Руководство для w204

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Manuals and User Guides for Mercedes-Benz 2013 C-Class W204 Sedan. We have 1 Mercedes-Benz 2013 C-Class W204 Sedan manual available for free PDF download: Owner’s Manual

  • #1

Comand APS Mercedes-Benz Компрессор C-Klass кузов 204. Навигация.

Настраиваю навигацию(Comand APS М-Б Компрессор C-Klass кузов 204), но без «Руководства Comand APS» не получается.Потерял «Руководство Comand APS» (на обложке панель управления Comand, 202 страницы)для Мерс-Бенц Компрессор C-Klass кузов 204. Кто подскажет где можно скачать?

  • #2

Re: Comand APS Mercedes-Benz Компрессор C-Klass кузов 204. Навигация.

Я сначала не врубился, думал это нормальный форум…ну в смысле реальный…помощь к-н можно получить…)) А оказывается это ЕЩЁ ОДИН форум , где только задают вопросы ))

  • #3

Всем привет, нужна инструкция по эксплуатации c-classe w204, киньте ссылку, спасибо

Последнее редактирование модератором: 21 Мар 2013



  • #5

W204 — Мануал

Всем доброго времени суток. На днях брату пригнали из Германии С220 CDI W204, а все книжки к нему то ли на немецком, то ли на нидерландском. Может кто-нибудь может отсканировать родной мануал на русском и выложить в общий доступ. А то пользоваться интерактивным руководством с сайта мерседеса не всегда возможно, и хочется, все таки, иметь в при себе печатный вариант, как говорится » на случай войны или какого другого мероприятия». :?


  • #7

Заедь к ОД,там этого рекламного добра горы и бесплатно дадут.

  • #8

Θα μπορουσα να εχω την μεταφραση του VIN=WDD2040491A607824



  • #9

Заедь к ОД,там этого рекламного добра горы и бесплатно дадут.

Это ваши фантазии. Никогда дилер не дарил руководство по эксплуатации, если Вы не покупали у него машину. Все руководства по эксплуатации продаются, стоимость 2-3 тысячи рублей.

  • #10

ХОРОШЕЕ Руководство по експлуатации и ремонту??

Я купил на базаре вот такой букварь за штуку:


Можно было по Инету дешевле заказать, но мне было невтерпеж ждать.
После руководства по А6 — эта не понравилась. Качество полиграфии — хреновое. Описания принципа работы узлов нет (типа как у Ауди — тормоза двухконтурные — работают так-то и так-то, компрессор — такой-то — принцип его работы). И вообще этот буклет напоминает кучу распечаток из программы WIS, или как-там ее, которую я себе установил с горем пополам.

Есть еще книжка, но она еще дешевле, страниц меньше, видимо менее подробная:


Может кто знает, есть ли нормальное издание???


  • #11

… программы WIS, или как-там ее, которую я себе установил с горем пополам.

Можете поделиться как поставить и откуда скачали?

  • #12

Руководство о ремонту C- CLASS W204 1,6

Подскажите, где можно скачать или она еще не появилась?
Руководство о ремонту C- CLASS W204 1,6:icon_question:


  • #13

VIN где?
И самое главное зачем оно Вам?

  • #14

VIN где?
И самое главное зачем оно Вам?

WDD2040311A767404 чисто по изучать!


  • #15

WDD2040311A767404 чисто по изучать!

машине три месяца…
Вам именно ремонт нужен или руководство по эксплуатации?
Для ремонта WIS , хотя понять не могу зачем Вам это если машина на гарантии!
Руководство по эксплуатации тут.

  • #16

машине три месяца…
Вам именно ремонт нужен или руководство по эксплуатации?
Для ремонта WIS , хотя понять не могу зачем Вам это если машина на гарантии!
Руководство по эксплуатации тут.

По ремонту чисто по читать. чего да как. Автослесарь я в недавнем прошлом. интересно как мой новый (бибик) устроен.
Спасибо за справку!



  • #18

это есть в разделе w204
раз два три и т.д.
А вешать на постоянку не имеет смысла, т.к. постоянно что то меняют и меняется адрес. Более того Инструкция там висит для новых машин и с выходом более новых машин (рестайла или следующего кузова) инструкция меняется и меняется вэб-адрес.


  • #19

За информацию плюсану ибо не знал об этом — будет полезно;)

  • #20

Русская OFF-line инструкция C-class W204


Может кому то пригодиться, PDF файлы, сохраненные с официального «руководства по эксплуатации».

Качать ТУТ: http://softrain.info/manual.rar (40.4 МБ)

Сделано это для того, что бы скинуть это все дело в телефон или ноутбук, и в любом месте без интернета почитать то что интересует.

Руководство для рестайлинга, но пробежавшись по нему глазами, понял, что больше половины инфы схожа с моделями 2007 года… (если кто скажет где взять для ДОрестайла, буду очень благодарен)

В архиве НЕ полная копия, а только самое основное (Руководство и Comand).
Если кому то не нравиться или что то не устраивает, просто удалите архив, и сделайте его сами.

Не знаю в какую тему писать, написал в «курилку»… она все стерпит) Если посчитаете это полезным, переместите куда надо.

Последнее редактирование: 21 Мар 2013

Mercedes-Benz 2013 C-Class W204 Sedan Owner's Manual

  1. Manuals
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  3. Mercedes-Benz Manuals
  4. Automobile
  5. 2013 C-Class W204 Sedan
  6. Owner’s manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Mercedes-Benz 2013 C-Class W204 Sedan

Summary of Contents for Mercedes-Benz 2013 C-Class W204 Sedan

  • Page 1
    C-Class Owner’s Manual Nur für internen Gebrauch / For internal use only…
  • Page 2
    Symbols In this manual, you will find the following sym- bols: WARNING Warning notes make you aware dangers which could pose a threat to your health or life, or to the health and life of others. Environmental note Environmental notes provide you with infor- mation on environmentally aware actions or disposal.
  • Page 3
    Welcome to the world of Mercedes-Benz The technical documentation team at Daimler AG wishes you safe and pleasant Before you first drive off, read this Owner’s motoring. Manual carefully and familiarise yourself with your vehicle. For your own safety and a longer vehicle life, follow the instructions and warn- ing notices in this manual.
  • Page 5: Contents

    Contents Index …………4 At a glance ……….. 31 Introduction ……… 26 Safety ……….. 47 Opening and closing ……87 Seats, steering wheel and mirrors . . 111 Lights and windscreen wipers ..127 Climate control ……… 145 Driving and parking ……165 On-board computer and displays ..

  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Index ADAPTIVE BRAKE ……… 83 1, 2, 3 … Adaptive brake lamps ……79 12-button multifunction steering Adaptive Highbeam Assist wheel Display message (12-button mul- Operating the on-board computer . 240 tifunction steering wheel) ….278 Overview ………. 41 Function/notes ……133 12 V socket Switching on/off ….

  • Page 7
    Index Ashtray ……….328 Display message (4-button multi- Assistance graphic (on-board com- function steering wheel) ….293 puter, 12-button multifunction Driving tips ……..178 steering wheel) ……..248 Emergency running mode ….183 ASSYST PLUS Kickdown ……..178 Manual drive program ….181 Displaying a service message ..
  • Page 8
    Index Opening/closing (automatically from outside) ……..99 Bag hook ……….320 Opening (automatically from Ball coupling inside) ……….100 Folding in ……..231 Boot lid Folding out ……..229 Display message (12-button mul- BAS (Brake Assist System) ….77 tifunction steering wheel) ….296 BAS PLUS (Brake Assist System Display message (4-button multi- PLUS) …………
  • Page 9
    Index Reversing lamps ……139 Standing lamps ……138 Calling up a fault Child-proof locks see Display messages Important safety notes ….75 Rear doors ……..75 see Vehicle Children Care Fastening seat belts ……67 Automatic car wash ……. 340 In the vehicle ……..
  • Page 10
    Index Setting the air vents …… 162 Temperature gauge (4-button Setting the temperature ….153 multifunction steering wheel) ..236 Switching air-recirculation mode Warning lamp ……… 308 on/off ……….156 Cooling Switching on/off ……150 see Climate control Switching residual heat on/off ..157 Copyright ……….
  • Page 11
    Index Daytime driving lights Driving systems ……283 Display message (12-button mul- Engine ……….278 tifunction steering wheel) ….277 General notes …….. 260 Display message (4-button multi- Hiding ……….260 function steering wheel) ….274 Key ……….298 Switching on/off (on-board com- KEYLESS-GO ……..
  • Page 12
    Index Drive program selector ….. 179 Speed Limit Assist ……216 Driver’s door SPEEDTRONIC ……. 195 see Door Driving tips Drive system Aquaplaning ……..191 Automatic transmission ….178 Active Blind Spot Assist ….222 Driving abroad Brakes ……….. 190 DISTRONIC PLUS ……
  • Page 13
    Index EBD (Electronic Brake-force Distri- Tow-starting (vehicle) ….. 364 bution) Warning lamp (engine diagnostics) 308 Display message (4-button multi- Engine electronics function steering wheel) ….263 Notes ……….394 ECO display Problem (fault) ……. 174 Function/notes ……189 Engine jump starting On-board computer (12-button see Jump starting (engine) multifunction steering wheel) ..
  • Page 14
    Index Exterior lighting Front foglamps Settings options ……128 Display message (4-button multi- see Lights function steering wheel) ….273 Exterior mirrors Fuel Adjusting ……..121 Additives ……..399 Anti-dazzle mode (automatic) ..123 Consumption information ….400 Folding in/out (automatically) ..122 Displaying the range (12-button Folding in/out (electrically) …
  • Page 15
    DISTRONIC PLUS ……310 Gearshift program Engine diagnostics ……308 SETUP (on-board computer) ..257 Overview (12-button multifunc- Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts … 26 tion steering wheel) ……39 Glove compartment ……315 Overview (4-button multifunction steering wheel) …….. 36 SPORT handling mode ….305…
  • Page 16
    Index Intelligent Light System Display message (4-button multi- Activating/deactivating (12-but- function display) ……298 ton multifunction steering wheel) . . 252 Locking ……….89 Display message (12-button mul- Start/Stop button ……167 tifunction steering wheel) ….277 Starting the engine ……169 Overview ……..
  • Page 17
    Matt finish (cleaning instructions) . . 342 see Central locking Memory card (audio) ……246 Locking (doors) Memory function ……. 124 Automatic ……..96 Mercedes-Benz Service Centre Emergency locking ……97 see Qualified specialist workshop From inside (central locking but- Message memory ton) ……….95…
  • Page 18
    Index Mirror NECK-PRO luxury head restraints see Vanity mirror (in sun visor) Operation ……… 54 Mirrors Resetting after being triggered ..55 see Exterior mirrors Notes on running in a new vehicle . . 166 see Rear-view mirror Mobile phone Frequencies ……..
  • Page 19
    Index On-board computer (12-button Opening/closing the roller sun- multifunction steering wheel) sub- blind ……….109 menu Problem (malfunction) ….110 Factory setting ……. 257 Rain closing feature ……. 108 On-board computer (4-button mul- Resetting ……..110 Park Assist tifunction steering wheel) Important safety notes ….
  • Page 20
    Index PASS AIRBAG OFF Radio-based vehicle components see PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF Declaration of conformity ….28 PASSENGER AIRBAG OFF Rain closing feature Indicator lamp ……..62 Panorama sliding sunroof ….108 Problem (malfunction) ….. 75 Sliding sunroof ……. 107 Petrol ……….398 Range (fuel) Plastic trim (cleaning instructions) .
  • Page 21
    Index Releasing the parking lock man- Roller blind ually (automatic transmission) ..183 see Roller sunblind Remote control Roller sunblind Auxiliary heating/ventilation ..159 Panorama sliding sunroof ….109 Changing the batteries (auxiliary Rear window ……..327 heating) ……… 160 Roof carrier ……..
  • Page 22
    Index Seats Side marker lamp Adaptive seat backrests (AMG Display message (12-button mul- vehicles) ……..117 tifunction steering wheel) ….277 Adjusting (electrically) ….114 Display message (4-button multi- Adjusting (manually and electri- function steering wheel) ….274 cally) ……….114 Side windows Adjusting lumbar support ….
  • Page 23
    Index In the instrument cluster (4-but- Important safety notes ….119 ton multifunction steering wheel) ..34 Storing settings (memory function) 124 Segments ……..240 Steering wheel gearshift paddles ..179 Selecting the unit of measurement 251 Stopwatch (RACETIMER) ….258 see Instrument cluster Stowage areas ……..
  • Page 24
    Index Opening/closing (automatically Outside temperature (4-button from outside) ……..99 multifunction steering wheel) ..237 Opening dimensions …… 404 Setting (climate control) ….153 Tail lamp TEMPOMAT Display message (12-button mul- Function/notes ……192 tifunction steering wheel) ….276 Theft-deterrent system Display message (4-button multi- ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system) ..
  • Page 25
    Index Important safety notes ….361 Type identification plate Removing the towing eye ….362 see Vehicle identification plate Trailer coupling Tyre pressure see Towing a trailer Calling up (on-board computer) ..375 Trailer towing Display message (12-button mul- 7-pin connector ……232 tifunction steering wheel) ….
  • Page 26
    Index Unlocking Warning and indicator lamps Emergency unlocking ……. 96 ABS ……….302 From inside the vehicle (central Brakes ……….. 302 unlocking button) ……95 Distance warning signal ….310 ® ……….304 ® OFF ……..305 Fuel tank ……..308 Vanity mirror (in sun visor) ….
  • Page 27
    Index Windscreen Demisting ……..154 see Windscreen Windscreen washer fluid see Windscreen washer system Windscreen washer system ….. 339 Notes ……….403 Windscreen wipers Problem (malfunction) ….143 Rear window wiper ……141 Replacing the wiper blades …. 141 Switching on/off ……140 Winter operation Important safety notes ….
  • Page 28: Returning An End-Of-Life Vehicle

    EU countries only: this planet sparingly and in a manner which Mercedes-Benz will take back your old vehicle takes the requirements of both nature and to dispose of it in an environmentally-respon- humanity into consideration.

  • Page 29: Vehicle Equipment

    Use The original purchase contract documenta- only genuine Mercedes-Benz parts or parts of tion for your vehicle contains a list of all of the equal quality. Only use tyres, wheels and systems in your vehicle.

  • Page 30: Declarations Of Conformity

    Directive 1999/5/EC. You can obtain further information from any There is a risk of damage to the vehicle if: Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. the vehicle makes contact with the ground, e.g. on a high kerb or a loose…

  • Page 31: Qualified Specialist Workshop

    Connecting equipment to the diagnostics ership. You can do this at a Mercedes-Benz connection can lead to emissions monitoring Service Centre, for example. information being reset, for example. This…

  • Page 32: Copyright

    The data cannot be used to trace the vehicle’s movements.

  • Page 33
    Cockpit ……….32 Instrument cluster (4-button steer- ing wheel) ……….34 Instrument cluster (12-button steering wheel) ……..37 Multifunction steering wheel ….. 40 Centre console ……..42 Overhead control panel …… 44 Door control panel ……45…
  • Page 34
    Cockpit Cockpit Function Page Function Page Automatic transmission: Ignition lock steering wheel gearshift Start/Stop button paddles Adjusts the steering wheel Combination switch manually Instrument cluster (4-but- Adjusts the steering wheel ton steering wheel) electrically Instrument cluster (12-but- Cruise control lever ton steering wheel) Parking brake Horn…
  • Page 35
    Cockpit Function Page Function Page Overhead control panel Releases the parking brake PARKTRONIC warning dis- Opens the bonnet play Diagnostics connection Combination switch Ignition lock Instrument cluster (4-but- Start/Stop button ton steering wheel) Adjusts the steering wheel Instrument cluster (12-but- manually ton steering wheel) Adjusts the steering wheel…
  • Page 36: Fuel Gauge

    Instrument cluster (4-button steering wheel) Instrument cluster (4-button steering wheel) Displays and controls Instrument cluster: kilometres Function Page Function Page Multifunction display Fuel gauge Time Automatic transmission: Coolant temperature Outside temperature (vehi- Speedometer cles for the United King- dom: speed in km/h) Rev counter HOLD function ECO start/stop function…

  • Page 37
    Instrument cluster (4-button steering wheel) Instrument cluster: miles Function Page Function Page Multifunction display Fuel gauge Time Automatic transmission: Coolant temperature Outside temperature (vehi- Speedometer cles for the United King- dom: speed in km/h) Rev counter HOLD function ECO start/stop function Stored limit speed Rear window wiper Instrument cluster lighting…
  • Page 38
    Instrument cluster (4-button steering wheel) Warning and indicator lamps Function Page Function Page 8 Reserve fuel ® ÷ ESP ? Coolant R Rear foglamp ! ABS T Side lamps J Brakes L Dipped-beam head- lamps ü Seat belt K Main-beam headlamp #! Turn signals % Diesel engine: pre- 6 SRS…
  • Page 39
    Instrument cluster (12-button steering wheel) Instrument cluster (12-button steering wheel) Displays and controls Instrument cluster: kilometres Function Page Function Page Multifunction display Fuel gauge Rev counter Coolant temperature Instrument cluster lighting Speedometer with seg- ments…
  • Page 40
    Instrument cluster (12-button steering wheel) Instrument cluster: miles Function Page Function Page Multifunction display Fuel gauge Rev counter Coolant temperature Instrument cluster lighting Speedometer with seg- ments…
  • Page 41
    Instrument cluster (12-button steering wheel) Warning and indicator lamps Function Page Function Page % Diesel engine: pre- ® ÷ ESP glow M SPORT handling ® ÷ ESP in AMG vehicles mode in AMG vehicles ? Coolant · Distance warning K Main-beam head- ®…
  • Page 42
    Multifunction steering wheel Multifunction steering wheel 4-button multifunction steering wheel Function Page Function Page Multifunction display Press briefly: Audio display; see the sep- Selects a menu arate operating instruc- Press and hold: tions Selects the standard dis- play Increases the volume Decreases the volume Scrolls through lists Resets values…
  • Page 43: Wheel

    Multifunction steering wheel 12-button multifunction steering wheel Function Page Function Page Multifunction display Selects a menu Audio/COMAND display; see the separate operating Selects a submenu or instructions scrolls through lists Switches on LINGUA- Confirms the selection TRONIC; see the separate Hides display messages operating instructions Back…

  • Page 44: Upper Section

    Centre console Centre console Centre console, upper section Function Page Function Page Audio system/COMAND 4 PASSENGER AIRBAG Online; see the separate OFF indicator lamp operating instructions u Saloon: rear window c Seat heating roller sunblind M Dynamic driving s Seat ventilation package with sports mode c PARKTRONIC ®…

  • Page 45: Centre Console Lower Section

    Centre console Centre console, lower section Function Page Function Page Stowage compartment Stowage compartment Ashtray Audio/COMAND control- Cigarette lighter ler; see the separate oper- Power socket ating instructions Gear lever Ú Selects the drive pro- gram Selector lever Stowage compartment Cup holders…

  • Page 46: Overhead Control Panel

    Overhead control panel Overhead control panel Function Page Function Page 3 Opens/closes the u Switches the rear panorama sliding sunroof interior lighting on/off with roller sunblinds | Switches the auto- Rear-view mirror matic interior lighting con- trol on/off ê Deactivates the inte- rior motion sensor p Switches the right- hand reading lamp on/off…

  • Page 47: Control Panel

    Door control panel Door control panel Function Page Function Page Opens the door W Opens/closes the side windows %& Unlocks/locks the vehicle n Activates/deacti- vates the override feature Adjusts the seats electri- for the side windows in the cally rear compartment r45= o Saloon: opens the Stores settings for the seat,…

  • Page 49
    Useful information ……48 Panic alarm ………. 48 Occupant safety ……..48 Children in the vehicle ……60 Driving safety systems ……. 76 Anti-theft systems ……84…
  • Page 50: Useful Information

    Panic alarm The airbag system can be adapted for a per- son with disabilities. For further information, consult a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. The seat belts, together with SRS (Supple- mental Restraint System), are complemen- tary, co-ordinated restraint systems page 49).

  • Page 51: Triggering

    Occupant safety occupants must wear their seat belt cor- deceleration. There is an increased risk of rectly at all times, even if the vehicle is injury, possibly even fatal. equipped with airbags. The airbags are not Have SRS checked and repaired immediately deployed in all types of accidents.

  • Page 52
    Occupant safety Your vehicle has adaptive, two-stage front air- The vehicle may be deformed significantly, bags. The airbag control unit evaluates vehi- e.g. the bonnet or the wing, without an airbag cle deceleration or acceleration in the event being deployed. This is the case if only parts of a collision.
  • Page 53: Occupant Safety

    Use only seat covers which have been specif- do not lean on the doors from inside the ically approved for the respective seat by vehicle. Mercedes-Benz. make sure that there are no people, ani- mals or objects between the vehicle occu- WARNING…

  • Page 54: Kneebag

    Occupant safety passenger seat is occupied. The PASSENGER Do not touch the airbag parts. Have deployed AIRBAG OFF indicator lamp on the centre airbags replaced immediately at a qualified console does not light up ( page 62). specialist workshop. If a child restraint system is fitted to the front- The airbag installation locations are identified passenger seat and the PASSENGER AIRBAG by the AIRBAG symbol.

  • Page 55: Sidebag

    The windowbags are integrated into the side You should only use seat cover that have been of the roof frame and deployed in the area approved for your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz. from the A-pillar to the C-pillar. The seat covers must have a special tear seam for sidebags.

  • Page 56
    Occupant safety Windowbags : are deployed: If the seat belts are not released: Move the backrest or seat back slightly, but on the side on which an impact occurs only when the vehicle is stationary. at the start of an accident with a high rate Seat belt pretensioning is reduced and the of lateral vehicle deceleration or accelera- locking mechanism is released.
  • Page 57
    :. Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have Push the NECK-PRO head restraint cushion the NECK-PRO head restraints/NECK-PRO down in the direction of arrow ; as far as luxury head restraints checked at a qualified it will go.
  • Page 58
    Occupant safety restraint and the rear cover of the head slightly downwards and adjust it by pulling restraint. it in the direction the seat belt retracts. Push resetting tool : downwards until you Do not route the seat belt strap over sharp hear the head restraint deployment mech- or fragile objects.
  • Page 59: Fastening

    :. Without twisting it, guide the shoulder sec- Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only tion of the seat belt across the middle of use seat belts which have been approved your shoulder and the lap section across specifically for your vehicle by Mercedes- your pelvis.

  • Page 60: Releasing

    Occupant safety The belt strap is tightened slightly when: Slide the belt sash guide downwards. Let go of belt sash guide release : and you engage the belt tongue in the belt make sure that the belt sash guide has buckle and you then turn the key to position engaged.

  • Page 61: Function

    Occupant safety Belt tensioners, belt force limiters the front passenger have fastened their seat belt. WARNING For certain countries only: regardless of Pyrotechnic seat belt tensioners that have whether the driver and the front passenger been deployed are no longer operational and have fastened their seat belts, the 7 seat are unable to perform their intended protec- belt warning lamp lights up for six seconds…

  • Page 62: In The Vehicle

    Children in the vehicle ates rapidly in a longitudinal direction dur- because the seat belts are not designed for ing the initial stages of the impact children. if, in the event of a side impact, on the side Do not transport children who are secured opposite the impact the vehicle deceler- in rearward-facing child restraint systems ates or accelerates rapidly in a lateral direc-…

  • Page 63: Children In The Vehicle

    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you use the listed child restraint systems release the parking brake. page 73). You can obtain further infor- shift the automatic transmission out of mation about the correct child restraint sys- parking position P. tem from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.

  • Page 64: On The Front-Passenger Seat

    Children in the vehicle It is advisable to use Mercedes-Benz care tem. Only secure a rearward-facing child products to clean child restraint systems. restraint system on a suitable rear seat. You can obtain information about this at always move the front-passenger seat to any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.

  • Page 65
    The sensor system for child restraint systems could lead to injuries. in the front-passenger seat detects whether a special Mercedes-Benz child seat with a If the front-passenger front airbag is dis- transponder for automatic child seat recog- abled by the automatic child seat recogni- nition has been fitted.
  • Page 66: Isofix

    The front-passenger front airbag could deploy seat securing system, which are specially tes- unintentionally or not function as intended ted and approved for Mercedes-Benz vehi- during an accident. This poses an increased cles. risk of injury or even fatal injury.

  • Page 67: Integrated

    Children in the vehicle Install the ISOFIX child restraint system. Comply with the manufacturer’s instruc- tions when installing the ISOFIX child restraint system. Top Tether Top Tether provides an additional connection between the child restraint system secured with ISOFIX and the rear seat. It helps reduce the risk of injury even further.

  • Page 68: Using

    36 kg cover. Mercedes-Benz recommends using the inte- WARNING grated child seat for children from the age of If the ICS padded play table is exposed to 24 months who weigh up to 36 kg.

  • Page 69
    Children in the vehicle is supported by the centre of the head restraint at about eye level. Observe the installation instructions for the ICS padded play table and the additional warnings and information about risk of injury. Pull the seat belt smoothly from the inertia reel.
  • Page 70: Ics Padded Play Table

    Children in the vehicle ICS padded play table for the integrated Children could suffer burns on these parts, child seat particularly on metallic parts. There is a risk of injury. Important safety notes If you and your child leave the vehicle, cover Use the ICS padded play table in accordance the ICS padded play table so that it is not with the instructions in table (…

  • Page 71: Side Head Restraints

    Should a side head restraint be required edge of side head restraints B. for the second integrated child seat, this can be ordered at any Mercedes-Benz Guide the seat belt through seat belt guide Service Centre. A on the door side on side head restraint Secure the child ( page 67).

  • Page 72: Side Head Restraints

    Children in the vehicle Storing the ICS padded play table and the side head restraint On vehicles with a TIREFIT kit, for example, you can store the side head restraints in the stowage compartment under the boot floor page 324) or luggage compartment floor page 324).

  • Page 73: Suitable Positions

    Children in the vehicle Suitable positioning of the child restraint systems Only child restraint systems which are approved in accordance with the ECE standard ECE R44 are permitted for use in the vehicle. Suitability of the seats for attaching belted child restraint systems Key to the letters used in the following table: Seat which is unsuitable for children in this weight category.

  • Page 74
    Children in the vehicle Example: approval label on the child restraint system «Universal» category child restraint systems can be used on the seats indicated with U, UF or IUF according to the tables «Suitability of the seats for attaching belted child restraint systems» or «Suitability of the seats for attaching an ISOFIX child restraint system».
  • Page 75
    Children in the vehicle Weight categories Size category Equipment Rear seat, left and right ISO/F2X ISO/F3 Recommended child restraint systems When installing a child restraint system without a transponder for automatic child seat rec- ognition on the front-passenger seat: Move the front-passenger seat to its rearmost position. Weight catego- Manufac- Type…
  • Page 76
    Children in the vehicle Suggested ISOFIX child restraint system from the Universal category Weight Size cate- Manufac- Type Approval Order Auto- catego- gory turer number number matic ries (E1 …) child seat recogni- tion Carry-cot – – – – – –…
  • Page 77: Child-Proof Locks Important Safety Notes

    Problems with automatic child seat recognition Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The PASSENGER AIR- A special Mercedes-Benz child seat with a transponder for auto- BAG OFF indicator matic child seat recognition has been fitted to the front-passenger lamp on the centre con- seat.

  • Page 78: Overview

    Driving safety systems Driving safety systems Driving safety systems overview In this section, you will find information about the following driving safety systems: ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) BAS (Brake Assist System) BAS PLUS (Brake Assist System Plus) Adaptive brake lamps ®…

  • Page 79: Important Safety Notes

    Driving safety systems If ABS intervenes when braking, you will feel ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) a pulsing in the brake pedal. General notes The pulsating brake pedal can be an indica- tion of hazardous road conditions, and func- ABS regulates brake pressure in such a way tions as a reminder to take extra care while that the wheels do not lock when you brake.

  • Page 80
    Driving safety systems With the aid of the radar sensor system, BAS Recognition by the radar sensor system is PLUS can detect obstacles that are in the also impaired in the event of: path of your vehicle for an extended period of dirt on the sensors or the sensors are time.
  • Page 81: Adaptive Brake Lamps

    Driving safety systems Keep the brake pedal depressed until the ® pulling away on wet or slippery roads. ESP emergency braking situation is over. can also stabilise the vehicle during braking. ABS prevents the wheels from locking. ETS/4ETS (Electronic Traction System) BAS PLUS is deactivated and the brakes func- tion as usual again, if: Observe the «Important safety notes»…

  • Page 82: Wheel

    Driving safety systems Observe the information on warning lamps WARNING page 304) and display messages which ® ® If you deactivate ESP , ESP no longer sta- may be shown in the instrument cluster bilises the vehicle. There is an increased risk page 262) or ( page 267).

  • Page 83: Driving Safety Systems

    Driving safety systems traction control is still activated. cle if the vehicle starts to skid or a wheel starts to spin. ® still provides support when you brake. ® Deactivating/activating ESP ® Deactivating/activating ESP (AMG vehicles) Important safety notes You can select between the following sta- tuses of ESP: ®…

  • Page 84: Electronic Brake-Force Distribution

    Driving safety systems When SPORT handling mode is activated: the vehicle/trailer combination from swerv- ing. Trailers with a high centre of gravity can ® only improves driving stability to a ® tip over before ESP can detect this. There is limited degree.

  • Page 85: Adaptive Brake

    Driving safety systems Observe the notes on warning and indicator a collision unless you also brake. Automatic lamps ( page 302) as well as display mes- emergency braking cannot prevent a colli- sages ( page 263) (4-button multifunction sion. There is a risk of an accident. steering wheel) and ( page 268) (12-button Always apply the brakes yourself and try to…

  • Page 86: Immobiliser

    Anti-theft systems a narrow vehicle travelling in front, e.g. a At speeds of up to approximately 70 km/h motorcycle ® PRE-SAFE Brake can also detect stationary objects. Examples of stationary objects are a vehicle travelling in front on a different stopped or parked vehicles.

  • Page 87: Anti-Theft Systems

    Anti-theft systems ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system) Tow-away protection A visual and audible alarm is triggered if the An audible and visual alarm is triggered if your alarm system is primed and you open: vehicle’s angle of inclination is altered while tow-away protection is primed.

  • Page 88: Interior Motion Sensor

    Anti-theft systems Tow-away protection remains deactivated until: the vehicle is unlocked again a door is opened and closed again the vehicle is locked again Interior motion sensor When the interior motion sensor is primed, a visual and audible alarm is triggered if move- Press button :.

  • Page 89
    Useful information ……88 Key …………88 Doors ………… 94 Boot/luggage compartment ….97 Side windows ……..102 Sliding sunroof ……..106…
  • Page 90: Useful Information

    Useful information WARNING If children are left unsupervised in the vehicle, This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- they could: els, series and optional equipment for your open the doors, thus endangering other vehicle that were available at the time of people or road users.

  • Page 91: Locking

    Strong magnetic fields can occur in the If you do not open the vehicle within approx- vicinity of powerful electrical installations. imately 40 seconds of unlocking: Do not keep the KEYLESS-GO key: the vehicle is locked again. with electronic devices, e.g. a mobile the anti-theft system is primed again.

  • Page 92: Emergency Key Element

    To unlock the vehicle: touch the inner The KEYLESS-GO function is changed as fol- surface of the door handle. lows: To lock the vehicle: touch sensor sur- To unlock the driver’s door: touch the face :. inner surface of the door handle on the driver’s door.

  • Page 93: Important Safety Notes

    : lights up briefly. Important safety notes If battery check lamp : does not light up briefly during the test, the battery is dis- Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have charged. the batteries replaced at a qualified specialist workshop.

  • Page 94
    Press emergency key element ; into the opening in the key in the direction of the arrow until battery compartment cover : opens. While doing so, do not hold battery compartment cover : shut. Remove battery compartment cover :. Repeatedly tap the key against your palm until battery = falls out.
  • Page 95: Loss

    Problems with the key Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions You cannot lock or The key battery is discharged or nearly discharged. unlock the vehicle Try again to lock/unlock the vehicle using the remote control using the key. function of the key. Point the tip of the key at the driver’s door handle from close range and press the % / &…

  • Page 96: Important Safety Notes

    Doors Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The engine cannot be The on-board voltage is too low. started using the key. Switch off non-essential consumers, e.g. seat heating or interior lighting, and try to start the engine again. If this does not work: Check the starter battery and charge it if necessary page 355).

  • Page 97: Doors

    Doors shift the manual transmission into neutral. start the engine. There is a risk of an accident and injury. When leaving the vehicle, always take the key with you and lock the vehicle. Never leave children or animals unattended in the vehicle. Always keep the key out of reach of children.

  • Page 98: Vehicle

    Doors You can only open the rear doors from inside the vehicle if they are not secured by the child-proof locks ( page 75). Only for the United Kingdom: if the vehicle has been locked with the key from the out- side, the double-lock function is activated as standard.

  • Page 99: Boot/Luggage Compartment

    Boot/luggage compartment Turn the emergency key element anti- Turn the emergency key element clockwise clockwise to position 1. as far as it will go to position 1. The door is unlocked. On right-hand-drive vehicles, turn the On right-hand-drive vehicles, turn the emergency key element anti-clockwise.

  • Page 100: Opening/Closing

    Boot/luggage compartment gate during the closing procedure. The boot Always switch off the engine before opening lid/tailgate opens again automatically. The the boot lid/tailgate. Never drive with the automatic reversing function is only an aid boot lid/tailgate open. and is not a substitute for your attentiveness to the boot lid/tailgate while it is closing.

  • Page 101: Opening/Closing

    Boot/luggage compartment Estate with the EASY-PACK tailgate: if you tance. Do not activate the double lock when pull handle : and keep it in this position, you people are in the vehicle. can open the tailgate manually. If you release If the vehicle has been locked from the out- the handle, the tailgate opens automatically.

  • Page 102: Opening Dimensions

    Boot/luggage compartment Estate with EASY-PACK tailgate: open/ over, people, e.g. children, may be standing in close the tailgate fully using the automatic the closing area or may enter the closing area door function after stopping the tailgate in an during the closing process. There is a risk of intermediate position.

  • Page 103: Limiting The Opening Angle

    Boot/luggage compartment page 99) in the tailgate or pull the handle on the outside of the tailgate again. To store the position: press and hold the closing button in the tailgate until you hear a short tone. The opening angle limiter is activated. The tailgate then stops in the stored position when opened.

  • Page 104: Emergency Release

    Side windows Pull out the emergency key element. Tailgate emergency release (Estate) Insert the emergency key element into the Important safety notes key. The tailgate swings upwards and to the rear when opened. Therefore, make sure Unlocking the boot (Saloon) that there is sufficient clearance above and behind the tailgate.

  • Page 105: Side Windows

    Side windows dow and the door frame as the side window children or animals unattended in the vehicle. moves. There is a risk of injury. Always keep the key out of reach of children. Make sure that nobody touches the side win- dow during the opening procedure.

  • Page 106: Sliding Sunroof

    Side windows Opening and closing the side win- Convenience opening feature dows You can ventilate the vehicle before you start driving. To do this, the key is used to carry out the following functions simultaneously: unlock the vehicle open the side windows open the sliding sunroof or the panorama sliding sunroof and the roller sunblinds switch on the seat ventilation for the driv-…

  • Page 107: Resetting

    Side windows Using KEYLESS-GO in the closing area of the side window and the sliding sunroof. There is a risk of injury. The KEYLESS-GO key must be outside the Observe the complete closing procedure vehicle. All the doors must be closed. when the convenience closing feature is oper- ating.

  • Page 108
    Sliding sunroof If the side window opens again slightly: If a side window is obstructed again during closing and reopens again slightly: Immediately pull the corresponding switch on the door control panel until the side win- Immediately after the window blocks, pull dow is completely closed ( page 104).
  • Page 109: Sliding Sunroof

    Sliding sunroof Resonance noises can occur in addition Operating the sliding sunroof to the usual airflow noises when the sliding Opening and closing sunroof is open. They are caused by minor pressure fluctuations in the vehicle interior. You can continue to operate the sliding Change the position of the sliding sunroof sunroof after switching off the engine or or open a side window slightly to reduce or…

  • Page 110: Opening/Closing

    Sliding sunroof if it starts to rain Operating the panorama sliding sun- roof at extreme outside temperatures after six hours Opening and closing if there is a malfunction in the power supply The rear of the sliding sunroof is then raised in order to ventilate the vehicle interior.

  • Page 111: Roller Sunblinds

    Sliding sunroof feature, it opens again slightly. The rain- WARNING closing feature is then deactivated. The reversing function does not react: The panorama sliding sunroof does not close to soft, light and thin objects, e.g. small fin- gers it is raised at the rear. when closing the roller sunblind again man- it is blocked.

  • Page 112: Resetting

    Sliding sunroof Resetting the sliding sunroof and the Problem: the sunroof cannot be closed roller sunblind and you cannot see the cause. Reset the panorama sliding sunroof and the WARNING roller sunblinds if the panorama sliding sun- If you close the sliding sunroof again immedi- roof or the roller sunblinds do not move ately after it has been blocked or reset, the smoothly.

  • Page 113: Wheel

    Useful information ……112 Correct driver’s seat position ..112 Seats ……….113 Steering wheel ……..119 Mirrors ……….121 Memory function ……124…

  • Page 114: Useful Information

    Correct driver’s seat position you have moved the backrest to an almost Useful information vertical position. you have set the seat angle so that your This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- thighs are gently supported. els, series and optional equipment for your vehicle that were available at the time of you can depress the pedals properly.

  • Page 115: Seats

    Seats settings with the memory function Make sure that no one has any part of their page 124). body within the sweep of the seat when adjusting it. Seats WARNING The head restraints cannot provide the inten- Important safety notes ded protection unless they are fitted and adjusted correctly.

  • Page 116: Wheel

    Seats rials, e.g. blankets, coats, bags, seat cov- Adjust the seat cushion angle so that your ers, child seats or booster seats. thighs are lightly supported. Make sure that there are no objects in the Seat fore-and-aft adjustment footwell or behind the seats when moving the seat back.

  • Page 117: Luxury

    Seats To raise: pull the head restraint up to the Adjusting the head restraints desired position. WARNING To lower: press release catch : in the You could lose control of the vehicle while direction of the arrow and push the head driving if you: restraint down to the desired position.

  • Page 118
    Seats hand side bolster : into the desired posi- tion. To adjust the angle of the head restraint: push or pull the head restraint in the direction of arrow ;. Adjust the head restraint so that the back of your head is as close to the head restraint as possible.
  • Page 119: Adjusting The 4-Way Lumbar Sup Port

    Seats Adjusting the multicontour seat Adjusting the 4-way lumbar support You can adjust the contour of the front seats You can adjust the contour of the front seat individually so as to provide optimum support backrests individually to provide optimum for your back and sides.

  • Page 120
    Seats Make sure that the key is in position 1 or Repeat the adjustment if the seat no lon- 2 in the ignition lock. ger has the desired contour after a certain amount of time. To switch on: press button : repeatedly until the desired heating level is set.
  • Page 121: Steering Wheel

    Steering wheel Problems with the seat heating Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The seat heating has The on-board voltage is too low because too many electrical con- switched off prema- sumers are switched on. turely or cannot be Switch off electrical consumers that you do not need, such as switched on.

  • Page 122: Wheel

    Steering wheel Adjusting the steering wheel man- Adjusting the steering wheel electri- ually cally WARNING The steering wheel may move unexpectedly if you adjust it while driving. This could cause you to lose control of the vehicle. There is a risk of an accident.

  • Page 123: Mirrors

    Mirrors Crash-responsive EASY-EXIT feature WARNING If you drive off while the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT If the crash-responsive EASY-EXIT feature is feature is making adjustments, you could lose triggered in an accident, the steering column control of the vehicle. There is a risk of an will move upwards when the driver’s door is accident.

  • Page 124
    Mirrors Folding the exterior mirrors in/out elec- The convex exterior mirrors provide a larger trically field of vision. After the engine has been started, the exte- rior mirrors are automatically heated if the rear window heating is switched on and the outside temperature is low.
  • Page 125: Parking Position

    Mirrors If the exterior mirrors have been folded in manually, they do not fold out. Exterior mirror pushed out of position If an exterior mirror has been pushed out of position, proceed as follows. Vehicles without electrically folding exterior mirrors: move the exterior mirror into the correct position manually.

  • Page 126: Memory Function

    Memory function Press memory button M ? and one of the wheel. If somebody becomes trapped, imme- arrows on adjustment button = within diately release the memory function position three seconds. button. The adjustment process is stopped. The parking position is stored if the exterior mirror does not move.

  • Page 127: Wheel

    Memory function Calling up a stored setting If you want to move the seat from the fully reclined position to a stored seat position, first raise the backrest. The seat could oth- erwise be damaged. Press and hold the relevant storage posi- tion button 1, 2 or 3 until the seat, steering wheel and exterior mirrors are in the stored position.

  • Page 129
    Useful information ……128 Exterior lighting …….. 128 Interior lighting ……… 135 Replacing bulbs ……… 136 Windscreen wipers ……140…
  • Page 130: Useful Information

    Exterior lighting General notes Setting the exterior lighting For reasons of safety, Mercedes-Benz recom- Setting options mends that you drive with the lights switched on even during the daytime. In some coun- Exterior lighting can be set using the:…

  • Page 131: Automatic Headlamp Mode

    Exterior lighting tion in the on-board computer, the daytime Side lamps, licence plate and instru- driving lights or the side lamps and dipped- ment cluster lighting beam headlamps are switched on or off Automatic headlamp mode, control- 4Ã automatically depending on the brightness led by the light sensor of the ambient light.

  • Page 132: Adjusting The Headlamp Range

    Exterior lighting Foglamps vehicle safely and sufficiently lit according to legal standards. Avoid the continuous In conditions where visibility is poor due to use of the T side lamps for several fog, snow or rain, the foglamps improve visi- hours. If possible, switch on the X right bility as well as making it easier for other road or the W left parking lamp.

  • Page 133: Exterior Lighting

    Exterior lighting Press the combination switch beyond the Driver’s seat, front-passenger seat and pressure point in the direction of rear seats occupied, luggage compart- arrow :. ment/boot laden In the à position, the main-beam head- Driver’s and front-passenger seats occu- lamps are only switched on when it is dark pied and maximum permissible rear axle and the engine is running.

  • Page 134: Active Light Function

    Exterior lighting Active light function only the turn signal lamp on the corre- sponding side of the vehicle will flash. To switch off the hazard warning lamps: press button :. The hazard warning lamps switch off auto- matically if the vehicle reaches a speed of over 10 km/h again after a full brake appli- cation.

  • Page 135: Motorway Mode

    Exterior lighting Not active: if you are driving at speeds above the illumination of the edge of the carriage- 40 km/h or switch off the turn signal or turn way. the steering wheel to the straight-ahead posi- Active: if you are driving at speeds below tion.

  • Page 136
    Exterior lighting nises vehicles with their lights on, either The headlamp range is set automatically approaching from the opposite direction or depending on the distance between the travelling in front of your vehicle, and conse- vehicle and other road users. quently switches the headlamps from main If you are driving at speeds above approx- beam to dipped beam.
  • Page 137: Interior Lighting

    Interior lighting Interior lighting Interior lighting control Overview of interior lighting General notes In order to prevent the vehicle’s battery from discharging, the interior lighting functions are automatically deactivated after some time except for when the key is in position 2 in the ignition lock.

  • Page 138
    Replacing bulbs bulbs of the same type and the specified volt- Replacing bulbs age. Important safety notes Marks on the glass tube reduce the service life of the bulbs. Do not touch the glass tube Xenon bulbs with your bare hands. If necessary, clean the DANGER glass tube when cold with alcohol or spirit and rub it off with a lint-free cloth.
  • Page 139: Replacing Bulbs

    Replacing bulbs Turn housing cover : anti-clockwise and pull it out. Turn bulb holder ; anti-clockwise and pull it out. Take the bulb out of bulb holder ;. Insert the new bulb into bulb holder ;. Insert bulb holder ; into the lamp and turn it clockwise.

  • Page 140: Opening And Closing The Side Trim Panels

    Replacing bulbs Side lamps/parking lamps (halogen Take the bulb out of bulb holder ;. headlamps) Insert the new bulb into bulb holder ;. Insert bulb holder ; into the lamp and turn it clockwise. Align housing cover : and turn it clock- wise until it engages.

  • Page 141
    Replacing bulbs To open: turn rotary catch : 90° in the direction of the arrow and remove side trim panel ;. To close: insert side trim panel ; and turn rotary catch : 90° in the opposite direc- tion to the arrow. Right-hand side trim panel To open: turn release knob : in the direc- tion of the arrow and remove side trim…
  • Page 142
    Windscreen wipers Remove the tail lamp connector Reinsert the connector for LED light func- tions in the bulb holder. Simultaneously press retaining lugs : in Insert the bulb holder again and lock it in the direction of the arrow and slightly pull place.
  • Page 143: Windscreen Wipers

    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have the wiper blades changed at a qualified specialist workshop. To avoid damaging the windscreen wiper blades, make sure that you touch only the wiper arm of the windscreen wiper.

  • Page 144
    Windscreen wipers Replacing the windscreen wiper blades Remove the key from the ignition lock. Fold wiper arm : away from the rear win- Removing the wiper blades dow until it engages. Remove the key from the ignition lock or Position wiper blade ; at a right angle to turn the key to position 0 (KEYLESS-GO).
  • Page 145
    Windscreen wipers Problems with the windscreen wipers Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The windscreen wipers Leaves or snow, for example, may be obstructing the windscreen are jammed. wiper movement. The wiper motor has been deactivated. For safety reasons, you should remove the key from the ignition lock.
  • Page 147: Climate Control

    Useful information ……146 Overview of climate control sys- tems ……….. 146 Operating the climate control sys- tem …………. 150 Adjusting the air vents ….. 162…

  • Page 148: Useful Information

    Overview of climate control systems The integrated filter filters out most par- Useful information ticles of dust and soot and completely fil- ters out pollen. It also reduces gaseous pol- This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- lutants and odours. A clogged filter reduces els, series and optional equipment for your the amount of air supplied to the vehicle vehicle that were available at the time of…

  • Page 149: Overview Of Climate Control Systems

    Overview of climate control systems Control panel for THERMATIC automatic climate control (2-zone) To set the temperature, left ( page 153) To demist the windscreen ( page 154) To switch the ZONE function on/off ( page 154) To activate/deactivate cooling with air dehumidification ( page 150) To switch the rear window heating on/off ( page 155)

  • Page 150
    Overview of climate control systems ECO start/stop function During automatic engine switch-off in the ECO start/stop function, the climate control system only operates at a reduced capacity. If you require the full climate control output, you can switch off the ECO start/stop func- tion by pressing the ECO button page 172).
  • Page 151: Rear Control Panel

    Overview of climate control systems Control panel for THERMOTRONIC automatic climate control (3-zone) Front control panel To set the temperature, left ( page 153) To demist the windscreen ( page 154) To activate/deactivate the residual heat function ( page 157) To activate/deactivate cooling with air dehumidification ( page 150) To switch the rear window heating on/off (…

  • Page 152: Cooling With Air Dehumidification

    Operating the climate control system Notes on using THERMOTRONIC auto- Operating the climate control system matic climate control Switching climate control on/off Automatic climate control General notes The following contains instructions and rec- When the climate control is switched off, the ommendations to enable you to get the most air supply and air circulation are also out of your THERMOTRONIC automatic cli-…

  • Page 153
    Operating the climate control system Condensation may drip from the underside of the vehicle when cooling mode is active. This is normal and not a sign that there is a mal- function. Activating/deactivating To activate: press the ¿ button. The indicator lamp in the ¿ button lights In vehicles with auxiliary heating, one of the indicator lamps on the auxiliary heating button lights up when the «cooling with air…
  • Page 154: Air Flow

    Operating the climate control system Problems with the «Cooling with air dehumidification» function Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The indicator lamp in Cooling with air dehumidification has been deactivated due to a the ¿ button malfunction. flashes three times or Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

  • Page 155: Operating The Climate Control System

    Operating the climate control system Only change the temperature setting in Setting the temperature small increments. Start at 22 †. THERMATIC automatic climate control To increase/reduce the temperature in the rear compartment using the rear Different temperatures can be set for the control panel: press the 9 or : driver’s and front-passenger sides.

  • Page 156: Demisting The Windscreen

    Operating the climate control system Adjusting THERMATIC automatic climate control: the temperature setting for the driver’s side is Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition adopted for the front-passenger side. lock ( page 167). THERMOTRONIC automatic climate con- Press the _ button repeatedly until the trol: the temperature setting for the driver’s desired symbol appears in the display.

  • Page 157: Demisting The Windows

    Operating the climate control system Activating/deactivating Turn temperature control : or B clock- wise or anti-clockwise ( page 147), Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition page 149). lock ( page 167). Press the ¤ button. Press the K or I button. The indicator lamp in the ¤…

  • Page 158: Culation Mode

    Operating the climate control system Problems with the rear window heating Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The rear window heat- The battery has not been sufficiently charged. ing has switched off Switch off any consumers that are not required, e.g. reading prematurely or cannot lamps, interior lighting or the seat heating.

  • Page 159
    Operating the climate control system Convenience opening feature: press and between the side window and window frame. hold the g button until the side win- There is a risk of injury. dows and the sliding sunroof/panorama When opening, make sure that nobody is sliding sunroof are opened.
  • Page 160: Important Safety Notes

    Operating the climate control system If the residual heat function is activated, Operating the auxiliary heating/ventila- the windows may mist up on the inside. tion draws on the vehicle battery. After you have heated or ventilated the vehicle a To deactivate: press the Ì button. maximum of two times, drive for a longer The indicator lamp in the Ì…

  • Page 161: Remote Control

    Operating the climate control system Switching the auxiliary heating/venti- The remote control has a maximum range of lation on/off using the centre console approximately 300 metres. This range is button reduced by: sources of radio interference solid objects between the remote control and the vehicle the remote control being in an unfavoura- ble position in relation to the vehicle…

  • Page 162: Setting The Departure Time

    Operating the climate control system To switch on: press the u button. Setting the departure time is shown in the remote control display. Press the , or . button repeatedly To deactivate: press the ^ button. until the time to be changed appears in the display.

  • Page 163
    Operating the climate control system Environmental note Batteries contain pollutants. It is illegal to dispose of them with the household rubbish. They must be collected sep- arately and disposed of in an environmentally responsible recycling system. Dispose of batteries in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Page 164: Important Safety Notes

    Adjusting the air vents Problems with the auxiliary heating/ventilation Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The starter battery is not charged sufficiently or the system is FAIL faulty. Charge the starter battery. Make another attempt to switch on the auxiliary heating using the remote control.

  • Page 165: Adjusting The Air Vents

    Adjusting the air vents flow depends on the airflow and air distribu- Setting the centre air vents tion settings. Close the air vent when heating the vehi- cle. At high outside temperatures, open the air vent and activate the «cooling with air dehu- midification»…

  • Page 166: Wheel

    Adjusting the air vents To open/close: turn thumbwheel : up or down.

  • Page 167
    Useful information ……166 Running-in notes ……. 166 Driving ……….166 Manual transmission ……175 Automatic transmission ….176 Refuelling ……….. 183 Parking ……….187 Driving tips ……..189 Driving systems …….. 192 Towing a trailer ……… 227…
  • Page 168: Useful Information

    Driving Vehicles with automatic transmission: Useful information Try to avoid depressing the accelerator This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- pedal beyond the point of resistance (kick- els, series and optional equipment for your down). vehicle that were available at the time of The shift ranges 3, 2 or 1 should only be going to press.

  • Page 169: Key Positions Key

    Driving tect the engine. To protect the engine and loose floormats and do not place several floor- maintain smooth engine operation, avoid mats on top of one another. driving at full throttle when the engine is cold. WARNING Unsuitable footwear can hinder correct usage of the pedals, e.g.: Key positions shoes with thick soles…

  • Page 170
    Driving Vehicles with KEYLESS-GO are equipped with Removing the Start/Stop button a key featuring an integrated KEYLESS-GO You can remove the Start/Stop button from function and a detachable Start/Stop button. the ignition lock and start the vehicle as nor- The Start/Stop button must be inserted in the mal using the key.
  • Page 171: Starting The Engine

    Driving Automatic transmission shift the manual transmission into neutral. start the engine. Shift the transmission to position P. The transmission position display in the There is a risk of an accident and injury. multifunction display shows P. When leaving the vehicle, always take the key with you and lock the vehicle.

  • Page 172: Pulling Away

    Driving Depress the brake pedal and keep it When engaging transmission position D or R, depressed. always firmly depress the brake pedal and do To start a petrol engine: press the Start/ not simultaneously accelerate. Stop button once ( page 167). It is only possible to shift the transmission The engine starts.

  • Page 173: Automatic Engine Switch-Off

    Driving Take your foot off the brake pedal. tion has caused the system to be deactivated, The vehicle is then held for about a second. the ¤ symbol is not displayed. Pull away. Automatic engine switch-off Hill start assist is not active if: you are pulling away on a level road or a General notes downhill gradient.

  • Page 174: Deactivating/Activating

    Driving the battery’s charge status is too low the driver’s seat belt is released or the driv- er’s door is opened Vehicles with manual transmission Only engage gear when the clutch pedal is depressed. The engine is started automatically if you: depress the clutch pedal fully depress the accelerator pedal Brake the vehicle.

  • Page 175
    Driving To switch on: press button :. Indicator lamp ; lights up. If all conditions for automatic engine switch-off ( page 171) are fulfilled, the ¤ symbol is shown in green in the mul- tifunction display. If not all conditions for automatic engine switch-off ( page 171) are fulfilled, the ¤…
  • Page 176
    Driving Problems with the engine Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The engine does not The HOLD function or DISTRONIC PLUS is activated. start. Deactivate the HOLD function ( page 206) or DISTRONIC PLUS ( page 197). Try to start the engine again. The engine does not There is a malfunction in the engine electronics.
  • Page 177: Manual Transmission

    Manual transmission Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Vehicles with a petrol There is a malfunction in the engine electronics or in a mechanical engine: component of the engine management system. The engine is not run- Only depress the accelerator pedal slightly. ning smoothly and is Otherwise, non-combusted fuel may get into the catalytic con- misfiring.

  • Page 178: Engaging Reverse Gear

    Automatic transmission Shift gear according to gearshift recom- Shifting to neutral (N) mendation : when shown in the multi- function display of the instrument cluster. Automatic transmission Important safety notes WARNING If the engine speed is above the idling speed and you engage transmission position D or R, the vehicle could pull away suddenly.

  • Page 179: Changing Gear

    Automatic transmission Selector lever Transmission positions Overview of transmission positions Park position This prevents the vehicle from roll- ing away when stopped. Do not shift the transmission into position page 187) unless the vehicle is stationary. The key can only be removed if the transmission is in position P.

  • Page 180: Accelerator Pedal Position

    Automatic transmission the position of the accelerator pedal Program selector button the road speed General notes The program selector button allows you to Driving tips choose between different driving character- istics. Accelerator pedal position Your style of driving influences how the auto- matic transmission shifts gear: little throttle: early upshifts more throttle: late upshifts…

  • Page 181: Automatic Transmission

    Automatic transmission AMG vehicles Steering wheel gearshift paddles Drive program selector with manual drive program Left-hand steering wheel gearshift paddle Right-hand steering wheel gearshift pad- C Controlled Comfortable, economical Efficiency driving In the automatic drive program, you can S Sport Sporty driving style restrict or derestrict the shift range by using the steering wheel gearshift paddles or the…

  • Page 182: Shift Ranges

    Automatic transmission Drive program S (or, in the case of AMG vehi- Pull the left-hand steering wheel gearshift cles, drive programs S and S+) is character- paddle. ised by the following: The automatic transmission shifts down one gear and restricts the shift range to the sporty engine and automatic transmission relevant gear.

  • Page 183: Manual Drive Program

    Automatic transmission and deceleration. To do this, the automatic If the colour in the speedometer multifunc- transmission shifts down one or more tion display changes to red and the dis- gears. play message is shown, shift up a gear. Gearshift recommendation Manual drive program Activating the manual drive program Manual drive program M can be selected…

  • Page 184: Manual Drive Program

    Automatic transmission Kickdown AMG vehicles: it is not possible to use kickdown in manual drive program M. You can also use kickdown for maximum acceleration in manual drive program M. Depress the accelerator pedal beyond the pressure point. The transmission shifts to a lower gear depending on the engine speed.

  • Page 185: Refuelling

    Refuelling Problems with the transmission Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The transmission has The transmission is losing oil. problems shifting gear. Have the transmission checked at a qualified specialist work- shop immediately. The acceleration ability The transmission is in emergency mode. is deteriorating.

  • Page 186: Opening/Closing

    Refuelling Overfilling the fuel tank could damage the Do not swallow fuel or let it come into contact fuel system. with skin, eyes or clothing. Do not inhale fuel vapours. Keep fuels out of the reach of chil- Take care not to spill any fuel on painted dren.

  • Page 187: Fuel Filler Flap

    Refuelling Opening Switch off the engine. Remove the key from the ignition lock. KEYLESS-GO: open the driver’s door. This corresponds to key position 0: «key removed». The driver’s door can be closed again. Press the fuel filler flap in the direction of arrow :.

  • Page 188
    Refuelling Problems with the fuel and fuel tank Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Fuel is leaking from the The fuel line or the fuel tank is faulty. vehicle. WARNING There is a risk of fire or explosion. Turn the key to position 0 in the ignition lock immediately and remove it ( page 167).
  • Page 189: Parking

    Parking To ensure that the vehicle is secured against Parking rolling away unintentionally: Important safety notes the parking brake must be applied. WARNING on vehicles with manual transmission, engage first gear or reverse gear. Flammable material such as leaves, grass or twigs may ignite if they come into contact with on vehicles with automatic transmission, hot parts of the exhaust system or exhaust…

  • Page 190: Parking Brake

    Parking Using KEYLESS-GO The brake lights do not light up when you brake the vehicle with the parking brake. Press the Start/Stop button ( page 167). The engine stops and all the indicator lamps in the instrument cluster go out. When the driver’s door is closed, this cor- responds to key position 1.

  • Page 191: Driving Tips

    Driving tips In addition to driving style, the consumption Driving tips is affected by many other factors, such as: General driving tips load Important safety notes tyre pressure cold start WARNING choice of route If you switch off the ignition while driving, the use of electrical consumers safety-relevant functions are only available These factors are not included in the ECO dis-…

  • Page 192: Driving Tips

    Driving tips dynamic changes in the bars at the start of even cause the braking system to fail. There a journey. During a prolonged driving time, is a risk of an accident. these changes are smaller. For more Never use the brake pedal as a footrest. Do dynamic changes, perform a manual reset.

  • Page 193: Aquaplaning

    Aquaplaning standard. Brake pads/linings which have not been approved for Mercedes-Benz vehicles or If water has accumulated to a certain depth which are not of an equivalent quality could on the road surface, there is a danger of aqua- affect your vehicle’s operating safety.

  • Page 194: Driving System

    Driving systems age the engine, the electronics or the trans- This increases the risk of skidding and having mission. an accident. Do not shift down for additional engine brak- ing on a slippery road surface. Winter driving You should drive particularly carefully on slip- Important safety notes pery road surfaces.

  • Page 195: Driving Systems

    Driving systems steep downhill gradients, especially if the vehicle is laden or towing a trailer. On vehicles with automatic transmission, select shift range 1, 2 or 3. By doing so, you will make use of the braking effect of the engine. This relieves the load on the brake system and prevents the brakes from overheating and wearing too quickly.

  • Page 196: Deactivating

    Driving systems Setting a speed Accelerate the vehicle to the desired speed. Keep in mind that it may take a brief moment Briefly press the cruise control lever until the vehicle has accelerated or braked to up : or down ?. the set speed.

  • Page 197: Speedtronic

    Driving systems Cruise control is automatically deactivated if: speed, for braking in good time, and for stay- ing in the lane. you depress the parking brake. If there is a change of drivers, advise the new you are driving at less than 30 km/h. driver of the speed stored.

  • Page 198: Selecting

    Driving systems To store the current speed and call up the Pay attention to the road and traffic condi- last stored speed tions before calling up the stored speed. If you do not know the stored speed, store the To store the current speed or a lower desired speed again.

  • Page 199: Important Safety Notes

    Driving systems Cruise control is selected. If DISTRONIC PLUS detects a slower-moving vehicle in front, your vehicle is braked in order Variable SPEEDTRONIC is automatically to maintain the preset distance to the vehicle deactivated if: in front. you depress the accelerator pedal beyond WARNING the pressure point (kickdown), but only if your current speed does not differ by more…

  • Page 200: Distronic Plus

    Driving systems This speed can: If DISTRONIC PLUS or the HOLD function is activated, the vehicle brakes automati- be too high for a filter lane or a slip road cally in certain situations. To prevent dam- be so high in the right lane that you pass age to the vehicle, deactivate DISTRONIC vehicles driving on the left PLUS and the HOLD function in the follow-…

  • Page 201: Selecting

    Driving systems front is no longer detected and displayed, To store the current speed and call up the DISTRONIC PLUS switches off and you will last stored speed hear a tone. To store the current speed or a lower speed Briefly pull the cruise control lever towards you ?, or press it up : or down A.

  • Page 202
    Driving systems Pulling away Vehicles with COMAND Online If the vehicle in front pulls away: remove The following function is not operational your foot from the brake pedal. in all countries. DISTRONIC PLUS uses additional information Briefly pull the cruise control lever towards from your navigation system so that it can you ?.
  • Page 203
    Driving systems Stopping Shift the transmission to position P to pre- vent the vehicle from rolling away. WARNING DISTRONIC PLUS is deactivated. The warn- When leaving the vehicle, even if it is braked ing message in the multifunction display only by DISTRONIC PLUS, it could roll away if: disappears.
  • Page 204: Setting The Specified Minimum Distance

    Driving systems lever up : or down ; to the pressure point. The last stored speed increases or decrea- ses in 1 km/h increments. To adjust the set speed in 10 km/h increments: press the cruise control lever briefly up : or down ; beyond the pres- sure point.

  • Page 205: Deactivating

    Driving systems Displaying DISTRONIC PLUS in the mul- tifunction display General notes In the assistance menu ( page 248) of the on-board computer, you can select the assis- tance display. Display when DISTRONIC PLUS is deacti- vated Assist. graphic Select the function using the on-board computer Example: vehicles with automatic transmission…

  • Page 206: Distronic Plus

    Driving systems in the multifunction display for approximately Cornering, going into and coming out of a bend five seconds. The last speed stored remains stored until you switch off the engine. DISTRONIC PLUS is automatically deactiva- ted if: you apply the parking brake you are driving slower than 25 km/h and there is no vehicle in front, or if the vehicle in front is no longer detected…

  • Page 207: Dynamic Handling Package With Sports Mode

    Driving systems DISTRONIC PLUS has not detected the vehi- Crossing vehicles cle cutting in yet. The distance to this vehicle will be too short. Narrow vehicles DISTRONIC PLUS may mistakenly detect vehicles that are crossing your lane. Activat- ing DISTRONIC PLUS at traffic lights with crossing traffic, for example, could cause DISTRONIC PLUS has not yet detected the your vehicle to pull away unintentionally.

  • Page 208: Hold Function

    Driving systems HOLD function General notes The HOLD function can assist the driver in the following situations: when pulling away, especially on steep slopes when manoeuvring on steep slopes when waiting in traffic The vehicle is kept stationary without the Example: position of dynamic handling package driver having to depress the brake pedal.

  • Page 209: Activation Conditions

    Driving systems Activation conditions the driver’s door is open and the driver’s seat belt is unfastened You can activate the HOLD function if: the engine is switched off, unless it is auto- the vehicle is stationary. matically switched off by the ECO start/ the engine is running or if it has been auto- stop function matically switched off by the ECO start/…

  • Page 210: Wheel

    Driving systems To cancel: pull the left steering wheel shift RACE START paddle ( page 179). Important safety notes Observe the safety notes for the SPORT To confirm: pull the right steering wheel handling mode ( page 81). shift paddle ( page 179).

  • Page 211: Parktronic

    This may damage the transfer case. you: Damage of this sort is not covered by the switch on the ignition Mercedes-Benz implied warranty. All shift to position D, R or N on vehicles with wheels must remain either on the ground automatic transmission or be fully raised.

  • Page 212: Warning Display

    Driving systems Range of the sensors Rear sensors Centre Approx. 120 cm General notes PARKTRONIC does not take into account Corners Approx. 80 cm obstacles located: Minimum distance below the detection range, e.g. persons, animals or objects Centre Approx. 20 cm above the detection range, e.g.

  • Page 213: Deactivating/Activating

    Driving systems Deactivating/activating PARKTRONIC The gear lever position or the transmission position of the automatic transmission and the direction in which the vehicle is rolling determine which warning display is active when the engine is running. Manual transmission: Gear lever posi- Warning display tion Forwards gear…

  • Page 214: Parking Guidance

    Driving systems Problems with PARKTRONIC Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Only the red segments PARKTRONIC has malfunctioned and has switched off. in the PARKTRONIC If problems persist, have PARKTRONIC checked at a qualified warning displays are lit. specialist workshop. You also hear a warning tone for approximately two seconds.

  • Page 215: Wheel

    Driving systems snowfall or heavy rain may lead to a parking pendently locates and measures parking space being measured inaccurately. spaces on both sides of the vehicle. When driving at speeds below 30 km/h, you will see pay attention to the PARKTRONIC parking symbol ;…

  • Page 216: Parking Guidance

    Driving systems To reverse into the parking space: main- tain the steering wheel angle and reverse carefully. Stop as soon as you hear a warning tone. at the latest when PARKTRONIC sounds the continuous warning tone. Parking Guidance finished mes- Example: vehicles with automatic transmission sage appears in the multifunction display If necessary, reverse towards the parking…

  • Page 217: Reversing Camera

    Driving systems setting checked at a qualified specialist Reversing camera workshop. General notes The field of vision and other functions of the reversing camera may be restricted due to additional accessories on the rear of the vehi- cle (e.g. licence plate holder, bicycle rack). View through the camera The area behind the vehicle is displayed as a mirror image, as in the rear-view mirror.

  • Page 218: Attention Assist

    Driving systems Warning and display messages in the ATTENTION ASSIST multifunction display Important safety notes Activate ATTENTION ASSIST using the on- ATTENTION ASSIST is only an aid. It cannot board computer ( page 250). always detect fatigue or lapses in concentra- If ATTENTION ASSIST is active, you will be tion until too late or not at all.

  • Page 219: Tion Display

    Driving systems Information in the multifunction display Speed Limit Assist detects the traffic signs with a camera attached behind the top of the windscreen. Speed Limit Assist is available and switched on Speed Limit Assist camera Maximum permitted speed (example) Maximum permitted speed for vehicles Important safety notes for which the restriction in the additional…

  • Page 220: Blind Spot Assist

    Driving systems you leave or enter a town. WARNING the road type changes (e.g. motorway, Blind Spot Assist does not react to vehicles: country road). overtaken too closely on the side, placing you have travelled a certain minimum dis- them in the blind spot area tance without the traffic sign being repea- when the difference in the speed of ted or detected again.

  • Page 221
    Driving systems Indicator and warning display Blind Spot Assist is not active at speeds below approximately 30 km/h. Vehicles in the mon- itoring range are then not indicated. Yellow indicator lamp/red warning lamp Example: Saloon If Blind Spot Assist is activated, indicator Blind Spot Assist monitors the area up to lamp : in the exterior mirrors lights up yel- 3.0 m behind your vehicle and directly next to…
  • Page 222: Lane Keeping Assist

    Driving systems Activating Blind Spot Assist Make sure that Blind Spot Assist page 250) is activated in the on-board computer. Turn the key to position 2 in the ignition lock. Warning lamps : in the exterior mirrors light up red for approximately 1.5 seconds and then turn yellow.

  • Page 223
    Driving systems Standard WARNING Standard is selected, no warning vibration The Lane Keeping Assist warning does not occurs if: return the vehicle to the original lane. There is a risk of an accident. you have switched on the turn signals. In this case, the warnings are suppressed for Always steer, apply the brakes or accelerate a certain period of time.
  • Page 224: Active Driving Assistance Package

    Driving systems Active Driving Assistance package WARNING Active Blind Spot Assist does not react to General notes vehicles: The Active Driving Assistance package con- overtaking too closely on the side, placing sists of DISTRONIC PLUS ( page 197), Active them in the blind spot area Blind Spot Assist ( page 222) and Active if the difference in the speed of approach…

  • Page 225
    Driving systems Blind Spot Assist may otherwise not work properly. Indicator and warning display Active Blind Spot Assist is not active at speeds below approximately 30 km/h. Vehi- cles in the monitoring range are then not indi- cated. Example: Saloon Active Blind Spot Assist monitors the area up to three metres behind your vehicle and Yellow indicator lamp/red warning lamp…
  • Page 226: Towing A Trailer

    Driving systems a double warning tone and red warning Either a very slight course-correcting brake lamp : flashes. If the turn signal remains on, application, or none at all, may occur if: detected vehicles are indicated by the flash- there are vehicles or obstacles, e.g. crash ing of red warning lamp :.

  • Page 227: Wheel

    Driving systems application of the brakes can bring the vehicle if Active Lane Keeping Assist alerts you. Ter- back into the original lane. minate the intervention in a non-critical driv- ing situation. The system may be impaired or may not func- tion if: there is poor visibility, e.g.

  • Page 228: Wheel

    Driving systems The warning vibration occurs earlier if: sides must be recognised. The brake applica- tion also slightly reduces driving speed. you approach the outer lane marking on a If a lane-correcting brake application occurs, bend. the following appears in the multifunction dis- the road has very wide lanes, e.g.

  • Page 229: Towing A Trailer

    Towing a trailer Active Lane Keeping Assist does not detect Towing a trailer road and traffic conditions. An inappropriate If you attach a trailer, make sure that you have brake application may be interrupted at any correctly established the electrical connec- time if: tion.

  • Page 230
    Towing a trailer If you exceed the maximum permissible nose- The applicable permissible values, which weight of the trailer drawbar on the ball cou- must not be exceeded, can be found: pling, the following may become damaged: in the vehicle documents your vehicle on the identification plates of the trailer tow the trailer…
  • Page 231: Folding Out

    For certain Mercedes-Benz vehicles, the max- ing altitude. imum permissible rear axle load is increased If the trailer swings from side to side: when towing a trailer.

  • Page 232: Coupling Up A Trailer

    Towing a trailer Pull out release wheel =. Only release the ball coupling if the pivoting range is unobstructed. Always make sure that Turn release wheel = anti-clockwise until the ball coupling engages when folding in. the ball coupling releases and folds out from under the rear bumper.

  • Page 233: Folding In The Ball Coupling

    Towing a trailer Do not uncouple a trailer with an engaged there is an increased risk of an accident and overrun brake. injury. Only release the ball coupling if the pivoting Make sure that the transmission is in posi- range is unobstructed. Always make sure that tion P.

  • Page 234: Bulb Failure Indicator For Led Lamps

    Towing a trailer You can connect accessories with a power rating of up to 240 W to the perma- nent power supply and with a power rating of up to 180 W to the power supply that is switched on via the ignition lock. The trailer battery may not be charged from the power supply.

  • Page 235
    Towing a trailer Open the socket cover. Insert the plug connector with lug : into groove = on the socket. Turn bayonet con- nection ; clockwise to the stop. Let the cover engage. If you are using an adapter cable, secure the cable to the trailer with cable ties.
  • Page 237: 4-Button Multifunction Steering

    Useful information ……236 Important safety notes ….236 Displays and operation (4-button multifunction steering wheel) ..236 Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) ..239 Display messages ……260 Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster ……301…

  • Page 238: Useful Information

    Displays and operation (4-button multifunction steering wheel) times. Otherwise, a vehicle that is not oper- Useful information ating safely may cause an accident. For an overview, see the instrument cluster This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- illustration for vehicles with: els, series and optional equipment for your vehicle that were available at the time of 4-button multifunction steering wheel…

  • Page 239: Displays And Operation (4-Button Multifunction Steering Wheel)

    To activate the multifunction display: You can obtain information about this at switch on the ignition any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. switch on the lights You can control the multifunction display and open the driver’s door…

  • Page 240: Overview

    Displays and operation (4-button multifunction steering wheel) To reset the trip meter: press and hold the V button until the standard display appears. Press and hold the C button until the value has been reset. Trip computer Press the V button on the steering wheel repeatedly until the trip computer appears.

  • Page 241: Displays And Operation (12-Button Multifunction Steering Wheel)

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Ã position, the daytime driving lights are The brightness control knob is located on the bottom left of the instrument cluster switched on automatically when the engine is page 37). running. When it is dark, the side lamps and the dipped-beam headlamps are switched on Turn the brightness control knob clockwise automatically.

  • Page 242: Operating The On-Board Computer

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Outside temperature display You should pay special attention to road con- ditions when temperatures are around the freezing point. The outside temperature display is in the mul- tifunction display ( page 241). Changes in the outside temperature are dis- played after a short delay.

  • Page 243: Button Multifunction Steering Wheel

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Back button Press and hold: Audio In the menu: selects the Press briefly: previous/next station or selects Back an audio track or a video scene Switches off LINGUATRONIC; using rapid scrolling see the separate operating In the (Telephone) menu: instructions…

  • Page 244: Button Multifunction Steering Wheel

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) The Audio, Navi Text field : shows the selected menu or menus differ slightly in vehicles with an audio system and in vehi- submenu as well as display messages. cles with COMAND Online. The examples You can set the time using the audio sys- given in this Owner’s Manual apply to vehicles tem or COMAND Online, see the separate…

  • Page 245: Digital Speedometer

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) From start trip computer is automati- If the ignition remains switched off for longer cally reset if: than four hours, the ECO display will be auto- matically reset. the ignition has been switched off for more For further information on the ECO display, than four hours.

  • Page 246: Navigation Menu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Activating route guidance You can reset the values of the following func- tions: No change of direction announced trip meter trip computer «From start» trip computer «From reset» ECO display If you reset the values in the ECO display, the values in the «From start»…

  • Page 247: Audio Menu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Change of direction announced with a Audio menu lane recommendation Selecting a radio station Road to which the change of direction Waveband leads Distance to change of direction and visual Station frequency with memory position distance display Station ;…

  • Page 248: Operating

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Audio player or audio media operation Video DVD operation Example: CD/DVD changer display Example: CD/DVD changer display Current track Current scene Audio data from various audio devices or Switch on COMAND Online and select media can be played, depending on the equip- video DVD;…

  • Page 249: Redialling

    Mercedes Benz Service Centre If there is more than one number for a on the Internet at: http:// particular name: press the 6 or a www.mercedes-benz.com/connect button to display the numbers. Accepting a call Press the 9 or : button to select the number you want to dial.

  • Page 250: Assist Menu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Showing the assistance graphic Press the = or ; button on the steer- ing wheel to select the menu. Press the = or ; button on the steer- Press the 6 button to switch to the Assist ing wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 251: Activating/Deactivating

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Activating/deactivating the Speed Limit Start the engine. Assist message function Press the = or ; button on the steer- Press the = or ; button on the steer- Assist ing wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 252: Activating/Deactivating

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Activating/deactivating Lane Keeping Switch on the radar sensor system Assist page 254). ® For more information on PRE-SAFE Brake, Press the = or ; button on the steer- see ( page 83). Assist ing wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 253: Additional Speedometer

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Press the : or 9 button to select the Settings menu Display unit Speed-/odometer: func- Introduction tion. You will see the selected setting: miles. Press the a button to save the setting. The selected unit of measurement for dis- tance applies to: Trip The digital speedometer in the…

  • Page 254: Lights Submenu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Selecting the permanent display function Switching the Intelligent Light System on/off Vehicles for the United Kingdom: this func- tion is unavailable. Press the = or ; button on the steer- Settings ing wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 255: Switching Adaptive Highbeam Assist On/Off

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Press the : or 9 button to select the Press a to confirm. Dipped beams Setting for: function. Press the : or 9 button to select the Right- You will see the selected setting: Surround lighting function.

  • Page 256: Vehicle Submenu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) daytime driving lights Switching the automatic locking feature on/off surround lighting in the exterior mirrors Press the = or ; button on the steer- Activating/deactivating the interior light- Settings ing wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 257: Heating Submenu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Press the 9 or : button to select heating running, keep the exhaust pipe and Radar sensor (See Owner’s Man.):. the area around the vehicle clear of snow. To You will see the selected setting: guarantee a sufficient supply of fresh air, open off.

  • Page 258: Convenience Submenu

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Changing the departure time Press the = or ; button on the steer- Settings ing wheel to select the menu. Press the = or ; button on the steer- Settings ing wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 259: Factory Setting

    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Press the : or 9 button to select the Auto. fold in function. Auto. fold in If the function is activated, the vehicle’s exterior mirror is displayed in orange in the multifunction display. Press the a button to save the setting.

  • Page 260
    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) RACETIMER Starting a new lap Lap. Press a to confirm Displaying and starting the RACETIMER The RACETIMER is only intended for use on a closed race circuit. Do not use the function on public roads. You can use the RACETIMER to store lap times.
  • Page 261
    Displays and operation (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Lap evaluation You cannot delete individual stored laps. If you have stopped 16 laps, the current lap This function is only available if you have does not have to be reset. stored at least two laps and have stopped the Reset the current lap.
  • Page 262: Display Messages

    Display messages Display messages General notes Display messages appear in the multifunction display. Display messages with graphic symbols are simplified in the Owner’s Manual and may differ from the symbols in the multifunction display. Please respond in accordance with the display messages and follow the additional notes in this Owner’s Manual.

  • Page 263: Button Multifunction Steering Wheel

    Display messages Vehicles with a 12-button multifunction steering wheel The on-board computer saves certain display messages. You can call up the display messages in the message memory. Service Press the = or ; button on the steering wheel to select the menu.

  • Page 264: Safety Systems

    Display messages Safety systems (4-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ® ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), ESP (Electronic Stability Pro- ® curr. unavail. gram), BAS (Brake Assist), PRE-SAFE , the HOLD function, hill ® start assist and ESP trailer stabilisation are temporarily unavail- able.

  • Page 265
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The steerability and braking characteristics may be severely affec- ted. The braking distance in an emergency braking situation can increase. ® ® If ESP is not operational, ESP is unable to stabilise the vehicle. The danger of skidding and having an accident increases.
  • Page 266
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions A malfunction has occurred while the HOLD function or DIS- TRONIC PLUS is active. Brake immediately Vehicles with manual transmission: with the HOLD function acti- vated, you have either: opened the driver’s door and released the seat belt or switched off the engine or opened the bonnet A tone may also sound at regular intervals.
  • Page 267
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ü If the symbol appears in the multifunction display, a seat belt tongue has been inserted into a rear seat belt buckle. Further information on the status indicator for the rear seat belts page 59).
  • Page 268
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- RL malfunc. Work‐ tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. shop- or RR mal‐ This poses an increased risk of injury. func.
  • Page 269: Safety Systems

    Display messages Safety systems (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions !÷ ® ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), ESP (Electronic Stability Pro- ® gram), BAS (Brake Assist), PRE-SAFE , the HOLD function, hill currently unavail‐ ® start assist and ESP trailer stabilisation are temporarily unavail- able See Owner’s able.

  • Page 270
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The brake system continues to function normally, but without the functions listed above. The braking distance may thus increase in an emergency braking situation. ® ® If ESP is not operational, ESP is unable to stabilise the vehicle.
  • Page 271
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions A fault has occurred while the HOLD function or DISTRONIC PLUS is active. Brake immediately Vehicles with manual transmission: with the HOLD function acti- vated, you have: opened the driver’s door and released the seat belt or switched off the engine or opened the bonnet A tone may also sound at regular intervals.
  • Page 272
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions PRE-SAFE ® PRE-SAFE Brake temporarily inoperative. Possible causes: Functions cur‐ the function is impaired due to heavy rain or snow. rently limited See the sensors in the radiator trim and in the bumpers are dirty. Owner’s Manual the radar sensor system is temporarily inoperative, e.g.
  • Page 273
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ý If the symbol appears in the multifunction display, a seat belt tongue has not been inserted in a rear seat belt buckle. WARNING A seat belt which is not worn correctly, or which has not been engaged in the seat belt buckle correctly, cannot provide the intended level of protection.
  • Page 274: Lights

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions WARNING The airbags or belt tensioners may either be triggered uninten- Rear centre mal‐ tionally or, in the event of an accident, may not be triggered. function Consult This poses an increased risk of injury. workshop SRS has malfunctioned at the rear centre.

  • Page 275
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The left or right-hand trailer turn signal lamp is faulty. Observe the separate operating instructions provided by the Trailer left trailer manufacturer. indic. or Trailer right indic. The trailer brake lamp is faulty. Observe the separate operating instructions provided by the Trailer brake lamp trailer manufacturer.
  • Page 276
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The rear foglamp is faulty. Visit a qualified specialist workshop. Rear foglamp The front left or front right parking lamp is faulty. Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself Front left parking page 136).
  • Page 277: Lights

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The light sensor is faulty. Visit a qualified specialist workshop. AUTO lights inoper‐ ative The lights are still switched on when you leave the vehicle. A warning tone also sounds. Switch off lights Turn the light switch to Ã.

  • Page 278: Turn Signal

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The rear left-hand or rear right-hand turn signal is faulty. Visit a qualified specialist workshop. Rear left turn sig‐ nal or Rear right turn signal The front left-hand or front right-hand turn signal is faulty. Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

  • Page 279
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The front left or front right parking lamp is faulty. Check whether you are permitted to replace the bulb yourself Front left parking page 136). lamp or Front right parking lamp Visit a qualified specialist workshop. The left or right-hand reversing lamp is faulty.
  • Page 280: Engine

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The lights are still switched on when you leave the vehicle. A warning tone also sounds. Switch off lights Turn the light switch to Ã. Adaptive Highbeam Adaptive Highbeam Assist is faulty. Assist inoperative Visit a qualified specialist workshop.

  • Page 281
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The coolant is too hot. A warning tone also sounds. Stop vehicle Sw. eng. Off WARNING Never drive with an overheated engine. Driving when your engine is overheated can cause some fluids which may have leaked into the engine compartment to catch fire.
  • Page 282
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The engine oil level has dropped to the minimum level. A warning tone also sounds. Checking the Check the oil level when next refuelling, at the latest engine oil level page 337). If necessary, top up the engine oil ( page 338).
  • Page 283: Engine

    Display messages Engine (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The coolant level is too low. Avoid making long journeys with too little coolant in the engine Top up coolant See cooling system. The engine will otherwise be damaged. Owner’s Manual Top up the coolant, observing the warning notes before doing so (…

  • Page 284
    Information on approved engine oils can be obtained from any qualified specialist workshop or on the Internet at http:// bevo.mercedes-benz.com. AMG vehicles: the engine oil level is too low. Check the oil level when next refuelling, at the latest Add 1 litre engine page 337).
  • Page 285: Driving Systems

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The fuel level has dropped into the reserve range. Operation of the auxiliary heating is deactivated if the fuel level Reserve fuel level drops into the reserve range. Refuel at the nearest filling station. There is very little fuel in the fuel tank.

  • Page 286: Driving Systems

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Cruise control A condition for activating cruise control has not been met. You have tried to store a speed below 30 km/h, for example. ¯ — km/h If conditions permit, drive faster than 30 km/h and store the speed.

  • Page 287
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ë The HOLD function is deactivated. The vehicle is skidding. A warning tone also sounds. Reactivate the HOLD function later ( page 206). The HOLD function is deactivated. When the brake pedal is firmly depressed, an activation condition is not fulfilled.
  • Page 288
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Blind Spot Assist Blind Spot Assist or Active Blind Spot Assist is temporarily inop- currently unavail‐ erative. able See Owner’s You have established the electrical connection between the trailer ManualorActive and your vehicle. Blind Spot Assist Press a on the steering wheel to confirm the display mes- currently unavail‐…
  • Page 289
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Parking Guidance Parking Guidance is deactivated. Possible causes: cancelled the vehicle is skidding. the sensors are dirty. a malfunction has occurred. A warning tone also sounds. Reactivate Parking Guidance later ( page 212).
  • Page 290
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions DISTRONIC PLUS cur‐ DISTRONIC PLUS is temporarily inoperative. Possible causes: rently unavailable the function is impaired due to heavy rain or snow. See Owner’s Manual the sensors in the radiator trim and in the bumpers are dirty. the radar sensor system is temporarily inoperative, e.g.
  • Page 291
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Limit While depressing the accelerator pedal beyond the pressure point (kickdown), SPEEDTRONIC cannot be activated. — km/h Cruise control A condition for activating cruise control has not been met. — — — km/h You have tried to store a speed below 30 km/h, for example.
  • Page 292: Tyres

    Display messages Tyres (4-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Check The tyre pressure loss warning system has detected a significant loss in pressure. tyres A warning tone also sounds. WARNING With tyre pressures which are too low, there is a risk of the fol- lowing hazards: the tyres may burst, especially as the load and vehicle speed increase.

  • Page 293: Tyres

    Display messages Tyres (12-button multifunction steering wheel) Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Tyre pressure The tyre pressure loss warning system has detected a significant loss in pressure. Check tyres A warning tone also sounds. WARNING With tyre pressures which are too low, there is a risk of the fol- lowing hazards: the tyres may burst, especially as the load and vehicle speed increase.

  • Page 294
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Check The tyre pressure in one or more tyres has dropped significantly. The wheel position is displayed in the multifunction display. tyres A warning tone also sounds. WARNING With tyre pressures which are too low, there is a risk of the fol- lowing hazards: the tyres may burst, especially as the load and vehicle speed increase.
  • Page 295: Vehicle

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Tyre press. monitor Due to a source of radio interference, no signals can be received from the wheel sensors. The tyre pressure monitor is temporarily currently unavail‐ malfunctioning. able Drive on. The tyre pressure monitor restarts automatically as soon as the cause has been rectified.

  • Page 296
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions With the Hold function activated, you have either: opened the driver’s door and released the seat belt or switched off the engine or opened the bonnet. A tone may also sound at regular intervals. If you attempt to lock the vehicle, the tone becomes louder.
  • Page 297: Vehicle

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Check trailer Vehicles with a retractable trailer coupling: hitch lock The trailer tow hitch is not correctly engaged. A warning tone also sounds. Stop the vehicle immediately, paying attention to road and traf- fic conditions, and switch off the engine.

  • Page 298
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions While the HOLD function or DISTRONIC PLUS is active, you have: opened the driver’s door and released the seat belt or switched off the engine or opened the bonnet A tone may also sound at regular intervals. If you attempt to lock the vehicle, the tone becomes louder.
  • Page 299
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The trailer tow hitch is not correctly engaged. A warning tone also sounds. Check trailer Stop the vehicle immediately, paying attention to road and traf- hitch lock fic conditions, and switch off the engine. Secure the vehicle against rolling away ( page 187).
  • Page 300: Keyless-Go

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Telephone No Your vehicle is outside the network provider’s transmitter/ service receiver range. Wait until the mobile phone operational readiness symbol appears in the multifunction display. ¥ The washer fluid level in the washer fluid reservoir has dropped below the minimum.

  • Page 301: Keyless-Go

    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Key not detected The KEYLESS-GO key cannot be detected at present. (White display mes- Change the location of the key with the KEYLESS-GO functions sage) in the vehicle. If the KEYLESS-GO key is still not detected: Change the location of the key with the KEYLESS-GO functions in the vehicle.

  • Page 302
    Display messages Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions  The KEYLESS-GO key is not in the vehicle. A warning tone also sounds. Key not detected  If the engine is switched off, you can no longer lock the vehicle (red display message) centrally or start the engine.
  • Page 303: Warning And Indicator Lamps In The Instrument Cluster

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Seat belts Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The seat belt warning lamp reminds the driver and front passenger ü to fasten their seat belts. Only for certain coun- tries: the red seat belt Fasten your seat belt (…

  • Page 304: Warning Lamp

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Safety systems Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions There is insufficient brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. The red brake system WARNING warning lamp comes on The braking efficiency may be impaired. while the engine is run- There is a risk of an accident.

  • Page 305
    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ® ABS is temporarily unavailable. Therefore, BAS, BAS PLUS, ESP ® EBD (electronic brake force distribution), PRE-SAFE The yellow ABS warning lamp is lit while the ®…
  • Page 306: Warning Lamp

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions EBD is not available due to a malfunction. Therefore, ABS, BAS, ® ® ® BAS PLUS, ESP , PRE-SAFE , PRE-SAFE Brake, the HOLD func- The yellow ABS warning ®…

  • Page 307: Sport Handling Mode

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ® ÷ä or traction control has intervened because there is a risk of skidding or at least one wheel has started to spin. ® The yellow ESP warn- ing lamp flashes while Cruise control or DISTRONIC PLUS is deactivated.

  • Page 308
    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ® ® ® ÷äå , BAS, BAS PLUS, PRE-SAFE , PRE-SAFE Brake, the HOLD ® function, hill start assist, the adaptive brake lights and ESP trailer ®…
  • Page 309: Warning Lamp

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ® ® ÷å , BAS, PRE-SAFE , the HOLD function, hill start assist and ® trailer stabilisation are temporarily unavailable. ® The yellow ESP ® OFF warning ®…

  • Page 310: Warning Lamp

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Engine Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions There may be a fault, for example: The yellow engine diag- in the engine management nostics warning lamp in the fuel injection system lights up while the in the exhaust system engine is running.

  • Page 311
    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The coolant level is too low. The red coolant warn- If the coolant level is correct, the airflow to the engine radiator ing lamp comes on may be blocked or the electric engine radiator fan may be mal- while the engine is run- functioning.
  • Page 312: Warning Lamp

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Make sure that the air supply to the engine radiator is not blocked, e.g. by frozen slush. Check the coolant level and top up the coolant ( page 339).

  • Page 313: Warning Lamp

    Warning and indicator lamps in the instrument cluster Tyres Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The tyre pressure monitor has detected a loss of pressure in at least one of the tyres. The yellow tyre pres- sure monitor warning WARNING lamp (pressure loss/ With tyre pressures which are too low, there is a risk of the fol- malfunction) is lit.

  • Page 315
    Useful information ……314 Loading guidelines ……314 Stowage areas ……..314 Features ……….325…
  • Page 316: Loading Guidelines

    Stowage areas or the permissible axle loads for the vehicle Useful information (including occupants). the boot/luggage compartment is the pre- This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- ferred place to store objects. els, series and optional equipment for your vehicle that were available at the time of position heavy loads as far forwards as pos- going to press.

  • Page 317: Glove Compartment

    Stowage areas To lock: insert the emergency key element Always stow objects so that they cannot be into the lock and turn it 90° clockwise to thrown around in such situations. position 2. Always make sure that objects do not pro- To unlock: insert the emergency key ele- trude from stowage spaces, luggage nets ment into the lock and turn it 90°…

  • Page 318: Rear

    Stowage areas Stowage compartment/telephone com- The maximum permissible load of the stow- partment under the armrest age compartment is 1.5 kg. To open: press left-hand button ; or right- To open: pull handle : up and fold hand button :. cover ;…

  • Page 319
    Stowage areas the left and right-hand side of the luggage Before you fold down the rear seat back- compartment (Estate). rest, remove the side head restraints for the integrated child seat; see the «Side Observe the loading guidelines ( page 314) head restraints for integrated child seat»…
  • Page 320: Luggage Compartment Enlargement

    Stowage areas the integrated child seat; see the «Side Make sure that the seat belt does not head restraints for integrated child seat» become trapped when folding the rear seat section. The side head restraints could oth- backrest back. Otherwise, it could be dam- erwise be damaged.

  • Page 321: Lashing Eyelets

    Stowage areas Folding the rear seat backrest back There are four lashing eyelets in the boot or luggage compartment. Move the driver’s or front-passenger seat Saloon with through-loading feature in the rear forward if necessary. bench seat Lashing eyelets Make sure that the seat belt does not become trapped when folding the rear seat backrest back.

  • Page 322: Bag Hook

    Stowage areas Estate with EASY-PACK load-securing To open: press bag hook : (arrow). kit: insert mounting elements ; and slide Bag hook : slides out. to the desired position ( page 322). To close: press bag hook : until it engages.

  • Page 323: Safety Net

    Stowage areas Extending and retracting the luggage compartment cover Push combined luggage compartment cover and net ; to the left until it extends out of guide rails :. To extend: position cover shield : hori- Remove combined luggage compartment zontally. cover and net ;.

  • Page 324: Coat Hooks

    Stowage areas Safety net without luggage compart- Coat hooks on the tailgate ment enlargement Coat hook Pull the safety net up by tab : and hook it into eyelets ;. EASY-PACK load-securing kit (Estate) Safety net with luggage compartment Components and storage enlargement The EASY-PACK load-securing kit allows you to use your luggage compartment for a variety…

  • Page 325: Inserting The Brackets Into The Loading Rail

    Stowage areas Inserting the brackets into the loading rail To install: insert two brackets A into the left or right loading rail ( page 323). Press release button : of luggage Insert bracket : into the centre of loading holder ; and pull the strap out slightly. rail ?.

  • Page 326: Stowage Well, Under

    Stowage areas To install: insert one bracket ; into both Hook handle : into rain trough ;. the left and the right loading rails and slide Remove the handle again before closing it to the desired position ( page 323). the boot lid and snap it in tightly to prevent Insert telescopic rod : into brackets ;…

  • Page 327: Important Safety Notes

    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you Attaching the roof carrier (Estate) only use roof carriers that have been tested and approved for Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Secure the roof carrier to the roof rails. This helps to prevent damage to the vehi- Observe the manufacturer’s installation cle.

  • Page 328
    Features Cup holder in the front centre console Fitting Cup holders Insert left-hand and right-hand grooves ; of the cup holder into lateral springs =. Cover Insert the cup holder so that the wedge of To open: slide cover ; back. the upper section of cup holder : faces forwards.
  • Page 329: Rear Window

    Features Fold the cover of the rear seat armrest back Do not drive the vehicle with the roller down again if necessary. sunblind hooked in and the side windows opened simultaneously. The roller sunblind To close: lift the cover of the rear seat arm- can jump out of the retainers and spring rest.

  • Page 330: Ashtray

    Features Extending/retracting the roller sun- To open: slide cover : forwards until it blind engages. To remove the insert: hold insert = by the ribbing at the sides and lift it up ; and out. To refit the insert: press insert = into the holder until it engages.

  • Page 331: Centre Console

    Features the sockets is automatically cut. This out of reach of children. Never leave children ensures that there is sufficient power to unattended in the vehicle. start the engine. Your attention must always be focused on the traffic conditions. Only use the cigarette Socket in the front centre console lighter when road and traffic conditions per- mit.

  • Page 332: Luggage Compartment

    Features Socket in the luggage compartment Mercedes-Benz recommends the use of an (Estate) approved exterior aerial. This ensures: optimal mobile phone reception quality in the vehicle. mutual interference between the vehicle electronics and mobile phones is mini- mised. An exterior aerial has the following advan-…

  • Page 333: Anti-Glare Film

    Features Open the telephone compartment Floormat on the driver’s side page 316). WARNING Place the mobile phone bracket into the Objects in the driver’s footwell may restrict pre-installed fitting (see the separate the clearance around the pedals or block a installation instructions for the mobile depressed pedal.

  • Page 335
    Useful information ……334 ASSYST PLUS ……..334 Engine compartment ……335 Care ………… 340…
  • Page 336: Useful Information

    Information on the type of service and service wheel: press the % or a button. intervals (see separate Service Booklet). You can obtain further information from a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. Displaying service messages The ASSYST PLUS service interval display Switch the ignition on.

  • Page 337: Engine Compartment

    Bonnet major assemblies or the vehicle. Important safety notes A qualified specialist workshop, e.g. a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre, will reset the WARNING ASSYST PLUS service interval display after An unlocked bonnet may open while driving the service work has been carried out. You and block your view.

  • Page 338: Opening

    Engine compartment If you need to access the engine compart- ment: switch off the ignition never enter the danger area of moving com- ponents, e.g. the rotation area of the fan keep items of clothing away from moving parts WARNING The ignition system and the fuel injection sys- Pull release lever : on the bonnet.

  • Page 339: Checking The Oil Level

    Engine compartment tem to display inaccurate values. Some of these values are legally required and must always be correct. Engine oil General notes on oil level Depending on your driving style, the vehicle consumes up to 0.8 l of oil per 1,000 km. The oil consumption may be higher than this when Example: vehicles with a petrol engine the vehicle is new or if you frequently drive at…

  • Page 340: Topping Up

    Check the oil level again with the oil dip- engine oils and oil filters tested and stick ( page 337). approved in accordance with the For further information on engine oil; see Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service page 401). Products at any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre.

  • Page 341
    Engine compartment Slowly turn cap : half a turn anti-clock- Checking and adding other service wise and allow excess pressure to escape. products Turn cap : further anti-clockwise and Checking the coolant level remove it. If the coolant is at the level of marker bar WARNING = in the filler neck when cold, there is Certain components in the engine compart-…
  • Page 342: Automatic Car Wash

    Use care products and cleaning agents rec- cleaning system. ommended and approved by Mercedes-Benz. If the washer fluid level drops below the rec- ommended minimum of 1 litre, a message appears in the multifunction display prompt-…

  • Page 343: Care

    Use a soft sponge to clean. lights Use a mild cleaning agent, such as a car seals shampoo approved by Mercedes-Benz. trim elements Thoroughly hose down the vehicle with a ventilation slots gentle jet of water. Damaged seals or electrical components Do not point the water jet directly towards can lead to leaks or failures.

  • Page 344: Matt Paintwork

    Use tar remover to remove tar stains. Use silicone remover to remove wax. Use only insect remover and car shampoo from the range of recommended and Do not affix: approved Mercedes-Benz care products. stickers films Cleaning the windows magnetic plates or similar items WARNING to painted surfaces.

  • Page 345: Exterior Lighting

    Mercedes-Benz car Clean the inside and outside of the win- shampoo. Or clean the exterior lighting dows with a damp cloth and a cleaning with cleaning cloths.

  • Page 346: Reversing Camera

    Clean the exhaust tail pipes with a chrome care product tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz. Cleaning the trailer tow hitch Environmental note Dispose of oily and greasy cloths in an envi- ronmentally-responsible manner.

  • Page 347: Display

    This could lead to irrepara- mended and approved by Mercedes-Benz. ble damage to the display. Before cleaning the display, make sure that Cleaning wooden trim and trim ele- it is switched off and has cooled down.

  • Page 348: Carpets

    Roof lining: if it is very dirty, use a soft ers down with a dry cloth. brush or a cleaning agent recommended Make sure that the leather does not and approved by Mercedes-Benz. become soaked. It may otherwise Carpets: use the carpet and textile clean- become rough and cracked.

  • Page 349
    Useful information ……348 Where will I find…? ……348 Flat tyre ……….351 Battery (vehicle) …….. 355 Jump-starting ……..359 Towing and tow-starting ….361 Electrical fuses ……… 364…
  • Page 350: Useful Information

    Where will I find…? Useful information This Owner’s Manual describes all mod- els, series and optional equipment for your vehicle that were available at the time of going to press. National variations are pos- sible. Note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all of the functions descri- bed.

  • Page 351: Where Will I Find

    Where will I find…? seeping in or dirt could otherwise impair the operation of the fuses. Example: first-aid kit behind the side trim panel To open the cover: turn rotary knob : in the direction of the arrow and fold down Open the tailgate.

  • Page 352: Fire Extinguisher

    Where will I find…? Vehicle tool kit The vehicle tool kit can be found in the stow- age well under the boot floor/luggage com- partment floor. Apart from some country-specific var- iants, vehicles are not equipped with tyre- changing tools. Some tools for changing a wheel are specific to the vehicle.

  • Page 353: Flat Tyre

    Flat tyre wheel: lift up the boot floor/luggage com- Stop the vehicle as far away as possible partment floor ( page 324) or from traffic on solid, non-slippery and level page 324). ground. Switch on the hazard warning lamps. Secure the vehicle against rolling away page 187).

  • Page 354: Tirefit Kit

    Flat tyre MOExtended tyres may only be used in con- proper size and type (summer or winter junction with an active tyre pressure loss tyre). warning system or tyre pressure monitoring Vehicles with MOExtended tyres are not system. equipped with a TIREFIT kit at the factory. If the pressure loss warning message It is therefore recommended that you addi- appears in the multifunction display:…

  • Page 355
    Flat tyre Using the TIREFIT kit WARNING In the following situations, the tyre sealant is unable to provide sufficient breakdown assis- tance, as it is unable to seal the tyre properly: there are cuts or punctures in the tyre larger than those mentioned above. the wheel rim is damaged.
  • Page 356
    Flat tyre Tyre pressure not reached If a pressure of 180 kPa (1.8 bar/26 psi) has not been achieved after five minutes: Switch off the tyre inflation compressor. Unscrew the filler hose from the valve of the faulty tyre. Very slowly drive forwards or reverse approximately 10 m.
  • Page 357: Battery (Vehicle)

    Important safety notes In your vehicle, you will find a sticker with Work on the battery, e.g. removing or fitting, the Mercedes-Benz Service24h telephone requires specialist knowledge and the use of number, e.g. on the B-pillar on the driver’s special tools. Therefore, always have work on side.

  • Page 358
    Battery (vehicle) In the event of a short circuit or similar situa- Make sure that the positive terminal of a tion, inform a qualified specialist workshop connected battery does not come into con- immediately. Do not drive any further. You tact with vehicle parts.
  • Page 359
    You You can also charge the battery with a can then no longer move the vehicle. charger recommended by Mercedes-Benz. For more information, please contact a quali- The battery and the cover of the positive fied specialist workshop.
  • Page 360
    Only charge the installed battery with a battery charger which has been tested and approved by Mercedes-Benz. These battery chargers allow the battery to be charged while still installed in the vehicle. Only use battery chargers with a maxi- mum charging voltage of 14.8 V.
  • Page 361: Jump-Starting

    Jump-starting Jump-starting For the jump-starting procedure, use only the jump-starting connection point, consisting of a positive terminal and an earth point, in the engine compartment. WARNING Battery acid is caustic. There is a risk of injury. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes or clothing. Do not inhale any battery gases. Do not lean over the battery.

  • Page 362
    Jump-starting Only use jump leads that have a sufficient cross-section and insulated terminal clamps. If the battery is fully discharged, leave the battery that is being used to jump-start connected for a few minutes before attempting to start. This charges the empty battery a little. Make sure that the two vehicles do not touch.
  • Page 363: Towing And Tow-Starting

    Towing and tow-starting First, remove the jump leads from earth point A and negative terminal ?, then from pos- itive clamp ; and positive terminal =. Begin each time at the contacts on your own vehicle first. Close cover : of positive clamp ; after removing the jump leads. Have the battery checked at a qualified specialist workshop.

  • Page 364: With The Rear Axle Raised

    Towing and tow-starting When towing a vehicle with an automatic transmission, the transmission must be in position N. The battery must be connected and charged. Otherwise, you: cannot turn the key in the ignition lock to position 2 cannot shift the transmission to position N on vehicles with automatic transmission Vehicles with automatic transmission: release the selector lever lock manually to…

  • Page 365: With Both Axles On The Ground

    Towing and tow-starting Switch on the hazard warning lamps Vehicles with manual transmission: page 131). depress the clutch pedal fully and shift to neutral. Turn the key in the ignition lock to position 0 and remove the key from the ignition Vehicles with automatic transmission: lock.

  • Page 366: Fuses Allocation Chart

    359). Before tow-starting the following conditions Only use fuses that have been approved must be fulfilled: for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and which have the correct fuse rating for the system the battery is connected. concerned. Otherwise, components or sys- the engine has cooled down.

  • Page 367: Electrical Fuses

    Electrical fuses The fuses are located in various fuse boxes: To close: clip in cover : on the front of the dashboard. fuse box on the driver’s side of the dash- Fold cover : inwards until it engages. board fuse box in the engine compartment on the left-hand side of the vehicle, when viewed Fuse box in the engine compartment in the direction of travel…

  • Page 368: Fuse Box In The Boot

    Electrical fuses Fold down cover and close clamps :. Secure lines ; in the guides. Close the bonnet. Fuse box in the boot (Saloon) Make sure that no moisture can enter the fuse box when the cover is open. When closing the cover, make sure that it To open: pull handle :.

  • Page 369: Wheels And Tyres

    Useful information ……368 Important safety notes ….368 Operation ……….. 369 Winter operation ……. 370 Tyre pressure ……..372 Changing a wheel ……378 Fitting a wheel ……..379 Wheel and tyre combinations ..383 Emergency spare wheel ….389…

  • Page 370: Useful Information

    National variations are pos- Accessories that are not approved for your sible. Note that your vehicle may not be vehicle by Mercedes-Benz or that are not equipped with all of the functions descri- being used correctly can impair operating bed.

  • Page 371: Operation

    Mercedes-Benz for your vehi- or other obstacles. If it is necessary to drive cle. Do not fit any other valve caps or sys- over kerbs, speed humps or similar eleva- tems, e.g.

  • Page 372: M+S Tyres

    Observe the notes on the emergency spare Mercedes-Benz cannot accept responsibility wheel ( page 389). for this type of damage. MOExtended tyres (tyres with run-flat…

  • Page 373: Winter Operation

    Always observe the maximum permissible have been specially approved for your vehicle speed specified for the M+S tyres you have by Mercedes-Benz, or that are of a corre- fitted. sponding standard of quality. If you fit M+S tyres that have a lower maxi-…

  • Page 374: Recommended

    Operation with an emergency spare Only screw standard valve caps or valve caps wheel: ( page 383). specifically provided by Mercedes-Benz for Operation with a trailer: the applicable your vehicle onto the tyre valve. value for the rear tyres is the maximum tyre…

  • Page 375: Tyre Pressure

    Tyre pressure The tyres are cold: Environmental note if the vehicle has been parked with the tyres Check the tyre pressure regularly, at least out of direct sunlight for at least three every 14 days. hours and if the vehicle has not been driven further Tyre pressure loss warning system than 1.6 km Depending on the ambient temperature, the…

  • Page 376: Restarting

    Tyre pressure The function of the tyre pressure loss warning Press the C button. system is limited or delayed if: RFI active Restart: R message appears in the multifunction display. snow chains are fitted to your vehicle’s Press the C button. tyres.

  • Page 377: Important Safety Notes

    Tyre pressure Important safety notes After a teach-in period, the tyre pressure loss warning system will monitor the set It is the driver’s responsibility to set the tyre tyre pressures of all four tyres. pressure to the recommended cold tyre pres- sure suitable for the operating situation page 372).

  • Page 378: Checking The Tyre Pressure Elec Tronically

    Tyre pressure Further information can be found on: After a teach-in period, the tyre pressure monitor automatically recognises new Vehicles with a 4-button multifunction wheels or new sensors. As long as a clear steering wheel: ( page 290). allocation of the tyre pressure values to the Vehicles with a 12-button multifunction Tyre individual wheels is not possible, the…

  • Page 379: Restarting

    The radio type approval number for the tyre flap to ensure that the tyre pressure is set pressure monitor can be found online at: correctly in all four tyres for the current http://www.mercedes-benz.de/ operating conditions. betriebsanleitung. Also observe the notes in the section on tyre pressures ( page 372).

  • Page 380: Changing A Wheel

    Changing a wheel Interchanging the front and rear wheels of Country Radio type approval number differing dimensions can render the general Singa- Compliance with IDA Standard operating permit invalid. pore N0140-09 Observe the instructions and safety notes in the «Fitting a wheel» section ( page 379).

  • Page 381: Fitting A Wheel

    Fitting a wheel perform a wheel change on your vehicle, ponents damaged in this way can unexpect- consult a qualified specialist workshop. edly fail. There is a risk of an accident. Necessary wheel-changing tools can Do not use high-pressure cleaners with circu- include, for example: lar-jet nozzles to clean the vehicle.

  • Page 382: Raising The Vehicle

    Mercedes-Benz. If the jack is used incorrectly, it could tip over while the vehicle is raised. the jack is designed only to raise and hold the vehicle for a short time while a wheel is being changed.

  • Page 383: Fitting A New Wheel

    Fitting a wheel Using wheel wrench :, loosen the bolts on Make sure that the base of the jack is posi- tioned vertically under the jacking point. the wheel you wish to change by about one full turn. Do not unscrew the bolts com- Turn crank ? clockwise until jack = sits pletely.

  • Page 384: Lowering The Vehicle

    For safety rea- sons, Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only use wheel bolts which have been approved for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and the Turn the crank of the jack anti-clockwise respective wheel. until the vehicle is once again standing Be sure to use the original-length wheel bolts firmly on the ground.

  • Page 385: Wheel And Tyre Combinations

    372). Check tyre pressures MOE = Mercedes-Benz Original Extended regularly and only when the tyres are cold. (tyres featuring run-flat characteristics) MO1 = Mercedes-Benz Original (only cer- Notes on the vehicle equipment – always tain AMG tyres) fit the vehicle:…

  • Page 386
    Wheel and tyre combinations Saloon V3 C 200, C 220 CDI, C 250, C 250 CDI V4 C 220 CDI 4MATIC, C 250 CDI 11, 12 4MATIC, C 300 , C 300 4MATIC V5 C 300 11, 13 , C 300 CDI 4MATIC, C 350, C 350 4MATIC, C 350 CDI V6 C 63 AMG Estate…
  • Page 387
    Wheel and tyre combinations Tyres Saloon Summer tyres Light-alloy V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 wheels 6.0 J x 16 H2 ET 39 — — — — — 195/60 R16 89 V 7.0 J x 16 H2 ET 43 — —…
  • Page 388
    Wheel and tyre combinations Summer tyres Light-alloy V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 wheels 8.0 J x 18 H2 ET 50 — — 225/40 R18 92 Y XL 8.5 J x 18 H2 ET 54 17, 18, 20 255/35 R18 94 Y XL 235/40 ZR18 95 Y XL 8.0 J x 18 H2 ET 45 —…
  • Page 389
    Wheel and tyre combinations Estate Summer tyres Light-alloy wheels 205/55 R16 91 H 7.0 J x 16 H2 ET 43 — — — — 205/55 R16 91 V 7.0 J x 16 H2 ET 43 — — — 205/55 R16 91 W 7.0 J x 16 H2 ET 43 —…
  • Page 390
    Wheel and tyre combinations Summer tyres Light-alloy wheels 7.5 J x 18 H2 ET 47 — — 225/40 R18 92 Y XL 8.5 J x 18 H2 ET 54 18, 20 255/35 R18 94 Y XL 8.0 J x 18 H2 ET 50 —…
  • Page 391: Emergency Spare Wheel

    Emergency spare wheel Winter tyres Light-alloy wheels 235/40 R18 95 V XL 8.0 J x 18 H2 ET 45 — — — — M+Si 235/40 R18 95 V XL 8.0 J x 18 H2 ET 45 — — — — M+Si 9.0 J x 18 H2 ET 54 255/35 R18 94 V XL…

  • Page 392
    Emergency spare wheel Spare wheel/»Minispare» emergency spare wheel The spare wheel or «Minispare» emergency spare wheel is located in the stowage well under the boot/luggage compartment floor. Saloon: lift up the floor of the boot page 324). Estate: lift up the floor of the luggage com- partment ( page 324).
  • Page 393: Technical Data

    Emergency spare wheel Technical data Saloon «Minispare» emergency spare wheel Tyres Wheels V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 T 125/90 R16 99 M 3.5 B x 16 H2 ET — — Tyre pressure: 420 kPa (4.2 bar/61 psi) T 125/80 R17 99 M 3.5 B x 17 H2 ET —…

  • Page 395: Technical Data

    Useful information ……394 Information on technical data ..394 Vehicle electronics ……394 Identification plates ……396 Service products and capacities ..397 Vehicle data ……..404 Trailer tow hitch …….. 405…

  • Page 396: Useful Information

    Have the low-reflection exterior aerial fitted at vehicles with optional equipment. You can a qualified specialist workshop. When oper- obtain further information from a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. ating in the vehicle, always connect the RF transmitter to the low-reflection exterior aer- ial.

  • Page 397: Vehicle Electronics

    Be sure to observe the manufacturer’s additional instructions when installing. Deviations with respect to wavebands, maxi- mum transmission outputs or aerial positions must be approved by Mercedes-Benz. Saloon: approved aerial positions The maximum transmission output (PEAK) at Front roof area…

  • Page 398: Identification Plates

    Identification plates The following can be used in the vehicle with- out restrictions: RF transmitters with a maximum transmis- sion output of up to 100 mW Mobile phones (GSM/DCS/PCS/UMTS/ LTE) There are no restrictions when positioning the aerial on the outside of the vehicle for the fol- lowing wavebands: Trunked radio/Tetra Example: vehicle identification plate…

  • Page 399: Service Products And Capacities

    Service products and capacities Slide the right-hand front seat to its rear- Mercedes-Benz. They are listed in this most position. Mercedes-Benz Owner’s Manual in the appro- priate section. Fold floor covering : upwards. You can identify service products approved You will see VIN ;.

  • Page 400: Petrol

    All other models Approx. with additives recommended by Mercedes- 8.0 l Benz; see «Additives». You can obtain fur- ther information from any Mercedes-Benz Petrol (EN 228, E DIN 51626-1) Service Centre. Fuel grade Usually you will find information about the fuel grade on the pump.

  • Page 401: Additives

    Petrol must only be mixed with additives recommended Premium-grade unleaded petrol with an by Mercedes-Benz. Observe the instruc- octane rating of 95 RON/85 MON may be tions for use in the product description. used as a temporary measure if the recom- More information about recommended mended fuel is not available.

  • Page 402: Diesel

    Service products and capacities Diesel (EN 590) obtained from any qualified specialist workshop. Fuel grade Usually you will find information about the WARNING fuel grade on the pump. If you cannot find the If you mix diesel fuel with petrol, the flash label on the petrol pump, ask the filling sta- point of this fuel mixture is lower than that of tion staff.

  • Page 403: Engine Oil

    229.3, 229.5 or ACEA C3 Therefore, only Mercedes-Benz approved This must only be added once and the engine oils may be used in Mercedes-Benz amount must not be greater than 1.0 l. engines. Further information on tested and approved…

  • Page 404: Notes

    Benz according to MB Approval 331.0. Information about approved brake fluid can be obtained at any qualified specialist work- shop or on the Internet at: http://bevo.mercedes-benz.com. Have the brake fluid regularly replaced at a qualified specialist workshop and the replacement confirmed in the Service Booklet.

  • Page 405: Washer Fluid

    310.1. Further information on coolants can be found in the Mercedes-Benz Specifications When the vehicle is first delivered, it is fil- for Service Products, MB Specifications for led with a coolant mixture that ensures Service Products 310.1, e.g.

  • Page 406: Vehicle Data

    Vehicle data At temperatures above freezing: These documents are delivered with your vehicle. Fill the washer fluid reservoir with a mixture of water and washer fluid, e.g. MB Sum- merFit. Dimensions and weights Mix 1 part MB SummerFit to 100 parts water.

  • Page 407: Trailer Tow Hitch

    Trailer tow hitch All models (except C 63 AMG AMG vehicles) Vehicle width 2008 mm Wheelbase 2760 mm including exterior mirrors Maximum roof load 100 kg Vehicle width 1770 mm Maximum boot load 100 kg excluding exterior mirrors Model Vehicle height, Vehicle height, 1433 mm Saloon…

  • Page 408
    Trailer tow hitch Example: anchorage points for the trailer tow hitch Anchorage points Overhang dimension Rear axle centre line Saloon without the AMG sports package: for trailer tow hitches fitted at the factory, the overhang dimension including protective cov- ering is 1,154 mm. Estate and Saloon with AMG sports pack- age: for trailer tow hitches fitted at the fac- tory, the overhang dimension including pro-…
  • Page 409: Trailer Loads

    Trailer tow hitch Trailer loads Use a drawbar noseweight as close as possible to the maximum permissible noseweight. Do not use a noseweight of less than 50kg, otherwise the trailer may come loose. Note that the payload and the rear axle load are reduced by the actual payload. The C 63 AMG model cannot be used to tow a trailer.

  • Page 410
    Trailer tow hitch Saloon Estate Manual trans- Automatic Manual trans- Automatic mission transmission mission transmission C 180 CDI 1205 kg 1200 kg 1260 kg 1260 kg C 200 CDI 1205 kg 1200 kg 1260 kg 1260 kg C 220 CDI 1200 kg 1205 kg 1270 kg…
  • Page 411
    Publication details Internet Further information about Mercedes-Benz vehicles and about Daimler AG can be found on the following websites: http://www.mercedes-benz.com http://www.daimler.com Editorial office You are welcome to forward any queries or suggestions you may have regarding this Owner’s Manual to the technical documenta-…
  • Page 412
    É2045843283Z102SËÍ 2045843283Z102 Order no. 65150793 02 Part no. 2045843283Z102 Edition ÄJ 2013-1a Nur für internen Gebrauch / For internal use only…

инструкцияMercedes-Benz C W204 (2007)

Owner’s Manual


Nur fuer internen GebrauchNur fuer internen Gebrauch

Посмотреть инструкция для Mercedes-Benz C W204 (2007) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 76 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Mercedes-Benz C W204 (2007) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Owner’s ManualC-Class
  • Contents
  • Order no. 6515 0621 02 Part no. 204 584 04 81 Z102 Edition NA 2007/03 b EN
Логотип Mercedes-Benz

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Mercedes-Benz C W204 (2007).

Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Mercedes-Benz?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Mercedes-Benz требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Mercedes-Benz?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Mercedes-Benz C W204 (2007) доступно в русский?

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Посмотреть все Mercedes-Benz руководства Посмотреть все Mercedes-Benz автомобиль руководства

1. Техническая информация автомобиля

Заводская табличка с идентификационным номером автомобиля (VIN) и кодом лакокрасочного покрытия

Техническая информация Mercedes C204

Откройте правую переднюю дверь.

Вы видите заводскую табличку автомобиля (1).

Заводская табличка автомобиля

Заводская табличка Mercedes C204

1. Заводская табличка автомобиля. 2. Производитель автомобиля. 3. Номер разрешения на эксплуатацию ТС. 4. Идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN). 5. Максимально допустимая масса автомобиля. 6. Максимально допустимая масса автопоезда. 7. Допустимая нагрузка на передний мост. 8. Допустимая нагрузка на задний мост. 9. Код лакокрасочного покрытия.

Идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN)

Дополнительно к указанию на заводской табличке, идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN) выштампован на кузове. Он находится внизу перед сиденьем переднего пассажира.

Идентификационный номер Mercedes C204

— Передвиньте переднее правое сиденье в крайнее заднее положение.

— Поднимите покрытие пола (1).

Вы видите идентификационный номер автомобиля — VIN (2).

Номер двигателя выбит на блоке цилиндров двигателя. Более подробную информацию вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО Mercedes Benz.

Эксплуатационные материалы и заправочные объемы

Важные указания по технике безопасности

К эксплуатационным материалам относятся:

— топливо (например, бензин, дизельное топливо);

— смазочные материалы (например, моторное и трансмиссионное масла);

— охлаждающая жидкость;

— тормозная жидкость;

— стеклоомывающее средство.

Элементы конструкции и эксплуатационные материалы должны быть совместимы друг с другом. Mercedes Benz рекомендует пользоваться только продуктами, испытанными и допущенными компанией Mercedes Benz. Вы распознаете допущенные Mercedes Benz эксплуатационные материалы по следующим надписям на емкостях:

— MB-Freigabe (допуск Mercedes Benz, например MB-Freigabe 229.51);

— MB-Approval (допуск Mercedes Benz, например MB-Approval 229.51). Другие обозначения, указывающие на уровень качества или спецификацию согласно номеру модификации Mercedes Benz (например MB 229.55) не во всех случаях означают допуск компании Mercedes Benz. Дальнейшую информацию вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО Mercedes Benz.

При обращении с любыми эксплуатационными материалами, а также при их хранении и удалении соблюдайте действующие законодательные нормы, в противном случае вы можете подвергнуть опасности себя и других людей.
Храните эксплуатационные материалы в недоступном для детей месте.
Ради сохранения вашего здоровья избегайте прямого попадания эксплуатационных материалов в глаза или на открытые раны. В случае попадания эксплуатационных материалов в организм немедленно обратитесь к врачу.

Удаляйте эксплуатационные материалы в строгом соответствии с требованиями охраны окружающей среды.

Важные указания по технике безопасности

Топливо — легковоспламеняющийся продукт. Поэтому пользование открытым огнем и курение при обращении с топливом запрещены. Перед заправкой топливом выключите двигатель и систему отопления независимого действия.

Не допускайте контакта с топливом.
Прямой контакт топлива с кожей или вдыхание паров топлива могут нанести вред вашему здоровью.

Модель Объем, л
С 180
С 200
С 250
С 180 CDI
C 200CDI
С 220 CDI
C250 CDI
Общий объем во всех других моделях 66
Минимальный резерв Около 8

Не заправляйте бензином автомобили с дизельным двигателем. Не заправляйте дизельным топливом автомобили с бензиновым двигателем. Даже незначительное количество несоответствующего топлива ведет к повреждению системы питания и двигателя.

Указания по расходу топлива

Увеличение расхода топлива выше средних показателей может быть вызвано:

— эксплуатацией автомобиля в условиях крайне низких температур;

— движением по городу;

— поездками преимущественно на короткие расстояния;

— движением с прицепом;

— движением в горах.

Только в исполнении для определенных стран: значения расхода и данные по выбросу отработавших газов вашего автомобиля указаны в сертификате соответствия (EG CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY). Вы получите эту документацию при приемке автомобиля.
Значения расхода топлива для автомобилей, соответствующих экологическому стандарту ЕВРО 4 и ниже, были определены согласно действующей директиве ЕС RL 80/1268/ЕЭС, а для автомобилей, соответствующих экологическому стандарту ЕВРО 5 и выше, — согласно действующему постановлению ЕЭС № 715/2007. Фактические показатели расхода топлива могут отличаться.
Не используйте присадки к топливу, они могут привести к нарушениям в работе и к повреждениям двигателя.
С02 (двуокись углерода) — газ, являющийся, по данным современной науки, главной причиной чрезмерного нагревания земной атмосферы (т. н. парникового эффекта). Эмиссия С02 вашим автомобилем напрямую связана с расходом топлива и зависит от:
— эффективности использования двигателем энергетического потенциала топлива;
— стиля вождения;
— внешних, не связанных с вашим автомобилем факторов — погодных условий, состояния дорог и т. п.
Спокойный стиль вождения и регулярное проведение регламентных работ по техническому обслуживанию вашего автомобиля — весомые факторы сокращения эмиссии С02.

На что следует обращать внимание

Качество моторных масел имеет решающее значение для работоспособности и срока службы двигателя. Исходя из результатов сложных и дорогостоящих испытаний, Mercedes Benz постоянно производит выдачу сертификатов допуска для моторных масел. Поэтому в двигателях Mercedes Benz разрешается применять только допущенные компанией Mercedes Benz моторные масла. Подробную информацию об испытанных и допущенных моторных маслах вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО Mercedes Benz. Mercedes Benz рекомендует производить замену масла в одном из пунктов ТО Mercedes Benz. Допущенные компанией Mercedes Benz эксплуатационные

материалы вы распознаете по надписи на емкости для масла: «МВ-Freigabe» (допуск Mercedes Benz) и соответствующему обозначению спецификации, например, MB-Freigabe 229.51 (допуск Mercedes Benz 229.51). В нижеследующей таблице приведены допущенные для использования в вашем автомобиле моторные масла.

Бензиновые двигатели Допуск Mercedes Benz
С 180 KOMPRESSOR 229.3, 229.31, 229.5, 229.51
С 180
С 200
С 250
229.3, 229.5, 229.51
С 250
С 300 4MATIC
С 300
С 350 4МATIС
С 350
229.3, 229.5
Дизельные двигатели Допуск Mercedes Benz
С сажевым фильтром
С 180 CDI
С 200 CDI
C 220CDI
C 250CDI
228.51, 229.31, 229.51

Если приведенных в таблице моторных масел нет в продаже, то можно один раз долить не более одного литра масла одного из нижеперечисленных видов:
— бензиновые двигатели: MBFreigabe 229.1 (допуск Mercedes Benz 229.1) или АСЕА АЗ;
— дизельные двигатели: MBFreigabe 229.1 (допуск Mercedes Benz 229.1) или АСЕА СЗ.

Приведенные ниже данные относятся к замене масла с одновременной заменой масляного фильтра.

Модификация Заправочный объем (при наличии масляного фильтра), л
С 180
С 180
С 200
С 250
С 180 CDI
C 200CDI
С 300 4MATIC
С 350 4MATIC
С 300
С 350
С 250

Не используйте дополнительные присадки к маслам. Это может привести к повреждению двигателя.

Вязкость характеризует текучесть жидкости. Когда речь идет о моторном масле, высокая вязкость равнозначна его густотекучести, а низкая вязкость его жидкотекучести. В зависимости от температуры наружного воздуха пользуйтесь моторным маслом предписанного по SAE класса вязкости. Нижеприведенная таблица показывает, масло какого класса вязкости рекомендуется использовать. Свойства моторных масел при низких температурах могут заметно ухудшиться вследствие старения или попадания сажи и топлива в моторное масло во время эксплуатации автомобиля. Поэтому настоятельно рекомендуем регулярно производить замену масла допущенным моторным маслом предписанного класса по SAE.

Вязкость моторного масла Mercedes C204

Тормозная жидкость постоянно поглощает влагу из воздуха. Это ведет к снижению температуры кипения. Если температура кипения тормозной жидкости опустилась ниже нормы, при высокой нагрузке на тормозную систему (например, на затяжных горных спусках) в тормозной системе могут образоваться пузырьки пара. Это отрицательно влияет на эффективность торможения. Регулярно производите замену тормозной жидкости. Интервалы замены тормозной жидкости приведены в сервисной книжке автомобиля.

Используйте только допущенную компанией Mercedes Benz тормозную жидкость. Информацию о допущенных видах тормозной жидкости вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО Mercedes Benz.

В моторном отсеке, как правило, прикрепляется бирка с напоминанием о сроке следующей замены тормозной жидкости.

Охлаждающая жидкость представляет собой смесь воды и антифриза с антикоррозионными присадками. Она обеспечивает:

— коррозионную защиту;

— защиту от замерзания;

— повышение точки кипения.

При отгрузке автомобиля с завода в него заливается охлаждающая жидкость, обеспечивающая морозостойкость и коррозионную защиту.
Доливайте только предварительно смешанную охлаждающую жидкость, обеспечивающую требуемую защиту от замерзания. Иначе вы можете повредить двигатель.
Пользуйтесь только соответствующей охлаждающей жидкостью, в том числе и в странах с жарким климатом. В противном случае система охлаждения не будет в достаточной мере защищена от коррозии и точка кипения может оказаться ниже требуемой.

При соблюдении установленных требований к заправке антифризом с антикоррозионными присадками температура кипения охлаждающей жидкости составит около 130 °С. Доля антифриза с антикоррозионными присадками в системе охлаждения двигателя:

— должна составлять не менее 50%, в таком случае система охлаждения двигателя защищена от замерзания при температуре примерно выше -37 °С;

— не должна превышать 55% (защита от замерзания при температуре выше -45 °С), поскольку в противном случае ухудшается теплоотдача.

Если в автомобиле произошла утечка охлаждающей жидкости, долейте в равных частях воду и антифриз с антикоррозионными присадками. Mercedes Benz рекомендует пользоваться антифризом с антикоррозионными присадками, допущенным для автомобилей Mercedes Benz.

Залитая в систему охлаждения двигателя жидкость подлежит замене максимум через 15 лет или после пробега в 250 ООО километров.

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 180 KOMPRESSOR BlueEFFICIENCY

Модель С 180 KOMPRESSOR BlueEFFICIENCY предлагается только в исполнении для определенных стран.

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля, с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1447
Универсал 1459
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Массовые характеристики автомобиля

Масса снаряженного автомобиля указана с учетом массы водителя (68 кг), багажа (7 кг) и всех технических жидкостей (топливный бак заполнен на 90%). Элементы дополнительной комплектации увеличивают массу снаряженного автомобиля и уменьшают значение полезной нагрузки.

Максимальная нагрузка на крышу, кг 100
Максимально допустимая масса груза в багажнике, кг 100

Специфические для автомобиля данные о массах указаны на заводской табличке автомобиля.

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 180 BlueEFFICIENCY

Габаритные размеры автомобиля

Масса снаряженного автомобиля указана с учетом массы водителя (68 кг), багажа (7 кг) и всех технических жидкостей (топливный бак заполнен на 90%). Элементы дополнительной комплектации увеличивают массу снаряженного автомобиля и уменьшают величину полезной нагрузки.

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 200 BlueEFFICIENCY

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля, с учетом размера наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1444
Универсал 1459
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 250

Модель С 250 предлагается только в исполнении для определенных стран.

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1444
Универсал 1459
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 250 BlueEFFICIENCY

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 300 BlueEFFICIENCY

Модель С 300 BlueEFFICIENCY предлагается только в исполнении для определенных стран.

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1444
Универсал 1459
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 300 4MATIC BlueEFFICIENCY

Модель С 300 4MATIC BlueEFFICIENCY предлагается только в исполнении для определенных стран.

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 350 BlueEFFICIENCY

Длина автомобиля(ЕСЕ) мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1448
Универсал 1463
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 350 4MATIC BlueEFFICIENCY

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм 4591
Ширина автомобиля с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм 1448
Колесная база, мм 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 180 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY

Модель С 180 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY предлагается только в исполнении для определенных стран.

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1447
Универсал 1459
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля C200CDI BlueEFFICIENCY

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля C220CDI BlueEFFICIENCY

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 250 CDI 4MATIC BlueEFFICIENCY

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля C350CDI BlueEFFICIENCY

Длина автомобиля (ЕСЕ), мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1448
Универсал 1463
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Паспортные данные модели автомобиля С 350 CDI 4MATIC BlueEFFICIENCY

Длина автомобиля(ЕСЕ , мм
Седан 4591
Универсал 4606
Ширина автомобиля с учетом размеров наружных зеркал заднего вида, мм
Седан 2008
Универсал 2008
Высота автомобиля, мм
Седан 1448
Универсал 1463
Колесная база, мм
Седан 2760
Универсал 2760

Высота открывания крышки багажника и двери багажного отделения

Высота открывания крышки багажника Mercedes C204

1. Габаритная высота подъема.

2. Максимальная высота подъема нижней кромки двери над землей.

Модель Габаритная высота подъема, мм Максимальная высота подъема нижней кромки двери, мм
Седан 1757-1761
Универсал 1990-1994 1877-1881

Указанные значения могут колебаться в зависимости от типа шин, загрузки автомобиля, дополнительной комплектации и состояния ходовой части.

Установку на автомобиль тягово-сцепного устройства производите только в специализированной мастерской, в которой есть необходимый квалифицированный персонал и инструменты для выполнения требуемых работ. Компания Mercedes Benz рекомендует пользоваться услугами пунктов ТО Mercedes Benz.
В особенности работы, связанные с безопасностью, и работы на системах, обеспечивающих безопасность, должны непременно осуществляться квалифицированным персоналом специализированной мастерской.
В зависимости от модели автомобиля, при дооборудовании автомобиля тягово-сцепным устройством необходимы некоторые изменения в системе охлаждения. При дооборудовании автомобиля тягово-сцепным устройством следите за тем, чтобы оно крепилось к специальным точкам крепления на силовых элементах кузова.

Параметр Значение (для всех моделей)
Допустимая масса буксируемого груза без тормозной системы, кг 750
Допустимая масса буксируемого груза с тормозной системой, кг 1800
Максимальная опорная нагрузка, кг 75

Номинальная нагрузка на задний мост при эксплуатации автомобиля с прицепом

Модификация Седан Универсал
Механическая коробка передач Автоматическая коробка передач Механическая коробка передач Автоматическая коробка передач
С 180 KOMPRESSOR 1180 кг 1185 кг 1245 кг 1250 кг
С 180 1175 кг 1185 кг 1240 кг 1250 кг
С 200 1185 кг 1190 кг 1250 кг 1255 кг
С 250 1195 кг 1265 кг
С 350 1220 кг 1285 кг
С 350 4MATIC 1215 кг
С 180 CDI 1205 кг 1200 кг 1260 кг 1260 кг
C 200CDI 1205 кг 1200 кг 1260 кг 1260 кг
C 220CDI 1200 кг 1205 кг 1270 кг 1275 кг
C 250CDI 1210 кг 1210 кг 1280 кг 1280 кг
С 250 CDI 4MATIC 1205 кг 1275 кг
C350 CDI 1250 кг 1325 кг
С 350 CDI 4MATIC 1235 кг 1310 кг

Блуждая по просторам интернета, и Драйв2 в частности, иногда нарывался на статейки большого и малого размеров с секретами для W204… У кого-то упомянуты сразу несколько наиболее ходовых и многим известных…, кто-то же делится лишь одной «тайной»! ) Мне вся эта разноусобица порядком надоела…, и я решил сделать свой собственный один полноценный список ВСЕХ секретных материалов 204-го! )
Так что представляю Вашему вниманию перечень скрытых функций и не очень, перечисленных в последовательности: от самых простых/нужных/повседневных…, до более сурьезных… Куда без знания дела – лучше не совать вовсе свой нос! )))

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)

1. Дворники
КНОПКА на торце «верхнего» рычага, отвечающая исключительно за дворники оказывается не совсем простая! Точнее она вполне простецкая, но какой функционал в нее зарыт! ))) Поддерживает она аж…Энное количество режимов нажатия. В общем столько, что я до сих пор не подсчитал! ))) Соответственно степень нажатия активирует свой алгоритм работы дворников. В хронологической последовательности от малого до сильного воздействия на НЕЕ:
1 — Легкое нажатие: один взмах дворников, без омываки
2 — Среднее нажатие: один взмах дворников + небольшое количество омывайки
2.1 — Среднее нажатие: два взмаха дворников + небольшое количество омывайки
3 — Сильное нажатие: три и более взмахов дворников + много омывайки…
3.1 — Сильное нажатие(продолжительное, а порой и просто резкое): три и более взмахов дворников + много омывайки… + активируется омыватели фар! А ведь зачастую последнее – и триста лет не нужно было! )))

Лично я уже 1,5 года как с переменным успехом пытаюсь привыкнуть к этой КНОПКЕ и четко нащупать эти самые режимы… Особенно сложно до сих пор попадать в «Среднее» нажатие. Т.к. поймать его между «Легким» и «Сильным» — тяжелей всего. Но чем дальше, тем я все ближе к познанию…сиего бытия! )))

4 — Так же, если дворники находятся в режиме постоянной чистки со средней скоростью, то легкое нажатие рычага включает их на 9 циклов быстрой чистки. Это удобно, когда в ненастную погоду все лобовое наглухо накрывает грязной волной от проходящей мимо машины и других подобных нежданчиков! )

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


2. Тройное моргание поворотников
Если легеко нажать на рычажок поворотника(не до конца/щелчка), в зависимости от того в какую сторону вы хотите повернуть и показать остальным участникам движения…, тогда поворотник «отморгает» всего лишь 3 раза в нужную вам сторону. И никакого «возврата» рычага Рулем или Рукой…, т.к. он и не «защелкивался»!

Так же, если легеко нажать на рычажок поворотника(не до конца/щелчка) и продолжать его держать в этом «легком» положении…, поворотник будет моргать столько раз, сколько вы его будите держать…

В общем нужно только приловчиться…, и все получится!

P.S. Сам не знал…, пока тут не подсказали! ) Теперь юзаю во всю. Отличная фишка!

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


3. Функция «HOLD»
Удерживает автомобиль на месте без необходимости нажатия на педаль тормоза! Нажатием на педаль акселератора при трогании с места автомобиль снимается с тормоза, а функция «HOLD» выключается.

Включить функцию «HOLD» можно при условии, если соблюдены следующие условия:
— автомобиль стоит
— двигатель работает, или выключен функцией «ECO»
— дверь водителя закрыта или Вы пристегнуты ремнем безопасности
— при отпущенном стояночном тормозе
— капот закрыт
— в автомобилях с АКП, коробка передач находится в положении «D», «R» или «N»
— система «ДИСТРОНИК ПЛЮС» выключена

Включение функции «HOLD»:
Если все вышеперечисленные условия выполнены: Нажмите сильно на педаль тормоза до тех пор, пока внизу на мультифункциональном дисплее не появится индикация «HOLD». Как только появилась, вы можете спокойно отпустить педаль тормоза! Даже если ДВС заведен, АПК в режиме «D» и до бампера впередистоящего авто всего пару-тройку десятков свободных сантиметров))) Смелее! Довертись технологиям Mercedes-Benz! )))

Многие про эту фичу не знаю…, многие узнают об этой замечательной «опции» спустя продолжительное время(я, например, спустя год!) А ведь в инструкции про нее все написано и расписано… Но мы ведь не читаем инструкции)) А зря!

В общем очень полезная и хорошая функция! Особенно когда стоять на светофоре или в пробке приходиться 30 сек. и более. Отдыхает нога, и отдыхаешь сам в целом.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


4. Автозапирание кнопкой
Если нажать «закрытый замочек» на дверях до сигнала(примерно на 4-5 секунд), то активируется автозапирание. Если продолжительно нажать «отрытый замок», то автозапирание деактивируется.

Так же вкл/выкл автозапирания можно элементарно активировать через настройки на экране бортового компьютера.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


5. Умный багажник с ключа
Если при открытом багажнике нажать на ключе кнопку «закрыть машину» -> взять кейс с $ )) -> закрыть крышку багажника, машина после закрытия крышки автоматически станет на сигнализацию. Соответственно больше не нужно «закрывать машину». Это удобно если руки будут заняты, например мешками с теми же $ )) Поэтому ключ можно сразу убрать в карман…, и наслаждаться тяжелой ношей! ))

Так же, если только открыть багажник с ключа не снимая с сигнализации и потом закрыть – машина как была закрыта, так и останется! Дополнительно или заново нажамать на ключе кнопку «закрыть машину» не нужно!

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


6. Раздельное открывание дверей
… или так называемая функция – «Единоличник»! Фишка очень пригодится тем, кто практически всегда сам ездит на авто…, и возит кейс с крупной суммой $ на заднем сидении! )) Вообщем независимо от того, есть на сидениях вашего авто что-либо ценное аль нет, что бы с Вами не произошло непредвиденного конфуза в лице всяких барсеточников и другой нечисти…, и существует эта замечательная & нужная функция. При одном нажатии на кнопку открытия, открывается сначала водительская дверь, а при повторном нажатии — все остальные.

Многие вообще не знает про эту «фичу», некоторые предполагают, что ее включение производит только ОД и за некую доп.сумму $… НО это делается элементарно: самостоятельно, потратив 10 сек. и совершенно бесплатно!

Для ее активации порядок действий такой: Берем ключ и подносим его к ИК-приемнику на ручке водительской двери (держим где-то в сантиметре от него). Зажимаем одновременно «кнопку закрытия» и «кнопку открытия» и ждем секунд десять. На ключе моргнет два раза красный индикатор, двери закроются и снова откроются. Готово! Раздельное открывание дверей активировано.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


7. Открытие всех окон одновременно с ключа
К закрытой машине поднести ключ прямо к ИК-приемнику на водительской дверной ручке, нажать и удерживать более 3 сек.кнопку открытия — откроются все боковые стекла и сдвижной верхний люк / панорамная сдвижная панель крыши. Процесс открывания всего(с электроприводами) будет продолжаться до тех пор, пока вы будите жать кнопку и не отводить от ручки сам ключ…, вплоть до полного открывания всего «стеклянного».
Если заново проделать все нехитрые маневры с ключом и только кнопкой закрытия – все закроется!

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


8. Замена батарейки в Ключе «Рыбке»
Умничать и описывать от себя процедуру не стану…
Лучше предоставлю хорошее познавательное видео, в котором все отлично и просто показано:

9. Комфортабельное закрывание / открывание окон через «ТЕРМАТИК»
Если нанажать на кнопку «рециркуляции воздуха» и держать ее нажатой — закроются все боковые стекла и сдвижной верхний люк / панорамная сдвижная панель крыши. Контрольная лампа(индикатор) на кнопке загорается. Режим рециркуляции воздуха включается.

Если повторно продолжительно нажать на кнопку «рециркуляции воздуха» — все «стекляшки» на электотяге откроются. Индикатор на кнопке гаснет. Режим рециркуляции воздуха выключается.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


10. Адаптация / Калибровка стеклоподъемников

При не совсем корректной работе стеклоподъемников…, возможно с помощью калибровки попробовать восстановить их нормальную работу.

Делается это: Поворачиваем ключ зажигания в положение «2»(контрольные приборы горят) -> нажимаем на кнопку стеклоподъемника и полностью опускаем стекло -> держим кнопку нажатой 5 сек. и отпускаем -> затем тянем кнопу на себя, тем самым поднимаем полностью стекло и снова удерживаем кнопку 5 сек. Один стеклоподъемник откалиброван!
При желании и необходимости — проделываем эту процедуру со всеми стеклоподъемниками(окнами).

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


11. Название трека целиком
Если при прослушивании песни ее название не влезает целиком на экран Audio 20 или Command — нажмите «#» и получите окошко с полным названием…, на сколько это вообще позволяет экран устройства и отведенное для этого количество строчек. Чтобы убрать вызванное окошко(полное название), нужно нажать еще раз кнопку «#» или «CLEAR». Или же если ничего не нажимать…, по истечении 5-6 сек. это окно само пропадет.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


12. Номер трека
Если при прослушивании музыки вы точно знаете номер файла в папке (трека на USB/CD), нажмите «*» и в появившемся окне введите этот номер.
Если вы передумали(или же забыли)…, нажмите кнопку «DISC», и окно для ввода отменится.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


13. Сторона бензоколонки
Для постоянно забывающих, с какой стороны у них находится заправочная горловина бензобака, ну или для блондинок, вне зависимости от пола: на панели приборов на «желтом» значке с колонкой есть стрелочка, которая как раз и показывает где та самая «топливная дверца»! ))

А ведь все в той же инструкции про эту «стрелочку» конечно же написано и упомянуто! Но мы ведь снова не читаем инструкции…))) Для таких…нечитающих, господа хорошие сделали стрелочку прямо у нас перед носом. Нужно только ее увидеть! ))

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


14. Сервисное меню
Активируется путем: на незаведенной машине поворачиваем ключ в положение «1», выставляем в меню на бортовом компьютере «картинку» с пробегом, жмем кнопку «поднятия трубки» и затем сразу кнопку «ОК», держим секунд 5. Кнопки надо использовать те, что на руле. Меню появляется на экране бортового компьютера.
Из полезного там можно:
— самому пройти(обнулить) ТО
— узнать более точно, сколько до ТО осталось (в днях и километрах)
— в реальном времени получить данные о напряжении в бортовой сети и потребляемом токе
— получить VIN, тип и номер двигателя + кучу информации о кодах опций, установленных в машине

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


15. Инжинерное меню
Активируется путем нажатия клавиш: «Повесить трубку» + «#» + «1»
и выводится на монитор Audio 20 или Command.

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)


16. Счетчик смены регионов
Если вы меняли DVD-регион посредством сервисного меню, то обратили внимание, что при этом уменьшается счетчик оставшихся смен региона (Всего их может быть 5). Счетчик можно сбросить и вернуть ему значение 5. Для этого при нахождении в соответствующем месте «Сервисного меню» жмем и держим кнопки «повесить трубку» + «#» + «*»

НЕ проверено!

17. Сброс адаптации АКП
Т.к. коробки в наших Мурзах стоят давно самообучающаяся(адаптированные), есть якобы способ сбросить накопленные ею знания и начать обучение заново! Эта возможность несомненно полезная, если машиной пользуется несколько человек с разным стилем вождения. Проделывается это следующим образом: Садимся в машину, ключ поворачиваем в положение «1», жмем газ в пол, до срабатывания кнопки кик-дауна и держим 5 сек, не отпуская педаль поворачиваем ключ в положение «0» (все выключено) и после этого отпускаем педаль. После завершения процедуры курим минуты 2-3 для завершения процедуры сброса.
Но скорей всего это НЕ так просто как написано, да и вполне возможно НЕ безопасно!

Бытует мнение, что способ который описан в этом пункте выше — это лишь сброс адаптаций дроссельной заслонки! И не более того. Т.к. полностью обнулить АКП без помощи STAR-диагностики или снятия аккумулятора на продолжительное время не возможно!

А для того, чтобы «сбросить» дроссельную заслонку достаточно просто: включить зажигание во второе положение на более чем одну минуту! При этом можете открыть капот и услышать сначала жужжание а потом щелчок. В этом случае дроссельная заслонка находит нулевое положение.

Хочу отметить, что информация изложенная в этом пункте взята в интернете от нескольких источников и мною всего лишь суммирована. Лично мною НЕ проверенна. Поэтому за все возможные манипуляции с вашей коробочкой, ответственность несете исключительно Вы!

! P.S. ! Спустя пару месяцев после создания мою этой Записи с Секретами…, у одного местного Мурзовода(i23e) в его «БЖ» появилась немногословная Запись с исчерпывающим скриншотом из умной программы…, на тему сброса адаптации АКП. Больше и добавить к этому нечего…, кроме как смотрите и читайте!

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)

— / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / —

! Интерактивные Полезности !

Подробно узнать все про Ваш автомобиль можно с помощью Расшифровки VIN Mercedes-Benz

Официальный «Справочник технологий Mercedes-Benz»TechCenter

Для тех, кто все же хочет и читает инструкции к автомобилю, предлагаю Вам
«Интерактивное руководство по эксплуатации»bit.ly/w204manual

По просьбе моего корефея Mas73r, добавляю короткую ссылку на этот пост, чтобы с мобильных устройств было быстро и удобно открывать — bit.ly/w204secret

— / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / — / —

Надеюсь после прочитения этого поста, ваши Мурзы станут к вам чуточку ближе…, да и вы будите больше информированы про некоторые ФИШечКИ машин на которых катусите! )

P.S. Если Вам известны еще какие-нибудь Секреты нашых Мурзов или имеется более точная информация по уже вышеизложенным…, прошу, пишите и рассказывайте тут… Информация будет постоянно добавляться и корректироваться… Вместе мы сделаем Один и Самый Полный СписокЪ всех скрытых возможностей Mercedes-Benz C-class / W204 ;-)

Фото в бортжурнале Mercedes-Benz C-class (W204)

Всем Добра! ;-)

Руководства по эксплуатации, обслуживанию и ремонту Mercedes-Benz C-класс

Ремонт и ТО Mercedes-Benz C-класса 1993-2000 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Mercedes-Benz моделей C180/C200/C220/C230/C250 1993-2000 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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  • Издательство: Алфамер Паблишинг
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Ремонт и эксплуатация Mercedes C-Class с 2000 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса серии W203 с 2000 года выпуска.

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Ремонт и эксплуатация Mercedes C-класс 1993-2000 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса 1993-2000 годов выпуска.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Mercedes C-klasse с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса серии W204 с 2007 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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  • Издательство: Монолит
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Mercedes C-класс 1993-2000 г

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса 1993-2000 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Петит
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 295
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  • Размер: 187,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Mercedes-Benz C-класса с 2000 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Гуси-Лебеди
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Mercedes C-class 1993-2001 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса серии W202 1993-2001 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Mercedes C-class 2000-2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса 2000-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Mercedes C-class с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса серии W204 с 2007 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
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Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт Mercedes C-класса 1993-2000 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса серии W202 1993-2000 годов выпуска.

  • Автор: А.Г. Зарубин
  • Издательство: Арус
  • Год издания:
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Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт Mercedes C-класса с 2000 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz C-класса серии W203 с 2000 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арус
  • Год издания:
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