Руководство по эксплуатации outlander phev

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV: Руководства по эксплуатации

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Руководства по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV. Брошюры, каталоги, спецификации, карты технического обслуживания.

↑ Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

Язык/Language: Русский • English

Брошюры, каталоги, спецификации

  • Каталог оригинальных аксессуаров для Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2014, рус., pdf, 2,49 МБ
  • Каталог Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2017 (спецификация не для Европы), eng., pdf, 5,10 МБ
  • Каталог Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2017 (спецификация для Европы), eng., pdf, 5,63 МБ
  • Каталог Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2019 (спецификация для Европы), eng., pdf, 6,07 МБ

Руководства по эксплуатации

  • Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2019 (Great Britain), eng., pdf, 1,79 МБ
  • Краткое руководство Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV 2018 (North America), eng., pdf, 6,44 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2014 (Россия), рус., pdf, 45,6 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2014 (Europe), eng., pdf, 19,0 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2016 (Europe), eng., pdf, 22,0 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2017 (Europe), eng., pdf, 25,5 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2018 (Europe), eng., pdf, 25,0 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2019 (Europe), eng., pdf, 79,3 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2020 (Europe), eng., pdf, 65,0 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2018 (North America), eng., pdf, 59,4 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2020 (North America), eng., pdf, 62,7 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2021 (North America), eng., pdf, 66,5 МБ
  • Руководство по эксплуатации Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV MY 2022 (North America), eng., pdf, 66,7 МБ

Руководства по эксплуатации аудио-системы

  • См. раздел Аудиооборудование: Руководства по эксплуатации
  • POI: Станции для зарядки электромобилей

MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Логотип автомобиля


MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобильный продукт

Это краткое руководство было подготовлено, чтобы помочь вам наслаждаться безопасным и комфортным вождением.
Это краткое руководство представляет собой краткую версию руководства пользователя. Подробную информацию см. в руководстве пользователя.
Это краткое руководство охватывает ряд спецификаций и опций производителя, поэтому некоторые из описаний могут не относиться к вашему гибридному электромобилю OUTLANDER с подключаемым модулем.

Несколько советов для начала!

Поздравляем с приобретением нового гибридного электромобиля Outlander с подключаемым модулем! Вот список нескольких важных вещей, которые вам нужно знать:

  1. Когда вы вернетесь домой, убедитесь, что вы подключили свой Outlander к розетке и настроили зарядку на ночь, чтобы получить преимущество.tage непиковых тарифов на электроэнергию после 11:XNUMX. Вы можете проверить оставшееся время до полной зарядки на центральной панели приборов.
  2. Ваш автомобиль заправляется неэтилированным бензином марки 91, доступным на любой станции технического обслуживания.
  3. Ваше первое техническое обслуживание проводится при пробеге 1,500 км или в течение одного месяца. Но не волнуйтесь, если вы забудете, мы свяжемся с вами, чтобы напомнить вам!
  4. Чтобы загрузить приложение для смартфона, просто зайдите в магазин приложений Google Play или Apple и выполните поиск «Outlander PHEV».
  5. Доверяйте обслуживание вашего Outlander только официальному дилеру Mitsubishi Motors. Список дилеров см. ммнз .co. nz/найти дилера/.
Советы по экономии топлива

Мы также собрали несколько лучших советов по экономии топлива, которые помогут вам максимально эффективно использовать гибридный электромобиль Outlander с подключаемым модулем.

  1. Держите аккумулятор заряженным: поддержание заряда аккумулятора гарантирует, что вы будете использовать как можно больше электроэнергии и как можно меньше бензина, экономя топливо и деньги. Это также поможет увеличить запас хода вашего электромобиля.
  2. Зарядка вне пиковой нагрузки: максимальное преимуществоtagЕсли у вас есть Outlander Plug-In Hybrid, не забудьте установить время зарядки так, чтобы тарифы на электроэнергию были самыми низкими. Уточните у своего поставщика электроэнергии информацию о непиковом режиме.
  3. Прогрейте или охладите автомобиль перед поездкой, пока автомобиль все еще подключен к электросети дома. Это уменьшит расход заряда батареи, когда вы начнете движение, и увеличит запас хода вашего электромобиля.
  4. Используйте обогреватели сидений, чтобы согреться, так как они потребляют меньше энергии, чем автомобильный обогреватель.
  5. Выключайте кондиционер, когда он не нужен.
  6. Используйте экономичный режим: этот режим максимально экономит топливо автомобиля и может быть активирован простым нажатием кнопки «ECO». Экономичный режим ограничивает другие аспекты характеристик автомобиля, такие как скорость ускорения и кондиционирование воздуха для экономии топлива.
  7. Увеличьте скорость, удерживая стрелку «мощности» в зеленом диапазоне, и бензиновый двигатель не запустится.
  8. Избегайте резкого торможения: предусмотрите остановку и тормозите плавно или умеренно. Это позволяет системе рекуперативного торможения автомобиля восстанавливать энергию от движения автомобиля вперед и сохранять ее в виде электричества. Резкое торможение заставляет автомобиль использовать свои обычные фрикционные тормоза, которые не восстанавливают энергию. При использовании рекуперативного торможения «отрицательная» лопатка увеличивает количество рекуперативного торможения и, следовательно, увеличивает тормозное усилие на транспортном средстве.
  9. Используйте режим блокировки крышки только тогда, когда требуется дополнительное сцепление или устойчивость.
  10. Экраны дисплея: ознакомьтесь с информационным дисплеем гибридного автомобиля, чтобы вы могли контролировать, сколько энергии используется.

Подключаемая гибридная система электромобиля

Что такое Plug-in Hybrid EV System?

  • В режиме EV Drive транспортное средство приводится в движение только электродвигателями, как и электромобиль, на определенном расстоянии, используя электричество, хранящееся в приводной батарее.
  • При низком заряде аккумуляторной батареи или при необходимости мощного ускорения автомобиль работает в режиме серийного гибрида.
  • Когда требуется вождение на высокой скорости, автомобиль приводится в движение двигателем в режиме параллельного гибрида.
  • Высокопроизводительные двигатели значительно снижают шум и вибрацию во время движения и обеспечивают мощное ускорение.
  • Система рекуперативного торможения автоматически начинает заряжать аккумулятор привода при отпускании педали акселератора.
  • Аккумулятор можно заряжать через зарядный порт AC220-2Li0 V. Если в вашем автомобиле есть дополнительный порт для быстрой зарядки, аккумулятор можно зарядить на демонстрационной* зарядной станции CHA.
    CHA demo — это стандарт быстрой зарядки электромобилей, продвигаемый Японией для принятия в качестве международного стандарта.

Транспортное средство приводится в движение только двигателями, использующими электричество, хранящееся в приводной батарее.
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Серийный гибридный режим

При низком уровне заряда аккумуляторной батареи или когда требуется мощная тяга, например, при быстром ускорении или подъеме в гору, транспортное средство приводится в движение только двигателями, использующими электроэнергию, вырабатываемую двигателем.
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Рекуперативная тормозная система
  • Энергия движения преобразуется в электрическую энергию, используя двигатель в качестве генератора энергии.
  • Затем создается тормозное усилие, и преобразованная электрическая энергия будет заряжаться на приводной аккумулятор.
  • Интенсивность рекуперативного торможения можно выбрать из двух уровней с помощью рычага селектора.
  • Интенсивность можно выбрать из шести уровней с помощью лепестков.
  • Если с помощью рычага селектора или селектора уровня рекуперативного торможения (лепестка) прикладывается большое усилие рекуперативного торможения, тормоз lamps будет автоматически подсвечиваться.
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Параллельный гибридный режим

При движении на высокой скорости, когда двигатель работает эффективно, транспортное средство приводится в движение двигателем и поддерживается двигателями.
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Рычаг селектора (тип джойстика)
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Роли двигателей и двигателя в различных режимах

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Работа системы EV/рычага селектора

Запуск подключаемой гибридной системы EV

  1. Запуск подключаемой гибридной системы EV
  2. Убедитесь, что стояночный тормоз включен.
  3. Полностью выжмите педаль тормоза.
  4. Полностью нажмите выключатель питания.
    • Не отпускайте педаль тормоза, пока система не запустится успешно.
  5. Убедитесь, что горит индикатор READY.
    • Не нажимайте на рычаг селектора, пока не загорится индикатор READY. Если использовать рычаг селектора при мигающем индикаторе READY, система не запустится.
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Что-то действительно не так?

  • Если не удается запустить систему гибридного электромобиля с подключаемым модулем, верните рабочий режим в положение ВЫКЛ. Подождите более 10 секунд, а затем повторите шаги запуска с 1 по 5.
  • Если невозможно выбрать положение e или G (на дисплее не меняется схождение или G) с помощью рычага селектора, когда горит индикатор READY, педаль тормоза может быть нажата не полностью. Полностью нажмите педаль тормоза, а затем повторите начальные шаги с 1 по Li, прежде чем выбрать e или G.

Важные точки!

  • Чтобы войти в режим READY, нажмите выключатель питания, удерживая педаль тормоза.
  • Чтобы перевести режим работы в положение OFF, нажмите переключатель один раз, когда индикатор lamp горит синим (ON) или дважды, когда lamp горит оранжевым (ACC), когда педаль тормоза отпущена.
Управление рычагом селектора

Чтобы запустить автомобиль с места, выполните следующие действия.

  1. Убедитесь, что горит индикатор READY.
    1. Вы не можете переключиться на D или R, даже если вы переместите селектор в эти положения, когда индикатор READY не горит или мигает. Отображение выбранного положения также не изменится на D или R.
  2. Полностью выжмите педаль тормоза.
  3. Переместите рычаг селектора в положение D или R.
  4. Убедитесь, что на дисплее выбранного положения отображается D или R.
  • Используйте положение B, когда необходимо резкое торможение, например, при движении вниз по крутому склону.
  • Положение B можно выбрать только из положения D.
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Во время движения не кладите никакие предметы рядом с рычагом селектора, так как они могут быть случайно прижаты к селектору, который затем может задвинуться внутрь.

Вокруг рычага селектора

  1. Переключатель режима СПОРТ
    Нажав переключатель при горящем индикаторе READY, вы можете переключить режим SPORT. Этот режим обеспечивает быстрое ускорение в ответ на нажатие педали акселератора и быстрое замедление за счет сильного рекуперативного тормозного усилия. Чтобы отменить режим SPORT, снова нажмите переключатель или установите режим работы в положение OFF.
  2. Переключатель режимов движения
    С помощью переключателя в режиме работы ON можно изменить режим привода S-AWC.
    Даже если выбран режим привода S-AWC, после выключения режима работы выключателя питания и повторного включения режим привода S-AWC устанавливается на «НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ».

    режим привода


    НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ Этот режим можно использовать как на сухой, так и на мокрой дороге. Распределение крутящего/тормозного момента на каждое колесо автоматически регулируется в зависимости от условий движения.
    СНЕГ Этот режим предназначен для движения по скользкому дорожному покрытию, например по заснеженным дорогам, и повышает устойчивость на скользкой дороге.
    Блокировки Этот режим предназначен для движения там, где требуется максимальная тяга. Этот режим подходит для движения по неровным дорогам или по песку или свежему снегу.
  3.  EVswitch
    Нажав переключатель в режиме работы ON, вы можете управлять автомобилем, максимально используя только режим движения EV, даже если педаль акселератора резко нажата. (режим приоритета EV)
  4.  Переключатель режима SAVE/CHARGE
    Нажав переключатель при включенном режиме работы, вы можете изменить режим работы аккумуляторной батареи в следующем порядке: СОХРАНИТЬ, ЗАРЯДИТЬ, ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ, СОХРАНИТЬ.
    • Режим экономии заряда батареи
      Для экономии оставшегося заряда аккумулятора привода во время движения можно использовать режим экономии заряда аккумулятора.
      Когда активирован режим экономии заряда батареи, двигатель запустится, чтобы сохранить оставшийся заряд аккумуляторной батареи, и автомобиль будет работать в последовательно-гибридном режиме или в параллельном гибридном режиме в зависимости от оставшегося заряда аккумуляторной батареи.
    • Режим заряда батареи
      Для зарядки аккумуляторной батареи во время движения можно использовать режим зарядки аккумуляторной батареи. Когда активирован режим зарядки аккумулятора, двигатель начнет почти полностью заряжать приводной аккумулятор.
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  5. Рычаг селектора

    R (Обратный ход): Автомобиль движется задним ходом.
    Н (нейтральный): Крутящий момент не передается на колеса, которые также не заблокированы.
    Д (привод): Автомобиль движется вперед.
    B (Регенеративный тормоз): Интенсивность рекуперативного торможения увеличивается.
    1. Выбранное вами положение подсвечивается на панели за рычагом селектора и на приборной панели.
    2. Только когда выбрано положение ·D·, вы можете переключиться в положение «В» (регенеративный тормоз).
    3. Когда выбрано положение ·D· и применяется большая сила рекуперативного торможения, тормоз lamps загорится автоматически.
  6. Электрический парковочный переключатель
    Нажмите переключатель, чтобы заблокировать колеса во время парковки автомобиля. Индикатор лamp на выключателе горит зеленым цветом.
  7. Выключатель электрического стояночного тормоза
    Потяните переключатель вверх, одновременно нажимая педаль тормоза, чтобы задействовать стояночный тормоз. Индикатор лamp на выключателе загорится.
    Нажмите переключатель, нажимая педаль тормоза, чтобы отключить стояночный тормоз.
  8. Переключатель автоматического удержания тормоза
    При нажатии переключателя при соблюдении всех следующих условий система автоматического удержания тормоза перейдет в режим ожидания, а индикатор lamp на выключателе загорается.
    • Режим работы переключателя питания в положении ON.
    • Ремень безопасности водителя пристегнут.
    • Водительская дверь закрыта.
    • Когда автомобиль останавливается путем нажатия на педаль тормоза, когда переключатель находится в любом положении, кроме P (СТОЯНКА) или R (ЗАДНИЙ ХОД), система активируется, и автомобиль можно удерживать неподвижным, даже если вы отпустите ногу с педали тормоза.
    • Индикатор автоматического удержания тормоза lamp в комбинации приборов загорится, когда система активируется.
    • При нажатии на педаль акселератора тормоза отпускаются.


Аккумулятор привода можно заряжать от источника зарядки одним из способов, показанных ниже, используя специальный зарядный порт на автомобиле.
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  1. Используйте это время в качестве ориентира, поскольку номинальная переменнаяtage и номинальное значение тока могут различаться в разных странах. Также время зарядки будет варьироваться в зависимости от состояния аккумуляторной батареи привода, температуры воздуха, потребления электроэнергии электроприборами во время зарядки и состояния источника питания. (например, характеристики устройства для быстрой зарядки)
    • Не прикасайтесь к металлическим контактам на порте или разъеме для обычной зарядки, а также на порте или разъеме для быстрой зарядки. в противном случае возможно поражение электрическим током и/или выход из строя компонента.
Нормальная зарядка
  • Прежде чем вставить зарядный разъем в порт, установите режим работы на OFF. Если вы откроете крышку зарядного устройства или вставите зарядный разъем в порт при включенном рабочем режиме, прозвучит звуковой сигнал, чтобы предупредить вас.
  1. Включите стояночный тормоз, нажмите электрический переключатель стояночного тормоза и установите положение выбора на 6> на отображаемом дисплее.
  2. Выключите свет и другие электрические системы. Установите режим работы на OFF.
  3. Отперев дверь водителя, откройте крышку зарядного устройства до щелчка. Отпустите язычок, чтобы открыть внутреннюю крышку.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 19
  4. Ли. Вставьте вилку обычного зарядного кабеля в розетку.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 20
  5. Откройте колпачок на обычном зарядном разъеме. Возьмитесь за ручку коннектора и, не нажимая на кнопку фиксатора, вставьте коннектор до щелчка. Когда зарядка начинается, зарядный порт любезно lamp мигает три раза.
  6. MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 21Индикатор зарядки на комбинации приборов должен загореться. Индикатор зарядки гаснет, когда зарядка завершена.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 22
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 23

Быстрая зарядка

  1. Выполните шаги с 1 по 3, описанные в разделе «Нормальная зарядка».
    На шаге 3 откройте крышку порта быстрой зарядки вместо обычной крышки порта зарядки.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 24
  2. Вставьте разъем быстрой зарядки в порт быстрой зарядки, чтобы начать зарядку. Следуйте инструкциям руководства по быстрому зарядному устройству для правильного подключения и отключения зарядного устройства. Когда зарядка начинается, зарядный порт любезно lamp мигает три раза.
  3. Индикатор зарядки на комбинации приборов должен загореться. Индикатор зарядки гаснет, когда зарядка завершена. Зарядка автоматически прекращается через 60 минут после начала зарядки. Хотя запуск электродвигателя возможен, если быстрая зарядка не завершилась нормально, индикатор зарядки постоянно мигает. В такой ситуации снова выполните быструю зарядку и завершите ее в обычном режиме или обратитесь в авторизованный сервисный центр MITSUBISHI MOTORS.
  • Пульт дистанционного управления MITSUBISHI* обеспечивает синхронизированную зарядку и кондиционирование воздуха на вашем OUTLANDER PHEV. Подробную информацию см. в руководстве пользователя или на следующих сайтах MITSUBISHI MOTORS. web сайт.
    URL: https://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/ products/ outlander _phev2/app/remote/
  • MITSUBISHI Remote Control позволяет дистанционно управлять OUTLANDER PHEV с помощью специальных приложений через соединение между автомобилем и устройством беспроводной локальной сети.

Использование электрических устройств во время зарядки

Как пользоваться электроприбором во время зарядки

Если вы установите рабочий режим переключателя питания в положение «ON» во время обычной зарядки, быстрой зарядки, зарядки V2H, источника питания V2H, вы сможете использовать кондиционер, автомобильную навигационную систему, аудиооборудование и т. д.

Как это работает?
  1. Начните обычную зарядку или быструю зарядку. См. «Обычная зарядка» на стр. 6. См. «Быстрая зарядка» на стр. 6.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 26
  2. Убедившись, что нормальная зарядка или быстрая зарядка начались правильно, установите рабочий режим переключателя питания в положение ON.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 26
  3. Сообщение справа появится на информационном экране на многофункциональном информационном дисплее» и можно будет использовать электрические устройства, такие как кондиционер’2, автомобильная навигационная система, аудиооборудование.
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 27
Автоматическое выключение режима работы*3

В следующих случаях режим работы будет автоматически отключен.

  • При дальнейшем уменьшении оставшегося заряда аккумуляторной батареи после выключения кондиционера.
  • Когда температура наружного воздуха низкая и отображается следующий предупреждающий дисплей.
  • Когда зарядка завершена.
  • Когда обычный зарядный разъем отсоединен.
  • Когда операция остановки зарядки выполняется устройством быстрой зарядки.
  • Когда время быстрой зарядки прошло 60 минут.
  • Когда условие остановки (количество заряда/время зарядки) на быстром зарядном устройстве удовлетворено.
  • Когда зарядка останавливается из-за отключения электроэнергииtage.
  • Когда зарядка прекращается из-за сбоя.
  • При переводе рычага селектора в положение N (НЕЙТРАЛЬНОЕ} (зарядка также прекращается).
  1. Могут отображаться другие сообщения с более высоким приоритетом.
  2. Для автомобилей без электронагревателя подогрев кондиционера нельзя использовать во время зарядки.
  3. Даже при автоматическом отключении режима работы кондиционеры, автомобильные навигационные системы, аудиоаппаратура и т. д. остановятся.
  4. Кроме того, состояние транспортного средства будет таким же, как при выключении режима работы, например, при выключении света, в комнате.amp включена подсветка или уберите зеркала с электроприводом.
Автоматическая остановка кондиционера
  • В следующих случаях кондиционер автоматически останавливается. Когда кондиционер останавливается, панель управления кондиционером выключается.
  • Когда оставшийся заряд аккумуляторной батареи становится низким и отображается предупреждение.
  • Когда температура аккумуляторной батареи становится слишком низкой и отображается предупреждение.
Отображение потока энергии во время зарядки

Когда зарядный разъем подключен к
порт зарядки, отображение потока энергии во время зарядки может отображаться с помощью переключателя многофункционального дисплея. Вы можете видеть состояние зарядки и разрядки аккумулятора привода.
При зарядке аккумуляторной батареи
Это индикация при зарядке аккумуляторной батареи привода. Зарядка прекращается, когда аккумулятор привода полностью заряжен.
MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 29При разрядке от аккумуляторной батареи привода
Это индикация при разрядке аккумулятора привода. Если вы хотите произвести зарядку, установите рабочий режим переключателя питания в положение OFF или включите кондиционер и т. д.
MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 29Когда блок питания V2H
Это дисплей, когда электричество подается в систему V2H.
MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 30

  1. Даже когда вы не используете кондиционер, автомобильную навигационную систему, аудиоаппаратуру и т. д., поскольку бортовой компьютер потребляет электроэнергию, могут отображаться стрелки от зарядного устройства или аккумуляторной батареи.
  2. Отображение потока энергии может меняться независимо от работы кондиционера, автомобильной навигационной системы, аудиооборудования и т. д. Если вы измените настройку кондиционера, может пройти некоторое время, прежде чем отображение потока энергии стабилизируется.

Индикатор и предупреждение Lamps на комбинации приборов

MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 33

MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 31
MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 32

Предупреждения, отображаемые на информационном дисплее

  • Если на информационном дисплее отображается предупреждение, обратитесь к руководству пользователя и примите соответствующие меры. Ниже приведены некоторые предупреждения, которые могут появиться на дисплее.

MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 34MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 35

Другие всплывающие окна

MITSUBISHI MOTORS Outlander PHEV Автомобиль 36

Документы / Ресурсы

Mitsubishi MOTORS Outlander PHEV 2017 Owner's Manual

  1. Manuals
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  3. Mitsubishi MOTORS Manuals
  4. Automobile
  5. Outlander PHEV 2017
  6. Owner’s manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Mitsubishi MOTORS Outlander PHEV 2017

Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi MOTORS Outlander PHEV 2017

  • Page 1
    Outlander PHEV OWNER’S MANUAL…
  • Page 2
    Repairs to your vehicle: to the sales catalogue. Vehicles in the warranty period: Abbreviations used in this owner’s manual: All warranty repairs must be carried out by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- LHD: Left-Hand Drive thorised Service Point. RHD: Right-Hand Drive Vehicles outside the warranty period: Where the vehicle is repaired is at the discretion of the owner.
  • Page 3
    Information for station service E09300104208 Fuel tank capacity 45 litres Except for vehicles for Russia Unleaded petrol octane number (EN228) Fuel 95 RON or higher Fuel requirements Except for vehicles for Russia Unleaded petrol octane number (EN228) 98 RON or higher Engine oil Refer to the “Maintenance”…
  • Page 4
    Table of contents Overview General information Charging Locking and unlocking Seats and seat belts Instruments and controls Starting and driving For pleasant driving For emergencies Vehicle care Maintenance Specifications Alphabetical index Declaration of Conformity OGGE17E1…
  • Page 5
    Instruments and controls Instruments and controls E08500101882 1. Combination headlamps and dipper switch p. 6-53 Automatic high-beam system switch* p. 6-56 Turn-signal lever p. 6-61 Front fog lamp switch p. 6-63 Rear fog lamp switch p. 6-63 2. Instruments p. 6-02 3.
  • Page 6
    Instruments and controls 1. Combination headlamps and dipper switch p. 6-53 Automatic high-beam system switch* p. 6-56 Turn-signal lever p. 6-61 Front fog lamp switch p. 6-63 Rear fog lamp switch p. 6-63 2. Regenerative braking level selector (paddle) p. 7-19 3.
  • Page 7
    Instruments and controls 1. Audio* p. 8-14 MITSUBISHI Multi-Communication System (MMCS)* Multi Around Monitor* p. 7-106 [For DISPLAY AUDIO, Smartphone Link Display Audio and MMCS, refer to the separate owner’s manuals.] 2. Hazard warning flasher switch p. 6-62 3. ECO mode switch p. 6-62 4.
  • Page 8
    Instruments and controls 1. Accessory socket* p. 8-75 Cigarette lighter* p. 8-74 2. Electric tailgate power switch* p. 4-20 3. Key slot p. 7-15 4. 220-240 V AC power supply switch* p. 8-76 5. Blind Spot Warning (BSW) switch* p. 7-80 6.
  • Page 9
    Instruments and controls 1. Supplemental restraint system (SRS) — airbag (for front passen- ger’s seat) p. 5-27, 5-31 2. Glove box p. 8-81 Card holder p. 8-81 3. Battery save mode switch p. 7-27 4. Electric parking brake switch p. 7-03 5.
  • Page 10
    Instruments and controls 1. Glove box p. 8-81 Card holder p. 8-81 2. Supplemental restraint system (SRS) — airbag (for front passen- ger’s seat) p. 5-27, 5-31 3. Electrical Parking switch p. 7-19 4. Battery save mode switch p. 7-27 5.
  • Page 11
    Interior Interior E08500201564 1. Electric window control switch p. 4-34 2. Lock switch p. 4-35 3. Electric remote-controlled outside rear-view mirrors switch p. 7-09 4. Central door lock switch p. 4-16 5. Inside rear-view mirror p. 7-07 Multi around monitor* p. 7-106 6.
  • Page 12
    Interior 1. Lock switch p. 4-35 2. Electric remote-controlled outside rear-view mirrors switch p. 7-09 3. Central door lock switch p. 4-16 4. Electric window control switch p. 4-34 5. Head restraints p. 5-05 6. Supplemental restraint system — curtain airbag p. 5-27, 5-34 7.
  • Page 13
    Interior 1. Bottle holder p. 8-84 2. Map & room lamps (front) p. 8-79, 11-25 3. Downlight p. 8-79 4. Sunroof switch* p. 4-36 5. Hands-free microphone* p. 8-51 6. Sun visors p. 8-73 Vanity mirror p. 8-73 Card holder p. 8-73 7.
  • Page 14
    Interior 1. Bottle holder p. 8-84 2. Adjustable seat belt anchor p. 5-12 Seat belts p. 5-09 3. Assist grips p. 8-86 Coat hook p. 8-86 4. Luggage room lamp p. 8-80, 11-25 5. Cargo area cover p. 8-85 6. Sunglasses holder* p. 8-83 7.
  • Page 15
    Luggage area Luggage area E08500301259 1. Tether anchorages for child restraint system p. 5-24 2. Tools p. 9-11 3. Accessory socket* p. 8-75 220-240 V AC power supply* p. 8-76 4. Luggage hook p. 8-87 5. Jack p. 9-11 6. Luggage floor box p. 8-82 7.
  • Page 16
    Outside (Front) Outside (Front) E08500402039 1. Front-view camera* p. 7-106 2. Bonnet p. 11-04 3. Windscreen wipers p. 6-64 4. Sensor* [for Automatic high-beam system, Forward Collision Mit- igation System (FCM) and Lane Departure Warning (LDW)] p. 6-56, 7-64, 7-85 Rain sensor p.
  • Page 17
    Outside (Rear) Outside (Rear) E08500402042 1. Antenna 2. Tail lamps p. 11-24, 11-29 3. Keyless entry system p. 4-03 Keyless operation system p. 4-06 Locking and unlocking the doors p. 4-14 4. Changing tyres p. 9-18 Tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) p. 7-89 Tyre inflation pressures p.
  • Page 18
    Quick guide Vehicles with MITSUBISHI Remote Con- Refer to “MITSUBISHI Remote Control” Quick guide trol on page 3-24 E08500500010 Keyless operation system Locking and unlocking the doors and tailgate When you are carrying the keyless operation key and within the operating range, if you E08500601483 press the driver’s or front passenger’s door Keyless entry system…
  • Page 19
    Quick guide 1-Combination headlamps Around the driver’s seat Headlamps and other lamps go Rotate the switch to turn on the lamps. E08500801557 Refer to “Combination headlamps and dipper switch” on page 6-53. 1-Turn-signal lever The turn-signal lamps flash when the lever is operated All lamps off {except daytime running lamps}…
  • Page 20
    Quick guide 4-Wiper and washer switch 2. Adjust the steering wheel to the desired If you press the power switch without de- position. pressing the brake pedal, you can change the 3. Securely lock the steering wheel by pull- operation mode in the order of OFF, ACC, ing the lever fully upward.
  • Page 21
    Quick guide 5-Electric remote-controlled 6-Electric window control The fuel tank filler is located on the rear left outside rear-view mirrors side of your vehicle. Press the switch down for opening the win- dow, and pull the switch for closing. To adjust the mirror position Refer to “Filling the fuel tank”…
  • Page 22
    Quick guide Selector lever (Joystick type) After unlocking the driver’s door, push the Refer to “Normal charging (charging rear portion of the charging lid (A) until it method with rated AC 220-240V outlet)” E08502300025 clicks, and open the charging lid. on page 3-10 and “Quick charging Selector lever operation (charging method with quick charger)”…
  • Page 23
    Quick guide EV switch You can shift the selector lever to “B” only when the select position is in the “D” E08502400026 (DRIVE) position. When you press the switch, you can drive the vehicle using only the EV drive mode as Selector lever positions much as possible, even if the accelerator ped- al is roughly depressed.
  • Page 24
    Quick guide 4WD lock switch Battery save mode switch Battery charge mode switch The drive mode can be switched to “4WD E08502500027 E08502600028 Pressing the switch, the engine will start in Pressing the switch when the READY indica- LOCK” by pressing the switch while the op- order to preserve the remaining power of the tor is illuminated, the engine will start to eration mode of the power switch is in the…
  • Page 25
  • Page 26: Table Of Contents

    General information Plug-in Hybrid EV System…………..2-02 Drive battery………………2-04 EV cruising range…………….2-05 Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS)……..2-06 Operating sound under charging or Remote Climate Control…. 2-06 In case of a collision…………….2-06 Inspection and maintenance…………..2-08 For persons with electro-medical apparatus such as im- plantable cardiac pacemaker or implantable cardiovert- er-defibrillator……………..2-10 Cautions and actions to deal with intense heat……..

  • Page 27: Plug-In Hybrid Ev System

    Plug-in Hybrid EV System The vehicle can be charged from EV If you want to drive the vehicle without Plug-in Hybrid EV System charge power outlets (rated starting the engine as much as possible, E00203500041 220-240 V). make the switch to the EV priority mode Main features Quick charging using CHAdeMO quick by pressing the EV switch.

  • Page 28
    Plug-in Hybrid EV System The roles of the motors and en- If you lift your foot off the accelerator • The air conditioner is operating. gine in each drive mode pedal during driving, a braking force that • The accelerator pedal is depressed is equivalent to engine braking of a com- hard on an uphill road or expressway.
  • Page 29: Drive Battery

    Drive battery Refueling (gasoline) NOTE CAUTION E00203800060 Depending on the usage of the vehicle, the The fuel in the fuel tank may not be con- engine may not start for a long period of sumed and it may stagnate for a long time CAUTION time and unused fuel will remain in the fuel depending on the use situation of the vehi-…

  • Page 30: Ev Cruising Range

    The battery is gradually discharged with- power switch in OFF. The same as ordinary lithium-ion batter- out use and the battery charge is low- MITSUBISHI Motors collects drive bat- ies, the battery capacity of the drive bat- ered. teries. If you scrap your vehicle, please tery gradually reduces with time.

  • Page 31: Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (Avas)

    Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) Since the air conditioning (cooling or Also follow the instructions described below WARNING heating) consumes power of the drive to avoid severe burns and electrical shock Even if the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting Sys- battery, its operation results in a shorter that may result in serious injury or death.

  • Page 32
    Authorized When you leave the vehicle, if possible, gin Hybrid vehicle by yourself. Please Service Point. open the windows, doors and tailgate to contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- Leaks or damage to the drive battery may prevent accumulation poisonous/ thorized Service Point for service.
  • Page 33: Inspection And Maintenance

    2- Rear motor the drive battery when repairing the vehi- nance, be careful in the following points. 3- Service plug cle at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point. 4- Electric heater* WARNING 5- Drive Battery…

  • Page 34
    Inspection and maintenance WARNING The Plug-in Hybrid EV System uses high voltage up to DC 300 volt. The system can be hot during and after starting and when the vehicle is shut off. Be careful of both the high voltage and the high tempera- ture.
  • Page 35: For Persons With Electro-Medical Apparatus Such As Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker Or Im- Plantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator

    For persons with electro-medical apparatus such as implantable cardiac pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator For persons with electro-medical apparatus such as implantable cardiac pacemaker or im- plantable cardioverter-defibrillator E00205600075 WARNING Before normal charging • Before you perform charging work, ask the manufacturer of your electro-medical apparatus about the effect from charging work. Charging may affect the operation of your electro-medical apparatus.

  • Page 36: Cautions And Actions To Deal With Intense Heat

    Cautions and actions to deal with intense heat Cautions and actions to deal with intense heat E00203001128 When the ambient temperature is approximately 45 °C or higher, the phenomena described below may occur. Please take the described action. Even if the ambient temperature is approximately 45 °C or lower, when performing quick charging, driving at high-speed and uphill repeat- edly, the phenomena described below may occur.

  • Page 37
    Cautions and actions to deal with intense cold Approx. ambi- Phenomena Corrective action ent temperature The motor output is restricted and the vehicle performance Keep driving if you can drive at may be decreased. Then, the “PROPULSION POWER IS a similar speed as the surround- ing vehicles.
  • Page 38
    EV system. CAUTION “BATTERY TOO COLD” is displayed* , contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. When blinking of the ready indicator* continues and “BATTERY TOO COLD” is displayed* on the multi information display with vehicle conditions, the drive battery cannot be warmed up.
  • Page 39: Fuel Selection

    Fuel selection NOTE : Refer to “PROPULSION POWER IS REDUCED warning display” on page 6-43. Display of the “PROPULSION POWER IS REDUCED” warning display does not indicate a malfunction. : Refer to “Ready indicator” on page 6-49. : Refer to “Warning display list” on page 6-25. : To warm up the drive battery, you should perform to register the wireless LAN device (which conforms to IEEE 802.11 b and supports iOS 4.1.0 and subsequent OS version or Android 2.1.0 and subsequent OS version) for MITSUBISHI Remote Control to the vehicle.

  • Page 40: Filling The Fuel Tank

    If the tank cap must be replaced, use only rol. mode of the power switch in OFF and a MITSUBISHI MOTORS genuine part. If the check engine warning lamp flashes, keep away from flames, sparks, and have the system checked as soon as possible smoking materials.

  • Page 41
    Filling the fuel tank Refueling 3. Open the fuel tank filler tube by slowly NOTE turning the cap anticlockwise. While filling with fuel, hang the fuel cap on 1. Before filling with fuel, stop the plug-in the hook (A) located on the inside of the fuel hybrid EV system.
  • Page 42: Installation Of Accessories

    MITSUBISHI MOTORS au- connector. Otherwise, the auxiliary battery could be discharged, the electronic devices ation.

  • Page 43: Modification/Alterations To The Electrical Or Fuel Systems

    E00200500499 By disposing of these batteries correctly, you dermatitis and cancer. MITSUBISHI MOTORS has gone to great will help to save valuable resources and pre- Avoid contact with the skin as far as pos- lengths to bring you a superbly crafted auto-…

  • Page 44
    Charging Charging………………..3-02 Battery………………..3-04 Basic knowledge for charging………….3-04 EV charging cable…………….3-07 Normal charging (charging method with rated AC 220-240V outlet)…………….3-10 Quick charging (charging method with quick charger)*….3-16 Charging troubleshooting guide…………3-21 MITSUBISHI Remote Control*…………3-24 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 45: Charging

    Charging Charging E08303801181 Your vehicle is equipped with a charge port and a charging cable (EV charging cable* ) for charging with a AC 220-240V outlet. You can also charge your vehicle using 220-240V home or public charging device (EVSE* ) compatible with OUTLANDER PHEV.

  • Page 46
    : Use this time as a guide because the rated AC voltage and the rated current value may differ from country to country. : When using a EVSE to which charging cable is not attached, use a Mode 3 charging cable for OUTLANDER PHEV (Type 2 to 1) -available separately. For details, please consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. Charging…
  • Page 47: Battery

    Battery NOTE The drive battery can be charged to nearly full using the battery charge mode switch. Refer to “Battery charge mode switch” on page 7-28. Normal charging is performed through the on Battery NOTE board charger using rated AC 220-240V out- The auxiliary battery is automatically charg- E08300101079 let as the power source…

  • Page 48
    Be sure to completely close the charging could cause injury. MITSUBISHI MOTORS, and that is con- lid and the inner lid and do not leave the Refer to “Emergency starting” on page nected to a dedicated branch circuit. If EV charging cable in an outdoors.
  • Page 49
    Basic knowledge for charging When charging is started, the charge port NOTE courtesy lamp blinks 3 times and then goes • Do not repeat charging near the full off automatically. charge level. The quick charging gives priority when the normal charging and the quick charging are performed at the same time.
  • Page 50: Ev Charging Cable

    EV charging cable EV charging cable E08301101151 Your vehicle is equipped with an EV charging cable that consists of a cable (A), control box (B), EV charging cable plug (C), and normal charge connector (D). Indicator (LED) and button Manual stop button POWER indicator Stop indicator FAULT indicator…

  • Page 51
    CHARGING Abnormal operating condition and corrective action When an electric leakage occurs or the EV charging cable malfunctions Stop using the EV charging cable immediately and contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. When the EV charging cable malfunctions Stop using the EV charging cable immediately and contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point.
  • Page 52
    WARNING If the POWER or CHARGING indicator does not illuminates or the FAULT indicator blinks or illuminates during normal charging, please contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. Do not charge when the EV charging cable is coiled up. The cable may be heated and resulting in fire.
  • Page 53: Normal Charging (Charging Method With Rated Ac 220-240V Outlet)

    Normal charging (charging method with rated AC 220-240V outlet) Handling and storing the con- 2. Wipe off all the detergent with a soft Normal charging (charging cloth dipped in fresh water and thor- trol box method with rated AC oughly wrung out. E08301201093 220-240V outlet) 3.

  • Page 54
    CAUTION Doing so the cable may be heated and this MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE might result in fire. car cover. During charging, the cooling fans inside the Before charging, make sure that there is Do not connect or disconnect the plug •…
  • Page 55
    Normal charging (charging method with rated AC 220-240V outlet) NOTE When connecting or disconnecting the nor- mal charge connector, insert/pull out the connector straight. Also, do not incline or twist the connector. Doing so could cause a bad connection or malfunction.
  • Page 56
    IEC 60309-2/CEE17 (220-250 V/16 A) NOTE MITSUBISHI MOTORS, and that is con- nected to a dedicated branch circuit. If The shape of the charging cable plug and the circuit is shared, and another electri-…
  • Page 57
    Normal charging (charging method with rated AC 220-240V outlet) 6. Remove the cap (E) on the normal 8. Make sure that the charging indicator CAUTION charge connector (F) and make sure that (H) on the instrument cluster is illumina- Do not clasp the top of normal charge con- there is no foreign matter such as dust at ted.
  • Page 58
    Normal charging (charging method with rated AC 220-240V outlet) NOTE WARNING When the normal charge connector is con- After charging, be sure to close the inner nected to the charge port, the charging indi- lid and charging lid completely. cator and charge port courtesy lamp will Be careful that water or dust does not en- blink.
  • Page 59: Quick Charging (Charging Method With Quick Charger)

    After taking the emergency measure, please no foreign matter such as dust at the inspect at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- following measure to open the charging lid. quick charge port and the quick charge thorized Service Point immediately.

  • Page 60
    Quick charging (charging method with quick charger)* 3. Push the rear portion of the charging lid WARNING NOTE (A) until it clicks, and open the charging When the quick charge connector is con- The charge connector and the EV charging lid.
  • Page 61
    Do not touch the metal terminal of the gets trapped in the charge port, do not quick charge port (D) and the quick charge. Contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS charge connector. Authorized Service Point. Doing so could cause an electric shock If the charge port is frozen, melt the ice us- and/or malfunction.
  • Page 62
    To achieve full charge, repeat charging from tioning is automatically operated. or contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- Step 5 again. After quick charging, if the area under the thorized Service Point.
  • Page 63
    Quick charging (charging method with quick charger)* NOTE Make sure that the inner lid is completely closed. If the charging lid is forcibly closed without completely closing inner lid, the hinge on the inner lid may be broken. While the charging lid is open, if the doors and tailgate are locked with the central door lock, the keyless entry system or the keyless operation system, the charging lid will lock…
  • Page 64: Charging Troubleshooting Guide

    Confirm if the indicator on the control box is in- dicating a malfunction. If a warning is displayed, stop charging and contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. Normal charging can- There is no electrical power com- Confirm that there has not been a power failure.

  • Page 65
    Charging troubleshooting guide Symptom Possible cause Possible solution A charging cable for other vehicle Use the EV charging cable only for your vehicle. is used. A normal charger which does not Consult an administrator or a maker of the normal charger that it corresponds to correspond to your vehicles is your vehicle.
  • Page 66
    The self-diagnostic function of the There is a possibility that the vehicle has a malfunction. Stop charging and contact quick charge device returns a neg- a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. ative result. The power switch of the quick Check the power switch of the quick charger.
  • Page 67: Mitsubishi Remote Control

    “ON” and putting the select position to “N”, ask the after quick charging. support of the fellow passenger or people nearby to move the vehicle by pushing it into safety. After moving, contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. MITSUBISHI Remote NOTE Control*…

  • Page 68
    MITSUBISHI Remote Control* Charging timer * The SSID is the identifier of an access point NOTE If you specify the charge start and/or for IEEE 802.11 series wireless LAN. It is If you want to cancel the charging timer in stop time with the normal charge cable displayed on wireless LAN devices.
  • Page 69
    MITSUBISHI Remote Control, please visit Do not use a car cover except for the • If a wireless LAN device and Bluetooth the MITSUBISHI MOTORS Web site: MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE car (registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/prod- cover, when using the charging timer or the Inc.) are used simultaneously, the com-…
  • Page 70
    MITSUBISHI Remote Control* NOTE NOTE • The MITSUBISHI Remote Control appli- Air conditioning performance may deterio- cation software is not installed. rate or the remaining charge in the drive bat- • The MITSUBISHI Remote Control appli- tery may decrease under the following con- cation software is not running.
  • Page 71
  • Page 72
    Locking and unlocking Keys………………..4-02 Key number tag……………….4-03 Electronic immobilizer (Anti-theft starting system)……4-03 Keyless entry system…………….4-03 Keyless operation system…………..4-06 Doors………………..4-14 Central door locks…………….4-16 Dead Lock System*…………….4-17 “Child-protection” rear doors…………..4-18 Tailgate*………………..4-19 Electric tailgate*…………….. 4-20 Inside tailgate release…………….4-27 Security alarm system*……………
  • Page 73: Keys

    Keys 2- Keyless operation key (with electric tail- Keys NOTE gate switch) • Keep away from devices that emit strong E00300103817 3- Emergency key electromagnetic waves, such as cellular The key fits all locks. phones, wireless devices and high fre- without MITSUBISHI Remote Control WARNING quency equipment (including medical de-…

  • Page 74: Key Number Tag

    If you lose one of keyless operation keys, side rear-view mirrors. the key and key number tag in separate pla- contact your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- ces, so that you can order a key from your thorized Service Point as soon as possible.

  • Page 75
    6-59. view mirrors (Vehicles equip- come on. For further information, please consult ped with mirror retractor NOTE your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized switch) Service Point. For the operation of the Electric tailgate If you replace the battery yourself, refer to E00310801581 switch (3), refer to “Electric tailgate”…
  • Page 76
    (2) during this time. In a vehicle equipped with the Smartphone we recommend you to contact your 4. Release in sequence the LOCK and UN- MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- Link Display Audio or the MITSUBISHI LOCK switches within 10 seconds of ice Point.
  • Page 77: Keyless Operation System

    A MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized The keyless operation key can also be used as Service Point can replace the battery for you the keyless entry system remote control if you prefer.

  • Page 78
    Keyless operation system The driver should always carry the keyless WARNING NOTE operation key. This key is necessary for lock- When using electro-medical devices other The keyless operation key uses an ultra- ing and unlocking the doors and tailgate, than implantable cardiac pacemakers or weak electromagnetic wave.
  • Page 79
    Keyless operation system You can lock and unlock the doors and tail- Operating range for locking NOTE gate and start the engine only if the ID codes and unlocking the doors and Because the keyless operation key receives of your keyless operation key and the vehicle signals in order to communicate with the tailgate match.
  • Page 80
    Keyless operation system Also refer to “Locking and unlocking: Doors, NOTE : Operating range Central door locks, Tailgate” on page 4-14, Even if the keyless operation key is within “Central door locks” on page 4-16 and 70 cm of the driver’s door handle, front pas- NOTE “Tailgate*”…
  • Page 81
    The time allowed for checking that the vehi- cle is locked can be adjusted. For further in- formation, please contact your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- ice Point. On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone Link Display Audio or the MITSUBISHI Multi-Communication System…
  • Page 82
    Please consult a For further information, please contact your tomatically extend when all the doors and MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- tailgate are unlocked using the keyless oper- ice Point.
  • Page 83
    Keyless operation system Warning activation E00305901715 In order to prevent vehicle theft or the accidental operation of the keyless operation system, the buzzer and the display on the information screen in the multi-information display are used to alert the driver. If a warning is activated, always check the vehicle and the keyless operation key.
  • Page 84
    Keyless operation system Item Display Buzzer Note (Solution) Keyless operation key Inner buzzer sounds When the vehicle is parked with the operation mode in any take-out monitoring sys- once. mode other than OFF, if you close the door after opening Outer buzzer sounds in- any of the doors and taking the keyless operation key out of termittently.
  • Page 85: Doors

    Doors Item Display Buzzer Note (Solution) Door ajar prevention Inner buzzer sounds When the operation mode in OFF, if you try to lock the doors system once. and tailgate by pressing the driver’s or front passenger’s door Outer buzzer sounds lock/unlock switch, or the tailgate LOCK switch with one of the about 3 seconds inter- doors or the tailgate not completely closed, a warning is issued…

  • Page 86
    Doors 2- Unlock CAUTION NOTE Be careful not to lock the doors while the When locking or unlocking with the key, on- Pull the inside door handle towards you to key is inside the vehicle. ly the driver’s door will be locked or un- open the door.
  • Page 87: Central Door Locks

    To activate or using the central door locks. deactivate this function, please contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. Using the power switch 1- Lock All doors and the tailgate will unlock when- 2- Unlock ever the operation mode is put in OFF.

  • Page 88: Dead Lock System

    Dead Lock System* 4. Press the switch again within 2 seconds. Dead Lock System* Tailgate switches* The turn-signal lamps will blink three E00305100198 times to show that the Dead Lock Sys- The Dead Lock System helps prevent theft. tem has been set. When the keyless entry system or the keyless operation system has been used to lock all of the doors and the tailgate, the Dead Lock…

  • Page 89: Child-Protection» Rear Doors

    (C) and side. automatic locking. For details, please con- If the lever is set to the locked position, the tact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized NOTE rear door cannot be opened using the inside Service Point. On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone handle, but only with the outside handle.

  • Page 90: Tailgate

    Tailgate* 1- Lock CAUTION WARNING 2- Unlock When driving with a child in the rear seat, When you open the tailgate make sure please use the child protection to prevent ac- that the tailgate is opened fully and re- NOTE cidental door opening which may cause an mains fully open.

  • Page 91: Electric Tailgate

    Electric tailgate* Refer to “Keyless entry system” on page NOTE NOTE 4-03, “Keyless operation system” on page The tailgate cannot be opened when the bat- Gas struts (C) are installed to support the 4-06, or “Central door locks” on page 4-16. tery is flat or disconnected.

  • Page 92
    (A) is Do not install accessories other than MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE parts on the electric tailgate. Some accessories could be too heavy, causing the drop preven- tion mechanism to operate.
  • Page 93
    The factory setting is “Inactive”. automatically. To modify the setting to “Active”, please In this case close the electric tailgate man- contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- ually. thorized Service Point. 4-22 Locking and unlocking…
  • Page 94
    Electric tailgate* Operating the electric tailgate The electric tailgate can be closed automati- •While The warning buzzer sounds using the keyless operation key cally when all of the following conditions are open: and the tailgate completely or the driver’s side electric tail- met.
  • Page 95
    Opening the electric tailgate us- To modify the setting to “Active”, please ing the open switch contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point. The electric tailgate can be opened by press- ing the open switch (C). If the close switch on the inside of the elec-…
  • Page 96
    Do not install accessories other than during automatic operation, or if the sensors hand or finger at this time. MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE parts (A) on either side of the electric tailgate are If the safety mechanism is repeatedly operat- on the electric tailgate. Some accessories hit.
  • Page 97
    Electric tailgate* Manual operation NOTE CAUTION E00313401067 If it does not open immediately after pushing The safety mechanism is deactivated when If the electric tailgate power switch is off, the the tailgate open switch, the electric tailgate the electric tailgate is closed manually. electric tailgate can be operated by manual cannot be lifted.
  • Page 98: Inside Tailgate Release

    Inside tailgate release The tailgate release (see illustration) is moun- 2. Move the lever (B) to open the tailgate. ted on the tailgate. Tailgate Electric tailgate NOTE The tailgate easy closer operates even when 3. Push out on the tailgate to open it. You and your family should familiarise your- the electric tailgate power switch is OFF.

  • Page 99
    Have vehicle inspected sensor, the sensitivity of the interior intru- tled “Changing the security alarm settings” MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- sion detection function can be adjusted. For on page 4-30. ice Point. details, please contact a MITSUBISHI If the confirmation function (blinking of the MOTORS Authorized Service Point.
  • Page 100
    Security alarm system* The security alarm has four During this time, it is possible to temporarily The turn-signal lamps blink and the horn (the open a door or the tailgate without using the siren for vehicles equipped with the interior modes: keyless entry system or the keyless operation alarm sensor) sounds, warning people around…
  • Page 101
    Security alarm system* Changing the security alarm 3. Pull the windscreen wiper and washer switch towards you and hold it there. settings (Since the operation mode in OFF, E00301601365 washer fluid will not be sprayed.) It is possible to set the security alarm to the “active”…
  • Page 102
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- Driver’s and front passenger’s door look/unlock switches* ice Point. Avoid leaving valuable items inside the ve- hicle even when the security alarm system has been set to the “active” mode.
  • Page 103
    Security alarm system* To deactivate the vehicle incli- The buzzer will sound once and the function NOTE will be activated. nation detection function and If the bonnet is open, the security indicator illuminates, and the system does not enter the interior intrusion detection the system preparation mode.
  • Page 104
    The turn-signal lamps will blink, and the adjustment. Refer to the separate owner’s MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- manual for details. horn (the siren for vehicles equipped ice Point. Locking and unlocking 4-33 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 105: Electric Window Control

    Electric window control Electric window control switch with the interior alarm sensor) will Holding the keyless operation key and sound intermittently. locking or unlocking the doors and the E00302301822 tailgate using the keyless operation func- Each door window opens or closes while the tion.

  • Page 106
    Electric window control Driver’s switches NOTE WARNING The driver’s switches can be used to operate Repeated operation with the engine stopped A child may tamper with the switch at the all door windows. A window can be opened will run down the battery. Operate the win- risk of its hands or head being trapped in dow switches only while the engine is run- the window.
  • Page 107: Sunroof

    Sunroof* To open WARNING NOTE If the battery terminals are disconnected If the battery terminals are disconnected or The sunroof automatically opens if the switch or the fuse for electric window is replaced, the fuse for electric window is replaced, the (1) is pressed.

  • Page 108
    Never leave the vehicle without removing when tilting up the sunroof if such a ski car- the key. sult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Never leave a child (or other person who rier or a roof carrier is installed. Service Point.
  • Page 109
    Sunroof* NOTE After washing the vehicle or after it has rained, wipe off any water that is on the sun- roof before operating it. Sunshade E00307901227 Slide the sunshade manually to open and close it. CAUTION Be careful that hands are not trapped when closing the sunshade.
  • Page 110
    Seats and seat belts Seat arrangement……………..5-02 Seat adjustment………………. 5-02 Front seats………………. 5-03 Rear seats……………….. 5-05 Head restraints………………5-05 Making a luggage area……………. 5-07 Making a flat seat…………….5-08 Seat belts………………… 5-09 Pregnant women restraint…………..5-15 Seat belt pretensioner system and force limiter system…… 5-15 Child restraint………………5-16 Seat belt inspection…………….
  • Page 111: Seat Arrangement

    Seat arrangement Seat arrangement E00400201886 By operating the front or rear seat, select the desired seat arrangement. Normal usage Flat seat ® p. 5-08 Folding the rear seats ® p. 5-07 Making a luggage area Seat adjustment E00400302057 Adjust the driver’s seat so that you are com- fortable and that you can reach the pedals, steering wheel, switches etc.

  • Page 112: Front Seats

    Front seats Front seats WARNING CAUTION Do not attempt to adjust the seat while Make sure the seat is adjusted by an adult or E00400401253 driving. This can cause loss of vehicle con- with adult supervision for correct and safe trol and result in an accident.

  • Page 113
    Front seats Power type* The indication lamp (A) will illuminate while CAUTION the heater is on. If the following types of persons use the heated seats, they might become too hot or receive minor burns (red skin, heat blisters, etc.): •…
  • Page 114: Rear Seats

    Rear seats To return to the original position, push it Rear seats Head restraints backward level with the seat. E00403302654 E00401301549 WARNING Driving without the head restraints in place can cause you and your passengers serious injury or death in an accident. To reduce the risk of injury in an accident, always make sure the head restraints are installed and properly positioned when…

  • Page 115
    Head restraints To adjust height To remove CAUTION Confirm that the height adjusting knob (A) Adjust the head restraint height so that the Lift the head restraint with the height adjust- is correctly adjusted as shown in the illustra- centre of the head restraint is as close as pos- ing knob (A) pushed in.
  • Page 116: Making A Luggage Area

    Making a luggage area To fold 4. Flip the seat cushion forward. 1. Lower the head restraints of the rear seat to the lowest position. Refer to “Head restraints” on page 5-05. 2. Store the seat belt for the rear centre seating position.

  • Page 117: Making A Flat Seat

    Making a flat seat 6. Pull up the lever, then fold the seatback 2. While lifting the seat belt’s buckle (A), 3. Push down the seat cushion until it locks forward. gently lower the seat cushion. Make sure into place. that there is a hook (B) at the position shown in the illustration.

  • Page 118: Seat Belts

    Seat belts 2. Slide the front seats fully forward, then 4. The flat seat configuration is now com- CAUTION recline the seatbacks backwards to ach- plete. Reverse the above procedures To make a flat seat, stop the vehicle in a safe ieve a flat surface.

  • Page 119
    Seat belts WARNING WARNING NOTE Seat belts should always be worn by every Always adjust the belt to a snug fit. When the seat belts cannot be pulled out in a adult who drives or rides in this vehicle, locked condition, pull the belts once force- Always wear the lap portion of the belt and by all children who are tall enough to fully and then return them.
  • Page 120
    Seat belts To unfasten Seat belt reminder NOTE Hold the latch plate and push the button on E00409801973 If the seat belt (A) or ring (B) becomes dirty, the buckle. the belt may not retract smoothly. If the seat For the driver and the front belt and ring are dirty, clean them with a passenger’s seat mild soap or detergent solution.
  • Page 121
    Seat belts If the vehicle is driven with the seat belt still For the rear passenger’s seats WARNING unfastened, the warning lamp will blink and E00415501021 Do not install any accessory or sticker the tone will sound intermittently until the that makes the lamp difficult to see.
  • Page 122
    Seat belts To fasten Rear-centre 3-point type seat Move the seat belt anchor down with the lock knob (A) depressed. To move the anchor up, belt 1. Pull out the buckle (C) from the seat- slide it without depressing the lock knob (A). back.
  • Page 123
    Seat belts Rear seat belt storage 4. Insert the latch plate (B) into the buckle (D). E00405301521 When the seat belt is not in use, store it as shown in the illustration. 2. After the seat belt is retracted complete- ly, insert the latch plate (B) into the up- per slit (F), and then insert the small latch plate (A) into the lower slit (G).
  • Page 124: Pregnant Women Restraint

    E00405802406 If you need to scrap the vehicle, please con- E00405600077 When the operation mode of the power sult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized WARNING switch is in ON, if there is a frontal impact or Service Point. a side impact severe enough to injure the…

  • Page 125: Child Restraint

    Child restraint Caution for installing the child Use rearward facing child restraints in the Child restraint rear seat or turn off the front passenger’s air- restraint on vehicle with front E00406403507 bag ON-OFF switch. (Refer to “To turn an passenger’s airbag When transporting children in your vehicle, airbag off”…

  • Page 126
    Child restraint The child restraint system should be ap- WARNING WARNING propriate for the child’s weight and A REARWARD FACING CHILD RE- After installation, push and pull the child height and properly fit in the vehicle. STRAINT must NOT be used in the front restraint system back and forth, and side For a higher degree of safety: THE passenger seat when the driver’s visibility…
  • Page 127
    Child restraint The lap portion of the belt should be snug and positioned low on the abdomen so that it is below the top of the hip-bone. Otherwise, the belt could intrude into the child’s abdo- men during an accident and cause injury. 5-18 Seats and seat belts OGGE17E1…
  • Page 128
    Child restraint Suitability for various ISOFIX positions E00411402045 Vehicle ISOFIX positions Recommended Size Front passenger UN-R44 Ap- Child Restraint Mass group Fixture Rear out- class proval No. Activated air- Systems board Deactivated Airbag Carrycot ISO/L1 — — ISO/L2 — — — Up to 10 kg ISO/R1 —…
  • Page 129
    — 22 to 36 kg : With front passenger’s airbag deactivated by means of front passenger’s airbag ON-OFF switch. : MITSUBISHI MOTORS Europe B.V. reserves the right to changes without any prior announcement. For detailed information, consult your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point.
  • Page 130
    Child restraint Definition of characters the above table: IUF- Suitable for ISOFIX forward child restraint systems of universal category approved for use in the mass group. IL- Suitable for particular ISOFIX child restraint systems of the categories for “specific vehicles”, “restricted”, or “semi-universal”, ap- proved for this type of vehicle.
  • Page 131
    U, L : With front passenger’s airbag deactivated by means of front passenger’s airbag ON-OFF switch : MITSUBISHI MOTORS Europe B.V. reserves the right to changes without any prior announcement. For detailed information, consult your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point.
  • Page 132
    Child restraint Definition of characters the above table: U- Suitable for “universal” category restraints approved for use in this mass group. L- Suitable for particular child restraint systems. See the above table of “Recommended Child Restraint Systems”. X- Seat position not suitable for children in this mass group. Seats and seat belts 5-23 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 133
    Child restraint Tether anchorage location Installing a child restraint sys- WARNING tem to the lower anchorage Your vehicle has 3 child restraint anchorage Child restraint anchorages are designed (ISOFIX child restraint mount- points on the backside of the front passenger to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints.
  • Page 134
    Child restraint To install 4. Push the child restraint system’s connec- If your child restraint system requires the use tors (A) into the lower anchorages (B) in of a tether strap, fasten the tether strap in ac- 1. Remove any foreign material in or accordance with the instructions provi- cordance with step 5.
  • Page 135: Seat Belt Inspection

    Seat belt inspection 3. Route the belt through the child restraint NOTE according to the child restraint system If it is difficult to latch the tether strap hook manufacturer’s instructions, then insert in the rear seat, turn the hook sideways. the latch plate into the buckle.

  • Page 136: Supplemental Restraint System (Srs)-Airbag

    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag The SRS side airbags are designed to supple- WARNING WARNING ment properly worn seat belts and provide the Do not attempt to repair or replace any A dirty belt should be cleaned with neu- driver and front passenger with protection part of the seat belt assemblies;…

  • Page 137
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag How the Supplemental Re- 5- Front passenger’s airbag ON-OFF The airbags deflate very rapidly after deploy- switch ment, so there is little danger of obscured vi- straint System works sion. E00407303314 The SRS includes the following components: CAUTION Airbags inflate at an extremely rapid speed.
  • Page 138
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag Caution for installing the child WARNING restraint on vehicles with a Place all infants and small children in the front passenger airbag rear seat and properly restrained using an appropriate child restraint system. E00408802016 The rear seat is the safest place for infants The label shown here is attached on vehicles and children.
  • Page 139
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag Front passenger’s airbag ON- Front passenger’s airbag indi- WARNING OFF switch cator Do not fit any accessory that makes the indication lamp impossible to see, and do E00410100315 E00410201414 The front passenger’s airbag ON-OFF switch The front passenger’s airbag indicator is lo- not cover the indication lamp with a stick- can be used to disable the front passenger’s cated in the instrument panel.
  • Page 140
    OFF switch is turned OFF, do not fit a child restraint system to the front pas- senger seat. We recommend you to For Russia have the system inspected by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. • If the OFF indicator remains on when the front passenger’s airbag ON-OFF switch is turned ON, do not allow any- one to sit on the front passenger seat.
  • Page 141
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag The front airbags and driver’s Deployment of front airbags The front airbags and driver’s knee airbag knee airbag MAY NOT DE- will deploy if the severity of the impact is and driver’s knee airbag PLOY when… above the designed threshold level, compara- E00407502700 ble to a collision at approximately 25 km/h…
  • Page 142
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag The front airbags and driver’s Because the front airbags and driver’s knee Because the front airbags and driver’s knee knee airbag MAY DEPLOY airbag do not protect the occupant in all types airbag may deploy in certain types of unex- when……
  • Page 143
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS rious injury if the airbag inflates. Authorized Service Point. Side airbag system…
  • Page 144
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag The side airbags and curtain Deployment of side airbags and 3- Collision with a utility pole, tree or other airbags MAY NOT DEPLOY narrow object curtain airbags when… E00407702513 With certain types of side collisions, the ve- The side airbags and curtain hicle’s body structure is designed to absorb airbags ARE DESIGNED TO…
  • Page 145
    Supplemental restraint system (SRS)-airbag cupant. Typical conditions are shown in the Because the side airbags and curtain airbags WARNING illustration. do not protect the occupant in all types of Do not allow any rear seat occupant to collisions, be sure to always properly wear hold onto the seatback of either front seat, your seat belts.
  • Page 146
    At the same time, the side airbags and curtain airbags system to warning display will appear on the informa- be done by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS tion screen in the multi information display. Authorized Service Point.
  • Page 147
    If you found any tear, scratch, crack or NASS, if the ERA-GLONASS system oper- damage to the portion where the airbag is ates, the SRS warning lamp illuminates. stored, you should have the SRS inspected by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. SRS servicing E00407902658 NOTE…
  • Page 148
    Instruments and controls Instruments………………6-02 Multi information display…………..6-03 Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list………………6-23 Indication lamps………………6-49 Warning lamps………………6-50 Information screen display…………..6-52 Combination headlamps and dipper switch……..6-53 Headlamp levelling…………….6-60 Turn-signal lever…………….. 6-61 Hazard warning flasher switch…………6-62 ECO mode switch…………….
  • Page 149: Instruments

    Instruments Meter illumination control The more the needle moves, the more electric Instruments energy is charged. E00531301174 E00500102447 The needle of the energy usage indicator may Each time you press the rheostat illumination not enter the charge zone when the drive bat- button, there is a sound and the brightness of tery is close to full charge.

  • Page 150: Multi Information Display

    Multi information display The following information is included on the 3- Drive battery level display screen NOTE ® p. 6-10 multi information display: warnings, odome- The brightness level of the instruments is 4- Odometer ® p. 6-11 ter, tripmeter, average fuel consumption, EV stored when the operation mode of the pow- 5- “…

  • Page 151
    Multi information display 16- “ ” or “ ” mark indicator ® p. 6-09 1- NORMAL indicator display screen 7- EV priority mode display screen ® p. 7-25 17- Information screen ® p. 6-08 Displayed when the ECO mode switch mark display screen ®…
  • Page 152
    Multi information display It is also possible to change elements such as the language and units used on the multi in- formation display by operating the multi in- formation display switch. Instruments and controls 6-05 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 153
    Multi information display Information screen (when the operation mode is OFF) E00520201968 Each time you lightly press the multi information display switch, the display screen switches in the following order. : When there is no warning display : When there is a warning display 3- ECO score display ®…
  • Page 154
    Multi information display Information screen (when the operation mode is changed from OFF to ON) E00520702133 When the operation mode is put in ON, the display screen switches in the following order. : When the inspection time has arrived 1- Screen when the operation mode is OFF 3- Screen when the operation mode is ON 2- System check screen ®…
  • Page 155
    Multi information display Information screen (when the operation mode is ON) E00521101948 Each time you lightly press the multi information display switch, the display screen switches in the following order. : When there is no warning display : When there is a warning display 5- Energy flow display ®…
  • Page 156
    Multi information display NOTE While driving, the service reminder is not displayed even if you operate the multi information display switch. Always stop the vehicle in a safe place before operating. While driving, the function setting screen is not displayed even if you operate the multi information display switch. Before operation, park the vehicle in a safe place, firmly apply the parking brake, press the electrical parking switch, and shift to “P”…
  • Page 157
    Multi information display mark display screen Fuel remaining display screen If any of the doors or the tailgate is not com- pletely closed, this displays the open door or E00533901028 E00522201542 tailgate. This is displayed when you press the multi This displays the amount of fuel remaining.
  • Page 158
    Multi information display Outside temperature display Fuel remaining warning display CAUTION screen E00522402277 If the vehicle runs out of fuel, the engine When the fuel is reduced to about 7 litres, the will not start even in a situation need to be E00522101509 information screen switches to the interrupt This shows the temperature…
  • Page 159
    To modify the display settings, have it adjus- warning display is displayed for a few multi-information display switch for about 2 ted at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized seconds on the information screen. seconds or more. Only the currently dis- Service Point.
  • Page 160
    Multi information display 1. When you lightly press the multi infor- 3. Lightly press the multi information dis- NOTE mation display switch a few times, the play switch while the icon is flashing to When “—” is displayed, after a certain dis- information display switches to the serv- change the display from “—”…
  • Page 161
    Multi information display EV cruising range display/ For information on how to change the aver- NOTE age fuel consumption display setting, refer to Total cruising range display When the drive battery is charged or the ve- “Changing the function settings” on page hicle is refueled, the cruising range display E00537600026 6-16.
  • Page 162
    Multi information display Display of energy flow (exam- EVHV driving rate display Energy flow display ple) E00537500038 E00537400037 This displays the ratios of the time travelled This displays the flow of energy. with electric power and the time travelled When driving with electric energy with both electric power and engine power.
  • Page 163
    Multi information display The display shows the overall ECO score the When charging the drive battery function has counted from the time when the operation mode is set to “ON” to the time when it is set to “OFF”. CAUTION ECO drive level For safety, stop the vehicle before operating.
  • Page 164
    Multi information display Refer to “Changing the turn-signal 2. Lightly press the multi information dis- NOTE sound” on page 6-21. play switch to select “AVG (average To return the menu screen to the function Refer to “Reset of low tyre pressure fuel consumption)”.
  • Page 165
    Multi information display When the operation mode is changed Changing the fuel consumption 4. Lightly press the multi information dis- from ACC or OFF to ON, the mode set- play switch to select the units. display unit ting is automatically switched from man- 5.
  • Page 166
    Multi information display 1. Press and hold the multi information dis- 2. Lightly press the multi information dis- NOTE play switch for about 2 seconds or more play switch to select “LANGUAGE” On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone to switch from the setting mode screen (language setting).
  • Page 167
    Multi information display 2. Lightly press the multi information dis- NOTE NOTE play switch to select “ ” (language co- If “—” is selected in the language setting, a • When A or 1 has been selected with the operative control). warning message is not displayed when language cooperative control, the lan- there is a warning display or interrupt dis-…
  • Page 168
    Multi information display 2. Lightly press the multi information dis- 3. Press and hold the multi information dis- 3. Press and hold the multi information dis- play switch to select » » (operation play switch for about 2 seconds or more play switch for about 2 seconds or more sound setting).
  • Page 169
    Multi information display NOTE • Average fuel consumption reset mode: A (Auto reset) • Fuel consumption display unit: L/100 km • Temperature unit: °C (Celsius) • Display language: ENGLISH or RUSSI- Cooperative language setting: A (lan- • guage cooperation enabled) •…
  • Page 170: Indication Lamp, Warning Lamp, And Information Screen Display List

    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list E00523701267 Indication and warning lamp list E00523802454 11- Ready indicator ® p. 6-49 1- Position lamp indication lamp 6- Plug-in Hybrid EV System warning ®…

  • Page 171
    • Abnormal voltage or a static electricity discharge is generated by the operation of installed electrical equipment (including after-market parts). If the warning display appears many times, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. 6-24 Instruments and controls…
  • Page 172
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Warning display list E00524002336 Screen Cause Solution (Reference) One or more failure is occurring in the Have your vehicle inspected by a Plug-in Hybrid EV System. MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. One or more failure is occurring in the Immediately park the vehicle in a safe Plug-in Hybrid EV System.
  • Page 173
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) Charging was interrupted due to poor con- Connect the charge cable correctly. nection of the charge cable or power fail- Refer to “Normal charging” on page 3-10. ure.
  • Page 174
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) EV priority mode is not available because the EV priority mode is limited to protect the Plug-in Hybrid EV System or the out- side temperature is too low. EV priority mode has been cancelled be- cause the drive battery level is low.
  • Page 175
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) There is a fault in the LED headlamps. Have your vehicle inspected by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. Refer to “LED headlamp warning lamp” on page 6-55. There is a fault in the keyless operation Refer to “Keyless operation system”…
  • Page 176
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) You have forgotten to remove the keyless Remove the keyless operation key from operation key from the key slot. the key slot. Refer to “Keyless operation key remind- er”…
  • Page 177
    (Anti-theft starting system). start the Plug-in Hybrid EV System again. If the warning is not cancelled, please contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. The driver’s door is open when the opera- Put the operation mode in OFF.
  • Page 178
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) There is a fault in the electrical system. Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place. recommend contact MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. The engine is overheated. Stop the vehicle in a safe place and take corrective measures.
  • Page 179
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) You are driving with the parking brake Release the parking brake. Refer to still applied. “Brake warning display” on page 6-52. The brake fluid level in the reservoir has Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe fallen to a low level.
  • Page 180
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) You try to release the Electric parking Refer to “Electric parking brake” on page brake switch without depressing the brake 7-03. pedal. The Electric parking brake has been auto- Refer to “Brake auto hold”…
  • Page 181
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) The brake auto hold system does not turn Depress the brake pedal more firmly than off because the brake pedal is not pressed. usual with the right foot. Then, press the brake auto hold switch.
  • Page 182
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) The Adaptive Cruise Control System Increase the following distance by de- (ACC) has detected the approach of the pressing the brake pedal or marking other vehicles in front. decelerating control.
  • Page 183
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) The Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC) can not start the control because the speed is out of speed range. The Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC) can not start the control because not detected the approach of the vehicles in front.
  • Page 184
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) Refer to “FCM braking function” on page FCM braking function of the Forward 7-66. Collision Mitigation System (FCM) has been activated. The Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM) is temporarily unavailable for some reason.
  • Page 185
    System” on page 7-74. The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation Immediately have your vehicle inspected System does not operate normally because at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized there are some malfunctions in the sensor Service Point. or the system. Refer to “Ultrasonic misacceleration Miti- gation System”…
  • Page 186
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation Refer to “Ultrasonic misacceleration Miti- System is activated. gation System” on page 7-74. The Blind Spot Warning (BSW) sensor is When the warning display does not disap- temporarily not available for some reason pear after waiting for a while, contact a such as the environmental condition or in-…
  • Page 187
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) Foreign objects, such as dirt, snow or ice, Remove a foreign object on the bumper adhere to the bumper surface around the surface around the sensor. sensor. When the warning display does not disap- pear after having cleaned the bumper sur- face around the sensor, contact a…
  • Page 188
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen Cause Solution (Reference) The Forward Collision Mitigation System After the temperature of the sensor has (FCM), Lane Departure Warning (LDW) been in range, the system will automati- and automatic high-beam system are tem- cally return to operation.
  • Page 189
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list you set the destination and started the route Shows the direction of vehicle travel and 2- Remaining distance display guidance. the guidance location. Shows the distance to the location where the guidance is displayed. NOTE Direction of vehicle travel Please read this section and also the separate…
  • Page 190
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Other interrupt displays E00524202211 Screen System operation status Reference Place the select position in the “P” (PARK) When you pressed the power switch and position, depress the brake pedal more the operation mode become the ACC firmly than usual with the right foot.
  • Page 191
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen System operation status Reference If the vehicle had not been refueled about Refill the 15 litres more at one time. This 15 litres or more at one time for three display and battery charge mode display months, the engine starts automatically will disappear, and the engine will not au-…
  • Page 192
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen System operation status Reference When charging of the drive battery is Refer to “Charging” on page 3-02. completed. When the mode is changed by the opera- Refer to “ECO mode switch” on page tion of the 4WD lock switch or ECO mode 6-62.
  • Page 193
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen System operation status Reference When approaching the guidance location, Refer to “Navigation information display” etc. on page 6-41. When the EV priority mode is activated. Refer to “EV switch” on page 7-25. When the battery save mode is activated.
  • Page 194
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list Screen System operation status Reference When the parking sensors detect an obsta- Refer to “Parking sensors (Front/Rear)” cle. on page 7-98. When the Forward Collision Mitigation Refer to “FCM and Ultrasonic misaccelera- System (FCM) is activated or the timing of tion Mitigation System ON/OFF switch”…
  • Page 195
    Indication lamp, warning lamp, and information screen display list This informs you that a periodic inspection is due. Screen Solution We recommend you to have it checked. Refer to “Service reminder” for further de- tails on page 6-12. The setting for rest interval can be changed. Screen Solution Stop the vehicle in a safe place, stop the Plug-in Hybrid EV system, and take a rest.
  • Page 196: Indication Lamps

    Indication lamps High-beam indication lamp Ready indicator Indication lamps E00501800173 E00530101061 E00501600100 This indication lamp illumi- The ready indicator keeps nates when the high-beam is flashing until the Plug-in Turn-signal indication lamps/ used. Hybrid EV System is activa- Hazard warning indication ted.

  • Page 197: Warning Lamps

    Warning lamps The vehicle speed exceeds 8 km/h NOTE CAUTION (5 mph) with the parking brake applied. Although it is possible to start the Plug-in • Should the brakes fail, use regenerative Hybrid EV System if quick charging has not braking to reduce your speed and keep CAUTION finished normally, the charging indicator is…

  • Page 198
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized which monitors the emis- Service Point as soon as possible. sions, engine control system. CAUTION If a problem is detected in…
  • Page 199: Information Screen Display

    Point. brake failure. contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- If this warning is displayed, release the park- ized Service Point to have the system ing brake.

  • Page 200: Combination Headlamps And Dipper Switch

    Combination headlamps and dipper switch When the operation mode of the power CAUTION CAUTION switch is put in ON, if the brake fluid is low, • Should the brakes fail, use the regenera- If the warning is displayed while the engine this warning is displayed.

  • Page 201
    If the lamps do not turn on or off with the trol can be adjusted. For further information, switch in the “AUTO” position, manually contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- operate the switch and we recommend you ized Service Point. to have your vehicle checked.
  • Page 202
    For further information, we recommend you HEADLIGHT SERVICE REQUIRED” is or OFF with the lamps illuminated, a buzzer to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- displayed on the information screen in the will sound to remind the driver to turn off the thorized Service Point.
  • Page 203
    Combination headlamps and dipper switch Dipper (High/Low beam NOTE WARNING change) The high-beams can also flash when the The headlamp beams (high/low) may not lamp switch is OFF. be switched automatically under certain E00506201557 When the lamp switch is in the “ ”…
  • Page 204
    Combination headlamps and dipper switch 2. Press the automatic high-beam system Automatic switching conditions NOTE switch. E00551600033 You can switch the headlamp beams (high/ The high-beam headlamps illuminate when low) manually by operating the lever even if all of the following conditions are met: the automatic high-beam system is working.
  • Page 205
    OFF and then turned back to ON, please con- • Your vehicle’s headlamp is broken or tomatically. dirty. tact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized The system may not detect a light vehicle • Your vehicle is inclined due to a flat tyre Service Point.
  • Page 206
    Contact a If the warning display does not disappear af- MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service ter waiting for a while, there is a possibility Point for inspection of the sensor. that the automatic high-beam system has a [When the sensor is malfunctioning] malfunction.
  • Page 207: Headlamp Levelling

    For further information, please contact your • The coming home light function can be MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- deactivated. ice Point. For further information, please contact your On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- Link Display Audio or the MITSUBISHI ice Point.

  • Page 208: Turn-Signal Lever

    Turn-signal lever Automatic headlamp levelling The headlamp levelling switch can be used to Vehicle condition Switch position adjust the headlamp illumination distance (vehicles with LED headlamps) “0” (when the lower beam is illuminated) so that E00517601652 the headlamps’ glare does not distract other This mechanism automatically adjusts the di- drivers.

  • Page 209: Hazard Warning Flasher Switch

    8-04. For further information, we recommend you The ECO mode starts working by pressing to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- the ECO mode switch when the operation thorized Service Point. mode of the power switch is in ON. Push the On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone switch again and the ECO mode will cancel.

  • Page 210: Fog Lamp Switch

    Even if the ECO mode is operating, you can select normal operation of the air condition- For further information, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone Link Display Audio or the MITSUBISHI…

  • Page 211: Wiper And Washer Switch

    Wiper and washer switch Turn the knob once in the “ON” direction to If the blades are frozen to the windscreen or Wiper and washer switch turn on the front fog lamps. Turn the knob rear window, do not operate the wipers until E00507101218 once more in the “ON”…

  • Page 212
    Be For further information, we recommend you sure to turn the ignition switch to the to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- “LOCK” position or put the operation mode thorized Service Point. in OFF, or move lever to the “OFF” position •…
  • Page 213
    Ukraine, then about 6 seconds later, wip- tion (except vehicle-speed sensitive). ers operate once more. For further information, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. 6-66 Instruments and controls OGGE17E1…
  • Page 214
    Vehicles for Russia, Kazakhstan and Uk- raine, the wipers can be set to operate again after about 6 seconds. For further information, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone The wiper operates continuously…
  • Page 215
    For further information, we recommend you operates together with the windscreen wash- the windscreen wipers or the rear window to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- er the first time the windscreen washer lever wiper is operating. (automatic operation thorized Service Point.
  • Page 216: Wiper De-Icer Switch

    Wiper de-icer switch* Avoid using the washer continuously for NOTE NOTE more than 20 seconds. Do not operate The wiper de-icer is activated/deactivated, Do not use this switch when the ready indi- the washer when the fluid reservoir is depending on the operation of the rear win- cation lamp is not illuminated.

  • Page 217: Heated Windscreen Switch

    For further information, we recommend you heated windscreen continuously. about 5 to 10 minutes depending on the out- to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- side temperature. To turn off the heated thorized Service Point. windscreen while it is operating, push the…

  • Page 218: Heated Steering Wheel Switch

    Heated steering wheel switch* Heated steering wheel The indication lamp (A) will illuminate while CAUTION the heated steering wheel is on. switch* Long use of the heated steering wheel when the ready indicator is not illuminated may E00532100042 run down the auxiliary battery. The heated steering wheel will warm the grip portions of the left and right on the steering Horn switch…

  • Page 219
  • Page 220
    Starting and driving Economical driving…………….7-02 Active stability control (ASC)…………7-40 Driving, alcohol and drugs…………..7-02 Cruise control*………………7-42 Safe driving techniques……………7-02 Speed Limiter*………………7-47 Parking brake………………7-03 Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)*………..7-52 Parking………………..7-06 Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)*……..7-64 Steering wheel height and reach adjustment……..7-07 Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System*………
  • Page 221: Economical Driving

    Economical driving Speed Economical driving Driving, alcohol and drugs E00600102422 E00600200070 The higher the vehicle speed, the more drive For economical driving, there are some tech- Driving after drinking alcohol is one of the battery is consumed. Avoid driving at full nical requirements that have to be met.

  • Page 222: Parking Brake

    Parking brake Seat belts Carrying children in the vehi- Make sure the brake warning lamp (red) is il- luminated. Before starting the vehicle, make sure that Electric parking brake you and your passengers have fastened your Never leave your vehicle unattended seat belts.

  • Page 223
    Depending on the situation, the Electric parking brake switch will come on. cle stationary after the foot brake is released, parking brake may be applied automatically. contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- Refer to “Brake auto hold” on page 7-32. ized Service Point. CAUTION…
  • Page 224
    The Plug-in Hybrid EV System is oper- Contact the nearest MITSUBISHI MOTORS ating. Authorized Service Point. The select position is in the “D” (DRIVE) or the “R” (REVERSE) posi- tion.
  • Page 225: Parking

    Electric parking brake released automatically. may not be applied or released. Immediately Turn the front wheels away from the kerb contact the nearest MITSUBISHI MOTORS Warning display and move the vehicle back until the kerb side Authorized Service Point. For details, refer wheel gently touches the kerb.

  • Page 226: Steering Wheel Height And Reach Adjustment

    Steering wheel height and reach adjustment Steering wheel height and Inside rear-view mirror WARNING reach adjustment Leaving the engine running risks injury E00600802168 or death from accidentally moving the se- Adjust the rear-view mirror only after mak- E00600701652 lector lever or the accumulation of toxic ing any seat adjustments so you have a clear 1.

  • Page 227
    Inside rear-view mirror To adjust the mirror position The lever (A) at the bottom of the mirror can WARNING be used to adjust the mirror to reduce the Do not attempt to adjust the rear-view It is possible to move the mirror up/down and glare from the headlamps of vehicles behind mirror while driving.
  • Page 228: Outside Rear-View Mirrors

    Outside rear-view mirrors When the headlamps of the vehicles behind When the headlamps of the vehicles behind NOTE you are very bright, the reflection factor of you are very bright, the reflection factor of If you want to stop the automatic mode, the rear-view mirror is automatically changed the rear-view mirror is automatically changed press the switch (3) for approximately 2 sec-…

  • Page 229
    Outside rear-view mirrors 3- Right After placing the operation mode in OFF, it is WARNING 4- Left possible to retract and extend the mirrors us- Your vehicle is equipped with convex type 3. Return the lever (A) back to the middle ing the mirror retractor switch for approxi- mirrors.
  • Page 230
    Functions can be modified as stated below. To demist or defrost the outside rear-view while a mirror is moving. Please consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS mirrors, press the rear window demister If you move a mirror by hand or it moves af- Authorized Service Point.
  • Page 231: Power Switch

    For further information, we recommend you the keyless operation system. Never drive if key is out of the vehicle, a warning lamp to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- the indication lamp on the power switch is will blink for 5 seconds or a warning display thorized Service Point.

  • Page 232
    Power switch Changing the operation mode CAUTION All vehicle’s electrical devices can be operat- E00631901041 When the auxiliary battery is disconnected, If you press the power switch without de- the current operation mode is memorized. pressing the brake pedal, you can change the After reconnecting the auxiliary battery, the The indication lamp on the power switch illu- operation mode in the order of OFF, ACC,…
  • Page 233: Starting And Stopping The Plug-In Hybrid Ev System

    LOCK switch, a warning lamp will blink be deactivated. System or warning display will appear, and the outer For details, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized buzzer will sound preventing you from lock- E00620701661 Service Point. ing the doors and tailgate.

  • Page 234
    Starting and stopping the Plug-in Hybrid EV System Stopping the Plug-in Hybrid 6. When the READY indicator changes NOTE from blinking to staying on, the startup EV System If you press the power switch when the se- of Plug-in Hybrid EV System is activa- lector lever position is other than the “P”…
  • Page 235: Selector Lever (Joystick Type)

    Selector lever (Joystick type) Keyless operation key remind- Selector lever operation Remove the keyless operation key from the key slot after starting the Plug-in Hybrid EV E00636200097 System or changing the operation mode. The selector lever always returns to its home E00633001046 ( ●…

  • Page 236
    Selector lever (Joystick type) The “B” (REGENERATIVE BRAKE) posi- NOTE NOTE tion can only be selected while the select po- You cannot operate the regenerative brake • When the operation mode is in the “ON” sition is in the “D” (DRIVE) position. When while the adaptive cruise control system position with the Plug-in Hybrid EV Sys- the selector lever is moved to the “B”…
  • Page 237: Select Position Indicator

    Select position indicator Selector lever positions You can adjust the regenerative braking force Select position indicator up to two levels. E00636400086 E00636300102 Refer to “Selector lever operation” on page “P” PARK This indicator displays the selector lever po- 7-16. sition in the meter. Refer to “When driving downhill”…

  • Page 238: Electrical Parking Switch

    Have your vehicle inspected by a Electrical Parking switch re- MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- ice Point. minder buzzer If the driver’s door is opened with the select position other than “P”…

  • Page 239
    Regenerative braking level selector (paddle)* To decrease generative force By pulling the regenerative braking level se- CAUTION lector, the brake force (amount of electrical If a large regenerative brake force is applied energy to charge the drive battery) can be ad- Each time you pull the + (UP) paddle to- on a slippery road, tyres may skid.
  • Page 240: S-Awc (Super All Wheel Control)

    S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control) To increase generative force To return to the normal regen- CAUTION erative brake force level of B2 Do not over-rely on the S-AWC. Even the S- Each time you pull the — (DOWN) paddle to- AWC cannot prevent the natural laws of wards you, the regenerative brake force rises Pull the + (UP) paddle for approx.

  • Page 241
    S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control) It can be used from a low-speed to high- CAUTION CAUTION speed operation, and the driving stability im- Control of the braking force does not en- Use tyres of the same specified size, same proves on a wet road surface or a snowy hance the stopping performance of the vehi- type, same brand and with no wear differ- road, etc.
  • Page 242: 4-Wheel Drive Operation

    4-wheel drive operation It is particularly important to note that 4- Yaw control function display wheel drive may not give sufficient hill The amount of the yaw moment is displayed climbing ability with the regenerative brake as a bar graph. on steep slopes.

  • Page 243: Inspection And Maintenance Following Rough Road Operation

    Control (ASC) with the “ASC OFF” you to have the brakes checked as soon MITSUBISHI MOTORS is not responsible switch will make it easier to move out your as possible. for any damage or injury caused or liability vehicle.

  • Page 244: Ev Switch

    EV switch Towing Jacking up a 4-wheel drive ve- Install only the specified tyres on all wheels. Refer to “Tyres and wheels” on hicle page 12-08. Be sure all 4 tyres and wheels are the WARNING same size and type. When it is necessary to replace any of Do not turn on the Plug-in Hybrid EV System or turn a jacked-up wheel when…

  • Page 245
    EV switch When the operation mode of the power NOTE NOTE switch is put in OFF, the EV priority mode In the following conditions, the EV priority While the following message is displayed in will be cancelled. mode cannot be used even if the EV switch the multi information display, the EV priori- is pressed, a buzzer will sound and the mes- ty mode cannot be used even if the EV…
  • Page 246: Battery Save Mode Switch

    Battery save mode switch If the battery save mode switch is pressed NOTE NOTE while the ready indicator is on, the engine • When the protecting device of the Plug-in If the ambient temperature is low, the engine will start to keep the remaining quantity of Hybrid EV System is working.

  • Page 247: Battery Charge Mode Switch

    Battery charge mode switch If the battery charge mode switch is pressed NOTE WARNING while the ready indicator is on, the engine The engine may stop when the vehicle stops When you leave the vehicle, be sure that will start and it can charge the drive battery or is running.

  • Page 248: Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (Avas)

    Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) When the vehicle speed is about 3 km/h NOTE NOTE (2 mph) or less with engine not running Even if the battery charge mode switch is When the engine is started while parking, and the brake pedal is not depressed. pressed, the battery charge mode may not be there is a risk of receiving a penalty due to When the vehicle speed is about 3 km/h…

  • Page 249
    OFF once again. It is normal if the indication lamp goes off. If the indication lamp blinks again, have the vehicle inspec- ted at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point as soon as possible. AVAS OFF switch…
  • Page 250: Braking

    Braking When driving downhill Braking WARNING Do not turn off the Plug-in Hybrid EV E00607002967 WARNING System while your vehicle is in motion. If All the parts of the brake system are critical you turn off the Plug-in Hybrid EV Sys- Do not leave any objects near the brake to safety.

  • Page 251: Brake Auto Hold

    Brake auto hold CAUTION WARNING NOTE Effectiveness of the regenerative brake be- Driving with worn brake pads will make While operating the brake auto hold system, comes weak when the drive battery is close it harder to stop, and can cause an acci- you may hear an operation noise to increase to full charge and loses its effect at the full dent.

  • Page 252
    Brake auto hold The brake auto hold indication lamp in the NOTE NOTE instrument cluster will come on while the When the brake auto hold system cannot be • When there is a malfunction in the sys- system activates. used, a buzzer will sound and the message tem.
  • Page 253: Hill Start Assist

    Hill start assist NOTE NOTE NOTE While the vehicle is held stationary with the If the brake auto hold system is turned off brake auto hold system, the Electric parking without the brake pedal being depressed, a brake will be automatically applied under buzzer will sound and the message will ap- the following conditions, and a buzzer will pear on the information screen in the multi…

  • Page 254
    NOTE inspected by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- When reversing on an uphill slope, put the thorized Service Point as soon as possible. select position to the “R” position.
  • Page 255: Brake Assist System

    Brake assist system Brake assist system NOTE CAUTION When the brake assist system is in use, you If the ABS warning or ASC warning is dis- E00627001793 may feel as if the depressed brake pedal is played, the emergency stop signal system The brake assist system is a device assisting soft, the pedal moves in small motions in may not operate.

  • Page 256: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs)

    Anti-lock brake system (ABS) Anti-lock brake system • Driving on bumpy roads or other poor You will hear the operation sound of the driving surfaces. motor coming from the Plug-in Hybrid (ABS) Operation of ABS is not restricted to sit- EV System compartment immediately uations where brakes are applied sud- following start off after starting the…

  • Page 257
    Never install a limited-slip differential, Any of the following warning lamp/display sufficient, ABS warning lamp/display which is not MITSUBISHI MOTORS GEN- behaviour indicates that the ABS is not func- may illuminate, but this is not a failure UINE parts, as the ABS may not function tioning and only the standard brake system of ABS.
  • Page 258: Electric Power Steering System (Eps)

    If this happens, have your ve- When doing this, be careful not to damage hicle inspected at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS the wheel speed sensors (A) and cables loca- Authorized Service Point. ted at each wheel on vehicles equipped with an ABS.

  • Page 259: Active Stability Control (Asc)

    It is the driver’s responsibility to drive care- MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- fully. This means taking into account the ice Point as soon as possible. traffic, road and environmental conditions. It may become harder to turn the steering Be sure to use the same specified type and wheel.

  • Page 260
    Active stability control (ASC) Traction control function ASC OFF switch CAUTION E00619000087 E00619201741 In case you turn off the ASC to move out On slippery surfaces, the traction control The ASC is automatically activated when the from mud or sand etc., press the ASC OFF function prevents the drive wheels from ex- operation mode is put in ON.
  • Page 261: Cruise Control

    Cruise control* ASC operation indicator or CAUTION — ASC operation indicator ASC OFF indicator If the temperature in the braking system con- — ASC OFF indicator tinues to increase due to continuous brake E00619301771 control on a slippery road surface, the ASC operation indicator dicator will blink.

  • Page 262
    Cruise control* Cruise control switches To activate CAUTION E00609302397 When you do not wish to drive at a set 1. With the operation mode in ON, press speed, turn off the cruise control for safety. CRUISE CONTROL ON/OFF Do not use cruise control when driving con- switch (A) to turn on the cruise control.
  • Page 263
    Cruise control* Accelerator pedal 2. Accelerate or decelerate to your desired When you reach your desired speed, release speed, then push down and release the the switch. Your new cruising speed is now While driving at the set speed, use the accel- SET — switch (B).
  • Page 264
    Cruise control* Brake pedal To temporarily increase or de- When you reach your desired speed, release the switch. Your new cruising speed is now crease the speed While driving at the set speed, use the brake set. pedal, which disengages the cruise control, E00609601306 then push down the SET — switch (B) and re- To temporarily increase the…
  • Page 265
    Cruise control* To temporarily decrease the Depress the brake pedal. WARNING speed Although the set speed driving will be de- Depress the brake pedal to decrease the activated when shifting to the “N” (NEU- TRAL) position, never move the selector speed.
  • Page 266: Speed Limiter

    Speed Limiter* The operation mode is put in OFF. In this case, when vehicle speed keeps ex- NOTE ceeding set speed about +3 km/h (2 mph) for The indicator display goes off. • The selector lever is shifted to “B” when about 30 seconds after the alert message is the select position is in “R”.

  • Page 267
    Speed Limiter* Speed Limiter information on A- SPEED LIMITER ON/OFF switch A- Control state To turn on/off the Speed Limiter. There are 3 control states as below. the multi information display B- SET — switch LIMIT OFF area To set the current vehicle speed to a set When the Speed Limiter is in speed decrease the set speed.
  • Page 268
    Speed Limiter* To activate The set speed is increased 1 km/h (1 mph) each taps. E00633601055 Accelerate or decelerate to your desired By using the CANCEL switch, speed, and push down the SET — switch (B). To increase the set speed the accelerator pedal and the the Speed Limiter memorizes the current ve- hicle speed when you release the SET -…
  • Page 269
    Speed Limiter* Accelerate to driver’s desired vehicle speed If the set speed reaches to your desired speed, By using the CANCEL switch, and push down SET — switch (B) and release. release the SET — switch (B). the service brake and the SET — switch E00634201058 Press the CANCEL switch (D) to deactivate…
  • Page 270
    Stop using the Speed Limiter and turn off the Speed Limiter. Have your vehicle in- spected by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Serv- ice Point. Starting and driving 7-51 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 271: Adaptive Cruise Control System (Acc)

    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* If you desire, a cruise control without inter- CAUTION CAUTION vention of the following distance control is There is a possibility for the Speed Limiter There is a possibility to occur jerk, depend- also selectable. to allow abrupt acceleration corresponding ing on a running resistance.

  • Page 272
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* WARNING CAUTION CAUTION Never rely solely on the ACC. The ACC is • When driving in curved sections of road • On roads with slippery surfaces, such as the system to reduce load on the driver. including their entrance/outlet or running frozen, snow-covered, and dirt roads.
  • Page 273
    (time gap) matched with the such as a grill guard, etc. MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- vehicle speed between your vehicle and a ve- ice Point. hicle in front while also activating brakes as When ACC detects no vehicle necessary.
  • Page 274
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* Proximity alarm NOTE WARNING E00634701079 If you do not depress the brake pedal within Your vehicle may accelerate up to the set While the ACC is active, if your vehicle ap- 2 seconds after an automatic stop, you are speed in the following situations.
  • Page 275
    A freight trailer that is not carrying a con- sible abnormality in the system. Used to cancel the control function of tainer. Please contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS • The vehicle has a protruding load from ACC or the cruise control.
  • Page 276
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* How to use ACC 4- Vehicles in front symbol: NOTE Comes on when the radar detects a vehi- E00635001271 Operate the individual switches correctly cle ahead. Two types of indication; and one after another. To start up (place in ‘standby “Stand by”…
  • Page 277
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* When your desired speed is reached, release When the ACC is initialized, a buzzer sound the “SET -” switch; then this speed is set and is heard and the “SET” indicator lights up on the ACC initiates the speed control to the set the screen.
  • Page 278
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* At the point where the vehicle speed is raised NOTE NOTE to your desired speed, push down and release • When the select position is in the “P” There is some time lag between the setting the “SET -”…
  • Page 279
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* At the point where the vehicle slows down to NOTE NOTE your desired speed, push down the “SET -” Set speed adjustment is impossible while the If there is a vehicle in front and your vehicle switch;…
  • Page 280
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* To temporarily accelerate the NOTE NOTE vehicle In certain conditions, the braking control and You can also cancel the ACC control by Simply depress the accelerator pedal to tem- alarming functions of ACC may not work pressing the “ACC ON/OFF”…
  • Page 281
    If the message remains after the operation mode has been turned to the “OFF” position and then turned back to the “ON” position, contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point. When your vehicle stops as the vehicle This can occur when: in front stops.
  • Page 282
    Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC)* NOTE NOTE NOTE Pressing the switch turns off the ACC even The conditions to be met before the ACC The following distance varies as a function if it is engaged. control can be resumed are the same as those of the speed;…
  • Page 283: Forward Collision Mitigation System (Fcm)

    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* → “Cruise control (automatic speed control When the risk of collision increases more, the If you turn the FCM ON/OFF, the Ultrasonic system)” on page 7-42 system causes the brakes to work moderately misacceleration Mitigation System also turns to encourage you to apply brakes.

  • Page 284
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* Forward collision warning WARNING CAUTION function A driver is responsible for driving safely. Under certain conditions, the audible alarm The FCM is the system to mitigate colli- may not work at all or may be scarcely audi- E00635401129 If the system judges that there is a risk of sion-caused damages or to avoid collisions…
  • Page 285
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* The FCM brake assist function operates at Once the emergency braking has worked, you CAUTION the following vehicle speed: are alerted to this by a message on the infor- When applying the brake during the auto- Against vehicle: Approximately…
  • Page 286
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION • When the vehicle in front is towing a • When driving on a slippery road covered • When water, snow or sand on the road are trailer. by rain water, snow, ice etc. extorted by the vehicle in front or an on- •…
  • Page 287
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION Factors such as the positional relationship • When running in Multi-storey car park. • When a vehicle cuts into your path in the between your vehicle and a vehicle in front, detecting range of the sensor. •…
  • Page 288
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* NOTE NOTE A sound will be heard during the activation When the FCM and Ultrasonic misaccelera- of automatic braking, this is a function of the tion Mitigation System ON/OFF switch is brake control and is not abnormal. held pressed to change the ON/OFF state of the FCM, the ON/OFF state of the Ultrason- ic misacceleration Mitigation System is also…
  • Page 289
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* As you make selection, the selected alarm CAUTION timing is displayed on the information screen For the FCM brake prefill, the FCM brake of the multi-information display. Even after assist and the FCM braking functions, the turning off the FCM or setting the operation function triggering…
  • Page 290
    If the display keeps showing the message, there is a possibility that the FCM has a mal- Lane Departure Warning (LDW) function. Contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point for inspection of the system. Starting and driving 7-71…
  • Page 291
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- ice Point. If you need to replace the windscreen, con- tact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. The sensor emits infrared rays when the op- eration mode is in ON. Do not look into the CAUTION •…
  • Page 292
    Forward Collision Mitigation System (FCM)* Laser classification label Laser warning label For Europe For Russia, Kazakchstan and Belarus Laser explanatory label For Israel Starting and driving 7-73 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 293: Ultrasonic Misacceleration Mitigation System

    Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System* Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System* E00643400163 The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System operates to prevent sudden starts and mitigate collision-caused damages by suppressing the motor output for up to approximately 5 seconds when the system judges that the system has detected a vehicle or obstacles within approximately 4 m in front and behind your vehicle and judges that accelerator pedal was depressed promptly and too strongly such as misoperation of it.

  • Page 294
    Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System* Situation Operation display Buzzer When an obstacle is detected behind your vehicle with the se- lector lever in the “R” position, if the accelerator pedal is de- pressed promptly and too strongly, the motor output is sup- pressed for up to approximately 5 seconds.
  • Page 295
    Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System* CAUTION The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System does not operate in the following conditions: • The operation mode is other than ON. • The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System is set to OFF by operating the Forward collision mitigation system (FCM) and Ultrasonic misaccelera- tion Mitigation System ON/OFF switch.
  • Page 296
    Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System* CAUTION The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System operation may be cancelled when the system judges the handle operation as evasive actions or when the obstacle moves out of the detectable area of the sensor. The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation System may be triggered in the following situations. •…
  • Page 297
    Do not modify the suspension of your vehicle. If the bumper has been exposed to an impact, the sensors may fail and prevent the system from functioning properly. Have the vehicle inspected a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. Obstacle detection areas…
  • Page 298
    Obstacles that are soft and absorb ultra- the warning display appears continuously, E00643800053 sonic easily, such as spongy material or The Ultrasonic misacceleration Mitigation contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- snow. System is automatically turned ON by setting ized Service Point. •…
  • Page 299: Blind Spot Warning (Bsw) (With Lane Change Assist)

    Blind Spot Warning (BSW) (with Lane Change Assist)* Blind Spot Warning (BSW) WARNING (with Lane Change Assist)* Before using the BSW, read this entire section to fully understand the limitations E00644300084 of this system. Failure to follow instruc- The Blind Spot Warning (BSW) is a driving tions could result in an accident.

  • Page 300
    Blind Spot Warning (BSW) (with Lane Change Assist)* To operate WARNING WARNING E00652300067 • When a vehicle is travelling alongside • When the sensor is extremely hot or When the BSW switch is pressed while the of your vehicle at nearly the same speed cold (while the vehicle is parked for a operation mode is ON, the BSW indication for prolonged periods of time.
  • Page 301
    Blind Spot Warning (BSW) (with Lane Change Assist)* If the turn-signal lever is operated to the side NOTE NOTE where the Blind Spot Warning lamp is illumi- When the operation mode is set to OFF, the • When you drive your vehicle with blow- nated, the Blind Spot Warning lamp will selected condition just before setting to OFF ing up the water, snow or sand etc.
  • Page 302: Rear Cross Traffic Alert (Rcta)

    E00692800022 sor. Have the vehicle inspected at a E00652400055 MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service The Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) is an Point as soon as possible. aid system for backing up. When the RCTA…

  • Page 303
    Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)* Detection areas WARNING Never rely solely on the RCTA when The detection area is shown as illustrated. backing up. The RCTA is an aid system. It is not a substitute for your safe and careful driving. Always check visually be- hind and all around your vehicle for other vehicles, persons, animals or obstructions.
  • Page 304: Lane Departure Warning (Ldw)

    Lane Departure Warning (LDW)* Lane Departure Warning CAUTION CAUTION (LDW)* • When the reversing speed of your vehicle If the bumper has experienced an impact, the is approximately 18 km/h (11 mph) or sensor may have been damaged and the E00635701119 higher.

  • Page 305
    Lane Departure Warning (LDW)* Turning off the system NOTE When you press the LDW switch, the Press and hold the LDW switch for “LDW” indicator on the information screen more than approximately 10 seconds. of the multi-information display goes out, The “LDW 2”…
  • Page 306
    If the alarm continues showing, there is a possibility that the LDW has a malfunction. Contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point for inspection of the sys- tem. NOTE…
  • Page 307
    (espe- The alarm shown below is displayed if the MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- cially after the rain when road surface is LDW goes into a non-initialized state due to ice Point.
  • Page 308: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (Tpms)

    • When turning steep curves. windscreen. • Use only MITSUBISHI MOTORS GEN- When the road surface is reflecting the • UINE Parts when replacing the wind- light shining from the direction opposite screen wipers.

  • Page 309
    MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- MOTORS Authorized Service Point. ice Point. In such situations, a malfunctioning of the When the operation mode is put in ON, the system may be preventing the monitoring of the tyre pressure.
  • Page 310
    Tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency The tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS) NOTE and tyre tread life, and may affect the vehi- malfunctions may occur for a variety of rea- In addition, the warning display will be dis- cle’s handling and stopping ability.
  • Page 311
    Authorized Service Point. If the tyre repair is Wheels that are not fitted with tyre infla- tion pressure, one or more of the tyres not done by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- tion pressure sensors are being used. may have a puncture. Inspect the tyre…
  • Page 312
    If the wheel replacement is not to the menu screen. done by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- Refer to “Multi information display ized Service Point, it is not covered by your switch” on page 6-04.
  • Page 313: Reversing Sensor System

    Reversing sensor system* 3. Hold down the multi-information dis- NOTE CAUTION play switch for about 3 seconds or more. When changing the tyre ID set, the reset Make sure to check the surroundings with The setting changes the selected tyre ID function of low tyre pressure warning your own eyes to ensure safety.

  • Page 314
    Reversing sensor system* Corner and back sensor loca- The detection areas are within approximately NOTE tions 60 cm (A) from the corner sensors, 125 cm The sensors do not detect objects located in (B) from the back sensors. There are two corner sensors (A) at the cor- the area directly below or near the bumper.
  • Page 315
    Reversing sensor system* CAUTION NOTE NOTE • The sensors are extremely hot or cold The buzzer may sound lower than the nor- Only when the select position is the “R” po- (while the vehicle is parked for a long pe- mal warning sound when the reversing sen- sition, the reversing sensor system can be riod of time under a blazing sun or in cold…
  • Page 316
    Reversing sensor system* CAUTION Vehicle to obstacle Warning display/ Vehicles without a towing bar distance sound cycle While the operation of the system is stopped The distances given are to be used for refer- Approx. 40 to 20 cm Fast intermittent at the “SONAR”…
  • Page 317: Parking Sensors (Front/Rear)

    Parking sensors (Front/Rear)* Reversing sensor system warn- Even after the buzzer and display has stopped CAUTION warning, the indication lamp (A) on “SO- ing display The parking sensors assist you in determin- NAR” switch will continue blinking until the ing the approximate distance between the E00615901519 system reverts to the normal state.

  • Page 318
    Parking sensors (Front/Rear)* Corner and back sensor loca- Vehicles without a towing bar Vehicles with a towing bar tions The detection areas are within approximately The detection areas are within approximately There are 8 sensors (A) in the front and rear 60 cm (A) from the front and corner sensors 60 cm (A) from the front and corner sensors bumper.
  • Page 319
    Parking sensors (Front/Rear)* To operate CAUTION CAUTION E00648100149 The parking sensors may not operate proper- • Objects that are shaped with a sharp an- To operate the system, the operation mode is ly under the following conditions: gle. put in ON. When the parking sensors are op- •…
  • Page 320
    Parking sensors (Front/Rear)* Warning for obstacles Back sensor (vehicles without a towing NOTE bar) If there is an obstacle in the vicinity of the When the sensors are detecting different ob- vehicle, a warning will be issued with the in- stacles at the same time, the information Vehicle to obstacle Warning display/…
  • Page 321: Rear-View Camera

    Rear-view camera* Warning display Even after the buzzer and display has stopped NOTE warning, the indication lamp (A) on “SO- E00648300125 The mode of the detection area can be NAR” switch will continue blinking until the In case there is a malfunction in the parking switched only when the select position is in system reverts to the normal state.

  • Page 322
    Rear-view camera* Location of rear-view camera CAUTION The rear-view camera (A) is integrated into The rear-view camera is an assistance sys- the part near the tailgate handle. tem that enables the driver to check for ob- stacles behind the vehicle. Its range of view is limited, so you should not overly depend on it.
  • Page 323
    Rear-view camera* Red line (B) indicates approximately NOTE When the rear of the vehicle is weighed 50 cm behind the rear bumper. down with the weight of passengers and Because the rear-view camera has a special Two Green lines (C) indicate approxi- luggage in the vehicle lens, the lines on the ground between park- mately 20 cm outside of the vehicle…
  • Page 324
    Rear-view camera* Therefore when there is an obstacle on the Therefore when there is an obstacle on the However, the vehicle may hit the truck be- upward slope, it appears farther than its ac- downward slope, it appears closer than its ac- cause the body of the truck strays onto the tual position.
  • Page 325: Multi Around Monitor

    Multi Around Monitor* Multi Around Monitor* CAUTION When approaching to solid objects The reference lines for distance and vehicle Do not use the Multi Around Monitor with E00645000147 width are intended to indicate the distance to the door mirrors folded in and/or with the The Multi Around Monitor is a system that doors and/or the tailgate open.

  • Page 326
    Multi Around Monitor* Range of view of the Multi Range of view of the Multi WARNING Around Monitor cameras Around Monitor Do not install anything which will disturb the operation of the cameras around the E00645100177 The range of view of the Multi Around Mon- location of them.
  • Page 327
    Multi Around Monitor* Bird’s eye-view/Rear-view Bird’s eye-view/Front-view CAUTION mode mode The cameras have special lenses that can Views of the surroundings of the vehicle and Views of the surroundings of the vehicle and make objects shown on the screen appear to be closer or further away than they actually behind the vehicle are displayed.
  • Page 328
    Multi Around Monitor* Operation with the selector lev- Operation with the switch NOTE E00652800033 It is not possible to fully see obstacles when When the switch (A) is pressed, the bird’s the lens is dirty. If the lens becomes conta- E00652700058 eye view/front-view is displayed.
  • Page 329
    If the switch is pressed, the mode of Multi played correctly. Be sure to have it inspected Around Monitor is switched, Bird’s eyeview/ by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized 1- Approximately 100 cm from the Front-view mode Side-view/Frontview Service Point.
  • Page 330
    Multi Around Monitor* NOTE NOTE When the expected course lines are dis- When the expected course lines are dis- played in the front-view, the expected course played in the rear-view, the expected course lines are also displayed in the bird’s eyeview lines are also displayed in the bird’s eye- (Front: solid line, Rear: broken line).
  • Page 331
    Multi Around Monitor* Therefore when there is an obstacle on the Therefore when there is an obstacle on the Therefore when there is an obstacle on the upward slope, it appears farther than its ac- upward slope, it appears farther than its ac- downward slope, it appears closer than its ac- tual position.
  • Page 332
    Multi Around Monitor* However, the vehicle may hit the truck be- When approaching to solid objects 1- Approximate vehicle width including the cause the body of the truck strays onto the The reference lines for distance and vehicle door mirror. course in reality.
  • Page 333
    Multi Around Monitor* Bird’s eye-view mode CAUTION NOTE E00646200058 The bird’s eye-view is an simulated view In the Bird’s eye-view mode, since the views An overhead view in which the vehicle is processed by combining view captured by captured by the four cameras, “Front-view looked down is displayed so that you can “Front-view camera”, “Side-view cameras camera”, “Side-view cameras (right and…
  • Page 334: Cargo Loads

    Cargo loads precautions details, we recommend you to consult a ing or quick turning. MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- In addition, place the luggage on the carrier CAUTION ice Point. so that its weight is distributed evenly with the heaviest items on the bottom.

  • Page 335: Trailer Towing

    Towing bar mounting specifi- have a trailer towing device mounted that cations meets all relevant regulations in your area, 698 mm consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- See the following table for fixing points (A) 69 mm ized Service Point. for the towing bar.

  • Page 336
    Trailer towing Parking NOTE 583 mm In charge mode, if the remaining quantity of It is not recommended to park on a steep Operating hints the drive battery can be increased in ad- slope while towing trailer. vance, it can prevent the vehicle speed from If parking on a steep slope cannot be avoided, Be sure that the driving speed does not decreasing on long up hills.
  • Page 337
  • Page 338
    For pleasant driving Ventilators……………….8-02 Ashtray*………………..8-74 Automatic climate control air conditioner………. 8-04 Cigarette lighter*……………..8-74 Important operation tips for the air conditioner……..8-13 Accessory socket……………..8-75 Air purifier………………8-13 220-240 V AC power supplies*…………8-76 Remote Climate Control*…………..8-14 Interior lamps………………8-79 Heating………………..8-14 Storage spaces………………
  • Page 339: Ventilators

    Ventilators To close the ventilator, fully move the knob To close the ventilator, fully move the knob Ventilators (A) to the outer side. (A) to the left side. E00700100982 1- Driver’s ventilators 2- Passenger’s ventilators 1- Close 1- Close 2- Open 2- Open NOTE NOTE…

  • Page 340
    “ ” position. For further information, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone Link Display Audio or the MITSUBISHI Multi-Communication…
  • Page 341: Automatic Climate Control Air Conditioner

    Automatic climate control air conditioner Automatic climate control air conditioner E00702401436 Cooling or heating can only be performed when ready indicator is illuminating. When the operation mode is ON, only the blower is available. NOTE If the drive battery level display indicates 0, the cooling performance cannot be obtained even the air conditioner is turned on. Refer to “Drive battery level display screen”…

  • Page 342
    Automatic climate control air conditioner 1- Driver’s side temperature control switch 6- Air selection switch 13- Mode selection display (LHD vehicles) 7- Demister switch 14- Passenger’s side temperature display (LHD vehicles) ® p. 8-07 Passenger’s side temperature control 8- AUTO switch 9- Rear window demister switch ®…
  • Page 343
    Automatic climate control air conditioner NOTE There is an interior air temperature sensor (A) in the illustrated position. Never place anything on top of the sensor, since doing so will prevent it from functioning properly. While the EV priority mode is activated, except when pressing the demister switch, the engine does not start. Therefore, if your vehicle is not equipped with the electric heater, the heating performance cannot be obtained while the EV priority mode is activated.
  • Page 344
    For further information, we recommend you to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- thorized Service Point. When the temperature is set to the highest or the lowest, the air selection and the air con- ditioning will be automatically changed as follows.
  • Page 345
    For further information, we recommend you Dual mode to consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- If the passenger’s side temperature con- thorized Service Point. trol switch is pressed under synchron- Refer to “Customizing the air conditioning ized mode, the system will switch to du- switch”…
  • Page 346
    Automatic climate control air conditioner • When the setting is changed from ena- AUTO switch NOTE ble to disable E00702601047 When the engine coolant temperature rises 3 sounds are emitted and the indica- When the AUTO switch is pressed, the indi- to a certain level, the air selection is auto- tion lamp flashes 3 times.
  • Page 347
    Automatic climate control air conditioner Air conditioning switch to the separate owner’s manual for de- Customizing the air conditioning switch tails. E00703502327 E00739700137 Push the switch to turn the air conditioner on, Functions can be changed as desired, as sta- the “…
  • Page 348
    Automatic climate control air conditioner MODE switch Demister switch NOTE E00703300031 E00703901207 When the demister switch is pressed while Each time the MODE switch is pressed, the When this switch is pressed, the mode the EV priority mode is activated, the engine mode changes to the next one in the follow- changes to the “…
  • Page 349
    Automatic climate control air conditioner 2. Set the temperature control switch to the Demisting of the windscreen For quick demisting desired temperature. and door windows E00704302016 The mode selection, blower speed ad- justment, recirculated/outside air selec- CAUTION tion, temperature adjustment, and air conditioner ON/OFF status are all con- For safety, make sure you have a clear view trolled automatically.
  • Page 350: Important Operation Tips For The Air Conditioner

    Important operation tips for the air conditioner Air conditioning system refrig- During a long period of disuse Important operation tips for erant and lubricant recommen- the air conditioner The air conditioner should be operated for at dations least five minutes each week, even in cold E00708302287 weather.

  • Page 351: Remote Climate Control

    Remote Climate Control* LW/MW/FM radio/CD Remote Climate Control* NOTE player* If foreign objects or water get into the audio E00735401087 equipment, or if smoke or a strange odour You can run the air conditioner in advance of E00708503387 comes from it, immediately turn off the au- using the vehicle.

  • Page 352
    Inc., registered in the U.S. and other nies”. The websites mentioned above may their entirety. connect you to websites other than the countries. MITSUBISHI MOTORS website. Apple is not responsible for the opera- http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/prod- tion of this device or its compliance with ucts/index.html safety and regulatory standards.
  • Page 353
    LW/MW/FM radio/CD player* 5th generation 5th generation (video) (video) 6th generation 5th generation 4th generation (video) (video camera) 3rd generation 2nd generation 1st generation (video) (aluminium) 8-16 For pleasant driving OGGE17E1…
  • Page 354
    LW/MW/FM radio/CD player* 4th generation 3rd generation 2nd generation 1st generation 8GB 32GB 64GB 32GB 64GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 16GB 32GB 8GB 16GB 32GB 8GB 16GB For pleasant driving 8-17 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 355: Handling Of Discs

    Handling of Discs Important Points on Storage Handling of Discs Maxi- Type Size Comments E00735901040 When not using discs, ensure these are playback This explains care that should be taken in the kept in cases, and stored out of direct time handling of discs.

  • Page 356: Audio Files (Mp3/Wma/Aac)

    Audio Files (MP3/WMA/AAC) Do not insert irregularly-shaped discs Playback of other than standard CDs is Additionally, ensure you read the user man- (for example, heart-shaped), as these not guaranteed. Even if the audio can be uals for your CD-R/RW drive and the writing may result in malfunction.

  • Page 357
    Audio Files (MP3/WMA/AAC) You can create a folder structure as in Genre NOTE Speci- — Artist — Album — Track (MP3/WMA/AAC Name fica- Explanation Depending on your computer’s operating format audio files) for management of tracks. tion system, version, software, or settings, files may not have a file extension appended.
  • Page 358
    Audio Files (MP3/WMA/AAC) CAUTION : Do not include other than Item Details MP3/WMA/AAC files. However, if Supported tag ID3 tag Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, MP3 files different to the standards at right storing many tracks within the same information Ver. 2.2, Ver. 2.3, Ver. 2.4 may not play back correctly, or file/folder folder, these may not be recognized names may not be displayed correctly.
  • Page 359
    Audio Files (MP3/WMA/AAC) CAUTION Item Details Item Details Maximum 64 characters Specification Advanced Audio WMA files different to the standards at right number of Coding may not play back correctly, or file/folder names may not be displayed correctly. characters MPEG4/AAC-LC “Pro”, “Lossless”, and “Voice”…
  • Page 360: Important Points On Safety For The Customer

    MITSUBISHI MOTORS This may result in injury. property. Authorized Service Point.

  • Page 361
    Operation Keys 2. Press the PWR/VOL key. NOTE CAUTION Turn the power OFF. The initial setting for volume is “17”. When replacing discs, first ensure that the vehicle is stopped in an area in which stop- NOTE ping is permitted. Insert/Eject Discs Do not insert your hand, fingers, or foreign Hold down the steering SOURCE button to…
  • Page 362
    Operation Keys Explanation of Buttons E00737501255 This explains names and functions of each part. 5- RADIO key 10- TP key Use to eject a disc. Switch the radio and the band. Receive traffic messages. 2- 3 key/4 6- PWR/VOL key 11- Disc slot For audio, rewind/fast forward.
  • Page 363: Listen To Radio

    Listen to Radio 14- 6 key/ 16- MENU key Return during audio track search, and For audio, select audio track/file; for ra- Switch to Menu mode. dio, perform automatic station selection /SEL key stop Bluetooth Audio or ensemble/service station selection. Adjust audio quality and select items.

  • Page 364: Listen To Dab

    Listen to DAB* 2. Hold down any of the keys from the NOTE NOTE 1RPT key to the 6 key. This switches in the order FM1, FM2, FM3, Using auto store for FM1 and FM2 switches DAB1*, DAB2*, DAB3*, MW, and LW. to FM3.

  • Page 365
    Listen to DAB* To listen to DAB 3. Turn the /SEL key to select the serv- NOTE ice. Going to the first service or last service 1. Press the RADIO key to switch the 4. Press the /SEL key. within the ensemble switches to the next en- Receive the selected service.
  • Page 366: Listen To Traffic Messages

    Listen to Traffic Messages Listen to CDs NOTE NOTE When selecting PTY, press any of the keys Receiving traffic messages will indicate E00737800059 “TRAF INF” on the display, and if text in- from the 1RPT key to the 6 key to This explains how to listen to audio CDs formation can be received, the station name switch to the PTY registered as a preset.

  • Page 367: Listen To Mp3S

    Listen to MP3s Switch Playback Mode Play the first 10 seconds of each of the tracks NOTE on the whole disc in order. Depending on the file structure, it may take Repeat playback, random playback, and scan some time to read the contents of the disc. playback are possible.

  • Page 368: Listen To An Ipod

    Listen to an iPod Play all tracks in folders on the disc in a ran- NOTE NOTE dom order. Pressing again will cancel. If there is no operation for 10 seconds after selecting the folder, then track search mode Selecting a file, ejecting, fast forwarding, or NOTE will be cancelled.

  • Page 369
    The websites mentioned above may track. after starting the Plug-in Hybrid EV system. connect you to websites other than the Data containing copyright information may MITSUBISHI MOTORS website. Fast Forward or Rewind not play back. http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/en/prod- It is recommended that the iPod/iPhone ucts/index.html…
  • Page 370: Listen To Audio Files On A Usb Device

    Listen to Audio Files on a USB Device Repeat Playback (RPT) Search Tracks NOTE Press the 1RPT key. If there is no operation for five seconds after Search categories or track names, and select a selecting the track, that file is played back. track.

  • Page 371
    Listen to Audio Files on a USB Device Select the Track (File) CAUTION NOTE Depending on how the devices are handled, Depending on the USB device, the button Press the key or key to select the audio files being damaged or lost, therefore functions on the product may not operate track.
  • Page 372
    Listen to Audio Files on a USB Device 2. Press the /SEL key. NOTE Repeat playback of the tracks within the fold- Even if the file is selected, all folder random er currently being played. Files within the selected folder are dis- playback will not be cancelled.
  • Page 373: To Play Ipod/Usb Memory Device Tracks Via Voice Opera

    ® To play iPod/USB memory device tracks via voice operation (vehicles with Bluetooth 2.0 interface) Preparation for voice operation To play iPod/USB memory NOTE device tracks via voice E00748800059 If you say “Artist <name>,” you can skip To use the voice operation, press the step 3.

  • Page 374
    ® To play iPod/USB memory device tracks via voice operation (vehicles with Bluetooth 2.0 interface) 3. After the voice guide says “What Album 7. The system exits the voice recognition NOTE would you like to play?” say the album mode and starts playback. If the confirmation function is active, the title.
  • Page 375: Listen To Bluetooth Audio

    Listen to Bluetooth Audio* To search by genre 5. If there are two or more matches, the If you say “No,” the next matching voice guide will say “More than one genre is uttered by the system. E00749200021 match was found, would you like to play 1.

  • Page 376
    Listen to Bluetooth Audio* 2. Press the 5 key. Bluetooth Audio CAUTION NOTE playback starts. Never hold these devices in your hand to op- Depending on the status of the vehicle and erate while driving, as this is dangerous. device, the iPod/iPhone may not play back NOTE Do not leave the Bluetooth audio device un- after starting the Plug-in Hybrid EV system.
  • Page 377
    Listen to Bluetooth Audio* NOTE Each time the 1RPT key is pressed, this switches in the order Repeat OFF, 1 track re- peat, All track repeat, and Repeat OFF. Random Playback (RDM) Press the 2RDM key. Play the tracks in the Bluetooth Audio device in a random order.
  • Page 378: Display Indicator

    Display Indicator Display Indicator E00738100033 This explains content of the display indicator. Change the Display Mode CAUTION NOTE E00738501177 The operation of changing display contents Up to 11 characters may be displayed at one You can change the content of the display in- may impede safe driving, therefore check time.

  • Page 379: Audio Quality And Volume Balance Adjustment

    Audio Quality and Volume Balance Adjustment [DISP] Each time the key is pressed, this ® NOTE During Bluetooth 2.0 Audio switches in the order “Album name”, “Track Playback* If the text information for the service name name”, “Artist name”, “Genre name”*, and and ensemble name cannot be obtained, then “Operating status”.

  • Page 380: System Settings

    System Settings 4. Press the /SEL key to determine. Adjust- Settings Settings val- Settings con- Turn counter- Turn clock- This completes settings, and displays the ment name tent clockwise wise next settings item. items DAB Band L-BAND Set used settings TREBLE -6 to 0 0 to +6 broadcast…

  • Page 381
    System Settings Settings Settings val- Settings con- Settings Settings val- Settings con- Settings Settings val- Settings con- name tent name tent name tent AF OFF Do not auto- TP-S TP-S OFF Do not auto- FRANÇAIS Set the dis- matically matically play language track the search for…
  • Page 382
    System Settings 1. Select “YES” at the “Adjust time” NOTE Settings Settings val- Settings con- screen, and press the /SEL key. name tent Depending on the distance between the ITALIANO Set the dis- product and the mobile phone, the condi- The hour can be adjusted.
  • Page 383
    System Settings (“Set value” bold typeface indicates factory NOTE Settings Settings con- Settings name default settings.) value tent Depending on the vehicle model, this may PHONE IN set- PHONE During mobile not display. Settings value Settings content tings IN-R phone voice PHONE OFF Do not use mobile phone Gracenote DB (Vehicles with a…
  • Page 384: Troubleshooting

    Turn the power OFF and wait a short while. If the prob- USB BUS PWR There is high or low electrical current or voltage. lem persists, consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- LSI ERROR There is an internal malfunction for some reason.

  • Page 385
    Please change to a supported software version. Other ERROR DC An abnormal direct voltage has been sent to the speak- Turn the power OFF and wait a short while. If the ers. problem persists, consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. 8-48 For pleasant driving OGGE17E1…
  • Page 386
    Troubleshooting If You Think Something Is Not Working Properly… Here is a list of symptoms, causes and responses if you think something is not working properly. Symptoms Cause Response There is no sound or quiet The volume is turned to its minimum. Adjust the volume.
  • Page 387: Link System

    Link System* Link System End User Licence Link System* ® Agreement Before you can use the Bluetooth 2.0 inter- E00764501569 ® face, you must pair the Bluetooth device E00764601111 The Link System takes overall control of the ® and Bluetooth 2.0 interface.

  • Page 388
    For details on the Bluetooth 2.0 interface, 4- HANG-UP button you can see them by accessing the 5- Microphone MITSUBISHI MOTORS website. Please read and agree on the “Warning about Volume up switch Links to the Web Sites of Other Companies” because…
  • Page 389
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* SPEECH button HANG-UP button NOTE Press this button to change to voice rec- Press this button when an incoming call If a cellular phone is brought close to the mi- ognition mode. is received to refuse the call. crophone, it may create noise in the voice on the phone.
  • Page 390
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* If you are anywhere else within the system, NOTE NOTE say “Cancel” to return to the main menu. For best performance and further reduction If many entries are registered in the vehicle of ambient noise, close the vehicle windows, phone book, changing the language will take NOTE lower the blower speed and refrain from…
  • Page 391
    If you have forgotten your password, say tion. “Cancel” to quit the voice input mode and NOTE then check with a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Setting the password Authorized Service Point. After activating Plug-in Hybrid EV system Use the following procedure to turn on the…
  • Page 392
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 5. When the disabling of the password is ted in table “Enrollment commands” on NOTE completed, the voice guide will say page 8-70. Speaker enrollment is not possible unless the “Password is disabled” and the system The system will register your voice and vehicle is parked.
  • Page 393
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* To pair ® Enabling and disabling the Connecting the Bluetooth voice model and retraining ® interface and Bluetooth ® To pair a Bluetooth device with the Blue- vice ® tooth 2.0 interface, use either one of the fol- E00727600096 You can turn a voice model registered with lowing 2 methods (Type 1 or Type 2).
  • Page 394
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* NOTE NOTE NOTE If 7 devices have already been paired, the The pairing code entered here is only used If you enter the wrong number, the voice voice guide will say “Maximum devices ® guide will say “Pairing failed” and the pair- for the Bluetooth connection certification.
  • Page 395
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 4. The voice guide will say “Start pairing NOTE NOTE procedure on the device. See the device ® ® You cannot pair any Bluetooth device with If the Bluetooth 2.0 interface cannot recog- manual for instructions.” and then will ®…
  • Page 396
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 7. The voice guide will say “Pairing Com- 8. The voice guide will say “Do you want correct. Answer “Yes” to continue and plete. Would you like to import the con- to pair a device now?” Answer “Yes,” connect to the cellular phone.
  • Page 397
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* When the confirmation function is on, 4. The voice guide will say “Select one of ® To check a paired Bluetooth the system will ask you again whether the following: pair, edit, delete, or list.” device the music player that you want to con- Say “Delete.”…
  • Page 398
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* Operating a music player con- 5. The voice guide will say “Please say,” NOTE and read out the numbers of the Blue- ® nected via Bluetooth If you press and release the SPEECH button ® tooth devices and device tags of corre- and say “Continue”…
  • Page 399
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* To change the telephone number, answer NOTE NOTE “No.” The system will say “Number The hands-free calls might not be operated If you say “Call” when the vehicle phone please” then say the telephone number correctly when it makes calling or receiving book and the mobile phone book are empty, again.
  • Page 400
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 5. If only one telephone number is regis- 6. The voice guide will say “Calling Receiving calls tered under the name you just said, the <name> <location>” and then the sys- E00761601064 voice guide proceeds to Step 6. tem will dial the telephone number.
  • Page 401
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* Switching between hands-free Vehicle phone book 3. The voice guide will say “Select one of the following: new entry, edit number, mode and private mode E00763801262 edit name, list names, delete, erase all, or This phone book is used when making calls E00761400036 import contact.”…
  • Page 402
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 6. The voice guide will say “Number 4. The voice guide will say “Would you To select and transfer one phone book en- please.” Say the telephone number to like to import a single entry or all con- try from the phone book of the cellular register it.
  • Page 403
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 8. The voice guide will say “Adding Editing a telephone number NOTE <name>.” 1. Press the SPEECH button. ® If the Bluetooth 2.0 interface cannot recog- When the confirmation function is on, 2. Say “Phone book.” ®…
  • Page 404
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 4. The voice guide will say “Please say the 3. The voice guide will say “Select one of NOTE name of the entry you would like to edit, the following: new entry, edit number, If the telephone number is already registered or say list names.”…
  • Page 405
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* 3. The voice guide will say “Select one of 3. The voice guide will say “Select one of NOTE the following: new entry, edit number, the following: new entry, edit number, To delete the telephone numbers from all lo- edit name, list names, delete, erase all, or edit name, list names, delete, erase all, or cations, say “All.”…
  • Page 406
    ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface* Up to 7 mobile phone books, each containing swer “Yes,” transferring to the mobile NOTE up to 1,000 names, can be registered. phone book the phone book stored in the The already stored phone book in the mobile cellular phone will start.
  • Page 407: Usb Input Terminal

    USB input terminal* Enrollment commands E00732401480 Refer to “To play iPod/USB memory device 2. Open the USB input terminal cover (A) USB input terminal* tracks via voice operation” on page 8-36. in the floor console box. E00761901373 *: “iPod” is a registered trademark of Apple You can connect your USB memory device Inc.

  • Page 408
    USB input terminal* 3. Connect a commercially available USB 2. Open the USB input terminal cover (A) CAUTION connector cable (C) to the USB memory in the floor console box. Keep the lid of the floor console box closed device (B). while driving the vehicle.
  • Page 409
    USB input terminal* Types of connectable devices Device types and supported file specifica- E00762301446 Devices of the following types can be con- tions nected. E00762201399 Except for vehicles equipped with the Model name Condition ® Bluetooth 2.0 interface USB memory device Storage capacity For details about the types of connectable de-…
  • Page 410: Sun Visors

    Sun visors Operating the lid of the vanity mirror will au- NOTE Item Condition tomatically turn on the mirror lamp (A). MP3, WMA, AAC, Depending on the type of the USB memory File format device or other device connected, the con- nected device may not function properly or Maximum number of the available functions may be limited.

  • Page 411: Ashtray

    Ashtray* Card holder To use the ashtray, open the lid. Cigarette lighter* E00711502759 Cards can be slipped into the holder (B) on The cigarette lighter can be used while the the back of the sun visor. operation mode is in ON or ACC. Mounting position for movea- ble ashtray The moveable ashtray can be fitted at the in-…

  • Page 412: Accessory Socket

    Long use of the electric appliance when the Do not use any electric appliance that is not ready indicator is not illuminated may run approved by MITSUBISHI MOTORS. Do- down the auxiliary battery. ing so could damage the socket. If you used…

  • Page 413: Ac Power Supplies

    220-240 V AC power supplies* To cancel power supply, press the switch Rear* Back of floor console box again and the indication lamp will go off. Right side of cargo area 220-240 V AC power supplies* E00749300022 2. Open the lid (B). 220-240 V AC power supply can be used as a power source of household appliances when the ready indicator illuminates.

  • Page 414
    220-240 V AC power supplies* WARNING WARNING When using electrical appliance while • When using the 220-240 V AC power driving, make sure that it is firmly se- supply while it is raining or snowing, cured. Flying objects entering the passen- do not leave the door or tailgate open.
  • Page 415
    220-240 V AC power supply re- • When the vehicle interior temperature is in the power outlet. placed at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- too hot or too cold. thorized Service Point. The following electrical appliance may not When the 220-240 V AC power supply can-…
  • Page 416: Interior Lamps

    Rear 2- Room lamp (rear) commercially available tester. Consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- 3- Map & room lamps (front) ice Point when you need measurement of the 4- Downlight ® p. 6-53 voltage.

  • Page 417
    2-DOOR The lamp illuminates when a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- (•) ice Point. On vehicles equipped with the door or the tailgate is opened. It Smartphone Link Display Audio or the goes off approximately 15 sec-…
  • Page 418: Storage Spaces

    For details door is closed. support, consult your nearest MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Serv- ice Point. On vehicles equipped with the Smartphone Link Display Audio or the MITSUBISHI Multi-Communication System (MMCS), screen operations can be used to make the adjustment.

  • Page 419
    Storage spaces The floor console box can also be used as an NOTE NOTE armrest. When the lamps are illuminated with the When the lamps are illuminated with the lamp switch in the “ ”, “ ”, or “AU- lamp switch in the “ ”, “…
  • Page 420: Cup Holder

    If you accidentally spill a beverage, wipe it adheres to your skin or gets in your up as much liquid as possible and imme- eyes, serious injury may result. diately consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. CAUTION Do not drink beverages while driving. This is distracting and could cause an accident.

  • Page 421: Bottle Holder

    If you accidentally spill a beverage, wipe up as much liquid as possible and imme- diately consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. CAUTION NOTE Do not drink beverages while driving. This Do not store cups or drink cans in the bottle is distracting and could cause an accident.

  • Page 422: Cargo Area Cover

    Cargo area cover 1. Move one of the sliders (C) towards the Cargo area cover NOTE inside of the vehicle, and fit the tab (D) Do not put luggage on the cover. E00733601160 into the installation hole that is to be used.

  • Page 423: Assist Grips

    Assist grips 2. Move one of the sliders (C) towards the Assist grips Coat hook inside of the vehicle and lift it to remove E00732800298 E00725601640 the cover. The assist grips (located above the doors on There is a coat hook on the rear seat assist the headliner) are not designed to support grip of the driver’s side.

  • Page 424: Luggage Hooks

    Luggage hooks Luggage hooks E00715700579 There are 4 hooks located on the side walls of the luggage compartment. Use the hooks for securing the luggage. CAUTION Do not pile up the luggage beyond the seat- back height. Also, firmly secure the luggage. Otherwise, serious accidents could result due to hindered rearward view or flying objects during sudden braking.

  • Page 425
  • Page 426
    For emergencies ERA-GLONASS*…………….9-02 If the vehicle breaks down…………..9-07 Emergency starting…………….9-07 Engine overheating…………….9-09 Tools and jack………………9-11 Tyre repair kit………………9-12 How to change a tyre…………….9-18 Towing………………..9-22 Operation under adverse driving conditions……..9-26 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 427: Era-Glonass

    ERA-GLONASS* Flow of the emergency call ERA-GLONASS* WARNING In a place where radio waves cannot be E00804800063 transmitted and received, you cannot call ERA-GLONASS is a system designed to re- the emergency call centre. (for example, duce the severity of accidents. The location indoor, a basement parking area, a moun- and vehicle information is transmitted from tainous area, inside a tunnel, etc.)

  • Page 428
    If the red lamp illuminates as follows, di- in the system. have the system insepcted the SOS switch (D). rectly arrange an emergency vehicle or by a Mitsubishi Motors Authorised Serv- road service with a cellular phone, etc. ice Point immediately. For emergencies…
  • Page 429
    If the red lamp and/or the green lamp do(es) not illuminate, there is a possible failure in the system. In this case, immediately have the system inspected at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point. 9-04 For emergencies OGGE17E1…
  • Page 430
    If the green lamp does not extin- guish even after the emergency call ends, have the system inspec- ted at a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. When the emergency call Illuminates (for ap- Extinguishes The emergency call failed.
  • Page 431
    ERA-GLONASS* Test of the ERA-GLONASS 2. After setting the operation mode to lowing periods to select the desired test system equipment of the vehicle “ON”, perform Steps 3 and 4 within 10 type. seconds. 10 seconds or more: Report test to the 1.
  • Page 432: If The Vehicle Breaks Down

    Have the system inspec- responders that this is a Plug-in Hybrid rect procedures could result in a fire, ex- ted by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- Electric vehicle. plosion, electric shock or damage to the thorized Service Point immediately.

  • Page 433
    Emergency starting NOTE WARNING NOTE If the auxiliary battery is disconnected, the When connecting the jumper cable, stop You cannot rescue another vehicle’s dis- operation mode of the power switch is mem- the engine in the other vehicle. Otherwise, charged battery by connecting jumper cables orized.
  • Page 434: Engine Overheating

    8. Check if the ready indicator illuminates. Warning display If the ready indicator does not illumi- nate, contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point. 9. When the ready indicator illuminates, disconnect the jumper cables in the re- verse order of connection.

  • Page 435
    Engine overheating With the Plug-in Hybrid EV system still MOTORS Authorized Service Point for starting, raise the bonnet to ventilate the assistance. engine compartment. [If steam is coming from the engine compartment] Stop the Plug-in Hybrid EV system, and when the steam stops, raise the bonnet to ventilate the engine compartment.
  • Page 436: Tools And Jack

    Tools and jack 4. Check the coolant level in the reserve The storage location of the tools and jack WARNING tank (B and C). should be remembered in case of an emer- Make sure that the engine and the Plug-in gency.

  • Page 437: Tyre Repair Kit

    Tyre repair kit Tools Tyre repair kit NOTE • The business name, full address of the E00804501070 manufacturer and of his authorized repre- This kit enables emergency repair of a small sentative and the designation of the jack puncture in the tread area of a tyre that has are described in the EC declaration of run over a nail, screw, or similar object.

  • Page 438
    Do not allow children to touch the tyre seal- ant. Do not breathe in the vapours of tyre sealant. 1- Tyre repair set Be sure to use a MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE tyre sealant. 2- Tyre compressor 3- Tyre sealant bottle…
  • Page 439
    Tyre repair kit 1. Park the vehicle on level and stable NOTE ground. • The tyre is punctured in the side wall (A), 2. Set the parking brake firmly. not in the tread (B). 3. Put the select position in “P” (PARK) position and stop the Plug-in Hybrid EV system.
  • Page 440
    Tyre repair kit squeeze it again and again to inject all of NOTE the sealant into the tyre. In cold conditions (when the ambient tem- perature is 0 °C or lower), thickening of the tyre sealant can make the tyre sealant hard to squeeze out of the bottle.
  • Page 441
    Tyre repair kit 12. After injecting the sealant, securely fit Pull out the compressor’s power cord CAUTION the valve remover (E) into the end of the (N), insert the plug on the cord into the The supplied compressor is designed only filler hose (J) to prevent sealant from accessory socket (O), and then put the for inflation of your vehicle tyres.
  • Page 442
    Tyre repair kit 18. When you have inflated the tyre to the CAUTION NOTE specified pressure, stow the compressor, Be careful not to get your fingers trapped be- Simply putting sealant and air into the tyre bottle, and other items in the vehicle and tween the tyre and wheel as the tyre inflates.
  • Page 443: How To Change A Tyre

    Point or another specialist. Note that a the specified level, stop driving the vehicle proper repair is impossible following an and contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- emergency repair if the puncture hole cannot 20. After driving for 10 minutes or 5 km, thorized Service Point or another specialist.

  • Page 444
    How to change a tyre 3. Put the select position in “P” (PARK) the jacking point closest to the tyre you NOTE position and stop the Plug-in Hybrid EV wish to change. The chocks shown in the illustration do not system.
  • Page 445
    How to change a tyre 3. Rotate the jack by hand until the flange Slowly rotate the wheel nut wrench until WARNING portion (B) fits in the groove (C) at the the tyre is raised slightly off the ground Do not turn the raised wheel. The tyres top of the jack.
  • Page 446
    How to change a tyre nuts make light contact with the wheel 8. Lower the vehicle slowly by rotating the WARNING and the wheel is not loose. wheel nut wrench anticlockwise until the Mount the wheel with the valve stem (I) tyre touches the ground.
  • Page 447: Towing

    Towing following cases, contact E00801504953 MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point and transport the vehicle with all If your vehicle needs to be tow- wheels on a carriage. The ready indicator illuminates but the vehicle does not move, or an abnormal noise is produced.

  • Page 448
    WARNING WARNING tow the vehicle. Never ride in a vehicle that is being tow- Please contact your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point or a commercial Never tow the vehicle with front wheels tow truck service for assistance. and/or rear wheels on the ground. This…
  • Page 449
    Towing If your vehicle is to be towed by CAUTION NOTE another vehicle Doing so will damage the bumper and/or Using a wire rope or metal chain can result body. WARNING in damage to the vehicle body. It is best to use a non-metallic rope.
  • Page 450
    Towing Secure the tow rope to the rear towing hook. CAUTION CAUTION Otherwise, the instructions are the same as For vehicle equipped with the Adaptive The person in the vehicle being towed must for “When being towed by another vehicle”. Cruise Control system (ACC) and Forward pay attention to the brake lamps of the tow- Collision Mitigation system (FCM), stop…
  • Page 451: Operation Under Adverse Driving Conditions

    If your vehicle becomes stuck Refer to the “Snow tyres” and “Snow ted by a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Au- traction device (tyre chains)” sections. in sand, mud or snow thorized Service Point.

  • Page 452
    Operation under adverse driving conditions Depressing the brake pedal during travel CAUTION on snowy or icy roads may cause tyre The impact on tyres and/or wheels when slippage and skidding. When traction be- driving on a bumpy or rutted road can dam- tween the tyres and the road is reduced age the tyre and/or wheel.
  • Page 453
  • Page 454
    Vehicle care Vehicle care precautions…………..10-02 Cleaning the interior of your vehicle……….10-02 Cleaning the exterior of your vehicle……….10-03 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 455
    Vehicle care precautions Cleaning the interior of your 2. Dip cloth in fresh water and wring it out Vehicle care precautions well. Using this cloth, wipe off the deter- vehicle E00900100548 gent thoroughly. In order to maintain the value of your vehi- E00900200611 cle, it is necessary to perform regular mainte- NOTE…
  • Page 456
    Cleaning the exterior of your vehicle 2. Clean the carpeting with a vacuum Do not wash the vehicle in direct sunlight. NOTE cleaner and remove any stains with car- Park the vehicle in the shade and spray it When the temperature of the vehicle interior pet cleaner.
  • Page 457
    Cleaning the exterior of your vehicle During cold weather CAUTION CAUTION Salt and other chemicals spread on the roads As your vehicle is equipped with the rain After washing the vehicle, drive the vehicle in some areas in winter can have a harmful sensor, place the wiper switch lever in the slowly while lightly depressing the brake “OFF”…
  • Page 458
    Cleaning the exterior of your vehicle CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION Waxes containing high abrasive compounds Do not bring the plastic parts into contact Do not use a brush or other hard implement should not be used. with petrol, light oil, brake fluids, engine on the wheels.
  • Page 459
    Cleaning the exterior of your vehicle Engine compartment NOTE E00902100308 To clean the inside of the rear window, al- Clean the engine compartment at the begin- ways use a soft cloth and wipe the window ning and end of winter. Pay particular atten- glass along the demister heater element so as tion to flanges, crevices and peripheral parts not to cause damage.
  • Page 460
    Maintenance Service precautions…………….11-02 Catalytic converter…………….11-03 Bonnet………………..11-04 Engine oil………………11-05 Engine coolant/Plug-in hybrid EV system coolant……11-06 Washer fluid………………11-08 Brake fluid………………11-08 Auxiliary battery…………….11-09 Tyres………………..11-10 Wiper blade rubber replacement…………11-13 General maintenance……………..11-15 Fusible links………………11-16 Fuses………………..11-16 Replacement of lamp bulbs……………11-23 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 461: Service Precautions

    These parts have labels that indicate handling precau- tions. Follow the instruction on these la- bels. Contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point for any necessa- ry maintenance. Refer to “High-Voltage components” on page 2-08.

  • Page 462: Catalytic Converter

    Catalytic converter Catalytic converter WARNING WARNING If it is necessary to do work in the engine Improper handling of components and E01000202495 compartment with the plug-in hybrid EV materials used in the vehicle can endanger The exhaust gas scavenging devices used system starting, be especially careful that your personal safety.

  • Page 463: Bonnet

    Bonnet 2. Raise the bonnet while pressing the safe- 3. Support the bonnet by inserting the sup- Bonnet ty lock. port bar in its slot. E01000304487 To open 1. Pull the release lever towards you to un- lock the bonnet. NOTE CAUTION Only open the bonnet when the wipers are in…

  • Page 464: Engine Oil

    Engine oil 3. Make sure the bonnet is securely locked The engine oil used has a significant effect NOTE by softly lifting the centre of the bonnet. on the engine’s performance, service life and For vehicles equipped with the security startability.

  • Page 465: Engine Coolant/Plug-In Hybrid Ev System Coolant

    Engine coolant/Plug-in hybrid EV system coolant • ILSAC certificated oil The coolant level in this tank should be kept NOTE • ACEA classification: between the “LOW” and “FULL” marks The engine oil will deteriorate rapidly if the “For service A1/B1, A3/B3, A3/B4 or when measured while the engine and the vehicle is subjected to severe conditions, re- A5/B5”…

  • Page 466
    Concentrations exceeding 60 % will result in Also, if the reserve tank is completely empty, Use “MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE a reduction of both the anti-freeze and cool- remove the radiator cap (C) or the reserve SUPER LONG LIFE COOLANT PREMI-…
  • Page 467: Washer Fluid

    Washer fluid During cold weather The concentration should be checked before the start of cold weather and anti-freeze add- ed to the system if necessary. To ensure proper operation of the washers at low temperatures, use a fluid containing an Washer fluid anti-freezing agent.

  • Page 468: Auxiliary Battery

    Be sure to have a MITSUBISHI MOTORS der to start the engine. However, when the CAUTION drive battery is near full charge, even if the…

  • Page 469: Tyres

    Tyres Tyres E01001300255 WARNING Driving with tyres that are worn, dam- aged or improperly inflated can lead to a loss of control or blow out of the tyres which can result in a collision with serious or fatal injury. Tyre inflation pressures E01001402726 Tyre size Front…

  • Page 470
    MITSUBISHI MOTORS Genuine wheels. E01007201761 Check the tyres for cuts, cracks and other Consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- damage. Replace the tyres if there are deep ized Service Point before using wheels that CAUTION you have.
  • Page 471
    Tyres Snow tyres When rotating tyres, check for uneven wear CAUTION and damage. Abnormal wear is usually E01002001979 If the tyres have arrows (A) indicating the caused by incorrect tyre pressure, improper The use of snow tyres is recommended for correct direction of rotation, swap the front wheel alignment, out of balance wheel, or se- driving on snow and ice.
  • Page 472: Wiper Blade Rubber Replacement

    Choose a clear straight stretch of road where In most countries, it is prohibited by the law Contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- you can pull off and still be seen while you to use of snow traction device (tyre chains)

  • Page 473
    Wiper blade rubber replacement Refer to the illustration to ensure that the 5. Push the wiper blade until the hook (B) retainers are correctly aligned as you at- engages securely with the stopper (A). tach them. NOTE Do not allow the wiper arm to fall onto the windscreen;…
  • Page 474: General Maintenance

    If you see a suspicious fuel leak or if you window glass; it could damage the glass. smell fuel, do not operate the vehicle; call your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point for assistance. 4. Firmly insert the retainer (C) into the groove (D) in the wiper blade.

  • Page 475: Fusible Links

    Fusible links If the fuses and bulbs are all OK, we recom- Pull the fuse lid to remove it. WARNING mend you to have your vehicle checked and Fusible links must not be replaced by any repaired. other device. Failing to fit the correct fusi- ble link may result in fire in the vehicle, Meter, gauge and indicator/ property destruction and serious or fatal…

  • Page 476
    Fuses 4. Remove the glove box fastener (C), and Engine compartment Main fuse block then remove the glove box. E01011900036 1. Open the glove box. In the engine compartment, the fuse block is 2. Uncouple the rod (A) on the right side of located as shown in the illustration.
  • Page 477
    Fuses Fuse load capacity Passenger compartment fuse lo- NOTE cation table E01007700684 Spare fuses are provided on the cover of fuse The fuse capacity and the names of electrical block in the engine compartment. Always E01007902127 systems protected by the fuses are indicated use a fuse of the same capacity for replace- on the inside of the fuse lid (LHD vehicles), ment.
  • Page 478
    Fuses Sym- Electrical sys- Sym- Electrical sys- Sym- Electrical sys- paci- paci- paci- ties ties ties Electric window 4-wheel drive Cigarette lighter/ 10 A 30 A control system Accessory sock- 15 A Rear window Stop lamps 15 A 30 A demister (Brake lamps) Charge…
  • Page 479
    Fuses Engine compartment fuse loca- Sym- Sym- Electrical system paci- Electrical system paci- tion table E01008002213 Daytime running Air conditioning con- 10 A SBF1 lamps denser fan motor Main fuse block SBF2 — — — Front fog lamps 15 A SBF3 —…
  • Page 480
    Fuses The table above shows the main equip- Sym- Sym- ment corresponding to each fuse. Electrical system paci- Electrical system paci- Sub fuse block Headlamp Electrical Parking SBF1 low beam 20 A Lock (left) Vacuum pump (Regen- SBF2 Headlamp erative brake) low beam 20 A Water pump (Electric…
  • Page 481
    Fuses Capacity Colour Sym- Electrical system paci- Green (fuse type) / Pink (fu- 30 A sible link type) Ignition control 7.5 A 40 A Green (fusible link type) Fuse replacement : Fusible link Some fuses may not be installed on your E01007801884 1.
  • Page 482: Replacement Of Lamp Bulbs

    Replacement of lamp bulbs 4. Insert a new fuse of the same capacity Replacement of lamp bulbs CAUTION by using the fuse puller into the same Never hold the halogen lamp bulb with a E01003102004 place in the fuse block. bare hand, dirty glove, etc.

  • Page 483
    Replacement of lamp bulbs Outside 4- Position lamps: − NOTE Daytime running lamps: − E01003305049 When it rains or when the vehicle has been 5- Front fog lamps washed, the inside of the lens sometimes be- Halogen: 19 W (H16) comes foggy.
  • Page 484
    NOTE the bulb. The following lamps use an LED instead of If you need to repair or replace these lamps, the bulb. If you need to repair or replace contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- these lamps, contact MITSUBISHI ized Service Point.
  • Page 485
    Replacement of lamp bulbs 2. Turn the cap (B) anticlockwise to re- 4. To install the bulb, perform the removal move it. steps in reverse. NOTE When installing the bulb, align the tab (D) with the notch (E) of the socket. *: Front of the vehicle *: Front of the vehicle 2.
  • Page 486
    Replacement of lamp bulbs 3. Turn the bulb (C) anticlockwise to re- 1. Remove the 12 clips (A, B), and then re- move it, and then while holding down move the cover (C). the tab (D), pull out the bulb (E). *: Front of the vehicle 4.
  • Page 487
    Replacement of lamp bulbs points indicated by arrows and pry gen- 4. Turn the bulb (F) anticlockwise to re- NOTE tly to remove the cover (A). move it. When unfastening the screws of the fog lamp, be careful not to mistakenly move the beam position adjustment screw (C).
  • Page 488
    Replacement of lamp bulbs Rear fog lamp (driver’s side)/ 2. Turn the socket (A) anticlockwise to re- NOTE move it, and then pull the bulb out of the Reversing lamp (Passenger’s When installing the lamp unit, first insert the socket. side) notch (B) into the hole on the body, and then push on the lamp unit to fit it into place.
  • Page 489
    The tail lamp and stop lamp use an LED in- stead of the bulb. If you need to repair or replace these lamps, contact a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- ized Service Point. 4. To install the bulb, perform the removal steps in reverse.
  • Page 490
    Replacement of lamp bulbs 3. Remove the bulb from the socket. 4. To install the bulb, perform the removal steps in reverse. NOTE When installing the lamp unit, first insert the end of tab (C) and then align tab (D). Maintenance 11-31 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 491
  • Page 492
    Specifications Vehicle labeling…………….12-02 Vehicle dimensions…………….12-04 Vehicle performance…………….. 12-05 Vehicle weight……………… 12-05 Engine specifications……………. 12-06 Charging system specifications…………12-06 Electric motor specifications………….12-07 Low voltage electrical system…………12-08 Tyres and wheels…………….12-08 Fuel consumption…………….12-09 Refill capacities……………..12-10 OGGE17E1…
  • Page 493: Vehicle Labeling

    Vehicle labeling Vehicle information code plate 1- Model code Vehicle labeling 2- Engine model code E01100105210 The vehicle information code plate is riveted 3- Transaxle model code 4- Body colour code as shown in the illustration. Vehicle identification number 5- Interior code 6- Option code The vehicle identification number is stamped 7- Exterior code…

  • Page 494
    Vehicle labeling Electric motor model/number Engine model/number The electric motor model and number are The engine model and number are stamped stamped as shown in the illustration. on the engine cylinder block as shown in the illustration. 1- Front motor 2- Rear motor *: Front of the vehicle *: Front of the vehicle…
  • Page 495: Vehicle Dimensions

    Vehicle dimensions Vehicle dimensions E01100204647 Front track 1,540 mm Overall width 1,800 mm Front overhang 990 mm Wheel base 2,670 mm Rear overhang 1,035 mm Overall length 4,695 mm Ground clearance (un- Without exhaust pipe protector 190 mm laden) With exhaust pipe protector 185 mm Overall height (unladen) 1,710 mm…

  • Page 496: Vehicle Performance

    Vehicle performance Rear track 1,540 mm Minimum turning radius Body 5.73 m Wheel 5.3 m Vehicle performance E01100303553 Maximum speed 170 km/h Vehicle weight E01100408357 Item Kerb weight Without optional parts 1,860 kg With full optional parts 1,929 kg 1,927 kg Maximum gross vehicle weight 2,370 kg Maximum axle weight…

  • Page 497: Engine Specifications

    Engine specifications NOTE Trailer specifications indicate the manufacturer’s recommendation. Engine specifications E01100603950 Engine model 4B11 No. of cylinders 4 in line Total displacement 1,998 cc Bore 86.0 mm Stroke 86.0 mm Camshaft Double overhead Mixture preparation Electronic injection Maximum output (EEC net) 89 kW/4,500 rpm Maximum torque (EEC net) 190 Nm/4,500 rpm…

  • Page 498: Electric Motor Specifications

    Electric motor specifications Maximum rated current 10 A , 8 A Maximum power consumption 3.6 kVA Charging cable EN61851-1 (with connector IEC61851-1 and control box) IEC62196-1 Applicable standards EN61851-21 On board charger IEC61851-21 Leakage current sensitivity in cable control box 20 mA Based on IEC61851-1 Charging mode…

  • Page 499: Low Voltage Electrical System

    Spark plug type DIFR5E11 Tyres and wheels E01100904729 Tyre 215/70R16 100H 225/55R18 98H Wheel Size 16×6 1/2J 18x7J Offset 38 mm NOTE Contact your MITSUBISHI MOTORS Authorized Service Point for details on the combination used on your vehicle. 12-08 Specifications OGGE17E1…

  • Page 500: Fuel Consumption

    Fuel consumption Fuel consumption E01101101916 Combined (laden) Electric range (km) (g/km) Fuel consumption Electric consumption (L/100 km) (Wh/km) : The values are based on ECE R101. It varies depending on driving style, road and traffic conditions, ambient temperature, use of air condi- tioners and so forth.

  • Page 501: Refill Capacities

    As required Brake fluid DOT3 or DOT4 Washer fluid 4.5 litres — Engine coolant MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE Except for vehicles with elec- 6.5 litres [includes 0.65 litre in the reserve tank] SUPER LONG LIFE COOLANT PRE- tric heater MIUM or equivalent Vehicles with electric heater 7.5 litres…

  • Page 502
    : Similar high quality ethylene glycol based non-silicate, non-amine, non-nitrate and non-borate coolant with long life hybrid organic acid technology CAUTION For the transaxle fluid, use only the MITSUBISHI MOTORS GENUINE ATF. Use of a different fluid could damage the transaxle. Item…
  • Page 503
  • Page 504
    Alphabetical index Auxiliary battery charge warning lamp…..6-51 Caution for installing the child re- straint on vehicles with front passen- ger’s airbag…………5-29 220-240 V AC power supplies……8-76 Cautions on handling of 4-wheel Basic knowledge for charging……3-04 drive vehicles……….. 7-24 Battery charge mode switch……
  • Page 505
    Alphabetical index Bulb capacity……….11-24 Coolant……….11-06,12-10 Front room lamp……….8-79 Demister (rear window)……..6-69 Model…………12-02 Bulb capacity……….11-25 Number…………12-02 Digital clock Front seats…………5-03 Oil…………… 11-05 Time Setting……….8-45 Front turn-signal lamps Oil and oil filter………..12-10 Dimensions…………12-04 Overheating………..9-09 Bulb capacity……….11-24 Dipper (High/Low beam change)……6-56 Specifications……….
  • Page 506
    Alphabetical index Headlamp flasher………. 6-56 Meter illumination control…….. 6-02 Replacement……..11-25,11-26 Mirror Switch…………6-53 Inside rear-view mirror……… 7-07 Heated mirror………… 7-11 Keyless entry system………4-03 Outside rear-view mirror…….7-09 Heated seats…………5-04 Keyless operation system……..4-06 MITSUBISHI Remote Control……3-24 Heated windscreen switch………6-70 Keys…………..4-02 Modification/alterations to the electri- Heating…………..
  • Page 507
    Alphabetical index Bulb capacity……….11-24 Inside………….7-07 Security alarm system……..4-27 Power switch…………. 7-12 Outside…………7-09 Select position indicator……..7-18 Refill capacities……….12-10 Precautions to observe when using Selector lever (Joystick type)……7-16 wipers and washers………. 6-68 Regenerative braking level selector (paddle)..7-19 Service precaution………..
  • Page 508
    Alphabetical index Tail lamps Vanity mirror lamp Bulb capacity……….11-24 Bulb capacity……….11-25 Tailgate…………..4-19 Vehicle care precautions……… 10-02 Tank capacity………… 2-15 Vehicle dimensions……… 12-04 Time Setting…………8-45 Vehicle identification number……12-02 Tools…………..9-12 Vehicle identification number plate….12-02 Storage…………9-11 Vehicle information code plate……. 12-02 Towing…………..
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    Outlander PHEV — ENGLISH — OGGE17E1…

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