Посудомоечная машина electrolux esf 65040 x инструкция

Ремонт посудомоечной машины Electrolux ESF 65040 X

Внимательно изучите раздел «Устранение неисправностей» в инструкции к вашей машине. В нём указаны распространённые неполадки, которые можно устранить самостоятельно. Если руководство не помогло вернуть посудомойку в строй, скорее всего, у вас произошла поломка. В этом случае, рекомендуем вызвать мастера, например, из выездного сервиса «РемБытТех». Он приедет на дом в течение 24 часов, установит причину неисправности и отремонтирует посудомоечную машину {Марка + Модель} в вашем присутствии с гарантией до 24 месяцев. Оказываем услуги на всей территории Москвы и в области.

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Инструкция по


kullanma kılavuzu



Maşină de spălat vase

Посудомоечная машина

Bulaşık Makinesi

Посудомийна машина


23.12.2011Рубрика: ИнструкцииАвтор: admin

Предлагаем бесплатно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации посудомоечной машины Electrolux ESF 65040 X на русском языке в удобном электронном формате. Это руководство пользователя поможет изучить многие полезные функции Вашей техники и продлить срок её службы на многие годы.


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Довольны ли вы данным изделием Electrolux?
Да Нет

Будьте первым, кто оценит это изделие

0 голоса

Часто задаваемые вопросы

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После завершения цикла посудомоечной машины отсек с моющим средством не открылся. Почему? Проверенный
Данная проблема часто возникает, когда посуда блокирует отсек. Прежде, чем запускать машину, убедитесь, что отсек не заблокирован.

Это было полезно (7472)

Почему посудомоечная машина перестала нагревать воду? Проверенный
Скорее всего, нагревательный элемент неисправен. Его следует заменить. В случае сомнений обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (6638)

Можно ли в посудомоечной машине использовать обычную соль? Проверенный
Нет, поваренная соль может содержать вещества, которые споcобны повредить ваше устройство.

Это было полезно (2906)

Нужно ли ополаскивать посуду, прежде чем поместить ее в посудомоечную машину? Проверенный
Ополаскивать посуду необязательно, однако следует удалить все крупные, твердые и жирные остатки пищи. Со временем они могут засорить слив.

Это было полезно (1145)

Могу ли я открыть посудомоечную машину во время ее работы? Проверенный
Большинство посудомоечных машин оснащены устройством остановки подачи воды, благодаря чему программа останавливается сразу же при открытии дверцы, что означает, что вода не будет вытекать. С некоторыми моделями со временем это может вызвать проблемы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.

Это было полезно (854)

Я хочу знать возраст моего прибора Electrolux. Как мне это сделать? Проверенный
Вы можете определить возраст вашего продукта по серийному номеру. Это можно найти на вашем устройстве. Первый символ серийного номера указывает год (например: 1 = 2001), а два символа после этого указывают неделю производства (например: 35 = 35 неделя этого года). Таким образом, серийный номер 13500016 указывает на то, что машина начиная с 35 недели 2001 года.

Это было полезно (740)

Следует ли открывать посудомоечную машину после того, как она закончила работу, чтобы посуда высохла быстрее? Проверенный
Это зависит от типа посудомоечной машины и ее расположения. Некоторые посудомоечные машины оснащены функцией сушки посуды после программы мойки. В этом случае открытие посудомоечной машины не принесет никакой пользы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.

Это было полезно (673)

После того, как посудомоечная машина завершит свой цикл, пластиковая посуда еще влажная, а остальная — нет. Это почему? Проверенный
Пластик — плохой проводник тепла, позволяющий продуктам быстро остывать. Влага, которая остается на нем, испаряется гораздо меньше, чем, например, на керамике или металле.

Это было полезно (597)

Можно ли мыть посуду с тефлоном в посудомоечной машине? Проверенный
Да, ты можешь. Однако сковорода изнашивается быстрее, чем при ручной очистке. При чистке сковороды тефлоном вручную никогда не используйте мочалку, а используйте мягкую губку или ткань.

Это было полезно (532)

Можно ли мыть в посудомоечной машине деревянные предметы, например, шпатели и разделочные доски? Проверенный
Нет. Деревянные предметы можно повредить или покоробить в посудомоечной машине. Кроме того, высвобождающиеся древесные волокна могут повредить посудомоечную машину. Деревянные разделочные доски часто изготавливаются с использованием клея, который может отслоиться после нескольких раз мытья в посудомоечной машине.

Это было полезно (531)

Можно ли подключить посудомоечную машину к удлинителю? Проверенный
Технику, требующую большого количества энергии, например посудомоечную машину, нельзя подключать ко всем удлинителям. Посмотрите, какова потребляемая мощность посудомоечной машины, которая указывается в ваттах, и проверьте, справится ли с этим удлинитель. Существуют удлинители с более толстыми кабелями, предназначенные для работы с более крупными приборами.

Это было полезно (530)

Царапины на металле внутри посудомоечной машины — это проблема? Проверенный
Внутренняя часть большинства посудомоечных машин изготовлена ​​из нержавеющей стали и не подвержена царапинам.

Это было полезно (530)

Моя посудомоечная машина Electrolux отображает ошибку «i30», что это означает? Проверенный
Эта ошибка указывает на возможную утечку и на то, что на дне устройства есть вода. Отключите подачу воды и обратитесь к специалисту по обслуживанию.

Это было полезно (359)

Руководство Electrolux ESF65040W Посудомоечная машина

user manual lietošanas instrukcija manual de instrucciones

Dishwasher Trauku mazgājamā mašīna Lavavajillas


2 electrolux

Electrolux. Thinking of you.

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Safety information


Select and start a washing programme


Product description


Control panel


Washing programmes


Use of the appliance


Care and cleaning


Setting the water softener


What to do if…


Use of dishwasher salt


Technical data


Use of rinse aid




Loading cutlery and dishes


Water connection


Use of detergent


Electrical connection


Multitab function


Environment concerns


Subject to change without notice

Safety information

For your safety and correct operation of the appliance, read this manual carefully before installation and use. Always keep these instructions with the appliance even if you move or sell it. Users must fully know the operation and safety features of the appliance.

Correct use

The appliance is designed exclusively for domestic use.

Only use the appliance to clean household utensils that are applicable for dishwashers.

Do not put solvents in the appliance. Risk of explosion.

Put the knives and all items with sharp points in the cutlery basket with their points down. If not, put in a horizontal position in the upper basket.

Use only branded products for dishwashers (detergent, salt, rinse aid).

If you open the door while the appliance is in operation, hot steam can escape. Risk of skin burns.

Do not remove dishes from the dishwasher before the end of the washing programme.

When the washing programme is completed, disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket and close the water tap.

Only an authorised service engineer can repair this appliance. Use only original spare parts.

Do not do repairs yourself to prevent injury and damage to the appliance. Always contact your local Service Force Centre.

General safety

Persons (including children) with reduced physical sensory, mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge must not use the appliance. They must have supervision or instruction for the operation of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

Obey the safety instructions from the manufacturer of the dishwasher detergent to prevent burns to eyes, mouth and throat.

Do not drink the water from the dishwasher. Detergent residues can stay in your appliance.

Always close the door when you do not use the appliance to prevent injury and not to stumble over the open door.

Do not sit or stand on the open door.

Child safety

Only adults can use this appliance. Children must get supervision to make sure that they do not play with the appliance.

Keep all the packaging away from children. There is a risk of suffocation.

Keep all detergents in a safe area. Do not let children touch the detergents.

Keep children away from the appliance when the door is open.


Make sure that the appliance is not damaged because of transport. Do not connect a damaged appliance. If necessary, contact the supplier.

Remove all packaging before first use.

A qualified and competent person must do the electrical installation.

A qualified and competent person must do the plumbing installation.

Do not change the specifications or modify this product. Risk of injury and damage to the appliance.

Do not use the appliance:

Product description

electrolux 3

if the mains cable or water hoses are damaged,

if the control panel, worktop or plinth area are damaged, that you can get ac-

cess to the inner side of the appliance. Contact your local Service Force Centre.

Do not drill into the sides of the appliance to prevent damage to hydraulic and electrical components.

Warning! Carefully obey the instructions for electrical and water connections.


Upper basket


Rating plate

Water hardness dial




Salt container

Lower spray arm



Detergent dispenser

Upper spray arm



Rinse aid dispenser




4 electrolux

Control panel

9 8 7 6






1Programme guide

2Programme knob

3Start/cancel button (Start Cancel)

4Multitab button (Multitab)

5Delay start button (Delay)

6Digital display

7Indicator lights

8Programme marker

9Off position

Wash phase

Dry phase


Salt 1)

Rinse aid 1)

Indicator lights

Comes on when the washing phase or the rinsing phase operates.

Comes on when the drying phase operates.

Comes on when you activate the multitab function Refer to ‘Multitab function’.

Comes on when it is necessary to fill the salt container. Refer to ‘Use of dishwasher salt’.

After you fill the container, the salt indicator light can continue to stay on for some hours. This does not have an unwanted effect on the operation of the appliance.

Comes on when it is necessary to fill the rinse aid container. Refer to ‘Use of rinse aid’.

1)When the salt and/or rinse aid containers are empty, the related indicator lights do not come on while a washing programme operates.

Programme knob

To switch on the appliance or to set a washing programme, turn the programme knob clockwise or counterclockwise. The programme marker on the programme knob must agree with one of the washing programmes on the control panel. If the programme marker agrees with a washing programme, the digital display shows the time duration of the programme. If the pro-

gramme marker does not agree with a washing programme, the digital display shows two horizontal bars.

To switch off the appliance, turn the programme knob until the programme marker agrees with the off indicator.

Use the programme knob for these operations:

To set the water softener. Refer to ‘Setting the water softener’.

To deactivate/activate the rinse aid dispenser. Refer to ‘Multitab function’.

Start/cancel button

Use the start/cancel button for these operations:

To start the washing programme. Refer to the chapter ‘Setting and starting a washing programme’.

To cancel a washing programme in progress. Refer to the chapter ‘Setting and starting a washing programme’.

To set the water softener level. Refer to the chapter ‘Set the water softener’.

To deactivate/activate the rinse aid dispenser. Refer to the chapter ‘Multitab function’.

Multitab button

Press this button to activate/deactivate the multitab function. Refer to the chapter ‘Multitab function’.

Delay start button

Use the delay start button to delay the start of the washing programme with an interval between 1 and 19 hours. Refer to the chapter ‘Setting and starting a washing programme’.

Digital display

The display shows:

electrolux 5

Adjusted level of the water softener.

Activation/deactivation of the rinse aid dispenser (only with multitab function on).

Programme duration.

Remaining time to the end of the programme.

End of a washing programme, the digital display shows a zero.

Number of hours in delay start.

Fault codes.

Setting mode

The appliance is in setting mode when:

One or more phase indicator lights are on.

The time duration of the programme flash-

es in the digital display.

The appliance must be in setting mode for these operations:

To set a washing programme.

To set the water softener level.

To deactivate/activate the rinse aid dispenser.

The appliance is not in setting mode when:

One or more phase indicator lights are on.

The time duration of the programme does not flash.

In this condition cancel the programme to go back to the setting mode. Refer to the chapter ‘Setting and starting a washing programme’.

Use of the appliance

Refer to the following instructions for each step of procedure:

1.Make a check if the water softener level is correct for the water hardness in your area. If necessary set the water softener.

2.Fill the salt container with dishwasher salt.

3.Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid.

4.Load cutlery and dishes into the dishwasher.

5.Set the correct washing programme for the type of load and soil.

6.Fill the detergent dispenser with the correct quantity of detergent.

7.Start the washing programme.

If you use combi detergent tablets (‘3 in 1’, ‘4 in 1’, ‘5 in 1’, etc.), refer to the chapter ‘Multitab function’.

Setting the water softener

The water softener removes minerals and salts from the water supply. Minerals and salts can have bad effect on the operation of the appliance.

Water hardness is measured in equivalent scales:

• German degrees (dH°).

French degrees (°TH).

mmol/l (millimol per litre — international unit for the hardness of water).


Adjust the water softener to the water hardness in your area. If necessary, contact your local water authority.

6 electrolux

Water hardness

Water hardness setting







51 — 70

91 — 125

9,1 — 12,5

64 — 88



43 — 50

76 — 90

7,6 — 9,0

53 — 63



37 — 42

65 — 75

6,5 — 7,5

46 — 52



29 — 36

51 — 64

5,1 — 6,4

36 — 45



23 — 28

40 — 50

4,0 — 5,0

28 — 35



19 — 22

33 — 39

3,3 — 3,9

23 — 27



15 — 18

26 — 32

2,6 — 3,2

18 — 22



11 — 14

19 — 25

1,9 — 2,5

13 — 17



4 — 10

7 — 18

0,7 — 1,8

5 — 12



< 4

< 7

< 0,7

< 5



1) No use of salt required.

You must set the water softener man-

Electronic adjustment

ually and electronically.

The water softener is set at the factory

Manual adjustment

at level 5.

The appliance is set at the factory at po-

The appliance must be switched off.

sition 2.

1. Press and hold the start/cancel button.


Open the door.

Turn the programme knob counterclock-

2. Remove the lower basket.

wise until the programme marker agrees

3. Turn the water hardness dial to position

with the first washing programme on the

1 or 2 (refer to the chart).

control panel.


Install the lower basket.

2. Release the start/cancel button when the

digital display shows the current setting.


level 5 =

level 10 =

3. Press the start/cancel button to change

the water softener level. Every time you

press the button, the level increases.

4. Turn the programme knob to the off position to save the operation.

5. Close the door.

Use of dishwasher salt

Caution! Only use dishwashers salt. Types of salt that are not applicable for dishwashers cause damage to the water softener.

Caution! Grains of salt and salty water on the bottom of the appliance can cause corrosion. Fill the appliance with salt before you start a washing programme to prevent corrosion.

Do these steps to fill the salt container:

1.Turn the cap anticlockwise to open the salt container.

2.Fill the salt container with 1 litre of water (only the first operation).

3.Use the funnel to fill the salt container with salt.

electrolux 7

4. Remove the salt around the opening of the salt container.

5. Turn the cap clockwise to close the salt container.

It is normal that water overflows from the salt container when you fill it with salt.

When you set electronically the water softener to level 1, the salt indicator light does not stay on.

Use of rinse aid

Caution! Only use branded rinse aid for dishwashers.

Do not fill the rinse aid dispenser with other products (e.g. dishwasher cleaning agent, liquid detergent). This can cause damage to the appliance.

Rinse aid makes it possible to dry the dishes without streaks and stains. Rinse aid is automatically added during the last rinsing phase.

Do these steps to fill the rinse aid dispenser:

1.Press the release button (A) to open the rinse aid dispenser.

2.Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid. The mark ‘max.’ shows the maximum level.

3.Remove the spilled rinse aid with an absorbent cloth to prevent too much foam during the subsequent washing programme.

4.Close the rinse aid dispenser.

Adjusting the rinse aid dosage

The rinse aid is set at the factory at position 4.

You can set the rinse aid dosage between position 1 (lowest dosage) and position 6 (highest dosage).

8 electrolux

1. Turn the rinse aid dial to increase or decrease the dosage.

– Increase the dosage if there are water droplets or limescale on the dishes.

– Decrease the dosage if there are streaks, whitish stains or bluish layers on the dishes.

Loading cutlery and dishes

Helpful hints and tips

Caution! Only use the appliance for household utensils that are applicable for dishwashers.

Do not use the appliance to clean objects that can absorb water (sponges, household cloths, etc.).

Before you load cutlery and dishes, do these steps:

Remove all food remainings and debris.

Make burnt, remaining food in pans soft.

While you load cutlery and dishes, do these steps:

Load hollow items (e.g. cups, glasses and pans) with the opening down.

Make sure that water does not collect in the container or in a deep base.

Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not lie inside one another.

Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not cover other cutlery and dishes.

Make sure that glasses do not touch other glasses.

Put small objects in the cutlery basket.

Plastic items and pans with non-stick coatings can keep water droplets. Plastic items do not dry as well as porcelain and steel items.

Put light items in the upper basket. Make sure that the items do not move.

Warning! Always close the door after you load or unload the appliance. An open door can be dangerous.

Lower basket

Put saucepans, lids, plates, salad bowls and cutlery in the lower basket. Arrange service dishes and large lids around the edge of the basket.

Caution! Make sure that the spray arms can move freely before you start a washing programme.

The rows of prongs in the lower basket can be flat to load pots, pans and bowls.

AEG-Electrolux ESF65040X User Manual

Cutlery basket

Warning! Do not put long-bladed knives in a vertical position. Arrange long and sharp cutlery horizontally in the upper basket. Be careful with sharp items.

Put forks and spoons with the handles down. Put knives with the handles up.

Mix spoons with other cutlery to prevent them to bond together.

Use the cutlery grid. If the dimensions of the cutlery prevent the use of the cutlery grid, you can remove it.

Upper basket

The upper basket is for plates (maximum 24 cm in diameter), saucers, salad bowls, cups, glasses, pots and lids. Arrange the items to let water touch all surfaces.

electrolux 9

Prevent to put plates in the first three sectors in the front part of the basket. Make sure the plates tilt forward.

Put glasses with long stems in the cup racks with the stems up. For longer items, fold the cup racks up.

Adjustment of the height of the upper basket

If you put large plates in the lower basket, first move the upper basket to the upper position.

Maximum height of the dishes

upper bas-




Upper position

20 cm

31 cm

Lower position

24 cm

27 cm

Do these steps to move the upper basket to the upper position:

1.Pull the basket out until it stops.

2.Carefully lift the two sides until the mechanism is engaged and the basket is stable.

10 electrolux

Do these steps to move the upper basket to the lower position:

1. Pull the basket out until it stops.

2. Carefully lift the two sides upwards.

3. Hold the mechanism and let it fall back down slowly.


• Do not lift or lower the basket on one side only.

• If the basket is in the upper position, do not put cups on the cup racks.

Use of detergent

Only use detergents (powder, liquid or tablet) that are applicable for dishwashers.

Follow the data on the packaging:

Dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Storage recommendations.

Do not use more than the correct quantity of detergent to save an environment.

Do these steps to fill the detergent dispenser: 1. Open the lid of the detergent dispenser.

4. If you use detergent tablets, put the detergent tablet in the detergent dispenser


2. Fill the detergent dispenser (A) with detergent. The marking shows the dosage: 20 = approximately 20 g of detergent 30 = approximately 30 g of detergent.

3.If you use a washing programme with

prewash phase, put more detergent in

the prewash detergent compartment (B). 5. Close the lid of the detergent dispenser.

Press the lid until it locks into position.

Different brands of detergent dissolve in different times. Some detergent tablets do not have the best cleaning results during short washing programmes. Use

electrolux 11

long washing programmes when you use detergent tablets to fully remove the detergent.

Multitab function

The multitab function is for combi detergent tablets.

These tablets contain agents such as detergent, rinse aid and dishwasher salt. Some types of tablets can contain other agents. Do a check if these tablets are applicable for the local water hardness. Refer to the instructions from the manufacturer.

When you set the multitab function, it stays on until you deactivate it.

The multitab function stops automatically the flow of rinse aid and salt. The rinse aid indicator light and salt indicator light are deactivated.

The programme duration can increase if you use the multitab function.

Activate or deactivate the multitab function before the start of a washing programme.

You cannot activate or deactivate the multitab function when the programme operates. Cancel the washing programme, then set the programme again.

To activate the multitab function:

Press the multitab button. The multitab indicator light comes on.

To deactivate the multitab function:

Press the multitab button. The multitab indicator light goes off.

Do these steps if the drying results are not satisfactory:

1.Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid.

2.Activate the rinse aid dispenser.

3.Set the rinse aid dosage to position


You can only activate or deactivate the rinse aid dispenser when the multitab function is activated.

To activate/deactivate the rinse aid dispenser:

The appliance must be switched off.

1.Press and hold the start/cancel button. Turn the programme knob counterclockwise until the programme marker agrees with the first washing programme on the control panel.

2.Release the start/cancel button when the display shows the water hardness level.

3.Turn the programme knob counterclockwise until the programme marker agrees with the second washing programme on the control panel.

4.The digital display shows the current setting for the rinse aid dispenser.

Rinse aid dispenser deactivated

Rinse aid dispenser activated

5.Press the start/cancel button to change the setting. The digital display shows the new setting.

6.Turn the programme knob to the off position to save the operation.

To use normal detergent again:

1.Deactivate the multitab function.

2.Fill the salt container and rinse aid dispenser.

3.Adjust the water hardness setting to the highest level.

4.Do a washing programme without dishes.

5.Adjust the water softener to the water hardness in your area.

6.Adjust the rinse aid dosage.

Select and start a washing programme

Do these steps to set and start a washing programme:

1. Close the door.

2.Turn the programme knob to set the washing programme. Refer to the chapter ‘Washing programmes’.


The phase indicator light or lights for the washing programme come on.

The programme duration in the digital display flashes.

3.Press the start/cancel button.

The washing programme starts automatically.

When the programme starts, only the indicator light of the phase in progress stays on. Programme duration is on with a static light.

When the washing programme operates, you cannot change the programme. Cancel the washing programme.

Warning! Only interrupt or cancel a washing programme if necessary.

Caution! Open the door carefully. Hot steam can come free.

Interrupting a washing programme

Open the door.

The programme stops. Close the door.

The programme continues from the point of interruption.

Cancelling a washing programme

Press and hold the start/cancel button.

In the digital display the time duration of the programme flashes.

One or more phase indicator lights are


The washing programme is cancelled. At this time you can do these steps:

1.Switch off the appliance.

2.Set a new washing programme.

Fill the detergent dispenser with detergent before you set a new washing programme.

Setting and starting a washing programme with delay start

1.Set a washing programme.

2.Press the delay start button until the display shows the necessary delay start time for the washing programme. Delay start time flashes in the digital display.

3.Press the start/cancel button.

The countdown of the delay start starts.

The phase indicator lights of the washing programme go off.

In the digital display the delay start time is on with a static light.

When the countdown is completed, the washing programme automatically starts The phase indicator light of the phase in progress comes on.

Do not open the door during the countdown to prevent interruption of the countdown. When you close the door again, the countdown continues from the point of interruption.

Cancelling a delay start

1.Press and hold the start/cancel button.

The phase indicator lights or light come on.

In the digital display, the time duration of the washing programme comes on.

2.Press the start/cancel button to start the washing programme.

End of the washing programme

Switch off the appliance in these conditions:

The appliance stops automatically.

The digital display shows a zero.

The phase indicator lights are off.

For better drying results, keep the door ajar for some minutes before you remove the dishes.

Let the dishes cool down before you remove them from the appliance. Hot dishes are easily damaged.

Standby mode

If you do not switch off the appliance at the end of the washing programme, the appliance automatically goes into standby mode. The standby mode decreases energy consumption.

Three minutes after the end of the programme, all indicator lights go off and the digital display shows one horizontal bar. Press a button to go back to the end-of-pro- gramme mode.

electrolux 13

Washing programmes

Washing programmes


Degree of soil

Type of load

and pro-

gramme knob



Crockery, cutlery,


pots and pans

Normal or light soil

Crockery and cutlery


Heavy soil

Crockery, cutlery,

pots and pans

Normal soil

Crockery and cutlery



Partial load (to be

completed later in the


Programme description


Main wash up to 45°C or 70°C 1 or 2 intermediate rinses Final rinse


Main wash up to 60°C

Final rinse


Main wash up to 70°C 2 intermediate rinses Final rinse



Main wash up to 50°C 1 intermediate rinse Final rinse


1 cold rinse (to prevent food scraps to bond).

Detergent is not necessary with this programme.

1)During the AUTO programme, the soil level of the dishes is given by how cloudy the water is. The programme duration and consumptions can change. This depends if the appliance is fully or not and on the level of soil on the dishes. The appliance adjusts automatically the temperature of the water during the main wash.

2)This is the perfect daily programme to clean a not fully load. Ideal for a family of 4 persons who only want to load breakfast and dinner crockery and cutlery.

3)Test programme for test institutes. Please refer to separate leaflet supplied, for test data.

Consumption values


Duration (in minutes) 1)

Energy (in kWh)

Water (in litres)











1) The digital display shows the programme duration.

The pressure and temperature of the water, the variations of power supply

and the quantity of dishes can change these values.

Care and cleaning

Warning! Switch the appliance off before you clean the filters.

14 electrolux

Cleaning the filters

Caution! Do not use the appliance without the filters. Make sure that the installation of the filters is correct. Incorrect installation will cause unsatisfactory washing results and damage to the appliance.

If necessary, clean the filters. Dirty filters decrease the washing results.

The dishwasher has three filters:

1.coarse filter (A)

2.microfilter (B)

3.flat filter (C)




Do these steps to clean the filters:

1.Open the door.

2.Remove the lower basket.

3.To unlock the filter system, turn the handle on the microfilter (B) approximately 1/4 anticlockwise.

4.Remove the filter system.

5.Hold the coarse filter (A) by the handle with the hole.

6.Remove the coarse filter (A) from the microfilter (B).

7.Remove the flat filter (C) from the bottom of the appliance.


8.Clean the filters below running water.

9.Put the flat filter (C) in the bottom of the appliance. Install the flat filter correctly under the two guide (D).

10.Put the coarse filter (A) in the microfilter

(B) and push the filters together.

11.Put the filter system in position.

12.To lock the filter system, turn the handle on the microfilter (B) clockwise until it lock in position.

13.Install the lower basket.

14.Close the door.

Do not remove the spray arms.

If the holes in the spray arms become clogged, remove remaining parts of soil with a cocktail stick.

External cleaning

Clean the external surfaces of the appliance and control panel with a damp soft cloth. Only use neutral detergents. Do not use abrasive products, scouring pads or solvents (acetone, trichloroethylene etc…).

Frost precautions

Caution! Do not install the appliance where the temperature is below 0 °C. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage because of frost.

electrolux 15

If not possible, empty the appliance and close the door. Disconnect the water inlet hose and remove water from the water inlet hose.

What to do if…

The appliance does not start or stops during operation.

If there is a fault, first try to find a solution to the problem yourself. If you cannot find a solution to the problem yourself, contact the Service Force Centre.

Caution! Switch off the appliance before you do the below suggested corrective actions.

Possible cause and solution

The water tap is blocked or furred with limescale. Clean the water tap.

The water tap is closed. Open the water tap.

The filter in the water inlet hose is blocked. Clean the filter.

The connection of the water inlet hose is not correct. The hose can be kinked or squashed.

Make sure that the connection is correct.

There is a blockage in the sink spigot. Clean the sink spigot.

The connection of the water drain hose is not correct. The hose can be kinked or squashed.

Make sure that the connection is correct.

Close the water tap and contact your local Service Force Centre.

The appliance door is not closed. Close the door.

Mains plug is not connected in. Put in the mains.

The fuse has blown out in the household fuse box. Replace the fuse.

Delay start is set.

Cancel the delay start to start the programme immediately.

After the check, switch on the appliance. Set

• Model (Mod.)

the knob on the same washing programme

• Product number (PNC)

as before the malfunction.

• Serial number (S.N.)

The programme continues from the point of

For these data, refer to the rating plate.

interruption. If the malfunction shows again,

Write the necessary data here:

contact your Service Force Centre.

Model description : ……….

If the display shows a fault code, not descri-

Product number : ……….

bed in the chart, contact your Service Force

Serial number : ……….


These data are necessary to help you quickly

and correctly:

16 electrolux

The cleaning results are not satisfactory

The dishes are not clean

• The selected washing programme is not applicable for the type of

load and soil.

• The baskets are loaded incorrectly so that water cannot reach all


• Spray arms do not turn freely because of incorrect arrangement of

the load.

The filters are dirty or not correctly installed.

The quantity of detergent is too little or missing.

Limescales particles on the

The salt container is empty.


• The water softener is adjusted on a wrong level.

The salt container cap is not closed correctly.

The dishes are wet and dull

• No rinse aid has been used.

• The rinse aid dispenser is empty.

There are streaks, milky spots

• Decrease the rinse aid dosage.

or a bluish coating on glasses

and dishes

Dry water drop signs on

• Increase rinse aid dosage.

glasses and dishes

• The detergent can be the cause.

Technical data


Width cm


Height cm


Depth cm


Electrical connection — Voltage —

Information on the electrical connection is given on the rating plate

Overall power — Fuse

on the inner edge of the dishwasher door.

Water supply pressure


0,5 bar (0,05



8 bar (0,8



Place settings



Fitting under a counter

Warning! Make sure that mains plug is disconnected from the mains socket during installation.

Put the appliance adjacent to a water tap and a water drain. Remove the appliance worktop to install it under a sink unit or a kitchen worktop. Make sure that the dimensions of the recess agree with the given dimensions.

Do these steps to remove the appliance worktop:

1. Remove the rear screws (1).

2.Pull the worktop from the behind the appliance (2).

3.Lift the worktop and move it from the front slots (3).

electrolux 17

4.Use the adjustable feet to adjust the level of the appliance.

5.Install the appliance under the kitchen worktop. Make sure that there are no kinks in the water hoses and that the water hoses are not squashed.

If a repair is necessary, the appliance must be easily accessible for the engineer. Install the appliance worktop to the appliance if you want to use the dishwasher as a freestanding appliance.

The plinth on freestanding appliance is not adjustable.

Adjusting the level of the appliance

Make sure that the appliance is level to close and seal the door correctly. If the level of the appliance is correct, the door does not catch on the sides of the cabinet. If the door does not close correctly, loosen or tighten the adjustable feet until the appliance is level.

Water connection

Water inlet hose

Connected the appliance to a hot (max. 60°) or cold water supply.

If the hot water comes from alternative sources of energy that are more environmentally friendly (e.g. solar or photovoltaic panels and aeolian), use a hot water supply to decrease energy consumption.

Connect the inlet hose to a water tap with an external thread of 3/4”.

Caution! Do not use connection hoses from an old appliance.

The water pressure must be in the limits (refer to ‘Technical data’). Make sure that the local water authority gives you the average mains pressure in your area.

Make sure that there are no kinks in the water inlet hose and that the water inlet hose is not squashed or entangled.

Fit the locknut correctly to prevent water leaks.

Caution! Do not connect the appliance to new pipes or pipes that are not used for a long time. Let the water run for some minutes, then connect the inlet hose.

The water inlet hose is double-walled and has an inner mains cable and a safety valve. The water inlet hose is under pressure only while the water is running. If there is a leak in the water inlet hose, the safety valve interrupts the running water.

Be careful when you connect the water inlet hose:

Do not put the water inlet hose or the safety valve in water.

If the water inlet hose or the safety valve is damaged, immediately disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket.

Only let the Service Force Centre replace the water inlet hose with safety valve.

Warning! Dangerous voltage

18 electrolux

Water drain hose

1.Connect the water drain hose to the sink spigot and attach it under the work surface. This prevents that the waste water from the sink goes back into the appliance.

2.Connect the water drain hose to a stand pipe with vent-hole (minimum internal diameter 4 cm).

max 85 cm

Make sure that the drain hose is not bent or squashed to prevent that the water drains does not drain correctly.

Remove the sink plug when the appliance drains the water to prevent that the water goes back into the appliance.

A drain hose extension must not be longer than 2 m. The internal diameter must not be smaller than the diameter of the hose.

If you connect the water drain hose to a trap spigot under the sink, remove the plastic membrane (A). If you do not remove the membrane, remaining food can cause a blockage in the drain hose spigot

The appliance has a security feature to prevent that dirty water goes back into the appliance. If, the spigot of the sink has a ‘non-return valve’, this valve can cause the appliance to drain incorrectly. Remove the non-return valve.

Caution! Make sure that the water couplings are tight to prevent water leakage.

Electrical connection

Warning! The manufacturer is not responsible if you do not follow these safety precautions.

Ground the appliance according to safety precautions.

Make sure that the rated voltage and type of power on the rating plate agree with the voltage and the power of the local power supply.

Always use a correctly installed shockproof socket.

Do not use multi-way plugs, connectors and extension cables. There is a risk of fire.

Do not replace the mains cable yourself. Contact the Service Force Centre. Make sure that the mains plug is accessible after installation.

Do not pull the mains cable to disconnect the appliance. Always pull the mains plug.

Environment concerns

The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for

the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council,


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