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ЛИНКОЛЬН 2022 НавигаторЛинкольн-2022-навигатор-продукт

Приборная доскаЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-6

  • Информационно-развлекательный дисплей
  • Кнопка зажигания
    • Чтобы завести автомобиль, коснитесь кнопки СТАРТ-СТОП, удерживая нажатой педаль тормоза. Выключите двигатель, нажав кнопку СТАРТ-СТОП. Если вы покинете автомобиль, когда он включен, звуковой сигнал прозвучит дважды. Автомобиль может некоторое время простоять на холостом ходу, прежде чем он автоматически выключится. Перед выключением двигателя на холостом ходу на информационном дисплее появится сообщение.
    • Примечание: Для запуска зажигания в автомобиле должен находиться действительный ключ. Информацию о телефоне в качестве ключа см. в руководстве пользователя.
  • Автомобильные дворники
    • Автоматическая система стеклоочистителей включает стеклоочистители при наличии влаги на ветровом стекле.
    • Используйте поворотный регулятор для настройки автоматического чувствительность дворников: Низкая чувствительность включает стеклоочистители, когда датчики обнаруживают большое количество влаги на ветровом стекле, а высокая чувствительность — при небольшом количестве влаги. Автоматические дворники по умолчанию включены, если вы не выключите их на сенсорном экране.
      Примечание: Убедитесь, что вы выключили эту функцию, прежде чем войти в автомойку.
  • Органы управления на рулевом колесе
    • Нажмите VOL + или –, чтобы увеличить или уменьшить уровень громкости.
    • Нажмите |⊳ или ⊲| для доступа к предыдущему или следующему выбору мультимедиа.
    • Вы также можете использовать эти элементы управления для отключения текущего мультимедиа, доступа к распознаванию голоса, выхода из меню, доступа к режиму телефона, ответа на телефонный звонок или завершения телефонного вызова.
    • Используйте переключатель и кнопку OK, чтобы выбрать и подтвердить параметры SYNC+, Аудио, Настройки, Навигация и параметры отображения информации.
  • Регулируемая рулевая колонка с электроприводом Используйте регулятор сбоку от рулевой колонки, чтобы отрегулировать положение.
    • Наклонять: Нажмите на верхнюю или нижнюю часть элемента управления.
    • В телескоп: Нажмите на переднюю или заднюю часть элемента управления.
  • Адаптивный круиз-контроль
    • Показаны стандартные кнопки круиз-контроля. Адаптивный круиз-контроль регулирует вашу скорость, чтобы поддерживать заданное расстояние между вашим автомобилем и автомобилем впереди вас в той же полосе движения.
    • Вы можете выбрать четыре настройки зазора, нажав на рулевое колесо. Система также может временно остановить ваше транспортное средство и возобновить движение в режиме движения с частыми остановками.
    • Информацию о безопасности, подробности и ограничения см. в главе «Круиз-контроль» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Помощь при резервном копировании прицепа и управление задним ходом прицепа
    • Помощь при резервном движении прицепа использует ручку управления на приборной панели, чтобы помочь вам управлять прицепом, в то время как при движении задним ходом прицеп обеспечивает руководство. views и графики на сенсорном экране, которые помогут вам управлять автомобилем, когда вы едете с прицепом задним ходом.
    • Эта система не будет работать, пока вы ее не настроите. Полное руководство см. в кратком руководстве Pro Trailer Backup Assist в портфеле руководств пользователя.
  • Предупреждение об опасности
  • Автоматическая коробка передач
    • Включение или выключение передачи автомобиля:
      • Полностью нажмите педаль тормоза.
      • Выберите нужную передачу.
      • Закончив движение, полностью остановитесь.
      • Выберите парк (P)ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-7
  • Управление освещением
  • Выпуск задней двери
    • Пресс и релиз ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-5кнопка открытия/закрытия задней двери с электроприводом.
  • Ножные педали с регулируемой мощностью
    • Управление педалью с регулируемой мощностью позволяет перемещать педали тормоза и акселератора.
    • Нажмите ⊳, чтобы отодвинуть педали от себя, или ⊲, чтобы приблизить педали.
    • Примечание: Регулируйте педали только тогда, когда коробка передач находится в парковочном положении (P).
  • Подогрев и вентиляция сидений
  • Очки силы
    • В вашем автомобиле есть несколько различных точек питания: 12 В постоянного тока, 110 В переменного тока, беспроводная зарядка и порты USB. Два USB-порта на передней панели также подключают ваше устройство к системе SYNC.
  • Зарядное устройство для беспроводных аксессуаров
    • Эта функция поддерживает устройства, совместимые с беспроводной зарядкой Qi, когда автомобиль включен, в режиме аксессуаров или если включена SYNC 4. Чтобы начать зарядку, поместите устройство в порт зарядной стороной вниз.
    • Зарядка прекращается, когда устройство полностью заряжено. Вы можете одновременно заряжать только одно устройство в зоне зарядки. Для получения дополнительной информации см. главу «Дополнительные точки питания» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Электрический стояночный тормоз
    • Выключатель электрического стояночного тормоза заменяет обычный ручной тормоз. Чтобы подать заявку, потяните переключатель вверх. Предупреждение тормозной системы lamps мигает, а затем загорается, подтверждая, что вы включили стояночный тормоз.
    • Чтобы разблокировать вручную, включите зажигание, нажмите педаль тормоза, затем нажмите вниз. Предупреждение тормозной системы lamp выключает. Ваш автомобиль автоматически отключает стояночный тормоз, когда дверь водителя закрыта, коробка передач находится на передаче вперед или назад и вы нажимаете педаль акселератора.
    • Примечание: Если предупреждение электрического стояночного тормоза lamp остается включенным, электрический стояночный тормоз не отключился автоматически. Вы должны отпустить электрический стояночный тормоз с помощью переключателяЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-8
  • Автоудержание
    • Auto Hold может помочь вам при остановке на светофоре или в пробке, удерживая тормоза, когда вы останавливаете автомобиль.
    • Вы можете включить или выключить систему, нажав кнопку на центральной консоли.
    • Загорается индикатор AUTO HOLD. Когда вы нажимаете педаль акселератора, Auto Hold автоматически отпускает тормоза. В определенных ситуациях Auto Hold может задействовать электрический стояночный тормоз и включить предупреждение о торможении.amp в комбинации приборов.
    • Auto Hold отключается, когда вы выключите питание автомобиля, или вы можете отключить эту функцию вручную, нажав кнопку AUTO HOLD. Выключите Auto Hold, если вы буксируете прицеп или буксируете автомобиль. Дополнительную информацию см. в главе «Тормоза» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Управление режимом движения
    • Режимы движения Lincoln обеспечивают ощущения от вождения Lincoln, оптимизируя рулевое управление, управляемость и реакцию трансмиссии. Система адаптирует конфигурацию вашего автомобиля к выбранной вами модели. Измените настройки режима вождения с помощью ручки DRIVE MODE.
    • Примечание: Изменения режима недоступны при выключенном зажигании.
      • Нормальный: Для легкого и сбалансированного вождения.
      • Обычный 4А: Для уверенного и безопасного вождения (только 4×4).
      • Сохранить: Обеспечивает эффективное вождение.
      • Возбуждать: Для динамичного и увлекательного вождения.
      • Скользкий: Для скользких, обледенелых или рыхлых поверхностей, таких как покрытые снегом или льдом дороги.
      • Глубокие условия: Обеспечивает помощь в глубоком песке или грязи.
      • Медленный подъем: Используется, когда вам нужна низкоскоростная мощность и контроль.

Телефон как ключ

  1. Телефон как ключ
    Вы можете настроить свой телефон в качестве интеллектуального ключа доступа, позволяющего блокировать, разблокировать, запускать и управлять автомобилем с помощью приложения Lincoln Way. Посетите магазин приложений вашего устройства или наш webсайт для получения дополнительной информации о приложении Lincoln Way.
  2. Шаги по активации телефона в качестве ключа
    Обратите внимание, что во время настройки вам необходимо находиться рядом с автомобилем.
  3. Чтобы настроить телефон как ключ:
    • Загрузите приложение Lincoln Way.
    • Активируйте Lincoln Connect (дополнительную информацию см. на owner.lincoln.com).
    • Есть две точки входа, чтобы начать настройку «Телефон как ключ».
      • Выберите кнопку «Управление» на
        домашний экран.
      • Выберите телефонЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-29 в качестве вкладки «Требуется настройка ключа» на экране «Сведения о транспортном средстве».
    • Введите свое имя пользователя в приложении Lincoln Way
      и пароль.
    • Назовите свой новый ключ.
    • Ключ загружается в приложение Lincoln-Way.
    • Ключевые загрузки для приложения Lincoln-Way

Сопряжение смартфона с автомобилемЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-9

  1. Приложение Lincoln Way отображает код доступа для установления соединения Bluetooth. Выберите «Копировать и продолжить», чтобы сохранить пароль.
  2. Введите или вставьте пароль, ранее скопированный во всплывающее окно на вашем устройстве.
  3. Появится экран с вопросом, как получить доступ к вашему местоположению.
    • важно: Вы должны выбрать «Всегда разрешать», если хотите, чтобы приложение Lincoln Way всегда работало в фоновом режиме. Если вы выберете Только пока
  4. Используя приложение, вы должны затем открыть приложение и вывести его на экран, чтобы подключиться к автомобилю.
  5. 4. Когда сопряжение будет завершено, на экране появится подтверждение.

Создайте пароль для запуска резервного копирования (рекомендуется)ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-10

  1. Убедитесь, что брелок находится рядом для настройки.
  2. Выберите «Да» на экране «СИНХРОНИЗАЦИЯ», когда будет предложено ввести пароль для запуска резервного копирования.
  3. Выберите телефон, который вы хотите использовать для резервного копирования. Начальный пароль на экране SYNC. Этот шаг пропускается, если в автомобиле используется только один телефон в качестве ключевого устройства.
  4. Выберите код не менее чем из пяти буквенно-цифровых или восьмизначных комбинаций цифр, которые вы запомните. Повторно введите, затем выберите Готово.

Создайте код персональной дверной клавиатуры

  1. После создания резервного начального пароля вы можете добавить личный код дверной клавиатуры в дополнение к основному коду дверной клавиатуры.
  2. Выберите Создать новый код клавиатуры на экране SYNC.
  3. Дважды введите пятизначный персональный код клавиатуры.
  4. На экране SYNC отображается сообщение об успешном создании кода.

Что делать, если вы потеряли свой смартфон или батарея вашего телефона разряжена

  1. Введите код персональной дверной клавиатуры, который был создан во время настройки.
  2. При входе запустите автомобиль, нажав на тормоз и кнопку зажигания. Подождите 10-15 секунд, пока закончатся экранные анимации, затем снова нажмите тормоз и кнопку зажигания.
  3. Введите пароль для запуска резервного копирования (это код из не менее пяти буквенно-цифровых или восьмизначных чисел, которые вы создали при настройке телефона в качестве ключа).
  4. Нажмите на тормоз и кнопку зажигания в последний раз, чтобы уехать на своем автомобиле.

Как я могу использовать свой автомобиль у парковщика?

  1. Откройте режим Valet в меню настроек экрана SYNC. Пароль для запуска резервного копирования должен быть уже настроен для использования режима Valet.
  2. На экране SYNC отображается временный код доступа камердинера, а на смартфон отправляется уведомление.ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-11

Вы должны записать код доступа на черной карточке и передать ее обслуживающему персоналу, чтобы:

  • Активируйте клавиатуру и проведите рукой по черной обшивке двери чуть выше ручки двери водителя.
  • Заприте двери. Нажмите одновременно кнопки 7-8 и 9-0 на обшивке двери с черным покрытием, расположенной прямо над ручкой двери водителя снаружи автомобиля.
  • Разблокируйте двери. Служащий должен использовать первые пять цифр временного кода доступа, введя их на клавиатуре без ключа на двери водителя.
  • Запустить двигатель. Экран SYNC просит камердинера ввести все восемь цифр временного пароля.

После того, как парковщик доставляет автомобиль, на экране SYNC отображается кнопка «Выход из режима парковщика» и выполняется поиск виртуального ключа. После этого временный код доступа будет удален и больше не будет работать. Затем вы можете использовать свой телефон в качестве ключа, как обычно. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к owner.lincoln.com для получения дополнительной информации о том, как использовать его, если у вас нет брелока или телефона в качестве ключевого устройства. Для получения дополнительной информации см. главу «Телефон как ключ» в руководстве пользователя или отсканируйте QR-код.


Голосовое взаимодействие

Голосовое взаимодействие позволяет управлять функциями автомобиля с помощью диалоговых запросов.

  • Чтобы начать голосовое взаимодействие, вы можете либо
    • Нажмите кнопку голосового взаимодействия на рулевом колесе.
    • Произнесите выбранное слово пробуждения.
  • После того, как вы начали голосовое взаимодействие, вы можете разговаривать с системой в разговорной манере. Какой-то бывшийampфайлы включают:

Общий бывшийampле

  • Начать Сначала
  • Отмена
  • Справка


  • Играйте в Битлз.
  • Показать музыку The Beatles
  • Установите станцию ​​на 101.9 FM.

Климат Exampле

  • Мне холодно.
  • Установите температуру 65 градусов.

Телефон бывшийampле

  •   Позвони Генри.

  •   Набрать (номер телефона).

  •   Отправьте текстовое сообщение Генри.

  •   Прочитайте мое сообщение от Генри.

Приложение Exampле

  • Мобильные приложения.
  • Список мобильных приложений.
  • Найдите мобильные приложения.

Навигация Exampле

  • Поездка на Американскую дорогу 1 в Дирборне, штат Мичиган.
  • Покажи мне дорогу к мосту Золотые Ворота.
  • Покажи мне дорогу к бульвару Оквуд и Пеллхэм-роуд.
  • Отменить маршрут.

Некоторые услуги могут быть недоступны в вашем регионе.

Обратитесь к руководству пользователя в головном устройстве, посетите веб-сайт webсайте или позвоните по бесплатному номеру. Для клиентов из США: посетите владелец.lincoln.com или позвоните по телефону 1-800-521-4140 . Для клиентов из Канады: посетите syncmyride.ru или syncmaroute.ca или позвоните 1-800-387-9333

Центр дисплея надview


Панели функций и состояния на сенсорном экране позволяют взаимодействовать с различными функциями автомобиля. Вы также можете использовать голосовые команды для доступа к этим функциям.

Функции с ограничением скорости Для вашей безопасности некоторые функции системы зависят от скорости. Некоторые функции этой системы могут быть слишком сложными для использования во время движения вашего автомобиля, поэтому их использование ограничено, если ваш автомобиль не стоит. Другие функции ограничены, когда ваш автомобиль движется со скоростью менее 6 миль в час (10 км/ч).

Сопряжение с телефоном в первый раз
Включите Bluetooth на своем устройстве, чтобы начать сопряжение. Проверьте совместимость вашего устройства на местном Линкольне webсайт.
Чтобы добавить телефон:

  1. Выберите опцию телефона на панели функций.
  2. Выберите Добавить телефон.
  3. Подсказка предупреждает вас о необходимости поиска системы на вашем телефоне.
  4. Выберите свой автомобиль на телефоне.
  5. Убедитесь, что PIN-код (персональный идентификационный номер) на вашем мобильном телефоне совпадает с номером на сенсорном экране.
  6. Сенсорный экран показывает, когда сопряжение прошло успешно.
  7. Загрузите телефонную книгу со своего телефона, когда вам будет предложено.

Чтобы выполнить сопряжение последующих телефонов, см. главу «Телефон» в руководстве пользователя.

  • Меню телефона
    • Чтобы совершать звонки, выберите из контактов и последних вызовов или наберите номер на клавиатуре телефона. В меню телефона вы также можете настроить параметры телефона, сменить устройство или перевести устройство в режим «Не беспокоить». Режим «Не беспокоить» отклоняет все входящие вызовы и отключает мелодии звонка и оповещения. Если в вашем телефоне есть голосовая служба, такая как Siri или Google, вы также можете увидеть кнопку для доступа к этой функции в меню телефона.
  • Прием звонков
    • Чтобы принять вызов, выберите «Принять» на сенсорном экране или нажмите кнопку телефона на рулевом колесе.
      Чтобы отклонить вызов, выберите Отклонить на сенсорном экране.
  • Во время телефонного звонка
    • Когда вы отвечаете на телефонный звонок, на экране отображаются имя и номер контакта, продолжительность звонка, уровень сигнала телефона и уровень заряда батареи. Вы также можете выбрать «Завершить вызов», «Клавиатура», «Отключить звук» или «Конфиденциальность» во время разговора. Выбор конфиденциальности переводит вызов на ваш мобильный телефон.
  • Текстовые сообщения
    • Система может получать и уведомлять вас о текстовых сообщениях. Вы можете использовать сенсорный экран, чтобы прослушать или просмотреть текстовые сообщения, позвонить отправителю или ответить на текстовое сообщение. Вы можете включать и выключать уведомления о текстовых сообщениях в меню «Настройки». Для получения дополнительной информации см. главу «Телефон» в руководстве пользователя.

Центр дисплея надview (Продолжение)

  • Приложения
    • При первом запуске приложения через систему вас могут попросить предоставить определенные разрешения. Некоторые приложения будут работать без настройки. Другие требуют, чтобы вы настроили некоторые личные настройки, прежде чем вы сможете их использовать. Чтобы получить доступ к приложениям, выберите параметр приложений на панели функций.

  • Apple CarPlay® и Android Auto™
    • Чтобы использовать Apple CarPlay и Android Auto, выполните сопряжение устройства и следуйте инструкциям на сенсорном экране. Некоторые системные функции недоступны при использовании Apple CarPlay или Android Auto.
      Android Auto может потребоваться включить в меню настроек. Вы можете отключить Apple CarPlay или Android Auto через меню настроек. Для получения дополнительной информации см. главу «Приложения» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Информация на экране запроса
    • Для навигации по экрану «Информация по запросу» можно использовать следующие элементы управления:
      • Нажмите кнопку, чтобы view следующий экран «Информация по запросу».
      • Нажмите кнопку, чтобы view предыдущая информация о
      • Экран спроса.
      • Нажмите кнопку, чтобы view экранная карточка «Информация по запросу» view.

Перезагрузка центрального дисплея
Вы можете перезагрузить центральный дисплей с помощью элементов управления на рулевом колесе. Одновременно нажмите и удерживайте кнопку поиска вперед и аудиосистему.

Вы можете указать пункт назначения с помощью ввода текста или экрана карты. Используя ввод текста, вы можете ввести пункт назначения с помощью клавиатуры. Нажмите Поиск и выберите пункт назначения из списка на экране. Нажмите Старт, чтобы начать навигацию. Используя экран карты, вы можете нажать и удерживать точку на карте, чтобы установить булавку. Нажмите кнопку, чтобы начать ведение по маршруту. С помощью кнопки меню вы можете изменить формат карты, включить и выключить трафик в реальном времени, обновить карту и перейти к последнему пункту назначения или сохраненному пункту назначения. Во время сопровождения по маршруту вы можете отрегулировать громкость подсказки, поворачивая регулятор громкости во время воспроизведения подсказки. Чтобы повторить инструкцию, нажмите на индикатор поворота. Чтобы отменить сопровождение по маршруту, нажмите кнопку.

Линкольн объятия

Lincoln Embrace автоматически освещает и регулирует персонализированные области вашего автомобиля, когда вы подходите к нему или покидаете его.

  • Приветственное освещение
    • Приветственный логотип Lincoln проецируется от бокового зеркала до пола возле передних дверей.

  • Автоматически складывающиеся наружные зеркала заднего вида
    • Автоматическое складывание Наружные зеркала заднего вида автоматически складываются при выходе из автомобиля и запирают дверь водителя. Зеркала автоматически возвращаются в исходное положение, когда вы отпираете, открываете и закрываете дверь водителя. Зеркала можно сложить, открыть или закрыть по требованию, нажав ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-28на двери.
  • Легкий вход и выход
    • Когда зажигание автомобиля выключено, сиденье водителя отодвигается назад на 2 дюйма (5 сантиметров), а рулевое колесо с электроприводом наклона и выдвижения перемещается в крайнее верхнее положение. Сиденье водителя и рулевая колонка возвращаются в исходное положение при нажатии кнопки СТАРТ-СТОП.
  • Обновления систем автомобиля
    • Вы можете обновить систему автомобиля по беспроводной сети, включив функцию подключения автомобиля и автоматическое обновление системы. Когда обновление будет доступно, коснитесь значка уведомления и следуйте инструкциям на экране.
    • Чтобы убедиться, что вы получаете все обновления, установите повторяющееся расписание и подключитесь к Wi-Fi. Обновления могут занимать больше времени, если они не подключены к Wi-Fi, или могут вообще не загружаться.

Мультиконтурные передние сиденья с системой Active Motion

  1. Функция памяти
    Функция памяти позволяет одним касанием вызвать персонализированные функции, включая сиденье водителя, зеркала с электроприводом, регулируемые педали и рулевые колонки с усилителем. Чтобы настроить функции памяти, включите зажигание и используйте органы управления на двери водителя. Нажмите и удерживайте нужную кнопку предустановки, пока не услышите один тон. Теперь вы можете вызвать установленную позицию памяти. Дополнительную информацию см. в главе «Сиденье» в руководстве пользователя.
  2. Передний подголовник с электроприводом
    Четырехпозиционный регулятор регулирует высоту и угол наклона подголовников передних сидений.
  3. Спинка сиденья
    Нажмите вперед или назад, чтобы отрегулировать верхнюю часть спинки сиденья в соответствующем направлении.
  4. Передние сиденья с электроприводом
    Регулирует высоту сиденья и перемещает сиденье вперед и назад.
  5. Регулировка длины подушки сиденья НажмитеЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-9 для регулировки левой стороны подушки илиЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-10 настроить правый. ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-14
  6. поясничной опоры Нажмите +, чтобы увеличить или –, чтобы уменьшить поясничную поддержку.


  • Складывающиеся задние сиденья с электроприводом
    • Кнопки управления находятся на панели обшивки левой задней четверти (доступны из области двери багажного отделения). Нажмите соответствующую кнопку, чтобы сложить сиденья.
    • Чтобы вернуть спинку сиденья второго ряда в исходное положение, поверните спинку сиденья вверх, пока спинка сиденья не зафиксируется в вертикальном положении.
    • Спинка сиденья щелкает, когда фиксируется в этом положении.
    • Чтобы вернуть спинку сиденья третьего ряда в исходное положение, снова нажмите соответствующую кнопку.
  • Силовой наклон третьего ряда
    • Кнопки регулировки наклона сиденья третьего ряда находятся на боковых панелях отделки с каждой стороны автомобиля.
  • Задние массажные сиденья
    • Настройте эту функцию с помощью заднего сенсорного экрана. Выбор другой настройки отменяет текущую. Когда спинка и подушка активны, массаж чередуется между зонами.
  • Подогрев и вентиляция задних сидений

Примечание: Вентилируемые сиденья работают только при работающем двигателе.
Люк: Элементы управления люком в одно касание находятся на потолочной консоли. Чтобы остановить движение во время операции в одно касание, нажмите элемент управления еще раз.

  • ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-12Нажмите и отпустите, чтобы открыть люк.
  • Люк останавливается, не доходя до полностью открытого положения. Чтобы полностью открыть люк, снова нажмите и отпустите кнопку.
  • ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-13Нажмите и отпустите, чтобы закрыть люк.
  • Нажмите и отпустите, чтобы проветрить люк.
  • ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-15Нажмите и отпустите, чтобы открыть солнцезащитную шторку.
  • Солнцезащитная шторка останавливается, не доходя до своего полностью открытого положения, для комфорта задних пассажиров.
  • Чтобы полностью открыть солнцезащитную шторку, нажмите кнопку еще раз.
  • Нажмите и отпустите, чтобы закрыть солнцезащитную шторкуЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-16


Задняя дверь с электроприводом

  • НажмитеЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-5 на приборной панели, чтобы открыть или закрыть заднюю дверь с электроприводом.
  • Для дополнительного удобства существует больше способов активировать возможности двери багажного отделения с электроприводом:
  1. На пульте нажмите дважды, чтобы открыть или закрыть.
  2. Сзади нажмите A, чтобы открыть только стекло, и нажмите B, чтобы открыть дверь багажного отделения.
  3. Управление задней поднимающейся дверью без помощи рук:
    • Когда пульт дистанционного управления находится в пределах 3 футов (1 метра) от автомобиля, используйте движение ногой вперед/назад под задним бампером с любой стороны сцепного устройства.
  • Примечание: Движение из стороны в сторону не активирует датчики. Позвольте системе питания открыть/закрыть дверь багажного отделения. Задняя дверь с электроприводом оснащена функцией обнаружения препятствий, которая возвращается в открытое положение. Толкание или вытягивание двери багажного отделения вручную может привести к повреждению этой системы. См. главу «Задняя дверь» в вашем руководстве по эксплуатации.
  • ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-17Удаленный запуск
    Для запуска двигателя снаружи автомобиля, нажмите , а затем нажмите дважды. Перед началом движения необходимо нажать кнопку СТАРТ-СТОП на панели приборов, удерживая нажатой педаль тормоза. Вы можете выключить автомобиль снаружи после дистанционного запуска, нажав один раз.
  • MyKey®
    MyKey позволяет программировать ограничения скорости и уровни громкости, чтобы способствовать хорошему вождению. Для получения полной информации см. главу MyKey в руководстве пользователя. ЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-РИС-16
  • Клавиатура для бесключевого доступа SecuriCodeTM
    Клавиатура SecuriCode находится рядом с окном водителя и позволяет запирать/отпирать двери без ключа. Клавиатура управляется пятизначным кодом, указанным на карточке кошелька вашего владельца, или с помощью личного кода.
  • Чтобы отпереть все двери
    Введите пятизначный код в течение 5 секунд.
  • Чтобы разблокировать стекло задней подъемной двери
    Введите свой пятизначный код, затем нажмите 5·6 в течение 5 секунд.
  • Запереть все двери
    Нажмите и удерживайте одновременно 7·8 и 9·0 при закрытой дверце. Дополнительную информацию см. в главе «Двери и замки» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Помощь при торможении задним ходом
    Система помощи при торможении задним ходом снижает ущерб от удара или полностью предотвращает столкновение, используя датчики в задней части автомобиля. Система помощи при торможении задним ходом работает, когда ваш автомобиль движется задним ходом (R) и движется со скоростью 1–7 миль в час (1.5–12 км/ч). Если система обнаруживает препятствие позади вашего автомобиля, она выдает предупреждение через заднюю систему помощи при парковке или систему оповещения о перекрестном движении.



ActiveGlide работает с адаптивным круиз-контролем, чтобы ваш автомобиль оставался в центре полосы движения. ActiveGlide должен быть включен на информационно-развлекательном экране. Система следит за вашими глазами и положением головы, чтобы определить, отвлекаетесь ли вы. Если система определит, что вы отвлеклись, она предупредит вас, чтобы вы снова посмотрели на дорогу. Система активируется только тогда, когда на сенсорном экране активирован ActiveGlide, включен адаптивный круиз-контроль с функцией остановки и движения, система распознает обе разметки полосы движения, ваши руки находятся на руле, а глаза смотрят на дорогу. Когда система включена, цвет индикатора меняется, указывая на состояние системы.

  • Серый: система включена, но неактивна.
  • Зеленый: система активна и требует постоянной поддержки рулевого управления.
  • Синий: система активна, и доступна поддержка вождения без помощи рук.

Когда на графике в кластере отображается руль, это означает, что режим ручного вождения активен. Когда этот индикатор присутствует, вы должны держать руки на рулевом колесе. Когда изображение в кластере меняется на колесо без рук, это указывает на то, что доступен режим вождения без помощи рук. При наличии этого индикатора можно убрать руки с руля. Дополнительную информацию о системе, настройках и ограничениях см. в руководстве пользователя.

Head-Up Display

Это визуальная система, которая показывает информацию в вашей сфере деятельности. view как вы едете. Информация поступает от различных систем автомобиля и включает в себя скорость автомобиля, ограничение скорости, навигацию и усовершенствованные системы помощи водителю (ADAS), такие как адаптивный круиз-контроль (ACC) и система удержания полосы движения. Эта система проецирует информацию с ветрового стекла и фокусирует изображение ближе к концу капота, примерно в 7 футах (2 метра) перед водителем. ViewПолучение этой информации не требует от вас значительного движения головой, что позволяет вам не отрывать глаз от дороги, имея при этом быстрый и легкий доступ к информации.

Контроль устойчивости и контроль тяги с системой Roll Stability ControlTM

Автоматически включается при запуске двигателя и помогает сохранить контроль над автомобилем на скользкой поверхности. Электронная часть системы контроля устойчивости помогает избежать заносов и боковых скольжений, а контроль устойчивости помогает избежать опрокидывания автомобиля. Система контроля тяги помогает избежать пробуксовки ведущих колес и потери сцепления с дорогой. Подробнее см. главу «Контроль устойчивости» в руководстве пользователя.

Вход без ключа

Вы можете отпирать и запирать автомобиль, не вынимая ключ из кармана или сумки, когда ваш интеллектуальный ключ доступа находится в пределах 3 футов (1 метра) от вашего автомобиля. Чтобы отпереть, прикоснитесь к датчику отпирания на задней стороне любой дверной ручки на короткое время, а затем потяните за ручку двери, стараясь одновременно не касаться датчика блокировки и не тянуть за ручку двери слишком быстро. Чтобы запереть замок, коснитесь датчика блокировки дверной ручки на любой двери примерно на одну секунду, стараясь одновременно не коснуться датчика отпирания на задней стороне дверной ручки.

Технология (продолжение)

  • Персональный профиfiles
    • Вы можете персонализировать позиционные настройки, такие как сиденья и зеркала, а также непозиционные настройки, такие как радио, навигация, помощь водителю и системные настройки. Вы можете использовать это меню для редактирования, связывания, разъединения и переименования пульта дистанционного управления. Вы также можете удалить любой персональныйfiles.
    • Для получения дополнительной информации см. главу SYNC в руководстве пользователя.
  • Ручное переключение передач
    • С автоматической коробкой передач SelectShift вы можете использовать лепестки на рулевом колесе для переключения передач без сцепления.
    • Потяните за ручку (+) на рулевом колесе, чтобы активировать SelectShift. Для переключения передач:
      • Потяните правый переключатель (+) для повышения передачи.
      • Потяните левый лепестковый переключатель (–), чтобы переключиться на пониженную передачу.

Для получения дополнительной информации и работы с системой см. главу «Трансмиссия» в руководстве пользователя.

  • 110 вольт переменного тока PowerPoint
    Порты USB и розетки расположены во втором ряду на центральной консоли и в третьем ряду на боковых панелях отделки. PowerPoint может быть расположен на приборной панели или на задней части центральной консоли и может использоваться для электрических устройств, потребляющих до 400 Вт.
  • Передние и задние парковочные ассистенты
    Датчики предупреждают вас, если впереди или позади автомобиля есть объект. Задние датчики активны только тогда, когда коробка передач находится в режиме заднего хода (R) и автомобиль движется с низкой скоростью. Передние датчики активны, когда коробка передач находится в любом положении, кроме парковочного (P). По мере приближения автомобиля к препятствию частота звукового предупреждения увеличивается.

Примечание: Средства обеспечения обзора не заменяют необходимости следить за движением автомобиля. Информацию о безопасности, дополнительную информацию и ограничения см. в руководстве пользователя.

BLIS® (система информации о слепых зонах) с Оповещение о буксировке прицепа и перекрестном движении Эта система предназначена для помощи в обнаружении транспортных средств, которые могли войти в зону обнаружения. Зона обнаружения находится с обеих сторон вашего автомобиля и прицепа, простираясь назад от наружных зеркал до конца вашего прицепа. Предупреждение о перекрестном движении предупреждает вас о приближающихся сбоку транспортных средствах, когда коробка передач включена задним ходом (R). Когда прикреплен прицеп и вы настроили прицеп для слепых зон, система активируется при движении вперед со скоростью более 6 миль/ч (10 км/ч). Дополнительную информацию см. в главе «Вспомогательные средства для вождения» в руководстве пользователя.

Примечание: НИКОГДА не используйте BLIS или предупреждение о перекрестном движении вместо использования внутренних и наружных зеркал заднего вида и взгляда через плечо перед перестроением. Системы не являются заменой.

360-градусная камера

Система 360-градусных камер состоит из передней, боковой и задней камер. Это позволяет вам видеть, что находится непосредственно перед или позади вашего автомобиля, обеспечивает перекрестное движение view спереди и сзади вашего автомобиля и позволяет вам видеть сверху вниз view области вне вашего автомобиля, включая слепые зоны. Он также обеспечивает видимость вокруг вашего автомобиля при парковочных маневрах, таких как:

  • Центровка на парковочном месте.
  • Препятствия рядом с автомобилем.
  • Параллельная парковка.

Кнопка включения передней камеры находится рядом с экраном дисплея и включает переднюю камеру, когда ваш автомобиль не движется задним ходом (R).

Важные особенности

Система контроля давления в шинах
Система контроля давления в шинах позволяет view показания давления в шинах через информационный дисплей. Когда шина недостаточно накачанаЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-21, загорится сигнальная лампа на комбинации приборов. В этом случае остановитесь, проверьте и как можно скорее накачайте поврежденную шину до надлежащего давления. Дополнительную информацию см. в главе «Колеса и шины» вашего руководства по эксплуатации.


При заправке вашего автомобиля

  1. Убедитесь, что зажигание выключено.
  2. Откройте дверцу топливного бака.
  3. Полностью вставьте форсунку топливного насоса в топливную систему, оставляя форсунку вставленной до тех пор, пока вы не закончите прокачку.
  4. При заправке следите за тем, чтобы форсунка топливного насоса была ровной, иначе это может повлиять на подачу топлива. Неправильное расположение также может привести к отключению топливного насоса до того, как топливный бак будет заполнен.
  5.  Когда вы закончите заправку, медленно снимите форсунку топливного насоса и закройте лючок топливного бака. Если вы заправляете топливный бак из топливного бака, убедитесь, что вы используете воронку для заливки топлива, входящую в комплект поставки вашего автомобиля. Используя информацию о воронке послепродажного обслуживания и расположении воронки топливного бака, см. главу «Топливо и заправка» вашего руководства по эксплуатации.
  • Тип топлива и объем топливного бака
    Топливный бак Navigator имеет емкость 23.6 галлона (89.3 литра), модель Navigator L — 27.8 галлона (105.2 литра). Мы рекомендуем обычный неэтилированный бензин или неэтилированную топливную смесь с содержанием этанола до 15% и октановым числом насоса (R+M)/2 не менее 91. Не используйте другое топливо, так как оно может повредить или ухудшить работу системы контроля выбросов.
  • Контроль раскачивания прицепа
    Применяет тормоза вашего автомобиля к отдельным колесам и, при необходимости, снижает мощность двигателя. Если прицеп начинает раскачиватьсяЛИНКОЛЬН-2022-Навигатор-СИМВОЛЫ-22, индикатор мигает, и на информационном дисплее появляется сообщение TRAILER SWAY REDUCE SPEED. Сбавьте скорость автомобиля, затем безопасно сверните с дороги, чтобы проверить правильность распределения нагрузки на дышло и прицеп. Подробную информацию о загрузке см. в главе «Буксировка» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Расположение запасного колеса и инструментов
    Запасное колесо находится под автомобилем перед задним бампером. Эта непохожая запасная часть предназначена только для аварийного использования и должна быть заменена как можно скорее. Домкрат и инструменты под доступом могут не работать с безколпачковой системой и могут повредить ваш автомобиль. Для большего
  • панели в нише пола за задним сиденьем. См. главу «Колеса и шины» в руководстве пользователя.
  • Примечание: Перед подъемом, подъемом или буксировкой автомобиля убедитесь, что вы выключили подножки с электроприводом.


Вождение с отвлечением внимания может привести к потере контроля над автомобилем, аварии и травмам. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам проявлять крайнюю осторожность при использовании любого устройства, которое может отвлечь вас от дороги. Ваша основная обязанность – безопасная эксплуатация вашего автомобиля. Мы не рекомендуем использовать какие-либо ручные устройства во время вождения и поощряем использование систем с голосовым управлением, когда это возможно. Убедитесь, что вы знаете все применимые местные законы, которые могут повлиять на использование электронных устройств во время вождения. Настоящее краткое справочное руководство не заменяет руководство по эксплуатации вашего автомобиля, в котором содержится более подробная информация о характеристиках вашего автомобиля, а также важные предупреждения о безопасности, призванные снизить риск получения травм вами и вашими пассажирами. Прежде чем знакомиться с новым автомобилем, внимательно прочитайте все руководство по эксплуатации и при возникновении вопросов обращайтесь к соответствующим главам. Вся информация, содержащаяся в этом кратком справочном руководстве, была точной на момент копирования. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять характеристики, работу и функциональность любой спецификации автомобиля в любое время. Ваш дилер Lincoln является лучшим источником самой последней информации. Для получения подробной информации об эксплуатации и технике безопасности обратитесь к руководству пользователя.

  • США
    • Центр по работе с клиентами Lincoln
    • 1-800-521-4140
    • (TDD для слабослышащих: 1-800-232-5952) владелец.lincoln.com
  • Канада
    • Центр по работе с клиентами Lincoln
    • 1-800-665-2006
    • (TDD для слабослышащих: 1-888-658-6805) lincolncanada.com

Документы / Ресурсы


Официальные руководства пользователя автомобилей марки Lincoln


Руководство по ремонту Lincoln navigator, ford expedition с 2007


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Краткое руководство для Lincoln Aviator


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Инструкция по использованию Lincoln Aviator


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Инструкция по эксплуатации Lincoln Navigator 2 (рестайлинг)


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Руководство по эксплуатации Lincoln Navigator 3


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Руководство по эксплуатации Lincoln Navigator 2


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Руководство по эксплуатации Lincoln Navigator 1


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инструкцияLincoln Navigator (2022)

LINCOLN NAVIGATOR Owner’s Manual 2022

Посмотреть инструкция для Lincoln Navigator (2022) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Lincoln Navigator (2022) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Логотип Lincoln

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Lincoln Navigator (2022).

Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Lincoln?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Lincoln требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Lincoln?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Lincoln Navigator (2022) доступно в русский?

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  • Страница 1 из 385

    Table of Contents Introduction Instrument Cluster 4 10 Warning and control lights Gauges 10 14 Entertainment Systems 16 AM/FM stereo cassette with CD AM/FM stereo with in-dash six CD Rear seat controls Rear seat entertainment system Navigation system Climate Controls Rear passenger climate control

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    Table of Contents Seating and Safety Restraints Seating Safety restraints Air bags Child restraints Driving 184 198 210 218 231 Starting Brakes Air suspension Transmission operation Vehicle loading Trailer towing Recreational towing 231 235 239 244 264 269 276 Roadside Emergencies 277 Getting

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    Table of Contents Maintenance and Specifications Engine compartment Engine oil Battery Fuel information Air filter(s) Tire Information Part numbers Refill capacities Lubricant specifications 318 320 321 324 332 345 348 362 363 366 Accessories 374 Index 376 All rights reserved. Reproduction by any

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    Introduction CALIFORNIA Proposition 65 Warning WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. In addition, certain fluids contained in vehicles

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    Introduction SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Warning symbols in this guide How can you reduce the risk of personal injury and prevent possible damage to others, your vehicle and its equipment? In this guide, answers to such questions are contained in comments highlighted by the warning triangle

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    Introduction SPECIAL NOTICES Emission warranty The New Vehicle Limited Warranty includes Bumper-to-Bumper Coverage, Safety Restraint Coverage, Corrosion Coverage, and 6.0L Power Stroke Diesel Engine Coverage. In addition, your vehicle is eligible for Emissions Defect and Emissions Performance

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    Introduction Special instructions For your added safety, your vehicle is fitted with sophisticated electronic controls. Please read the section Supplemental restraint system (SRS) in the Seating and Safety Restraints chapter. Failure to follow the specific warnings and instructions could result in

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    Introduction These are some of the symbols you may see on your vehicle. Vehicle Symbol Glossary Safety Alert See Owner’s Guide Fasten Safety Belt Air Bag-Front Air Bag-Side Child Seat Child Seat Installation Warning Child Seat Lower Anchor Child Seat Tether Anchor Brake System Anti-Lock Brake

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    Introduction Vehicle Symbol Glossary Power Windows Front/Rear Power Window Lockout Child Safety Door Lock/Unlock Interior Luggage Compartment Release Symbol Panic Alarm Engine Oil Engine Coolant Engine Coolant Temperature Do Not Open When Hot Battery Avoid Smoking, Flames, or Sparks Battery Acid

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    Instrument Cluster WARNING LIGHTS AND CHIMES Warning lights and gauges can alert you to a vehicle condition that may become serious enough to cause expensive repairs. A warning light may illuminate when a problem exists with one of your vehicle’s functions. Many lights will illuminate when you

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    Instrument Cluster or by applying the parking brake when the ignition is turned to the ON position. If the brake system warning light does not illuminate at this time, seek service immediately from your dealership. Illumination after releasing the parking brake indicates low brake fluid level and

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    Instrument Cluster Engine coolant temperature: Illuminates when the engine coolant temperature is high. Stop the vehicle as soon as safely possible, switch off the engine and let it cool. Refer to Engine coolant in the Maintenance and Specifications chapter. Never remove the coolant recovery cap

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    Instrument Cluster O/D off: Illuminates when the overdrive function of the transmission has been turned off, refer to the Driving chapter. If the light flashes steadily or does not illuminate, have the transmission serviced soon, or damage may occur. AdvanceTrac娂 (if equipped): Illuminates when the

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    Instrument Cluster GAUGES Speedometer: Indicates the current vehicle speed. Engine coolant temperature gauge: Indicates engine coolant temperature. At normal operating temperature, the needle will be in the normal range (between “H” and “C”). If it enters the red section, the engine is overheating.

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    Instrument Cluster Trip odometer: Registers the kilometers (miles) of individual journeys. Press and release the message center INFO button until “TRIP” appears in the display (this represents the trip mode). Press and hold the RESET button for three seconds to reset. Tachometer: Indicates the

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    Entertainment Systems PREMIUM AM/FM STEREO/CASSETTE/SINGLE CD (IF EQUIPPED) 1. EJ (Eject): Press to stop and eject a tape. 2. EJ (Eject): Press to stop and eject a CD. 3. BASS: Allows you to increase or decrease the audio system’s bass output. Press BASS then press SEL or increase the bass levels.

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    Entertainment Systems 4. BAL (Balance): Allows you to shift speaker sound between the right and left speakers. Press BAL or right . then press SEL to shift sound to the left FADE: Allows you to shift speaker sound between the front and rear speakers. Press FADE then press or the front . SEL to

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    Entertainment Systems In CD mode, REW control reverses the CD within the current track. FF (Fast Forward): Works in tape and CD modes. In the tape mode, tape direction automatically reverses when the end of the tape is reached. In CD mode, FF advances the CD within the current track. 10. MUTE:

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    Entertainment Systems Setting the clock: Your vehicle is equipped with a separate analog clock. Refer to Setting the clock in the Driver Controls Chapter. 11. AUTOSET: Press to set first six strong stations into AM, FM1 or FM2 memory buttons; press again to return to the original preset stations.

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    Entertainment Systems Speed sensitive volume (if equipped): Automatically changes the volume slightly with vehicle speed to compensate for road and wind noise. The recommended level is 1–3. Level 0 turns the speed sensitive volume off and level 7 is the maximum setting. To engage the speed

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    Entertainment Systems AUDIOPHILE SATELLITE READY AM/FM STEREO IN-DASH SIX CD RADIO (IF EQUIPPED) 1. Seek: Press and release / for previous/next SEEK strong station, selection or track. 2. Rewind: In CD mode, press until desired selection is reached. Fast forward: In CD mode, press until desired

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    Entertainment Systems 4. Mute: Press to MUTE playing media; press again to return to playing media 5. Eject: Press to eject a CD. Press and hold to eject all loaded discs. 6. Bass: Press BASS; then press / to decrease/increase SEL the bass output. Treble: Press TREB; then press / to

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    Entertainment Systems FIND Program type: Allows you to search RDS-equipped stations for a certain category of music format: Classic, Country, Info, Jazz, Oldies, R&B, Religious, Rock, Soft, Top 40. Show TYPE: Displays the station’s call letters and format. Shuffle: When in CD mode, press to play

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    Entertainment Systems 13. Power/volume: Press to turn ON/OFF; turn to increase or decrease volume levels. Speed sensitive volume: Radio volume changes automatically and slightly with vehicle speed to compensate for road and wind noise. Recommended level is 1–3. Level 0 turns the feature off and

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    Entertainment Systems CAT: CAT is only available when equipped with Satellite Radio. Your Audiophile radio comes equipped with Satellite ready capability. The kit to enable Satellite reception is available through your Lincoln dealer. Detailed Satellite instructions are included with the dealer

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    Entertainment Systems To activate Dual Play mode (rear — VOLUME + MODE seat passengers listen to a different playing media than the front seat passengers): SEEK MEMORY • Press the speaker/headphone control. • Press the MODE control to change audio sources (for headphone mode only) • Use the SEEK,

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    Entertainment Systems Turning the rear speakers on and off Press the headphone/speaker control to turn the rear speakers on (Single Play mode) or off (Dual Play mode). — VOLUME + MODE SEEK MEMORY Using headphones/Dual Play mode jack. Press the Plug a 3.5 mm headphone (not included) into the speaker

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    Entertainment Systems Memory preset control Push the MEMORY control successively to allow rear seat passengers to scroll through the 6 memory presets in AM, FM1 or FM2. Push the MEMORY control in CD mode (if equipped) to advance to the next disc. — VOLUME + MODE SEEK MEMORY — VOLUME + MODE Seek

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    Entertainment Systems RADIO FREQUENCIES AM and FM frequencies are established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). Those frequencies are: AM — 530, 540–1700, 1710 kHz FM- 87.7, 87.9–107.7, 107.9 MHz RADIO RECEPTION FACTORS

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    Entertainment Systems Don’t: • Expose discs to direct sunlight or heat sources for extended periods of time. • Insert more than one disc into each slot of the CD changer magazine. • Clean using a circular motion. CD units are designed to play commercially pressed 12 cm (4.75 in) audio compact discs

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    Entertainment Systems DVD player controls 1. MAIN control • NEXT — Press to access the next track on the CD, the next chapter on the DVD, or to go up in cursor mode. • PREV — Press to access the previous track on the CD, the previous chapter on the DVD, or to go down in cursor mode. • REV — Press

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    Entertainment Systems 7. Auxiliary jacks Insert lines for standard video game players. 8. STOP/EJECT control Press once to stop DVD play. Press again to eject the DVD. 9. DISPLAY (DISP) control Press to enable on screen display of player menu and user display adjustments. DVD control features Menu

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    Entertainment Systems • Press the FWD control to move the cursor right one position REV NEXT PREV FWD Next/Previous control The NEXT (up) and PREV (down) controls allow you to access the NEXT REV FWD next or previous track on a CD or PREV chapter on a DVD. When pressed, the playing audio will mute

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    Entertainment Systems FWD or REV control for slow motion playback. Three different speeds are available depending on how long the control is held. Press the control once for slow motion playback. Press the control again to disengage slow motion playback. Press the PLAY/PAUSE control to return to

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    Entertainment Systems 2. FAST FORWARD control Press to advance the direction of the DVD movie. 3. PLAY/STOP control Press to play or stop the DVD movie. 4. SEEK control Press to reverse or advance the chapter of the DVD or the track of the CD. 5. DISPLAY (DISP) control Press to enable on screen

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    Entertainment Systems Parental control To enable or disable your Rear Seat Entertainment DVD System, simultaneously press the memory preset controls 3 and 5 on the radio face. For further information about the Rear Seat Controls, refer to Rear Seat Controls section in this chapter. 36 2004

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    Entertainment Systems Wireless headphone operation To operate the headphones: • Press the ON/OFF button on the left-hand earpiece. The LED light on the right-hand earpiece will illuminate. Press again to turn off. • Adjust the headphones to comfortably fit your head. • Adjust the volume control to

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    Entertainment Systems 1. 7.0” (diagonal) active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) screen. 2. Screen housing. 3. Dimmer switch. Press +/- to increase/decrease the brightness of the screen. Playback and format • The DVD player of your Rear Seat Entertainment DVD System can only be used in the

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    Entertainment Systems • When the ignition is turned to OFF, the Rear Seat Entertainment DVD System is also turned OFF. When the ignition is turned ON, the system will begin playback from the last selected media source when the play control is pressed. • To disable the DVD player, simultaneously

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    Entertainment Systems CD/DVD will not eject from the system, press and hold the EJECT control for approximately 2 seconds. The disc should eject whether the vehicle ignition is ON or OFF. Playing a video game/auxiliary device 1. Connect the video line from your video game device to the YELLOW

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    Entertainment Systems 7. Camera angle (of picture) — Adjustable with cursor controls and ENTER control. Safety information Read all of the safety and operating instructions before operating the system and retain for future reference. Do not attempt to service, repair or modify the Rear Seat

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    Entertainment Systems tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate

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    Entertainment Systems screen gently until the dust, dirt or fingerprints are removed. Do not spray the screen directly with water or glass cleaning solvents. Overspray from these fluids could drip down into the internal electronics of the screen and cause damage. Do not apply excessive pressure

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    Entertainment Systems 1. VOL-PUSH: Press to turn the system ON/OFF. Turn to adjust the audio volume level. 2. AUDIO: Press to enter audio mode and access radio, CD, CDDJ, DVD (if equipped) settings. 3. MAP: Press to enter map mode and view your current vehicle position on the map. Press and hold to

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    Entertainment Systems Initial map display After pressing AGREE to the initial WARNING screen, you will move into the initial map screen which shows the current vehicle location. Pressing the globe icon will take you to the user settings — audible feedback, navigation units, language and clock (if

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    Entertainment Systems To play a previously loaded CD: 1. Ensure that the vehicle ignition is on. 2. Press AUDIO. 3. Press CD to select a CD which is already loaded. (NO CD will appear in the display if there are no CDs loaded into the system). Use the controls (1–6) to select the desired CD. 4. CD

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    Entertainment Systems 2. Press DEST. The warning screen will appear. After reading, press AGREE. The screen will show a map with your current location. Press DEST again. 3. Select the desired type of destination entry. You may select “Address”, “Point of Interest”, “Emergency” or “Previous Dest”

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    Entertainment Systems 4. Press DEST at the bottom of the map screen. 5. Choose the desired route by pressing the NEXT button (if it appears). There can be up to three alternative routes. 6. Press START to begin the navigation guidance. To adjust the voice guidance volume: 1. Press the MAP hard key.

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    Entertainment Systems Press VOICE briefly (on your steering wheel controls) and the voice icon appears on the Navigation display. Press the REPEAT button or arrow on your steering wheel controls to hear the previous command repeated from the navigation system. The voice activated command feature

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    Entertainment Systems Commands that jump over screens: • Current position • Map • Current location While in navigation map mode, the following commands are available: • • • • • • Zoom in Minimum scale North up Heading up Map direction Mark this point • • • • • • Zoom out Maximum scale Change to

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    Entertainment Systems • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chinese food Continental food French food Italian food Japanese food Mexican food Seafood Other food Shopping mall Airport Ferry terminal Hotel Rental car agency Rest stop Train station City center Commuter rail station • • • • • • • • • • • •

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    Entertainment Systems • • • • • • Change to arrow guidance Turn list guidance Change to turn list guidance Entire route map Route overview Detour • • • • • • Change to arrow guide Turn list guide Change to turn list guide Entire route Reroute Detour entire route Navigation help commands you may

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    Entertainment Systems Volume/power control Press knob to turn the audio system on/off. Turn to raise or lower volume. The levels will be displayed on the screen. To activate the navigation mode, press MAP or DEST. To adjust the navigation voice output level, select the NAV MENU button via the map

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    Entertainment Systems 3. SCV is located in the middle of the screen. Press to turn on. 4. Select setting 1 to 7 or turn off. The recommended level for the speed compensated volume is from level 1 through level 3. When activated, level 1 is the minimum setting and level 7 is the maximum setting.

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    Entertainment Systems 1. Press AUDIO. 2. Press SOUND. 3. Select from Bass/Treb; Bal/Fade; DSP/SCV. 4. Press +/— to increase/decrease the levels. Bass : Allows you to increase or decrease the audio system’s bass output. Treble : Allows you to raise or lower the audio system’s treble output. Fade :

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    Entertainment Systems SCV (Speed Compensated Volume) Automatically compensates for road wind and noise. Refer to Speed compensated volume earlier in this chapter. DSP Occupancy mode :Use to optimize the sound based upon the occupants in the vehicle. Select from ALL SEATS, REAR SEATS or DRIVER SEAT.

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    Entertainment Systems Tune adjust Press TUNE to manually move / ) the frequency down/up ( band. In CD mode, press TRACK to select / ). the previous/next ( Autoset memory preset Autoset allows you to set strong radio stations without losing your original manually set preset stations. This feature is

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    Entertainment Systems Scan Press SCAN for a brief sampling of all listenable stations and CD tracks. Press again to disable and remain on the current selection. Preset scan Press PRESET SCAN to scan the stations stored in the memory presets. SEEK SCAN SOUND TUNE PRESET SCAN AUTO SET AM FM1 RDS

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    Entertainment Systems Traffic information not available in most U.S. markets. Information feature Press INFO to view the frequency, call letters and PTY category of the selected FM station. Note: Not all stations support INFO function. SEEK SCAN SOUND TUNE PRESET SCAN AUTO SET AM FM1 RDS TRAFFIC

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    Entertainment Systems Once PTY has been programmed, press SEEK ( / ) or SCAN to initiate a search up or down the frequency. Preset scan and Autoset also initiate PTY searches. The search will stop when the desired program type has been reached. If no program type is found, a message will display.

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    Entertainment Systems Playing a previously loaded CD: To begin CD play (if a CD is already loaded), press AUDIO hard button and then CD. SEEK SCAN SOUND TUNE PRESET SCAN AUTO SET AM FM1 RDS TRAFFIC 87.9 89.9 INFO 98.1 98.5 PTY 106.3 SET PTY 107.9 FM2 CD Press CD. CD play will begin where it stopped

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    Entertainment Systems 2. The navigation screen will fold down, allowing you access to the in-dash six CD system. 3. Press LOAD and the desired CD slot number. The indicator light will blink slowly at first, then quickly, signaling the system is ready. 4. Insert a disc. 5. To load more than one

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    Entertainment Systems Rewind/fast forward in CD mode Press to reverse or advance / ) in the current CD track. ( Scan feature in CD mode Press SCAN to hear a brief sampling of all tracks on the current CD. Press again to disengage and remain with the current track. Shuffle feature in CD mode When in

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    Entertainment Systems Pause In CD mode, press PAUSE to pause the current track. Press again to continue playing. Map mode Map display information To access the map display, press MAP on the bezel. Once pressed, the current map display will appear on the screen showing the current vehicle location.

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    Entertainment Systems • Touch one of the arrow buttons repeatedly for the map to be displayed again at the final zoom level. • Touch one of the segments of the scale indicator for the map to be displayed at the selected zoom level. Additional map function buttons To initiate the display of

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    Entertainment Systems Route preferences After entering a destination, the Route preferences will appear on the screen showing what is currently selected. You may choose to activate/deactivate selections which the system will factor in when calculating your route. Those options are: • • • • Minimize

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    Entertainment Systems You will be able to view the information (if available) as well as choose to store the destination as a memory point by pressing OK. Screen symbols Navigation symbol — Indicates the current vehicle position and points to the direction in which the vehicle is currently

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    Entertainment Systems Avoid areas or points — The “X” symbol indicates a point. to be avoided in route calculations. If the avoid point is enlarged to an avoid area, it will appear on the screen as a shaded box. Way point symbol — Indicates the location of a way point (locations you wish to visit

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    Entertainment Systems Once pressed, the Navigation Menu will display showing the following options: • Route Options/Preferences • Navigation Set Up • Display Options • Stored Locations • On Route Scroll • Voice Guidance/Volume Depending upon whether or not a route is active will determine if route

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    Entertainment Systems Ensure that you follow highway code restrictions and do not take any risks. For example, if you are unable to make a U-turn, continue on your journey. The navigation system will recalculate your route to get you back to an appropriate road to your destination. Navigation set

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    Entertainment Systems Restore system defaults Resets all system user-selectable options to the default (automatic) values (i.e. guidance, voice, search area and route preferences). Calibration This feature is helpful if the car has been towed, or if you notice it is not registering at the correct

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    Entertainment Systems Display Options The Display Options screen will allow you make adjustments to the navigation display screen. You can choose from: • Map Mode (Dual or Full) • Guidance Mode (Arrows or Turn list) • Guidance Display (On or Off) • Time to destination (Show or Hide) Stored

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    Entertainment Systems In this screen, you can select from Memory Points, Special Memory Points, Home, Avoid Area, Destination and Way Point, or Previous Destination. Please refer to the Destination menu section for a complete description of the functions. On route scroll The system automatically

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    Entertainment Systems Voice guidance/volume Allows you to turn the voice guidance option on/off and to determine the volume level of the guidance voice prompts. To adjust: 1. Press the MAP hard key. 2. Press “Nav Menu” at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. 3. Press the speaker icon to turn

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    Entertainment Systems Home To set home for the first time: 1. Press MAP. 2. Press “Nav. Menu”. 3. Press “Stored Locations”. 4. Press “Home”. 5. Press “Add”. 75 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA English (fus)

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    Entertainment Systems 6. Select the desired menu item you wish to set as Home (Address, Memory Point, Point of Interest, Previous Destination). 7. Enter the required details. 8. Press OK to set the home position. To view home, press the home icon (house) on the Destination Entry screen. 76 2004

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    Entertainment Systems To view the set home position 1. Press MAP. 2. Press “Nav. Menu”. 3. Press “Stored Locations”. 4. Press “Home”. 5. Press “List”. 77 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA English (fus)

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    Entertainment Systems Deleting a home location 1. Press MAP. 2. Press “Nav. Menu”. 3. Press “Stored Locations”. 4. Press “Home”. 5. Press “Delete”. 78 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA English (fus)

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    Entertainment Systems 6. Press YES to confirm. Special memory points There are five possible special memory points that you can set. To set a memory point: 1. Press the MAP hard key. 2. Press “Nav. Menu”. 79 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA English (fus)

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    Entertainment Systems 3. Press “Stored Locations”. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Press “Special Memory”. Press “Add” and select a position. Select point 1–5. Input a destination. Press OK. Once all five special memory points are entered, the “Add” control will read as “Full”. You must delete points before more

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    Entertainment Systems To delete a memory point: 1. Press the MAP hard key. 2. Press “Nav. Menu”. 3. Press “Stored Locations”. 4. Press “Special Memory”. 5. Press “Delete”. The list will display. 6. Select the special memory point to delete. 7. Press “Del. all” to delete all entered special memory

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    Entertainment Systems Detour options You may engage the detour option once a route has already been calculated by the system. To access the detour option: 1. Press the MAP hard key 2. Press “Chg. Route”. Press DETOUR to activate. Use the soft controls to select and enter the number of miles you

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    Entertainment Systems Press NEW ROUTE if you would like the system to plan a different route. The system may calculate an entirely new route, depending on what is available. Route interruptions In the course of your destination, you may decide to temporarily leave your planned route for gas, food,

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    Entertainment Systems • Press Avoid next to the street to be avoided • Choose OK to confirm • Press Reroute to activate The new area is added to the list of stored avoid areas. Note: In some circumstances, it may not be possible to avoid all selected areas. Listing areas to avoid You can list all

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    Entertainment Systems Destination menu Press DEST on the main bezel to access the navigation mode. Initial map display After pressing AGREE to the initial WARNING screen, you will move into the initial map screen which shows the current vehicle location. Pressing the globe icon will take you to the

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    Entertainment Systems Route options Once in navigation mode and a route is currently active, press the DEST hard key. The ROUTE OPTIONS screen will appear and allow you to choose from the following selections: • Detour — Press to select a detour around the current route. • Route Preferences — When

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    Entertainment Systems Destination entry Search area The mapped areas covered by your map DVD are reflected in the Search Area map that is displayed on the Destination Entry screen. Your navigation system uses a regional search area. This area is the area from which navigational directions will be

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    Entertainment Systems Press ’Next Page’ to access more selections: • Memory point — Use to select from a memory point. • Freeway exit/entrance — Use to select a certain freeway exit or entrance. • Select from map —Use to select a place on the map. • Special Memory Points — Use to select a

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    Entertainment Systems 3. Use the keyboard to type in the street name. When you are typing the street name, the system may bring up possible roads that you can select from. Use the arrows to scroll up or down to select the desired street. 4. Once the address is entered, the system will pull up some

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    Entertainment Systems Points of interest (POI) Select “Point of Interest” from the Destination Entry Menu. In this next menu, you will have the following options: • By Name— Enter POI name on the keyboard. Touch “List” to display the list of matching points of interest. If there are too many

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    Entertainment Systems Deleting stored locations Your navigation system allows you to delete any stored loations (previous destinations, memory points, special memory points, home, avoid areas, destination and way points,etc.) To delete any of these stored locations: 1. Press the MAP hard key. 2.

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    Entertainment Systems 4. Select the desired item you wish to delete (previous destination, memory point, etc.). 5. Press “Delete”at the bottom of the screen. 6. The list of stored locations will be displayed. 7. Select (touch) the entry to be deleted. The item details will be listed. 8. Press YES

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    Entertainment Systems This screen will list the closest police station, hospital and dealer to your current location. Memory point Your navigation system allows you to go to special destinations you may wish to again visit. To view any of these “memory points” without a route calculated: 1. Press

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    Entertainment Systems 1. Press the MAP hard key. 2. Press “Nav Menu” in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. 3. Press “Stored locations”. 4. Select “Memory Point”. 5. Press “Add”at the bottom of the screen. 6. Select the desired menu item. 7. Enter/select any required details. The new point

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    Entertainment Systems To give the new memory point a name: 1. Select it from the list. 2. Press NAME. 3. Enter the desired name. Accessing memory point lists 1. Press the MAP hard key. 2. Press “Nav Menu” in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. 3. Press “Stored locations”. 95 2004 Navigator

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    Entertainment Systems 4. Press “Memory Point”. 5. Press LIST 6. Select the desired entry to view its location details. Sorting memory point lists 1. Access the desired list. 2. Press the button to sort the list as desired (i.e. date, name, or icon). When sorted by distance, the points are ordered

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    Entertainment Systems Choosing from the icon list After selecting a location, press ICON to edit. There will be 15 normal and three sound icons displayed. Press the icon you wish to use. The normal icons will be displayed on the map to indicate the map location identified with that icon. The

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    Entertainment Systems Freeway Entrance/Exit To set a freeway entrance or exit as a destination: 1. Press the DEST hard key. Next page” to access 2. Press “ the second page of the Destination Entry menu. 3. Select “Freeway Entrance/Exit”. 1. Enter freeway name— Enter the freeway name using the

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    Entertainment Systems Destination and way points The Store Dest. & Way Point menu is used after a destination or way point has been entered for the first time using the Destination Entry menu. You can store and delete destinations and way points (locations you wish to visit in route to your

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    Entertainment Systems Editing and changing order of way points and destination Press “Chg. Order” to change the order in which the way points are visited. The points are listed chronologically from bottom up, the destination being on the top. Press the MAP button to edit the way point location on

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    Entertainment Systems Route calculation Once the route criteria is selected, the navigation system automatically calculates the selected destination. The route appears on the display screen and a voice prompt provides instructions. The system may calculate up to four routes for the desired

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    Entertainment Systems Menu mode To access menu mode, press the MENU hard control. Menu mode allows you to access: • System Set-up • Information — Gives you the Lincoln Customer Assistance Center information. • Brightness/Contrast — Allows you to adjust the brightness and contrast on the screen. 102

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    Entertainment Systems • Screen off — Allows you to turn off the navigation screen. System setup The system set up menu contains the following user settings: • Audible Feedback — Press to activate audible voice navigation commands. Press again to deactivate. • Navigation Units — Press to toggle

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    Entertainment Systems General information Safety information Please read and follow all stated safety precautions. Failure to do so may increase your risk of collision and personal injury. Ford Motor Company shall not be liable for any damages of any type arising from failure to follow these

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    Entertainment Systems Do not disassemble or modify the system as this may lead to damage and void your warranty. If a problem occurs, stop using the system immediately and contact your Ford or Lincoln Dealer. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Compliance Changes or modifications not approved by

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    Entertainment Systems traffic lights and thunderstorms. Moving away from an interfering structure (out of its “shadow”) returns your reception to normal. • Station overload. Weak signals are sometimes captured by stronger signals when you pass a broadcast tower. A stronger signal may temporarily

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    Entertainment Systems • Not harmful but not recommended- ammonia cleaner, neutral detergent. • Harmful to system and not recommended- acid cleaner, alkali cleaner, benzene cleaner. Do not clean any part of the system with benzene, paint thinner or any other solvent. Do not spill liquids of any kind

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    Climate Controls DUAL ELECTRONIC AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL (DEATC) SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) 13 14 16 15 F F FC 12 DUAL R OFF 11 3 A/C EXT AUTO 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1. A/C control: Uses outside air to A/C cool the vehicle. Press to turn on/off or . in all modes except 2. Recirculation control: Used to

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    Climate Controls control of their individual temperature settings (dual zone control). Press to enable dual zone mode, press again to return to single zone. 6. : Distributes outside air through the windshield defroster vents. : Distributes outside air through the windshield defroster vents 7. and

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    Climate Controls Manual override controls: Allows you to manually determine where airflow is directed. To return to fully automatic control, press AUTO. OFF OPERATING TIPS • To reduce fog build up on the windshield during humid weather, place position. the air flow selector in the • To reduce

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    Climate Controls AUXILIARY A/C-HEATER CONTROLS (IF EQUIPPED) Your vehicle may be equipped with auxiliary climate controls. These allow the front or rear seat passengers to control airflow direction, temperature and fan level of the rear compartment to quickly heat or cool the vehicle. Auxiliary

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    Climate Controls Rear auxiliary controls (if equipped): Once the front auxiliary control is set to REAR, the rear seat passengers may use the rear auxiliary controls in the floor console to make the desired adjustments. 1. Temperature control: 3 1 Determines temperature levels. If the main climate

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    Lights HEADLAMP CONTROL Rotate the headlamp control to the to turn on the first position parking lamps. Rotate to the second to turn on the position headlamps. A Foglamp control The headlamp control also operates the foglamps. The foglamps can be turned on when the headlamp , or control is in the

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    Lights Daytime running lamps (DRL) (if equipped) Turns the foglamps on at full intensity output. To activate: • the ignition must be in the ON position and • the headlamp control must be in the OFF or Parking lamps position. Always remember to turn on your headlamps at dusk or during inclement

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    Lights PANEL DIMMER CONTROL Use to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicable switches in the vehicle during headlamp and parklamp operation. Move the control to the full upright position, past detent, to turn on the interior lamps. Move the control to the full down position,

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    Lights 4. On the wall or screen you will observe a light pattern with a distinct horizontal edge towards the right. If this edge is not at the horizontal reference line, the beam will need to be adjusted so the edge is at the same height as the horizontal reference line. 5. Locate the vertical

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    Lights INTERIOR LAMPS Front row map lamps (if equipped) To turn on the map lamps, press the rear edge of the lamp. Rear dome lamp The dome lamp lights when: • any door is opened (and switch is in middle position). • the instrument panel dimmer switch is held up until the courtesy lamps come on. •

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    Lights Function Number of bulbs Trade number Headlamps (low-beams) 2 9006 Headlamps (hi-beam) 2 9005 Front park/turn lamps 2 3157 AK (amber) Front sidemarker 2 194 AK (amber) Foglamps 2 800 Map/dome lamps 2 579 Rear cargo lamp 1 578 2nd row reading lamp 1 578 Turn/tail/brake lamps 2 3157K Approach

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    Lights 3. At the back of the headlamp lens, remove the three headlamp assembly retainers bolts. 4. Pull the headlamp assembly forward slightly to expose the electrical connectors. 5. Rotate the bulb covers counterclockwise and remove. 6. Once the bulb covers are removed, the bulbs can be removed by

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    Lights Replacing HID headlamp bulbs (if equipped) The low beam headlamps on your vehicle use a “high intensity discharge” source. These lamps operate at a high voltage. The bulb is NOT replaceable. When the bulb is burned out, the lamp assembly must be replaced by your dealer or a qualified

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    Lights 1. Make sure the headlamp switch is in the OFF position. 2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the foglamp bulb. 3. Rotate the foglamp bulb counterclockwise and remove from the foglamp (the rear side of the foglamp is shown). 4. Install the foglamp bulb in foglamp by rotating

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    Lights Replacing back-up lamp bulbs The back-up lamp bulbs are located behind the liftgate trim panels. To change the back-up lamp bulbs: 1. Make sure the headlamp switch is in the OFF position. 2. Remove the liftgate trim panel by removing the retaining nuts to expose the bulb socket. 3. Turn the

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    Lights 3. Pull the lamp assembly straight out (it will snap out of a plastic retaining grommet). 4. Turn the wire harness counterclockwise to remove it from the lamp. 5. Pull out the bulb and replace it with a new one. 6. Turn the harness clockwise to install it. 7. Snap the lamp assembly back into

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    Lights High-mount brakelamp To change the high-mount brakelamp bulbs: 1. Remove the two screws holding the lamp assembly in place. 2. Pull the lamp assembly straight out. 3. Remove the wire harness. 4. Depress the four tabs that hold the light assembly on, one at a time, and pull the black bulb

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    Lights Replacing license plate lamp bulb The license plate bulbs are located in the license plate housing assembly on the liftgate. To change the license plate bulbs: 1. Make sure the headlamp switch is in the OFF position. 2. Remove the license lamp screw from the assembly. 3. Pull the lamp down

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    Driver Controls MULTI-FUNCTION LEVER Windshield wiper: Rotate the end of the control away from you to increase the speed of the wipers; rotate towards you to decrease the OFF speed of the wipers. Speed dependent wipers: When the wiper control is on, the speed of the wipers will automatically adjust

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    Driver Controls Changing the wiper blades It is recommended that wiper blades are renewed before winter. To replace the wiper blades: 1. Fold back the wiper arm and position the wiper blade at right angles to the wiper arm. 2. To remove, press the retaining clip (A) to disengage the wiper blade,

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    Driver Controls TILT STEERING Push the lever down to unlock the steering column. While the lever is in the down position, tilt the steering column to the desired position. While holding the steering wheel, pull the lever up to its original position to lock the steering column. Never adjust the

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    Driver Controls OVERHEAD CONSOLE The appearance of your vehicle’s overhead console will vary according to your option package. Forward storage bin and conversation mirror (if equipped) The storage compartment may be used to store two pairs of sunglasses or similar objects. Press the release control

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    Driver Controls To open the moon roof: The moon roof is equipped with a one-touch open feature. Press and release control. The moon roof the will open to the “comfort” position. Press and release the control again to fully open. To stop the one-touch open feature press either the or control again.

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    Driver Controls Power quarter rear windows • Without a moon roof • With a moon roof portion of the VENT control to open the power rear Press the quarter windows. portion of the VENT control to close the power rear Press the quarter windows. 131 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA

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    Driver Controls Power liftgate control (if equipped) Without a moon roof With a moon roof Press and release the top portion of the control to open the power liftgate. Press and release the top portion of the control again to close the power liftgate. Make sure all persons are clear of the power

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    Driver Controls AUXILIARY POWER POINT Power points are designed for accessory plugs only. Do not hang any type of accessory or accessory bracket from the plug. Improper use of the power points can cause damage not covered by your warranty. An auxiliary power point is located by the passenger’s

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    Driver Controls A third auxiliary power point is located on the right rear quarter panel. The power point is accessible from the liftgate. POWER WINDOWS When closing the power windows, you should verify they are free of obstructions and ensure that children and/or pets are not in the proximity of

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    Driver Controls The following views are the driver’s side switches: Normal operation • Push down (to the first detent) and hold the top portion of the switch to open. • Pull up (to the first detent) and hold the top portion of the switch to close. The following view is the power window switch on

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    Driver Controls One touch up or down (if equipped) This feature is present on the driver’s window only. To operate ONE TOUCH DOWN: • Press the switch completely down to the second detent and release quickly. The driver’s window will open fully. Momentarily press the switch to any position to stop

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    Driver Controls Security Override If during a bounce-back condition, the switch is released to the neutral position, then held in the one touch up position within two seconds after the window reaches the bounce-back position, the window will travel up with no bounce-back protection. If the switch

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    Driver Controls Without Navigation System Will automatically adjust (darken) to minimize glare. With Navigation System The illuminated LED to the right of the AUTO button indicates if the mirror is in the auto-dimming function. To turn the mirror off push the OFF button until the LED goes out.

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    Driver Controls Heated outside mirrors Both mirrors are heated automatically to remove ice, mist and fog when the rear window defrost is activated. Do not remove ice from the mirrors with a scraper or attempt to readjust the mirror glass if it is frozen in place. These actions could cause damage to

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    Driver Controls POWER ADJUSTABLE FOOT PEDALS The accelerator and brake pedal should only be adjusted when the vehicle is stopped and the gearshift lever is in the P (Park) position. Press and hold the rocker control to adjust accelerator and brake pedal. • Press the bottom of the control to adjust

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    Driver Controls • When this feature is disabled, the running boards will immediately move to the stowed position regardless of the position of the doors. • When this feature is enabled, the running boards will immediately move to the correct position based on the position of the doors. Bounce-back:

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    Driver Controls Setting speed control The controls for using your speed control are located on the steering wheel for your convenience. 1. Press the ON control and release it. 2. Accelerate to the desired speed. 3. Press the SET + control and release it. 4. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal.

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    Driver Controls Resuming a set speed Press the RES control and release it. This will automatically return the vehicle to the previously set speed. The RES control will not work if the vehicle speed is not faster than 48 km/h (30 mph). Increasing speed while using speed control There are two ways to

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    Driver Controls • Depress the brake pedal or press CNCL (Cancel) until the desired vehicle speed is reached, press the SET + control. Turning off speed control There are two ways to turn off the speed control: • Depress the brake pedal or press CNCL (Cancel). This will not erase your vehicle’s

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    Driver Controls In AM, FM1, or FM2 mode: • Press MEM to select preset stations within the selected radio band. In Tape mode: • Press MEM to select the next selection on the tape. In CD mode: • Press MEM to select the next selection on the CD. In any mode: • Press VOL + or − to adjust volume.

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    Driver Controls Press FAN + or — to adjust fan speed. Navigation steering wheel controls (if equipped) These controls allow you to operate some audio and navigation control features when the vehicle is equipped with the navigation feature. Audio control features Press to select: • AM, FM1, FM2, or

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    Driver Controls Navigation control features Press and hold VOICE briefly until icon appears on the the voice Navigation display to use the Navigation voice command. Press RPT (REPEAT) control to hear previous command repeated from the navigation system. Climate control features Press TEMP + or — to

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    Driver Controls When programming your HomeLink威 Wireless Control System to a garage door or gate, be sure that people and objects are out of the way to prevent potential harm or damage. Do not use the HomeLink威 Wireless Control System with any garage door opener that lacks safety stop and reverse

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    Driver Controls 3. Simultaneously press and hold both the HomeLink威 and hand-held transmitter button. Do not release the buttons until step 4 has been completed. Some entry gates and garage door openers may require you to replace step 3 with procedures noted in the “Gate Operator and Canadian

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    Driver Controls Gate Operator & Canadian Programming During programming, your hand-held transmitter may automatically stop transmitting — not allowing enough time for HomeLink威 to accept the signal from the hand-held transmitter. After completing steps 1 and 2 outlined in the “Programming” section,

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    Driver Controls Erasing HomeLink姞 buttons To erase the three programmed buttons (individual buttons cannot be erased): • Press and hold the two outer HomeLink威 buttons until the red indicator light begins to flash-after 20 seconds. Release both buttons. Do not hold for longer that 30 seconds.

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    Driver Controls Selectable features Reset Press this control to select and reset functions shown in the INFO menu and SETUP menu. Info menu This control displays the following control displays: • Trip odometer/Odometer/Compass • Distance to Empty • Average Fuel Economy • Trip Elapsed Drive Time

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    Driver Controls degrees between adjacent zones and will become noticeable as the vehicle crosses multiple zones. A correct zone setting will eliminate this error. Refer to Compass zone/calibration adjustment. Compass zone/calibration adjustment 1. Determine your magnetic zone by referring to the

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    Driver Controls 8. Press the RESET control to start the compass calibration function. 9. Slowly drive the vehicle in a circle (less than 5 km/h [3 mph]) until the CIRCLE SLOWLY TO CALIBRATE display changes to CALIBRATION COMPLETED. It will take up to five circles to complete calibration. 10. The

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    Driver Controls Trip elapsed drive time Select this function from the INFO menu to display a timer. To operate the Trip Elapsed Drive Time perform the following: 1. Press and release RESET in order to start the timer. 2. Press and release RESET to pause the timer. 3. Press and hold RESET for 2

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    Driver Controls Autolocks This feature automatically locks all vehicle doors when the vehicle is shifted into any gear, putting the vehicle in motion. 1. To disable/enable the autolock feature, select this function from the SETUP control for the current display mode. 2. Press the RESET control to

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    Driver Controls Power Liftgate (if equipped) This feature allows users to open/close the rear liftgate at the touch of a button. 1. To disable/enable the power liftgate feature, select this function from the SETUP control for the current display mode. 2. Press the RESET control to turn the power

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    Driver Controls 2. Pressing the RESET control cycles the message center through each of the language choices. 3. Press and hold the RESET control to set the language choice. Units (English/Metric) 1. Select this function from the SETUP menu for the current units to be displayed. 2. Press the RESET

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    Driver Controls System warnings System warnings alert you to possible problems or malfunctions in your vehicle’s operating systems. In the event of a multiple warning situation, the message center will cycle the display to show all warnings by displaying each one for 4 seconds. The message center

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    Driver Controls Warning display Status Check tire pressure Warning returns after the ignition key is turned from OFF to ON. Tire pressure system fault Tire pressure sensor fault Low washer fluid level Check AdvTrac AdvTrac OFF T/C ON Check suspension Suspension switched off Check fuel cap CHECK

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    Driver Controls WARNING-TIRE VERY LOW. Displayed when one or more tires have very low pressure. When this warning message is displayed, a warning chime will sound reminding you to stop the vehicle as soon as safely possible and check your tires for proper pressure, leaks and damage. Refer to

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    Driver Controls CHECK ADVTRAC. Displayed when the AdvanceTrac娂 system is not operating properly. If this message is displayed on the message center the AdvanceTrac娂 system may be partially operable. If this warning stays on while the engine is running, contact your dealer for service as soon as

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    Driver Controls CENTER CONSOLE Your vehicle may be equipped with a variety of console features. These include: • Utility compartment • Cupholders • Coin holder slots • Tissue box holder • Rear audio controls • Power point Use only soft cups in the cupholder. Hard objects can injure you in a

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    Driver Controls POSITIVE RETENTION FLOOR MAT Position the driver floor mat so that the eyelet is over the pointed end of the retention post and rotate forward to lock in. Make sure that the mat does not interfere with the operation of the accelerator or the brake pedal. To remove the floor mat,

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    Driver Controls To open the liftgate with outside release handle (manual actuation): 1. To open, unlock the liftgate with the key fob or power door unlock control. 2. Pull and release the liftgate handle to engage the power assist feature. 3. To open the rear window, push the button on the left

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    Driver Controls 2. Power open the liftgate by using the keyfob or overhead console button. 3. Once the liftgate is fully open, close the liftgate using the keyfob or overhead console button. Note: If the power liftgate system is turned <OFF> in the message center, the system can not be activated

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    Driver Controls LUGGAGE RACK The rear cross-bar can be adjusted to fit the item being carried. The front cross-bar does not move. To adjust cross-bar position: 1. Loosen the thumbscrews at both ends of the rear cross-bar. 2. Slide the cross-bar to the desired location. 3. Tighten the thumbscrews at

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    Locks and Security KEYS The key operates all locks on your vehicle. In case of loss, replacement keys are available from your dealer. You should always carry a second key with you in a safe place in case you require it in an emergency. Refer to SecuriLock娂 Passive Anti-Theft System for more

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    Locks and Security Childproof door locks When these locks are set, the rear doors cannot be opened from the inside. The rear doors can be opened from the outside when the doors are unlocked. The childproof locks are located on rear edge of each rear door and must be set separately for each door.

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    Locks and Security • 4–button remote • 5–button remote Press the control a second time within three seconds to unlock all doors and liftgate. Locking the doors/liftgate Press this control to lock all doors and liftgate. To confirm all doors are closed and locked, press the control a second time

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    Locks and Security • 5–button remote If any of the doors or liftgate are ajar, the horn will make two quick chirps, reminding you to properly close all doors. Unlocking the liftgate window Press the control to unlatch the liftgate window. • 4–button remote • 5–button remote 171 2004 Navigator (nav)

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    Locks and Security Opening the power liftgate (if equipped) Press the control twice to fully unlatch and open the liftgate. Make sure all persons are clear of the liftgate area before using power liftgate control. In order to fully lower and latch the liftgate, press the control twice. If the

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    Locks and Security • 4–button remote • 5–button remote To deactivate the alarm, press the control again or turn the ignition to the 2 (ACCESSORY) or 3 (ON) position. Memory feature The remote entry system can also control the memory feature. Press the control once to unlock the driver’s door.

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    Locks and Security • 5–button remote Activating the memory feature To activate this feature: 1. Position the seat, rearview mirror, and adjustable pedals to the positions you desire. 2. Press the SET control on the driver’s door panel. 3. Within 5 five seconds, press one control on the remote

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    Locks and Security To replace the battery: 1. Twist a thin coin between the two halves of the remote entry transmitter near the key ring. DO NOT TAKE THE RUBBER COVER AND CIRCUIT BOARD OFF THE FRONT HOUSING OF THE REMOTE ENTRY TRANSMITTER. 2. Do not wipe off any grease on the battery terminals on

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    Locks and Security • 4–button remote • 5–button remote Programming remote transmitters It is necessary to have all (maximum of four — original and/or new) of your remote transmitters available prior to beginning this procedure. To program the transmitters yourself: • Unlock all doors using the

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    Locks and Security • Repeat the previous step to program additional remote transmitters. • When you have completed programming the remote transmitters, turn the ignition to the 1 (OFF/LOCK) position or wait 20 seconds. Illuminated entry The lamps illuminate when the remote entry system is used to

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    Locks and Security Power door lock disable feature This feature will help protect your vehicle from unauthorized entry. The UNLOCK function on the power door control will not operate with the ignition in the 1 (OFF/LOCK) position and twenty seconds after the doors are closed and electronically

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    Locks and Security Note: The 5–digit code (e.g. 12345) will be in large, BOLD numbers on the module label. When pressing the controls on the keyless entry keypad, press the middle of the controls to ensure a good activation. Programming your own personal entry code To program your own code: 6.

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    Locks and Security Anti-scan feature If the wrong code has been entered 7 times (35 consecutive button presses), the keypad is disabled for one minute and the keypad lamp will flash during this time. Note: Pressing 7 • 8 and the 9 • 0 simultaneously during this one minute period will still lock the

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    Locks and Security THEFT INDICATOR The theft indicator is the flashing red indicator located on the dash panel. • When the ignition is in the 1 (OFF/LOCK) position, the indicator will flash once every 2 seconds to indicate the SecuriLock娂 system is functioning as a theft deterrent. • When the

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    Locks and Security If any of these items are present, you need to keep these objects from touching the coded key while starting the engine. These objects and devices cannot damage the coded key, but can cause a momentary “no start” condition if they are too close to the key during engine start. If

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    Locks and Security 1. Insert the first previously 3 programmed coded key into the ignition and turn the ignition from 2 the 1 (OFF/LOCK) to the 3 (ON) position [maintain ignition in 3 (ON) 4 for at least three seconds, but no more than ten seconds]. 2. Turn ignition from 3 (ON) back to 1 the 1

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    Seating and Safety Restraints SEATING Front row adjustable head restraints Your vehicle’s seats are equipped with four-way adjustable head restraints. The purpose of these head restraints is to help limit head motion in the event of a rear collision. To properly adjust your head restraints, lift

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Adjusting the front power seat Never adjust the driver’s seat or seatback when the vehicle is moving. Do not pile cargo higher than the seatbacks to avoid injuring people in a collision or sudden stop. Always drive and ride with your seatback upright and the lap belt

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Press the control to recline the seatback forward or rearward. Memory seats/rearview mirrors/adjustable pedals This system allows automatic positioning of the driver seat, outside rearview mirrors, and adjustable pedals to two programmable positions. The memory seat

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    Seating and Safety Restraints CLIMATE CONTROLLED SEATS (if equipped) The controls for the climate controlled seats are located on the center console. To operate the climate controlled seats the engine must be running. • Push the icon on the button to activate cooled seats. A blue light illuminates

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    Seating and Safety Restraints • There is a filter located under both front seats. ;;;; • It can be accessed from the second row seat. Move the front seat all the way forward and up to ease access. To remove climate controlled seat air filter: • Remove key from ignition. • Push on the outside rigid

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    Seating and Safety Restraints • First, position the filter in it’s housing making sure that the far forward end is all the way up in the housing. Then push in on the center of the outside edge of the filter and rotate up into the housing until it clips into position. REAR SEATS Second row seats

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Adjusting the 2nd row outboard seat for E-Z Entry The 2nd row outboard seats allow for easier entry and exit to and from the 3rd row seat. To enter the 3rd row seat: 1. Locate the handle on the side of the seat, lifting it to release the seatback. 2. Pull up on the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 3. To return the seat to a seating position, push down on the seat until the seat is latched to the floor. 4. With the seat in the flat back position, lift up on the lever located on the side of the seat cushion. This will allow the seat back to be lifted to the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 1. Locate the handle on the side of the seat, lifting it to release the seatback. 2. Ensure that the seat back is locked in the down position by applying pressure to the seat back. 3. Locate the latch strap at the front of the seat and pull to release the seat into a

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    Seating and Safety Restraints The rear latch hooks must be properly engaged with the floor striker. Position the rear legs of the seat over the floor strikers and engage. 2. With the seat in the flat back position, lift up on the lever located on the side of the seat cushion. This will allow the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 2. With the latch released the seatback can be lowered into the load floor position. 3. To return the seat to the upright position, lift the seatback until the latch is fully engaged. Adjusting the second row 20% seat (if equipped) Lift the handle to move the seat

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Reclining the second row 40% seatback Locate the release handle located on the outboard side of the seat cushion and lift gently to allow the seatback to be adjusted to the desired location. Reclining the seatback can cause an occupant to slide under the seat’s safety

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    Seating and Safety Restraints The head restraints can be moved up and down. Push control to lower head restraint. Folding down the third row seat to the load floor To prevent possible damage to the seat or safety belts, ensure that the safety belts are not buckled when moving the seat to the load

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Pull up on the handle located behind the seatback while pushing the seatback forward and down into the seat cushion. To return the seatback to its original position lift the seatback until it latches into place. Third row power folding seat (if equipped) The control

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Push the top of the control button to return the seatback to its original position. The power folding seats are designed to stall within 1–10 seconds of encountering an obstruction when opening or closing. Should this occur, remove the obstruction and wait

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    Seating and Safety Restraints • Restraint system warning light and back-up tone. • The electrical wiring for the air bags, crash sensor(s), safety belt pretensioners, front safety belt usage sensors, driver seat position sensor, and indicator lights. How does the personal safety system work? The

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Front safety belt usage sensors The front safety belt usage sensors detect whether or not the driver and front outboard passenger safety belts are fastened. This information allows your Personal Safety System to tailor the air bag deployment and safety belt

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    Seating and Safety Restraints If any of these things happen, even intermittently, have the Personal Safety System serviced at your dealership or by a qualified technician immediately. Unless serviced, the system may not function properly in the event of a collision. Safety restraints precautions

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Always transport children 12 years old and under in the back seat and always properly use appropriate child restraints. Safety belts and seats can become hot in a vehicle that has been closed up in sunny weather; they could burn a small child. Check seat covers and

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    Seating and Safety Restraints movement. For example, if the driver brakes suddenly or turns a corner sharply, or the vehicle receives an impact of approximately 8 km/h (5 mph) or more, the combination safety belts will lock to help reduce forward movement of the driver and passengers. Automatic

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    Seating and Safety Restraints How to disengage the automatic locking mode Unbuckle the combination lap and shoulder belt and allow it to retract completely to disengage the automatic locking mode and return to the vehicle sensitive (emergency) locking mode. After any vehicle collision, the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Front and second row safety belt height adjustment Your vehicle has safety belt height adjustments for the driver, right front passenger and second row outboard passengers. Adjust the height of the shoulder belt so the belt rests across the middle of your shoulder. To

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Conditions of operation If… The driver safety belt is not buckled before the ignition switch is turned to the ON position… Then… The safety belt warning light illuminates 1-2 minutes and the warning chime sounds 4-8 seconds. The safety belt warning light and

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    Seating and Safety Restraints The following are reasons most often given for not wearing safety belts: (All statistics based on U.S. data) Reasons given… “Crashes are rare events” Consider… 36 700 crashes occur every day. The more we drive, the more we are exposed to “rare” events, even for

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Do not sit on top of a buckled safety belt to avoid the Belt Minder娂 chime. Sitting on the safety belt will increase the risk of injury in an accident. To disable (one-time) or deactivate the Belt Minder娂 feature please follow the directions stated below. One time

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 5. Buckle then unbuckle the safety belt three times, ending with the safety belt unbuckled. • After step 5 the safety belt warning light will be turned on for three seconds. 6. Within seven seconds of the safety belt warning light turning off, buckle then unbuckle the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints safety belt assemblies in use in vehicles involved in a collision be replaced. However, if the collision was minor and a qualified technician finds that the belts do not show damage and continue to operate properly, they do not need to be replaced. Safety belt

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Always transport children 12 years old and under in the back seat and always properly use appropriate child restraints. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends a minimum distance of at least 25 cm (10 inches) between an occupant’s chest

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Children and air bags Children must always be properly restrained. Accident statistics suggest that children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seating positions than in the front seating position. Failure to follow these instructions may increase the risk

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    Seating and Safety Restraints The air bags inflate and deflate rapidly upon activation. After air bag deployment, it is normal to notice a smoke-like, powdery residue or smell the burnt propellant. This may consist of cornstarch, talcum powder (to lubricate the bag) or sodium compounds (e.g.,

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    Seating and Safety Restraints impact sensors, the system wiring, the air bag system readiness light, the air bag back up power and the air bag ignitors). Determining if the system is operational The SRS uses a readiness light in the instrument cluster or a tone to indicate the condition of the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Do not attempt to service, repair, or modify the Safety Canopy娂 system, its fuses, the A, B, or C pillar trim, or the headliner on a vehicle containing a Safety Canopy娂. See your Ford or Lincoln Mercury dealer. All occupants of the vehicle including the driver should

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    Seating and Safety Restraints • Two crash sensors mounted in the front doors (one on each side). • Two crash sensors located at the c-pillar behind the rear doors (one on each side). • Rollover sensor in the restraints control module (RCM). The Safety Canopy娂 system, in combination with seat belts,

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Several Safety Canopy娂 system components get hot after inflation. Do not touch them after inflation. If the Safety Canopy娂 system has deployed, the Safety Canopy娂 will not function again unless replaced. The Safety Canopy娂 system (including the A, B and C pillar trim)

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    Seating and Safety Restraints SAFETY RESTRAINTS FOR CHILDREN See the following sections for directions on how to properly use safety restraints for children. Also see Air bag supplemental restraint system (SRS) in this chapter for special instructions about using air bags. Important child restraint

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Child booster seats Children outgrow a typical convertible or toddler seat when they weigh 40 pounds and are around 4 years of age. Although the lap/shoulder belt will provide some protection, these children are still too small for lap/shoulder belts to fit properly,

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Types of booster seats There are two types of belt-positioning booster seats: • Those that are backless. If your backless booster seat has a removable shield, remove the shield and use the lap/shoulder belt. If a seating position has a low seat back and no head

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    Seating and Safety Restraints Follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer of the booster seat. Never put the shoulder belt under a child’s arm or behind the back because it eliminates the protection for the upper part of the body and may increase the risk of injury or death in a collision.

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    Seating and Safety Restraints • Put the safety belt in the automatic locking mode. Refer to Automatic locking mode section in this chapter. • The second row center seat can be moved forward to keep a child in a child restraint close to the front seat occupants. The seat should be moved to the full

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 1. Position the child safety seat in a seat with a combination lap and shoulder belt. 2. Pull down on the shoulder belt and then grasp the shoulder belt and lap belt together. 3. While holding the shoulder and lap belt portions together, route the tongue through the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 4. Insert the belt tongue into the proper buckle (the buckle closest to the direction the tongue is coming from) for that seating position until you hear a snap and feel the latch engage. Make sure the tongue is latched securely by pulling on it. 5. To put the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 8. Allow the safety belt to retract to remove any slack in the belt. 9. Before placing the child in the seat, forcibly move the seat forward and back to make sure the seat is securely held in place. To check this, grab the seat at the belt path and attempt to move it

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    Seating and Safety Restraints • Second row bucket seats Attach the tether strap only to the appropriate tether anchor as shown. The tether strap may not work properly if attached somewhere other than the correct tether anchor. Second row seating positions 1. Position the child safety seat on the

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 4. Grasp the tether strap and position it to the seat frame. 5. Rotate the tether strap, and clip the tether strap to the anchor on the seat frame. 6. Rotate the tether strap clip. 7. Tighten the child safety seat tether strap according to the manufacturer’s

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 3. Locate the anchor webbing loop for the seating position. • You may need to pull back the top of the hinged panel along the bottom of the seat back to access the tether anchor. 4. Clip the tether strap through the anchor loop as shown. If the tether strap is clipped

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    Seating and Safety Restraints 6. Tighten the child safety seat tether strap according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the safety seat is not anchored properly, the risk of a child being injured in a collision greatly increases. Attaching safety seats with LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for

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    Seating and Safety Restraints The lower anchors for child seat installation are located at the rear section of the second row seat between the cushion and seat back. The LATCH anchors are below the locator symbols on the seat back. Follow the child seat manufacturer’s instructions to properly

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    Driving STARTING Positions of the ignition 1. OFF/LOCK, locks the steering 3 wheel, automatic transmission gearshift lever and allows key 2 removal. 4 2. ACCESSORY, allows the electrical accessories such as the radio to operate while the engine is not running. 1 3. ON, all electrical circuits

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    Driving If you smell exhaust fumes inside your vehicle, have your dealer inspect your vehicle immediately. Do not drive if you smell exhaust fumes. Important safety precautions A computer system controls the engine’s idle revolutions per minute (RPM). When the engine starts, the idle RPM runs

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    Driving 5. Turn the key to 3 (ON) without turning the key to 4 (START). 3 2 4 1 Make sure the corresponding lights illuminate or illuminate briefly. If a light fails to illuminate, have the vehicle serviced. • If the driver’s safety belt is fastened, the light may not illuminate. Starting the

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    Driving fails to start, press the accelerator to the floor and try again; this will allow the engine to crank with the fuel shut off in case the engine is flooded with fuel. Using the engine block heater (if equipped) If your vehicle is factory-equipped with an engine block heater, a rubber

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    Driving If you smell exhaust fumes inside your vehicle, have your dealer inspect your vehicle immediately. Do not drive if you smell exhaust fumes. Important ventilating information If the engine is idling while the vehicle is stopped for a long period of time, open the windows at least one inch

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    Driving self-check after you start the engine and begin to drive away. A brief mechanical noise may be heard during this test. This is normal. If a malfunction is found, the ABS warning light will come on. If the vehicle has continuous vibration or shudder in the steering wheel while braking, the

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    Driving achieve maximum braking pressure. Once a panic brake application is detected, the system will remain activated as long as the brake pedal is depressed. The system is deactivated by releasing the brake pedal. When the system activates, the brake pedal will travel with very little effort;

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    Driving If the parking brake fails to release after completing this procedure, use the manual parking brake release lever. Pull the release lever to release the brake. Driving with the parking brake on will cause the brakes to wear out quickly and reduce fuel economy. STEERING Your vehicle is

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    Driving AIR SUSPENSION SYSTEM The air suspension system is designed to improve ride comfort, vehicle handling and general vehicle performance by adjusting the vehicle’s ride height according to vehicle speed, weight added to or removed from the vehicle and four-wheel drive (if equipped) operation.

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    Driving Press the bottom portion of the switch to turn off the air suspension. LIMITED-SLIP AXLE (IF EQUIPPED) This axle provides added traction on slippery surfaces, particularly when one wheel is on a poor traction surface. Under normal conditions, the limited slip axle functions like a standard

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    Driving Vehicles with a higher center of gravity such as utility and four-wheel drive vehicles handle differently than vehicles with a lower center of gravity. Utility and four-wheel drive vehicles are not designed for cornering at speeds as high as passenger cars any more than low-slung sports

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    Driving Roll Stability Control enhances your vehicle’s stability during maneuvers that require all available tire traction, like in wet/snowy/icy road conditions and/or when performing emergency maneuvers. In an emergency lane-change, the driver will experience better overall vehicle traction, and

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    Driving The Roll Stability Control button allows the driver to control the O F availability of the Roll Stability F Control system. The Roll Stability Control system status is indicated by a warning indicator light with a “sliding car” icon in the instrument cluster that will flash when the system

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    Driving Do not alter or modify your vehicle’s suspension or steering; the resulting changes to the vehicle’s handling can adversely affect the Roll Stability Control system. Also, do not install a stereo loudspeaker near the front center console or under either front seat. The speaker vibrations

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    Driving 3. Pull the bezel assembly up far enough to expose the inside of the gearshift lever compartment. 4. Press and hold the white button located along side the shifter housing assembly (as shown in the illustration). Press the gearshift lever release on the shifter knob and move the gearshift

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    Driving If the parking brake is fully released, but the brake warning lamp remains illuminated, the brakes may not be working properly. See your dealer or a qualified service technician. Driving with a 4–speed automatic transmission Your vehicle’s automatic transmission is equipped with a special

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    Driving Always set the parking brake fully and make sure the gearshift is latched in P (Park). Turn the ignition to the LOCK position and remove the key whenever you leave your vehicle. R (Reverse) With the gearshift lever in R (Reverse), the vehicle will move backward. Always come to a complete

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    Driving D (Drive) without Overdrive D (Drive) with Overdrive can be deactivated by pressing the transmission control switch (TCS) on the end of the gearshift lever. O D P R N D 2 1 The transmission control indicator light (TCIL) will illuminate in the instrument cluster. Transmission operates in

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    Driving 2 (Second) Use 2 (Second) to start-up on slippery roads or to provide additional engine braking on downgrades. O D P R N D 2 1 1 (First) Use 1 (Low) to provide maximum engine braking on steep downgrades. Upshifts can be made by shifting to 2 (Second) or to D (Drive). Selecting 1 (Low) at

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    Driving If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow, it may be rocked out by shifting from forward and reverse gears, stopping between shifts in a steady pattern. Press lightly on the accelerator in each gear. Do not rock the vehicle if the engine is not at

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    Driving The system detects obstacles up to a maximum range of 20 feet (six meters at speeds above 2 mph [3 km/h]) or 10 feet (3 meters at speeds below 2 mph [3 km/h) behind the rear bumper with a decreased coverage area at the outer corners of the bumper, (refer to the figures for approximate zone

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    Driving CONTROL TRAC FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE (4X4) OPERATION (IF EQUIPPED) For important information regarding safe operation of this type of vehicle, see Preparing to drive your vehicle in this chapter. If equipped with the Control Trac 4×4 System, and 4L (4×4 LOW) is selected while the vehicle is

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    Driving Positions of the Control Trac system The Control Trac system functions in four modes: • 2H (2WD HIGH) delivers power to the rear wheels only. This is appropriate for normal on-road driving on dry pavement. • A4WD (4X4 AUTO) provides electronic control four-wheel drive with power delivered

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    Driving Utility and four-wheel drive vehicles are not designed for cornering at speeds as high as passenger cars any more than low-slung sports cars are designed to perform satisfactorily under off-road conditions. Avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers in these vehicles. Note: The Control Trac

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    Driving Shifting from 2H, A4WD or 4H to 4L 1. Bring the vehicle to a stop and keep the brake pedal depressed. 2. Place the gearshift in N (Neutral). 3. Move the control to the 4L position. Note: Some noise may be heard as the system shifts or engages. Shifting from 4L to 4H, A4WD or 2H 1. Bring the

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    Driving The differences that make your vehicle so versatile also make it handle differently than an ordinary passenger car. Maintain steering wheel control at all times, especially in rough terrain. Since sudden changes in terrain can result in abrupt steering wheel motion, make sure you grip the

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    Driving Vehicles with a higher center of gravity such as utility and four-wheel drive vehicles handle differently than vehicles with a lower center of gravity. Utility and four-wheel drive vehicles are not designed for cornering at speeds as high as passenger cars any more than low-slung sports

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    Driving called for. Avoid abrupt steering, acceleration or braking which could result in an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover and/or personal injury. Use all available road surface to return the vehicle to a safe direction of travel. • In the event of an emergency stop,

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    Driving momentary clunk and ratcheting sounds. This is the front drivetrain coming up to speed and engaging the front wheels, and is not cause for concern. Sand When driving over sand, try to keep all four wheels on the most solid area of the trail. Avoid reducing the tire pressures but shift to a

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    Driving slick mud. As when you are driving over sand, apply the accelerator slowly and avoid spinning your wheels. If the vehicle does slide, steer in the direction of the slide until you regain control of the vehicle. If the transmission, transfer case or front axle are submerged in water, their

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    Driving Apply just enough power to the wheels to climb the hill. Too much power will cause the tires to slip, spin or lose traction, resulting in loss of vehicle control. Descend a hill in the same gear you would use to climb up the hill to avoid excessive brake application and brake overheating.

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    Driving Tires, Replacement Requirements Do not use a size and type of tire and wheel other than that originally provided by Ford Motor Company because it can affect the safety and performance of your vehicle, which could result in an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover

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    Driving Each day before you drive, check your tires. If one looks lower than the others, use a tire gauge to check pressure of all tires, and adjust if required. Check tire pressure with a tire gauge monthly (including spare). Safe vehicle operation requires your tires to be set at the proper

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    Driving If driving through deep or standing water is unavoidable, proceed very slowly. Never drive through water that is higher than the bottom of the hubs (for trucks) or the bottom of the wheel rims (for cars). Once through the water, always try the brakes. Wet brakes do not stop the vehicle as

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    Driving equipment must be subtracted from the payload listed on the tire label in order to determine the new payload. The appropriate loading capacity of your vehicle can be limited either by volume capacity (how much space is available) or by payload capacity (how much weight the vehicle should

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    Driving Cargo Weight – includes all weight added to the Base Curb Weight, including cargo and optional equipment. When towing, trailer tongue load or king pin weight is also part of cargo weight. GAW (Gross Axle Weight) – is the total weight placed on each axle (front and rear) – including vehicle

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    Driving GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) – is the maximum allowable weight of the fully loaded vehicle (including all options, equipment, passengers and cargo). The GVWR is shown on the Safety Compliance Certification Label located on the driver’s door or door pillar. The GVW must never exceed

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    Driving 10–15% (conventional trailer) or king pin weight of 15–25% (fifth wheel trailer), and driver only (150 lbs. [68 kg]). Consult your dealership (or the RV and Trailer Towing Guide provided by your dealership) for more detailed information. Tongue Load or Fifth Wheel King Pin Weight – refers

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    Driving 6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load from your trailer will be transferred to your vehicle. Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle. Special loading instructions for owners of pickup trucks and utility-type

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    Driving • Use extra caution when driving while trailer towing. Refer to Driving while you tow in this chapter. • Service your vehicle more frequently if you tow a trailer. Refer to the severe duty schedule in the scheduled maintenance guide. • Do not tow a trailer until your vehicle has been driven

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    Driving Engine 5.4L with standard trailer tow package 5.4L with optional trailer tow package Maximum GCWR — lbs. (kg) 4×2 Trailer weight range (0 — maximum) — lbs. (kg) All 11900 (5397) 0–6000 (0–2721) All 14500 (6576) 0–8600 (0–3900) Rear axle ratio 4×4 5.4L with standard All 12200 (5533) 0–6000

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    Driving INTEGRATED HITCH RATING The standard integrated hitch has two ratings depending on mode of operation: • Weight carrying — requires a draw bar and hitch ball. The draw bar supports all the vertical tongue load of the trailer. • Weight distributing — requires an aftermarket weight

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    Driving 1. Loosen the two push pins in the bottom of the cover by turning them counterclockwise with a flathead screwdriver or similar object. 2. To reinstall the cover, insert the three plastic tabs into their slots (as shown in the illustration) and push the cover up into the bumper trim. 3. Hold

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    Driving 2. Turn the air suspension (if equipped) control to OFF. 3. Measure the height of a reference point on the front and rear bumpers at the center of the vehicle. 4. Attach the trailer to the vehicle and adjust the hitch equalizers so that the front bumper height is within a 1⁄2 inch (0–13 mm)

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    Driving Driving while you tow When towing a trailer: • Turn off the speed control. The speed control may shut off automatically when you are towing on long, steep grades. • Consult your local motor vehicle speed regulations for towing a trailer. • To eliminate excessive shifting, use a lower gear.

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    Driving When backing down a ramp during boat launching or retrieval: • do not allow the static water level to rise above the bottom edge of the rear bumper. • do not allow waves to break higher than 6 inches (15 cm) above the bottom edge of the rear bumper. Exceeding these limits may allow water to

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    Roadside Emergencies GETTING ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE To fully assist you should you have a vehicle concern, Ford Motor Company offers a complimentary roadside assistance program. This program is separate from the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. The service is available: • 24–hours, seven days a week •

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    Roadside Emergencies Canadian customers who require roadside assistance, call 1–800–665–2006. If you need to arrange roadside assistance for yourself, Ford Motor Company will reimburse a reasonable amount. To obtain reimbursement information, U.S. Ford or Mercury vehicles customers call

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    Roadside Emergencies The fuel pump shut-off switch has a red reset button on top of it and is located beneath the air suspension switch (if equipped). Use the following procedure to reset the fuel pump shut-off switch. 1. Turn the ignition to the OFF position. 2. Check the fuel system for leaks. 3.

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    Roadside Emergencies Standard fuse amperage rating and color COLOR Fuse rating Mini fuses Standard fuses Maxi fuses 2A 3A 4A 5A 7.5A 10A 15A 20A 25A 30A 40A 50A 60A 70A 80A Grey Violet Pink Tan Brown Red Blue Yellow Natural Green — — — — — Grey Violet Pink Tan Brown Red Blue Yellow Natural Green —

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    Roadside Emergencies To remove the fuse box cover, place a finger behind the PULL tab and your thumb above the PULL tab as shown in the illustration, then pull the cover off. To reinstall the fuse box cover, place the top part of the cover on the fuse panel, then push the bottom part of the cover

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    Roadside Emergencies The fuses are coded as follows. Fuse/Relay Location 1 Fuse Amp Rating 10A* 2 20A* 3 7.5A* 4 15A* 5 7.5A* 6 15A* 7 7.5A* Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Run/Accessory — Instrument cluster, Front wiper motor, Rear wiper motor, Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS)

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    Roadside Emergencies Fuse/Relay Location 8 Fuse Amp Rating 10A* 9 15A* 10 20A* 11 10A* 12 13 10A* 10A* 14 10A* 15 5A* 16 10A* 17 15A* Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Rear window defroster switch, Heated outside mirrors, Rear window defroster indicator (climate control head) Fuel pump

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    Roadside Emergencies Fuse/Relay Location 18 Fuse Amp Rating 10A* 19 20 10A* 30A* 21 15A* 22 10A* 23 24 10A* 15A* 25 26 27 10A* 20A* 5A* 28 5A* Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Auxiliary A/C temperature blend door actuator, Auxiliary A/C front auxiliary control, Park brake release relay

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    Roadside Emergencies Fuse/Relay Location 29 Fuse Amp Rating 30A* 30 30A* 31 20A* 32 15A* 33 10A* 34 15A* 35 20A* 36 37 38 10A* 20A* 25A* 39 40 20A* 20A* Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Trailer tow electric brake controller, Trailer tow 7–wire connector (electric brake) BSM (door locks,

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    Roadside Emergencies Fuse/Relay Location 41 Fuse Amp Rating 20A* 42 101 10A* 30A** 102 103 30A** 30A** 104 30A** 105 30A** 106 30A** 107 30A** 108 30A** 109 30A** 110 111 30A** 50A** 112 113 30A** 30A** 114 40A** 115 30A** Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Cigar lighter, OBD II

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    Roadside Emergencies Fuse/Relay Location 116 117 118 401 R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06 R201 R202 R203 R301 Fuse Amp Rating 40A** Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Front blower motor relay, Front blower motor 30A** RH 3rd row seat relay, RH 3rd row seat switch, RH 3rd row seat motor 30A**

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    Roadside Emergencies Fuse/Relay Location R302 R303 R304 Fuse Amp Rating Speed control relay Fuel pump relay Battery saver relay Passenger Compartment Fuse Panel Description Speed control servo Fuel pump shut-off switch, PCM (fuel pump monitor), Fuel pump Roof rail lamps, Vanity mirror lamps,

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    Roadside Emergencies you have a dissimilar spare tire/wheel, then it is intended for temporary use only. This means that if you need to use it, you should replace it as soon as possible with a road tire/wheel that is the same size and type as the road tires and wheels that were originally provided

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    Roadside Emergencies Location of the spare tire and tools The spare tire and tools for your vehicle are stowed in the following locations: Item Spare tire Location Under the vehicle, just forward of the rear bumper Jack tools and jacking instructions Under the access panel located in the floor

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    Roadside Emergencies Tire change procedure To help prevent the vehicle from moving when you change a tire, be sure the parking brake is set, then block (in both directions) the wheel that is diagonally opposite (other side and end of the vehicle) to the tire being changed. If the vehicle slips off

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    Roadside Emergencies 3. Obtain the spare tire and jack from their storage locations. Turn off the air suspension switch (the air suspension switch is located behind a trim panel on the left rear quarter trim panel. Refer to Air Suspension System in the Driving section for more information.). Also,

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    Roadside Emergencies When one of the rear wheels is off the ground, the transmission alone will not prevent the vehicle from moving or slipping off the jack, even if the transmission is in P (Park). To prevent the vehicle from moving when you change the tire, be sure that the parking brake is set

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    Roadside Emergencies • Never use the front or rear differential as a jacking point. To lessen the risk of personal injury, do not put any part of your body under the vehicle while changing a tire. Do not start the engine when your vehicle is on the jack. The jack is only meant for changing the

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    Roadside Emergencies 2. Slide the wheel partially under the vehicle and install the retainer through the wheel center. After doing so, pull on the cable to align the components at the end of the cable. 3. Assemble the jack handle and winch extension (as shown in illustration), then insert the winch

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    Roadside Emergencies JUMP STARTING YOUR VEHICLE The gases around the battery can explode if exposed to flames, sparks, or lit cigarettes. An explosion could result in injury or vehicle damage. Batteries contain sulfuric acid which can burn skin, eyes and clothing, if contacted. Do not attempt to

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    Roadside Emergencies Connecting the jumper cables + + – – 1. Connect the positive (+) jumper cable to the positive (+) terminal of the discharged battery. Note: In the illustrations, lightning bolts are used to designate the assisting (boosting) battery. + + – – 2. Connect the other end of the

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    Roadside Emergencies + + – – 3. Connect the negative (-) cable to the negative (-) terminal of the assisting battery. + + – – 4. Make the final connection of the negative (-) cable to the jump starting stud located in the rear of the engine compartment, near the battery. Do not use fuel lines,

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    Roadside Emergencies Do not connect the end of the second cable to the negative (-) terminal of the battery to be jumped. A spark may cause an explosion of the gases that surround the battery. 5. Ensure that the cables are clear of fan blades, belts, moving parts of both engines, or any fuel

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    Roadside Emergencies + + – – 2. Remove the jumper cable on the negative (-) connection of the booster vehicle’s battery. + + – – 3. Remove the jumper cable from the positive (+) terminal of the booster vehicle’s battery. + + – – 4. Remove the jumper cable from the positive (+) terminal of the

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    Roadside Emergencies WRECKER TOWING If you need to have your vehicle towed, contact a professional towing service or, if you are a member of a roadside assistance program, your roadside assistance service provider. It is recommended that your vehicle be towed with a wheel lift or flatbed equipment.

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    Roadside Emergencies With a disabled vehicle (without access to wheel dollies, car hauling trailer or flatbed transport vehicle) your vehicle can be towed (all wheels on the ground) under the following conditions: Special Conditions: • Release the parking brake. • Turn the air suspension control to

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    Customer Assistance GETTING THE SERVICES YOU NEED At home You must take your Lincoln or Mercury vehicle to an authorized Lincoln Mercury dealer for warranty repairs. While any Ford, Lincoln or Mercury dealership handling your vehicle line will provide warranty service, we recommend you return to

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    Customer Assistance In Canada: Customer Relationship Centre Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited P.O. Box 2000 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E4 1-800-565-3673 (FORD) www.ford.ca If you own a Lincoln vehicle and are away from home when your vehicle needs service, or if you need more help than the

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    Customer Assistance In the United States, a warranty dispute must be submitted to the Dispute Settlement Board before taking action under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, or to the extent allowed by state law, before pursuing replacement or repurchase remedies provided by certain state laws. This

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    Customer Assistance procedures and/or to discontinue this service without notice and without incurring obligations per applicable state law. What kinds of cases does the Board review? Unresolved warranty repair concerns or vehicle performance concerns as on Ford and Lincoln Mercury cars and Ford

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    Customer Assistance What the Board needs To have your case reviewed you must complete the application in the DSB brochure and mail it to the address provided on the application form. Some states will require you to use certified mail, with return receipt requested. Your application is reviewed and,

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    Customer Assistance Every effort is made to decide the case within 40 days of the date that all requested information is received by the Board. Since the Board generally meets once a month, it may take longer for the Board to consider some cases. After a case is reviewed, the Board mails you a

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    Customer Assistance parties, make decisions and, when appropriate, render awards to resolve disputes. CAMVAP decisions are fast, fair, and final; the arbitrator’s award is binding both to you and Ford of Canada. CAMVAP services are available in all territories and provinces. For more information,

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    Customer Assistance ORDERING ADDITIONAL OWNER’S LITERATURE To order the publications in this portfolio, contact Helm, Incorporated at: HELM, INCORPORATED P.O. Box 07150 Detroit, Michigan 48207 Or call: For a free publication catalog, order toll free: 1-800-782-4356 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. — 6:00

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    Customer Assistance 3. The vehicle is out of service for repair of nonconformities for a total of more than 30 calendar days (not necessarily all at one time) In the case of 1 or 2 above, the consumer must also notify the manufacturer of the need for the repair of the nonconformity at the following

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    Cleaning WASHING THE EXTERIOR Wash your vehicle regularly with cool or lukewarm water and a neutral Ph shampoo, such as Motorcraft Detail Wash (ZC-3–A), which is available from your dealer. • Never use strong household detergents or soap, such as dish washing or laundry liquid. These products can

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    Cleaning • Do not allow paint sealant to come in contact with any non-body (low-gloss black) colored trim, such as grained body-side cladding, roof racks, bumper step surfaces, mirror housings or the windshield cowl area. The paint sealant will “gray” or stain the parts over time. PAINT CHIPS Your

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    Cleaning • Spray Motorcraft Engine Shampoo and Degreaser (ZC-20) on all parts that require cleaning and pressure rinse clean. • Cover the highlighted areas to prevent water damage when cleaning the engine. • Never wash or rinse the engine while it is running; water in the running engine may cause

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    Cleaning • Do not use fuel, kerosene, or paint thinner to clean any parts. • Wiper blades can be cleaned with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or windshield washer solution. Be sure to replace wiper blades when they appear worn or do not function properly. Do not use sharp objects, such as a razor

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    Cleaning CLEANING THE CLIMATE CONTROLLED SEATS (IF EQUIPPED) Remove dust and loose dirt with a whisk broom or a vacuum cleaner. Remove fresh spots immediately. Clean the seat with a damp cloth, using a mild soap and water solution, if necessary. LEATHER SEATS Your leather seating surfaces have a

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    Cleaning FORD, LINCOLN AND MERCURY CAR CARE PRODUCTS Your Ford, Lincoln or Mercury dealer has many quality products available to clean your vehicle and protect its finishes. These quality products have been specifically engineered to fulfill your automotive needs; they are custom designed to

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    Maintenance and Specifications SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS To help you service your vehicle: • We highlight do-it-yourself items in the engine compartment for easy location. • We provide a scheduled maintenance guide which makes tracking routine service easy. If your vehicle requires professional

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    Maintenance and Specifications OPENING THE HOOD 1. Inside the vehicle, pull the hood release handle located under the bottom left corner of the instrument panel. 2. Go to the front of the vehicle and release the auxiliary latch located under the front of the hood, just above the passenger side

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    Maintenance and Specifications IDENTIFYING COMPONENTS IN THE ENGINE COMPARTMENT 5.4L 4V V8 engine 1. Battery 2. Automatic transmission fluid dipstick 3. Engine oil filler cap 4. Power steering fluid reservoir 5. Engine oil dipstick 6. Brake fluid reservoir 7. Engine coolant reservoir 8. Air filter

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    Maintenance and Specifications WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID Add fluid to fill the reservoir if the level is low. In very cold weather, do not fill the reservoir completely. Only use a washer fluid that meets Ford specification WSB-M8B16–A2. Refer to Lubricant specifications in this chapter. State or

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    Maintenance and Specifications 4. Open the hood. Protect yourself from engine heat. 5. Locate and carefully remove the engine oil level indicator (dipstick). 6. Wipe the indicator clean. Insert the indicator fully, then remove it again. • If the oil level is between the MIN and MAX marks, the oil

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    Maintenance and Specifications Adding engine oil 1. Check the engine oil. For instructions, refer to Checking the engine oil in this chapter. 2. If the engine oil level is not within the normal range, add only certified engine oil of the recommended viscosity. Remove the engine oil filler cap and

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    Maintenance and Specifications that does not meet Ford material and design specifications, start-up engine noises or knock may be experienced. It is recommended you use the appropriate Motorcraft oil filter (or another brand meeting Ford specifications) for your engine application. BATTERY Your

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    Maintenance and Specifications Batteries normally produce explosive gases which can cause personal injury. Therefore, do not allow flames, sparks or lighted substances to come near the battery. When working near the battery, always shield your face and protect your eyes. Always provide proper

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    Maintenance and Specifications RN LE A TU D RE 7. Drive the vehicle to complete the relearning process. • The vehicle may need to be driven 16 km (10 miles) or more to relearn the idle and fuel trim strategy. • If you do not allow the engine to relearn its idle trim, the idle quality of your

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    Maintenance and Specifications • Enables calibrated gauges to work properly. When the engine is cold, check the level of the engine coolant in the reservoir. • The engine coolant should be at the “FULL COLD” level or within the “COLD FILL RANGE” as listed on the engine coolant reservoir (depending

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    Maintenance and Specifications Do not add engine coolant when the engine is hot. Steam and scalding liquids released from a hot cooling system can burn you badly. Also, you can be burned if you spill coolant on hot engine parts. Do not put engine coolant in the windshield washer fluid container. If

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    Maintenance and Specifications remove the coolant pressure relief cap on the radiator of a vehicle with an overflow system, follow these steps to add engine coolant. To reduce the risk of personal injury, make sure the engine is cool before unscrewing the coolant pressure relief cap. The cooling

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    Maintenance and Specifications Used engine coolant should be disposed of in an appropriate manner. Follow your community’s regulations and standards for recycling and disposing of automotive fluids. Coolant refill capacity To find out how much fluid your vehicle’s cooling system can hold, refer to

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    Maintenance and Specifications What you should know about fail-safe cooling If the engine coolant supply is depleted, this feature allows the vehicle to be driven temporarily before incremental component damage is incurred. The “fail-safe” distance depends on ambient temperatures, vehicle load and

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    Maintenance and Specifications 4. Check the coolant level and replenish if low. Never remove the coolant reservoir cap while the engine is running or hot. 5. Restart the engine and take your vehicle to a service facility. Driving the vehicle without repairing the engine problem increases the chance

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    Maintenance and Specifications Observe the following guidelines when handling automotive fuel: • Extinguish all smoking materials and any open flames before fueling your vehicle. • Always turn off the vehicle before fueling. • Automotive fuels can be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Fuel such as

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    Maintenance and Specifications Use the following guidelines to avoid static build-up when filling an ungrounded fuel container: • Place approved fuel container on the ground. • DO NOT fill a fuel container while it is in the vehicle (including the cargo area). • Keep the fuel pump nozzle in contact

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    Maintenance and Specifications Choosing the right fuel Use only UNLEADED FUEL. The use of leaded fuel is prohibited by law and could damage your vehicle. Your vehicle was not designed to use fuel or fuel additives with metallic compounds, including manganese-based additives. Studies indicate that

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    Maintenance and Specifications performance and emission control system protection for your vehicle. Gasolines that meet the World-wide Fuel Charter should be used when available. Ask your fuel supplier about gasolines that meet the World-wide Fuel Charter. Cleaner air Ford endorses the use of

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    Maintenance and Specifications The advertised capacity is the amount of the indicated capacity and the empty reserve combined. Indicated capacity is the difference in the amount of fuel in a full tank and a tank when the fuel gauge indicates empty. Empty reserve is the small amount of fuel

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    Maintenance and Specifications Keep a record for at least one month and record the type of driving (city or highway). This will provide an accurate estimate of the vehicle’s fuel economy under current driving conditions. Additionally, keeping records during summer and winter will show how

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    Maintenance and Specifications • Perform all regularly scheduled maintenance items. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule and owner maintenance checks found in your vehicle scheduled maintenance guide. Conditions • Heavily loading a vehicle or towing a trailer may reduce fuel economy at any

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    Maintenance and Specifications applicable exhaust emission standards. To make sure that the catalytic converter and other emission control components continue to work properly: • Use only the specified fuel listed. • Avoid running out of fuel. • Do not turn off the ignition while your vehicle is

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    Maintenance and Specifications On board diagnostics (OBD-II) Your vehicle is equipped with a computer that monitors the engine’s emission control system. This system is commonly known as the On Board Diagnostics System (OBD-II). This OBD-II system protects the environment by ensuring that your

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    Maintenance and Specifications engine must warm up to its normal operating temperature. Once started, do not turn off the engine until the above driving cycle is complete. CHECKING AND ADDING POWER STEERING FLUID Check the power steering fluid. Refer to the scheduled maintenance guide for the

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    Maintenance and Specifications BRAKE FLUID RESERVOIR The fluid level will drop slowly as the brakes wear, and will rise when the brake components are replaced. Fluid levels between the “MIN” and “MAX” lines are within the normal operating range, there is no need to add fluid. If the fluid levels

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    Maintenance and Specifications 7. Remove the dipstick and inspect the fluid level. The fluid should be in the designated area for normal operating temperature or ambient temperature. Low fluid level Do not drive the vehicle if the fluid level is at the bottom of the dipstick and the ambient

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    Maintenance and Specifications If necessary, add fluid in 250 mL (1/2 pint) increments through the filler tube until the level is correct. If an overfill occurs, excess fluid should be removed by a qualified ADD COLD HOT DO NOT ADD technician. An overfill condition of transmission fluid may cause

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    Maintenance and Specifications 2. Loosen the clamp that secures the air filter cover to the air filter housing and carefully separate the cover from housing. 3. Remove the air filter element from the air filter housing. 4. Install a new air filter element. Be careful not to crimp the filter element

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    Maintenance and Specifications Tire Quality Grades apply to new pneumatic tires for use on passenger cars. They do not apply to deep tread, winter-type snow tires, space-saver or temporary use spare tires, tires with nominal rim diameters of 10 to 12 inches or limited production tires as defined in

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    Maintenance and Specifications The temperature grade for this tire is established for a tire that is properly inflated and not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinflation, or excessive loading, either separately or in combination, can cause heat buildup and possible tire failure. TIRES Tires are

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    Maintenance and Specifications INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE TIRE SIDEWALL Federal law requires tire manufacturers to place standardized information on the sidewall of all tires. This information identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics of the tire and also provides a U.S. DOT Tire

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    Maintenance and Specifications 7. H: Indicates the tire’s speed rating. The speed rating denotes the speed at which a tire is designed to be driven for extended periods of time under a standard condition of load and inflation pressure. The tires on your vehicle may operate at different conditions

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    Maintenance and Specifications sidewall. Tire manufacturers also must indicate the ply materials in the tire and the sidewall, which include steel, nylon, polyester, and others. 11. Maximum Load: Indicates the maximum load in kilograms and pounds that can be carried by the tire. Refer to the tire

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    Maintenance and Specifications Additional information contained on the tire sidewall for “LT” type tires “LT” type tires have some additional information than those of “P” type tires; these differences are described below: 1. LT: Indicates a tire, designated by the Tire and Rim Association (T&RA),

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    Maintenance and Specifications Information on “T” type tires T145/80D16 is an example of a tire size. Note: The temporary tire size for your vehicle may be different than this example. 1. T: Indicates a type of tire, designated by the Tire and Rim Association (T&RA), that is intended for temporary

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    Maintenance and Specifications Use a tire gauge to check the tire inflation pressure, including the spare, at least monthly and before long trips. You are strongly urged to buy a reliable tire pressure gauge, as automatic service station gauges may be inaccurate. Ford recommends the use of a

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    Maintenance and Specifications 4. Replace the valve cap. 5. Repeat this procedure for each tire, including the spare. Note: Some spare tires require higher inflation pressure than the other tires. Check the tire label on the B pillar or the driver’s door for the recommended spare tire pressure. 6.

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    Maintenance and Specifications • Front Wheel Drive (FWD) vehicles (front tires at top of diagram) • Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) vehicles/Four Wheel Drive (4WD) vehicles (front tires at top of diagram) 356 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA English (fus)

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    Maintenance and Specifications Sometimes irregular tire wear can be corrected by rotating the tires. Note: If your tires show uneven wear ask a qualified technician at a Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealership to check for and correct any wheel misalignment, tire imbalance or mechanical problem involved

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    Maintenance and Specifications • Severe abrasion on the sidewall If your vehicle has a leak in the exhaust system, a road tire or the spare tire may be exposed to hot exhaust temperatures requiring the tire to be replaced. Safety practices Driving habits have a great deal to do with your tire

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    Maintenance and Specifications Only use replacement tires and wheels that are the same size and type (such as P-metric versus LT-metric or all-season versus all-terrain) as those originally provided by Ford. Use of any tire or wheel not recommended by Ford can affect the safety and performance of

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    Maintenance and Specifications approximately 2 to 4 psi (14 to 28 kPa) from a cold start situation. This increase in tire pressure is due to an increase in the contained air temperature. Contained air temperature is dependent upon several factors such as rate of tire rotation, tire deflection,

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    Maintenance and Specifications Changing tires with TPMS It is recommended that you always have your tires serviced by a dealer or qualified technician. Each road tire is equipped with a tire pressure sensor mounted on the wheel inside the tire connected to the valve stem. The tire pressure sensor

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    Maintenance and Specifications • Remove the tire chains when they are no longer needed. Do not use tire chains on dry roads. • The suspension insulation and bumpers will help prevent vehicle damage. Do not remove these components from your vehicle when using snow tires and chains. • Do not exceed

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    Maintenance and Specifications REFILL CAPACITIES Fluid Brake fluid Engine oil (includes filter change)6 Fuel tank Ford Part Name Motorcraft High Performance DOT 3 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluid Motorcraft SAE 5W-20 Premium Synthetic Blend Motor Oil (US) Motorcraft SAE 5W-20 Super Premium Motor Oil

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    Maintenance and Specifications Fluid Engine coolant Front axle lubricant Rear axle lubricant 4 Windshield washer fluid 3 Ford Part Name Motorcraft Premium Gold Engine Coolant (yellow-colored) Motorcraft SAE 75W-90 Fuel Efficient High Performance Synthetic Rear Axle Lubricant Motorcraft SAE 75W-90

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    Maintenance and Specifications 1 Ensure the correct automatic transmission fluid is used. Transmission fluid requirements are indicated on the dipstick or on the dipstick handle. Check the container to verify the fluid being added is of the correct type. Refer to your Scheduled Maintenace Guide to

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    Maintenance and Specifications LUBRICANT SPECIFICATIONS Item Ford part name Multi-Purpose Grease Hinges, latches, striker plates and rotors, seat tracks, fuel filler door hinge and spring Lock cylinders Penetrating and Lock Lubricant Brake fluid Motorcraft High Performance DOT 3 Motor Vehicle Brake

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    Maintenance and Specifications Ford part Ford part name number 4×4 front wheel High E8TZ-19590-A bearings, 4×4 Temperature spindle needle 4×4 Front Axle bearings, spindle & Wheel Bearing thrust bearings Grease & front drive axle u-joint/slip spline Motorcraft XT-2-QDX Automatic MERCON威 ATF

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    Maintenance and Specifications 1 Ensure the correct automatic transmission fluid is used. Transmission fluid requirements are indicated on the dipstick or on the dipstick handle. Check the container to verify the fluid being added is of the correct type. Refer to your Scheduled Maintenance Guide to

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    Maintenance and Specifications Vehicle dimensions (2) Vehicle width with fixed running boards (3) Overall height (4) Wheelbase (5) Track — Front (5) Track — Rear 4×2 and 4×4 mm (in) 2088 (82.2) 1975.0 3018.0 1701.0 1704.0 (77.8) (118.8) (67.0) (67.1) 369 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide

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    Maintenance and Specifications IDENTIFYING YOUR VEHICLE Certification label The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Regulations require that a Certification label be affixed to a vehicle and prescribe where the Certification label may be located. The Certification label is located on the

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    Maintenance and Specifications Vehicle identification number (VIN) The vehicle identification number is attached to a metal tag and is located on the driver side instrument panel. (Please note that in the graphic XXXX is representative of your vehicle identification number.) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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    Maintenance and Specifications Truck application: Code M C W G Y U T E J H D R Transmission Description Manual transmission Manual 5–speed (AKK)) Manual 5–speed overdrive (Close ratio) Manual 5–speed overdrive (Dana ZF) Manual 6–speed ZF Automatic transmission Automatic 4–speed overdrive (CD4E)

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    Maintenance and Specifications Passenger car application: Code R W A E J L P X Y 5 U A Transmission/Transaxle Description Front wheel drive manual transaxle 5–speed overdrive (MTX75) 5–speed overdrive (M5) Front wheel drive automatic transaxle 4–speed overdrive (4F27E) 4–speed overdrive (4FE)

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    Accessories LINCOLN ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE A wide selection of Genuine Lincoln Accessories are available for your vehicle through your local authorized Lincoln or Ford of Canada dealer. These quality accessories have been specifically engineered to fulfill your automotive needs; they are

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    Accessories Lifestyle Bike racks Cargo organization and management Engine block heaters and blankets Rear seat entertainment systems Trailer hitches, wiring harnesses and accessories Peace of mind Airbag anti-theft locks First aid and safety kits Full vehicle covers Locking gas cap Remote start

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    Index A ABS (see Brakes) …………………235 Accessory delay ……………………137 Air bag supplemental restraint system …………….210, 214 and child safety seats …………212 description ………………….210, 214 disposal ………………………………217 driver air

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    Index interior ………………………..315–316 interior trim ……………………….316 plastic parts ……………………….314 safety belts …………………………315 washing ………………………………312 waxing ……………………………….312 wheels

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    Index Engine block heater ……………..234 Engine oil …………………………….321 change oil soon warning, message center …………………..321 checking and adding …………..321 dipstick ………………………………321 filter, specifications ……..323, 362

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    Index Homelink wireless control system ………………………………….147 Hood ……………………………………319 I Ignition ………………………….231, 368 Infant seats (see Safety seats) …………………221 Inspection/maintenance (I/M) testing

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    Index cd functions …………………………60 destination mode ………………….85 DVD location ………………………107 map mode ……………………………64 quick start ……………………………45 radio functions ……………………..52 O Octane rating

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    Index SecuriLock passive anti-theft system ……………180–182 Servicing your vehicle …………..318 Setting the clock AM/FM/In-dash 6 CD …………….23 Snowplowing ……………………………7 Spare tire (see Changing the Tire) ………..289 Spark plugs, specifications

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    Index Windows power …………………………………134 rear wiper/washer ……………….127 Windshield washer fluid and wipers ………………………………….126 382 2004 Navigator (nav) Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) USA English (fus) checking and adding fluid …..321 liftgate

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