Руководство для хлебопечки panasonic sd

Хлебопечь Panasonic SD-2501 WTS белый

550 Вт, программ — 12, вес выпечки — 1.25 кг, таймер — 13 ч


168 4

Код товара: 0141341

background image






Автоматическая хлебопекарня


Автоматична хлібопекарня


Автоматтық нан пісіргіші




Здесь представлено изображение модели SD-2501

На цьому зображенні представлена модель SD-2501

Мұнда SD-2501 моделінің суреті берілген



Отпечатано в Китае

Друк на Китаï

Қытайда мөрленген

Printed in China

Панасоник Корпорэйшн

Панасонік Корпорейшн

Панасоник Корпорэйшн

Panasonic Corporation


Автоматическая хлебопекарня


Автоматична хлібопекарня


Автоматтық нан пісіргіші


Модель SD-2501/SD-2500

Українська ҚазақРусский

Здесь представлено изображение модели SD-2501

На цьому зображенні представлена модель SD-2501

Мұнда SD-2501 моделінің суреті берілген

Панасоник Корпорэйшн


Панасонік Корпорейшн


Панасоник Корпорэйшн

Отпечатано в Китае

Друк на Китаï

Panasonic Corporation

Қытайда мөрленген


Printed in China


Перед началом использования

Меры предосторожности ····························································4

Описание/Аксессуары ································································8

Различия между SD-2501 и SD-2500 ·········································9

Ингредиенты для выпечки хлеба ·············································10

Как пользоваться

Список программ и режимов ····················································12

Выпечка хлеба ··········································································14

Приготовление теста ································································16

С добавлением дополнительных ингредиентов… ··················17

Выпечка кексов ·········································································18

Приготовление варенья ····························································19

Приготовление фруктов в сиропе ············································20


Рецепты хлеба ··········································································21

Рецепты без глютена ································································23

Рецепты теста ···········································································24

Рецепты сладкой выпечки ························································28

Рецепты варенья ······································································29

Рецепты фруктов в сиропе ·······················································30

Как чистить

Уход и чистка ············································································31

Для защиты антипригарного покрытия

Для защиты антипригарного покрытия···································32

Проблемы и способы их устранения

Проблемы и способы их устранения ······································33

2 3

Благодарим Вас за покупку изделия Panasonic.

Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте настоящую

инструкцию по эксплуатации до использования данного

прибора и сохраните ее для дальнейшего пользования.

Настоящая инструкция по эксплуатации предназначена

для двух различных моделей. Имеющиеся в ней

пояснения, главным образом, описаны для модели

SD-2501 (См. стр. 9 для ознакомления с различиями в

функциях этих двух моделей).

Данное изделие предназначено только для домашнего



До початку використання

Вказівки з безпеки ·····································································38

Аксесуари/Ідентифікація приладдя ·········································42

Відмінності між SD-2501 і SD-2500 ··········································43

Інгредієнти для випічки хліба ···················································44

Порядок користування

Список програм і режимів ························································46

Випічка хліба ·············································································48

Підготовка тіста ·········································································50

При додаванні додаткових інгредієнтів… ································51

Випічка кексів ············································································52

Приготування варення ······························································53

Приготування компоту ······························································54


Рецепти хлібу ············································································55

Рецепти без клейковини ···························································57

Рецепти тіста ·············································································58

Рецепти тортів ···········································································62


Рецепти варення ·······································································63

Рецепти компотів ······································································64

Як очищувати

Догляд і чищення ······································································65

Для захисту антипригарного покриття

Для захисту антипригарного покриття ····································66

Проблеми і засоби їх усунення

Проблеми і засоби їх усунення ················································67

Дякуємо Вам за придбання виробу Panasonic.

Будь ласка, уважно прочитайте дану інструкцію з

експлуатації перед використанням даного виробу і

збережіть її для подальшого користування.

Дана інструкція з експлуатації призначена для

використання двох різних моделей. Пояснення, що в ній

містяться, в основному, відносяться до моделі SD-2501

(Див. стор. 43 для ознайомлення з відмінностями у

функціях між цими двома моделями).

Даний виріб призначений тільки для домашнього



Пайдаланудың алдында

Қаупсіздік нəтижелері ·······························································72

Сипаттама/Аксессуарлар ·························································76

SD-2501 жəне SD-2500 арасындағы айырмашылықтар ········77

Нан пісіруге арналған ингредиенттер ······································78

Қалай пайдалану керек

Бағдарламалар мен тəртіптемелер тізімі································80

Нан пісіру ···················································································82

Қамырды дайындау ··································································84

Қосымша ингредиенттерді қосу арқылы… ······························85

Кекстерді пісіру ·········································································86

Варенье дайындау ····································································87

Компот дайындау ·····································································88


Нан рецепттері ··········································································89

Желімтіксіз рецепттер ······························································91

Қамыр рецепттері ·····································································92

Тəтті тоқаш рецепттері ·····························································96

Варенье рецепттері ··································································97

Компот рецепттері ····································································98

Қалай тазартады

Күтім жəне тазалау ···································································99

Күйіп кетуге қарсы жабынды қорғау үшін

Күйіп кетуге қарсы жабынды қорғау үшін ······························100

Ақаулар жəне оларды жою тəсілдері

Ақаулар жəне оларды жою тəсілдері ····································101

Сізге Panasonic бұйымын сатып алғаныңыз үшін рахмет


Пайдалануға арналған осы нұсқаулықты берілген құралды

қолданбас бұрын мұқият оқып шығып, оны əрі қарай

пайдалану үшін сақтап қоюыңызды сұраймыз.

Пайдалануға арналған осы нұсқаулық əр түрлі екі

модельге арналған. Олардың ішіндегі түсініктемелер,

негізінен, SD-2501 моделі үшін ұсынылған. (Осы екі

модельдің функцияларындағы айырмашылықтармен

танысу үшін 77 бетті қараңыз).

Берілген бұйым тек үйде пайдалануға арналған.

Українська ҚазақРусский

Меры предосторожности

Обязательно следуйте указанным здесь инструкциям.

С целью предотвращения несчастных случаев, травм как пользователю, так и окружающим, а также чтобы

недопустить повреждения имущества, пожалуйста, следуйте нижеуказанным инструкциям.

Строгое предупреждение

Нижеследующие схемы показывают степень опасности нанесения ущерба при

Плотно вставляйте штепсель в розетку.

неправильном использовании.

(Это может привести к поражению электрическим током и возгоранию вследствие перегрева штепселя.)

Указывает на

Указывает на возможную



опасность получения

серьезной травмы


телесных повреждений

Регулярно производите чистку штепселя.


или смерти.

или порчи имущества.

(Загрязненный штепсель может привести к недостаточной изоляции вследствии появления влаги, что

может вызвать воспламенение.)

Знаки имеют следующую классификацию и объяснение.

Извлеките вилку из розетки и протрите сухой тканью.

Данный знак обозначает требование,

Этот знак обозначает запрет.

которому необходимо следовать



При появлении признаков ненормального функционирования или поломки,

немедленно прекратить использование прибора и отключить его от питания.

(Это может привести к появлению дыма, возникновению пожара или поражению электрическим током.)

Примеры ненормального функционирования и поломок:

Перегрев штепселя и шнура питания.

Повреждение сетевого кабеля или отсутствие подачи электричества.

Строгое предупреждение

Корпус прибора деформировался или чрезмерно нагрелся.

Во время работы прибор издает странные звуки вращения.

Немедленно выключите прибор из розетки и обратитесь к дилеру компании Panasonic для проверки и ремонта.

Не используйте прибор в случае, если штепсель или шнур имеют

повреждение или штепсель неаккуратно вставлен в розетку.

(Это может привести к поражению электрическим током, электрическому замыканию и возгоранию.)

Не блокируйте вентиляционные отверстия, не накрывайте их и не

Если шнур, прилагаемый к прибору, поврежден, он должен быть заменен производителем, сервисным

дотрагивайтесь до них во время использования.

агентом или иным компетентным лицом, чтобы избежать опасности.

(Это может вызвать ожог.)

Особенно внимательно следите за детьми.

Не повредите штепсель и шнур.

(Это может привести к поражению электрическим током, электрическому замыканию и возгоранию.)

Запрещается разбирать, ремонтировать или модифицировать прибор.

Следующие действия строго запрещены. (Видоизменять, размещать возле нагревающихся предметов,

(Это может привести к пожару, поражению электрическим током или к травме.)

сгибать, перекручивать, тянуть, ставить сверху тяжелые предметы, а также сматывать кабель питания.)

проконсультируйтесь в авторизованном сервисном центре Panasonic.

Нельзя подсоединять к розетке или отсоединять от розетки штепсель

Не погружайте прибор в воду и берегите его от попадания брызг.

мокрыми руками.

(Это может привести к поражению электрическим током, электрическому замыканию и возгоранию.)

(Это может вызвать удар током.)

Данный прибор не предназначен для использования лицами (в том числе

Показатели напряжения и переменного тока в сети не должны превышать

детьми) с ограниченными физическими, сенсорными или умственными

номинальные значения, указанные на приборе.

возможностями, а также при отсутствии необходимого опыта и знаний, если

(Существует опасность удара током или возникновения пожара.)

они не были инструктированы по вопросам использования прибора со

Убедитесь, что напряжение, на которое рассчитан прибор, совпадает с напряжением в сети.

стороны лиц, ответственных за их безопасность. Дети должны находиться

Подключение к одной розетке нескольких приборов может привести к перегреву электропроводки.

под присмотром, чтобы они не играли с прибором.

(Это может вызвать ожог, травмы или поражения электрическим током.)



Panasonic SD–ZB2512 Operating Instructions And Recipes

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Automatic Bread Maker


Model No.



Related Manuals for Panasonic SD–ZB2512

Summary of Contents for Panasonic SD–ZB2512

  • Page 1
    Automatic Bread Maker OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND RECIPES (Household Use) Model No. SD–ZB2512…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    ● Please keep this Operating Instructions for future use. ● Panasonic will not accept any liability if the appliance is subject to improper use, or in the event of failure to comply with these instructions. Contents Before Use Safety Instructions ·························································································································································· EN3 Important Information ························································································································································…

  • Page 3: Safety Instructions

    Safety Instructions Please make sure to follow these instructions. To reduce the risk of personal injury, electric shock or fire, please observe the following: The following signals indicate the degree of harm and damage when the appliance is misused. WARNING : Indicates potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death.

  • Page 4
    Safety Instructions Please make sure to follow these instructions. WARNING Make sure the voltage indicated on the label of the appliance corresponds to your local supply. Also avoid plugging other devices into the same household mains socket to prevent electrical overheating. However, if you are connecting a number of mains plugs, make sure the total wattage does not exceed the rated wattage of the household mains socket.
  • Page 5: Important Information

    If you lose the fuse cover, the plug must not be used until a replacement cover is obtained. A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local Panasonic Dealer. If the fitted moulded plug is unsuitable for the socket outlet in your home, then the fuse should be removed and the plug cut off and disposed of safely.

  • Page 6: Accessories/Parts Identification

    Accessories/Parts Identification Main Unit Raisin nut dispenser The ingredients placed in the raisin nut dispenser will drop into the bread pan automatically upon selecting the menu with raisin (3, 4, 7, 16, 20, 21, 23 and 31). Turn to P. EN14 for ingredients which may be placed in the raisin nut dispenser.

  • Page 7
    Control Panel Operation status : displayed for the current stage of the program. Ingredients are being regulated on the ‘Rest’ stage before kneading. : displayed when there has been an interruption in the power supply. : displayed when adding ingredients manually on menu 4, 13, 21 and 29. Time remaining until program finished Also when adding ingredients manually, display will show the time until adding extra ingredients in…
  • Page 8: Bread-Making Ingredients

    Bread–making Ingredients It is extremely important to use the correct measure of ingredients for best results. Water Flour Use normal tap water. Use tepid water if using menu 2, 6, 8, 14 or 24 in a Main ingredient of bread. The protein in flour cold room.

  • Page 9: Main Flours Used In Bread

    Main Flours Used in Bread Strong flour is milled from hard wheat and has a high content of protein which is necessary for the development of gluten. Carbon dioxide produced during fermentation is trapped within the elastic network of gluten, thus making the dough rise. White flour: Made by grinding wheat kernel, excluding bran and germ.

  • Page 10: List Of Bread Types And Baking Options

    List of Bread Types and Baking Options Function Availability and Time Required Time required for each process will differ according to room temperature. Options Processes Menu Menu Size Crust Timer Rest Knead Rise Bake Total Number 30 min– 1 h 50 min– 4 h–…

  • Page 11
    Options Processes Menu Menu Rest Knead Rise Bake Total Size Crust Timer Number 30 min– 1 h 10 min– — — — — Basic 2 h 20 min 15–30 min 50 min 1 h 30 min 30 min– 1 h 10 min– —…
  • Page 12: Baking Bread

    Baking Bread Turn to P. EN30–EN35 for bread recipes Place the ingredients in the bread pan Kneading blade Yeast dispenser Remove the bread pan and Place the measured ingredients set the kneading blade in the bread pan Place the dry ingredients Twist the bread pan anti–…

  • Page 13
    Set the program and start Remove the bread Select a bake menu Press Stop pad and remove bread (The display shows when menu ‘1’ is selected.) when machine beeps 8 times and the bar at ‘End’ flashes. To change the size To change the crust colour The flashing start light will go off.
  • Page 14: When Adding Extra Ingredients

    When Adding Extra Ingredients Adding extra ingredients to bread or dough By selecting a menu with Raisin (3, 4, 7, 16, 20, 21, 23 or 31), you can mix your favourite ingredients into the dough to make all kinds of flavoured breads.

  • Page 15: Baking Brioche

    Baking Brioche Strong White Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Sugar 4 tbsp Salt 1 tsp Skimmed milk 2 tbsp Butter (Cut into 2 cm cubes and keep in 50 g (2 oz) refrigerator) Mixture / beat 2 eggs (medium) + water 280 g (9 Dry Yeast Butter for adding later (Cut into 1–2 cm…

  • Page 16: Baking Rustic Artisan

    Baking Rustic Artisan To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) 2, 3 Preparations Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. (P. EN12) Place the ingredients in the bread pan in the order listed in the recipe (P. EN31). For ingredients marked with ★, we recommend adding into the bread pan at step 3 when the sound beeps.

  • Page 17
    Turn to P. EN31 for bread recipes Add extra or moist/sticky ingredients For ingredients, use max. 100 g as size–M, 125 g when the beep sounds, then press Start as size–L or 150 g as size–XL. pad again Even without pressing the Start pad, kneading will continue after 5 minutes.
  • Page 18: Rustic Sourdough/Rustic Sourdough Dough

    Rustic Sourdough/Rustic Sourdough Dough STAGE 1 Making Sourdough starter Remove the kneading blade. Sourdough starter spoon Sourdough cup Bread pan (Keep clean and use sourdough starter only) Two sourdough cups can be set at a time. To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) One quantity of sourdough starter Preparations…

  • Page 19: Stage 2 Baking Rustic Sourdough

    STAGE 2 Baking Rustic Sourdough To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) Preparations Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. Stage 1 Sourdough starter : Menu ‘27’ (24 h) (P. EN12) See P. EN18 for the recipe. Tip the sourdough starter in the bread pan.

  • Page 20: Stage 2 Making Rustic Sourdough Dough

    Rustic Sourdough/Rustic Sourdough Dough STAGE 2 Making Rustic Sourdough Dough To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) Preparations Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. Stage 1 Sourdough starter : Menu ‘27’ (24 h) (P. EN12) Turn to P.

  • Page 21: Making Dough

    Making Dough Turn to P. EN38–EN43 for dough recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) Preparations Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. (P. EN12) Place the ingredients in the bread pan in the order listed in the recipe. Set the bread pan into the main unit, and plug the machine into the socket.

  • Page 22: Making Brioche Dough

    Making Brioche Dough Turn to P. EN43 for dough recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) 2, 3 Preparations Cut the butter for adding later into 1–2 cm cubes and keep them in refrigerator. (P. EN12) Put the kneading blade into the bread pan.

  • Page 23: Making Rustic Artisan Dough

    Making Rustic Artisan Dough Turn to P. EN38 for dough recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) 2, 3 Preparations Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. (P. EN12) Place the ingredients in the bread pan in the order listed in the recipe (P. EN38). For ingredients marked with ★, we recommend adding into the bread pan at step 3 when the sound beeps.

  • Page 24: Baking Rustic Scone

    Baking Rustic Scone Turn to P. EN35 for bread recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) 2, 4, 6 Preparations Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. (P. EN12) Place the ingredients in the bread pan in the following order: mixture of eggs and milk plain yogurt other ingredients.

  • Page 25
    Open the lid and scrape off the dough, After 3 minutes have passed in step 5, the beeps shape the surface of the dough within sound and ‘Bake’ starts automatically. (The 3 minutes, when the beep sounds surface of the rustic scone became uneven, because you did not shape the surface of the dough.) Press Start pad again…
  • Page 26: Baking Cake

    Baking Cake Turn to P. EN44–EN47 for cake recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) Remove the kneading blade Preparations Prepare the ingredients according to the recipe. Line the bread pan with parchment paper or loaf tin liners and pour in the mixed ingredients.

  • Page 27: Making Jam

    Making Jam Turn to P. EN48 for jam recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) Preparations Prepare the ingredients according to the recipe. Put the kneading blade into the bread pan. Place the ingredients in the bread pan in the following order: half of the fruits half of the sugar remainder of fruits remainder of sugar.

  • Page 28: Making Compote

    Making Compote Turn to P. EN49 for compote recipes To cancel/stop once started (hold for more than 1 second) Preparations Prepare the ingredients according to the recipe. (Remove the kneading blade.) Place the ingredients in the bread pan in the following order: fruits sugar liquid.

  • Page 29: Recipe Contents

    Recipe Contents White Loaf ······················EN30 Wheat Germ Loaf ·············EN30 Curry and Mango Loaf ·······EN31 Bread Recipes Rapid White Loaf··············EN30 Oat and Bran Loaf ············EN30 Cheese and Walnut Loaf ····EN31 Basic Spicy Fruit Loaf ················EN30 5 Seeded Bread Loaf ········EN30 Fresh Yeast White Loaf ·····EN31 [1 Basic] [2 Basic Rapid] Cider Apple Bread ············EN30 Brown Loaf ·····················EN31…

  • Page 30
    Bread Recipes White Loaf Milk Loaf Menu ‘1’ (4 h–4 h 5 min) Menu ‘1’ (4 h–4 h 5 min) Strong White Bread 400 g 500 g 600 g Strong White Bread 400 g 500 g 600 g Flour (14 oz) (1 lb 2 oz) (1 lb 5 oz) Flour…
  • Page 31
    Brown Loaf Curry and Mango Loaf Menu ‘1’ (4 h–4 h 5 min) Menu ‘1’ (4 h–4 h 5 min) Strong Brown Bread 400 g 500 g 600 g Strong Brown Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Flour (14 oz) (1 lb 2 oz) (1 lb 5 oz) Sugar…
  • Page 32
    Bread Recipes [5 Whole wheat] Wholemeal Loaf 100% Olive Loaf Menu ‘5’ (5 h) Menu ‘7’ (5 h) [6 Whole wheat Rapid] [7 Whole wheat Raisin] 400 g 500 g 600 g Strong Wholemeal Strong Wholemeal Bread Flour 200 g (7 oz) (wholemeal flour) Bread Flour (14 oz)
  • Page 33
    Spicy Fruit Loaf Granary Loaf ® Menu ‘7’ (5 h) Menu ‘5’ (5 h) 400 g 500 g 600 g Strong Wholemeal Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Strong Granary Flour ® (14 oz) (1 lb 2 oz) (1 lb 5 oz) Sugar 2 tsp Sugar…
  • Page 34
    Bread Recipes [9 French] French Rustic French Menu ‘9’ (6 h) Menu ‘9’ (6 h) (white flour/wholemeal flour) Make bread with a crispy crust and Strong White Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Strong White Bread Flour 275 g (10 oz) texture.
  • Page 35
    [13 Brioche] Basic Brioche Panettone Menu ‘13’ (3 h 30 min) Menu ‘13’ (3 h 30 min) Strong White Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Strong White Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Sugar 4 tbsp Sugar tbsp Salt 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Butter (Cut into 2–3 cm cubes and keep…
  • Page 36
    Gluten Free Recipes [1 Basic] [14 Gluten Free] Before making gluten free bread (gluten free bread mix / wheat free bread mix) Consult your doctor and follow the guidelines below! If you make gluten free bread as part of dietary therapy, it is important that you avoid : Timer cannot be used cross–contamination with flour that does contain gluten.
  • Page 37
    Gluten Free Bread Glutafin Gluten Free Bread Mix Juvela Bread Mixes Menu ‘14’–‘Dark’ Crust (1 h 55 min) Menu ‘14’–‘Dark’ Crust (1 h 55 min) Tepid Water 400 mL Gluten Free Mix Fibre Mix 2 tsp Water 400 mL 430 mL Bread Mix 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) Salt…
  • Page 38
    Dough Recipes Rolls Select one of the following recipes and follow the method below. Shape dough. Place onto a greased baking tray. Allow to prove until doubled in size. Brush with beaten egg. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 C/425 F/Gas Mark 7 for [19 Basic] [20 Basic Raisin] [21 Rustic Artisan] 10–15 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Page 39
    Wholemeal Dough 50% Ciabatta Menu ‘22’ (3 h 15 min) Stage 1 Culture : Menu ‘28’ (45 min) Strong Wholemeal Bread Flour 300 g (11 oz) Strong White Bread Flour 175 g (6 oz) Strong White Bread Flour 300 g (11 oz) Water 200 mL Sugar…
  • Page 40
    Dough Recipes Rye and White Rolls Chelsea Buns Stage 1 Culture : Menu ‘28’ (45 min) Enriched Dough : Menu ‘19’ (2 h 20 min) Strong White Bread Flour 75 g (3 oz) Strong White Bread Flour 250 g (9 oz) Rye flour 150 g (5 oz) Sugar…
  • Page 41
    Croissants Soft Rolls/Baps Menu ‘19’ (2 h 20 min) Menu ‘19’ (2 h 20 min) Strong White Bread Flour 300 g (11 oz) Strong White Bread Flour 450 g (1 lb) Sugar 1 tsp Sugar Butter 25 g (1 oz) Butter 25 g (1 oz) Salt…
  • Page 42
    Dough Recipes Dough for Tear & Share Bread Picnic Tear & Share Bread Menu ‘19’ (2 h 20 min) Dough for Tear & Share Bread 1 batch (on the left) Strong White Bread Flour 550 g (1 lb 4 oz) Grainy Mustard 2 tbsp Sugar…
  • Page 43
    Brioche Dough (Chocolate Chip Brioche Roll) Focaccia ; for 12 rolls Menu ‘28’ (45 min) Menu ‘29’ (1 h 50 min) Strong White Bread Flour 300 g (11 oz) Olive Oil 1 tbsp Strong White Bread Flour 400 g (14 oz) Salt 1 tsp Sugar…
  • Page 44: Recipes

    Cake Recipes Apple and Ginger Cake Menu ‘18’ (1 h 5 min) Banana and Walnut Loaf Menu ‘18’ (55 min) Butter 100 g (4 oz) Soft Light Brown Sugar 50 g (2 oz) Golden Syrup 200 g (8 oz) Butter 75 g (3 oz) Self Raising Flour 300 g (11 oz)

  • Page 45
    Fruit Tea Bread Menu ‘18’ (1 h 15 min) Gingerbread Menu ‘18’ (45 min) Mixed Dried Fruit 350 g (12 oz) Demerara Sugar 25 g (1 oz) Chopped Dates 50 g (2 oz) Butter 75 g (3 oz) Chopped Walnuts 50 g (2 oz) Golden Syrup 50 g (2 oz)
  • Page 46
    Cake Recipes Place the mixture in the bread pan, being careful to ensure Hazelnut and Honey Loaf Menu ‘18’ (1 h) that the mixture is inside the baking parchment. Butter 175 g (6 oz) Dark Brown Sugar 50 g (2 oz) Select menu 18 and enter 1 hour on the timer.
  • Page 47
    Soda Bread Menu ‘18’ (50 min) Yeast and Dairy Free Spelt Loaf Menu ‘18’ (50 min) Plain Flour 400 g (14 oz) Spelt Flour 400 g (14 oz) Bicarbonate of Soda 1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda 1 tsp Sugar 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Salt…
  • Page 48
    Jam Recipes [32 Jam] Depending on the type of pectin, it may be better to increase or Plum Jam Menu ‘32’ (1 h 40 min) decrease the amount of it. Plums, finely chopped 700 g (28 oz) Sugar 350 g (14 oz) Strawberry Jam Menu ‘32’…
  • Page 49
    Compote Recipes [33 Compote] Spiced Apple Compote Menu ‘33’ (1 h 20 min) Mixed Berry Compote Menu ‘33’ (1 h) Mixed Berries Apples, peeled, cored and diced 1000 g (40 oz) 800 g (32 oz) E.g. Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries Cinnamon Stick Sugar 75 g (3 oz) Cloves…
  • Page 50: Care & Cleaning

    Care & Cleaning Before cleaning, unplug your Bread Maker and allow it to cool down. Wipe with a damp cloth. To avoid damaging your Bread Maker… Do not use anything abrasive! (cleansers, scouring pads etc) Use a soft sponge when cleaning bread pan and kneading blade.

  • Page 51: To Protect The Non-Stick Finish

    Dispenser lid Yeast dispenser Remove and wash with water. Wipe with a damp cloth and dry naturally. Raise the dispenser lid to If wipe with a dry cloth, dry yeast will not drop into the bread pan an angle of approximately due to static.

  • Page 52: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting Before calling for service, please check through this section. Problem Cause Action [All bread] The quality of the gluten in your flour is poor, or you have not used strong flour. (Gluten quality can vary depending on temperature, humidity, how the flour is stored, and the season of harvest) Try another type, brand or another batch of flour.

  • Page 53
    Problem Cause Action You have used too much flour, or you are not using enough liquid. There is excess flour around Check the recipe and measure out the correct amount using scales for the flour or the the bottom and sides of my sourdough cup provided for liquids.
  • Page 54
    Troubleshooting Before calling for service, please check through this section. Problem Cause Action The dough is a little stiff. Allow the bread to cool completely before removing the kneading blade carefully. Some The kneading blade stays in types of flour absorb more water than others, so try adding an extra 10–20 mL of water next the bread when I remove it time.
  • Page 55
    Problem Cause Action White caster and granulated can be used. What kinds of sugar can we Do not use brown sugar, diet sugar, and low calorie sugar or artificial sweetener. use on jam? When making jam, can we use Do not use them. The quality is not satisfactory. fruits are pickled? The fruit has collapsed when The cooking time was too long.
  • Page 56: Specification

    Specification 230–240 V 50 Hz Power supply Power consumed 505–550 W Capacity min. 400 g min. 250 g min. 1.4 g min. 3.0 g Capacity of raisin nut dispenser Timer Dimensions (H 25.6 38.9 cm × × Weight Accessories 2 sourdough cups, measuring spoon, sourdough starter spoon EN56…

  • Page 57
  • Page 58
    .(AR5 . » AR5–AR3 . » » » AR3 ························································································································································ • AR5 ········································································································································································ • AR6 ························································································································································· • AR8 ··································································································································································· • AR10 ···················································································································································· • AR12 ·········································································································································································· • AR14 ··························································································································································· • AR15 ······································································································································································· • AR16 ···································································································································································· • • AR18 ················································································································································ • AR19 ········································································································································ •…
  • Page 61
    (AR51–AR50 .BS1362 BSI ASTA ASTA…
  • Page 62
    7 4 3 .(31 23 21 20 16 AR14 2 × • • 1 4 1 2 3 4 10 •…
  • Page 63
    .29 21 13 4 AR10 AR10 XL • • L • • M • • .33 32 18 AR11 AR10…
  • Page 64
    24 14 8 6 2 16 15 13 9 8 31 30 29 25 24 • • •…
  • Page 65
    25 19 9 1 • • .(24 8 Triticum monococcum Triticum spelta • (31 30 16 15 15-10 • Granary ® • • • • .AR36 • • 600-250 600-400 2 13 • • •…
  • Page 66
    • 55-50 — — 40-35 20-15 55-50 — — — — — — — — — — 55-45 — — — — — — — — — 55-50 45-40 20-15 — — — — — — — — — — —…
  • Page 67
    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 55-45 40-0 — — — — — —…
  • Page 68
    AR35-AR30 • • AR50 • • (AR14 240-230 AR12…
  • Page 69
    (.’1 AR10 9:00 6:30 9 9:30 • • AR13…
  • Page 70
    31 23 21 16 7 4 3 (21 4 (21 4 • AR14…
  • Page 71
    2, 3 (AR12 (AR54 AR15…
  • Page 72
    2, 3 (AR12 (AR31 AR16…
  • Page 73
    AR31 (AR55 AR17…
  • Page 74
    0.1 1 AR18…
  • Page 75
    24 27 (AR12 AR18 5 10 AR19…
  • Page 76
    24 27 (AR12 AR18 .(28 15-10 AR20…
  • Page 77
    AR43-AR38 (AR12 .(28 .AR14 AR21…
  • Page 78
    AR43 2, 3 (AR12 .(28 (AR54 AR22…
  • Page 79
    AR38 2, 3 (AR12 .(AR38 .(28 AR17 (AR55 15-10 AR23…
  • Page 80
    AR35 2, 4, 6 (AR12 AR24…
  • Page 81
    1:05–1:11 20-1 AR25…
  • Page 82
    AR47–AR44 • • AR26…
  • Page 83
    AR48 • • • 40-10 AR27…
  • Page 84
    AR49 • 40-10 AR28…
  • Page 85
    AR31 AR30 AR30 AR31 AR30 AR30 AR31 AR30 AR30 AR31 AR30 AR30 AR31 AR31 AR30 AR31 AR31 AR31 AR33 AR32 AR32 AR33 AR32 AR33 AR32 AR32 AR33 Granary AR32 AR32 ® AR33 AR32 AR32 AR33 AR32 AR32 AR33 AR33 AR33 AR33 AR34 AR34…
  • Page 86
    13-4 AR43-AR38 (AR14 • AR30…
  • Page 87
    • (AR14 • .AR16 • AR31…
  • Page 88
    13-5 • (AR14 • AR32…
  • Page 89
    Granary ® Granary ® Granary ® • (AR14 • AR33…
  • Page 90
    13-6 24 27 AR18 5 10 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 4 11 5 12 5 12 13-5 Granary ® 5 12 5 12 Granary ® AR34…
  • Page 91
    3 13 3 13 .AR15 .AR15 4 16 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 15 4 15 AR35…
  • Page 92
    AR47-44 • • • 1 • 100 • 2 • 2 • 1 • 1 • • 1 • 2 • 150 • 50 • 100 • 50 • • 2 • 50 • AR36…
  • Page 93
  • Page 94
    15-10 2 19 2 19 2 21 .AR23 3 22 3 22 AR38…
  • Page 95
    45 28 3 22 2 19 Granary ® 3 22 Granary ® 25-20 3 25 • 110-80 2 19 24 27 AR18 2 26 30-20 15-10 20-15 AR39…
  • Page 96
    2 19 45 28 2 24 • 10-8 15-12 2 20 15-10 • 110-80 3 23 20-15 15-12 • (AR14 AR40…
  • Page 97
    2 19 2 19 250 ** 2 19 10-8 • AR41…
  • Page 98
    2 19 20-15 • 2 30 20-15 20-15 20-15 • AR42…
  • Page 99
    45 28 1 29 1 • .AR22 2 • 2 • 2 • • • • 30-20 • 15-10 45 28 40-30 20-15 20-15 • AR43…
  • Page 100
    55 18 1 18 10-5 10-5 • • • (AR26 • AR44…
  • Page 101
    45 18 1 18 10-5 10-5 AR45…
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    1 18 10-5 1 18 10-5 1 18 10-5 AR46…
  • Page 103
    50 18 50 18 55 18 50 18 AR47…
  • Page 104
    1 32 1 32 1 32 1 32 1 32 1 32 1–2 1 32 1 32 AR48…
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    1 33 1 33 1000 20 1 1 33 1000 1 33 1 33 1000 1 33 AR49…
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    10-5 • • AR50…
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    • .AR54 • • AR51…
  • Page 108
    20-10 (AR12 20-10 20-10 AR52…
  • Page 109
    ADA29E165 20-10 AR53…
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    20-10 10-5 10-5 .AR48 AR54…
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    (AR14 H02–H01 .(U50 AR55…
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    × Manufacturer: Panasonic Taiwan Co., Ltd. 579, Yuan Shan Road, Chung–Ho District, New Taipei City, Taiwan * Importer: Panasonic Marketing Middle East & Africa FZE Jebel Ali Dubai United Arab Emirates * For GSO Member Countries http://www.panasonic.com © Panasonic Taiwan Co., Ltd. 2018…

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