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Руководство пользователя парогенератора высокого давления Tefal GV9071 Pro Express Care
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Инструкции по установке и использованию

Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Инструкции по установке и использованию

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    1. Consumer services


    2. User manual, instruction for use


    3. Linen Care


    4. Steam generator



    User manual and frequently asked questions PRO EXPRESS X-PERT CARE

    Perfect results. 2X more protection for your linen*

    High-Pressure Steam Generator GV9071 Blue

    With Pro Express X-Pert Care, give your garments the care they deserve. Its double protection keeps garments looking their best, while high-pressure steam and 5 optimal steam-temperature settings ensure perfectly ironed fabrics.

    Reference : GV9071E0

    Frequent questions

    Choose a board that is height-adjustable to adjust it to your height. It should be steady and robust so that you can place the ironing appliance on it.
    The board should be perforated to allow the steam to pass through the fibres of the fabric to soften it and make ironing easier. The ironing board cover should also be suitable to allow the flow of steam through.

    This function allows you to iron fabrics in situ or on a hanger.
    To do this, set the iron temperature button to the maximum position.
    • Leave the item on a hanger and gently pull the fabric with one hand.
    • Press the steam control button intermittently and move the iron from top to bottom.
    As the steam produced is very hot, it softens the fibres and removes creases.
    Note: Never use the vertical steam function on an item being worn by anyone.

    Yes this is because the steam is generated in a separate area away from the soleplate of the iron. This allows you to obtain steam on the lowest heat setting, e.g. silks. However, when the iron temperature control is set to the lowest setting you must also set the steam output control dial (depending on the model) to the low position, otherwise water droplets may appear in the steam.

    To avoid damaging the soleplate, follow this advice:
    • Always place your iron on its heel rest or its base (depending on model).
    • Avoid ironing over abrasive items (buttons, zip fastenings, etc.).
    • Never clean your iron’s soleplate with abrasive or metallic pads.

    Shiny marks can appear on some fabrics, especially on dark coloured fabrics. We would advise ironing dark clothes inside out and using the correct temperature.
    If ironing mixed-fibre fabrics, set the temperature for the most fragile fibre.
    Important: The iron takes longer to cool down than to heat up. We recommend that you start with fabrics to be ironed at a low temperature.

    Tap water:
    Your appliance has been designed to work with tap water. If your water is very hard (hardness higher than 30°f or 17°dH or 21°e), mix 50% tap water with 50% distilled water (available in stores).
    In some seaside regions, the salt content in your water may be high. In this case, use distilled water only.

    There are several types of softeners and the water in most of them can be used in the steam generator. However, some softeners, especially those that use chemicals such as salt, can cause white or brown stains. This is particularly the case for filter jugs.
    If you experience this sort of problem, we suggest you try using untreated tap water or bottled water.

    Never use rainwater, pure demineralized water or pure distilled water from shops, or water containing additives (such as starch, perfume or water from other household appliances). Such additives can affect the steam properties and at high temperatures, form deposits in the steam generator chamber, which are likely to stain your laundry and cause premature ageing of the appliance.

    Before any maintenance, make sure that the appliance is unplugged and that the soleplate, boiler and iron rest have cooled down (at least 2 hours after ironing).
    Do not use any maintenance or descaling product to clean the soleplate or the base unit. Never hold the iron or its base unit under a running tap.
    Cleaning the base unit:
    • Wipe the plastic parts from time to time using a slightly damp soft cloth.
    Maintaining the boiler (once a month):
    • Please note: To prolong your boiler’s efficiency and avoid scale deposits, you must rinse the boiler every 10 uses (around once a month).
    • Check that the generator is cool and has been unplugged for more than 2 hours.
    • Slowly loosen the boiler cap. If your generator boiler has an anti-calc rod, take this out and rinse it under the tap before placing it back in the boiler.
    • Use a jug to fill the boiler with tap water until it is 3/4 full.
    • Shake the base unit gently for a few seconds then empty it completely over the sink.
    • For best results, we recommend that you perform this operation once again.
    If you live in a hard water area, do this more often. Most of all, do not use any descaling products to clean the boiler as they could damage it.

    Descaling operation is not needed for the steam generator, nevertheless, you could rinse the boiler every 10 uses (refer to user manual).
    Never use any descaling agent or vinegar when rinsing the boiler: they could damage it.
    • Models with scale collector: Rinse the scale collector under water. The next time you use your generator, press the «restart» button to turn off the orange «Anti-calc» light (depending on model).
    • Models without scale collector: Rinse the boiler. The next time you use your generator, press the «restart» button to turn off the orange «Anti-calc» light (depending on model).

    The Durillium soleplate:
    Regularly clean the soleplate with a damp, non metallic washing up pad. For easier, non-corrosive cleaning of your iron’s soleplate, use a damp sponge on the soleplate while it is still warm.
    If cleaning dirt off is an issue, use the stick which is made specifically for cleaning the Durillium soleplates.

    The stainless soleplate:
    Clean the soleplate of your iron when it is cool with a damp cloth or a non-abrasive sponge.

    The autoclean soleplate:
    It is recommended that you use a soft damp cloth on the warm soleplate, in order not to damage the surface.
    Warning: The use of iron cleaner will cause damage to your soleplate’s autoclean coating.

    No. When starting or using the steam generator you may hear a pumping or vibrating noise along with a clicking sound. This is completely normal and is just the pump injecting water into the boiler or the steam valve opening.

    After rinsing the boiler, you need to press and hold the restart button for about 3 seconds to stop the light flashing.

    The anti-scale valve plug may be tightened incorrectly or the seal on the inside of the cap has perished.

    Yes. However, if you notice that the steam cord is damaged, have it repaired by an authorised service partner.

    Place the iron’s temperature control to the type of fabric to be ironed and set the steam output (If the setting temperature control is on Synthetics, the setting steam control must be on MIN).

    It is normal. Your iron generates a lot of steam; this steam is condensing on the board. Some waterdrops could appeared underneath the ironing board and fall on the flooring.

    If the boiler does not operate or the red light on the control panel comes on even though there is still water left in the tank, we suggest you check the water tank is not empty. You can also check the removable water tank (depending on model) is pressed down firmly in place and press the restart button located on the control panel. Also the steam output control dial may be set at minimum (depending on Model); therefore turn the dial up to increase the steam.

    If your red water light is flashing there is no water in the water tank or the tank is not fully or firmly pushed down.

    This can be due to:
    • Trying to use steam before the iron is hot enough. Depending on the model of generator, when ironing on a low temperature, decrease the steam output by adjusting the steam output dial on the control panel. Wait for the iron temperature control light to go out before ironing.
    • The water may also have condensed in the pipes because you are using steam for the first time or you have not used it for some time. In which case hold the iron away from the ironing board and press the steam control button until it produces steam.
    • Over-use of the turbo steam function can cool down the iron soleplate. In this case stop using the turbo steam function and allow the iron temperature control light to come on and go off again before using this function again.
    • The boiler may be too full. Do not fill it right to the top.

    The generator’s safety mechanism has activated. You need to get the generator checked by an authorised service agent.

    • You are using chemical descaling products or additives in the water. You should never put these products in the water tank. If this is the case, contact an approved service centre.
    • Your washing has not been rinsed sufficiently or you are ironing a new item of clothing before washing it. Ensure that you have rinsed your clothes thoroughly in order to to remove soap deposits or chemicals from new garments which could stick to the iron.

    • Your iron is too hot, see our recommendations on temperature control settings in your product manual.
    • You are using starch. Only spray starch on the reverse of the fabric to be ironed.

    Some laundry starches and synthetic fibres may stick to the surface of the iron. Please clean the Iron’s surface.

    The internal parts may make metallic noises with the change in temperature. There is nothing wrong with it.

    Yes, this is normal. This is due to the flow of cold water into the boiler that contains hot water.

    After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre

    Do not use your appliance. To avoid any danger, have it replaced by an approved repair centre.

    These functions means that your steam generator is fitted with an electronic regulation which offers you the perfect temperature and steam combination allowing you to iron all your ironable fabrics without risk and without having to sort them.

    No. The pressure is at a relatively low level.
    Your appliance has two safety systems:
    • a valve avoids any excess pressure and, in the event of malfunction of the appliance, allows the surplus steam to escape ;
    • a thermal fuse to avoid any overheating.

    A steam generator is the most powerful iron that generates vast amounts of powerful steam in a separate boiler unit and pumps that steam constantly and consistently through the iron’s soleplate straight into the clothes. The benefit is that this halves your ironing time and produces fantastic ironing finishes. A steam station is similar to an ordinary iron but has a larger water tank. The water is pumped up to the iron and the steam is generated in the iron not a separate boiler unit. The steam output is constant but not as powerful as a steam generator.

    The formation of lime scale is avoided because the water is not in direct contact with the heating element, which is located outside the tank. However, the tank should be rinsed after 10 uses to avoid lime scale deposits.

    No. The two cables are separately insulated; they are protected and rigorously checked. However, if you notice that the cable is damaged, have it repaired by an approved repair centre.

    The «ECO» function allows you to reduce energy consumption. This means that less electricity is used and therefore slightly less steam is generated.

    This system prevents the soleplate from clogging. Its active coating eliminates fibres and impurities that often become stuck to the plate and end up reducing its glide.

    Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled. Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.

    Please go to the “Accessories” section of the website to easily find whatever you need for your product.

    Find more detailed information in the Guarantee section of this website.

    If you believe that one part is missing, please call Consumer Services Center and we will help you find a suitable solution.

    • Warranty

       View the product warranty conditions

    • Contact

      Our advisors are at your service.

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