Данное прохождение затрагивает в большей части только основные сюжетные моменты, поэтому энное количество второстепенных квестов вкупе с многовариантностью их решения остались за бортом. Не забывайте также по ходу дела обшаривать все ящики, сундуки или бочки, попадающиеся на пути, иногда в них могут быть оружие или ценные квестовые предметы, правда, часть из них снабжена защитными ловушками.
После всех тренировок в Академии поговорите с охранником, он пропустит вас к Aribeth, которая даст ключ (aribeth’s key). Выходите из зала, на вас нападет тучка гоблинов, кругом будет море трупов и предсмертных стонов. Откройте ключом дверь, поговорите с Pavel’ом, потом с Geldar’ом и на следующей карте после небольшой битвы с Fenthick Moss и Desther Indelayne. Вам нужно найти компоненты, чтобы с их помощью можно было создать лекарство от охватившей город чумы. Выходите в ворота.
Глава 1.
City Core: Sanatorium.
В Halls of Justice вас встретит Fenthick, после разговора идите в следующую дверь.
В зале с колоннами поговорите с Aribeth, она прикажет найти и вернуть ей waterdhavian creatures (компоненты для лекарства) и попутно искать улики, чтобы определить, кто организовал атаку на Академию. Еще она даст Stone of Recall — при помощи этого камня вы можете в любой момент телепортироваться в ближайший храм (Temple of Tyr). Учтите, что в храм вас доставят совершенно бесплатно, а вот вернут обратно в то место, откуда вы телепортировались, уже за деньги. Выходите в город.
Поговорите с Bethany, от нее узнаете, что сбежали заключенные. Дальше вы можете просто обшарить город и найти массу интересных мест, также заработать немного денег. После идите в бар Trade of Blades и наймите себе напарника — henchmen’а.
Нанять можно хоть всех, но ходить с вами будет только один, поэтому сразу подумайте, кого взять лучше всего: мага, вора, воина или прочих. Впрочем, вы всегда можете передумать и поменять своего напарника, в каждой новой главе все henchman’ы для удобства будут обитать в одном месте. За 50 монет купите у Craxx’а пропуск в Gauntlet. Его нужно показать бармену в Board Laid Bare Tavern. Идите в другой район города.
В штабе милиции поговорите с Sedos Sebile, узнаете, где искать ключ от ворот тюрьмы. Спуститесь в водосточные трубы на юго-западе, завалите бандита и заберите его перчатки и prison key. Идите в тюрьму. Вам нужно найти способ спустится ниже, для этого надо нажать два рычага.
Containment Level.
Разберитесь с магом в центральной комнате, рядом с троном будет рычаг. Второй рычаг находится рядом с лестницей наверх. Поговорите со стражем Emernik’ом.
Спуститесь на уровень ниже, встретите Head Gaoler, только он скроется за дверью, оставив охранника. Поговорите с Kordan Fenkt, далее идите в дверь, куда испарился Gaoler.
Lair of Devourer.
Поколотите Gaoler’a, он будет несколько раз менять обличье, после заберите Ironwood и Halberd +1. Когда наконец убьете тварь, возьмите Devourer’s Brain.
После этого в Peninsula District снова воцарится мир и спокойствие.
Перенеситесь, или дотопайте на своих двоих, в замок и поговорите с Aribeth.
Скажите про Brain, вам осталось найти еще три составляющих.
Beggar’s Nest.
Зайдите в бар Shining Serpent Inn, поболтайте с Harben’ом. Он пообещает награду за информацию о том, кто стоит за беспорядками в этом районе города. Вам нужно разыскать Krestal и Jemanie. Ну, а чтобы окончательно разобраться во всем, нужно попасть в Great Graveyard.
В одном из забаррикадировавшихся домов найдете Krestal’а на втором этаже. Зайдите в Warehouse на севере, спуститесь в подвал. Замочите Drawl и освободите из заточения Walters’a. Спуститесь еще ниже, в Crypts, дверь дальше пока закрыта.
Выходите на улицу и попробуйте зайти в Strange Building. Вас не пропустят, сказав, что проходят только служители культа, у кого есть соответствующий жетон.
Исследуйте второй Barricaded Home на западе, поговорите с Jemanie. Священнику в храме Temple of Helm можете рассказать о трупе его брата, если вы обнаружили его на улице. После разговора с Jemanie идите в Strange Building, на этот раз вас пропустят.
Snake Cult Estate.
Разберитесь с культистами, убейте лидера культа змеи. Рядом с запертой дверью, в соседней комнате, нажмите рычаг. После убейте мощного паучка. Вылезайте в Great Graveyard и идите в склеп Warrens of the Damned. Найдите за решеткой Jared’a, в соседней комнате будет ключ (ancient key). Потом повоюйте с Gulnan’ом. Возьмите Yan-Ti Heart, Special Holy Water. Вернитесь в замок и поговорите с Aribeth.
Осталось найти два предмета.
Blacklake District.
Поговорите с Cendran’ом, расскажет, что люди стали сходить с ума. Зайдите в башню Ruined Tower, убейте Loxar’a, заберите его голову. Снова поболтайте с Cendran’ом.
Зайдите в Board Laid Bare и поговорите с Thurin’ом, он предложит вознаграждение за возвращение его солдата Samoel’a. Поговорите с барменом, скажите ему про пропуск, он даст ключ. Идите в дверь в центре.
Blacklake Gauntlet.
Поговорите с Glaudus’ом, он распорядитель этих полулегальных боев, потом с Kellisai. Согласитесь на участие в турнире и сразитесь с Hrusk’oм, Fashi, Claudus’ом. Выходите и поговорите с барменом, теперь вы являетесь владельцем бара и можете приходить каждую неделю за своей долей. Выходите на улицу, можете сходить в местный зоопарк (NWN Zoo), за вход берут всего один золотой. У входа на территорию Meldanen’а поговорите с Orrean’ом, за 200 монет он вас пропустит.
Заходите в особняк.
Meldanen’s Estate.
Поговорите с Grommin’ом, если его убедить, что вы друг его хозяина, он откроет дверь. Первый раз побейтесь с Meldanen’ом, спуститесь на нижний уровень, перебейте всех зверушек, поговорите с Dryad. Снова займитесь Meldanen’ом и потом сами решайте, что с ним делать. Освободите Dryad, она даст вам клок своих волос (lock of dryad hair). Покажите его Aribeth. One more to go…
Docks District.
Зайдите в Trading Company. На первом этаже есть странная дверь, для которой нужен ключ. Его вам потом даст Dara’nei. На втором этаже убейте несколько крутых жуков, в одном из ящиков будет кровь дракона. Идите в Locked House на северо-западе, в одном из сундуков записка от Calik и Tavern Key.
Теперь наведайтесь в Seedy Tavern, туда вас пустят либо в специальной одежде, либо если вы заплатите местной валютой (5 black smugglers coins), что можно пособирать с трупов. Поговорите с Chef, вам потребуется пароль или все могут решить деньги, открывайте дверь. Спускайтесь на нижний этаж.
Bloodsailor Hideout.
Освободите Dara’nei, даст Dara’nei’s locket. Вернитесь в Silver Sails и откройте strange door. Внутри крутится паук, потом спускайтесь по ступенькам вниз.
Dock Aqueducts.
Посмотрите на Mysterious Boat, поговорите у нее с Charon’ом. Попросите его отвезти вас с Sewers.
Встретитесь с Vengaul’ом и Calik’ом. Перед тем как их прикончить — поговорите, попросите все отдать по-хорошему. Откройте ящик поблизости и возьмите Cockatrice Feather. Поговорите с Aribeth, вас пригласят на ритуал по случаю изготовления спасительного Cure.
Ritual Chamber.
Поговорите с Judge Uskar, Sergol, Aribeth. Начнется ритуал, выявивший предателя в сплоченных рядах высших эшелонов NWN. Перебейте всех нападающих, поговорите с Aribeth, прыгайте в портал.
Road to Helm’s Hold.
Вам надо найти Desther’a, предателя, что украл Cure. Поговорите с Strange Visage и идите в Helm’s Hold.
Helm’s Hold Courtyard.
После небольшой заварушки идите в Side Entrance.
Helm’s Hold.
Встретите тварь Chaohinon of the Vold, поговорите с ним. Вы можете помочь ему завершить его воссоздание. Для этого в соседней комнате возьмите книгу — Black Grimoire и положите ее на алтарь. В награду монстр наградит вас повышением всех основных показателей героя, правда, очень быстро все его бонусы испарятся как роса поутру. Поднимитесь на второй этаж и поговорите с Fenthick Moss, он помогал предателю, и ступайте в металлическую дверь. Перебейте всех, поговорите с Desther’ом. Он принадлежит группе People of the Eye, которые в свою очередь подчиняются культу Old Ones.
Глава 2.
Desther’a сожгли на костре, туда ему и дорога. Теперь нужно найти культ и его покровителей, которые стояли за всеми безобразиями, творившимися в NWN. Вы сейчас находитесь в Port Llast, вашей новой базе. Поговорите в соседней комнате с Aribeth и Aarin Gend. Здесь же можете встретить своего henchmen’a и прочих наемников.
Поиски следует следов вести в нескольких направлениях, но основными станут город Luskan на севере, Neverwinter Wood на востоке и South Road. Выходите на улицу. Farmer’s Son поведает о том, что в округе их фермы появилась куча агрессивных монстров и посоветует поговорить с его отцом Gerrol’ом. Идите на северную дорогу.
North Road.
Поговорите у дома с Gerrol’ом, у него пропала жена. Идите дальше по дороге на север, лезьте в пещеру (cave). Там спускайтесь на нижний уровень и у трона встретите Bugbear Chef. В тюрьме найдете и пропавшую жену Leah. спускайтесь еще ниже, в Ogre Caves. В тюрьме сидит Nuglat, поговорите с ним. Забейте всех монстров и Darglab’a, заберите его голову. Отнесите ее Gerrol’у, получите немного очков опыта. Поговорите с Aribeth, покажите ей Ganon’s Journal. Ступайте по дороге в Charwood.
У домика с коровами поговорите с Pete O’Deel. На его ферму нападают волки, он пообещает за голову их главаря Silverback’а вознаграждение в 300 монет. Эту зверюгу вы найдете в пещере у водопада, потом отнесите голову фермеру и получите причитающиеся вам деньги. Идите на следующую карту — Entrance to Charwood.
Пройдите через лес и в Charwood Village.
С вами заговорит Quint, открывайте ворота и идите дальше. Зайдите в дом мэра и поговорите с Mayor Mobley. В городе пропадают дети, нужно это расследовать. На востоке карты поговорите с Castle Guard’ом, он откроет ворота в замок.
Castle Jhareg Main Floor.
В центре будет сундук и записка про три двери (3 parts of Justice). Как видно, есть варианты, решайте сами в какую дверь следует идти. Если вы выбрали дверь на западе, то завалите там несколько Fire Elemental’ов, поговорите с Guardian’ом, он даст ключ от северных ворот. За ним будет вход в две башни.
Karlat Jhareg’s Tower.
После кучки боев поговорите с Karlat Jhareg’ом и возьмите с него клятву (oaths). После идите во вторую башню (Quint Jhared Tower) и убедите поклясться второго брата — Quint Jhared’а. Спуститесь к Guardian’у и расскажите ему про клятвы обоих братьев. Он телепортирует их сюда, вы должны выбрать виновного или оправдать обоих. После этого они все исчезнут.
Вернитесь в деревню, поговорите с мэром. Тот (вернее монстр, в которого он превратился) скажет, что я проклял всю деревню. Уберите всех огненных монстров (возможно, что если бы вы выбрали другой путь, здесь обитали иные монстры), на выходе поговорите с strange man’ом. Он был направлен сюда Cult of The Eye, дабы найти важный артефакт, потом он нарвется на драку. Убейте и заберите Charwood Cultist’s Journal. Поговорите с Aribeth. Ей нужны еще доказательства, чтобы перенести поиски в Luskan.
Neverwinter Woods.
Откройте ворота, поговорите с археологом, потом с Jax. Археологи пытаются найти доказательства существования древней расы, что предположительно жили здесь лет 10.000 тому назад и держали все под контролем. Вас попросят принести книгу Creator’s Race. В бараке археологов поговорите с Revat’ом, тролли украли его мать. Он даст вам Revat’s Ring. Еще пообщайтесь с Lenton’ом, этот попросит принести ему голову босса троллей. Наконец спускайтесь в пещеру на востоке.
Поговорите с Janis (это пропавшая мать, она застряла в портале), отдайте ей кольцо. Спускайтесь ниже.
Troll Caves Level 1, 2, 3…
Освободите Darius’a. Еще ниже начнутся руины создателей…
Creator’s Ruins Level 1.
Поговорите с Seal Guardian Golem, он пока не пускает. На самом востоке карты из сундука возьмите Golem signet Ring и снова поговорите с големом. Он исчезнет, и вы сможете открыть проход.
Creator’s Ruins Level 2.
Второй охранный голем потребует от вас пароль. В одном из ящиков возле трех запертых комнат будет записка с паролем: «thurth mag lama gat rag».
Creator’s Ruins Level 3.
Третий голем уже ничего спрашивать не будет, а сразу ринется с кулаками в драку.
После его уничтожения проход все равно останется закрытым. Идите в центр карты и у тела возьмите Stolen Seal Key. Откройте им проход и сразитесь с Creator Sorcerer. За ним будет дверь, еще аналогичный маг. Когда вы его почти победите, он начнет с вами разговаривать и очень удивится тому, что теперь люди правят миром. Откройте сундук, заберите Complete History of the Creators Ruins. Нажмите пластину и ступайте в портал, который возвратит вас наверх. В стане археологов поговорите с Revat’ом, Jax’ом — отдайте ему книгу. Идите по указателю East Road, NWN Wood.
Neverwinter Druid Encampment.
Поговорите с Elgar’ом, Janken’ом и Archdruid’ом. Животные в округе стали агрессивнее, потому что что-то случилось со Spirit of the Wood. Скажите, что согласитесь помочь спасти духа леса и найти пропавших друидов. Поговорите с Jaer, если вы являетесь друидом, то, пройдя определенный ритуал, сможете повысить свой ранг. Наконец, поговорите с Dregin и ступайте в ворота позади него.
Neverwinter Wood — Deep Woods.
Побейте Dryad, потом поговорите с ней. Она сходит с ума и на всех бросается. На этой карте есть еще важная локация — Nymph’s home. Ключ можете обнаружить в одном из сундуков. В саду поговорите с Terari, потом с Nymph, предварительно убрав всех ее охранников. Чтобы найти духа леса, нужно перенестись в другое измерение — провести ритуал, порезав себя ритуальным ножом и пролив кровь в бассейн. Возьмите этот кинжал из сундука рядом. Вернитесь в лагерь и поговорите с архидруидом.
Идите на карту с Nymph’s home и на этот раз спуститесь в пещеру. Повоюйте с пауками и Queen Spider. Из кокона освободите Orlane, опять поговорите с архидруидом.
Neverwinter Wood — Heart of Forest.
Найдите алтарь и выберите опцию «вонзить кинжал в грудь и заставить сделать это henchmen’a».
Realm of the Spirit.
Поговорите с Relmar’ом, убейте его и заберите Relmar’s Journal. Это еще одно доказательство, указывающее на Maugrim’a и Tower в Luskan’e. Далее поколотите Spirit of the Wood, потом поговорите с ним. Идите к порталу и перенеситесь обратно в NWN Wood. Идите в пещеру за водопадом.
Setara’s home.
Поговорите с Setara, она потребует зеркало нимфы. Можете искать зеркало, а можете ее просто убить и забрать Setara’s key. Откройте при помощи этого ключа камеру и освободите Bree. Поговорите в лагере с Архидруидом. Еще вы можете попробовать вылечить духа леса.
Поговорите с Aribeth, покажите журнал Relmar’a. Поговорите с Aarin Gend’ом.
Завершите все свои задачи здесь, поскольку после путешествия в Luskan вернуться обратно вы уже не сможете. Идите в North Road, мимо Green Griffon Inn. У ворот вас встретят три бандита.
Green Griffon Inn.
Поговорите с Dytd, Gam. Здесь проходят соревнования: кто первым пройдет лабиринт, напичканный ловушками и монстрами, тот и получает главный приз. Поговорите с Mutamin’ом за стойкой о «competition», он даст вами ключ от задней двери. По лестнице спускайтесь в повал, поговорите с Jaroo, отсыпьте ему 500 золотых.
Mutamin’s Challenge Level 1.
В конце поговорите с Yuan-Ti, он загадает вам загадку. Если ответите правильно (2-й вариант), то пропустит дальше.
Mutamin’s Challenge Level 1, 2, 3…
Посмотрите на статую, загадка про внучек и правнучек. За одной из дверей, той, что с правильным ответом, находится разгадка. В общем, откройте дверь рядом со знаком 19 и возьмите Green Griffon Puzzle Door Key. откройте им дверь и идите к Pillar of Light. Здесь буду невидимые скелеты и сундуки с призами: кристальным яйцом и кристальным черепом. У статуи, которая закрывает проход, будет еще одна загадка. У меня она была про яйцо, его я и положил в сундук рядом, окажетесь наверху.
Поговорите с Jaroo, потом обратитесь насчет приза к Mutamin’у. Выходите на улицу, и идите к воротам в Luskan. Поговорите с сержантом, который откроет ворота.
Идите в Temple of Tyr и поговорите с Aarin, леди Aribeth исчезла. Вам нужно попасть в Host Tower, но туда пускают только по специальным бумагам. Эти бумаги есть у высших капитанов (high captains), потом бумаги следует передать Aarin Gend’у, который и приведет их в надлежащий вид.
Ступайте в Baram’s Quarter Sewers, поговорите с Baram’ом. Он попросит вас убить Kurth’a, что находится в West Harbour (вход в стене рядом со старой башней).
Откройте дверь, перебейте всех и поднимитесь наверх. Разрушьте алтарь у Bone Spirit Ritual, скелеты перестанут появляться. Далее вынесите всех у Shrine Spirit Ritual, завалите магов у Necromantic Summoning Portal. Подберите Crypt Key, откройте им дверь на севере карты. Убейте капитана, заберите его голову и оружие.
Из сундука в центре возьмите High Captains Seal.
Поговорите с Aarin Gend’ом, он вручит вам пропуск в башню — Diplomatic Pass. Если вы решили разобраться еще и с Kurth’ом, то полезайте в Kurth’s Lair, прикончите его (можете согласиться на вознаграждение за голову его врага). Потом прихватите его голову и Prison Key. В соседней комнате освободите заключенного. Награду за его освобождение обещал Elynwyd. Из фонтана возьмите Glowing Sphere.
Подойдите к стражнику у Host Tower и покажите ему пропуск, проходите в ворота.
Покажите пропуск Captain Islund’у, он откроет дверь, если с ним правильно поговорить.
Ambassador’s Quarters.
У фонтана стоят два Shield Guardian’a. В комнате поговорите с Yenasha, в другой с Gurak Entrailspiller. Прибейте стража в маленькой комнате на востоке и заберите Tower Entry Key. Прихватите и письмо к Aribeth. Откройте ключом дверь, идите к порталу.
Level 2.
Разберитесь с магом и из сундука возьмите «6th floor portal stone». Подойдите к телепортеру и перенеситесь на другой этаж.
Level 6.
В одном из сундуков будет камень на 8-ой уровень.
Level 8.
После побоища возьмите за троном камень на 4-й уровень.
Level 4.
Найдите в сундуках Golem Replication Rod и Golem Control Rod. Вставьте их в пьедестал у желтого портала. Появится Helmed Horror и сломает закрытую дверь.
Идите за ним, сразитесь, потом поговорите с Rimardo Domine. что с ним делать решайте сами, после в его библиотеке возьмите камень на 7-й уровень.
Level 7.
Убейте минотавров, освободите или убейте Lich’a, освободите Deltagar.
Maugrim ищет древние артефакты, Word of Power. Всего их 4 штуки, один он уже нашел, вам предстоит разыскать три оставшихся. Подберите prison key и Pinnacle Portal Stone. Идите к порталу и перенеситесь наверх.
Поговорите с Arklem’ом, разбейте четыре подставки (brazier), чтобы освободить его.
За это он откроет дверь, идите в портал. Окажетесь на самой крыше, увидите ворота, за которыми стоит Maugrim и предательница Aribeth. Скоро они вас заметят, откроют ворота и нападут. Если этого не произойдет — попробуйте подойти к воротам вплотную или же используйте на них какое-нибудь заклинание. Перебейте всех, потом спускайтесь вниз по лестнице.
Maugrim’s Lair.
Убейте голема в библиотеке, возьмите из ящика Maugrim’s Journal. Поговорите с Aarin Gend’ом.
Глава 3.
Beorunna’s Well.
С вами поговорит Aarin. Теперь как раз и нужно разыскать три оставшихся Word of Power. Идите в Drinking House, поговорите с Lillian, скажет, где, по слухам, следует искать. Также попросит принести для нее Snow Globe, его украл маг Nax и даст вам teleportation scroll. Идите по дороге в Coldwood.
Пообщайтесь с Delvar Vanathar’ом — это шпион, которого направили исследовать эту территорию. В середине леса, за лагерем, будет Yaath. Если его немного побить, то он согласится поговорить. Можете забрать его золото и отпустить.
Wizard’s Circle.
В лесной чаще найдите портал и перенеситесь в Wizard’s Dungeon. Найдите четыре гонга с изображениями собаки, пумы, медведя и дракона. Если на них кликнуть, то раздастся звук рычания этих животных. Нажмите их в следующем порядке: пума, собака, медведь, дракон (такой порядок битвы двух магов был описан в записке на одной из полок). Откроется металлическая дверь рядом. За ней будет пьедестал со Snow Globe. Дальше можете просто отнести эту сферу Lillian, а можете еще поколдовать… Например, в тюрьме поговорить с Nax’ом, он попросит вас его освободить, для чего нужно вызвать water elemental из бассейна. Для ритуалов найдите rakshasa eye и quartz crystal, slaadi tongue, melf’s acid arrow…
В Drinking House поговорите с Lillian, отдайте ей сферу. Теперь вам нужно попасть внутрь самой сферы, поскольку один из артефактов находится именно там. Поднимитесь по лестнице наверх, вторая дверь слева. Коснитесь пьедестала и… enter the globe.
Snow Globe.
Поговорите с Dryad, здесь идет бесконечная война с гномами. Поэтому на гномов можете особо силы не тратить (хотя для прокачки, наверное, сие неплохо будет), они все равно тут же возродятся из портала, а идти дальше. И в пещеру.
Snow Globe Cave.
Поговорите с Guardian White Dragon. Это, оказывается, он сотворил этот мир, чтобы ему никто не мешал, а артефакт, что вы ищите, поддерживает все его существование.
Дальше убейте дракона (легче сказать) и заберите из сундука 1500 монет, кучу камушков и Word of Power. Появится ящерица, лидер Word Slaves. Ступайте в портал.
Поговорите с Aarin’ом в храме, вам нужно найти еще парочку Word of Power.
В лагере поговорите с Ixaristu, идите на следующую карту. Дальше будет Spine of the World. Ступайте в Mysterious Cave (она же Moonwood Fire Giant Lair). Перебейте огненных гигантов, нажмите рычаг и освободите Wogar’a, поговорите с ним. Узнаете, что ниже живет красный дракон Klauth. Идите на север карты, спускайтесь на другой уровень. На севере поговорите с двумя заключенными, потом они начнут размахивать кулаками. Найдите книгу с ритуалом.
На следующем уровне убейте King Skrogg, заберите журнал и амулет, потом в Deep Cave и Klauth’s Lair. Поговорите с красным драконом, он предложит сделку — отдаст Word of Power в обмен на яйца других драконов. Можно, конечно, пустится на поиски, но я его просто прибил. Заберите его голову и ключ, потом откройте дверь и из сундука возьмите второй Word of Power и снова поговорите с Haedraline. Вернитесь в базовый лагерь и поговорите с Aarin Gend’ом.
Fort Ilkard.
Поговорите с Ruzon Vond. Зайдите в Settler’s Barracks и поболтайте с Eckel’ом, он попросит доставить записку жене.
Commander Damas Lodge.
Переговорите с Damas’ом, он попросит уничтожить 6 вражеских катапульт вокруг форта. Выйдите за частокол, убейте вояк, разбейте катапульты и снова поговорите с Damas’ом. Теперь он попросит принести голову Arness, лидера Uthgardt.
Fort Ilkard Homesteads.
В доме поговорите с Galia, отдайте записку от мужа. У ворот в Uthgardt прибейте стража, возьмите ключ и спуститесь в пещеру.
Elk Tribe Keep.
Поговорите с Zokan’ом, им нужно лекарство, которое может дать Damas. Поговорите с Damas’ом, он продаст вам Cure, а заодно попросит убить Zokan’a. Отдайте зелье Zokan’у, он даст вам магический амулет.
Вернитесь к форту и ступайте к Ruins. Найдите искрящийся алтарь, разрушьте его, полезайте в пещеру.
Creator Race Ruins.
У входа с трупа возьмите записку и амулет. Попробуйте настучать по Old One Guardian Golem. Оказывается, вы не в состоянии причинить ему хоть какой-то ущерб.
Поговорите рядом с ним с Temporal Golem Slave. Чтобы вы могли понимать его язык — оденьте на себя амулет-переводчик. Из разговора станет понятно, что для того чтобы сделать големов уязвимыми, вам нужно перенестись в прошлое и там их испортить.
Идите в Garden Door, в саду поговорите с Sapphira. Она путешествует во времени, поможет отправиться в прошлое, но потребует взамен помощь. Вы должны в прошлом посадить семечко, чтобы из него выросло дерево, которое дает плоды раз в тысячу лет. Заберите семечко, Time Crystal и выходите из сада. Подойдите к Sun Dial и используйте на нем кристалл перемещения во времени.
Creator’s Race Ruins Past.
Ступайте в сад и посадите семечко в месте отмеченным красным знаком. Потом попытайтесь уговорить рабов сломать големов. Пока ничего не выйдет. Найдите на полке книгу Temple Defenses. Поговорите с лидером рабов Lokar’ом, он даст вам свое кольцо (Lokar’s Ring). Снова поговорите с рабом, который делает голема, покажите ему кольцо. Тот согласится вам помочь и предложит на выбор, от чего именно должен быть уязвим голем. Вы должны убедить еще двух рабов (всего их трое, как и охранных големов) сделать то же самое. Возвращайтесь в будущее (используйте кристалл на sun dial).
Идите в сад и поговорите с Sapphira, потом перебейте трех големов, возьмите три Golem Key и решайте головоломки:
Light Riddle.
Из центрального бассейна возьмите кристаллы. Теперь кладите в бассейны кристаллы, чтобы при их смешивании получился нужный цвет. Например, в primary положите красный и синий, а в Secondary — пурпурный. (Red+Blue=Purple). Или в первичные желтый и красный, а во вторичный — оранжевый. Если вы все сделали правильно, все бассейны исчезнут.
Sound Riddle.
В саркофаге в одной из комнат возьмите Tamorlyn’s Song. У гонгов забейте охранника и возьмите Fairy Bottle (летающая фея в бутылке). Используйте бутылку на гонг и посмотрите, в каком порядке будет летать фея и бить по гонгу. Потом повторите эту мелодию из восьми нот, и все гонги исчезнут.
Smoke Riddle.
Возьмите в столе разноцветную пудру, кладите ее на подставку со светящимися шарами попарно: красный + желтый (=оранжевый), красный + синий (=зеленый), синий + желтый (=сиреневый).
После решения трех загадок идите к двери с тремя замками, у алтаря появится Balor Lord. Грохните его, возьмите ключ, откройте алтарь и возьмите третье Word of Power. Снова появится Haedraline.
Поговорите с Aarin’ом. Пора возвращаться в Neverwinter Nights.
Глава 4.
Castle Never.
Поговорите с Nasher’ом, с Aarin. Спуститесь в подземелье (Castle Never Dungeon) и потолкуйте с Haedraline. В замке находится три артефакта, а у Maugrim’a четвертый — самый могущественный. Нужно принести его Haedraline, тогда она сможет открыть путь в Source Stone. Вернитесь и поговорите с Aarine.
Выходите из замка и идите в южную часть города. Можете по пути поговорить с Trancar в Mercenary Enclave, потом уничтожить все катапульты. На юге сломайте ворота и попробуйте поколотить Siege Golem’a, ничего не выйдет. Зайдите в дома с сиянием у дверей, уберите магов, тогда големы сами попадают на землю. Идите в дом на юго-востоке, Luskan Guardhouse, и разделайтесь с магом. Выходите с другой стороны в Strange Courtyard. Убейте Half-Dragon Baalor, появится портал.
Maugrim’s Sanctuary.
Поговорите с Aribeth (после смерти своего любовника Fenthick’a она двинулась окончательно и теперь готова в качестве мести уничтожить целый город), подеритесь с ней, снова поговорите и замочите предательницу окончательно. Возьмите меч и Inner Sanctum Key. Дальше поговорите с Maugrim’ом и прибейте его. Возьмите из сундука меч, журнал и четвертый Word of Power.
Поговорите с Aarin’ом, потом с Haedraline в темнице.
Спуститесь в Castle Caverns, поставьте Word of Power на пьедестал и входите в Source Stone.
Source Stone Sanctuary.
Встретитесь с Asheera, она даст вам амулет (level 20 уже накачали?). Ступайте в портал.
Source Stone Guardian Lair.
На вас нападут сразу два дракона (сюрприз!), завалите их, возьмите два ключа и открывайте двери дальше, потом в пещеру.
Source Stone Inner Sanctum.
Замочите всю шайку-лейку. Подберите ключ, откройте ворота, поговорите с Morag.
Кстати, здесь Recall Stone не работает и Respawn тоже. Зато после убийства вашего henchmen’a, он снова появится в самом начале пещеры. Чтобы победить Morag сперва уничтожьте статую, тогда исчезнет преграда из копий. Потом у трона добейте и саму Morag, прыгайте в портал.
Astral Pocket.
В последний раз поговорите с Haedraline, идите в портал и смотрите финальную видеовставку. Город Neverwinter Nights отстроили, и все потом зажили дружно и счастливо, печали и горя не знаючи…
By Ron Dulin
Design by Katie Bush
Neverwinter Nights is a massive game, with hundreds of characters to speak with, places to visit, and things to do. This guide will lead you to every important (and not so important) locale, tell you whom to talk to for information, and point out the location of every quest-related object in the game. You’ll get statistics for bosses and major enemies, as well as general exploration and combat tips. From your Academy graduation to the final showdown, if you have questions about the Neverwinter Nights single-player game, you’ll find the answers here.
Inside you’ll find:
- Detailed guides for every chapter
- Complete walk-throughs for every secondary quest
- General combat, exploration, and leveling strategies
- Maps for every town, crypt, cave, and dungeon in the game
General Strategies
The Neverwinter Nights manual is full of good information. It is highly recommended that you read it. The spells, feats, and skills, as well as character races and classes, are described in detail, and it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with that information.
Planning for a Strong Character
One of the major reasons you should familiarize yourself with the information in the manual is that a good character is planned from the beginning. The 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules remove most restrictions on the classes you can choose, which gives you a great deal of freedom to make a bad character.
For instance, a half-orc or dwarf sorcerer is going to be crippled from the beginning because both races have an inherent charisma penalty, and a sorcerer’s primary statistic is charisma. When creating a character, be sure to choose a race that will bolster the strengths of your chosen class. An elf monk, for example, will have a great dexterity bonus, but at the cost of some hit points.
Multiclassing is also a tricky issue. It may be tempting to take a rogue level to get some extra points in the open lock skill or to take a fighter level to get all of the weapon and armor proficiencies for free. But this may severely hinder your experience gain if you haven’t planned ahead. Be sure you plan your character’s progress from the beginning if you want to maximize his or her potential.
If you feel you’ve made a poor choice and you’re already well into the game, don’t worry. There are plenty of magic items to be found that will offset your weaknesses and enhance your strengths.
Balance vs. Focus
As you acquire magic items, you’ll have to make some decisions: Should you try to bolster all of your statistics to decent levels, or should you focus on bolstering one or two statistics to superhuman levels? The answer, usually, is the latter.
A fighter with a high strength is exponentially better than a fighter with a good strength and a good charisma. A spellcaster with a high primary statistic will learn more spells, memorize more spells, and will get to cast higher-level spells. Multiclass characters may want to try to keep their stats a bit more balanced, but other characters will want to try to drive those primary stats through the roof.
A Little Tab’ll Clue Ya
Lastly, if you’re having trouble seeing things—whether it be loot on the ground or enemies on the horizon—hit the Tab key. It will highlight anything you can use, talk to, pick up, or attack.
Feats and Skills
While the game has a wide variety of feats and skills to choose from, there are a few that are simply mandatory for certain classes.
Every character should put some points into disable trap. While you may not need it for chests, you will definitely want it for door and floor traps. If you have a decent intelligence, you’ll generally have some extra skill points with each level. Throw them here and you won’t be sorry.
Fighters have one skill that is absolutely mandatory: cleave. It lets you take a free attack on a nearby opponent if you deal a killing blow. Cleave will make groups of low-level monsters fall to the ground like dominoes.
Other good fighter feats include knockdown, improved, and critical. Power attack is good for fighting low-level creatures (as is the improved version. Characters with higher dexterity than strength (such as monks) should also take weapon finesse.
Rogues and rangers (and any character that prefers ranged weapons) should take point blank shot and rapid shot. For rogues, these feats combined with the class’s sneak attack bonuses make for a very powerful ranged weapon fighter.
The spellcasters’ metamagic feats aren’t so cut and dried. The loss of a higher-level spell slot to make a low-level spell more powerful or faster may not be worth it to you. Spell focus, however, is a great choice, and you can choose it several times to apply to different schools.
Rogue Skills
It may seem daunting at the beginning: Your spellcaster doesn’t have any thieving skills, and so you can’t open the high-class chests to get the good loot. But you don’t want to take Tomi as a henchman, because you need a decent tank.
There are plenty of ways to open a chest, and at higher levels a spellcaster is just as good as a rogue at opening and disarming chests. How? Direct damage spells. Not only will direct damage spells destroy chests easily, but they will also instantly disable any locks. Alternately, melee classes can bash them open, and no chest is a match for high strength and a good weapon.
XP and GP
Neverwinter Nights tells a great story over the course of its four chapters, but that’s just a nice setting for the role-playing genre’s bread and butter: experience points and treasure. The walk-through that follows hits all the major plot points and quest goals, but it assumes you will wander around and explore the environs. There is so much treasure to find and so many monsters to kill, be sure you check every corner of every house and cave for interesting items and encounters.
The Henchmen
Though Neverwinter Nights is a single-character game, you’ll want to take a henchman along with you. There are good times for every one of the available hirelings, although a few of them are much better choices most of the time.
Fighters should take Tomi or Linu for the majority of their travels. Linu can heal you, which is obviously helpful, and Tomi can open the chests you won’t be able to bash open at low level. Even better, the rogue sneak attack bonus will do great wonders while you’re in the fray taking all the damage.
Spellcasters should choose Daelan or Grimgnaw. They are both very powerful and will act as a sufficient damage sponge while you deal the pain from a safe distance. Moreover, many enhancement spells will make them even stronger. Cast Cat’s Grace and Bull Strength on Grimgnaw and you can go loot chests while he clears out whole rooms. Mid- to high-level spellcasters won’t need Tomi’s rogue skills too often, because it’s just so easy to open a chest with a fireball.
Rogues will also want Daelan or Grimgnaw, for the same reason a fighter would want Tomi. Let them get beat on while you sit back and do sneak attack damage with your bow.
Making a Party
Spellcasters have a significant advantage in one respect: They can actually create a party. With their ability to summon familiars coupled with the summoning spells, spellcasters can get a strong four-character party together with two summoned creatures and a henchman.
Serve It up Hotkey
One of your strongest weapons in the game isn’t your +3 double-bladed axe, and it isn’t your maximized fireball. It’s your hotkey bank. Put your most important skills in the main hotkey group, then put secondary skills on the Shift and Ctrl hotkeys. Cycle your hotkeys out frequently as you learn new spells and abilities. There’s no point having Flame Arrow when you could have Weird, or having 10 Cure Light Wounds potions on your primary hotkey bank when you’re 15th level and fighting a lich. Update your hotkeys frequently, and let unused skills and items retire to the radial menu with dignity.
The prelude will train you to play Neverwinter Nights. The first few rooms will serve as your tutorial. You’ll learn how to use your inventory, move the camera, cast spells, and fight with ranged and melee weapons. The second part will be more active training, because the Academy gets invaded and you must rush to save the creatures that will be used to cure the Wailing Death.
Training Halls
A-Entrance and Shop Training B-Map and Journal Training C-Combat Training D-Rogue Training E-Druid and Cleric Training F-Mage Training G-To Graduation Chamber H-To the Academy |
After speaking with Pavel and his brother, Bim, head into the Training Halls. Visit the appropriate trainers for your character class. You can skip the basic interface tutorials, but you must complete your class training in order to proceed to the Graduation Chamber.
Graduation Chamber
When you enter the Graduation Chamber, speak to Aribeth, who will congratulate you on your commencement. While she is speaking, some mercenaries will teleport in and commence with the beatings. Help Aribeth and the students fight the interlopers, then talk to Aribeth. She will give you a key to the locked door in the Training Halls. Return there. After removing the goblins from the hallway, and from the other rooms if you wish, go through the east door into the Academy.
The Academy
A-To Training Halls B-Pavel C-Level Training D-Mysterious Mage E-To Stables |
Go through the storage room and meet up with Pavel. He’ll ask to join up with you, and you should let him. It’ll teach you to travel with a henchman and will make the hallways ahead much easier to survive. The next friendly face you see will be Geldar, and he’ll teach you how to level up. You’ll gain a level when you talk to him.
Make your way through the halls, exploring the rooms for loot, if you want, and killing the skeletons and goblins in the hall. The mysterious mage, a 3rd-level wizard, will appear just before you reach the stables. With Pavel at your side, you should be able to kill him.
The Stables
Your final stop is the stables. You’re too late to save the Waterdhavian creatures. Talk to Fenthick and Desther after all the goblins are dead. Exit the stables to begin Chapter One.
Chapter One
Neverwinter City Core
In the first part of chapter one, you will explore the city center, meet your henchmen, gather supplies, and pick up secondary quests before venturing off into the four districts of Neverwinter.
A-Hall of Justice B-Trade of Blades C-Moonstone Mask D-Many-Starred Cloak Guild Tower E-The Great Tree F-Shining Knight Arms and Armor G-General Merchant H-To Beggar’s Nest I-To Blacklake J-To the Docks K-To the Peninsula |
The Hall of Justice
A-To Sanitorium B-Aribeth C-Return Portal, Divining Pool, and Sergol D-To Apse E-Tomi Undergallows F-To City Core |
You’ll begin Chapter One in the Hall of Justice, Neverwinter’s Temple of Tyr and hospice for victims of the Wailing Death. Speak with Fenthick and Desther, then continue into the main chamber. Here, you’ll immediately see Aribeth, who will give you your primary quest for this chapter, The Wailing and the Waterdhavians.
Aribeth will also serve as your free healer this chapter, so you’ll be returning to this temple often. Nearby is Sergol, who can give you a brief tutorial about using the return portal and the stone of recall. In combination, these items will let you return at almost any time to unload goods or to heal and then return to your original location for a small fee.
Once you’ve spoken with Aribeth, head into the apse and talk to Oleff. If he doesn’t automatically ask for your help, use your persuade skill to receive the Search for Never’s Tomb quest. There is one tomb in each of the four outlying sectors of the city, and three of them contain artifacts you can return to Oleff for a reward. You’ll need to visit the excavation site in the peninsula to access the three other tombs.
Before leaving the Hall of Justice, talk to Tomi Undergallows near the front door. He’s one of the available henchmen for this level and your go-to guy if you lack thieving skills. There are other henchmen available in the city proper.
City Core
As you leave the Hall of Justice, Bethany will approach you. She’ll tell you about the prison break in the peninsula. You’ll be going there soon enough, but first you need to find a henchman, buy some supplies, and pick up some more secondary quests. Your first stop is the Trade of Blades.
Trade of Blades
A-To City Core B-Boddyknock Glinckle C-Linu La’Neral D-Grimgnaw E-Sharwyn F-Daelan Redtiger G-Graxx |
There are five henchmen available in the Trade of Blades. Linu La’Neral is a healer, Sharwyn is a bard, Daelan Redtiger is a barbarian, Grimgnaw is a monk, and Boddyknock Glinckle is a sorcerer. Choose a henchman that complements your own abilities—if you’re a spellcaster or a rogue, for instance, you’ll want Daelan or Grimgnaw to keep enemies preoccupied in melee combat. Each henchman also has a personal quest, which will stretch over the first three chapters of the game. Talk to them as you gain levels, and they’ll tell you more of their story. See the next page for details.
Before leaving the Trade of Blades, talk to Graxx to get the gauntlet key. If you aren’t a melee class, you’ll need to persuade him. Once you’re done here, it’s on to the Moonstone Mask.
Henchmen Quests
Each henchman has a personal quest. These quests carry over from chapter to chapter, but you must solve each part in order to access the following chapter’s quest. The quest is told as a story, and once you’ve gained two levels you can hear the whole thing (they will stop at parts, but just ask them to continue and they will).
Tomi Undergallows
Tomi needs some official documents. You’ll find them in Thomas Wheelwright’s Wagon Repair, located in the southeast corner of Beggar’s Nest. Give them to Tomi to receive the Ring of the Rogue +1, which adds +1 bonuses to your dexterity, as well as your open-locks and disable-traps skills.
Boddyknock Glinckle
Find the leaven bread recipe in Siril’s Bakery, located in the western part of Beggar’s Nest. Boddyknock will give you the Lantanese Ring +1 as a reward. This ring gives you a +1 charisma bonus and includes a +1 regeneration bonus—a great item for sorcerers.
Linu La’Neral
Give her the Silver Chalice of Moonbow recovered from Meldanen’s Estate in Blacklake, and she’ll reward you with a Pendant of the Elf +1, which gives you darkvision and adds +1 to your dexterity.
The iron ring that Grimgnaw seeks may be the hardest to find, only because it’s not in an area you’re likely to explore on your own. It’s in an abandoned house in the northwest corner of no-man’s-land, the small, abandoned area between the City Core and Blacklake. Give him the ring, and he’ll give you the Amulet of the Long Death +1, which boosts your constitution.
The celestial elixir that Sharwyn seeks is located in the Tanglebrook Estate in the peninsula. The Belt of the Performer +1 adds a +1 bonus to your charisma, as well as to your perform and persuade skills.
Daelan Redtiger
You’ll find the brooch Daelan seeks in a chest on a boat in the docks. Daelan’s reward, the Amulet of the Red Tiger Tribe +1, adds +1 to your strength and makes you immune to fear.
The Moonstone Mask
A-To City Core B-Ophala C-Gilles D-Stairs to second floor |
Ophala, who can be found standing in the center of the ground floor, runs this brothel. If you’re a rogue, speak with her to get the Art Theft quest. Other classes can get this quest with a successful persuade skill check. Ophala needs three objects from you: the portrait of Sir Reginald Rumbottom III from the Rumbottom Estate in Blacklake, the gilded urn from the Hodge Estate in Blacklake, and the gaudy statuette from the Androd Estate in the docks.
If you want to visit upstairs, you’ll need a clean bill of health. Talk to Ophala to get a letter, which you will need to take to Oleff at the Hall of Justice. When you return with Oleff’s writ, you’ll need to get a pass coin (for 200 gold) from Torgo, the Moonstone Mask’s resident merchant.
Upstairs, you won’t find much to do. On the third floor, you can help Tamora rid herself of an undesirable customer. Talk to her about her problem, and she’ll give you a brooch to show to Hoff, an unsavory character who hangs out in the docks.
The only other person of interest in the Moonstone Mask is Gilles. If you have a letter from Oleff regarding the Never Tomb quest, Gilles will offer you more gold for the artifacts you uncover. He does pay more, and evil characters will want to consider his offer. Good characters will want to demand Jacob’s quill from him and return it to Oleff for a small reward. Taking the quill will cause Gilles to depart.
Many-Starred Cloak Guild Tower
If you’re a spellcaster, you can get the Cloaktower Membership quest from Eltoora (other classes will not be able to persuade her). This quest requires you to visit four locked wizard labs and retrieve four items—rare earth clay, a flask of water, a puff of fog, and kindling wood. There is one lab in each of the four districts, and Eltoora will also tell you to note the order of the items.
This is good advice, because once you have all four items you’ll need to step into the back room to face her minogon guardian. You won’t have to defeat it through brute force. Just pick up the four wands and cast them on the minogon in the order the items were listed. Get the Stoneskin from the pile of stones, Slow from the divining pool, Color Spray from the alchemist’s apparatus, and Burning Hands from the pile of wood. When you cast the final spell, the minogon will be defeated, and you’ll receive the Many-Starred Cloak, which has an AC +2 bonus and makes you immune to sneak attacks.
The Great Tree
Talk to Nyatar near the Great Tree. In addition to being a merchant, Nyatar will give you the Animal Rescue quest to free the animals in the Blacklake Zoo. If you aren’t a druid or a ranger, you can persuade him. He’ll give you a copy of the zoo key if you accept the quest.
General Merchant
In addition to some low-level starting supplies, this street merchant has maps for every district. Buying and examining them will fill in your minimaps and make exploring the districts a bit easier. Don’t buy the docks map; you’ll get a map for that area easily enough.
Shining Knight Arms and Armor
Talk to Durga in the front room and look at his inventory if you need armor or weapons. Be sure to ask him about special items. If you can persuade him, he’ll give you a key to the back room. There you’ll find Marrok, who will forge custom items if you bring him the necessary ingredients. Ask him about the different types of items he can make, and he’ll give you Recipes of the Forge, a book that lists the items and the ingredients he needs.
Recipes of the Forge
Here’s what Marrok can make and the necessary items.
Armor and Axes:
Chromatic Breastplate: Diamond and a suit of magical armor with AC 6.
Scales of Truth: Special holy water and a suit of magical armor with total AC:5.
Leather Whitebone Armor: Gargoyle skull and a suit of magic armor with AC 3.
Sentinel: Adamantite and a magic battle axe.
Double Axe of the Tall Kin: Adamantite and a magic double axe.
Stonefire Great Axe: Adamantite and a magic great axe.
Ice Reaver Hand Axe: Dragon blood and a magic hand axe.
Blunt Weapons:
Gladiator Club: Ironwood and a magic club.
Ironwood Mace: Ironwood and a magic dire mace.
Reaver Heavy Flail: Dragon blood and a magic heavy flail.
Storm Light Hammer: Diamond and a magic light hammer.
Foundation Light Flail: Ironwood and a magic light flail.
Mace of Disruption: Special holy water and a magic mace.
Drone Morning Star: Fairy dust and a magic morning star.
Rune Hammer: Adamantite and a magic war hammer.
Harbinger Kin Greatsword: Adamantite and a magic greatsword.
Sword Saint Katana: Adamantite and a magic katana.
Astral Blade Longsword: Diamond and a magic longsword.
Namarra Rapier: Dragon blood and a magic rapier.
Desert Wind Scimitar: Adamantite and a magic scimitar.
Feyduster Short Sword: Fairy dust and a magic short sword.
Uthgardt Ceremonial Two-Bladed Sword: Ironwood and a magic two-bladed sword.
Other Weapons:
Ravager Halberd: Dragon blood and a magic halberd.
Sea Reaver Scythe: Adamantite and a magic scythe.
Fey Spear: Fairy dust and a magic spear.
Golden Sickle: Special holy water and a magic sickle.
Once you have the secondary quests in your journal and supplies in your pack, it’s time to start exploring the dangerous outlying districts.
The Peninsula
Here you will need to explore the prison, which has been overrun by escaped convicts. There are two ways into the prison, and each is dangerous. In the peninsula, you will also be able to complete a section of the Cloaktower Membership quest and get started on the Search for Never’s Tomb quest.
A-To City Core B-Militia HQ and merchants C-Tanglebrook Estate D-Sewer entrance E-Prison entrance F-Master Johns G-Ms. Dulcimae H-Never’s Tomb Excavation Site I-Arcane Laboratory J-Prison Barracks K-Mizzenmast Mercantile |
Peninsula Main Gate
Talk to Gate Captain Kipp to learn about the prison break quest. He’ll tell you to see Sedos Sebile at the Military Headquarters, located in the southeast of the peninsula.
Once you get past the safety of the guards, you’ll be set upon by gangs of escaped prisoners. You’ll also find a few unlit plague-victim pyres throughout the neighborhood. Equip your torch and set them on fire for a bit of experience.
Master Johns and Ms. Dulcimae
These two citizens are trapped in the streets and need your help getting to the gate. Escort them for some meager experience points. Be sure to talk to Master Johns before doing so—he has some interesting information about the Tanglebrook Estate, which is one of the possible entrances to the prison proper.
Arcane Laboratory
Near Ms. Dulcimae, in the northeast corner, is a locked building marked with a sundial. If you’ve accepted the Cloaktower Membership quest, you’ll have the key for the door. Inside, you’ll find the rare earth clay in a pile of stones.
Never’s Tomb Excavation Site
Talk to Briley to learn about the excavation site. If you have the letter from Oleff, you can take the ceremonial arrow, ceremonial shield, and ceremonial sword from the nearby chest. These items will serve as keys to the other three tombs. You’ll also find the Halueth dig logbook, which describes where to find the other tombs and describes the riddles that unlock them.
Militia HQ
Once you’ve visited all the other locations of interest, talk to Sedos Sebile in the militia headquarters. She’ll ask you to find a way into the prison. She’ll give you one lead: A gang of prisoners has been leading raids from the sewers and may hold a key to the prison’s front door.
Near the headquarters is the Mizzenmast Mercantile, where you can stock up on supplies if you need anything. There is also a Priest of Helm nearby. Seems like these guys are everywhere and really aren’t much help.
The Prison
Before you head into the prison itself, you’ll want to quickly explore the prison barracks, located to the west of the large prison building. There isn’t much here, but you can pick up some experience points and some loot.
There are two ways into the prison. You’ll need a key to get in the front doors, but there is also an alternate, and more interesting, means of entrance into the Tanglebrook Estate. The latter path will give you some cryptic background about the problems in the prison, as well as an item needed for a henchman quest.
Entering the Prison
Of the two ways of entering the prison, the quickest (though not necessarily the easiest) can be found by entering the sewers.
The Sewers
The sewer entrance is just to the south of the prison. Inside, you’ll face a gang leader (2nd-level fighter/5th-level rogue), who will be pretty tough if this is the first area you’ve visited. Even if you plan on entering through the Tanglebrook Estate, you may want to visit the sewers to get the experience points. Kill the gang leader and search his body for the prison key. Now you can just stroll into the prison through the front doors.
The Tanglebrook Estate
A-To Peninsula B-Bedroom C-Library D-To Tanglebrook Tunnels |
If you talked to Master Johns, you’ll know that the key to this estate is under the welcome mat. And if you didn’t talk to Master Johns, you know it now. Pick up the mat and get the key.
In the foyer, you can find some loot in the nearby containers. You’ll want to open the door to the bedroom—inside you’ll find Lady Tanglebrook’s journal, which describes a noise she heard coming from the tunnels beneath her house. These tunnels connect directly to the prison, which is convenient, to say the least. It’ll be a while until you discover the source of the noise, but here’s a clue: It wasn’t rats.
In the hallway at the east end of the house, you’ll encounter two stinkbugs. These will emit Stinking Cloud, which can temporarily stun you and your henchman. Try to deal with them from a distance, if possible.
Disarm the trap on the library door. Inside you’ll find a chest containing the celestial elixir needed for Sharwyn’s henchman quest.
Next, it’s time to explore the tunnel. You’ll find an enormous chessboard, and you’ll want to enter detect mode to cross it because it’s covered with traps. Examine the body of Lady Tanglebrook and pick up the +1 two-bladed sword at her side. Check the chests for loot, then continue to the door to the prison.
Prison: Main Floor
A-Main Entrance B-Entrance from Tanglebrook Tunnels C-Prison Office D-South Wing Lever E-North Wing Lever F-Former Guard G-Gang Leader H-Stairs to Containment Level |
Whichever way you enter the prison, you’ll want to enter the prison office first and read the prison logbook, which contains some information about the rebellion and Captain Alaefin’s role. You’ll also want to flip the switches for the north and south wings, which will open the cells and allow you to loot the contents.
In the north wing, you’ll find a former guard. He’ll give you some more information and then flee for the main doors.
The large wing to the west is crawling with convicts, so try to take them out slowly from the adjacent hallways. There’s a gang leader (2nd-level rogue/5th-level fighter) blocking the stairs down to the next level, and you don’t want to face him and a dozen prisoners at the same time. Once the coast is clear, go downstairs.
Prison: Containment Level
A-Stairs to Main Floor B-Lockdowns C-Storage Rooms D-Escaped Sorcerer/Stairs Lever E-Stairs to Pits |
This is a pretty straightforward level, but there are plenty of enemies. If you need a place to rest in safety, get into one of the lockdowns and shut the door with the lever.
After descending from the main floor, you’ll be met by Emernik. He’ll lead you into a lockdown. Use the lever to close the door, and he’ll tell you more about the prison. Explore everything and clear out the hallways.
In the main central chamber, you’ll face a number of enemies, including an escaped sorcerer (5th level). He will throw fireballs like crazy, so try to target him first. Better yet, lure his fellow inmates into the halls and pick them off in smaller groups. Once he’s dead, use the lever in the room to open the east door. This leads down to the pits.
Prison: Pits
A-Stairs to Containment Level B-Storage rooms C-Locked hallway D-Kurdan E-Stairs to Lair of the Devourer |
This is the most dangerous level of the prison, and it’s full of convicts and traps. Proceed carefully. There are two paths to the locked hallway. On the west path, you’ll face an escaped sorcerer (5th level) and find two fairly well-stocked storage rooms. On the north path, you’ll fight another gang leader (2nd-level fighter/5th-level rogue). You can choose either, but you might want to explore both routes and rack up the experience points.
Whichever way you choose, you’ll need to pull the nearby levers once you get to the doors leading to the locked hallway. Disable or avoid the trap in the hallway, then disable the trap on the western door. Beyond this door awaits Kurdan, formerly king of the pits and currently Captain Alaefin’s right-hand half-orc. Kurdan is a tough 8th-level barbarian. Don’t be afraid to use the stone of recall if you’re getting clobbered.
Once Kurdan takes enough damage, he’ll surrender and tell you what he knows. Once he’s said his spiel, you can kill him or let him go. Search the nearby chests, and read the head gaoler’s journal found in the book pile. Rest up if you need to, then head down into the Lair of the Devourer.
Prison: Lair of the Devourer
As soon as you descend the stairs, it’s on! When you kill the head gaoler (6th-level fighter), something strange will happen: A creature will jump out and quickly take over one of the nearby guards. Your best bet is to talk with the guards and persuade them to leave before this happens (this will also give you some experience points and shift your alignment toward good). Once there are no more fresh bodies, you’ll face the intellect devourer directly. It has very good damage reduction and a fair amount of hit points, so be prepared for a long fight unless you can deal great amounts of damage at once.
Once the devourer is dead, pick up its brain (which may be hard to see—use Tab to find it more easily), then return to Sedos Sebile for your reward. You may be ambushed by assassins outside of the prison. If so, search their bodies for a note and take it to Fenthick at the Hall of Justice Sanitorium. Finally, take the devourer’s brain to Aribeth.
The Docks
Thieves and pirates have overrun the docks. A band of pirates called the Bloodsailors is running things, and you’ll soon find out that all the looting and mayhem is directly tied to your primary quest. There are plenty of other quests here—a few side quests, an item for Ophala’s Art Theft quest, one of the sites for the Search for Never’s Tomb quest, and an arcane laboratory for the Cloaktower Membership quest. There are also some shops with good equipment—if you can find the local currency, that is.
A- To City Core B- Bloodsailor Ship C- Callik’s House D- Seedy Tavern E-Silver Sails Trading Company F-Hemmel Masterson G-Bloodsailor’s Aqueducts Entrance H-The Androd Estate I-Arcane Laboratory J-The Golden Apple K-Twenty in a Quiver L-Seedy Tavern Side Door M-Hoff |
Docks Main Gate
When you enter the docks, a shady character will start following you around. Talk to him to find out why he’s hounding you. He’s a thief, looking for a mark, but he’s easily scared off. You can pry some information from him about the Bloodsailors and an auction being held in the Seedy Tavern—an auction for a plague cure. Threaten him and he’ll drop his auction notice, with a map for the docks conveniently printed on the back.
Hemmel Masterson
Talk to Hemmel Masterson, who traded an amulet to Callik in exchange for safe passage out of Neverwinter. Callik absconded with Masterson’s amulet, a family heirloom that possibly has «other uses,» and he would like it back.
Twenty in a Quiver
Jerrol has some good general merchandise for sale (plenty of +1 weapons and armor) and can tell you where to buy even better items if you have some smugglers’ coins. These coins are found throughout the area, and Jerrol will sell you some if you need more.
Smugglers’ Coins
Some surefire locations for smugglers’ coins are the second floor of Callik’s house, the storeroom behind Callik’s house, and Gilda at the Golden Apple. As mentioned above, you can also buy them from Jerrol at Twenty in a Quiver, and you’ll find them on the hostile muggers you encounter in the streets.
The Golden Apple
Gilda, the proprietor of this tavern, has a smuggler’s coin in her possession. You can obtain it if you make a successful persuade check, or if that doesn’t work, you can threaten her for it.
If you agreed to help Tamora at the Moonstone Mask, you can find Hoff standing near the northernmost dock. Show him the brooch, and either threaten him to stay away from her, or just attack him to issue a permanent restraining order. Return to Tamora for your meager reward.
The Androd Estate
A-To the Docks B-Androd’s Room |
The Androd Estate holds the gaudy statuette needed for Ophala’s Art Theft quest. Make a beeline for Androd’s room, and he’ll tell you everything. In the cabinet behind him, you’ll find the statuette and a key that opens every chest in his house.
Arcane Laboratory
On the west side of the docks, you’ll find another arcane laboratory. Use Eltoora’s key to enter, then take the flask of water from the diving pool.
Bloodsailor Ship
This ship is guarded by a small group of pirates. Kill them, and then loot their bodies. Their uniforms will help you gain entrance into the Seedy Tavern. Be sure to look in the chest on the deck of the ship itself—it contains the brooch for Daelan Redtiger’s henchman quest.
Callik’s House
Before entering the Tavern, explore the house located in the northwest of the district. Here you’ll find a key that opens the Seedy Tavern’s side door. You’ll also find two smugglers’ coins and the orders from Callik, the latter of which may come in handy later. The second floor is guarded by a Bloodsailor lieutenant (2nd-level wizard/5th-level monk).
Callik’s Storeroom
A-To Docks B-Trapped Hallway C-Bloated Dire Spider |
This area isn’t necessary, but there’s good experience and loot to be had. Follow the trapped hallway around to the big storeroom in the back. Kill the bloated dire spider (which won’t be easy—it’s 10th level) and loot the chests. Among some other decent items, you’ll find two smugglers’ coins.
The Seedy Tavern
A-To Docks B-Jalek, Christov, and the Auctioneer C-Chef D-To Second Floor E-To Hideout |
There are two means of entry into the tavern: You can bribe the doorman or walk in for free by wearing a Bloodsailor uniform.
Once you’re inside, talk to Jalek, who will challenge you to a drinking contest. Even if you lose, Christov will speak to you, give you some info about the pirates’ power struggle, and give you a key to the downstairs hideout.
Talk to the auctioneer while you’re here—he’s got some good stuff for sale if you have smugglers’ coins. Even if you don’t want any of his items, you may as well spend the coins—they aren’t good anywhere else, and you can sell his goods for gold elsewhere.
If you go upstairs, you’ll find a strange dwarf in a sauna who will give you some cryptic clues about the hideout below (including the password for the door). If you just want to start exploring the hideout, talk to the chef. He’ll let you through if you have the password or if you can successfully persuade him. Use Christov’s key and enter the hideout.
Bloodsailor Hideout
A-To Seedy Tavern B-Bloodsailor Lieutenant C-To Lower Level |
The first level of the Bloodsailor’s hideout is fairly straightforward. While there are plenty of enemies to kill and chests to loot, the real action is down below. Just follow the hallways around, kill the Bloodsailor lieutenant guarding the stairs (3rd-level rogue/3rd-level barbarian), and continue down.
Bloodsailor Hideout, continued
A-To Upper Level B-Dara’nei C-To Docks |
On the second level, you will find Vengaul’s significant other, Dara’nei. Kill her guards, then speak with her and promise you’ll let Vengaul live, and she’ll give you her locket. If she refuses to help you, don’t worry: There is another way to find him. The door to the southwest will lead back to the docks, through the side entrance to the tavern.
The Silver Sails Trading Company
A-To Docks B-To Second Floor C-Locked Door D-To Aqueducts |
Dara’nei said that Vengaul would be found in the Silver Sails Trading Company or in the aqueducts. He isn’t in either, but you’ll have to go through both to find him. The Silver Sails is full of vermin (if you’re in need of some dragon’s blood, head upstairs and loot the chest). Fight your way back to the locked door—Dara’nei’s locket is the key. Behind the door you’ll face a 10th-level bloated dire spider (also nearby is a 5th-level sword spider—don’t try to take them both at once). Once the room is clear, head down into the aqueducts.
If you didn’t get the locket from Dara’nei, you’ll need to use the orders from Callik to enter the aqueducts via the Bloodsailor’s entrance. It’s just south of the Androd Estate. Whichever path you take, find Charon and speak with him. He will send you to the sewers.
If you enter the aqueducts from the Silver Sails, you will find a locked door next to a chest. Open the chest to find a riddle: «Tooth of the forge.» Place the ceremonial sword (from the peninsula excavation site) in the chest to open another tomb. Inside, you’ll find a sarcophagus containing the Ancient Symbol of Tyr. Return the symbol to Oleff or Gilles for your reward.
The Sewers
The ferryman’s boat will deposit you in the sewers, where Callik’s men are about to engage Vengaul’s men in battle. Callik is a 4th-level fighter/5th-level rogue, and his guards are 1st-level fighters/2nd-level rogues. When he’s dead, talk to Vengaul. He’ll tell you the cockatrice feather is in the nearby crate. If you decide to attack Vengaul, he’ll leave and you’ll have to fight his guards (both 6th-level fighters).
If you return to the street, you may be ambushed by assassins. If so, search their corpses for a note, which you should show to Fenthick. When you’re finished in the docks, deliver the cockatrice feather to Aribeth at the Hall of Justice.
The streets of Blacklake are safe, but you’ll need to navigate the abandoned no-man’s-land between it and the City Core. You’ll find tensions run high as a powerful wizard named Meldanen hoards his grain supplies, causing a fear of starvation among the residents who have barricaded themselves from the city proper to avoid the plague. Blacklake contains locations for a number of ongoing quests: The Search for Never’s Tomb, Cloaktower Membership, and two-thirds of Ophala’s Art Theft quest. The zoo, the target of Nyatar’s Animal Rescue quest, is located here as well.
A-To No-Man’s-Land B-Formosa C-The Board Laid Bare Tavern D-Milly’s House E-Meldanen’s Estate F-Meldanen’s Warehouse G-Blacklake Zoo H-The Rumbottom Estate I-The Hodge Estate J-Arcane Laboratory K-Tomb L-Noblemen Estates |
Blacklake Main Gate
When you head through the main gate, you won’t be entering Blacklake proper. Instead, you’ll be heading into no-man’s-land—an abandoned street that was formerly the servants’ neighborhood and now serves as a sort of treacherous airlock between the Neverwinter City Core and the upper-class Blacklake neighborhood.
A-To City Core B-Cendran C-Loxar’s Tower D-Abandoned House E-To Blacklake |
Just north of the main gate, near the smoking pile of wreckage, you’ll meet Cendran. He’ll tell you a bit about no-man’s-land and ask you to kill Loxar, a thuggish half-orc who has been terrorizing the area. You’ll find Loxar in the remains of a tower located up the road. Loxar is a 10th-level fighter and has a rabid dog with him as well. Return Loxar’s head to Cendran for a small number of experience points, then head toward the main gate.
You may be ambushed by assassins near the gate. If so, search their bodies for a note, and take it to Fenthick at the Hall of Justice Sanitorium. Before entering Blacklake, visit the abandoned house in the northwest corner—inside a desk you’ll find the iron ring needed for Grimgnaw’s quest.
The Board Laid Bare Tavern
There are two people to speak with here. First, talk to Thurin. He’s the militia captain, and he’ll ask you to search for Samuel, an inspector who has mysteriously disappeared. If you bought the gauntlet key from Graxx in the Trade of Blades, talk to the bartender to gain admittance to the gauntlet.
The Gauntlet
Talk to Kellisai when you’re ready to begin battle, but you may want to do some recon on your opponents by talking to the spectators. You will face four opponents. The first is Hrusk, a 5th-level barbarian who uses a flaming hand axe. Next up is Fashi, a 6th-level monk. Your third opponent is Agar, a 6th-level half-orc fighter.
Your final opponent is Claudius, and the crowd (and other competitors) will warn you that he’s invincible and probably not for copacetic reasons. Before the fight, talk to Kellisai and ask her to «keep the battle fair,» and then use whatever means you can to make sure that she casts Dispel Magic on both of you (you can bribe or persuade her, and human characters can play the race card). If you beat Claudius, you’ll receive the Gauntlet Championship Award and ownership of the tavern (which will earn you very little money during the short time you are in Neverwinter).
The Rumbottom Estate
A-To Blacklake B-Long Hallway C-Thoms Rumbottom |
Before investigating Meldanen, finish up the ongoing quests in Blacklake. The first stop is Thoms Rumbottom’s Estate. It won’t be hard to talk your way past the guard. Once inside, make your way to the long hallway, patrolled by a noble guard (3rd-level fighter). You’ll find Rumbottom in the central bedroom of the estate, accessible from the west wing. The coveted (by Ophala, at least) portrait of Sir Reginald Rumbottom III is in a nearby chest. The chests in his house are fairly high-class, so you may want to bring Tomi along, or be prepared to do some significant bashing or casting.
The Hodge Estate
A-To Blacklake B-Kitchen C-Study |
Here you’ll find another item for Ophala, a gilded urn. Talk your way past the guard and enter. The Hodge Estate is full of traps, so move around in detect mode. Hodge himself is long gone, as the cook in the kitchen will tell you, but luckily he didn’t take all of his loot with him. You’ll find the gilded urn (and a note for Ophala) in a chest in the study, located in the northwestern corner of the house.
The Blacklake Zoo
A-To Blacklake B-Montgomery Weatherson’s Room C-To the Grove D-The Pens |
Nyatar wants the animals freed and gave you a key to help with the task. Pay the entrance fee and enter. Once you leave the public area you’ll face a fair number of guards. You’ll find Montgomery «Sureshot» Weatherson in the northwestern room. He’s a 7th-level ranger with bow skills (including the point-blank shot feat) that earned him his nickname. Kill Montgomery, loot his room, and then head into the grove through the door at the west end of the north hallway.
Use the Transport via Plants scroll from Nyatar on the tree. Go back into the zoo and into the central rooms. Here, you’ll find the master of the pens, a 4th-level ranger. Kill him and pull the lever to open the cages. Make sure the path is free of guards, then tell all of the animals to head out into the grove. Go into the grove and talk to the animals; they’ll step through the portal to freedom. Return to Nyatar at the Great Tree to receive your reward.
Arcane Laboratory
A lab for the Cloaktower Membership quest can be found near the western wall of the city. Enter with Eltoora’s key, and take the puff of fog from the alchemist’s apparatus.
Outside the house in the southeast is a young girl named Punkin, who will tell you that something strange is going on in the house. Enter and speak with Telma, who will reluctantly tell you about her recent troubles. Examine the bookshelf and say «Halueth,» which will open the passageway to the tomb. In the passageway, open the chest and read the riddle: «A splinter delivered in flight.» Put the ceremonial arrow from the peninsula excavation site in the chest, and enter the tomb.
Inside, you’ll face four invisible Swords of Never (8th-level fighters). Loot the sarcophagus for Halueth’s rusted armor, which you can return to Oleff or Gilles for your reward.
Near the main gate, you’ll see a small gathering of citizens listening to Formosa, a comely half-elf. Interrupt the girl and she’ll tell you about Meldanen, a local resident who is hoarding grain, among his more frightening crimes. The part about collecting «magical abominations» may be a lead as well. Accept Formosa’s quest to kill him and get his warehouse key—there are numerous resolutions to this story, but you won’t need to decide on a course of action until you actually meet Meldanen.
Meldanen’s Estate (Gate)
Now we start investigating Meldanen. There are two routes into his estate. The quickest is the front door, which you can access by killing his guards or by bribing Orrean (half-elves can get a discount on the bribe). There are cheaper and/or less violent means as well, and speaking with Orrean outside the estate will give you a vague clue that relates to Meldanen’s love life.
Milly’s House
Find Milly, the laundry woman who wanders around the northwestern area of the district. She’ll tell you about her past relationship with Meldanen and that he set up a portal in her house presumably to make booty calls all the easier. She’ll give you her key, and you’ll find the portal behind the jeweled door in her house.
Meldanen’s Estate
A-Portal from Milly’s B-Front door C-Cells D-To Meldanen’s Sanctum E-Alchemist’s Laboratory |
No matter how you get into the estate, you’ll need to deal with Grommin, the 5th-level barbarian half-orc that guards the front door. You can convince him that you are a guest or provoke him to attack you. Past Grommin you’ll find the prison cells, where Meldanen keeps his kidnapped victims. Samuel is here, and you can free him to complete the Samuel’s Rescue quest from Thurin at the Board Laid Bare.
Before descending to the lower level, explore the lab (guarded by a 4th-level wizard) at the west end of the south hallway. It’s stocked with some decent potions. Meldanen’s apprentice, an 8th-level sorcerer, guards the stairs down.
Meldanen’s Sanctum
A-To Meldanen’s Estate B-Imprisoned Dryad C-Meldanen’s Chamber |
There are two paths through the sanctum, and both are well guarded and have decent loot. You’ll also encounter another of Meldanen’s apprentices (another 8th-level sorcerer). Speak to the dryad in the cell, and Meldanen will appear. Fight him until he surrenders, and you’ll be given several choices. You can kill him, let him go (but take his tooth for Formosa), or agree to kill Formosa for a bigger reward. Be sure to get the warehouse key as part of the deal. Whichever route you take, free the dryad and she’ll give you a lock of her hair.
Return to Formosa and give her the tooth and the key (or, if you’re evil, kill her). She’ll reward you and then be gone in 60 seconds to raid the tomblike warehouse, which you can explore once she’s inside. Finally, deliver the dryad’s lock of hair to Aribeth.
Beggar’s Nest
You’ve doubtlessly heard the complaints of the displaced citizens scattered around the city core: Beggar’s Nest is teeming with undead. You might want to take Linu along to do some turning. There are a few secondary quests here, and you’ll be able to complete sections of the Cloaktower Membership and Search for Never’s Tomb quests. And if you’re wondering what that big, unreachable building is in the northeast corner, it’s your alma mater, the Neverwinter Academy.
A-To City Core B-The Shining Serpent C-Jemanie and Torin’s House D-Snake Cult Estate E-Krestal’s House F-Warehouse G-Aldo and Mattily H-Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair I-Temple of Helm J-Marcus’ Body K-Siril’s Bakery L-Arcane Laboratory M-To Great Graveyard |
Beggar’s Nest Main Gate
Talk to Gate Captain Ergus. A militia member named Walters has gone missing, and he wants you to find him. Accept the quest, and then fight your way through the undead hordes to The Shining Serpent.
The Shining Serpent
Find Harben Ashensmith and he’ll provide you with some background information about the undead infestation. He’ll give you some leads, including some strange rumors about the Sword Coast Boys, a local gang (or considering their name, boy band), and about a mysterious cult working in the area. Speak to Drake and he’ll tell you about some local citizens who may need your help—Jemanie and Krestal.
Temple of Helm
Before you start digging into the undead problem, finish a few of the local secondary quests. First, stop by the Temple of Helm and speak with Bertrand. He’ll tell you about his missing brother, Marcus. Sadly, you won’t be able to bring him good news. You’ll find Marcus’ body to the north, just in front of the gates to the Great Graveyard. Return Marcus’ journal and penhold staff to Bertrand when you give him the tragic news, otherwise there’s a good chance he won’t believe, or reward, you.
Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair
Before you enter the wagon repair shop, speak with Aldo and Mattily near the broken wagon in the center of Beggar’s Nest. You’ll want to clear a path through the undead between them and Thomas Wheelwright’s shop. Enter the shop and speak with Hector. He’ll follow you back to Aldo, and they’ll escape to safety. And if you’re curious as to why there aren’t any wagon parts in a wagon repair shop, it’s because the joint is a front for Tomi’s friend Belman. Check the bookshelf in the back and you’ll find the forged official document needed for Tomi’s henchman quest.
Siril’s Bakery
Zombies have invaded this bakery, possibly because they misheard someone talking about the delicious brain muffins. Kill them and search Siril’s body for the leaven bread recipe. Give this to Boddyknock once he’s told you his story to complete his henchman quest.
Arcane Laboratory
In the northwest corner you’ll find a locked building marked with a sundial. If you’ve accepted the Cloaktower Membership quest, you’ll have the key for the door. Inside, you’ll find the kindling wood in the woodpile.
The Great Graveyard
One thing is certain: The undead are originating from the graveyard to the north. Unfortunately, the gates are locked. But there is a way in. In fact, there are two ways in. One will take you through the warehouse, following the Sword Coast Boys quest. The other will take you through the Snake Cult Estate, searching for Jemanie’s lost brother. Both will lead you directly to the undead base of operations.
Entering the Great Graveyard
Getting to the graveyard isn’t easy. There are two routes, with the Snake Cult Estate being the easier and quicker of the two. You may want to explore both routes, though, because you’ll get some good loot and experience points. And if you want to finish the Missing Guard quest to find Walters, you’ll need to explore the warehouse. The Missing Brother quest, given to you by Jemanie, can be completed through either route.
Jemanie’s House
Your first stop should be Jemanie’s house, located in the central western part of Beggar’s Nest. Jemanie is concerned about his brother, Torin, who has fallen in with a strange cult headquartered in a house to the north. One interesting bit of information: The undead completely avoid the house in question. Jemanie will give you the estate wardstone to get through the force field blocking the door.
The Snake Cult Estate
A-To Beggar’s Nest B-Summoning Chamber C-Snake Cult Leader D-Stairs to Crypt |
You’ll face a few cultists as you enter this house and a few more in the summoning chamber. Don’t worry if they finish the ritual—their summoned creature is just a 1st-level imp. In the next room is the Snake Cult leader, a level-6 cleric. After the leader is dead, go down the stairs into the crypt.
Krestal’s House
Go upstairs to talk to Krestal. He will tell you about his former gang, the chart-topping Sword Coast Boys, and how the leader, Drawl, made a strange deal that turned many of the gang into the undead. He’ll also mention Walters, the missing guard and apparently a former Sword Coast Boy, and tell you that Drawl and his undead are in the warehouse.
The Warehouse
The first level of the warehouse shouldn’t be much of a problem—just three rooms of old-fashioned zombie killing. It’s the lower level that’s a bit of a challenge.
A-Stairs to Upper Level B-Drawl C-Walters D-Stairs to Crypt |
If you don’t have Linu with you or have some turning ability of your own, you’ll wish you did. There are so many zombies in this warehouse you’ll think they’re being exported. Make your way through the long hallway until you reach Drawl’s room. You’ll overhear a brief conversation between Drawl and Walters, and Drawl will mention someone named Gulnan. Enter the room and be ready for a fairly challenging fight with the 8th-level Drawl.
After you kill Drawl, talk to Walters. He’ll head back to the main gate, and you can venture down into the crypt.
The Crypt
A-Stairs to Warehouse B-Stairs to Snake Cult Estate C-Dire Spider Lair D-To Great Graveyard |
Both passageways to the central chamber have a fair number of monsters—beetles and cultists occupy the west side, zombies and shadows the east side. The central chamber is home to a powerful dire spider, and its venom can be a problem. You may want to pay Aribeth a quick visit if you get infected. Once the spider is gone, head out of the crypt and into the graveyard.
The Great Graveyard
A-To Crypt B-Tomb C-Warrens of the Damned D-To Beggar’s Nest |
What’s so great about a bunch of zombies? Regardless of whether or not you are disappointed by the reported greatness here, there are a few areas of interest in the graveyard.
Those doing the Search for Never’s Tomb quest will want to open the chest near the tomb to the west. There you’ll find a riddle: «A wall at arm’s length.» Put the ceremonial shield from the peninsula tomb in the chest, and the door will open. Inside the tomb, open the sarcophagus to find the Ancient Chronicles of Halueth Never. Return the book to Oleff (or Gilles) for your reward.
Warrens of the Damned
A-To Great Graveyard B-Torin’s Body C-Store room D-Jared E-Gulnan’s Chamber |
Follow the passage to the east, and unlock the door in the far chamber. There you’ll find the corpse of Torin, Jemanie’s lost brother, who has passed to the other side. Search the body for an ancient key and Torin’s ring.
You can find this same key in the room in the northwest corner. Here, you’ll also find Gulnan’s journal in a cabinet. If you haven’t guessed by now, Gulnan is the Yuan-Ti necromancer needed for the main quest. Before you face her, you may want to check the small prison at the west of the warren, where you talk with the Snake Cult leader, Jared. He won’t tell you much, and you can let him go or just let him sit there.
Now, it’s into the main chamber. Gulnan is a level-12 cleric who will cast some pretty serious direct-damage spells. You can halt the tides of undead guarding her by destroying the pedestal in the western section of the chamber (as alluded to in her journal). When Gulnan is dead, take the Yuan-Ti heart (as well as some good items) from her corpse.
Return to Jemanie to deliver Torin’s ring and its accompanying bad news (you’ll get to keep the ring, which is worth a bit of gold). Then visit Harben to get your reward for stopping the undead. You may be ambushed by assassins near the Shining Serpent. If so, search their bodies for a note, and take it to Fenthick at the Hall of Justice Sanitorium. Finally, teleport to the Hall of Justice and deliver the heart to Aribeth.
The Plague Cure
After you’ve returned all four of the necessary ingredients—the devourer brain, the cockatrice feather, the lock of dryad hair, and the Yuan-Ti’s heart—to Aribeth, the priests of Tyr will be ready to create the plague cure. You’ll have an opportunity to finish up any last-minute duties, so buy anything you need and finish up any unfinished quests. When you’re ready, proceed to the Ritual Chamber. Be sure to take a henchman with you, because you won’t have another chance to hire one until Chapter Two (there are plenty of undead in your immediate future, so Linu is a good choice for nonclerics).
Talk to Aribeth, Fenthick, Desther, and Nasher, and then the ceremony begins—and then ends unexpectedly. Bet you didn’t see that coming, huh? Desther seemed so nice! Take out his minions, then follow him into the portal.
The Road to Helm’s Hold
A-From Neverwinter B-To Helm’s Hold Courtyard C-To Helm’s Hold Prison |
Bregan, a local farmer, will tell you that Desther has just headed north to Helm’s Hold. There are two ways into the hold: through the front gates and through a cave to the west. As you approach the gate to the north, you will encounter a strange visage. She will impart some cryptic information about Desther and his plans. If you choose the cave route, you will face a small group of undead (and enter Helm’s Hold through the prison).
Helm’s Hold, Ground Floor
A-To Road B-Courtyard Door C-To Prison D-Guardian Room E-To Upper Floors F-Summoning Chamber G-Library H-Library |
In the courtyard, you will face two groups of undead. Search the body just to the east of the main gate—you’ll find an etched gem. Take the gem to the guardian chamber and place it in the altar. Several suits of guardian armor will appear and begin fighting the undead throughout the hold. You don’t need to go down to the dungeon, but there are experience points and loot, as well as some information, to be had.
Chaohinon of the Void and the Guardian of Helm
In the summoning chamber, you’ll find a trapped demon. Do as he says and grab the Black Grimoire from the southern library. Talk to him once you have the book, and you can either free him or banish him. If you banish him, take the Book of Helm from the library to the west (guarded by a False Helmite Elite, 4th-level cleric/4th-level monk). This book will enable you to summon the Guardian of Helm. Both Chaohinon and the guardian will give you a reward for helping them. Chaohinon will give you insight, power, a weapon, or an item. The guardian spirit will give you the same options.
Helm’s Hold Prisons
A-Cave Entrance B-Stairs Up C-Johnny D-Dumal E-Yari F-Locked Chest |
If you entered Helm’s Hold through the cave, you will start at this level. Near the cave entrance you’ll find Jinkies, a gnome guard (3rd-level fighter/4th-level rogue). Near the stairs to the ground floor, you’ll find Johnny, the son of a murdered Helmite who sells basic goods.
In addition to numerous undead denizens (zombies, zombie warriors, and a zombie lord), you’ll find two prisoners here. Dumal is a former Helmite who can give you some information about Desther’s infiltration. Yari is a follower of Desther’s who got himself locked in. You can smash the lock and make that a permanent situation if you choose.
In one of the northeastern cells, you’ll find a locked chest rigged with a deadly fire trap. Both the trap and the lock have a high DC (34) so don’t attempt to open the chest unless you have high rogue skills.
Upper Floors
When you’ve finished looting the main and prison floors, begin the ascent to the top. On your way, stop and speak with Fenthick. There’s not much you can do to help or hinder him. He understands what he’s done and that he will be punished for it. Just let him weep—some sort of justice will be served soon enough.
Once you reach the top floor, you’ll be sealed in. There are two rooms with loot and undead. Kill them if you want the experience points—they’ll disappear after you’ve dealt with Desther. Rest up, drink your potions, and cast your preparation spells—the next fight won’t be easy.
A small army of undead guards Desther. Desther himself may seem invincible, but he isn’t. That’s not to say he isn’t tough—he’s only a 10th-level cleric, but he has 1,130 hit points. More importantly, though, he has supernatural assistance. The ritual creatures in the chamber are strengthening him, so kill them first. They have only 1 hit point each, so it shouldn’t be too tough.
Once the ritual creatures are dead, get to work on Desther. He’ll surrender once you get him down below 900 hit points. Once he surrenders, loot everything in the vicinity, then take him back to Neverwinter.
Chapter Two
Port Llast
Your base of operations for Chapter Two is the large city of Port Llast. It’s filled with shady characters, confusing motives, and dozens of secondary quests. Adding to your troubles: While you’re hunting for the cult, the cult is hunting for you. But as you learned in Chapter One, Desther was just a hired hand. It’s time to start looking for the boss.
A-Kendrack’s Barracks B-To North Road C-To East Road D-To South Road E-Temple of Tyr F-The Alliance Arms Inn G-Shady Character H-Dockhouse I-Eltoora’s Laboratory J-Ballard K-Welcome Sign L-The Cracked Anvil M-Wanev’s Cottage N-The Eisenfeldt Farmhouse O-Alhelor’s House |
Kendrack’s Barracks
You’ll begin Chapter Two in Kendrack’s Barracks. Talk to the young lady who greets you, then head out into the main room.
All your friends from Chapter One are here: all five henchmen, Aribeth, and a new member of your growing team, Aarin Gend. Speak to Aribeth and Aarin to get your general battle plan for this chapter. You’ll need to find two pieces of corroborating evidence that lead to the cult’s location in the area.
You’ll also want to speak with Kendrack himself. He’ll offer to send you on the Bounty Hunt quest, during which you’ll need to track down five escaped convicts and return their ears for a reward. Here are their locations: Wyvern is camped out in the Neverwinter Woods, Zor is north at the Green Griffon Inn, Delilah can be found at the archaeologists’ camp to the east, Stirge is in the farmlands outside of Charwood, and Yesgar is hiding out in the Port Llast mines. Before you leave, you’ll want to talk to your henchmen and choose one to take along with you.
As before, each henchman has a quest. Solve the quest, and they’ll replace your previous reward with an upgraded item. Here’s what each henchman is looking for and where to find it.
Tomi Undergallows
You’ll find the Star of Calimshan in the summoning room of Wanev’s Tower. The Ring of the Rogue +3 adds three points to your dexterity and two points to your disable-trap and open-lock skills.
Boddyknock Glinckle
Boddyknock wants a prism blossom seed, which is located on the first level of the Creator Race Ruins. The Lantanese Ring +3 adds three points to your charisma and has a +1 regeneration effect.
Linu La’Neral
The journal of Synth La’Neral can be found on a corpse in the Troll Caves. The Pendant of the Elf +3 adds three points to your dexterity and grants you darkvision.
Grimgnaw seeks yet another morbid item—this time he wants a mummified corpse hand. You’ll find one in the Tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood. The Amulet of the Long Death +3 adds three points to your constitution and gives you a spell resistance bonus of 10.
A lock of nymph’s hair can be found in the Nymph’s House, deep in the Neverwinter Woods. The Belt of the Performer +3 adds three points to your charisma and two points to your perform and persuade skills.
Daelan Redtiger
The axe Daelan seeks will be found in the third level of the Mutamin’s Challenge dungeon in the Green Griffon Inn. The Amulet of the Red Tiger +3 gives you a three-point increase in strength and makes you immune to fear.
In this chapter, Aribeth also has a tale to tell. When it’s finished, she will give you a ring. This ring will be helpful (but not necessary) much, much later in the game.
Aarin Gend
Women can speak to Aarin and start a romantic thread with him. He will give you an amulet that can cast Light an unlimited number of times a day.
Gerrol’s Wife
Farmer Gerrol’s son will approach you as you leave the barracks, and you’ll be given the Gerrol’s Wife quest. You’ll be heading to the North Road soon enough to help his father.
The Alliance Arms Inn
This Inn is a hub of activity. You can pick up a few secondary quests here, and there are several people to talk to about your primary quest. A few of the quests that originate here later in the chapter can also be triggered at the Green Griffon Inn. It will just depend on which inn you visit at the appropriate time.
There are several people you should talk to on your first visit to the inn. First, chat with Alhelor and Anders about the Black Wolf. Next, speak with Elaith, who will give you the Serpent’s Gems quest. He’ll give you the key to Wanev’s Cottage to start your search. The gems are located in the following places: the summoning room in Wanev’s Tower, Zamthira’s room at the Green Griffon Inn, and Setara’s House in the heart of the Neverwinter Woods.
Several patrons will approach you. A halfling named Solomon will give you a ring, insisting that you take it as a reward for saving his family from the plague. Another persistent stranger (either Jaheel or Tarran) will request your aid in finding a lost brother, starting the Poor Neva quest.
You may also want to talk to Darktongue Breakbone, who claims to have been injured while searching for the cult himself. Darktongue will be very interested to learn if you find out where the cult is hiding. Very, very interested indeed.
Temple of Tyr
The local Temple of Tyr is accessed through a portal. Here, you’ll meet Neurik, your free healing dispenser for this chapter. Talk to Neurik to learn more about the Black Wolf, and you’ll be given the Werewolf Hunter quest. You’ll need to hunt down three local youths who have been turned into werewolves and give them a silver charm to cure their lycanthropy. Bran can be found in a cave along the south road, Geth will attack you on the east road, and Urth can be found upstairs at his parents’ farm in Port Llast.
Once you’ve cured (or killed) the three, you’ll need to find Sir Karathis in his cave near the Green Griffon Inn, then hunt down the real Black Wolf right here in town.
Eltoora’s Lab
Eltoora of the Many-Starred Cloak guild needs you to find five Imaskarran tomes. Once you find them, you can use her lab (located through the portal behind her) to make some decent items. Just put the two components in the chest and cast the appropriate spell.
The Tome of Life (fenberry + quartz crystal, cast Endure Elements = Ring of Elemental Resistance) is in the Tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood. The Tome of Resonance (ettercap silk gland + fenberry, cast Lightning Bolt = Wand of Lightning) is in Setara’s House. The Tome of Death (ettercap silk gland + skeleton’s knuckle, cast Improved Invisibility = Ring of Protection +3) and the Tome of Fire (fire beetle’s belly + quartz crystal, cast Fireball = Staff of Power) can both be found in Jhareg’s Castle in Charwood. The former is in Karlat’s library, the latter in Quint’s. The Tome of Ice (skeleton’s knuckle + quartz crystal, cast Mage Armor = Amulet of Natural Armor +3) is in Wanev’s Tower.
To the east of Eltoora you’ll find Ballard, a ranger who will tell you of strange animal attacks in the Neverwinter Woods.
In the dockhouse, you can get some easy experience points and cash. Talk to Captain Mung and Prichev and settle their dispute. If you convince Prichev to let the captain take the shipment to Waterdeep, you’ll get a bit of money, but you’ll get much more if you convince the captain to take the relief shipment to Neverwinter.
The Eisenfeldt Farmhouse
Start your werewolf hunting here. Urth’s parents won’t be very helpful, so just charge upstairs. Urth is a fairly powerful opponent—a 16th-level fighter. When you’ve done enough damage, he’ll surrender. Convince him to use the charm—through persuasion or intimidation—and he’ll be cured.
Wanev’s Cottage
A-Stairs Up B-Library C-Bedroom D-To Kitchen |
This unassuming house is actually a bit more than it appears. If you’re looking for the Serpent’s Gems for Elaith, you’ll want to stop here first. When you enter the house, disarm the trap near the stairs and go down into the basement.
As you move through the basement, pick up some skeletons’ knuckles (at least two, though you’ll need more to make items in Eltoora’s laboratory), a fire beetle’s belly, and a slaad tongue (the latter is found in a bookshelf in the library). In the bedroom, you’ll find Wanev’s bedroom journal, which will give you some clues about the puzzle ahead (and its reward). Fight the flesh golem near the stairs to the kitchen and climb up.
Upstairs, you’ll find Wanev’s cookbook. Put the necessary ingredients in the brazier (two skeletons’ knuckles, a fire beetle belly, and a slaad’s tongue) to open a portal. Step in and search the chests to find Wanev’s lab journal, which describes a tower he is building to the south, and Wanev’s wardstone.
There are four merchants in Port Llast. The Cracked Anvil sells quality armor and weapons, Eltoora sells supplies for spellcasters, the Shady Character near the dockhouse sells rogue equipment, and Ballard has some general supplies.
Random Attacks
If you’ve spoken with Solomon more than once, you know that he’s no friend and his ring was not a token of appreciation. This will be made even clearer when he attacks you. He and two guards will ambush you just outside of Port Llast, regardless of which road you take. Solomon and both his guards are 8th-level rogues. Make sure you loot his body for Solomon’s journal, which is a possible lead in your search for the cult.
Another cult agent who will track you down is Vardoc. Before he strikes, you will hear a great deal about him from various terrified patrons at the Alliance Arms and the Green Griffon. He will finally attack after you’ve investigated Neva’s disappearance. Vardoc is pretty tough—he’s a 1st-level fighter/12th-level rogue/1st-level barbarian, with a wide assortment of combat-related feats and skills. Like Solomon, he will attack you on any of the three roads when the time is right. When Vardoc is dead, be sure to search his body for an informative letter.
The North Road
The North Road leads to Luskan and consists of two fairly large areas—this first section of the road and the Green Griffon Inn. It also contains one of the bigger areas you’ve explored thus far—a series of caves inhabited by orcs, ogres, bugbears, and goblins.
A-To Port Llast B-To Green Griffon Inn C-To East Road D-Farmer Gerrol E-Bugbear Caves F-Goblin and Orc Caves |
Gerrol’s Farm
It’s finally time to help poor farmer Gerrol. Talk to him outside his farm, and he’ll explain that his wife, Leah, has been kidnapped by ogres. He wants the head of the ogre leader, Dergiab, and, if possible, Leah’s safe return. Time to do some spelunking.
The Goblin and Orc Caves
A-To North Road B-Goblin Chief C-Bugbear Prisoner D-Orc Chief E-Orc Chief’s Treasure Room F-Minotaur Pens G-To Bugbear Caves |
You can skip this entire area by entering though the northernmost cave in North Road, but there are experience points and good loot in this optional maze of caves. The central area is controlled by the goblins, while the east and south are orc territory.
The main areas of interest are the two leaders—the goblin chief in his central room and the ogre chief to the east. Both have good loot, though you’ll need to kill the ogre (3rd-level giant/4th-level fighter) guarding the bridge to the orc chief’s treasure room.
Near the goblin chief, you’ll find an imprisoned bugbear. He’ll tell you about the war between the bugbears, orcs, and goblins. He’ll also allude to the strange goings-on below with someone called the «master.»
Adventurers looking for some tougher opponents will want to visit the minotaur pens in the southeast part of the cave. Those just looking to get down to business below should head straight for the stairs to the south.
Bugbear Caves
A-To Goblin and Orc Caves B-To North Road C-Bugbear Chief D-Leah E-Beastmaster and Wolf Pens F-To Ogre Caves |
In the bugbear chief’s room, you’ll find a fair amount of treasure. He’s a 20th-level fighter, and he has some guards with him. The Beastmaster to the south is much easier (2nd-level fighter), but he’ll let the dogs out. Dire wolves, really.
Your most important task here is to free Leah, Gerrol’s wife. She can be found in the central prison area. Make sure the path to the exit is clear before setting her free. Once she’s safely out, the Ogre Caves await.
Ogre Caves
A-To Bugbear Caves B-Nuglat C-Dergiab and Ganon D-Portal to North Road |
A half-orc prisoner named Nuglat is being held near the Bugbear Caves entrance. He knows a good deal about the «master.» Dergiab is an ogre mage and has taken up with the cult. Free or fight Nuglat, then head toward the southwestern chamber.
Dergiab (7th-level wizard/6th-level fighter) and Ganon (10th-level rogue) will make for a tough duo. In addition to a variety of spells, Dergiab wields a +1 double axe, and Ganon’s flail can cause fear when it strikes. Kill them both, loot their loot (be sure to get Ganon’s journal from the nearby chest), and return Dergiab’s head to Gerrol. The portal to the west will make the trip to the surface much easier.
Port Llast Mines
These mines will be closed to you until the end of the chapter. See the «Journey to Luskan» section for details.
North Road: Green Griffon Inn
This area is full of interesting, and completely optional, challenges, including The Tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood in the northeast and the Inn itself, which is featuring a particularly interesting contest. Luskan, currently closed to visitors, lies to the north.
A-To North Road B-To Luskan C-The Green Griffon Inn D-Werewolf Cave E-Caretaker’s House F-Tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood |
Green Griffon Inn
The Green Griffon Inn is bustling. Talk to some of the customers to learn about a contest being held by the proprietor, Mutamin. Find Kasma to learn more about it.
Before asking Mutamin if you can participate in his challenge, speak to Zamthira. She comes on strong, but it’s worthwhile to string her along. Follow her up to her room, where you’ll find one of Elaith’s coveted Serpent’s Gems in a chest. You can intimidate her or just attack her to get the gem.
While you’re on the second floor, knock on some doors. In the last room on the right, you’ll find Zor (10th-level monstrous/4th-level fighter), one of the escaped convicts from the Bounty Hunt quest. Beat him down until he surrenders, then listen to his sad tale. Unlike the other cons, Zor won’t surrender completely. So you’ll have to kill him when he attacks you again. Take his ear to Kendrack for your reward.
While in the inn, you may be approached by Jaheel or Tarran and given the Poor Neva quest, if you haven’t already received it.
Mutamin’s Challenge
When you’re ready to take the challenge, talk to Mutamin for permission. Head down to the basement and pay your entrance fee of 500 gold. A word of warning: It isn’t called a challenge for marketing reasons.
Mutamin’s Challenge: Entryway
A-From Green Griffon Inn B-To Minotaur Maze C-To Final Challenge |
The first area of Mutamin’s Challenge is filled with vermin, ettercaps, flesh golems, and dire hell hounds. There are two exits, one to the minotaur maze (which is totally and absolutely optional) and the other to the final challenge. The minotaur maze is guarded by a nasty queen spider (11th level). The other exit is guarded by a Yuan-Ti (5th-level fighter/8th-level wizard). You can either attack her or answer her riddles. Answer wrong, and she’ll attack. The first answer is 15. To get her «prize» (which you won’t need), you’ll need to answer a tougher riddle. She’ll give you a hint if you successfully persuade her. You can get a bigger hint by reading the answer: «12 trinkets, 5 girls.»
Mutamin’s Challenge: Minotaur Maze
A-To Entryway B-Kasma C-To Final Challenge |
As stated above, this area is completely optional. There isn’t much here except minotaurs and loot, both of which are good things, if you’re looking to maximize your experience. Experience points, that is. As you wander through the maze, you’ll encounter Kasma engaged in battle. If you manage to save her, she’ll just attack you. The exit to the final challenge is guarded by a minotaur chieftain (6th-level monstrous/6th-level barbarian).
Mutamin’s Challenge: Final Challenge
A-From Minotaur Maze B-From Entryway C-Door Riddle D-Hallway E-Pillar of Light F-Invisible Stalkers G-Gorkan H-Final Riddle |
If you enter from the maze, you won’t have to solve the door riddle. The statue in the middle of the room will tell you the riddle. To get the answer, multiply the number of offspring in the current generation by two, and then subtract three—which will give you 19. Open the door marked 19 and get the key. The hallway beyond the door is guarded by a tough ghoul ravager (9th-level undead/7th-level fighter).
Near the pillar of light, Gam needs healing. Help him (with a healer’s kit or a spell), and he’ll tell you that the invisible stalkers (all 8th-level elementals) in the next room can be defeated by leading them to the pillar. Take his advice unless you’re up for a challenge. In the northeastern room you’ll find a crystal egg in a chest. Of all the crystal objects you’ve found down here, this is the one you want. This is the Danny Zuko of crystal objects.
Before you get to the final riddle, Gorkan will attack you. Loot his body when he’s dead to find the notched axe for Daelan’s henchman quest. The final riddle awaits. Listen to the riddle, and put the appropriate crystal object in the chest. The appropriate crystal object is the egg. Return to Mutamin for your reward.
The Tomb of the Arcane Brotherhood
A-To Green Griffon Inn Region B-Corpse Hand C-Key D-Locked Gate E-Brother Toras |
The other area of interest in the Green Griffon Inn region is this ancient tomb, located in the northeast corner and watched over by a strange man. You can persuade him to give you the key, which opens the locked crypt in the graveyard. You may want to wait until later in the chapter to explore this tomb—some of its inhabitants are nasty.
The tomb itself is filled with difficult undead—zombie lords, mummies, skeleton mages and priests, and more. You’ll find two quest items here, though, so it’s worth your trouble. In a chest near the entrance you’ll find the corpse hand needed for Grimgnaw’s henchman quest.
Brother Toras himself holds the Imaskarran Tome of Life for Eltoora’s quest. To get to Brother Toras, though, you’ll need to retrieve the tomb key, guarded by a mummy (15th-level undead/5th-level wizard) on a platform to the north. Unlock the gates, and get ready for what is probably your toughest battle yet: Brother Toras has plenty of guards, and he himself is a 20th-level wizard—and a lich to boot.
The East Road
The road leading east from Port Llast travels past an archaeological dig and into Neverwinter Woods. This area is immense, and the troll caves in the area lead down into ancient caverns where you’ll discover hints of more frightening events on the horizon.
A-To Port Llast B-To North Road C-To Neverwinter Woods D-To South Road E-The Archaeologists’ Camp F-Jax’s barracks G-Geth H-To Troll Caves Storage Area I-To Troll Caves: Level One |
The Archaeologists’ Camp
Go through the gates into the campsite. Speaking with any of the archaeologists will lead you to Jax, the leader of the dig until the group was attacked by trolls. Jax will tell you about a creator race and how he will reward you if you bring him proof that it existed. Enter the barracks and speak with Revat and Lenton. Revat wants you to rescue his mother from the trolls and gives you a ring. Lenton wants you to avenge the death of his brother by bringing him the head of the troll chief.
Luckily, you can accomplish all of these goals in one place: one huge seven-level place full of trolls, golems, and strange beasts of which you’ve never even heard tales. Before you leave the barracks, pay a visit to the second floor. One of the escaped convicts from the Bounty Hunt quest, Deliliah (14th-level rogue), is hiding up here. Kill her, or let her surrender in exchange for information and her ear.
Before you enter the Troll Caves, head south along the road. You’ll be set upon by poor Geth in werewolf form. When he surrenders, make him use the silver charm. Now head to the caves in the northeastern corner of the east road.
Troll Caves: Storage Level
A-From East Road B-Revat’s Mother C-To Troll Caves: Level One D-Portal from Creator Ruins |
Make your way through the caves to the stairs. Before you descend, stop and talk with Janis, Revat’s mother. Use Revat’s ring to free her, then continue downstairs.
Troll Caves: Level One
A-To Storage Area B-To East Road C-To Troll Caves: Level Two D-Troll Chieftain E-Synth La’Neral’s Corpse |
Fight your way to the troll chieftain’s chamber in the northeast corner of this level. He’s a tough fighter—a 15th-level giant/6th-level cleric. His minions will be a little easier. Once they’re dead, loot his body and take the head. Loot the room, then head to the west side of the cave. In the northwest tunnel, you’ll find a corpse. Search it for the journal of Synth La’Neral, needed for Linu’s henchman quest.
Troll Caves: Level Two
A-To Troll Caves: Level One B-Troll Shaman C-To Troll Caves: Level Two |
There is little to note on this level, apart from the troll shaman behind a locked door in the southern central area of the cave. Fight your way through and continue down.
Troll Caves: Level Three
A-To Troll Caves: Level Two B-Darius C-To the Creator Ruins |
Near the stairs from level two, you’ll find a disturbed individual in a cell. He’ll tell you about something lurking beneath the troll caves, and his behavior should convince you that he’s serious. At the east end of the long tunnel, you’ll find stairs leading down.
The Creator Ruins: Level One
A-To Troll Caves: Level Three B-Seal Guardian C-Prism Blossom Seed D-Golem Signet Ring E-To Creator Ruins: Level Two |
The tunnels of the Creator Ruins are full of enemies (mostly gargoyles, minogons, and battle horrors), as well as some good loot. You’ll want to search everywhere and open everything. You won’t, however, be able to open the sealed doors easily.
You’ll see the first guardian as soon as you descend from the caves. He’ll tell you that you cannot pass without a signet ring. Before you go looking for it, be sure to open the chest just to the south of the entrance. Inside, you’ll find the prism blossom seed that Boddyknock needs for his henchman quest.
In a chest in the southeast corner, at the end of a long bridge, you’ll find the Golem Signet Ring. Return to the guardian and he will let you pass.
The Creator Ruins: Level Two
A-To Creator Ruins: Level One B-Seal Guardian C-Creator Scroll D-Treasure Rooms E-To Creator Ruins: Level Three |
The guardian on this level requires a password. You will find it («Thurth mog lama gat rag») by reading the creator scroll locked in a heavily guarded chest in the southern area of the level. When you open the chest, you will be attacked by three 13th-level flesh golems.
The southeast and southwest sections of this level both contain some good loot. The latter is guarded by a 13th-level helmed horror.
The Creator Ruins: Level Three
A-To Creator Ruins: Level Two B-Seal Guardian C-Dead Thief D-Creator Sorcerers E-Portal to Troll Caves: Storage Area |
The seal guardian on this level is only after one thing: you. It’s only 3rd level, but it has 25 percent immunity to piercing and slashing weapons and a damage reduction of 10/+1, and it is totally immune to critical hits, death magic, disease, poison, paralysis, energy draining, and mind-affecting spells. And killing it won’t get you through the door.
To find the key, head into the southern hallways. In one of the central rooms, you’ll find the body of a dead thief. Search his corpse for the seal key. There is also some good treasure in these rooms, as well as a battle horror and some gray renders.
Return to the entry, unlock the seal, and face the creator sorcerers (8th-level wizards). They aren’t too tough individually, but there are four to contend with. Through the gate, you’ll face another sorcerer. He’ll surrender after you do enough damage, and you can learn a bit about the (awful, awful) creator race. Kill him when the conversation ends. Search the nearby chests for three books, particularly History of the Slave Race, which Jax will want. Use the portal to return to the surface, and talk to everyone at the archaeologists’ compound to receive your rewards.
East Road: Neverwinter Woods
As Ballard informed you, the animals are acting strangely. You’ll fight a fair amount of wildlife—including weak little deer—as you investigate the goings-on among the trees. As you’ve probably already guessed, the cult has something to do with it all.
Druid Encampment
A-To East Road B-Druid Encampment C-Bridge to Deep Woods D-Wyvern’s Camp |
Find the druid camp in the north. Talk to Archdruid Aawill, and he will set you off on a quest to find out what is wrong in the woods. Along the way, he’d like for you to find three missing druids: Orlane, Terari, and Bree. They can be found in a spider cave in the deep woods, the Nymph’s House, and Setara’s House, respectively. Once you’ve accepted Aawill’s quest, you can cross the bridge to the east.
Druid Challenge
Characters with at least one druid level can take the druid challenge. In it, you will fight four increasingly powerful druids. For each one you beat, you will earn a ring. The Ring of the First Circle will cast Stoneskin once a day, the Ring of the Second Circle will cast Poison, the Ring of the Third Circle will cast Resist Elements, and the Ring of the Fourth Circle will cast Summon Creature I.
Wyvern’s Camp
It isn’t a real wyvern; it’s just a guy named Wyvern whose friends are being attacked. And it isn’t a real guy named Wyvern whose friends are being attacked; it’s one of the escaped convicts. His plea for help is actually an ambush. Wyvern is only a 5th-level ranger, and he’ll surrender quickly. Kill him, or let him escape in exchange for his ear and some information.
The Deep Woods
A-To Druid Encampment B-Spider Cave C-The Nymph’s House D-To the Heart of the Forest |
When you first enter the Deep Woods, you will be attacked by a 7th-level dryad. When she surrenders, talk to her. Seems everyone is under the evil spell of the forest. She has two suggestions as to creatures that may not be affected: a local nymph and a witch named Setara, who lives to the east in the Heart of the Forest.
The Nymph’s House
A-To Deep Woods B-Nymph Slave C-The Nymph D-Ceremonial Dagger and Mirror of Vanity E-Terrari F-Lock of Nymph Hair |
The nymph has many slaves, and they’re all hostile. The one in the northwestern corner will surrender and seem unaware of where he is or how he got here. Makes you feel a little bad for killing all the others, doesn’t it?
Continue to the northeastern room, where you will meet the seductress herself. Her charms won’t work on you, and she’ll break down and tell you what she knows about the Spirit of the Wood and how a mortal might possibly reach it. Search the nearby chest for a ceremonial dagger, the Mirror of Vanity, and the Treatise on the Spirit of the Wood.
In the southern portion of her house, you’ll find the missing druid Terrari. He’ll leave once you talk to him. In an armoire in the bedroom to the southeast, you’ll find the lock of nymph hair needed for Sharwyn’s henchman quest.
The Spider Cave
In the southeastern part of the region, you’ll find a cave opening. Enter, and you’ll be knee-deep in arachnids and ettercaps. In the southeastern cavern, you’ll face an 11th-level queen spider. She guards a spiderweb cocoon that contains Orlane, the first of the missing druids.
The Heart of the Forest
A-To Deep Woods B-Setara’s House C-Campsite D-Altar E-Dire Bear Cave |
In the campsite to the north, you’ll find a vial of poison. Its reason for being here will be made clear soon. The south cave that’s home to a 12th-level dire bear is a good place to visit for some experience points and some loot. But there are two more-important places to visit. First, let’s see what the witch knows.
Setara’s House
A-To the Heart of the Forest B-Bree C-Setara D-Library |
When you find Setara, she won’t help you unless you have the Mirror of Vanity from the Nymph’s House. Give it to the witch, and she will give you the key to Bree’s cell along with Setara’s Gem, one of the Serpent’s Gems for Elaith. Free Bree, then loot the house. Don’t miss the Imaskarran Tome of Resonance—it’s in the glowing bookshelf in the library.
The Altar
Once you’ve explored Setara’s House and the Dire Bear Cave, go to the altar in the southeastern corner of the Heart of the Forest. Examine the altar, then plunge the ceremonial dagger (from the Nymph’s House) into your chest.
The Realm of the Spirit
A-From the Heart of the Forest B-Relmar C-Spirit Poison Antidote D-Spirit of the Wood E-Portal |
In this strange realm, you’ll encounter a fairly incoherent dwarf named Relmar (12th-level fighter). His circuitous rambling will tell you why he’s here (to poison the spirit) and what you can do about it (find the antidote hidden in the rocks to the west). He’ll attack you, and you should take his journal from the corpse.
Get the antidote, then find the spirit in its grove to the east. It will attack (5th-level fighter/2nd-level magical beast/11th-level sorcerer), and it’s immune to most every type of magic but elemental. When the spirit surrenders, you can cure it of the poison with the antidote, or you can kill it. If you choose the former, you will be transported back to the forest. Choose the latter, and you’ll have to use the portal to the south.
The South Road
If you’re visiting the South Road as your final destination in the Port Llast area, it will all come together. You’ll find the evidence you need to locate the cult, as well as a strange town trapped in time, some petty inter-rural romantic squabbles, a strange wizard’s tower, and a haunted forest.
A-To the East Road B-To Port Llast C-To the Farmlands D-Troll Bridge E-Wanev’s Tower: Front Entrance F-Wanev’s Tower: Cave Entrance G-Tomb of Maegel H-Bran’s Cave |
Bran’s Cave
The last of the three teenage werewolves you’re hunting is located in a cave to the northeast. Like both of his friends, Bran is a 16th-level warrior. Once you’ve cured (or killed) him, return to Neurik for your reward and the next assignment in your werewolf-hunting career.
Tomb of Maegel
A-To South Road B-Dying Adventurer C-Well D-Maegel’s Burial Chamber |
This tomb is completely optional. There are no quest items and no real loot to speak of. Follow the tunnels to the small locked cell. Open the door and talk to the dying adventurer. Read his book—Treatise on Forgotten Heroes—then go to the well in the south. Examine the well and swim through the underwater channel.
In Maegel’s burial chamber, his ghost will awake and speak with you. He’ll ask you the name of his clan, and you can answer «Mirialis» if you’ve read the treatise. Maegel will give you a watchman’s helm for the correct answer.
Wanev’s Tower
A-To South Road B-Gong C-Library D-Portal to Guard Barracks E-Guard Barracks F-Stairs to Summoning Chamber |
To get to Wanev’s Tower, you will need to cross a bridge guarded by a troll. If you have the wardstone from his cottage in Port Llast, the troll will let you pass without incident.
You can enter the tower through the cave to the southwest or through the front door. Once inside, the wardstone will ensure that the guards leave you alone. Without the wardstone, you still won’t have much difficulty—most of his guards are 3rd-level bugbear fighters. If you want to avoid them, and don’t have the wardstone, just ring the gong in the hallway and slip through the empty hallways as the guards run to the alarm.
Examine the glowing bookshelf in the library for the Imaskarran Tome of Ice, then go through either of the portals to the barracks. In the barracks, open the middle chest on the northern side of the room to find the Star of Calimshan for Tomi’s henchman quest. Climb the stairs to the second floor.
Wanev’s Summoning Chamber
A-Entrance B-Wanev’s Gem C-Gulgash D-Portal |
Wanev will attack you. He’s a 12th-level wizard, and he’s resistant to fire damage. When he surrenders, he will tell you that you can have his gem (for Elaith’s Serpent’s Gems quest) if you’ll help him out. You must stop the infestation of imps in his summoning chamber.
Enter the summoning chamber. You’ll find Wanev’s Gem in a chest along the north wall and Gulgash (10th-level outsider/4th-level cleric/4th-level sorcerer) in the southwestern corner. Kill Gulgash and place his heart in the portal to close it.
South Road: The Farmlands
The South Road winds east here, into a haunted forest that leads to Charwood. Most of your quests here are totally optional, and if you already have Relmar’s journal and Vardoc’s letter, the entire area is optional. There are some interesting places to visit, though—especially the mysterious village of Charwood.
A-To East Road B-Standing Stones C-To Haunted Forest D-Stirge’s Camp E-Ingo Farm F-O’Deel Farm G-Silverback’s Cave |
The Farmlands
On the road leading into the haunted forest, near the standing stones, you’ll find Neva—the poor little boy who supposedly disappeared with his birthday money. Strangely, Neva is actually a 4th-level fighter/4th-level rogue, and a female. Her «sister,» Jaheel, and her «brother,» Tarran (both 6th-level fighters), are with her, and the whole thing is yet another ambush by the cult. Search Neva’s corpse for a letter.
The Farms
Inside Ingo’s farm, you’ll find Erik behind a locked door. He wants you to retrieve his mother’s brooch from Constance O’Deel. Head south to the other farm, and she’ll be easily convinced (or threatened) to give it up for some gold. She’ll ask for 1,000, but you can persuade her down to 400, or even 250 if you have a high persuade skill. Return the brooch to Erik. Talk to Pete O’Deel, and he’ll hire you to kill a local pack of wolves living in a cave to the south.
Silverback’s Cave
A-To South Road B-Silverback |
This cave is full of dire wolves. Silverback is a 15th-level dire wolf and can be found in the southeast corner of the cave. You can convince Silverback to leave the O’Deel farm alone, or you can kill him for his head. Return to Pete O’Deel and either give him the head or tell him of Silverback’s promise.
Stirge’s Camp
One of the escaped convicts is camped out to the north of the main road, near the East Road exit. Talk to him to learn all about his proud career as a baby killer, then attack him. As with his colleagues, you can let him surrender in exchange for his ear or just strike him down (he’s a 12th-level bard). He has some treasure stashed away in the woods behind his camp.
The Haunted Forest
A-From Farmlands B-To Charwood C-Ruined Building D-Pillar E-Haunted Crypt |
You can just head straight into Charwood or take a little detour here to explore a haunted crypt full of undead and loot. To enter the Haunted Crypt, explore the ruined building to the northwest. In a chest among the rubble, you’ll find an old scroll with three words that stand out: «NETHER SHALL RULE.»
Examine the pillar to the southeast. If you’ve read the scroll, you can press the runes in the correct order. This will open a portal to the unreachable area in the southeast corner. Enter the crypt.
The Haunted Crypt
A-To Haunted Forest B-Gate Levers C-Exit Portal |
This crypt is full of moderately difficult undead—zombie lords, skeleton mages, and, especially, the ghoul ravagers on the central walkways. To open the locked gates, use the levers located to the east and the west. On the north side you’ll find more undead and a sarcophagus that will summon a mummy when opened. Be sure to check behind the altar for more loot before leaving.
A-To Haunted Forest B-Mayor’s Office C-Inn D-To Castle Jhareg |
Talk to Quint at the gates. He’ll say some cryptic things about the dead, the children, and his brother, Karlat. Inside the gates, you’ll find everyone is just as confused and confusing. In the mayor’s office, talk to Mayor Mobley. He is a bit more coherent, but he isn’t much help. Still, his defensive nature should tell you that something is strange in Castle Jhareg.
Before entering the castle, visit the inn to the north. Inside you’ll find a strange man (7th-level sorcerer) who seems to have been affected by too much time in this city. If you can make some persuasion checks, you’ll learn that he is a member of the cult. Either way, he’ll eventually attack you. Take the Charwood cultist’s journal from his body.
Castle Jhareg
A-To Charwood B-Central Passage C-Side Passages D-The Guardian E-Quint’s Chambers F-Karlat’s Chambers |
The chest in the foyer contains a riddle and a key. The key will open one of the doors, and the «correct» door is the center one. The side passages are filled with creatures, while the center corridor is straight and safe to the north end of the floor.
In the northern room you’ll meet the guardian, who will address you as «judge» and give you the key that unlocks the brothers’ chambers. You must return with an oath from each brother and determine who is at fault for Charwood’s strange situation.
Quint’s Chambers
A-To Castle Jhareg B-Quint’s Key C-Quint’s Bedroom D-Quint Jhareg E-Library F-Alchemist’s Laboratory |
You primary goal in Quint’s chamber is to find Quint himself and get the signed oath. His chamber is filled with undead guards—including a bodak that guards him. You’ll find his key in a small alcove on the northern side of the central chamber, and you’ll find his journal in his bedroom. Kill the bodak and unlock the door behind it. Talk to Quint to receive his side of the story and his sworn oath.
You also will want to grab the Imaskarran Tome of Death from a chest in his library, and you can follow the recipes in his alchemist’s laboratory to create some potions.
Karlat’s Chambers
A-To Castle Jhareg B-Karlat’s Key C-Library D-Storage Room E-Summoning Chamber F-Karlat Jhareg G-Tome of Fire |
Karlat’s Chambers are a bit more interesting—and informative. You’ll find his journal in a chest in the library (also be sure to read the large book) and his key in a storage room on the west side of his chambers. Once you’ve read his journal and found his key, unlock the door to the southern room to obtain his oath. Be sure to ask him about his journal and Belial.
With these oaths, you have satisfied the guardian’s request. But you don’t have the full story. To get the full story, find Karlat’s Burning Wand (in the chest with his key), the Protection Wand, and a fire beetle’s belly (in the northeast storage room). Go to the summoning room and use the Protection Wand to cast Protection from Alignment on yourself. Put the fire beetle’s belly in the brazier, then use Karlat’s Burning Wand to cast Burning Hands on the brazier. Belial will appear, and you can question him. Get his sworn oath, then return to the guardian.
You have several choices when it comes time to pass judgment. You can blame Quint or Karlat. If you have Belial’s oath, you can acquit them both and blame Belial. As for the fate of the phylactery, take it or have it destroyed. If you blame Quint or have the guardian keep the phylactery, Charwood will remain trapped in time. Otherwise, it will vanish, and you’ll be given a reward upon leaving the castle.
The Journey to Luskan
Return to Kendrack’s Barracks and speak with Aribeth. You will need two of the following: the Charwood cultist’s journal, the letter to Vardoc, and Relmar’s journal. This will prove that the cult is sequestered somewhere in Luskan. Aarin Gend will arrange for you to enter the sealed city.
The Last of Port Llast
Before heading to Luskan, it’s time to wrap up some unfinished business. First, talk to Kendrack. If you’ve delivered the first four bounty ears, he will tell you that his daughter has been kidnapped and is being held in the Port Llast Mines.
Next, visit the Temple of Tyr. Neurik will tell you to hunt down Sir Karathis in his cave. It’s located near the Green Griffon Inn.
Now it’s time to venture north.
Port Llast Mines
A-To North Road B-Yesgar C-Shaldrissa |
These mines are home to the last escaped convict and the kidnapped daughter of Kendrack. Fight your way to the eastern tunnels and prepare for the showdown with Yesgar. He’s a 12th-level half-orc monk wielding two Kamas. When he’s dead, search his body for a key. If you let him go, you’ll find the key in his chamber. Free Shaldrissa, loot the chests, then return to Kendrack.
As you pass into the Green Griffon Inn region on your way to Luskan, you’ll be attacked by Darktongue Breakbone (16th-level figher/3rd-level rogue) and his guards (both 12th-level fighters).
The Black Wolf’s Cave
If you’ve cured the three teenage werewolves, Neurik will send you here to kill the Black Wolf. You’ll find Sir Karathis in werewolf form. Like the boys, he is a 16th-level fighter and will put on the silver charm when defeated. He’ll tell you, however, the real identity of the Black Wolf. Surprise! Maybe.
Alhelor’s House
If you visit this house before you’ve thoroughly investigated the werewolf attacks, the only thing of note will be its mysterious scent. Later, though, all wolf tracks will lead here. Alhelor is a 16th-level ranger and cannot be cured, so you’ll need to bring his dog days to an end the old-fashioned way.
Now it’s time to enter Luskan. Once you pass through the gates, there is no turning back, so finish up any other outstanding quests, and make sure you’re satisfied with your current henchman.
The city is sealed for good reason. Wererats and thugs fight it out in the street as two warring high captains fight for control. Walking the streets here can be dangerous. Your first order of business will be talking with Aarin Gend at the temple (just use the stone of recall for a quick trip). The cult seems to be based out of a tower in the northwest, and he needs a high captain’s seal to forge your entry documents.
A-From North Road B-The Wink and Tickle C-Temple of Tyr D-The Cutlass Inn E-To Baram’s Sewers F-Crack in Wall (to Docks) G-Ruined Tower (to Harbor Sewers) H-Garlone’s House I-To Sewers J-Lady Jadale’s Estate K-Colmarr’s Fantabulous Contraptions and Magical Errata L-Smithy M-Mercantile Shop N-Shady Character O-To Host Tower |
The Wink and Tickle
Your first stop should be this brothel near the main gates. Talk to Bela about the city’s problems, then head upstairs, where three quests can be started. First, speak with Erb. The halfling wants his ring back from Lady Jadale before her husband returns. Next, speak with Yvette (you’ll have to open some doors to speak with the working ladies). She’ll ask you to help her rescue her baby, taken by Garlone who lives in the slums.
As Bela told you, one of the courtesans will give you some information on the captains. If you’re female, speak with Oreth. Males should visit Rhaine. They will give you the keys to Kurth’s and Baram’s compounds if you agree to kill them.
Garlone’s House
You won’t have much trouble convincing Garlone to give you Yvette’s baby—you just need to show him some coin. He’ll want 1000 gold but will take 250 if you threaten him. Make sure you check your inventory to see the baby nestled among the potions, rings, and books.
Lady Jadale’s Estate
Lady Jadale doesn’t want to give up Erb’s ring. Erb loves her, and she knows it. Appeal to her love of Erb—tell her that he wants the ring back so that her husband won’t hurt him. She’ll relent and hand it over. Alternately, you can lie to her about the legality of the ring, or you can just buy it from her for 1000 gold or talk her down to 400 or 250, depending on your persuasion skill.
The Cutlass Inn
Two rescue missions await you here. Baram has kidnapped Londa’s nine children, and she wants them back. Elynwyd has also lost a loved one—his sister Evaine has been taken by Kurth, and he’ll give you his signet ring so that she’ll trust you.
There are a few places to buy stuff. There’s the Priest of Tyr at the temple, a shady character at the northern wall, and a smithy and general merchant in the city center.
Colmarr’s Fantabulous Contraptions and Magical Errata sells a variety of good equipment. It’s run by a gnome inventor. He’s developed a machine that turns sewage into potions, but it’s broken. Find the three missing levers and fix the machine, and you can use it. The Lever of Stone can be found in a chest on the first floor of the Wink and Tickle, the Lever of Wind is in a chest in the sewers, and the Lever of Water will be given to you by the outcast ghoul in the sewers.
The Sewers
A-To Luskan B-To Baram’s Sewers C-The Outcast Ghoul D-Ghoul Lord E-Colmarr’s Contraption F-Londa’s Vault |
It’s best not to question why the sewers are filled with undead. You’ll find the sewer entrance to Baram’s compound to the north and Colmarr’s Contraption to the northwest.
In the southern area, you’ll find Londa’s treasure room (which can be opened only if you’ve finished her quest) and a ghoul outcast. Speak to the ghoul, and he’ll ask you to kill a ghoul lord (10th-level wizard/5th-level undead) to the east and return his Amulet of Power. Once you’ve done so, he’ll give you one of Colmarr’s levers and a sewer key.
With the key, you can open the door in the northwest and fix Colmarr’s invention. You’ll need the lever from the ghoul, the lever from the Wink and Tickle, and the lever found in a chest near the ghoul lord.
Baram’s Sewers
A-To Main Sewers B-To Luskan C-To Baram’s Lair |
Entering from the main sewers, you will be confronted by Baram himself, or at least a projected version of him. He will offer you 1,000 gold and some magical items for Kurth’s head. (If you enter from Luskan, you will not have this exchange.) If you go through the gate behind him, the deal is off and his guards will attack. The door to his lair is guarded by a 13th-level Yuan-Ti necromancer.
Baram’s Lair
A-To Baram’s Sewers B-Shrine Spirit Ritual C-Bone Spirit Ritual D-Undead Generator E-Cocoons F-Baram |
Baram’s Lair is an undead factory—literally. Destroy the implements in the Bone Spirit Ritual room, then kill all of the skeleton acolytes conducting the Shrine Spirit Ritual. This will put a halt to the undead production, but you’ll then have to fight a 5th-level Yuan-Ti conjurer and a 5th-level Yuan-Ti necromancer near the generator.
Before facing Baram himself, visit the spider’s lair, kill the vermin, and search the cocoons. You’ll uncover Londa’s nanny, who will tell you the children have all been murdered and give you a teddy bear for Londa. When you return to Londa, you should consider lying to her. Tell her they’ve been shipped to orphanages to save her feelings and to ensure you get her treasure key, which opens her husband’s vault in the sewers.
Finally, it’s time to kill Baram (12th-level rogue/8th-level ranger) and his attendant Priestess of Mask (6th-level cleric). Baram’s morningstar does 1d6 fire damage, and he wears a Ring of Elemental Resistance. The priestess gets her power from the two gargoyles behind her, but she’s not too tough even if you don’t destroy them. Once Baram is dead, grab his high captain’s seal from the chest behind him, as well as his head if you want the reward from Kurth.
The Docks
A-To Luskan B-To Harbor Sewers C-Kurth D-Kurth’s Lair E-Ruins of Illusk |
There are two entrances to the docks—through a crack in the wall in the southwest of Luskan and through the harbor sewers accessed through a ruined tower just to the northeast of the crack. If you take the crack entrance, Kurth will appear and offer a reward for Baram’s head.
Kurth will offer you 1,000 gold for Baram’s head, though you can talk him up if Baram has already made you a similar offer. He will also agree to release Elynwyd’s sister if you bring him Baram’s head, but when the time comes he will refuse to do so. Once you go through the gate behind him, his guards will attack.
If you decide to infiltrate his lair, be careful: The door is guarded by an ogre deathward (10th-level giant/10th-level sorcerer).
Kurth’s Lair
A-To Docks B-Burke’s Room C-Fountain D-Tolan Losen E-Planar Portal F-Evaine |
In the prisons to the east, in the northernmost cell, you’ll meet Tolan Losen, one of Kurth’s former soldiers who was being held as a potential sacrifice. He’ll give you some information about Burke and his demonic allies.
In the center of Kurth’s Lair, you’ll find Burke’s bedroom. Inside, Burke has lain down for a permanent nap. Search his body for a smooth token and Burke’s Manual, which describes how to close the portal in the next room. To do so, you’ll also need the glowing sphere from the fountain in the northeastern room of the lair.
To close the planar portal, place the token and the sphere within it. This will make the fight with Kurth much easier, because you won’t have to fight the 8th-level vrock and the 7th-level rakshasa guards.
You will still need to kill Kurth (10th-level fighter/8th-level barbarian), and his armor gives him a fair amount of spell resistance and +2 regeneration. His sword does 1d6 cold damage as well. His attendant Priestess of Auril is a 6th-level cleric.
Once Kurth is dead, search his body for the prison key and free Evaine. Then search the room in the northwestern corner for the high captain’s seal. Take his head if you want the reward from Baram.
Return to Aarin with either of the high captain’s seals, and he’ll give you documents to enter the Host Tower. Before you enter, though, you may want to finish up your secondary quests and take some time to explore the strange house in the southwestern corner of the docks.
The Ruins of Illusk
In the southwestern corner on the docks, you’ll see a strange statue next to a ruined house. Read the inscription, then enter the house. Inside, you’ll be attacked by a skull warrior (6th-level undead/4th-level fighter). When it’s dead, take its head and place it on the altar to open the seal to the first level.
The Ruins of Illusk: Level One
A-To Ruined House B-Levers C-Fallen Hero D-To Level Two |
Directly ahead of you, you’ll see a large group of undead. If you don’t feel like fighting them yourself, pull the two levers near the gate—one will send a jolt of electricity through the mob, and the other will summon a golem to finish them off.
Proceed through the ruins until you reach the fallen hero (10th-level paladin) and his 6th-level mummy buddy. Once the fallen hero has fallen, take his heart to the altar near the stairs in the southeast corner. Place his heart on the altar to break the seal.
The Ruins of Illusk: Level Two
A-To Level One B-Water Elemental C-To Level Three |
Explore this level if you want. You’ll find moderately difficult undead everywhere and some good treasure. To get to level three, kill the 15th-level water elemental in the northwest hallway. Search its body, take the blessed water, and place it on the altar to break the seal.
The Ruins of Illusk: Level Three
A-To Level Two B-Voleron C-Portal to Docks |
The final level has quite a few enemies. Fight your way to the center chamber, where you’ll face Voleron, a 15th-level wizard. Voleron is a lich and is immune to poison, paralysis, negative energy, critical hits, disease, death magic, sneak attacks, and mind-affecting spells. He also has a good variety of defensive spells. Once he’s dead, loot the chamber and return to the surface via the nearby portal.
The Host Tower
You have the documents from Aarin, so now it’s time to explore the mysterious tower. Once you cross the bridge, you’ll enter the courtyard. Talk to Captain Islund, and he’ll be suspicious of your papers. You can talk your way by him or just attack. He’s an 11th-level monk.
The Host Tower: Ambassadors’ Quarters
A-To Courtyard B-Yeanasha C-Gurak Entrailspiller D-Aribeth’s Quarters E-Werecat Pen F-Host Tower Portal |
Talk to Yeanasha and Gurak to learn a little bit about what the cult is doing here and its plans for Neverwinter. Explore the room on the eastern side of the foyer, which was formerly home to Aribeth. In an armoire you’ll find the tower entry key and a small diary, which tells of Aribeth and Maugrim’s alliance.
The key opens the door to the south, which leads to the Host Tower portal. This is the method of transportation between floors. Once you get to the second floor, you’ll need portal stones to go any higher.
The Host Tower: Second Floor
A-Host Tower Portal B-Blaskar’s Room C-Bedroom |
You’ll need to fight some tower acolytes when you enter, then you should search the rooms for the necessary portal stones. In Blaskar’s room to the east, you’ll find portal stones for the third and sixth floors. In the bedroom to the southwest, you’ll find a fourth-floor portal stone.
For the quickest route to the top of the tower: Go to the sixth floor and find the pinnacle portal stone. The rest of the floors are completely optional.
The Host Tower: Third Floor
A-Host Tower Portal B-Hellish Portal C-Abyssal Portal D-Alchemist’s Apparatus E-Chest |
On the third floor, you’ll be caught in the middle of an endless flow of quasits and imps. Search the corpses for a quasit eye and an imp eye. Place the quasit eye in the hell portal and the imp eye in the abyssal portal to close them both. For a Rod of Reversal (which can cast Dispel Magic and Greater Dispelling), place a gargoyle skull and a slaad tongue in the alchemist’s apparatus to the northeast. Cast Dispel Magic on the apparatus and the rod will appear. There’s a fourth-floor portal stone in the chest near the apparatus.
The Host Tower: Fourth Floor
A-Host Tower Portal B-Golem Control Rod C-Golem Replication Rod D-Golem Replication Pod E-Rimardo F-Library |
Search the corpse of Arteno Geth and get his journal. Read it for information about the strange room in the northeast. In the southeast room, take the Golem Control Rod from the chest, and then get the Golem Replication Rod from the chest in the room to the north. Take both rods and use them on the Replication Pod. A helmed horror will appear and break through the sealed door. Follow it and join in the battle with Rimardo (14th-level wizard) and his 18th-level iron golem.
Once Rimardo surrenders, he’ll tell you about Maugrim’s takeover of the tower. Kill him or let him leave, then search his library for a seventh-level portal stone.
The Host Tower: Fifth Floor
A-Host Tower Portal B-Nyphithys C-Eighth-Floor Portal Stone D-Battle Devourer |
In the northeast room, you’ll meet Nyphithys, former cohort to Archmage Arklem. Free her by destroying the nearby brazier, and she will reward you. Search the room for sixth- and seventh-floor portal stones. In a chest in the far northwest section, you’ll find an eighth-floor portal stone.
The Host Tower: Sixth Floor
A-Host Tower Portal B-Valindra C-Eighth and Ninth-Level Portal Stones |
In the northwest room of this level, you’ll face Valindra (13th-level wizard/6th-level cleric). She’s a powerful spellcaster in both of her chosen fields, but once she’s dead you can search the small bedroom to the south to find portal stones for both the eighth and ninth floors.
The Host Tower: Seventh Floor
A- Host Tower Portal B- Host Tower Warden C- Deltagar D- Ettercap E- Lich F- Gray Sladd G- Prisoner and Fred |
This prison has little of importance. Kill the warden for the key, then search the cells. There are a few monsters you can kill for experience points and a strange prisoner talking to a dummy named Fred. If you free Deltagar in one of the cells to the west, he will tell you about Maugrim’s infiltration of the Host Tower.
The Host Tower: Eighth Floor
A-Host Tower Portal B-Vrock |
There is absolutely no reason to come to this floor, except for experience points. There’s an 8th-level vrock here, as well as some low-level wizards and mephits.
The Host Tower: Pinnacle
A-Host Tower Portal B-Archmage Arklem C-Stairs Up |
This is the penultimate level, but the pinnacle portal stone will bring you here. Talk to Archmage Arklem, a powerful lich. He will ask you to free him, and you have no choice. Destroy the braziers in the alcoves to the west and south. With each brazier’s destruction, a creature will appear. Once the braziers are destroyed, Arklem will vanish and open the door to the actual pinnacle.
The Host Tower: Maugrim, Aribeth, and Morag
Approach the gate and listen to Aribeth, Maugrim, and Morag discuss the Words of Power. When they’re alerted to your presence, they’ll vanish and you’ll have to fight a small army of lizardmen. Kill the reptiles and head down the stairs to Maugrim’s Lair. Take Maugrim’s journal from the desk, then return to the temple and speak with Aarin. It’s time to learn more about these Words of Power.
Chapter Three
Beorunna’s Well
Your base of operations for Chapter Three is a small village where racial tensions run high. From here, you will set out to the outlying areas in search of the Words of Power, while learning more about the cult, the creator race, and how they’re connected.
A-Aarin’s Lodge B-To Coldwood C-To Fort Ilkard D-To Moonwood E-Temple of Tyr F-Mercenary Enclave G-Drinking House H-Druid Enclave I-Black Lion Tribe Enclave J-Many-Starred Cloak Enclave K-Trading Post |
Aarin’s Lodge
Talk to Aarin Gend to get the battle plan for this chapter. He wants you to speak with Lillian Cambridge at the local Drinking House. He believes she may have some information regarding one of the Words of Power. Your henchmen are here as well, and once again they are each seeking an item.
Henchman Quests
Tomi Undergallows
Bring him the ashes of Running Wolf from the Elk Tribe Keep, and he’ll give you a Ring of the Rogue +4, which adds four points to your dexterity and two points to your disable-traps, hide, move-silently, open-lock, and pick-pocket skills.
Boddyknock Glinckle
You’ll find the dragon scale for Boddyknock in the dead dragon’s cave. He’ll give you Prophyro’s Ring +4, which adds four points to your charisma and gives you +1 regeneration.
Linu La’Neral
Bring her the volcanis oak seed near the entrance to the Creator Ruins. The Pendant of the Elf +4 gives you four dexterity points and makes you immune to mind-affecting magic.
The dagger for Grimgnaw is in Vaath’s camp. The Amulet of the Silent Lord +4 gives you a +4 constitution and makes you immune to level and ability draining.
Tamorlyn’s song can be found in the creator ruins. The Belt of the Performer +5 adds five points to your dexterity and four points to your persuade and perform skills.
Daelan Redtiger
The Uthgardt ceremonial spear will be a gift from Zokan if you cure his people’s plague. The Amulet of the Uthgardt +4 adds four to your strength, gives you fear immunity, and gives you a spell resistance of 12.
The Trial of Rolgan
In the Temple of Tyr, Neurik will ask you to help him once again. A member of the Black Lion Tribe has been accused of murder, and he needs a defense lawyer for the trial. You don’t have to agree, but it’s a fun side quest. You need to get at least three of five jurors to find him not guilty, but it is possible to get a unanimous verdict without resorting to bribes.
You’ll want to talk to all of the witnesses and jurors. You can bribe some of the potential jurors, but not all. The most important people to talk to are the witnesses: Zed (at the Mercenary Enclave), Lodar (at the Drinking House), and Rolgan’s wife, Vanda (at the Black Lion Tribe Enclave). Heal Zed, and he’ll tell you that Griff drugged Rolgan during the card game. Lodar will tell you the same thing if you buy him enough drinks. Both will also tell you that Griff was a violent man who hated the Uthgardt and was prone to fighting. Speak to Vanda about the heirlooms Rolgan lost in the card game.
During the trial, focus on Griff’s violent behavior, his drugging of Rolgan, and the fact that neither of the two human witnesses saw who started the fight. Do not ask about racism (except in terms of Griff’s attitude), and don’t ask Vanda about the heirlooms’ religious significance. Most importantly, don’t even mention that Rolgan was drunk. You’ll get a unanimous verdict and, as a result, the highest payment from Neurik.
The Drinking House
Speak with Lillian Cambridge about the Word of Power. She’ll send you to the Wizard’s Dungeon in Coldwood to fetch her missing snow globe. She’ll give you a scroll to enter the dungeon once you find it.
Yusam the Druid
At the Druid Enclave, speak with Yusam. He’ll ask you to investigate the Elk Tribe’s alliance with Maugrim’s forces.
The Mercenary Enclave
Rolkid will send you on a bounty hunt to kill two orcs who have been raiding supply lines. Guzud can be found to the south, near Fort Ilkard, and Vaath will be found in Coldwood. After you return their heads, he will send you after Obould Many-Arrows, who can be found in Moonwood.
Many-Starred Cloak Enclave
Eltoora can sell you spellcaster supplies and also has a lab available to create special items. There are five tomes in this chapter, but there is no quest to find them.
The Tome of Robes (fire beetle belly + quartz crystal, cast Enervation = Crystal Robes) is in the massacred homestead in the homelands near Fort Ilkard. The Tome of Power (two bodaks’ teeth, cast Feeblemind = Staff of Power) can be found in Layenne’s Tomb. The Tome of the Amulet (slaad’s tongue + fenberry, cast Mage Armor = Amulet of Natural Armor) is in a book pile in the Creator Ruins. The Tome of the Ring (fenberry + rakshasa’s eye, cast Melf’s Acid Arrow = Ring of Regeneration) is in the dead dragon’s cave. Finally, the Tome of Boots (bodak’s tooth + gargoyle skull, cast Stoneskin = Boots of the Gargoyle) is in a chest right outside of Aarin’s Lodge.
Trading Post
Speak with Husher, and he’ll send you after a coveted gem called the Star Sapphire. It can be found in Layenne’s Tomb in Coldwood. His smith, Barun, will give you a book with special items he can make. They are the same items Marrok offered in Neverwinter, but they are more powerful incarnations.
Here is the list of items and needed components:
Armor and Axes:
Chromatic Breastplate: Diamond and a suit of magical armor with AC 6.
Scales of Truth: Special holy water and a suit of magical armor with total AC 5.
Leather Whitebone Armor: Gargoyle skull and a suit of magic armor with AC 3.
Sentinel: Adamantite and a magic battle axe.
Double Axe of the Tall Kin: Adamantite and a magic double axe.
Stonefire Great Axe: Adamantite and a magic great axe.
Ice Reaver Hand Axe: Dragon blood and a magic hand axe.
Blunt Weapons:
Gladiator Club: Ironwood and a magic club.
Ironwood Mace: Ironwood and a magic dire mace.
Reaver Heavy Flail: Dragon blood and a magic heavy flail.
Storm Light Hammer: Diamond and a magic light hammer.
Foundation Light Flail: Ironwood and a magic light flail.
Mace of Disruption: Special holy water and a magic mace.
Drone Morning Star: Fairy dust and a magic morning star.
Rune Hammer: Adamantite and a magic war hammer.
Harbinger Kin Greatsword: Adamantite and a magic greatsword.
Sword Saint Katana: Adamantite and a magic katana.
Astral Blade Longsword: Diamond and a magic longsword.
Namarra Rapier: Dragon blood and a magic rapier.
Desert Wind Scimitar: Adamantite and a magic scimitar.
Feyduster Short Sword: Fairy dust and a magic short sword.
Uthgardt Ceremonial Two-Bladed Sword: Ironwood and a magic two-bladed sword.
Other Weapons:
Ravager Halberd: Dragon blood and a magic halberd.
Sea Reaver Scythe: Adamantite and a magic scythe.
Fey Spear: Fairy dust and a magic spear.
Golden Sickle: Special holy water and a magic sickle.
The Coldwood region is made up of three small forests. In them, you’ll find orcs and undead, a tomb, and a dungeon. And they will lead you to the first Word of Power.
Coldwood: Entrance
A-To Beorunna’s Well B-Vaath’s Camp C-To Coldwood: Wizard’s Dungeon D-To Coldwood: Layenne’s Tomb |
When you enter Coldwood, you’ll be approached by a ranger named Devlar. He’s scouted the region for you and can fill you in on some of the more important local sights. The only thing of note in this area of Coldwood is the orc camp in the southeast. Here you’ll find Vaath (17th-level fighter), one of the orcs Rolkid asked you to hunt. Kill him and return his head for the reward, or let him surrender and take one of his subordinates’ heads instead. Search a chest a short distance to the north for the dagger for Grimgnaw’s henchman quest.
Coldwood: Wizard’s Dungeon
A-To Coldwood: Entrance B-Cultist Attack C-Wizard’s Dungeon Entrance |
As you enter this region of the forest, you will be attacked by a group of cultists, lead by a cult leader (10th-level cleric). Kill them, and search the leader’s body to find the cultist’s journal. When you step into the portal outside the Wizard’s Dungeon you’ll be teleported in, thanks to the teleport scroll from Lillian.
Wizard’s Dungeon
A-To Coldwood: Entrance B-Nax C-Libraries D-Summoning Room E-Wizard’s Laboratory F-Gong Room G-Fire Braziers |
The first thing you’ll want to do is head to the prison and speak with Nax. He’ll tell you that you may be able to summon an elemental to help him. You may want to destroy the braziers in the northeast and southwest corners of the dungeon—these will continually spawn elementals until they are destroyed.
There are libraries in the northwest and southeast corners of the dungeon—in either of them, you’ll find a book titled The Nature of Water Summoning, which will explain the process. You’ll need a slaad’s tongue (which can be found on a corpse near the wizard’s laboratory) and the ability to cast Melf’s Acid Arrow. If you can’t cast it, don’t worry—there’s a Ring of Melf in the lab that will allow any character class to cast the spell.
Go to the summoning room and place the tongue in the summoning pool. Cast the spell at the pool, and a water elemental will appear. Ask it to free Nax, and then go speak with him. He’ll tell you about the key to the gong room, which will unlock the vault. Ring the gongs in the following order—northwest (puma), northeast (dog), southeast (bear), southwest (dragon). The vault will open. Kill the huge fire elemental guard (11th-level elemental/4th-level fighter) and take the snow globe from the pedestal.
You can now return to town and give the globe to Lillian, or you can go explore Layenne’s Tomb, an optional area to the north of Coldwood.
Coldwood: Layenne’s Tomb
A-To Coldwood B-Layenne’s Tomb C-Chests |
The path to Layenne’s Tomb is guarded by several groups of powerful undead. The tomb itself is located in the northeast of the forest. Before entering, you may want to head west from the entrance where there are several treasure chests.
Layenne’s Tomb
A-To Coldwood B-Succubus C-Succubus Items D-Gems E-Pedestal Room F-Tome of Power |
Fight your way through the undead to the succubus’ room to the south. She will reward you for bringing her three items she needs—the Succubus Stone, the Succubus Necklace, and the Succubus Ring. She will reward you in three ways. For one item, she will open all the doors in the tomb. For another, she will give you a Courtesan’s Blade. For the third, she will reward you with a beatdown. Either don’t give her the third item, or get ready to fight her. She’s 13th level and is resistant to cold, electrical, and fire damage.
As you loot the tomb, keep an eye out for four gems—you will need them to solve the puzzle in the pedestal room. The iron golem guarding the two gems to the west can’t be killed through conventional means—destroy the five glyph generators in the room to destroy him.
Once you have all four gems, enter the pedestal room. Each of the outside pedestals contains a tablet of light. You can determine which gem to put in which pedestal by examining the tablets. Place the Gem of Misery with the Tablet of Purple Light, the Gem of Honor with the Tablet of White Light, the Gem of Pain with the Tablet of Blue Light, and the Gem of Duty with the Tablet of Green Light. Take the Star Sapphire from the center pedestal.
Before leaving, grab the Tome of Power from the sarcophagus in the southwest room.
The Snow Globe
A-Exit Portal B-Arwyl C-Hodd D-Guardian White Dragon’s Cave |
Return the snow globe to Lillian, and she will put it in her room. Climb up and examine it. You can enter its tiny world, and you can rotate it so that the dryads are attacking the dwarves or the dwarves are attacking the dryads. For simplicity’s sake, turn so that the dryads are the aggressors, then enter.
Get through the warring factions and enter the cave. Talk to the guardian white dragon. He’ll tell you a little about this world, and he’ll tell you about his Word of Power. Search the book piles near the entrance for Arwyl’s journal and Hodd’s journal. Take the Amulet of the Ages from a nearby chest and leave the cave.
Talk to Hodd. He will repair the Amulet of the Ages when he sees it. Now exit the snow globe, rotate it, and enter it again. Go speak to Arwyl, who will reenchant the Amulet of the Ages. Now prepare for your toughest battle yet.
With the Amulet of the Ages in hand, return to the guardian white dragon’s cave. He will immediately attack you. He’s a level-30 dragon, but the amulet will make him significantly weaker. Use fire attacks if possible, and just keep swinging until he goes down. A chest will appear after he dies, containing some good loot and the first Word of Power. When you take it, you will have your first encounter with Haedraline. Speak with her, then use the portal to leave the snow globe.
Fort Ilkard
The Lord’s Alliance is engaged in battle with the Uthgardt Elk Tribe. If you want to help Yusem the druid, this is where you can find out why the Elk Tribe has aligned itself with Maugrim. You’ll also find the second Word of Power in this region.
A-To Beorunna’s Well B-Guzud’s Cave C-Damas’ Lodge D-Settler’s Barracks E-Siege Weapons F-Sub-chieftain Arness G-To Homesteads H-To Creator Ruins |
Guzud’s Cave
A-To Fort Ilkard B-Guzud C-Uncas |
You’ll want to visit this cave in the northwest of the region before heading down to the fort—it’s a bit of a pain to get back here. In the center of the cave you’ll find Guzud, one of the orcs wanted by Rolkid. He will try to surrender and offer you one of his subordinates’ heads in place of his own. Behind Guzud is an Uthgardt captive named Uncas. Speak with him, and he’ll tell you an interesting story about a plague killing off his tribe. Take the Feather of Peace that he offers you. Now follow the road south to the fort.
Inside Fort Ilkard
Commander Damas has some tasks for you. First, he wants you to destroy the siege weapons assaulting the fort. There are six in all: four catapults and two ballistas. Kill the commander for each weapon, and then simply use the weapon to destroy it. The weapons will be invincible if the commander is alive. Next, Damas wants you to kill Sub-chieftain Arness.
Arness is on the hill just to the west of the fort, and he’s a 14th-level barbarian/2nd-level fighter. Kill him and return his head to Damas. Damas will now want you to kill the leader of the Elk Tribe, Zokan.
Before venturing to the Homesteads, speak with Eckel in the Settler’s Barracks. He’ll ask you to deliver a note to his wife.
The Homesteads
A-To Fort Ilkard B-Trapped Merchants C-Massacred Homestead D-Eckel’s House E-Elk Tribe Keep |
As you enter the Homesteads region, you’ll see two merchants on a hill to the southwest. Talk to them, and the Elf Tribe will attack. Save them if you can, then continue west. You’ll pass a massacred homestead—inside you’ll find the Tome of Robes, if you want it.
The next house is Eckel’s. Stop the marauder pounding on the door, and then enter and give Eckel’s note to Galia, Eckel’s wife. Continue to the Elk Tribe Keep.
The Feather of Peace from Uncas will grant you violence-free access to the keep.
The Elk Tribe Keep
In the keep, find Zokan in the central room. Ask him about the war, and he’ll explain that Damas infected his tribe with the plague, and they joined with Maugrim only because they were promised a cure. If you want to please Damas, kill Zokan for his head (he’s a 16th-level barbarian).
Otherwise, return to Damas with the plague-ridden blankets and demand the cure. Either buy it from him or kill him for it, then return to the keep with the plague cure. Zokan will give you the Uthgardt ceremonial spear (for Daelan’s henchman quest) and a dreamcatcher, which you should show to Yusam on your next visit to Port Llast.
There are two prisoners being held to the east. Free them for some very meager experience.
The Creator Ruins
A-To Fort Ilkard B-Cultist Attack C-Creator Ruins Entrance D-Volcanis Oak Seed |
South of Fort Ilkard is a path leading to another former stronghold of the creators. On your way to the entrance, another group of cultists will attack you. Search the leader’s body for another cultist’s journal. Near the strange altar to the south, search the pile of stones for the volcanis oak seed for Linu.
The Creator Ruins: Present
A-Entrance B-To Garden C-Sundials D-Guardian Golems E-Smoke Puzzle F-Sound Puzzle G-Light Puzzle H-Altar I-Tamoryn’s Song J-Tome of the Amulet |
At first, you will want to head straight for the garden. The guardian golems in the ruins are unbeatable, for the moment. You’ll need to fix that. Talk to Sapphira in the garden. She will teach you the principles of time travel in exchange for a favor: Return to the past and plant the ultarg tree seeds in this very garden. Take the time crystal and return to the ruins.
Head for one of the two sundials. Use the time crystal on the sundial, and you will be transported to the past.
The Creator Ruins: Past
A-Sundials B-Lokar C-Golem Workers D-To Garden |
You will enter at whichever sundial you use in the present. First, you’ll want to talk to Lokar in the northeast corner. To speak with him, you’ll need a Translation Amulet, which can be found on any of the Old Ones you fight in the ruins (you should also pick up a copy of On Temple Defenses). He’ll give you his ring, which will make the other slaves more inclined to help.
Talk to all three of the golem workers. Lokar’s ring will make them want to help you, and they’ll add a single weakness into the guardian golems. Your choices are fire, cold, blunt, or piercing. You must speak to all three workers to weaken all three golems in the present. Choose your poison, then head up to the garden.
Talk to Morag. She’ll attack, then vanish when she gets too wounded. Plant the ultarg seeds, then return to the present via the sundials.
The Creator Ruins: Present
Return to the garden and talk to Sapphira for your reward. Now it’s time to kill the guardian golems. All of the golems are level 18 and are immune to everything but what you chose in the past. Once they are dead, it’s time to solve the Old One’s puzzles. The solutions to all of the puzzles can be found in the On Temple Defensesmanual that you (hopefully) picked up in the past. Before you solve the puzzles, grab Tamoryn’s song for Sharwyn. It’s in a sarcophagus in an eastern room of the ruins. If you plan on using Eltoora’s lab, you’ll find the Tome of the Amulet in a book pile in the northeast.
The Smoke Puzzle
The smoke puzzle is located in the southeast of the ruins. Take the powder from the alchemist’s apparatus, then examine the smoky brazier nearby. You’ll need to place the powder in the brazier in the order specified by the gems on the brazier.
Place a red powder vial and a yellow powder vial in the brazier. Next, place a blue powder vial and a red powder vial in the brazier. Finally, put a yellow powder vial and a blue powder vial in the brazier. You are now the master of smoke!
The Sound Puzzle
A bodak champion (15th-level undead/5th-level fighter) guards the sound puzzle. Kill him, and take the fairy bottle from his corpse. Free the fairy, and it will show you the pattern. There are eight notes in all and four gongs. Using the directional location to denote the gongs, the order is as follows: SE, NE, SW, NW, SW, NE, NW, SE. Once you play the gongs in the correct order, the fairy will vanish, and you will be the master of sound.
The Light Puzzle
The light puzzle is the easiest of the three. Look in the Pool of Swirling Color and take the gems. Next, look in the Pool of Primary Colors. Press any of the gems. Look in the other Pool of Primary Colors, and press another gem. Now, you must place the appropriate gem in each of the Pools of Secondary Colors. The appropriate gem is whatever color would be created by mixing the colors you chose in the Pools of Primary Colors. So if you pushed blue and red, place the purple gems in the Pools of Secondary Colors. If you pushed blue and yellow, place the green gems. If you pressed red and yellow, place the orange gems.
The Word of Power
In the southernmost room in the ruins, you’ll find an altar. The puzzles unlocked the seal, and you can grab the Word of Power once you get past the powerful Balor guardian. Haedraline will appear again and tell you more about who she is and why she is trying to help you. Now it’s time to look for the third Word of Power.
Like Coldwood, Moonwood is a series of small maps. It will take you to a series of dragons’ caves, and you’ll face giant after giant after giant. The third Word of Power is somewhere in the vicinity, but you’re going to have to earn this one.
Moonwood: Entrance
A-To Beorunna’s Well B-Golden Eagle Tribe C-Obould Many-Arrows’ Cave D-To Moonwood: Akulatraxas |
As you wind your way through Moonwood, you’ll pass a cave entrance to the west. If you’ve been given the second part of Rolkid’s bounty hunt, you’ll find Obould Many-Arrows inside. Up ahead, you’ll encounter the Golden Eagle Tribe engaged with a group of Hill Giants. Kill the giants to help the outnumbered tribesmen.
Obould Many-Arrows’ Cave
A-To Moonwood B-Dire Boar Pen C-Drow D-Obould |
You’ll encounter Drow here, which may strike you as peculiar. Seems evil forces from all over are coming to help Maugrim destroy Neverwinter. In the central cave, you’ll find Obould himself. He’s a 5th-level barbarian/8th-level fighter, and like his fellow orcs, he’ll offer you another head and some gold if you let him go. The decision is yours.
Moonwood: Akulatraxas
A-To Moonwood: Entrance B-Akulatraxas’ Cave C-Hill Giant Lair D-To Spine of the World |
In the center of this Hill Giant-infested region, you’ll find the cave of a green dragon named Akulatraxas. She’ll offer you a job if you play your cards right: Infiltrate the Hill Giant Lair and bring her the head of the Hill Giant chieftain. Accept the gig, leave the cave, then enter the Hill Giant Lair to the west.
Hill Giant Lair: Level One
A-To Moonwood: Akulatraxas B-To Hill Giant Lair: Level Two |
This level is nothing but fightin’ giants. Make your way to the central cave and head down to the second level.
Hill Giant Lair: Level Two
A-To Hill Giant Lair: Level One B-Fire Giant Emissary C-Hill Giant Prisoner D-Hill Giant Chieftain |
In the northwest section of this cave, you’ll encounter your first Fire Giant (15th level). Use cold weapons if you have them, then search his body for an intriguing letter. On the western side of the cave, you’ll find two imprisoned Golden Eagle tribesmen, whom you can free for a bit of experience. The chieftain (13th-level giant/6th-level barbarian) is in the southwestern cavern. Kill him, and return his head to Akulatraxas.
Spine of the World
A-To Moonwood: Akulatraxas B-Cultist Attack C-Dead Dragon’s Cave D-Gorgotha’s Cave E-Fire Giant Lair |
When you enter the final section of Moonwood, cultists will attack you once again. And, once again, you should take the cultist’s journal from the body of the leader. To the west, you’ll find the cave of a dead dragon, obviously attacked by the nearby dead Fire Giants. Search the rubble for Boddyknock’s dragon scale, and search the corpse for the Tome of the Ring.
The next cave is home to Gorgotha, who wants you to stop the Fire Giants’ attempts to steal her eggs. More specifically, she wants you to kill Klauth, the powerful red dragon who has moved in with the Fire Giants to the north.
Fire Giant Lair: Level One
A-To Spine of the World B-Fire Giant Champion C-Wogar D-Brunhilda’s Room E-To Fire Giant Lair: Level Two F-To Fire Giant Lair: Level Three |
In the room directly west of the entrance, you’ll find a Fire Giant champion (11th-level giant/7th-level barbarian). There are Fire Giants everywhere in this lair, and you’ll also encounter some fairly difficult Duergar. Get your cold damage ready for the former and everything you’ve got for the latter.
Make your way to the locked cell in the northwest. Free Wogar by pulling the lever near his cell. He’ll tell you about Klauth’s plan. In the northernmost room, you’ll find Brunhilda’s diary, the account of her unfortunate marriage to Skrogg, king of the Fire Giants. If you want to rack up some experience, head down to the second level. If you just want to get out of here, head down to the third level.
Fire Giant Lair: Level Two
A-To Fire Giant Lair: Level One B-Prisoners C-Duergar Territory |
The only reason to come down here is for combat—there isn’t much else to be found. There’s a pair of prisoners in the northwestern room, but they’ll turn into weak Yuan-Ti spellcasters and attack. The eastern portion is nothing but packs of powerful Duergar.
Fire Giant Lair: Level Three
A-To Fire Giant Lair: Level One B-King Skrogg C-Blue Dragon Lair D-Klauth’s Lair E-Slaad Lair |
As you move south through this level, you will encounter the king of the Fire Giants, Skrogg (15th-level giant/9th-level barbarian). You’ll want to throw everything you have at him—preferably something cold. There are three lairs to the east. The northernmost of these leads down to a horde of slaads. Go here only if you want to milk every last drop of experience out of this chapter. You may as well—the chapter is about to end.
In the Blue Dragon’s Chamber, you’ll find a dragon sphere in a pool, along with a book about Klauth’s ritual. Interesting reading! If you want to kill Klauth more easily, kill the blue dragon, then put the dragon sphere on the pedestal to create a Dead Dragon Sphere.
In Klauth’s Lair, he will make a deal with you: Bring him dragon eggs, and he will give you the Word of Power. Your other option? Kill him. You can get eggs from Akulatraxas or Gorgotha, but you’re already here, right? Give him the Dead Dragon Sphere, and he’ll be severely weakened. You’ll still want to throw everything you have at him—summon everything and use every enhancement spell you have before giving him the sphere. When Klauth is dead, take the Word of Power.
Take Klauth’s head to Gorgotha, and take the final Word of Power to Aarin. Before you give it to him, finish up any secondary quests, pick your favorite henchman, and say good-bye to the others.
Chapter Four
You’ve returned to Neverwinter, and it’s time to prepare for the final showdown. Make that «showdowns.» This chapter is brief but challenging. Start by talking with Nasher and Aarin. Head down to the dungeon and talk with Haedraline, then go down into the cavern and examine the Source Stone, if you’re interested in seeing it.
A-Castle Never B-To War Zone C-Hall of Justice D-Trade of Blades E-Moonstone Maske F-Shining Knight Arms and Armor G-Many-Starred Cloak Guild |
If you need supplies, Eltoora at the Many-Starred Cloak Guild is open for business, as is Shining Knight Arms and Armor.
Secondary Quests
There are only two secondary quests in this chapter. Luce in the Moonstone Mask will ask you to rescue her sister, Leesa, who got lost somewhere in the War Zone. Trancar in the Trade of Blades will ask you to put an end to two of the biggest threats to Neverwinter: the siege weapons and the invincible golems in the War Zone. Seems like everyone is telling you something: Head into the War Zone.
The War Zone
A-To Neverwinter B-Wizards’ Chantries C-Catapults D-Leesa E-Secret Passage F-House G-Portal to Maugrim’s |
As Trancar warned you, the golems really are invincible. Quickly get to the first Wizard’s Chantry. Inside, you’ll fight a 16th-level Luskan wizard and a 13th-level Balor lord. When the wizard is dead, the golem will collapse. Next, take out the catapults. As in Fort Ilkard, you need to kill the catapult commanders, then use the catapults to destroy them. Once the north section of the city is clear, find Leesa in the northwest alley and lead her to the gate.
You can get to the southern section of the War Zone by destroying the gate or by going through the secret passage in the old man’s home. Enter the second Wizard’s Chantry, where you will face the same duo from the first. Now that the streets of the War Zone are safe, it’s time to go after the bigger game.
Maugrim’s Sanctuary
A-To War Zone B-Aribeth C-Maugrim D-The Fourth Word of Power |
Aribeth is very powerful. She’s a 20th-level paladin/18th-level cleric. She has a devastating assortment of spells and is immune to critical hits, death magic, fear, paralysis, and mind-affecting spells. If that weren’t enough, her sword has vampiric regeneration and does additional damage against good-aligned players. The good news? She’ll eventually surrender. When she does, you may be able to convince her to return to Nasher. If you have her ring it will help, but you can still persuade her to do so. If you don’t, you’ll have to finish her off.
Maugrim is an 8th-level cleric/20th-level wizard, and he has two servants of flesh (19th-level constructs) at his side. Get in close and start hammering away—he has very little in the way of protection from melee, so the battle should be slightly easier than the previous one, at least once the servants of flesh are out of the way. When Maugrim is dead, grab the fourth Word of Power and return to Castle Never.
The Source Stone
In Castle Never, return to the dungeon and talk to Haedraline. She will tell you that you need to enter the Source Stone and kill Morag. Descend to the caverns, place the fourth Word of Power in the empty altar, then enter the Source Stone.
The Source Stone: Sanctuary
A-To Castle Never B-Asheera C-To Source Stone: Guardian Lair |
In the first tunnel, you will meet Asheera, a strange woman who resembles Aribeth. Asheera will give you her amulet, which gives you an armor class bonus of +5 versus reptilian monsters, 50% immunity to electrical and fire damage, and a spell resistance bonus of 18. Unfortunately, as of v1.19, the item has a level requirement of 26 so you won’t be able to equip it. This is a shame, because you’ll face a small army of Old Ones in the Sanctuary. When you reach the center of the caverns, rest up, then use the portal to reach the Guardian Lair.
The Source Stone: Guardian Lair
A-To Source Stone: Sanctuary B-Guardian Dragons C-To Source Stone: Inner Sanctum |
Not one but two dragons await you: a 26th-level corrupted copper dragon and a 28th-level corrupted silver dragon. They will both attack at once. Stay near the portal to the sanctuary if you can’t take them simultaneously and do hit-and-run tactics. Once they are dead, pick up both guardian keys and unlock the gates to the north. Before you step in the final portal, rest up and save your game. There’s no turning back (or resting) once you enter the inner sanctum.
The Source Stone: Inner Sanctum
A-From Source Stone: Guardian Lair B-Morag’s Chosen C-Morag |
The first room contains four of Morag’s chosen (15th-level fighters/5th-level humanoids) and an Old One cleric (15th level). Though this is a tough fight, save your most powerful spells and attacks for the room ahead. When you reach the final cavern, you will face Morag (19th-level wizard). She’s immune to pretty much everything, but she won’t be if you take out her protectors. There are eight of them, protected by a permanent wall of blades, but ranged attacks will kill them easily. Once they are dead, attack Morag with everything you have, ignoring the minions she summons in. Once she dies, escape to the portal. And enjoy your victory.
Cheat Codes
To activate the cheat codes, open the console by pressing the tilde (~) key. Then type DebugMode 1. Type in your command. When it says «Entered Target Mode,» click on the character you want to modify. You must reactivate the debug mode every time you switch from one area to another.
In the single-player game, your cheats will disable you from going from one chapter to the next, unless you modify your NWNPLAYER.INI file. Open it in a text editor (make a backup first), then change the line «Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=1» to «Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0».
You can get a list of all the console commands by hitting Tab while the console is open. Here are some of the more useful ones (when the command includes #, you need to type in a numeral):
ModAge # | Adds # to character’s age |
ModAttackBase # | Adds # to character’s base attack bonus |
ModSTR # | Adds # to character’s strength |
ModDEX # | Adds # to character’s dexterity |
ModCON # | Adds # to character’s constitution |
ModINT # | Adds # to character’s intelligence |
ModWIS # | Adds # to character’s wisdom |
ModCHA | Adds # to character’s charisma |
ModSaveFort | Increases character’s fortitude save |
ModSaveWill | Increases character’s will save |
ModSaveReflex | Increases character’s reflex save |
ModSpellResistance # | Adds # to character’s spell resistance |
SetAge # | Changes character’s age to # |
SetAttackBase | Changes character’s base attack bonus to # |
SetSTR # | Changes character’s strength to # |
SetDEX # | Changes character’s dexterity to # |
SetCON # | Changes character’s constitution to # |
SetINT # | Changes character’s intelligence to # |
SETWIS # | Changes character’s wisdom to # |
SetCHA # | Changes character’s charisma to # |
SetSpellResistance # | Changes character’s spell resistance to # |
GiveXP # | Gives # experience points to character |
GiveLevel | Instantly add a level to character |
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Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
What’s Included in this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
The Story So Far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
The Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Quickstart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
How to Install and Start Playing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Configuration of the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 System Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 How to Get Technical Support Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Character Creation Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
In-Game Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
The Radial Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 The Quickbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 The Main Gameplay Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Loading/Saving Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Hotkey Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Character Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Inventory Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Using Containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Spells Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Conversation Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Map Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Journal Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Stores Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Barter Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Options Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Multiplayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Journeying Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Hosting a Game Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Joining a Multiplayer Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Picking a Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Local and Server Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Moving Characters between Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Forming a Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Player Versus Player . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Liking or Disliking Other Players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Places and People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Cities and Towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
The City of Neverwinter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
The City of Luskan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Port Llast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Beorunna’s Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Personalities of the North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Lord Nasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Aribeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Fenthick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Desther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Aarin Gend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Adventurers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Linu La’neral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Sharwyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Daelan Red Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Tomi ‘Grin’ Undergallows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Grimgnaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Boddyknock Glinckle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Foes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Time and Resting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Player’s Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Character Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Class Special Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Ability Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Spell Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Animal Companions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Familiars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Customizing your Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Quickchat Voicesets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
Real-Time Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Hostile Versus Friendly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Targeting an Opponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 The Attack Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 Injury and Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 Flat-Footed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Attacks of Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Effect Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Spell Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Spell Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Spell Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
Experience and Gaining Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Equipment, Magic items, and Treasure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Armor and Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Building your Own Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
The Toolset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
Interface Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 Area Display Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Conversation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Scripting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Tips and Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
The Dungeon Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
Starting the Game as a Dungeon Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Creator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Chooser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Door Actions (Radial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 Creature Actions (Radial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Trigger Actions (Radial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Group Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 Player List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 Command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Quick DM Command Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
Appendix A: Charts and Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
Appendix B: Spell Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206
Legal Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216
Gaining a Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Multiclass Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146
Index of Charts & |
Tables |
Table 1: Monster Difficulty Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . . .36 |
Table 2: Ranger Favored Enemy Groups: . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . .66 |
Table 3: Ability Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . . .72 |
Table 4: Quickchat Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .104 |
Table 5: Movement Speed Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .112 |
Table 6: Toolset Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .158 |
Table 7: Skill Points Per Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .173 |
Table 8: Weapons List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .173 |
Table 9: Armor Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .176 |
Table 10: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .177 |
Table 11: Lore Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .178 |
Table 12: Use Magic Device Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .178 |
Table 13: Base Saves and Base Attacks for All Classes . |
. . .179 |
Table 14: Bard Known Spells and Spells Per Day . . . . |
. . .180 |
Table 15: Cleric Spells Per Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .181 |
Table 16: Clerical Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .182 |
Table 17: Druid Spells Per Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .184 |
Table 18: Fighter Bonus Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .185 |
Table 19: Monk Attacks, AC and Speed Bonuses . . . . . |
. . .186 |
Table 20: Paladin and Ranger Spells Per Day . . . . . . . . |
. . .187 |
Table 21: Rogue Bonus Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .187 |
Table 22: Sorcerer Known Spells and Spells Per Day |
. . . .188 |
Table 23: Wizard Spells Per Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .189 |
Table 24: Wizard Bonus Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .189 |
Table 25: Alignment Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .190 |
Table 26: Racial Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .190 |
Table 27: Skill Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .191 |
Table 28: Feats by Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
. . .192 |
The Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are the ultimate guides to D&D® and the Neverwinter Nights™ experience, while the Forgotten Realms® Campaign Setting provides key details about Faerûn, the setting for the Neverwinter Nights game. All of these titles are published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are available at book and game stores everywhere. Learn more at www.wizards.com/dnd.
Welcome to Neverwinter Nights™
Neverwinter Nights is an epic roleplaying game that uses the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons® rules and is set in the Forgotten Realms®. If you are new to D&D or the Realms, I wish to welcome you to this exciting world of terrible beasts, awe-inspiring magic and heroic adventure. If you are an experienced player, I welcome you to the best computer adaptation of the D&D rules ever created.
Neverwinter Nights is the culmination of nearly five years of hard work by a large, skilled, and dedicated team. During development the team varied in size from a single person to over 65 full-time members. As a company, BioWare has delivered several games of massive scope, such as Baldur’s Gate™ and Baldur’s Gate II. With Neverwinter Nights we have gone further than ever before, supplying you, the game player, with the tools to realize your own game designs. See the exciting world of game development from our side, and work with the tools we used to create the official campaign.
So, in summary: Play, explore, and create. Play and enjoy the game we have created for you, explore the tools, and create your own worlds of adventure. Finally, you can venture forth on the Internet to explore the worlds other individuals like yourself have created.
Happy adventuring,
Trent T. Oster
Producer—Neverwinter Nights
BioWare Corp.
What’s Included in thisis ManualManual
This manual is divided into four main sections. The first section covers everything you need to know to play Neverwinter Nights.
It explains how to create characters, how to move around and explore the world, and how to adventure online with other player characters.
The second section, Places and People, describes the vibrant world of Faerûn, also called the Forgotten Realms. It describes areas from the civilized city of Neverwinter to the wild and untamed mountains of the Spine of the World. This background information is not essential to playing Neverwinter Nights, but may help you understand the world of the Forgotten Realms.
The third section, Player’s Handbook, describes the Dungeons & Dragons rules as they are used in Neverwinter Nights. The information in this section is designed to help you understand the rules behind the game, and to maximize your character’s interaction with the world during the course of adventuring.
The final section, Building your Own Adventures, describes the Neverwinter Nights Toolset and the Dungeon Master client that are both included with Neverwinter Nights. The Neverwinter Nights
Toolset is the same application BioWare used to create the official campaign for Neverwinter Nights. The Dungeon Master client can be used to DM your own multiplayer games with complete control over the way the game is set up and run.
The Story So Far
As the game opens, the once-mighty city of Neverwinter is a hive of panic and terror. Thousands have died from a myste-
rious plague called the Wailing Death, and thousands more are infected. With the risk of an epidemic spreading across the face of Faerûn, the Lords of Neverwinter declared a quarantine and shut the gates to all travel, trapping sick and healthy alike inside the city walls.
Lady Aribeth de Tylmarande has issued a call to all adventurers within the city, asking them to keep order and help her find a cure. Promises of honor and riches have drawn many to Aribeth’s side, but all for naught. The plague spreads with every passing day, and sweeps through the poorer quarters of the city like a flash fire. Many would-be heroes have fallen, and no cure is in sight.
The Game
How to Install and Start Playingying
To install Neverwinter Nights just insert the Neverwinter Nights CD 1 into your CD-ROM drive and follow the on-screen prompts
to install the game. If the AutoPlay screen does not automatically appear after inserting the Neverwinter Nights CD 1 into your CDROM drive, follow these steps: 1) close all running programs; 2) insert the Neverwinter Nights CD 1 into your CD-ROM drive; 3) double-click My Computer on your desktop; 4) double-click the CD-ROM icon; 5) double-click on the Setup.exe icon to launch the installer; 6) follow the on-screen instructions to launch the game.
After installing the game you will be offered the choice to view the readme or play the game. The readme is a text file, which list additions to the manual since printing.
Configuration of the Game
The Neverwinter Nights Configuration Utility, nwconfig, is automatically run the first time you play Neverwinter Nights. It is
also available from the game launcher by pressing the “Configure” button. The Neverwinter Nights Configuration Utility will determine your system’s current hardware and 3D software settings and recommend the optimal configuration for running the game, which you can modify to meet the specific hardware on your system. This information can also be used to generate a report that can be returned to BioWare to help with any technical support issues.
The first time the utility runs, it will automatically check that the system meets the minimum requirements to play Neverwinter Nights. You can perform this check again at any time by pressing the Detect button on the Detection page.
On the Display page, you may configure the game to use either OpenGL or DirectX, the resolution at which to play the game and which texture pack to use. You may also manage the
list of currently installed texture packs from the Display page. You will be required to test any modifications that you make to the Display settings before you are allowed to save those changes.
The Reports page allows you to generate two reports. The first is a summary of the hardware and 3D software detected on your system. The other is an English report, which includes other information about the game that can be sent to BioWare to help resolve any technical problems.
System Specifications
Pentium® II 300 MHz or AMD® K6-2 350 MHz Windows® 98/Me/2000SP2/XP
96 MB of RAM DirectX® 8.1
16 MB TNT2-class, Open GL 1.2 compliant video card DirectX certified sound card
Up-to-the-minute technical information about Infogrames, Inc. products is generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet at:
Through this site you’ll have access to our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) documents, our FTP (File Transfer Protocol) area where you can download patches if needed, our Hints/Cheat Codes if they’re available, and an E-Mail area where you can get help and ask questions if you do not find your answers within the
Note: In the event we must send you a Hint Sheet, FAQ document, patch or update disc via E-mail, we may require verifiable consent from a parent or guardian in order to protect children’s privacy and safety online. Consent Forms are available at the web site listed above.
For phone assistance, call Infogrames, Inc. Tech Support at (425) 951-7106. Our Interactive Voice Response and Faxback system is generally available 24/7, providing automated support and allowing FAQ documents to be faxed to you immediately.
Great News! We’ve improved our Automated Systems so that you can get product-specific Troubleshooting help more quickly. All you need to do is enter the product’s Tech Support # when prompted to do so. This will take you directly to all of our known issues and solutions for this title. The product’s Tech Support # is located in several places (on the CD label, package and/or plastic disc case) and is usually identified by a number such as 04-12345. When prompted by the Automated System, enter the last five digits of your product’s Tech Support #. (For example, Tech Support # 04-12345 would require that you enter the “12345” portion of the number for that product.) Note: Some products simply feature a five-digit Tech Support # without an “04-” prefix.
Live support is generally available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM (Pacific Time). Note: We may be closed on major holidays.
Before making your call, we ask that you be at your computer, have the following information available, and be ready to take notes:
•System Make and Model
•Processor Type
•Operating System, including version number if possible (such as Windows® 95; Windows® Me)
•RAM (Memory)
•Video and sound card data and drivers
•Any screen or error messages you’ve encountered (and where)
You may also fax in your Technical Support questions or problems to: (425) 806-0480, or write to the address below.
In the event our technicians at (425) 951-7106 determine that you need to forward materials directly to us, please include a brief letter explaining what is enclosed and why. Make sure you include the Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA#) supplied to you
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Infogrames, Inc.
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If our technicians determine that the product storage medium is found to be defective within ninety (90) days of original purchase, (unless otherwise provided by applicable law), Infogrames, Inc. will replace the item free of charge, to the original purchaser, if the item is accompanied by the original dated receipt and packaging. If you do not have the original receipt, or if the warranty period has expired, Infogrames, Inc. will replace the product storage medium for a nominal fee.
Please do not make unauthorized copies. The program you’ve purchased was produced through the efforts of many people who earn their livelihood from its lawful use. Don’t make copies for others who have not paid for the right to use it. To report copyright violations to the Software Publishers Association, call 1-800- 388-PIR8 or write:
Software Publishers Association
1101 Connecticut Ave., Suite 901
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This program is protected by United States federal and international copyright laws.
All trademarks mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective owners.
Character Creation Basics
Before you can play Neverwinter Nights, you must create a character. If you are anxious to start playing you can select a
ready-made character and start right away. If you are an experienced Dungeons & Dragons player you can generate your character from scratch.
When you are ready to play, click the “New” button and choose the prelude. This will load the prelude module and get it ready for play. If you want to start adventuring quickly, pick the “Play readymade character” option. If you wish to have complete control over the generation process you can choose the other option and generate your character in detail. There is more detail on full character generation in later sections of this manual (see page 38).
In Neverwinter Nights there are two types of player characters: Local Characters and Server Characters. Local characters are created and stored on your computer, and you are able to play with them whenever you desire and anywhere local characters are allowed. Server characters are created on the game server and stay there. To play a server character you must first connect to the server where the character was created. Server characters are secure and ensure a fairer playing field for multiplayer gaming. When you run a game you can set the options as to which characters are allowed, local or server characters.
In-Game Screens
The main Neverwinter Nights in-game screen is designed to interfere as little as possible with gameplay. The main screen serves
as a frame, while the various panels you interact with (such as inventory and the character sheet pop-up), cover only half of the game area with a transparent panel.
In Neverwinter Nights your character is always in the center of the screen. You interact with the world using the mouse to move a cursor around the screen, and the left and right mouse buttons to execute actions. When you move the mouse over an object or creature, the mouse icon changes to an action icon indicating the
default action for that object. To perform the default action, click the left mouse button. To perform another action, right click on the target to bring up the radial menu.
Left click on the screen to move your character around the game world. Attack a hostile creature by moving your cursor over the creature; the icon will change to the combat icon. Left click to begin your attack.
The Radial Menu
The radial menu is your primary tool for interacting with the world of Neverwinter Nights. Bring up the radial menu by moving
the mouse over the object you wish to interact with, and then press the right mouse button. A radial menu will pop up with the object in the center.
This radial contains a ring of possible actions you can perform on the object, from casting a spell to attacking the target, as seen in the picture above. A quick left click performs the selected action. Some actions may have a small arrow beside them as seen above in the picture, indicating another level of actions, which you can access by left clicking. A small ring is visible around the action with an arrow beside it. The ring is actually a preview of the next level of the menu, allowing you to see at a glance what the next level will hold.
If you want an advanced method of using the radial menu, hold the right mouse button and simply move through the radial using directional movements of the mouse. Another advanced method for radial control is the use of the numeric keypad. Each number key on the keypad corresponds to a location in the radial menu (i.e. 8 is to the top, 2 is down, 7 is to the top left).
The Quickbar
The quickbar is an integral part of the Neverwinter Nights interface, allowing quick and easy access to common game actions.
Each “cell” in the bar corresponds to a function key on the keyboard. When you press the associated key, the command placed in the cell is executed. You can drag items from your inventory to the quickbar and hit the key or click the cell to use or equip the item, depending on what it is. You can place spells into the quickbar by dragging the icons from your prepared spells or by radialing off the quickbar and selecting the spell.
The Main Gameplay Screen
9 1
The main screen has nine distinct sections, which give you valuable information about the game and offer you control
over your character and the game.
This is the portrait you chose for your character. When other characters examine your character in the game, this is the portrait they see. Beside the portrait there is a narrow red bar that shows your character’s current health. If the health bar turns green it indicates your character is poisoned. If the bar turns brown, your character is diseased.
Here you can click buttons to bring up the various screens needed to manipulate your character, such as the in-game map, the inventory screen, the journal, the character sheet, the options page, your spellbook and the player versus player options panel.
This is where other members of your party appear. You can add other players into your party through the “Socialize” radial menu option. Under the “Socialize” menu you can invite another player to join your party by selecting the “Invite” radial menu option. The invited player can then go under the “Socialize” option and select “Join Party.” If you summon a creature, the creature is added in to your party bar while they are present. You can use the party bar to get quick information on your party members or to perform actions on them by right clicking and bringing up a radial menu. The small bar on the left side of the portrait shows the current health of the character. In the top slot on the right side there is an arrow icon. The arrow points the direction that character is from your character. An icon showing the current action the character is undertaking, whether it is combat, spell casting or resting, appears as appropriate. A skull will appear if the character is dead.
The chat window displays messages from other players. You can drag the chat window up for a longer window by dragging the black tab at the top of the window. You can also right click on the tab to set the various filters for chat messages in each window. To filter a window for only combat messages you pop up the radial menu on the chat window tab and toggle all the other chat displays off. For a quick reply to someone who has just chatted with you, click the portrait of the speaker and a reply will be started for you.
This is where you type chat messages. Hit the enter key or click in the bar to start entering text. You can use various slash commands
to control the type of message you are sending. An “/S” (shout) before your text sends the message as a shout which goes out area wide. A “/P” sends your message to the other members of your party. A “/T <playername>” (tell) or “/W <playername>” (whisper) sends a private message to the player you have specified in the <playername>.
The quickbar is where you can quickly access many functions of the game to streamline gameplay. A more complete description can be found on page 11.
The compass is a simple directional pointer. The “N” in the compass always points north, so if you walk your character in the same direction the “N” indicator is pointing, you will be moving directly north.
The action queue shows the actions your character is currently performing and any actions you have set up to be performed. In the heat of combat you may find yourself issuing commands faster than your character can execute them. When commands are sent to your character faster than they can be executed the commands are added to the action queue and they will be performed in order. If you desire to remove an action from the queue, you may do so by right clicking the action.
The status bar shows any special effects active on your character at the current time. If you have a spell cast on you that gives you an ability bonus or some other extra ability, it will appear in the status bar. The status bar will also show any negative effects currently active on your character, such as hostile spells, poisons or diseases. You can hold the mouse over any of the icons to get a text description of the effect. When an icon starts blinking in the status bar it signals the effect is about to expire.
Some common interactions within the world include:
Hostile creatures turn red when you mouse over them, and the mouse cursor changes to the attack icon. You can gauge the difficulty of a creature by examining it. Right click to bring up the radial menu and select the “Examine” option in the top center.
Non-hostile creatures appear blue (or green, if they are in your party) when you mouse over them, and the mouse cursor changes to the talk cursor.
Right click to bring up the radial menu and select the “Examine” option in the top center to gain more information about an item. If an item is unidentified it may be magic; use the Lore skill or the Identify spell to identify magic items.
Items and weapons can be equipped directly from the ground using the radial menu. Items and weapons can also be assigned to the quickbar, where they will be used normally if selected. Right click on a quickbar item with multiple uses and select “Assign Special Use” to define the default use of the item.
Some items (such as gems and arrows) can be stacked. To stack items, just drag ‘like’ items onto each other. Different item types have various maximum stack sizes. Also, stacks can be separated by right-clicking on the item. This will bring up a radial menu. From this radial menu, you can select “Split.” The stack will now split and you can type in how many items you want in the second stack.
Containers, Levers, and More
Open containers by left clicking them, or select the “Use” option from the radial menu. Locked containers can be picked, bashed open, or opened with a spell. Select “Lockpick” and “Bash” from the radial menu on any container.
Spells can also be used to open containers. Some spells can damage and even destroy containers. Destroyed containers are opened
automatically. The knock spell unlocks most containers without damaging them.
Levers and other special-use devices are activated by left clicking them, or by selecting the “Use” option from the radial menu.
Locked doors can be unlocked with a key, picked, bashed open, or opened with a spell. If you have the key, left click on the door or select “Use” from the radial menu. Select “Lockpick” and “Bash” from the radial menu on any locked door.
Spells can also be used to open doors. Some spells can damage and even destroy doors. Destroyed doors are opened automatically. The knock spell unlocks most doors without damaging them.
Doors can be locked by selecting “Lock” from the radial menu. To lock the door it must be set as a lockable door in the toolset. If the “Lock” radial option does not appear, the door cannot be locked.
Disarming Traps
Traps must be found before they can be disarmed. To search for traps, select “Active Search” from the “Use Skill” selection in the radial menu. In Active Search mode, your character moves at a walk and makes Search rolls with his full skill modifier. When not in Active Search mode, Search checks to detect traps are made at half your character’s skill modifier.
When a trap is detected, an area on the ground turns red—this area is the active trap. You can mouse over a detected trap and right click to bring up the radial menu. Under the radial you have a few options: disarming the trap is one, recovering the trap is another. It is more difficult to recover a trap than to disarm it, but you can use a recovered trap later against enemies.
Loading/Saving Games
Loading and saving is accomplished through the options page. Bring up the options page by clicking the “Options” button in
the options box on the main screen. On the options screen you can click “Load Game” or “Save Game,” depending on your desired
action. Clicking “Save Game” brings up the save game screen, where you pick a slot to save your game and type in a label. To load a game, you click the “Load Game” button. A query will pop up asking if you are sure, as loading a new game will destroy the currently active game. If you proceed, you then select the game you wish to load from the list. The top slot is labeled as quicksave, which is where the game is saved every time you press the quicksave button or the game does an autosave. You may also save out a character at any time. Saving a character makes a snapshot of the current state and equipment of a character in the character listing. If you wish to take your current character and play in another game you can save the character and then jump into the other game. Later on you can load your game again and you will be offered the option of using your updated character or using the copy in the save game. The updated character will have all the items and abilities you gained in your other play session.
Hotkey Commands
For a guide to the default hotkeys in Neverwinter Nights, consult the quickstart sheet that comes in the box.
Character Panel
The character sheet panel shows all of the vital statistics and abilities of your character. Along the top of the panel are tabs for accessing other information about your character.
The skills sub-panel displays all your character’s skills and his modifier in each. The skill modifier that is listed here equals total ranks in the skill plus ability score modifiers. Select any skill to get more information about it, including its key ability and how expensive it is for you to upgrade.
The feats sub-panel displays all of your character’s feats. Neverwinter Nights includes racial and class abilities under the heading of “feats,” so this is also the screen where you can get information about any special abilities granted by your character’s class and race.
Inventory Panel
The inventory panel displays all of your character’s equipment. The area at the top of the screen shows those items that are currently equipped, and the grid at the bottom of the screen displays your character’s
total inventory.
Select an item by left clicking on it, or hold the left mouse button down to drag the item between inventory slots.
On the lower right side of the inventory there are a number of small tabs; these allow you to access all the panes of your inventory, so it is possible to carry a great volume of gear. Along the bottom you can see the weight your character is carrying over the maximum weight he can carry. If you exceed this maximum weight, your character will be encumbered and will not be able to run.
On the right your current gold and your current item points are displayed. Item points are tied to magic items. Each magic item
has an item point value, which is added to your item point total when you have the item equipped or in your inventory. When you reach your maximum item point total, you cannot pick up any more magic items. Your character’s maximum item points rise each time he gains a level (see page 179 for a table summarizing this progression).
To equip an item, drag it over a legal equip slot and drop it. You can also equip items using the radial menu. Right click on the item and select the “Equip” option to assign the item to a default equip slot.
Using Containers
Containers are handled in much the same way as ordinary inventory. The bottom of the panel contains inventory, and the top
represents the contents of the container. You can drag items back and forth, or use the radial menu to pick them up.
Spells Panel
The spells panel is composed of two panels: spellbook and spell preparation. Wizards,
clerics, druids, paladins and rangers are required to prepare their spells before casting them, while bards and sorcerers are not.
To prepare a spell, first select the spellcasting class and spell level from within the spellbook screen. A tree of all available spells is shown below the selected level. If your character has any metamagic feats (see the Feats section in section 3, Player’s Handbook) he can enhance prepared spells with them by selecting the small arrow icon on the left. This icon opens to display those spells that can be enhanced. Get information on any spell by clicking the “Inspect” button to the right of the spell name.
Once you have selected the spell you wish to prepare, either click the small arrow on the right or drag the spell icon to move it to a
prepared slot. Multiclass spellcasters may need to repeat this process for each of their spellcasting classes. When all slots are filled, select “Rest” from the main game radial
menu. Once your character has rested, he is ready to cast his prepared spells.
Conversation Panel
The conversation panel is your primary tool for interacting with other characters
in Neverwinter Nights. A portrait of the character you are speaking with is displayed in the
top left of the window, and this character’s dialogue is displayed to the right of the portrait.
Underneath the portrait are your character’s response options. The first response shown has a red comment, indicating a skill or special ability that this conversation option allows. In this case, the player character’s Intelligence score has given him some insight into the NPC’s dialogue. The player could left click this response to cause his character to reply with the line, or choose any other. Intelligence and Charisma are the two main abilities that grant special conversation options, but in a few cases a high Strength can aid in threatening a reluctant informer or a high Wisdom can open a new conversation path.
You can stop a conversation at any time by hitting the Escape key, walking away, or by performing a hostile action.
Map Panel
The map panel displays a top-down map of your current area. The map expands as you
explore, allowing you to see new areas and track where you have been. The small icons on the map are map pins. Each map pin has a label associated with the pin, which appears at the top of the map window.
You can place your own map pins by clicking in the pin box on the top left and then clicking on the map where you wish to place
the pin. Once the pin is placed, a dialogue window pops up and you can enter the text you wish to associate with that pin.
Journal Panel
The journal panel displays the status of the adventure and the status of the vari-
ous quests you have undertaken. The tabs at the top of the screen toggle between three specific journals.
The first tab on the left displays your character’s personal journal. The personal journal tracks information about quests you have accepted and characters you have spoken
with. The personal journal is very important: be sure to read it often to check your progress on quests.
The next tab displays your completed quests. Any quests from your personal journal that are completed will be automatically moved to this tab.
The third tab is empty; this is provided for you to jot down notes and impressions during the game.
Stores Panel
Buying items from a store is very similar to using a container. The store appears on the left side and your inventory is on
the right. To buy an item, drag it to your inventory. A dialogue box will pop up asking you if you wish to purchase the item. If you agree and you have enough money, the exchange is made and the item is
placed in your inventory.
Barter Panel
The barter panel functions in a manner similar to the container panel. On the left side are the other player’s offered items and
the right side holds any items you wish to offer for trade. When you are happy with the items on both sides, press the “Offer” button. When an offer is made, the other player has two choices: he can accept the offer or refuse—either by changing the items in his slots, or pressing the “Cancel” button. This system requires that both players agree to a trade before it can happen.
Options Panel
Neverwinter Nights has a large number of options available for customiz-
ing the game to suit your play style. To change any option in the game you pop up the options panel. You can pop up the options panel by pressing the Escape key, the “o” key or pressing the options icon on the main in-game screen.
At the top of the options screen are the “Load” and “Save” buttons. To load a game, press the “Load” button and then pick the game you wish to load. To save a game, press the “Save” button and then select the slot you wish to save in. After you have chosen a slot for the save game, type in a name for the game and the saving process will commence.
The next button is “Save Character.” This button allows you to save your character out of your current game, so you could use the character in another adventure. If you advance your character outside of your existing save game, the next time you load the game you will be asked if you wish to update your character. If you answer Yes, your most-recent version of the character is brought into your previous save game.
Video options contain the settings that apply to your video display. You can set texture detail, screen resolution and various graphical options. As a rule of thumb, the more features you disable the faster the game will run. If the game is running poorly on your computer, try disabling features until performance improves.
Sound options allow you to customize the game sound and to enable or disable various sound options.
Controls allow you to change your camera mode and cycle through various control scheme options. You can, for instance, enable driving mode and control your character with the keyboard if you so desire.
Key Settings allow you to customize the Neverwinter hotkeys. At the top of the key-mapping panel are tabs for the various headings of hotkeys you can change. To change a key, simply click the control you wish to change and press the key you want mapped there. You cannot map the same key to multiple controls, so be aware of what keys you have already mapped.
Game Options allow you to tweak the game difficulty and change other gameplay options. We recommend most people play the game on the default settings, since the game is evenly balanced at these settings. If you are an experienced Dungeons & Dragons player, you might consider selecting the “Hardcore D&D” option. This setting implements some of the more complex aspects of the rules system.
Hit Points: At Normal difficulty or easier these are granted via the following procedure. The character gains maximum hit points from levels 1-3. For levels 4 and above they will roll their hitpoints but will only accept a minimum roll of 1/2 of their possible hit points, rounded up. For example, a wizard who normally rolls d4 for hit points will get at least 3 hit points every level.
Journeying Online
To play Neverwinter Nights multiplayer you will need a connection to other computers via an internet connection or a LAN
(Local Area Network) connection. You can either host a game server to allow other players to join you in your adventures or you can connect to an existing game hosted by someone else.
The first time that you play online, you will be prompted for a player profile. The player profile allows Neverwinter Nights to differentiate between the different players and allows you to access special areas in the Neverwinter Nights community site (www.neverwinternights.com). If you have already created a player profile either in the game or on the Neverwinter Nights community site, simply enter your player name and password to continue. If you haven’t yet created a profile, press the create profile button and enter in your desired player name and password. You will also be prompted for an email address. Although you are not required to enter an email address, if you do not enter one, you will be unable to recover your password if it is lost.
Hosting a Game Server
If you are hosting the game server you will have full control over who is allowed to play in your game. You will be able to moder-
ate the game by booting (removing from the game) or banning (permanently removing) players. You can host a game by choosing multiplayer on the main menu and then either starting a new game or loading an existing game. This will launch a game server with the module or save game of your choice and other players will be able to play on your server for as long as you are also in the game.
When starting a new game there are a large number of options available to you if you want to customize the environment your players will be adventuring in. Some simple options are how many players you wish to allow in to the game and whether you wish to password protect your game or not. If you put in a player password, no players will be able to join unless they know the
password. If a DM password is entered, then only players with this password can connect to the game server with the DM client. The next important option is the Player versus Player (PvP) settings. These settings are described below in the Player vs. Player section.
Joining a Multiplayer Game
If you just wish to play in a game, you click multiplayer at the start menu and then choose the join option. A listing of games
will appear in a game browser window. If you are playing without an Internet connection, the game may pause at this screen for a moment. You can click the LAN tab at the top of the panel to scan your local network for games instead of scanning the Internet matching service. If you have an Internet connection you will see a large listing of the games currently available. You can sort the games using the various filters at the top of the matching page by simply clicking the filter name. You can also click the gameplay types toggle on the bottom left and it will show you the games that are posted as that type of gameplay. When you find a game you like, click the game and then click the connect button and you are underway. At the top of the screen you will also see the History tab. The History tab tracks the last game sessions you were playing and where those sessions are located. If you wish to re-join a game you were playing, just click the History tab, select the game you wish to play and click the connect button.
Picking a Character
Once you have joined a game you will be presented with the choose character page. On the left you will see a list of avail-
able characters. Simply pick a character and press the play button to start playing. Sometimes some of the characters will be disabled. This means that these characters are not allowed to play on the current server. This may be because of module restrictions (level or class restrictions, for example) or the server may only accept server characters.
Local and Server Characterss
There are two types of characters in Neverwinter Nights, local characters and server characters. A local character is a char-
acter that is stored on your own computer. You can use a local character to play on many different game servers, in a single player game or in a multiplayer game that you are hosting. You can think of this as taking your character home with you when you finish playing.
A server character is a character that is only stored on the game server that you are joining. You will only have access to this character while you are connected to that server. Think of this as leaving your character with the person who is hosting the game. This is the recommended system for people who are playing as a regular group since the players cannot alter their characters while offline.
The server itself can be set to accept either local or server characters. When you connect to a server, you will be informed as to what type of characters it allows. If you are connecting to a server that allows server characters only, you can create a new character on that server by pressing the New Character button on the character list page.
Moving Characters between GamesGames
In Neverwinter Nights there is no difference between single player and multi player characters. At any time you can extract a char-
acter from a save game, play with that character online and then continue playing with that character in a single player game.
To extract a character from a save game you simply load the savegame with your character in it and go to the Options page. Press the Save Character button and you will see a message saying
“Your Character was exported successfully.” This creates a local character that is an exact duplicate of the character that was in the save game. Now if you go back to the main screen and join a multiplayer game, you’ll be able to choose this character to play in multiplayer games with. You also automatically get a copy of your character when you complete a multiplayer adventure.
If you load the original save game, you will continue to play where you had left off with the character that is stored in the save game. If you wish to pickup where you had left off but you want to use a different character, go to the load game screen. Select the save game that you desire and press the import character button instead of the load button. You will then see the pick character screen. Pick any local character and press play. The save game will be loaded but your new character will be used instead of the one in the save game. Any saves from this point will store the new character.
Forming a Party
To form a party in multiplayer you first have to invite the person to join you. The person then must respond by agreeing to
You can invite someone to join your party using the radial option under the socialize heading. Right click on the player you wish to invite to join you and select the socialize heading. Under socialize click the invite action and the other player will receive a message advising them you have issued an invitation to form a party.
You can disband a party by moving to the same location in the radial after your party is formed and click the disband action.
Player Versus Player
There are three levels of player versus player (PvP): No PvP, Party PvP, and Full PvP. If you choose No PvP, players can-
not damage one another. The Party PvP setting allows you to damage other players unless they are in your party, in which case
you cannot damage them at all. The final setting is Full PvP. Under Full PvP settings you can damage any other player unless the area you are in is locked against PvP. This means area effect spells will harm other players if they are within the casting range, so if you play full PvP watch where you target your area effect spells. The PvP setting on the server options panel dictates the maximum level of PvP conflict allowed in the module. This means that if the server PvP is set to Full PvP, there still may be Party PvP or No PvP areas in the module, but if the server is set to No PvP, all areas in the module will be set to No PvP.
Liking or Disliking Other Playerslayers
By pressing the Player Reactions button you can bring up the Player Reactions panel. This panel describes the current PvP setting of the current area and has information about your attitude towards other players in the world. Your attitude towards another
player will be either like or dislike. To change your attitude towards a player, simply click on their name. Be warned, when you change your attitude towards a player, they are informed of your new status. You can see what the other player’s reaction to you is by looking at their entry in the reaction column. So what does all of this liking and disliking do? It sets the attitude of your associates and limits what types of hostile actions that you can perform on the other player. Depending on what the PvP setting is for the area that you are currently in, your attitude will determine whether you are friendly, neutral or hostile to that player.
The following table describes the effects of your attitude and PvP setting.
No PvP |
Party Protected |
Full PvP |
In Party |
Friendly |
Friendly |
Neutral |
Likes |
Friendly |
Neutral |
Neutral |
Dislikes |
Friendly |
Hostile |
Hostile |
If you are friendly towards another player, you cannot harm them, pick their pockets or perform any hostile action towards them. Any hostile spells will not affect them and you will not perform attacks of opportunities against them. Your associates (animal companions, familiars, summoned creatures, and henchmen) will not attack the other player.
If you are neutral towards the other player, you can perform overt hostile actions, and hostile spells will damage them. Your associates will still not attack the other players and you will not perform any attacks of opportunity.
If you are hostile towards the other player, you can perform any hostile action, you will receive attacks of opportunity and your associates will attack the other player.
The legend at the bottom of the Player Reactions panel contains a full list of the consequences your hostility state.
If you are hosting the game server, you will also have a boot and a ban button. By selecting a player and pressing the boot button, that player will be disconnected from your server. That player may reconnect at a later time. If you Ban a player, that player’s player profile will be added your server’s ban list and they will be prevented from connecting to your server.
Places and Peoplele
Cities and Towns
Your journeys will take you through many lands of the Forgotten Realms, from the Sword Coast North to the Savage
Frontier. Below are listed several of the most important cities and areas in the game.
The City of Neverwinter
This is a cultured city where most of Faerûn’s civilized races live in peace with each other. Neverwinter is allied with Waterdeep against Luskan and the orcs, and is so strongly forti-
fied that it is considered one of the safest cities on the Sword Coast. In recent months, a terrible plague has forced the oncevital city into quarantine.
The City of Luskan
Luskan is a coastal city located on the shore of the Sea of Swords. It is sometimes called the City of Sails, and its nauti-
cal bent is reflected in the ruling council of High Captains. Some whisper that these captains are merely puppets of the Arcane Brotherhood, and recent rumors hint that an even darker evil has taken up roost in the city. Whether the rumors are true or not, Luskan is indisputably a dark city of pirates and other dangerous folk.
Port Llast
This quaint fishing village depends on the city of Neverwinter to drive its meager economy, but lately even that has dried up.
Although its peaceful harbor was once a thriving sea-lane, today this town is a quiet hamlet in which nothing exciting ever seems to happen.
Beorunna’s Well
This is the ancestral home of the Black Lion Uthgardt tribe. South of this small village is Fort Ilkard, an outpost main-
tained by the city of Neverwinter against the numerous orc hordes that travel through this area.
Personalities of the North
Lord Nasher
Lord Nasher is an adventurer who has outlived his adventuring days. Once famous
throughout the North, he has been content ruling the city of Neverwinter for many years. Now, as his beloved city faces its most trying times, he has risen to action once more, assembling a small and trusted group of heroes to his side so that the horror of the Wailing Death may be ended.
Renowned for her beauty, knighted for her faith, and beloved for her kindness, young Aribeth de Tylmarande is said to be among the
foremost of Tyr’s paladins in all the Sword Coast. She is one of Lord Nasher’s most trusted advisors and is now entrusted with finding a cure to the deadly Wailing Death.
This good-natured arbiter of Tyr’s justice has made a name for himself in Neverwinter not
only with the Wisdom of his decisions but also with his loving courtship of the coveted paladin, Aribeth de Tylmarande. In some circles, the two of them have become affectionately known as ‘the very Sword and Scales of Tyr’ and few doubt that their marriage will be declared before the year is out.
Desther Indelayne is the current Watchknight of Helm for the city of Neverwinter. He and
his brethren are recent arrivals, but tireless efforts to control the spread of the plague have earned Desther great respect and influence very quickly. None can deny the comfort he has given, but his ministrations only lessen the agony of those suffering from the Wailing Death, and has not yet produced a cure.
Aarin Gend
Little is known of this spymaster other than scraps of information that he has undoubtedly leaked himself. His calculated air of calm and confidence hides a profound intensity and a deep-rooted determination to perform whatever is necessary, whatever the cost. Few are foolish
enough to cross him.
There are many heroes in the city of Neverwinter. Some have come for glory and gold, others out of a desire to ease the suf-
fering of a once-beautiful city. They are willing to join your adventuring group, if you have need of them. NOTE: These henchmen will often give you items, for various reasons. Keep these items on you, or else you’ll be stopped from completing the various henchmen plots available in Neverwinter Nights. As well, if they die they will be transported back to the nearest Temple of Tyr.
Linu La’neral
This elven cleric has traveled from her homeland in Everaska to the city of Neverwinter,
only to be trapped within the quarantined city. She is searching for a holy artifact, recently stolen and last seen in the city.
Seeking fame and fortune in her hometown, Sharwyn can be found in any of the local
establishments, often singing a new ballad or strengthening her contacts with the more nefarious elements of the city.
Daelan Red Tiger
This Uthgardt barbarian remains tight-lipped about his reasons for being in Neverwinter.
His services as a mercenary are for hire, but only for someone with the right coin and temperament suitable to this honorable half-orc.
Tomi ‘Grin’ Undergallows
Arecent (and hasty) departure from Calimport led Grin to Neverwinter. Now trapped in the
slowly dying city, Grin works at odd jobs and tries to stay out of trouble.
Acold and remorseless killer, Grimgnaw left his dwarven clan behind long ago to join the
monastic order of the Long Death. Like all monks of this evil order he reveres death, suffering, and all things gruesome and macabre. Grimgnaw is always eager to deliver new victims into the grasp of Death, the Silent Lord.
Boddyknock Glinckle
This gnome explorer has a fancy for novelties and newness. A collector of knickknacks, he
can be found wandering the streets of Neverwinter, or waiting at the local mercenary enclave to hire out his talents as a sorcerer.
The creatures listed below are found in the wilds and dungeons around Neverwinter, and sometimes in the city itself. A num-
ber of stars are beside the name of each monster; the more stars the more dangerous the creature. Be aware however that to an inexperienced adventurer, any encounter can be fatal.
Goblins and orcs (*): These savage humanoids are bane of every low-level party, but experienced adven turers usually find them little more than a nuisance
Skeletons (**): Animated by necromantic magic, these mindless undead are easily dispatched with a blunt weapon like a mace or hammer, but swords, spears,
and arrows are far less effective.
Zombies (**): Although these undead are more powerful than skeletons, their slow, shambling walk makes them
easier to escape and outmaneuver.
(***): Vampires are undead that living. Spells such as Negative
Protection can be used to block the feared energy drain attack.
vampires are effectively immortal until their coffin is destroyed.
Trolls (***): These horrific monsters are little more than killing machines, able to deal out and absorb more damage than other creatures twice their size. Trolls regenerate ordinary wounds, but they are vulnerable to damage from fire or acid.
Rakshasas (****): These sinister outsiders are immune most spells and magic effects, and are particularly
effective at slaying wizards and other spellcasters.
Golems (***): Golems are built, not born. They are created by spellcasters for specific purposes; usually guard duty. Most golems are highly resistant to magic, but
each type has its own specific weaknesses.
(****): These towering demons combine dominance with a potent arsenal of spell-
abilities. They are among the greatest of their kind, and are rightly
feared by all.
Dragons (*****): These fabled creatures have dined on more adventurers than all of the other monsters
described on these pages combined. Good dragons can make powerful—if fickle—allies. Evil dragons are the most dangerous of enemies.
Avoid fighting these creatures: their loot may be legendary but what use is gold to the dead?
You can immediately see how difficult a creature is to defeat by selecting the “Examine” option from the radial menu. The table on the following page summarizes each stage of difficulty.
Table 1: Monster Difficulty Categories
Monster |
Category |
Color |
Explanation |
Challenge Rating* |
+5 and greater |
Impossible |
Purple |
Death is guaranteed. |
levels |
+3, +4 levels |
Overpowering |
Red |
You’ll have difficulty |
defeating this |
creature. |
+1, +2 levels |
Very difficult |
Orange |
Survival is not |
guaranteed, without |
drawing upon potions |
and other magical |
aids. |
Same level as |
Challenging |
Yellow |
You can defeat |
character or |
a couple of these |
one less |
before resting. |
-2, -3 levels |
Moderate |
Blue |
You’ll take a few |
wounds. |
-4, -5 level |
Easy |
Green |
Worth little XP but |
won’t hurt you much. |
-6 and less levels |
Effortless |
White |
Not worth your time. |
* Challenge ratings are described in more detail on page 202.
Time and Resting
A round in game time is approximately six seconds in length. A turn is ten rounds, or 60 seconds.
Every two minutes of real time is equal to an hour of Neverwinter Nights game time. That means that 48 minutes of real time is equal to a 24-hour Neverwinter Nights game day.
Some spells and effects have durations equal to one day (one game day). These effects disappear after 48 minutes of real time OR after the character rests.
Resting takes only 30 seconds of real time, but has all the game effects of a full 24 hours of rest. Spells are prepared, effects disappear, items with charges per day are recharged, and so on.
Player’s Handbook
Neverwinter Nights is based on the 3rd Edition of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, and allows you to create and play a character of epic proportions. You can travel through fan-
tastic and compelling worlds, participate in stories heroic and humble, and it is entirely up to you whether your characters behave as you might, or act as different from you as night to day.
You will meet other adventurers online as well, players from around the globe that you can learn from, battle alongside, or perhaps fight against. In time, your characters may also become teachers, great warriors, or the target of opposition. You can adopt whatever style of play you wish, becoming an obvious force that shapes the land, or remaining behind the scenes.
The Dungeons & Dragons rules set has been carefully designed to facilitate your travels, and Neverwinter Nights takes full advantage of that flexibility. The convenience of a computer roleplaying game means that the majority of rules and functions are handled behind the scenes, leaving you free to enjoy your adventures without worrying about rules.
Players unfamiliar with the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game may still be a bit overwhelmed by the amount of detail included within Neverwinter Nights. Rest assured, this section will provide all of the information you need to compete with the best of players, so you can truly enjoy this fantasy realm brought to life.
Character Creation
Before you can play Neverwinter Nights, you first have to decide what type of character you want to play. There is a great deal of room for customization, so this may seem a little intimidating at
first. It is best to remember that there are no good or bad characters, and different people appreciate different aspects of the game. You can create any number of characters, so feel free to experiment.
One way to navigate the character creation process is to start with a character concept. Many roleplayers enjoy mimicking figures
from history, myth, or popular culture. Those who enjoy a challenge sometimes construct a flawed character, perhaps one who is sickly or a bit of a buffoon. Perhaps they might take a classical stereotype and play it in a new and refreshing manner, like a dwarven barbarian who is scholarly or prefers a sling to an axe. Regardless of where the inspiration comes from, once you have a concept the process of character creation is much easier.
Neverwinter has a very flexible system for character modification, so don’t worry too much about the decisions you make early on. For example, you might create a gnome barbarian to prove to other players that gnomes make the best warriors, but, after a while, realize that you are spending more time glorifying him with tales and poems than actually fighting. At that point you could take a level of bard, a class better suited to that style of play. He would still have his barbarian roots, but could freely advance as a bard thereafter. Remember, much of the fun of Dungeons & Dragons is in watching your character grow and change.
Creating a character is exciting, but it can be a daunting process. If you are ever unsure of how to proceed past a screen, or if you aren’t sure how to make the best decision, simply press the “Recommended” button and the program will make a good choice for you. You can also return to the beginning of the process and select a “Package,” which is a set of feats and skills chosen around a particular theme.
The first step in creating your character is to choose a gender. Select either male or female, and press “OK” when you’re
ready to move on.
There are many races in Faerûn, each with their own strengths and weaknesses relative to the others. The seven playable
races are: human, dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, and halfling.
Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest mean they are very physically diverse as well. Skin shades range nearly black to very pale, hair from black to blond, and facial hair (for men) from sparse to thick. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
•Favored Class (Any): When determining whether a multiclass human suffers an XP penalty, his highest-level class does not count.
•Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level
•Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each level up
Dwarves are known for their skill in warfare, their ability to withstand physical and magical punishment, their hard work, and their capacity for drinking ale. Dwarves are slow to jest and suspicious of strangers, but they are generous to those who earn their trust.
They stand just 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall, but are broad and compactly built, almost as wide as they are tall. Dwarven skin varies from deep tan to light brown, and their hair is black, gray, or brown. Dwarven men value their beards highly.
•Dwarven Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, -2 Cha
•Favored Class (Fighter): A multiclass dwarf’s fighter class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities: Stonecunning, Darkvision, Hardiness vs. Poisons, Hardiness vs. Spells, Offensive Training vs. Orcs, Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids, Defensive Training vs. Giants, Skill Affinity (Lore).
Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. They tend to be pale-skinned and dark-haired with deep green eyes. They have no facial or body hair, prefer comfortable clothes, and possess unearthly grace. Many other races find them hauntingly beautiful.
•Elven Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Con
•Favored Class (Wizard): A multiclass elf’s wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities: Immunity to Sleep, Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Bonus Proficiencies (Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow), Skill Affinity (Listen), Skill Affinity (Search), Skill Affinity (Spot), Keen Senses, Low-light vision.
Gnomes are in wide demand as alchemists, inventors, and technicians, though most prefer to remain among their own kind in simple comfort. Gnomes adore animals, gems, and jokes, especially pranks. They love to learn by personal experience, and are always trying new ways to build things. Gnomes stand 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall, with skin that ranges from dark tan to woody brown. Their hair is fair, and their eyes are often some shade of blue. Gnomes generally wear earth tones, but decorate their clothes intricately. Males favor carefully-trimmed beards. Gnomes live 350 to 500 years.
•Gnome Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, -2 Str
•Favored Class (Wizard): A multiclass gnome’s wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities: Small Stature, Hardiness vs. Illusions, Offensive Training vs. Reptilians, Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids, Defensive Training vs. Giants, Skill Affinity (Listen), Skill Affinity (Concentration), Spell Focus (Illusion), Low-light vision.
Half-elves have the curiosity and ambition of their human parent, with the refined senses and love of nature of their elven parent, though they are outsiders among both cultures. To humans, halfelves look like elves. To elves, they look like humans. Half-elves are paler, fairer, and smoother-skinned than their human parents, but their actual skin tones and other details vary just as human features do. Half-elves tend to have green, elven eyes. They live to about 180.
•Favored Class (Any): When determining whether a multiclass half-elf suffers an XP penalty, his highest-level class does not count.
Special Abilities: Immunity to Sleep, Hardiness vs. Enchantments, Partial Skill Affinity (Listen), Partial Skill Affinity (Search), Partial Skill Affinity (Spot), Low-light vision.
Half-orcs are the short-tempered and sullen result of human and orc pairings. They would rather act than ponder and would rather fight than argue. They love simple pleasures, such as feasting, boasting, and wild dancing. They are an asset at the right sort of party, but not at the duchess’s grand ball. Half-orcs are as tall as humans but their brutish features betray their lineage. They also regard scars as tokens of pride and things of beauty. They rarely reach 75 years in age.
•Orc Ability Adjustments: +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
•Favored Class (Barbarian): A multiclass half-orc’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities: Darkvision.
Halflings are clever, capable, and resourceful survivors. They are notoriously curious, and show a daring that many larger people can’t match. They can be lured by wealth, but tend to spend rather than hoard. Halflings have ruddy skin, hair that is black and straight, and brown or black eyes. Halfling men often grow long sideburns, but rarely beards or mustaches. They prefer practical clothing, and would rather wear a comfortable shirt than jewelry. Halflings stand about 3 feet tall, and commonly live to see 150.
•Halfling Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, -2 Str
•Favored Class (Rogue): A multiclass halfling’s rogue class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special Abilities: Small Stature, Skill Affinity (Move Silently), Skill Affinity (Listen), Lucky, Fearless, and Good Aim.
Select a portrait for your character.
Aclass is the profession or vocation of your character. It determines what he or she is able to do: combat training, magical
ability, skills, and more. In selecting what class is right for your character, keep in mind your core concept for the character. The eleven basic selections can approximate most any character concept, and often you will have several options available. For example, both rangers and fighters make excellent archer characters, and paladins and clerics are both excellent at hunting down undead monsters.
The Class Special Abilities section (page 56) lists the strengths and abilities of every class. Class-related tables can be found in Appendix A, page 175.
Barbarians are brave, even reckless, and their warrior skills make them well suited to adventure. Instead of training and discipline, barbarians have a powerful rage that makes them stronger, tougher, and better able to withstand attacks. They only have the energy for a few such displays per day, but it is usually sufficient. Constant exposure to danger has also given barbarians a sort of “sixth sense,” the preternatural ability to sense danger and dodge attacks, and their running stamina is legendary.
•Alignment Restrictions: Any nonlawful.
•Hit Die: d12.
•Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields.
•Skill Points (Int Modifier * 4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
•Ex-Barbarians: Barbarians are unable to progress in levels if their alignment ever becomes lawful.
Bards often serve as negotiators, messengers, scouts, and spies. They love to accompany heroes (and villains) to witness heroic (or villainous) deeds firsthand, since a bard who can tell a story from personal experience earns renown among his fellows. A bard casts arcane spells without any advance preparation, much like a sorcerer. Bards also share some specialized skills with rogues, and their knowledge of item lore is nearly unmatched. A high Charisma score allows a bard to cast high-level spells.
•Alignment Restrictions: Any nonlawful.
•Hit Die: d6.
•Proficiencies: Simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields.
•Skills Points (*4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Arcane (Charisma-based, no spell preparation, spell failure from armor is a factor). Bards begin the game knowing all cantrips.
•Ex-Bards: Bards cannot gain levels of experience while they are of any lawful alignment.
See Also:
Bard Spells: Page 124.
Clerics act as intermediaries between the earthly and the divine (or infernal) worlds. A good cleric helps those in need, while an evil cleric seeks to spread his patron’s vision of evil across the world. All clerics can heal wounds and bring people back from the brink of death, and powerful clerics can even raise the dead. Likewise, all clerics have authority over undead creatures, and they can turn away or even destroy these creatures. Clerics are trained in the use of simple weapons, and can use all forms of armor and shields without penalty, since armor does not interfere with the casting of divine spells. In addition to his normal complement of spells, every cleric chooses to focus on two of his deity’s domains. These domains grants the cleric special powers, and give him access to spells that he might otherwise never learn (see page 58). A cleric’s Wisdom score should be high, since this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.
•Hit Die: d8.
•Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all armor, and shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Divine (Wisdom based, armorrelated chance of spell failure is ignored).
See Also:
Cleric Spells, page 128; Cleric Domains, pages 102 and 182-183.
Druids gain power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. They hate the unnatural, including aberrations or undead, and destroy them where possible. Druids receive divine spells from nature, not the gods, and can gain an array of powers as they gain experience, including the ability to take the shapes of animals. A druid is often accompanied by an animal companion. The weapons and armor of a druid are restricted by their traditional oaths, not simply training. A druid’s Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast.
•Alignment Restrictions: Must be neutral good, lawful neutral, true neutral, chaotic neutral, or neutral evil.
•Hit Die: d8.
•Proficiencies: Proficient with the club, dagger, dart, sickle, scimitar, spear, sling, and quarterstaff, as well as shields and light and medium armor.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Divine (Wisdom based, armor-related chance of spell failure is ignored).
•Ex-Druids: A druid that is no longer neutral cannot gain levels.
See Also:
Druid Spells, page 132.
Fighters can be many things, from soldiers to criminal enforcers. Some see adventure as a way to get rich, while others use their skills to protect the innocent. Fighters have the best all-around fighting capabilities of the PC classes, and they are trained to use all standard weapons and armor. A fighter’s rigorous martial training grants him many bonus feats as he progresses, and high-level fighters have access to special melee maneuvers and exotic weapons not available to any other character.
•Hit Die: d10.
•Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, all armor, and shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
See Also:
Fighter Bonus Feats, pages 61 and 185.
Monks are versatile warriors skilled at fighting without weapons or armor. Good-aligned monks serve as protectors of the people, while evil monks make ideal spies and assassins. Though they don’t cast spells, monks channel a subtle energy, called ki. This energy allows them to perform amazing feats, such as healing themselves, catching arrows in flight, and dodging blows with lightning speed. Their mundane and ki-based abilities grow with experience, granting them more power over themselves and their environment. Monks suffer unique penalties to their abilities if they wear armor, as doing so violates their rigid oath. A monk wearing armor loses their Wisdom and level based armor class bonuses, their movement speed, and their additional unarmed attacks per round.
•Alignment Restrictions: Any lawful.
•Hit Die: d8.
•Proficiencies: Proficient with club, dagger, handaxe, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, kama, quarterstaff, shuriken, and sling.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
See Also:
Monk Attacks, page 186.
Paladins take their adventures seriously, and even a mundane mission is, in the heart of the paladin, a personal test—an opportunity to demonstrate bravery, to learn tactics, and to find ways to do good. Divine power protects these warriors of virtue, warding off harm, protecting from disease, healing, and guarding against fear. The paladin can also direct this power to help others, healing wounds or curing diseases, and also use it to destroy evil. Experienced paladins can smite evil foes and turn away undead. A paladin’s Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast. Many of the paladin’s special abilities also benefit from a high Charisma score.
•Alignment Restrictions: Lawful good only.
•Hit Die: d10.
•Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, all armor, and shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Paladin Spells. Divine (Wisdom based, armorrelated chance of spell failure is ignored).
•Ex-Paladins: A paladin that is no longer lawful good cannot gain levels until their alignment is lawful good again.
See Also:
Paladin Spells, page 135.
Rangers are skilled stalkers and hunters who make their home in the woods. Their martial skill is nearly the equal of the fighter, but they lack the latter’s dedication to the craft of fighting. Instead, the ranger focuses his skills and training on a specific enemy—a type of creature he bears a vengeful grudge against and hunts above all others. Rangers often accept the role of protector, aiding those who live in or travel through the woods. His skills allow him to move quietly and stick to the shadows, especially in natural settings, and he also has special knowledge of certain types of creatures. Finally, an experienced ranger has such a tie to nature that he can actually draw on natural power to cast divine spells, much as a druid does, and like a druid he is often accompanied by animal companions. A ranger’s Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.
•Hit Die: d10.
•Proficiencies: All simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 4 + Int Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Divine (Wisdom based, armor-related chance of spell failure is ignored).
See Also:
Ranger Spells, page 136.
Rogues have little in common with each other. While some— maybe even the majority—are stealthy thieves, many serve as scouts, spies, investigators, diplomats, and simple thugs. Rogues are versatile, adaptable, and skilled at getting what others don’t want them to get. While not equal to a fighter in combat, a rogue knows how to hit where it hurts, and a sneak attack can dish out a lot of damage. Rogues also seem to have a sixth sense when it comes to avoiding danger. Experienced rogues develop nearly magical powers and skills as they master the arts of stealth, evasion, and sneak attacks. In addition, while not capable of casting spells on their own, a rogue can sometimes “fake it” well enough to cast spells from scrolls, activate wands, and use just about any other magic item.
•Hit Die: d6.
•Proficiencies: Proficient with club, dagger, dart, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, mace, morningstar, rapier, shortbow, short sword, and quarterstaff. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 8 + Int Modifier.
See Also:
Rogue Special Feats, pages 68 & 187.
Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories—just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. A sorcerer can call a familiar: a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.
•Hit Die: d4.
•Proficiencies: All simple weapons. No armor or shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Intelligence Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Arcane (Charisma-based, no need for preparation, armor-related chance of spell failure is a factor); sorcerers begin the game knowing all cantrips.
See Also:
Sorcerer Spells, page
Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard’s strength is her spells; everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar: a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.
•Hit Die: d4.
•Proficiencies: Proficient with club, dagger, light crossbow, heavy crossbow and quarterstaff. No armor or shields.
•Skill Points (*4 at 1st level): 2 + Int Modifier.
•Spellcasting: Arcane (Intelligence-based, requires preparation, armor-related chance of spell failure is a factor); wizards begin the game knowing all cantrips and four 1st-level spells.
See Also:
Wizard Spells, page 137; Wizard Bonus Feats, pages 69 & 189.
Class Special Abilities
Each class has a range of abilities that make it substantially different from the other classes. These abilities are an integral
part of your character’s class, and mastering them will aid you.
Barbarians can catapult themselves into a murderous fury, becoming a more formidable foe.
Gained: 1st Level.
Use: Selected. 1st level = once a day; 4th level = twice a day; 8th level = three times a day; 12th level = four times a day. Bonuses: +4 to Strength; +4 to Constitution; +2 morale bonus to Will saving throws.
Penalties: -2 to AC.
Notes: Lasts for 3 rounds + Adjusted Constitution modifier. At 15th level, the Rage ability becomes Greater Rage, giving the barbarian +6 to Strength and Constitution and a +3 bonus to Will saves (the -2 penalty to Armor Class still applies).
Barbarian Fast Movement:
Barbarians gain a 10% bonus to their movement speed.
Gained: 1st Level
Use: Automatic
Uncanny Dodge
Barbarians are quick on their feet and can react more quickly to danger than others. This ability improves as the barbarian gains levels.
Level 1: You retain your Dexterity bonus to AC, even if you are caught flat-footed
Level 5: +1 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps Level 10: +2 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps Level 13: +3 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps Level 16: +4 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps Level 19: +5 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps Use: Automatic
Damage Reduction
The barbarian gains the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from each blow or attack.
Gained: At 11th Level. Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: 11th level = Damage reduced by one point; 14th level = damage reduced by two; 17th level = damage reduced by three; 20th level = damage reduced by four.
Bardic Knowledge
The bard is able to identify items more easily than other classes. Gained: 1st Level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Apply bard levels as a bonus to any Lore skill checks.
Bardic Music
Bards are able to sing songs that can bolster their allies. Gained: 1st Level.
Use: Selected.
Bonuses: Deafened creatures are not affected by the bard’s singing. The bardsong may be sung once per day, per class level. The song affects all allies within 30 feet and lasts for 6 rounds. The higher the bard’s Perform skill, the better the bardsong. Bard song bonuses do not stack.
•Perform and bard Level 1: +1 to Attack and Damage rolls.
•Perform 6 and bard Level 2: +1 to Will Saves.
•Perform 9 and bard Level 3: +1 to Damage rolls and +1 to Fortitude Saves.
•Perform 12 and bard Level 6: +1 to Reflex saves.
•Perform 15 and bard Level 8: +1 to Attack rolls,
+8 temporary Hit Points.
•Perform 18 and bard Level 11: +2 to Dodge Armor Class.
•Perform 21 and bard Level 14: +1 to Damage rolls,
+8 temporary Hit Points and +1 Dodge Armor Class.
•Perform 24 and bard Level 15: +1 Will Saves, +1 Reflex Saves, +1 Fortitude Saves, +1 Dodge Armor Class.
•Perform 25 and bard Level 16: +1 Will Saves, +4 temporary Hit Points. +1 Dodge Armor Class.
•For each additional 5 Perform and 1 class level in bard an additional +2 temporary Hit Points is granted.
Spontaneous Cast
Gained: 1st level. Use: Automatic.
Bonus: Able to replace any spell and cast a ‘healing’ variety of the same spell level instead. Whenever the clerics see an S in the upper left-hand corner of the spell icon, they can cast that spell spontaneously. This will ‘use up’ another spell of the same level as the spell cast.
Turn Undead
With this ability, the character can cause undead to flee. Gained: 1st level.
Use: Selected. Can be used three times per day, plus the cleric’s Charisma modifier.
Bonuses: The cleric’s level and Charisma are used to determine how many Hit Die of undead are turned. If the cleric has twice as many levels as the undead have Hit Die, the undead are instantly destroyed.
Nature Sense
The druid gains a +2 bonus to all attacks made while fighting in wilderness areas.
Gained: 1st level. Use: Automatic.
Animal Companion
Druids may summon forth a stalwart animal companion. Gained: 1st level
Use: Once per day, until killed or unsummoned.
Bonuses: Animal companions are chosen at character creation and can be changed with each new druid class level.
Woodland Stride
Druids may walk with ease through magical and non-magical impediments to movement.
Gained: 2nd level. Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Immune to grease, web, and entangle spells and effects.
Trackless Step
Druids move stealthily through wilderness areas. Gained: 3rd level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Grants a +4 competence bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks when in wilderness areas.
Resist Nature’s Lure
Due to their inherent understanding of nature, druids can avoid the most common dangers that the natural world presents. Gained: 4th level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Grants a +2 insight bonus to saving throws against all fear spells and effects.
Wild Shape
The druid gains the ability to shape shift into various animal forms.
Gained: 5th level.
Use: Selected. Once per day at 5th level, twice per day at 6th level, three times per day at 7th level, four times per day at 10th level, five times per day at 14th level, and at 18th level, Wild Shape may be used six times a day. This ability lasts one hour per level.
Bonuses: The druid may choose from several different animal forms (and these forms improve as the druid gains levels).
Venom Immunity
Druids are eventually able to resist the effects of most poisons. Gained: 9th level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Immune to poison.
Elemental Shape
The druid gains the ability to shape shift into various elemental forms.
Gained: 16th level.
Use: Selected. Once per day at 16th level, twice per day at 17th level, and three times per day at 19th level. This ability lasts one hour per level.
Bonuses: Huge elementals at 16th level and elder elementals at 20th level.
Bonus Feats
Every two levels, the fighter gains a bonus feat, chosen from a subset of the entire feat list. This bonus feat is in addition to the feats every character gains for advancing in character level.
Bonus Feats
The monk receives several feats for free, from the standard feat list. They gain Improved Unarmed Strike and Stunning Fist at 1st level. At 2nd level they receive Deflect Arrows, and at 6th level, Knockdown and Improved Knockdown.
Specialty Weapon
The monk retains his unarmed attack bonus when fighting with a kama.
Monk Armor Class Bonus
Monks add both their wisdom modifier and their dexterity modifier to their armor class.
Flurry of Blows
The monk receives an extra attack per round when fighting unarmed or with a kama.
Gained: 1st level. Use: Selected.
Penalties: The monk suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls made as part of a flurry of blows.
Monks are able to escape potentially deadly situations. Gained: 1st level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: In situations where a successful Reflex saving throw would allow others to take half damage, the monk escapes unscathed.
Monk Speed
Monks gain the ability to move quickly. Gained: 3rd level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Monks move faster than other classes and this ability improves with experience, as outlined on page 162.
Purity of Body
Monks are immune to common diseases.
Gained: 5th level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Immune to disease.
Wholeness of Body
The monk is capable of healing his wounds. Gained: 7th level.
Use: Selected. Once per day.
Bonuses: Restore a number of hit points equal to twice the character’s level.
Improved Evasion
The monk gains a superhuman ability to avoid danger. Gained: 9th level.
Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: In situations where a successful Reflex saving throw would allow others to take half damage, the character escapes unscathed on a successful save and takes only half damage even if the saving throw fails.
Ki Strike
When attacking creatures with the damage reduction ability, the character’s unarmed attack is treated as a weapon with an enhancement bonus.
Gained: 10th level. Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Equivalent to a +1 enhancement bonus at 10th level, +2 bonus at 13th level, +3 bonus at 16th level.
Diamond Body
Through meditation and control over his body, the disciplined monk eventually becomes immune to all natural and most magical poisons.
Gained: 11th level. Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Immunity to poison.
Diamond Soul
Ki, the spiritual energy that powers the monk, eventually develops into a force that is capable of repelling all but the most determined magic attacks.
Gained: 12th level. Use: Automatic.
Bonuses: Spell resistance equal to the character’s level + 10.
Quivering Palm
Harnessing his ki, the monk is able to deliver quick death with an unarmed strike.
Gained: 15th level.
Use: Selected. Once per day.
Bonuses: If the attack succeeds and does damage, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier). Failure results in the target’s immediate death.
Empty Body
Mastering his ki can allow the monk to fade from sight. Gained: 18th level.
Use: Selected. Twice per day.
Bonuses: The monk gains 50% concealment.