Руководство по эксплуатации тойота приус 2010

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Manuals and User Guides for Toyota Prius 2010. We have 13 Toyota Prius 2010 manuals available for free PDF download: Owner’s Manual, User Manual, Repair Manual, Manual, Warranty And Maintenance Manual, Emergency Response Manual, Quick Reference Manual

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Toyota Prius (XW30/ZVW30, Mark III, New MC Platform) с гибридной установкой: бензиновыми двигателями 2ZR-FXE 1.8 л (1798 см³) 99 л.с./73 кВт и электрическими мотор-генераторами 3JM 82 л.с./60 кВт; Инструкция пользователя легковой автомобиль компактного «Ц» класса Тойота Приус с цельнометаллическими несущими кузовами пятидверный хэтчбек (лифтбек) переднеприводные модели третьего поколения выпуска с марта 2009 по 2015 год

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Toyota Prius XW30 видео замена свечей зажигания и фильтра салона (Тойота Приус 09-15)

Toyota Prius Mark III общая информация (Тойота Приус 2009-2015)

Toyota Prius ZVW30 (Тойота Приус 2009-2015)

Фильтр кондиционера
Чтобы сохранить эффективность системы кондиционирования воздуха, следует регулярно чистить или заменять фильтр кондиционера.
Способ извлечения
Переведите переключатель «POWER» в отключения (OFF).
Автомобили с системой вентиляции с питанием от солнечных батарей: Отключите систему вентиляции с питанием от солнечных батарей и ни в коем случае не используйте систему дистанционного управления кондиционированием воздуха.
Откройте перчаточный ящик
Снимите демпфер - Toyota Prius ZVW30 замена фильтра салона
Снимите демпфер.
Нажмите на перчаточный ящик с обеих сторон для отсоединения штифтов. Затем отсоедините зажимы снизу и снимите перчаточный ящик.
Отсоедините зажимы снизу и снимите перчаточный ящик - Toyota Prius ZVW30 замена фильтра салона
Снимите крышку фильтра и сам фильтр.
Снимите крышку фильтра... - Toyota Prius ZVW30 замена фильтра салона
... и сам фильтр - Toyota Prius ZVW30 замена фильтра салона

Способ чистки
Способ чистки - Toyota Prius ZVW30 замена фильтра салона
Если фильтр загрязнен, прочистите его, пропуская сжатый воздух сквозь фильтр со стороны, направленной вниз.
Удерживая пистолет для продувки сжатым воздухом на расстоянии 5 см от фильтра. продуйте фильтр в течение приблизительно 2 мин под давлением 500 кПа (5,0 кГс/см²)
Если устройство для продувки сжатым воздухом недоступно. произведите чистку фильтра у дилера Toyota. Японские автомобили по низким ценам купить toyota wish

Способ замены
Способ замены - Toyota Prius ZVW30 замена фильтра салона
Замените фильтр системы кондиционирования воздуха новым.
Метки «UP» (ВЕРХ) на фильтре должны быть обращены вверх.
Интервалы проверки
Выполняйте осмотр, чистку и замену фильтра кондиционера в соответствии графиком прохождения технического обслуживания. При эксплуатации автомобиля в регионах с повышенной запыленностью или на дорогах с интенсивным движением может потребоваться более ранняя замена.

Если поступление воздуха из вентиляционных дефлекторов заметно уменьшается
Фильтр мог засориться. Проверьте фильтр и при необходимости замените.
Во избежание повреждения системы
При использовании системы кондиционирования воздуха обязательно проверьте, установлен ли фильтр. Не используйте для чистки фильтра воду.

Тойота Приус 2009-2015 салон (interior Toyota Prius ZVW30)Габаритные размеры Тойота Приус 2009-2016 (dimensions Toyota Prius  Plug-in  ZVW30/ZVW35)Габаритные размеры Тойота Приус 2009-2015 (dimensions Toyota Prius ZVW30)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) Toyota Prius 2010 «Престиж» Россия с мотором 1.8 литра

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 4460
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1745
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1490-1510
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2700
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 140
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1445–1495
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 1805

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Гибридный, бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, 2ZR-FXE VVT-i (Atkinson cycle) и электрический 3JM
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 4-цилиндровый, рядный, 16V, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 80.5 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 88.3 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 1798 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Распределенный впрыск топлива EFI
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 13.0:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 73 кВт (99 л.с.) при 5200 об/мин, электрический 82 л.с./60 кВт, Синергетический режим: 136 л.с./100 кВт
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 142 Нм при 4000 об/мин, электрический 207 Нм

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type Устройство распределения мощности PSD (Power Split Device)
17 КПП / Transmission type Гибридная трансмиссия (e-CVT бесступенчатая трансмиссия с электронным управлением)

О Книге

  • Название: Toyota Prius Руководство для Владельца
  • Бензиновые двигатели: 2ZR-FXE 1.8 л (1798 см³) 99 л.с./73 кВт и электрическими мотор-генераторами 3JM 82 л.с./60 кВт
  • Выпуск с 2009 года
  • Серия: «Owner Guide»
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «Toyota Motors Corporation»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 577 (1+288 сдвоенных)
  • Размер: 58.08 МБ
  • Язык: Русский
  • Количество электросхем: 0

Toyota Prius 2009-2015 Руководство для Владельца

инструкцияToyota Prius (2010)



PRIUS_U (OM47668U) U.S.A.


Before driving

Adjusting and operating features such as door locks,

mirrors, and steering column


When driving

Driving, stopping and safe-driving information




Air conditioning and audio systems, as well as other in-

terior features for a comfortable driving experience



and care

Cleaning and protecting your vehicle, performing do-it-

yourself maintenance, and maintenance information


When trouble


What to do if the vehicle needs to be towed, gets a flat

tire, or is involved in an accident




Detailed vehicle information


For owners

Reporting safety defects for U.S. owners and seat belt

instructions for Canadian owners


Alphabetical listing of information contained in this


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Toyota Prius 2010 User Manual

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Printed in U.S.A. 6/10




Related Manuals for Toyota Prius 2010

Summary of Contents for Toyota Prius 2010

  • Page 1
    PRIUS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE CENTER 2 0 1 0 1-800-331-4331 USER MANUAL Printed in U.S.A. 6/10 00505-QRG10-PRI 08-TCS-04342…
  • Page 2
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Adjusting and operating features such as door locks, Before driving mirrors, and steering column When driving Driving, stopping and safe-driving information Interior Air conditioning and audio systems, as well as other in- features terior features for a comfortable driving experience Maintenance Cleaning and protecting your vehicle, performing do-it- and care…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Index 1-5. Opening and closing Before driving the windows and moon roof Power windows….. 98 Moonroof 1-1. Hybrid system with Solar Panel ….100 Hybrid system …… 28 1-6. Refueling 1-2. Key information Opening the fuel tank cap… 104 Keys ……..

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    2-4. Using other driving systems When driving Cruise control ….. 214 Dynamic radar cruise control….218 2-1. Driving procedures Rear view monitor Driving the vehicle….150 system……231 Power (ignition) switch ..162 LKA (Lane-Keeping EV-Drive Mode….168 Assist) ……235 Transmission…….

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Index 3-4. Using the interior lights Interior features Interior lights list….363 • Personal/interior light main switch ….364 3-1. Using the air conditioning • Personal/interior lights ..365 system and defogger • Interior light……. 365 Air conditioning system ..270 Using the steering wheel 3-5.

  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Maintenance and care When trouble arises 4-1. Maintenance and care 5-1. Essential information Cleaning and protecting Emergency flashers…. 486 the vehicle’s exterior ..404 If your vehicle needs Cleaning and protecting to be towed……. 487 the vehicle’s interior ..407 If you think something is wrong …….

  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Index Vehicle specifications Index 6-1. Specifications Abbreviation list ….600 Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.) … 556 Alphabetical index…. 601 Fuel information ….568 Tire information ….572 What to do if…… 610 6-2. Customization Customizable features ..587 6-3.
  • Page 9
    Pictorial index Exterior Windshield wipers P. 210 Headlights (low beam) P. 206 ∗ Parking lights P. 206 Moonroof with Solar Panel P. 100 Hood P. 420 Outside rear view mirrors P. 96 Headlights (high beam) Front side marker lights P. 206 P.
  • Page 10
    Fuel filler door P. 104 Rear window wiper P. 212 Side doors Rear window defogger P. 67 P. 289 Back door P. 72 Tires ●Rotation P. 441 License plate lights P. 206 ●Replacement P. 524 ●Inflation pressure P. 451 ●Information P.
  • Page 11
    Pictorial index Interior Head restraints SRS driver airbag P. 82 P. 113 Seat belts P. 85 SRS front passenger airbag P. 113 Power window switches P. 98 Floor mat P. 384 Armrest P. 383 Cup holder P. 372 Glove boxes P.
  • Page 12
    With moon roof Anti-glare inside rear view mirror P. 93 Personal/interior lights P. 363 Interior light P. 363 SRS curtain shield airbag P. 113 ∗ “SOS” button P. 395 Vanity mirror P. 377 Sun visor P. 376 Moon roof switch P.
  • Page 13
    Pictorial index Interior Without moon roof Anti-glare inside rear view mirror P. 93 Overhead console P. 370 Personal/interior lights P. 363 Interior light P. 363 SRS curtain shield airbag P. 113 ∗ “SOS” button P. 395 Vanity mirror P. 377 Sun visor P.
  • Page 14
    Inside lock button P. 67 Door lock switch P. 67 ITOPP103 Power window switches P. 98 Window lock switch P. 98 ∗ : If equipped…
  • Page 15: Instrument Panel

    Pictorial index Instrument panel Windshield wipers and washer switch P. 210 Rear window wiper and washer switch P. 212 Bottle holder P. 374 Headlight switch P. 206 Turn signal lever P. 178 Gauges and meters P. 181 ∗ Fog light switch P.

  • Page 16
    ∗ Ventilation switch P. 282 ∗ Headlight cleaner switch P. 213 Outside rear view mirror switches P. 96 ITOPP120 Instrument panel light control dial P. 184 ∗ : If equipped : Refer to “Navigation System Owner’s Manual”.
  • Page 17
    Pictorial index Instrument panel ∗* Talk switch P. 326 Climate remote control switches P. 280 Audio remote control “DISP” button P. 188 switches P. 323 “TRIP” button P. 188 ITOPP116 ∗* Telephone switch P. 326 ∗ Distance switch P. 218 ∗…
  • Page 18
    MPH or km/h button P. 183 APGS pre-support switch Power (ignition) switch P. 162 ∗ : If equipped : Refer to “Navigation System Owner’s Manual”.
  • Page 19
    Pictorial index Instrument panel Air conditioning system P. 270 Rear window defogger switch P. 289 ITO31P101…
  • Page 20
    “PWR MODE” switch P. 171 “ECO MODE” switch P. 171 “EV” switch P. 168 Emergency flasher switch P. 486 Shift lever P. 171 “P” position switch P. 171…
  • Page 21
    Pictorial index Luggage compartment ∗ Luggage cover P. 385 Luggage compartment light P. 72 Cargo hooks Auxiliary P. 385 P. 385 Auxiliary box P. 385 Cargo hooks P. 385…
  • Page 22
    ∗ : If equipped…
  • Page 23: Hybrid System

    Accessories, spare parts and modification of your Toyota A wide variety of non-genuine spare parts and accessories for Toyota vehi- cles are currently available in the market. You should know that Toyota does not warrant these products and is not responsible for their performance, repair, or replacement, or for any damage they may cause to, or adverse effect they may have on, your Toyota vehicle.

  • Page 24
    Be sure to have the systems of the SRS airbag and seat belt pretensioner removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you scrap your vehicle.
  • Page 25
    In the event of that your vehicle must be disposed of, the hybrid battery must be disposed of your Toyota dealer or a qualified service shop. If the hybrid battery is not disposed of properly, they may cause electric shock that can result in death or serious injury.
  • Page 26
    This is a warning against anything which may cause damage to the vehicle or its equipment if the warning is ignored. You are informed about what you must or must not do in order to avoid or reduce the risk of damage to your Toyota and its equipment.
  • Page 28
    1-1. Hybrid system Hybrid system Your vehicle is a hybrid vehicle. It has characteristics different from conventional vehicles. Be sure you are closely familiar with the char- acteristics of your vehicle, and operate with care. The hybrid system combines a gasoline engine and an electric motor (traction motor) according to driving conditions, improving fuel efficiency and reducing exhaust emissions.
  • Page 29
    1-1. Hybrid system ■ When stopped/during take-off The gasoline engine stops when the vehicle is stopped. During take-off, the electric motor (traction motor) drives the vehicle. At slow speeds or when traveling down a gentle slope, the engine is stopped and the motor is used. ■…
  • Page 30
    After the 12 volt battery has discharged or has been changed or removed The gasoline engine may not stop even if the vehicle is running on the hybrid battery (traction battery). If this continues for a few days, contact your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 31
    You may hear cooling fan sounds coming from the air intake vents behind the rear seat. ■ Maintenance, repair, recycling, and disposal Contact your Toyota dealer regarding maintenance, repair, recycling and dis- posal. Do not dispose of the vehicle yourself.
  • Page 32
    1-1. Hybrid system High voltage components ITO11P104 Air conditioning compressor Service plug High voltage cables (orange Hybrid battery (Traction bat- color) tery) Power control unit and DC/ Electric motor (Traction DC converter motor) Caution label Take care when handling the hybrid system, as it contains a high volt- age system (about 650 V at maximum) as well as parts that become extremely hot when the hybrid system is operating.
  • Page 33
    If the emergency shut off system activates, your vehicle will not restart. To restart the hybrid system, contact your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 34
    1-1. Hybrid system Eco Drive Monitor The multi-information display features several screens to assist with environmentally friendly driving. You can drive in an environmentally friendly manner by using these screens effectively. ■ Hybrid system operating condition The energy monitor displays the operating condition of the hybrid system, showing such informa- tion as the gasoline engine oper-…
  • Page 35
    1-1. Hybrid system ● When the desired speed is reached Release the accelerator pedal once. Then, depress the acceler- ator pedal slowly and drive at a constant speed, keeping the indi- cator bar within the Eco area. Hybrid Eco area When aiming to improve fuel economy, try to drive within the Hybrid Eco area.
  • Page 36
    1-1. Hybrid system The fuel consumption record dis- play shows a history of the aver- fuel consumption sections, based on the driving records of trip meters A and B. Each section represents the interval between each trip meter reset. (→P. 197) A record of the best consumption is also kept on this screen.
  • Page 37
    If a warning light comes on or a warning message is displayed, or the 12 volt battery is disconnected The hybrid system may not start. In that case, try to start the system again. If the “READY” indicator does not come on, contact your Toyota dealer. ■ Running out of fuel…
  • Page 38
    1-1. Hybrid system CAUTION ■ High voltage precautions The vehicle has high voltage DC and AC systems as well as a 12 volt sys- tem. DC and AC high voltage is very dangerous and can cause severe burns and electric shock that may result in death or serious injury. ●…
  • Page 39
    1-1. Hybrid system CAUTION ■ Road accident cautions Observe the following precautions to reduce the risk of injury. ● Pull your vehicle off the road, push the “P” position switch, apply the park- ing brake and turn the hybrid system off. ●…
  • Page 40
    1-1. Hybrid system NOTICE ■ Hybrid battery air vent ● Do not put foreign objects over the air vent. The hybrid battery (traction battery) may overheat and be damaged. ● Clean the air vent regularly to prevent the hybrid battery (traction battery) from overheating.
  • Page 41: Key Information Keys

    1-2. Key information Keys The following keys are provided with the vehicle. Electronic keys • Operating the smart key system (→P. 43, 57) • Operating wireless remote control function (→P. 63) Mechanical keys Key number plate Using the mechanical key Take out the mechanical key.

  • Page 42
    Keep the plate in a safe place such as your wallet, not in the vehicle. In the event that a mechanical key is lost, a new key can be made by your Toyota dealer using the key number plate. (→P. 540) ■…
  • Page 43
    1-2. Key information Smart key system (with entry function) The following operations can be performed simply by carrying the electronic key on your person, for example in your pocket. (The driver should always carry the electronic key.) Locks and unlocks the doors (→P. 44) Locks and unlocks the doors (→P.
  • Page 44
    1-2. Key information Unlocking and locking the doors Front door handles (including front passenger door handle if equipped with entry function) Grip the handle to unlock the door. Make sure to touch the sensor on the back of the handle. The door cannot be unlocked for 3 seconds after the door is locked.
  • Page 45
    1-2. Key information Back door (vehicles with entry function of front and back doors) Press the unlock button to unlock the doors. The door cannot be unlocked for 3 seconds after the door is locked. Lock the back door again when you leave the vehicle.
  • Page 46
    1-2. Key information Antenna location and effective range ■ Antenna location Antennas outside cabin Antennas inside cabin Antenna outside luggage com- partment…
  • Page 47
    1-2. Key information ■ Effective range (areas within which the electronic key is detected) When locking or unlocking the doors The system can be operated when the electronic key is within about 2.3 ft. (0.7 m) of outside front and back door handles.
  • Page 48
    1-2. Key information ■ Switching the door unlock function It is possible to set which doors the entry function unlocks. STEP Turn the “POWER” switch OFF. STEP When the indicator on the key surface is turned off, push and hold for approximately 5 seconds while pushing the but- ton on the key.
  • Page 49
    1-2. Key information ■ Battery-saving function In the following circumstances, the entry function is disabled in order to pre- vent the vehicle battery from discharging and electronic key battery from depleting. ● When the entry function has not been used for 5 days or more ●…
  • Page 50
    1-2. Key information ■ To operate the system properly Make sure to carry the electronic key when operating the system. Do not get the electronic key too close to the vehicle when operating the system from the outside of the vehicle. Depending on the position and holding condition of the electronic key, the key may not be detected correctly and the system may not operate properly.
  • Page 51
    1-2. Key information ● If the key is inside the vehicle while it is being washed, water applied to a door handle may cause a buzzer to sound. In this event, locking all doors will cause the buzzer to stop sounding. ●…
  • Page 52
    1-2. Key information ■ Alarms and warning indicators A combination of exterior and interior alarms are used to prevent theft of the vehicle and unforeseeable accidents resulting from erroneous operation. Take appropriate measures according to the warning message shown on the multi-information display.
  • Page 53
    1-2. Key information Alarm Situation Correction procedure The “POWER” switch was turned to ACCESSORY mode while the driver’s Interior alarm Turn the “POWER” door was open (or the pings continu- switch OFF and close driver’s door was opened ously the driver’s door while the “POWER”…
  • Page 54
    1-2. Key information Alarm Situation Correction procedure The electronic key has a Replace the electronic low battery key battery An attempt was made to Interior alarm start the hybrid system Start the hybrid sys- pings once without the electronic key tem with the elec- being present, or the elec- tronic key present…
  • Page 55
    ● ■ When the electronic key battery is fully depleted →P. 460 ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. smart key system) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 587) ■ Certification for the smart key system For vehicles sold in the U.S.A.
  • Page 56
    (→P. 46) The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. If necessary, the entry function can be disabled. Ask your Toyota dealer for details, such as the frequency of radio waves and timing of emitting the radio waves.
  • Page 57
    1-2. Key information Smart key system (without entry function) Starting and stopping the hybrid system can be performed simply by carrying the electronic key on your person, for example in your pocket. (The driver should always carry the electronic key.)
  • Page 58
    1-2. Key information Antenna location and effective range ■ Antenna location Antennas inside cabin ■ Effective range (areas within which the electronic key is detected) When starting the hybrid system or changing “POWER” switch modes The system can be operated when the electronic key is inside the vehi- cle.
  • Page 59
    1-2. Key information ■ Conditions affecting operation →P. 65 ■ Electronic key battery depletion →P. 64 ■ To operate the system properly Make sure to carry the electronic key when operating the system. Depending on the position and holding condition of the electronic key, the key may not be detected correctly and the system may not operate properly.
  • Page 60
    1-2. Key information ■ Alarms and warning indicators A combination of exterior and interior alarms are used to prevent theft of the vehicle and unforeseeable accidents resulting from erroneous operation. Take appropriate measures according to the warning message shown on the multi-information display.
  • Page 61
    If the smart key system does not operate properly →P. 542 ■ When the electronic key battery is fully depleted →P. 460 ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. smart key system) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 587)
  • Page 62
    1-2. Key information ■ Certification for the smart key system For vehicles sold in the U.S.A. FCC ID: NI4TMLF8-2 FCC ID: HYQ14ACX FCC ID: HYQ14ADF FCC ID: HYQ13CZD FCC ID: HYQ13CZE NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 63: The Doors And Back Door Wireless Remote Control

    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Wireless remote control The wireless remote control can be used to lock and unlock the vehi- cle and the back door from outside the vehicle. Locks all doors Unlocks all doors Pressing the button unlocks the driver’s door.

  • Page 64
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door ■ Panic mode When is pushed for longer than about one second, an alarm will sound for about 60 seconds and the vehicle lights will flash to deter any person from trying to break into or damage your vehicle.
  • Page 65
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door ■ Conditions affecting operation The smart key system and wireless remote control use weak radio waves. In the following situations, the communication between the electronic key and the vehicle may be affected, preventing the smart key system and wireless remote control from operating properly.
  • Page 66
    Locking and unlocking the doors: Use the mechanical key. (→P. 541) ● Starting the hybrid system (→P. 162) ■ When the electronic key battery is fully depleted →P. 460 ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. 2-step unlocking function) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 587)
  • Page 67: Side Doors

    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Side doors The vehicle can be locked and unlocked using the entry function, wireless remote control or door lock switch. ■ Entry function (if equipped) →P. 43 ■ Wireless remote control →P.

  • Page 68
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Locking the front doors from the outside without a key STEP Move the inside lock button to the lock position. STEP Close the door. The door cannot be locked if the “POWER” switch is in ACCESSORY or ON mode, or the electronic key is left inside the vehicle.
  • Page 69
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Automatic door locking and unlocking systems The following functions can be set or canceled: Function Operation Shift position linked Shifting the shift position out of “P” locks all door locking function doors.
  • Page 70
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Shift the shift lever to “N” or STEP press “P” position switch, and press and hold the driver’s door lock switch ( ) for about 5 seconds then release. The shift and switch positions cor- responding to the desired func- tion to be set are shown as follows.
  • Page 71: Rear Seats

    Using the mechanical key The doors can also be locked and unlocked with the mechanical key. (→P. 541) ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. unlocking function using a key) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 587) CAUTION ■…

  • Page 72
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door Back door The back door can be locked/unlocked and opened by the following procedures. ■ Unlocking and locking the back door Door lock switch →P. 67 Entry function (if equipped) →P.
  • Page 73
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door ■ Luggage compartment light Door position ■ When closing the back door Lower the back door using the back door handles, and make sure to push the back door down from the outside to close it. Be careful not to pull the back door side- ways when closing the back door with the handle.
  • Page 74
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door CAUTION ■ While driving ● Keep the back door closed while driving. If the back door is left open, it may hit near-by objects while driving or lug- gage may be unexpectedly thrown out, causing an accident. In addition, exhaust gases may enter the vehicle, causing death or a seri- ous health hazard.
  • Page 75
    1-3. Opening, closing and locking the doors and back door CAUTION ■ Operating the back door Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause parts of the body to be caught, resulting in seri- ous injury. ● Remove any heavy loads, such as snow and ice, from the back door before opening it.
  • Page 76
    Doing so may cause hands to be caught or the back door damper stay to break, causing an accident. ● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the back door. Such additional weight on the back door may cause the back door to fall closed again after it is opened.
  • Page 77
    Do not touch the damper stay rod with gloves or other fabric items. ● Do not attach any accessories other Damper stays than genuine Toyota parts to the back door. ● Do not place your hand on the damper stay or apply lateral forces to it.
  • Page 78: Head Restraints

    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Front seats Seat position adjustment lever Seatback angle adjustment lever Vertical height adjustment lever equipped driver’s side) Lumbar support control switch equipped driver’s side) Active head restraints When the occupant’s lower back presses against the seatback during a rear-end collision, the head restraint moves slightly for- ward and upward to help reduce…

  • Page 79
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ Active head restraints Even small forces applied to the seatback may cause the head restraint to move. Pushing up a locked head restraint forcibly may make the inner struc- ture of the head restraint appear. This does not indicate a problem. During rear-end collision…
  • Page 80: Seat Belts

    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Rear seats The seatbacks can be folded down. Fold the seatback down while pushing the lock release but- ton. Press the button until the lock is completely released. ■ Remove the seat belt from the guide If the seat belt interferes with luggage on the folded seats, remove the seat belt from the guide.

  • Page 81
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) CAUTION ■ Before folding down a rear seat Do not fold down a rear seat when there are passengers sitting in the rear seats or when there is luggage placed on the rear seats. ■…
  • Page 82
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Head restraints Head restraints are provided for all seats. Front seats Vertical adjustment Pull the head restraints up. Lock release Down button Push and hold the lock release button when lowering the head restraint.
  • Page 83
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ Adjusting the height of the head restraints Make sure that the head restraints are adjusted so that the center of the head restraint is closest to the top of your ears. ■ Adjusting the rear center seat head restraint Always raise the head restraint one level from the stowed position when using.
  • Page 84
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ Installing the head restraints Front and rear center seats Align the head restraint with the installa- tion holes and push it down to the lock position. Press and hold the lock release button when lowering the head restraint.
  • Page 85
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Seat belts Make sure that all occupants are wearing their seat belts before driv- ing the vehicle. ■ Correct use of the seat belts Extend the shoulder belt so that it comes fully over the shoulder, does come into contact with the…
  • Page 86
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ Adjusting the height of the belt (front seats) Down Move the height adjuster up and down as needed until you hear a click. Seat belt pretensioners (front seats) The pretensioner helps the seat belt to quickly restrain the occu- pant by retracting the seat belt when the vehicle is subjected to…
  • Page 87
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ Emergency locking retractor (ELR) The retractor will lock the belt during a sudden stop or on impact. It may also lock if you lean forward too quickly. A slow, easy motion will allow the belt to extend so that you can move around fully.
  • Page 88
    ■ Seat belt extender If your seat belts cannot be fastened securely because they are not long enough, personalized seat belt extender is available from your Toyota dealer free of charge.
  • Page 89
    Each seat belt should be used by one person only. Do not use a seat belt for more than one person at the same time, including children. ● Toyota recommends that children should be seated in the rear seat and always use a seat belt and/or an appropriate child restraint system. ●…
  • Page 90
    ● Do not attempt to install, remove, modify, disassemble or dispose of a seat belt. Have any necessary repairs carried out by your Toyota dealer. Inap- propriate handling of the pretensioner may cause it to activate or operate improperly and may cause death or serious injury.
  • Page 91
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) CAUTION ■ Using a seat belt extender ● Do not wear the seat belt extender, if you can fasten the seat belt without the extender. ● Do not use the seat belt extender when installing a child restraint system, because the belt will not securely hold the child restraint system, increas- ing the risk of death or serious injury in the event of a sudden stop, sudden swerve or an accident.
  • Page 92
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Steering wheel The steering wheel can be adjusted to a comfortable position. Hold the steering wheel and STEP press the lever down. Adjust to the ideal position by STEP moving the steering wheel horizontally and vertically.
  • Page 93: Inside Rear View Mirror

    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Inside rear view mirror Glare from the headlights of vehicles behind can be reduced by using the following functions. Auto anti-glare inside rear view mirror (vehicles with garage door opener) In auto mode, sensors are used to detect the headlights of vehi- cles behind and automatically reduce the reflected light.

  • Page 94
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Auto anti-glare inside rear view mirror (vehicles without garage door opener) In auto mode, sensors are used to detect the headlights of vehi- cles behind and automatically reduce the reflected light. Turns auto mode on/off. The indicator comes on when auto mode is turned on.
  • Page 95
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ To prevent sensor error (vehicles with auto anti-glare inside rear view mirror) Vehicles with garage door opener To ensure correct functioning of the sen- sors, do not touch or cover the sensors. Vehicles without garage door opener CAUTION ■…
  • Page 96: Outside Rear View Mirrors

    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) Outside rear view mirrors Mirror angle can be adjusted using the switch. Select a mirror to adjust Left Right Adjust the mirror Right Down Left Folding the mirrors Push backward to fold the mir- rors.

  • Page 97
    1-4. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel) ■ Mirror angle can be adjusted when The “POWER” switch is in ACCESSORY or ON mode. ■ When the mirrors are fogged up (vehicles with outside rear view mirror defoggers) Turn on the mirror heaters to defog the mirrors. (→P. 289) CAUTION ■…
  • Page 98: Power Windows

    1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof Power windows The power windows can be opened and closed using the following switches. One-touch closing Closing One-touch opening Opening :Pushing the switch in the opposite direction will stop window travel partway. Lock switch Press the switch down to lock passenger window switches.

  • Page 99
    1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof ■ The power windows can be operated when The “POWER” switch is in ON mode. ■ Operating the power windows after turning the “POWER” switch OFF The power windows can be operated for approximately 45 seconds even after the “POWER”…
  • Page 100: Moonroof With Solar Panel

    1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof ∗ Moonroof with Solar Panel Use the overhead switches to open, close, and tilt the moon roof up and down. ■ Open Tilt up Push “OPEN”. The moon roof will open after pausing at the tilt up position, when pushing and holding the switch.

  • Page 101
    1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof ■ Close Push and hold “CLOSE”. The moon roof stops once. Push and hold the switch again to fully close.
  • Page 102
    After this, to make the automatic opening function and jam protection func- tion available again, press and hold the “OPEN” switch until the moon roof opens fully and then closes slightly. If the functions do not activate, contact your Toyota dealer. ■ To reduce moon roof wind noise Drive with the moon roof opened to slightly before the fully open position as driving with the moon roof opened fully will cause wind noise.
  • Page 103
    1-5. Opening and closing the windows and moon roof CAUTION ■ Opening the moon roof Observe the following precautions. Failing to do so may cause death or serious injury. ● Do not allow any passengers to put their hands or heads outside the vehi- cle while it is moving.
  • Page 104: Refueling Opening The Fuel Tank Cap

    1-6. Refueling Opening the fuel tank cap Perform the following steps to open the fuel tank cap. ■ Before refueling the vehicle Turn the “POWER” switch OFF and ensure that all the doors and windows are closed. ■ Opening the fuel tank cap Pull the lever.

  • Page 105
    1-6. Refueling Closing the fuel tank cap After refueling, turn the fuel tank cap clockwise until you hear a click. The cap will revolve slightly in the opposite direction once released. ■ Fuel types Use unleaded gasoline. (Octane Rating 87 [Research Octane Number 91] or higher) ■…
  • Page 106
    ■ When replacing the fuel tank cap Do not use anything but a genuine Toyota fuel tank cap designed for your vehicle. Doing so may cause a fire or other incident which may result in death or serious injury.
  • Page 107
    1-6. Refueling NOTICE ■ Refueling Do not spill fuel during refueling. Doing so may damage the vehicle, such as causing the exhaust systems to operate abnormally or damaging fuel system components or the vehicle’s painted surface.
  • Page 108: Theft Deterrent System Immobilizer System

    1-7. Theft deterrent system Immobilizer system The vehicle’s keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the hybrid system from starting if the key has not been previously regis- tered in the vehicle’s on-board computer. Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehicle. The indicator light flashes after the “POWER”…

  • Page 109
    1-7. Theft deterrent system ■ Certifications for the immobilizer system For vehicles sold in the U.S.A. FCC ID: NI4TMIMB-1 NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfer- ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 110
    1-7. Theft deterrent system Theft prevention labels (U.S.A.) These labels are attached to the vehicle to reduce vehicle theft by facilitating the tracing and recovery of parts from sto- len vehicles. Do not remove under penalty of law.
  • Page 111: Safety Information Correct Driving Posture

    1-8. Safety information Correct driving posture Drive with a good posture as follows: Sit upright and well back in the seat. Adjust the position of the seat forward or backward to ensure the pedals can be reached easily depressed to the extent required.

  • Page 112
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ While driving ● Do not adjust the position of the driver’s seat. Doing so could cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. ● Do not place a cushion between the driver or passenger and the seatback. A cushion may prevent correct posture from being achieved, and reduce the effectiveness of the seat belt and head restraint, increasing the risk of death or serious injury to the driver or passenger.
  • Page 113: Srs Airbags

    1-8. Safety information SRS airbags The SRS airbags inflate when the vehicle is subjected to certain types of severe impacts that may cause significant injury to the occupants. They work together with the seat belts to help reduce the risk of death or serious injury. Front airbags Driver airbag/front passenger airbag Can help protect the head and chest of the driver and front pas-…

  • Page 114
    1-8. Safety information Side and curtain shield airbags Side airbag Can help protect the torso of the front seat occupants. Curtain shield airbag Can help protect primarily the head of front and rear outboard occupants.
  • Page 115
    1-8. Safety information Airbag system components Front passenger airbag Side and curtain shield airbag sensor “AIR BAG ON” and “AIR BAG OFF” indicator lights Driver’s seat belt buckle switch Side airbag Driver’s seat position sensor Curtain shield airbag Knee airbag Occupant detection sensor Front passenger’s seat belt Curtain shield airbag sensor…
  • Page 116
    1-8. Safety information Your vehicle is equipped with “ADVANCED AIRBAGS” designed based on US motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS208). The air- bag system controls airbag deployment power for the driver and front passenger. The driver airbag system consists of the driver seat’s position sensor etc.
  • Page 117
    1-8. Safety information ■ SRS airbag deployment conditions (front airbags) ● The SRS front airbag will deploy in the event of an impact that exceeds the set threshold level (the level of force corresponding to a 12 — 18 mph [20 — 30 km/h] frontal collision with a fixed wall that does not move or deform).
  • Page 118
    1-8. Safety information ■ Conditions under which the SRS airbags may deploy (inflate), other than a collision The SRS front airbags may also deploy if a serious impact occurs to the underside of your vehicle. Some examples are shown in the illustration. ●…
  • Page 119
    1-8. Safety information ■ Types of collisions that may not deploy the SRS airbag (side and curtain shield airbags) The SRS side airbag and curtain shield airbag system may not activate if the vehicle is subjected to a collision from the side at certain angles, or a colli- sion to the side of the vehicle body other than the passenger compartment.
  • Page 120
    1-8. Safety information ■ When to contact your Toyota dealer In the following cases, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Do not disconnect the 12 volt battery cables before contacting your Toyota dealer. ● Any of the SRS airbags have been inflated.
  • Page 121
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ SRS airbag precautions Observe the following precautions regarding the airbags. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. ● The driver and all passengers in the vehicle must wear their seat belts properly. The SRS airbags are supplemental devices to be used with the seat belts.
  • Page 122
    An infant or child who is too small to use a seat belt should be properly secured using a child restraint system. Toyota strongly recommends that all infants and children be placed in the rear seats of the vehicle and properly restrained. The rear…
  • Page 123
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ SRS airbag precautions ● Do not sit on the edge of the seat or lean against the dashboard. ● Do not allow a child to stand in front of the SRS front passenger airbag unit or sit on the knees of a front passenger.
  • Page 124
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ SRS airbag precautions ● Do not attach anything to or lean any- thing against areas such as the dash- board, steering wheel pad or lower portion of the instrument panel. These items can become projectiles when SRS driver and front passenger and knee airbags deploy.
  • Page 125
    If the areas where the SRS airbags are stored, such as the steering wheel pad and front, center and rear pillar garnishes, are damaged or cracked, have them replaced by your Toyota dealer. ● Do not place anything, such as a cushion, on the front passenger’s seat.
  • Page 126: Front Passenger Occupant Classification System

    1-8. Safety information Front passenger occupant classification system Your vehicle is equipped with a front passenger occupant classifica- tion system. This system detects the conditions of the front passen- ger seat and activates or deactivates the devices for front passenger. SRS warning light “AIR BAG OFF”…

  • Page 127: Child Restraint Systems

    1-8. Safety information Condition and operation in the front passenger occupant classi- fication system ■ Adult “AIR BAG ON” and “AIR BAG OFF” “AIR BAG indicator lights ON” Indicator/ warning light SRS warning light Front passenger’s seat belt reminder light Flashing Front passenger airbag Side airbag on the front passenger seat…

  • Page 128
    1-8. Safety information ■ Unoccupied “AIR BAG ON” and “AIR BAG OFF” Not illumi- indicator lights nated Indicator/ warning light SRS warning light Front passenger’s seat belt reminder light Front passenger airbag Deactivated Side airbag on the front passenger seat Devices Activated Curtain shield airbag in the front…
  • Page 129
    1-8. Safety information ■ There is a malfunction in the system “AIR BAG ON” and “AIR BAG OFF” “AIR BAG indicator lights OFF” Indicator/ warning light SRS warning light Front passenger’s seat belt reminder light Front passenger airbag Deactivated Side airbag on the front passenger seat Devices Curtain shield airbag in the front Activated…
  • Page 130
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ Front passenger occupant classification system precautions Observe the following precautions regarding front passenger occupant clas- sification system. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. ● Wear the seat belt properly. ● Make sure the front passenger’s seat belt tab has not been left inserted into the buckle before someone sits in the front passenger seat.
  • Page 131
    Do not kick the front passenger seat or subject it to severe impact. Other- wise, the SRS warning light may come on to indicate a malfunction on the detection system. In this case, contact your Toyota dealer immediately. ● Child restraint systems installed on the rear seat should not contact the front seatbacks.
  • Page 132
    1-8. Safety information Child restraint systems A child restraint system for a small child or baby must itself be prop- erly restrained on the seat with the lap portion of the lap/shoulder belt. The laws of all 50 states of the U.S.A. and Canada now require the use of child restraint systems.
  • Page 133
    1-8. Safety information Forward facing ⎯ Convertible seat Booster seat…
  • Page 134
    1-8. Safety information ■ When installing the child restraint system on the front passenger seat When you have to use a child restraint system on the front passenger seat, adjust the following: ● The seatback to the most upright position ●…
  • Page 135
    ● Toyota strongly urges the use of a proper child restraint system that con- forms to the size of the child, installed on the rear seat. According to acci- dent statistics, the child is safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat.
  • Page 136
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ Child restraint precautions ● Do not allow the child to lean his/her head or any part of his/her body against the door or the area of the seat, front, center and rear pillars or roof side rail from which the side airbags or curtain shield airbags deploy even if the child is seated in the child restraint system.
  • Page 137: Installing Child Restraints

    1-8. Safety information Installing child restraints Follow the child restraint system manufacturer’s instructions. Firmly secure child restraints to the rear seats using the LATCH anchors or a seat belt. Attach the top tether strap when installing a child restraint. The lap/shoulder belt can be used if your child restraint system is not compatible with the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Chil- dren) system.

  • Page 138
    1-8. Safety information Anchor bracket (for top tether strap) Anchor brackets are provided for all rear seats. Installation with LATCH system Type A STEP Widen the gap between the seat cushion and seatback slightly. STEP Latch the hooks of the lower straps onto the LATCH anchors.
  • Page 139
    1-8. Safety information Type B STEP Widen the gap between the seat cushion and seatback slightly. STEP Latch the buckles onto the LATCH anchors. STEP If the child restraint has a top tether strap, the top tether strap should be latched onto tether strap anchor.
  • Page 140
    1-8. Safety information Installing child restraints using a seat belt (child restraint lock function belt) Rear facing ⎯ Infant seat/convertible seat ■ Place the child restraint system STEP on the rear seat facing the rear of the vehicle. Run the seat belt through the STEP child restraint system and insert the plate into the buckle.
  • Page 141
    1-8. Safety information While pushing the child restraint STEP system down into the rear seat, allow the shoulder belt to retract until the child restraint system is securely in place. After shoulder belt retracted to a point where there is no slack in the belt, pull the belt to check that it cannot be extended.
  • Page 142
    1-8. Safety information Fully extend the shoulder strap STEP and then allow it to retract slightly into the ALR lock mode. Lock mode allows the seat belt to retract only. While pushing the child restraint STEP system into the rear seat, allow the shoulder belt to retract until the child restraint system is securely in place.
  • Page 143
    1-8. Safety information Sit the child in the child restraint STEP system. Fit the seat belt to the child restraint system according to the manufacturer’s instruc- tions and insert the plate into the buckle. Make sure that the belt is not twisted.
  • Page 144
    1-8. Safety information Child restraint systems with a top tether strap STEP Secure the child restraint system using a seat belt or lower anchors, and do the following. Outside (foldable type) Adjust the head restraint to the upmost position. Outside (non-foldable type) Remove the head restraint.
  • Page 145
    1-8. Safety information Open the anchor bracket cover, STEP latch the hook onto the anchor bracket and tighten the top tether strap. Make sure the top tether strap is securely latched. STEP Outside only: Do the following. Foldable type Adjust the head restraint to the downmost position.
  • Page 146
    1-8. Safety information ■ Laws and regulations pertaining to anchors The LATCH system conforms to FMVSS225 or CMVSS210.2. Child restraint systems conforming to FMVSS213 or CMVSS213 specifica- tions can be used. This vehicle is designed to conform to the SAE J1819. CAUTION ■…
  • Page 147
    1-8. Safety information CAUTION ■ When installing a child restraint system ● Only put a forward-facing child restraint system on the front seat when unavoid- able. When installing a forward-facing child restraint system on the front pas- senger seat, move the seat as far back as possible even if “AIR BAG OFF”…
  • Page 148
    1-8. Safety information…
  • Page 149: Driving The Vehicle

    2-1. Driving procedures Driving the vehicle The following procedures should be observed to ensure safe driv- ing. ■ Starting the hybrid system (→P. 164) ■ Driving STEP With the brake pedal depressed, shift the shift lever to “D”. (→P. 173) STEP Release the parking brake.

  • Page 150
    ■ Breaking in your new Toyota To extend the life of the vehicle, the following precautions are recommended to observe: ●…
  • Page 151
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Operating your vehicle in a foreign country Comply with the relevant vehicle registration laws and confirm the availability of the correct fuel. (→P. 558) ■ For efficient use ● Put the shift lever into “D” when driving. In the “N”…
  • Page 152
    If they do not work well, depress the brake pedal firmly. If the brake system warning light comes on, immediately stop your vehicle and contact your Toyota dealer. In the following conditions, you may hear a sound in the engine compart- ment.
  • Page 153
    2-1. Driving procedures CAUTION ■ When starting the vehicle Always keep your foot on the brake pedal while stopped with the hybrid sys- tem operating. This prevents the vehicle from creeping. ■ When driving the vehicle ● Do not drive if you are unfamiliar with the location of the brake and accel- erator pedals to avoid depressing the wrong pedal.
  • Page 154
    Large amounts of exhaust in the vehi- cle can cause driver drowsiness and an accident, resulting in death or a serious health hazard. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. ●…
  • Page 155
    2-1. Driving procedures CAUTION ● When stopped on an inclined surface, use the brake pedal and parking brake to prevent the vehicle from rolling backward or forward and causing an accident. ● Do not adjust the position of the steering wheel, the seat, or the inside or outside rear view mirrors while driving.
  • Page 156
    2-1. Driving procedures CAUTION ■ When the vehicle is stopped ● Do not race the hybrid system. If the vehicle is in any shift position other than “P” or “N” the vehicle may accelerate suddenly and unexpectedly, and may cause an accident. ●…
  • Page 157
    The exhaust should be checked occasionally. If there is a hole or crack caused by corrosion, damage to a joint or abnormal exhaust noise, be sure to have the vehicle inspected and repaired by your Toyota dealer. Failure to do so may allow exhaust gases to enter the vehicle, resulting in…
  • Page 158
    2-1. Driving procedures CAUTION ■ When taking a nap in the vehicle Always turn the hybrid system off. Otherwise, you may accidentally move the shift lever or depress the accelerator pedal, which could cause an accident or fire due to hybrid system overheating. Additionally, if the vehicle is parked in a poorly ventilated area, exhaust gases may collect and enter the vehicle, leading to death or a serious health hazard.
  • Page 159
    If you hear a squealing or scraping noise (brake pad wear limit indica- tors) Have your Toyota dealer check and replace the brake pads as soon as pos- sible. The rotor damage can result if the pads are not replaced when needed.
  • Page 160
    Short in electrical components ● Engine damage caused by water immersion In the event that you drive on a flooded road and the vehicle is flooded, be sure to have your Toyota dealer check the following. ● Brake function ●…
  • Page 161: Power (Ignition) Switch

    2-1. Driving procedures Power (ignition) switch Performing the following operations when carrying the electronic key on your person starts the hybrid system or changes “POWER” switch modes. ■ Starting the hybrid system STEP Check that the parking brake is set. STEP Sit in the driver’s seat and firmly depress the brake pedal.

  • Page 162
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Stopping the hybrid system STEP Stop the vehicle. STEP Press the “POWER” switch. STEP Check that the shift position indicator on the instrument cluster is set in “P”. STEP Set the parking brake. (→P. 181) STEP Release the brake pedal and check that the indicator on the “POWER”…
  • Page 163
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Changing “POWER” switch mode Modes can be changed by pressing the “POWER” switch with the brake pedal released. (The mode changes each time the switch is pressed.) Emergency flashers can be used. ACCESSORY mode Some electrical components such as the audio system can be used.
  • Page 164
    If the “READY” indicator does not come on If the “READY” indicator does not come on when you press the “POWER” switch with the shift position in “P” and the brake pedal pressed, contact your Toyota dealer immediately. ■ When the “POWER” switch indicator flashes in amber The system may be malfunctioning.
  • Page 165
    “POWER” switch to OFF. In this event, the “POWER” switch can be turned to OFF after applying the parking brake. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. ■ When the ambient temperature is low, such as during winter driving conditions It may take time until the “READY”…
  • Page 166
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Note for the entry function →P. 50, 59 ■ Leak detection pump Several hours after the engine is turned off, you may hear a sound coming from underneath the luggage compartment for several minutes. This is normal operation and does not indicate a malfunction. CAUTION ■…
  • Page 167: Ev-Drive Mode

    2-1. Driving procedures ∗ EV-Drive Mode In EV-Drive Mode the electric motor (traction motor), powered by the hybrid battery (traction battery), is used to drive the vehicle. On/off When EV-Drive Mode is turned on, the EV-Drive Mode indica- tor will come on. Pressing the switch when in EV-Drive Mode will return to normal driving (using the gasoline engine and…

  • Page 168
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Situations in which EV-Drive Mode cannot be turned on The followings are examples of situations under which the EV-Drive Mode may not be turned on. If it cannot be turned on, a buzzer will sound and a message will be shown on the multi-information display.
  • Page 169
    [traction battery] level and driving conditions.) ■ Fuel economy Your Toyota is designed to achieve the best possible fuel economy during normal driving (using the gasoline engine and electric motor [traction motor]). Driving in EV-Drive Mode more than necessary may lower fuel economy.
  • Page 170: Transmission

    2-1. Driving procedures Transmission Select a shift position appropriate for the driving conditions. ■ Shifting the shift lever ITO21P105 You can operate the shift lever only in “D”. Keep the shift lever in “N” for a while after you shift it to that position.

  • Page 171
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Shift position uses Shift position Function Parking the vehicle or starting the hybrid system Reversing Neutral Normal driving Engine braking position : Shown only while in “D” position. ■ Selecting a driving mode The following patterns can be selected to suit current driving and operating conditions.
  • Page 172
    2-1. Driving procedures Eco Driving Mode Use Eco Driving Mode to help achieve low fuel consumption during trips that involve frequent accelerating and braking. Press the “ECO MODE” switch once more to cancel the Eco Driving Mode. Eco Driving Mode will not be canceled until the “ECO MODE” switch is pressed, even if the “POWER”…
  • Page 173
    2-1. Driving procedures Changing shift ranges to “P” position Push the “P” position switch with the brake pedal pressed down. The “P” position icon is displayed on the instrument cluster, and the indicator on the “P” position switch comes on. You can only shift to other posi- tions from “P”…
  • Page 174
    ■ If the system malfunctions The following situations indicate a problem with the system. Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and contact your Toyota dealer. ● The indicator on the “P” position switch flashes. However, this does not indicate a malfunction unless a warning message appears in the multi- information display.
  • Page 175
    2-1. Driving procedures ■ Alarms The following table describes circumstances and correction procedures when only alarms sound. Alarm Situation Correction procedure The transmission will The driver attempts to shift not move out of the “P” out of the “P” position with- position.
  • Page 176
    2-1. Driving procedures Alarm Situation Correction procedure Interior alarm If the driver’s door is beep sounds Push the “P” position opened while the transmis- and warning switch. sion is in “N”, “D” or “B”. message : Follow the warning message displayed. CAUTION ■…
  • Page 177: Turn Signal Lever

    2-1. Driving procedures Turn signal lever Right turn Left turn Move and hold the lever partway to signal a lane change. The right hand signal will flash until you release the lever. Move and hold the lever partway to signal a lane change.

  • Page 178: Parking Brake

    2-1. Driving procedures Parking brake Sets the parking brake (Depressing the pedal again releases the parking brake.) U.S.A. Canada : Fully depress the parking brake pedal with your left foot while depressing the brake pedal with your right foot. ITO21P116 ■…

  • Page 179: Horn

    2-1. Driving procedures Horn To sound the horn, press on or close to the mark. ITO21P113 ■ After adjusting the steering wheel Mark sure that the steering wheel is securely locked. The horn may not sound if the steering wheel is not securely locked. (→P.

  • Page 180: Instrument Cluster Gauges And Meters

    2-2. Instrument cluster Gauges and meters The following gauges and meters illuminate when the “POWER” switch is in ON mode. Fuel gauge Displays the quantity of fuel remaining in the tank. Speedometer Displays the vehicle speed. Instantaneous fuel consumption Displays the current rate of fuel consumption. Shift position indicators Displays the shift position.

  • Page 181
    2-2. Instrument cluster Touch tracer display (if equipped) When the audio control switches, climate control switches, “DISP” switch or “TRIP” switch of the steering wheel are touched, the touch tracer display will appear in front of the gauges, with the touched switch highlighted to allow the driver to identify the switch that is being operated.
  • Page 182
    2-2. Instrument cluster MPH or km/h button The speed units can be selected MPH or km/h. Press the button to switch the display between MPH and km/h. ITO22P107…
  • Page 183
    2-2. Instrument cluster Instrument panel light control The brightness of the instrument panel lights can be adjusted. Brighter Darker ITO22P101 NOTICE ■ To prevent damage to the hybrid system and its components The hybrid system may be overheating if the high coolant temperature warn- ing light comes on.
  • Page 184: Indicators And Warning Lights

    2-2. Instrument cluster Indicators and warning lights The indicator and warning lights on the instrument cluster and instrument panel inform the driver of the status of the vehicle’s vari- ous systems. Instrument cluster Instrument panel ITO22P103…

  • Page 185
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Indicators The indicators inform the driver of the operating state of the vehicle’s various systems. Turn signal indicator “LKA” indicator (→P. 178) (→P. 235) (if equipped) Headlight high beam Slip indicator (→P. 246) indicator (→P. 206) Headlight indicator (U.S.A.) (→P.
  • Page 186
    There may be a malfunction in a system if the lights do not come on, or if the lights do not turn off. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 187: Multi-Information Display

    2-2. Instrument cluster Multi-information display The multi-information display presents the driver with a variety of driving-related data, including the clock. ● Clock (→P. 201) Indicates and sets the time. ● Energy monitor (→P. 190) Displays the status of the hybrid system. ●…

  • Page 188
    2-2. Instrument cluster ● Dynamic radar cruise control display (if equipped) (→P. 218) Automatically displayed when using dynamic radar cruise control. ● Lane-keeping assist display (if equipped) (→P. 235) Automatically displayed when using lane-keeping assist. ● Warning messages (→P. 508) Automatically displayed when a malfunction occurs in one of the vehi- cle’s systems.
  • Page 189
    2-2. Instrument cluster Energy monitor The energy monitor displays the operating condition of the hybrid system, showing such information as the gasoline engine operating status, and the usage and regeneration status of electrical energy. Gasoline engine Hybrid battery (traction bat- tery) Electric motor (traction motor) The energy flow is indicated using arrows which vary in color and…
  • Page 190
    2-2. Instrument cluster Multi-information display When the vehicle is powered by the gasoline engine When the vehicle is charging the hybrid battery (traction bat- tery) When there is no energy flow : The images are examples only, and may vary slightly from actual condi- tions.
  • Page 191
    2-2. Instrument cluster Hybrid System Indicator The Hybrid System Indicator displays the hybrid system operating condition and provides environmentally friendly (fuel efficient) driving assistance in accordance with the driving conditions and the opera- tion of the accelerator pedal. Hybrid battery (traction bat- tery) status Eco Driving Indicator Light Lights up when the vehicle is…
  • Page 192
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Hybrid System Indicator Charge area Eco area Power area Hybrid Eco area As shown below, the driving conditions of the vehicle can be con- firmed by checking the status of the indicator bar. Eco Driving Multi-information display Indicator Light Charge area:…
  • Page 193
    2-2. Instrument cluster Eco Driving Multi-information display Indicator Light Power area: Shows that an environ- mentally friendly driv- ing range is being exceeded (during full power driving etc.). : The images are examples only, and may vary slightly from actual condi- tions.
  • Page 194
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Display 5-minute interval fuel consumption Fuel consumption in the past 30 minutes Displays the average fuel con- sumption for the last 30 minutes in intervals of 5 minutes. Regenerated energy in the past 30 minutes Displays the amount of energy generated over the last 30 min- utes in intervals of 5 minutes.
  • Page 195
    2-2. Instrument cluster 1-minute interval fuel consumption Fuel consumption in the past 15 minutes Displays the average fuel con- sumption for the last 15 minutes in intervals of 1 minute. Regenerated energy in the past 15 minutes Displays the amount of energy generated over the last 15 min- utes in intervals of 1 minute.
  • Page 196
    2-2. Instrument cluster Fuel consumption history display The fuel consumption record display shows a history of the average fuel consumption in sections, based on the driving records of trip meters A and B. Each section represents the interval between each →…
  • Page 197
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Resetting the best consumption Press and hold the “TRIP” switch STEP while the fuel consumption his- tory is displayed. A confirmation message will be displayed. STEP Press and hold the “TRIP” switch again. The best consumption will be reset. To cancel the reset operation, press the “DISP”…
  • Page 198
    2-2. Instrument cluster ● Odometer Displays the total distance the vehicle has been driven. ● Trip meter Displays the distance the vehicle has been driven since the meter was last reset. Trip meters A and B can be used to record and display different dis- tances independently.
  • Page 199
    2-2. Instrument cluster Setting up the displays STEP Press the “DISP” switch until the “SETTINGS” screen appears. While the vehicle is stopped, STEP press and hold the “DISP” switch until the screen changes. ■ Switching the Eco Driving Indicator Light/steering switch operation display on/off Select “ECO”…
  • Page 200
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Selecting 12h/24h clock display Select “CLOCK” by pressing the STEP “DISP” switch. Press and hold the “DISP” switch to enter the setting mode. Select “12h” or “24h” by pressing STEP the “DISP” switch. Press and hold the “DISP” switch to finish setting.
  • Page 201
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Selecting the language Select “LANGUAGE” on the STEP screen by pressing the “DISP” switch. Press and hold the “DISP” switch to enter the setting mode. Select the language you want to STEP read by pressing the “DISP” switch.
  • Page 202
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Turning off the multi-information display Select “SCREEN OFF” on the STEP screen by pressing the “DISP” switch. Press and hold the “DISP” switch to enter the setting mode. Select “OFF” on the screen by STEP pressing the “DISP” switch. Press and hold the “DISP”…
  • Page 203
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Returning to the previous screen Select “EXIT” on the screen by pressing the “DISP” switch, and press and hold the “DISP” switch. The screen will revert to the “SETTINGS” screen. ■ System check display After switching the “POWER” switch to ON mode, “PRIUS” is displayed while system operation is checked.
  • Page 204
    2-2. Instrument cluster ■ Fuel consumption history display ● Each time a trip meter is reset, the old data will move to the left by 1 col- umn. ● A maximum of 5 history items can be displayed (including the current his- tory).
  • Page 205: And Windshield Wipers Headlight Switch

    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers Headlight switch The headlights can be operated manually or automatically. The side marker, park- ing, tail, license plate U.S.A. Canada and instrument panel lights turn on. The headlights and all lights listed above turn (Canada only, equipped)

  • Page 206
    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers Turning on the high beam headlights With the headlights on, push the lever forward to turn on the high beams. Pull the lever back to the center position to turn the high beams off.
  • Page 207
    ■ If the indicator flashes… (vehicles with LED headlights) It may indicate a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Settings (e.g. light sensor sensitivity) can be changed.
  • Page 208: Fog Light Switch

    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers ∗ Fog light switch The fog lights improve visibility in difficult driving conditions, such as in rain or fog. The fog lights can be used when the headlights are on low beam. ITO23P109 ∗…

  • Page 209: Windshield Wipers And Washer

    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers Windshield wipers and washer Wiper intervals can be adjusted for intermittent operation (when is selected). Intermittent wiper operation Low speed wiper operation High speed wiper operation Temporary operation ITO23P112a Increases the intermittent windshield wiper frequency (if equipped) Decreases the intermittent windshield wiper frequency…

  • Page 210
    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers Wash/wipe operation Wipers operate automatically. ITO23P118 ■ The windshield wipers and washer can be operated when The “POWER” switch is in ON mode. ■ If no windshield washer fluid sprays Check that the washer nozzles are not blocked if there is washer fluid in the windshield washer fluid reservoir.
  • Page 211: Rear Window Wiper And Washer

    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers ∗ Rear window wiper and washer Intermittent window wiper operation Normal window wiper oper- ation Washer/wiper dual opera- tion Washer/wiper dual opera- tion ITO23P121a ■ The rear window wiper and washer can be operated when The “POWER”…

  • Page 212: Headlight Cleaner Switch

    2-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers ∗ Headlight cleaner switch Washer fluid can be sprayed on the headlights. Press the switch to clean the headlights. ITO23P124 ■ The headlight cleaner can be operated when The “POWER” switch is in ON mode and the headlight switch is turned on. If equipped, the headlight switch is in the “AUTO”…

  • Page 213: Cruise Control

    2-4. Using other driving systems ∗ Cruise control Use the cruise control to maintain a set speed without using the accelerator. Cruise control switch Indicators ITO24P101 ■ Set the vehicle speed STEP Press the “ON-OFF” button to activate the cruise control. Press the button once more to deactivate the cruise control.

  • Page 214
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Adjusting the speed setting Increase speed Decrease speed Hold the lever until the desired speed setting is obtained. Fine adjustment of the set speed can be made by lightly pushing the lever up or down ITO24P105 and releasing it.
  • Page 215
    If the cruise control speed cannot be set or if the cruise control cancels immediately after being activated, there may be a malfunction in the cruise control system. Contact your Toyota dealer, and have your Toyota inspected.
  • Page 216
    2-4. Using other driving systems CAUTION ■ To avoid operating the cruise control by mistake Keep the “ON-OFF” button off when not in use. ■ Situations unsuitable for cruise control Do not use cruise control in any of the following situations. Doing so may result in control of the vehicle being lost and could cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury.
  • Page 217: Dynamic Radar Cruise Control

    2-4. Using other driving systems ∗ Dynamic radar cruise control Dynamic radar cruise control supplements conventional cruise con- trol with a vehicle-to-vehicle distance control. In vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode, the vehicle automatically accelerates or decelerates in order to maintain a set following distance from vehi- cles ahead.

  • Page 218
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Setting the vehicle speed (vehicle-to-vehicle distance con- trol mode) Press the “ON-OFF” button to STEP activate the cruise control. Press the button again to deactivate the cruise control. Accelerate or decelerate the STEP vehicle to the desired speed, and push the lever down to set the speed.
  • Page 219
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Adjusting the set speed To change the set speed, operate the lever until the desired set speed is displayed. Increases the speed Decreases the speed Fine adjustment: Momentarily move the lever in the desired direction.
  • Page 220
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Changing the vehicle-to-vehicle distance Pressing the button changes Preceding vehicle mark vehicle-to-vehicle dis- tance as follows: Long Medium Short The vehicle-to-vehicle distance ITO24P128 is set automatically to long mode when the “POWER” switch is turned to ON mode. If a vehicle is running ahead of you, the preceding vehicle mark will also be displayed.
  • Page 221
    2-4. Using other driving systems Driving in vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode This mode employs a sensor to detect the presence of vehicles up to approximately 400 ft. (120 m) ahead and to judge the distance between your vehicle and those the vehicle ahead of you. Note that vehicle-to-vehicle distance will close in when traveling on long downhill slopes.
  • Page 222
    2-4. Using other driving systems Example of constant speed cruising When there are no vehicles ahead The vehicle travels at the speed set by the driver. The desired vehicle-to- vehicle distance can also be set by operating the vehicle-to-vehicle dis- tance control.
  • Page 223
    2-4. Using other driving systems Selecting conventional constant speed control mode Dynamic radar cruise control can be used as conventional cruise control if you select constant speed control mode. Press the “ON-OFF” button to activate the cruise control. Press the button again to deacti- vate the cruise control.
  • Page 224
    The sensor cannot operate correctly because it is covered in some way. ● The windshield wipers are operating at high speed. If vehicle-to-vehicle distance control driving is automatically canceled for any other reason, there may be a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 225
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Automatic cancelation of constant speed control The cruise control will stop maintaining the vehicle speed in the following sit- uations: ● Actual vehicle speed is more than approximately 10 mph (16 km/h) below the set vehicle speed. At this time, the memorized set speed is not retained.
  • Page 226
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Approach warning In the following instances, there is a possibility that the warnings will not occur: ● When the speed of the vehicle ahead matches or exceeds your vehicle speed ● When the vehicle ahead is traveling at an extremely slow speed ●…
  • Page 227
    2-4. Using other driving systems CAUTION ■ Before using dynamic radar cruise control Do not overly rely on vehicle-to-vehicle distance control. Be aware of the set speed. If automatic deceleration/acceleration is not appropriate, adjust the vehicle speed, as well as the distance between your vehicle and vehicles ahead by applying the brakes etc.
  • Page 228
    2-4. Using other driving systems CAUTION ■ Situations unsuitable for dynamic radar cruise control Do not use dynamic radar cruise control in any of the following situations. Doing so may result in inappropriate speed control and could cause an acci- dent resulting in death or serious injury.
  • Page 229
    If the sensor moves even slightly off position, the system may malfunction. If the sensor or surrounding area is subject to a strong impact, always have the area inspected and adjusted by a Toyota dealer. ● Do not disassemble the sensor.
  • Page 230: Rear View Monitor

    2-4. Using other driving systems ∗ Rear view monitor system The rear view monitor system assists the driver by displaying an image of the view behind the vehicle while reversing. The image is displayed in reverse on the screen. This allows the image to appear in the same manner as that of the rear view mirror.

  • Page 231
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Switching the screen (vehicles without navigation system) Green indicator comes on. Orange indicator comes on. ■ When using the rear view monitor system (vehicles without navigation system) The anti-glare function of the inside rear view mirror will be canceled. ■…
  • Page 232
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Rear view monitor system camera In the following cases, it may be difficult to see the images on the screen, even when the system is functioning correctly. • In the dark (e.g. at night). •…
  • Page 233
    Conditions which may affect the rear view monitor system ● If the back of the vehicle is hit, the camera’s position and mounting angle may change. Contact your Toyota dealer. ● Rapid temperature changes, such as when hot water is poured on the vehicle in cold weather, may cause the system to function abnormally.
  • Page 234: Lka (Lane-Keeping Assist)

    2-4. Using other driving systems ∗ LKA (Lane-Keeping Assist) While driving on a freeway or motor highway that has lane markings, this system recognizes the lanes using a camera as a sensor to assist the driver with staying in the lane. The LKA system has two functions.

  • Page 235
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Turning the LKA system on The lane departure warning function and lane keeping assist function will be automatically activated depending on the recog- nition condition of lane markings, vehicle speed and the setting of radar cruise control (vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode).
  • Page 236
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Operating conditions for each function Cruise control Lane departure Lane keeping “LKA” (vehicle-to-vehicle warning assist switch distance control mode) function function Available Not available (While cruising in vehi- cle-to-vehicle distance control mode with the Available Not available set vehicle speed…
  • Page 237
    2-4. Using other driving systems Indication on the multi-information display While the LKA system is on, the lane line display and steering wheel display (in case of lane keeping assist function) are shown on the multi-information display to inform that the LKA system is on. Steering wheel display The lane keeping assist function is active.
  • Page 238
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Temporary cancellation of the LKA system functions If any of the following occurs, the LKA system functions will be temporarily canceled. The functions will resume after the necessary operating conditions have returned. ● The turn signal lever is operated. ●…
  • Page 239
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ No-handed driving warning If the steering wheel is not operated for about 15 seconds on a straight road or about 5 seconds on a curve, the buzzer will beep twice, indicators on the multi-information display will flash, and the lane keeping assist function will be temporarily canceled.
  • Page 240
    2-4. Using other driving systems CAUTION ■ Situations unsuitable for the LKA system Using the LKA system in any of the following situations may result in improper operation of the system and could lead to an accident, causing death or serious injury. Turn the LKA system off while driving in any of the following situations.
  • Page 241
    2-4. Using other driving systems NOTICE ■ Camera sensor Observe the following to ensure that the LKA system functions correctly. ITO24P134 ● Keep the windshield clean at all times. LKA performance may deteriorate due to the presence of raindrops, con- densation, ice or snow on the windshield.
  • Page 242: Hill-Start Assist Control

    2-4. Using other driving systems Hill-start assist control Hill-start assist control helps to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards when starting on incline or slippery slope. To engage hill-start assist con- trol, further depress the brake pedal when the vehicle is stopped completely.

  • Page 243
    • The “P” position switch is pressed. • The parking brake is applied. • The brake pedal is depressed again. ■ If the slip indicator comes on… It may indicate a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. CAUTION ■ Hill-start assist control ●…
  • Page 244: Pre-Collision System

    2-4. Using other driving systems Driving assist systems To help enhance driving safety and performance, the following sys- tems operate automatically in response to various driving situations. Be aware, however, that these systems are supplementary and should not be relied upon too heavily when operating the vehicle. ■…

  • Page 245
    2-4. Using other driving systems When the Enhanced VSC/TRAC is operating If the vehicle is in danger of slip- ping or if the front wheels spin, the slip indicator light flashes to indicate that the Enhanced VSC/ TRAC have been engaged. A buzzer (intermittent) sounds to indicate that Enhanced VSC is operating.
  • Page 246
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Reduced effectiveness of EPS The effectiveness of EPS is reduced to prevent the system from overheating when there is frequent steering input over an extended period of time. The steering wheel may feel heavy as a result. Should this occur, refrain from excessive steering input or stop the vehicle and turn the hybrid system off.
  • Page 247
    In addition, make sure that the tires are inflated to the speci- fied tire pressure level. The ABS and Enhanced VSC will not function correctly if different tires are fitted on the vehicle. Contact your Toyota dealer for further information when replacing tires or wheels. ■ Handling of tires and suspension Using tires with any kind of problem or modifying the suspension will affect the driving assist systems, and may cause the system to malfunction.
  • Page 248
    2-4. Using other driving systems ∗ Pre-Collision System Safety systems such as the brakes and seat belts are automati- cally engaged to lessen impact and injuries to occupants as well as vehicle damage when the radar sensor detects an unavoidable frontal collision.
  • Page 249
    2-4. Using other driving systems Disabling pre-collision braking Enabled Disabled The “PCS” warning light comes on when the pre-collision braking is disabled. ITO24P116 Radar sensor Detects vehicles or other obsta- cles on or near the road ahead and determines whether a colli- sion is imminent based on the position, speed, and heading of the obstacles.
  • Page 250
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Obstacles not detected The sensor cannot detect plastic obstacles such as pylons. There may also be occasions when the radar sensor cannot detect pedestrians, animals, bicycles, motorcycles, trees, or snowdrifts. ■ The pre-collision system is operational when ●…
  • Page 251
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Conditions that may trigger the system even if there is no danger of collision ● When there is an object by the roadside at the entrance to a curve ● When passing an oncoming vehicle on a curve ●…
  • Page 252
    2-4. Using other driving systems ■ Certification For vehicles sold in the U.S.A. FCC ID: HYQDNMWR004 FCC WARNING Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsi- ble for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equip- ment.
  • Page 253
    If the sensor moves even slightly off position, the system may malfunction. If the sensor or surrounding area is subject to a strong impact, always have the area inspected and adjusted by your Toyota dealer. ● Do not disassemble the sensor.
  • Page 254
    2-5. Driving information Cargo and luggage Take notice of the following information about storage precau- tions, cargo capacity and load. ● Stow cargo and luggage in the luggage compartment when- ever possible. Be sure all items are secured in place. ●…
  • Page 255
    Consult this manual to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity of your vehicle. (→P. 260) Toyota does not recommend towing a trailer with your vehicle. Your vehicle is not designed for trailer towing.
  • Page 256
    2-5. Driving information Example on your vehicle Cargo capacity Total load capacity When 2 people with the combined weight of 366 lb. (166 kg) are riding in your vehicle, which has a total load capacity of 825 lb. (370 kg), the available amount of cargo and luggage load capacity will be as follows: 825 lb.
  • Page 257
    2-5. Driving information CAUTION ■ Things that must not be carried in the luggage compartment The following things may cause a fire if loaded in the luggage compart- ment. ● Receptacles containing gasoline ● Aerosol cans ■ Storage precautions Observe the following precautions. Failing to do so may result in death or serious injury.
  • Page 258
    2-5. Driving information CAUTION ■ Weight of the load ● Do not exceed the maximum axle weight rating or the total vehicle weight rating. ● Even if the total load of occupant’s weight and the cargo load is less than the total load capacity, do not apply the load unevenly. Improper loading may cause deterioration of steering or braking control which may cause death or serious injury.
  • Page 259: Vehicle Load Limits

    Even if the number of occupants are within the seating capacity, do not exceed the total load capacity. ■ Towing capacity Toyota does not recommend towing a trailer with your vehicle. ■ Cargo capacity Cargo capacity may increase or decrease depending on the weight and the number of occupants.

  • Page 260: Winter Driving Tips

    2-5. Driving information Winter driving tips Carry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving the vehicle in winter. Always drive the vehicle in a manner appropri- ate to the prevailing weather conditions. ■ Pre-winter preparations ● Use fluids that are appropriate to the prevailing outside tem- peratures.

  • Page 261
    2-5. Driving information ■ Before driving the vehicle Perform the following according to the driving conditions. ● Do not try to forcibly open a window or move a wiper that is frozen. Pour warm water over the frozen area to melt the ice. Wipe away the water immediately to prevent it from freezing.
  • Page 262
    2-5. Driving information Selecting tire chains Vehicles with 17-inch tires Use the correct tire chain size when mounting the tire chains. Chain size is regulated for each tire size. Side chain: 0.12 in. (3.0 mm) 1.18 in. (30.0 mm) 0.39 in. (10.0 mm) Cross chain: 0.16 in.
  • Page 263
    2-5. Driving information Regulations on the use of tire chains ● Regulations regarding the use of tire chains vary according to loca- tion and type of road. Always check local regulations before install- ing chains. ● Retighten the chains after driving 1/4 — 1/2 mile (0.5 — 1.0 km). ■…
  • Page 264
    NOTICE ■ Repairing or replacing snow tires Request repairs of and obtain replacement snow tires from Toyota dealers. This is because the removal and attachment of snow tires affects the opera- tion of the tire pressure warning valves and transmitters.
  • Page 265: Trailer Towing

    Toyota also does not recommend the installation of a tow hitch or the use of a tow hitch carrier for a wheelchair, scooter, bicycle, etc. Your Toyota is not designed for trailer towing or for the use of tow hitch mounted carriers.

  • Page 266
    2-5. Driving information Dinghy towing Your vehicle is not designed to be dinghy towed (with 4 wheels on the ground) behind a motor home. ITO25P103 NOTICE ■ To avoid serious damage to your vehicle Do not tow your vehicle with four wheels on the ground.
  • Page 267: Air Conditioning System

    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Air conditioning system Airflow and outlets are automatically adjusted according to the tem- perature setting. Fan speed Temperature Air outlet Windshield control control display defogger Temperature Fan speed setting display display Outside air or Air conditioning recirculated ON/OFF switch…

  • Page 268
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Using the automatic mode STEP Press The air conditioning system will begin to operate. Air outlets and fan speed are automatically adjusted according to the temperature set- ting. Press ∧ to increases the temperature and ∨ to decreases the STEP temperature on the Adjusting the settings…
  • Page 269
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing the air outlets Press The air outlets switch each time the button is pressed. ITO31P104 Air flows to the upper body. ITO31P105 Air flows to the upper body and feet. ITO31P107…
  • Page 270
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Mainly air flows to the feet. ITO31P109 Air flows to the feet and the windshield defogger operates. ITO31P111 ■ Switching between outside air and recirculated air modes Press The modes switches between (recycles air inside the vehicle) (introduces air from outside the vehicle) modes each time the button is pressed.
  • Page 271
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Defogging the windshield Press The air conditioning system con- trol operates automatically. Recirculated air mode will auto- matically switch to outside air mode. ITO31P113 Micro dust and pollen filter Press Outside air mode switches to recirculated air mode. Pollen is removed from the air and the air flows to the upper part of the body.
  • Page 272
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Adjusting the position of the air outlets Center outlets Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down. ITO31P115 Right and left side outlets Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down.
  • Page 273
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Opening and closing the air outlets Center outlets Open the vent. Close the vent. ITO31P117 Right and left side outlets Open the vent. Close the vent. ITO31P119…
  • Page 274
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Using the automatic mode Fan speed is adjusted automatically in accordance with the temperature set- ting and ambient conditions. As a result, the following may occur. ● Immediately after is pressed, the fan may stop for a while until warm or cool air is ready to flow.
  • Page 275
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Micro dust and pollen filter ● In order to prevent the windows from fogging up when the outside air is cold, the following may occur. • Outside air mode does not switch to recirculated air mode. •…
  • Page 276
    ■ Plasmacluster™ Do not disassemble or repair the system because it contains high voltage parts. Call your Toyota dealer if the system needs repair. NOTICE ■ To prevent 12 volt battery discharge Do not leave the air conditioning system on longer than necessary when the hybrid system is not operating.
  • Page 277: Climate Remote Control Switches

    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Using the steering wheel climate remote control switches Some air conditioning features can be controlled using the switches on the steering wheel. Outside air or recirculated air mode Temperature control ITO31P126 Adjusting the temperature setting Press “∧”…

  • Page 278
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Changing the recirculated air mode Press The mode switches between outside air mode and recirculated air mode each time the switch is pressed. ■ When operating the steering switches On vehicles with touch tracer display, the steering switches operation status is displayed on the instrument cluster for confirmation purposes.
  • Page 279: Solar Ventilation System

    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Solar Ventilation System The Solar Ventilation System uses energy provided by solar panel built into the roof to operate a fan contained within the air condition- ing system, allowing ventilation of the vehicle interior when the vehi- cle is parked in direct sunlight.

  • Page 280: Remote Air Conditioning System

    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Efficient use of the Solar Ventilation System Efficient control of temperature increase can be achieved by using the sys- tem in conjunction with the Remote Air Conditioning System. (→P. 285) ■ Operating conditions The Solar Ventilation System may not operate under the following circum- stances due to a lack of power from the solar panel:…

  • Page 281
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger CAUTION ■ Solar Ventilation System precautions ● Do not use the system if people are inside the vehicle. The Solar Ventilation System is not intended to ensure the performance of the air conditioning system. Do not leave children or pets in the vehicle. The temperature of the interior will remain high, possibly resulting in heat- stroke, dehydration, or even death.
  • Page 282
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Remote Air Conditioning System The Remote Air Conditioning System uses electrical energy stored in the hybrid battery (traction battery) and allows the air conditioning to be operated by remote control. ■ Activating the Remote Air Conditioning System Press and hold the operate the Remote Air Condi-…
  • Page 283
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Operating conditions The system will only operate if all of the following conditions are met: ● The shift position is in “P”. ● The “POWER” switch is OFF. ● All doors are closed. ●…
  • Page 284
    (The doors locked: Once; The system turned off: Twice) ■ If the wireless remote control does not function properly →P. 65 ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Setting (e.g.Operation using the on the wireless remote control) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 587)
  • Page 285
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger CAUTION ■ Precautions for the Remote Air Conditioning System Do not use the system if people are in the vehicle. ● Even when the system is in use, the internal temperature may still reach a high level due to features such as the automatic shut-off.
  • Page 286: Rear Window And Outside Rear View Mirror Defoggers

    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Rear window and outside rear view mirror defoggers Clear the rear window using the defogger. (Turning the rear window defogger on will turn the outside rear view mirror defoggers on. The outside rear view mirror is used to remove raindrops, dew and frost from the outside rear view mirrors.) (vehicles with mirror defoggers) The defoggers will automati- cally turn off after approxi-…

  • Page 287
    3-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ The rear window and outside rear view mirror defoggers can be oper- ated when The “POWER” switch must be in the ON mode. CAUTION ■ When the outside rear view mirror defoggers are on (vehicles with mir- ror defoggers) Do not touch the rear view mirror surfaces, as they can become very hot and burn you.
  • Page 288: Using The Audio System Audio System Type

    3-2. Using the audio system Audio system type With navigation system Owners of models equipped with a navigation system should refer to the “Navigation System Owner’s Manual”. Without navigation system Type A: CD player with changer and AM/FM radio ITO32P102…

  • Page 289: Using The Radio

    3-2. Using the audio system Type B: CD player and AM/FM radio (with CD changer control- ler) ITO32P101 Title Page Using the radio P. 294 Using the CD player P. 303 Playing back MP3 and WMA discs P. 311 Optimal use of the audio system P.

  • Page 290
    3-2. Using the audio system CAUTION ■ For vehicles sold in the U.S.A. ● Part 15 of the FCC Rules FCC Warning: Any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment will void the user’s authority to operate this device. ● Laser products •…
  • Page 291
    3-2. Using the audio system Using the radio Press to choose either an AM or FM band. Power Volume Adjusting the frequency Mute (type B only) Station selector Seeking the frequency Scanning for receivable Changing the stations program type ⋅ SAT/FM mode buttons…
  • Page 292
    3-2. Using the audio system ® Setting station presets (excluding XM Satellite Radio) STEP Search for desired stations by turning or pressing “∧” or “∨” on STEP Press and hold the button (from ) the station is to be set to, and you hear a beep. ®…
  • Page 293
    3-2. Using the audio system ® Satellite Radio (if equipped) ® ■ Receiving XM Satellite Radio STEP Press until “SAT” shows in the display. The display changes as follows each time the button is pressed. “AM” → “SAT1” → “SAT2” → “SAT3” STEP Turn to select a desired channel from all the categories…
  • Page 294
    3-2. Using the audio system ■ ® Scanning XM Satellite Radio channels ● Scanning channels in the current category STEP Press STEP When the desired channel is reached, press the button again. ● Scanning preset channels STEP Press and hold until you hear a beep.
  • Page 295
    3-2. Using the audio system Silencing the sound (type B only) Press Push the button again to turn the system back on. ITO32P122 ■ When the 12 volt battery is disconnected All preset stations are erased. ■ Reception sensitivity ● Maintaining perfect radio reception at all times is difficult due to the con- tinually changing position of the antenna, differences in signal strength and surrounding objects, such as trains, transmitters, etc.
  • Page 296
    3-2. Using the audio system ® ■ Receiving XM Satellite Radio ® An XM Satellite Radio is a tuner designed exclusively to receive broadcasts provided under a separate subscription. Availability is limited to the 48 con- tiguous states and 10 Canadian provinces. ●…
  • Page 297
    XM antenna cable is attached securely. ANTENNA There is a short-circuit in the antenna or the sur- rounding antenna cable. See a Toyota certified dealer. ® You have not subscribed to XM Satellite Radio. The radio is being updated with the latest encryp- ®…
  • Page 298
    3-2. Using the audio system There is no song/program title or artist name/fea- —— ture associated with the channel at that time. No action needed. The channel you selected is no longer available. Wait for about 2 seconds until the radio returns to the previous channel or “CH001”.
  • Page 299
    3-2. Using the audio system NOTICE ■ To prevent damage, remove the antenna in the following cases ● The antenna will touch the ceiling of a garage. ● A cover will be put on the roof. ● When driving through an automatic car wash. ●…
  • Page 300
    3-2. Using the audio system Using the CD player Insert a CD or press with a CD inserted. Power Volume CD slot CD insert Reverse (type A only) Fast-forward CD eject Selecting a track Search play Display text message Random play CD selection Playback Repeat play…
  • Page 301
    3-2. Using the audio system Loading a CDs ■ Loading a single CD Type A STEP Press STEP Insert a CD when the indicator on the slot turns from amber to green. Type B Insert a CD. ■ Loading multiple CDs (type A only) STEP Press and hold until you hear a beep.
  • Page 302
    3-2. Using the audio system Ejecting CDs ■ Ejecting a CD Type A STEP To select the CD to be ejected, press (∨ DISC) or (DISC ∧). The number of the CD selected is shown on the display. STEP Press and remove the CD.
  • Page 303
    3-2. Using the audio system Selecting a track Press “∧” to move up or “∨” to move down using until the desired track number appears on the display. Fast forwarding and rewinding tracks Press and hold (rewind) or (fast forward). Scanning a CD STEP Press…
  • Page 304
    3-2. Using the audio system Repeating a track or a disc ■ Repeating a track Press (RPT). ■ Repeating a disc (with a CD changer) Press and hold (RPT) until you hear a beep. Switching the display Press Each time the button is pressed, the display changes in the order of Track no./Elapsed time →…
  • Page 305
    Operation has stopped due to a high temperature inside the player. Wait for a while and then press . Contact your Toyota dealer if the CD still cannot be played back. ■ Discs that can be used Discs with the marks shown below can be used.
  • Page 306
    3-2. Using the audio system NOTICE ■ CDs and adapters that cannot be used Do not use the following types of CDs, 3 in. (8 cm) CD adapters or Dual Disc. Doing so may damage the player and/or the CD insert/eject function. ●…
  • Page 307
    3-2. Using the audio system NOTICE ■ Player precautions Failure to follow the precautions below may result in damage to the CDs or the player itself. ● Do not insert anything other than CDs into the CD slot. ● Do not apply oil to the player. ●…
  • Page 308
    3-2. Using the audio system Playing back MP3 and WMA discs Insert an MP3 or WMA disc or press with a disc inserted. Power Volume Reverse File selection Fast-forward CD slot CD insert Folder (type A only) selection CD eject Selecting a track Search play…
  • Page 309
    3-2. Using the audio system Selecting and scanning a folder ■ Selecting folders one at a time Press “∧” or “∨” on to select the desired folder. To return to the first folder, press and hold “∨” on until you hear a beep.
  • Page 310
    3-2. Using the audio system Random playback ■ To play files from a particular folder in random order Press (RAND). ■ To play all of the files on a disc in random order Press and hold (RAND) until you hear a beep. Repeating a file or a folder ■…
  • Page 311
    Operation has stopped due to a high temperature inside the player. Wait for a while and then press . Contact your Toyota dealer if the CD still cannot be played. “NO MUSIC”: This indicates that the MP3/WMA file is not included in the ■…
  • Page 312
    3-2. Using the audio system ■ Lens cleaners →P. 308 ■ MP3 and WMA files MP3 (MPEG Audio LAYER3) is a standard audio compression format. Files can be compressed to approximately 1/10 of their original size by using MP3 compression. WMA (Windows Media Audio) is a Microsoft audio compression format.
  • Page 313
    3-2. Using the audio system ● WMA file compatibility • Compatible standards WMA Ver. 7, 8, 9 • Compatible sampling frequencies 32, 44.1, 48 (kHz) • Compatible bit rates (only compatible with 2-channel playback) Ver. 7, 8: CBR 48, 64, 80, 96, 128, 160, 192 (kbps) Ver.
  • Page 314
    3-2. Using the audio system ● File names The only files that can be recognized as MP3/WMA and played are those with the extension .mp3 or .wma. ● Multi-sessions As the audio system is compatible with multi-sessions, it is possible to play discs that contain MP3 and WMA files.
  • Page 315
    3-2. Using the audio system ● Extensions If the file extensions .mp3 and .wma are used for files other than MP3 and WMA files, they will be mistakenly recognized and played as MP3 and WMA files. This may result in large amounts of interference and damage to the speakers.
  • Page 316
    3-2. Using the audio system Optimal use of the audio system Displays the current mode Changes the following set- tings • Sound quality and vol- ume balance The sound quality and bal- ance setting ITO32P125 changed to produce the best sound. •…
  • Page 317
    3-2. Using the audio system ■ Adjusting sound quality Turning adjusts the level. Sound quality Mode Turn to the Turn to the Level mode displayed left right Low-pitched -5 to 5 tones Mid-pitched (type A -5 to 5 High tones only) High pitched -5 to 5…
  • Page 318
    3-2. Using the audio system ■ Adjusting the Automatic Sound Levelizer (ASL) Type A When “ASL” is selected, turning to the right turns ASL on, and turning to the left turns ASL off. ASL automatically adjusts the volume and tone quality according to the noise level as you drive your vehicle.
  • Page 319
    3-2. Using the audio system ∗ Using the AUX adapter This adapter can be used to connect a portable audio device and lis- ten to it through the vehicle’s speakers. Connect the portable audio STEP device. ITO32P109 Press STEP ITO32P106 ■…
  • Page 320
    3-2. Using the audio system Using the steering switches Some audio features can be controlled using the switches on the steering wheel. Volume Power on, select audio source Radio: Select radio stations CD: Select tracks, discs and folder ITO32P108 Turning on the power Press when the audio system is turned off.
  • Page 321
    3-2. Using the audio system Adjusting the volume Press “+” on to increase the volume and “-” to decrease the volume. Hold down the button to continue increasing or decreasing the volume. Selecting a radio station STEP Press to select the radio mode. Press ∧…
  • Page 322
    3-2. Using the audio system ■ Canceling automatic selection of a radio station Push the same switch. ■ When operating the steering switches On vehicles with touch tracer display, the steering switches operation status is displayed on the instrument cluster for confirmation purposes. (→P. 182) CAUTION ■…
  • Page 323: Using The Hands-Free System

    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) ∗ Hands-free system (for cellular phone) With navigation system Owners of models equipped with a navigation system should refer to the “Navigation System Owner’s Manual”. Without navigation system ® This system supports Bluetooth , which allows you to make or receive calls without using cables to connect a cellular phone and the system, and without operating the cellular phone.

  • Page 324
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) ■ When transferring ownership of the vehicle Be sure to initialize the system to prevent the personal data from being improperly accessed. ■ ® About Bluetooth Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.
  • Page 325
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) CAUTION ■ While driving ® Do not use a cellular phone, or connect the Bluetooth phone. NOTICE ■ To prevent damage to a cellular phone Do not leave a cellular phone in the vehicle. The temperature inside may become high resulting in damage to the phone.
  • Page 326
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Using the hands-free system ■ Audio unit ® Displays Bluetooth con- nection condition If “BT” is not displayed, the hands-free system cannot be used. Displays the reception level Displays such items as message, name, and phone number Lower-case characters and…
  • Page 327
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) ■ Steering wheel Volume The voice guidance volume cannot be adjusted by using this button. Press: Voice command sys- tem on Press and hold: Voice com- ITO33P104 mand system off Hands-free phone system off/ends a call/refuses a call Hands-free phone system on/starts a call…
  • Page 328
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) ■ Microphone Type A Type B…
  • Page 329
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Operating the system by using a voice command By following voice guidance instructions output from the speaker, voice commands can be given to allow for operation of the hands- free system without checking the display or operating ■…
  • Page 330
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) STEP Press The introductory guidance and phone name registration instructions are heard. STEP Register a phone name by either of the following methods. a. Select “Record Name” by using , and say a name to be registered.
  • Page 331
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Menu list of the hands-free system ■ Normal operation Second First menu Third menu Operation detail menu Dialing a number stored in ⎯ ⎯ Callback the incoming call history memory Dialing a number stored in ⎯…
  • Page 332
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Second First menu Third menu Operation detail menu Set PIN Setting a PIN code Phonebook Lock Locking the phone book Security Phonebook Unlocking the phone book Unlock Registering a cellular phone Pair Phone to be used Changing a registered name Change Name…
  • Page 333
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) ■ Using a short cut key First menu Second menu Operation detail Dialing a number registered ⎯ Dial “XXX (name)” in the phone book Phone book add ⎯ Adding a new number entry Phone book change Changing a name of a phone…
  • Page 334
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) ■ Automatic adjustment of volume When vehicle speed is 50 mph (80 km/h) or more, the volume automatically increases. The volume returns to the previous volume setting when vehicle speed drops to 43 mph (70 km/h) or less. ■…
  • Page 335
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Making a phone call ■ Making a phone call ● Dialing by inputting a number “Dial by number” ● Dialing by inputting a name “Dial by name” ● Speed dialing ● Dialing a number stored in the outgoing history memory “Redial”…
  • Page 336
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Dialing by inputting a number STEP Press and say “Dial by number”. STEP Press and say the phone number. STEP Dial by one of the following methods: a. Press b. Press and say “Dial”. c.
  • Page 337
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) STEP Dial by one of the following methods: a. Press b. Press and say “Dial”. c. Select “Dial” by using Speed dialing STEP Press STEP Press the preset button in which the desired number is regis- tered.
  • Page 338
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Transferring a call A call can be transferred between the cellular phone and system while dialing, receiving a call, or during a call. Use one of the follow- ing methods: Operate the cellular phone. Refer to the manual that comes with the cellular phone for the oper- ation of the phone.
  • Page 339
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Using the call history memory Follow the procedure below to use a number stored in the call history memory: STEP Press and say “Redial” (when using a number stored in the outgoing call history memory) or “Call back” (when using a number stored in the incoming call history memory).
  • Page 340
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) The following operations can be performed: Dialing: Press or select “Dial” by using a voice command or Storing the number in the phone book: Select “Store” by using a voice command or Deleting: Select “Delete”…
  • Page 341
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Setting a cellular phone Registering a cellular phone in the hands-free system allows the system to function. The following functions can be used for regis- tered cellular phones: ■ Functions and operation procedures To enter the menu for each function, follow the steps below by using a voice command or ●…
  • Page 342
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Registering a cellular phone Select “Pair Phone” by using a voice command or , and do the procedure for registering a cellular phone. (→P. 332) Selecting a cellular phone to be used STEP Select “Select Phone”…
  • Page 343
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Changing a registered name STEP Select “Change Name” by using a voice command or STEP Select a name of cellular phone to be changed by either of the following methods: a. Press and say the desired phone name, and select “Confirm”…
  • Page 344
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Listing the registered cellular phones Selecting “List Phones” by using a voice command or causes the list of registered cellular phones to be read aloud. When listing is complete, the system returns to “Phone Setup”. Pressing while a name of cellular phone is being read selects the cellular phone, and the following functions will be available:…
  • Page 345
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Deleting a cellular phone STEP Select “Delete” by using a voice command or Pattern A STEP Select the cellular phone to be deleted by either of the follow- ing methods and select “Confirm” by using a voice command a.
  • Page 346
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Changing the passkey STEP Select “Set Passkey” by using a voice command or Pattern A STEP Press , say a 4 to 8-digit number, and select “Confirm” by using a voice command or Pattern B STEP Select a 4 to 8-digit number by using…
  • Page 347
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Security and system setup To enter the menu of each setting, follow the steps below: ■ Security setting items and operation procedure ● Setting or changing the PIN (Personal Identification Number) 1. “Setup” → 2. “Security” → 3. “Set PIN” ●…
  • Page 348
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Setting or changing the PIN ■ Setting a PIN STEP Select “Set PIN” by using a voice command or STEP Enter a PIN by using a voice command or When using , input the code 1 digit at a time. ■…
  • Page 349
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Locking or unlocking the phone book STEP Select “Phonebook Lock (Phbk Lock)” or “Phonebook Unlock (Phbk Unlock)” by using a voice command or STEP Input the PIN by either of the following methods and select “Confirm”…
  • Page 350
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Initialization STEP Select “Initialize” and then “Confirm” by using STEP Select “Confirm” by using a voice command or again. ■ Initialization ● The following data in the system can be initialized: • Phone book •…
  • Page 351
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Using the phone book To enter the menu of each setting, follow the steps below: ● Adding a new phone number 1. “Phonebook” → 2. “Add Entry” ● Setting speed dial 1. “Phonebook” → 2. “Set Speed Dial (Speed Dial)” ●…
  • Page 352
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Adding a new phone number The following methods can be used to add a new phone number: ● Inputting a phone number by using a voice command ● Transferring data from the cellular phone ●…
  • Page 353
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Transferring data from the cellular phone STEP2-1 Select “By Phone” and then “Confirm” by using a voice command or STEP2-2 Transfer the data from the cellular phone. Refer to the manual that comes with the cellular phone for the details of transferring data.
  • Page 354
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Selecting a phone number from outgoing or incoming call history STEP2-1 Select “Call History” by using a voice command or STEP2-2 Select “Outgoing” or “Incoming” by using a voice command or STEP2-3 Select the data to be registered by either of the fol- lowing methods: a.
  • Page 355
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) STEP Select the name to be registered by either of the following methods, and select “Confirm” by using a voice command or a. Press and say the desired name. b. Select “Record Name” by using , and say the desired name.
  • Page 356
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) STEP Select the data to be registered as a speed dial by either of the following methods: a. Press , say desired number, and select “Confirm” by using a voice command or b.
  • Page 357
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Changing a registered name STEP Select “Change Name” by using a voice command or STEP Select the name to be changed by either of the following methods. a. Press , say desired name, and select “Confirm” by using a voice command or b.
  • Page 358
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Deleting registered data STEP Select “Delete Entry” by using a voice command or Pattern A STEP Select the data to be deleted by either of the following meth- ods, and select “Confirm” by using a voice command or a.
  • Page 359
    3-3. Using the hands-free system (for cellular phone) Deleting speed dials STEP Select “Delete Speed Dial (Del Spd Dial)” by using a voice command or STEP Press the preset button in which the desired speed dial is reg- istered, and select “Confirm” by using a voice command or Listing the registered data Selecting “List names”…
  • Page 360: Interior Lights List

    3-4. Using the interior lights Interior lights list Your Toyota is equipped with an illuminated entry system to assist in entering the vehicle. Due to the function of the system, the lights shown in the following illustration automatically turn on/off accord-…

  • Page 361: Personal/Interior Light Main Switch

    3-4. Using the interior lights Personal/interior light main switch Personal/interior light main switch Type A “OFF” The personal/interior lights and interior light can be individually turned on or off. Door position The personal/interior lights and interior light automatically turn on/ off according to the presence of the electronic key, whether the Type B…

  • Page 362
    3-4. Using the interior lights Personal/interior lights and interior light Personal/interior lights Type A On/off The illuminated entry system is activated even if the light is turned off when the personal/ interior light main switch is in door position. Type B On/off The illuminated entry system is activated even if the light is…
  • Page 363
    20 minutes. ■ Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealer Setting (e.g. The time elapsed before lights turn off) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 587)
  • Page 364: Using The Storage Features List Of Storage Features

    3-5. Using the storage features List of storage features Bottle holder Overhead console (if equipped) Glove boxes Auxiliary box Cup holders Console box…

  • Page 365
    3-5. Using the storage features Glove boxes Glove boxes Upper glove box Push the button. ITO35P103 Lower glove box Push the button. ITO35P101 ■ Glove box light (lower glove box only) The glove box light turns on when the tail lights are on. CAUTION ■…
  • Page 366
    3-5. Using the storage features Console box Console box Type A Pull up the lever to release the lock. Slide the console box lid fully rearward. Lift the console box lid to open. ITO35P105 Type B Lift the lid while pulling the lever. ■…
  • Page 367
    3-5. Using the storage features Console box and overhead console CAUTION ■ While driving Keep the console box closed. Injuries may result in the event of sudden braking, sudden swerving or an accident. Overhead console (vehicles without the moon roof) Push the lid.
  • Page 368: Card Holder

    3-5. Using the storage features Card holder Card holder (vehicles with type B console box) Pull the knob up and lift the lid. ITO35P125…

  • Page 369: Cup Holders

    3-5. Using the storage features Cup holders Cup holders Front type A Lift the lid. ITO35P109 Front type B (if equipped) Slide the console box lid. ITO35P111 Rear (if equipped) Pull down the armrest. ITO35P113…

  • Page 370
    3-5. Using the storage features Cup holders ■ Removing the cup holder (front type B only) Pull up. ITO35P126 CAUTION ■ Items unsuitable for the cup holder Do not place anything other than cups or aluminum cans in the cup holders. Other items may be thrown out of the holders in the event of sudden braking, sudden swerving or an accident and cause injury.
  • Page 371: Bottle Holders

    3-5. Using the storage features Bottle holders Bottle holders ITO35P121 CAUTION ■ Items unsuitable for the bottle holder Do not place anything other than pet bottles in the bottle holders. Other items may be thrown out of the holders in the event of sudden braking, sudden swerving or an accident and cause injury.

  • Page 372: Auxiliary Box

    3-5. Using the storage features Auxiliary box Auxiliary box ITO35P115…

  • Page 373: Other Interior Features Sun Visors

    3-6. Other interior features Sun visors Forward position: Flip down. Side position: Flip down, unhook, and swing to the side. ITO36P101…

  • Page 374: Vanity Mirror

    3-6. Other interior features Vanity mirror Slide the cover. The light turns on when the cover is opened. ITO36P103…

  • Page 375: Outside Temperature Display

    Operating conditions The “POWER” switch is in ON mode. ■ When — is displayed The system may be malfunctioning. Take your vehicle to your Toyota dealer. ■ Display In the following situations, the correct outside temperature may not be dis- played, or the display may take longer than normal to change.

  • Page 376: Power Outlets

    3-6. Other interior features Power outlets The power outlets can be used for 12 V accessories that run on less than 10 A. Instrument panel ITO36P105 Rear console box (if equipped) ITO36P107 ■ The power outlets can be used when The “POWER”…

  • Page 377
    3-6. Other interior features NOTICE ■ To avoid damaging the power outlets Close the power outlets lid when not in use. Foreign objects or liquids that enter the power outlets may cause a short cir- cuit. ■ To prevent the fuse from being blown Do not use an accessory that uses more than 12 V/10 A.
  • Page 378: Seat Heaters

    3-6. Other interior features ∗ Seat heaters Heats the left front seat Heats the right front seat The indicator light comes on. ITO36P130 ■ The seat heaters can be used when The “POWER” switch is in ON mode. ■ When not in use Turn the seat heater off.

  • Page 379
    3-6. Other interior features CAUTION ■ Burns ● Use caution when seating the following persons in a seat with the seat heater on to avoid the possibility of burns: • Babies, small children, the elderly, the sick and the disabled •…
  • Page 380: Armrest

    3-6. Other interior features ∗ Armrest Pull the armrest down for use. ITO36P111 NOTICE ■ To prevent damage to the armrest Do not place too much strain on the armrest. ∗ : If equipped…

  • Page 381: Floor Mats

    3-6. Other interior features Floor mats Securely place a mat that matches the size of the space on the car- pet. Secure the floor mat using the hooks provided. ITO36P113 CAUTION ■ When inserting the floor mat Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in the floor mat slipping and interfering with the movement of the pedals during driving, resulting in an accident.

  • Page 382: Luggage Compartment Features

    3-6. Other interior features Luggage compartment features ■ Cargo hooks Cargo hooks are provided for securing loose items. ■ Auxiliary box Center type A Turn knob STEP “UNLOCK” position and open the lid. Lift the center deck board. STEP…

  • Page 383
    3-6. Other interior features Center type B Lift the center deck board. Side Lift the side deck board.
  • Page 384
    3-6. Other interior features ■ Luggage cover (If equipped) Adjust the cover so that “TOP” STEP is facing upwards. Pull out the luggage cover and STEP secure it to the hook brackets. Removing the luggage cover Lift it up.
  • Page 385
    3-6. Other interior features ■ Stowing the luggage cover (vehicles with center auxiliary box type A only) Remove the side deck boards and STEP open the center auxiliary box. Adjust the cover so that “TOP” is facing STEP ■ When not using the luggage cover Place the cover in a horizontal position.
  • Page 386: Garage Door Opener

    3-6. Other interior features Garage door opener The garage door opener can be programmed to operate garage doors, gates, entry doors, door locks, home lighting systems, and security systems, and other devices. ® The garage door opener (HomeLink Universal Transceiver) is manufac- ®…

  • Page 387
    3-6. Other interior features Press and hold down one of the STEP ® buttons on the HomeLink the button on the transmitter. When the indicator light on the ® HomeLink changes from a slow to a rapid flash after 20 seconds, you can release both buttons.
  • Page 388
    3-6. Other interior features ■ Programming a Rolling Code system (for U.S.A. owners) If your device is Rolling Code equipped, follow the steps under the ® heading “Programming the HomeLink ” before proceeding with the steps listed below. STEP Locate the learn button on the ceiling mounted garage door opener motor.
  • Page 389
    ® the remaining HomeLink buttons. ■ Programming other devices To program other devices such as home security systems, home door locks or lighting, contact your authorized Toyota dealer for assistance. ■ Reprogramming a button ® The individual HomeLink buttons cannot be erased but can be reprogrammed.
  • Page 390
    3-6. Other interior features ® Operating the HomeLink ® ® Press the appropriate HomeLink button. The HomeLink indicator ® light on the HomeLink transceiver should turn on. ® The HomeLink continues to send a signal for up to 20 seconds as long as the button is pressed.
  • Page 391
    3-6. Other interior features ■ Before programming ● Install a new battery in the transmitter. ● The battery side of the transmitter must be pointed away from the ® HomeLink ■ Certification for the garage door opener FCC ID: NZLZTVHL3 IC ID: 4112A-ZTVHL3 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of the IC Rules.
  • Page 392: Safety Connect

    Telematics Subscription Service Agreement and its Terms and Conditions, as in effect and amended from time to time, a current copy of which is available at Toyota.com. All use of the Safety Con- nect service is subject to such then-applicable Terms and Condi- tions.

  • Page 393
    After you have signed the Telematics Subscription Service Agreement and are enrolled, you can begin receiving services. A variety of subscription terms is available for purchase. Contact your Toyota dealer, call 1-800-331-4331, or push the “SOS” but- ton in your vehicle for further subscription details.
  • Page 394
    Safety Connect. ● Safety Connect is available beginning Fall 2009 on select Toyota models. Contact with the Safety Connect response center is dependent upon the telematics device being in operative condition, cellular connection avail- ability, and GPS satellite signal reception, which can limit the ability to reach the response center or receive emergency service support.
  • Page 395
    ● Green indicator light flashing = Safety Connect call in process ● Red indicator light (except at vehicle start-up) = System malfunc- tion (contact your Toyota dealer) ● No indicator light (off) = Safety Connect service not active Safety Connect services ■…
  • Page 396
    In addition to assisting law enforcement with recovery of a stolen vehicle, Safety-Connect-equipped vehicle location data may, under certain circumstances, be shared with third parties to locate your vehicle. Further information is available at Toyota.com. ■ Emergency Assistance Button (“SOS”) In the event of an emergency on the road, push the “SOS”…
  • Page 397
    3-6. Other interior features Safety information for Safety Connect Important! Read this information before using Safety Connect. ■ Exposure to radio frequency signals The Safety Connect system installed in your vehicle is a low-power radio transmitter and receiver. It receives and also sends out radio frequency (RF) signals.
  • Page 398
    3-6. Other interior features ■ License Licensed by QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the following United States Patents and/or their counterparts in other nations: 4,901,307 5,490,165 5,056,109 5,504,773 5,101,501 5,506,865 5,109,390 5,511,073 5,228,054 5,535,239 5,267,261 5,544,196 5,267,262 5,568,483 5,337,338 5,600,754 5,414,796 5,657,420 5,416,797 5,659,569 5,710,784 5,778,338…
  • Page 399
    3-6. Other interior features…
  • Page 400: The Vehicle’s Exterior

    4-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle’s exterior Perform the following to protect the vehicle and maintain it in prime condition. ● Working from top to bottom, liberally apply water to the vehicle body, wheel wells and underside of the vehicle to remove any dirt and dust.

  • Page 401
    4-1. Maintenance and care ■ Automatic car washes ● Before washing the vehicle, do the following. • Fold the mirrors back. • Remove the antenna. ● Brushes used in automatic car washes may scratch the vehicle surface and harm your vehicle’s paint. ■…
  • Page 402
    4-1. Maintenance and care CAUTION ■ Caution about the exhaust pipe Exhaust gasses cause the exhaust pipe to become quite hot. When washing the vehicle, be careful not to touch the pipe until it has cooled sufficiently, as touching a hot exhaust pipe can cause burns. NOTICE ■…
  • Page 403: Cleaning And Protecting The Vehicle’s Interior

    4-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle’s interior The following procedures will help protect your vehicle’s interior and keep it in top condition: ■ Protecting the vehicle interior Remove dirt and dust using a vacuum cleaner. Wipe dirty sur- faces with a cloth dampened with lukewarm water.

  • Page 404
    4-1. Maintenance and care ■ Caring for leather areas Toyota recommends cleaning the interior of the vehicle at least twice a year to maintain the quality of the vehicle’s interior. ■ Shampooing the carpets There are several commercial foaming-type cleaners available. Use a sponge or brush to apply the foam.
  • Page 405
    4-1. Maintenance and care NOTICE ■ Cleaning detergents Do not use the following types of detergent, as they may discolor the vehicle interior or cause streaks or damage to painted surfaces. ● Non-seat portions: Organic substances such as benzine or gasoline, alka- line or acidic solutions, dye, or bleach.
  • Page 406: Maintenance Requirements

    It is recommended that genuine Toyota parts be used for repair to ensure performance of each system. If non-Toyota parts are used in replacement or if a repair shop other than a Toyota dealer performs repairs, confirm the war- ranty coverage.

  • Page 407
    4-2. Maintenance ■ Allow inspection and repairs to be performed by a Toyota dealer ● Toyota technicians are well-trained specialists and are kept up to date with the latest service information. They are well informed about the operations of all systems on your vehicle.
  • Page 408
    Listed below are the general maintenance items that should be per- formed at the intervals specified in the “Owner’s Warranty Informa- tion”. It is recommended that any problem you notice should be brought to the attention of your Toyota dealer or qualified service shop for advice. Engine compartment…
  • Page 409
    4-2. Maintenance Vehicle interior Items Check points • Moves smoothly (without uneven pedal Accelerator pedal effort or catching)? Automatic transmission • Can the vehicle be hold securely on an “Park” mechanism incline with the shift position in “P”? • Moves smoothly? Brake pedal •…
  • Page 410
    4-2. Maintenance Vehicle exterior Items Check points Doors • Operate smoothly? Hood • The lock system works properly? Fluid leaks • Is there any leakage after parking? • Inflation pressure is correct? • Tire surfaces not worn or damaged? Tire •…
  • Page 411: Emission Inspection

    If the malfunction indicator lamp comes on The OBD system determines that a problem exists somewhere in the emission control system. Your vehicle may not pass the I/ M test and may need to be repaired. Contact your Toyota dealer to service the vehicle. ■…

  • Page 412: Do-It-Yourself Service Precautions

    • Grease 12 volt battery condition • Conventional wrench (→P. 436) (for terminal clamp bolts) • “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or similar high quality ethylene glycol based non-silicate, non- amine, non-nitrite and non-borate coolant with long-life hybrid organic acid technology.

  • Page 413
    Brake fluid level (→P. 432) • Rag or paper towel • Funnel (used only for adding brake fluid) • “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent Engine oil level (→P. 426) • Rag or paper towel • Funnel (used only for adding engine oil) •…
  • Page 414
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION The engine compartment contains many mechanisms and fluids that may move suddenly, become hot, or become electrically energized. To avoid death or serious injury observe the following precautions. ■ When working on the engine compartment ● Keep hands, clothing, and tools away from the moving fan.
  • Page 415
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance NOTICE ■ If you remove the air cleaner filter Driving with the air cleaner filter removed may cause excessive engine wear due to dirt in the air. Also a backfire could cause a fire in the engine compart- ment.
  • Page 416: Hood

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Hood Release the lock from the inside of the vehicle to open the hood. Pull the hood release lever. STEP The hood will pop up slightly. ITO43P101 Lift the hood catch and lift the STEP hood. ITO43P103…

  • Page 417
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Hold the hood open by insert- STEP STEP ing the supporting rod into either of the slots.
  • Page 418
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION ■ Pre-driving check Check that the hood is fully closed and locked. If the hood is not locked properly it may open while the vehicle is in motion and cause an accident, which may result in death or serious injury. ■…
  • Page 419: Positioning A Floor Jack

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Positioning a floor jack When raising your vehicle with a floor jack, position the jack cor- rectly. Improper placement may damage your vehicle or cause injury. Front ITO43P105 Rear ITO43P106…

  • Page 420
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION ■ When raising your vehicle Make sure to observe the following to reduce the possibility of death or seri- ous injury. ● Lift up the vehicle using a floor jack such as the one shown in the illustra- tion.
  • Page 421: Engine Compartment

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Engine compartment Engine coolant reservoir Brake fluid reservoir (→P. 430) (→P. 432) Engine oil level dipstick Fuse box (→P. 462) (→P. 426) Radiator (→P. 432) Engine oil filler cap Condenser (→P. 432) (→P. 427) Electric cooling fans Power control unit coolant Washer fluid tank reservoir…

  • Page 422
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Engine oil With the engine at operating temperature and turned off, check the oil level on the dipstick. ■ Checking the engine oil STEP Park the vehicle on level ground. After turning off the hybrid system, wait more than 5 minutes for the oil to drain back into the bottom of the engine.
  • Page 423
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Adding engine oil If the oil level is below or near the low level mark, add engine oil of the same type as already in the engine. Make sure to check the oil type and prepare the items needed before adding oil.
  • Page 424
    1000 km). ● If the vehicle consumes more than 1.1 qt. (1.0 L, 0.9 Imp.qt.) every 600 miles (1000 km), contact your Toyota dealer. ■ After changing the engine oil (U.S.A. only) The oil change system should be reset. Perform the following steps: STEP Turn the “POWER”…
  • Page 425
    Dispose of used oil and filters only in a safe and acceptable manner. Do not dispose of used oil and filters in household trash, in sewers or onto the ground. Call your Toyota dealer, service station or auto parts store for information concerning recycling or disposal. ●…
  • Page 426
    If the coolant level drops within a short time after replenishing Visually check the radiator, hoses, reservoir cap, radiator cap, drain cock and water pump. If you cannot find a leak, have your Toyota dealer pressure test the cap and check for leaks in the cooling system.
  • Page 427
    U.S.A.: “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mixture of 50 % coolant and 50 % deionized water. (Enabled: -31 °F [-35 °C]) Canada: “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a mixture of 55 % coolant and 45 % deionized water.
  • Page 428
    Radiator and condenser Check the radiator and condenser and clear any foreign objects. If either of the above parts are extremely dirty or you are not sure of their condition, have your vehicle checked by your Toyota dealer. CAUTION ■…
  • Page 429
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Adding fluid Push the tab in and lift the cover off. ITO43P152 Make sure to check the fluid type and prepare the necessary items. Fluid type FMVSS No.116 DOT 3 or SAE J1703 brake fluid Items Clean funnel ■…
  • Page 430
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance NOTICE ■ If the fluid level is low It is normal for the brake fluid level to go down slightly as the brake pads wear or when the fluid level in the accumulator is high. If the reservoir needs frequent refilling, it may indicate a serious problem. Washer fluid Open the lid.
  • Page 431
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance If the washer fluid level is at STEP “LOW”, add washer fluid. ITO43P177 CAUTION ■ When refilling the washer fluid Do not refill the washer fluid when the hybrid system is hot or operating, as the washer fluid contains alcohol and may catch fire if spilled on the hybrid system etc.
  • Page 432
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance 12 volt battery ■ Location The 12 volt battery is located in the right-hand side of lug- gage compartment. ■ Removing the 12 volt battery cover STEP Open the center auxiliary box. (→P. 385) STEP Remove the center auxiliary box. (→P. 526) Remove the 12 volt battery STEP cover.
  • Page 433
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ 12 volt battery exterior Make sure that the 12 volt battery terminals are not corroded and that there are no loose connections, cracks, or loose clamps. Terminals Hold-down clamp ■ Before recharging When recharging, the 12 volt battery produces hydrogen gas which is flam- mable and explosive.
  • Page 434
    Take extra care when connect- ing the battery if the “POWER” switch mode prior to discharge is unknown. If the system will not start even after multiple attempts, contact your Toyota dealer. CAUTION ■…
  • Page 435
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION ■ Where to safely charge the 12 volt battery Always charge the 12 volt battery in an open area. Do not charge the 12 volt battery in a garage or closed room where there is not sufficient ventilation. ■…
  • Page 436
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION ■ When disconnecting the 12 volt battery Do not disconnect the negative (-) termi- nal on the body side as shown. The dis- connected negative (-) terminal may touch the positive (+) terminal, which may cause a short and result in death or seri- ous injury.
  • Page 437: Tires

    ■ Tire rotation Rotate the tires in the order shown. To equalize tire wear and extend tire life, Toyota recom- mends that tire rotation is Front carried out at the same inter- val as tire inspection. Do not fail to initialize the tire…

  • Page 438: Tire Inflation Pressure

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ The tire pressure warning system Your Toyota is equipped with a tire pressure warning system that uses tire pressure warning valves and transmitters to detect low tire inflation pressure before serious problems arise. (→P. 499) The compact spare tire is not equipped with a tire pressure warning valve and transmitter.

  • Page 439
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ How to initialize the tire pressure warning system STEP Park the vehicle in safe place and turn the “POWER” switch OFF. While the vehicle is moving, initialization is not performed. STEP Adjust the tire inflation pressure to the specified cold tire infla- tion pressure level.
  • Page 440
    ● A tire goes flat repeatedly or cannot be properly repaired due to the size or location of a cut or other damage If you are not sure, consult with your Toyota dealer. ■ Replacing tires and wheels If the ID code of the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter is not regis- tered, the tire pressure warning system will not work properly.
  • Page 441
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Tire life Any tire over 6 years old must be checked by a qualified technician even if they have seldom or never been used or damage is not obvious. ■ If the tread wears down below 0.16 in. (4 mm) on snow tires The effectiveness of snow tires is lost.
  • Page 442
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Tire types 1 Summer tires Summer tires are high-speed performance tires best suited to highway driving under dry conditions. Since summer tires do not have the same traction performance as snow tires, summer tires are inadequate for driving on snow-covered or icy roads.
  • Page 443
    If repeated attempts to record tire inflation pressure settings are unsuccessful, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ● When operating the tire pressure warning reset switch, the tire pres- sure warning light does not flash 3 times.
  • Page 444
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Tire pressure warning system certification FCC ID: PAXPMV107J FCC ID: PAXPMV108J FCC ID: HYQ13BDE IC ID: 3729A-PMV107J IC ID: 3729A-PMV108J IC ID: 1551A-13BDE For vehicles sold in the U.S.A. NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub- ject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 445
    Do not mix tires of different makes, models or tread patterns. Also, do not mix tires of remarkably different treadwear. ● Do not use tire sizes other than those recommended by Toyota. ● Do not mix differently constructed tires (radial, bias-belted or bias-ply tires).
  • Page 446
    Repairing or replacing tires, wheels and tire pressure warning valves and transmitters When removing or fitting the wheels, tires or the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter, contact your Toyota dealer as the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter may be damaged if not handled correctly. ■…
  • Page 447
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Tire inflation pressure ■ Tire inflation pressure The recommended cold tire inflation pressure and tire size is dis- played on the tire and loading information label. (→P. 565)
  • Page 448
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Inspection and adjustment procedure Tire valve Tire pressure gauge ITO43P117 STEP Remove the tire valve cap. STEP Press the tip of the tire pressure gauge onto the tire valve. STEP Read the pressure using the graduations of the gauge. STEP If the tire inflation pressure is not within the recommended levels, adjust tire pressure.
  • Page 449
    Reduced driving comfort and tire life ● Reduced safety ● Damage to the drive train If a tire needs frequent refilling, have it checked by your Toyota dealer. ■ Instructions for checking tire inflation pressure When checking tire inflation pressure, observe the following: ●…
  • Page 450
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION ■ Proper inflation is critical to save tire performance Keep your tires properly inflated. Otherwise, the following conditions may occur and result in an accident causing death or serious injury. ● Excessive wear ● Uneven wear ●…
  • Page 451
    ● Bent wheels that have been straightened ■ Aluminum wheel precautions ● Use only Toyota wheel nuts and wrenches designed for use with your aluminum wheels. ● When rotating, repairing or changing your tires, check that the wheel nuts are still tight after driving 1000 miles (1600 km).
  • Page 452
    Because tire repair or replacement may affect the tire pressure warn- ing valves and transmitters, make sure to have tires serviced by your Toyota dealer or other qualified service shop. In addition, make sure to purchase your tire pressure warning valves and transmitters at your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 453: Air Conditioning Filter

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Air conditioning filter The air conditioning filter must be cleaned or changed regularly to maintain air conditioning efficiency. ■ Removal method STEP Turn the “POWER” switch OFF. Vehicles with Solar Ventilation System: Turn the Solar Ven- tilation System off and make sure not to operate the Remote Air Conditioning System.

  • Page 454
    Hold the air gun 2 in. (5 cm) from the filter and blow for approximately 2 minutes at 72 psi (500 kPa, 5.0 kgf/cm bar). If it is not available, have the filter cleaned by your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 455
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Replacement method Replace the air conditioning filter with a new one. ↑UP” marks shown on “ the filter should be pointing up. ITO43P125 ■ Checking interval Inspect, clean and replace the air conditioning filter according to the mainte- nance schedule.
  • Page 456: Electronic Key Battery

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Electronic key battery Replace the battery with a new one if it is discharged. ■ You will need the following items: ● Flathead screwdriver (To prevent damage to the key, cover the tip of the screwdriver with rag) ●…

  • Page 457
    ● The operational range is reduced. ■ Use a CR1632 lithium battery ● Batteries can be purchased at your Toyota dealer, jewelers, or camera stores. ● Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by a Toyota dealer. ●…
  • Page 458: Checking And Replacing Fuses

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Checking and replacing fuses If any of the electrical components do not operate, a fuse may have blown. If this happens, check and replace the fuses as necessary. STEP Turn the “POWER” switch OFF. Vehicles with Solar Ventilation System: Turn the Solar Ven- tilation System off and make sure not to operate the Remote Air Conditioning System.

  • Page 459
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance STEP After a system failure, see “Fuse layout and amperage rat- ings” (→P. 465) for details about which fuse to check. Remove the fuse with the pull- STEP out tool. ITO43P131…
  • Page 460
    ITY42C012 Type B Normal fuse Blown fuse Replace it with one of an appropriate amperage rating. The amperage rating can be found on the fuse box lid. Type C Normal fuse Blown fuse Contact your Toyota dealer. ITO43P161…
  • Page 461: Engine Compartment

    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Fuse layout and amperage ratings ■ Engine compartment 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 2829 30 3132 35 3637 ITO43P132 FUSE Ampere Circuit…

  • Page 462
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance FUSE Ampere Circuit 7.5A Power windows ECU-B2 7.5A Smart key system MAYDAY No circuit ECU-B3 Air conditioning system TURN & HAZ Turn signal lights Multiport fuel injection system/ ETCS sequential multiport fuel injection system ABS MAIN Anti-lock brake system NO.1 Parking control system, horn, right-hand headlight (low beam),…
  • Page 463
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance FUSE Ampere Circuit MIR HTR Outside rear view mirror defoggers RAD NO.1 Audio system, navigation system Door courtesy lights, personal lights, interior lights, front foot DOME lights, vanity lights, inside rear view mirror, garage door opener, electric power steering Smart key system, multiplex com- ECU-B 7.5A…
  • Page 464
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Left side instrument panel 9 10 15 16 17 18 27 28 29 30 20 21 23 24 25 26 ITO43P133 FUSE Ampere Circuit Power outlets Multiplex communication system, outside rear view mirrors, driver ECU-ACC support system, audio system, navigation system PWR OUTLET Power outlets…
  • Page 465
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance FUSE Ampere Circuit P FR DOOR Power windows D FR DOOR Power windows DOOR RR Power windows DOOR RL Power windows S/ROOF Electric moon roof Electric cooling fans, multiplex ECU-IG NO.1 communication system Driver support system, Pre-Colli- sion System, LKA system, inside rear view mirror, garage door opener, yaw rate &…
  • Page 466
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance FUSE Ampere Circuit RR WIP Rear window wiper and washer Windshield wipers 7.5A Gauges and meters Brake system, driver support sys- tem, multiport fuel injection sys- tem/sequential multiport fuel injection system, SRS airbag sys- tem, occupant detection sensor, power windows, smart key system Air conditioning system, emer- gency flashers, seat heaters,…
  • Page 467
    Never use a fuse of a higher amperage rating than indicated, or use any other object in place of a fuse. ● Always use a genuine Toyota fuse or equivalent. Never replace a fuse with a wire, even as a temporary fix. This can cause extensive damage or even fire.
  • Page 468: Light Bulbs

    You may replace the following bulbs yourself. The difficulty level of replacement varies depending on the bulb. If necessary bulb replacement seems difficult to perform, contact your Toyota dealer. For more information about replacing other light bulbs, contact your Toyota dealer.

  • Page 469
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Vehicles with halogen headlights Headlight low beam Parking light Headlight high beam Front side marker light Front turn signal light ITO43P135 ■ Rear bulb locations Rear turn signal light License plate lights Back-up light ITO43P138…
  • Page 470
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Replacing light bulbs ■ Headlight low beams (halogen bulbs) For the right side only: STEP Remove the bolt and unclip the engine coolant reservoir hose. Then lift up the air cleaner inlet duct. Turn the bulb base counterclock- STEP wise.
  • Page 471
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Unplug connector while STEP pushing the lock release. ITO43P163…
  • Page 472
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Headlight high beams STEP For the right side only: Remove the bolt and unclip the engine coolant reservoir hose. Then lift up the air cleaner inlet duct. (→P. 474) STEP Turn the bulb base counterclockwise. Vehicles with LED headlights ITO43P185 Vehicles with halogen headlights ITO43P164…
  • Page 473
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Parking lights STEP For the right side only: Remove the bolt and unclip the engine coolant reservoir hose. Then lift up the air cleaner inlet duct. (→P. 474) STEP Turn the bulb base counterclockwise. Vehicles with LED headlights ITO43P186 Vehicles with halogen headlights ITO43P166…
  • Page 474
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front side marker lights STEP For the right side only: Remove the bolt and unclip the engine coolant reservoir hose. Then lift up the air cleaner inlet duct. (→P. 474) STEP Turn the bulb base counterclockwise. Vehicles with LED headlights ITO43P187 Vehicles with halogen headlights…
  • Page 475
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front fog lights (vehicles with LED headlights) Remove the engine under cover STEP bolt and clip and pull down the engine under cover. ITO43P140 Unplug connector while STEP pushing the lock release. ITO43P141 Turn the bulb base counterclock- STEP wise.
  • Page 476
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front turn signal lights STEP Remove the engine under cover bolt and clip and pull down the engine under cover. (→P. 479) Unplug connector while STEP pushing the lock release. ITO43P143 Remove the light bulb. STEP ITO43P144…
  • Page 477
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Rear turn signal lights and back-up lights Open the back door and remove STEP the cover. ITO43P145 Turn the bulb base counterclock- STEP wise. Rear turn signal light Back-up light ITO43P146 Remove the light bulb. STEP Rear turn signal light Back-up light ITO43P147…
  • Page 478
    Remove the light bulb. STEP ITO43P150 ■ Lights other than the above If any of the lights listed below has burnt out, have your Toyota dealer replace it. ● Headlight low beams (LED type) ● Stop/tail lights ● High mounted stoplight…
  • Page 479
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Condensation build-up on the inside of the lens Contact your Toyota dealer for more information in the following situations. Temporary condensation build-up on the inside of the headlight lens does not indicate a malfunction. ● Large drops of water are built up on the inside of the lens.
  • Page 480
    4-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance CAUTION ■ Replacing light bulbs ● Turn off the headlights. Do not attempt to replace the bulb immediately after turning off the headlights. The bulbs become very hot and may cause burns. ● Do not touch the glass portion of the light bulb with bare hands. Hold the bulb by the plastic or metal portion.
  • Page 481
    5-1. Essential information Emergency flashers Use the emergency flashers if the vehicle malfunctions or is involved in an accident. Press the switch to flash all the turn signal lights. To turn them off, press the switch once again. ITO51P101 NOTICE ■…
  • Page 482: If Your Vehicle Needs To Be Towed

    If your vehicle needs to be towed If towing is necessary, we recommend having your vehicle towed by your Toyota dealer or a commercial towing service, using a lift-type truck or a flat bed truck. Use a safety chain system for all towing, and abide by all state/pro- vincial and local laws.

  • Page 483
    5-1. Essential information Towing eyelet ITO51P107 ■ Emergency towing procedure STEP Release the parking brake. STEP Turn the “POWER” switch to ON mode. STEP Put the shift lever in “N”. CAUTION ■ While towing ● Use extreme caution when towing the vehicle. Avoid sudden starts or erratic driving maneuvers which place excessive stress on the emergency towing eyelet and the cable or chain.
  • Page 484
    5-1. Essential information Installing towing eyelet Remove the eyelet cover using a STEP flathead screwdriver. To protect the bodywork, place a rag between the screwdriver and the vehicle body, as shown in the illustration. ITO51P108 Insert the towing eyelet into the STEP hole and tighten partially by hand.
  • Page 485
    5-1. Essential information CAUTION ■ Installing towing eyelet to the vehicle Make sure that towing eyelet is installed securely. If not securely installed, towing eyelet may come loose during towing. This may lead to accidents that cause serious injury or even death. Towing with a sling-type truck ITO51P103 NOTICE…
  • Page 486
    5-1. Essential information Towing with a wheel lift-type truck From front Release the parking brake. ITO51P104 From rear Use a towing dolly under the front wheel. ITO51P105…
  • Page 487
    5-1. Essential information NOTICE ■ To prevent causing serious damage to the transmission Never tow this vehicle from the rear with the front wheels on the ground. ■ To prevent damaging the vehicle When raising the vehicle, ensure adequate ground clearance for towing at the opposite end of the raised vehicle.
  • Page 488
    5-1. Essential information If you think something is wrong If you notice any of the following symptoms, your vehicle probably needs adjustment or repair. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. ■ Visible symptoms ● Fluid leaks under the vehicle (Water dripping from the air conditioning after use is normal.)
  • Page 489: Event Data Recorder

    5-1. Essential information Event data recorder Your vehicle has computers that monitor and control certain aspects of your vehicle. These computers assist in driving and maintaining optimal vehicle performance. Besides storing data useful for troubleshooting, there is an event data recorder (EDR) that records data in a crash or a near car crash event.

  • Page 490
    5-1. Essential information Disclosure of the data Toyota will not disclose the data recorded in an EDR to a third party except when: ● An agreement from the vehicle’s owner (or the leasing company for a leased vehicle) is obtained ●…
  • Page 491: Steps To Take In An Emergency If A Warning Light Turns

    Stop the vehicle immediately. Continuing to drive the vehicle may be dangerous. The following warning indicates a possible problem in the brake sys- tem. Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and contact your Toyota dealer. Warning light Warning light/Details Brake system warning light and warning buzzer…

  • Page 492
    Have the vehicle inspected immediately. Failing to investigate the cause of the following warnings may lead to the system operating abnormally and possibly cause an accident. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. Warning light Warning light/Details Malfunction indicator lamp Malfunction in: (U.S.A.)
  • Page 493
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning light Warning light/Details Automatic headlight leveling system warning light (if equipped) Indicates a malfunction in the automatic headlight level- ing system. ABS warning light (U.S.A.) Malfunction in: • The ABS; or • The brake assist system. (Canada) Brake system warning light (yellow indicator) Malfunction in the electronically controlled brake sys-…
  • Page 494
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Follow the correction procedures. After taking the specified steps to correct the suspected problem, check that the warning light turns off. Correction Warning light Warning light/Details procedure Open door warning light Check that all (warning buzzer) doors and the back A door or a back door is…
  • Page 495
    When the light comes on Have the system after blinking for 1 minute: checked by your Malfunction in the tire Toyota dealer. pressure warning system. High coolant tempera- ture warning light →P. 548 Indicates high engine coolant temperature…
  • Page 496
    First check whether the fuel tank cap is loose. If it is, tighten it securely. The light will go off after taking several driving trips. If the light does not go off even after several trips, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 497
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ SRS warning light This warning light system monitors the following: ● The airbag sensor assembly ● Front airbag sensors ● The curtain shield airbag sensors ● The side and curtain shield airbag sensor assemblies ●…
  • Page 498
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ Front passenger detection sensor and passenger seat belt reminder ● If luggage is placed on the front passenger seat, the front passenger detection sensor may cause the warning light to flash, even if a passen- ger is not sitting in the seat.
  • Page 499
    If there is a lot of snow or ice on the vehicle, in particular around the wheels or wheel housings. ● If non-genuine Toyota wheels are used. (Even if you use Toyota wheels, the tire pressure warning system may not work properly with some types of tires.) ●…
  • Page 500
    The vehicle speed linked seat belt reminder buzzer can be disabled. (Customizable features →P. 587) However, Toyota recommends that the seat belt reminder buzzer be opera- tional to alert the driver and front passenger that the seat belts are not fas- tened.
  • Page 501
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION ■ Maintenance of the tires Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked monthly when cold and inflated to the inflation pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure label (tire and load information label).
  • Page 502
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS (tire pressure warning system) malfunction indicator to indicate when the system is not operat- ing properly. The TPMS (tire pressure warning system) malfunction indi- cator is combined with the low tire pressure telltale (tire pressure warning light).
  • Page 503: If A Warning Message Is Displayed

    ITO52P158 If any of the warning light turns on again after performing the fol- lowing actions, contact your Toyota dealer.

  • Page 504
    A buzzer sounds and a warning message is shown on the multi-infor- mation display. The following warnings indicate the possibility of dam- age to the vehicle that may lead to an accident. Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and contact your Toyota dealer. Warning message Details Indicates an abnormal engine oil pressure.
  • Page 505
    Have the vehicle inspected immediately. Failure to investigate the cause of the following warnings may lead to the system operating abnormally and possibly cause an accident. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. Warning message Details Indicates a malfunction in the LED headlight system.
  • Page 506
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details Indicates a malfunction in the radar cruise control sys- tem. A buzzer also sounds. (Flashing) Stop the vehicle in a safe place. Turn the “POWER” switch to OFF and then to ON mode again to reset the cruise control system.
  • Page 507
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Follow the correction procedures. After taking the specified steps to correct the suspected problem, check that the warning message turns off. Correction Warning message Details procedure Indicates that the engine oil is scheduled to be changed. A buzzer also sounds.
  • Page 508
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Correction Warning message Details procedure Check the grille Indicates that the pre-collision and the sensor and system is not currently func- clean them if they tional because the grille or the are dirty. In case of sensor is dirty.
  • Page 509
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Correction Warning message Details procedure Indicates that there is a high Slow the vehicle by risk of a collision, or that the applying the pre-collision brake function is brakes. operating. (If equipped) Slow the vehicle by Indicates that there is a high applying the risk of a collision.
  • Page 510
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Correction Warning message Details procedure Indicates that the LKA is not Restart the LKA. currently functional. (If equipped) The hybrid system has over- Stop and check. heated. (→P. 548) Stop the vehicle The hybrid battery (traction and push the “P”…
  • Page 511
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Correction Warning message Details procedure EV-Drive Mode cannot be Use the EV-Drive switched to. Mode when it A buzzer also sounds. becomes available. The EV-Drive Mode has been Drive normally for a automatically cancelled. short time.
  • Page 512
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Have the malfunction repaired immediately. After taking the specified steps to correct the suspected problem, check that the warning message and light turn off. Interior Exterior Correction Warning message Details buzzer buzzer procedure The electronic Confirm key is not…
  • Page 513
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Correction Warning message Details buzzer buzzer procedure An open door other than the driver’s door is Turn the closed while the “POWER” electronic key is switch to outside the OFF or detection range Once 3 times…
  • Page 514
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Correction Warning message Details buzzer buzzer procedure The electronic key has been taken outside Turn the the vehicle and “POWER” the doors have switch to Contin- been locked Once OFF and uous without first lock the…
  • Page 515
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Correction Warning message Details buzzer buzzer procedure An attempt to lock the doors has been made using the smart key system while the elec- tronic key is inside the vehi- cle. (vehicles with entry func- Take the tion)
  • Page 516
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Correction Warning message Details buzzer buzzer procedure An open door other than the driver’s door is closed while the • Push the electronic key is “P” posi- outside the tion detection range switch.
  • Page 517
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Correction Warning message Details buzzer buzzer procedure The elec- tronic key ⎯ →P. 542 Once does not operate (Flashing) properly. Next time when starting the Power hybrid system, increase the turned off engine speed due to ⎯…
  • Page 518
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ While the engine oil level warning is displayed Continued engine operation with low engine oil will damage the engine. ■ Engine oil maintenance message The warning message is based on the projected driving range after engine oil maintenance message is reset.
  • Page 519
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency If you have a flat tire Remove the flat tire and replace it with the spare provided. ■ Before jacking up the vehicle ● Stop the vehicle on a hard, flat surface. ● Set the parking brake. ●…
  • Page 520
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ Compact spare tire The compact spare tire saves space in your luggage compart- ment, and its lighter weight helps to enhance fuel economy and permits easier installation in case of a flat tire. The compact spare tire is designed for temporary emer- gency use only.
  • Page 521
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Taking out the jack Remove the center deck board. STEP Remove the center auxiliary box. STEP Unhook the tightening strap. STEP After storing the jack, make sure it is securely held by the tightening strap.
  • Page 522
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Taking out the spare tire Loosen the center fastener that secures the spare tire. Replacing a flat tire Chock the tires. STEP ITO52P106 Flat tire Wheel chock positions Left-hand side Behind the rear right-hand side tire Front Right-hand side Behind the rear left-hand side tire…
  • Page 523
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency STEP Vehicles with a 15 inch wheel, remove the wheel ornament using the wrench. To protect the wheel ornament, place a rag between the wrench and the wheel ornament, as shown in the illustration. ITO52P167 STEP Slightly loosen the wheel nuts…
  • Page 524
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Remove all the wheel nuts and STEP the tire. When resting the tire on the ground, place the tire so that the wheel design faces up to avoid scratching the wheel surface. ITO52P114 Installing the spare tire Remove any dirt or foreign mat- STEP…
  • Page 525
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Lower the vehicle. STEP ITO52P119 Firmly tighten each nut two or STEP three times in the order shown in the illustration. Tightening torque: 76 ft•lbf (103 N•m, 10.5 kgf•m) ITO52P120 STEP Stow the flat tire, the tire jack and all tools.
  • Page 526
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Stowing the flat tire Vehicles with a 17 inch wheel: STEP Before stowing the flat tire, remove the center wheel orna- ment pushing from reverse side. ITO52P123 Place the flat tire on the deck STEP board, and pass the belt through the lower-right cargo hook and…
  • Page 527
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Pass the belt through the buckle STEP and secure the tire firmly. Check that the belt is securely held by the buckle. The belt cannot be fastened securely if the buckle is facing the wrong direction.
  • Page 528
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ When using the compact spare tire As the compact spare tire is not equipped with the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter, low inflation pressure of the spare tire will not be warned.
  • Page 529
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION ■ Using the tire jack Improper use of the tire jack may lead to death or serious injuries due to the vehicle suddenly falling off the jack. ● Do not use the tire jack for any purpose other than replacing tires or installing and removing tire chains.
  • Page 530
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION ■ Replacing a flat tire Observe the following precautions to reduce the risk of death or serious injury. ● Do not try to remove the wheel ornament by hand. Take due care in handling the ornament to avoid unexpected personal injury.
  • Page 531
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION ■ When the spare tire is attached The vehicle speed may not be correctly detected, and the following sys- tems may not operate correctly: ● ABS & Brake assist ● Enhanced VSC ●…
  • Page 532
    ■ When replacing the tires When removing or fitting the wheels, tires or the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter, contact your Toyota dealer as the tire pressure warning valve and transmitter may be damaged if not handled correctly. ■…
  • Page 533: If The Hybrid System Will Not Start

    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the hybrid system will not start If the hybrid system still does not start after following the correct → starting procedure ( P. 164), confirm the following points. ■ The hybrid system will not start even if you are carrying the correct key.

  • Page 534
    ● One or both of the 12 volt battery terminals may be discon- nected. ● The 12 volt battery may be discharged. (→P. 543) Contact your Toyota dealer if the problem cannot be repaired, or if repair procedures are unknown. Emergency start function…
  • Page 535: If You Lose Your Keys

    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency If you lose your keys New genuine Toyota keys can be made by your Toyota dealer using other key and the key number stamped on your key number plate.

  • Page 536: If The Electronic Key Does

    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the electronic key does not operate properly If communication between the electronic key and vehicle is inter- → rupted ( P. 43, 57) or the electronic key cannot be used because the battery is depleted, the smart key system and wireless remote con- trol cannot be used.

  • Page 537
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency Changing “POWER” switch modes and starting the hybrid sys- Apply the brakes and touch the STEP Toyota emblem side of the electronic key to the “POWER” switch. An alarm will sound to indicate…
  • Page 538: Discharged

    You can call your Toyota dealer or qualified repair shop. If you have a set of jumper (or booster) cables and a second vehi- cle with a 12 volt battery, you can jump start your Toyota following the steps below.

  • Page 539
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency STEP Connecting the jumper cables. Exclusive jump starting terminal on your vehicle Positive (+) battery terminal on the second vehicle Negative (-) battery terminal on the second vehicle Connect the jumper cable to ground on your vehicle as shown in the illustration.
  • Page 540
    STEP Make sure the “READY” indicator comes on. If the indicator does not come on, contact your Toyota dealer. STEP Once the vehicle’s hybrid system has started, remove the jumper cables in the exact reverse order in which they were connected.
  • Page 541
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION ■ Avoiding 12 volt battery fires or explosions Observe the following precautions to prevent accidentally igniting the flam- mable gas that may be emitted from the 12 volt battery. ● Make sure the jumper cable is connected to the correct terminal and that it is not unintentionally in contact with any part other than the intended termi- nal.
  • Page 542
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ To prevent damaging the vehicle The exclusive jump starting terminal is to be used when charging the 12 volt battery from another vehicle in an emergency. It cannot be used to jump start another vehicle.
  • Page 543: If Your Vehicle Overheats

    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency If your vehicle overheats The following may indicate that your vehicle is overheating: ● The high coolant temperature warning light comes on or flashes: The engine may be overheating. ● “HYBRID SYSTEM OVERHEAT” is shown on the multi-informa- tion display: The power control unit may be overheating.

  • Page 544
    Wait until the high coolant temperature warning light goes off and then stop the hybrid system. If the fans are not operating: Stop the hybrid system immediately and call your local Toyota dealer. After the hybrid system has STEP cooled down sufficiently, check…
  • Page 545
    If the fans are operating: Wait until “HYBRID SYSTEM OVERHEAT” disappears and then stop the hybrid system. If the message does not disappear, call your Toyota dealer. If the fans are not operating: Stop the hybrid system immediately and call your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 546
    Water can be used in an emer- gency measure if power control unit coolant is unavailable. (→P. 562) Have the vehicle checked at nearest Toyota dealer as soon as possi- ble. ■ Overheating The following symptoms may occur when your vehicle is overheating: ●…
  • Page 547
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency CAUTION ■ To prevent an accident or injury when inspecting under the hood of your vehicle ● If steam is seen coming from under the hood, do not open the hood until the steam has subsided. The engine compartment may be very hot, caus- ing serious injury such as burns.
  • Page 548: If The Vehicle Becomes

    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the vehicle becomes stuck Carry out the following procedures if the tires spin or the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt, or snow. STEP Stop the hybrid system. Set the parking brake and push the “P”…

  • Page 549
    5-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ To avoid damaging the transmission and other components ● Avoid spinning the wheels. ● If the vehicle remains stuck after trying these procedures, the vehicle may require towing to be freed.
  • Page 550
    6-1. Specifications Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.) Dimensions and weight Overall length 175.6 in. (4460 mm) Overall width 68.7 in. (1745 mm) Overall height 58.7 in. (1490 mm) Wheelbase 106.3 in. (2700 mm) 59.6 in. (1515 mm) Front 60.0 in. (1525 mm) Tread 59.4 in.
  • Page 551
    The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the legal identifier for your vehicle. This is the primary identification number for your Toyota. It is used in registering the ownership of your vehicle. This number is stamped on the top left of the instrument panel.
  • Page 552
    6-1. Specifications ■ Engine number and electric motor (traction motor) number The gasoline engine number and electric motor (traction motor) number are stamped as shown. Gasoline engine number Electric motor (traction motor) number Engine Model 2ZR-FXE Type 4-cylinder in line, 4-cycle, gasoline ×…
  • Page 553
    6-1. Specifications Electric motor (Traction motor) Type Permanent magnet motor Maximum output 60 kW Maximum torque 153 ft•lbf (207 N•m, 21.1 kgf•m) Hybrid battery (Traction battery) Type Nickel-Metal hydride battery Voltage 7.2 V/module Capacity 6.5 Ah (3HR) Quantity 28 modules Overall voltage 201.6 V…
  • Page 554
    4.1 qt. (3.9 L, 3.4 Imp.qt.) ■ Engine oil selection “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is used in your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent to sat- isfy the following grade and viscosity. Oil grade: ILSAC multigrade engine oil…
  • Page 555
    6-1. Specifications How to read oil container labels: The ILSAC (International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Com- mittee) Certification Mark is added to some oil containers to help you select the oil you should use.
  • Page 556
    Power control unit 2.1 qt. (2.0 L, 1.8 Imp.qt.) Use either of the following: • “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” • Similar high-quality ethylene glycol-based non- Coolant type silicate, non-amine, non-nitrite, and non-borate coolant with long-life hybrid organic acid technol- Do not use plain water alone.
  • Page 557
    Toyota Genuine ATF WS The fluid capacity is the quantity of reference. If replacement is necessary, contact your Toyota dealer. NOTICE ■ Transmission fluid type Using transmission fluid other than “Toyota Genuine ATF WS” may cause ultimately damage the transmission of your vehicle.
  • Page 558
    6-1. Specifications Brakes Pedal clearance 3.07 in. (78 mm) Min. 0.04 ⎯ 0.24 in. (1.0 ⎯ 6.0 mm) Pedal free play Brake pad wear limit 0.04 in. (1.0 mm) Parking brake pedal 8 ⎯ 11 clicks travel Fluid type SAE J1703 or FMVSS No. 116 DOT 3 :Minimum pedal clearance when depressed with a force of 44.1 lbf (196 N, 20.0 kgf) while the hybrid system is operating.
  • Page 559
    6-1. Specifications Steering Free play Less than 1.2 in. (30 mm) Tires and wheels Type A Tire size P215/45R17 87V Front and rear tire inflation Front tire: pressure 33 psi (230 kPa, 2.3 kgf/cm or bar) (Recommended cold tire Rear tire: inflation pressure) 32 psi (220 kPa, 2.2 kgf/cm or bar)
  • Page 560
    6-1. Specifications Compact spare tire Tire size T135/80D16 101M Spare tire inflation pressure (Recommended cold tire 60 psi (420 kPa, 4.2 kgf/cm or bar) inflation pressure) 16 × 4T Wheel size Wheel nut torque 76 ft•lbf (103 N•m, 10.5 kgf•m)
  • Page 561
    6-1. Specifications Light bulbs Light Bulbs Bulb No. Type Headlights ⎯ Low beam (halogen bulbs) High beam 9005 ⎯ Front fog lights Parking lights Exterior Front side marker lights Front turn signal lights WY21W Rear turn signal lights WY21W Back-up lights W21W License plate lights ⎯…
  • Page 562: Fuel Information

    ASTM D4814 in the U.S.A. and CGSB3.5-M93 in Canada. ■ Fuel tank opening for unleaded gasoline To help prevent incorrect fueling, your Toyota has a fuel tank opening that only accommodates the special nozzle on unleaded fuel pumps. ■…

  • Page 563
    ■ Toyota recommends the use of gasoline containing detergent additives ● Toyota recommends the use of gasoline that contains detergent additives to avoid build-up of engine deposits. ● All gasoline sold in the US contains detergent additives to clean and/or keep clean intake systems.
  • Page 564
    Toyota allows the use of oxygenate blended gasoline where the oxygen- ate content is up to 10 % ethanol or 15 % MTBE. ● If you use gasohol in your Toyota, be sure that it has an octane rating no lower than 87. ●…
  • Page 565
    6-1. Specifications NOTICE ■ Notice on fuel quality ● Do not use improper fuels. If improper fuels are used, the engine will be damaged. ● Do not use leaded gasoline. Leaded gasoline can cause damage to your vehicle’s three-way catalytic converters causing the emission control system to malfunction.
  • Page 566
    6-1. Specifications Tire information Typical tire symbols Standard tire ITO61P102 Compact spare tire ITO61P105 Tire size (→P. 575) DOT and Tire Identification Number (TIN) (→P. 574) Location of treadwear indicators (→P. 441)
  • Page 567
    6-1. Specifications Tire ply composition and materials Plies are layers of rubber-coated parallel cords. Cords are the strands which form the plies in a tire. Summer tire or all season tire (→P. 446) An all season tire has “M+S” on the sidewall. A tire not marked “M+S”…
  • Page 568
    6-1. Specifications Typical DOT and tire identification number (TIN) DOT symbol Tire Identification Number (TIN) Tire manufacturer’s identifica- tion mark Tire size code Manufacturer’s optional tire type code (3 or 4 letters) Manufacturing week Manufacturing year :The DOT symbol certifies that the tire conforms to applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
  • Page 569
    6-1. Specifications Tire size ■ Typical tire size information The illustration indicates typical tire size. Tire use (P = Passenger car, T = Temporary use) Section width (millimeters) Aspect ratio ITO61P106 (tire height to section width) Tire construction code (R = Radial, D = Diagonal) Wheel diameter (inches) Load index (2 or 3 digits) Speed symbol…
  • Page 570
    6-1. Specifications ■ Tire dimensions Section width Tire height Wheel diameter ITO61P103 Tire section names Bead Sidewall Shoulder Tread Belt Inner liner Reinforcing rubber Carcass Rim lines Bead wires Chafer…
  • Page 571
    U.S. Department of Transportation. It provides the purchasers and/or prospective purchasers of Toyota vehicles with information on uniform tire quality grading. Your Toyota dealer will help answer any questions you may have as you read this information. ■ DOT quality grades All passenger vehicle tires must conform to Federal Safety Requirements in addition to these grades.
  • Page 572
    6-1. Specifications ■ Traction AA, A, B, C The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, B and C, and they represent the tire’s ability to stop on wet pavement as measured under controlled conditions on specified government test surfaces of asphalt and concrete.
  • Page 573
    6-1. Specifications Glossary of tire terminology Tire related term Meaning Tire pressure when the vehicle has been Cold tire inflation parked for three hours or more, or has not pressure been driven more than 1 mile or 1.5 km under that condition The maximum cold inflated pressure to which a Maximum inflation…
  • Page 574
    6-1. Specifications Tire related term Meaning 150 lb. (68 kg) times the number of occupants Normal occupant specified in the second column of Table 1 that weight follows Distribution of occupants in a vehicle as speci- Occupant distribution fied in the third column of Table 1 below The combined weight of installed regular pro- duction options weighing over 5 lb.
  • Page 575
    6-1. Specifications Tire related term Meaning The load on an individual tire that is determined Vehicle maximum load by distributing to each axle its share of the on the tire maximum loaded vehicle weight, and dividing by two The load on an individual tire that is determined by distributing to each axle its share of curb Vehicle normal load weight, accessory weight, and normal occu-…
  • Page 576
    6-1. Specifications Tire related term Meaning Cord The strands forming the plies in the tire The parting of cords from adjacent rubber com- Cord separation pounds Any parting within the tread, sidewall, or inner- Cracking liner of the tire extending to cord material A pneumatic tire with an inverted flange tire and rim system in which the rim is designed with rim flanges pointed radially inward and the…
  • Page 577
    6-1. Specifications Tire related term Meaning (a)The sidewall that contains a whitewall, bears white lettering, or bears manufacturer, brand, and/or model name molding that is higher or Intended outboard deeper than the same molding on the other sidewall sidewall of the tire, or (b)The outward facing sidewall of asymmetrical tire that has a particular side that must always face outward when mounted on a vehicle…
  • Page 578
    6-1. Specifications Tire related term Meaning A tire intended for use on passenger cars, mul- tipurpose passenger vehicles, and trucks, that Passenger car tire have a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10,000 lb. or less A layer of rubber-coated parallel cords A parting of rubber compound between adja- Ply separation cent plies…
  • Page 579
    6-1. Specifications Tire related term Meaning A tire that attains a traction index equal to or greater than 110, compared to the ASTM E- 1136 Standard Reference Test Tire, when using the snow traction test as described in ASTM F-1805-00, Standard Test Method for Snow tire Single Wheel Driving Traction in a Straight Line on Snow-and Ice-Covered Surfaces, and which…
  • Page 580
    6-1. Specifications : Table 1 ⎯ Occupant loading and distribution for vehicle normal load for various designated seating capacities Designated seating Occupant distribution in Vehicle normal load, capacity, Number of a normally loaded Number of occupants occupants vehicle 2 through 4 2 in front 2 in front, 1 in second 5 through 10…
  • Page 581: Customization Customizable Features

    Programming these preferences requires specialized equipment and may be performed by an autho- rized Toyota dealership. Some function settings are changed simultaneously with other functions being customized. Contact your Toyota dealer for further details. Customized Item Function…

  • Page 582
    6-2. Customization Customized Item Function Default setting setting Wireless remote control Driver’s door unlocked in 1- All doors Unlocking operation step, all doors unlocked unlocked in 1-step in 2-step Time elapsed before automatic door lock function is activated if 60 seconds 30 seconds door is not opened after Wireless…
  • Page 583
    6-2. Customization Customized Item Function Default setting setting Driver’s door unlocked in 1- All doors Unlocking using a key step, all doors unlocked in 1- unlocked in 2- step step Speed-detecting auto- matic door lock function Door lock Shifting the shift posi- (→P.
  • Page 584
    6-2. Customization Customized Item Function Default setting setting 7.5 seconds Time elapsed before 15 seconds lights turn off 30 seconds Operation when the doors are unlocked Operation after the “POWER” switch turned OFF Operation when you Illumination approach the vehicle (→P.
  • Page 585
    6-2. Customization Customized Item Function Default setting setting Sensor sensitivity for darkening the bright- ness of the meter, navi- gation system and -2 to +2 instrument panel Meter, navi- depending on the out- gation sys- side brightness tem, Sensor sensitivity for instrument returning the brightness panel…
  • Page 586
    6-2. Customization Customized Item Function Default setting setting Reverse Operation signals warning Beeps (Buzzer) when shifting Beeps once buzzer repeatedly into “R” (→P. 175) Seat belt Vehicle speed linked reminder seat belt reminder (→P. 499) buzzer Multi-information display (→P. 188) Available languages English, French and Spanish…
  • Page 587: Initialization Items To Initialize

    6-3. Initialization Items to initialize The following items must be initialized for normal system operation in case such as after the 12 volt battery is reconnected, or mainte- nance is performed on the vehicle. Item When to initialize Reference Engine oil mainte- •…

  • Page 588
    6-3. Initialization…
  • Page 589: Reporting Safety Defects For U.s. Owners

    If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. (Toll-free: 1-800-331-4331). If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign.

  • Page 590
    Seat belt instructions for Canadian owners (in French) The following is a French explanation of seat belt instructions extracted from the seat belt section in this manual. See the seat belt section for more detailed seat belt instructions in English.
  • Page 592
    Abbreviation list Abbreviation/Acronym list ABBREVIATIONS MEANING Air Conditioning Anti-lock Brake System Automatic Locking Retractor APGS Advanced Parking Guidance System Child Restraint System Electronic Control Unit Event Data Recorder Emergency Locking Retractor Electronic Power Steering Electric Vehicle GAWR Gross Axle Weight Ratings Emission inspection and maintenance LATCH Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children…
  • Page 593
    Alphabetical index Alphabetical index A/C ……….270 Automatic headlight leveling ABS……….. 245 system ……..206 Active head restraint….78 Automatic light control Air conditioning filter….457 system ……..206 Air conditioning system AUX adapter ……322 Air conditioning filter ….. 457 Auxiliary boxes ……375 Automatic air conditioning system……..
  • Page 594
    Alphabetical index Care Cleaning Exterior……..404 Exterior……..404 Interior ……..407 Interior……..407 Seat belts ……408 Seat belts ……408 Cargo capacity ……260 Clock ……… 201 Cargo hooks ……385 Condenser …….. 432 CD player/changer ….303 Console box ……369 Chains ……..263 Cooling system Child-protectors ……68 Hybrid system overheating …
  • Page 595
    Alphabetical index Driver’s seat belt reminder Engine light ……..499 Compartment ……425 Driving Hood……..420 Break-in tips ……151 How to start the hybrid Correct posture….. 111 system ……..162 Procedures ……150 If the hybrid system will Winter driving tips….261 not start…….538 Ignition switch……162 Overheating……548…
  • Page 596
    Alphabetical index Front side marker lights Hybrid system Replacing light bulbs …..472 Emergency shut off system..33 Wattage………567 Energy monitor/ Front turn signal lights consumption screen … 190 Replacing light bulbs …..472 High-voltage components ..32 Wattage………567 Power switch……162 Fuel Capacity ……..558 I/M test ……..
  • Page 597
    Alphabetical index Keyless entry……63 Maintenance Keys Do-it-yourself Electronic key ……63 maintenance …….416 If you lose your keys….. 540 General maintenance….412 If your electronic key Maintenance data….556 battery is discharged..541 Maintenance Key number plate ….42 requirements…….410 Keyless entry……63 Meter Keys ……..
  • Page 598
    Alphabetical index Parking brake ……179 Safety Connect……395 Parking lights Seat belts Replacing light bulbs …..472 Adjusting the seat belt…..85 Switch……..206 Automatic Locking Retractor Wattage………567 (ALR) ……..87 PCS……….249 Child restraint system Personal lights ……363 installation……137 Power outlet ……379 Cleaning and maintaining Power windows ……98 the seat belts ……
  • Page 599
    Alphabetical index Smart key system Theft deterrent system Antenna location….46, 58 Immobilizer system ….108 Entry function ……43 Theft prevention labels….110 Starting the hybrid system..162 Tire inflation pressure …..565 Solar Ventilation Tire information System ……..282 Glossary ……..579 Spare tire Size ……..575 Inflation pressure….
  • Page 600
    Alphabetical index Vanity lights Weight Vanity lights……377 Cargo capacity …… 260 Wattage………567 Load limits……260 Vanity mirrors……377 Weight……..556 Vehicle identification Wheels ……..455 number ……..557 Window glasses ……98 Vehicle load limits….260 Window lock switch….98 Windows Power windows …….98 Warning buzzers Rear window defogger ..
  • Page 601
    Alphabetical index…
  • Page 602
    What to do if… What to do if… A tire punctures If you have a flat tire P. 524 P. 108 Immobilizer system The hybrid system does not start P. 538 If the hybrid system will not start P. 543 If the 12 volt battery is discharged The high coolant temperature warning light comes on…
  • Page 603
    What to do if… The warning light or indicator If a warning light turns on or a P. 496 light comes on warning buzzer sounds…
  • Page 604
    What to do if… ■ Warning lights Master warning light SRS warning light P. 499 P. 497 Charging system ABS warning light warning light P. 497 Malfunction indicator lamp P. 497 Tire pressure warning light P. 497 P. 499 Brake system warning Electric power steering warning light light (red indicator)
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    What to do if…
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    What to do if…
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    What to do if…
  • Page 608: Gas Station Information

    (L, Imp.qt.) Engine oil capacity With filter 4.4 (4.2, 3.7) (Drain and refill) Without filter 4.1 (3.9, 3.4) “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent Engine oil type Oil grade: ILSAC multigrade engine oil P. 560 Recommended oil viscosity: SAE 0W-20…

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    MN 00505-QRG10-PRI Printed in the USA 4/09…

Надоело рыться в разных местах при обслуживании гибрида? Представляю библиотеку официальных документов для образовательных целей. Источники: сайты Тойоты, NHTSA, priuschat.com, prius-club.su и др.

Брошюры для покупателя с комплектациями для разных стран и модельных годов вы можете найти здесь.

Инструкции для владельца:

Owner’s Manual (Руководство для Владельца),
Quick Reference Guide (Краткое руководство),
Emergency Response Guide (Инструкция, как действовать в аварийных ситуациях),
Dismantling Manual (Руководство по безопасной разборке),
руководства к навигационной и мультимедийной системе,
инструкции по установке дополнительного оборудования:

— Европа (включая Россию и Великобританию) (выбрать общий поиск по критериям) и тут,
ZVW30 EU 04/2009—>12/2011 OM RU скан,
ZVW30 EU 12/2011—>10/2015 OM RU (ищу),
ZVW30 EU 12/2011—>10/2015 OM UA,
CT200h ZWA10 EU 12/2010—> OM UA,
— Австралия,
— Япония,
— США или тут,
— Канада.


График ТО для Prius 3#.

Информацию для ремонта и обслуживания можно получить из 3 источников. Эти документы делятся на несколько категорий:

1) RM Repair Manual (Руководство по ремонту),
2) NCF New Car Features (Новые возможности автомобиля),
3) EWD Electrical Wiring Diagram (Электросхемы),
4) BRM Body Repair Manual (Руководство по ремонту кузова, поврежденного в результате столкновения),
5) SDS Service Data Sheet (Сервисная карта).
Буква в конце версии документа — язык или регион: E или CA — английский, RU или CS — русский, U — Сев. Америка на англ. Мои сокращения: EU — Europe, NA — North America.

1️⃣ Toyota Service Information — платные разделы европейского портала:

ZVW50 EU 11/2015—> Service Information 3210E 03.08.2016,
ZVW50 EU 11/2015—> EWD EM3212E.V.1,
ZVW52 EU 01/2017—> Service Information 32E3E 11.04.2019.
Service Information без SDS к большинству европейских моделей Тойоты-Лексус на рус. и англ. языках на сайте Андрея Федорковского.

2️⃣ SIL Service Information Library (Сборник руководств по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту) — копия документов с портала GSIC Global Service Information Center или Techdoc, записанная на компакт-диск. Для последних TNGA-моделей диски уже не выпускаются. По мере появления новой информации появляются CB Correction Bulletins (Бюллетени с исправлениями), дабы не покупать новый диск:

2006MY — RM01R0U,
2008MY — RM07X0U.

2010MY — RM1290U,
2011MY — RM16P0U,
2012MY — RM1990U,
2013MY — RM23E0U,
2014MY — RM25A0U,
2015MY — RM25M0U.

ZVW30 EU 04/2009—>10/2015 SIL копия CD со всеми главами есть на англ. PZ471-Z12A0-CA и датском PZ471-Z12A0-CJ, диск на русском PZ471-Z12A0-CS можно купить, например, в Emex. Отдельные документы:
1) RM12A6E-1 2015-03-17, RM12A6RU-1 2015-05-06;
2) NM12A6E-2 2015-03-10, NM12A6RU-2 2015-03-26;
3) EM12A6E.V.1 2014-05-13, EM12A4RU 2013-01-08;
4) BM1290E 2012-08-02, BM1290RU 2012-09-27;
5) SM12A6E 2014-05-23, SM12A6RU 2014-05-23. .

ZVW35 EU 05/2012—>12/2016 SIL CD существует только на английском PZ471-Z2220-CA (его также можно купить), на русском нет — в ЕАЭС PHV не поставлялись. Отдельные документы:
1) RM2223E-1 2017-02-02,
2) NM2223E 2015-06-03,
3) EM2222E 2014-04-22,
4) BM2220E 2012-05-04,
5) SM2223E 2015-06-30.

ZVW35 EU 12/2009—>04/2012 SIL образ CD PZ471-Z14D0-CA 2011-01-22 (нужно еще скачать CB позже 2012-05-03).

CT200h ZWA10 EU SIL копия CD 25K0E.

CB к европейским SIL:
G-01121T-TME Бюллетени поправок TOYOTA (дек. 2021)
G-00819T-TME Бюллетени поправок TOYOTA (сен 2019)
G-0011T-0518 Бюллетени поправок Toyota (март 2018 г.)
G-0008T-0318 Бюллетени поправок Toyota (январь 2018 г.)
G-0094T-1017 Бюллетени поправок Toyota (сентябрь 2017 г.)
G-0049T-0417 Бюллетени поправок Toyota (март 2017 г.)
G-0054T-0515 Бюллетени поправок Toyota (апрель 2015 г.)
G-0051T-0415 Бюллетени поправок Toyota (март 2015 г.)
G-0102T-0714 Бюллетени поправок
G-0084T-0614 Бюллетени поправок
G-0072T-0514 Бюллетени поправок
G-0058T-0414 Бюллетени поправок
G-0057T-0414 Бюллетени поправок
G-0050T-0314 Бюллетени поправок

3️⃣ TIS Technical Information System — платные разделы североамериканского портала.

TSB Technical Service Bulletin (Бюллетени технического обслуживания):
USA, Canada.

Европейские SSC Special Service Campaign (специальные сервисные кампании) для 30:
— ZKBA-011 ЭБУ привода АБС
— 3KB2-012 Насос усилителя тормозной системы (гидроаккумулятор) на модели Prius
— 4KET-024 Перепрограммирование ЭБУ мотора-генератора и ЭБУ распределения питания на модели Toyota Prius
— 16OSD-052 Подушка безопасности занавесочного типа
— 16OSD-054 Угольный адсорбер
— 18SMD-088 Перепрограммирование ЭБУ распределения питания
— 20SMD-058 ЭБУ распределения питания/интеллектуальный силовой модуль на некоторых автомобилях Prius, Prius+ и Auris HV

Американские Safety Recalls (отзывы безопасности), Safety (Noncompliance) Recalls, SSCs Special Service Campaign, LSCs Limited Service Campaigns, WEPs Warranty Enhancement Programs для 30:
— Safety Recall A0B Certain 2010 Prius ABS Actuator ECU Update,
— Safety Recall D0H 2010 Prius Brake Booster Pump Assembly (Accumulator),
— Safety Recall E0E 2010-2014 Prius Software Update for Motor Generator ECU & Power Management ECU,
— Safety Recall G0U 2010 — 2012 Prius & Prius Plug-In Curtain Shield Airbag,
— Safety Recall J0V Certain 2010-2014 Prius, 2012-2014 Prius V Hybrid System Software Update,
— WEP ZE3 Certain 2010 – 2014 Prius Extension of Warranty Coverage to the IPM,
— WEP ZF3 Certain 2010-2012 Prius, 2012 Prius V, 2010-2012 Prius Plug-In Sticking EGR Valve,
— LSC K0P / CSP 19TE12 Certain 2013-2019 4Runner, 2011-2017 Land Cruiser, 2013-2017 Prius, 2012-2017 Prius V, 2016-2017 Mirai Safety Connect System — Vehicle Location Inaccurate,
— Safety Recall 20TA10 Certain 2013‐2015 Prius, 2014‐2017 Prius V Hybrid System Software Update.

Список по всем моделям, актуально на 17.03.2021.

В США есть еще CSPs Customer Support Programs (программы поддержки клиентов), Non-Compliance (Voluntary) Safety Recalls by Southeast Toyota, и Non-Compliance Recalls by Gulf States Toyota для 30:
— CSP ZJB Coverage for Brake Booster and Brake Booster Pump Assemblies,
— CSP 20TE10 Certain 2013‐2015 Prius, 2014‐2017 Prius V Hybrid System Software Update Extension of Coverage to the IPM,
— Non-Compliance (Voluntary) Safety Recalls by Southeast Toyota 14V-743 Seat Heater Electrical Wiring,
— Non-Compliance (Voluntary) Safety Recalls by Southeast Toyota 13V-014 Airbag Sensor Calibration.

Если интересно, то документы по всем кампаниям можно найти тут: 2010MY Prius (можно поменять на другую модель).

Каталоги деталей:

1. EPC Electronic Parts Catalog (официальный оффлайн каталог) — последнюю сборку от Autokent можно найти на торрентах. Это программа с устаревшим интерфейсом, занимающая 25GB на диске, поэтому иногда удобнее искать в онлайн-каталогах на базе EPC:
🆕ToyoDIY (шустрый, есть поиск применимости одной и той же детали во всех моделях всех регионов),
Официальный каталог моделей Сев. Америки,
JapanCars.ru (поиск применимости по всем регионам (но не показывает весь список), корректно отображает замены (Substitution),
www.megazip.net/ (попроще применимость, замены),
www.catcar.info/ (свежий каталог, но без поиска по PN)
www.artemid-gr.ru/ (использует CatCar, есть применимость),
partsouq.com/ (глючащая применимость, есть Substitution, реальные фото),

2. Официальный европейский каталог, использующий технологии Microcat (платный).

За помощь в предоставлении информации спасибо AndrewHrenov, Igor-PV, 3est, щедрым дилерам из Коста Рики и Индонезии.

© Max Kaminsky. При копировании указывайте ссылку на автора.

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Фото в бортжурнале Toyota Prius (30)

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