-Info-Display ● vehicle messages 3 122 ● settings for vehicle personalisation 3 129 The type of information and how it is displayed depends on the equipment of the vehicle and the settings made. Selecting menus and settings Menus and settings are accessed via the display.
  • Page 124: Vehicle Messages

    Instruments and controls Vehicle messages Selecting with the Infotainment Press (the outer ring) system ● to select or activate the highlighted option Messages are indicated mainly in the Driver Information Centre, in some ● to confirm a set value cases together with a warning and ●…

  • Page 125
    Instruments and controls Vehicle messages on the No. Vehicle message No. Vehicle message Midlevel-Display Turn steering wheel, switch 26 Left rear turn signal failure ignition off then on 27 Right front turn signal failure Turn steering wheel, restart 28 Right rear turn signal failure engine 29 Check trailer brake light 12 Vehicle overloaded…
  • Page 126
    Instruments and controls No. Vehicle message No. Vehicle message No. Vehicle message 56 Tyre pressure imbalance on 71 Service rear axle 145 Check washer fluid level front axle 74 Service AFL 174 Low vehicle battery 57 Tyre pressure imbalance on 75 Service air conditioning 258 Parking assist off rear axle…
  • Page 127: Warning Chimes

    Instruments and controls The system displays messages ● airbag systems ● If seat belt is not fastened. regarding the following topics: ● engine and transmission ● If a door or the tailgate is not fully ● service messages closed when starting-off. ●…

  • Page 128: Battery Voltage

    Instruments and controls Trip computer When the vehicle is parked and/or the driver’s door is opened The menus and functions can be ● With exterior lights on. selected via the buttons on the turn During an Autostop signal lever 3 116. ●…

  • Page 129
    Instruments and controls ● average consumption 2 ● average speed 2 ● trip odometer 1 Trip odometer ● average consumption 1 Trip odometer displays the recorded ● digital speed ● average speed 1 distance since a certain reset. ● range Trip odometer counts up to a distance ●…
  • Page 130
    Instruments and controls When the fuel level in the tank is low, To reset, press SET/CLR for a few Average consumption a message appears on vehicles with seconds. Average consumption is always Uplevel-Combi-Display. indicated in the selected mode. Digital speed When the tank needs to be refuelled Fuel selector 3 105.
  • Page 131: Vehicle Personalisation

    Instruments and controls Vehicle personalisation The following settings can be selected by turning and pressing the multifunction knob: The vehicle’s behaviour can be ● Sport mode settings personalised by changing the settings in the Info-Display. ● Languages Some of the personal settings for ●…

  • Page 132
    Instruments and controls Languages ● Climate and air quality Personalization by driver: Activates or deactivates the Selection of the desired language. Auto fan speed: Modifies the fan personalisation function. regulation. Changed setting will Time Date be active after switching the Rear auto wipe in reverse: See Clock 3 101.
  • Page 133
    Instruments and controls ● Exterior ambient lighting Remote door unlock: Changes the configuration to unlock only Duration upon exit of vehicle: the driver’s door or the entire Activates or deactivates and vehicle whilst unlocking. changes the duration of exit lighting. Auto relock doors: Activates or deactivates the automatic relock Exterior lighting by unlocking:…
  • Page 134
    Instruments and controls Sport Mode Profile Navigation Settings Auto Demist: Activates or deactivates auto demist. ● Engine Sport Performance: See Infotainment manual for further information. Auto Rear Demist: Activates the Accelerator pedal and gear heated rear window change characteristics become Display Settings automatically.
  • Page 135: Onstar

    Instruments and controls OnStar system will take over brake ● Remote Lock/Unlock/Start control, warn by chimes only or is Remote Lock Feedback: deactivated completely. Activates or deactivates the OnStar is a personal connectivity and Side Blind Zone Alert: Activates hazard warning flasher feedback service assistant with integrated or deactivates the side blind spot whilst locking.

  • Page 136
    Instruments and controls ● Smartphone application Note Red / green flashing for a short period Depending on the equipment, the of time: Transmission of the vehicle ● Remote control, e.g. location of OnStar buttons can also be location has been deactivated. the vehicle, activation of horn and integrated in the rear view mirror.
  • Page 137
    Instruments and controls Note Smartphone app The following functions are available: The Wi-Fi hotspot functionality is not With the myOpel smartphone app, ● Lock or unlock doors. available for all markets. some vehicle functions can be ● Provide information on the operated via a smartphone.
  • Page 138
    Instruments and controls On-demand diagnostics Destination download If the OnStar service is used on another vehicle, press Z and request At any time e.g. if the vehicle displays A desired destination can be directly that the account be transferred to the a service message, press Z to downloaded to the navigation system.
  • Page 139
    Instruments and controls Note The vehicle location always remains accessible to OnStar in the case of an emergency. Find the privacy policy in your account. Software updates OnStar may remotely carry out software updates without further notice or consent. These updates are to enhance or maintain safety and security or the operation of the vehicle.
  • Page 140: Lighting

    Lighting Lighting Exterior lighting Lighting features ……148 Centre console lighting …. 148 Light switch Entry lighting ……148 Exit lighting ……149 Exterior lighting ……138 Battery discharge protection ..149 Light switch ……138 Automatic light control ….. 139 High beam …….

  • Page 141: Automatic Light Control

    Lighting Light switch with Automatic light In the Driver Information Centre with When the automatic light control Uplevel-Combi-Display, the current function is switched on and the control status of the automatic light control is engine is running, the system displayed. switches between daytime running light and headlights automatically When switching on the ignition,…

  • Page 142: High Beam

    Lighting High beam It switches to low beam when: The green control indicator l illuminates continuously when the ● A sensor detects the lights of assist is activated, the blue one 7 oncoming or preceding vehicles. illuminates when high beam is on. ●…

  • Page 143: Headlight Range Adjustment

    Lighting Headlight range adjustment Headlights when driving Vehicles with Xenon headlight system abroad Manual headlight range The asymmetrical headlight beam adjustment extends visibility at the edge of the road at the passenger side. However, when driving in countries where traffic drives on the opposite side of the road, adjust the headlights to prevent dazzling of oncoming traffic.

  • Page 144: Daytime Running Lights

    Lighting For deactivation, operate the same With the light switch in position Country lighting procedure as described above. AUTO all lighting functions are Activated automatically at a speed Control indicator f will not flash when available. range between approx. 55 and function is deactivated.

  • Page 145
    Lighting Dynamic curve lighting Reversing function Activation If the headlights are on and reverse gear is engaged, both corner lights are switched on. They remain illuminated for 20 seconds after disengaging reverse gear or until driving faster than 17 km/h in a forward gear.
  • Page 146
    Lighting If a headlight flash is activated when ● Urban areas are entered. A special topographical evaluation the high beam is on, the high beam function detects preceding vehicles ● Iit is foggy or snowy. assist will be deactivated. on hills or slopes by recognising the If there are no restrictions detected, rear light moving ahead.
  • Page 147: Hazard Warning Flashers

    Lighting Automatic high beam activation Fault in Adaptive forward lighting In the event of an accident with airbag operates at a speed above 40 km/h deployment the hazard warning system and deactivates below 20 km/h. flashers are activated automatically. When the system detects a failure in Intelligent light ranging operates the Adaptive forward lighting system, above 55 km/h.

  • Page 148: Front Fog Lights

    Lighting For three flashes, e.g. when changing Light switch in position AUTO: Parking lights lanes, press the lever until resistance switching on front fog lights will switch is felt and then release. headlights on automatically. When a trailer is connected, turn Rear fog light signal flashes six times when pressing the lever until resistance is…

  • Page 149: Reversing Lights

    Lighting Interior lighting Reversing lights On vehicles with light sensor, the brightness can only be adjusted when The reversing light comes on when the exterior lights are on and the light Instrument panel the ignition is on and reverse gear is sensor detects night conditions.

  • Page 150: Lighting Features

    Lighting Lighting features Operate rocker switch: Reading lights : automatic switching on Centre console lighting and off press u : on Spotlight incorporated in the interior press v : off lighting comes on when headlights are switched on. Rear courtesy lights Entry lighting Welcome lighting Headlights, tail lights, number plate…

  • Page 151: Battery Discharge Protection

    Lighting The following lights will additionally Activating The settings can be saved for the key switch on when the driver’s door is being used 3 24. opened: Battery discharge protection ● illumination of some switches ● Driver Information Centre To prevent discharge of the vehicle battery when the ignition is switched ●…

  • Page 152: Climate Control

    Climate control Climate control Climate control systems Heating will not be fully effective until the engine has reached normal operating temperature. Heating and ventilation system Air distribution Climate control systems ….. 150 Heating and ventilation system 150 l : to windscreen and front door Air conditioning system …

  • Page 153: Air Conditioning System

    Climate control Air conditioning system Press n again to switch off cooling. compartment air deteriorates, The air conditioning system cools and which may cause the vehicle dehumidifies (dries) as soon as the occupants to feel drowsy. outside temperature is slightly above the freezing point.

  • Page 154: Electronic Climate Control System

    Climate control Demisting and defrosting the Note If V is pressed while the engine is windows V running, an Autostop will be inhibited until V is pressed again. If l is pressed with the fan switched on and the engine running, an Autostop will be inhibited until l is pressed again or until the fan is switched off.

  • Page 155
    Climate control Automatic mode AUTO ● Press n to switch on optimal cooling and demisting. The LED in the button illuminates to indicate activation. ● Set the preselected temperatures for driver and front passenger using the left and right rotary knobs. Recommended temperature is 22 °C.
  • Page 156
    Climate control Demisting and defrosting the If V is pressed while the engine is in an Autostop, the engine will restart windows V automatically. ● Press V. The LED in the button If l is pressed with the fan switched illuminates to indicate activation.
  • Page 157
    Climate control Press the lower button to decrease or Return to automatic air distribution: Activation or deactivation of cooling upper button to increase fan speed as press AUTO. operation after engine start can be shown in the illustration. The fan changed in the Settings menu in the Cooling n speed is indicated by the number of…
  • Page 158: Auxiliary Heater

    Climate control Air vents directed towards it. If windscreen mists up from outside, activate windscreen wiper and deactivate l. Adjustable air vents At least one air vent must be open while the cooling is on. Direct the flow of air by tilting and swivelling the slats.

  • Page 159: Fixed Air Vents

    Climate control Maintenance Air conditioning regular operation Air intake In order to ensure continuously efficient performance, cooling must be operated for a few minutes once a month, irrespective of the weather and time of year. Operation with cooling is not possible when the outside temperature is too low.

  • Page 160: Driving And Operating

    Driving and operating Driving and Brakes ……..173 Trailer hitch …….. 218 Antilock brake system ….. 173 General information ….218 operating Parking brake ……174 Driving characteristics and Brake assist ……175 towing tips ……219 Hill start assist ……175 Trailer towing ……

  • Page 161: Driving Hints

    Driving and operating Driving hints Starting and operating Pedals To ensure the pedal travel is Control of the vehicle New vehicle running-in uninhibited, there must be no mats in the area of the pedals. Do not brake unnecessarily hard for Never coast with engine not the first few journeys.

  • Page 162: Ignition Switch Positions

    Driving and operating Ignition switch positions Power to the Infotainment system will Turn the key briefly to position 3 and continue to operate for 30 minutes or release: an automatic procedure until the key is removed from the operates the starter after a brief delay ignition switch, regardless of whether as long as the engine is running, see any door is opened.

  • Page 163: Overrun Cut-Off

    Driving and operating Automatic Starter Control Overrun cut-off Deactivation The fuel supply is automatically cut off This function controls the engine during overrun, i.e. when the vehicle starting procedure. The driver does is driven with a gear engaged but not have to hold the key in position 3. accelerator is released.

  • Page 164
    Driving and operating The engine will be switched off while Conditions for an Autostop Otherwise an Autostop will be the ignition stays on. inhibited. The stop-start system checks if each of the following conditions is fulfilled. Certain settings of the climate control system may inhibit an Autostop.
  • Page 165: Parking

    Driving and operating The engine start is indicated by the ● The charge level of the vehicle Parking needle at the idle speed position in battery is below a defined level. the tachometer. ● The brake vacuum is not 9 Warning If the selector lever is shifted out of sufficient.

  • Page 166: Engine Exhaust

    Driving and operating Engine exhaust Note lever to position P before In the event of an accident with removing the ignition key. On airbag deployment, the engine is an uphill slope, turn the front turned off automatically if the vehicle 9 Danger wheels away from the kerb.

  • Page 167: Catalytic Converter

    Driving and operating needs between seven and twelve % illuminates when diesel particle The control indicator % extinguishes minutes. Autostop is not available filter is full. Start cleaning process as as soon as the self-cleaning and fuel consumption may be higher soon as possible.

  • Page 168: Adblue

    Driving and operating can be continued for a short period, Caution keeping vehicle speed and engine speed low. Avoid contact of the paintwork with AdBlue. AdBlue In case of contact, rinse off with water. General information The selective catalytic reduction AdBlue freezes at a temperature of (BlueInjection) is a method to approx.

  • Page 169
    Driving and operating announcement to prevent an engine To restart the engine, the tank must restart are displayed. These be filled with AdBlue first. restrictions are a legal requirement. High emission warnings If the exhaust emission rises above a certain value, warnings similar to the range warnings as described above will be displayed in the Driver Information Centre.
  • Page 170
    Driving and operating Note If AdBlue refill is still not detected 3. Pull fuel filler flap at the recess Only use the designated AdBlue seek the assistance of a workshop. and open 3 212. canisters for refilling, to prevent a If AdBlue must be refilled at topping-up of too much AdBlue.
  • Page 171: Automatic Transmission

    Driving and operating Automatic transmission Note Selector lever Dispose of AdBlue canister and hose according to environmental The automatic transmission permits requirements. automatic gearshifting (automatic Exchanging AdBlue mode) or manual gearshifting (manual mode). If less than five litres of AdBlue have been refilled during the last two years, Transmission display the remaining fluid should be…

  • Page 172: Manual Mode

    Driving and operating When a gear is engaged, the vehicle Manual mode slowly begins to creep when the brake is released. Engine braking To utilise the engine braking effect, select a lower gear in good time when driving downhill, see manual mode. Rocking the vehicle Rocking the vehicle is only permissible if the vehicle is stuck in…

  • Page 173: Electronic Driving Programmes

    Driving and operating Electronic driving Kickdown Interruption of power supply programmes In the event of an interruption of If the accelerator pedal is pressed power supply, the selector lever down completely in automatic mode, ● Following a cold start, the cannot be moved out of the P the transmission shifts to a lower gear operating temperature…

  • Page 174: Manual Transmission

    Driving and operating Manual transmission Caution It is not advisable to drive with the hand resting on the selector lever. 3. Insert a screwdriver into the opening as far as it will go and move the selector lever out of P or To engage reverse, with the vehicle N.

  • Page 175: Brakes

    Driving and operating Brakes ABS starts to regulate brake pressure Fault as soon as a wheel shows a tendency to lock. The vehicle remains 9 Warning The brake system comprises two steerable, even during hard braking. independent brake circuits. ABS control is made apparent If there is a fault in the ABS, the If a brake circuit fails, the vehicle can through a pulse in the brake pedal…

  • Page 176: Parking Brake

    Driving and operating Parking brake To reduce the operating forces of adequate force. For maximum the parking brake, depress the force, e.g. parking with trailer or on Manual parking brake foot brake at the same time. inclines, pull switch m twice. The electric parking brake is Control indicator R 3 111.

  • Page 177: Brake Assist

    Driving and operating brake automatically. This is not Apply electric parking brake: pull and Hill start assist possible when the switch m is pulled hold switch m for more than five The system helps prevent unintended at the same time. seconds.

  • Page 178: Ride Control Systems

    Driving and operating Ride control systems TC is reactivated by pressing b 9 Warning again. Traction Control system TC is also reactivated the next time Do not let this special safety the ignition is switched on. feature tempt you into taking risks The Traction Control system (TC) is a when driving.

  • Page 179: Interactive Driving System

    Driving and operating ESC is reactivated by pressing b In each driving mode Flex Ride 9 Warning networks the following electronic again. If the TC system was systems: previously disabled, both TC and Do not let this special safety ESC are reactivated. ●…

  • Page 180
    Driving and operating The settings of the systems are The settings of the systems are selected driving mode or, when adapted to a sportier driving style: adapted to a comfort driving style: recognising greater variations, the driving mode is changed for the ●…
  • Page 181: Driver Assistance Systems

    Driving and operating Driver assistance Personalised settings in the Sport mode systems The driver can select the functions of the SPORT mode when SPORT is 9 Warning pressed. These settings can be changed in the Settings menu in the Driver assistance systems are Info-Display.

  • Page 182: Speed Limiter

    Driving and operating maintained. Control indicator m in Deactivation Switching off instrument cluster illuminates green. Press y, control indicator m in Press m, control indicator m in Accelerator pedal can be released. instrument cluster illuminates white. instrument cluster extinguishes. The Vehicle speed can be increased by stored speed is deleted.

  • Page 183
    Driving and operating Activation maximum speed. Speed limit is The limited speed will flash in the displayed in the Driver Information Driver Information Centre and a Centre. chime sounds during this period. Release the accelerator pedal and the speed limiter function is reactivated once a speed lower than the limit speed is obtained.
  • Page 184: Adaptive Cruise Control

    Driving and operating By pressing m to activate cruise 9 Warning control or adaptive cruise control or by switching off the ignition, speed The complete driver attention is limiter is also deactivated and the always required while driving with stored speed is deleted. adaptive cruise control.

  • Page 185
    Driving and operating Activation by setting the speed 9 Warning Adaptive cruise control can be activated between 50 km/h and Accelerating by the driver deactivates automatic braking by 180 km/h. the system. This is indicated as a Accelerate to the desired speed and pop-up warning in the Driver turn thumb wheel to SET/-;…
  • Page 186
    Driving and operating large increments, or activate SET/- repeatedly: speed decreases in small increments. With adaptive cruise control active, if the vehicle is driven much slower than the desired speed, e.g. because of a slower vehicle ahead, then the current speed can be stored and maintained by turning the thumb wheel to SET/-.
  • Page 187
    Driving and operating The green illuminated «vehicle ● Electronic Stability Control is 9 Warning ahead» control indicator A is operating. displayed in the speedometer when ● There is no traffic and nothing The driver accepts full the system detects a vehicle in the detected on the road sides for responsibility for the appropriate driving path.
  • Page 188
    Driving and operating Driver’s attention ● After a sudden lane change, the system needs a certain time to ● Use adaptive cruise control detect the next preceding carefully on bends or mountain vehicle. So if a new vehicle is roads, as it can lose the vehicle detected, the system may ahead and require time to detect accelerate instead of braking.
  • Page 189
    Driving and operating entering or exiting a bend or if the cruise control may not be able to Hill and trailer considerations bend gets stronger or weaker. If it no brake the vehicle in time to avoid a longer detects any vehicle ahead, collision with a much slower vehicle or then control indicator A will after a lane change.
  • Page 190: Forward Collision Alert

    Driving and operating Radar unit Vehicle messages 3 122. consult a workshop to verify and correct the adaptive cruise control Forward collision alert sensor position. The forward collision alert can help to Settings avoid or reduce the damage caused by front-end crashes. Settings can be changed in the Auto collision preparation menu in the vehicle personalisation 3 129.

  • Page 191
    Driving and operating on vehicles equipped with adaptive cruise control 3 182. ● Forward collision alert based on front camera system on vehicles with traditional cruise control or none 3 179. Forward collision alert based on radar system The system uses the radar sensor behind the radiator grille to detect a vehicle directly ahead, in your path, If a vehicle directly ahead is…
  • Page 192
    Driving and operating Alerting the driver Settings Settings can be changed in the Auto collision preparation menu in the vehicle personalisation 3 129. Forward collision alert based on front camera system Forward collision alert uses the front camera system in the windscreen to detect a vehicle directly ahead, in your path, within a distance of approx.
  • Page 193
    Driving and operating Alerting the driver Deactivation A green illuminated vehicle ahead The system can be deactivated. control indicator A illuminates in the Press V repeatedly until the following instrument cluster when the system message appears in the Driver has detected a vehicle in the driving Information Centre.
  • Page 194: Following Distance Indication

    Driving and operating Following distance approaching a vehicle ahead too indication rapidly, it may not provide you enough time to avoid a collision. The following distance indication The driver accepts full displays the distance to a preceding responsibility for the appropriate moving vehicle.

  • Page 195
    Driving and operating The feature uses various inputs (e.g. Brake preparation system 9 Warning radar sensor, brake pressure, vehicle When approaching a vehicle ahead speed) to calculate the probability of so quickly that a collision is likely, the Active emergency braking is not a frontal collision.
  • Page 196: Parking Assist

    Driving and operating film, dust, ice or snow. In case of Parking assist sensor blockage, clean the sensor cover. Front-rear parking assist In some seldom cases the active 9 Warning emergency braking system may provide a short automatic braking in situations that seem to be The driver bears full responsibility unnecessary, for instance due to…

  • Page 197
    Driving and operating Parking assist button D and Button logic to operate the systems is operation logic as follows: ● Front-rear parking assist is active: short press deactivates front-rear parking assist. ● Front-rear parking assist is active: long press activates advanced parking assist if a forward gear is engaged.
  • Page 198
    Driving and operating An illuminated LED in the parking Deactivation assist button indicates that the The rear parking assist automatically system is ready to operate. switches off when reverse gear is disengaged. If the vehicle exceeds a speed of 11 km/h, the front parking assist is The front parking assist is deactivated deactivated.
  • Page 199
    Driving and operating After a manual deactivation, the front Parking assist button D and parking assist is activated again if operation logic D is pressed or if reverse gear is Advanced parking assist and front- engaged. rear parking assist (see previous description) are both operated by Fault pressing D.
  • Page 200
    Driving and operating ● Advanced parking assist is The maximum allowed parallel If the driver does not stop the vehicle active: long press deactivates distance between the vehicle and a within ten metres after a parking slot advanced parking assist. row of parked cars is 1.8 metres.
  • Page 201
    Driving and operating As soon as turn indicator is switched off, the system searches for parking slots on the passenger side again. Display priorities After activating the advanced parking assist, a message appears in the Driver Information Centre. Advanced parking assist indication in the Driver Information Centre can be inhibited by vehicle messages with a higher priority.
  • Page 202
    Driving and operating Deactivation by the driver or by the Basic notes on parking assist correct distance indication in the system during manoeuvring will be systems upper part of these vehicles indicated by Parking Deactivated in cannot be guaranteed. the Driver Information Centre. 9 Warning Objects with a very small reflection cross-section, e.g.
  • Page 203: Side Blind Spot Alert

    Driving and operating Note Note ● vehicles outside the side blind The parking assist system After production, the advanced zones which may be rapidly automatically detects factory-fitted parking assist requires a calibration. approaching towing equipment. It is deactivated For optimal parking guidance, a ●…

  • Page 204: Rear View Camera

    Driving and operating The system can be activated or Fault deactivated in the menu Settings in Occasional missed alerts can occur the Info-Display, vehicle under normal circumstances and will personalisation 3 129. increase in wet conditions. Deactivation is indicated by a Side blind spot alert does not operate message in the Driver Information when the left or right corners of the…

  • Page 205
    Driving and operating Functionality Due to the high position of the 9 Warning camera, the rear bumper can be seen on the display as a guide to position. The rear view camera does not The area displayed by the camera is replace driver vision.
  • Page 206: Traffic Sign Assistant

    Driving and operating The function can be deactivated in the CD 600: Brightness can be set by first ● The tailgate is not closed Settings menu in the Info-Display. pressing and then turning the correctly. Vehicle personalisation 3 129. multifunction knob. ●…

  • Page 207
    Driving and operating Traffic signs which will be detected An exclamation mark in a frame are: indicates that there is an additional sign detected which is not recognised Limit and no passing signs by the system. ● speed limit The system is active up to a speed of ●…
  • Page 208
    Driving and operating Traffic signs are displayed on the The content of the traffic sign page is page Traffic sign detection in the also cleared during driving by Driver Information Centre, chosen via pressing and holding SET/CLR on the the adjuster wheel on the turn signal turn signal lever.
  • Page 209: Lane Departure Warning

    Driving and operating Once the Settings page is displayed, ● Traffic signs are incorrectly Lane departure warning select Off to deactivate pop-up mounted or damaged. The lane departure warning system function. Reactivate by selecting On. ● Traffic signs do not comply with observes the lane markings between When switching on the ignition, pop- the Vienna Convention on traffic…

  • Page 210
    Driving and operating Activation The system can not operate when no lane marking is detected. Deactivation The lane departure warning system is The system is deactivated by activated by pressing ). The pressing ), the LED in the button illuminated LED in the button extinguishes.
  • Page 211: Fuel

    Driving and operating Fuel Caution Caution Fuel for petrol engines Use of fuel that does not comply to Use of fuel that does not comply to EN 228 or E DIN 51626-1 or EN 590 or similar can lead to Only use unleaded fuel that complies equivalent can lead to deposits or engine powerloss, increased wear…

  • Page 212: Fuel For Liquid Gas Operation

    Driving and operating Fuel selector As soon as the natural gas tank is necessary to maintain fuel quality as empty, petrol operation is well as system function necessary for automatically engaged until the petrol operation. ignition is switched off. Fill the tank completely at regular If the natural gas tank is not refuelled, intervals to prevent corrosion in the the system must be manually…

  • Page 213
    Driving and operating speed) have been reached. The As soon as the liquid gas tank is Caution requirements are usually fulfilled after empty, petrol operation is approximately 60 seconds automatically engaged until the The system works at an ambient (depending on exterior temperature) ignition is switched off.
  • Page 214: Refuelling

    Driving and operating Due to extreme temperatures in Refuelling 9 Warning combination with the gas composition, it may take slightly If you smell gas in the vehicle or in longer before the system switches the immediate vicinity, switch to from petrol to gas mode. petrol mode immediately.

  • Page 215
    Driving and operating 9 Danger Fuel is flammable and explosive. No smoking. No naked flames or sparks. If you can smell fuel in your vehicle, have the cause of this remedied immediately by a workshop. Caution The fuel filler cap can be retained in The fuel filler flap can only be opened In case of misfuelling, do not the bracket on the fuel filler flap.
  • Page 216
    Driving and operating Vehicles with misfuel inhibitor The misfuel inhibitor ensures that the The funnel is located on the right- flap of the fuel filler neck can only be hand side storage compartment in the 9 Warning opened by using a nozzle for diesel load compartment.
  • Page 217
    Driving and operating The fuel filler flap can only be opened German Erdgasfahrzeuge if the vehicle is unlocked. Release the English NGVs = Natural Gas Vehi‐ fuel filler flap by pushing the flap. cles 9 Warning French Véhicules au gaz naturel — or — Véhicules GNV Refuel only with a maximum output pressure of 250 bar.
  • Page 218
    Remove adapter and stow in vehicle. Opel Distributors and from Opel Fit protective cap to prevent the Authorised Repairers. ACME Adapter: Screw the nut of the penetration of foreign bodies into the filling nozzle onto the adapter.
  • Page 219: Fuel Consumption — Co 2 — Emissions

    Fuel consumption — CO Emissions Petrol and Diesel engines The fuel consumption (combined) of the model Opel Zafira is within a range of 9.0 to 4.1 l/100 km. The CO emission (combined) is within a range of 177 to 109 g/km.

  • Page 220: Trailer Hitch

    Driving and operating Trailer hitch General information Natural gas The fuel consumption information The official fuel consumption and was obtained using reference fuel General information specific CO emission figures quoted G20 (methane proportion relate to the EU base model with Only use towing equipment that has 99 — 100 mol%) under prescribed standard equipment.

  • Page 221: Driving Characteristics And Towing Tips

    Driving and operating Driving characteristics and Trailer towing The permissible gross train weight must not be exceeded. This weight is towing tips Trailer loads specified on the identification plate Before attaching a trailer, lubricate 3 272. The permissible trailer loads are the coupling ball.

  • Page 222: Towing Equipment

    Driving and operating Rear axle load Stowage of coupling ball bar Fitting the coupling ball bar When the trailer is coupled and the towing vehicle fully loaded, the permissible rear axle load (see identification plate or vehicle documents) may be exceeded by 60 kg, the gross vehicle weight rating may be exceeded by 60 kg.

  • Page 223
    Driving and operating Checking the tensioning of the Insert the tensioned coupling ball bar coupling ball bar in the opening and push firmly upwards until it audibly engages. The rotary handle snaps back into its original position resting against the coupling ball bar without a gap.
  • Page 224: Trailer Stability Assist

    Driving and operating Attach breakaway stopping cable to Dismounting the coupling ball bar selectively braked until the snaking eye. ceases. While system is working keep steering wheel as still as possible. Check that the coupling ball bar is Trailer stability assist (TSA) is a correctly installed function of the Electronic Stability ●…

  • Page 225: Vehicle Care

    Vehicle care Vehicle care Interior lights ……239 Appearance care ……. 265 Instrument panel illumination … 240 Exterior care ……265 Electrical system ……240 Interior care ……267 Fuses ……..240 General Information ….224 Engine compartment fuse box . 241 Accessories and vehicle Instrument panel fuse box ..

  • Page 226: General Information

    Vehicle care General Information Vehicle storage ● Open the bonnet, close all doors and lock the vehicle. Storage for a long period of time Accessories and vehicle ● Disconnect the clamp from the negative terminal of the vehicle modifications If the vehicle is to be stored for several battery.

  • Page 227: Vehicle Checks

    Vehicle care Vehicle checks website, where legally required. Only 9 Danger entrust this work to an authorised recycling centre. Performing work The ignition system and Xenon Gas vehicles must be recycled by a headlights use extremely high service centre authorised for gas voltage.

  • Page 228: Engine Oil

    Vehicle care Caution Do not press the bonnet into the latch, to avoid dents. Engine oil Check the engine oil level manually on a regular basis to prevent damage to the engine. Ensure that the correct specification of oil is used. Recommended fluids and lubricants 3 270.

  • Page 229: Engine Coolant

    Vehicle care When the engine oil level has Engine coolant dropped to the MIN mark, top-up The coolant provides freeze engine oil. protection down to approx. -28 °C. In northern countries with very low temperatures, the factory filled coolant provides frost protection down to approx.

  • Page 230: Power Steering Fluid

    Vehicle care Engine B16DTH: After starting the engine, set the heating to warmest temperature and the fan speed to at least first level for approx. five minutes. This will ensure that the air within the cooling system escapes. Have the coolant concentration checked and have the cause of the coolant loss remedied by a workshop.

  • Page 231: Washer Fluid

    Vehicle care Washer fluid Brakes In the event of minimum thickness of the brake lining, a squealing noise sounds during braking. Continued driving is possible but have the brake lining replaced as soon as possible. Once new brake linings are installed, do not brake unnecessarily hard for the first few journeys.

  • Page 232
    Using an AGM vehicle battery and the ventilation in the vicinity of the different from the original Opel Batteries do not belong in household negative terminal must be opened. vehicle battery may result in a lower waste.
  • Page 233: Diesel Fuel System Bleeding

    Vehicle care Warning label ● See the Owner’s Manual for Wiper blade replacement further information. ● Explosive gas may be present in the vicinity of the vehicle battery. Diesel fuel system bleeding If the tank has been run dry, the diesel fuel system must be bled.

  • Page 234: Bulb Replacement

    Vehicle care Bulb replacement Wiper blade on the rear window Front turn signal (2). Sidelight/Daytime running light (3). Switch off the ignition and switch off Low/High beam (1) the relevant switch or close the doors. 1. Rotate the cap (1) anticlockwise Only hold a new bulb at the base.

  • Page 235
    Vehicle care Front turn signal (2) 2. Remove the bulb from the socket by turning anticlockwise. 3. Replace and insert new bulb into socket by turning clockwise. 4. Insert the bulb socket into the reflector and turn clockwise. Sidelight/Daytime running light 3.
  • Page 236: Adaptive Forward Lighting

    Vehicle care Adaptive forward lighting Sidelight/Daytime running lights are designed as Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and cannot be replaced. 9 Danger Corner lighting (1) Adaptive forward lighting system 1. Rotate the cap (1) anticlockwise uses Xenon headlights. and remove it. Xenon headlights work under extremely high electrical voltage.

  • Page 237: Fog Lights

    Vehicle care Front turn signal (2) 2. Remove the bulb from the socket by turning anticlockwise. 3. Replace and insert new bulb into socket by turning clockwise. 4. Insert the bulb socket into the reflector and turn clockwise. Fog lights The bulbs are accessible from beneath the vehicle.

  • Page 238: Tail Lights

    Vehicle care 3. Disengage the bulb socket from the plug connector by pressing the retaining lug. 4. Remove and replace the bulb socket with bulb and attach to the plug connector. 5. Insert the bulb socket into the reflector, turn clockwise and engage.

  • Page 239
    Vehicle care 4. Detach the plug connector from Reverse lights (4) in the tailgate the light assembly. Tail lights with Light Emitting Diode (LED) for tail and brake light 1. Open the tailgate and remove the Only the turn signal light (1) can 5.
  • Page 240: Side Turn Signal Lights

    Vehicle care 2. Turn the bulb holder anticlockwise 3. Replace and insert new bulb into and remove it from the reflector. the socket by turning clockwise. 4. Insert the bulb socket into the reflector, turn clockwise and engage. Bulb check Switch on the ignition, operate and check all lights.

  • Page 241: Number Plate Light

    Vehicle care 4. Insert bulb holder and turn clockwise. 5. Insert left end of the lamp, slide to the left and insert right end. Number plate light 2. Turn bulb holder anticlockwise 2. Remove the bulb from the socket and remove from housing. by pulling.

  • Page 242: Instrument Panel Illumination

    Vehicle care Electrical system Instrument panel illumination Fuses Have bulbs replaced by a workshop. Data on the replacement fuse must match the data on the defective fuse. There are three fuse boxes in the vehicle: ● in the front left of the engine compartment ●…

  • Page 243: Engine Compartment Fuse Box

    Vehicle care Depending on the type of fuse, a Engine compartment fuse blown fuse can be recognized by its melted wire. Do not replace the fuse until the cause of the fault has been remedied. Some functions are protected by several fuses.

  • Page 244
    Vehicle care No. Circuit No. Circuit Engine control module 16 Starter Lambda sensor 17 Transmission control module Fuel injection/Ignition system 18 Heated rear window Fuel injection/Ignition system 19 Front power windows – 20 Rear power windows Exterior mirror heating/Anti- 21 Rear electrical centre theft alarm system 22 Left high beam (Halogen) Fan control/Engine control…
  • Page 245: Instrument Panel Fuse Box

    Vehicle care Instrument panel fuse box No. Circuit No. Circuit 33 Adaptive forward lighting/Auto‐ 49 Fuel pump matic light control 50 Headlamp levelling/Adaptive 34 Exhaust gas recirculation forward lighting 35 Exterior mirror/Rain sensor 51 Air shutter 36 Climate control 52 Auxiliary heater/Diesel engine 37 Canister vent solenoid 53 Transmission control module/ Engine control module…

  • Page 246: Load Compartment Fuse Box

    Vehicle care No. Circuit No. Circuit Cruise control/Speed limiter/ 15 Airbag Adaptive cruise control/Steering 16 Power outlet wheel controls 17 Air conditioning system Exterior lights/Body control module 18 Logistics Exterior lights/Body control 19 Body control module module 20 Body control module Infotainment system 21 Instrument panel cluster/Anti- Infotainment system/Instrument…

  • Page 247
    Vehicle care Fuse assignments No. Circuit – Trailer outlet Parking assist Selective catalytic reduction system – – Remove the cover. Power seat – Selective catalytic reduction system 10 Nitrogen oxide sensor 11 Trailer module/Trailer socket 12 Trailer module 13 Trailer outlet 14 –…
  • Page 248: Vehicle Tools

    Vehicle care Vehicle tools No. Circuit No. Circuit 16 Interior mirror/Rear view 31 – Tools camera 32 Active damping system/Lane 17 Power outlet departure warning 18 – 19 Steering wheel heating 20 Sunblind 21 Heated front seats 22 – 23 – 24 Selective catalytic reduction Some tools, the towing eye and (only system…

  • Page 249: Wheels And Tyres

    Vehicle care Wheels and tyres : belt type: Radial Tyre pressure RF : type: RunFlat Check the pressure of cold tyres at 16 : wheel diameter, inches least every 14 days and before any Tyre condition, wheel condition 95 : load index e.g. 95 is equivalent long journey.

  • Page 250: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

    Vehicle care The tyre pressure data refers to cold The driver is responsible for correct Temperature dependency tyres. It applies to summer and winter adjustment of tyre pressure. The tyre pressure depends on the tyres. temperature of the tyre. During 9 Warning Always inflate the spare tyre to the driving, tyre temperature and…

  • Page 251
    Vehicle care System status and pressure warnings Caution are displayed by a message with the corresponding tyre flashing in the Tyre pressure monitoring system Driver Information Centre. warns only about low tyre pressure The system considers the tyre condition and does not replace temperature for the warnings.
  • Page 252
    Vehicle care After inflating, some driving may be Operating electronic devices or being required to update the tyre pressure close to facilities using similar wave values in the Driver Information frequencies could disrupt the tyre pressure monitoring system. Centre. During this time w may illuminate.
  • Page 253: Tread Depth

    Vehicle care The tyre pressure sensor matching 3. On vehicles with automatic 10. Proceed to the right side front process should also be performed transmission: set the selector wheel, and repeat the procedure after replacing a spare wheel with a lever to P.

  • Page 254: Changing Tyre And Wheel Size

    Vehicle care Tyres should be replaced for safety If there is more wear at the front than Wheel covers reasons at a tread depth of 2-3 mm the rear, swap round front wheels and Wheel covers and tyres that are (4 mm for winter tyres).

  • Page 255: Tyre Chains

    Vehicle care Tyre chains The use of tyre chains is not permitted on the temporary spare wheel. Tyre repair kit Minor damage to the tyre tread can be repaired with the tyre repair kit. Do not remove foreign bodies from the tyres.

  • Page 256
    Vehicle care 3. Remove the electrical connection cable and air hose from the stowage compartments on the underside of the compressor. 6. Unscrew valve cap from defective 10. Set the rocker switch on the tyre. compressor to I. The tyre is filled with sealant.
  • Page 257
    Vehicle care 14. Detach the tyre repair kit. Push catch on bracket to remove sealant bottle from bracket. Screw the tyre inflation hose to the free connection of the sealant bottle. This prevents sealant from escaping. Stow tyre repair kit in load compartment.
  • Page 258: Wheel Changing

    Vehicle care Note Wheel changing ● No people or animals may be in The driving characteristics of the the vehicle when it is jacked-up. Some vehicles are equipped with a repaired tyre are severely affected, ● Never crawl under a jacked-up tyre repair kit instead of a spare wheel therefore have this tyre replaced.

  • Page 259
    Vehicle care 4. Ensure the jack is correctly positioned under the relevant vehicle jacking point. 2. Fold out the wheel wrench and 3. Some versions may have covered install ensuring that it locates the vehicle jacking point. Pull out securely and loosen each wheel the cover sideways.
  • Page 260: Spare Wheel

    Vehicle care 11. Align the valve hole in the wheel Rear arm position of the lifting cover with the tyre valve before platform centrically under the recess installing. of the sill. Install wheel nut caps. 12. Install vehicle jacking point cover. 13.

  • Page 261
    Vehicle care even though no label indicates this. Seek the assistance of a workshop to check the applicable speed limit. The spare wheel has a steel rim. Caution The use of a spare wheel that is smaller than the other wheels or in combination with winter tyres could affect driveability.
  • Page 262
    Vehicle care 13. Fit the caps above both hexagon bolts. 14. Stow wheel wrench and the jack in the storage in front of the tailgate. 15. Close the storage compartment cover. When stowing the spare wheel in the spare wheel holder, note that the wheel is positioned with the tyre valve above the recess of the wheel holder.
  • Page 263
    Vehicle care If your vehicle gets a flat tyre on the 9 Warning rear while towing another vehicle, mount the temporary spare wheel at Storing a jack, a wheel or other the front and the full tyre at the rear. equipment in the load Tyre chains 3 253.
  • Page 264: Jump Starting

    Vehicle care Jump starting ● A discharged battery can already ● Apply the parking brake, freeze at a temperature of 0 °C. transmission in neutral, Defrost the frozen battery before automatic transmission in P. Do not start with quick charger. connecting jump leads.

  • Page 265: Towing

    Vehicle care Towing 3. Connect the black lead to the 4. Switch on electrical consumers negative terminal of the booster (e.g. headlights, heated rear battery. window) of the vehicle receiving Towing the vehicle the jump start. 4. Connect the other end of the black lead to a vehicle grounding point, 5.

  • Page 266: Towing Another Vehicle

    Vehicle care Towing another vehicle Caution Drive slowly. Do not drive jerkily. Excessive tractive force can damage the vehicle. When the engine is not running, considerably more force is needed to brake and steer. To prevent the entry of exhaust gases from the towing vehicle, switch on the air recirculation and close the Screw in the towing eye as far as it will…

  • Page 267: Appearance Care

    Vehicle care Appearance care Caution Exterior care Drive slowly. Do not drive jerkily. Excessive tractive force can Locks damage the vehicle. The locks are lubricated at the factory After towing, unscrew the towing eye. using a high quality lock cylinder grease.

  • Page 268
    Vehicle care If using a vehicle wash, comply with Do not clean the engine compartment Paintwork polish with silicone forms a the vehicle wash manufacturer’s with a steam-jet or high-pressure jet protective film, making waxing instructions. The windscreen wiper cleaner. unnecessary.
  • Page 269: Interior Care

    Vehicle care Glass panel After the underbody is washed, check Towing equipment the underbody and have it waxed if Never clean with solvents or abrasive Do not clean the coupling ball bar with necessary. agents, fuels, aggressive media a steam-jet or high-pressure jet Bitumen/rubber materials could (e.g.

  • Page 270
    Vehicle care Clean the leather upholstery with Plastic and rubber parts clear water and a soft cloth. In case of Plastic and rubber parts can be heavy soiling, use leather care. cleaned with the same cleaner as The instrument cluster and the used to clean the body.
  • Page 271: Service And Maintenance

    Service and maintenance Service and General information Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, maintenance Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Service information Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, In order to ensure economical and Greece, Greenland, Hungary, safe vehicle operation and to Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, maintain the value of your vehicle, it General information ….

  • Page 272: Recommended Fluids And

    Service and maintenance Recommended fluids, Confirmations Dexos is the newest engine oil quality that provides optimum protection for lubricants and parts Confirmation of service is recorded in gasoline and diesel engines. If it is the Service and Warranty Booklet. unavailable, engine oils of other listed Recommended fluids and The date and mileage is completed qualities have to be used.

  • Page 273
    Service and maintenance Additional engine oil additives northern countries with very low temperatures the factory filled coolant The use of additional engine oil provides frost protection down to additives could cause damage and approx. -37 °C. This concentration invalidate the warranty. should be maintained all year round.
  • Page 274: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data Vehicle identification Identification plate Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle identification ….272 Vehicle Identification Number .. 272 Identification plate ….272 Engine identification ….273 Vehicle data ……. 274 Recommended fluids and lubricants …….. 274 Engine data ……277 Performance ……

  • Page 275: Engine Identification

    Technical data Information on identification label: Engine identification 1 : manufacturer The technical data tables show the 2 : type approval number engine identifier code. Engine data 3 : vehicle identification number 3 277. 4 : permissible gross vehicle weight To identify the respective engine, rating in kg refer to the engine power in the EEC…

  • Page 276: Vehicle Data

    Technical data Vehicle data Recommended fluids and lubricants European service schedule Required engine oil quality All European countries with European service interval 3 269 Engine oil quality Petrol engines Diesel engines (including CNG, LPG, E85) dexos 1 – – dexos 2 ✔…

  • Page 277
    Technical data International service schedule Required engine oil quality All countries with international service interval 3 269 Engine oil quality Petrol engines Diesel engines (including CNG, LPG, E85) dexos 1 (if available) ✔ – dexos 2 ✔ ✔ In case dexos quality is unavailable you may use the oil qualities listed below: All countries with international service interval 3 269 Engine oil quality Petrol engines…
  • Page 278
    Technical data All countries with international service interval 3 269 ACEA C3 ✔ ✔ API SM ✔ – API SN resource conserving ✔ – Engine oil viscosity grades All countries with international service interval 3 269 Ambient temperature Petrol and diesel engines down to -25 °C SAE 5W-30 or SAE 5W-40 below -25 °C…
  • Page 279: Engine Data

    Technical data Engine data Engine identifier code B14NEL B14NET B14NET B16XNT Sales designation 1.4 LPG 1.6 CNG Engineering code B14NET B14NET B14NET B16XNT 1364 1364 1364 1598 Piston displacement [cm Engine power [kW] at rpm 4200-6000 4900-6000 4900 5000 Torque [Nm] at rpm 1850-4200 1850-4900…

  • Page 280
    Technical data Engine identifier code B16SHT B16SHL A18XEL A18XER Sales designation Engineering code B16SHT B16SHT A18XER A18XER 1598 1598 1796 1796 Piston displacement [cm Engine power [kW] at rpm 5500 4750-6000 5600 6300 Torque [Nm] at rpm 1650-5000 1650-4500 3800 3800 Fuel type Petrol…
  • Page 281
    Technical data Engine identifier code B16DTH B16DTJ A20DTL A20DT Sales designation 1.6 Turbo 1.6 Turbo 2.0 Turbo 2.0 Turbo Engineering code B16DTH B16DTH A20DTL A20DT 1598 1598 1956 1956 Piston displacement [cm Engine power [kW] at rpm 3500-4000 4000 4000 4000 Torque [Nm] at rpm…
  • Page 282
    Technical data Engine identifier code A20DTH A20DTH B20DTJ B20DTH A20DTR Sales designation 2.0 Turbo 2.0 Turbo 2.0 Turbo 2.0 Turbo 2.0 BiTurbo Engineering code A20DTH A20DTH B20DTH B20DTH A20DTR Torque [Nm] at rpm 1750-2500 1750-2500 1500-2750 1750-2500 1750-2500 Fuel type Diesel Diesel Diesel…
  • Page 283: Performance

    Technical data Performance B14NET B16XNT Engine B14NEL B14NET B16SHT B16SHL Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission – – with Stop-start system – – – Automatic transmission – – – – The maximum speed indicated is achievable at kerb weight (without driver) plus 200 kg payload. Optional equipment could reduce the specified maximum speed of the vehicle.

  • Page 284
    Technical data A20DTH A20DTH Engine 121 kW 96 kW B20DTJ B20DTH A20DTR Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission – – – – with Stop-start system – – Automatic transmission – The maximum speed indicated is achievable at kerb weight (without driver) plus 200 kg payload. Optional equipment could reduce the specified maximum speed of the vehicle.
  • Page 285: Vehicle Weight

    Technical data Vehicle weight Kerb weight, basic model without any optional equipment Engine Manual transmission Automatic transmission 5-seats/7-seats B14NEL 1613/1640 – [kg] B14NET 1613/1640 1613/1640 B14NET LPG 1664/1691 – B16SHT 1664/1691 – B16XNT CNG 1701/1728 – B16SHL – 1701/1728 A18XEL 1571/1598 –…

  • Page 286
    Technical data Engine Manual transmission Automatic transmission 5-seats/7-seats B16DTH 1701/1728 – [kg] B16DTJ 1701/1728 – A20DTL 1701/1728 – A20DT 1701/1728 – A20DTH 1733/1760 1733/1760 121 kW A20DTH – 1733/1760 96 kW B20DTJ – 1788/1815 B20DTH 1733/1760 1788/1815 A20DTR 1733/1760 – Optional equipment and accessories increase the kerb weight.
  • Page 287: Vehicle Dimensions

    Technical data Vehicle dimensions Zafira Tourer Length [mm] 4656 Width without exterior mirrors [mm] 1884 Width with two exterior mirrors [mm] 2100 Height (without antenna) [mm] 1685 Length of load compartment floor with folded third row [mm] 1094 Length of load compartment with folded second and third row [mm]…

  • Page 288: Capacities

    Technical data Capacities Engine oil Engine B14NEL B14NET, B16XNT CNG B16SHT, A18XEL, B14NET LPG B16SHL A18XER including Filter [l] between MIN and MAX [l] Engine B16DTH, A20DT, A20DTH B20DTH, A20DTR B16DTJ A20DTL B20DTJ including Filter [l] 5.25 between MIN and MAX [l] Fuel tank Petrol/diesel, refilling quantity [l] Natural gas CNG, refilling quantity [kg] or [l]…

  • Page 289
    Technical data AdBlue tank AdBlue, refilling quantity [l]…
  • Page 290: Tyre Pressures

    Technical data Tyre pressures Comfort with up to With full load 3 people ECO with up to 3 people Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) B14NEL, 215/60 R16, 220/2.2 (32) 220/2.2 (32) 260/2.6 (38) 260/2.6 (38) 230/2.3 300/3.0…

  • Page 291
    Technical data Comfort with up to With full load 3 people ECO with up to 3 people Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) B16SHT, 225/50 R17, 260/2.6 (38) 240/2.4 (35) 280/2.8 (41) 280/2.8 (41) 270/2.7 320/3.2 (39)
  • Page 292
    Technical data Comfort with up to With full load 3 people ECO with up to 3 people Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) A20DTL 215/60 R16, 240/2.4 (35) 240/2.4 (35) 280/2.8 (41) 280/2.8 (41) 250/2.5 300/3.0 (36)
  • Page 293
    Technical data Comfort with up to With full load 3 people ECO with up to 3 people Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) ([psi]) A20DTR, 225/50 R17, 260/2.6 (38) 240/2.4 (35) 280/2.8 (41) 280/2.8 (41) 280/2.8 320/3.2 (41)
  • Page 294: Customer Information

    Customer information Customer Customer information information Declaration of conformity Transmission systems Customer information ….292 This vehicle has systems that Declaration of conformity ..292 transmit and/or receive radio waves Collision damage repair … 295 subject to Directive 1999/5/EC. Software acknowledgement ..295 These systems are in compliance with the essential requirements and Vehicle data recording and pri‐…

  • Page 295
    Customer information…
  • Page 296
    Customer information Jack…
  • Page 297: Collision Damage Repair

    Product designation: Jack Engineering Group Manager Chassis party software please see http:// Type/GM part number: 13348505, & Structure www.lg.com/global/support/ 13504504 Adam Opel AG opensource/index. is in compliance with the provisions of D-65423 Rüsselsheim Directive 2006/42/EC. libcurl Applied technical standards: Collision damage repair…

  • Page 298
    Customer information copyright holders be liable for any Gordon, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, 1. Redistributions of source code claim, damages or other liability, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert must retain the above copyright whether in an action of contract, tort Heath, Jonathan Hudson, Paul notice, definition, disclaimer, and or otherwise, arising from, out of or in…
  • Page 299: Vacy

    Customer information Vehicle data recording original source. Such altered ● vehicle reactions in particular versions also must not be driving situations (e.g. inflation of and privacy misrepresented as being Info-ZIP an airbag, activation of the releases—including, but not stability regulation system) Event data recorders limited to, labeling of the altered ●…

  • Page 300: Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid)

    RFID technology in Opel vehicles does not use or record personal information or link with any other Opel system containing…

  • Page 301
    Customer information…
  • Page 302: Index

    Index Automatic transmission ….. 169 Autostop……..161 Accessories and vehicle Auxiliary heater……156 modifications ……224 Active Emergency Braking..192 Active head restraints….37 Battery discharge protection ..149 Adaptive cruise control..116, 182 Battery voltage ……126 Adaptive forward lighting . . 115, Bicycle rack……..

  • Page 303
    Child restraints……60 Driver Information Centre… 116 Exterior light ……. 115 Child restraint systems ….60 Driving characteristics and Exterior lighting ….13, 138 Cigarette lighter ……103 towing tips ……219 Exterior mirrors……29 Climate control ……16 Driving hints…….. 159 Climate control systems…..
  • Page 304
    Immobiliser ……28, 115 Load compartment ….25, 79 Indicators……..104 Load compartment cover ….. 82 Gauges……..104 Information displays….116 Load compartment fuse box ..244 General information ….218 Instrument cluster …… 104 Loading information ….. 94 Glass panel ……..34 Instrument panel fuse box ..
  • Page 305
    Overhead console ……. 68 Rear seats……..44 Service vehicle soon ….111 Overrun cut-off ……161 Rear storage……… 81 Side airbag system …… 57 Rear view camera …… 202 Side blind spot alert….201 Rear window wiper/washer ..100 Sidelights……..138 Parking ……..
  • Page 306
    Tow bar……..218 Uplevel-Combi-Display….116 Wheel covers ……252 Towing…….. 218, 263 Upshift……..113 Wheels and tyres ……. 247 Towing another vehicle ….. 264 Using this manual ……3 Windows……..31 Towing equipment ….. 220 Windscreen……..31 Towing the vehicle ….. 263 Windscreen wiper/washer …
  • Page 307
    Copyright by ADAM OPEL AG, Rüsselsheim, Germany. The information contained in this publication is effective as of the date indicated below. Adam Opel AG reserves the right to make changes to the technical specifications, features and design of the vehicles relative to the information in this publication as well as changes to the publication itself.

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