Руководство для stardrive

Gameplay Guides, general and race specific


This Guide section will treat the topic of race creation and go a bit more in depths about the racial traits (viability/synergy), and also give a short summery of the general direction your race will be going in the early stages of the game (production/science/money/warfare)

As I do not have enough time at the moment, I will add a guide I posted on the forums earlier today to help out newcomers in this game. Video tutorials will also be added within the next 7 days.

Production Races[]

The following race is about a high production value, getting a lot of its science from the vast amounts of colonies with scientific buildings, a good economy from the high amount of population from these early founded colonies and a strong military from the vast amounts of ships with the pack leader trait.

It is in my eyes the strongest race at the moment, due to food being non relevant it efficiently has, especially early game, a higher population, which can be used to produce/research more flexible.

A race I can really recommend for a beginner would be :


Effecient Metabolism (25% less food consumption)

Industrial (+35% industry)

Skilled engineers (+20% ship hp, unless you want to opt for Savage or Huge Homeworld)

Pack Mentality (-25% Damage for your ships +5% damage for your ships for every ship in the area(can’t confirm the aoe) caps out at +50% damage making it a 25% boost total at 10+ ships)

Cybernetic (removes the need for food, population will eat production instead)


Repulsive (-20 Penality to diplomacy — I think you should get used to the 3 free points, since it won’t matter in multiplayer and overall it does not really matter)

Blind (-20% Cannon damage)

Ponderous (Fighters take 25% more damage)

Polluted (Less fertility on Homeworld — No brainer if you are Cybernetic)

If you want to you can forgego pack/engineer for a huge homeworld for an even better starting planet, but that bonus will decline rapidly.

This is the first race I made on my first game, and nothing did beat it so far, maybe you can add less fertile for the bigger homeworld or try to get the ship +prod(prolly the stronger choice)

First steps.
Pause the game, set your research (button in the far top left, you will see «choose» next to it) to:

1. Colonization/Industrial Foundations

2. Space Weapons/Missile Theory

3.Socio Logistics/Interstellar Governance

4. Starship Construction/Corvette hull

5. Colonization/Scientific Foundations

6. Colonization/Biospheres (just ignore the aeroponic tech and never build the building as you do not have any use for food.)

7. Xeno Mining

On the bottom right of your screen you see an AI tab, open it and set freighters/projectors to automatic until you got a grasp of the game, you can always change it back and do it manually, but getting a feel of the other aspects is more important, you can always switch back and do it yourself if you feel like you want to.

Taxes (to the right of where you set research)
lower then to about 5% it is important early game that you update them to be as low as possible without having losses, if you got some savings don’t be too scared to be negative at times

Go to Diplomacy and train a spy (train new center bottom)
and set his activity to train, keep him training until you meet an ai, then build another one and train them in cycles, as the game progresses you might want more.

Load your scout design and refit it to:
2 warp engines, 2 nuclear reactors, cockpit and fill the rest with either fuel cells or ice conduits(recommended for non prod races as they only use 0,5 production instead of 1)

You also should have 3 ships, your flagship, a scout and a colony ship, refit your scout to the new design you just made, right click on it, other, refit.

Now double click your homeworld and and set it to 18 production, or as close as possible it might end up a tad higher since it is a slider, don’t be lower though (18production is what you need if you fitted your scout with ice conduits instead of fuel cells)
build 4-5 scouts , 2 colony ships and 2-3 ground troops (you can launch them by right clicking them on the grid) to investigate anomalies you will eventually find.

Unpause the game.

Manage the production of your homeworld, if nothing is being build, go for a higher research.

Put all your newly build scouts to either explore using the right click orders menu, or explore the worlds manually, Generally colonize everything which has a richness higher than 1.5 and population higher than 2 richness 3+ must be colonized on sight, regardless of population, you can increase the population cap/remove black tiles when you finished researching biospheres by building those.

If manually building, build some transport ships and set some to colonists, and add some AO’s to them (the triangle pointing to the right, to the right of the status screen if you got a ship selected.)

On new worlds also always max production do not do any research whatsoever and build a warehouse -> rover bay to make them grow faster.

Build research labs/rover bays everywhere, you might want to scrap them lategame due to their maintenance, but they significantly increase your science output, also build the imperial offices on your homeworld as soon its done.
in general build the economic buildings on every planet which already has a decent population, especially if there is nothing building at the moment.

Enjoy the game

This race opts for missile/beam builds, and is subject to changes/balancing fixes.

Когда речь заходит о глобальных стратегиях один из дискутирующих непременно задастся вопросом «Зачем утруждать себя избытком деталей? До уровня казуалок 4х все равно не опустятся, а головной боли поубавится». Найдутся и те, кто возразят, мол на то они и глобальные стратегии, чтобы без должной сноровки и навыков продвинутого макроконтроля за них вообще садится не стоит. На том бы и решили, если бы не ребята из Zero Sum Games с их сиквелом StarDrive, в котором сохранились все черты полноценной 4Х стратегии, но не осталось места унылому наполнителю и часовым туториалам. Окрывайте новые планеты, расширяйте колонии, эксплуатируйте соседей, а всех возражающий подвергните экстерминатусу по всем канонам орбитального обстрела. На первый взгляд все простенько и со вкусом, есть доступ ко всем геймплейным элементам, наземная пошаговая боевка перемешалась с реалтаймом в пучинах галактики и все в этом духе. Даже мишкам в кимоно нашли применение. Но что получилось на самом деле?

Особенности первой части космической 4х Stardrive 2.

Не будем лукавить, продолжение Стардрайва не было долгожданным откровением, ему не сочиняли на вендорских форумах дифирамбы с мольбами о второй части, да и самых фанатов было раз два и обчелся. Всему виной попытка разбавить механику Master of Orion, на которой и базировался первый Stardrive, боевкой в реальном времени, заменив привычный TBS. Изначально, задумка была неплоха, но вот реализация подкачала, что привело к ощутимым провисаниям во время масштабных баталий и целой кипе багов всех форм и оттенков.

Исследуя космос, вам будут постоянно попадаться бродяги, пираты и прочие маргиналы. Нет они не разнесут вас в щепки, а просто потопят наиболее неповоротливых суденышек и отчалят. Зачем? Чтобы продемонстрировать всю «опасность» вселенной СтарДрайв. 

Всем казалось, что разработчики вот-вот отловят всех жучков, подкрасят интерфейс, геймплей сбалансируют, а ИИ разнообразят, но Stardrive так и не выпустили с условной беты, анонсировав вместо ожидаемых фиксов начало работы над сиквелом. Поэтому не удивляйтесь тому, что в Stardrive 2 получился уж больно знакомым. Настолько знакомым, что две трети контента здесь сущий реместеред. Да, вернули пошаговый режим, картинка стала сочнее, новая раса тоже ничего, как, впрочем, и реализация — такая же кривая.

Начало пути Stardrive 2, ее основные базисы.

Если коротко, то второй Stardrive — это полноценный одиночный релиз первой части, но уже с пошаговыми боями наземки, новым оформлением и мало-мальской работой над ошибками. Здесь все также начинается с материнской планеты, где вам торжественно вручают колонизатора с парочкой скаутов и отправляют бороздить просторы вселенной. Сетка галактики подскажет, куда ваши горемыки смогут добраться без дозаправки, а случайные чревоточины могут сыграть злую шутку, портнув экспедицию на сотни парсеков, сэкономив вам тем самым время на исследование, но полностью отрезав от родной цивилизации. По началу, заскриптованные ивенты больно ударят по самолюбию, так как всякие ренегаты с оппозицией регулярно дырявят обшивки, «топят» транспорт и обирают по-маленькому нашего брата. В целом, завязка многообещающая — открыть подходящую планетку, развернуть производство, начать исследования, а также подготовку к военной экспансии.

Из-за кривой реализации особенно тучные кораблики зачастую закрывают вид на планеты. Приходится вручную изменять угол наклона камеры, чтобы активировать контекстные меню.

Колонизация в Stardrive 2, ее особенности, а также источники «вдохновения».

Развитие колонии в Stardrive 2 дело не хитрое, особенно учитывая тот факт, что практически все элементы слизаны, простите, гармонично вплетены из более достойных представителей пошагового жанра. Гексагональная сетка — прямая отсылка к Цивилизации Сида Мэйера, наземный TBS выполнен в духе XCOM, а в режиме дизайна кораблей угадывается Faster than light. Действительно, что тут сложного, если все уже давно знакомо, но нет, в новом Стардрайве расстройка стала еще проще. Чем больше планета — тем больше при должном питании плодится хомячков, которых нужно определить на одну из веток развития.

Общая карта вселенной отчетливо уведомляет о размерах зон влияния каждой расы. При должной сноровке можно подчистую истребить наиболее доверчивых и слабых опонентов.

В зависимости от жизненных факторов, планетный шарик можно превратить в одну большую ферму, силиконовую долину или промышленный центр. Радует, что благополучно забив на колонию и вернувшись к ней через какое-то время, можно обнаружить подобие самостоятельного прогресса. Назначаются руководители, строятся дома и даже капает буст за нафармленый ресурс. Жаль, что результаты такой инициативности не всегда оправдывают ожидания игроков, а иногда откровенно выводят из себя.

Исследуй или уничтожь. Как же быть?

Допустим, здесь есть 6 веток технологий. Конечно, не таких примитивных как в браузерном астрокликере Xcraft, но вместе с тем, изучив один интел, можно забыть о 2-3 остальных. То есть представьте ситуацию, вам нужно выбрать между рейлганами для пехтуры и силовыми щитами для флота. Легко ли определиться, учитывая тот факт, что шанс пикнуть упущенную технологию через шпионаж или дипломатию выпадет еще не скоро, а может и вообще не подвернутся? Откровенно говоря, дипломатией здесь величают прямой бартер технологий, где чтобы что-то получить, нужно избавиться от чего-то «ненужного». Иными словами проще заслать шпиона или перекрыть коридоры провианта орбитальной блокадой, чем тратить кровные интелы на прокачку толерантности к соседям.

Хотите жить дружно? Золотите ручки, подкупайте, сбрасывайте за бесценок технологии. Дорого? Шпионаж и военная экспансия вам в помощь.

Упрощение или прогресс? Что получилось из новой боевки Stardrive 2?

Так или иначе, в Стардрайв 2 все сводится на кулачной, которая может развернутся как в космосе, так и на террейне планеты-жертвы. Перед потасовкой не забудьте перебрать флот на верфи, так как местный редактор позволяет собственноручно распределить армор, щиты, модули орудий и прочею утварь, что в теории, отразится на боевой эффективности ваших шлюпок. Интересно, что в первой части редактор корблей был куда шире, модули можно было вращать, да и ассортимент побольше был. К чему было данное упрощение в сиквеле — остается загадкой. Главное, что в космосе все как прежде: чья стенка больше, та и затащит. Да вы можете набрать уйти в глухую оборону или подрубить гипердвигатели, но кого волнует, если механику зерграша еще никто не отменял.

Перебирать модулями первое время интересно, ведь это же сущий конструктор и все в этом духе, но когда в результате исход решает количество, а не ваши задумки, то инжинерский энтузиазм быстро иссякает. 

Тонкости ботовода в Stardrive 2

Отправили дредноут за конкретной целью, а он проявил инициативу и израсходовал половину боезапаса по второстепенным целям? Что ж, бывает, это вам не новый Тотал Вар с их балансом и четким пониманием того, чего игрок ожидает от своих юнитов. Но хватит ли вам терпения, пережить результаты автоматического боя, по итогам которого, один рядовой юнит противника вполовинил отряд из 25 штурмовиков и 1 меха. Мало того, ИИ противника безразлично, что у ваших дальних бойцов нет брони, он все равно изрешетит толстых на АР мехов мелкокалиберным вооружением. Он не зайдет во фланг и не даст дамаг по площади если ваши юниты уплотнились, так как достойный бот — это затратно.

Рядовым пехотинцам можно подарить имя, а лучше медпакет. Однажды, я в ХСОМ назвал снайпершу Катериной Перровой («Katty Perry»), но под самый конец слил ее в одной из перестрелок. Пришлось, по понятным причинам, переигрывать 40 минутный матч.

Подводим итоги о космической глобалке Stardrive 2

Своим откровенным пренебрежением к деталям разработчики ясно дали понять, что их цель — это не качественный продукт, который сделает им доброе имя, а быстрый профит на тех, кто доверился маркетинговым лозунгам, в которых Stardrive 2 подается как достойный преемник Master of Orion и вообще, как последняя надежда 4х жанра.

Видео об игре StarDrive 2:

Ограниченность геймплея компенсируется огромным количеством багов, недоделок и банальным отсутствием какой-либо оптимизации. Конечно, мы могли бы вас обнадежить, что мол вендоры скоро все подкрутят, но история имеет свойство повторятся. Zero Sum Games опять забросили проект, оставив доверившимся наслаждаться слайд-шоу из кадров особо нагруженных боев, пачками багов и скудным геймплеем. Stardrive 2 — это отличный пример того, как используя чужие наработки можно сорвать куш и укатить восвояси, причем дважды.

StarDrive 2 – Best Strategy to Win 1 - steamlists.com

StarDrive 2 — лучшая стратегия для победы 1 — steamlists.com

Изучив все другие руководства, которые я смог найти, я обнаружил, что в базе знаний сообщества есть огромные пробелы. В результате я поместил в это руководство некоторую информацию, которую не смог найти в другом месте, надеюсь, она кому-то поможет.

Выбор расы

Чтобы пройти уровень Brutal X 4, нужно выбрать несколько вариантов, почти все из которых приведены ниже.

Отрицательные выборы:

1) Медленные заводчики – 4 балла

2) Дрянные инженеры – 2 балла.

3) Тяжеловесные космические истребители – 2 балла.

4) Робкие воины – 2 очка

В сумме они составляют максимум 10 отрицательных значений отрицательных черт, и они имеют наименьший вредный эффект из всех отрицательных черт, которые я смог найти. Как только у вас будет клонирование чанов, население перестанет быть проблемой, снижение очков жизни и урон от оружия легко преодолеваются просто за счет того факта, что вы сразу же будете выставлять Титанов, а наземные бои стали практически устаревшими с самыми последними обновлениями.

Положительные выборы:

1) Titan Quest (на стр. 2) +4 очка

2) Буквально деревообниматель

3) Подземный

4) Находчивый

5) Богатый родной мир

6) Святая Земля

В сумме они дают до 20 баллов. Титаны позволят вам очень быстро (возможно, в течение 55 ходов после старта) выставить ракетный Титан, который может противостоять чему угодно на этом этапе игры, включая антаранцев. Tree Hugger позволяет игнорировать большое количество загрязнений, тем самым максимизируя производство. Subterranean позволяет вам сразу же иметь 3 популяционных сверхбогатых пояса астероидов, которые могут производить Титанов. Находчивый стоит в два раза дешевле, потому что он позволяет вам получить ресурсный бонус после владения всего двумя ресурсами одного типа. 2 довольно легко, 2 очень сложно. Последние 4 выбора можно заменить духовным, чтобы получить бонус всей империи. Сохранение этих двух последних означает, что производство на родном мире будет максимальным с самого начала.

Что касается расы, они в основном одинаковы, за исключением экспериментальных технологий. Лучшие 2 расы, которые я смог найти с лучшими специальными технологиями, это Люди и Драйлок.

https://stardrive2.fandom.com/wiki/Technology – [fandom.com]  –

Кредит на эту страницу сообщества, на которой перечислены все технологии.


Сначала выберите свою расу. Я предлагаю настроить его, как указано выше, а затем сохранить под специальным именем, чтобы вам не нужно было каждый раз заново настраивать. Затем нажмите «Продолжить».

ЦВЕТ ИМПЕРИИ (выбор дилера), СЧЕТ ИМПЕРИИ (на ваше усмотрение, я предпочитаю всех 8 противников), СЛОЖНОСТЬ (начните, может быть, с Трудно, чтобы проверить эти стратегии, но в конечном итоге вы можете перейти к Brutal X 4), НАЗВАНИЕ ИМПЕРИИ ( на ваш выбор) и НАЗВАНИЕ ГОНКИ. (также на ваш выбор)

Для нижних вариантов, которые у нас есть, СЛУЧАЙНЫЕ ЛИЧНОСТИ (на ваше усмотрение), ОТКЛЮЧИТЬ АТАКИ (я серьезно рекомендую не выбирать это, потому что тогда вы не будете сражаться с антаранцами), ВКЛЮЧИТЬ ОБУЧЕНИЕ (на ваше усмотрение) и 3 УСЛОВИЯ ПОБЕДЫ. (лично я просто снимаю все 3)

Наконец, параметры правой стороны, СЧЕТЧИК СИСТЕМЫ (я предпочитаю 200, чтобы вы не были слишком близко к своим врагам), РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СИСТЕМЫ (я предпочитаю кластеры), ГАЛАКТИЧЕСКОЕ ПЛОДОРОДИЕ (предлагаю оставить классический), ГАЛАКТИЧЕСКОЕ БОГАТСТВО (я предлагаю богатый или Ultra-Rich), ВРАЖДЕБНЫЕ УГРОЗЫ (увеличивает количество врагов в отрядах врагов и антаранских атаках) и ПРОДОЛЖИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ИГРЫ (я предпочитаю эпическую).

Хотите верьте, хотите нет, но высокое плодородие и высокое богатство, похоже, компенсируют друг друга, и в итоге вы получаете ужасные планеты, так что лучше просто выберите одну или другую.

Тактика для победы

Предполагая, что вы выбрали варианты, описанные в первой части, вам нужно немедленно колонизировать сверхбогатый пояс астероидов, даже если есть фантастическая система с большими ресурсами. Если вам действительно не повезет, вам придется бороться с загрязнением окружающей среды, и поэтому вы не сможете использовать все производственные мощности для постройки кораблей.

1) Отправьте своего первого колонизатора на сверхбогатый астероид.

2) Пока он это делает, вероятно, 2-5 ходов, постройте несколько грузовых кораблей так быстро, как только сможете. Мои кирки должны быть в состоянии создать первое за 5 ходов. Во-первых, вы сможете поддерживать свой сверхбогатый пояс астероидов едой из вашего родного мира, а также транспортировать 2 дополнительных населения в вашу астероидную колонию, по одному за раз. Это возложит на ваш родной мир большую часть бремени по кормлению всех, но это также означает, что вы можете собрать ракетный Титан примерно к 1 ходу.

3) Ваша астероидная колония должна немедленно построить звездную базу, а затем ракетный титан. Как только первый будет построен, у него будет передышка, и он сможет построить несколько кораблей колонии.

4) Исследовательская автоматизированная бухта вездехода, затем исследовательская лаборатория, а затем ферма Aeroponic. После этого сделайте любую технологию щита приоритетной. Xeno Mine и Imperial University лучше в долгосрочной перспективе, особенно на больших планетах, но они медленнее запускаются и требуют больше производства для строительства.

5) Безумный Эдди (https://stardrive2.fandom.com/wiki/Krazy_Eddy%27s_Technology_Emporium – []  – Кредит сообществу Stardrive 2)

Когда у вас будет 2100 кредитов, купите кристаллы данных. После исследования они принесут 7500 кредитов плюс небольшое исследование, что позволит вам покупать у него другие вещи. Я предлагаю сначала УНИЧТОЖЕННЫЙ МАГАЗИН 700 кредитов (драйвер с двумя массами, лучшее оружие на следующие несколько сотен ходов), СЛОЖНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ 1600 кредитов (поставщик бронированных боеприпасов), КВАНТОВЫЕ СХЕМЫ 1000 кредитов (квантовые термоядерные реакторы) и МАЛЕНЬКИЙ КОНДЕНСАТОР ЩИТА 500 кредитов. (Дельта-Щит) С помощью этих нескольких технологий вы можете создать очень мощного Титана, способного противостоять целым флотам кораблей и/или антаранцев. 8 из них, вероятно, могут уничтожить корабль MASTER OF ORION 2.

StarDrive 2 - Best Strategy to Win - Tactics to win - F06C94F

Этот пример стоит 4000 от производства. Он имеет 20 драйверов Dual Ma*s (для них необходимо 1000 конденсаторов), 8 зенитных орудий (72 конденсатора), 12 точечных оборонительных лазеров (24 конденсатора), 20 лазерных пушек (180 конденсаторов) и 10 ракет (10 конденсаторов) = 1286. необходим запас конденсаторов.

Он имеет 11 больших квантовых термоядерных реакторов, 4 поставщика бронированных боеприпасов, 750 топливных баков, 3 больших базовых двигателя и 138 дельта-щитов. (также 2 нейротоксиновые бомбы для планетарной бомбардировки)

Эти щиты распределяются следующим образом: 24 спереди и сзади = по 43 200 силы щита каждый, по 20 с каждой стороны = 36 000 силы щита и 50 в центре, который защищает весь корабль = 90 000 силы щита. Так что у него отличная противоракетная защита, довольно приличные щиты (хотя как можно скорее обновитесь до MK 2) и у него есть зубы.

По сути, 5 покупок у Crazy Eddy’s, плюс начальное оборудование, и у вас есть корабль, который может в одиночку уничтожить большинство противоборствующих флотов. Вам понадобится, может быть, 4 из них, чтобы сразиться с самыми большими антаранскими флотами, которые они бросят на вас, и, как правило, всего 2 или 3 вместе, чтобы вторгнуться и полностью уничтожить вражескую фракцию.

Протоколы экипажа 250 кредитов, Scented Engine Core 1500 кредитов, Silver Fluid 3200 кредитов — все это приятно иметь, но они могут подождать.

КОРПУС ПЕРЕДАЧИ и МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЕ МУСОРЫ можно игнорировать. Как только у вас есть щиты, броня становится неактуальной, а пушка «Феникс» предположительно даже не подходит для Титана. Гораздо лучшие альтернативы оружию, даже если они могут пойти на Титане.

Когда я говорю о Титанах, я в значительной степени просто имею в виду использование CITADEL TITAN. Он может выдержать до 1000 урона, у него много места, намного больше, чем у любого из расовых Титанов, и он сравним по цене (хотя он должен быть на 15% дороже) с экипировкой обычного Титана. По сути, не тратьте свое время, просто используйте это шасси и оснастите его новейшими технологиями.

Тем не менее, я предлагаю давать любой новой итерации корабля другое имя, даже если это просто Mark 1, Mark 2 и т. д. Если вы используете существующее имя, то любые переоборудования с таким именем внезапно теряют небольшую стоимость переоборудования, которую они имели раньше, и становятся полной ценой. (одна из многих досадных ошибок в этой удивительной игре)


Это все о StarDrive 2 — лучшая стратегия для победы; Надеюсь, вам понравится читать Руководство! Если вы считаете, что мы должны добавить больше информации или мы забываем/ошибаемся, сообщите нам об этом в комментариях ниже, и спасибо! До скорой встречи!

  • Стардрайв 2


This guide will help you wrap your noobly brain around the basic concepts of StarDrive, such as colonization, production and empire management, and some basic starting strategies, as well as Ship Design basics, and common combat tactics. as new information arises, such as new content, superior methods, and the like arise, this Guide will be updated if and whenever possible


So you’ve chipped in your money, and the download is complete, and you’ve fired up Stardrive for the first (or perhaps second) time. and now you’re wondering:

“Where do i go from here? What are all of these shiny buttons? and whats with all the strange stuff that i have no idea what it does?”

Fear not! this guide will teach you more than enough to get you off the ground and (perhaps) not get crushed by the AI.

as with all things, this game is alot of trial and error. brutal, explodey, laser- ridden error. but as long as you dont give up, and are willing to do a good number of new games to get it right, you will (eventually) succeed.

first things first, the main menu:

here you have:

New Game: for your first (or second, third, etc) forray into galatci domination

Tutorials: a glorified slideshow for the bare bones basics and controls

Load Game: for when you weren’t quite done that one time

Options: for all your tweaking needs

Mods: that’s right, this game is fully moddable! yay!

Exit Game: for when you finally decide to ♥♥♥♥♥ out, and return to your boring life as a couch potato

when you feel you’ve girded your loins sufficiently, and have tweaked to your liking, simple press “new game” and take the plunge.

Creating your race

When you first crack open a new game, you will be greeted by the race Creation Screen:

While it may look daunting at first, it’s pretty straightforeward. your first major decision is what Archetype to use. There are seven to choose from, each with unique ship designs, and some stock traits. on the Left, the Archetypes are dispalyed. the Top contains that arechtype’s stock name, their singular and plural names, and the name of their home system. all of this, however, can be changed to your hearts content. In the middle, there are three tabs containing various positive and negative traits, separated into Physical, Sociological, and History and Tradition. overall, you have 8 trait points to work with. if you want to have more points, you will need to select some bad traits. this helps ensure that you cannot create an overpowered race and completely dominate. also, certain traits cannot be active at the same time as others, mostly because they would cancel eachother out.

Your Choice of traits ultimateley determines how your race will fare in certain respects, and some do indeed go well together. you can swap traits at will here to help define your overall playstyle, or give yourself new challenges to overcome. finally, before you begin in earnest, look to the top right to see the game options, such as galaxy size, number of opponents, adnd overall difficulty. the small tab below the traits tab shows special rules you may enable to alter your experience. right now, only 2 are avaialbe to change.

after you’re satisfied with the race you have created, and the options are to your liking, it’s time to conquer the galaxy….or die trying.

The First Hour pt1: Humble Beginings

when you finally go ahead and begin a new game, the first thing you will see is something like this:

there before you lies your home planet, a starting combat ship, a colony vessel, and a scout, ready to do your bidding. but there’s one thing we should get out of the way before anything else.

you see, you starting ship, beleive it or not, is currently under your direct control.

go ahead and play with this for a bit if you desire. W and S go foreward and back, and A and D, left and right. if you click somewhere near your ship. it will fire a weapon in that direction. when you’re done not crashing it into the nearest star, simply press Q while it is selected (standard selection methods apply), this will bring up a special radial menu:

various commands can be given to a ship here, such as taking and relinquishing control, assigning special tasks, and scrapping the ship to make room for better ones.

when all of that is taken care of, one of the first things you should do is go and visit your home planet. simply double click on the planet itself, and you will be presented with the colony management window:

in the center you have a visual representation of your colony layout, in the form of a grid. each grid square holds one building. you may notice that some of the squares are blacked out. those squares cannot (at the moment) hold any structures.

below the grid is a details pannel giving you basic information on whatever you currently are mousing over.

to the right, is a collection of tabs containing what you may currently build on that planet, including buildings, starships, and troops. below that, is the build qeue. in said build qeue, you can rearange the order in which things are built, and rush construction of anything within. rushing construction will cost 10 gold each click, and will deduct 10 production from that planets stores, which can be viewed in the bottom left of the management screen. there you may also control what the planet does with said food and production. it can export, import, or store said resources, allowing you to (with the use of freighters) move resources around your empire to help it grow. in the early stages, this is essentially a must.

the pannel above that is probably the most important. it allows you to allocate that planet’s population to one of three things: food production, industry, or research. you can also, if you choose, assign a governor to automate this task, and gear the planet towards one of several specialties:

Core: this makes the AI create a balanced world with no particular speciality, probably the best choice for your homeworld.

Industrial: this will focus the governor on maximizing production, and will also task the planet with exporting stored production to other planets that are in need of the resource.

Agricultural: this tasks the planet to maximise the making of food. since planets that are good for this are somewhat rare, it is wise to guard agricultural worlds at all costs.

Research: this focuses the population to producing research. try to avoid having an overabuncance of these worlds, however, as the planet is likely good for something else. planets that have little to no value are usually good candidates as research hubs.

Military: planets set to this will build minimal infastructure and focus all used production on military ships. planets with exorbantly high richness are excellent candidates.

But before you decide how you want a planet to run itself, you will want to look just above those sliders, to the Planet information pannel. this will give you the planets name, its current, and maximum population, as well as two very important values. these are:

Fertility: this rates a planet’s capability when producing food, and also determines its natural population capacity. planets with a fertility rating of 1 are acceptable. any higher, and it is a strong candidate for agricultural assignment. 2 or more, and the choice should be obvious.

Richness: this determines the yield of production efforts on the planet. planets with a richness value of 1 or higher are always good choices

planets whose Fertility is higher than their richness are best left to agricultural duties. if the opposite is true, then it is wise to set them to industrial. if they are balanced, core is usually the best choice. if both values are less than 1, then it earns the sad fate of being a research colony. it is relatively unwise to set a colony to military unless it was a well established industrial planet beforehand.

when you’ve adjusted your homeworld’s labor forces to your liking, it’s time to plot your rise to power.

The First Hour pt2: Commanding your minions

every empire has its foundation, every emperor his servants. in your case, you have your gagle of ships ready to swoosh around the galaxy at your every whim. but you really need to know how they operate. let us go back to the little frigate you saw earlier:

if you look to the bottom left of the screen, you will see a small tab detailing the ship you have selected. in this case, the starting flagship. the big green lump in the middle describes his overall condition, block by block. in StarDrive, ships do not suffer from trifles such as HP. rather, they are brought down, module by module. the individual modules take damage, then die. when enough modules have been killed, the ship will reach its breaking point, roll over, and promply explode. depending on what module dies first, the ship may fight on for much longer, or may suffer a critical hit, and die very quickly. for example, if the engines die first, the ship will be slowed, or even unable to move. if the weapons die off, it is defenseless. and if that big scary reactor blows, well then it’s bye bye ship, and hello space junk. by pressing TAB, you can toggle the module view, allowing you to see not only the module placement on your ships, but on the enemy ships as well. this can help you get a good idea about what you’re up against in a battle, and whether or not you should flee while you still have the chance.

to the left of the green blob, you will see the ship’s internal defense value, and how many platoons of soldiers are currently housed within the vessel. certain modules can increase these numbers. both determine how much longer a ship can withstand enemy boarding parties before being captured. not that you can capture enemy ships as well, so it may sometimes be a good idea to turn the enemy’s own arsenal against him.

on the far right of this tab, you will see three things:

Ship Power: how much energy this ship has, and its maximum energy reserves. this affects both shields and energy weapons.

Shield Strength: the total remaining resistance of all combined shield modules on the ship

Ordinance: a measure of how much longer it can fire its slug-based weaponry, if it has any.

to the far right of that, just off the edge, is a pullout menu, where you can issue specialized commands, much like the radial menu you open with Q. however, this one can contain commands that the radial menu does not. if your ship has hangar modules, you can control the release of its fighter craft. if it contains cargo holds, you may command it to transport goods and people around your empire. if the ship has shields, you can toggle them on or off here.

now that we’ve familiarized you with your ships and how to control and take care of them, let’s get out there and expand.

The First Hour pt3: Exploration, Expansion, Anomalies and Relics

As with any expansion effort ever made, you can’s just go out into the universe and claim every rock you stumble across (well technichally, you CAN, but that might have undesireable reprecussions).

your first order of buisness in this case, is to send out some scouts. you can A) select your scout, order him to go exploring, build more scouts, rinse and repeat, or you can B) Automate it. once again, the automation feature comes to the rescue. by automating the process, the AI will handle the construction, deployment, and replacement of your scouting craft. this, like the other automating options, can definitely save you from the tedious work of reconissance.

once a suitable planet has been found, it’s time to colonise. this process, while it CAN be automated, is best left to your brain. all you really need to do, is click on a coloniseable, ownerless planet, look to the info pannel at the bottom right, and select “colonse”. you may also cancel the action if you feel the aforementioned bad juju may take its toll.

from time to time during exploration, you may be greeted with an alert that states:

“scans of _______ have revealed an anomaly

anomalies, in this sense, are discoverable treasures that spawn on random planets. some systems can have multiple anomaly-bearing planets. there are even times where your home system starts with an anomaly on one of its planets (score!). this can range from discovering some secret tech, to a quick credit infusion, to very special finds called Relics.

Relics are VERY GOOD FINDS. they are unique “items” that provide powerful bonuses for your entire empire. once found, that bonus lasts forever. (i don’t know personally if they can be stolen, but i believe they can be traded.).

once you get a good number of planets colonised, it’s time to-

-whats that? those newly formed colonies aren’t growing?

well ♥♥♥♥ me, we forgot to cover:

The First Hour pt4: Freighters and Subspace Projectors

in this game, colonies do not magically grow like seeds. they require a constant flow of food, materials, and people while they set up shop. otherwise, nothing gets built, the population does not grow sufficiently, and those who are there do not eat, and the colony would soon die.

This, my friend, is where Freighters come into play.

these proverbial space beasts of burden will, when properly ordered, ferry food, production, and more intrepid colonists between planets that need them. in this way, well established planets support newer fledgeling colonies, and specialised planets will recieve a resource that they lack, while contributing their own surpluss for the good of the empire.

and while this may seem like a logistical night mare for one man (you), this process can also be automated.

you may also find that some of your beefier ships have a hard time getting around. this is the speciality of Subspace Projectors.

to put it plainly, they act as a sort of highway for your ships and freighters. when tasked to a location, all ships will prioritize going across the Projector’s sphere of influence. because within it, ships do not lose power while warping. several strings of these between planets form an interstellar road network that will ease travel across your empire.

on a side note, research can unlock two aditional sizes of freighter. late game, you will definitely want the bigger barges, simply because more crap will need to be moved.

Speaking of which….

The First Hour pt5: Science!!

do your enemies have bigger ships than you? do they punch harder, fly faster, and generally kick your ass left and right? then you have likely neglected the importance of Research.

this particular window is found near the top left of your screen. it details several categories of good old R&D. with each unlock, your empire will become that much closer to a lean, mean, galactic domination machine. some will open up new buildings. others unlock modules. and a particular line gives you all new types of hulls to work with.

there is even a hidden category (though painfully small at the moment) that can be unlocked by bashing enough remnant ships. while small, the items unlocked can easily provide a boon to your efforts.

to gain more research, you will need to bolster the ammount of science points your empire produces. unlike Food and Production, which go by each planet’s stock, Science points are one large, empire-wide pool. therefore, larger empires will have greater research rate than smaller ones.

also, remember those absolutely worthless planets you passed up? ya probably shouldn’t have done that. those planets, while worthless, can become Research colonies, boosting your overall tech power!

now before we can truly set out and start making the universe our personal concubine, there is one last CRUCIAL topic we need to discuss….

your budget.

The First Hour pt6: Mind on the Money

The greatest blunder for a galactic emperor is not lacking territory. and it is not lacking soldiers. nor is not having the latest technology…..

…it’s being unable to pay for it. after all, money makes the universe go round.

therefore there is no greater tab to pay attention to, than this one:

the tab itself can be found right next to the research tab – it’s literally that important.

and in that tab, there is no greater thing to note than the Tax Rate.

you see, the ammount of money you are taxing is a direct percentage of all of the Food and Production in your empire. the more you tax, the more money you make. BUT, you also lose that exact percentage of your resource prodiction across your entire empire. therefore, you don’t want to tax too little, and not have enough money. if you do, you will go into debt, and rebelions become a possibility. but you also don’t want to tax too much. if you do that, then your empire’s growth and ship building efforts will grind to a halt.

so, simply put, just keep the balance a little above 0, and you’ll be fine.

so, homeworld ship shape?

Ships doing their thing properly?

More systems being snagged as we speak?

Interplanetary Trade booting up?

Eggheads occupied?

Galactic Checkbook in the black?

OKAY! the time has finally come to-

oh, god, WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ IS THAT?!!?!?

Friend or Fodder?: Galactic Diplomacy in a nutshell

And then, it hits you:

You are not alone.

i will not go into technical details here. most of the buttons should be self explanatory.

regardless, how you deal with the other races is VERY IMPORTANT. one fals move and you may very well be dog meat. or them, depending on who’s army is bigger. when you first encounter a new race, it’s often a good idea to note how they greet you, as well as their mood. these three bars are found to the left, and are:

Trust: how much they like you, and how much they are willing to do things for/with you.

Anger: obviously, how pissed they are at you. and it is a decent indicator of how likely they are to declare war on you. however, do NOT take this rating as the sole indicator.

Fear: how terrified they are of you, and how likely they will cave into demands. note, however, that anger will (most of the time) override fear.

there are also some relatively obvious things that will make war happen VERY QUICKLY. these include:

Innapropriate land grabs, or “Stealing” planets: they will usually let you know if they have “called” a planet, even when its unocupied. taking it anyways will make them very mad, sometimes resulting in immediate war.

Trespassing: unless open borders is in effect, it is unwise to have military vessels meandering about someone else’s yard. don’t do it unless you’re feeling plucky.

Weakness: a few races will readily jump on the chance to attack a weak empire. the Opteris and the Vulfar are common culprits here.

but sometimes, the best information is not how they behave. it’s how they compare.

the diplomacy Tab, found in the top area of your screen, gives you a handy chart displaying usefull information.

the top of this window gives you portraits of your competitors. the left area shows some basic information as to their overal behavior, and how they rank in several categories. it also displays what relics they posess, if any.

the right consists more of technichal data. it shows percentage modifiers to many aspects of many things that the race in question benefits, or suffers from. this can easily tell you if they have a natural weak area in their overal composition. the central area covers spies and espionage, which will be covered later in this guide.

but alas, despite your best efforts, and your best attempts at the puppy dog stare, things will eventually go sour.

at that point, it’s time to kick ass, die with honor, or get steamrolled like a n00b.

Time to Fight!

The Gauntlet has been thrown, the die has been cast, and the gloves are off. it’s fightin’ time!

i won’t go too into detail on battle tactics right now. we’ll save that juciness for later. right now is the time to learn the basic do’s and don’ts, and how to handle certain scenarios that you may encounter.

the first thing to figure out when going to war is the overal size of your oponent’s navy. a good indicator is the ammount of teritory he poseses. however, just because he has a lot of territory, does not mean he has a massive navy. he may have focused on his economy or his diplomatic position.

it is also important to note the four main weapon types:


these are your starting weapons, and sometimes the most reliable. with proper upgrades, they can shred armor, and even bypass it. the downside is that they run on ordinance, which in most cases is a finite resource. also, many of the more powerfull cannons may only fire foreward.


all missile weaponry will home in on the target vessel, and generally have good range. they too, however, require ordinance, and can be shot down mid-flight.

Energy (Cannon)

almost all styles of energy cannon have a light and heavy variant, and one type can even bypass all shields. plus, they are probably the coolest to watch in action. however, they run on the ships power, and having many can create exorbant power demands.

Energy (Beam)

these weapons posess incredible acuracy, and deadly damage potential. however, like their cannon based brothers, they run on power. it is also notable that their fire rate is fiendishly slow compared to other weapons.

in adition to weapons, there are some other modules that will aid your fight immensly:

Hanger / Raider Bay

these special modules will, when latched onto a ship design, allow that ship to spawn fighter craft. for FREE. it will even rearm and repair fighters when they are docked within. but note that, while it is free, each hangar can only support one fighter. if the fighter is destroyed, a new one will be made available after a cooldown period. The Hangar’s cousin, the Raider Bay, operates in the same fashion, but spawns Corvettes instead.

Assault Shuttle Bay & Marine Barracks

these launchable craft allow a ship to deploy a ground troop into space. the marine barracks allows the ship to spawn with a free foot soldier in its belly, one per barrack. when used in tandem, one can create a ship capable of delivering an entire army to a location. the troops can even be launched straight down to a planet. when the ship is empty of troops, it can be reloaded with fresh units by launching troops from a planet, and ordering them onto the ship. this will load them into the vessel, ready to be transported.

Warp Inhibitor

this module, while being the largest and most power-consuming item in your arsenal, serves a VERY powerful function: it stops all enemy ships within its effective radius from warping. defensively, you can use it to stall an enemy fleet on the aproach while you round up a counterattack. offensively, it can help you by cutting off enemy reinforcements while you assail a location, giving you a mobility advantage. on top of all that. having more than one will STACK the effect.

another thing to watch for is how your oponent arms his vessels, and what size of ship he prefers. i will give you some sample “ultimate” loadouts, and easy ways to counter them:


as of Version 1.15 and onwards, the AI will now employ mixed fleet tactics! to quote the official change log:

This now results in the AI splitting its proportions roughly between: Capitals: 3, Cruisers: 5, Frigates: 7, Fighters: 7, Dedicated Bombers: 1. This means that, given 23 ships, the ratio would break down like that. This should result in some more mixed AI fleets, and fix the issue seen at present wherein the AI is only fielding the largest ship type available at once. Expect more dangerous enemies with mixed target types – bring some anti-fighter cannons!

~ ZeroSum

The following, however, may still be seen:

The “Missile Freak”

typically a frigate or cruiser, with misiles flinging in all directions.

Solution: create a counter vessel that posesses a lot of point defense in the front, and have this vessel face him head on. also try to have good shielding and armor, so that the ones that get through do little damage.

The “Lamezor”

can be any size, but uses nothing but beam lasers, especially in the front. the bigger it is, the more it will hurt.

Solution: you can tackle this guy in a number of ways (sometimes even combining tactics):

1-Swarm: outnumber it with numerous, speedy craft and have them circle him. while weak, their sheer numbers should at least occupy him while you bring up reinforcements

2-Salvo: use high power, long range slug weaponry. the biggest ballitic cannon can outrange even the mightiest of laser beams. bring several, and pound his main guns to death.

3-Showdown: create your own laser spamming titan, and match his might. may the bigger ship win.

The “Bertha”

a sort of antithesis to the prevous scenario, this beast spams the ultra heavy mega cannons, and with the right research, will shred even the migtiest of ships.

Solution: any of the tactics for the “Lamezor” will apply here. but it is to be noted that you must NOT remain in front of it. have all ships that will fight it circle or strafe it, so they can whittle down the beast. when its engines die, position your frontal firing ships behind it, and shove as much firepower up its proverbial ass as you can.

however, all of this said, there is more than one way to fight a war….

Getting Sneaky: a note on Espionage

if you think you can’t quite win your current engagement without some sort of edge, or perhaps feel like being a sneaky little ♥♥♥♥♥, then you seek the dark path of Espionage.

this little feat is actually fairly easy to do. we must simply return to our diplomacy screen.

in case it isnt obvious, the section you seek is Agents and Espionage, right there in the middle.

to engage in espionage, first you must recruit agents via the small button at the bottom of the tab. this will cost a good chunk of change, however, so make sure you have the pocket money to support it. agents themselves do not cost maintenance however, so build up your space ninja army at your leisure. but it must be said that anything you have them do will cost gold, so prepare to empty thine pocketbook.

now to actually use them, first click on the portrait of your intended victim, then click an available agent. the empirical bonuses tab will be replaced with a list of espionage actions, including leveling up your agents. higher level agents have a higher chance of success, so train them up if the mission must not fail.

do take note, however, that enemy empires also have agents of their own that, if not doing anything themselves, will attempt to counter your agents. you can, of course, order your agents to assassinate theirs, evening the scales.

but sometimes, even all of your clandestine debauchery isnt quite enough. maybe, just maybe….

…it’s that peice of ♥♥♥♥ you call a ship that needs some refitting. at that point, it’s time to go……

Back to the Drawing Board: Creating you first custom ship

There are a few things to note when creating a ship for the first time.

One of them being just how confusing creating a ship might actually be. But that’s what you came here to learn how to do, right? So let’s get to it then.

pictured below is a simple “stock” ship, just so you know what you’re dealing with as far as a finished product:

But this is just a small frigate, mind you. larger ships can get…well…..

Confusing. Even nonsensical at times.

However, the absolute basics of building a ship are simple:

  • All slots MUST be filled. no exceptions
  • At least one command module – someone’s gotta drive.
  • At least one engine – it’s gotta be able to move

The rest is techically up to you.

Actually, not so much. Not because the game is trying to be a ♥♥♥♥. Quite the oposite, It’s trying to help you make a compotent vessel, by putting restrictions on what can go where.

To this end, the game divides the little squares into four types:

I (internal components): anything you would normally find in the guts of the ship, generators, the bridge, engineering, medbay, etc., but also includes special internal armor.

O (outer components): mostly deals with armor plating, but weapons can sit here too.

IO (Inner/Outer): a hybrid area, where armor, or weapons can go, but also internal components.

E (engines): self explanatory, the engines go here.

(here is another image for reference)

as for the modules themselves, they fall under four general categories:

WEP (weapons): where all your tools of destruction go.

PWR (power): anything related to energy, as well as propulsion.

DEF (defense): armor and shield generators go here.

SPC (special): anything that doesn’t fall under the other three, but contains vital components, such as command modules, storage modules, and hangars.

on the bottom right of this screen, you will notice some statistics about whatever it is you have managed to build. these are:

Production Cost: how many production units it will take to churn out this bad boy.

Power Capacity: the maximum ammount of energy it can hold.

Power Recharge: the speed at which it will reach capacity.

Recharge at Warp: how quickly it will recharge – while warping. if negative, warping will drain power.

Total Hitpoints: the cumulative total of the HP values of all parts of the ship. however, it is not a good indicator of survivability, as the death of certain parts will doom your ship.

Shield Power: the strength of all shield domes combined. a much better indicator of survivability, but be aware that most shields are too bulky to provide complete protection for smaller ships.

Mass: the weight of the ship. while this is indeed space, mass will still govern the acceleration of the ship, as well as overall speed. ships with high speed, but low mass, will “drift” a while before fully changing direction. conversely, a ship with high mass, and low speed, will hardly move at all.

FTL speed: the speed at which the ship travels via its warp drive. the faster the better, but the other speed type will typically have to suffer.

Sub-Light speed: the speed of the ship when travelling normally. is affected by engine quality as well as mass.

Turn rate: the rate (in degrees, i presume) at which the vessel can change direction. good if your ship plans to engage fast enemies.

Ordinance capacity: the ammount of munitions points the ship can carry. ordinance fabricators allow for regeneration of ordinance, but for exuberant power costs.

Cargo Capacity: how much freight the ship can carry. irrelevant for all but freighter ships, unless you plan to have frigates ship your goods around…..

one last thing before we move on. you may have placed down your weapons, but do you know what direction they will fire? if you’re not sure, a small “arcs” button on the top right will help you.

if your weapons are not facing the right way, you can do one of two things:

1: click and drag the weapon if it is a turret. then drag around untill the firing angle arc is in the direction you want.

2: if a hard-mount weapon, rotate it with the arrow keys.

now that you know how to build a ship, let’s take a moment and see what can happen when you build a fleet!

Team Effort: Creating a Fleet

this. this right here is the pinnacle of organising your minions. and at first glance, it’s intimidating.

but once you (read: ME) break it down, you can truly make your space navy the scourge of the stars.

let’s first take a look at an empty fleet screen, and go through all the little windows:

to start things off right, think of fleets as your control groups, but more so.

to the right you can see several slots where your saved fleets will go. you can have up to nine fleets by default. these can be saved, edited, or scraped at your lesiure.

at the center bottom, lies the main control pannel for this section. the absolute center allows you to save, load, and delete pre-built fleet deployments that you specify. it also allows you to automatically qeue up replacements of ships lost in battle for this fleet. you have the option of automating this process as well.

now let’s plop down a few ships. i’ve put in some simple corvettes as an example:

the small white dot you see is (duh) the center of the formation. it is a wise idea to put a powerfull/important ship here. in fact, it may be a good idea to custom build a new ship to put here as a “flagship” – the centepeice of your fleet. a good flagship:

– is the largest class of ship you can currently field – titans or battleships being optimal
– posess one or more of the following:
– warp inhibitor
– repair drones
– resupply shuttles & ammo fabricators
– fighter or raider bays, to act as an escort/force multiplier

getting back to the actual making of a fleet, let’s select one of our ships:

notice that the bottom tab changes and expands to present you with a plethora of options to alter this ships’ behavior.

the center now displays the ship’s name. just below that, are its engagement orders. this tells a ship how to behave when engaging an enemy. the options include:

Strafing Run

make constant passes at the enemy vessel, shooting at the target while moving, then flying past it, and coming around for another attack.

best suited to small, fast ships with foreward firing weapons.

Frontal Fire

the ship will face the enemy head-on, and maintain maximum distance from the target.

best suited to ships with long range weapons that aren’t expected to attack faster moving enemies.

Hold Position

the ship will engage the enemy, but will not move from its current spot.

best suited for ships designated as defenders, such as anti – fighter or point defense ships. can also be used on carriers to prevent them from entering the fray, while still launching and directing their fighter swarms.

Circle Left (and Circle Right)

the ship will close in on the enemy and circle it , going clockwise (or counter-clockwise), and will broadside the opponent.

this order is good for any particular combat ship, but is not recomended for ships with hard-mount weapons. many larger ships cannot turn tightly or quickly enough to bring enemies within the smaller firing arc of hard-mount guns.

Do Not Engage

this is the default order for freighters, as it commands them to run away from a fight. not practical for any ship designated for combat.

The left portion of the bar shows you two sliders for basic behavior of the selected ship:

the first slider is its’ operational range. this is indicated by the green circle around the selected unit. this dictates how far the ship will travel from its starting position to complete tasks, and find targets.

The second slider tells the ship what size of enemy to prefer, the exact middle being ships of equal size, the left being smaller, and the right being larger. we are going to assume that each divide in this line represents a weight class.

the right portion of the bar has several more sliders for more advanced targeting orders. they allow you to affect things like:

  • how often to target damaged enemies
  • how often to help allies
  • what type of targets to prefer (heavily armored, heavily shielded, highest dps, etc)

in regards to carriers, let us assume that spawned fighters inherit the targeting orders of the parent ship.

I’m going to give to you some “sample” behavior sets, and the type of ship to best employ them:


Class: Fighter
OP Range: Med – High
Target Size: Equal or Greater
Weapon: Any
Movement: Strafing Run or Frontal Fire
Targeting Preferences:

  • Defend Ally: High
  • Assist Ally: High
  • Everything Else: Player Discretion

Light Bomber

Class: Fighter
OP Range: Med – High
Target Size: Larger than Self
Weapon: Bomb or Missile
Movement: Strafing Run
Targeting Preferences:

  • Attack Damaged: High
  • Attack Armored: High
  • Attack Shielded: High
  • Attack DPS: High

Heavy Bomber / Gunship

Class: Corvette
OP Range: Any, depending on intended use
Target Size: Equal or Greater
Weapon: Any (again, depends on intended role)
Movement: Strafing Run or Frontal Fire
Targeting Preferences: Same as Light Bomber

Heavy Interceptor

Class: Corvette
OP Range: Any
Target Size: Equal or Smaller
Weapon: Preferably Flak, with its bonus vs. non-armor modules, or missiles
Movement: Strafing Run or Frontal Fire
Targeting Preferences: Same as Interceptor

Destroyer / Capital Buster

Class: Frigate or Cruiser
OP Range: Any
Target Size: if Destroyer, = or smaller. if Capital Buster, = or Greater

  • Destoyer – High RoF, Missiles
  • Capital Buster – Biggest that will fit

Movement: Weapon Dependent
Targeting Preferences: Relatively self explanatory

It’s Raining Death: Besieging an enemy planet (rough cut – expect errors)

so you’ve managed to beat back the enemy’s death fleet! awesome! now to just kick him off of that puny planet and make it your own!

…but how??

there are two methods of claiming a planet:

1: Invasion

this method can be difficult if you don’t prepare beforehand, but if done correctly, can nab you a world without having to rebuild it. but you need one simple thing:


these are built from planets like any other military unit. however, they start on the planet after being built, and a planet can only house so many. fortunately, troops get their own build tab, and come in two flavors:

standard footsoldier (name & stats varies by race, soft attack & defense)

you start the game being able to build these on your home planet. to enable other planets to train them, build a military outpost on its surface.

Spider Tank ( 10 hp, hard attack & defense )

this unit requires a bit of research, and is twice the cost of your footman, but can help you bust down heavily defended surfaces.

now simple launch the troops fom the planet from the planet management screen, send them towards the victim, then select the victim planet’s tactical view from the bottom left window (it’s the flag, not the eye), then send your troops down from the top left window that appears.

(unless you feel like directing the battle yourself, make sure auto-ground combat is on from the AI menu we talked about several chapters ago.)

2: Annihilation

this is the most straightforeward aproach, but can vary in difficulty depenidng on how long the game has been going. but all you need for a successful planet bombing are one or more ships equipped with planetary bombs.

but when bombarding a planet, you have to watch out for the following:

planetary ion cannon – disables ships that it hits successfully

planetary missile launcher – allows the planet to fight off smaller attacks on its own.

planetary shield – depending on the size of your attack fleet, this can either delay the innevitable, or become a serious roadblock. comes in two sizes, and yes, they stack.

the defending fleet – because ♥♥♥♥ you if you thought it was gonna be that easy by now.

if you bomb the planet hard enough, you will wipe out the population (and several vital structures along with them). then you will be able to re-colonise it with your own people.

use this method if you don’t think you can hold the world.

so now let’s review your ultimate goal!

A Winner is You: reviewing your Ultimate Goal (rough cut – expect errors)

so you’ve made it to the end of the guide. i’ll bet anything that your very last question is something like this:

All of this information is nice and all, but how do I actually WIN?

well seeing as this is the last chapter, it’s finally time i told you just that!!

there are, as of Ver. 1.15, THREE ways to win.

Last Lifeform Alive

fairly simple, wipe out all competition. but this will make for a long game.


negotiate every race (that’s still alive) into a grand federation.

sounds easy right? not quite so.

for a race to join your federation, there are two main requirements:
– they have to like you AND be in good standing/ already allies
– they have to be inferior to you in at least two ways:

the third suprise method comes to us in the 1.15 update:

Ascent to Godhood

this is the culmination of the Remnant Quest line, involving a rediculously expensive research. but that’s only after:

– finding the remnant quest line to begin with
– finding the source of the remnants and defeating the resulting god-ship. though you can also capture it. if you have the balls

And that, ladies and gentlmen, is that.

I wish you luck in your galactic conquest, soon-to-be-emperor!!

(though it’ll probably STILL take you a few tries)

StarDrive Beginner’s Guide by Anubice


I couldn’t sleep one night as I had thoughts about this game running through my head. I decided to make this guide to help out new players. I intend to make more guides that are more advanced in the future but as this game currently is in beta an its potential for choice is quite large right now I will just do a basic guide.

I will try to streamline it so there’s no huge blocks of text. I also understand this is still BETA and a lot will change. I will update this or make new guides if I get the time.

*NOTE*: I have only been playing this a few weeks and have only just started winning games. If any of the Veteran community would like to contribute information I would greatly appreciate it.


Starting a game. Here there is a menu with the races you can play to your left, traits that you can pick from in the middle and your races history to your right. You pick your race and its traits are already pre loaded. Now, you can pick and chooses whatever traits you want but there will be repercussions.

*NOTE*: You have a certain amount of points you can spend on any GREEN traits which are beneficial to your race. You can get more points for picking any of the bad or RED traits. This will allow you to purchase more GREEN traits and so on.

Picking your race

I generally play Kulrathi Shogunate because Samurai Space Bears are a friggin awesome idea but it doesn’t really matter what you choose as you can pick and mix whatever traits you want. These are the traits/racials I choose:

*NOTE:* You can pick whatever race you want and use this build it should all work the same. You can pick as many traits as you want as long as you have the points. Get more points from picking RED traits.

Fertile +0.1pop growth a turn.

Meticulous +25%bonus to taxes
Skilled Engineers +20%to ship module hit points.

History and Tradition
Huge Home world +25%more population growth.

*NOTE*: Fertile for fast growth on high pop planets, Meticulous for maintaining bigger fleets in the early game, Huge home world so you can pump out ships faster + generating more cash due to larger population, Skilled Engineers for higher HP light fighters for killing Remnant scum and defending from AI.



Your research tab is located in the top left of your UI. Open it up and it will have a number of menus that hug the left side of your monitor. Use the headings listed below to find the research trees you need.


1. Industrial Foundations

• Rover Bay + 1 to Production.
• Warehouse +100 to storage capacity.

3. Aeroponics
• Aeropnic Farm + 1 food production.

Socio Logistics

2. Interstellar Governance
• Imperial Offices + .25 credits per turn.

Space Weapons
• Rocket Launcher

Rover bay to increase production on fledgling planets and to pave the way for building the next two buildings.

Interstellar governance to start your eco boom and pump some light fighters.

Aeropnic Farm to increase food production on low food planets.

*NOTE*:Food is a consumed at a rate of 1 food per 1Billion colonist on a planet and is consumed every game term of 5 seconds. As the colony grows and you hit your max food the slider number will drop into the negatives. Food production may be affected by the quality of the planet e.g. Terran Ultra Rich with 2+ food may support itself right up to the max population without needs of aeroponics. You can check out the in game help for more information.

*NOTE*: Numbers indicate which tech to research first and the bullets indicate benefits of said research.

*NOTE*: Space weapons is so you can build rocket scouts. These are super good early game for clearing out remnant pockets and securing high pop planets.

Tax Rate

At this point you should also change your tax rates (located next to research). I tend to drop mine to around 0.9 and that will give .3-4 to your research value which is huge early game. Just pay attention to it when you go into the negatives that you have planets with population growth.

Settling your first planet.

The Kulrathi have a semi decent planet in their first system which I settle straight away just as a bit of money for later on. I tend to settle up to 5 MAX in the first ten minutes if I get lucky with my scouting and remnant defenders populating the system. I advise settling Terran planets only with this set up until you unlock Xeno Farming/Mining and Terraforming. Terran planets consist of Terran Ultra Poor/Average/Terran/Rich/Ultra Rich.

*NOTE*: Unsure about the planet listings here.


I delete my first 2 scouts as they don’t have FTL. This will require you to go to your shipyard (top middle of your screen) or to the ship tab in your planet overview, go to the Vulcan scout and click the pencil button. This will allow you to manually build your own ship. I advise fitting your light fighters with FTL as they will move A LOT quicker when they initiate there hyper drives. Press Q once they’re fitted and you will get 3 options. Find the auto scout and let them roam free!

Trade Ships

I will build 3 trade ships to ferry supplies between my first few colonies. I build more depending on the quality of the planet and the distance.

*NOTE*: Player discretion advised here as distances for ships to travel will affect a colonies survival and planet type.


Now I generally build 10-12 Fang fighters in the first 10mins of game play and find a juicy world with high pop, undefended if I am lucky. If not I send my small fleet off to deal some damage with their nail guns.

*NOTE*: You can set AI to deal with your planet’s affairs but they tend to build things that will ruin your economy fast so I advise you manage it yourself until its improved.

Early/Mid Game

At this point you should have (hopefully/luckily) settled 4-5 decent Terran planets and at this point have your first four techs researched. I’ll give a rough time frame of 10-15mins depending on research values etc with a semi decent fleet of possibly up to 20ish fang/rocket fighters. At this point you will start expanding again.

This is where things are a little harder to judge. You may have come across some badass alien race that’s hell-bent on destroying you (already). Currently I have found the most vicious races at the moment are:

1. The Opteris.
2. The Ralyeh
3. The Vulfen

*NOTE*: The list is how I rate them currently. This is from my gameplay experiences and from reading on the forumns about epic battles, mainly with Opteris. The jerkbags.

Expanding Mid Game

This is where things can get tricky. You have to manage the size of your fleet against the amount of planets you can settle. You don’t want to overextend yourself with a big empire but small fleet as the AI will take advantage of that. I generally end up +10 ISK(EvE, lol) around this point (I hope) with the right planets. Where upon I build large amounts of rockets fangs and Colony ships (fitted with FTL’s of course) and try to settle as many planets as I can while building a decent fleet and managing my economy.

*NOTE*: Player discretion advised up to this point. I can’ t really tell you what to research into as it gets a bit broad here. I can only advise.

Additional Notes

These are just broad generalisations that you may want to use around this period in the game that I don’t feel I can fit around the macro/micro:
• Players rush to frigates(Starship construction>Heavy Fighter Hull>Frigate Construction) and upgrade weapons into Energy> Energy Weapons. At this point you will need a decent understanding of the shipyard to do what I am going to type next.
• Creating Tier levelled ships. I categorize most of the research into different Tiers (any of the first researchable buildings/techs as Tier 1 etc) and base my ship construction off of those tiers so I always have a somewhat decent ship out and about. So I will research Energy> Energy Shielding> Energy Weapons, Starship Construction > Heavy Fighter Hull; then create a ship with say that level (Tier1) of research and name it something kickass like Katana. This is kind of so you have something on the field that is vaguely competent.

Mid/End/Meta game.
Now this is still very raw in its balancing I feel. I have not seen the AI create a Titan or a Cruiser class ship or use any of my ship designs (which apparently they can do as stated on the forums  but I have only played the Kulrathi. If you follow the steps from the start and just research/settle colonies/build fleets you should alright (depending on the AI gayness factor).

*NOTE*: Advice appreciated!

I leave it there as I currently have not experienced too much end game content currently. I imagine with ‘Take control’ function of ships you can do some very lame things with a few light fighters. Say you control 1 with some rockets behind a frigate and drills holes in his warp engines and leave it there stranded in space. I am unsure if that would work but it’s a funny strategy. I intend to post more advanced strategy guide’s etc at later dates as I find the potential to be quite limitless (and very lame) with some of the functions provided.

Any and all advice appreciated.

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