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Легкий, яркий, приключенческий фильм…
Здравствуйте дорогие читатели. И снова суббота и снова я иду с дочкой в кино, на этот раз дочке захотелось сходить на Маленьких волшебниц, мне трейлер понравился и мы пошли. Фильм идет 1 час 40 минут.
Невероятные приключения Железного человека и его зверушек на краю света. Очаровательное в своей упоротости кино!
Фильм о приключениях американского Айболита медленно, но верно начинает своё путешествие мировыми кинотеатрами — и на этот раз одними из первых тестировщиков новой приключенческой картины стали украинские зрители.
Увидела это кино, сначала обрадовалась, что можно с детьми посмотреть. думала будет интересное семейное кино. Ну по крайней мере так показалось из описания.. Но по факту фильм оказался скучным.
Что будет если прекрасное настоящее обьединить с любимым прошлым? 🔮 Задорная комедия, о любовном треугольнике с призраком, в стиле 40-х годов)
Как только увидела трейлер к этому фильму — сразу пришла в восторг. Стиль, сюжет, актерский состав — всё выглядело многообещающе и довольно зрелищно!) Вообще, мне очень нравятся фильмы с духом старой эпохи!
13 человек на сундук мертвеца и бутылка рома йо хо хо…
Здравствуйте дорогие читатели. Ну что? Суббота и очередной поход в кино с дочкой. Выбора детских мультфильмов почти нет и поэтому решили сходить на фильм, ничего про него не знали, только трейлер посмотрели, приключения мы любим поэтому пошли.
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Мозгоклюйство в законном браке. О мужском и женском шовинизме. Неординарный фильм от режиссёра Йохана Нийенхейса
Доброго дня! Предполагаю, что мы все, переступая порог ЗАГСауправыцерквикостеламечети, мало задумываемся, что плохие вести могут нас ждать спустя 20, 30 и более лет. Каждая супружеская пара последовательно проходит известные этапы, вспомним себя или на секунду посмотрим на других.
Чернуха по-американски. Но какая красивая!
Конечно, я знал и до фильма «Как поймать монстра» (Lost River) , что жизнь в Америке несладкая. Про города-призраки слышал краем уха, но что у них тоже есть затопленные города не знал. Но фильм не njkmrj об этом, конечно. Город-призрак — это декорация, в которой существуют герои.
Сумасшедший, пошлый фильм 🍿. Зашквар про устриц 🦪, не забуду. Развратные школьницы рассказывают правила соблазнения «строптивых жеребцов «
Ох и фильм я сегодня посмотрела. Привыкшая к ужасам, мистике и фантастике-включила комедию 18+. Что из этого вышло и какие я получила впечатления? Все в отзыве. Приветствую.
Популярные отзывы
Самоирония судьбы и Киркоров–Ипполит позорят наше телевидение. Опухшие лица и фальшивые эмоции. Такого бреда не видела давно. Почему даже рядом не встали с классической Иронией?
Наверное, создатели фильма «Самоирония судьбы» посчитали, что зрители будут слишком пьяны, а потому им можно запросто впаривать всякий бред. Такой отвратительной, дешёвой бесовщины я не видела давно.
Я в буквальном смысле оцепенела от увиденного. Ставлю фильму 5, но к просмотру не рекомендую. Полное соответствие жанру с нестандартной подачей и очень горьким послевкусием.
Всем привет! Спустя несколько месяцев блокировки я решила выйти из нее, потому что я только что посмотрела фильм «Никому не говори» одна, от увиденного у меня трясутся руки, бешено стучит сердце и стоит ком в горле.
Острая социальная проблема Японии и очень тяжелая проблема, о которой нельзя молчать. Школьница в Японии- это не только род занятия, но и способ заработка. Больно осознавать, что в одной из самых развитых стран мира происходит такое.
Всем доброго времени дня! В свободное время я очень люблю смотреть фильмы, фильмы разных жанров, но особое место в моих предпочтениях занимает именно документальное кино. Мне нравится не предвзятый взгляд на проблему или ситуацию без эмоций.
Безумие и материнская любовь границ не ведают. Кого задушить в крепких объятьях как не самого близкого.
Хороших фильмов много не бывает, кино я очень люблю, так же люблю поделиться впечатлениями от просмотра, какие-то отзывы складываются в голове быстро, какие-то долго, а какие-то очень долго, а до каких-то просто руки не доходят.
После просмотра фильма особенно хорошо понимаешь выражение «кусать локти». Напоминание, что чужая жизнь не стоит на паузе. Неадекватные люди 2 (2020, фильм)
Я даже мечтать не смела, что у одного из моих любимых фильмов будет продолжение, поэтому очень обрадовалась когда вышел «Неадекватные люди 2». Правда, я ждала, кто это будет комедия, а оказалось совсем нет.
Кто и что виноват в том, что мы толстеем? Как валяют процессы в нашей голове, гены и гормоны на переедание? Британские ученые помогают разобраться. Что мне понравилось в фильме, а что смутило.
Доброго всем дня! Люблю на досуге смотреть фильмы, они помогают отвлечься и расширить кругозор. За объективность и отсутствие эмоциональной окраски очень ценю именно документальные фильмы. И мне нравятся фильмы ВВС за их доступность и понятность.
Раньше в грудь закачивали не силикон, а свиной жир и подсолнечное масло. Много звёзд советского кино ходили делать разную пластику. Реальные истории знаменитой клиники
Сейчас пластическими операциями уже никого не удивишь, но вот в Советском Союзе это было далеко не нормой. Официально не существовало такой профессии, как пластический хирург, на них попросту не обучали…
Нуднейшая недокомедия. Опять мужик слюнтяй предел мечтаний, опять история про измену. Терпеть не могу Служебный роман
Всем привет Не так давно я высказала мнение, что мне не нравится фильм Ирония судьбы и почему-то многие восприняли это чуть ли не как личное оскорбление Так вот, я не люблю ещё и Служебный роман. В этом отзыве будет лично моё мнение, которое вполне может не совпадать с вашим, так бывает.
Сюжет весьма оригинальный. Финал непредсказуем. Странно, что так мало отзывов.
Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Я удивлена тому, что триллер «Узница»»Пленница» никак не прозвучал на нашем сайте. Я нашла лишь один отзыв, хороший отзыв. А вот на подобном нашему сайту отзывы хоть и есть, но они ложные.Поэтому расскажу вам о своих впечатлениях о картине.Фильм выпущен в США в 2020.
И целуй меня везде, 18 мне уже! (с). Назойливая барышня, жадная блонда и ловелас-лесоруб.
Советские фильмы я в большинстве своём люблю, есть в них колорит ушедшей эпохи, некая наивность и чистота, хотя темы они затрагивают жизненные и непростые. Расскажу об одном из хороших фильмов 1982 года «Не могу сказать прощай».
People need to remember its aimed at kids
I see people are being harsh about this film but they need to remember that its aimed at children. There are a few kids films that got bad reviews back in the day like Hocus Pocus or scooby doo spooky island which nearly every child loved but since its adults doing reviews they got bad ones. We need to think of the target audience and i think that children would really love this film its fun and for them a little spooky which they will like. Tom Felton is was the stand out in the film , his acting was superb as always
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A fun YA take on Men in Black by way of Beetlejuice and Monsters Inc.
High School freshmen Kelly Ferguson, known mockingly by her classmates as Monster Girl for believing in monsters when she was young, is roped into babysitting Jacob Zellman on Halloween night. Jacob’s fears of monsters coming in the night are initially dismissed as nightmares but Kelly soon finds they may be all too real when when Boogeyman, The Grand Guignol, abducts Jacob for an insidious plan of using his dreams to create a nightmare army. The incident attracts monster hunting babysitter, Liz Lerue, and the two with the help of the secret monster hunting Order of the Babysitters set off to rescue Jacob and stop The Grand Guignol’s insidious plans.
A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting is an adaptation of the first of a trilogy of YA novels written by Joe Ballarini who also serves as the film’s screenwriter. The movie wears it’s influences on its sleeve be it Men in Black, Adventures in Babysitting, Beetlejuice, and even a little bit of Nightmare on Elm Street (which may be more than a little intentional) but the movie takes these familiar elements and manages to create something that although familiar is still fun and exciting enough to open the door for a promising franchise (as this is clearly intended)
The movie is the first major film work from director Rachel Talalay in 25 years who is best known for doing Freddy’s Dead and Tank Girl, and while those films aren’t particularly well regarded (though Tank Girl has received a small cult following over the years) they do show that Talalay has a very dynamic style that’s visually interesting, but the main issue with Talalay’s films was always in the scripting and how messy and chaotic they were. Tank Girl proved to be such a flop that Talalay has stuck mainly to TV work including Doctor Who and The Flash, and has only occasionally ventured outside that for middle of the road TV movies. I’m pleased to say that Talalay has taken the time to hone her craft and the film is not only visually interesting but also feels a lot less chaotic than her previous work.
The movie is filled with imaginative imagery with The Grand Guignol’s lair being particularly appealing in it’s design and a memorable sequence involving a witch called The Cat Lady who’s cats are integrated into the furniture and the house itself and are integrated with the scenery in a visually interesting way. In many ways A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting is almost like a child friendly version of Nightmare on Elm Street and I do mean that as a compliment. The story is a lot of fun and there’s a lot of great world building in just how wide spread this secret order of monster hunting babysitters is spread the world over and it gives a sense that there’s a larger world hinted at than what’s being shown to us, but it never feels overburdened by its world building and still manages to keep the story moving.
The acting across the board is really well done. Tamara Smart makes for a likable lead and does a decent job (though there are one or two moments where her british accent slips in), Oona Laurence who showed herself to be a very capable actress in Southpaw is great as seasoned Babysitter Liz Lerue, but the easily the best part is Tom Felton of Harry Potter fame playing The Grand Guignol. Felton is having an absolute blast playing a boogeyman who delights in how brazenly evil he is. Felton plays the character like a mixture of Labyrinth’s the Goblin King, Freddy Kruger, and Beetlejuice and is energetically animated in his performance being just creepy enough for kids and funny without being silly, it’s a terrific villain performance and makes the movie worth watching for its own sake.
There are some drawbacks to the material. A sequence set during a house party on Halloween that involved the obligatory main character crush and the meangirl who hates the main character for no good reason I thought killed some of the momentum of the movie, but luckily it’s not too long and it does at least have a decent payoff. There were also some credibility problems in how certain things managed to be kept secret, but these are very minor nitpicks and the movie’s target audience (7-8 and up) most likely won’t care.
A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting is solid family entertainment. From it’s unique visual style and solid performances to its fun adventure and world it more than makes up for its use of tropes and minor inconsistencies to more than earn a recommendation for Halloween family viewing.
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Good kids movie
This is a good movie for kids! As mentioned in the other comments the gci monsters could’ve been better. I think Tom Felton did a great job. The end is predictable but so is every kids movie. Not to keep talking about the other comments but the movie isn’t terrifying or scary but yet again it’s for children. Overall I thought it was a good movie. I hadn’t seen this concept before which was cool!
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Looking forward to the second part already!
First things first: Tom Felton shines in his role!
Also I appreciate them making a movie about a diverse team of kids solving problems as a team using their knowledge in different areas of science.
Great if you watch it with kids, since it’s a joyride for everyone.
Got a few scares and a lot of laughs out of me!
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Not the best but unique & a good kids film
Decent for what little characterization they had. I thought the blonde girl and black girl were decent, cringe at times but easy to root for. The villain was also pretty darn good and I was mind blown when I finished the movie and only after realized it was bloody tom Felton from Harry Potter! Amazing.
Music: trash. The scenes that were supposed to be fast paced and exciting turn into anti climactic messes partly because of the music and also average shots and stunt co-ordination.
A really great story on paper but with average cgi, not the best directing, characterization, or music it becomes a chore to get through. Don’t get me wrong I loved certain parts and it made my kid brain activate and love the idea and certain fantasy parts. This however could have been really awesome and is only left to be desired for small children.
Not the best but definitely not horrible. A real good foundation with some highlights here and there but this movie is mainly for kids and I’d suggest it only for adults if you just love fantasy and don’t mind some average quality parts.
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Okay kids movie
This is an original okay kids movie. The acting was fine and clearly Tom Felton studied Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice but he did great.
With a normal 90 min runtime (which is also good in stead of those too long 2hrs movies) it is short enough to not get irritated by some plotholes.
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best for kids
Nice movie for kids . every kids should watch this in halloween month. awesome story and we hoping for second movie of this
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Total cuteness…
Very cute, the children’s movies I love, with smart teenagers, cute children and charming little monsters, in a mix of suspense, action and chase, total cuteness…
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Kids movie
This is a cute kids movie. I showed this to eldest daughter for her to watch, she loves Goosebumps and Spooky stuff and she really liked it, she is now watching it again while I write this review.
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Family fun
We watched this as a family with our 6yo boy. It was fun like Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas, or Coraline. It is nearly as good as Hocus Pocus, but not as good as Nightmare or Coraline.
The scary elements are on par with the three titles above. The acting was great by lead actress. There was humor involved with some of the monsters
Overall it was a fun film, and exactly what I wanted to watch with the family this October
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Great Halloween Movie
Loved it, had the perfect amount of horror and Comedy. Perfect for someone who is new to horrors as it’s not too scary.
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Family Fun, and that’s all it needs to be
Warning: Spoilers
A Babysitter’s Guide to monster Hunting is straight-to-video fare for family viewing around Halloween, and Rachel Talalay’s direction, along with Tom Felton’s villain keep it one notch above cheesy TV quality.
Sure, it’s merely a bit of disposable, light-hearted fun for kids and family, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Personally, I don’t think it would have hurt to be a little darker and more scary, whilst keeping things family friendly. Kids enjoy being scared (Well, I did. Maybe that’s just me…). The biggest flaw is that there is no real sense of threat or danger for the heroes. For example, the villain’s minions are told to get rid of the heroine, and the worst they do is attempt to put her in a lift, so she leaves… If this is the worst the villain intends to do, even to his enemies, it undermines any sense of danger or threat.
The young actors do a reasonable job, though I do wish the costume designer had restrained things a little. The teenage character costumes (especially the lead) _do_ feel like something out of a bad TV series, where they equate bad, stereotyped costumes with ‘cool and quirky’. It’s a fine line, I know, but they could’ve been far less ‘bad stereotype’ and more defining of individual characters.
It’s probably a solid 6/10, but I’ll bump it up to a 7 because, in 2020, it’s a kids movie that _didn’t_ push any agenda, and just wants to be family fun. As the review title says, that’s all it needs to be!
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It aimed for kids
It goods for kids ..I didn’t had any expectation since I’m a adult and I had time so gave it watch and it was alright
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No, just no….
So I’ve seen stupid TV show and movies, but this is definitely the most unprecedented the dumbest I’ve seen. It is difficult to compete with this kind of idiocy!
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How the fk did they fk this up so bad?
The movie was good up until the monsters revealed themselves then it became a stupid terribly bad comedy.
The characters sucked. The mom was an immature B word.
Scary? More like Stupidity.
I thought this movie could compete with Goosebumps. Apparently not.
Verdict: if you like this…then you need a babysitter.
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Nothing to complain here
You know this is a kids movie, so I will give the review in a kid’s point of view. I love it! The story is perfect for Halloween, it’s thrilling, it’s cool and I even really want to see a sequel. Love Tom Felton in it, I watched it because of him actually.
But hey, this movie’s not bad at all.
-2 stars for some flat jokes and cringy lines.
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for limited target market
If you are anything between 5 to 10 and you are a girl, you might like it.
Not suitable for anyone else. At 12 I remember watching horror movies like Friday 13th and Freddy. There is no adult in the movie for more than a couple of minutes all included and is painful to watch in family.
Another hit and miss from Netflix. The idea could be good, but the exectution is mediocre and only the character of Oona Laurence is somewhat decent. Compared to Hubbie Halloween this is a masterpiece, however. But it doesnt deserve the thoughts of franchise that the cliffhanger indicates.
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Nah. Pass.
Rachel Talalay showcases her great eye for a shot here with a strong & inventive direction — coupled by Gregory Middleton’s impressive cinematography (heavily influenced by Netflix’s other project, «Stranger Things») which together, does culminate to form a visually cohesive & competent film… But nothing can save the movie from the dire writing & hammy performances — which prevent it from being anything other than an adequately made, substandard mess.
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I love this sm!!❤I just started watching today and I loved every scene.!!
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An hour and a half cliché
Literally EVERYTHING about this movie is a cliché… Every scene, every action, every character…
The characters are boring and flat. The main character its just a mary sue. The story is like every Netflix movie… Idk if Netflix is even trying at this point, all their teen movies are the same movie but with different cast… And this is just a kids adaptation of that.
Your kids have A LOT of things to watch on Netflix before this generic movie
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Boring, cheesy, and feeling like a straight to Nickolodeon movie.
2 out of 5 stars.
Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting is a family fantasy film that kids will be entertained with this while the adults may find it a snoozefest. The plot is weird about a babysitters group who work underground to hunting monsters that try to give kids bad dreams or stalking kids at night. The direction and acting is cheesy. Cheesy dialogue. It feels like something you may catch on a saturday morning on a nickolodeon channel. The visual effects are cheap. The performances are eh.
Adults may want to skip this one. While the humor is aiming for the younger audiences.
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This movie is great because it consists of quest and it is a great movie for kids!
Congrats to Tamara Smart and the rest of the actors who worked hard in making this film.
Just here to show Support because we should be each other’s hope, help and compassion.
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Good old ideas!
This is a good kid movie. It’s not fully an original idea. But this movie is fun. If your a fan of KND (Code Name Kids Next Door), Agent Cody Banks, and Little Monsters. That’s where I feel the creators of this film got this idea. The acting isn’t perfect. It’s good over all. There’s some not so good acting. But the main character that you follow is good. The story isn’t hard to follow. Which makes since. Cause this movie is meant for young kids. Probably ages 7 to 12. Honestly the CGI monsters could be a little better. If you where ok with how the smurfs looked in their movie then you’ll be fine. Overall all I believe this will be a good family movie to add to the family Halloween movies to watch with the kids during October.
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It’s a children’s movie…
..and it sucks. Terrible acting, terrible writing. Terrible everything. There are a lot of good children movies out there but this one is just bad. Saying Tom Felton’s acting was superb is astonishing to say the least. I can enjoy a good children movie but there is absolutely nothing enjoyable about this one. Nothing.
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Отзывы и рецензии на фильмРуководство для нянь: Как поймать монстра
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Ожидаем 3 голоса
Мировая — 15 октября 2020 года
98 минутСША, Netflix Montecito Picture Company, Walden Media
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- Тамара Смарт, Уна Лоуренс, Том Фелтон, Трой Ли-Энн Джонсон, Линн Масако Ченг, Тай Консильо, Иэн Хо, Индия Мур, Алессио Скальцотто, Тамсен МакДонаф
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Сказка «Руководство для нянь: Как поймать монстра» могла бы оказаться образцовым трэшем для всей семьи, одновременно сводящим с ума и чарующим. Но вместо этого Рэйчел Талалэй сняла максимально безжизненную и бездушную экранизацию книг Джо Балларини…
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People need to remember its aimed at kids
I see people are being harsh about this film but they need to remember that its aimed at children. There are a few kids films that got bad reviews back in the day like Hocus Pocus or scooby doo spooky island which nearly every child loved but since its adults doing reviews they got bad ones. We need to think of the target audience and i think that children would really love this film its fun and for them a little spooky which they will like. Tom Felton is was the stand out in the film , his acting was superb as always
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A fun YA take on Men in Black by way of Beetlejuice and Monsters Inc.
High School freshmen Kelly Ferguson, known mockingly by her classmates as Monster Girl for believing in monsters when she was young, is roped into babysitting Jacob Zellman on Halloween night. Jacob’s fears of monsters coming in the night are initially dismissed as nightmares but Kelly soon finds they may be all too real when when Boogeyman, The Grand Guignol, abducts Jacob for an insidious plan of using his dreams to create a nightmare army. The incident attracts monster hunting babysitter, Liz Lerue, and the two with the help of the secret monster hunting Order of the Babysitters set off to rescue Jacob and stop The Grand Guignol’s insidious plans.
A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting is an adaptation of the first of a trilogy of YA novels written by Joe Ballarini who also serves as the film’s screenwriter. The movie wears it’s influences on its sleeve be it Men in Black, Adventures in Babysitting, Beetlejuice, and even a little bit of Nightmare on Elm Street (which may be more than a little intentional) but the movie takes these familiar elements and manages to create something that although familiar is still fun and exciting enough to open the door for a promising franchise (as this is clearly intended)
The movie is the first major film work from director Rachel Talalay in 25 years who is best known for doing Freddy’s Dead and Tank Girl, and while those films aren’t particularly well regarded (though Tank Girl has received a small cult following over the years) they do show that Talalay has a very dynamic style that’s visually interesting, but the main issue with Talalay’s films was always in the scripting and how messy and chaotic they were. Tank Girl proved to be such a flop that Talalay has stuck mainly to TV work including Doctor Who and The Flash, and has only occasionally ventured outside that for middle of the road TV movies. I’m pleased to say that Talalay has taken the time to hone her craft and the film is not only visually interesting but also feels a lot less chaotic than her previous work.
The movie is filled with imaginative imagery with The Grand Guignol’s lair being particularly appealing in it’s design and a memorable sequence involving a witch called The Cat Lady who’s cats are integrated into the furniture and the house itself and are integrated with the scenery in a visually interesting way. In many ways A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting is almost like a child friendly version of Nightmare on Elm Street and I do mean that as a compliment. The story is a lot of fun and there’s a lot of great world building in just how wide spread this secret order of monster hunting babysitters is spread the world over and it gives a sense that there’s a larger world hinted at than what’s being shown to us, but it never feels overburdened by its world building and still manages to keep the story moving.
The acting across the board is really well done. Tamara Smart makes for a likable lead and does a decent job (though there are one or two moments where her british accent slips in), Oona Laurence who showed herself to be a very capable actress in Southpaw is great as seasoned Babysitter Liz Lerue, but the easily the best part is Tom Felton of Harry Potter fame playing The Grand Guignol. Felton is having an absolute blast playing a boogeyman who delights in how brazenly evil he is. Felton plays the character like a mixture of Labyrinth’s the Goblin King, Freddy Kruger, and Beetlejuice and is energetically animated in his performance being just creepy enough for kids and funny without being silly, it’s a terrific villain performance and makes the movie worth watching for its own sake.
There are some drawbacks to the material. A sequence set during a house party on Halloween that involved the obligatory main character crush and the meangirl who hates the main character for no good reason I thought killed some of the momentum of the movie, but luckily it’s not too long and it does at least have a decent payoff. There were also some credibility problems in how certain things managed to be kept secret, but these are very minor nitpicks and the movie’s target audience (7-8 and up) most likely won’t care.
A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting is solid family entertainment. From it’s unique visual style and solid performances to its fun adventure and world it more than makes up for its use of tropes and minor inconsistencies to more than earn a recommendation for Halloween family viewing.
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Good kids movie
This is a good movie for kids! As mentioned in the other comments the gci monsters could’ve been better. I think Tom Felton did a great job. The end is predictable but so is every kids movie. Not to keep talking about the other comments but the movie isn’t terrifying or scary but yet again it’s for children. Overall I thought it was a good movie. I hadn’t seen this concept before which was cool!
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Looking forward to the second part already!
First things first: Tom Felton shines in his role!
Also I appreciate them making a movie about a diverse team of kids solving problems as a team using their knowledge in different areas of science.
Great if you watch it with kids, since it’s a joyride for everyone.
Got a few scares and a lot of laughs out of me!
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Not the best but unique & a good kids film
Decent for what little characterization they had. I thought the blonde girl and black girl were decent, cringe at times but easy to root for. The villain was also pretty darn good and I was mind blown when I finished the movie and only after realized it was bloody tom Felton from Harry Potter! Amazing.
Music: trash. The scenes that were supposed to be fast paced and exciting turn into anti climactic messes partly because of the music and also average shots and stunt co-ordination.
A really great story on paper but with average cgi, not the best directing, characterization, or music it becomes a chore to get through. Don’t get me wrong I loved certain parts and it made my kid brain activate and love the idea and certain fantasy parts. This however could have been really awesome and is only left to be desired for small children.
Not the best but definitely not horrible. A real good foundation with some highlights here and there but this movie is mainly for kids and I’d suggest it only for adults if you just love fantasy and don’t mind some average quality parts.
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Okay kids movie
This is an original okay kids movie. The acting was fine and clearly Tom Felton studied Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice but he did great.
With a normal 90 min runtime (which is also good in stead of those too long 2hrs movies) it is short enough to not get irritated by some plotholes.
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best for kids
Nice movie for kids . every kids should watch this in halloween month. awesome story and we hoping for second movie of this
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Total cuteness…
Very cute, the children’s movies I love, with smart teenagers, cute children and charming little monsters, in a mix of suspense, action and chase, total cuteness…
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Kids movie
This is a cute kids movie. I showed this to eldest daughter for her to watch, she loves Goosebumps and Spooky stuff and she really liked it, she is now watching it again while I write this review.
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Family fun
We watched this as a family with our 6yo boy. It was fun like Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Christmas, or Coraline. It is nearly as good as Hocus Pocus, but not as good as Nightmare or Coraline.
The scary elements are on par with the three titles above. The acting was great by lead actress. There was humor involved with some of the monsters
Overall it was a fun film, and exactly what I wanted to watch with the family this October
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Great Halloween Movie
Loved it, had the perfect amount of horror and Comedy. Perfect for someone who is new to horrors as it’s not too scary.
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Family Fun, and that’s all it needs to be
Warning: Spoilers
A Babysitter’s Guide to monster Hunting is straight-to-video fare for family viewing around Halloween, and Rachel Talalay’s direction, along with Tom Felton’s villain keep it one notch above cheesy TV quality.
Sure, it’s merely a bit of disposable, light-hearted fun for kids and family, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Personally, I don’t think it would have hurt to be a little darker and more scary, whilst keeping things family friendly. Kids enjoy being scared (Well, I did. Maybe that’s just me…). The biggest flaw is that there is no real sense of threat or danger for the heroes. For example, the villain’s minions are told to get rid of the heroine, and the worst they do is attempt to put her in a lift, so she leaves… If this is the worst the villain intends to do, even to his enemies, it undermines any sense of danger or threat.
The young actors do a reasonable job, though I do wish the costume designer had restrained things a little. The teenage character costumes (especially the lead) _do_ feel like something out of a bad TV series, where they equate bad, stereotyped costumes with ‘cool and quirky’. It’s a fine line, I know, but they could’ve been far less ‘bad stereotype’ and more defining of individual characters.
It’s probably a solid 6/10, but I’ll bump it up to a 7 because, in 2020, it’s a kids movie that _didn’t_ push any agenda, and just wants to be family fun. As the review title says, that’s all it needs to be!
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It aimed for kids
It goods for kids ..I didn’t had any expectation since I’m a adult and I had time so gave it watch and it was alright
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No, just no….
So I’ve seen stupid TV show and movies, but this is definitely the most unprecedented the dumbest I’ve seen. It is difficult to compete with this kind of idiocy!
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How the fk did they fk this up so bad?
The movie was good up until the monsters revealed themselves then it became a stupid terribly bad comedy.
The characters sucked. The mom was an immature B word.
Scary? More like Stupidity.
I thought this movie could compete with Goosebumps. Apparently not.
Verdict: if you like this…then you need a babysitter.
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Nothing to complain here
You know this is a kids movie, so I will give the review in a kid’s point of view. I love it! The story is perfect for Halloween, it’s thrilling, it’s cool and I even really want to see a sequel. Love Tom Felton in it, I watched it because of him actually.
But hey, this movie’s not bad at all.
-2 stars for some flat jokes and cringy lines.
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for limited target market
If you are anything between 5 to 10 and you are a girl, you might like it.
Not suitable for anyone else. At 12 I remember watching horror movies like Friday 13th and Freddy. There is no adult in the movie for more than a couple of minutes all included and is painful to watch in family.
Another hit and miss from Netflix. The idea could be good, but the exectution is mediocre and only the character of Oona Laurence is somewhat decent. Compared to Hubbie Halloween this is a masterpiece, however. But it doesnt deserve the thoughts of franchise that the cliffhanger indicates.
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Nah. Pass.
Rachel Talalay showcases her great eye for a shot here with a strong & inventive direction — coupled by Gregory Middleton’s impressive cinematography (heavily influenced by Netflix’s other project, «Stranger Things») which together, does culminate to form a visually cohesive & competent film… But nothing can save the movie from the dire writing & hammy performances — which prevent it from being anything other than an adequately made, substandard mess.
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I love this sm!!❤I just started watching today and I loved every scene.!!
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An hour and a half cliché
Literally EVERYTHING about this movie is a cliché… Every scene, every action, every character…
The characters are boring and flat. The main character its just a mary sue. The story is like every Netflix movie… Idk if Netflix is even trying at this point, all their teen movies are the same movie but with different cast… And this is just a kids adaptation of that.
Your kids have A LOT of things to watch on Netflix before this generic movie
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Boring, cheesy, and feeling like a straight to Nickolodeon movie.
2 out of 5 stars.
Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting is a family fantasy film that kids will be entertained with this while the adults may find it a snoozefest. The plot is weird about a babysitters group who work underground to hunting monsters that try to give kids bad dreams or stalking kids at night. The direction and acting is cheesy. Cheesy dialogue. It feels like something you may catch on a saturday morning on a nickolodeon channel. The visual effects are cheap. The performances are eh.
Adults may want to skip this one. While the humor is aiming for the younger audiences.
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This movie is great because it consists of quest and it is a great movie for kids!
Congrats to Tamara Smart and the rest of the actors who worked hard in making this film.
Just here to show Support because we should be each other’s hope, help and compassion.
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Good old ideas!
This is a good kid movie. It’s not fully an original idea. But this movie is fun. If your a fan of KND (Code Name Kids Next Door), Agent Cody Banks, and Little Monsters. That’s where I feel the creators of this film got this idea. The acting isn’t perfect. It’s good over all. There’s some not so good acting. But the main character that you follow is good. The story isn’t hard to follow. Which makes since. Cause this movie is meant for young kids. Probably ages 7 to 12. Honestly the CGI monsters could be a little better. If you where ok with how the smurfs looked in their movie then you’ll be fine. Overall all I believe this will be a good family movie to add to the family Halloween movies to watch with the kids during October.
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It’s a children’s movie…
..and it sucks. Terrible acting, terrible writing. Terrible everything. There are a lot of good children movies out there but this one is just bad. Saying Tom Felton’s acting was superb is astonishing to say the least. I can enjoy a good children movie but there is absolutely nothing enjoyable about this one. Nothing.
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Самое страшное время года приближается — Хэллоуин уже совсем скоро и, даже если вы не празднуете его, можно порадовать себя и своих детей пугающей новинкой.
Детский фильм «Руководство для нянь: Как поймать монстра» вышел совсем недавно на стриминговом сервисе Netflix. Это экранизация трилогии «Руководство няни по охоте на монстров» Джо Балларини. Тлум.Ру уже успел познакомиться с новинкой и рассказывает, кому и зачем её можно посмотреть.
О чём?
Не слишком уверенная в себе старшеклассница Келли с кличкой «Монстрелла» получает приглашение на хэллоуинскую вечеринку крутой одноклассницы. Вот только её мама должна сегодня посетить праздник на работе, и кто-то должен присмотреть за сыном начальницы. Келли неохотно соглашается — лишние деньги подростку не помешают.
Но вот беда — Джейкоб, за которым ей предстоит следить, видит кошмарные сны, и, более того, невольно претворяет их в жизнь. За такими детьми охотятся монстры, и Келли вместе с новой знакомой предстоит отправиться в опасное путешествие, чтобы найти тайное общество нянь.
Что может понравиться?
Добрый сюжет
Несмотря на то, что главная героиня фильма — девочка-подросток, «Руководство для нянь: Как поймать монстра» предназначено для ребят помладше. Местами лента немножко пугает — то, что нужно для Хэллоуина. И, конечно, весёлые и добрые приключения увлекут зрителей всех возрастов, если им только не помешают некоторые пункты из списка ниже.
Безопасно и невинно
Да, фильм «Руководство для нянь: Как поймать монстра» рассказывает о том, как спецагенты-няни ловят и обезвреживают чудовищ из детских ночных кошмаров. Но делают они это максимально безобидно и в шутливой форме — так что ребёнку можно смело показывать картину, не боясь, что он увидит что-то жуткое.
Яркие персонажи
И Келли, и Джейкоб, и все ребята из тайного общества нянь — интересные герои со своими индивидуальными особенностями. Сильнее всего выделяется смелая и решительная Лиз — она среди этого сообщества главная. У неё есть своя мрачная история, которую наверняка раскроют в сиквеле. Да и сама Келли не промах — она типичная «ботанка», но при этом настолько крутая, что хочется учиться больше, чтобы быть на неё похожей. К тому же, у главной героини дар к математике, что не раз спасает её.
Интересный злодей
Предводителя троллей-жабунов Гранд Гиньоля, который хочет обрести могущество ну очень необычным способом — оживить все детские кошмары — играет Том Фелтон. Да-да, тот самый, которого зрители знают по роли Драко Малфоя в серии фильмов «Гарри Поттер». Образ злодея скорее забавный, чем пугающий — этому способствует и шутливый наряд, и игра самого актёра.
Намёк на продолжение
В серии книг про нянь-защитников целых три тома, и фильм основан на первом из них. Так что мы наверняка увидим и следующие приключения Келли с тайным обществом нянь — тем более, что одна из загадок первой картины так и не раскрылась.
Фильм наполнен ненавязчивой поп-музыкой — в некоторые моменты она помогает подчеркнуть яркость момента, а в другие просто помогает дополнить повествование.
А что может не понравиться?
Визуальные эффекты
В плане визуала фильм напоминает «Детей шпионов» (которые вышли в 2001 году!) — и кому-то такое сравнение может не понравиться. Порой графика кажется слишком топорной и неуклюжей, а потому слабо вписывается в реалистичную картинку.
Мало монстров
Из-за небольшого бюджета фильма создатели попросту не позволили себе создать множество различных чудовищ из детских кошмаров. По сути, зритель постоянно встречается лишь с одним из них — жабуном, а остальных видит только мельком или узнаёт о них из книги организации нянь.
Отсутствие логики
Фильмы о монстрах сами по себе редко отличаются стройной логичностью, но некоторые моменты в конкретно этом проекте заставляют задаться вопросом — что вообще происходит в кадре? Например, дети спокойно перекидываются бутылочкой с зельем, которое очень трудно создать, прямо на глазах у злодея — а сам он, согласно устаревшим киноштампам, не забывает во время финальной битвы разразиться долгой и пафосной речью.
Стоит ли смотреть фильм?
Пожалуй, «Руководство для нянь: Как поймать монстра» стоит просмотра — по крайней мере, это безобидный и приятный способ отметить Хэллоуин с ребёнком и напомнить ему, что его кошмары ни за что не оживут. Но если после прочтения обзора у вас такого желания не возникло, ловите нашу подборку лучшей анимации к Хэллоуину — там вы точно найдёте что-то подходящее.
Источник: Netflix Russia
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