Руководство для generals

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Intelligence data updated.

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  • Command & Conquer: Generals Game Manual (UK)

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Security Council Sub-Committee (Resolution 1379) on Global Liberation Army

Report to Security Council: Situational Report (SIT REP) on GLA Activities

Distribution: Classified

Hotan, China

For several months, observers have expressed concern over the activities of the Global Liberation Army (GLA). A loose federation of freedom fighters and terrorists, the GLA has established several strongholds in the republics of Central Asia. By distributing forces and leadership across the borders of these developing nations, the GLA has thwarted efforts to engage in meaningful dialogue. Last year, this group without borders crossed into Western China and began building popular support for an independent state in this remote region. GLA funding continues to grow from unknown sources and its leadership remains a mystery.

For the Beijing government, this incursion along its western border could not have come at a worse time. The reforms in China’s «Modern Way» program have produced new civil liberties and excellent growth in Chinese exports, particularly in light manufacturing and agricultural products. Beijing has repeatedly stated that these changes are here to stay, a position that does not sit well with the GLA.

Last week, the GLA struck a military depot at Yecheng, stole thousands of rounds of munitions and destroyed a nuclear power plant. Dangerous levels of radiation have been detected over 100 kilometres downwind. The Chinese government is furious and has refused to allow observers to mediate discussions with the GLA. Several divisions of the Red Army have established positions in the province along major roadways and rivers.

While the United States continues to provide orbital reconnaissance to the Security Council, it has failed to contribute troops to peacekeeping efforts in the region. The Council’s refusal to support United States counter-terrorist initiatives in the Middle East in recent years has not been forgotten. USA military forces have remained in port and on base, venturing out only to secure its coastline.

Scattered intelligence reports arriving from Europe and Asia indicate that the GLA has established and funded sleeper cells to further spread its sphere of influence. If China succeeds in forcing out the GLA, it is difficult to predict where the group will resurface. The United States would be the logical choice to buttress Chinese efforts to contain the GLA, but the United States continues to maintain its non-involvement in this matter. The United States denies the sub-committee’s claim that eventually the GLA will cross paths with USA forces in Asia or elsewhere in the world.

The sub-committee recommends to the Security Council that it continue to maintain an open channel with the GLA, to establish a clear set of boundaries for Chinese activity and to communicate the need for USA participation in peacekeeping initiatives before the Council loses its influence on the situation.

Solo Play

Generals Window

Generals Abilities

USA 1 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Paladin Tank Icons Paladin Tank Ability to build the Paladin Tank at the War Factory. For more information, see USA Units on p. 27.
CNCG Stealth Fighter Cameo Stealth Fighter Ability to build the Stealth Fighter at the Air Field. For more information, see USA Units on p. 27.
Gen1 Spy Drone Icons Spy Drone Ability to deploy the Spy Drone from the Command Center. The Spy Drone reveals part of the map but can be shot down.
USA 3 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Pathfinder Icons Path Finder Ability to produce the Path Finder at the Barracks. For more information, see USA Units on p. 27.
Gen1 Paradrop 3 Icons Para Drop Ability to deploy a Para Drop from the Command Center. Higher ranks of Para Drop deploy more Rangers.
Gen1 A-10 Strike 2 Icons A10 Strike Ability to call in an A10 air strike from the Command Center. The A10 Strike pummels its target with mini-gun and missile fire. There are three ranks of A10 Strikes.
Gen1 Emergency Repair 1 Icons Emergency Repair Ability to repair vehicles in an area of the map for a duration of time. There are three ranks of Emergency Repair.
USA 5 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Fuel Air Bomb Icons Fuel Air Bomb Ability to call in a Fuel Air Bomb strike. Delivered by a B-52 to a selected target. Deployed from the Command Center.
China 1 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Red Guard Training Icons Red Guard Training Red Guard infantry emerge from the Barracks as Veterans. For more information, see Unit Veterancy on p. 16.
CNCG Nuke Cannon Cameo Nuke Cannon Ability to build the Nuke Cannon at the War Factory. For more information, see China Units on p. 34.
Gen1 Artillery Training Icons Artillery Training Inferno and Nuke Cannon units emerge from the War Factory as Veterans. For more information, see Unit Veterancy on p. 16.
China 3 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Cluster Mine Icons Cluster Mines Ability to call in a strike of Cluster Mines on a targeted area. Cluster Mines are invisible to the enemy. Deployed from the Command Center.
Gen1 Artillery Barrage 2 Icons Artillery Barrage From the Command Center, you can call in an artillery strike from off the map. There are three ranks of Artillery Barrage.
Gen1 Cash Hack 1 Icons Cash Hack Ability to steal money from enemy Supply Centers. To deploy the Cash Hack, click on the Command Center and click on the icon in the Context window. Click the enemy Supply Center to hack.
Gen1 Emergency Repair 1 Icons Emergency Repair For more information, see USA 3 Star Generals Abilities on p. 22.
China 5 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 EMP Pulse Icons EMP Pulse Ability to call in an EMP Pulse strike. All vehicles and structures in the blast radius are disabled for a period of time. Deployed from the Command Center.
GLA 1 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Scud Launcher Icons SCUD Launcher Ability to build the SCUD Launcher at the Arms Dealer. For more information, see GLA Units on p. 39.
CNCG Marauder Tank Cameo Marauder Tank Ability to build the Marauder Tank at the Arms Dealer. For more information, see GLA Units on p. 39.
Gen1 Technical Training Icons Technical Training All Technicals emerge from the Arms Dealer as Veterans. For more information, see Unit Veterancy on p. 16.
GLA 3 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Hijacker Icons Hijacker Ability to train the Hijacker at the Barracks. For more information, see GLA Units on p. 39.
Gen1 Rebel Ambush 3 Icons Rebel Ambush Ability to launch a surprise Rebel Ambush anywhere. There are three ranks of Rebel Ambush. It is deployed from the Command Center.
Gen1 Cash Bounty 2 Icons Cash Bounty Ability to earn a cash bounty for every eliminated unit or building based on its cost to produce. There are three ranks of Cash Bounty.
Gen1 Emergency Repair 1 Icons Emergency Repair For more information, see USA 3 Star Generals Abilities on p. 22.
GLA 5 Star Generals Abilities

Icon Name Description
Gen1 Anthrax Bomb Icons Anthrax Bomb Ability to deploy a transport plane to drop an Anthrax Bomb. It creates a poisonous cloud of anthrax that lingers over the target area for a limited time.

Units, Structures and Upgrades


The best weapons in the world have «USA» stamped on their side. The United States has the most sophisticated arsenal. From its well-equipped and expertly trained Rangers to the top-secret Particle Cannon, the USA side is rarely caught at a technological disadvantage. However, some believe its isolationist policies have softened its war machine. Everyone agrees, though, that it costs plenty of money and power to keep the USA wheels moving forward.

USA Units

No side can match the USA advantage in the air. Its Comanches provide outstanding close air support (CAS) for ground forces and its Stealth Fighters can deliver heavy ordnance deep behind enemy lines.

Icon Name Description
Gen1 USA Construction Dozer Icons Construction Dozer

Purpose: Builder

This multipurpose vehicle is the backbone of the USA fighting forces. In addition to constructing all of the USA military structures, you can use the Construction Dozer to repair occupied structures. It is also effective at clearing minefields.
Gen1 Ranger Icons Ranger

Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Urban Terrain Acquisition, Clear Garrisoned Structures

There is no fighting man like the USA Ranger. Trained with the latest techniques and armed with the best weapons, the Ranger is a low-cost, effective weapon in Urban Terrain numbers. His ability to clear neutral structures by upgrading to Flash Bang Grenades makes him an effective fighter in urban combat. Rangers can also combat drop into neutral structures via Chinooks. When trained to do so, Rangers can capture enemy facilities or tech buildings.
Gen1 Missile Defender Icons Missile Defender

Purpose: Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, Urban Terrain Acquisition

Missile Defenders provide flexible support for your base’s perimeter defences. Garrison neutral structures to provide protection and your Missile Defenders can stop heavy air and ground attacks. Use the laser missile attack to improve the Missile Defender’s accuracy.
Gen1 Pathfinder Icons Path Finder (Generals Ability)

Purpose: Scout, Anti-Infantry

These advance scouts for the USA infantry are lethal to enemy infantry. With a long-range sniper rifle, a Path Finder can take out an enemy soldier before he is even seen. When stationary, Path Finders enter stealth mode.
Gen1 Burton Icons Colonel Burton (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Scout, Base Infiltration

An expert in covert operations, Colonel Burton can wreak havoc against enemy infantry of all types. Armed with a sniper rifle, knife and remote or timed demo charges, Colonel Burton’s stealth training allows him to move invisibly across almost any terrain.
Gen1 Pilot Icons Pilot (non-trainable)

Purpose: Veterancy Transfer

When titanium-plated vehicles are destroyed, the Pilot can escape into the battlefield. An escaped Pilot retains the veterancy status of his vehicle, so send him a new vehicle to apply his veterancy level to it.
Gen1 Ambulance Icons Ambulance

Purpose: Clears Toxin, Healer

This mobile infirmary can return injured soldiers to fighting form. Additionally, it can release a foam to clean up poisoned or irradiated ground, which helps to keep infantry on the battlefield.
Gen1 Humvee Icons Humvee

Purpose: Transport, Quick Hit Attacks

This infantry transport can carry up to five soldiers at a time. Fast yet reasonably durable, the Humvee has firing slots in its side panels for infantry inside. It can be upgraded to carry a Battle or Scout Drone and TOW anti-tank missiles. The TOW Missile upgrade is developed at the War Factory.
Gen1 ZH Hover Crusader Icons Crusader Tank

Purpose: Tank/Structure Assault

The fastest and most lethal tank in the world, the Crusader can deliver 125mm shells onto near and far targets. Upgrades can improve the armour or add a Scout or Battle Drone. The Composite Armor upgrade is developed at the Strategy Center.
Gen1 Paladin Tank Icons Paladin Tank (Generals Ability)

Purpose: Tank/Structure Assault

An advanced prototype, the Paladin tank fires a jet-assisted shell and automatically targets enemy missiles with its small, powerful laser. Still in development, the laser has a slow rate of fire, so the Paladin should be used with other anti-air defensive systems. Upgrades can improve armour and add a Scout or Battle Drone. The Composite Armor upgrade is developed at the Strategy Center.
Gen1 Tomahawk Launcher Icons Tomahawk Missile Launcher (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Siege

This vehicle carries a Tomahawk ground-to-ground missile. Battle or Scout Drone upgrades are available. A fantastic support weapon, the Tomahawk Missile Launcher can bombard targets from long range.
CNCG Chinook Cameo Chinook

Purpose: Supply Collector, Transport

The workhorse of the USA forces, the Chinook acquires and delivers supplies to

the Supply Center. As circumstances require, the heavy-duty ‘copter can be redirected to carry two vehicles and two infantry units or up to eight infantry units alone.

  • To root out the enemy from occupied structures, load the Chinook with Rangers and perform a Combat Drop on it.
CNCG Raptor Cameo Raptor

Purpose: Base/Unit Assault, Scout

The Raptor has the best performance characteristics and weapons systems of any aircraft in the world. Its four underwing missiles can be targeted at both air and

ground targets. When its ordnance has been delivered, the Raptor automatically returns to its home base. It can only land at friendly Air Fields, which can develop laser missile upgrades for it. It is especially vulnerable to Chinese MiGs.

CNCG Comanche Cameo Comanche

Purpose: Base/Unit Assault, Scout

The Comanche has multiple weapons systems to suppress hard and soft targets. A 20mm nose cannon can keep infantry behind cover, while its four missiles can damage heavy armour. Developed at the Air Field, the Rocket Pods upgrade places a pod of rockets on each Comanche. When its weapons are exhausted, it reloads on the fly and never needs to return to base unless repairs are needed.
Gen1 Aurora Icons Aurora Bomber (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Base Assault

Travelling at supersonic speeds on its attack runs, the Aurora Bomber is invulnerable to enemy AA fire. After ordnance is released, the jet slows and regresses to base at subsonic speeds. On its return flight or in large groups, the Aurora can be hit by ground fire.
CNCG Stealth Fighter Cameo Stealth Fighter (Generals Ability)

Purpose: Base Assault

The ideal weapon against anti-air weapons, the Stealth Fighter can move unseen through most enemy defences. It’s invisible to the enemy except when it drops its payload. The Stealth Fighter can be upgraded with laser missiles from the Air Field.
USA Unit Upgrades
Icon Name Description
Gen1 Advanced Training Icons Advanced Training Advanced Training allows all USA units to gain veterancy at twice the normal rate. For more information, see Unit Veterancy on p. 16.
Gen1 Flashbangs Icons Flash Bang Grenades Developed at the Barracks, the Flash Bang Grenade is an effective weapon for Rangers to use against enemy infantry. It’s not effective against vehicles.

  • To use a Flash Bang Grenade, select a Ranger, click the icon in the Context window and then target the enemy unit in the Battle Window. To return to using the machine gun, click its icon in the Context window.
Gen1 Battle Drone Icons Battle Drone Usable by any USA vehicle, the Battle Drone fires a small machine gun at targeted enemies and, when needed, repairs its parent vehicle. It cannot be used in conjunction with the Scout Drone.
Gen1 Scout Drone Icons Scout Drone Usable by any USA vehicle, the Scout Drone extends the sight range of its parent vehicle and reveals stealthed units. It cannot be used in conjunction with the Battle Drone.
DroneArmorIcon Drone Armor Developed at the Strategy Center, Drone Armor increases all drones’ protection by 25%.
Gen1 TOW Missile Icons TOW Missile Developed at the War Factory, the TOW Missile can be targeted from a Humvee at air or ground targets.
Gen1 Composite Armour Icons Composite Armor Developed at the Strategy Center, Composite Armor increases the armour protection of Crusader and Paladin tanks by 25%.
Gen1 Rocket Pods Icons Rocket Pods Developed at the Air Field, Rocket Pods are fitted to Comanche helicopters. When deployed, a pod fires a barrage of rockets and then reloads after a short period of time.
Gen1 Laser-Guided Missiles Icons Laser Missiles Developed at the Air Field, Laser Missiles allow Raptor and Stealth fighters to do 25% more damage.

USA Structures

Supporting the USA fighting forces are the structures to provide maximum power, steady supplies and the best in battlefield information.

  • When a USA structure is destroyed, the occupying Rangers emerge from the structure. Larger buildings produce a greater number of Rangers.
Icon Name Description
Gen1 USA Command Center Icons Command Center The entire base of operations for the USA side grows from the Command Center. From the Command Center comes your fleet of Construction Dozers, which you use to build and repair. Additionally, the Command Center controls the USA radar systems and Spy Satellite. After they are acquired, the A10 Missile Strike, Spy Drone, Fuel Air Bomb, Para Drop and Emergency Repair ability are deployed from the Command Center.
Gen1 USA Supply Center Icons Supply Center The Supply Center dispenses Chinook helicopters to retrieve supplies from the nearest depot. While Chinooks are vulnerable to anti-air fire, they can cross any terrain, including mountains, to keep your Supply Center full of resources and money.
Gen1 Supply Drop Zone Icons Supply Drop Zone When a base is isolated from its supplies, a Supply Drop Zone can add a trickle of supplies to your stores. Periodically, transport planes drop supplies that add to your money. In large or small battles, a Supply Drop Zone can make a difference.
Gen1 Cold Fusion Reactor Icons Cold Fusion Reactor The power plant of the USA side, a Cold Fusion Reactor produces five units of power and can be upgraded with control rods.

  • To increase your overall power level, build more power plants or upgrade existing ones.
Gen1 USA Barracks Icons Barracks All infantry personnel are created in the Barracks. Injured Rangers, Missile Defenders and even Colonel Burton can return to their Barracks to get healed. The Flash Bang Grenades and Capture Building upgrades are developed here.
CNCG USA War Factory Cameo War Factory In addition to building all USA vehicles, the War Factory can repair vehicles, too. Damaged vehicles can enter the repair bay one-by-one for repairs. It can also create the TOW Missile upgrade.
Gen1 USA Airfield Icons Air Field Each USA Air Field can build, arm, control and repair up to four aeroplanes at a time. To build more than four aeroplanes, you must build multiple Air Fields. Note that the Comanche does not need an Air Field for re-supply. The Rocket Pod and Laser Missile upgrades are developed here.
Gen1 Strategy Center Icons Strategy Center The Strategy Center is the key element to building and controlling the more sophisticated structures in the USA arsenal. When you build a Strategy Center, new structures become available for creation. Once a Strategy Centre is built, you can apply one of the following battle plans to your units:

  • Search and Destroy increases sight range of all troops on the battlefield. The Strategy Center sprouts a large radar array to detect units in stealth mode.
  • Hold the Line improves the armour defences of all troops on the battlefield. The Strategy Center becomes twice as tough and is fortified with sand bags.
  • Bombardment increases the firepower of all units. When this plan is enacted, a battle cannon deploys from within the Strategy Center.

Advanced Training, Composite Armor and Drone Armor upgrades are developed here.

Gen1 Patriot Missile System Icons Patriot Missile System The Patriot Missile System is the base defensive unit of the USA side. Multiple units can be linked in a network to unleash targeted firepower on both land and air targets. The Patriots are weak against infantry, so protect your missile system with fortified infantry units.
Gen1 Particle Uplink Cannon Icons Particle Cannon The most advanced USA weapon, the Particle Cannon fires a focused particle beam off of an orbiting mirror and onto enemy targets at any distance from the source.

  • To target the particle beam, left-click on a location in the map. Continue clicking on targets until the beam dissipates.

The Particle Cannon requires a great deal of technology, energy and money to build.

Gen1 Detention Camp Icons Detention Camp From the Detention Camp, you can activate the Intelligence special weapon, which reveals everything that enemy units see for a period of time.
USA Structure Upgrades
Icon Name Description
Gen1 Control Rods Icons Control Rods Control Rods applied to any Cold Fusion Reactor increase its output by 100%.


The Chinese forces have a resource that cannot be matched: population. Built to rely on the pride and nationalism of its people, the Chinese side can overwhelm the opposition with sheer numbers. Red Guard after Red Guard, Battlemaster after Battlemaster, the Chinese war machine wins by attrition.

Fuelled by a strong sense of teamwork, the Red Army is a force for the 21st century.

China Units

Armed with a simple rifle and adequate training, a Chinese man can be turned into a fighting machine for very little cost. Vehicles are cheap, too. However, results in the field suggest that quality is not a big concern in Chinese War Factories.

  • The Red Guard and Battlemaster Tank increase their rates of fire when travelling in large groups. The Horde effect is represented by a red star under the affected units and can increase with the Nationalism upgrade.
Icon Name Description
Gen1 China Construction Dozer Icons Construction Dozer

Purpose: Builder

The Chinese Construction Dozer works much like the USA Dozer.
Gen1 Red Guard Icons Red Guard

Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Urban Terrain Acquisition

The front-line trooper of the Red Army, the Red Guard operates best in large groups. Red Guard units can capture enemy facilities. When fighting in close quarters, the Red Guard can switch from his bolt-action rifle to his bayonet, which can do considerable damage.
Gen1 Tank Hunter Icons Tank Hunter

Purpose: Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, Urban Terrain Acquisition

A squad of Tank Hunters can ruin a tank division. Armed with an RPG rocket launcher, the Tank Hunter can hit-and-run against slow tanks or fire down from occupied structures. However, he may be even more dangerous when cornered. A zealous Tank Hunter can place a TNT charge on a vehicle, which can stop it in its tracks. Works very well in groups.
Gen1 Hacker Icons Hacker (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Collect Funds, Neutralise Enemy Structures

While the enemy prepares for hardened soldiers, it is the Hacker who may deliver the most important strike. When the Hacker gets within range of an enemy structure, he can set up his satellite uplink to neutralise the structure and all of its dependent units and structures. In the rear of your own base, Hackers can hack into the world economy through the Internet to drain resources from it.
Gen1 Black Lotus Icons Black Lotus (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Scout, Base Infiltration

A master hacker, Black Lotus can capture structures, disrupt vehicles and steal money from the opposition. Always stealthed, she is difficult to detect and harder to apprehend.
CNCG Supply Truck Cameo Supply Truck

Purpose: Supply Collector

The main link in the Chinese supply chain, the Supply Truck ferries freight from depots to its Supply Center. While its capacity is less than the Chinook, the Supply Truck is cheap to produce and can be quickly built in quantity.
Gen1 Battlemaster Icons Battlemaster Tank

Purpose: Tank/Structure Assault

The basic tank platform for the Chinese side, the Battlemaster is cheap to produce and very flexible. When deployed in invasion-sized attacks, the Battlemaster can wear down enemy defences and overrun installations. It can be upgraded with Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tank ability at the Nuclear Missile structure.
CNCG Inferno Cannon Cameo Inferno Cannon (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Siege

This long-range cannon can launch napalm shells over perimeter defences and onto enemy structures. When a shell lands, it explodes and burns. It can be upgraded with Black Napalm at the War Factory.
CNCG Dragon Tank Cameo Dragon Tank

Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Clear Garrisoned Structures

A mobile hose of fiery napalm, the Dragon Tank is extremely effective against infantry, especially when garrisoned in buildings. When enemy forces are closing, Dragon Tanks can create a 180-degree wall of fire.
Gen1 Troop Crawler Icons Troop Crawler

Purpose: Transport, Detect stealth

This large troop transport can carry up to eight Red Guards and dispense them in an instant. Equipped with stealth detection. When loaded with troops, this unit is ideal for rapidly capturing key structures on the battlefield.
Gen1 Overlord Tank Icons Overlord Tank (Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Tank/Structure Assault

Large and slow, the Overlord Tank is a battlefield force to be reckoned with. In addition to basic firing, this tank can run over enemy vehicles. A single Bunker, Gattling Cannon or Propaganda Tower can be erected on its back. The Overlord can be upgraded with Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tank ability at the Nuclear Missile structure.
CNCG Gattling Tank Cameo Gattling Tank

Purpose: Anti-Infantry

The Gattling Tank spews lead and more lead. This weapon is particularly lethal against infantry and other soft targets. The Chain Gun upgrade from the War Factory can increase its rate of fire.
CNCG Nuke Cannon Cameo Nuke Cannon (Generals Ability and Structure Upgrade)

Purpose: Siege

The most dangerous artillery weapon ever created, the Nuke Cannon can fire small nuclear charges considerable distances. Detonating shells cause tremendous damage and irradiate the ground for a long time. Enemy units continue to take damage from radiation.
CNCG MiG Cameo MiG

Purpose: Base/Unit Assault, Scout

This multi-role fighter is the basic air unit of the Chinese side. In the early stages of a war, the Chinese can dominate the air and do considerable damage. Each is armed with two napalm missiles – groups of MiGs can create firestorms. The MiG can be upgraded with Black Napalm at the War Factory and with MiG Armor at the Air Field.

China Structures

Spare in design, Chinese construction is sound in principle and, when upgraded, can produce leading-edge technologies. Defences follow a strategy of protection by volume.

  • All Chinese structures can be protected by mines. To mine a Chinese structure, select it. Then, select the Mines icon in the Context Window.


Information has begun to trickle in about the organisation and strategies of the Global Liberation Army. A loosely aligned worldwide network of terror,the GLA prizes speed over destructive force. Relying heavily on the dedication of fanatics, the GLA sends soldiers into the teeth of its enemies and always has an escape route for its hardcore veterans.

Built to hit and run, the GLA is poorly suited for direct, large-scale battles.Generals of the GLA seek advantages in the terrain. Without the official backing of any national government, the GLA has become expert in making do with whatever is at hand. GLA units have been known to scavenge resources from the field of battle. Through its network of tunnels, GLA forces can appear at locations all over the map. If they are successful in defeating their enemies, GLA units earn money from the cause’s unknown backers.

GLA Units

The GLA fighting units tend to be lightweight and low-cost. The most effective of them self-destruct, making a sustained campaign against enemy forces difficult for the GLA to maintain.

The GLA has become expert in scavenging dated weapons from the Soviet era. Through Arms Dealers and the Black Market, it can assemble squads of tanks and Technicals which, when rapidly deployed, can put a dagger through unsuspecting enemy defences.

GLA Structures

In a large city, GLA structures tend to blend into the community around them. Hoping that they go unnoticed, GLA generals have chosen not to fortify their structures, knowing that new ones can be erected quickly and cheaply in a new location.

  • When a GLA structure is destroyed, an escape hole remains. If the hole is not destroyed, a Worker emerges from the hole and starts rebuilding the structure.

External links

  • Command & Conquer Generals Game Manual (US) at replacementdocs.com
  • Command & Conquer Generals Game Manual (UK) at replacementdocs.com


Command & Conquer official manuals and guides

Official manuals
Tiberium Universe
  • Tiberian Dawn
  • Sole Survivor
  • Tiberian Sun
  • Firestorm
  • Renegade
  • Tiberium Wars
  • Kane’s Wrath
  • Tiberian Twilight
Red Alert Universe
  • Red Alert
  • Red Alert 2
  • Yuri’s Revenge
  • Red Alert 3
  • Uprising
Generals Universe
  • Generals
  • Zero Hour
Dune Universe
  • Dune II
  • Dune 2000
  • Emperor: Battle for Dune
Guide books
Tiberium Universe
  • Official Guide to Command & Conquer
  • Tiberian Sun: Prima’s Strategy Guide
  • Tiberian Sun Advanced Strategies
  • Renegade Prima’s Strategy Guide
  • Tiberium Wars: Prima Game Guide
Red Alert Universe
  • Red Alert Secrets & Solutions
  • Counterstrike Strategy Guide
  • Red Alert 2: Prima’s Strategy Guide
  • Red Alert 3: Prima Game Guide
Generals Universe
  • Generals: Prima’s Strategy Guide
  • Zero Hour: Prima’s Strategy Guide
Dune Universe
  • Dune II Insider’s Guide
  • Emperor: Battle for Dune: Prima’s Strategy Guide


liebe Kinder gebt fein acht

Ich bin die Stimme aus dem

Ich hab euch etwas mitgebracht

Hab es aus meiner
Brust gerissen»

Rammstein, “Mein Herz Brennt”

Это руководство даёт базовые знания о
редакторе, которые вы бы всё равно
получили, но методом проб и ошибок. Для
того чтобы лучше понять редактор карт,
вам пригодится либо знание английского
языка, либо лежащий под рукой англо-русский
словарь (или его компьютерный аналог).
Имейте ввиду – русификаторы Worldbuider’а
(далее ВБ – прим. автора) не рекомендуются
для использования ввиду убогости

в этой статье рассказывается про функции
редактора, а также про особенности
создания skirmish
карт. Остальное требует слишком детального
изложения, и гораздо проще изучить
самостоятельно, тем более, что это не

Часть 1. Запуск, интерфейс.

Включим редактор карт, пройдя в папку
с файлами Zero
и найдя там Worldbuilder.exe.
Перед нами появится окошко лицензионного
соглашения, соглашаемся (Accept
Далее, ждём загрузки редактора.

у вас установлен какой-нибудь мод, может
быть такая ситуация, что появится окошко
с ошибкой. Игнорируйте (Ignore).

загрузки появляются два окна – большое
и малое. Большое окно – это рабочее
поле, на котором мы и творим внешность
карты. Кнопки мы рассмотрим чуть позже.
Строка состояния показывает число
объектов на карте (максимум можно ставить
3000 объектов), число вейпоинтов, а также
координаты, на которых находится курсор.
Малое окно служит для редактирования
свойств объектов, а также использования
опций большей части инструментов.

– левая кнопка мыши, применение
инструментов и выбор объектов/вейпоинтов/областей.
Удерживание ЛКМ – рамка и манипулирование
объектами/вейпоинтами/областями. ПКМ
– правая кнопка мыши, отключение
инструмента. Удерживание ПКМ – перемещение
камеры по карте. СРМ – средняя кнопка
мыши, сброс камеры. Удерживание СРМ –
кручение камеры. Колесо СРМ –


Стандартно это – серая равнина. Её можно
изменять при помощи некоторых инструментов.


рассмотрим кнопки на панели стандартных

  1. File:

  • New
    – создать новую карту. Можно задать
    линейные размеры карты: Horz

    длину, Vert
    — ширину, Initial
    — высоту (основную), Border
    — границы (отсчёт идёт от края карты).

  • Open
    – открыть существующую карту

  • Close
    – закрыть карту. Как правило, закрывается
    ВБ. Почти аналогично команде Exit

  • Save
    – сохранить изменения (или в файл, если
    сохранение в первый раз). Сохранять
    maps (
    My Documents -> Command and Conquer General Zero Hour Data ->

  • Save
    — сохранить в другой файл. Сохранять
    maps (
    My Documents -> Command and Conquer General Zero Hour Data ->

  • Jump
    – по идее, должна включать игру и
    запускать карту. Но у меня не работало

  • Resize
    – изменить размеры карты. Внимание:
    сильно глючит

  • Dump
    – сохранить сведения о карте в текстовом
    файле. В основном нужно для создания
    прибойных волн. Файл с названием карты
    сохраняется в корневой папке Zero

  1. Edit:

  • Undo
    – отмена

  • Redo
    – возвращение отменённого действия

  • Cut
    – удалить объект, который потом можно
    будет поставить в другое место

  • Copy
    – копировать объект

  • Paste
    – вставить объект

  • Delete
    – удалить объект

  • Select
    – выбрать одинаковые объекты

  • Select
    – выбрать объекты с ошибками назначения
    к команде

  • Select
    – не использовалась

  • Select
    – не использовалась

  • Replace
    – заменить выбранные объекты

  • Pick
    constraint – выбрать
    неизвестен, но судя по списку, можно
    выбирать, например, только здания.

  • Scripts
    – редактор скриптов. Рассматриваться
    не будет

  • Global
    – опции освещения на карте, влияют на
    карту. Колонки: Ambient
    – здесь можно выбрать окраску света,
    чёрный – обычное освещение; Sun
    – настройка положения солнца на
    «небосводе» и его яркость, а также цвет;
    1 и

    – более тонкие настройки освещения.
    – возвращает стандартные настройки.

  • Camera
    – настройки камеры, не влияют на то,
    что будет в игре, и служат для тонкого
    создания роликов на движке. Для skirmish

  • Edit
    – редактирование цвета теней и их
    интенсивность. Влияет на карту

  • Edit
    map settings – опции
    – задаётся имя карты. Если вы делаете
    карту не для своего мода, можете
    благополучно забыть про это поле.
    – ни в коем случае не трогайте. Time
    – время суток. Weather
    – погода, но на деле этот параметр
    только делает модели зданий либо
    нормальными либо зимними.

  • Edit
    – редактор команд. Рассматриваться не

  • Edit
    player list – список
    создания skirmish-карт
    разбираться в нём ни к чему.

  1. View:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
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Хотите повысить свои навыки в игре генералы или научиться каким то фишкам и нюансом с исправлением проблем, то наша категория вам в этом поможет. Генералы великая стратегия в течении 20 лет, которая до сих пор не может найти себе достойного конкурента и люди до сих пор играют в неё, но с некоторым изменением, либо в моды Generals или дополняют специальными утилитами в виде GenTool, который помогает в запуске, настройки и управление с игрой на новых операционных системах Windows 10/8/7/Vista и даже не важно, какая разрядность системы установлена на вашем ноутбуке или компе, всё будет запускаться и работать как надо.

Как запустить генералы на виндовс 10

Как запустить генералы на виндовс 10

14-апр-2021, 04:46
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В нашей новой статье о том как запустить генералы на виндовс 10 мы расскажем вам про действенные способы и…

Как установить мод на Generals

Как установить мод на Generals

02-фев-2021, 17:04
Обучение в Generals

Достаточно старая стратегия «Командовать и побеждать: Генералы» до сих пор является популярной благодаря…


Как пользоваться World Builder, редактором на C&CGenerals, текст на английском (на русском чёт не нашол), для просмотра нужен Acrobat Reader, хотябы 5.1.

22 сентября 2005




Я в генералов играю с самого их «рождения», и, поверьте мне, у меня есть кое-какой опыт прохождения, как в простых, так и в Zero Hour, и прежде чем что-то писать и говорить, прошёл миссии и кампании за всех Генералов, и играл за них родимых в реале против реальных противников.
Сам был помешан на тактике ВВС за США, считая их «мощнейшей силой» в игре, но… Короче, начал проходить кампанию «Соревнования Генералов» (прошёл за день) и дойдя до последней… Генерал Драконов, понял, что ВВС США потив массированного противника в реале, а не с компом, — отстой (уж прошу прощения у фанатов ВВС США и админа). Теперь играю за Лазера, так как его туррели в обороне — зверская штука, и вот как сделать их ещё «зверее».

На подходах к базе (в основном на больших картах, так как играю в основном 2 на 3, или 3 на 3, как придётся… Так вот, на подходах к базе, строите две огневых базы, и 8 туррелей (по углам огневых), для начала сойдёт (а вообще, чем больше, тем лучше). Против самолётов (особенно стелсов):
— строите три турреля треугольничком, посерёдке один Мститель, а за несколько «метров» до этой «базочки» вешаете дрона-разведчика, и никакой Стелс, или тем более Аврора — вам не помеха.
— особо не увлекайтесь строительством лазеров, хоть у этого Генерала и мощнее станции холодного синтеза, но и сами туррели «жрут» немало.
— снайперы за лазера вам не нужны, — эти туррели выносят пехоту за раз.
— также поставьте несколько туррелей в самой базе (лучше всего по одному-две у здания, но это уже кому как), чтобы не полчилось так, что на прорыв полетят штук 20-30 МиГов или Аврор (а то и Хищников у ВВС США) и на подходе потеряют лишь с десяток, а остальный пролетят на базу у устроят вам Херосиму с Нагасаки.
— и не тормозите со строительством СКУДОВ, ЛУЧЕЙ и РАКЕТ, тоже вещь (если не договорились заранее с противником об ограничении Супер-оружия).
— за США, особенно за Лазера, стройте несколько туррелей вокруг базы, а потом (!!!в срочном порядке!!!) три-четыре сброса ресурсов (с апгрейдом добычи ресурсов), чтобы до окончания «основных» ресурсов, уже держать экономику на высоте.

И в пожалуй ещё пара замечаний.

1) Не строийте станции и «добытчиков» заветной капусты все рядом (это для всех генералов Китая и США особенно, так как Китайский арт-обстрел вынесет вам их как нечего делать и вырубит всё к чёртовой маме.
Просто знаю людей, который так делают, но которых выметают уже после 10 минут игры, а те кто проиграл потом недоумевают: «Как так?!».

2) Не надейтесь на союзников, только на себя. Это, конечно же не значит, что надо бросать «друзей» в беде, в случае чего, просто, всегда прикрывайте тылы (чем чёрт не шутит, прорвёт противник оборону союзника, и вам в «пятую точку» танками засадит так, что мало не покажется).

Поддержи Стопгейм!

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