Руководство по эксплуатации дайхатсу хайджет

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Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Daihatsu?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Daihatsu требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Daihatsu?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

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Daihatsu Hijet repair manual

Daihatsu Hijet

The Daihatsu Hijet is a microvan and pickup truck produced by the Japanese automaker Daihatsu. The first Hijet received a 360 cc two-stroke engine, as was dictated by the kei car laws of the time. The Hijet’s development has long followed the evolution of Japan’s kei regulations, with an increase to 550 cc in 1976 and then 660 cc for 1990. Export versions have usually been somewhat larger as bigger bumpers and sometimes wider bodies are fitted. In 2002, Daihatsu debuted the Hijet Cargo Hybrid concept, a hybrid van, in Japan using a 660 cc engine.

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Фото в бортжурнале Daihatsu Hijet (S320, S330)

Буду выкладывать хоть какую-то информацию о хайджетах, т.к. найти ее трудно.
Мануал на хайджет (на японском) www.daihatsu.co.jp/servic…/pdf/hijet_cargo_1411.pdf
Обнаружил на официальном сайте дайхатцу www.daihatsu.co.jp следущее:
мощность двигателей автоматного хайджета 53л.с. при 7200об/мин, а на механике 46л.с. при 5700об/мин., но максимальный момент одинаковый 60н*м (6,1кг*м) при 4000об/мин.
У турбового двигателя 64л.с. при тех же 5700об/мин. и 91н*м (9,3кг*м) при 2800об/мин.
Степень сжатия 11.3 для атмосферного и 9,0 для турбо.
Диаметр цилиндра/ ход поршня мм — 63.0×70.4. Вот ссылка www.daihatsu.co.jp/lineup/cargo/spec.htm У меня только квадратики и цифры показывает, переводиться не хочет.
Передаточные числа для всех KF одинаковые
Передача М/Т А/Т
1-я 4.059 2.730
2-я 2.389 1.526
3-я 1.636 1.000
4-я 1.000 0.696
5-я 0.838 ——
Г.П. 6.666 6.666
На турбовом Г.П. 5.571, за счет чего выше крейсерская скорость при тех же оборотах двс.
Из «таблицы» видно, что на механике 4-я передача соответствует 3-й на 4-х ступенчатом автомате, а 4-я у автоматного хайджета длинее 5-й.
Стандартные 145R12-6PRLT, что как я понимаю означает 145/80R12
Максимальный размер колес входящих без резки бампера и брызговика 175/65R14 при вылете +40. Такие колеса почти не выпирают за кузов (вровень с кузовом), но зазоры спереди до бампера и брызговика при повороте менее 5мм. 165/65R14 на 7.5мм по радиусу меньше и зазор будет около 1см. Вылет можно былобы и 45 взять, чтобы колесо немного ушло внутрь, тем самым еще немного увеличив зазор. При вывороте руля между колесом-рычагом-кузовом еще есть запас.
На стандартных колесах при скорости 120км/ч навигатор показал 111-112км/ч, при 80км/ч — 74км/ч, при 100км/ч — 93км/ч.
На стандартных колесах одометр приписывает лишние километры к пробегу. Так, проехав 100км по одометру мы проезжаем на самом деле 93,7км по навигатору. Поэтому расход, вычисленный с помощью одометра на стандартных колесах будет не точным. У меня расход составил 6,33л/100км, что значит на самом деле 6,76л/100км с учетом погрешности одометра.
При замене колес на 175/65R14 при 80км/ч по спидометру по навигатору видит те же 80км/ч.

Фото в бортжурнале Daihatsu Hijet (S320, S330)

Фото в бортжурнале Daihatsu Hijet (S320, S330)

Фото в бортжурнале Daihatsu Hijet (S320, S330)

Фото в бортжурнале Daihatsu Hijet (S320, S330)

Фото в бортжурнале Daihatsu Hijet (S320, S330)

Need a manual for your Daihatsu Hijet (1988)? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free. There are also frequently asked questions, a product rating and feedback from users to enable you to optimally use your product. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My car has a timing chain, what is the replacement interval for it? Verified
With normal use, a timing chain should last the entire lifespan of the car and does not need to be replaced.

This was helpful (2247)

I can’t open one or more of the doors from the inside, why is that? Verified
The child safety lock is probably activated. This can often be deactivated with a mechanism in the door.

This was helpful (689)

How often should I change my oil? Verified
Almost every car has its own exact guideline, but in general it’s wise to change your oil every 10.000 to 15.000 kilometers or once every year. Polluted oil can cause serious damage to the engine over time.

This was helpful (588)

When should the airbag on the side of the passenger seat be switched off? Verified
When driving with a child in a car seat on the passenger seat, the airbag on that side should be switched off. This is also advisable for children up to 12 years old that take place in the passenger seat. This is to prevent injuries in case of an accident.

This was helpful (540)

The car keys won’t unlock the car from a distance anymore, why is that? Verified
Car keys that can unlock from a distance generally work with a battery. When it runs out, the key won’t work anymore. Replace the battery and try again.

This was helpful (506)

Will a lower tire pressure result in more grip when driving in the snow? Verified
No, although the tires will have more surface in contact with the road with a lower pressure, it will nevertheless result in less stability. Always drive with the correct tire pressure!

This was helpful (303)

I filled my car with the wrong fuel, what should I do? Verified
Do not drive! It does not matter wether you put diesel in a gasoline car or gasoline in a diesel car. In both cases it can cause damage to the enige and/or other parts of the car. Contact roadside assistance.

This was helpful (198)

Where can I find the VIN number of my car? Verified
This can vary between brands and models, but on many cars the VIN number can be found on the door jamb, under the hood or on the metal flooring at the front seat.

This was helpful (163)

How often should I replace the blades on my windscreen wipers? Verified
It’s advisable to replace the wiper blades at least once a year. Signs that the blades need to be replaced are streaking, leaving a haze, making noise or the rubber coming off.

This was helpful (148)

What is the VIN number? Verified
VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number and is a unique number that every car has. This makes the car indentifyable after for example a crash or in the case of a recall. It also allows a car to be identified in the case the number plates are missing.

This was helpful (121)

How many miles is one kilometer? Verified
One kilometer equals 0,621 mile. Ten kilometers makes 6,21 miles. One mile equals 1,609 kilometer. Ten miles makes 16,09 kilometers.

This was helpful (119)

Can I use the windscreen wipers while there is ice on the windscreen? Verified
No, this is not advisable. Ice is sharp and can damage the rubber on the wiper blades.

This was helpful (117)

What is the service interval for my Daihatsu? Verified
Daihatsu advises to have your car checked every 15.000 kilometers or every year at a certified dealership.

This was helpful (1)

Manual Daihatsu Hijet (1988)

Step-by-step DIY DAIHATSU HIJET repair and maintenance

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Manuals for DAIHATSU HIJET models

    • Manuf. year (from — to): (12/1992 — 05/1998)
    • Car body type: Van
    • Power (HP): 27 — 82
    • Power (KW): 20 — 60
    • Type of drive: Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Diesel, Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (12/1992 — 05/1998)
    • Car body type: Platform/Chassis
    • Power (HP): 37 — 48
    • Power (KW): 27 — 35
    • Type of drive: Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Diesel, Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (04/1998 — …)
    • Car body type: Pickup, Platform/Chassis
    • Power (HP): 38 — 97
    • Power (KW): 28 — 71
    • Type of drive: All-wheel Drive, Front-Wheel Drive, Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Diesel, Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (06/1993 — …)
    • Car body type: Bus
    • Power (HP): 48 — 65
    • Power (KW): 35 — 48
    • Type of drive: All-wheel Drive, Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (07/1986 — 10/1990)
    • Car body type: Platform/Chassis
    • Power (HP): 39 — 45
    • Power (KW): 29 — 33
    • Type of drive: All-wheel Drive, Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (12/2004 — …)
    • Car body type: Platform/Chassis
    • Power (HP): 88 — 97
    • Power (KW): 65 — 71
    • Type of drive: Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (06/1986 — 10/1990)
    • Car body type: Van
    • Power (HP): 39 — 45
    • Power (KW): 29 — 33
    • Type of drive: All-wheel Drive, Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Petrol Engine
    • Manuf. year (from — to): (06/1986 — 06/1990)
    • Car body type: Bus
    • Power (HP): 39 — 45
    • Power (KW): 29 — 33
    • Type of drive: Rear-Wheel Drive
    • Engine type: Petrol Engine

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