Pioneer deh 2400ub инструкция на русском

Посмотреть инструкция для Pioneer DEH-2400UB бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомагнитолы, 9 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский, английский. У вас есть вопрос о Pioneer DEH-2400UB или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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В чем разница между FM и AM?

Когда звук считается слишком громким?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Как лучше всего выполнять чистку автомагнитола?

Инструкция Pioneer DEH-2400UB доступно в русский?

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Support for DEH-2400UB | Pioneer

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  • Support for DEH-2400UB

Support for DEH-2400UB

CD ресивер с USB на передней панели, прямым управлением iPod/iPhone и 1 RCA выходом предусилителя (2012 год)

  • Программное обеспечение
  • Назад к обзору

Программное обеспечение

Для данного продукта нет файлов, доступных для загрузки


Немецкий, Английский, Испанский, Французский, Итальянский, Голландский, Русский
Немецкий, Английский, Испанский, Французский, Итальянский, Голландский, Русский
Датский, Финский, Шведский
Португальский, Португалия

Немецкий, Английский, Испанский, Французский, Итальянский, Голландский, Русский
Немецкий, Английский, Испанский, Французский, Итальянский, Голландский, Русский
Датский, Финский, Шведский
Португальский, Португалия

Раздел: Авто, мото оборудование и транспорт

Тип: Автомагнитола

Характеристики, спецификации


CD, USB флеш

Встроенный усилитель:


Поддерживаемые аудиоформаты:


Поддержка носителей:



4×50 Вт (пиковая)

Всего предустановок тюнера:


Поддержка технологии «RDS»:


Поддерживаемые сервисы RDS:


Возможность подключения устройств:

плеер iPod


ISO-разъем, аудиовход, выход на сабвуфер, линейный выход


съемная панель

Размеры (ШxВxГ):

178x50x160 мм

Инструкция к Автомагнитоле Pioneer DEH-2400UB




English NederlandsDeutschEspañolItalianoFrançais Русский





Owners Manual

Mode demploi


Manuale distruzioni

Manual de instrucciones




Руководство пользователя



Before you start

Before you start

Thank you for purchasing this PIONEER

About this unit



Function setting operations are completed even

To ensure proper use, please read through this

The tuner frequencies on this unit are allocated

if the menu is cancelled before the operations

manual before using this product. It is especially

for use in Western Europe, Asia, the Middle

are confirmed.

important that you read and observe WARN-

East, Africa and Oceania. Use in other areas

INGs and CAUTIONs in this manual. Please

may result in poor reception. The RDS (radio

keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for

data system) function only operates in areas

About this manual

future reference.

with broadcasting RDS signals for FM stations.

! In the following instructions, USB memories

and USB audio players are collectively re-


ferred to as USB storage device.

! In this manual, iPod and iPhone will be re-

This product is a class 1 laser product classi-

ferred to as iPod.

fied under the Safety of laser products, IEC

60825-1:2007, and contains a class 1M laser

module. To ensure continued safety, do not re-

Demo mode

If you want to dispose this product, do not

move any covers or attempt to gain access to

the inside of the product. Refer all servicing to


mix it with general household waste. There is

a separate collection system for used elec-

qualified personnel.

! Failure to connect the red lead (ACC) of this

tronic products in accordance with legislation

unit to a terminal coupled with ignition

that requires proper treatment, recovery and

switch on/off operations may lead to battery



! Remember that if the feature demo contin-


ues operating when the car engine is turned

Private households in the member states of the


off, it may drain battery power.


EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return their

used electronic products free of charge to desig-

The demo starts automatically if you do not oper-

nated collection facilities or to a retailer (if you

ate this unit within about 30 seconds since the

purchase a similar new one).

unit was last operated or if the ignition switch is

For countries not mentioned above, please con-

set to ACC or ON while the unit is turned off. To


tact your local authorities for the correct method

cancel the demo mode, you need to display the

! Do not allow this unit to come into contact

of disposal.

initial settings. Select DEMO (demo display set-

with liquids. Electrical shock could result.

By doing so you will ensure that your disposed

ting) and turn off the demo display. For details,

Also, damage to this unit, smoke, and over-

product undergoes the necessary treatment, re-

refer to Initial settings on page 9.

heating could result from contact with

covery and recycling and thus prevent potential


negative effects on the environment and human

! The Pioneer CarStereo-Pass is for use only in

In case of trouble



! Always keep the volume low enough to hear

Should this unit fail to operate properly, please

outside sounds.

contact your dealer or nearest authorized

! Avoid exposure to moisture.

PIONEER Service Station.

! If the battery is disconnected or discharged,

any preset memory will be erased.



Head unit


b c dea87

12 3 4 5 6


Part Part

1 h (eject) 8



(list) 9 c/d








4 SRC/OFF b 1 to 6

5 Disc loading slot c PTY

AUX input jack

6 USB port d

(3.5 mm stereo



(color) e Detach button


b c dea87

12 3 4 5 6


Part Part








4 SRC/OFF b 1 to 6

5 Disc loading slot c PTY

AUX input jack

6 USB port d

(3.5 mm stereo



e Detach button


! Use an optional Pioneer USB cable (CD-

U50E) to connect the USB audio player/USB

memory as any device connected directly to

the unit will protrude out from the unit and

may be dangerous.

! Do not use unauthorized products.

Display indication


87 93 5

Part Part

1 h (eject) 8



(list) 9 c/d

2 4 6


Operating this unit

Operating this unit


2 Turn M.C. to switch to YES. Press M.C. to

Indicator State



# If you do not operate for 30 seconds, the set up

! Tuner: band and frequency

menu will not be displayed.

! RDS: program service

# If you prefer not to set up at this time, turn M.C.

Main dis-

name, PTY information and

to switch to NO. Press to select.


play sec-

other literal information

If you select NO, you cannot set up in the set up


! Built-in CD, USB storage


device and iPod: elapsed

playback time and text in-

3 Perform the following procedures to set


the menu.

The list function is being oper-

To proceed to the next menu option, you need to




confirm your selection.

3 LOC Local seek tuning is on.

CLOCK SET (setting the clock)


(TA) TA function is on.

1 Turn M.C. to adjust hour.


(TP) A TP station is tuned in.

2 Press M.C. to select minute.


3 Turn M.C. to adjust minute.


Track or folder repeat is on.


4 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

Random play is on.

FM STEP (FM tuning step)


The iPod source is selected



Normally, the FM tuning step employed by seek

and the shuffle or shuffle all


tuning is 50 kHz. When AF or TA is on, the tuning

function is on.

step automatically changes to 100 kHz. It may be

preferable to set the tuning step to 50 kHz when

The sound retriever function is


(sound re-

AF is on.



! The tuning step remains at 50 kHz during man-

ual tuning.


This units iPod function is op-


1 Turn M.C. to select the FM tuning step.


erated from your iPod.

50 (50 kHz)100 (100 kHz)

2 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

DEMO (demo display setting)

Set up menu

When you turn the ignition switch to ON after in-

1 Turn M.C. to set the demo display to on or off.

stallation, set up menu appears on the display.

2 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

You can set up the menu options below.

1 After installation of this unit, turn the

ignition switch to ON.

SET UP appears.





Operating this unit

Operating this unit

TITLE (multi-language)

Removing the front panel to protect your unit from

Selecting a source



1 Press SRC/OFF to cycle between:

This unit can display the text information of a com-

Basic operations

1 Press the detach button to release the front

TUNER (tuner)CD (built-in CD player)USB

pressed audio file even if they are embedded in a


(USB)/iPod (iPod)AUX (AUX)

Western European or Russian language.

2 Push the front panel upward (M) and then pull

Selecting a band

! If the embedded language and the selected

Adjusting the volume

it toward (N) you.

1 Press BAND/

until the desired band (F1, F2,

language setting are not the same, text infor-

1 Turn M.C. to adjust the volume.

F3 for FM or MW/LW) is displayed.

mation may not display properly.

! Some characters may not be displayed prop-

Recalling preset stations


1 Press c or d.


1 Turn M.C. to select the desired setting.

! If MAN (manual tuning) is selected in SEEK,

For safety reasons, park your vehicle when re-

EUR (European)RUS (Russian)

you cannot recall preset stations. You need to

moving the front panel.

2 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

select PCH (preset channel) in SEEK. For de-

QUIT appears.

3 Always keep the detached front panel in a pro-


tails about the settings, refer to SEEK (left/right

tection device such as a protection case.

key setting) on page 6.

When this units blue/white lead is connected to

the vehicles auto-antenna relay control termi-

Manual tuning (step by step)

4 To finish your settings, turn M.C. to select

Re-attaching the front panel

1 Slide the front panel to the left.

nal, the vehicles antenna extends when this

1 Press c or d.

YES. Press to select.

units source is turned on. To retract the anten-

! If PCH (preset channel) is selected in SEEK,

# If you prefer to change your setting again, turn

Make sure to insert the tabs on the left side of

the head unit into the slots on the front panel.

na, turn the source off.

you cannot tune up or down manually. You

M.C. to switch to NO. Press to select.

need to select MAN (manual tuning) in SEEK.


For details about the settings, refer to SEEK

Menu operations identical

! You can set up the menu options in the initial

(left/right key setting) on page 6.

settings. For details about the settings, refer

for set up menu/function


to Initial settings on page 9.

settings/audio adjustments/

1 Press and hold c or d, and then release.

! You can cancel set up menu by pressing

initial settings/lists

You can cancel seek tuning by briefly pressing


2 Press the right side of the front panel until it is

c or d.

firmly seated.

Returning to the previous display

While pressing and holding c or d, you can

Basic operations

If you cannot attach the front panel to the

Returning to the previous list (the folder one level

skip stations. Seek tuning starts as soon as

head unit successfully, make sure that you are


you release c or d.


placing the front panel onto the head unit cor-

1 Press


! Handle gently when removing or attaching


rectly. Forcing the front panel into place may

the front panel.

Returning to the ordinary display

This units AF (alternative frequencies search)

result in damage to the front panel or head

! Avoid subjecting the front panel to excessive

Canceling the initial setting menu/set up menu

function can be turned on and off. AF should be



1 Press BAND/


off for normal tuning operation (refer to AF (al-

! Keep the front panel out of direct sunlight

Turning the unit on

ternative frequencies search) on the next page).

Returning to the ordinary display from the list

and high temperatures.

1 Press SRC/OFF to turn the unit on.

1 Press BAND/


! To avoid damaging the device or vehicle inte-

Turning the unit off

rior, remove any cables and devices attached

1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit turns

to the front panel before detaching it.





Operating this unit

Operating this unit


Storing and recalling stations

Searching for an RDS station by PTY information


Local seek tuning lets you tune in to only those


for each band

You can search for general types of broadcasting

radio stations with sufficiently strong signals for

EDUCATE (Education), DRAMA (Drama), CUL-

programs, such as those listed in the following

good reception.

Using preset tuning buttons

TURE (Culture), SCIENCE (Science), VARIED (Var-

section. Refer to this page.

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

ied), CHILDREN (Childrens), SOCIAL (Social

1 When you find a station that you want

1 Press PTY.


affairs), RELIGION (Religion), PHONE IN (Phone

to store in memory, press one of the preset

2 Turn M.C. to select a program type.


in), TOURING (Travel), LEISURE (Leisure), DOCU-

tuning buttons (1 to 6) and hold until the


The highest level setting allows reception of

MENT (Documentaries)

preset number stops flashing.


only the strongest stations, while lower levels

3 Press M.C. to begin the search.

allow the reception of weaker stations.

2 Press one of the preset tuning buttons (1

The unit searches for a station broadcasting

Function settings

PTY SEARCH (program type selection)

to 6) to select the desired station.

that type of program. When a station is found,

its program service name is displayed.

1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.

You can tune in to a station using PTY (program

Switching the RDS display

PTY (program type ID code) information is

type) information.

listed in the following section. Refer to this

2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

% Press



and press to select FUNCTION.

2 Turn M.C. to select the desired setting.

Program ser vice namePTY informationEn-

! To cancel the search, press M.C. again.



! The program of some stations may differ

3 Turn M.C. to select the function.


# PTY information and the frequency appear on the

from that indicated by the transmitted PTY.

After selecting, perform the following proce-

3 Press M.C. to begin the search.

display for eight seconds.

! If no station is broadcasting the type of

dures to set the function.

The unit searches for a station broadcasting

# Depending on the band, text information can be

program you searched for, NOT FOUND is

# If MW/LW band is selected, only BSM, LOCAL

that type of program. When a station is found,


displayed for about two seconds and then

and SEEK are available.

its program service name is displayed.

the tuner returns to the original station.

For PTY (program type ID code) information,

Using PTY functions

BSM (best stations memory)

refer to this page.

You can tune in to a station using PTY (program

BSM (best stations memory) automatically stores

The program of some stations may differ from

type) information.

PTY list

that indicated by the transmitted PTY.

the six strongest stations in the order of their sig-

nal strength.

If no station is broadcasting the type of pro-


1 Press M.C. to turn BSM on.

gram you searched for, NOT FOUND is dis-

played for about two seconds and then the

NEWS (News), AFFAIRS (Current affairs), INFO

To cancel, press M.C. again.

tuner returns to the original station.

(Information), SPORT (Sports), WEATHER (Weath-

REGION (regional)

er), FINANCE (Finance)

TA (traffic announcement standby)

When AF is used, the regional function limits the


selection of stations to those broadcasting region-

1 Press M.C. to turn traffic announcement

POP MUS (Popular music), ROCK MUS (Rock

al programs.

standby on or off.

music), EASY MUS (Easy listening), OTH MUS

1 Press M.C. to turn the regional function on or

AF (alternative frequencies search)

(Other music), JAZZ (Jazz), COUNTRY (Country


music), NAT MUS (National music), OLDIES

LOCAL (local seek tuning)

1 Press M.C. to turn AF on or off.

(Oldies music), FOLK MUS (Folk music)

NEWS (news program interruption)


1 Press M.C. to turn the NEWS function on or

L. CLASS (Light classical), CLASSIC (Classical)






Operating this unit

Operating this unit

2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option

SEEK (left/right key setting)

Switching between compressed audio and CD-DA

Viewing a list of the files (or folders) in the se-

and press to select FUNCTION.

1 Press BAND/


lected folder

You can assign a function to the left and right keys

1 When a folder is selected, press M.C.

of the unit.

Switching between playback memory devices

3 Turn M.C. to select the function.

Select MAN (manual tuning) to tune up or down

You can switch between playback memory devices

Playing a song in the selected folder

After selecting, perform the following proce-

manually or select PCH (preset channel) to switch

on USB storage devices with more than one Mass

1 When a folder is selected, press and hold M.C.

dures to set the function.

between preset channels.

Storage Device-compatible memory device.

1 Press M.C. to select MAN or PCH.

1 Press BAND/


REPEAT (repeat play)

! You can switch between up to 32 different

Advanced operations using

memory devices.

special buttons

1 Press M.C. to select a repeat play range.


For details, refer to Selecting a repeat play range


Selecting a repeat play range

on this page.

storage devices

Disconnect USB storage devices from the unit

1 Press 6/

to cycle between the following:

RANDOM (random play)

when not in use.


Basic operations

! ALL Repeat all tracks

1 Press M.C. to turn random play on or off.

Displaying text information

! ONE Repeat the current track

Playing a CD/CD-R/CD-RW

! FLD Repeat the current folder

PAUSE (pause)

1 Insert the disc into the disc loading slot with

Selecting the desired text information

USB audio player/USB memory

the label side up.

1 Press


! ALL Repeat all files

1 Press M.C. to pause or resume.

Ejecting a CD/CD-R/CD-RW

! Depending on the version of iTunes used to

! ONE Repeat the current file

S.RTRV (sound retriever)

1 Press h.

write MP3 files to a disc or media file types, in-

! FLD Repeat the current folder

compatible text stored within an audio file may

Automatically enhances compressed audio and

Playing songs on a USB storage device

Playing tracks in random order

be displayed incorrectly.

restores rich sound.

1 Open the USB port cover.

1 Press 5/

to turn random play on or off.

! Text information items that can be changed

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

2 Plug in the USB storage device using a USB

Tracks in a selected repeat range are played in

depend on the media.

For details, refer to Enhancing compressed


random order.

audio and restoring rich sound (sound retriever)

A song will be played automatically.

! To change songs during random play, press d

on this page.

Selecting and playing files/

to switch to the next track. Pressing c restarts

Stopping playback of files on a USB storage de-

playback of the current track from the begin-


tracks from the name list

ning of the song.

1 You may disconnect the USB storage device at


1 Press

to switch to the file/track name

any time.

Pausing playback

list mode.

The unit stops playback.

1 Press 4/PAUSE to pause or resume.

Basic operations

Selecting a folder

2 Use M.C. to select the desired file name

Enhancing compressed audio and restoring rich

Playing songs on an iPod

1 Press 1/

or 2/ .

(or folder name).

sound (sound retriever)

1 Open the USB port cover.

1 Press 3/S.Rtrv to cycle between:

Selecting a track

2 Connect an iPod to the USB cable using an

Changing the file or folder name

12OFF (off)

1 Press c or d.

iPod Dock Connector.

1 Turn M.C.

1 is effective for low compression rates, and 2

A song will be played automatically.

Fast forwarding or reversing

is effective for high compression rates.


1 Press and hold c or d.

Selecting a song (chapter)

1 When a file or track is selected, press M.C.

! When playing compressed audio, there is no

1 Press c or d.

Function settings

sound during fast forward or reverse.

Returning to root folder

1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.

1 Press and hold BAND/





Operating this unit

Operating this unit


Selecting an album

Playing a song in the selected category

Pausing playback

Operating this units iPod


1 Press 1/

or 2/ .

1 When a category is selected, press and hold

1 Press 4/PAUSE to pause or resume.

function from your iPod

! The album may not be selected correctly if the


You can listen to the sound from your iPod appli-

Enhancing compressed audio and restoring rich

iPod has more than one album with the same

cations using your cars speakers, when

Searching the list by alphabet

sound (sound retriever)

title on it. Select the album you want to listen

CTRL APP is selected.

1 When a list for the selected category is dis-

1 Press 3/S.Rtrv to cycle between:

to using list search. For details, refer to Brows-

! This function is not compatible with iPod

played, press

to switch to alphabet search

12OFF (off)

ing for a song on this page.

nano 1st generation.


1 is effective for low compression rates, and 2

APP Mode is compatible with the following iPod

Fast forwarding or reversing

! You also can switch to alphabet search

is effective for high compression rates.


1 Press and hold c or d.

mode by turning M.C. twice.

! iPhone 4 (software version 4.1 or later)

2 Turn M.C. to select a letter.


! iPhone 3GS (soft ware version 3.0 or later)

3 Press M.C. to display the alphabetical list.

Playing songs related to the

! The iPod cannot be turned on or off when the

! To cancel searching, press


currently playing song

! iPhone 3G (software version 3.0 or later)

control mode is set to CTRL AUDIO.

! iPhone (software version 3.0 or later)

You can play songs from the following lists.

! Disconnect headphones from the iPod be-

! iPod touch 4th generation (software version


Album list of the currently playing artist

fore connecting it to this unit.

4.1 or later)

! You can play playlists created with the PC ap-

Song list of the currently playing album

! The iPod will turn off about two minutes after

! iPod touch 3rd generation (software version

plication (MusicSphere). The application will

Album list of the currently playing genre

the ignition switch is set to OFF.

3.0 or later)

be available on our website.

! iPod touch 2nd generation (software version

! Playlists that you created with the PC appli-

1 Press and hold M.C. to switch to link play

3.0 or later)

Displaying text information

cation (MusicSphere) are displayed in abbre-


! iPod touch 1st generation (software version

viated form.

3.0 or later)

Selecting the desired text information

2 Turn M.C. to change the mode; press to

1 Press


Advanced operations using


% Press BAND/

to switch the control

! ARTIST Plays an album of the artist cur-

special buttons


rently being played.

Browsing for a song

! CTRL iPod This units iPod function can be

! ALBUM Plays a song from the album cur-

Selecting a repeat play range

operated from the connected iPod.

1 Press

to switch to the top menu of list

rently being played.

1 Press 6/

to cycle between the following:

! CTRL APP Play back the sound from your


! GENRE Plays an album from the genre cur-

! OFF Repeat off

iPod applications.

rently being played.

! ONE Repeat the current song

! CTRL AUDIO This units iPod function can

2 Use M.C. to select a category/song.

The selected song/album will be played after the

! ALL Repeat all songs in the selected list

be operated from this unit.

currently playing song.

! You cannot select OFF when CTRL AUDIO is

Changing the name of the song or category


selected. Refer to Operating this unitsiPod


1 Turn M.C.

! Switching the control mode to CTRL iPod/

function from your iPod on this page.

! The selected song/album may be canceled if


CTRL APP pauses song playback. Operate

you operate functions other than link search


Playing all songs in random order (shuffle all)

the iPod to resume playback.

(e.g. fast forward and reverse).

1 Press 5/

to turn shuffle all on.

! The following functions are still accessible


! Depending on the song selected to play, the

! When the control mode is set to CTRL iPod/

from the unit even if the control mode is set

1 When a song is selected, press M.C.

end of the currently playing song and the be-

CTRL APP, shuffle play is on.


ginning of the selected song/album may be

Viewing a list of songs in the selected category


cut off.

1 When a category is selected, press M.C.

Fast forward/reverse

Song up/down

! When the control mode is set to CTRL iPod,

operations are limited as follows:





Operating this unit

Operating this unit

The function settings are not available.

PAUSE (pause)

FAD/BAL (fader/balance adjustment)

This unit is equipped with a subwoofer output

The browse function cannot be operated from

which can be turned on or off.

this unit.

1 Press M.C. to pause or resume.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

2 Press M.C. to cycle between fader (front/rear)

NOR (normal phase)REV (reverse phase)

Function settings

AUDIO BOOK (audiobook speed)

and balance (left/right).

OFF (subwoofer off)

1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.

3 Turn M.C. to adjust speaker balance.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

SUB.W CTRL (subwoofer adjustment)

! When the rear output and RCA output setting

2 Turn M.C. to select your favorite setting.

2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option

are SW, you cannot adjust front/rear speaker

! FASTER Playback at a speed faster than

The cut-off frequency and output level can be ad-

and press to select FUNCTION.

balance. Refer to REAR-SP (rear output setting)


justed when the subwoofer output is on.

on the next page. Refer to PREOUT (preout set-

! NORMAL Playback at normal speed

Only frequencies lower than those in the selected

3 Turn M.C. to select the function.

ting) on the next page.

! SLOWER Playback at a speed slower

range are outputted from the subwoofer.

After selecting, perform the following proce-

than normal

! When you select OFF in SUB.W, you cannot se-

PRESET EQ (equalizer recall)

dures to set the function.

3 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

lect this function. For details, refer to SUB.W

! When the control mode is set to CTRL iPod/

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

(subwoofer on/off setting) on this page.

CTRL APP, only PAUSE or S.RTRV is avail-

S.RTRV (sound retriever)

2 Turn M.C. to select the equalizer.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.


Automatically enhances compressed audio and


2 Press M.C. to cycle between the cut-off fre-

restores rich sound.


quency and output level of the subwoofer.

REPEAT (repeat play)

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

3 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

Cut-off frequency (Cut-off frequency display

For details, refer to Enhancing compressed

! You can also switch the equalizer by pressing

flashes.)Output level (Output level display

1 Press M.C. to select a repeat play range.

audio and restoring rich sound (sound retriever)

repeatedly (DEH-2400UB).


For details, refer to Selecting a repeat play range

on the previous page.

3 Turn M.C. to select the desired setting.

on the previous page.

TONE CTRL (equalizer adjustment)

Cut-off frequency: 50HZ63HZ80HZ


SHUFFLE (shuffle)

! Adjusted equalizer curve settings are stored in

Output level: 24 to +6

Audio adjustments


1 Press M.C. to select your favorite setting.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

SLA (source level adjustment)

! SNG Play back songs in the selected list

1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.

2 Press M.C. to select BASS (bass)/MID (mid)/

SLA (Source level adjustment) lets you adjust the

in random order.

TREBLE (treble).

volume level of each source to prevent radical

! ALB Play back songs from a randomly se-

2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option

3 Turn M.C. to adjust the level.

changes in volume when switching between sour-

lected album in order.

and press to select AUDIO.

Adjustment range: +6 to 6


! OFF Cancel random play.

3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.

LOUD (loudness)

! Settings are based on the FM volume level,

SHUFFLE ALL (shuffle all)

After selecting, perform the following proce-

which remains unchanged.

Loudness compensates for deficiencies in the low-

dures to set the audio function.

! The MW/LW volume level can also be adjusted

1 Press M.C. to turn shuffle all on.

frequency and high-frequency ranges at low vol-

with this function.

To turn off, set SHUFFLE in the FUNCTION


! When selecting FM as the source, you cannot

menu to off.

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

switch to SLA.

OFF (off)LOW(low)HI (high)

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

LINK PLAY (link play)

SUB.W (subwoofer on/off setting)

2 Turn M.C. to adjust the source volume.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

Adjustment range: +4 to 4

2 Turn M.C. to change the mode; press to select.

3 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

For details about the settings, refer to Playing

songs related to the currently playing song on

the previous page.




Operating this unit

Operating this unit


Initial settings

Normally, the FM tuning step employed by seek

The rear speaker leads output can be used for full-

When ever scroll is set to ON, recorded text infor-



tuning is 50 kHz. When AF or TA is on, the tuning

range speaker or subwoofer connection.

mation scrolls continuously in the display. Set to

step automatically changes to 100 kHz. It may be

If you switch to SW, you can connect a rear speak-

OFF if you prefer the information to scroll just

PW SAVE (power saving) is cancelled if the ve-

preferable to set the tuning step to 50 kHz when

er lead directly to a subwoofer without using an


hicle battery is disconnected and will need to be

AF is on.

auxiliary amp.

1 Press M.C. to turn the ever scroll on or off.

turned back on once the battery is reconnected.

! The tuning step remains at 50 kHz during man-

Initially, REAR-SP is set for rear full-range speaker

When PW SAVE (power saving) is off, depend-

TITLE (multi-language)

ual tuning.

connection (FUL).

ing on connection methods, the unit may con-

1 Press M.C. to select the FM tuning step.

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

This unit can display the text information of a com-

tinue to draw power from the battery if your

50 (50 kHz)100 (100 kHz)


pressed audio file even if they are embedded in a

vehicles ignition doesnt have an ACC (acces-

! Even if you change this setting, there will

Western European or Russian language.

sory) position.

AUTO-PI (auto PI seek)

be no output if you select OFF in SUB.W

! If the embedded language and the selected

The unit can automatically search for a different

(Refer to SUB.W (subwoofer on/off setting)

language setting are not the same, text infor-

1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit

station with the same programming, even during

on the previous page).

mation may not display properly.

turns off.

preset recall.

! If you change this setting, subwoofer out-

! Some characters may not be displayed prop-

1 Press M.C. to turn Auto PI seek on or off.

put in the audio menu will return to the fac-


2 Press SRC/OFF and hold until function

tory settings.

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

name appears in the display.

AUX (auxiliary input)

EUR (European)RUS (Russian)

PREOUT (preout setting)

Activate this setting when using an auxiliary de-

3 Turn M.C. to select the initial setting.

PW SAVE (power saving)

vice connected to this unit.

The RCA outputs can be used for rear speaker or

After selecting, perform the following proce-

1 Press M.C. to turn AUX on or off.

subwoofer connection.

Switching this function on enables you to reduce

dures to set the initial setting.

If you switch to SW, you can connect a rear speak-

the consumption of battery power.

USB PNP (plug and play)

er lead directly to a subwoofer without using an

! Turning on the source is the only operation al-

CLOCK SET (setting the clock)

This setting allows you to switch your source to

auxiliary amp.

lowed when this function is on.

USB/iPod automatically.

Initially, PREOUT is set for rear full-range speaker

1 Press M.C. to turn the power save on or off.

1 Press M.C. to display the setting mode.

1 Press M.C. to turn the plug and play function

connection (SW).

2 Press M.C. to select the segment of the clock

on or off.

1 Press M.C. to select the desired setting.

display you wish to set.

ON When a USB storage device/iPod is con-



Selecting the illumination color

nected, depending on the type of device, the

! Even if you change this setting, there will

3 Turn M.C. to adjust the clock.

source is automatically switched to USB/iPod

be no output if you select OFF in SUB.W

Only for DEH-3400UB

CLOCK (clock display)

when you turn on the engine. If you disconnect

(Refer to SUB.W (subwoofer on/off setting)

This unit is equipped with multiple-color illumi-

your USB storage device/iPod, this units

on the previous page).

nation. You can select desired colors for the keys

You can turn the clock display on or off.

source is turned off.

! If you change this setting, subwoofer out-

and display of this unit. You also can customize

The clock display disappears temporarily when

OFF When a USB storage device/iPod is con-

put in the audio menu will return to the fac-

the colors you want to use.

you perform other operations, but the clock dis-

nected, the source is not switched to USB/

tory settings.

play appears again after 25 seconds.

iPod automatically. Please change the source

Selecting the key color from the

1 Press M.C. to turn the clock display on or off.

DEMO (demo display setting)

to USB/iPod manually.

illumination color list

FM STEP (FM tuning step)

REAR-SP (rear output setting)

1 Press M.C. to turn the demo display on or off.

Only for DEH-3400UB

! If PW SAVE is on, DEMO cannot be selected.

You can select desired colors for the keys of this


SCROLL (scroll mode setting)

1 Press






Operating this unit

Operating this unit

2 Turn M.C. to display KEY COLOR and

! CUSTOM (customized illumination color)

2 Turn M.C. to display KEY COLOR or

Sound muting

press to select.

DISP COLOR. Press to select.

4 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

Sound is muted automatically when:

3 Turn M.C. to select the illumination color.

3 Press M.C. and hold until the customizing

! A call is made or received using a cell phone


You can select one option from the following list.

illumination color setting appears in the dis-

connected to this unit.

! 30 preset colors (WHITE to ROSE)

For details about colors on the list, refer to Se-


! Voice guidance is output from a connected

! SCAN (cycle through all colors)

lecting the key color from the illumination color

Pioneer navigation unit.

! 3 sets of colors (WARM, AMBIENT, CALM)

list on the previous page.

4 Press M.C. to select the primary color.

The sound is turned off, MUTE is displayed and

! CUSTOM (customized illumination color)

R (red)G (green)B (blue)

no audio adjustments, except volume control,

Selecting key and display color

are possible. Operation returns to normal when

4 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

from the illumination color list

5 Turn M.C. to adjust the brightness level.

the phone connection or the voice guidance is


Only for DEH-3400UB

Adjustment range: 0 to 60


You can select the desired colors for the keys

# You cannot select a level below 10 for all three of

! When SCAN is selected, the system auto-

and display of this unit.

R (red), G (green), and B (blue) at the same time.

matically cycles through the 30 preset colors.

# You can also perform the same operation on

! When WARM is selected, the system auto-

1 Press


other colors.

matically cycles through the warm colors.

! When AMBIENT is selected, the system au-


2 Turn M.C. to display BOTH COLOR and

tomatically cycles through the ambient col-

! You cannot create a custom illumination

press to select.


color when SCAN or a set of colors (WARM,

! When CALM is selected, the system auto-

AMBIENT,orCALM) is selected.

3 Turn M.C. to select the illumination color.

matically cycles through the calm colors.

! You can create custom illumination colors

You can select one option from the following list.

! When CUSTOM is selected, the customized

for both KEY COLOR and DISP COLOR.

! 30 preset colors (WHITE to ROSE)

color saved is selected.

! SCAN (cycle through all colors)

! To cancel selecting the illumination color,



Switching the dimmer setting

4 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.

You can adjust the brightness of illumination.

Selecting the display color from


the illumination color list

! You cannot select 3 sets of preset colors and

% Press and hold


Only for DEH-3400UB

CUSTOM in this function.

You can select the desired colors for the display

! Once you select a color in this function, col-

ors on the keys and display of this unit auto-

Using an AUX source

of this unit.

matically switch to the color you selected.

1 Insert the stereo mini plug into the AUX

1 Press


! For details about colors on the list, refer to

input jack.

Selecting the key color from the illumination

2 Turn M.C. to display DISP COLOR and

color list on the previous page.

2 Press SRC/OFF to select AUX as the

press to select.


Customizing the illumination color

3 Turn M.C. to select the illumination color.

Only for DEH-3400UB


You can select one option from the following list.

AUX cannot be selected unless the auxiliary set-

! 30 preset colors (WHITE to ROSE)

1 Press


ting is turned on. For more details, refer to AUX

! SCAN (cycle through all colors)

(auxiliary input) on the previous page.

! 3 sets of colors (WARM, AMBIENT, CALM)




Never wire the negative speaker cable directly

to ground.


Never band together negative cables of multi-

! When installing this unit in a vehicle without

ple speakers.

an ACC (accessory) position on the ignition

! When this unit is on, control signals are sent

switch, failure to connect the red cable to the

through the blue/white cable. Connect this

terminal that detects operation of the ignition

cable to the system remote control of an ex-

key may result in battery drain.

ternal power amp or the vehicles auto-anten-

na relay control terminal (max. 300 mA





12 V DC). If the vehicle is equipped with a





glass antenna, connect it to the antenna



booster power supply terminal.

! Never connect the blue/white cable to the

ACC position No ACC position

power terminal of an external power amp.

! Use of this unit in conditions other than the

Also, never connect it to the power terminal

following could result in fire or malfunction.

of the auto antenna. Doing so may result in

Vehicles with a 12-volt battery and negative

battery drain or a malfunction.


! The black cable is ground. Ground cables for

Speakers with 50 W (output value) and 4 ohm

this unit and other equipment (especially,

to 8 ohm (impedance value).

high-current products such as power amps)

! To prevent a short-circuit, overheating or mal-

must be wired separately. If they are not, an

function, be sure to follow the directions

accidental detachment may result in a fire or



Disconnect the negative terminal of the bat-

tery before installation.

This unit

Secure the wiring with cable clamps or adhe-

sive tape. Wrap adhesive tape around wiring


that comes into contact with metal parts to

protect the wiring.

Place all cables away from moving parts,

such as the shift lever and seat rails.

Place all cables away from hot places, such

as near the heater outlet.

Do not connect the yellow cable to the battery

by passing it through the hole to the engine


Cover any disconnected cable connectors

with insulating tape.

Do not shorten any cables.

Never cut the insulation of the power cable of

this unit in order to share the power with

other devices. The current capacity of the

cable is limited.

Use a fuse of the rating prescribed.

3 45

Power cord


















1 Power cord input

2 Rear output or subwoofer output

3 Antenna input

4 Fuse (10 A)

5 Wired remote input

Hard-wired remote control adaptor can be

connected (sold separately).






9 Blue/white

The pin position of the ISO connector will dif-


fer depending on the type of vehicle. Connect

9 and b when Pin 5 is an antenna control

type. In another type of vehicle, never con-

nect 9 and b.

a Blue/white

Connect to system control terminal of the

power amp (max. 300 mA 12 V DC).

b Blue/white

Connect to auto-antenna relay control termi-

nal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC).

c Yellow/black

If you use an equipment with Mute function,

wire this lead to the Audio Mute lead on that

equipment. If not, keep the Audio Mute lead

free of any connections.


d Speaker leads

White: Front left +

White/black: Front left *

Gray: Front right +

1 To power cord input

Gray/black: Front right *

2 Depending on the kind of vehicle, the func-

Green: Rear left + or subwoofer +

tion of 3 and 5 may be different. In this

Green/black: Rear left * or subwoofer *

case, be sure to connect 4 to 5 and 6 to

Violet: Rear right + or subwoofer +


Violet/black: Rear right * or subwoofer *

3 Yellow

e ISO connector

Back-up (or accessory)

In some vehicles, the ISO connector may be

4 Yellow

divided into two. In this case, be sure to con-

Connect to the constant 12 V supply termi-

nect to both connectors.



5 Red

Accessory (or back-up)

! Change the initial setting of this unit. Refer

6 Red

to REAR-SP (rear output setting) on page 9.

Connect to terminal controlled by ignition

Refer to PREOUT (preout setting) on page 9.

switch (12 V DC).

The subwoofer output of this unit is monau-

7 Connect leads of the same color to each



! When using a subwoofer of 70 W (2 Ω), be

8 Black (chassis ground)

sure to connect the subwoofer to the violet

and violet/black leads of this unit. Do not

connect anything to the green and green/

black leads.







Power amp (sold separately)

DIN front/rear mount

2 Firewall or metal support

! Releasing the front panel allows easier ac-

3 Metal strap

cess to the trim ring.

Perform these connections when using the op-

This unit can be properly installed using either

4 Screw

! When reattaching the trim ring, point the

tional amplifier.

front-mount or rear-mount installation.

5 Screw (M4 × 8)

side with the notched tab down.

Use commercially available parts when instal-



# Make sure that the unit is installed securely in



place. An unstable installation may cause skipping

2 Insert the supplied extraction keys into

or other malfunctions.

both sides of the unit until they click into



DIN Front-mount


1 Insert the mounting sleeve into the dash-

DIN Rear-mount

3 Pull the unit out of the dashboard.

1 System remote control


1 Determine the appropriate position

Connect to Blue/white cable.

For installation in shallow spaces, use the sup-

where the holes on the bracket and the side

2 Power amp (sold separately)

plied mounting sleeve. If there is enough space,

of the unit match.

3 Connect with RCA cables (sold separately)

use the mounting sleeve that came with the ve-

4 To Rear output or subwoofer output


5 Rear speaker or subwoofer

2 Secure the mounting sleeve by using a

screwdriver to bend the metal tabs (90°) into



Removing and re-attaching the front


2 Tighten two screws on each side.



! Check all connections and systems before

You can remove the front panel to protect your

final installation.

unit from theft.

! Do not use unauthorized parts as this may



Press the detach button and push the front

cause malfunctions.

panel upward and pull it toward you.

! Consult your dealer if installation requires

For details, refer to Removing the front panel to


drilling of holes or other modifications to the


protect your unit from theft and Re-attaching the


front panel on page 4.

! Do not install this unit where:

1 Dashboard

1 Tapping screw (5 mm × 8 mm)

it may interfere with operation of the vehicle.

2 Mounting sleeve

2 Mounting bracket

it may cause injury to a passenger as a result

3 Dashboard or console

of a sudden stop.

3 Install the unit as illustrated.

! The semiconductor laser will be damaged if

Removing the unit

it overheats. Install this unit away from hot


places such as near the heater outlet.

1 Remove the trim ring.


! Optimum performance is obtained when the

unit is installed at an angle of less than 60°.





1 Trim ring

1 Nut

2 Notched tab




Additional information

Additional information


Symptom Cause Action

Message Cause Action

Message Cause Action


The unit is

You are using a

Move electrical

NO AUDIO The inserted

Replace the disc.

SKIPPED The connected

Play an audio file

Symptom Cause Action


device, such as

devices that may

disc does not

USB storage de-

not embedded

The display il-

Demo mode is

Turn off the demo


a cellular

be causing the in-

contain any

vice contains

with Windows



display setting.

There is inter-

phone, that

terference away

playable files.

files embedded

Media DRM 9/10.

turns on and


transmits elec-

from the unit.

SKIPPED The inserted

Replace the disc.

with Windows

off at random.

tric waves near

disc contains

Mediaä DRM 9/

the unit.


The display

You did not per-

Perform operation

DRM protected


form any opera-



PROTECT All the files in

Transfer audio

returns to the

tion within

PROTECT All the files on

Replace the disc.

the USB storage

files not em-

Error messages

ordinary dis-

about 30 sec-

the inserted

device are em-

bedded with



When you contact your dealer or your nearest

disc are em-

bedded with

Windows Media

Pioneer Service Center, be sure to note the error

DRM 9/10 to the

The repeat

Depending on

bedded with

Windows Media

Select the repeat


USB storage de-

play range

the repeat play

play range again.


DRM 9/10.

vice and connect.

changes un-

range, the se-


lected range

Built-in CD Player

N/A USB The USB device

! Connect a USB

USB storage device/iPod

may change

connected to is

Mass Storage

when another

Message Cause Action

not supported

Class compliant

Message Cause Action

folder or track is

by this unit.



The disc is dirty. Clean the disc.

NO DEVICE When plug and

! Turn the plug

being selected

! Disconnect

11, 12, 17, 30

The disc is

Replace the disc.

play is off, no

and play on.

or during fast

your device and


USB storage de-

! Connect a com-


replace it with a



There is an elec-

Turn the ignition

vice or iPod is

patible USB stor-

compatible USB

10, 11, 12,

trical or me-

switch OFF and


age device/iPod.

storage device.

A subfolder is

Subfolders can-

Select another re-

15, 17, 30,

chanical error.

back ON, or

FRMT READ Sometimes

Wait until the

not played

not be played

peat play range.


switch to a differ-

there is a delay

message disap-


when FLD (fold-

ent source, then

between the

pears and you

er repeat) is se-

back to the CD

start of playback

hear sound.



and when you


There is no em-

Switch the display

ERROR-15 The inserted

Replace the disc.

start to hear any

pears when a

bedded text in-

or play another

disc is blank.


display is



changed (NO

ERROR-23 Unsupported

Replace the disc.

NO AUDIO There are no

Transfer the audio

TITLE, for ex-

CD format.


files to the USB

storage device


FRMT READ Sometimes

Wait until the

and connect.

there is a delay

message disap-

between the

pears and you

The connected

Follow the USB

start of playback

hear sound.

USB storage de-

storage device in-

and when you

vice has secur-

structions to dis-

start to hear any

ity enabled.

able the security.





Additional information

Additional information

Message Cause Action

Message Cause Action

Message Cause Action

To clean a CD, wipe the disc with a soft cloth out-

ward from the center.


Check that the

ERROR-19 Communication

Perform one of

NOT FOUND No related

Transfer songs to

nector or USB

USB connector or


the following op-


the iPod.

Condensation may temporarily impair the players

cable has short-

USB cable is not


performance. Let it rest for about one hour to ad-


caught in some-

Turn the ignition

just to a warmer temperature. Also, wipe any

thing or dam-

switch OFF and

damp discs off with a soft cloth.

Handling guidelines


back ON.

Playback of discs may not be possible because of

Discs and player

The connected

Disconnect the

Disconnect the

disc characteristics, disc format, recorded applica-

USB storage de-

USB storage de-

USB storage de-

tion, playback environment, storage conditions,

vice consumes

vice and do not


Use only discs that feature either of the following

and so on.

Change to a dif-

two logos.

more than

use it. Turn the

ignition switch to

ferent source.

Road shocks may interrupt disc playback.

500 mA (maxi-

mum allowable

OFF, then to ACC

Then, return to

When using discs that can be printed on label sur-


or ON and then

the USB source.

faces, check the instructions and the warnings of

connect only

iPod failure. Disconnect the

the discs. Depending on the discs, inserting and

compliant USB

cable from the

ejecting may not be possible. Using such discs

storage devices.

iPod. Once the

may result in damage to this equipment.

The iPod oper-

Make sure the

iPods main

Do not attach commercially available labels or

ates correctly

connection cable

menu is dis-

Use 12-cm discs. Do not use 8-cm discs or an

other materials to the discs.

but does not

for the iPod has

played, reconnect

adapter for 8-cm discs.

! The discs may warp making the disc unplay-


not shorted out

the iPod and reset



Use only conventional, fully circular discs. Do not

(e.g., not caught

! The labels may come off during playback and

use shaped discs.

in metal objects).

ERROR-23 USB storage de-

USB storage de-

prevent ejection of the discs, which may result

After checking,

vice was not for-

vice should be for-

in damage to the equipment.

turn the ignition

matted with

matted with

switch OFF and

FAT12, FAT16 or

FAT12, FAT16 or

back ON, or dis-



USB storage device

Do not insert anything other than a CD into the

connect the iPod

ERROR-16 The iPod firm-

Update the iPod

CD loading slot.

and reconnect.

Connections via USB hub are not supported.

ware version is



Do not use cracked, chipped, warped, or other-

Do not connect anything other than a USB stor-

wise damaged discs as they may damage the play-

iPod failure. Disconnect the

age device.


cable from the

iPod. Once the

Unfinalized CD-R/RW discs cannot be played

iPods main


menu is dis-

Do not touch the recorded surface of the discs.

played, reconnect

the iPod and reset

Store discs in their cases when not in use.


Do not attach labels, write on or apply chemicals

STOP There are no

Select a list that

to the surface of the discs.

songs in the

contains songs.

current list.




Additional information

Additional information

Firmly secure the USB storage device when driv-


Compatible ID3 tag version: 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Playable files: up to 999


ing. Do not let the USB storage device fall onto the

(ID3 tag Version 2.x is given priority over Version

DualDiscs are two-sided discs that have a record-

File system: ISO 9660 Level 1 and 2, Romeo, Joliet

floor, where it may become jammed under the


able CD for audio on one side and a recordable

brake or accelerator pedal.

Multi-session playback: Compatible

DVD for video on the other.

M3u playlist: Not compatible

Depending on the USB storage device, the follow-

Since the CD side of DualDiscs is not physically

Packet write data transfer: Not compatible

MP3i (MP3 interactive), mp3 PRO: Not compatible

ing problems may occur.

compatible with the general CD standard, it may

Regardless of the length of blank sections be-

! Operations may vary.

not be possible to play the CD side with this unit.

tween the songs from the original recording, com-

! The storage device may not be recognized.

Frequent loading and ejecting of a DualDisc may


pressed audio discs play with a short pause

! Files may not be played back properly.

result in scratches on the disc. Serious scratches

between songs.

! The device may generate noise in the radio.

can lead to playback problems on this unit. In

File extension: .wav

some cases, a DualDisc may become stuck in the

disc loading slot and will not eject. To prevent this,

Quantization bits: 8 and 16 (LPCM), 4 (MS

USB storage device


we recommend you refrain from using DualDisc


with this unit.

Sampling frequency: 16 kHz to 48 kHz (LPCM),

Playable folder hierarchy: up to eight tiers (A prac-

Do not leave the iPod in places with high tempera-

Please refer to the information from the disc man-

22.05 kHz and 44.1 kHz (MS ADPCM)

tical hierarchy is less than two tiers).


ufacturer for more detailed information about

To ensure proper operation, connect the dock con-


Playable folders: up to 500

nector cable from the iPod directly to this unit.

Supplemental information

Playable files: up to 15 000

Firmly secure the iPod when driving. Do not let the

Compressed audio

Only the first 32 characters can be displayed as a

Playback of copyright-protected files: Not compati-

iPod fall onto the floor, where it may become

file name (including the file extension) or a folder


jammed under the brake or accelerator pedal.

compatibility (disc, USB)


Partitioned USB storage device: Only the first par-

About iPod settings


Russian text to be displayed on this unit should be

tition can be played.

! When an iPod is connected, this unit changes

encoded in one of the following character sets:

There may be a slight delay when starting play-

the EQ (equalizer) setting of the iPod to off in

File extension: .wma

! Unicode (UTF-8, UTF-16)

back of audio files on a USB storage device with

order to optimize the acoustics. When you dis-

Bit rate: 48 kbps to 320 kbps (CBR), 48 kbps to

! A character set other than Unicode that is

numerous folder hierarchies.

connect the iPod, the EQ returns to the original

384 kbps (VBR)

used in a Windows environment and is set to


Russian in the multi-language setting

! You cannot set Repeat to off on the iPod when

Sampling frequency: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz

using this unit. Repeat is automatically

This unit may not operate correctly depending on


Windows Media Audio Professional, Lossless,

changed to All when the iPod is connected to

the application used to encode WMA files.

! Pioneer cannot guarantee compatibility with

Voice/DRM Stream/Stream with video: Not com-

this unit.

all USB mass storage devices and assumes


There may be a slight delay at the start of playback

no responsibility for any loss of data on

Incompatible text saved on the iPod will not be dis-

of audio files embedded with image data or audio

media players, smart phones, or other devi-

played by the unit.

files stored on a USB storage device that has nu-

ces while using this product.


merous folder hierarchies.

! Do not leave discs or a USB storage device

in any place that is subject to high tempera-

File extension: .mp3



Bit rate: 8 kbps to 320 kbps (CBR), VBR

Sampling frequency: 8 kHz to 48 kHz (32 kHz,

Playable folder hierarchy: up to eight tiers (A prac-

44.1 kHz, 48 kHz for emphasis)

tical hierarchy is less than two tiers).

Playable folders: up to 99




Additional information

Additional information

iPod compatibility

3 Save the folder containing files on the USB

streaming via internet, intranets and/or other

About the file/format compatibility, refer to the

storage device.

networks or in other electronic content distribu-

iPod manuals.

This unit supports only the following iPod models.

However, depending on the system environment,

tion systems, such as pay-audio or audio-on-de-

Audiobook, Podcast: Compatible

Supported iPod software versions are shown

you may not be able to specify the playback se-

mand applications. An independent license for

below. Older versions may not be supported.


such use is required. For details, please visit

Made for

For USB portable audio players, the sequence is


! iPhone 4 (software version 4.1)

different and depends on the player.

Pioneer accepts no responsibility for data lost

! iPhone 3GS (software version 3.0.1)


on the iPod, even if that data is lost while this

! iPhone 3G (software version 2.0)

Windows Media is either a registered trademark

unit is used.

Russian character chart

! iPhone (software version 1.1.1)

or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the

! iPod nano 6th generation (software version

United States and/or other countries.

D: C D: C D: C D: C D: C


This product includes technology owned by

Sequence of audio files

! iPod nano 5th generation (software version

: А : Б : В : Г : Д

Microsoft Corporation and cannot be used or


The user cannot assign folder numbers and

distributed without a license from Microsoft

! iPod nano 4th generation (software version

specify playback sequences with this unit.

: Е, Ё : Ж : З : И, Й : К

Licensing, Inc.


Example of a hierarchy

: Л : М : Н : О : П

! iPod nano 3rd generation (software version

iPod & iPhone


: Р : С : Т : У : Ф


iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod


! iPod nano 2nd generation (software version

: Ш,

touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in

: Х : Ц : Ч

: Ъ



the U.S. and other countries.

: Folder

! iPod nano 1st generation (software version


Made for iPod and Made for iPhone mean

: Compressed

: Ы : Ь : Э : Ю : Я


that an electronic accessory has been designed

! iPod touch 4th generation (software version


audio file

to connect specifically to iPod or iPhone, respec-

01 to 05: Folder

D: Display C: Character


tively, and has been certified by the developer to


! iPod touch 3rd generation (software version

meet Apple performance standards. Apple is


1 to 6: Playback


not responsible for the operation of this device

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4


Copyright and trademark

! iPod touch 2nd generation (software version

or its compliance with safety and regulator y


standards. Please note that the use of this ac-


! iPod touch 1st generation (software version


cessory with iPod or iPhone may affect wireless

Apple and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.,


Folder selection sequence or other operation


registered in the U.S. and other countries.

! iPod classic 160GB (software version 2.0.2)

may differ depending on the encoding or writing

! iPod classic 120GB (software version 2.0)



! iPod classic (software version 1.0)

Supply of this product only conveys a license for

USB storage device

Depending on the generation or version of the

private, non-commercial use and does not con-

Playback sequence is the same as recorded se-

iPod, some functions may not be available.

vey a license nor imply any right to use this prod-

quence in the USB storage device.

uct in any commercial (i.e. revenue-generating)

Operations may vary depending on the software

To specify the playback sequence, the following

real time broadcasting (terrestrial, satellite,

version of iPod.

method is recommended.

cable and/or any other media), broadcasting/

1 Create a file name that includes numbers

When using an iPod, an iPod Dock Connector to

that specify the playback sequence (e.g.,

USB Cable is required.

001xxx.mp3 and 099yyy.mp3).

A Pioneer CD-IU51 interface cable is also avail-

2 Put those files into a folder.

able. For details, consult your dealer.




Additional information


CD player

System ………………………. Compact disc audio system



Usable discs ……………….. Compact disc

Power so urce ………………. 14.4 V DC (10.8 V to 15.1 V al-

Signal-to-noise ratio ……… 94dB (1kHz) (IEC-A network)


Number of channels …….. 2 (stereo)

Grounding system ………… Negative type

MP3 decoding format …… MPEG-1 & 2 Audio Layer 3

Maximum current consumption

WMA decoding format ….. Ver. 7, 7.1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (2ch

…………………………….. 10.0 A


Dimensions (W × H × D):

(Windows Media Player)


WAV signal format ……….. Linear PCM & MS ADPCM

Chassis ………….. 178mm × 50mm ×


165 mm

Nose ……………… 188 mm × 58mm ×


16 mm


USB standard specification

Chassis ………….. 178mm × 50mm ×

…………………………….. USB 2.0 full speed

165 mm

Maximum current supply

Nose ……………… 170 mm × 46mm ×

…………………………….. 500mA

16 mm

USB Class ………………….. MSC (Mass Storage Class)

Weight ……………………….. 1.1 kg

File system ………………….. FAT12, FAT16, FAT32

MP3 decoding format …… MPEG-1 & 2 Audio Layer 3

WMA decoding format ….. Ver. 7, 7.1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (2ch



Maximum power output ... 50 W × 4

(Windows Media Player)

70 W × 1/2 W (for subwoofer)

WAV signal format ……….. Linear PCM & MS ADPCM

Continuous power output


…………………………….. 22W × 4 (50 Hz to 15000Hz,

5 % THD, 4 W load, both chan-

FM tuner

nels driven)

Load impedance ………….. 4W (4 W to 8 W allowable)

Frequency range ………….. 87.5 MHz to 108.0 MHz

Preout maximum output level

Usable sensitivity …………. 9 dBf (0.8 µV/75 W, mono, S/N:

…………………………….. 2.0V

30 dB)

Tone controls:

Signal-to-noise ratio ……… 72dB (IEC-A network)


Frequency ………. 100Hz

MW tuner

Gain ……………… ±12dB

Frequency range ………….. 531 kHz to 1 602kHz


Usable sensitivity …………. 25µV (S/N: 20 dB)

Frequency ………. 1 kHz

Signal-to-noise ratio ……… 62dB (IEC-A network)

Gain ……………… ±12dB


Frequency ………. 10kHz

LW tuner

Gain ……………… ±12dB

Frequency range ………….. 153 kHz to 281 kHz

Subwoofer (mono):

Usable sensitivity …………. 28 µV (S/N: 20 dB)

Frequency …………….. 50Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/100 Hz/

Signal-to-noise ratio ……… 62dB (IEC-A network)

125 Hz

Slope …………………… 18 dB/oct


Gain ……………………. +6dB to 24 dB

Specifications and the design are subject to

Phase ………………….. Normal/Reverse

modifications without notice.





Avant de commencer

Avant de commencer

Nous vous remercions davoir acheté cet ap-

Quelques mots sur cet appareil

! Évitez tout contact avec lhumidité.

En cas danomalie

pareil PIONEER

! Si la batterie est débranchée ou déchargée,

Pour garantir une utilisation correcte, lisez bien

Les fréquences du syntoniseur de cet appareil

le contenu de la mémoire sera effacé.

En cas danomalie, veuillez contacter votre re-

ce mode demploi avant dutiliser cet appareil. Il

sont attribuées pour une utilisation en Europe

vendeur ou le centre dentretien agréé par


est particulièrement important que vous lisiez et

de lOuest, Asie, Moyen Orient, Afrique et Océ-

PIONEER le plus proche.

respectiez les indications ATTENTION et PRÉ-

anie. Son utilisation dans dautres régions peut

Les opérations de réglage des fonctions sont va-

CAUTION de ce mode demploi. Conservez-le

se traduire par une réception de mauvaise qua-

lidées même si le menu est annulé avant la

dans un endroit sûr et facilement accessible pour

lité. La fonction RDS (radio data system) nest

confirmation des opérations.

toute consultation ultérieure.

opérationnelle que dans les régions des si-

gnaux RDS sont diffusés pour les stations FM.

Quelques mots sur ce mode



! Dans les instructions suivantes, les mémoi-

Ce produit est classifié comme produit laser

res USB et les lecteurs audio USB sont col-

de classe 1 selon la norme IEC 60825-1:2007

lectivement appelés périphériques de

Sécurité des appareils à laser et contient un

stockage USB.

Si vous souhaitez vous débarrasser de cet ap-

module laser de classe 1M. Pour assurer une

! Dans ce manuel, iPod et iPhone sont dési-

pareil, ne le mettez pas à la poubelle avec vos

sécurité permanente, nenlevez aucun couver-

gnés par le terme iPod.

ordures ménagères. Il existe un système de

cle et nessayez pas daccéder à lintérieur du

collecte séparé pour les appareils électroni-

produit. Faites effectuer lentretien par du per-

ques usagés, qui doivent être récupérés, trai-

sonnel qualifié.

Mode de démonstration

tés et recyclés conformément à la législation.



! La non-connexion du fil rouge (ACC) de cet

Dans les états membres de lUE, en Suisse et en

appareil à une borne couplée avec les opéra-

Norvège, les foyers domestiques peuvent rap-

tions de mise en/hors service du contact dal-


porter leurs produits électroniques usagés gra-


lumage peut conduire au déchargement de


tuitement à des points de collecte spécifiés ou à

la batterie.

un revendeur (sous réserve dachat dun produit

! Rappelez-vous que si la démonstration des


fonctions continue à fonctionner quand le

Dans les pays qui ne sont pas mentionnés ci-

moteur est coupé, cela peut décharger la

dessus, veuillez contacter les autorités locales



pour vous informer de la méthode correcte de

! Ne laissez pas cet appareil entrer en contact

mise au rebut.

La démonstration démarre automatiquement si

avec des liquides. Cela pourrait provoquer

En agissant ainsi vous assurerez que le produit

vous nutilisez pas cet appareil dans les 30 se-

une électrocution. Tout contact avec des li-

que vous mettez au rebut est soumis au proces-

condes environ depuis la dernière opération ou

quides pourrait aussi provoquer des domma-

sus de traitement, de récupération et de recy-

si le contact est réglé sur ACC ou ON alors que

ges, de la fumée et une surchauffe de

clage nécessaire et éviterez ainsi les effets

lappareil est hors service. Pour annuler le mode


négatifs potentiels sur lenvironnement et la

de démonstration, vous devez afficher les régla-

! Le Pioneer CarStereo-Pass est utilisable seu-

santé publique.

ges initiaux. Sélectionnez DEMO (réglage de laf-

lement en Allemagne.

fichage de démonstration) et désactivez

! Maintenez le niveau découte à une valeur

laffichage de démonstration. Pour les détails,

telle que vous puissiez entendre les sons pro-

reportez-vous à la page 26, Réglages initiaux.

venant de lextérieur.



Appareil central


b c dea87

12 3 4 5 6


Partie Partie


1 h (éjection) 8



(liste) 9 c/d





(contrôle de



4 SRC/OFF b 1 à 6

Fente de charge-



ment des disques

Jack dentrée

6 Port USB d

AUX (jack stéréo

3,5 mm)

Touche de retrait


(couleur) e

de la face avant


b c dea87

12 3 4 5 6


Partie Partie


1 h (éjection) 8



(liste) 9 c/d





(contrôle de



4 SRC/OFF b 1 à 6

Fente de charge-



ment des disques

Jack dentrée

6 Port USB d

AUX (jack stéréo

3,5 mm)

Touche de retrait



de la face avant


! Utilisez un câble USB Pioneer optionnel (CD-

U50E) pour connecter le lecteur audio USB/

la mémoire USB, étant donné que nimporte

quel périphérique relié directement à lappa-

reil dépassera de lappareil et peut savérer


! Nutilisez pas de produits non autorisés.

Indications affichées


87 93 5

2 4 6


Utilisation de lappareil

Utilisation de lappareil



Menu de configuration



Lorsque vous mettez le contact dallumage sur

ON après linstallation, le menu de configura-

! Syntoniseur : gamme et fré-

tion saffiche sur lécran.


Vous pouvez configurer les options de menu ci-

! RDS : nom du ser vice de



programme, informations



PTY et autres informations

1 Après avoir installé lappareil, mettez le


ge princi-


contact dallumage sur ON.


! Lecteur de CD intégré, péri-

SET UP saffiche.

phérique de stockage USB

et iPod: temps de lecture

2 Tournez M.C. pour passer à YES. Appuyez

écoulé et informations tex-

sur M.C. pour sélectionner.


# Si vous neffectuez aucune opération dans les


(liste) La fonction liste est utilisée.

30 secondes environ, le menu de configuration ne

saffichera pas.

Laccord automatique sur une


# Si vous préférez ne pas effectuer la configuration

station locale est en service.

pour linstant, tournez M.C. pour passer à NO. Ap-


(TA) La fonction TA est en service.

puyez pour sélectionner.

Si vous sélectionnez NO, vous ne pouvez pas effec-

Lappareil est accordé sur une



tuer de réglage dans le menu de configuration.

station TP.


La fonction de répétition dune

3 Effectuez les procédures suivantes pour


tion de la

plage ou dun dossier est acti-

configurer le menu.



Pour passer à la prochaine option de menu,

vous devez confirmer votre sélection.

La lecture aléatoire est activée.

La source iPod est sélection-


CLOCK SET (réglage de lhorloge)

née et la fonction de lecture


ture aléa-

aléatoire ou lecture aléatoire


1 Tournez M.C. pour régler lheure.

de toutes les plages est acti-

2 Appuyez sur M.C. pour sélectionner les minu-



3 Tournez M.C. pour régler les minutes.

La fonction Sound Retriever est


(sound re-

4 Appuyez sur M.C. pour confirmer la sélection.



FM STEP (incrément daccord FM)

La fonction iPod de cet appa-



reil est utilisée à partir de votre

de liPod)






Utilisation de lappareil

Utilisation de lappareil


Normalement, lincrément daccord FM employé

Retrait de la face avant pour protéger lappareil

Choix dune source

! Vous pouvez configurer les options de menu

par laccord automatique est 50 kHz. Quand la

contre le vol

1 Appuyez sur SRC/OFF pour parcourir les op-

dans les réglages initiaux. Pour des détails

fonction AF ou TA est en service, lincrément dac-

1 Appuyez sur la touche de retrait pour libérer la

tions disponibles :

sur les réglages, reportez-vous à la page 26,

cord passe automatiquement à 100 kHz. Il peut

face avant.

TUNER (syntoniseur)CD (lecteur de CD inté-

Réglages initiaux .

être préférable de régler lincrément daccord à

2 Poussez la face avant vers le haut (M), puis

gré)USB (USB)/iPod (iPod)AUX (AUX)

! Vous pouvez annuler le menu de configura-

50 kHz quand la fonction AF est en service.

tirez-la vers vous (N).

tion en appuyant sur SRC/OFF.

Réglage du volume

! Pendant laccord manuel, lincrément dac-

1 Tournez M.C. pour régler le volume.

cord est maintenu à 50 kHz.

1 Tournez M.C. pour choisir lincrément daccord

Opérations de base


50 (50 kHz)100 (100 kHz)



2 Appuyez sur M.C. pour confirmer la sélection.

! Lorsque vous enlevez ou remontez la face

Pour des raisons de sécurité, garez votre véhi-

avant, manipulez-la doucement.

cule pour retirer la face avant.

DEMO (réglage de laffichage de démonstration)

3 Conservez toujours la face avant dans un boî-

! Évitez de heurter la face avant.

tier de protection lorsquelle est détachée.


! Conservez la face avant à labri des tempéra-

1 Appuyez sur M.C. pour activer ou désactiver

Remontage de la face avant

Si le fil bleu/blanc de lappareil est relié à la

tures élevées et de la lumière directe du so-

laffichage de démonstration.


1 Faites glisser la face avant vers la gauche.

prise de commande du relais de lantenne moto-

2 Appuyez sur M.C. pour confirmer la sélection.

risée du véhicule, celle-ci se déploie lorsque la

! Pour éviter dendommager le périphérique

Assurez-vous dinsérer les encoches sur le

source est mise en service. Pour rétracter lan-

TITLE (multilingue)

ou lintérieur du véhicule, retirez tous les câ-

côté gauche de lappareil central dans les fen-

tes du panneau de commande.

tenne, mettez la source hors service.

bles et périphériques connectés à la face

Cet appareil peut afficher les informations textuel-

avant, avant denlever cette dernière.

les dun fichier audio compressé même si elles

sont incorporées dans une langue dEurope de

Opérations communes des

lOuest ou russe.

menus pour le(s) menu de

! Si la langue incorporée et la langue sélection-

configuration/réglages des

née sont différentes, les informations textuel-

les peuvent ne pas safficher correctement.

fonctions/réglages audio/

! Certains caractères peuvent ne pas safficher

2 Appuyez sur le côté droit de la face avant jus-

réglages initiaux/listes


quàcequelle soit bien en place.

1 Tournez M.C. pour choisir le réglage désiré.

Si vous ne pouvez pas monter la face avant

Retour à laffichage précédent

EUR (Langue européenne)RUS (Russe)

sur lappareil central, vérifiez que la face avant

Retour à la liste précédente (le dossier de niveau

2 Appuyez sur M.C. pour confirmer la sélection.

est correctement placée sur lappareil central.

immédiatement supérieur)

QUIT saffiche.

Forcer la face avant en position risque de len-

1 Appuyez sur


dommager ou dendommager lappareil cen-


Retour à laffichage ordinaire

4 Pour terminer la configuration, tournez

Annulation du menu des réglages initiaux/menu

M.C. pour sélectionner YES. Appuyez pour

Mise en service de lappareil

de configuration


1 Appuyez sur SRC/OFF pour mettre en service

1 Appuyez sur BAND/


# Si vous souhaitez modifier à nouveau vos régla-


ges, tournez M.C. pour passer à NO. Appuyez pour

Retour à laffichage ordinaire à partir de la liste

Mise hors service de lappareil


1 Appuyez sur BAND/


1 Maintenez la pression sur SRC/OFF jusquàce

que lappareil soit mis hors tension.



Аннотации для Автомагнитолы Pioneer DEH-2400UB в формате PDF

Топ 10 инструкций

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Главная > Головные устройства > Магнитола Pioneer DEH-2400UB

Магнитола Pioneer DEH-2400UB

Модель: Формат: Размер: Язык: Скачать:
Автомагнитола Pioneer DEH-2400UB инструкция
руководство также подходит для:

  • DEH-3400UB
PDF 4.70 MB Английский
ссылка на скачивание инструкции

Магнитола Pioneer DEH-2400UB характеристики

Модельный ряд: 2012 год
Типоразмер: 1 DIN
Мощность усилителя: 4×50 Вт
Тип: CD/USB автомагнитола
CD: да
MP3 / WMA: да
USB / SD ридер : USB
iPod интерфейс: да
Аудиовход / Аудиовыход: + / +
Cъемная передняя панель: да
Цвет: черного цвета
Основная подсветка: красная подсветка
Гарантия / Сервис: 1 год

Магнитола Pioneer 2400UB отзывы


  • чистый, качественный и громкий звук;
  • есть настройки звука;
  • красивая красная подсветка;
  • удобный джойстик;
  • простая и удобная в использовании;
  • есть часы;
  • есть выход на сабвуфер;
  • хорошо ловит радио;
  • не дорогое устройство;
  • надежная автомагнитола;
  • современный, стильный дизайн.


  • существенных недостатков нету.

Pioneer DEH-2400UB отзывы составлены на базе 6 отзывов пользователей в Яндекс.Маркет.

Магнитола Пионер 2400UB руководство пользователя. Как скачать руководство по эксплуатации?

Руководство по эксплуатации к Pioneer 2400UB легко скачивается, в начале страницы перед Вами будет таблица:

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Страницы и текст этой инструкции

Инструкция автомагнитолы Pioneer DEH-2400UB

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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Наша цель состоит в том, чтобы предоставить вам быстрый доступ к содержанию инструкции для автомагнитолы Pioneer DEH-2400UB.
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• Загрузка на компьютер — Вы можете также скачать Инструкция автомагнитолы Pioneer DEH-2400UB на свой компьютер и сохранить его в файлах.

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Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Должностная инструкция ведущего инженера охраны труда
  • Мэс центра официальный сайт руководство
  • Terbisil таблетки инструкция по применению турция
  • Руководство для газобетона
  • Должностная инструкция дезинфектора в учреждении социального обслуживания