Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для конструктора Lego
60174 Mountain Police Headquarters (Полицейский участок в горах), описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.
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Инструкция для конструктора Lego
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These are the instructions for building the LEGO City Mountain Police Headquarters that was released in 2018.
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Website version: v2.5.1
Требуются инструкции по сборке из вашего набора ЛЕГО set 60174 City Штаб квартира горной полиции? Ниже вы можете просмотреть и загрузить бесплатно инструкции по сборке в формате PDF. Кроме того, приведены часто задаваемые вопросы, рейтинг изделия и отзывы пользователей, что позволит оптимально использовать ваше изделие. Если это не то руководство, которое вы искали, – свяжитесь с нами.
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В наборе нет одного элемента Lego, где можно заказать запасной? Проверенный
В компании Lego работает служба, где можно заказать отдельные элементы или куда можно обратиться в случае нехватки элементов в наборе. Дополнительную информацию см. на веб-сайте.
Это было полезно (4124)
Как предотвратить изменение цвета игрушек Lego? Проверенный
Цвет пластиковых игрушек Lego меняется по двум главным причинам: длительное воздействие солнечного света или сигаретного дыма. Постарайтесь минимизировать воздействие этих факторов на ваши игрушки Playmobil.
Это было полезно (1384)
Как лучше всего чистить детали конструктора Lego? Проверенный
Lego советуют чистить детали вручную с помощью воды (не выше 40°C) и щадящего чистящего средства. Никогда не мойте детали Lego в посудомоечной или стиральной машине. Оставьте детали сушиться на воздухе. Очищайте электрические детали исключительно сухой тканью.
Это было полезно (1269)
Каждый раз после сборки нового набора Lego у меня остается несколько маленьких деталей. Я забыл(-а) ими воспользоваться? Проверенный
Нет, во многих наборах Lego есть запасные детали для мелких элементов.
Это было полезно (1027)
Как лучше всего наносить наклейки на детали Lego? Проверенный
Чтобы наклейки можно было переклеить, рекомендуется обработать место нанесения наклейки средством для очистки стекол. После размещения наклейки дайте ей высохнуть, чтобы она держалась на месте.
Это было полезно (910)
Где я могу найти список деталей моего набора Lego? Проверенный
Многие современные инструкции Lego включают список деталей в конце буклета. В случае нескольких буклетов список можно найти в середине PDF-файла.
Это было полезно (864)
Можно ли использовать детали Lego и Duplo вместе? Проверенный
Да, детали Lego и Duplo совместимы. Детали Lego устанавливаются на детали Duplo с полыми шипами. Детали Duplo лучше всего устанавливаются на более крупные детали Lego, на мелких деталях они могут держаться хуже.
Это было полезно (796)
С какого возраста можно играть с Lego? Проверенный
Большинство наборов Lego предназначены для детей от 4 лет, поскольку содержат мелкие детали. Специальная серия Duplo предназначена для детей от 1,5 лет. Возрастные ограничения всегда указываются на коробке.
Это было полезно (779)
Lego Полицейский участок в горах — LEGO City № 60174 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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Руководство на русском языке?
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Sound the alarm at the LEGO® City 60174 Mountain Police Headquarters! A strange tree-shaped object outside keeps moving by the stairs, and there’s a low-flying helicopter nearby. What is the pilot doing with that chain and hook? He’s trying to break his buddy out of jail! Load the net shooter on the station roof and fire it at the helicopter, while the other police officers hop in the vehicles to chase after the crooks on the ground. What’s that in the cave under the jail? Eeek, it’s a mountain lion, and it’s ready to pounce!
Electric Sports Car
Get behind the wheel of the lightning-fast Electric Sports Car. Check out its futuristic design with eye-catching neon-yellow detailing, cool wheels and huge rear spoiler. Then jump aboard and visit the solar-powered charge point before you head for the nearest racetrack!
4×4 Off-Roader Adventures
Cruise across open country for exciting camping adventures aboard the 4×4 Off-Roader! This tough vehicle has huge tires and super-high suspension for rough terrain. When you arrive, unload the mountain bikes, grab your helmet and go explore! Use the camera to check out the wildlife. Then pitch the tent, light a campfire and cook up some supper before diving into your cozy sleeping bag. What a day!
Forest Police Station
From the Forest Police Station, the forest policemen spot the robbers hiding the stolen goods behind a rock. Can they catch the robbers with the helicopter and keep them locked up in the cell? Will the bear chase them up the tree and foil their escape? You decide! Includes 5 minifigures: 2 forest policemen, 2 robbers and a pilot.
Construction Digger
Jump aboard the customizable Construction Digger! Help the LEGO® City workers replace an old park bench with a futuristic, phone-charging smart bench. Use the digger’s jackhammer and bucket attachments to clear the area. Then attach the pallet scoop to lift the new bench into position. When you’re done, load up your broom and equipment and head to the next job!
Custom Car Garage
Welcome to the LEGO® City Custom Car Garage. Use the smart configuration wall to create awesome designs. Help the mechanics fit cool headlights, rear spoilers and bumpers for rallying and drift racing. Drive vehicles onto the ramps for modification, painting and welding. Use the hoist to install different engines and visit the tuning station before you hit the road. This workshop is awesome!
Penguin Slushy Van
Hurray! The Penguin Slushy Van has arrived in LEGO® City. This cold drinks van really is cool! Check out its eye-catching penguin design! Join the fun penguin-suited vendor in the prep area. Slide open the window to serve the thirsty customers with cold drinks in 4 fruity flavors. Then jump behind the wheel and head to the next destination!
Police Training Academy
Welcome to the LEGO® City Police Training Academy! This place is packed with awesome challenges for new recruits. Scale the climbing wall, swing along the monkey bars and fly down the zip line. Keep your balance to complete the awesome obstacle course. Zoom around the cones to pass the driving test. Then saddle up your horse and head for the high jump. Way to go, rookie!
4×4 Fire Truck Rescue
Oh no… an unattended campfire is out of control! Board the supercool 4×4 Fire Truck and race to the scene. Yikes! A kitten is stranded in the tree. Grab your hand-held extinguisher and knock out the flames. Use the ladder to rescue the kitten. And when you’re done, treat kitty to a bite of tasty, barbecued fish. Get ready for action-packed LEGO® City firefighting adventures!
Park Tractor
Grab your shovel and broom, load up the trailer and head out on a tree-planting expedition aboard the cool green tractor. This machine is perfect for driving off road! Find a nice spot to plant the big tree and saplings. Remember to water them well! The new trees have attracted a colorful ladybug and a curious squirrel. Feed the squirrel an acorn before you sweep up and head for home. What a day!
Emergency Vehicles HQ
Join the fire, police and ambulance teams at the LEGO® City Emergency Vehicles HQ. Launch the firefighter helicopter from the rooftop helipad. Race to the rescue in the emergency ambulance. Pursue the motorbike and jail the crook in the police SUV. And between emergencies you can enjoy a workout on the treadmill, catch some TV or plan your next mission in the control center. This HQ is awesome!
Ultimate Stunt Riders Challenge
Prepare for the Ultimate Stunt Riders Challenge! Put your skills to the test, stage epic shows and compete to take the winner’s trophy. Power up your flywheel stunt bike, defy gravity on the 360° loop, launch from the ramp to clear the ring of fire and hit the alien tower’s vertical climb at full speed to reach the spaceship. Then combine the challenges to scale up the difficulty. Hold tight!
Stunt Truck & Ring Of Fire Challenge
Get ready for the LEGO® City Ring of Fire Challenge! Help drive the huge truck into position and set up the fiery rings for the first run. Put on the crash helmet and power up the flywheel stunt bike. Hit the launch ramp at high speed to clear 1… 2… 3 rings of fire! Increase the distance between the rings to scale up the challenge. How far can this stunt bike fly? You get to find out!
LEGO® City Videos
Make Your Own Zip Line Challenge!
City-ZENS, it’s Rocket Racer!
My boy Go-To Gary sure showed us how NOT to zip-line at the police training ground. And now it’s time for you to show us YOUR zip line game! Check out the action, then ZIP over to LEGO® Life to join the fun! And remember! It’s Your City, No Limits! 😎 -
I ‘aced’ the obstacle course!
CITYzens! It’s Go-To Gary! This is me ‘acing’ the obstacle course at the LEGO® City Police Training Academy. 😎 And there’s a whole load of ‘No Limits’ challenge videos heading your way! Dive in and join the fun on the LEGO Life app. It’s awesome! See you there! Your City, No Limits!
Build a Supercool Multi-Purpose Car Challenge!
Waddup City-ZENS!
It’s Fearless Fi! Cars don’t always have to be fast, right? So, Rocket Racer and I (excuse his overexcitement) came up with an awesome challenge! Build a car that can do something else really cool! Check out the video, get inspired and get building! Remember… think ‘WILD’ and share your epic creations on the LEGO® Life app. Your City, No Limits! 😎 -
Rocket the rocket rocked it!
CITYzens! It’s Go-To Gary! See Rocket blast off at the City stunt arena! Boy, he took it to a whole new level with that extra booster. It was so… OVERCOOL! And there are more epic challenge videos heading your way. Check them out and join the fun on the LEGO® Life app. Your City, No Limits! 😎
Make Your Own Stuntz Challenge!
Hey City-ZENS!
So recently, Rocket Racer rocked it at the stunt arena, well… he sort of did. 😊 But that gave me a great idea… stunt bowling! It’s simple! Line’em up and knock’em down! Check out the video, power up your imagination and bowl us over with your creations on the LEGO® Life app! Your City, No Limits! 😎 -
Build Your Own Cool Car Challenge!
Waddup City-ZENS!
Go-To Gary checking in! Are you ready to create the ‘SICKEST’ ride in LEGO® City? Big, small, pointy or never seen before… you decide! Check out the video, get building and share your creations on the LEGO Life app. I’m outta here! Your City, No Limits! 😎 -
Make Your Own Obstacle Course Challenge!
Hello City-ZENS!!
Go-To Gary didn’t actually ace the course at the Police Training Academy, but he did give me an idea for a cool challenge. Build the ‘AWESOMEST’ training course the LEGO® City police cadets have ever seen! Check out the video, get creative and share your build on the LEGO Life app. Your City, No Limits! Max out! 😎 -
Let’s make holiday awesome! What is your destination?
Create an Awesome Stunt Jump Challenge!
Waddup City-ZENS!
Check out what went down at the City Stuntz arena and power up your creativity with this short video! I wanna see the coolest, baddest, most gravity-defying stunt jump you can imagine! Remember… think BIG, think SILLY and don’t just do it…OVERDO IT! Put your stunt to the test and share the action with us on the LEGO® Life app. Your City, No Limits! Max out! 😎 -
Get ready for action with Mech-Max!
Waddup CITYzens! See what me and the ‘No Limits’ crew created at the LEGO® City Custom Car Garage. There’s a truckload of epic ‘No Limits’ challenge videos heading for the LEGO Life app. So, dive in and join the fun! And as I like to say, don’t just do it…OVERDO IT! Your City, No Limits! Max out! 😎
LEGO® City Games
Build and operate your own LEGO® Tower! Construct a wide range of apartments and businesses for your Minifigure residents to live, work and play in. Visit your friends’ towers and trade items to help them build. Collect hundreds of unique Minifigure pieces and discover hidden characters. Build your dream LEGO® Tower to new heights, the sky’s the limit!
Feel the thrill and put your stunts skills to the test in the city. Jump, crush and wheelie like no other rides!
Mayor Fleck is on holiday and you’re in charge! Help new city dwellers connect using the all-new Road Plates and bring LEGO® City to life!