Table of Contents
Quick Links
Supplement to the
KROHNE 06/2005
OPTIFLUX flowmeters are delivered ready
for operation!
Switch on and measure.
Subject to change without notice.
IFC 300 F
For use in hazardous areas (ATEX)
Electromagnetic flowmeters
Variable area flowmeters
Mass flowmeters
Ultrasonic flowmeters
Vortex flowmeters
Flow controllers
Level measuring instruments
Pressure and temperature
Heat metering
Communications technology
Switches, counters, displays and recorders
Engineering systems & solutions
Summary of Contents for KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Supplement to the
KROHNE 06/2005
OPTIFLUX flowmeters are delivered ready
for operation!
Switch on and measure.
Subject to change without notice.
IFC 300 F
For use in hazardous areas (ATEX)
Electromagnetic flowmeters
Variable area flowmeters
Mass flowmeters
Ultrasonic flowmeters
Vortex flowmeters
Flow controllers
Level measuring instruments
Pressure and temperature
Heat metering
Communications technology
Switches, counters, displays and recorders
Engineering systems & solutions
Summary of Contents for KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C
10/2012 — 4002294501_EX IFC300_ru_121022_R01
1.1.5 Изготовитель
Данный прибор был разработан и изготовлен компанией:
KROHNE Altometer
Керкеплаат 12
3313 LC Дордрехт
По вопросам получения информации, технического или сервисного обслуживания обращайтесь,
пожалуйста, в ближайшее к Вам представительство фирмы KROHNE.
1.2 Указания по технике безопасности для пользователя
Данное руководство является дополнением к руководству по монтажу и эксплуатации. Вся
техническая информация, описанная в руководстве по монтажу эксплуатации, является
действительной, если только она не была однозначно исключена, дополнена или изменена
настоящим дополнением.
1.3 Разрешения
Расходомер состоит из первичного преобразователя и конвертера сигналов. Регистрационные
номера следующие:
Компактные версии:
• OPTIFLUX 2300 C (= OPTIFLUX 2000 + IFC 300):
KEMA 04 ATEX 2077 X
• OPTIFLUX 4300 C (= OPTIFLUX 4000 + IFC 300):
KEMA 04 ATEX 2077 X
• OPTIFLUX 5300 C (= OPTIFLUX 5000 + IFC 300):
KEMA 04 ATEX 2127 X
• OPTIFLUX 6300 C (= OPTIFLUX 6000 + IFC 300):
KEMA 05 ATEX 2214 X
• OPTIFLUX 7300 SW/C и FL/C (= OPTIFLUX 7000 + IFC 300):
KEMA 10 ATEX 0105 X
Разнесенные версии:
• OPTIFLUX 2000 F + IFC 300 F:
KEMA 04 ATEX 2125 X + KEMA 04 ATEX 2166
• OPTIFLUX 4000 F + IFC 300 F:
KEMA 04 ATEX 2125 X + KEMA 04 ATEX 2166
• Не изменяйте конструкцию прибора. Несанкционированные изменения могут нарушить
взрывобезопасность прибора.
• Необходимо соблюдать требования и правила, а также электрические характеристики,
описанные в сертификате ЕС об утверждении типа.
• Наряду с нормативными документами, регламентирующими выполнение электрических
подключений (эквивалентных HD 384 или IEC 60364, например, VDE 0100), во взрывоопасных
зонах особенно необходимо соблюдать требования стандарта EN 60079Р14 «Электрическое
оборудование во взрывоопасных зонах», требования соответствующих национальных
стандартов (например, DIN VDE 0165, часть 1), или требования стандартов для
оборудования, работающего в зонах с горючей пылью — EN 61241Р14!
• Работы по установке, монтажу, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию могут
проводиться подготовленным персоналом, прошедшим обучение по взрывобезопасности!
34, Altometer 15 5 EC Declaration of Conformity We Krohne Altometer Kerkeplaat 12 3313 LC Dordrecht The Netherlands declare under our sole responsibility that the product Compact electromagnetic flowmeter Optiflux 4300 C-EEx fulfils the requirements of following EC directives: — ATEX directive 94/9/EC — EMC directive 89/336/EC The Optiflux 4300 C…
15, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 11 OPTIFLUX Overview of possible combinations, defined by their CG30 number Characters XYZ Name I/O circuits Terminals A, A- Terminals B, B- Terminals C, C- Terminals D, D- 100 Basic I/O CO CO (a) over A+ SO/CI SO PO/SO 488 to 4LL 588 to 5LL 688 to 6LL 788 to 6LL 888 to 88L A88 to 6LL B8…
3, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX This instrument has been developed and manufactured by: KROHNE Altometer Kerkeplaat 12 3313 LC Dordrecht The Netherlands For information, maintenance or service, please contact your nearest local KROHNE representative. See www.krohne.com. WARNING! No changes may be made to the devices. Unauthorized …
24, Altometer 5 Table 2 Maximum medium temperatures for EEx d flowmeters DN25-150 Maximum medium temperature ( in °C) Temperature class (for gasses) T a = 40°C 40 < T a = 50°C 50 < T a = 60 °C T5 50 not possible not possible T4 100 95 80 T3 150 150 80 Table 3 Maximum medium temperatures for EEx q flowmeters DN25-150 Maximum medium temperature…
6, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX 2 EEx-marking OPTIFLUX 4300 C Nominal diameter EEx e or EEx ia connection compartment EEx d connection compartment 10-20 EEx dme [ia] IIC T6..T3 EEx dme [ia] IIC T6..T3 25-150 EEx de [ia] IIC T6..T3 EEx d [ia] IIC T6..T3 200-300 EEx dqe [ia] IIC T6..T3 EEx dqe [ia] IIC T6..T3 350-3000…
21, Altometer 2 Important notices! • Besides the general regulations for low-voltage installations like HD384 etc. the regulations laid down in the standard for electrical installations in gas hazardous areas like EN 600079-14 or dust hazardous areas like EN 50 281-1-2 must be respected ! • Installation, use and maintenance of this apparatus may only be performed by perso…
16, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX 12 4.3 EEx i signal I/O connections Following intrinsically safe signal I/Os are available: I/O PCB I/O functions Ex i I/O Current Output + HART communication Pulse / Status Output Current Output, active + HART communication EEx ia IIC Ui =30V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1,0 W Ci = 10nF, Li = negligibly low EEx ia IIC Uo = 21 …
43, Altometer 9 Notes: — shorts for in/output functions: CO= current output, PO=Pulse Output, SO= Status Output, CI= Control Input, PA=Profibus PA, FF=Foundation Fieldbus, DP=Profibus DP — all in/outputs are passive unless otherwise noted as active (a) — n.c. is not connected.
… -
38, Altometer 4 Maximum ambient and process temperatures The compact flowmeter is suitable for ambient temperature range -20 till +60 °C (DN2,5-15) or -40 till +60 (DN25-100). The process (medium) temperature is limited to -20 °C for DN2,5-15 and -40°C for DN25-100. The flowmeter is certified for gas group IIC, temperature classes T6…T3. The …
30, Altometer 11 Notes: — shorts for in/output functions: CO= current output, PO=Pulse Output, SO= Status Output, CI= Control Input, PA=Profibus PA, FF=Foundation Fieldbus, DP=Profibus DP — all in/outputs are passive unless otherwise noted as active (a) — n.c. is not connected. 2.3 EEx i connection of signal in/outputs Following intrinsically safe signal in/outp…
31, Altometer 12 Fieldbus IO Profibus-PA Foundation Fieldbus EEx ia IIC U i = 24 V, I i = 380 mA, Pi = 5,32 W C i , L i = negligibly low, suitable for connection to an intrinsically safe fieldbus in accordance to the FISCO-model Overview possible CG30 numbers with EEx ia in/outputs: characters XYZ Name I/O circuits terminals A, A- terminals B,…
17, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 13 OPTIFLUX Overview possible CG30 numbers with EEx ia in/outputs Characters XYZ Name I/O circuits Terminals A, A- Terminals B, B- Terminals C, C- Terminals D, D- 200 Ex i I/O n.c. n.c. CO (a) PO/SO 300 n.c. n.c. CO PO/SO 210 Ex i I/O with Ex i Option CO (a) PO/SO/CI CO (a) PO/SO 220 CO PO/SO/CI CO (a) PO/SO 310 …
10, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX 6 OPTIFLUX 4300 C DN 200-300 (EEx q and EEx e) and DN 350-3000 (EEx e). Temperature class (for gasses) Maximum medium temperature ( in °C) Ta ≤ 40°C 40 < Ta ≤ 50°C 50 < Ta ≤ 60°C T6 80 80 75 T5 95 95 80 T4 130 130 80 T3 1 150 (130) 150 (130) 80 1 For some versions the process tem…
5, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 1 OPTIFLUX 1. Introduction 1.1 Description of system The OPTIFLUX flowmeter system consists of a flow sensor and a flow converter. The separate flowmeter is identified as: • OPTIFLUX 4000 F flow sensor with IFC 300 F signal converter; see KEMA 04 ATEX 2125 X with KEMA 04 ATEX 2166 • OPTIFLUX 5000 F flow sensor with IFC…
Table of Contents for KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C:
Altometer 13 5 EC Declaration of the manufacturer EC-declaration of the manufacturer We Krohne Altometer Kerkeplaat 12 3313 LC Dordrecht The Netherlands declare under our sole responsibility that the product Compact electromagnetic flowmeter Optiflux 5300 C-EEx fulfils the requirements of following EC directives: — ATEX directive 94/9/EC — EMC directive 89/336/EC The Optiflux 5300 C-EEx compact electromagnetic
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX Table of contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 Description of system…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 7 OPTIFLUX 3. Connection diagrams Connection diagrams with DS300 cable (double screen) OPTIFLUX with 2 electrodes OPTIFLUX with 4 electrodes Connection diagrams with BTS300 cable (triple screens) OPTIFLUX with 2 electrodes OPTIFLUX with 4 electrodes • Screens marked with * are mounted under the associated saddle earth clamps. • Cables type A and E: DS300 electrode cables for 2 or 4 electrodes respectively, to EN 60079-14 clause 12.2 (Intrinsic
Altometer 4 1 Name and address of the manufacturer 2 Name of flowmeter, serial no, manufacturing date 3 Electrical data mains circuit 4 CE sign with identification number(s) of notified body / bodies 5 specific sign for explosion protection 6 Symbols and code letters for explosion safety: group (II), categories ( 2 or 2(1) ), Gas/Dust (GD), EEx followed by the code letters for each used type of protection,
Altometer 2 Important notices! • Besides the general regulations for low-voltage installations like HD384 etc. the regulations laid down in the standard for electrical installations in gas hazardous areas like EN 600079-14 or dust hazardous areas like EN 50 281-1-2 must be respected ! • Installation, use and maintenance of this apparatus may only be performed by personal skilled in explosion safety ! 1 Description of the flowmeter The compact flowmeter Optiflux 5300 C-EEx is
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX General advice on safety • Do not install, operate or maintain this device without reading, understanding and following the factory-supplied instructions, otherwise injury or damage may result. • Read these instructions carefully before starting installation and save them for future reference. • Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the device. • Use only mains supply with protective
Altometer 5 The connection compartment with terminal block is schematically depicted in figure 2. Figure 2 Connection compartment with terminal block Function and electrical data of the terminals: Terminal Function, electrical data L, N L+, L- connection for mains, always non-EEx i 100..230 Vac, +10%/-15%, 22 VA 12..24 Vdc, +30%/-25%, 12 W U m = 253 V A, A-,A+ B, B- C, C- D, D- Connection for signal in/outputs (PELV circuits),
Altometer 6 CG30 * * * X Y Z pos 1.. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 determine IO circuits Table 2 Explanation to CG30 numbers Schematic overviews of the CG30 numbers can be found in paragraph 2.2 (non-EEx i IO in/outputs) and 2.3 (EEx i IO in/outputs). The overviews do not show all details. The exact connection diagram for a specific IFC300-EEx converter can be foun
Altometer 8 The flowmeter with terminal compartment in type of protection EEx e is default delivered with two EEx e certified cable glands and one EEx e stopping plug. The flowmeter with terminal compartment in type of protection EEx d is default delivered with one EEx d stopping plug and two temporarily plugs. The two temporarily plugs — only for transport and storage — must be replaced by suitable EEx d certified glands, plugs or conduit accessories before the flowmeter is take
Altometer 10 2.3 EEx i connection of signal in/outputs Following intrinsically safe signal in/outputs are available: IO pcb in/output functions Ex i IO Current Output + HART communication Pulse / Status Output Current Output, active + HART communication EEx ia IIC U i =30V, I i = 100 mA, Pi = 1,0 W C i = 10nF, L i = negligibly low EEx ia IIC U o = 21 V, I o = 90 mA, P o = 0,5 W linear characteristic C o = 90 nF, L o =2,
Altometer 13 Notes : — shorts for in/output functions: CO= current output, PO=Pulse Output, SO= Status Output, CI= Control Input, PA=Profibus PA, FF=Foundation Fieldbus, DP=Profibus DP — all in/outputs are passive unless otherwise noted as active (a) — n.c. is not connected The IO circuits named Ex i IO, Ex i Option are always in type of protection Intrinsic safety (EEx ia). The IO circuits Fieldbus IO Profibus PA and Fieldbus IO Foundation Fieldbus can be in type of protection
Altometer 4 Maximum ambient and process temperatures The compact flowmeter is suitable for ambient temperature range -20 till +60 °C (DN2,5-15) or -40 till +60 (DN25-100). The process (medium) temperature is limited to -20 °C for DN2,5-15 and -40°C for DN25-100. The flowmeter is certified for gas group IIC, temperature classes T6…T3. The temperature class for gas haza
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OPTIFLUX 4300 Электромагнитный расходомер для сложных применений в технологических процессах
OPTIFLUX 4300 представляет собой электромагнитный расходомер (ЭМР) для агрессивных или абразивных сред в применениях с повышенными требованиями. Высокопроизводительный расходомер особенно подходит для критически важных применений с требованиями по высокой точности измерений и наличием различных диагностических функций. Он позволяет проводить надёжные измерения в том числе при очень сложных рабочих условиях с температурой до +180°C / +356°F, низкой проводимостью (≥1 мкСм/см), высоким содержанием твёрдых включений (до 70%) и высоким давлением (до 1500 бар / 21751 фунт/кв.дюйм). Для применений в целях коммерческого учёта OPTIFLUX 4300 предлагает сертификацию в соответствии с различными стандартами, в том числе OIML R49 и R117 или MI-001 и MI-005. Он также может использоваться для измерения расхода сред в системах теплоснабжения с требованиями по наличию сертификации MI-004.
- Высокая точность измерений (±0,2%), наличие сертификации для коммерческого учёта
- Для сред с низкой проводимостью (>1 мкСм/см) и сред с высоким содержанием твёрдых включений (≤70%)
- Фланец: DN2,5…3000 / ⅒…120″, макс. PN40 / ASME класс 3003 x 4…20 мА, HART®, Modbus, FF, Profibus-PA/DP, PROFINET
Отличительные особенности прибора
- Широкий динамический диапазон измерения расхода в обоих направлениях (диапазон регулирования 1000:1)
- Доступен с запатентованной технологией виртуального заземления: необходимость использования заземляющих колец отсутствует
- Всесторонняя диагностика расходомера и технологического процесса (включая NE 107)
- Для взрывоопасных зон: ATEX, IECEx, NEPSI, FM, CSA, EAC, INMETRO
- Стандартная погрешность измерения: ±0,2% или ±1 мм/с от измеренного значения (ИЗ)
- Для коммерческого учёта: OIML R49, OIML R-117; MI-001, MI-004, MI-005
- Футеровка из ПТФЭ, ПФА, ЭТФЭ, твёрдой резины, мягкой резины или полиуретана: превосходная устойчивость к химическому и абразивному воздействию
- Широкий выбор материалов для электродов
- Специальные конструкции, типоразмеры, внутренние диаметры и толщины футеровки по запросу
- Опционально доступные наружные покрытия для работы в морских условиях или для установки под землёй (также в соответствии с ISO 12944)
- Конструкция с полнопроходным сечением трубы: отсутствие подвижных частей, износа и потерь давления
- Поверка расходомера по месту эксплуатации с помощью диагностического устройства OPTICHECK
Типичные применения
- Чистые, агрессивные или абразивные жидкости в применениях с повышенными требованиями
- Для сред с низкой проводимостью (>1 мкСм/см)
- Фискальный учёт (коммерческий учёт) жидкостей, отличных от воды
- Коммерческий учёт расхода сред в системах теплоснабжения
- Применения при высоком рабочем давлении (макс. 1500 бар)
Химическая и иные перерабатывающие отрасли промышленности
- Дозирование присадок
- Коммерческий учёт химических веществ
- Электропроводные жидкие химические вещества
- Техническая вода, охлаждающая вода
Нефтегазовая промышленность
- Нагнетание воды в пласт (под высоким давлением)
- Буровой раствор
- Попутная вода
Горнорудная и горнодобывающая промышленность
- Линии подачи к гидроциклонам
- Эмульсии и шламы
Целлюлозно-бумажная промышленность
- Бумажная масса
- Химические вещества (чёрный щёлок, отбеливатель и т.д.)
Сектор очистки сточных вод
- Очистка шламов и сточных вод
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В нашем магазине представлен широкий ассортимент товаров мирового бренда KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH.
Detail Specifications: 2148/2148642-optiflux_4300_c.pdf file (21 Mar 2023) |
Accompanying Data:
KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C Measuring Instruments PDF Manual (Updated: Tuesday 21st of March 2023 06:08:29 PM)
Rating: 4.8 (rated by 43 users)
Compatible devices: OPTIFLEX 8200 C, BM 702, OPTIBATCH 4011 C, OPTISONIC 7060, OPTIMASS 1400, OPTISYS TUR 1050, DK37, OPTISWITCH 3300 C.
Recommended Documentation:
Text Version of Manual
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 21 March 2023)
3, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX This instrument has been developed and manufactured by: KROHNE Altometer Kerkeplaat 12 3313 LC Dordrecht The Netherlands For information, maintenance or service, please contact your nearest local KROHNE representative. See www.krohne.com. WARNING! No changes may be made to the devices. Unauthorized …
43, KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C Altometer 9 Notes: — shorts for in/output functions: CO= current output, PO=Pulse Output, SO= Status Output, CI= Control Input, PA=Profibus PA, FF=Foundation Fieldbus, DP=Profibus DP — all in/outputs are passive unless otherwise noted as active (a) — n.c. is not connected.
… -
1, GR © KROHNE 06/2005 7.30948.32.00 OPTIFLUX 4300 C OPTIFLUX 5300 C OPTIFLUX 4000 F OPTIFLUX 5000 F IFC 300 F For use in hazardous areas (ATEX) Subject to change without notice. OPTIFLUX flowmeters are delivered ready for operation! Switch on and measure. Supplement to the QuickStart Electromagnetic flowmeters Variable area flowmeters Mass flowmeters Ultrasonic flowmeter…
29, Altometer 10 Overview of possible combinations, defined by their CG30 number: characters XYZ Name I/O circuits terminals A, A- terminals B, B- terminals C, C- terminals D, D- 100 Basic IO CO CO (a) over A+ SO/CI SO PO/SO 488 till 4LL 588 till 5LL 688 till 6LL 788 till 6LL 888 till 88L A88 till 6LL B88 till 6LL C88 till 6LL Modular IO or Mo…
42, Altometer 8 Overview of possible combinations, defined by their CG30 number: characters XYZ Name I/O circuits terminals A, A- terminals B, B- terminals C, C- terminals D, D- 100 Basic IO CO CO (a) over A+ SO/CI SO PO/SO 488 till 4LL 588 till 5LL 688 till 6LL 788 till 6LL 888 till 88L A88 till 6LL B88 till 6LL C88 t…
24, Altometer 5 Table 2 Maximum medium temperatures for EEx d flowmeters DN25-150 Maximum medium temperature ( in °C) Temperature class (for gasses) T a = 40°C 40 < T a = 50°C 50 < T a = 60 °C T5 50 not possible not possible T4 100 95 80 T3 150 150 80 Table 3 Maximum medium temperatures for EEx q flowmeters DN25-150 Maximum medium temperat…
39, Altometer 5 The connection compartment with terminal block is schematically depicted in figure 2. Figure 2 Connection compartment with terminal block Function and electrical data of the terminals: Terminal Function, electrical data L, N L+, L- connection for mains, always non-EEx i 100..230 Vac, +10%/-15%, 22 VA 12..24 Vdc, +30%/-25%, 12 W U m =…
28, KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C Altometer 9 2.2 Non-EEx i connection of signal in/outputs Following non-intrinsically safe signal in/outputs are available: IO pcb in/output functions, U n < 32 Vdc, I n < 100 mA U m = 253 V Basic IO Current Output active and passive, with HART Status Output / Control Input Status Output Pulse / Status Output Modular IO Current Ou…
19, Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 15 OPTIFLUX Appendix 1 EC declaration of conformity
… -
33, KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C Altometer 14 3 Replacement of mains fuse Before opening the converter housing: Note the warnings in the beginning of section 4 ! After opening of the window cover, move the display-unit forward by means of the two metal pullers left and right. Slip the display-unit side wards. Loosen the two cross headed screws with which the electronic unit is fixed. Now ca…
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Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:
Table of Contents for KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C:
Altometer 2 Important notices! • Besides the general regulations for low-voltage installations like HD384 etc. the regulations laid down in the standard for electrical installations in gas hazardous areas like EN 600079-14 or dust hazardous areas like EN 50 281-1-2 must be respected ! • Installation, use and maintenance of this apparatus may only be performed by personal skilled in explosion
Altometer 3 for special versions, e.g. high pressure tubes, non-standard flanges, other types of protection for the primary head are required: DN25-150 EEx q (Powder filling) and EEx e (Increased safety) DN200-300 EEx e (Increased safety) • internal electrode circuit : always EEx ia (Intrinsic Safety) The resulting marking (EEx code) on the data sticker is therefore: DN size EEx e or EEx ia connection compartment EEx d connection compartment 10-20 EEx dme [ia] IIC T6..T3 EEx dme [ia] IIC
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX 8 3.1 Equipotential bonding • As the EEx ia electrode circuits of the flow sensors are effectively grounded through the conductive liquid in the measuring tube, an equipotential bonding system must exist over the whole area in which the electrode circuits, including their wiring, are installed, conform EN 60 079-14 clause 12.2.4. • The flowmeters OPTIFLUX 4000-EEx and 5000-EEx, the electrode cable and the IFC 300 F signal conver
Altometer 7 2.2 Non-EEx i connection of signal in/outputs Following non-intrinsically safe signal in/outputs are available: IO pcb in/output functions, U n < 32 Vdc, I n < 100 mA U m = 253 V Basic IO Current Output active and passive, with HART Status Output / Control Input Status Output Pulse / Status Output Modular IO Current Output, active or passive, with HART Pulse / Status Output, active or passive, highC or namur Modular carri
Altometer 9 2.2 Non-EEx i connection of signal in/outputs Following non-intrinsically safe signal in/outputs are available: IO pcb in/output functions, U n < 32 Vdc, I n < 100 mA U m = 253 V Basic IO Current Output active and passive, with HART Status Output / Control Input Status Output Pulse / Status Output Modular IO Current Output, active or passive, with HART Pulse /
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 7 OPTIFLUX 3. Connection diagrams Connection diagrams with DS300 cable (double screen) OPTIFLUX with 2 electrodes OPTIFLUX with 4 electrodes Connection diagrams with BTS300 cable (triple screens) OPTIFLUX with 2 electrodes OPTIFLUX with 4 electrodes • Screens marked with * are mounted under the associated saddle earth clamps. • Cables type A and E: DS300 electrode cables for 2 or 4 electrodes respectively, to EN 60079-14 cla
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX 6 OPTIFLUX 4300 C DN 200-300 (EEx q and EEx e) and DN 350-3000 (EEx e). Temperature class (for gasses) Maximum medium temperature ( in °C) Ta ≤ 40°C 40 < Ta ≤ 50°C 50 < Ta ≤ 60°C T6 80 80 75 T5 95 95 80 T4 130 130 80 T3 1 150 (130) 150 (130) 80 1 For some versions the process temperature for T3 is restricted to 130°C. This version is identified by extra text on the
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart OPTIFLUX 12 4.3 EEx i signal I/O connections Following intrinsically safe signal I/Os are available: I/O PCB I/O functions Ex i I/O Current Output + HART communication Pulse / Status Output Current Output, active + HART communication EEx ia IIC Ui =30V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 1,0 W Ci = 10nF, Li = negligibly low EEx ia IIC Uo = 21 V, Io = 90 mA, Po = 0,5 W linear characteristic Co = 90 nF, Lo =2,0 mH Co = 110 nF, Lo =0,5 mH Ex i Option Current Output Pulse / Status Output / Cont
Altometer 2 Important notices! • Besides the general regulations for low-voltage installations like HD384 etc. the regulations laid down in the standard for electrical installations in gas hazardous areas like EN 600079-14 or dust hazardous areas like EN 50 281-1-2 must be respected ! • Installation, use and maintenance of this apparatus may only be performed by personal skilled in explosion safety
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 5 OPTIFLUX OPTIFLUX 4000 DN 25 -150 (EEx qe coils, optional) Temperature class Max. process temperature Tp (in °C) Ta ≤ 40°C 40°C < Ta ≤ 50°C 50°C< Ta ≤ 60°C T5 60 55 Not possible T4 110 105 100 T3 180 180 180 use heat resistant cables for Tp above* Not needed 155 105 OPTIFLUX 4000 DN 200 — 300 (EEx e coils, optional) Temperature class Max. process temperature Tp (in °C) Ta ≤ 4
Altometer 4 1 Name and address of the manufacturer 2 Name of flowmeter, serial no, manufacturing date 3 Electrical data mains circuit 4 CE sign with identification number(s) of notified body / bodies 5 specific sign for explosion protection 6 Symbols and code letters for explosion safety: group (II), categories ( 2 or 2(1) ), Gas/Dust (GD), EEx followed by the code letters for each used type of protection, gas group (IIC) and t
Altometer 5 Table 2 Maximum medium temperatures for EEx d flowmeters DN25-150 Maximum medium temperature ( in °C) Temperature class (for gasses) T a = 40°C 40 < T a = 50°C 50 < T a = 60 °C T5 50 not possible not possible T4 100 95 80 T3 150 150 80 Table 3 Maximum medium temperatures for EEx q flowmeters DN25-150 Maximum medium temperature ( in °C) Temperature class (for
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart 9 OPTIFLUX 4. Electrical connection 4.1 General • The covers of the housing electronics compartment and the housing itself are provided with a «flameproof» thread. Compared to ‘normal’ thread, the f «flameproof» thread is a relatively tight fit due to explosion proof requirements. Therefore, screw the cover on or off with care; never use brute force! • Keep threads free of dirt. Threads must be well
Altometer 15 5 EC Declaration of Conformity We Krohne Altometer Kerkeplaat 12 3313 LC Dordrecht The Netherlands declare under our sole responsibility that the product Compact electromagnetic flowmeter Optiflux 4300 C-EEx fulfils the requirements of following EC directives: — ATEX directive 94/9/EC — EMC directive 89/336/EC The Optiflux 4300 C-EEx compact electromagnetic flowmeter is designed and manufactured conform following harmoniz
Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:
You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of KROHNE OPTIFLUX 4300 C device using right now.
General advice on safety
Product liability
and warranty
Do not install, operate or maintain this device without reading, understanding and following the factory-supplied
instructions, otherwise injury or damage may result.
Read these instructions carefully before starting installation and save them for future reference.
Observe all warnings and instructions marked on the device.
Use only mains supply with protective earthing connected.
Do not use the device with covers removed under wet conditions.
Follow the handling and lifting instructions to avoid damage.
Install the device securely and stable.
Install and connect cabling properly to prevent damage or harmful situations.
If the product does not operate normally, refer to the service instructions or consult a qualified KROHNE service
engineer. There are no operator-serviceable parts inside the product.
Danger: Risk of electric shock!
Protective Earth (PE) conductor terminal!
These terms may appear in this manual or on the instrument:
Warning statement: Identify conditions or practice that could result in injury or loss of life.
Caution statement: Identify conditions or practice that could result in damage to the instrument or other property.
This document contains important information on the device. KROHNE attempts to be as accurate and up-to-date
as possible but assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor does KROHNE make any commitment to
update the information contained herein. This manual and all other documents are subject to change without prior
KROHNE will not be liable for any damage of any kind by using this device, including, but not limited to direct,
indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.
This disclaimer does not apply in case KROHNE has acted on purpose or with gross negligence. In the event any
applicable law does not allow such limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion of limitation of certain
damages, you may, if such law applies to you, not be subject to some or all of the above disclaimer, exclusions or
Any device purchased from KROHNE is warranted in accordance with the relevant product documentation and our
Terms and Conditions of Sale.
KROHNE reserves the right to alter the content of its documents, including this disclaimer in any way, at any time,
for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liable in any way for possible consequences of such
Responsibility for suitability and intended use of this device rests solely with the user. Improper installation and
operation of the device may lead to loss of warranty.
In addition, the Terms and Conditions of Sale are applicable and are the basis for the purchase contract.
If a device needs to be returned to KROHNE, please note the information given at the back of the installation and
operating instructions. KROHNE regrets that they cannot repair or check a device unless accompanied by the
completed form (see back pages of the installation and operating instructions).
Hazardous area supplement to the QuickStart