Руководство по эксплуатации автокрана zoomlion



1. Модель крана на специальном шасси и заводская табличка

   1.1 Модель крапа на специальном шасси

   1.2 Заводская табличка

   1.3 Расположение информационной таблички с идентификационным номером автомобиля (VIN)

   1.4 Модель шасси и основные технические характеристики двигателя

2. Основные технические характеристики и особенности

   2.1 Основные технические характеристики

   2.2 Грузоподъемность крана

   2.3 Зона грузоподъемных работ

   2.4 Увеличение и стандарт стальною троса

   2.5 Схема высоты подъема

   2.6 Габаритные размеры крана на специальном шасси при движении (мм)

3. Название узлов и деталей

   3.1 Чертеж общего вида

   3.2 Кабина крана

   3.3 Электрооборудование

   3.4 Кабина шасси

4. Меры предосторожности при работе

   4.1 Условия работы

   4.2 Меры предосторожности при эксплуатации

   4.3 Рабочий персонал

   4.4 Подготовка крана перед работой

   4.5 Подготовка крана перед транспортировкой

   4.6 Шасси крапа

   4.7 Проверка крана после работы

   4.8 Правила дорожного движения

5. Эксплуатация

   5.1 Запуск двигателя и работа коробки отбора мощности

   5.2 Аутригеры

   5.3 Работа подъемного механизма

   5.4 Работа главной стрелы и выдвижного механизма

   5.5 Амплитуда главной стрелы

   5.6 Поворот платформы

   5.7 Выполнение сложных операций

   5.8 Вспомогательная стрела

   5.9 Ролик на конце стрелы

6. Предохранительное устройство

   6.1 Ограничитель момента силы

   6.2 Индикатор угла

   6.3 Установка предохранения чрезмерного выпуска стального троса

   6.4 Установка ограничения высоты

   6.5 Установка предупреждения о чрезмерном давлении пятого аутригера

   6.6 Контроллер давления системы

7. Техническое обслуживание

   7.1 Смазка

   7.2 Периодическая проверка и техническое обслуживание

   7.3. Регулировка, очистка, замена деталей

8. Неисправности и способы их устранении

9. Дополнительное оборудование

   9.1 Топливный обогреватель

   9.2 Кондиционер кабины крана

10 Транспортировка и хранение

   10.1 Способ транспортировки и меры предосторожности при транспортировке

   10.2 Условия и срок храпения, меры предосторожности при хранении крана

11. Сигналы крановщику рукой


Благодарим вас за покупку крапа на специальном шасси торговой марки ZOOMLION. Автокран торговой марки ZOOMLION — это продукция, разработанная и выпущенная па основе многолетнего опыта пашей компании и передовых технологий. Данная инструкция по применению включает основные пояснения по эксплуатации крапа на специальном шасси.

Данный автокран подходит для эксплуатации на горнодобывающих предприятиях, строительных площадках, портах, нефтяных месторождениях, складах, используется для подъемных и других работ.

В целях обеспечения безопасности эксплуатации и повышения производительности груда, просим Вас перед эксплуатацией шасси особого назначения внимательно прочитать данную инструкцию по эксплуатации.

!! Предупреждение

а. Запрещена эксплуатация и проведение технического обслуживания, профилактического
ремонта до прочтения данной инструкции.

б. Неправильная эксплуатация и профилактический ремонт могут привести к
возникновению аварий, а также производственным травмам.

в. Данную инструкцию по эксплуатации шасси особого назначения крана па специальном
шасси необходимо хранить в кабине.

Меры безопасности

В большинстве случаев аварии, возникшие в процессе эксплуатации оборудования. вызваны пренебрежением мер предосторожности и правил безопасности. Чтобы предотвратить возникновение подобных аварий, необходимо принимать соответствующие меры. Неправильная эксплуатация, смазка или техническое обслуживание — это большой риск и опасность, которые могут нанести вред здоровью человека. Поэтому перед началом работы необходимо внимательно прочитать и изучить данную инструкцию по эксплуатации. Также необходимо правильно осуществлять эксплуатацию, проверку и техническое обслуживание оборудование, на первое место всегда ставить соблюдение мер безопасности.

Пункты, касающиеся безопасности, отмечены знаком «!!», который является общепринятым в данной инструкции.

В данной инструкции употребляются такие слова, обозначенные данным знаком: «Опасность«, «Предупреждение«, «Внимание«. Значение этих слов описано ниже.

«Риск» — обозначает возникновение критической ситуации. Если ее нельзя избежать, го это может привести к тяжелым ранениям и гибели людей.

«Предупреждение» — обозначает скрытую опасность. Если ее нельзя избежать, то это может привести к тяжелым ранениям и гибели людей.

«Внимание» — обозначает скрытую опасность. Если ее нельзя избежать, то это может привести к легким ранениям или ранениям средней тяжести. Также это может привести к поломке механизма или его деталей.

«Пояснение» — дополнительное описание, разъяснение.

Эксплуатация крана на специальном шасси в соответствии с рекомендациями завода-производителя позволит обеспечить безопасность эксплуатации в максимальной степени. Чтобы избежать возникновения поломок оборудования и несчастных случаев в процессе работы необходимо строго соблюдать все требования и быть очень внимательным, необходимо постоянно читать данную инструкцию по эксплуатации до тех пор, пока не овладеете данным материалом. Если возникнут какие-либо вопросы, вы можете обратиться за консультацией в отдел реализации компании.

В случае потери или порчи данной инструкции по эксплуатации, вы можете обратиться в отдел реализации завода и заказать инструкцию.

«!!» Пояснение: по причине постоянного усовершенствования продукции технические материалы могут отличаться от приобретенного оборудования. Компания не несет ответственности за извещение о вносимых изменения

1. Модель крана на специальном шасси и заводская табличка

1.1 Модель крана на специальном шасси

Отраслевая модель ZLJ5322JQZ30V Промышленная модель QY30V

1.2 Заводская табличка

1.2.1 Расположение заводской таблички

Заводская табличка расположена с левой стороны кабины крана.

1.2.2 Заводская табличка

Заводская табличка крана на специальном шасси с комплектацией двигателя

«Ж Внимание: Если Вы нуждаетесь в услугах данной компании, пожалуйста. предоставьте информацию, указанную в данном пункт.

1.3 Расположение информационной таблички с идентификационным номером автомобиля (VIN)

Идентификационный номер крапа на специальном шасси (VIN) модели ZLJ5322JQZ30V — L5E5H3D3xxAxxxxxx; указан на боковой стороне лонжерона рамы автомобиля, расположение идентификационного номера автомобиля показано на рисунке ниже:

1.4 Модель шасси и основные технические характеристики двигателя

ШАССИ Двигатель Модель Мощность кВ/об/мин
WP10.270 199/2200
Максимальный крутящий момент, N .т/об/мин Производитель
1100/1200-1600 Завод по производству дизельных двигателей «Вэйчай» (Weichai Power Co.,Ltd.).
Модель ZLJ5325
Класс Второй
Отличительный номер ZLJ5325V3.2
Выхлопы вредных веществ Соответствует стандарту GB3847-2005, GB17691-2005 (евро 3)
Производитель ZOOMLION

2. Основные технические характеристики и особенности

2.1 Основные технические характеристики

Параметр Значение Примечание
Рабочие характеристики Максимальная грузоподъемность, кг 30000  
Максимальный момент груза на основной стреле, кНм 1132  
Максимальный момент груза при полном вылете стрелы, кНм 588  
Максимальная высота подъема основной стрелы, м 11,1  
Максимальный вылет стрелы, м 40,5 Не учитывая деформацию стрелы
Полный вылет стрелы гусек, м 48,5
Скорость работ Максимальная скорость одного троса (главная лебедка), м/мин 120 четвертый слой
Максимальная скорость одного троса (вспомогательная лебедка). м/мин 100 Второй слой
Время подъема стрелы, сек 40  
Время полного выдвижения стрелы, сек 80  
Скорость поворота, об/мин 0-2.2  
Ходовые характеристики Максимальная скорость движения, км/ч 78  
Максимальный угол подъема, % 37  
Минимальный диаметр разворота, м <22< />  
Минимальный клиренс, мм 220  
Расход топлива 45  
Весовые характеристики Собственный вес (общая масса), кг 32000  
Полная масса транспортного средства, кг 31870  
Нагрузка на переднюю ось, кг 7000  
Нагрузка на заднюю ось, кг 25000  
Размеры Внешние размеры (Д*Ш*В*), мм 12900*2500*3465  
Расстояние между аутригерами (продольное), м 5,36  
Расстояние между аутригерами (поперечное), м При полном выдвижении 6,1; при выдвижении на 1/2 — 4.2  
Длина основной стрелы, м 10,6-40  
Угол возвышения основной стрелы, ° -2-80  
Длина дополнительной стрелы, м 8  
Угол монтажа дополнительной стрелы, ° 0, 30  

2.2 Грузоподъемность крана

Таблица 2-1
Единицы измерения: кг

Рабочая амплитуда (м) Главная стрела
Выдвижение I цилиндра до 100%. полное выдвижение аутригера, работа сзади и сбоку
10.6 14.3 18.0 23.5 29.0 34.5 40.0
3.0 30000 27000 22000        
3.5 30000 27000 22000        
4.0 28000 26000 20000 16500      
4.5 25000 24000 18500 15500      
5.0 23000 22000 17000 14500      
5.5 21000 20500 15600 13500 11500    
6.0 18500 18500 14600 12500 10900    
6.5 16500 16500 13700 11800 10300    
7.0 14600 14400 12800 11000 9700 8200  
7.5 13000 12800 11900 10400 9200 7900  
8.0 11600 11400 11100 9700 8800 7600  
9.0   9300 9100 8700 8000 7000 6300
10.0   7600 7450 7900 7200 6400 5600
11.0   6400 6250 6900 66ОО 5850 5200
12.0     5150 5850 6100 5400 4800
13.0     4300 4950 5350 5000 4500
14.0     3600 4250 4600 4600 4200
15.0       3650 4050 4300 4000
16.0       3100 3500 3700 3700
18.0       2300 2700 2950 2950
20.0         2050 2300 2300
22.0         1550 1800 1800
24.0         1150 1300 1400
26.0           900 1050
28.0           650 750
30.0             550
I 0 3.7 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
И 0 0 0 5.5 11.0 16.5 22.0
Увеличение 8 6 6 4 4 3 3
К) 40
Основной крючок 30т
Рабочая амплитуда (м) Главная стрела
Выдвижение I цилиндра до 50%. полное выдвижение аутригера, работа сзади и сбоку
10.6 14.3 19.8 25.3 30.8 36.4
3.0 30000 27000        
3.5 30000 27000        
4.0 28000 26000 16500      
4.5 25000 24000 15500      
5.0 23000 22000 14500 11500    
5.5 21000 20500 14000 11500    
6.0 18500 18500 13500 11500    
6.5 16500 16500 12800 11500 8200  
7.0 14600 14400 12000 11500 8200  
7.5 13000 12800 11200 11500 8100  
8.0 11600 11400 10700 11500 8000 6300
9.0   9300 9700 10000 7400 6300
10.0   7600 8500 8800 6700 5750
11.0   6400 7200 7500 63ОО 5300
12.0     6200 6300 5700 4900
13.0     5200 5600 5400 4600
14.0     4600 4900 5000 4250
15.0     3900 4250 4600 4000
16.0     3400 3700 4000 3700
18.0       2900 3000 3100
20.0       2200 2350 2500
22.0       1700 1800 1900
24.0         1400 1450
26.0         1050 1150
28.0         750 900
30.0           650
I 0 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
И 0 0 5.5 11.0 16.5 22.0
Увеличение 8 6 4 4 3 3
К) 40
Основной крючок 30т
Рабочая амплитуда (м) Главная стрела
Выдвижение I цилиндра до 50%. полное выдвижение аутригера, работа сзади и сбоку
10.6 16.1 21.6 27.1 32.6  
3.0 30000 16500        
3.5 30000 16500        
4.0 28000 16500 11500      
4.5 25000 16500 11500      
5.0 23000 16500 11500      
5.5 21000 16000 11500 8200    
6.0 18500 18500 11500 8200    
6.5 16500 15300 11500 8200    
7.0 14600 15000 11500 7500    
7.5 13000 13500 10800 7300 6300  
8.0 11600 12000 10000 7000 6300  
9.0   10000 0000 6300 5700  
10.0   8500 8500 5800 5100  
11.0   7200 7500 5200 47ОО  
12.0   6200 6300 4900 4250  
13.0   5200 5600 4500 4000  
14.0   4600 4900 4100 3700  
15.0     4250 3800 3200  
16.0     3700 3600 3000  
18.0     2900 3100 2600  
20.0       2500 2300  
22.0       2000 2000  
24.0       1600 1700  
26.0         1300  
28.0         1100  
I 0 0 0 0 0  
И 0 5.5 11.0 16.5 22.0  
Увеличение 8 6 4 3 3  
Крючок Основной крючок 30т

Таблица 2-2

Единицы измерения: кг

Рабочая амплитуда (м) Главная стрела
Выдвижение I цилиндра до 100%. полное выдвижение аутригера, работа сзади и сбоку
10.6 14.3 18.0 23.5 29.0 34.5 40.0
3.0 30000 27000 21000        
3.5 26000 26000 19000        
4.0 23000 22000 18000 15000      
4.5 18000 18000 16000 14000      
5.0 16000 16000 15000 13000      
5.5 13000 13000 12500 12000 10500    
6.0 11000 11000 10500 11000 10000    
6.5 9500 9000 9000 9500 9200    
7.0 8200 8000 7500 8500 8600 8000  
7.5 6800 6600 6500 7200 7500 7300  
8.0 6200 4500 5500 6500 7000 7000  
9.0   3500 4500 5000 5500 6000 6000
10.0   2800 3500 4000 4500 4800 5000
11.0     2500 3200 36ОО 4000 4200
12.0     2000 2500 3000 3300 3500
13.0     1500 2000 2500 2600 3000
14.0     1100 1700 2000 2300 2500
15.0       1300 1600 1800 2100
16.0       1000 1300 1600 1800
18.0         800 1100 1200
20.0           700 900
22.0             600
I 0 3.7 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
И 0 0 0 5.5 11.0 16.5 22.0
Увеличение 8 6 6 4 4 3 3
Крючок Основной крючок 30т
Рабочая амплитуда (м) Главная стрела
Выдвижение I цилиндра до 50%. полное выдвижение аутригера, работа сзади и сбоку
10.6 14.3 19.8 25.3 30.8 36.3
3.0 30000 27000        
3.5 26000 26000        
4.0 23000 22000 16500      
4.5 18000 18000 15500      
5.0 16000 16000 14500 11500    
5.5 13000 13000 13500 11500    
6.0 11000 11000 11500 11500    
6.5 9500 9000 10000 10500 8200  
7.0 8200 8000 8500 9200 8200  
7.5 6800 6600 7200 7600 7800  
8.0 6200 4500 6500 7100 7400 6300
9.0   3500 5200 5700 0000 6000
10.0   2800 4200 4500 5000 5200
11.0     3500 3800 41ОО 4400
12.0     2700 3100 3500 3700
13.0     2300 2700 2900 3100
14.0     1900 2100 2500 2700
15.0     1500 1800 2100 2300
16.0     1200 1500 1800 1900
18.0       1000 1200 1400
20.0       700 850 1000
22.0           700
I 0 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
11 0 0 5.5 11.0 16.5 22.0
Увеличение 8 6 4 4 3 3
Крючок Основной крючок 30т
Рабочая амплитуда (м) Главная стрела
Выдвижение I цилиндра до 50%. полное выдвижение аутригера, работа сзади и сбоку
10.6 16.1 21.6 27.1 32.6  
3.0 30000 16500        
3.5 26000 16500        
4.0 23000 16500 11500      
4.5 18000 16500 11500      
5.0 16000 16500 11500      
5.5 13000 13800 11500 8200    
6.0 11000 11300 11500 8200    
6.5 9500 10000 10300 8000    
7.0 8200 8300 9000 7400    
7.5 6800 7400 7800 7000 6300  
8.0 6200 6500 6800 6700 6100  
9.0   5000 5500 6000 5300  
10.0   4000 4500 5000 4800  
11.0   3600 3800 4200 45ОО  
12.0   3000 3000 3500 3800  
13.0   2500 2500 3000 3200  
14.0     2200 2500 2800  
15.0     1900 2100 2300  
16.0     1600 1800 2000  
18.0     1000 1400 1500  
20.0       900 1100  
22.0       700 800  
I 0 0 0 0 0  
II 0 5.5 11.0 16.5 22.0  
Увеличение 8 6 4 3 3  
Крючок Основной крючок 30т

Таблица 2-3

Единицы измерения: кг

Угол главной стрелы (°) Главная стрела + дополнительная стрела
Аутригеры выдвинуты полностью
Работа сзади. Работа спереди Работа сзади. Работа спереди
80 3000 3000 1500 1500
78 3000 3000 1500 1500
76 3000 3000 1500 1500
74 2900 2750 1500 1500
72 2800 2250 1450 1450
70 2650 1X00 1400 1400
68 2500 1450 1350 1200
66 2250 1150 1300 980
64 1900 900 1270 760
62 1650 660 1240 580
60 1400 450 1210 380
58 1200   1080  
56 1030   930  
54 870   800  
52 730   650  
50 600   530  
45 320      
Увеличение 1
Крючок Крюк Зт

!!» Внимание:

1) Запрещено поднимать груз, если аутригеры не выдвинуты.

2) При выдвинутом пятом аутригере работа на 360 .

3) Все параметры в таблице — это допустимая грузоподъемность в
различных обстановках и ситуациях, т.е. нормированная общая грузоподъемность. Эта
величина включает вес крючка (вес основною крючка — 340кг. вес дополнителыюго
крючка — 80кг) и вес других установок.

4) Амплитуда, указанная в таблице — это горизонтальное расстояние между центром вращения и центром крючка после поднятия груза.

5) При отличии фактической длины стрелы и рабочей амплитуды грузоподъемность определяется на основании максимальной длины стрелы и амплитуды.

Например, при фактической длине главной стрелы 16.0м и рабочей амплитуде 4,8м грузоподъемность определяется в соответствии с длиной главной стрелы 18.0м, рабочей амплитудой 5,0м (таблица грузоподъемности), грузоподъемность равна 17000кг.

6) При работе главной стрелы с выдвинутой дополнительной стрелой из общей грузоподъемности необходимо вычесть не только вес средства подъема, но и 600кг.

7) При работе с одним роликом на конце стрелы максимальная грузоподьемность составляе’1 3000кг; но в соответствии с реальной обстановкой в таблице грузоподъемности вы нашли общую грузоподъемность менее 3000кг. в этом случае работал, в соответствии с данными таблицы грузоподъемности.

Например, при фактической длине главной стрелы 18,0м и рабочей амплитуде 6.5м грузоподъемность составляет 3000кг; при фактической длине главной стрелы 29,0м, рабочей амплитуде 20м соответствующая величина грузоподъемности в таблице 2050кг.

8) Если длина стрелы более 30м, работу необходимо осуществлять в соответствии с
графиком высоты подъема, в противном случае кран может перевернуться.

2.3 Зона грузоподъемных работ

2.4 Увеличение и стандарт стального троса

2.4.1 Стандартное увеличение длины каждой стрелы смотрите в таблице 2-1 — 2-3.

!!» Внимание:

1) Если при проведении грузоподъемных работ увеличение cia.ii.noi троса меньше указанною в таблице, проверьте нагрузку стального троса, она не должна превышать допустимую норму.

2) Допустимая нагрузка стального троса 4000 кг.

2.4.2 Стандарт стального троса

  Номер стандарта Стандарт троса Длина(мм)
Главный стальной трос GB8919-2006 35*7IWS-20/0-1960 175000
Дополнительный стальной трос GB8919-2006 35*7IWS-20/0-1960 105000

2.5 Схема высоты подъема

2.6 Габаритные размеры крана на специальном шасси при движении (мм)

3 Название узлов и деталей

3.2. Кабина крана

3.2.3 Правая коробка управления

3.2.5 Панель приборов

1. Выключатель выбора выдвижения

2. Выключатель профилактического осмотра

3. Выключатель выбора выдвижения/вспомогательной лебедки

4. Выключатель омывателя стекла

5. Индикатор выдвижения I

6. Индикатор выдвижения II

7. Индикатор высокого давления пятой опоры

8. Индикатор предельною подъема

9. Индикатор источника питания

10. Индикатор предельного спуска

11. Выключатель освещения

12. Манометр поворота

13. Манометр направления

14. Манометр главной, дополнительной лебедки

15. Манометр изменения амплитуды, выдвижения

16. Выключатель лампы на конце стрелы

17. Выключатель глушителя

18. Выключатель стеклоочистителя переднего стекла

19. Выключатель охладителя масла

20. Выключатель аварийной остановки

21. Выключатель запуска

22. Прикуриватель

1. Выключатель омывателя стекла


1) Первое, второе, третье, четвертое, пятое звено главной стрелы — это: первое звено главной стрелы — это главная стрела, напрямую соединенная с вращающейся платформой крана, и так по порядку; самое последнее -это пятое звено.

2) I и II цилиндр: это 2 масляных цилиндра выдвижения стрелы: первый цилиндр -масляный цилиндр, установленный на первом и втором звене главной стрелы, применяется для контроля выдвижения второю звена: цилиндр другого звена — второй цилиндр, применяется для контроля выдвижения 3, 4. 5-го звеньев.

3.2.5 Акселератор

Нажмите педаль акселератора и ускорятся процессы поворота, изменения амплитуды главной стрелы, выдвижения главной стрелы, подъем груза.

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.

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Related Manuals for Zoomlion ZRT850

Summary of Contents for Zoomlion ZRT850

  • Page 1
    Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. Address: Quantang Industrial Park, No. 1636, 2nd Yuanda Road, Changsha, Hunan Province, China Postcode: 410131 Website: http:/ /www.zoomlion.com Email: Sos-service@zoomlion.com Copyright © 2015 Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science&Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved…
  • Page 3
    ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane Operator’s Manual Edition 1 April 2018…
  • Page 5: To Users

    Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

  • Page 6: Safety Instructions

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Safety Instructions DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE labels are on signs and decals, and as you read this manual to show important instructions. In this manual, the labels follow the paragraph or item they apply to.

  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    4.3.8 Operator aids check ………………4-4 4.3.9 Operation overload prevention …………….. 4-4 4.3.10 Operation setup………………..4-5 4.3.11 Power line safety ……………….. 4-5 4.3.12 Slip and fall prevention ………………. 4-5 4.3.13 Travel ………………….4-5 4.3.14 Safety sign maintenance …………….4-6 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 8
    6.2.8 Hand throttle ………………..6-15 6.2.9 Bubble level ………………..6-15 6.2.10 Right joystick ………………..6-15 6.3 Monitor ……………………6-17 6.3.1 Vehicle status ………………..6-24 6.3.2 System warning ………………… 6-25 6.3.3 Main menu ………………… 6-26 6.4 Vehicle camera ………………….6-38 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 9
    7.16 Multifunctions ………………….7-29 7.17 Jib operation ………………….7-35 7.17.1 Assemble the jib ………………7-35 7.17.2 Change the jib offset from 0° to 30°…………. 7-45 7.17.3 Dismantling ………………..7-45 7.18 Rooster sheave………………….7-47 7.18.1 Assembly………………..7-48 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 10
    9.3 Torque values ………………….9-6 9.4 Technical specifications ………………..9-7 9.4.1 Crane description ………………… 9-7 9.4.2 Specifications – upperstructure ……………. 9-11 9.4.3 Specifications – special purpose chassis for rough terrain crane ….. 9-15 9.4.4 Safety devices………………..9-17 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 11
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 1 Foreword…
  • Page 13: Chapter 1 Foreword

    The rules change by location and this manual does not give that data. ZOOMLION makes manuals for different construction and industrial equipment. It is policy to include applicable national consensus, industry standards and safety data with the manuals. Use these data to give applicable training to personnel who are to operate, do the maintenance and supervise the equipment correctly and safely.

  • Page 15: Chapter 2 Nomenclature

    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 2 Nomenclature…

  • Page 17
    Power system, drive system, steering system, air intake Chassis system, exhaust system, cooling system, fuel supply system, chassis frame assy. and vehicle body system Outrigger beams, outrigger jacks, cylinders and outrigger Outriggers floats ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 19
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 3 Introduction…
  • Page 21: Chapter 3 Introduction

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane CHAPTER 3 INTRODUCTION 3.1 CRANE PERIODIC INSPECTION CHECKLIST 起 重 This inspection checklist provides supplementary data to facilitate the correct operation and 机 说 maintenance of the crane. 明 Table 3-1 Crane Periodic Inspection Checklist ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 22: Maintenance Log

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane 3.2 MAINTENANCE LOG Table 3-2 Maintenance Log 起 重 ITEM ADJUSTING CONDITION DATE 机 说 明 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 23: About This Manual

    An example of a Maintenance Log and Crane Periodic Inspection Checklist is at the beginning of this section. Again, we at Zoomlion appreciate your selection of our crane. User safety is most important. To complete on-site tasks safely, operators must be responsible. Obey the instructions that follow: …

  • Page 24
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Quantang Industrial Park, 2 Yuanda Road, Changsha, Hunan Province, China, 410131 起 You can also speak to us by telephone at 400-800-1680. 重 机 Thank You! 说…
  • Page 25
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 4 Safety…
  • Page 27: Chapter 4 Safety

    The operator must always think about the safety of all personnel in the area. Only personnel who show that they can safely control a crane can operate the crane. Comply with the requirements, that apply, as follows: (1) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 28
    AA. Use the shortest boom possible. BB. If a load is off the ground or the crane is on, you must stay in the cab. CC. Always use outriggers as the Load Ratings and Operator’s Manual tells. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 29: Signal Personnel Responsibilities

    Make a decision on how to safely move equipment to the job-site. Find gas lines, power lines and structures. Make sure that the work surface can hold the crane and load. Find out how to rig the load. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 30: Operator Safety Check

    Do not lift the load if winds are dangerous. If necessary, lower the boom. See the Load Ratings for possible restrictions. Avoid side loading. Do not let the load or other objects hit the boom. Release the load slowly, be sure the boom does not tighten against back stops. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 31: Operation Setup

    Move slowly and prevent sudden movement. Wear seat belt correctly when you move the crane. G. Make sure that the travel surface can hold the weight of the crane and load. Always use the park brake when you park the crane. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 32: Safety Sign Maintenance

    10 9 8 7 (1) Figure 4-1 Overall view of the Safety Signs on the Left-Hand Side of the Crane Danger – Crush Hazard Crush Hazard serious injury can result from keep clear of moving outriggers. contact withmoving outriggers. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 33
    TRAVEL(BOTH TRACKS) TRAVEL(ONE TRACK) (TELESCOPING BOOMS) (TELESCOPING BOOMS) Danger – Explosion / Burn Hazard Expliosion/Burn Hazard Will cause death,burns or blindness due to ignition of explosive gases or contact with corrosive acid. Keep all open flames and sparks away. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 34
    Death or serious injury can result from Keep clear of moving machine. contact with moving machine. Danger – Burn Hazard Burn Hazard Allow surfaces to cool Contact with hot surfaces can before servicing. cause burns. Prohibited – No Thoroughfare ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 35
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Prohibited – No Access / Only Authorized Personnel CAUTION – Risk of Falling 10. CAUTION – Swinging Load ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 36
    -3°boom angle! Figure 4-2 Overall view of the Safety Signs on the Right-Hand Side of the Crane Danger – Crush Hazard Crush Hazard serious injury can result from keep clear of moving outriggers. contact withmoving outriggers. 4-10 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 37
    Always contact the electric power owner. 200 TO 350KV 20FT(6.10m) THe electric power shall be disconnected or 350 TO 500KV 25FT(7.62m) the power lines moved or insulated before 500 TO 750KV 30FT(10.67m) 750 TO 1000KV machine. 35FT(13.72m) ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 4-11…
  • Page 38
    Keep All Open Flames and Sparks Away – RH Only No Walk – RH Only NO WALK! Danger – Burn Hazard Burn Hazard Allow surfaces to cool Contact with hot surfaces can before servicing. cause burns. 4-12 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 39
    Keep clear of moving machine. contact with moving machine. BE CAREFUL IN THE Be Careful in the Working Radius – WORKING RADIUS! RH Only 10. No Swing with -3° boom angle No swing with -3°boom angle! ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 4-13…
  • Page 41: Chapter 5 Operating Conditions And Points For Attention

    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 5 Operating conditions and points for attention…

  • Page 43: Operating Conditions

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane CHAPTER 5 OPERATING CONDITIONS AND POINTS FOR ATTENTION 5.1 OPERATING CONDITIONS Always use the correct light diesel fuel and engine oil. Make your selection on the lowest ambient temperature where you are to do the work. Refer to the table below for more data on diesel and engine oil.

  • Page 44
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane If wind speed is greater than the permissible value of 45 ft/s (13.8 m/s), while the crane is in operation, do the tasks that follow:  Stop the work (safely lower the load)  Retract the boom …
  • Page 45
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane WIND FORCE WIND SPEED EFFECT OF THE WIND ON THE BEAUFORT LAND DESCRIPTION FT-IN/S SCALE Large branches in motion; difficult to 35′-5″– 45′-0″ Strong Wind 10.8 – 13.7 use umbrellas, whistling heard in telegraph wires Whole trees in motion, difficult to walk 45′-7″–…
  • Page 46: Pre-Departure Checks (To Job-Site)

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane 5.2 PRE-DEPARTURE CHECKS (TO JOB-SITE) 5.2.1 VEHICLE CHECKS (PRIOR TO ENGINE START) Do a check of the level of coolant and add more if below the cold engine level. Do a check of the fuel level and make sure that you have more than is necessary to complete the task.

  • Page 47: General Checks At Vehicle Start Up

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane 5.2.2 GENERAL CHECKS AT VEHICLE START UP CAUTION  Before you start the vehicle on a steep slope or a muddy road, engage the 4-wheel drive and move the transmission selection lever into “F1” position. …

  • Page 48
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane  Sounds or smells  Vibrations  Sudden speed increase or decrease. If you cannot find or correct the problem, send the vehicle for repair. Examine the following instruments for functions: CAUTION Stop the engine if the engine oil pressure low indicator illuminates. CAUTION The engine oil pressure low indicator illuminates if the engine oil filter screen is dirty.
  • Page 49
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane CAUTION Do not stop the engine immediately when the engine coolant temperature is above the maximum limit. If you stop the engine, the coolant temperature increases suddenly and damage to the engine occurs. Operate the engine at a RPM immediately above idle to help decrease the coolant temperature.
  • Page 50: Crane Movement In Off-Road Conditions

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane CAUTION Do not operate the engine continuously at high speeds without a load. CAUTION Do not bypass gears when you move to a lower gear. Slow the crane down before you change to a lower gear. Do the items that follow before you go down a long hill slope: …

  • Page 51: Emergency Stop On The Roadway

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane CAUTION Make sure that the hazard indicator illuminates when the vehicle is parked on the road at night. 5.2.6 EMERGENCY STOP ON THE ROADWAY If the crane malfunctions on the roadway, do the items that follow: …

  • Page 52
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Do not move a load above personnel. Do not move personnel on the load or other equipment used to lift. G. Do not use the crane for the tasks that follow:  Lift a load that is above the capacity of the crane …
  • Page 53
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Do not try to lift a load that is buried or frozen on the ground. Do not extend / retract the boom with a suspended load. Keep no less than 3 wraps of wire rope on the drum.
  • Page 54
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane When the load is off the ground, do not adjust the hoist mechanism brake. When the load is off the ground, the operator must stay in the cab. M. When the job-site is near live power lines, you must keep a safe distance.
  • Page 55
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane WARNING Stop the operation or do not start to lift a load, if one of the items that follow occurs:  An overload or if the weight of the load is unknown.  The load lift moves out of position, the rigging becomes too loose or the load is out of balance.
  • Page 57
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 6 Controls and instruments…
  • Page 59: Chapter 6 Controls And Instruments

    6.1 UPPER CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS FRON T RIGH T LEF T REAR 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Figure 6-1 Upper Controls and Instruments ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 60
    Left Front Outrigger Switch / Retract Switch Right Counterweight Cylinder Left Rear Outrigger Switch Extend / Retract Switch Emergency Stop Button Hand Throttle Right Front Outrigger Switch FRONT LEFT RIGHT REAR 9 10 Figure 6-2 Left Dash ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 61
    11. ROTATING BEACON SWITCH – Push down to turn on the rotating beacons, turn signals and boom head lamp. 12. CAB HEATER POWER SWITCH – Used to turn on the cab heater. The controls to adjust heat are on the AIR CONDITIONER CONTROL PANEL (5) (Refer to Figure 6-1.). ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 62
    RIGHT COUNTERWEIGHT CYLINDER EXTEND / RETRACT SWITCH – Push up to retract the right counterweight cylinder, down to extend. HAND THROTTLE – Rotate to control the throttle (used with switch 25 in Figure 6-1). ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 63: Air Conditioner Control Panel

    A/C FAN SPEED / MASTER SWITCH – Used to control the fan blower modes: OFF, HI, MID, LOW. FAN POWER INDICATOR COOL MODE INDICATOR CAB COOLER POWER SWITCH – Refrigeration ON / OFF. Starts or stops the function of the compressor. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 64
    When the switch is set to blow air, the fan power indicator (red) illuminates. Note: The switch is the master power to the COOL function and must be ON (HI, MID, LOW) for the COOL function to operate. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 65
    Set the A/C to the OFF position when you do one of the items that follow:  Start the crane quickly  Move up a long hill slope.  Make sure that the refrigerant in the A/C system is at the correct level at regular intervals. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 66: Media Player

    11. ▲ button Low-frequency scan (receive) / skip previous 12. ▼ button High-frequency scan (receive) / skip next – Preset button 1 (receive) / pause (play) – Preset button 2 (receive) / 10 second browse (play) ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 67
    For the detailed information, please refer to the attached Operating Instructions for Media Player. CAU TION Set the ignition switch to the «I» position, when you use the media player with the engine in the “OFF” position. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 68: Controls And Instruments

    Figure 6-6 Controls and Instruments POS. DESCRIPTION POS. DESCRIPTION Left Joystick Ignition Switch Boom Extend / Retract Pedal Throttle Pedal Cigarette Lighter Right Joystick Steering Wheel and Combination Switches Hand Throttle Brake Pedal Bubble Level 6-10 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 69: Left Joystick

    You must push in the deadman switch (on the left or right joystick) for the joystick commands to operate the crane.  For the crane with a deadman switch on the seat: You must sit on the seat until the indicator illuminates for the joystick commands to operate the crane. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-11…

  • Page 70: Boom Extend / Retract Pedal

    Push-in the cigarette lighter for 3 to 5 seconds. Pull it out to use it. After you use it, put it in its initial position. Note: Set the ignition switch to the «I» position, when you use the cigarette lighter with the engine in the OFF position. 6-12 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 71: Steering Wheel And Combination Switches

    Push in the direction of the dash for forward. Turn the handle to set the speed. Refer to Figure 6-10. Forward Neutral Backward Gear selection Gear selection Figure 6-10 Gear Selector ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-13…

  • Page 72: Brake Pedal

    When the temperature is below freezing, make sure that the wiper blades are not stuck to the window before you set the wipers to ON. 6.2.5 BRAKE PEDAL Push the brake pedal to decelerate or stop the crane. 6-14 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 73: Ignition Switch

    Hoist movements (raise or lower a load). 6.2.8 HAND THROTTLE You can use the hand throttle after you push down the hand / foot throttle select switch. 6.2.9 BUBBLE LEVEL You use this to make sure that the crane is level. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-15…

  • Page 74: Right Joystick

    You must push in the deadman switch (on the left or right joystick) for the joystick commands to operate the crane.  For the crane with a deadman switch on the seat: You must sit on the seat until the indicator illuminates for the joystick commands to operate the crane. 6-16 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 75: Monitor

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane 6.3 MONITOR Figure 6-14 Overall View Figure 6-15 System Start-up ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-17…

  • Page 76
    Under the Work Mode Screen, the virtual tachometer will be displayed on the screen. For its function, refer to Table 6-2. Total Distance Trip Distance Engine Hours ×100rpm km/h STATUS WARN TRIP DIS WORK STATUS WARN TRIP DIS MENU WORK MENU Figure 6-17 Travel Mode 6-18 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 77
    Before you stop the engine, operate the engine at idle for several minutes. This helps the engine coolant temperature to be stable. CAUTION Do not move the crane when the “ENGINE OIL PRESSURE LOW” INDICATOR illuminates. Stop the engine to prevent damage to the engine. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-19…
  • Page 78
    The corner marker lights are ON. Illuminates: LOW BEAM INDICATOR The low beam lights are ON. Illuminates: HIGH BEAM INDICATOR The high beam lights are ON. Illuminates: FAULTY OUTRIGGER Shows that the outrigger system has a OPERATION INDICATOR malfunction. 6-20 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 79
    PARK BRAKE SYSTEM Shows that the pressure in the park brake PRESSURE LOW INDICATOR system is low. DO NOT move the crane. Illuminates: CLUTCH DISENGAGING The park brake is ON or the brake INDICATOR pressure is low. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-21…
  • Page 80
    Shows that the swing lock is NOT engaged. Illuminates: NEUTRAL 0 POSITION Shows that the transmission is in the «N0» INDICATOR position. Illuminates: NEUTRAL 1 POSITION Shows that the transmission is in the «N1» INDICATOR position. 6-22 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 81
    (WHITE) to start the engine. Shows that the glow plugs are hot enough, the light goes out. Illuminates: WATER IN FUEL INDICATOR Shows that the fuel contains water. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-23…
  • Page 82: Vehicle Status

    Press the key “BACK” to return to the Travel Mode Screen or Work Mode Screen. Press the key “MENU» to enter the Main Menu Screen. Press the key “HOME” to return to the Travel Mode Screen. 6-24 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 83: System Warning

    Main Menu Screen. Press the key “HOME” to return to the Travel Mode Screen. System Warning System Warning Warning Message Lift the alarm CODE PgUp PgUp PgDn BACK BACK PgDn MENU MENU HOME HOME Figure 6-19 System Warning ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-25…

  • Page 84: Main Menu

    Under the Main Menu Screen, press to move the cursor left or right to select the “简体中文” (Chinese) item, refer to Figure 6-22, and press “ENTER”. The monitor will display all the information in Chinese mode. Refer to Figure 6-21. 6-26 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 85
    M a in te n a n c e Warning S e ttin g s 中 简 体 中 文 In fo rm a tio n P a s s w o rd ENTER HOME ENTER HOME Figure 6-22 Main Menu (English Mode) ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-27…
  • Page 86
    Bus Status: move the cursor to select the icon “Bus Status” and press the key “ENTER” to enter the Bus Status Screen. Refer to Figure 6-24. If the communication between the controllers is unsuccessful, it means that the network signal between the controllers is disconnected. 6-28 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 87
    Press the key “BACK” or “MENU” to return to the Main Menu Screen. Press the key “HOME» to enter the Travel Mode Screen. Real-time Warning Real-time Warning System Warning Engine Warning Transmission Warning BACK BACK ENTER ENTER MENU MENU HOME HOME Figure 6-25 Real-time Warning ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-29…
  • Page 88
    BACK PgUp MENU HOME BACK PgUp PgDn MENU HOME PgDn Figure 6-26 Engine Warning Transmission Warning Transmission Warning TRANSMISSION SPN DESCRIPTION PgUp BACK BACK PgUp PgDn MENU MENU HOME HOME PgDn Figure 6-27 Transmission Warning 6-30 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 89
    Brightness Setting: press the key “ENTER” to enter the Brightness Setting Screen. Press the function keys “+” and “-” to adjust the brightness. Refer to Figure 6-29. Brightness Setting Brightness Setting HMI Brightness BACK MENU HOME BACK MENU HOME Figure 6-29 Brightness Setting ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-31…
  • Page 90
    Engine Diagnostic: move the cursor to select the icon “Engine Diagnostic” and press the key “ENTER” to enter the Engine Diagnostic Screen. Refer to Figure 6-31. Engine Diagnostic Engine Diagnostic ×100rpm PgUp DIAG PgUp DIAG PgDn PgDn BACK BACK MENU MENU HOME HOME Figure 6-31 Engine Diagnostic 6-32 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 91
    Right Rear Turn Lamp Cir Left Side Lamp Cir Oil Pressure Sensor2 Right Side Lamp Cir Oil Lever Cir CircuitCorrect CircuitOverLoad OpenCircuit BACK PgUp MENU HOME BACK PgUp MENU HOME Green White Figure 6-33 Error Diagnostic 2 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-33…
  • Page 92
    Refer to Figure 6-37. About: move the cursor to select the icon “About” and press the key “ENTER” to enter the About Screen to consult the basic information about the crane. Refer to Figure 6-38. 6-34 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 93
    PgDn MENU MENU HOME Figure 6-35 System History Warning Engine History Warning Engine History Warning occurrence time disappearance time ENGINE_SPN BACK BACK PgUp PgUp PgDn PgDn MENU MENU HOME HOME Figure 6-36 Engine History Warning ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-35…
  • Page 94
    Figure 6-37 Transmission History Warning About About Manufacture Date: Serve Num.: Slave Box Num.: Master Box Num.: Slave Controller Program Edition: Master Controller Program Edition : HMI Program Edition: BACK MENU HOME BACK MENU HOME Figure 6-38 About 6-36 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 95
    Note: The password is only available for the authorized service technician. All screens (except the Travel Mode Screen and Work Mode Screen) have a function key “HOME”. You can press the key “HOME” to return to the Travel Mode Screen. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 6-37…
  • Page 96: Vehicle Camera

    Switch between mirror image and non-mirror image button Enter the brightness, contrast and color adjustment setting screen button Increase the brightness, contrast or adjust the color button Decrease the brightness, contrast or adjust the color 6-38 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 97
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 7 Operating Instructions…
  • Page 99: Chapter 7 Operating Instructions

    / retract pedal. Deadman switch on the seat (optional) For the crane with a deadman switch on the seat: (1) Sit on the seat to activate the deadman switch. The indicator “Seat occupied” illuminates. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 100: Starting The Engine

    When it is necessary to stop the engine, operate it at idle speed (with no load on the engine) for minimum of 5 minutes. This lets the engine coolant temperature decrease gradually before the engine stops. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 101: Cold Weather Starting

    If you operate the crane in very low temperature areas, the engine is hard to start. The optional flame starting device is very important for the normal engine start. Please speak with the Zoomlion Service Department if you select a flame starting device for your crane. 7.5 MOVE AND PARK THE CRANE 7.5.1 MOVE THE CRANE…

  • Page 102: Economical Driving

    When the engine coolant temperature is too low or too high, the performance of the engine decreases.  Always make sure that the tires have the correct pressure. CAUTION If the tire pressure is too low, the tires wear incorrectly and they increase the fuel consumption. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 103: Steering Operation

     When the crane is at a slow speed, push and hold the pedal down to fully stop the crane. Emergency Brake (1) In an emergency, push the brake pedal quickly and fully stop the crane ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 104: Transmission Operation

    To measure the quantity of oil in the transmission, park the crane and operate the engine at idle speed. CAUTION The transmission oil must be at the correct operating temperature between 180°F and 194.4°F (82.2°C and 93.3°C). ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 105: Towing

    To prepare the crane to be towed, do the items that follow:  Operate the engine at idle (keeps the transmission oil in motion).  Disconnect the propeller shaft of the front axle.  Disconnect the propeller shaft of the rear axle. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 106: Outrigger Operation

    (3) After the outrigger beam (or beams) moves (or move) to the “FULLY” or “INTERMEDIATELY” mark (or marks), release the outrigger switch (or switches) or the master switch. CAUTION When you extend the outrigger beam, you can operate one outrigger switch or more at one time. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 107: Retract The Outrigger

    (2) Push and hold the outrigger extend / retract master switch to the “RETRACT” position at the same time. (3) After the outrigger jacks fully retract, release the master switch or the outrigger switches. (4) Do above steps until all outrigger jacks are retracted. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 108: Install And Remove The Outrigger Floats

     Make sure that you remove the retaining pins before you extend or retract the outrigger beams. After the outrigger beams are in position (fully extended, intermediately extended or fully retracted), install the retaining pins. 7-10 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 109: Hoist Operation

    The left joystick on the left side of the seat controls the auxiliary winch.  The right joystick on the right side of the seat controls the main winch. Note: Always refer to the “Lift Chart” and the “Lift Height Chart” before you start to lift a load. 7-11 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 110: Lift Chart And Lift Height Chart

    Use the boom angle to find out the rated lift capacity if you lift a load with jib assembled at the main boom head. For example: Use Figure 7-3 to find out the rated lift capacity if the outrigger beams are fully extended and the crane is working with the main boom. 7-12 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 111
    Lift height chart Refer to Figure 7-4. Lift Height Chart θ Supposed lift height: About H Supposed load radius: About R Load radius Boom length: L (m) Boom angle: about θ (º) Figure 7-4 Lift Height 7-13 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 112
    (2) When you increase the boom length and height, you must increase the length of the hoist rope. You can change the line parts to get a longer rope. You must install the anti-two block weight before you change the parts. 7-14 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 113: Main Winch

    Let the boom automatically align the end of the boom above the load. Push the FREE SWING button again to disengage free swing. The FREE SWING indicator goes off. The Main Winch Control is on the dash. Set it for the necessary winch speed (high or low). 7-15 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 114: Auxiliary Winch

    You have the same results when you pull back on the joystick. Note: The speed adjustments operate the same for the left and right joysticks. 7-16 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 115
    Lift the load vertically. Do not try to lift the load diagonally. Do not pull a load across the ground.  Monitor the area as you lift a load. Do not move a load unless the conditions are safe. 7-17 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 116: Hoist Line Reeving

    (5) Change the line parts. Note: (a) You must change the location of the anti-two block weight if you have a different number of wire-rope wraps. Refer to Figure 7-9. 7-18 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 117
    (b) Put the wire-rope on the winch spool smoothly and in sequence. (c) Install the socket and wire-rope clamp. Refer to Figure 7-10. (d) Do not install the wire rope clamp on the live side of the wire rope. Figure 7-10 Rope Clamp 7-19 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 118: Main Boom Extend / Retract Function Operation

    The length detector (in the main boom, on the left side) measures the boom length and transmits the data to the load moment indicator. The boom length data is calculated then the boom configuration shows on the screen. 7-20 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 119: Operate — Extend The Boom

    / retract pedal commands to operate the crane. When you tilt the pedal forward, the telescopic sections 1, 2 and 3 move out at the same time. Refer to Figure 7-13. 7-21 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 120
    The crane has a bypass key switch that prevents the warning indications. When the maintenance personnel repair or check out the functions on the crane, they can turn the bypass key switch. 7-22 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 121: Operate — Retract The Boom

     Lift the load vertically. Do not try to lift the load diagonally. Do not pull a load across the ground.  Do not use the bypass key switch when you do usual crane operations. 7-23 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 122: Derricking Operation (Operate — Boom Derrick)

    Joystick – how far you move the joystick left or right  Throttle pedal – increase or decrease the engine RPMs. Neutral position: Move stop joystick rightwards: Move joystick leftwards: derrick boom up Right joystick 7-24 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 123
    You can cause a dangerous condition if you try to lift a heavy load with the boom at a low angle. Make sure that you follow the Load Ratings. 7-25 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 124: Swing Operation

    360° range. You use the swing lock switch (on the cab dash panel) to engage or disengage the swing lockout device. When the swing lock switch is in the LOCK position, the superstructure cannot move left or right. Refer to Figure 7-18. 7-26 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 125: Operate — Swing During A Lift

    The speed of the swing movement changes by:  Joystick – how far you move the joystick left or right  Throttle pedal – increase or decrease the engine RPMs. 7-27 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 126
     Before you swing the superstructure, make sure that the swing lockout device is in the UNLOCK position. When crane movements stop, lock the superstructure and make sure the swing lock indicator illuminates. 7-28 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 127: Multifunctions

    Extend the boom (Tilt the pedal forwards) Spool-up main winch Retract boom (Tilt the pedal backwards) Boom extend / retract pedal Right joystick Figure 7-21 Extend or Retract the Boom + Main Winch 7-29 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 128
    Derrick boom down Extend the boom (Tilt the pedal Derrick forwards) boom up Retract boom (Tilt the pedal backwards) Boom extend / retract Right pedal joystick Figure 7-23 Extend or Retract the Boom + Derrick 7-30 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 129
    To do this, move the left joystick left or right and move the right joystick left or right. Refer to Figure 7-25. Swing Derrick boom the left down Swing to the Derrick right boom Left Right joystic joystick Figure 7-25 Swing + Derrick 7-31 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 130
    To do this, move the left joystick left or right and push or pull the right joystick. Refer to Figure 7-26. Swing Reel-off main the left winch Spool-up main Swing to the winch right Left Right joystick joystic Figure 7-26 Swing + Main Winch 7-32 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 131
    Derrick boom down / Reel-off main winch Derrick boom up / Reel-off main Derrick boom down / winch Spool-up main winch Derrick boom up / Spool-up main winch Right joystick Figure 7-27 Derrick + Main Winch 7-33 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 132
    You can extend or retract the boom and swing the superstructure to the left or right at the same time. To do this, push the boom extend / retract pedal and move the left joystick left or right. Refer to Figure 7-29. 7-34 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 133: Jib Operation

    2 can also be secured onto the right side of main boom independently. WARNING You cannot use the jib when you lift a load if the outriggers are not in the correct positions. 7.17.1 ASSEMBLE THE JIB 7-35 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 134
    Take out the auxiliary hook from the hook holder before jib assembly. Refer to Figure 7-30. Figure 7-30 Take Out the Auxiliary Hook Extend the outriggers and make the crane level. Refer to Figure 7-31. Figure 7-31 Make the Crane Level 7-36 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 135
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Fully retract the boom, move the boom to the front of the crane and position it to -2°. Refer to Figure 7-32. 起 重 机 说 明 Figure 7-32 Jib assembly 7-37 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 136
    Figure 7-33 Adjust the limit bolt G. Use the jib section 1. Remove the pin and extend the folding bracket. And secure it with the removed pin. Refer to Figure 7-34. Figure 7-34 Extend the folding bracket 7-38 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 137
    Extend the bracket and remove the pins I and II. Refer to Figure 7-35. 起 重 机 说 明 Figure 7-35 Pins I and II removal Remove the Pin III. Refer to Figure 7-36. Figure 7-36 Pins III removal 7-39 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 138
    Figure 7-37 Move front of the jib away from the main boom Align the end of the jib with the connection points on the end of the boom. Install pin V and the retaining clip. Refer to Figure 7-38. Figure 7-38 Pin V Installation 7-40 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 139
    Remove the pin IV. Refer to Figure 7-39. 起 重 机 说 明 Figure 7-39 Pin IV removal M. Move the jib (pivots on pin V) to the front of the main boom. Refer to Figure 7-40. Figure 7-40 Move the jib 7-41 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 140
    Figure 7-41 Pin VI installation O. Use the jib section 2. Remove the Pin VII connecting the jib sections 1 and 2 and the retaining clip. Refer to Figure 7-42. Retaining clip Pin VII Figure 7-42 Pin VII removal 7-42 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 141
    IX and the retaining clip. Refer to Figure 7-44. Figure 7-44 Pin IX installation Reeve the wire rope from the auxiliary winch through the end of the jib. Install the auxiliary hook and the hoisting limit switch. 7-43 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 142: Change The Jib Offset From 0° To 30

    G. Derrick the boom up slowly until the long groove of the pull bracket aligns with the pin bores for 30°. Put the pins and retaining clips at the point for the required offset position. Refer to Figure 7-45. 7-44 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 143: Dismantling

    After you complete the jib operation, dismantle the jib in reverse order of the assemble steps. CAUTION  Make sure that the area is clear of personnel and equipment before you move the jib around. Refer to Figure 7-46. 7-45 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 144
    -3° position. You must use the correct work stands (ladders, stairs, etc.) when you assemble or disassemble the jib. Refer to Figure 7-47. Figure 7-47 Use a Stand  When you remove the jib, carefully attach it to the side of the boom. 7-46 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 145: Rooster Sheave

    When it is not necessary to use the rooster sheave, make sure that it is attached to the side of the boom. Refer to Figure 7-49. boom section Securin g pin Rooster sheave Connecting pin Brack Sheave spindle Figure 7-49 Rooster Sheave 7-47 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 146: Assembly

    When it is not necessary to use the jib, make sure that it is attached to the side of the boom. You cannot use rooster sheave when the jib is attached to the front of the boom. Refer to Figure 7-50. 7-48 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 147
    Figure 7-50 Attach the Jib to the Side of the Boom  When you remove the auxiliary hook and put it in the stow position, obey the hand signals from the signal personnel. Refer to Figure 7-51. Figure 7-51 Hand Signal – Stow Position 7-49 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 148: Vehicular Operation

    CAUTION Do not move the crane if the transmission oil pressure is less than 240 psi (16.5 bar). You can cause damage to the transmission. 7-50 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 149: Move The Crane To A Job-Site

    If it does not, you must examine the crane for different malfunctions. DO NOT stop the engine when the transmission oil temperature is too high. 7-51 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 150: Charge The Battery Before You Stop The Engine

    When it is necessary to stop the engine, operate the engine at idle speed (with no load on the engine), for minimum 5 minutes. This lets the engine coolant temperature decrease gradually before the engine stops. Move the ignition switch to the “OFF” position. 7-52 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 151: Move The Crane At The Job-Site

    The travel surface must also be free of holes or unwanted material that can cause the crane to tilt. Note: These precautions are necessary to prevent the pendulum effect. This can cause the 7-53 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 152: Unusual Operating Conditions

    Keep the battery fully charged. Keep the battery in the building, if necessary. Drain the water from the cooling system. CAUTION Do not engage the PTO until the hydraulic oil is warm. If the oil is too cold it does not flow correctly. 7-54 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 153: Extreme Heat

    Make sure that the scheduled servicing intervals are adjusted when the job-site conditions are not usual. 7.21.4 HIGH HUMIDITY OR SALTWATER When you operate the crane near the coast, salt and moisture can change the operation of the crane. Follow these precautions: 7-55 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 154: High Altitudes

    Stop the crane and go into a shelter if conditions are dangerous because of lightning. If lightning hits the crane, make sure that it is safe to operate before you try to start it. Always be aware for a quick change in the weather. 7-56 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 155
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 8 Transportation and storage…
  • Page 157: Chapter 8 Transportation And Storage

    (2) The positions to lift the crane are in the Figure 8-1. Follow applicable rules while you lift. Figure 8-1 Crane Lift Points WARNING Before you lift, make sure that the sling has sufficient strength to hold the crane. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 158
    Secure the Crane. To prevent the crane from movements, make sure that the tires are chocked and attach the chains. Unload the Crane. To unload the crane, do the “Load the Crane” task in the opposite sequence. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 159: Storage

     Keep the crane clean and do the usual maintenance.  Replace aged seal components.  Do a general inspection of the engine to see if you must replace the coolant, diesel oil, and air filters. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 161
    Rough Terrain Crane Operator’S Manual Chapter 9 Specifications…
  • Page 163: Chapter 9 Specifications

    0.7813 19.843 19/64 0.2969 7.541 51/64 0.7969 20.240 5/16 0.3135 7.937 13/16 0.8125 20.637 21/64 0.3281 8.334 53/64 0.8281 21.034 11/32 0.3438 8.731 27/32 0.8438 21/430 23/64 0.3594 9.128 55/64 0.8594 21/827 0.3750 9.525 0.8750 22.224 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 164
    1 litre equals 0.2642 gallon 1 litre equals 61.023 cu. inch 1 litre equals 2.202 lbs. of water (62°F) 1 cu. ft. equals 28.32 litres 1 gallon equals 3.785 litres 1 cu. inch equals 0.0164 litre ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 165
    ELECTRICAL UNITS 1 kilowatt equals 1.34 horsepower 1 horsepower equals 746 watts SURVEYOR’S MEASURE 7.92 inches equals 1 link 100 links equals 66 feet or 4 rods or 1 chain 80 chains equals 1 mile ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 166: Average Weight Of Materials

    & shale Sand, gravel, dry Earth, dry loose 1232.264 1459.26 – 1702.47 loose Sand, gravel, dry Earth, dry packed 1540.3395 1621.4 – 1945.68 packed Earth, moist loose 1264.692 Sand, gravel, wet 2042.964 Earth, moist packed 1556.544 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 167
    1734.898 quartz hornblende Sandstone 1329.548 MISCELLANEOUS Water, 4°C 1011.7536 Petroleum 729.63 – 875.556 Water, 100°C 969.5972 Coal, anthracite 762.058 – 875.556 Paper 940.412 Coal, bituminous 648.56 – 875.556 Glass, common 2626.668 Coal, coke 372.922 – 518.848 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 168: Torque Values

    The table includes the bolts with “coarse threads”. The torque tolerance is ± 5%. The above values are suitable for the bolts lubricated. For the bolts without lubrication, the tightening torque is 133% of the corresponding one shown in the above table. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…

  • Page 169: Technical Specifications

    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane 9.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 9.4.1 CRANE DESCRIPTION 起 重 ZRT850 rough terrain crane has the qualities below: 机 说  Wide Tread 明  Short Wheelbase  Very Stable  Small Turn Radius  360° Swing Movement.

  • Page 170
    (5) Overall dimensions: 14460 mm × 3400 mm × 3850 mm (47.28 ft. × 11.12 ft. ×12.59 ft.) (Refer to Figure 9-1.) (6) Deadweight: 52 t (57.3 tn) (7) Ability to pick-and-carry loads (8) Rough terrain travel performance. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 171
    Operator’s Manual for Rough Terrain Crane Unit: Metric mm 起 重 机 说 明 Figure 9-1 Overall View – ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 172
    Boom extend time Boom retract time Work speeds Boom derrick up time Boom derrick down time Swing speed r/min 0 – 2 4568 Rated work pressure Hydraulic 31.5 system gal./min Rated work oil flow L/min 9-10 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 173: Specifications — Upperstructure

    2 can also be secured onto the right side of main boom independently. (3) A sheave is assembled at the jib head. Offset: 0°, 15° and 30° Jib lengths: 9.5 m – 16 m (31.2 ft. – 52.5 ft.) ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 9-11…

  • Page 174
    Swing Mechanism (1) The swing mechanism includes these components:  Hydraulic Motor  Planetary Gear Reducer  Pinion Gear  Swing Bearing. 9-12 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 175
    There is a pressure tap in the hydraulic pipeline. And the system pressure can display on the instrument console. (4) Hydraulic oil tank Capacity: 1000 L (264.2 gal.) (5) Filter The return line filters supply can give 10 micron filtration. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 9-13…
  • Page 176
    (3) If the actual load reaches the rated one, all dangerous movements switch OFF automatically. (4) The load moment indicator also can control the working range (including load radius, boom angle, lift height and swing range etc.). 9-14 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 177: Specifications — Special Purpose Chassis For Rough Terrain Crane

    9.4.3 SPECIFICATIONS – SPECIAL PURPOSE CHASSIS FOR ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE Type (1) Rear-mounted engine, left-hand drive type (2) Drive mode: 4 x 2 and 4 x 4 Chassis Frame High-tensile steel, welded integral box-type construction Engine (1) Model CUMMINS QSB6.7 (2) Type ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 9-15…

  • Page 178
    Brake system (1) Service brake Hydraulically controlled disc brakes on four wheels (2) Park brake Spring applied, hydraulically released park brake is mounted to the input shaft of the front axle. Electrical system 24 Volt DC 9-16 ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane…
  • Page 179: Safety Devices

     Wrap  Balance Valve  Hydraulic Lock  Hydraulic Safety Valve  Swing Brake  Swing Lockout Device  Boom Angle Indicator  Outrigger Beam Retaining Pin  Emergency Stop  Winch Speed Sensor. ZRT850 Rough Terrain Crane 9-17…

понедельник, 5 декабря 2022 г.

Стреловой самоходный крна на шасси автомобильного типа Zoomlion QY25V. Руководство по эксплуатации.




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Компания Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd., основанная в 1992 году, занимается разработкой и производством крупного высокотехнологичного оборудования в области машиностроения и сельского хозяйства. Имея более чем 20-летний опыт инноваций и развития, компания в настоящее время является глобальным предприятием, обладающим 11 основными категориями и 70 линейками продуктов, а также почти 568 ведущими продуктами. Zoomlion — первая китайская компания по производству строительной техники, зарегистрированная на фондовых биржах Шэньчжэня и Гонконга.

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Thanks very much for trusting ZOOMLION brand and purchasing ZOOMLION truck



These operating instructions are intended to put you in a position to operate the crane

These operating instructions are intended to put you in a position to operate the crane

safely and correctly and utilize the reliable usage options that it provides. We should

safely and correctly and utilize the reliable usage options that it provides. We should

adhere to the operating instructions during operation and maintenance.

adhere to the operating instructions during operation and maintenance.

The accidents occurring during the crane operation are mostly caused by ignoring the

The accidents occurring during the crane operation are mostly caused by ignoring the

precautionary measures and safety regulations. Therefore, do take enough steps in

precautionary measures and safety regulations. Therefore, do take enough steps in

earnest to avoid such accidents. Incorrect operation, service and maintenance are all

earnest to avoid such accidents. Incorrect operation, service and maintenance are all

dangerous and might cause life-threatening hazards. Therefore, do read, understand

dangerous and might cause life-threatening hazards. Therefore, do read, understand

and master the precautionary measures and notes prior to operating the crane.

and master the precautionary measures and notes prior to operating the crane.

Operations, checks and maintenance must be carried out carefully. The operator’s

Operations, checks and maintenance must be carried out carefully. The operator’s

motto must always be Safety first!

motto must always be Safety first!

a a

Only operate or maintain the crane if you have rea

Only operate or maintain the crane if you


mastered the operating instructio

red the operating instructio ns;

b b

Incorrect operation , se

Incorrect operation

cause life-threatening

cause life-threate

c c


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operating instruc

ting instruc tions belong wit

T T h h e e c c o o n n t t e e n n t t s s c c o o n n c c e e r r n n i i n n g g a a b b o o u u t t s s a a f f e e t t y y a a r r e e m m a a r r k k e e d d w w i i t t h h » «

The following terms that are used in these operating instructions «Danger 

The following terms that are used in these operating instructions «

and «Caution

and «

Caution» are intended to point out certain important rules of conduct to all persons

» are intended to point out certain important rules of conduct to all persons

who work with the crane. The meanings of the terms are as follows:

who work with the crane. The meanings of the terms are as follows:



The term «Danger» is used to provide a warning about life-threatening hazards, serious

The term «Danger» is used to provide a warning about life-threatening hazards, serious

damage to property

damage to p

roperty. .



The term «Warning» is used to provide a warning about potentially serious personal

The term «Warning» is used to provide a warning about potentially serious personal

injury or damage to property.

injury or damage

to property.



The term «Caution» is used to provide a warning about potential minor or medium

The term «Caution» is used to provide a warning about potential minor or medium

personal injury, or damage to

personal injury

, or damage to machinery or parts.

In order to avoid any mechanical damage or personal injury, the user should operate the

In order to avoid any mechanical damage or personal injury, the user should operate the






, service and maintenance are

rvice and maintenance are all dangerous and migh

ning haza



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erat in in g i

g ins

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tions belong wit h the crane!

h the crane!

machinery or parts.

have read, understand and

d, understand and

all dangerous and migh t t

s h and

and y i

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Summary of Contents for Zoomlion QY30V

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Мебикар 500 инструкция по применению отзывы взрослым
  • Руководство по замене шкворней
  • Следственный отдел москвы руководство
  • Бортовой компьютер multitronics x10 инструкция по эксплуатации
  • Материнская плата asus p5kpl мануал