Руководство по эксплуатации для пежо 5008

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В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2244)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (688)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (588)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (540)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (505)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (303)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (198)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (163)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (148)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (120)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (119)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (117)

Какие модели Peugeot подходят для езды на E10? Проверенный
Peugeot заявляет, что все модели с бензиновым двигателем, построенным в 2000 году или позже, могут ездить на E10.

Это было полезно (27)

Руководство Peugeot 5008 (2019)

Посмотреть инструкция для Peugeot 5008 (2018) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 9 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Peugeot 5008 (2018) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Peugeot 5008 (2018).

Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Peugeot?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Peugeot требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Peugeot?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Peugeot 5008 (2018) доступно в русский?

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    Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Peugeot 5008 2011.

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    1. Manuals
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    4. Automobile
    5. 5008
    6. Handbook
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    Summary of Contents for PEUGEOT 5008

    • Page 1
    • Page 2
      Please note the following point: The fi tting of electrical equipment or accessories which are not recommended by PEUGEOT may result in a failure of your vehicle’s electronic system. Please note this specifi c warning. It is advisable to contact a PEUGEOT dealer…
    • Page 3
      All of the details specifi c to your 5008, for better use of your vehicle. comfort, safety, driving, are then pre- sented in this handbook, to increase…
    • Page 4: Table Of Contents

      16/9 high definition retractable Automatic illumination Hazard warning lamps….128 colour screen of headlamps…….. 94 Horn……….128 (Peugeot Connect Media) …. 51 Headlamp adjustment ….94 Tyre under-inflation detection ..129 Trip computer ……… Directional lighting ……95 ESC system……..130 Wiper controls ……..

    • Page 5
      Distance alert ……. 150 Changing a fuse ……199 (RNEG)……..271 Speed limiter …….. 12 V Battery……..206 Peugeot Connect Sound (RD5) … 303 Cruise control ……. 154 Energy economy mode ….208 Manual gearbox ……156 Changing a wiper blade ….208 Gear efficiency indicator….
    • Page 6
      EXTERIOR Panoramic sunroof This roof provides incomparable visibility Stop & Start and light in the passenger compartment. This system puts the engine temporarily into standby during stops in the traffi c (red lights, traffi c jams, etc…). The engine re- starts automatically as soon as you want to move off.
    • Page 7
      EXTERIOR When washing your vehicle in a car wash: remove the aerial, Parking space sensor fold back the mirrors. This system measures the size of the parking space available between two ve- hicles or obstacles. Temporary puncture repair kit Visual and audible front and/or rear parking sensors This kit is a complete system, consisting of a compressor and an integrated seal-…
    • Page 8
      OPENING Remote control key Welcome lighting Fuel tank A. Unfolding/Folding the key. When the light is poor, detected by a sen- 1. Opening the fuel fi ller fl ap. sor, the remote switching on of the dipped 2. Opening and hooking the fuel fi ller beam headlamps and sidelamps makes cap.
    • Page 9
      OPENING Boot Panoramic sunroof 1. Unlocking the vehicle. 1. Opening the blind. 2. Closing the blind. 2. Opening the boot.
    • Page 10
      Audio and communication systems This equipment benefi ts from the latest tech- nology: MP3 compatible Peugeot Connect Sound (RD5), Peugeot Connect USB, Blue- tooth, Peugeot Connect Navigation (RNEG) or Peugeot Connect Media Navigation (RT6) with 16/9 retractable colour screen, JBL audio system, auxiliary sockets.
    • Page 11
      8. 12 V accessory socket. 9. Centre console. 10. Panoramic sunroof control. 11. Handbook storage compartment. 12. Manual headlamp adjustment. Instrument panel navigator associated with the Peugeot Connect Media Navigation (RT6). 13. Alarm switch. Parking sensors switch. Dynamic stability control switch (ESP/ASR).
    • Page 12
      INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1. Steering wheel adjustment. 2. Cruise control/speed limiter switches. 3. Lighting and direction indicator control stalk. 4. Central adjustable air vents. 5. Head-up display. 6. Multifunction screen. 7. Passenger’s airbag. 8. Side adjustable air vent. 9. Glove box — Audio/video sockets — Passenger’s airbag deactivation.
    • Page 13
      SITTING COMFORTABLY Driver’s seat Forwards-backwards Height Seat back angle Manual adjustment Electric adjustment…
    • Page 14
      SITTING COMFORTABLY Steering wheel adjustment Centre console Front seats Head restraint height and angle This has a large storage area (with re- 1. Releasing the adjustment mechanism. cesses for 2 bottles, …) for the front 2. Adjustment of height and reach. passengers and, according to version, 3.
    • Page 15
      SITTING COMFORTABLY Rear view mirror Front seat belts Door mirrors Manual model 1. Fastening the buckle. 1. Selection of the «day» position of the mirror. Adjustment 2. Adjustment of the mirror. A. Selection of the mirror to be adjusted. B. Adjustment of the position of the mirror in the four directions.
    • Page 16
      SEEING CLEARLY Lighting Direction indicators Wipers Ring A Raise or lower the lighting stalk passing Stalk A: windscreen wipers the point of resistance; the corresponding direction indicators will fl ash for as long as Switching on «AUTO» Lighting off. the stalk remains in this position. Press the stalk down and release it.
    • Page 17
      VENTILATION Recommended interior settings Heating or Manual Air Conditioning I require… Air recirculation/ Air distribution Air fl ow Temperature Manual A/C Intake of outside air COLD DEMISTING DEFROSTING Digital air conditioning: we recommend use of the fully automatic mode by pressing the «AUTO» button.
    • Page 18
      MONITORING Switch panels Instrument panel Lower Lighting of the indicator lamp indicates the status of the corresponding function. A. Parking space sensors. B. Deactivation of Stop & Start. C. Volumetric alarm. D. Visual and audible parking sensors. E. ESP OFF. F.
    • Page 19
      PASSENGER SAFETY Passenger’s front airbag Child lock front airbag (locking of the rear doors) 1. Insert the key. A. Front and/or rear seat belts not fas- Lighting of the indicator lamp indicates the tened/unfastened warning lamp. status of the corresponding function. 2.
    • Page 20
      ARRANGING YOUR SEATS 7 SEAT VERSION Folding the seats in the 2nd row Putting the seats back in place Access to the 3rd row seats Raise the seat back and push it rearwards until it locks. Pull the strap A upwards fi rmly to re- Rigid panel Close the aircraft style tables on the lease the seat and continue to pull…
    • Page 21
      ARRANGING YOUR SEATS (7 SEAT VERSION) Changing from 5 to 7 seats Place the rigid panels of the 2 nd row Pull the strap E and guide the seat Lower the head restraints and place seats upright and lock them then fold until the assembly locks.
    • Page 22
      DRIVING SAFELY Stop & Start Going into engine STOP mode Going into engine START mode The «ECO» warning lamp comes The «ECO» warning lamp goes on in the instrument panel and the off and the engine restarts with engine automatically goes into 6-speed electronic gear…
    • Page 23
      DRIVING SAFELY Electric parking brake Manual application/release Automatic application/release Before getting out of the vehicle, check that the The parking brake can be applied man- Press the accelerator, press and and re- braking warning lamp ually by pulling the control lever A . lease the clutch (manual gearbox), the ( red! ) and the warning parking brake is released automatically…
    • Page 24
      DRIVING SAFELY Hill start assist Head-up display Distance alert Your vehicle is equipped with a system which keeps it immobile for a short time (approximately 2 seconds) to assist you when starting on a hill, the time required 1. Head-up display on/off. 1.
    • Page 25
      DRIVING SAFELY Speed limiter «LIMIT» Cruise control «CRUISE» Display in the instrument panel 1. Limiter mode Selection/Off. 1. Cruise control mode Selection/Off. 2. Decrease the programmed value. 2. Programme a speed/Decrease the programmed value. 3. Increase the programmed value. 3. Programme a speed/Increase the 4.
    • Page 26
      DRIVING SAFELY 6-speed electronic gear control gearbox «Porsche Tiptronic System» automatic gearbox This 6-speed electronic gear control gearbox offers a choice between the comfort of fully automatic operation or the pleasure of manual gear changing. This six-speed gearbox offers a choice between the comfort of fully automatic operation or the pleasure of manual gear changing.
    • Page 27: Eco-Driving

      ECO-DRIVING Eco-driving is a range of everyday practices that allow the motorist to optimise their fuel consumption and CO emissions. Optimise the use of your Control the use of your electrical equipment gearbox Before moving off, if the passenger Switch off the headlamps and front With a manual gearbox, move off gently, compartment is too warm, ventilate it by foglamps when the level of light does…

    • Page 28
      Limit the causes of excess Observe the recommendations consumption on maintenance Spread loads throughout the vehicle; Check the tyre pressures regularly, When refuelling, do not continue after place the heaviest items in the bottom when cold, referring to the label in the the 3 rd cut-off of the nozzle to avoid of the boot, as close as possible to the door aperture, driver’s side.
    • Page 29: Instrument Panels

      INSTRUMENT PANELS Dials 1. Rev counter. Indicates the engine speed (x 1 000 rpm). 2. Coolant temperature. Indicates the temperature of the en- gine coolant (° Celsius). 3. Fuel level. Indicates the quantity of fuel remaining in the tank. 4. Speedometer. Indicates the current speed of the moving vehicle (mph or km/h).

    • Page 30
      GPS navigation information, menus (with Peugeot Connect Media). Instrument panel navigator associated Controls with the Peugeot Connect Media There are four buttons to control the large 16/9 screen in the instrument panel: 1. access the main menu, confi rm the selection, 2.
    • Page 31: Indicator And Warning Lamps

      Vehicle parameters Indicator and warning lamps The main menu and its asso- ciated functions can only be Visual indicators informing the driver accessed when stationary, via that a system is in operation (operation buttons 1 to 4 . or deactivation indicator lamps) or of the A message appears on the screen, occurrence of a fault (warning lamp).

    • Page 32
      Operation indicator lamps If one of the following indicator lamps comes on, this confi rms that the corresponding system has come into operation. Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations Left-hand fl ashing The lighting stalk is pushed direction with buzzer. down.
    • Page 33
      fi xed. and «automatic release» the vehicle confi guration menu or contact a functions of functions are deactivated or PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. the electric faulty. parking brake Press the brake pedal to start the engine with…
    • Page 34
      Deactivation indicator lamps If one of the following indicator lamps comes on, this confi rms that the corresponding system has been switched off intentionally. This is may be accompanied by an audible signal and a message on the multifunction screen. Warning lamp is on Cause…
    • Page 35
      Any fault resulting in the illumination of a warning lamp must be investigated further by reading the associated message in the multifunction screen. If you encounter any problems, do not hesitate to contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. Warning lamp…
    • Page 36
      Braking brake malfunction The braking system has Park, switch off the ignition and contact warning lamp, if the a fault. a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed parking brake is workshop. released. fi xed, associated with The electronic brake force You must stop as soon as it is safe to do so.
    • Page 37
      The engine management Risk of destruction of the catalytic converter. Have it fl ashing. checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. system has a fault. Refuel as soon as possible to avoid running out of fuel.
    • Page 38
      (dirty or loose fi xed. charge terminals, slack or cut If it does not go off, contact a PEUGEOT alternator belt, …). dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. fi xed if the speed is below 6 mph (10 km/h).
    • Page 39: Indicators

      Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations Directional The directional headlamps Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer fl ashing. headlamps system has a fault. or a qualifi ed workshop. Check the pressure of the tyres as soon as possible. Under- The pressure in one or more fi…

    • Page 40: Screens

      Service indicator More than 1 800 miles (3 000 km) Less than 600 miles (1 000 km) remain remain before the next service is due before the next service is due System which informs the driver when When the ignition is switched on, no Example: 400 miles (900 km) remain the next service is due, in accor- service…

    • Page 41
      Service overdue Service indicator zero reset Retrieving the service information For 5 seconds after the ignition is You can access the service information switched on, the spanner fl ashes to at any time. indicate that the service must be carried Press the trip distance recorder zero out as soon as possible.
    • Page 42
      This is indicated by the fl ashing of off for more than 30 minutes. «OIL —» . Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. Oil level correct Dipstick Refer to the «Checks»…
    • Page 43: Adjustment Buttons

      Total distance recorder In order to observe legislation, Activation change the units of distance System which measures the total distance When the vehicle lighting is on: (miles or km) to those for the travelled by the vehicle during its life. country you are passing through, us- press the button to change the bright- ness of the instrument panel,…

    • Page 44
      MONOCHROME SCREEN A Controls Main menu (WITHOUT AUDIO EQUIPMENT) Press the «MENU» button to scroll through the various menus of the main menu : — vehicle confi guration, — options, — display settings, — languages, — units. Displays on the screen There are three display control buttons: Press the «OK»…
    • Page 45
      Options Languages Once the «Options» menu has been se- Once the «Languages» menu has been lected, you can start diagnostics of the selected, you can change the language status of the equipment (active, not ac- used by the display (Français, Italiano, tive, faulty).
    • Page 46
      MONOCHROME SCREEN A Controls Main menu (WITH AUDIO EQUIPMENT) Press the «MENU» button for access to the main menu , then press the » » or » » buttons to scroll through the various menus: — radio-CD, — vehicle confi guration, From the audio equipment control panel, — options, you can:…
    • Page 47
      Display settings Languages Once the «Display settings» menu has Once the «Languages» menu has been been selected, you can gain access to selected, you can change the language the following settings: used by the display (Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Portugues, Portugues-Brasil, year, Türkçe, Deutsch, English, Espanol).
    • Page 48: Peugeot Connect Sound)

      These can be cleared by pressing For more information on the the » ESC » button. «Audio functions» application, refer to the Peugeot Connect Sound part of the «Audio and Telematics» section. * With air conditioning only.

    • Page 49
      «Personalisation- Press the «MENU» button to gain access to the general menu. Configuration» menu Press the arrows, then the «OK» but- ton to select the «Trip computer» menu. Once this menu has been selected, you «Trip computer» menu can gain access to the following func- tions: defi…
    • Page 50
      » OK » button to select the menu Once this menu has been selected, you «Telephone» application, re- required. have access to the following settings: fer to the Peugeot Connect brightness-video setting, Sound part of the «Audio and Telematics» section. date and time setting, selection of the units.
    • Page 51: (Rneg))

      «Access to the retractable screen». Displays in the screen From the Peugeot Connect Navigation (RNEG) control panel, to select one of When the screen is unfolded, it displays the applications: the following information automatically…

    • Page 52
      «SETUP» menu Display For safety reasons, confi gu- This menu allows you to set the bright- ration multifunction Press the «SETUP» button for ac- ness of the screen, the screen colour screen by the driver must only cess to the «SETUP» menu. This al- scheme and the colour of the map (day/ be done when stationary.
    • Page 53: 16/9 High Definition Retractable Colour Screen (Peugeot Connect Media)

      «Access to the retractable screen». Displays on the screen From the Peugeot Connect Media control panel, to select one of the applications: When the screen is unfolded, it displays press dedicated «RADIO»…

    • Page 54
      «SETUP» menu Date and time For safety reasons, confi gu- This menu allows you to set the date ration multifunction and time, the format of the date and the screen by the driver must only format of the time (refer to the «Audio be done when stationary.
    • Page 55
      Adjusting the position of the screen If you close the screen dur- ing operation of the audio and telematics system, it will re- open automatically when an outgoing telephone call is made, when a voice command is given or when a warning message linked with the STOP warn- ing lamp is received.
    • Page 56: Trip Computer

      TRIP COMPUTER System which provides current informa- tion concerning the trip travelled (range, fuel consumption…). The trip computer provides the following The next press then returns you to information: the normal display. range, Zero reset Information displays current fuel consumption, distance travelled, average fuel consumption, Press the control for more than two…

    • Page 57
      (Peugeot Connect Navigation) (Peugeot Connect Media) sumption…). Monochrome screen C 16/9 colour screen — Peugeot Connect Navigation Press the button, located at the end Press the up and down arrows on of the wiper stalk , to display the the navigator, associated with the…
    • Page 58
      When the required trip is displayed, press the control for more than two press the «OK» button on the navi- ● the distance travelled, seconds. gator, associated with the Peugeot ● the average fuel Connect Media, for more than two consumption, seconds.
    • Page 59
      If your vehicle is fi tted with Stop & Start, uously while driving in place of a time counter calculates the time spent the digits, contact a PEUGEOT in STOP mode during a journey. dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 60: Heating And Ventilation

      The air fl ow control enables you to in- crease or reduce the speed of the ventila- tion fan. These controls are grouped together on control panel A on the centre console. Air distribution 1. Windscreen demisting/defrosting vents. 2. Front side window demisting/de- frosting vents.

    • Page 61
      Take care not to obstruct the side vents If the system does not produce cold air, do not use it and contact a PEUGEOT and the air outlets on the fl oor. dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 62: Manual Air Conditioning

      MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING 1. Temperature adjustment Footwells, front-rear (closing the vents increases Turn the dial from blue the fl ow to the footwells). (cold) to red (hot) to adjust the temperature to your re- quirements. Central, side and rear vents. 2.

    • Page 63: Rear Screen Demist/Defrost

      5. Air conditioning On/Off REAR SCREEN DEMIST/DEFROST The air conditioning is de- The control button is located signed to operate effectively in on the air conditioning system all seasons, with the windows control panel. closed. It enables you to: Switching on lower the temperature, in summer, Demisting/defrosting increase the effectiveness of the…

    • Page 64: Dual-Zone Digital Air Conditioning

      DUAL-ZONE DIGITAL AIR When the engine is cold, to On entering the vehicle, if the CONDITIONING prevent too great a distribu- interior temperature is much tion of cold air, the air fl ow will colder or warmer than the reach its optimum level gradually. comfort value, there is no need to change the value displayed in order In cold weather, it favours the distri-…

    • Page 65
      Manual operation 5. Air conditioning On/Off 7. Air fl ow adjustment If you wish, you can make a different Press this button to switch Turn this control to the left choice from that offered by the system off the air conditioning. to decrease the air fl…
    • Page 66
      8. Air recirculation 9. Rear ventilation (Rear) Press this button to recir- Press this button to allow culate the interior air. The the air to circulate towards indicator lamp comes on. the rear. The temperature will be equal to the left-hand comfort value for the rear left passengers and equal to the — Air closed/intake (automatic mode).
    • Page 67: Front Seats

      FRONT SEATS Seat consisting of a seat cushion, a seat back and a head restraint which can all be adjusted to adapt your position for ease of driving and comfort. Manual adjustments Forwards-backwards adjustment Driver’s or passenger’s seat height Seat back angle adjustment adjustment Raise the control and slide the seat Push the control rearwards.

    • Page 68
      DRIVER’S ELECTRIC SEAT The electrical functions of the driver’s seat are active approxi- Seat consisting of a seat cushion, a seat mately one minute after opening back and a head restraint which can all the front door. They are deactivated ap- be adjusted to adapt your position for proximately one minute after the ignition ease of driving and comfort.
    • Page 69
      Additional adjustments Heated seats control The head restraint is fi tted with With the engine running, the front seats a frame with notches which Head restraint height and angle can be heated separately. prevents it from lowering; this adjustment is a safety device in case of impact. To raise the head restraint, pull it for- The adjustment is correct when the Use the adjustment dial, placed on…
    • Page 70
      Table position, front passenger seat Folding the seat backrest Returning the seat to the normal position This position, associated with that of the Raise the armrest and fold up the «aircraft» style table, fi xed on the rear seats, allows you to transport long Guide the seat backrest rearwards back of the seat.
    • Page 71: Rear Seats, 2Nd Row

      REAR HEAD RESTRAINTS 2 ND ROW SEATS Forwards-backwards adjustment Placing a seat in the «comfort» position The rear head restraints can be removed and have two positions: Lift the control A , located at the front of Pull on the control B and guide the high, position for use, the seat, then adjust the seat to the po- seat rearwards.

    • Page 72
      Flat floor Each seat can be folded onto the fl oor to enable you to modify your vehicle’s interior space. Folding the seat from the 2 nd row Folding the seat from the boot Repositioning seat When loading, for example, you can Place the seats as far towards the If necessary, return the 2 nd row seat rear as possible.
    • Page 73: Access To The 3Rd Row

      Rigid panel Entering/Exiting the 3rd row Repositioning the seat, from the (7 seat version) outside, with the door open If there are passengers seated in the 3 rd row (7 seat version): Manually return the assembly as far as possible rearwards; the seat does not return as far as the maximum rearwards position so as to retain leg space for the 3 rd row passengers.

    • Page 74: Rear Seats, 3Rd Row

      3 RD ROW SEATS (7 SEAT VERSION) Concertina boards Storing a seat Two rigid concertina boards, which cannot Remove the load space screen. Lower the head restraints. be separated from the vehicle, cover the If necessary, return the 2 nd row rig- Correctly position the concertina two 3 rd row seats, when these are in the id panels to their initial position and…

    • Page 75: Seat Modularity

      Examples of configurations Before moving the 3 rd row seats, return the rigid panels of the 2 nd row seats to the up- 7 seats Transport (4 seats) right position and lock them in place. Do not try to fold a 3 rd row seat that has not fi…

    • Page 76: Mirrors

      PEUGEOT dealer or a Take this into account in order to cor- on the heated rear screen (refer to the qualifi ed workshop.

    • Page 77: Steering Wheel Adjustment

      Rear view mirror Automatic day/night model Adjustable mirror providing a central rearward view. Equipped with an anti-dazzle system, which darkens the mirror glass: this re- duces the nuisance to the driver caused by the headlamps from following vehi- cles, low sun… Manual day/night model By means of a sensor, which measures When stationary , pull the con-…

    • Page 78: Remote Control Key

      REMOTE CONTROL KEY Complete unlocking using the key Each unlocking is confi rmed by rapid fl ashing of the direction indicators for Turn the key to the left in the driver’s approximately two seconds. System which permits central unlock- door lock to unlock the vehicle. ing or locking of the vehicle using the According to version, the door mirrors Unlocking is confi…

    • Page 79
      It also deactivates the manual central The folding and unfolding of control button. the door mirrors using the Therefore, never leave anyone inside remote control can be deac- the vehicle when it is deadlocked. tivated by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 80
      In this case, your vehicle will not start; contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon as possible. Keep safely the label attached to the keys given to you on acquisition of the A heavy object (key fob…),…
    • Page 81
      First of all, use the key in the lock to unlock or lock your vehicle. Then, reinitialise the remote control. If the problem persists, contact a PEUGEOT dealer as soon as possible. Reinitialisation Battery ref.: CR1620/3 volts.
    • Page 82: Access

      Take them to an approved collection The PEUGEOT dealer will be able to fi nd the key code and the transponder point. code required to order a new key.

    • Page 83: Alarm

      ALARM Locking the vehicle with full Locking the vehicle with alarm exterior protection alarm only System which protects and provides a deterrent against the theft of your vehi- Deactivation of the interior cle. It provides two types of protection, volumetric protection exterior and interior, as well as an anti- Switch off the ignition.

    • Page 84
      Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer Do not activate the alarm before dis- or a qualifi ed workshop. connecting the battery, otherwise the siren will sound.
    • Page 85: Electric Windows

      ELECTRIC WINDOWS One-touch electric windows After approximately ten con- secutive complete opening/ System intended to open or close a There are two options: closing movements of the win- window manually or automatically. Fit- manual mode dow, a protection function is activat- ted with a safety anti-pinch system and Press or pull the control gently.

    • Page 86
      Have it checked by a PEUGEOT stops, dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. release the control and pull it again,…
    • Page 87: Doors

      DOORS From inside Closing When a door is not closed correctly: Opening when the engine is running , this warning lamp comes on, From outside accompanied by a message in the multifunction screen for a few seconds, when the vehicle is moving (speed higher than 6 mph (10 km/h)), this warning lamp comes on, accom- panied by an audible signal and a…

    • Page 88
      Centralised locking control When locking/deadlocking from the A confi rmation message ap- outside pears multifunction System which provides full manual When the vehicle is locked or dead- screen, accompanied by an locking or unlocking of the doors from locked from the outside, the red indicator audible signal.
    • Page 89: Boot

      Emergency control BOOT System which locks or unlocks the doors mechanically in the event of a malfunction of the battery or of the cen- tral locking. In the event of a fault with the central locking, you must disconnect the bat- tery to lock the boot and so ensure the complete locking of the vehicle.

    • Page 90
      Tailgate release System allowing the mechanical unlocking of the boot in the event of a battery or central locking system malfunction. Unlocking Fold back the rear seats to gain access to the lock from inside the boot. Insert a small screwdriver into hole A of the lock to unlock the tailgate.
    • Page 91: Fuel Tank

      STOP More than 5 litres of fuel must be added mode; you must switch off the Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer in order to be registered by the fuel gauge. ignition with the key.

    • Page 92: Misfuel Prevention

      EN 15293. is subject to strict application of the special servicing conditions. Contact a For Brazil only, special vehicles are PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed work- marketed to run on fuels containing up Operation shop. to 100 % ethanol (E100 type).

    • Page 93: Lighting Controls

      LIGHTING CONTROLS Manual controls System for selection and control of the The lighting is controlled directly by the various front and rear lamps providing driver by means of the ring A and the Model without AUTO lighting the vehicle’s lighting. stalk B .

    • Page 94
      C. Fog lamps selection ring. When the lighting is switched on auto- matically (with AUTO model), the dipped headlamps and sidelamps remain on until the rear foglamp is switched off. When the lighting is switched off auto- rear foglamp Model with rear foglamp only matically (with AUTO model) or when the dipped headlamps are switched off This operates with the dipped beam…
    • Page 95
      Manual guide-me-home lighting EXTERIOR WELCOME In some weather conditions LIGHTING (e.g. low temperature or hu- Temporarily keeping the dipped beam midity), the presence of mist- headlamps on after the vehicle’s igni- The remote switching on of the light- ing on the internal surface tion has been switched off makes the ing makes your approach to the vehicle of the glass of the headlamps and…
    • Page 96: Automatic Illumination

      3 people. accompanied by an audible signal. 1. 5 people. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- Intermediate setting. fi ed workshop. 2. 5 people + maximum authorised load. Activation Intermediate setting.

    • Page 97: Directional Lighting

      In order to avoid causing a nuisance to Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- other road users, this system corrects fi ed workshop. the height of the xenon headlamps beam automatically and when stationary, in re- lation to the load in the vehicle.

    • Page 98: Wiper Controls

      WIPER CONTROLS Model with intermittent wiping Manual controls System for selection and control of the The wiper commands are issued direct- various front and rear wiping modes for ly by the driver by means of the stalk A the elimination of rain and cleaning. and the ring B .

    • Page 99
      Rear wiper B. Rear wiper selection ring: Windscreen and headlamp wash park, intermittent wipe, wash-wipe (set duration). Pull the windscreen wiper stalk to- Reverse gear wards you. The windscreen wash then the windscreen wipers operate When reverse gear is engaged, the for a fi…
    • Page 100: Automatic Rain Sensitive Wipers

      This position permits release of the windscreen wiper blades. Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. It is used for cleaning or replacement Activation of the blades. It can also be useful, in…

    • Page 101: Courtesy Lamps

      COURTESY LAMPS Front and rear courtesy lamps When the front courtesy lamp is in the «permanent lighting» position, the rear courtesy In this position, the courtesy lamp will also come on, unless it is in lamp comes on gradually: the «permanently off» position. when the vehicle is unlocked, To switch off the rear courtesy lamp, place it in the «permanently off»…

    • Page 102: Interior Mood Lighting

      DOOR MIRROR SPOTLAMPS INTERIOR WELCOME LIGHTING INTERIOR MOOD LIGHTING The remote switching on of the passen- The dimmed passenger compartment ger compartment lighting makes your lighting improves visibility in the vehicle approach to the vehicle easier in poor when the light is poor. light.

    • Page 103: Fittings

      BOOT LAMP TORCH The soft lighting provided by the footwell This comes on automatically when the Portable lamp, fi tted in the boot wall, lamps improves visibility in the vehicle boot is opened and switches off auto- which can be used to light the boot or when the light is poor.

    • Page 104: Fittings

      5. Storage compartment under the steering wheel 6. Storage compartment 7. Illuminated glove box 8. Door pockets 9. Front 12 V accessory socket (120 W) 10. Storage compartment 11. Peugeot Connect USB 12. Cup holder 13. Rear 12 V accessory socket (120 W)

    • Page 105
      This has storage areas for the handbook the SIM card (only with Peugeot Connect mirror. pack, … Media), …
    • Page 106: Centre Console

      When it is in use, the portable equipment charges automatically. For more information on the use of this equipment, re- fer to the Peugeot Connect Sound part of the «Audio and Telematics» section.

    • Page 107
      fi t one mat on top of another. Fitting The use of mats not approved by PEUGEOT may interfere with access When fi tting the mat for the fi rst time, to the pedals and hinder the operation on the driver’s side use only the fi xings of the cruise control/speed limiter.
    • Page 108
      «AIRCRAFT» TYPE TABLES STORAGE COMPARTMENTS UNDER THE REAR FOOTWELLS Installed on the back of each front seat, these allow you to set down objects. Depending on the confi guration, the It is located under the driver’s seat vehicle has storage compartments un- (manual adjustment).
    • Page 109: Rear Multimedia

      REAR MULTIMEDIA Two separate audio sources can be connected via the RCA connectors (red and white). The audio is heard through two wireless headphones with Bluetooth technology which operate with rechargeable batteries. The A/B button allows you to pair the headphones with the screen: A left- hand side, B right-hand side.

    • Page 110: Panoramic Sunroof

      PANORAMIC SUNROOF Reinitialisation: if the blind’s supply is cut off while it is mov- Component which has a tinted glass ing, the safety anti-pinch must panoramic surface to increase the light be reinitialised: and visibility in the passenger compart- ment. press the control until the blind is fully closed, Fitted with an electric blind in several…

    • Page 111: Boot Fittings 5 Seat Version

      BOOT FITTINGS (5 SEAT VERSION) 1. Load space cover 2. Hooks 3. 12 V accessory socket (120 W) 4. Torch 5. Concertina boards 6. Stowing rings on the fl oor 7. Cup holder 8. Storage compartments or audio amplifi er 9.

    • Page 112: Boot Fittings 7 Seat Version

      BOOT FITTINGS (7 SEAT VERSION) 1. Load space cover 2. Hooks 3. 12 V accessory socket (120 W) 4. Torch 5. Concertina boards 6. Stowing rings on the fl oor 7. Cup holder 8. Armrests 9. Storage compartments or audio amplifi…

    • Page 113
      Roller load space cover To remove the load space cover: remove the load space cover guides from the rails on the boot pillars, reel in the load space cover in its roller, To install the load space cover: pivot the ends of the roller upwards to release it, position one of the ends of the roller in its support,…
    • Page 114
      High load retaining net * Hooked onto the special upper and lower fi xings, this permits use of the entire load- ing volume up to the roof: behind the front seats (row 1) when the rear seats are folded. behind the rear seats (row 2). When positioning net,…
    • Page 115
      Luggage retaining net There are 4 possible positions: Hooked onto the stowing rings on the fl oor and/or on the load space cover roller, the luggage retaining net avail- able as an accessory enables you to secure your luggage. fl at at the bottom of the boot, vertical at the back of the rear seats, horizontal, level with the load space fl…
    • Page 116
      Hooks 12 V accessory socket Storage box (5 seat version) The hooks permit the securing of shop- To connect a 12 V accessory (max Raise the concertina board to gain ping bags. power: 120 W), remove the cap and access to the storage box. connect an appropriate adaptor.
    • Page 117
      Torch Rear side blinds This is a removable lamp, fi tted in the Fitted on the rear windows, these protect boot wall, which can be used to illumi- your young children from the sun. nate the boot or as a torch. 2 nd row For the boot lighting function, refer to the «Visibility — §…
    • Page 118: Child Safety

      CHILD SEAT IN THE FRONT TO CHILD SEATS «Rearwards-facing» «Forwards-facing» Although one of PEUGEOT’s main cri- When a «rearwards-facing» child seat is When a «forwards-facing» child seat is teria when designing your vehicle, the installed on the front passenger seat ,…

    • Page 119
      Passenger airbag OFF Refer to the advice given on the label present on both sides of the passen- ger’s sun visor. To assure the safety of your child, you must deactivate the passenger’s For more information on de- front airbag when you install a child seat in the rearwards facing position activating the airbag, refer on the front passenger’s seat.
    • Page 120
      CHILD SEATS RECOMMENDED BY PEUGEOT PEUGEOT offers a complete range of recommended child seats which are secured using a three point seat belt : Group 0+: from birth to 13 kg Group 1: from 9 to 18 kg «RÖMER/BRITAX Baby-Safe Plus».
    • Page 121
      INSTALLING A CHILD SEAT WITH A STAY Care must be taken when installing a child seat with stay (a drop down leg) in the vehicle. In particular you should look for the presence of a storage compartment below the rear seat footwells. At the bottom of the storage Away from the storage Do not place the stay on the…
    • Page 122
      INSTALLING CHILD SEATS USING THE SEAT BELT In accordance with European regulations, this table indicates the options for installing child seats secured using a seat belt and universally approved (a) in accordance with the weight of the child and the seat in the vehicle. Weight of the child and indicative age Under 13 kg From 9 to 18 kg…
    • Page 123
      Weight of the child and indicative age Under 13 kg From 9 to 18 kg From 15 to 25 kg From 22 to 36 kg Seat (groups 0 (b) and 0+) (group 1) (group 2) (group 3) Up to approx 1 year 1 to 3 years approx 3 to 6 years approx 6 to 10 years approx…
    • Page 124
      If the head restraint has to be removed, PEUGEOT recommends the use of ensure that it is stored or attached se- a booster seat which has a back, fi t- curely to prevent it from being thrown…
    • Page 125: Isofix Child Seats

      «ISOFIX» MOUNTINGS There are three rings for each seat: This ISOFIX mounting system provides fast, reliable and safe fi tting of the child two rings A , located between the Your vehicle has been approved in ac- seat in your vehicle. vehicle seat back and cushion, indi- cordance with the latest ISOFIX regu- cated by a label,…

    • Page 126
      ISOFIX CHILD SEAT RECOMMENDED BY PEUGEOT AND APPROVED FOR YOUR VEHICLE RÖMER Duo Plus ISOFIX (size category B1 ) Group 1: from 9 to 18 kg Installed only in the forwards-facing position. Fitted with an upper strap to be secured on the upper ring B , referred to as the TOP TETHER.
    • Page 127
      SEATING POSITIONS FOR INSTALLING ISOFIX CHILD SEATS In accordance with European Regulations, this table indicates the options for installing ISOFIX child seats on seats in the vehicle fi tted with ISOFIX mountings. In the case of universal and semi-universal ISOFIX child seats, the ISOFIX size category, determined by a letter between A and G , is indicated on the child seat next to the ISOFIX logo.
    • Page 128
      Weight of the child /indicative age Less than 10 kg Less than 10 kg (group 0) From 9 to 18 kg (group 1) (group 0) Less than 13 kg From approx. 1 to 3 years Up to approx. (group 0+) 6 months Up to approx.
    • Page 129: Child Lock

      Switching on Any other status of the indica- tor lamp indicates a fault with the electric child lock. Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. This system is independent and in no circumstances does it take the place of the central locking control.

    • Page 130: Safety

      DIRECTION INDICATORS HAZARD WARNING LAMPS HORN Audible warning to alert other road us- A visual warning by means of the direc- tion indicators to alert other road users to ers to an imminent danger. a vehicle breakdown, towing or accident. Lower the lighting control stalk fully when moving to the left.

    • Page 131: Tyre Under-Inflation Detection

      The STOP warning lamp system must be carried out by comes accompanied System which automatically checks the a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed by an audible signal and a pressure of the tyres while driving. message in the multifunc- workshop.

    • Page 132: Esc System

      You must stop as soon as it is safe to do so. road surfaces. This automatic system continuously In both cases, contact a PEUGEOT The ABS prevents wheel lock in the checks for situations of diffi cult surface dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.

    • Page 133
      Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- fi ed workshop to have the system checked. Press the «ESP OFF» button.
    • Page 134: Front Seat Belts

      SEAT BELTS Fastening Height adjustment Pull the strap, then insert the tongue adjust anchorage point, in the buckle. squeeze the control A and slide it until you fi nd a notch. Check that the seat belt is fastened correctly by pulling the strap. Front seat belts Unfastening Front seat belt not fastened/…

    • Page 135
      Seat belt not fastened/unfastened Rear seat belts Seat belt unfastened warning lamps warning lamps display display The rear seats are each fi tted with a three-point inertia reel seat belt with force limiter (with the exception of the centre rear seat). Fastening Pull the strap, then insert the tongue in the buckle.
    • Page 136
      2 nd row rear centre seat belt 3rd row rear seat belts (7 seat version) The seat belt for the rear centre seat of The seat belts for the rear seats of the the 2 nd row is incorporated at the rear 3 rd row are incorporated at the corner right of the roof.
    • Page 137
      Before and after use, ensure that the riousness of the impact , the pre- ed, which a PEUGEOT dealer is able seat belt is reeled in correctly. tensioning device may be deployed to provide.
    • Page 138: Airbags

      AIRBAGS Impact detection zones Front airbags System which protects the driver and System designed to maximise the safety front passenger in the event of a seri- of the occupants (with the exception of ous front impact in order to limit the risk the rear centre passenger) in the event of injury to the head and thorax.

    • Page 139
      Have the system checked by a PEUGEOT event of an impact. dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. With the ignition on, this warning…
    • Page 140
      PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- A. Front impact zone. fi ed workshop to have the system checked. The airbags may no longer be deployed in B.
    • Page 141
      All work on the airbag system must necessary. be carried out by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. Even if all of the precautions mentioned are observed, a risk of injury or of minor…
    • Page 142: Driving

      Activation/deactivation this function is possible by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. The parking brake is then applied and released manually. When the driver’s door is opened, there is an audible sig- nal and a message is displayed if the brake is not applied.

    • Page 143
      Manual application Manual release Maximum application With the ignition on or the engine run- If necessary, you can make a maxi- ning, to release the parking brake, mum application of the parking brake. press on the brake pedal or the ac- It is obtained by means of a long pull celerator, pull then release the control on the control lever A , until you see the…
    • Page 144
      Automatic application, Automatic release engine off engine running The electric parking brake releases au- tomatically and progressively when With the engine running and the vehicle With the vehicle stationary, the parking stationary, in order to immobilise the ve- you press the accelerator: brake is automatically applied when hicle it is essential to manually apply the engine is switched off.
    • Page 145
      EMERGENCY BRAKING If a failure of the ESP system is Particular situations signalled by the illumination of this warning lamp, then brak- In certain situations (e.g. start- ing stability is not guaranteed. ing the engine), the parking brake In this event, stability must be can automatically alter its force.
    • Page 146
      M or R (6-speed electronic gear of the parking brake proves impos- control gearbox). sible, contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a Switch off the engine but leave the qualifi ed workshop. ignition on. If it is impossible to im-…
    • Page 147: Hill Start Assist

      If a fault in the system occurs, these (and the warning lamp P in the lever warning lamps come on. Contact a of the electric parking brake) are on PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed work- fi xed (not fl ashing). shop sto have the system checked.

    • Page 148
      If the electric parking brake fault warning lamp comes on together with one or more of the warning lamps presented in these tables, place the vehicle in a safe condition (on level ground, gear engaged) and contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop without delay.
    • Page 149
      Situations Consequences Display of the message » Parking brake control fault — auto parking brake activated » and of the following warning lamps: Only the automatic application on switching off the engine and automatic re- lease on acceleration functions are available. The manual application/release of the electric parking brake and the emer- gency braking are not available.
    • Page 150: Head-Up Display

      HEAD-UP DISPLAY Buttons Displays during operation System which projects various informa- 1. Head-up display on/off. Once the system has been activated, tion onto a transparent strip in the fi eld the following information is grouped to- 2. Brightness adjustment. of vision of the driver so that they do not gether in the head-up display: 3.

    • Page 151
      Activation/Deactivation Brightness adjustment We recommend that adjust- ments are only made using these buttons when the vehi- cle is stationary. When stationary or while driving, no objects should be placed around the transparent strip (or on its cover) to avoid blocking the strip output and preventing its correct operation.
    • Page 152: Distance Alert

      DISTANCE ALERT * Buttons Displays during operation Driving aid which informs the driver of the time interval (in seconds) separat- ing them from the vehicle in front when the driving conditions are stable. It does not detect stationary vehicles and does not itself take any action on your vehicle’s controls.

    • Page 153
      If the indicator lamp in but- ton 1 fl ashes, have the system — down to decrease: «-«. Deactivation checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. Press button 1 to deactivate the sys- tem, the indicator lamp goes off.
    • Page 154: Speed Limiter

      SPEED LIMITER Steering mounted controls Displays in the instrument panel System which prevents the vehicle from exceeding the speed programmed by the driver. When the programmed speed limit is reached, pressing the accelerator pedal no longer has any effect unless it is pressed fi…

    • Page 155
      (90 km/h)). fl ashing of the dashes. You can then change the programmed speed using buttons Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer 2 and 3 : or a qualifi ed workshop. by + or — 1 mph (km/h) = short press, by + or — 5 mph (km/h) = long press, in steps of + or — 5 mph (km/h) = maintained press.
    • Page 156: Cruise Control

      CRUISE CONTROL Steering mounted controls Displays in the instrument panel System which automatically maintains the speed of the vehicle at the value programmed by the driver, without any action on the accelerator pedal. The cruise control is switched on manually: it requires a minimum vehicle speed of 25 mph (40 km/h) and the en- gagement of: fourth gear on the manual gearbox,…

    • Page 157
      fl ashing of the dashes. selected but is not switched on Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer (OFF). or a qualifi ed workshop. Set the programmed speed by ac- celerating to the required speed, then press button 2 or 3 (e.g.:…
    • Page 158: Manual Gearbox

      6-SPEED MANUAL GEARBOX GEAR EFFICIENCY INDICATOR * Example: You are in third gear. Engaging 5th or 6th gear System which reduces fuel consumption by advising the driver to change up on Move the lever fully to the right to vehicles fi tted with a manual gearbox. engage 5th or 6th gear.

    • Page 159: 6-Speed Electronic Gear Control

      6-SPEED ELECTRONIC Gear lever Steering mounted controls GEAR CONTROL GEARBOX Six-speed electronic gear control gear- box which offers a choice between the comfort of fully automatic operation or the pleasure of manual gear changing. Three driving modes are offered: automatic mode automatic control of the gears by the gearbox,…

    • Page 160
      Displays in the instrument panel Moving off If position R , A or M is selected, even with the engine at idle, if the brakes are released the vehicle moves without any Select position N . action on the accelerator. Never leave Press the brake pedal down fully.
    • Page 161
      Automatic mode «Auto sequential mode» At very low speed, if reverse gear is requested, this will only Following use of the sequential This mode enables you to overtake, for be taken into account when mode, select position A to return to example, remaining in automatic mode the vehicle is immobilised.
    • Page 162
      In both cases, it is essential that you S appears next to the gear en- Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer. apply the parking brake to immobilise gaged in the instrument panel or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 163: Automatic Gearbox

      «PORSCHE TIPTRONIC Gear lever Displays in the instrument panel SYSTEM» AUTOMATIC GEARBOX Six speed automatic gearbox which of- fers a choice between the comfort of fully automatic operation, enhanced by sport and snow programmes, or manual gear changing. Four driving modes are offered: automatic operation for electronic management of the gears by the gearbox,…

    • Page 164
      Moving off Sport and snow programmes With your foot on the brake, select Select position D for automatic These two special programmes supple- position P or N . changing of the six gears. ment the automatic operation in very specifi c conditions of use. Start the engine.
    • Page 165
      Do not exceed 60 mph (100 km/h), local speed restrictions permitting. In both cases, apply the parking brake to immobilise the vehicle, unless it is Have it checked by a PEUGEOT dealer D disappears and the gears programmed to automatic mode. or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 166: Stop & Start

      STOP & START Special cases: STOP mode not For your comfort, during park- available ing maoeuvres, STOP mode The Stop & Start system puts the engine STOP mode is not invoked when: is not available for a few sec- temporarily into standby — STOP mode — the driver’s door is open, onds after coming out of reverse during stops in the traffi…

    • Page 167
      Going into engine START mode Special cases: START invoked Deactivation automatically The «ECO» warning lamp goes START mode is invoked automatically off and the engine starts with the when: electronic gearbox system : the driver’s door is open, the driver’s seat belt is not fas- tened, gear lever in position A or M , release the speed of the vehicle exceeds…
    • Page 168
      (reference numbers available from tomatically at every new start PEUGEOT dealers). using the key. Fitting a battery not listed by PEUGEOT introduces the risk of malfunction of the In the event of a fault with the system, system. the «ECO OFF» switch warning lamp To charge the battery, use a 12 V char- fl…
    • Page 169: Parking Sensors

      VISUAL AND AUDIBLE FRONT AND/OR REAR PARKING SENSORS The parking sensors are switched on : The proximity information is indicated by: by engaging reverse gear, an audible signal which becomes more rapid as the vehicle approach- at a speed below 6 mph (10 km/h) in es the obstacle, forward gear.

    • Page 170
      (short beep), when reverse gear is engaged. Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- fi ed workshop. The parking sensor system In bad weather or in winter, en- cannot, in any circumstances,…
    • Page 171: Parking Space Sensors

      PARKING SPACE SENSORS Displays in the instrument panel After measuring the parking space avail- The parking space sensor able between two vehicles or obstacles, function warning lamp can this system gives you information on: have three different states: the possibility of fi tting into a free space, depending on the dimen- off: the function is not selected, sions of your vehicle and the dis-…

    • Page 172
      The parking space sensor func- tion deactivates the front parking sensors during the space mea- suring phase when you are in for- ward gear. If there is a malfunction, have the sys- tem checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 173: Checks

      Innovation at the service of performance The TOTAL Research and Development teams develop lubricants for PEUGEOT which satisfy the requirements of the latest technical innova- tions incorporated in PEUGEOT vehicles. This ensures that you obtain the best perfor- mance and the maximum engine life.

    • Page 174: Bonnet

      BONNET Opening Open the front left door. Pull the interior bonnet release le- The location of the interior ver A , located at the bottom of the bonnet release lever prevents door aperture. opening of the bonnet while the front left door is closed. Do not open the bonnet in high winds.

    • Page 175: Running Out Of Fuel (Diesel)

      RUNNING OUT OF FUEL 1.6 litre Turbo HDI engine 2 litre Turbo HDI engine (DIESEL) Fill the fuel tank with at least fi ve litres Fill the fuel tank with at least fi ve litres of diesel. of Diesel. Open the bonnet. Open the bonnet.

    • Page 176: Petrol Engines

      PETROL ENGINES The various caps and covers allow access for checking the levels of the various fl uids and for replacing certain components. 1. Power steering reservoir. 4. Brake fl uid reservoir. 7. Air fi lter. 2. Screenwash and headlamp wash 5.

    • Page 177: Diesel Engines

      DIESEL ENGINES The various caps and covers allow access for checking the levels of the various fl uids, for replacing certain components and for priming the fuel system. 1. Power steering reservoir. 4. Brake fl uid reservoir. 8. Engine oil dipstick. 2.

    • Page 178: Checking Levels

      When the engine is warm, the temperature PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed work- of the coolant is regulated by the fan. This shop. can operate with the ignition off.

    • Page 179: Checks

      Depending on the environment Otherwise, have them checked by a (e.g. dusty atmosphere) and PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed work- the use of the vehicle (e.g. city driving), shop. Diesel additive level (Diesel engine…

    • Page 180
      Particle emission filter (Diesel) fi ed workshop. Maintenance of the particle emission fi l- Automatic gearbox ter must be carried out by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. The gearbox does not re- Electric parking brake quire any maintenance (no oil On a new vehicle, the fi…
    • Page 181: Practical Information

      TEMPORARY PUNCTURE List of tools Other accessories REPAIR KIT (5 SEAT VERSION) * Complete system consisting of a com- pressor and a sealant cartridge which permits temporary repair of a tyre so that you can drive to the nearest garage. It is designed to repair most punctures which could affect the tyre, located on 4.

    • Page 182
      Description of the kit A. «Sealant» or «Air» position selector. F. Sealant cartridge. B. On «I» /off «O» switch. G. White pipe with cap for repair. C. Defl ation button. H. Black pipe for infl ation. D. Pressure gauge (in bar or p.s.i.). Speed limit sticker.
    • Page 183
      Repair procedure 1. Sealing Switch off the ignition. Uncoil the white pipe G fully. Connect the compressor’s electric plug to the vehicle’s 12 V socket. Turn the selector A to the Unscrew the cap from the white «sealant» position. pipe. Start the vehicle and leave the en- gine running.
    • Page 184
      PEUGEOT infl ation warning lamp will remain on af- dealer or a qualifi ed workshop for as- ter the wheel has been repaired until the sistance. system is reinitialised by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 185
      A loss of pressure indicates that the «air» position. plug to the vehicle’s 12 V socket. puncture has not been fully plugged; contact a PEUGEOT dealer or qual- Uncoil the black pipe H fully. Start the vehicle again and leave the ifi ed workshop for assistance.
    • Page 186
      fi rst. tridge into the environment, take it to an authorised waste disposal site or a PEUGEOT dealer. Do not forget to obtain a new sealant cartridge, available from PEUGEOT dealers or from a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 187
      3 rd row. Connect the compressor’s electric This kit is available from a plug to the vehicle’s 12 V socket. PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- Start the vehicle and leave the en- fi ed workshop. gine running.
    • Page 188
      2.0 bars. ly fi ve to ten minutes, the tyre cannot be repaired; contact a PEUGEOT or a qualifi ed workshop to have your vehicle repaired. Remove the compressor and store the bottle in the plastic bag, supplied in the kit, to avoid staining your ve- hicle with traces of fl…
    • Page 189
      (to infl ate: switch A in of sealant product, available from position «1» ; to defl ate: switch A in a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed position «0» and press button B ), in workshop. accordance with the vehicle’s tyre…
    • Page 190: Changing A Wheel

      CHANGING A WHEEL * List of tools * 1. Wheelbrace. For removing the wheel trim and Procedure for changing a faulty wheel the wheel fi xing bolts. for the spare wheel using the tools pro- vided with the vehicle. 2. Jack with integral handle. For raising the vehicle.

    • Page 191
      Other accessories Wheel with trim When removing the wheel , detach the trim fi rst using the wheelbrace 1 pulling at the valve passage hole. When refi tting the wheel , refi t the trim starting by placing its notch facing the valve and press around its edge with the palm of your hand.
    • Page 192
      Access to the spare wheel * Taking out the wheel Raise the concertina board to reveal the spare wheel carrier drive nut. Turn this drive nut fully clockwise, us- ing the wheelbrace 1 and the exten- sion 7 , to unwind the carrier cable. Detach the wheel/box assembly from the rear of the vehicle.
    • Page 193
      1 and the extension 7 . with a sensor. The punctured wheel Tighten fully and check that the must be repaired by a PEUGEOT wheel is horizontally fl ush against dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. the fl oor.
    • Page 194
      Removing a wheel List of operations Remove the bolt cover from each of the bolts using the tool 3 (according to equipment). Fit the security socket 5 on the wheelbrace 1 to slacken the security bolt (if your vehicle has them). Slacken the other bolts using the wheelbrace 1 only.
    • Page 195
      1 only. the pressure of the spare wheel Refi t the bolt covers to each of the checked by a PEUGEOT dealer or a bolts (according to equipment). qualifi ed workshop without delay. Store the tools in the box.
    • Page 196: Changing A Bulb

      3. Main beam headlamps (H7-55W). new bulb with the same type and specifi cation. 4. Daytime running lamps (HP24-24W). 5. Foglamps (PS24-24W). 6. Sidelamps (W5-5W). Risk of electrocution Xenon bulbs (D1S-35W) must be replaced by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.

    • Page 197
      Changing main beam headlamp and daytime running lamp bulbs (models (models with halogen headlamps) sidelamp bulbs with halogen headlamps) Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a quali- Remove the protective plastic cover Remove the protective plastic cover fi ed workshop. by pulling on the tab.
    • Page 198
      (models with xenon headlamps) D1S xenon bulbs must be changed by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop as there is a risk of elec- trocution. It is recommended that the D1S bulbs are changed at the same time when one of them fails.
    • Page 199
      Rear lamps Changing brake lamp and direction indicator bulbs Remove the two lamp unit fi xing nuts. Pull the lamp rearwards (a position- ing lug retains the lamp). Disconnect the lamp connector. Press the four tabs and remove the bulb holder. 1.
    • Page 200
      (W5-5W) For the replacement of this type of LED Open the boot and remove the upper Insert a thin screwdriver into one of lamp, contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a seal. the outer holes of the lens. qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 201: Changing A Fuse

      fi lament. Before installing other electrical equipment or accessories on your vehicle, contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. PEUGEOT will not accept re- sponsibility for the cost incurred Good Failed in repairing your vehicle or for…

    • Page 202
      Dashboard fuses Fuse tables The fusebox is placed in the lower dash- F us e Ratin g board (left-hand side). Functions N° Rear wiper. Not used. Airbag control unit. Electrochromatic rear view mirror, air conditioning, switching and protection unit, rear multimedia. Front one-touch electric windows.
    • Page 203
      Audio system, audio/telephone, CD changer, multifunction screen, tyre under-infl ation detection, alarm siren, alarm control unit, telematic unit, service module (with Peugeot Connect Media Navigation (NG4 3D)). Front 12 V socket, cigarette lighter, rear 12 V socket. Steering mounted controls.
    • Page 204
      Fuse Rating Functions N° Not used Heated door mirrors. Boot 12 V socket. Electronic gear control gearbox gear lever. Head-up display, Bluetooth system, air conditioning. Seat belt warning lamps display. Parking sensors, Hi-Fi amplifi er authorisation. Trailer fusebox control unit, driver’s door control pad. Hi-Fi amplifi…
    • Page 205
      Engine compartment fuses Fuse table The fusebox is placed in the engine Fuse Rating Functions compartment near the battery (left-hand N° side). Engine management unit supply, injection pump and EGR electrovalves (2 litre HDI), injectors (2 litre HDI). Horn. Front/rear screenwash. Daytime running lamps.
    • Page 206
      Fuse Rating Functions N° Windscreen wipers slow/fast speed. Built-in systems interface supply (ignition positive). Air pump. Right-hand main beam headlamp. Left-hand main beam headlamp. Left-hand dipped headlamp. Right-hand dipped headlamp. Oil vapour heater (1.6 litre VTi), Turbo pressure regulation electrovalve (Diesel), engine coolant level detector (Diesel).
    • Page 207
      Electric parking brake. provide additional protection for the elec- trical systems. All work on the these fus- MF7 * Heated front seats. es must be carried out by a PEUGEOT MF8 * Headlamp wash. dealer or a qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 208
      The presence of this label indicates the use of a 12 V lead-acid battery with spe- cial technology and specifi cation, for which the involvement of a PEUGEOT The battery is located under the bonnet. dealer or qualifi ed workshop is required…
    • Page 209
      However, if problems remain following this opera- tion, contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a Do not force the tab as locking It is advisable to disconnect qualifi ed workshop.
    • Page 210: Energy Economy Mode

      5 minutes with charge remaining in the battery. the hands-free kit of your Peugeot When the vehicle is being driven, the load Connect Sound or Peugeot Connect reduction function temporarily deactivates…

    • Page 211: Towing The Vehicle

      TOWING THE VEHICLE Towing your vehicle Towing another vehicle Procedure for having your vehicle towed or for towing another vehicle using a re- movable towing eye. Access to the tools On the front bumper, unclip the cov- On the rear bumper, unclip the cover er by pressing at the bottom.

    • Page 212: Towing A Trailer

      fi tting of the towbar is entrusted towing with only two wheels on to a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed As the fan is electrically controlled, its the ground, workshop. cooling capacity is not dependent on where there is no approved towing the engine speed.

    • Page 213: Fitting Roof Bars

      fi xing covers on each bar using the key. If your vehicle is fi tted with The rear parking sensors will roof fi nishers, do not use them be deactivated automatically if for carrying loads. a genuine PEUGEOT towbar is used.

    • Page 214: Very Cold Climate Screen

      It is recommended that the screen be fi tted and removed by a PEUGEOT dealer or a qualifi ed workshop. Depending on the model, the clips point either Offer up one of the three screens to to the left or to the right.

    • Page 215: Accessories

      A wide range of accessories and genu- mats * , boot tray, luggage net, coat be compulsory to have a high ine parts is available from the PEUGEOT hanger fi xed on head restraint, stainless visibility safety vest, warning triangle dealer network.

    • Page 216: Technical Data

      ENGINES AND GEARBOXES 1.6 litre VTi 1.6 litre THP Petrol engine 120 hp 156 hp Manual Manual Automatic Gearbox (5-speed) (6-speed) (6-speed) Cubic capacity (cc) 1 598 1 598 Bore x stroke (mm) 77 x 85.8 77 x 85.8 Max power: EU standard (kW) Max power engine speed (rpm) 6 000 6 000…

    • Page 217: Petrol Weights

      WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS (in kg) 1.6 litre VTi 1.6 litre THP Petrol engine 120 hp 156 hp Manual Manual (6-speed)/ Gearbox (5-speed) Automatic (6 speed) Seats Unladen weight 1 427 1 454 1 460 1 490 Kerb weight * 1 502 1 532 1 535…

    • Page 218: Diesel Engines

      ENGINES AND GEARBOXES 1.6 litre Turbo e-HDi 2 litre Turbo HDi 2 litre Turbo HDi Diesel engine 110 hp 150 hp 163 hp Manual Electronic gear control Manual Automatic Gearbox (6-speed) (6-speed) (6-speed) (6-speed) Cubic capacity (cc) 1 560 1 997 Bore x stroke (mm) 75 x 88.3 85 x 88…

    • Page 219: Diesel Weights

      WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS (in kg) 1.6 litre Turbo e-HDi Diesel engine 110 hp Manual Electronic gear control Gearbox (6-speed) (6-speed) Seats Unladen weight 1 475 1 502 1 475 1 502 Kerb weight * 1 550 1 578 1 550 1 578 Payload Gross vehicle weight (GVW)

    • Page 220
      WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS (in kg) 1.6 litre Turbo e-HDi Diesel engine 110 hp Manual Electronic gear control Gearbox (6-speed) Score (6-speed) Score Seats Unladen weight 1 475 1 502 1 475 1 502 Kerb weight * 1 550 1 578 1 550 1 578 Payload…
    • Page 221
      WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS (in kg) 2 litre Turbo HDi 2 litre Turbo HDi Diesel engine 150 hp 163 hp Manual Automatic Gearbox (6-speed) (6-speed) Seats Unladen weight 1 563 1 593 1 589 1 619 Kerb weight * 1 638 1 668 1 664 1 694…
    • Page 222
      WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS — 5008 5-seat LCV (in kg) 1.6 litre Turbo e-HDi 2 litre Turbo HDi Engine 110 hp 150 hp Manual Electronic gear control Manual Manual Gearbox (6-speed) (6-speed) (6-speed) (6-speed) Model codes Unladen weight 1 481…
    • Page 223: Dimensions


    • Page 224: Identification Markings

      IDENTIFICATION MARKINGS B. Vehicle identifi cation Number (VIN) on D. Tyre/paint label. the windscreen lower crossmember. This label is fi tted to the door aperture Various visible markings for the identifi — This number is indicated on a self- or middle pillar, on the driver’s side. cation and tracing of your vehicle.

    • Page 225: Audio Equipment And Telematics


    • Page 226
      It goes off at the end of communication. If the orange LED fl ashes: there is a system This call is dealt with by the PEUGEOT Emergency team which receives fault. locating information from the vehicle and can send a detailed alert to the If the orange LED is on continuously: the appropriate emergency services.
    • Page 227
      PEUGEOT dealer. If you have purchased your vehicle outside the The message «Deteriorated emergency call» associated with PEUGEOT dealer network, we invite you to have a dealer check the fl ashing of the orange indicator lamp indicates a malfunction. confi guration of these services and, if desired, modifi ed to suit your Contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
    • Page 229: Peugeot Connect Media

      GPS EUROPE CONTENTS 01 First steps The Peugeot Connect Media is protected in such a way that it will only operate in your vehicle. If it is to be 02 Voice commands and installed in another vehicle, contact a PEUGEOT dealer steering mounted controls for confi…

    • Page 230
      01 FIRST STEPS Peugeot Connect Media Navigation (NG4 3D) CONTROL PANEL Access to the Media Menu (audio CD, Jukebox, Abandon the current Auxiliary input). operation. Access to the Navigation Display the list of tracks. Menu and display recent Long press: return to main Access to the Address book Change the audio source.
    • Page 231
      01 FIRST STEPS Peugeot Connect Media Navigation (NG4 3D) NAVIGATOR Select successive display in CALL: access to the Phone the screen of «MAP»/»NAV» (if menu. navigation in progress)/»TEL» (if a call is in progress)/»RADIO» or Bluetooth connection, accept Press to left/right: «MEDIA»…
    • Page 232
      The phrases to be spoken according to the context are indicated in address the tables below. Voice advice off Deactivate the spoken guidance instructions Speak and Peugeot Connect Media acts. Voice advice on Activate the spoken guidance instructions Save address Save an address in the address book…
    • Page 233
      VOICE COMMANDS AND STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS CONTEXT ACTION VOICE COMMANDS — MEDIA Media Select the MEDIA source VOICE RECO. INITIATION Select media Choose a source Single slot Select the CD player source Jukebox Select the Jukebox source Select the USB player source External device Select the audio AUX input source SD-Card…
    • Page 234
      02 VOICE COMMANDS AND STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS Wiper stalk: display «RADIO» and «MEDIA». STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS Lighting stalk: activate voice commands with a short press; indication of the current navigation instruction with a long press. Radio: select the previous/next pre-set Radio: automatic search for a higher frequency.
    • Page 235
      GENERAL OPERATION DISPLAY ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT Press the MODE button several times in succession to gain access to the following displays: RADIO /MUSIC MEDIA/ FULL SCREEN MAP VIDEO NAVIGATION TELEPHONE (If guidance is in progress) (If a conversation is in progress) TRAFFIC: TRAFFIC access to the Traffi…
    • Page 236
      03 GENERAL OPERATION DISPLAY ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT TELEPHONE: Trip info Pressing OK gives access to short-cut menus according to the display on the End call Route type screen. Hold call Avoid NAVIGATION (IF GUIDANCE IS IN PROGRESS): Dial Satellites Abort guidance DTMF-Tones Stopovers…
    • Page 237
      03 GENERAL OPERATION DISPLAY ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT RADIO: FULL SCREEN MAP: North Up In FM mode Abort guidance/Resume guidance Heading Up Set destination/Add stopover Zoom/Scroll POIs nearby Radiotext Position info AUDIO DVD (LONG PRESS): Regional prog. Guidance options Stop Navigate to Group In AM mode…
    • Page 238
      GENERAL OPERATION DISPLAY ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT VIDEO DVD (LONG PRESS): Examples: Play Stop DVD menus DVD menu DVD top menu List of titles List of chapters DVD Options Audio Subtitles Angle…
    • Page 239
      Peugeot Connect Media IS: the map setting which allows the map to be displayed fl at, in perspective or in 3D. Flat map Map in perspective Map in 3D confi guration of the system by means of voice commands.
    • Page 240
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE The «NAVIGATION» voice commands are listed in section 02. SELECTING A DESTINATION During guidance, a long press on the end of the lighting stalk repeats the last guidance instruction. Select the «Address input» function ADDR RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC SETUP BOOK…
    • Page 241
      PQRS WXYZ guidance. The Peugeot Connect Media allows more than 4 000 contact records to be saved. To delete a destination; from steps 1 to 3, select «Choose from last It is also possible to select a destination via «Choose from address destinations».
    • Page 242
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE SETTING AND NAVIGATING TO MY «HOME ADDRESS» Select your home address and confi rm. To be set as the «Home address», an address must fi rst be Then select «Edit entry» and confi rm. ADDR RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC BOOK SETUP…
    • Page 243
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE When the map is displayed on the screen, you can select «Map Settings» ROUTE OPTIONS then «2D Map/2.5D Map/3D Map/North Up/Heading Up». The display of buildings in 3D mode depends on the progress in town mapping. Select the «Route dynamics» function.
    • Page 244
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE Stopovers can be added to or deleted from the route once the destination ADDING A STOPOVER has been selected. Enter a new address, for example. RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC ADDR SETUP BOOK ADDR RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC SETUP BOOK Press the NAV button.
    • Page 245
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE SEARCHING FOR POINTS OF INTEREST The points of interest (POIs) indicate all of the service locations in the (POI) vicinity (hotels, various businesses, airports…). Select the «POI in city» function to ADDR RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC SETUP BOOK search for POIs in the city required.
    • Page 246
      This icon appears when several POIs are grouped 04 NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE together in the same area. Zooming in on this icon shows details of the POIs. LIST OF PRINCIPAL POINTS OF INTEREST (POI)
    • Page 247
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE UPDATING POIs Press NAV, select Navigation Menu, then «Settings», then «Update personal POI». TRAFFIC ADDR RADIO MEDIA BOOK SETUP Navigation Menu Download the «POIs» update fi le onto an SD card or USB memory stick from the Internet. This PQRS WXYZ service is available at wipinforadars.co.uk.
    • Page 248
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE SPOKEN INSTRUCTION SETTINGS When the navigation is displayed in the screen, press OK then select or deselect «Voice advice» to activate TRAFFIC ADDR RADIO MEDIA BOOK SETUP or deactivate the spoken guidance Select the «Settings» function and ADDR RADIO MEDIA…
    • Page 249
      The TMC (Traffi c Message Channel) messages provide information relating to traffi c and weather conditions, received in real time and transmitted to the driver audibly and visually on the navigation map. CONFIGURE THE FILTERING AND The guidance system can then suggest an alternative route. DISPLAYING OF THE TMC MESSAGES Select the fi…
    • Page 250
      TRAFFIC INFORMATION PRINCIPAL TMC SYMBOLS RECEIVING TA MESSAGES the station transmits TA messages. Black and blue triangle: general information, for example: the station does not transmit TA messages. TA messages are not activated. The TA (Traffi c Announcement) function gives priority to TA alert messages.
    • Page 251
      The external environment (hill, building, tunnel, underground car park…) may RADIO interfere with the reception, including in RDS following mode. This phenomenon is a normal result of the way in which radio waves are transmitted and does not in any way indicate a failure of the audio equipment. SELECTING A STATION RDS — REGIONAL MODE Press the RADIO button to display the…
    • Page 252
      07 MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS CD, MP3/WMA CD, MP3/WMA SD CARD/ USB PLAYER INFORMATION AND ADVICE The audio equipment will only play audio fi les with the extension The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1, 2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3 «.mp3″…
    • Page 253
      MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS SELECTING/PLAYING CD, MP3/WMA CD, MP3/WMA MP3 CDs, SD cards or USB peripherals are the compatible sources. SD CARD/USB PLAYER Insert the audio or MP3 CD in the player, the SD ADDR RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC BOOK SETUP Press the MEDIA button again or card in the card reader or the USB peripheral in the select the «Media»…
    • Page 254
      MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS JUKEBOX When copying is in progress, switching off the ignition will interrupt the COPYING A CD, A USB MEMORY STICK OR AN SD CARD process but it will resume directly when the ignition is switched on again. ONTO THE HARD DISK ADDR Select the tracks required then «Rip…
    • Page 255
      MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS JUKEBOX LISTENING TO THE JUKEBOX RENAMING OR DELETING AN ALBUM Check that the active source is not the Jukebox in order to be able to rename or delete a track/folder. Press the MEDIA button. RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC MEDIA Press the MEDIA button again or select Media Menu and press OK to…
    • Page 256
      MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS USING AN EXTERNAL DEVICE (AUX) VIEWING A VIDEO DVD AUDIO/VIDEO/RCA CABLE NOT SUPPLIED Connect the portable device (MP3 player, camcorder, camera…) to RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC ADDR SETUP Insert the DVD in the player. Play begins BOOK the RCA sockets (white and red for audio; yellow for video) in the automatically.
    • Page 257
      USING THE TELEPHONE CHOOSING BETWEEN THE BLUETOOTH TELEPHONE/INTERNAL TELEPHONE RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC ADDR SETUP BOOK To activate the Bluetooth telephone or the internal telephone, press PICK UP. PQRS WXYZ Select Phone menu, then «Select phone» then choose between RADIO MEDIA TRAFFIC ADDR SETUP…
    • Page 258
      For safety reasons and because they require prolonged attention on the part of the driver, the operations for pairing the Bluetooth Enter the authentication code on the mobile telephone to the hands-free system of the Peugeot Connect TRAFFIC ADDR RADIO…
    • Page 259
      Once the telephone has been connected, the Peugeot Connect on the part of the driver, the operations for pairing the Bluetooth mobile telephone to the hands-free system of the Peugeot Connect Media can synchronise the address book and the call list. This Media must be carried out with the vehicle stationary and the synchronisation may take a few minutes * .
    • Page 260
      USING THE TELEPHONE USING THE INTERNAL TELEPHONE If you have declined to use the internal telephone for personal calls, you can still connect a Bluetooth telephone to receive your calls on the vehicle’s WITH A SIM CARD audio system. Enter the PIN code on the keypad TRAFFIC ADDR BOOK…
    • Page 261
      PQRS WXYZ It is also possible to select a number from the address book. You can select «Dial from address book». The Peugeot Connect Media End call can record up to 4 096 entries. Press the end of the steering mounted control for more than two seconds to open the address book.
    • Page 262
      Principle of GPS synchronisation (GMT): CONFIGURATION 1. Confi rm the «Synchronise with GPS» selection, the time is then set to GMT universal time, the date is also updated. 2. Using the 4-direction navigator, move the cursor to the time fi elds and press OK.
    • Page 263
      SCREEN MENU MAP MAIN FUNCTION Within 6 miles (10 km) Create folder Within 30 miles (50 km) Modify content OPTION A Read out settings Edit playlist option A1 On confi rmation Play options option A2 Incoming messages Folders & Files OPTION B…
    • Page 264
      AUX standard Classic Start route guidance Reset video settings Jazz Postal code Rock/Pop Save to address book Ext. Device (Aux) management Techno Off/Audio/Audio and Video (AV) Intersection Vocal City district RADIO Mute rear speakers Geo position «Radio» Menu Loudness Waveband Speed dependent volume Navigate HOME Reset sound settings…
    • Page 265
      Recalculate Semi-dynamic Fast route Dynamic «Phone» menu Short route Avoidance criteria Dial number Optimized route Avoid motorways Dial from address book POI search Avoid toll roads POI nearby Avoid tunnels Call lists POI near destination Avoid ferries Messages POI in city Recalculate Select phone POI in country…
    • Page 266
      Settings Search for networks Polski Automatic answering system PIN settings Portuguese Select ring tone Change PIN Voice control Phone/Ring tone volume Activate PIN Voice control active Enter mailbox number Deactivate PIN Tutorial Internal phone settings Remember PIN Basics Automatically accept call SIM-card memory status Examples Signal waiting call (?)
    • Page 267
      Display Units Brightness Temperature Colour Celsius Steel Fahrenheit blue light (only in day mode) Metric/Imperial Orange Ray Blue Flame Miles Map colour System Day mode for map Factory reset Night mode for map Software version Auto. Day/Night for map Automatic scrolling…
    • Page 268
      FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a difference in For optimum sound quality, the audio settings (Volume, Bass, Treble, Check that the audio settings (Volume, Bass, sound quality between Ambience, Loudness) can be adapted to the different sound sources, Treble, Ambience, Loudness) are adapted to the different audio which may result in audible differences when changing source (radio,…
    • Page 269
      The aerial is absent or has been damaged (for example when going Have the aerial checked by a PEUGEOT dealer. through a car wash or into an underground car park). Sound cut-outs of 1 to During this brief sound cut-out, the RDS searches for any frequency Deactivate the «RDS»…
    • Page 270
      QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION «TA» is selected. On starting, it is several minutes before the system begins to receive the Wait until the traffi c information is being received However, certain traffi c traffi c information. correctly (displaying of the traffi c information jams along the route are symbols on the map).
    • Page 271
      The volume of the The volume depends both on the system and on the telephone. Peugeot Connect Media Navigation (NG4 telephone connected 3D) Increase the volume of the , to maximum in Bluetooth mode is if required, and increase the volume of the inaudible.
    • Page 272
      Consult a PEUGEOT dealer if the problem persists. Check that the data on the MEDIUM is supplied by an offi cial partner of PEUGEOT. The voice frequencies The numeric buttons on the keypad are only active for calls if the display…
    • Page 273: (Rneg)

      01 First steps If it is to be installed in another vehicle, contact a PEUGEOT dealer for confi guration of the system. 02 Steering mounted controls 03 General operation…

    • Page 274: Peugeot Connect Navigation

      Peugeot Connect Navigation (RNEG) CONTROL PANEL Engine not running: Short press: on/off. Long press: audio settings: front/rear Selection dial in the fader, left/right balance, bass/treble, Long press: pause with CD screen display and musical ambience, loudness, automatic play, mute for radio.

    • Page 275
      02 STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS RADIO: change to the next radio station in the list. Long press: automatic search for a higher frequency. RADIO: select the previous/next pre-set station. CD: select the next track. Select the next entry in the address book. CD: continuous press: fast forward play.
    • Page 276
      03 GENERAL OPERATION Press the MODE button several times in succession for access to the following menus: RADIO / MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS FULL SCREEN MAP TELEPHONE (If a conversation is in progress) NAVIGATION (If guidance is in progress) TRIP COMPUTER SETUP: system language * , date and time * , display, TRAFFIC:…
    • Page 277
      03 GENERAL OPERATION DISPLAY ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT TELEPHONE: Zoom/Scroll A press on the OK dial gives access to short-cut menus according to the display End call Voice advice on the screen. Hold call Route options Dial NAVIGATION (IF GUIDANCE IS IN PROGRESS): DTMF-Tones Abort guidance…
    • Page 278
      03 GENERAL OPERATION DISPLAY ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS: RADIO: FULL SCREEN MAP: Traffi c info (TA) In FM mode Abort guidance / Resume guidance Play options Traffi c info (TA) Set destination Normal order POIs nearby Random track Radiotext Position info Repeat folder…
    • Page 279
      Insert the SD card in the front panel reader and leave it there to use the Navigation functions. SELECTING A DESTINATION The navigation SD card data must not be modifi ed. Map data updates are available from PEUGEOT dealers. Select the «Destination input» function and press the dial to confi rm.
    • Page 280
      Select the «Save to address book» function to record the address entered in a directory fi le. Press the dial to confi rm the selection. Peugeot Connect Navigation allows up to 500 contact fi les to be Map settings recorded.
    • Page 281
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE SETTING AND NAVIGATING TO MY «HOME ADDRESS» To be set as the «Home address», an address must fi rst be Select your home address and confi rm. entered in the address book, for example from «Destination Then select «Edit entry» and confi rm. input»/»Address input»…
    • Page 282
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE The route selected by the Peugeot Connect Navigation system depends ROUTE OPTIONS directly on the route options. Changing these options may change the route completely. Select the «Route dynamics» function. Press the NAV button. This function gives access to the «Traffi…
    • Page 283
      The stopover must be completed or deleted in order for the (5 stopovers maximum) and press guidance to continue to the next destination. Otherwise, the the dial to confi rm. Peugeot Connect Navigation will always return you to the previous stopover. Add stopover…
    • Page 284
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE SEARCHING FOR POINTS OF INTEREST The points of interest (POI) indicate all of the service locations in the (POI) vicinity (hotels, various businesses, airports…). Select the «POI in city» function to search for POIs in the city required. Press the NAV button.
    • Page 285
      This icon appears when several POIs are grouped 04 NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE together in the same area. Zooming in on this icon shows details of the POIs. LIST OF PRINCIPAL POINTS OF INTEREST (POI) * According to availability in the country.
    • Page 286
      NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE To activate or deactivate vocal guidance, with guidance active and the map displayed in the screen, press the dial and then select or NAVIGATION SETTINGS deselect «Voice advice». Voice advice The adjustment of the volume for the Risk Areas POIs is used only during the transmission of an alert.
    • Page 287
      TRAFFIC INFORMATION TMC (Traffi c Message Channel) messages contain information on traffi c and weather conditions, received in real time and transmitted to the driver in the form of audible announcements and symbols on the navigation map. CONFIGURE THE FILTERING AND The navigation system can then suggest an alternative route to avoid a traffi…
    • Page 288
      TRAFFIC INFORMATION PRINCIPAL TMC SYMBOLS RECEIVING TA MESSAGES Black and blue triangle: general information, for example: the station transmits TA messages. the station does not transmit TA messages. TA messages are not activated. The TA (Traffi c Announcement) function gives priority to TA alert messages.
    • Page 289
      The external environment (hill, building, tunnel, underground car park…) RADIO may interfere with the reception, including in RDS following mode. This phenomenon is a normal result of the way in which radio waves are transmitted and does not in any way indicate a failure of the audio equipment. SELECTING A STATION RDS — REGIONAL MODE When the current radio station is…
    • Page 290
      CD, MP3/WMA CD INFORMATION AND ADVICE The Peugeot Connect Navigation will only play audio fi les with the extension «.mp3» with a speed of between 8 Kbps and 320 Kbps The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1, 2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3 and the extension «.wma»…
    • Page 291
      MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS SELECTING/PLAYING MUSIC CD, MP3/WMA CD Select the music source required: Press the MUSIC button. CD, MP3/WMA CD. Press the dial to confi rm. Play begins. Press the up or down button to select The list of tracks or MP3/WMA fi les appears under Music Menu. the next/previous folder.
    • Page 292
      MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS USING THE EXTERNAL INPUT (AUX) JACK/USB AUDIO CABLE NOT SUPPLIED Connect the portable device (MP3/WMA player…) to the auxiliary JACK socket or to the USB port, using a suitable audio cable. Press the MUSIC button then press it again or select the Music Menu function and press the dial to confi…
    • Page 293
      Bluetooth confi rm. Then select the name of the mobile telephone to the hands-free system of the Peugeot Connect telephone. Navigation must be carried out with the vehicle stationary. The ignition must be on.
    • Page 294
      Bluetooth Once the telephone has been connected, Peugeot Connect mobile telephone to the hands-free system of the Peugeot Connect Navigation can synchronise the address book and the call list.
    • Page 295
      It is also possible to select a number from the address book. then confi rm by pressing the dial. You can select «Dial from address book». The Peugeot Connect Navigation can record up to 1 000 entries (telephone numbers). Press the end of the steering mounted control for more than two End call seconds to gain access to the address book.
    • Page 296
      CONFIGURATION The SETUP function gives access to the following options: System SETTING THE DATE AND TIME language, Date & Time, Display (Brightness, Colour, Map colour), Vehicle, Units, System. These settings must be entered again if the battery has been disconnected. Select the «Date format»…
    • Page 297
      SCREEN MENU MAP Vocal Within 6 miles (10 km) MAIN FUNCTION Loudness Within 30 miles (50 km) OPTION A Speed dependent volume Within 60 miles (100 km) option A1 Reset sound settings option A2 OPTION B… «Music» Menu RADIO «Radio» Menu Select music Waveband Sound settings…
    • Page 298
      Classic Start route guidance Rearrange route Jazz Postal code Replace stopover Rock/Pop Save to address book Delete stopover Techno Intersection Recalculate Vocal City district Fast route Loudness Geo position Short route Speed dependent volume Optimized route Reset sound settings Navigate HOME POI search Choose from address book POI nearby…
    • Page 299
      Optimized route «Phone» Menu «SETUP» menu Route dynamics Traffi c independent System language * Semi-dynamic Dial from address book Deutsch Avoidance criteria Call lists English Avoid motorways Connect phone Español Avoid toll roads Search phone Français Avoid ferries Phones connected Italiano Recalculate Disconnect phone…
    • Page 300
      Display Units Brightness Temperature Celsius Colour Pop titanium Fahrenheit Toffee Metric/Imperial Blue steel Kilometres (Consumption: l/100) Technogrey Kilometres (Consumption: km/l) Miles (Consumption: MPG) Dark blue Map colour System Day mode for map Factory reset Night mode for map Software version Auto.
    • Page 301
      FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a difference in For optimum sound quality, the audio settings (Volume, Bass, Treble, Check that the audio settings (Volume, Bass, sound quality between Ambience, Loudness) can be adapted to the different sound sources, Treble, Ambience, Loudness) are adapted to the different audio which may result in audible differences when changing source (radio,…
    • Page 302
      The aerial is absent or has been damaged (for example when going Have the aerial checked by a PEUGEOT dealer. through a car wash or into an underground car park). Sound cut-outs of 1 to…
    • Page 303
      QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION TA is selected. However, On starting, it is several minutes before the system begins to receive the Wait until the traffi c information is being received certain traffi c jams traffi c information. correctly (displaying of the traffi c information along the route are not symbols on the map).
    • Page 304
      Check that your telephone is visible. A telephone connected The volume level depends on both the system and the telephone. Increase the Peugeot Connect Navigation volume by Bluetooth is inaudible. setting, possibly to maximum, and increase the telephone volume level if necessary.
    • Page 305: Peugeot Connect Sound (Rd5)

      AUDIO SYSTEM/BLUETOOTH CONTENTS 01 First steps Your Peugeot Connect Sound (RD5) is coded in such a way that it will only operate in your vehicle. If it is to 02 Steering mounted controls be installed in another vehicle, contact your PEUGEOT dealer for confi…

    • Page 306: First Steps

      01 FIRST STEPS Display the list of Audio settings: front/ local stations. rear fader, left/right Select source: Select wavebands balance, bass/treble, Long press: CD radio, audio CD/MP3 CD, USB, FM1, FM2, FMast loudness, audio tracks or MP3 folders Abandon the current Jack connection, Streaming, AUX.

    • Page 307: Steering Mounted Controls

      02 STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS Radio: automatic search for a higher frequency. Radio: select the previous/next pre-set CD/MP3/USB: selection of the next station. track. USB: select genre/artist/folder from the CD/USB: continuous press: fast classifi cation list. forwards play. Select the previous/next item in a menu. Move in the list.

    • Page 308: 03 Main Menu

      03 MAIN MENU TELEPHONE : Bluetooth hands-free, AUDIO FUNCTIONS : pairing, management radio, CD, USB, options. of a call. > MONOCHROME SCREEN C TRIP COMPUTER: PERSONALISATION- entering of distances, CONFIGURATION: alerts, status of functions. vehicle parameters, display, languages. > MONOCHROME SCREEN A For a detailed global view of the menus available, refer to the «Screen menu map»…

    • Page 309: Audio

      The external environment (hills, buildings, tunnels, basement car parks, …) AUDIO may block reception, including in RDS mode. This is a normal effect of the way in which radio waves are transmitted and does not indicate any failure of the audio system. RADIO SELECTING A STATION Press the SOURCE button several…

    • Page 310
      AUDIO RECEIVING TA MESSAGES PLAYING A CD The TA (Traffi c Announcement) function gives priority to TA alert Insert circular compact discs only. messages. To operate, this function needs good reception of a Some anti-pirating systems, on original discs or CDs copied using a radio station transmitting this type of message.
    • Page 311
      AUDIO MP3 CD MP3 CD PLAYING AN MP3 COMPILATION INFORMATION AND ADVICE Insert an MP3 compilation in the player. The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1.2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3, The audio equipment searches for all of the music tracks, which is an audio compression standard which permits the recording of may take anything between a few seconds and several tens of several tens of music fi…
    • Page 312: Peugeot Connect Usb

      — digital player or a USB on, the USB source is detected as soon as it memory stick — to your Peugeot Connect Sound is connected. Play begins automatically after a (RD5) and heard via the vehicle’s speakers.

    • Page 313
      PEUGEOT CONNECT USB USING THE PEUGEOT CONNECT USB Press one of these buttons to gain Press and hold LIST to display the access to the previous/next track on different classifi cations. the classifi cation list currently being Select by Folder/Artist/Genre/Playlist, played.
    • Page 314
      PEUGEOT CONNECT USB USING THE AUXILIARY INPUT (AUX) ADJUSTING THE VOLUME OF THE AUXILIARY SOURCE JACK socket or USB port (according to vehicle) The auxiliary input, JACK or USB, allows the connection of a portable device (MP3 player…). First adjust the volume of your portable device.
    • Page 315: Bluetooth

      * If your telephone is fully compatible. and the ignition on. Select the telephone to be connected from the list. Only one Go to www.peugeot.co.uk for more information (compatibility, more telephone can be connected at a time. help, …). A virtual keypad is displayed in the Activate the telephone’s Bluetooth function.

    • Page 316
      BLUETOOTH RECEIVING A CALL MAKING A CALL An incoming call is announced by a ring and a superimposed From the Bluetooth telephone function Audio menu, select Manage display in the vehicle’s screen. the telephone call then Call, Call list or Directory. Press the steering mounted control for more than Select the YES tab on the display two seconds for access to your directory, then…
    • Page 317
      BLUETOOTH BLUETOOTH AUDIO STREAMING * Wireless transmission of the telephone’s music fi les via the audio Activate the streaming source by equipment. The telephone must be able to manage the appropriate pressing the SOURCE button ** . Bluetooth profi les (Profi les A2DP/AVRCP). The tracks to be played can be controlled as usual via the buttons on the audio system control panel and…
    • Page 318: Configuration

      CONFIGURATION SETTING THE DATE AND TIME SCREEN A Press the MENU button. Press to confi rm the selection. MENU Using the arrows, select DISPLAY Adjust the setting. CONGIGURATION. Press to confi rm the selection. Press to confi rm the selection. Start again from step 1 then set Using the arrows, select YEAR.

    • Page 319
      CONFIGURATION SETTING THE DATE AND TIME SCREEN C Press the MENU button. Press to confi rm the selection. MENU Using the arrows, select Using the arrows, select ADJUST PERSONALISATION DATE AND TIME. CONFIGURATION. Press to confi rm the selection. Press to confi rm the selection. Adjust the settings one by one Using the arrows, select DISPLAY confi…
    • Page 320: 08 Screen Menu Map


    • Page 321
    • Page 322
      08 SCREEN MENU MAP MONOCHROME C Press the OK dial for access to short-cut menus according to the display on the screen: CD/MP3 CD RADIO activate/deactivate Intro activate/deactivate track repeat (of the activate/deactivate RDS current folder/artist/genre/playlist) activate/deactivate track repeat activate/deactivate REG mode (the entire current CD for CD, the entire current folder for MP3 CD) activate/deactivate radiotext…
    • Page 323
      SCREEN MENU MAP PLAY MODES MONOCHROME C PERSONALISATION-CONFIGURATION album repeat (RPT) activate/deactivate DEFINE THE VEHICLE PARAMETERS * Pressing the MENU button displays: track random play (RDM) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION video brightness adjustment activate/deactivate AUDIO FUNCTIONS normal video inverse video FM BAND PREFERENCES brightness (- +) adjustment TRIP COMPUTER alternative frequencies (RDS)
    • Page 324
      08 SCREEN MENU MAP BLUETOOTH TELEPHONE Bluetooth confi guration Connect/Disconnect a device Telephone function Audio Streaming function Consult the paired device Delete a paired device Perform a Bluetooth search Call Calls list Directory Manage the telephone call Terminate the current call Activate private mode…
    • Page 325: Frequently Asked Questions

      FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a difference in For optimum sound quality, the audio settings (Volume, Bass, Treble, Check that the audio settings (Volume, Bass, sound quality between Ambience, Loudness) can be adapted to the different sound sources, Treble, Ambience, Loudness) are adapted to the different audio which may result in audible differences when changing source…

    • Page 326
      (no sound, 87.5 Mhz is displayed…). The aerial is absent or has been damaged (for example when going Have the aerial checked by a PEUGEOT dealer. through a car wash or into an underground car park). Sound cut-outs of During this brief sound cut-out, the RDS searches for any frequency…
    • Page 327
      Checks…174, 175, 177, 178 Child lock …….127 Children ….120, 124, 125 Battery ……177, 206 Accessories ……213 Child seats ……116 Accessory socket, Battery, charging ….206 Child seats, 12 volt …102, 104, 109, 110, 114 Battery, remote control ..79, 80 conventional ….118, 120 Blind for panoramic sunroof ..108 Access to Closing the boot….77, 87…
    • Page 328
      Directional lighting ….95 Direction indicators ….128, 194, 197 Filling with fuel ….89, 90 Halogen headlamps….194 Distance alert……150 Fitting a wheel …….192 Hands-free kit ..291, 292, 313 Doors ……..85 Fitting roof bars…… 211 Hazard warning lamps …128 Doors emergency Fittings, boot ….109, 110 Head-up display..148, 152, 154 control ……..87 Flashing indicators….128…
    • Page 329
      PEUGEOT call Multimedia, rear …..104, 107 button ……..225 Music media players ..250, 288 PEUGEOT CONNECT ASSISTANCE …..224 Peugeot Connect Media Labels, identifi cation ….222 Navigation (NG4 3D) ..28, 51, Lamps, warning and 53, 55, 227, 230, indicator ….29, 32, 33 233, 261 Level, brake fl…
    • Page 330
      Stop & Start ..57, 61, 63, 89, 164, 172, 177, 206 Storage … 102, 104, 106, 109, 110 Radio …..249, 287, 307 Safety for children..83, 120, 127 Storage box ……103 RCA sockets ……254 Screen, Storage drawer ……106 Reading lamps, rear ….99 colour 16/9 …233, 261, 274, 295 Storage wells ….
    • Page 331
      Unlocking ………76 Unlocking from the inside ……86 Update risk areas ..245, 284 Updating POIs …….245 Updating the date ….260, 316, 317 Updating the time ….260, 316, 317 (Peugeot Connect) ..104, 310 Vehicle identifi cation ……222 Ventilation ……58-60 Voice commands ….230…
    • Page 332
      EXTERIOR Accessories …….. 213 Roof bars, fi nishers….. 211 Remote control key….76-80 Panoramic sunroof ….. 108 — opening/closing — anti-theft protection — starting — battery Door mirrors ……..74 Fuel tank ……..89-90 Exterior welcome lighting….93 Misfuel prevention ……90 Door mirror spotlamps ….
    • Page 333
      INTERIOR Rear seats, 2nd row ….69-70 Rigid panel……..71 Front seats…….65-67 Access to the 3rd row ….71 — manual — electric Rear seats, 3rd row ….72-73 — head restraints Side blinds ……..115 — lumbar — heated Seat in table position, transporting long objects ….
    • Page 334
      — driver’s storage compartments gearbox ……161-163 — glove box Stop & Start ……164-166 — mat Hill start assist ……145 Eco-driving…….25-26 12 V accessory socket….104 Electric parking brake ….140-144, 146-147 Centre console ……104 Peugeot Connect USB ..112, 288, 310…
    • Page 335
      INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS (CONTINUED) Instrument panels, screens ………27-29 Warning lamps ……29-37 Indicators ………37-40 Multifunction screens ….42-52 Head-up display….148-149 Gear effi ciency indicator …. 156 — Screen A Distance alert…….150-151 — Screen C Buttons ……..39, 41 — 16/9 colour screen — check/service indicator/trip — 16/9 high defi…
    • Page 336: V Battery

      TECHNICAL DATA — MAINTENANCE 12 V battery ……206-207 Load reduction, economy mode … 208 Engine compartment fuses ……199, 203-205 Running out of fuel, Diesel ..173 Petrol weights ……215 Diesel weights …..217-219 Checking levels ….176-177 Diesel weights — LCV ….220 — oil — brake fl…

    • Page 339
      It should be passed on qualifi ed workshop that has the techni- to the new user in the event of sale cal information, competence and equip- or transfer. ment required, which a PEUGEOT dealer is able to provide. Printed in the EU Anglais 05-11…
    • Page 340
      Anglais AN. 11588.0031 www.peugeot.com…

    Пежо 5008. Руководство — часть 1


    Общий обзор

    Оборудование места водителя


    Управление верхним люком и шторами


    Передние потолочные плафоны/плафоны

    индивидуального освещения


    Панель контрольных ламп ремня безопасности

    и фронтальной подушки безопасности


    Охранная сигнализация, вызовы срочной

    и технической помощи.


    Зеркало заднего вида


    Цифровой проекционный дисплей


    Звуковое предупреждение для сообщения

    другим участникам дорожного движения об

    угрожающей опасности.

    Фронтальная подушка безопасности водителя


    Панель управления

    электростеклоподъемниками и наружными



    Монохромный экран с аудиосистемой Bluetooth


    Сенсорный экран с PEUGEOT Connect Radio

    или PEUGEOT Connect Nav


    Фонари аварийной сигнализации


    Элементы управления системы

    кондиционирования воздуха


    Разъем 12 В/разъем USB

    Беспроводное зарядное устройство


    Advanced Grip Control

    Hill Assist Descent Control


    Замок зажигания


    кнопка «START/STOP»


    Управление коробкой передач

    Кнопка «SPORT»


    Электрический стояночный тормоз


    Фронтальная подушка безопасности пассажира


    Перчаточный ящик

    Отключение фронтальной подушки

    безопасности пассажира



    Общий обзор

    Переключатели на рулевом колесе

    Боковая панель контрольных ламп

    Центральная панель контрольных



    Выключатель внешнего освещения/

    указателей поворотов


    Выключатели стеклоочистителя/




    Кнопки управления настройками



    Переключатель режимов индикации

    панели приборов


    Выключатель речевого информатора

    Регулятор уровня громкости


    Кнопки управления ограничителем

    скорости / Регулятором скорости /

    Адаптивным регулятором скорости с

    функцией «Stop»


    Корректор угла наклона фар


    Контрольная лампа

    программируемого обогревателя


    Открытие/закрытие крышки багажника

    «без рук».


    Отключение системы «стоп-старт»


    Отключение контроля пространства

    салона и положения кузова


    Ветровое стекло с подогревом


    «Детская» блокировка замков

    с электроприводом


    Выключатель световой аварийной



    Элементы управления аудиосистемой



    Сенсорные элементы управления системой

    PEUGEOT Connect Radio или PEUGEOT

    Connect Nav

    Система i-Cockpit Amplify


    Элементы управления системы

    кондиционирования воздуха с ручным



    Элементы управления системой

    кондиционирования воздуха с

    полуавтоматическим или автоматическим



    Выключатель обогрева заднего стекла


    Выключатели подогрева сидений



    Если вы — пассажир, не перегружайте

    бортовую электросеть мультимедийными

    приборами (киноприставками,

    аудиоплеерами, видеоиграми и т. д.) —

    это приводит к экономии электроэнергии,

    а значит и топлива.

    Покидая автомобиль, отсоединяйте

    переносные устройства от бортовой сети.


    Эко-вождение — это повседневная практика управления автомобилем, способствующая оптимизации расхода топлива и уменьшению
    выбросов CO



    Оптимизация работы с

    коробкой передач

    На автомобилях с механической коробкой

    передач начинайте движение плавно и

    не запаздывайте с переходом на высшие

    передачи. При разгоне переключайтесь

    вверх раньше.

    На автомобилях с автоматической

    коробкой передач отдавайте предпочтение

    автоматическому режиму движения

    и старайтесь не нажимать педаль

    акселератора сильно или внезапно.

    Индикатор производительности коробки

    передач указывает наиболее подходящую

    передачу: если на панели приборов

    появляется данное указание, старайтесь

    следовать ему.

    На автомобилях с автоматической

    коробкой передач этот индикатор работает

    только в ручном режиме переключения


    Придерживайтесь плавного

    стиля вождения

    Соблюдайте безопасные интервалы

    между автомобилями, тормозить лучше

    двигателем, а не педалью тормоза, плавно

    нажимайте на педаль сцепления. Такой

    стиль вождения содействует экономии

    топлива, сокращению выбросов CO



    снижению шумового фона на дороге.

    Если дорожное движение не стеснено, то,

    при наличии в комплектации автомобиля

    системы круиз-контроля, включите ее, как

    только превысите 40 км/ч.

    Умеренно пользуйтесь

    бортовым электрическим


    Если перед поездкой в салоне слишком жарко,

    проветрите его, открыв окна и вентиляционные

    дефлекторы, прежде чем включить систему

    кондиционирования воздуха.

    По достижении скорости более 50 км/ч

    поднимите стекла и оставьте вентиляцию


    Пользуйтесь дополнительными средствами

    регулирования температуры в салоне

    (заслонкой потолочного люка, шторами и т. п.)

    Выключайте фары и противотуманные

    фары, если уровень окружающей

    освещенности не требует их включения.

    Не следует прогревать двигатель перед

    началом движения, особенно зимой;

    в движении автомобиль прогревается


    Как только будет достигнута желаемая

    температура, выключите кондиционер,

    если это не климат-контроль.

    Выключите обдув и обогрев стекол,

    если эти функции работают не в

    автоматическом режиме.

    Как можно раньше выключайте подогрев





    Сведите причины перерасхода

    топлива к минимуму

    Равномерно распределяйте груз
    в автомобиле; тяжелые предметы
    укладывайте на низ багажного отделения,
    как можно ближе к задним сиденьям.
    Ограничивайте загрузку автомобиля
    и снижайте его аэродинамическое
    сопротивление (уберите с крыши дуги,
    багажник, велобагажник, отцепите прицеп
    и т. п.). Желательно использовать кофр
    для перевозки багажа на крыше.
    Снимите багажные дуги на крыше и
    багажник для перевозки грузов на крыше
    после использования.

    По окончании зимнего сезона смените
    зимние шины на летние.

    Соблюдайте рекомендации по

    техническому обслуживанию

    Регулярно проверяйте давление
    воздуха на холодных шинах, оно должно
    соответствовать указанному на этикетке
    в дверном проеме со стороны водителя.
    В частности, эту проверку следует
    — перед длительной поездкой,
    — в начале каждого сезона,
    — после длительного простоя


    Не забывайте проверять давление в
    запасном колесе и в колесах прицепа или

    Своевременно проводите техническое
    обслуживание автомобиля (замену
    масла, масляного и воздушного
    фильтров, салонного фильтра и т. д.)
    и придерживайтесь графика операций,
    указанных в план технического
    обслуживания автопроизводителя.

    При заправке топливного бака во
    избежание перелива прекратите попытки
    долить топливо после 3-его отключения
    заправочного пистолета.

    Уже после первых 3 000 километров
    пробега на новом автомобиле вы начнете
    замечать, что его средний расход топлива
    постепенно становится стабильным.

    Если на автомобиле установлен дизельный
    двигатель BlueHDi, то в случае неисправности
    системы SCR автомобиль загрязняет
    окружающую среду. Как можно быстрее
    обратитесь в PEUGEOT или специализированный
    техцентр, чтобы обеспечить соответствие
    уровня выбросов оксидов азота автомобиля
    действующим стандартам.

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