Руководство для 5800

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Руководство по эксплуатации Nokia 5800


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Руководство по эксплуатации Nokia 5800


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КОРПОРАЦИЯ NOKIA заявляет, что изделие RM-356 соответствует основным требованиям и другим соответствующим

положениям Директивы Совета Европы 1999/5/EC. Копию Декларации соответствия можно загрузить с Web-страницы http://


Nokia 5800 XpressMusic (RM-356)

В соответствии с Российским законом о защите прав потребителей (статья 2.5), срок службы изделия составляет 3 года с даты производства

при условии, что изделие эксплуатируется в соответствии с техническими стандартами

и инструкциями руководства по эксплуатации.

© 2008 Nokia. Все права защищены.

Nokia, Nokia Connecting People и Nokia Care являются торговыми марками или зарегистрированными торговыми марками корпорации Nokia.

Мелодия Nokia является звуковым логотипом корпорации Nokia. Названия других изделий или компаний, указанные здесь, могут быть

торговыми марками или торговыми наименованиями соответствующих владельцев.

Воспроизведение, передача, распространение или хранение в любой форме данного документа или любой

его части без предварительного письменного

разрешения корпорации Nokia запрещено.

This product includes software licensed from Symbian Software Ltd ©1998-2008. Symbian and Symbian OS are trademarks of Symbian Ltd.

This software is based in part of the work of the FreeType Team. This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: United States Patent 5,155,805,

United States Patent 5,325,479, United States Patent 5,159,668, United States Patent 2232861 and France Patent 9005712.

US Patent No 5818437 and other pending patents. T9 text input software Copyright © 1997-2008. Tegic Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Portions of the Nokia Maps software are © 1996-2008 The FreeType Project. All rights reserved.

This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial use in connection with information which has been

encoded in compliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumer engaged in a personal and noncommercial activity and (ii) for use in connection with MPEG-4

video provided by a licensed video provider. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information, including that related to promotional,

internal, and commercial uses, may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See http://www.mpegla.com

Данное изделие лицензировано по лицензии на пакет патентов MPEG-4 Visual (i) в личных и некоммерческих целях в связи с информацией, закодированной

в соответствии со стандартом MPEG-4 Visual потребителем, занятым индивидуальной и некоммерческой деятельностью, и (ii) в связи с видеоинформацией в

формате MPEG-4, предоставленной поставщиком видеопродукции, действующим на основании лицензии. На применение в иных целях никакие лицензии не

предоставляются и

не распространяются. Дополнительные сведения, в том числе сведения об использовании в рекламных, служебных и коммерческих целях,

можно получить в компании MPEG LA, LLC. См. http://www.mpegla.com

Корпорация Nokia постоянно совершенствует свою продукцию. Корпорация Nokia оставляет за собой право вносить любые изменения и улучшения в любое

изделие, описанное в этом документе, без предварительного уведомления.










Анализ любого программного обеспечения в устройствах Nokia запрещен

в допустимой действующим законодательством степени. Содержащиеся в этом

руководстве по эксплуатации ограничения, относящиеся к заявлениям, гарантиям, убыткам и ответственности Nokia, также означают ограничения заявлений,

гарантий, убытков и ответственности держателей лицензий Nokia.

Приложения сторонних разработчиков, предоставляемые с устройством, могут быть созданы и принадлежать физическим или юридическим лицам, не

аффилированным с корпорацией Nokia. Компания Nokia не обладает

авторскими правами или правами на объекты интеллектуальной собственности в

отношении приложений сторонних разработчиков. В силу этого корпорация Nokia не несет никакой ответственности за поддержку конечных пользователей

и функционирование приложений, а также за информацию, содержащуюся в этих приложениях и материалах. Корпорация Nokia не предоставляет никаких

гарантий в отношении приложений сторонних разработчиков. ИСПОЛЬЗУЯ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ, ВЫ ПРИЗНАЕТЕ,








Наличие в продаже конкретных изделий, приложений и услуг зависит от региона. Дополнительные сведения и наличие версий для различных языков можно


у дилера Nokia.

Ограничение экспорта

Данное устройство может содержать компоненты, технологии и/или программное обеспечение, подпадающие под действие экспортного законодательства

США и других стран. Любое использование в нарушение законодательства запрещено.


Данное устройство может создавать помехи в работе радиои телевизионного оборудования (например, при пользовании телефоном в непосредственной

близости от приемного оборудования). Если такие помехи не могут быть устранены, правила FCC/Industry Canada требуют выключения телефона.

Дополнительную информацию можно получить в местном сервисном центре. Данное устройство соответствует требованиям раздела 15 правил FCC.

Эксплуатация устройства

зависит от следующих двух условий: 1. Данное устройство может не являться причиной вредных помех. 2. Данное устройство должно

допускать любые принимаемые помехи, включая помехи, которые могут вызвать нежелательное нарушение работы устройства. Изменения, не являющиеся

специально рекомендованными Nokia, могут привести к аннулированию полномочий пользователя на работу с оборудованием.

Телефон горячей линии Nokia: +7 (495) 644-18-04 Факс: +7 (495) 795-05-03 125009, Москва, Тверская ул., 7,

а/я 25 Nokia.


Номер модели: 5800d-1

/Выпуск 1 RU




Об устройстве………………………..………………………..……………11

Передача содержимого……..…………………………..…………….25

Услуги сети……………………………………………………………………12

Индикаторы дисплея………………………………………….………..26

Карта памяти……………………….……………………………………….27

1. Начало работы…………….…………….…………..14

Установка карты памяти…………………….………………………27

Клавиши и компоненты…………..…………………………………..14

Извлечение карты памяти………………………………………….28

Установка SIM-карты…………………………………………………….15

Настройка громкости……………………………………….…………..28

Установка аккумулятора …………………….…………………….…16


Зарядка аккумулятора………………………………………………….16

Расположение антенн…………..………………….…………………..29

Включение устройства………..…………………….………………….17

Панель контактов…………………………………………………………30


Режим «Автономный«………………….……………………..…………30

Блокировка клавиш и сенсорного экрана……………………18

Параметры датчика и поворот дисплея………………..……..31

Режим ожидания………………………………………………………….18


Доступ к меню…………………………………………..………………….19

Извлечение SIM-карты………………………………………………….32

Действия на сенсорном экране…………..…………..……………19

Прикрепление ремешка для кисти……………….……………..32

Мультимедийная клавиша………………………………………..….20

Удаленная блокировка……………..………………….………………32

Изменение сигнала вызова…………………………………………..20

Поддержка Nokia……………………………………………………….…21

4. Выполнение вызовов…………………………….32

Датчик расстояния……………………..…………………………………33

2. Поиск полезной информации………………….21

Голосовые вызовы …………….………………………………………..33

Справочная система устройства……………………………………21

Во время вызова…………………………………………………………..33

Обновления программного обеспечения………..……………22

Голосовая почта ……………………………………………..……………34


Ответ или отклонение вызова……………………………………..34

Коды доступа………………………………………………………………..23

Организ. конференции……………….………………………………...34

Увеличение продолжительности работы

Быстрый набор телефонного номера ………………….………35


Ожид. вызов…………………….……………….……………….………….35

Свободная память…………………………………….…………………..24

Набор номера голосом………………………………………………….36

Выполн. видеовыз………………………………………………….…….36

3. Устройство……………………………………………..25

Во время видеовызова…………………….…………………………..37


Ответ или отклонение видеовызова………….…………….….38

Копирование контактов……………………………………………….48

Передача видео………………………..…………………………………..38

Услуги SIM……………………………………………………………………..48

Требования к видеообмену………………….…………………...38

Контакты SIM…………….……………….……………………………….48


Разрешенные номера………………..……………………………….48

Совместное участие в сеансах видеосвязи и

использование видеоклипов………..…………………….…….39

7. Сообщения…………………………………………….49

Принятие приглашения……………………………………………..40

Главный экран приложения «Сообщения«…….…………….49

Журнал ………………………….……………………..………………………41

Ввод и передача сообщ………………………………………………..50

Списки вызовов.…………………………………………………………41

Папка входящих сообщений……………..…………………………51

Панель инструментов последних вызовов………………..41

Прием сообщений………………………………………………………51

Длительность вызова…………………….………………………..…41

Мультимедийные сообщения…………………………………….51

Пакетная передача данных…..………..…………………..…….41

Сообщения, содержащие данные, настройки и

Контроль всех событий……………………………………….……..42

служебные сообщения сети Интернет……………………….52

Почтовый ящик…………………………………………………………….52

5. Ввод текста……………………….…………………...42

Определение настроек электронной почты……….……..52

Экранная клавиатура……………………………………………………42

Открытие почтового ящика……………………………………….52

Рукописный ввод………………………………………………………….43

Загрузка сообщений электронной почты………..………..53

Буквенноцифровая клавиатура……..………….………..……..44

Удаление сообщений электронной почты…………………53

Значки и функции………………………………………..…………….44

Завершение соединения с почтовым ящиком…………..54

Обычный ввод текста……………………….………………………..45

Просмотр сообщений на SIM-карте…………..………..………..54

Режим интеллектуального ввода текста…………………..45



Переключение режимов ввода текста……………….……..46

Служебные команды……………………………………………..……..54

Параметры сенсорного ввода….…………………………………..46

Настройки сообщений………………….……………………………...55

Настройки текстовых сообщений..…………………………….55

6. Контакты (телефонная книга)………..………46

Настройки мультимедийных сообщений…………………..55

Сохранение и изменение имен и номеров…………..……….46

Настройки электронной почты…….………..……….…………56

Панель инструментов контактов…..…………………….……….47

Работа с почтовыми ящиками………………………………...56

Работа с именами и номерами………………….……….…………47


Стандартные номера и адреса……………………..……………….47

Мелодии сигналов, изображения и тексты вызовов для

8. Настройка устройства……….……………….……57


Изменение внешнего вида устройства………….……………..57



Режимы съемки………………………………………………………….69

Вы на фотографииавтотаймер..………….………………….69

9. Пап «Музыка«…………………..…………….………58


Музыкальный проигрыватель………..……………………………58

Запись видеоклипов…………………………………………………..70

Воспроизведение мелодии или подкаста………………….58

Экранная панель инструментов и индикаторы

Списки воспроизведения……………………………………………59



После записи видеоклипа……………………………..…………..70

Передача музыки с компьютера…….………………………….60

Музыкальный магазин Nokia………………………………………..61

12. Определение местоположения (GPS).......71

Подкастинг Nokia………………………………………………………….61

О GPS…………………………………………………………….……………….71

Настройки подкастинга…………………..………………………….61

GPS со вспомогательными данными (A-GPS)……………..….72


Правильное положение устройства……………………..……..72


Советы по созданию соединения GPS…………..………………72

Прослушивание радио……………………………………………….62

Запросы на определение положения…………………………..73

Управление радиостанциями……………..………………..……63


Данные GPS………….……………….…………………….………………...74

10. Галерея………………………………………………..63

Настройки определения положения……………………..…….74

Просмотр и упорядочение файлов……………………..………..63

Просмотр изображений и видеоклипов……………..………..64

13. Карты…………………………………………………..75

Упорядочение изображений и видеоклипов……………….65


Режим «ТВвыход«………………………………..………………………65

Определение местоположения с помощью сети…………76

Перемещение по карте…………………………………………………76

11. Камера…………………………………………….…..66

Индикаторы дисплея………………………………………….………..76

Включение камеры…………………………….……………………..…66

Поиск местоположений………………………………………………..77


Планирование маршрута…………….……………………………….77

Экранная панель инструментов и индикаторы

Сохранение и передача местоположений……………………78


Просмотр сохраненных объектов…………………………………78

Параметры съемки……………………………………………………..67

Навигация к месту назначения..………………..………………….79


Обновление карт………………………….………………………………79

После фотосъемки…………………..……………………………..….68

Nokia Map Loader…………………………….…………………………….79

Вспышка и подсветка видео………………………………….…..69


14. Связь………….………………….………………..…..80

Парам. SIP………………………..…………………………………………92

Соединения в режиме передаче данных и точки

Управление точками доступа..……………..…………..……….93


Настройки пакетной передачи данных…………….……….93

Параметры сети…………………………………………………………….80

Беспроводная локальная сеть…………………………….……….81

15. Обмен в Интернете………….……….………..…93

О сети WLAN………………………………..………………………………81

Обмен в Интернете…………………………….…………………………93

Подключения сети WLAN……………………………………………82

Подписка на службы…………………………………………………….94

Мастер WLAN……………………………………………….……………..82

Управление учетными записями………………………………..…94

Точки доступа в Интернет в сети WLAN………………..……82

Создание публикации…………………….…………………………….94

Режимы эксплуатации………….……………………..…………….83

Публикация файлов из приложения «Галерея«…………..95

Настройки беспроводной локальной сети…………………83

Точки доступа………………………………………………………….……83

16. Видеоцентр Nokia…………………………………95

Создание новой точки доступа…………………………………..83

Просмотр и загрузка видеоклипов……………………………….96

Создание групп точек доступа……………………………………84

Каналы видео……………………………………………………………….96

Точки доступа для передачи данных в пакетном

Мои видео…………………………………..………………………………...97


Передача видео с ПК…..…………………….…………………….……97

Точки доступа в Интернет

в сети WLAN………………..……86

Параметры видеоцентра……………………………………………...98

Акт. подкл. пер. данных…….…………………………….…………..87


17. Интернетбраузер…………………………………98

Канал связи Bluetooth…………………………………………………..88

Просмотр Интернетстраниц…………………………………………99

Канал связи Bluetooth………………………………………………..88

Панель инструментов браузера…..…………………….……….100


Обзор страниц…………………………………………………………….100

Советы по защите………………………………………………………89

Вебновости и блоги……………..………………….…………………100

Передача данных по каналу Bluetooth……..…………..…..89


Сопряжение устройств……………………………………………….90

Поиск данных………………………………………….………………….101

Прием данных по каналу Bluetooth……………………………90

Загрузка и приобретение содержимого……………..………101

Блокировка устройств………….…………………………………....91


Режим удаленного доступа к SIM……………………………….91

Очистка кэшпамяти…….……………………………….…………….102


Защита соединения…………………………………………………….103

Подключения к компьютеру…………………..……………………92

Административные настройки……………………………………..92

18. Поиск………………..………….………….………..103




Запуск поиска……………………………………………………………..104


Службы поиска……………………………………………………………104

21. Настройки…………………….…………………….111

19. Загрузить!……….………………………………….104

Настройки телефона…………………………………………..………112

О приложении «Загрузить!»……..…………………………………104

Настройки даты и времени………..…………………………….112

Приобретение и загрузка элементов………….………………105

Настройки языка………………………………………………………112

Настройки дисплея…………………………………………………..112

20. Другие приложения……….………..………...105

Голосовые команды…………………………………………………112

Часы ………………………..………………………………………………….105

Настройки аксессуаров…………………………………………….113


Настройки приложения……………………………………..…….114

Мировые часы……………………….…………………………………106

Обновление устройства………………………………………..….114


Настройки защиты……………………………………………………114

Экраны календаря……………………………………………………106

Телефон и SIM…………………………………………….………….114

Панель инструментов календаря…………….………..…….106


Диспетчер файлов………………………………………………………106

Защитный модуль………………………………………….………117

О диспетчере файлов……………………………………………….106

Восстановление исходных параметров……………………117

Поиск и упорядочение файлов………………………..………106

Защищенное содержимое……….………….……….……….…117

Изменение карты памяти……………..………………………….107

Индикатор уведомления……………….…………………………118

Резервное копирование файлов на карту

Настройки вызовов…………………………………………………….118


Настр. вызова…………………………..……………………..…….118

Диспетчер приложений………………………………….…………..107

П/адр выз………………………………..………………………………..119

Установка приложений……………..…………………………….107

Запр. выз………………..……………………………………….………..119

Удаление приложений………….………….…………….……….109

Настройки диспетчера приложений………………………..109

22. Устранение неполадок………………………..120

RealPlayer ………..……………………..…………………..………………109

Панель инструментов RealPlayer………………………………110


Воспроизведение видеоклипов……………………………….110

Потоковая передача содержимого по сети……………..110



Информация об аккумуляторах и зарядных

Создание заметок……………………..………………………………...111



Проверка подлинности аккумуляторов Nokia……………124

Проверка голограммы…………….……………………………….125

Что делать, если подлинность аккумулятора

подтвердить невозможно?…………….………………….…….125

Уход и обслуживание………………………………125


Дополнительная информация по технике



Условия эксплуатации………………………..………………………127

Медицинское оборудование…………..………….………….…..128

Имплантированное медицинское оборудование…….128

Слуховые аппараты………………………………………………….128


Взрывоопасная среда……………………………………………..….129

Вызов службы экстренной помощи…………….……………..130


Алфавитный указатель……….……………….…..132

  • Contents

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Nokia 5800 XpressMusic User Guide


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Summary of Contents for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

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    Nokia 5800 XpressMusic User Guide…
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    Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners. Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited.
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    Reverse engineering of any software in the Nokia device is prohibited to the extent permitted by applicable law. Insofar as this user guide contains any limitations on Nokia’s representations, warranties, damages and liabilities, such limitations shall likewise limit any representations, warranties, damages and liabilities of Nokia’s licensors.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Switch the device on…14 Stylus…14 Lock the keys and touch screen…14 Home screen…14 Access the menu…15 Touch screen actions…15 Media key…16 Change the ringing tone…16 Nokia support…17 2. Find help…18 In-device help…18 Software updates…18 Settings…19 Access codes…19 Prolong battery life…19 Free memory…20 3.

  • Page 5
    Share live video or video clips…33 Accept an invitation…33 Log …34 Recent calls…34 Recent calls toolbar…34 Call duration…34 Packet data…35 Monitor all communication events…35 5. Write text…36 On-screen keyboard…36 Handwriting…37 Alphanumeric keypad…37 Icons and functions…37 Traditional text input…38 Predictive text input…38 Switch between text modes…38 Touch input settings…39 6.
  • Page 6
    Display indicators…66 Find locations…66 Plan a route…66 Save and send locations…67 View your saved items…67 Navigate to the destination…68 Update maps…68 Nokia Map Loader…68 14. Connectivity…69 Data connections and access points…69 Network settings…69 Wireless LAN …70 About WLAN…70 WLAN connections…70 WLAN wizard…70…
  • Page 7
    15. Share online…80 Share online…80 Subscribe to services…80 Manage your accounts…80 Create a post…80 Post files from Gallery…81 16. Nokia Video Centre…82 Video feeds…83 My videos…83 Transfer videos from your PC…83 Video centre settings…84 17. Web browser…85 Browse the web…85 Browser toolbar…86…
  • Page 8
    Call settings…102 Call settings…102 Call divert…102 Call barring…103 22. Troubleshooting…104 Accessories…107 Battery…108 Battery and charger information…108 Nokia battery authentication guidelines…109 Authenticate hologram…109 What if your battery is not authentic?…109 Care and maintenance…110 Recycle…110 Additional safety information…111 Small children…111 Operating environment…111 Medical devices…111…
  • Page 9
    Certification information (SAR)…113 Index…114…
  • Page 10: Safety

    ACCESSORIES AND BATTERIES Use only approved accessories and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. WATER-RESISTANCE Your device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry. About your device The wireless device described in this guide is approved for use on the GSM 850, 900, 1800, 1900 and UMTS 900, 2100 networks.

  • Page 11: Network Services

    Nokia, and Nokia does not endorse or assume liability for them. If you choose to access such sites, you should take precautions for security or content. Warning: To use any features in this device, other than the alarm clock, the device must be switched on. Do not switch the device on when wireless device use may cause interference or danger.

  • Page 12: Get Started

    1. Get started Keys and parts 1 — Micro USB connector to connect to a compatible PC 2 — Nokia AV Connector (3.5 mm) for compatible headsets, headphones, and TV-out connectors 3 — Charger connector 4 — Power key 5 — Earpiece 6 —…

  • Page 13: Insert The Sim Card

    Insert battery Always switch the device off and disconnect the charger before removing the battery. 1. Remove the back cover by lifting it from the bottom end of the device. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 14: Charge The Battery

    2. Connect the power cord to the device. If the battery is completely discharged, it may take a while before the charging indicator starts scrolling. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. 3. When the battery is fully charged, the charging indicator stops scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the device, then from the wall outlet.

  • Page 15: Switch The Device On

    Important: Use only a stylus approved by Nokia for use with this device. Using any other stylus may invalidate any warranty applying to the device and may damage the touch screen. Avoid scratching the touch screen.

  • Page 16: Access The Menu

    Add contact to Home > the instructions. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. To change the home screen theme or the shortcuts, select Menu Settings > Access the menu To access the menu, press the menu key.

  • Page 17: Media Key

    Descriptions are not available for all icons and buttons. ) to open the media Tip: Hold your finger or the stylus on the icon to see the name of the application. Menu Settings Personal > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. > Profiles.

  • Page 18: Nokia Support

    Nokia Care services If you need to contact Nokia Care services, check the list of local Nokia Care contact centres at www.nokia-asia.com/ contactus. Maintenance For maintenance services, find your nearest Nokia Care point at www.nokia-asia.com/repair. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 19: Find Help

    Updater PC application. Software updates may not be available for all products or their variants. Not all operators may endorse the latest software versions available. To update the device software, you need the Nokia Software Updater application and a compatible PC with the Microsoft Menu Windows 2000, XP, or Vista operating system, broadband >…

  • Page 20: Settings

    WLAN on your Nokia device switches off when you are not trying to connect, not connected to an access point, or not scanning for available networks. To further reduce battery…

  • Page 21: Free Memory

    ● Installation files (.sis or .sisx) of applications you have Settings installed. Transfer the installation files to a compatible > > GSM. computer. ● Images and video clips in Gallery. Back up the files to a compatible computer using Nokia PC Suite. Menu > Light time-out > Menu Applications File mgr..

  • Page 22: Your Device

    (1-16 digits), and select OK. Enter the same code on the other device, and select OK. The devices are now paired. Some earlier Nokia devices may not have the Switch application. In this case, the Switch application is sent to the other device as a message.

  • Page 23: Display Indicators

    Data is being transmitted using Bluetooth connectivity. When the indicator is blinking, your device is trying to connect with another device. A USB connection is active. Synchronisation is in progress. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. that a indicates that the that a…

  • Page 24: Memory Card

    Use only compatible microSD and microSDHC cards approved by Nokia for use with this device. Nokia uses approved industry standards for memory cards, but some brands may not be fully compatible with this device. Incompatible cards may damage the card and the device and corrupt data stored on the card.

  • Page 25: Volume And Loudspeaker Control

    Activate at a higher power level than otherwise needed and may reduce the battery life. Activate handset. Cellular antenna Bluetooth and GPS antenna WLAN antenna © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 26: Contacts Bar

    All wireless RF signals to and from the device are prevented. If © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. to be sent later. When the Offline profile is active, you can use your device without a SIM card.

  • Page 27: Headset

    To use the headphones with a remote control unit, connect the unit to the Nokia AV Connector in the device, then connect the headphones to the unit.

  • Page 28: Attach A Wrist Strap

    To unlock your device, you need the lock code. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. content to be used, select Menu > Settingsand Phone mgmt.

  • Page 29: Make Calls

    Tip: When you have only one active voice call, to put the call on hold, press the call key. To activate the call, press the call key again. Send DTMF. Enter the DTMF string or search for > Options > Replace. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Activate BT…

  • Page 30: Voice Mailbox

    > Reject call with message, and Message © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Your device supports conference calls between a maximum of six participants, including yourself. 1. Make a call to the first participant. 2. To make a call to another participant, select 3.

  • Page 31: Call Waiting

    Voice tag details. Scroll to a contact detail, > Options Play voice tag. > Note: Using voice tags may be difficult in a noisy Speak now © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. is displayed. Say…

  • Page 32: Make A Video Call

    (for example, video calls are not supported by the network, or the receiving device is not © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. or send a message instead. The video call is active when you see two video images, and hear the sound through the loudspeaker.

  • Page 33: Answer Or Reject A Video Call

    Your service provider may send you the settings or give you a list of the needed parameters. To add a SIP address to a contact: 1. Select Menu > Contacts. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 34: Share Live Video Or Video Clips

    If your device notifies you that the video clip must be converted, select OK. Your device must have a video editor for the conversion to work. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Share video. >…

  • Page 35: Log

    — Call the desired contact. Create message — Send a message to the desired — Open the contacts list. Call duration. Note: The actual invoice for calls and services from © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Clear recent > numbers.

  • Page 36: Packet Data

    > To open the contacts list, select Options Open Contacts. > To set the log duration, select Options Settings > > duration. If you select log, no communication information is saved in the log. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 37: Write Text

    8 — Enter — Moves the cursor to the next row or text input field. Additional functions are based on the current context (for example, in the web address field of the web browser, it acts as a Go button). © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. language.

  • Page 38: Handwriting

    To delete characters or move the cursor back, swipe backwards (see Figure 1). To insert a space, swipe forwards (see Figure 2). © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Alphanumeric keypad Icons and functions Use the on-screen keypad characters like you would with a traditional phone keypad with numbers on the keys.

  • Page 39: Traditional Text Input

    2. To write the desired word, tap the keys 2-9. Tap each key only once for one letter. For example, to write «Nokia» when the English dictionary is selected, tap 6 for N, 6 for o, 5 for k, 4 for i, and 2 for a.

  • Page 40: Touch Input Settings

    Pen trail width — Change the thickness of the text ● written with the stylus. Writing colour — Change the colour of the text written ● with the stylus. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Touch input. >…

  • Page 41: Contacts (Phonebook)

    The default number or address is underlined in the contact view. Send business card. to mark the desired contacts, and to delete, > Delete. Options Voice tag details > tag. Options > Defaults. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options > Options > >…

  • Page 42: Ringing Tones, Images And Call Text For Contacts

    SIM card to your device. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. If you do not want to copy the contacts from the SIM card to your device, select Cancel. The device asks if you want to view the SIM card contacts in the contacts directory.

  • Page 43
    For this, the message centre number and the recipient’s phone number must be included on the fixed dialling list. Options > dialling, and Options Add from > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 44: Messaging

    — Messages waiting to be sent are temporarily ● stored in the outbox, for example, when your device is outside network coverage. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Delivery reports ● send you a delivery report of the text messages and multimedia messages you have sent (network service).

  • Page 45: Messaging Inbox

    Bluetooth 1 new message Important: Exercise caution when opening messages. > Retrieve. is shown if sound is included, or Options > Objects. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options > ), you may see an…

  • Page 46: Data, Settings, And Web Service Messages

    To start creating the e-mail settings with the mailbox guide, select Start. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. mailbox replaces Mailbox in the Messaging main view. You can have up to six mailboxes.

  • Page 47: Delete E-Mail Messages

    > Restore. Options > Disconnect. Menu Messaging Options > Options Mark/Unmark > > Options > Copy. A list of folders opens. Menu Messaging Options > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. server. messages. > Mark Mark all Cell broadcast. >…

  • Page 48: Service Commands

    Select from the following: Message centres — View a list of all text message centres ● that have been defined. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. to use to deliver text messages. Character encoding ● another encoding system when available, select support.

  • Page 49: E-Mail Settings

    IM service. You can also enter the settings manually. Settings > > Mailbox in use and a mailbox. Options > Delete. Mailboxes Options > and a mailbox to change the connection Applications > IM. > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. >…

  • Page 50: Personalise Your Device

    You can use profiles to set and customise the ringing tones, message alert tones, and other tones for different events, © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. environments, or caller groups. The name of the selected profile is displayed at the top of the home screen. If the General profile is in use, only the date is displayed.

  • Page 51: Music Folder

    To modify the tone of the music playback, select Equaliser. ; to resume, tap . To . To skip to the again ) on or Options Shuffle > ), or to turn repeat Options > Repeat. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options >…

  • Page 52: Playlists

    > To add songs, albums, artists, genres, and composers to a playlist from the different views of the music menu, select an © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. playlist. To remove a song from a playlist, select Remove. This does not delete the song from the device; it only removes it from the playlist.

  • Page 53: Nokia Music Store

    You may be asked to select the access point to use when connecting to the Nokia Music Store. Select access point. In the Nokia Music Store, you may be able to edit the settings by selecting Options > Settings.

  • Page 54: Downloads

    Nokia Podcasting is running. If Nokia Podcasting is not running, the automatic updates are not activated. Download limit (%) — Define the percentage of memory ● that is reserved for podcast downloads. If limit exceeds — Define what to do if the downloads ●…

  • Page 55: Manage Radio Stations

    To remove or rename a station, select Options Stations > > Options Delete or Rename. > To set the desired frequency manually, select Options > Tune stations Options Manual tuning. > > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 56: 10. Gallery

    To copy or move files to the memory card (if inserted) or device memory, select a file, Options or Move, and from the available options. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. View images and videos > Gallery. Select The images, video clips, and folders are displayed in a loop and ordered by date and time.

  • Page 57: Organise Images And Videos

    In TV-out mode, you cannot use the TV as the camera viewfinder. To watch images and video clips on TV, do the following: 1. Connect a Nokia Video-Out Cable to the video input of a compatible TV. 2. Connect the other end of the Nokia Video-Out Cable to the Nokia AV Connector of your device.

  • Page 58: 11. Camera

    11. Camera Your Nokia 5800 XpressMusic has two cameras, a high resolution camera on the back of the device, and a lower resolution camera on the front. You can use both cameras to capture images and record videos. Your device supports an image capture resolution of 2048×1536 pixels.

  • Page 59: Capture Images

    3. To capture an image, press the capture key. Do not move the device before the image is saved and the final image displayed. To zoom in or out when capturing an image, use the zoom key in your device. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 60: After Capturing An Image

    Keep a safe distance when using the flash. Do not use the flash on people or animals at close range. Do not cover the flash while taking a picture. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. conditions. To select the desired flash mode, tap the current flash mode…

  • Page 61: Location Information

    Record videos > > 1. To switch from image mode to video mode, if necessary, select Applications > Camera. > Camera > Sequence. To close the > Sequence > and the video mode © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Menu >…

  • Page 62: Video Recording On-Screen Controls And Indicators

    2 — Audio mute on indicator 3 — Capture icon. Tap to record video. 4 — Video light on/off. 5 — Recording settings. Tap to change settings. 6 — Battery charge level indicator © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options Settings Video quality.

  • Page 63: Positioning (Gps)

    With the help of assisted data, your device can obtain the GPS position faster. Your device is preconfigured to use the Nokia A-GPS service, if no service provider-specific A-GPS settings are available. The assistance data is retrieved from the Nokia A-GPS service server only when needed.

  • Page 64: Hold Your Device Correctly

    Initially your device must receive signals from at least four satellites to be able to calculate the coordinates of your © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. be possible to continue calculating the coordinates of your location with three satellites. However, the accuracy is generally better when more satellites are found.

  • Page 65: Gps Data

    — Use the integrated GPS receiver of your — Use Assisted GPS (A-GPS) to receive — Use a compatible external GPS receiver — Use information from the cellular server. The positioning server may be Measurement system Coordinate format, and the © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. >…

  • Page 66: 13. Maps

    Some maps may be available in your device or memory card. You can also use the Nokia Map Loader PC software to download maps. To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC, see www.nokia.com/maps.

  • Page 67: Display Indicators

    > > Options Search > Options Search Places Eat & Drink > > > Places > Accommodation. Enter the name > > Maps. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Select > Places > > Options > Search all. Add to…

  • Page 68: Save And Send Locations

    View your saved items To view the items you have saved to your device, select Options > Favourites. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options > To view the locations you have saved to your device, select places.

  • Page 69: Navigate To The Destination

    Nokia Map Loader, as Nokia Map Loader uses the Maps Extras Drive & Walk. information to check which version of the maps to download. > To install Nokia Map Loader to a compatible PC or Mac, go to http://maps.nokia.com, and follow the instructions on the screen. Tools Settings >…

  • Page 70: 14. Connectivity

    Check the type of access point you need with your service provider for the service you want to access. For availability and subscription to packet data connection services, contact your service provider. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Network settings Select Menu…

  • Page 71: Wireless Lan

    If you select a secured WLAN, you are asked to enter the relevant password. To connect to a hidden network, you must enter the correct network name (service set identifier, SSID). © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Wireless > browsing.

  • Page 72: Wlan Internet Access Points

    LAN through a WLAN access point device. In the ad hoc operating mode, devices can send and receive data directly with each other. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Wireless LAN settings Select Menu Options >…

  • Page 73: Create Access Point Groups

    Options New access point. To copy an existing > Organise Copy to other > > Organise Change priority. > > Settings Connectivity > Access point, and follow the instructions > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. > > dest.. >…

  • Page 74: Wlan Internet Access Points

    — Select the internet protocol type to ● transfer data to and from your device. The other settings depend on the selected network type. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. of your device. DNS addresses ● and secondary DNS servers, if required by your service provider.

  • Page 75: Active Data Connections

    (only for Ad-hoc) — To enter a channel User — Enter the address for the proxy — Enter the proxy port number. Menu Settings Connectivity > packet data connections © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. and from the defined. Connection >…

  • Page 76: Synchronisation

    SIM access. To ensure interoperability between other devices supporting Bluetooth technology, use Nokia approved accessories for this model. Check with the manufacturers of other devices to determine their compatibility with this device.

  • Page 77: Settings

    Tip: When searching for devices, some devices may show only the unique address (device address). To find the unique address of your device, enter *#2820#. Gallery Images & videos. > Options Send > > Sending data © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 78: Pair Devices

    To cancel a pairing with a device, select To cancel all pairings, select Options © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Receive data using Bluetooth connectivity > Bluetooth. When you receive data through Bluetooth connectivity, a tone sounds, and you are asked if you want to accept the message.

  • Page 79: Usb

    You can use your mobile device with a variety of compatible PC connectivity and data communications applications. With Nokia Ovi Suite you can, for example, transfer files and images between your device and a compatible computer. To use Ovi Suite with USB connection mode, select mode.

  • Page 80: Administrative Settings

    Nokia website, see www.ovi.nokia.com. Administrative settings Select Menu Settings Connectivity > settings. To set the online time for the data call connection, select call. The data call settings affect all access points that use a GSM data call.

  • Page 81: 15. Share Online

    3. Sign in to your account as instructed on the service provider’s website. Nokia’s services in the online sharing service are free of charge. Any data transferred over the network may incur online. charges from your service provider. For the availability and cost of the third party services and data transfer costs, contact your service provider or the relevant third party.

  • Page 82: Post Files From Gallery

    1. Open Gallery, and select the files you want to post. 2. Select Options Send Upload > > account. 3. Edit your post as required. 4. Select Options Post to web. > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options > Upload. and the desired…

  • Page 83: 16. Nokia Video Centre

    16. Nokia Video Centre With Nokia Video Centre (network service), you can download and stream video clips over the air from compatible internet video services using a packet data or WLAN connection. You can also transfer video clips from a compatible PC to your device and view them in Video centre.

  • Page 84: Video Feeds

    1. To open a folder and view video clips, select the folder. When a video clip is playing, to use the control keys for controlling the player, tap the screen. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Select Options and from the following:…

  • Page 85: Video Centre Settings

    Thumbnails — Select whether to download and view ● thumbnail images in video feeds. Options Settings > Confirm GPRS Confirm roaming. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 86: 17. Web Browser

    Symbian Signed or have passed the Java Verified™ testing. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. To browse a web page, in the bookmarks view, select a bookmark, or enter the address in the field ( Some web pages may contain material, such as graphics and sounds, that requires a large amount of memory to view.

  • Page 87: Browser Toolbar

    Your device supports widgets. Widgets are small, downloadable web applications that deliver multimedia, news feeds, and other information, such as weather reports, — Search on the current web page. > feeds. Options feeds. > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options > > Options >…

  • Page 88: Content Search

    You can download items such as ringing tones, images, operator logos, themes, and video clips. These items can be © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Downloaded items are handled by the respective applications in your device, for example, a downloaded photo can be saved in Gallery.

  • Page 89: Empty The Cache

    Before changing any certificate settings, you must make sure that you really trust the owner of the certificate and that the certificate really belongs to the listed owner. Clear privacy data > > Important: Even if the use of certificates makes the © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 90: 18. Search

    To change the default service provider, select Select service. To change the country or region setting to find more search providers, select Options Settings > region. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Search the to use another search Options > Country or >…

  • Page 91: 19. Download

    > Buy. A submenu opens where you can select the version of the item and view price information. The available options depend on the service provider. To download an item that is free of charge, select Get. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options >…

  • Page 92: 20. Other Applications

    (network service), select Automatic time update > On. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. World clock To view the current time in different locations, select clock. To add locations to the list, select location.

  • Page 93: File Manager

    You can transfer installation files to your device from a compatible computer, download them during browsing, or — Password protect a memory — Unlock a memory card. Menu Applications File mgr.. > > Options Back up > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. now. Ensure that…

  • Page 94
    Bluetooth connectivity. You can use Nokia Application Installer in Nokia Ovi Suite to install an application to your device. Icons in Application manager indicate the following: SIS or SISX application Java application…
  • Page 95: Remove Applications

    In the Video clips, Streaming links, and Recently played views, the following toolbar icons may be available: Menu Applications App. update. > > Options > Settings. Menu Applications > RealPlayer. > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Options Start > Options View >…

  • Page 96: Play Video Clips

    Before live content © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. loading the content. The content is not saved in your device. Recorder…

  • Page 97: Calculator

    English language from the dictionary. You can have two additional languages installed, besides English. Speech — Edit the voice feature settings. You can adjust ● the speed and volume of the voice. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 98: 21. Settings

    Language settings Select Menu Settings Phone > © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. To change the device language, select To change the writing language, select To turn predictive text input on or off, select text. Display settings Date and time.

  • Page 99: Accessory Settings

    The available settings depend on the type of accessory. TV-out settings To change the settings for a TV-out connection, select and from the following: Default profile ● each time you connect a Nokia Video Connectivity Cable to your device. TV screen size ● Normal TV system ●…

  • Page 100: Device Updates

    If you forget the PIN or PIN2 code, contact your service provider. If you forget the lock code, contact a Nokia Care point or your service provider. Lock code ●…

  • Page 101: Certificate Management

    Options details. The validity of the certificate is checked, — You have not set any — The certificate validity period has — The certificate validity period — The certificate cannot be used. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. >…

  • Page 102: Security Module

    You can reset some of the settings to their original values. To do this, you need the lock code. After resetting, the device may take a longer time to power on. Documents and files are unaffected. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. Protected content To manage digital rights licences, select Phone content.

  • Page 103: Notification Light

    — This setting (network service) is shown only Line 2 and have not subscribed to this network is shown in the home screen. — Select to prevent line selection (network Settings Calling Call divert. > > Check © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. status.

  • Page 104: Call Barring

    When calls are barred, calls may be possible to certain official emergency numbers. Voice call barring Select the desired barring option and Activate, Deactivate, Check status. Call barring affects all calls, including data calls. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 105: 22. Troubleshooting

    A: The WLAN access point may use a hidden service set identifier (SSID). You can only access networks that use a hidden SSID if you know the correct SSID, and have created a WLAN internet access point for the network on your Nokia device. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 106
    Nokia device? A: The WLAN on your Nokia device turns off when you are not connected or trying to connect to another access point, or not scanning for available networks. To further reduce battery consumption, you can specify that your Nokia device does not scan, or scans less often, for available networks in the background.
  • Page 107
    To resolve this, select Menu Settings Phone Phone mgmt. > > > Factory settings. Restore the factory settings, and when the device restarts, set the correct date and time. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 108: Accessories

    Accessories Warning: Use only batteries, chargers, and accessories approved by Nokia for use with this particular model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty, and may be dangerous. For availability of approved accessories, please check with your dealer.

  • Page 109: Battery

    Battery and charger information Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery intended for use with this device is BL-5J. Nokia may make additional battery models available for this device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power from the following chargers: AC-8, AC-5.

  • Page 110: Nokia Battery Authentication Guidelines

    Nokia battery authentication guidelines Always use original Nokia batteries for your safety. To check that you are getting an original Nokia battery, purchase it from a Nokia authorised service centre or dealer, and inspect the hologram label using the following steps: Successful completion of the steps is not a total assurance of the authenticity of the battery.

  • Page 111: Care And Maintenance

    More detailed information is available from the product retailer, local waste authorities, national producer responsibility organisations, or your local Nokia representative. Check how to recycle your Nokia products at www.nokia.com/werecycle, or if browsing on a mobile device, www.nokia.mobi/werecycle.

  • Page 112: Additional Safety Information

    Consult a physician or the manufacturer of the medical device to determine if © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. they are adequately shielded from external RF energy or if you have any questions. Switch off your device in health care facilities when any regulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so.

  • Page 113: Hearing Aids

    (internet calls), activate both the internet calls and the cellular phone. The device will attempt to make emergency calls over both the cellular networks and through your internet call provider if both are activated. Connections in all © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 114
    Certification information (SAR) This mobile device meets guidelines for exposure to radio waves. © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organisation ICNIRP and include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health.
  • Page 115
    100 clock 91 computer connections 78 data connections See also conference calls 29 contacts copying 41 default information 40 deleting 40 editing 40 images in 40 names and numbers 40 ringing tones 41 © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 116
    90 downloads 87 drag 15 DRM (digital rights management) 101 duration of calls 34 © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. e-mail messages 45 end all calls option 30 factory settings restoring 101 feeds, news 86 file manager 92…
  • Page 117
    57 recording video clips 60 rejecting calls 29 remote lock locking device with SMS remote mailbox 45 remote SIM mode 77 removing applications 94 removing SIM card 26 roaming 69 © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 118
    102 certificates 100 date and time 97 display 97 language 97 network 69 packet data 79 © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. podcasting 52 positioning 64 SIP 79 tv-out 98 video centre 84 video sharing 32 WLAN 71, 74…
  • Page 119
    49 web connection 85 web logs 86 week settings calendar alarm 91 Welcome 21 WEP 74 widgets 86 wireless LAN (WLAN) 70 wireless LAN settings 71 WPA 74 wrist strap 27 zooming 58, 61 © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 120
    SOFTWARE Make the most of your phone with software for your phone and PC. Nokia PC Suite connects your phone and PC so you can manage your calendar, contacts, music and images, while other applications complement its use.
  • Page 121
    HOW DO I USE MY PHONE? The Set Up section, at www.nokia-asia.com/setup, helps you prepare your phone for use. Familiarise yourself with phone functions and features by referring to the Guides and Demos section at www.nokia-asia.com/guides. HOW DO I SYNCHRONISE MY PHONE AND PC? Connecting your phone to a compatible PC with the requisite Nokia PC Suite version from synchronise your calendar and contacts.

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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Nokia 5800. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Nokia 5800. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Nokia 5800, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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Необходимо установить Adobe Reader на компьютере или устройстве.
Чтобы установить Adobe Reader, ознакомьтесь с разделом загрузок на странице «Условия использования».

Условия использования

Руководство пользователя (Europe)

Язык : Русский

(Размер: 3.4 MB)

User’s Guide (Europe)

Язык : Английский

(Размер: 3.7 MB)

Print Job Accounting User’s Manual

Язык : Английский

(Размер: 26.7 MB)

PrintSuperVision 4.0 User Guide

Язык : Английский

(Размер: 12.6 MB)

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