Robot structural analysis руководство

Carte 96 04/00 Loads menu / Special loads / Wind Opening of the Snow and Wind 2D/3D dialog box and Snow 2D/3D Press the Auto button; Automatic generation of the structure envelope for inactive options: the generation of snow/wind loads (in the Envelope field the without parapets program introduces the following node numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, with base not on ground 10, 9, 13, 12, 11) and definition of basic parameters for the isolated roofs structure envelope Define the following parameters: Definition of the basic parameters of snow/wind loads Total depth = (60) Bay spacing = (10) active options: wind snow Press the Parameters button Opening the additional dialog box (Snow/Wind Loads 2D/3D), where one can define detailed parameters Define the parameters of snow/wind Definition of global parameters load: Global parameters tab: Departament: Alpes-Maritimes altitude above the sea level: (200) structure height: (15) m reference level: (0.8) m rise of roof: automatic

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 27 Wind tab: Definition of parameters for wind loads Site: Normal Type: Normal Wind pressure: automatic Structure dimension effect: automatic inactive options in the Specific actions group Snow tab: Definition of parameters for snow loads Snow pressure: automatic for normal and extreme active option: Snow redistribution Generate Pressing the button results in starting the generation of snow and wind loads with the accepted parameters. The calculation note will appear on screen. It will present the parameters of snow/wind laod cases Close editor with the calculation note Close the Snow and Wind 2D/3D dialog box 2.4 Structural Analysis Calculations of the defined structure are started. Once they Select the Calculations icon are completed, the upper bar of the RSAP program will from the Standard toolbar display the message: Results (FEM) : available. 2.5 Detailed Analysis Select beam 1 in the graphical viewer (bars 10,11,12) LMC the RSAP program layout Detailed analysis of structure bars is commenced. selection: The monitor screen is divided into two parts: the graphical Results / Detailed Analysis Layout viewer presenting the structure model and the Detailed Analysis dialog box Select the second load case In the Detailed Analysis dialog box Selection of the quantities to be presented for the selected select option Open a new window beam located in the lower left corner, on the NTM tab select the MY Moments option

page: 28 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 Apply An additional graphical viewer appears on screen. It consists of two parts: a graphical presentation of information (diagrams, loads, bar sections) for selected bars and a table presenting numerical results obtained for selected bars In the Detailed analysis dialog box Selection of the quantities to be presented for the selected select the following options: beam Select the maximum stress Smax on the Stresses tab Select Characteristic points on the Division points tab, LMC in Refresh Apply Adds new quantities to be presented for the selected beam Select the Global extremes tab in the Activates presentation of global extremes obtained for the table selected beam (see figure below). Exit Closing the viewer presenting the detailed analysis of the selected beam 2.6 Global Analysis Selection of the initial RSAP layout. LMC the RSAP program layout selection: Structure Model / Start Layout

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 29 Results menu / Global Analysis — Beginning of the global analysis of all the bars in the Bars structure. An additional graphical viewer appears. It consists of two parts: the graphical presentation of information and the table presenting the numerical results RMC while the cursor is located in A context menu appears on screen the additional graphical viewer Table Columns Selection of this option in the context menu opens the Parameters of presentation windows dialog box On Stresses tab inactivate all check Selection of quantites for which global analysis will be boxes. presented Design tab: activate the Ratio option LMC the OK button The selection is accepted LMC the Upper limit in the table and The upper value of the ratio is determined enter the value 1.0 RMC while the cursor is located in A context menu appears on screen the additional graphical viewer Select the Constant display of limit The values of limits are presented with horizontal lines in values option the graphical viewer of global analysis (see below). Close Close the graphical viewer with global analysis presented 2.7 Steel Design CM66 code

page: 30 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 LMC the RSAP program layout Design of steel structure members is commenced. selection: The monitor screen is divided into three parts: the graphical Structure design / Steel/Aluminum viewer, the Definitions dialog box and the Calculations design Layout dialog box LMC the New button on the Groups Definition of member groups is commenced tab in the Definitions dialog box Define the first group with the Definition of the first group consisting of all the columns following parameters: in the structure Number: 1 Name: columns Member list: 1to9 Material: ACIER Defaut Save Saving the parameters of the first member group LMC the New button on the Groups Definition of the second group tab in the Definitions dialog box Define the second group with the Definition of the first group consisting of all the beams in the following parameters: structure Number: 2 Name: beams Member list: 10to15 Material: ACIER Defaut Save Saving the parameters of the first member group LMC the List button in the Code Going to the Calculations dialog box and opening the group design line in the Code Group Selection dialog box Calculations dialog box LMC the All button (in the field Selection of the member groups to be designed above the Previous button, there will appear the list: 1to2), Close LMC the List button in the Loads Opening the Load Case Selection dialog box group (Calculations dialog box) LMC the field above the Previous Selection of the first three load cases (DL1, LL1, and LL2) button; define the list: 1to3, Close Activate the option: Optimization Group design will use the optimization procedures and Limit state: Ultimate (appropriate sections with respect to their weight); Inactive the option: Save calculation the ultimate limit state will be checked results Design of the selected member groups is commenced; LMC the Calculations button there appears the CM66 – Code Group Design dialog box on screen

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 31 LMC the Change all button in the Change of the currenly used profiles in the members Code Group Design dialog box belonging to both member groups to the calculated sections shown above; accept the warning (for columns: from HEA 300 to HEA 240, for beams: from about the possible change of the HEA 300 to HEA 450). Once the sections are changed, result status to ‘not available’ the upper bar of RSAP will display the following message: Results (FEM) : out of date. Close Closing the Code Group Design dialog box Select the Calculations icon Recalculation of the structure with the changed member from the Standard toolbar sections. Once the sections are changed, the upper bar of RSAP will display the following message: Results (FEM) : available. LMC the Calculations button in the Re-design of the selected member groups in the structure Calculations dialog box (1,2) with the optimization options active; there will appear the Short results viewer LMC the Change all button in the Change of the currenly used profiles in the members Code group design dialog box; belonging to both member groups to the calculated accept the warning about the sections. Once the sections are changed, the upper bar of possible change of the result status RSAP will display the following message: Results (FEM) : to ‘not available’ out of date. Close Closing the Code Group Design dialog box Select the Calculations icon Recalculation of the structure with the changed member from the Standard toolbar sections. Once the sections are changed, the upper bar of RSAP will display the following message: Results (FEM) : available. LMC the Calculations button in the Re-design of the selected member groups in the structure Calculations dialog box (1,2) with the optimization options active; there will appear the Short results viewer shown below. When the sections do not change during group design one can say the calculated sections are the optimal sections for designing member groups.You have to repeat this re-desing process as long you will see the below results.

page: 32 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 Close Closing the Code Group Design dialog box LMC in the Member verification field Selection of members to be verified in the Calculations dialog box and enter there: (1to15) LMC the Load case list field in the Selection of all load cases Calculations dialog box and enter there: (1to3) LMC the Calculations button Verification of the selected structure members is started (the verification is performed to obtain the results for particular structure members; however, it is not necessary); there will appear the Short results viewer Close Closing the Member Verification dialog box 2.8 Printout Composition Opening the Printout Composition — Wizard dialog box, where one can define the shape of the printout for the File Menu / Printout Composition currently designed structure LMC the Simplified printout tab Go to the Simplified printout tab

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 33 Switch off the options (symbol Data concerning quantity survey and combinations will not disappears): be included in the printout Quantity survey, Combinations Select the following data from the Selection of the data to be presented for the results of available lists: structure calculations Reactions — global extremes Displacements — envelope Forces — values Stresses — envelope LMC the Save template button Pressing this button results in going to the Templates tab in the Printout composition — Wizard dialog box and including the selected simplified printout elements in the right panel. LMC the Standard tab Going to the Standard tab Highlight the option in the left panel: Selection of elements for prinout composition Member Group Design LMC the Add button Going to the selected option in the right panel LMC the Preview button Presentation of the print preview of the defined printout for the designed structure Close Closing the print preview viewer Close Closing the Printout Composition — Wizard dialog box

page: 34 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 3. Elasto-Plastic Analysis This example presents definition, analysis and design of a simple 2D steel frame shown in the figure below. The definition process involves application of the truss generated by means of the library of typical structures available in the Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional program. The model considers the EuroCode code requirements with respect to geometrical imperfections and elasto-plastic material analysis. Data units: (m) and (kN). The following rules apply during structure definition: • any icon symbol means that the relevant icon is pressed with the left mouse button, • { x } stands for selection of the ‘x’ option in the dialog box, • LMC and RMC — abbreviations for the Left Mouse button Click and the Right Mouse button Click. • RSAP — abbreviations for the Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional. To run structure definition start the RSAP program (press the appropriate icon or select the command from the taskbar). In the vignette that will be displayed on the screen the first icon (Frame 2D Design) should be selected. 3.1 Model Definition 3.1.1 Code Selection PERFORMED OPERATION DESCRIPTION Tools menu / Job Preferences Opens the Job Preferences dialog box Materials Selects the Materials option from the tree in the dialog box Selection from the Materials Selects the Eurocode material database unfolding list: Eurocode Design codes Selects the Design codes option from the tree in the dialog box Steel / Aluminum structures: Selects EuroCode for steel structure design (EN 1993-1:2005) Loads Selects the Loads option from the tree in the dialog box

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 35 Code combinations: Selects EuroCode for automatic code combinations EN 1990:2002 Accept warnings of the code changes OK Accepts adopted parameters and closes the Job Accept warnings of the code preferences dialog box changes Accept warnings of the code changes. 3.1.2 Structural Axis Definition Geometry menu / Axis definition Starts definition of structural axes. The Structural Axis dialog box is displayed on the screen On the X tab: Defines parameters of the vertical structural axes Position: {0} Number of Repetitions: {2} Vertical axes have been defined and are entered to the Distance: {6} Defined axes field Numbering: 1, 2, 3 … Starts defining parameters of the horizontal structural axes LMC the Insert button Defines parameters of the horizontal structural axes LMC the Z tab First horizontal axis has been defined and entered to the On the Z tab: Defined axes field Position: {0.0} Numbering: A, B, C … The remaining axes have been defined and entered to the LMC the Insert button Defined axes field Generates defined structural axes and closes the Position: {3.6}, Insert Structural Axis dialog box. The structural axes presented Position: {6.0}, Insert in the figure below are displayed on the screen. Position: {7.2}, Insert Apply, Close

page: 36 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 3.1.3 Member Definition Geometry / Properties / Sections Opens the Sections dialog box Select the New section definition Opens the New Section dialog box icon. Select the I-section family, Defines the following sections: IPE 240, HEA 240 and HEA in the Section field select section 300 IPE 240, Add HEA 300, Add HEA 240, Add Close (New Section dialog box) Closes the Sections and New Section dialog boxes Close (Sections dialog box) Opens the Bars dialog box Select the Bars icon from the Structure Model toolbar. LMC the Bar type field and select Selects properties of a bar to be designed. The Section field type: Column should show the recently-defined section HEA 240 LMC the Beginning field (the field Starts defining bars in the structure (structure columns) background changes to green) Indicate graphically or type the Defines columns positioned on the structural lines marked points of the beginning and end of with numbers 1 and 3 (in the A-C range) bars (0,0) (0,6), Add (12,0) (12,6), Add

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 37 LMC the Section field and select Selects HEA 300 as the current section section HEA 300 LMC the Beginning field (the field Starts defining bars in the structure (middle column) background changes to green) Indicate graphically or type the Defines a column positioned on the structural line marked points of bar beginning and end with number 2 (in the A-B range) (6,0) (6,3.6), Add LMC the Bar type field and select the Selects properties of a bar to be designed. type: Beam LMC the Section field and select Selects IPE 240 as the current section section IPE 240 LMC the Beginning field (the field Starts defining bars in the structure (a beam between the background changes to green) columns) Indicate graphically or type the Defines a beam positioned on the structural line marked points of bar beginning and end with letter B (in the 2-3 range) (6.0,3.6) (12.0,3.6), Add Close Closes the Bars dialog box View menu / Display Opens the Display dialog box Bars tab, switch on the Section — shape option Apply

page: 38 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 3.1.4 Library Structure Definition Nodes tab, switch on the Node numbers option Structure tab, switch off the Structural axis option Apply, OK Opens the Typical Structures dialog box and starts Select the Library Structure icon defining a library structure from the Structure Model toolbar. LMC (twice) the Selects the triangular truss of the 1 type. The Merge (first icon in the last row) Structure dialog box is displayed on the screen in which icon truss parameters may be defined. On the Dimensions tab Defines truss length (it may also be defined graphically in LMC the Length L field the graphical viewer) {12} LMC the Height H field Defines truss height (it may also be defined graphically in {1.2} the graphical viewer) LMC the option: Moments Released: No LMC on the Sections tab; Assigns the section to the truss bars. To all truss chords (upper and lower) assign (DCED 90×10) and to diagonals, posts asign (CAE 70×7) LMC the Insert tab LMC the Insertion point field Defines the beginning node of the truss Indicate graphically node no. 2 of the coordinates (0, 0, 6) Apply Considers the data entered, data modification is possible OK Generates the defined truss and closes the Merge Structure dialog box. The structure defined is shown in the figure below.

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 39 3.1.5 Auxiliary Node Addition Edit menu / Divide Opens the Division dialog box The Division field LMC Selects the manner of defining the insertion of the division • in distance node — through a coordinate on the bar length In the Distance from the top field Determines the point where the auxiliary node is to be enter the value 3.6 (m) inserted Move to the graphical viewer and Indicates the bar to be divided. Note: if the division through indicate (LMC) the left column at its the coordinate on the bar length is defined, take note that base (bar no.1) the coordinate is calculated from the indicated bar beginning. Close Closes the Division dialog box 3.1.6 Brackets on Bars Definition Geometry menu / Additional Opens the Brackets dialog box Attributes / Brackets LMC the field with the list of defined Selects the bracket type (it will be highlighted) attributes, select the default one Bracket_ 0.1×1 Move to the graphical viewer; Defines brackets on the beam beginning and beam end indicate beginning and end of the beam (no. 4) Close Closes the Brackets dialog box

page: 40 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 3.1.7 Support Definition Opens the Supports dialog box Select the Supports icon from the Structure Model toolbar. In the Supports dialog box select Select the fixed support type (it will be highlighted) Fixed support Move to the graphical viewer; Assigns the support at node no. 1. indicate node no.1 (the bottom node of the extreme column) In the Supports dialog box select Select the pinned support type (it will be highlighted) Pinned support Move to the graphical viewer; Assigns the supports at nodes nos. 3 and 5. indicate nodes nos. 3 and 5 (bottom nodes of the remaining columns) Close Closes the Supports dialog box 3.1.8 Definition of Geometrical Imperfections Geometry menu / Additional Opens the Geometrical Imperfections dialog box Attributes / Geometrical Imperfections Select Definition of a new type Opens the Imperfection definition dialog box of geometrical imperfection icon. In the Label field enter Defines parameters of a new imperfection type with the During_Assembly deflection value equal to 5 cm. switch off the Automatic option switch on the User-defined option switch on the Absolute option enter the value 5 (cm) Add, Close Defines the imperfection and closes the Imperfection definition dialog box LMC in the field with the list of Selects the imperfection type (it will be highlighted) defined attributes, select the default imperfection type (Automatic) Move to the graphical viewer; Defines the imperfection (automatic imperfection according indicate bar no. 1 (left column) to EC3) for the column LMC the field with the list of defined Selects the imperfection type (it will be highlighted) attributes, select the defined imperfection type During_Assembly Move to the graphical viewer; select Defines imperfection (defined by the user) for the bottom the bottom truss chord (bar no. 5) truss chord

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 41 Close Closes the Geometrical Imperfections dialog box 3.1.9 Load Case Definition in the bottom status bar Restores a default set of attribute display Loads menu / Load Types LMC the New button Opens the Load Types dialog box Defines the load case with the nature: dead and standard LMC the Nature field: Live (Live 1) name DL1 Selects the load case nature: live LMC the New button Defines the load case with the nature: live and standard LMC the Close button name LL1 Closes the Load Types dialog box 3.1.10 Load Definition for Generated Cases select 1: DL1 Selects case no. 1 — self-weight load DL1. Loads menu / Load Definition Select the Bar tab Opens the Load Definition dialog box. Selects Uniform load. Values: Defines the value of the uniform load on the bar pZ: {-3} (kN/m), Add LMC the Apply to field — enter the Defines the uniform load on the indicated bars — it models bars of the external envelope: the weight of wall and roof cladding. 1267 Apply Defines a load applied to the list of bars Selects the live load case LL1. select 2: LL1 Select the Node tab Selects the Nodal Force load Load parameters, Defines values of the nodal load. X: {10} (kN) Z: {-100} (kN) LMC the Add button provided in the bottom part of the dialog box

page: 42 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 Move to the graphical viewer Defines the nodal load which models the overhead traveling presenting the structure view and crane load. indicate (LMC) nodes no. 6 and 18 Close Closes the Load Definition dialog box. 3.1.11 Snow/Wind Load Generation Loads menu / Special loads / Wind Opens the Snow and Wind 2D/3D dialog box and Snow 2D/3D Press the Auto button Automatically generates the external structure envelope for the Total depth field: 30, generation of snow/wind loads the Bay spacing field: 6 (m) Press the Parameters button Opens the additional dialog box (Snow/Wind Loads 2D/3D) in which detailed parameters may be defined. The default parameters will be adopted. Generate, OK Pressing this button starts generation of snow/wind loads for the adopted parameters. On the screen calculation notes will be displayed presenting parameters of snow and wind load cases. Close the text editor with the New load cases have been generated (wind and snow calculation notes loads). Close Closes the Snow and Wind 2D/3D dialog box 3.1.12 Automatic Code Combinations Generation Loads menu / Automatic Opens the Load Case Code Combinations dialog box Combinations according to EN 1990:2002. Select Full automatic combinations Selecting this option and clicking OK generates full code combinations after static structure calculations. More > On the Combinations tab switch off ACC and FEU options Generate Closes the code combination dialog box and defines combinations. 3.2 Structural Analysis and Result Verification Analysis menu / Calculations Runs calculations. Results menu / Stresses Opens the bar stress table.

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 43 LMC the Global extremes tab Calculates maximal stresses in bars. located at the bottom of the table area. LMC in the top right table corner Closes the table. File menu / Save Opens the dialog box for saving. In the File name field enter the The default saving format: RTD. selected name of the example, e.g. Frame_EC3 LMC the Save button Saves the example. 3.3 Elasto-Plastic Analysis In addition, the analysis of accidental hitting the workshop column by the overhead traveling crane will be performed. In this case, the analysis in the plastic range will be considered. 3.3.1 Change of Load Case Definitions Loads menu / Load Types Opens the Load Types dialog box LMC the Delete all button Deletes all load cases LMC the New button Defines the load case with the default nature and the standard name DL1 Close Closes the Load Types dialog box Loads menu / Load Definition Opens the Load Definition dialog box. Selects the Nodal Force load. Load parameters, Defines values of the nodal load. X: {120} (kN) Z: {0} LMC the Add button provided in the bottom part of the dialog box Move to the graphical viewer with the Defines the nodal load — it models the accidental load structure view and indicate (LMC) resulting from the overhead traveling crane. node no. 18 Close Closes the Load Definition dialog box.

page: 44 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 3.3.2 Structural Analysis Analysis menu / Calculations Runs calculations Locate the mouse cursor on the Opens the context menu of the structure view. extreme column (bar 1) so that it becomes highlighted, RMC Object Properties Activates the Bar properties option containing information about bar no.1. The Code check tab Performs the simplified design of the steel bar. As it can be seen, it does not satisfy the conditions of code verification. Close Closes the Bar properties dialog box. 3.3.3 Change of Bar Sections for Elasto-Plastic Analysis Opens the Sections dialog box Select the Bar Sections icon from the Structure Model toolbar. LMC on HEA 240 on the section list Selects the current section Select the New section definition Opens the New Section dialog box with HEA 240 section selected icon. LMC the field next to the Elasto- Switches on the elasto-plastic analysis for the section plastic analysis button selected. A new section name is defined: HEA 240EP Add, Close Defines the section HEA 240EP, closes the New Section dialog box. Move to the graphical viewer with the Changes the section of the indicated bars to HEA 240EP structure view and select (LMC) section. external columns (bars no. 1, 2) Accept the warning of changing the result status to ’not available’. In the Sections dialog box LMC on IPE 240 on the section list Selects the current section Select the New section definition Opens the New Section dialog box with IPE 240 section selected icon. LMC the field next to the Elasto- Switches on the elasto-plastic analysis for the section plastic analysis button selected. A new section name is defined: IPE 240EP Add, Close Defines the section IPE 240EP, closes the New Section dialog box. Move to the graphical viewer with the Changes the section of the indicated bar to IPE 240EP structure view and indicate (LMC) section. the beam (bar no. 4) Close in the Sections dialog box Closes the Sections dialog box.

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 45 3.3.4 Structural Analysis and Result Verification Analysis menu / Calculations Runs calculations. Results menu / Displacements Opens the node displacement table. LMC the Global Extremes tab Calculates maximal displacements of nodes (see the figure below). As it can be seen, in spite of the work in the plastic range, the structure retains stability. File menu / Save as Opens the saving dialog box. In the File name field enter a The default saving format — RTD. selected name of the example e.g. Frame_EC3_EP LMC the Save button Saves the example.

page: 46 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 4. Moving Loads — 2D Frame This example presents the definition, analysis and design of a simple 2D frame (see the figure below), for which a moving load case is defined. Units: (m) and (kN). Three load cases will be applied to the structure (self-weight and two load cases: wind and snow, shown in the figure below). Moreover, a moving load case will be applied to the structure. LOAD CASE 2 LOAD CASE 3 MOVING LOAD CASE The following rules will apply during structure definition: • any icon symbol means that the relevant icon is pressed with the left mouse button, • ( x ) stands for selection of the ‘x’ option in the dialog box or entering the ‘x’ value, • LMC and RMC — abbreviations for the Left Mouse button Click and the Right Mouse button Click. • RSAP — abbreviations for the Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional. In order to start defining a structure, one should run the RSAP program (press the relevant icon or select the relevant command from the toolbar). After a while, there appears on screen the dialog box, where one should select the first icon in the first row (2D frame ). NOTE: The European (French) section database (CATPRO) is used in the example.

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 47 4.1 Model Definition OPERATION PERFORMED DESCRIPTION Starts the definition of structure axes. The Structural axis Select the Axis Definition icon dialog box appears on screen. from the Structural Model toolbar. In the X tab: Definition of the parameters of vertical structural axes. Position: {0} Number of repetitions: {4} Distance: {3} Numbering: A, B, C … LMC the Insert button Vertical axes have been defined and introduced into the Set of defined axes field. LMC in the Z tab Starts the definition of the parameters of horizontal structural axes. In the Z tab: Defines the parameters of horizontal structural axes. enter the following coordinates of the successive axes: {0}, Insert {3}, Insert {5}, Insert {6.5}, Insert Numbering: 1, 2, 3 … Apply, Close Creates the defined structural axes and closes the Structural axis dialog box. 4.1.1 Member Definition Opens the Sections dialog box Select the Bar Selections icon from the Structural Model toolbar Opens the New sections dialog box Select the New Selection Definition icon Select the I-section group in the Defines a new section and closes the New sections dialog Section field and select the following box sections: HEA 200, HEA 260 and IPE 200 Add, Close Close Closes the Sections dialog box Opens the Bars dialog box Select the Bars icon from the Structural Model toolbar LMC in the BAR TYPE field: Column Selects bar properties LMC in the SECTION field and select the section type: HEA 260

page: 48 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 LMC in the Beginning field (color of a Starts defining bars in the structure (columns of the field background changes to green) structure) Column 1 — between Grids A1-A3, Defines structure columns. The figure below presents with the following coordinates: the structure created up to this moment. Beginning: (0,0) End: (0,5) Column 2 — between Grids E1-E3, with the following coordinates: Beginning: (12,0) End: (12,5) Column 3 – between Grids C1-C2, with the following coordinates: Beginning: (6,0) End: (6,3) Close Closes the Bars dialog box 4.1.2 Library Structure Definition (a Roof and an Overhead Traveling Crane Beam) Opens the Typical structures dialog box and starts Select the Library Structure icon defining a library structure (roof). from the Structural Model toolbar. LMC (twice) the icon Selects the triangular truss of type 1. On screen, there (1st icon in the last row) appears the Merge structure dialog box where one may define truss parameters In the Dimensions tab LMC the Length L field Defines truss length (one may also define it graphically in {12} the graphical viewer) LMC the Height H field Defines truss height (one may also define it graphically in {1.5} the graphical viewer)

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 page: 49 LMC in the Number of fields field Defines the number of fields into which the truss will be {8} divided LMC on the Sections tab; Assigns the section to the truss bars. To all truss chords (upper and lower) assign (DCED 90×10) and to diagonals, posts asign (CAE 70×7) LMC in the Insert tab LMC in the Insertion point field Defines the insertion node for the truss select point A3 with the following coordinates (0,0,5) Apply, OK Creates the defined structure in the indicated place within the structure and closes the Merge structure dialog box Geometry menu / Releases Opens the Releases dialog box LMC on the release type: Pinned- Selects the release type to be assigned to the truss bar Fixed LMC on the Current selection field, Selects the truss bar; ATTENTION: take note of the arrows switch to the graphic viewer and that appear on the highlighted truss bar – while indicating indicate the highest truss post (in the the bar the arrows should be pointed up (the direction of the roof ridge) by hovering your curser release is significant: at the first node the pinned connection over the element. remains, whereas at the second one – the fixed connection is defined) Close Closes the Releases dialog box Select the Library Structure icon Reopens the Typical structures dialog box and starts from the Structural Model toolbar. defining a library structure (moving-crane beam). (3rd icon in the second row) LMC (twice) in the icon Selects the rectangular truss of type 3. On screen, there appears the Merge structure dialog box where one may define truss parameters On the Dimensions tab Defines truss length (one may also define it graphically in LMC the Length L field the graphical viewer) {12} LMC the Height H field Defines truss height (one may also define it graphically in {1.0} the graphical viewer) LMC in the Number of fields field Defines the number of fields into which the truss will be {8} divided LMC on the Sections tab; Assigns the section to the truss bars. To all truss chords (upper and lower) assign (DCED 90×10) and to diagonals, posts asign (CAE 70×7) LMC in the Insert tab LMC in the Insertion point field Defines the insertion node for the truss select the point with the following coordinates (0,0,2)

page: 50 Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional 2010 Apply, OK Creates the defined structure in the indicated place within the structure and closes the Merge structure dialog box Select the side posts of the moving- crane truss and the central post (see the figure) — the bars become highlighted (bars 108, 112 and 116) Press the Delete button on the Deletes the selected structure bars keyboard Select No, delete only the selected bars and press Apply button 4.1.3 Support Definition Opens the Supports dialog box Select the Supports icon from the Structural Model toolbar LMC in the Current selection field on Selects structure nodes where supports will be applied the Nodal tab Go to the graphical viewer; while The selected nodes (1 3 5) will be inserted in the Current holding the left mouse button selection field. pressed, select with the window all the lower nodes of the columns (the points located at the level of structural axis 1) In the Supports dialog box, select Selects the support type the icon referring to the fixed support (it will be highlighted) Apply The selected support type will be applied to the selected structure nodes. Close Closes the Supports dialog box

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(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 01 April 2023)

  • 1, Autodesk AUTODESK ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PROFESSIONAL Autodesk ® Robot ™ Structural Analysis Professional Comprehensive analysis for your structural projects.

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  • 3, Modeling, Analysis, and Design While Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional can enable users to analyze a wide range of structures, the software includes features specifically created for the modeling, analysis, and design of buildings. The building design layout includes floor plane views to more easily create columns and generate beam framing …

  • 4, Autodesk AUTODESK ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PROFESSIONAL Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software is a comprehensive global analysis application with an open API, delivering more flexibility to analyze and design a broad range of structures. Greater Versatility and Global Analysis Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design Solution Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional contains integrated reinforced concrete and …

  • 5, Building Information Modeling for Structural Engineering BIM for structural engineers follows this same methodology for the entire structural engineering process, focusing on a digital model that can be used for coordination with architects; mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineers; and civil engineers that is integrated with analysis, design, and const…

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2009 г. — 130 стр.

В книге рассматриваются основные функции программного комплекса Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional, достаточные для выполнения расчётной части проектной документации строительных конструкций.
Изложение материала осуществляется простым, доступным языком для специалиста конструкторского проектирования, среднестатистического уровня.
В книге в качестве примера описывается ход проектирования здания смешанной конструктивной системы из железобетонных и стальных элементов.
Процесс обучения начитается от начальных этапов работы с исходными данными (настроек, заданием осей и т. п.) и заканчивается этапами подготовки документации стадии П проекта (подбор сечений, армирования и т. п.).
Книга будет полезна как начинающим специалистам, так и опытным конструкторам в целях рассмотрения подхода к проектированию и проектных решений реализованных на данном программном комплексе.

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