Руководство по эксплуатации теплообменника альфа лаваль

Alfa-Laval T2, Alfa-Laval M3, Alfa-Laval T5, Alfa-Laval M6, Alfa-Laval M10, Alfa-Laval TL10, Alfa-Laval M15, Alfa-Laval T20, Alfa-Laval MX25, Alfa-Laval M30

Alfa laval


Alfa laval

Alfa-Laval T2. Макс. расход — 1,5 кг/сек

Макс. расчетная температура — 150°С

Макс. расчетное давление — 16 бар


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Gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers

Industrial line — M15, TL10, TL15, T20, TS20, T25, MX25, MA30, WideGap 100,

WideGap 200

Instruction Manual

Lit. Code 200000418-2-EN-GB


Related Manuals for Alfa Laval M15

Summary of Contents for Alfa Laval M15

  • Page 1
    Gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers Industrial line — M15, TL10, TL15, T20, TS20, T25, MX25, MA30, WideGap 100, WideGap 200 Instruction Manual Lit. Code 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 2
    © Alfa Laval Corporate AB 2019-05 This document and its contents is owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB and protected by laws governing intellectual property and thereto related rights. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to comply with all applicable intellectual property laws. Without limiting any rights related to this document, no part of this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the expressed permission or authorized by Alfa Laval Corporate AB.
  • Page 3
    English Magyar Download local language versions of this instruction Az Ön nyelvére lefordított használati útmutatót manual from www.alfalaval.com/gphe-manuals or use letöltheti a www.alfalaval.com/gphe-manuals the QR code weboldalról, vagy használja a QR-kódot. български Italiano Изтеглете версиите на това ръководство за Scarica la versione in lingua locale del manuale di употреба…
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  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Contents 1 Preface ……………………..7 Conditions and Requirements………………. 7 Environmental compliance………………8 2 Safety ……………………..9 Safety considerations………………..9 Definitions of expressions………………9 3 Description ……………………11 Components………………….11 Name plate………………….14 Function……………………16 Multi-pass…………………… 17 Identification of plate side………………17 4 Installation ……………………

  • Page 6
    6.7.3 Glued gaskets……………….. 44 7 Storage of the heat exchanger …………..45 Storage in packing box………………..45 Taken out of service………………..46…
  • Page 7: Preface

    Maintenance and installation of the heat exchanger shall be done by persons who have knowledge and authorization according to local regulations. This may include actions such as piping, welding and other kind of maintenance. For maintenance actions not described in this manual, contact your Alfa Laval representative for advice. PHE drawings PHE (plate heat exchanger) drawings mentioned in the manual are the drawings included in the delivery of the heat exchanger.

  • Page 8: Environmental Compliance

    1.2 Environmental compliance Alfa Laval endeavours to perform its own operations as cleanly and efficiently as possible, and to take environmental aspects into consideration when developing, designing, manufacturing, servicing and marketing its products.

  • Page 9: Safety

    Laval’s instructions in this manual. Incorrect handling of the heat exchanger may result in serious consequences with injuries to persons and/or property damage. Alfa Laval will not accept responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from not following the instructions in this manual.

  • Page 10
    2 Safety 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 11: Description

    3 Description 3.1 Components Main components 1. Frame plate Fixed plate with a various number of portholes for the connection of the piping system. The carrying and guiding bar are attached to the frame plate. 2. Carrying bar Carries the plate pack and the pressure plate. 3.

  • Page 12
    3 Description 7. Tightening bolts Compress the plate pack between the frame plate and the pressure plate. The bolts with bearing boxes are identified as tightening bolts. Remaining bolts are used as locking bolts. 8. Portholes Portholes through the frame plate allow the media to enter into or exit from the heat exchanger.
  • Page 13
    Description 3 • Nozzle cover Protection to avoid particles to enter into the heat exchanger during transportation. • Drip tray Depending on the type of fluid in the heat exchanger and the type of installation, a drip tray (drainage box) may be necessary to avoid injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
  • Page 14: Name Plate

    3 Description 3.2 Name plate The type of unit, manufacturing number and manufacturing year can be found on the name plate. Pressure vessel details in accordance with the applicable pressure vessel code are also given. The name plate is fixed to the frame plate, most commonly, or the pressure plate.

  • Page 15
    Description 3 Manufacturer Type Serial No. MANUFACTURER: Year YEAR OF MANUFACTURING: Fluid group TYPE: SERIAL NUMBER: Inlet Outlet Volume → → Allowable press. INLET → OUTLET Min./Max. FLUID GROUP VOLUME Allowable temp. MAX. OP. TEMP. Min./Max. TS ALLOWABLE PRESS. Manufacturer MIN./MAX.
  • Page 16: Function

    3 Description 3.3 Function The heat exchanger consists of a pack of corrugated metal plates with portholes for the input and output of the two separate fluids. The heat transfer between the two fluids takes place through the plates. The plate pack is assembled between a frame plate and a pressure plate and compressed by tightening bolts.

  • Page 17: Multi-Pass

    Description 3 3.4 Multi-pass Multi-pass sections can be created by using turning plates with 1, 2 or 3 unholed ports. The main purpose is to change the flow direction of one or both fluids. An example of where multi-pass can be used is in processes that require longer heating periods if the media requires slower heating.

  • Page 18
    3 Description 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 19: Installation

    4 Installation 4.1 Before installation CAUTION During installation or maintenance, precautions must be taken to avoid damaging the heat exchanger and its components. Damage to components can adversely affect the performance or serviceability of the heat exchanger. To consider before installation •…

  • Page 20: Requirements

    4 Installation 4.2 Requirements Space Please refer to the delivered PHE drawing for actual measurements. 1. Free space is required for lifting plates in and out. 2. Free space is required under the lower tightening/locking bolt for maintenance. 3. Supports for the guiding bar may be needed. 4.

  • Page 21
    Installation 4 Connections in the pressure plate It is important that the plate pack has been tightened to the correct dimension A (check against the PHE drawing) before the piping system is connected. When opening the heat exchanger, the pressure plate must be moved. Do not use fixed pipes or other parts like feet, fasteners etc.
  • Page 22: Lifting

    WARNING Never lift by the connections or the stud bolts around them. Figure 4: Lifting device for M15, TL10, TL15, T20, TS20, WideGap 100 and WideGap 200. 200000418-2-EN-GB…

  • Page 23
    Installation 4 Figure 5: Lifting device for T25, MX25 and MA30-S. 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 24: Raising

    4 Installation 4.4 Raising This instruction is valid when raising the heat exchanger after delivery from Alfa Laval. Only use a strap approved for the weight of the heat exchanger. Follow the principle of the instruction below. CAUTION The straps shall be long enough to be able to rotate the heat exchanger without obstruction.

  • Page 25
    Installation 4 Lift the heat exchanger off the timber beams. Lower the heat exchanger into a horizontal position and place it on the floor. 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 26
    4 Installation 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 27: Operation

    5 Operation 5.1 Start-up During the start-up, check that there are no visible leakages from the plate pack, valves or piping system. CAUTION Before pressurizing the heat exchanger, it is important to ensure that the temperature of the heat exchanger is within the temperature range as stated in the PHE drawing. CAUTION If the temperature of the heat exchanger is below the minimum temperature for the gaskets prior to the service, it is recommended to heat the heat exchanger above this limit to avoid cold…

  • Page 28
    5 Operation Check that the valve is closed between the pump and the unit controlling the system flow rate to avoid pressure surge. If there is a vent valve installed at the exit, make sure it is fully open. Increase the flow rate slowly. Open the air vent and start the pump.
  • Page 29: Unit In Operation

    Operation 5 5.2 Unit in operation Adjustments of flow rates should be made slowly in order to protect the system against sudden and extreme variations of temperature and pressure. During operation, check that media temperatures and pressures are within the limits stated on the name plate and the PHE drawing.

  • Page 30
    5 Operation 200000418-2-EN-GB…
  • Page 31: Maintenance

    Different methods can be used for cleaning (refer to Cleaning – Non-product side on page 31) or reconditioning can be performed at an Alfa Laval service center. After a long period of use, it can be required to regasket the heat exchanger.

  • Page 32
    6 Maintenance WARNING The residuals after a cleaning procedure shall be handled according to local environmental regulations. After neutralization most cleaning solutions may be drained into the waste water system under the condition that the fouling deposits do not contain heavy metals or other toxic or environmentally dangerous compounds.
  • Page 33: Opening

    During manual cleaning, it is necessary to open the heat exchanger to clean the plates. NOTE Before opening the heat exchanger, check the warranty conditions. If in any doubt, contact the Alfa Laval sales representative. Refer to Warranty conditions on page 7.

  • Page 34: Opening Procedure

    6 Maintenance 6.2.2 Opening procedure Shut down the heat exchanger. Close the valves and isolate the heat exchanger from the rest of the system. Drain the heat exchanger. NOTE Avoid vacuum in the heat exchanger by opening vent valves. Remove the protection sheets, if any. Dismantle pipes from the pressure plate so that the pressure plate are free to move along the carrying bar.

  • Page 35
    Maintenance 6 Mark the plate assembly on the outside by a diagonal line. Measure and note the dimension. Loosen and remove the locking bolts. Identify them according to Bolt configuration on page NOTE Brush the threads of the tightening bolts with a steel wire brush and then grease the threads before loosening the tightening bolts.
  • Page 36: Manual Cleaning Of Opened Units

    6 Maintenance CAUTION To avoid hand injuries owing to sharp edges, protective gloves should always be worn when handling plates and protection sheets. Open the plate pack by letting the pressure plate glide on the carrying bar. If plates are to be numbered, do this before removing the plates.

  • Page 37: Deposits Removable With Water And Brush

    Maintenance 6 WARNING Use proper protective equipment, such as safety boots, safety gloves and eye protection, when using the cleaning agents. WARNING Corrosive cleaning liquids. Can cause serious injuries to skin and eyes! 6.3.1 Deposits removable with water and brush Plates do not need to be removed from the heat exchanger during cleaning.

  • Page 38: Closing

    Check that all the sealing surfaces are clean. Brush the threads of the bolts clean, using a steel wire brush or the Alfa Laval thread cleaner. Lubricate the threads with a thin layer of grease, e.g. Gleitmo 800 or its equivalent.

  • Page 39
    Maintenance 6 If the plate pack has been marked on the outside, check this (see step on page 35 in Opening on page 33). If the plates are correctly assembled (A/B/A/B etc.), the edges form a “honeycomb” pattern, see picture. Press the plate pack together.
  • Page 40: Closing — Tl15

    Check that all the sealing surfaces are clean. Brush the threads of the bolts clean, using a steel wire brush or the Alfa Laval thread cleaner. Lubricate the threads with a thin layer of grease, e.g. Gleitmo 800 or its equivalent.

  • Page 41: Pressure Test After Maintenance

    Maintenance 6 Insert the plates in alternate directions and with the gaskets turned towards the frame plate or pressure plate as specified on the plate hanging list. Use the marked line that was made when the heat exchanger was opened, refer to on page 35 in Opening page 33..

  • Page 42: Regasketing

    33, and remove the plate that is to have a new gasket. NOTE Before opening the heat exchanger, check the warranty conditions. If in any doubt, contact the Alfa Laval sales representative. Refer to Warranty conditions on page 7.

  • Page 43: Clip-Ad Gaskets (Mx25 And Tl15)

    NOTE Before opening the heat exchanger, check the warranty conditions. If in any doubt, contact an Alfa Laval sales representative. Refer to Warranty conditions on page 7.

  • Page 44: Glued Gaskets

    Close the heat exchanger according to Closing on page 38. 6.7.3 Glued gaskets Use glue recommended by Alfa Laval. Separate gluing instructions will be delivered together with the glue. CAUTION Other glues than those recommended can contain chlorides that can damage the plates.

  • Page 45: Storage Of The Heat Exchanger

    7 Storage of the heat exchanger Alfa Laval delivers the heat exchanger ready to be put into service upon arrival, if nothing else has been agreed. Nevertheless, keep the heat exchanger in the packing box until installation. If storing for longer periods of time, such as one month or longer, certain precautions should be made to avoid unnecessary damage to the heat exchanger.

  • Page 46: Taken Out Of Service

    Closing on page 38. 7. Alfa Laval recommends a hydraulic test should be carried out. The media, usually water, should be entered at intervals to avoid sudden shocks to the heat exchanger. It is recommended to test up to the Design Pressure.

Бренд: Alfa laval

Категория для инструкций: Теплообменники

Алфавит (англ.): A

Описание: Кожухо-пластинчаты теплообменники Alfa laval серии AlfaDisc 25, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200. Инструкция по эксплуатации

Размер файла: 1546719 байт

Инструкции на пластинчатые теплообменники Alfa laval

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