Принтер canon mp280 инструкция по применению на русском языке

Использование руководства

Печать руководства


Основное руководство

Содержит общие сведения

о продукте.



Описывает конкретные

функции продукта.

Стр. 1 из 751 стр.Canon MP280 series Электронное руководство

Использование руководства

Печать руководства


Расширенное руководство


Обзор устройства

Основные компоненты

Светодиодный индикатор и основные



Копирование документов

Копирование фотографий

Копирование по размеру страницы


Сохранение отсканированных данных на


Печать с компьютера

Печать фотографий (Easy-PhotoPrint EX)

Печать документов

Печать вебстраниц (Easy-WebPrint EX)

Запуск различных прикладных программ

Загрузка бумаги и оригинальных


Загрузка бумаги

Загрузка оригиналов

Регулярное обслуживание

Если печать стала бледной или цвета

печатаются некорректно

Замена картриджа FINE

Чистка устройства


Законодательные ограничения на

использование продукта и изображений

Советы по использованию устройства

Стр. 2 из 751 стр.MP280 series Основное руководство

Расширенное руководство

Содержание > Обзор устройства

Обзор устройства

В данном разделе содержатся названия компонентов устройства и основные команды, которые

необходимо знать перед началом использования.

Основные компоненты

Вид спереди

Вид сзади

Вид изнутри

Панель управления

Светодиодный индикатор и основные операции


Стр. 3 из 751 стр.Обзор устройства

Расширенное руководство



Обзор устройства

> Основные компоненты


Основные компоненты

Вид спереди

Вид сзади

Вид изнутри

Панель управления

Вид спереди


Крышка сканера

Откройте для загрузки оригинала на стекло рабочей поверхности.


Приподнимите и наклоните назад, чтобы вставить бумагу в задний лоток.


Задний лоток

Загружайте бумагу различных размеров или типов, которые используются в данном устройстве.

Два или более листов бумаги одного типа и размера можно загрузить одновременно и

автоматически подавать на печать по одному листку.


Загрузка бумаги



Направляющие бумаги

Сдвиньте, чтобы совместить с обеими сторонами стопки бумаги.


Лоток приема бумаги

Открывается автоматически при начале вывода на печать или копирования и выталкивает

напечатанный лист.


Дополнительный лоток приема бумаги

Откройте для обеспечения поддержки напечатанных листов. Откройте лоток при печати или


Стр. 4 из 751 стр.Основные компоненты


Стекло рабочей поверхности

Загрузите оригинал для копирования или сканирования.


Панель управления

Используйте для изменения настроек устройства или управления им.


Панель управления



Если устройство не работает в течение примерно 5 минут, светодиодный

индикатор и индикаторы на панели управления за исключением индикатора


гаснут. Чтобы восстановить их, нажмите любую кнопку, кроме



, или выполните операцию печати.

Вид сзади



Подсоедините USB-кабель, чтобы подключить устройство к компьютеру.


Не прикасайтесь к металлическому корпусу.

Не вставляйте и не извлекайте кабель USB, пока устройство печатает с

компьютера или сканирует оригиналы на компьютер.


Разъем кабеля питания

Подсоедините кабель питания, поставляемый в комплекте с устройством.

Вид изнутри

Стр. 5 из 751 стр.Основные компоненты


Фиксирующие крышки картриджа

Закрепите картридж FINE на месте.


Держатель картриджа FINE

Установите картриджи FINE.

Цветной картридж FINE следует устанавливать в левое гнездо (

), а черный картридж FINE — в

правое гнездо (



Картриджи FINE (Картриджи)

Заменяемый картридж представляет собой печатающую головку с интегрированной чернильницей.


Дополнительную информацию об установке картриджей FINE см. в печатном

Руководство по началу работы



Модуль сканирования (крышка)

Сканирует оригинальные документы. Откройте устройство, чтобы заменить картридж FINE или

удалить застрявшую бумагу из устройства. При открытии крышки сканирующего устройства

крышка документа должна быть закрыта.


Упор сканирующего устройства

Удерживает сканирующее устройство (крышку), когда оно открыто.


Часть (A), отмеченная на рисунке ниже, может быть забрызгана чернилами. Это никак

не сказывается на производительности устройства.

Не прикасайтесь к части (A). При прикосновении к этим частям устройство может

начать работать неправильно.

Панель управления

Стр. 6 из 751 стр.Основные компоненты


Кнопка «ВКЛ» (ON) и индикатор ПИТАНИЕ (POWER)

Отключает питание устройства. Перед отключением питания убедитесь, что крышка документа



Отсоедините шнур питания

При отсоединении шнура питания после выключения питания убедитесь, что



погашен. Если шнур питания отсоединяется от

розетки питания при горящем или мигающем индикаторе


устройство может быть повреждено, поскольку печатающая головка не защищена.


Индикатор питания и аварийный сигнал

Проверить состояние устройства можно с помощью индикатора



и индикатора

Аварийный сигнал (Alarm)




не горит. Питание отключено.



горит зеленым: устройство готово к печати.



мигает зеленым: устройство начинает или

завершает работу.

Индикатор Аварийный сигнал (Alarm)

горит или мигает оранжевым. Произошла

ошибка, устройство не готово к печати. Дополнительную информацию см. в

разделе «

Устранение неполадок

» электронного руководства





мигает зеленым, а индикатор

Аварийный сигнал


мигает оранжевым попеременно. Возможно, произошла ошибка,

требующая обращения в центр технического обслуживания. Дополнительную

информацию см. в разделе «

Устранение неполадок

» электронного руководства

Расширенное руководство



Светодиод (Светодиодный индикатор)

Отображает количество копий, код операции техобслуживания или рабочее состояние, например

код ошибки.


Кнопка [+]

Обозначает количество копий.


Индикаторы чернильницы

Горит или мигает оранжевым, если в устройстве закончились чернила и т. д. Индикатор слева

показывает состояние цветного картриджа FINE, а индикатор слева показывает состояние черного

картриджа FINE.


Кнопка Бумага (Paper)

Выбор размера страницы и типа носителя.

Стр. 7 из 751 стр.Основные компоненты

Запуск сканирования оригинала, чтобы сохранить его на компьютере.


Кнопка Стоп/Сброс (Stop/Reset)

Отменяет операции. Можно также нажать эту кнопку для отмены выполняемых операций печати,

копирования или сканирования.


Кнопка «Цветной»


Запуск цветного копирования. Также эта кнопка позволяет завершить выбор элемента настройки.


Кнопка «Черный» *

Запуск копирования в чернобелом режиме. Также эта кнопка позволяет завершить выбор

элемента настройки.


Кнопка По размеру страницы (Fit to Page)/Индикатор По размеру

страницы (Fit to Page)

Включает функцию копирования по размеру страницы. Если включить функцию копирования с

подгонкой к странице, загорится индикатор

По размеру стр. (Fit to Page)

и вы сможете

копировать оригинал, автоматически увеличивая или уменьшая его до выбранного размера

страницы. Когда функция копирования по размеру страницы отключена, можно делать копии того

же размера, что и оригинал.


Кнопка (Обслуживание)

Указывает код операций обслуживания.


Индикатор Бумага (Paper)

Загорается, чтобы указать размер страницы и тип носителя, выбранный с помощью кнопки





Индикатор «Аварийный сигнал»

Горит или мигает оранжевым, если произошла ошибка, например в устройстве закончилась бумага

или чернила.

* В программных приложениях и руководствах кнопки


(Монохромный режим) и



режим) собирательно называются кнопкой «Start» (Пуск) или «OK».


Стр. 8 из 751 стр.Основные компоненты

Расширенное руководство



Обзор устройства

> Светодиодный индикатор и основные операции


Светодиодный индикатор и основные операции

Вы можете использовать устройство для копирования и выполнения операций обслуживания без


В данном разделе описан светодиодный индикатор и основные операции панели управления.



обычно появляется на светодиодном индикаторе при включении питания.

Светодиодный индикатор отображает состояние устройства следующим образом.

Состояние устройства

Светодиодный индикатор

Процесс копирования

Количество копий (мигание)

Процесс печати, сканирования или

осуществления технического


(мигают в следующем порядке)

В случае возникновения ошибки Поочередно появляются число и буква



Дополнительную информацию о кодах ошибок см. в


Устранение неполадок электронного


Расширенное руководство


Поочередно появляются число и буква



Возможно произошла ошибка, устранение которой

требует обращения в сервисный центр.

Дополнительную информацию см. в разделе «

Устранение неполадок

» электронного руководства

Расширенное руководство


Пока крышка сканирующего

устройства открыта


Число копий

Когда начинается копирование, указанное количество копий появляется на светодиодном

индикаторе. В процессе копирования число на светодиодном индикаторе мигает и уменьшается

на один, показывая число оставшихся копий.

При каждом нажатии кнопки [


] число на светодиодном индикаторе увеличивается на единицу.

Когда появляется


, количество копий устанавливается в значение «20». Нажмите кнопку [


] снова,

чтобы вернуться к «1».

Стр. 9 из 751 стр.Светодиодный индикатор и основные операции

Коды операций обслуживания

Чтобы выполнить обслуживание устройства, нажмите кнопку (Обслуживание) несколько раз, до

тех пор пока на экране не появится нужный код, а затем нажмите кнопку

Черный (Black)


Цветной (Color)


Код операций




Печать образца для проверки


Печать образца для проверки сопел

Очистка печатающей головки. Чистка печатающей головки

Глубокая очистка печатающей


Глубокая чистка печатающей головки

Печать листа выравнивания

печатающих головок.

Выравнивание печатающей головки

Сканирование листа

выравнивания печатающей

головки, чтобы

автоматически выровнять

печатающую головку.

Выравнивание печатающей головки

Печать текущих значений

настройки положения головки.

Выравнивание печатающей головки

Очистка ролика подачи


Чистка ролика подачи бумаги

Очистка компонентов внутри


Чистка внутренних компонентов устройства

(Чистка поддона)

Установка размера бумаги

для загрузки в задний лоток

A4 и 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter).

(Эта настройка используется

при копировании.)

Изменение размера страницы от A4 до 8,5″ x

11″ (Letter)

Настройка устройства для

предотвращения потертости


Обратитесь к главе «Бумага испачкана/

Отпечатанная поверхность поцарапана» в




в электронном руководстве

Расширенное руководство


Коды ошибок

В случае ошибки на светодиодном индикаторе поочередно появляются буква


и число,

указывающее код ошибки.

например, «E, 1, 6»

(мигают в следующем порядке)


Дополнительную информацию о кодах ошибок см. в разделе

Устранение неполадок

электронного руководства Расширенное руководство


Для устранения ошибок, код которых содержит букву


, возможно, требуется обратиться в

сервисный центр.

Дополнительную информацию см. в разделе « Устранение неполадок » электронного


Расширенное руководство


Стр. 10 из 751 стр.Светодиодный индикатор и основные операции


Стр. 11 из 751 стр.Светодиодный индикатор и основные операции

Расширенное руководство


> Копирование


Кроме копий стандартного размера, можно увеличить или уменьшить копии оригинала по размеру

страницы, а также делать копии фотографий без полей.

Копирование документов

Изменение размера страницы от A4 до 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter)

Копирование фотографий

Копирование по размеру страницы


Стр. 12 из 751 стр.Копирование

Расширенное руководство




> Копирование документов


Копирование документов

В этом разделе описана процедура копирования документа формата А4 или Letter на обычной


Для проведения операции см. примечания и описание процедуры на странице ссылок.

Нужно приготовить следующее.

Оригиналы документов для копирования. См. раздел

Оригиналы, которые можно загрузить


Бумага для печати. См. раздел

Подходящие типы носителей



Подготовьте устройство к копированию.


Включите питание.


Панель управления



Загрузите бумагу.

См. раздел

Загрузка обычной бумаги или фотобумаги


Тут можно загрузить обычную бумагу формата A4 или Letter в задний лоток.


Аккуратно откройте лоток приема бумаги и раскройте удлинитель

выводного лотка.

Стр. 13 из 751 стр.Копирование документов


Загрузите оригинал на стекло сканера.

См. раздел

Загрузка оригиналов


Вставьте оригинал СТОРОНОЙ ДЛЯ КОПИРОВАНИЯ ВНИЗ и выровняйте его по метке


, как показано ниже.

Затем осторожно закройте крышку документа.


Подробные сведения о типах и состояниях копируемого оригинала, а также о том,

как загружать оригинал, см. в разделе Загрузка оригиналов


Символы и строки, написанные ручкой светлого цвета или маркером, могут быть

скопированы неправильно.


Начните копирование.


Несколько раз нажмите кнопку [


], чтобы задать число копий (макс. 20


Сделать от 1 до 9 копий или 20 копий.

Вывод необходимого числа копий на светодиодный индикатор.

Стр. 14 из 751 стр.Копирование документов

При каждом нажатии кнопки [


] число на светодиодном индикаторе увеличивается на единицу.

Когда появляется


, количество копий устанавливается в значение «20». Нажмите кнопку [


снова, чтобы вернуться к «1».

Сделать от 10 до 19 копий




на экране индикатора.


Вставьте столько листов бумаги, сколько нужно сделать копий.


Чтобы установить необходимый размер и тип носителя, несколько раз

нажмите кнопку





(Бумага) показывает выбранный размер бумаги и тип носителя.

Выбор обычной бумаги формата A4 или 8.5″ x 11«.


Можно указать следующие размеры станицы и типы носителя.

Обычная бумага формата A4 или 8.5″ x 11″.

Фотобумага формата A4 или 8.5″ x 11″

Фотобумага формата 10 x 15 см или 4″ x 6″

Вы можете менять размер загруженной бумаги в заднем лотке от A4 до 8,5″ x 11″

(Letter) независимо от размера, указанного на панели управления.

См. раздел

Изменение размера страницы от A4 до 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter)


Когда функция копирования по размеру страницы включена, можно делать копии

оригинала, автоматически увеличивая или уменьшая его до выбранного размера

страницы. В этом случае оригинал будет скопирован с полями на обычной бумаге и

без границ на фотобумаге.

Отмените функцию «По размеру страницы» (Fit to Page), чтобы сделать копию

оригинала такого же размера.

См. раздел

Копирование по размеру страницы



Нажмите кнопку


для цветного копирования или кнопку


для чернобелого.

Начнется копирование.

В процессе копирования число на светодиодном индикаторе мигает и уменьшается на один,

показывая число оставшихся копий.

После завершения копирования снимите оригиналы со стекла сканера.

Сделать от 10 до 19 копий

Если использована вся загруженная бумага, появляется уведомление об ошибке (на светодиодном

индикаторе отображается «E, 0, 2»). Чтобы отключить сообщение об ошибке, нажмите кнопку

Стоп/Сброс (Stop/Reset)



Выбрать качество печати «Быстро» (приоритет скорости) можно только в том

случае, если в качестве типа носителя выбрана обычная бумага формата A4 или


Установка качества печати «Быстро» (приоритет скорости).

1. Нажмите кнопку


(Цветной режим) или


(Монохромный режим) и

удерживайте не менее 2 секунд действии (3) шага 2.

Индикатор мигнет один раз.

* Если нажать кнопку


(Цветной режим) или


(Монохромный режим) и

удерживать менее 2 секунд, то устройство начинает делать копии стандартного


2. Отпустите кнопку.

Начнется копирование.

Если выбрано качество печати «Быстро», скорость печати имеет приоритет перед

качеством. Чтобы установить приоритет приоритета перед качеством, нажмите



(Цветной режим) или


(Монохромный режим) и удерживайте

менее 2 секунд, и устройство начнет делать копии стандартного качества.


Стр. 15 из 751 стр.Копирование документов

Не открывайте крышку устройства и не перемещайте оригинал документа до

завершения процесса копирования.


Для отмены копирования нажмите кнопку

Стоп/Сброс (Stop/Reset)


Изменение размера страницы от A4 до 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter)

Можно установить размер бумаги для загрузки в задний лоток A4 и 8.5″ x 11″ (Letter).

Эта настройка используется, если обычно в задний лоток загружается бумага размера Letter,

независимо от размера A4, установленного на панели управления, и наоборот.


Нажимайте кнопку

(Обслуживание), пока не появится буква




Нажмите кнопку

Черный (Black)

, чтобы выбрать размер А4 или кнопку

Цветной (Color)

для выбора размера 8.5″ x 11″ (Letter).


При изменении размера страницы на А4 или 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter) загрузите бумагу

установленного размера независимо от размера, указанного на пульте управления.

Если установлен размер бумаги A4, загружается обычная бумага A4 или фотобумага

В случае выбора размера 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter) загружается обычная бумага Letter или

фотобумага Letter.


Стр. 16 из 751 стр.Копирование документов

Расширенное руководство




> Копирование фотографий


Копирование фотографий

В этом разделе описана процедура копирования отпечатанных фотографий 10 x 15 см / 4″ x 6″ на


Нужно приготовить следующее.

Напечатанные фотографии.

Фотобумага для печати. См. раздел

Подходящие типы носителей



Подготовка к копированию фотографии.


Включите питание.


Панель управления



Загрузите бумагу.

См. раздел

Загрузка обычной бумаги или фотобумаги


В данном случае загружаем в задний лоток фотобумагу 10 x 15 см / 4″ x 6″.


Аккуратно откройте лоток приема бумаги и раскройте удлинитель

выводного лотка.


Загрузите фотографию на стекло сканера.

См. раздел

Загрузка оригиналов



Начните копирование.


Несколько раз нажмите кнопку [


], чтобы установить необходимое

количество копий.

См. шаг 2 в разделе Копирование документов



Чтобы установить необходимый размер и тип носителя, несколько раз

нажмите кнопку





(Бумага) показывает выбранный размер бумаги и тип носителя.

В данном случае загружена фотобумага 10 x 15 см / 4 x 6 дюймов.


Можно указать следующие размеры станицы и типы носителя.

Обычная бумага формата A4 или 8.5″ x 11″.

Стр. 17 из 751 стр.Копирование фотографий

Фотобумага формата A4 или 8.5″ x 11″

Фотобумага формата 10 x 15 см или 4″ x 6″

Вы можете менять размер загруженной бумаги в заднем лотке от A4 до 8,5″ x 11″

(Letter) независимо от размера, указанного на панели управления.

См. раздел

Изменение размера страницы от A4 до 8,5″ x 11″ (Letter)


Когда функция копирования по размеру страницы включена, можно делать копии

оригинала, автоматически увеличивая или уменьшая его до выбранного размера

страницы. В этом случае оригинал будет скопирован с полями на обычной бумаге и

без границ на фотобумаге.

Отмените функцию «По размеру страницы» (Fit to Page), чтобы сделать копию

оригинала такого же размера.

См. раздел

Копирование по размеру страницы



Нажмите кнопку


для цветного копирования или кнопку


для чернобелого.

Начнется копирование.

После завершения копирования снимите фотографию со стекла сканера.


Не открывайте крышку устройства и не перемещайте фотографию до завершения

процесса копирования.


Для отмены копирования нажмите кнопку

Стоп/Сброс (Stop/Reset)



Стр. 18 из 751 стр.Копирование фотографий

Расширенное руководство



Копирование > Копирование по размеру страницы


Копирование по размеру страницы

При включенной функции копирования по размеру страницы (Fit to Page) можно копировать

оригинал, автоматически увеличивая или уменьшая его до выбранного размера страницы.


Подготовьте устройство к копированию.

См. шаг 1 в разделе Копирование документов



Несколько раз нажмите кнопку [


], чтобы установить необходимое количество


См. шаг 2 в разделе Копирование документов



Чтобы установить необходимый размер и тип носителя, несколько раз

нажмите кнопку




Если в качестве типа насителя установлена обычная бумага, то оригинал будет

скопирован с полями.

Если в качестве типа насителя установлена фотобумага, то оригинал будет

скопирован без полей так, чтобы изображение полностью покрывало страницу.

При копировании без полей края могут быть незначительно обрезаны, так как

копируемое изображение увеличивается до размеров всей страницы.


Нажмите кнопку

По размеру стр. (Fit to Page)


Загорится индикатор

Fit to Page

(По размеру страницы), и включится функция копирования по размеру

страницы. Копируемый оригинал автоматически уменьшается или увеличивается в соответствии с

выбранным размером страницы.


Нажмите кнопку

Fit to Page (По размеру стр.) снова, чтобы отменить функцию

копирования по размеру страницы и делать копии того же размера, что и оригинал.


Нажмите кнопку


для цветного копирования или кнопку


для чернобелого.

Устройство начинает процесс копирования по размеру страницы.

После завершения копирования снимите оригиналы со стекла сканера.


Не открывайте крышку устройства и не перемещайте оригинал документа до

завершения процесса копирования.


Выбрать качество печати «Быстро» (приоритет скорости) можно только в том случае,

Стр. 19 из 751 стр.Копирование по размеру страницы

если в качестве типа носителя выбрана обычная бумага формата A4 или Letter. Чтобы

установить качество печати «Быстро», нажмите кнопку


(Цветной режим) или


(Монохромный режим) и удерживайте не менее 2 секунд действии (3) на шаге 5.

См. раздел

Установка качества печати «Быстро» (приоритет скорости).


Для отмены копирования нажмите кнопку

Стоп/Сброс (Stop/Reset)



Стр. 20 из 751 стр.Копирование по размеру страницы

  • Драйверы


  • Инструкции по эксплуатации




Canon PIXMA MP280 инструкция по эксплуатации
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    This pdf manual provides a detailed explanation of all functionality for the PIXMA MP280 / MP282.



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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Canon PIXMA MP280. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Canon PIXMA MP280. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Canon PIXMA MP280, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

У вас уже есть продукция Canon? Зарегистрируйте свои продукты для доступа к программному обеспечению и обновлениям встроенного ПО, а также подпишитесь на рассылку, чтобы получать персонализированные советы и эксклюзивные предложения


Canon PIXMA MP280

Загружайте драйверы, ПО, встроенное ПО и руководства, а также получите доступ к материалам поддержки для вашего продукта серии PIXMA.


Для выполнения подключения некоторых устройств к компьютеру может потребоваться драйвер. На этой вкладке вы найдете соответствующие драйверы для своего устройства или, в случае отсутствия драйверов, описание совместимости устройства с каждой операционной системой.

Полезная информация. Доступ к программному обеспечению, руководствам и другим материалам можно получить с помощью вкладок, расположенных выше.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение загружать необязательно, но оно обеспечивает дополнительные функции и позволяет максимально эффективно пользоваться возможностями устройства. На этой вкладке можно просмотреть и загрузить доступное программное обеспечение для вашего устройства.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Программное обеспечение

Программное обеспечение загружать необязательно, но оно обеспечивает дополнительные функции и позволяет максимально эффективно пользоваться возможностями устройства. На этой вкладке можно просмотреть и загрузить доступное программное обеспечение для вашего устройства.

Операционная система Обнаруженная операционная система

Руководства пользователя

Руководства для вашего устройства или программного обеспечения перечислены ниже.

Приложения и функции

На этой вкладке можно посмотреть доступные приложения и функции, совместимые с вашим устройством.

Встроенное ПО

Встроенное ПО — это постоянное программное обеспечение, установленное на устройстве и обеспечивающее его корректную работу. Canon может периодически выпускать обновления для этого встроенного ПО, и если обновление доступно, его можно загрузить ниже.


На этой вкладке вы найдете ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы и другую полезную информацию, которая поможет вам в решении вопросов и проблем.

Важная информация

На этой вкладке вы найдете подборку часто задаваемых вопросов, которые, на наш взгляд, будут вам интересны.

Коды ошибок

Код ошибки или сообщение об ошибке может появиться на устройстве по различным причинам. С помощью поля поиска можно найти полезную информацию о конкретном коде ошибки, где будут указаны причина ошибки и необходимые действия по ее устранению.

Технические характеристики

Ниже приведены все технические характеристики данного продукта.

Полезные ссылки

  • Ремонт

    Поиск центров по ремонту оборудования, полезная информация по процессу ремонта

  • Переработка

    Узнайте больше о программе утилизации картриджей Canon

  • Canon ID

    Регистрация продукта и управление аккаунтом Canon ID

Canon Pixma MP280

PDF инструкция  · 751 страниц(ы) русский

инструкцияCanon Pixma MP280

Использование руководства

Печать руководства


Основное руководство

Содержит общие сведения

о продукте.



Описывает конкретные

функции продукта.

Устранение неполадок

Стр. 1 из 751 стр.Canon MP280 series Электронное руководство

Посмотреть инструкция для Canon Pixma MP280 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории принтеры, 43 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.4. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Canon Pixma MP280 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Pixma MP280 | 4498B008
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Максимальное разрешение 4800 x 1200 DPI
Разрешение, цвет. 4800 x 1200 DPI
Скорость печати (ч/б, обычное кач., A4/US Letter) 8.4 ppm
Скорость печати (цвет., обычное кач., A4/US Letter) 4.8 ppm
Технология печати Струйная
Печать цветная печать
Двусторонняя печать Да
Число картриджей для печати 2
Цифровой передатчик Нет
Максимальное разрешения сканирования 19200 x 19200 DPI
Глубина входного цвета 48 бит
Тип сканера Планшетный сканер
Разрешение оптического сканирования 1200 x 2400 DPI
Сканирование цветное сканирование
Скорость копирования (обычное кач., ч/б, A4) 37 cpm
Максимальное число копий 99 копий
Масштабирование копии — %
Копирование цветное копирование
Входная и выходная емкость
Общий объем вывода бумаги — листов
Маскимальная вместимость на входе 100 листов
Общий объем подачи бумаги 100 листов
Общее количество лотков подачи бумаги 1
Дисплей ЖК
Встроенный экран Да
Позиционирование на рынке Дом и офис
Оперативная память — MB
Совместимость с Mac Да
Встроенный кардридер
Уровень давления звука (печать) 45.5 dB
Типы и характеристики бумаги
Типы материалов для печати Envelopes, Glossy paper, Matte paper, Plain paper
Максимальные размеры печати 216 x 297 mm
Размеры конвертов DL
ISO A-форматы (А0…А9) A4, A5
ISO B-форматы (B0…B9) B5
Размеры бумаги не соответствующие стандарту ISO Letter
Максимальный размер бумаги ISO A-формата A4
Прочие свойства
Стандартные размеры печатного материала 10 x 15cm, 13 x 18cm, 20 x 25cm
Совместимые операционные системы Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Vista (32 and 64 bit), XP SP2, SP3nMac OS X v.10.4.11 — 10.6
Требования к питанию 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Тип подачи питания Кабель переменного тока
Размеры (ШхГхВ) 450 x 335 x 153 mm
Мультифункциональсть устройства Copy, Scan
Функции МФУ в цвете copy, print, scan
Системные требования
Минимальный процессор Intel/PowerPC G5, G4, G3
Минимальный объём ОЗУ 128 MB
Подключение Ethernet Нет
Wi-Fi Нет
Порты и интерфейсы
Прямая печать Да
Количество портов USB 2.0 1
Потребляемая мощность (в режим ожидания) 0.8 W
Средняя потребляемая мощность (в рабочем режиме) 10 W
Вес и размеры
Содержимое упаковки
Поставляемое ПО MP Navigator EX (OCR & PDF file creation), Easy-PhotoPrint EX + Full HD Movie Print function, Easy-WebPrint EX & Solution Menu EX
Драйвера в комплекте Да
Условия эксплуатации
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Какой вес Canon Pixma MP280?

Как удалить замятую бумагу из принтера?

Почему после установки оригинального картриджа принтер не работает?

Чем обусловлено плохое качество печати?

В чем разница между лазерным и струйным принтером?

Почему при печати на струйном принтере появляются черные полосы?

Что означает аббревиатура DPI?

Сколько картриджей можно поместить в Canon Pixma MP280?

Инструкция Canon Pixma MP280 доступно в русский?

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  • Page 1
    How to Use This Manual Printing This Manual MC-4700-V1.00 Basic Guide Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Describes the summary of Describes the detailed this product. function of this product.
  • Page 2
    How to Use This Manual Printing This Manual MP-4500-V1.00 Advanced Guide Contents Overview of the Machine Loading Paper / Originals Main Components Loading Paper LED Display and Basic Operations Loading Originals Copying Routine Maintenance Copying Documents When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect Copying Photos Replacing a FINE Cartridge…
  • Page 3: Overview Of The Machine

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Overview of the Machine Overview of the Machine This section shows the component names of the machine and describes the basic operations you need to know before using it. Main Components Front View Rear View Inside View Operation Panel LED Display and Basic Operations…

  • Page 4: Main Components

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > > Main Components Contents Overview of the Machine C001 Main Components Front View Rear View Inside View Operation Panel Front View Document Cover Open to load an original on the Platen Glass. Paper Support Raise and tip back to load paper in the Rear Tray. Rear Tray Load various sizes or types of paper which you can use on the machine.

  • Page 5: Rear View

    Platen Glass Load an original to copy or scan. Operation Panel Use to change the settings of the machine or to operate it. Operation Panel Note The LED and lamps on the Operation Panel other than the POWER lamp will go out if the machine is not operated for about 5 minutes.

  • Page 6: Operation Panel

    (11) Ink Cartridge Locking Covers Lock the FINE Cartridges into place. (12) FINE Cartridge Holder Install the FINE Cartridges. The Color FINE Cartridge should be installed into the left slot ( ) and the Black FINE Cartridge should be installed into the right slot ( (13) FINE Cartridges (Ink Cartridges) A replaceable cartridge that is integrated with Print Head and ink tank.

  • Page 7
    ON button / POWER lamp Turns the power on or off. Before turning on the power, make sure that the Document Cover is closed. Important Disconnecting the power plug When disconnecting the power plug after turning off the power, be sure to confirm that POWER lamp is not lit.
  • Page 8
    Black button * Starts black & white copying. You can also press this button to finalize your selection for the setting item. (10) Fit to Page button / Fit to Page lamp lamp Enables the Fit-to-Page copy function. When the Fit-to-Page copy function is enabled, the Fit to Page lights up and you can copy the original automatically enlarged or reduced to fit the selected page size.
  • Page 9: Number Of Copies

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > > LED Display and Basic Operations Contents Overview of the Machine C002 LED Display and Basic Operations You can use the machine to make copies or perform maintenance operations without a computer. This section describes the LED display and basic operations on the Operation Panel. The number 1 appears on the LED normally when turning on the power.

  • Page 10: Error Codes

    code appears on the LED, and then press the Black or Color button. Maintenance Operation Code Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern Prints the nozzle check pattern. Cleans the Print Head. Cleaning the Print Head Cleans the Print Head deeply. Cleaning the Print Head Deeply Prints the print head alignment Aligning the Print Head sheet.

  • Page 11
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Copying Contents Copying You can make enlarged or reduced copies of the original to fit the page size, and borderless copies of a printed photo, besides standard copies. Copying Documents Switching the Page Size between A4 and 8.5″ x 11″ (Letter) Copying Photos Fit-to-Page Copying Page top…
  • Page 12: Copying Documents

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Copying > Copying Documents Contents C021 Copying Documents This section describes the procedure to copy a document of A4 or Letter size on plain paper. For the operation, see the notes and operation procedure described in the reference page. You need to prepare: Originals to copy.

  • Page 13
    Load an original on the Platen Glass. Loading Originals Load the original WITH THE SIDE TO COPY FACING DOWN and align it with the alignment mark shown below. Then close the Document Cover gently. Note For details on the types and conditions of the original which can be copied, and how to Loading Originals load the original, see Characters and lines written with a light colored pen or highlight pen may not be copied…
  • Page 14
    Each time you press the [ + ] button, the number on the LED increases by one. When appears, the number of copies is set to «20». Press the [ + ] button again to return to «1». To make 10 to 19 copies Display F on the LED.
  • Page 15
    You can switch the size of paper loaded in the Rear Tray between A4 and 8.5″ x 11″ (Letter). This setting is useful if you usually load Letter-sized paper in the Rear Tray regardless of the page size indication «A4» on the Operation Panel, or vice versa. (Maintenance) button repeatedly until d appears.
  • Page 16: Copying Photos

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Copying > Copying Photos Contents C023 Copying Photos This section describes the procedure to copy a printed photo on 4″ x 6″ / 10 x 15 cm photo paper. You need to prepare: Printed photos. Photo paper for printing. See Media Types You Can Use Prepare for copying a photo.

  • Page 17
    When the Fit-to-Page copy function is enabled, you can copy the original in the size automatically enlarged or reduced to fit the selected page size. In this case, the original is copied with borders on the plain paper and without borders on the photo paper. Cancel the Fit-to-Page copy function to copy the original in the same size.
  • Page 18
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Copying > Fit-to-Page Copying Contents C024 Fit-to-Page Copying The Fit-to-Page copy function enables you to copy the original automatically enlarged or reduced to fit the selected page size. Prepare for copying. Copying Documents. See step 1 in ] button repeatedly to specify the number of copies.
  • Page 19
    Page top…
  • Page 20
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Scanning Contents Scanning You can save scanned data on your computer, and edit or process them with the supplied software application. Saving Scanned Data on the Computer Preparing for Scanning with the Operation Panel Saving Scanned Data on the Computer Page top…
  • Page 21
    For operations to scan originals from the computer, refer to the on-screen manual: Advanced Guide Important Please note that Canon shall not be liable for any damage or loss of the data for any reason whatsoever, even within the warranty period of the machine. Preparing for Scanning with the Operation Panel Before scanning originals, check the following.
  • Page 22
    original. Advanced Guide In this case, refer to the on-screen manual: to change the settings in Document Type and Document Size of MP Navigator EX to match the original and scan it. When the program selection screen appears: The program selection screen may appear after performing step 2. If the program selection screen appears, select MP Navigator EX Ver4.0 and click OK.
  • Page 23: Printing From Your Computer

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Printing from Your Computer Contents Printing from Your Computer This section describes the procedure to print documents or photos with a computer. You can easily print photos taken with your digital camera by using Easy-PhotoPrint EX supplied with the machine.

  • Page 24
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Printing from Your Computer > Printing Photos (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) Contents C051 Printing Photos (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) Print image data saved on your computer by using Easy-PhotoPrint EX supplied with the machine. This section describes the procedure to print borderless photos on 4″ x 6″ / 10 x 15 cm photo paper. For details on Easy-PhotoPrint EX, refer to the on-screen manual: Advanced Guide Note…
  • Page 25
    Select a photo to print. Select the folder in which images are saved. Click the image to print. The number of copies appears as «1», and the image you selected appears in the selected image area (A). You can select two or more images at the same time. Note (Up arrow) to change the number of copies.
  • Page 26
    Printing on the printer status monitor. To display the printer status monitor, click the printer icon on the taskbar. In Windows Vista or Windows XP, click Canon XXX Printer (where » XXX » is your machine’s name) on the taskbar. Page top…
  • Page 27: Using Various Functions Of Easy-Photoprint Ex

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Printing from Your Computer > Printing Photos (Easy-PhotoPrint EX) Contents > Using Various Functions of Easy- PhotoPrint EX C052 Using Various Functions of Easy-PhotoPrint EX This section introduces a few of the useful functions of Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Advanced Guide For details, refer to the on-screen manual: Creating Your Own Prints…

  • Page 28: Printing Documents

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Printing from Your Computer > Printing Documents Contents C053 Printing Documents This section describes the procedure to print a document of A4 size on plain paper. Advanced Guide For details, refer to the on-screen manual: Note Operations may vary depending on your software application.

  • Page 29: Start Printing

    Commonly Used Settings, the items in Additional Features will be selected automatically. The settings suitable for the print object such as media type or print quality will also appear. Make sure of the displayed settings. Here we make sure that Plain Paper in Media Type, Standard in Print Quality, and A4 in Printer Paper Size are selected.

  • Page 30
    To display the printer status monitor, click the printer icon on the taskbar. In Windows Vista operating system (hereafter referred to as «Windows Vista») or Windows XP, click Canon XXX Printer (where » XXX » is your machine’s name) on the taskbar.
  • Page 31
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Printing from Your Computer > Printing Web Pages (Easy-WebPrint EX) Contents C054 Printing Web Pages (Easy-WebPrint EX) Easy-WebPrint EX provides quick and easy printing of web pages for Internet Explorer. You can print web pages automatically resized to fit the paper width without cutting off the sides of pages, or preview and select the desired web pages to print.
  • Page 32
    Page top…
  • Page 33
    Print photos taken with a digital camera. Use Scanner Scan photos or documents. Canon Web Service Download content or materials from the website for printing. Help & Settings View the Solution Menu EX online help or the on-screen manual of the machine. Set up Solution Menu…
  • Page 34
    Unless the default setting has been changed, Solution Menu EX starts automatically when you start up the computer. To start Solution Menu EX from the Start menu, select All Programs, Canon Utilities, Solution Menu EX, then Solution Menu EX. If Solution Menu EX Main Screen does not appear after starting Solution Menu EX, right-click (Accessory Icon) and select Show Main Screen.
  • Page 35
    Easy-WebPrint EX When Easy-WebPrint EX is installed, it adds a toolbar to your Internet Explorer screen. The toolbar is available whenever Internet Explorer is running. Note Installing Easy-WebPrint EX If Easy-WebPrint EX is not installed, the guidance for installation of Easy-WebPrint EX may appear in the notification area of the taskbar.
  • Page 36
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Loading Paper / Originals Contents Loading Paper / Originals This section describes types of paper or originals you can load, how to load printing paper in the Rear Tray, and how to load originals to copy or scan. Loading Paper Loading Plain Paper / Photo Paper Loading Envelopes…
  • Page 37: Loading Paper

    / 13 x 18 cm, or 2.16″ x 3.58″ / 55.0 x 91.0 mm (Card size) to perform trial print, it can cause paper jams. Note We recommend Canon genuine photo paper for printing photos. For details on the Canon genuine paper, see Media Types You Can Use You can use general copy paper.

  • Page 38
    Slide the Paper Guides (A) to open them, and load the paper in the center of the Rear Tray WITH THE PRINT SIDE FACING YOU. Slide the Paper Guides (A) to align them with both sides of the paper stack. Do not slide the Paper Guides too hard.
  • Page 39
    Note Do not load sheets of paper higher than the Load Limit Mark (D). Note The machine may make operating noise when feeding paper. After loading paper When copying, select the size and type of the loaded paper using the Operation Panel on the machine.
  • Page 40: Loading Envelopes

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Loading Paper / Originals > Loading Paper > Loading Envelopes Contents C074 Loading Envelopes You can print on European DL and US #10 envelopes. The address is automatically rotated and printed according to the envelope’s direction by specifying with the printer driver properly.

  • Page 41
    Do not raise the Paper Support. Open the Paper Output Tray gently, and open the Output Tray Extension. Slide the Paper Guides (A) to open them, and load the envelopes in the center of the Rear Tray WITH THE ADDRESS SIDE FACING YOU. The folded flap of the envelope will be faced down on the left side.
  • Page 42
    Select Envelope in Commonly Used Settings on the Quick Setup sheet. Select DL Env. or Comm. Env. #10 in the Envelope Size Setting window. Select Landscape in Orientation. Important If you do not specify the envelope size or orientation properly, the address will be printed upside down or will be turned to 90 degrees.
  • Page 43: Media Types You Can Use

    Media Types You Can Use Choose paper suitable for printing, for the best print results. Canon provides you various types of paper to enhance the fun of printing, such as stickers as well as papers for photo or document. We recommend the use of Canon genuine paper for printing your important photos.

  • Page 44
    — Media type settings — Printer driver: Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Glossy <GP-502> — Media type settings — Printer driver: Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Plus Glossy II <PP-201> — Media type settings — Printer driver: Photo Paper Plus Glossy II Photo Paper Plus Semi-gloss <SG-201>…
  • Page 45: Page Sizes

    17 to 28 lb / 64 to 105 g/m (except for Canon genuine paper) Do not use heavier or lighter paper (except for Canon genuine paper), as it could jam in the machine. Notes on Storing Paper Take out only the necessary number of paper from the package, just before printing.

  • Page 46
    Page top…
  • Page 47: Media Types You Cannot Use

    Paper that is too thin (weighing less than 17 lb / 64 g/m Paper that is too thick (weighing more than 28 lb / 105 g/m , except for Canon genuine paper) Paper thinner than a postcard, including plain paper or notepad paper cut to a small size (when…

  • Page 48: Loading Originals

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Loading Paper / Originals > Loading Originals Contents C077 Loading Originals Loading Originals Originals You Can Load Loading Originals Load originals to copy or scan on the Platen Glass. Important After loading the original, be sure to close the Document Cover before starting to copy or scan. When scanning from a computer using a software application, you need to load the original in a different way.

  • Page 49
    To ensure the best print quality, the machine allows a margin along each edge of media. The actual printable area will be the area inside these margins. (B) 0.12 inches / 3.0 mm (C) 0.20 inches / 5.0 mm (D) 0.13 inches / 3.4 mm (0.25 inches / 6.4 mm for Letter and Legal-sized paper) (E) 0.13 inches / 3.4 mm (0.25 inches / 6.3 mm for Letter and Legal-sized paper) Close the Document Cover gently.
  • Page 50: Originals You Can Load

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Loading Paper / Originals > Loading Originals > Originals You Can Load Contents C079 Originals You Can Load You can copy or scan the following originals. Text document, magazine, or newspaper Types of originals: Printed photo, picture card, business card, or disc (BD/DVD/CD, etc.) Max.

  • Page 51: Routine Maintenance

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance Contents Routine Maintenance This section describes how to clean the machine when the print result is faint, to replace FINE Cartridges when they run out of ink, or to take an action when paper does not feed properly. When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern…

  • Page 52: When Printing Becomes Faint Or Colors Are Incorrect

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance Contents > When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect C093 When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect If print results are blurred or colors are not printed correctly, the print head nozzles (FINE Cartridges) are probably clogged.

  • Page 53
    If the problem is still not resolved after replacing the FINE Cartridge, contact the service center. When the Print Results Are Not Even such as the Ruled Lines Are Misaligned: Aligning the Print Head Note You can also perform the maintenance operations from your computer. For details, refer to the on-screen manual: Advanced Guide Page top…
  • Page 54: Printing The Nozzle Check Pattern

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > > Printing the Nozzle Check Contents When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect Pattern C094 Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern Print the nozzle check pattern to determine whether the ink ejects properly from the print head nozzles. Note If the remaining ink level is low, the nozzle check pattern will not be printed correctly.

  • Page 55: Examining The Nozzle Check Pattern

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > > Examining the Nozzle Check Contents When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect Pattern C095 Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern Examine the nozzle check pattern, and clean the Print Head if necessary. Check if there are missing lines in the pattern (1) or horizontal white streaks in the pattern (2).

  • Page 56: Cleaning The Print Head

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > > Cleaning the Print Head Contents When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect C096 Cleaning the Print Head Clean the Print Head if lines are missing or if horizontal white streaks are present in the printed nozzle check pattern.

  • Page 57: Cleaning The Print Head Deeply

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > > Cleaning the Print Head Contents When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect Deeply C097 Cleaning the Print Head Deeply If print quality does not improve by the standard cleaning of the Print Head, clean the Print Head deeply. Cleaning the Print Head deeply consumes more ink than the standard cleaning of the Print Head, so clean the Print Head deeply only when necessary.

  • Page 58: Aligning The Print Head

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > > Aligning the Print Head Contents When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect C098 Aligning the Print Head If printed ruled lines are misaligned or print results are otherwise unsatisfactory, adjust the print head position.

  • Page 59
    Important Do not touch any printed part on the print head alignment sheet. Be careful not to get the print head alignment sheet dirty. If the sheet is stained or wrinkled, it may not be scanned properly. Scan the print head alignment sheet to adjust the print head position. Load the print head alignment sheet on the Platen Glass.
  • Page 60
    The machine starts scanning the print head alignment sheet, and the print head position will be adjusted automatically. When adjusting the print head position is completed, the LED returns to the copy standby mode. Remove the print head alignment sheet on the Platen Glass. Important Do not open the Document Cover or move the loaded print head alignment sheet until adjusting the print head position is completed.
  • Page 61: Replacing A Fine Cartridge

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > Replacing a FINE Cartridge Contents C091 Replacing a FINE Cartridge When remaining ink cautions or errors occur, the error code will appear on the LED to inform you of the error. » of the on-screen manual: Refer to «An Error Code Is Displayed on the LED»…

  • Page 62
    Lift the Scanning Unit (Cover), then hold it open with the Scanning Unit Support (C). The FINE Cartridge Holder moves to the replacement position. Caution Do not hold the FINE Cartridge Holder to stop or move it forcibly. Do not touch the FINE Cartridge Holder until it stops completely.
  • Page 63
    Important If you shake a FINE Cartridge, ink may spill out and stain your hands and the surrounding area. Handle a FINE Cartridge carefully. Be careful not to stain your hands and the surrounding area with ink on the removed protective tape.
  • Page 64
    (E) Closed correctly (F) Not closed correctly (the cover is tilted) Important The machine cannot print unless both the Color and Black FINE Cartridges are installed. Be sure to install both the FINE Cartridges. Lift the Scanning Unit (Cover) slightly to set the Scanning Unit Support back to its original position, and gently close the Scanning Unit (Cover).
  • Page 65: Checking The Ink Status

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > Replacing a FINE Cartridge > Checking the Ink Status Contents C092 Checking the Ink Status You can check the ink status with the Ink lamps on the Operation Panel or with the computer screen. Note The ink level detector is mounted on the machine to detect the remaining ink level.

  • Page 66
    Note While printing, you can also display the printer status monitor by clicking the printer icon on the taskbar. In Windows Vista or Windows XP, click Canon XXX Printer (where » XXX » is your machine’s name) on the taskbar.
  • Page 67: Cleaning The Machine

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > Cleaning the Machine Contents Cleaning the Machine This section describes how to clean the inside of the machine. Cleaning the Paper Feed Roller Cleaning the Inside of the Machine (Bottom Plate Cleaning) Cleaning the Protrusions inside the Machine Page top…

  • Page 68: Cleaning The Paper Feed Roller

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > Cleaning the Machine > Cleaning the Paper Feed Roller Contents C099 Cleaning the Paper Feed Roller If the Paper Feed Roller is dirty or paper powder is attached to it, paper may not be fed properly. In this case, clean the Paper Feed Roller.

  • Page 69: Cleaning The Inside Of The Machine (Bottom Plate Cleaning)

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > Cleaning the Machine > Cleaning the Inside of the Machine (Bottom Plate Cleaning) Contents C101 Cleaning the Inside of the Machine (Bottom Plate Cleaning) Remove stains from the inside of the machine. If the inside of the machine becomes dirty, printed paper may get dirty, so we recommend performing cleaning regularly.

  • Page 70
    If the problem is not resolved after performing the Bottom Plate Cleaning twice, the protrusions inside the machine may be stained. Cleaning the Protrusions inside the Machine to clean them. Page top…
  • Page 71: Cleaning The Protrusions Inside The Machine

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Routine Maintenance > Cleaning the Machine > Cleaning the Protrusions inside the Machine Contents C102 Cleaning the Protrusions inside the Machine Caution Be sure to turn off the power and disconnect the power plug before cleaning the machine. If the protrusions inside the machine are stained, wipe off any ink from the protrusions using a cotton swab or the like.

  • Page 72
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Contents > Appendix Appendix Legal Limitations on Use of Your Product and Use of Images Tips on How to Use Your Machine Page top…
  • Page 73: Legal Limitations On Use Of Your Product And Use Of Images

    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Contents Appendix > Legal Limitations on Use of Your Product and Use of Images Legal Limitations on Use of Your Product and Use of Images It may be unlawful to make copies of, scan, print, or use reproductions of the following documents. The list provided is non-exhaustive.

  • Page 74
    Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Contents Appendix > Tips on How to Use Your Machine C112 Tips on How to Use Your Machine This section introduces the tips on how to use your machine and for printing with optimal quality. Ink is used for various purposes. How is ink used for various purposes other than printing? Ink may be used for purposes other than printing.
  • Page 75
    After loading paper, be sure to select the loaded paper in Media Type of the printer driver or with the Paper button on the Operation Panel. If the type of paper is not selected, you may not be able to get the satisfactory print result.
  • Page 76
    Tip!: Carefully choose the area to place the machine! Place the machine at least 5.91 inches / 15 cm away from other electrical appliances such as fluorescent lamps. If the machine is placed closer to those, it may not be able to work properly due to fluorescent noises.
  • Page 77
    In this case Print the nozzle check pattern Check the printed check pattern to see if the nozzles are clogged. When Printing Becomes Faint or Colors Are Incorrect Page top…
  • Page 78
    MC-4740-V1.00 Basic Guide Printing Printing Scanning Printing from a Computer Printing with the Bundled Application Software Copying What Is Easy-PhotoPrint EX? Troubleshooting Printing Photos Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX How to Use This Manual Selecting a Photo Printing This Manual Selecting the Paper Printing Maintenance Creating an Album…
  • Page 79
    Using the Face Sharpener Function Using the Digital Face Smoothing Function Using the Blemish Remover Function Adjusting Images Correct/Enhance Images Window Creating Still Images from Videos Video Frame Capture/Movie Print Window Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window Questions and Answers How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing…
  • Page 80
    Smoothing Jagged Outlines Changing Color Properties to Improve Coloration Reducing Photo Noise Overview of the Printer Driver Printer Driver Operations Canon IJ Printer Driver XPS Printer Driver How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window Maintenance Tab Canon IJ Status Monitor…
  • Page 81
    Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Forwarding Scanned Data to the Computer Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Appendix: Various Scan Settings Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Panel Using MP Navigator EX Scanning with the Bundled Application Software What Is MP Navigator EX (Supplied Scanner Software)? Let’s Try Scanning Starting MP Navigator EX…
  • Page 82
    Print Photo Dialog Box Send via E-mail Dialog Box Correct/Enhance Images Window One-click Mode Screen Auto Scan Dialog Box Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Scan Settings Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Save Dialog Box Exif Settings Dialog Box PDF Dialog Box Save as PDF file Dialog Box Mail Dialog Box OCR Dialog Box…
  • Page 83
    Preferences Dialog Box Scanner Tab Preview Tab Scan Tab Color Settings Tab Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning Adjusting Cropping Frames Resolution File Formats Color Matching Other Scanning Methods Scanning with WIA Driver Scanning Using the Control Panel (Windows XP Only) Copying Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Copying…
  • Page 84
    Paper Is Smudged/Printed Surface Is Scratched Back of the Paper Is Smudged Vertical Lines Are Printed on the Sides of the Printout Colors Are Uneven or Streaked Printing Does Not Start Copying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected Printing Speed Is Not as Fast as Expected FINE Cartridge Holder Does Not Move to the Position for Replacing…
  • Page 85
    Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged (Reduced) Scanned Image Is Enlarged (Reduced) on the Computer Monitor Scanned Image Does Not Open MP Navigator EX Problems Cannot Scan at the Correct Size Position or Size of the Image Cannot be Detected Correctly When Scanning Using the Operation Panel Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Orientation…
  • Page 86: How To Use This Manual

    Advanced Guide > How to Use This Manual How to Use This Manual Operating the Contents Pane Operating the Explanation Window Printing This Manual Using Keywords to Find a Document Registering Documents to My Manual Symbols Used in This Document Trademarks and Licenses Page top…

  • Page 87
    > > Operating the Contents Pane Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual Operating the Contents Pane When you click a document title displayed in the contents pane found to the left of the on-screen manual, the documents of that title are displayed in the explanation window on the right side. When you click found to the left of , the document titles found in the lower hierarchies are displayed.
  • Page 88
    > Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual > Operating the Explanation Window Operating the Explanation Window Explanation Window (1) Click the green characters to jump to the corresponding document. (2) The cursor jumps to the top of this document. Window Used in Operation Explanation This on-screen manual describes with a window displayed when the Windows 7 operating system Home Premium (called Windows 7 below) is used.
  • Page 89
    > > Printing This Manual Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual Printing This Manual Click to display the print pane to the left of the on-screen manual. Note Click to close or display the print pane. When you click and then click Page Setup, the Page Setup dialog box appears.
  • Page 90
    Print All Documents Note You can select the type to be printed, and then easily specify print settings on the Print Setup tab. Print Current Document You can print the currently displayed document. From Select Target, select Current Document The title of the currently displayed document is displayed in the Documents to Be Printed list. Note By selecting Print linked documents, you can also print documents that are linked to the current document.
  • Page 91
    Confirm the number of pages to be printed, and then click Yes. All documents with selected check boxes are printed. Print My Manual You can select and print documents registered in My Manual. Registering Documents to My Manual .» For details about My Manual, see » From Select Target, select My Manual The titles of the documents that have been registered to My Manual are displayed in the Documents to Be Printed list.
  • Page 92
    Confirm the number of pages to be printed, and then click Yes. All documents are printed. Important A large amount of paper is necessary to print all documents. Before printing, be sure to check the number of print pages displayed in the Print Page Count Confirmation dialog box. The Print Preview dialog box allows you to scale the printing to the paper width or to set the zoom rate.
  • Page 93
    > Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual > Using Keywords to Find a Document Using Keywords to Find a Document You can enter a keyword to search for a target document. All documents in the currently displayed on-screen manual are searched. Click The search pane is displayed to the left of the on-screen manual.
  • Page 94
    The search is started, and the titles of documents containing the keyword are displayed in the search results list. When you execute a search by entering multiple keywords, the search results are displayed as shown below. [Documents Containing Perfect Match] Documents containing the entire search character string (including spaces) exactly as entered (perfect match) [Documents Containing All Keywords]…
  • Page 95
    > > Registering Documents to My Manual Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual Registering Documents to My Manual Register frequently read documents as My Manual documents so that you can refer to those documents easily at any time. Display the document Display the document to be added to My Manual.
  • Page 96
    Display My Manual When you double-click (or select and press Enter key) a document title displayed in List of My Manual, that document is displayed in the explanation window. Note To delete a document from List of My Manual, select that document title from the list, and then click Delete (or press Delete key).
  • Page 97: Symbols Used In This Document

    > > Symbols Used in This Document Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual Symbols Used in This Document Warning Instructions that, if ignored, could result in death or serious personal injury caused by incorrect operation of the equipment. These must be observed for safe operation. Caution Instructions that, if ignored, could result in personal injury or material damage caused by incorrect operation of the equipment.

  • Page 98: Trademarks And Licenses

    > Advanced Guide How to Use This Manual > Trademarks and Licenses Trademarks and Licenses Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Windows Vista is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

  • Page 99: Printing From A Computer

    > Printing from a Computer Advanced Guide Printing from a Computer Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing with Other Application Software Page top…

  • Page 100
    > Printing from a Computer Advanced Guide > Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing with the Bundled Application Software What Is Easy-PhotoPrint EX? Printing Photos Creating an Album Printing Calendars Printing Stickers Printing Layout Correcting and Enhancing Photos Creating Still Images from Videos Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites Questions and Answers Photo Print Settings…
  • Page 101
    You can also print borderless photos easily. Important Easy-PhotoPrint EX can only be used with Canon inkjet printers. It does not support some Canon compact photo printers, including SELPHY CP series. If a printer that supports Easy-PhotoPrint EX is not installed, you cannot print items you create.
  • Page 102
    MOV ( .mov) Important Only MOV format videos recorded with Canon digital cameras are supported. When selecting an image, if there is a TIFF file in the selected folder, the image may not be displayed correctly or Easy-PhotoPrint EX may shut down depending on the TIFF format. In such cases, move the TIFF file to another folder or recreate the file in a different data format, and then select the folder again.
  • Page 103
    File Formats (Extensions) Supported by Easy-PhotoPrint EX Easy-PhotoPrint EX Photo Print file (.el6) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Album file (.el1) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Stickers file (.el2) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Calendar file (.el4) Easy-PhotoPrint EX Layout file (.el5) Page top…
  • Page 104: Printing Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Photos Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A010 Printing Photos Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to print your favorite photos in a variety of layouts. You can also create borderless photos easily. Corrections suitable for photos can be applied automatically when printing.

  • Page 105
    How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from? How Do I Print with Even Margins? Page top…
  • Page 106
    > Starting Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Easy-PhotoPrint EX A011 Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Easy-PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears. Page top…
  • Page 107
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Photos > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting a Photo A012 Selecting a Photo Click Photo Print from Menu. The Select Images screen appears. Important The thumbnails (reduced images) displayed in the screen may appear as follows: — A black line appears along an edge of the image.
  • Page 108
    Click the image you want to print. The number of copies appears as «1» below the clicked image, while the selected image itself will appear in the selected image area. Note To delete an image in the selected image area, select the image you want to delete and click (Delete Imported Image).
  • Page 109: Selecting The Paper

    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Photos > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting the Paper A013 Selecting the Paper Click Select Paper. The Select Paper screen appears. Set the following items according to the printer and paper to be used: Printer Paper Source Paper Size…

  • Page 110
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Photos > Printing Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A014 Printing Click Layout/Print. The Layout/Print screen appears. Important The thumbnails (reduced images) displayed in the screen may appear as follows: — A black line appears along an edge of the image.
  • Page 111
    How Do I Print with Even Margins? Note You can crop images or print dates on photos. Cropping Photos (Photo Print) Printing Dates on Photos (Photo Print) You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing. Correcting and Enhancing Photos You can specify advanced Photo Print settings (number of copies, print quality, etc.) in the Preferences dialog box.
  • Page 112: Creating An Album

    > Printing from a Computer > > Creating an Album Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A020 Creating an Album Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create your own personalized photo album. Steps Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX Selecting the Paper and Layout Selecting a Photo Editing Printing…

  • Page 113
    Questions and Answers How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? What Is «C1» or «C4»? Page top…
  • Page 114
    > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX A021 Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Easy-PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears. Page top…
  • Page 115
    > Printing from a Computer > > Creating an Album > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting the Paper and Layout A022 Selecting the Paper and Layout Click Album from Menu. The Page Setup screen appears. Set the following items in the General Settings section: Paper Size Orientation Cover…
  • Page 116
    If you want to change the layout, click Layout..The Change Layout dialog box appears. In the Change Layout dialog box, you can change the layout or select whether to print the date (on which the picture was taken) on the photo. Note The layouts that can be selected may vary depending on the Paper Size, Orientation, Double page album, or the type of page selected (front cover, inside pages or back cover).
  • Page 117
    > Printing from a Computer > > Creating an Album > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting a Photo A023 Selecting a Photo Click Select Images. The Select Images screen appears. Select the folder that contains the image you want to print from the folder tree area. The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails (miniatures).
  • Page 118
    The selected image(s) is (are) displayed in the selected image area. You can also select the image(s) you want to print by dragging it (them) into the selected image area. Note To delete an image in the selected image area, select the image you want to delete and click (Delete Imported Image).
  • Page 119
    > Printing from a Computer > > Creating an Album > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Editing A024 Editing Click Edit. The Edit screen appears. Edit your album if necessary. Changing Layout Changing Background Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos…
  • Page 120
    C3: Inside the back cover C4: Back cover «C2″/»C3» appears only when the Leave the inside of front cover blank/Leave the inside of back cover blank checkbox is selected in the Cover Options dialog box. Saving Note See Help for details on the Edit screen. Page top…
  • Page 121
    > Printing from a Computer > > Creating an Album > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing A025 Printing Click Print Settings. The Print Settings screen appears. Set the following items according to the printer and paper to be used: Printer Media Type Copies…
  • Page 122
    Click Print. Note See Help for details on the Print Settings screen. Page top…
  • Page 123: Printing Calendars

    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Calendars Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A040 Printing Calendars Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create your own calendar using your favorite photos. Steps Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX Selecting the Paper and Layout Selecting a Photo Editing Printing…

  • Page 124
    Opening Saved Files Questions and Answers How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? Page top…
  • Page 125
    > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX A041 Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Easy-PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears. Page top…
  • Page 126
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Calendars > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting the Paper and Layout A042 Selecting the Paper and Layout Click Calendar from Menu. The Page Setup screen appears. Set the following items in the General Settings section: Paper Size Orientation Start from…
  • Page 127
    Note See Help for details on the Page Setup screen. Page top…
  • Page 128
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Calendars > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting a Photo A043 Selecting a Photo Click Select Images. The Select Images screen appears. Select the folder that contains the image you want to print from the folder tree area. The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails (miniatures).
  • Page 129
    Note You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing. Correcting and Enhancing Photos See Help for details on the Select Images screen. Page top…
  • Page 130
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Calendars > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Editing A044 Editing Click Edit. The Edit screen appears. Edit the calendar if necessary. Changing Layout Changing Background Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos…
  • Page 131
    See Help for details on the Edit screen. Page top…
  • Page 132
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Calendars > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing A045 Printing Click Print Settings. The Print Settings screen appears. Set the following items according to the printer and paper to be used: Printer Media Type Copies…
  • Page 133
    Click Print. Note See Help for details on the Print Settings screen. Page top…
  • Page 134: Printing Stickers

    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Stickers Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A050 Printing Stickers You can print your favorite photos on compatible sticker sheets. Steps Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX Selecting the Paper and Layout Selecting a Photo Editing Printing Try This…

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    Page top…
  • Page 136
    > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX A051 Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Easy-PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears. Page top…
  • Page 137
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Stickers > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting the Paper and Layout A052 Selecting the Paper and Layout Click Stickers from Menu. The Page Setup screen appears. Set the following items in the General Settings section: Paper Size Orientation Print date…
  • Page 138
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Stickers > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting a Photo A053 Selecting a Photo Click Select Images. The Select Images screen appears. Select the folder that contains the image you want to print from the folder tree area. The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails (miniatures).
  • Page 139
    Note You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing. Correcting and Enhancing Photos See Help for details on the Select Images screen. Page top…
  • Page 140
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Stickers > Editing Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A054 Editing Click Edit. The Edit screen appears. Edit the stickers if necessary. Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Printing Dates on Photos…
  • Page 141
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Stickers > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing A055 Printing Click Print Settings. The Print Settings screen appears. Set the following items according to the printer and paper to be used: Printer Media Type Copies…
  • Page 142
    See Help for details on the Print Settings screen. Page top…
  • Page 143: Printing Layout

    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Layout Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A150 Printing Layout You can add text to your favorite photos and print them in a variety of layouts. Steps Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX Selecting the Paper and Layout Selecting a Photo Editing…

  • Page 144
    How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? Page top…
  • Page 145
    > Starting Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Easy-PhotoPrint EX A151 Starting Easy-PhotoPrint EX From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > Easy-PhotoPrint EX > Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Easy-PhotoPrint EX starts and Menu appears. Page top…
  • Page 146
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Layout > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting the Paper and Layout A152 Selecting the Paper and Layout Click Layout Print from Menu. The Page Setup screen appears. Set the following items in the General Settings section: Paper Size Orientation Print date…
  • Page 147
    Page top…
  • Page 148
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Layout > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Selecting a Photo A153 Selecting a Photo Click Select Images. The Select Images screen appears. Select the folder that contains the image you want to print from the folder tree area. The images in the folder will be displayed as thumbnails (miniatures).
  • Page 149
    Note You can correct or enhance the selected image before printing. Correcting and Enhancing Photos See Help for details on the Select Images screen. Page top…
  • Page 150
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Layout > Editing Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A154 Editing Click Edit. The Edit screen appears. Edit the layout if necessary. Changing Layout Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos…
  • Page 151
    Page top…
  • Page 152
    > Printing from a Computer > > Printing Layout > Printing Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A155 Printing Click Print Settings. The Print Settings screen appears. Set the following items according to the printer and paper to be used: Printer Media Type Copies…
  • Page 153
    Click Print. Note See Help for details on the Print Settings screen. Page top…
  • Page 154: Correcting And Enhancing Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Correcting and Enhancing Photos A060 Correcting and Enhancing Photos You can correct and enhance images. Click (Correct/Enhance Images) in the Select Images or Edit screen, or in the Layout/Print screen of Photo Print.

  • Page 155
    You can also blur the outline of the subjects or remove the base color. Adjusting Images Page top…
  • Page 156: Using The Auto Photo Fix Function

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Using the Auto Photo Fix Function A066 Using the Auto Photo Fix Function This function will automatically analyze the captured scene and apply suitable corrections. Important The Auto Photo Fix function is not available for Photo Print.

  • Page 157
    The image appears in Preview. Note If only one image is selected, the thumbnail list does not appear below Preview. Make sure that Auto is selected. Click Auto Photo Fix, then click OK. The entire photo is corrected automatically and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image.
  • Page 158: Using The Red-Eye Correction Function

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Using the Red-Eye Correction Function A061 Using the Red-Eye Correction Function You can correct red eyes caused by a camera flash. You can perform the Red-Eye Correction function either automatically or manually.

  • Page 159
    Auto Correction Make sure that Auto is selected. Click Red-Eye Correction. Click OK. Red eyes are corrected and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image. Important Areas other than the eyes may be corrected depending on the image. Note (Compare) to display the images before and after the correction side by side so that Click…
  • Page 160
    Red eye is corrected and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image. Note (Compare) to display the images before and after the correction side by side so that Click you can compare and check the result. Click Undo to undo the preceding correction operation.
  • Page 161: Using The Face Brightener Function

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Using the Face Brightener Function A062 Using the Face Brightener Function You can brighten dark faces caused by bright background. Note You can brighten dark photos caused by bright background automatically by selecting Auto Photo Fix.

  • Page 162
    Click Manual, then click Correct/Enhance. Click Face Brightener. Note Effect levels can be changed using the slider below Face Brightener. Move the cursor over the image. The shape of the cursor changes to (Cross). Drag to select the area you want to correct, then click OK that appears over the image.
  • Page 163
    Important The corrections will be lost if you exit before saving corrected images. Page top…
  • Page 164: Using The Face Sharpener Function

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Using the Face Sharpener Function A063 Using the Face Sharpener Function You can sharpen out-of-focus faces in a photo. You can perform the Face Sharpener function either automatically or manually. Select photos in the Select Images screen, then click (Correct/Enhance Images).

  • Page 165
    Click Face Sharpener. Note Effect levels can be changed using the slider below Face Sharpener. Click OK. The face is sharpened and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image. Note Click (Compare) to display the images before and after the correction side by side so that you can compare and check the result.
  • Page 166
    The facial area in and around the selected area is sharpened and the (Correction/ Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image. Note You can also drag to rotate the selected area. (Compare) to display the images before and after the correction side by side so that Click you can compare and check the result.
  • Page 167: Using The Digital Face Smoothing Function

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Using the Digital Face Smoothing Function A064 Using the Digital Face Smoothing Function You can enhance skin beautifully by removing blemishes and wrinkles. You can perform the Digital Face Smoothing function either automatically or manually.

  • Page 168
    Click Digital Face Smoothing. Note Effect levels can be changed using the slider below Digital Face Smoothing. Click OK. Skin is enhanced beautifully and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image. Note Click (Compare) to display the images before and after the enhancement side by side so that you can compare and check the result.
  • Page 169
    Skin in and around the selected area is enhanced beautifully and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image. Note You can also drag to rotate the selected area. Click (Compare) to display the images before and after the enhancement side by side so that you can compare and check the result.
  • Page 170: Using The Blemish Remover Function

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Using the Blemish Remover Function A065 Using the Blemish Remover Function You can remove moles. Select photos in the Select Images screen, then click (Correct/Enhance Images).

  • Page 171
    Note Move the cursor over the image. The shape of the cursor changes to (Cross). Drag to select the area you want to enhance, then click OK that appears over the image. Moles in and around the selected area are removed and the (Correction/Enhancement) mark appears on the upper left of the image.
  • Page 172: Adjusting Images

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Adjusting Images A067 Adjusting Images You can make fine adjustments to the overall brightness, contrast, etc. of images. Select photos in the Select Images screen, then click (Correct/Enhance Images).

  • Page 173
    Contrast Sharpness Blur Show-through Removal Note (Compare) to display the images before and after the adjustment side by side so that Click you can compare and check the result. Click Advanced to make fine adjustments to the image brightness and color tone. See » Advanced «…
  • Page 174
    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Correcting and Enhancing Photos > Correct/Enhance Images Window A068 Correct/Enhance Images Window You can correct/enhance images in this window. To display the Correct/Enhance Images window, click (Correct/Enhance Images) in the Select Images or Edit screen, or in the Layout/Print screen of Photo Print.
  • Page 175
    Auto Photo Fix Applies automatic corrections suitable for photos. Important The Auto Photo Fix function is not available for Photo Print. Photo Print allows you to automatically apply suitable corrections to all photos when printing, by selecting Enable Auto Photo Fix in Color correction for printing on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog box. To display the Preferences dialog box, click (Settings) in the Layout/Print screen or select Preferences…
  • Page 176
    Automatically corrects/enhances all images displayed in the thumbnail list. Applies the selected effect to the selected image or all images. Reset Selected Image Cancels all corrections and enhancements applied to the selected image. Save Selected Image Saves the corrected/enhanced image (the selected one). Save All Corrected Images Saves all the corrected/enhanced images displayed in the thumbnail list.
  • Page 177
    Removes show-through of text from the reverse side or removes the base color. Adjust the show- through level to prevent text on the reverse side of thin document or the base color of the document from appearing on the image. Move the slider to the right to increase the show-through removal effect.
  • Page 178
    color tone are adjusted in the Advanced Adjustment dialog box. Defaults Resets each adjustment (brightness, contrast, sharpness, blur, and show-through removal). Reset Selected Image Cancels all corrections, enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image. Save Selected Image Saves the corrected/enhanced/adjusted image (the selected one). Save All Corrected Images Saves all the corrected/enhanced/adjusted images displayed in the thumbnail list.
  • Page 179
    Removes moles in the selected area. Applies the selected effect to the specified area. Undo Cancels the latest correction/enhancement. Reset Selected Image Cancels all corrections, enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image. Save Selected Image Saves the corrected/enhanced/adjusted image (the selected one). Save All Corrected Images Saves all the corrected/enhanced/adjusted images displayed in the thumbnail list.
  • Page 180
    This function is supported under Windows XP or later. However, it is not supported under the 64-bit editions of Windows XP. This function is not available when ZoomBrowser EX Ver.6.5 or later (supplied with Canon digital cameras supporting MOV format video recording) is not installed.
  • Page 181
    Note Only MOV format videos recorded with Canon digital cameras are displayed. The selected video plays. Select the video from which you want to capture still images and click OK. The selected video plays in Preview of the Video Frame Capture window.
  • Page 182
    Display the Auto Frame Capture Settings area, then use (Set start time/Set end time) in the Preview area to specify the time range. In the Auto Frame Capture Settings area, select a capture method and click Capture. You can correct the captured still images in the Correct Captured Frames window. To display the Correct Captured Frames window, select the image(s) you want to correct in the Captured frame(s) area, then click (Correct image).
  • Page 183
    This function is supported under Windows XP or later. However, it is not supported under the 64-bit editions of Windows XP. This function is not available when ZoomBrowser EX Ver.6.5 or later (supplied with Canon digital cameras supporting MOV format video recording) is not installed.
  • Page 184
    Print Area You can print the captured still images. Note This function is available only when the Movie Print window is displayed via Solution Menu EX. Media Type Displays the media type specified in the Print Settings dialog box. Page Size Displays the paper size specified in the Print Settings dialog box.
  • Page 185
    Select Video Displays the Select Video dialog box. Select a folder, then select the video from which you want to capture still images. Save Saves the still images selected in the Captured frame(s) area. Exit Click to close the Video Frame Capture/Movie Print window. (2) Preview Area The video selected in the Select Video dialog box appears in Preview.
  • Page 186
    When you select an image, a checkmark appears in its checkbox. (Clear all check-marks) Cancels all image selections in the Captured frame(s) area. (Correct image) Displays the Correct Captured Frames window in which you can correct all the images selected in the Captured frame(s) area.
  • Page 187
    (2) Toolbar (Reduce/Enlarge frame) Reduces or enlarges the displayed image. (Whole frame) Displays the entire image in Preview. (Compare) Displays the Compare Captured Frames window. You can compare the images before and after the correction side by side. The image before the correction is displayed on the left, and the image after the correction is displayed on the right of the window.
  • Page 188
    Please also check terms of service in the photo sharing site before using the work of others. Canon is not responsible for the any copyright problems by using this function. This function is supported under Windows XP or later.
  • Page 189
    (Add Image). When you click (Import photos from photo sharing sites), a message about created works and personality rights appear. To hide the message, select the Do not show this message again checkbox. See » Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window «…
  • Page 190
    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites > Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window A171 Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window In this window, you can search for images on photo sharing sites on the Internet and download the images you want to print.
  • Page 191
    Sort by Select how to sort the search results in the Thumbnail window. Select Popularity or Date. You cannot change the setting after a search. Number of Results per Page Select the number of images displayed in the Thumbnail window, from 10, 20 and 30. You cannot change the setting after a search.
  • Page 192
    Commercial work along with your creation. — You may not use the work for commercial purposes. Share Alike (CC license) — Even if your creation is built upon the work of others, you must apply the same conditions to it as those set out for the original work by the licensor.
  • Page 193
    thumbnail. To select an image, click the thumbnail or checkbox. Important Due to limitations of photo sharing sites, if the search results exceed 4,000 images, the same images as those displayed in the page containing the 4,001st image will be displayed in all the subsequent pages.
  • Page 194: Questions And Answers

    > Printing from a Computer > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Questions and Answers A200 Questions and Answers How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from? How Do I Print with Even Margins? What Is «C1″…

  • Page 195: How Can I Move (Or Copy) The Saved File

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Questions and Answers > How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? A095 How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File? If you want to move (or copy) a file created and saved with Easy-PhotoPrint EX from one folder to another, you need to move (or copy) the folder that was automatically created when originally saving that file as well.

  • Page 196
    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Questions and Answers > Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from? A096 Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from? As shown below, printing starts from the left side of the image displayed in the Layout/Print screen.
  • Page 197: How Do I Print With Even Margins

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Questions and Answers > How Do I Print with Even Margins? A097 How Do I Print with Even Margins? When you print on a bordered layout, the margins on the left and right or the top and bottom may become wider than the other, depending on the image and printer.

  • Page 198
    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Questions and Answers > What Is «C1» or «C4»? A098 What Is «C1» or «C4»? When an album is printed, labels such as «C1» and «C4» are printed as page numbers. The «C1″…
  • Page 199
    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A101 Photo Print Settings Printing Vivid Photos Reducing Photo Noise Cropping Photos (Photo Print) Printing Dates on Photos (Photo Print) Printing Multiple Photos on One Page Printing an Index Printing ID Photos (ID Photo Print) Printing Photo Information…
  • Page 200: Printing Vivid Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing Vivid Photos A071 Printing Vivid Photos Select the Vivid Photo checkbox in the Select Paper screen to boost the colors in a photo before printing. Important This function is available only with a printer that supports Vivid Photo.

  • Page 201
    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Reducing Photo Noise A072 Reducing Photo Noise When a photo is taken in a dark location such as night scene using digital camera, noise may appear in the image.
  • Page 202: Cropping Photos (Photo Print)

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Cropping Photos (Photo Print) A073 Cropping Photos (Photo Print) Cropping a photo is the act of removing the unnecessary portions of the photo by selecting the necessary portions.

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    Page top…
  • Page 204: Printing Dates On Photos (Photo Print)

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing Dates on Photos (Photo Print) A074 Printing Dates on Photos (Photo Print) To print the date the photo was taken on the photo, click (Date Settings) in the Layout/Print screen, then select the Print date checkbox in the Date Settings dialog box.

  • Page 205: Printing Multiple Photos On One Page

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing Multiple Photos on One Page A076 Printing Multiple Photos on One Page You can print multiple photos on one page by selecting a multiple-photo layout in the Layout/Print screen. Note See the following section for details on how to select photos.

  • Page 206: Printing An Index

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing an Index A077 Printing an Index You can print an index of selected photos. An index print shows the thumbnails of the photos in one page.

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    Page top…
  • Page 208: Printing Id Photos (Id Photo Print)

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing ID Photos (ID Photo Print) A078 Printing ID Photos (ID Photo Print) You can print a variety of ID photos. Important The photo may not qualify as an official ID photo depending on its use.

  • Page 209
    To display the Preferences dialog box, click (Settings) or select Preferences… from the File menu. ID photos can only be printed on 4″x6″ 10x15cm paper. Page top…
  • Page 210
    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Printing Photo Information A079 Printing Photo Information You can print the photo and the Exif information side by side. To print them, select Letter 8.5″x11″ or A4 for Paper Size in the Select Paper screen, and select Captured Info from the layouts in the Layout/Print screen.
  • Page 211: Saving Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Saving Photos A092 Saving Photos You can save edited photos. The information of cropping and layout can be saved. Click Save in the Layout/Print screen. When the Save As dialog box appears, specify the save location and file name, then click Save.

  • Page 212
    > Printing from a Computer > > Photo Print Settings > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Opening Saved Files A093 Opening Saved Files You can open files created with Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Click Library from Menu. The Open dialog box appears. You can check files created and saved with Easy-PhotoPrint EX in icon view (only for Windows 7/ Windows Vista) or thumbnail view.
  • Page 213
    Page top…
  • Page 214: Other Settings

    > Printing from a Computer > > Other Settings Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software A102 Other Settings Changing Layout Changing Background Adding Photos Swapping Positions of Photos Replacing Photos Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos Cropping Photos Framing Photos Printing Dates on Photos Attaching Comments to Photos…

  • Page 215: Changing Layout

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Changing Layout A080 Changing Layout You can change the layout of each page separately. (Change Layout). Select the page you want to change the layout of in the Edit screen, then click Select the layout you want to use in the Change Layout dialog box and click OK.

  • Page 216
    Important The layouts of all pages are changed to the selected layout. All images that do not fit in the new layout will be collected on the last page. Note The layouts that can be selected may vary depending on the Paper Size and Orientation. Layout Print Important If the new layout has a different number of frames per page from the current layout, the following will…
  • Page 217
    Page top…
  • Page 218: Changing Background

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Changing Background A081 Changing Background You can change the background of each page. Important You cannot change the background of the Stickers and Layout Print. Click Background…

  • Page 219
    Select from samples will be displayed only if Album has been selected. Various backgrounds are available on our website besides those saved in the application. Click Search backgrounds… to access the Canon website from which you can download additional materials for free.
  • Page 220
    Note See Help for details on how to set the background in the Change Background dialog box. Page top…
  • Page 221: Adding Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings > Adding Photos A082 Adding Photos You can add images to pages. Select the page you want to add photos to in the Edit screen, then click (Add Image).

  • Page 222
    Page top…
  • Page 223: Swapping Positions Of Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Swapping Positions of Photos A083 Swapping Positions of Photos You can swap the positions of images. Click (Swap Image Positions) in the Edit screen. Note The screen(s) for Album printing is (are) used as example(s) in the following descriptions.

  • Page 224: Replacing Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Replacing Photos A084 Replacing Photos You can replace an image with another image. Select the image you want to replace in the Edit screen, then click (Replace Selected Image).

  • Page 225: Changing Position, Angle And Size Of Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos A085 Changing Position, Angle and Size of Photos You can adjust the position, angle and size of images. Select the image of which you want to change the position or size in the Edit screen and click (Edit Image) or double-click the image.

  • Page 226: Cropping Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Cropping Photos A086 Cropping Photos Cropping an image is the act of removing the unnecessary portions of the image by selecting the necessary portions.

  • Page 227: Framing Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Framing Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Photos A087 Framing Photos You can add frames to images. Important You cannot add frames to images in Stickers and Layout Print. Select the image you want to frame in the Edit screen and click (Edit Image) or double-click the image.

  • Page 228
    Various frames are available on our website besides those saved in the application. Click Search frames… to access the Canon website from which you can download additional materials for free. Internet connection is required to access the website. Internet connection fees apply.
  • Page 229: Printing Dates On Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Printing Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Dates on Photos A088 Printing Dates on Photos You can print dates on images. Select the image you want to print the date on in the Edit screen and click (Edit Image) or double- click the image.

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    Page top…
  • Page 231: Attaching Comments To Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Attaching Comments to Photos A089 Attaching Comments to Photos You can attach comments to images and display them in your album. The photo name, shooting date and comments are displayed (from top to bottom) in a comment box.

  • Page 232
    Select the Show comment box checkbox. Select the checkboxes of the items you want to display, and enter comments. Set the size and color of font, and position of the comments, etc., then click OK. Note See Help for details on comments. Page top…
  • Page 233: Adding Text To Photos

    > Printing from a Computer > > Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings > Adding Text to Photos A090 Adding Text to Photos You can add text to photos. Click (Add Text) in the Edit screen and drag the mouse over the area in which you want to add text. Note The screen(s) for Album printing is (are) used as example(s) in the following descriptions.

  • Page 234
    > Printing from a Computer > > > Saving Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings A091 Saving You can save edited items. Click Save in the Edit or Print Settings screen. Note The screen(s) for Album printing is (are) used as example(s) in the following descriptions. The screen(s) may vary depending on what you create.
  • Page 235: Setting Holidays

    > Printing from a Computer > > > Setting Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Holidays A099 Setting Holidays You can add holidays to your calendar. Click Set Holidays… in the Page Setup screen of Calendar, or click (Setup Period/Holiday) in the Edit screen and click Set Holidays…

  • Page 236
    Enter the name in Holiday Name and specify the date. Select the Set as Holiday checkbox to display that day as a holiday in your calendar. Note See Help for details on each dialog box. Page top…
  • Page 237
    > Printing from a Computer > > > Setting Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Calendar Display A100 Setting Calendar Display You can customize the calendar display (fonts, lines, colors, position, size, etc.). Click Settings… in the Page Setup screen of Calendar, or select a calendar in the Edit screen and click (Setup Calendar) to display the Calendar Settings dialog box.
  • Page 238
    > Printing from a Computer > > > Opening Advanced Guide Printing with the Bundled Application Software Other Settings Saved Files A103 Opening Saved Files You can open files created with Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Click Library from Menu. The Open dialog box appears. You can check files created and saved with Easy-PhotoPrint EX in icon view (only for Windows 7/ Windows Vista) or thumbnail view.
  • Page 239
    Easy-PhotoPrint EX supports the following file formats (extensions). — Easy-PhotoPrint EX Album file (.el1) — Easy-PhotoPrint EX Stickers file (.el2) — Easy-PhotoPrint EX Calendar file (.el4) — Easy-PhotoPrint EX Layout file (.el5) You can open files created with Easy-PhotoPrint EX with the following methods, besides from Library in Menu.
  • Page 240
    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Printing with Other Application Software Various Printing Methods Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data Overview of the Printer Driver Page top…
  • Page 241: Various Printing Methods

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Various Printing Methods Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Printing with Easy Setup Setting a Page Size and Orientation Setting the Number of Copies and Printing Order Setting the Stapling Margin Execute Borderless Printing Fit-to-Page Printing Scaled Printing…

  • Page 242: Printing With Easy Setup

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Printing with Easy Setup P000 Printing with Easy Setup The simple setup procedure for carrying out appropriate printing on this machine, is as follows: Open the printer driver setup window Select a frequently used profile…

  • Page 243: Setting A Page Size And Orientation

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Setting a Page Size and Orientation P400 Setting a Page Size and Orientation The paper size and orientation are essentially determined by the application. When the page size and orientation set for Page Size and Orientation on the Page Setup tab are same as those set with the application, you do not need to select them on the Page Setup tab.

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  • Page 245: Setting The Number Of Copies And Printing Order

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Setting the Number of Copies and Printing Order P001 Setting the Number of Copies and Printing Order The procedure for specifying the number of copies and printing order is as follows: You can also set the number of copies on the Quick Setup tab.

  • Page 246
    : Print from Last Page: /Collate : Print from Last Page: /Collate Complete the setup Click OK. When you execute print, the specified number of copies will be printed with the specified printing order. Important When the application software that you used to create the document has the same function, give priority to the printer driver settings.
  • Page 247: Setting The Stapling Margin

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Setting the Stapling Margin P002 Setting the Stapling Margin The procedure for setting the staple side and the margin width is as follows: Open the printer driver setup window Specify the side to be stapled…

  • Page 248
    Note The printer automatically reduces the print area depending on the staple position margin. Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab. When you execute print, the data is printed with the specified staple side and margin width. Important Staple Side and Specify Margin…
  • Page 249: Execute Borderless Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Execute Borderless Printing P003 Execute Borderless Printing The borderless printing function allows you to print data without any margin by enlarging the data so that it extends slightly off the paper.

  • Page 250
    Check the paper size Check the Page Size list. When you want to change, select another page size from the list. The list displays only sizes that can be used for borderless printing. Adjust the amount of extension from the paper If necessary, adjust the amount of extension using the Amount of Extension slider.
  • Page 251
    border before printing. Page top…
  • Page 252: Fit-To-Page Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Fit- Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods to-Page Printing P004 Fit-to-Page Printing The procedure for printing a document that is automatically enlarged or reduced to fit the page size to be used is as follows: Open the printer driver setup window…

  • Page 253
    The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the printer driver. Complete the setup Click OK. When you execute print, the document will be enlarged or reduced to fit to the page size. Page top…
  • Page 254: Scaled Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Scaled Printing P005 Scaled Printing The procedure for printing a document with pages enlarged or reduced is as follows: Open the printer driver setup window Set scaled printing Select Scaled from the Page Layout list on the Page Setup tab.

  • Page 255
    Specify a scaling factor Directly type in a value into the Scaling box. The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the printer driver. Complete the setup Click OK. When you execute print, the document will be printed with the specified scale. Important When the application software which you created the original has the scaled printing function, configure the settings on your application software.
  • Page 256
    Selecting Scaled changes the printable area of the document. Page top…
  • Page 257: Page Layout Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Page Layout Printing P006 Page Layout Printing The page layout printing function allows you to print more than one page image on a single sheet of paper.

  • Page 258
    Pages To change the number of pages to be printed on a single sheet of paper, select the number of pages from the list. You can also set 2-Page Print or 4-Page Print on the Quick Setup tab. Page Order To change the page arrangement order, select an icon from the list to change the page placement order.
  • Page 259: Poster Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Poster Printing P401 Poster Printing The poster printing function allows you to enlarge image data, divide it into several pages, and print these pages on separate sheets of paper.

  • Page 260
    Set the number of image divisions and the pages to be printed If necessary, click Specify…, specify the following settings in the Poster Printing dialog box, and then click OK. Image Divisions Select the number of divisions (vertical x horizontal). As the number of divisions increases, the number of sheets used for printing increases, allowing you to create a larger poster.
  • Page 261
    Note Click the deleted pages to display them again. Right-click the settings preview to select Print all pages or Delete all pages. Complete the setup After completing the page selection, click OK. When you execute print, only specified pages will be printed. Important When Poster is selected, the Duplex Printing, Staple Side and Print from Last Page appear grayed out and are unavailable.
  • Page 262: Booklet Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Booklet Printing P402 Booklet Printing The booklet printing function allows you to print data for a booklet. Data is printed on both sides of the paper.

  • Page 263
    Margin for stapling Select which side should the stapling margin be on when the booklet is completed. Insert blank page To leave one side of a sheet blank, check the check box, and select the page to be left blank. Margin Enter the margin width.
  • Page 264: Duplex Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Duplex Printing P007 Duplex Printing The procedure for printing data on both sides of a sheet of paper is as follows: You can also set duplex printing in Additional Features on the Quick Setup tab. Open the printer driver setup window Set duplex printing…

  • Page 265
    Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab. When you execute print, the document is first printed on one side of a sheet of paper. After one side is printed, reload the paper correctly according to the message. Then click OK to print the opposite side.
  • Page 266: Stamp/Background Printing

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Stamp/Background Printing P403 Stamp/Background Printing Stamp or Background may be unavailable when certain printer drivers are used. The Stamp function allows you to print a stamp text or a bitmap over or behind document data. It also allows you to print date, time and user name.

  • Page 267
    With the XPS printer driver, the Stamp/Background… button has become the Stamp… button and only the stamp function can be used. Select a stamp Check the Stamp check box, and select the stamp to be used from the list. The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the Page Setup tab. Set the stamp details If necessary, specify the following settings, and then click OK.
  • Page 268
    Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab. When you execute print, the data is printed with the specified background. Important When Borderless is selected, the Stamp/Background… (Stamp…) button appears grayed out and is unavailable. Note The stamp and background are not printed on blank sheets inserted with the Insert blank page function of booklet printing.
  • Page 269: Registering A Stamp

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Stamp/Background Printing > Registering a Stamp P404 Registering a Stamp This feature may be unavailable when certain printer drivers are used. You can create and register a new stamp. You can also change and register some of the settings of an existing stamp.

  • Page 270
    Click Define Stamp… The Stamp Settings dialog box opens. Configure the stamp while viewing the preview window Stamp tab Select Text, Bitmap, or Date/Time/User Name that matches your purpose for Stamp Type. For Text registration, the characters must already be entered in Stamp Text. If necessary, change the TrueType Font, Style, Size, and Outline settings.
  • Page 271
    Check the Stamp check box in the Stamp/Background (Stamp) dialog box, and then select the title of the stamp to be changed from the Stamp list. Click Define Stamp… The Stamp Settings dialog box opens. Configure the stamp while viewing the preview window Overwrite save the stamp Click Save overwrite on the Save settings tab.
  • Page 272: Registering Image Data To Be Used As A Background

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Stamp/Background Printing > Registering Image Data to be Used as a Background P405 Registering Image Data to be Used as a Background This feature may be unavailable when certain printer drivers are used.

  • Page 273
    and Background cannot be used. Click Select Background… The Background Settings dialog box opens. Select the image data to be registered to the background Click Select File..Select the target bitmap file (.bmp), and then click Open. Specify the following settings while viewing the preview window Layout Method Select how the background image data is to be placed.
  • Page 274
    Save the background Click Save overwrite on the Save settings tab. When you want to save the background with a different title, enter a new title in the Title box and click Save. Click OK when the confirmation message appears. Complete the setup Click OK.
  • Page 275: Printing An Envelope

    P406 Printing an Envelope If you are using the XPS printer driver, replace «Canon IJ Status Monitor» with «Canon IJ XPS Status Monitor» when reading this information. For details on how to load an envelope into the machine, refer to «Loading Paper» in the manual: Basic Guide.

  • Page 276
    To hide the guide messages, check the Do not show this message again. check box. To show the guide again, click the View Printer Status… button on the Maintenance tab, and start the Canon IJ Status Monitor. Then click Envelope Printing from Display Guide Message of the Option menu, and change the setting to on.
  • Page 277: Displaying The Print Results Before Printing

    P009 Displaying the Print Results before Printing If you are using the XPS printer driver, replace «Canon IJ Status Monitor» with «Canon IJ XPS Status Monitor» when reading this information. You can display and check the print result before printing.

  • Page 278: Setting Paper Dimensions (Custom Size)

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Various Printing Methods Setting Paper Dimensions (Custom Size) P010 Setting Paper Dimensions (Custom Size) You can specify the height and width of paper when its size cannot be selected from the Page Size. Such a paper size is called «custom size.»…

  • Page 279
    Set the custom paper size Specify Units, and enter the Width and Height of the paper to be used. Then click OK. Complete the setup Click OK on the Page Setup tab. When you execute print, the data is printed with the specified paper size. Page top…
  • Page 280: Changing The Print Quality And Correcting Image Data

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Printing a Color Document in Monochrome Specifying Color Correction Optimal Photo Printing of Image Data…

  • Page 281
    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method P011 Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method You can individually set the combined representation method for the print quality level and the halftoning method.
  • Page 282
    Setting the print quality and halftone expression method Move the Quality slider to select the quality level. Select the expression method in Halftoning and click OK. Note Halftones refer to color shades between the darkest color and the brightest color. The printer replaces the color shades with a collection of small dots to express the halftones.
  • Page 283: Printing A Color Document In Monochrome

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Printing a Color Document in Monochrome P012 Printing a Color Document in Monochrome The procedure for printing a color document in monochrome is as follows: You can also set a grayscale printing in Additional Features on the Quick Setup tab.

  • Page 284
    Note During Grayscale Printing, color inks may be used as well as black ink. Page top…
  • Page 285: Specifying Color Correction

    You can specify the color correction method suited to the type of document to be printed. Normally, the printer driver adjusts the colors by using Canon Digital Photo Color so that data is printed with color tints that most people prefer. This method is suitable for printing sRGB data.

  • Page 286
    Driver Matching By using Canon Digital Photo Color, you can print sRGB data with color tints that most people prefer. Driver Matching is the default setting for color correction. ICM/ICC Profile Matching Adjusts the colors by using an ICC profile when printing.
  • Page 287: Optimal Photo Printing Of Image Data

    Describes the procedure for printing sRGB data by using the color correction function of the printer driver. To print using Canon Digital Photo Color The printer prints data with color tints that most people prefer, reproducing colors of the original image data and producing three-dimensional effects and high, sharp contrasts.

  • Page 288: Adjusting Colors With The Printer Driver

    You can specify the color correction function of the printer driver to print sRGB data with color tints that most people prefer through the use of Canon Digital Photo Color. When printing from an application software that can identify ICC profiles and allows you to specify them, use a printing ICC profile in the application software, and select settings for color management.

  • Page 289
    Set the other items If necessary, click Color Adjustment tab, and adjust the color balance (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) and adjust Brightness, Intensity, and Contrast settings, and then click OK. Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab. When you execute print, the printer driver adjusts the colors when printing the data. Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction…
  • Page 290: Printing With Icc Profiles

    Specify an ICC Profile from the Application Software and Print the Data When you print the editing and touch-up results of Adobe Photoshop, Canon Digital Photo Professional, or any application software that allows you to specify input and printing ICC profiles, you print by effectively using the color space of the input ICC profile specified in the image data.

  • Page 291
    Select color correction Click Matching tab, and select None for Color Correction. Set the other items If necessary, click Color Adjustment tab, and adjust the color balance (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) and adjust Brightness, Intensity, and Contrast settings, and then click OK. Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab.
  • Page 292
    Select the print quality For Print Quality, select High, Standard, or Fast according to your purpose. Select the manual color adjustment Select Manual for Color/Intensity, and click Set..Manual Color Adjustment dialog box opens. Select color correction Click Matching tab, and select ICM or ICC Profile Matching for Color Correction. Select the input profile Select an Input Profile that matches the color space of the image data.
  • Page 293
    Select Adobe RGB (1998). Important When the application software specifies an input profile, the input profile setting of the printer driver becomes invalid. When no input ICC profiles are installed on your computer, Adobe RGB (1998) will not be displayed. You can install ICC profiles from the Setup CD-ROM that accompanies the machine. Set the other items If necessary, click Color Adjustment tab, and adjust the color balance (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) and adjust Brightness, Intensity, and Contrast settings, and then click OK.
  • Page 294: Adjusting Color Balance

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Color Balance P017 Adjusting Color Balance You can adjust the color tints when printing. Since this function adjusts color balance of the output by changing the ink ratios of each color, it changes the total color balance of the document.

  • Page 295
    Adjust color balance There are individual sliders for Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. Each color becomes stronger when the corresponding slider is moved to the right, and becomes weaker when the corresponding slider is moved to the left. For example, when cyan becomes weaker, the color red becomes stronger. You can also directly enter a value linked to the slider.
  • Page 296: Adjusting Brightness

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Brightness P018 Adjusting Brightness You can change the brightness of the overall image data during printing. This function does not change pure white or pure black but it changes the brightness of the intermediate colors.

  • Page 297
    Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab. When you execute print, the data is printed at the specified brightness. Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Intensity Adjusting Contrast Page top…
  • Page 298: Adjusting Intensity

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Intensity P019 Adjusting Intensity You can dilute (brighten) or intensify (darken) the colors of the overall image data during printing. The following sample shows the case when the intensity is increased so that all colors become more intense when the image data is printed.

  • Page 299
    Important Adjust the slider gradually. Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab. When you execute print, the image data is printed with the adjusted intensity. Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Brightness…
  • Page 300: Adjusting Contrast

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Adjusting Contrast P020 Adjusting Contrast You can adjust the image contrast during printing. To make the differences between the light and dark portions of images greater and more distinct, increase the contrast.

  • Page 301
    After adjusting each color, click OK. Important Adjust the slider gradually. Complete the setup Click OK on the Main tab. When you execute print, the image is printed with the adjusted contrast. Related Topics Selecting a Combination of the Print Quality Level and a Halftoning Method Specifying Color Correction Adjusting Color Balance Adjusting Brightness…
  • Page 302: Simulating An Illustration

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Simulating an Illustration P021 Simulating an Illustration This feature is unavailable when the XPS printer driver is used. With the Simulate Illustration function, you can print full-color or 256-color image data so that it looks like a hand-drawn illustration.

  • Page 303: Representing Image Data With A Single Color

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Representing Image Data with a Single Color P022 Representing Image Data with a Single Color This feature is unavailable when the XPS printer driver is used. With the Monochrome Effects function, you can benefit from coloring effects such as changing a photograph to a sepia tone image.

  • Page 304
    Important When the Grayscale Printing check box on the Main tab is checked, Monochrome Effects appears grayed out and is unavailable. Page top…
  • Page 305: Presenting Image Data With Vivid Colors

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Presenting Image Data with Vivid Colors P023 Presenting Image Data with Vivid Colors This feature is unavailable when the XPS printer driver is used. The Vivid Photo function allows you to print image data with vivid colors.

  • Page 306: Smoothing Jagged Outlines

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Smoothing Jagged Outlines P407 Smoothing Jagged Outlines This feature is unavailable when the XPS printer driver is used. The Image Optimizer function reduces the jagged outlines that are produced when photos and graphics are enlarged with your application.

  • Page 307
    It may take longer to complete printing when the image optimizer is used. Page top…
  • Page 308: Changing Color Properties To Improve Coloration

    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Changing Color Properties to Improve Coloration P408 Changing Color Properties to Improve Coloration This feature is unavailable when the XPS printer driver is used. The Photo Optimizer PRO function corrects colors of digital camera images or scanned images.

  • Page 309
    Click OK. When you execute print, the printer corrects the photo coloring and prints out the photos. Important Photo Optimizer PRO does not function when: Background is set in the Stamp/Background dialog box on the Page Setup tab. Define Stamp… is selected in the Stamp/Background dialog box on the Page Setup tab, and the bitmapped stamp is configured.
  • Page 310
    > Printing from a Computer > Printing with Other Application Software > Changing the Print Quality and Advanced Guide Correcting Image Data > Reducing Photo Noise P024 Reducing Photo Noise This feature is unavailable when the XPS printer driver is used. With the Photo Noise Reduction function, you can reduce the digital camera noise and improve the image quality of the digital print.
  • Page 311
    Note It is recommended to select Normal for most cases. Select Strong if you have selected Normal and the noise still bothers you. Depending on application software or resolution of image data, effects of digital camera noise reduction may not be obvious. When this function is used for other than photos taken by digital cameras, image may be distorted.
  • Page 312: Overview Of The Printer Driver

    Printing with Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driver Advanced Guide Overview of the Printer Driver Printer Driver Operations Canon IJ Printer Driver XPS Printer Driver How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window Maintenance Tab Canon IJ Status Monitor…

  • Page 313
    Printing an Envelope Displaying the Print Results before Printing Overview of the Printer Driver Setting Paper Dimensions (Custom Size) Canon IJ Printer Driver XPS Printer Driver Changing the Print Quality and Correcting Image Data How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window…
  • Page 314: Canon Ij Printer Driver

    P025 Canon IJ Printer Driver The Canon IJ printer driver is software that is installed on your computer for printing data on this machine. The Canon IJ printer driver converts the print data created by your Windows application into data that your printer can understand, and sends the converted data to the printer.

  • Page 315: Xps Printer Driver

    Printing with Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driver Advanced Guide > Canon IJ Printer Driver > XPS Printer Driver P416 XPS Printer Driver The following two printer drivers can be installed on Windows Vista SP1 or later:…

  • Page 316: How To Open The Printer Driver Setup Window

    > Overview of the Printer Driver Advanced Guide > Canon IJ Printer Driver > How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window P409 How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window The printer driver setup window can be displayed through the application software in use or the Start menu of the Windows.

  • Page 317: Maintenance Tab

    Printing with Other Application Software > Overview of the Printer Driver Advanced Guide > Canon IJ Printer Driver > Maintenance Tab P410 Maintenance Tab The Maintenance tab allows you to perform machine maintenance or change the settings of the machine.

  • Page 318: Canon Ij Status Monitor

    When Errors Occur The Canon IJ Status Monitor is automatically displayed if an error occurs (e.g., if the printer runs out of paper or if the ink is low). In such cases, take the appropriate action as described.

  • Page 319: Canon Ij Preview

    P412 Canon IJ Preview The Canon IJ Preview is an application software that displays what the print result will look like before a document is actually printed. The preview reflects the information that is set within the printer driver and allows you to check the document layout, print order, and number of pages.

  • Page 320: Printing Using The Operation Panel Of The Machine

    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Advanced Guide Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Copying Page top…

  • Page 321
    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying Advanced Guide Copying Making Copies Reducing or Enlarging a Copy Using Useful Copy Functions Page top…
  • Page 322: Making Copies

    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying > Making Copies Advanced Guide U031 Making Copies For the basic procedure to make copies, refer to Copying Reducing or Enlarging a Copy Using Useful Copy Functions Page top…

  • Page 323: Reducing Or Enlarging A Copy

    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying > Reducing or Enlarging a Copy Advanced Guide U033 Reducing or Enlarging a Copy The Fit-to-Page copy function enables you to copy the original automatically enlarged or reduced to fit the selected page size.

  • Page 324
    Press the Color button for color copying, or the Black button for black & white copying. The machine starts Fit to Page copying. Remove the original on the Platen Glass after copying is complete. To make 10 to 19 copies The paper-out error will occur when all of the loaded paper runs out.
  • Page 325: Using Useful Copy Functions

    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying Advanced Guide > Using Useful Copy Functions U036 Using Useful Copy Functions Switching the page size between A4 and Letter You can switch the size of paper loaded on the Rear Tray between A4 and Letter. Switching the Page Size between A4 and Letter Borderless copy You can copy images so that they fill the entire page without borders.

  • Page 326: Switching The Page Size Between A4 And Letter

    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying > > Advanced Guide Using Useful Copy Functions Switching the Page Size between A4 and Letter U097 Switching the Page Size between A4 and Letter You can switch the size of paper loaded on the Rear Tray between A4 and Letter. This setting is useful if you usually load Letter-sized paper in the Rear Tray regardless of the page size indication «A4″…

  • Page 327: Copying Without Borders (Borderless Copy)

    > Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying > > Advanced Guide Using Useful Copy Functions Copying without Borders (Borderless Copy) U039 Copying without Borders (Borderless Copy) You can copy images on photo paper so that they fill the entire page without borders. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  • Page 328
    Press the Color button for color copying, or the Black button for black & white copying. The machine starts borderless copying. Remove the original on the Platen Glass after copying is complete. To make 10 to 19 copies The paper-out error will occur when all of the loaded paper runs out. Press the Stop/Reset button to release the error.
  • Page 329
    > Scanning Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning Images Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Scanning with Other Application Software Other Scanning Methods Page top…
  • Page 330: Scanning Images

    > > Scanning Images Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning Images Scanning Images Before Scanning Placing Documents Page top…

  • Page 331
    > > Scanning Images > Scanning Images Advanced Guide Scanning U046 Scanning Images You can scan images from the machine and save them to a computer easily. In addition, you can scan images with advanced settings from a computer using application software. Select the scanning method according to your purpose.
  • Page 332: Before Scanning

    > > Scanning Images Advanced Guide Scanning > Before Scanning U047 Before Scanning Make sure that the original to be scanned meets the requirements for an original to be set on the Platen Glass. Refer to Placing Documents for requirements and how to load the original on the Platen Glass. Page top…

  • Page 333: Placing Documents

    > > Scanning Images > Placing Documents Advanced Guide Scanning S005 Placing Documents Learn how to place documents on the machine’s Platen. Place documents correctly according to the type of document to be scanned. Otherwise, documents may not be scanned correctly. Important Do not place objects on the Document Cover.

  • Page 334
    scanned. that cannot be placed away from the edges/ arrow (alignment mark) of the Platen may be saved as PDF files. To save in a format other than PDF, scan by specifying the file format. 0.039 inches (1 mm) Placing Multiple Documents Allow 0.39 inches (1 cm) or more space between the edges (diagonally striped area) of the Platen and documents, and between documents.
  • Page 335
    > Advanced Guide Scanning > Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Forwarding Scanned Data to the Computer Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Appendix: Various Scan Settings Page top…
  • Page 336: Forwarding Scanned Data To The Computer Using The Operation Panel Of The Machine

    > > Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Forwarding Scanned Data to the Computer Using the Operation Panel of the Machine U051 Forwarding Scanned Data to the Computer Using the Operation Panel of the Machine You can forward scanned data to the computer using the Operation Panel of the machine.

  • Page 337
    Scanning starts and the images are forwarded to the computer according to the settings specified in MP Navigator EX. Remove the original on the Platen Glass after scanning is complete. Specify MP Navigator EX 4.0 If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista: The program selection screen may be displayed after pressing the SCAN button.
  • Page 338
    > > > Appendix: Various Scan Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine Settings S010 Appendix: Various Scan Settings Specifying how to respond when scanning using the Operation Panel of the machine Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Panel Using MP Navigator EX Page top…
  • Page 339
    > > > Appendix: Various Scan Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Panel Using MP Navigator EX Settings S007 Selecting a Response to Commands from the Operation Panel Using MP Navigator EX MP Navigator EX enables you to specify how to respond when scanning using the Operation Panel of the machine.
  • Page 340
    Note See the section below for details. Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save to PC) Click OK. The operation will be performed according to the settings when you start scanning using the Operation Panel of the machine. Page top…
  • Page 341
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with the Bundled Application Software What Is MP Navigator EX (Supplied Scanner Software)? Let’s Try Scanning Useful MP Navigator EX Functions Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX MP Navigator EX Screens Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Images Page top…
  • Page 342
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > What Is MP Navigator EX (Supplied Advanced Guide Scanning Scanner Software)? S101 What Is MP Navigator EX (Supplied Scanner Software)? MP Navigator EX is an application that enables you to easily scan photos and documents. It is suitable even for beginners.
  • Page 343
    Scan/Import Window Use the Scan/Import window to scan photos and documents. View & Use Window Use the View & Use window to select what you want to do with the scanned images. Note See » File Formats » for data formats (extensions) supported by MP Navigator EX. Page top…
  • Page 344
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > Let’s Try Scanning S100 Let’s Try Scanning Try scanning using MP Navigator EX. Starting MP Navigator EX Starting MP Navigator EX Scanning with a simple operation Easy Scanning with Auto Scan Scanning documents, photos, magazines, etc.
  • Page 345
    Let’s Try Scanning Navigator EX S111 Starting MP Navigator EX Starting MP Navigator EX From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > MP Navigator EX 4.0 > MP Navigator EX 4.0. MP Navigator EX starts. Starting One-click Mode Click (Switch Mode) at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Page 346
    Note Select the Show this window at startup checkbox in the Navigation Mode screen to always open the Navigation Mode screen at startup. If this checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears at startup. Page top…
  • Page 347: Easy Scanning With Auto Scan

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Let’s Try Scanning > Easy Scanning with Auto Scan S108 Easy Scanning with Auto Scan Scan documents easily by automatically detecting the document type. Important Supported document types are photos, postcards, business cards, magazines, newspapers, text documents and BD/DVD/CD.

  • Page 348
    A message about placing documents appears. Click Open Manual to open this guide (if it is installed). Click OK to start scanning. Note Click Cancel to cancel the scan. When scanning is completed, the Scan Complete dialog box opens. Select Scan or Exit. Select Scan to scan the next document, or select Exit to end.
  • Page 349
    Save the scanned images. Saving Saving as PDF Files Page top…
  • Page 350: Scanning Photos And Documents

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > > Scanning Photos Advanced Guide Scanning Let’s Try Scanning and Documents S102 Scanning Photos and Documents Scan photos and documents placed on the Platen. Place the document on the Platen. Placing Documents Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation Mode screen.

  • Page 351
    Note When you select Magazine(Color), the descreen function will be enabled and scanning takes longer than usual. To disable the descreen function, deselect the Descreen checkbox in the Scan Settings dialog box. Select Text(OCR) to extract the text in the image and convert to editable text data using MP Navigator EX.
  • Page 352
    Edit the scanned images as required. Use Edit Tools to rotate images, select a part of an image, etc. See the Edit Tools in «Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) » for details. Note First select images to edit. (Selected images are outlined in orange.) Drag the mouse or use Shift + arrow keys to select multiple images.
  • Page 353: Scanning Multiple Documents At One Time

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > > Scanning Advanced Guide Scanning Let’s Try Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time S105 Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time You can scan two or more photos (small documents) at one time by setting Document Size to Auto Detect (Multiple Documents) in the Scan Settings dialog box of MP Navigator EX.

  • Page 354
    Click Specify..Select Auto Detect (Multiple Documents) for Document Size. When setting is completed, click OK. Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) Click Scan.
  • Page 355
    Multiple documents are scanned at one time. Note Click Cancel to cancel the scan. When scanning is completed, the Scan Complete dialog box opens. Select Scan or Exit. Select Scan to scan the next document, or select Exit to end. The scanned images appear in the Thumbnail window.
  • Page 356
    Saving as PDF Files Note If you want to preview the images before scanning, use ScanGear. Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Page top…
  • Page 357: Scanning Images Larger Than The Platen (Stitch Assist)

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > > Scanning Images Advanced Guide Scanning Let’s Try Scanning Larger than the Platen (Stitch Assist) S106 Scanning Images Larger than the Platen (Stitch Assist) Stitch Assist allows you to scan the left and right halves of a large document separately and combine the scanned images back into one image.

  • Page 358
    Click Specify..Select Stitch Assist for Document Size, then specify the scanning resolution as required. When setting is completed, click OK. Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) Click Scan.
  • Page 359
    The Stitch-assist window opens. Place the left half of the document face-down on the Platen. Click Scan. The left half of the document is scanned and appears in the Stitch-assist window. Note Click Cancel to cancel the scan.
  • Page 360
    Place the right half of the document face-down on the Platen. Click Scan. The right half of the document is scanned. Note Click Cancel to cancel the scan. Adjust the scanned image as required. Use the icons to swap the left and right halves, rotate the image 180 degrees or enlarge/reduce the image.
  • Page 361
    Important This function is not available while the image is enlarged/reduced. (Enlarge) Enlarges the displayed image. (Reduce) Reduces the displayed image. (Full-screen) Displays the entire image. Note Enlarge/Reduce does not affect the actual size of the scanned image. When the document is scanned upside down, the image displayed in the Stitch-assist window will also be upside down.
  • Page 362
    Save the scanned images. Saving Saving as PDF Files Page top…
  • Page 363: Easy Scanning With One-Click

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Let’s Try Scanning > Easy Scanning with One-click S104 Easy Scanning with One-click You can complete «from scanning to saving», etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon. Place the document on the Platen.

  • Page 364
    Click the corresponding icon. Custom Scan with One-click Tab One-click Mode Screen Select Document Type according to the document to be scanned. Set the document size and scanning resolution as required. Start scanning. Starts scanning. Note Click Cancel to cancel the scan. Page top…
  • Page 365
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Useful MP Navigator EX Functions Advanced Guide Scanning S400 Useful MP Navigator EX Functions With MP Navigator EX, you can correct/enhance scanned images beautifully, and search saved images quickly. Correcting/enhancing images automatically Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically Correcting/enhancing images manually Correcting/Enhancing Images Manually…
  • Page 366: Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Useful MP Navigator EX Functions > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically S401 Correcting/Enhancing Images Automatically MP Navigator EX will analyze and correct/enhance scanned images automatically. Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them, then open the View & Use window from the Navigation Mode screen and select the photos you want to correct/ enhance.

  • Page 367
    Note If you selected only one image in the View & Use window, the thumbnail list does not appear and only the preview image appears. Make sure that Auto is selected. Click Auto Photo Fix, Face Sharpener or Digital Face Smoothing. Important Once image is corrected with Auto Photo Fix and saved, it cannot be corrected again with Auto Photo Fix.
  • Page 368
    Click OK. The entire image is corrected/enhanced automatically and (Correct/Enhance) mark appears on the upper left of the thumbnail and preview image. Note Click Reset Selected Image to undo the correction/enhancement. Select the Apply to all images checkbox to correct/enhance all selected images. Click Save Selected Image or Save All Corrected Images.
  • Page 369
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Useful MP Navigator EX Functions > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting/Enhancing Images Manually S402 Correcting/Enhancing Images Manually You can correct/enhance scanned images manually. Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them, then open the View & Use window from the Navigation Mode screen and select the photos you want to correct/ enhance.
  • Page 370
    Note If you selected only one image in the View & Use window, the thumbnail list does not appear and only the preview image appears. Select Manual, then click Correct/Enhance. Click Face Brightener, Face Sharpener, Digital Face Smoothing or Blemish Remover.
  • Page 371
    The portion in and around the selected area is corrected/enhanced and (Correct/Enhance) mark appears on the upper left of the thumbnail and preview image. Note You can also drag to rotate the rectangle. Click Undo to undo the latest correction/enhancement. Click Reset Selected Image to cancel all corrections, enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image.
  • Page 372
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Useful MP Navigator EX Functions > Advanced Guide Scanning Adjusting Images S406 Adjusting Images You can make fine adjustments to the overall brightness, contrast, etc. of images. Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them, then open the View & Use window from the Navigation Mode screen and select the photos you want to adjust.
  • Page 373
    Note If you selected only one image in the View & Use window, the thumbnail list does not appear and only the preview image appears. Select Manual, then click Adjust. Move the slider of the item you want to adjust and set the effect level. When you move a slider, (Correct/Enhance) mark appears on the upper left of the thumbnail and preview image.
  • Page 374
    To save only the images you like, select them and click Save Selected Image. To save all images, click Save All Corrected Images. The file format of adjusted images is JPEG/Exif. Click Exit. Important The adjustments will be lost if you exit before saving adjusted images. Page top…
  • Page 375: Searching Images

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Useful MP Navigator EX Functions > Advanced Guide Scanning Searching Images S407 Searching Images In the View & Use window of the Navigation Mode screen, you can search images saved on your computer and open them in MP Navigator EX.

  • Page 376
    Search in If you know where to look for, select the drive, folder or network from Specify Folder. File Name If you know the file name, enter it. A word or phrase in the file Enter a word or phrase included in the items selected in More Advanced Options. Important For PDF files, you can only search for those created with MP Navigator EX.
  • Page 377
    checkbox, text in Maker, Model, Description and User Comment is searched. If you select the PDF text checkbox, text in PDF files is searched. Important Text in password-protected PDF files cannot be searched. Search subfolders Select this checkbox to search subfolders. Case sensitive Select this checkbox to match case.
  • Page 378: Classifying Images Into Categories

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Useful MP Navigator EX Functions > Advanced Guide Scanning Classifying Images into Categories S403 Classifying Images into Categories Display images scanned with MP Navigator EX by category. You can classify images displayed in Unclassified automatically, and also create custom categories.

  • Page 379
    Documents: Business Card, Postcard, Standard Size, PDF File, Others Custom categories: Displays your custom categories. .» To create custom categories, see » Creating Custom Categories Unclassified: Displays images that are not classified. Note Click Classify Images to classify images displayed in Unclassified automatically. Click Cancel to stop.
  • Page 380
    View & Use Window Page top…
  • Page 381
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX Advanced Guide Scanning S500 Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX You can scan images using MP Navigator EX and edit or print the saved images. See the corresponding sections below for details on saving scanned images.
  • Page 382
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Saving S112 Saving Save images scanned with MP Navigator EX to a computer. Select the checkboxes of the images you want to save, then click Save. In the Save dialog box, specify the save settings.
  • Page 383
    Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Click Save. Scanned images are saved according to the settings. To further use/edit the scanned images on MP Navigator EX, click Open saved location in the Save Complete dialog box. Creating/Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos…
  • Page 384: Saving As Pdf Files

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Saving as PDF Files S113 Saving as PDF Files Save images scanned with MP Navigator EX as PDF files. Select the checkboxes of the images you want to save, then click Save as PDF file. In the Save as PDF file dialog box, specify the save settings.

  • Page 385
    Note By default, the scanned images are saved in the following folders. Windows 7: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder You can set passwords for PDF files.
  • Page 386: Creating/Editing Pdf Files

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Creating/Editing PDF Files S501 Creating/Editing PDF Files Create/edit PDF files using MP Navigator EX. After scanning documents and saving them, open the View &…

  • Page 387
    If a password-protected PDF file is selected, you will be prompted to enter the password. Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files Add/delete pages as required. To add an existing file, click Add Page and select the file. To delete a page, select it and click Delete Selected Pages.
  • Page 388
    as well. Click Open PDF file on the list. The application associated with the file extension (.pdf) by the operating system starts. Important Password-protected PDF files cannot be opened in applications not supporting PDF security. Files may not open if an application that can be associated with PDF files is not installed. Use the application to edit/print the file.
  • Page 389
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Printing Documents S502 Printing Documents You can print multiple scanned images at one time, print at specific quality, etc. using MP Navigator EX. Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them, then open the View &…
  • Page 390
    Important At normal-size (100%), some images may be printed small or with some portions cropped. In that case, select Auto to resize the print in proportion to the paper size. Click Print. Starts printing. Note When printing a multiple-page PDF file via Print Document, printing may take time depending on your computer.
  • Page 391
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Printing Photos S503 Printing Photos You can print photos using MP Navigator EX or an application that accompanies the machine. After scanning documents and saving them, open the View &…
  • Page 392
    Click Print Photo on the list. Specify print settings as required. In the displayed dialog box, specify paper size, print count, etc. Print Photo Dialog Box Click Print. Starts printing. Note To cancel while spooling, click Cancel. To cancel while printing, click Cancel Printing in the confirmation window for the printer status.
  • Page 393: Sending Via E-Mail

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Sending via E-mail S504 Sending via E-mail Send scanned images via e-mail. Important MP Navigator EX is compatible with the following e-mail software programs: — Microsoft Outlook — Windows Mail (Windows Vista) — Outlook Express (Windows XP)

  • Page 394
    Specify the e-mail software program, destination folder and file name. Send via E-mail Dialog Box Note You can select a compression type when sending JPEG images via e-mail. Click Set… to open a dialog box and select a compression type from High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).
  • Page 395: Editing Files

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Editing Files S505 Editing Files You can edit images or convert them to text using MP Navigator EX or an application that accompanies the machine.

  • Page 396
    Converting Documents to Text Scan text in scanned magazines and newspapers and display it in Notepad (included with Windows). Important PDF files cannot be converted to text. Select images and click Edit/Convert. Click Convert to text file on the list. Notepad (included with Windows) starts and editable text appears.
  • Page 397: Setting Passwords For Pdf Files

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Setting Passwords for PDF Files S508 Setting Passwords for PDF Files Set passwords for opening, editing and printing PDF files. You can set two passwords: one for opening the file and one for editing/printing it. This section explains how to set passwords for images scanned into the Scan/Import window of MP Navigator EX and how to set passwords for existing files via the View &…

  • Page 398
    The Password Security -Settings dialog box opens. Setting Passwords for Existing Files In the View & Use window, select image/PDF files and click PDF. Click Create/Edit PDF file on the list. Creating/Editing PDF Files Edit files in the Create/Edit PDF file window, then click Save Selected Pages or Save All Pages.
  • Page 399
    Important Up to 32 single-byte alphanumeric characters can be used for the password. Passwords are case sensitive. Select both checkboxes to set both Document Open Password and Permissions Password. You cannot use the same password for both. Click OK. The Confirm Document Open Password or Confirm Permissions Password dialog box opens. Document Open Password Permissions Password Re-enter the password and click OK.
  • Page 400
    Related Topic Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files Page top…
  • Page 401: Opening/Editing Password-Protected Pdf Files

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Utilizing Images in MP Navigator EX > Advanced Guide Scanning Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files S509 Opening/Editing Password-protected PDF Files Enter a password to open or edit/print password-protected PDF files. Password entry method varies by operation. The following procedures are examples only. Important You can open, edit or print only PDF files whose passwords were set with MP Navigator EX.

  • Page 402
    The Password dialog box opens. Enter the password and click OK. The PDF file opens in the Zoom in dialog box. Note To reopen the file after closing the Zoom in dialog box, re-enter the password. Entering a Password (Permissions Password) to Edit or Print a File In the View &…
  • Page 403
    To create a PDF file or edit the file, select Create/Edit PDF file on the list. To print the file, click Print Document. In the Password dialog box, you will be prompted to enter a password. Note If the Document Open Password is set as well, the Document Open Password will be required, then the Permissions Password will be required.
  • Page 404
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning S700 MP Navigator EX Screens Learn about the screens and functions of MP Navigator EX. Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab Auto Scan Screen (Scan/Import Window) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Auto Scan) Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)
  • Page 405: Navigation Mode Screen

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Advanced Guide Scanning Navigation Mode Screen S735 Navigation Mode Screen This is one of the startup screens of MP Navigator EX. Select an icon at the top of the screen to display the corresponding tab. Use each tab depending on what you want to do.

  • Page 406
    Page top…
  • Page 407
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Scan/ Import Documents or Images Tab S702 Scan/Import Documents or Images Tab Select Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen to display the Scan/Import Documents or Images tab. Scan photos and documents.
  • Page 408: View & Use Images On Your Computer Tab

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > View & Use Images on your Computer Tab S703 View & Use Images on your Computer Tab Select View & Use in the Navigation Mode screen to display the View & Use Images on your Computer tab.

  • Page 409
    Preferences The Preferences dialog box opens. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to MP Navigator EX functions. Preferences Dialog Box (Guide) Opens this guide. Related Topic Opening Images Saved on a Computer Page top…
  • Page 410
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Custom Advanced Guide Scanning Scan with One-click Tab S704 Custom Scan with One-click Tab Select One-click in the Navigation Mode screen to display the Custom Scan with One-click tab. You can complete «from scanning to saving», etc.
  • Page 411
    application settings. Custom Dialog Box Start scanning by clicking the button Select this checkbox and click an icon to start scanning immediately. (Switch Mode) Switches to One-click Mode. The One-click Mode screen appears. One-click Mode Screen Show this window at startup Select this checkbox to open the Main Menu at startup.
  • Page 412
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Auto Scan Screen (Scan/Import Window) S744 Auto Scan Screen (Scan/Import Window) Select Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen and click Auto Scan or click Auto Scan in the Scan/ Import window to open the Auto Scan screen (Scan/Import window).
  • Page 413
    Settings and Operation Buttons (View & Use) Click this when you want to open images and PDF files saved on your computer. The View & Use window opens. View & Use Window Auto Scan Displays the screen for scanning documents by automatically detecting the document type, etc. Photos/Documents (Platen) Click this when you want to scan photos, documents, magazines and other printed materials.
  • Page 414
    (Rotate Left) Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees counter-clockwise. (Rotate Right) Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees clockwise. (Invert) Inverts the target image (outlined in orange) horizontally. (Trimming) Trims the target image (outlined in orange). «Trimming» is the act of selecting the area you want to keep in a photo and discarding the rest.
  • Page 415
    Related Topic Easy Scanning with Auto Scan Page top…
  • Page 416
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Scan Settings Dialog Box (Auto Scan) S745 Scan Settings Dialog Box (Auto Scan) The Scan Settings dialog box opens when you click Specify… in the Scan/Import window. Document Type Auto Mode is set.
  • Page 417: Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Photos/ Advanced Guide Scanning Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) S708 Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window) Select Scan/Import in the Navigation Mode screen and click Photos/Documents (Platen) or click Photos/ Documents (Platen) in the Scan/Import window to open the Photos/Documents (Platen) screen (Scan/ Import window).

  • Page 418
    Important You cannot select Document Type if the Use the scanner driver checkbox is selected. Specify… Specify the document size, resolution, and other advanced scan settings. Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) Important Specify… is not available if the Use the scanner driver checkbox is selected. Use the scanner driver Select this checkbox when you want to scan with ScanGear (scanner driver).
  • Page 419
    (Select All) Selects all images in the Thumbnail window. (Cancel All) Cancels all image selections in the Thumbnail window. (Rotate Left) Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees counter-clockwise. (Rotate Right) Rotates the target image (outlined in orange) 90 degrees clockwise. (Invert) Inverts the target image (outlined in orange) horizontally.
  • Page 420
    (Cancel Selection) Cancels the selection of the target image (outlined in orange) in the Selected Images area. Selected Images Area Images selected in the Thumbnail window are displayed. Related Topic Scanning Photos and Documents Page top…
  • Page 421: Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents)

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) S713 Scan Settings Dialog Box (Photos/Documents) The Scan Settings dialog box opens when you click Specify… in the Scan/Import window. In the Scan Settings dialog box, you can make advanced scan settings.

  • Page 422
    Auto Photo Fix / Auto Document Fix The displayed item varies by Document Type. Auto Photo Fix This is displayed when Document Type is Color Photo. Select this checkbox to automatically analyze the captured scene (landscape, night scene, etc.) and apply suitable corrections. Auto Document Fix This is displayed when Document Type is Color Document, Black and White Document or Magazine(Color).
  • Page 423
    Note Select this checkbox when Document Type is text document and show-through is apparent in the scanned image. Correct slanted document Select this checkbox to detect the scanned text and correct the angle (within -0.1 to -10 degrees or +0.1 to +10 degrees) of the document.
  • Page 424
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Save Dialog Box S716 Save Dialog Box The Save dialog box opens when you click Save in the Scan/Import window. In the Save dialog box, you can make settings for saving images to a computer. Save in Displays the folder in which to save the scanned images.
  • Page 425
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Save as PDF file Dialog Box S717 Save as PDF file Dialog Box In the Save as PDF file dialog box, you can make advanced settings for saving scanned images as PDF files.
  • Page 426
    Save each of the selected images as a separate PDF file. PDF(Multiple Pages) Save multiple images in one PDF file. Note PDF(Multiple Pages) is displayed when multiple images are selected. PDF(Add Page) Add the scanned images to a PDF file. The images are added to the end of the PDF file. You cannot rearrange the pages of the PDF file to which the images are added.
  • Page 427
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > PDF Advanced Guide Scanning Settings Dialog Box S736 PDF Settings Dialog Box In the PDF Settings dialog box, you can specify the PDF compression type and other advanced settings for creating PDF files.
  • Page 428
    — Documents containing figures/images — Hand-written documents — Documents containing both vertical and horizontal lines (tables) PDF Compression Select a compression type for saving. Standard It is recommended that you normally select this setting. High Compresses the file size when saving, allowing you to reduce the load on your network/server. Important Highly compressed PDF images may degrade if you repeatedly save them with high compression.
  • Page 429
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > View & Use Window S711 View & Use Window Select View & Use in the Navigation Mode screen and click My Box (Scanned/Imported Images), Specify Folder or Recently Saved Images to open the View &…
  • Page 430
    My Box (Scanned/Imported Images) Displays folders of images (grouped by year, year/month and year/month/date) in My Box in tree view. Select a folder to display its contents in the Thumbnail window to the right. Image date is the scanned, captured or updated date. Specify Folder Displays all hard disks and folders in tree view.
  • Page 431
    (Cancel All) Cancels all image selections in the Thumbnail window. (Image Correction/Enhancement) Allows you to correct the target image (outlined in orange). Click this button to open the Correct/ Enhance Images window in which you can correct/enhance images and also adjust the brightness, contrast, etc.
  • Page 432
    Note A lock icon appears for PDF files with Document Open Password set. Thumbnails may appear as «?» in the following cases. — Opening unsupported images — File size is too large and there is not enough memory to display the image — The file is corrupted When Images are Sorted by Categories Scanned images are displayed by category.
  • Page 433
    Specific Categories Displays categories containing images, along with the contained images. More images will be displayed in the Thumbnail window, allowing you to find or move images easily. Note Immediately after opening the View & Use window, categories containing images appear along with the contained images, and All Categories is displayed.
  • Page 434: Create/Edit Pdf File Window

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Create/ Advanced Guide Scanning Edit PDF file Window S715 Create/Edit PDF file Window Click PDF in the View & Use window, then click Create/Edit PDF file on the list to open the Create/Edit PDF file window.

  • Page 435
    Deletes the selected image. Add Page Allows you to select and add an existing PDF file. Note A password will be required to add a password-protected PDF file. Undo Cancels the latest change made. Reset Cancels all the changes made. Save Selected Pages Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box.
  • Page 436
    (Reduce) Reduces the image displayed in Preview. (Full-screen) Displays the entire image. (Thumbnail Mode) Switches to Thumbnail Mode. The pages are displayed in thumbnail view. Page top…
  • Page 437: Print Document Dialog Box

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Advanced Guide Scanning Document Dialog Box S718 Print Document Dialog Box Click Print in the View & Use window, then click Print Document on the list to open the Print Document dialog box.

  • Page 438
    Print a reduced or enlarged image by specifying a scale in increments of 1%. Auto Scale is adjusted automatically according to the detected paper width and the selected paper size. Image may be printed rotated 90 degrees depending on its size. Scale Select a scale from the list.
  • Page 439
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Advanced Guide Scanning Photo Dialog Box S729 Print Photo Dialog Box Click Print in the View & Use window, then click Print Photo on the list to open the Print Photo dialog box. Important The Print Photo dialog box will not open if Easy-PhotoPrint EX is installed.
  • Page 440
    Select this checkbox to print the image on an entire sheet of paper without borders. Important Page Layout setting will be disabled when you select Borderless Printing. This setting is only available with printers that support borderless printing. Orientation Specify the print orientation. Important This setting is available only when Page Layout is Normal-size Printing.
  • Page 441: Send Via E-Mail Dialog Box

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Send via Advanced Guide Scanning E-mail Dialog Box S719 Send via E-mail Dialog Box Click Send in the View & Use window, then click Attach to E-mail on the list to open the Send via E-mail dialog box.

  • Page 442
    Page top…
  • Page 443
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Correct/ Enhance Images Window S712 Correct/Enhance Images Window Click (Image Correction/Enhancement) in the View & Use window or click Fix photo images in Image Handling Buttons to open the Correct/Enhance Images window.
  • Page 444
    Auto Photo Fix Applies automatic corrections suitable for photos. Prioritize Exif Info Select this checkbox to apply corrections primarily based on the settings made at the time of shooting. Deselect this checkbox to apply corrections based on the image analysis results. It is recommended that you normally select this setting.
  • Page 445
    «Correcting/Enhancing Images Manually » for details. Adjustment Brightness Adjusts the overall image brightness. Move the slider to the left to darken and right to brighten the image. Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the image. Adjust the contrast when the image is flat due to lack of contrast. Move the slider to the left to decrease and right to increase the contrast of the image.
  • Page 446
    Brightness/Contrast Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image. Move the Brightness slider to the left to darken and right to brighten the image. Move the Contrast slider to the left to decrease and right to increase the contrast of the image. Tone Adjust the brightness balance by specifying Highlight (the brightest level), Shadow (the darkest level) and Midtone (the color in the middle of Highlight and Shadow).
  • Page 447
    Exit Closes the Correct/Enhance Images window. Correction/Enhancement Face Brightener Corrects the entire image to brighten the facial area in and around the selected area. You can adjust the effect level using the slider. Face Sharpener Corrects the entire image to sharpen the facial area in and around the selected area. You can adjust the effect level using the slider.
  • Page 448
    (Rotate Right) Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise. (Invert) Inverts the image horizontally. (Trimming) Trimming is the act of selecting the area you want to keep in a photo and discarding the rest. In the displayed window, drag the white frame to specify the trimming area. Move the cursor inside the white frame and drag to move the trimming area.
  • Page 449
    Page top…
  • Page 450
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > One-click Advanced Guide Scanning Mode Screen S701 One-click Mode Screen Click (Switch Mode) at the bottom left of the Navigation Mode screen to display the One-click Mode screen.
  • Page 451
    Preferences Dialog Box (Guide) Opens this guide. Important The following restrictions apply when you scan with Document Type set to Auto Mode in the Save dialog box or Custom dialog box. When you want to convert text in the scanned image to text data, specify Document Type (do not select Auto Mode).
  • Page 452
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Auto Scan Dialog Box S742 Auto Scan Dialog Box Click Auto Scan on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click Auto in the One-click Mode screen to open the Auto Scan dialog box.
  • Page 453
    The color tone may change from the source image due to corrections. In that case, deselect the checkbox and scan. Save Settings File name Enter the file name of the image to be saved (up to 64 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name.
  • Page 454
    Saves and applies the specified settings. Click Cancel instead of Apply to cancel the specified settings. Cancel Cancels the specified settings. The current screen closes. Defaults Returns all settings in the screen to their defaults. Scan Scans and saves documents with the specified settings. When Save as type is Auto, a confirmation appears.
  • Page 455: Save Dialog Box (One-Click Mode Screen)

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) S721 Save Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Click Save to PC on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click Save in the One-click Mode screen to open the Save dialog box.

  • Page 456
    To reduce moire, set Document Type to Magazine. Color Mode Select how to scan the document. Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned. When you select Custom, a screen in which you can specify the document size appears. Select a Units, then enter the Width and Height and click OK.
  • Page 457
    Note When Auto is selected, files are saved in the following formats according to the document type. Photos, postcards, BD/DVD/CD and business cards: JPEG Magazines, newspapers and text documents: PDF You can change the file format from Set..Images saved as PDF files may not open depending on the application. In that case, select an option other than Auto in Save as type.
  • Page 458
    Application Settings Open with You can select whether to open the View & Use window or Explorer after saving the images. Start scanning by clicking the one-click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon in One-click Mode. Apply Saves and applies the specified settings.
  • Page 459
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Scan Settings Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) S734 Scan Settings Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) The Scan Settings dialog box opens when you click Specify… in a dialog box of the One-click Mode screen.
  • Page 460
    Important When you select Auto Detect, the image may not be scanned at the correct position and size. In that case, change the size to the actual document size (A4, Letter, etc.) and align a corner of the document with the corner at the arrow (alignment mark) of the Platen. Scanning Resolution Select the resolution at which to scan documents.
  • Page 461
    Note Use ScanGear (scanner driver)’s Advanced Mode tab to correct gutter shadows when scanning non-standard size documents or when custom cropping frames are set. «Gutter Shadow Correction » for details. Reduce Show-through Select this checkbox to sharpen text in a document or reduce show-through in newspapers. Note Select this checkbox when Document Type is text document and show-through is apparent in the scanned image.
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    Page top…
  • Page 463
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Save Dialog Box S731 Save Dialog Box The Save dialog box opens when you scan from the Save dialog box or Custom dialog box of the One- click Mode screen after selecting Open the save dialog box after scanning the image (Input Exif information).
  • Page 464
    Setting Passwords for PDF Files Important PDF, PDF(Multiple Pages) and PDF(Add Page) cannot be selected for images scanned from the Custom dialog box. You cannot select JPEG/Exif when Color Mode is Black and White. Set… When Save as type is JPEG/Exif You can specify a compression type for JPEG files.
  • Page 465
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Exif Advanced Guide Scanning Settings Dialog Box S732 Exif Settings Dialog Box You can input Exif information into a file to be saved. «Exif» is a standard format for embedding various shooting data in digital camera images (JPEG).
  • Page 466
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > PDF Advanced Guide Scanning Dialog Box S725 PDF Dialog Box Click Save as PDF file on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click PDF in the One-click Mode screen to open the PDF dialog box.
  • Page 467
    that case, change the size to the actual document size (A4, Letter, etc.) and align a corner of the document with the corner at the arrow (alignment mark) of the Platen. Resolution Select the resolution at which to scan documents. Resolution Specify…
  • Page 468
    To change the file, click Browse… to specify another one. Important Images can only be added to PDF files created with MP Navigator EX. You cannot specify PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be specified as well.
  • Page 469
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Save as PDF file Dialog Box S730 Save as PDF file Dialog Box The Save as PDF file dialog box opens when you scan from the PDF dialog box of the One-click Mode screen after selecting Open the save dialog box after scanning the image.
  • Page 470
    PDF(Add Page) cannot be selected for images scanned using the Operation Panel of the machine. If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Reset the passwords. Setting Passwords for PDF Files Set… Make advanced settings for creating PDF files. See » PDF Settings Dialog Box «…
  • Page 471: Mail Dialog Box

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Mail Advanced Guide Scanning Dialog Box S722 Mail Dialog Box Click Attach to E-mail on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or click Mail in the One-click Mode screen to open the Mail dialog box.

  • Page 472
    Resolution Select the resolution at which to scan documents. Resolution Use the scanner driver Select this checkbox to display the ScanGear (scanner driver) screen and make advanced scan settings. Color Mode, Document Size, Resolution and other settings in the Mail dialog box will be disabled. Specify these settings in the ScanGear screen.
  • Page 473
    Select Add… to open the Select Mail Program dialog box in which you can select an e-mail software program. If the e-mail software program you want to use is not listed, click Add to List and select it. Start scanning by clicking the one-click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon in One-click Mode.
  • Page 474
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > OCR Advanced Guide Scanning Dialog Box S724 OCR Dialog Box Click OCR on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or in the One-click Mode screen to open the OCR dialog box.
  • Page 475
    Select this checkbox to display the ScanGear (scanner driver) screen and make advanced scan settings. Color Mode, Document Size, Resolution and other settings in the OCR dialog box will be disabled. Specify these settings in the ScanGear screen. Specify… Opens the Scan Settings dialog box in which you can make advanced scan settings. Scan Settings Dialog Box (One-click Mode Screen) Note When scanning slanted documents, select the Correct slanted document checkbox to improve…
  • Page 476
    — Documents containing text with font size outside the range of 8 points to 40 points (at 300 dpi) — Slanted documents — Documents placed upside down or documents with text in the wrong orientation (rotated characters) — Documents containing special fonts, effects, italics, or hand-written text — Documents with narrow line spacing — Documents with colors in the background of text — Documents containing multiple languages…
  • Page 477
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Custom Advanced Guide Scanning Dialog Box S726 Custom Dialog Box Click Custom on the Custom Scan with One-click tab or in the One-click Mode screen to open the Custom dialog box.
  • Page 478
    Note To reduce moire, set Document Type to Magazine. Color Mode Select how to scan the document. Document Size Select the size of the document to be scanned. When you select Custom, a screen in which you can specify the document size appears. Select a Units, then enter the Width and Height and click OK.
  • Page 479
    Magazines, newspapers and text documents: PDF You can change the file format from Set..Images saved as PDF files may not open depending on the application. In that case, select an option other than Auto in Save as type. You cannot set passwords for PDF files. If you select JPEG/Exif when Document Type is not Auto Mode , the Save the JPEG/Exif file in AdobeRGB checkbox will be selectable.
  • Page 480
    Note For further procedures, refer to the application’s manual. Reset Cancels the application setting. Set… Allows you to select an application to start. Start scanning by clicking the one-click button Select this checkbox to start scanning when you click an icon in One-click Mode. Apply Saves and applies the specified settings.
  • Page 481: Preferences Dialog Box

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Advanced Guide Scanning Preferences Dialog Box S705 Preferences Dialog Box Click Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box. In the Preferences dialog box, you can specify general MP Navigator EX settings and how to respond when scanning using the Operation Panel, via the General and Scanner Button Settings tabs.

  • Page 482: General Tab

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > General Advanced Guide Scanning S740 General Tab On the General tab, you can specify general MP Navigator EX settings. Product Name Displays the product name of the machine that MP Navigator EX is currently configured to use. If the displayed product is not the one you want to use, select the desired product from the list.

  • Page 483
    displayed. Important You can change which items are installed during installation from the Setup CD-ROM selecting Custom Install. If you choose not to install some applications with Custom Install, the corresponding MP Navigator EX functions will be unavailable. To use those functions, install the corresponding applications.
  • Page 484
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save to PC) S707 Scanner Button Settings Tab (Save to PC) On the Scanner Button Settings tab, you can specify how to respond when scanning using the Operation Panel of the machine.
  • Page 485
    Automatically save the image to your computer after scanning it Select this to save the images to your computer as specified after scanning them. The File Name, Save as type and Save in settings will be displayed. Important If you select this function, you will not be able to set passwords for PDF files. File Name Enter the file name of the image to be saved (up to 64 characters).
  • Page 486
    Save to a Subfolder with Current Date Select this checkbox to create a subfolder in the folder specified in Save in with the current date and save scanned files in it. A subfolder with a name such as «2010_01_01» (Year_Month_Date) will be created.
  • Page 487
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens Advanced Guide Scanning > Scan Settings Dialog Box (Scanner Button Settings) S743 Scan Settings Dialog Box (Scanner Button Settings) The Scan Settings dialog box opens when you click Specify… on the Scanner Button Settings tab of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Page 488
    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Images S011 Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Images You can save or print data other than scanned images using MP Navigator EX. Using images saved on a computer Opening Images Saved on a Computer Page top…
  • Page 489: Opening Images Saved On A Computer

    > > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Appendix: Opening Files Other than Scanned Images > Opening Images Saved on a Computer S507 Opening Images Saved on a Computer You can open images saved on a computer and print them or attach them to e-mail using MP Navigator EX.

  • Page 490
    Select the images you want to use, then select what you want to do with them. See the corresponding sections below for details on using images. Creating/Editing PDF Files Printing Documents Printing Photos Sending via E-mail Editing Files Page top…
  • Page 491
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Other Application Software What Is ScanGear (Scanner Driver)? Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning Page top…
  • Page 492
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > What Is ScanGear (Scanner Driver)? S201 What Is ScanGear (Scanner Driver)? ScanGear (scanner driver) is software required for scanning documents. It enables you to specify the output size and make image corrections when scanning. ScanGear can be started from MP Navigator EX or from other applications that are compatible with a standard interface called TWAIN.
  • Page 493
    Auto Scan Mode Use the Auto Scan Mode tab to scan easily by simply placing the document on the Platen and clicking Scan. Page top…
  • Page 494
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S200 Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Starting ScanGear (scanner driver) Starting ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Scanning documents after making simple image corrections Scanning in Basic Mode Scanning documents after making advanced image corrections and brightness/color adjustments Scanning in Advanced Mode…
  • Page 495: Starting Scangear (Scanner Driver)

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Starting ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S202 Starting ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Use ScanGear (scanner driver) to make image corrections and color adjustments when scanning. ScanGear can be started from MP Navigator EX or an application.

  • Page 496
    Select the Use the scanner driver checkbox in Scan Settings, then click Scan. The ScanGear screen appears. Important Use the scanner driver is not displayed in the Auto Scan dialog box or PDF dialog box. Starting from an Application Follow these steps (example) to start ScanGear from an application. The procedure varies depending on the application.
  • Page 497: Scanning In Basic Mode

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Advanced Settings Using > Scanning in Basic Mode ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S203 Scanning in Basic Mode Use the Basic Mode tab to scan easily by following the on-screen steps. This section explains how to scan a single document.

  • Page 498
    Preview image appears in the Preview area. Note Colors are adjusted based on the document type selected in Select Source. Set Destination. Set Output Size. Output size options vary by the item selected in Destination. Adjust the scan area (cropping frame) as required. Adjust the size and position of the cropping frame (scan area) on the preview image.
  • Page 499: Scanning In Advanced Mode

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Scanning in Advanced Mode S205 Scanning in Advanced Mode Use the Advanced Mode tab to specify the color mode, output resolution, image brightness, color tone, etc.

  • Page 500
    Set Input Settings. Input Settings Click Preview. Preview image appears in the Preview area. Note If you scan without preview, the show-through reduction function will be active. This function is useful when scanning magazines. However, when scanning photos, the color tone of the scanned image may differ from the source due to the show-through reduction function.
  • Page 501: Scanning In Auto Scan Mode

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Scanning in Auto Scan Mode S207 Scanning in Auto Scan Mode Use the Auto Scan Mode tab to scan easily by automatically detecting the type of document placed on the Platen.

  • Page 502
    Related Topic Auto Scan Mode Tab Page top…
  • Page 503: Scanner Driver

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Scanning with Advanced Settings Using ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S208 Scanning Multiple Documents at One Time with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) You can scan two or more photos (small documents) on the Platen at one time on the Basic Mode tab and Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver).

  • Page 504
    Click Preview. Thumbnails of the preview images appear in the Preview area. Images are cropped (scan areas are specified) automatically according to the document size. Set Destination. Set Output Size. Adjust the scan areas (cropping frames) and set Image corrections as required. Note You can correct each image separately.
  • Page 505
    Click Scan. Scanning Multiple Documents in Whole Image View Follow these steps if thumbnails are not displayed correctly when previewed or if you want to scan multiple documents as a single image. Note Positions of slanted documents are not corrected in whole image view. After previewing images, click (Thumbnail) on the Toolbar.
  • Page 506
    Note ScanGear’s response after scanning can be specified in Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning on the Scan tab of the Preferences dialog box. Scan Tab Page top…
  • Page 507
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S300 Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) The following sections provide you with tips and know-how on advanced scanning techniques involving color/brightness adjustment, etc.
  • Page 508
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Correcting Images (Unsharp Mask, Reduce Dust and Scratches, Fading Correction, etc.) S308 Correcting Images (Unsharp Mask, Reduce Dust and Scratches, Fading Correction, etc.) The Image Settings functions on the Advanced Mode tab of ScanGear (scanner driver) allow you to enhance the outline of the subjects, reduce dust/scratches and correct faded colors when scanning…
  • Page 509
    None Auto Sharpening slightly out-of-focus images Set Unsharp Mask to ON. Reducing gradations and stripe patterns Set Descreen to ON. Note Printed photos and pictures are displayed as a collection of fine dots. «Moire» is a phenomenon where uneven gradation or a stripe pattern appears when such photos or pictures printed with fine dots are scanned.
  • Page 510
    Reducing graininess Set Grain Correction to Low, Medium or High according to the degree of graininess. None Medium Correcting backlit images Set Backlight Correction to Low, Medium or High according to the degree of backlight. None Medium Correcting shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets Set Gutter Shadow Correction to Low, Medium or High according to the degree of shadows.
  • Page 511: Adjusting Colors Using A Color Pattern

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with > Adjusting Colors Using a Color Pattern ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S301 Adjusting Colors Using a Color Pattern You can preview color changes and reproduce natural colors by using the color pattern function in ScanGear (scanner driver)’s Basic Mode tab.

  • Page 512
    Click an arrow in Color Adjustment to emphasize the corresponding color. Cyan & red, magenta & green and yellow & blue are complementary color pairs (each pair produces a shade of gray when mixed). You can reproduce the natural colors of the scene by reducing the cast color and increasing the complementary color.
  • Page 513: Adjusting Saturation And Color Balance

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Adjusting Saturation and Color Balance S303 Adjusting Saturation and Color Balance In ScanGear (scanner driver)’s Advanced Mode tab, click (Saturation/Color Balance).

  • Page 514
    entire picture due to the weather or ambient strong colors. Move (Slider) under Color Balance to the left or right to emphasize the corresponding color. Cyan & Red Magenta & Green Yellow & Blue These are complementary color pairs (each pair produces a shade of gray when mixed). You can reproduce the natural colors of the scene by reducing the cast color and increasing the complementary color.
  • Page 515: Adjusting Brightness And Contrast

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Adjusting Brightness and Contrast S304 Adjusting Brightness and Contrast In ScanGear (scanner driver)’s Advanced Mode tab, click (Brightness/Contrast). Note Click (Down arrow) to switch to detailed view.

  • Page 516
    Note Only Grayscale will be displayed in Channel when Color Mode is Grayscale. Brightness Adjust the image brightness. Move (Slider) under Brightness to the left to darken and right to brighten the image. You can also enter a value (-127 to 127). Darkened Original image Brightened…
  • Page 517: Adjusting Histogram

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with > Adjusting Histogram ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S305 Adjusting Histogram In ScanGear (scanner driver)’s Advanced Mode tab, click (Histogram). Note Click Defaults to reset all adjustments in the current window. Channel Each dot of an image is a mixture of Red, Green and Blue in various proportions (gradation).

  • Page 518
    (1) Bright area (2) Dark area (3) Whole image More data is distributed to the More data is distributed to the Data is widely distributed between the shadow side. highlight side. highlight and shadow. Adjusting Histograms (Using the Slider) Select a Channel, then move (Black-point Slider) or (White-point Slider) to specify the level to be set as the shadow or highlight.
  • Page 519
    Moving the Mid-point Slider Move the Mid-point Slider to specify the level to be set as the middle of the tonal range. Images with more data distributed to the highlight side Move the Mid-point Slider toward the highlight side. Images with more data distributed to the shadow side Move the Mid-point Slider toward the shadow side.
  • Page 520: Adjusting Tone Curve

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with ScanGear (Scanner Driver) > Adjusting Tone Curve S306 Adjusting Tone Curve In ScanGear (scanner driver)’s Advanced Mode tab, click (Tone Curve Settings). Note Click Defaults to reset all adjustments in the current window.

  • Page 521
    Adjusting Tone Curve In Select Tone Curve, select a tone curve from No correction, Overexposure, Underexposure, High contrast, Reverse the negative/positive image and Edit custom curve. No correction (No adjustment) Overexposure (Convex curve) The midtone data of the input side is stretched toward the highlight of the output side, resulting in a bright-toned image when viewed on a monitor.
  • Page 522
    Edit custom curve You can drag specific points on the Tone Curve to freely adjust the brightness of the corresponding areas. Page top…
  • Page 523: Setting Threshold

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning Correcting Images and Adjusting Colors with > Setting Threshold ScanGear (Scanner Driver) S307 Setting Threshold The brightness of color and grayscale images is expressed in a value between 0 and 255. However, in creating black and white images, all colors are mapped to either black (0) or white (255).

  • Page 524
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens S800 ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens The following sections describe ScanGear (scanner driver)’s screens and functions, and how to use ScanGear. Basic Mode Tab Advanced Mode Tab Input Settings Output Settings Image Settings…
  • Page 525: Basic Mode Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Basic Mode Tab S801 Basic Mode Tab This mode allows you to scan easily by following the on-screen steps. This section describes the settings and functions available on the Basic Mode tab. Settings and Operation Buttons Toolbar Preview Area…

  • Page 526
    Display Preview Image Preview Performs a trial scan. Note When using the machine for the first time, scanner calibration starts automatically. Wait a while until the preview image appears. Destination Select what you want to do with the scanned image. Print Select this to print the scanned image on a printer.
  • Page 527
    Select an output size in pixels. A cropping frame of the selected monitor size will be displayed and the portion within the cropping frame will be scanned. You can drag the cropping frame to enlarge/reduce it while maintaining the aspect ratio. Add/Delete…
  • Page 528
    Auto Document Fix Sharpens text in a document or magazine for better readability. Important When this checkbox is selected in ScanGear (scanner driver) started from MP Navigator EX, the files can be saved in JPEG/Exif or PDF format only. Scanning may take longer than usual when this checkbox is selected. The color tone may change from the source image due to corrections.
  • Page 529
    (Thumbnail)/ (Whole Image) Switches the view in the Preview area. Preview Area (Rotate Left) Rotates the preview image 90 degrees counter-clockwise. — The result will be reflected in the scanned image. — The image returns to its original state when you preview again. (Rotate Right) Rotates the preview image 90 degrees clockwise.
  • Page 530
    Thumbnails of images cropped to the document size are displayed. Only the images with the checkbox selected will be scanned. Note When multiple images are previewed, different outlines indicate different selection status. — Focus Frame (thick blue outline): The displayed settings will be applied. — Selected Frame (thin blue outline): The settings will be applied to the Focus Frame and Selected Frames simultaneously.
  • Page 531
    Related Topic Scanning in Basic Mode Page top…
  • Page 532: Advanced Mode Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Advanced Mode Tab S803 Advanced Mode Tab This mode allows you to make advanced scan settings such as the color mode, output resolution, image brightness and color tone. This section describes the settings and functions available on the Advanced Mode tab.

  • Page 533
    Enter Setting Name and click Add. The name appears in Favorite Settings List. When you click Save, the item appears in the Favorite Settings list and can be selected, along with the predefined items. To delete an item, select it in Favorite Settings List and click Delete. Click Save to save settings displayed in Favorite Settings List.
  • Page 534
    Preview Performs a trial scan. Scan Scanning starts. Note When scanning starts, the progress will be displayed. Click Cancel to cancel the scan. When scanning is completed, a dialog box prompting you to select the next action may open. Follow the prompt to complete. For details, see Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning in » Scan Tab «…
  • Page 535
    (Thumbnail)/ (Whole Image) Switches the view in the Preview area. Preview Area (Clear) Click this button to delete the preview image. It also resets the Toolbar and color adjustment settings. (Crop) Allows you to specify the scan area by dragging the mouse. (Move Image) If an enlarged image is too large to fit in the Preview area, you can click this button and drag the image across the screen until the part you want to see is displayed.
  • Page 536
    Removes the selected cropping frame. (Information) Displays the version of ScanGear and the current scan settings (document type, etc.). (Open Guide) This page appears. Preview Area Preview Area This is where a trial image is displayed after you click Preview. You can also check the results of the settings (image corrections, color adjustments, etc.) made in «…
  • Page 537
    Note You can specify the scan area (cropping frame) on the displayed image. In thumbnail view, you can only create one cropping frame per image. In whole image view, you can create multiple cropping frames. Adjusting Cropping Frames Related Topic Scanning in Advanced Mode Page top…
  • Page 538: Input Settings

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Input Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Settings S804 Input Settings Input Settings allows you to set the following items: Select Source The type of document to be scanned is displayed. Paper Size Select the size of the document to be scanned.

  • Page 539
    Select this mode to scan black and white photos, or to create black and white images. This mode renders the image in 256 levels (8 bit) of black and white. Black and White Select this mode to scan photos and documents in black and white. This mode renders the image in black and white.
  • Page 540: Output Settings

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Output Settings S805 Output Settings Output Settings allows you to set the following items: Output Resolution Select the resolution to scan at. The higher the resolution (value), the more detail in your image. Select a resolution from the options displayed by clicking the button, or enter a value within the range of 25 dpi to 19200 dpi (in 1 dpi increments).

  • Page 541
    Output Settings or specify a value (by 1%) for %. The maximum value available for % depends on the Output Resolution. % can be specified for up to 19200 dpi (the maximum available output resolution). Paper Size (L, etc.) & Monitor Size (1024 x 768 pixels, etc.) (Width), (Height) and scale cannot be specified.
  • Page 542
    message appears when you click Scan. It is recommended that you adjust the settings to reduce Data Size. To continue, scan in whole image view. Page top…
  • Page 543: Image Settings

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Image Settings S806 Image Settings Important Do not apply these functions to images without moire, dust/scratches or faded colors. The color tone may be adversely affected. Image correction results may not be reflected in the preview image.

  • Page 544
    Applies Image Adjustment suitable for magazines. Newspaper Applies Image Adjustment suitable for newspapers. Document Applies Image Adjustment suitable for text documents. Important You can set Image Adjustment after preview. You can set this setting when Recommended is selected on the Color Settings tab of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Page 545
    Fading correction will not be applied. Select this to correct a small amount of fading and colorcast. Medium It is recommended that you normally select this setting. High Select this to correct a large amount of fading and colorcast. This can affect the tone of the image. Important You can set Fading Correction after preview.
  • Page 546
    Gutter Shadow Correction Use this function to correct shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets. When you set the Gutter Shadow Correction setting in the preview image, the result will be reflected. Preview the effects before scanning, as results vary depending on the type of document and how it is pressed.
  • Page 547: Color Adjustment Buttons

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Color Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Adjustment Buttons S807 Color Adjustment Buttons The Color Adjustment Buttons allow you to make fine corrections to the image brightness and color tones. You can adjust the image’s overall brightness or contrast, and adjust its highlight and shadow values (histogram) or balance (tone curve).

  • Page 548
    (Histogram) A histogram allows you to see the data concentration at each brightness level of an image. You can specify the darkest level (shadow) and brightest level (highlight) within an image, cut the levels and expand the middle of the tonal range of the image. Adjusting Histogram (Tone Curve Settings) Adjust the brightness of an image by selecting the type of graph (tone curve) showing the balance of…
  • Page 549
    Enter Setting Name and click Add. The name appears in Tone Curve Settings List or Threshold Settings List. Click Save to save. You can load and apply the saved tone curve/threshold settings to a preview image. To load the settings, select the saved item from the pull-down menu. To delete an item, select it in Tone Curve Settings List or Threshold Settings List and click Delete.
  • Page 550: Auto Scan Mode Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Auto Scan Mode Tab S813 Auto Scan Mode Tab This mode allows you to scan easily by simply placing documents on the Platen and clicking a button. On the Auto Scan Mode tab, documents are automatically detected.

  • Page 551
    Important When this checkbox is selected in ScanGear (scanner driver) started from MP Navigator EX, the files can be saved in JPEG/Exif or PDF format only. Scanning may take longer than usual when this checkbox is selected. You can set this setting when Recommended is selected on the Color Settings tab of the Preferences dialog box.
  • Page 552
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Preferences Dialog Box S808 Preferences Dialog Box Click Preferences… in the ScanGear (scanner driver) screen to open Preferences dialog box. In the Preferences dialog box, you can make advanced settings to ScanGear functions via the Scanner, Preview, Scan and Color Settings tabs.
  • Page 553: Scanner Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Scanner Tab S812 Scanner Tab On the Scanner tab, you can specify the following settings. Quiet Mode Select this checkbox to reduce scanner sound by slowing down the scanner head when previewing or scanning documents.

  • Page 554
    Page top…
  • Page 555: Preview Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Preview Tab S809 Preview Tab On the Preview tab, you can specify the following settings. Preview at Start of ScanGear Select what to do with Preview when ScanGear (scanner driver) is started. Automatically Execute Preview ScanGear will automatically start previewing at startup.

  • Page 556
    No cropping frame will be displayed after previewing. Cropping Size for Thumbnail View Select the cropping size for thumbnails of scanned documents. Larger Displays 105% (in width and height) of the area displayed for the standard size. Standard The standard size. Smaller Displays 95% (in width and height) of the area displayed for the standard size.
  • Page 557: Scan Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens > Scan S810 Scan Tab On the Scan tab, you can specify the following settings. Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning Select what to do with ScanGear (scanner driver) after scanning images. Close ScanGear automatically Select this to return to the original application when scanning is completed.

  • Page 558: Color Settings Tab

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Color Advanced Guide Scanning ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screens Settings Tab S811 Color Settings Tab On the Color Settings tab, you can specify the following settings. Color Adjustment Select either of the following. You can select one when Color Mode is Color or Grayscale.

  • Page 559
    characteristics of the monitor. Adjust the value if your monitor’s gamma value does not match the default value set in ScanGear, and the colors of the original image are not accurately reflected in the monitor. Click Defaults to return to the default Monitor Gamma value (2.20). Note Refer to the manual of your monitor to check its gamma value.
  • Page 560
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software Advanced Guide Scanning > Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning S012 Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning Adjusting the cropping frame (scan area) Adjusting Cropping Frames Selecting the best resolution Resolution Learning about file formats File Formats Learning about Color Matching Color Matching…
  • Page 561: Adjusting Cropping Frames

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning Adjusting Cropping Frames S802 Adjusting Cropping Frames You can specify the scan area by creating a cropping frame on the image displayed in the Preview area of the ScanGear (scanner driver) screen.

  • Page 562
    The cursor will change into (Crosshair arrow) when it is positioned within a cropping frame. Click and drag the mouse to move the entire cropping frame. Note In Advanced Mode tab, you can specify the cropping frame size by entering the values into (Width) and (Height) in Input Settings.
  • Page 563
    You can create multiple cropping frames and apply different scan settings to each cropping frame. You can also select multiple cropping frames by clicking them while pressing the Ctrl key. If you select multiple cropping frames and change the settings on a tab at the right of ScanGear, the settings will be applied to all the selected cropping frames.
  • Page 564
    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning Resolution S309 Resolution What is Resolution? The data in the image you have scanned is a collection of dots carrying information about brightness and color.
  • Page 565
    Scale: 200% Setting the Resolution in ScanGear (Scanner Driver) In ScanGear, you can specify the resolution with Output Resolution in Output Settings on the Advanced Mode tab. Example of Appropriate Resolution when Printing to Scale The scanning resolution is automatically set so that the value set in Output Resolution will be the resolution of the scanned image.
  • Page 566
    Important If you double the resolution, the file size quadruples. If the file is too large, the processing speed will slow down significantly, and you will experience inconvenience such as lack of memory. Set the minimum required resolution according to the use of the image. Page top…
  • Page 567: File Formats

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning File Formats S310 File Formats You can select a file format when saving scanned images. You should specify the most suitable format according to how you want to use the image on which application. Available file formats vary by application and computer (Windows or Macintosh).

  • Page 568: Color Matching

    > > Scanning with Other Application Software > > Advanced Guide Scanning Appendix: Useful Information on Scanning Color Matching S815 Color Matching Color Matching adjusts devices as shown below to match the colors of an image displayed on a monitor or a printed image with the colors of the original document.

  • Page 569: Other Scanning Methods

    > Advanced Guide Scanning > Other Scanning Methods Other Scanning Methods Scanning with WIA Driver Scanning Using the Control Panel (Windows XP Only) Page top…

  • Page 570: Scanning With Wia Driver

    > > Advanced Guide Scanning Other Scanning Methods > Scanning with WIA Driver S604 Scanning with WIA Driver You can scan an image from a WIA-compliant application and use the image in that application. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) is a driver model implemented in Windows XP or later. It allows you to scan documents without using an application.

  • Page 571
    File type Select a file format from JPEG, BMP, PNG and TIFF. Resolution (DPI) Enter the resolution. Specify a value between 50 dpi and 600 dpi. 300 dpi is set by default. Resolution Brightness Move the slider to adjust the brightness. Move it to the left to darken and right to brighten the image.
  • Page 572
    Brightness Move the slider to adjust the brightness. Move it to the left to darken and right to brighten the image. You can also enter a value (-127 to 127). Contrast Move the slider to adjust the contrast. Moving it to the left will decrease the contrast of the image, thus softening the image.
  • Page 573: Scanning Using The Control Panel (Windows Xp Only)

    You can scan images via the Control Panel of Windows XP using the WIA driver. From the Start menu, select Control Panel. Click Printers and Other Hardware > Scanners and Cameras, then double-click WIA Canon (model name). The Scanner and Camera Wizard dialog box opens. Click Next.

  • Page 574
    Move the slider to adjust the contrast. Moving it to the left will decrease the contrast of the image, thus softening the image. Moving it to the right will increase the contrast of the image, thus sharpening the image. You can also enter a value (-127 to 127). Resolution (DPI) Enter the resolution.
  • Page 575
    > Maintenance Advanced Guide Maintenance Cleaning Your Machine Aligning the Print Head Performing Maintenance from a Computer Page top…
  • Page 576: Cleaning Your Machine

    > Maintenance > Cleaning Your Machine Advanced Guide Cleaning Your Machine Cleaning Cleaning the Exterior of the Machine Cleaning the Platen Glass and Document Cover Page top…

  • Page 577
    > Maintenance > Cleaning Your Machine > Cleaning Advanced Guide U059 Cleaning This section describes the cleaning procedure that is needed to maintain your machine. Important Do not use tissue paper, paper towels, rough-textured cloth, or similar materials for cleaning the exterior of the machine so as not to scratch the surface.
  • Page 578: Cleaning The Exterior Of The Machine

    > Maintenance > Cleaning Your Machine > Cleaning the Exterior of the Machine Advanced Guide U060 Cleaning the Exterior of the Machine Be sure to use a soft cloth such as eyeglasses cleaning cloth and wipe off dirt on the surface gently. Smooth out wrinkles on the cloth if necessary before cleaning.

  • Page 579: Cleaning The Platen Glass And Document Cover

    > Maintenance > Cleaning Your Machine > Cleaning the Platen Glass and Document Cover Advanced Guide U061 Cleaning the Platen Glass and Document Cover Important Be sure to turn off the power and disconnect the power plug before cleaning the machine. With a clean, soft, lint-free cloth, wipe the Platen Glass (A) and the inner side of the Document Cover (white sheet) (B) gently.

  • Page 580
    > Maintenance > Aligning the Print Head Advanced Guide Aligning the Print Head Aligning the Print Head Page top…
  • Page 581
    > Maintenance > Aligning the Print Head > Aligning the Print Head Advanced Guide U096 Aligning the Print Head If printed ruled lines are misaligned or print results are otherwise unsatisfactory, adjust the print head position. Note If the remaining ink level is low, the print head alignment sheet will not be printed correctly. Replace the FINE Cartridge whose ink is low.
  • Page 582
    it may not be scanned properly. Scan the print head alignment sheet to adjust the print head position. 1. Load the print head alignment sheet on the Platen Glass. Load the print head alignment sheet WITH THE PRINTED SIDE FACING DOWN and align the mark on the upper left corner of the sheet with the alignment mark ( 2.
  • Page 583: Performing Maintenance From A Computer

    > Maintenance > Performing Maintenance from a Computer Advanced Guide Performing Maintenance from a Computer Cleaning the Print Heads Cleaning the Paper Feed Rollers Aligning the Print Head Position Checking the Print Head Nozzles Cleaning Inside the Machine Page top…

  • Page 584: Cleaning The Print Heads

    > Maintenance > Performing Maintenance from a Computer > Cleaning the Print Heads Advanced Guide P026 Cleaning the Print Heads The print head cleaning function allows you to unclog clogged nozzles in the print head. Perform print head cleaning if printing is faint or a specific color fails to print, even though there is enough ink. The procedure for cleaning the print heads is as follows: Cleaning Open the…

  • Page 585
    The Nozzle Check dialog box opens after the confirmation message. Check the results To check whether the print quality has improved, click Print Check Pattern. To cancel the check process, click Cancel. Important Cleaning consumes a small amount of ink. Deep Cleaning consumes a larger amount of ink than Cleaning.
  • Page 586: Cleaning The Paper Feed Rollers

    > Maintenance > Performing Maintenance from a Computer > Cleaning the Paper Feed Rollers Advanced Guide P027 Cleaning the Paper Feed Rollers Cleans the paper feed roller. Perform feed roller cleaning when there are paper particles sticking to the paper feed roller and paper is not fed properly. The procedure for performing the feed roller cleaning is as follows: Roller Cleaning Prepare the machine…

  • Page 587: Aligning The Print Head Position

    > Maintenance > Performing Maintenance from a Computer > Aligning the Print Head Position Advanced Guide P028 Aligning the Print Head Position Print head alignment corrects the installation positions of the print head and improves deviated colors and lines. This machine supports two head alignment methods: automatic head alignment and manual head alignment.

  • Page 588
    When you have entered all the necessary values, click OK. Note If it is difficult to pick the best pattern, pick the setting that produces the least noticeable vertical white streaks. (A) Less noticeable vertical white streaks (B) More noticeable vertical white streaks If it is difficult to pick the best pattern, pick the setting that produces the least noticeable horizontal white streaks.
  • Page 589
    When you have entered all the necessary values, click OK. Note If it is difficult to pick the best pattern, pick the setting that produces the least noticeable vertical white streaks. (A) Less noticeable vertical white streaks (B) More noticeable vertical white streaks Confirm the displayed message and click OK The third pattern is printed.
  • Page 590
    When you have entered all the necessary values, click OK. Note If it is difficult to pick the best pattern, pick the setting that produces the least noticeable horizontal white stripes. (A) Less noticeable horizontal white stripes (B) More noticeable horizontal white stripes Note To print and check the current setting, open the Start Print Head Alignment dialog box, and click Print Alignment Value.
  • Page 591: Checking The Print Head Nozzles

    > Maintenance > Performing Maintenance from a Computer > Checking the Print Head Nozzles Advanced Guide P029 Checking the Print Head Nozzles The nozzle check function allows you to check whether the print heads are working properly by printing a nozzle check pattern.

  • Page 592: Cleaning Inside The Machine

    > Maintenance > Performing Maintenance from a Computer > Cleaning Inside the Machine Advanced Guide P030 Cleaning Inside the Machine Perform bottom plate cleaning before you execute duplex printing to prevent smudges on the back side of the paper. Also perform bottom plate cleaning if ink smudges caused by something other than print data appear on the printed page.

  • Page 593: Changing The Machine Settings

    > Changing the Machine Settings Advanced Guide Changing the Machine Settings Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer Page top…

  • Page 594: Changing Machine Settings From Your Computer

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer Advanced Guide Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer Changing the Print Options Registering a Frequently Used Printing Profile Setting the Ink Cartridge to be Used Managing the Machine Power Reducing the Machine Noise Changing the Machine Operation Mode Page top…

  • Page 595: Changing The Print Options

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer > Changing the Advanced Guide Print Options P413 Changing the Print Options You change the detailed print driver settings for print data that is sent from an application software. Specify this option if you encounter print failures such as part of an image data being cut off.

  • Page 596: Registering A Frequently Used Printing Profile

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer > Registering a Advanced Guide Frequently Used Printing Profile P417 Registering a Frequently Used Printing Profile You can register the frequently used printing profile to Commonly Used Settings on the Quick Setup tab. Unnecessary printing profiles can be deleted at any time.

  • Page 597
    Save the settings Enter a name in the Name field, and if necessary, set the items in Options..Then click OK. The printing profile is saved, and the Quick Setup tab is displayed again. The name and icon are added to the Commonly Used Settings list. Important To save the page size, orientation, and number of copies that was set in each sheet, click Options…, and check each item.
  • Page 598: Setting The Ink Cartridge To Be Used

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer > Setting the Ink Advanced Guide Cartridge to be Used P033 Setting the Ink Cartridge to be Used This feature enables you to specify the most appropriate ink cartridge among installed cartridges according to an intended use.

  • Page 599: Managing The Machine Power

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer > Managing the Advanced Guide Machine Power P414 Managing the Machine Power This function allows you to manage the machine power from the printer driver. The procedure for managing the printer power is as follows: Power Off The Power Off function turns off the machine.

  • Page 600: Reducing The Machine Noise

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer > Reducing the Advanced Guide Machine Noise P034 Reducing the Machine Noise This function allows you to reduce the operating noise. Select when you wish to reduce the operating noise of the printer at night, etc.

  • Page 601: Changing The Machine Operation Mode

    > Changing the Machine Settings > Changing Machine Settings from Your Computer > Changing the Advanced Guide Machine Operation Mode P035 Changing the Machine Operation Mode If necessary, switch between various modes of machine operation. The procedure for configuring Custom Settings is as follows: Custom Settings Open the printer driver setup window…

  • Page 602: Troubleshooting

    > Troubleshooting Advanced Guide Troubleshooting If an Error Occurs The Machine Cannot Be Powered On An Error Code Is Displayed on the LED LED Cannot Be Seen At All Cannot Install the MP Drivers Cannot Install the Application Program Cannot Connect to Computer with a USB Cable Properly Print Results Not Satisfactory Printing Does Not Start Copying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed…

  • Page 603: If An Error Occurs

    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > If an Error Occurs U302 If an Error Occurs When an error occurs in printing such as the machine is out of paper or paper is jammed, a troubleshooting message is displayed automatically. Take the appropriate action described in the message.

  • Page 604: The Machine Cannot Be Powered On

    > > The Machine Cannot Be Powered On Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U303 The Machine Cannot Be Powered On Check 1: Press the ON button. Check 2: Make sure that the power plug is securely plugged into the Power Cord Connector of the machine, then turn it back on. Check 3: Unplug the machine from the power supply, then plug the machine back in and turn the machine back on after leaving it for at least 2 minutes.

  • Page 605
    > > An Error Code Is Displayed on the LED Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U305 An Error Code Is Displayed on the LED Alarm Lamp Is Lit Orange When a machine error occurs, the Alarm lamp is lit orange and the error code as follows is displayed on the LED.
  • Page 606
    Reset ) button for at machine’s Stop ( least 5 seconds. Canon recommends to use new genuine Canon cartridges in order to (LED display) obtain optimum qualities. Please be advised that Canon shall not be liable for any malfunction or trouble caused by continuation of printing under the ink out condition.
  • Page 607
    E, 1, 6 The ink has run out. The ink has run out. Replace the ink cartridge and close the Scanning Unit (Cover). If printing is in progress and you want to continue printing, press the Stop ( Reset ) button for at machine’s least 5 seconds with the ink cartridge installed.
  • Page 608
    align the Print Head on the printer driver. Aligning the Print Head Position POWER Lamp Flashes Green and Alarm Lamp Flashes Orange Alternately When the POWER and Alarm lamps flash alternately as shown below, and the error code as follows is displayed on the LED, an error requiring servicing might have occurred. Error Code Action P, 0, 2…
  • Page 609
    > > LED Cannot Be Seen At All Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U343 LED Cannot Be Seen At All If the POWER lamp is off: ON button. The machine is not powered on. Connect the power cord and press the If the POWER lamp is lit: The LED may be in the screen-saver mode.
  • Page 610: Cannot Install The Mp Drivers

    > > Cannot Install the MP Drivers Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U308 Cannot Install the MP Drivers If the installation does not start even after the Setup CD-ROM is inserted into your computer’s disc drive: Start the installation following the procedure below. Click Start then Computer.

  • Page 611: In Other Cases

    The printer is not detected. Check the connection. may be displayed depending on the computer you use. In this case, follow the procedure below to reinstall the MP Drivers. Click Cancel. Click Start Over on the Installation Failure screen. Click Back on the screen that appears next. Click Exit on the PIXMA XXX screen (where «XXX»…

  • Page 612
    Note You can use Easy-WebPrint EX with Internet Explorer 7 or later. Check 1: Is Canon Easy-WebPrint EX is displayed on the Toolbars menu in the Internet Explorer’s View menu? If Canon Easy-WebPrint EX is not displayed, Easy-WebPrint EX is not installed on your computer.
  • Page 613: Cannot Connect To Computer With A Usb Cable Properly

    > > Cannot Connect to Computer with a USB Cable Properly Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U309 Cannot Connect to Computer with a USB Cable Properly Printing or Scanning Speed Is Slow/Hi-Speed USB Connection Does Not Work/»This device can perform faster» Message Is Displayed If your system environment is not fully compatible with Hi-Speed USB, the machine will operate at a lower speed provided under USB 1.1.

  • Page 614: Print Results Not Satisfactory

    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Print Results Not Satisfactory U310 Print Results Not Satisfactory If the print result is not satisfactory due to white streaks, misaligned lines, or uneven colors, confirm the paper and print quality settings first. Check 1: Do the page size and media type settings match the size and type of the loaded paper? When these settings are incorrect, you cannot obtain a proper print result.

  • Page 615: Cannot Print To End Of Job

    > > > Cannot Print to End of Job Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory U311 Cannot Print to End of Job Check 1: Is the size of the print data extremely large? Click Print Options on the Page Setup sheet. Then, select the Prevent loss of print data check box in the displayed dialog.

  • Page 616
    > > > No Printing Results/Printing Is Blurred/Colors Are Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory Wrong/White Streaks U313 No Printing Results/Printing Is Blurred/Colors Are Wrong/White Streaks No Printing Results Printing Is Blurred Colors Are Wrong White Streaks…
  • Page 617
    Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Results Not Satisfactory Check 2: Is the FINE Cartridge installed properly? If the Ink Cartridge Locking Cover is not closed securely, ink may not be ejected correctly. Open the Scanning Unit (Cover), open the Ink Cartridge Locking Cover, then close the Ink Cartridge Locking Cover.
  • Page 618
    Printing on the wrong side of such paper may cause unclear prints or prints with reduced quality. Refer to the instruction manual supplied with the paper for detailed information on the printable side. Check 6: Is the Platen Glass dirty? Clean the Platen Glass.
  • Page 619: Colors Are Unclear

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory > Colors Are Unclear U314 Colors Are Unclear Check 1: Enable color correction. When printing photographs or other graphics, enabling color correction in the printer driver may improve color. Select Vivid Photo in the Effects sheet in the printer driver setup window. Check 2: Is the FINE Cartridge installed properly? If the Ink Cartridge Locking Cover is not closed securely, ink may not be ejected correctly.

  • Page 620: Lines Are Misaligned

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory > Lines Are Misaligned U315 Lines Are Misaligned Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Results Not Satisfactory Check 2: Perform Print Head Alignment. If printed lines are misaligned or print results are otherwise unsatisfactory, adjust the print head position.

  • Page 621: Printed Paper Curls Or Has Ink Blots

    Check 3: Is Photo Paper used for printing photographs? When printing data with high color saturation such as photographs or images in deep color, we recommend using Photo Paper Plus Glossy II or other Canon speciality paper. Loading Paper / Originals…

  • Page 622: Printed Surface Is Scratched

    > > > Paper Is Smudged/Printed Surface Is Scratched Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory U317 Paper Is Smudged/Printed Surface Is Scratched Paper Is Smudged The Edges of Paper Are Smudged Printed Surface Is Smudged Printed Surface Is Scratched Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Results Not Satisfactory Check 2: Is the appropriate type of paper used? Check the followings:…

  • Page 623
    1. Roll up the paper in the opposite direction to the paper curl as shown below. 2. Check that the paper is now flat. We recommend printing curl-corrected paper one sheet at a time. Note Depending on the media type, the paper may be smudged or may not be fed properly even if it is not curled inward.
  • Page 624
    and become wavy, causing paper abrasion. When printing from your computer Reduce the Intensity setting in the printer driver and try printing again. Open the printer driver setup window. Opening the Printer Driver Setup Window Click Here: Printer Driver * Before clicking here to open the printer driver setup window, quit the running application software.
  • Page 625
    Click the Maintenance tab and then Custom Settings. Drag the Ink Drying Wait Time slide bar to set the wait time, and then click Send. Confirm the message and click OK. Check 11: Is the paper scratched by other loaded paper? Depending on the media type, the paper may be scratched by other loaded paper when feeding from the Rear Tray.
  • Page 626: Back Of The Paper Is Smudged

    > > > Back of the Paper Is Smudged Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory U318 Back of the Paper Is Smudged Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Results Not Satisfactory Check 2: Perform the Bottom Plate Cleaning to clean the inside of the machine.

  • Page 627: Vertical Lines Are Printed On The Sides Of The Printout

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory > Vertical Lines Are Printed on the Sides of the Printout U319 Vertical Lines Are Printed on the Sides of the Printout Check 1: Did you confirm the paper type and print quality settings? Print Results Not Satisfactory Check 2: Is the size of the loaded paper correct? The vertical lines may be printed in the margin if the size of the loaded paper is larger than that you…

  • Page 628: Colors Are Uneven Or Streaked

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Print Results Not Satisfactory > Colors Are Uneven or Streaked U320 Colors Are Uneven or Streaked Colors Are Uneven Colors Are Streaked Check 1: Did you confirm the paper and print quality settings? Print Results Not Satisfactory Check 2: Print the Nozzle Check Pattern and perform any necessary maintenance operations such as Print Head Cleaning.

  • Page 629
    Check 3: Perform Print Head Alignment. Aligning the Print Head Note If the problem is not resolved after performing the Print Head Alignment, perform Print Head Alignment manually referring to Aligning the Print Head Position Page top…
  • Page 630: Printing Does Not Start

    In Windows XP, select the Start menu > Control Panel > Printers and Other Hardware > Printers and Faxes. Right-click the Canon XXX Printer icon (where «XXX» is your machine’s name), then select Printer properties. In Windows Vista or Windows XP, right-click the Canon XXX Printer icon (where «XXX» is your machine’s name), then select Properties.

  • Page 631
    Click the Ports tab to confirm the port settings. Make sure that a port named USBnnn (where «n» is a number) with Canon XXX Printer appearing in the Printer column is selected for Print to the following port(s). If the setting is incorrect: Reinstall the MP Drivers.
  • Page 632
    > > Copying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U322 Copying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed Check 1: Has the machine been printing continuously for a long period? If the machine has been printing continuously for a long time, the Print Head may overheat. To protect the Print Head, the machine may stop printing at a line break for a period of time and then resume printing.
  • Page 633: Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected

    > > Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U323 Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected Check 1: Are the Print Head nozzles clogged? Print the Nozzle Check Pattern to determine whether the ink ejects properly from the print head nozzles.

  • Page 634
    > > Printing Speed Is Not as Fast as Expected Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U324 Printing Speed Is Not as Fast as Expected Check 1: Is printing performed in Quiet Mode? Print speed is reduced if you specified to print in Quiet Mode on the computer. For faster printing, do not print in Quiet Mode.
  • Page 635: Fine Cartridge Holder Does Not Move To The Position For Replacing

    > > FINE Cartridge Holder Does Not Move to the Position for Replacing Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U325 FINE Cartridge Holder Does Not Move to the Position for Replacing Check 1: Is the POWER lamp off? Check if the POWER lamp is lit green. The FINE Cartridge Holder will not move unless the power is on.

  • Page 636: Paper Does Not Feed Properly

    > > Paper Does Not Feed Properly Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U326 Paper Does Not Feed Properly Check 1: Make sure of the following when you load paper. When loading two or more sheets of paper, flip through the paper before loading. When loading two or more sheets of paper, align the edges of the sheets before loading.

  • Page 637
    If the paper tears in the Rear Tray, see Paper Jams to remove it. If there are any foreign objects in the Rear Tray, be sure to turn off the machine, unplug it from the power supply, then remove the foreign object. Check 5: Clean the Paper Feed Roller.
  • Page 638: Paper Jams

    > > Paper Jams Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U328 Paper Jams Note If you need to turn off the machine to remove jammed paper during printing, press the Stop/Reset button to cancel print jobs before turning off the machine. Paper Is Jammed in the Paper Output Slot or the Rear Tray In Other Cases Page top…

  • Page 639
    > > Paper Jams > Paper Is Jammed in the Paper Output Slot or the Rear Tray Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U349 Paper Is Jammed in the Paper Output Slot or the Rear Tray Remove the paper following the procedure below. Slowly pull the paper out, either from the Rear Tray or from the Paper Output Slot, whichever is easier.
  • Page 640
    > > Paper Jams > In Other Cases Advanced Guide Troubleshooting U353 In Other Cases Make sure of the following: Check 1: Are there any foreign objects around the Paper Output Slot? Check 2: Are there any foreign objects in the Rear Tray? If there are any foreign objects in the Rear Tray, be sure to turn off the machine, unplug it from the power supply, then remove the foreign object.
  • Page 641: Message Appears On The Computer Screen

    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Message Appears on the Computer Screen U331 Message Appears on the Computer Screen Error Number: B200 A printer error has occurred. Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord of the printer from the power supply. Then contact the service center. Is Displayed Error Number: **** A printer error has occurred.

  • Page 642
    Properties. Click the Ports tab to confirm the port settings. Make sure that a port named USBnnn (where «n» is a number) with Canon XXX Printer appearing in the Printer column is selected for Print to the following port(s).
  • Page 643
    Click the General tab and make sure that there is no indication of a problem with the device. If a device error is displayed, refer to Windows help to resolve the error. Other Error Messages Check: If an error message is displayed outside the printer status monitor, check the following: «Could not spool successfully due to insufficient disk space»…
  • Page 644
    If you are logged on to an administrator account, follow the on-screen instructions. 2. Select Canon Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program. 3. Select Change. If you select Yes after you have followed the on-screen instructions, the confirmation screen will be displayed at the time of the next survey.
  • Page 645: For Windows Users

    Scan properties. If the User Account Control screen appears, click Yes. Click the Events tab on the WIA Canon XXX ser Properties (where «XXX» is your machine’s name) screen. Select Start this program for Actions, then select MP Navigator EX Ver4.0 from the pull-down menu.

  • Page 646
    Properties button. If the User Account Control screen appears, click Continue. Click the Events tab on the WIA Canon XXX ser Properties (where «XXX» is your machine’s name) screen. Select Start this program for Actions, then select MP Navigator EX Ver4.0 from the pull-down menu.
  • Page 647: Problems With Scanning

    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Problems with Scanning S901 Problems with Scanning Scanner Does Not Work ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Does Not Start Error Message Appears and the ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screen Does Not Appear Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor Scanned Image Is Surrounded by Extra White Areas Cannot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time Cannot Scan Properly in Auto Scan Mode…

  • Page 648: Scanner Does Not Work

    > > > Scanner Does Not Work Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning S902 Scanner Does Not Work Check 1: Make sure that the machine is turned on. Check 2: Connect the USB cable to a different USB port on the computer. Check 3: If the USB cable is connected to a USB hub, remove it from the USB hub and connect it to a USB port on the computer.

  • Page 649: Scangear (Scanner Driver) Does Not Start

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning > ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Does Not Start S903 ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Does Not Start Check 1: Make sure that the MP Drivers is installed. If it is not installed, insert the Setup CD-ROM into the computer’s disc drive, then select Custom Install and install MP Drivers.

  • Page 650
    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning > Error Message Appears and the ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screen Does Not Appear S904 Error Message Appears and the ScanGear (Scanner Driver) Screen Does Not Appear Check 1: Make sure that the machine is turned on. Check 2: Turn off the machine, then reconnect the USB cable and replug the power cord.
  • Page 651: Scan Quality (Image Displayed On The Monitor) Is Poor

    > > > Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning S905 Scan Quality (Image Displayed on the Monitor) Is Poor Check 1: Increase the scanning resolution. Resolution Check 2: Set the scale to 100%. Some applications do not display images clearly if the image is too small.

  • Page 652
    Color Settings Tab Page top…
  • Page 653: Scanned Image Is Surrounded By Extra White Areas

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning > Scanned Image Is Surrounded by Extra White Areas S906 Scanned Image Is Surrounded by Extra White Areas Check: Specify the scan area. Click (Auto Crop) in whole image view of ScanGear (scanner driver) to automatically display the cropping frame (scan area) according to the document size.

  • Page 654
    > > > Cannot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning S907 Cannot Scan Multiple Documents at One Time Check 1: Make sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen. Placing Documents Check 2: Scan each item individually. Some applications do not support multiple image scanning.
  • Page 655
    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning > Cannot Scan Properly in Auto Scan Mode S916 Cannot Scan Properly in Auto Scan Mode Check 1: Make sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen. Placing Documents Check 2: Multiple image scanning may not be supported. Some applications do not support multiple image scanning.
  • Page 656: Slow Scanning Speed

    > > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning > Slow Scanning Speed S908 Slow Scanning Speed Check 1: To view the image on a monitor, set the output resolution to around 150 dpi. To print, set it to around 300 dpi. Resolution Check 2: Set Fading Correction, Grain Correction, etc.

  • Page 657
    > > > «There is not enough memory.» Message Is Displayed Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning S909 «There is not enough memory.» Message Is Displayed Check 1: Exit other applications and try again. Check 2: Reduce the resolution or output size and scan again. Resolution Page top…
  • Page 658: Computer Stops Operating During Scanning

    > > > Computer Stops Operating during Scanning Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Problems with Scanning S910 Computer Stops Operating during Scanning Check 1: Restart the computer, reduce the output resolution in ScanGear (scanner driver) and scan again. Check 2: Delete unnecessary files to obtain sufficient free hard disk space, then scan again.

  • Page 659: Scanner Does Not Work After Upgrading Windows

    «Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers » for details. Step 2: Uninstall MP Navigator EX. From the Start menu, select All Programs > Canon Utilities > MP Navigator EX 4.0 > MP Navigator EX Uninstall. Note In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, a confirmation/warning dialog box may appear when installing, uninstalling or starting up software.

  • Page 660: Software Problems

    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Software Problems S930 Software Problems E-mail Software Program You Want to Use Does Not Appear in the Screen for Selecting an E-mail Software Program Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged (Reduced) Scanned Image Is Enlarged (Reduced) on the Computer Monitor Scanned Image Does Not Open Page top…

  • Page 661
    > > Software Problems Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > E-mail Software Program You Want to Use Does Not Appear in the Screen for Selecting an E-mail Software Program S931 E-mail Software Program You Want to Use Does Not Appear in the Screen for Selecting an E-mail Software Program Check 1: MP Navigator EX may not support the e-mail software program.
  • Page 662
    > > Software Problems > Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged (Reduced) Advanced Guide Troubleshooting S932 Scanned Image Is Printed Enlarged (Reduced) Check: Set the printing size in the application. Page top…
  • Page 663
    > > Software Problems > Scanned Image Is Enlarged (Reduced) on the Computer Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Monitor S933 Scanned Image Is Enlarged (Reduced) on the Computer Monitor Check 1: Change the display setting in the application. For details, refer to the application’s manual. If you have any questions, contact the manufacturer of the application.
  • Page 664: Scanned Image Does Not Open

    > > Software Problems > Scanned Image Does Not Open Advanced Guide Troubleshooting S934 Scanned Image Does Not Open Check: If the file format is not supported by the application, scan the image again and save it in a popular file format such as JPEG. For details, refer to the application’s manual.

  • Page 665
    > > MP Navigator EX Problems Advanced Guide Troubleshooting S940 MP Navigator EX Problems Cannot Scan at the Correct Size Position or Size of the Image Cannot be Detected Correctly When Scanning Using the Operation Panel Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Orientation Changes in the Scanned Image Page top…
  • Page 666: Cannot Scan At The Correct Size

    > > MP Navigator EX Problems Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Cannot Scan at the Correct Size S941 Cannot Scan at the Correct Size Check 1: Make sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen. Placing Documents Check 2: Set Document Size to the actual document size and scan again. If the matching size is not found, scan at a larger size and trim the image.

  • Page 667
    > > MP Navigator EX Problems > Position or Size of the Image Cannot be Detected Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Correctly When Scanning Using the Operation Panel S942 Position or Size of the Image Cannot be Detected Correctly When Scanning Using the Operation Panel Check 1: Make sure that the documents are placed correctly on the Platen.
  • Page 668
    > > MP Navigator EX Problems > Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Scanned Image Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Is Slanted S943 Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Scanned Image Is Slanted Check: In MP Navigator EX, deselect the Correct slanted document checkbox and scan again.
  • Page 669
    > > MP Navigator EX Problems > Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Orientation Advanced Guide Troubleshooting Changes in the Scanned Image S944 Document Is Placed Correctly, but the Orientation Changes in the Scanned Image Check: In MP Navigator EX, deselect the Detect the orientation of text documents and rotate images checkbox and scan again.
  • Page 670: If You Cannot Resolve The Problem

    If you cannot resolve the problem with any of the workarounds in this chapter, please contact the seller of the machine or the service center. Canon support staff are trained to be able to provide technical support to satisfy customers. Caution If the machine emits any unusual sound, smoke, or odor, turn it off immediately.

  • Page 671
    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > FAQs U340 FAQs No Printing Results/Printing Is Blurred/Colors Are Wrong/White Streaks Machine Moves But Ink Is Not Ejected Cannot Install the MP Drivers Printing Does Not Start Copying/Printing Stops Before It Is Completed Writing Error/Output Error/Communication Error Print Results Not Satisfactory Paper Jams Paper Does Not Feed Properly…
  • Page 672
    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > Instructions for Use (Printer Driver) P036 Instructions for Use (Printer Driver) This printer driver is subject to the following restrictions. Keep the following points in mind when using the printer driver. Restrictions on the Printer Driver With some applications, the Copies setting in the Page Setup tab of the printer driver may not be enabled.
  • Page 673
    4. Open Word’s Print dialog box again. 5. Open the printer driver setup window again and click OK. 6. Start printing. If bitmap printing is enabled in Adobe Illustrator (Adobe Systems Inc), printing may take time or some data may not be printed, printing may take time or some data may not be printed. Print after unchecking the Bitmap Printing check box in the Print dialog box.
  • Page 674
    > Advanced Guide Troubleshooting > General Notes (Scanner Driver) S004 General Notes (Scanner Driver) ScanGear (scanner driver) is subject to the following restrictions. Keep these points in mind when using Scanner Driver Restrictions When using the NTFS file system, the TWAIN data source may not be invoked. This is because the TWAIN module cannot be written to the winnt folder for security reasons.
  • Page 675
    Custom Insert in the Insert Picture from Scanner or Camera screen. Otherwise, images may not be scanned correctly. When scanning images into Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), use Microsoft Clip Organizer. Images may not be scanned correctly in some applications. In that case, increase the operating system’s virtual memory and retry.
  • Page 676
    Advanced Guide > Appendix Appendix Printing Area How to Detach/Attach the Document Cover Editing the Print Document or Reprinting from the Print History Deleting the Undesired Print Job Updating the MP Drivers Uninstalling the On-Screen Manuals Transporting the Machine Opening the Printer Driver Setup Window Notice for Unplugging the Power Cord Sharing the Printer on a Network Page top…
  • Page 677: Printing Area

    To ensure the best print quality, the machine allows a margin along each edge of media. The actual printable area will be the area inside these margins. Recommended printing area : Canon recommends that you print within this area. Printable area : The area where it is possible to print.

  • Page 678
    > Appendix > Printing Area Advanced Guide > Other Sizes than Letter, Legal, Envelopes U502 Other Sizes than Letter, Legal, Envelopes Size Printable Area (width x height) 5.56 x 7.95 inches / 141.2 x 202.0 mm 8.00 x 11.38 inches / 203.2 x 289.0 mm 6.90 x 9.80 inches / 175.2 x 249.0 mm 4″…
  • Page 679
    > Appendix > Printing Area Advanced Guide > Letter, Legal U503 Letter, Legal Size Printable Area (width x height) Letter 8.00 x 10.69 inches / 203.2 x 271.4 mm 8.00 x 13.69 inches / 203.2 x 347.6 mm Legal* * This page size can be used only when printing from your computer. Recommended printing area Printable area Page top…
  • Page 680
    > Appendix > Printing Area > Envelopes Advanced Guide U505 Envelopes Size Recommended Printing Area (width x height) 4.06 x 7.07 inches / 103.2 x 179.5 mm European DL* US Comm. Env. #10* 3.86 x 7.91 inches / 98.0 x 200.8 mm * This page size can be used only when printing from your computer.
  • Page 681
    > Appendix Advanced Guide > How to Detach/Attach the Document Cover U514 How to Detach/Attach the Document Cover Detaching the Document Cover: Hold up the Document Cover vertically. Attaching the Document Cover: As illustrated below, insert both hinges (A) of the Document Cover vertically into the holder (B) until they stop to attach the Document Cover .
  • Page 682: Editing The Print Document Or Reprinting From The Print History

    Editing the Print Document or Reprinting from the Print History This function is unavailable when the standard IJ printer driver is used. In the Canon IJ XPS preview window, you can edit the print document or retrieve the document print history to print the document.

  • Page 683
    Check the Preview before printing check box on the Quick Setup tab or the Main tab. Complete the setup Click OK. The Canon IJ XPS Preview will start and the print result will be displayed before printing. Editing print documents and print pages Combining print documents You can combine multiple print documents to form a single document.
  • Page 684
    Reprinting from the Print History When you click Save Print History on the File menu to enable the setting, the document printed from the preview is saved, and you can reprint the document with the same settings. Displaying the print history Select the Start menu ->…
  • Page 685: Deleting The Undesired Print Job

    P037 Deleting the Undesired Print Job If you are using the XPS printer driver, replace «Canon IJ Status Monitor» with «Canon IJ XPS Status Monitor» when reading this information. If the printer does not start printing, cancelled or failed print job data may be remaining.

  • Page 686: Updating The Mp Drivers

    > Appendix > Updating the MP Drivers Advanced Guide Updating the MP Drivers Obtaining the Latest MP Drivers Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers Before Installing the MP Drivers Installing the MP Drivers Page top…

  • Page 687: Obtaining The Latest Mp Drivers

    > Appendix > Updating the MP Drivers > Obtaining the Latest MP Drivers Advanced Guide P038 Obtaining the Latest MP Drivers The MP Drivers include a printer driver and scanner driver (ScanGear). By updating the MP Drivers to the latest version of the MP Drivers, unresolved problems may be solved. Access our web site through the Internet and download the latest MP Drivers for your model.

  • Page 688: Deleting The Unnecessary Mp Drivers

    > Appendix > Updating the MP Drivers Advanced Guide > Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers P039 Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers The MP Drivers which you no longer use can be deleted. When deleting the MP Drivers, first exit all programs that are running. The procedure to delete the unnecessary MP Drivers is as follows: When There is an Uninstaller Start the uninstaller…

  • Page 689
    If you are using Windows Vista, when the User Account Control dialog box appears, click Continue. Then when the confirmation message appears, click Yes. The icon is deleted. Select the printer driver to be deleted If you are using Windows 7, click any icon in Printers and Faxes. On the commandbar, click Print server properties, and then click the Drivers tab.
  • Page 690: Before Installing The Mp Drivers

    > Appendix > Updating the MP Drivers > Before Installing the MP Drivers Advanced Guide P040 Before Installing the MP Drivers This section describes the items that you should check before installing the MP Drivers. You should also refer to this section if the MP Drivers cannot be installed. Checking the Machine Status Properly connect the personal computer and the machine.

  • Page 691: Installing The Mp Drivers

    > Appendix > Updating the MP Drivers > Installing the MP Drivers Advanced Guide P041 Installing the MP Drivers You can access our web site through the Internet and download the latest MP Drivers for your model. The procedure for installing the downloaded MP Drivers is as follows: Turn off the machine Start the installer Double-click the icon of the downloaded file.

  • Page 692
    Page top…
  • Page 693
    Follow the procedure below to uninstall all of the installed on-screen manuals from your computer. Before uninstalling the on-screen manuals, exit all on-screen manuals that are opening. Click Start > All Programs > Canon XXX Manual (where «XXX» is your machine’s name) > Uninstall.
  • Page 694: Transporting The Machine

    > Appendix Advanced Guide > Transporting the Machine U510 Transporting the Machine When relocating the machine, pack the machine using the original packing materials. If you do not have the original packing materials, pack the machine carefully using protective material and place it inside a sturdy box.

  • Page 695
    > Appendix Advanced Guide > Opening the Printer Driver Setup Window U511 Opening the Printer Driver Setup Window The printer driver setup window can be displayed through the application software in use or the Start menu of the Windows. Open the Printer Driver Setup Window through the Application Software Follow the procedure below to configure print settings when printing.
  • Page 696: Notice For Unplugging The Power Cord

    > Appendix Advanced Guide > Notice for Unplugging the Power Cord U516 Notice for Unplugging the Power Cord To unplug the power cord, follow the procedure below. Important ON button, then confirm that the POWER When you unplug the power cord, press the lamp is off.

  • Page 697: Sharing The Printer On A Network

    In case an error occurred when a document is printed by the client system to a shared printer, the error message of Canon IJ Status Monitor will be displayed both on the client system and the print server system. For regular printing, Canon IJ Status Monitor will be displayed only on the client system.

  • Page 698: Settings On Print Server

    > Appendix > Advanced Guide Sharing the Printer on a Network > Settings on Print Server P043 Settings on Print Server When you use the printer on a network, set up the printer driver for sharing on the server system. The procedure for setting up the print server systems is as follows: Install the printer driver on the print server system For details on installation instructions, refer to the «Install the Software»…

  • Page 699: Settings On Client Pc

    > Appendix > > Settings on Client PC Advanced Guide Sharing the Printer on a Network P044 Settings on Client PC After setting up the print server system, set up the client system. The procedure for setting up the client systems is as follows: If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista Install the printer driver on the client systems For installation instructions, see «…

  • Page 700
    Start the wizard Select the start menu -> Control Panel -> Printers and Other Hardware -> Printers and Faxes -> Add a printer. When Welcome to the Add Printer Wizard screen appears, click Next. Add a printer Select A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer, then click Next. On the Specify a Printer window, click Next and then search for the print server system.
  • Page 701: Restrictions On Printer Sharing

    P415 Restrictions on Printer Sharing If you are using the XPS printer driver, replace «Canon IJ Status Monitor» with «Canon IJ XPS Status Monitor» when reading this information. These are restrictions that apply when you are using a printer in a network environment. Check the restrictions for the environment you are using.

  • Page 702
    Page top…
  • Page 703
    > Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX Advanced Guide A001 Using Easy-PhotoPrint EX — Transforming Your Photos into Creative Works of Art — Easy-PhotoPrint EX allows you to create albums, calendars and stickers easily using photos taken with digital cameras. You can also print borderless photos easily. Start Easy-PhotoPrint EX Click Here: Easy-PhotoPrint EX…
  • Page 704
    CHECK! Select Album to add text and frames. You cannot decorate photos with Photo Print. Create a Calendar Using Your Favorite Photos Create calendars easily with Easy-PhotoPrint EX. Create your own calendar using your favorite photos! It’ll be exciting to turn the calendar pages. You can also create 2-month, 6-month and 12-month You can use all kinds of photos.
  • Page 705
    Page top…
  • Page 706: Using Mp Navigator Ex

    > Using MP Navigator EX Advanced Guide S001 Using MP Navigator EX MP Navigator EX is an application that enables you to easily scan photos and documents. It is suitable even for beginners. Start MP Navigator EX Click Here: MP Navigator EX Note See «…

  • Page 707
    Scan with One-click In One-click Mode, MP Navigator EX completes from scanning to saving, with a click of an icon. One-click Mode also allows you to scan and save images as PDF files or attach them to e-mail automatically. Scan and Correct/Enhance Photos You can easily correct/enhance scanned photos using MP Navigator EX.

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