Посудомоечная машина аско инструкция по использованию

  • Инструкции

  • Посудомоечные машины

  • Asko

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI676GXXL/1

Инструкция к Asko DFI 676GXXL/1
PDF, 5.91 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 407.68 Кб

Энергетический лейбл
PNG, 43.82 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI444B/1

Инструкция к посудомоечной машине Asko DFI444B/1
PDF, 4.11 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 53.32 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI645MB/1

Инструкция к посудомоечной машине Asko DFI645MB/1
PDF, 4.67 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 53.32 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DSD433B/1

Инструкция к Asko DSD433B/1
PDF, 4.17 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 423.5 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI433B/1

Инструкция к стиральной машине Asko DFI433B/1
PDF, 3.61 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 53.32 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Asko DFS244IB.S/1

Инструкция к посудомоечной машине Asko DFS244IB.S/1
PDF, 4.5 Мб

Схема модели
JPG, 63.22 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Asko DFS244IB.W/1

Инструкция к посудомоечной машине Asko DFS244IB.W/1
PDF, 4.5 Мб

Схема модели
JPG, 63.22 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DWCBI231.S/1

Инструкция к посудомоечной машине Asko DWCBI231.S/1
PDF, 4.66 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 12.73 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI777UXXL

Инструкция к Asko DFI777UXXL
PDF, 3.99 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 6.57 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 41.92 Кб

Энергетический лейбл
JPG, 47.81 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI544D

Инструкция к Asko DFI544D
PDF, 2.58 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 5.17 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 39.89 Кб

Энергетический лейбл
JPG, 47.08 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DSD544D

Инструкция к Asko DSD544D
PDF, 2.57 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 13.15 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 54.09 Кб

Энергетический лейбл
JPG, 47.71 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI746U

Инструкция к Asko DFI746U
PDF, 3.33 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 6.57 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 41.39 Кб

Энергетический лейбл
JPG, 47.58 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI747MU

Инструкция к Asko DFI747MU
PDF, 3.33 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 6.57 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 41.33 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DFI545K

Инструкция к Asko DFI545K
PDF, 2.72 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 6.71 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 41.1 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Asko DSD746U

Инструкция к Asko DSD746U
PDF, 3.27 Мб

Руководство по установке
PDF, 13.41 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 56.76 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Asko DFS344ID.S

Инструкция к Asko DFS344ID.S
PDF, 2.79 Мб

Схема с размерами
JPG, 40.43 Кб


  1. Использование ПММ
  2. Настройки
  3. Экономичная мойка посуды
  4. Уход и очистка
  5. Техника безопасности
  6. Сервис и ремонт

Инструкции по эксплуатации посудомоечных машин Asko на русском языке входят в комплектацию каждой модели. Эти документы включают подробное руководство по установке, настройке и обслуживанию техники. Вы найдете информацию о том, как использовать ПММ, чтобы ее работа была максимально эффективной, а также указания по технике безопасности. Целый ряд советов и рекомендаций поможет вам добиться наилучшего результата.


Использование ПММ

Инструкция по использованию посудомоечной машины Аско предлагает следующий порядок действий:

  1. Загрузите машину. При этом важно помнить, что посуда должна быть установлена загрязненной поверхностью вниз. Не размещайте одну емкость внутри другой. Чашки и другую глубокую посуду ставьте наклонно, чтобы вода при ополаскивании стекала с них. Все небольшие предметы поместите в верхний лоток, чтобы они не провалились вниз.
  2. Позаботьтесь о том, чтобы ничего не мешало свободному вращению разбрызгивателей.
  3. Загрузите моющее средство. Не кладите его слишком много — это негативно влияет на результат.
  4. Выберите программу в соответствии с объемом посуды и степенью ее загрязненности.
  5. Если вы хотите применить дополнительные опции, их необходимо активировать до начала мойки.
  6. Плотно закройте дверцу и нажмите кнопку запуска.
  7. Если вы хотите поменять программу, нажмите сначала кнопку паузы.
  8. Для дозагрузки посуды достаточно открыть дверцу — процесс будет автоматически остановлен.
  9. После завершения цикла прозвучит звуковой сигнал. Кроме того, в зависимости от модели либо появится сообщение на дисплее, либо загорится соответствующий индикатор.


Функционал любой посудомойки Аско позволяет настроить параметры работы по своему усмотрению:

  • Язык текста, выводящегося на дисплей;
  • Набор доступных для выбора и скрытых программ (те режимы, которые вам не нужны, можно скрыть, чтобы они не отображались в меню);
  • Активация защитной блокировки;
  • Регулировка контрастности дисплея;
  • Выбор звукового сигнала и его громкости;
  • Настройка дозировки ополаскивателя;
  • Регулировка смягчителя воды.


Экономичная мойка посуды

Руководство по применению ПММ Аско включает советы по сокращению расхода воды и электроэнергии во время работы. Рекомендуется полная загрузка машины и выбор режимов с более низкой температурой. Специальная программа под названием «Экологичная» является самой экономичной. Однако учтите, что она предназначена для посуды без сильных загрязнений. Если конструкция устройства позволяет подключение к горячему водоснабжению, стоит этим воспользоваться для экономии времени и уменьшения энергопотребления. 

Уход и очистка

Для того, чтобы техника функционировала без перебоев, следует периодически производить очистку всех ключевых деталей: фильтры, сливной насос, разбрызгиватели. Края дверцы и уплотнитель на ней необходимо время от времени обрабатывать слегка влажной тканью. 

Мытье посуды жесткой водой, как правило, грозит образованием накипи в камеры. Для того, чтобы избавиться от нее, можно использовать специальные средства или обычную лимонную кислоту. Засыпьте приблизительно 2 столовые ложки в отделение для моющего средства и запустите программу «Самоочистка» для пустой камеры. 

Очень важно избежать засорения панели управления. Для этого регулярно протирайте кнопки обычной сухой или чуть влажной тканью. Избегайте применения чистящих средств — они могут оставить царапины на панели, что не только портит внешний вид прибора, но и может привести к сбоям. Перед чисткой кнопок обязательно отключите машину от электропитания.


Техника безопасности

Во время эксплуатации помните о требованиях безопасности:

  1. Загружайте в камеру только посуду и ничего другого.
  2. Острые предметы (например, ножи) кладите острием вниз в корзине для столовых приборов или горизонтально в других корзинах.
  3. Используйте специальные моющие средства для ПММ.
  4. Не оставляйте дверцу открытой, это грозит травмами.
  5. Не помещайте внутрь посуду с остатками растворителей, а также с золой, воском и смазкой — это очень опасно.
  6. Не разрешайте детям играть с техникой или самостоятельно запускать ее.
  7. После загрузки моющего средства сразу же запускайте мойку.
  8. Замену поврежденного сетевого кабеля должен выполнять только квалифицированный электрик.

Сервис и ремонт

При возникновении проблем стоит ознакомиться с разделом инструкции «Поиск и устранение неисправностей». Если без помощи специалистов не обойтись, обратитесь в авторизованный сервис-центр. Заранее подготовьте все необходимые документы, а также будьте готовы сообщить модель, тип и серийный номер изделия. Гарантийное обслуживание обеспечивает бесплатное устранение дефектов сборки, материалов и комплектующих в течение всего гарантийного срока.

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Asko Manuals
  4. Dishwasher
  5. D5893
  6. Use & care manual
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Use & Care Guide


ASKO D5893


Related Manuals for Asko D5893

Summary of Contents for Asko D5893

  • Page 1
    Use & Care Guide Dishwasher ASKO D5893…
  • Page 2
    Dear ASKO customer, Thank you for choosing this quality product from Scandinavia, which was made in Sweden. We want you to feel assured that the inside of your new machine is just as good as the outside and that the ethics and standards that went into the production of this machine are just as high as the quality and performance that you will receive from it.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Before doing your first wash Troubleshooting Performance information Safety Installation instructions Child safety Service and guarantee Parts of the dishwasher Quick Guide Technical data Baskets Control panel Detergent Dispenser Basic Course Programs Program Description Options Specialsettings Eco-dishwashing Fragile dishes Time remaining Cleaning…

  • Page 4: Before Doing Your First Wash

    Before doing your first wash Read the directions of use Read the directions of use before starting to use your machine, especially the Safety, Child Safety and Basic Course sections. Take care with certain materials Read the section ‘Fragile dishes’ before washing china with unglazed decoration or other household goods made of plastic, wood or crystal requiring careful treatment. Check the door Check that the door of the dishwasher fits properly: open the door a little and let it go. Does it stay exactly where you released it? If not, you should check the installation instructions or consult the installer. OBS! The machine can only be adjusted when the door is open!

  • Page 5: Safety

    Safety General Winter storage/Transport • Read and keep the directions for use! Store the machine away from frost. • Installation of water, drainage and electric- Avoid long journeys in extreme cold. Trans- ity must be carried out by a qualified pro- port the machine in an upright position or fessional. lying on its back. • Do not use the dishwasher for any pur- poses other than those stated in this User Overfill protection Guide. The overfill protector starts pumping out • Do not load the dishwasher with anything water and closes off the water intake if the other than dishes. machine’s water level exceeds the normal • Only use dishwasher detergent! level. If the overfill protector starts up, shut • Place knives and other sharp objects so off the water supply and phone for service. that they cannot cause injury to people or See ‘Troubleshooting’. damage the dishwasher. • The appliance is not intended for use by Cleaning persons (including children) with reduced Only use a slightly damp cloth for cleaning physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or around the edge of the door. Do not use a lack of experience and knowledge, un- spray bottle! Water can penetrate into the less they have been given supervision or lock and come into contact with the elec- instruction concerning use of the appliance trical components.

  • Page 6: Child Safety

    Child safety! Child-safe dishwashing • Use the knife basket, or knife holder, for all long/sharp items. • Always close the door and start the pro- gram immediately once dishwasher deter- gent has been added. • Keep children away from the dishwasher when it is open. There might be remains of dishwasher detergent present! • Do not allow children to use or play with the dishwasher. Always take particular care when the door is open. Protect your children! — Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! WARNING: Dishwasher detergents are strongly alkaline. They can be extremely dangerous if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and keep children away from the dishwasher when the door is open.

  • Page 7: Parts Of The Dishwasher

    Parts of the dishwasher* 1. Knife basket . Upper basket . Spray arms . Lamp . Mellankorg . Cutlery basket Cutlery basket basket . Lower basket 8. Filter 9. Dishwasher detergent compartment 10. Rinse Aid Compartment 11. Main power switch 1. Type plate *Details may differ depending on the model and market! Technical data Height 80-910 mm Width 9 mm Depth 0 mm Weight 8 kg/1 kg Capacity* 1 place settings Water pressure 0.0-1.0 MPa (0.–10 kp/cm Connection 1-phase, 0 V, 0Hz 10/10A** Max 100 W** Accessories Work surface, Side panels, Anti-tilt *In accordance with standard, AS/NZS 00…

  • Page 8: Baskets

    The baskets* 1. Wine glass shelf Upper basket . Knife stop . Upper spray arm . Locking handle for upper basket . Catch Raising/lowering the upper basket 1. Pull out the upper basket. . Pull out the catches () on either side of the upper basket and lower the upper bas- ket at the same time. . Grab the basket by the sides and lift it. Middle basket 1. Utensil basket . Spray pipe . Wire basket for low cups and bowls…

  • Page 9: The Baskets

    The baskets* Lower basket Knife basket basket Cutlery basket basket The smal cutlery basket is moveable sideways and can be attached to the other cutlery basket or upper/lower basket. *Details may differ depending on the model and market!

  • Page 10
    The baskets* *Details may differ depending on the model and market!
  • Page 11
    The baskets* *Details may differ depending on the model and market!
  • Page 12: Control Panel

    Control panel The panel has touch buttons with optional sounds to confirm selections. 1. Main switch . Navigations buttons . Program selector . Start/stop . Display window Important! 1. The touch buttons must be kept clean and free from grease. Use only a dry or slightly damp cloth and never cleaning fluid as this can cause scratches. . Use the main power switch to turn off the machine before cleaning the touch buttons to avoid activating any buttons unintentionally. . Wait a moment before pressing the touch buttons after opening the door. Detergent Dispenser 1. Compartment for main wash dishwasher detergent . Compartment for pre-wash detergent . Refill indicator for rinse aid (not all models) . Rinse aid cover . Detergent compartment cover…

  • Page 13: Basic Course

    Basic Course Below are step-by-step instructions to help you Place dinner plates, side plates, serving achieve the best possible dishwashing results. dishes, saucepans, and cutlery (in the cutlery basket) in the lower basket. The Load the baskets correctly! removable plate insert, which comes with Thanks to Self Cleaning System, you certain models, can be easily removed to do not need to rinse the dishes under run- provide room for large plates, saucepans, ning water. Simply remove large food parti- and pots. cles and debris. Convenient and environmen- tally-friendly! Place glasses, cups, bowls, side plates, and saucers in the upper basket. Wine glasses should be hung from or leaned against the wine glass shelf and knives placed in the knife stand if present. Stand the cutlery with handles downward Note! and as spread out as possible. Ensure that Ensure that all soiled surfaces face inwards spoons are not resting inside each other. or downwards! CAUTION! Knives and other utensils with sharp points must be loaded in the basket with their points down or placed in a horizontal posi- tion. Do not put cutlery made of different materi- als — such as silver and stainless steel — in the same compartment (risk of stains). The middle basket is suitable for low items, The cutlery basket has a folding flap in the such as cups, small glasses, or bowls. The middle for small items or narrow shafts,…

  • Page 14: Dishwashing Detergent

    Basic Course Dishwashing detergent Select program Dispensing dishwasher detergent For select program see part Detergent should be dispensed in accor- Programs. dance with the water’s hardness level. Follow the dosage instructions on the deter- Select option gent package. If your machine is fitted with a If you wish to use additional options water softener, dispense as for soft water. continue to part Option. Otherwise you can Pour the dishwasher detergent into the dish- now start the machine, see point . washer detergent compartment. There is one compartment for pre-wash and one for main wash, see Dispenser. Phone the dish- washer detergent manufacturer if you have any questions regarding the detergent. Dishwasher tablets Halve the tablet if it is difficult to close the dispenser cover. There is a risk that the dishwasher detergent will not break down properly to give the correct dosage if the cover is tight and cannot be opened cor- rectly. 3-in-1/ Multi-purpose detergent Note! Read the directions for use for such products carefully. If anything is unclear, contact the detergent manufacturer.

  • Page 15: Press Start

    Basic Course Press start After dishwashing The dishwasher will now start. It man- Once the machine has finished, it only ages the entire wash automatically. draws standby current. Turn off the water Ensure that the door is properly closed or faucet if the machine is not to be used for an the machine will not start. extended period, such as during vacations, The display shows ‘Program started’. If the ‘Program started’. If the . If the for example. door is open or not properly closed, ‘Close ‘Close Close door’ appers in the display. ’ appers in the display. appers in the display. Drying For additional drying the door should be Changing program opened mm upon completion of the dry- If you want to change program after having ing cycle. For more information refer to the…

  • Page 16: Programs

    Programs Select program Select a program by pressing the program selector one or more times until the required program text lights up. Press Pos. Comments/instructions The dishwasher detects how soiled the dishes are and adjusts water Auto consumption and temperature accordingly. A program suitable for daily dishes. Daily The program can also deal with dried food, though the short prewashes are not designed for burnt food. A program that adjusts itself to the specified time frame or finish time. When Time using this program, it is however important to select a temperature and time suited to how dirty the dishes are. The Heavy Wash program should be used for heavily soiled dishes, e.g. Heavy saucepans, pots and gratin dishes. If there is still space in the machine after loading such items, you can add plates etc. Used for washing normally soiled dishes such as plates, serving dishes, cups Normal and glasses, etc. This dishwashing programme is used for lightly soiled dishes in the upper Mixed basket and heavily soiled dishes in the lower basket. If you only have cups and glasses in the upper basket which require washing, Upper basket you can use this programme. When you only want to wash plates and cutlery in the lower basket you can use Lower basket the lower basket wash. If the dishes are not heavily soiled, you can select Delicate wash. This program Delicate is intended for glass and china which has just been used and therefore does not need such a powerful program.

  • Page 17: Program Description

    Program Description Programview Programs Auto Daily Time Heavy Normal Combi Options 0°C Selectable 0 to °C °C °C 180 min Prewashes 1 prewash prewashes prewashes with SCS* Mainwash *** — 0°C Max. °C °C °C °C Number of last rinse , last Max. °C , last , last , last rinses 0°C rinse °C rinse 0°C rinse 0°C rinse 0°C Consumption values…

  • Page 18: Consumption Values

    Program Description Programview Programs Upper/ Delicate Quick Rinse & Rinse & Lower Hold basket Options °C 0°C 0°C Prewashes with SCS* Mainwash *** °C 0°C 0°C Number of , last rinse , last , last 1, last 1 rinse rinses 0°C rinse 0°C rinse 0°C rinse 0°C Consumption values 1. Wash time :1 1: 0: 0:0 0:0…

  • Page 19: Options

    Options Select options To select an option, press one of the option buttons. Description This option lets you set all spray arms in All baskets function and by this option you can wasch both the upper and lower baskets. If you only have cups and glasses in the Upper basket upper basket which require washing, you Basket loaded can use this program. When you only want to wash plates and Lower basket cutlery in the lower basket you can use the lower basket wash. • If you want the machine to start up later, press the ‘Delayed start’ option button, you can delay the start 0.- h. A clock symbol and the number of hours until start will appear in the display window. • Press the Start/Stop button or make a Delayed start further selection. The machine will now count down the time each hour until the machine starts, and then show the re- maining wash time in the display window. • To cancel Delayed start, press and hold the Start/Stop button for seconds. Program With the temperature option button you can select the wash temperature your- Auto You can select the temperatur from self.

  • Page 20
    Options Description If you desire a maximum drying result, press the Normal Drying options button (Normal) and a symbol showing three wavy lines will light. (in all programs except Auto, Time, Rinse & Dry, Rinse & Hold, Plate heat). Drying Without If you want a program without Drying options, press the button again and the symbol will go out. For save energy, select Economy dry. Eco This option is available when using a combi detergent, such as a -in-1 type. The dishwash- Tab Off ing programs are automatically adjusted so that the best possible washing and drying results are always attained. If you deactivate this option, the machine will return to ordinary function for all pro- Tab On grams. When using this option it is not necessary to add rinse aid as the rinse aid dosing function is bypassed. Salt consumption is reduced by roughly, so the water softener must still be filled with salt. Read the dishwashing detergent package care- fully for directions of use. If you have problems with deposits or dishes not being dry: deactivate this op- tion and fill with rinse aid and salt. Salt consumption applies only to machines with water softeners. See the chapter entitled “Before doing your first wash”. NB: In order to achieve good dishwashing results, it is essential to check which type of dishwasher detergent or combi product best suits your needs! The instructions and warnings on the packaging must be followed! An option that shortens the program time but uses more water and energy to clean the dishes. Can be Time saver used with Heavy Wash and Normal Wash.
  • Page 21: Specialsettings

    Specialsettings To get to the Specialsettings When you have selected the programme and any option, press the Menu button until ‘Spe- cial settings’ appears in the display. Description Special settings Language on the LCD can be selected. To access the language menu directly press and simultaneously. Language Child lock can be set on or off. Default off. Child lock This signal is set at the factory. Buzzer volume The signal shall indicate confirmation of a selection. Operation volume °C The (program) temperatures on LCD can be set in °C (Celcius) or °F °C (Celcius) or °F Temperature (Fahrenheit).

  • Page 22: Eco-Dishwashing

    Eco-dishwashing Only wash full loads Waiting to run the wash until the machine is full saves energy. Wash at a lower temperature If the dishes are only lightly soiled you can run a Quick wash program and reduce the temperature to 0°C. Select a program with Economy dry To save energy, select Economy dry. You will get a better drying result if you leave the door slightly open after the end of the program. Do not rinse before dishwashing Thanks to the dishwasher’s Self Cleaning System (SCS) you do not need to rinse the dishes under running water before loading them into the machine. Choose environmentally-friendly dishwasher detergent Read environmental declarations on the package! Connect to cold water… if you use oil or electricity to heat your home.

  • Page 23: Fragile Dishes

    Fragile dishes A number of household goods are not suit- Plastic able for machine washing. This can be due Certain types of plastic cannot withstand to a variety of reasons. Certain materials the high temperature generated in machine cannot withstand intense heat; others can dishwashing. be damaged by the dishwasher detergent. Protect plastic goods Fragile decoration Select a program with a low temperature. China with decoration on top of the glaze (the goods have a rough feel) should not be machine washed. Crystal/ glass Place the goods so that they do not knock together during the wash. Use the lowest possible wash temperature and the shortest possible program. Do not heat dry! Antique and very fragile items should not be ma- chine washed. Glass which is machine washed at high temperatures can in time develop a grey film which cannot be removed. Wash fine glass at the lowest temperature and with a low dosage of dishwasher detergent. Silver Silver and stainless steel items should not come into contact with each other as the silver can discolor. Cutlery with glued handles Certain types of adhesive cannot withstand machine washing. In such cases the handles can come loose.

  • Page 24: Time Remaining

    Time remaining When you have selected programme and option, the display shows the length of time the programme took the last time it was used. When you have started the machine, the display window shows how much of the programme time remains. This time can vary a little from one occasion to another depending on the temperature of the inlet water, the amount of dishes, the ambient temperature, etc. During the time the programme is operating, the time is counted down and the remaining programme time is shown in the window. The remaining time is shown e.g. as 1:0, which means that 1 hour and minutes of the programme remain. During the first run of each programme, the remaining time display can be slightly mis- leading as the machine is estimating the time. If the programme takes longer than expected, it displays 1 minute until the pro- gramme is finished.

  • Page 25: Cleaning

    Cleaning The dishwasher tub is made of stainless steel and is kept clean through normal use. However, if you have hard water, limescale deposits may form in the machine. If this happens, run a normal wash program with two tablespoons of citric acid in the dishwasher detergent compartment. Spray arm . Remove and clean the fine filter. . Replace in reverse order. Ensure that the edges are properly sealed when replacing the fine filter. Tubular strainer Fine filter Coarse filter Coarse filter The coarse filter traps larger food particles, which cannot get past the drain pump. Empty the coarse filter as necessary. . Lock the filter in place by turning the 1. Lift the coarse filter by the handle. handle clockwise to the stop position: the . Empty the coarse filter. Don’t forget to handle should point out from the dishwash- replace it! Fine filter Debris that collects on the fine filter is auto matically rinsed away during each wash. However, the fine filter and its pipe section NOTE: should be cleaned once or twice a year. The dishwasher must not be used without 1. Turn the handle once counter-clockwise. the filter in place! . Lift the pipe section straight up by the An improperly fitted coarse filter may affect…

  • Page 26: Drain Pump

    Cleaning Drain pump If the machine still does not start and a buzzing sound is heard, the overflow guard The pump can be accessed from inside the has been activated. machine. • Shut off the water. 1. Cut the power to the machine by pulling • Pull the plug out from the wall socket. out the plug! • Call the service division. . Remove the coarse filter and pipe section. NOTE! . Remove the small fitted piece at the left of Do not forget to reinstall the fitted piece. the bottom drain (see the image below). The spray arms Holes and bearings can sometimes become blocked. 1. Pull the lower washer arm straight up to release it. . Remove any deposits using a needle or similar. . You can release and turn the pump blade The washer arms also have holes under by inserting your finger into the hole and neath. release anything blocking it. . Reinstall the fitted piece and filters. . Plug the plug into the wall socket.

  • Page 27
    Cleaning To release the upper spray arm, the upper basket must be removed. Cover 1. Pull out the basket. . Remove the upper spray arm by unscrew- ing it counter-clockwise from the basket and clean it. . Screw the spray arm back into place. Door When cleaning the edge around the door, use only a slightly damp cloth, possibly with a little detergent. Do not use a spray bottle Spray arm or similar around the door catch. This is to ensure that water does not penetrate into the door catch and come into contact with Cleaning the middle basket: the electrical components. 1. Pull out the basket. . Check the holes in the spray unit. . Clean with a pin or similar item. Utensil basket Wire basket Spray pipe CAUTION! Do not use a spray bottle or similar around the door catch. Fit the cover securely if you are not using the wire basket. Tip! In order to prevent bad odours in the dish- washer, clean the strips and corners with a dish brush and low-lather detergent.
  • Page 28: Rinse Aid

    Rinse aid Adding rinse aid Select dosage The dispenser is usually set at 1= soft water. In some cases, drying can be made more ef- However, depending on the water hardness, ficient by using rinse aid. you may need to change the dosage. Machines with indicator on the panel Open the rinse aid cover. Here you will find When the rinse aid has run out and more is the dispenser’s adjustment dial. Settings 1-: needed, the rinse aid symbol on the panel the harder the water, the higher the dosage. lights up*. When the water hardness exceeds grains, you should use rinse aid with citric acid (acid To fill with rinse aid: rinse aid). 1. Turn and lift up the cover of the rinse aid compartment to the right of the dispenser. Too much rinse aid can lead to the build- This is where you top up and set the amount up of foam. If your water is particularly soft, of rinse aid to be dispensed in each wash. you can dilute the rinse aid (1 part rinse aid, . Carefully pour in rinse aid up to the dos- 1 part water).

  • Page 29: Fault Indications

    Fault indications Type of fault Action Display Overfilling Too much water in the machine Phone for service Water inlet fault Fault in the water inlet Check that the tap is open Inlet valve Inlet valve leakage Shut off the tap and phone for leakage service Drainage fault Blocked drain See ‘Possible causes’ in chapter Troubleshooting Blocked filter Clogged filter Clean filters, see chapter Cleaning To remove the fault indications from the display, turn off the main switch and then turn it back on again.

  • Page 30: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting Problems Action Possible causes The dishes are not clean • The spray arms are not • Lift off the arms and clean rotating • Old dishwasher detergent. • Avoid large packs Note! Detergent is perishable • Incorrect dosage of detergent • Dispense according to the level of water hardness • Wrong wash program se- • Heavier programs are longer, lected and use higher temperatures for dirtier loads. Use a heavi- er program better suited for the load • Incorrect loading of the dish- • Do not cover china with large washer bowls or the like • Try not to place too much tall glassware in the corners of the baskets • Glasses and cups have tipped • Load the china securely over during the wash • Filter not correctly positioned • Screw the filter into place Stains or a film on the • Incorrectly set rinse aid • See the chapter on rinse aid china…

  • Page 31: Possible Causes

    Troubleshooting Possible causes Action Problems Stains on stainless steel or • Certain food remnants such • Rinse off food residue of this silver as mustard, mayonnaise, type if you do not intend to lemon, vinegar, salt, and start the dishwasher immedi- dressings can cause stains ately on stainless steel if allowed to remain for any length of • Seperate your cutlery into time. All stainless steel can various compartments in the mark silver if allowed to come basket. Make sure silver and into contact during the dish- stainless steel are not washing process. Aluminum together can also cause stains on dishes Stains which remain after • Lipstick and tea can be dif- • Heavier programs are longer, dishwashing ficult to remove and use higher temperatures for dirtier loads. Use a heavi- er program better suited for…

  • Page 32
    Troubleshooting Problems Action Possible causes Water remains in the • Obstruction in the drain hose • Disconnect the drain hose machine where it is connected to the sink’s water trap. Check that no debris has become stuck. Is the cone-shaped part of the pipe cut so that the diameter is at least 1 mm? • Kinks in the drain hose .• Check that the hose is free from kinks or sharp bends • The filters are clogged • Clean out the coarse filter, the fine filter and the filter • Objects in the drain pump • Clean out the drain pump. See the chapter on cleaning • Dirt around edges and cor- • Clean with a dishwashing ners brush and low-foaming deter- gent • Dirt along the strips and in Bad odor in the machine • Clean with a dish brush corners and low-lather detergent • The Economy dry option has Dishes do not get…
  • Page 33: Performance Information

    Performance information Test dosage Normal wash Main wash gram Standart detergent. Rinse aid dosage . Energy labelling Australia: AS/NZS 00 Dishwasher program: Normal wash, Economy temp. °C, Economy drying. For the drying performance test the door should be opened upon completion of the drying cycle a distance of 35 mm at V. Program time: 1: hour:min. hour:min. . Connection: Cold water Test method noise measurement: IEC-0- Loading at performance test Lower basket with 1 place settings Upper basket with 1 place settings AS/NZS 2007.1 AS/NZS 2007.1…

  • Page 34: Technical Information

    Performance information Utensil baskets with 1 place settings (middle bas- ket) AS/NZS 2007.1 Technical information Height: 80-80 mm or 80-910** Width: 9 mm Weight: 8 kg* Capacity: 1 IEC place settings Water pressure: 0.0-1.0 MPa 0.-10 kp/cm (Bar) -100 N/cm Connection: See type plate Output: See type plate *The weight can vary due to varying specifications. **The height depends on model…

  • Page 35: Installation Instructions

    Installation Suggestions on positioning the dishwasher Built-in installation The dishwasher can be built in, fully free- standing or semi-freestanding. CAUTION! Min 863 Connection to electricity, water and drain- age must be carried out by a suitably quali- 860-910 fied person. A. Built-in The dishwasher can be built in under a work- top with a working height of 80 — 910 mm. The width measurement must be at least 00 mm. For additional measurements, see With nut and sliding protection mounted picture. Recommended measurements B. Freestanding Freestanding installation A freestanding dishwasher must be fitted with anti-tilt. This comprises two fastening irons which are screwed into place as illustrated. The dishwasher is then pushed in so that the fastening irons grip onto the rear feet. The dishwasher cannot now tilt in the event a load is placed on the open door. If the dishwasher is to be fully freestanding, both side panels and the work top should be fit- ted. These accessories can be purchased where you purchased the dishwasher.

  • Page 36
    Installation Connection to water It must be discharged at least 0 mm There must be a shut-off tap on the water above the bottom of the machine. supply pipe. The shut-off tap should be eas- Technical data ily accessible. See the type plate on the right side wall. The water supply pipe has a connection with CAUTION! a 1/” or /” internal thread depending on The lead must be removed from the socket country. while the work is carried out! When the installation is complete, the shut- off tap should be opened to allow the pres- Connection to drainage sure to settle for a while and to check that all When the drain hose is routed to a con- connections are tight. nection nipple at the sink’s water trap (see illustration 1), note that the hose must be Only use the inlet hose supplied with the fastened level with the underside of the sink machine. Do not reuse old or other loose unit – otherwise the dishwater from the sink inlet hoses. can run down into the dishwasher. The Connect to hot or cold water? drain hose is threaded onto a cone-shaped If you use oil or electricity to heat your connecting pipe at the sink unit’s water trap.
  • Page 37
    Installation Positioning the machine underside of the work surface. Tighten the A. Adjusting freestanding dishwashers locking nuts (locking nut) on the rear feet. 1. Adjust the height of the dishwasher with . Push the dishwasher into place. the four steel feet. . Finely adjust the front feet and tighten the . Lock the feet with the nuts. locking nuts. C. Adjusting machines with adjustable feet 1. Start by measuring the height from the floor to the underside of the work surface. . Install the sliding feet on the dishwasher. . After the steel feet have been adjusted, screw down the two rubber feet tightly against the floor. . Measure the height from the floor to the The rubber feet now work as anti-tilt protection. top edge of the dishwasher. . Tilt the dishwasher forward a fraction and roughly adjust the rear foot by screwing the set screw at the front clockwise to raise or anti-clockwise to lower (illustrated below). Use a broad screwdriver or a hexagonal head screwdriver. . Adjust the front feet by turning them clockwise to raise or anti-clockwise to lower. . Check that the height of the machine cor- responds to the height from the floor to the underside of the work surface.
  • Page 38
    Installation Not all models Slide the dishwasher into place Screw the dishwasher into place • Pull the drainage hose and connection The enclosed plastic plugs are used for cover- pipe when the machine is pushed into place. ing the screw holes if the dishwasher is to be • Check that the hose has no kinks or sharp screwed at the sides. After fixing check that bends, and check that there is nothing that the front feet are in contact with the floor. can damage the hoses. Installing the plinth (kick plate) The dishwasher has two kick-plates (some models). The taller one should be used if the machine is to be 80 — 80 mm high and the depth of the plinth can be varied between Fitting strip seal — 10 mm. The lower one is to be used if the (on floor plinth covering plate) machine will be 80 — 8 mm with a plinth Proceed as follows: depth of between 0 — 10 mm. Attach the…
  • Page 39: Service And Guarantee

    Service & guarantee Service Guarantee Before calling for service, check to see For guarantee details, see the guarantee whether the faults is due to something that card. you can rectify yourself. See Troubleshooting.

  • Page 40: Quick Guide

    Quick Guide 1. Load the baskets correctly! Thanks to the Self Cleaning System you don’t need to rinse the dishes, simply scrape large food particles and debris. . Dispensing dishwasher detergent The detergent compartment has a small compartment for pre-wash and one for main wash. . Ensure that the spray arms can rotate freely . Turn on the main power switch . Close the door . Select the program and press start For normally soiled dishes, use the Normal Wash program ° C and Normal drying. To save more water an d energy use Economy temperature and Economy drying. Mini Program Guide Programview Programs Auto Daily Time Heavy Normal Combi Options 0°C Selectable 0 to °C °C °C 180 min Prewashes 1 prewash prewashes prewashes with SCS Mainwash 0°C Max. °C °C °C °C…

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