Руководство для mitsubishi carisma

Body Repair Manual Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-1997 г.

Руководства на английском языке по кузовному ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-1997 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mitsibishi Motors
  • Год издания: 1995/1996
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 7,0 Mb

Electrical Wiring Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2003 г.

Сборник электросхем на английском языке автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2003 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mitsibishi Motorss Corp.
  • Год издания: 1995-2002
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 42,7 Mb

Workshop Manual Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2001 г.

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2001 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mitsibishi Motors
  • Год издания: 1995-2000
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 88,2 Mb

Workshop Manual Mitsubishi Carisma.

Руководство на английском, испанском и шведском языках по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma с 1995 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mitsibishi Motorss
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 604,5 Mb

Диагностика ЭСУД Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2000 г.

Руководство по диагностике ЭСУД «Mitsubishi MFI» автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2000 годов выпуска.

  • Автор: Александр Белов
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 13
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 4,9 Mb

Практическое руководство Mitsubishi Carisma с 1995 г.

Руководство по ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma с 1995 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: СверчокЪ
  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 320
  • Формат: JPG
  • Размер: 174,1 Mb

Руководство по ремонту Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2001 г.

Сборник руководств по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2001 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mitsibishi Motorss Corp.
  • Год издания: 1995-2000
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 44,5 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2004 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2004 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 768
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Устройство и диагностика ABS Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2000 г.

Руководство по диагностике системы ABS автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1996-2000 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 5
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 1,4 Mb

Устройство, ТО и ремонт Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2003 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2003 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,6/1,8 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 480
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Доп информация

  1. Руководства по ремонту
  2. Руководство по ремонту Митсубиси Каризма 1995-2004 г.в.

Руководство по ремонту Mitsubishi Carisma / Мицубиси Карисма

Общая информация об автомобиле.

Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2004

Mitsubishi Carisma — переднеприводной автомобиль среднего класса. Существуют кузовные версии: четырехдверный седан и пятидверный хэтчбек. Модель имеет сдержанный, но солидный дизайн. Интерьер выполнен в современном стиле с использованием высококачественных материалов и отличается плавными мягкими формами.

Для автомобиля такого класса салон весьма просторен. Сиденье водителя регулируется по длине, углу наклона спинки, высоте и наклону подушки. Тормоза на всех колесах дисковые, снабжены АБС. Автомобиль оснащается рядным 4-цилиндровым двигателем с рабочим объемом 1,6л и мощностью 90л.с.

В ближайшее время ожидается выпуск бензинового двигателя с прямым впрыском, предназначенного для модели Carisma.

Каризма выпускалась на голландском заводе NedCar в городе Born с 1995 года (на одном конвейере с Volvo S40/V40). Не смотря на то, что многие автоиздания называют Каризму долгожителем рынка, история машины очень скромна. Так же, как небогато разнообразие моделей. Следуя фирменной MMC классификации (6-9 символы ВИН-а), существует всего 5 «типов» Каризм: DA2A — 1.8 (включая двигатели GDI) DA4A — 1.9 TDI (турбодизель) DA5A — 1900 DIESEL (EURO3)

Все эти модификации имеют два типа кузова — седан и хэтчбэк DA6A — 1.3 Eco (только седан) Для сравнения (до 1997 года) Кольт/Лансер имеет 44 модели, а Галант — 25, но правда «эти ребята» выпускаются значительно дольше. Но вот количество модификаций внутри модельного ряда поражает воображение (это относится и к «родственному» Space Star). Ни один автомобиль Мицубиси не имел подобного набора кодов опций, вариантов комплектации и беспрерывных изменений в конструкции.

Очевидно, это связано с тем, что MMC очень хотелось продвинуть Каризму в Европе (увы, получилось только в России. Каризма 1.6 имеет 3505 модификаций, 1.8 — 4308! Для сравнения Галант 2.0 — 340, 2.5 — 278, Лансер 1.3 — 281, Спэйс Вагон 2.0 — 45 Из достижений Каризмы можно отметить почетное 5-ое место в рейтинге надежности ADAC в 2002 году среди автомобилей среднего класса (на рисунке приведено количество поломок на тысячу автомобилей).

Надо заметить, что нынешняя надежность Каризмы оставляет желать лучшего — в немецкой системе TUV за 2003 год автомобиль занимает 94 место (из 110) для новых автомобилей (7.7 поломок на тысячу автомобилей, правда, среди всех классов машин). Каризма за время своего существования имела 2 рестайлинга, которые описаны ниже (технические изменения смотрите в разделе «Характеристики»). Собственно, этим можно поставить точку в ее истории, поскольку с 2004 года она снята с производства Сравнительные стоимости гарантийного обслуживания.

↓ Комментарии ↓

1. Эксплуатация автомобиля

1.0 Эксплуатация автомобиля
1.1 Ключи
1.2 Места управления запиранием и отпиранием автомобиля
1.3 Электрические стеклоподъемники
1.4 Подъемно-сдвижной люк крыши
1.5 Сиденья
1.6 Контрольно-измерительные приборы и органы управления
1.7 Переключатель освещения, света фар и указателей поворота
1.8 Переключатель корректора света фар
1.9 Переключатель очистителя и омывателя ветрового стекла

2. Техническое обслуживание

2.0 Техническое обслуживание
2.1 Технические характеристики и данные
2.2 Общие сведения
2.3 Моторное масло
2.4 Замена моторного масла
2.5 Замена масляного фильтра
2.6 Рабочая жидкость для автоматической коробки передач (ATF)
2.7 Охлаждающая жидкость
2.8 Аккумуляторная батарея
2.9 Тормозная жидкость

3. Бензиновые двигатели 4G9

3.0 Бензиновые двигатели 4G9
3.1 Технические характеристики и данные
3.2 Изменения в двигателях 4G92 (модель 6В) с 1997 г.
3.3 Основные данные для регулировок и контроля на двигателях 4G92 (модель 6В)
3.4 Основные данные для регулировок и контроля
3.5 Проверка и регулировка натяжения ремня привода генератора
3.6 Изменения в двигателях 4G92-МР1 с 2001 г.
3.7 Смазочные материалы
3.8 Проверка и регулировка натяжения ремня привода насоса усилителя рулевого управленияя и компрессора кондиционера
3.9 Проверка и регулировка зазоров в приводе клапанов (SOHC)

4. Дизельные двигатели FBQT

4.0 Дизельные двигатели FBQT
4.1 Технические характеристики и данные
4.2 Смазочные материалы
4.3 Проверка и регулировка ремня привода вспомогательных агрегатов (автомобили с кондиционером)
4.4 Проверка и регулировка зазоров клапанов
4.5 Проверка и регулировка момента впрыска топлива
4.6 Проверка и регулировка частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя на холостом ходу
4.7 Проверка и регулировка повышенной частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя на холостом ходу при прогреве двигателя
4.8 Проверка компрессии
4.9 Регулировка натяжения ремня привода газораспределительного механизма

5. Дизельные двигатели F9Q

5.0 Дизельные двигатели F9Q
5.1 Технические характеристики и данные
5.2 Проверка и регулировка зазоров клапанов
5.3 Проверка частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя на холостом ходу
5.4 Проверка компрессии
5.5 Регулировка натяжения ремня привода газораспределительного механизма
5.6 Шкив коленчатого вала
5.7 Распределительный вал и сальник распределительного вала
5.8 Поддон картера двигателя
5.9 Сальники коленчатого вала

6. Система охлаждения

6.0 Система охлаждения
6.1 Технические характеристики и данные
6.2 Общие сведения
6.3 Проверка герметичности системы охлаждения
6.4 Проверка давления открытия клапана крышки радиатора
6.5 Замена охлаждающей жидкости
6.6 Термостат
6.7 Водяной насос
6.8 Шланги и труба системы охлаждения
6.9 Радиатор

7. Система распределенного впрыска (MPI)

7.0 Система распределенного впрыска (MPI)
7.1 Технические характеристики и данные
7.2 Общие сведения
7.3 Функция самодиагностики
7.4 Контрольная лампа индикации неисправности двигателя
7.5 Очистка корпуса дроссельного узла
7.6 Регулировка датчика-выключателя полностью закрытого положения дроссельной заслонки и датчика положения дроссельной заслонки (TPS) автомобилей без системы TCL
7.7 Регулировка датчика-выключателя полностью закрытого положения дроссельной заслонки и датчика положения педали акселератора автомобилей с системой TCL
7.8 Регулировка положения винта-упора рычага дроссельной заслонки (Fixed SAS)
7.9 Регулировка базовой частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя на холостом ходу

8. Система непосред-ственного впрыска топлива (GDI)

8.0 Система непосред-ственного впрыска топлива (GDI)
8.1 Технические данные и характеристики
8.2 Общие сведения
8.3 Контрольная лампа индикации неисправностей двигателя («CHECK ENGINE»)
8.4 Снятие давления в системе питания
8.5 Проверка работы топливного насоса низкого давления
8.6 Очистка корпуса дроссельного узла
8.7 Измерение низкого давления топлива между топливными насосами низкого и высокого давления
8.8 Измерение давления топлива на линии между топливным насосом высокого давления и форсунками
8.9 Проверка герметичности системы питания

9. Электрическое оборудование двигателя

9.0 Электрическое оборудование двигателя
9.1 Технические характеристики и данные
9.2 Общие сведения
9.3 Проверка падения выходного напряжения генератора
9.4 Проверка тока отдачи генератора
9.5 Проверка регулятора напряжения
9.6 Генератор
9.7 Стартер
9.8 Стартер с прямой передачей
9.9 Стартер с понижающей передачей

10. Сцепление

10.0 Сцепление
10.1 Технические характеристики и данные
10.2 Общие сведения
10.3 Проверка и регулировка педали сцепления
10.4 Удаление воздуха из гидравлического привода сцепления
10.5 Педаль сцепления
10.6 Проверка датчика выключения сцепления
10.7 Гидравлический привод сцепления автомобилей с бензиновыми двигателями
10.8 Гидравлический привод сцепления автомобилей с дизельными двигателями
10.9 Главный цилиндр гидравлического привода сцепления автомобилей с бензиновыми двигателями

11. Механическая коробка передач

11.0 Механическая коробка передач
11.1 Технические характеристики и данные
11.2 Общие сведения
11.3 Проверка уровня масла
11.4 Замена масла в коробке передач
11.5 Проверка работы механизма блокировки включения передачи заднего хода
11.6 Замена троса привода спидометра
11.7 Механизм переключения передач
11.8 Рычаг переключения передач
11.9 Разборка и сборка рычага переключения передач

12. Автоматическая корбка передач

12.0 Автоматическая корбка передач
12.1 Технические характеристики и данные
12.2 Общие сведения
12.3 Проверка уровня рабочей жидкости в коробке передач
12.4 Замена рабочей жидкости
12.5 Замена масляного фильтра
12.6 Проверка механизма блокировки стартера
12.7 Проверка механизма блокировки переключения режимов АКП
12.8 Регулировка троса селектора
12.9 Регулировка переключателя селектора и троса механизма управления

13. Рулевое управление

13.0 Рулевое управление
13.1 Технические характеристики и данные
13.2 Общие сведения
13.3 Проверка люфта рулевого колеса
13.4 Проверка момента, который необходимо приложить для начала вращения шарового шарнира наконечника рулевой тяги
13.5 Проверка усилия, которое необходимо приложить для поворота рулевого колеса на неподвижном автомобиле
13.6 Проверка самостоятельного возврата рулевого колеса в среднее положение
13.7 Замена жидкости
13.8 Удаление воздуха из гидравлической системы усилителя рулевого управления
13.9 Проверка давления, создаваемого насосом усилителя рулевого управления

14. Тормозная система

14.0 Тормозная система
14.1 Технические характеристики и данные
14.2 Общие сведения
14.3 Проверка и регулировка педали тормоза
14.4 Проверка выключателя стоп-сигналов
14.5 Проверка работоспособности вакуумного усилителя тормозов
14.6 Проверка работоспособности обратного клапана вакуумного усилителя тормозов
14.7 Проверка работоспособности регулятора давления задних тормозов
14.8 Проверка датчика уровня тормозной жидкости
14.9 Удаление воздуха из гидравлического привода тормозов

15. Передняя подвеска и валы привода колес

15.0 Передняя подвеска и валы привода колес
15.1 Технические характеристики и данные
15.2 Общие сведения
15.3 Ступица переднего колеса
15.4 Приводной вал
15.5 Ремонт приводных валов
15.6 Проверка и регулировка углов установки передних колес
15.7 Передняя стойка в сборе
15.8 Ремонт стойки передней подвески
15.9 Нижний рычаг передней подвески

16. Задняя подвеска

16.0 Задняя подвеска
16.1 Технические характеристики и данные
16.2 Общие сведения
16.3 Ступица заднего колеса
16.4 Проверка и регулировка углов установки задних колес
16.5 Корректирующий, верхний и нижний рычаги задней подвески
16.6 Замена втулки нижнего рычага
16.7 Продольный рычаг задней подвески
16.8 Задняя стойка
16.9 Ремонт задней стойки

17. Кузов

17.0 Кузов
17.1 Технические данные
17.2 Общие сведения
17.3 Ремонт незначительных повреждений кузова
17.4 Ремонт значительных повреждений кузова
17.5 Переднее крыло
17.6 Лючок наливной горловины топливного бака
17.7 Замена ветрового стекла и неподвижных стекол
17.8 Регулировка положения установки двери
17.9 Регулировка при возникновении неисправностей в механизме стеклоподъемника

18. Система кондициони-рования воздуха система

18.0 Система кондициони-рования воздуха система
18.1 Технические характеристики и данные
18.2 Общие сведения
18.3 Меры безопасности
18.4 Поиск и устранение неисправностей
18.5 Шумы, возникающие при работе компрессора кондиционера
18.6 Проверка уровня хладагента через смотровое окно
18.7 Проверка электромагнитной муфты компрессора кондиционера
18.8 Проверка ресивера / осушителя
18.9 Работа с трубками, шлангами и их соединениями

19. Электрооборудование автомобиля

19.0 Электрооборудование автомобиля
19.1 Технические характеристики и данные
19.2 Общие сведения
19.3 Электрические цепи
19.4 Аккумуляторная батарея
19.5 Выключатель зажигания и иммобилайзер
19.6 Метод регистрации идентификационного кода (ID)
19.7 Проверка датчика уровня топлива
19.8 Проверка датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости
19.9 Комбинация приборов

20. Электросхемы

20.0 Электросхемы

Руководство для ремонта Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2004 годов

Статьи и пошаговые инструкции по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту японских легковых автомобилей «Mitsubishi Carisma», выпускавшиеся с 1995 года по 2004 год. Данное руководство содержит в себе описание бензиновых двигателей объемом 1,6 литра (4G9), а также дизельных моторов объемом 1,9 литра (FBQT, SOHC) и 1,9 литра (F9Q, DOHC). Здесь же вы найдете информацию по снятию, установке и разборке других узлов и агрегатов автомобиля Мицубиси Каризма, таких как сцепление, коробка передач, рулевое управление, тормозная система, подвеска, электрическое оборудование и т.д.

Ссылка в разных форматах на этот раздел


Снятие 1. Слейте масло из коробки передач. 2. Снимите нижний защитный кожух. 3. Снимите воздушный фильтр в

1. Слив масла из коробки передач будет более быстрый и эффективный, если эту операцию проводить

1. Снимите декоративную накладку комбинации приборов и комбинацию приборов. Рис. 11.6. Расположение переходника троса спидометра:

Автомобили с коробками передач F5MR1 и F5MR2 Снятие Рис. 11.7. Механизм переключения передач коробки

Автомобили с 1995 года с коробками передач F5MR1 и F5MR2 Разборка Рис. 11.10. Рычаг

Коробка передач представляет собой очень сложный агрегат, и ее ремонт необходимо проводить в специализированной

Технические характеристики и данные

Выполните следующие операции по проверке. 1. Кольцо блокировки включения передачи заднего хода не вытягивается вверх.

1. Установите автомобиль на горизонтальной площадке, выверните пробку наливного отверстия и проверьте уровень масла. 2. Проверьте

Автомобили с коробками передач F5MR1 и F5MR2 Снятие Рис. 11.7. Механизм переключения передач коробки

  • Кузов и салон
  • Общая информация
  • Силовой агрегат
  • Трансмиссия
  • Шасси и ходовая часть
  • Электрооборудование

Данное руководство содержит информационные материалы по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобиля Mitsubishi Carisma (1995-2004). Вы найдете инструкции по снятию и установке различных узлов и агрегатов Mitsubishi Carisma, схемы электрооборудования, справочные данные и реккомендации по уходу.

Mitsubishi Carisma (Mark I) с бензиновыми двигателями: 4G92 SOHC 16V 1.6 л (1597 см³) 90-99-103 л.с./66-73-76 кВт, 4G93 16V SOHC/DOHC MSX/GDI 1.8 л (1834 см³) 116-122-125-140 л.с./85-90-92-103 кВт; Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту, технические характеристики, электросхемы, устройство, диагностика, особенности конструкции. Иллюстрированное практическое пособие легковой автомобиль малого класса Мицубиси Харизма (Каризма) с цельнометаллическими несущими кузовами пятидверный хэтчбек и четырёхдверный седан переднеприводные модели первого поколения выпуска с 1995 по 2004 год

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Видео Mitsubishi Carisma замена стоек передних амортизаторов и радиатора печки системы охлаждения (Мицубиси Харизма 95-04)

Mitsubishi Carisma общая информация (Мицубиси Харизма 1995-2004)

Стойка передней подвески
1. Снятие деталей производится в порядке номеров, указанных на рисунке «Снятие стойки передней подвески в сборе».
Снятие стойки передней подвески в сборе
2. Перед тем, как отвернуть болты крепления стойки передней подвески к поворотному кулаку, подвесьте нижний рычаг на проволоке.
1. Разборка производится в порядке номеров, указанных на рисунке «Разборка стойки передней подвески».
Разборка стойки передней подвески
2, При разборке обратите внимание на операцию по отворачивания контргайки,
а) С помощью специального инструмента сожмите пружину стойки.
— Установите рычаги стяжки так, чтобы их максимальная длина не превышала длины пружины.
— Не применяйте пневматический инструмент (ударный гайковерт) при затяжке болта стяжки.
б) Удерживая верхнюю чашку пружины с помощью ключа, отверните контргайку.
Внимание: не применяйте пневматический инструмент (ударный гайковерт).

1. Проверьте целостность и отсутствие повреждений резиновых элементов,
2. Проверьте пружину на отсутствие
деформаций и повреждений.
3. Убедитесь в отсутствии деформации амортизатора.
4. Проверьте амортизатор на отсутствие утечек.
5. Проверьте подшипник на отсутствие загрязнений и коррозии.

1. Сборка производится в порядке, обратном разборке,
2. При сборке обратите внимание на операцию по установке самоконтрящейся гайки.
а) Сожмите пружину при помощи стяжки и временно затяните самоконтрящуюся гайку.
б) Расположите отверстие верхней чашки пружины и отверстие нижней чашки пружины на одной линии.
Примечание: воспользуйтесь подходящей трубкой.
в) Корректно расположите края обоих витков пружины в канавках седел, затем ослабьте затяжку стяжки.
г) Используя ключ, затяните контргайку.
Примечание: не применяйте пневматический инструмент (ударный гайковерт) при затяжке контргайки.
Момент затяжки …………. 78 Нм

1. Установка деталей осуществляется в порядке, обратном снятию.
2. После завершения установки деталей выполните следующие операции.
а) Проверьте защитные чехлы шаровых шарниров.
б) Проверьте и при необходимости отрегулируйте углы установки передних колес.

Габаритные размеры Мицубиси Харизма рестайлинг (dimensions Mitsubishi Carisma 2001-2004)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) Mitsubishi Carisma седан (DA2A SRXCL6) 2002 с мотором 1.8 литра

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 4475
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1710
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1405
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2550
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 150
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1260
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 1750

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, 4G93
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 4-цилиндровый, рядный, 16V, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 81.0 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 89.0 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 1834 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Непосредственный впрыск топлива GDI
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 10.5:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 90 кВт (122 л.с.) при 5500 об/мин
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 174  Нм при 3750 об/мин

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type Гидротрансформатор с блокировкой/ Torque Converter
17 КПП / Transmission type F4A42 АКПП 4 Автоматическая, четырёхступенчатая, гидромеханическая

О Книге

  • Название: Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2003 Устройство, техническое обслуживание и ремонт
  • Бензиновые двигатели: 4G92 SOHC 16V 1.6 л (1597 см³) 90-99-103 л.с./66-73-76 кВт, 4G93 16V SOHC/DOHC MSX/GDI 1.8 л (1834 см³) 116-122-125-140 л.с./85-90-92-103 кВт
  • Выпуск с 1995 года
  • Серия: «Ремонт Автомобилей»
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «Ассоциация независимых издателей»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 481
  • Размер: 325.54 МБ
  • Язык: Русский
  • Количество электросхем: более 50

Mitsubishi Carisma 1995-2003 Устройство, техническое обслуживание и ремонт

Mitsubishi Carisma Owner's Manual

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  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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Related Manuals for Mitsubishi Carisma

Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Carisma

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents General information Locking and unlocking Seats and seat belts Instruments and controls Starting and driving For pleasant driving Vehicle care For emergencies Maintenance Specifications…

  • Page 2
    overview– Instruments and Controls EB21AMFf 1 — Combination headlamps, dipper and turn signal switch ! p. 4–12 Headlamp washer switch* ! p. 4–17 2 — Supplemental restraint system (for driver’s seat) ! p. 3–22 Horn switch ! p. 4–22 3 — Meter and gauges ! p. 4–2 4 — Windscreen wiper and washer switch ! p.
  • Page 3
    overview– Instruments and Controls 1 — Supplemental restraint system (for passenger’s seat) ! p. 3–22 2 — Hazard warning flasher switch ! p. 4–18 3 — Multi centre display ! p. 4–24 Digital clock ! p. 4–26 4 — Ventilators ! p. 6–29 5 — Combination headlamps, dipper and turn signal switch ! p.
  • Page 4
    Interior EB21BMDf 1 — Jack ! p. 8–4 2 — Rear shelf panel (Hatchback only) ! p. NO TAG 3 — Seat belts ! p. 3–11 Adjustable seat belt anchor (for front seats) ! p. 3–14 4 — Room lamp (for vehicles without sunroof) ! p.
  • Page 5
    Interior EB21BMEe 1 — Glove box ! p. 6–48 2 — Vanity mirror ! p. 6–45 3 — Sun visors ! p. 6–44 4 — Inside rear-view mirror ! p. 5–31 5 — Sunroof switch* ! p. 2–14 6 — Room lamp (for vehicles with sunroof) ! p. 4–22, 8–26, 8–37 7 — Spot lamp (for vehicles with sunroof) ! p.
  • Page 6
    Exterior EB21DMDd 1 — Engine compartment ! p. 10–14 Hatchback Bonnet ! p. 2–8 2 — Windscreen wiper ! p. 4–15 3 — Sunroof* ! p. 2–14 4 — Outside rear-view mirror ! p. 5–31 5 — Locking and unlocking ! p. 2–4 Keyless entry system* ! p.
  • Page 7
    Exterior EB21DMEc 1 — Engine compartment ! p. 10–14 Sedan Bonnet ! p. 2–8 2 — Windscreen wiper ! p. 4–15, 9–18 3 — Sunroof* ! p. 2–14 4 — Outside rear-view mirror ! p. 5–31 5 — Locking and unlocking ! p. 2–4 Keyless entry system* ! p.
  • Page 8: General Information

    EB24A-Ce to the attachment or installation of ac- cial. Only in the case of parts (MITSUBISHI Before fitting any accessories, please con- cessories, parts or other modifications original replacement or exchange parts as sult your authorized MITSUBISHI dealer.

  • Page 9
    If the allowable roof load is ex- out in accordance with MITSUBISHI guide- ceeded, this may cause damage B10A001a lines. to the vehicle.
  • Page 10: Genuine Parts

    Genuine Parts. check with the attendant to determine if ency maneuvers could lead to a At the MITSUBISHI dealer you can also get the roof carrier should be removed. loss of control and result in an acci- appropriate advice and the assembling of (3) Be sure that adequate clearance is dent.

  • Page 11: Driving And Alcohol

    GENERAL INFORMATION Used engine oils safety Driving and alcohol Safe driving techniques EB25A-Aa EB26A-Di instructions Driving under the influence of alcohol is one Driving safety and protection against injury EB12A-B of the most frequent causes of accidents. cannot be fully ensured. However, we rec- Your driving ability can even be seriously im- ommend that you pay extra attention to the WARNING…

  • Page 12
    GENERAL INFORMATION (5) Prevent children from playing in the lug- gage compartment. It is illegal to allow them to play there while the vehicle is moving. (6) When loading luggage, be careful not to load above the height of the seats. This is dangerous not only because the rear- ward vision will be obstructed, but also the luggage may be projected into the…
  • Page 13
    Locking and unlocking Keys ……..2–2 Electronic immobilizer (Anti-theft starting system)
  • Page 14: Locking And Unlocking

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Take care not to lose your keys or lock them Electronic immobilizer inside your vehicle. (Anti-theft starting system) To prevent your key number becoming EF11C-Vd known to others, it is stamped on removable The electronic immobilizer is designed to re- key number tag rather than on the key itself.

  • Page 15
    (1) In the following cases the vehicle may If you lose one of them, order a key from not be able to receive the registered ID your authorized MITSUBISHI dealer as code from the key. This means the en- soon as possible.
  • Page 16: Doors

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING F12A016a F12A163a F12A076a Doors Operation from inside the vehicle To lock the front door without a EF12A — Xe 1 — Lock 2 — Unlock Operation from outside the Press the inside lock button (1), and close the door (2).

  • Page 17: Keyless Entry System

    (3). to be replaced. Replace the battery at your authorized To lock MITSUBISHI dealer. Press the LOCK switch (1), and all doors and D The doors or boot lid (or tailgate) the boot lid (or tailgate) will be locked. When cannot be locked or unlocked.

  • Page 18: Child-Protection» Rear Doors

    (6) If you wish to add a remote control CAUTION switch, please contact your authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. A maximum of 4 When driving with a child in the rear remote control switches are available seat, please use the child protection for your vehicle.

  • Page 19: Central Door Locks

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Central door locks EF02BAM Locking or unlocking driver’s door with the key or operating the central door lock switch makes all doors and the boot lid (or tailgate) simultaneously locked or unlocked. NOTE Each of the rear doors can be locked or un- locked independently by using the inside F12B069a F12B125a…

  • Page 20: Bonnet

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING F12B078a F13A061a F13A143a Bonnet Central door lock switch Raise the bonnet while pressing the safety EF13A-Ej lock. 1 — Unlock To open 2 — Lock NOTE Pull the release lever towards you to unlock Only open the bonnet when the wipers are A- Vehicle equipped with manual window the bonnet.

  • Page 21
    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING CAUTION (1) Be careful that hands or fingers are not trapped when closing the bonnet. (2) Before driving, make sure that the bonnet is securely locked. An in- completely locked bonnet can suddenly open while driving. This can be extremely danger- F13A063a F13A064a ous.
  • Page 22: Boot Lid (Or Tailgate)

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Boot lid (or tailgate) EF15AAS WARNING It is dangerous to drive with the boot lid (or tailgate) open since carbon monoxide (CO) gas can enter the cabin. You cannot see or smell CO. It can F12B042a F15A168a cause unconsciousness and even death.

  • Page 23: Manual Window Control

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING F15A299a F15A298a F17B006a Manual window control* Operation from inside the vehicle NOTE Gas springs (B) are installed in the locations EF17B-Ac The boot lid (or tailgate) can be locked or un- illustrated in order to support the tailgate. 1 — To open locked by using the central door lock switch, Please observe the following in order to pre-…

  • Page 24: Electric Window Control

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING LHD, Type 1 RHD, Type 1 LHD, Type 2 F17A152a F17A153a F17A154a Electric window control* NOTE EF17A–Uf Once the battery cable is disconnected, or WARNING the fuse is replaced, it may happen that the The electric windows can only be operated door glasses cannot be operated normally with the ignition switch in the “ON”…

  • Page 25
    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING NOTE RHD, Type 2 (1) The door windows can be opened or closed even after the ignition switch is turned off for a 30–second period. If the driver’s door is opened during this period, the door window can be opened or closed for another 30 seconds.
  • Page 26: Sunroof

    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING Safety mechanism If a hand or head is trapped in a closing win- dow, the window glass will lower automati- cally. Please ensure that nobody puts their head or hand out the window when closing. The lowered window will become operational after a few seconds.

  • Page 27
    This allows the sunroof to close com- pletely. Therefore be especially care- thing is trapped, have the sunroof chec- WARNING ked at an authorized MITSUBISHI ful that no fingers are trapped in the sunroof. dealer. (1) Do not put head, hands or anything else out of the sunroof opening while driving the vehicle.
  • Page 28
    LOCKING AND UNLOCKING (6) Depending on the models of ski carriers or roof carriers, the sunroof may contact with the carrier when the sunroof is tilted up. Be careful when tilting up the sun- roof if such a ski carrier or a roof carrier is installed.
  • Page 29
    Seats and Seatbelts Seat adjustment ……3–2 Rear seat ……. . . 3–5 Head restraints .
  • Page 30: Seats And Seat Belts

    SEATS AND SEATBELTS Seat adjustment WARNING WARNING EG21A-Ud Adjust the driver’s seat so that you are com- (2) It is extremely dangerous to ride (3) To minimize the risk of personal in- fortable and that you can reach the pedals, in the luggage area (inside or out- jury in the event of a collision or steering wheel, switches etc.

  • Page 31
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS CAUTION (1) Make sure that the seat is ad- justed by an adult. If it is adjusted by a child, an unex- pected accident might occur. (2) Do not place a cushion or the like between your back and the seat- back while driving.
  • Page 32
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS WARNING To minimize the risk of personal injury in the event of a collision or sudden braking, the seatbacks should always be in almost upright position while the vehicle is in motion. The protec- tion provided by the seat belts may be reduced significantly when the seat- back is reclined.
  • Page 33: Rear Seat

    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G21E025a G02C064a G02C074a Rear seat Lumbar support adjustment Folding the seat (Hatchback) EG02CAJ EG02C–Za (driver’s side only) EG21E–L Folding the seatback forward Remove the rear shelf panel and rear head restraints. A lumbar support adjustment is located in The right and left seatbacks can be folded Refer to the description of “Rear shelf the seatback of the driver’s seat.

  • Page 34
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G02C026a G02C021a G02C065a Pull the band (between the seat NOTE Push the button to fold the seatback. After raising the seat cushion, lay the head cushion and seatback) to raise the restraints, removed from the rear seat, on the seat cushion.
  • Page 35: Head Restraints

    SEATS AND SEATBELTS Head restraints EG26AAP WARNING (1) The head restraints can only pro- tect you if they are correctly ad- justed. (2) A cushion or similar device should not be placed on the seat- G02C066a G26A075a back as it may increase the dis- tance between your head and the Anti-theft lock Height adjustment…

  • Page 36
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G26A054a G26A075a G26B021a Adjusting head restraint forward Removal of head restraints Confirm that the height adjusting knobs (A) EG26BBD or backward (Front seat only) are correctly adjusted as shown in the il- lustration, and also lift the head restraints to To remove the head restraints, lift the head Tilt the head restraint forward to adjust it for- ensure that they do not come out of the seat-…
  • Page 37: Armrest

    SEATS AND SEATBELTS CAUTION The head restraints for the front, rear outboard and rear centre seats differ in shape. When installing head restraints, make sure the front, rear outboard and rear centre head restraints are fitted in their respective seats. Failure to do so could cause serious G27A045a G27A044a…

  • Page 38: Heated Seats

    SEATS AND SEATBELTS CAUTION CAUTION (1) Switch off seat heaters when not (5) Turn the heater off immediately if in use. it appears to be malfunctioning during use. (2) Operate in the high position for quick heating. Once the seat is warm, set the heater to low to keep it warm.

  • Page 39: Seat Belts

    SEATS AND SEATBELTS Seat belts WARNING EG28ABQ To protect you and your passengers in the (4) Seat belts should always be worn event of an accident, it is the most important by every adult who drives or rides that the seat belts are worn correctly when in this vehicle, and by all children you drive.

  • Page 40
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS 3–point type seat belt (with CAUTION emergency locking mechanism) This type of belt requires no length adjust- (1) Never wear the lap portion of the belt across your abdomen. Dur- ment. Once worn, the belt adjusts itself to the movement of the wearer, but in the event of ing accidents it can press sharply against your abdomen and in-…
  • Page 41
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28A051a G28A111a G28A113a To unfasten Rear–centre three–point seat belt Pull the seat belt and fit tongue (A) into Hold the latch plate and push the button on the black buckle (C). The rear–centre three–point seat belt must the buckle.
  • Page 42
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS Seat belt with pre-tensioner mech- anism and force-limiter mechan- EG28H–M The driver’s seat and front passenger’s seat each have a seat belt equipped with a pre– tensioner mechanism. Pre–tensioner mechanism The pre–tensioner mechanisms will retract G28A112a G08C004a their respective seat belts instantaneously, thus maximizing the seat belt’s effective- Adjustable seat belt anchor…
  • Page 43: Child Restraint

    (2) If you need to scrap the vehicle, please consult an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. It is important WARNING to do so because unexpected ac- tivation of the pre–tensioner seat (1) When possible, put children in belts could cause injuries.

  • Page 44
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28G290a G28G436a G28G439a Caution for installing the child restraint on vehicle with front WARNING WARNING passenger air bag The label shown here is attached on ve- (1) Extreme Hazard ! (2) FRONT-FACING CHILD hicles with front passenger air bag. REAR-FACING CHILD RESTRAINTS should be used in…
  • Page 45
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS (3) Before purchasing a child seat or infant WARNING carrier, first try to install it in the rear seat to ensure it fits well. Due to the location (1) When installing a child restraint of the seat belt buckles in the seat system, refer to the instructions cushion, it may be difficult to securely in- provided by the manufacturer of…
  • Page 46
    E1–03301061 NOTE There is no applicable MITSUBISHI Genuine Parts to the Mass Group “0+–Up to 13 kg (0–2 years)”. MITSUBISHI MOTOR SALES Europe B.V. reserves the right to changes without any prior announcement. For detail information, please consult your authorized MITSUBISHI dealer.
  • Page 47
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G18C021a G18C054a G18C055a Installing a child restraint system Installation: To activate the ALR mode, slowly pull to a 3-point type seat belt the shoulder part of the belt all the way Place the child restraint system in the out until it stops, then let the belt feed (with emergency/automatic lock- rear seating position as shown in the…
  • Page 48
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS NOTE If the seat belt does not lock, rewind it fully, then perform step 2 to 7 again. WARNING (1) Before putting the child in the re- straint, be absolutely sure to make the conversion of the re- tractor from the ELR mode to the G18C056a ALR mode.
  • Page 49: Pregnant Women Restraint

    Children who have outgrown the child re- straint system should be seated in the rear WARNING seat and wear a combination lap shoulder belt. MITSUBISHI MOTOR SALES Europe The lap belt should be snug and positioned B.V. recommends that pregnant low on the abdomen so that it is below the women use the available seat belts.

  • Page 50: Supplemental Restraint System (Srs) — Air Bag

    (SRS) section contains im- EVEN WITH AN AIR BAG: ized MITSUBISHI dealer after any portant points concerning the driver, front (1) Seat belts help keep the driver collision. We recommend that seat…

  • Page 51
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS WARNING WARNING (3) Seat belts reduce the risk of being IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO BE thrown from your vehicle in a PROPERLY SEATED. collision or roll-over. A driver or front passenger too close to the steering wheel or instrument panel during air bag deployment can be killed or seriously injured.
  • Page 52
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28G176a G28G436a G28G439a WARNING WARNING WARNING (7) Infants and small children should REAR-FACING CHILD FRONT-FACING CHILD never be unrestrained, stand up STRAINTS must NOT be used in STRAINTS should be used in the against the instrument panel or the front passenger seat as it rear seat whenever possible;…
  • Page 53
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28G290a G28G063a G28L017a How the supplemental restraint NOTE 5 — Side air bag module* The label shown here is attached on ve- system works 6 — Side impact sensor* hicles with front passenger air bag. EG29B-Fa If this label is attached, never install the rear- The air bags will operate only when the igni- The SRS includes the following compo- facing child restraint on the front passenger’s…
  • Page 54
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS When the impact sensors detect an impact of sufficient frontal or side force, an auto- mated circuit ignites materials in the inflator to generate gas and inflate the air bags. The air bags deployment produces a sudden, loud noise, and releases some smoke and powder, but these conditions are not injuri- ous, and do not indicate a fire in the vehicle.
  • Page 55
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28L085d Deployment of front air bags The front air bags ARE DESIGNED TO DEPLOY when… The front air bags are designed to deploy The front air bags will deploy if the severity of Because frontal collisions can easily move when the vehicle suffers a moderate to se- the impact is above the designed threshold you out of position, it is important to always…
  • Page 56
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28L086d The front air bags MAY NOT DEPLOY when… With certain types of frontal collisions, the ve- 1 — Collision with a utility pole, tree or Because the front air bags do not protect the hicle’s body structure is designed to absorb other narrow object occupant in all types of frontal collisions, be the shock to help protect the occupants from…
  • Page 57
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28L087d The front air bags ARE DESIGNED NOT TO DEPLOY when… The front air bags are designed not to deploy 1 — Rear end collisions Because the front air bags do not protect the in conditions where they cannot typically pro- 2 — Side collisions occupant in al types of frontal collisions, be vide protection to the occupant.
  • Page 58
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28L088d The front air bags MAY DEPLOY when… The front air bags may deploy if the bottom 1 — Collision with an elevated median/is- Because the front air bags may deploy in of the vehicle suffers a moderate to severe land or curb certain types of unexpected impacts as impact (undercarriage damage).
  • Page 59
    MITSUBISHI dealer. (7) If the vehicle is involved in a frontal collision but the air bags are not inflated, have the air bag…
  • Page 60
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS Type 1 Type 2 G28L177a G28L016a G28L055a Deployment of side air bags The label shown here is attached to the seat- backs with a side air bag. The side air bags ARE DESIGNED TO DEPLOY when… The side air bag is designed to inflate only on The side air bags are designed to deploy the side of the vehicle that is impacted.
  • Page 61
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28L089d The side air bags MAY NOT DEPLOY when… With certain types of side collisions, the ve- 1 — Side impacts in an area away from the Because the side air bags do not protect the hicle’s body structure is designed to absorb passenger compartment occupant in all types of side collisions, be the shock to help protect the occupants from…
  • Page 62
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS G28L090d The side air bags ARE DESIGNED NOT TO DEPLOY when… The side air bags are designed not to deploy 1 — Head-on collisons Because the side air bags do not protect the in conditions where they cannot usually pro- 2 — Rear end collisions occupant in all types of side collisions, be vide protection to the occupant.
  • Page 63
    SEATS AND SEATBELTS WARNING WARNING (1) The side air bags are designed to (4) Do not place any objects near or supplement the driver and front in front of the seatback of either passenger seat belts in certain front seat. They could interfere side impacts.
  • Page 64
    A forward-facing child re- only be done by an authorized straint should be used in the rear MITSUBISHI dealer. Improper seat only, whenever possible. If a work could result in inadvertent…
  • Page 65
    MITSUBISHI have the SRS inspected by an nates while driving. dealer. Do not permit anyone else authorized MITSUBISHI dealer to to do service, inspection, main- ensure it is in proper working tenance or repair on any SRS order. components or wiring; similarly,…
  • Page 66
    SRS and refer that owner to the applicable section in this owner’s man- ual. (2) If you junk or scrap the vehicle, we urge you to first take the vehicle to an author- ized MITSUBISHI dealer so that the SRS can be rendered safe. 3–38…
  • Page 67
    Instruments and controls Instruments ……4–2 Speedometer ……4–2 Odometer/Tripmeter .
  • Page 68: Instruments And Controls

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 D01A231a D01A232a D03A082a Instruments Speedometer ED01AMKb ED03A-Ca 1 — Fuel gauge Type 1 The speedometer indicates the vehicle’s 2 — Speedometer speed in kilometres per hour (km/h). 3 — Tachometer* 4 — Water temperature gauge 5 — Tripmeter reset button 6 — Tripmeter 7 — Odometer…

  • Page 69: Odometer/Tripmeter

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 2 D03A083a D03F036a D03F055a Odometer/Tripmeter Type 2 Odometer The speedometer indicates the vehicle’s ED03FANb The odometer indicates the total distance speed in miles per hour (mph) and kilo- the vehicle has travelled. When the ignition switch is turned “ON”, the metres per hour (km/h).

  • Page 70: Tachometer

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS NOTE Type 1 (1) Display A and B each have a maximum distance of 999.9 mile (km). (2) When disconnecting the battery ter- minal for a long time, the memory of trip- meter display A and B are cleared, and the display returns to “0”.

  • Page 71: Water Temperature Gauge

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 2 Type 1 Type 2 D05A024a D06A035a D06A024a Water temperature gauge NOTE (1) The fuel lid mark (A) indicates the side ED06A — Ld where the fuel lid (fuel filler port) is lo- The water temperature gauge indicates the cated on the vehicle.

  • Page 72: Indication And Warning Lamps

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS D50A532d A: Petrol-powered vehicle B: Diesel-powered vehicle Indication and warning lamps ED50AMFe 1 — Turn — signal indication lamps/Hazard warning lamps 13 -Charge warning lamp 14 -TCL indication lamp* ! Page 5–34 2 — Automatic transmission indication lamp (vehicles with A/T only, “N”…

  • Page 73
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Turn-signal indication lamps — green Low fuel indication lamp — amber ED52A-Bb ED63AMEa These indication lamps blink on and off when a turn- The indication lamp comes on when the fuel tank is signal lamp is operating. getting low.
  • Page 74
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Rear fog lamp indication lamp — amber CAUTION ED74A-B (1) In the situations listed below, brake per- This lamp illuminates while the rear fog lamp is on. formance may be compromised, if brakes are applied suddenly; consequently, avoid driving at high speeds or applying the brakes suddenly.
  • Page 75
    “ON” position. If it does safe place and contact your nearest author- not go off after a few seconds, take the vehicle to an ized MITSUBISHI dealer. authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. Abnormality in the charging system…
  • Page 76
    During vehicle operation with the lamp il- ning, turn the engine off and contact your nearest luminated or flashing, the vehicle may not authorized MITSUBISHI dealer for inspection. accelerate when you depress the acceler- ator pedal. When the vehicle is stationary with the…
  • Page 77
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Diesel preheat indication lamp — amber (diesel-powered vehicles) ED58A-Ja The indication lamp illuminates when the ignition switch is in the “ON” position. As the glow plug be- comes hot, the lamp goes out and the engine can be started.
  • Page 78: Combination Headlamps, Dipper And Turn

    However, if water also illuminate. gathers inside the lamp, please go to an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer for a NOTE check. The high beams can also flash when the lamp switch is OFF.

  • Page 79: Headlamp Levelling Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS NOTE If the lamp flashes unusually quickly, the bulb in a turn–signal lamp may have burned out. Have the vehicle inspected by an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. E11D026a E01G011a Headlamp levelling switch Turn/lane-change signals EE11D-N EE01GMF The turn-signal lamps flash when the switch The angle of the headlamp beam varies is operated (with the ignition switch “ON”).

  • Page 80
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Switch position “0” “1” “2” “3” Load condition Occupant Full luggage loading Switch position 0 – Driver only/Driver + 1 front passenger Switch position 1 – All passengers Switch position 2 – All passengers + full luggage loading Switch position 3 –…
  • Page 81: Windscreen Wiper And Washer Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 1 Type 2 E13A127a E13A128a E13A037a Windscreen wiper and Type 2 On vehicles with the variable intermittent — Misting function. The wipers will op- type (Type 2), the intermittent intervals are washer switch adjustable from 3 to 12 seconds by turning EE13AIDc erate once.

  • Page 82: Rear Window Wiper And Washer Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 1 E13A139a E13A140a E13B017a Rear window wiper and Misting function Windscreen washer washer switch (Hatchback) Move the lever in the direction indicated by The washer fluid will be sprayed onto the EE13B — Rc the arrow, then release, and the wipers will windscreen by pulling the lever towards you.

  • Page 83: Headlamp Washer Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 2 E13B010a E13B011a E02A006a Headlamp washer switch* Rear window washer Type 2 EE02A–Hb — To operate the wiper The washer fluid will be sprayed onto the — Intermittent operation at interval of The headlamp washer can be operated with rear window while the button is being approximately 10 seconds the ignition switch “ON”…

  • Page 84: Hazard Warning Flasher Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS (6) If the washer is used in cold weather, the Precautions to observe when using washer fluid sprayed against the glass wipers and washers may freeze resulting in poor visibility. EE13C-L Heat the glass with the defroster or de- (1) If the moving wipers become blocked by mister before using the washer.

  • Page 85: Rear Window Demister Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 1 Type 2 CAUTION If the lamps are kept flashing for a long time, the battery will be dis- charged, resulting in hard engine starting or no start condition at all. I08B119a I17A061a Rear window demister switch EE17AAMb CAUTION The rear window demister switch can be op-…

  • Page 86: Front Fog Lamp Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS (2) In case of vehicles with Daytime Run- CAUTION ning Lamp, the front fog lamps can be operated even if the lamp switch is set (4) Do not allow objects to touch the to the “ ” (OFF) position, because the inside of the rear window glass, low beam of the headlamps, tail damaged or broken wires may re-…

  • Page 87: Rear Fog Lamp Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 1 Type 2 E08B026a E08B011a E15A028a Rear fog lamp switch Rheostat NOTE EE08BAIa (1) The rear fog lamp is automatically (meter illumination control) turned off when the headlamps and The rear fog lamp can be operated when the EE15A-Ma front fog lamps (if so equipped) turned headlamps or front fog lamps (if so…

  • Page 88: Horn Switch

    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS E23A001a E19A134a F19A037a Horn switch Room lamps Spot lamps* EE23A-Ac EE19AAZ 4 — The lamp goes out. 5 — The lamp illuminates. Vehicles without sunroof When the ignition switch is in the “ON” or “ACC” position, pressing the “ ”…

  • Page 89
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS F19A038a F19A039a Vehicles with sunroof Spot lamps 4 — The lamp goes out. Room lamp 5 — The lamp illuminates. 1 (OFF) — The lamp goes out. ) — The lamp illuminates when a NOTE door or the tailgate is opened If you leave the lamps on without running the and goes out when it is closed.
  • Page 90: Multi Centre Display

    (2) The figure of the display varies according to the conditions under E- Digital clock which a vehicle is travelling (road conditions, the manner in which F- DISP button (For vehicles with a MITSUBISHI genuine audio) the vehicle is being driven, etc.). G- Display brightness / display unit selection button Observe display for reference because the figure of the display may differ from the actual figure.

  • Page 91
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS D92K001a Outside temperature ED92K-Ab This value shows the outside temperature of the vehicle. If the outside temperature drops below about 3 _C, the alarm sounds and the outside tem- perature figure flashes for about 5 seconds. NOTE (1) The outside temperature can be dis- played from -40 _C to 70 _C.
  • Page 92: Digital Clock

    Digital clock EG15BAIe Following modes are available for clock adjustment: Auto mode (MITSUBISHI genuine audio only) MITSUBISHI genuine audio: The automatic adjustment mode can set the local time automatically “Auto mode” and “Manual mode” by using the signal from the local RDS stations. In this mode, “CT” (A) Non genuine audio: (Clock Time: sent with the RDS signal) is shown in the audio display.

  • Page 93
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS G15B083d Manual mode — To adjust the hour The manual adjustment mode is also available in case the “Auto — To adjust the minutes mode” shows the incorrect time when the adjacent local RDS stations SET- To reset the minutes to zero are located in a different time zone.
  • Page 94
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Display mode Type 1 Type 2 ED92G-Ed For vehicles with a MITSUBISHI genuine audio, average fuel consumption, driving range and average speed can be displayed besides average fuel consumption by push- ing the “DISP” button in the audio system.
  • Page 95
    Type 1 Type 2 D92I001a D92G002a D92G003a Average fuel consumption [Vehicles with MITSUBISHI genuine ED92I-Bc audio] This value shows the average fuel con- Push the “DISP” button for more than 2 sec- sumption (in L/100 km or mpg) since the dis- onds.
  • Page 96
    6 miles) levels. Then, the original item is ED92C-Cb ED92F-Db again displayed. For vehicles with MITSUBISHI genuine For vehicles with MITSUBISHI genuine (2) The driving range varies depending on audio, driving range can be displayed. audio, average speed can be displayed.
  • Page 97
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS Type 1 Type 2 D92G002a D92G003a D92J005a Display brightness adjustment / To reset the display, push the “DISP” button for about 2 seconds or more. Display unit selection ED92L-Ab Display brightness adjustment Press the “H” button while pressing the button (A) to activate the display brightness selection function.
  • Page 98
    (1) To cancel the brightness adjusting pro- cedure before completion, press the NOTE button (A). For vehicles without MITSUBISHI genuine (2) If the “SET” button is not pressed for audio system, only the unit of average fuel about 15 seconds or longer in the…
  • Page 99
    “M” button. The currently selected unit NOTE H- km will appear. (1) For vehicles without a MITSUBISHI M- mile genuine audio system, only the unit of Use the “H” or “M” button to select the fuel consumption can be changed to km desired fuel consumption unit, then or miles as you like.
  • Page 100
  • Page 101: Starting And Driving

    Starting and driving Running-in recommendations ….5–2 Fuel selection ……5–3 Filling the fuel tank .

  • Page 102
    STARTING AND DRIVING Running-in Vehicles with manual transmission Vehicles with automatic trans- km/h mission INVECS-II recommendations Speed limit Sport Mode 4A/T EA01AMKi km/h Drive Petrol-powered vehicle During the running-in period for the first Diesel- Drive range Speed limit range 1,000 km, it is advisable to drive your new powered 1800 1300…
  • Page 103: Fuel Selection

    STARTING AND DRIVING Fuel selection Filling the fuel tank EC20AMFe EC20DMA WARNING Petrol-powered vehicles Unleaded petrol Gasoline is highly flammable and ex- octane rating (DIN 51607) plosive. Recommended 95 RON or higher (Super) You could be burned or seriously in- fuel jured when handling it.

  • Page 104
    ”UNLEADED FUEL ONLY”. The vehicle also has a fuel tank filler tube especially designed to accept the smaller diameter unleaded petrol dispensing nozzles only. If the tank cap must be replaced, use only a MITSUBISHI original part specified for your vehicle. 5–4…
  • Page 105: Catalytic Converter

    STARTING AND DRIVING When the gun stops automatically, re- CAUTION move the gun half the way in the tank port. After the second automatic stop, Damage to the catalytic converter can do not fill with fuel any more. result if your vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition.

  • Page 106: Economical Driving

    Have an inspection most economical operation, have the vehicle made by your nearest authorized MIT- type of recommended in “Fuel usage” serviced by an authorized MITSUBISHI on page 5–3. SUBISHI dealer as soon as possible. dealer at regular intervals in accordance with…

  • Page 107: Trailer Towing

    A towing bar should be fitted by an speed. Even a slight release of the ac- ning. After the engine is started, com- authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. celerator pedal will save a significant mence driving as soon as possible. amount of fuel.

  • Page 108
    STARTING AND DRIVING NOTE Fitting of a towing bar requires specialized skills and equipment. Contact an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer for details. If you are going to tow a trailer, pay careful attention to the following points. Maximum towable weight with brake…
  • Page 109: Ignition Switch

    STARTING AND DRIVING (6) The heavier weight and higher rolling Vehicles with automatic transmission Vehicles with manual transmission and air resistance will increase fuel con- sumption. Additional precautions for vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission The “2” position (INVECS–II 4A/T) or 2nd gear (INVECS–II Sport Mode 4A/T) is re- commended on slopes or at low speed.

  • Page 110
    STARTING AND DRIVING (3) Your vehicle is equipped with an elec- Vehicles with automatic Vehicles with manual transmission tronic immobilizer, to start the engine, transmission the ID code which the transponder in- side the key sends must match the one registered to the immobilizer computer.
  • Page 111
    STARTING AND DRIVING NOTE CAUTION If the front wheels are turned, the anti-theft lock may sometimes make it difficult to turn (1) Do not remove the ignition key the key from “LOCK” to “ACC”. Firmly turn from the ignition switch while the steering wheel to the left or to the right as driving.
  • Page 112: Starting

    STARTING AND DRIVING NOTE Starting CAUTION After replacing the battery, the electronic EI02FAIh control system data for the engine, auto- Tips for starting (1) Never attempt to start the engine matic transmission, etc., will be erased. As a by pushing or pulling the vehicle. (1) Do not operate the starter motor con- result, the engine speed may become un- Especially in the automatic trans-…

  • Page 113
    This is not an abnormal condi- tion. The noise will disappear after a short time of engine running. If the ticking noise continues after the engine is warmed up, have your vehicle checked at an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. 5–13…
  • Page 114: Manual Transmission

    STARTING AND DRIVING NOTE Type 1 (1) If the engine is cold, the diesel preheat indication lamp is on for a longer time. (2) When the engine has not been started within about 5 seconds after the diesel preheat indication lamp will go out, re- turn the ignition key to the “LOCK”…

  • Page 115
    STARTING AND DRIVING Type 1 Type 2, LHD Type 2, RHD I29A015a I29A012a I29A010a Reverse gear (R) (Type 1): Lift the lock knob (A) under the gear lever knob with CAUTION two fingers, move the gear lever to the far left and then forward into reverse. (1) Do not move the gearshift lever Reverse (R) gear (Type 2): First move into reverse while the vehicle is…
  • Page 116: (Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System Ii)

    STARTING AND DRIVING Possible driving speed Changing gears Automatic transmission km/h EI03CMKg INVECS–II 4A/T, Sports Mode Petrol-powered vehicles Diesel- Always use care to change the gear with the Drive Drive 4A/T powered 1800 range vehicle speed matched to the engine speed. 1300 1600 vehicles…

  • Page 117
    STARTING AND DRIVING NOTE During running–in period or immediately after reconnection of the battery cable, there may be a case where gearshifts are not made smoothly. This does not indicate a faulty transmission. Gearshifts will become smooth after the transmission has been shifted several times by the electronic control system.
  • Page 118
    STARTING AND DRIVING WARNING (1) If the button is always depressed to operate the selector lever, the lever may be accidentally shifted into the “P”, “R”, “2”, or “L” posi- tion. Be sure not to depress the button (A) when performing the operations indicated by in the illustration.
  • Page 119
    If the “N” indicator lamp continues flash.) Identify and rectify the problem flashing or flashes intermittently, in accordance with the following pro- have your vehicle inspected by an cedure. authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. 5–19…
  • Page 120
    Move the lever to this position only after the Have your vehicle inspected by an would be lost. vehicle has come to a complete stop. authorized MITSUBISHI dealer as (2) On a slope gradient, the engine soon as possible. should be started in the “P”…
  • Page 121
    STARTING AND DRIVING 3 — THIRD/2 — SECOND (Except for vehicles with Sports mode) This position is for extra power when driving up moderately steep hills, and for engine braking when descending moderately steep gradients. L — LOW (Except for vehicles with Sports mode) I04J053a I04J020a…
  • Page 122
    STARTING AND DRIVING NOTE CAUTION (1) In sports mode, only the 4 forward gears can be selected. To reverse or park the (1) Upward shifts do not take place vehicle, move the selector lever to the automatically in sports mode. “R”…
  • Page 123: Operation Of The Automatic Transmission Invecs-Ii

    STARTING AND DRIVING Operation of the automatic CAUTION transmission INVECS-II EI04DLH (4) Operating the accelerator pedal while the other foot is resting on the brake pedal will affect braking CAUTION efficiency and may cause pre- maturewear of brake pads. (1) Before selecting a gear with the Do not race the engine with brake engine running and the vehicle pedal pressed.

  • Page 124
    STARTING AND DRIVING Possible driving speed Passing acceleration Uphill/downhill driving EI04F-O EI04O-Ia (Except for vehicles with Sports mode) For quick acceleration when passing, DRIVING UPHILL EI04IMLf depressing the accelerator pedal all the way The transmission may not upshift to a higher to the floor will cause the transmission to gear if the computer determines the current In order to avoid damaging the engine due…
  • Page 125: Parking Brake

    STARTING AND DRIVING Waiting Parking EI04G-Ee EI04H-Be For short waiting periods, such as at traffic To park the vehicle, first bring it to a complete lights, the vehicle can be left in gear and held stop, fully engage the parking brake and stationary with the service brake.

  • Page 126: Parking

    STARTING AND DRIVING Parking CAUTION EI22A-Al Parking on a slope Before driving, be sure that the park- ing brake is fully released and the Fully engage the parking brake, and then brake warning lamp is off. move the gearshift lever to 1st (on an uphill) If a vehicle is driven without releasing or reverse (on a downhill) position on manual the parking brake, the brake will be…

  • Page 127: Braking

    Have the vehicle serviced by an pecially when the brakes are wet, to con- a thick floor mat around the brake authorized MITSUBISHI dealer at regular firm they work normally. pedal; doing so could prevent the intervals according to the service booklet.

  • Page 128: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs)

    (3) Never install a limited slip differ- plates, or the vehicle is driven over slightly from when the brakes are not ential, which is not MITSUBISHI steps or level differences in the road, being applied. Genuine parts, as the ABS may…

  • Page 129
    MITSUBISHI dealer as soon pedal is depressed at that moment, a as possible. pulsating is felt. These sound and shock…
  • Page 130: Steering Wheel Height Adjustment

    STARTING AND DRIVING Rear WARNING (1) After adjusting to the desired height, check to be sure that the lever is locked. (2) Do not attempt to adjust the steer- ing wheel while you are driving the vehicle. (3) When releasing the tilt lock lever, move it to the release position (2) I24A052a G09A017a…

  • Page 131: Power Steering System

    STARTING AND DRIVING Power steering system EC13A-Ah When the engine is stopped, the power steering system will not function and it will re- quire greater manual effort to operate the steering wheel. Keep this in mind in particu- lar when towing the vehicle. Never turn off the engine while driving.

  • Page 132: Manual Remote-Controlled Outside Rear-View Mirrors

    STARTING AND DRIVING WARNING The sense of distance that you get from an object you see on the inner side of the mirror boundary line differs from the sense of distance that you get from an object you see on the outer side.

  • Page 133
    STARTING AND DRIVING WARNING (1) Do not attempt to adjust the rear– view mirror while driving. This can be dangerous. Always adjust the mirrors before driving. (2) Your vehicle is equipped with convex type mirror on the driver’s side. Please take into consider- I08B039a I08B044a ation that objects you see in the…
  • Page 134: Traction Control (Tcl)

    STARTING AND DRIVING Traction control (TCL)* Type 1 Type 2 EI26A–Mc On slippery surfaces, traction control (TCL) prevents the drive wheels (front wheels) from excessive spinning, thus helping the vehicle to start easily. SLIP control Slip control prevents the drive wheels (front wheels) from excessive spinning during I08B119a I08B185a…

  • Page 135
    (4) Never mix or use tyres of different size When the ignition switch is turned authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. since the TCL system could function in- “ON”, the TCL indication lamp illumi- correctly and make safe driving difficult.
  • Page 136: Auto-Speed (Cruise) Control

    STARTING AND DRIVING I10A126a I10A122a I10A046a Auto–speed (cruise) control* To activate When the main switch (A) is ON, the EI10AAM “CRUISE” indication lamp located in the in- Push the main switch (A) at the end of strument panel will illuminate. Auto–speed control is an automatic speed the auto–speed control lever.

  • Page 137
    STARTING AND DRIVING CAUTION (3) In the case of vehicles with a man- ual transmission, if while driving at the set speed, the shift lever is set to the “N” (Neutral) position without depressing the clutch pedal, the engine speed will in- crease excessively, and the en- gine may be damaged.
  • Page 138
    STARTING AND DRIVING I10A125a I10A128a I10A121a To reduce the set speed To accelerate for passing Brake pedal Use the brake pedal to reduce the vehicle’s There are 2 ways to reduce the set speed. Depress the accelerator pedal in the normal speed and, when the desired speed is re- way.
  • Page 139
    STARTING AND DRIVING (7) When the vehicle speed decreases to 40 km/h or less. WARNING Although the auto–speed control can be deactivated by moving the selec- tor lever to the “N” position, never move the selector lever to the “N” position while driving.
  • Page 140
  • Page 141
    For pleasant driving UKW/MW/LW electronic tuning radio with tape player* ……6–2 UKW/MW/LW electronic tuning radio with CD player*…
  • Page 142: For Pleasant Driving

    NOTE the audio equipment. In such a case, person. (1) The MITSUBISHI Genuine CD player or use the cellular phone at a place as far (5) The audio system’s control panel can CD autochanger can be connected to as possible from the audio equipment.

  • Page 143
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H11A323d To listen to the radio EH30B-Fb 1 — PWR (On-off) switch 2 — VOL (Volume control) knob 3 — U/M/L (UKW/MW/LW selection) button 4 — Audio adjust button 5 — AUDIO button 6 — TUNE/SEEK (Down-step/Down-seek) button 7 — TUNE/SEEK (Up-step/Up-seek) button 8 — Memory select buttons 9 — Frequency display window…
  • Page 144
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Press the PWR switch (1) to turn on How to adjust the tone the radio. Press the AUDIO button (5) to select BASS Press the PWR switch again to switch ³ TREBLE ³ FADER ³ BALANCE ³ it off.
  • Page 145
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING ding to the entry in the memory and the How to adjust the tune frequency are displayed. Manual tuning The preset memory setting is retrieved The frequency changes every time the by pressing the button and then re- TUNE/SEEK button (6 or 7) is pressed.
  • Page 146
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H11A344d Radio data system (RDS) EH30C-Ga 1 — PWR (On-off) switch RDS uses PI (program identification) signal emergency broadcast, and the limited/un- 2 — TP (Traffic program) button and AF (alternative frequency) list trans- limited reception of the regional programs. mitted in addition to the normal UKW broad- 3 — PTY (Program type) button casting programs, and picks up the UKW…
  • Page 147
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING AF (Alternative Frequencies) function To turn the function off, use the same pro- NEWS The AF function finds a station broadcasting cedure. AFFAIRS (Current affairs) the same program, and selects the station INFO (Information) with the strongest signal of AF lists. PI (Program Identification) search SPORT The AF function is tuned on (with the AF indi-…
  • Page 148
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING NOTE (1) If the TUNE/SEEK button (5 or 6) is pressed for more than 1 second, the radio will try to find out another broad- cast of the same program type as cur- rently selected. (2) If no station is found with your desired PTY, the display will show “EMPTy”…
  • Page 149
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Traffic information To change the language of PTY The radio will automatically tune in to traffic display information broadcasts while receiving UKW You can select your favourite language be- broadcasts, playing cassettes. tween English, French, German, Swedish, To select this function, follow the instructions Spanish and Italian.
  • Page 150
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING To turn the function on, use the same pro- cedure. Emergency broadcasts If an emergency broadcast is caught while receiving a UKW broadcast or playing back a cassette tape with the ignition switch in “ACC” or “ON” position, the display will show “ALARM”…
  • Page 151
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H11A325d To listen to a tape EH30D-Ac 1 — Cassette slot 2 — TAPE button 3 — Cassette eject button 4/5- PROG (Program selector, Fast-forward/Fast-rewind) buttons 6- MTL (Tape selector) button (Dolby noise reduction) button 8- Tape travel display window 9- TAPE indicator (Dolby noise reduction) indicator 11- MTL (Tape selector) indicator…
  • Page 152
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING After checking to be sure the tape in NOTE Fast forward Fast rewind Use this button only when listening to a metal the cassette is wound tightly, push a or chrome tape. cassette straight into the slot; the tape player will automatically start playing.
  • Page 153
    12 — CD indicator BISHI Genuine CD player or CD auto- 13 — TRACK indicator changer. 14 — RPT (Repeat-mode) indicator Consult an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer 15 — RDM (Random-mode) indicator for more details. Operate only when CD autochanger is equipped.
  • Page 154
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING To listen to a CD To find the start of a desired track To change the order of tracks played back (For CD player) Press the CD button (3) and the CD The start of each track on a disc can be mode will be selected, starting play- found by using the button (6 or 7).
  • Page 155: Ukw/Mw/Lw Electronic Tuning Radio With Cd Player

    (3) When a cellular phone is used inside A– Display window the vehicle, noise may be produced ized MITSUBISHI dealer. Never try to repair it by yourself. Avoid continuous B– Audio system from the audio equipment. This does…

  • Page 156
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H11A330d To listen to the radio EH30B-Fb 1 — PWR (On-off) switch 2 — VOL (Volume control) knob 3 — U/M/L (UKW/MW/LW selection) button 4 — Audio adjust button 5 — AUDIO button 6 — TUNE/SEEK (Down-step/Down-seek) button 7 — TUNE/SEEK (Up-step/Up-seek) button 8 — Memory select buttons 9 — Frequency display window…
  • Page 157
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Press the PWR switch (1) to turn on How to adjust the tone the radio. Press the AUDIO button (5) to select BASS Press the PWR switch again to switch ³ TREBLE ³ FADER ³ BALANCE ³ it off.
  • Page 158
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING ding to the entry in the memory and the How to adjust the tune frequency are displayed. Manual tuning The preset memory setting is retrieved The frequency changes every time the by pressing the button and then re- TUNE/SEEK button (6 or 7) is pressed.
  • Page 159
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H11A345d Radio data system (RDS) EH30C-Ga 1 — PWR (On-off) switch RDS uses PI (program identification) signal emergency broadcast, and the limited/un- 2 — TP (Traffic program) button and AF (alternative frequency) list trans- limited reception of the regional programs. mitted in addition to the normal UKW broad- 3 — PTY (Program type) button casting programs, and picks up the UKW…
  • Page 160
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING AF (Alternative Frequencies) function To turn the function off, use the same pro- NEWS The AF function finds a station broadcasting cedure. AFFAIRS (Current affairs) the same program, and selects the station INFO (Information) with the strongest signal of AF lists. PI (Program Identification) search SPORT The AF function is tuned on (with the AF indi-…
  • Page 161
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING NOTE (1) If the TUNE/SEEK button (5 or 6) is pressed for more than 1 second, the radio will try to find out another broad- cast of the same program type as cur- rently selected. (2) If no station is found with your desired PTY, the display will show “EMPTy”…
  • Page 162
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Traffic information To change the language of PTY The radio will automatically tune in to traffic display information broadcasts while receiving UKW You can select your favourite language be- broadcasts, playing cassettes. tween English, French, German, Swedish, To select this function, follow the instructions Spanish and Italian.
  • Page 163
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING To turn the function on, use the same pro- cedure. Emergency broadcasts If an emergency broadcast is caught while receiving a UKW broadcast or playing back a cassette tape with the ignition switch in “ACC” or “ON” position, the display will show “ALARM”…
  • Page 164
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H11A349d To listen to a CD EH30F-Ae 1 — PWR (On-off switch) Operate only when CD autochanger is 2 — U/M/L button equipped. 3 — CD (CD mode changeover) button 4 — Disc loading slot 5 — CD eject button 6 — DISC (Disc selection) button* (Track down) button (Track up) button…
  • Page 165
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING For information concerning the handl- To listen to a CD To find the start of a desired track ing of compact discs, refer to the sec- [With a CD player] The start of each track on a disc can be tion “Handling of compact discs”…
  • Page 166: Audio System Anti-Theft Feature

    To release, press the button again. (2) If you lose the control panel, contact an vent it from falling out.) The lamp (B) will start authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. flashing. 6–26…

  • Page 167
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Handling of cassette tapes CAUTION EH02B-Ad (6) Do not oil any part of the player CAUTION and do not insert any object other than tape cassettes into the slot, or the tape player may be dam- To maintain the cassette tape player aged.
  • Page 168
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING (4) When storing compact discs, always CD player laser warning store them in their individual cases. Use of controls or adjustments, or Never place compact discs in direct performance of procedures other than sunlight, or in any place where the tem- normal use, may result in hazardous perature or humidity is high.
  • Page 169: Roof Antenna

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Centre H11D094a H16A357a H16A180a Roof antenna Ventilators Air flow and direction EH11DAJa EH16AASc adjustments To remove the roof antenna, turn it counter- 1 — Centre ventilators 3 — Ventilator dial clockwise. 2 — Side ventilators 4 — Knob –…

  • Page 170: Heater/Manual Air Conditioning

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Side H16A063a H23A255a H23A254a Heater/Manual air Set the ventilator dial (3) to the open position. NOTE On an air conditioned vehicle, the cool air Air always flows out from the ventilator when conditioning* from the ventilators may appear as a mist. the blower is switched on.

  • Page 171
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING 2 — Blower speed selection dial 4 — Mode selection dial There are 4 blower speeds for control Main flow directions: of the amount of air flow. Adjust the blower speed by turning the blower speed selection dial clockwise (Face position) Air flows to the upper part of the or anticlockwise.
  • Page 172
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING 5 — Air selection switch Every time the switch is pressed, alter- ation is made between outside air introduction and inside air recircula- tion. When inside air is recirculated, the in- dicator lamp comes on. (Outside position) Outside air is introduced into the passenger compartment.
  • Page 173
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H03C076a H03C054a H03H024a Combination of unheated air and Demisting of the windscreen and heated air door windows EH03C-Qb EH03DAJg Set the mode selection dial to the position shown in the illustration and set the air selec- CAUTION tion switch (A) to the outside position.
  • Page 174
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H03H023a H03D113a H03D114a — To keep the windscreen and door — For quick demisting NOTE (1) To demist effectively, direct the air flow windows clear of mist, and to keep from the side ventilators towards the leg area heating (when driving in 1 — Set the air selection switch (A) to the door windows.
  • Page 175
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING H03E059a H03E041a H04F071a Introduction of outside air Cooling EH03E-Rc (Vehicles with air conditioning) EH04FAHe To introduce air into the vehicle during hot weather, set the air selection switch (A) to the Set the mode selection dial to the “ ” posi- outside position and set the temperature tion.
  • Page 176: Automatic Air Conditioning

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Automatic air conditioning* EH14A-U The air conditioning can only be operated while the engine is running. CAUTION When using the air conditioning, the idling speed may slightly increase as H04F078a H14A019a the air conditioning compressor is switched on/off automatically. Es- NOTE pecially for vehicles with an auto- (1) There is a photo sensor, atmosphere…

  • Page 177
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING NOTE Set the temperature, under normal operating conditions, at around 22. 3 — Set the mode selection dial to “AUT” position. 4 — Push the air conditioning switch to op- erate the air conditioning. When the air conditioning operates, the operation indicator lamp ( ) in the dial will…
  • Page 178
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING NOTE (1) The outside air temperature is usually displayed in the position (A). The set temperature is displayed for several seconds while the temperature control dial is operated. (2) If the outside temperature drops below about 3 _C, the alarm sounds and the outside temperature figure flashes for about 5 seconds.
  • Page 179
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING (Face position) Air flows to the upper part of the passenger compartment. (Foot/Face position) Air flows to the upper part of the passenger compartment, and the leg area. (Foot position) Air flows to the leg areas. H14D102a H04A013a (Foot/demister position) Air flow indicator (A) is displayed in the multi…
  • Page 180
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Normally, use outside position to keep the windscreen and side windows clear and quickly remove fog or frost from the wind- screen. If high cooling performance is desired, or if the outside air is dusty or otherwise contami- nated, use the recirculation position.
  • Page 181
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Demisting of the windscreen and door windows EH03DAVa CAUTION For safety, make sure you have a clear view through all windows. H14C081a H03D173a To remove frost or mist from the windscreen and door windows, use the mode selection Blower speed indicator (A) is displayed in the — To keep the windscreen and door dial (“…
  • Page 182
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING NOTE (1) While the mode selection dial is set to the “ ” position, the air conditioning will operate automatically and the out- side air position will also be selected automatically. This is done for opti- mum performance. (2) To demist effectively, direct the air flow from the side ventilators toward the door windows.
  • Page 183
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Important operation tips for air CAUTION conditioning EH04JABb When using the air conditioning, the (1) Park the vehicle in the shade. idling speed may slightly increase as Parking in the hot sun will make the ve- the air conditioning compressor is hicle interior extremely hot, and it will re- switched on/off automatically.
  • Page 184: Sun Visors

    If the air conditioning seems less effective than usual, the cause might be a refrigerant leak. Have the system inspected by your authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. The air conditioning system in your vehicle must be charged with the refrigerant HFC-134a and the lubricant SUN-PAG56.

  • Page 185: Vanity Mirror

    1 — Push all the way in. orized MITSUBISHI dealer. (4) Do not leave the cigarette lighter The lighter will automatically return to its orig- pushed in or insert the cigarette inal position with a “click”…

  • Page 186: Ashtray

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING CAUTION (6) When the cigarette lighter socket is used as a power source for an electric appliance, be sure that the electric appliance operates at 12 V and has an electric capacity of 120 W or less. In addition, long use of the electric appliance with- out running the engine may run G32A110a…

  • Page 187: Accessory Boxes

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING G14A026a G14A025a G14A148a Accessory boxes Centre accessory box EG14AMEb EG14AAP Various small articles can be kept in here. Push the lid centre (A) to open. 1 — Door pocket 2 — Sunglasses pocket 3 — Tray 4 — Centre accessory box 5 — Seat back pocket 6 — Armrest tray* 7 — Centre console box*…

  • Page 188
    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Type 1 Type 2 G14M013a G14B113a G14B114a Sunglasses pocket Glove box Type 2 EG14M-J EG14BAKa To lock Type 1 To open, pull the lever. To unlock To open, pull the lever. 1 — To open, pull the lever. NOTE If the box is opened when the headlamps turn on, the glove box lamp illuminates.
  • Page 189: Rear Shelf Panel (Hatchback)

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING G14C044a G34H066a G17B024a Rear shelf panel Centre console box with lid* Cup holder EG14CAC (Hatchback) EG34HAK To open the box, tilt the armrest backward EG17B — X The cup holder is located at the side of the and raise the lid.

  • Page 190: Installation Position For First-Aid Kit

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING Hatchback Sedan Sedan G37F076a G37F075a G37F084a Installation position for Sedan To approach to the securing bands for the first–aid kit first–aid kit (1), push the knob (2) to unlock EG37FAJ and then turn down the cover (3). Hatchback The trunk side trim is provided with the se- NOTE…

  • Page 191: Cargo Net

    FOR PLEASANT DRIVING G17E014a Cargo net* EG17E-P To use, attach the cargo net to the hooks as shown in the illustration. 6–51…

  • Page 192
  • Page 193: Vehicle Care

    Vehicle care Cleaning the inside of your vehicle ..7–2 Cleaning the outside of your vehicle ..7–3…

  • Page 194: Cleaning The Inside Of Your Vehicle

    NOTE corrosives; if in doubt, contact your author- Always read the instructions on the cleaner anything in a container to clean your ized MITSUBISHI dealer for assistance in label. vehicle, always follow the instructions the selection of these materials. and always open your vehicle doors or Plastic, vinyl leather, fabric and windows when you’re cleaning the in-…

  • Page 195: Cleaning The Outside Of Your Vehicle

    VEHICLE CARE (7) When the temperature of the vehicle in- Genuine leather* Upholstery EK27A-Ac terior rises in summer, vinyl products left EK25A-Aa on the genuine leather seat may de- Lightly wipe off with gauze or other soft To maintain the value of your new ve- teriorate and stick to the seat.

  • Page 196
    VEHICLE CARE Washing CAUTION CAUTION EK22ACCb Chemicals contained in the dirt and dust D When washing around the door (2) Refrain from using a car wash as picked up from the road surface can damage its brushes may scratch the paint glass, hold the nozzle at a dis- the paint coat and body of your vehicle if left surface, causing it to lose its…
  • Page 197
    MITSUBISHI Damaged paint Further, they are harmful to dealer before and after the cold weather sea-…
  • Page 198
    VEHICLE CARE Servicing of plastic parts Aluminium wheels* Window glass EK29AMEc EK35A-Af EK10A-Ca Use a sponge or chamois leather. A protective coating is provided over the alu- The window glass can normally be cleaned If a car wax adheres on a grey or black rough minium type wheels.
  • Page 199
    (benzine, thinner, etc.) is used. MITSUBISHI dealer every 12 months to have body sheet metal inspected for condi- tion, and it is recommended to have the un-…
  • Page 200
  • Page 201
    For emergencies If the vehicle breaks down ….8–2 Operation under adverse driving conditions 8–2 Tools and jack ……8–3 Jacking up the vehicle .
  • Page 202: For Emergencies

    FOR EMERGENCIES If the vehicle breaks down Operation under adverse WARNING EN40B-Bc driving conditions If the vehicle breaks down on the road, move EI43ABAa When attempting to rock your vehicle it to the shoulder and use the hazard warning If your vehicle is stuck: in sand, out of a stuck position, be sure that flashers.

  • Page 203: Tools And Jack

    FOR EMERGENCIES On a snow-covered or frozen road (1) When driving on a snow–covered or frozen road, it is recommended that you use snow tyres or tyre chains. Refer to the “Snow tyres” and “Tyre chains” sections. (2) Avoid high–speed operation, sudden acceleration, abrupt brake application and sharp cornering.

  • Page 204: Jacking Up The Vehicle

    FOR EMERGENCIES Jacking up the vehicle EN22ALEb Park the vehicle on a level and stable ground. Activate the hazard flashers and turn the ignition key to the “LOCK” position. Set the parking brake firmly, move the gearshift lever (manual transmission) to the 1st position or move the selector lever (automatic transmission) to the N21C026a…

  • Page 205
    FOR EMERGENCIES WARNING (1) Do not place the jack at any posi- tion other than the one specified. If the jack is placed at a wrong position, the body of the vehicle could be dented or the jack might fall over and cause personal in- jury.
  • Page 206: Spare Wheel

    FOR EMERGENCIES WARNING (1) Raise the vehicle so the tyre just clears the ground. It is dangerous to raise the vehicle any higher. (2) Never get under the vehicle while using the jack. Avoid jarring the raised vehicle or leaving it sup- ported on the jack for any long time.

  • Page 207
    FOR EMERGENCIES The spare wheel is stored beneath the floor Compact spare wheel* CAUTION board of the luggage compartment; to re- The compact spare tyre is designed to save move it, using the wheel nut wrench, remove space in the luggage compartment and its (3) The vehicle must not be driven at the bolt securing the spare wheel, and take lighter weight makes it easier to use if a flat…
  • Page 208: Wheel Covers

    FOR EMERGENCIES CAUTION (8) The compact spare tyre should not be used on any other wheels, nor should standard tyres, snow tyres, wheel covers or trim rings be used with the compact spare wheel. If such use is attempted, damage to these items or other car components may occur.

  • Page 209: If A Tyre Is Punctured

    FOR EMERGENCIES If a tyre is punctured EN24AIDd If a tyre must be changed due to a puncture, do so only after first following every precau- tion for safety: parking the vehicle in a place where it is not a traffic hazard or dangerous to you and your vehicle’s occupants, on a flat surface.

  • Page 210
    FOR EMERGENCIES NOTE (1) The chock shown in the illustration is not supplied with the vehicle. It is rec- ommended one be obtained and car- ried for use if required. (2) If a chock is not available, use a stone or any other object that is large enough to hold the wheel in position.
  • Page 211
    FOR EMERGENCIES Lower and remove the jack and stow the jack, bar, wheel nut wrench and flat tyre wheel. Have the flat tyre repaired as soon as possible. N24A206a N24A014a Place the spare wheel and then install Lower the vehicle slowly and then the wheel nuts with the tapered ends tighten the nuts diagonally in two or facing inward, then tighten by hand…
  • Page 212: Towing

    The regulations concerning towing may tyre, have the tyre checked for differ from country to country. It is recom- balance at your MITSUBISHI mended that you obey the regulations of the dealer. country where you are driving your vehicle.

  • Page 213
    FOR EMERGENCIES Front Rear CAUTION (1) As the engine is not running, the brake booster and power steer- ing pump do not operate. This means higher brake depression force and higher steering effort are required. Therefore vehicle operation is more difficult than usual.
  • Page 214
    FOR EMERGENCIES NOTE WARNING (1) Be sure the towing speed is within the legal limit. In addition, if the vehicle is Avoid sudden braking, sudden accel- equipped with an automatic transmis- eration and sharp turning; such op- sion, make sure that the towing speed eration could cause damage to the and distance given below are never towing hooks or the tow rope.
  • Page 215: Engine Overheating

    FOR EMERGENCIES Towing with front wheels off the Towing the vehicle by a tow truck Engine overheating ground (Type D) EN26A — Ub Release the parking brake. Place the gear- If the water temperature gauge indication re- CAUTION shift lever (manual transmission) or the se- mains in the overheating zone for a long lector lever (automatic transmission) in the time, the engine may be overheating.

  • Page 216
    (2) Be careful of hot steam which fan is not turning, stop the engine immediate- could be blowing off the reserve ly and contact an authorized MITSUBISHI tank cap. dealer for assistance. (3) Do not attempt to remove the radi- ator cap while the engine is hot.
  • Page 217: Emergency Starting

    MITSUBISHI dealer. Get the vehicles close enough so the Add coolant to the radiator and/or re- jumper cables can reach, but be sure…

  • Page 218
    FOR EMERGENCIES Petrol-powered vehicles (1300 models) CAUTION WARNING Check the other vehicle. It must have If electrolyte fluid is not visible, or ap- a 12-volt battery. pears to be frozen, do not attempt If the other system isn’t 12-volt, short- jump starting! ing can damage both vehicles.
  • Page 219
    FOR EMERGENCIES Petrol-powered vehicles (1600 models) Petrol-powered vehicles (1800 models) Diesel-powered vehicles N28A196a N28A197a N28A198a WARNING WARNING CAUTION (1) Be sure to observe the connect- (4) When connecting the jumper (1) Use care not to get the jumper ing sequence of 1 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ 4. cable to the (-) terminal especially cable caught in the cooling fan or in the 1800 models, do not touch…
  • Page 220
    FOR EMERGENCIES NOTE CAUTION WARNING On a vehicle with an anti-lock brake system, if the vehicle is put in motion without fully (5) Electrolyte is corrosive diluted Keep the engine of the vehicle giving charging the battery it might cause the loss sulphuric acid.
  • Page 221: Bleeding The Fuel System (Diesel-Powered Vehicles Only)

    If in doubt, consult your nearest autho- hausted during travel. rized MITSUBISHI dealer. Place a drainage tray under the filter. Undo the four clips on the air cleaner Connect a hose to the drain plug (A) CAUTION and push the cover (B) aside.

  • Page 222: What To Do If The Engine Speed Becomes Unstable After The Battery Is Replaced

    10 minutes. When the engine speed stabilizes, the resetting procedure is complete. NOTE If the engine speed remains unstable after the resetting procedure has been per- formed, have the vehicle inspected by an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. 8–22…

  • Page 223
    FOR EMERGENCIES Sym- Name Capacity Cigarette lighter 15 A Electric remote-con- trolled outside rear-view mirrors Supplemental restraint 10 A system (SRS) Relay 15 A N09A031a N29B071a Rear fog lamp 15 A Fuse load capacity In the engine compartment, the fuse box is Windscreen wiper 20 A EN29BMKd…
  • Page 224
    FOR EMERGENCIES Some fuses may not be installed on Sym- Name Capacity your vehicle, depending on the vehicle model or specifications. Air conditioning conden- 25 A* ser fan 30 A The table above shows the main equip- ment corresponding to each fuse. Room lamps 10 A Central door locks…
  • Page 225: Changing A Fuse

    If it is not blown, something Remove the fuse box cover. else must be causing the problem; Referring to the fuse load capacity contact an authorized MITSUBISHI table, check the fuse pertaining to the dealer to have the problem checked. problem.

  • Page 226: Replacement Of Lamp Bulbs

    FOR EMERGENCIES Replacement of lamp bulbs EN10A-Ab Before replacing a bulb, ensure the lamp is off. Do not touch the glass part of the new bulb with your bare fingers; the skin oil left on the glass will evaporate when the bulb gets hot and the vapor will condense on the re- flector and dim the surface.

  • Page 227
    FOR EMERGENCIES Hatchback Sedan N10B173a N10B171a N10C046a Headlamps and position lamps 6- Rear turn — signal lamps EN10CAHd ….21W (PY21W) 7- Reversing lamps .
  • Page 228
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10C123a N10C086a N10C048a Headlamps Position lamps CAUTION Unhook the spring which secures the bulb, Remove the lamp socket by turning it and then remove the bulb. anticlockwise, then pull out the bulb from the Never hold the halogen lamp bulb socket.
  • Page 229
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10F055a N10F054a N10F048a Front turn–signal lamps Diesel–powered vehicles Turn the bulb socket anticlockwise to (left side) remove it. And remove the bulb from Petrol–powered vehicles, the socket by turning anticlockwise Remove the cover. Diesel–powered vehicles (right side) while pressing it inward. EN10FANc Turn the bulb socket anticlockwise to re- move.
  • Page 230
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10E002a N10X035a N10X036a Side turn — signal lamps Front fog lamps* Remove bolts (1) and (2) with a screwdriver, EN10E-Gd EN10X — Oc and pull the lamp body towards you. Insert a straight blade (or minus) screwdriver Remove the cover mounting screw. NOTE at the edge of the lens, remove the socket Do not turn the aiming adjusting bolt (3).
  • Page 231
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10X039a N10X037a N10X038a Remove the connector secured at the Undo the lamp cover while pressing on the Unhook the spring which secures the bulb bracket. lugs, then disconnect the connector. and then remove the bulb. 8–31…
  • Page 232
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10X079a N10I088a N10I047a Rear combination lamps Sedan EN10IAJa Turn and remove the knob (1) and then turn CAUTION down the cover. Hatchback Remove the lid. Never hold the halogen lamp bulb Turn the bulb socket anti-clockwise to re- with a bare hand, dirty glove, etc.
  • Page 233
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10I089a N10K020a N10K021a Rear lid lamp Turn the bulb socket anti-clockwise to re- EN10K — Pc move it. And remove the bulb from the socket by turning it anticlockwise while pres- Hatchback sing it inward. Remove the cover with a screwdriver. Turn the bulb socket anti-clockwise to remove it.
  • Page 234
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10K022a N10K025a N10K023a Sedan Turn the bulb socket anti-clockwise to re- Remove the clips and then turn down the move it. And remove the bulb from the cover. socket by turning it anti-clockwise while pres- sing it inward. 1 — Reversing lamp 2 — Rear fog lamp 8–34…
  • Page 235
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10K024a N10V011a N10V012a High–mounted stop lamp Undo bolts (A), remove the lamp body, and EN10V — Qb disconnect the connector. Hatchback Place the groove of clip top as shown, then remove the cover. 8–35…
  • Page 236
    FOR EMERGENCIES N10V013a N10V021a N10J009a Sedan Licence plate lamps Undo screws (B) and take the bulb out of its EN10J — Cb socket. Place the grove of clip top as shown, then re- Remove the lens mounting screws, remove move the cover. the lens, then remove the bulb by pulling out.
  • Page 237
    FOR EMERGENCIES Vehicles without sunroof Vehicles with sunroof Vehicles without sunroof N10M049a N10M013a N10R002a Room lamps Spot lamps* EN10M–Ac EN10R–K Insert a straight blade (or minus) screwdriver Insert a straight blade (or minus) screwdriver into the notch of the lamp assembly and pry into the notch of the lamp assembly and pry gently to remove the lens.
  • Page 238
    FOR EMERGENCIES Vehicles with sunroof Hatchback Sedan N10M013a N10O006a N10O010a Luggage compartment lamp EN10O-Ac Insert a straight blade (or minus) screwdriver into the notch of the lens and pry gently to re- move the lens. Remove the bulb from the lamp holder. NOTE Wrap a piece of cloth around the straight blade (or minus) screwdriver in order to…
  • Page 239
    Maintenance Engine oil ……. . 9–2 Automatic transmission fluid* ….9–4 Engine coolant .
  • Page 240: Maintenance

    In the event a malfunction or other M03A088a battery. The fumes are flammable. problem is discovered, have it corrected by Engine oil an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. This sec- (5) Be extremely cautious when tion contains information on inspection main- working around the battery. It EM03A–Id…

  • Page 241
    MAINTENANCE Petrol-powered vehicles (1600, 1800 models) Diesel-powered vehicle Petrol-powered vehicles M03A027a M03A090a M03B037a Selection of engine oil This check must be carried out with the ve- Use only the recommended oils with an API hicle on a flat level surface with the engine at or ACEA classification as specified in this (petrol-powered vehicle) normal operating temperature, but NOT run-…
  • Page 242: Automatic Transmission Fluid

    MAINTENANCE Type 1 Type 2 M03B029a M03B030a M05A069a Automatic transmission fluid* Selection of engine oil EM05AAH (diesel-powered vehicles) EM03BAKe The proper amount of automatic trans- (1) Select engine oil of the proper SAE vis- mission fluid is essential to the life and oper- ation of the automatic transmission.

  • Page 243: Engine Coolant

    If this occurs, have the sys- WARNING The coolant system is under pressure tem checked at an authorized MITSUBISHI and any hot coolant escaping could dealer as soon as possible. Do not spill the fluid onto a hot ex- cause severe burns.

  • Page 244
    MAINTENANCE During cold weather Anti–freeze CAUTION If the temperatures in your area drop below The engine coolant contains an ethylene freezing, there is the danger that the coolant glycol anti–corrosion agent. The cylinder (1) Do not use alcohol or methanol in the engine or radiator could freeze and head and water pump housing are cast alu- anti–freeze or any engine cool-…
  • Page 245: Battery

    NOTE It is recommended that you have the battery (1) After replacing the battery, the electronic checked by an authorized MITSUBISHI M37B003a control system data for the engine, auto- dealer before the start of cold weather and, matic transmission, etc., will be erased.

  • Page 246: Brake Fluid

    If this occurs, have the vehicle checked by tightness. the ignition switch in the “ON” an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. (3) When the vehicle is to be left unused for position; doing so could damage a long period of time, remove the battery the vehicle’s electrical compo-…

  • Page 247: Power Steering Fluid

    MAINTENANCE Use brake fluid conforming to DOT3 or Petrol-powered vehicles Diesel-powered vehicles DOT4. The brake fluid is hygroscopic. Too much moisture in the brake fluid will adverse- ly affect the brake system, reducing the brake performance. In addition, the brake fluid reservoir is equipped with a special cap to prevent the entrance of air, and this cap should not be re- moved.

  • Page 248: Clutch Fluid

    “Brake fluid”. A rapid fluid loss indicates a leak in the anti–freezing agent. clutch system which should be inspected by your authorized MITSUBISHI dealer and repaired immediately. 9–10…

  • Page 249: Wheel Condition

    MAINTENANCE Be sure that the wheel nuts are tightened correctly. Refer to the section entitled “For emergencies” for information concerning re- placement of the tyres. NOTE The mark and the location of the tyre tread wear indicators are different depending on tyre manufacturers.

  • Page 250: Tyre Inflation Pressure

    MAINTENANCE Tyre inflation pressure EM13AMKf Normal loading with up to 3 persons Fully loaded Above Item Item Tyre size Tyre size 160 km/h Front Rear Front Rear 2.0, 2.3 2.2, 2.3 175/65R15 2.2 (220) 2.3 (230) + 0.4 (40) (200, 230 (220, 230 2.0, 2.3 2.2, 2.3…

  • Page 251: Tyre Rotation

    Consult your driver’s driving habits. To equalize the fitted temporarily in place of a tyre authorized MITSUBISHI dealer to deter- wear and help extend tyre life, it is recom- that has been removed during the mine the cause of irregular tread wear.

  • Page 252: Snow Tyres

    MAINTENANCE Snow tyres CAUTION EL12AMDe Front The use of snow tyres is recommended for (3) Avoid the combined use of differ- driving on snow and ice. To preserve driving ent types of tyres and disk stability, mount snow tyres of the same size wheels.

  • Page 253: Tyre Chains

    Before fitting tyre chains, please the chains. consult your authorized MITSUBISHI (3) Do not fit chains before you need dealer. The max chain height is as follows. them. This will wear out your tyres and the road surface.

  • Page 254: Fuel, Engine Coolant, Oil And Exhaust Gas Leakage

    When fitting a tyre chain on an If the fuses and bulbs are all OK, take the ve- aluminium wheel, take care that hicle to an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer WARNING any part of the chain and fitting for inspection and repair.

  • Page 255: Clutch Pedal Free Play

    If the brake pedal free play is not within the 5 to 7 notches justed at an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. standard range, have the brake pedal ad- (Parking brake adjustment when pulled justed at an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer.

  • Page 256: Hinges And Latches Lubrication

    MAINTENANCE Hinges and latches Wiper blades EL05A-Fb lubrication If the blades are frozen to the window glass, EM21A-A do not operate the wipers until the ice has Check all latches and hinges, and lubricate melted and the blades are freed, otherwise if necessary by first cleaning and then apply- the wiper motor may be damaged.

  • Page 257: Ventilation Slots

    MAINTENANCE Ventilation slots EL06A-A The ventilation slots in front of the wind- screen should be brushed clear after a heavy snowfall so that the operation of the heating and ventilation systems will not be impaired. Weatherstripping EL10A-Aa L05A002a L05A003a To prevent freezing of the weatherstripping on the doors, bonnet, etc., they should be Attach retainers (C) to a new wiper Push the wiper blade until the hook (B)

  • Page 258
  • Page 259
    Specifications Chassis number ……10–2 Engine number ……10–2 Vehicle information code plate .
  • Page 260: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Petrol-powered vehicles (1300 models) Petrol-powered vehicles (1600, 1800 models) B02A005a B02B074a B02B062a Chassis number Engine number EB02A-E EB02B-Ab The chassis number is stamped on the bulk- The engine number is stamped on the en- head as shown in the illustration. gine cylinder block as shown in the illustra- tion.

  • Page 261: Vehicle Information Code Plate

    SPECIFICATIONS Diesel-powered vehicles B02B063a C21A012a B02C008a Vehicle information code 1 — Model code 2 — Engine model code plate 3 — Transmission model code EB02C-Ad 4 — Body colour code The vehicle information code plate is riveted 5 — Interior code as shown in the illustration.

  • Page 262
    SPECIFICATIONS A: Hatchback B: Sedan P01A044u 10–4…
  • Page 263: Dimensions

    SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions EP01BMDb Petrol–powered vehicle Item Diesel–powered vehicle hi l 1300 1600 1800 (GDI) Front track 1,475 mm Overall width 1,710 mm Front overhang 905 mm Wheel base 2,550 mm Rear overhang 1,020 mm Overall length 4,475 mm 155 mm, 170 mm* 150 mm, 165 mm* 145 mm, 160 mm* Ground clearance (unladen)

  • Page 264: Weights (Sedan)

    SPECIFICATIONS Weights EP01DMDe Sedan Petrol-powered vehicle 1300 1600 1800 (GDI) Item COM- CLASSIC, COMFORT, COMFORT, CLASSIC, SPORT, FORT, EXE–CLASSIC EXE–COMFORT EXE–COMFORT EXE– EXE– EXE– CLASSIC COMFORT 1,215 Without optional parts 1,170 1,175 1,180 1,210 1,185 1,185 1,215 1,235 1,215 1,235* Kerb weight (kg) ( g) With full optional parts…

  • Page 265: Weights (Hatchback)

    SPECIFICATIONS Weights Sedan Diesel-powered vehicle Medium performance High performance Item CLASSIC EXE–CLASSIC CLASSIC, EXE–CLASSIC COMFORT EXE–COMFORT SAM COMFORT, EXE–COMFORT, SAM EXE–COMFORT EXE–COMFORT Without optional parts 1,260 1,265 1,285 Kerb weight (kg) Kerb weight (kg) With full optional parts 1,330 1,340 1,340 1,765 1,775…

  • Page 266
    SPECIFICATIONS Weights Hatchback Petrol-powered vehicle 1600 1800 (GDI) COMFORT, Item CLASSIC, COMFORT, EXE–COMFORT, ELEGANCE SPORT, EXE–CLASSIC EXE–COMFORT SPORT, SAM Without optional parts 1,200 1,230 1,205 1,235 1,205 1,235 1,255 1,260 1,280 Kerb weight (kg) Kerb weight (kg) With full optional parts 1,270 1,300 1,280…
  • Page 267
    SPECIFICATIONS Weights Hatchback Diesel-powered vehicle Medium performance High performance Item COMFORT, CLASSIC, EXE–COMFORT, EXE–COMFORT EXE–COMFORT, ELEGANCE ELEGANCE EXE–CLASSIC SPORT Without optional parts 1,280 1,285 1,305 1,310 1,305 Kerb weight (kg) Kerb weight (kg) With full optional parts 1,350 1,360 1,360 1,365 1,360 1,785…
  • Page 268: Engine

    SPECIFICATIONS Engine EP01EMDb Petrol-powered vehicle Diesel-powered vehicle Item Medium performance High performance 1300 1600 1800 (GDI) 1300 1600 1800 (GDI) engine engine Four-cylinder, in line water- Four-cylinder, in line water-cooled, four-cycle Four-cylinder, in line water-cooled, four-cycle Engine type cooled, four-cycle double single overhead camshaft single overhead camshaft overhead camshaft…

  • Page 269: Electrical System

    SPECIFICATIONS Electrical system EP01GMDb Petrol-powered vehicle Diesel-powered vehicle Item Item 1300 1600 1800 (GDI) 1900 Voltage 56216 56638 Type Battery Battery 57217 57217 (DIN) 55530 Alternator capacity 100A 125A BKR6E-11 IZFR6B DENSO K20PR-U11 – Spark plug Spark plug – CHAMPION RC8YC4 –…

  • Page 270: Other Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Other specifications EP01IMDb Petrol-powered vehicle Item Item Diesel powered vehicle Diesel-powered vehicle 1300, 1600 1800 (GDI) Fuel control Multi-point injection Gasoline direct injection Injection Fuel system Electric motor and Fuel pump Electric motor type Common rail type Mechanical single plunger type Clutch Dry single disc clutch with diaphragm spring, hydraulic action Steering system…

  • Page 271: Fuel Consumption

    SPECIFICATIONS Fuel consumption EQ01AMKf Combined Urban conditions Extra-urban conditions Model Fuel consumption Fuel consumption Fuel consumption (g/km) (L/100km) (L/100km) (L/100km) Standard 1300 1300 Full option Standard 10.0 Full option 10.1 1600 1600 Standard 11.5 Full option 11.5 Standard Full option 1800 (GDI) 1800 (GDI) Standard…

  • Page 272
    SPECIFICATIONS Q02A393d Q02A395d A: 1300 models B: 1600 models 10–14…
  • Page 273
    SPECIFICATIONS Q02A394d Q02A396d C: 1800 models D: Diesel–powered models 10–15…
  • Page 274: Capacities

    SPECIFICATIONS Capacities EQ02AMFj Item Quantity Recommended lubricants Power steering fluid As required ATF DEXRON II Oil pan 3.0 litres 1300 1300 Petrol- Oil filter 0.3 litre powered powered Oil pan 3.5 litres vehicles 1600, Engine oil Engine oil Refer to page 9 2 Refer to page 9–2 1800 Oil filter…

  • Page 275: Notes Regarding Diesel Fuel

    SPECIFICATIONS Notes regarding diesel fuel EP02A-F Due to paraffin separation, the fluidity of diesel fuel decreases re- markably as the temperature decreases. For this reason, diesel fuel is divided into two types, “summer” and “winter”. The effective limit of “winter” diesel fuel during cold-weather periods is rated at -15 _C.

  • Page 276
    Accessory boxes ….. 6–47 Driving and alcohol ….1–11 Installation position for first–aid kit .
  • Page 277
    Rear window wiper and UKW/MW/LW electronic tuning radio with washer switch (Hatchback) … 4–16 tape player* ……6–2 Removal of water from the fuel filter Used engine oils safety instructions…
  • Page 278
  • Page 279
  • Page 280

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