Руководство по эксплуатации опель зафира турер

background image


Инструкция по эксплуатации


Инструкция по эксплуатации

Введение ……………………………….. 2
Коротко …………………………………… 6
Ключи, двери и окна ……………… 23
Сиденья, системы защиты …….. 42
Места для хранения ………………. 74
Приборы и средства

управления …………………………. 109
Освещение …………………………. 155
Климат-контроль …………………. 170
Вождение и управление

автомобилем ………………………. 180
Уход за автомобилем ………….. 257
Сервис и техническое

обслуживание ……………………… 306
Технические данные ……………. 310
Информация о клиенте ………… 326
Предметный указатель ………… 328




Технические данные


Запишите параметры Вашего авто‐

мобиля на предыдущей странице и

храните их в легко доступном

месте. Найти эту информацию

можно в разделах «Техническое об‐

служивание» и «Технические дан‐

ные», а также на типовой табличке



Ваш автомобиль — это оптимальное

сочетание передовой технологии,

безопасности, экологичности и эко‐

Настоящее Руководство пользова‐

теля содержит всю необходимую

для уверенного и эффективного

управления Вашим автомобилем

Не только Вы, но и пассажиры

также должны знать о несчастных

случаях и травмах, которые могут

возникнуть при неправильной эксп‐

луатации автомобиля.

Обязательно выполняйте дей‐

ствующие законы и предписания

той страны, в которой находитесь.

Соответствующее законодатель‐

ство может отличаться от приве‐

денной в настоящем Руководстве

При необходимости посещения

станции техобслуживания мы реко‐

мендуем обращаться к Авторизо‐

ванному сервисному центру Opel.

Для обслуживания автомобилей с

газобаллонным оборудованием

рекомендуется обращаться на

фирменные станции технического

обслуживания Opel, авторизован‐

ные для обслуживания газотоплив‐

ных систем.
Все Авторизованные сервисные

центры Opel предложат Вам пер‐

воклассный сервис по умеренным

ценам. Опытные специалисты,

прошедшие обучение на фирме

Opel, обслужат Ваш автомобиль,

руководствуясь оригинальными

технологическими инструкциями


Пакет с литературой для клиента

должен всегда находиться в авто‐


Как пользоваться



■ В этой инструкции по эксплуата‐

ции описаны все исполнения и

конструктивные особенности, ко‐

торые доступны для этой мо‐

дели. В зависимости от модели

автомобиля, страны,

встроенного специального

оборудования и

принадлежностей комплектация

Вашего автомобиля, включая

описания дисплея и функций

меню, может отличаться от

описанного в данном


■ Предварительный обзор Вы най‐

дете в главе «Коротко».

■ В содержании в начале данного

руководства и в каждом разделе

указано местоположение инфор‐




■ Конкретную информацию можно

найти с помощью Алфавитного


■ В настоящем Руководстве поль‐

зователя описаны автомобили с

левым расположением руля. Об‐

служивание автомобилей с пра‐

вым рулем выполняется анало‐


■ В Руководстве пользователя ис‐

пользованы заводские обозначе‐

ния двигателя. Соответствую‐

щие торговые обозначения при‐

ведены в разделе «Технические


■ Указания направления, напри‐

мер, влево — вправо или вперед —

назад, всегда приводятся отно‐

сительно направления движе‐


■ Информация на экране дисплея

автомобиля может не отобра‐

жаться на Вашем языке.

■ Сообщения, отображаемые на

дисплее, а также надписи внутри

салона приводятся жирным



Предупреждение и


9 Опасность

Текст, отмеченный

9 Опасность, содержит инфор‐

мацию, связанную с риском

смертельного исхода. Прене‐

брежение этими сведениями

может оказаться опасным для


9 Предупреждение

Текст, помеченный

9 Предупреждение, содержит

информацию, связанную с рис‐

ком несчастного случая или

травмы. Пренебрежение этими

сведениями может стать причи‐

ной травмы.


Текст, помеченный Внимание,

информирует о том, что автомо‐

биль может быть поврежден.

Пренебрежение этой информа‐

цией может привести к повреж‐

дению автомобиля.


Ссылки на страницы обозначаются

с помощью 3. 3 означает «см. стр.».
Желаем Вам счастливого пути.
Adam Opel AG




Исходные сведения,

необходимые при


Отпирание автомобиля

Чтобы отпереть двери и багажное

отделение, нажмите на кнопку c.

Откройте двери, потянув за ручки.

Чтобы открыть заднюю торцевую

откидную дверь, нажмите выклю‐

чатель на сенсорной панели под

Пульт дистанционного управления


24, центральный замок 3 25,

багажное отделение 3 29.

Регулировка сидений

Установка сиденья в

требуемое положение

Потяните ручку, сдвиньте сиденье,

отпустите ручку.
Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.



9 Опасность

Чтобы избежать травмирования

во время срабатывания по‐

душки безопасности, не придви‐

гайтесь к рулевому колесу

ближе чем на 25 см.

Спинки сидений

Потяните рычаг, отрегулируйте на‐

клон и отпустите рычаг. Сиденье

должно зафиксироваться в новом

положении с характерным щел‐

Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.

Высота сиденья

Для изменения высоты сидения

выполните рычагом качающие дви‐

вверх = поднять сиденье

вниз = опустить сиденье
Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.



Наклон сидения

Для изменения высоты сидения

выполните рычагом качающие дви‐

вверх = поднять передний край


вниз = опустить передний край


Положение сиденья 3 44, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 44.

Электрический привод

регулировки сидений

Переместите переключатель 1:


= продольная регули‐




= регулировка высоты




= регулировка на‐


Переместите переключатель 2:

назад в



= регулировка спинки

Электрический привод регули‐

ровки сидений 3 46.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы писать комментарии, задавать вопросы и участвовать в обсуждении.

а у меня приложение в телефоне myOpelService и там эта инструкция всегда под рукой ( ну и в бумажном носителе в машине)

А где такое можно скачать? В play market не нашел.

У меня яблоко. Давно ставил, но до сих пор приложение работает


У меня яблоко. Давно ставил, но до сих пор приложение работает

Упс (

Такая инструкция с машиной в комплекте идёт

не у всех и не всегда под рукой, у меня например, она на эстонском языке и это не всегда удобно.

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Opel Zafira Tourer

Summary of Contents for Opel Zafira Tourer

  • Page 1
    Opel Zafira Tourer Infotainment System…
  • Page 3
    Contents Introduction ……..4 Radio ……….. 28 CD Player ……..44 AUX input ……..50 USB port ……..52 Digital picture frame ….. 56 Navigation ……..59 Speech recognition ….104 Phone ……..119 Index ………. 140…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Introduction Introduction General information to your destination, and, if desired, will automatically avoid traffic jams or The Infotainment system provides other traffic problems. you with state-of-the-art in-car Optionally, the Infotainment system infotainment. General information ……. 4 can be operated using controls on the For the AM, FM and DAB (not steering wheel, or via the speech Theft-deterrent feature ….

  • Page 5: Radio

    Introduction Theft-deterrent feature 9 Warning 9 Warning The Infotainment system is equipped The usage of the navigation In some areas one-way streets with an electronic security system for system (only Navi 600 / Navi 900) and other roads and entrances the purpose of theft deterrent.

  • Page 6: Control Elements Overview

    Introduction Control elements overview Instrument panel Navi 600 / Navi 900…

  • Page 7
    Introduction RADIO (BAND) ….. 28 Search forward …… 28 11 TP ……… 37 Activate radio or change Radio: search forward … 28 Activate or deactivate waveband ……28 radio traffic service ….37 CD/MP3/WMA: skip track CD/AUX …….. 44 12 CD ejection ……46 forward ……..
  • Page 8
    Introduction 15 Multifunction knob ….16 21 NAV ……..60 Turn: mark menu options Press once: Display map ..60 or set numeric values … 16 Press twice: Navigation Press (the outer ring): menu ……..60 select/activate the marked option; confirm set value; switch function on/off ….
  • Page 9
    Introduction Instrument panel CD 400…
  • Page 10
    Introduction RADIO (BAND) ….. 28 FAV (1/2/3) ……30 12 INFO ……..6 Activate radio or change Lists of favourites (preset Radio: information on the waveband ……28 radio stations) ……. 30 currently played station ..28 CD ……… 44 AS (1/2) ………
  • Page 11
    Introduction 18 AUX ……..50 Change to external audio source ……..50…
  • Page 12
    Introduction Instrument panel CD 300…
  • Page 13
    Introduction RADIO (BAND) ….. 28 Radio station buttons 1…6 … 29 14 INFO ……..6 Activate radio or change Long press: save station ..29 Radio: information on the waveband ……28 currently played station ..28 Short press: select station ..29 CD ………
  • Page 14: Cd Player

    Introduction 20 AUX ……..50 Steering wheel audio controls If radio active: turn upwards/downwards to Change to external audio select next/previous source ……..50 preset radio station ….28 If CD player active: turn upwards/downwards to select next/previous CD/ MP3/WMA track ….46 If Phone portal active: turn upwards/downwards to select next/previous entry…

  • Page 15: Usage

    Introduction Usage Setting the volume To cancel mute again: turn the X knob or press the v/G button again Turn the X knob. The current setting (if Phone portal available: press for Control elements is shown on the display. a few seconds). The Infotainment system is operated When the Infotainment system is via function buttons, multifunctional…

  • Page 16: Aux Input

    Introduction Audio players Press the multifunction knob to open BACK button a submenu with options for the input Press the CD/AUX button to open the Press the BACK button briefly to: or selection of numbers. CD, USB, iPod or AUX menus (if ■…

  • Page 17
    Introduction Turn the multifunction knob to move Setting a value Switching a function on or off the cursor (= coloured background) to the desired option. Press the multifunction knob to select the marked option. Submenus An arrow on the right-hand edge of the menu indicates that after selection of the option a submenu with further options will be opened.
  • Page 18: Phone

    Introduction Entering a character sequence CD 400 Activating a setting Selecting an option To enter character sequences, e.g. Turn the multifunction knob to mark telephone numbers or road names: the desired setting. Turn the multifunction knob to move the cursor (= coloured background) to Turn the multifunction knob to select Press the multifunction knob to the desired option.

  • Page 19
    Introduction Setting a value Switching a function on or off Entering a character sequence Turn the multifunction knob to change Turn the multifunction knob to mark For the input of character sequences, the current value of the setting. the function to be switched on or off. e.g.
  • Page 20
    Introduction CD 300 The arrow pointing to the right 3 Setting a value indicates: the first submenu level is Menu elements and symbols active (two arrows = second submenu level active). The down arrow 4 indicates: further options are available in the active submenu.
  • Page 21: Tone Settings

    Introduction Tone settings Switching a function on or off Entering a character sequence Navi 600 / Navi 900 In the tone settings menu the tone characteristic can be set differently for each radio waveband and each audio player source. Press the multifunction knob to open Press the multifunction knob to open the corresponding settings menu.

  • Page 22
    Introduction Setting bass, middle and treble Setting the volume distribution Setting the volume distribution between front — rear between right — left Select Bass, Middle or Treble. Select Fader. Select Balance. Set the desired value for the option selected. Set the desired value. Set the desired value.
  • Page 23
    Introduction Optimising the tone for the style of Select Bass:, Midrange: or Treble:. music Set the desired value for the selected option. Setting the volume distribution between front — rear Press the TONE button to open the tone menu. Select EQ (Equalizer). Setting bass, middle and treble The displayed options offer optimised bass, middle and treble presettings…
  • Page 24: Volume Settings

    Introduction Volume settings Setting the volume distribution Optimizing the tone for the style of between right — left music Navi 600 / Navi 900 Maximum startup volume Select Balance:. Select EQ: (Equalizer). Set the desired value. The displayed options offer optimized bass, middle and treble presettings Setting an individual setting to “0”…

  • Page 25
    Introduction Speed dependent volume Volume of the traffic announcements CD 300 / CD 400 (TA) Maximum startup volume The volume of the traffic announcements can be increased or reduced proportionately to the normal audio volume. Press the CONFIG button to open the system settings menu.
  • Page 26: Personalisation

    Introduction Personalisation Speed compensated volume Volume of the traffic announcements (TA) (only CD 400) The volume of the traffic Various Infotainment system settings announcements can be increased or can be separately memorised for reduced proportionately to the normal each vehicle key (driver) of the car. audio volume.

  • Page 27
    Introduction ■ last position in Audio/MP3 CD including track number and folder ■ state of shuffle songs setting (CD player) ■ state of TP (Traffic Programme) setting ■ cursor position for each menu on the display Activating/deactivating personalization Press the CONFIG button to open the system settings menu.
  • Page 28: Station Search

    Radio Radio Usage Station search Control buttons Automatic station search The most important buttons for Briefly press the button s or u Usage ………. 28 control of the radio are as follows: to play the next station in the station Station search ……

  • Page 29: Autostore Lists

    Radio Note DAB waveband Note Manual station search: If the radio The currently received station is (not available for CD 300) does not find a station, it switches highlighted. Press the multifunction knob to open automatically to a more sensitive the DAB menu and select DAB CD 400: search level.

  • Page 30: Favourite Lists

    Radio Automatic station storing Retrieving a station 6 stations can be stored in each favourite list. The number of available Keep the AS button pressed until an Briefly press the AS button to open an favourite lists can be set (see below). autostore message is displayed.

  • Page 31
    Radio Defining the number of available CD 300 / CD 400 To store the station in a list position: favourite lists press the corresponding station button 1…6 until a confirmation message is displayed. Retrieving a station Briefly press the FAV button to open a favourite list or to switch to another favourite list.
  • Page 32: Waveband Menus

    Radio Press the CONFIG button. Navi 600 / Navi 900 Select Radio settings and then Radio favourites. Select the desired number of available favourite lists. Waveband menus Alternative facilities for station selection are available via waveband specific menus. With the radio main menu active Select the required station.

  • Page 33
    Radio Turn the multifunction knob. Updating station lists once in the station list at a sudden change in reception area. In such If the stations stored in a waveband- All receivable DAB stations 3 41 in circumstances the updating of the specific station list can no longer be the current reception area are station lists can be accelerated using…
  • Page 34
    Radio The currently received DAB service (programme) is interrupted when any announcements of previously activated categories are pending. Activating announcement categories Select DAB announcements in the DAB menu. A list of programme types available at Select the required station. the moment is displayed. The category list is also updated Select desired programme type.
  • Page 35
    Radio CD 300 / CD 400 All receivable DAB stations 3 41 in the current reception area are displayed. Note If no station list has been created beforehand, the Infotainment system performs an automatic station search. Select the required station. Note Favourites list The currently received station is…
  • Page 36
    Radio If the stations stored in a waveband- The Infotainment system stores these specific station list can no longer be stations, sorted by programme type, received: in the corresponding category list. Select the corresponding command To search for a programme type to update a station list.
  • Page 37: Radio Data System (Rds)

    Radio Radio data system (RDS) The currently received DAB service Navi 600 / Navi 900 (programme) is interrupted when any RDS is a service of FM stations that announcements of previously considerably facilitates the finding of activated categories are pending. the desired station and its fault-free Activating announcement categories reception.

  • Page 38
    Radio If regionalization is switched off, Radio traffic service alternative frequencies of the stations (TP = Traffic Programme) are selected without regard to Radio traffic service stations are RDS regional programmes. stations that broadcast traffic news. RDS scrolling text Switching the radio traffic service on Some RDS stations use the lines for and off indicating the name of the…
  • Page 39
    Radio ■ If the radio traffic service is CD 300 / CD 400 switched on, CD/MP3 replay is interrupted for the duration of the traffic announcement. Listening to traffic announcements only Switch on the radio traffic service and completely turn down the volume of the Infotainment system.
  • Page 40
    Radio At certain times some RDS stations being played at the moment are ■ If a radio traffic service station has broadcast regionally different displayed below the programme been found, [TP] is displayed in the programmes on different frequencies. name. radio main menu.
  • Page 41: Digital Audio Broadcasting

    Radio EON (Enhanced Other Networks) Navi 600 / Navi 900: General information With EON you can listen to radio ■ With DAB, several radio traffic announcements even if the programmes (services) can be station you have set does not broadcast on a single frequency broadcast its own radio traffic service.

  • Page 42: Configuring Dab

    Radio ■ Interference caused by stations Configuring DAB can be raised to a point where the that are on nearby frequencies (a quiet sounds are audible, without Navi 600 / Navi 900 phenomenon that is typical of AM the loud sounds being too loud. and FM reception) does not occur ■…

  • Page 43
    Radio The following options are available in ■ Frequency band: after selection of the configuration menu: this option it can be defined which DAB wavebands are to be received ■ Auto ensemble linking: with this by the Infotainment system. function activated, the device switches over to the same service (programme) on another DAB ensemble (frequency, if available)
  • Page 44
    CD Player CD Player General information ■ Self-recorded CD-Rs and CD-RWs are more vulnerable to mishandling than prerecorded CDs. Correct Navi 600 / Navi 900 handling, especially in the case of The Infotainment system’s CD player self-recorded CD-Rs and CD-RWs, General information …..
  • Page 45
    CD Player Maximum folder structure depth: 11 Important information about audio names and folder names may not levels. CDs and MP3/WMA CDs be displayed correctly. Maximum number of MP3/WMA ■ Audio CDs with copy protection, Caution files that can be saved: 1000. which are not in compliance with the audio CD standard, may not WMA files with Digital Rights…
  • Page 46: Cd/Aux

    CD Player Usage ■ Dirt and liquids on CDs can smear The Audio CD or Audio MP3 menu is the lens of the CD player inside the opened and CD replay is started. device and cause faults. Navi 600 / Navi 900 Depending on the data stored on the ■…

  • Page 47
    CD Player Selecting tracks using the audio CD During MP3 replay or MP3 menu During audio CD replay Depending on the amount of tracks saved, the search process may take Press the multifunction knob to open several minutes. the MP3 related menu. Select a search option and then Press the multifunction knob to open To play all tracks in random order: set…
  • Page 48
    CD Player CD 300 / CD 400 Inserting a CD Selecting tracks using the audio CD or MP3 menu Insert a CD with the printed side facing up into the CD slot until it is During audio CD replay drawn in. Changing the standard page view (only CD 300) During audio CD or MP3 replay: press…
  • Page 49
    CD Player During MP3 replay To open a menu with additional options for track search and selection: select Search. What options are available depends on the data saved on the MP3 CD. The search process on the MP3 CD may take several minutes. During this time the station last played will be received.
  • Page 50: Aux Input

    AUX input AUX input General information In the centre console on a hinged panel there is an AUX socket for the connection of external audio sources. General information ….. 50 Usage ………. 51 CD 300 / CD 400: Navi 600 / Navi 900: It is possible, for example, to connect a portable CD player with a 3.5 mm jack plug to the AUX input.

  • Page 51
    AUX input Note The socket must always be kept clean and dry. Usage Press the CD/AUX button once or several times to activate the AUX mode. Navi 600 / Navi 900: An audio source that is connected to the AUX input can be operated only via the control elements of the audio source.
  • Page 52: Usb Port

    USB port USB port General information Navi 600 / Navi 900 In the centre console on a hinged panel there is a USB socket for the connection of external audio data General information ….. 52 sources. Playing saved audio files ….. 54 Note The socket must always be kept clean and dry.

  • Page 53
    USB port Important information Applicable playlist Note extensions: .m3u, .pls The socket must always be kept MP3 player and USB drives clean and dry. ■ The MP3 players and USB drives Playlist entries must be in the form connected must comply with the of relative paths.
  • Page 54
    USB port Playing saved audio files iPod iPod functions Navi 600 / Navi 900 MP3 player / USB drives Press the CD/AUX button once or Depending on the data saved, there several times to activate the audio are various options for the selection iPod mode.
  • Page 55
    USB port CD 300 / CD 400 Operation and the screen displays The search process on the USB are described for USB drives only. device may take several minutes. Operation of other devices like iPod During this time the station last played or Zune is mainly the same.
  • Page 56
    Digital picture frame Digital picture frame General information ■ Only pictures in JPEG standard format (file extensions, e.g., .jpg Using the digital picture frame or .jpeg) are supported. function (only Navi 600 / Navi 900) Example: «F:myPicture.jpg», you can view your favourite pictures General information …..
  • Page 57: Displaying Pictures

    Digital picture frame Press the CONFIG button, select Display settings, and then select Picture frame. The menu shown below is displayed. The menu shows a list with the file Select max. 10 pictures that you want names of all pictures (note the to be downloaded (added) to the restrictions described in «Important Infotainment system’s memory or…

  • Page 58
    Digital picture frame Press the CONFIG button, select As long as a picture stays selected in Display settings, select Picture the Picture selection menu, it can be frame, and then select Picture displayed at any time using the selection. The menu shown below is INFO button.
  • Page 59
    Navigation Navigation General information Caution The navigation system will reliably guide you to your destination without The usage of the navigation the need to read maps, even if you system does not release the driver General information ….. 59 have no local knowledge whatsoever. from the responsibility for Usage ……….
  • Page 60: Usage

    Navigation Usage The system will also work with poor If there is a traffic problem during GPS reception, however, the active route guidance, depending on accuracy of the determination of the the pre-settings, a message appears Control elements position will be reduced. as to whether the route should be The most important navigation- changed.

  • Page 61
    Navigation The map of the current location is Information on the display A compass symbol that indicates shown on the display. the north direction. Route guidance not active If no GPS signal is available at the Route guidance messages current position, a crossed «GPS» In addition to the visual instructions symbol is displayed below the on the display (see «Information on…
  • Page 62
    Navigation Information in the top line ■ Below the arrow symbol: the name of the current street to follow. ■ Above the arrow symbol: the name of the street to follow after the next intersection. ■ While driving on highways: If the option Highway lane guidance is activated in the Display route guidance menu (see chapter…
  • Page 63
    Navigation Information on the map display On the map the following information is shown: ■ The route as a blue line. ■ The current position as a red triangle. ■ The final destination as a chequered flag. ■ Various symbols (see chapter «Symbols overview»…
  • Page 64
    Navigation Sort criteria Import individual POIs Select whether traffic messages are Only applicable if a USB drive with to be displayed in an order based on points of interest (POI) data stored on distance or street name. it is connected to the USB port 3 52 of the Infotainment system.
  • Page 65
    Navigation Note Using this menu option you can memory of the Infotainment It is not possible to directly remove activate and set up the myPOIs system, see below. individual imported points of interest announcer of the Infotainment ■ Favourite destination addresses from the myPOIs memory.
  • Page 66
    Navigation ■ Imported POIs: favourite journey or business trip in separate Exporting POI data to a USB drive destination addresses that were submenus. Connect a USB drive to the USB port previously stored on a USB drive of the Infotainment system, see See «Organizing the POI data in and then imported to the myPOIs chapter «USB port»…
  • Page 67
    Navigation Select Start export to store the Importing POI data from a USB drive Brief description: address data of the selected type(s) Connect a USB drive with POI data 1. Create the text files for the POI on the connected USB drive. stored on it (details see above) to the data.
  • Page 68
    Navigation The text files can be created, e.g., by Communication, (18) News & Example: 7.0350000, 50.6318040, using a simple text editor software. broking, (19) Government office, (20) «Michaels Home», «Bonn — Hellweg 6», General. «02379234567», see image above. Note The GPS coordinates need to be The text editor must support the Entering POI data into the text files expressed in decimal degrees.
  • Page 69
    Navigation After the import is finished, the imported POIs are selectable as destinations via the Enter destination menu, see chapter «Destination input» below. myPOIs announcer (only Navi 900) Via the myPOIs announcer you can be notified via a message on the display (see image below) and a beep when the vehicle approaches a point of interest (POI) stored in the myPOIs…
  • Page 70
    Navigation Detailed descriptions on POIs stored in the myPOIs memory, see «Exporting and importing POI data» above and chapter «Destination input» below. If route guidance is active, you are notified only when the vehicle approaches a POI which is located next to a road on the calculated route.
  • Page 71: Destination Input

    Navigation After selecting the desired option, the ■ Address book: selection of list of POI categories is displayed a destination address stored in the again. address book. See «Selecting an address from the address book» If you selected Announce POIs early below.

  • Page 72
    Navigation Infotainment system. See «Selecting a point of interest» below. ■ Select from map: selection of a destination from the map display using the eight-way switch 3 6. See «Selecting a destination from the map» below. ■ Latitude / Longitude: selection of a destination using geographic coordinates.
  • Page 73
    Navigation Description on route guidance, see chapter «Guidance» 3 89. Entering an address directly Press the DEST button and then select Enter address to open the menu shown below. Select the desired country. Using the multifunction knob, successively mark and accept the Entering an address using the speller letters for the desired city.
  • Page 74
    Navigation j : List function — once two letters After completing the address, select have been entered (in some cases just one letter), all names available The Navigation menu is displayed. with these letters are displayed. The more letters are entered, the shorter Starting route guidance becomes the list.
  • Page 75
    Navigation The Store menu is displayed, see Select the desired option. A menu «Storing an address in the address with various sorting options is book or myPOIs memory» below. displayed. Selecting an address stored in the myPOIs memory Press the DEST button and then select myPOIs to open the menu shown below.
  • Page 76
    Navigation Selecting a point of interest Press the DEST button and then select Points of Interest. A menu with various options for the selection of points of interest (e.g. restaurants, petrol stations, hospitals etc.) is displayed. Select the desired category. Below the list detailed information on the currently marked point of interest A menu with a list of all available…
  • Page 77
    Navigation Select Petrol station. A menu is displayed that provides options for further refinement of the petrol station search. Below the list detailed information on The number of petrol stations can be the currently marked petrol station is reduced by marking at least one displayed: the approximate direction petrol station brand/chain.
  • Page 78
    Navigation After marking the desired fuel types: Along freeway select Start search with selected Selection of motorway related points filters or, for further refinement of the of interest (e.g. petrol stations or search, select Continue with next service areas) along the route. Only filter (petrol station brands/chains).
  • Page 79
    Navigation Search by name Once the entry is specific enough, a list with possible points of interest is Selection of points of interest by displayed. Sometimes it may be entering a name. necessary to select j for displaying After selecting the option, a country the list.
  • Page 80
    Navigation Description on route guidance, see Description on route guidance, see chapter «Guidance» 3 89. chapter «Guidance» 3 89. Storing the address Storing the address Select Store if you want to store the Select Store if you want to store the displayed address in the address displayed address in the address book or myPOIs memory.
  • Page 81
    Navigation Entering the Longitude coordinate Storing an address in the 1. Select Longitude. address book or myPOIs memory 2. Turn the multifunction knob to select W or E (west or east of the The Infotainment system provides prime meridian in Greenwich). two separate memory areas where you can store your favourite 3.
  • Page 82
    Navigation destinations), see regarding A telephone number can be entered Select OK to store the destination descriptions on address input or optionally. address in the address book using the selection above. displayed name and category. The default category Private can be After entering or selecting the desired changed to Business: A maximum of 100 destination…
  • Page 83
    Navigation Editing or deleting a stored The following options are available: by simply saying the assigned name, see chapter «Speech address ■ Address: opens the Enter address recognition». menu. You can edit the displayed Address data (including the category address using the speller function, ■…
  • Page 84
    Navigation Editing or deleting Individual POIs ■ Or you can import updated address Setting the home address Select Individual POIs, select the data from a USB drive, see Before you can set an address as desired sorting option (e.g. Vicinity «Exporting and importing POI data»…
  • Page 85
    Navigation If you want to set the address of an Various options for the selection of imported POI as home address: points of interest based on travel guide criteria (e.g. accommodation, You first need to store the address in sights, leisure etc.) are displayed. the address book or as an individual point of interest.
  • Page 86
    Navigation Adding a tour Adding intermediate destinations to the tour Accept the entered name using OK. The name is displayed on the Tours After selecting New tour, enter menu. a name for the tour using the speller Select the new tour and then Add new function 3 71.
  • Page 87
    Navigation Select an option for destination input Starting a tour and then select/enter the desired intermediate destination 3 71. A menu is displayed that shows the address data of the selected/entered intermediate destination. By default new waypoints are added at the end of the list. If another Select a tour in the Tours menu.
  • Page 88
    Navigation To start route guidance: select Start Editing a tour To insert the cut out destination at the tour. All predefined intermediate end of the list: press the multifunction Select a tour in the Tours menu and destinations are taken into account knob again.
  • Page 89: Guidance

    Navigation Guidance ■ Edit: change/edit the displayed address, see «Editing or deleting Press the NAVI button and then the a stored address» in chapter multifunction knob to display the «Destination input» above. navigation main menu. ■ Route criteria: set/change criteria Depending on whether the route for route calculation, see guidance is currently inactive or…

  • Page 90
    Navigation Select a TMC traffic message to Note For each trip the following data will display detailed information on the The logbook function of the automatically be recorded: related traffic issue. Infotainment system meets no ■ A unique serial number for the trip official legal requirements.
  • Page 91
    Navigation any time to a USB drive connected to a «1», see «Sample logbook data» ■ Export logbook: exports all the USB port 3 52 of the Infotainment below. recorded trip data currently stored in the Infotainment system’s system. ■ Set filename: using the speller memory to a USB drive connected Logbook settings: function (see chapter «Destination…
  • Page 92
    Navigation Description of the individual data Route criteria items: ■ 0000000023 = serial number ■ N 52° 07′ 01″; E 009° 53′ 31″ = start position in geographic coordinates (Latitude; Longitude) ■ 22.09.2011; 13:53 = start date; time ■ 013550 = odometer reading at start position ■…
  • Page 93
    Navigation Select Dynamic guidance to activate/ If desired select one or several of the Using the Highway lane guidance deactivate dynamic route guidance. following options in the Route option, you can determine which type criteria menu: of illustration should be displayed If dynamic route guidance is when reaching a highway activated:…
  • Page 94
    Navigation Using the Popup information option, Select between map orientation you can select whether route (North up/Head up) and dimension guidance information from the (2D/3D) on the map display (3D only navigation should be displayed in available for Navi 900). popup windows in other operating Select Map options and then Show modes (e.g.
  • Page 95
    Navigation ■ Latitude Functions for active route Select whether All traffic messages or only Traffic messages along route guidance ■ Longitude should be displayed in the TMC ■ Map display messages list, see below. Stop navigation The current position can be copied to After selecting Stop navigation, the Navigation options the address book or myPOIs memory…
  • Page 96
    Navigation ■ Destination information Destination information Route blocking Description, see «Functions with The following options are available to ■ Overview current route route guidance inactive» above. manually exclude certain areas/route Route list sections from the route guidance: Overview current route The following information on the current route is displayed: All streets on the calculated route are…
  • Page 97: Dynamic Guidance

    Navigation By distance Remove all route blockages By setting a distance the section of After selecting this option, all areas/ route from the current position to the route sections previously selected as set distance can be excluded from the to be excluded from the route route guidance.

  • Page 98: Maps

    Infotainment system is based on data Opel Service Partner. be better to recalculate the route or that the system receives via the RDS- Replacing a map SD card, see below .

  • Page 99
    Navigation ■ Do not bend the SD card. Do not Fold down the panel. Inserting the SD card use any SD card that is bent or Removing the SD card cracked. ■ Do not put any sticker or write anything on either surface. ■…
  • Page 100
    Navigation Symbols overview…
  • Page 101
    Navigation Explanation Explanation Explanation Current position Caution/warning Sight Destination Closed road Sport & leisure not available Dense traffic Going out not available Traffic jam Museum not available Narrow lanes Car rental Open list Travel information Road works Closed list Leisure activity Slippery road Shopping centre Provision of services…
  • Page 102
  • Page 103
    Navigation Explanation Explanation Chemist Petrol station Cinema Service area Airport Restaurant Amusement park City Historical monument Bank Hospital Traffic message Emergency Ferry Police Border Harbour Tunnel Mountain pass Kiosk Public place Grocery Related to the car Hotel/motel Garage Motorway exit Cemetery Car park Park &…
  • Page 104
    Speech recognition Speech recognition General information from this, the speech recognition acknowledges important commands The speech recognition of the and will enquire if necessary. Infotainment system enables you to To ensure that conversations inside operate various functions of the General information ….104 the vehicle do not lead to navigation system (only Navi 900;…
  • Page 105: Navigation Control

    Speech recognition To be able to enter voice Note most important commands currently commands in English, you first If you change the language shown available is shown on the display, see need to activate the phone main on the Infotainment system’s «Help menus»…

  • Page 106
    Speech recognition Cancelling a dialogue sequence Afterwards, the current dialogue Help menus sequence will be continued Dependent on the currently active There are various possibilities to automatically. mode of operation (radio, CD player, deactivate the speech recognition navigation etc.), a help menu with the and to cancel a dialogue sequence: Important notes on voice input most important available voice…
  • Page 107
    Speech recognition ■ One of the commands shown on Example: General help menu (main You can simply try out if there are the help menu. commands) shortened variants available for The general help menu primarily certain commands. ■ One of the additional commands shows the commands required to available for the radio mode, see ■…
  • Page 108
    Speech recognition <87.5..108.0>», you need to Example: Autostore lists On-screen messages and acoustic exchange «<87.5..108.0>» for prompts / feedback a specific figure between 87.5 and During dialogue sequences you are 108.0. You could say, often prompted via on-screen e.g., «Frequency 96 dot 3». messages (see image below) and voice output messages, which kind of Help messages…
  • Page 109
    Speech recognition As soon as you hear a beep and the System: «Radio». Selecting a preset station symbol in the upper right corner of the Action: the user wants to select System: activates the radio mode. on-screen message (see image a station stored in the second To perform a certain radio function via above) has changed its colour from…
  • Page 110
    Speech recognition After assigning a name to a station, Selecting a preset station via the Selecting a track on an audio CD you can select that station by simply assigned name User: activates speech recognition. saying the assigned name. User: «All tracks». Note Action: the user wants to assign If you use a name which was…
  • Page 111
    Speech recognition User: «Points of interest». Entering an address Action: user wants to enter the System: shows a list with search destination address for an upcoming options. trip. User: «Nearby». User: activates speech recognition. System: shows a list with points of User: «Enter destination»…
  • Page 112
    Speech recognition Note System: displays an alphabetically destination» to store the displayed The last calculated destination ordered list of street names that address in the address book or possibly has no valid address sound similar to the name the user myPOIs memory, see chapter elements available that can be used said.
  • Page 113
    Speech recognition Example: the language of the Afterwards you can select one of Note Infotainment system is set to English, these destination addresses by If you change the language shown Country is set to «GERMANY (D)», simply saying the assigned name. on the Infotainment system’s and you want to enter the city display, all names currently…
  • Page 114: Phone Control

    Speech recognition You need to manually activate Cancelling a dialogue Main commands another mode of operation by using There are various possibilities of After activation of the speech the corresponding button on the deactivating the speech recognition recognition a short tone signals that Infotainment system (e.g.

  • Page 115
    Speech recognition ■ «Yes»: a suitable action is triggered ■ «Verify»: the inputs are repeated by User: «Dial» depending on the context. the voice output. Voice output: «The number is being ■ «No»: a suitable action is triggered ■ «Star»: An asterisk «*» is entered. dialled»…
  • Page 116
    Speech recognition Starting a second call User: «Send» To be able to use the voice tag independently of the location, i.e. A second call can be started during an Redialing including other countries, all active telephone call. To do so, press The number last dialled is redialled telephone numbers should be the button w.
  • Page 117
    Speech recognition Voice output: «Saving the nametag» Saving a mobile phone to or deleting Selecting a mobile phone from the it from the device list device list Deleting With the command «Pair» a mobile Using the «Select device» command, A previously saved voice tag is phone can be saved to or deleted a mobile phone can be selected in the deleted with the command «Delete».
  • Page 118
    Speech recognition Voice feedback Each voice input is answered or commented on by the Infotainment system by way of a voice output that is adapted to the situation. To switch the voice output on or off, enter «Voice feedback» or press the button w.
  • Page 119
    Phone Phone General information Important information for operation and traffic safety The Phone portal provides you with the possibility of having mobile phone 9 Warning conversations via a vehicle General information ….119 microphone and the vehicle Mobile phones have effects on Connection ………
  • Page 120
    Phone You will find further information about Operating the speech 9 Warning the specification on the Internet at recognition http://www.bluetooth.com. Do not use the speech recognition in Use of the hands-free facility while Additionally, the Phone portal emergencies, because in stress driving can be dangerous because supports SIM Access Profile (SAP).
  • Page 121: Connection

    Phone q, w: take call, activate speech Telephone specific adapters First, lower the front side of the adapter as shown in the above figure. recognition. If you are using a telephone specific adapter, the mobile phone is n, x: end/reject call, deactivate operated via the external antenna.

  • Page 122
    Phone Then lower the top edge. An engaging sound must be audible when the mobile phone engages. To remove, press the unlocking button on the adapter and lift the top edge of the phone first. Mobile phones with connection interface on the lateral edge Installing the adapter Fasten the adapter to the base plate.
  • Page 123: Bluetooth Connection

    Phone Inserting the mobile phone Information such as a telephone book, call lists, the network operator’s name and field strength can be transferred. The functionality can be restricted depending on the telephone type. To be able to set up a Bluetooth connection with the Phone portal, the Bluetooth function of the mobile phone has to be activated and the…

  • Page 124
    Phone Navi 600 / Navi 900 Device list Handsfree mode When the mobile phone is added as When a mobile phone is connected to Bluetooth menu a handsfree device the user can the Phone portal via Bluetooth for the make or receive calls and use other first time, the mobile phone is saved functions via the Phone portal.
  • Page 125
    Phone Connecting a mobile phone as a handsfree device As soon as the Phone portal has Select Change Bluetooth code. On detected the mobile phone, the the menu displayed, edit the actual connection set-up can be confirmed. Bluetooth code and accept the Select Add device (Handsfree).
  • Page 126
    Phone Enter the displayed SAP passcode in Connecting a mobile phone saved in the mobile phone (without spaces). the device list The mobile phone PIN code is shown on the Infotainment display. If the PIN request function is active, the user will have to enter the PIN code of the SIM card in the mobile phone.
  • Page 127
    Phone Removing a mobile phone from the The security dialogue is displayed. ■ Call diverting: select diverting device list options depending on the situation. Activating/Deactivating PIN request Select the desired mobile phone from ■ Call barring: configure call barring Select PIN request On or Off. the device list.
  • Page 128
    Phone CD 300 / CD 400 Device list Handsfree mode When a mobile phone is connected to When the mobile phone is added as Bluetooth menu the Phone portal via Bluetooth for the a handsfree device the user can first time, the mobile phone is stored make or receive calls and use other in the device list.
  • Page 129
    Phone Connecting a mobile phone as a handsfree device As soon as the Phone portal has Select Change Bluetooth code. On detected the mobile phone, the the menu displayed, edit the actual connection set-up can be confirmed. Bluetooth code and accept the Select Add device (Handsfree).
  • Page 130
    Phone Enter the displayed SAP passcode in Connecting a mobile phone saved in the mobile phone (without spaces). the device list The mobile phone PIN code is shown on the Infotainment display. If the PIN request function is active, the user will have to enter the PIN code of the SIM card in the mobile phone.
  • Page 131
    Phone Removing mobile phone from device The security dialogue is displayed. ■ Call diverting: select diverting list options depending on the situation. Activating/Deactivating PIN request Select the desired mobile phone from ■ Call barring: configure call barring Select PIN request On or Off. the device list.
  • Page 132: Introduction

    Phone Emergency call Answer when the service personnel 9 Warning questions you about the emergency. 9 Warning Bear in mind that you can make 9 Warning and receive calls with the mobile Connection setup cannot be phone, if it is in a service area with Do not end the call until you are guaranteed in all situations.

  • Page 133
    Phone Note Navi 600 / Navi 900 Using the Phone off command the In the handsfree mode mobile phone connected phone can be detached Setting the volume for hands-free operation continues to be possible, from the Phone portal. facility e. g. taking a call or adjusting the Entering a number manually volume.
  • Page 134
    Phone card or same telephone is concerned. On the Search menu displayed, After having performed the During this period any newly added select the desired first letter range to preselection: select the desired entry entries are not displayed. start a preselection of the telephone in the telephone book to display the book entries that you want to have numbers saved under this entry.
  • Page 135
    Phone To start a dialling process: select the To compose a message: select Write ■ Detach call: detach the connection desired call list, an entry in the call list new message. to a conference participant in and finally the desired telephone a telephone conference.
  • Page 136
    Phone Dialling a telephone number Entering a number manually If the SIM card or telephone are different, the telephone book is reloaded. This process can take a few minutes depending on the phone model. Selecting a telephone number from the telephone book With the telephone main menu active, Select Enter number and then enter press the multifunction knob to open…
  • Page 137
    Phone Call lists Note When the mobile phone is paired Telephone book entries are carried using the SAP mode, the user can Via the menu Call lists the user can over as they are transferred from the view, compose and send messages view incoming, outgoing and missed mobile phone.
  • Page 138: Mobile Phones And Cb Radio Equipment

    Phone Incoming call ■ Switch calls: switch between calls, ■ Installation of the phone in if there are several calls. a suitable spot, consider relevant When there is an incoming call Note in the Owner’s manual, a menu is displayed to accept or ■…

  • Page 139
    Phone 9 Warning Operation of radio equipment and mobile telephones which fail to meet above mentioned mobile telephone standards is only permitted using an antenna located outside of the vehicle. Caution Mobile telephones and radio equipment may lead to malfunctions in the vehicle electronics when operated inside the vehicle with no exterior antenna, unless the above…
  • Page 140: Config

    Index Digital audio broadcasting…. 41 Dynamic guidance……97 Activating CD player….. 46 Activating speech recognition……….105, 114 Emergency call……132 Activating the navigation system. . 60 Enhanced Other Networks… 37 Activating the radio……. 28 EON……….37 Address book…….. 71 Address input……..

  • Page 141
    volume of the traffic Home address……71 announcements……24 importing/exporting POIs… 60 Personalisation……26 volume settings……24 Logbook……..89 Phone map SD card……98 adjusting ring tones….123 myPOIs……..71 Bluetooth……… 119 Maps ……….98 myPOIs announcement…. 60 Bluetooth connection….123 Map SD card navigation display…..
  • Page 142
    Digital audio broadcasting Speller function……71 (DAB)……..41 Starting CD replay……46 Voice recognition……104 favourite lists……30 Station search……. 28 Volume for voice output..105, 114 selecting the waveband…. 28 Storing stations……. 29, 30 Volume settings……24 station lists…….. 32 Switching the Infotainment station search……
  • Page 143
    Copyright by ADAM OPEL AG, Rüsselsheim, Germany. The information contained in this publication is effective as of the date indicated below. Adam Opel AG reserves the right to make changes to the technical specifications, features and design of the vehicles relative to the information in this publication as well as changes to the publication itself.

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