Руководство по эксплуатации субару форестер 2014 на русском языке

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Руководство владельца Subaru Forester I (SF) — файл pdf

Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester I (SF) 1997-2001 MY — zip-архив
(Мультимедийная книга Subaru Forester с 1997 г.)

Subaru Forester с 1997 г. выпуска. Устройство Обслуживание Ремонт (Переработанное издание) — файл pdf


Руководство по техническому обслуживанию Subaru Forester II (SG) 2004 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester II (SG) 2005 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester II (SG) 2007 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по обслуживанию Subaru Forester II (SG) 2008 MY — файл pdf


Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Subaru Forester III (SH) 2009 MY — файл pdf

Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester III (SH) 2009 MY — сжатый архив


Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester III (SH) 2012 MY — zip-архив


Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 MY — zip-архив

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 MY — файл pdf


Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Subaru Forester SK (SM G8240GR FORESTER 19MY, версия 002) — файл ISO в rar-архиве.
yadi.sk/d/nnaihovx9Le_dQ или drive.google.com/file/d/1…_mFo-IS9/view?usp=sharing
Взято здесь cloud.mail.ru/public/HRZT/mfMRZ48dH

Руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester V (SK) 2019 MY — файл pdf

Краткое руководство по эксплуатации Subaru Forester V (SK) 2019 MY — файл pdf

Eyesight Руководство SK — файл pdf

Starlink Руководство SK — файл pdf


Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2005 модельного года (SG) — файл pdf

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2007 модельного года (SG) — файл pdf

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2011 модельного года (SH) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…Ib0lEbm8/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2012 модельного года (SH) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…0cEE1bDg/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2013 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…LZEgxbGM/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2014 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf drive.google.com/file/d/0…tOWt4elk/view?usp=sharing

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2015 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf

Инструкция по эксплуатации автомобиля Subaru Forester 2016 модельного года (SJ) — файл pdf


Subaru Forester Owner’s Manuals (ENG) — руководства по эксплуатации Subaru Forester на английском языке

Subaru Forester I (SF) 1998 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/OApC-oKBFMhGo
Subaru Forester I (SF) 1999 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/V6d3vPaGFMi5X
Subaru Forester I (SF) 2000 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/1Kb7E0RLFMiAS
Subaru Forester I (SF) 2001 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/OeuIrbH-FMiE2
Subaru Forester I (SF) 2002 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/7dlwPQT5FMiHm
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2003 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/8B5M3PEuFMiNv
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2004 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/DTiMBz4WFMiTP
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2005 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/tG-w1PzAFMiYG
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2006 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/h8RcBfgFFMic2
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2007 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/5heDeXV3FMifh
Subaru Forester II (SG) 2008 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/KTL_5eO7FMikE
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2009 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/CEPVhIngFMipG
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2010 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/Ee_eL7omFMiti
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2011 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/1Jacl7TMFMizz
Subaru Forester III (SH) 2012 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/44rqNMDzFMj7A
Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2013 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/k40hjMB8FMjAd
Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/mTlbnLRoFMjEX
Subaru Forester V (SK) 2019 Owner’s Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/8BgNvdXr5ryIxg


Subaru Forester 2001 Service Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/PQ4ylgUpFNzot взято здесь manualov.net/Subaru.php

Subaru Forester 2003 Service Manual ENG — файл pdf yadi.sk/i/Yd-Gbfua3E38PH взято здесь

Subaru Forester 2004 Service Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/_BMMdFxqFP28v взято здесь manualov.net/Subaru.php

Subaru Forester 2007 Service Manual (ENG) yadi.sk/d/B6rTskG3cxMbq взято здесь manualov.net/Subaru.php

Subaru Forester 2007 Service Manual ENG yadi.sk/d/X4CZKXSDcxMGW взято здесь auto-b.ru/blog/Subaru/2065.html

Subaru Forester IV (SJ) 2014 MY Service Manual (ENG) yadi.sk/d/zl1LmYEebjUsr + дополнение по ремонту кузова yadi.sk/d/hcob_9VJBQkDZ
пароль к архивам: forestermoscowclub взято здесь forester-moscowclub.ru/showthread.php?p=694911


Схемы электропроводки:

Subaru Forester I (SF) 1998 Wires Diagram Section (EN) Электросхемы дорестайл SF — файлы pdf в архиве
yadi.sk/d/aCZSAQ2GqQQxT или

Subaru Forester I (SF) 2001 Wires Diagram Section (EN) Электросхемы рестайл SF — файлы pdf в архиве

Схема электропроводки Subaru Forester SG 02-05 дорестайл Русский мануал — файл pdf
yadi.sk/i/daoWHmQ_qQQW7 или

Схема электропроводки Subaru Forester SG 06-08 рестайл Русский мануал — файл pdf

Мануалы и аксессуары для других Subaru (cпасибо tarasusNN): здесь.

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Subaru Forester 2014 Quick Reference Manual

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Subaru of America, Inc., Subaru Plaza,

P.O. Box 6000, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000

1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 1


Issued December 2012

Printed in USA 02/13

2/19/13 9:33 AM


Related Manuals for Subaru Forester 2014

Summary of Contents for Subaru Forester 2014

  • Page 1
    Subaru of America, Inc., Subaru Plaza, P.O. Box 6000, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000 MSA5B1404A Issued December 2012 Printed in USA 02/13 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 1 2/19/13 9:33 AM…
  • Page 2: Quick Reference Guide

    2014 Forester Quick Reference Guide 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 2 2/19/13 9:33 AM…

  • Page 3
    XM and Sirius are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted or electronically reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of Subaru of America, Inc. © 2013 Subaru of America, Inc. 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 3 2/19/13 9:33 AM…
  • Page 4
    1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 4 2/19/13 9:33 AM…
  • Page 5
    Table of Contents Getting Started 2 — 3 Instrument Panel 4 — 5 Gauges 6 — 9 Personalize 10 — 15 Controls 16 — 29 While Operating 30 — 31 Safety/In Case of Emergency 32 — 33 Additional Information 33 — 34 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 5 2/19/13 9:33 AM…
  • Page 6: Remote Keyless Entry

    Remote Keyless Entry 1. Lock/Arm 2. Unlock/Disarm • P ress to lock all doors and the • P ress once to unlock the rear gate. driver’s door. • I f any of the doors or the rear • P ress twice (within five gate are not fully closed, an seconds) to unlock all doors. electronic chirp will sound five • W hen the “Unlock/Disarm” times and the hazard lights will button is pressed, the dome flash five times to alert you that…

  • Page 7: Heated Seats

    Seating Heated Seats 10-Way Power Driver’s Seat (if equipped) (if equipped) Press the switch in the 1. Forward/Backward, Angle and Height Move the switch toward the front or rear to move corresponding direction for the desired seat temperature. the seat forward or backward. Pull the switch up To turn off the seat heater, or push down on the front of the switch to adjust slightly press in the opposite…

  • Page 8: Instrument Panel

    Instrument Panel 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 4 2/19/13 9:33 AM…

  • Page 9
    18-21 22-27 Clock Press the “+” button to advance time or the “–” button to reverse the time. Vehicles with a navigation system please refer to the separate “Operating Instructions for Navigation System.” 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 5 2/19/13 9:33 AM…
  • Page 10
    Gauges Tachometer Trip meter and odometer Forester 2.5i Forester 2.5i Premium Immediate Attention Caution Informational Trip meter A/B selection and trip meter reset knob Seatbelt warning Brake system Front passenger Hot coolant temperature / seatbelt warning Cold coolant temperature SRS airbag system High beam indicator light AT OIL TEMP Security indicator light…
  • Page 11
    Speedometer Fuel gauge Information display selection knob Vehicle Dynamics Smart key system Control/Vehicle Dynamics (if equipped) Control operation Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF Turn signals CHECK ENGINE / Front fog light indicator Malfunction indicator light (if equipped) Tire pressure warning light Headlight indicator light Cruise control Front passenger airbag ON indicator light…
  • Page 12
    Gauges Tachometer Forester 2.5i Limited Forester 2.5i Touring Forester 2.0i XT Premium Forester 2.0i XT Touring Immediate Attention Caution Informational Trip meter A/B selection and trip meter reset knob Seatbelt warning Brake system Front passenger Hot coolant temperature / seatbelt warning Cold coolant temperature SRS airbag system High beam indicator light…
  • Page 13
    Speedometer Trip meter and odometer Fuel gauge Information display selection knob Vehicle Dynamics Windshield washer Control/Vehicle Dynamics fluid warning Control operation Smart key system Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF (if equipped) CHECK ENGINE / Turn signals Malfunction indicator Front fog light indicator Tire pressure warning light light (if equipped) Front passenger airbag ON Headlight indicator light…
  • Page 14: Steering Column

    Personalize Tilt and Telescopic Steering Column Push the lever down firmly to adjust the height and lengthwise position of the column; firmly push the lever back up to lock the column in place. Do not adjust while driving. Power Exterior Mirrors Turn the knob to the “L” side to adjust the left-hand mirror or to the “R” side to adjust the right-hand mirror.

  • Page 15: Power Moonroof

    (EyeSight equipped vehicles only) Power Moonroof (if equipped) With the moonroof in the fully closed position, press the switch to fully open the moonroof. Press the switch to close the moonroof. To stop the moonroof in a midway position while opening or closing, momentarily press the switch to the side or…

  • Page 16
    Bluetooth for AM/FM Stereo with Single Disc CD Player and AM/FM Stereo HD Radio with Single Disc CD Player ® Talk button Phone on hook button Phone off hook button Press the talk button and follow the phone prompts. You may need to set the language before pairing your phone. Pairing Your Cell Phone Press the phone off hook button and listen to phone prompts.
  • Page 17
    Press the talk button and say “Confirm.” Pass-key for pairing will be given audibly as well as be displayed on the radio display. Put your phone into Bluetooth pairing mode and pair your phone to the system using the pass-key provided. When phone is successfully paired you will hear “The phone is paired and ready for use.”…
  • Page 18: Navigation System

    Bluetooth for AM/FM Stereo HD Radio ® with Single Disc CD Player and Navigation System AUDIO button Pairing Your Cell Phone Press the AUDIO button; then touch the “Info” soft key on the touch screen. Then touch “Bluetooth.” 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 14 2/19/13 9:34 AM…

  • Page 19
    Now touch “Registered Devices.” Touch “Add New.” A pass-key pairing number will appear on the screen. Put your phone into Bluetooth pairing, search or discoverable mode. Depending on the phone’s make, model and software; the phone may connect automatically or the pass-key number may need to be inputted on the phone. Pair your phone to the system. When the phone is successfully paired, the screen will show the phone’s name on the list.
  • Page 20: Light Controls

    Controls Light Controls Push up for right turn signal. Turns on headlights, instrument panel illumination, parking lights, tail lights and license plate lights. Turns on fog lights (if equipped). Push down for left turn signal. Turns on instrument panel lights, tail lights, parking lights and license plate lights.

  • Page 21: Windshield Wipers

    INT. HIGH Windshield Wipers To turn on the wipers, press the wiper control lever down one level for intermittent, two levels for low, or three levels for high speed. Return the lever to the “OFF” position to stop the wipers. For a single wipe move the lever up. To spray washer fluid, pull and hold the lever toward you.

  • Page 22: Automatic Climate Control System (If Equipped)

    Controls Manual HVAC System (if equipped) 1. Temperature Control Dial Rotate the temperature control dial from blue for cool, to red for warm. 2. Air Conditioning Button Press the “A/C” button to activate the air conditioning. Press it again to turn off the air conditioning. Automatic Climate Control System (if equipped) 1. Air Flow Control Dial On the automatic setting, the system determines the air flow location to achieve the desired temperature or you can manually choose the direction of air flow.

  • Page 23
    3. Recirculated/Outside Air Button Press the air inlet selection button to prevent outside air from being drawn into the passenger compartment. If the button is pushed in, press it again to draw outside air into the compartment. TO PREVENT WINDSHIELD FOGGING, DO NOT REMAIN IN THE RECIRCULATED MODE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME. 4. Fan Speed Control Dial Rotate the fan speed control dial to select one of four fan speeds. 5.
  • Page 24
    Controls Located in the multi-function display; top center of dash Dual Zone Automatic Climate Control System (if equipped) Operation in Manual Mode 1. Automatic On and Off This system automatically controls 3. Recirculated/Outside Air Button outlet air temperature, fan speed, Press the air inlet selection button to air flow distribution, air inlet control, prevent outside air from being drawn…
  • Page 25
    6. Dual Button Press the “DUAL” button to activate or deactivate the dual mode. Dual mode makes it possible to have separate temperature settings for the driver’s side and passenger’s side. 7. Air Conditioner Button Press the “A/C” button to activate the air conditioning. Press it again to turn off the air conditioning. 8. Defroster Button Press the button to defrost or dehumidify the windshield and front door windows.
  • Page 26: Radio Functions

    Controls AM/FM Stereo with Single Disc CD Player (if equipped) Radio Functions 5. Tune/Track Rotate the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” 1. Power/Volume Control knob clockwise to increase the Press the power/volume control knob tuning frequency; rotate the knob for on or off; rotate the knob to control counterclockwise to decrease it.

  • Page 27
    8. PTY 14. Fast Forward/Fast Reverse Press and hold the right arrow Press the “PTY” button to change of the “SEEK” button for more to program type selection mode. than one second to fast forward. The PTY group that you are Release the button to stop. To fast currently listening to is displayed reverse, press and hold the left for 10 seconds.
  • Page 28
    Controls AM/FM Stereo HD Radio with Single Disc CD Player ® (if equipped) Radio Functions 5. Tune/Track Rotate the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” 1. Power/Volume Control knob clockwise to increase the Press the power/volume control knob tuning frequency; rotate the knob for on or off; rotate the knob to control counterclockwise to decrease it.
  • Page 29
    8. HD/TAG 15. Fast Forward/Fast Reverse Press and hold the right arrow Press the “HD/TAG” button of the “SEEK” button for more while receiving FM radio than one second to fast forward. (except analog broadcasts) to Release the button to stop. To fast hear the stations digitally. reverse, press and hold the left 9.
  • Page 30
    Controls AM/FM Stereo HD Radio with Single Disc CD Player ® and Navigation System* CD Player Functions Radio Functions 3. Load 1. Power/Volume Control Insert a disc into the slot. The CD will Press the power/volume control knob automatically be drawn in and will begin for on or off;…
  • Page 31
    1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 27 2/19/13 9:34 AM…
  • Page 32: Steering Wheel Audio Controls

    Controls Steering Wheel Audio Controls (if equipped) Push the switch up to With any of the radio modes selected, increase or down to push the switch up or down to skip reduce volume. through your presets. In CD mode, push the switch up or down to skip forward or back on a track.

  • Page 33: Cruise Control

    Cruise Control To activate the cruise control, press the To resume your speed after canceling, push the switch to button. The indicator light on the instrument the “RES” side. panel will turn on. To deactivate cruise control, press the button again. SI-DRIVE (if equipped) Press the accelerator pedal until your vehicle reaches the desired…

  • Page 34: Vehicle Dynamics Control Off Switch

    While Operating Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF Switch Pressing the switch to deactivate the Vehicle Dynamics Control system can help in the following situations: • A standing start on a steeply sloping road with a snowy, gravel-covered, or otherwise slippery surface. • When the vehicle’s wheels are stuck in mud or deep snow.

  • Page 35: Manual Mode

    Automatic Transmission Shift Mode The automatic transmission gives you ultimate control with two different driving modes: Normal Mode and Manual Mode. Normal Mode When the selector lever is in the “D” (Drive) position, the transmission is in Normal shift mode. The shift position indicator on the instrument panel shows “D” and the transmission automatically shifts into a suitable forward gear. Manual Mode In Manual Mode, you select the desired gear position to obtain necessary acceleration and engine braking. Moving the selector lever left into the manual gate from “D” (Drive) position causes the transmission to change into Manual Mode.

  • Page 36: Child Restraint System

    Safety/In Case of Emergency Child Restraint System For maximum safety, first carefully read the LATCH system instructions from the device manufacturer, as well as the installation instructions in your Owner’s Manual, to properly install the LATCH compatible restraint system. Use the appropriate seatbelts or anchorages provided in your vehicle.

  • Page 37
    Subaru dealer or a commercial towing service. Subaru Roadside Assistance Subaru Roadside Assistance is free and standard on every 2014 Subaru vehicle. Coverage is automatic; there are no forms to complete. Subaru Roadside Assistance is available anytime during the 3-year/36,000-mile Subaru Limited Warranty, whichever comes first.*A Subaru Roadside Assistance decal has been…
  • Page 38: Additional Information

    Subaru ownership. Log on to My.Subaru.com to access features such as: automated service history, e-mail maintenance reminders, online Owner’s Manual, warranty information, maintenance schedules and much more…

  • Page 39: Engine Oil

    Fuel • 2 .5 liter DOHC Non-turbo models use regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 AKI or higher. • 2 .0 liter DOHC Turbo model’s engine is designed to operate at maximum performance using unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 93 AKI or higher. If 93 AKI fuel is not readily available, unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 91 AKI or higher may be used with no detriment to engine durability or driveability.

  • Page 40
    Notes 1353095_14a_Subaru_Forester_QRG_021913.indd 36 2/19/13 9:34 AM…
  • Page 41: Owner Information

    DELIVERY DATE OWNER NAME OWNER NAME Owner Resources & Warranty Present the Subaru Owner Manual and Quick Reference Guide (detailed review in “Operation and Controls” section) Review Subaru Roadside Assistance, owner cards and provide Toll-Free Number 1-800-261-2155 Explain 3/36 BASIC warranty / 5/60 powertrain warranty / explain wear items and…

  • Page 42
    Operation & Controls Please use and reference the SUBARU OWNER MANUAl for more detailed information. OPERAtION & CONtROlS Review Master and Valet Keys Show yellow caps and explain checking and filling of vehicle fluids Show Keyless Entry, Alarm System and Remote Start (if equipped)

Информация касательно стоимости, модельного ряда, характеристик, наличия комплектации продукции/автомобиля и наличия опции и/или оборудования в такойкомплектации (далее – «Информация»), изложенная на данном сайте и прайс-листах, носит исключительно информативный характер, зависит от местных условий, ограничений и, следовательно может различаться в зависимости от моделей и комплектаций, и не является публичной офертой, согласно ст. 447 Гражданского Кодекса РК. Максимальные цены и Информация изложенные на данном сайте и прайс-листах могут, без предварительного уведомления со стороны Дистрибутора, отличаться от фактических цен и информаций Дилера на местах продаж, в связи с чем подробную и актуальную Информацию Вы можете получить у официального Дилера в Вашем городе. Основные условия приобретения какого-либо автомобиля или продукции определяются в соответствующих договорах купли-продажи.


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© 2023

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Model «A8190BE-C» EDITED: 2013/ 8/ 5


Congratulations on choosing a SUBARU vehicle. This Owners

Manual has all the information necessary to keep your SUBARU in

excellent condition and to properly maintain the emission control

system for minimizing emission pollutants. We urge you to read

this manual carefully so that you may understand your vehicle and

its operation. For information not found in this Owners Manual,

such as details concerning repairs or adjustments, please contact

the SUBARU dealer from whom you purchased your SUBARU or

the nearest SUBARU dealer.

The information, specifications and il lustrations found in this

manual are those in effect at the time of printing. FUJI HEAVY

INDUSTRIES LTD. reserves the right to change specifications and

designs at any time without prior notice and without incurring any

obligation to make the same or similar changes on vehicles

previously sold. This Owners Manual applies to all models and

covers all equipment, including factory installed options. Some

explanations, therefore may be for equipment not installed in your


Please leave this manual in the vehicle at the time of resale. The

next owner will need the information found herein.


is a registered trademark of FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD.




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