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1 2011-11-19 14:17:10
- ZumZum
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Тема: Наладка 7SD522
Здравствуйте уважаемые коллеги!
В общем суть вопроса такая — есть два терминала 7SD52256CB990HL0+L0R+M2A. Штатно, связь между терминалами, будет осуществляться через конвертокры и мультиплексоры. Но сейчас хочется произвести наладку этих терминалов в максимальном объеме. А для этого надо запустить функцию ДЗЛ, а так же обеспечить передачу удалённых сигналов. В связи с этим возникает вопрос — могу ли я поставить рядышком эти два терминала и соединить их напрямую оптикой, и не попалю ли я оптику в этом случае.
P.s. Валерий Юрьевич — хотелось бы услышать Ваше квалифицированное мнение по этому вопросу.
2 Ответ от grsl 2011-11-19 15:13:48
- grsl
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
Не сгорит нечего, будет работать, только надо посмотреть на параметры связи.
3 Ответ от Conspirator 2011-11-19 16:11:37
- Conspirator
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
ZumZum пишет:
Здравствуйте уважаемые коллеги!
В общем суть вопроса такая — есть два терминала 7SD52256CB990HL0+L0R+M2A. Штатно, связь между терминалами, будет осуществляться через конвертокры и мультиплексоры. Но сейчас хочется произвести наладку этих терминалов в максимальном объеме. А для этого надо запустить функцию ДЗЛ, а так же обеспечить передачу удалённых сигналов. В связи с этим возникает вопрос — могу ли я поставить рядышком эти два терминала и соединить их напрямую оптикой, и не попалю ли я оптику в этом случае.P.s. Валерий Юрьевич — хотелось бы услышать Ваше квалифицированное мнение по этому вопросу.
Когда я занимался наладкой, то всегда просил, чтобы мне два шкафа ДЗЛ с разных концов ставили рядышком и я проверял, что ДЗЛ работает правильно ведь можно сразу одним током оба конца прогружать. Тогда у связистов не будет «отмазки», что у них канал исправный, а что-то внутри терминалов…. Так что смело соединяйте оптикой, ничего не сгорит.
4 Ответ от ZumZum 2011-11-19 16:50:20
- ZumZum
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
Спасибо, буду соединять……
5 Ответ от grsl 2011-11-19 19:46:44
- grsl
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
Извините, но должен предупредить..может в ТБ уже и есть дополнения, не знаю.
Ни в коем случае не смотреть на выход связи в ДЗЛ, и через оптику тоже, это лазер и запросто повредить глаза.
Присоединяйтесь!!! Мы в социальных сетях и на Ютуб.
6 Ответ от ZumZum 2011-11-20 15:43:04
- ZumZum
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
А пальцы в розетку сувать можна?
7 Ответ от scorp 2011-11-20 16:02:12
- scorp
- pensioner
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
Mожна,другой рукой за шкаф нада держаться
Наладчики только так и определяли Rx,Tx
мое отношение к окружающим зависит от того,с какой целью они меня окружают
8 Ответ от Solovey 2011-11-20 21:20:11
- Solovey
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
Вот уж на «дальнобойных» платах которые на 24-60км бьют так точно не следует Rx Tx определять )))
Ну а на мелких, которые на 1.5 км бьют — мы им в глаза заглядывали, вроде без последствий. Правда здоровья от этого тоже не прибавилось.
9 Ответ от Conspirator 2011-11-22 07:28:19
- Conspirator
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Re: Наладка 7SD522
Господа! Внимание! В новой прошивке 7SD52 (4.70) обнаружился дефект. Если Вам не нужна ступень Idiff>>, то не выводите ее значением тока, равным оо (бесконечность). В этом случае она работает с уставкой Idiff> с нулем времени. Необходимо выставить максимальную уставку 100А, или ступень Disabled. Ошибка будет исправлена в новой прошивке 4.71, которая скоро выйдет.
10 Ответ от Conspirator 2012-01-24 15:52:18
- Conspirator
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- Зарегистрирован: 2011-01-13
- Сообщений: 2,457
- Репутация : [ 6 | 0 ]
Re: Наладка 7SD522
Conspirator пишет:
Господа! Внимание! В новой прошивке 7SD52 (4.70) обнаружился дефект. Если Вам не нужна ступень Idiff>>, то не выводите ее значением тока, равным оо (бесконечность). В этом случае она работает с уставкой Idiff> с нулем времени. Необходимо выставить максимальную уставку 100А, или ступень Disabled. Ошибка будет исправлена в новой прошивке 4.71, которая скоро выйдет.
С сегодняшнего дня на официальном сайте Сименс www.siprotec.com выложена прошивка 4.71, где ошибка исправлена
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7SA522. Каталоги; 7SA522 SIPROTEC Catalog-Edition 7 (EN) (2 MB). 7SA522 Manual V4.7 (EN) (15 MB) · 7SA522 Руководство по эксплуатации V4.7 (RU). Руководство по эксплуатации 6MD66xx V4.8 (15,5 Mb); 6MD66xx V4.8 Manual (5,5 Mb). SIPROTEC 7RW600. Руководство по эксплуатации 7SA522 V4.61. 7SJ80 Каталог SIPROTEC Compact-Редакция 3 (RU) (3 MB); Документация; 7SJ80 Manual V4.7 (EN) (22 MB) · 7SJ80 Руководство по эксплуатации V4.7. SIPROTEC. Дистанционная Защита. 7SA522. Версия V4.61 и выше. Руководство по эксплуатации. C53000-G1156-C155-1. Предисловие. Содержание. В комплект документов по SIPROTEC 7SA522 вошли. Руководства по эксплуатации на русском языке v.4.1 и 4.3, а v.4.6 на английском. Руководство по эксплуатации многофункционального реле защиты с функциями местного управления SIPROTEC TEC. 7SA522 — дистанционная защита. Руководство по эксплуатации, версия 4.70. функции, работа, монтаж и ввод в эксплуатацию устройства 7SA522. SIPROTEC 7SA522, порядок проведения лабораторных работ, а также требования. Руководство по эксплуатации Siemens SIPROTEC 7SA522 v. 4.61. 750/760 УПРАВЛЕНИЯ И ЗАЩИТЫ ФИДЕРА – РУКОВОДСТВО ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ i. GE Consumer & Industrial. ТЕРМИНАЛ 750/760 УПРАВЛЕНИЯ. Руководство пользователя преобразователей MICROMASTER 440. 2. Руководство по эксплуатации дает конкретную информацию для установки и.
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Also See for siprotec 7SD5:
- Manual (94 pages)
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Line Differential Protection
with Distance Protection
V 4.3
Mounting and Commissioning
Technical Data
Related Manuals for Siemens siprotec 7SD5
Summary of Contents for Siemens siprotec 7SD5
Page 1
Preface Introduction Functions SIPROTEC Mounting and Commissioning Line Differential Protection Technical Data with Distance Protection Appendix 7SD5 V 4.3 Literature Glossary Manual Index C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 2
7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 3
SIPROTEC, SINAUT, SICAM and DIGSI are registered trade- and software described. However, deviations from the descrip- marks of SIEMENS AG. Other designations in this manual may tion cannot be completely ruled out, so that no liability can be ac- be trademarks that if used by third parties for their own purposes cepted for any errors or omissions contained in the information may violate the rights of the owner. -
Page 4
7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 5: Mounting And Commissioning 3
(Low-voltage directive 73/23 EEC). This conformity is proved by tests conducted by Siemens AG in accordance with Article 10 of the Council Directive in agreement with the generic standards EN 50081 and EN 61000-6-2 for EMC directive, and with the standard EN 60255-6 for the low-voltage directive.
Page 6
Preface Training Courses Individual course offerings may be found in our Training Catalogue, or questions may be directed to our training centre in Nuremberg. Instructions and The warnings and notes contained in this manual serve for your own safety and for Warnings an appropriate lifetime of the device. -
Page 7
Preface Typographic and To designate terms which refer in the text to information of the device or for the Graphical Conven- device, the following fonts are used: tions Parameter names Designators of configuration or function parameters which may appear word-for- word in the display of the device or on the screen of a personal computer (with op- ®… -
Page 8
Preface Input signal of an analog quantity AND gate OR gate Exclusive–OR gate (antivalence): output is active, if only one of the inputs is active Equivalence: output is active, if both inputs are active or in- active at the same time Dynamic inputs (edge–triggered) above with positive, below with negative edge Formation of one analog output signal from a number of… -
Page 9: Table Of Contents
Contents Introduction…………..19 Overall Operation .
Page 10
Contents Differential Protection ……….. . . 89 2.3.1 Functional Description . -
Page 11
Contents Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) ……. 175 2.7.1 General …………. . . 175 2.7.2 Method of Operation . -
Page 12
Contents 2.11 Direct Local Trip…………260 2.11.1 Functional Description . -
Page 13
Contents 2.19 Fault Locator …………348 2.19.1 Functional Description . -
Page 14
Contents 2.24 Ancillary Functions…………414 2.24.1 Commissioning Tools. -
Page 15
Contents Mounting and Commissioning ……….. 445 Mounting and Connections . -
Page 16
Contents Technical Data …………..517 General . -
Page 17
Contents 4.25 Dimensions …………577 4.25.1 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size ) . -
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Contents 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 19: Introduction
Introduction ® The SIPROTEC Line Differential Protection with Distance Protection 7SD5 is intro- duced in this chapter. The 7SD5 is presented in its application, characteristics, and functional scope. Overall Operation Application Scope Characteristics 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 20: Overall Operation
1 Introduction Overall Operation ® The SIPROTEC line protection 7SD5 is equipped with a powerful microcomputer system. This provides fully numerical processing of all functions in the device, from the acquisition of the measured values up to the output of commands to the circuit break- ers, as well as the exchange of measured data with the other ends of the protected area.
Page 21
1.1 Overall Operation and other ancillary functions. A further voltage input (U ) may optionally be used to measure either the displacement voltage, for a busbar voltage (for synchronism and voltage check) or any other voltage U (for overvoltage protection). The analog signals are then routed to the input amplifier group “IA”. -
Page 22
1 Introduction Serial Interfaces Via the serial operator interface in the front panel the communication with a personal ® computer using the operating program DIGSI is possible. This permits convenient operation of all functions of the device. The service interface can also be used for communication with a personal computer ®… -
Page 23: Application Scope
1.2 Application Scope Application Scope ® The SIPROTEC line protection 7SD5 is a protection relay that combines differential and distance protection. A multi-end fault locator allows to precisely locate faults in two-ended lines, even with unfavourable operating or fault conditions. The combined line protection is a selective short-circuit protection for overhead lines and cables with single- and multi-ended infeeds in radial, ring or any type of meshed systems of any transmission level.
Page 24
1 Introduction tance protection, or to emergency operation using an integrated time overcurrent pro- tection, until communication is restored again. The communication link can be used for transmitting further information. Besides mea- sured values, binary commands or other information can be transmitted. As an alternative, distance protection can be used as backup protection, just as time overcurrent protection is used for emergency protection;… -
Page 25
1.2 Application Scope tects in particular cables and power transformers from illegal heating through over- load. Other possible functions are multi-stage overvoltage, undervoltage and frequency protection, circuit breaker failure protection and protection against effects of power swings (simultaneously active as power swing blocking for the distance protec- tion). -
Page 26
1 Introduction ® computer and the DIGSI operating software, e.g. to operate several devices via a central PC. The system interface is used for central communication between the device and a control centre. The service interface can be operated through data cables or optical fibres. -
Page 27: Characteristics
1.3 Characteristics Characteristics General Features • Powerful 32-bit microprocessor system • Complete digital processing of measured values and control, from the sampling of the analog input values, the processing and organization of the communication between devices up to the closing and tripping commands to the circuit breakers •…
Page 28
1 Introduction • Phase segregated tripping (in conjunction with single-pole or single- and three-pole auto-reclosure) is possible (order option) Distance Protection • Can be used either to operate in parallel to differential protection, or as the main (optional) protection function •… -
Page 29
1.3 Characteristics Teleprotection • Different procedures settable Supplement • Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip = PUTT (via a separately settable overreach (optional) zone) • Comparison schemes (Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip = POTT or blocking schemes, with separate overreach zone) • Pilot wire comparison/reverse interlocking (with DC voltage for local connections or extremely short lines) •… -
Page 30
1 Introduction Transmission of In- • Transmission of the measured values from all ends of the protected object with the formation amount and phase • Transmission of up to 4 fast commands to all remote ends (order option) • Transmission of up to 24 additional binary signals to all remote ends (order option) Time Overcurrent •… -
Page 31
1.3 Characteristics • Verification of the synchronous conditions or de-energized state also possible before the manual closing of the circuit breaker, with separate limit values • Also measurement via transformer • Measuring voltages optionally phase-phase or phase-earth Voltage Protection • Two overvoltage stages for the phase-earth voltages (optional) •… -
Page 32
1 Introduction Thermal Overload • Provides thermal replica of the current heat losses of the protected object Protection • R.m.s. measurement of all three phase currents • Adjustable thermal and current-dependent warning stages User-defined • Freely programmable combination of internal and external signals for the imple- Functions mentation of user-defined logic functions •… -
Page 33
1.3 Characteristics • Continuous calculation and display of measured quantities on the front of the device Indication of measured quantities of the remote line end(s) • Fault event memory for the last 8 network faults (faults in the power system), with real time stamps (1 ms resolution) •… -
Page 34
1 Introduction 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 35: Functions
Functions ® This chapter describes the numerous functions available on the SIPROTEC 4 7SD5. It shows the setting possibilities for all the functions in maximum configuration. Instruc- tions for deriving setting values and formulae, where required are provided. Additionally it may be defined which functions are to be used. General Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology Differential Protection…
Page 36
2 Functions 2.24 Ancillary Functions 2.25 Command Processing 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 37: General
2.1 General General A few seconds after the device is switched on, the initial display appears in the LCD. In the 7SD5 the measured values are displayed. ® Configuration of the device functions is made via the DIGSI software from your PC. ®…
Page 38: Control Of The Main Protection Functions
2 Functions The available protection and supplementary functions can be configured as Enabled or Disabled. For some functions, a choice may be presented between several options which are explained below. Functions configured as Disabled are not processed by the 7SD5. There are no in- dications, and corresponding settings (functions, limit values) are not displayed during setting.
Page 39
2.1 General Differential The differential protection and the distance protection can each be configured as the Protection main protection function. If the differential protection is the main protection function of the device, DIFF.PROTECTION (address 112) is set to Enabled. This also implies the supple- mentary functions of the differential protection such as breaker intertrip. -
Page 40
2 Functions Distance Depending on the ordered version, the distance protection of the 7SD5, if configured Protection as the main protection function or in combination with differential protection, features a range of fault detection modes, from which the appropriate type for the particular system conditions can be selected. -
Page 41
2.1 General The Direct Local Trip (address 122 DTT Direct Trip) is a command that is initiated from an external device for tripping the local circuit breaker. With address 125 Weak Infeed you can select a supplement to the teleprotection schemes. -
Page 42
2 Functions reclose cycles are provided for and possible. In this case different dead times after single-pole tripping on the one hand and after three-pole tripping on the other hand are possible (for every reclose cycle). The protective function that issues the trip command determines the type of trip: single-pole or three-pole. -
Page 43: Settings
2.1 General Settings Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments Grp Chge OPTION Disabled Disabled Setting Group Change Option Enabled Trip mode 3pole only 3pole only Trip mode 1-/3pole DIFF.PROTECTION Enabled Enabled Differential protection Disabled Phase Distance Quadrilateral Quadrilateral Phase Distance Disabled Earth Distance…
Page 44
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments Auto Reclose 1 AR-cycle Disabled Auto-Reclose Function 2 AR-cycles 3 AR-cycles 4 AR-cycles 5 AR-cycles 6 AR-cycles 7 AR-cycles 8 AR-cycles Disabled AR control mode Pickup w/ Tact Trip w/o Tact Auto-Reclose control mode Pickup w/o Tact Trip w/ Tact… -
Page 45: General Power System Data (Power System Data 1)
2.1 General 2.1.2 General Power System Data (Power System Data 1) The device requires certain network and power system data so that it can be adapted to its intended functions in accordance with application. This comprises, e.g., nominal system data, nominal data of transformers, polarity ratios and their physical connec- tions, in certain cases circuit breaker properties, and similar.
Page 46
2 Functions essary, they can also serve for determining the life line condition in case of automatic reclosure. During configuration of the device functions (Section 2.1.1), it has been de- termined whether the device is to work with or without measured voltages. 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 47
2.1 General Voltage The device contains four voltage measuring inputs, three of which are connected to Connection the set of voltage transformers. Various possibilities exist for the fourth voltage input • Connection of the U input to the open delta winding e-n of the voltage transformer set: Address 210 is then set to: U4 transformer = Udelta transf.. -
Page 48
2 Functions Figure 2-3 Busbar voltage measured via transformer • Connection of the U input to any other voltage signal U , which can be processed by the overvoltage protection function: Address 210 is then set to: U4 transformer = Ux transformer. •… -
Page 49
2.1 General Example: Phase current transformers 500 A / 5 A Earth current transformer 60 A / 1 A • Connection of the I input to the earth current of the parallel line (for parallel line compensation of the distance protection and/or fault location): Address 220 is then set to: I4 transformer = In paral. -
Page 50
2 Functions conversion of the setting values which depend on this distance unit. They have to be re-entered into their corresponding valid addresses. Mode of Earth Im- Matching of the earth to line impedance is an essential prerequisite for the accurate pedance (Residual) measurement of the fault distance (distance protection, fault locator) during earth faults. -
Page 51
2.1 General Current transformer 10P20; 20 VA → n = 20; P = 20 VA The operational accuracy limit factor n’ is derived from this nominal data and the actual secondary burden P’: with n’ = Operational accuracy limit factor (actual over-current factor) n’ = Nominal accuracy limit factor of CTs (distinctive number behind P) Nominal CT burden [VA] at nominal current… -
Page 52
2 Functions Table 2-1 Recommended settings for current transformer data CT Class Standard Error at Rated Current Error at Rated Recommended Settings Accuracy Limit Transforma- Angle Address 251 Address 253 Address 254 Factor tion Ratio ± 60 min ≤ 5 % ≤… -
Page 53
2.1 General According to the above table, address 251 should be set to 1.50 if the calculated ratio is higher than 1.50. This leads to the following setting values: Address 251 K_ALF/K_ALF_N = 1.50 Address 253 E% ALF/ALF_N = 3.0 Address 254 E% K_ALF_N = 10.0 The presettings correspond to current transformers 10P with nominal burden Of course, only those settings are reasonable where address 253 E% ALF/ALF_N is… -
Page 54: Settings
2 Functions Settings Addresses which have an appended «A» can only be changed with DIGSI, under Ad- ditional Settings. Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments CT Starpoint towards Line towards Line CT Starpoint towards Busbar Unom PRIMARY 0.4 .. 1200.0 kV 400.0 kV Rated Primary Voltage Unom SECONDARY…
Page 55: Change Group
2.1 General Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments K_ALF/K_ALF_N 1.00 .. 10.00 1.00 k_alf/k_alf nominal E% ALF/ALF_N 0.5 .. 50.0 % 5.0 % CT Error in % at k_alf/k_alf nominal E% K_ALF_N 0.5 .. 50.0 % 15.0 % CT Error in % at k_alf nominal 2.1.3 Change Group…
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2 Functions Settings Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments ACTIVE GROUP Group A Group A Active Setting Group is Group B Group C Group D CHANGE Group A Group A Change to Another Setting Group Group B Group C Group D Binary Input Protocol…
Page 57
2.1 General the current transformers have different nominal currents at the ends of the protected object, set the highest nominal current value for all ends. This setting will not only have an impact on the indication of the operational measured values in per cent, but must also be exactly the same for each end of the protected object, since it is the basis for the current comparison at the ends. -
Page 58
2 Functions index 0 (default setting). The relevant vector group index must be stated for the other winding(s). Example: Transformer Yy6d5 For the Y end is set: VECTOR GROUP I = 0, For the y end is set: VECTOR GROUP I = 6, For the d end is set: VECTOR GROUP I = 5. -
Page 59
2.1 General Calculation Example: 110 kV overhead line 150 mm with the following data: = 0.19 Ω/km = 0.42 Ω/km The line angle is computed as follows In address 1105 the setting Line Angle = 66° is entered. Address 1540 Distance Angle specifies the angle of inclination of the R sections of the distance protection polygons. -
Page 60
2 Functions For conversion of primary values to secondary values the following applies in general: Likewise, the following goes for the reactance setting of a line: where = Current transformer ratio = Transformation ratio of voltage transformer The following applies for the capacitance per distance unit: Calculation Example: 110 kV overhead line 150 mm as above… -
Page 61
2.1 General Earth Impedance When entering the resistance ratio R and the reactance ratio X the addresses 1116 to 1119 apply. They are calculated separately, and do not correspond to the real (Residual) Com- pensation with and imaginary components of Z . -
Page 62
2 Functions pedance compensation factors are defined with their magnitude and angle which may be calculated with the line data using the following equation: Where = (complex) zero sequence impedance of the line = (complex) positive sequence impedance of the line These values may either apply to the entire line length or be based on a per unit of line length, as the quotients are independent of length. -
Page 63
2.1 General The magnitude and angle of the earth impedance (residual) compensation factors setting for the first zone Z1 and the remaining zones of the distance protection may be different. This allows the setting of the exact values for the protected line, while at the same time the setting for the back-up zones may be a close approximation even when the following lines have substantially different earth impedance factors (e.g. -
Page 64
2 Functions current balance of the distance protection (in Figure 2-4 for the device at location II), above which compensation should take place. In general, a presetting of 85 % is suf- ficient. A more sensitive (larger) setting has no advantage. Only in the case of a severe system asymmetry, or a very small coupling factor (X below approximately 0.4), may a smaller setting be useful. -
Page 65
2.1 General be very sensitive. Otherwise this setting must be increased correspondingly. Usually ® the presetting is sufficient. This parameter can only be altered with DIGSI under Ad- ditional Settings. The residual voltage PoleOpenVoltage, which will definitely not be exceeded when the circuit breaker pole is open, is set in address 1131. -
Page 66
2 Functions For manual closure of the circuit breaker via binary inputs, it can be specified in address 1151 MAN. CLOSE whether the integrated manual CLOSE detection checks the synchronism between the busbar voltage and the voltage of the switched feeder. This setting does not apply for a close command via the integrated control functions. -
Page 67
2.1 General This parameter is valid for all protection functions of 7SD5 which are capable of single- pole tripping. The default setting is with TRIP. The difference is noticeable when multiple faults occur, which means faults that occur at nearly the same time at different places in the system. If, for example, two single-phase ground faults occur on different lines —… -
Page 68: Settings
2 Functions The line section parameters 6001 S1: Line angle to 6012 S1: angle K0, 6021 Line Sections S2: Line angle to 6032 S2: angle K0 and 6041 S3: Line angle to 6052 S3: angle K0 are reserved for the double-ended fault locator. They are used for parameterization of a line with different sections (overhead line-cable).
Page 69
2.1 General Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments -135.00 .. 135.00 ° 0.00 ° 1121 Angle K0(Z1) Zero seq. comp. angle for zone Z1 1122 K0 (> Z1) 0.000 .. 4.000 1.000 Zero seq.comp.factor K0,higher zones >Z1 -135.00 .. 135.00 ° 0.00 °… -
Page 70
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 1162 VECTOR GROUP I 0 .. 11 Vector group numeral for current 1163 TRANS STP IS Solid Earthed Solid Earthed Transformer starpoint is Not Earthed 30 .. 90 ° 85 ° 1540 Distance Angle Angle of inclination, dis-… -
Page 71: Information List
2.1 General Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 6028 S2: center ph. unknown/sym. unknown/sym. S2: center phase Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 6029 S2: XE/XL -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 S2: Zero seq. compensat- ing factor XE/XL 6030 S2: RE/RL -0.33 ..
Page 72
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation >CB Aux. L2 >Circuit breaker aux. contact: Pole L2 >CB Aux. L3 >Circuit breaker aux. contact: Pole L3 >Manual Close >Manual close signal >CloseCmd.Blo >Block all close commands from external >FAIL:Feeder VT >Failure: Feeder VT (MCB tripped) >FAIL:Bus VT >Failure: Busbar VT (MCB tripped) -
Page 73
2.1 General Information Type of In- Comments formation Line closure Line closure detected 1pole open L1 Single pole open detected in L1 1pole open L2 Single pole open detected in L2 1pole open L3 Single pole open detected in L3 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 74: Protection Data Interfaces And Protection Data Topology
2 Functions Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology As described in the explanation of the function principle of differential protection (Sec- tion 2.3), the devices which belong to the protected object limited by the current trans- former sets have to exchange the data of the ends of the protected object. This applies not only for the measured quantities relevant for the differential protection itself, but also for all data which are to be available at the ends.
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2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology For more than two ends, a communication chain or a communication ring can be formed. A setup with a maximum of six devices is possible. Figure 2-9 shows a Communication Chain with four devices. The ends 1 and 2 are derived from the arrangements of the current transformers shown on the left. -
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2 Functions By the way, the two above possibilities for two devices can be regarded as special cases of chain and ring. The connection as shown in Figure 2-7 forms a communica- tion chain with only one chain element, and Figure 2-8 shows a ring which is com- pressed into one two-way connection. -
Page 77
2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology Table 2-3 Communication via Direct Connection Module in Connector Fibre Type Optical Perm. Path At- Distance, the Device Type Wavelength tenuation Typical Multimode 820 nm 8 dB 1.5 km (0.95 62.5/125 µm miles) Multimode 820 nm… -
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2 Functions Note The redundancy of different communication connections (for ring topology) requires a consequent separation of the devices connected to the communication network. For example, different communication routes should not be conducted via the same mul- tiplexer card, as there is no alternative which could be used if the multiplexer card should fail. -
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2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology within less than 2 seconds. If GPS synchronization (with satellite receiver) is used, asymmetric transmission times are recognized and corrected immediately. The maximum permissible unbalance of the delay times can be set. If the delay time in the transmit and receive path is different, a differential current is calculated by the devices because of this difference. -
Page 80
2 Functions The following modes are available: • Log out device: logging out a device from the universal line protection system with the circuit breaker being switched off. The differential protection continues to be active at the other end(s); thus, the other end(s) may remain switched on. As the local circuit breaker is open (as well as the line disconnector) revision work can be performed at the local feeder without affecting operation at the other end(s). -
Page 81: Protection Data Interfaces
2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology 2.2.2 Protection Data Interfaces Setting Notes General The protection data interfaces connect the devices with the communication media. The communication is permanently monitored by the devices. Address 4509 T-DATA Information about DISTURB defines after which delay time the user is informed about a faulty or missing Interfaces telegram.
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2 Functions Address 4511 PI1 SYNCMODE is only relevant if GPS synchronization (ordering option) is used. It determines the conditions for operation when the protection data communication has been re-established (initially or after transmission failure). • PI1 SYNCMODE = TEL or GPS means that the differential protection will become active as soon as the protection communication has been established (data tele- grams are received). -
Page 83: Settings
2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology Settings Addresses which have an appended «A» can only be changed with DIGSI, under Ad- ditional Settings. Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 4501 STATE PROT I 1 State of protection interface 1 4502 CONNEC.
Page 84: Information List
2 Functions Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 3215 Wrong Firmware Incompatible Firmware Versions 3217 PI1 Data reflec Prot Int 1: Own Datas received 3218 PI2 Data reflec Prot Int 2: Own Datas received 3227 >PI1 light off >Prot Int 1: Transmitter is switched off 3228 >PI2 light off…
Page 85: Differential Protection Topology
2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology 2.2.3 Differential Protection Topology Setting Notes Protection Data First of all, define your protection data communication topology: number the devices Topology consecutively. This numbering is a serial device index that serves for your own over- view.
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2 Functions For a protected object with more than two ends (and corresponding number of devic- es), the further devices are assigned to their device IDs with the parameter addresses 4703 ID OF RELAY 3, 4704 ID OF RELAY 4, 4705 ID OF RELAY 5 and 4706 ID OF RELAY 6. -
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2.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Protection Data Topology The device then issues one of the following error messages • „DT inconsistent“ (Device Table contains two or more identical device ident numbers) • „DT unequal“ (Different settings of parameters 4701 to 4706) •…
Page 88
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 3487 Equal IDs Equal IDs in constellation 3491 Rel1 Login Relay 1 in Login state 3492 Rel2 Login Relay 2 in Login state 3493 Rel3 Login Relay 3 in Login state 3494 Rel4 Login Relay 4 in Login state 3495… -
Page 89: Differential Protection
2.3 Differential Protection Differential Protection The differential protection represents the main protection function of the device. It is based on current comparison. For this, one device must be installed at each end of the zone to be protected. The devices exchange their measured quantities via communi- cations links and compare the received currents with their own.
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2 Functions Figure 2-15 Basic principle of differential protection for four ends (single-line illustration) Transmission If the entire protected object is located in one place — as is the case with generators, Measured Value transformers, busbars —, the measured quantities can be processed immediately. This is different for lines where the protected zone spans a certain distance from one substation to the other. -
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2.3 Differential Protection The sequence of the devices in the communication chain need not correspond to the indexation, as shown in Figure 2-17. The allocation is carried out during the parame- terization of the topology, as explained in Section 2.2.1. Figure 2-17 Differential protection for a line with three ends The communication chain can also be connected to a ring, as shown in dashed lines… -
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2 Functions The frequency of the measured quantities, which is decisive for the comparison of complex phasors, is also continuously measured and with the calculation, if neces- sary, corrected to achieve a synchronous comparison of the phasors. If the device is connected to voltage transformers and at least one voltage of a sufficient level is avail- able, the frequency is derived from this voltage. -
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2.3 Differential Protection In healthy operation charging currents can be considered as being almost constant under steady-state conditions, since they are only determined by the voltage and the capacitances of the lines. Without charging current compensation, they must therefore be taken into account when setting the sensitivity of the differential protection (refer also to Section 2.3.2 under „Pickup Value of Differential Current“). -
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2 Functions transformers on the line side is switched onto a fault. Since the frequency is not yet known at this point of time, an increased restraint will be active until the actual frequen- cy is determined. This may delay the tripping somewhat, but only close to the pickup threshold, i.e. -
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2.3 Differential Protection ever, possible to set the protection in a way that when the permissible harmonic content in the current of only one single phase is exceeded, not only the phase with the inrush current but also the remaining phases of the differential stage are blocked. This cross-block can be limited to a selectable duration. -
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2 Functions If the calculated differential current exceeds the pickup limit and the greatest possible measurement error, the fault must be internal (shaded area in Figure 2-22). Figure 2-22 Differential protection pickup characteristic, I > stage diff High-Speed Charge The charge comparison protection function is a differential stage which is superim- Comparison posed on the current comparison (the actual differential protection). -
Page 97
2.3 Differential Protection an initial saturation of current transformers only takes place after the expiration of at least one integration interval ( cycle) that commenced with the occurrence of a fault. When the power line is switched on, the pickup value of the charge comparison is au- tomatically redoubled for a period of approximately 1.5 s. -
Page 98
2 Functions Pickup of the Figure 2-23 shows the logic diagram for differential protection. The phase-segregated Differential stages are totalled to phase information. Additionally the device provides information Protection of which stage picked up. Figure 2-23 Pickup logic for the differential protection function As soon as the differential protection function registers a fault within its tripping zone, the signal „Diff. -
Page 99: Setting Notes
2.3 Differential Protection a single-phase pickup can be blocked for a short time in order to bridge the transient oscillations on occurrence of a single earth fault in a resonant-earthed system. The signals processed in this way are linked by the tripping logic of the device to the output signals „Diff.
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2 Functions –6 = 3.63 · 10 · U · f · C ‘ · s with Charging current to be calculated in A primary Nominal voltage of the network in kV primary Nominal frequency of the network in Hz Per unit line length service capacitance of the line in nF/km or nF/mile Length of the line in km or miles For lines with multiple ends, the total sum of all line sections is taken as the length. -
Page 101
2.3 Differential Protection Pickup Value When switching on long, unloaded cables, overhead lines and arc-compensated lines, during Switch-on considerable higher-frequency transient reactions may occur. These peaks are con- siderably damped by means of a digital filter in the differential protection. A pickup value I-DIF>SWITCH ON (address 1213) can be sent to reliably prevent single-sided pickup of the protection. -
Page 102
2 Functions With more than two line ends the parameter of address 1114 Tot.Line Length is to be considered. If the unit of length in address 236 is changed for the total line length in address1114, the line data have to be set anew for the unit of length which has been changed. -
Page 103: Settings
2.3 Differential Protection block is to be activated is set under address 2310 CROSSB 2HM. With the setting ∞ the crossblock function is always active until the second harmonic content in all phases has dropped below the set value. 2.3.3 Settings Addresses which have an appended «A»…
Page 104: Information List
2 Functions 2.3.4 Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 3101 IC comp. active IC compensation active 3102 2nd Harmonic L1 Diff: 2nd Harmonic detected in phase L1 3103 2nd Harmonic L2 Diff: 2nd Harmonic detected in phase L2 3104 2nd Harmonic L3 Diff: 2nd Harmonic detected in phase L3…
Page 105
2.3 Differential Protection Information Type of In- Comments formation 3528 Diffblk.sen PI1 Differential blocking sending via PI1 3529 Diffblk.sen PI2 Differential blocking sending via PI2 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 106: Breaker Intertrip And Remote Tripping
2 Functions Breaker Intertrip and Remote Tripping 7SD5 allows to transmit a tripping command created by the local differential protection to the other end or ends of the protected object (intertripping). Likewise, any desired command of another internal protection function or of an external protection, monitor- ing or control equipment can be transmitted for remote tripping.
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2.4 Breaker Intertrip and Remote Tripping In order to ensure that the transmission signal reaches all devices in objects with more than two ends, it is also looped through the protection data interface. Receive Circuit On the receiving end the signal can lead to a trip. Alternatively it can also cause an alarm only. -
Page 108: Setting Notes
2 Functions 2.4.2 Setting Notes General The intertrip function for tripping caused by the differential protection can be activated (YES) or deactivated (NO) with address 1301 I-TRIP SEND. Since the differential pro- tection devices theoretically operate with the same measured values at all ends of the protected object, a tripping in the event of an internal fault normally is also carried out at all ends, regardless of the infeed conditions at the ends.
Page 109
2.4 Breaker Intertrip and Remote Tripping Information Type of In- Comments formation 3503 >Intertrip L3 I.Trip: >Intertrip L3 signal input 3504 >Intertrip 3pol I.Trip: >Intertrip 3 pole signal input 3505 ITrp.rec.PI1.L1 I.Trip: Received at Prot.Interface 1 L1 3506 ITrp.rec.PI1.L2 I.Trip: Received at Prot.Interface 1 L2 3507 ITrp.rec.PI1.L3 I.Trip: Received at Prot.Interface 1 L3… -
Page 110: Distance Protection
2 Functions Distance Protection Distance protection is the second main function of the device. It can operate as a fully- fledged redundant second protection function (Main2) in parallel to differential protec- tion, or be configured as the only main protection function of the device (Main only). The distance protection distinguishes itself by high measuring accuracy and the ability to adapt to the given system conditions.
Page 111
2.5 Distance Protection Negative Sequence On long, heavily loaded lines, large currents could cause excessive restraint of the Current 3I > earth current measurement (ref. Figure 2-27). To ensure secure detection of earth faults in this case, a negative sequence comparison stage is additionally provided. In the event of a single-phase fault, the negative sequence current I has approximately the same magnitude as the zero sequence current I… -
Page 112
2 Functions The earth fault recognition alone does not cause a general pickup of the distance pro- tection, but merely controls the further fault detection modules. It is only alarmed in case of a general fault detection. Figure 2-29 Logic of the earth fault detection Earth Fault Recog- In order to prevent undesired pickup of the earth fault detection, caused by load cur- nition during… -
Page 113: Fault Detection (Optional)
2.5 Distance Protection If, apart from the displacement measurement (3U0> COMP/ISOL.), there is a fault detection in more than one phase, this is also rated as a double earth fault. In this way, double earth faults can be detected even if no or only little earth current flows via the measuring point.
Page 114
2 Functions Table 2-4 Loops and phase indications for single-phase overcurrent pickup Pickup Earth Fault Parameter Valid Loop Alarmed Module Detection 1ph FAULTS Phase(s) L3-L1 L1, L3 phase-phase L1-L2 L1, L2 L2-L3 L2, L3 L1-E phase-earth L2-E L3-E L1-E L1, E L2-E L2, E L3-E… -
Page 115
2.5 Distance Protection Pickup Modes The adaptation to different network conditions is determined by pickup modes. The setting (PROGAM U/I) determines whether the phase–phase loops or the phase– earth loops are always valid, or whether this depends on the earth fault detection. This allows a very flexible adaptation to the network conditions. -
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2 Functions If the option has been chosen whereby voltage loop selection is dependent on earth- fault detection, then high sensitivity applies to phase-earth faults and to phase–phase faults. On principle, this option is independent of the treatment of the network neutral, however, it requires that the earth–fault criteria according to Section Earth Fault De- tection are met for all earth faults or double earth faults (see Table 2-7). -
Page 117
2.5 Distance Protection A precondition for measuring the phase-phase angles is that the associated phase currents as well as the current difference relevant for the loop have exceeded a setta- ble minimum value Iph>. The angle is determined by the phase–to–phase voltage and its corresponding current difference. -
Page 118: Calculation Of The Impedances
2 Functions Calculation of the Impedances A separate measuring system is provided for each of the six possible impedance loops L1-E, L2-E, L3-E, L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1. The phase-earth loops are evaluated when an earth fault detection is recognized and the phase current exceeds a settable minimum value Minimum Iph>.
Page 119
2.5 Distance Protection The calculation of the phase-phase loop does not take place as long as one of the con- cerned phases is switched off (during single-pole dead time), to avoid an incorrect measurement with the undefined measured values existing during this state. A state recognition (refer to Section 2.23.1) provides the corresponding block signal. -
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2 Functions The evaluation of the phase-earth loop does not take place as long as the affected phase is switched off (during single-pole dead time), to avoid an incorrect measure- ment with the undefined measured values existing in this state. A state recognition provides the corresponding block signal. -
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2.5 Distance Protection which were declared as being valid in the initial stage, cannot be eliminated by this stage, even if they have larger impedances. In this manner unfaulted „apparent impedances“ are eliminated on the one hand, while on the other hand, unsymmetrical multi-phase faults and multiple short-circuits are recognized correctly. -
Page 122
2 Functions Loop pickup Evaluated loop(s) Setting of parameter 1521 L1-E, L2-E, L1-L2 L1-L2 2Ph-E faults = Ø-Ø loops only L2-E, L3-E, L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-E, L3-E, L3-L1 L3-L1 L1-E, L2-E, L1-L2 L1-E, L2-E 2Ph-E faults = Ø-E loops only L2-E, L3-E, L2-L3 L2-E, L3-E L1-E, L3-E, L3-L1 L1-E, L3-E… -
Page 123
2.5 Distance Protection Cyclic L1 before L3 before L2 before L1 L1 (L3) CYCLIC All loops are measured All loops In all eight preference options, one earth fault is switched off according to the prefer- ence scheme. The second fault can remain in the system as a simple earth fault. It can be detected with the Earth Fault Detection in Non-earthed Systems (optional). -
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2 Functions · Z – I · Z – I · Z L3-E where I is the earth current of the parallel line and the ratio Z is a constant line parameter, resulting from the geometry of the double circuit line and the nature of the ground below the line. -
Page 125: Setting Notes
2.5 Distance Protection diff). Another way of blocking the zone is to set a binary input (No 3610 „>BLOCK Z1-Trip“). Switching onto a If the circuit breaker is manually closed onto a short circuit, the distance protection can Fault issue an instantaneous trip command. By setting parameters it may be determined which zone(s) is/are released following a manual close (refer to Figure 2-39).
Page 126
2 Functions The preset value 3I0>/ Iphmax = 0,10 (address 1507) usually is recommended for ® the slope of the 3I0 characteristic. This setting can only be changed via DIGSI at Ad- ditional Settings. Addresses 1504 and 1509 are only relevant for earthed power systems. In non- earthed systems this setting is not relevant and therefore not accessible. -
Page 127
2.5 Distance Protection ferred setting in the case of other distance protection relays in the power system working with this start timing. Where grading of the delay times is especially important, for instance if the fault location shifts from zone Z3 to zone Z2, the setting on Zone Pickup should be chosen. -
Page 128
2 Functions the zero-sequence voltage (address 1505 3U0> COMP/ISOL.). Please note that triple zero-sequence voltage 3U is relevant here. With a full displacement its value will be √3 times the phase-to-phase voltage. Afterwards the delay T3I0 1PHAS is not active anymore: an earth fault occurring now in a different phase can only be a double earth fault. -
Page 129
2.5 Distance Protection Current Transformer 600 A / 5 A Voltage Transformer 110 kV / 0.1 kV The resulting minimum load impedance is therefore: This value can be entered as a primary value when parameterizing with a personal ® computer and DIGSI . -
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2 Functions be useful (address 1901 PROGAM U/I = LE:Uphe/LL:Uphe), accepting lesser sen- sitivity for earth-free faults, since the overcurrent stage Iph>> usually picks up there. In networks with low–resistance earthed starpoint, the U/I/ϕ pickup should only come into effect on earth faults as phase-to-phase faults are detected by the overcur- rent pickup. -
Page 131
2.5 Distance Protection = PHASE-PHASEONLY the leading phase-phase loop is measured in the event of a single-phase pick-up in the earthed network. This parameter can only be altered with ® DIGSI under Additional Settings. The meaning of the settings is illustrated in Figure 2-40. Iph> (section a, address 1911) is the minimum current as described in the previous section, Iph>>… -
Page 132: Settings
2 Functions The characteristic for the load angle range has to be set in a way that is just below the minimum expected operating voltage at the maximum expected load current. In the range of the short-circuit angles ϕ it must be ensured that load current may not cause pickup in this area.
Page 133
2.5 Distance Protection Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 1509A E/F recognition 3I0> OR 3U0> 3I0> OR 3U0> criterion for earth fault rec- 3I0> AND 3U0> ognition 1510 Start Timers on Dis. Pickup on Dis. Pickup Condition for zone timer on Zone Pickup start 1515… -
Page 134
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1645 T5 DELAY 0.90 sec T5 delay 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1655 T1B-1phase 0.00 sec T1B-1phase, delay for single ph. faults 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1656 T1B-multi-phase 0.00 sec… -
Page 135: Information List
2.5 Distance Protection Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 3603 >BLOCK 21 Dist. >BLOCK 21 Distance 3610 >BLOCK Z1-Trip >BLOCK Z1-Trip 3611 >ENABLE Z1B >ENABLE Z1B (with setted Time Delay) 3613 >ENABLE Z1Binst >ENABLE Z1B instantanous (w/o T-Delay) 3617 >BLOCK Z4-Trip >BLOCK Z4-Trip…
Page 136
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 3710 Dis.Loop L1-2 r Distance Loop L12 selected reverse 3711 Dis.Loop L2-3 r Distance Loop L23 selected reverse 3712 Dis.Loop L3-1 r Distance Loop L31 selected reverse 3713 Dis.Loop L1E<-> Distance Loop L1E selected non-direct. 3714 Dis.Loop L2E<->… -
Page 137: Distance Protection With Quadrilateral Characteristic (Optional)
2.5 Distance Protection Information Type of In- Comments formation 3820 Dis.Trip <-> Dist.: Trip by fault detec, rev/non-dir. 3821 Dis.TRIP 3p. Z4 Distance TRIP 3phase in Z4 3822 Dis.TRIP 3p. Z5 Distance TRIP 3phase in Z5 3823 DisTRIP3p. Z1sf DisTRIP 3phase in Z1 with single-ph Flt. 3824 DisTRIP3p.
Page 138
2 Functions Figure 2-41 Polygonal characteristic (setting values are marked by dots) Determination of For each loop an impedance vector is also used to determine the direction of the short- Direction circuit. Usually similar to the distance calculation, Z is used. However, depending on the „quality“… -
Page 139
2.5 Distance Protection Figure 2-42 Direction determination with quadrature voltages Table 2-11 Voltage and current values for the determination of fault direction Loop Measuring Actual short-circuit Quadrature voltage Current (Direc- voltage tion) L1-E L1-E L2-E L2-E L3-E L3-E L1-E · I L1-E L2-E ·… -
Page 140
2 Functions Figure 2-43 Directional characteristic in the R-X-diagram Since each zone can be set to Forward, Reverse or Non-Directional, different (centrically mirrored) directional characteristics are available for Forward and Reverse. A non-directional zone has no directional characteristic. The entire tripping region applies here. -
Page 141
2.5 Distance Protection Figure 2-44 Directional characteristic with quadrature or memorized voltages Determination of The directional characteristics and their displacement by the source impedance apply Direction in Case of also for lines with series capacitors. If a short-circuit occurs behind the local series ca- Series-compensat- pacitors, the short-circuit voltage however reverses its direction until the protective ed Lines… -
Page 142
2 Functions always smaller than the series reactance — does not cause the apparent direction re- versal (Figure 2-46b). If the short-circuit is located before the capacitor, from the relay location (current trans- former) in reverse direction, the zeniths of the directional characteristics are shifted to the other direction (Figure 2-46c). -
Page 143: Setting Notes
2.5 Distance Protection Figure 2-47 Release logic for a zone (example for Z1) In total, the following zones are available: Independent zones: • 1st zone (fast tripping zone) Z1 with X(Z1); R(Z1) Ø-Ø, RE(Z1) Ø-E; delayable with T1-1phase or T1-multi-phase, •…
Page 144
2 Functions ® When using a personal computer and DIGSI to apply the settings, these can be op- tionally entered as primary or secondary values. In the case of parameterization with secondary quantities, the values derived from the grading coordination chart must be converted to the secondary side of the current and voltage transformers. -
Page 145
2.5 Distance Protection Most important for this setting on overhead lines, is the resistance of the fault arc. In cables on the other hand, an appreciable arc can not exist. On very short cables, care must however be taken that an arc fault on the local cable termination is inside the set resistance of the first zone. -
Page 146
2 Functions fault resistance (e.g. overhead lines without earth wire) are expected on lines with an infeed at both ends and load transfer in the direction of the line (export). Different delay times can be set for single- and multiple-phase faults in the first zone: T1-1phase (address 1605) and T1-multi-phase (address 1606). -
Page 147: Settings
2.5 Distance Protection Controlled Zone The overreaching zone Z1B is a controlled zone. The normal zones Z1 to Z5 are not influenced by Z1B. There is therefore no zone switching, but rather the overreaching zone is activated or deactivated by the corresponding criteria. In address 1651 Op. mode Z1B = Forward, it can also be switched Reverse or Non-Directional.
Page 148
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.050 .. 600.000 Ω 2.500 Ω 1604 RE(Z1) Ø-E RE(Z1), Resistance for ph- e faults 0.010 .. 120.000 Ω 0.500 Ω 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1605 T1-1phase 0.00 sec T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.00 .. -
Page 149
2.5 Distance Protection Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.050 .. 250.000 Ω 12.000 Ω 1634 RE(Z4) Ø-E RE(Z4), Resistance for ph- e faults 0.010 .. 50.000 Ω 2.400 Ω 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1635 T4 DELAY 0.90 sec T4 delay 1641 Op. -
Page 150: Distance Protection With Mho Characteristic (Optional)
2 Functions 2.5.3 Distance Protection with MHO Characteristic (optional) Depending on the version ordered, the universal line protection 7SD5 can be equipped with an MHO characteristic in combination with the distance protection func- tion. If both the polygonal and the MHO characteristic are available, they may be se- lected separately for phase-phase loops and phase-earth loops.
Page 151
2.5 Distance Protection Figure 2-48 Basic shape of an MHO characteristic Polarized MHO As is the case with all characteristics that pass through the origin of the coordinate Characteristic system, the MHO characteristic boundary around the origin itself is also not defined as the measured voltage is zero or too small to be evaluated in this case. -
Page 152
2 Functions Figure 2-49 Polarized MHO characteristic Properties of the As the quadrature or memorized voltage (without load transfer) equals the corre- MHO Characteristic sponding generator voltage E and does not change after fault inception (refer also to Figure 2-50), the lower zenith is shifted in the impedance diagram by the polarizing quantity k·Z = k·E . -
Page 153
2.5 Distance Protection Figure 2-50 Polarized MHO characteristic with quadrature or memorized voltages Selecting Incorrect directional decisions may be reached with short lines resulting in tripping or Polarization blocking in spite of a reverse fault. This occurs because their zone reach is set very small. -
Page 154
2 Functions Note When switching onto a three-pole fault with the MHO characteristic, there will be no voltage in the memory or unfaulted loop voltage available. To ensure fault clearance when switching onto three-pole close-up faults, please make sure that in conjunction with the configured MHO characteristic the instantaneous tripping function is always enabled. -
Page 155
2.5 Distance Protection If the short-circuit is located before the capacitor, from the relay location (current trans- former) in reverse direction, the zeniths of the MHO characteristic are shifted to the other direction (Figure 2-52c). A correct determination of the direction is thus also ensured in this case. -
Page 156
2 Functions Figure 2-53 Phasor diagram of the MHO characteristic measured values For each distance zone an MHO characteristic can be defined by means of the param- eter Z . For each zone it may also be determined whether it operates forwards or re- verse. -
Page 157: Setting Notes
2.5 Distance Protection Figure 2-54 Release logic of a zone (example for Z1) forward and reverse affect only the measured values, not the logic In total, the following zones are available: Independent zones: • 1st zone (fast tripping zone) Z1 with ZR(Z1); may be delayed by T1-1phase and T1-multi-phase, •…
Page 158
2 Functions In the case of parameterization with secondary quantities, the values derived from the grading coordination chart must be converted to the secondary side of the current and voltage transformers. In general: Accordingly, the reach for any distance zone can be specified as follows: with = Current transformer ratio = Transformation ratio of voltage transformer… -
Page 159
2.5 Distance Protection the parameters ZR(Z1) (address 1702) specifying the impedance of the upper zenith of the MHO characteristic from the origin (reach), as well as the relevant delay time settings. For the first zone the delay times for single-phase and multiple-phase faults can be set separately: T1-1phase (address 1605) and T1-multi-phase (address 1606). -
Page 160: Settings
2 Functions There are two ways of blocking Z1. If the device operates in differential protection mode, zone Z1 can be blocked by setting a parameter (address 1533 Z1 blkd by diff). Another way of blocking the zone is to set a binary input (No 3610 „>BLOCK Z1-Trip“).
Page 161
2.5 Distance Protection Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1605 T1-1phase 0.00 sec T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 1606 T1-multi-phase 0.00 sec T1multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.00 .. -
Page 162: Tripping Logic Of The Distance Protection
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 1751 Op. mode Z1B Forward Forward Operating mode Z1B (ex- Reverse tended zone) Inactive 0.050 .. 200.000 Ω 3.000 Ω 1752 ZR(Z1B) ZR(Z1B), Impedance Reach 0.010 .. 40.000 Ω 0.600 Ω 1771A Mem.Polariz.PhE 0.0 ..
Page 163
2.5 Distance Protection Note Binary input „>1p Trip Perm“ (No. 381) must be activated to achieve single-pole tripping. The internal automatic reclosing function may also grant the single-pole per- mission. The binary input is usually controlled by an external automatic reclosure device. -
Page 164
2 Functions Figure 2-56 Tripping logic for the 2nd zone Figure 2-57 Tripping logic for the 3rd zone Figure 2-58 Tripping logic for the 4th and 5th zone, shown is zone Z4 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 165
2.5 Distance Protection Zone Logic of the The controlled zone Z1B is usually applied as an overreaching zone. The logic is Controlled Zone shown in Figure 2-59. It may be activated via various internal and external functions. The binary inputs for external activation of Z1B of the distance protection are „>ENABLE Z1B“… -
Page 166
2 Functions Figure 2-59 Tripping logic for the controlled zone Z1B 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 167: Setting Notes
2.5 Distance Protection Tripping Logic The output signals generated by the individual zones are logically connected to the output signals „Dis.Gen. Trip“, „Dis.Trip 1pL1“, „Dis.Trip 1pL2“, „Dis.Trip 1pL3“, „Dis.Trip 3p“ in the actual tripping logic. The single-pole in- formation implies that tripping will take place single-pole only. Furthermore, the zone that initiated the tripping is identified;…
Page 168: Power Swing Detection (Optional)
2 Functions Power Swing Detection (optional) The 7SD5 has an integrated power swing supplement which allows both the blocking of trips by the distance protection during power swings (power swing blocking) and the calculated tripping during unstable power swings (out-of-step tripping). To avoid un- controlled tripping, the distance protection devices are supplemented with power swing blocking functions.
Page 169
2.6 Power Swing Detection (optional) tion are met. The fault detection range APOL is made up of the largest set values for R and X (polygon characteristic) or of the largest set value for ZR (MHO characteristic) of 5 Ω of all the activated zones. -
Page 170
2 Functions Figure 2-62 Pickup characteristic of the power swing detection for the MHO characteristic Figure 2-63 Impedance vector during power swing Trajectory Continu- The rate of change of the impedance vector is very important for the differentiation ity and Monotony between faults and power swing conditions. -
Page 171
2.6 Power Swing Detection (optional) Trajectory Stability When the impedance vector enters the impedance characteristic during a power swing this is on a point of the elliptical curve that corresponds to steady state instabil- ity. For release of the power swing detection a further criterion is therefore used. In Figure 2-64 the range for steady state instability is shown. -
Page 172
2 Functions Figure 2-65 Logic diagram of power swing detection In Figure 2-65 a simplified logic diagram for the power swing function is given. This measurement is done on a per phase basis although Figure 2-65 only shows the logic for one phase. -
Page 173
2.6 Power Swing Detection (optional) Power Swing The power swing blocking affects the distance protection. If the criteria for power Blocking swing detection have been fulfilled in at least one phase, the following reactions are possible in relation to the power swing blocking function (set in address 2002 P/S Op. -
Page 174: Setting Notes
2 Functions 2.6.2 Setting Notes The power swing supplement is only active if it has been set to Power Swing = Enabled (address 120) during the configuration. For Power Swing no other param- eters have to be set. The four possible programs may be set in address 2002 P/S Op. mode, as de- scribed in Section 2.6: All zones block, Z1/Z1B block, Z2 to Z5 block or Z1,Z1B,Z2 block.
Page 175: Teleprotection For Distance Protection (Optional)
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) 2.7.1 General Purpose of Faults which occur on the protected line, beyond the first distance zone, can only be Teleprotection cleared selectively by the distance protection after a delay time. On line sections that are shorter than the smallest sensible distance setting, faults can also not be selec- tively cleared instantaneously.
Page 176: Method Of Operation
2 Functions munication networks or dedicated cables (control cable or twisted phone wire). The send and receive signals must in this case be assigned to fast command channels of the protection data interface (DIGSI matrix). The pilot wire comparison, that is exclusively applied to short lines, enables the user to operate a pilot wire pair (pilot wires or control wires) with direct current to guarantee the exchange of information between the line ends.
Page 177: Putt (Pickup)
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) 2.7.3 PUTT (Pickup) The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media. Principle The PUTT scheme functionality is shown in Figure 2-67. In the case of a fault inside zone Z1, the transfer trip signal is sent to the opposite line end. The signal received there initiates the trip, provided that the protection function has picked up.
Page 178
2 Functions If at one line end there is weak or zero infeed, so that the distance protection does not pick up, the circuit breaker can still be tripped. This „Weak-infeed tripping“ is referred to in Section 2.10.1. Figure 2-68 Logic diagram of the permissive underreach transfer trip (PUTT) with pickup (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 179: Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip With Zone Acceleration Z1B (Putt)
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) 2.7.4 Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip with Zone Acceleration Z1B (PUTT) Principle Figure 2-69 shows the operation scheme for the permissive underreach transfer trip with zone acceleration. In the case of a fault inside zone Z1, the transfer trip signal is sent to the opposite line end.
Page 180
2 Functions Sequence Figure 2-70 Logic diagram of the permissive underreach transfer trip (PUTT) using Z1B (one line end) The permissive transfer trip should only send for faults in the „Forward“ direction. Ac- cordingly, the first zone Z1 of the distance protection must definitely be set to Forward in address 1601 Op. -
Page 181: Direct Underreach Transfer Trip
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) If at one line end there is weak or zero infeed, so that the distance protection does not pick up, the circuit breaker can still be tripped. This „Weak-infeed tripping“ is referred to in Section 2.10.1. 2.7.5 Direct Underreach Transfer Trip The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media.
Page 182: Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (Pott)
2 Functions 2.7.6 Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) The following procedure is suited for both conventional and digital transmission media. Principle The permissive overreach transfer mode uses a permissive release principle. The overreaching zone Z1B set beyond the opposite station is decisive. This mode can also be used on extremely short lines where a setting of 85% of line length for zone Z1 is not possible and accordingly selective non-delayed tripping could not be achieved.
Page 183
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Sequence The permissive overreach transfer trip only functions for faults in the „Forward“ direc- tion. Accordingly, the first overreach zone ZB1of the distance protection must definite- ly be set to Forward in addresses 1651 Op. mode Z1B, refer also to Section 2.5.2 under the margin heading „Controlled Zone ZB1“. -
Page 184
2 Functions Figure 2-73 Logic diagram of the permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) scheme (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 185: Directional Comparison Pickup
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) 2.7.7 Directional Comparison Pickup The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media. Principle The directional comparison scheme is a permissive release scheme. Figure 2-74 shows the operation scheme. Figure 2-74 Function diagram of the directional comparison method If the distance protection detects a fault in line direction, it initially sends a release signal to the opposite line end.
Page 186
2 Functions sive overreach transfer scheme even in this case, the device contains a special func- tion. The „weak-infeed function“ (echo function) is activated when a signal is received from the opposite line end — in the case of three terminal lines from at least one of the opposite line ends —… -
Page 187: Directional Unblocking Scheme
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) 2.7.8 Directional Unblocking Scheme The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media. Principle The unblocking method is a permissive release scheme. It differs from the permissive overreach transfer scheme in that tripping is possible also when no release signal is received from the opposite line end.
Page 188
2 Functions Figure 2-76 Function diagram of the directional unblocking method For all zones except Z1B, tripping results without release from the opposite line end, allowing the protection to function with the usual grading characteristic independent of the signal transmission. Sequence Figure 2-77 shows the logic diagram of the unblocking scheme for one line end. -
Page 189
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) 100 ms (drop-off delay of the timer stage 100/100 ms) the quiescent state is reached again, i.e. the direct release path to the signal „Unblock L1“ and thereby the usual release is possible. If none of the signals is received for a period of more than 10 s the alarm „Dis.T.UB Fail1“… -
Page 190
2 Functions The circuit breaker can also be tripped at the line end with no or only weak infeed. This „Weak-infeed tripping“ is referred to in Section 2.10.1. Figure 2-77 Logic diagram of the unblocking scheme (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 191
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Figure 2-78 Unblock logic 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 192: Directional Blocking Scheme
2 Functions 2.7.9 Directional Blocking Scheme The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media. Principle In the case of the blocking scheme, the transmission channel is used to send a block signal from one line end to the other. The signal may be sent directly after fault incep- tion (jump detector above dotted line in Figure 2-79), and stopped immediately, as soon as the distance protection detects a fault in the forward direction, alternatively the signal is only sent when the distance protection detects the fault in the reverse direc-…
Page 193
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Sequence Figure 2-80 shows the logic diagram of the blocking scheme for one line end. The overreach zone Z1B is blocked which is why it must be set to Forward (address 1651 Op. mode Z1B, see also Section 2.5.1 at margin heading „Controlled Zone Z1B“). -
Page 194
2 Functions Figure 2-80 Logic diagram of the blocking scheme (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 195: Pilot Wire Comparison
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) As soon as the distance protection has detected a fault in the reverse direction, a blocking signal is transmitted (e.g. „Dis.T.SEND“, No. 4056). The transmitted signal may be prolonged by setting address 2103 accordingly. The blocking signal is stopped if a fault is detected in the forward direction (e.g.
Page 196
2 Functions For lines shorter than the shortest settable line please take into consideration that the first distance zone is either set to disabled or that T1 is delayed for at least one grading time interval. If the line has single-end infeed an instantaneous trip for the whole line is possible. Since no pickup occurs on the non-feeding line end, the loop is not interrupted at that point, but only on the feeding line end. -
Page 197: Reverse Interlocking
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Operation with three terminals is also possible if the device allows it. The following figure shows the logic for two terminals. Figure 2-82 Receive circuit of pilot wire comparison logic The isolation voltage of the pilot wires and the binary inputs and outputs must also be taken into account.
Page 198
2 Functions Figure 2-83 shows the logic for reverse interlocking. Figure 2-83 Logic diagram of the reverse interlocking According to Figure 2-84 the distance zones Z1 and Z2 serve as back-up stages for faults on the outgoing lines, for example a fault in F2. For distance grading the shortest outgoing line is to be used. -
Page 199: Transient Blocking
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Figure 2-84 Reverse interlocking — functional principle and grading example 2.7.12 Transient Blocking In the overreach schemes, the transient blocking provides additional security against erroneous signals due to transients caused by clearance of an external fault or by fault direction reversal during clearance of a fault on a parallel line.
Page 200: Measures For Weak And Zero Infeed
2 Functions Figure 2-85 Transient blocking for permissive schemes 2.7.13 Measures for Weak and Zero Infeed In cases where there is weak or no infeed present at one line end, the distance pro- tection will not pick up. Neither a trip nor a send signal can therefore be generated there.
Page 201
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) In case of single- or two-pole pickup of the distance protection, it is nevertheless pos- sible to send an echo if measurement of the phases that have not picked up recogniz- es a weak-infeed condition. To avoid an incorrect echo following switching off of the line and reset of the fault de- tection, the RS flip-flop in Figure 2-86 latches the fault detection condition until the signal receive condition resets, thereby barring the release of an echo. -
Page 202: Setting Notes
2 Functions In the case of the blocking scheme and the underreach transfer trip scheme, the echo function is not required and therefore ineffective. Figure 2-86 Logic diagram of the echo function for distance protection with teleprotection 2.7.14 Setting Notes General The teleprotection supplement of distance protection is only in service if it is set during the configuration to one of the possible modes of operation in address 121.
Page 203
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) At address 2101 FCT Telep. Dis. the use of a teleprotection scheme can be turned ON or OFF. If the teleprotection has to be applied to a three terminal line the setting in address 2102 must be Type of Line = Three terminals, if not, the setting remains Two Terminals. -
Page 204
2 Functions tion of this time the fault is considered a permanent failure. This parameter can only ® be altered with DIGSI under Additional Settings. With the release delay Release Delay (address 2108) the release of the zone Z1B can be delayed. This is only required for the blocking scheme BLOCKING to allow suf- ficient transmission time for the blocking signal during external faults. -
Page 205: Settings
2.7 Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) An endless echo signal between the line ends can be avoided (e.g. interference cou- pling in the signal path) by blocking a new echo for a certain time Echo BLOCK Time (address 2504) after each output of an echo signal. The typical setting is approx. 50 ms.
Page 206
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 4006 >DisTel Rec.Ch1 >Dis.Tele. Carrier RECEPTION Channel 1 4007 >Dis.T.RecCh1L1 >Dis.Tele.Carrier RECEPTION Channel 1,L1 4008 >Dis.T.RecCh1L2 >Dis.Tele.Carrier RECEPTION Channel 1,L2 4009 >Dis.T.RecCh1L3 >Dis.Tele.Carrier RECEPTION Channel 1,L3 4010 >Dis.T.Rec.Ch2 >Dis.Tele. Carrier RECEPTION Channel 2 4030 >Dis.T.UB ub 1 >Dis.Tele. -
Page 207: Earth Fault Protection In Earthed Systems (Optional)
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) The 7SD5 line protection features protection functions for high-resistance earth faults in earthed power systems. These options are available — depending on the ordered model: –…
Page 208
2 Functions current from the phase currents. Naturally in this case also all three phase currents derived from a set of three star connected current transformers must be available and connected to the device. The zero sequence voltage is determined by its defining equation 3 U L1-E Depending on the application for the fourth voltage input U of the device, the… -
Page 209
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Figure 2-88 Logic diagram of the 3I >>> stage Definite Time High- The logic of the high-set current stage 3I >> is the same as that of the 3I >>> stage. In all references 3I0>>> must merely be replaced with 3I0>>. In all other respects set Current Stage >>… -
Page 210
2 Functions of the earth current and a time multiplier 3I0p Time Dial (IEC characteristic, Figure 2-89) or a time multiplier TimeDial TD3I0p (ANSI characteristic). A pre-selection of the available characteristics was already carried out during the configuration of the protection functions. -
Page 211
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Inverse Time Over- The inverse logarithmic characteristic differs from the other inverse characteristics current Stage with mainly by the fact that the shape of the curve can be influenced by a number of pa- rameters. -
Page 212
2 Functions Zero Sequence The zero sequence voltage time protection operates according to a voltage-depen- Voltage Time Pro- dent trip time characteristic. It can be used instead of the time overcurrent stage with tection (U -inverse) inverse time delay. The voltage/time characteristic can be displaced in voltage direction for a determined constant voltage U0inv. -
Page 213
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) A further time stage T rev. (U0inv) provokes non-directional tripping with a voltage-independent delay. This stage can be set above the directional stage. When tripping with this stage it is, however, a prerequisite that the time of the voltage-con- trolled stage has already expired (without directional check). -
Page 214
2 Functions Figure 2-92 Zero-sequence power protection Phase Current Non-symmetrical load conditions in multiple-earthed systems or different current Stabilization transformer errors can result in a zero sequence current. This zero sequence current could cause faulty pickup of the earth current stages if low pickup thresholds are set. To avoid this, the earth current stages are stabilized by the phase current: as the phase currents increase, the pickup thresholds are increased (Figure 2-93). -
Page 215
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Figure 2-93 Phase current stabilization Inrush Stabilization If the device is connected to a transformer feeder, large inrush currents can be expect- ed when the transformer is energized; if the transformer starpoint is earthed, also in the zero sequence path. -
Page 216
2 Functions small, the direction can only be determined if it is polarized with the transformer star- point current and this exceeds a minimum value corresponding to the setting IY>. The direction determination with 3U is inhibited if a „trip of the voltage transformer mcb“ is reported via binary input. -
Page 217
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) rection determination is also inhibited when a „trip of the voltage transformer mcb“ is reported via binary input. Figure 2-95 gives an example for the directional character- istic. Figure 2-95 Directional characteristic with zero sequence power, example S = setting value S FORWARD Selection of the… -
Page 218
2 Functions tripping is initiated anyway as soon as a multi-pole fault has been detected, as de- scribed above. Figure 2-96 shows the logic diagram. The phase determined by the phase selector can be processed selectively for each phase, for example the internal information „E/F PickupL1“… -
Page 219: Setting Notes
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) The earth fault protection can also be blocked during the single-pole dead time of an automatic reclose cycle. This prevents an incorrect measurement resulting from the zero sequence current and voltage signals arising in this state. The blocking affects the entire protection function and is maintained for approximately 40ms after reclosure to prevent signal race conditions.
Page 220
2 Functions the earth fault protection for any fault type (any distance protection pickup) occurring within zone Z1, the setting 3102 BLOCK for Dist. = every PICKUP and 3174 BLK for DisZone = in zone Z1 applies. The earth fault protection must be blocked during single-pole automatic reclose dead time to avoid pick-up with the false zero sequence values and, if applicable, the neg- ative sequence values arising during this state (address 3103 BLOCK 1pDeadTim). -
Page 221
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) The set time delays are pure additional delays, which do not include the operating time (measuring time). Inverse Time Stage Also for the inverse time overcurrent stage the operating mode is initially set: address 3140 Op. -
Page 222
2 Functions Moderately Inv., Very Inverse, Extremely Inv., Definite Inv.. The characteristics and equations they are based on are listed in the Technical Data. The setting of the pickup threshold 3I0p PICKUP (address 3141) is similar to the setting of definite time stages (see above). In this case it must be noted that a safety margin between the pickup threshold and the set value has already been incorporat- ed. -
Page 223
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Figure 2-97 Curve parameters in the logarithmic–inverse characteristic If you have configured the zero sequence voltage controlled stage (address 131 Zero Sequence Earth Fault O/C = U0 inverse), the operating mode is initially set: address 3140 Voltage Stage with Op. -
Page 224
2 Functions Figure 2-98 Characteristic settings of the zero-sequence voltage time dependent stage — without additional times If you have configured the fourth stage as zero-sequence power stage (address 131 Zero-Sequence Earth Fault O/C = Sr inverse), set the mode first: address 3140 Op. mode Power Stage 3I0p. -
Page 225
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Determination of The direction of each required stage was already determined when setting the differ- Direction ent stages. According to the requirements of the application, the directionality of each stage is in- dividually selected. -
Page 226
2 Functions starpoint of a source transformer. A relatively sensitive setting can be applied for this value, as the measurement of the starpoint current is quite accurate by nature. If the direction determination must be carried out with the negative sequence system signals, the setting values 3U2>… -
Page 227
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) 3IoMin Teleprot (address 3105) must be set to avoid non-selective tripping during through-fault earth current measurement. For further information refer to Section 2.9, margin heading „Earth Fault Protection Prerequisites“. Switching onto an It is possible to determine with a setting which stage trips without delay following closure onto a dead fault. -
Page 228: Settings
2 Functions This threshold value which is set in the address 3171 Imax InrushRest, should be larger than the maximum expected inrush current (RMS value). 2.8.3 Settings Addresses which have an appended «A» can only be changed with DIGSI, under Ad- ditional Settings.
Page 229
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 3122 T 3I0>> 0.60 sec T 3I0>> Time Delay 3123 3I0>> Telep/BI Instantaneous trip via Tele- prot./BI 3124 3I0>> SOTF-Trip Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault 3125… -
Page 230
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3151 IEC Curve Normal Inverse Normal Inverse IEC Curve Very Inverse Extremely Inv. LongTimeInverse 3152 ANSI Curve Inverse Inverse ANSI Curve Short Inverse Long Inverse Moderately Inv. Very Inverse Extremely Inv. Definite Inv. -
Page 231: Information List
2.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3174 BLK for DisZone in zone Z1 in each zone Block E/F for Distance in zone Z1/Z1B Protection Pickup in each zone 3182 3U0>(U0 inv) 1.0 ..
Page 232: Teleprotection For Earth Fault Protection (Optional)
2 Functions Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) 2.9.1 General With the aid of the integrated comparison logic, the directional earth fault protection according to Section 2.8 can be expanded to a directional comparison protection scheme. One of the stages which must be directional Forward is used for the directional com- Transmission Modes parison.
Page 233: Directional Comparison Pickup
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) The comparison function can be switched on and off by means of the parameter 3201 Activation and De- FCT Telep. E/F, via the system interface (if available) and via binary input (if allo- activation cated).
Page 234
2 Functions Figure 2-100 Operation scheme of the directional comparison pickup Sequence Figure 2-101 shows the logic diagram of the directional comparison scheme for one line end. The permissive overreach transfer trip only functions for faults in the „Forward“ direc- tion. -
Page 235
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) The circuit breaker can also be tripped at the line end with no or only weak infeed. This „Weak-infeed tripping“ is referred to in Section 2.10.1. Figure 2-101 Logic diagram of the directional comparison scheme (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 236: Directional Unblocking Scheme
2 Functions 2.9.3 Directional Unblocking Scheme The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media. Principle The unblocking method is a permissive scheme. It differs from the directional compar- ison scheme in that tripping is possible also when no release signal is received from the opposite line end.
Page 237
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) On two terminal lines, the signal transmission may be phase segregated. Send and receive circuits in this case are built up for each phase. On three terminal lines, the transmit signal is sent to both opposite line ends. The receive signals are then com- bined with a logical AND gate, as all three line ends must transmit a send signal during an internal fault. -
Page 238
2 Functions The circuit breaker can also be tripped at the line end with no or only weak infeed. This „Weak-infeed tripping“ is referred to in Section 2.10.1. Figure 2-103 Logic diagram of the unblocking scheme (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 239: Directional Blocking Scheme
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) Figure 2-104 Unblock logic 2.9.4 Directional Blocking Scheme The following scheme is suited for conventional transmission media. Principle In the case of the blocking scheme, the transmission channel is used to send a block signal from one line end to the other.
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2 Functions must be transmitted across the protected feeder by means of power line carrier (PLC) and the attenuation of the transmitted signal at the fault location may be so severe that reception at the other line cannot necessarily be guaranteed. The scheme functionality is shown in Figure 2-105. -
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2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) Figure 2-106 Logic diagram of the blocking scheme (one line end) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 242: Transient Blocking
2 Functions As soon as the distance protection has detected a fault in the reverse direction, a blocking signal is transmitted (e.g. „EF Tele SEND“, FNo 1384). The transmitted signal may be prolonged by setting address 3203 accordingly. The blocking signal is stopped if a fault is detected in the forward direction (e.g.
Page 243: Measures For Weak Or Zero Infeed
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) 2.9.6 Measures for Weak or Zero Infeed On lines where there is only a single-sided infeed or where the starpoint is only earthed behind one line end, the line end without zero sequence current cannot gen- erate a permissive signal, as fault detection does not take place there.
Page 244: Setting Notes
2 Functions The echo function is not required for the blocking scheme, and is therefore ineffective. Figure 2-108 Logic diagram of the echo function for the earth fault protection with teleprotection 2.9.7 Setting Notes General The teleprotection supplement for earth fault protection is only operational if it was set to one of the available modes during the configuration of the device (address 132).
Page 245
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) The following mode is possible with digital transmission using the protection data in- terface: Dir.Comp.Pickup = Directional comparison pickup, The send and receive signals must in this case be assigned to fast command channels of the protection data interface (DIGSI matrix). -
Page 246
2 Functions Figure 2-110 Possible unfavourable current distribution on a three terminal line during an ex- ternal earth fault The send signal prolongation Send Prolong.(address 3203) must ensure that the Time Settings send signal reliably reaches the opposite line end, even if there is very fast tripping at the sending line end and/or the signal transmission time is relatively long. -
Page 247
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) Echo Function In the case of line ends with weak infeed, or not sufficient earth current, the echo func- tion is sensible for the permissive scheme so that the infeeding line end can be re- leased. -
Page 248: Settings
2 Functions 2.9.8 Settings Addresses which have an appended «A» can only be changed with DIGSI, under Ad- ditional Settings. Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3201 FCT Telep. E/F Teleprotection for Earth Fault O/C 3202 Line Config. Two Terminals Two Terminals Line Configuration Three terminals…
Page 249
2.9 Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) Information Type of In- Comments formation 1384 EF Tele SEND E/F Telep. Carrier SEND signal 1386 EF TeleTransBlk E/F Telep. Transient Blocking 1387 EF TeleUB Fail1 E/F Telep. Unblocking: FAILURE Channel 1 1388 EF TeleUB Fail2 E/F Telep. -
Page 250: Weak-Infeed Tripping (Optional)
2 Functions 2.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (optional) In cases, where there is no or only weak infeed present at one line end, the distance protection does not pick up there during a short-circuit on the line. The settings and information table at „Weak Infeed“ applies for the following functions. If there is no or only a very small zero sequence current at one line end during an earth fault, the earth fault protection can also not function.
Page 251
2.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (optional) After a security margin time of 40 ms following the start of the receive signal, the weak- infeed tripping is released if the remaining conditions are satisfied: undervoltage, circuit breaker closed and no pickup of the distance protection or of the earth fault pro- tection. -
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2 Functions Figure 2-111 Logic diagram of the weak infeed tripping 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 253: Setting Notes
2.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (optional) Setting Notes General It is a prerequisite for the operation of the weak infeed function that it was enabled during the configuration of the device at address 125 Weak Infeed = Enabled. With the parameter FCT Weak Infeed (address 2501) it is determined whether the device shall trip during a weak infeed condition or not.
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2 Functions Non-delayed Trip- ping Figure 2-112 Logic diagram for non-delayed tripping 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 255
2.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (optional) Trip with Delay Figure 2-113 Logic diagram for delayed tripping 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 256: Setting Notes
2 Functions Setting Notes Echo Enable In applications with a transmission channel used by both the distance and the earth fault protection spurious trippings may occur, if distance protection and earth fault pro- tection create an echo independently from each other. In this case parameter Echo:1channel (address 2509) has to be set to YES.
Page 257: Weak Infeed Tripping (Optional)
2.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (optional) Moreover, the phase-selective block signals BLOCK Weak Inf affect the non-delayed logic. Faulty pickups are thus prevented, especially after the dedicated line end was shut down. In address 2530 WI non delayed the stage for instantaneous tripping is switched OFF or ON continuously.
Page 258: Information List
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2504A Echo BLOCK Time 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 0.05 sec Echo Block Time 2505 UNDERVOLTAGE 2 .. 70 V 25 V Undervoltage (ph-e) 2509 Echo:1channel Echo logic: Dis and EF on common channel 2510 Uphe<…
Page 259
2.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (optional) Information Type of In- Comments formation 4233 W/I Pickup L2 Weak Infeed PICKUP L2 4234 W/I Pickup L3 Weak Infeed PICKUP L3 4241 WeakInfeed TRIP Weak Infeed General TRIP command 4242 Weak TRIP 1p.L1 Weak Infeed TRIP command — Only L1 4243 Weak TRIP 1p.L2 Weak Infeed TRIP command — Only L2… -
Page 260: Direct Local Trip
2 Functions 2.11 Direct Local Trip Any signal from an external protection or monitoring device can be coupled into the signal processing of the 7SD5 by means of a binary input. This signal may be delayed, alarmed and routed to one or several output relays. 2.11.1 Functional Description External Trip of the Figure 2-115 shows the logic diagram.
Page 261: Setting Notes
2.11 Direct Local Trip 2.11.2 Setting Notes General A precondition for the direct local trip is that the configuration of the functions (Section 2.1.1) has been configured in address 122 DTT Direct Trip = Enabled. At address 2201 FCT Direct Trip it can also be switched ON or OFF. For direct local trip, a trip time delay can be set in address 2202 Trip Time DELAY.
Page 262: Direct Remote Trip And Transmission Of Binary Information
2 Functions 2.12 Direct Remote Trip and Transmission of Binary Information 2.12.1 Functional Description 7SD5 allows the transmission of up to 28 items of binary information of any type from one device to the others via the communications links provided for protection tasks. Four of them are transmitted like protection signals with high priority, i.e.
Page 263: Information List
2.12 Direct Remote Trip and Transmission of Binary Information 2.12.2 Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 3541 >Remote Trip1 >Remote Trip 1 signal input 3542 >Remote Trip2 >Remote Trip 2 signal input 3543 >Remote Trip3 >Remote Trip 3 signal input 3544 >Remote Trip4 >Remote Trip 4 signal input…
Page 264
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 3585 Rem.Sig13recv Remote signal 13 received 3586 Rem.Sig14recv Remote signal 14 received 3587 Rem.Sig15recv Remote signal 15 received 3588 Rem.Sig16recv Remote signal 16 received 3589 Rem.Sig17recv Remote signal 17 received 3590 Rem.Sig18recv Remote signal 18 received 3591 Rem.Sig19recv… -
Page 265: Instantaneous High-Current Switch-Onto-Fault Protection (Sotf)
2.13 Instantaneous High-Current Switch-onto-Fault Protection (SOTF) 2.13 Instantaneous High-Current Switch-onto-Fault Protection (SOTF) 2.13.1 Functional Description General The instantaneous high-current switch-onto-fault protection function is provided to dis- connect immediately, and without delay, feeders that are switched onto a high-current fault. It serves, e.g. as a rapid protection for connecting a feeder with closed grounding disconnector.
Page 266: Setting Notes
2 Functions Figure 2-116 Logic diagram of the high current switch on to fault protection 2.13.2 Setting Notes General A precondition for the use of the switch-onto-fault overcurrent protection function is that the configuration of the device functions (Section 2.1.1) has been configured in address 124 HS/SOTF-O/C = Enabled.
Page 267: Settings
2.13 Instantaneous High-Current Switch-onto-Fault Protection (SOTF) long lines with small source impedance. In other cases it is set to ∞ (default setting). ® This parameter can only be altered with DIGSI under Additional Settings. ® When using a PC and DIGSI to apply the settings, these can be optionally entered as primary or secondary values.
Page 268: Information List
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2401 FCT HS/SOTF-O/C Inst. High Speed/SOTF- O/C is 0.10 .. 15.00 A; ∞ 2404 I>>> 1.50 A I>>> Pickup 0.50 .. 75.00 A; ∞ 7.50 A 1.00 .. 25.00 A; ∞ ∞…
Page 269: Backup Time Overcurrent Protection
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection 2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection The 7SD5 device has an integrated time overcurrent protection function. This function may optionally be used either as back-up time delayed overcurrent protection or as emergency overcurrent protection. Please note that this protection function is avail- able in addition to main protection functions, such as differential and distance protec- tion, to provide even more security.
Page 270
2 Functions = Not connected, see Section 2.1.2), the device will calculate the residual current from the phase currents. Of course, all three phase currents deriving from three star- connected current transformers must be available and connected in this case. Each phase current is compared with the setting value Iph>>… -
Page 271
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection Figure 2-117 Logic diagram of the I>> stage In addition, the earth current stage can be blocked separately via the binary input „>BLOCK O/C Ie>>“, e.g. during a single-pole dead time before reclosure in order to avoid a spurious tripping with the zero phase-sequence system which is present then. -
Page 272
2 Functions The following figure shows the logic diagram. The setting parameter addresses of the IEC characteristics are shown by way of an example. In the setting information (Sec- tion 2.14.3) the different setting addresses are elaborated upon. Figure 2-118 Logic diagram of the I -stage (inverse time overcurrent protection), for example IEC characteristic Additional Stage… -
Page 273
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection The I>>> stage can, however, also be used as a standard additional and independent overcurrent stage, since it works independent of the other stages. In this case, the enable input „>I-STUB ENABLE“ must be activated permanently (via a binary input or CFC). -
Page 274
2 Functions Switching onto a To perform an instantaneous trip when the circuit breaker is manually closed onto a Fault dead fault, the manual closing command of the control discrepancy switch can be fed to the device via a binary input. The overcurrent protection can then trip three-pole without delay or with a reduced delay. -
Page 275: Setting Notes
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection 2.14.3 Setting Notes During configuration of the scope of functions for the device (address 126) the avail- General able characteristics were determined. Depending on the configuration and the order variant, only those parameters that apply to the selected characteristics are accessible in the procedures described below.
Page 276
2 Functions ® When using a personal computer and DIGSI to apply the settings, these can be op- tionally entered as primary or secondary values. If secondary quantities are used, all currents must be converted to the secondary side of the current transformers. Calculation Example: 110 kV overhead line 150 mm s (length) -
Page 277
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection protection function — differential protection and/or distance protection — guarantees a fast and selective tripping with or without auto-reclosure, the overcurrent protection as a back-up protection may not perform a non-selective trip, even before auto-reclosure. If the I>>… -
Page 278
2 Functions time-overcurrent protection. With I> Telep/BI = YES you define that the I> stages trip without delay after pickup if the binary input was activated. For I> Telep/BI = NO the set delays are always active. Instantaneous tripping by the operational auto-reclosure function should only be chosen if the overcurrent protection is set to emergency function. -
Page 279
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection (No. 7110). The binary input (if allocated) is applied to all stages of the time-overcur- rent protection. With I(3I0)p Tele/BI = YES you define that the IP stages trip without delay after pickup if the binary input was activated. For I(3I0)p Tele/BI = NO the set delays are always active. -
Page 280
2 Functions Add (address 2656 for earth currents) are in addition to the time delays resulting from the set curves. The parameter I(3I0)p Tele/BI (address 2670) defines whether the time delays Time Dial TD Ip (address 2643), including the additional delay T Ip Add (ad- dress 2646), and TimeDial TD3I0p (address 2653), including the additional delay T 3I0p Add (address 2656), can be bypassed by the binary input „>O/C InstTRIP“… -
Page 281: Settings
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection Instantaneous tripping when the line is switched onto a fault is also possible with the I-STUB stage. Set parameter I-STUB SOTF (address 2635) to YES, if instantaneous tripping is desired. 2.14.4 Settings The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Page 282: Information List
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.10 .. 4.00 A; ∞ ∞ A 2640 Ip> Ip> Pickup 0.50 .. 20.00 A; ∞ ∞ A 0.05 .. 3.00 sec; ∞ 2642 T Ip Time Dial 0.50 sec T Ip Time Dial 0.50 ..
Page 283
2.14 Backup Time Overcurrent Protection Information Type of In- Comments formation 7161 O/C PICKUP Backup O/C PICKED UP 7162 O/C Pickup L1 Backup O/C PICKUP L1 7163 O/C Pickup L2 Backup O/C PICKUP L2 7164 O/C Pickup L3 Backup O/C PICKUP L3 7165 O/C Pickup E Backup O/C PICKUP EARTH… -
Page 284: Automatic Reclosure Function (Optional)
2 Functions 2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Experience shows that about 85% of the arc faults on overhead lines are extinguished automatically after being tripped by the protection. This means that the line can be re- closed. Reclosure is performed by an automatic reclosure function (AR). Automatic reclosure is only permitted on overhead lines because the option of auto- matic extinguishing of a fault arc only exists there.
Page 285: Functional Description
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) 2.15.1 Functional Description Reclosure is performed by an automatic reclosure function (AR). An example of the normal time sequence of a double reclosure is shown in the following Figure. Figure 2-120 Timing diagram of a double-shot reclosure with action time (2nd reclosure successful) The integrated automatic reclosure circuit allows up to 8 reclosure attempts.
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2 Functions Figure 2-121 Activation and deactivation of the auto-reclosure function Selectivity before In order for the automatic reclosure to be successful, all faults on the entire overhead Reclosure line must be cleared at all line ends simultaneously — as fast as possible. This is the usual case in differential protection schemes because the strict selective zone definition of the protected object by the current transformer sets always allows non-delayed tripping. -
Page 287
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) If, however, the signal transmission is switched off or the transmission path is dis- turbed, the internal automatic reclosure circuit can determine whether the overreach- ing zone (Z1B in the distance protection) is released for fast tripping. If no reclosure is expected (e.g. -
Page 288
2 Functions The automatic reclosure function of the 7SD5 can be operated with or without action times (configuration parameter AR control mode, address 134, see Section No starting signal is necessary from the protection functions or external pro- tection devices that operate without action time. Starting takes place as soon as the first trip command appears. -
Page 289
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) pole tripping on the other hand are possible (for every reclose cycle). The protective function that issues the trip command determines the type of trip: single-pole or three- pole. Depending on the latter the dead time is selected. In control mode PICKUP …(With PICKUP…) different dead times can be set for every reclosure cycle after single-phase, two-phase and three-phase faults. -
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2 Functions In the event of a single cycle reclosure this interrogation is usually sufficient. Since, for example, the air pressure or the spring tension for the circuit breaker mechanism drops after the trip, no further interrogation should take place. Especially when multiple reclosing attempts are programmed, it is recommended to monitor the circuit breaker condition not only prior to the first, but also before each fol- lowing reclosing attempt. -
Page 291
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Sequence of a If the automatic reclosure function is ready, the fault protection trips three-pole for all Three-Pole Reclose faults inside the stage selected for reclosure. The auto reclose function is then started. Cycle When the trip command resets or the circuit breaker opens (auxiliary contact criterion) an (adjustable) dead time starts. -
Page 292
2 Functions Sequence of a This operating mode is only possible with the appropriate device version and if this was selected during configuration of the protection functions (address 110, see also Single-Pole and Three-Pole Reclose Section Of course, the circuit breaker must also be suitable for single-pole Cycle tripping. -
Page 293
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) If none of the cycles is successful, the short-circuit protection initiates a final three-pole trip after the last permissible reclosure, following a protection stage active without auto-reclosure. The automatic reclosure is blocked dynamically (see also margin heading „Reclose Block“, above). -
Page 294
2 Functions tion 2.11) or the reception of a remote trip (Section 2.12) since theses signals are passed through the tripping logic of the entire device. But when the device issues a single-pole trip command while an external single-pole trip signal reaches the device via one of the binary inputs, e.g. „>Trip L1 AR“, then this is not routed to the tripping logic, but only to the auto-reclosure function. -
Page 295
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Figure 2-123 Example of adaptive dead time (ADT) As is shown by the example, the adaptive dead time has the following advantages: • The circuit breaker at position II is not reclosed at all if the fault persists and is not unnecessarily stressed as a result. -
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2 Functions Binary inputs: 383„>Enable ARzones“ With this binary input, the external reclosure device controls stages of the individual short-circuit protection functions which are active before reclosure (e.g. over- reaching zone in the distance protection). This input is not required if no overreaching stage is used (e.g. dif- ferential protection or comparison mode with distance protection, see also above margin heading „Selectivity before Reclosure“). -
Page 297
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Figure 2-124 Connection example with external auto-reclosure device for 1-/3-pole AR with mode selector switch Figure 2-125 Connection example with external reclosure device for 3-pole AR Controlling the In- If the 7SD5 is equipped with the internal automatic reclosure function, it may also be ternal Automatic controlled by an external protection device. -
Page 298
2 Functions The automatic reclosure function is started via the Binary inputs: 2711 „>AR Start“ General fault detection for the automatic reclosure circuit (only required for action time), 2712 „>Trip L1 AR“ Trip command L1 for the automatic reclosure circuit, 2713 „>Trip L2 AR“… -
Page 299
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Figure 2-126 Connection example with external protection device for 1-/3-pole reclosure; AR control mode = with TRIP Figure 2-127 Connection example with external protection device for 3-pole reclosure; AR control mode = with TRIP But if the internal automatic reclose function is controlled by the pickup (only possible for three-pole tripping: 110 Trip mode = 3pole only), the phase-dedicated pickup signals of the external protection must be connected if distinction shall be made between different types of fault. -
Page 300
2 Functions Figure 2-128 Connection example with external protection device for fault detection depen- dent dead time — dead time control by pickup signals of the protection device; AR control mode = with PICKUP 2 Protection Relays If redundant protection is provided for a line and each protection operates with its own with 2 Automatic automatic reclosure function, a certain signal exchange between the two combinations Reclosure Circuits… -
Page 301: Setting Notes
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Figure 2-129 Connection example for 2 protection devices with 2 automatic reclosure func- tions 2.15.2 Setting Notes General If no reclosure is required on the feeder to which the 7SD5 universal line protection is applied (e.g. for cables, transformers, motors or similar), the automatic reclosure func- tion must be inhibited during configuration of the device (see Section, address 133).
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2 Functions wards. It is possible to set different individual parameters for the first four reclose cycles. From the fifth cycle onwards the parameters of the fourth cycle apply. The automatic reclosing function can be turned ON or OFF under address 3401 AUTO RECLOSE. -
Page 303
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) The detection of an evolving fault can be defined under address 3406 EV. FLT. RECOG.. EV. FLT. RECOG. with PICKUP means that, during a dead time, every pickup of a protective function will be interpreted as an evolving fault. With EV. FLT. RECOG. -
Page 304
2 Functions Forced Three-pole If reclosure is blocked during the dead time of a single-pole cycle without a three-pole Trip trip command having been initiated, the breaker remains open at one pole. With address 3430 AR TRIP 3pole it is possible to determine that the tripping logic of the device issues a three-pole trip command in this case (pole discrepancy prevention for the CB poles). -
Page 305
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) The dead times are determined by the reclosure command of the device at the line end with the defined dead times. In cases where this reclosure command does not appear, e.g. because the reclosure was in the meantime blocked at this end, the readi- ness of the local device must return to the quiescent state at some time. -
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2 Functions The action time 1.AR: T-ACTION (address 3451) is the timeframe after initiation (fault detection) by any protective function which can start the automatic reclosure function within which the trip command must appear. If no trip command is issed until the action time has expired, there is no reclosure. -
Page 307
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Under address 3459 1.AR: CB? CLOSE it can be determined whether the readiness of the circuit breaker («circuit breaker ready») is interrogated before this first reclosure. With the setting YES, the dead time may be extended if the circuit breaker is not ready for a CLOSE–TRIP–cycle when the dead time expires. -
Page 308
2 Functions 3483 4.AR: START Start in 4th cycle generally allowed 3484 4.AR: T-ACTION Action time for the 4th cycle 3486 4.AR Tdead 1Flt Dead time after single-phase pickup 3487 4.AR Tdead 2Flt Dead time after two-phase pickup 3488 4.AR Tdead 3Flt Dead time after three-phase pickup 3489 4.AR Tdead1Trip Dead time after single-pole tripping… -
Page 309: Settings
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) „AR in progress“ (No. 2801) This information appears following starting of the auto reclose function, i.e. with the first trip command that can start the auto reclose function. If this reclosure was suc- cessful (or any in the case of multiple cycles), this information resets with the expiry of the last reclaim time.
Page 310
2 Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3422 AR w/ DIST. AR with distance protection ? 3423 AR WITH I.TRIP AR with intertrip ? 3424 AR w/ DTT AR with direct transfer trip ? 3425 AR w/ BackUpO/C AR with back-up overcurrent ? 3426 AR w/ W/I… -
Page 311
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3461 2.AR: START AR start allowed in this cycle 0.01 .. 300.00 sec; ∞ 3462 2.AR: T-ACTION 0.20 sec Action time 0.01 .. 1800.00 sec; ∞ 3464 2.AR Tdead 1Flt 1.20 sec Dead time after 1phase faults 0.01 .. -
Page 312: Information List
2 Functions 2.15.4 Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation AR ON/OFF IntSP Auto Reclose ON/OFF (via system port) 2701 >AR on >AR: Switch on auto-reclose function 2702 >AR off >AR: Switch off auto-reclose function 2703 >AR block >AR: Block auto-reclose function 2711 >AR Start >External start of internal Auto reclose…
Page 313
2.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Information Type of In- Comments formation 2842 AR Tdead 2pFlt AR dead time after 2phase fault running 2843 AR Tdead 3pFlt AR dead time after 3phase fault running 2844 AR 1stCyc. run. AR 1st cycle running 2845 AR 2ndCyc. -
Page 314: Synchronism And Voltage Check (Optional)
2 Functions 2.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) The synchronism and voltage check function ensures, when switching a line onto a busbar, that the stability of the network is not endangered. The voltage of the feeder to be energized is compared to that of the busbar to check conformances in terms of magnitude, phase angle and frequency within certain tolerances.
Page 315
2.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) Figure 2-131 Synchronism check across a transformer The synchronism check function in the 7SD5 usually operates in conjunction with the integrated automatic reclose, manual close, and the control functions of the relay. It is also possible to employ an external automatic reclosing system. -
Page 316
2 Functions • Measuring request from the manual CLOSE detection. The manual CLOSE detec- tion of the central function control (Section 2.23.1) issues a measuring request pro- vided this was configured in the power system data 2 (Section, address 1151). -
Page 317
2.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) an automatic reclose attempt dead line conditions are only checked at one line end and after the automatic reclose attempt only synchronism at the other end. Dead-line or dead- To release the closing command to couple a dead overhead line to a live busbar, the bus Closing following conditions are checked: lie below the set value Dead Volt. -
Page 318: Setting Notes
2 Functions 2.16.2 Setting Notes Preconditions When setting the general power system data (Power system data 1, refer to Section a number of parameters regarding the measured quantities and the operating mode of the synchronism check function must be applied. This concerns the following parameters: 203 Unom PRIMARY Nominal primary voltage of the feeder voltage trans-…
Page 319
2.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) Different interrogation conditions can be parameterized for automatic reclosure on the one hand and for manual closure on the other hand. Each closing command is con- sidered a manual reclosure if it was initiated via the integrated control function or via a serial interface. -
Page 320
2 Functions The permissible magnitude difference of the voltages is set at address 3511 Max. Volt. Diff. The setting is applied in Volts secondary. This value can be entered as ® a primary value when parameterizing with a PC and DIGSI . -
Page 321
2.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) conditions“)! If you wish to permit manual closure or closing via control command only under synchronous system conditions, set this address to w/o T-CB close. The permissible difference between the voltages is set in address 3531 MC maxVolt.Diff. -
Page 322: Settings
2 Functions Notes on the Infor- The most important information of the device is briefly explained in so far as it cannot mation List be interpreted in the following information lists or described in detail in the foregoing text. „>Sync. Start MC“ (No. 2905) Binary input which enables direct initiation of the synchronism check with setting pa- rameters for manual close.
Page 323: Information List
2.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3515A SYNC-CHECK Live bus / live line and Sync before AR 3516 Usync> U-line< Live bus / dead line check before 3517 Usync< U-line> Dead bus / live line check before 3518 Usync<…
Page 324
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 2936 Sync. req.CNTRL Synchro-check request by control 2941 Sync. running Synchronization is running 2942 Sync.Override Synchro-check override/bypass 2943 Synchronism Synchronism detected 2944 Usyn< U-line> Sync. dead bus / live line detected 2945 Usyn>… -
Page 325: Undervoltage And Overvoltage Protection (Optional)
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) 2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Voltage protection has the function of protecting electrical equipment against under- voltage and overvoltage. Both operational states are unfavourable as overvoltage may cause, for example, insulation problems or undervoltage may cause stability prob- lems.
Page 326
2 Functions Figure 2-132 Logic diagram of the overvoltage protection for phase voltage Phase-phase Over- The phase–phase overvoltage protection operates just like the phase–earth protection voltage except that it detects phase–to–phase voltages. Accordingly, phase–to–phase voltag- es which have exceeded one of the stage thresholds Uph-ph> or Uph-ph>>are also indicated. -
Page 327
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Figure 2-133 Logic diagram of the overvoltage protection for the positive sequence voltage system Overvoltage Pro- The overvoltage protection for the positive sequence system may optionally operate tection U with Con- with compounding. The compounding calculates the positive sequence system of the figurable Com- voltages at the remote line end. -
Page 328
2 Functions the measured current at the local line end, Meas the line capacitance, the ohmic line resistance, the line inductance. Figure 2-134 PI equivalent diagram for compounding Overvoltage Nega- The device calculates the negative sequence system voltages according to its defining tive Sequence equation: System U… -
Page 329
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Even during single-pole dead time (with internal automatic reclosure function) the stages of the negative sequence overvoltage protection are automatically blocked since arising negative sequence values are only influenced by the asymmetrical power flow, not by the fault in the system. If the device cooperates with an external automatic reclosure function, or if a single-pole tripping can be triggered by a different protection system (working in parallel), the overvoltage protection for the negative se- quence system must be blocked via a binary input during single-pole tripping. -
Page 330: Undervoltage Protection
2 Functions Figure 2-136 Logic diagram of the overvoltage protection for zero sequence voltage Freely Selectable As the zero sequence voltage stages operate separately and independent from the Single–phase other protective overvoltage functions they can be used for any other single–phase Voltage voltage.
Page 331
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) behaviour of the undervoltage protection when the line is deenergized. While the voltage usually remains present or reappears at the busbar side after a trip command and opening of the circuit breaker, it is switched on at the outgoing side. For the und- ervoltage protection this results in a pickup state being present if the voltage trans- formers are on the outgoing side. -
Page 332
2 Functions Figure 2-137 Logic diagram of the undervoltage protection for phase voltages Phase-phase Und- Basically, the phase-phase undervoltage protection operates like the phase-earth pro- ervoltage tection except that it detects phase-to-phase voltages. Accordingly, both phases are indicated during pickup of an undervoltage stage if one of the stage thresholds Uph- ph<… -
Page 333
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) connected phase provided that the voltage transformers are located on the outgoing side. Undervoltage Posi- The device calculates the positive sequence system according to its defining equation tive Sequence ·(U + a·U ·U System U j120°… -
Page 334: Setting Notes
2 Functions 2.17.3 Setting Notes The voltage protection can only operate if it has been set to Enabled during the con- General figuration of the device scope (address 137). Compounding is only available if address 137 is set to Enabl. w. comp.. The overvoltage and undervoltage stages can detect phase-to-earth voltages, phase- to-phase voltages or the symmetrical positive sequence system of the voltages;…
Page 335
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) For symmetrical voltages an increase of the positive sequence system corresponds to an AND gate of the voltages. These stages are particularly suited to the detection of steady-state overvoltages on long, weak-loaded transmission lines (Ferranti effect). Here too, the U1>… -
Page 336
2 Functions This protective function also has two stages. The settings of the voltage threshold and the timer values depend on the type of application. Here no general guidelines can be established. The stage 3U0> (address 3722) is usually set with a high sensitivity and a longer delay time T 3U0>… -
Page 337
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) The dropout to pickup ratio can be set in address . This parameter can only be altered ® with DIGSI under Additional Settings. The settings of the voltages and times depend on the intended use; therefore no general recommendations for the settings can be given. -
Page 338: Settings
2 Functions If the voltage transformers are located on the line side, the measuring voltages will be missing when the line is disconnected. To avoid that the undervoltage levels in these cases are or remain picked up, the current criterion CURR.SUP.U1< (address 3778) is switched ON.
Page 339
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2.0 .. 220.0 V; ∞ 3734 U1>> 175.0 V U1>> Pickup 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; ∞ 3735 T U1>> 1.00 sec T U1>> Time Delay 3736 U1> Compound U1>… -
Page 340: Information List
2 Functions 2.17.5 Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 10201 >Uph-e>(>) BLK >BLOCK Uph-e>(>) Overvolt. (phase-earth) 10202 >Uph-ph>(>) BLK >BLOCK Uph-ph>(>) Overvolt (phase-phase) 10203 >3U0>(>) BLK >BLOCK 3U0>(>) Overvolt. (zero sequence) 10204 >U1>(>) BLK >BLOCK U1>(>) Overvolt. (positive seq.) 10205 >U2>(>) BLK >BLOCK U2>(>) Overvolt.
Page 341
2.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Information Type of In- Comments formation 10273 3U0>> TimeOut 3U0>> TimeOut 10274 3U0>(>) TRIP 3U0>(>) TRIP command 10280 U1> Pickup U1> Pickup 10281 U1>> Pickup U1>> Pickup 10282 U1> TimeOut U1> TimeOut 10283 U1>> TimeOut U1>>… -
Page 342: Frequency Protection (Optional)
2 Functions 2.18 Frequency Protection (optional) The frequency protection function detects abnormally high and low frequencies in the system or in electrical machines. If the frequency lies outside the allowable range, ap- propriate actions are initiated, such as load shedding or separating a generator from the system.
Page 343
2.18 Frequency Protection (optional) Operating Ranges Frequency evaluation requires a measured quantity that can be processed. This implies that at least a sufficiently high voltage is available and that the frequency of this voltage is within the working range of the frequency protection. The frequency protection selects automatically the largest of the phase-earth voltag- es. -
Page 344: Setting Notes
2 Functions Figure 2-139 Logic diagram of the frequency protection 2.18.2 Setting Notes Frequency protection is only in effect and accessible if address 136 FREQUENCY General Prot. is set to Enabled during configuration of protective functions. If the function is not required, Disabled is to be set.
Page 345
2.18 Frequency Protection (optional) The following 3 options are available: • Stage OFF: The stage is ineffective; • Stage ON: with Trip: The stage is effective and issues an alarm and a trip command (after time has expired) following irregular frequency deviations; •… -
Page 346: Settings
2 Functions Further application examples exist in the field of power stations. The frequency values to be set mainly depend, also in these cases, on the specifications of the power sys- tem/power station operator. In this context, the underfrequency protection also ensures the power station’s own demand by disconnecting it from the power system on time.
Page 347: Information List
2.18 Frequency Protection (optional) 2.18.4 Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 5203 >BLOCK Freq. >BLOCK frequency protection 5206 >BLOCK f1 >BLOCK frequency protection stage f1 5207 >BLOCK f2 >BLOCK frequency protection stage f2 5208 >BLOCK f3 >BLOCK frequency protection stage f3 5209 >BLOCK f4 >BLOCK frequency protection stage f4…
Page 348: Fault Locator
2 Functions 2.19 Fault Locator The measurement of the distance to a fault is an important supplement to the protec- tion functions. Availability of the line for power transmission within the system can be increased when the fault is located and cleared faster. 2.19.1 Functional Description General The fault locator is an autonomous and independent function which uses the line and…
Page 349
2.19 Fault Locator Fault Locating The measuring principle of the fault locator is rather similar to that of the distance pro- Using the Single- tection function. Here, too, the device calculates the impedances. Ended Fault The measured value pairs of fault currents and fault voltages (in intervals of 1/20 Locator period) are stored in a cyclic buffer and frozen shortly after the trip command is issued before any distortion of the measured values occurs due to the opening of the circuit… -
Page 350
2 Functions The double-ended fault locating method used here has the following advantages over the single-ended method: • Correct fault locating is possible even with power flowing in the line, with double- sided infeed and high fault resistances. • The precision of fault locating is not affected by an inaccurate setting of the earth impedance compensation. -
Page 351
2.19 Fault Locator The output range extends from 0% to 195%. Output „197“ means that a negative fault was detected. Output „199“ describes an overflow, i. e. the calculated value is higher than the maximum possible value of 195 %. Note Where the line is not divided into sections, the distance output in kilometers, miles or percent is only accurate for homogeneous lines. -
Page 352: Setting Notes
2 Functions device and the current input I must be configured accordingly during the setting of the General Power System Data (Power System Data 1) (Section under „Current Transformer Connection“). The parallel line compensation only applies to faults on the protected feeder. For ex- ternal faults, including those on the parallel line, compensation is impossible.
Page 353
2.19 Fault Locator that the line parameters addresses 1116, 1117, 1120 and 1121 are also relevant (refer also to Section 2.1.4). If the fault location calculation is to be started by the trip command of the protection, set address 3802 START = TRIP. In this case a fault location is only output if the device has also issued a trip. -
Page 354
2 Functions Note For double-ended fault locating, the devices at the ends must be configured with the same data, i.e. if there is more than one line section, the values configured for device B must mirror the data of device A. This means for two line types that line section 1 and 2 configured for device A must be line section 2 and 1 of device B. -
Page 355
2.19 Fault Locator Addr. Setting Title Setting Options Default Settings Description 0.000-500.000 µF/km; 0 0.050 µF/km 6023 S2: c’ A2: Capacitance per unit length C’ in µF/km 0.000-100.000 µF/km; 0 0.010 µF/km 0.000-800.000 µF/mi; 0 0.080 µF/mi A2: Capacitance per unit length C’ in µF/mile 0.000-160.000 µF/mile;… -
Page 356: Settings
2 Functions If double-ended fault locating is not desired, set address 3807 two ended = OFF. The default setting is ON. If the fault location is required to be output as BCD-code, set the maximum time period the data should be available at the outputs using address 3811 Tmax OUTPUT BCD. If a new fault occurs, the data are terminated immediately even when it occurs before this time has expired.
Page 357
2.19 Fault Locator Information Type of In- Comments formation 1136 Xpri single. = X (primary, single ended) 1137 Rsec single. = R (secondary single ended) 1138 Xsec single. = X (secondary single ended) 1143 BCD d[1%] BCD Fault location [1%] 1144 BCD d[2%] BCD Fault location [2%]… -
Page 358: Circuit Breaker Failure Protection
2 Functions 2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection The circuit breaker failure protection provides rapid back-up fault clearance, in the event that the circuit breaker fails to respond to a trip command from a protective func- tion of the local circuit breaker. 2.20.1 Functional Description General Whenever e.g.
Page 359
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Figure 2-144 Simplified function diagram of circuit breaker failure protection controlled by circuit breaker auxiliary contact Current Flow Each of the phase currents and an additional plausibility current (see below) are fil- Monitoring tered by numerical filter algorithms so that only the fundamental component is used for further evaluation. -
Page 360
2 Functions Figure 2-145 Current flow monitoring with plausibility currents 3·I and 3·I Processing of the The position of the circuit breaker is derived from the central function control of the Circuit Breaker device (refer also to Section 2.23.1). Evaluation of the breaker auxiliary contacts is Auxiliary Contacts carried out in the breaker failure protection function only when the current flow moni- toring has not picked up. -
Page 361
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection purpose, the binary input „>BF Start w/o I“ No. 1439 is provided (Figure 2-148 left). This input initiates the breaker failure protection even if no current flow is detect- Common Phase Common phase initiation is used, for example, for lines without automatic reclosure, Initiation for lines with only three-pole automatic reclosure, for transformer feeders, or if the bus- bar protection trips. -
Page 362
2 Functions is used to initiate the breaker failure protection. In this case the start signal is main- tained until the circuit breaker is reported to be open by the auxiliary contact criterion. Initiation can be blocked via the binary input „>BLOCK BkrFail“ (e.g. during test of the feeder protection relay). -
Page 363
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Figure 2-149 Breaker failure protection with phase segregated initiation — example for initia- tion by an external protection device with release by a fault detection signal Figure 2-150 Breaker failure protection with phase segregated initiation — example for initia- tion by an external protection device with release by a separate set of trip con- tacts Initiation of a single-phase, e.g. -
Page 364
2 Functions Figure 2-151 Initiation conditions with phase segregated initiation Delay Times When the initiate conditions are fulfilled, the associated timers are started. The circuit breaker pole(s) must open before the associated time has elapsed. Different delay timers are provided for operation after common phase initiation and phase segregated initiation. -
Page 365
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection feeder under consideration is connected. The possible initiation conditions for the breaker failure protection are those discussed above. Depending on the application of the feeder protection, common phase or phase segregated initiation conditions may occur. Tripping by the breaker failure protection is always three-pole. The simplest solution is to start the delay timer T2 (Figure 2-152). -
Page 366
2 Functions Figure 2-154 Two-stage breaker failure protection with phase segregated initiation Circuit Breaker not There may be cases when it is already obvious that the circuit breaker associated with Operational a feeder protection relay cannot clear a fault, e.g. when the tripping voltage or the trip- ping energy is not available. -
Page 367
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection (No. 3504) (Refer also to Section 2.4). An easier procedure is to combine the command output with the intertrip input via the user definable logic functions (CFC). Stub Fault An end fault is defined here as a short–circuit which has occurred at the end of a line Protection or protected object, between the circuit breaker and the current transformer set. -
Page 368: Setting Notes
2 Functions ancy is permitted only for a short time interval during a single-pole automatic reclose cycle. The scheme functionality is shown in Figure 2-158. The signals which are processed here are the same as those used for the breaker failure protection. The pole discrep- ancy condition is established when at least one pole is closed („…
Page 369
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection choice is made in address 3903 1p-RETRIP (T1). Set this parameter to YES if you wish single-pole trip for the first stage, otherwise to NO. If the breaker does not respond to this trip repetition, the adjacent circuit breakers are tripped after T2, i.e. -
Page 370
2 Functions 3905). Be sure that the correct trip commands are assigned to the desired trip re- lay(s). The delay times are determined from the maximum operating time of the feeder circuit breaker, the reset time of the current detectors of the breaker failure protection, plus a safety margin which allows for any tolerance of the delay timers. -
Page 371: Settings
2.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection The pole discrepancy supervision can be switched ON or OFF independently at Pole Discrepancy address 3931 PoleDiscrepancy. It is only useful if the breaker poles can be oper- Supervision ated individually. It avoids that only one or two poles of the local breaker are open during steady state.
Page 372: Information List
2 Functions 2.20.4 Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation 1401 >BF on >BF: Switch on breaker fail protection 1402 >BF off >BF: Switch off breaker fail protection 1403 >BLOCK BkrFail >BLOCK Breaker failure 1415 >BF Start 3pole >BF: External start 3pole 1432 >BF release >BF: External release…
Page 373: Thermal Overload Protection
2.21 Thermal Overload Protection 2.21 Thermal Overload Protection The thermal overload protection prevents damage to the protected object caused by thermal overloading, particularly in case of transformers, rotating machines, power re- actors and cables. It is in general not necessary for overhead lines, since no meaning- ful overtemperature can be calculated because of the great variations in the environ- mental conditions (temperature, wind).
Page 374: Setting Notes
2 Functions culated excessive temperature has not yet attained the warning or tripping tempera- ture levels. The overload protection can be blocked via a binary input. In doing so, the thermal images are also reset to zero. Figure 2-161 Logic diagram of the thermal overload protection 2.21.2 Setting Notes General A prerequisite for the application of the thermal overload function is that during the…
Page 375
2.21 Thermal Overload Protection sulation material, the design and the way they are laid, and can be derived from the relevant tables. Please note that the overload capability of electrical equipment relates to its primary current. This has to be considered if the primary current differs from the nominal current of the current transformers. -
Page 376: Settings
2 Functions By setting a thermal alarm stage Θ ALARM (address 4204) an alarm can be provided Warning Tempera- ture Levels before the tripping temperature is reached, so that a trip can be avoided by preventive load reduction or by switching over. The percentage is referred to the tripping temper- ature rise.
Page 377
2.21 Thermal Overload Protection Information Type of In- Comments formation 1513 Th.O/L ACTIVE Thermal Overload Protection ACTIVE 1515 Th.O/L I Alarm Th. Overload: Current Alarm (I alarm) Th.O/L Θ Alarm 1516 Th. Overload Alarm: Near Thermal Trip 1517 Th.O/L Pickup Th. -
Page 378: Monitoring Functions
2 Functions 2.22 Monitoring Functions The device incorporates extensive monitoring functions of both the device hardware and software; the measured values are also continually checked to ensure their plau- sibility; the current and voltage transformer secondary circuits are thereby substantial- ly covered by the monitoring function.
Page 379
2.22 Monitoring Functions Sampling The sampling frequency and the synchronism between the ADCs (analog-to-digital Frequency converters) is continuously monitored. If deviations cannot be corrected by another synchronization, the device sets itself out of operation and the red LED „Blocked“ lights up. The Device OK relay drops off and signals the malfunction by its „life con- tact“. -
Page 380: Software Monitoring
2 Functions Measured Value Ac- Four measuring inputs are available in the voltage path: three for phase–earth voltag- quisition Voltages es as well as one input for the displacement voltage (e-n voltage of an open delta con- nection) or a busbar voltage. If the displacement voltage is connected to the device, the sum of the three digitized phase voltages must equal three times the zero se- quence voltage.
Page 381: Measuring Circuit Monitoring
2.22 Monitoring Functions Measuring Circuit Monitoring Interruptions or short-circuits in the secondary circuits of the current and voltage trans- formers, as well as faults in the connections (important for commissioning!), are de- tected and reported by the device. The measured quantities are periodically checked in the background for this purpose, as long as no system fault is present.
Page 382
2 Functions Figure 2-165 Voltage symmetry monitoring Broken-wire During steady-state operation the broken wire monitoring registers interruptions in the Monitoring secondary circuit of the current transformers. In addition to the hazardous potential caused by high voltages in the secondary circuit, this kind of interruptions simulates differential currents to the differential protection, such as those evoked by faults in the protected object. -
Page 383
2.22 Monitoring Functions In case of negative phase rotation, the indication „Fail Ph. Seq.“ (No. 171) is issued. Unsymmetrischer In the event of measured voltage failure due to a short-circuit or a broken conductor in Messspannungsau- the voltage transformer secondary circuit, certain measuring loops may mistakenly sfall „Fuse-Failure- see a voltage of zero, which due to the load current may result in an unwanted pickup Monitor“… -
Page 384
2 Functions Figure 2-166 Logic diagram of the fuse failure monitor with zero and negative sequence system Three-Phase Mea- A three-phase failure of the secondary measured voltage can be distinguished from suring Voltage an actual system fault by the fact that the currents have no significant change in the Failure «Fuse event of a failure in the secondary measured voltage. -
Page 385
2.22 Monitoring Functions If such a voltage failure is recognized, the distance protection and all other functions that operate on the basis of undervoltage (e.g. also weak infeed tripping) are blocked until the voltage failure is removed; thereafter the blocking is automatically removed. Differential protection and O/C emergency operation are possible during the voltage failure, provided that the differential protection and/or the time overcurrent protection are parameterized accordingly (refer also to Sections 2.3 and 2.14). -
Page 386: Malfunction Responses
2 Functions Malfunction Responses Depending on the type of malfunction detected, an indication is sent, a restart of the processor system initiated, or the device is taken out of service. After three unsuccess- ful restart attempts, the device is also taken out of service. The operational readiness NC contact („life contact“) operates to indicate the device is malfunctioning.
Page 387
2.22 Monitoring Functions Table 2-16 Summary of malfunction responses of the device Monitoring Possible causes Malfunction Re- Indication (No.) Device sponse AC/DC supply voltage External (aux. voltage) inter- Device out of operation All LEDs dark drops out loss nal (converter) alarm, if possible „Error 5V“… -
Page 388: Setting Notes
2 Functions Monitoring Possible causes Malfunction Re- Indication (No.) Device sponse Voltage failure, three- External (power system or Indication „VT FuseFail>10s“ As allocated phase „Fuse-Failure- connection) Distance protection is (169), Monitor“ blocked, „VT FuseFail“ (170) Undervoltage protection is blocked, Weak-infeed tripping is blocked, Frequency protection is blocked, and…
Page 389
2.22 Monitoring Functions Address 2902 BALANCE U-LIMIT determines the limit voltage (phase-to-phase), Symmetry above which the voltage symmetry monitor is effective. Address 2903 BAL. FACTOR Monitoring U is the associated symmetry factor; that is, the slope of the symmetry characteristic curve. -
Page 390: Settings
2 Functions Circuit Breaker for If a circuit breaker for voltage transformers (VT mcb) is installed in the secondary Voltage Transform- circuit of the voltage transformers, the status is sent, via binary input, to the device in- forming it about the position of the VT mcb. If a short-circuit in the secondary side ini- tiates the tripping of the VT mcb, the distance protection function has to be blocked immediately, since otherwise it would be spuriously tripped due to the lacking mea- sured voltage during a load current.
Page 391: Information List
2.22 Monitoring Functions Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2915 V-Supervision w/ CURR.SUP w/ CURR.SUP Voltage Failure Supervi- w/ I> & CBaux sion 2916A T V-Supervision 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 3.00 sec Delay Voltage Failure Su- pervision 2921 T mcb 0 ..
Page 392: Functional Description
2 Functions Functional Description Supervision with When using two binary inputs, these are connected according to Figure 2-168, parallel Two Binary Inputs to the associated trip contact on one side, and parallel to the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts on the other. A precondition for the use of the trip circuit supervision is that the control voltage for the circuit breaker is higher than the total of the minimum voltages drops at the two binary inputs (U…
Page 393
2.22 Monitoring Functions Table 2-17 Condition table for binary inputs, depending on RTC and CB position Trip contact Circuit breaker AuxCont 1 AuxCont 2 BI 1 BI 2 Open Closed Open Open Open Closed Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed The conditions of the two binary inputs are scanned periodically. -
Page 394
2 Functions Figure 2-170 Principle of the trip circuit supervision with one binary input During normal operation, the binary input is activated (logical condition „H“) when the trip contact is open and the trip circuit is intact, because the supervision circuit is closed either by the circuit breaker auxiliary contact (if the circuit breaker is closed) or through the equivalent resistor R. -
Page 395: Setting Notes
2.22 Monitoring Functions Setting Notes General The number of circuits to be supervised was set during the configuration in address 140 Trip Cir. Sup. (Section If the trip circuit supervision is not used at all, the setting Disabled must be applied there. The trip circuit supervision can be switched ON or OFF in address 4001 FCT TripSuperv..
Page 396: Function Control And Circuit Breaker Test
2 Functions 2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test 2.23.1 Function Control The function control is the control centre of the device. It coordinates the sequence of the protection and ancillary functions, processes their decisions and the information coming from the power system. Applications •…
Page 397
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Figure 2-172 Logic diagram of the manual closing procedure Reclosure via the integrated control functions such as — on-site control, control via ® DIGSI , control via serial interface — can have the same effect as manual reclosure, see parameter 1152. -
Page 398
2 Functions If, however, external close commands which should not activate the manual close function are possible (e.g. external reclosure device), the binary input „>Manual Close“ must be triggered by a separate contact at the control discrepancy switch (Figure 2-174). If in that latter case a manual close command can also be given by means of an inter- nal control command from the device, such a command must be combined with the manual CLOSE function via parameter 1152 Man.Clos. -
Page 399: Detection Of The Circuit Breaker Position
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Figure 2-175 Generation of the energization signal The line energization detection enables the distance protection, earth fault protection, time-overcurrent protection and high-current switch onto fault protection to trip without delay after energization of their line was detected. Depending on the configuration of the distance protection, an undelayed trip command can be generated after energization for each pickup or for pickup in zone Z1B.
Page 400
2 Functions A circuit breaker position logic is incorporated in the device (Figure 2-176). Depending on the type of auxiliary contact(s) provided by the circuit breaker and the method in which these are connected to the device, there are several alternatives of implement- ing this logic. -
Page 401
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Figure 2-176 Circuit breaker position logic For Automatic Re- Separate binary inputs comprising information on the position of the circuit breaker are closure and Circuit available for the automatic reclosure and the circuit breaker test. This is important for Breaker Test •… -
Page 402: Open Pole Detector
2 Functions • „>CB1 3p Closed“ (No. 410) for the series connection of the NO auxiliary con- tacts of the CB, • „>CB1 3p Open“ (No. 411) for the series connection of the NC auxiliary contacts of the CB, • „>CB1 Pole L1“ (No. 366) for the auxiliary contact of pole L1, •…
Page 403: Pickup Logic For The Entire Device
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Single-pole Dead During a single-pole dead time, the load current flowing in the two healthy phases Time forces a current flow via earth which may cause undesired pickup. The temporarily ap- plying zero-sequence voltage may also prompt undesired responses of the protection functions.
Page 404: Tripping Logic Of The Entire Device
2 Functions Spontaneous Indi- Spontaneous indications are fault indications which appear in the display automatical- cations ly following a general fault detection or trip command of the device. For the 7SD5, these indications include: „Relay PICKUP“: protective function that picked up; „S/E/F TRIP“: protection function which tripped (only device with graphic display);…
Page 405
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test These alarms can be allocated to LEDs or output relays. In the event of three-pole trip- ping all three alarms pick up. If single-pole tripping is possible, the protection functions generates a group signal for the local displaying of alarms and for the transmission of the alarms to a PC or a central control system, e.g. -
Page 406
2 Functions General Trip All trip signals for the protective functions are connected by OR and generate the message „Relay TRIP“. This can be allocated to LED or output relay. Terminating the Once a trip command is initiated, it is phase segregatedly latched (in the event of Trip Signal three-pole tripping for each of the three poles) (refer to Figure 2-178). -
Page 407
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Reclosure Inter- When tripping the circuit breaker by a protection function, the manual reclosure must locking often be blocked until the cause for the protection function operation is found. 7SD5 enables this via the integrated reclosure interlocking. The interlocking state („LOCKOUT“) is implemented by an RS flipflop which is protect- ed against auxiliary voltage failure (see Figure 2-179). -
Page 408
2 Functions Breaker Tripping While on feeders without automatic reclosure every trip command by a protection Alarm Suppression function is final, it is desirable, when using automatic reclosure, to prevent the opera- tion detector of the circuit breaker (transient contact on the breaker) from sending an alarm if the trip of the breaker is not final (Figure 2-180). -
Page 409: Circuit Breaker Test
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Figure 2-181 shows time diagrams for manual trip and close as well as for short-circuit tripping with a single, failed automatic reclosure cycle. Figure 2-181 Breaker tripping alarm suppression — sequence examples 2.23.2 Circuit Breaker Test The universal line protection 7SD5 allows an easy check of the trip circuits and the circuit breakers.
Page 410: Information List
2 Functions The information regarding the position of the circuit breakers is not automatically derived from the position logic according to the above section. For the circuit breaker test function (auto recloser) there are separate binary inputs for the switching status feedback of the circuit breaker position.
Page 411: Device
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test 2.23.3 Device The device requires some general information. This may be, for example, the type of indication to be issued in the event a power system fault occurs. Trip-dependent Messages The indication of messages masked to local LEDs, and the maintenance of spontane- ous messages, can be made dependent on whether the device has issued a trip signal.
Page 412: Setting Notes
2 Functions Setting Notes Fault Pickup of a new protective function generally turns off any previously lit LEDs, so that Annunciations only the latest fault is displayed at any time. It can be selected whether the stored LED displays and the spontaneous annunciations on the display appear upon renewed pickup, or only after a renewed trip signal is issued.
Page 413
2.23 Function Control and Circuit Breaker Test Information Type of In- Comments formation >Reset LED >Reset LED >Annunc. 1 >User defined annunciation 1 >Annunc. 2 >User defined annunciation 2 >Annunc. 3 >User defined annunciation 3 >Annunc. 4 >User defined annunciation 4 >Test mode >Test mode >DataStop… -
Page 414: Ancillary Functions
2 Functions 2.24 Ancillary Functions The additional functions of the 7SD5 universal line protection include: • Commissioning tools, • Processing of messages, • Processing of operational measured values, • Storage of fault record data. 2.24.1 Commissioning Tools Functional Description The device is provided with a comprehensive commissioning and monitoring tool that checks the communication and the whole system of the differential protection function.
Page 415: Setting Notes
2.24 Ancillary Functions Figure 2-184 Local measured values — example for voltages and currents Setting Notes The parameters of the „IBS-Tool“ can be set separately for the front operator interface and the service interface. The relevant addresses are those which relate to the inter- face that is used for communication with the PC and the „IBS-Tool“.
Page 416: Settings
2 Functions Settings Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments 4401 IP-A (A.x.x.x) 0 .. 255 IP-address ***.xxx.xxx.xxx(Posi- tion 1-3) 4402 IP-B (x.B.x.x) 0 .. 255 IP-address xxx.***.xxx.xxx(Posi- tion 4-6) 4403 IP-C (x.x.C.x) 0 .. 255 IP-address xxx.xxx.***.xxx(Posi- tion 7-9) 4404 IP-D (x.x.x.D) 0 ..
Page 417
2.24 Ancillary Functions The latched conditions are protected against loss of the auxiliary voltage. They are reset • On site by pressing the LED key on the relay, • Remotely using a binary input configured for that purpose, • Using one of the serial interfaces, •… -
Page 418
2 Functions Figure 2-186 Operational measured values in the default display Moreover, the device has several event buffers for operational annunciations, switch- ing statistics, etc., which are saved against loss of auxiliary supply by means of a backup battery. These indications can be displayed on the LCD at any time by selec- tion using the keypad or transferred to a personal computer via the serial service or operator interface. -
Page 419
2.24 Ancillary Functions Classification of Indications are classified as follows: Indications • Operational indications: messages generated while the device is in operation: They include information about the status of device functions, measurement data, system data, and similar information. • Fault indications: messages from the last eight network faults that were processed by the device. -
Page 420
2 Functions Figure 2-187 Spontaneous fault indication display ® Fault Location Besides the display at the device and in DIGSI there are additional display options Options available in particular for the fault location. They depend on the device version, the configuration and allocation: •… -
Page 421: Statistics
2.24 Ancillary Functions 2.24.3 Statistics Functional Description Switching Statistics The messages in switching statistics are counters for the accumulation of interrupted currents by each of the breaker poles, the number of control commands issued by the device 7SD5 to the breakers, and the maximum interrupted currents. The indicated measured values are indicated in primary values.
Page 422
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 7755 PI2A/m Prot.Interface 2: Availability per min. 7756 PI2A/h Prot.Interface 2: Availability per hour 7875 PI1 TD R Prot.Interface 1:Transmission delay rec. 7876 PI1 TD S Prot.Interface 1:Transmission delay send 7877 PI2 TD R Prot.Interface 2:Transmission delay rec. -
Page 423: Measurement During Operation
2.24 Ancillary Functions 2.24.4 Measurement During Operation Functional Description A series of measured values and the values derived from them are available for on- site retrieval or for data transfer. A precondition for a correct display of primary and percentage values is the complete and correct entry of the nominal values of the instrument transformers and the power system as well as the transformation ratio of the current and voltage transformers in the earth paths.
Page 424
2 Functions Table 2-20 Operational measured values of the local device Measured Values Primary Second- % Referred to Phase currents Nominal operational current 3)1) Sensitive earth current Nominal operational current Earth current Nominal operational current ϕ(I ), ϕ(I ° Phase angle of the phase currents –… -
Page 425: Information List
2.24 Ancillary Functions Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation IL1 = I L1 IL2 = I L2 IL3 = I L3 3I0 = 3I0 (zero sequence) 3I0sen= 3I0sen (sensitive zero sequence) IY = IY (star point of transformer) 3I0par= 3I0par (parallel line neutral) I1 (positive sequence)
Page 426
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation R L31= R L31 X L1E= X L1E X L2E= X L2E X L3E= X L3E X L12= X L12 X L23= X L23 X L31= X L31 Φ IL1L2= 7731 PHI IL1L2 (local) Φ… -
Page 427: Differential Protection Values
2.24 Ancillary Functions 2.24.5 Differential Protection Values Measured Values of the Differential Protection The differential, restraint and charging current values of the differential protection which are listed in the following table can be called up at the front of the device, read ®…
Page 428: Remote Measured Values
2 Functions 2.24.6 Remote Measured Values Functional Description During communication, the data of the other ends of the protected object can also be read out. For each of the devices, the currents and voltages involved as well as phase shifts between the local and transfer measured quantities can be displayed.
Page 429: Measured Values Constellation
2.24 Ancillary Functions 2.24.7 Measured Values Constellation Functional Description The measured values constellation of the possible devices 1 to 6 are showed here by evaluating the device (see Table 2-23). Information for further devices is given in the Appendix. The computation of this measured values constellation is also executed during an ex- isting system fault in an interval of approx.
Page 430: Settings
2 Functions The data can be retrieved via the serial interfaces by means of a personal computer ® and evaluated with the operating software DIGSI and the graphic analysis software SIGRA 4. The latter graphically represents the data recorded during the system fault and also calculates additional information from the measured values.
Page 431: Demand Measurement Setup
2.24 Ancillary Functions 2.24.9 Demand Measurement Setup Long-term average values are calculated by 7SD5 and can be read out with the time reference (date and time of the last update). Long-term Average Values The long-term averages of the three phase currents I , the positive sequence com- ponents I for the three phase currents, and the real power P, reactive power Q, and…
Page 432: Min/Max Measurement Setup
2 Functions 2.24.10 Min/Max Measurement Setup Minimum and maximum values are calculated by the 7SD5 and can be read out with the time reference (date and time of the last update). Reset The minimum and maximum values can be reset, using binary inputs or by using the ®…
Page 433
2.24 Ancillary Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation I1dmdMax I1 (positive sequence) Demand Maximum PdMin= Active Power Demand Minimum PdMax= Active Power Demand Maximum QdMin= Reactive Power Demand Minimum QdMax= Reactive Power Demand Maximum SdMin= Apparent Power Demand Minimum SdMax= Apparent Power Demand Maximum IL1Min=… -
Page 434: Set Points (Measured Values)
2 Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation 10102 3U0min = Min. Zero Sequence Voltage 3U0 10103 3U0max = Max. Zero Sequence Voltage 3U0 2.24.11 Set Points (Measured Values) ® SIPROTEC 4 devices allow set point limits to be set for some measured and metered values.
Page 435: Energy
2.24 Ancillary Functions Information Type of In- Comments formation SP. IL3 dmd> Set Point Phase L3 dmd> SP. I1dmd> Set Point positive sequence I1dmd> SP. |Pdmd|> Set Point |Pdmd|> SP. |Qdmd|> Set Point |Qdmd|> SP. |Sdmd|> Set Point |Sdmd|> cosϕ alarm Power factor alarm 2.24.12 Energy Information List…
Page 436: Command Processing
2 Functions 2.25 Command Processing ® A control command process is integrated in the SIPROTEC 4 7SD5 to coordinate the operation of circuit breakers and other equipment in the power system. Control com- mands can originate from four command sources: •…
Page 437: Sequence In The Command Path
2.25 Command Processing • Acknowledgment and resetting commands for setting and resetting internal buffers or data stocks. • Information status commands to set/delete the additional „Information Status“ item of a process object, such as – Acquisition blocking, – Output blocking. Sequence in the Command Path Security mechanisms in the command path ensure that a switch command can be carried out only if the test of previously established criteria has been successfully com-…
Page 438: Switchgear Interlocking
2 Functions – Command in progress (only one command can be processed at a time for each circuit breaker or switch); – 1–of–n check (for multiple allocations such as common contact relays it is checked if a command procedure was already initiated for the output relays con- cerned).
Page 439
2.25 Command Processing Table 2-24 Command types and corresponding indications Type of Command Control Cause Indication Control issued Switching CO+/– Manual tagging (positive / nega- Manual tagging MT+/– tive) Information state command, Input Input blocking ST+/– *) blocking Information state command, Output blocking ST+/–… -
Page 440
2 Functions Figure 2-189 Standard interlockings Source of Command REMOTE includes LOCAL. LOCAL Command using substation controller REMOTE Command via telecontrol station to power system management and from power system management to the device The display shows the configured interlocking reasons. The are marked by letters ex- plained in Table 2-25. -
Page 441: Information List
2.25 Command Processing Figure 2-190 Example of configured interlocking conditions Control Logic via For the bay interlocking, an enabling logic can be structured using the CFC. Via spe- cific release conditions the information „released“ or „bay interlocked“ are available, e.g. object „52 Close“ and „52 Open“ with the data values: ON / OFF). Information List Information Type of In-…
Page 442: Process Data
2 Functions 2.25.3 Process Data During the processing of commands, independently of the further allocation and pro- cessing of indications, command and process feedbacks are sent to the indication pro- cessing. These indications contain information on the cause. With the corresponding allocation (configuration) these indications are entered in the event log, thus serving as a report.
Page 443: Protocol
2.25 Command Processing Information Type of In- Comments formation >Err Mot U >Error Motor Voltage >ErrCntrlU >Error Control Voltage >SF6-Loss >SF6-Loss >Err Meter >Error Meter >Tx Temp. >Transformer Temperature >Tx Danger >Transformer Danger 2.25.4 Protocol Information List Information Type of In- Comments formation SysIntErr.
Page 444
2 Functions 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 445: Mounting And Commissioning
Mounting and Commissioning This chapter is intended for experienced commissioning staff. The staff must be famil- iar with the commissioning of protection and control systems, with the management of power systems and with the relevant safety rules and guidelines. Under certain cir- cumstances particular power system adaptations of the hardware are necessary.
Page 446: Mounting And Connections
3 Mounting and Commissioning Mounting and Connections General WARNING! Warning of improper transport, storage, installation, and application of the device. Non–observance can result in death, personal injury or substantial property damage. Trouble free and safe use of this device depends on proper transport, storage, instal- lation, and application of the device according to the warnings in this instruction manual.
Page 447
3.1 Mounting and Connections Voltages Connection examples for current and voltage transformer circuits are provided in Ap- pendix A.3. For normal connection the 4th voltage measuring input is not used. Correspondingly, the following setting must be made in address 210 U4 transformer = Not connected. -
Page 448
3 Mounting and Commissioning Bits 0 and 1 are configured to be controlled (actuated) when the associated binary input is energized (high). Where: = not energized = energized Table 3-1 Changing setting groups with binary inputs Binary Input Active Group >Set Group Bit >Set Group Bit Group A… -
Page 449
3.1 Mounting and Connections Figure 3-2 Trip circuit supervision with one binary input — Example for trip circuit 1 This results in an upper limit for the resistance dimension, R , and a lower limit R from which the optimal value of the arithmetic mean R should be selected: In order that the minimum voltage for controlling the binary input is ensured, R derived as: To keep the circuit breaker trip coil energized in the above case, R… -
Page 450
3 Mounting and Commissioning For the power consumption of the resistance: Example: ® 1.8 mA ( from SIPROTEC 4 7SD5) BI (HIGH) 19 V for delivery setting for nominal voltages of 24/48/60 V (from the BI min 7SD5); 88 V for delivery setting for nominal voltages of 110/125/220/250 V (from 7SD5);… -
Page 451: Hardware Modifications
3.1 Mounting and Connections reduced by well-conductive cable jackets and by armouring (low reduction factor, for both high voltage cable and pilot cables). The induced voltage can be calculated with the following formula: = 2 π f · M · I ·…
Page 452
3 Mounting and Commissioning Note If nominal current ratings are changed exceptionally, then the new ratings must be reg- istered in addresses 206 CT SECONDARY in the power system data (see Section Control Voltage for When the device is delivered the binary inputs are set to operate with a voltage that Binary Inputs corresponds to the nominal voltage of the power supply. -
Page 453: Disassembly
3.1 Mounting and Connections Disassembly Work on the Printed Circuit Boards Note It is assumed for the following steps that the device is not operative. Caution! Caution when changing jumper settings that affect nominal values of the device: As a consequence, the ordering number (MLFB) and the ratings that are stated on the nameplate do no longer match the actual device properties.
Page 454
3 Mounting and Commissioning Work on the Plug Connectors Caution! Mind electrostatic discharges: Non–observance can result in minor personal injury or property damage. When handling plug connectors, electrostatic discharges may emerge. These must be avoided by previously touching an earthed metal surface. Do not plug or unplug interface connectors under voltage! The assembly of the boards for the housing size is shown in Figure 3-3 and for the… -
Page 455: Switching Elements On Printed Circuit Boards
3.1 Mounting and Connections Figure 3-4 Front view with housing size after removal of the front cover (simplified and scaled down) Switching Elements on Printed Circuit Boards Input/Output Board The layout of the PCB for the input/output board C-I/O-1 is shown in Figure 3-5, the C-I/O-1 and C-I/O-10 PCB for the input/output board C-I/O-10 is shown in Figure 3-6.
Page 456
3 Mounting and Commissioning Nominal Voltage Jumper 60/110/125 VDC 110/125/220/250 VDC 115 VAC 24/48 VDC Interchangeable Cannot be changed Fuse T2H250V T4H250V Table 3-3 Jumper settings of the Life Contact on the input/output board C-I/O-1 Open in Quiescent State Closed in Quiescent State Factory Setting Jumper (NO) -
Page 457
3.1 Mounting and Connections Figure 3-5 Input/output board C-I/O-1 with representation of the jumper settings required for the board configuration 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 458
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-6 Input/output board C–I/O-10 with representation of the jumper settings required for the board configuration Checking the control voltages of the binary inputs: BI1 to BI8 (with housing size ) according to Table3-5. BI1 to BI24 (with housing size ) according to Table3-6. -
Page 459
3.1 Mounting and Connections Table 3-5 Jumper settings of the Control Voltages of the binary inputs BI1 to BI8 on the input/output board C-I/O-1 with housing size binary inputs Jumper 19 V Threshold 88 V Threshold 176 V Threshold slot 19 X21/X22 X23/X24 X25/X26… -
Page 460
3 Mounting and Commissioning Board C-I/O-2 The layout of the PCB for the C-I/O-2 board is shown in Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7 Input/output board C–I/O-2 with representation of jumper settings required for checking configuration settings The contact of the relay for the binary output BO13 can be configured as NO or NC contact (see also General Diagrams in Appendix A, Section A.2): with housing size : No. -
Page 461
3.1 Mounting and Connections The set nominal current of the current input transformers are checked on the input/out- put board C-I/O-2. All jumpers must be set for one nominal current, i.e. one jumper (X61 to X64) for each input transformer and additionally the common jumper X60. But: In the version with sensitive earth fault current input (input transformer T8) there is no jumper X64. -
Page 462: Interface Modules
3 Mounting and Commissioning Interface Modules Exchanging Inter- The interface modules are located on the processor board C-CPU-1 (No. 1 in Figure face Modules 3-3 and 3-4). Figure 3-8 Processor board C-CPU-1 with interface modules (maximum configuration) Note Surface-mounted devices with fibre optics connection have their fibre optics module fitted in the inclined housing on the case bottom.
Page 463
3.1 Mounting and Connections Please note the following: • The interface modules can only be replaced in devices for panel flush mounting and cubicle mounting. Interface modules for devices with surface mounting housing must be retrofitted in our manufacturing centre. •… -
Page 464
3 Mounting and Commissioning With jumper X11 the flow control which is important for modem communication. Table 3-11 Jumper setting for CTS (Clear To Send, flow control) on the interface module Jumper /CTS from Interface RS232 /CTS controlled by /RTS Default Setting Jumper Setting 2-3: The connection to the modem is usually carried out with a star coupler or fibre-optic converter. -
Page 465
3.1 Mounting and Connections Interface PROFIBUS Figure 3-11 Location of the jumpers for configuring the PROFIBUS and DNP 3.0 interface terminating resistors Termination Busbar capable interfaces always require a termination at the last device to the bus, i.e. terminating resistors must be connected. With the 7SD5 device, this concerns the variants with RS485 or PROFIBUS interfaces. -
Page 466: Reassembly
3 Mounting and Commissioning Reassembly The reassembly of the device is carried out in the following steps: • Insert the boards carefully into the housing. The mounting locations of the boards are shown in Figures 3-3 and 3-4. For the model of the device designed for surface mounting, use the metal lever to insert the processor board C-CPU-1.
Page 467
3.1 Mounting and Connections Figure 3-13 Example of panel flush mounting of a device (housing size Figure 3-14 Example of panel flush mounting of a device (housing size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 468: Rack Mounting And Cubicle Mounting
3 Mounting and Commissioning Rack Mounting and Cubicle Mounting Two mounting rails are required for installing a device into a frame or cabinet. The or- dering codes are stated in the Appendix, Section A.1 For the housing size (Figure 3-15), there are four covers and four holes. For the housing size (Figure 3-16) there are six covers and six holes.
Page 469
3.1 Mounting and Connections Figure 3-15 Example of rack or cubicle mounting of a device (housing size Figure 3-16 Example of rack or cubicle mounting of a device (housing size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 470: Panel Surface Mounting
3 Mounting and Commissioning Panel Surface Mounting For mounting proceed as follows: • Secure the device to the panel with four screws. For dimensions see the Technical Data in Section 4.25. • Connect the earth of the device to the protective earth of the panel. The cross-sec- tional area of the earth wire must be equal to the cross-sectional area of any other conductor connected to the device.
Page 471: Checking Connections
3.2 Checking Connections Checking Connections 3.2.1 Checking Data Connections of Serial Interfaces The tables of the following margin headings list the pin-assignments for the different serial interfaces of the device and the time synchronization interface. The position of the connections can be seen in the following Figure. Figure 3-17 9-pin D-subminiature female connectors Figure 3-18…
Page 472
3 Mounting and Commissioning • CTS = Clear to Send • GND = Signal / Chassis Ground The cable shield is to be earthed at both line ends. For extremely EMC-prone envi- ronments, the earth may be connected via a separate individually shielded wire pair to improve immunity to interference. -
Page 473: Checking The Protection Data Communication
3.2 Checking Connections Optical Fibres WARNING! Warning of laser rays! Non-observance of the following measure can result in death, personal injury or sub- stantial property damage. Do not look directly into the fibre-optic elements, not even with optical devices! Laser Class 3A according to EN 60825-1.
Page 474: Power Plant Connections
3 Mounting and Commissioning Communication Optical fibres are usually used for the connections between the devices and commu- Converter nication converters. The optical fibres are checked in the same manner as the optical fibre direct connection which means for every protection data interface. Verify in address 4502 CONNEC.
Page 475
3.2 Checking Connections – Are the polarities of the voltage transformers correct (if used)? – Is the phase relationship of the voltage transformers correct (if used)? – Is the polarity for current input I correct (if used)? – Is the polarity for voltage input U correct (if used, e.g. -
Page 476
3 Mounting and Commissioning • If the communication converter is connected to the communication network, its device-ready relay (DOK = „Device Ok“) picks up. This also signalizes that the clock pulse of the communication network is recognized. Further checks are performed according to Section „Checking the Protection Data Topology“. -
Page 477: Commissioning
3.3 Commissioning Commissioning WARNING! Warning of dangerous voltages when operating an electrical device Non-observance of the following measures can result in death, personal injury or sub- stantial property damage. Only qualified people shall work on and around this device. They must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings and safety notices in this instruction manual as well as with the applicable safety steps, safety regulations, and precautionary measures.
Page 478: Test Mode / Transmission Block
3 Mounting and Commissioning WARNING! Warning of dangers evolving from improper primary tests Non-observance of the following measure can result in death, personal injury or sub- stantial property damage. Primary tests may only be carried out by qualified persons who are familiar with com- missioning protection systems, with managing power systems and the relevant safety rules and guidelines (switching, earthing etc.).
Page 479: Checking The System Interface
3.3 Commissioning Additionally, if GPS synchronization is used, check that the GPS signal is received: ap- proximately 3 seconds after startup of the processor system, the message „>GPS failure“ „OFF“ appears. 3.3.3 Checking the System Interface Prefacing Remarks If the device features a system interface and uses it to communicate with the control ®…
Page 480
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-19 System interface test with dialog box: Generate indications — example Changing the By clicking one of the buttons in the column Action you will be asked for the password Operating State No. 6 (for hardware test menus). After you have entered the password correctly you can send the indications individually. -
Page 481: Checking The States Of The Binary Inputs/Outputs
3.3 Commissioning 3.3.4 Checking the States of the Binary Inputs/Outputs ® Prefacing Remarks The binary inputs, outputs, and LEDs of a SIPROTEC 4 device can be individually ® and precisely controlled in DIGSI 4. This feature is used, for example, to verify control wiring from the device to plant equipment during commissioning.
Page 482
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-20 Testing of the binary inputs and outputs — example Changing the Oper- To change the operating state of a hardware component, click on the associated ating State switching field in the Scheduled column. Before executing the first change of the operating state the password No. 6 will be re- quested (if activated during configuration). -
Page 483
3.3 Commissioning Proceed as follows in order to check the binary inputs: • Activate in the system each of the functions which cause the binary inputs. • Check the reaction in the Ist column of the dialog box. To do this, the dialog box must be updated. -
Page 484: Checking The Protection Data Topology
3 Mounting and Commissioning 3.3.5 Checking the Protection Data Topology ® General The communication topology can either be checked from the PC using DIGSI or a Web browser via the „WEB-Monitor“. If you choose to work with the „WEB-Monitor“, please note the Help files referring to the „WEB-Monitor“. You can either connect the PC to the device locally using the operator interface at the front, or the service interface at the back of the PC (Figure 3-21).
Page 485
3.3 Commissioning Checking a Con- For two devices linked with fibre optical cables (as in Figure 3-21 or 3-22), this con- nection Using nection is checked as follows. If two or more devices are linked, or if two devices have Direct Link been (double-) linked with a ring topology, first check only one link. -
Page 486
3 Mounting and Commissioning • Both devices at the link ends have to be switched on. • First configure the communication converter CC-1: – Disconnect the auxiliary supply voltage from both poles. – Open the communication converter. – Set the jumpers to the matching position for the correct interface type and trans- mission rate;… -
Page 487
3.3 Commissioning • Reset the interface parameters at the 7SD5 correctly: – Address 4502 CONNEC. 1 OVER = required setting, if you are testing the pro- tection data interface 1, – Address 4602 CONNEC. 2 OVER = required setting, if are testing the protection data interface 2. -
Page 488
3 Mounting and Commissioning Short Text State Meaning / Measures 3235 „Par. different“ „Parameterization inconsistent“: different functional pa- rameters were set for the devices. They have to be equal at both ends: Differential protection available or not (see Section 2.1.1) Transformer in protected zone or not (see Section 2.1.1) Nominal frequency (see Section 2.1.2) Operational power or current (see Section 2.1.4) -
Page 489
3.3 Commissioning Finally, there should be no more fault messages concerning the protection data inter- faces. WEB-Monitor The topology and the statistical information on the protection data interfaces can be displayed as a graph on the monitor using the „WEB-Monitor“. For this you need a per- sonal computer and a web browser. -
Page 490: Tests For The Circuit Breaker Failure Protection
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-25 Example of viewing the transmission times and availability of the protection data interfaces 3.3.6 Tests for the Circuit Breaker Failure Protection General If the device is equipped with the breaker failure protection and this function is used, the integration of this protection function into the system must be tested under practi- cal conditions.
Page 491
3.3 Commissioning Auxiliary Contacts The circuit breaker auxiliary contact(s) form an essential part of the breaker failure pro- of the CB tection system in case they have been connected to the device. Make sure the correct assignment has been checked. External Initiation If the breaker failure protection can also be started by external protection devices, the Conditions… -
Page 492: Checking The Instrument Transformer Connections Of One Line End
3 Mounting and Commissioning In particular with multiple busbars the trip distribution logic for the surrounding circuit breakers must be checked. Here check for every busbar section that all circuit break- ers which are connected to the same busbar section as the feeder circuit breaker under observation are tripped, and no other breakers.
Page 493
3.3 Commissioning • Having closed the local circuit breaker, none of the measurement monitoring func- tions in the device may respond. – If there was a fault annunciation, however, the Event Log or spontaneous annun- ciations could be checked to investigate the reason for it. –… -
Page 494: Checking The Instrument Transformer Connections Of Two Line Ends
3 Mounting and Commissioning 3.3.8 Checking the Instrument Transformer Connections of Two Line Ends Current Test The connections of the current transformers are tested with primary values. A load current of at least 5 % of the rated operational current is required. Any direction is pos- sible.
Page 495
3.3 Commissioning Figure 3-26 Local measured values in the WEB-Monitor — examples for plausible measured values 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 496
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-27 Local and remote measured values in the WEB-Monitor — examples for plausible measured values Polarity Check If the device is connected with voltage transformers, the local measured values already provide a polarity test. For more than two ends, one current path is continued to be tested first. A load current of at least 5% of the rated operational current is required. -
Page 497
3.3 Commissioning • With closed circuit breaker, the power values can be viewed as primary and sec- ondary measured values in the front display panel or via the operator or service in- terface with a personal computer. Here, again, the „WEB-Monitor“ is a comfortable help as the vector diagrams also show the correlation between the currents and voltages (Figure 3-27). -
Page 498
3 Mounting and Commissioning • The power measurement provides an initial indication as to whether the measured values of one end have the correct polarity. – If the reactive power is correct but the active power has the wrong sign, cyclic phase swapping of the currents (right) or of the voltages (left) might be the cause. -
Page 499
3.3 Commissioning the feeder in the direction of the busbar rotates the voltage. An example is shown in Section If necessary, different transformation ratios of the transformers on the busbar and the feeder may have to be considered under address 215 U-line / Usync. The synchronism and voltage check must be switched ON under address 3501 FCT Synchronism . -
Page 500
3 Mounting and Commissioning • If not, first check whether one of the before named messages 2947 „Sync. Udiff>“ or 2949 „Sync. ϕ-diff>“ is available in the spontaneous messages. The message „Sync. Udiff>“ indicates that the magnitude (ratio) adaptation is incorrect. -
Page 501
3.3 Commissioning DANGER! Hazardous voltages during interruptions in secondary circuits of current trans- formers Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage. Short-circuit the current transformer secondary circuits before current connections to the device are opened. -
Page 502
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-30 Polarity check for I , example with current transformer configured in a Holmgreen connection Note If parameters were changed for this test, they must be returned to their original state after completion of the test ! from Parallel Line If I is the current measured on a parallel line, the above procedure is done with the… -
Page 503
3.3 Commissioning Figure 3-31 Polarity check of I , example with earth current of a parallel line from a Power If I is the earth current measured in the starpoint of a power transformer and intended Transformer Star- for the earth fault protection direction determination (for earthed networks), then the point polarity check can only be carried out with a zero sequence current flowing through the transformer. -
Page 504
3 Mounting and Commissioning DANGER! Energized equipment of the power system! Capacitive coupled voltages at discon- nected equipment of the power system ! Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage. Primary measurements must only be carried out on disconnected and earthed equip- ment of the power system! The configuration shown in Figure 3-32 corresponds to an earth current flowing through the line, in other words an earth fault in the forward direction. -
Page 505
3.3 Commissioning Measuring Differen- The test for two ends is terminated with the reading of the differential, restraint and tial and Restraint load currents which simultaneously check that the current transformer connections Currents have been restored correctly after the I test (if performed). -
Page 506: Checking The Instrument Transformer Connections For More Than Two Ends
3 Mounting and Commissioning Figure 3-33 Differential and restraint currents — example for plausible currents 3.3.9 Checking the Instrument Transformer Connections for More than Two Ends If there are more than two ends, all tests according to the above Section „Checking the Instrument Transformer Connections for More than Two Ends“—…
Page 507: Measuring The Operating Time Of The Circuit Breaker
3.3 Commissioning 3.3.10 Measuring the Operating Time of the Circuit Breaker Only for Synchro- If the device is equipped with the function for synchronism and voltage check and it is nism Check applied, it is necessary — under asynchronous system conditions — that the operating time of the circuit breaker is measured and set correctly when closing.
Page 508: Checking The Teleprotection System With Distance Protection
3 Mounting and Commissioning 3.3.11 Checking the Teleprotection System with Distance Protection Note If the device is intended to operate with teleprotection, all devices used for the trans- mission of the signals must initially be commissioned according to the corresponding instructions.
Page 509
3.3 Commissioning infeed. In case of release (the NC contacts of the outgoing devices are connected in series) the tests have to be reinterpreted respectively. A fault is simulated within zone Z1 and overreaching zone Z1B. As a result of the missing blocking signal, the distance protection trips after time delay T1B (slightly de- layed). -
Page 510
3 Mounting and Commissioning In this case however, they are additionally delayed by the echo delay time of the device at the opposite line end (0.04 s presetting, address 2502 Trip/Echo DELAY). If the response of the echo delay is opposite to the sequence described here, the op- erating mode of the corresponding binary input (H–active/L–active) at the opposite line end must be rectified. -
Page 511: Testing The Signal Transmission With Earth Fault Protection
3.3 Commissioning This test must be performed at both line ends, on a three terminal line at each line end for each transmission path. However, please finally observe the last margin heading „Important for all procedures“! Important for all If the earth fault protection was disabled for the signal transmission tests, it may be re- Schemes enabled now.
Page 512
3 Mounting and Commissioning The circuit breaker on the protected feeder must be opened, as must be the circuit breaker at the opposite line end. A fault is again simulated as before. A receive signal impulse delayed by somewhat more than twice the signal transmission time appears via the echo function at the opposite line end, and the device issues a trip command. -
Page 513: Checking The Signal Transmission For Breaker Failure Protection And/Or
3.3 Commissioning 3.3.13 Checking the Signal Transmission for Breaker Failure Protection and/or Stub Fault Protection If the transfer trip command for breaker failure protection or stub fault protection is to be transmitted to the remote end, this transmission must also be checked. To check the transmission the breaker failure protection function is initiated by a test current (secondary) with the circuit breaker in the open position.
Page 514: Trip And Close Test With The Circuit Breaker
3 Mounting and Commissioning 3.3.16 Trip and Close Test with the Circuit Breaker The circuit breaker and tripping circuits can be conveniently tested by the device 7SD5. ® The procedure is described in detail in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description. If the check does not produce the expected results, the cause may be established from the text in the display of the device or the PC.
Page 515: Triggering Oscillographic Recordings For Test
3.3 Commissioning 3.3.18 Triggering Oscillographic Recordings for Test In order to be able to test the stability of the protection during switchon procedures also, switchon trials can also be carried out at the end. Oscillographic records obtain the maximum information about the behaviour of the protection. Prerequisite Along with the capability of storing fault recordings via pickup of the protection func- tion, the 7SD5 also has the capability of initiating a measured value recording using…
Page 516: Final Preparation Of The Device
3 Mounting and Commissioning Final Preparation of the Device The used terminal screws must be tightened, including those that are not used. All the plug connectors are correctly inserted. Caution! Don´t use force! The tightening torques must not be exceeded as the threads and terminal chambers may otherwise be damaged! The setting values should be checked again, if they were modified during the tests.
Page 517: Technical Data
Technical Data This chapter presents the technical data of the SIPROTEC 4 7SD5 device and its in- dividual functions, including the limit values that must not be exceeded under any cir- cumstances. The electrical and functional data for the maximum functional scope are followed by the mechanical specifications with dimension diagrams.
Page 518
4 Technical Data 4.24 Additional Functions 4.25 Dimensions 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 519: General
4.1 General General 4.1.1 Analog Inputs Nominal frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz (adjustable) Current Inputs Nominal current 1 A or 5 A Power Consumption per Phase and Earth Path — at I = 1 A Approx. 0.05 VA — at I = 5 A Approx.
Page 520: Auxiliary Voltage
4 Technical Data 4.1.2 Auxiliary voltage DC voltage Voltage supply via integrated converter Nominal auxiliary voltage DC U 24/48 VDC 60/110/125 V 110/125/ 220/250 VDC 220/250 VDC Admissible voltage ranges 19 to 58 VDC 48 to 150 VDC 88 to 300 VDC 176 to 300 VDC Permissible AC ripple voltage, ≤15 % of the nominal auxiliary voltage…
Page 521
4.1 General ≥ 88 VDC (pu = — For nominal voltages 110/125/220/250 VDC high pickup) ≤ 44 VDC ≥ 176 VDC (pu = — For nominal voltages 220/250 VDC high pickup) ≤ 88 VDC Current consumption, energized Approx. 1.8 mA Independent of the control voltage Maximum permissible voltage 300 VDC… -
Page 522: Communications Interfaces
4 Technical Data Signalling/Trip Relays (see also terminal assignments in Appendix A) Quantity and Data According to the order variant (allocatable) Order variant UL Listed NO Contact NO Contact NO/NC (switch NO contact (normal) (fast) selectable) (high-speed) 120 VAC Pilot duty, B300 240 VAC Pilot duty, B300 240 VAC…
Page 523
4.1 General RS485 Transmission distance 1.000 m. (3280 ft.) Fibre optic cable (FO) FO connector type ST connector Connection for panel flush mounting Rear panel, slot „C“ housing Connection for panel surface mounting In console housing at device bottom housing λ… -
Page 524
4 Technical Data System interface (optional) RS232/RS485/FO Isolated interface for data transfer to a Profibus FMS RS485/Profibus FMS FO control terminal Profibus DP RS485/Profibus DP FO DNP 3.0 RS 485 DNP 3.0 FO Acc. to ordered variant RS232 Connection for panel flush mounting Rear panel, slot „B“, housing 9-pole D-subminiature female connector… -
Page 525
The OLM converter requires an operating voltage of 24 VDC. If the operating voltage is > 24 VDC the additional power supply 7XV5810-0BA00 is required. If the optical interface is required you should order the following: 11. Position 4 (FMS) or L0A (DP) and additionally: SIEMENS OLM 6GK1502-3CB01 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 526: Electrical Tests
4 Technical Data Time Synchronization Interface Time synchronization DCF 77/IRIG-B-Signal (telegram format IRIG-B000)/GPS Connection for panel flush mounting housing Rear panel, slot „A“ 9-pole D-subminiature female connector For panel surface mounting housing At two-tier terminals on housing bottom Nominal signal voltages Selectable 5 V, 12 V or 24 V DCF77/IRIG B Nominal signal voltages…
Page 527
4.1 General EMC Tests for Interference Immunity (type tests) Standards: IEC 60255-6 and -22 (product standards) EN 61000-6-2 (generic standard) VDE 0435 Teil 301DIN VDE 0435-110 2.5 kV (Peak); 1 MHz; τ = 15 µs; 400 surges per s; Test Du- High frequency test = 200 Ω… -
Page 528: Mechanical Stress Tests
4 Technical Data 4.1.6 Mechanical Stress Tests Vibration and Shock Stress during Stationary Operation Standards: IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068 Oscillation Sinusoidal 10 Hz to 60 Hz: ±0.075 mm amplitude; IEC 60255-21-1, Class 2 IEC 60068-2-6 60 Hz to 150 Hz: 1g acceleration Frequency sweep 1 octave/min 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes Shock…
Page 529: Climatic Stress Tests
4.1 General 4.1.7 Climatic Stress Tests Climatic Tests Standards: IEC 60255-6 –25 °C to +85 °C Type tested (acc. IEC 60086-2-1 and -2, Test Bd, for 16 –20 °C to +70 °C or –4 °F to +158 °F (legibility of display may Admissible temporary operating temperature (tested be restricted from +55 °C or 131 °F) for 96 h)
Page 530: Certifications
4 Technical Data 4.1.9 Certifications UL Listed UL Recognition 7SD5***-*A***-**** 7SD5***-*J***-**** Models with threaded termi- Models with plug-in termi- 7SD5***-*C***-**** 7SD5***-*L***-**** nals nals 7SD5***-*D***-**** 7SD5***-*M***-**** 4.1.10 Mechanical Design Housing 7XP20 Dimensions See dimensional drawings, Section 4.25 Device (for maximum number of components) Size Weight 6 kg (13.23 lb)
Page 531: Protection Data Interfaces And Differential Protection Topology
4.2 Protection Data Interfaces and Differential Protection Topology Protection Data Interfaces and Differential Protection Topology Differential Protection Topology Number of devices for a protected object (=number of 2 for 7SD5*2 ends of the protected zone limited by CTs) 2 to 6 for 7SD5*3 Protection Data Interfaces Number 1 or 2…
Page 532
4 Technical Data Supported network interfaces G703.1 with 64 kbit/s; X.21 with 64 or 128 or 512 kbit/s S0 (ISDN) with 64 Kbits or 128 Kbits/s Pilot wires with 128 Kbits/s; Connection to communication converter See table above under module FO 5 Transmission rate 64 kbit/s with G703.1 512 kbit/s or 128 kBit/s or 64 kbit/s with X.21… -
Page 533: Differential Protection
4.3 Differential Protection Differential Protection Pickup Values Differential current, = 1 A 0.10 to 20.00 A Increments 0.01 A I-DIFF> = 5 A 0.50 to 100.00 A Differential current when switching onto = 1 A 0.10 to 20.00 A Increments 0.01 A a fault;…
Page 534
4 Technical Data Delay Times Delay of I-DIFF stage T-DELAY I-DIFF> 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s or ∞ (no trip) Delay of I-DIFF stage T3I0 1PHAS 0.00 s to 0.50 s Increments 0.01 s or ∞ (stage disabled for 1-phase pickup in isolated/compensated net- works for 1-phase pickup) -
Page 535: Breaker Intertrip And Remote Tripping -Direct Local Trip
4.4 Breaker Intertrip and Remote Tripping -Direct Local Trip Breaker Intertrip and Remote Tripping -Direct Local Trip Breaker Intertrip and Remote Tripping Intertripping of all opposite ends when single-end tripping can be switched on/off External Trip of the Local Tripping Operating time, total approx.
Page 536: Distance Protection (Optional)
4 Technical Data Distance Protection (optional) Earth Impedance Ratio -0.33 to 7.00 Increments 0.01 -0.33 to 7.00 Increments 0.01 Separate for first and higher zones 0.000 to 4.000 Increments 0.001 PHI (K -135.00° to +135.00° Separate for first and higher zones The matching factors for earth impedance are valid also for fault locating.
Page 537
4.5 Distance Protection (optional) Characteristic Different stages with settable inclinations Minimum current Iph> for I = 1 A 0.10 A to 4.00 A Increments 0.01 A for I = 5 A 0.50 A to 20.00 A Current in fault angle range Iϕ for I = 1 A 0.10 A to 8.00 A Increments 0.01 A… -
Page 538
4 Technical Data ϕ = line angle 30° to 89° Increments 1° Line ϕ = angle of distance protection characteristic 30° to 90° Increments 1° Dist Polarization With memorized or cross-polarized voltages Each zone can be set to operate in forward or reverse direction or ineffective. Load trapezoid: = 1 A 0.050 Ω… -
Page 539: System Power Swing (With Impedance) (Optional)
4.6 System Power Swing (with impedance) (optional) System Power Swing (with impedance) (optional) Power swing detection Rate of the impedance vector and observation of the path curve Maximum power swing frequency Approx. 7 Hz Power swing blocking programs Block 1st zone only Block higher zones Block 1st and 2nd zone Block all zones…
Page 540: Teleprotection For Distance Protection (Optional)
4 Technical Data Teleprotection for Distance Protection (optional) Mode For two line ends With one channel for each direction or with three channels for each direction for phase segregated transmission For three line ends With one channel for each direction or connection Underreach Transfer Trip Schemes Method Transfer trip with overreaching zone Z1B…
Page 541: Earth Fault Protection In Earthed Systems (Optional)
4.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Characteristics Definite Time Stages >>>, 3I >>, 3I > Inverse time stage (IDMT) one of the characteristics according to Figure 4-1 to Figure 4-4 can be selected Voltage-dependent stage (U inverse) Characteristics according to Figure…
Page 542
4 Technical Data Pickup time (fast relays/high-speed relays) (1.5 set value) approx. 40/35 ms (2.5 set value) approx. 30/25 ms Dropout time Approx. 30 ms Tolerances Current 3 % of setting value or 1 % nominal current Time 1 % of setting value or 10 ms The set times are pure delay times Inverse Time Overcurrent Stage (IEC) Pickup value 3I… -
Page 543
4.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Additional time delay T 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments 0.01 s 3I0P add or ∞ (ineffective) Characteristics See Figure 4-4 5 % ± 15 ms for 2 ≤ I/3I ≤ 20 and T /s ≥… -
Page 544
4 Technical Data Determination of Direction Each zone can be set to operate in forward or reverse direction, non-directional or ineffective. Direction measurement With I (= 3 I ) and 3 U and I or I and U with I (= 3 I ) and 3 U and I… -
Page 545
4.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Figure 4-1 Trip time characteristics of inverse time overcurrent stage, acc. IEC (phases and earth) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 546
4 Technical Data Figure 4-2 Trip time characteristics of inverse time overcurrent stage, acc. ANSI/IEEE (phases and earth) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 547
4.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Figure 4-3 Trip time characteristics of inverse time overcurrent stage, acc. ANSI/IEEE (phases and earth) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 548
4 Technical Data Figure 4-4 Trip time caracteristic of the inverse time overcurrent stage with logarithmic- inverse characteristic Logarithmic inverse t = T — T ·ln(I/3I0P) 3I0Pmax 3I0P Note: For I/3I0P > 35, the time for I/3I0P = 35 applies Figure 4-5 Trip time characteristics of the zero sequence voltage protection U 0 inverse… -
Page 549
4.8 Earth Fault Protection in Earthed Systems (optional) Figure 4-6 Tripping characteristics of the zero-sequence power protection This characteristic applies for: S = 10 VA and T3I = 0 s. OPAdd. T_DELAY 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 550: Teleprotection For Earth Fault Protection (Optional)
4 Technical Data Teleprotection for Earth Fault Protection (optional) Mode For two line ends One channel for each direction or three channels each direc- tion for phase-segregated transmission For three line ends With one channel for each direction or connection Comparison Schemes Method Dir.
Page 551: Weak-Infeed Tripping (Classic/Optional)
4.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (classic/optional) 4.10 Weak-infeed Tripping (classic/optional) Operating mode Phase segregated undervoltage detection after reception of a carrier signal from the remote end Undervoltage Setting value U < 2 V to 70 V Increments 1 V Dropout to pickup ratio Approx.
Page 552: Weak-Infeed Tripping (French Specif./Optional)
4 Technical Data 4.11 Weak-infeed Tripping (French specif./optional) Operating Mode Phase segregated undervoltage detection after reception of a carrier signal from the remote end Undervoltage Setting value U < 0.10 to 1.00 Increments 0.01 Dropout/pickup ratio Approx. 1.1 ≤ 5 % Pickup tolerance Times Receive prolongation…
Page 553: Direct Remote Trip And Transmission Of Binary Information
4.12 Direct Remote Trip and Transmission of Binary Information 4.12 Direct Remote Trip and Transmission of Binary Information Remote Commands Number of possible remote commands The operating times depend on the number of ends and the communication speed. The following data presuppose a transmission speed of 512 kBit/s and the output of commands via high-speed output relays (7SD5****- *N/P/Q/R/S/T).
Page 554: Instantaneous High-Current Switch-Onto-Fault Protection (Sotf)
4 Technical Data 4.13 Instantaneous High-Current Switch-onto-Fault Protection (SOTF) Pickup = 1 A 0,10 A bis 15,00 A oder ∞ (unwirk- High current pickup I>>> for I Increments 0.01 A sam) = 5 A 0,50 A bis 75,00 A oder ∞ (unwirk- for I sam) = 1 A 1.00 A to 25.00 A or ∞…
Page 555: Time Overcurrent Protection
4.14 Time Overcurrent Protection 4.14 Time Overcurrent Protection Operating Modes As emergency overcurrent protection or back-up overcurrent protection Emergency overcurrent protection with differential Effective when the differential protection system is blocked and distance protection (e.g. because of a failure of the device communication) and the distance protection system is blocked as well, e.g.
Page 556
4 Technical Data Pickup value 3I > (earth) for I = 1 A 0.05 A to 25.00 A Increments 0.01 A Or ∞ (ineffective) for I = 5 A 0.25 A to 125.00 A Or ∞ (ineffective) Delay T > (phases) 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments 0.01 s Or ∞… -
Page 557
4.14 Time Overcurrent Protection Time factors (phas- 0.50 s to 15.00 s Increments 0.01 s or ∞ (ineffective) 0.50 s to 15.00 s Increments 0.01 s 3I0P or ∞ (ineffective) (earth) Additional time delays 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments 0.01 s IP delayed (phases) 0.00 s to 30.00 s… -
Page 558: Automatic Reclosure Function (Optional)
4 Technical Data 4.15 Automatic Reclosure Function (optional) Automatic Reclosures Number of reclosures Max. 8, first 4 with individual settings Type (depending on ordered version) 1-pole, 3-pole or 1-/3-pole Control With pickup or trip command 0.01 s to 300.00 s; ∞ Action times Increments 0.01 s Initiation possible without pickup and action time…
Page 559: Synchronism And Voltage Check (Optional)
4.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) 4.16 Synchronism and Voltage Check (optional) Operating Modes Operating modes Synchronism check with automatic reclosure Live bus — dead line Dead bus — live line Dead bus and dead line Bypassing Or combination of the above Synchronism Closing the circuit breaker under asynchronous power condi- tions possible (with circuit breaker action time)
Page 560
4 Technical Data Minimum measuring time Approx. 80 ms 0.01 s to 600.00 s; ∞ Maximum measuring time Increments 0.01 s Tolerance of all timers 1 % of setting value or 10 ms 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 561: Undervoltage And Overvoltage Protection (Optional)
4.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) 4.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Phase-earth Overvoltages 1.0 V to 170.0 V; ∞ Overvoltage U >> Increments 0.1 V 0.00 s to 100.00 s; ∞ Delay T Increments 0.01 s UPh>> 1.0 V to 170.0 V; ∞ Overvoltage U >…
Page 562
4 Technical Data Tolerances Voltages 3 % of setting value or 1 V Times 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Overvoltage Zero Sequence System 3U or any Single-Phase Voltage U 1.0 V to 220.0 V; ∞ Overvoltage 3U >>… -
Page 563
4.17 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Protection (optional) Undervoltage Positive Sequence System U Undervoltage U << 1.0 V to 100.0 V Increments 0.1 V 0.00 s to 100.00 s; ∞ Delay T Increments 0.01 s U1<< Undervoltage U < 1.0 V to 100.0 V Increments 0.1 V 0.00 s to 100.00 s;… -
Page 564: Frequency Protection (Optional)
4 Technical Data 4.18 Frequency Protection (optional) Frequency Elements Quantity 4, depending on setting effective on f< or f> Pickup Values f> or f< adjustable for each element For f = 50 Hz 45.50 Hz to 54.50 Hz Increments 0.01 Hz For f = 60 Hz 55.50 Hz to 64.50 Hz…
Page 565: Fault Locator
4.19 Fault Locator 4.19 Fault Locator Start With trip command or dropout = 1 A 0.0050 Ω/km to 9.5000 Ω/km Reactance Setting (secondary) for I Increments 0.001 /km in Ω/km or Ω/mile = 5 A 0.0010 Ω/km to 1.9000 Ω/km for I = 1 A 0.0050 Ω/mile to 15.0000 Ω/mile Increments 0.001 Ω/mile…
Page 566: Circuit Breaker Failure Protection
4 Technical Data 4.20 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Circuit Breaker Monitoring Current flow monitoring for I = 1 A 0.05 A to 20.00 A Increments 0.01 A for I = 5 A 0.25 A to 100.00 A Dropout to pickup ratio Approx.
Page 567: Thermal Overload Protection
4.21 Thermal Overload Protection 4.21 Thermal Overload Protection Setting Ranges Factor k according to IEC 60255-8 0.10 to 4.00 Increments 0.01 Time Constant τ 1.0 min to 999.9 min Increments 0.1 min Thermal Alarm Θ /Θ 50% to 100% of the trip overtem- Increments 1 % Alarm Trip…
Page 568
4 Technical Data Figure 4-7 Trip time characteristics of the overload protection 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 569: Monitoring Function
4.22 Monitoring Function 4.22 Monitoring Function Measured Values Current sum = | I · I | > SUM.I Threshold · I + SUM.FactorI ·Σ | I | — SUM.ILimit for I = 1 A 0.10 A to 2.00 A Increments 0.01 A for I = 5 A 0.50 A to 10.00 A Increments 0.01 A…
Page 570
4 Technical Data Trip Circuit Monitoring Number of monitored circuits 1 to 3 Operation per circuit With 1 binary input or with 2 binary inputs Pickup and Dropout Time Approx. 1 to 2 s Settable delay time for operation with 1 binary input 1 s to 30 s Increments 1 s 7SD5 Manual… -
Page 571: User Defined Functions (Cfc)
4.23 User Defined Functions (CFC) 4.23 User Defined Functions (CFC) Function Modules and Possible Assignments to Task Levels Function Module Explanation Task Level MW_BEARB PLC1_BEAR PLC_BEARB SFS_BEARB ABSVALUE Magnitude calculation – – – addition AND — Gate BOOL_TO_CO Boolean to Control –…
Page 572
4 Technical Data General Limits Description Limit Comments Maximum number of all CFC charts considering all task When the limit is exceeded, an error levels message is output by the device. Conse- quently, the device starts monitoring. The red ERROR-LED lights up. Maximum number of all CFC charts considering one task Only error message level… -
Page 573
4.23 User Defined Functions (CFC) Maximum Number of TICKS in the Task Levels Task Level Limit in TICKS MW_BEARB (Measured Value Processing) 10 000 PLC1_BEARB (Slow PLC Processing) 1 900 PLC_BEARB (Fast PLC Processing) SFS_BEARB (switchgear interlocking) 10 000 When the sum of TICKS of all blocks exceeds the limits before-mentioned, an error message is output by CFC. Processing Times in TICKS required by the Individual Elements Individual Element Number of TICKS… -
Page 574: Additional Functions
4 Technical Data 4.24 Additional Functions Measured Values Operational measured values for currents ; 3I in A primary and secondary and in % I Tolerance 0.5 % of measured value or 0.5 % of I ϕ(I ); ϕ(I ); ϕ(I ) in °…
Page 575
4.24 Additional Functions Long-term mean value dmd; I dmd; I dmd; I dmd; Pdmd; Pdmd Forw, Pdmd Rev; Qdmd; QdmdForw; QdmdRev; Sdmd in primary values Minimum and maximum values d; I d; I d; I L1-E L2-E L3-E ; 3U L1-L2 L2-L3 L3-L1… -
Page 576
4 Technical Data Resolution for fault events 1 ms Buffer battery Type: 3 V/1 Ah, Type CR 1/2 AA self-discharging time approx. 10 years Commissioning Tools Operational Measured Values Switching device test Clock Time Synchronization DCF 77/IRIG-B-Signal (telegram format IRIG-B000) Binary Input Communication Operating modes of the clock management… -
Page 577: Dimensions
4.25 Dimensions 4.25 Dimensions 4.25.1 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size Figure 4-8 Dimensions of a device for panel flush or cubicle mounting (size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 578
4 Technical Data 4.25.2 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size Figure 4-9 Dimensions of a device for panel flush or cubicle mounting (size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 579: Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size 1 / 2 )
4.25 Dimensions 4.25.3 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size Figure 4-10 Dimensions of a device for panel surface mounting (size 4.25.4 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size Figure 4-11 Dimensions of a device for panel surface mounting (size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 580
4 Technical Data 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 581: Appendix
Appendix This appendix is primarily a reference for the experienced user. This section provides ordering information for the models of this device. Connection diagrams for indicating the terminal connections of the models of this device are included. Following the general diagrams are diagrams that show the proper connections of the devices to primary equipment in many typical power system configurations.
Page 582: Ordering Information And Accessories
A Appendix Ordering Information and Accessories A.1.1 Ordering Information A.1.1.1 Ordering Code (MLFB) Line Differential Pro- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 tection With Distance Pro- — — L/M/N tection Function Package/Version Pos. 5 Line differential protection with 4-line display Line differential protection with graphical display Device Type Pos.
Page 583
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories Mechanical Design: Housing, Number of Binary Inputs and Outputs Pos. 9 BI: Binary Inputs, BO: Output Relays Flush mounting housing with screwed terminals, x 19”, 8 BI, 15 BO, 1 life contact Flush mounting housing with screwed terminals, x 19”, 16 BI, 23 BO, 1 life contact Flush mounting housing with screwed terminals, x 19”, 24 BI, 31 BO, 1 life contact… -
Page 584
A Appendix Additional Specification L for Further System Interfaces (Port B) Pos. 21 Pos. 22 (only if Pos. 11 = 9) Profibus DP Slave, electrical RS485 Profibus DP Slave, optical, 820 nm, double ring, ST connector DNP 3.0, electrical RS485 DNP 3.0, optical, 820 nm, double ring, ST connector Not possible for surface mounting housing (pos. -
Page 585
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories Functions 1 and Port E: Protection Data Interface 2 Pos. 13 Three-pole tripping, without automatic reclosure, with synchronism check Three-pole tripping, with automatic reclosure, with synchronism check Single-/three-pole tripping, without automatic reclosure, with synchronism check Single-/three-pole tripping, with automatic reclosure, with synchronism check With protection data interface 2, see Additional Specification N Additional Specification N for functions and protection data interface 2… -
Page 586: Accessories
A Appendix with without without with with without with without with without with with with with without without with with without with with with with without with with with with The single-ended fault locator is included in the standard scope of functions of all variants. Additional Functions 2 Pos.
Page 587
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories Voltage Transform- Nominal Values Order No. er Miniature Circuit Thermal 1.6 A; magnetic 6 A 3RV1611-1AG14 Breaker (VT mcb) External Optical interfaces for Profibus and DNP 3.0 are not possible with surface mounting Converters housings. Please order in this case a device with the appropriate electrical RS485 in- terface, and the additional converters listed below Desired interface;… -
Page 588
A Appendix Terminal Block For Terminal Type Order No. Covering Caps 18 terminal voltage, 12 terminal current block C73334-A1-C31-1 12 terminal voltage, 8 terminal current block C73334-A1-C32-1 Short-Circuit Links Short-circuit Links as Jumper Kit Order No. 3 pcs for current terminals + 6 pcs for voltage terminals C73334-A1-C40-1 Plug-in Connector Name… -
Page 589
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories SIMATIC CFC 4 Name Order No. Graphical software for setting interlocking (latching) control conditions and creating additional functions (option package of the complete version of DIGSI) 7XS5450-0AA0 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 590: Terminal Assignments
A Appendix Terminal Assignments A.2.1 Panel Flush Mounting or Cubicle Mounting 7SD5***-*A/J Figure A-1 General diagram 7SD5***-*A/J (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 591
A.2 Terminal Assignments 7SD5***-*C/L Figure A-2 General diagram 7SD5***-*C/L (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 592
A Appendix 7SD5***-*N/S Figure A-3 General diagram 7SD5***-*N/S (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 593
A.2 Terminal Assignments 7SD5***-*D/M Figure A-4 General diagram 7SD5***-*D/M (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 594
A Appendix 7SD5***-*P/T Figure A-5 General diagram 7SD5***-*P/T (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 595: Panel Surface Mounting
A.2 Terminal Assignments A.2.2 Panel Surface Mounting 7SD5***-*E Figure A-6 General diagram 7SD5***-*E (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 596
A Appendix 7SD5***-*E (release /CC and higher) Figure A-7 General diagram 7SD5***-*E release /CC and higher (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 597
A.2 Terminal Assignments 7SD5***-*G Figure A-8 General diagram 7SD5***-*G (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 598
A Appendix 7SD5***-*Q Figure A-9 General diagram 7SD5***-*Q (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 599
A.2 Terminal Assignments 7SD5***-*H Figure A-10 General diagram 7SD5***-*H (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 600
A Appendix 7SD5***-*R Figure A-11 General diagram 7SD5***-*R (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 601
A.2 Terminal Assignments 7SD5***-*G/H/Q/R (release /CC and higher) Figure A-12 General diagram 7SD5***-*G/H/Q/R release /CC and higher (panel surface mounting; size 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 602: Connection Examples
A Appendix Connection Examples A.3.1 Current Transformer Connection Examples Figure A-13 Current connections to three current transformers and starpoint current (normal circuit layout) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 603
A.3 Connection Examples Figure A-14 Current connections to 3 current transformers with separate earth current trans- former (summation current transformer) prefered for solidly or low-resistive earthed systems. 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 604
A Appendix Figure A-15 Current connections to three current transformers and earth current from the star-point connection of a par- allel line (for parallel line compensation) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 605
A.3 Connection Examples Figure A-16 Current connections to three current transformers and earth current from the star-point current of an earthed power transformer (for directional earth fault protection) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 606: Voltage Transformer Connection Examples
A Appendix A.3.2 Voltage Transformer Connection Examples Figure A-17 Voltage connections to three wye-connected voltage transformers (normal circuit layout) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 607
A.3 Connection Examples Figure A-18 Voltage connections to three wye-connected voltage transformers with addition- al open-delta windings (e–n–winding) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 608
A Appendix Figure A-19 Voltage connections to three wye-connected voltage transformers and addition- ally to a busbar voltage (for overvoltage protection or synchronism check) 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 609: Default Settings
A.4 Default Settings Default Settings A.4.1 LEDs Table A-1 LED Indication Presettings LEDs Vorrangierte Function No. Description Funktion LED1 Relay PICKUP L1 Relay PICKUP Phase L1 LED2 Relay PICKUP L2 Relay PICKUP Phase L2 LED3 Relay PICKUP L3 Relay PICKUP Phase L3 LED4 Relay PICKUP E Relay PICKUP Earth…
Page 610: Binary Input
A Appendix A.4.2 Binary Input Table A-2 Binary input presettings for all devices and ordering variants Binary Input Short Text Function No. Description >Reset LED >Reset LED >Manual Close >Manual close signal no presetting >BLOCK O/C I>> 7104 >BLOCK Backup OverCurrent I>> >BLOCK O/C I>…
Page 611: Binary Output
A.4 Default Settings A.4.3 Binary Output Table A-3 Output relay presettings for all devices and ordering variants Binary Output Vorrangierte Function No. Description Funktion Relay PICKUP Relay PICKUP PI1 Data fault 3229 Prot Int 1: Reception of faulty data PI2 Data fault 3231 Prot Int 2: Reception of faulty data Relay TRIP…
Page 612: Function Keys
A Appendix A.4.4 Function Keys Table A-4 Applies to all devices and ordered variants Function Keys Vorrangierte Function No. Description Funktion Display of Opera- tional Annuncia- tions Display of opera- tional values An overview of the last 8 network faults none A.4.5 Default Display…
Page 613
A.4 Default Settings Graphic Display Spontaneous Fault The spontaneous annunciations on devices with 4-line display serve to display the Indication of the 4- most important data about a fault. They appear automatically in the display after Line Display general interrogation of the device, in the sequence shown in the following Figure. Figure A-20 Spontaneous fault indication display Spontaneous Fault… -
Page 614
A Appendix Default Display in the Graphic Editor Figure A-21 Standard default display after starting the Display Editor — example 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 615: Pre-Defined Cfc Charts
A.4 Default Settings A.4.6 Pre-defined CFC Charts ® Some CFC charts are already supplied with the SIPROTEC device. Depending on the variant the following charts may be implemented: Device and System The NEGATOR block assigns the input signal „DataStop“ directly to an output. This is Logic not directly possible without the interconnection of this block.
Page 616: Protocol-Dependent Functions
A Appendix Protocol-dependent Functions Protocol → IEC 60870-5-103 Profibus FMS Profibus DP DNP 3.0 Function ↓ Operational Mea- sured Values Metered Values Fault Recording Remote Relay Setting User-defined Predefined „User- Predefined „User- Alarms and Switch- defined Alarms“ in defined Alarms“ in ing Objects Time Synchroniza- Via protocol;…
Page 617: Functional Scope
A.6 Functional Scope Functional Scope Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments Grp Chge OPTION Disabled Disabled Setting Group Change Option Enabled Trip mode 3pole only 3pole only Trip mode 1-/3pole DIFF.PROTECTION Enabled Enabled Differential protection Disabled Phase Distance Quadrilateral Quadrilateral Phase Distance Disabled…
Page 618
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments Auto Reclose 1 AR-cycle Disabled Auto-Reclose Function 2 AR-cycles 3 AR-cycles 4 AR-cycles 5 AR-cycles 6 AR-cycles 7 AR-cycles 8 AR-cycles Disabled AR control mode Pickup w/ Tact Trip w/o Tact Auto-Reclose control mode Pickup w/o Tact Trip w/ Tact… -
Page 619: Settings
A.7 Settings Settings Addresses which have an appended «A» can only be changed with DIGSI, under Ad- ditional Settings. The table indicates region-specific presettings. Column C (configuration) indicates the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer. Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments…
Page 620
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 402A WAVEFORMTRIGGER Osc. Fault Rec. Save w. Pickup Save w. Pickup Waveform Capture Save w. TRIP Start w. TRIP 403A WAVEFORM DATA Osc. Fault Rec. Fault event Fault event Scope of Waveform Data Pow.Sys.Flt. -
Page 621
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 1126 RM/RL ParalLine P.System Data 2 0.00 .. 8.00 0.00 Mutual Parallel Line comp. ratio RM/RL 1127 XM/XL ParalLine P.System Data 2 0.00 .. 8.00 0.00 Mutual Parallel Line comp. ratio XM/XL 1128 RATIO Par. -
Page 622
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 1 .. 100 V; ∞ 1504 3U0> Threshold Dis. General 3U0 threshold zero seq. voltage pickup 1505 3U0> COMP/ISOL. Dis. General 10 .. 200 V 40 V 3U0> pickup (comp/ isol. star- point) 1507A 3I0>/ Iphmax… -
Page 623
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.050 .. 600.000 Ω 2.500 Ω 1612 R(Z2) Ø-Ø Dis. Quadril. R(Z2), Resistance for ph-ph- faults 0.010 .. 120.000 Ω 0.500 Ω 0.050 .. 600.000 Ω 5.000 Ω 1613 X(Z2) Dis. -
Page 624
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.050 .. 600.000 Ω 3.000 Ω 1653 X(Z1B) Dis. Quadril. X(Z1B), Reactance 0.010 .. 120.000 Ω 0.600 Ω 0.050 .. 600.000 Ω 3.000 Ω 1654 RE(Z1B) Ø-E Dis. Quadril. RE(Z1B), Resistance for ph-e faults 0.010 .. -
Page 625
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 1913 Uph-e (I>) Dis. General 20 .. 70 V 48 V Undervoltage (ph-e) at Iph> 1914 Uph-ph (I>>) Dis. General 40 .. 130 V 80 V Undervoltage (ph-ph) at Iph>> 1915 Uph-ph (I>) Dis. -
Page 626
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2509 Echo:1channel Weak Infeed Echo logic: Dis and EF on common channel 2510 Uphe< Factor Weak Infeed 0.10 .. 1.00 0.70 Factor for undervoltage Uphe< Time const. τ 2511 Weak Infeed 1 .. -
Page 627
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.05 .. 4.00 A; ∞ ∞ A 2650 3I0p PICKUP Back-Up O/C 3I0p Pickup 0.25 .. 20.00 A; ∞ ∞ A 0.05 .. 3.00 sec; ∞ 2652 T 3I0p TimeDial Back-Up O/C 0.50 sec T 3I0p Time Dial… -
Page 628
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2916A T V-Supervision Measurem.Superv 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 3.00 sec Delay Voltage Failure Supervi- sion 2921 T mcb Measurem.Superv 0 .. 30 ms 0 ms VT mcb operating time 2931 BROKEN WIRE Measurem.Superv Fast broken current-wire supervi-… -
Page 629
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3140 Op. mode 3I0p Earth Fault O/C Forward Inactive Operating mode Earth Fault O/C Reverse Earth Fault O/C Non-Directional Earth Fault O/C Inactive 3141 3I0p PICKUP Earth Fault O/C 0.05 .. 25.00 A 1.00 A 3I0p Pickup Earth Fault O/C… -
Page 630
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0 .. 360 ° 255 ° 3168 PHI comp Earth Fault O/C Compensation angle PHI comp. for Sr 3169 S forward Earth Fault O/C 0.1 .. 10.0 VA 0.3 VA Forward direction power thresh- 0.5 .. -
Page 631
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3426 AR w/ W/I Auto Reclose AR with weak infeed tripping ? 3427 AR w/ EF-O/C Auto Reclose AR with earth fault overcurrent prot. ? 3430 AR TRIP 3pole Auto Reclose 3pole TRIP by AR 3431 DLC / RDT… -
Page 632
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3483 4.AR: START Auto Reclose AR start allowed in this cycle 0.01 .. 300.00 sec; ∞ 3484 4.AR: T-ACTION Auto Reclose 0.20 sec Action time 0.01 .. 1800.00 sec; ∞ 3486 4.AR Tdead 1Flt Auto Reclose… -
Page 633
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3611 O/U FREQ. f2 Frequency Prot. ON: Alarm only ON: Alarm only Over/Under Frequency Protec- ON: with Trip tion stage f2 3612 f2 PICKUP Frequency Prot. 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 49.00 Hz f2 Pickup 3613… -
Page 634
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 2.0 .. 220.0 V; ∞ 3744 U2>> Voltage Prot. 50.0 V U2>> Pickup 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; ∞ 3745 T U2>> Voltage Prot. 1.00 sec T U2>> Time Delay 3749A U2>(>) RESET Voltage Prot. -
Page 635
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 3931 PoleDiscrepancy Breaker Failure Pole Discrepancy supervision 0.00 .. 30.00 sec; ∞ 3932 T-PoleDiscrep. Breaker Failure 2.00 sec Trip delay with pole discrepancy 4001 FCT TripSuperv. TripCirc.Superv TRIP Circuit Supervision is 4002 No. -
Page 636
A Appendix Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 4515A PI1 BLOCK UNSYM Prot. Interface Prot.1: Block. due to unsym. delay time 4601 STATE PROT I 2 Prot. Interface State of protection interface 2 4602 CONNEC. 2 OVER Prot. Interface F.optic direct F.optic direct Connection 2 over… -
Page 637
A.7 Settings Addr. Parameter Function Setting Options Default Setting Comments 0.000 .. 100.000 µF/km 0.010 µF/km 6023 S2: c’ P.System Data 2 S2: feeder capacitance c’ in µF/km 0.000 .. 500.000 µF/km 0.050 µF/km 0.000 .. 160.000 µF/mi 0.016 µF/mi 6023 S2: c’ P.System Data 2… -
Page 638: Information List
A Appendix Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio Test mode (Test mode) Device IntSP Stop data transmission (DataS- Device IntSP top) Unlock data transmission via BI Device IntSP (UnlockDT) Clock Synchronization (Synch- Device IntSP Clock)
Page 639
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio Disconnect Switch (Disc.Swit.) Control Device CF_D Disconnect Switch (Disc.Swit.) Control Device Earth Switch (EarthSwit) Control Device CF_D Earth Switch (EarthSwit) Control Device Interlocking: 52 Open (52 Open) Control Device IntSP Interlocking: 52 Close (52 Close) Control Device… -
Page 640
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio >Reset LED (>Reset LED) Device LED BI >Setting Group Select Bit 0 (>Set Change Group LED BI Group Bit0) >Setting Group Select Bit 1 (>Set Change Group LED BI Group Bit1) -
Page 641
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio Failure: General Current Supervi- Measurem.Superv sion (Fail I Superv.) Failure: Current Balance (Fail I Measurem.Superv balance) Failure: General Voltage Supervi- Measurem.Superv sion (Fail U Superv.) Failure: Voltage summation Measurem.Superv Phase-Earth (Fail Σ… -
Page 642
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio Set Point Phase L2 dmd> (SP. Set Points(MV) IL2 dmd>) Set Point Phase L3 dmd> (SP. Set Points(MV) IL3 dmd>) Set Point positive sequence Set Points(MV) I1dmd>… -
Page 643
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio >CB aux. contact 3pole Open P.System Data 2 LED BI (>CB 3p Open) >Single-phase trip permitted from P.System Data 2 LED BI ext.AR (>1p Trip Perm) >External AR programmed for P.System Data 2 LED BI… -
Page 644
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio Relay TRIP command Phase L2 P.System Data 2 (Relay TRIP L2) Relay TRIP command Phase L3 P.System Data 2 (Relay TRIP L3) General CLOSE of relay (Relay P.System Data 2 CLOSE) Relay GENERAL TRIP command… -
Page 645
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 1003 Number of breaker TRIP com- Statistics mands L3 (TripNo L3=) 1027 Accumulation of interrupted Statistics current L1 (Σ IL1 1028 Accumulation of interrupted Statistics current L2 (Σ… -
Page 646
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 1137 R (secondary single ended) Fault Locator on off (Rsec single. =) 1138 X (secondary single ended) Fault Locator on off (Xsec single. =) 1143 BCD Fault location [1%] (BCD Fault Locator… -
Page 647
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 1325 >E/F Carrier RECEPTION, Teleprot. E/F LED BI Channel 1, Ph.L1 (>EF Rec.Ch1 1326 >E/F Carrier RECEPTION, Teleprot. E/F LED BI Channel 1, Ph.L2 (>EF Rec.Ch1 1327 >E/F Carrier RECEPTION, Teleprot. -
Page 648
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 1368 E/F 3I0> TRIP (EF 3I0> TRIP) Earth Fault O/C 1369 E/F 3I0p TRIP (EF 3I0p TRIP) Earth Fault O/C 1370 E/F Inrush picked up (EF Inrush- Earth Fault O/C 1371 E/F Telep. -
Page 649
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 1453 Breaker failure is ACTIVE (Bkr- Breaker Failure Fail ACTIVE) 1461 Breaker failure protection started Breaker Failure (BF Start) 1472 BF Trip T1 (local trip) — only Breaker Failure phase L1 (BF T1-TRIP 1pL1) 1473… -
Page 650
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 2713 >AR: External trip L2 for AR start Auto Reclose LED BI (>Trip L2 AR) 2714 >AR: External trip L3 for AR start Auto Reclose LED BI (>Trip L3 AR) 2715… -
Page 651
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 2796 AR: Auto-reclose ON/OFF via BI Auto Reclose IntSP (AR on/off BI) 2801 AR: Auto-reclose in progress (AR Auto Reclose in progress) 2809 AR: Start-signal monitoring time Auto Reclose expired (AR T-Start Exp) -
Page 652
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 2891 AR 3rd cycle zone extension Auto Reclose release (AR 3.CycZoneRel) 2892 AR 4th cycle zone extension Auto Reclose release (AR 4.CycZoneRel) 2893 AR zone extension (general) (AR Auto Reclose Zone Release) 2894… -
Page 653
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 2945 Sync. live bus / dead line detect- Sync. Check ed (Usyn> U-line<) 2946 Sync. dead bus / dead line de- Sync. Check tected (Usyn<… -
Page 654
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3142 Diff: TRIP — Only L1 (Diff TRIP 1p Diff. Prot 3143 Diff: TRIP — Only L2 (Diff TRIP 1p Diff. Prot 3144 Diff: TRIP — Only L3 (Diff TRIP 1p Diff. -
Page 655
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3215 Incompatible Firmware Versions Prot. Interface (Wrong Firmware) 3217 Prot Int 1: Own Datas received Prot. Interface (PI1 Data reflec) 3218 Prot Int 2: Own Datas received Prot. -
Page 656
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3257 Prot.2: Delay time unsymmetry to Prot. Interface IntSP large (PI2 unsym.) 3258 ProtInt1:Permissible error rate Prot. Interface exceeded (PI1 Error) 3259 ProtInt2:Permissible error rate Prot. -
Page 657
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3508 I.Trip: Received at Prot.Interface Intertrip 2 L1 (ITrp.rec.PI2.L1) 3509 I.Trip: Received at Prot.Interface Intertrip 2 L2 (ITrp.rec.PI2.L2) 3510 I.Trip: Received at Prot.Interface Intertrip 2 L3 (ITrp.rec.PI2.L3) 3511… -
Page 658
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3548 Remote Trip 4 received Remote Signals (RemoteTrip4 rec) 3549 >Remote Signal 1 input (>Rem. Remote Signals LED BI Signal 1) 3550 >Remote Signal 2 input Remote Signals LED BI (>Rem.Signal 2) -
Page 659
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3576 Remote signal 4 received Remote Signals (Rem.Sig 4recv) 3577 Remote signal 5 received Remote Signals (Rem.Sig 5recv) 3578 Remote signal 6 received Remote Signals (Rem.Sig 6recv) 3579… -
Page 660
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3620 >BLOCK Z5 for ph-e loops Dis. General LED BI (>BLOCK Z5 Ph-E) 3651 Distance is switched off (Dist. Dis. General OFF) 3652 Distance is BLOCKED (Dist. Dis. -
Page 661
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3701 Distance Loop L1E selected Dis. General forward (Dis.Loop L1-E f) 3702 Distance Loop L2E selected Dis. General forward (Dis.Loop L2-E f) 3703 Distance Loop L3E selected Dis. -
Page 662
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3749 Distance Pickup Z1B, Loop L3E Dis. General (Dis. Z1B L3E) 3750 Distance Pickup Z1B, Loop L12 Dis. General (Dis. Z1B L12) 3751 Distance Pickup Z1B, Loop L23 Dis. -
Page 663
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 3821 Distance TRIP 3phase in Z4 Dis. General (Dis.TRIP 3p. Z4) 3822 Distance TRIP 3phase in Z5 Dis. General (Dis.TRIP 3p. Z5) 3823 DisTRIP 3phase in Z1 with Dis. -
Page 664
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 4052 Dis. Teleprotection is switched Teleprot. Dist. OFF (Dis.Telep. OFF) 4054 Dis. Telep. Carrier signal received Teleprot. Dist. (Dis.T.Carr.rec.) 4055 Dis. Telep. Carrier CHANNEL Teleprot. -
Page 665
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 4223 Weak Infeed is ACTIVE (Weak Inf Weak Infeed ACTIVE) 4225 Weak Infeed Zero seq. current Weak Infeed detected (3I0 detected) 4226 Weak Infeed Undervoltg. L1 (WI Weak Infeed U L1<) 4227… -
Page 666
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 4289 High Speed/SOTF-O/C TRIP — SOTF Overcurr. Only L1 (HS/SOF TRIP1pL1) 4290 High Speed/SOTF-O/C TRIP — SOTF Overcurr. Only L2 (HS/SOF TRIP1pL2) 4291 High Speed/SOTF-O/C TRIP — SOTF Overcurr. -
Page 667
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 5233 Frequency protection: f2 picked Frequency Prot. up (f2 picked up) 5234 Frequency protection: f3 picked Frequency Prot. up (f3 picked up) 5235 Frequency protection: f4 picked Frequency Prot. -
Page 668
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 7110 >Backup OverCurrent Instanta- Back-Up O/C LED BI neousTrip (>O/C InstTRIP) 7130 >BLOCK I-STUB (>BLOCK I- Back-Up O/C LED BI STUB) 7131 >Enable I-STUB-Bus function (>I- Back-Up O/C LED BI STUB ENABLE) -
Page 669
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 7192 Backup O/C Pickup I> (O/C Back-Up O/C PICKUP I>) 7193 Backup O/C Pickup Ip (O/C Back-Up O/C PICKUP Ip) 7201 O/C I-STUB Pickup (I-STUB Back-Up O/C PICKUP) 7211… -
Page 670
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 10205 >BLOCK U2>(>) Overvolt. (nega- Voltage Prot. LED BI tive seq.) (>U2>(>) BLK) 10206 >BLOCK Uph-e<(<) Undervolt Voltage Prot. LED BI (phase-earth) (>Uph-e<(<) BLK) 10207 >BLOCK Uphph<(<) Undervolt Voltage Prot. -
Page 671
A.8 Information List Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 10246 Uph-e>> TimeOut (Uph-e>> Tim- Voltage Prot. eOut) 10247 Uph-e>(>) TRIP command (Uph- Voltage Prot. e>(>) TRIP) 10255 Uph-ph> Pickup (Uphph> Pickup) Voltage Prot. 10256 Uph-ph>>… -
Page 672
A Appendix Description Function Type Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103 of In- for- matio 10311 Uph-e<< Pickup (Uph-e<< Voltage Prot. Pickup) 10312 Uph-e<(<) Pickup L1 (Uph-e<(<) Voltage Prot. PU L1) 10313 Uph-e<(<) Pickup L2 (Uph-e<(<) Voltage Prot. PU L2) 10314 Uph-e<(<) Pickup L3 (Uph-e<(<) Voltage Prot. -
Page 673: Group Alarms
A.9 Group Alarms Group Alarms Description Function No. Description Error Sum Alarm Error 5V Error A/D-conv. Error1A/5Awrong Error neutralCT Failure Σi Alarm Sum Event Fail I balance Fail Σ U Ph-E Fail U balance Fail U absent VT FuseFail>10s VT FuseFail Fail Ph.
Page 674: Measured Values
A Appendix A.10 Measured Values Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix Upper setting limit for IL1dmd (IL1dmd>) Set Points(MV) Upper setting limit for IL2dmd (IL2dmd>) Set Points(MV) Upper setting limit for IL3dmd (IL3dmd>) Set Points(MV) Upper setting limit for I1dmd (I1dmd>) Set Points(MV) Upper setting limit for Pdmd (|Pdmd|>) Set Points(MV)
Page 675
A.10 Measured Values Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix Temperat. rise for warning and trip (Θ/Θtrip Measurement Temperature rise for phase L1 (Θ/ΘtripL1=) Measurement Temperature rise for phase L2 (Θ/ΘtripL2=) Measurement Temperature rise for phase L3 (Θ/ΘtripL3=) Measurement I1 (positive sequence) Demand (I1dmd =) Demand meter Active Power Demand (Pdmd =) Demand meter… -
Page 676
A Appendix Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix Apparent Power Minimum (SMin=) Min/Max meter Apparent Power Maximum (SMax=) Min/Max meter Frequency Minimum (fMin=) Min/Max meter Frequency Maximum (fMax=) Min/Max meter Pulsed Energy Wp (active) (Wp(puls)) Energy Pulsed Energy Wq (reactive) (Wq(puls)) Energy Wp Forward (Wp+=) Energy… -
Page 677
A.10 Measured Values Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix 1054 Reactive Power Demand Forward (Qdmd Demand meter Forw=) 1055 Reactive Power Demand Reverse (Qdmd Demand meter Rev =) 7731 PHI IL1L2 (local) (Φ IL1L2=) Measurement 7732 PHI IL2L3 (local) (Φ IL2L3=) Measurement 7733 PHI IL3L1 (local) (Φ… -
Page 678
A Appendix Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix 7774 Angle UL3_rem <-> UL3_loc (ΦU L3=) Measure relay1 7781 Relay ID of 2. relay (Relay ID) Measure relay2 7782 IL1(% of Operational nominal current) Measure relay2 (IL1_opN=) 7783 Angle IL1_rem <-> IL1_loc (ΦI L1=) Measure relay2 7784 IL2(% of Operational nominal current) -
Page 679
A.10 Measured Values Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix 7832 Angle UL2_rem <-> UL2_loc (ΦU L2=) Measure relay4 7833 UL3(% of Operational nominal voltage) Measure relay4 (UL3_opN=) 7834 Angle UL3_rem <-> UL3_loc (ΦU L3=) Measure relay4 7841 Relay ID of 5. relay (Relay ID) Measure relay5 7842 IL1(% of Operational nominal current) -
Page 680
A Appendix Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix 10102 Min. Zero Sequence Voltage 3U0 (3U0min Min/Max meter 10103 Max. Zero Sequence Voltage 3U0 (3U0max Min/Max meter 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 681: Literature
Literature SIPROTEC 4 System Description; E50417-H1176-C151-A2 SIPROTEC DIGSI, Start Up; E50417-G1176-C152-A2 DIGSI CFC, Manual; E50417-H1176-C098-A4 SIPROTEC SIGRA 4, Manual; E50417-H1176-C070-A2 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…
Page 682
Literature 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1… -
Page 683: Glossary
Glossary Battery The buffer battery ensures that specified data areas, flags, timers and counters are re- tained retentively. Bay controllers Bay controllers are devices with control and monitoring functions without protective functions. Bit pattern indica- Bit pattern indication is a processing function by means of which items of digital tion process information applying across several inputs can be detected together in paral- lel and processed further.
Page 684
Glossary Component view In addition to a topological view, SIMATIC Manager offers you a component view. The component view does not offer any overview of the hierarchy of a project. It does, how- ever, provide an overview of all the SIPROTEC 4 devices within a project. COMTRADE Common Format for Transient Data Exchange, format for fault records. -
Page 685
Glossary This term means that a conductive part is connected via an earthing system to the → Earth (verb) earth. Earthing Earthing is the total of all means and measures used for earthing. Electromagnetic Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of an electrical apparatus to function compatibility fault-free in a specified environment without influencing the environment unduly. -
Page 686
Glossary image. The current process state can also be sampled after a data loss by means of a GI. GOOSE messages The GOOSE messages (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) are data packag- es which are transmitted event-controlled via the Ethernet communication system. They are used for a direct information exchange between devices. -
Page 687
Glossary → IRC combination Inter relay commu- nication IRC combination Inter Relay Communication, IRC, is used for directly exchanging process information between SIPROTEC 4 devices. You require an object of type IRC combination to con- figure an Inter Relay Communication. Each user of the combination and all the neces- sary communication parameters are defined in this object. -
Page 688
Glossary Modems Modem profiles for a modem connection are saved in this object type. Measured value MVMV Metered value which is formed from the measured value Measured value with time Measured value, user-defined Navigation pane The left pane of the project window displays the names and symbols of all containers of a project in the form of a folder tree. -
Page 689
Glossary Project Content-wise, a project is the image of a real power supply system. Graphically, a project is represented by a number of objects which are integrated in a hierarchical structure. Physically, a project consists of a series of folders and files containing project data. -
Page 690
Glossary SIPROTEC 4 device This object type represents a real SIPROTEC 4 device with all the setting values and process data it contains. SIPROTEC 4 This object type represents a variant of an object of type SIPROTEC 4 device. The variant device data of this variant may well differ from the device data of the source object. -
Page 691: Index
Index Index AC voltage 520 Calculation of the Impedances 118 Acknowledgement of Commands 442 Certifications 530 Adaptive dead time (ADT) 304 Chain topology 75 Additional functions 574 Characteristics Analog inputs 20 Definite-time 24 Analog inputs and outputs 519 Inverse-time 24 Analog/digital converters 21 Charge comparison stage Ancillary functions 414…
Page 692
Index Closing time 50 Contact mode for binary outputs 452 External local trip 260 Control Logic 441 Measuring the operating time 507 Control voltage for binary inputs 452 Position detection 399 Controlled Zone 160 Position logic 400 Controlled zone 147 Test 50 Cross polarization 153 Test programs 409… -
Page 693
Index Differential protection 27 Determination of Direction 544 Blocking 97 High Current Stage 541 Charging current compensation 92, 101 Zero Sequence Power Protection Stage 543 Delay times 534 Zero Sequence Voltage Time Protection Stage Delays 101 (U0-inverse) 543 Emergency operation 534 Earth fault protection 541 Further influences 93 Determination of direction 225… -
Page 694
Index Forced three-pole trip 304 Inrush restraint 227 Frequency 534 Inrush stabilization 215 Frequency Protection 342 Instantaneous High-current Switch-onto-Fault Operating Ranges 564 Protection 265 Pickup Values 564 Instantaneous High-set current Switch-onto-Fault Times 564 Protection 554 Tolerances 564 Instantaneous trip Frequency protection 564 I>>>… -
Page 695
Index Load Range (only for Impedance Pickup) 128 Output Relay 416 Log buffer 33 Overcurrent Pickup 113 Long-term Average Values 431 Overcurrent pickup U/I/ϕ pickup 129 U/Ipickup 129 Overcurrent Stage (inverse-time) 271 Overcurrent stage Measured value correction > (Definite-time O/C protection) 277 Double-end fed lines 352 (Inverse-time O/C protection with ANSI Parallel line 351… -
Page 696
Index Polarity check for the current measuring input Restraint current values 427 Retrievable indications 420 Polarity check for the voltage input U Reverse Interlocking 197 Polarized MHO characteristic 151 Ring topology 76, 85 Pole Discrepancy Supervision 371 Pole Discrepancy Supervision 367 Polygonal characteristic 137 Power plant connections Check 474… -
Page 697
Index Teleprotection 175 Vibration and Shock Stress during Stationary Oper- With earth fault protection 226 ation 528 Teleprotection Schemes 175 Vibration and Shock Stress During Transport 528 Termination 465, 472 Voltage inputs 519 Termination of serial interfaces 452 Voltage Jump 253 Test for the Configured Operating Devices 514 Voltage measuring inputs 47 Test Mode 478… -
Page 698
Index 7SD5 Manual C53000-G1176-C169-1…